#foxy x reader
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(His Poison Lips) With The Metal Grip
The title makes it sound way angstier than it actually is, I promise this is almost pure fluff I just suck at coming up with titles. And I was listening to music and those lyrics just kinda made me think of the bit with the hook, and idk titles are hard man.
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: After losing power in the middle of your shift, you find yourself fleeing for your life as Foxy pursues you through the halls. But perhaps there's more to this encounter than you first realized.
Story under the cut! Also on AO3!
The posters on the walls were an incomprehensible blur as you raced through the halls, skidding on the checkered floor and nearly crashing into a wall as you slid down a corner.
You wanted to pause and catch your breath, but the faint click-clack of nails skittering not far behind had a thrill of fear skittering along your spine. Whimpering, you scrambled down the hall, turned around and unsure where you were going, just desperate to get away.
Usually when the power ran out in the middle of your shift, it was Freddy you had to worry about, the glowing eyes in the dim corridor to the side of your office eerie and haunting. You weren’t sure why tonight was different – but instead of the uncanny melody of Freddy’s familiar jingle, you heard running footsteps pattering down your hallway. Uneasy about the change, you stood from your office chair and faced the door the sound was coming from, heart racing and flashlight gripped in clammy hands.
Foxy appeared in the doorway with a screech and you yelped in alarm. You’d fumbled and almost dropped the flashlight in your panic when he lunged at you, but you just barely managed to shine the light in his eye sockets. The animatronic stumbled and seemed disoriented, joints whirring as it missed its lunge and landed a few steps short of you.
Panicked, unsure how much time that had bought you, you’d scrambled out the opposite door at your back and took off down the hallway. If you could just evade Foxy until 6 a.m., his free-roaming protocols would end and you just might survive the night.
Hearing his pattering steps rapidly gaining on you, the chances of that were looking slimmer by the second.
You skidded around another corner and froze.
A dead end.
You whirled around and almost sobbed when you saw Foxy’s one glowing eye at the end of the hall, staring you down. The two of you stared at each other for a long moment, you panting and Foxy unnervingly silent. He glanced slowly down at the flashlight gripped in your trembling hand, then back to you.
Shivering with nerves, you kept eye contact with him as you slowly raised the flashlight.
Your movement seemed to shatter the spell of stillness that had come over him, and he sprinted down the hallway. You were used to seeing the action on your cameras, but it was so much more harrowing when there was no door to safely hide behind.
Before you could manage to flick the button on your flashlight, Foxy was on you, batting it out of your hand harshly with his hook. You heard the plastic hit the floor and slide across the linoleum, vanishing into the dark of the hallway as the pirate loomed over you. Your stomach twisted like it was full of writhing snakes as you met his eye, his frame towering over you easily.
You saw the flash of his hook coming at you and screamed, stumbling back a step and tripping over your own feet in your panic. You scrambled away on your hands and knees, elbows banging painfully against the hard linoleum floor, but you didn’t get far before Foxy was on you.
His 6’2” frame caged you in, legs locked over your hips and arms on either side of your torso. His gaping maw was right in front of your face, giving you a horrific close up of his ragged fur and the jagged teeth in his mouth. Choking out a sob, you tried to turn away but the cool metal of his hook caught under your chin, freezing you in place.
You saw his head leaning in, coming closer to your face. Unable to turn away with his hook holding you in place, you squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to watch your impending doom come closer.
“Yer not s’posed to be here~” the gruff, pirate-accented voice of the fox crooned in a menacing sing-song right by your ear. The curved top of his hook pressed against your throat, cutting off your air and forcing you back until you collapsed underneath him. Breath hitching on another sob, you felt a few tears squeeze out from beneath your shut lids, trickling down your temples into your hair. Still, the pressure of the hook didn’t abate, and you were struggling to gasp in breaths now.
“Please—” you wheezed desperately. Forcing your eyes open, the figure hovering over you was a blur through the hazy tears clouding your vision. “Foxy please, please d-don’t—” You weren’t sure if begging would have any effect on the animatronic, but you were officially out of options.
Slowly, Foxy’s head tilted to one side as he stared down at you. The gesture brought to mind a puppy, and would almost be endearing if he weren’t pinning you to the floor, choking off your air supply. You slowly blinked the tears from your eyes as you and Foxy stared at each other, you struggling to draw in ragged gasps and shivering beneath him, and Foxy just.
Looking. Watching you.
You had no idea what was going on in his processors, no idea if he was drawing this out just to torture you or if he was genuinely hesitating to hurt you.
“Please,” you whispered again, voice cracking. His ears twitched slightly but he didn’t otherwise acknowledge you.
Suddenly, you felt furry fingers sliding through your hair, sharp claws scraping over your scalp and making you gasp, before that hand came down to rest at the back of your neck, pulling your head up slightly, forcing you to arch up off the floor towards him. At the same time, Foxy’s body bore down on yours, rough raggedy fur pressing against your arms where your uniform shirt’s short sleeve left the skin exposed. The weight of his endoskeleton did you no favors as you struggled to breathe, and you thought he’d decided to finish you off after all.
Hiccupping out a weak sob, your eyes shot back to his one visible eye, wide and unsure. Foxy leaned in again and you winced, waiting for the agony of his hook slicing you open, the sharp pain of his teeth crushing your delicate bones. The lack of oxygen was making you dizzy, spots dancing across your vision and making you woozy.
It made you wonder if you were hallucinating when the first touch of his muzzle came.
Rather than the pain you’d braced for, it was a gentle brush of his cold metal nose against your cheek, skimming along the side of your face. The fur on his cheek brushed against your face, rough but not too uncomfortable; you shivered at the cold as his nose touched just under your ear.
He was……snuffling? Impossible, since he didn’t breathe, but that’s what it sounded like. Like he was sniffing you, taking in your scent and puffing softly.
You didn’t understand, and you were worrying that you were going to pass out when Foxy abruptly jerked back, hook leaving your throat and dropping the hand that had been supporting the back of your neck. Your head cracked against the floor as you gasped for air, half-sitting up as Foxy sat back on his haunches, glowing yellow eye never leaving you.
As you slowly caught your breath, you carefully eased away from him until your back hit the wall. You wondered what had stopped him, but the answer came in the beeping of your watch.
You glanced at your watch to confirm – it was 6 a.m.
Your shift was over. Somehow, miraculously, you were alive.
Slowly, you looked up at Foxy again. In the moments you’d been preoccupied, he’d gotten to his feet and was standing at the end of the hall, about to disappear around the corner. You watched him go, wondering what the hell all that had been about as your heart finally began to slow down and you caught your breath.
The lights in the hall flickered on overhead as the building came back online after losing power, and you caught sight of where your flashlight had rolled to. Shakily, you grabbed it and clambered slowly to your feet, not entirely trusting your legs to hold your weight after everything that had just happened. You carefully made your way through the halls to collect your belongings from your office, dazed and uneasy.
It was 6 a.m., so in theory you were safe, but after the night you’d had the silence of the building wasn’t very comforting. The sooner you could get out of here and be around people, the sooner you’d stop feeling like you were trapped in a dream.
As you picked your bag up from the floor where it sat against your desk, you noticed something glinting on the floor, standing out against the dirty carpet of the office.
A single silver hoop earring.
Didn’t Foxy wear silver hoops in his ears? You kept your distance from the animatronics as much as you could, but you felt sure you’d seen silver glinting in his ears through the cameras once or twice when he started to peek his head out of Pirate Cove’s curtains.
