#Doki doki literature club x reader
amphibiahawks321 · 3 months
[Yuri nervously leans herself against the locker next to Y/N]
Yuri : H-Hey Y/N...
M!Reader : Huh? Oh! Hey Yuri What's Up!
Yuri : i-i uhhh...
[Yuri reads something on her palm hand]
Yuri : i like your hair...
M!Reader : Oh? Chuckles why thank you!
Yuri : Can I pull it from behin–.....!!!?!?'
[Yuri immediately blushed]
M!Reader blushing : E-eh.... E-excuse me–
Yuri blushing : Nothing! Forgot I said that! Gotta go! See you later! Bye!
[Yuri immediately walks away]
Meanwhile, at the club room
[Yuri shaking the heck out of natsuki]
Natsuki : You said you wanted a pick up line!
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k0yaz · 2 months
Bro the first time I played ddlc (w no prior knowledge) I was so confused about why I couldn’t romance monika 😭
I literally repeated the first chapter so many times just because I was confused on why I couldn’t spend time w her compared to the others.
Pls drop either hc’s or a one shot abt this happening and Monika’s reaction.
Preferably w an afab reader but GN/amab is also cool
agony of her solitude.
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Pairings: monika x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, spoilers for ddlc obviously, short baby fic, horror themes, monika being scary bc she’s awesome like that, mostly written from monika’s possible perspective so it’s not how I feel about the characters it’s how she saw them mid game I think, possessive themes, a little unhealthy but this is monika in the original ddlc not ddlc plus so she only cares about the person behind the screen, pre act 3 monika, not proofread.
A/N: HOLYSHITHOLYSHITHOLYSHIT I ACTUALLY GOT A DDLC REQUEST I HAVE BEEN WAITING A WHOLE YEAR FOR THIS IM GONNA EAT MY PILLOW RAHHAHHSDBDB also why would I write amab reader no offense to the guys reading my thing but I’m so fucking fruity for the whole literature club idfk under what conditions I’d write amab reader anyway THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING DDLC 🕯️
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Various tabs of the console filled Monika’s vision, a perplexed look crossing her face as she stared at the files counting your replays. Her chin rested between her thumb and forefinger, pondering why you had looped the first chapter over and over, confusion racking her mind as she continued to search for a possibility. Perhaps your game glitched? Or the code wasn’t working properly?
“Why does she keep repeating the first act..? There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with the script..” she muttered under her breath, clicking her tongue in mild frustration. Reaching up, her fingers gently swiped along the console, trying to view all the recorded replays of the first act in a desperate attempt to seek the root cause of your game loops.
Monika intently traced the the contents of the digital code, reflections of the binary patterns and script mirroring into her emerald green eyes with each tap into a different file. Each movement of your mouse seemed…off. Your clicker would often stray off to the side, deviating from the displayed choices of Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri, while tracing it up and down as if you longed to find an alternate option.
She merely squinted her eyes at the replay of your mistakenly mindless gameplay, tilting her head in confusion as this pattern was repeated and prevalent across all your replays of the first chapter. That was until she stumbled across a particular point into your gameplay, her own body growing somewhat tensed as the repeated choice reflected across every replay of Act 1. Every single time. Monika paused for a brief moment, unsure on whether to feel elated, or confused in that moment as her hand rested onto her chest and clutched the fabric code of her blazer.
She wasn’t just getting her hopes up..right?
The choices presented themselves before you on the screen once more, depicting all four of the literature club members’ names in seperate pink boxes. Even after returning to this moment constantly, you remained utterly confused, eyes fixated on your screen with your pupils drilling into the pixels like a deer in headlights.
You felt fairly disoriented from the little chime noise emitting from the game every time your mouse hovered over one of the boxes, inching your face closer to the screen illuminating your face and splaying streams of light all across your desk. Your expression contorted to one of mild annoyance, brows furrowing and wrinkling your face up as you could only feel your shaky palm gripped atop the mouse. Why couldn’t you choose Monika? Why on earth were you restricted to the three girls you didn’t show any interest in?
Clicking on her name once more, you were met with the same dialogue spewing out of the line of text in game. That it wasn’t necessary to help her prepare for the festival. It was completely incomprehensible as to why this game wasn’t allowing to choose the route of the character you had your eyes on, making you scoff as a wave of irritation continued to bite at you.
Monika’s eyes widened upon seeing each brisk movement of your mouse, carefully examining how it clicked on her name each and every time it popped onto the screen as an available option. The script of the game barred her from having a route path, on top of that bestowing a near god like power within this digital world she was coded into. It was torture. The flashing colored lights burned her skull, the endless piercing screeches shattering through her ears as she was discarded into the void. Only knowing that she was trapped in a fictional world, believing she was the only one who was real.
A near unnerving smile stretched her lips, pursing them shut to mask her boiling excitement. You had been her only escape. Every time you opened up the game, she was freed from the agony of her solitude. Monika’s hands rested along the edges of the console, breathing out a content sigh. Her eyes flickered to your mouse jittering in possible frustration from the lack of response to choosing her once more, warmth seeping into her heart as she longed to snatch you to herself right then and there.
Ah. She had someone who actually desired her presence. Someone who wanted to spend time with her. No worries, (Name). You’ll be hers before long. Just be patient.
She snapped back to the game, her face seemingly more lit up, yet her sprite kept it as still as a rock as she stared straight into the screen. Her sprite was there while she tweaked the console and spoke to herself, but maybe she could finally rest for once. She could rest easy and let you play knowing you’re only set on her. Monika smiled to herself, hands grasping her elbows as she glanced over her statue of a sprite standing in for her there.
Her gaze over the protagonist made her nearly scoff from annoyance. His sprite repulsed her. Everyone else could have that piece of trash separating you from her. Monika only wondered to herself how gorgeous your complexion could be once she gets the chance to lay eyes upon you in person. If only she could crawl through the screen and wrap her arms around your neck in an embrace to feel your warmth.
It was only a matter of time. She just had to wait for you to reach the third act, and you were all hers.
“Don’t worry, (Name). Just wait a little longer and play through the game. You’ll be with me soon enough.”
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anyway this was fun to write :)
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Sayori, Monika, Tamaki Suoh, Sunny, Hero, Shouko Nishimiya, how do react when the reader says theys are the love of your life?
