#also this is my specialty so I’d love to hear if you guys have any favourites I’ve missed out on here
My current sapphic Japanese cinema masterlist:
Blue (2002) - youtube
Typhoon Club (1987) - youtube
The Cherry Orchard (1990) - youtube
The Cherry Orchard: Blossoming (2008) - youtube
Helter Skelter (2012)
Love Exposure (2007) - internet archive
Tag (2015)
Black Lizard (1968) - youtube
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (2021)
Antiporno (2016)
Tokyo Decadence (1992)
Summer Vacation 1999 (1989)
Dream Girls (1994) - youtube
Manji (1964) - internet archive
With Beauty and Sorrow (1965)
Girls of the Night (1961)
A Bride for Rip van Winkle (2016) - youtube
Tomie: Forbidden Fruit (2002) - youtube
Topless (2008)
Maria Watches Over Us (2010)
Sailor Uniforms: Lily Lovers (1983)
The Scent of Pheasant’s Eye (1935)
Afternoon Breeze (1980) - youtube
Kakera: A Piece of Our Life (2009)
The Forest of Love (2019) - netflix
Keiko (1979)
The Story of Pupu (1998) - youtube
Love/Juice (2000) - youtube
Sayonara (2018)
The Adolescence of Utena (1999) - internet archive
Night’s Tightrope (2016)
Queer Japan (2019)
Angel in September (1994)
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narafeedee · 1 year
Do you think you could talk more about what happened during those five weeks where you gained 50 lbs? I can only imagine that it was a mixture of amazing and annoying to grow so rapidly, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!!
before i start i have to preface with some warnings; this gets pretty detailed and graphic regarding some of the health issues i had at the time. do not read if you are not okay with that please.
i was in a weird spot at the time; my husband had left me a couple months before all of this and i was exploring myself and who i was now that my marriage was over. a large contributing factor to that separation was feedism; my sexual needs just were not met with someone who wasn’t into it.
it started early in the week of Thanksgiving, Tuesday 11/20/18. i met a feeder online four years prior who had gotten me from just above 200lbs to 300lbs slowly but steadily. to this day the best feeder i’ve ever met, sincerely considerate and never once crossed any boundaries.
he came to me with a proposition the weekend prior; gain from 300lb to 350lb by the end of the year and i will fund it.
say less.
that Tuesday was the first time i ever video called with another feedist; it wasn’t the feeder that proposed and funded this challenge, instead it was a guy that pushed me to eat until i threw it all back up because he’s really into emetophilia, i didn’t really know the limits of my stomach so i let him.
however, that evening launched me into the most insane five weeks of my life.
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when i woke up Wednesday morning i was somehow starving; despite not keeping anything down the night prior my stomach had still stretched out considerably. that on top of how insanely horny i was at the thought of packing on 50lbs by new years i spent the entire day shoveling in as much food as humanly possible. i didn’t count calories that day, just pushed myself to the absolute limit.
when i woke up Thursday i was impossibly hungry and ready to do it all again. i did the same thing as before, just as much food as humanly possible all day; i distinctly remember dinner being a large pizza, garlic knots, specialty chicken, lava cakes, and a 2 liter of soda from Domino’s.
when i woke up Friday i had a goal; 10,000 calories a day until the ball drops.
and that is exactly what i did.
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every morning i would wake up and drink a pint of heavy cream for an easy 1600 calories to start the day right. i would swing by McDonald’s on my way to work and get two McGriddles and a large iced coffee. i’d get to work and have a blender bottle on my desk also full of heavy cream and sometimes condensed milk, i would either drink straight from it or add it to cups of coffee from the break room.
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at lunch i would always order with my coworkers to have something delivered… but i would also leave on my lunch break and go back to McDonald’s for 4 McChickens and a large diet coke. then come back to the office and eat the lunch i had ordered with my coworkers.
after work i would swing through another drive thru, often McDonald’s once again. I’d get a couple sandwiches but nothing crazy, just a light snack to hold me over til dinner.
i would order massive feasts for delivery from Domino’s or I’d go back out after dark and order enough food for a family of 4. you guessed it, usually from McDonald’s.
to finish my night, i would drink another pint of heavy cream. totaling 3200 calories of straight fat every single day.
the weight piled on rapidly; new stretchmarks were appearing daily.
this is where i should put a disclaimer. this is all 100% true, every single detail is lived experience. i know it sounds insane. it was. i have literal scars to prove it. one feedist saw me do it live and in person, in the flesh, i believe he follows me on here so if you’re reading this G, please corroborate.
i gained 10lbs a week through the end of the year. i was cumming harder than i ever had before. my entire life was consumed by food and gaining.
i did not have a bed to sleep in at the time; there were some other issues i was dealing with that made it so i had to sleep in a recliner in my living room.
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because i was gaining so rapidly and sleeping with my legs below my heart, i developed extremely bad edema. my legs were so swollen they started to weep a clear liquid; i would put on a pair of leggings and they would be soaked from the knee down before i even left the house. my shoes were soaked. i developed ulcers on my shins that just would not heal, the skin almost looked necrotic but they would just weep all day every day with no relief and stick to anything i tried to wear.
mid-December i was bursting out of my clothes. most of the weight i gained went straight to my belly. i went on a little shopping spree at Torrid and had to buy all 5’s and 6’s for the first time.
my mobility suffered at this point as well. i couldn’t do much of anything without getting red-faced and winded within a minute of moving. i had a step tracker at the time and was only walking about 200 steps a day, literally the bare minimum for me to go to work and come home.
i had no time for my body to adjust to the weight so i developed a heavy waddle. my back absolutely killed me.
i swear some days i woke up actually feeling fatter and looking fatter. it was the absolute hottest thing i have ever done and probably ever will do. i started at about 303lbs and landed at 357lb on New Year’s day. my gains didn’t actually slow down til i was in the mid 360s despite my efforts to pump the brakes.
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would i do it again? absolutely not. i was in excruciating pain and the ulcers on my legs did not stop for an entire year (after i gained another 50lbs in an 8 week period but we ain’t talking about that [even tho i still have all the content i made from that gain lol])
but if i went back in time i would not change a thing except better leg elevation and compression. i do not regret it for a second; it’s what shaped me as a feedist and i’m grateful i was able to do it, i don’t have pics from when it was really bad but the scars i have today are still evident.
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so yeah! that’s the story! sorry it’s super rambling, i sincerely hope it was coherent, now i gotta go clean my toys so i can take care of myself cause lord 🥵 thems some intense memories, my only regret is i deleted 99% of the pics and videos i took at that time.
here’s a couple more pics; one is my cart at the grocery in early December, the other is a screenshot of the weight gain calculator i used from the same week when i realized i didn’t have to eat 10k a day, i could make it happen with 7k a day but the former sounded much better (read: hotter) to me
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daydreamwritting · 7 months
Hi! Any thoughts about Jasper, please 🙏
This was so vague that I’ve been sitting on this for a few weeks because I have a lot of thoughts about this man. Here are some moments I came up with, things I’d imagine that take place on those normal days around Forks <3 hope you enjoy!
First off, any hobby you like is also his hobby. And if he doesn’t end up liking it he sure as hell is funding it because he loves seeing you happy. Even if it all goes to waste when you abandon one project for the next one.
He’d probably take you on more hikes you thought were physically possible. Insistent that you don’t get out in nature enough to just take a breather. He makes sure to find good trails with spot to sit and explore, knowing you’ll be extra happy if there’s a waterfall. You slowly join his family’s “hiking days” on sunny days as much as your parents allow. Even though the hiking/camping trips were always the excuse, you and Jasper ironically spent most of those days doing just that. I mean, when else are you suppose to hike? Between school, homework, and supernatural threats, there’s not enough time in the day!
When it comes to your protection it’s always a bit hard for him. All he wants to do is stand in front of you and protect you from any dangers of the world, but he knows that you can stand your own ground, and he lets you, especially when it comes to you bickering with his siblings. Whole arguments have been made by asking if Jasper is such a bad gentleman that he can’t open a car door which lead to the whole I’m my own person and am fully capable of opening my own door argument. For a bunch of old vampires, some of them truly argued like teenagers.
He 100% uses his gift on you. Of course he respect you and your boundaries if you want him to back off. But sometimes you’ll be stubborn and tell him to back off and he has to politely explain that you literally look like you’re going to pass out and if you don’t calm down in the next ten seconds he will do it anyways because your physical safety comes first.
Being with you meant being around your best friend, something Jasper was nervous about in the beginning, he’s not very familiar with the human friend department. However, he was relieved to find out your best friend is a lot like you. Easily fitting in with both of you and your activities. He often joined you two when going to the library or shopping. You also learned there’s a whole lot more board games you guys can play with three people. Board games became a specialty when hanging out with your best friend since Edward, Alice, and sometimes even Emmett cheat. They are impossible to play with.
Your favorite days were the rainy ones. Jaspers bedroom had floor to ceiling windows and you practically demanded he put a bed in there so you can get all cozy and watch the rain fall and totally not to use as an excuse for cuddling. You got what you wished for and you and Jasper started an exclusive book club with just the two of you. In rainy days, you’d read a book together and talk about it. Of course you can’t stand reading out loud so you insist on getting two copies of every book so you could both read at your own pace. Jasper thought this was silly as first, but understood the appeal when he laid down next to you on the bed and started reading to the relaxing sound of rain in the background. It was nice, and almost distracted him from the rest of the chatter he was forced to hear around the rest of the house.
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auspicious-manner · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could write about Billy dunne, there isn't a lot about him. Him and the reader have known each other since they were kids but dont really interact much and Billy is so crazy about her but the reader hasn't ever considered romantic feelings for Billy. He wants to impress her and win her over bad. Basically follows what happens in canon except there is no cheating drama, its just drama between Billy and reader. I don't know how clear this is but thanks i appreciate it!
what's with my djats stories being so long?
sorry this took so long to get out, i started to lose motivation for it after i realized the idea in my head would make this WAY longer than it needed to be. sorry if the end is a little rushed 😭
female reader x billy dunne
warnings: drug use
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It Was Always You
pittsburgh didn’t have much to offer anyone looking to explore the music scene. there were no big opportunities, and limited ways to get noticed. the six, formerly known as the dunne brothers, needed to move out of pittsburgh to somewhere they could make it. somewhere like california.
and you were the reason they got there.
you lived in the same neighborhood as billy and graham and went to school together, and you were the same age as graham. you and graham were friends, not great ones, but friends nonetheless. despite you being a friend of his brother, billy couldn’t help but keep a watchful eye over you.
even since you were in middle school, billy had some kind of adoration and fascination with you, and you barely knew of his existence. if you were taking a walk through the neighborhood, billy was at his window watching. you always knew it wasn’t in a creepy way, it felt different than that. you couldn’t tell what it was that made him watch you, but you felt flattered more than anything.
when you caught word of graham wanting to start a band with eddie, warren, chuck, and billy, you knew you wanted in. even though music was not your specialty, you could do other things.
during one of the band’s first rehearsals in billy and graham’s garage, you walked over to scope out the band. billy noticed you first, and his eyes widened a bit. graham noticed you shortly after.
“oh, hey Y/N.” graham started.
you smiled and waved. “hey graham,” you said, looking around at the rest of the boys. “and warren, eddie, chuck, and…” you said while giggling, trailing off when you got to billy. he looked at you like he was waiting for something important. “billy, right?”
you thought you saw him sigh of relief, but he covered it well. he smiled at you and reached out his hand. you took it, and noticed he held on for a few extra moments. “yeah, i’m billy dunne, graham’s brother. it’s good to meet you, Y/N.” after he released your hand, you noticed he never broke eye contact.
“what brings you here?” warren asked, taking a sip from his water.
“i actually had a question for you guys,” you said, suddenly getting nervous.
“let’s hear it,” billy told you.
you took a small breath. “i was, uh-i was wondering if you would consider letting me be apart of the band. i’m not musical in any way, so i don’t expect to be in the band, but i’d love to be apart of it some other way.”
the band stared at you, not in a threatening way, but like they were considering it. they couldn’t decide what to make of you.
“what, you want to be our groupie or roadie or somethin’?” eddie asked.
“actually, i was thinking manager.”
the group made surprised expressions. billy stepped forward to you. “why should we let you be our manager?”
“well, for one, i’m very organized. i can keep everything on track and on schedule with the band. i’m also very persuasive, and i could get you guys a lot of gigs for good money. and although i can’t play music, i know a lot about it. i’m also good at photography, and can get some good shots of you guys.”
the band once again considered you. you felt small under their glares, but the harshness was broken by billy’s smile. “you got the time for us?”
you smirked. “always.”
billy bit his lip. “welcome aboard.”
you smiled wide. you couldn’t believe they actually took a blind chance on you. you half expected them to turn you down.
“wait, aren’t we going to talk about this?” eddie asked.
billy annoyedly turned to eddie. “you guys put me in charge, so i call the shots, and i say she’s in." he paused, turning to warren. "warren, count us in,” billy said as warren began counting. billy sent you a wink as they played, and you noticed eddie rolling his eyes.
you grew closer with everyone in the band. graham quickly became your go to guy, and you became best friends. warren was like your annoying brother that you constantly got fed up with but loved regardless. eddie acted like he didn’t like you as the band’s manager, but you were always the first one to call if he needed help with anything. you never really grew close with chuck, but you tolerated him and he tolerated you. your relationship with chuck didn’t matter much, since he left the band early.
billy, however, felt different. you could tell something was off about him. you rarely talked, but it always seemed like billy had something to say to you that he never let out. it always felt like he was hesitating around you, and he wanted to make sure you were watching him during your performances. it was clear to everyone in the band that you had some sort of hold on him.
over the next few years in pittsburgh, you lined up gigs at proms, weddings, and graduation parties for the band. you adored what you did. you got the thrill of watching your friends perform and the crowd cheering without the stress of playing. also, you felt like you were good at what you did. you always knew how to be timely, organized, and respectful, all qualities which made you fit to be their manager. you also used your photography skills to take up close photos and videos of the band performing and practicing, which you would later use to advertise for the band.
after chuck broke the news to the band that he would be leaving, he went back into his house, leaving your disheveled band down a member.
you could tell billy was thinking hard. with his brown furrowed, eyes pointed to the ground, the rest of the band waited for his direction. then, out of nowhere, he grabbed your wrist and took you out of earshot from the boys.
“billy, what’s this about?” you said, keeping your voice low. you knew there was a reason billy pulled you and no one else aside.
“i need your help. i don’t know what to do,” he said, avoiding eye contact.
“why’d you need my help? i mean, you have graham, you own brother. i’m sure he’d know-”
billy looked up into your eyes sharply, and you immediately stopped talking. “i trust your opinion more than anyone else’s, Y/N.”
you nodded. you glanced at the band, who was clearly trying not to watch the sight unfolding in front of them. when you looked at them, they turned away quickly.
“eddie’s gonna hate us, but i think he should switch to bass,” you suggested.
billy slightly smiled. “you think?”
you nodded. “yeah, you just need to stay focused on being a great leader for this band. i wouldn’t want you straining trying to figure out bass while also trying to be a kick ass front man.”
billy blushed and bit his lip to suppress a smile, then patted your shoulder. “you’re too nice to me.”
you both walked back to the band, who was anxiously awaiting the solution to their problem. when billy broke the news, eddie scoffed, bluntly saying, “no, absolutely not."
“which one of you came up with that idea?” eddie continued. it seemed like one wrong move could completely set him off.
billy stepped up. “it was me. i-”
the band was only beginning. you couldn’t let their relationships already fall apart before the band even gets big. you knew billy was trying to take the blame for you, but it wasn’t necessary.
“it was me.”
his eyes softened at you. he seemed almost offended that you gave up his role as rhythm guitarist, but since it was you, he knew he couldn’t blow up at you. you were too beloved by the band.
eddie rolled his eyes. “for how long?”
you and billy looked at each other smiling. “we owe you one, eddie.”
not long after eddie switched to bass, you were opening for the winters. as you watched the winters perform on stage, you noticed graham eyeing the blonde keyboardist singing harmonies.
you nudged his side. “make a move.”
graham looked down at you before looking back at her. “i-what do i say?”
you shrugged. “i don’t know, compliment her music or something,” you paused. “make small talk. she’s cute, graham, you can do this.”
you smiled at him before walking away to talk to eddie. however, you felt a pair of eyes burning into your side, and without looking, you could tell billy was the culprit.
after the winters’ set, you caught the keyboardist shortly after she got off stage. you introduced yourself as the manager of the dunne brothers.
karen smiled at you, introducing herself before walking away. before she could, you decided to help graham out a bit.
“graham dunne, the guitarist of our band, really liked your sound.”
she turned around to look at you. “yeah, we’re good at what we do.”
you amusedly grinned. “he didn’t just like the band’s sound, he liked yours. you should go talk to him,” you said before winking and walking away.
not long later, as you were helping the band set up, graham came up behind you. “Y/N, we talked.”
you looked over your shoulder and saw him grinning from ear to ear. you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself, and you turned around. “earlier, i may have… told karen that you liked what she did on stage. i don’t want to take all the credit for your interaction with her, but,” you said, pausing slightly. “i definitely contributed.”
graham’s jaw fell slightly, and he began laughing. before you knew it, he picked you up in his arms and gave you a big hug. you giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck as graham thanked you, and your eyes drifted outwards where you saw billy’s eyes staying locked on your hug with his brother.
after their set, you billy caught up to you backstage. “hey, Y/N,” he started. you could tell he sounded a bit nervous.
you turned around to meet him. “billy, what’s up?”
he looked around to make sure the rest of the band wasn’t near. “so, you and graham?” billy asked. he sounded apprehensive, and almost stern. he looked everywhere but at you.
you squinted. “what do you mean?”
billy shook his head. “i saw that hug earlier. and not just that, y-you’ve been with him a lot. which, i don’t really mind, i just want to know. i don’t want the band to be ruined by this.”
you stared back at him, and all you could do was start laughing. he looked at you, a bit dumbfounded. “what’s so funny?”
“you, billy. you’re funny,” you said, walking closer to him. you watched as his cheeks grew red. “there’s nothing going on between graham and i, seriously. he’s like a brother to me, i wouldn’t dream of looking at him romantically. besides, he has another lady in mind.”
billy looked down at you, wanting to believe you. “okay, i get it,” he said with a slight smile.
you lightly placed a hand on his chest. “i wouldn’t dream of ruining this band,” you said before walking away. you couldn’t see the giddy smile creep onto billy’s face.
from that point on, billy’s mood around you seemed to lighten. he always had a way of making you notice him. you began to get the vibe that this was all on purpose, that he wanted you to compliment him or give him attention. you wondered if he ever looked at you romantically. sometimes, billy’s odd behavior around you could only be excused if he was interested in you. you couldn’t decide if you were interested in him, but you didn’t want to be involved with a member of the band. things could get too messy.
after meeting rod after the night opening for the winters, the band made the decision to move out to california.
you loved the band, and would do anything for them. but, moving out to los angeles on a whim was risky. you knew they could go the distance, but you were being expected to leave your entire life behind to start a new one. besides, with the new move, they needed you to be an even more present manager than you already were. sure, you could handle managing an up and coming band from pittsburgh. but you felt less than qualified for the job of a big time manager of a growing rock and roll band on the infamous los angeles music scene. someone else could do better and take them farther, and they deserved it.
one day, shortly before they left, you expressed your thoughts to the band. you sat on the floor in billy and graham’s garage as the band stood by their instruments.
