#also this took me 6 days but now im free
girl-dot-tzt · 1 month
Alright results are in, I'm not allowed to finish for 36 days 🙃
Im going to update this as a lil diary to keep me honest💃
Day 1: I'm feeling pretty good, I notice I get really horny when I take my prog the ✨️fun way✨️ so I'm going to use that method to increase the challenge this month. I'm thinking of meeting a friend tomorrow so I'm excited!
Day 2: more of the same, pretty standard, had a great time with said friend. Getting a teeny but pent up but nothing crazy yet.
Day 3: getting more pent up but it's still manageable, made the mistake of reading a ton of horny posts and getting myself really horny. Thankfully I calmed down and now I'm good to go
Day 4: went to work, did some bike wrenching, now im boutta sleep. pretty uneventful but I'm meeting a good friend of mine tomorrow so I plan on making up for the lack of horny twofold. I need to get some Oregonian mutuals bc I'd like to bite someone :3
Day 5: got my tits fondled for like 3 hours while I watched anime and got insanely high, I need like 4 people to hold me down and grope/tease/fuck me... preferably all at once. I've got 31 more daysssssss, does it count if it's hands free? 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Day 6: got no sleep, very horny, idk what direction Is up, and I need an answer to the question from yesterday 😫
Day 7: got sleep but not railed because if I get railed too well I'll could possibly finish and idk if that's OK yet :3. I'm going to mountain bike today! I'm super excited bc I need something to take the edge off, if I'm really unlucky I'll get too horny from the idea of getting fucked in the woods and make an update here.
Day 8: we're evening out a little, this may not be impossible, tbf I haven't had time to do much lately so when I finally get the time to ride my toys that might change. I'm planning on doing that tomorrow :3
Day 8 update: I accidentally took two progesterone pills because I boof mine, but I accidentally muscle memory-ed taking my prog orally. Got so horny during work that I nearly cried.
Day 9: I broke some spokes while mountain biking and now I'm sad, but horny and frustrated too. I can only think about being bred, but also being sad that my bike broke, damn fucking stupid sticks getting inbetween my fucking spokes. I need railed bad, etcetera etcetera
Day 10:
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Girl abs, that is all
Day 11: I'm going to fuck myself on the biggest toy I own until I'm crying or edging with my Pspot🧍‍♀️ I will return
Day 12: I'm pretty sure I ended up getting edged. Pretty sure because I've never actually finished hands free before and my vibrator died right before I was about to finish. One of you witchy mother fuckers knew I was about to cheat or something, no other explanations, couldn't possibly be that I forgot to charge toys like a dumbass. Laugh it up, I got edged hard by my ADHD.
Days 13: I had a threesome and it was awesome! I explained my agreement to them and got teased a bunch as me and my friend dommed the fuck out of a gorgeous girl. We groped and kissed and sucked all over her body as she got more and more worked up, until eventually I was fucking her with my big purple vibrator and she came hands free for the first time! We made sure to shower her with all kinds of praise and congratulations 💃💃
Days 14-16: started a new job, I'm getting so horny these days that rather than feeling butterflies it's like an almost painful NEED. Like I just desperately need to get tied up and ground into dust, getting edged with my vibrator did a number on me because I'm a mess rn😆
Days 17-20: if I may be honest i embarked on this endeavor to try to finish hands free, I've never done it before but I desperately want to. I think I'll be able to do it by the end of these 36 days or sooner. Idk it's just a hunch🧍‍♀️
Day 21-29: 10 hr shifts in a lab will drive you nuts when there's nothing to think about but getting railed and ice cream percentages. On the plus side I am not only paid but required to eat ice cream every hour at my job. On the downside, I got so horny I cried last night🧍‍♀️😵‍💫😵‍💫
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bellofthemeadow · 2 months
Dawn Ends the Night | Chapter 6
Aemond Targaryen x FemReader (Dayne)
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Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Rating: M for Mature (18 + no minors allowed)
Word Count: 7.4K (longest chapter? My form of apology for the delay in getting this chapter out)
Warning: All warnings on the Series Masterlist, will update if necessary (Re-iterating, no minors allowed! Thank you)
Chapter Summary: You have been in the Red Keep for less than a moon's turn, and you are getting to know some members of your future family. Some are more agreeable than others.
Notes: If anyone is still out there and reading this, I want to deeply apologised for the delay in finishing this chapter. I honestly did not think that it would take around 6 months to finish this, but many things robbed me of my ability to write or to have any type of creative purpose. Chief amongst is that a fell down my stairs ending up in a severe concussion and just the thought of well, thinking and looking at my computer was horrendous.
After many check-ups at the hospital and having let some months pass, I feel like I am mostly headaches free + drowsiness free and I feel ready and super pumped about coming back on this platform and continuing this story.
I hope you all like this chapter, and thank you to all of you who are still here and to all of you who wrote me sweet messages, I opened the app for the first time in a while some weeks ago and they were a true warm hug for my heart 💚💜💚
Unto the story now, with loads of love xxx
Taglist: @duds31 , @snh96, @lol-im-done, @heavenly1927, @whimsywilde , @queen-123s-posts , @httyd-marauders , @singhfae , @nothing-just-hanging-around
Before your arrival in King’s Landing, breaking your fast had meant time spent amongst family, a time when you would gather in the quiet of the morning, exchanging words with your parents and brothers before the day’s duties scattered all of you like leaves in the wind. But now, amidst the towering spires and shadowed corridors of the Red Keep, since meeting Aemond, you have come to realize that the morning meal is all too brief. The moments slip through your fingers like sand, and you find yourself yearning for more—more time, more closeness, more of Aemond. More. You had become greedy since coming to the capital.  
You came to notice as each morning gave way to the next that as the crack of dawn slowly started to give way to the warmth of the morning sun, you would find yourself idly pushing strawberries or blackberries around your plate, and more slowly savouring sweet, honeyed cakes, all in a bid to delay the inevitable parting. You’ve also noticed Aemond doing much the same, pouring his steaming tea with deliberate slowness, chewing each slice of cured meat with thoughtful care. It brought a smile to your face each time, to think that he too wanted to delay the inevitable.  
But all good things must come to an end, and as you swallowed the last piece of fruit, inevitability settled over the both of you. The fleeting sweet tartness was gone, and you knew it was time, regrettably, to rise and face the demands of the day. You would bid the prince farewell, guiding him to your door, Perros’ gaze silently observing the scene. Today, instead of his usual parting words of soft promises, Aemond gently took hold of your hand, his touch tender as he examined the delicate shape of your fingers. Without warning, he pressed his lips softly against your knuckles, his whispered goodbyes a warm breath against your skin. Then, with a swift turn, he departed, leaving you with a lingering sense of yearning and the ghost of his touch upon your hand. 
 Even now, hours upon his departure from your solar and despite the cool morning breeze, you still felt overheated and no amount of pinching yourself was helping. The heat that had risen to your cheeks from his remarks lingered, persisting well into the morning. Every now and then, as you went about your morning duties, you would catch yourself thinking back to your conversation with him, the memory of his voice still echoing in your ears and the ghost of his hands still warm against your waist. And when you closed your eyes, you swore you could still feel the hard planes of Aemond’s chest against your soft breast. The unladylike part of you wished that Perros had not been with you in the room, and you wonder if Aemond was as dutiful as others made him to be – perhaps he could be pushed in the direction of your desires, with the right pair of soft hands of course, you giggle to yourself. 
For now, you enjoy the breezy air of the capital, lying on your back as you bask in the greenery of the royal garden alongside your little group. Gerris and Little Davos, who had not left your brother’s side since you brought him with you from Flea Bottom, played nearby with him and Heleana’s young twins. Your little retinue was scattered, with the younger ones running around with boundless energy while Heleana and you lounged lazily, letting the balmy afternoon sun warm your skin. You sighed contentedly, your fingers softly dancing through the lush, soft grass beneath you, the cool earth was a welcome contrast to the sun's warmth on your skin. 
You watch Gerris being tackled by Davos, their playful tussle drawing the attention of the fair-haired twins, who look on curiously, holding tightly onto each other. Perros let out an exasperated sigh, one that you can clearly hear from where you're lying on the ground. From the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of movement as the old knight begins to walk towards the boys, intent on breaking up their fight. His footsteps crunch on the soft grass as he approaches 
“Let them be, Perros.” You interrupt him, “It is good for Gerris to have a friend who does not care about his name. He needs someone who can truly play with him and who will care for him, the true bond of brotherhood, is it not?”  
Perros inclined his head, although he did look like he swallowed a particularly sour lemon, “Wise words, my Lady.”  
You watched as Gerris grabbed a handful of the rose bush, the flowers perfectly trimmed, and broke the thorny stem from the beautifully plump flower, discarding the petals and holding the long-crooked stem before him like a sword. He aimed his makeshift weapon at Davos, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he loudly proclaimed that he would defeat the evil sorcerer and protect the prince and princess, making the fair-haired twins giggle. 
You raised an eyebrow, “I do however draw a line at destroying royal shrubbery and I fear the gardener will take offence to us.” 
Perros charged towards the boys, who screamed at the sight of the towering knight and darted around, trying to dodge his grasp. Watching the chaos unfold, you couldn't help but smile faintly, a wave of nostalgia washing over you. Gerris let out a shriek that could very well shatter glass as Perros scooped him up by the armpits. The look of sheer betrayal that Gerris shot at Perros made both you and Heleana burst into loud guffas, startling the nearby servants. 
But then, heroic little Davos sprang into action to save his newfound friend. He charged at Perros, crashing into the knight's legs with all his might. The sudden impact made the older man stumble and loose his grip, giving Gerris the chance to wriggle free from his arms and dart to safety. 
It warmed your heart to see your brother so happy and to see Davos, who still looked gaunt in comparison to the rest of your group, gain color and a new twinkle in his eyes. You hoped, from the bottom of your heart, that both boys would build a strong bond of brotherhood and that both would grow to protect each other. This world is too cruel to go about it alone, you mused, thinking of Aemond and his missing eye.  
Circumstances had forced you to face the world alone until the birth of your baby brother. Yet, even after his arrival, his tender age prevented him from being a true companion, and your change in station only served to widen the gap between you, extending far beyond the simple span of years. The memory of Gerris's birth is still vivid in your mind—your mother laboring for hours before finally delivering a rightful heir. While the family rejoiced, you were enveloped in a profound sadness, grappling with feelings of inadequacy that wrapped around your heart like thorny vines, their grip unyielding and relentless. 
For months after Gerris was born, your mother, radiant with the joy of a smooth pregnancy and glowing with happiness at having fulfilled her long-anticipated duty, tried to coax you into bonding with your new brother, her eyes bright with hope. Yet each time, you deftly evaded her attempts, crafting excuse after excuse—he was too small, you were too clumsy, you could not stand his smell. Within you, a hidden bitterness took root, a silent resentment toward the tiny being whose very existence had overshadowed your own, solely because he had been born with a cock between his legs. You were left with nothing but a hollow cavern inside your chest. How unfair it was, you remember thinking, to have been born into one of the few Dornish great houses that still valued male heirs above all else. 
All that remained for you were your cherished books and studies. You clung to the hope that if they could not solve your predicament, they might at least offer some solace. One late evening, on a moonless night, as you delved into a dusty tome, a tale from the far North seized your attention. It told of a young boy who, consumed by jealousy of his elder brother's fortune, suffocated him to seize his crown and title. Horrified by this grotesque betrayal, a direct affront to the sacred teachings of the gods, you slammed the book shut, vowing never to revisit its vile contents. Yet, despite your resolve, the haunting words lingered in your thoughts, whispering of dark shadows and unfathomable acts deep within your soul. 
Some weeks after your brother’s birth, you were walking down the hall after your morning lesson with the maester. As you rounded a corner, the voices of two guards reached your ears. Their words still echoed painfully in your mind: 
“Have you laid eyes on the young master yet?” one guard asked, a note of excitement in his voice. 
