#alternative scene
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mystic-sn0w · 2 years ago
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mxmorbidmidnight · 3 months ago
Accessible and affordable goth dress
Oftentimes “alt” clothes from specifically goth or alternative stores are incredibly expensive and also rare to find. Here’s how to dress goth with general resources from everyday stores that shouldn’t cost ridiculous amounts. Goth is about the music but if you do choose to dress in the style here are some easy and cheap items that paired with really any black clothing can make a goth ensemble.
• fishnets for the arms, hands and legs. Wear fishnets under shirts, skirts, shorts, ripped jeans, and as gloves etc. you can get fishnets from party/dollar stores/costume stores.
• belts of any kind, they don’t have to be “gothy” belts whatever you can get your hands on can work. Browse around at local normal clothing stores and second hand stores. Some things you can try are:
- layering multiple belts
- Hanging necklaces, fake pearls, scarves or chains off the belts
- wearing belts over the shoulder and in areas beside the waist.
• knee high socks and stockings are an accessible staple that I find to come in handy often. You can customise these by cutting holes in them. Old socks can be made into gloves.
• cutting holes into plain clothing/adding clothespins.
• leggings/stockings can have holes cut or other patterns to make really cool accessories. I like to wear fishnets underneath stockings with holes cut in them.
• fake plastic pearls from the dollar store (I wear them as necklaces, hair accessories, bracelets, around the waist as a belt)
• cheap Halloween costume supplies can often have black gloves, fake pearl necklaces and other such things that can be utilised. You can also get face paint from here for relatively cheap.
• pick up jewlerry chains, hooks and blank earrings so you can make your own jewlerry out of recycled things and other bits you find around
• to do goth makeup without scouring the internet and spending a fortune you can go to just about any local store, get black eye makeup (eyeliner, eyeshadow) and red lipstick.
• eyelash glue is what I use to glue stuff to my face for makeup looks. Items such as flowers, rhinestones, leaves I’ll attach to my face to further elevate my makeup.
• rhinestones and similar craft supplies can be utilised.
• black nail polish.
• if you have jewlerry layer it up (lots of earrings, necklaces at once). Those sort of “old lady” necklaces you can get from second hand stores and beaded necklaces you can make at home are great accessories.
• I wrap string around my arms as an extra layer of accessory.
•old clothes that are damaged or broken can be cut up and used as new materials
• a comb and the strongest hairspray you can get your hands on. spray it on and back comb, no need for anything fancy. Even a hairbrush could do. You don’t need a “goth” hair styling tool necessarily.
• a white blouse (see Robert smith). You can further personalise the blouse by adding stains, holes, pins and tears.
• black shoes of some kind, they don’t need to be goth shoes, any black shoes you can get your hands on. I’ve used school shoes in goth outfits before
• lots of black skirts in different lengths can be layered instead of buying a full Victorian goth dress or skirt
• leg warmers (if you can find them)
• random fake leather peices from second hand stores can be really helpful when styling. Rather than buying about a million different things or a really expensive Victorian blouse get a fake leather jacket second hand. From there you can layer it with anything. (Same goes for leather skirts).
• cross jewlerry (easier to find then ankhs, bats, pentacles, etc). Second hand stores are great for this, anywhere that old ladies donate their old stuff will be your best friend.
• goth as an off shoot of punk is about diy and artistic expression, I do not think goth fashion should have parameters. Do as you like and steadily develop your own style.
• the spiked hair and white base is not an essential part of being goth. If you like the white face paint then wear it, if you don’t wear it that’s completely fine as well.
• POC are a major and vital part of the goth subculture. Dark skin tones and textured hair do not make someone less goth. Many trad goth style icons were people of colour. To claim that a person must be pale and have hair spiked into a bats nest to be gothic is not only wrong but racist.
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whxre-moans · 2 years ago
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Your pussy is mine 😘
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Finallyyyyy! It's not the exact shade I envisioned, it's still fairly red. But, if I want that exact color I'd have to lighten my hair and I'm not interested in bleaching it rn. At the moment I'm obsessed with it, but I was when I first dyed it red too. I feel like I'll still play around with colors/styles a bit over the next yearish. I have a feeling in the end I'll have to use some bleach. I'm going to test out self tanning as well since I feel dark colors can sometimes make me look sickly in an unflattering way. I know alt aesthetics are about breaking rules, but I don't want to have people asking if I feel okay lol. Even with my hair natural I get so pale in the winter I had a Dr prescribe me iron pills even though my iron wasn't that low because I was so pale he thought I was anemic.
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mcdinoblogalt62 · 7 months ago
It’s 2:30am currently, what should I be doing?- Sleeping-
What I ended up doing instead-
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An Alternative version of the scene where Wander objects Hater and Sylvia’s Wedding, even though Wander wasn’t dating Sylvia yet, He got jealous so he objected the wedding to claim to be Sylvia’s “girlfriend” so she wouldn’t be married to Hater
(I have never drawn Hater or Peepers before- lol)
[Au made by @celebi9 / Inspired from @woyroleswitchau ]
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mtonino · 1 year ago
Alternative scene of The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962) Joseph Green
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chicalepidoptera · 2 years ago
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Alternative first date scene where Nicki actually orders dinner and watches hungry Lestat eat. (Inspired by the first episode of Lambs of Gods)
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loubella77 · 2 months ago
18+ MDNI
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I just wanna suck a dick in this snow.
