#captain spaulding x reader
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thatweirdbitchjax · 6 months ago
Muti slasher with an child reader headcannons request
The slasher learns about the fact their child is growing a part from them cuz of their murdering. The child has shown that they feel feel force to
OK! I'm gonna choose the characters randomly through wheel and do a few of them. And I am so sorry it took me so long to get done with this.
Characters: v.sinclair, b.sinclair, c.spaulding, art, d.sawyer, b.sawyer
Warnings: teen!reader, slasherchild!reader, mentions of murder, mentions of manipulation, teen!reader runs away, theft, underage drinking, possible underage driving, drinking and driving, underage smoking, drug use, underage drug use, gn!reader, suicide mention, angst
He doesn't exactly like it either, but what Bo says goes
He tried to sypathize with you, but the further you pushed yourself away, the harder he found to communicate with you
He tried taking you downstairs to his "art studio" once so y'all could spend time together but he chose a bad time to do so as Bo came downstairs carrying a dead body which sent you into a frenzy
You locked yourself in your room and cried most of the night while Vincent, silently, went off on Bo
After awhile Vincent walked upstairs to your room to apologize, just to see you not there and the window wide open
He also noticed tons of empty beer bottles and medicine containers
He runs over to the window and notices your getting into his truck and quickly rushes out after you
By the time he makes his way downstairs, you've already drove off and almost out of town
He is absolutely crushed
His darling child ran off, and it's all his twins fault
He's gonna get Lester to go looking for you, and he his going off even worse on Bo now
Bo actually feels bad now, although he is calling you a little priss, he does feel bad for scaring his brothers child away
So now Bo is looking for you too
Needless to say, they find you eventually on the side of the road throwing up
They take you home, however you start staying with Lester on the outskirts of town so you are less likely to encounter victims or the bodies of victims
He doesn't care
He does, but he doesn't
He loves you, but no child of his is going to be a little priss
He eventually tries manipulating you into killing people
^Like he done with Vincent
He tries talking to you about how proud he'll be of you, how proud uncle Vince will be of you, how proud Grandma will be of you
And eventually he wears you down, getting you to agree to kill
However, what he doesn't realize, is he also drove you into drug use and abuse
He only figured this out when he noticed three bottles of liquor gone from the freezer
It was a pretty rough night
A mother and her daughter had found their way into town and instead of going out himself, Bo sent you
He handed you the shotgun and sent you on your way
Well, you killed the mom, but couldn't kill the little girl (not like he would make you kill a child) so you instead took her to your dad's (Bo's) truck and told her to sit there
Anyways, at first, not thinking you would do such a thing, he asked Vincent and Lester, receiving the same answers from both of them
"I ain't seen no liquor in a while."
After a while of thinking he had drunk it and forgot, he heard a thud upstairs, in your room
The thump was followed by a small "Ow" and some giggles
He slowly made it up the steps, calling out for you
He goes to push the door open, but he hears a truck start outside
He rushes out just to see you in the front seat of his truck with a little girl in the passenger seat
You pulled out of the driveway and handed the little girl one of his liquor bottles to throw at him
And throw she did, it landed directly between his eyes, knocking him out on contact
You had stolen his wallet before leaving, so it's safe to say, you're not coming back
He doesn't even really kill unless he's like protecting his family, himself, or his gas station
He doesn't mind you not wanting to be around the violence and won't go out of his way to shield you from it, but he'll place his hand or arm across your eyes if your close enough
Overall, possibly the best parent
Definitely mimes empathy then (silently) laughs in your face
Makes sure you see so much gore it's a bit much even for the gore enjoyers
Once snatched a still beating heart out of someones chest and shoved it into your mouth, forcing you to eat it
The worst parent if you don't like killing
And you aren't running away either, he and (I'ma refer to her as ghost girl) will find you no matter where you try to go
And don't even think about killing yourself, Ghost Girl will just reincarnate you
*eats you*
I'm just kidding, but seriously?
You are in a family of cannibals, but you hate violence?
I imagine since he doesn't really like it either, he'll just keep you at the gas station with him when Nubbins, Bubba, and/or Chop-Top are killing people
He tries to be more sympathetic with you, but gives up eventually and hits you with his broom until you stop crying or Bubba runs him off
Don't get me wrong, Bubba is scared of him, but he will push him away from you or fuck something up else where to get Drayton off your back a little bit
Leave it to uncle Bubba to take a beating for you
Nubbins also tries to help sometimes by spitting at Drayton and getting him to chase him, but it doesn't really work half as much as it does with Bubba as Nubbins just runs off and hides while Bubba actually takes the beating
Chop Top doesn't really care but if he does see it getting excessive, he will throw something at Drayton and run
Once again, not as much of a relief as Bubba's unless Bubba rushes in, picks you up and hides you from him
100% the most caring one
He tries to shield you from it, can and will go out of his way to shield you from it
^A few victims have gotten away because of that
He kinda feels like if you're around it long enough then you'll get used to it (desensitized to it like he is)
He tried testing the theory once, but after witnessing you go through a panic attack so bad he was scared he almost killed you, he never done it again
He definitely shields you from Drayton too
He makes sure to send you into the field of sunflowers when he knows that they are gonna kill people that night
That ended after a victim tried to kidnap you tho, so now you are sent to your room with a pair of headphones and Chop-Tops records
@puppet200 @zeroisreallygood @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @im-a-simp898 @aflairforthemelodramaticc @luciluck2046 @caretaleandotherstuff @evry1h8s-me
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macabrebatz · 14 days ago
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Notes: This is a masterlist for all of my writings that include members of the Firefly family (Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly, Rufus Firefly Jr., and Captain Spaulding)
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(No fanfics….yet)
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How you met Baby
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(No fanfics…yet)
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(No fanfics…yet)
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strawberrieslovethere · 7 months ago
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I kept laughing about this, so I had to make it lol
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coloradosnumber1dad · 10 months ago
damn the parasites in me really wanna fuck a clown rn
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issdisgrace · 1 year ago
Hiya it’s my birthday in about three days and I was wondering if u could write a fic of Otis and his family celebrating readers birthday (preferable reader is dating Otis) I wanna know if they’d have any fun firefly traditions :3 (he/they pronouns for readerpls)
WARNINGS: Murder, mayhem, the usual Firefly family antics, little nsfw
A/N: This was intended to be a fic but I didnt quite know how to put my thoughts into a coherent fic. Also I’m trying to get out of writers block so sorry if it kinda lacking. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a good birthday.
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There are two things that a certain when celebrating anything in the Firefly family, those being alcohol and murder.
But the whole day isn't spent partaking in those things.
The morning starts off with Otis waking you up for breakfast and you two getting a little hot and heavy before heading down for food. Both of you getting teased for your slightly disheveled appearance.
Otis told them to fuck off that it was your birthday so you got to enjoy yourself. You agreed and the family moved on from it.
You guys then had a nice breakfast before all piling into the living room to watch something of your choice. You guys ended watching tv for a couple hours before it was time for your first gift.
Your first gift was from Baby who got you a young married couple to play with and make pretty. You appreciated the gift and spent the next couple of hours playing with and making them pretty in crimson until they both unfortunately died.
But what was not unfortunate was by the time you were done and cleaned up a little lunch was done. They made all your favorite foods which was nice and very delicious but that could have also been the fact that Spaulding was the one that cooked everything with only some help from the others.
Anyway after lunch the family gave your gifts that weren’t people.
Spaulding got you a taxidermy racoon and possum cuddling because why not. Also he said that it reminded him of you and Otis. You being the racoon reminded and Otis being the possum.
Mama, Tiny, and RJ got you some movies and tv shows that they thought you would like and enjoy.
Baby got you a nice blanket and made you a voodoo doll of Otis so you could prick it when he made you mad or annoyed you. Which Otis grumbled about saying that he wasn’t that bad and a voodoo doll of him wasn’t needed.
Then Otis, your love, your man. He painted the two of you using god knows who blood. But it was very well done, very detailed, and very pretty. You were already thinking of where you were going to hang it up. So you could see the master piece everyday.
But I digress after lunch and gifts, you and Otis spent a little one on one time in your guys room fooling around. Otis offering his whole self to you to do whatever you pleased with him.
And all the while you guys were having fun the rest of the family was setting up the main event of the night. They got a shit ton of alcohol, set up a big bonfire to burn, and got the bunnies ready for the night.
Once it was dark the family came and got you and Otis. You got the honors as the birthday boy to light the bonfire. You also got to hunt the first bunny of the night before the others got to hunt theirs.
Anyway you all got plastered, had fun, played a couple of games, joked around, got bloody, and you snuck off once or twice with Otis but that’s beside the point.
You had an overall great birthday, got some nice gifts, had a nice time, and you couldn’t wait for your next birthday.
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bosinclairsgff · 10 months ago
It’s been ages since I’ve requested any sort of thing but do you think you could do something where the reader finds a way to break out of the firefly house which leads to a whole chase scene with Otis? Love some dark stuff.
I loveeeee this!! Thanks so much for requesting!
I hope you enjoy what I did with this request! I tried my best, it’s maybe longer than you had hope but I was hanging fun haha! Much love xoxo ✨🫶🏻
Warnings : typical Rob Zombie violence, cussing, abuse
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I had been trapped in the firefly house for over a month. The things I have seen and been put through are absolutely horrific. While being here Otis, as I’ve come to know him, and his sister Baby brought back a group of friends. They turned one of the men into a fish man hybrid. They made me watch as they brutally tortured him and murdered him. From what I could tell Halloween had come and passed in my time being with them. Baby had brought me candy one night when she had gotten back from somewhere. She and mama were the only ones to treat me sort of normal. Otis on the other hand, he made me sit in his room for days just watching him work on his “art” and listen to him rant about everything. Sometimes he’d forget to feed me and I’d starve for days. It’d take a yelling from Baby for him to remember. I don’t know why they haven’t killed me yet. I mean sure, they mentally and even sometimes physically abuse me. If I don’t say the exact thing Otis wants to hear he’ll take a razor and cut my arm or leg. I’m always getting yelled and or hit.
I’ve spent my whole time being here trying to find away to just get away from these people. Sometimes, Otis will untie me to go hangout with Baby or even to use the bathroom. He’d watch me use the bathroom but when I saw Baby it was just her and I. Depending on what time of day Otis let’s me go see her, sometimes she’ll fall asleep as I sit in her room. I knew that was my only chance. So, I waited, I waited until he was in a good mood and let me visit her one night. “Do you want to visit Baby tonight? I think you deserve a little vacation.” He chuckled at his wording choice. “Yes please Otis.” I whisper timidly. Otis nods in response, satisfied with my answer. It was only about 6pm when he asked me, I knew it was to early, and plus baby wasn’t even home yet. It was around 10pm when Baby got home, she clearly had been drinking. “Y/n!!! I hear we get to hangout tonight sugar. We should watch..um..a movie! Yes, a movie! A scary movie!!” She says stumbling around the room. Otis walks over to me, rolling his eyes. He unties me from the chair I was bond to. “I don’t want her to spend the night in there Baby, bring her back in a few hours, got it?” He barks at her. “Yes, yes okay whatever you say.” Baby respond while grabbing my hand to pull me away to her room.
