darkeye5000 · 3 days
You know how AI like to be fucking bullshit scammer? Let's not forget about certain human scammers since they can fucking scam you to. Compare them to AI as both are only out for your money to fulfill their selfish greed like hungry sharks. I received multiple notes from both AI and Human scammers so I rolled my eyes to that. It’s not worth fucking hassle getting scam by “comission artists”
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darkeye5000 · 3 days
Not fucking surprised that AI is fucking running around theses days and now they are doing commissions. That fucking smell like a bullshit scam since after all AI are basically stealing off everyone's art and fucking turn those thievery into fishy profits.
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darkeye5000 · 7 days
Cold, Bitter, and Pathetic
Cold. Empty. The win howls into the night for the sign of my footsteps trenching through the snow. A sullen face struck by the frostbite by the harsh blizzard. Shivering through my dead skin clutching against my own body for any hint of warmth inside me. From the horizon all I can see a giant blanket of snow in this vast field of nothing. My vison blurred due to the blizzard blinding me from where I am heading to. Crunching with every step leaving behind the trail of my footsteps that would disappear sooner than later from the huge amount of snow raining down. Eyes drooping down feeling the weight of exhaustion taking the toll on me. My own breath lifts my chest slowly pushing myself further to find somewhere warmer. Despite fully clothed as I felt like I am fully bare, naked as the cold stabbing with their snowflake knives piercing me multiple times. All I can hear is the wind boasting and laughing at my limited survival and my teeth chittering like a nutcracker on crack breaking down nuts.
Not sure how long I am out there with my map gone missing in this getaway hike. I would have to find somewhere with that tiredness is wearing me down further as I kept strolling across the field of snow. I shook myself to keep moving forward so I can just keep on living, but sometimes I wonder if I could lie down as the snow look very soft to touch. No I am just being tired I just have to keep moving forward.
“I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it,” I repeated myself in a soft whisper trying to motivate myself the further I go the more I felt compelled to lie down and do nothing. I would have to keep going no matter what if I want to keep on living further. I coughed with a huff to just take every step even if it would take me longer. I got to do it, I got to do it, I got to do it.
I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to, I got to I got to, I got- Focus focus, focus, focus!!!!!! Damnit focus now!
“Just focus dumbass! Just keep going I got to!” I seethed at myself trying to focus where I am walking despite not seeing far ahead where I am going. I felt like a blind man walking through the pitch darkness. I just got to be strong and keep walking more. I really got do this, I know I can. No I cannot do it. I really cannot do it.
I slapped myself with my frozen hand snapping myself back, “Yes I can fucking do it damnit damnit damnit!!!!! Just go now!” I grumbled that I want to kick myself for thinking that. The wind is getting stronger that it weighing me down more. Pushing further that I don’t care where I am going as long I can find somewhere warm.
I am unsure how long I been walking with my wobbling legs tripped me few times, but I kept myself up and going forward. Letting out a sigh hearing my stomach growling like a beast about to tear my flesh apart to hunt its own food without me. Great I am hungry and cold, I better survive this. My mind drift away remembering the time of my arrival. I thought I can plan everything having extra food, a map, a tent, many camping supplies despite being my very first time. Though it was difficult to set the tent up with the animals stole the food I brought. I mentally facepalm that the map was left outside when the wind blew away that I have to walk around blind. It didn’t help I ended up setting up near a wolf den. The moment I woke up hearing the wolves snarling outside of my tent, I had to flee getting away from them not to anger the wolves for stepping into their territory. My head shocked to kept myself from going deep into pathetic self-pity.  Just don’t worry about that, I need to focus of the now stupid.
My feet guide forward as the wind kicked up more strength to push me back. The blizzard screech louder than before as I growled back to push myself forward. I just got to be stronger than this. Sure it is my own fault getting lost but not now I just got to keep moving forward. Those words smashed into my brain reminding my legs to move more. A breathy shake let out of my mouth with the exhaustion pulling my strings crash down onto the ground. I cannot give up using any strength I got left pulling myself to crawl across the snow. The blizzard is punching into my body trying to make me stop moving. However I kept going being stubborn enough to keep on going ahead. Just need to keep going, I cannot give up just not now please…
Few moments had gone by that I managed to lift myself up, though my legs drag on like a zombie with a twisted leg. The blizzard kept yelling at me to stop blowing the wind into my frozen eardrums. With a sigh not wanting to give up easily forcing myself to get my legs take extra steps to find shelter. I cannot lose to this blistering storm. I just cannot. I just CANNOT!!!