“guys, i don’t know if i’m coming with you to california just yet,” you said quietly, looking down at your hands. you could feel the glares of the boys burning into your body.
“what?” graham asked.
you stayed quiet, and heard shuffling footsteps come closer to you. a tear fell from your eye, and you tried your best to hide it. “i-i have to leave my life, my family. which, i can do it, but what’s the point?” you looked up to find the band hovering over you, concerned. “i don’t know the ins and outs of music there like i do here. i’m afraid i won’t be able to take you guys all the way.”
billy stepped closed, and bent down to meet you gaze. you noticed that he still seemed to tower over you, despite him meeting you on the ground.
“Y/N, don’t think for one second that we don’t need you,” billy said. “you’re the only one we can see doing this for us.”
graham bent down next to billy. “you’re like our sister, and you’ve done so much to help us grow. you can keep doing this. we all know you can.”
staying standing, warren nodded at you. “we can’t do this without you. don’t quit on us now.”
even eddie agreed. “you make us better, Y/N.”
billy took your hand in his as another tear escaped your eye. “what do you say?”
you couldn’t leave these guys. even if you were the reason they failed in the future, at least you failed with them. they were your family.
you smiled to yourself. “okay, you’ve convinced me.”
billy smiled, and with the hand that still held onto your fingers, he pulled you into his arms, wrapping you in a hug. you were taken aback by this change of character, as he very rarely showed affection like this to anyone. you hugged back, leaning your head on his shoulder.
before you knew it, warren wrapped his arms around the side of you, then graham joined the party. finally, eddie did too. for a few moments, you all stayed in that position, with you in the middle of the group hug. that was when you knew this was where you were meant to be.
a few days later, your belongings were packed and loaded as you climbed into the back of the warm, cozy van while the rain poured outside.
“look who it is!” warren exclaimed as you sat down. eddie stood outside packing the luggage onto the top of the van.
billy smiled widely at you. “i’m glad you’re coming.”
you blushed at his sincerity against your will. “me too.”
the road to california was long, but the building excitement in that van was infectious. everyone knew something big was coming.
upon arriving in los angeles, the band contacted rod reyes and built their first connection in the music world. with rod’s help, he gave you the number to contact filthy mcnasty’s on the strip and gave you another piece of information; karen’s phone number.
“graham, i have a surprise for you,” you said excitedly, dragging out the “you”.
“what?” he asked, confused.
you smiled. “i got karen’s number.”
not long later, you moved into a shabby house with the band in laurel canyon, and recruited karen sirko to be the new keyboardist for the dunne brothers. along with the new edition came a new venue to play in on the strip.
there, you saw billy really begin to fall in love with his music and performing. the way he interacted with the audience, and with you, was electrifying. you found yourself getting flustered if he sang to you while onstage, and you questioned why you felt so strongly. you didn’t have feelings for him, at least you thought. the butterflies in your stomach as he looked at you while singing on stage were trying to tell you something different.
one day, after billy came home with the legendary teddy price’s business card, you had sealed a deal to play for him, and the energy was beyond exciting. they played for him as you watched, and you kept getting those butterflies in your stomach as billy performed. they were getting harder and harder to ignore.
after teddy named the audition a success, the pure joy in the van afterwards was infectious. as the band drove away, you and the band were giddily laughing and hugging like children. billy was the first one you hugged.
you wrapped your arms around his neck first, and you could feel him get caught off guard for a moment, but he soon reciprocated. your heart felt like it was going to pop out of your chest.
“i’m so proud of you!” you said to billy as he squeezed you tighter. you pulled away from each other, faces red and smiling. your arms lingered on each other, not fully pulling away.
“we couldn’t have done it without you, Y/N,” billy said over the commotion.
one night, after a gig at filthy’s months later, the band finished playing and walked out onto the strip. you saw billy and teddy talking, and when you walked over to them, you heard the words you’ve been waiting to hear forever.
“if the label agrees, we’ll get you in the recording studio.”
billy stepped back, shocked. he looked at you, then back at teddy. “shut up.”
teddy shrugged. “it wasn’t all me. Y/N has been on my case about this deal for a while now. if it weren’t for her, this might not be happening.” that was true, the past few months was a pain trying to get teddy to budge on a deal.
billy looked at you. he had the widest smile you had ever seen, and in that moment, you thought you’d never seen anyone more handsome. he wrapped you in a hug, picking you up from the ground and spinning you as you giggled. you didn’t even care that he was drenched in sweat.
he put you down and tried to go hug teddy. he turned to the band, who was confused at the commotion. “guys, we’ve got an album!”
the boys jumped up, running to you and teddy, enveloping you both in a sea of hugs. teddy wasn’t as fond of hugs as you were, but you welcomed them sweat and all with open arms.
billy had always considered you vital in the band, but during the first album sessions, you were involved more than ever before in creative decisions. billy was running the show, but he trusted your opinion just as much, if not more, than teddy’s. given that billy wanted you involved in the music just as anyone else, it made your interactions much more intimate. you found yourself spending a lot of alone time with billy.
one night at the house after a long day in the studio, you and billy sat outside and drank some beers. your chairs were facing in, and it took some effort to not longingly stare at him.
“how do you like it so far? i mean, the album?” billy asked you nervously, looking down.
you smiled to yourself and bit your lip. “you’ve been wanting my approval more and more recently. what’s that about?” you asked, leaning back in your chair. “you’ve always been looking for my validation, but i never thought much about it until now.”
billy took a deep breath in. he looked like he was contemplating something, and he took a sip of his beer before looking at you again. “do i really have to say it?”
you furrowed your eyebrows slightly. prompting billy to start, he closed his eyes before talking again. “Y/N, i think i may be in love with you.”
your heart seemed to fall into your chest. you’ve had suspicions for a long time now, but you had always assumed you were looking too far into it. you thought that was just his personality. until recently, you had never even considered him romantically. it wasn’t until he really starting honing in on his craft that you saw a side of him that you could potentially like.
“billy dunne in love with me?” you asked playfully. you couldn’t believe it.
“i know you don’t feel the same, and i’ve accepted that. maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but i’ve been pining over you for as long as i can remember. i value your opinion because your ideas and thoughts are the only ones that truly matter to me.”
the heart beat in your chest sped up. you felt your face grow red and you hoped billy couldn’t see how absolutely flustered you were. you took a sip of your beer.
billy then waved his hand like he was brushing his thoughts away. “forget it, this was all stupid. i shouldn’t have said that, i’m sorry.”
your eyes softened as billy looked away, embarrassed. you scooted forward, gently placing a hand on his knee. “billy,” you started. he reluctantly turned to face you. “i want to explore where this could go.”
he smiled at you, a wide and endearing smile that made you immediately grin back. “i’ve waited a long time to hear that.”
after that night, it didn’t take long for you and billy to become inseparable. the band eventually caught on to what was going on, no one had to explain your feelings to anyone; everyone seemed to know. the often caught you making out in secret in random places in the studio.
after recording the album, it was time to go on tour. you and billy started dating after the first show on tour, and you were truly happy for the time being.
however, a lot of that initial glee faded as the tour continued, as the band was heavily using drugs and alcohol to escape the pressures of the tour. billy seemed to take it especially hard. most nights, he would do a line of coke right on stage and finish the show by washing everything down with alcohol.
“billy, don’t you think you should… slow down a little?” you asked gently once you were back in your hotel room. billy was opening another bag of coke.
he looked at you. “this is rock and roll, Y/N.”
you sighed. you were worried for him, everyone was. “you’re not yourself, billy. this isn’t the billy that i know,” you said, your tone getting harsher. when he looked away back to his bag of coke, you walked over to him.
“look at me,” you said, standing in front of him between him and the coke. he obliged, and blankly stared back at you.
it hurt you to see him like this. he was falling apart at the seams. “don’t fucking blame this on rock and roll. you’re addicted, billy. you have a problem. you better clean up your goddamn act soon or i-” you stopped, your voice cracking. tears were forming in your eyes. “or i can’t be with you any longer.”
billy blinked, almost unfazed. after a few moments, he nodded.
you looked up at him and shook your head. “clean yourself up.”
after that night, billy tried to cut back, but he always found his way back to the drugs and the alcohol. for a while, it was okay. he only did a line before a show and kept his alcohol for after the show. you still didn’t like his heavy consumption, but at least he was making an effort for you and your relationship.
then, just as it was getting better, it got worse again. he was fully addicted now, and was stumbling all over the stage. he couldn’t hold notes in the songs, and the band looked between themselves, confused.
“Y/N, what are we going to do with him? karen asked after a show, leaning into your ear as you watched billy open a bottle of vodka. you stared as tears fell down your face.
“there’s only one thing to do.”
you forced billy into your car, giving the band members hugs before you drove off.
“w-where are we going?” billy asked, dazed.
a tear drop fell on your leg as you drove, and billy’s eyebrows furrowed.
“you know where,” you whispered.
“Y/N, i’m sorry.”
“i know you are," you replied numbly.
you heard billy sniffle, like he was also crying. you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. “i can’t live without you. you’re all i ever wanted, and now i’ve thrown it all away.”
you bit your lip as you suppressed your tears. “i know.”
you pulled up to the rehabilitation center, and got out of the car with billy. you stood in front of him, close to him. he looked down at you with melancholy, and you looked up at him.
“take care of yourself, okay?”
he nodded. “i-i’m sorry, Y/N.”
you nodded as the tears fell harder. you were leaving behind one of the greatest things that has ever happened to you.
you turned away before you could hesitate and headed back to your car as you watched billy enter the front doors of the center. when he was out of sight, you broke down, releasing the sobs that were hiding in your body.
the rest of the tour was cancelled, and back at laurel canyon, the band wasn’t sure where their future stood. not having billy around had left a hole in the group, and you fell into a pit of depression not having him around. the band tried their best to cheer you up. whether it be graham offering to play games with you, or warren buying you useless knickknacks, or even just crying on karen’s shoulder, you appreciated their efforts but you couldn’t seem to get billy off your mind.
when you got the call two months later that billy was coming home, you felt excited and scared all at the same time. you were looking forward to having him back, you needed him. but confronting everything that had happened seemed too overwhelming.
graham brought him back to the house, and he got out of the car to greet the band. warren showed him his mustache he had been growing, and eddie showed billy his bass he had built. karen squeezed your hand before going up to billy and hugging him.
you stood behind the rest of them, afraid to make an appearance. billy was trying to look for you, and when warren noticed, he stepped away so you were visible to billy.
you could tell billy was feeling the same as you were. you watched as guilt flashed across his face, then nervousness, then eventually, relief.
you stepped forward at the same time, and he wrapped you in an endearing hug. it felt nice to be in his arms again.
“i’m never letting you go again,” billy said into your hair. “i’m staying clean for you.”
you pulled away so you could look at him, your arms still loosely around each other. “you get one more chance, dunne. one more slip up and whatever this is is over.”
after settling into normalcy again, you felt like you were getting to know billy all over again. you were rediscovering why you began to like him in the first place. you missed him.
not long later, you watched as graham angrily stormed out of the room with billy in it. you frowned and peered into the doorframe, finding billy with his head down.
“what’s wrong?” you asked, sitting down next to him. you placed a hand on his thigh, and he stared at it.
“i’m quitting the band, Y/N,” he said quietly.
your jaw fell slightly. “what?”
billy scooted away from you. you could tell he was emotional right now, and was pushing you away not because he didn’t want you there, but because he didn’t know what else to do.
“i love music, but i can’t keep doing this. there’s too much temptation, and i can’t go through that again. i can’t lose you again.”
you softened. billy was willing to do anything for you, but this was one act of selflessness that you couldn’t let him get away with.
“billy,” you started. “you’re the strongest person i know. i trust you. i’m not going to let you quit on this band because of me, you’re just getting started. please, at least think about staying. i won’t be able to do this without you.”
he continued looking down. he paused, and you could tell his hard exterior was crumbling around you. “i’ll think about it.”
and he did. only a few days later, he came to the band with a new song in a new direction that he was ready to get recorded. it was a beautiful song that he called honeycomb, and when he first played it for you, you had some thoughts.
“it’s good,” you said, nodding your head as you sat down on the couch next to billy.
“but…” billy asked, sensing your hesitation.
“it’s missing something.”
billy squinted, a devious smirk forming on his face. “like what exactly?”
“i don’t know, it just sounds too… hopeful, maybe?” you said.
billy looked at you with genuine confusion. “what’s wrong with having hope?”
“nothing, nothing at all, it’s just-” you paused. “no one wants to hear a song about hope. people like to hear things that are messy, and dark, and imperfect.”
billy rolled his eyes and kissed your cheek. “Y/N, you know i love your opinions, but i think you’re wrong about that one.”
you giggled. “i can guarantee teddy will tell you the same thing when you get it recorded.”
“is that a bet?”
you smiled. “hell yes it is.”
then you shook on it, and as it was, you ended up being right. in the studio, teddy told billy it was a good song, not a great one, and you and teddy had a new artist come in to sing vocals on the track named daisy jones.
billy was less than welcoming at daisy’s arrival, and they clashed over everything. billy wasn’t informed that daisy had changed his lyrics, and he stormed out of the studio, taking you with him by the wrist.
“billy, what the hell?” you said as you stumbled behind him, finally coming to a stop when you were outside.
“i can’t fucking believe this, Y/N, you and teddy are ruining my song by adding daisy. it’s not supposed to be a duet, and it’s suppose to be about hope,” billy said harshly.
“daisy adds more layers to that song whether you like it or not. she makes it better, and it gives the song a story.”
“no, she’s not. i wrote a beautiful song, and it’s being taken over.”
billy was frowning, and you stepped forward so you were right under him. at this point, you were frustrated too.
“stop being so fucking stubborn, billy. your ego is getting in the way for the success of this song. we’ll record it daisy’s way, and then we’ll record it your way, okay? we can decide which one sounds better later.”
billy paused, and looked down at you. you could see his harsh eyes soften a bit, and then he nodded his head.
you never did record it his way.
with look at us now came a rush in popularity and invitations to perform at festivals. at the diamond head festival, you saw for yourself the magic on stage that was billy and daisy together. daisy wasn’t a want, she was a need. that is, until billy made a particularly snide remark about daisy to the news following their performance.
“billy, are you crazy?” you asked when you had a private moment after the interview.
billy seemed confused. “what are you talking about?”
“billy!” you exclaimed. “you could have been a little nicer to daisy in that interview.”
billy looked at you, shocked. “i was! i couldn’t have been nicer! seriously Y/N, what’s the big-”
“the big deal is that daisy makes you better. she makes all of you better. you didn’t even give her any credit for the song.”
billy stepped closer to you. “it was my song.”
“daisy wrote the part that everyone remembers.”
billy paused. “she will ruin us.”
you shrugged. “you’ll never know until you try.”
for a while after that festival, things went back to normal, but you knew your work with daisy wasn’t done. you and billy were throwing a house party, and you invited daisy to try and work out the bad blood between the two. getting them to work together was not an easy task, but by the end of the night, they found common ground. it didn’t take long for daisy to be formally invited into the band.
you noticed daisy and billy continued to be unwilling to work together, despite all your efforts. finally, teddy sent billy and daisy away to write material together, and the pair didn't come back until the night time.
as the band recorded let me down easy, you could tell something special was building. as billy sang into the microphone, you hoped he would catch your eye so you could give him a proud smile, but his eyes stayed locked on daisy. you didn't think much of it at this point.
billy and daisy found their groove, and the two would walk into the studio after a day of writing laughing and giggling like children. you remembered when billy would do that with you. now, it seemed like a distant memory.
"karen, can i ask you something?" you asked karen once when you were the only two in the lobby of the studio.
"anything," she replied, putting out her cigarette.
"do you think something is off will billy? like, with me?" you asked sheepishly.
karen frowned. "what do you mean?"
you looked down. "he hasn't been the same since daisy has been in the picture. i rarely see him anymore, and when i do, he's not all there," you said. "and i felt so involved in the last album. i was involved in all of billy's decisions, and now it's daisy. should i be worried about..." you trailed off. "you know?"
karen looked at you, her eyes softening at your worried expression. "i know what you mean. billy's a great guy, Y/N, and i think you can trust him. if you're worried, i would talk to him sooner rather than later."
you nodded. "i'll see if it gets any worse, and if it does, i'll talk to him."
you hated that things were getting worse between the two of them. you could tell he was hiding something, and a part of you always knew that those two had some type of connection. they had to, for the sake of the music.
you tried to trust them and let him run off with daisy, knowing that they made each other better. but you knew he wasn't telling you something.
you didn't realize how far along their connection was until daisy and billy stormed out of the studio while recording more fun to miss.
you followed them out, a few paces behind them, to make sure everything was okay. as soon as you stepped out onto the pavement, you watched as daisy yelled something at billy, close to his face. then, you watched as billy pulled daisy closer, leaving a kiss on her lips.
you gasped, and the two immediately broke and turned to look at you. billy went as pale as a ghost, and you stood horrified.
"Y/N, this isn't-" billy started, walking closer to you.
you put up a hand, stopping him in his tracks. "don't."
billy paused. "daisy, can we get some privacy?" he asked sternly before daisy hurriedly made her way inside.
"can i explain?" billy asked quietly.
a tear ran down your face. "what is there to explain? i know what i just saw."
billy nodded understandingly. "i know, i know what this looks like, and i'm sorry. but truthfully, there's absolutely nothing going on between us."
you laughed. "you call that nothing?" you asked, raising your voice. "you kissed her, billy! and god knows what else you've been doing behind my back all this time. there's a reason you came out here to do this, so i wouldn't find out."
billy put his hands on your shoulders. "there's nothing of substance between us. this is all an act, we're building our connection so fans can see it and believe it onstage. that's what the fans want. please believe me, there's nothing between us. there never was, and there never will be."
you shook your head, tears streaming down your face harder. "and you expect me to believe that?" you asked quietly, walking away into the studio.
you had locked yourself in a storage closet for some privacy, and you could tell the band, minus billy and daisy, was looking for you around the studio. you sat on the floor crying, thinking about all the times billy left you to be with her.
you felt so stupid for letting this happen. you should have known something was off. you couldn't believe what billy did, but you couldn't believe that you fell for him the way you did. this should have been expected.
suddenly, you heard a faint voice from outside the door, down the hallway. "daisy, we need to talk."
footsteps. "don't tell me what i think you're going to tell me," she replied.
"we were a mistake. we never had anything, and we never will."
a pause. "you're a big fucking liar, you know that?" daisy asked him.
"Y/N is the one i love. she's the one i will choose every time."
"so that kiss just now meant nothing?" daisy asked, getting angrier. "you did that just so i'd sing like that on the album?"