She immediately sits me down on the floor and she takes the bed. Baby turns on the tv and finds a movie she’s satisfied with. Normally she’d let me sit on the bed and she’d brush and style my hair, tonight though she seemed exhausted. We sat there for about 20 minutes just watching the movie. When I looked up I found her fast asleep. I knew this was my chance. “Baby” I whispered slightly. I got no response. I slowly got myself up off the floor, I know I don’t have the best strength considering I’m starved most of the time. I just assumed adrenaline would kick in and get me out of this hell hole. I make my way quickly but quietly out of Baby’s room, down the hall and to the steps. I check my surroundings, making sure no one had noticed me lurking about. I take a my first step on the stairs, no sound, I take my next step, quiet creek. The third step I take gives everything away. I put my full weight down and a loud creek rings through the whole house. I can hear Otis’s footsteps getting close to opening his bedroom door. “Baby, is that you? What the hell are you doing. Don’t take her downstairs.” Otis yells. I waste no more time and book it down the remaining steps. I can hear Otis kick open his door and start running after me. “Get your sorry ass back here right now y/n!” He’s screaming through the house. I ignore his words and make it out the front door, it’s very late and I can barely see where I’m going. I just keep running as tears fly down my cheeks. “Run rabbit, run rabbit, run!” I can hear Otis not far behind me. I can feel him getting closer and I can feel myself getting extremely tired. If I can just keep going a little longer maybe I can escape him. Suddenly that thought is erased from becoming reality as Otis tackles me to the ground, I let out a loud scream. I immediately try to fight him off of me, kicking and hitting him as hard as I can. He struggles to hold my arms down but eventually he does. Both my arms are above my head being held down with what feels like all his weight. Otis’s legs are on either side of my hips. “You dumb fucking cunt. I let you leave the room and this is what you do in return. You are such a fucking idiot. I should have killed you the day I brought you here.” With that being said he takes one hand away from holing my hands above my head and reaches to his belt where he keeps his huge hunting knife. My blood immediately runs cold. Is this where it all ends? I was so close to freedom and now I’m going to be gutted alive. Before I can imagine even more awful ways he could kill me he has the knife to my throat. “I was starting to think maybe, just maybe, I could keep you around as my little pet. What a dumb fucking thought I’ll admit. You stupid bunny.” He smirks. “Please…please…Otis I’m sorry..I’m so sorry. I swear on my life I won’t try to run again. Just don’t kill me please.” I say as I feel the hot tears run down my face. He pushes the knife harder against my neck. Hard enough to draw blood, I wince and shut my eyes. “Look at me y/n.” Otis growls. I quickly open my eyes. “Please…” I whisper. He leans closer to me until our faces are pressed to each other, I can feel his breath on my lips. He smells like alcohol. “I’m so sorry” I whisper again. He gets back up and frees my arms, only to take his hand and slap it harshly across my face. I let out a loud shriek. Otis was still holding the knife to my throat, which cut my neck even more when he hit me. “You ever pull some stupid god damn stunt like this again y/n…and I’ll hang you up like a pig and skin you alive. You got that bitch?” He says while tilting his head to the side. I let out a soft sob and respond. “Yes! Yes I do Otis, I won’t ever do it again I swear. I’ll be so good I promise. Thank you.” I say just above a whisper. He’s satisfied and takes the knife from my throat. Otis stands up and reaches down to yank me up with him. It was a long walk back to the house. He dragged me by the hair the whole way. When we made it “home” he brought me back to the room and threw me on the floor. “Stay right fucking there.” He shouts.
Otis is gone for a few moments but comes back with a bottle of whisky and a bandage. “Lay down on the fucking floor and don’t make a sound. If I hear a peep I swear to god you’ll wish you were dead.” He states sternly. I do as he says laying on the dirty floor, I hadn’t noticed but my neck had been bleeding quite a bit. Without any warning he pours the whisky on my neck, I bite my lip until it bleeds as to not make a sound. He wastes no time wiping away the blood and whisky. When he’s happy with the cleanliness he wraps my neck securely. I can feel the tears once again falling like a waterfall. Ripping me from my pity party, Otis pulls me up from the hair putting me back in my dreaded chair. Tying my hands the tightest he possibly could. “Dumb fucking bunny.” He whispers in my ear.
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ghoastixx · 5 months ago
Looking to write for the firefly family
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urmom609402 · 1 year ago
Here's a fanfic I wrote called The Cold, I've never done this type of writing before but I have been obsessed with Otis so I thought I should give it a try. If you read this, hmu I would love feedback, or suggestions, or just a heads-up in case it's better than I thought, and I should continue it!! Much love <33
It was cold when I first walked down that path, gravel and dirt under me making the blistered soles of my feet burn. Eventually, passing a fork in the road, I kept walking, trekking what felt like miles beyond where I first escaped, to find a woman…just standing. Holding a tiny umbrella over her head she kicked her feet and looked for possible rides home, before locking eyes with me. I felt like a deer in headlights, her beautiful blonde hair blowing in the wind of what was now a roaring downpour of rain, I took off what was left of my heels and walked over to her.
“Can you help me? I need help. Can you please help me?” I asked out of breath, watching her body language become more friendly with my second pleading.
“Well sure… But Jesus girl what the hell happened to you?” She looked me up and down, noticing my shivering body and pulling me closer to her under the umbrella. “Jeez you’re cold.. Here take this.” She took off her coat and put it over me.
“Thank you… I…” I was at a loss for words, so paralyzed from escaping that pink convertible from hell, unable to shake the image of the man in the back seat…. He was skinny, pale, much older than I was… he didn’t touch me much but he had this death glare he never took off me, like I was a piece of meat for him to tear apart, barely saying anything beyond yelling at the driver and muttering curses while tugging on my hair. As soon as he put his hand on me I ran, I jumped out of that car so fast I couldn't feel my ankle snap as I met the hard concrete below. And that’s how I got here, bloody, broken, I could barely get a word out of my mouth before me and the mystery woman were met with a car in the distance.
“Hold this-” She said, shoving the umbrella in my hands as she ran into the street in front of the car and smiled widely at the people inside, yelling at them to open the doors. “Me and my friend here need help! Please can we hitch a ride?” She said in an infantilized tone, trying to baby-talk them into letting us in. Eventually they opened the door, shoving the blonde haired woman in the front, and me, next to the guys' girlfriends in the back.
I gave them a weak smile before saying “We really appreciate the lift.”
“No problem, where you headed anyways?” Bill asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror.
“My house!” Baby chimed in, sounding awfully cheery. “We were going to have a sleepover and you know.. One thing led to another and our car got stolen! Some bitches took it and ditched us to rot on the side of the road… Until you got us…” She bit her lip and played with Bill's hair until he slapped it away. I felt myself tighten up at her lies, unsure whether to correct her or to go along with it, all I wanted was to be somewhere safe and this was my only ticket to just that.
“D’you know about Doctor Satan? Someone a few miles back told us about a tree-” The man in front of me asked in a more unserious tone compared to his friend.
“Oh leave them alone!” Bill’s girlfriend scoffed.
“Yeah I know that tree! It’s right by my house!” Baby said, shooting a soft gaze back at Jerry, before suddenly a pop of the tire stopped us in our tracks.
“Fucking hell!” Bill said before getting out of the car, baby and jerry soon followed. “Did you do what I asked before?” Bill said frustratedly, no response he repeated himself. “Did you pack the extra tire like I had asked?”
With an embarrassed sigh he muttered “No, I did not bring the extra tire. I inflated it but I forgot to put it back in the car.”
“For fucks sakes Jerry!” He said holding himself back from slapping his friend. “What do we do now?”
“My brother has a tow truck, he should be able to help us. I live not so far from here anyway I can go get him!” Baby said, bubbly as ever. “You, me, and my friend in the back can go to my house.” I weakly smiled at the baby when she made eye-contact, prompting me to get out of the car.
“I'll be right back.” I said to Denise and Mary before hopping out of the car. Baby held my wrist tightly and smiled.
“We’re going on an adventure! You, me, and glasses here are going to my house so we can get my brother to tow the car. Are you excited?” She beamed at me.
“S-sure.” I said as happily as I could, losing feeling in my feet as we walked to the house, leaving the others behind. Baby’s grip on my wrist moved to my hand, her warmth helped me keep composure on our little walk, finally letting go of me once we arrived at the driveway.
“You two wait here, I’ll be right back!” She smiled widely at me and Bill and ran off, coming back with that same wide grin scaring the ever living shit out of the two of us. “My brother just left, for now I say we go inside and warm up.” She grabbed my hand again and guided me inside.
Only in the house for a few seconds it felt claustrophobic, walls cluttered to the ceiling with wallpaper, and dirt. Garbage and other unnecessary goods scattered about the space aside for the clean-ish living room. It felt inviting when Baby was holding my hand, but as I really took in the space it gave me an unnerving feeling. It didnt help that there was a stench stinking up every inch of the house I couldn’t recognize- it was as if rotting meat was left out near a litter box. As i sat down I watched as Baby averted her attention on Bill, teasing and playing with him, leaving me closest to the tv.
“Baby you didn’t tell me we were having guests over!” A voice said excitedly, i turned around to find a woman who looked just like baby saunter over to me, sitting next to me on the couch. “Hello sweetheart, what’s your name?” She said, giving me a warm smile.
“(y/n)…that’s a really pretty blouse m’am.” I said faintly admiring how her nightgown clung to her, feather boa draping over her shoulders with unseen grace.
“Thank you darlin’, please, call me mama.” She said rubbing my shoulder. “Oh dear you’re shivering! Baby go get our guest a blanket and see if Tiny’s home yet!” Baby rolled her eyes, stepping away from the paralyzed Bill, before throwing a blanket at Mama and walking out the door again. “(y/n) is such a lovely name…what happened to your foot honey?” She said averting her gaze to my blistered and bruised feet.
“I uhm..” I stuttered unsure how to admit it. “I was riding my bike and fell off pretty bad, a car nearly ran me over.”
“Well don't go lying to my momma girl.” A husky voice said in the shadows. It was the man from before, the death glare… He walked towards us with a slow stride and plopped himself in the chair closest to us. “She had a big fumble down the road so me and Spaulding took her in our car… Being sympathetic y’know? And this bitch jumps out of the car when we’re going damn near 80 m/ph and runs away from us!” He said in an angered tone.
“Is that true?” Mama asked concerned.
“Yes…I’m sorry for lying to you Mama.” I said while unable to take my eyes off of him.
Mama simply gave me a hug and said. “No need to apologize, my son has no manners when it comes to meeting new people.” She laughs softly. “Otis, can you take (y/n) to Baby’s room? Help her get new clothes?” My eyes widened, body stiffening under her gentle embrace as Otis glared back at me with that same glare, slowly getting up.