I want to scream at myself and tear myself into shreds of my body for doing this stupid hiking trip! Just go to the forest and you will come out tougher. It would be fine then to stop being a pathetic loser! My voiced rang out to nowhere, “YOU DUMBASS BASTARD!!! ARE YOJ GOING TO BE THIS FUCKING PATHETIC OR WHAT!!! STOP WHINING AND GET THIS OVER WITH!!! STOP IT YOU ARE FUCKING BETTER THAN THIS!!!!! JUST STOP JUST STOP JUST STOP JUST STOP!!!!!!!!!”
With a quick jolt of my feet running faster for that burning fire coursing through my veins. Every thoughts shooting into my lousy brain cells pumping me with the shitty memories of myself being a whiny and pathetic bastard I am.
Clutching onto my own scalps on top of my head while sitting alone in my own darken room. I gritted my teeth calling myself pathetic waste. Every time the higher ups in the office space gave me a terrible glare looking down at me like I am invading their spaces. The managers, the supervisors, everyone who is above me scolded me over making the simple mistakes such as accidentally spilling water onto their clothes or printing the wrong amount of papers they ordered me to. Every time I tried to chat with the workers during lunch break, they turned their eyes away from me and converse with each other pretending I don’t exist. The worst is from my own boss gave me ridiculous orders as example shine his shoes with my tie and set up appointments for a foot massage off into Japan and I pay for both the appointment and the flight tickets to First Class. I knew if I talk back that I would get fired for disobeying order and argued at the authority. I questioned myself maybe I made mistakes by my own fault or just being too weak to stand up for myself. I could be just not push myself enough effort to make it right. Maybe I should try hard enough? Maybe I have to be tougher to talk back? Thoughts raced through the tracks of what should have been done different. I let out a sighed reminding myself I already tried that by emailing over to HR. The only replied I got HR explained I just need to keep working hard with my tasks and just go with the rules by boss created. I was confused yet irritated that HR didn’t try to solve the problems going on back in work.
My face slammed onto the wooden surface with a deep, self-defeating sigh as a soldier drop his weapons being held by gunpoint. My eyes darted at the window from the couple of branches tapping onto the glass. Staring at the branch for a while strike a lightbulb with a loud ding. Taking on a hiking trip could give me a thick skin to stand up for myself becoming firm and assertive. I search through onto my laptop to find a spot to visit over the forest and look up how to hike. That I only hoped the trip could change me into a complete better, stronger, brave person than I am currently.
Snarling at myself back in the present in this treacherous situation I put myself into. Still running through the snow out of sheer rage against myself that my own action ruin everything not just for never talk back right as of now stuck in this shitty blizzard getting frostbites all over me without finding a shelter. HOW IN THE FUCK DID I MESS UP THE GODDAMN TENT IN THIS FUCKING STUPID TRIP!!!!!!?????
“YOU FUCKING MISERABLE PUSSY YOU CANNOT DO ANYTHING DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!” I roared louder than previously wishing to grab a knife and stab into my own brain for making this stupid mistake. Why I cannot do everything right!
My foot slipped onto the ground giving me a smack back to reality into a loud thud. With a deep sigh I stay down feeling more tired and hopeless to keep moving on. The sight was caught off guard seeing a small twinkle of light up ahead. My eyes looked up seeing the wooden cabin far away giving away small, little light. Is that hope ahead I see? My hands reached out trying to grab it until realizing I am still far away. My mind said to keep going, but the exhausted body wouldn’t move forward as the body said to keep staying down. With a hazy breath that I am only so closed yet so far to reach over to hope. The weight of my body prevent me from keep going that maybe I should just lie there and do nothing. Maybe I am that weak and pathetic, I am not a strong person I am trying to become, instead I am just a wasted potential and being a hopeless case. That warmth of light is not for me, I should just sleep with the pitch black darkness in this cold, dreadful blizzard. The ache of my body turned into numbness with my eyes closing slightingly. My chest lifting itself up and down in a slow manner ticking away almost to a complete stop. Maybe I shouldn’t try to prove to be strong, maybe I should have listen to HR and just do nothing else. Just be a good for nothing worker. That I should not strive for anything nor try to find my own strength and potential inside of me. Maybe it never exists at all. Maybe I should let this cold slumber take over me. Maybe I should stop everything as my eyes shut tight and sleep until of my very last breath stopped.
