#also ty everyone who tried to cheer me up
galactic-rhea · 19 days
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They love each other so much.
They can't properly hug because Luke would just pass through him, but they kept trying for decades
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1onescu · 3 months
ok lolol this is kinda cliche but. i think it's cute still! can i request an ayanna x ballerina reader?? like the reader cld be a ballerina who's friends with azzi and she basically tries to teach the girls a class and ayanna is like crushing lol. and it would be cute cuz the reader knows ayanna is crushing and keeps teasing her. ok ty! sorry for the yap session.
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𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 - ayanna patterson
The sun was setting over Storrs, Connecticut, casting a golden hue over the UConn campus. In the Huskies’ practice gym, the usual sound of squeaking sneakers and bouncing basketballs was replaced with the graceful strains of classical music. Today was different. Today, the women's basketball team was trading their jerseys for leotards and tights.
"Alright, gather 'round!" Azzi clapped her hands, trying to get the attention of her teammates. "Today’s practice is going to be a little different. Today, Y/N here is going to teach us some ballet."
Y/N, a ballerina with a graceful poise and a warm smile, stepped forward. "Hi, everyone! This should be fun. Ballet is great for flexibility, balance, and control—all things you can use on the court."
Ayanna's face warmed up as Y/N looked around the circle of athletes. She had been nursing a crush on Y/N ever since Azzi had introduced them. Today, Ayanna felt both excited and nervous; she wanted to impress Y/N but was also worried about making a fool of herself.
Kk, nudged Ayanna. "You ready to pirouette, Yanna?"
Ayanna rolled her eyes, felling the heat warm up her face. "Shut up, Kk."
Y/N began with some simple stretches, guiding the team through each movement with patience. "Remember, it's all about control. Feel the stretch but don't push too hard."
Paige,her competitive self, tried to match Y/N’s flexibility, earning a chuckle from Ice. "Careful, Paige. You don’t want to pull something."
Nika, with her usual energy, was attempting every move with gusto, even if her form was far from perfect. "This is harder than it looks!" she exclaimed, wobbling on one leg.
Kk was having a hard time taking it seriously. She mimicked Y/N's moves in an exaggerated manner, earning laughs from the team. "Kk, you’re supposed to be a swan, not a chicken," Y/N told her.
"Hey, chickens can be graceful too!" Kk shot back, flapping her arms wildly and clucking.
Y/N tried to maintain her composure. "Alright, let’s try some partner work. Yanna, why don't you come up here and help me demonstrate?" Y/N asked her, as she flashed her million dollar smile.
Ayanna’s heart skipped a beat. "Uh, sure."
They moved to the center of the room, and Y/N guided Ayanna through a series of simple steps. "Just follow my lead," Y/N said, giving Ayanna an encouraging smile.
Kk, unable to resist, started humming a romantic tune, earning a few giggles from the team and a glare from Ayanna. Paige joined in, pretending to be an opera singer, her off-key notes echoing through the gym.
"Alright, Kk, Paige, pair up let's see you try it," Y/N said, grinning.
The gym filled with laughter and the occasional yelp as the basketball players tried their best to mimic the elegant movements. Y/N moved around the room, offering tips and encouragement, but she couldn’t help but keep an eye on Ayanna, who was doing surprisingly well.
"You’re a natural, Yanna," Y/N said as she passed by, giving her a teasing smile. Ayanna’s heart soared at the compliment.
Nika, meanwhile, was struggling to balance on one leg. "This is impossible! How do you make it look so easy?"
Ice tried to help, but her idea of assistance was to lift Nika off the ground. "See? Now you don't have to balance at all!"
Nika flailed in Ice's arms. "Put me down, Ice!"
Kk and Paige, having given up on actual ballet, started a comedic rendition of Swan Lake, complete with dramatic flops and exaggerated twirls. "Look at us, we're prima ballerinas!" Paige announced, pretending to faint into Kk's arms.
"Encore!" Y/N cheered, doubling over with laughter.
"Alright, everyone, let's settle down a bit," Y/N said. "Let's focus on some basic jumps next. They're great for building power in your legs."
Kk immediately jumped into action, leaping around like a kangaroo. "How's this for power?" she shouted mid-air, nearly colliding with Paige, who ducked just in time.
"Kk, we’re not trying to fly here," Y/N said, laughing.
The team lined up, attempting the jumps with varying degrees of success. Ayanna, focused on impressing Y/N, put in extra effort. Y/N noticed and decided to have a little fun.
"Looking good, Yan," Y/N said as she passed by, giving her a teasing smile once again. Y/N walked over to Yanna bringing her to the center again, Kk couldn’t help herself. "Cue the romantic music!" she called out, earning more laughs and a mock bow from Paige.
Y/N guided Ayanna through a series of turns. "Just remember to spot," she said, demonstrating the technique. "It helps you keep your balance and direction."
Ayanna tried to follow Y/N’s instructions, her eyes meeting Y/N’s with each turn. "Like this?"
"Perfect," Y/N said, giving her an approving nod.
As the class progressed, the team grew more comfortable with the movements. There were plenty of mishaps—Paige accidentally kicking Nika, Ice tripping over her own feet, and Kk’s ongoing comedic commentary—but everyone was having a great time.
By the end of the session, the team was exhausted but smiling. They gathered in a circle, panting and laughing. "Thanks, Y/N. That was amazing," Azzi said, clapping her on the back.
"Yeah, we should do this more often," Paige added, stretching out her sore muscles.
Y/N walked up to Ayanna and smiled, a playful glint in her eye. "You did great, Yanna. Maybe we can have a private lesson sometime?" Ayanna’s eyes widened, and she stammered, "Uh, yeah, I’d like that."
Kk, overhearing, couldn’t resist one last tease. "Looks like someone’s got a new favorite sport."
Y/N and Ayanna both laughed, and Ayanna felt her nervousness melt away. Maybe this crush wasn’t so one-sided after all.
As the team left the gym, Ayanna found herself walking beside Y/N. "So, about that private lesson…"
Y/N grinned. "How about tomorrow after practice?"
"Sounds perfect."
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chelemlem · 8 months
For the prompts: 5 times Oscar takes care of Lando and 1 time Lando takes care of him Back!
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ty anon! hope u don't mind that i combined 2 prompts + made it LOVE ISLAND AU ↓ (why is this 1k)
"Watch your step," their driver says sharply, half a second before Lando's loafers slip on a particularly wet patch of earth climbing out the car.
"Cheers, mate," Lando says, heart thundering. Jesus. Fine way to start off his reality T.V career. Week one and out of the running 'cause he split his head open on some fucking rocks. 
Lando extracts his fingers from around the guy's bicep. Huh, not bad. He wasn’t trying to cop a feel, but.
And he’s back to squinting at something on his digital notebook. Pale and rumpled, he looks out of place in the Majorca sunshine. There's a subtle furrow between his brows, like he’s got a long list of tasks to get through, and Lando’s just the first.
"That was close," George fusses, strategically sliding an arm around Lando's shoulder in a way that both highlights their height difference and show off his delts. One of those posh Cotswold types; harmless enough. Lando'd picked him for his first date because at the end of the day, they wanted the same thing—to win.
"Yeah, scary," Lando blinks up at him. Giggles for the cameras.
Lando's going to quit. 
Or like. Sue someone. He stares down at his pre-packaged meal, stomach turning. This was the one thing, the one thing he listed as part of his dietary restrictions, and still—
A shadow falls across his lap.
"Here," the PA from before says. Brown hair, thighs. Oscar?
Lando eyes the unmarked takeaway box hovering in front of him with suspicion. It smells okay. And anything's better than fish.
"Chicken rice," Oscar clarifies, handing him a spoon to match. "Thai okay?"
Oh. Lando gives him a smile, small but genuine. So someone did read the profile they made him write. Who would've thought?
Oscar clears his throat. "If you need anything else, just—I'll be over there."
He hightails it to where Luisa and the other girls are holding court around the firepit, sliding his headset back on as he goes. Nice arse too. 
Crew aren't allowed to speak to the islanders, if Max’s rudimentary Reddit trawl is to be believed, but whatever. Lando's not one for rules anyway.
He tucks into his chicken rice and tries to think of other things he needs. 
"There's a new bombshell arriving today," Oscar casually lets slip at mic-up. Quietly, under his breath.
The fuck? It's only been forty-eight hours since Nyck got here. Or maybe longer—who the fuck knows with the way time passes in the villa. There's nothing to do but tan and flirt, the sun setting on the same listless, lazy day forever. Forever. 
But more importantly—
"They hotter than me?"
Oscar's face does this put-upon little thing before sliding back to neutral. Instead of responding, he winds the mic pack around Lando's waist, bending down to secure it at his hips. 
Lando knows how to do it himself by now. Oscar knows Lando knows.
"By a fair bit, I reckon," he says finally, and escapes before Lando can call him a liar. 
"Also, you've got a terrible poker face. At least pretend to be touched when he surprises you with breakfast." 