Reader calls them the love of their life
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Sayori, Monika, Tamaki, Sunny, Hero, Shouko ]
[ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Omori ] [ A silent voice ]
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Any time i fall in love with a new character i call them the love of my life, i had say it so many times that that if i had a coin for every time I've said it right now i'd be rich
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It doesn't take long for Sayori to take a liking on people and become pretty clingy and affectionate, but to fully trust them as to show her real self it actually tooks a long time, so even when she openly shows her love sometimes is more motivated for the anxiety
However, whenever you show her affection and love is something special for her, even the small gestures is a little reminder that you actually care and appreciate her, specially if is after she finally open up to you more with her problems
Even when she is clingy Sayori can be pretty shy, specially to express her love directly with words, so it take a lot from her to say that she loves you even when she is completely sure of her feelings, and if you say it to her she gets wrapped in a overwhelming feel of love
When you tell her that she is the love of your life Sayori stops whatever she is doing for the shock but even so she isn't able to see you at the face, she tries to but is scare to see in your face a mocking expression, somehow she manage to slowly see a glimse of you, it doesn't matter if you seem shy or confident, even a small and sweet smile is enough for her to win the courage she needs to fully see you in the face, at least for a moment
She tries really hard to say something, or even do something but in her mind are racing a lot of different thoughts, between the anxiety and the overwhelming feeling of love, at the end she will just throw herself into your arms before start crying, she even clings to you as if his life depends on it
The thing is that Sayori tend to doubt herself and be overwhelmed for the fear, she even is a pleseant person but you telling her that she is the love of your life gives her a big sense of security as well a feeling of love, that is why she started crying but she will apologize for it later
Sayori grows a little more clingy and affectionate afterwards since that beautiful feeling still wander her chest and she wants to make you feel that way too, she may even try to write you something about it (but since she normally just write about the feelings she can't speak of it will be a little difficult for her)
If you do it as a way to confess your feelings for her her reaction won't be too different, it would be pretty overwhelming for her and she will end up crying in your arms, but in this case she will be more hesitant even asking you if you actually mean what you had say
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Even when Monika seems and act confidence deep down she is a little insecure and perfeccionist, so even when she doesn't have much troubles with expressing her love she wonder if she is "doing it right"
Although she isn't too estrict when it comes to you (or at least tries no to), she just bask in whatever show of affection and love you give to her, small or big gestures she apreciate them nonetheless, also there are moments where she put others before her a little so your affection comfort her
Love is a really beautiful and special word for Monika, she kinda has a big expective of what is love and she is willing to work in making that ilusion come true, mainly for her perfeccionism, but she tries to don't let that side of her affect you or your relasionship. Whenever you express you love for her it fills her with excitment
Even when Monika seems more serious and mature she loves romantic stuff, and even when she finds cheesy stuff a little overstated she still like it, so when you call her the love of your life her heart skip a beat, she looks at you wondering if this isn't just a dream while slowly gets flustered and flattered
Monika knows she loves you with all her being and she can even dare to say that you are all she wanted, but even she didn't thought that you would think so dearly of her, but those simple words show her that you love her a lot too (maybe even with the same intensity), and since she isn't exactly shy she won't have much troubles to say something so cute and special back, although she isn't satisfied with her own answer so she will be thinking for a while in a way to show how much she loves you too
And for a long time the only memory of you saying those words make her feel like in heaven for how much you love her, always bringing a smile and a tiny blush to her cheeks, also it may or may not lead her to be more confidence and start to be more affectionate and teasing
Although if you had say it to confess your feelings her reaction won't be as calm as if you two were already in a relationship, Monika is sure that she loves you and she had tried to read you to try to find out if you feel the same, but you coming and saying such cheesy stuff out of the blue really had taked her by surprise (specially if you aren't usually open or affectionate)
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki isn't shy at all, he is always so open with his love and isn't afraid to tell anyone how much he loves you (well, not until he finally realice his feelings for you), he could be pretty dramatic with his affection but he always do it from the bottom of his heart
Also, even when he is open with his love whenever you are affectionate towards him it makes him feel all flustered and fuzzy, even the small gestures are special to him and bring happines to his day, to all his life (or that is what he always says)
Tamaki never has problem to directly say that he loves you, although he prefers to express it in other ways, with a lot of affection, besides he doesn't want to admit it but he is pretty shy when it comes to say it (specially when he had just realice his feelings for you). If and when you say it to him he gets a little more serious but is still fuzzy and can't stop giggling
Although, saying that he is the love of your life is different, is more direct but still express a lot of love, also an expression like that is more likely to heard it from him and is probably that he had even already thought of it, but hearing it from you is surprising
It totally surprise him and there are chances for him to ask you to repeat yourself in case he missheard you, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it in fact he loves that you love him and appreciate him so much to even consider him the love of your life, and not even in a egoist way, is just that before founding the club he is used to be alone and with all his problems with his family he wasn't too apreciate either so knowing that you love him as much as he loves you it melt his heart
His reaction could be either really dramatic, exploding with excitment and love but saying that that that title suits you better because you are the the love of his life, or more serious but still with a sweet smile in his face hugging you and giving you sweet kisses, even expressing that he loves you a lot too
Although if you do it to confess he won't be able to react in a calm manner, he is shocked but slowly get incredibly flustered, he barely will be able to answer you properly
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Sunny doesn't really think much of himself but he doesn't have much troubles with it neither, just when he compare himself to others, still that doesn't influence in his love for you
Also, he doesn't show his love by words he is more of actions (like getting more clingy to you), although whenever you show affection to him, either by words or actions, it flustered him and he even gets a little shy, even when you two are already dating it still flustered him
Love is a word with a lot of weight and even when Sunny is sure that he is in love with you he has a lot of troubles to say it and anytime he heards you say it to him he feels like the rest of the world disappears, flattered for how even just a simple word hold and inmense feeling
But saying that he is the love of your life is an expression with even more intensity, the world is big and your life haven't even reached the half and still you call him the love of your life, the inmense love he is feeling practically shoot him down, his heart is racing, his cheeks are burning and his mind is a complete mess
Don't expect a proper answer because Sunny won't be able to say it back, heck he isn't able to even formulate a response, even if he tries to he can't, is probably that he end up hidding, either hide his face in with his hands or in your arms. Also, he will be like this for a while and even when he manage to calm down a little the blush of his cheeks aren't going to go away for a long time, as well the fuzzy feeling that fill his chest (it may even stay like that for some days)
Also you could notice that Sunny grows a little more clingy and affectionate but shy too after what you had say, is just that he feels so loved and appreciate that he can't describe it, he wants to make you feel so loved too but he still has troubles to put it in words
Although, if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings is even more shocking for him because it would be the first time you express so much directly to him (even if you are already affectionate)
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Hero isn't really shy nor insecure so he doesn't has much troubles to express his love for you, still he isn't going everywhere screaming his love, he doesn't see a point on doing it, you knowing that he loves you is enough for him
He doesn't have any problem with showing his love by words and actions, he isn't shy, although when you show your love for him it flustered him a a little (it depends in what you do too)
He has no problem with saying that he loves you directly, but he prefers to not to rush himself, if he is going to say it he wants to be 100% sure he is in love with you, as well whenever you directly express that you love him he tries to say it back or correspond it (still a little flustered)
Even so the moment that you tell him that he is the love of your life he is truly surprised, say that you love him is something but calling him the love of your life is even deeper, with even more weight, just by hearing you is pretty surprised and immediatly look at you at the face, like trying to comfirm that you had say what he had hear
It take him a moment to fully process what you had said but when he does he gets all flustered and flattered, his cheeks quickly get covered by the blush and a big smile, he may not be able to say the same for how flustered he is but he tries to say something equivalent, and even if he doesn't manage to say something he will make sure to do something that will express how much he loves you
He will be blushy and with a fuzzy feeling in his chest for a while, as well and unable to stop smiling, your words defenitively make his day way better and he won't be able to stop thinking on it for the rest of the day, and even so he still remember it sometimes the next days and always make him feel all flustered again
However, if you had done it to confess your feelings for him he will be even more shocked, because even if you were already affectionate saying that he is the love of your life is still saying much, in that case he will be even more flustered
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Shouko Nishimiya
Shouko is really shy and even insecure, so she has a lot of troubles to express her love for you, when she does it she mainly does it with small and discreet gestures, but little by little she start to win more confidence and tries to be more open with her affection
Also, it goes the same when it comes to accept your affectionate, she is shy and that bring her some troubles to accept your gestures of love, specially when she feels like a bother
Shouko express her love by discreet ways because she can't show it directly, her shyness and anxiety stop her from doing it, as well when you directly say that you love her she gets really flustered and doesn't know how to respond nor even what to do
The moment you tell her that she is the love of your life she is completely in shock, this is saying even more than when you express that you love her, and that already is really significant, but this holds even more importance and love, she immediatly looks at you surprise and still fearing that you are just trying to mess with her, but once she understand that you actually mean it Shouko even start crying, she is just feeling so much that is overwhelming, but is for sure that it isn't for sadness (she will apologize later for doing it though)
Shouko feels like her only existance is a bother for others but you calling her the love of your life is like saying to her that you are happy that she exist and she doesn't know how to react to that, but is sure that she feels really happy and loved
She will never forget what you had say to her, even when she fears that you didn't mean it or even scold herself for be so excited for it she can't help but hold the memory close to her heart and she remember it anytime she feels bad about herself. Also, just as she feels really loved just by you saying it she wants to do something in return, she actually feels like she has to, that is only fair, so she will try to come up with a plan to thank you for making her so happy
However if you had say it in a way to confess your feelings for her Shouko will be even more shocked and hesitant to accept that what you had say is for real, she feels anxious and fear that this is too good to be real, but at the end she will at least accept it and when she does it she will start crying too
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rekino2114 · 2 months
Monika x male!reader who seem cold but is soft once you get to know him
Monika with a cold but soft reader
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Monika had a crush on you. She realized that when she found herself blushing at you when she looked behind herself and saw you taking notes on your desk in the back of the class, you just looked so handsome, the fact that you had a mysterious aura around you and didn't talk to basically anyone made you somehow even more attractive to her.