"i did what i had to do," billy said, matching her tone. "this is all an act, for the music. we had to build chemistry so the fans will believe it. none of this is real." there was a pause before billy spoke again. "i refuse to lose Y/N. not again."
there was another long pause, before a loud "fuck you" and the sound of daisy's heels walking out of the studio doors.
your heart was beating fast after hearing that exchange. you wanted to trust the man that you had grown to love again.
you quietly unlocked the door, stepping out and finding billy down the hall. he looked at you and his harsh features softened when he saw your tear stained face. "hey, i've been looking all over for you," he said sweetly.
you stood in front of him, and he put his hands on the sides of your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"i'm so sorry, Y/N. for all of this. temptation got the best of me, and i lost sight of what i wanted and needed. you're it for me, and you always have been. even before you knew i existed, i knew i wanted you and no one else."
you rested your forehead on his, briefly staying quiet. "never do anything like this ever again, okay asshole?"
billy smiled. "you have my word."
you kissed him, and it made you forget everything that had just happened. you could tell that he truly meant what he said to you through a single, meaningful kiss.
he made all of your worries dissipate in an instant.
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msanimedolphin · 1 year
~Back In The Game~
~Chapter Twenty~
-Series Masterlist-
What happens when a girl who loves volleyball joins a boys' volleyball club? Does she find love? Will she relive her past or move forward? Join (L/N) (Y/N) on a journey with fun twists and turns.
I don't own Haikyuu or any of the characters.
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-Last Time-
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” She asks
“Yea. They’re just a bunch of goofballs.” You explain with a chuckle and smile. “But something’s missing.”
“Do you want to go practice with them?” Kiyoko asks.
“N-No! What kind of manager would I be if I neglected my duties? Plus I wouldn’t be a very good underclassman to let you do everything.” You respond.
“Are you sure?”
“Yup!” You say with an enormous close-eyed smile. “I’m going to go fill the water bottles!”
“Okay.” Kiyoko responds with a small smile as she watches you walk away.
As you fill the water bottles, you think about the team. ‘Nishinoya only agreed to help Hinata with receiving instead of rejoining the team.’
‘Asahi… If he comes back, then Nishinoya will too. Hmm…’ You finish filling the bottles so you pick them up and start heading back to the gym. As you’re walking you go back to thinking.
‘There’s also the need for a coach. I wonder if Takeda-sensei has had any luck finding one.’
You arrive at the gym just in time to hear Hinata ask Nishinoya a question that you’ve wanted to know the answer to.
“Who’s Asahi-san?”
“!! Don’t bring that name up!!” Tanaka says nervously.
“He’s our Ace. Technically.” Noya answers spitefully.
‘Technically?’ You think.
“Our Ace…?!” Hinata responds before staring at Noya with a blank expression.
“What?” Noya questions.
“Someday… I wanna be the Ace.” Hinata says determined.
“That scrub! Is he still going on about that?!” Kageyama asks angrily.
“Years ago I got to see Karasuno’s old ace, The Little Giant, play in the Spring Tournament.” Hinata begins to explain. At the mention of the old ace, you smile fondly. “Even since then, I’ve dreamed of being just like him. That’s why I came to Karasuno.”
“You wanna be the ace? At your height?” Noya asks.
‘I don’t think he has a right to judge…’ You think.
“THAT’S AWESOME!! I CAN TOTALLY UNDERSTAND THAT! ACES ARE COOL! ANYBODY’D WANT TO BE ONE! GO FOR IT, BRO! YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT! BE THE ACE SOMEDAY! HECK, YOU’D BE MORE RELIABLE THAN THE ONE WE’VE GOT NOW!” Noya encourages and ends with a laugh. “Mannn, if you’re gonna have a goal, everybody makes it the Ace, don’t they." He adds a bit defeatedly.
“Yeah! Aces are super-cool!” Hinata exclaims.
“Ace does have a real fine ring to it too. Compared to ace spiker, positions like setter and libero seem really lame.”
You look over at Kageyama who has an annoyed and angry look on his face. You swear you can tell he’s growling. This makes you giggle. Suga calms the first-year setter down. Your attention is then refocused on Noya and Hinata’s conversation as Noya speaks.
“But y’know?” He begins seriously. “In the middle of a close game, the one thing that gets the biggest gasps and cheers out of the crowd isn’t a spike. Not even the really cool ones. Nope. It’s an awesome save. Height is key in volleyball. Libero might be the only position that shorter players have any chance in. But I don’t play the position because I’m short. Even if I was seven feet tall… I’d still be a Libero. Even if you can’t attack or block… just making sure the ball doesn’t hit the floor means that you aren’t losing. And the one position that’s best at that…is the Libero.” He finishes with a proud smile while pointing at himself with his thumb.
“…!! Whoa!!” Hinata exclaims with a look of admiration. “So cool!!”
“!! H-Hey! Whoa! Don’t be sayin’ stuff like that right to a guy’s face!!” Noya replies flustered. “You want me feeding you two Gari Gari Ice Pops?!”
“Yes sir!”
“Cola and pear flavor, got it?!”
“Yes Sir!”
“So! What’s your specialty, Mr. Future Ace?”
“You suck at the defensive side of things, after all.”
‘Ouch. Harsh.’ You think.
“But you've gotta have something right?” Noya continues.
“Um… D-De…coy…” Hinata says dejectedly.
“Say wha? Koi? Why do you sound all dejected about that?”
“Well, Compared to stuff like Ace or Guardian or Leader, it sounds kinda…dumb.” Hinata explains. You want to comfort and reassure Hinata but don't want to interrupt the moment, so you wait to see what Noya will say.
“What’s it matter what the name sounds like?” The second-year asks.
“But..” Hinata starts but is cut off as Noya continues.
“Because you're acting as a decoy, that means somebody else gets an easy attack right?” He asks Rhetorically. You see where this is going so you start walking to where the two and a few others are. “ So if it doesn't sound as awesome as Ace or Guardian or Leader… your job is still just as vital as theirs.” Off to the side, Tanaka and Kageyama nod their heads in agreement with Kageyama saying ‘Yeah!’.
“...Okay…” Hinata says unconvinced. Noticing this, you reach Hinata's side and start talking.
“He's right, Hinata.” Hearing this Noya becomes flustered.” In the match against Aoba Johsai if it wasn't for your decoy skills we may have not won.” You finish with a smile that reassures Hinata a little bit.
“I haven't seen you play in a real game or anything though!! So if you suck at being a decoy, I take that all back, ’kay?” Noya says while patting Hinata’s Shoulder.
“Well, you won't be taking it back. Especially after you see him play in a game.” You say.
-With Suga and Daichi-
“... He has a point.” Suga says. Daichi looks at him questionably as he waits for Suga to continue. “Now, here at Karasuno we have The Greatest Decoy on our team. With Hinata and Kageyama working together…attacks that we couldn't make count before…are sure to get through this time!”
“Yeah.” Daichi says while looking at you, Noya, Hinata, and Kageyama as you all talk. “I get the feeling that the “chemical reaction” Takeda-sensei mentioned isn’t quite finished yet. We are going to keep changing. I just hope it’s in a good way. Some things still worry me…”
“Hey! No pessimism!” Suga scolds Daichi
-After practice, Sakanoshita Market-
“Geez, Sensei! You're a real stubborn one” 
“I know. It’s one of the few things on my short list of strong points.” Takeda says.
“Beg me as many times as you want -- I’m not gonna be their coach.” The shopkeeper begins. “It was Gramps who did that stuff, not me. Teaching others isn’t my thing.”
“I disagree. I hear that you were exceptional at teaching your juniors in both high school and college. And that you had a gift for analyzing opposing teams. That sounds like talent to me.” Takeda explains.
“Wha..? Who blabbed all that? Still…butter me up all you like-- I'm still just a youngster with no coaching experience. When you say you need someone to teach them actual volleyball skills, I’m sure you mean it… But… what you really want is the “Ukai'' name.”
“...To be honest…yes. Ever since Coach Ukai left, schools we used to have close relationships with have grown distant. A novice like me, who was only recently thrown into being an advisor with no experience isn’t going to be taken seriously. I have trouble setting up simple practice games. I know it seems very unfair…but…”
“You think that might change with the draw of the famous “Ukai” name?”
“Sorry, but I’m not gonna play babysitter to a bunch of bratty, snot-nosed little high schoolers.”
“Thank you for your time. I’ll come again later.” Takeda says with a bow.
“I told ya I’m not doin’ it. My answer ain’t changing.”
“I’m sorry I’m being so persistent about this… but I think if you watched them play, then you would understand why.” Takeda says as he begins to leave. As he walks through the door he speaks one last time. “Good Night.”
~To Be Continued~
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izumi-fanclub · 3 years
A3! Translation: Rento R Card “Cheerful Mr. Sounds Man” [ Melon Bread from God ]
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(Huh? Did he just come out of the bakery?)
Ah, I knew it was you, Rento-san. Hello there.
Oh, it’s Director-san.
Were you here buying bread? That’s a pretty big bag…
Uh-huh, look, look! The stuff’s all melon bread.
Wow, they look delicious! Are you gonna give them out somewhere?
Whatcha talking about? I’m eating them all, of course.
All this!? Rento-san, do you really like melon bread this much?
Yep, I love this stuff! Combo it with a carton of milk and it’ll make your taste buds taste heaven.
[ Phone Vibrates ]
Ah, ‘scuse me. I should get back to work soon.
No, I’m sorry for keeping you occupied! Good luck and please do your best at work.
Thanks~! Then, I’ll see ya!
[ Rento runs off ]
(Rento-san, he seems to be busy…)
(That’s right, there’s gonna be an upcoming meeting in the dormitory soon, I’ll bring him something then.)
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I don’t think I’ll be able to finish work today…
(But I have a meeting with Rento-san tomorrow, I wanna get this over with now…)
——Ah! Speaking of, I was thinking of preparing something for Rento-san.
(By the way, he mentioned he loves melon bread, I wonder if there’s any around here somewhere…)
(Alright, I’ll just go buy some then.)
Oh, Director-san, are you headed off somewhere?
Yes, I’m gonna go shopping for a bit.
I’ll go instead then!
Eh? I’m grateful but it’s kinda weird hearing that from you…
What do you mean? I can be considerate too!
It’s not like I’m too lazy to clean the storage room and rather go shopping…or something.
(So that’s why…)
If you skip cleaning duties, Sakyo-san will get mad at you.
But it should be fine if I just go shopping!
(...I kinda got a lot of work on my hands right now. So I’d honestly appreciate Matsukawa going instead.)
Then, will you go buy stuff for me? I’ll help you clean the storage room later.
Sure, with pleasure!
Part 2
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Heya~ Today, Isuke-san…
Oh, he’s out at the moment.
Well that’s too bad~ But I guess you can’t expect to meet God that easily…
Do you wanna start the meeting?
Yes, please!
That pretty much sums it up.
Well, I’ll be moving forward with this. Guess that’s it for today.
Ah, please wait for a bit. There’s something I wanna give you, Rento-san.
Eh? Whatcha got?
It’s not a big deal but… It’s a gift for you, Rento-san, since I’m always grateful for your help. You seem to be busy a lot lately.
Seriously? Wow, what’s this now?
[ Bag rustles ]
T-this is…! It’s melon bread! It is a big deal!
Ahaha, that’s good then! I didn’t expect you to be this happy.
‘Course I’d love this! I love melon bread so much that I wanna open my own shop one day.
Eeh, really!?
Uh-huh! A melon bread specialty store! I’d wanna sell them all over the place with a food truck.
I think I’d do that once I’ve done my current job to my heart’s content, of course.
A food truck sounds like fun! I also fantasized about selling curry bread, I thought it’d be nice.
What do you say we work on a food truck together?
The two of us, you and me…?
Who else would it be?
The balance of taste with melon bread and curry bread mesh together well… It’d be a huge hit!
I know that Director-san can’t afford to think that far ahead right now.
I’m doing my best working on sound as of now and I know it’s a long way off. But well, please keep it in the back of your mind.
Fufu, I understand. I’ll think about it.
M-Masumi-kun! How long have you been there!?
You’re gonna run a curry bread bakery with this guy? I thought we were gonna have one together in our retirement age
No, we haven’t decided to do it yet! In the first place, I didn’t even make such a promise to you, Masumi-kun!
Sigh… I bought curry bread for you.
T-thanks for this…!
Haha, looks like Director-san’s got it bad too.
Don’t laugh, and please say something, Rento-san…
Nope, if I say anything, things will just get more complicated. I’m gonna head out now.
See ya later! Thanks again for the melon bread.
Ah, I forgot to mention. It was the manager that bought the melon bread.
G-God got it for me…!? You shoulda said so sooner!
What do I do, it’s too good to eat. No, but the tastiness will be multiplied…!
Woah, I’m so happy! Thank ya Isuke-san!
Story Clear!
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defendersalliance · 2 years
“Oh, this is embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing? You’re the one getting arrested.”
Despite being in handcuffs and on his way to a cell, the villain laughed. “At least when I break out, I’ll get to go home to a lovely cottage up in the mountains. I give it a week until all your heroes have turned to the dark side.” His gaze darted around as he walked, taking in the sad state of the heroes’ headquarters.
The villain in question was the ever-annoying Sundew, the man with half a dozen carnivorous—or downright poisonous—plants up his sleeve at any given moment. Literally. The cuffs on his wrists were supposed to prevent him from manifesting plants, but one could never be too careful. The labs typically had little information to go off of when devising ways to contain superbeings, and a one-size-fits-all approach was impossible.
There were days when Valentine regretted his change in career paths. This was one of them. Another was when the heroes had handed him his new costume. He couldn’t complain about the all black, happy to lean into the ex-assassin theme. But in their rush, the costume department had handed over something a little too tight. And itchy.
And okay, the sleeveless high-necked shirt with a faint, heart-shaped patch of lighter fabric on the chest was a bit much. Valentine was fine leaning into the seductive assassin them, too, but his new coworkers refused to believe that his old boss had given him his fake last name, not him. 
“All right, keep it moving.” Valentine gave Sundew another shove on the back. The villain had probably had the luxury of choosing his own costume. Not that he’d made great choices. The bright red leather jacket and darker red v-neck would have been better without the green leather pants. The mismatched red and green fingerless gloves were also…something.
“Really, didn’t you used to be an assassin?” Sundew asked, glancing back over his shoulder. His wild eyes, a dark shade of auburn, glinted under the fluorescent lights. “You traded a life of wealth and glam to work here?”
The disgusted ‘here’ referred to Defenders Alliance West, the newest branch of the country’s biggest superhero organization. With ‘newest’ as the operative word, the place was a bit lacking in funding. And infrastructure. The cell block was fine, thankfully, but the main office, training room, and living quarters left a lot to be desired.
Government approval wasn’t the same as government funding. The Defenders Alliance didn’t have authorities on their ass about vigilante laws, but unless they agreed to take on missions solely at the government’s discretion, they were on their own for financial support.
Superheroes rarely agreed to such a tight leash. It kind of defeated the point of being a hero.
“I’d hardly call being an assassin glamorous. And there’s more to life than money.” Valentine halted next to his desk. Yes, they’d felt the need to give superheroes desks when most of their time was supposed to be spent out fighting crime. Apparently, Defenders Alliance was a big fan of paperwork. Seemed unnecessary, given that they still technically operated outside the law—government approval was a very loose term—but they had a reputation to uphold.
The water pooling on the floor at Valentine’s feet wasn’t doing much for that reputation bit.
Valentine shoved Sundew into the chair by his desk.
“No need to be so rough,” Sundew muttered.
“I’m afraid rough’s my specialty,” Valentine told him, a thin smile on his lips. Raising his voice so the rest of the office could hear, he asked, “Can someone tell me why there’s a sixth Great Lake forming over here?”
There was a blur of pink and white, and Hyperlight was standing in front of him. “Sorry, dude, that pipe broke again. But maintenance says they’ll have it fixed for good this time.” She slid out her earbuds and glanced at Sundew. “Oh, hi. Plant guy, right?”
“Yeah, watch his arms,” Valentine warned. “The plants will have you hospitalized for a week.”
“Or under my spell,” Sundew added with a wink.
Valentine ignored the comment. “He’s put upwards of twenty people in the hospital over the past month.” Depending on Sundew’s plant of choice, he could inflict paralysis, blinding pain, hallucinations, eat away at skin and, yes, induce a temporary hypnosis that made the victim inclined to do his bidding. Which usually involved breaking and entering.
“Hey, no one died. And I got my paintings.” Sundew grinned. “Not a bad crime spree, when all’s said and done.”
Valentine rested a hand on the chair’s arm and leaned in. “We’re not done until I find where you stashed them, and you live out your prison sentence.”
“A touch aggressive there, Val.”
“Of course I’m aggressive.” Valentine masked his annoyance with an easy smile. “I’ve been chasing you for a month.”
“Are you sure that’s the cause of your aggression, and not that flickering light in the back corner?”
“I appreciate the concern, but we have big renovations planned this weekend.”
Sundew laughed. “So you opened the branch before the building was ready? Why?”
“Because of people like you.” Valentine straightened up. “Hyperlight, could you grab me an intake form? And maybe a coffee from the break room?”
“You sure?” Hyperlight asked. “That coffee’s pretty gross.”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Have you considered stealing a better coffee machine?” Sundew asked as Hyperlight vanished. In the blink of an eye, she was back with a piece of paper and a cup of coffee.
“If I were going to steal something, it wouldn’t be a coffee machine.” Valentine took the items from Hyperlight and sipped from the cup. It was pretty bad, but he’d drunk much worse without batting an eye. 
Hyperlight ran off again. Valentine glanced around the lobby as he set the form on his desk. Most heroes were out at the moment, but there were a couple big names lounging around. Fire goddess Pyra—who looked like an elf out of a fantasy novel with her pointed ears, gold armor, and waves of red hair—was struggling with the keypad on the vending machine. The fact that the sword in her free hand was starting to glow had Valentine concerned about the future of one of the branch’s few working perks. Brontide, meanwhile, sat at his desk working on a salad, static electricity jumping between the prongs of his fork.
With a heavy sigh, Valentine scribbled Sundew’s name at the top of the form. 
Sundew leaned forward to peer at the paper. A piece of his reddish-brown hair fell into his face as he moved. His wasn’t much longer than Valentine’s sleek black hair, but it was certainly more of a mess. “Could you get that?” he asked. “I’d do it myself, but I’m a bit busy being in handcuffs.”
Valentine actually contemplated obliging as a power move, but the risk of Sundew finding a way to poison him was too high. “I think you having limited vision is to my benefit.”
Sundew tipped his head to the right. “That form is ridiculous.”
“Well, look at that. Something we agree on.” Valentine added the date and time before setting the pen down. 
“So, you spent a month chasing me and only me?” Sundew asked with a sly smile.
“Don’t sound too excited. It was an assignment.”
“It sounds like you consider me your rival.”
“Sure. Why not.”
“Sorry, appreciate the offer, but I’ve had multiple heroes chasing me for a long time. I’d hardly consider you a worthy rival.” Sundew shrugged. “Maybe we can revisit in a few months?”
Valentine’s ability to act unbothered was running low. He had to hand it to Sundew, it was rare for someone to get on his nerves this quickly.
“So, what hero did they assign to run this branch?” Sundew asked, glancing around. “They must be disappointed to be leaving one of the good ones behind.”
“Aphelion is more than happy to give his time to us.” Presumably. Valentine rarely saw the guy. A few of the other heroes were transfers from other branches as well, while the rest had been long established in the area already as solo acts. Valentine was the only real new hero.
“I’ve been chatting with some of the other villains around here, you know,” Sundew said. “We’re all looking forward to seeing how this new arrangement plays out.” 
“I’m sure you are.”
“And we all know Cyrus Valentine isn’t your real name.”