"He made me eggs and toast, mate. Not exactly Michelin-star, is it?" Or chicken rice, for that matter.
Oscar sighs. "Next week's vote's going to the public. Just so you know."
Lando's not worried. He's survived this long—longer than Daniel, even, who won fan favourite, week two—so clearly there's something he's doing right.
He sort of wants out, anyway. He misses his phone. God, he misses sex. Everyone talks a big game, but when it actually comes down to it they're fucking, like, shy about doing it in front of the cameras. And the cameras are bleeding everywhere. Lando would know.
The only reprieve, or something like it, is—Oscar. 
He's not exactly forthcoming with chatter, but through the power of being cute and annoying, Lando learns a lot about him anyway. 
Like how he's a fan of the cricket. And he's got three sisters, none of whom give a fuck about the show. And how apparently being a former cub scout makes him some kind of authority on tying people up. 
"Just saying those knots seemed loose, is all." 
Lando feels a smirk coming on. "Watching, were you?" 
Oscar rolls his eyes. "I review the Hideaway footage to make sure it's fit for broadcast, yes."
"Good job. Really defended my honour there." 
"Fuck off," Oscar says, surprisingly calm for someone with bruises trawling the side of their face.
"Dunno why you thought you could take him. He's got like two stone and six centimetres on you. And Charles heard he's done amateur boxing—"
"Got one decent one in there, at least?"
"Element of surprise, s'all it was."
Lando gives up with the bandages. He has no idea what he's doing—and his hands are shaking too much to be of any real use. Best leave it to medical.
"Oscar," he says, rubbing his eyes. His thumb comes away damp. Christ, this better not end up on telly. "The fuck were you thinking, mate." 
Oscar exhales long and hard. His voice is softer when he says: "Sorry. Wasn't really… thinking."
Lando punches his arm lightly—the good one.
"Next time, just. Ask me out normally, alright?"
"They're not firing me," Oscar's voice sounds stunned through the phone, coloured with relief. It's the most emotion Lando's ever heard out of him. Well, second most. "Did you—?"
"My agent said me and Carlos can call it quits two months after the finale," Lando interrupts. It's important, after all.
There's quiet over the line. He can hear Oscar breathing. In out, in out. 
"And what did you say?"
Lando leans forward, against the dash of his borrowed McLaren. The one he's being paid to drive around in, posting selfies with wine and roses in the passenger's. 
Runner's up is first loser and all that, but. It's still a pretty good deal.
"Told her I'll do two weeks." 
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sokkastyles · 3 months
I don't know, it seems like Azula just wants Ursa to be proud of her coronation and achievements during the war, as "Azula in the spirit temple" also shows:
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Ursa says mostly positive things to Azula, that she's proud of her and that she loves her, but it is Azula who debunks Ursa's line about not wanting to miss her coronation, because she doesn't believe her mother.
I just don't really understand why the line "I love you, Azula, I do" should necessarily be what Azula knows, because of that one line about Mai and Ty Lee?
Azula believes this line because Ursa scolded Azula in her childhood and we see that she, in fact, had succeeded in teaching Azula some morality, but because Ursa and Azula also parted on bad terms and Ursa didn't say goodbye to Azula, it's hard for Azula to believe when Ursa says some positive things to her, like when she says she's proud of her and that she loves her, meaning the only things that are the truth to Azula is criticism.
You're saying not everything the hallucination says is what Azula wants to hear, but why it necessarily should be everything she knows?
Maybe it can be both? Maybe there are some things she knows and some things that she wants to hear?
I never said it had to be one or the other. You did, when you came into my inbox framing your question as a dichotomy. Of course Azula wants her mother to tell her that she loves her, but she also can't admit that to herself, because that means she has to acknowledge that she was forced to choose between her father and her mother in her childhood and that the choices she made hurt other people. She has to acknowledge that love is stronger than fear, and that also means she has to acknowledge her own weaknesses.
You also have to acknowledge the difference in tone in the scene in Sozin's Comet vs the dream Azula has about her family praising her in Azula in the Spirit Temple. In the latter scene, what clues the reader in to the fact that it's not real is how bright and cheerful everything seems, and how that clashes with the reality. We know this is Azula lying to herself and imagining only what she wants to hear, because in reality, her mother and uncle and brother would not be praising her for continuing the war. She imagines everyone smiling and happy, and her brother without a scar, but the scene is perverse, because the reality is that Azula did horrible things, her father did horrible things, and her brother was scarred because he stood up for greater good.
In Sozin's Comet, Azula is immediately suspicious of Ursa because of her own self doubt. The entire scene is about her own inner conflict, the tone is dark and foreboding, and Ursa appears sad even while she appears to be praising Azula, which is meant to show Azula's awareness that she has brought about her own downfall.
Azula wants her mother to tell her she loves her, but she also can't admit this because she believes love is a weakness. When her mother criticizes her for using fear to control people, Azula says fear is the only way, and tries to prove it by saying "even you fear me." When Ursa refutes this, and tells Azula that she loves her, it contradicts everything Azula has wanted to believe about herself. Azula wants to believe she is in control. If Azula admits that she wants and needs her mother's love, and that her mother also loved her, she is not in control. Because her mother is gone, and this is not something she could control. Denying that her mother loved her is a way for Azula to control the situation and a way for her to prove that power is better than love. But Azula knows, deep down, that this is not true, which is why she destroys the image of her mother and weeps at the same time. The scene is meant to tell us that Azula has gotten the power she wants, but she's still not happy, because this has come at the cost of her relationships.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Could u do either pedri or grizi at like a team dinner and like you hanging out with the wags and accidentally finding out something embarrassing about him that happened before they got together pleaseeee
Took Pepi for this one because I have been neglecting him a bit🥴😭 Hope you like this dear anon, tell me what you think of this, please! This is a bit shitty😭
Oh, Really? -Pedri González
Summary: You find something a bit embarrassing of your boyfriend
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The team had won, the guys were excited and cheerful. It was an incredibly game today, 5-1 and the best of all was that you boyfriend, Pedro, or Pedri as he was mostly known, did a doublet, both goals dedicated to you, just like always. You never get tired of it.
The team was on cloud 9 while you and the wags were also excited for your guys, that's how you ended up in a restaurant, celebrating the team's win.
When out of nowhere the guys started pointing out their most embarrassing stories in and out of the field
"Pablo fell on his bum last week for not tying his shoes" The table laughed. That was something everyone predicted but never knew it could happen.
"Why wasn't I there?" You whined making them laugh even more "I knew you didn't knew how to tie them!"
"Shut up!" Pablo said making you laugh "That's a not so embarrassing fact!"
"What's an embarrassing fact, Pablito?" Araujo asked giggling
"Pedri's musical taste!"
"Don't mess up with my boyfriend, Gavira" You threaten "It couldn't be that bad" You look at Pedri who hadn't spoke a word in a while, only laughing but now his look was serious "Wasn't it?"
"I would like to think it wasn't" Pedri mumbled
"You used to listen to Justin Bieber, don't give us that 'I'd like to think it wasn't' kind of shit. That's embarrassing as hell" Ansu said making the whole table laugh as you turned to look at Pedri
"Oh really?" you asked shooked, Pedri didn't speak "No" you said as he smiled lightly "At least tell me you didn't liked Baby"
"It was a hit!"
"Oh my fucking-" You murmured hand going to your face trying not to laugh, the guys were already dying on their spot
"As Long As You Love Me was good too" Pedri said as you shook your head
"No, baby" You murmured "I can forgive his latest songs but that far away?" Pedri looked at you in the eye before shrugging a bit
"Sorry?" He asked as you laughed a little "I don't listen to him in present day"
"No, Pepi. That's your music, sometimes I don't like it but I do respect it" You said "But yeah, thank god you don't"
"We already have enough with your style" Ansu chimed in
"¡Venga tío, joder, tampoco es para tanto!" Pedri complained making the whole table laugh
"Hombre que los skinny's no son tan lindos ya" Ferran said
"But they look good on me!" Pedri exclaimed looking at you
"Cargos and sweatpants are the best tho" You said softly "But I still find you handsome in and with everything, amor" You kissed his lips as the guys started yelling a bit making you separate with a laugh
The theme was closed when the waitress brought over your desserts, you fell into the best dessert you have ever done while eating for a while until you stopped talking, now realizing something.