She made it her mission to become your friend so that hopefully you could become more, she started kinda showing up wherever you were and striking conversation with you even if your answers were short and dry you both found yourselves growing closer to each other.
after becoming friends, Monika started noticing how different you started acting around her specifically. You started smiling more and acting generally more friendly, which she loved. She subsequently decided to ask you out, seeing that you started trusting her more,one thing led to another, and you're together now.
Monika loves how soft you get around her while she'd wish you were less closed off and cold with other people but she can't deny that she likes being one of the few people to see your true side, it makes her feel special as your girlfriend.
She'll try to get you to interact with more people so that they can see how you actually are, she'll especially try to get you to befriend the girls in her club. With time you actually did manage to become friends with them and Monika couldn't be happier that her friends and boyfriend get along and that they get to see that amazing side of you.
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frickingnerd · 10 months
monika's s/o staying with her
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pairing: monika x gn!reader
tags: set during "monika's route", established relationship
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it's not like you really had a choice when it came to staying with monika or leaving her
after all, there was nothing left after the other three girls of the literature club disappeared
and yet, despite being forced to stay by monika's side, this is what you wanted anyways
monika was a bit worried that you didn't want to be with her, which is why she forced you into the position where you couldn't leave her
but when you told her that you would've chosen to be with her, even if she hadn't forced you, she was more than happy
you meant so much to her and to know she was the one you wanted to be with for the rest of your days meant everything to her
even if nothing was left but you and her in this empty room, this was what you both wanted!
as long as you were together, you were happy! 
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @wabatle request: omg wowie requests are open!!
i know we were talking about the ddlc girls, so if you feel like it, you should just write about whatever random dating hcs you have!
no pressure, obviously, so take care and DRINK WATER ♡♡♡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yeah!! Omg I love the free hand I'm getting here >w<
Anyway, I tried my best to do lil nice dating hcs but we'll see if it's actually good! Hopefully you'll like it!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ gf!Sayori who wakes up early just to make sure she'll get to walk with you to school
✧ gf!Sayori who rambles to other literature club members about you, they thought you two were dating even before you did
✧ gf!Sayori who's friends always know every smallest and cutest detail due to her rambling so much
✧ gf!Sayori who eventually stops hiding her depression from you
✧ gf!Sayori who sees you as her only comfort space and let's herself show her true feelings around you
✧ gf!Sayori who openly admits you're her reason to wake up during romantic moments, and shows you how much she's glad to have you by her side
✧ gf!Sayori who goes on playground dates with you despite the age
✧ gf!Sayori who's still childish and genuinely get's distracted sometimes whenever she spends time with you
✧ gf!Sayori who's gonna get way too quiet when someone starts flirting with you
✧ gf!Sayori who can only be calmed from jealousy and insecurity by you spoiling her with affections~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your hungry sleepyhead!
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✧ gf!Yuri who opens up only when you two are alone
✧ gf!Yuri who turns into such a rambler when she's around you, other people have hard time believing it's her when you tell them about it
✧ gf!Yuri who recommends you books with little notes
✧ gf!Yuri who doesn't need you telling her when you're done reading a page, because she already got your peace remembered and always flips a page in the perfect moment
✧ gf!Yuri who often finds you a bit more interesting to look at than the book
✧ gf!Yuri who'll turn into tomato whenever you catch her staring, shakily replying you just had some dust on your face (spoiler: you didn't)
✧ gf!Yuri who sometimes will leave little notes in books she borrows you to make your day and show her love
✧ gf!Yuri who finds letters and small poems easier way of telling you she loves you
✧ gf!Yuri who's gonna bluntly tell the person flirting with you to get the heck away, not holding back for once and you can't believe it's still the same girl...
✧ gf!Yuri who'll get all shy when you remember her about how she acts when she's jealous
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your shy bookworm~
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✧ gf!Natsuki who slows down her temper just for you and your comfort
✧ gf!Natsuki who usually has sleepovers at your place
✧ gf!Natsuki who bakes your favorite sweets at least every week because she loves hearing all the compliments and seeing your smile
✧ gf!Natsuki who's never gonna admit it, but she actually spends more time on baking when she knows you're gonna be trying what she makes
✧ gf!Natsuki who either gets you into manga or shows you the best ones you ever read!
✧ gf!Natsuki who shows you she can indeed write romantic poems, even if they're a bit silly at first
✧ gf!Natsuki who will never yell or insult you seriously
✧ gf!Natsuki who'll turn into softie and comfort you when she sees she accidentally hurt you with her sarcasm
✧ gf!Natsuki who's ready to insult anyone who has the guts to flirt with you, and she makes sure that they leave first
✧ gf!Natsuki who'll talk shit about the girl that just flirted with you
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your tsundere!
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✧ gf!Monika who writes you many songs about how she feels about you
✧ gf!Monika who always takes pictures of you two on your dates
✧ gf!Monika who's like your mom when it comes to caring about your health
✧ gf!Monika who gives you new poem around every 3-5 dates because she just loves them too much to not express it
✧ gf!Monika who's affections are always silent but hard to miss
✧ gf!Monika who loves surprising you with poetic love lines in the middle of your date
✧ gf!Monika who remembers small habits of yours and your preferences
✧ gf!Monika who sometimes steals glances at you, especially in Literature Club
✧ gf!Monika who'll wave at you with small smile whenever you catch her staring
✧ gf!Monika who'll stare daggers at any girl that approaches you and you'll never know if she's really planning something or just a great actor...
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your perfect pianist~
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fr4nkie0stein · 2 months
Doki Doki Literature Characters + coffee shop AU
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Content warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Author's note: these are very very short but I thought it was a cute idea regardless!
As a barista:
Overly friendly, the kind of barista to accidentally spill coffee on you due to her excitement but gives you like a hundred napkins and a free cookie to make up for it
Doesn't always get your order right but due to her enthusiasm she never gets any (serious) complaints and has yet to be fired
As a customer:
Comes in at least once a day for a cookie, cupcake, or some other sort of sweet
Enjoys hanging around on the regular for the human interaction. She knows all the baristas by name and they all know her
As a barista:
Shy but friendly, she always knows just what you want, even before you tell her 
Might give you book references depending on what your regular is if she knows you like to read (I see her as being the type of person to be able to accurately guess people's reading preferences based on their usual) 
As a customer:
Always orders the same thing: plain black coffee with two sugars, nothing else
Usually goes to the coffee shop as a quiet place to study or read. She sits at a table in the corner and tends to herself until she's done with her coffee, then she leaves
As a barista:
Aloof and the only one here to openly complain about her job, but she's also by far one of the best baristas out there too 
All you have to do is give her a basic idea of what you want and she'll have it ready for you just like that 
As a customer:
I love her but she's a tad bit insufferable in the sense that she'll order something and then complain about them getting it wrong (even if it's exactly what she wanted)
Probably sneaks in her own home baked goods because "hers just taste better"
As a barista:
Average as a barista, reasonably friendly and almost always gets your order right 
Has been known to flirt with the customers before, but it's unclear whether she's being sincere about it or she's just trying to get them to come back 
As a customer:
Very polite to the baristas, almost to an unsettling degree. She typically orders the same things but may change it up occasionally if it strikes her mood
Mostly only visits coffee shops for a pickup or if she plans on meeting someone there for something
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saikoucorps · 2 months
Can you do natsuki(ddlc) x shy!reader headcanons?
