#also third-person heck yeah!!!
snazzy-serpent · 1 year
Just bought my first Terry Pratchett book!
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Drew this while at work. Ssh.
Anyway, go Cecil! May the best omniscient being win!
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Some moooore little incorrect quotes from Descendants! This is gonna be a long one, sorry not sorry.
(with ships)
Audrey: *kisses Uma*
Uma: !
Audrey: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
Uma: Did- did I what?
Audrey: My chapstick, Uma. Did you steal it?
Ben: Audrey, for the love of God, not this again.
Uma: I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Audrey: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
Uma: Chocolate and popcorn?
Ben: Why do you think it got discontinued?
Ben: Do you think I'm plastic?
Audrey: No.
Ben: Phew. Oka-
Audrey: Plastic, at least, has some use in life. You're not plastic.
(Damn. What did he do to yo-..oh.. right.. yeah. I've also decided to make him Orange because it's close to yellow)
Ben: War is heck!
Chad, to Ben: If my dad doesn't say "I'm King of the world" within an hour on that boat, I will give you my next pay check.
Charming, within 5 minutes of getting on the boat: I'M KING OF THE WORLD!!!
(Absolutely. Canon)
Audrey: God, if only someone loved me…
Uma: *standing behind them with roses*
Ben: *holding box of chocolates*
Chad: *has balloons and a card*
Mal: *facepalms* This is sad.
(Me: *holding a big Teddy Bear* lol I had a crush on her only in the Third movie. Loved her Queen of Mean Era)
Chloe: So, what is Red to you?
Maddox: The reason I wake up every morning.
Chloe: ...That’s adorable.
Red earlier that morning, barging into Maddox's room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
(They've got this sibling bond)
Chloe: Are pigeons drones?
Chad: What? No, I'm trying to sleep.
Chloe: Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!
Chad: *Crying* Please let me sleep...
(Sibling sleepover. Also Chloe, your Mary Anne is showing)
Red: I intend to stay pissed at you forever.
Red: Even if I seem helpful.
Maddox: Then you're in luck.
Maddox: Because you don't.
Uma: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.
Carlos: Actually, Jane is my favourite.
Uma: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
(Yup and I love you. Carlos and Jane✨🫠)
Evie: I love making parties more interesting by telling strangers “I want you to know that I personally have no problem with you being here.”
(Sweet and dangerous. Perfect.)
Uma: Evie said its my turn with the brain cell.
Mal: Square up.
(lol. Canon.)
Uma: What starts with F and ends with Uck?
Chad: No it doesn't.
Jane: Firetruck!
Mal: FUCK!
(Mal speaks my mind. Jane is smart and Chad got the spirit. He's not wrong tho.)
Jay: Good morning. As you begin your day, remember that violence is always an option and often the answer.
Carlos: ...Please, go back to bed.
(Jay loves to annoy everyone. Mostly Mal.)
Carlos: I can do anything I put my mind to. I once figured out Jane's phone number just by choosing random numbers.
(..why didn't you just ask? But also impressive)
Chad: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?
Chloe: IT.
Dizzy: Annabelle.
Maddox: Paranormal Activity.
Red: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
(Honestly just did this because Kylie was in the HSMTMTS. Honestly. They do that in Auradon too. So watch out)
Red: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?!
Chloe: ...
Red: Oh, right. The lying.
(Has she ever lied to Chloe? I don't think so. But I find the quote funny)
Evie: A mouse!
Mal, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Jay, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Carlos, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Gil, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Harry: His name is Remi, dummy.
Evie: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(um.. yeah.. you know what-)
Chloe: A mouse!
Dizzy, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Celia, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Maddox, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Chad, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Red: His name is Remi, dummy.
Chloe: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
(just some family time)
Chad: Sometimes I like to call people by the wrong name to show them I don’t care about them.
Red: That’s brilliant.
Chad: Thank you, Maddox.
Jay: Everyone has a toxic trait. Except Carlos, they’re perfect.
Carlos: Wrong! My toxic trait is how badly I want to domesticate a raccoon.
(Facts. He is perfect)
Red: Hold the fuck up.
Chloe: Excuse me?
Red: I said hold the fuck up.
Red: I’m the fuck up, hold me.
(Aww...canon.. I mean she's not a fuck up. Maybe in her mother's eyes. But aww)
Jay: You know, there’s something weird going on with your face?
Mal: What?
Jay: You’re smiling! I didn’t know you could do that?
(Because she and Evie finally got together. UwU)
Evie: How do you tell someone their breath stinks?
Jay: Hey, I'm bored, let's drink mouthwash.
(He definitely did that with his teammates)
Jay: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Evie: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD'd in their own pool. Big difference.
(Oof. Do I want to know?)
(Little surprise from the past)
Charming: Care to give a free sample to a pretty person?
Ella, manning a bake sale and tired of their shit: Sure! You know one?
Charming: Care to give a free sample to an ugly person?
(he's trying)
Brigdet: I have a question.
Ella: Shoot.
Bridget: Is the S or C in scent silent?
Hook: Fuck you, I’m going to be thinking about this all day.
Ella: Okay well, cent is pronounced the same way as scent so I’m gonna say the S is silent.
Bridget: Okay, but sent is also spelled the same way.
Hook: Google says that the C was added in the late seventeenth century, so I guess the S is silent.
Morgie: Plot twist, both the S and the C are silent and the E actually makes the sss sound.
Hook: Morgie is not allowed to talk anymore.
(Just them having a double date)
Bridget: Made you all playlists!
Bridget: Hades and Maleficent, yours have only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul.
Bridget: Ella and Uliana, yours have sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Bridget: Charming, Morgie and Hook have the ABBA Gold album.
(she knows them well)
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Ella: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Bridget: ...I did. I broke it.
Ella: No. No you didn't. Uliana?
Uliana: Don't look at me. Look at Morgie.
Morgie: What?! I didn't break it.
Uliana: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Morgie: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Uliana: Suspicious.
Morgie: No, it's not!
Hook: If it matters, probably not, but Maleficent was the last one to use it.
Maleficent: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Hook: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Maleficent: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, James!
Bridget: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Ella.
Ella: No! Who broke it!?
Hook: Ella... Hades has been awfully quiet.
Hades: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Ella, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Ella: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Ella: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
(Damn Ella)
Bridget: It’s just that lollipop sticks last longer than the head, even if they’re less flavorful. I’m thinking of paper sticks, because you can peel off the layers with your teeth or leave it there until they fall off naturally, but plastic sticks can be chewed on too or left sticking out like a cigarette. Paper straws can be eaten layer by layer over time though, so they have the edge.
Morgie, bored: Can’t we just leave while they’re distracted?
Ella, genuinely interested: But what about wooden sticks?
Morgie: I hate you.
(No. It doesn't taste good and it's flaky? I don't like the paper ones. I like the plastic ones. Love to chew on them, tastes neutral ig idk. Wooden sticks tho. Taste great. And you can chew on them. But they break easily and you could get a splinter I think? But still Wooden wins for me. Plastic second and then paper)
Hope you liked it!
This was a bit longer.
Sorry not sorry.
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dianawinchester03 · 24 days
Season 2, Episode 15 - Tall Tales
Series Masterlist
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Author's Note: Quick discretion, everything in this chapter is in third person, including the flashback sequences. It was a bit difficult to explain since it’s a lot of backstory but I tried LOL. Bear with me.
Also, if you have a different type of hair texture, imagine a certain part in this chapter however you’d like. You’ll understand when you read it.
Another thing, I know I refer to y/n as her own person. It just makes it easier for me but YOU are still one of the main characters. I just do it because I know people tend to imagine an OC, it’s easier for me and I SUCK at writing from a second person point of view. So don’t take any offense if I refer to y/n as ‘her’ or ‘she’, that’s just me.
Okay, enough of my rambling lol. Hope you enjoy the new chapter!
Third Person POV
Springfield, Ohio
Sam and Y/N sat at the table in the skeevy motel room, ‘Walk Away’ by James Gang blaring through the radio as Dean lounged on Sam’s bed, very messily and noisily eating chili cheese fries. Y/N’s head was pounding from the already sleepless nights she had, glaring at Dean through her large dark sunglasses who seemed to not have a care in the world.
She rubbed her temples through the hoodie that was covering her head before turning back to her papers as Sam’s eyes flickered over to his brother, “Dude, you mind not eating those on my bed?” Sam said annoyed, “No, I don’t mind” Dean said nonchalantly before stuffing his mouth again. Y/N rolled her eyes again as Sam sighed deeply, shaking his head at his idiot brother.
She leaned forward, rubbing her temples, the music on the radio irritating her. “How’s research going?” Dean asked sarcastically, smacking his lips. “You know how it’s going?” Y/N gritted her teeth, slamming the book infront of her shut. “Slow!” She snapped, “You know how it would go a heck of a lot faster?” Sam piped up. “If we had our computers!” He sassed.
“Mm” Dean flashed them a sarcastic smile and nod, making y/n grumble and bury her head into her hands. Sam and Y/N let out frustrated groans, the loud music pounding on their already tired brains. Y/N's head was throbbing. She finally had enough of the music on the radio, “Can you turn that down, please?!” She snapped at Dean. “Yeah, absolutely” Dean muttered, reaching over to the radio, turning it up higher.
Sam and y/n both sat back in frustration as the music blared louder. Dean had a smug smirk on as he continued stuffing his face with the chili cheese fries, which only seemed to anger the pair further while the two side eyed him.
“I’m gonna kill him…I’m gonna kill him” Y/N muttered lowly to herself, shaking her head as she looked up to the sky. “You know what?!” Sam shouted over the music as Dean licked his chili cheese coated fingers, “Maybe you should just go somewhere for a while, huh?!” He yelled.
Dean then turned off the radio, “Hey, I’d love to. That’s a great idea. But unfortunately, my cars all screwed to hell” Dean retorted angrily, shooting an accusatory glare at y/n. “Dean, I told you, I had nothing to do with that!” Y/N defended, still mad at the fact that he thought she would hurt Baby. “It might not seem like it, but I value my life, I’d never lay a finger on Baby”
“Bullshit!” Dean snapped, standing up from his seat, “You were the last one to use my goddamn car, who else would’ve done it?!” Sam was stuck in the middle of the two as Dean got in y/n’s face to glare down at her. He fished out his phone from his pocket, quickly typing on his keypad.
‘They’re going at it again. I’m gonna explode…D:<.’ he texted Jo.
After a moment, Jo responded while on her own hunt with her mom after reconciling.
‘Don’t explode, you’re the mediator of those two. Sorry I can’t be there but keep the peace as always.’ She replied.
“I didn’t do it!” Y/N yelled back, their faces inches away from each other. “Maybe you just can’t accept it was just an accident! Maybe you can’t accept the fact that I care about Baby just as much as you do!” She snapped back at him. Sam watched as his brother and Y/N continued to go at it, both sides shouting profanities at each other.
“Why don’t you believe me!?”
“Because you’re the only one who used my car and then suddenly, all her tires were aired out!”
“And I told you I didn’t do a damn thing to her! Maybe if you weren’t such a dumbass, you would’ve noticed I didn’t do anything!” Y/N retorted, her voice beginning to grow hoarse.
‘Does it look like I wanna get my head chewed off?’ Sam texted back.
‘Don’t be a baby. Be a mediator! xx’ Jo encouraged him.
Sam rolled his eyes at the response, standing up and putting an end to the two. He quickly walked over to the pair. “Both of you, stop it!” He said, separating the two with a shove to both of their shoulders. “We are in a crowded motel room. Please stop shouting at each other before the neighbors notice.” He huffed.
Dean and Y/N’s eyes flickered over to Sam as he got in the way of their glaring contest, they both huffed at the same time. “I’m not done with his ass yet!” Y/N snapped, folding her arms across her chest. “Neither am I.” Dean retorted, mirroring her actions, both with their eyes still narrowed at each other.
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose, “Why are you two always arguing like cats and dogs?” He asked in an exasperated tone. “These days. You act like you hate each other one second then the next, you don’t. You barely talk, and when you do, you’re always at each other’s throats! What the fuck is the matter with you two?!”
Dean and Y/N turned their attention to Sam, their eyes still narrowed but this time directed at him. He huffed again, running a hand through his hair.