Valentine laughed. “You’ll never find my real name.”
“I’ll figure it out.”
“That would be a lot of effort to spend on someone who isn’t your rival.” Valentine raised an eyebrow. 
Sundew’s amused expression finally slipped.
“All right.” Valentine stretched out his arms. “Let’s get you in a cell.”
“Sorry, but I should really be getting home.” Sundew was smiling again. “I have no one to water my plants.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. Why don’t you give me your address and I’ll make sure they’re taken care of for you?”
“That’s so sweet of you. But I have a better idea.” A bright green vine, lined with thin red tentacles oozing clear liquid, shot out of Sundew’s boot.
Valentine’s lightning reflexes barely got him out of harm’s way.
Sundew pulled his arms out from behind his back, revealing that the handcuffs had been melted through with acid. There was a hole burned in Valentine’s desk chair, too. Fantastic.
“Don't feel bad for not expecting that, the acid is new,” Sundew said. “I caught the flu last week. Sometimes when I get sick, my plants learn new tricks.”
“Delightful.” Valentine drew his gun from his side and took aim. “Any other useful facts about your anatomy that you’d like to share?”
“Nothing useful, no. But if you want to be impressed…”
A new vine emerged from Sundew’s sleeve and reached for the gun. Valentine fired. While the vine dropped to the ground, cleaved in half by the bullet, a second vine smacked the back of his hand and knocked the weapon out of his grasp.
Valentine winced. In the blink of an eye, burns were forming on his skin.
Sundew bolted.
The burning sensation wasn’t enough to stop Valentine from giving chase. It wouldn’t have been, anyway, if it weren’t for the giant venus flytraps that sprang up around him. His eyes narrowed as he realized tiny seeds had been scattered across the floor around his desk.
Thankfully, Pyra came to his aid. Her flaming sword cut through the plants with ease. “Face the wrath of my flames!” she roared.
While she handled the plants with an overabundance of enthusiasm, Valentine jumped onto his desk to pursue Sundew. He hopped from desk to desk in his race across the lobby, keeping his eyes on the fleeing villain.
Brontide yelped in surprise as his salad was knocked off the desk.
“Sorry!” Valentine called as he leaped to the next one.
He caught up to Sundew ten feet from the building’s front doors. Sundew whirled around and grabbed his wrist. 
Sundew examined the patch of red skin on the back of Valentine’s hand. “Impressive resistance.”
“I’m not an ordinary human.”
“Right, right, test subject, enhanced everything. Still impressive. Don’t sell yourself short.” Sundew grinned.
The grin faded as Valentine grabbed Sundew’s upper arm and sent him crashing to the ground. Sundew rolled and jumped back to his feet. His hand moved to his pocket. He flung a handful of seeds in Valentine’s direction.
Vines exploded from the seeds. They collided with Valentine, knocking him to the ground, and quickly wrapped around his limbs. And, more alarmingly, his neck.
By the time Valentine had ripped the vines up enough for them to stop trying to strangle him, Sundew was gone.
Valentine groaned as he climbed to his feet. At least the guy wasn’t a killer. Just a massive pain in the ass.
Well, Valentine had notes for next time. Acid-resistant cuffs. A second pair for Sundew’s ankles. Check the guy’s pockets for seeds. 
Hyperlight appeared at Valentine’s left. “Hey, I’ve got something for you—”
“Can you get out there and grab Sundew before he gets away?” Valentine asked. Even as he said the words, he wasn’t sure there was a point. He didn’t have cuffs to lock the guy up with.
“Yeah, I’ll try.” Hyperlight vanished. Returned. “Sorry. No idea where he went. I’m not familiar with all of the city’s escape routes yet.”
Right. She was a SoCal transfer.
“You said you had something for me?” Valentine asked.
“Yep. Delivery from the costume department.” Hyperlight dropped the stack she was holding into Valentine’s hands. “New pants and gloves, just like you asked.”
Valentine stared blankly at the clothes. “These are purple.”
Footsteps approached. Brontide moved to stand at Valentine’s right. “Well, looks like it’s back to the grind, Valentine.” He clapped a hand against Valentine’s shoulder.
Valentine sighed. “That used to mean killing people.”
“And we’re all very glad you’re here instead.”
brief follow up I wrote in response to a prompt!
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Please Me Oikawa's Oasis: Part 1
Welcome to week 4 of the Please Me Series!  A collaboration with @axoxtxhxh! This weeks theme is Virginity Loss featuring Oikawa and Goshiki!  This weeks fics are broken into 3 parts! Please check out Joey’s fic, Guiding Goshiki!  I will link it in the Please Me master list!  
Warnings: Swearing, bad pick up lines
Word Count: 2,000
The sound of Volleyball hitting the floor and shoes shuffling around in the hard wood is all to familiar to Toru Oikawa.
He was finally, living out his dreams as a professional volleyball player. It’s all he ever wanted to do, all he had ever thought about from the time he was a young kid.
After high-school, his goals became centered around making his dream a reality. To accomplish this, he knew he would have to sacrifice a lot. Forgoing his personal life in order to pursue his main objective.
The thought never really bothered Torū. He was always popular with his fans, however none of them seemed to understand his deep desire for the sport he loved so much.
After countless failed high school relationships, he put his personal life on hold in order to pursue something more favorable.
He was given the opportunity to move to Argentina and become a member of Club Atletico San Juan. He jumped at the chance to further is professional career and move abroad, gaining citizenship to a country world renowned for its athletes. His dream was finally becoming a reality
Entering the training gym, Oikawa was anything but nervous. He knew his skills as a setter were exceptional and he always aimed to improve in any way he could. His specialty outside of setting was serving, which is what attracted the recruiters to him. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the bright gym for the first time, preparing to achieve his goals.
“Ahh Oikawa! It’s great to finally meet you” the San Juan teams head coach said as he greeted Oikawa with a smooth smile and a firm handshake.
“The pleasure is all mine sir” Oikawa says as he watches the various members begin to practice.
Oikawa was amazed at the level of skill he saw. These players were on an entirely different level, a level that only served to excited him more.
“Well, it’s probably best if you just join in. I’d like to see your abilities up close” coach says as Oikawa nod, running over to great the members of his new team.
“Hello everyone! My name is Torū Oikawa and it would be my pleasure to set for you” he smirks as the players study Oikawa closely.
Torū had always had a rather flamboyant personality. Often being the stand out character in a room. It never bothered him when others made comments about him because he was confident in himself as a person and as a setter.
The team looked at him, nodding as the captain made his way towards Torū.
“Show us what you’ve got Oikawa” the captain says as he signals for the spikers to form a line “the best way to learn is by doing.”
“I couldn’t agree more” Oikawa smirks as he turns heading close to the net.
“By the way, I prefer if you can get the toss as high so I can have time to correct the positioning if needed” he remarks as the men prepare for spiking practice.
One by one, the players toss the ball to Oikawa as he sends set after set to the players.
“I’m sorry, that one was a little long” he signals to one of the spikers “I can tell by your approach, you favor balls close to the next. I’ll adjust.”
The player nodded to Oikawa and the next player stepped up, tossing the ball to Oikawa.
“Man his adaptation skills are incredible” on of the assistant coaches says as the head coach watched Oikawa closely.
The door opens as the men shift to see a figure pushing open the door with their foot, emerging into the gym with a basket full of freshly laundered jerseys.
Letting out a deep breath, you sigh as you set the basket down, moving onto your next task of refilling the now empty water bottles.
You had been the team’s manager for almost 3 years now. You loved your job so much. The perks were fantastic and the pay was stellar. You worked long hours and traveled a lot but that never hindered your life. You actually enjoyed seeing the world with your team.
Grabbing the bottles, you begin to head for the fountain when the coach approaches you.
“YN, I’m going to need you to prepare a jersey for our newest team member. His name should be on the sheet I gave you this morning. Please have it ready by the end of the week” the coach asks as you nod in agreement.
“I’ll work on it as soon as possible sir”
“Thank you YN. We would really be lost without you” he says as you smile back, eyes glancing towards the gym floor.
You knew a new member would be starting soon. You had heard rumors of one, Torū Oikawa. You had seen his skills on many videos as the team prepared for his arrival. You took notes from what you could see so that you could immediately start helping the promising new setter.
You eyes glanced towards the net as they were met with gorgeous chocolate orbs. The young setter stared at you in wonder as you smiled sweetly, moving towards the door to fill the water bottles.
God you are so pretty Oikawa thinks to himself as he fails to hear the shouts of his teammates, as a tossed volleyball hurls straight for his head.
As you reach the door, a loud SMACK sounded causing you to turn your head towards the men to see the new setter rubbing his head feverishly.
Oh, this one’s a klutz you think to yourself as you roll your eyes, setting the bottles down and running to see if the setter was ok.
“Are you ok?” You ask running up to the new setter, trying to ignore the snickers of the other players as you check him over.
Oikawa rubs his head as he looks up to you.
“I hope you know CPR” he says looking up to you.
“Omg is it that serious?”
“No, it’s because you just took my breath away” he says smiling at you as you roll your eyes walking away as the rest of the players laugh at Oikawa’s cheesy line.
You get up, moving back to the door grabbing the water bottles and walking out.
Great another Romeo you think to yourself as you snicker lightly, remembering the young man’s pick-up line.
“He is pretty funny I’ll have to admit” you under your breath, smiling a little as you fill the teams water bottles.
“Hey Oikawa, are you sure you’re, ok?” the captain says laughing lightly.
Oikawa shakes his head smiling “if there’s one thing I’m accustomed to, it’s getting hit in the head with a volleyball.”
The team laughs as Oikawa looks to the door where you exited.
Of course, you were stunning. Oikawa had seen his far share of women but none quite gave off the radiance you did.
“Hey man” the captain said placing his hand on Oikawa’s shoulder “don’t worry about YN. She just takes her job serious. She’s not really one for screwing around.”
Oikawa nods as he looks back at the door, watching you reenter the gym. He had to admit, he admired how determined you were to do your job. And your cold tone wasn’t going to deter the great king, Torū Oikawa.
“Okey doke then guys, let’s get back to it” he says shaking his hands as he returns to his spot at the net as the next spiker tosses to him, sending a set perfectly to the spiker.
You watched in awe at the new team member. You have to admit, the man was good. He seemed to take the sport of Volleyball more seriously than his pick up game. You smiled as you watched the men hit spike after spike, kill after kill. It was refreshing to have such an invigorating member join the team.
“Alight guys, time to wrap it up” the coach yells as he grabs his clipboard “YN will you lock up tonight after your done please? Also leave the nets up tonight. We will have the gym open early for practice.”
“Of course, coach” you say smiling as the team grabs their towels and water bottles, leaving to change.
You went about your business, finishing laundry, logging notes and filing a few pieces of papers.
“Just mopping left” you say as you sign, leaving your office and heading to the gym.
The sound of volleyballs hitting the gym floor radiated from down the hall way.
What is someone still doing here you wonder to yourself as you walk into the gym, checking your watch.
You see a panting Oikawa, tossing a ball up, serving over the net with such intensity.
Your eyes widened as you body jumped at the power he held. His serves were so strong, so intense and so fast. How can anyone stop them?
“It’s not polite to stare” he says as your concentration is broken as you look over to him, smiling at you as he wipes his face off.
“Oh, I wasn’t staring- I just came to umm, I just came to mop up the gym floor” you said stuttering as you walk in, putting your bag down.
“Oh, I apologize. The coach said it was ok for me to practice” he said as he continues to try and cool down.
“No worries, I have sometime. I can wait” you say as you turn heading to sit down. “Oh and by the way, that last serve was out by like a centimeter” you say sitting down, pulling your phone out of your bag.
“Ughhhh” Oikawa says as he grabs his hair and pulls on it as you snicker.
You continue to watch Oikawa practice, 10 minutes turns into an hour, which turns into an hour and a half. While you didn’t want to interrupt his practice, you knew he needed to rest. You could tell he was overexerting himself.
You got up to talk with him when he sent up a serve, landing incorrectly on his leg and wincing.
Your eyes widen as you run to him.
“Ok that’s enough tonight, Oikawa. You’re going to hurt yourself” you said as you grab the ball from him.
“It’s fine YN, this happens all the time” he says wincing at the pain radiating from his knee. He really did overdo it.
“Alright well I don’t care how often it happens, I’m closing practice” you say grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the bench.
“YN –” he says before you interrupt him.
“It’s my job to make sure you don’t overdo it. I’m not doing my job if our setter can’t set after his first day” you say as you help Oikawa to the bench, running to grab an ice pack and a hot pack.
“Here, we will do 15 minutes cold, 15 minutes warm. Then I’ll wrap it” you say as you check his knee.
“Thanks, YN” he says sweetly as you smiley at him.
“No worries, Oikawa, it’s my job” you say as you out the ice on his knee, helping to reduce the bit of inflammation that was forming.
“When you get back home, you’ll need to take anti-inflamories. Do it every 4 hours and you should be ok!”
Oikawa looks at you as you help ice his knee, you really were something else.
“Alright” you say as you wrap his knee up “let’s get you home.”
You help Oikawa to get to the changing room, as you quickly go to mop up the gym floor. You turn off the lights to see Oikawa waiting for you at the doors.
“yoo-hoo Yn-chan” he says waving frantically at you as you roll your eyes at him braking into a smile.
“Yn-what?” You say as you help Oikawa out the front doors, locking the building behind you.
“It’s a personal greeting in Japanese. Often used for close friends” he says smirking at you.
“Oh so we are close friends now are we?” You say as you walk with him towards the dorms he was staying at
“O f course, we are YN-chan! Why wouldn’t we be!” he says smiling at you as you laugh lightly.
“You really are something else Oikawa” you say as you wave him off, heading towards your own dorm.
So are you YN, so are you.
Taglist: @serostapesweat @chaotic-nick @lovelyzabrak-meadow @yep-seeyalaterbranflakes
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timelessduet · 3 years
For Victor: 2nd Entry
I’d like to dedicate this work to @sayumiht, a co-Victor stan who made this suggestion. Hope you like it. <3
Subtle Jealousy
Victor is a serious guy. As a CEO, he exudes intimidating and powerful aura wherever he goes. You can probably say everyone fears respects him. That includes her. But it was only at first.
MC still has high respect for Victor as a boss and investor of her company but things were different now. Before, she was as intimidated and fazed to the CEO of LFG like everyone else. That maybe he was just all business and nothing else. He wouldn’t waste time on nonsensical things especially if it won’t bring him any good or benefit. But now... she doesn’t feel that gap anymore.
It‘s probably because she's the object of his hidden affections and love. At first, he was indeed annoyed and mad at her for doing things wrong or talking back to him. He couldn’t tolerate such behavior. With her though, that he changed. He tried to be more patient and accept such changes to his once constant and uneventful life.
Victor admits he suppressed his feelings for her because he had a promise to fulfill for someone in his past. Who would’ve thought that the person he searched for the longest time was her all along?
The people closest to Victor know he isn’t a vocal person. He never really tells what he’s feeling. No matter who it was. That is until he admitted all his feelings to MC after confirming she also felt the same.
He was adamant to confessing first. It wasn’t because of pride or fear of being rejected. Victor considered her side and what she’d feel if that situation was to happen. Him telling her what he truly felt which was out of his character and her being put in a tight spot. He knew of all people how kind the girl he fell in love was. If anything, she’d give a dumb face out of surprise but in the end smile.
But Victor also thought how it would be in her shoes. He wasn’t the one who’d be dealing with a confession from him. It was her. She’ll have the burden choice whether she’ll accept or reject it. And depending on her decision, she’ll have to face the corresponding repercussions. He was well aware being linked to him meant the scrutiny of the public and everyone at work.
Luckily, she felt the same and they got together. After all those years of waiting, Victor is finally with her. Although there were slight changes after being in a relationship, one thing hasn’t change: he was still unable to convey what he felt into words properly.
Victor: What are you doing? You’ve been texting on your phone for quite awhile now. Don’t even think about complaining to me that you’re feeling dizzy or your head hurts later.
MC is currently on her way to work together with Victor in his car.
MC: Almost done. I’m currently talking to Professor Lucien and asking his advice about the current program we’re doing.
Considering the field of work, Victor understood MC had to meet and talk to different people everyday. Even he had the same thing going on. But he can’t help but feel a sudden distaste upon hearing another man’s name. He kept his eyes on the road but had a change in mood instantly.
Victor: Professor Lucien? You could’ve just come to me for advice.
MC: Huh? Should I ask advice from you regarding a neuroscience topic for a show? You’re being a bit weird today, Mr. CEO. The topic is Professor Lucien’s specialty. Plus I heard from Goldman you have a very busy schedule these past few days so I wouldn’t want to bother you with such matter. It’s all taken care of. Don’t worry.
The girl explained it to him but for some reason that even he couldn’t explain, he was silently becoming more and more irritated. With the looks of it, everyone at work will be his outlet.
Victor: Can you tell me what this is?
Victor said while looking sharply at the department heads. He was already in a foul mood after what happened while going to work and as much as he didn’t want to vent his annoyance to his subordinates, they weren’t being any help.
Department head 1: Sir it’s... we’ll revise the report as soon as possible.
Department head 2: We’re very sorry about this, Sir.
Victor: As you should. Get back to work. You’re all dismissed. Send me the revised report through email by the end of the day.
This wasn’t a great day at all. Victor was used to having tons of work and meetings but today particularly, he felt stressed and fatigued.
Goldman: Sir, MC called and just informed she’d be cancelling her meeting with you today. She said there was a sudden event invitation from her alma mater that she needed to attend to.
For one, Victor didn’t believe in luck. But why did it seem like he was quite unlucky today? He pinched the bridge of his nose before asking his secretary if there were still things he needed to attend to for the day.
Goldman: The last on your schedule for the day is with Miss MC, Sir. Since she cancelled, should we have the teleconference with A Company moved this afternoon instead?
The supposed meeting with MC was business related and her giving him a report but he also considers moments like that as some time off from his busy schedule. But now...
Victor: Don’t change anything. We’ll proceed to having the teleconference as scheduled. I’ll take my leave early so have the car ready.
Goldman was surprised the CEO would leave work very early which was unlike him but he didn’t say a word and did as he was told.
Seeming as to how he’s becoming more and more restless, Victor decided to give her a call. What happened next made him feel like he’s been soaked with freezing cold water.
Gavin: Hello, you’ve called MC’s phone. This is Gavin. I’m taking the call for her since she went for the restroom and left her phone with me. What’s...
Without hearing any further, Victor ended the call. It was rude and very unlike him to do have such behavior considering his professionalism and objective way of doing things but this...
Goldman: Sir, aren’t you going to Loveland High to meet Miss MC?
Victor: Change of plans. I’m tired. Go straight home.
Victor was sure MC wasn’t doing anything unfaithful or of the likes behind his back but what was it he was feeling? It was very unpleasant and foreign to him that he just couldn’t explain.
After reaching his home, Victor did his usual routines and finally rested on the sofa. He wasn’t fond of watching television but since his girlfriend produced tv shows... he bought a tv for the living area. Opening the tv, the program on was an interview with a famous superstar.
Interviewer: I see. This is a question many of your fans are curious about. Can we know what our favorite superstar’s future dream projects are?