I wrote this fucking story about the worker thought he can grow a thick skin by heading off into the woods to be able to talk back to his own boss by standing up for himself. That is until the fucking wolves came out where the worker set up camp as the worker ran off became lost in the middle of nowhere. This is being inspired by my not good relationship with my cunt-eater mom and I. I would try to please my mom by getting good grades, but she would spout out negative talk that does not meet up her bull expectations. This created problems for my siblings as she would also yelled over them behind closed doors. The worker try to please his boss that is difficult to do as this reflects myself wanting to please my bullshit mom as with mom never is fucking satisfied. This is also in the way to point out putting up cuntard high expectations is wrong because it will break down the person's self esteem and self worth. To accept yourself is stop meeting unrealsistic expecations to set goal for youself or it will break your self esteem.
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darkeye5000 · 7 days
Is life really big? Complicated or simple?
Many lessons to learn from life
Many lessons to take by heart
Many lessons to witness
Many lessons to learn from others
Flipping through pages and pages to read
People carry their own books, open book or close book
Billions of of books about everyone create large stacks as the Empire State Building
More people to see more stories that haven't been told
More books to see the bigger the world gets
There are many stories to tell from the past
There is a digging site, dusting off ancient pottery
Digging up missing times
The more I read the more I discover
The more I discover the greyer the world is
More the grey the world is the more subjective morals are
People come and go without looking
They scurrying around in city like blind mice in dark pipes
People say one thing and another
They complain but give excuses onto themselves
They are the judges to give free passes to certain people
Justice is not double standard
There are bullshit everywhere
I avoid wearing a blindfold even if done by accident
I avoid to cheat
I avoid to wear jewelries
I avoid to toss someone into pit of spikes
I avoid to be like my parents
People stab their own eyes out and slice their ears off
They prefer to read a knight in shining armor over a black knight
They want to see a hero win against villain
They want to hear that is correct to themselves
One sided news and media is bullshit
Villains are more real than heroes
They follow around as I follow one person
I follow my life as they follow someone else's
Whole society is a masquerade and dance around as someone else
They dance in the light not wanting to see the shadow of themselves
They don't want to wear the shadow to the party
The guest appear friendly but carry knives with them
The line blurs between fact over false
Facts and information to find over the sea of lies, finding them to expand and see the world
Comparing two fruits and one of them is rotten on the inside
Complications in the world and people with their own stories
All connect by mystical string
Connected by music flowing into my veins
Connected to creativity to make and share
Connect or break off to be empty sell out
I wrote this fucking poem for poetry class as I express my cynical belief. I put my thoughts into this poem even if this seems a lot. I wanted to be able to express in my own damn words discussing about people being afraid to see their own shadows as they would dance around pretending who they are while fucking refusing to see the grey only black and white viewpoint. What I fucking believe it is not simple only complicated in morals and in life because not everything is small or easy to explain. I would admit I did dance around in the bullshit masquerade like the people being blind cunty dancers in the societal bullshit masquerade.
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darkeye5000 · 7 days
The Slora Family Murder
The moonlight shined on the beautiful flowers as the scent of flowers smelled sweet and aromatic. The serene forest whistled harmoniously while the cold wind flowed through the night. Lizzy felt at peace with nature as the forest was a second home to her. Lizzy left the forest since she needed rest.
She crept to the side of the house and spotted the kitchen window. Luckily there were some sturdy cardboard boxes that could be built as stairs. Lizzy quietly opened the window and climbed onto the kitchen counter. She silently hopped off the counter, crept quietly to the large main area and then climbed up two stairs.