The sound of knocking at the door caused all their heads to snap in the direction, exchanging angry looks, a little on edge before y/n grumbled to herself and paced towards it. She looked through the peephole to see Bobby and much to her surprise, Jo, shooting the boys another glare before twisting the door knob, pulling it open. “Hey guys” She smiled at the old man and young woman.
He gave y/n a weird look at her attire, the hoodie over her head and large sunglasses seemed out of place but he brushed it off. “Hey, kids” Bobby greeted them with a smile, reaching over to hug y/n. She returned the hug before moving aside to let him in before hugging Jo, who returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around Y/N’s frame before letting go. “Hey, Bobby” Dean said excitedly as Y/N shut the door.
Sam’s eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Jo, his heart unconsciously skipping a beat. Sam was caught off guard, his heartbeat quickening as he caught sight of Jo. He couldn’t hold back a small smile as he took in her appearance. “You just- I thought you were-“ Sam stuttered, holding up his phone.
Bobby, Dean and Y/N chuckled at the sight of a flabbergasted Sam. Jo smirked, “Did you miss me that much?” she teased, raising an eyebrow at him. “Finished up my hunt early, figured I’d repay the surprise visit” She added with a shrug and a small smile. Sam’s cheeks tinted pink as he chuckled awkwardly, running a hand through his hair. “It’s uh, good to see you” he admitted, looking down at his feet shyly.
Dean, who was watching the exchange with a smirk, couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Dean and Y/N shared a knowing look, their previous argument forgotten and they smirked at Sam and Jo.
“It’s good to see you again so soon” Bobby broke the silence as Sam recuperated, patting him on the shoulder. “Yeah, uh, thanks for coming” Sam chuckled, “Come on in. Thank god you’re here” Dean added as Sam, Jo and Y/N walked back over to the beds while Dean reached over, putting his hand out to give Bobby a firm handshake, which he returned.
“So, um, what didn’t you wanna talk to me about?” He asked them, concerned. “It’s this job we’re working..we were sure you’d believe us” Sam said sheepishly, earning a chuckle from Bobby. “Well, I can believe a lot” He responded ironically. “No, yeah, yeah. We know, it’s just we- we’ve never seen anything like it-” Y/N chuckled. “Not even close,” Dean added. “And we thought we could use some fresh eyes,” Sam chimed in.
Bobby shrugged, “Well, why don’t you begin at the beginning?” Jo said. They all shared a look at this before Y/N nodded, “Yeah, um, alright, please” She gestured for him to take a seat. Bobby and Y/N sat on Dean's bed while Dean sat on Sam’s bed. Sam pulled a chair for Jo, offering her to sit before settling in the chair next to her.
“So…it all started when we caught wind of an obit, see, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window.” Sam began, “Only, there’s a campus legend that the building’s haunted. So, we all pretexted as reporters from the local paper” Y/N added.
Sam and Y/N’s Version
Sam sat in front of the two college students at a table in a crowded local bar, resting the recorder down on the table. “Yeah, we both have the professor for ethics and morality” Curtis, a jock, told Sam, ripping his beer. “Yeah? So why do you think he did it?” Sam asked casually, “Who knows? He was tenured, wife and kids, his book is like a really big deal” Jen, next to Curtis, gushed, “..But then again, who’s the say it was suicide” She whispered to the younger Winchester.
His brows perked up at this, “Jen, come on” Curtis groaned, “Well, what else could it have been?” Sam chuckled, “Well, you know about Crawford Hall?” Jen began, “No, I don’t actually” Sam pushed himself up in his seat, intrigued, “It’s a bunch of crap. It’s a total urban legend.” Curtis rolled his eyes, “Yeah, well Heather’s mom went to school here and she knew the girl” Jen defended, “Wait, what girl?” Sam chimed in curiously.
“Like, 30 years ago, the girl was having an affair with some professor” Jen began as Sam listened intently while the jock snorted in amusement, “He broke it off. Then she jumped out the window and killed herself.” She finished. “You know her name?” Sam asked urgently, “No. But they say she jumped from Room 669” She whispered, “Get it? You turn the 9 upside down…”
Curtis chuckled while Sam nodded, offering her a small smile. She shot Curtis a side eye before turning back to Sam. “So now she haunts the building, and anyone who sees, they don’t live to tell the tale” Jen finished her story, “Well, if no one lives to tell the tale, then how does the tale get told?” Curtis quipped, “Curtis! Shut up!” Jen snapped at him, “You know what? Uh, thanks a lot, guys. Excuse me” Sam said kindly before taking up his tape recorder, making his way over to y/n.
Y/N sat at the bar sipping on a beer as she leaned onto the counter, flirting with a bartender. Her eyes flickered over to Dean every now and then, clenching her jaw as he flirted with a cute blonde. She cleared her throat before turning back to the bartender.
“Come on, give me another one” she requested with a coy smile as the bartender chuckled, “You sure you can handle it?” He teased, pouring her another shot, “Oh, I can handle it” she smirked, downing the shot as Sam approached her. “Hey” He greeted, taking the seat next to her at the bar and ordering a beer, “Find anything out?” Y/N asked, her eyes glancing briefly back to Dean and the blonde, who now had their heads closer than before, Dean laughing at something she said.
“Yeah, uh, where’s Dean?” Sam informed her, looking around the bar for his brother. Y/N chuckled bitterly, pointing her eyes towards Dean where he was sitting with the blonde, “Right there” she mumbled. Sam followed her eyes, groaning as he realized what was going on, turning his eyes back to y/n with a sympathetic look as he sipped his beer, “Damn it. Come on, let’s go” Sam grabbed her hand, padding towards Dean who was downing a weird looking liquid in a shot glass.
Dean grunted as he took another of the purple shots, slamming the glass down on the counter, banging his head to the music. “Dean, what are you- what are you drinking?” Y/N grimaced as Dean burped loudly in her face, leaning against the counter. “I don’t know, man. I think they’re called purple nurple” Dean slurred drunkenly, a wide smile on his face.
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother, “Okay, listen. I think maybe we should go check out the professor's office.” Sam suggested but Dean shook his head rapidly, “Oh no no no no no. I can’t right now.” He muttered, his eyes glancing to y/n who raised her brows at him, “Because I’ve got some…uh, I’ve got a feisty wildcat on the hook, I’m bout to-” He made the fishing line noise with his mouth.
“-reel her in. I’ll introduce you” He smirked as their eyes flickered over to the skeevy dressed, cute blonde woman. Y/N rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, “Yeah, we’ll pass” she muttered but Dean didn’t care, still smiling at them, “Come on, it’ll be fun” he insisted but Y/N and Sam looked at him unamused.
“Starla. Starla, hey” Dean turned, tapping the woman on her shoulder. “Mm?” She smiled drunkenly, knocking back a shot as she turned to them. “This is my co-pilots, Major Tom and our friend Charlotte” He pointed to Sam and Y/N, using names from the hit movie, Top Gun. “Tom and Charlotte, Starla” Dean pumped his brows as Starla giggled, wrapping her arm around Dean.
“Mmm, Enchanté” She smiled drunkenly, extending her hand out for Y/N to shake. “Hi” Y/N shook the girl’s hand awkwardly, giving a forced closed lips smile, forcing herself to hold back from grimacing at the woman, now practically wrapped around Dean, who was grinning widely, nodding his head before Starla started gagging.
Dean and Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, looking dumbfounded as Sam stepped back in case she vomited over all of them. "Are you okay, hun?” Y/N asked, a worried look in her eyes as Starla’s face went all sweaty but she nodded shakily. Swallowing before smiling at y/n again.
“Sorry. Just trying to keep my liquor down” She giggled, smiling at the hunter. “Yeah. Good job” Dean chuckled, wrapping his arm around Starla’s waist before turning back to Sam and y/n. Sam looked at him in disbelief, shaking his head, “Yeah. Good job” Y/N mimicked Dean’s words mockingly, pursing her lips into a frown. Dean didn’t seem to hear her as he turned back to them.
“Hey. Good news, she’s got a sister” He pumped his eyebrows suggestively at Sam while y/n rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. Starla did the same at Dean, pumping her brows suggestively at Y/N, wrapping her arm around Dean again. “I’ve got a two sisters if you’re into th-”
•Present Time
“Woah woah woah woah. Hold on a minute” Dean interrupted their storytelling, offended, “What?” Sam said as he and Y/N shot him an innocent look, “Come on, guys. That’s not how it happened” Dean defended, “No?” Y/N snorted, pushing her sunglasses further up her face as Bobby eyed the three suspiciously, both him and Jo sharing a skeptical look.
“So, you’ve never drank a purple nurple?” Sam scoffed, “Yeah, maybe that. But I don’t say things like ‘feisty little wildcat’. I’m a feminist, and her name wasn’t Starla” Dean further defended himself as Y/N rolled her eyes. “Then what was her name?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him below her glasses, folding her arms over her chest. Dean thought for a second, stumped. “I don’t know. But she was a classy chick”
Sam snorted in amusement as he and Y/N shared a knowing look, “Some feminist” Y/N mumbled as they shook their heads. Dean shot her an offended side eye but decided to brush her snarky comment off, “She was a grad student. Anthropology and Folklore. We were talking about local ghost stories” Dean began to tell his story.
Dean’s Version
Dean was standing in front of the classily dressed blonde woman, sporting a pair of heels and an almost floor length black dress that clung to her curves, toasting with two shots. “Here’s to…” The woman began, a coy smile on her face. “Here’s to us” Dean smirked, toasting with her before downing the shots, their eyes never leaving each other.
“My God, you are attractive” The woman breathed out lustfully, her eyes roaming over Dean. “Thanks” Dean smirked his eyes glancing over to y/n who was aggressively giggling with a bartender, she threw a shot of whiskey down her throat before slamming onto the counter. Then she took out a pen from her jacket pocket as she flashed the bartender a sultry smile.
Writing something down on a cocktail napkin before reaching over and stuffing it into his pocket. His jaw clenched as his eyes went back to the woman in front of him, “But no time for that now” He cleared his throat, his tone serious and a bit exaggerated.
The woman licked her lips, her lustful gaze intensified as Dean spoke, “You need to tell me about this urban legend. Please, lives are at stake” Dean’s eyes darkened, “I’m sorry, I just- I can’t even concentrate. It’s like staring….” She responded, her voice filled with desire before reaching forward, running her fingers through the hair at the nape of Dean’s neck.
Her mouth found his in a slow lust filled kiss as Sam and Y/N approached the two. Sam with a very judgmental look on her face and Y/N seemed as if she couldn’t care less, looking bored as she rolled her eyes as propping herself on the counter beside them. “Dean, what do you think you’re doing?” Sam’s pensive voice broke the two apart.
“Sam, Y/N. Please.” Dean said calmly, wiping his lips. In reality, y/n wanted to reach over and slam that chicks face into the counter but all Dean saw was an annoyed impatient version of her that wanted to get back to that bartender she was flirting with. “If you wouldn’t mind, just give me five minutes here”
“Dean, this is a very important investigation.” Y/N snapped, glaring at him. “Yeah, we don’t have time for your any of your blah-blah-blah-blah” Sam added exasperatedly, “Blah-blah blah-blah” Y/N scoffed as Dean smirked before going back to the woman in front of him, leaning forward to kiss her again, their lips connecting, making y/n’s nostrils flare, that burning feeling in her chest rising again.
She felt sick to her stomach as Sam continued, “Blah, blah blah blah blah!!” Sam rambled on as the two lips moved against each others. Him and Y/N shared an annoyed look before screaming, “BLAHH!!!”
•Present Time
“Right, and that’s how it really happened?!” Sam interrupted Dean’s over exaggeration of a story as Y/N shot daggers at him. Dean just shrugged, a smug look on his face. “We don’t sound like that! I don’t look like that! And I didn’t give that bartender my number!” Y/N shouted defensively, “Bullshit and that’s what you two sound like to me” Dean shot back smugly, “Okay, what’s going on with you three?” Jo cut into their argument, her tone suspicious as Bobby eyed them.