"You know? Now that I think about it... You do dress up like Bieber back in 2016 sometimes" The whole table laughed histerically once more as you tried to hold back your laughter, keeping eye contact with Pedri.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction
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bibibi-tchx · 4 months
i think tjd should blame becky, not hate love her, for not grabbing the chair quicker when dom slid it to her instead of blaming dom bc it was clear he was tryna helo becky win !!😁
anon iffy iffy biffy
like tjd understand that it wasnt really anyones fault fully, but they also know that they have an emotional lil baby, so that means that it is beckys fault
like hes otw back to go meet with 2/3 cgs, and hes heartbroken. absolutely inconsolable about the fact that mami is gonna be so upset
crying the moment hes picked up from the airport, and ofc they have to do the drive home with finn or damian in the back to make sure he doesnt vomit bcus hes sobbing too much
they try his pacifier, try his stuffed animals and it just aint working- damian even tries singing in the car, but dom has HAD it: them hours of gruesome travelling and then now this???
absolutely broken: then, they try calling rhea who THANKFULLY answers him, and she tries her best as well
and he is snotty behind that pacifier, snuggled up to his daddy in the back of their car whilst damian is RIDDLED with concern, “mami you hate me! you gon hate me!”
rhea looks like shes about to cry as well, which only makes an emotionally distraught tot dominik crumble bcus he thinks mami is upset bcus he made liv win! but no, no, no, dom: “mami’s upset because your upset, baby blue! you know how much mami hates to see her little one cry, itll be okay!” and sure dom knows shes tryna cheer him up bit lil man is in shambles
“no, mama, i cry.” whilst his pacifier is wobbling cus his lips are wobbling and atp everyone is sobbing in the car bcus poor dominik who dont realise that his mami wld do more than kill for him
she even has to whip out her own singing skills which is such a rare occurrence that dominik immediately zips it, staring and sucking on his pacifier in shock as rhea starts to sing to him with a lullaby she knows, and dom is jus listening to her
he ends up falling asleep on the ride home on finns lap (even despite the roof of the car squishing him) bcus of how exhausted he was from the tears, and rhea is distraught as well, just looping twinkle twinkle little star and other lullabies
ty anon <3
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deanscroissant · 1 year
yearning for your love (pat murray x gender!neutral reader)
requested by: @lizardaddams
a/n: i’m literally so sorry that this took me since FEBRUARY to finish?? but honestly thank you for understanding why it took so long. anywho, i hope whoever reads this enjoys it!
requests are closed
warnings: cussing, fluff
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Studying abroad was one of the best experiences of your life. You were majoring in Language Studies in Barcelona to become a Translator & Interpreter. You have a passion for traveling, so you figured going that route was your best choice. But your boyfriend (Mr. 'Uptight' Pat Murray) was concerned about you going abroad. You two had been dating for a year, and when you decided to study abroad for the summer, Pat was devastated. He was sick to his stomach when you told him. He was furious at first, but when you explained to him how important this was for you, he changed his heart.
The day you left was emotional--especially for your family, friends, and Pat. Maintaining a distance relationship for three months while balancing school was hard for you. But somehow, you two were still going strong. It made your relationship more robust than ever.
It was now August, and classes ended in two days. You had just finished your last exam for the semester and couldn't wait to jump back on the plane to see your loved ones. Your friends and family knew you were returning today, but Pat was out of the loop. He knew you weren't coming back until the end of the month. You begged everyone not to tell him anything because you wanted to surprise him at the game. Pat talked about this game for the past couple of weeks and wants you here today to hear your voice in the crowd cheering him and his team on. The guys were also disappointed that you couldn't make it to be their cheerleader. Your support always gave him the most incredible luck (as he would say), but he or the team weren't doing so hot without you here. He texted you that a few minutes after you got off the plane. He tried to be discreet because the guys didn't know you were dating. It wasn't like you two were hiding it from them. You just felt there was no need to unless someone asked you if you were in a relationship. With Pat, he doesn't let anyone know his business unless he's cool with them. He'll tell the guys or whenever you decide to say it to them.
While waiting for your reply, Pat was daydreaming on his phone when Vinnie popped up behind his shoulder, startling the redhead. "The fuck, Vinnie?!"
"Who are you texting there, bud?" He asked before reaching to grab his phone but failed when Pat snatched it away before he could. "Piss off, Vin." He sneered, rolling his eyes as he put his phone back in his sports bag.
"Now you know I can't do that, Pat." Vinnie pouted jokingly, sitting down next to him. "Are you cheating on me?"
Pat tried to ignore Vinnie by focusing on the game, but when he glanced back at him, he cracked a smile. Vinnie hollered excitedly at the action, glad he could still make his friend smile at his shenanigans. As Vinnie walked away to annoy someone else, Pat turned his attention back to the bleachers to find you, only to feel another hit of sadness--forgetting that you were on the other side of the world. He was getting ready to grab his phone again when Ty returned to the dugout. "Murray, you're up!"
It felt like you would never make it to his game, which was pissing you off as time passed. You were waiting for your taxi to show up. Your parents had called one for you an hour ago, but you gave them hell once they showed up late. You weren't usually this rude and cranky, but only having one meal and 2 hours of sleep made you this way. Plane rides made you extremely nervous, especially how you were going to surprise Pat. But that plan was ruined when you just knew there wouldn't be any time left to do so.
You wanted to fight the cab driver once he got to the field. However, it was apparent that the game had ended, and the D-Backs had won. You threw your faire on the front seat and grabbed your things before hastily leaving the car. Searching the crowd for Pat, you instantly spotted him. He was so happy that it made you smile and forget about the hell you went through the past few hours. Unfortunately, you didn't realize Pat's dad was standing beside you to greet you. You kind of just blocked him out, and without thinking, you hopped over the fence and booked it toward him. "PAT!" you shouted.
He was hugging Zapata as you were getting closer. His voice was astronomically loud, and you could hear his conversation, "I'm sorry I threw that so hard! I could have really hurt you!" but he stopped talking when he saw you approaching. He immediately shoved Zapata off him and ran to you, "Y/N!"
Once you two got close, you leaped onto him, wrapping your legs around his waist. Pat wrapped his arms around your waist, buried his face into your neck, and held you tight to him, caressing your head, back, and anywhere his hands could touch you. "Long time no see, honey." He said softly into your ear. You promised you were going to melt even faster in the blazing heat. They both had waited for this moment for so long and hoped that you wouldn't be separated like this again.
"I missed you so much, baby," you said once you pulled away to look at what you would call a beautiful face. Instead, you grabbed it between your hands and smashed your lips into his.
Palacco and Tree just so happened to turn around when they saw you two being intimate, which shocked the hell out of them. "Oh my..." Palacco gasped and looked at Tree, who had the same reaction. "Pat and Y/n are dating?!" Tree exclaimed.
Vinnie jumped and hooted before turning to Ty with his hand out, "Pay up, loser!"
Dells' eyebrows furrowed while watching you two. "How in the hell did we miss that?"
"I don't know," Ty said through gritted teeth as he handed Vinnie his last few bucks from his pocket. "But I'm going to murder them both!"
The guys agreed with Ty and marched over to you and Pat. You two were already laughing since you were the only one who could see them and told Pat what they were saying (because you're an expert at reading lips). You're going to have a ball listening to them harassing you both with a bunch of questions.
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bikananjarrus · 2 months
hello new mutual! <3 what are your top 5 favorite star wars moments (film and/or tv)?
hello!!! 💜 ty for the ask!! 😊 i tried to just go with my first instincts, otherwise i’d be here all day thinking about this lol. also i'm going to cheat and do top 5 movie moments and top 5 tv moments 🤪
top 5 movie sw movie moments:
binary sunset. i mean, how could it not be a favorite moment? the music, luke's face as he looks out at the twin suns setting. that's cinema babey!!
rey using the force to grab anakin/luke's lightsaber out of the snow in TFA. i got full-body chills the first time i saw that.
anakin vs obi wan fight in ROTS. what can i say, it's the best lightsaber fight in the whole saga and it's exhilarating to watch! plus it's bookended by two of the most heartbreaking scenes, and i just love the tragedy lol
jyn and cassian "your father would have been proud" final scene on the scarif beach. like it's.... yeah 😭 the rebellion is about sacrifice but there's still hope and the MUSIC. ahhhhh
leia rescuing han from the carbonite. i think the "who are you?" "someone who loves you" exchange is underrated and i just love the beginning of rotj a lot and this is one of my fave parts <3
top 5 tv moments:
does all of rebels count as a favorite moment? asfsdflsjkl
but seriously, kanan's "i'm about to let everyone in on the secret" jedi reveal moment in the pilot. cheering screaming crying about it, instantly made me fall in love with him
ezra looking up at the vent in the rebels finale, quietly saying "one last time" and well, iykyk. it makes me cry like a baby every time lol. it's a subtle moment, but so impactful!
maul’s speech to ahsoka about the republic falling, combined with his “let me go, let me die! you don’t know what you’re doing! we’re all going to burn, we’re all going to die!” in the phantom apprentice. Again, full body chills, and i so badly wish i could watch that ep for the first time again.
when vader showed up in the village in ep3 of the kenobi show. if i could bottle that emotion, the absolute RUSH i got seeing hayden vader properly again, i’d never have to drink caffeine again lmao
there are so many andor moments i could choose from, but i’m going to go with flying through the eye in ep6. just the way the eye looked in general, they did such an incredible job with that. that scene was just the perfect combo of awe-inspiring, edge-of-your-seat terrifying but exciting, plus nemik’s “climb!” paralleling k2’s 😭 the visuals have stuck with me since i watched that ep
ask me my top 5/top 10 anything!