Slowly, unsure why you were doing so but unable to help yourself, you closed your fingers around the earring. The cool metal against your palm reminded you of his hook bearing down on your throat, and you shuddered, snatching your bag and shooting to your feet.
You made your way quickly out of the building, barely acknowledging the incoming day shift workers.
The silver earring tucked in your pocket seemed to carry extra weight as you made your way home, never allowing you to forget your encounter.
As always, you were back the next night. You swore to yourself that this time you’d be more careful about your power usage, not wanting another incident.
Still, you couldn’t help quickly checking all the cameras first thing, checking where everyone was. The band was still on stage – not roaming around just yet. You breathed a silent sigh of relief.
You apprehensively clicked over to the camera that would show you Pirate Cove. Chills raced up your spine when you saw the curtains already open, Foxy absent from the stage.
Heart racing, you skipped to your hallway’s camera frantically muttering, “No no no, not again….come on, please,” but you barely got a glimpse of Foxy sprinting down the hall before he was at your door with that ear-piercing cry.
Yelping, you spun to face him so quickly your chair almost tipped over. Barely righting yourself before you got dumped on the floor again, you stared at Foxy with wide eyes.
His tall frame took up the entire doorway, furred fingers clutching the wall of the doorframe on one side, hook biting into the wall and tearing through the paint, leaving a gouge as he stood there. He stared at you, and even though his expression was fixed in place, you swear there was a deeper intensity in that glowing yellow eye as it fixated on you. His entire body leaned forward like he was caught mid-lunge, straining towards you.
You weren’t sure what was stopping him from completing that lunge, and like a bird caught in the gaze of a rattlesnake you found yourself unable to move as you and Foxy stared at each other, spellbound.
Slowly, his head tilted to one side again as he watched you, unblinking.
Tension was thick in the air as you waited to see what he’d do, his presence bringing back memories of last night and even without his hook restricting your airways you found yourself struggling to draw breath.
Jerkily, like he was fighting against his programming, he suddenly took a single step into the room, towards you.
Without thinking you flinched backwards, the wheels on your chair sliding across the carpet until the back slammed against your desk.
In the time it took you to blink, Foxy had closed the distance, his arms shooting to land on the desk on either side of you with a heavy-sounding clunk, once again caging you in. You stared up at him with wide eyes, nearly hyperventilating as he hovered above you, staring down at you with an intensity that made you tremble.
You could scarcely believe your eyes when Foxy slowly – jerkily and unevenly like each movement was a battle – sank to his knees in front of you. Given how big he was, it didn’t do much to lessen his height. But now instead of hovering above you, his snout was about level with your face, barely inches away. You could see the individual coarse hairs on the fur of his face, the thin scratches on the metal of his nose. You could see the slight variations of the lights in his eyes, lines of slightly darker gold in the gleaming yellow.
You were so caught up in staring at Foxy, you didn’t notice his paw coming up from where he’d planted it on the desk. You sucked in a breath, startled, when his claw slid through your hair, but he was careful. Gentle, tender almost, as he brushed the strands back, away from your ear.
You felt heat sear your cheeks as you realized what he was seeing.
His silver hoop earring, dangling from your ear. You cringed and looked away from his hypnotic gaze, pressing your lips together in embarrassment. Foxy’s hook came up under your ear, in a barely-there caress that caused goosebumps to prickle along your skin, gently touching the earring where it hooked into your ear.
thump, thump, thump, thump
Puzzled, you glanced at Foxy through your lashes despite your embarrassment, wondering what that sound was. Faint movement behind the pirate clued you in.
Was…..was his tail wagging?
No matter how nervous you felt with him so close, or how badly he’d scared you last night, you couldn’t help finding that adorable.
Nervous, but not as terrified now, you took a deep breath and straightened your spine before meeting his gaze head-on again. You lightly touched your ear, just above where his hook still hovered. “Do you want this back?” you asked him, voice coming out slightly hoarse. You chalked that up to anxiousness at his proximity, trying not to think too hard about your rapidly fluttering heart.
Foxy just stared at you, that quiet thump of his tail continuing. You felt your lips twitch in a hint of a smile and bit down on your lower lip, trying to contain it. Foxy’s head tilted the other way, reminding you again of a curious puppy, and you couldn’t help being endeared by the action.
Suddenly, Foxy leaned in and pressed his snout against you, cold nose nudging against your jaw and you shivered as he traced his way down. Slowly, carefully that muzzle went from your jaw down the column of your throat, pausing under your chin where his hook had pressed in.
His ears drooped slightly, the thump of his tail going still, as he took in the bruising he’d left on your skin. Facial expression or no, he looked positively dejected, clearly guilty about hurting you. It made your heart melt, wanting to soothe him; without thinking you reached out, resting your hands on either side of his head. Gently, you pulled him back up until he was looking at you again, though he seemed reluctant now to meet your gaze.
You ducked down and met his eye, a faint smile tugging your lips. “It’s okay, Foxy, I’m not mad at you,” you assured him. That bright yellow eye flitted back up to yours, ears pricking towards you, and your smile widened a bit. “That’s right,” you cooed, “no need to feel bad. It’s okay.” You emphasized the assurance with a couple of pets along his cheek, sliding your fingers through his fur.
The arrhythmic thumping of his tail started up again, and you couldn’t help laughing a bit as he leaned in and pressed his torso lightly against yours, rickety frame leaning into you and resting his muzzle on your shoulder. Without thinking about it, one of your hands came up behind his head and sank into his fur, lightly scratching behind his ears.
His tail began to wag faster, and he pressed harder into you, making you chuckle. So, he likes skritches. Good to know.
Charmed, you pulled back, sliding one hand down to his chest and lightly pushing. He was heavy, you had no chance of making him move on your own, but as soon as you pushed he sat back and looked at your face, tilting his head.
“I have to keep an eye on the rest of the building,” you told him. His ears drooped, head dipping slightly, and you would almost say he was pouting. Suppressing another smile, you stroked your fingers through the fur on the one of his cheeks again, giving a light skritch, and he pressed hard into the touch as he looked at you. Laughing, you dropped both hands. “Really, Foxy, I have to work,” you insisted, carefully sliding to the side so you could twist your chair around to face your desk. “But,” you added as he drooped again, “you can stay and keep me company tonight. If—if you want to, that is.” You faltered a bit on that last sentence, suddenly remembering this was an animatronic and feeling a bit silly.
But he perked right back up as soon as you said it, and you couldn’t bring yourself to regret or recant the offer.
Foxy made himself right at home in your space, staying knelt on the floor and dropping his head onto your lap. As you worked through the night, flipping cameras and closing the doors as needed, you would occasionally stroke the fur on top of his head or give light skritches behind his ears, which always made his tail swish wildly and press harder against you, like he couldn’t get close enough.
You found yourself smiling more than usual during your shifts, the company making the time pass easier, and before you knew it 6 a.m. was approaching.
Foxy was reluctant to part from you, that was obvious as he jerkily rose to his feet. Tentatively, he lifted his paw and lightly set it on top of your head, stroking in much the same manner you’d gently pet his fur over the course of the night. It made you feel warm all over, your cheeks flushing under his steady regard.
Clearing your throat, you reached up to your ear and pulled off the earring, holding it out in your palm and offering it back to him silently.
Foxy stared at the earring. Then at your face. His yellow eye flickered back and forth a few time before he dropped his paw from your head to take your hand and curl your fingers closed over your earring, giving a light squeeze before he let go and turned for the door right as your watch beeped, marking 6 a.m. and the end of another shift.