“Nothing. It’s nothing” Sam rolled his eyes, his tone tired. “Come on. Now, you’re bickering like an old married couple” Bobby stated, pointing between Dean and Y/N. “And you’re like their oversized angsty teenage kid” He added, pointing to Sam. “No. See, married couples can get divorced” Dean glared at Y/N, “Me and her, were like uh. Siamese twins, and he’s a jackass” Dean scoffed as he pushed himself up from the bed.
“It’s conjoined twins!” “I’m not a jackass!” Y/N and Sam shouted simultaneously at Dean as he walked to the fridge, “See what I mean?” Dean quipped while looking at Bobby and Jo. Y/N rubbed her temples, tired of it all as Jo took in her attire. “What’s with the getup? You becoming a nun?” Jo asked curiously, nudging towards the hoodie and sunglasses.
“Her? A nun? Please.” Dean snorted amused as her sipped his beer he got from the fridge, throwing his head back as he laughed. “Go to hell!” Y/N growled, snatching a pillow from the bed before tossing it at him. This just made Dean cackle more, “We’ll get to that part” Y/N sighed, shaking her head. “Look, it…” Sam began, taking a deep breath before glaring at his brother from across the room.
“We’ve all just been on the road for too long. Tight quarters, all that. Don’t worry about it” Sam sighed as Jo gave him a sympathetic look. “Okay” Jo said softly, resting her hand on his lap comfortingly. Sam blushed softly and looked away. Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
‘Idiots’ she thought to herself.
Clearing her throat, “So, anyways. We figured it might be a haunting, so we went to check out the scene of the crime” Y/N began again.
Sam and Y/N’s version
The trio were at the Crawford Hall, “So, how long you been working here?” Sam asked the janitor who they convinced to let them in, disguised as electricians. Y/N’s eyes narrowed at the man’s throat, she could’ve sworn she saw a little white glow right at the base of his throat but it quickly disappeared. She blinked rapidly, shaking her head. Dismissing it as lack of sleep.
“I’ve been mopping this floor for six years” The janitor responded as he turned the key to the deceased office, pushing the door open. The room was dark, so he reached in and flipped the switch. “There you go, guys.” He sighed, walking in as Sam took out his EMF meter.
“What the heck that’s for?” He asked curiously. “Just finding wires in the walls” Y/N chuckled nervously, attempting to snatch the EMF meter away from Sam but he quickly pulled his hand away. “But my partner seems to forget that I can find them without that” She glared at Sam. He returned the glare before huffing. “Ah, well. I’m not sure why you’re wiring up the this office. Not gonna do the professor much good” The janitor shrugged as he leaned against the wall.
Y/N moved around the room, pressing her hand to the wall. Looking for any source of energy or spirit while Sam used the EMF meter just in case. “Why’s that?” Dean asked curiously, “He’s dead” The janitor said simply. “Oh, what happened?” Y/N asked, surprised, walking back over to them as Dean paced towards the desk. “He went out that window, right there” The janitor stated, leaning off the wall, pointing to the window.
“Yeah?” Sam asked, feigning surprise. “Were you working that night?” He questioned, “I’m the one who found him” The janitor stated again as Dean picked up one of the chocolates from the bowl on the professor's table, stuffing it into his mouth. Y/N raised her brow at him but shook her head, turning back to the two men. “You see it happen?” She asked, clearing her throat.
“Nope. I just saw him come up here and, uh…Well..” The janitor trailed off, a sly smile on his face. Sam and Y/N noticed this, sharing a look. “What?” Sam asked, a bit amused, “He wasn’t alone” The janitor explained, causing the two younger hunters to share a look again, putting in faux-amused and intrigued faces.
“Who was he with?” Dean mumbled, approaching them again. His mouth now stuffed with chocolates, the bowl in his hand, cheeks puffed like a bunny. Their eyes widened as Sam’s face paled at Dean’s unprofessionalism. Y/N internally facepalmed before roughly snatching the bowl away from Dean.
•Present Time
“Come on! I ate one, maybe two” Dean interrupted their story defensively, “Just let us tell it, okay?” Sam clapped back.
Sam and Y/N’s version
Dean grumbled at Y/N for snatching away the bowl from him as he chewed, his mouth still filled with the chocolates. “He was with a young lady” The janitor eyed him weirdly. Dean pumped his brows intrigued, “I told the cops about her, but, uh, I guess they never found her” The janitor shrugged.
“You saw this girl go in, huh?” Y/N asked, slapping away Dean’s hand that was reaching into the bowl. He winced, rubbing his sore hand but still stuffed the chocolate he retrieved into his already full mouth. Y/N glared at him, earning a smug smile. Sam glared at his brother before turning back to the janitor.
“Did you ever see her come out?” Sam asked, clearing his throat. “Now that you mention it, no” The janitor thought a bit before responding, “You ever see her before around?” Y/N asked as Dean reached into the bowl again, she slapped his hand away again but this time a bit more roughly. He winced once more, grumbling under his breath about her being ‘violent’ before stuffing his mouth again with the chocolate.
“Well, not her” The janitor said smugly, pumping his brows, giving them a knowing look. “What do you mean?” Dean asked through a stuffed mouth, Sam and Y/N glared at him again. “I don’t mean to cast aspersions on a dead guy…but, uh, Mr. Morality here?” The janitor snorted as Sam and Y/N listened intently.
Amused looks on their faces along with Dean who was still chewing, “He brought a lot of girls up here. Got more ass than a toilet seat” The janitor mused, causing Dean to let out a scandalous laugh. Attempting to take another chocolate from the bowl in Y/N’s hand.
“Hey!” Y/N snapped, smacking his hand again, making him sulk as Sam tried to keep a straight face. Dean huffed, crossing his arms as Y/N and the janitor continued their conversation, laughing at Dean like he was a child being disciplined.
“One more thing. Uh, this building, it only had four stories, right?” Sam asked, “Yeah” The janitor nodded, “So there wouldn’t be a Room 669?” Y/N asked, using her hand to barrier herself from Dean and the bowl of chocolates in her other hand, holding it out of his reach.
“Of course not. Why do you ask?” The janitor chuckled, “Ah, just curious” Sam brushed it off. “Thanks hun” Y/N said sweetly, resting the bowl of chocolates back down on the table as Dean eyed the room, obnoxiously chewing.
The next day, Dean entered the motel room, “Well, no traces of EMF, no feelings, that’s for sure” Sam said as Dean shut the door, Sam was currently hunched over the desk, rubbing his eyes. “And that Room 669 is a load of crap” Dean added, dropping their bag of food on the table. Sam let out a deep breath as Dean took out his phone to call y/n and tell her that he brought back breakfast.
“So, what do you think, the professor’s just a jumper?” Sam asked as Dean took three beers out from the fridge, his phone pressed to his ear. “I mean, the girl the janitor described, that’s pretty weird.” Dean grunted, opening his beer. Suddenly, his phone beeped as the voicemail picked up. “That’s weird,” Dean muttered.
“Yeah” Sam sighed, resting his elbow on the table. “We ought to check out the history of the building” Dean suggested, leaning against the counter, sipping his beer as Sam popped open his beer. “See if any coed ganked herself there” Dean added before resting his beer down on the counter, pacing towards the bathroom. “Yeah, right” Sam mumbled, opening his laptop placed on the desk.
His brows furrowed as he opened the screen to see it frozen on a very….provocative site. He then took up y/n’s computer, which was next to his. To see it frozen on the same site. “Dude, were you on me and y/n’s computers?” Sam bellowed, causing Dean to poke his head out from the bathroom door. “No” He denied, shaking his head. “Oh, really?” Sam scoffed.
“Because it’s frozen now on, uh, busty(your ethnicity)beauties.com?” Dean’s brows knitted together as he grimaced slightly, attempting to feign confusion but he was caught. He didn’t answer and suddenly, a womanly shriek came from y/n’s motel room, next to theirs. The brothers shared a confused look as they heard her door slam shut and feet padding down the hall, sounding rather angry.
“Speak of the devil,” Dean muttered before the room was filled with furious banging on their motel room door. Sam and Dean share a look before Sam groaned, shutting the laptops, moving to open the door. He swung it open to see a veryyy pissed y/n, steam was practically barreling out of her ears. But that wasn’t the only unusual thing, her hair was now a bright color of green and her eyebrows were nowhere to be seen.
Dean let out a bark of laughter as soon as his eyes landed on her, Sam just gaped in shock. “What happened?” Sam asked, clearly holding back any laughter that threatened to bubble. “WHICH ONE OF YOU JACKASSES DID THIS?!?” She shrieked, shoving Sam inwards by his chest before slamming their room door shut.
“What?!” Sam grunted, his back hitting the wall. Dean burst into another fit of laughter. The eldest Winchester held onto the end of the table to support himself as his laughter turned more hysterical.
“I’m gonna kill you, Dean!!” Y/N shouted furiously, charging at Dean. “Whoa, whoa!” Sam quickly grabbed her by her waist. Preventing her from taking a swing at Dean who was still laughing his ass off. “LET ME GO SAMUEL!!” She screamed, thrashing in Sam’s hold. “Hey, hey! Calm down!” Sam tried to calm her as he continued to have a tight grip on her.
The young hunter, still trying to wrestle her way out of his grasp. “Don’t tell me to calm down! HE TURNED MY HAIR GREEN AND SHAVED MY FUCKING EYEBROWS OFF!!!”
“Wha-?!” Sam gaped down at her, still keeping her from getting to his brother. His eyes darted over to Dean who’s laughing had now subsided, only leaving a few chuckles. “As much as I would love to take credit for this” He snorted, gesturing to her very funny appearance.
“I had nothing to do with this” He denied. “Then who did?!” Y/N hissed, still wriggling in Sam’s grip. Her arms thrashing to try and hit him. This just made Dean’s chuckles turn into laughs again. “You?!” She turned to Sam.
“No no no no” Sam immediately denied, eyes widening. The youngest Winchester looked absolutely offended that she would consider him a part of this crime. The sound of Dean’s laughter grew louder again.
“Then who did?!” Y/N repeated again, eyes bouncing between the brothers. Sam just shrugged, trying to control an amused smirk. Dean however was back to clutching the edge of the table, his face reddening as he laughed his ass off again.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at Dean and attempted to lunge at him again for his laughing. “Stop!!” Sam exclaimed, grabbing her again. This time, he wrapped his arms completely around her. Using his weight to pin her against him, her back to his chest.
Dean let out another burst of cackles. “I’m gonna kill him!! Let me go!!” She shouted, struggling in his grip. Sam had to quickly put a large hand over her mouth, muffling her enraged threats. Her eyes balled over its flash of white and Sam’s eyes widened when he saw her hands brighten a light shade of aqua blue.
“Don’t you dare use that shit on me, L/N!” He grunted, holding her tightly.
•Present Time
As they explained the story to Jo and Bobby. Jo was cackling at the story as Bobby rolled his eyes at the kids, “So that’s why you’re suddenly a nun!” Jo laughed hysterically, slapping a hand on her knee as Y/N glared at her. “Haha, very funny” Y/N grumbled, rolling her eyes. Sam shook his head at the two women, trying to hide his smile. Dean with an amused smile on his face, luckily, y/n didn’t see it because she would’ve lunged at him again.
“Do you know the damage this is gonna do to my hair?! And how long my eyebrows are gonna take to grow back?!” She exclaimed, pulling down the hoodie, taking off the glasses to reveal it again. “Who the hell did it though?” Bobby asked curiously. All the eyes in the room turned to Dean who immediately threw his hands up in surrender.
“I swear it wasn’t me” He held a pleading tone in his voice, trying to prove his innocence. Sam’s shoulders shook, a snicker of laughter threatening to come out of his mouth. But Y/N didn’t believe him, causing her glare to intensify.
Bobby let out a deep sigh, shaking his head. “Did you dig up anything about the building? Or on the suicidal coed?” He asked. “No. History’s clean” Sam shook his head, scratching the back of his neck. “Then it’s not a haunting” Jo added. “Nope. Definitely not. To tell you the truth, we’re not really sure” Y/N said honestly.
“What do you mean you’re not sure?” Bobby narrowed his eyes at them confused. “Well, it’s weird” Sam started as Dean and Y/N shrugged. “What’s weird?” Jo asked, leaning forward in her chair. “This next part, we, uh, didn’t see it happen ourselves exactly but….it’s pretty fucking weird. Even for us” Dean stated.