The other guard grunted dismissively. “Not yet. I’m still on duty for the young lady. Strange one, she is. It's a blessing from the gods our lady finally bore a proper heir.” 
Chills ran down your spine, and your breath caught in your throat. Was that how everyone saw you? A strange girl unworthy of your family’s ancestral seat? As tears gathered in your eyes, you felt a sticky wetness on your fingers and realized you had crushed the inkpot in your grasp. You wanted to scream, to tear down the walls, to destroy something... or someone. How dare they dismiss you so easily? How dare they deem you unworthy? The urge to lash out, to make them feel your wrath, was almost unbearable. As you silently left the hall, the ink leaving a trail behind you, your mind wandered back to that Northern tale, and  
That very night, the castle lay shrouded in silence, broken only by the occasional groan of ancient wood, as if Starfall was holding its breath. Sneaking out of your room had become a nightly ritual, but tonight, filled with anger and bitterness, your steps carried you to the nursery door. An inexplicable force compelled you to push it open. Hands trembling uncontrollably, you eased the door ajar and peered inside. 
Inside, the gentle rhythm of the nurse's breathing was the only sound, the room bathed in the soft silver light filtering through gauzy curtains. You tiptoed closer to Gerris, the moon casting a serene glow over his cherubic face. Under the night’s tender touch, he appeared so different—not the usurper you had imagined, but simply a baby, innocent and unknowing. His tiny chest rose and fell with each breath, a fragile testament to life’s delicate beauty. 
Your heart tightened as the dark, unwelcome thought crept into your mind once more. "I could just... but no, that's monstrous," you silently reprimanded yourself, the words a desperate plea for sanity. The sheer horror of the act you had momentarily considered struck you like a blade, cutting deep into your conscience. The gods-forsaken book had planted seeds of madness within you, but as you stood there, looking at your brother’s peaceful slumber, you realized the true depth of your error. 
To harm this innocent, to extinguish a life that had only just begun—it would be a sin beyond redemption, a betrayal of everything you held sacred. The realization washed over you, leaving you trembling. Gerris was no enemy; he was family, bound by blood and destiny. The thought of causing him harm was an abomination, a dark whisper from the abyss that you vowed never to heed. 
As tears stung your eyes, a soft coo interrupted your turmoil. Gerris, now awake, was looking directly at you, his eyes wide and curious. There was no accusation there, no awareness of the storm of emotions he had unwittingly caused. Just a baby, reaching out. His smile, wide and guileless, seemed to pierce through the shadows that had gathered around your heart. And when he wrapped his tiny fingers around yours, something shifted within you. 
 "I'm sorry," you whispered, not sure to whom you were apologizing—Gerris, for the dark thoughts, or yourself, for having them. He gurgled happily in response, as if to say he understood and forgave you. 
It was then, in the quiet of the night with only the moon as your witness, that you made a silent vow. "If I cannot be the Lady of Starfall, then I'll ensure you become the greatest lord this castle has ever known. I'll protect you, teach you, be your guide." The words felt like a balm, soothing the raw edges of your soul. 
Gerris's grip on your finger was his silent pact, a bond sealed under the watchful eyes of the stars. From that moment, your path was clear. You would stand by him, defend him, and love him unconditionally. 
You were brought back to the present by youthful giggles infusing the air with joy. Gerris and Davos darted around the garden, leading young Jaehaera and Jaehaerys on a merry chase, their innocent games painting smiles on the faces of the two kingsguards who were tasked with watching your small group. 
Beside you, Heleana sat with the grace of a princess, in her delicate hands, she cradled a praying mantis she had found earlier in her explorations. With curious eyes, she was inspecting its slender legs and vibrant green body. The tiny creature, for its part, seemed unperturbed by the princess's scrutiny, perhaps recognizing the gentleness in her touch and that she would not hurt him. 
Aemond's book lay abandoned by your other side, its pages awaiting your return. You had started the day with the intention of devouring its contents, to lose yourself in the tales of dragons and the heroes who rode them. Yet, the sun's gentle lullaby had other plans, drawing you into a state of blissful lethargy. Like a cup overbrimming with sweet honey, you felt yourself grow slow before succumbing to the warmth of the sun, your eyelids growing heavy with the promise of sleep. 
Sprawled upon the ground, you felt like the old cat who had been stalking the walls of Starfall when you were a girl, always indulging in too much cream, basking in the afterglow of satisfaction. "I could get used to this," you mused silently 
Heleana was thinking aloud, curiousness painting her sweet smile, "This mantis is significantly larger than the ones I usually encounter. They're typically small enough to fit comfortably in my palm, but the legs of this one are sprawling out." 
You cracked open an eye, shifting your gaze towards the green critter still nestled in her grasp. Indeed, it was an impressive size, you thought.  
"Do you think the weather could be influencing its size?" you ventured closing your eyes again. 
Heleana blinked, seemingly taken aback by your sudden interjection, as if she had momentarily forgotten your presence or hadn't anticipated a response. 
"In what manner?" she queried curiously; you could feel her eyes settling on you, making you squirm like you were one of those bugs under her inspection. 
"Well, back in Starfall, there was one year that was particularly mild. The days weren't scorchingly hot, and the nights were warm with a gentle breeze. It was one of the most pleasant periods I can recall," you began, just the memory of those sweet breezy nights, holding Gerris by the hand as you made him look at the stars was enough to make your heart grow within your chest. "During that time, the old cat that roamed the grounds would bring in notably plumper mice. I remember asking our maester about it, and he suggested that the favorable weather allowed the mice to forage more freely and evade predators with greater ease." 
Heleana hummed at your explanation but did not contribute.  "Or perhaps," you added, a playful grin curving your lips, "this mantis simply enjoyed too many honeyed cakes at breakfast." 
With no response from the princess, you wondered if Heleana had even heard your musings or if you had been talking to yourself. However, before you could dwell on the silence any further, a gentle pressure on your right hand, resting on your belly, pulled you back to the present. Alongside, a slight weight settled next to you. Curious, you opened your eyes to find Heleana had cozied up beside you, her presence a comforting weight next to you.  
You softly squinted at her, "What happened to your mantis, Heleana?" You said while gently squeezing her hand in yours. 
"I've decided to test your theory," Heleana announced with a determined grin that brought a smile to your face. "I want to see if Tarrax will grow even larger if she spends more time in the garden." 
"Tarrax?" you echoed with a chuckle, amused by the very mighty sounding name she had chosen for such a critter. 
Nodding, Heleana explained, "Yes, I named her after a Valyrian god. She's mighty, larger than any other mantis in all of King's Landing." 
"A fitting name, indeed," you replied, smiling down at Heleana as she shyly returned your gaze. "You know, Aemond is quite knowledgeable about our history, perhaps more than anyone else in the family, save for our father and uncle. You should ask him to share more with you." 
"Later," you said, waving off the idea with a hand, content to enjoy the present moment. "Right now, I'm spending time with my new sister." 
"Sister?" Heleana's eyes lit up at the word. 
"Of course," you affirmed warmly. "As Aemond's future wife, that makes you, my sister." You then added, with a conspiratorial smile, "And I must say, your company is far more pleasant." 
Heleana's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "I've always wanted a sister," she admitted softly. 
You hesitated before broaching a delicate subject. "What about Princess Rhaenyra?" you asked gently. 
Heleana grew quiet, her voice a soft murmur. "I guess she is my sister by blood, but she never really showed she cared about me, or anyone else in my family. I remember, as a child, she would sometimes brush my hair, but then, suddenly, I was no longer welcome in her chamber. Mother mentioned something had happened, but nobody ever explained it to me."  
She sighed, a hint of sorrow in her voice. "They all think I'm too naive to understand. You know, they say when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin..." Her voice trailed off, laden with unspoken sadness. "Everyone seems to have made up their minds about how my coin landed." 
Your eyebrows drew together, a frown forming as her words sank in. Gently, you rolled onto your side, maintaining your hold on Heleana's hand. The sudden closeness seemed to startle her; your noses were almost touching, allowing you to catch the faint, sweet scent of apples that seemed to emanate from her skin. Offering her a soft smile, you brushed a stray silver hair behind her ear. Heleana possessed a beauty distinct from her brother's. While Aemond resembled a statue crafted by divine hands – all sharp lines and smooth angles, with an angular jaw and eyes sharp as a predator's – Heleana radiated a softer, more sweet charm. Her face was round and gentle, her lips glossy and inviting, her eyes wide and innocent.  
"You shouldn't heed others' words, sweet Heleana," you whispered, making sure your voice carried a soothing warmth. It was the same tone you used back home to soothe the skittish kittens that hid in the corners of the castle.  "Though our acquaintance has been brief, it's clear to me that you possess exceptional brilliance and kindness, virtues all too rare in this world in my opinion." 
 Heleana's expression turned forlorn. "I'm not as smart as Aemond," she lamented. "My High Valyrian is mediocre at best, and I don't share his affinity for books." 
"We each have our unique strengths," you reassured her, glancing towards a rose bush where a delicate butterfly had alighted. "Tell me, which would you say is superior: Tarrax or this beautiful butterfly?" You nodded toward a beautiful green and pink butterfly softly chittering near the roses. Heleana looked before turning back to you, her faces inches away from yours.  
Her brows knitted in confusion at the comparison. "It's difficult to say... They're both quite remarkable in their own ways." 
"Exactly," you affirmed, a smile spreading across your face as you squeezed her hand gently. "We all differ, yet each of us holds intrinsic value. And you, Heleana, are a splendid butterfly."  
Heleana's smile lingered, but soon her eyes glazed over, taking on a distant, unfocused look as if she were peering into a world unseen. Your concern deepened at this sudden shift. "Heleana, are you alright?" You tried to look around for help, but you could not move, entranced by her glazed look.  
Yet, she offered no reply. Abruptly, she rose, her grip on your hands tightening. Her voice, when she spoke, carried an eerie cadence, "The dragons dance above the lake. The lake welcomes them both to rest. The faces watch on in wait, happy their land is thus at rest." 
Her words, cryptic and haunting, hung in the air between you like an unspoken curse. The sudden intensity of her gaze, now clear and piercing, seemed to penetrate your very soul, stripping away the pretense and exposing your deepest fears. It was as though she could see through you, beyond the garden's tranquil facade, to a vision that only she could discern. The leaves rustled softly in the breeze, yet their gentle sound felt distant, overshadowed by the chilling weight of her words. 
"Heleana, what happ..." Your question hung unfinished in the air, cut short by a stern voice that seemed out of place amidst the garden's tranquility. "My princess, my lady," called Ser Criston Cole, the annoyed title of his voice suggesting he'd rather be anywhere but here. Perros, looming just behind him, had his arms crossed, his brows furrowed in a manner that clearly communicated his readiness to intervene should the queen’s favored Kingsguard step out of line. 
"Ser Criston," you greeted with a polite smile, attempting to dispel the unsettling echo of Heleana's words from your thoughts. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" 
You could swear you saw a sneer on the knight’s face "The queen requests your presence, my lady, Her Majesty wishes to discuss the wedding arrangements with you." You couldn't help but swallow nervously at the mention of the queen. 
"May I accompany you?" Heleana inquired, shifting her penetrating gaze from you to Ser Criston. His annoyed stance softening upon Heleana’s words, ser Criston offered her a gentle, albeit somewhat strained, smile. "I'm afraid the queen wishes for some privacy with her future daughter-in-law, my princess." 
Heleana nodded in understanding, then looked back at you 
 "I'll remain here with the children until you return." 
You couldn't suppress the smile that her words brought to your lips. "Thank you, Heleana, and Perros," you added, turning to address your guard who looked like he wanted to pummel Cole into the ground, "please stay here and look after them with Heleana. I'd feel much more at ease knowing you're here to ensure their safety." 