Before she went to her bedroom she decided to check in her father's office, which was on the second floor. Lizzy quickly yet quietly went into her father's office. The office was dark but there was some light from the small window. There was a large bookshelf by the left side of the office while by the right side was a row of file cabinets. Far from Lizzy was a giant wooden desk facing her along with a large swivel chair. Lizzy walked to the desk and opened the drawer. She delightfully found her small charger and  she also found a paper covered in magazine letters. Lizzy could barely read the paper and all she could read is this sentence, "I know Lizzy and Anna". Someone snatched the paper from her and her heart skipped a beat.
"If you want more supplies, just ask me for more," her father said.
"I am just getting my charger," Lizzy replied.
"Really? You should be careful with your charger. It can get lost easily," her father warned.
"Don't worry, it won't," she happily replied, "By the way, is that letter from one of your workers?"
He nervously replied, "Um maybe? Just go back to bed. It's for the best to forget about this."
"But-" she said.
"Don't worry about the letter. You know what? Go back to bed," her father interrupted, "Night!"
Her father gently pushed Lizzy out of his office and closed the door immediately. Lizzy was very confused why he was nervous about the paper. She wanted to know but she reluctantly listened to her father's words and went to bed. She hoped the paper wouldn't bring harm to him.
Lizzy woke up frightened from a clamorous scream and a booming gunshot. She hid under her bed and stayed quiet. All she could hear was her mother crying and a squishing noise. "No please! Just don't kill her! Please!" her mother pleaded. Lizzy then heard some thumps that sounded like something rolling over the floor like a ball. Lizzy held her tears to keep herself quiet. She wondered what was going on.
After the moment of silence, she got out of her bed and thought of an escape plan. Lizzy grabbed all the blankets, sheets,  and pillow cases she could find. She created her own rope, but it was still not long enough to escape safely. She also couldn't escape through her window since it was locked up by her parents to keep her safe from falling. She could break the window but the noise might alert the intruder. Lizzy took the rope with her and crept quietly into her parents' room.
She opened the door slowly as the moonlight shined into the room. Her legs began to shake and she felt like she was frozen in time. Her tears trickled like rain. Dark, crimson liquid stained the carpet, her mother's sleeping gown, and her mother's face. The body laid right next to the bed, but the head was sitting in the corner of the room. The cold eyes stared at Lizzy. She held her tears not alerting the intruder. Lizzy grabbed all the sheets and blankets to make a longer rope. Lizzy was still trembling in fear and sadness.
Lizzy had enough materials to escape, but she wondered if her father was safe. She tiptoed down the slightly narrow hall and took the stairs. Lizzy exited the stairs and opened the office door slowly. She gasped as the door creaked. "I hope the intruder didn't hear it," she whispered.
Her heart broke into pieces and she cried softly. Lizzy covered her mouth to keep herself quiet. Another body was laying in a pool of dark, crimson liquid. The identity of the corpse was unrecognizable to anyone, but Lizzy knew the identity of the corpse. She wondered why the intruder did this. "You have to stay strong. Mommy and Daddy wanted me to live," Lizzy whispered confidently.
She exited out the room and quickly dashed to the large balcony. Lizzy carefully tied the rope to the fence and began climbing down the rope. Lizzy spotted a window beneath her which caused her to have butterflies in her stomach. "Just go down quickly and don't get caught," Lizzy boldly told herself. Lizzy moved slightly away from the window and proceeded to climb down. After dodging many windows, she finally made it down.
Lizzy snuck into the dense forest while hoping the intruder was still occupying the house. She didn't have any idea how long she traveled... could have been minutes or hours. It was still nighttime.
"I hope I find help," Lizzy nervously said. Her eyes became weary, but she shook her head to keep herself awake. She stumbled upon the small patch of flowers causing her heart to crumble. "Mommy...Daddy...I miss you," she whimpered. Her heart shattered into millions of pieces. She felt alone in the dark.
Suddenly Lizzy felt a push and fell onto the flowers. Lizzy looked at a shadowy figure and the figure stomped on her stomach forcefully. She couldn't breathe nor see the figure's face. Lizzy then saw something that was as sharp as a knife or an axe.
Lizzy cried out to the figure, "Why!?" The object finally swung into her face.
This is a fucking backstory to Little Lizzy on how she actually die and haunting her family's home.