“Sure thing.. C’mere momma, I dont bite.” He said pulling my shoulder off the couch and in front of him, going further into the halls of this maze of a home. Blood, dirt, and grime stuck to every inch of the house, each one looking older than the last Otis dragged me up the stairs and into the bathroom.
“I thought she said to take me to Baby’s room.” I said slightly confused. Before answering he forcefully held onto my ankle as i sat on the tub, wrapping a bandage on it.
“She says a lot of things, i just thought you’d prefer a proper clean up before we get you new clothes.” He said somewhat sarcastically, dragging me back to my feet once the bandages were done. “I dont like my new plaything all dirty or upset… You have no idea what you just got yourself into momma.” He gave a devilish grin and dragged me into his room, walls full of doodles and drawings. “Sit.” He pointed to a chair in the middle of his room, it had what could only be blood splattered all over it much like everything else in his room. Too scared to move I quickly sat. “Good girl. You know why we picked you up earlier?” He asked, circling around me, tying my wrists to the back of the chair tightly.
“Why?” I said squirming against the rope.
“Because you’re a pretty woman, aren't you? You look like you know a good time when it’s presented to you right?” He kneeled in front of me, tracing the shape of my breasts through my wet shirt with a knife. I couldn't answer. Pressing the knife into the fat of my left breast a little harder than before he repeated his question.
“Yes.. yes ow please stop.”
“Good…well you’ll be happy to know I love a good time. I’m a bone-ified freak as a matter of fact.” He chuckled softly rubbing my knees with his other hand. “You feel cold.” He leaned into my face, not like he was going to kiss me but to rather, admire me. Studying how my face flintched, how my eyes were tired, and how I reacted to his touch.
“Why are you doing this?” I said weakly, stopping myself from trying to undo his knot on the chair. ‘It was no use’ I thought, wrists burning with each small tug I maneuvered before.
“Like I said before… you’re a pretty woman. You said you liked a good time right?” I nodded frantically feeling a panic bubble in my stomach, feeling too weak to try and calm myself down. Sliding a hand up my thigh he whispered real close into my ear. “I got a way of making you warm momma…You want to hear what it is?” He pulled back dug his nails into my inner thigh, it felt like cat-claws digging into me like knives.
“Y…No.” I held myself back from saying yes, blurting out my self-correction and immediately regretting it as he used that same glare from before against me yet again. Stand up, he let go of my thigh and held onto my shoulders.
“No? You’re telling me you dragged your pretty little ass out of that storm, trembling like a god-damn leaf and you don't want to be warm?!” He shouted at me, flipping my chair to face the window. The storm was roaring louder than before, clearly flooding the streets as thunder boomed around us. “You’re lucky you’re pretty, I would’ve gutted your dumbass already.” He mumbled, breathing right next to my ear. “Pretty girls like you should know better than to not answer to a man like me. But I’m gonna take pity on you… just a little.” He kneeled in front of me again, both hands digging into my thighs. “That ain’t an excuse to try and escape. The only way you’ll get out of this room is to take a piss or die. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes.” I said, tears flooding my eyes as I stared at the storm.
“Look at me when i’m talking to you god dammit!” He pulled on a lock of my hair, making me yelp and nod frantically.
“I said..Yes.” I choked up, unable to contain the sobs i so desperately needed to get out. Suddenly, I felt a knock at the door. It was Baby.
“Otis! Momma wants you! We got guests and if you dont get your ass down-”
“Shut the fuck up! I got business to attend to!” He barked back, switching to a more attentive tone, slowly getting up from kneeling in front of me to standing up again. “Wipe those tears little momma, i’ll be back to make you real warm.” He gave a shit-eating grin flipping the chair around to face the door- teasing me. Teasing the idea of escape.
To be continued (?)
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itsfuntobeavampiree · 2 years ago
Could you write something about Otis Driftwood? There's no content to do w him and I'm simping so hard.
Your writings so good!!:)
Ofc ml! Xx
Sorry if this is wayyyyy ooc,I've like only watched 3 from hell😭 I need to get round to watching house of a 1000 corpses and devil's rejects. But I wanted to give you something! So sorry for the late reply I was watching every YouTube compilation of this man.
This is gonna have to be a headcanon board for him because I don't know this man well enough to give you a whole oneshot.
Gn reader but does refer to female body parts and names
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I feel like he'll be a very touchy person and always touches you inappropriately even if there's people around but if you do it back to him he'll cringe and tell you to keep your hands to yourself (secretly he lovessss it)
Man doesn't know a simple peck on the lips. It's always sloppy with him even if your lips like barely touch!
Pets names he'll give you: momma,darling, babe,doll. He'd enjoy pet names given to him too, he likes the lil cute ones you give him. Males hims feel real special
He doesn't like to admit it but he thoroughly enjoys it when you brush his hair and put it up for him he finds it cute when you have your tongue sticking out concentrating on doing his plaits.
Nsfw headcanons
This man is an ANIMAL, and you know it. I mean if he notices a lot of discomfort coming from you he'll stop an ask and then whatever made you uncomfortable he'd do his best to avoid.
I'm sorry but otis definitely has a lactation kink😭 free the nipple! Literally because he will paw at your bra until you let him. He's pretty skilled with his mouth, even if you weren't really a sensitive person you are now.
In bed he calls you degrading petnames and really fucked up ones. For example, cum dumpster, slut, whore. Yeah you get it. But I mean he doesn't mind it when you start having a go at degrading him. But there is a barrier even for you, like if you don't like names I've listed he won't call you them again as long as you do the same with him.
Eh. Aftercare? He'd just think you'd get up and start cleaning yourself and he'll lay there watching your every sore movement but if you're to tired and achey he'll grab a rag and dry you. That's the least he could do....right?
Yeah sorry for this shit show. I didnt want to write much bc I didn't want it to be too ooc and I didn't wanna disappoint you. But if you did actually like it, thank you! And check out my other shit. (Legit only 3 other ones ) I don't write much atm but I will dw xx
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years ago
The Party is Just Starting:
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Cw: Mentions of drug use
Macy’s POV:
Blinky had been asleep on my lap for about half an hour now. It was funny how still they were when they slept. They were always figuring with something when they were awake. But when they slept, it was almost like they were dead. Even their breaths we so slight, if my hand wasn’t resting on their neck I’d think they didn’t have a pulse.
There was a knock on the door, but the person entered before I could answer. What was the point of knocking of you were just gonna come in anyways?
“Blink mama’s getting upset your seat is cold-“
She paused in the doorway.
“Oh, they’re sleeping… huh- now how’d you manage that Newby? You a damn wizard pr something.”
The one they called “baby” asked. I couldn’t help but let out a soft snort.
“We’ll be down in a minute, I’ll wake them.” I have a soft smile.
Baby frowned, which by the looks of it wasn’t an expression she wore often. Her facial lines all went in the other direction, indicating an almost permanent smile of sorts. She seemed to be debating something in her head.
“I’ll tell mama there sleeping- you hungry?” She asked me.
She left out a short laugh that seemed much more characteristic.
“I’ve just never seen them sleep that still before, you sure they’re breathing?” She asked stepping closer.
There was an edge in her tone, almost as if to come off as a threat, Incase Blinky wasn’t actually breathing.
“Relax, they’re fine, just took the edge off” my eyes darted to the ashtray on the night stand.
She giggled slightly. Her mood swings were worse than Hoyt’s.
“Look at you miss bad influence- corrupting my little sibling.” She joked.
I rolled my eyes.
“Oh yeah, they were a real Angel before I got here I’m sure-“ I joked back.
I felt Blinky stir slightly in my lap.
“Look who’s finally awake-“ Baby greeted.
Blinky groaned, lifting their head and turned to glare at her.
“Mama made dinner and it’s getting cold-“
The shot up, practically scrambling off the bed. I stared after them for a second.
“Hoyt really threw your no swearing rule out the window didn’t he?” I laughed.
They turned to look at me confused for a second, before just accepting defeat and repeating the word in a defeated tone.
���Was stupid anyways-“
They walked back over to the bed, grabbing my hand and dragging down the stairs after Baby. The room was vivid with noise you could hear from the hallway. They were certainly a rowdy bunch, where Hoyt was usually the loudest person back home. Blinky kept their head down as they dragged me to the kitchen. I quickly noticed there were only two seats left. Leaving one for Baby, and one for Blinky. I was about to mention something to them but they cut me off.
“Sit.” They muttered, pushing me down into the seat beside a girl with long brown hair.
It would be cruel to say no to them when they weren’t feeling well, so I sat. I half expected them to disappear into another room to produce another chair, but was pleasantly surprised when they just sat on my lap. I raised my eyebrow as I looked down at them, but they just shrugged.
“Dinner smell delicious mama, sorry I was late, I was napin’” they said sleepily.
I could tell they were playing it up for effect, that Sly bitch. I bet Blinky could get anything they wanted from anyone if they just looked at them the right way. Their big eyes were easy to get lost in. I imagine it was half the reason they avoided eye contact so heavily. People don’t hear much of what you’re saying when they’re looking right through you.
“Thank you for allowing me to join you Mrs. Firefly” I said.
“No problem sugar, any friend of Blinky’s is a friend of ours.” She smiled at me.
She was much lest hostile than my mother, but I doubt any less protective. She had a slightly more intimidating presence, which she overcomplicated for with this bimbo-esque persona. Armour it seemed all the women in this house wore in their own way.
“Who the hell is this?” A gruff voice asked.
“Otis-“ Mrs. Firefly warned.
I trained my eyes on him, observing his body language. He was the one I needed to impress tonight, or at the very least get the approval of. It was important to Blinky that he liked me. I looked down to Blinky for guidance, not sure if I should speak or not. But someone beat us to it.
“Blinky’s got a girly-friend!” Baby said in a sing-song voice.
I heard someone choke up a cough at the end of the table, and a little gasp from beside them. But my eyes were still trained on this Otis, Blinky’s father for all intensive purposes. Blinky was squirming slightly on my lap, clearly uncomfortable that all eyes were now on the two of us. I snaked my right arm around her waist to pull her closer to me and apply light pressure. It always calmed them down.
“Blinky?” Her father asked.
“ie tad?” They asked, not looking up from where they were fidgeting with the table cloth.
If it were up to me I’d just pick them up and take them back upstairs right now. But I knew that would only make the situation worse. I gently squeezed their side for comfort. Otis rolled his eyes.
Blinky took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry-“ they said.
“Blinky, dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. Otis is just being Otis.” The woman beside me said.
She went to place a hand on Blinky’s shoulder, I’m sure as a gesture of comfort. But I pulled Blinky closer, cutting off the action. Blinky May trust them, but I didn’t know these people yet. Sure I had to past their silly little test of character, but they were subject to mine as well. Blink, as much as I love them, isn’t exactly the best judge of character.
“The hells that s’posed to mean?” He glared at her.
“It’s means hear the child out Boy!” the man Blinky called ‘Cap’ earlier spoke.