Dean then told the story about Curtis, the jock Sam interviewed in the bar. He explained that Curtis claimed to have been abducted by aliens when walking back to his dorm in the middle of the night. Stating that Curtis claimed he barely made it out alive.
“Aliens?!” Bobby and Jo exclaimed flabbergasted. “Yeah” Sam nodded, “Aliens?!” Bobby exclaimed again as Jo’s jaw hit the ground. “Yeah” Dean and Y/N said in unison, crossing their arms over their chests simultaneously. “Look, even if they are real. They’re such as hell not coming to Earth and swiping people” Bobby stated as if the fact was stupid.
“Hey, believe me. We know” Dean argued, “My whole life, I’ve never found evidence of an honest-to-God abduction. It’s all just cranks and pranks” Bobby stated again. “Yeah, that’s what we thought” Sam said, “But, we figured we’d at least talk to the guy” Y/N added.
Sam, Dean and Y/N’s Version
Sam, Dean and Y/N were back at the bar, Curtis was sat infront of them with a line of shots. Knocking them back, looking disoriented and traumatized. “Hey, you gotta get those purple nurples a shot. Phew” Dean suggested, chuckling. This earned him a glare from Curtis, causing his amused smile to drop as Sam and Y/N cleared their throats.
“So, what happened, Curtis?” Y/N asked him gently, pressing her elbows to the table as she pushed up her sunglasses covering her eyebrow less eyes. He looked at her shyly, “You won’t believe me. Nobody does” He shrugged, his tone raspy as he folded his arms over his chest. “Give us a chance” Sam added softly, “I do not want this in the papers” He pointed firmly at Sam, a shot in his hand.
“Off the record then” Dean assured him, he hesitated for a second before tossing back another shot. Slamming it into the table, “I, uh….I blacked out and….” He began as Dean’s eyes glanced over to Sam and y/n, a unsure look playing in his features. “…and I lost time and when I woke up, I don’t know where I was” Curtis explained.
“And then what?” Y/N asked in a soft tone, offering him a small smile. “They did tests on me..” Curtis croaked, tearing up. “And, um..” He hesitated, picking up another shot before knocking it back down his throat. He took a deep breath, “They, um….They probed me”. All of their eyebrows shot up at this, Y/N’s jaw hitting the ground as Sam held back an amused smile, scratching the back of his head.
“They probed you?” Dean repeated, his brows knitting together. “Yeah, they probed me” Curtis nodded, his tone a bit angrier now. “Again and again and again, and….” He teared up, his voice cracking before knocking back another shot. Y/N’s jaw was still in the ground as Dean’s brows furrowed even more.
The three hunters gave each other unsure and amused looks, trying to bite back their smiles. All forcing serious faces, “And again and again, and again, and then one more time” Curtis slurred, putting up a finger. “Yikes” Y/N muttered, forcing her gaze on her hands, grimacing at the thought of getting probed.
“You know, that’s not even the worst part of it.” Curtis croaked, “How could it get any worse? I mean, some alien made you his bitch” Dean snorted, his words leaving his mouth before he could think. This earned him another glare from Curtis while y/n reached up and smacked the elder Winchester at the back of his head.
“Ow!” Dean exclaimed, reaching up to rub the spot Y/N hit. She shot him a warning look through her glasses, which he didn’t see but he already knew that look she always gave him whenever he couldn’t keep his trap shut, causing him to hold up his hands in surrender. Sam quickly cleared his throat, shifting his gaze to Curtis who was glaring at Dean with tear filled eyes.
“Curtis, forget about him. What’s the worst part?” Sam asked, giving Dean a side glare. “They…they made me slow dance” Curtis stammered.
‘Lady in Redddddd…is dancing with meee…cheek to cheek’
The music filled the room as Curtis awkwardly danced with the gray alien, half his height, under the sparkly disco ball. The alien wrapped its hands around Curtis’ waist, the jock stiff with feet as the extraterrestrial creature and he slowly danced to ‘The Lady In Red’ by Chris De Burgh.
‘There’s nobody here, it’s just you and me’
The alien looked up at Curtis, as if it was lovingly gazing at the jock, who was grimacing.
The trio gaped at Curtis, their lips parting as they tried to hold back their laughter from seeing this image in their heads. Y/N and Sam were holding back chuckles while Dean was biting his tongue, holding his mouth tightly shut. The three hunters bit their lips as Curtis explained the story. Sam and Y/N nodding understandably.
•Present Time
The trio was now sitting on the couch, Y/N sandwiched between the two Winchester brothers, her feet kicked up in the coffee table as she took a drag from her cigarette. “You guys are exaggerating again, huh?” Jo questioned as she and Bobby paced the room. “No” They all deadpanned in unison.
“Then this frat boy is just nuts” Bobby said unconvinced, “We’re not so sure” Dean shook his head.
Dean’s Version
They were in front of Crawford Hall, the crowd of students chattering, heading to classes as the hunters stared at the gaping round brown patch of grass in the middle of the ground, directly where Curtis said he got abducted. “I’m telling you, guys. This was made by some kind of jet engine” Sam insisted.
Y/N’s hands were buried in her hoodie pockets, tucking in a piece of her green hair into the dark hood. “What, you mean some saucer-shaped jet engine?” Dean scoffed. “Well, what else could it be?” Y/N retorted snippy. “What the fuck?” Dean muttered, “We don’t know” Sam sighed. “No, seriously, dude. What the fuck?” Dean grunted again, frustrated.
“We don’t know!” Y/N snapped, “I mean, first the fake haunting, now this? The timing alone, there’s gotta be some kind of connection here” Sam added, equally frustrated. “What, you mean, between the fake angry spirit and the sexed-up ET?” Dean sassed as Sam and Y/N shrugged. “What could the connection possibly be?” He scoffed.
•Present Time
“But what could we do? We just kept on digging” Dean stated before he continued his story.
Dean’s Version
“So, you and this guy Curtis, you’re in the same house?” Sam asked the young college boy, “Yeah” The guy nodded. “You heard of what happened to him, right?” Dean asked, “Yeah, he said it was aliens, but, you know, whatever” The guys shrugged. Y/N pouted at this as Sam sighed heavily, “Look, hun, I know this all has to be so hard..” She said sympathetically.
“Um, not so much” The guy shook his head, seemingly okay and nonchalant. “But I want you to know…” Sam cut in, glancing over at Y/N before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “We want you to know…we’re here for you” Sam flashed him his classic big puppy dog eyes as y/n nodded frantically in agreement, the guy looked around awkwardly
“You brave little soldier” Y/N cooed as tears welled up in both her and Sam’s eyes. “We acknowledge your pain” Sam added exasperatedly as the college boy looked freaked out by them, “Come here” Sam said before pulling the guy into a hug. Y/N placed a hand over her heart, doing the same. Giving the college boy a big group hug.
The college boy looked very confused as Dean stood off to the side, watching the hug and trying to hold back his laughter. “You’re too precious for this world” Sam grunted, taking a deep breath.
•Present Time
“We never said that!” Sam and Y/N exclaimed in unison, glaring at Dean. “Well, you two are always saying pansy stuff like that” Dean snorted as Bobby and Jo continued to look at them inquisitively.
Dean’s Version
Sam and Y/N were clutching onto the college boy, arms wrapped tightly around him as they breathed heavily, “Well, um….thanks. Thanks for the hug” The college boy mumbled awkwardly into y/n’s chest, which his head was buried in. “Yeah” Sam said, “Sure thing hun” Y/N smiled at him, letting go, her hand caressing his cheek.
“But, uh, I’m okay. Really” The boy assured them, Dean snorted from behind them, clearly holding back his laughter as Sam and Y/N shot another glare at him over their shoulders as Sam tapped the boy’s shoulder comfortingly. “To tell you the truth, Curtis. He had it coming” The boy said honestly, “Why's that?” Dean asked curiously.
“He’s our pledge master. Put us through hell this semester.” He explained, “Man, he got off on it. So now he knows how we feel” The boy said sadly as Sam and Y/N pouted, sympathizing with the boy. “Huh” Dean nodded. “It’s okay, sweetheart” Dean patted her and Sam’s shoulders comfortingly as tears sprung from their eyes.
“It still doesn’t make a lick of sense.” Dean grunted as they entered the motel room. “But hey, at least there’s one connection” Y/N said optimistically as Dean stripped his jacket off. “Between what?” Sam asked, “The victims. The professor and the frat guy” Dean added as he sat on the chair near the table along with y/n and Sam settled on the bed. “They’re both dicks,” Dean snorted, tossing his feet up and Y/N’s lap.
“That’s a connection?” Sam huffed, “You got anything better to go on, we’d love to hear it” Y/N retorted as Sam dug through his laptop bag. “Where’s my laptop?” He asked, shooting an accusatory look at Dean. “I don’t know” Dean mumbled as Y/N raised her brows. She tossed his feet off roughly and began looking for her own as Dean rambled on.
“I mean, think about it. A philandering professor gets a dead girl. A pledge master gets hazed.” Dean continued as the room was being littered with tossed pillows, mattresses and cushions, all discarded in a mess as Y/N and Sam searched for their laptops. “I left our laptops in here,” Sam grunted. “I mean, you guys obviously didn’t” Dean stated back, y/n rolled her eyes at him before continuing to look.
Stripping off her hoodie, her green hair bunched up in a bun. Dean held back a laugh again at the sight as she placed the sunglasses back on her face to cover her eyebrow less eyes. “I mean, these punishments, they’re almost poetic. Actually, it’d be more of a limerick, but still-” Dean muttered as Y/N tossed a pillow angrily at him, knocking him square in his stomach.
“Oww” Dean muttered, holding his stomach as Y/N narrowed her eyes through the lenses of her glasses, giving him another glare. “Okay, hilarious. Ha, ha. Where’d you hide them?” Sam deadpanned at Dean. “What? Your computers?” Dean asked, confused. “Yeah. Where’d you hide them?” Y/N huffed, her fists clenching at her sides. “Why would I take your computers?!” Dean yelled at them.
“Because no one else could have, Dean!” Sam shouted back. “We keep the door locked. We never let any maids in!” Y/N added, “Looks like you lost it then Poindexter” Dean smirked. Her fists clenching tighter at her sides. Her irritation grew as Dean and Sam continued to argue. As Sam ran his tongue along his top teeth, annoyance and anger pumping through his veins.
“Dude, you know something. We put up with a lot from you!” Sam shouted at the two. “What are you talking about? I’m a joy to be around” Dean retorted smugly. “Yeah? Your dirty socks in the sink?!” Y/N yelled in a motherly tone, “Your food in the fridge!” Sam added angrily, “What's wrong with my food?” Dean mumbled, furrowing his brows.
“It’s not food anymore, Dean. It’s Darwinism!” Sam retorted, “I like it,” Dean shrugged. “You know, all we ask from you, the one thing, is that you don’t mess with our stuff!!” Y/N growled, her fists clenching at her sides as her nostrils flared. Dean smirked at her, his eyes narrowed in amusement, “You done, She-Hulk?” He quipped.
Y/N was about to say something else when Dean’s nickname for her caught her off guard. She stood there for a moment, blinking furiously as her face began reddening. Her clenched hands trembled at her sides, her fists beginning to turn white from how tightly she was clenching her hands. She could feel the heat rising from the tip of her feet to her head, her face contorting in anger.
“Why you-!” She yelled between clenched teeth as she tried to launch herself at the snarky, smirking hunter. Sam managed to quickly grab her by the sides, holding her back before she could lay a finger on his brother, who honestly, kinda deserved to get his ass kicked for that.
“Whoa!” Sam exclaimed, holding Y/N back by the arms. Grabbing them tightly, holding her arms to her sides as she attempted to break free from his tight grip. “Ugh! I hate you so much!” She snarled at Dean. “Yeah?” He raised his eyebrows, a cocky, irritating, and smug look on his face.
“Right back at ya, She-Hulk” He replied, his smirk not faltering as he continued to taunt her. Her eyes went white, “LET ME GO SAMUEL!! LET ME FUCK THIS SHITHEAD UP!” Y/N struggled in Sam’s grip, his hand was wrapped tightly around her waist. “No can do,” Sam replied firmly, still holding a tight grip on her.