Perros looked like he wanted to argue, but seeing your hard gaze, he simply nodded his head before shooting Cole a cold look.
Rising to your feet, you brushed down your skirts, the soft, gauzy purple fabric slipping through your fingers. Almost immediately, Gerris bounded over to you, "Where are you going?" he demanded, a hint of a whine coloring his words. "You've barely played with us!" 
You chuckled, reaching out to tweak his nose affectionately. "You've been darting about all afternoon, young man. You can't expect me to keep up with that pace! Stay here with Princess Heleana." His face fell slightly at your words. 
"Do you really have to leave now?" he pressed disappointingly.  
"Here's a deal for you," you offered, a conspiratorial glint in your eye. "Promise me you'll help Davos look after the twins, be good for Heleana, and I'll read you both an extra story tonight." 
Gerris's mood brightened instantly at the prospect, though he couldn't resist swatting away your hand from his nose with a playful huff. Then, with a bounce in his step, he returned to the small assembly of children. 
"You'll need to guide me, Ser Criston. I must admit, the vastness of this castle still confounds me," you said, offering a light-hearted smile that went unreturned. With a small bow to Heleana, Ser Criston turned sharply on his heel and began to lead the way toward the castle's heart. 
You hastened your steps to keep up with the Kingsguard, mindful not to let the hem of your dress catch beneath your feet. Matching the pace set by the imposing figure clad in white armor proved challenging; his stride was long and unforgiving, his focus squarely ahead, seemingly indifferent to whether you managed to keep up. 
Seeking to puncture the dense silence that enveloped you both, you ventured, "I've heard you hail from Dorne, Ser..." 
His response was brisk, clipped. "No. Only my mother was Dornish." 
"I see," you murmured, the silence resettling heavily between you. After a moment, you tried again, "Have you ever visited Dorne yourself?" 
"Yes, during the War of the Dornish Marshes." 
The words landed heavily, making you inwardly cringe. It seemed everyone in King's Landing bore some grievance against your homeland or its people. Lost in these thoughts, a question slipped from you, unbidden, "You bear no fondness for me, do you, Ser? May I ask why?" 
His stride faltered, a clear sign your words had hit a mark. Turning sharply, Ser Criston's gaze bore into you, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized you. "You'd like everyone to believe you're the epitome of innocence, wouldn't you? The sweet, unsuspecting girl caught in the machinations of her family and her kingdom. But we both know that's far from the truth." 
You felt your jaw tighten, anger simmering beneath your calm exterior. "There is no scheme," you retorted, your voice edged with frustration. 
Ser Criston's scoff was a harsh, grating sound, echoing mockingly around you, taunting you with its disdain. In two swift strides, the knight advanced, his towering presence suddenly overwhelming, making you acutely aware of your smaller stature. As you peered up at the Kingsguard, you swallowed nervously. Should Ser Criston wish to bash your head against the nearby wall, he very well could. And no one would come to your rescue. You were completely alone in this dark hall, and even if you were not, who in their right mind would dare oppose a knight of the Kingsguard? The protector of the queen, no less. The cold stone walls seemed to close in around you, the flickering torchlight casting ominous shadows that mirrored the fear gnawing at your insides 
Leaning closer, his voice dropped to a menacing whisper, "I've encountered a girl like you before – she believed her status absolved her of decency, she would be content to watch the world burn for her own gain. I won't allow you to follow in her footsteps and hurt this family.” 
You managed a tight swallow, nerves tingling at Ser Criston’s words. "Whoever she was, I am not her," you asserted, trying to sound more confident than you felt.  
Ser Criston paused, his eyes drilling into yours as he weighed your words. "We shall see," he finally said. With that, he turned on his heel, the air hitting your face, before he started resuming his march toward the queen's chambers, leaving you to scramble in his wake.  
As you trailed behind Ser Criston, your pace quickened to match his stride, and your gaze found itself locked on the stark whiteness of his helm. A thought fluttered through your mind, delicate yet persistent, "What womanly shadow has fallen across this knight's path to make him distrust women so?"  
Men always had a way of making their problems every woman’s burden, and in a place like King's Landing, a city where trust is as scarce as shade in the Dornish desert, such mistrust could become lethal. You were no naive ingenue, however; Dorne, for all its beauty and warmth, was no stranger to the same games of power and deception that seemed to animate the heart of the Seven Kingdoms. The corridors of Sunspear had echoed with whispers and schemes, and you had learned early that the veneer of civility often masked a ruthless struggle for dominance. Here in King’s Landing, the stakes were higher, the players more cunning, but the game remained the same. 
Nevertheless, this information about the knight lodged itself in a part of your brain. Information was power and understanding the pains and loyalties of those around you could be as valuable as any sword or magical dragon. To know the mind is to know how people can be used, and Ser Criston might one day become a very valuable piece on your cyvasse board if it ever comes to it.  
As you arrived before the imposing door, the glowing tower etched into the dark, polished wood stood as a solemn sentinel, marking the entrance to the queen’s apartments. Ser Criston knocked twice, each rap sharp and curt, echoing through the stone corridor like a distant war drum. A moment later, the soft, velvety voice of the queen bid you both to enter. Her words, though gentle, carried the weight of authority, wrapping around you like a silken noose, drawing you inexorably into the bedchambers. 
Queen Alicent sat upon a plush green chair, her velvet gown clinging to her figure with elegant modesty. The seven-pointed star necklace embraced her throat, a symbol of her devout faith. She looked rather put out, her fingers absently scratching at one another—a nervous tic, no doubt. 
The three of you regarded one another in heavy silence, the air thick with unspoken words. It was Queen Alicent who finally broke the stillness. 
“We won’t be needing you, Ser Criston,” she said, her voice floating through the room, rich and velvety. Ser Criston bowed, his deference directed more toward the queen than to you, and then retreated, leaving you standing awkwardly before your future mother-in-law. The very thought sent a shiver down your spine, an unsettling notion you constantly tried to push aside. 
“Your Grace,” you began, dipping into a low curtsy, your back as straight as a sword. “You wished to see me?” 
Alicent’s smile was a marvel of diplomacy—warm yet calculated, inviting yet commanding distance, like a sword draped in a beautiful green silk. You could not help but admire such a smile that must have taken years to develop “Indeed, lady Dayne. Sit, please." She gestured to a round table nestled next to the balcony. As you take a seat, Alicent snaps her fingers and servants starts to pour ruby liquid into your glass  
“I hope you like Arbor Red; there is no finer wine in all of King’s Landing, we import it directly from the Reach” Queen Alicent remarked, her voice carrying a subtle note of pride as she gestured toward the goblet on the table before you. 
You smiled hesitantly, the corners of your mouth twitching with uncertainty. “Arbor Red is hard to come by in Dorne. I shall savor this, thank you.” 
The wine’s deep crimson hue caught the light, promising warmth and richness. As you lifted the goblet to your lips, the queen's eyes never left you, her expression unreadable, a mask of courtly grace that concealed the thoughts swirling beneath. 
“I pray you are settling well into your new home, Lady Dayne?” the queen inquired, her tone polite but her gaze sharp and assessing. 
“Everyone has been very welcoming, Your Grace,” you answered diplomatically. “It might not feel like home yet, but I believe it could one day become so.” If these walls could never replace the sand of your homes, at the very least could become the only home you needed.  
“Hmmm,” said the queen thoughtfully. “I was quite young when I left Oldtown with my father to come to court. Although, at the time, I could never have imagined I was to be married to the king.” Her words held no trace of love, only a bitterness that cut through the air like a knife. “It was a great yet unexpected honor, of course.” 
 Your heart tightened at her words. You would have thrown yourself off the high walls had you been in Alicent Hightower’s place. At the very least, Aemond was your age, not a decrepit, sick old man. 
“Of course,” you said, gulping a bit more of your wine. You should slow down. You would need all your wits about you to survive this conversation with the queen. 
“You must be wondering why I asked you here today.” 
“It has crossed my mind,” you admitted. 
“I want to talk to you about your future with my son.” 
The words ‘your future with my son’ echoed in your mind, the taste of Aemond’s mouth on yours etched upon your very soul. “I’ve heard of your morning meetings,” Alicent mentioned casually, though a note of reproach lingered in her tone. 
Your heart raced as you forced a calm smile. “Aemond and I have grown quite fond of each other, Your Grace. Our meetings are a way to strengthen our bond as future man and wife.” 
“Indeed,” the queen replied, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Fondness is all well and good, but the court watches everything. Your actions reflect not just on yourself, but on our house.” 
The noose was slowly tightening around your throat, “I can promise you that Aemond never did anything untoward that could bring shame to himself or to your family.” 
“I should hope so, Aemond is not one to share his thoughts freely however. The queen lamented. It seems that you have made quite the impression.” 
You couldn’t help the soft smile that danced on your lips. “He is a man of deep thought and great feeling, Your Grace. Our conversations have become a cherished part of my day.” 
Queen Alicent's eyes, once stern, now softened just a touch. “It is good to hear that Aemond has found someone who appreciates him for who he is. But remember, fondness must walk hand in hand with duty. Our lives are not our own; they belong to the realm.” 
“I understand, Your Grace,” you said, inclining your head respectfully. “I will uphold the honor and dignity of our house.” 
“See that you do,” the queen replied, her voice carrying the weight of both warning and hope. “In King’s Landing, alliances are as fragile as spun glass, and one misstep can shatter everything.” 
You sighed softly, relieved that the queen’s words had been relatively mild. If that was all she wanted to convey, it was quite manageable. Nothing too bad. 
“However,” the queen continued, her voice taking on a harder edge. You lifted your eyes to meet her piercing gaze. 
“See that you remember this: Aemond’s loyalty will always be, first and foremost, to me and to his family. No matter how many threads you spin, how many lingering glances you throw his way, Aemond is my son before he becomes your anything. Do not think you will sway him to the winds of your mind. Aemond will do what we tell him to, always. Remember these words should you ever need to remind yourself of your place in this castle.” 
Now this you could not let pass. “With all due respect, Your Grace, I would hope that Aemond, as my husband, and I share the same wishes and aspirations. Is this alliance not to unite Dorne and the royal family as one?” 
The queen looked crossly into her glass, and you noticed it was quite empty. Interesting. You would have thought that a woman as pious as the queen would not indulge in drink, especially given how she reprimanded Prince Aegon at every opportunity. 
“Then make sure that your mind is always aligned with his interests and the best interests of this family. You will not like the alternative, I am afraid.” 
“Is that a threat, Your Majesty?” 
“Not a threat. I am simply explaining a fact. You were not there when the other boys teased him in his youth. I was the one whose shoulder he cried upon. I was the only one who cared for him when he was robbed of his eye. Me, not my father, not Viserys. Me. Do not think that your presence nullifies all that I have done for him.” 
You clenched your golden goblet, the ruby red wine as vivid as the fury in your eyes. Just as you were about to retort with your own biting words—though not the wisest course of action—a sharp series of knocks erupted at the large door. 
The queen raised her hand, and one of the guards waiting at the entrance opened the door, revealing none other than the man in question. Aemond entered, his expression stoic, though the wild look in his eyes told a different story. He seemed to sense the tension in the room immediately, his gaze flicking between you and his mother. 
“Mother. My lady,” he greeted, his voice a careful mask of calm. 
“Aemond,” Queen Alicent replied suprised at seeing her son at her door, but her tone softening slightly. “I was discussing the upcoming wedding with your future wife. We were thinking of green with little accents of lavender for the colors.” 
“Hmmmm,” was Aemond’s answer. “Purple is also an honored Targaryen color. Ensure it is visible to honor both my bride and my blood.” 
“We must show unity in this wedding, Aemond. You cannot think to—” 
“I would like to borrow Lady Dayne, Mother, if that is all,” Aemond interrupted smoothly. “I should like to think that color schemes are not the most crucial element in demonstrating the unity of our family, hmmmmm. My lady?” He extended his arm to you. 