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fortunefool · 10 months
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hi hello everyone!! im here w yu sera and her luck manip ability!! aka ur rabbit's foot & broken mirror in one! ik ik ... 2 in 1 .... what a steal ! formal descriptions / pages will b coming this weekend!!!
dc is avail. upon req if u prefer it over tumblr ims (which im ok with, btw!!) & like this if u wna put our beasts in some situations (if u want to plot) ! OH! and ty to evry1 who has alrdy reached out!! tw for mentions of : death, murder, drowning, sewer side.
ㅤㅤㅤ 𖹭 ㅤㅤㅤ statistics .
name : yu sera. (유세라)
birthday: 980922. (twenty5)
hometown: yongin, south korea.
education: master degree in nursing, second yr.
residence: yellow hall('s resident advisor)
ㅤㅤㅤ 𖹭 ㅤㅤㅤ biography & co .
you see, sera's life has been L after L after L, back to back
her mother? poor, modest, v excited to have a daughter. her f*ther? HWAKTHU. fluctuating between rich and poor, gambling his life away, alw fucking around, messing w the wrong people, scamming!
scammer on scammer hate crime ensues when a dubious low budget genie irl tells sera's dad "give me all the $$$ u have. but dw dw! i can grant u a wish... such as.... i'll give ur newborn daughter the power of Luck." and he leaves out the part that Luck is bad n good.
and what does her dad do? he listens!!! a born, living, lucky charm? sign him tf up!!!! he waits for sera to be born, tells her mom that he has to leave n he will take sera (so he doesnt have to share the lucky charm yknow), the mom tries to fight for the daughter but... ope... person w money vs person w no money.... yea... head low.
sooooo, she spends her childhood pretty happy. daddy's girl n all! w an ability that she believes to be some form of Good Luck Manip. she sees her dad as the best man in the world and he. loves. it. why? bc it makes her ability v powerful and he keeps on winning, buying expensive things, not being caught etc etc... just living the best life off of sera... but ofc. nothing lasts forever.
sera enters her teenage years and hell breaks loose. she accidentally learns that her mother didnt abandon them (as per her dad's fake sob story), she figures out that her dad is no Fair businessman and it alllll comes crumbling down.
so young and so shaken up with new, different emotions, she quickly learns that she can manifest bad luck as well. luckily(?) for her dad, she was still in denial so the bad luck wasnt strong enough to k*ll him off.... but it did take away all of his riches which cld count as murder in his books. long story short, he becomes a Monster, trashes her things, kicks her out, leaves her out in the street w nothing.
i'll try to make this part rlly brief bc i want her Trauma to be traumaing but i also dont want to get into graphic deets!! couch surfing at a friend. friend dies. parents hate her. sera starts searching for her mom, someone tells her that she's dead. ope... sera tries to end it all bc of that by drowning. randomly gets saved. ends up living w this cute ol lil lady, a retired nurse, who feels like a grandma figure for sera... baow. accidental bad luck manifestation makes them get into an accident, guess who survives thru survival luck and who doesnt. yea....
so ... you may be thinking ... now what. WELL. she hears abt sua ... abt the Patch (one that she cldnt afford/get her hands onto) so she decides well. im sick of being the bad guy (accidentally) all the time, im sick of spiraling, im sick of my ability fluctuating. let me become a nurse and help out! maybe i'll finally get to use my power for proper good this time....
soooooo she tries to cheer up during her uni years. she gets more control over her ability but theres still lots to learn! her emotions still affect her deeply but its no longer THAAAAAAAAT bad.
her goals? become a v v v good nurse. gain complete control over her ability and use it w her job. help ppl w her power. find her mom. and... devious smile..... find her dad to k*ll him w the bad luck.
ㅤㅤㅤ 𖹭 ㅤㅤㅤ ability .
luck manip!!! she can give u good luck or bad luck!!! her eyes turn green when it's good luck & black when it's bad luck! she can touch u, look at u, think of u, it works either way! ofc, she can do more w a touch than w a thought!
she can make you get the luck you need to find your keys or to win the lottery! she can make you spill ur coffee all over ur new clothes or get u vvv sick! anything goes! if it's a casual ez kind of luck (keys, coffee), then she'll need a few moments to regain her energy. if its smth more extreme (lottery, sickness), she needs a few days (even up to a week), to recover!!! the more complex it is, the more it drains her energy!
it's all within d laws of physics & limits of 'reality' ! so she cant get you to magically materialize ur lost keys back and she cant spill invisible coffee on u! ALSO!!! this ability only works in like... idk.... a 100-200 miles radius!
her Survival Luck is also present n exists and she can (and has alrdy) managed to survive a bunch of extreme situations (see above)! however, the Way that she survives it.... out of her control fr.... cld be a scratch, cld be 5 broken bones, not up to sera!
ㅤㅤㅤ 𖹭 ㅤㅤㅤ brief personality .
she's v chill and looooooves helping people!!! not super hyper BUT still a fun girl nonetheless! not boring by any means despite being v toned down and lowkey!
DESPITE the previous bullet point, she is extremely afraid of getting attached to people and LET ALOOOOONE love them so she tries to keep everyone at arms length. why? obv bc of her ability and her fear of not being able to control it properly... she doesnt want another friend + grandma incident.
has a tendency to become mellow / nostalgic and can be caught overthinking... which she tries to do while on that nullivi .... ofc! LDFDFGJJ
ㅤㅤㅤ 𖹭 ㅤㅤㅤ plots .
a few friends????? a few foes?????? a few younger ppl @ yellow hall she's helped out as a resident advisor??? someone who tries to get close to her but shes ADAMANT on not letting that happen?
ppl affected by her good luck..... what abt ppl affected by her bad luck.... ooo swearing up and down that she didnt mean it and it was accidental... cld be true or not. ppl accusing her of using her powers when she didnt? OOOO what abt using the bad luck on a person that she was told was a bad person but sera was only manipulated into thinking soooooooo ooooooouuuuu
someone who's known her ever since she was a teenager? watching her go thru the whole spiral of bad luck??? maybe theyre older and even told her abt sua!!!
what if there's someone who jus doesnt believe that she has an ability? or they do and they think its a stupid one? NLKFJGN idk...
i kinda want lots of angst for her.... i think it'd be fitting.... lets put sera and ur muse thru the pain machine tgt!
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hoshi-y · 2 years
Hey there love <3!
Great to know your exams are over :D... mine just began and I want to cry 😔... so before I'm too busy I wanted to request something ^^
So uhm chapter 96 right...? We all can see the communication problems between the minamoto Brothers...
SO What about Teru with an Exorcist s/o who's also been like a prodigy in Exorcism since young and like they're kinda childhood friends. But they however do better with handling their feelings and are more open minded , they get why Kou did what he did ( both of the brothers were wrong in their own ways) and so they help the brothers communicate better? Maybe they're with Teru when he's sulking, trying to comfort/ cheer him (up) and subtly explain that its kinda both parties fault and just overall help the two communicate better?
Kinda long but thats the request part...
NOW, I just want to say I love , love , love your writing (ik I've said it before , but its so good -)! I hardly know you but you seem like such an amazing person. Please eat, sleep , drink water and stay healthy. I hope you get alooooot of followers and you ace your exams <333
Hehe I know its random but I just wanted to let you know how amazing you are !
Please do feel free to ignore my request ! I will not mind at all.. take care!!! (Tried to be colorful heh :>)
Loosen Up a Bit
genre : Fluff
Character : Minamoto Teru
TW : None
A/N : AWWWW IM SO GLAD YOU LOVE MY DOOKIE WRITING AWHSHHWHAH PLEASE DO DRINK, EAT, AND SLEEP ALOT ASWELL AND TY!!! This was a very colorful request and I like it Hehe, Sibling fight what I like to see HWHAHAHA
Also I'm sorry it took so long to do your requests, Projects and requirements keep pilling in 😞
I hope you enjoy 💗
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I should apologize..
You and Teru have been childhood friends ever since kindergarten
both of you got along VERY WELL as you were also an exorcist
He found out about it when he saw you exorcist a supernatural pretending to be an old lady causing harm around the playground
After he witnessed that he would bug you to come and exorcist
which you gave in obviously
Months turned into years
and you two were in 1st year of high school when you guys fell inlove and became a couple
You absolutely adored his younger siblings and would absolutely break when you see them fight
which they wouldn't do so often
but this time, Teru and Kou had a massive fight leading to them giving each other silent treatments
so you marched up to his room in hopes you can persuade Teru and Kou to talk
Teru sulked as he wrapped his blanket over his head watching everyone play with fireworks just outside his window
"Hmp.. What is this? They are all having fun without me.." Teru watched as Yashiro lit another one making Tiara shout in joy watching the sparks come out
As he continued to watch, he heard a soft knock on the door "Teru? Come outside, don't coop yourself in your room too much.." He perked up to hear your soft voice, He got up and opened his door and pulled you in hugging you "W-woah hey bud calm down" You softly raked his blonde hair
After you guys went to the near shore to bring back Aoi and Hanako, He and Kou had a massive fight which turned into them slightly giving each other silent treatments. But you know Kou wasn't like that, He even tried to give him snacks and candy but he didn't know how to approach and start a conversation with his older brother. And here we are, a sad lonely Teru watching everyone have fun without him
You sighed "Teru.. You need to go down there and talk with Kou.. Giving each other silent treatment is not the way to go" Convincing him was never easy, he is very stubborn. He dragged you down with him down his bed as he cuddled up to you hiding his face on your neck, making you turn to all kinds of shades of red
You tried to calm yourself down
You were met with silence as you sighed. "I mean, it's both your faults anyway.. You two need to communicate and clear the air, okay?" He wasn't budging "Teru.. Sulking like this won't make Kou come up here and instantly talk with you" He finally looked up, he looked tired. "I understand what I did was.. Selfish and very wrong of me.. But I did it because I wanted to keep him safe"
"Safe by hurting and lying to him?"