He grumbled under his breath and rolled his eyes, but didn’t say another word.
“Whenever you’re ready Blink” the woman beside us spoke up.
Blinky took a deep breath before lifting their head to speak.
“Um, this is my girlfriend Macy-“
“Girlfriend?” The man sat beside the girl with long white hair spoke.
“Let the girl speak RJ!” Mama demanded.
It seems they took their family dynamic very seriously. Much more traditional roles then in my own family. Despite mine being built by blood, and there’s by strays. It was interesting to observe. Their need for structure, yet desire for total chaos. Blinky oddly fit in quite well with the group.
“Umm, she’s like us so you don’t have to worry about her saying anything. I trust Macy and you aren’t allowed to hurt her…”
She looked directly to her father.
“Ok Otis?”
Despite not being able to see their face, I knew exactly what look they were giving him right now. It was a look few people could resist. Blinky calls them her sad clown eyes. I was surprised by how long he dared to stare back into her eyes. Even I was strong enough to look into them that long.
He narrowed his eyes at them, and Blinky leaned forward toward the table, almost like a silent dare. After about another minuet he backed off.
“You said she’s like us?” The woman beside us asked.
“Mhhmm, Macy’s family is… special. They understand us. That’s where I was when my mo- that woman came into our home. Macy keeps me safe.”
Blinky leaned back into me, and the tension in the room eased slightly.
“You can eat Macy, they won’t try anything.” She said calmly.
“Yes, please, dig in, you must be starving dear!” Mama said.
I had to admit, the food smelt mouthwatering. I’m sure they all had questions, but everyone seemed to be more interested in the food again, which I was happy about.
“I’m Manon, but Blinky and everyone call me Doe Eyes.” The black haired girl introduced herself.
“that’s Spaulding, RJ, Ghost, Baby, Otis and Mama. I’m sure you’ll meet Tony later, he usually eats downstairs in his room. If you ever need anything, I’m just down the hall from Blink’s room.” She smiled at me before going back to eating.
I hummed in response, enjoying the taste of the food. I knew Blinky was mostly out of it right now, but I still wanted them to try and eat. I ripped off a small piece of bread and held it in front of their mouth. The turned their head to the side and groaned, attempting to push my hand away. Manon looked down at her concerned.
“You feeling alright little clown?” She asked.
“They’re fine, just tired.” I said.
“I don’t believe she asked you.” Otis spoke up.
I turned my head to him raising my eyebrow. Blinky just groaned again and turned their head into my chest. The lights clearly being to bright for them. I broke eye contact with the older man and turned my attention back to my partner who was clearly showing signs of regression. I wanted to avoid them having a meltdown so I leaned down to whisper in their ear.
“Why don’t you hide down under the table, away from the scary lights?” I asked softly.
They nodded quickly and I let them go. Nobody really questioned Blinky crawling under the table, clearly used to this behaviour by now. But if they knew the lights were overstimulating, why did they even have them on in the first place? I’d have to talk to Blinky about this later. I’ll be pissed if they knew this was a trigger but didn’t care.
I tried once more to get them to eat by handing the bread under the table. I was pleasantly surprised when they took it. We continued the rest of the meal this way. The family occasionally asking me a few questions. Me asking a few of my own. It seemed everyone was warming up to me, besides Otis. Despite knowing they had no blood relations, it was funny to observe how Blinky was just as stubborn as him.
“So what’s your family like?” The one named RJ asked.
“Um, I have my mama and my brother, they’re pretty good. I love Tommy to death, but then there’s Monty and Hoyt. Not sure if I want to consider them family. Even Blinky hates them, well mostly Hoyt. She tried to bite him.”
A few people around the table started laughing at that.
“I swear Blinky is like a little puppy sometimes.” Baby said.
I chuckled because it was a pretty apt description, despite their fear of dogs. You had to remind them to eat, when to sleep, take them outside for walks or they get antsy. They hide in small spaces when scared. And their biting problem.
“Blink, how you doing down there.” Manon asked.
There was a slight rustle of the table cloth before we all saw a thumb stick up past the table. I couldn’t help but smile at how silly this whole situation was.
“So when Blinky says your family is like ours, what do they mean by that?” Otis asked, not nearly as spiteful as last time.
My grin only grew wider. I suppose there was no point in hiding it. Everyone at this table could be written off as clinically insane. And Blinky seemed confident they wouldn’t care.
“We eat people.” I said flatly.
I swear I almost heard the one they called ghost, choke on her water. A small gasp escaped from Manon’s lips, and baby was laughing as always.
“Wow, your real hilarious kid.” He said sarcastically.
Suddenly, Blinky popped up from under the table and turned to look at him. It seemed their voice was coming back to them.
“They aren’t lying.”
They climbed back onto my lap and sat down.
“Tommy showed me how he does it.”
Everyone was just looking at the two of us, like a third head had suddenly sprouted and merged us together.
“I’m sorry, Blinky you’re dating a cannibal?”
Blinky giggled a little, the high part of the weed finally setting in. It was odd she got tried first, then they’d have a sudden burst of energy.
“And she’s dating a killer, I don’t partially see how one is worse than the other. The people are dead anyways-“
They shrugged, leaning into me and playing with the ends of my hair. Baby giggled gleefully at this as well.
“How much did you smoke Blink, should have known you’d come home and go straight for my Stash.”
Blinky giggled into my shoulder. Manon gave a slightly disapproving look, but didn’t say anything. And Otis was still glaring at me.
“It’s been a long week” the mumbled between giggles. “Did you guys know I love you? Cause I love you!” They said in a sing song tone.
“What do you fucking lace your weed with LSD Baby? The fuck is wrong with them?”
Baby just shrugs before laughing at Blinky.
“Awww we love you too killer clown.”
I suspected Baby had smoked earlier that day too. What a train wreck of a meal this was. Spaulding wordlessly got up from the table and disappeared into the kitchen. I was going to ignore it but he came back with some orange juice and an aspirin. He set them down in front of me, and I assumed they were for Blinky.
“That’ll help”
“Kids a lightweight- but at least they’re happy when they’re high, it’s just the come down ain’t as… pleasant. You can’t get them to take it later, won’t work.”
I gave the older man a thankful nod.
“Not that I’m not worried about those two-“ ghost points to Blinky and her aunt, “but, do you really, genuinely eat people?”
I was trying to get Blinky to take her medicine but they wouldn’t stop squirming, it was like their skin itself was jittery. I frowned.
“Yes, been helping mama in the kitchen since I was little. But we didn’t switch to our meat alternative until uncle Hoyt moved in with us. Once you get a taste for it, you just kinda get fixed-“
I supposed that how Blinky felt about their weed. They were both addictions in their own right. If someone told me I could never eat human again, I’m not sure if I could at this point. And I don’t know if that should worry me or not.
“I don’t mean to be rude, or cut this short. I’m not going anywhere until this one is feeling better. So you can ask your questions later. But I’m gonna take Blink upstairs. If you want Mrs Firefly, I could come back down and do our dishes later. Their eyes are too sensitive to the lights right now, and I’m sure they’re gonna wanna be somewhere quiet soon.”
“I feel like I can see god…” the whispered.
“Nonsense, you go take care of my grandbaby. And as for you-“ she looked pointedly at Baby, “don’t leave your other drugs around the kid. The hell were you thinking Vera?”
I took that as my cue to leave. Of course I noticed a certain ghost follow behind us. It seemed she was quite shy. I set Blinky back down on her bed and told them to stay. Ghost was waiting by the door.
“Will they be ok?”
“They’ll be fine. I’ll just have a long night of partner-sitting ahead of me, but nothing I can’t handle. They might get a little sick in the morning, but I’ll make sure they have breakfast.” I smiled up at her reassuringly.
The girl turned to leave but stopped in the door way.
“Hey Macy-“
“You hurt them, everyone at that table will subject you to the worst pains you’ve ever known.”
I took her warning for what it was. It seemed like a nice gesture. But I’d be foolish to assume it wasn’t a pointed threat. She meant it entirely. I’d have to work harder to get Otis to like me then. These people were good for Blinky, their actual family. And it was clear that they needed her just as much as she needed them.
Blinky was worth the extra effort. She always will be. I’d do anything for them. I turned back around to find Blinky staring up at the ceiling.
“I wish you could see the stars inside” they said.
I chuckled slightly, crawling into bed beside them and looking where they were looking.
“Just close your eyes my little astronaut, maybe when you wake up I’ll bring the stars inside.”
Im sure they still sold those silly little glow in the dark stars somewhere in town. Manon seemed like the safest bet to get to know. Im sure she’d help me look for some in the morning. Blinky will probably be sleeping most of the day. I want to show them just how important their youngest was to me.
“Goodnight little clownbug, I hope you have silly dreams.”
It was cheesy, but maybe we were allowed to be cheesy sometimes. A few moments of Normalcy in our cursed, wretched lives. Even the worst of the worst deserved to have love, and joy, right?
An: ahhh, finally finished it. I don’t know why writing this chapter was like pulling teeth. But I probably won’t start writing again soon until after I move. But once I’m settled I should have more free time again.
Tag: @myers-meadow-selfship @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @queer-and-utter-chaos
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thatweirdbitchjax · 5 months ago
Can I request a child reader with (whatever slasher you want)?
Muti slasher x child reader who has metal problems that hasn't been diagnosed with (whatever one you feel comfortable writing)
So, I'm gonna write for depression and or anxiety as I have both. I have no clue if these were what you meant, but here you go! Also, I apologize if I offend anyone, I am solely going off of my experience with them and what I do with mine. Sorry it started getting short at the end, I started running out of ideas :(.
Characters: o.driftwood, b.sawyer, b.firefly, capt.spaulding
Warnings: depression, anxiety, mental health issues
There are more than likely things that I forgot to mention in the warnings, so proceed with caution
Mental Child
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Bubba Sawyer
Bubba picked up on how sad you had been
But it wasn't just sadness, he could see it in your eyes, it was something else
At first he just thought that someone had dropped by the gas station while you were there helping Drayton and said something mean about you, so he tried sitting with you
He slowly recognized that, that wasn't helping and quickly clocked when you started distancing yourself
Staying in your room more often then not, your eyes constantly being swollen, the fact that he couldn't bring a smile to your face like he used to
He began to worry, heavily
He tried to get Drayton to take you somewhere to get you fixed, but Drayton seen no issue with how you were acting
Eventually tho, Drayton breaks after even Nubbins began worrying about you
Nubbins noticed how little you smiled, how you seemed to look a little more dead everytime he saw you, and how little you were eating
Anyways, at this point, everyone is worrying about you
The breaking point is when Bubba walks up to your room to find you in the middle of an anxiety attack
He doesn't know that's what this is tho, so he picks you up and rushes you down stairs
Drayton takes you to the hospital and blah blah blah
Captain Spaulding
Baby was the first to notice how off you were acting
No longer willing to scalp people with her, let her do your hair, let her paint your nails or anything
She recognized that you were distancing yourself and told Mama, and then, somehow, word got out to Spaulding
He immediately came and picked you up and took you to live with him for a while
To say he was worried was an understatement
You weren't eating, you were barely sleeping, and he could hear your anxiety attacks
He couldn't do anything about it tho, cause he didn't know what to do
He noticed how slouchy you were and eventually asked you what was going on, telling you that he was beginning to get worried
If you deside to open up, he tries to find you a place to get you help after a while
At first he was like, "Oh, everyone gets a little depressed now and then," but then he started getting worried when you weren't seeming to get better
Otis Driftwood
You think this mf cares?