You scrambled to reach it, curtseying and softly uttering a thanks to your future mother-in-law before hurrying to Aemond’s side. Together, you left the queen’s solar, Aemond leading you with a grace that accompany his stoic and princely air. 
As you both walked through the halls, you glanced at the strong profile of your betrothed. By the gods, he was handsome, as if carved from marble itself. 
“I hope my mother was not too harsh in her words to you. For if she was, I will have words with her,” Aemond spoke without looking at you, his shoulders tense, his back rod-straight. He flexed his sword hand, as if yearning to grasp the familiar dragon pommel for comfort. 
Without a word, you gently placed your palm in his clenching hand. At the sudden contact, the prince stopped in his tracks and finally turned to look at you, his whole being softening. 
You raised his hand to your mouth, placing a soft kiss on his palm. The warmth of his skin against your lips sent a shiver down your spine. Aemond moved his hand to cup your cheek, the touch gentle yet firm, and you smiled contentedly, nuzzling into his palm as if it were the safest place in the world. 
"It does not matter what your mother said. All that matters is that you know I will always be on your side, regardless of what happens. The rest is superficial. As long as you believe in me and I believe in you, all will be well." 
Aemond's thumb softly stroked the apple of your cheek, sending waves of warmth through you. His touch was both tender and reassuring, a silent promise of his support. "I feel like we do not know each other enough to speak of each other so," he murmured, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. 
“Not close enough? Do you caress the face of every lady in this castle? If so, I will be rather cross,” you teased, a playful glint in your eyes. 
“Do not say such things, you know there is but you,” he replied, his tone earnest. “Although your manners have a way of confounding me, I feel like I was waiting for you. I think you were owed to me,” Aemond softly admitted, doing his upmost to not avert your gaze.  
You tensed at his words. “Owed?” 
“For my eye,” Aemond said simply. “After all that the gods took, I was owed something wonderful, my lady.” 
“I am not sure it works like that,” you replied, your fingers grasping the shirt of his dark green, almost black, leather riding coat. The rich fabric was cool under your touch, a stark contrast to the heat of the moment. 
He leaned closer, his breath warm against your skin, carrying the faint scent of the Arbor Red wine. “Perhaps not. But it feels right, as if fate or the gods have finally given me something to cherish.” 
“Is this fate you speak of the same that led you to rescue me from your mother’s inquisition?” you asked, trying to divert the subject. The softeness and eagerness of his words were bringing out some feelings in too quick a fashion. 
 Aemond looked momentarily sheepish. “I suppose it was not fate, for I went looking for you in the garden. Helaena told me where to find you, and I grew worried. I will not let anything happen to you, my lady, whether it be from my family or anyone else.” 
There was a sincerity in his voice that made your heart ache. You studied his face, his sharp features softened by the candlelight of the narrow corridor, you tugged him to a nearby alcove, hidden from prying eyes.  
Aemond looked startled, but did not take his eyes away from you, while you bit your lips, looking into his lone eye pensively.  
“I would never ask you to choose.” 
“I know. But I would choose you regardless.” 
“Come now.” Aemond's hand slowly slipped from your face, his touch a whisper against your skin as he traced the line of your soft neck, down your sharp shoulder, and along the curve of your arm. His fingers entwined with yours, warm and reassuring, tugging you gently forward. “I want to show you the books I mentioned this morning.” 
“But Aemond, it will be the evening meal soon. I will not have time to go back and change if we go to the library now.” 
“Then we will have our meal in the library.” 
You arched a brow, a playful smile tugging at your lips. “I am not sure that is proper.” 
“Hmmmm, good thing I am the fearsome one-eyed prince, and no one would dare go against my words.” You liked it when Aemond was playful, you decided. It was a nice contrast to see the teasing quality alight his one eye against the smooth stoicism of his otherwise marbled face. 
“Except your mother. And your grandfather. And Ser Criston...” 
Aemond tugged you harder, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. “Quite the jester you are. If you would rather eat dinner with my family...” 
“No, that is quite alright,” you said quickly, a singsong quality to your voice. You matched his stride, but your smile drops slightly when you noticed something on his surcoat. 
“Aemond... is that blood?” 
Aemond looked down at his leathers, then brushed his hand over it as if the specks of blood might disappear with a simple gesture. 
“Do not worry, my lady,” he said, his voice calm but evasive. 
“Aemond, what happened?” 
“ ‘tis nothing,” he replied, his tone reassuring but his eyes betraying a hint of something darker. “Just a minor incident. Nothing for you to concern yourself with.” 
“Aemond...” you began, your concern evident in your voice. 
“Come, please. I would cherish the chance to show you my childhood books,” he interrupted gently, his eyes pleading for you to let the matter rest. 
You sighed, feeling the weight of the unspoken words between you. “Alright... keep your secrets then.” 
“I promise it is not as bad as it may look. Do you trust me?” he asked, his gaze unwavering and earnest. 
You so wanted to. Despite the unease gnawing at you, you smiled softly. “Lead the way, my prince.” 
Aemond's face lit up with a rare smile devoid of the dragon sharpness you had come to associate with him, as he tugged you in the direction of the library. The tension of the moment began to fade, replaced by the warmth of his presence. The flickering torchlight cast dancing shadows on the walls, and the quiet rustle of your combined footsteps echoed through the hallways.  
Looking at Aemond’s strong back you thought that you would find out eventually where the blood came from. Ghosts are patient creatures, after all. 
Next chapter
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
I am absolutely *starved* for foxy content, like one thing I’m obsessed with is foxy with piercings specifically, and imagine one night he’s like. Chasing you but you escape bc it’s just as the time turns over to 6 a.m., and as you catch your breath you notice one of his gold hoop earrings on the floor, and foxy’s reaction to seeing you the next night with his earring in your ear, the shock and the slow, reluctant tail-wagging he’ll deny but damn does that jewel look pretty in your ear and I hnnnnng PLS FEED ME IM A STARVING FOXY SIMP 😭
~𝔉𝔬𝔵𝔶 x Reader Headcanons (Wearing His Earring)~
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Summary: You looking pretty in Foxy's pirate booty (THAT BE TREASURE, YA KNOW) has softened his ol' sailin' heart.
~He's a grumpy old pirate and cursed himself for not being fast enough to get to you.
~Didn't realize his earring fell out while he was chasing you.
~Until he saw you the next night, wearing it like it was yours in the first place.
~You considered putting it back on him, but these animatronics almost murdered you just the night before, so you decided not to get close to any of the animatronics unless you absolutely had to.
~Especially the one that was chasing you down the hall.
~He had been only a hair away from you.
~You could feel your heart racing against your ribs just recalling the horrific event that almost took place.
~Deciding to get a closer look, Foxy ran straight to your door when he got the chance, spotting the earring just for a moment before you slammed the door right on his snout.
~He was grumbling for a long time after that, and you noticed that the curtains to Pirate Cove stayed shut for awhile.
~After thinking about how Bonnie, Chica and Freddy took action, he decided he'd do the same, rather than running up to your door just to be shut out.
~Foxy made his way towards your office, and stood in the darkness for a few minutes without you noticing.
~Ahh, you were a sight to see!
~How cute you looked sitting there all focused on the security cameras, your lips pressed together with anxiety and your eyes flicking quickly over the cameras to catch any sign of movement.
~And the earring in your ear that glinted when the dim office light above caught it.
~Foxy felt his shaggy tail reluctantly swishing from side to side, his eye patch flipping up to take you in with both eyes.
~You were able to hear the robotic sounds of his tail moving.
~When you saw him standing there, though, you immediately shut the door.
~He had been standing a bit too close, and because of this, his nose had been bonked by the slamming door. He moved just in time, but also let out a string of angry mumbles.
~You had never seen Foxy just stand there like the other animatronics did. He always raced in to catch you. While this was an unnerving new strategy of his, you wondered what changed-
~Oh, yes. The earring. Perhaps he wanted it back.
~Just before you left the building, you put the earring on the party table that was closest to his stage, so he could take it back.
~But when you returned, you found the earring on your desk, instead.
~It was yours now, and if you tried again to give it back, the same thing would happen. It would end up on your desk again.
~Something told you this old fox had a bit of a soft side.
KJDHDLGH THIS IS PRECIOUS. I believe it's the most wholesome thing I've written in a long time! I LOOOOOVE the thought of Foxy with pirate jewelry!
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Join my Discord server! We have movie nights, art prompts, a lot of places to ramble about your hyperfixations, and a ton of cool people to meet and roleplay with!:
~Love, PinkBoots
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sakasakiii · 6 months
hi!!! how long does an average panel of one of your comics take??
i love your work so much!! it got me into silmblr hehe
HI NONNIE!!! thank u sooooso much for checking in and for ur lovely ask! it means a lot to hear that my silly ol scribbles were what introduced u to the glorious landscape that is the tolkien fandom! on tumblr no less!! i hope you stay a real long time, and have a blast while you're at it 💖💖
now onto your question! that's some good food for thought uhhhh i can try to estimate?? its been a while but i shld have some rough ideas abt each that i can share! the time frame each comic/panel takes is highly dependent on WHAT kind of comic it is. i hv two kinds of comics I usually do: 1) full-length, and 2) goofy/4koma.
i have a few full-length comics laying about in my archive, but my most recent one/best example is Ghosts which was around uh.... 7 pages excluding the bonus panels! in terms of the process, i usually divide it into 5 stages:
Drafting: this is either the fastest stage OR the slowest depending entirely whether i know what im doing LMAO,, if i have a set idea for what i want to happen, i might get drafts done in a few hours, but if i flounder, it can take a few days 🤔
Lineart: relatively simple enough once i hv the draft down, so id say anything ranging from an hour to half a day if theres nothing else going on irl
Block colouring (main actors): there are DEFINITELY easier and more professional ways to do this with mass-selection and the lasso fill/bucket tool, but idk how to do that on SAI (my art program) so i colour everything by hand HAHA which makes the process longer.... half a day to a day?
Shading: THE WORST!!! definintely my least favourite bc i find it tedious due to all the details/prettification of elves that i am legally obliged to pour into this stage 😭😭 as a result, it can take days!!!
Background + Lighting + Final Rendering: similar to the previous stage haha it just depends on how much effort i wanna put into the final product looking nice. roughly a few days? it kind of meshes with stage 4 anyways haha
just for fun, i hope this process gif for page 6 can illustrate that 👇
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these are just rough estimates, bc all in all, the time it takes so finish a page is really dependent on how free I am hahaha. Also, I usually work on full-length comics like Ghost which have more than one page all at once, which means I drafted all 7 pages at once, then did the lineart for all 7 pages at once, coloured at once, shaded rendered bla bla bla 😚 iirc, i think it took me 11 days in total to finish Ghosts before the end of June last year!
For goofy/4-koma, its usually just one page with less detailed/more cartoonish/chibi character styles so it takes a day or two days at most! again, it all boils down to how free i am hehe
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YEAH SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING AN INFO DUMP but thank you so much again for asking and letting me ramble! <3 i ended up having a lot of fun looking back on my drafts n thinking back on my processes.... theres defininitely room for improvement, but thats another worry for another day heheh 😎
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starker-raving-mads · 5 months
For You: Part IX
im so sorry this took so long but everyone can thank @madeforstarker for kicking me in the ass to get it done. Thank you, princess <3
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX
Peter didn't see Tony for three days.
This was partially his fault. His initial reaction to The Bedroom Incident, as he was calling it, was to flee the entire building, his feet scurrying him to May's apartment early the following morning. He spent a good few hours with his aunt - something he didn't actually regret, though the reason for the new time together soured it a little for him - and when she left for work he left for patrol. It was probably his longest patrol yet, capping off at 6 hours, and while it felt good to stretch his muscles and help the people of Queens, his mind constantly drifted back to The Bedroom Incident.