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darkeye5000 · 7 days
Little Lizzy (Character Bio Sheet)
Full Name: Elizabeth Slora Nickname: Little Lizzy, Lizzy Gender: Female Species: Ghost Birthdate: April 28 Birthplace: Aspen, Colorado Death Date: June 12 Age of Death: 4 Cause of Death: murdered by an unknown killer Deathplace: somewhere in White River National Forest
Personality (alive) •sweet •kind •friendly •naïve (dead) •ruthless •vengeful •bloodthirsty -lonely -depressed Likes: •nature •flowers •her parents Dislike: •the murderer -anyone who went to the mansion -hearing insults and hateful comments on her parents Powers/Abilities: •possession •teleportation •scratching •biting •invisibility Mental Disorder: none Hobby: when she was alive, she liked to pick out flowers and enjoy nature. Flaw(s): (alive) she was very naïve, (dead) her anger Weakness: She is unable to control her anger causes her to lose concentration. Goal: kill true murderer to satisfy her vengeance and move on in the afterlife
Height: 3 feet, 3 inches Eye Color: light blue Appearance: (alive) •long black hair •short •skinny •white skin •purple dress •black shoes (dead) She looks the same when she was alive, with a red, vertical, straight line of blood in the middle of her face from forehead to her chin. However when she is really mad, her eyes will turn black with black substance dripping off her eyes, her teeth will become sharp like sharks, her claws will be sharp like tigers, and blood will drool down from her mouth.
Stats: Speed: (normal form)3/10 (angry form) 9/10 Intelligence: (normal form) 7/10 (angry form)2/10 Strength: (normal form) 4/10 (angry form) 10/10
Backstory: Lizzy's father was a really rich man and he and his family owns a mansion near the forest. Lizzy had a good time until both of her parents were murdered. She met the same fate as her parents by an unknown murderer. She now seeks vengeance and haunts the mansion, however she cannot tell what her murderer looks like.
Note: Anyone who went to her mansion will get themselves in trouble.
This is the updated version that has Little Lizzy with the fucking different backstory. Though honestly the fucking different backstory is lot better than that shitty version when Lizzy wanted exact vengeance onto Ticci Toby.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
The Entity
Name: No name Nickname: The Entity Age: j__{[[{\]{~*<£^,£>,~<<£%<+#£%~€%#|€%#|*%~£^<£^<£^,£€<*+^<+*~<€%~£^~£^~^£~£^~^£~ Birth Date: ~£^%~£^~%€~%€#~[]{{{{]]][]}<>€!!!?,...|<€€££¥¥=*^+==^<.£>~£%|%£~£^ Birth Place: Unknown
Personality: <<>€>€?<>%~%~#|{_[][][]][}\|#~%<^^>>*+€|+^{,'
Appearance: •Body Color: black •Eye Color white, black and white if mind controlling his slaves •Height: 3 feet Power(s): •mind control • •
Dislike: •slaves made a mistake or make it mad
Goal: spread negativity throughout the whole world, rule the world, and leaving good people suffer and die in the world of full bad people
Backstory: ghjkhyfsaqqefbhininjojojojjijojipp,l.vvyvygyvyvuhujikhihyvcfseawaesfvvybbunknommoplnjnsswxdcgvjbijojojyoubbyghbhbhjhjhinknojojojknnjnhbggyygftftfvtvgvgvtwillninjnnjnbhffcdrseaeaseknowdctvgvvybybubuhuuhujkkjijktheihihjnjbhbbvcgfcdwqacgvgomkmknnjbbhbtruthnjnjnjbhvgcrswaqswdsxexesoonnjnjnjbugygfgftfftddfguijoko
Note: I put three claws to show it is not a human nor a ghost.
This is actually on fucking purpose to create a disorder character sheet to make Entity a mysterous. Though I fucking haven't remove off the random letters which to confirm that Entity is a shitty demon who likes to feed off negative emotions, it fucking hates positive emotions because it weakens Entity, and Entity is very manipulative and apathetic who don't fucking care for anyone.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
I Regret Watching Them
Why did I watch them? Why didn't I trusted my instincts. I felt like there were something wrong with the videos, but my curiosity got me in the way. I hope I die peacefully.
As I looked through the trending videos to get myself out of boredom, I found two videos that intrigued me. The first video was called "Don't Go There" and the second video was called "Happy Dream Land". At first the first video's title sounded like a click bait but I had an uneasy feeling the meaning of the title. I wonder why it called like that.