You stared at the doorway for a long minute, face red and wondering if it had all been a fever dream. Then you looked down at your hand, uncurling your fingers and studying the earring glinting in your palm. Pursing your lips, you put it back in your ear and stretched, groaning as your spine crackled and popped. Sitting in one position all night hadn’t done any favors for your back, but Foxy had seemed so content, you couldn’t bring yourself to make him move.
Maybe he’d come to visit you for your next shift again. Touching the silver at your ear with a faint smile, you found yourself really hoping you would.
Yes, it was strange, but Foxy seemed to just. Want affection, and it was cute. Sweet, even, and you didn’t mind his presence now that he was no longer chasing and scaring you. Shaking your head at yourself with a wry smile, you grabbed your bag and made your way out of the building. As you passed through the main area you couldn’t help glancing towards Pirate Cove – and saw a single yellow eye peeking at you through a crack in the curtains.
Breaking into a grin you just couldn’t help, you offered a wave before making your way out the main entrance, a slight bounce in your step.
Foxy didn’t need to worry. You’d be back before long.
#I DID IT#almost all in one go too#no beta sorry#foxy x reader#foxy/reader#foxyxreader#foxy fluff#foxy fnaf#fnaf foxy#five nights at freddy's#fnaf fanfic#foxy fanfic#foxy x you#foxy the pirate#foxy is touch starved#fnaf#foxy#i know og foxy doesnt have earrings#or a tail#but shhhh#its my fic so ill do what i want thx#i basically made him a big puppy#i have no regrets#foxy simp#foxys hook hand#pirate hook#foxys hook#give foxy a tail#and earrings#hes a pirate he deserves all the jewelry
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Can you please write headcanons or an one-shot about an older kid (probably 11-12-13-14) entering the pirate cove (when foxy was already out of order) just to get away from the annoying kids and then getting actually fascinated about foxy? Like whole looking at him in awe, asking to touch his hook (carefully ofc) then sitting and intently listening to his pirate stories like it's the most interesting thing in the world, and just overall giving the poor fox their undivined attention?
🦊 Foxy x teen!Reader platonic headcanons Attention to Foxy 🏴☠️
When your parents said that they would go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza for your younger brother's birthday, you hoped that you would stay at home, but your hopes were destroyed and you were forced to go with your parents, younger brother and his friends. When you were younger, it was interesting for you to go to this pizzeria and you still liked it, but you were absolutely not interested in the company of your younger brother's friends, so you decided to hide to be quiet, and did not find a better place than Pirate Cove, next to which there was a sign with the inscription "Sorry! Out of order"
You hid behind the curtain and were left alone with Foxy. You've never seen this animatronic up close, but you were much more surprised that it worked. At first it surprised you, but Foxy was a little broken, but he was still friendly with you. He was lonely, because he hadn't been on stage for a long time, so your presence pleased him. You were genuinely interested in listening to his stories, even though you were nervous at first, but it quickly turned into friendliness
For the first time in a long time, Foxy felt needed again. He has long felt as if everyone had forgotten about him and your attention pleased him. You looked at him with sincere delight, asked him several times for permission to touch his pirate hook and sat quietly, listening attentively to his stories. He was glad that you gave him your attention, even though he might look a little scary. You even started coming to the pizzeria specifically to chat with him
Foxy was glad that you weren't afraid of him and came to him, even though it was officially forbidden. You came to him when the employees of the pizzeria did not see and you could communicate calmly. You didn't tell anyone that you made friends with an animatronic, because no one would believe you. You yourself don't fully understand why it was turned on, but you often had the feeling that it wasn't just an animatronic
You didn't know what was going on in the pizzeria before and what was happening there at night, but the more you went there to visit your friend, the more it seemed to you that something was wrong. Sometimes you fancied a strange smell and sometimes it seemed to you that there was someone else besides you and Foxy, but you didn't pay attention to it. You were genuinely happy to spend time with him and the rest was just little things
#Five Nights at Freddy's#Five Nights at Freddy's x Reader#Five Nights at Freddy's headcanons#FNAF#FNAF x Reader#FNAF headcanons#Foxy#Foxy x Reader
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Can I request a child reader with (whatever slasher you want)?
Muti slasher x child reader who has metal problems that hasn't been diagnosed with (whatever one you feel comfortable writing)
So, I'm gonna write for depression and or anxiety as I have both. I have no clue if these were what you meant, but here you go! Also, I apologize if I offend anyone, I am solely going off of my experience with them and what I do with mine. Sorry it started getting short at the end, I started running out of ideas :(.
Characters: o.driftwood, b.sawyer, b.firefly, capt.spaulding
Warnings: depression, anxiety, mental health issues
There are more than likely things that I forgot to mention in the warnings, so proceed with caution
Mental Child
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba picked up on how sad you had been
But it wasn't just sadness, he could see it in your eyes, it was something else
At first he just thought that someone had dropped by the gas station while you were there helping Drayton and said something mean about you, so he tried sitting with you
He slowly recognized that, that wasn't helping and quickly clocked when you started distancing yourself
Staying in your room more often then not, your eyes constantly being swollen, the fact that he couldn't bring a smile to your face like he used to
He began to worry, heavily
He tried to get Drayton to take you somewhere to get you fixed, but Drayton seen no issue with how you were acting
Eventually tho, Drayton breaks after even Nubbins began worrying about you
Nubbins noticed how little you smiled, how you seemed to look a little more dead everytime he saw you, and how little you were eating
Anyways, at this point, everyone is worrying about you
The breaking point is when Bubba walks up to your room to find you in the middle of an anxiety attack
He doesn't know that's what this is tho, so he picks you up and rushes you down stairs
Drayton takes you to the hospital and blah blah blah
Captain Spaulding
Baby was the first to notice how off you were acting
No longer willing to scalp people with her, let her do your hair, let her paint your nails or anything
She recognized that you were distancing yourself and told Mama, and then, somehow, word got out to Spaulding
He immediately came and picked you up and took you to live with him for a while
To say he was worried was an understatement
You weren't eating, you were barely sleeping, and he could hear your anxiety attacks
He couldn't do anything about it tho, cause he didn't know what to do
He noticed how slouchy you were and eventually asked you what was going on, telling you that he was beginning to get worried
If you deside to open up, he tries to find you a place to get you help after a while
At first he was like, "Oh, everyone gets a little depressed now and then," but then he started getting worried when you weren't seeming to get better
Otis Driftwood
You think this mf cares?