Kiro: I think I’ve been able to do many projects thanks to my management and fans. But now, I really really want to have a project produced by MC. MC if you’re listening lets do a program together.
So even this young superstar knows his girlfriend. At this point, he wasn’t surprised. Coming to his senses, Victor thought this was normal. She was a producer earning her own reputation in the industry. He should be happy and proud about it and yet... he can’t keep his emotions in check.
Turning off the tv, Victor let out a sigh. He was lost in thought. Why was he feeling this way? He opened his phone thoughtlessly and flashed was his wallpaper. It was a picture of him and her the day they became official.
The picture was rather candidly taken to say the least. They were both wet after what happened in the pool but because of happiness and the effect of alcohol, she insisted on taking that photo on his phone. It was a selfie of MC’s tipsy self smiling while Victor instead of looking to the camera, had a look of tenderness in his eyes directed to her. There was no doubt that was the happiest day of his life.
With all the things that happened, Victor dozed off on the couch. He woke up to a warm hand intertwined to his.
MC: Victor, you’re up. Sorry... Did I wake you?
Victor: It’s fine. I think I dozed off for a while. What time is it?
MC: It’s 9 pm. I’m sorry about suddenly cancelling our meeting earlier. That was wrong of me. I promise to make up for it by doing whatever you want!
Victor: Dummy, you’re being too loud. It’s already late.
MC: Seems like Mr. CEO is back to his usual self after a good nap on the sofa. You still looked formal while sleeping though. Just a little less intimidating? Hope your back isn’t aching. I did want to wake you and bring you to bed but you seemed so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb your precious rest.
Victor: Idiot. You were apologizing just now for cancelling a meeting and here you are now blabbering about nonsense.
MC: !
Victor: You said you’d make up for it by doing whatever I want. I want you to just listen to to me and not say anything. I’ll only say or be like this once so listen carefully. Being with you made me into a dummy. You always smile and find meaning in the simplest of things. You’re kind to the point that you’ll unknowingly be taken advantage of. You complain about gaining weight but still heartily eat my cooking. You’re most of the times scared but put on a brave face and stick to your decision until the end. You’re probably the epitome of contradiction to me in every possible way.
Before, I worried how things would be if I told you how I felt. You’d be the object of everyone’s eyes and criticisms. You’d be looked upon differently. The burden of being with me concerned me more than anything else. Who would’ve thought I worried for nothing. You were a dummy who was capable of handling herself without my help or anyone else’s.
You’re probably thinking why is Victor being very outspoken today and if it’s already the end of the world... I know what’s in an idiot’s head that’s why. I felt strange emotions today. At first I couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly but I think I figured it out. You may be all the things I’ve mentioned MC but you are my equal.
You are the only person who worries me and yet assures me everything is going to be alright. You are the balance in my life I never knew I needed until now.
I’m well aware of the fact that being with me has a lot of weight in it. Still you accepted me without hesitation. I’m sure this idiot will meet people... people far better than me and be fascinated by them. They’ll show or make her realize things I may not be able to. She has so much ahead of her and that I know very well more than anyone else. All I could ever do is wait for her and be the support she needs. She’ll stumble and cry but I hope she knows by the end of the day, she has me.
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MC: I’m not sure if this is what I think it is but... is this Victor’s jealous side? Hmm...
Victor: Idiot. Think whatever you like. And didn’t I say you were only suppose to listen and not say a word?
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[Author’s Note]: The lines above were supposed to be part of the story but since it kinda affects the speech of our dearest CEO...
Anyways, ahhh I hope I was able to do jealous Vic justice. 😭 He isn’t one to talk his emotions so I hope it still fits his character. What’s it like seeing a jealous LFG CEO? It isn’t the usual, right? Of course, he is Victor Li after all.^^
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otvlanga · 3 years
Teldryn Sero Headcanons 4**
Here I am, creating a whole elaborate sex life for a fictional man again 😌. You may not agree, but this is what it looks like to be at the peak of your life.
I know I said I’d do Miraak before these but I just like Telly too much to wait. Miraak coming soon though. (hehe)
 I’ve given up all motivation to make these sound pretty, they’re unedited and probably sound all over the place but idc. Him sexy anyway. You know what’s below the cut, proceed at ur own risk
I think he’s definitely one of those people that believes there’s a big difference between having sex and ‘making love.’ On days where him and his partner get to indulge in slow, gentle and passionate sex, his entire vibe does a 180. While always appreciative of his partner and their body, during these moments are when he loves to express it the most. Slow, deliberate kisses down every inch of their skin he can reach -- and on every mark, scar or flaw he knows they don’t appreciate as much as he does. He loves to take his time when he has it to spare, and really get them eager while he waits patiently. He teases in a way that makes his partners feel both beautiful and desperate, making them want him while reminding them how much that desire is felt in return. Having him take such a slow and deliberate pace is his way of expressing to his partner what he may not be able to say so articulately with words -- that he loves them and that he’s there for the good and the ‘“bad”’.
You better believe he absolutely loves saying dirty praises into his partner’s ear during foreplay. Likes telling them exactly how good they’re doing and how amazing they’re making him feel. Tells them how great they look sucking his dick, how much he loves the shape of their body and such. His delivery always sounds a bit sarcastic, but it doesn’t mean he’s being any less genuine. ‘If I had known you’d be so good at this, I probably would’ve given you a discount when you hired me.’ Little remarks like that. His partners complimenting and praising him in return will surprisingly make him incredibly bashful, and he’ll likely finish much earlier than he would’ve liked. It may pose a bit of a problem for partners who are very eager in giving praise, but he always makes up for it in other ways. He’ll get a teeny bit frustrated at his partner for messing him up, but it’s never genuine displeasure, and he expresses his appreciation tenfold in return. This mer is always incredibly grateful for some tender care, okay? It’s not often that he gets treated with such gentleness, physically or emotionally. He’s all snark and blades and fire on the outside, but he’s a family-man at heart. He loves his work and staying on the move, but he does have desires to settle down one day, and holds the people he cares for incredibly close and dear to his heart. He may not be the most verbally receptive of compliments, but his partner will certainly know he’s heard them. Compliments relating directly to him get him going much more than compliments about what he’s doing. Telling him he’s going a good job down there doesn’t do much because he knows it and can tell in other ways. But having his partner call him mushy things like beautiful or amazing will make him lose his breath for a moment, and get him blushing like a dork (much to his dismay).
He enjoys risky quickies from time to time, and finds the sight of his partner frantically trying to make themselves look decent afterwards absolutely hilarious. He’s a little bastard, and it’s quite easy to get him all hot and bothered even in less than appropriate places, so it’s not uncommon for him to sneakily pull his partner into some secluded corner to bang one out. “Right now? In a draugr crypt? Eh, why not.” *unzipping sounds* Especially likes to do it right before him and his partner are due to meet with Jarls or other important people, because their ignorance and obliviousness to what him and his partner were just doing in the extravagantly empty library is entertaining to him. Jarl Balgruuf could be drawling on about a bounty or something and Teldryn’s inner monologue is just ‘this moron has no idea I just took my spouse to the cloud district right in his palace lol’
I see him as someone who’s definitely a bit more vocal than most guys. He’s not much for loud or obscene dirty talk outside of foreplay, but he makes a lot of sounds -- especially if his partner decides to kiss or stroke along the edges of his ears.  Likewise he certainly doesn’t mind when his partners crank the volume up a bit, but any sort of excessive yelling or moaning will turn him off. Elves have quite sensitive ears, and he’s more of a visual and touch-based person when it comes to sensory information anyway. He’s much more content with seeing and feeling what effects he has on his partners rather than hearing them. Feeling and seeing his partners quiver above or beneath them, clenching around his cock, grabbing at him and digging their nails into his skin or hair, while he watches them throw their head back -- those are all the best indicators to him that they’re thoroughly enjoying what he’s doing. 
If his partner is someone who has a period, he has no problem with having sex during those days. In fact, he encourages the idea himself. He’s certainly no stranger to blood, and frankly, he doesn’t care that it may be a bit gross and messy. He’s a grown mer, he’s seen quite a few jarring horrors during his life and a bloody towel on the bed certainly isn’t anywhere close to being one. He’s aware that orgasms can help ebb away cramps as well, and would be quite eager to take up the chance to help his partner feel good and relieve their pain. He’s also extra thorough with aftercare afterwards, insistent on helping them get cleaned up and changed -- even helping them bathe if they’d like. If his partner isn’t up sex during their period, he won’t pressure them -- but he’s very clear in expressing the fact that if they change their mind, he’s totally down. 
Though he’s willing to try a lot of things at least once, there are certain things he draws the line at. He doesn’t enjoy slapping or hitting his partners much, and especially doesn’t like insulting or degrading them. No amount of begging and insisting will get him to call them offensive names or hurt their feelings, even if they’re into it. Hitting or insulting them on purpose makes him feel shitty regardless of how much they enjoy it. He’ll be alright with using words like ‘slut’ or ‘whore’ if they want it, but refuses to use anything more offensive than that. He doesn’t like smacking his partners in the face, and doesn’t like them doing it to him either. He has a high amount of respect for his partners, and isn’t comfortable harming them with his hands-- he will spank them if they ask, but that’s it. He doesn’t mind biting them or pulling their hair either, or having them do it to him, since it's not as extreme and he does enjoy being a bit intense. He also isn’t entirely opposed to using knives or blades in the bedroom since they’re his specialty, and he trusts himself not to accidentally sever an artery. He might be able to enjoy feeling his partner tense and shudder underneath him, as she runs a faint line up their back with the tip of a dagger -- or cutting their undergarments off them if permitted.
He probably doesn’t fall asleep right after, but he’s also not really one for pillow talk, either. He’ll pack a pipe with tobacco and smokes a bit, and maybe has a cup of Sujamma if there’s any on hand, and he’s more than willing to share with his partner if they’d like. He has an odd habit of impulsively trying to feed his partners after he fucks them, even though he doesn’t really enjoy cooking. He’ll get up to go wash off, and then come back twenty minutes later with a whole platter of food he got at the inn/tavern, or threw together with what they had packed. Probably pulls the old 'you need to keep yourself nourished after vigorous work blah blah blah' line because he’s secretly riddled with some sort of deeply buried maternal instincts that make him insist they stay healthy and nourished at all times. 
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Edwina!!! what a dream of a sister, what a dream of an update - thank you so much for all the work you put into this universe, it brings so much joy into my life, which - with this whole pandemic thing - is not that joyful right now. thank you thank you thank you!! also: Matthew and Edwina have never been of much interest to me until that update today but now I am curious - any headcanons about the two of them that you would like to share?
Ahhhh Edwina!  Edwina and Kate’s relationship is very near and dear to my heart. My sister and I grew up very separate from our large extended family because we grew up in Australia and the rest of our family is still in the UK and as a result we’re very close. Edwina reminds me of my sister very much and she is genuinely my favourite person in this world (Natalie Portman excluded because I believe her to be an ethereal being more so than a human) so I genuinely loved writing this week’s update and I hope I did Edwina justice!
Edit because I very rudely forgot to respond to part of your message! I’m so glad this scrappy little series is helping you through this difficult time. I cannot tell you how touched I am to hear that this series has an impact on anyone’s life even in the smallest way!
Okay! Sweet Matthew Bagwell who just genuinely fell in love with Edwina, and then had to deal with her Brother in law who seemed to take his very presence as an affront as he glowered at him reading a story to Edwina’s tiny Nephew, even as Kate said Never mind Anthony, he thinks he’s very scary. And Matthew privately thought that Anthony thought right. 
Matthew Bagwell had been having a very very bad day. His dig proposal was shot down nearly immediately. Someone on a school trip had gotten far too close to an exhibit which had set off all sorts of alarms. And the archaeology class he was teaching for the University of London had had one very bored attendee who kept humming the theme song to Indiana Jones. He’d been texting his brother to bail on their movie plans later, rounded the corner and banged right into someone. He’d looked down to apologise and found himself looking down at the most startlingly beautiful woman he’d ever seen and his breath was stolen from his body. Her eyes seemed to be burning into his, her dark hair falling around her face in soft waves, and then he realised he’d actually bumped into two someone’s because the tiny baby wearing a triceratops onesie complete with a hood strapped to her front started crying. I’m so sorry! Now I’ve made your son cry Matthew stuttered out stooping to look at the very adorable baby pulling a little face as the baby started giggling happily. We ran into you This woman’s musical voice drifted down to him and his heart just about stopped beating as her face broke into a beautiful smile and she said He’s my nephew, just by the way. And suddenly, though he’d never been the most confident person... ever something about this woman made him want to try summoning all his courage to say I’m Matthew!  a jolt went straight through him when she took his hand and said lightly Edwina that breathtaking smile still on her face when she said And this is Edmund, we’re learning about the Dinosaurs today and Matthew took a deep breath clenching his fist as he said Umm it’s not my specialty but maybe I could help? And when he smiled at her as he turned to go hours later, having spent the most enjoyable day he’d possibly ever had at work with a woman who was smart and funny and clearly loved her nephew, he was very surprised when her voice called out Were you not even going to ask for my phone number?! And he’d practically fallen over himself to get back to her, his phone outstretched and something familiar had twigged in the back of his brain when he’d seen her name Edwina Sheffield and when he got back home and his eyes landed on the magazine his mother had left there his brain stalling as he recognised the woman on the cover. He could only let out a very startled Fuck 
Edwina’s heart had practically beat out of her chest when she’d left Matthew at the museum, a smile stuck on her face the whole way back to Kate’s. Even when Kate had teased her Edwina Sheffield you sly dog, are you using my baby to pick up men? Oh my god! Anthony! My sister is using our child to hunt down men ready for marriage! And Anthony had appeared already scowling clearly ready to shoo a man from his living room Edwina had very half heartedly rolled her eyes and said Shut up Kate!  and biting her lip she said it was just kind of nice to meet someone who didn’t... know who I was. And Kate had stopped laughing immediately, Well he’d be stupid not to call you Eddie. And yet a week later he hadn’t. And Edwina was feeling more than a little disheartened even as she took Edmund back to the museum the next week as was her routine almost dreading running into the man who’d had the kindest smile she’d ever seen and actually seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say, not just what she looked like. And Jesus christ there he was, right by the coffee cart in the entrance hall his eyes darting around the foyer and her heart sank when she saw the magazine he was carrying, her face right there on the cover. And god help her she turned and walked right out of the foyer as their eyes met, tears pricking the whole way. Edwina wait!  Matthew’s frantic voice called after her, his footsteps pounding on the pavement outside, his long strides catching her embarrassingly quickly his hand tentatively touching her shoulder as she spun towards him desperately wanting to be angry but just feeling desperately stupid Matthew can we please not do this? I know, it’s a very good story to take to your friends that you shagged Edwina Sheffield, and I’ll admit you put in much more effort than most to pretend you didn’t know but it usually doesn’t end up being very fun for me and really I’m just- And his eyes looked so terrified for a second so wide that she stopped short, I really didn’t know! Last week I mean and god, then I went home and my mum had left this there and I felt so so stupid and I wanted to call you but God you’re so smart and funny and then you’re this as well and I thought you maybe did it as kind of a laugh like teasing a poor nerdy guy and I just panicked He was rambling so earnestly and God he just seemed so sweet, in the sweater that was obviously homemade, his glasses slipping down his nose that she couldn’t help herself from standing on her toes and pressing a soft kiss against his cheek. When she pulled back he looked positively stunned, his cheeks flushing red, as he touched his cheek in disbelief where her lips had been seconds before. And her heart swelled with affection when She said Just to be clear, Matthew. I think you’re very smart and funny, and yes, very cute, and I’d very much like to go out with you. 
And when he got down on one knee right there in the spot they’d first met, even though it had only been seven months she knew exactly what she was going to say before he’d even managed to stutter out the question.        
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misumeaw-blog · 3 years
13 Days 13 Fanfics | Counting down Albedo’s Birthday
Pairing : Albedo x GN! Reader 
Genre : Fluff | Established relationship
Warning : None
Word count : 1,699 words 
note : I can die peacefully now, I believe the entire family can hear me screaming. Day 13 will be based on Albedo's mail. I suck at kissing btw, sooo I tried
Day 12 Moment of Birth Part 1: Midnight
Light from houses in the city of freedom starting to turn into darkness; but not all, liveliest place in the slumbering city in the lake still filled with drunkards and music from the bard. Angel share, is night-active with drinks and socializing drinkers.
You have a meeting with your friends to discuss what to give Albedo for his birthday, Although..
“You guys seriously haven’t kissed yet? It’s been nearly a year”
things seemed going in the completely wrong direction “Shhh quiet please, Captain Kaeya. It’s not a big deal, I understand he wanted to take things slow” Still, there are times where you yearn for more than hugs and pecks on your face.
“Our Chief Alchemist has really taken your advice Too well, Kaeya” Lady in purple attire and a large witch hat, decorated with roses spoke up “That little genius never opened up for this sort of relationship” eyepatch man took another gulp to his mouth “I’m still surprised you managed to make him fall for you”
“Kaeya, rude” lightly zapped the one-eyed captain before turning to you “If he doesn’t make the first step, you’d need to do it” she placed her finger on your lips “Alright, alright, stop everyone” you harsh your friends before things getting out of hand “I just wanted a piece of advice on what to give Albedo for his birthday, so how did this turned to-“ Yup, that sparked your idea.
Both Knights of Favonius glanced at each other then back to you “Do you still need our help?”
The following morning you knocked on the Acting Grand Master’s room “Come in” an assertive voice flew out from the wooden door “Good morning, Master Jean. Do you know where Klee is?” “Good morning, I think she’s by the lake near Wolvendom. Oh and if you’re going to meet her, please make sure she doesn’t explode all the fish” she spoke without looking at you, eyes on massive amounts of paperwork
“One other thing, Acting Grand Master. I would be greatly appreciated if you kindly grant Albedo’s leave on his birthday” you figured your boyfriend might need a day off, in case he wanted to spend time with you and Klee “Oh right, his birthday is approaching” she glanced at the calendar “Yes of course, please do send him my regards if I couldn’t inform him myself” Closing the door after thanking her, ‘alright, off to Wolvendom’ you recalled your plan
Explosions can be heard from afar, the little girl should be nearby. Fish flying out in the sky, big splash easily visible. A small girl in red clothing having fun tossing bombs into stilled water. You called for her and she turned around “Y/N! Klee missed you” red coat sprinting to you, hugging you as soon as you’re in her reach By now she sees you as another sibling, despite you’re actually dating her brother. “Having fun today mh Klee?” glancing at the amount of dead fish on the ground “Yup! The kind uncle at the fishing asso..asso..” “Fishing association?” “Yes! the fishing association told Klee there’s a bunch of new fish all over Mondstadt, Klee will blast them all” You know fishing normally is better for the fish, but you let it slide for her happiness “Hey Klee, I have to borrow your brother the day before his birthday; well, tomorrow, is that alright?” You crouch down to the little girl’s height “Aw, but Klee wanted to be with big brother Albedo..” “I know Klee, but by that time you would be asleep. Would you like to help me prepare snacks for Albedo then?” “Yayy, Klee wanna help!” “Alright, keep it between us m’kay?” Holding out a pinky finger for the young one to hook with hers
‘And to keep Albedo busy..’ You head to the fountain plaza to one of your boyfriend’s assistants, Timaeus. “Morning Timaeus, do you know where Sucrose is?” A bit weird to start a conversation about her, since you and Sucrose don’t really get along “Sucrose? I’m not sure. Do you want me to help find her?” “No, no no no, uh, Timaeus, I need you to help distract Albedo tomorrow, mild difficulty experiment, anything” “Is that all? All Right” Scholar alchemist agreed to lend you a hand “Thanks, Timaeus”
    You headed off to your next destination ‘Alright, time for a hard part’ the last part of your plan is rather hard, you wondered if he gonna help you
“Mark it as done!” wow that was.. easy, perhaps it’s because of three high-quality bottles of wine in his hands. You asked.. or rather, hired anemo bard to play songs for the night and extra requested to let the wind carry the song to you.
