robert7979 · 3 months
New Post has been published on Budowa i remont
New Post has been published on https://remont.biz.pl/dom-i-ogrod/trzy-kroki-do-idealnego-ogrodu-jak-zaaranzowac-przestrzen-wokol-domu/
Trzy kroki do idealnego ogrodu. Jak zaaranżować przestrzeń wokół domu?
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Trzy kroki do idealnego ogrodu. Jak zaaranżować przestrzeń wokół domu?
Posiadanie własnego ogrodu to spora odpowiedzialność, jednak korzyści płynące z tej opcji zdecydowanie przeważają nad wadami. Sam ogród można zaaranżować na wiele różnych sposobów, jednak tylko odpowiednie działania pozwolą uzyskać wymarzony efekt końcowy. Oto trzy kroki do idealnego ogrodu, z którymi musisz się zapoznać!
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viceroy-jericho · 6 months
For Warhammer ask. Q: What do you think of Altani? How close did you become during your imprisonment?
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«‘I have come for you.’
Overseer Mnemoc’s first word after awakening is a single syllable. He asks what many men in his position might well ask. ‘Why?’
His first word is also his last. Sevatar collars him with his own lash, garrotting the helpless man with the same weapon Mnemoc used to beat the youngest member of his choir until her spine gave out.
Jago Sevatarion is an experienced murderer, well familiar with the force required to kill a man in any way the mortal mind can imagine. He strangles the master of astropaths slowly, lovingly, his gene-enhanced muscles barely straining, using just enough strength to drag out the execution without breaking the psyker’s neck.»
(Aaron Dembski-Bowden. The Long Night.)
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magnifigal · 1 year
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A long time ago I did a comic about Jago gifting Altani a plush crow. I decided to do a reboot! Colored and everything!
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nevesmose · 5 months
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A world not yet calling itself Terra. The Western Front, 916.M2.
An experiment for me in a lot of ways - writing a different style, using canon NL characters, fitting them into a historical AU, using a twist ending. Done in part as a test run for an original vampire-related project that I'm considering setting in a similar time period. Enjoy! 🦇
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lamodechicsworld · 1 month
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Barbara Palvin, photographed by George Livieratos, hair by Gabriel Georgiou, makeup by Dimitra Altani for Numero Russia, September 2021
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consumebread · 2 years
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floofangel · 3 months
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Me, my wife, and her giant carbuncle
Been a while since I doodled Khaidai lol
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ghostlude · 9 months
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hey. hey tataru, get inside right fucking now.
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sharenadraculea · 18 days
Sevatar, Rushal and Altani found-family surprisingly well
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averaillisa · 4 months
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more ffxiv doodles ft. my girl Altani
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writerrayart · 2 months
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Artfight attack 31: Kame Mihata for @wrymbloods and Willow Altani (my oc)
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imadetoe · 20 days
FF14 Cheesed by xanroth
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veryredgir · 5 months
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A Rose that never withers.
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magnifigal · 1 year
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here it is!!!!
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crystalmarred · 3 months
“want to do something stupid to take your mind off all this?” ( altani for tataru c: )
MEME ⇢ @palisadae
It was difficult to mask her disappointment. Impossible, even. Tataru hated it every time the others went off on another adventure, left her behind by way of her being unable to fight. What she would not give to have even a modicum of talent when it came to combat...
Her shoulders sagged and her face fell. Her heart ached at the thought of them going where she could not.
But the approach of one of the other Scions was enough for her to push aside her worries, if only for a moment, to deal with whatever ail might have befallen her—except as she opened her mouth to greet Altani Qihoh, she was beaten to it.
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"Something stupid?"
She laughed, unable to help the way it tumbled from her lips. It seemed even the Scions she didn't help the most took notice of how she felt with such ease... It made her feel as lucky as it did silly for always coming back to that familiar feeling of being sidelined for near enough to entire adventures.
Tataru Taru had plenty skills, but not the ones she truly wished she had, for the sake of the very people that had sometimes risked their own life to save hers.
"Did you have something in particular in mind, Altani?"
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altaniadventures · 24 days
Prompt #3: Tempest
Submit your entry here: https://forms.gle/jDWjFKfmeaGnH3PL9
#FFxivWrite2024 is underway – a daily writing challenge presented to the Final Fantasy XIV writing community for the month of September. You can join any time throughout the challenge with any prompt number! Entries can be written on any online writing platform (tumblr, Archive of our Own, Google Docs, etc.). Submit the link and be sure that I have reading access. Reminder: The 24-hour deadline does not go into effect until September 8th at 12:00 pm PDT. Check you entries here in the Public Spreadsheet
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2024 || kofi
Dawntrail Spoilers, ye be warned.
Prompt #3: Tempest
She was just sitting in the rain. G'raha watched her sit on the dock at the end of the inn pier for a long time as the storm beat down.
The rest of the scions still in Tuliyollal had wanted to grab a meal together. It started raining soon after his search began. He was betting that dinner had been cancelled. No one had come looking for him.
She was still as beautiful as the day the door closed on him. Things were never the same between them after that. He waited over a hundred years for her, but she slipped out of his hands just as easily as she had slipped into them.
She was different now. Yes, she wore the same black braids as always even if the beads were different. Her skin was the same velvety purple. Her eyes were not the same.
Right now they were closed, but those blue-rimmed violets had a sadness to them that rivaled a dragon's sorrow.
"I know you're there," Altani said, eyes still closed.
G'raha walked over and sat down next to her. "Warrior's instinct?" he asked with a smile.
Altani shrugged, avoiding looking at him. "Au ra hearing. And just because you're old as fuck now doesn't mean you ever stopped with your bad habits. Your tail shifts when you're thinking."
"Old in spirit, but technically young in body," he corrected. "So why are we sitting in the rain?"
She didn't move for a long moment. He thought that she might not have heard his question, but she finally answered.
"I was thinking about memories ever since we fought Robot Woman," she said. "And of course, that led me to you. What we did to you. I put the memories of the Exarch in you without asking. I wanted him to live. I wanted him to go on an adventure with me." Her eyes started to well up. She grimaced and took a deep breath, trying to force the tears back. "I just. I just need to know if you hate me for it. If I made the wrong choice."
G'raha took her hand. "If I could take the memories of every version of myself that had memories of you, I would," he replied. "Damn all the other G'rahas."
Altani stopped sniffling and stared in shock at him. She shoved him in disbelief. "Raha, that's insane! What the hell is wrong with you?"
He shrugged. "If they have some piece of you that I don't have, I want it. Since we're all the same, I'm sure they'd all agree." He reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek. "To know you is to love you. Any choice that lets me know you more could never be wrong in my eyes."
Altani wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. The rain finally stopped. The sun began to peek out from behind the clouds, clearing up the skies.
G'raha patted her back gently as he held her. At last, the storm was finally over.
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