“You might murder him if I let you go” He muttered, struggling to keep her still as she continued to thrash about in his grip. “Uh oh” Sam mumbled when he saw her hands changing color, her fingers twitching as the palms in her hands turned completely blue. He tightened his grip at her waist, “Y/N, stop trying to use your powers!” Sam warned her, his tone firm.
•Present Time
Dean, Y/N, Sam and Jo were all now sitting by the table. Jo and Y/N in the middle while Dean sat next to Y/N and Jo sat next to Sam. Y/N and Dean had their beers in their hands while Jo and Sam placed theirs on the table. “Did you take their computers?” Bobby asked, standing in front of the four young hunters, his hands buried in his pockets.
“Serves ‘em right, but no” Dean mumbled, “Well we didn’t lose it, because we don’t lose things!” Sam defended. “Oh, that’s right, yeah, because they’re Mr. Perfect and Mrs. Perfect” Dean sassed, causing Jo, Sam and Y/N to cringe in disgust. “Okay, okay. Why don’t you just tell me what happened next?” Bobby cut off their squabble.
“There was one more victim,” Dean began. “Right. Now, we didn’t see this one ourselves either.” Y/N added. “Yeah. We kinda put it together from evidence, but this guy, he was, uh..a research scientist. Animal testing” Sam chimed in. “Oh my god” Jo gasped, her heart hurting. “Yeah” Y/N frowned, placing her hand on Jo’s comfortingly.
“Yeah, you know, a dick. Which fits the pattern” Dean added. He then explained how the scientist was found in literal chewed pieces. “Cops didn’t release a cause of death because they had no clue what the cause was” Y/N added, “So, we checked it out ourselves” Sam stated.
Sam, Dean and Y/N snuck into the morgue. Sam stuck his knife between the louvers, pushing the lock aside. After getting it unlocked, the younger Winchester crawled through the window. Y/N followed behind, receiving a helpful boast from Dean. His hands gripped the sides over her hips, lifting her up into the window. She stumbled forward, her foot knocking over a couple of trash cans.
Luckily, she had managed to be quick enough to hold the cans in place before she could make too much noise. Y/N shot a look at the brothers, who were holding back their laughter. “Shut up” She hissed at them before turning on her flashlight.
Dean latched the window as y/n made her way over to the body fridges. Opening one of the chambers to reveal a bin. “This ought to be quick” She mumbled, grimacing as she put her flashlight away. Sam flashed his inwards as she reached in, retrieving the bin.
The bin was heavy as Y/N managed to haul it up, setting it down on a table with a loud thump. The smell of death immediately hit them all as soon as y/n peeled the blood soaked blue sheet the bin. “Bleh!” Y/N exclaimed, struggling not to gag, “Gross” Dean grimaced when they saw the bin was filled with the deceased man’s body parts.
Both Winchester boys groaned in disgust. “Okay. That is just nasty” Dean commented as Sam and Y/N covered their noses, “Uh, yeah” Sam grunted, trying not to puke. “You know, I really hate my life sometimes” Y/N said, trying to hold back the urge to puke as she forced herself to get closer to the chomped on body.
She grimaced as she started examining the body parts, her eyes scanning it as she turned it in different directions, trying to look at all the pieces. Y/N’s lips curled downward as she leaned in, “Looks to me like something was hungry” She stated.
“They identify him yet?” Dean asked, “Yeah, a research assistant at the college” Sam answered, his face contorting in more disgust as Y/N leaned in. “Guess where his office was, by the way,” He added. “Mm?” Y/N hummed in question. “Crawford Hall, same as the professor” Sam stated. “That’s right where the frat boy had his close encounter” Y/N mumbled, her eye zooming in on something familiar that was on the part.
“Yeah,” Sam nodded. “Hey, grab me that thing, would you sweetie?” Y/N said to Dean, pointing to the large magnifying glass. “Yeah, sure, thing,” Dean said as he grabbed the magnifier, handing it to her. Y/N took it mumbling a quick, “Thanks” and looked back into the bin, studying more of the body parts.
The brothers both stood behind her, trying to look over her shoulder, watching intently to see what she was looking at. “What is it?” Sam asked, “See for yourself” She handed him the magnifying glass. “That looks like a…a belly scale?” Sam's brows shot up. “That’s what I was thinking” Y/N agreed.
“A belly scale? From what?” Dean asked, confused and surprised. “Uh…an alligator?” Sam mumbled. “An alligator in the sewer? Come on” Dean scoffed. “What? Well, Dean, it’s a classic urban legend” Y/N defended, pushing her glasses up further. “Yeah, a kid flushes a baby gator down the toilet and it grows huge in the tunnels” Sam agreed.
“Yeah, but no one’s really ever found one. They’re not real” Dean shook his head. “Well, neither is alien abduction but something chomped on this guy” Y/N stated as Dean shook his head in bewilderment again. “This couldn’t get any weirder” Dean grumbled. “Maybe we should get some help. I’ll call Bobby. Maybe he’s run into something like this before” Sam sighed.
“Oh, I’m sure he has. Just your typical fake haunted-campus, alien abduction, alligator-in-a-sewer gig” Dean sassed, causing y/n to snort in amusement.
•Present Time
“We decided to search the sewer anyway. So we split up. Each taking different ends of the campus” Y/N told Bobby and Jo. “Did you find anything?” Jo asked, sipping her beer. “Yeah, I found something. Just not in the sewer” Dean quipped, glaring at Y/N who rolled her eyes again.
Dean’s Version
Dean grunted heavily as he pushed the metal cover for the sewer upwards. Police sirens and the honking of car horns filled his ears as he pushed himself up, crawling out back into civilization.
Dean bent the corner to where he parked Baby, his heart sank, anger pumping through his veins when he saw that all her tires were aired out. “Son of a bitch!” Dean cursed as he walked closer, to the side of the back tire, was a pack of Dunhill cigarettes. He reached down and grabbed it, his jaw clenching as he tucked his bottom lip into his mouth. “Y/N!!!” He shouted.
Sam and Y/N were in his motel room, Sam was reading a book while Y/N laid sprawled out on Dean’s bed. She laid on her stomach, her legs bent so her ankles were crossed as her bare feet remained in the air. The hoodie didn’t help the heat of the day so she was currently in her regular attire, her green hair out in the open but the sunglasses still framed her face.
She was flipping through a Playboy magazine as she hummed along to the song ‘Can’t Fight This Feeling’ softly. The motel room door opened, both Sam and Y/N’s eyes flickered to it to see Dean, “Find anything?” Y/N asked casually, he narrowed his gaze at her. “You think this is funny?” He growled, slamming the door shut.
“Depends. What?” She asked confused, closing the magazine and sitting up. Dean mumbled sarcastically before shouting, “The car!” As he walked over to her, stopping right in front of her. She tilted her head as she met his cold gaze. “What about the car?” She asked again, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You can’t let the air out of the tires, you idiot. You’re gonna bend the rims!” Dean yelled, “Woah, wait a minute” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head, pushing herself from the bed. “I didn’t go near Baby.” She stated firmly. Sam’s eyebrows snapped together as his eyes darted back and forth between the two. He sat the book down and quickly shot up from his seat.
“Hey, hey, hey, guys, calm down” Sam interjected, holding his hands up. Dean ignored him, “Oh yeah, huh. Then, how’d I find this?” Dean scoffed as he fished out the pack of cigarettes he found next to Baby, holding it up to her face. Her heart sank, quickly checking her pockets before turning back to Dean, who’s back was now facing the bed.
“Hey, give me back my cigarettes” She put her hand out calmly, Dean chuckled, shaking his head. “Oh, no. No. Consider it reparations for, uh, emotional trauma” Dean sassed. “You don’t even smoke!” Y/N exclaimed, balling up her fist as Sam walked over to the two, standing in between them. “That’s my last pack too! Now give it back!” She complained again.
Causing Dean to let out another chuckle, his eyes narrowing at her in the process as he stripped his jacket off. Y/N moved around Sam and tried to snatch it away from him before he smacked her arm away gently. “No!” He huffed. She gritted her teeth at him. “First you turn my hair green, shave my eyes off and now you’re blaming me for hurting Baby?!” She scoffed angrily.
“Dean, I have had it up to here with you!” She growled, gesturing to his height with her hand. “Yeah, well right back at you She-Hulk!” Dean shouted back, she scoffed, shaking her head before attempting to snatch it away again before Dean flicked his arm back. Y/N missed again, nearly crashing into Sam. “Damnit Dean, if you don’t give back my cigarettes, I’ll kick your ass!” She threatened, narrowing her gaze.
“Yeah, like you can,” Dean mocked, shaking his head as he smirked widely, finding her amusing. She narrowed her eyes at him again, not God himself could stop her this time. So she jumped him, quickly gripping onto his shoulders as her legs wrapped around his waist.
Attacking the elder Winchester, sending him tumbling backwards into the bed, his back hitting the bed first. Her hands gripped his wrists as she tried to get the pack from him, “Give it to me, you asshat!” Y/N shouted as she pinned his wrists on either side of his head. Dean grunted, his body lying flat against the bed, Y/N now straddling him as he struggled in her grip.
When I imagined her jumping me, this is NOT what I pictured. Dean thought to himself.
“Stop it! Stop it you two!” Sam exclaimed as he snaked his arms around Y/N’s waist, trying to pry her off of Dean. “Just give it to her, Dean!” Sam yelled above the sound of the struggling. “No way!” Dean shouted back firmly, squirming under her. “Get off of me you nutcase!!”
Y/N kept a tight grip on his wrists, her thighs squeezing his hips. She ignored him and Sam’s words as she continued to fight for his grasp, “You’re such a dick, Winchester! Just gimme my damn cigarettes back! I had nothing to do with your car!” She shouted back in his face.
Dean grunted, trying to buck his hips to loosen her grip, but it didn’t work as she only responded by squeezing her thighs tighter around him. Sam still attempted to pry her off but she quickly pushed him away, sending it tumbling next to Dean as they continued wrestling.
He hit the bedframe with a loud, “Oof!” Knocking his head into the wooden frame. “Get Off Me!” Dean shouted in her face as he tried to push himself up from the bed, but found it rather difficult as she continued holding him down by his wrists, “Not until you give me back my last pack of cigarettes, you asshat!” She shouted in his face.
God, I’m mad at her right now, why does she have to smell so good? Dean thought to himself as her face was merely inches from his.
Damnit. He’s so hot, even when he’s being such a pain in the ass. Y/N’s mind said as she found it hard to focus on her task, the smell of his cologne and shampoo filling her nostrils as she straddled him.
•Present Time
“Okay, I’ve heard enough” Bobby cut into their story, already knowing what’s going on as Jo laughed her ass off. “If Sam wasn’t there, she would’ve dragged you dude!” Jo cackled. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Dean grumbled, refusing to look at anyone as if he was embarrassed, which everyone knew that he was.
Sam let out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his head besides Jo as Y/N snickered next to Dean. “Anyway, you two showed up about an hour after that” Dean changed the topic, gesturing between Bobby and Jo. “I’m surprised at you kids, I really am” Bobby scoffed like a disappointed parent, “Sam, Y/N. First off, Dean did not steal your computers.” Bobby stated.
“But I- There’s-!” Sam and Y/N tried to defend himself but Bobby put his hand out. “Shhh” He shushed them as Dean grinned triumphantly. “And Dean did not do…that.. to your head or your eyebrows” Bobby turned to Y/N pointing to her hair and sunglasses. “But I-!“ Y/N tried to defend herself again.
“I said shush, young lady” Bobby stopped her again as he pointed a thick finger at Y/N who huffed as she sank back into her chair. “And Dean, Y/N did not touch your car” Bobby stated firmly to Dean, who rolled his eyes. “Yeah!” Y/N scoffed, glaring at Dean. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, boy” Bobby stated to Dean sternly before looking at the three of them again.
“Y’all are family, you need to stop acting like children or I’ll kick all of y’all’s asses, ya understand?” He questioned, staring at the trio until they nodded in unison as Jo tucked her lips into her mouth to stop herself from laughing. “And as for you, Joanna Beth.” Bobby now turned his gaze to Jo.