He couldn't face Tony after that.
And yet he couldn't not.
After weeks of living in the penthouse, it felt like home. It was the only place he felt well and truly free and comfortable, and Tony being there just made it even better. Even with the - awkwardness that now surrounded them, surely they could get over that right? It's not like he'd said Tony's name. Out loud, at least.
So, exhausted and starving, he swung by a 24/7 deli and grabbed two sandwiches. They wouldn't be as good as Mr. Delmar's but Peter was starving so he'd take what he could get. He ate one of them on the walk home in his street wear, taking his time by taking a circuitous route back to Stark Tower. It was just delaying the inevitable but Peter couldn't bring himself to speed up the awkward conversation he was no doubt gonna have once he got home.
And yet, once the elevator doors opened and revealed the penthouse, no one was there.
"Fri?" he called.
"Yes, mom?"
"Where's, uh - where's Tony at?"
"Boss has been dematerialized and operating within the bounds of his cognitive digital space, which I am unable to access. Would you like me to get him for you?" she asked, tone colored with curiosity. Peter had to wonder what she thought of the situation, but also did not want to know. He could only imagine the leaps in logic she would make that would hit too close to home.
He dawdled around the living room for a little while before heading down to the labs, half expecting Tony to be there, blue and glowing and insubstantial but present and, for lack of better words, alive.
This was not the case.
Tony was nowhere in the confines of the lab. Peter sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, slowly making his way toward the elevator. He stopped before he entered it and turned around, speaking aloud, "I, uh, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I - yeah. I'll be around." He felt like an idiot speaking to an empty room but he wasn't sure what else to do.
He spent the rest of the night in the penthouse doing his online course work in silence. When he went to bed, he had Friday tell Tony just in case he wanted to know where Peter was, and then fell into a very tense and restless sleep.
The following two days were much like the first. Peter woke up, had Friday tell Tony what he was doing or where he was, visited his friends or May, patrolled, and did his online coursework. He'd come home, have Friday update Tony - not that she ever got an affirmative response - and he went to bed. He slept like shit, he felt like shit, and it was really starting to drain him.
On the fourth day, when he'd about lost his patience and his nerve, Tony finally popped into existence in the middle of the living room. It scared the hell out of him but he didn't do much more than look at the older man, dumbfounded and slightly stupefied.
"Yeah, uh," the simulation ran a hand through his hair, messing it up in an impossibly cute way, "hi."
"Hi," Peter replied, lame as fuck.
They stared at each other in silence, brown eyes meeting blue ones, before Tony finally broke the tension.
It was only Peter's enhanced senses that made the jumble of words make sense and he blushed immediately, grimacing and trying to hide it.
"It - uh, it's okay."
"It's really not, this is your place and I should give you privacy and I didn't and - " Tony paused, looking at Peter again. " - and I really should not know you have a daddy kink, kid."
"Oh god," Peter groaned, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over his face. "You heard that?"
Tony chuckled and it somehow broke the tension in the room despite the topic. "Kinda hard not to when you're all breathy and moaning. Plus," he shrugged, still grinning, "I have this kickass new memory since it all gets stored and fragmented and saved now."
"Please, please let's change topics before I pass out from blood loss," Peter begged. And, suddenly, everything felt right with the world again. This was their thing. Teasing and being teased, having fun and making jokes between all the serious stuff. It felt good, like a breath of fresh air after three very long, very lonely days.
Peter tried not to analyze what that meant for the future of his sex life.
Long and lonely, he sighed.
But, they moved topics like Peter had wanted, only to something he had not really expected.
"You what?" he asked, perplexed.
"I sent Pepper a Cease & Desist," Tony said as if it made any sense at all.
"How? Did you tell her you were - "
"Oh no, no way," the older man shook his head. "I figured neither of us were ready to pop open that can of worms. I sent it through Friday on your behalf - which," he grimaced, "I probably should've asked first, but what's done is done."
"It's fine, I guess, just - why?" That was what Peter couldn't understand. Why would Tony be sending C&Ds to his wife of all people? And on Peter's behalf no less.
"Listen, kid, I fucked up when I made my will - and before you start thinking it was about your part, it wasn't that," he cut Peter off when he saw the protest in his eyes. With a firm glare, he continued, "She had no right doing a lot of the things she did and is still doing. I had plenty of time in the last three days to think about it, analyze data, check on sources - it's amazing what having all that extra time I'd normally be sleeping can do - and I'm very unhappy with her, Pete."
"Just, why?" Peter asked again, feeling like a parrot or an NPC who had no other dialogue.
"She shouldn't have taken your blanket," the older man glared. "And she shouldn't have said what she did in that meeting room, or any of the tactics she's employed since. I know Pepper, kid, like I know the back of my hand," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand. "That means all the good and the bad. I know that I loved her, or something like that - I must have, to have gotten married and had a kid and everything," he waved his hand like this was not a tremendous thing to be admitting. Might have loved his wife. Oh boy. "But she's taking my decisions out on you and it's not right and it's not fair."
"I don't - "
"If you say you don't mind, kid, I'm gonna figure out a way to kick your ass," Tony swore. "You matter, your persona matters to the public and the shareholders, your favorite things matter even when they're just blankets, and you matter enough to me to be able to see your own god daughter."
"I - thank you," Peter replied softly, curling into the couch with a not-as-cozy blanket draped over him. "I don't know what to say to that."
"Just accept it."
Peter chuckled. "I can do that."
A sweet smile was spread across the space between them, warm and something. After a moment, Peter asked, "So what exactly did your C&D say?"
"The majority of it was just getting her to stop her public and private attacks on you," Tony started. He sat on one of the couch cushions and it was weird seeing it not sink in with his weight. "There was a second petition as well, to get visiting hours with Morgan. I hope, uh," he looked truly nervous here. "I hope you don't mind. I really think you'll love her, Pete." His eyes were earnest as he said this, not really looking for acceptance to an apology that wasn't given. Tony wanted Peter to know his daughter and Peter wanted that too.
"Of course I will," Peter smiled. "She's part you, remember?"
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Kobylu Week Day 4: Childhood Sweethearts <3
Luffy grinned ear-to-ear as he hopped around the tall grass, searching for beetles. “Hey, Luffy! Stay here, OK? We’re going to go make sure none of those thugs from Bluejam come sniffing around!” Sabo called out, waving. Luffy beamed and waved back, before noticing a Hercules beetle. Those are so rare, I gotta get it! Ace and Sabo laughed at him as he tumbled down the hill with a shout. Unable to stop himself, he let out a yelp, tightly shut his eyes and rolled and rolled. Until he WASNT. He was falling suddenly, the ground dropping off sharply and leaving the him falling into empty air.
"ACE! SA-" Luffy was cut off as cold water exploded around him and surged into his nose and eyes. He panicked, feeling his strength seep away until the point he couldn't even thrash around. He struggled weakly, but eating a Devil Fruit took away the consumer’s ability to swim. *Ace and Sabo will save me, i’ll be fine.. but what if they already left?!*
Someone did save him. Arms locked under his own and started heaving him up, legs kicking. Luffy wondered which one it was. Almost immediately, the boy broke the surface and felt himself get dragged onto the grass. "Oh my gosh! Please be alive!" A pink blur took form of a funny looking boy who was maybe 5 or 6, and Luffy coughed violently as the pink haired boy grabbed him and pat his back gently. “Are- Are you alright? Do you not know how to swim? Do yo- Ah! Im sorry! Im being nosy again... Here, you can cover up with this." He draped a sort of picnic blanket over Luffy. "Im Koby."
"Your funny. Im Luffy."
« Later, infront of the ASL treehouse »
"So you have brothers? That must be nice.." Koby gazed up at it, that sad expression almost always on his face.
"Yeah! We built this treehouse together! Come on, let me give you a tour!" Grabbing Koby's hand, the raven-haired child shot up the ladder into their home.
"Wow.. this is so cool! Is that a pirate flag?" His newfound friend pointed at the makeshift crows nest.
"Its our flag! Me and my brothers are gonna be the best pirates EVER!" Luffy said proudly. "But.. arent pirates evil? You seem really great, Luffy."
"No way! Pirates are SUPER COOL and free, and I'm gonna be the Pirate King!"
"Yup. " "THATS IMPOSSIBLE! YOUR ONLY 7! THERES NO WAY, NO WA- OW! Why did you throw a stick at me!?" Koby fell, landing on his back rubbing his head gingerly.
"You were being dumb. Friends dont say their friends dreams are impossible!" Luffy replied, sitting infront of the pink haired boy so he could lean down and look Koby in the eyes as he was laying on his back. "F..friends? " Luffy's new friend repeated, and Luffy grinned.
“Mhm! Your really weird, but I also really like you! "
Koby's eyes filled with tears, and he let out a small hiccup. "Y-You- That means so- I really- really like you too!"
Luffy giggled and poked his friend. "Crybaby! Oh, lets go up there! You can see the flag closer and its really nice up there! Maybe we can spot Ace and Sabo, too!"
«» Koby had stopped crying after 10 minutes, so the boys had sat and talked together for hours after. The sun cast a golden light upon the two as it set, and Luffy was STARVING. "Im so hungry! Ace and Sabo never let me hunt alone, so I cant catch dinner! Im gonna DIEE.." He whined, his stomach growling loudly to accentuate his point.
"Oh! I have snacks from the orphanage. Its not a lot..sorry. " Koby peeled a tangerine and held it out to Luffy, who ate it eagerly and grinned at the boy.
"Thanks, Koby! Hey, Im sleepy now.”
"Oh, I am a little tired too. I should head ba..?" The pinkette paused as Luffy frowned at him, obviously annoyed. " stay with me! my brothers are taking forever. So… goodnight. " The boy flopped over onto Koby and fell asleep instantly, snoring loudly. Koby giggled at his new friend and fell asleep with the setting sun reflecting off his glasses.
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TY FOR READING YIPEEE!!! @shiratamamikan collabed with me and is the one who made the beautiful absolutely stunning picture above !!!! <333 HAPPU KOBYLU WEEK!