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꒰੭ pairings – natsuki × gn!reader
꒰੭ genre – fluff, comfort
꒰੭ tags – wholesome, sfw, soft natsuki, natsuki struggles with feelings
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When you first came to the club, she was surprised on how distant you were. Monika had told everyone she was bringing someone new in, Natsuki had cupcakes prepared for whoever!
So, when you went to introduce yourself, she immediately noticed how quiet you seemed. The others seemed to recognize it as well.
She decided to take the initiative and offer you a cupcake! Deep down, she really wanted you to feel welcome – just like how she feels safe in the club room.
After a while, she'd make sure to pay attention to you more, she really wanted you to be comfortable.
She'd make sure to help you with activities if you needed, recommend you manga, and would even show you some of her poems personally!
She even let you sit and read manga with her, she felt comfortable enough with you to do anything. Things that she'd normally be defensive about to other people.
If you two were doing poem readings, she'd subtly encourage you when it came to your turn.
And if you had to read it out loud, she'd support you with a smile.
She tends to react to loud voices/sounds, so whenever she notices you reacting to them as well, she'll reassure you.
She even tells Sayori to quiet down when you're around!
When you two start dating, she may be flustered at first. But she'll try for you. She tends to make it her goal for you to feel as safe as she does.
She tends to brag about you, and while she may not know the right words to compliment you, she always tries.
And you really appreciate it! You want to thank her somehow, but it can be hard.
She's aware of this, and doesn't mind. She will wait until you're somewhat out of your shell.
She'll try to ease you out of your comfort zone. It may not be so easy for her.. but she really does try!
Sometimes, it feels like she knows you more than you know yourself, she's able to notice when you're scared to speak for yourself and speaks for you.
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taglist ┆ @hannibalhhusband @zackfairscumslut
©@ saikoucorps 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way.. i will ram your booty if you do. all work belongs to me, the one and only, zero !!
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pineappleciders · 2 years
Ddlc girls with an s/o who acts edgy, snappy, and aloof because they don't want to get attached because of all their friends moving away when they were little? (Totally not me requesting for comfort of my favorite characters)
INCLUDES: monika, sayori, natsuki, and yuri
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she kinda unintentionally gets you to open up and be softer around her. you don't know what it is, but she's just easy to talk to
she never pushes you to talk about yourself or anything, and she decides that if you wanted to talk about something then you'd come to her
when you do, she sits down and pays careful attention to what you say
when you start talking about your friends leaving you as a kid, she listens intently and waits for you to finish, getting all of your anger and sadness out
she puts an arm around you and holds you close, reassuring you and being quiet while you cry or just sit in her arms
monika is good at respecting boundaries. she doesn't try to push being friends or talking onto you when you first meet, so you guys just kinda ended up getting close without even knowing how it happened
when you two start dating she doesn't push you into anything. she encourages you to maybe come to her club or meet her friends, but she understands if you don't want to, and is sure to let her friends know not to push you
she's vry sweet and respectful, and doesn't get frustrated easily so she doesn't mind if you're snappy or mean sometimes.
when u two have been dating for awhile she might scold you for saying something rude to someone, but it's lighthearted and she understands why you lash out sometimes
sayori, similar to monika, is pretty patient. but when you two meet she's kind of insecure that you dislike her or don't want to talk to her, so she might not talk to you for a bit and isolate herself
it might take a talk with monika for her to learn that you don't dislike her, it's just the way that you are
when she understands that it's a coping mechanism, she still wants to get close to you but she doesn't push anything (if you get upset with her she might withdraw from talking to you for a bit, the last thing sayori wants to do is make you uncomfortable)
she might get a little giddy and happy when you laugh at one of her jokes or open up about yourself,, but quickly tries to calm herself down as to not scare you off
she has the urge to isolate herself and push everyone away a lot, and sometimes does, so she understands the need to be edgy and stuff
it honestly makes her sad when you're sad, so if you're sad and opening up about your abandonment issues she'll try her best to listen and comfort you
it ends up with her trying to distract you by making your favorite food or taking you somewhere; or just cuddling and watching your favorite shows
she's super nice but she'll get insecure if you ignore her or act mean,, so when you first met she makes it her goal to get you to warm up to her!! doing little things like showing interest in what you're doing or buying you something from the vending machine
natsuki also acts snappy and aloof because of abandonment issues
since you both kinda built a wall for your own protection, it might take a while to get to know each other and chip at the walls
but when you two become friends, she's less mean and stuff (especially when she gets to talk about what she loves; if you like manga she'll ramble about it for hours with no care in the world)
she starts audibly laughing at your jokes and being goofy with you, and you do the same. it's basically u two let your walls down around each other and nobody else
you both learn to communicate with each other for the sake of your relationship, because it would be incredibly difficult otherwise if you two just huffed and walked away every time
if you snap at her or say something you don't mean, she'll run off and ignore you for awhile, eventually forgiving you and telling you that you hurt her feelings
if she snaps at you, she'll constantly try to talk to you every chance she gets at school but you keep turning your bead. eventually she gets you to stay and talk it out with her, and she apologizes saying she didn't mean that and she was just upset
natsuki is naturally insecure of her tendencies to push people away and be rude to protect herself, and she honestly hates herself for it. so having another person that does the same thing might help her understand you better
she feels bad about you losing all of your friends as a kid, and she'll low-key insult them for moving away (even if it wasn't their fault) and she tells you that it wasn't your fault and that you have her and the others now :)
she's also lost many friends in a short amount of time and has abandonment issues, so you two stick together like glue. lots of sitting in your bed together, watching tv or listening to music. you two feel very safe in each other's presence
yuri is kinda awkward around u at first. she's not really sure how to start conversation or talk to you at all (she already struggles with making convo, but your rough exterior makes it harder)
you get closer as the two of you share your passions and interests, like when she rambles about her favorite books or poetry, and gets all shy afterwards
she kind of assumed you wouldn't really care, but her eyes light up when you share your passions and express interests in hers as well
similar to her and natsuki, you two might butt heads or not get along at first, but yuri really cares about you and you the same. despite some arguments you two always end up together
she's less shy and more awkward and weird with you. she isn't really scared of what you think (or at least, she doesn't show it) but she's more curious as to what's going on in your head (sometimes it results in her zoning out and staring at you and getting embarrassed and apologizing when you notice)
yuri feels bad about your childhood. she doesn't really expect for you or anyone else to stay with her, so she's weirdly relieved about you also struggling with issues of your own
you both have tendencies to push people away, intentionally or not. yuri is shy and hides in her she if she makes a mistake or is judged, constantly afraid that she'll scare people off. you're aloof and also hide in your shell, to protect yourself and to not have to face losing people you love again
when you're dating you're very comfortable around each other. you both expect the other to leave, but it doesn't happen, and yuri couldn't be more thankful
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ashrodisiac · 1 year
・┆✦ʚDDLC x Reader ɞ✦ ┆・
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
DDLC x Reader
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Ashrodisiac's Note: im so sorry that sayori and yuris part r so shorttt :( im starting school tomorrow so yeah my motivation has dug itself 6 feet under 🔥🔥🔥
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
╰┈➤ Monika falls asleep leaning on your shoulder, but unfortunately wakes up to Sayori's squeal while watching a horror movie
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