"Okay I admit that wasn't right either"
"None of what you did back there was right."
Teru groaned as he hid under the covers, You were about to say something but heard another knock on the door, You got up despite Teru saying and begging for you not to go. You opened the door and came face to face with Kou, Holding a plastic bag with a bunch more food
'Why is the younger brother the one persuading the older brother..'
"Hello Kou, are you here to talk with your brother?" You leaned on the door frame as he nodded slowly, You stepped aside signaling that he can come in, Kou let himself in as he eyed his older brother hiding under the sheets
"Do you two want me to give you so space?"
"No" Both Teru and Kou answered at the same time making both go silent, you sighed heavily as you sat down on Teru's swivel chair "I hope you both know that both of you were in the wrong.." Teru sat down on his bed as Kou looked down
"We know.. And Teru-nee.. I'm sorry"
"No Kou, I should be the one who's sorry.."
Without them noticing, you slipped away from the room and quietly closed the door. This conversation needs to be between them and only them, you can't just sit there and akwardly watch them apologize to each other
What seemed like minutes you left his room, Kou finally got Teru to come out and have fun with everyone else
"Well, done sulking I assume president?" Akane jokingly said but Teru zapped him "Teru"
"Oh dear, I didn't see you there [F/N]" He laughed a little as you sighed
Everyone was having a blast having fun, Heck you guys even had a barbecue that wasn't even planned to bring him down
"[F/N], Can you come with me for a moment?" You were about to bite into one of Kous delicious barbecue but stopped "Sure Teru" You got up and walked up to him, He held ypur hand as he brought to a part of his house where no one can hear or see them
"Woah hey what are we doing here?" Teru hugged you and kissed your cheek "Thank you for cheering me up and helping me talk with Kou again.. After we came back from the near shore it has been akward between us.." You ruffled his hair "Of course love.. I hate to see my two favorite brothers fighting you know" You flicked his forehead making him whimper in pain "Next time, be careful with your words or I'll cut that tongue of yours"
He chuckled "Wooww.. Scary.." He held your face up to him with his hand as he stared at your pretty [E/C] Eyes
As if time had stopped, all the background noise became muffled and the only thing that was moving was the both of you
"I love you.. [F/N]"
"I love you too Teru" You giggled as leaned in to get a taste of your sweet soft lips
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HELLO I'M RLLY RLLY SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO DO YOUR REQUEST, I was unmotivated and not feeling myself for days making it difficult for me to do requests 😭
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canonically47 · 1 year
i watched the entirety of total drama 2023 today, and here's how it went (spoilers below!) (no duh...):
got very, very, VERY emotionally attached to zee, laughed my ass off at most of his lines, absolutely adored every minute of him being on screen, and cringed when he announced he had joined both alliances, then got SUPER MAD at chris allowing the players to vote again. what bullshit
found bowie and raj's romance absolutely adorable, although cut a bit short, but they made up for it by bringing everyone back in the finale and having raj cheer for bowie so intensely! also, ADORED wayne and how supportive he was! he was absolutely adorable!!! and after being so into the many queer ships of the fandom, actually hearing the words 'gay' and 'bi' on total drama made me kind of tear up. that was adorable.
also, loved everyone, from wayne to chris and sharks being supportive of bowie and raj, but how much chris emphasized his hatred of emma and chase's relationship. i also hate them, by the way. emma was cool until folding all the way back for chase.
very mixed on ripper. on one side, he is annoying and one big fart joke, but on the other side, he seems like he could genuinely be sweet if he tried hard enough - or not at all! he didn't even want to help millie, but she still found him helpful when giving her advice on how to win priya over again!
weirdly enough, found no new ships except for rajbow. saw some people shipping priya and millie, as well as wayne and raj, but honestly - and this is VERY unusual for me to say - i think those two duos are way better off as platonic! of course, massive respect for those who ship them, they have some cute moments that i guess you could take for romantic if you wanted to, but they're not my style.
the whole goat thing was hilarious. the goats going >:O at bowie saying he has eaten and will eat goat again was just so good.
the pretty boys need to try to make it further, man. justice for caleb. a lot of eliminations were kind of unfair to me, actually, especially axel's, and for ripper i really felt like he could've gone another time. i've already mentioned zee. *sobs* zee............... he is the winner in my eyes. (is it obvious i have a favorite?) (i think it's bowie but zee is tying with him. zee <333)
i kind of disliked millie at the start but hearing her mini-speech about her own insecurities and thinking she's above everyone else...argh i kin her so hard stop she deserves the world.
chef? was actually interested?? in their safety??? up until the finale of course but i found that so weird
i screamed in shock and disappointment when bowie didn't win, but i kind of knew deep down inside they were bold enough to add an openly gay contestant, and although i was certain he would make it to the finale, i was expecting the win to go to priya because they wouldn't go much further than that. next season, though :')
i was very surprised with how major some of the roles were, and how insignificant others were! i feel like lauren, mk and nichelle were hyped up a lot, but i barely got attached to them, while i just saw one or two posts of priya and millie, and assumed they would not even make it to the final ten. i also thought some ships would have more interactions due to some fandom posts - nichelle and axel... the potential was THERE... but they barely got a WORD........
what i'm thinking for next season:
chase and emma break up all over again, but (HOPEFULLY.) this time it's for good, and emma and bowie get a chance to properly reunite and become friends again.
bowie and raj will also be an official couple, but because of that, i doubt chris would let them on the same team.
it would also be fun to see wayne on the same team as bowie, and not raj! bowie talks his ears off about how great raj is, and then wayne does the same (but platonically) and it's great. everyone hates them because all they hear about is raj, raj, raj.
caleb - please, please, god - makes it a bit further this time, and damien makes it to the final five! everyone is shocked, including him.
my ideal final five would be raj, wayne, bowie, zee, and damien, but i seriously doubt that would happen because they always keep things equal between the genders, so, for the sake of the next point, let's say it's raj, axel, zee, nichelle, and bowie.
my ideal elimination order would be:
mk ("we don't want you spying on us again, that's gross")
lauren (costs them the challenge because she got carried away being creepy)
caleb (the votes are rigged against him yet again, this time by julia! goddamn it julia)
ripper (his pride got in the way and cost them the challenge, but he managed to get a bit of redemption in the episodes he was in),
millie (too injured from a challenge to continue, urges priya to keep pushing forward)
julia (people get tired of her bullshit much quicker this time and vote her off before she can cause any more unwanted drama, but spoiler alert, bowie's still here, so you did nothing, guys)
chase (right after emma's major breakup with him! ouch.)
priya (takes it VERY. HARD.)
emma (the votes are rigged against her)
damien (he put up a good fight)
nichelle (it is found out that she rigged the votes)
the final three are raj, axel, and zee. raj has an alliance with wayne, bowie, emma and zee - zee joined because he wanted to make up for the last failed alliances - and so, raj and zee team up to get axel out (because they literally couldn't otherwise).
side note, bowie still got voted out because nichelle helped by rigging the votes from afar for axel. what the fuck.
so, for the first time in total drama history, the final two are of the same gender! lots of angry letters for that one.
it seems that zee has the win for a while - against all odds! - but, to make up for his boyfriend losing completely last time, raj takes the win, and splits the money between himself, wayne, and bowie! there's a remaining dollar in there somewhere, and zee's mad happy to get it. (raj actually gives him more, but that's between you and me.)
and that's it! i'm obviously very biased because i have favorites, other opinions are welcome if you wanna discuss :D
here is a list of my ranking of the characters (for which this tierlist was used) to finish this post off strong:
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trrickytickle · 2 years
(like, about half of) Cognito Inc- tickle headcanons
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dancing brett  (HCS UNDER CUT!!) 