He tells you to suck it up
He will get kinda worried when you start violently shaking and start screaming about how you can't breathe
Only then does he try to do anything to help you tho
Baby Firefly
She cares! She really does, she just doesn't understand why you can't breathe
She tries getting you water and holding you
She doesn't really know anything about Anxiety, so Mama was the one to make the assumption that that was what you had
She tried to make herself a bit smarter on the subject so she can help her baby
@puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @zeroisreallygood @im-a-simp898 @artsycrow46 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc @caretaleandotherstuff
#otis's child#otis driftwood x reader#otis x reader#otis driftwood#otis#bubba x reader#bubba sawyer x reader#tcm bubba#bubba#bubba sawyer#bubba saywer x reader#bubba slaughter#baby firefly x reader#baby x reader#baby firefly#baby#baby firefly's kid#bubba sawyer's kid#captain spauldings kid#foxy coltranes kid#captain spaulding x reader#captain spaulding#foxy coltrane x reader#foxy x reader#foxy#house of 1000 corpses#house of 1000 corpses x reader#tcm leatherface#tcm#3 from hell
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FNAF headcannons
*ascends from the gave with a platter* for my beloveds. If people enjoy this I may make a part 2. Most of these are romantic but I guess they can also be seen as platonic, at least some
OG Foxy
Possibly one of the most touch starved animatronics. All that time alone in Pirates Cove made him very lonely
Depending on what shift you work depends on how on you he will be. Night shift? You better believe he is sitting on the floor with you in his lap, doesn't matter if you actually have tasks to do one of the dayshift people can do it
But if you are on day then its a bit of a problem. With the Cove being closed Foxy can't leave his area meaning physical affection is out of the question when you aren't on break and it destroys the poor pirates heart
Any merch that comes through the door with his face you bet you get first access to. New shirt? he got it in a size bigger then you like so it wont shrink to small. An action figure? well lucky you it gets his signature as well ( though he does kind of have messy writing its still a nice gesture)
Stop by the Cove every once in a while during your shift to sneak him a kiss please
Foxy deserved a tail 100% and at the slightest mention of you its going a mile a minute, the rest of the band likes to tease the poor fox
OG Chica
THE best at hugs. Her bigger body plus soft feathers? it heaven
You guys share custody of her cupcake. If she's doing a task that requires both hands then the confection child stays by your side. It also gives her peace of mind that the two main things she cares about are keeping each other company
Calls you her little chickpea
cooking is one of her main love language, she will spend days if need be perfecting a recipe that you like
Chica's a big girl and sometimes she gets self conscious so please give her some reassurance when she feels down she will make it up to you ten fold
In a small area in the corner of the stage she has pictures of the two of you taped where only she can see them, she says you are her good luck charm
Toy Freddy
Another one on the good hug list
Yk how people will put pictures of their S/O in their hats? That's him 100%
Sit on his lap as he plays video games, its not a ploy to make you beat levels he can't how dare you assume that. Can't he just spend time with you? But there is one level in Mario he has been struggling with and if you are offering-
Likes to sing to you when he has the chance
I like to think that all the toys are big gossipers, so when he hears something about one of the parents you are the first to know
With his ego he def bought you an official Freddy Fazbear set of ears that he expects you to wear 24/7
#x reader#reader insert#fnaf x reader#foxy x reader#chica x reader#toy freddy x reader#fnaf reader#foxy the pirate#chica the chicken
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Foxy the pirate x reader

For one reason or another, since watching the fnaf movie, Foxy has slowly become my favourite animatronic, So here I have the most wholesome story possible. Word count:1.3K
1981: You celebrated your mom's friend's daughter's birthday at Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. As much as you tried to have fun, being the toddler you were, you got bored quickly, so your mom decided to help keep you entertained by bringing you to the stage where the animatronics were. Seeing Freddy, Bonnie and Chica sing and dance as your mom gently bounced you. It was pretty fun, But you noticed another stage that had its curtains closed. The stage person then got on and spoke into the micrphone.
"Hey everyone !!! Freddy and the gang have a new friend, Please give a warm pirate welcome to Foxy !!!!!" They pressed a button and out came a pirate fox animatronic.
"Momma !!! Fox, Fox !!!!" You shrieked happily, Pointing to him.
"I know y/n, Isn't it exciting." She smiled.
"Yarr ahoy they me matey's, you be ready to dance the dead man's jig ??" Foxy said to the children, Responding with loud cheers as Foxy began to move and sing his shanty. "You can be a pirate but first you must lose an arm and leg" The children joining in soon after.
You even joined into the shanty, You loved Foxy and you only met him for 5 minutes, like if someone was to meet their best friend for the first time. This was you and Foxy. Once the shanty was over, he unfortunately had to say goodbye for now. But you were all allowed to give Foxy a hug and a picture with him, You begged your mom to go which she obliged. Bringing you over to Foxy which she then first took the picture and you turned to foxy.
"I liked... your... singing" You smiled at him, Looking up at the tall animatronic. To which he moved his ears and closed his eye, smiling at you. Leaning down and hugging you. You hugged Foxy back, He was so fluffy too.
Ever since then, you begged your mom to go see Foxy again. It was almost like you two would be inseparable. She did bring you again a year later after much begging. You immediately rushed over to Pirates Cove and waited for Foxy to come out. Excited to see him once again. Once Foxy emerged from the stage, he looked down and waved at you, immediately recognizing you as he began to sing his shanty. You were easily the loudest of the bunch singing his shanty. Oh, how you were loving every moment. Once it was over, he turned to you and invited you on the stage. Without hesitation, you climbed up as he gently placed his paw on you. "You be a fine member of me crew, We now be partners in crime" He said as he handed you a pirate hat.
"Thank you" You smiled and placed it on your head, giggling.
"Now give me yer best ARRRRR"
"Arrrrr" You giggled at him.
You hugged Foxy tightly as he leant down and hugged you as well.
"We be the best of mates to the very end of the sands of time."
2000: you were now 21 years old, The moments with Foxy was one you would always treasure. Freddy Fazbear's closed down in 1983 after a tragic accident involving a child being hurt by an animatronic. You missed the place, wishing to see Foxy again. Would he even recognise you as well ??
You still even had the old photo from your mom, you would look at it whenever you felt down and would smile every damn time. You decided to one day look around to see if the pizzeria was still their.
High and low you looked around town and you were beginning to lose hope, Maybe they must've demolished it after the incident. You started to grow sad.
"I'm sorry foxy..." You said to yourself. All you wanted was to see your friend again, Hopefully he is in a better new place, entertaining many more children somewhere in the country.
But as you were driving, you saw a familiar place, the familiar colours and then... the sign, Seeing the Freddy Fazbear logo. It was still here !! After all this time, It was still here. But it lost the TLC it was known for, The paint and signs were grotty and gross. But still standing.
You parked your car at the front, and seeing the place again after all this time, was just nothing but amazing. your childhood was back. But you knew you couldn't get in, *sigh* Ah the hell with it you only live once.
So you went around the place and found a wooden panel. Seemingly open to reveal an open vent. Beginning to crawl in to reveal the vent lid inside. As hard as possible you pushed as hard as possible until it then fell to the ground.
Crawling inside, you got up, dusted yourself off and looked around waiting for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Seeing all the familiar sights. It was a trip down memory lane. You then looked around and then found the power box. The place springing to life once again.
Walking back to the main area, seeing everything again. Your smile widened even bigger. Everything was still here, The games, the decorations. Hell, even the ball pit was still there, you turned around and then saw the stage. The curtain's closed. So now your mission was to get them open., You then found the showtime button and then pressed it.
"Please work please work."
The curtains were pulled and the music started to play, and there they were. The animatronics, Singing and dancing again. They looked a little dirty and dusty from being stuck there for a long time. You then looked over at the stage next to it, the curtains opened up revealing him... Foxy... You were so overwhelmed with emotions seeing him again.
Although he looked a little more damaged, his body had holes in it and his legs were now fully metal. But you didn't care, he was there !!!.
"Hello again old friend" You said quietly as you walked up to the stage.
But one thing that you noticed once the song was finished, Foxy was still moving around, and then... he started to move, looking over at you... his eye glowed red. Like if he was ready to defend himself. You were growing scared, wondering what to do.
"Fo... Foxy It's me..." You said to him.
But it wasn't working he raised his hook at you, and it looked sharp as all. You needed to do something as quick as possible. Think y/n, think. And then you remembered, his shanty.