In the evening, you have scouted the area you wanted to give the alchemist your gift and found the perfect place. An area where you can see both the city of freedom and the icy summit, high enough for the gentle breeze to flow, beautifully decorated with flowers and greenery. Starsnatch cliff, also the home of the flower which held meaning, the truest feelings of prodigal son, Cecilia.
The next day everything went according to plan. Light meal fully prepared with the help of the pyro girl, Timaeus kept Albedo busy so he couldn’t come home and caught you and Klee in action.
Quite late night when you knocked on Alice’s door, the blonde, still in his usual attire opened to greet the unknown guests. “Y/N? What are you doing here this late hour?” Judging from the angle of the moon, it's around 9-10 PM “Hey, what about me?” eyepatch covering male’s hand and he placed his elbow on the opened door, the alchemist only nodded to his presence “Evening Bedo, I would like to show you something, could you come with me please?” you don’t normally use the formal language after being with him for so long. He can sense your shyness from the way you speak and your body language “I’d love to go but Klee..”
You pointed to the man behind you “Don’t worry about little Klee, just go enjoy your time” he basically dragged the alchemist out of his house
Chitchat along the way, fingers intertwined with his “Not sleepy yet aren’t you?” you bent down and look at him in the eyes “Not at all, I’m rather excited about what you prepared for me” giggled to his answer “Good, 'cause the night is still young!” you have reached your destination, Large fabric covering the grassy ground, a basket filled with snacks lies atop, along with a flower vase to decorate the scenery. Log of wood has bags and books resting against it. The wind bringing the scent of white flowers and the tune of the harp. Moon and star shining bright, needlessly of other light sources.
“Didn’t know you had anything romantic in mind” he teased your boldness “..well, what do you think?” hiding your embarrassment and teases the alchemist back
Sitting down to the location you prepared, he started to examine the scene “There’s no musician nearby, nor to any instruments.. Am I the only one hearing the melody?” Trying to find a scientific explanation for a strange event “The wind carries messages. Was music not a kind of message too?” He wrapped his arms around your waist, drowning in the love you gave him
“Enjoying it hmm? Here, I prepared some light food for us” slowly getting plates and snacks out from the weaved basket, the fabric is soon filled with various types of dishes "You’re not gonna sit on your seat?” his arms tightened, head bury to your shoulder “..I don't want to move” it’s rare seeing him clingy to you like this “you’re adorable you know” finally commented on his action
“We got your favorite,” one of your dishes has turned to Albedo’s favorite “These are canapés, I chose bread base, topped with different types of savory” bite-sized dishes, you know he prefers smaller portions
Pointing to each topping one by one, explaining what each one is made of. In his eyes, you’re like a professional chef
“Bedo, check this one out” you pulled out Fisherman’s toast with clover ketchup, onions, cheese, and heart-shaped parleys “..Fish-Flavored Toast, Klee’s specialty. You’re so thoughtful, I have to thank her later” he pecked your cheek, definitely in love
“And we got desserts- after savory alright Bedo?” His hand was already reaching for the dish, you have to stop his fast hand Brownies, Berry Mille-Feuille, and a jar of chocolate chip cookies are all making him drool “Shall we dig in?” He suggested, perhaps the desserts engaging him.
Your hypothesis was turned down after seeing him having a high appetite for savory, you figured he actually wanted to savor your cooking
Hours passed and you both are finally full, cuddling against the wooden log, enjoying the melody floating in the air. His platinum hair reflects the elegant moonlight, half-lidded eyes resting against your neck, handheld on yours. You looked up in the sky- its almost time
“Albedo?” He replied with a sweet hum, glancing up at you “Do you know what day is tomorrow?” “..my birthday. but I still don’t understand why you chose to celebrate it tonight” “Wouldn’t be nicer to receive a gift directly after the clock strikes midnight?” Lifted his chin to face you, he’s so close to you, closer than usual
Both yours and his cheek painted rosy, he cupped your face and look deeply into your eyes. “was all this not my birthday gifts?” “nope.. would you like to find out what it is?”
Moon motions overhead, the clock strikes midnight, soft breeze touched exposed skin, the sound of the harp soaring in the sky. stars as the witness, Cecilia as the oath, feelings as vow sealed between the two bodies.
Hand slide by the side of his neck, placing on the backside and pulled him closer, half-lidded eyes slowly closed, chest-pounding hard, tilted your head to the side a little-
sweet lips finally placed on his loving ones, passionated and full of affection, butterflies flying in your stomach. After a while, you break the timeless kiss
“Happy birthday my beloved Albedo”
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Surrogate - Chapter 16
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The Surrogate:  A Clintasha Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader
Word Count:  1714
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: A freak end of the world incident leads to meeting your two best friends, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff.  While your friendship with the two Avengers is anything but conventional, they are your all-time favorite people.  When you find out that Clint and Natasha want to start a family but have exhausted all their options, you realize your powerset might allow you to give them what they want.  Having your best friends’ baby might seem like a good idea on paper, but when you are as close as you, Clint, and Natasha are, will doing something so intimate mean feelings get a little mixed up?
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Chapter 16
Natasha and Clint had both been attending birthing classes with you.  It made sense really, they both planned to be there and this was their baby you were growing, even if you had started to think with the word ‘our’ more now.  The classes were a little scary.  Having to watch birthing videos made you worry there would be some kind of complication.  It was one thing for your body to stretch to let out the little girl growing inside you, but if they had to do a cesarean then you were pretty sure she was going to get stuck.  There was no way your body would allow itself to go unhealed long enough to cut her out of you.
Still, even though the classes were a little stress-inducing, it was nice to see Clint and Natasha respond to them.  They each had their specialties and weaknesses and seeing them working together, it was easy to understand how they worked so well as a team.  While they both were fine watching the birthing videos, Clint watched on like it was a horror movie and he was waiting for the Xenomorph to punch its way out of the mother’s chest.  Natasha was much calmer about it, like seeing a baby passing out the birthing canal was just another standard day for her.  Clint was terrible at helping you with breathing exercises, he just couldn’t take them seriously and if you followed along you’d be prone to hyperventilating.  Whereas, Natasha was nothing if not calm and serious about them.  On the other hand, Natasha struggled to change a diaper on a doll, whereas Clint could do it blindfolded and with one hand tied behind his back.
The classes were just held by the doctor who would be delivering your baby at the compound and a couple of the nurses too.  Obstetrics wasn’t used a lot on-site, and while the doctor and one of the nurses were both experts, the rest of the staff were more versed at emergency patch-ups so they’d come along to brush up their knowledge before the big day.  It was good to not have to worry about people treating you strangely because Natasha and Clint were celebrities or because there were three of you.  Everyone at the compound was used to what the three of you had now.
As you left the class Clint was babbling about whether or not drugs would work for you for the pain.  “I don’t see why the drugs wouldn’t work.  I mean, my body would probably physically reject the needle if I got an epidural, but pethidine would be okay and they said they’d be me Nitrous Oxide if I want.”
“Can I use it?” Clint asked.
“No, you can’t, birdbrain,” Natasha teased.  “Go get your illegal drugs elsewhere.”
“You can just squeeze Nat’s hand extra tight,” Clint said.  “But not mine.  I need them for my job.”
Natasha laughed.  “And I don’t ever use my hands?”
“Not the way I do,” Clint argued.
You laughed and opened the door as you looked back at them.  “You guys are such…”
The shout of the group of people currently in the apartment made you jump and you spun around to see the room filled with people to almost breaking point. The place was decorated with pink streamers and matching pearlescent balloons.  There was a banner along the wall that spelled out ‘Baby Shower’ in a gold script.  Pink pieces of card cut into circles hung from various points of the ceiling with the words ‘Baby Shower’ repeated again and again in the same font.  The dining table was laid out with fruit, finger sandwiches, dips, cheese, and crackers.  At the center of it all,  sitting on a raised cake stand was a round cake with pale pink frosting.  A banner made out of sugar paste flags spelled out ‘BABY GIRL’ around the side and a sugar paste stork stood on the top holding a pink bundle.
The coffee table had been moved to the side and was stacked high with gifts, all wrapped in some combination of pink, white, silver, and gold.
At the front of the group was Kate Bishop and Wanda Maximoff stood holding out glasses of champagne with what looked like red flowers blooming in the bottom of the glass.  “Happy baby shower, guys,” Kate said.
“You bad girls,” Natasha scolded, kissing each of them on the cheek and taking a glass.  “I thought we were doing this in the function room.”
“Yeah, but a surprise is better,” Kate said.  “Don’t you think?”
“I think you’re both lucky none of us were armed,” Clint said, taking a glass for himself.  “I was ready to kick some ass.”
“Why do you think we chose immediately after your birthing class to do this?”  Kate teased, handing a glass of champagne to Clint.  “We know Doctor Harding doesn’t let you take weapons with you.”
“Here this one is for you,” Wanda said, handing you a glass.  “Non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice.  I know it’s not that exciting, but at least you can participate.”
“It’s lovely, thank you, Wanda,” you said.  “What’s the flower at the bottom?”
“It’s a hibiscus,” she said.  “Kate and I were looking up ideas, and it seemed nice and fitted with the theme.”
“Is the theme pink?”  Natasha asked.
“I wanted to go purple,” Kate said.  “But Wanda wouldn’t let me.”
“Damn it, Wanda,” Clint joked.
“It’s not just your baby, Clint,” Wanda huffed.
“Oh, Wanda,” Natasha soothed.  “It’s lovely, you both did a great job.”
The three of you were practically dragged into the party and began to mingle.  Kate and Wanda had done a great job with the guest list.  All the Avengers were there, as were a lot of the other staff you, Clint, and Natasha were close to.  There were also family and friends from your old life pre-avengers, though they looked very overwhelmed by the whole experience.
Unfortunately, the sheer number of people at the party meant the apartment was over capacity.  There was barely any room to stand let alone sit.  As you mingled shoulder to shoulder with your friends, you started to long for a comfortable seat.
There was a tapping of glass and you turned around to see Tony standing on the arm of a chair.  “I think we all agree that surprising these three was a lot of fun, but this apartment is too small for this.  So how about they open gifts and we all move it to the function room?”
There was a cheer and you, Nat, and Clint were shuffled to the couch where you were made to take a seat and open gifts.
There were a lot of gifts.
It wasn't long before you started losing track of everything among the cute little onesies and tiny shoes, the three-tiered cakes made of diapers and bottles, stuffed toys, rattles, teethers, and little wooden pull-toys.  There were a few standouts.  Kate had gotten a little onesie with a purple chevron that looked like the exact copy of the t-shirt Clint practically lived in.  Carol brought an onesie that had I love my mommies and daddy on it with three big cartoon bunnies around a much smaller one.  Tony, Pepper, and Morgan bought a stuffed giraffe that was so big his horns brushed the roof.  Pepper made it clear it had nothing to do with her and all Tony and Morgan’s doing.
When all the gifts were unwrapped everyone started grabbing food and party games and carrying them over to the main building.  It was amusing seeing the huge flock of people moving through the halls carrying plastic babies and plates of sandwiches.
When the group arrived it spread out like fluid, expanding to fit the function rooms’ much larger space.  Food was laid out on the tables.  Games were set up.  People started helping themselves to drinks from the bar.
You grabbed yourself a drink and a selection of food and took a seat on the couch, putting your feet up.
“Is it wearing you out?”  Steve Rogers asked, coming to sit beside you.
“Yeah, I’m always starting to wane by now, she’s really active in there,” you explained.  “And with the birthing class as well.”
“Is she kicking now?  Can I feel?”  Steve asked.
“Sure,” you said, taking his hand and pressing it where she was currently kicking.  It took a moment, but she soon shoved against his hand with what felt like all her might.
“Wow, she’s a strong one,” Steve said with a smile.
You chuckled. “Well look at who her parents are,” you agreed.  “She’s going to be a fighter.”
“I guess she is,” Steve smiled.  “It was very selfless of you to offer to do this for them.  Especially given you must have had feelings for them when you did.”
“Well, the sparks, I guess,” you confirmed.  “They were my best friends - are my best friends.  This was their only chance to have kids, and you of all people should know what it feels like when there’s a good that can be done and it’s in your power to do it.”
Steve smiled affectionately at you.  “I guess I do.”
“It’s moot now anyway, we’re all in it together,” you said.
“How do you feel about that?”  Steve asked.
You smiled and nodded.  “It’s a little scary.  Didn’t exactly plan to be a parent.  But I’m excited.”
“Well, good,” Steve said.  “It’s not really conventional, and I’m not sure I totally get it, but I understand love, and Nat and Clint were never conventional.  I think the three of you have got this.”
“Thanks, Steve,” you said.  “That’s always good to hear.”
“Attention everyone!” Kate called out, over the P.A.  “I think it’s time to play some games, and I don’t know about you, but I’d like to see which of the three future parents can change a diaper the quickest.  So get up here you three.  Anyone else, if you’d like to challenge them, we have plenty of dolls and diapers, and there’s a prize.”
Steve chuckled.  “Sounds like you’re up.”
You laughed and shook your head as you pulled yourself to your feet.  Today was going to be a long and very strange day.
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 4 years
Can you do a Duke Crocker imagine, where you're Nathan's twin and you can't feel anything either? Like you've always hated Duke and he jokingly pats you on the back one day and like Nathan with Audrey's touches, she can feel it and starts making any excuse to get Duke to have any contact with her(high fives, random hugs, grabbing his arm when she almost "falls" ect.) And she ends up falling in love with him despite his past with her brother🥺sorry if that's too long
(A/N): I’ve fallen in love with this idea as soon as I got it in my ask box. Thank you so much for trusting me for writing it, dear! <3 I changed your examples of contacts the reader creates to try and make it more logical, so I hope you’ll like what I’ve come up with despite that.
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“Show me your teeth.”
You roll your eyes at your brother, Nathan. “I come to see you at work and that’s the first thing you say to me?”
He blinks a few times at you. “Sorry. Hi, (Y/N). Now show me your teeth.”
You reluctantly open your mouth wide, your brother taking his time to inspect each tooth that is very much still in place.
“Show me your hands.” You close your mouth and put your hands in front of you, turning them around a few times. “Now turn around.”
You give out a groan while you do as he says, already tired of these shenanigans.
“You don’t seem to be hurt anywhere. Good.” He gives you a bright smile, satisfied with his inspection. “Someone has to make sure you’re not bleeding or losing any members.”
You quirk an eyebrow at him. “And is someone making sure you’re not bleeding?” He loses his smile, already knowing what you’re gonna say. “That’s right. It goes both ways. Now show me your teeth, Nathan.”
“Don’t worry, (Y/N).” Audrey suddenly appears next to your brother, the blond putting her hand on his shoulder. “I checked him twenty minutes ago. He seems good.”
You notice him slightly tensing up under Audrey’s touch, his lips slightly stretching out into a small smile when he turns towards her. Nathan told you about Audrey’s specialty; how he manages to feel every single bit of touch she gives him. And though you feel a bit jealous of him, you also feel extremely happy for him. You’d do anything to be able to physically feel something, anything... even the breath of the wind against your face, but you can’t.
“Hey, (Y/N) is here!” Your expression falters down as soon as you recognize Duke’s voice from behind you, already seeing his large smirk inside your mind without even looking at him. “What a surprise!”
You give your brother a glare. “I thought you said he wouldn’t be here today?”
You’ve tried to avoid seeing Duke Crocker most of your life, always feeling pure annoyance whenever he’s in the same room as you, and as of now, you’ve managed to only see him a few times since childhood. You were also sure that you wouldn’t see him today, especially since Nathan told you that he wouldn’t be here.
“I didn’t think he would be.” Your brother turns his eyes towards Audrey, squinting them when he notices a knowing grin on her lips. “But I have a little idea why...”
“Ouch.” You turn your head towards Duke just as he comes to a halt next to you. “And here I thought we could be friends. What did I do to earn such hatred?”
You give him a hard smile. “Look in the mirror and you’ll have your answer.”
He gives out a dramatic gasp at your response, your brother giving out a loud laugh. “Good one!”
“Guys!” Audrey gives you all her ‘big eyes’. “Come on, can’t you get along for once?”
“Nah, it’s okay, Audrey.” Duke gives her a wink, not at all bothered by your remarks. “(Y/N) is just teasing me. She always does. Right, (Y/N)?”
You’re about to let out another remark when he abruptly pats your back, your words dying inside your throat as soon as you realized what happened.
You felt his hands on your back.
You tilt your head at Duke with pure confusion, the man staring back at you with the exact emotion. For once, you weren’t looking at him with annoyance or hatred, and it couldn’t exactly pinpoint why you suddenly weren’t.
“Audrey.” Your brother speaks up, the police officer giving the blond a hard look. “Why is he here?”
“Didn’t I tell you?” Audrey gives him an innocent look. “He’s gonna help us with the investigation.”
“He’s gonna ‘what’?!”
Duke looks away from you to send your brother a smirk. “Audrey said I’d be ‘useful’.”
You blink a few times, suddenly remembering where you are. “I find that unlikely.”
“Yeah, well...” He looks back at you, his smile not at all flinching. “You always do.”
You give him back a hard smile, though not as hard as you usually do. The feeling of his hands on your back still lingers there and partially clouds your mind. You can’t help but wonder if you’ve imagined it. You were thinking about your brother’s situation with Audrey... maybe you were wishing for the same thing so hard that your brain gave you a small exception?
“Anyway...” Duke claps his hands together, looking back towards Nathan and Audrey. “Are we gonna go or are we just gonna stand here like idiots?”
Your brother gives him a glare. “Audrey?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” She grabs her coat from her chair, sending you a smile on your way out. “You’re welcomed to join us, (Y/N).”
“Huh?” You blink in surprise, slowly starting to follow them. “Yeah... yeah, sure.”
“(Y/N) is willing to share a car ride with me?” Duke sends you a grin. “This must be my lucky day.”
“Don’t push it.”
He just laughs at your reaction, none of you noticing Nathan and Audrey exchanging whispering words.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You give a side gland towards Duke sitting next to you, your eyes carefully watching his face as he spits out a large number of words to annoy your brother more than he usually does. Normally you would have shut him up with one of your remarks by now, but the moment from earlier still obsess you. Forget how or why it happened, you have to know if you’ve imagined his touch or not... and there’s only one way to be sure.
“Ow!” You suddenly interrupt Duke by suddenly flicking your fingers against his cheek, his head snapping towards you as he holds his face with his hand. “Why did you do that?”
You ignore him and look down at your fingers, feeling a satisfying pain rushing through them. “... I just had an urge.”