He tells you to suck it up
He will get kinda worried when you start violently shaking and start screaming about how you can't breathe
Only then does he try to do anything to help you tho
Baby Firefly
She cares! She really does, she just doesn't understand why you can't breathe
She tries getting you water and holding you
She doesn't really know anything about Anxiety, so Mama was the one to make the assumption that that was what you had
She tried to make herself a bit smarter on the subject so she can help her baby
@puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @zeroisreallygood @im-a-simp898 @artsycrow46 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc @caretaleandotherstuff
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slashv1xen · 11 months ago
Hi! Love your blog! 💗
So glad Otis is getting some recognition. Niche characters ftw!
I was wondering what about Otis x female reader one shot, where the reader is also a serial killer and when he tries to capture her she tries to kill him. A total twisted and crazy gal, same as him. :D
hi tysm it means a lot. i love ur blog too!
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oneshot 💗
“shh…just stay still and no one needs to get hurt…” he cooed, one hand clasped firmly to your waist and the other pressing to your mouth, forcing you to be quiet.
your eyes were wide open out of shock. it was late at night, and you were walking out of the gas station after paying the worker (who unbeknownst to you was captain spaulding), when this man came after you.
you were now doing everything in your power to stop him from getting you into his truck. you clawed at him, pulled his hair, punched, screamed, everything you tried just didn't work.
'just how strong is this guy?'
he, however, was getting a rush, a kick almost, from your immediate reaction to escape. it thrilled him, to see you so powerless in comparison to him.
you managed to get out of his grasp when you jabbed two of your fingers in his eyes. he let go and groaned in pain, covering his eyes. you jumped out of his arms and turned to see him.
you grabbed a large branch a few metres away from you and with a couple of steps you began hitting him with all your might.
he did not expect this from you. with each hit, he staggered, screaming obscenities at you and growling, clearly livid.
"fuckin' bitch! i'm gonna kill you!"
you rolled your eyes, still hitting him.
"shut the fuck up!"
he managed to catch the stick before it hit him and he threw it away. you, now scared, began running. he followed you and pulled you to the floor. he pinned you down, him on top of you. when he looked down on your face, he gave a smile that was oddly nerve-wracking.
"well now, ain't you just a pretty thing?"
you, naturally disgusted, squirmed, trying to get out of his strong hold on you.
"let me go!"
he laughed, with a shit eating grin on his face. he leaned in and gave you a kiss on the forehead. he then stood you up off the ground, his hands still pressing firmly into your skin, and with all his might he grabbed your hair and forced your head down onto the ground.
your vision began to darken, and you felt yourself being carried. you heard the man talk again, but you were so disoriented you weren't sure if you were hearing things.
"i ain't ever gon' hurt you, sweet pea. this is just how it's gotta be."
hi hi, this was such a fun oneshot to write! i'm thinking of writing a part two so if you want that please let me know. also idk if this was what you were thinking because now that i'm rereading it there's not a lot of themes of the reader being as crazy as him. so if i do write a part two then i feel it will be more interesting?? idk, tell me what you think. thank you for the request!!
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workingforthewidow · 2 years ago
What is up bitches and hoes. Ya girl is back. And by back I mean my cat brain was able to hyper fixate on something long enough to write for it. Also I’m in my ‘final girl’ ‘slasher fucker’ era. So be prepared for some fucked up shit. I am unhinged and hot for men that wear masks and kill people and people that just kill people in general. So onto the show. This is my first time writing and posting in forever so plz be nice lol
Pairings: Otis Driftwood X Stockholm syndrome!reader (darling is in so deep there’s no coming back). Reader X platonic Firefly family.
She/her pronouns for reader. I tried to keep descriptions to a minimum, did mention pulling readers hair a lot but I mean i pull my husbands hair a lot and he has short hair so yeah.
Warnings: as stated reader is in deep for Otis like so much Stockholm syndrome going on. Slight smut. I think like 1 single use of Daddy in a power play way. Reference to non-con. This is Otis we are talking about so he can be a warning himself. But also OOC Otis. His mood swings will give you whiplash. Blood. Lots of blood. Killing people. Guns used in a sexual way. Knives. If there’s any major i missed please let me know! But yeah- don’t like it don’t read it.
Word count: 4,245
God i am so feral for this man.
Also a big THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU to the person who inspired me to write again go check out their work if you haven’t: @lovely-cryptid
Ugh i am so nervous to post this but imma do it! Link to part 2
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She sometimes wondered if her family even knew she was missing or that she had even left. The whole reason she was out on that lonely road was her attempt to leave everything behind, everyone behind. So in a sense she did succeed in that but this was not what she had in mind when she pictured her freedom from her mother and her step-father. She had pictured herself in a big city with a cute little apartment with big windows that looked out over a park or maybe water. She’d have a good job but nothing too fancy. Working in a bookstore maybe or a flower shop. Something where she could be creative. But this wasn’t that magical place. Not even close.
Well you could say that she got to be creative in some sense. If you count being the muse and model for an insane blood thirsty ‘artist’ as creative. Sometimes he did let her pick out some of the smaller details of his work. Like how the hair was styled if it involved a human. But for the most part she was there for him to use when he needed to take out his anger and frustration. “Fucking my pretty little princess always cures the artist block” he would say as he pounded into her without a care for how she felt. All that matter was he got his dick wet. She didn’t mind thought. It kept him happy and she loved him when he was happy. He was kinder.
She could have never imagine this would be her life when she ran out of her mother’s house a year ago. A year, had it really been a year? Was it October already? She couldn’t be too sure. He rarely let her out of his, their, room unless it was to eat at the table as a family. The last time she was able to see a calendar was in August when he took her to the ‘museum’ to give Captain Spaulding the newest exhibit.
She had to beg on her knees for him to let her come along with him. That led to him agreeing with a stipulation of course, “Already on your knees princess might as put that mouth to work. Show me how badly you wanna go.” After giving into his demands she was able to leave the Firefly house and make the trip to see Spaulding. They only stayed a few minutes. Enough time for him to set up his ‘art’ and for her to see that the calendar read “August 17” but looking back what if that was wrong? It didn’t have the year on it, that calendar could have been from 5 years ago for all she knew.
At that point she figured she might as well ask him the date. She had been good the last few weeks. He had even told her that himself. He was being nicer only calling her a slut or a whore when he was fucking her in anger. But now he was calling her sweet things like ‘princess and sweetheart’ he had even called her baby once. But Baby heard him say that and hit the fan mad. Not that Baby didn’t like her. In all fairness her and Baby had become pretty good friends. She would even dare to say best friends. When he was being nice he would let Baby come to the room and talk to her. If he was being really nice and she had been really good for him, he would let her go to Baby’s room. That was the best. Baby would do her hair and makeup and dress her up in pretty outfits. He only let her wear her tiny jean shorts, which she was pretty sure he had cut shorter then when she bought them and a shirt that barely covered her breast. During the winter he had let her wear one of his flannel shirts over her outfit after Mama Firefly got onto him when the poor girl about froze to death. Texas winters could be as brutal as Texas summers if you were in the right place.
“Otis?” She called softly from her place on the bed but then cringed when she realized her mistake. He had been working on a new ‘project’ all morning his back to her and she couldn’t really see what was being created.
“Try again Princess. Get it right or I’ll have to punish you. And you’ve been so good for me for so long.” He didn’t even turn to look at her but she knew he was smirking to himself. He always found pleasure in the little roles he had created for them. But this was no game or play that came to end. This was her life.
“I’m sorry Daddy,” Otis was sure if he hadn’t had been listening for the response it would have been too soft for him to hear. He heard the bed squeak signaling she had moved. In the corner of his eye he could see her kneel next to him and soon felt her hand on his thigh. He looked down to see her staring up at him with her big innocent eyes. His innocent little pretty princess. His naive little sweetheart.
“Good girl, what do you want?” He ran his hand through her hair once before grabbing a fist full at the base of her skull forcing her to stay looking up at him.
“Um, I, I, um. Just was wondering, what’s the date?”
“Tuesday.” Was that all she wanted. Interrupted his work for that.
“No, like what is the date? Like what month is it and the day?”
He tightened his fist in her hair making her whine at the pain “Why the fuck does it matter? Have some place to be? A hot date waiting for you?”
With tears pricking at her eyes she tried to follow his hand to relieve the pressure on her head. “No, no. I only want to be here with you. No where else. With no one else.” She made her eyes wide again trying to get back on his good side with her innocent look. He loved that look.
He loosened his grip on her hair and scratched his chin as if he had to think long and hard about the date.
“It’s October 30. Now why the fuck does it matter? It ain’t your birthday seeing as Baby isn’t fucking around insisting on a party for her little best friend. So what’s so important about today huh?” He had bent down his nose brushing against hers lips barely brushing.
“It’s been a year. A year since you brought me home with you.” She smiled. He may be mean when he’s angry but she did fell at home with him. He did care for her. He did love her. At least that’s what she told herself.
“Didn’t think you’d be so much a little romantic princess. What you want some little anniversary dinner? Think I’m gonna buy you little presents? This is your present sweetheart. You ain’t dead.” He growled in her ear and moved away from her face. “Now get back on the bed and shut your fucking mouth. I’m almost done and if you interrupt again I’ll have Tiny take you down to the basement for the night.”
Her eyes went wide in terror. She hated the basement. Tiny wasn’t bad, they had become pretty good friends. But the basement was not fun. It was dark and cold and damp. Otis had made her stay in the basement when he first brought her to the house after picking her up off the side of road where her car had ‘broken down’ aka where RJ had shot her tires out. It took her a few days to calm down and stop the kicking and screaming. It had only taken a few whips with his belt and the threats of deaths for her to finally listen to him. But she realized once she was being good that he did just want what was best for her. She saw how many girls he brought in and killed. But he chose her. He saved her and kept her safe. Kept her warm and well fed. And as long as she was good for him he was good to her.
“Yes, sir.” She responded quickly as it was a toss up if he wanted her response at all or if that itself would get her to the basement. She crawled back up the bed and laid out on her stomach facing him so she could watch him work. He was painting today.
He turned briefly looking to see if she followed his demand. Which she had, as she always did- his perfect little princess. How lucky he was when he found her. He hadn’t planned originally on keeping her but she was different from the others. She screamed sure but there was something about her eyes. He could tell she was naive but also wouldn’t mind some blood. Her eyes screamed innocence but at the same time he could tell she had seen some of the horrors of this world. He would later learn that horror of hers was from her abusive parents. She didn’t tell him outright but her nightmares usually came along with sleep talking and he had pried a lot of her in her unconscious state.