I watched the video and regretted watching it probably giving me a nightmare. The audio and visual quality were good which I can see the details clear. The camera person showed plastic statues based on the Disney characters. Woody, Buzz, and Wendy appeared to be lifeless liked a smiling hanging corpses. Their cold dead eyes terrified me. The person showed another statue which was Bullseye. It was weird when the person started banging the statue with a stick. Why would an idiot do that? My humor gone when the voice yelled, Hey! Stop that!" The person turned around and viewed a guy in his mid-30s wearing a Captain America pajama onesie. The guy stared at the person angrily. The guy stilling watching them as they walled backward slowly and ran away quickly which ended the video in static.
I felt creep out after watching this. I didn't want to watch another video but I wanted to know what is Happy Dream Land and who is that creeped. I watched the second video without having second thoughts. It was a different camera person since the position of the camera appear to be shorter than the first camera person. The camera person was facing the dog from the film Up named Dug with two metal walls standing far apart from the statue. They drew closer to the statue and immediately banging it like no tomorrow. Great another idiot. The same creep shouted at them, "Hey! You! Get out!". While the creep observed the statue for any damage, they ran back to the statue and bang it even more. "That's it!" the creep yelled and the video turned static.
After watching the videos I felt goosebumps on my skin and a chill on my spine. What is Happy Dream Land? Who was that creep in the videos? What happened to them? I do not know why but he looked familiar. I then heard the doorbell rang on my front door. Oh cool! My friend is here.
This is actually based off a fucking dream I got years ago. It actually frighten me which I thought it would be a good short story to write it up in.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
Metum Bio Sheet (under construction)
Full Name: Mary Hendrox
Nickname: Metum
Species: shadow ghost
Age of Death: 10
Birth Place:
Birth Date: October 10, 1910 10:00 PM
Death Date: October 10, 1920 10:00 PM
I didn't fucking fill in the whole character sheet on Metum which I only got a fucking detail and I forgot fill them in. Though I can give details that she is a shadow ghost who fucking hate her own dad after he sold Metum over to Entity. She can shapeshift except it is not fucking perfect as it always remains red eyes and black body. I gotten inspired by the Wikipedia I fucking read over on shadow people so I thought why not to have Metum as a shadow ghost.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
The Ringmaster (under construction)
Full Name: Nathanial Blackwood
Nickname: The Ringmaster
Age: Unknown
Species: Undead
Gender: Male
Birth date: Unknown
Birthplace: New York City, New York
Death date:  July 13, 1888
Death place: Unknown
Cause of Death: fire accident
Goal: bring his dead girlfriend and the baby back to life by working for the Entity
<Mental Disorder</b>: (can't think of any, need to research)
• Margaret (alive)
• hurting his victims and circus workers
• breaking their sanity to his victims and circus workers
• working for the Entity
• making his master mad
-modern culture
-his victims or circus workers make him angry
-Hair Color: black
-Eye Color: green
-black and grey hat with white feather
-dark brown gloves with golden buttons
-black tie
-grey pants
traditional, dark red circus ringmaster outfit
-white skin
•Speed: 5/10
•Intelligence: 9/10
•Strength: 5/10
-9 feet long whip
-manipulation tricks
Backstory: Nathanial lived in the city of New York and worked in a factory as a child. He then started to own a traveling circus at the age of 20. He had a girlfriend who worked in his circus named Margaret. They loved each other until there was a fire accident during the performance. Nathanial tried to rescue Margaret from the fire. Before they died she revealed to him she's pregnant. The Entity resurrected him and stripped out his emotions making him not feel empathy. Nathanial became the Ringmaster and can't feel love for Margaret and became sadistic.
Note: I can't describe the outfit specifically, luckily I drew the picture of him.