You barely hear your brother laugh as Duke pouts about the pain you put him through, a small smile appearing on your lips as you realize that this is real. You can feel Duke’s touch. Would you have preferred someone else? Absolutely. Anyone but Duke would have been more than welcomed. But are you going to ignore this opportunity life is giving you? Hell no.
You’re gonna have fun with this.
“Oh, stop crying.” You poke his cheek just where you flicked your fingers earlier, a large grin forming on your lips when you feel his skin against yours. “I didn’t take you for a baby, Crocker.”
“What-stop poking me!” He pushes your hand away, a frown on his face as he hears Nathan chuckle in the front. “You’re lucky you can’t feel anything-”
 He gets interrupted by your hands suddenly squishing his face away, confusing spreading on his features.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Trying to shut you up.” You let go of his face, realizing that you might be going a bit too far. “But it’s not working.”
“Guys.” Audrey interrupts your conversation, Nathan still chuckling as he stops the car. “We’re here.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It’s been more than a few minutes since you’ve arrived at the crime scene, Nathan and Audrey now currently questioning the witnesses. Why were you and Duke even around in the first place? You have no idea. But as the two of you wait around for them to finish, you decide to test your theory a little more.
“Ow!” Duke takes a step away from you as soon as he feels your shoe kicking his leg, his eyes squinting at you. “Okay, what is your problem?”
You lose your grin as soon as he says that. “It’s not obvious? You’re my problem.”
“Yeah, yeah... you hate me, I know. But you’ve never kicked me. Or poked me. Or squished my face.” He points at you, suspicion all over his features. “So what’s the sudden change, huh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You almost want to curse yourself at how fast you said those words, already knowing that he’s not going to believe that. You almost want to cringe when you see his lips stretch out into a large grin, already dreading the worst.
“Don’t tell me...” His smile gets wider, his excitement suddenly rising. “You actually like me!”
“What-no!” You frown, already shaking your head at him in disgust. “Ew! Never!”
“Aw, don’t deny it.” He approaches his face to yours, his annoying ‘charm’ turning on. “I knew you’d like me eventually. Everyone does-”
You shove his face away with your hands, muffling his words by doing so. “I will never ever like you.”
You truly believe those words, trying your best to ignore the tingling going through your skin after you touched his face. This is not going to change how you feel about Duke. You’ll make sure of it.
But Duke seems to be sure of something else, as he starts to laugh while he gently puts your hands away from his face.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Wuornos.” He gives you a knowing smile. “But I know the truth.”
You realize that you’ve let him hold onto your hands, your mind to enraptured by the feeling of it to let you do anything about it until now. You suddenly pull them back towards you, sending him a glare.
“In your dreams, Duke.”
“Already happened.”
You give out a gagging sound while you walk away from him, his laugh resonating in your ears. You were hoping there wasn’t a blush creeping up on your cheeks, having never been able to feel the heat of it. What you could feel was your heartbeat getting incredibly louder inside your chest, your mind already screaming at it to stop.
This is one of the many reasons why you try so hard to avoid Duke. You try your best to hate him, to despise him... and you do... until you get to spend time with him, and then you have to beat yourself up to hate him again. You don’t want to like him, not after what happened between him and your brother all those years ago... and you’re not gonna let his stupid feeling exception put all of your past efforts to crumble.
So why are you not quite believing that?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You give out a scream when you hear Duke suddenly whisper that word in your ears, already pushing him away from you. “What the hell?!”
“Aw, did I scare you?” He gives you a grin. “Sorry... not sorry!”
You glare at him, feeling your hands starting to tingle from having just pushed him. It’s been a week since you’ve felt anything, having realized that it wasn’t worth risking your brother’s trust. So you’ve started to avoid the crooked criminal again, and it worked. Until now.
Gosh, why did you have to go on a walk today?
“What do you want?”
“To bother you. I think it’s a good payback from last time.” He shrugs, his words already making you groan in annoyance as you start walking away. “I also wanted to see how you were doing. You know? With the whole ‘liking me’ thing?”
“I don’t like you.”
“Hm. Right.” He snaps his fingers before he points at you. “You love me.”
You suddenly stop in your tracks, sending him a glare. “I do not love you!”
He just gives you a large grin as an answer, as if he knew something you didn’t, which only seems to make you angrier.
“You’re pretty when you’re mad-ow!” He rubs his arms after you hit it, his grin coming back soon after. “See? You like me!”
You shake your head at him. “How is me hitting you proof that I like you?”
“I don’t know... maybe the fact that you’re blushing?” Your eyes open wide, your hands immediately going to your cheeks to try and feel the heat: but as usual, nothing. “If you don’t believe me, I can fetch a mirror for you.”
“I’m not blushing.” You walk away from him, deciding to just deny everything. “You’re lying.”
“But I’m not!” He follows you close behind, forcing you to stop walking when he suddenly jumps in front of you. “Come on... why are you denying it?”
You glare at him once more. “I don’t need to deny things that don't exist.”
“Is liking me that much of a bad thing?” His question takes you by surprise, and you can almost sense a glint of pain in his eyes. “You don’t have to hate me just cause your brother does, you know?”
“Are you not hearing me when I talk?” You poke his shoulder with your finger, slightly pushing him away. “I. Don’t. Like. You.”
“But I like you.”
You stare at him in shock, your words choking in your throat. “... what?”
“I said I like you.” He puts his hands in his jeans’ pockets, seeming a little less confident than before. “I always have, and I know you like me... so why won’t you just give me a chance?”
“I...” You give out a sigh, rubbing your face with your hands. “Why do you keep saying that I like you?”
He lightly chuckles. “Why did you suddenly start touching me so much?”
“Because...” You hesitate for a second, then give out another sigh. “Cause I can feel you, okay?”
He stares at you for a second, confusion in his eyes. “Huh?”
“When you pat my back the other day.” You cross your arms over your chest, a sense of embarrassment going through you. “I felt that, but I wasn’t sure it was real... so that’s why I kept hitting you and all.”
“... you can feel me?”
“Yeah.” You notice the glint of an idea going through his eyes, frowning. “What are you thinking, Crocker?”
“So if I do this...” Your eyes widen when he suddenly takes your hand in his, his lips stretching out into a grin. “... you can feel that?”
You feel a shot of electricity running through your arm, watching his fingers intertwine with yours. “... what are you doing?” 
“What if I do this....” You shut your eyes close when you suddenly feel his other hand against your cheek, his fingers gently pushing a strand of hair away from your face. “... can you also feel that?”
You feel the warmth of his skin against yours, a shudder running down your spine for the first time in your entire life. You open your eyes again, now seeing him getting dangerously closer. “Duke... seriously...”
“What about this?”
You’ve never been able to feel what a kiss feels like before that moment, your mind screaming the moment you felt his lips on yours. Every little movement he made, every touch of his fingers against your skin felt like little explosions that had dangerous consequences for your heart. You couldn’t think anymore, all you could do was feel, and when he parts away a few seconds later, you can barely hear him talk.
“Did you feel that?”
“I...” A stutter threatens to come out, your free hand slowly raising so you can point at him. “... I hate you...”
He gives out a grin at your answer, noticing the tremble in your voice. “Really? I beg to differ-ow!” He gives out a laugh when he realizes that you’ve hit his shoulder yet again. “Well, I guess you definitely felt that.”
You try to wipe his touch away from your lips, without any use. “Don’t do that again.”
“Alright, I’ll do that again.” He gives out a larger grin. “As many times as you want.”
“You know that’s not what I said!” You realize that you’re still holding his hand, and so you try to free yourself, but without any success. “Duke, let go of my hand.”
“Let go of my hand!”
“Not until you agree that you like me.” You give out a groan, which only seems to make his grin wider. “I’m waiting...”
“Fine!” You shake your head before you glare at him. “I like you. Satisfied?”
“Very.” He lets go of your hand, a sense of disappointment washing over you when he does. “Now... are you free tonight?”
You squint your eyes at him. “... why?”
“So I can take you on a proper date.”
You stare at him for a few seconds, then give out a sigh. “... you’re not gonna take ‘no’ as an answer, are you?”
His lips stretch out. “Does that mean you’re saying ‘yes’?”
You hated him. You’ve always hated him, just like your brother did. You swore this newfound discovery wouldn’t change anything... but gosh, it did. And there’s nothing you can do about it.
“Yeah.” You give out a sigh. “Yeah... I guess I can go on a date with you.”
You can’t help but chuckle when you see him throw his fist up in the air in victory.
And you know, maybe... just maybe... this little exception is a hint that this is destiny.
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Lost traveler
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 573
Tag list: @gaitwae @lucywrites02 @hard-to-be-the-bard @birdgirl90 @laramoonworld
Summary: A mysterious traveler visits Asgard and thanks to an accident has to stay for longer than she expected. Bonds are created but also shattered along the way.
A/N: reader has elemental powers, something like avatar the last airbender.
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Sun was finally setting. Chirping of birds was replaced by owls howling. A cold breeze ruffled your hair. The entire forest became calmer. You loved it.
You wanted to be alone for a few while and enjoy the tranquility of the night time. So you volunteered to gather wood for bonfire.
Unfortunately Thor and Fandral went with you, more to show off their muscles than help you. Both of them were....odd. They wanted to be around you all the time, telling you of their strength and abilities (Thor wanted to show you some of his lightnings but got quickly turned down by Loki) and generaly tried to impress you.
You soon found out that Thor is a god of thunder, not a lightning thrower like you previously thought. Loki was god of mischief and chaos.
Sif told you she was to be the goddess of fertility but thretened you to keep it a secret
The rest were also gods, but they didn't have a certain domains like princes. They were just warrior gods.
When you returned with arms full of twigs and branches Loki, Volstagg, Hogun and Sif were already sitting around a circle made from stones. Loki jumped to help you and all of you started to place one branch after another inside the stone circle.
"I will lit it," Thor annoumced after you finished.
"Thor, I already told you, your powers are unstable. You can't use them otherwise you will hurt everybody around you!" Loki scolded him.
"Relax, it will be alright. Everybody, stay back," Thor pushed you behind him as his fingers started to sparkle. Suddenly a loud noise teared through the air as a giant lightning striked from the sky. But to a nearby tree, not the fire place.
"Perfect Thor, just perfect," Loki took out the fire from the burning tree with his magic. He played around with flames a little while longer. You watched him transform them into a bird and make it fly around you. You giggled at his tricks.
"Show off," Thor spat
"Look who's talking. I'm not the one who took off his shirt whenever she was watching," Loki grinned.
You ignored them and their argument. Your fingers were itching. You desperately wanted to firebend, but you couldn't. Not yet.
Sif nudged you. "They are like giant kids, aren't they?"
"Siblings argue. It's like their specialty," you shrugged.
"You seem like a sibling professional. Do you have one?"
You watched as Loki made the bonfire inbetween arguments. "No, but I met a lot of them on my travels," you both sat down as did the others.
"Speaking of travels, can I ask you something?" Hogun sat to your other side.
Loki plopped down directly opposite of you. "If you want to know where she is from, she won't tell. I tried," he smirked at you.
"I can't reveal everything the first day! Gotta keep some of my secrets," you laughed.
"That was not what I wanted to know. I meant to ask you if you've been to Midgard?" Hogun brought your attention back to him.
"Depends on what it looks like."
"Well," he began, "it's full of forests, animals, small stone villages,-"
"Don't forget mortals," Thor interrupted.
Thor nodded. "Aye. They are small, weak, quite dumb."
"From what I've read," Loki slipped in, "they aren't dumb. They are just slow learners."
Thor rolled his eyes. "Where's the difference?"
"The difference is, dear brother mine, that you only have to tell them once to not use their powers."
Thor showed him what you suspect to be a lewd gesture. In response Loki blew him a kiss.
You giggled. "No, I don't think I've been there. Why are you asking? Have you visited it?"
All of them shooktheir heads. "The Allfather forbade us to travel across the nine realms. He says we aren't old enough."
"Oh," you sighed.
"May I ask Astrid?" Volstagg broke the silence. "What is the most interesting place you've visited," Volstagg took his chance
You thought for a while. All of the planets are interesting in their own way. "Hmmm, I don't know. One of the more exciting planets has to be Pandora I guess. I have stayed there with a Na'vi clan and they showed me how to hunt and survive in woods. There are giant mountains hovering in the air with beautiful waterfals and the whole planet glows at night and there are dragons and giant wolves and spiritual trees," you counted down from memmory.
"Sounds exciting indeed. I must visit it someday," Loki mused.
"You must! It's really easy to find it. It's a blue planet rotating around a gas giant."
"So it is techicaly a moon, correct?"
"Yeah, it is," you said excitedly. You finaly had someone to talk to. Frigga was right, you will find a friwnd among them.
"Booo, nerds," Sif made fun of you two. "Now tell me, are at least these Na'vi guys handsome and strong? You can hardly find any good material among this," she gestured to boys sitting around fire.
"I will preted I haven't heard that," Fandral brushed his fingers through his hair.
"If you are into blue giants," you shrugged.
The atmosphere changed suddenly. It was no longer lighthearted and playful. All of them had a stone hard cold stare. You shifted in your seat. Did you say something wrong?
Thor coughed. "We don't really get along with blue giant folk," he fisted chunks of grass by his sides.
"What you just described wasn't Jotunheim, was it?" Hogun asked.
"It can't be. Jotunheim is a frozen piece of a rock. She said Pandora has floating mountains and rivers," Loki burried his dagger into earth at his feet.
"Are there also blue giants on Jotunheim?" you chose your words carefully.
"Yes, it's the land of Frost Giants. Monsters we talk about at night."
Hogun cleared his throat. "I have seen the injury they cause. On one soldier a long time ago. His whole arm was frozen and black as coal. I heard aome healers in halls talking abouthis whoel arm falling off when they touched it."
"They say," Thor said in a dark tone, "they know a secret passage through realms. And one day, they will invade Asgard and freeze everyone in their path. When they comw here, I swear to all my ancestors I will-"
His telling interrupted a distant screech from mountain which startled everyone. It sounded familiar, you just didn't know where from.
"I think that's a cue to shift to another story," Sif said.
"Agreed," everyone said simultaniously.
Cracking wood lulled everybody to sleep. After hours and hours of war stories and forgotten legends one by one young warriors and a traveler laid to get rest.
Loki had a light sleep. His mind was still wrapped around Frost Giants. How theymight enter Asgard any second and slaughter them all in their sleep. If what Thor told was true.
A sound of someone standing up and walking away woke him completely. He knew how each person's step sounded, this was unfamiliar one. 'Where are you going little traveler?'
He stood up and followed you, hidden in shadows.
You stopped near a river deep in the forest. Asgardian moon shone bright in its water.
He watched you sit down next to it and stare at the night sky through oak leaves.
Just as he wanted to walk towards you, you started to play with little droplets of water in the air.
"What a turn of events," you dropped them upon hearing his voice.
"Loki, you- why are you up? Did I wake you?"
"No," he sat down next to you, "you didn't."
You started to fidget with your fingers. "How much did you see?"
"Enough. Why didn't you tell me you were a sorcorer as well?"
"A what?"
Loki chuckled. "You called me a warlock, remember? We call those who deal with magic sorcorers. One of their ability is aquakinesis."
"Huh?" you looked so cute when you were confused. Loki made note to confuse youmore often.
"Water control."
"Oh, sorry. I call it waterbending."
Loki hummed. "Makes sense."
"Sooo," you looked at him, "are you going to tell them?" you pointed towards where the group was sleeping.
"Why would I? It's your power. Your secret. You tell them when you are ready. But," he pulled a ball of water from the river and held it above his palm, "I can teach you more of that waterbending than just control few droplets. If you'd like me to, that is."
You smiled. "I'd like that. Oh and by the way," you looked to side and scratched your head, "Astrid isn't my real name."
"I know."
"What?" you looked at him startled.
"I can tell when people are lying, and you," he placed his palm on your shoulder, "are a terrible liar," he chuckled.
Your giggle joined his. "Sounds fair. Anyways, I'm Y/N," you axtended your hand.
Loki took it in his own and bowed his head. "Pleasure to meet you Y/N. I am Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief," and hopefully he can add 'your friend' to the list of titles.
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wrenhyperfixates · 4 years
Of All the Places
Chapter 4
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: Washing up in a small town in Oklahoma was definitely not part of Loki’s plan when he came to conquer Midgard. There is one good thing about it, though: No one recognizes him as the one who just wreaked havoc in New York. So, Loki plans to recover from the battle and move on with his life. The only problem? He’s not sure he can leave you. Chapter Summary: Loki continues to struggle with his emotions as he tries to figure out his bond with you. On top of all that stress, he finally learns what the rest of the world is hearing about New York. Chapter Warnings: long, angsty, and fluffy A/N: Woohoo! Fourth chapter is here! Totaling almost 5,000 words, the longest thing I have written to date. Any comments, questions, or predictions? I’d love to hear them and chat with you! Well, guys, gals, and non-binary pals, hope you enjoy :) Updates every Friday.
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiantfavs​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​
✥ Start at Beginning ✥ | ← Previous Chapter | Next Chapter →
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Loki hadn’t slept well in days. Between nightmares and dreams of you, his mind was a constant hub of activity. He didn’t need as much sleep as you mortals did, but after the whole ordeal with Thanos, the lack of rest was taking a toll on him. You were the first to notice, and started hovering even more than normal, something Loki was reluctant to admit he liked. In his final days on Asgard, he’d made himself a complete loner, going so far as to isolate himself from Frigga. It was nice to have some companionship again. That was as far as Loki ever let his mind wander, though, cutting himself off before he could deeper analyze the constant pull he felt toward you. Certainly there wasn’t even anything else to analyze anyway, he convinced himself. You were, after all, only human.
Before he could get lost in thought again, Loki refocused on Matt’s caramel blonde hair as he chased him between the barn and the house. The boy’s light curls were the only thing he’d inherited from his father and looked almost exactly like Ana otherwise. It made Loki wonder how he never guessed he was adopted, seeing as he looked nothing like either of his parents. This fresh air was really starting to get to him, he decided, because he was continuously going down these deep contemplative paths in his mind. It was a constant loop of his feelings for you, his true heritage, and how he was taking advantage of your family. Then again, it may have been the traumatic, near-death experiences and hours of torture that was doing this to him. That was the one thing he always liked to forget about.
“Tag, you’re it!” Loki cheered as he tapped Matt.
The challenge in this game, for Loki at least, was not to overtake Matt’s strides too quickly. It was the perfect balance of fake chasing and finding just the right moment to execute the tagging. Still, he was having almost as much fun as the child was.
“Now you’re it!” Matt declared a few minutes later when Loki let the boy catch up to him.
If there was anything to admire about the kid, it was his tireless energy. Loki was glad to have found someone to keep pace with him as far as that went. His mind, too, was kept plenty stimulated by late-night talks with you. Ever since you’d showed him the creek a few days ago, you seemed to talk into the wee hours of the morning. He’d never noticed before just how deep and intelligent mortals could be. It was quite the accomplishment that you were changing so many of his opinions in such a short time. Then he realized he was thinking of you yet again and cut off the train of thought before it could persist.
“Loki. Matt,” Ana called, waving at them from the front porch.
After scooping the boy up in his arms, Loki jogged over to where she was standing. Matt was happily transferred to his mother’s arms as he was carried into the kitchen for snack time. The God of Mischief looked out over your land, trying to give in to the feeling of contentment he was so close to achieving. If only he didn’t constantly have that voice in his head telling him he was a monster, he didn’t belong here. Maybe then he could be happy. A part of him wished he’d lost his memory for real.