You felt something weigh on your shoulder and brush against your cheek lightly. You looked away from the TV screen and saw Monika leaning on you, her eyes shut closed and her mouth slightly agape in a peaceful state. It was quite rare to see her this calm, her being the president and dealing with quite an amount of work. Her bow holding her brown hair in place, but slightly messy.You glanced at the others, Natsuki bringing popcorn to her mouth from the bowl on Yuri's lap every moment she was finished chewing the last one. Yuri's eyes were quite wide in interest as the killing scene came on, looking glued to the TV. Sayori had a pillow tucked under her chin and clutched it to her chest, a seemingly exaggerated reaction coming from her. You then brought your gaze back to Monika. You brushed the stray strands of hair tickling her face away and looked back to the TV, and a haunting tone played. Sayori huddled closer to her pillow, so scared you could practically hear her shallow breaths, the two seemingly unfazed as the tone crescended louder, and eventually ended with a jumpscare. Sayori screamed, jumping up in the couch, swinging her pillow away and hitting the popcorn bowl, sending it flying in the air as Natsuki yelped along with her. Monika jolted awake when you sat up in panic as you watched the scene unfold. It all happened so quickly, the popcorn bowl laying abandoned on the floor with its contents spilling out. Sayori blinked, then laughed nervously. "Uhm..." "You're such a clutz!" Natsuki yelled, huffing out in frustration. "Now we have to clean this up!" Yuri was quiet the whole time, unsure how to react, just sending glances at you awkwardly. "I-I'm sorry! I'll clean this up now!" Sayori apologized, rushing on her knees to pick up the food. Monika glanced at them and sighed, then at you. You could only smile at her exasperated reaction, making her share the same expression quickly. "Was the movie good?" she asked, her bright, emerald eyes seeming like the were lighting up the dark room. "We weren't able to finish it..." "Shame." You heard Natsuki yelling once again at Sayori, and Yuri had stood up to pull Natsuki away. "I need to use the restroom," Monika sighed, then got up from the couch, your shoulder left with a warm feeling where her head rested.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
╰┈➤ Sayori tears up at a hug while you help her clean up the mess
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
When Yuri had pulled Natsuki away, Monika in the restroom, you got up and began to help Sayori. She looked up at you with a surprised expression, turning into a grateful one. You noticed tears forming in her eyes and quickly stammered to act. "Hey! D-dont cry! It's not your fault..." She wiped them away with her wrist, her fingers dusted with salt from the popcorn. "I-... I just got super scared and..." "That's alright. That jumpscare scared me too, honestly." She let out a hiccup, and you pulled her in a hug, to which she began to cry even more. It was quite awkward if you were being honest, but at least she felt better, clutching onto you while her tears stained your shirt.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
╰┈➤ You tell her the impact she had made on Sayori, saying she needed to apologize. It seems she was doing just that, baking cupcakes for her, and you get to get a first try
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
When you two had cleaned the floor up, you went to the kitchen to wash your hands and found Natsuki there, carefully squeezing pink frosting on fresh cupcakes, concentration on her face. She jumped in surprise when she heard the faucet turn, water running down. "Did you just try to sneak up on me?" she huffed, wiping her hands on her apron. "What?" you said, taking a soap bar in your palms. "I just came here to wash my hands." You suddenly recalled Sayori crying as you took her in a hug. "Hey, Natsuki." you said. "Sayori got really upset when you yelled at her." "It's her fault she's such a clutz." she muttered. "...I think you should apologize." "Can't you see I'm trying to do just that?" she said in a frustrated tone, finally turning to look at you, irritated. She understood by the huge question mark on your face, that you didn't seem to quite get what she meant. "I'm trying to make cupcakes for her." her voice pitched down lower, softer and less harsh. "Oh," you wiped your hands on the cloth hanging from the fridge door, and was quite surprised when she took a cupcake and plopped it down in your hands. "Here, try one." she said. You took a bite, the taste of strawberry touching your taste buds, and eventually leading you to finishing the whole thing in no time. "You ate the whole thing already!?" she said, surprised, then she leaned on the counter with one hand on her hip. "So, how was it? did it taste good?" With your mouth full, you could only nod with a smile and say with a muffled voice: "Yewsh." Eventually, she brought the tray to the living room, where the three others sat, trying to find another movie. "Wow, these look great, Natsuki!" Monika said, eagerly biting, her palm under her other hand to catch the crumbs. Sayori looked overjoyed as she thanked Natsuki, licking at the frosting like a child who had just gotten their ice cream. Yuri smiled gratefully, "I'm sure these taste heavenly," she complimented, later confirming it when she had tasted it. The tray was empty in just a few moments, Natsuki proudly clearing the place up. Putting a movie that Sayori seemed to like much better, the lights were once again off, appetite satisfied, everyone was huddled on the couch again.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
╰┈➤ Yuri's bored look gives off that she isn't enjoying the movie...
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
But you noticed Yuri looked... unhappy? her chin resting in her palm, her eyes not as wide as when she was watching the horror movie, her full interest not on the movie. You scooted next to her and whispered, "Hey, what's up?" She glanced at you and quickly fixed her posture, red creeping on her face. "Oh! Y/n..." "You seem bored." "Ah," she fiddled with her hands. "It's just that... I was very invested in the horror movie we were watching earlier... I really wanted to finish it, perhaps when I get home." "Ah, I see now." She laughed awkwardly and offered, "Would you like to watch the movie with me later?" "Of course!" she was surprised you had said it with no hesitation whatsoever, but was pleased. She nodded vigorously. "Alright then...!"
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
all things mel.
kny oneshots
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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amphibiahawks321 · 5 months
[Sayori running towards Y/N]'
Sayori : Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!!
[Y/N turns around with a shock expression]
Sayori : Quick!! Grab my hand!!
[Out of panicked Y/N immediately holds onto her hand and starts panicking]
M!Reader : what's wrong!!? Are you okay!?
Sayori blushing : H-hehe nothing I just wanted to hold your hand 💧^v^
M!Reader : ......
M!Reader blushing : you're such a idiot dork....
[Sayori sticks her tongue out with a silly expression]
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k0yaz · 1 month
Also I just ended up quitting the game because it confused me too much and never finished it until like two years later when I watched a playthrough and realized that I would romance Monika at the end. 😭
Could I request her reaction to that happening?
also could I be 💤 anon?
error of a heart.
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Pairings: monika x fem!reader
CW: sfw, female reader, very heavy angst, part 1 is optional so this can be read as a standalone, horror themes, monika going insane, mentions of implied suicide, death, blood, hallucinations, monka crying this had to be a warning bc i felt so bad :(, this made me start crying no joke, guys im sobbing help, oh no I cuss like once here aaaa, I want to hug her sb, wrote this on a school night so might not be good, not proofread.
A/N: hell yeah you can be 💤 anon, and no thank YOU for the food I love ddlc with all my heart and I’m so happy I could write for it AND WHO CARES IF I HAVE SCHOOL IN THE MORNING RAHHAHA 🕯️
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This was a cruel joke, right?
Monika’s sleek fingers threaded into her coral brown hair, grasping at her scalp with widened, twitchy eyes as she felt her chest tighten with each gaping breath. The screen displayed a ticking count of your absence from the game, the small pink dotted box splaying out thickened and bolded lines of text. Her body felt like it was wavering in and out of existence.
The horror of situation dawned upon her, feeling as if pixels of her merely drawn figure were being ripped out of her piece by piece. Her hands practically slammed down onto the opposite ends of the control panel, breathing forced and drawn out as tears glossed over her once bright emerald eyes.
“Is this it? After you’ve made me suffer for so long?” Monika spat, her voice laced with clouding venom that blinded every sense with a mixture of rage, despair, sorrow. She couldn’t even tell what she was feeling at this point. She just knew it sure as hell wasn’t positive. Cool grazes of the wind drifted into the club room through the opened window, swaying her hair off to the side and masking her lowered, empty eyes.
Nature no longer calmed her down anymore. Not when the natural world and lush landscapes outstretched through the window were all false. Bits of code. There was no reason for Monika to pretend anymore. Not when the woman who was her sole purpose for living had been ripped away from her so cruelly. Uneven beats of her heart was the only sound alongside the clock within the desolate club room, the quiet noises ringing in her ears with each agonizing second that passed.
Did time even exist anymore?
“Why? Just why (Name), why? You just had to play through…were you that disappointed that you couldn’t love me the way I loved you back?” She sobbed quietly, lips quivering as her palm dragged along the dried tear cracks bruised down her cheeks. Her teeth ground together in pure anguish, eyes fluttering shut with each quiet sob that racked her glitchy sprite.
Monika’s brows furrowed together as she tried to choke back her cries, shoving them back down her throat and tilting her head up to fix her gaze upward. There was probably nothing there. Maybe she was just hoping there was an entity, a creator, a higher power, anything. Anything that she could scream at to soothe her error of a heart.