Reagan General: LITERALLY has a set of four robotic hands including her own. Don’t tell me they can not be used for tickle purposes, I’m telling you. Bad perspective on tickling, got tickled by others (not rand, fuck rand) as a kid and liked it, but is extremely touch-aversed now. Will kick and flail but like it- just instinct. Touch starved as shit too.  Lee:  Dorky, snorty laugh. Absolutely uncharacteristic- voice actually goes a few octaves higher. Little honks too. Worst spots are sides, ribs and armpits, and her “ha”s are pronounced, like individually and she likes to throw her head back and sorta guffaw. ALSO a lee- but more low key. At least she thinks so, she can get just as panicky as Brett when tickling comes up in convos. She did not get much of that (thanks, Rand), and will PUNCH ANYONE WHO AT LEAST THREATENS HER WITH IT!! Brett and her are perf contrasts as switches- imagine them ganging up on somebody! 
Ler: Teasiest ler ever and doesn’t even intend it, because she’s just cynical. Uses her knowledge of Cognito tech to her advantages. Always uses her typical dry, snarky comments to make remarks about her lees and comments on their physical and mental state, likes occasional baby-talk and spider-fingers ESPECIALLY with that evil evil HAND THING!! super methodical when it comes to tickles.  Brett General: Loves tickling. Super scared and embarrassed about it, and honestly this man needs to calm down. He’s at everyone’s beck and call- kind of like a dog- which brings me to the touch-starved vibes this guy has. Lol.  Since he’s kind of a sentimental nostalgic d00d  (escapist tendencies much) he openly craves tickles and has lee moods frequently. I don’t like to hc characters as in the community, but he is so in the community. Working for gov. organization means you know, like just about anything so he would know these niche people.  Lee: Nervous as a lee, but will still answer “yes” honestly if he’s asked if he’s ticklish. But such a lee. He literally had a robot thingy pat him on the back. Maaaybe (DEFINETLY) cheer up tickles from Reagan are a given for this man. From anyone, really. He ALSO likes to use the tech to his advantage- maybe simulating tickle scenarios in the hologram room and such, and would LITERALLY orchestrate wacky plots to get his deserved tickles. Likes to be teased and he answers with stuff like “YES!! YES I AM A TICKLISH BOY!!” and like also his worst spots are his stomach, feet and pits!! He laughs so wildly. he’ll literally holler and just kinda has an enthusiastic laugh- kinda like his personality.  
Ler: SPEAAAKING of the nostalgia thing- Maybe he can tap in to his powers and use them for ler-purposes later? Not a ler but he tries. Always overthinks teasing and his kinda-- oblivious-cuteness? leeness can kinda be infectious on a giggly lee!! Teases and pep-talks the shit out of them, also baby talk and tickle talk is just chefs kiss. He loves it when people are lees to his tickling it’s just so fun for him both ways around.    Gigi General: Never considered the fact that two of her co-workers are massive touch-starved fools and the tickle capabilities of Cognito tech, so never really worried about it. This in turn leads to situations. 
Lee: Always says “no no no no no” and backs away and always curses at her lees. Bad at hiding the fact she’s ticklish, so never really gets pedicures and such. Worst spot is her belly. Like THE worst- way too ticklish for her own liking- and someone of her status.  Ler:  Master ler, teases in a way that you won’t tell it is, like a passive-aggressive cheerleader in the locker room. Never attacks without a plan, and likes to use fake-out techniques. Does NOT let anyone in on her tickle secrets and no one even dares to get revenge, because her wraths can last weeks. Punishment tickles to whoever playfully sasses her and frequently jumps into the action on tickle fights. As she said, she’s attracted to power- and tickling gives her that. that is all did not want to do myc. considered it but the penises. 
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achaiapelides · 2 years
Kit's Diary
Chapter 11
Dear Ty,
do you sometimes also have those days when nothing works and you get reminded of your past mistakes no matter what you do? I have one of them today. Everything reminds me of you and the worst part is that it's not like I'm mourning somebody who died. You're very well alive, there's no reason for me to be sad. It's just that you don't feel the same I feel for you. It could be so much worse. I always keep telling myself that I shouldn't mourn someone who didn't even die, but that only makes it worse. Now I not only feel sad, but also frustrated that I cannot control my own emotions.
I tried to do my homework, but I get distracted, I even started tidying up my room - but somehow I ended up in my bed curled up in the sheets and crying.
I would have probably spend the whole day like this, if Mina didn't barge into my room and demanded, that I went to the store with her to buy her favourite cookies. Well actually it was just "Kit. Store. Cookie. Mamndad busy." That's all a one and a half year old toddler can say.
Since I couldn't say no to Mina, I went to the store with her to buy cookies and some other groceries. On the way there she asked: "Kit cry. Why sad?", so I told her all about you and what happened between us. I don't think she understood everything, but she kept chanting "Kit love Ty! Kit love Ty!" the whole way to the store and even told the cashier. It was so cute. When I returned home, I actually got enough motivation to get some of my homework done. Maybe I should spend more time with Mina when I get like this. She can cheer everyone up.
Now I'm in my bed again because it's night and I need to sleep. But here I am, yet again thinking about you. I really miss you. Sometimes I hope you can feel when I miss you, but of course that's nonsense. Maybe, if I imagine that you're lying next to me, I can fall asleep.
I hope you can sleep better than me.
Love, Kit
Hello everyone,
I know I just wanted to take a break in February to finish my term paper, but then I read Chain of Thorns and got so emotional afterwards, that I had to keep myself from making this fanfiction too sad. So I needed a Chain of Thorns-recovery month, but I have recovered now and will hopefully be able to update this story every Monday again.
Also, yes I know it's Tuesday today, I just forgot to post this yesterday. Oops.
Anyways, I have a question for you: Do you have any ideas what should definitely happen in this story? Because I'm lacking some new ideas. So if you want, please leave some ideas in the comments.
Thank you 😁
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oriocookie · 2 years
dsmp fic list
as soon as this list gets too big, itll separate into smaller, more specific categories
This Train Terminates At Stanmore by Anonymous     
The first time Wilbur meets Tommy is at two am at the Waterloo train station. The two ride the train together and bond, spilling their souls to each other. When they arrive back at Waterloo, they go their separate ways, never to speak again.
A year later, Wilbur meets Tommy again.
figure skates and hockey blades by effervescentlies
George is a talented figure skater who moves from England to Canada on a scholarship.
Dream is the rowdy captain of the university hockey team. Unbeknownst to George, he’s also Clay, an exceptionally bright and mysterious English major.
But what George doesn't know won't hurt him, right?
i'm in love with (our) future by mellowanon
They’ve played their little game a billion times by now—Dream has given the same answers pretty much every time, unless he thought of something new and improved, which happened often, because of how often they talked about it and how often he thought about it.
Dream - 3:20am kiss you obviously
That was one that didn’t change. Neither did George’s response.
George - 3:22am In front of everyone? People will see you know, they’ll recognize us
Dream’s counter reply didn’t ever change, either.
Dream - 3:23am let them
Tying you to me by summerchai
After seeing fan made fibre art, Dream is determined to master the craft of knitting. As a result, George receives a closet's worth of blue items, and is feeling very normal about it.
OR Dream is into knitting. George is into Dream.
your love remains true by theclingyduo
Tubbo’s- Tubbo’s here, or at least a version of him is, and goddammit Tommy missed him so fucking much. He hovers his mouse over the stream, biting his lip nervously, before taking the leap and joining it.
And fuck, Tubbo looks so similar that Tommy thinks he might cry again.
He doesn’t have horns, doesn’t have the long hair that covers half his face, doesn’t have the fucking awful scars that Tommy still hates himself for having let happen – but it’s still unmistakably him. His smile’s the same, he laughs the same – if a little brighter and less reserved – he brushes his hair back the same way and furrows his brows in concentration the same way and groans lightly in frustration the same way and-
It’s not him, but it’s still Tubbo, and Tommy can find himself loving this version of him already.
(Or: Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo find themselves reincarnated into the bodies of their streamer selves, and learn to live in a world that, instead of being cruel, is kind to them.)
midnight meetings by karlnapity
Dream tried to get a good look at the other two in the light drifting over from the porch. One was taller than the rest and had swoopy brown hair. The last of them was Sapnap’s height and- Wow. He was really pretty. He had thick brown hair that was just barely flopping down in front of his deep brown eyes and a soft smile. He was just wearing a baby blue hoodie and black sweatpants, but Dream felt slightly self-conscious about his pajama pants anyway.
Because he doesn't drink, Dream basically acts as Sapnap's eternal designated driver. When he picks up him and his friends from a party, he meets someone new.
All is Fair in Love and Football by graciegirl2001
The first time George Vincent meets Dream, the latter is passed out on the grass outside a college apartment in nothing but his boxers, the beer can in his hand leaking into the dirt.
In which George is the captain of the cheer team, Dream is an up and coming football star, and George spends a great deal of time avoiding said up and coming football star like the plague.
Wrong Number by Anonymous
Skeppy accidentally texts the wrong number. It's the start of something amazing.
Unspoken Rules by Anonymous
The first time it had happened had been when Skeppy had seen the man approaching the kitchen sink and felt a jolt of guilt-ridden remembrance lurch in his gut. Three steps away, he’d managed to cut Bad off and grabbed hold of the dirtied plate first, applying soap and scrubbing at it with almost comical force. Bad had laughed, rolled his eyes and leaned on tiptoe –
And kissed Skeppy's cheek.