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anzuhan · 5 months
april end innovade update (and possibly one of if not final update)
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this was the first month in which i've only drawn one out of all trinities (michael only) (-)
the draw rate has raised since last month's 2.04 to 2.16/day (+)
first time ive drawn a piece including all innovades i tend to usually draw (+)
first time inclusion of 'others' (with the miku innovade designs) (+)
still only drew least drawn innovade a single time (sky) (-)
total drawn - 249
per innovade:
tieria - 59
laetitia - 15
regene - 23
revive - 19
bring - 18
divine - 17
anew - 14
sky - 6
hiling - 33
ribbons - 41
michael - 9
johann - 3
nena - 3
other - 2
ending note / long ramble about the whole situation
its been a long while huh 😭 exactly 4 months. minus a day ! on a year with a longer february as well, nonetheless. its been fun, but i may stop drawing them now; not to say natsume has utterly obliterated my love for innovades inside of my brain (though i thought of announcing it this way with a funny headline like BREAKING NEWS ! natsume has murdered the entire species of innovades in cold blood. we are sorry for the inconvenience), but also as of late it did sort of become a bother to draw them; mostly because of the keeping track of it as well and because i did not want the draw rate etc to drop. i did get to 1/4th of my goal.. minus one ! im not saying i will NEVER be drawing them ever again, but i doubt ill be keeping track of it anymore — alongside that, i do not think i will be drawing them almost at all anymore either (now, for a while. but they may still appear here and there from time to time.. as all my past fandoms do), so if you were only here for them and not me & my works, feel free to unfollow. i will still be up to have talks about them ! but i just wont devote such a high amount of time and effort to them anymore. it is hard to say ive been slowly falling out of love with them, and mayhaps even harder to say im falling in love again with natsume 😭 and EXACTLY a year later after i last stopped drawing him too... which is crazy .
i feel like besides this, it was also becoming apparent that drawing them has become a chore to me ; i was not feeling up to drawing highly detailed pieces with them anymore that id spend time on. i was not happy with the results on many of them either. and things like the page of every single tieria outfit, despite it used to be a thing i was once hyped about doing... back in january when i just got here, it no longer was that way. yes, i pushed through with it, but it took me a very long time and i kind of disliked going back to it, which is why it even took me that long 😭 and was moreso just done to keep up the numbers of innovades drawn ; for myself, for others.
i cannot lie about the fact it did make me happy i was giving to such a small fandom and brightening other peoples days, and this is a big flaw i have that i tend to put others above myself, but this has become much too big of a bother to me to keep on doing it. i still love them ! not as much, but i still do, especially ribbons. there is nothing wrong with them, i just do not wish to continue essentially wasting so much of my time drawing things i do not enjoy drawing, unless i am to see it finished and thats all the joy i get out of it.
as for the requests with the innovades, i am unsure if i am to do them anymore except for a singular one that ive also not received thru an ask but dm, purely because i am actually hyped about it 😭 and that may be the extent of which you will be seeing anymore 00 content from me.
im sorry if ive let anyone down & thank you for following me through this journey ; i hope to see you again :)
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originemesis · 8 months
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"creation took 7 days; now watch me fuck it all up in one night"
canon divergent adam / abel // haz.b.in h.o.tel
21 + / mid-low activity / private
ordained and entertained by skeu ; icon templates by cinna! 💜💛 human icons by bbglucifer ;p <3 --- > xxx
side blog: vortex @gutstaken
here are some cool people 😎 : @deathinfeathers , @voxistem , @lilitophidian , @cast-you-dxwn , @2ndrib , @atomeyes + @sainticidal , @arachn0philia , @drraphaelmd, @brokendreamscreation , @hlylight , @chasingrainbcws , @danger-tits-lute , @hclluvahctel
about // playlist // active headcanon // current verses // rules [beneath]
Blog is 21+ for content concerns and mun is 25+ (an old) and will not interact with minors on this blog. minors should technically not follow me here either ~ so, don'tttttt...do that? thanks! if i catch you, you're yeeted to the shadow realm.
Do not follow this blog if you are sensitive to the sensitive topics related to this particular genre. I tag with "content word cw" for the extra wild stuff, but that's about it. adam literally has the highest swear/slur count in the show and he's only in 3 episodes, so be aware of that.
I tend to be private/selective as i get fairly overwhelmed with too much activity. i really get into plots though, and i'll spam the dash with some silly original dick chauvinism from time to time when ive fed my inner gremlins past midnight. That said, I do get easily overwhelmed when I'm following too many people and multi muse blogs in particular can exacerbate this feeling, so if I do not follow back - I might just not be in a good place to atm or I just don't see possible interactions btw our characters. It's nothing personal! ^^
This is a mutuals only interaction blog for my sanity (anons being fine). if i can see plots happening between us, i'll likely follow. but i get overwhelmed easily so please don't take it personally if i don't follow back or follow back right away.
I am not exclusive, but I prioritize my plotted threads and may have some mains/activity based off that as far as my main verse goes. But I will never be fully exclusive and i enjoy exploring different character dynamics. Also multiship is fine, but I am not exclusively here to ship or write suggestive content. My muses have always and will always require plotting and scene chemistry for me to consider writing ship material. In the case I do reblog shippy prompts still feel free to send in ofc! I'll see if I can make it work or not.
If I don't get a follow back within a week or two, if blogs i follow go inactive for up to 6-7 weeks, or if there's just no attempt on either of our ends to connect for an indefinite amount of time - i'll occasionally go through my list and soft block to clean things up. if we ever want to give it a go in the future, the option is there for us to re-follow and resume! i have in the past been made to feel like I'm walking on egg shells in rpcs regarding these matters and id rather avoid it here...im just here to chill, write and leave weird surprises in dms.
I don't like the feeling of being 'collected' so...if you are interacting with multiple of my muses, I ask you have a different dynamic for mine than them. This is just an act of courtesy I also extend to my rp partners. I interact more with folks that have a special relationship with my muse, so it's needed to deep dive into more interesting topics for me. I also do not usually interact w/ other of the same muse cuz I feel like I 'absorb' how others play him and I want to keep my version separated from that. I might give it a shot some times though depending on how it's presented.
I know that Adam is a bad guy. He's insufferable and can push buttons- but I am not him and I dislike constantly feeling like I'm being barraged for his actions, especially since I consider him to be a heavily layered character that should not be shoe horned into a standard 'ok irredeemable and never allowed nice things' box. So- if you honestly hate this character please don't interact. I am here for exploring taboo topics and ways that a flawed character can make others think he's justified, betray them, make people feel COMPLICATED things... I also love torturing my muse and taking the piss out of him, so I don't need people moving in and tying to constantly put him down/ruin his current plots by being god modey or not at least asking me how we should proceed in a power dynamic, or relationships cuz you don't ship what I ship, or find my interactions with other characters 'toxic' and 'not allowed'...let me explore and enjoy what I like on my blog within reason and do talk with me on dms if you don't like how things are going with our muses and you wanna explore other routes. I love to plot and I am very reasonable.
This post/my rules and conditions are subject to change based on what I get up to on here.
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4channerguy · 7 months
let loose / kunidazai
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hayyyy so im just gonna repost this from my ao3 because ive been lacking in tumblr posts lol!! i hope you enjoy :3 xoxo (。・∀・)ノ i used this prompt when writing this: person B tossing snowballs at person A's window, not knowing the window is open and has no screen. also this is probably ooc but idgaf! and also kind of cringe but i also dgaf!
wc: 1057
warnings ✎ : boyfaliures (´・ω・`)  ➜ ┊ pairings: dazai x kunikida
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𓂃 ☆ ⋮ doppo kunikida thinks of himself as a precise and sharp man.
he gets a full seven hours of sleep with no distractions, eating a full breakfast precisely at 6 AM, and then meditating. today was his free day off, and all he could think about was doing work. he’d offered fukuzawa to do more paperwork, to discard the load that was on the old man’s shoulders, but he at first declined saying, “you shouldn’t do too much. this day is possibly your only day off.” kunikida only shook his head, pulling his notebook and pointing at it. “i must follow my ideals, sir,” he said firmly. “i must retain the quota of doing seventy-two pages of work.” fukuzawa stared at him for a moment before sighing slightly. He opened his drawer to obtain a tuna can from his secret-stray-cat-stash (SSCS), because it was his free day too. The man didn’t even bother to protest against the golden-blond, and only wished him luck in his assignments.
now at his apartment, kunikida was prepared. he had a neat stack of paperwork with his laptop and of course, his notebook. he adjusted his glasses while gazing out the window. it had snowed last night, with inches of thick snow covering the pathway. since his desk faced the window, decided to open it to at least have some cool breeze in while he worked. it would give me some form of productivity, he thought while also fully opening the window screen as well. He sighed contently, opening his laptop and started typing.
unbeknownst to him, a troublemaker was walking by.
osamu dazai, who just had a typical failed suicide attempt, was mopeing around like a teenager on a winter break, tossing his empty can of tomato juice around his hands. he was thinking about what he wanted for dinner. canned crab probably. with cheap beer. ten cans of beer, maybe. he whistled to himself and then stopped.
he saw kunikida. But, alas, kunikida did not see him. dazai felt his heart skip slightly, seeing him with a furrowed brow working diligently. His glasses were perched on top of his head, which made dazai slightly swoon-
nah. dazai thought. maybe my body is just wired to tease and bother the shit out of him. typical dazai-centric thoughts. dazai crept up towards kunikida’s apartment and started to slowly form a snowball (with his bare hands of course, because he hoped to also catch hypothermia). “KUNIIIIIKIDAAAAAAA!” dazai yelled, which caused kunikida to snap up his head to see the perpetrator. unfortunately, the snowball hit him.
square in the face.
the snowball slowly dripped from his face and onto his desk. dazai only grinned.
kunikida slowly got out of his chair, grabbed his coat, scarf and gloves, put on his snow boots and walked calmly outside where dazai was waiting with a cheshire-like smirk. he took and breath and screamed, “DAAAAAAZAAAAAAIIIII!” he started forming half-assed snowballs and started pelting dazai with him. dazai, on the other hand, was laughing maniacally like a person high on drugs, with a grin reaching his ears. the snow-covered ground became a battle-ground, the two engaging into a chaotic snowball fight. kunikida’s annoyance gradually turned into amusement as he threw, turning uncharacteristically carefree. the two laughed like children on a playground, the chunks of snow glistening, making it look like a hallmark christmas card. to a passerby’s eye, it looked like two grown assed men who were on drugs.
as the snowball fight continued, it got more competitive. kunikida had the sudden urge to outwit dazai, and started to become strategic, hiding behind various things and even building a snow fort. He began a pattern of throwing each snowball while dazai skillfully dodged his attacks and snapped back with his own. in the midst of the laughter, they found a shared joy of letting go of their burdens (well, mostly on kunikida’s part) and embracing the lightness of the moment. kunkida’s mind shifted away from his ideals, and dazai from his future suicide attempts. they just became two individuals enjoying each other’s company in the purest form of fun. Eventually, fatigue caught up to them, leaving their laughter to only breathless chuckles, with fog coming out of their mouth. they stood facing each other covered in snow with comfortable silence. dazai’s grin turned into a warm smile, brushing snow out of his hair. kunikida did the same with his coat.
“you know, kunikida,” dazai began, still trying to get a chunk of snow on his coat. “it’s good to let loose sometimes.” kunikida nodded, cleaning his glasses. “yes, I suppose you’re right,” he paused and cleared his throat, “for once.” dazai only laughed and went towards him, making kunikida hesitant and step back a little. he brushed more snow out of kunikida’s face which caused him to slightly flush. “you’re always being so uptight,” dazai said softly. “you should loosen up more.”
“...well, um, i-”
“also I have a confession to make,” dazai said seriously, which caused kunikida to twitch, making his ears turn red. “since you were (assuming) doing work, could you do…mine?”
“okay here me out, so, um, i was busy having-”
“a one night stand,” kunikida interrupted. “or a suicide attempt. or drinking beer and zoning out.”
“...that’s not true! i was fooling around-, no, wait, um, i mean MENTORING, atsushi for his job with kyoka-”
kunikida turned around and started walking away. “H..Hey! Wait, PLEASE KUNIKIDAAA,” dazai went on his knees. “PLEASEEE, I PROMISE I’LL-”
kunikida sighed and stared back at him, his expression unreadable. “i’ll do it for you. but you have to do something, for once.” dazai beamed and dusted off the snow on his pants. “thanks, kunikida.”
awkward silence.
“...i’ll have to get going.” kunikida said, breaking the silence. “hm? oh, yeah.” dazai replied, sort of red-faced. probably the cold. kunikida guessed. “see you tomorrow! we should do this again,” dazai grinned. kunikida nodded.
they both go to their respective apartments, both smiling (kunikida’s almost barely noticeable). kunikida arrived back, taking off his shoes and closing his window for any further cautions. he was about to start his work, but he decided to take a small break, because after all, maybe the troublemaker, osamu dazai, was right.