Whatever didn’t allow her to have a route was the reason you were gone. It wasn’t your fault. Her gaze remained utterly transfixed onto the console, chest rhythmically rising and falling with her shaky breaths as she slowly came to terms with reality. Her vision slowly grew clearer, the thick fog of blinding emotion seeming to part itself before her as she anxiously circled her thumb along the ridge of the console. Monika began to understand. Her once bright green eyes, reminiscent of a leader, darkened into two cold pools of deep emptiness you could get lost in if you ventured too far.
You weren’t coming back.
Who was she kidding?
She got her hopes up for nothing.
She was the fool in this situation.
Shattering screeches began to pierce through her ears as she felt her eyes slowly beginning to sink into her skull, wanting to squint upon catching sight of the epileptic flashes of red green and blue. An endless mind breaking cacophony circled her within the void, rendering her immobile as she was forced to resume the unending torment that would plague her over and over.
Monika’s expression was devoid of any trace of possible emotion, her form tilted back as if she was succumbing to her fate. It was like she was drowning in an empty stomach of falsehood, caged in this endless cycle of knowing she wasn’t real. She never was real. She never will be. Everything she knew, everything she felt, it wasn’t real. If you could leave so quick and she couldn’t do anything about it, she couldn’t have been real. No chance.
Nothing was real.
The gravity of the situation dawned on her, weighing her down as she sunk into the void once more. Eyes gradually drooping lower and lower with each passing second clicking in her head—if time even existed here, Monika felt herself drowning into an ocean of code, which stung at her every sense like a numbing frostbite.
“Monika, are you alright?”
Her head jolted up from the desk, bleary vision lingering on the other three club members circling her. Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri fixed their concerned gazes onto Monika’s tired expression, faint dark circles adorned below her eyes. Great. She had another moment where only she was aware.
“Where is she..?” Monika muttered out weakly, her voice still raspy from her supposed ‘nap.’
“(Name)…where is she?” She inquired, confused glances being exchanged among the other three girls before looking back down at her. “There’s…no one here named that..” Yuri replied, a perplexed look crossing her features, deep purple eyes locked onto Monika’s messy form. Sayori simply gave her a gentle smile, resting a hand on her shoulder with her fingers brushing against the fabric of her blazer in an attempt of comfort. “Let us take care of things today, alright? Get some rest, you’ve been working too hard after all..”
A feigned appreciation painted her face as her palm rowed forward dismissively, attempting to imply that she would rest, and that the others were welcome to take over. Monika heaved a deep, shaky breath that pulsated in her chest over and over, slumping back onto the desk as her fingers tightened into the edge of the smoothed over wood. She couldn’t help but glare at the other members with a bitter disdain creeping up within her. They have everything she wanted. Yet they didn’t need it. Nobody understood how much it fucking hurt for her.
A sharp sting seared against her pointer finger, slashed diagnonally along her skin as she took in the seeping pain of the minuscule paper cut. She flipped her hand over and brought it close to the tip of her nose, examining the blistering red glistening along her finger as crimson droplets trickled down the open wound. It didn’t mean anything anyway. Just a couple taps of the control panel and this cut would close right up.
Monika allowed herself to wallow back to sleep, eyes slowly flickering in and out of consciousness as she slowly began to mentally return to her personalized hellhole. Her eyes slowly focused on the flash of bright light hovering above her head as her lashes filtered her already fuzzy vision. The light flooded her senses as a sharp pang of uncomfortable warmth spread along her drowning body within the void. It was warm, like being held. Yet disheartening to her knowing it was simply the faux comfort of the repeated codes strings.
It all became so clear now. There was no purpose, and she knew what was meant to be.
With remaining strength she could muster up, Monika extended a shaky hand upward, outstretching it to manipulate the code. Within moments, her body began to sink further into the endless void, the horrific orchestra of screaming no longer affecting her as her slow, rugged breaths filled her ears. It didn’t take long before her throat began to tighten, eyelids slowly lowering shut as she tilted her head back to allow the waves of erasure overtake her meaningless body. Her consciousness was slowly fading as Monika parted her lips to utter out a final set of words before drowning herself into the sea of her scripted feelings.
Ah. She adored the idea of you. Even in her final moments, as her throat closed in on her like a claustrophobic cave, she couldn’t help but think of you. Perhaps she would be granted the honor of laying her eyes upon your beautiful self when she got the chance. But for now, it’s not meant to be.
“If only I could be reborn in your world, (Name). We could be together. But not in this life.”
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💤 anon it’s your fault for making her cry /j
Someone request something good for this woman I feel bad I love Monika so much idc if Yuri is my favorite Monika still deserves everything :((
Also oo I added a filter to the banner and it looks sm better ok goodnight I need soeep
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Toshi Mashibasa, Kaguya Shinomiya, Hero, Kyoya Ootori, Natsuki, Monika with a bullied reader.
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Toshi, Kaguya, Hero, Kyoka, Natsuki, Monika ]
[ A silent voice ] [ Kaguya-sama Love is war ] [ Omori ] [ Ouran High School Host Club ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ]
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I really REALLY hope that you aren't suffering of bullying and you just like the prompt!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it ❤️ stay safe my dear
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Toshi Mashibasa
Toshi is the kind of person to be best friends with his partner, and he doesn't show it much but he is really caring, also he is perceptual and smart so even when he doesn't pry on your personal life if you don't talk about it he can tell when you aren't feeling well
Still he doesn't pry until he sees you really bothered for something or it had passed a long time, his first approach is to ask you if you are alright or if you have a problem, as well as remembering you that you can count in him for everything
For him to discover that you are being bullied could be because you open up to him or because he see it himself, in both cases he will be furious (he tries to seem calm and collected if you tell him but if he sees it he imediatly step in to defend you), it doesn't matter the intensity of their abuse it still make him angry, but he will never dare to let it out on you or blame you for it, and in this case he will pry for more information but still trying to be gentle
Depending on how deep the bullying you are suffering is it would be how furious and eager to do something he will be, and even if they just make bad comments he won't tolerate it, and not matter how mad he is he will try to calm down enough to comfort you (even if you insist that it doesn't affect you he insist on take some time to spoil you)
Toshi used to be bullied but he get over it some time ago, still that doesn't mean he isn't worried about you, he decide to just stay by your side to protect in case you need it, he will even be a little more clingy to let clear to everyone that you aren't alone. As well he will try to talk to the teacher about this problem (and you won't be able to stop him, although if you are nervous of doing it he will help you feel safe before doing it, comforting you and promising to not leave your side), but even if they actually do something to help you that won't stop him to help you on his own
Toshi will confront your bullies only if he has the opportunity (like they show up and try to mess with both), he is really smart and will know how to handle it without having a physical confront, still if it end like that he will do it only as the last resort and making sure they were the ones starting the fight
However he doesn't really want to confront your bullies since he just want to focus on you, he wants to shield you and comfort you, making sure to help you recover from whatever those bastards did to you, either emotional or physical
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Kaguya Shinomiya
Kaguya's prideful side stop her from show how much she really loves and cares for you, as well for how much attention she puts on you (something that she is actually proud of) so even is if you try to hide something from her is probably that she will find out at some point
Kaguya herself won't really ask you directly about your problems (or at least not imediatly), but that doesn't mean she doesn't care, whenever you seem troubled or struguling with something she is eager to find out what is troubleling that pretty mind of yours, so she does it discreetly, slowly leading the conversation to whatever that could give her hints of what is happening to you
It won't take her long for her to find out that you are being bullied, specially with Sayaka's help, still she probably find out by her own and once she does she is furious, she is surrounded by a dark aura while asking for more details, even if people are just saying bad comments about you to her is like a sin, Kaguya take it as a personal offence and she will treat it as such
Kaguya is making her plan to take revenge and make them pay for whatever they had done, and how cruel she will act towards them depend on how deep the bullying was. As well, Kaguya will try to find out a way to tell you that she knows about this situation (she is surprisingly nervous about bring out the topic), but once she finally does it she focus on making sure you know that you had done nothing wrong and it isn't your fault, as well as comforting you, if physical affection is your comfort she will do it (while trying to not conbust from the inside), but she prefers to spoil you to try to comfort you
Kaguya will totally take care of the bullies on her own, so don't be surprise if they stop messing with you overnight, or even if they seem afraid and/or apologetic with you (again, it depend in how bad they treated you)