“Stop encouraging them!” He demanded, pointing at her sternly. “But I just got here!” Jo defended, putting her hands up in surrender. “Don’t try to weasel your way out of this one, young lady” Bobby stated firmly before crossing his arms over his chest, causing her mouth to snap shut and her to sink in her seat, mirroring y/n’s actions.
“And if you three bothered to pull your heads out of your asses, it all would’ve been pretty clear” Bobby sassed them all. “What?” Dean raised a confused brow, “What you’re dealing with” Bobby stated as if it’s obvious but they all still looked confused. “Uh…” Sam muttered stumped, “I got nothing” Dean admitted with a grunt. “Me neither” Y/N mumbled, “Amen” Jo agreed.
“You got a trickster on your hands” Bobby revealed, rolling his eyes. Dean snapped his fingers, pointing at the veteran hunter. “That’s what I thought” He chuckled, lying through his teeth. “What? No you didn’t!” Sam, Jo and Y/N yelled in unison, side eyeing the elder Winchester. “Well, I gotta tell ya, you guys were the biggest clue” Bobby snorted, shaking his head.
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked. “These things create chaos and mischief as easy as breathing. And it’s got you so turned around and at each other's throats, you can’t even think straight” Bobby explained as realization dawned on them. “The laptop” Sam muttered, “The tires” Dean added, “My hair” Y/N pouted.
“It knows you’re into him. And it’s been playing you three like fiddles” Bobby stated as they all shook their heads in shame. “So, what is it? Wha- can’t be a spirit or a demon. Then what is it?” Jo asked. “Well, more like demigods, really” Bobby sighed, burying his hands in his pockets. All of their eyes popped out of their heads as he continued.
“There’s Loki in Scandinavia, there’s Anansi in West Africa. Dozens of them. They’re immortal and they can create things out of thin air. Things as real as you and me. Make them vanish just as quick.” Bobby further reiterated. “You mean, like an angry spirit or an alien, or an alligator, or…” Dean gestured to y/n’s head. “That” He bit back a chuckle as Y/N glared at him.
Dean cleared his throat, “The victims fit the m.o. too” Bobby nodded. “Tricksters target the high and the mighty. Knock ‘em down a peg, usually with a sense of humor. Deadly pranks, things like that” Bobby added as they all nodded, “Bobby, what do these things look like?” Y/N asked.
“Lots of things, but human mostly” Bobby shrugged, thinking for a second as he paced the room. Realization dawned in Dean and y/n, both sharing a look. “And what human do we know who’s been at ground zero this whole time?” Dean asked knowingly, turning to Sam. His mouth creases into a frown in confusion before it dawned on him also, rolling his eyes.
“That fucking janitor” Sam grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Jo raised her brow at him as Dean and Y/N nodded.
Later that day, Sam, Jo, Dean and Y/N disguised themselves as electricians again. “Sorry I’m dragging a little ass today, guys” The Trickster apologized as he locked the door to the storage compartment. “I haven’t seen you before” He smiled at Jo. “I’m a trainee” Jo smiled tightly, “Okie-dokie” The Trickster smirked before turning to Y/N.
She still had her sunglasses on but left her hair out in the open, “I like your style, peanut” He smirked at y/n mischievously, gesturing to her hair. “Thanks, a friend of mine chose it” Y/N smiled tightly, gritting her teeth as she glared at the trickster through her glasses.
“You probably had quite the night last night” Jo chimed in, pointing to her neck, indicating the red spot on the Trickster's neck as they walked up the stairs. “Lots of sex, you get it” He winked at Jo over his shoulder, causing her to grimace along with y/n. Sam and Dean mirrored their expressions as they walked behind them up the stairs.
“Yeah, hard not to. Listen, we won’t be long. We just need to check a couple of offices up on three.” Dean chimed in, “No problem” The trickster rolled his eyes, Jo shot Sam a look over her shoulders, indicating to put the plan in action. “Oh, damn, I, uh, forgot something in the truck.” Sam facepalmed himself, “Not again” Jo shook her head, “You know what. We’ll catch up with you guys.” She turned to Dean and Y/N.
“Okay” Dean shrugged as Y/N nodded. The trickster eyed them suspiciously before shrugging, Dean and Y/N following behind him again as Sam and Jo made their way down the stairs.
Jo was picking the lock to the storage unit that the trickster was locking up earlier. “Come on” Sam coaxed, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was coming. “Just give me a damn second” Jo grumbled, fiddling with the lock pick. “Hurry up” Sam urged, “You rushing me is not helping, Sammy. Shut up” Jo shushed him.
This earned an eyeroll from the younger Winchester as he held back the urge to correct her by saying, ‘It’s Sam’ but he let it be, oddly liking her calling him Sammy. The lock finally opened with a click. “See” She smirked, “Now, let’s see if we can find something that can end this bastard” She muttered as Sam nodded.
Sam pushed open the door, cringing at the creaking sound it made as they both stepped into the small storage area. Files and boxes of supplies were stacked along the walls, a few boxes sat in the middle of the room. There were a line of lockers on one side, so Jo immediately started searching through them thoroughly.
Her eyes widened when she found a newspaper labeled, ‘Aliens Abduct Cheerleaders’, she let out a scoff before handing the paper to Sam. Taking the paper out of her hands, Sam scrunched up his face a little as he read the headline. “Wow” He let out jokingly as he shook his head, scanning the article.
“Just because he reads the Weekly World News, doesn’t mean he’s our guy” Sam argued as the four hunters made their way down the stairs leading up to the college entrance. “Yeah, I mean. You guys read it too” Jo defended Sam’s point. “We’re telling you, it’s him,” Dean shook his head.
“Look, we just think we need some hard proof. That’s all” Jo protested, gesturing between her and Sam. “Okay, another thing Bobby mentioned was that these suckers have a metabolism like an insect. Alright? A real sweet tooth” Y/N shot back, narrowing her eyes at Jo, crossing her arms over her chest as she stepped closer to her.
“Well, we didn’t find any candy bars or sugar. Not even equal” Sam retorted, “Yeah, that’s probably because you two missed something” Dean rolled his eyes. “We don’t miss things” Sam gritted his teeth. “Oh, right. Because you two at Mr. Perfect and Mrs. Perfect” Y/N scoffed, shaking her head as she chuckled dryly.
“Hey, nobody’s perfect,” Jo admitted, raising her hands in defense. “It's just, you two have a very…violent way of dealing with things” She chuckled as she looked between Y/N and Dean, who rolled his eyes again. “Excuse me, bitch” Y/N growled at Jo, clenching her jaw as the Trickster peered through the windows, having a front row seat of their ‘fight’.
“What did you just call me?” Jo challenged as she stepped closer to Y/N, who mirrored her steps. “You heard me” Y/N snapped as they now stood chest to chest, their faces inches apart as they scowled at each other. “Girls, girls! That's enough!” Sam stepped between them, holding a hand on each chest, pushing them away.
“How can you two still be pissed at me for what the Trickster did?!” Sam scowled at Dean and Y/N. “Oh, come on, man. You've been a tight ass long before that trickster showed up” Dean shot back. “It’s that you’re so damn serious all the time!” Y/N pointed a finger at Sam before crossing her arms once again, narrowing her eyes at him.
“He doesn’t have a stick up his ass, you two just love picking fights!” Jo defended Sam, tiptoeing to shout over Sam’s shoulders, who was using his hand as a barrier to separate the heated women. Y/N threw her head back laughing at this, “Oh, I’m sure you'd like to pull something out of his behind” Y/N retorted as she sneered.
Making Dean choke back a snort of laughter, resulting in Sam turning around and glaring at him instead. Jo feigned a look of rage, attempting to lunge at Y/N, she instantly reacted, attempting to lunge at Jo but both Winchester boys quickly held the girls back.
“Come on, you Sherk looking slut!” Jo shouted, thrashing in Sam’s arms. “Anytime, you skinny-ass skank!” Y/N yelled, jerking in Dean’s arms, trying to wiggle from Dean’s grasp who struggled to keep her in place.
Sam’s body was practically pressed up against Jo’s back, his arms around her as best he could, making him a little flustered while Dean had to bend down, wrapping his arms tightly around Y/N’s waist, his chest against her back. He hated to admit that he felt a little bit of excitement when she squirmed against him.
“Hey, hey, hey! You guys need to chill the hell out!” Sam scolded them, trying to keep Jo from lashing out. His heart was beating out of his chest as Jo’s back was pressed flush against him, he was sure he felt it while Y/N tried to kick, elbow and punch Dean off of her.
“Why don’t you put me down, jackass?!” Y/N yelled over her shoulder, trying to swing a kick behind her to hit him in the shins, but it came across as a weird backward hip jerk, and she let out a snarl in frustration. “Calm. Down. Now.” Dean grunted as he struggled to hold her thrashing body in place, he tapped her hip, indicating that the Trickster was watching and the plan was working.
He shot Sam a quick wink, telling him with his eyes to do the same to Jo. “Hey, relax” Sam murmured to Jo, his breath tickling the back of her ear. A shiver ran down her spine but she fought the urge to melt at that, but this was her signal. Both women calmed down subsequently, sharing a quick sly look before Sam turned back in the act.
“Look, you two just stay here. Keep an eye on the janitor. Well go to his place, see if we can find any actual evidence before you two go bathing in and staking the man!” Sam huffed, trying to remain calm. Dean and Y/N rolled their eyes at this, their arms were still wrapped around the girls however, “Just wait till we get back” Jo spat.
“Yeah, you better come back with something good this time” Y/N added, shooting Sam a challenging glare. Sam rolled his eyes before finally releasing his hold on Jo, gently dragging her away. Dean loosened his grip on Y/N, allowing her to pull herself from his embrace.
The Trickster's gaze remained on Dean and Y/N who made their way into the building, his eyes tracing Sam and Jo, who were hopping into the Impala.
“Are you sure that was a good idea?” Jo questioned cautiously, giving Sam a wary glance. “They’ll be fine, angel,” Sam assured her with a small smile before putting the Impala in drive. Jo felt her heart flutter as Sam called her an angel, she tried to fight back the smile that was creeping at the corner of her lips as she ducked her head down as she smiled at his words, hoping he didn’t see how flustered his little nickname for her made her feel.
It was now nightfall, Dean was pacing outside the building, both growing impatient, still waiting on Sam and Jo to get back as Y/N sat on the stairs, smoking a cigarette. “They’re taking too long” Y/N spoke up, blowing out a thin tendril of smoke. Dean stopped in his tracks, looking down at Y/N, who was sitting on the bottom stair, puffing away.
He sighed and sat down next to her, gesturing for her to pass him the bud. Taking it from her, he placed it between his lips and inhaled the smoke. The tension between them was thick as he let the smoke pass through his lips, trying to ignore the heat of her body so close to him. She glanced over at him, taking a moment taking in his profile, her eyes tracing his face and body before he caught her staring.
“Screw this” Y/N muttered, fixing her sunglasses, running a hand through her green hair before pushing herself up from the stairs. Then grabbing Dean’s hand. He didn’t protest, instead he followed behind her as she dragged him into the building:
The two padded down the staircase, flashing their lights down the dark hall, their footsteps heavy on the wooden case. Their lights flashed over the door to the room Sam and Jo investigated earlier. Heading back up the stairs, they huffed in annoyance. Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration as she handed Dean her flashlight.
She took out the wooden stake from her jacket, then suddenly, ‘Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love’ by Barry White started playing from a distance. The two shared a startled look, “The fuck…” Dean muttered. Y/N shrugged before stuffing the stake back into her jacket. They both followed the sound, making sure to glance over their shoulders.
The music led them to the college’s auditorium. All the stage lights were shining onto the stage where a round bed was in the middle. Along with two gorgeous, sexy and seductive model looking women laid to the sides. Dressed in red lingerie, shooting lustful gazes at Dean and Y/N. “It doesn’t seem to me like it’s enough” The sensual music blared.
Dean and Y/N shared an inquisitive look as her eyes flicker up to the disco ball and back down to the two women. “What the hell?” She mouthed to Dean as they inched closer, but Dean just shook his head, giving a brief shrug, just as confused as she was.