"You... You... You can be a pirate... but first you have to lose an arm and leg..." You sang to him, looking at his face... it was as if he was recognizing it. You sang it again, but in it's more familiar tone. "You can be a pirate. but first you have to lose an arm and leg" You sang to him.
Foxy's eye stopped glowing red as he looked at you, his ears moving around a bit as he looked at you. You then took out the photo from your pocket and showed him it. "This is us... You gave me a hat... Made me apart of your crew" You pointed to your baby you.
Foxy looked at the photo and then at you again, his ears moving around and his mouth moving too excitedly, his voice box was unfortunately broken from the many years of neglect. But he recognized you, His loyal matey.
You smiled so wide and gently hugged him. Being mindful of the damage, He gently wrapped his arms around you too. His voice box sounded a bit glitchy but you could make out what he was trying to say. "My...M...y...My...Ma...Matey" He said.
"I'll fix you up pal... don't worry" You smiled at him.
You would be determined to help bring Foxy to what he was back in 1981. You were partners in crime through and through no matter what.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board @gooptoshi
#platonic#reader insert#fnaf foxy#five nights at freddy's movie#five nights at freddy's#foxy the pirate#foxy x reader
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Glamrock Foxy Headcanons
Links to other characters at bottom of post
General headcanons to know beforehand
- Classic animatronics are better with little kids since the original pizza chain was aimed more towards under 10 before sun/moon were introduced
- They all love Dance Dance Revolution but no one can prove who the best is
- Decommissioned animatronics (Bonnie & Foxy) only hang out in their respective attractions. They don't perform or do meet and greets, can't get hired for parties and are only allowed in their attractions and in staff only areas. Their rooms are removed from Rockstar Row
- His attraction is a pirate-themed playground with a dry section and a waterpark section
- Loves Monty and Roxy. Finds them very endearing and he loves their youthful enthusiasm
- Unfortunately he's kind of used to being the forgotten member. Though the other animatronics don't see him that way
- Chica chaos enabler (imagine foxy pushing chica around in a shopping cart)
- He's bad at fazerblast *gestures to hook and eyepatch*
- He's only allowed at Roxy Raceway after hours (he gets a little dangerous)
- He can get very camp
- Loves piratecore guests and will go out of his way to greet them
- Likes to sing to himself
- Good at puzzles
- Loves storytelling. Turns his advice into metaphors and stories
- Has a habit of glamourising real life events (can be very annoying when staff are trying to do incident reports)
- Was decommissioned before Bonnie. Him and Bonnie bond over it and often hang out together while the others are busy being popular
- Straight up cannot read
- Lowkey a health and safety hazard
- The most athletic but his limbs have a tendency to fall off when he moves a lot
- Likes telling teens darker pirate stories, usually real ones but he gets in trouble if he gets caught
FNAF Character Headcanons
Glamrock Freddy
Montgomery Gator
Glamrock Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Daycare Attendant
Glamrock Bonnie
DJ Music Man
#glamrock animatronics#security breach#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#fnaf headcanons#fnaf fanfic#fnaf security breach#headcanon#fnaf au#fnaf fandom#fandom#glamrock foxy#foxy#fnaf foxy#security breach foxy#foxy x reader#foxy x y/n#foxy x bonnie
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Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
"And the hours, even worse."
This little- You stop yourself from thinking, you need a job, don't snap at the person offering you a job. It's not like you had anything else to do with your day anyway. Having been laid off from your other job just because your boss didn't like you 2 months ago, and nothing was paying the bills.
"I'll take it, where is it?" having asked that question, you did not think you would end up working at a place you actually visited a couple of times when you were a kid? Nah more like a tween. You were no regular, you just visited for a couple of parties your friends/classmates would invite you to for their younger sibling's birthday.
Pizza wasn't anything special, and the place was a mess and dusty. The animatronics were cool though, smelled weird and off but still cool.
Stepping foot in Freddy Fazbear's was... creepy, with how abandoned it was. You make quick work of making your way to the office and turning on the power supply to get a better look around the place. And when you enter the main room with all the arcade games, the stages, the tables and chairs, you realise it had literally not changed one bit. Everything was still the same, as if not touched by time.
By the curtained stage there was a bright red and obvious button, ofcourse you are going to push that button, it's practically calling to you. So slamming your hand on it against the wall. The stage came to life. Curtains parted ways, lights came on, and right there on stage, the three animatronics that were the stars of every show, rocking what probably was a killer hit song of the 80's.
The animatronic were... well... robotic in their movements, for some strange reason in your head their movements were normal, fluid almost. Almost as if they were life-like...
It was nice to watch them perform for a little while, but reality checked in. You had a job to do. So, looking down at your watch to check the time, to your absolute horror and surprise it had only been 00:15.
Now you had two options, the first being you could attempt to start studying for classes, because being a university student was no cakewalk, or you could catch up on sleep because you had lectures shortly after the night shift. Deciding you didn't want to be caught on the job sleeping in case someone looked through the cameras, and that it was way too early to be studying aside from really not feeling like it. You just waltz off to the janitor's closet and grab a broom and cleaning supplies.
Might as well try to make a good first impression and try to start cleaning up the place. Just because it was abandoned didn't mean it had to be rundown. Shortly cursing yourself for not getting your headphones to listen to music while sweeping up the carpets, you start to hum a little tune, one you easily lose yourself.
It was only when you were wiping down one of the tables that you notice something move out of the corner of your eye. Quickly stopping what you were doing, you turned to look. And what had caught your eye was a cupcake. And not just any cupcake, Chica's cupcake.
"Huh?" you let out, walking over to it. You don't touch it as yet, just inspect it. Till you suddenly got the common sense to look back at Chica, who was still standing still on stage, hand still outstretched holding her tray that was supposed to hold the cupcake that was now on the table. Something strange however, was that her eyes felt like they had locked with you, as if waiting to see what you were going to do next.
Only reason you broke the, what you guessed was, eye-contact, was because in the corner of your eye, the cupcake had started to bounce up and down, as if asking for your attention.
"Huh?" you let out again. Now focusing on the small pink dome, that started to nudge at you. After bumping a couple more times into you, it bounced back on the table, and opened what you guessed was its jaw, revealing some razor-sharp turning gears that definitely made you freeze for a second, then closed and looked at you expectantly.
Just who invented a killer cupcake?!
"I'm sorry, what do you want?" you asked... the cupcake, who just opened its mouth a couple more times before nudging back into you, "my singing?" it finally clicked to you. The cupcake bounced at your response, "You want to hear me sing?" a smile started to tug as the cupcake jumped even more. "Alright then, but I'm going to keep on cleaning while I have an audience," you stated slyly, while the cupcake jumped in excitement. Enjoying the sound of your voice while you kept at the cleaning for the next few hours.
And that was it. That was the start of a few friendships between human and animatronics.
It took a couple of weeks, the beauty of part-time was that you didn't work every night, so actually getting a bit closer to everyone took a bit.
It first started with Chica, who followed around to tag along with her cupcake to hear you sing. Then Bonnie chased after you for your voice and started to help out with sweeping the floors. Next was Freddy, who couldn't take it anymore and just had to sing and duet with you. Foxy was last, he was the one who was the most shy, he would peek behind his curtain then hide back away again when he saw you looking in his direction. But eventually, he came up to you and gestured with his hook if he could join in on the singing.
It was at this point you met Vannessa, a cop who patrolled the area, something which comforted you knowing in case you needed some help on the off chance someone broke in or needed help. She showed you around a bit more of the establishment (since you mostly stay by the main stage) and actually showed you where the first aid kit was, which was very nice.