“Good girl, princess.” He praised her before turning back to his work. She did as she was told and stayed silent for the next hour while he worked. Finally by midnight he was done and she had passed out waiting for him on the bed. He grabbed her hair again and pulled her up, her hands flying up to grab his wrist and looked up at him with now wide awake eyes. “All done princess. You want dinner?”
Oh right they didn’t eat dinner. Odd, Baby normally always came to collect them for dinner when Otis was working. She knew that he would get caught up in his work and forget to feed her little best friend.
She nodded as best she could with his grip on her hair. “Yes please.” She didn’t realize how hungry she was until the thought of dinner crossed her mind.
“Come on then hurry up. Put these on.” He ordered throwing her short skirt and shoes at her. Why was he making wear her shoes? The skirt she knew, even if it barely covered her it was enough to keep Hugo off her a bit. But the shoes? She wasn’t supposed to wear shoes in the house that was one of the rules. “Mama didn’t make enough dinner for us. Seems she forgot about us. Figured I’d be nice and take you somewhere. That’s what you wanted right? Some kinda anniversary dinner?”
“If that’s what you want. I just want to make you happy.” She said slipping on her shoes as ordered.
“Of course you do sweetheart. Come on lets go.” Otis grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the stairs and out to his truck. He threw her into the passenger seat before getting in the driver side. Once the truck was started the radio came on playing her favorite Frank Sinatra song.
She gasped and smiled wide. “I love this song.” She said without thinking before clasping her hand over her mouth. Another one of his rules- Don’t speak unless given permission. She looked up at him with her big eyes. “I’m sorry I was just excited and…”
Otis moved his hand to her thigh gripping the skin so hard she knew she’d have a handprint shaped mark in the morning. She stilled and waiting for his next move.
“Don’t have to apologize for that sweetheart. You’ve been a good girl. Maybe it’s time to change the rules a little, yeah?” He smiled at her with his wicked smile that would send shivers down anyone else’s spine and pulled her closer to him running his hand higher up her thigh. “You be a good girl while we’re out and when we get home. Tomorrow I’ll think about changing your rules.”
She took a breath. He was happy with her. So happy he was going to change her rules. Maybe she would be allowed to leave the room without him. Spend more time with Baby and Tiny. Or even Mama. She loved Mama. Mama was everything she wished her mother had been.
Finally Otis pulled the truck off to a 24 hour roadside dinner. There were only a couple cars, probably belonging to the workers, and a few long haul trucks. Otis got out and pulled her along with him. Once her feet hit the ground he wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her forehead, “Be good.” It was a simple command and a simple warning. “Be good” meant not only behave in general but also ��don’t you dare tell anyone what happens at home.” He had only taken her out in public once, outside of her trips to Captain Spaulding’s, when he took her to buy her new outfits for her to wear for him. And by outfits of course that means bras that barely hold her tits and panties that barely covered anything. Along with a few short skirts and shorts. He didn’t like when Hugo eyed his woman. But oh how Otis loved to see his princess dressed up for him.
She reached up and kissed him on his cheek. She knew he loved it when she showed him affection. “Of course. Always a good girl for you.” She promised him.
They made it to the door and he was even kind enough to hold the door open for her. The waitress at the counter greeted them and told them to find a seat anywhere. He found them a booth far in the corner away from everyone else and pulled her down in his lap grabbing the menu. He let her trail her fingers over it reading each line and finally pointing out what she wanted. Of course, the sweetest thing on the menu. The waitress made her way over and smiled at them.
“Y’all need a minute or are you ready to order?”
Otis tightened his grip on her waist and she knew that meant stay quiet.
“Water, coffee, bacon and scrambled eggs, and the waffles.” He didn’t even look the waitress in the eye. “Chocolate chips on the waffles.”
She must have been really good if he was letting her have sweet treats.
The waitress nodded, writing down the order, before going to the kitchen.
They sat in silence. His hand drifting up and down her leg as they waited. A few minutes go by and the waitress reappears with a tray holding the drinks and food. “Here ya go darlings. Anything else?” Otis waves her off with a huff and she retreats back to the counter where a few truckers are sitting.
He takes a slice of bacon and chews it loudly in her ear before holding a piece to her mouth. “Eat up princess. I’ve been thinking about this whole anniversary non-sense and I think if I’m being so nice getting you this food then when we get home we will play one of our little games.”
She nodded happily, giggling and wiggling in his lap feel him grow harder under her. Playing games meant he was happy and in a good mood. She let him feed her until the plates were cleared. The waitress returned at that point slapping the bill on the table before turning on her heel walking away. She obviously did not enjoy being waved off earlier.
“Did you like it Princess? Wanna come back?” Was the game already starting? He didn’t normally ask her her preferences. “I didn’t like. I don’t think we’ll be back.”
“It was okay. Not as good as Mama’s cooking.” Mama made the best waffles.
Without a word and without looking at the bill Otis stood up and started walking her to the door.
“Sir you need to pay the bill! Excuse me!” The waitress yelled from behind the counter. Otis smirked down at his girl and chuckled darkly. He then whirled around and pull his gun from his waistband.
“I don’t have to do shit bitch.” He then grabbed her hand and threw her back in the truck speeding away towards home.
He was driving far past the speed limit, as fast as a bat out of hell. She looked up at him with her big eyes then down at the gun in-between them in the seat of the truck. He had never brought it out in front of her. He liked to use his knifes, belts, or even his hands on her. She couldn’t even name a time she had a gun this close outside of being on a police officers hip.
“Not gonna fucking bite you. What the little princess never seen a gun before?” He eyes burned on her. She shook her head. “Well then Princess, why don’t we start the game now?” He grabbed the gun and pressed it against against her temple. “Open those legs pretty girl.” She did as she was told and he moved the gun down her body until it was between her legs. “You fucking get off on this and cum without permission I will blow your brains out. Don’t care how much a pretty fuck you are. Understood?”
She let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding, “Yes.”
He slid the barrel of the gun against her folds making her shiver against the cold metal. He kept it up at a steady pace for what felt like hours but he made sure to never reach right where she wanted him. She was looking straight ahead trying to find any landmarks showing they were close to home. Right as she was about to work up the nerve to ask him, he finally hit her sweet spot. She moaned and threw her head back.
“There we go princess. Don’t forget the rules.” He moved faster bringing her close to the edge and pulling away. Finally the light of the house came into view. He stopped the truck but continued playing with her for a few minutes before pulling the gun away from her core.
He looked it over before grabbing her chin, “Open wide sweetheart. You made my gun dirty, now you gotta suck it clean. Be a good girl.” Be a good girl. Yes she is a good girl for him. She opened her mouth sticking out her tongue letting him slide the barrel into her mouth. She began licking and sucking her juices off the shiny metal when she heard a click. She gulped and looked at him to see his wicked smile. “Good girls don’t have to worry if the safety is off. And you’re a good girl right?” She nodded and continued until he finally pulled away wiping her spit off on his shirt. He then got out of the truck pulling her along with him as always. “Good girl, now you have 2 minutes to get that pretty ass upstairs and ready in our room. Wear the white.” Oh he really wanted to play today. He only had her wear a white set if he intended to stain it red. “Timer’s already started Princess I’d hurry if I was you.” He slapped her hard on her ass kicking her into gear. She darted into the house trying to be careful not to knock anything over. She reached the threshold of their room when she heard him slam the front door shut meaning she had about 1 minute left. She ripped off her clothes and threw on the first white lace bra and panties she could find. Once she was dressed she dropped to her knees sitting back on her heels, hands in her lap, looking up and waiting.
Otis finally opened the bedroom door and smirked at the sight before him. She was so pretty like that. Ready and waiting to suck his cock. He walked up to her stripping his clothes as he walked holding his belt in his hands. “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes? On the bed arms up.”
She followed his orders and laid down arms against the headboard. She knew the drill at this point. He looped the belt around her wrist securing her to the bed. He then tied a blindfold around her eyes. This game was her favorite. She didn’t know why but he always was happier after they played this game.
A drawer opened and she heard the clicks of metal against metal. She then felt an ice cold blade against her throat. “One sound. One single sound and I will gut you like a pig. Got it?” She nodded to the best of her ability. “Good girl now be quiet.” The knife moved across her body slowly. She had yet to feel skin break. He moved up and down her arms and her legs. Around her bellybutton and traced the insides of her thighs. Then the feeling was gone. And she heard the rustling sound of clothes being thrown on and the bedroom door slamming.
This wasn’t part of the game. He was suppose to cut her, carve his name on her and lick the blood. Slice her up with tiny cuts that would bead some bubbles of blood enough for him to paint her in but not enough to kill her or even truly hurt her. But he never left before it was over. He didn’t always stay long afterwards, aftercare is not in his vocabulary but he never left before they were done.
Had he decided he was done with her? Was he going to get RJ and Tiny so they could be ready to take her body when he was done with it? Questions and thoughts started whirling in her head. Fear creeping up on her. She was alone again. She was alone and going to die. Her life with the Firefly’s wasn’t perfect but it was hers and she was enjoying it.
Tears started to slip from her eyes wetting the blindfold that had been tied to her. Maybe he was going to leave her here to starve. Let her have a final meal and then starve her. Her tears soon turned to sobs and before she knew it her breathing was getting shaky. Everything was spinning even though she couldn't see anything. Her brain was spinning it felt like. Her body was shaking violently.
“The fuck is wrong with you girl?” His voice boomed into the room and he removed his belt from her hands pulling her into his lap before taking off the blindfold. He was being oddly kind, like he was worried about her.
She continued to shake and sob for a minute before finally calming down enough to look at him. “You, you, you left. You never leave until the game is finished. Left me alone again.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Someone wondered up the property Princess. Had to make sure the cops weren’t showing up. Don’t need the pigs here when I have a pretty little runaway in my bed.” Then in a rare moment, a very rare moment that had only happened once when he was drunk but she counted it because it was the only time it happened; he kissed her. Like a real kiss from someone you love not a power play. “Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you Princess. I promise.”
She wiped her eyes and looked up at him like he was the center of her whole universe, “You won’t abandon me, right?” It was barely a whisper almost as if she was unsure if she could ask.
Otis brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, “You’re mine forever silly girl. I love you.”
Those three words. The three little words he knew would hook her right in again. He didn’t have to worry about anything as long as he dangled that little carrot in front of her face once every couple weeks. He wasn’t sure if he even meant it. In the beginning he knew he didn’t but now as time had gone on he wasn’t sure anymore. Maybe this pretty little princess from the other side of Texas was changing him.
“I love you too.” She sighed kissing his neck before snuggling into him. There would be no wicked game for a few hours. He would be kind. He would let her sleep next to him. Let her snuggle up on his chest while he played with her hair. Let her have a few hours where they played like they were a normal couple, just a man and his girl sleeping the night away.