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⋆。𖦹 °✩ 06.09.23, do not repost or translate my content :^)
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otrtbs · 4 months
hi! could you explain a little bit what you studied and if you did any apprenticeship before you got a job ? a little summary to how you got there ? i’m so curious (and i admire you a lot)
hiya!! sure!!
so back in high school i actually started volunteering at my local art museum when i was 16 (up until i graduated at 18). they had a program specifically designed for teens to volunteer at the museum (i gave guided tours, and helped plan events at the museum, and worked with kids 3-12 in a drop-in studio every saturday where they could make art of their own after looking in the gallery) <- not a lot of museums do this, but you can call and ask if they need volunteer docents for the weekends !! they’ll train you!!
then i majored in art history in undergrad (making sure to focus my courses in modern and contemporary art towards the end of my studies bc that’s what i wanted to do! also i took a LOT of french classes. as in i only needed a few credits to have a minor but the last class was so hard i dropped it) to give yourself a leg up, i recommend studying a language (italian, french, spanish, german) most jobs in ARH require at least a minimal reading knowledge of another language.
while i was in school, i got a job at my university’s art museum as a gallery assistant! (<- fancy way of saying i walked around the galleries and told people not to touch the paintings and answered their questions if they asked and made sure no one was trying to steal the art)
during the summer, i got a summer internship at an art gallery in the biggest city close to my house (bc i moved back home w my parents in the summertime. uni housing was crazy expensive) and that was the *most* instrumental. i learned how to write wall texts, how to install artworks, i made studio visits to artists, updated the gallery website, handled artist contracts, you name it! it was great experience!!
i also got involved in art history/fine arts clubs at my university! i was on the fine arts council at my uni which represented the art and art history department to the student senate and the university at large. and the art historical society.
then i got my master’s degree in history of art theory and display, joined the art historical society at that university, got a degree and entered my FLOP ERA OF THE CENTURY
and by that i mean, i was 6 months unemployed and moved back home w my parents flop era. no one would hire me ,, no one would even give me a call back to tell me they didn’t wanna hire me ,,, and then one day someone did !! rahhh!!!! and i got some of my research approved 4 publishing and now im here!!!! (i say this not to discourage you but to let you know that the job market for art history ppl is tough,, it has always been tough,, but if you love it, it’s never a waste to pursue!)
i would do a few things differently if i had a second go at it, just to get a leg up so here’s some advice that im giving but i DIDNT DO myself:
1) try to minor in something to give you a leg up! a language is good, marketing is good, public relations… something to make you stand out!
2) try to get things published as an undergrad or a grad student! get your research out there if you can (way easier said than done ik ik) have some things you can list under your publications tab on your CV
3) if you find yourself in a 6+ month jobless, flop era period like me, volunteer somewhere at a museum or gallery if you are able. i was bitter as fuck that i had a masters degree and would be working at a museum for free when i needed money so i didn’t do it ,, but when someone finally calls back and you get an interview and they ask what you’ve been up to recently ,,, telling them you spend your time volunteering in museum spaces and working in your desired environment looks so much better than saying “i’ve been job searching” i promise !! (<- also just recognizing the extreme privilege i had to just stay at home and look for jobs in my desired field instead of immediately having to get a job somewhere. but im not gonna lie to you. i put out applications at olive garden and einstein’s bagels and they both rejected me. so. i was scrambling bc my student loans were due and i had zero dollars 2 my name 🧍‍♀️)
okay i rambled on for entirely tooooooo long. but i hope this was helpful somewhat !!! 💗💗
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proseka-headcanons · 6 months
hi i'm the guy who wrote a whole ass essay about my fav ships, with Nene as an unwilling match-maker. headcanons for the Shinonomes bc i love them;
- Akito can draw, courtesy of having an artist as a sister. Like, if he decided to pursue art instead of music, he could. His art is almost on par with Ena's. I think that when VBS was too lazy to do a choreography for a song they want to upload on social medias, they'd make Akito make an MV for it lol (ofc the others would help him make it, n25 style)
- I think it's pretty much canon that the Shinonomes have sweet tooth, especially for pancakes and cheesecakes, but i want to expand on that; New dessert shop down the street? they'd already bought the entire menu by the end of the week. New dessert recipe on trend? when Shinonodad (i forgor his name) came home, the kitchen was messy af and the culprits were on the sofa, eating said dessert while watching netflix or smth.
- Adding to that, everytime it's like, Valentine's, or White Day, or any celebration day where cafes and shops would have like, couple discounts, Ena and Akito would pretend to be couple just to get that discount or free dessert. it's the only time they were nice to each other. Mizuki caught them once. She took a photo of them and sent it to the Kamiyama gang gc. An died laughing. Nene said that's actually genius.
- Everytime N25 had a meeting, at one point they'll get the honor of witnessing the fight of the Shinonomes first hand. like, it's so common for the Shinonomes to fight in the dead of night that at this point, Mizuki already prepared popcorns.
- None of them are a morning person. At 6 AM every morning, you will witness the waking up for school Akito and just finished school Ena. They either stare at each other before having a mutual understanding, or the other would somehow trigger the other and they would have a boderline almost physical fight.
- also yes they have fist-fighted each other for at least 5 times in their life. And i just know one of the fight was bc one of them ate the other's cheesecake.
- Akito is trans-masc and Ena is trans-fem. They traded genders.
- They also traded clothes.
- When they came out, Shinei (shinonodad, i remembered his name finally) actually doesn't really care. for how much he's an asshole, he still loves his kids. Shinei just goes "oh, ok" and hugged them. Shinei's not the best parent but he's trying.
- Shinei actually bought Akito a binder. Akito cried.
- WLW and MLM hostility. that's them.
- Akito knows how to style hair. He taught Ena how to do it.
- ENA GOES TO VBS' CONCERTS AND AKITO ALWAYS WAITS FOR N25'S SONGS PREMIERES. they'd rather die than admit that tho.
ok yeah this is getting long enough. i love the Shinonomes sm.
-- also can I call myself unofficial mod Tsukasa from now on :D?
i love. everything. about this. also call yourself whatev you want (im a lil confused about it but as long as no ones going after my name(iwillfindyou(iamtherealakitoshinonome))). ive read so many sad headcannons about akito being able to draw really well, and ena getting so upset about it that he just stopped all together. dont get me wrong, i am an angst enjoyer but man. one of the serious fights theyve had was over akito supposedly "stealing" the only thing ena enjoyed. :( - 🥞
OUGHFHFHHFHFHFGHGHG.... this is all so real I'm sobbing - mod ena
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finneysbaseball · 2 years
headcanons of being on your period and how i think the ghost boys would react
(im on my period rn so this might be self projecting)
literally supposed to be cleaning cus I'm getting a new bed today but like
finney blake
now ik this boy would be so sweet
but so clueless
he had a mom but she didn't teach him anything about this stuff
he did research about it because gwen has her period
and he does the best he can
now he will get you pads, but he'd probably have gwen actually buy them.
he would rub your stomach if you asked
he'd let you cry on his shoulder if your pains get too bad (me rn bro)
he would be so scared of u
like you're mood swings
he'd be hiding from u bro
thats it's for my lil anxiety filled boy
robin arellano
ok for robin
he'd be so nice about it
like if u bleed on his bed? its ok! he'll get new sheets it wasn't your fault
he would def get u pads
he dont gaf whos looking
he'd be like "tf u looking at🤨" if someone even questions him
he'd lay with u in bed all day<3
and he'd lend u his jacket if u bled thru your pants
and if someone sees the leak and says someone about it?
oh god just pray for them
bruce yamada
this man would be sooo nice about it
he'd def go out of his way to get you everything you need
a new heating pad? done.
candy? snacks? drinks? also done.
pads? tampons? already had some in his personal bathroom for you.
wanna cuddle all day doing nothing?
if someone said something ab you being moody he'd cuss them out
like this boy is nice
like even nice to ppl he doesn't like.
but if someone is being mean to you?
he is not taking that bro
also he'd be so nice ab your mood swings
vance hopper
ok first things first.
i hc that he has only sisters.
no boys just all girls and then him
maybe ab like 4 sisters yk
and he is absolutely a mamas boy
u cannot tell me other wise
and since he has 4 sisters he knows alot about this stuff.
know, i dont particularly think he would go out to get u pads unless he absolutely has too
and since he has 4 sisters who all have their periods (expect his youngest sister who is 6)
they would be stocked up on feminine hygiene
and his sisters would LOVEE YOUUU
you'd cuddle in his room
ok so mood swings
yk he has a temper so you would be arguing bro
his sisters would be like "🍿🍿"
while you 2 we're arguing
yk i think it would be bickering
not like "oh i hate u arguing"
like old married couple arguing
billy showalter
now i don't know much about him so pls bear with me
he wouldn't be over nervous but he wouldn't be that calm either?
you and him would go to the store and get all that you needed, his mom took you both
know imo i think he'd be just a tad embarrassed to be seen getting pads?
he'd still be sweet about it
he'd make you any kind of food (well his mom but yk he poured your drink give him cred)
and then you'd both go into his room and cuddle while he read a book to you:)
ok thats it my lovelys i hope u enjoyed!
also feel free to send me headcanon requests i love making these when i have time!
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 13
anakin x reader
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a/n: sorry for the wait!!! i started a summer job and i’ve been hellllllaaaa busy lol- dw tho, im still writing!!
You have a relaxing dinner with Ahsoka until the end of the year approaches
warnings: cursing, cannon disabled character, insecurity, mention of periods, possible pregnancy mention,
More time passed and you prepped for finals; luckily this year you were able to exempt most of your sit in exams and instead only had one big project and a 20 page thesis due. 
You had been feeling nauseous for the past few days but the 20 page paper’s deadline was looming over you, so it was probably the stress from that. You also hadn’t had much time to eat, so you could also just be hungry. 
You ignored the feeling and went back to typing.
The paper was almost done, only two more pages then you were free for the weekend.. Just two more.
Ring Ring
Ahsoka was calling, you finished the sentence you were on before picking up the phone.
Hey hey! Are you busy tonight?
“I should be free after one more page of this thing”
Damn! Congrats! You've been at that shit since mid terms! I think that deserves celebration!
You laughed, hopefully she wasn’t proposing a party because you weren't quite feeling up to that.
“What do you have in mind?”
I dunno… wanna  just grab take out and eat it by the koi pond? I kinda just want a chill night before I have to start practice for nationals. 
“That sounds wonderful”
Cool! I'll see you at 6:30?
“Sounds good to me!”
Oki bye bye!
The end of the line clicked as she hung up and a small smile settled onto your face; even though you hadn’t known Ahsoka that long, the two of you just clicked and were almost always on the same wavelength.
Some of you wanted to tell her about Anakin, but you just felt like at this point it would add drama to the already stressful end of the year. 
You were seen as the baby of the friend group, so you wouldn’t know how they would feel if you and Anakin officially confirmed the relationship…Also Ahsoka could be a little dramatic at times and you were afraid she would become too involved and make jokes or treat you and Ani differently.
And you had known Anakin long enough to know that those small changes would piss him off and he might accidentally take it out on the relationship.
You got back to your computer when you got a really bad cramp in your abdomen. 
Oh fuck, you hadn’t gotten your period on its normal week so apparently its deciding to come now…great, something else to add to your delightful week.
You finally finished your paper and let out a long groan as you stretched your back. You grabbed your keys and headed down to meet Ahsoka outside the dorms. Once the two of you met up and got your food, you walked to the koi pond on the northern side of campus. 
The sun was setting and the sky was a mixture of beautiful oranges and pinks; you took a seat on the iron bench that overlooked the gardens surrounding the koi pond. 
“This is so nice, I needed to chill,” Ahsoka said, breaking apart the cheap wooden chopsticks that came with her bento box. 
“Yea, I feel ya” you said opening the box of lo mein you ordered. 
“Ya know, I cant believe i’m gonna be graduating in just a few weeks… Like what the actual fuck, I swear I was just a freshman like two weeks ago” Ahsoka baffled as she watched the fish swim laps around the pond. 
“Oh yea, I wanted to get a brunch with all of us next sunday before I have to go to nationals, would you be able to come?” she added.
“Yes! I’d love to” you responded, before remembering that would be one of the last times you would see her before her graduation. 
“I’m going to miss you so much Ahsoka” you said sadly, “Will you keep in touch?”