Free OF with pay per post nudity
I take CashApp, OF, Venmo, and certain gift cards for payment :)
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campterodactyl · 2 years ago
Alternative flogging scene.. Don’t… ask… why …. (But blame the discord server and @luxshine… she made me)
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pathim · 6 months ago
Anyone at the venue : I like noise music
Me : So you like NOISE MUSIC ? I don't know anything about NOISE MUSIC. All I know is that my SIBLING, who is the NICEST AND COOLEST PERSON YOU'LL EVER MEET, has a NOISE BAND. Do you wanna HEAR ABOUT IT ? It is called TEMPESTAIRE. Do you wanna hear me talk about TEMPESTAIRE for the next TWENTY MINUTES ?
(Also here is Tempestaire)
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hufflestuff518 · 1 year ago
My first fic I've ever written. An alternative scene to Alex and Henry in the hospital closet. Check it out!
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firsttransfootman · 2 years ago
Okay, I know I wrote in my description that I'm currently in Shadow and Bone phase. But my first post here just needs to be about my first love - The Walking Dead. And because I'm nerd, I need to show this here.
    So...if you also was watching TWD episode by episode every week when it was released, you for sure remember the break between seasons and half season. Always around 4 months and of course, there were a lot of leaks, photos from drones and rumors.
    It was the first quarter of 2017 (omg it was 6 years ago) and we got this leak. I couldn't find it on the internet and on my phone I only got the Spanish version. Basically it means "In the 13 episode we will get a reveal that Paul "Jesus" Rovia is homosexual". In the show it was actually changed and we got a reveal in episode 14, bcs of the switch between 13 and 14 episodes (for people who don't remember that were 2 episodes which were both  happening at the same time but in two different places and which was first doesn't really matter).
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So it's around a month or two before the premiere of season 7B. I'm 15 and I can't stop thinking about what they are going to do. I write some propositions and I'm gonna share them now with you guys. Some of them contain minor spoilers from the comic books.
   1 . Somebody is gonna fall from him. I was 15, in denial that I'm mostly gay and just thought "It's Tom Payne, everybody finds him super attractive, right?". So, in my mind, some character would just develop a crush on him or fall in love. Of course, female character, maybe some dramatic kiss scene when he needs to take a step back and say "I'm sorry, but it's not gonna work". I didn't have anybody particular in mind for this. but it was still an option. 
   2. Similar to the first one but just looking for comfort. I started reading more comics. and if somebody didn't read comics, we got a lot  more  friends with benefits and "lovers" (meaning only bed lovers, not really relationships). Michonne was literally trying to sleep with every black guy in comics. So I was thinking maybe Sasha or Maggie would need some comfort after what Negan did and he would just be there for them. Even if they didn't try to sleep with him, maybe some cuddling and him saying this just to be sure they don't want anything more. Maybe before this some typical TV scenes after which people ship them a little bit or something.
   3. Some gay comfort scene with Daryl, Aaron, Eric or four of them. If anybody don't know this - there are rumors that Daryl was supposed to be gay and reveal of it was planned for season 3 or something around but they resigned of this concept (probably gonna write more about this someday). Anyway, I was thinking about a couple of options here:
    3.1. Jesus having amazing gay radar and just goes to talk with Daryl in casual  acting like it's obvious. He would panic and, you know, be grumpy about that OR which I actually think would actually be  the best way - also act like this is basic knowledge. People would be so freaking mad.
   3.2. Some deep conversation between him and Daryl, their backstory, of course, mostly Paul doing the talking and some sentences like "I don't know why I'm saying this to you . We don't really know each other".
   3.3. Some fluff comfort scene with Aaron and Eric, maybe even play it as a joke with their iconic sentence from a comic book. So in the comics, Aaron, after Eric died, says something about them being their last gays in the world. Like can you imagine a scene like that:
J: "So you live in this house?"
A: "Yeah, almost from the start."
E: "Two last gays in the world."
J: "So I would be third."
A: ...
E: ...
J: ...
D: "Forth!"
T: "Why people always forget lesbians?"
   4. Alex! Yeah, for people who didn't read comics or did it some time ago and don't remember Alex is Jesus' lover and nurse in Hilltop. In the comics, we got reveal in the way that when Paul is in Hilltop, Alex comes to his room and asks him to cuddle and read with him. With time, it's clear that Alex wanted something more and Paul just didn't feel it. They eventually split apart, Alex got a boyfriend and hopefully happy ever after. Anyway, this would be cool. Some one-sided love, an amazing example of the fact that being gay doesn't mean somebody would fall for every guy and it's a good example of grey side of Jesus bcs he really isn't honest with Alex and doesn't treat him like he should. Also, we would get a nurse, which would be cool bcs in the show I sometimes feel like they forgot that doctors aren't the only people who work in healthcare. Like paramedics and nurses exist.
   5. Like literally anything other than what we get. Don't get me wrong - this scene with Maggie is cute, but because it's the only scene about that, I needed something more. If he eventually got a romantic or bed partner I wouldn't say anything, but after he died people all over the internet literally arguing that he wasn't gay on a TV show bcs nobody remembers this scene. It was a pre-credits scene which you could really easily skip and you didn't know you had missed anything.
    I think they know they have Aaron and Eric so they don't want to have another gay couple (so Alex wasn't an option) and want this to be quiet. It was just a preparation for the future Aaron and Paul, which we never get. It's really sad bcs after this, Paul was literally cut off the series, being in a couple of episodes per season to the point when actor just don't wanna be part of it anymore (and I can't blame him). Even after that, they didn't have enough courage to make him and Aaron officially a couple of lovers. We only got suggestions and baits but nothing official.
    I would really like to read a fanfiction about any of the options which I wrote above. In the meantime, have an amazing weekend and to the next!
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everoutoftouch · 11 months ago
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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littlemisinterpreted · 2 months ago
if music is in my veins then what pours out when i tear myself apart
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loubella77 · 2 months ago
I’m so stupid omg
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hansoeii · 3 months ago
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