“Oh, there you are,” you said, walking out of the house. “I’m heading into town if you want to come with me and see if anything jogs your memory.”
“Yes. I would like that very much.”
As the two of you made your way to the car, you repeatedly tossed and caught your keys in a nervous pattern. Loki held the door open for you as you got in and quickly hurried around to the other side. He stared at a weird strap by his seat as he sat down. You saw his look of befuddlement and couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.
“Do you not remember how to use a seatbelt?” you asked kindly as he nodded his head yes. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you came from an alien planet.”
Then you reached across his seat to buckle him in. Unfortunately, it was a bit farther than you realized, and you fell into Loki, hand splayed on his chest, his hands immediately reaching out to steady you. For a minute, the only sound in the vehicle was your pounding hearts. You cleared your throat in embarrassment as you finished your task. The air between you held a distinct awkwardness, and Loki realized that this was the first time you’d been truly alone since the creek. It sent a thrill down his spine, even as he tried to ignore his racing thoughts. Determined to look anywhere but in your direction, his eyes landed on Mama, scowling in the window. She’d made it clear that she wasn’t keen on him spending so much time with you and Matt. If he was any smarter, any braver, he would listen to her and just leave already.
“So,” you began, clearing your throat again and driving off, “how are you feeling today?”
“I am quite well, thank you. I do believe I am fully healed.”
“Promise to still take it easy, ok?”
You lapsed into silence as you cruised along the road. Loki stared out the window, hoping to find some clarity in the scenery streaking by. You were a mortal, he should not have felt any sort of attachment to you. Then again, he hadn’t spent time with one since the Middle Ages. It had all been so dreadfully dull back then, but things had changed. You and your family were so exuberant, so captivating. But he was a god, and he should not concern himself with that. In fact, he should be on his way of this planet, which was maybe not so miserable, after all.
Before long, you reached town and pulled into a small parking lot of a building with a sign that said “24 Hour Convenience Store” and had many light-up neon signs, declaring they were open. You got out and Loki followed suit.
“Anything look familiar yet?” you asked. “I know you don’t live here, but maybe you passed through.”
Lying was his specialty, and it’s what he should have done now. He could hear himself in his head, his silver tongue weaving a tale about how things were coming back to him. Then he could pretend to contact someone and create an illusion, so you believed he had a happy reunion with his family. It would be prefect; he would leave and you wouldn’t worry about him. He truly wanted to believe it would perfect, anyway, but it wasn’t. Not if he never saw you again. There must be something special about you, he decided, and the Tesseract brought him here so he could figure it out. That was it. That had to be it.
“I am afraid not,” he replied. “Perhaps I came from the other way.”
“Yeah, maybe. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out,” you comforted him with a hug, mistaking the reason for his sadness.
His body went stiff in your embrace. He hadn’t been hugged in centuries. Granted, that was in part his fault because he was afraid receiving hugs from his mother would hurt his carefully crafted image. Now here you were, holding his body against your warm frame. Once his mind cleared a bit, he awkwardly hugged you, too, and gave your back a few uncertain pats. He should not have been encouraging this behavior, but he was. Maybe if he caused some mischief he’d feel more like his old self. Or maybe he didn’t want to be that person anymore. It was all too much. He was exhausted by the incessant back and forth of his thoughts. He untangled himself from you and gestured to the store.
“After you,” he said.
You pushed open the glass doors and were greeted by the cashier as you walked in. Loki followed you to the back where the refrigerator section was, and he chivalrously held the milk that you’d come to pick up. You also grabbed some coffee grounds and then proceeded to checkout. After setting down the items on the counter, Loki turned over a chocolate bar in his hands, feeling like a child as you took it out of his hands and put it down with the other items. You grabbed a few other bars too, flashing a smile at Loki and keeping up a conversation with the clerk all the while.
“And who’s your new friend?” the cashier, whose name tag said Mr. Berkeley, asked you.
“This is Loki. He’s staying with me until... Well for a while,” you finished, not sure how much Loki felt comfortable revealing.
“Where’re you from, sonny?”
“Unfortunately, I cannot remember. It seems I had some kind of horrid accident,” Loki explained before you could fret anymore. He was very tired of being called son by people when he was a thousand years their senior, though. “I was very lucky to have found my way onto their farm.”
“Well, that’s quite a story. You should talk to the newspaper, get the word out.”
You shot an “I told you so” look at Loki to which he responded with one that said, “We’ll talk about this later.” Before either of you could say anything, though, the news came on the TV which Loki hadn’t realized was on.
“Do you have cable back?” you inquired as Loki began to panic. “It’s still out on the farm.”
“Nah. I got a satellite on the roof. Just got it set up again this morning.
You nodded along as the anchors began the next story. “New York is still reeling from damage, but the group of superheroes, going by the name of the Avengers, is leading clean-up efforts. The perpetrator has still not been caught-”
Loki discreetly turned the TV off with his powers before you could hear any more. He’d have to make sure the satellite took significant damage before leaving.
“Dang it. I just fixed that damned thing,” the cashier said.
“What was that all about?” you asked, completely bewildered by the sudden influx of information. “What happened in New York?”
“I guess you missed it in the paper last week,” Mr. Berkeley explained. “Some crazy group of aliens attacked, led by some power hungry god. Supposedly it was Thor’s brother, but they haven’t disclosed that information yet. Reckon they want to wait until he’s caught, avoid a panic.”
“Oh my god. That’s terrible! Gosh, you miss one paper,” you laughed, trying to keep the mood light.
A dark cloud passed over Loki’s features, even as Mr. Berkeley laughed along. Despite those SHIELD agents covering this up, word had still gotten out in some capacity. He had to be careful, or else he was going to get caught, and then you’d be in danger. He cursed under his breath. Your safety should be the last thing he was worrying about, and yet it was the first thought to come into his mind. A little kindness thrown his way should not make him into the mess he was. Of course, there were so many other things to like about you, too, and he kept finding more. He didn’t want to, he didn’t want any of this, but the Norns were punishing him for something. What would have happened, he wondered, if he’d listened to Thor and just held on that fateful day? If he hadn’t let go of the staff and fallen to what should have been his ultimate demise?
“Sonny, are you alright?” Mr. Berkeley asked as you laid a hand on his arm.
“Fine, but I think we should be going. I’ll meet you outside.”
He jerked away from your touch before you could do anything else and stalked outside. At least the satellite was hanging half off the roof with a huge dent in its side. He opened his door and got into the car as you unlocked it and raced over to him.
“Loki! Loki!” you called as you hurried over. “What was that? Are you ok?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all. Can’t you see I’m fine?” he snapped, struggling with the seatbelt. “I’m fine,” he whispered again.
“Hey, look at me,” you soothed, filled with compassion and placing a hand on his cheek. “Whatever it is, just let me know. I’m here for you. Talk to me.”
Loki’s eyes fluttered shut as he enjoyed the warmth from your palm. He let go of the seatbelt and took a few deep breaths, just like his mother had taught him. A part of him wanted to hang onto this anger, knowing that it might finally drive him to leave. He knew from experience, though, that acting in moments of blind rage would never lead to anything good.
“Is it New York? Did you remember something?” you gasped. “You had felt it was important in some way.”
“Perhaps,” he said after one last steadying breath. “It may have triggered something. But really, I am just a little tired. Maybe I am not as healed as I thought.”
He turned his head away and rested it against the window as your hand dejectedly fell into your lap. It’s not that he wanted to pull away, but he knew it’s what was safest for you.
“Ok then. We’ll go home.”
Loki whispered his thanks and succeeded in buckling up. He closed his eyes as the car started and a wave of emotions crashed over him. When you said home, he immediately pictured the farm. He knew he shouldn’t, but he did.
Loki holed himself up in his room for the rest of the day, working through the new information he’d learned. He pretended to be asleep when Ana came to bring him some dinner. Notably, you had not been the one taking care of him, and he cursed himself for pushing you away. He didn’t even bother trying to convince himself it was for the best; he knew it wasn’t. After so many years on his own, he finally had a friend, and he drove you away. Why he expected anything less from himself, he didn’t know.
At some point, he fell into a restless sleep. The food from last night was still on the bedside table, but it was now joined with the Snickers bar you’d bought for him yesterday. Someone had also come and tucked him in. Maybe he hadn’t lost his friend, after all. He opened the chocolate and took a bite, delighting in the sweet and nutty flavor. He polished it off, then waved a hand over the rest of the food, causing it to disappear. He wasn’t much in the mood for eating it, but didn’t want you to worry. He nearly ran into John as he walked into the hallway with the empty tray.
“There you are!” John exclaimed. “We were getting worried. Do you need the doctor?”
“No, I am quite alright, thank you. I think I just needed some good sleep,” Loki lied.
“Only if you’re sure. Take it easy today, though, ok?”
“That’s an order,” you said, appearing behind your brother-in-law and taking the tray from Loki. “Are you hungry? You missed breakfast, but I can heat up some leftovers from you.”
“I am fine,” Loki began, but noticed you frown. “Though, I suppose I could do with a small breakfast.”
“Great!” you said a little too brightly. “I’ll meet you down there.”
“Loki, can I talk to you for a minute?” John asked, pulling him aside. “What exactly happened yesterday? We heard about New York, but it seemed like there was something else bothering them.”
Loki felt a pang in his chest at the man’s words. As if the news weren’t upsetting enough, he’d been rude to you. He could only imagine how you would feel if you knew he was the one who had caused the mayhem. He wanted to pin the blame on someone else, but the blood was on his hands and he knew he had to take some responsibility. Doing that would help him change, which he recognized was absolutely necessary after all that had happened.
“I fear I may have upset them,” Loki started, shedding his old ways by telling the truth. “I was not feeling quite right, and I turned them away. Now they clearly blame themself for it. I deeply regret it, but I am not sure there is anything I can do.”
“Just talk to them. Apologize.”
Loki did his best not to look shocked, but the last time he said sorry was when his parents caught him playing tricks on Thor, and even then it was done begrudgingly. He wasn’t even sure he could make it sound sincere.
“Listen, I’ve got an idea,” John said. “We’re heading to the city today if you want to tag along. They’re off to get some gifts for Ana while I’ve got a few potential distributors to meet with. I’m sure they would be thrilled to have your company. Unless you’re not feeling well, of course.”
“No, I’m feeling fine. That is a great idea. You have my thanks, John.”
“No problem. Now, you’d better head down for breakfast before we both get in trouble,” he laughed.
With a final nod of gratitude, Loki took off down the stairs. His light footsteps went undetected as he neared the table, once again giving him the opportunity to eavesdrop on Mama’s suspicions.
“I know something else must’ve happened yesterday. You weren’t upset over nothing.”
“It’s just the New York thing,” you replied. “I’m fine. Really.”
“You tell me what that boy did right now or so help me I’ll kick him out of this house myself!”
“Mama! He didn’t do anything wrong. I get that what happened with James hurts, believe me I do, but you can’t let it run your life. You have to be able to trust others, to trust me,” you pleaded.
“How dare you drag your brother into this,” Mama shot back, her voice cracking. “How ’bout you trust my gut when it tells me that boy is trouble. I swear-”
She was cut off by Loki doubling back and thudding down the stairs, making his presence known. He’d heard more than enough of that conversation and wouldn’t allow you to feel any more hurt than you already were.
“Good morning,” he coldly said to Mama as he walked in, nostrils flaring slightly before he regained some composure. “I am not interrupting anything, am I.”
“Only our entire lives. Why don’t you go to the police, huh? And what about the missing person ad? Why haven’t we gotten that out yet? I don’t know what game your playing, but when I figure it out, believe me you’ll be sorry.”
“Fine! You want to know what I am doing here? I do not know. I have no idea why I ended up here or why I have stayed as long as I have. So when you ‘figure it out,’ by all means, please let me know.”
“Fine!” Mama shouted as she stormed off.
Loki was comforted by the fact that in his little outburst, he hadn’t technically told any lies to you. Half-truths? Most certainly, but no outright lies. Now that he was left alone with you, though, he felt embarrassed he lost his temper. He cleared his throat before speaking.
“I am sorry,” he said, not looking at you.
“Loki, you don’t have to say sorry for defending yourself. I understand.”
“That’s not what I’m apologizing for,” he confessed, now looking into your eyes. “Yesterday I was not feeling quite right, but I should not have snapped at you nor pushed you away like that. For that, you have my sincerest apologies.
“It’s really ok, it happens to everyone. I just care that you’re feeling alright.”
You stayed where you were standing, still hesitant to move toward Loki out of fear of being rejected again. So, it fell upon Loki to close the distance between you. He took your hand in his and placed a kiss to your knuckles as a light blush coated his cheeks.
“Thank you, darling. I assure you, I am feeling more than alright now.”
Whatever was about to happen between you next was cut off by the beeping of the microwave. You finished putting together his breakfast before sitting with him at the island. Though your relationship had been repaired, the conversation was still a bit choppy and awkward as you found your footing in the friendship again. John walked in just as you were cleaning up, whistling a happy tune.
“Ready to go whenever you guys are,” he said as he leaned against the doorframe.
“You’re coming?” you asked Loki, feeling worried for his health. “Are you sure you’re up for that? I can even stay behind with you if u want.”
“Please, do not change your plans on my account. I am in a great condition to go.”
You still seemed reluctant, but agreed he could come as long as he let you know the second he started feeling unwell. He conceded, and you went to fetch your jacket with the promise you’d be back in a minute. John gave Loki a thumbs up, to which he replied with a very self-assured smile, bolstered with confidence by your latest exchange.
A few minutes later you were all piling into the car, with Loki insisting you took the passenger seat and that he’d ride in the back. He was very pleased to get the seatbelt buckled on the first try, and the two of you shared a laugh at the little inside joke. His cheeks burned slightly, remembering how you’d fallen against him. Over the next few hours, you passed time by talking, laughing, and singing along to the radio. Just as you were entering the city, a troubling thought occurred to Loki; the people here had heard the news. Even if it hadn’t been officially announced that he was responsible for New York, those rumors about him had to have included a description. Sudden inspiration struck as John parked the car.
“You don’t happen to have a hair tie in here, do you?” he inquired.
“Yeah,” you replied, reaching into the glove compartment. “Ana keeps some in here for emergencies.”
Loki thanked you as you passed it to him and quickly put his hair up in a low bun. When he turned his attention back to you, you were staring at him, and he gave you a charming, lopsided grin that had you ducking your head in embarrassment.
“Ok,” John said with a clap of his hands once you were all on the sidewalk. “We’ll meet here in, say, about 5 hours.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you agreed, before waving goodbye.
Now it was just you and Loki again as you took off towards some stores to look at some baby gifts for Ana. It would still be half a year before the baby arrived, but you were always indecisive when it came to purchasing gifts. On the way, Loki ducked into a small shop and bought a pair of sunglasses, furthering his disguise. Between that, the new clothes, and the different hairstyle, he felt pretty confident in his ability to blend in.
After two-and-a-half hours of shopping, you’d found a bunch of things to maybe get, but hadn’t decided on anything. You would go back and look some more, but you were bone tired after all the walking around. The fact that you were so exhausted made you concerned for Loki’s condition, too, not entirely trusting that he would tell you if he was feeling ill, despite his promise to.
“How are you holding up?” you cautiously asked, afraid of a repeat of yesterday if you pushed too hard.
“I am doing quite well. You, however, seem to need to stop for a spell. Come, let us rest for a minute.”
He led you over to the food court of the mall you were at and pulled out a chair for you to sit in. He glanced around at the options and, though there was nothing there that appealed to him, there was certainly something that you liked. Besides, he didn’t need to eat, but your frail mortal body would need some sustenance sooner rather than later.
“Can I get something for you to eat?” he offered.
“How about we go see a movie instead?” you proposed, eyeing up the nearby theater.
“Only if you eat something.”
“Wow. Look at how the tables have turned,” you laughed. “Fine, but you have to also.”
After a minute’s debate, you and Loki agreed on a comedy starring your favorite actor. It wouldn’t have been Loki’d first pick, but after all the stress and angst of the last 24 hours, he figured he could use a laugh. You also convinced him to try some popcorn and Pepsi. He wasn’t much a fan of the soda, but the snack was tasty enough. Though, you did end up stealing half of his after finishing your own, which was fine with him. The best part of the whole experience, though, was getting to hear your laugh over and over again. Loki thought it might be the most beautiful sound he ever heard. Well, perhaps the best part was actually when your arms brushed each other as you both went to put them on the armrest at the same time. Loki filed away all these little mental notes to dwell on at a later date. Or, if he were lucky enough to rein in his hurricane of thoughts, never again.
“Well, that killed a lot of time,” you said after the movie ended and you were stretching out, aching from having sat for so long. “We’ve still got some left though. What do you want to do?”
“I believe there was a library over by where we parked. Let us go there,” he said, quickly thinking up a plan.
By the time you walked over, there was only about twenty minutes left for him to complete what he needed to do. He hurried over to where the computers were, and though he wasn’t particularly adept with modern Midgardian technology, the directions taped to the wall were clear enough that he was able to look up a book. He sent you off to get it, claiming that the title had just popped into his head and that he was certain he used to love it, and that he wanted to check on the status of a few others. You obliged, hoping that seeing the book would bring back some more of his supposedly lost memories.
Once you were gone Loki quickly searched for information on what he learned was being referred to as the Battle of New York. Thankfully, there was as little information about him circulating as Mr. Berkeley had said. Mostly, it was just speculation and stories from people claiming they’d been there. A great number of posts and photos had been deleted, too, and Loki assumed that they were ones with more valid claims and information. Knowing how SHIELD is, Loki was sure it was all removed almost immediately, so he felt relatively safe but decided he couldn’t be too careful.
“I found it!” you said, setting the book down as Loki closed out the tab he was on.
“Wonderful! Thank you,” he replied, flipping through it. “Most unfortunately, the other books were checked out.”
You leaned over shoulder to look at the book in his hands. “That’s too bad. What about this one, though? Triggering any memories?”
“Well, I think I enjoyed reading. Other than that, I am afraid not.”
“That’s ok. We’ll keep trying.”
Your hand slowly drifted over to rest on his, and he gave you a brilliant smile. It made him wish he’d found a friend in the universe far sooner than he had. Then maybe he wouldn’t have ended up in the hands of Thanos, committing atrocities against his family and strangers alike. Then again, if none of that happened, he never would have met you. He was torn over which he preferred.
“There you guys are,” John said, walking up to where you were. “Ready to head back whenever you are.”
After putting the book back on the shelf, you were ready to leave. Loki hung back with John as you exited.
“Your plan has worked miracles, my good man. You have my sincerest gratitude,” he said.
“No problem, dude,” John said, patting Loki on the back. “Glad to bring a happy couple back together again.”
Loki’s steps faltered. Between his companion’s smirk and teasing tone, Loki knew it was meant as a joke. Mainly, anyway. John really was very off the mark, though. He and you were merely friends, nothing more. And surely that was just barely so, seeing as you were a human. There was no way you meant anything else to Loki. Right?
It wasn’t until you were back on the road, and Loki couldn’t stop looking at the back of your head, that he even began to realize just how much trouble he was in.
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