It was going all well, till you had to reduce some hours because your university workload was starting to get heavy just for a couple of weeks.
So colour you surprised when you walk in a bit late to your shift and see the animatronics stacking tables on top of each other, with 2 adults talking - one of them being Vannessa, and a kid.
The other adult was wearing the signature security uniform, the same you were wearing, and the kid who looked 10 was having the time of her life telling the animatronics where to stack the tables.
"Didn't know they hired someone else here?" you started the conversation, later learning that the other security guard was Mike and the kid was his sister Abby. Meanwhile, everyone was helping build a fort.
You found it strange but when Abby had asked you to help out and join in you could not say no to her bright and beaming smile.
There you lay with everyone, human and animatronic alike, under the table fort looking at the pretend stars in the sky. That was until the cupcake came along jumping up and down, nudging at your arm, "ok ok I will," you said getting up slightly to just sit on the floor, the cupcake jumping up onto your lap.
You could see all the animatronics moving their ears and jaws in excitement, which was the most they could do lying down. Vannessa had turned her head to face you, a beaming smile on her face. Mike just looked at you as if suspecting you to do something bad while Abby started to get up and crawl next to you, trying to see what you were going to do.
"Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme."
Abby now nudged your arm, you taking it that she too wanted to be held, so you took her under your arm, so she could hug your side.
"Remember me, to one who lives here, and then she will be a true love of mine."
And that night, all was right, and everyone knew peace for a moment.
#x reader#fnaf#fnaf movie#this made me cry#fnaf x reader#bonnie#chica#freddy#foxy#cupcake#bonnie x reader#foxy x reader#freddy x reader#chica x reader#mike#mike schmidt#vannessa fnaf#vannessa
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[About Me]
Idk I'll write if you send me requests. I like marvel, books and sour apple flavored candy.
Spam likes and roblogs are encouraged! *but i like comments the most*
My Main focuses|The Avengers, Poppy Playtime|
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NSFW/SFW Angst Fluff Smut Neutral Platonic Headcanons Preferences Oneshots Blurbs Series & Fanfics LBGTQIA+ asks
Fnaf 1+|Security Breach/RUIN|, Poppy Playtime|Ch 1,2 & 3|, Undertale, Assassins Creed |Syndicate|, Faith the Unholy Trinity, Cuphed
Marvel, Harry Potter |+Fantastic Beasts|, Beetlejuice |Musical, Show & Movie|, House of Wax, Texas Chainsaw Massacre|Bubba & Thomas|, Friday the 13th, The lost Boys, Scream, The Adams Family, Alice in Wonderland, Disney Villains, Jurassic Park/World, Tremors, Clue, Murder on the Orient Express, Spiderman into the Spiderverse, Joker
Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Psych, South Park, Avatar, Batman tas
#marvel x reader#the avengers x reader#avengers x reader#loki x reader#bucky x reader#poppy playtime x reader#dogday x reader#bbc sherlock#sherlock x reader#sherlock holmes x reader#doctor who x reader#10th doctor x reader#11th doctor x reader#scream x reader#ghostface x reader#stu matcher x reader#the lost boys#poly!lost boys x reader#house of wax#house of wax x reader#vincent sinclair x reader#lester sinclair x reader#bo sinclair x reader#undertale#undertale x reader#fnaf#fnaf x reader#foxy x reader#fnaf security breach#security breach x reader
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Hey look who’s back to her not work related nonsense.
Fun fact, this chapter has been pretty much done since January 2024 but after all the shit that happened I just now managed to finish it.
#FNAF#FNAF Security Breach#Foxy x reader#Foxy x YN#daycare attendant x yn#platonic but still#FNAF SB#HEWNITJD#Handling emotions was not in the job description
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Withered Foxy x Reader HCs
Gif credit: Mikol1987 on Deviantart
Definitely a slow burn relationship
He is scared of hurting you
He introduced you to the other withereds, just like my Withered Freddy post, Withered Chica would warm up to you and Withered Bonnie would be distrusting. Withered Freddy would trust Foxy's judgement and accept you as one of his own.
The toys would grow to like you, and Toy Bonnie would leave you alone as he is scared of Withered Foxy.
Loves being scratched in between his ears.
Misses you when you leave to go home from the day.
Definitely a gentleman as well
Has a really good singing voice, and would sing to you
Voice is really gruff yet melodic.
#withered foxy x reader#fnaf x reader#fnaf nightguards#fnaf#fnaf 2#fnaf headcanons#headcanon#fanfic#foxy x reader#fnaf foxy#foxy#foxy the pirate#five nights at freddys#fnaf x you#withered foxy
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me, looking around at the barren WASTELAND of foxy x reader content: unaCCEPTABLE
#i know for a FACT#im not the only one down bad#for the fox pirate#i am STARVED for foxy content#and if i must make it myself#SO BE IT#foxy the pirate#fnaf foxy#foxy#foxy x reader#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#foxy/reader#glamrock foxy
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House of 1000 Corpses/3 From Hell Masterlist
Incorrect Quotes
Reader Driftwood
Powdered Donuts
Just Listennn
Mental Child
Dear Angel
#house of 1000 corpses#3 from hell#house of 1000 corpses x reader#3 from hell x reader#foxy coltrane x reader#foxy x reader#foxy#foxy coltrane#otis#otis driftwood#otis x reader#otis driftwood x reader#baby#baby firefly#baby x reader#baby firefly x reader#tiny#rj#Mama#captain spaulding#tiny firefly#rj firefly#mama firefly#tiny x reader#tiny firefly x reader#rj x reader#rj firefly x reader#mama x reader#mama firefly x reader#captain spaulding x reader
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So, Foxy x reader idea
Foxy and the other animatronics get sort of remade into more humanoid looking animatronics, but they were only made like that because it's the future and everyone is horny asf so these are off brand animatronics.
As per usual the facility/building needs a security guard which just happens to be this one girl called reader. ;)
Reader watches cams but at some point the power goes out and foxy has a lust for blood so he goes on over to the security guard, but unexpectedly doesn't kill her but instead takes her to "the private cove" which is just a bunch of shmex toys and a large red bed.
The rest would be up to you ;)
Do not hold back.
Thank you~!
I'm liking it I'm liking it. Writing that down for sure, that is tasty. Thank you for the delicious ideas!
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Dracula and Chill (NSFW)
Foxy Coltrane x gn!reader
18+ only! Minors be gone!
Summary: reader goes on vacation to Mexico with friends and meets Foxy in a bar.
Warnings: smut, mention of Foxy being a serial killer (does it really need to be said? If you've watched the movie you already know), alcohol
Length: 3.5k words
(For the purpose of the fic, reader is American and AFAB)
Your phone rings.
"Any chance you'd want to go on vacation with us next month?"
Alexis had been your friend all throughout high school and was trying to set something up with a few friends so you could catch up without the pressures of work or responsibilities. You think for a second before responding back.
"I have some vacation time saved up. Let me know when and where"
"Durango, Mexico. Not the most interesting place but it's cheap and it'll definitely be a nice change of pace for a week. Thinking February 16th to the 23rd. Brooke already said that week is free for her and I'm still waiting for a response from Ryan"
You check your calendar, seeing nothing pre-planned to stop you. You put the call on hold and call your boss to ask about getting that week off. He makes note of it and tells you to have fun.