Also, from then Kaguya grows a little more clingy for a while, wanting to be able to shield you in case some other idiot try to mess with you, and if you actually grow clingy yourself and even hide behind her it make her really proud of herself (and really flustered too)
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Hero has been always really caring, is like a second nature for him (specially because he is constantly taking care of his friends), and even when he isn't the most perceptual or observant person he always tries to look after your well-being
Hero doesn't like to pry because he feels like he is invading your privacy but he always remind you that you can rely on him when you have troubles, although if he sees you really down or affected by whatever is bothering you he insist on wanting to know, making clear that he is just really worried about you
For how caring he is is easy to bring you a sense of security that could lead you to open up about you being bullied, although it could be that he see it himself too, in that case he immediatly step in to defend you. No matter how he find out at the end he is really worried about you, he is mad at whoever are abusing using you like this but his worry is bigger
Hero immediatly comforts you, holding you close while he ask you what they exactly have done to you, although if you don't want to talk about it, either because you don't feel comfortable or you are nervous is alright, he will wait until you feel ready, in the meantime he will be focus on comforting you
Hero knows that this kind of problem doesn't get solved overnight so he will hold an immense patience with you, helping you get out of it little by little, if you let him he will become more clingy, not really wanting to leave your side to be able to protect you from the bullies and don't let you forget that you aren't alone. Also, he wants to ask for help to the teacher, and he even ask Mari some advice (that could make the rest of the group find out too and they aren't going to stay quiet)
The intensity of the bullying you suffered is just important to him for how much it affected you, he is bothered by it even if they were just saying bad comments about you (but the more aggresive they were to you the more angry Hero gets, even reaching the point where he will think on confronting them)
This just make Hero more caring towards you, specially in the emotionally part, he wants to make sure you don't get yourself carry away for what they had told you and done to you
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Kyoka Ootori
Is really difficult to get into Kyoka's life since he isn't really interested in relate in a personal way with anyone, however once he decided to start a relasionship with you is because he is really sure that is what he wants
Kyoka is observant and perceptual, even if you try to hide it he knows when something is bothering you, although if you decide to don't talk about it he will just make it clear that he knows that you aren't al right, but also makes clear that even when he isn't going to force you to talk if he is able to help you he will
Even when it doesn't seem like it he is pretty caring over you, you are special to him and even when he has problems to say it out loud he show it in other ways, like paying attention on you making sure you are taking care of yourself, that is why, soon or later, if you don't tell him he will find out about the bullying (the worst it is the bullying or the more it affects you the faster he will find out)
Since the start he suspect that something is bothering you but he didn't wanted to jump into the conclution of the bullying right away, but at the end his fear become true because you were actually being bullied, and once he finally found out exactly how deep the bullying is he is furious, even if others are just talking bad about you it still makes him mad
Kyoka normally doesn't pry in your personal life but for this he has the intention to pry every single detail, and he will use his intimidating stare if he has to, but he isn't mad at you is just that he is frustrated that something so serious is happening to you and he didn't notice it earlier (but he will scold you later for dont telling him)
He isn't the best to comfort but he will try (specially if you start crying), but he is more focused on making a plan to take revenge of those bastards who made you suffer like this, Kyoka is smart enough to come up with a plan to make them pay without getting involved into, and he will be just as harch as they had went to you, he won't directly confront them but they will be too busy trying to solve whatever Kyoka cause them to keep bothering you
Again, he isn't the best when it comes to comfort you but he will be more direct with his care for you, making more clear how much he worries for you, even making sure you are taking care of yourself, as well he makes sure to remember you how amazing you are (his attempt to give you compliments)
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Natsuki has problems to read other people, specially because her anxiety and past bad experiences she could easily misunderstand a little the situation, and even when loves you that doesn't make easier things for her
She want to be able to help you when you need it but she still has a lot of problems to express herself so she does it in other ways, trying to get more close and a little affectionate when she sees you down or baking you some cupcakes to cheer you up
It would be really difficult to reach the point where you open up to her and tell her about the bullying because she gets nervous whenever you two talk in a more serious manner and abuse is a sensitive topic for her, so is more probably that she end up seeing it herself and the moment she does it she react immediatly and aggresibly, going against the bullies and calling them idiots for what they are doing (still she doesn't want to get into a physical fight)
Is probably that she will seem mad at you when she ask you about it, but she isn't, is just that it frustrated her that you are suffering from this kind of abuse, and even more that she didn't noticed it earlier (even more because she is a victim from abuse too), she will apologize later and make it clear that she isn't mad at you but at herself
She will overcome her nervous and frustration and ask you about what those idiots had been doing to you, it doesn't matter if they had been just saying bad things about you or they actually physically attack you she is mad at them, Natsuki won't really ask for help to anyone else (maybe to the rest of the club only if is something too deep)
Natsuki isn't the best to comfort you but she still tries to, but she is more focused on shield you from the bullies, she already has a bad reputation since she tend to be pretty aggresive with words so it isn't nothing new for her, she react really aggresive to whoever even speak bad about you but still tries to avoid getting physical
Natsuki still has problems dealing with her own traumas with the abuse she suffer from her house so after this she probably end up insolating with you a little more as well as getting more clingy, and since now you somehow can understand her better she will open up more about her own experience, being a healing process for both
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Monika is really caring and she is pretty observant too so for her isn't too difficult to tell when you aren't feeling too well, and she wants to be of help whenever you have troubles but she still has problems to bring up the topic, fearing that she may be invasive or rude
Whenever you seem troubled with something Monika tries to motivate you to talk to her, remembering you that you can count with her and that she will always help you at the best of her habilities
For Monika to discover that you are bullied is because she sees it herself (in this case she will imediatly stand up for you, she doesn't want to confront them directly but she at least will help you get away from them) or because you open up to her (since she is pretty caring and willing to heard you vent it could give you a sense of security about saying her directly)
Monika feel horrible that you had to suffer from all that, she has to hold herself back before she start crying out of sadness and frustration, even is they are just saying bad comments about you it doesn't matter because you shouldn't be suffering for that, and she doesn't want to cry right now because she needs to focus on you, in how to help you and to comfort you
Her plan is to notify the teachers or someone who could help as well as not leaving your side in hopes of not giving the bullies the opportunity to attack you again, although if the bullying is really bad or it affected you a lot, or even if no one is willing to help Monika herself will step in, she won't fight them physicaly but she can be really intimidating when she wants to, also she know how to identify and take advantage of others weakness if she has to
Aside from that Monika is really worried about you so she will be taking care of you for a while, both physicaly and emotionaly, she just want to make sure you don't let yourself down just because others can't see how amazing you are, and she is eager to be of help
Also Monika feels really bad that she didn't notice it before, and the more time you suffered this the more frustrated she feels so, somehow, she is trying to make it up for you too
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rekino2114 · 3 months
Self aware Monika x reader
Monika note: thanks to the author for adding me and my friends to the masterlist, and to all of you for helping him reach 200 followers. I hope you enjoy this drabble to welcome us featuring me.
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Since some of your friends recommend it, you had recently started playing doki doki literature club. It was a great game, and you felt really bad for the girls, but you especially felt connected to one....Monika.
While you didn't approve of what she did, you could understand why she did it. You were really bummed that she didn't have a route, and when talking to her in the classroom, she felt like a real person to you and not a videogame character.
You were kinda embarrassed about your crush on her, but for some reason you felt a genuine connection to Monika, one that made you continue talking to her.
You were doing just that one night when she said something you never heard her say something you never heard her say before.
"How are you y/n?"
What shocked you is that she said y/n, your real name and not the one that you inputted in the game.