The two sexy women looked at them, the corners of their lips curled into a smile as they sat up from the bed. “We’ve been waiting for you Dean and Y/N” One of the women purred, both crawling to the edge of the bed. They shared a perplexed look before looking back at the women. Dean turned to Y/N, “Y-you guys aren’t real” He stuttered.
The women’s grins grew wider as they leaned back on their hands, giving the hunters full view of their bodies, “Trust me sugars, it’s gonna feel real” The other woman responded in a sultry tone, warning a nervous chuckle from Dean. A shiver ran down Y/N’s spine as she let her eyes wander over both women, they were very much her type, but they were clearly being set up.
“Come on, sexy. Let us give you a massage” One of the women said in a lustful tone, biting her lip. Y/N chuckled, her eyes lingering over the model’s body. The women didn’t hesitate to drink in Dean and Y/N’s bodies themselves. “Wha..” Dean’s mouth was dry, his eyes flickering back to Y/N as he gulped.
“You know, I’m a sucker for a happy ending. Really, I am but, we’re gonna have to pass” Y/N snorted in amusement, shaking her head as she tore her gazes away from the women, hating the fact that she had to pass. “Even to me?” A deep voice besides the women said, the voice was revealed to be Randy Orton, a long time celebrity crush is y/n.
Y/N did a double take as her breath hitched in her throat. Her eyes widened in shock when she recognized the voice. She bit her inner cheek, holding back the urge to squeal as she tried to keep her cool demeanor intact as her eyes roamed over his shirtless, muscular torso as her heart thrummed in her chest.
Dean’s head snapped towards the man so fast that he almost got whiplash doing so. His green eyes wide as he recognized the celebrity as he swallowed. His gaze darkened as Y/N’s gaping look, “They’re not real, y/n. He’s not real” Dean grunted, his nostrils flaring, that familiar burning feeling rising in his chest again.
Y/N couldn’t take her eyes off the man’s body, his muscles flexing perfectly, making her bite her lip as she fought the urge to salivate when her tongue snaked out to lick the corner of her lips.
She felt her knees growing a bit weaker, a warm, fluttery feeling stirring in her lower core. She forced her eyes to look away as she shifted on her feet slightly. “I-I know he’s not real” She muttered breathlessly to Dean. “They’re a peace offering” A familiar voice behind them said, they snapped their heads behind them to see the Trickster sitting in one of the rows nearby.
“I know what you two, your brother and his girlfriend do” The Trickster smirked, tossing his feet up on one of the seats, leaning back into the chair. “I’ve been around a while, run into your kind before” He grinned, “Well, then you know I can’t just let you keep hurting people” Dean quipped back.
“Before we get into that” Y/N snapped, glaring at the Trickster, she snatched off her glasses and pointed to her green head. “Fix.This.Shit.” She demanded firmly. A low chuckle left the Trickster’s lips as he took in Y/N’s appearance. He gave her a once over, eyeing the jeans that hung off her hips, the tight black leather leather jacket layering the red flannel that clung to her chest, with the dark brown top underneath and combat boots.
“Oh I don’t know, you look pretty hot like this, dollface” He chuckled as he looked down at her with a smirk. Tucking his lips into his mouth as he took in the green hair and browless eyes which he caused. “Fix it, dick!” Y/N yelled. The Trickster’s green eyes moved over to her fuming face, he chuckled again as he tilted his head.
His eyes flicked back to Dean, who’s gaze was glued to her. His jaw clenching slightly before he shot a glare at the trickster. He looked back at Y/N with a playful yet mischievous smile, “Ohhh, you’re even hotter when mad. That little catfight was sexy, I must say” He teased. He snapped his fingers.
“There, you’re welcome” He said with a smirk, and just like that, her hair was back to normal, and her eyebrows grew back. Her fingers instantly moved to feel her hair, the familiar shade and texture greeted her touch as she ran her fingers through the strands. Her hand moved to her face as she traced over her now newly returned eyebrows, a sigh of relief left her lips.
Dean’s shoulders sagged with relief as he watched Y/N’s hands move over her face, silently thanking the trickster for restoring her looks. The Trickster winked at her, “Anyway, back to topic. Come on, guys” He groaned. “Those people got what was coming to them. Hoisted on their own petards” He mused, pointing his finger upwards.
“But, you two, Sam and Jo….I like you. I do.” The Trickster smiled, pointing at them, their eyes flickered back to the women and Randy Orton. The Apex Predator shot y/n a sly lustful wink, a cocky smirk spreading across his face. Y/N bit her lip as a small shiver ran down her spine, her cheeks flushed as she felt a tingly sensation spread in the pit of her stomach.
She shifted on her feet again, trying to maintain her composure and not react to Randy, who was still looking very much real and very much half naked. Dean, on the other hand, was starting to grow agitated by the sight of Orton. His jaw clenched again as jealousy seethed through him at the sight of the man looking at her like that.
“So treat yourselves, as long as you want” The Trickster offered in an enticing tone. “Just long enough for me to move on to the next town” He added, pulling a chocolate bar out of his pocket. “Yeah, I don’t think we can let you do that” Dean clicked his tongue, glaring at the trickster. “I don’t wanna hurt you two. And you know that I can” The Trickster shrugged, ripping open the chocolate bar before biting into it.
“Look, man. I gotta tell you, I dig your style. Alright? I mean…” Y/N chuckled, pointing to Orton and the women before letting out a low whistle. Dean rolled his eyes at this, running his tongue along his top teeth. “..I do, I mean, phew. And the slow dancing alien?” She giggled, nudging Dean by his arm to laugh along.
He did exactly that, clutching his stomach as he and the Trickster threw their heads back laughing. “One of my personal favorites. Yeah” The Trickster snorted, fanning himself as he bragged. “But, we can’t let you go,” Dean added calmly. “Too bad. Like I said, I liked you two. Sam and Jo were right, you shouldn’t have come alone” The Trickster smirked, his tone dark.
Dean and Y/N exchange a sly look at this, “Well, I’ll agree with you there, sugarbear” Y/N mused in a mocking sweet tone. The Tricksters smirk flattered when suddenly the doors at the top of the auditorium opened. Revealing Sam and Jo through one door and then Bobby through another. All wielding wooden stakes.
A cocky smirk crept across Y/N’s lips as her eyes watched the look of surprise on the trickster’s face when the other hunters marched closer. Her eyes flicked to Randy Orton and the women, who were still sitting on the bed, watching the scene unfold.
“You were saying?” She teased, tilting her head to the side in a mock gesture. Bobby’s eyes narrowed on the trickster, clutching a shotgun in his arms and a wooden stake resting in his palm. He turned back to Dean and Y/N, looking impressed. “So, that hot catfight you two had, that was a trick?” The Trickster raised his brows at them. Dean and Y/N shrugged as Jo and Y/N shared a sly smile.
“Guilty as charged” Jo snorted, a smug smile spreading across her face as her eyes darted to Y/N. Y/N smirked and gave her a wink back, Jo returned the sly wink to her friend. “Hmm..Not bad” He admitted, nodding impressed at the two women. Meanwhile, Dean had his eyes locked firmly on Randy Orton, his eyes narrowing at him.
He watched the man’s gaze linger over Y/N, as if sizing her up. Y/N then pulled out the wooden stake from her jacket, Dean pulling out his own. “But you wanna see a real trick?” He smirked at them, he snapped his finger and suddenly, the sound of a chainsaw revving started sounding behind Jo and Sam. Startling them both, they turned, eyes wide to see Jason Voorhees, wielding a chainsaw at them.
Sam instinctively tackled Jo out of the way before he could attack them. As Dean and Y/N charge at the Trickster. One of the models held Dean’s hand back as Randy Orton snatched Y/N from around her waist.
Dean grunted, attempting to shake the model off his arm, “Get off!” He yelled, trying to free his arm from her grasp. The model just held him in place, a dark smile playing on her lips as her eyes raked over his body. Y/N writhed in Orton’s grip as he wrapped his large arm around her waist, her back flush against his chest, his chin sitting comfortably on her shoulder.
“When I imagined getting held by you, this is NOT what I pictured!” Y/N grunted, elbowing the wrestler in his nose as Dean got tossed across the auditorium by the model screaming, “AHHHHHH!” The Trickster was in hysterics as he watched the chaos unfold.
Randy grunted in pain as he was jabbed in the nose, “Ow!” He growled as he pulled her tighter against him. Her back flushed against his chest as he hooked his chin over her shoulder. The hunter writhed against his grip, trying to break free. It’s no use, his hands held her in place as if they were made of steel.
Y/N focused her energy in her body, her eyes flashing white as her hands turned that familiar light shade of aqua blue. The Trickster’s eyes widened, “Now, that’s new.” He chuckled.
Meanwhile, Jason attempted to chainsaw massacre Sam and Jo again. Both ducking narrowly, the chainsaw getting driven into the drywall. Bobby rushed over to help Sam and Jo but when he held out his stake, Jason ran his chainsaw through it, cutting it in half.
Randy smirked, catching a glimpse of her glowing hands as he chuckled. He kicked her to the ground, straddling her. Randy straddled her, his knee pinned against hips as he held her wrists against the floor, her legs writhing as she fought against him.
His smirk widened as his eyes raked over her body, pinned helplessly under his solid weight. “You can struggle all you want, darlin” He mocked, his voice deep and sultry, sending a chill down her spine. “Fuck you, Viper” She spat, in a blast, she sent the Apex Predator flying across the room with a wave of her hand and a flick of her head.
“Damn…” The Trickster mused as Randy’s back hit a wall with a heavy thud. A sly smile creeping over her lips at the sight of Randy lying limp against a wall across the room. Her eyes flashed with satisfaction, reverting back to its usual color, she sat up from the ground before rushing over to help Dean who was getting battered and beaten by the two models.
Jason was now after Bobby at the front of the stage, attempting to chainsaw the old man. Sam and Jo shared a look, nodding firmly before both charging at the large killer, spearing their bodies straight into him as Y/N did the same with one of the models.
“Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. Of. HIM!” She punched one of the chicks repeatedly with each word as Dean tried ducking from punches from the other model. But she gripped him and tossed him into the seats, near to the Trickster. “Ha! Nice toss” He cackled, throwing his head back laughing, clapping as Dean grunted in pain.
Sam’s eyes flickered to the stake on the ground next to him. “Dean, Dean, Dean. I did not wanna have to do this- The Trickster mused, standing up but he’s cut short when Sam tossed Dean the stake, the elder Winchester swiftly stabbed the Trickster in his gut. The Trickster stumbled back in pain, his hand clutching the wooden stake protruding from his abdomen, his eyes widening in shock.
“Me neither” Dean smirked as the Trickster wheezed, stumbling to clutch onto one of the seats. Jason was still wielding the chainsaw behind Sam and Jo but he then disapparated into thin air, along with the two models and a limp Randy Orton across the room. Dean grinned darkly as he twisted the stake in his gut.
The Tricksters face contorting with agony, Dean grunted heavily before extracting it back, shoving the now ‘dead trickster’ into the seat. As the Trickster’s body slumped limp in the seat of the auditorium, there was silence. Both brothers, Jo, Bobby and Y/N all stood staring at the now defeated trickster.
Panting, the five hunters all stared in anticipation for a few seconds before Y/N rushed down the stage and spoke up, “Are you okay?” She asked Dean concerned, taking his face into her hands. Running her thumb along the corner of his lip where blood was flowing from.
“Yeaaah, I’m just peachy” he huffed, a faint grin tugging at the corner of his lips. Her hands on his face felt like bliss to him as he leaned into her touch, his large hand gently grabbing her wrist to keep her hand there.
Y/N’s concerned eyes roamed over his face for a minute, “You’re bleeding” she mumbled, licking her thumb and gently wiping away the smudge of blood on the corner of his mouth. Sam and Jo shared a tired look at this with a roll of their eyes, “You kids alright?” Bobby spoke up in concern.
“Yeah. I guess” Sam and Jo nodded in unison. “Well, I gotta say, he had style” Dean huffed weakly, groaning from the pain in his back and mouth. Y/N was still tenderly running her thumb over his lip while the others spoke, “Style and taste, yeah” Jo snorted, earning an eye roll from Sam and a grunt from Bobby.