"Yea I'm free that week. Need to get my passport updated before then but we should be good"
The plane lands, jolting you awake. The drunk bachelorette party a few rows in front of you woops and hollers rowdily. You look to Alexis, who had mentioned a headache a mere 20 minutes into the flight. You offer a sympathetic glance, to which she responds with a smile. You grab both of your carry ons out of the overhead bin, handing her hers and checking on the row behind you that contained the rest of the group. The four of you exit the plane and go through the usual post-flight bathroom breaks.
After everyone is out and accounted for, the group heads to the rental desk and goes through the process of renting a car. After maybe about twenty minutes of driving, you come upon the shabby little hotel Brooke's uncle owned and had left to her cousin upon his death.
Once checked in and settled in your rooms, the four of you leave to get dinner. You find a little restaurant nearby and order food.
Dinner conversation is mostly tame and what you'd expect from the group. Alexis commented on how Brooke's cousin flirted with her when offering the group a discounted rate. Ryan tells the group about scoring his dream job that he'd be starting in April. Brooke showing everyone pictures of her son and talking about how motherhood has treated her.
The next morning the group of you set out sightseeing in the city nearby rather than stay in the small town for the whole time. Once you head back, Ryan has an idea.
"I saw a bar not far from the hotel. We should check it out. Might be interesting" he shrugs and you all agree it's worth trying.
The four of you make your way to the bar and order your drinks. They're out fairly quickly, and you get to exploring the place. There's a few rowdy men throwing knives at a particle board target, some women who seem to be there mainly for the purpose of getting laid and not much else, a few isolated groups of patrons, and the trio at the other end of the bar. They're all roughly middle aged, but the blonde woman with them has the energy level of a teenager. She seems to be the life of the party in the bar.
The two men with her, however.. The older one seemed irritated at the woman's antics, clearly trying to pick up a woman at a table nearby. The other one was attractive to say the least. Tall and lanky, with longish honey brown hair and blue eyes. You'd always had a thing for older men. And he was looking straight at you. His face broke into a smug grin and he winked before bringing his attention back to the other people he was there with.
You take this as a sign to get back to your friends as well. You tune back into the conversation, noting it to be about everyone's college experiences. Not much for you to add. You finish your drink up only to see another slide in front of you once you put the empty one down. You arch an eyebrow in a silent request for explanation. The bartender shrugs and points to the end of the bar. At the man you were just observing. He gestures for you to come over.
You let your friends know you're going to look around some more and 'socialize with the locals' as you so put it, before slipping away and joining the stranger.
As soon as you approach him, he gives you the same shit eating grin as earlier. "Hey sweetheart, come here often?"
You roll your eyes at the cheesy overused line. "First time. Vacation with friends. What about you?"
He shrugs. "Been living in the area 'bout 3 months. Not much to do 'round here" He pauses for a moment. "Oh where are my manners? I'm Foxy."
You offer a weak smile at his introduction. "I'm (Y/N)."
He smirks. "Lovely name for a lovely person. Mind sticking around a while?"
"I don't see why not."
He offers you a chair and you sit down.
The two of you talk for what seems like hours before Brooke approaches you. "We're heading back to the hotel. Here's the spare key to the room whenever you're ready." She drops the key in your hand and you stash it away in your pocket.
Foxy takes a look behind him real quick. You notice the other people he was there with are gone. "Well. It looks like Otis and Baby ditched. How bout you join me and we ditch too?"
You agree and he pays off your tab for you, throwing an arm around you and guiding you out of the bar. After walking down the street for maybe ten minutes you come upon a modest building. The other man from earlier, Otis you presume, is sitting in a lawn chair with a beer. He notices the two of you and waves at Foxy but says nothing.
Foxy holds the door open for you, and swats at your behind as you enter.
You take a look around, checking out your surroundings as you head for the couch. Nothing too out of the ordinary besides the large number of weapons either openly out on display or poorly hidden. To be fair you did hear about some gang activity nearby so it couldn't hurt to be cautious if you live in the area.
He sits down next to you. The two of you talk about backgrounds for a while. You find out the people he was with earlier were his siblings. Otis you had seen on the way in and Baby was out doing who knows what. He mentions being really into classic movies and having amassed a fairly large collection of them. You offer to watch one with him if he didn't mind and he leads you to the bedroom.
The inside of Foxy's bedroom is exactly what you'd expect. Old movie posters on the wall and a large hunting knife on the nightstand accompanied by several empty beer bottles. You sit down on the bed and he puts a VHS tape in the player before sliding into bed next to you. Once the movie starts you notice it's the original Dracula.
About twenty minutes into the movie Foxy wraps his arm around your shoulders and you instinctively lean into him. You don’t take your attention off the movie to look at him, but you hear a low chuckle beside you.
After another half hour or so a hand makes its way to your thigh. You ignore it at first, but then it slides higher and begins to squeeze, so you glance over at the man beside you. Same shit eating grin you’ve come to associate with him.
“Well don’t look at me, babydoll. Pay attention to the movie.”
You cautiously obey, not sure where this would go, but certainly not mad at the development. A minute or so of squeezing and rubbing your thigh later, he goes for your pants button. You turn back around to say something about it, but he quickly stops you, shushing you gently before replying in the same cocky tone that got you into this situation to begin with.
"I said focus on the movie. Don't mind me havin’ a feel."
The second he says that, you feel his hand slip into your underwear. He uses the arm still around you to move you into his lap. His fingers make their way down, checking for evidence that you’re enjoying this as much as he is. He drags his fingers through the wetness he found there, bringing them up to play with your clit. At first he was gentle, barely touching you. Ghosting over where you wanted him most and teasing you experimentally to see what made you gasp and squirm. He figured this out rather quickly, judging by the way you were panting and squirming and trying to close your legs around his hand.
You lay back into his chest and feel him hard and poking into your back. This somehow makes you even wetter. He gets you right to the edge but when you're about to cum, he backs off.
Foxy waits for you to cool down before he begins again, filling this time by placing soft kisses all over your neck. You moan and tilt your head to give him better access.
Once he deems it safe to continue without you finishing too soon, he moves a finger down to your entrance. It stays there for a moment, gathering you juices, before he easily slides it all the way in. You gasp and grab onto his thigh next to you. Your legs begin to shut again on their own accord, but he holds them open, making sure you can’t move away. He pumps it in and out experimentally, waiting until you calm down to add a second. His fingers curl up inside you, perfectly hitting your g-spot. When he figures out he found the right spot, he rubs it in soft circular motions. Your eyes flutter closed and he stops.
“Watch the movie. It’s almost over. Wouldn’t want you missin’ the ending, now would we?” Foxy flashes you a toothy grin and you try to focus on the screen.
He starts again, and you’re careful to keep your attention on the movie rather than Foxy. You only really have to hold out another ten minutes before the movie ends and the screen fades to black. As soon as the movie is over, he grabs your throat, squeezing just hard enough to be pleasurable.
He pulls his fingers out of you and cleans them off in his mouth.
“Damn, doll. You taste good. You should have a taste.” and with that, he kisses you. It’s sloppy and dirty, but still soft enough to be enjoyable. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and he’s right. It is good.
You get off his lap and stand up to take your clothes off. He watches closely as you expose more and more skin.
Foxy jumps up and joins you, quickly throwing his shirt off and unbuckling his belt. He rips his pants and underwear down his legs and pushes you down on the bed. His hand cracks down on your ass and your hips jolt forward, away from him. He cackles like a madman at your reaction and slaps the other side with just as much force. This time you’re expecting it, and it actually feels good. So naturally, you lean into his touch.
“Dirty little thing, aren’t ya?” You nod, rubbing your thighs together to try to get some friction. “Ya want some more?” You nod again. “Gonna have to ask me nicely.” You whimper out, trying to muster up a singular brain cell to give him a coherent response.