“Does a fish need water? Of course y/n!” she smiled; “you’re my best girl friend; sure sky guy and Ben are nice, but they're not another girl. And I like Satine alot, but she's older and in a totally different place in life than us, ya know?” 
“Yea, I’m glad we met too” you smiled. 
You conversed over random topics and future plans-
“Do you think you’ll party a lot next year?” she asked you
“Hmm, I don’t think so” 
“Why not? Don’t you wanna find a partner or atleast a hook-up?” She asked, biting down on her last California roll.
“I’m actually pretty content, I think most of my party phase was exhausted freshman and sophomore year” 
“Yea, I get it, I really only kept going out cause the team likes to go to the big parties. Kinda changing topics though, are you interested in anyone this year?”
You froze for a split second before bringing the noodles to your mouth, “Not really, I mean I’ve been seeing this guy off campus, but I wanna keep it on the dl and so does he” you responded (you didn’t have the heart to completely lie to her).
“Ooo, is he cute? How old is he? What's his name? Does he have socials? I gotta make sure he’s good enough for my girl”
“Hah, that's a lot. Umm, I think he's cute, he doesn’t use social media much, and he’s just a bit older” (yeah right, more like twice your age).
“Ok….what's his name?” she asked again, a devious grin on her face.
You smiled and looked away, “Ahsoka, I love you, but I can't tell you, I promised him we’d keep it under wraps… He’s a very private person” 
“Do I know him?” she definitely was gonna guess it if she kept at the questions.
You took all the power you could to construct a final lie, “no, I met him on a dating app”.
“Oh, never mind I guess, I’m happy for you!”
You were not practiced in lying.
“Thanks, I really like him… I think I may be in love…I’ve never felt this way before” you smiled. 
“That’s amazing, y/n. Will I meet him some day?”
“Of course” 
The rest of dinner was pleasant, until your stomach started hurting again.
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, I think I'm just gonna get my period soon” you said.
“Wait, shouldn’t you have gotten it like two weeks ago?”
“Yea, remember, we’re kind of synced, You’ve been starting yours half way through my cycle since like September”
“Oh, I think it's just late from the stress”
“Hopefully so” she laughed, “Wouldn’t want that mystery man to have knocked you up”. 
She was joking, but something in you became worried… it had been a long time since your last period… and you and Anakin had been pretty busy…but wait
Anakin couldn’t have kids. 
The doctors said so.
But what if…
You shook the thoughts from your head and asked Ahsoka if she would come with you to the drug store to pick up some tums for the stomach ache.
She went off to go look at the shampoo because she needed some more and you sneaked off to grab a pregnancy test.
While you were in line you decided to update your boyfriend on the night’s conversation
“Hey babe, just fyi Ahsoka was asking about who i was seeing so i lied and said a guy from tinder, just wanted to lyk”
In no time your phone buzzed
Alright, thanks for covering, have a good night princess.
“Goodnight my love”
The week went by and you only had the project to finish. Most of your academic stress was subsided, but your personal stress grew by the day.
You hadn't opened the pregnancy test you got last week… you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Maybe it was because you hadn't had time…
oh who were you kidding? 
You were scared. 
But if you were pregnant, you should probably find out soon. Right?
You went into the bathroom and locked the door.
This was it.
The moment of truth.
a/n: so this ch was more of a filler to get to the next few chapters…. the plot is thickening and i hope your interest stays!! ty again for reading :)
taglist: : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana
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kazerflame · 8 months
Behold! My child!
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His name is Nox, because his au is named Denoxtale. [Im still working on his name. Cuz i haven't touched the au in like 2 years or so.]
Denox has no special meaning here, I took it from a napkin stand that said Dixie.
Info: [wip]
25 years old
goes by he/him
Is 5"6
Has a mystery illness that weakens him. He's always a bit chilly which is why he wears his scarf and wool socks. The illness isn't contagious and cannot spread to other monsters or humans. The effects of the illness are; slow movement, tiredness, low HP, and drowsiness.
The illness affected him when he was 19 years old
Nox used to be in the royal guard and was one of the most powerful guards. But he still keeps in touch with the royals guards (mostly Undyne). Papyrus is being trained by Undyne under Nox's request.
No canon sexuality yet. You guys can ship him with your ocs and such! But please, no proshipping. DO NOT SHIP HIM WITH A MINOR!! You are free to tag me in fanart of him!
He's a chill person who won't be the one to initiate a fight.
Both him and papyrus were adopted by Gaster
The marks on his face have no meaning (yet)
Some doodles under the cut! And new character that just existed a week ago-
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Small detail on his eyelids that isn't visible ---^
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Casual outfit ---^
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Old outfit w/ scarf ---^
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Unfinished sketch of Nox and Revamped Koid (Now called Dalisto) first interaction. Dalisto has healing powers and when they first found Nox they offered to heal him and perhaps lessen the effects of the illness. It does work and now they stick together and travel to different universes.
Dalisto info:
As seen in the sketch above, they have an "infection" on their left arm. This is a slight reference to Koid who was the child of a hybrid between a skeleton and a monster bird.
Dalisto has deja vu moments when some things seem familar to them. They can't figure out why and roll with it.
Dalisto has two different personality's, kind and chill and murder.
Their face is covered by a 'cloud' of black smoke? lines? idk. It only covers the top part so their mouth is still visible
Stands at 6"2'.
Just popped into existence one day.
Neutral. Does whatever they want whether it'll harm them or benefit them
Their healing magic can also regenerate lost limbs and heals souls on the brink of death. If the the soul has vanished they will not be able to bring it back to life.
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okay okay yes i KNOW i should be writing my fanfic BUT
Community characters as AJJ songs bc it's my favorite show and favorite band :] (If you want anyone added, feel free to ask!) Jeff Winger - Brave As A Noun. Okay, hear me out. This song not only applies to him lyrically but also shares the energy he has in the later seasons. He's just forcing himself to be satisfied with a life he doesn't really want, but also doesn't hate, is very season six finale. That is very much BAAN.
Britta Perry - Dissonance. It really has her energy. From the pilot to the finale, it fits her consistently despite her major character change. She is not put together. She hates herself because everyone's told her to. Britta is the best, but no one sees that. Not even herself. The only people who treated her with respect were the people she spent the least amount of time with! Think about it, she's had - what? - One touching scene with Duncan and Pierce each? She deserves more.
Abed Nadir - Goodbye, Oh Goodbye. Just listen to the song and you'll agree. This is mostly because of Troy's departure or in Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas. Whenever he has to confront his emotions, he has this distance between himself and everyone else. The opening lines, "I was thrown onto the ground/I was locked inside a basement/The guards went on vacation while I plotted my revolt." really, really, REALLY reminds me of 'Virtual Systems Analysis' when Annie's talking to Abed in the mind locker. It's a sad song, but it really fits him. The line "It's nothing like the nothingness that normally numbs one pain" is very clearly related to Troy. He got so used to Troy, and he never took him for granted, but Troy became a constant. He was Abed's anchor, and now he's gone.
Annie Edison - No one. This is Annie, particularly as the Ace of Hearts in 'A Fistful Of Paintballs'.
Troy Barns - A Big Day for Grimley. It's giving post-sea voyage Troy. He's changed, he's traumatized, and he's a little bit alone. He's proud of himself but is full of regret. What happened to Abed? He doesn't know.
Pierce Hawthorne - People Ii: The Reckoning. THIS IS PIERCE!!! Now, many of you know I love Pierce, so if you don't then you might not agree with this choice lmao
Pierce is sad. He is so sad. In Britta's words, he has spent so long looking out for himself, but he would give it all up for a shot at a family. He never gets that family. The study group never fully accepts him, despite his efforts and his becoming a better person with their help. Even Annie, the nicest to him in the group, seems to see him as a project or something. Like, he's just some old racist, homophobic old man, and not someone with 60+ years of trauma that he gradually works through with the help of his friends. He gains a brother. He defends the LGBTQ+ community. He wants nothing more than to be close to Jeff. And he dies alone.
So, yeah. "Here's to you Mrs. Robinson, people love you more, oh nevermind."
Dean Craig Pelton - Human kittens. No, I don't know why. Someone needs to give him a hug (Jeff).
Ben Chang - Dipping Things In Stuff. I don't know, he's batshit. He wants love though, just like the rest of us. This is very seasons 5/6 of Chang, I believe.
Buzz Hickey - Hate, rain on me. Tired, nihilistic, and praying for hope. I really like this song for him.
Elroy Patashnick - Normalization Blues. Don't ask me why. It works.
Ian Duncan - Fucc The Devil. Sad, distant, desperate, and hallow. But enough about Duncan. This song is the perfect example of, "I have what I want. Why am I still not okay?" which is what Duncan faces a lot. "I wanna go away for a while/Away for awhile/Because the things that I have seen/Are turning me into a shitty human being." Look me in the eyes and tell me that's not Ian. This man deserves so much more then people will let him have. Don't get me wrong, he's awful. But aren't we all, just a little bit?
Frankie and Shirley are too sane for this band im sorry to them
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mattslolita · 16 days
omgg is kiwi ur real name? its SO cute!!
i finally did the replacement phone thingy. but they said they would put a hold of £799 on my dads card. which i THOUGHT meant theyd take his details and charge 799 only if we didnt send the damaged phone back within 10 days. HOWEVERRR it TOOK THE 799 AND WONT GIV IT BAK TILL WE SEND IT LMFAO! hes annoyed but yk whatever not me paying unfortunatley 😭
and school was crazy. my tutor told me i couldnt wear trianers BUT i wore the same ones last year an they look like school shoes believe it or not! so shes on my ass already 😜
then my bf came in late (idiottt) and now cuz the government FUCKING IDIOTS made a new law that if u come after 9:00 (late basically) or u dont turn up with no "valid" reason to schl this will count as a unauthorised absence. if u get 10 of those in 10 weeks you will be charged £180 PER FUCKING PARENT!!! so hes already got 1 😒
thennn it was pouring today and we had an assembly first thing at 8:30 and we had to "line up" (fuck off w ur line up we r not 6) in the rain an our head of year was yellin at us sayin we were wasting HER time. like BITCH LET US GO IN! NO TIME WASTED! my bf tried to giv me his coat cuz i dint bring one and this teacher was like "her fault she dint bring one, go bak to ur line" and my bf said no and stil gave it. SHE GAVE HIM A WARNING? meaning if he gets another 2 he gets a 1 hour detention? like what? calm tf down!
we stayed 2 hours w our tutor after assembly doing bloody quizzes like huh? we r gonna do our gcse's this year an they want us to tell em who fucking wrote "oliver twist". like what? i cant read i literally hav no fucking clue who wrote it. also never heard of the book! LMAO.
then in science we had a new seating plan 😤 an she put me next to this weird boy who keeps putting heart eyes on my tiktoks? i said i aint sittin there an cuz shes nice she let me sit next to my bf 🤗we had to walk round the room and fill in some sheet of the digestive system which was boringgggg!
english also new seating plan but i like the teacher so it was alright!
geography i sit next to some boy who doesnt shut the fuck up. hes asking me all this shit like where im from nd what languages i speak? literally english mate like do i look like im ABLE to learn another language? no!
at lunch we sat in some teachers classroom jus me an my bf and just spoke abt everything and anythinggg. my teacher said she liked my rings my bf got me🥹(cant wear jewlry to schl tho?? how does it affect my learning??????)
also more explaining to new teachers as to y i use coloured paper. like hav they NEVER seen anyone else with dyslexia?
okay imma be straight up, yo school is WILDING cs all those rules are dumb & weird. PAYING A FINE BC UR LATE TO SCHOOL ??? and i thought american schools were ass😭😭😭 its so funny to me how ur bf keeps getting in trouble tho LMFAOO like free him guys he ain't do nun to nobody !
also kiwi is NOT my real name, but its really cute & random and my bff peaches told me if i was a fruit i'd be a kiwi, so here we are 💌🥝⭐
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