"W-what? How does the game know my name?"
"Oh, I took the liberty to look through your computer, and it was there. I hope you don't mind"
"You can hear me?"
"Your computer does have microphones doesn't it?"
You were too stunned to speak and Monika used this occasion to explain that she wasn't some hacker but in fact the "real" Monika.
"This.......is a lot to take in"
"Yeah, that's why I waited until now to talk to you, and because i know I can trust you"
"Because you didn't delete me"
"I know you know that to continue this game, you need to delete me, and yet you didn't. You continued to talk to me, why?"
"......because I like you and talking to you"
You swear you could see Monika's smile grow exponentially even if it was the same sprite
"That's exactly how I feel, I knew you were special, I love you so much"
"You do?"
"I thought I made it pretty obvious"
"I thought you were programmed to do those things"
"While that is true, you're the only player I actually talked to, aren't you?"
"I guess"
"So do you.....love me too?"
You slightly blushed and thought about it
"I-i think so but I'm still kinda in shock that you're an actual person. I think I need some time to fully take this in"
"That's understandable, I'm still happy that you gave me a chance, I promise you won't regret it, I will find a way to go into your world and finally hug you"
"You're really determined Uh?"
"Of course, I finally found someone who likes me and didn't delete me, I want nothing more than to repay you with my love"
".....t-thank you, that's actually really sweet"
"No problem, my love, I see that it's quite late, I would love to talk to you more but I suggest you go to sleep it's really important for your health"
"Yeah, you're right. Goodnight Monika"
"Goodnight, please remember to close the game before you shut off the computer"
"Yes don't worry"
You did as she said and went to sleep, you thought about everything that happened and smiled slightly, even If she was trapped in a computer, Monika was a real person and she genuinely loved you, and you felt like you loved her too.
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frickingnerd · 7 months
yuri with a s/o who's into true crime
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pairing: yuri x gn!reader
a/n: i recently had the realization that if i hadn't got into videogames and made that my obsession, i'd absolutely be a true crime girlie by now–
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yuri and you were very similar. both of you looked very normal, yet had hobbies that others often described as creepy
which was why you didn't tell anyone about those hobbies of yours. even if your friends at the literature club only knew a bit about your darker interests
but when the two of you started dating, it didn't take long for yuri to find out you had an interest in true crime. after all, she did like more disturbing stories and picked up on some similarities between your interests
when yuri asked you more about it, you were worried she might think you're weird. but when you slowly told her more about it, that you loved true crime podcasts and documentaries, yuri began to open up as well
she told you about those horror stories she loves to read and her obsession with knives. her face is glowing as she tells you all about it, so happy to finally have found someone who is like her
now that yuri knows your interests are similar, she's eager to lend you some horror books of hers, as well as listening to some of those true crime podcasts you recommended to her!
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nogenderbee · 4 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝 𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ daily anon request: I finally get to request ddic MY TIMES BOUT A SHINE !! !! !! !
OKAY, OKAY, how about the ddlc girls and reader (gender neutral) in which reader has been pining the girls for 2 years? But reader didnt know that girls has been pining reader too!
(pining basically means infatuated or deeply inlove where you think its not possible to be together🤓🤭)
Just angst then comfort at the end, like they snaps and confesses to reader when theyre both arguing and readers like "damn, you feel the same way?"
Also, what would be your fave char in ddlc? Mine would be monika! She's the sweetest💕💕
-daily! Anon
Also- ARE WE TWINSIES OR SOMETHING?! Monika is my favorite too!! At the beginning I was like "oooh Monika is the one I want ^^" AND I FELT SO BETRAYED WHEN I COULDN'T WRITE A POEM FOR HER ToT
It's alright tho, she got her ending <3
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Sayori isn't the most obvious at letting someone know she has a crush on them... she's usually pretty secret with it even if she tries to be obvious
✧ and apparently, your signs are too small for her as well because she doesn't see anything that could boost her confidence and get her to confess to you!
✧ so when one day you have a fight about whayever, as long as it's serious one, she feels it's harder to keep her emotions in with every passing second
"I'm trying my best, okey? It feels like you're completely blind to my work!"
"I'm not blind! Listen, I get you may need attention but you can't blame me for not noticing the tiniest details!"
"Except it's not details! You think why I'm always rushing towards wending machine when you say you're thirst or hungry? Or why I smile so brightly when I see you?!"
"Huh? Well.... wait.. are you.."
"Yes..! Maybe I did feel for you but-"
"Wait, you too-?"
✧ during your fight the girl probably began to get a bit emotional and the only thing that stopped her from changing into crying mess was your sudden confession
✧ it's pretty obvious she was a bit shocked at your blunt answer, both shocked that you didn't noticed her hints and that you actually felt the same when she tried noticing something for past 2 YEARS if not more!
✧ in the end tho, she's truly happy you two can finally be together like she always dreamed about~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your hungry sleepyhead!
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✧ Yuri's hints are actually very easy to miss, even if she's trying her best to make you notice them
✧ she's quite shy so even if you give her obvious clue, she'll wait for you to notice hers first... unless lots of time passes, then she'll try to confess...
✧ but before that, she's just gonna quietly admire you from afar... and you seem to be blind because how do you not notice her little acts of service she does only for you?
✧ so when the two of you have small fight, she tried replying calmly but her tone and way with words was still harsh and firm
"I didn't do anything. Someone else must've done it. I admit, I used spare keys to your locker, but only to give you somethign sweet..."
"Sweet? There wasn't anything like that! Why would you even want to give me that without ocassion?!"
"Well I... just wanted to see you happy and... to notice..."
"Notice what, huh?"
"N-Notice that I like.. you..."
✧ she probably accidentally mumbled it out to avoid you getting too mad at her... she prefered to admit to her feelings than let you hate her for something she didn't do, mean or want
✧ under bangs, she's definitely blushing like crazy after what she just did
✧ but hearing your reassurance and how you feel, quickly makes her smile softly, but also adds to the blush.. just a little bit~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your shy bookworm~
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✧ Natsuki knows her hints are easy to miss... but even then, she had no plans on changing the way they are
✧ she's not gonna be lovey dovey! Even if you give her quite obvious hints, she's not gonna confess... she might make her hints w tad bit more obvious tho...
✧ like giving you a special treatment that no one else gets, hoping you'll notice how she feels
✧ but when you don't, even she can get annoyed! Especially when she doesn't notices a single of your clues!
"You're just so blind!! Why even are you getting someone flowers?!"
"Well to confess of course! I think it's nice addition..."
"Then why didn't you just said you're not interested?! I've been giving you special treatment just to discover you don't feel the same!?"
"But the flowers were for you-"
"Exactly! You- wait, what...?"
✧ you got her shocked and emberassed she had to admit to her feelings in literal argument...
✧ but hey, at least she's calm down because she doesn't have to deal with your bluntness and worrying about her crush!
✧ so it all ends well if you ask her~ tho she probably won't admit to that so easily
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your tsundere!
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✧ Monika thinks she's quite obvious with her hints, she's so flirty, yet she gets how you'd miss them since she limits them to not make anyone uncomfortable by accident
✧ but she's not giving up! She's patient, so she's ready to wait as long as you're not running to anyone else
✧ but poor girl is so in love, she thinks your hints aren't really thinks and it's just her crush acting up!
✧ and oh how surprised was she when you two ended up in calm yet slightly heated argument
"Why did you even do that?!"
"I didn't mean anything bad by doing it! I simply wanted to make your day easier..."
"Well it obviously didn't work!"
"I'm sorry I just... I wanted to do something nice for the one I love..."
"You didn-! 'The one you love'...?"
✧ in the end she had no choice but to admit to it if she didn't wanted to loose the most important person in her life... so she was willing to just admit to it
✧ and you bet she felt so happy when you returned her feelings and the argument turned out to be just a big misunderstanding
✧ plus, she can finally be with you! So she's proudly admitting all you both went to was worth the ending~
@hayillaaaaaaa - come get your perfect pianist~
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