“P-please Foxy. Please give me more.” you stutter out shakily.
“Gladly.” He rapid fire gives you six more slaps before grabbing and squeezing your ass. It stings and you can feel the warmth radiating from your flesh, but you can also feel how soaking wet you are. So can he. You feel the head of his cock slipping through your wetness. You try to push back on it, desperately needing filled up. His grip on your hips stops you in your tracks.
“Patience, sweetheart. You’ll get it soon. I like to have a little fun first.” He takes the next few moments to slowly, torturously tease you with his cock before he finally lines up with your pussy and pushes inside. He lets out a deep pleasured groan directly into your ear. You moan at the feeling of finally being stretched open. It’s been a while, and Foxy is giving you exactly what you need.
“Damn, dollface. You feel so good. Might have to keep you around just for this.” He rolls his hips a few times experimentally, figuring out what you do and don’t like, and which spots to hit to make you writhe beneath him. Just like with his fingers, he finds it quickly and you moan, definitely louder than you should've considering there are other people in the house, but you’re too focused on the pleasure Foxy is giving you to think about anything else. He grabs your hip with one hand, and the other goes down to rub your clit. The room is full of the sounds of his hips slapping against your ass, your wetness squelching around his cock, and the combined noises from both of you and that ambiance is more arousing than you would’ve thought. After a few particularly hard thrusts and his hand that was previously on your hip making its way around your throat, you feel yourself begin to get close. The hand around your throat squeezes enough to make your vision start to blur and it intensifies everything you're feeling in a way you’ve never experienced before.
“Foxy, yes! Don’t stop!” You cry out, feeling your orgasm moments away.
“That’s it. Cum for me, sweetheart”
Your orgasm hits, and it’s blinding. You’re vaguely aware of Foxy groaning beside your ear and a warm feeling spreading inside you. He fucks you through your orgasm before pulling out and rolling to collapse beside you. You crawl back up into the bed and he follows you. Your head makes its way to his chest, sweaty bodies slightly sticking together in a way that would otherwise seem gross, but in your post-coital bliss is endearing. It doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall asleep in your comfy embrace.
The next morning, you wake up, naked, in an unfamiliar place, using someone’s stomach as a pillow. You look around and remember the events of last night. Finding someone at the bar. Going home with him. Watching Dracula. The sex.
You quickly get dressed and sneak out of the house, walking back to the hotel. You unlock the door to the room you’re sharing with your friends, and they're having breakfast. Brooke glances up to look at you, and laughs.
“Ooh the walk of shame. Assuming things went well with mystery man from the bar last night?”
You nod, looking anywhere but her. “I’m going to go shower.”
That night, the group decides to go back to the same bar, reasoning that they had decently good drinks and were reasonably close to the hotel, so they could get drunk without worrying about having a designated driver.
The group orders their drinks and finds a table. Not long after sitting down, Ryan elbows you in the ribs to get your attention.
“Hey (Y/N), isn’t that your guy from last night?”
You cautiously turn your head to look in the direction he’s gesturing to and see Foxy with his siblings that you briefly met yesterday. Otis and Baby, you think. But of course you weren’t focused on too much other than him.. And that damn movie he wouldn't let you look away from. You nod.
“You should go talk to him” Alexis encourages, quickly catching onto the gist of the conversation.
You shook your head. “Nah. I figured it was more of a one night stand than anything else.” The thought was tempting though. He was cute, great in bed, and from what you knew you got along well with him. But he lived here and you were just on vacation. You had to go back home in four days. Better not to get too attached to people you meet on vacation.
However, across the room, Foxy was debating the same thing. Hook ups were nice and all, but sometimes he got greedy, wanting more than the limited connection allowed by one night of sex. He had explained his dilemma to his siblings. Otis laughed, accusing him of going soft on them, then suggesting he just kidnap you. That wouldn’t work. They had just built a decent life where no one would be looking for them, it wouldn’t be good to ruin that because he wanted pussy.
Baby, however, was a little more sympathetic to his situation and had better advice than kidnapping. She suggested that he just talk to you. To lay the charm on thick the way he was known to. He thought about it for a moment, before concluding she wasn't wrong. It was at least worth a shot. So he got up and started heading for your table
The conversation had moved on from what you did last night to what your former high school classmates were up to now. Ryan’s eyes widened slightly, and you didn’t have time to ask why before a set of hands settled themselves on your shoulders.
“Damn, sweetheart. Didn’t even wake me up for a proper goodbye?”
You blushed. Apparently the decision of whether or not to talk to Foxy again had been made for you. Your friends immediately started paying attention to the two of you, deeming this much more entertaining than what they were previously talking about. You, however, didn’t really want to have this conversation with an audience. So you got up, telling Foxy you wanted to go somewhere more private to talk. He agreed, and led you to the bar’s patio area.
The two of you sit down at a table outside and discuss the things that happened last night. How you liked the movie. How you liked what happened during and after. Why you left without waking him. He found a piece of paper and scribbled his phone number down on it, hoping you’d at least stay in contact for the rest of your vacation. You shoved it in your pocket with the key for the hotel room, making a mental note to call him later. Then he drops the line you were hoping to hear, but unsure if you would. He wanted last night to happen again. So did you. So it did. You actually waited for him to wake up before leaving this time and were rewarded with some nice morning sex. That happened two more times before you had to leave.
Once back in the states, you had maintained loose contact with Foxy. Of course a good majority of your phone calls would end in phone sex, but getting to talk to him was always nice, long distance fees be damned. One night, you’re on the phone with him while you make dinner. The news is playing on the TV in the background, and you're only barely paying attention to it. But the one time you do look over to the TV, you drop the phone in shock. Three mugshots are displayed on the TV with the information that there’s been a search for them for several months. One of them being Foxy, and the other two being his siblings that you’ve come to be acquainted with during your visits to their house. You knew they seemed familiar for a reason. You scramble to pick up the phone and put it to your ear to catch Foxy asking if you’re still there and asking what happened.
“You’re.. You’re on TV” you manage to whisper out.
“Aw fuck, babydoll. This isn’t how I wanted you to find out” He then briefly explains what all happened and asks if you’re going to try to turn him in. Your mind however, is somewhere completely different.
“Wait.. your name is actually Winslow?”
“Yeah.. really doesn’t fit me too well, does it?”
“I absolutely get why you go by Foxy now.. No offense, but Winslow is an unmoanable name if I’ve ever heard one.” you chuckle, completely unfazed that you’re talking to a serial killer. To you he’s still Foxy, the guy you met in a bar in Mexico, and got a little too attached to.
“To answer your question, I’m not going to turn you in. This won’t change much. Besides, I always did have a thing for bad boys”
#winslow foxworth coltrane#foxy coltrane x reader#winslow foxworth coltrane x reader#3 from hell#foxy x reader#foxy coltrane smut
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𝐎𝐊𝐀𝐘! 𝐈'𝐦 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫! 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐅𝐍𝐚𝐅 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟? 𝐈𝐟 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭, 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝐈 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞! 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐍𝐚𝐅 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞, 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 "𝐍𝐨, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐅𝐍𝐚𝐅."
#springtrap x reader#moon x reader#sun x reader#freddy x reader#monty x reader#bonnie x reader#chica x reader#foxy x reader#roxy x reader#roxanne x reader#x reader#no ask#polls#poll#fnaf x reader#fnaf movie x reader#fnaf#five nights at freddy's x reader#five nights at freddy's
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