Twitter Disaster by junipersand
Skeppy @Skeppy
I’ve been thinking about this a lot and i think it’s time to tell you guys that i’m bisexual and blessed with a lovely boyfriend ;)
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BadBoyHalo @BadBoyHalo Replying to @Skeppy
You are still the same Skeppy I know ❤ Love you Man! So, tell us about this “boyfriend” you have o.o
45.2K Retweets 21K Quote Tweets 106K Likes
Escaping Reality
The Modern Dictionary for Ghosts, Written by a Dead Guy by Turtle_ier
Dream is dead, and has been for some time. People come and go, trees grow and fall, and as time gradually wears down even the most steadfast things, he forgets himself. Eventually, the appearance of the man who inherited the house he haunts means that he remembers some things, and learns a few others. But Dream remembers that face. It would be hard not to remember that face.
The Inherent Mystery of Twins by voidofwriting
He wasn’t sure really when he’d come up with the idea. Ranboo had always been good at impressions, and it wasn’t like an American accent was hard to fake. Sure, it probably would have been easier to just get his brother’s help with everything, but Tubbo was busy with the Dream SMP, and besides, he didn’t want to just grow from his clout. No, Ranboo wanted to earn some himself. ~~~ Or:
Tubbo and Ranboo are twins, and they may have forgotten to tell all of their friends. Oh well, it's not like its THAT big of a deal
studio 404 by quartzfia
With zero hesitation he pushed the door upon, eyes darting to the figure there as he realized it was very much not empty. George found himself completely enthralled with what he saw. He always had a thing for tappers, didn't he?
Or in which, George left everything behind him to pursue his dreams of dance in New York City, and meets two mysterious people he grows too attached to in too little time.
Reconciliation by Frog_kid
Wilbur and Tommy had been separated for two years. During that time Tommy began to hate the other man. But after a lucky placement by the system, the two end up in the same house
(I’m not good at descriptions but I promise it’s good aksjd)
Pathways by Cairo_Raiser545
There are four people who have known each-other their whole lives, and yet they’ve never met.
Four people aware of things they shouldn’t know and fearing things that don’t exist.
Four people craving a family they don’t have.
I’m obsessed with the idea of SBI being aware of their Minecraft Characters as if it’s a past life/alternate reality so I made it a fic
If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself by sircantus
They took his life, not just the air in his lungs but the love in his heart. They took away his ability to hold his children close, they took him away.
Phil wants the world to burn at his feet for daring to steal his world from his arms, but revenge honestly isn’t the priority here.
All he wants is for his sons to come home.
[Not Canon to the main Change fate storyline, this is basically a spin-off on the what-if idea of Phil being killed, then being brought back to life in the middle of Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur destroying the world in their grief.]
Heat Waves by tbhyourelame
Dream has always held a gentle admiration for George, but when their nuanced friendship trickles into his sleeping mind, he awakens to a new world of conflicting emotions and longing. Lost in the midst of a heat wave, he continuously listens to a song that works itself in to the very core of his heartache. Floridian nights, unsent messages, spiraling infatuation, and terrible, terrible weather.
A breath of frustration escapes George’s lips. “I don’t do that.”
“You do. It’s okay,” Dream says. He feels pinpricks of warmth building in his chest. The words rise up faster than he can temper, laced with soft honey, “you’re so cute.”
The call falls silent.
They heard it. The affection in the tone of his voice, different than usual, no trace of humor. The way it came from the hearth below his heart, glowing with secrecy and shame—for George, and George only. They had to have heard it. -- inspired by the song "heat waves" by glass animals
Enough by piteouspeculiarity
What was it his dad had said, blood coating his knuckles? That he brought too much trouble to the family while giving nothing in return? That he should get out and stay out?
It was bullshit. He knew it was bullshit. Knew it in the way anger clenched his fists and quickened his breath. In the way that every now and then, money disappeared from his account with no explanation. He already paid for the Wi-Fi and the electricity, figuring that was fair since he used so much of it. He did his chores, even when the unfairness of them made him clench his jaw. So what if he got into the occasional fight?
There was a voice in his head telling him that being beaten up wasn't a fight; he was tall for his age, but skinny and spent his free time playing video games, his chances against one person was low, never mind four. The voice sounded suspiciously like Wilbur, so he ignored it.
It was bullshit. So he listened, and he left and he hadn't looked back once.
Tommy is alone, injured and so, so tired. He has one destination in mind: Brighton.
He just hopes Wilbur will be happy to see him.
Dangerous Living by Anonymous
“Is he dangerous?”
It’s not the first time Skeppy’s been asked that question. The query comes in many forms, many ways; sometimes it’s whispered, sometimes it’s shrieked. Sometimes it’s spat in challenge at his feet.
Other times, it’s honest. It’s quiet and timid, attempted in a polite tone yet still underlain with no small hint of concern. This is one of those times, as Skeppy glances down at the young girl standing beside him at waist-height.
Acts Of Love by overthejune
He leaned down and smiled sensually. "Your name would be nice.
The brunet seemed to consider this for a moment, then leaned forward until their faces were inches apart; a direct challenge. Clay could feel the boy's breath softly ghosting onto his face.
"George Davidson."
Clay's smile grew as he tallied himself a point. "Well, my name is Clay Dream. It's very nice to meet you, George."
George stared straight into his eyes, a light going off in them that signaled his intense disapproval of Clay's condescending tone. The boy leaned back in his seat but didn't relax. After a single moment, the dark eyes discarded him.
"Wish I could say the same."
-- Everyone loves Clay... everyone, that is, except for the sarcastic, edgy guy in the third row of Clay's English Language class.
Clay has always enjoyed a challenge, but he never thought that it would be so hard to get someone to notice him.
George has always enjoyed staying away from people like Clay, but he never thought that it would be so hard to ignore him.
It will be quite a battle of the wills (or pills), and it will change their lives forever.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 7 months
Karma Is My Girlfriend
note: my first fic not apart of an au its short but i think im happy with it, taylor swift x fem!reader (if thats not ur vibe scroll), and!! readers number is 76 cause 7+6=13 🥰
warnings: reader is said to be shorter then Taylor but not by much, also my bad photoshop skills
♡ summary: Taylor goes to her girlfriends game, and Y/n goes to her girlfriends concert.
♡ Taylor Swift x fem!reader
request ✗
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liked by taytay13, jen_loves_lana, and others
folklore_forevermore: Y/n L/n and for our non-hockey fans Y/n is the first female NHL player! and she's gay! When asked who her celeb crush is went on to say Taylor!! then because our girl Y/n can't shut up (love her for it!) goes on to tell a story about trying to give Taylor her number when she went to The Eras Tour!! I love these two and my two worlds are colliding but what do y'all think??
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lana.and.taylor: I have no ides who this woman is but she is gorgeous and i wish her the best in her travels to get the Taylor Swift
loving.him.was_red: these gaylors are too much
folklore_forevermore: Hi! Not a gaylor I don't think anyone should assume Taylors sexuality gay or straight or anything else! I just love Taylor and love Y/n both!!
lorde_is_life: Y/n is canadian so maybe if they get together Taylor will add more canadian dates
gilmoregirls.02: never heard of Y/n but omg new celeb crush???
EmmaMay_13: bingeing Y/n clips and she said 'it's time to go' is her fav song!!!
Taylor is at the Devils game!!!!
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jess @/speaknow.05 replying to @/lukehughes.gf what is a Devils game?
Haley @/lukehughes.gf replying to @/speaknow.05 The New Jersey Devils is an Nhl team and Taylor's at the game!
hanna @/pll.fan replying to @/lukehughes.gf Omg!! And this is right after Y/n says she tried to give Taylor her number?!?!?!!
Opening night.
Opening night was always nerve racking, being the only woman in the league eyes were always on her, waiting for a mistake to critique or for her to say something or do something wrong. But with her girlfriend here to watch Y/n was more nervous than ever.
“Taylor Swift’s here?” Y/n hadn’t told the guys, other than Toffoli being the same age they clicked easily, it was Luke that asked Y/n but tried to pass it off as saying it to everyone. “Z and Cole will love that.” Jack mumbled to himself, before looking towards Y/n as did most of the other guys.
Tying her skates, trying to mind own business, Y/n mutters out “Why you looking at me?” She knew why they were looking at her. The clip of her saying she tried to give Taylor her number was everywhere. Tyler gave her a look from next to her, a ‘you know why’ look, and at that Y/n mumbles under her breath, “Yeah.”
“‘Yeah’ what?” “You know what.” Dawson was just being a pain, they all knew what.
“She’s my girlfriend.”
After no scoring in the first, Y/n was hungry to get a goal and get the game going. Wanting her team to win but also wanting to put on a good game for Taylor. Taylor had been shown on the jumbotron almost anytime Y/n was on the ice, sitting with her family, cheering her girlfriend on, laughing with her mom, and having a couple rules explained by her dad.