This is a fucking old version of the character sheet on the Ringmaster. I haven't completed it yet since I didn't fucking replace the information with the Unknown fact.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
Little Lizzy (OLD VERSION)
Full Name: Elizabeth Slora Nickname: Little Lizzy, Lizzy Gender: Female Species: Ghost Birthdate: April 28 Birthplace: Aspen, Colorado Death Date: June 12 Age of Death: 4 Cause of Death: murdered by Ticci Toby Deathplace: somewhere in White River National Forest Personality (alive) •sweet •kind •friendly •naïve (dead) •ruthless •vengeful •bloodthirsty -lonely -depressed Likes: •nature •flowers •her parents Dislike: •Ticci Toby •Ticci Toby's allies or anyone who try to save him from Lizzy Powers/Abilities: •possession •teleportation •scratching •biting •invisibility Mental Disorder: none Hobby: when she was alive, she liked to pick out flowers and enjoy nature. Flaw(s): (alive) she was very naïve, (dead) her anger Weakness: She is unable to control her anger causes her to lose concentration. Goal: kill Ticci Toby to satisfy her vengeance and move on in the afterlife Height: 3 feet, 3 inches Eye Color: light blue Appearance: (alive) •long black hair •short •skinny •white skin •purple dress •black shoes (dead) She looks the same when she was alive, with a red, vertical, straight line of blood in the middle of her face from forehead to her chin. However when she is really mad, her eyes will turn black with black substance dripping off her eyes, her teeth will become sharp like sharks, her claws will be sharp like tigers, and blood will drool down from her mouth. Stats: Speed: (normal form)3/10 (angry form) 9/10 Intelligence: (normal form) 7/10 (angry form)2/10 Strength: (normal form) 4/10 (angry form) 10/10 Backstory: Lizzy had a normal life in Aspen until she died by Ticci Toby along side her family. She doesn't have any mental illness nor bad history with her family or one of her parents. She went to the forest for summer vacation. Ticci Toby killed her and her family for trespassing Slender Man's territory. Now she is a vengeful ghost and vow to kill him. Note: TOO DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're an ally with Ticci Toby, you're in trouble.
It is only some fucking old character sheet on Little Lizzy before I was being told it is a lot more like Jane the Killer as Jane wanted to fucking kill off Jeff the Killer since Lizzy wanted to kill off Ticci Toby. So I fucking change it up on Lizzy's backstory to make it her own.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
Metum Summoning
Do you desire a wish that you are yearning for like fame, power, and wealth? Or you want to do this for fun? Then this is the perfect summoning for you. Ten people have to form in a circle and chant the summoning at 10:00 PM. There will be greater results if the ritual is perform on October 10 at 10:00 PM. Sume animos, ut nos pati possumus timentes. Servi tui sumus usque ad mortem. Singulos dies donec moriamur omnes quidem resurgemus. Tantum in felici sunt, et insanient a facie. Amplectere metus.
It is fucking related off to summoning Metum the shadow ghost. It is fucking part of the story when group of teenagers try to summon Metum to make their wishes comes true which is actually just bullshit.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
Time can control everything. Time control time. Time make good things and bad things. Time make everything happen. Time make the future for good and evil. We cannot control time. We cannot stop time or slow it down. Time keep moving so fast we don't have so much to finish everything. But we have time to finish making a future.
I created this fucking poem when I was young. Yes it is not a great poem, I was young alright.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
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Lotus Zodiac Wheel of Witchcraft
I actually fucking practice off in witchcraft magick such as astrology and moon magick in my practice. I gotten interested in studying the Zodiac signs along with tarot cards and crystals which that fucking art piece reflected off the four suits: sword, cups, wands, and pentacle. Those four suits not only show up in the tarot cards but also as the witchy tools connected to the four elements. Basically I am a fucking Wiccan/moon/astrology/tarot/crystal witch cunt.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
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The Wolf Snarl
It is a fucking vent art of a wolf baring its teeth snarling telling everyon to shut their fucking crappy mouths up. If nobody shut the fuck up, then the shitty wolf would rip off everyone's head off.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
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Deviant Art's Birthday (DeviantArt Reupload)
Not going to fucking make anyone puking out rainbows
DeviantArt was fucking give out a template for everyone to color to celebrate its birthday back in 2016. I fucking fill in the colors even I notice the candle numbers, pencils, and the spray can. I even added in the color pattern black and white into the fucking template.
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darkeye5000 · 8 days
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Happy Pride Month 2022 (DeviantArt Reupload)
Not going to fucking make anyone puking out rainbows
I know I fucking misspell the word pride when making this. It was back in fucking 2022 as this is actually my first pride art. I am actually a shitty bi trans man asshole.
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