But Otis Driftwood was anything but just a man. He was different and he knew it. But she was different too. Maybe she was meant to be here. Meant to be his girl forever. But that was a problem for another day. A day when he was 7 beers deep and didn't have to think too hard.
“Goodnight Princess you can sleep now. I ain't going anywhere. And when you wake up, I’ll let you go to Baby’s room.” He kissed her hair again and moved them down on the bed throwing the blanket over them.
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jokeringcutio · 2 years ago
Third time's a charm Otis B. Driftwood x Reader (How Reader was Rescued)
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Fandom: House of 1000 Corpses & The Devil’s Rejects & 3 From Hell. Pairings: Otis B. Driftwood X Reader. Rating: Mature (for topics and themes) Warnings: Violence, Blood, (Decent) mentioning of corpses and corpse abuse, Pregnancy, Semi-Graphic Birth, Breeding Kink, Murder, dubcon and noncon. Summary: How you got rescued from the Firefly Family.
This can be seen as a continuation on [ This Drabble where they take you to the hospital ] and was specially written for iffyline
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The third time's a charm
At first, you had hope. It wasn’t a tiny bit, it was huge. Enough to fill your heart and mind. You’d gone from being hopelessly lost to being determined to remain alive. It felt as if your life was balancing each second of the day on a scale that could tip over unannounced. But now you held hope, and that meant that you would do anything to remain alive until the police would come to rescue you. No matter how degrading it would be.
You’d seen your friends die in horrible ways, and had to watch some of them still on display – either as pieces of art or body parts of them that had been re-used for furniture. Yeah, better not think about that. Though you’d never received your answer as to why you were the only one still alive, you could hazard a guess. The Firefly member named Otis was to thank for that. He’d claimed you from the get-go, held you tied up in his room, and fucked you raw until you could no longer walk.
It was thanks to falling ill that Baby and Otis had driven you to the hospital where you could alarm the doctor about your predicament. You were missing. You and your friends. And you had told the doctor all about the dangerous family that held you captive. You’d warned her not to take action too soon, because you knew if the attempt failed, the family would know that it had been you who had been blabbering to the doctor. You feared not only for your own life, but also for theirs.
Thankfully, your capturers were none the wiser. Your cover: the unfortunate fetus inside your womb. Otis had been withdrawn on the way back, uncharacteristically quiet and absentminded. Baby had been over the moon. As for the others of the family, well, Baby had been right. Mama Firefly got a certain gleam in her eyes when the sonograms were shown, she was thrilled. Tiny and Rufus seemed to be okay with it all. They hadn’t said much about it to you, just seemed to accept it as a fact. Captain Spaulding had slapped your shoulder and welcomed you to the family. Then Otis had left the room and had thrown the door shut behind him. You had been left with the Firefly members all on your own for the very first time. Unchained. Nothing had happened. Baby had gotten you something to drink. That was all.
Otis had returned for you not much later and you’d fallen back into the same old pattern that had emerged ever since you had arrived. With you locked up in his chamber and him taking his pleasure from you whenever he liked. But there had been glances you hadn’t seen from him before. Something in his eyes had changed and sometimes you could see him clench his jaw or flex his hand before forming a fist.
You thought he hated the idea of becoming a father.
And so you prayed your rescuers would arrive soon.
They did, sooner than you would find out. The first rescue mission they undertook failed horribly. You were stuck in Otis’s room when it happened, tummy round with child for God knows how many weeks. Too long. You’d not noticed anything had happened until Otis told you, many weeks later. And only because you’d recognized a police badge among one of his new art exhibits.
You’d expected a second wave soon after, but no one came.
In the end, you ended up giving birth on Otis’s bed, making it one bloody mess that had his eyes light up in delight.
“See, a birth can be fun,” Mama Firefly had said. She stood next to you to help pull the babe from your womb.
“It’s very artistic,” Otis said, his eyes alit with emotions that resembled pride and… was that love? No, it couldn’t be. Lust. That must have been it. But he looked at you at that moment like he looked at his best artworks. And you felt like you were, torn below, legs parted, your blood seeping all over the blankets.
The baby cried and Otis took the child in his arms. Blood covered his strong biceps and stained his white undershirt, but he was unbothered. Perhaps this sight frightened you even more than if he had turned away and neglected your child. It was him, pure as could be, talking to the little fellow in his hands as if he was the most important thing in the world.
Like a father.
Otis loved his child. And dang if that didn’t hurt. You saw it in the way he looked up at the kid, saw it in how he tried his best to care for the child even if he sometimes horribly failed at it. Thing was, you never stood on your own in this. Mama Firefly got your back, and so did Grandpa Hugo. You could always rely on Baby to help you out with anything that needed to be done. And slowly, ever so slowly, you were given back some of your freedom, as if they accepted you as part of their twisted little family.
You could roam the house, do basic things all by yourself. Otis seemed to trust you more now that the two of you shared a baby. But you were scared. A future in this house, for your child? It couldn’t be anything good. You kept praying for someone to come and take you and your child away.
The second time the police came to investigate, you were in the living room, your baby son on your lap.
“What took them so long?” you murmured, watching the blue lights as they swirled outside the window.
“Shit,” Baby cursed, her voice unladylike and raw. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“Get all your things and go,” Captain Spaulding shouted. He looked pointedly at you, but it was Otis who got into motion, grabbing your hand. Of course, you’d almost forgotten, that whenever the police or anyone of importance showed up, you had to hide. You were still reported missing after all, and your family and friends hadn’t given up the search for you. They’d appeared on numerous television shows and sometimes still made the news when they thought they’d found a new lead.
But the doctor knew where you were. There was a lead! Why hadn’t they come sooner? Why had the second attempt taken them this long? The doctor knew you were here. She promised to alarm the police. They knew! Why had they left you to your fate long enough to give birth in this hellhole?
“’ere, give ‘im to me,” Hugo cradled the baby in his arms, disappearing into a different room.
“No!” you shouted, but Otis already pushed you into his room and shut the windows, barring them.
“You stay here,” he said, eyes flashing with something dangerous that told you he was not to be argued with. You watched as he got a gun out and collected some cleavers he used to make his art. Then he left, locking the door behind him.
You cried in your hands while you listened to the sounds of a confrontation below. If he hadn’t barred the windows, you might have been able to signal to the men outside. But no such luck.
You were let out of the room for dinner and were handed your son. He was safe, except for a few blood spatters on his little romper that luckily didn’t belong to him. Grandpa Hugo had protected him with his life, he said. And while you had been shielded from the horrors below, your infant son had been present to watch the murder in real time.
Baby and Tiny were arguing about the reason the police had come to visit. You didn’t feel like you had such a great appetite when you saw one of the policemen on the table. Instead, you held your son while you breastfed him, aware of Otis’s watchful eyes as he ate his dinner, eyeing you approvingly.
The baby bump showed, visibly, and it disgusted you how Otis would rub his hand over it, would talk to the unborn child as if the baby already could understand. Talked about all the projects he had in mind for them to work on and the things he wanted to teach the kid.
It had been different one time. But after your son was born, Otis changed. A little. He’d gone from quiet and pensive to overly enthusiastic and ready to involve his kids in whatever he had in mind. Nothing that risked their lives though, which was a relief. You watched him take your toddler son by the hand and guide him around the premises. Or haul him on his lap to help him carve one of his new exposition displays.
Yes, he actively engaged your son in creating new centerpieces. He held his tiny little hand to steer the carving knife. He made your child actively cut human flesh into artful shapes.
And you hated him for it. Hated him even more now that a second child was growing inside. You knew you could not steer away from his touches, knew you could not avoid whatever nature had in store for you. You just survived each and every day and deliberately had forgotten that there were people out there looking for you. The hope you once held had diminished and dwindled into a small pilot flame. Still there, ready to be lit again, but not bright, barely visible.
They would not come. They had tried and they had lost. What was there to hope for?
You’d imagined escapes, even tried a few, but it had all ended back in Otis’s bed, chained to the headboard, with him eagerly thrusting inside of you while he berated you for your attempts. In fact, that was probably how the new baby had been created. But it had been so tempting to try and drive off with one of the cars. And you’d gotten closer than you ever had before.
Well, it was all in the past now. You’d have to wait for another opportunity to arrive.
“They’re sweet, aren’t they?” Mama Firefly said from her rocking chair on the porch.
Your son chased after your daughter. She was still a toddler, stumbling around on chubby legs. He was lean and slender, a mirror image of his dad.
A simple nod was all you gave as a reply. Your eyes focused on your children while you hoped it would remain at two.
Behind you, the wood of the doorway creaked, and when you looked up, you saw Otis leaning against the doorpost, arms crossed in front of his chest. His cold eyes rested upon your kids.
Then a tiny smile curled his lips.
You quickly looked away again.
When the police came for you again, things were completely different from before. They didn’t race towards the house with sirens on. Instead, an ordinary-looking car made its way to a safe distance, and the first policeman didn’t run into any of the Fireflies. He ran into you.
You were outside, watching your kids as they were playing when a stranger came into your periphery. You didn’t hesitate, didn’t give it a second thought, and called out for him.
The stranger said your name, didn’t even seem surprised, and you responded affirmatively. It was you. And you needed to get out.
He gestured for you to head his way. You didn’t hesitate, picked up your toddler, and grabbed your son by the hand. You led your kids into the safety of the stranger’s car. The man joined in the passenger’s seat and turned to the woman behind the steering wheel.
“Go, go, go,” he said, and she drove off.
Nothing heroic. No great showdown or bullet shot.
Yet, you were out.
Whenever someone with bleached hair passed you by, you did a double take. Just to make sure it wasn’t him. Odd, really, because it could not be Otis.
He was dead.
So the police had said.
When they’d taken you and your kids to safety, a second squad had surrounded the house and that bullet fight you thought hadn’t occurred took place without you knowing. The Firefly family had fought back resiliently, but the police had learned from the last time. In the end, the Fireflies tried to escape by setting the house on fire.
Otis had been mauled down by one of the policemen. They told you he’d been on the floor once the flames engulfed him.
You were free, even if some of the family had managed to get away.
Your kids grew up leading normal lives. Though your son showed traces of morbid interest, remembering how it felt to carve up flesh with his dad.
He blamed you as well. He missed his father. You never apologized for taking him and his sister away from that toxic environment and was determined to wait until your son was old enough to understand what had happened. He was clever, you were certain he would understand.
And so the three of you led a brand new life, surrounded by friends and family. Hope started to rebuild again inside of your chest, and fear left your heart droplet by little droplet as time went by.
You would live the life you had craved for. You weren’t a quitter.
~ * ~
“You should just walk up to them,” Baby said, eyeing the man next to her with annoyance. “Stop lurking. What is the worst that could happen?”
“You’re right,” the man said. He marched out of his hiding place, white hair flowing behind him, beard jutted forward with pride.
“Hello there, kid.”