Everytime she sat on the bench after a shift, she looked up into the suite Taylor was in, smiling and blush spreading to her checks, not being able to stop the smile from staying on her face until her next shift.
Stepping onto the ice, and getting a pass after the centerline, and skating up the rink. The puck passed through her legs before shooting the puck bardown. The first goal of the game.
After celebrating the goal with her team and when the goal horn ends, the tune of the chorus to ‘You Belong With Me’ plays throughout the area, the jumbotron cut to Taylor jumping and celebrating Y/n’s goal.
The game went great, an amazing way to start the season. And after getting undressed, showered and dressed again, Y/n made her way out to the changeroom halls, where Taylor was waiting for her.
Seeing the tall blonde woman, smiling her red lipstick shaping her lips beautifully and making them look so kissable. Y/n had to do just that, running to the woman, and jumping into her arms. Laying a sweet and sensual kiss on her perfect red lips. Her hands holding tge side of Taylor’s neck, pulling her closer.
Y/n, breaking from the kiss to lay her head in her girlfriend's neck, mumbles quietly, “You look gorgeous.” “No you do. And you played great, from what I know.” “Thank you, sweetheart.”
Breaking their hug, Y/n keeps Taylor close, walking under the girl's arm, and her own arm resting on Taylor’s lower back. Walking out together, Y/n raises her head to talk into Taylor’s ear, “I can’t wait to get you home.” Y/n says, her hand lowering to rest on her girlfriend's ass, giving it a little squeeze before bringing said hand back to Taylor’s waist. Loving the woman’s reaction, Taylor laughs, “Baby, I thought we were going to dinner with your team.” “Oh- Do we have to?” “I want to meet them.” She said, still laughing. Causing Y/n to amike loving the sound of her girlfriend, before sighing and saying, “Fine. But remember, they’re a bunch of men in their 20’s they all had childhood crushes on you.” “Well, I love you so they’ll have to come to terms with that."
Y/n is at the last night of The Eras Tour 2023!!!
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emily @/itsfearless.13 replying to @/lukehughes.gf They're girlfriends!!!
Paris @/We.were.in_Paris replying to @/lukehughes.gf Ahhhhhhhh! they are so cute!!!!
Lisa @/brina_fan.05 replying to @/lukehughes.gf I Love Them.
Having a game last night and one in two days, Y/n fought for one night off, desperately wanting to see her girlfriend on stage before the new year. And so here she was, singing and dancing along to the gorgeous woman, who she couldn't believe she was loved by.
They whole concert was amazing, talking with Andrea and Scott, trading bracelets with fans. Now at the acoustic set Y/n couldn't help but be excited that the concert coming to an end, just wanting to see the woman, kiss her and cuddle her before they had to leave again, and Y/n going back to work.
Not even introducing the song, Taylor starts strumming her guitar and singing 'End game' a smile spreads on Y/n's face, that song was of course for her. And when the song ends, Taylor moves to the piano, playing 'It's time to go' Y/n crying, it had always been her favourite song, for three years, and Taylor remembered.
The bare minimum, to remember things about your partner, yet it was the most she'd ever gotten.
"Karma takes all my friends to the summit."
Y/n was in great anticipation for the final song. Taylor had jokingly said that she would change the lyrics, and the woman couldn't help but be excited at the thought. Of course the two had been in public together, but for Taylor to declare her love on the stage, would definitely make Y/n give her a great 'thank you'.
"Karma is the girl on the ice, coming straight home to me! Karma is my girlfriend!"
The dancers circling Taylor, laugh while dancing aways with shocked faces, no one in the stadium fully grasping the fact Taylor changed lyrics of her song for her girlfriend. As soon as the song ends, Y/n makes her way backstage in order to see Taylor as soon as she finishes her concert.
As soon as her and Taylor make eye contact, Taylor runs towards the girl, both wrapping their arms around each other. Sharing a kiss before Y/n tightens the hug, "You are amazing. Has anyone told you, you have a great voice?"
Laughing, Taylor gives the girl an other kiss, walking Y/n backwards into the tent, out of the way of fans prying eyes.
"I love you." "I love you too." "You sang 'End game', and you sang my favourite song, and you changed lyrics to be about me! You must really like me." "I must."
The singer burrows her head in her girlfriend's neck, leaving small kisses while Y/n continues, "And you looked so beautiful, and your performance was amazing, and 'Vigilante Shit' was so hot." "Oh, really?" "Mhmm."
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kirric-the-fan · 1 year
So me and my nearly 100K notes doc on my phone for my two interlinked oc cure teams have come up with a joint movie idea I am in love with, and I can't shut up about. Because there is a moment in there including them and the go princess cures, that is incredibly perfect (and gay) for everyone involved, and unfortunately 100 miles away from ever being written properly bc of spoilers and being at the wrong end of my storylines for two lots of cures. But I can show you the notes (wo too many spoilers), so here:
"...They rally, but before they can save the others, the Bbeg turns the castle into an Escher type maze, separating them all.
Suzuki finds herself alone, and starts looking for the others. They are all in similar situations. Kazumi manages to find Chuchuski, but when she tries to join her, she triggers a trap and is hurt, which really upsets Chuchuski. Chuchuski tries to get to her by jumping/swinging, but that's trapped too and she's knocked back. Kazumi is okay, but stuck. Some of the others freeze when they hear the explosions, realising there are traps about. Haruka literally has her foot on one and can't move.
Suzuki's about to stumble straight into a similar trap when the princess saves her. The princess shows her how the whole corridor is trapped. Suzuki is grateful for being rescued. But they seem to be stuck, and she is missing her friends, and her mom, and is very worried about them. Swanny (the princess of the kingdom of dances. Is a dancer, but nv) reveals that her mother has been trapped by the bbeg too. She shows how the castle has its own self defense, the maze, against intruders and enemies. The Bbeg has turned it against them, but any true princess can find their way through. (Suzuki lets Swanny show her memories, and Swanny shows a memory of her mother telling her that any true princess can find their way through if they follow their heart). Minami finds Haruka, and is upset that she's in danger. But is also separated from her by another section of traps.
Somewhere nearby, Towa starts playing her violin. The palace ripples. The precures get a glimpse of the traps between them and their goal, the trapped squares lighting up at the touch of the music. But the traps are almost everywhere, and moving, fast. Most of the cures are dissuaded by the pace, but Chuchuski, Minami, and Swanny step up.
(Chuchuski is a ribbon dancer)
Swan dances through the minefield. As do the other two. Some of the others see them (Ty Escher labyrinth!) and start following suit. Swanny takes Suzumi by the hand and leads her in a dance across. Minami reunites with Haruka, "I guess this makes you my knight," and they dance on. Kirara joins Towa, Kirami leads Fumiko, Chuchuski and Kazumi go together, and Suzume takes charge of Tara, who is uneasy about her own ineptitude with dancing. "So we'll do it the same way we always have: helping each other out."
Some of the different pairs have different styles:
Minami and Haruka: Classic ballroom, the princess and her knight.
Chuchuski and Kazumi: Rumba/ribbon dancing. Soft, flowing. Lots of lifts. Very personal.
Towa and Kirara: Tango (with a violin!) Kirara starts with more of a catwalk style of dance, then literally picks Towa up before they dance across. They're having fun, egging each other on.
Kirami and Fumiko: also a bit more paso, Kirami swirling her skirt and Fumiko using her cape. They've had a lot of conflict between them, but they are more in tune than it might seem. Kirami has a sharp eye for the swirling in the patterns, and how they interlink.
Swanny and Suzuki dance their own flowing dance, almost disappearing in a flurry of magic between them, their own aurora borealis.
They're all dancing in their own style, or the style that speaks most to them. And that makes sure they can all get through safely.
They all come together and synchronise, the magic building up to a head, and ending by breaking back into the main ballroom. The other guests cheer. Bbeg silences them, angry at the levity. It decides it will destroy them. There's a short fight. The cures use a new joint attack in their pairs: Princess ball! Which fends off bbeg's attack. and it's time for the main showdown. "
Precure Memory Royale: An extravaganza of princesses.
Cure Special and her entourage are invited to a ball in the Kingdom of Dances. There they discover the mute princess, Princess Swanny, and a plot to capture the powers of other kingdoms. When the Royales are caught in the trap, it's up to team Memory to save them, with a little help from some familiar faces- The go princess cures!
Quick guide to the oc cures:
Cure Royales:
Chiyoko- Cure Special
Tara- Cure Steady
Suzume- Cure Swift
Atsuko- Cure Sunrise
Kagami- Cure Surface
Cure Memories:
Suzuki- Cure Memory
Fumiko- Cure Reverie
Kirami- Cure Express
Kazumi- Cure Serene
Chuchuski- Cure Connect
Swanny/Swan/the princess- Princess Swanny of the Kingdom of Dances
Bbeg: big bad evil guy (that I have not named yet)
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