Baby snickered while she watched him bend forward to talk to the teenage kid. A young and slender boy with hair just as pale. From behind the boy, a girl emerged. She’d been playing a distance away but came closer when she saw the stranger approach. She looked a lot like her mother, Baby thought. But had her father’s eyes.
“Dad?” the boy said. “You came back for us?” Not scared or with a stammer, but with relief visibly painting his features.
“Just wanted to say hi,” Otis said, leaning forward to ruffle the girl’s hair before doing the same to the boy. “Not gonna steal you away from your mother. Missed you too much.”
The children beamed up at him, prompting Baby to step out from the shadows to watch the family reunion openly.
Otis’s eyes glinted when he spoke to his son. “Think your mom will want me back?”
~ FIN  ~
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ihatethis1234 · 2 years ago
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝐺𝑒𝑡 𝑇𝑜 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑀𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
You can call me kai, vex or vexian, Kurt my pronouns are he/him, I'm a trans gay guy, my favorite song is in-a-gadda-da-vida by Iron Butterfly my favorite animal is a raccoons I'm a fan of ghost, rammenstien, queen, pink Floyd, the beatles, rob Zombie, alice cooper, misfits, bon jovi, mindless self indulgence, insane clown posse, and system of a down.
My favorite movies include, black christmas, Halloween, friday the 13th, house of a thousand corpses, scream, the boy, and Texas chainsaw massacre 1 and 2.
I am local to the Ohio area so my time zone is est/ eastern Standard time.
My favorite characters are choptop Sawyer, Bubba Sawyer, nubbins sawyer, micheal myers, Jason Voorhees, Billy lenz, Billy Loomis, and brahms heelshire.
My Spotify is 𝓥𝓮𝔁𝓲𝓪𝓷 you can copy it and search it in Spotify
I'm a Satanist
I am learning to speak german
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Alejandro -Cod
Argyle - Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove -Stranger Things
Billy Lenz -Black Christmas
Billy Loomis -Scream
Bo Sinclair - house of wax
Brahms Heelshire -The Boy
Bubba sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre
Captain Spaulding-House Of A Thousand Corpses
ChopTop Sawyer-Texas chainsaw massacre 2
Corey Cunningham-Halloween Ends
Drayton Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things
Gaz -Cod
Geralt - The Witcher
Ghost - Cod
Harry Warden - My Bloody Valentine
Jack in the box mascot - it obvious where he's from.
Jareth The Goblin King - Labyrinth
Jason Voorhees -Friday The 13Th
Jhon Price -Cod
könig -Cod
Lester -house of wax
Micheal Myers -Halloween
Nubbins Sawyer -Texas Chainsaw
Otis Driftwood -House Of A Thousand Corpses
Secoundo - Ghost
Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
Thomas Hewitt -Texas Chainsaw
Massacre The Beginning
Vincent Sinclair - house of wax
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑅𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐺𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
. Smut
. Fluff
. Angst
. Comfort
. Horror
{Smut dos}
. The characters on the list above
. Slow build
. Porn with plot
. Sub reader
. Survice Sub reader
. Male reader
. Cis male reader
. Trans male reader (ftm)
{Kinks i absolutely write for}
. Blood kinks
. Bondage
. Choking
. Overstim
. Edging
. Anything rough (minus rape)
. Body worship
. Sex to music (idk what it's called)
. Foreplay
. Knife play (non traumatic)
. Gun play (non traumatic)
. Size kink
. Masochic
. Sadistic
. Crying (non forced way)
. Mutual masturbation
. Soft sex
. Soft Dom characters allowed
. After care
. No after cares allowed to
. Headcanons
{Smut mabeys}
. Forced (as long as content I'd giving at some point)
. Stalking
(unless it's a slasher that does that)
{Smut donts}
. Piss kinks
. Fences kinks
. Feet kinks
. Pedophila
. pro ships
. Charater x character
. Necrophilia
. Death kinks
. Gun play (traumatic)
. Knife play (traumatic)
. Female reader
. Dom reader
. Asking me to write with a character that isn't on the list (goes for all) unless I reply say I will once I watch the series.
. Rape
. Pet play (it makes me uncomfy)
(You can ask me if I will write for a character tho if it's not on the list)
{Fluff/ comfort dos}
. Mental break down comfort
. Cuddling
. Dysphoria comfort
. Motivational
. Nightmare comfort
. After care fic
. Soft head cannons
{Angst dos}
. Readers death (reaction)
. Character death
. Injured
. Fainted
. Arguments
(That's all I can think of rn)
{Horror fics dos}
. Slasher character
. Yandere
. Murder
. Gore
. Kidnapping
. Death
. Killer reader
. Taunting
. Stalking
. 16-30 year old reader (if the reader is 16 there will probably not be smut unless it's like stu or somthing)
. Killer couple
. Ghost reader
I will writer for NonBinary reader 𝑏𝑢𝑡 it may take longer if requested.
Under no circumstances will a write for a female reader I will write ftm but not female
Also all female allied that have a fetish for gay relationships or reader yaoi may NOT  interact with my posts you will be blocked.
(Will add new characters as I watch more movies and shows)
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Beautiful Bloodshed.
Otis Driftwood x Transmasc! Reader. (18+)
(Chapter one)
Hello friends! This is going to have several chapters since I want it to be a slow burn romance that starts before the events of House Of 1000 Corpses and ends in between House Of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects (I know we all love young Otis.)
Warnings: Murder, Violence, Abuse, Swearing (a fuck ton of that), Blood, Guts, Gore, Cult Activities, Human Sacrifices, Ritualistic Sex, Sex in general, Drinking, Recreational Drug use, Smoking, Kidnapping, Necrophillia. I mean it's Otis man.... I can't really help what he does, if you've seen the movie then you pretty much know what to expect from this story and Otis himself.
Summary: You meet Otis and baby one day at Spaulding's, you become good friends with baby and start hanging out with her (and sometimes Otis). You pass by Otis's room many times while his door is open, allowing you to see all of the art hung on his walls. It intrigues you. You ask Baby about his art and she tells you a little about it, you ask more questions and she suggests you just go ask him, which you decline quickly. You aren't afraid of Otis (not by a longshot) you just didn't want to bother him with stupid questions, especially since you probably wouldn't understand the philosophical answers he gave you. Baby takes your hand and drags you to Otis's room where he's sitting reading a book. She pretty much tells him to tell you about his art and he agrees (a little too quickly and with a bit more excitement than usual.)
He shows you the art on his walls first, telling you a little bit about them, and when you seem extremely interested in his work he decides to see how you'll react to some of his... other... art. Starting with the bone sculptures.
(Written in third person.)
It was a cool spring evening in Ruggsville Texas, and Y/N was spending their time doing one of their favorite things... gossiping to Captain Spaulding. Spaulding was a good friend to them (who could sometimes act like a dad in certain situations), a friend who loved to listen to the fucked up shit Y/N's friends and family were up to, and tonight's story was funny as hell.
Spaulding stood leaning against the counter next to the cash register, listening to Y/N tell him about their friend Pamela, a girl a year younger than him who was a little... off her rocker.
"So her boyfriend cheats on her, yeah? And what does she do? She paints the word 'Cheater' across his trailer in red paint while he was at work. Then she goes to his work and used the spare key to his car that he gave her to get into his car, I swear this bitch left a fuckin dead ass Armadillo in his car and dumped a shit ton of used condoms in the back seat!" Y/N says, causing Spaulding to bust out laughing, damn near doubled over. "God damn! Where the hell did she get a dead Armadillo? And where the hell did the condoms come from?!" Spaulding asked damn near unable to speak from laughing.
"The Armadillo was on the side of the road, and I don't even wanna know how she got so many used condoms!" Now Y/N was laughing, the sound of the bell above the front door going unnoticed by both of them.
Otis stood in the doorway of Captain Spaulding's, the sound of laughing stopping him dead in his tracks. He could hear Spaulding's usual snorting laugh but there was another laugh... it was different... not like the laughs of the nasty men who usually hung around Spaulding's gas station, it was like music. His eyes landed on the figure standing infront of the counter, their body shaking with laughter.
After the laughter died down Spaulding finally noticed him, standing there with the front door still open.
"God dammit, boy! Ya lettin' out all my AC! Come in or get the fuck out!" Spaulding yelled at him, giving him a scowl. This outburst caused Y/N to turn around to see who his friend was yelling at, he was very surprised to see a white haired guy standing there.
Otis quickly recovered, walking in the rest of the way, giving Spaulding a bitter look. "You. You and I need to talk." He pointed to Spaulding, which earned him a nod from the clown who looked like he wanted to say something, but held his tongue. He turned to Y/N, giving him an apologetic look. "Sorry, Y/N, I gotta talk to this asshole, we'll continue when I'm done."
Y/N kept himself busy by looking at all the oddities in display cases while the white haired man (you now know is called Otis, thanks to Spaulding yelling his name quite a few times) and Spaulding were arguing over something Y/N honestly couldn't give less of a shit about. Y/N saw a blonde woman enter the shop in the reflection of the glass display case that held a mummified monkey, she completely ignored the two men arguing, choosing to focus her attention on the only other person in the building, Y/N. She approached him, standing beside him and looking at the mummified monkey, trying to figure out what was so interesting about it. "You're really interested in this monkey, huh?" She giggled.
Y/N giggled aswell, looking over at her. "Not really, I'm just trying to ignore the toddlers back there arguing over the last grape." The woman rolled her eyes, playfully nudging him. "Ah, ignore them! They get a kick outta fighting. Hey, you know Spaulding? How come I ain't met ya before?"
Y/N shrugged. "Dunno, I'm here sporadically so maybe it's just cuz I'm never here when ya'll come around?" He'd vaguely recalled seeing the two leaving as he was pulling in once but he might be wrong.
"Well I'm Baby, and that guy bitchin' at Cutter is Otis!" She said excitedly, letting out another laugh. "You got a name? Or do I just pick one for ya?"
"Y/N, nice to meet ya, Baby!" He grinned, holding his hand out for her to shake, which she shook excitedly.
Y/N and Baby talked about music and shit while the two men continued to argue, it turns out, the two of them had pretty similar music taste! They talked so much that they hadn't realized the two men had finished arguing and were now just staring at the two. Eventually Otis got tired of watching them and approached Baby, telling her they had to get back home. Baby groaned and looked back to Y/N.
"Sorry, I gotta get goin', you should come over some time! We can listen to music together!" She gasps "and paint eachother's nails!" Her excitement caused Y/N to let out a soft laugh, watching as Otis pulled her toward the door.
"Door is always open if ya wanna visit! Spaulding will give you directions!" She called, giving him a deranged smile as Otis pulled her out the door. Once the door was closed Spaulding let out a deep sigh, turning his attention back to Y/N. "Alright, kid, where were we?" He asked, moving to lean on the counter once again. Y/N chuckled, approaching the counter. "I was about to tell you what Pam did after the dead Armadillo and the used condoms!"
End of Chapter One.
Thank you all for putting up with my BS :p
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