“Bobby, Jo, thanks a lot. We couldn’t have-” Sam thanked them as they all rushed out of the building. “Save it. Let’s just get the hell out of Dodge before somebody finds that body” Bobby grunted, waving him off as they rushed over to the Impala. “Look, guys. I just wanna say that I’m uh-” Sam started, his gaze softening as y/n and dean shared a look.
“Hey, me too,” Dean assured him. “Same” Y/N added, offering her best friend a soft smile. Bobby and Jo looked between them annoyed, “You guys are breaking my heart. Could we just leave?” She grumbled, hopping in the back. They all chuckled, the Winchesters hopping into their respective seats as Bobby, Jo and Y/N piled into the back.
As Dean started the Impala and peeled out of the parking lot in a hurry. Y/N wrapped her arm around Jo as the younger girl sat in the middle of her and Bobby. “You’re not really mad at me, are you, skank?” Y/N joked, Jo chuckled at Y/N’s words, nudging her friend’s with her elbow. “Nah, it’s all good, slut” she teased, sticking her tongue out at her.
Meanwhile, back in the auditorium, the trickster laid ‘dead’ in the seat where they left him. When the actual Trickster peered over his body, the illusion of his dead body disapparating into thin air as he smirked, biting into a chocolate bar.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
It was a couple days later and the four younger hunters were all hanging out in a local pub in SD. Their usual spot, of course. Sam was on his second drink while Jo and Y/N had lost count, both giggling and sharing old stories. Dean isn't drinking much since he was the designated driver, so he was sipping a beer bottle.
Y/N was lounging next to Dean while Jo resided next to Sam, “I will NEVER forget the first time this one..” She pointed firmly to Sam. “..punched me for the first time in my sleep” Y/N shot a mock glare at Sam as she slurred. “Hey, it was an accident,” Sam grumbled. “You snore and twitch in your sleep” He justified as Jo and Y/N cackled, the latter of the two throwing her head back in laughter.
“It happened MULTIPLE times, Sammy” Y/N exaggerated, rolling her eyes as she finished her beer. “Good luck” She whispered to Jo with a sly wink. “I told you, it’s an accident,” Sam grumbled again, rolling his eyes. “You’re really not helping yourself, dude” Jo cackled, patting his cheek.
Dean shook his head in amusement at their antics, a smirk playing on his lips before he raised the beer bottle to his lips. His eyes flicked to Y/N, who was pressed up next to him. “I gotta pee” Jo announced, pushing herself up from the booth, wobbling slightly. Sam held out his hands instinctively, incase she fell over.
“I’ll go with you” Y/N grinned, standing up from her seat beside Dean, almost losing her balance and tripping over her own feet. Dean did the same, holding out his hands instinctively incase she fell. She snickered at herself, her face flushed as her limbs felt like jelly.
Both girls held onto each other, wobbling slightly. “You two alright?” Sam snorted at the sight of their unstable feet. Y/N shot him a lazy middle finger in response, “We’re fineeeee” she slurred, staggering towards the restrooms with Jo, linking arms with the blonde, practically using each other as crutches.
Once they got into the restroom, the girls stumbled over the sink counter, Y/N bracing her hands on it to stop herself collapsing and Jo gripping the counter to pull herself up onto it. “Damn, how much did we even have?” Y/N laughed, bracing herself against the counter.
“I dunno man, I lost count like an hour ago” Jo snickered, looking into the mirror before making her way into the empty stall. Y/N giggled, glancing at her own reflection. “We look like a hot mess” The h/c haired hunter chuckled, running her fingers through the mess.
“We look hot, period” Jo called from the stall as Y/N continued to admire her reflection. “Amen, sister” She drunkenly pumped her fist into the air. The blonde reappeared a minute later, stumbling over to the other sink to wash her hands.
Y/N was still admiring herself in the mirror, fixing her hair when she glanced over at Jo, a smirk playing on her lips. “Hey, y/n. We’re friends right?” Jo started. Y/N snickered at the other girl’s drunken question. She turned to face her friend, leaning against the counter. “Of course, we’re friends” she chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Then as your friend, I gotta ask. What’s taking you and dean so long?” Jo slurred, crossing her arms over her chest as she raised a brow, leaning against the cold tiled wall. Y/N’s face flushed a darker shade of red, and it wasn’t just from the alcohol. “I- what?” She stuttered, turning back to face the mirror, trying to avoid Jo’s gaze, as she feigned fiddling with her hair.
“I should ask you the same about you and Sam” Y/N shot back slyly. This time, it was Jo’s turn to go red in the cheeks. She stuttered for a moment, trying (and failing) to find the right words before throwing her hands up, “Yeah, yeah. You got me…” she grumbled, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. “Seriously though, dude”
Y/N signed deeply before giving Jo the rundown about the past few months. Jo listened intently as Y/N explained the whole situation, her alcohol clouded brain trying it’s best to keep up with her drunk friend’s story. Jo listened intently, taking it all in without a word.
She nodded when Y/N finished, placing a hand on her shoulder with a serious expression on her face. “Girl, you both are idiots” she announced firmly. Y/N raised a brow, raising a hand to her chest in mock offense, “Excuse me?” She demanded, but a sly smile crept onto her lips.
"Whatever, we're friends and it's remaining like that. I'd rather have him in my life as a friend than not have him at all" She admitted drunkenly. "Yeah, yeah. But have you like... thought about dating him?" Jo pushed, the alcohol loosening her tongue with her judgement and thoughts slipping.
“Trust me sweetie. Dean is not the dating type” Y/N snorted, tucking a blonde lock of Jo’s hair behind her ear. “I guess, neither am I” She shrugged, wrapping her arm around her waist. “Thanks for listening, man”
“That’s fair,” she hummed with a nod, leaning into Y/N’s touch. “No worries, dude” she chuckled, resting her head on the other girl’s shoulder. Jo smiled softly, the alcohol making her feel slightly more vulnerable and emotional. She chuckled, wrapping her own arm around her friend.
“Come here” Jo whispered, pulling the hunter into a tight squeeze. Tears welled up in both of their eyes as they spontaneously burst into tears, the alcohol fully absorbing their emotions.
Both girls stood in the middle of the dingy bathroom holding each other tightly, sniffling and crying over nothing in particular. “God… I love you” Y/N sobbed, burying her face into Jo’s neck, tears staining the fabric of her shirt.
“I love you too, idiot” Jo sniffled, tightening her hold on her friend, burying her own face in Y/N’s shoulder. The two girls were so drunk at that moment, they’d started crying at the mere thought of not having each other.
“What the fuck is wrong with us?!” Y/N sniffled and laughed into the hug before pulling away. There was laughter in both of their voices as they laughed through the tears, “I don’t know!!!” Jo chuckled, wiping away the tears that had smeared her mascara. They were both a mess at this point, but they didn’t care.
Both girls were slightly clingy at that moment. Jo grabbed the crook of Y/N’s elbow, linking them together. “Come on, let’s go back to the boys, before they think we’re dead and send out a search party,” She teased.
Meanwhile, the Winchester boys outside, “Jesus, how long does it take to pee?” Sam mused, glancing over in the direction where the girls had disappeared to. “Forever, probably” Dean joked, finishing the rest of his beer.
“I wouldn’t be shocked if they’d both fallen in,” Sam added with a smirk. The jukebox started playing ‘Genie In A Bottle’ by Christina Agulliera second before the older hunter snickered at his brother’s words.
Both women emerged from the bathroom, instantly into the song as it played. They made their way to the crowded dance floor as it was a late Friday night and it was crawling with people. They stumbled their way onto the dancefloor, both giggling again at their own efforts trying not to fall over in their drunken state.
The majority of the people there were couples dancing closely together, but Y/N and Jo didn’t give two shits. Jo began swaying her hips to the flow of the beat, her hand gripping Y/N’s wrist as she began flailing her arms around. Y/N chuckled at her friend’s efforts, copying her exaggerated dance style as they stumbled around and bumped into several people.
The Winchester brothers' eyes landed on the pair, Dean looked amused, watching Y/N dance like that from a distance, his emerald eyes sparkling as the corners of his lips tugged into a smirk. “Jesus, they look like they’re two seconds away from falling over” Sam huffed in amusement, covering his mouth while also looking over at the girls dancing amongst the other couples.
“This is pretty entertaining” Dean snickered, leaning back in his seat as he glanced in the direction of the girls on the dance floor. He watched Y/N swaying her hips to the music, tripping over her feet and swaying like a newborn fawn. It was honestly cute to him.
His eyes traced down to her lower back, that sinful anti possession tattoo peeking out from the bottom of her shirt. He cleared his throat, shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts as Sam’s eyes remained on Jo.
“Your eyes gonna stay stuck like that if you keep staring” Dean teased, noticing the way Sam was ogling at the younger girl from a distance. Sam snapped out of his daze and tore his gaze away, a blush creeping up on his neck.
“Shut up, dick” he grumbled, chugging his beer. “Dude, why don’t you ask her out already?” Dean pressed, arching his eyebrow slightly at his younger brother. Sam’s blush deepened at the question, “We’re friends, that would be weird” He mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
“You both very clearly like each other, it’s not rocket science Sammy” Dean pointed out bluntly, sipping his beer as he glanced back at the girls on the dance floor again. “You like her, just ask her out” he encouraged and gave Sam a slight nudge.
“Take your own damn advice, dude” Sam shot back at Dean with a roll of his eyes. Dean’s head snapped back to look at his cheeky brother, “Shut up” he hissed, his freckled nose and cheeks slightly flushed, though thankfully it was covered by the dim lighting.
Author's Note: Hi beauties! I hope you guys liked my interpretation of this episode🥰
The part with Jo and Y/N in the bathroom is based on my own real drunken experiences with my best friends so I hope everyone liked that!
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
@iloveyou2mia @thelittlelightinthedarkness @lmhf1 @littletomboy2
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seven-oh-four · 10 months
There's some very, very strange dialogue leading up to the bossfight against Mr. Grizz that I never see anyone talk about - maybe because nobody has any idea what the heck it means.
When Mr. Grizz is explaining his "business plan," he says that it has three parts - "The vessel, the spirit, and the wisdom of the ages."
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...What? What is any of this? It never gets mentioned again, and doesn't seem to have any relation to his plan to fly a rocket into space and explode it to rain Fuzzy Ooze everywhere. This just never gets explained.
Immediately after this, Mr. Grizz sucks out Cuttlefish's brain juices.
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This also never comes into play??? Why did he suck out Cuttlefish's brain? He had already created the Fuzzy Ooze, it wasn't a component necessary for that. The rocket was already about to go into space. Why would he even need Cuttlefish's "essence" for any of that?
I think he wasn't just trying to turn all the sea creatures hairy - I think that was just the first part of his three-step plan for success.
I think he was trying to recreate humans.
The Wisdom of The Ages: A suitably intelligent brain fitting for a human.
The Vessel: A suitable body to become the human. (Inklings are already humanoid - adding hair to them makes them... a vague approximation of a human. Hence why this is the first component listed - turning the Inklings into mammals to create a suitable vessel is the first thing he does.)
The Spirit: ...??? It's also possible that The Spirit is Cap'n Cuttlefish's brain, and the Wisdom of the Ages is the crystals contain mankind's hopes and dreams, or perhaps O.R.C.A. since it contains all of humanity's wisdom.
Whatever the case is, there was more to his plan than just coating the earth in Fuzzy Ooze.
But... okay, so what? Why even bring up all this weird information at all if it was never gonna go anywhere? We don't even get to see the second and third steps of his plan. We don't even get to know what they are. So what was the point of having this even be a thing?
Personally, I think it's setting up for a future plot point. Cap'n Cuttlefish's brain essence juice is still out there somewhere, yeah? I bet this is going to come into play in the future.
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fanofstuff01 · 5 months
Ii… Know I said I’ll post the next chapter of Adamsapple x Chaggie yesterday but I remembered one idea I had and worked on it. I’m sorry :< I’ll post it I promise.
The thing I worked on on the other hand… It’s an one shot inspired from this ask on @rius-cave ‘s account (read it from here) where an anon suggested the idea of Lucifer and Adam fighting so bad that Adam ends up in Angel’s room crying.
Enjoy! (Also would you mind if I tagged you @things-arent-what-they-seem66 and @talesfromawannabejournalist ?)
Angel was getting ready to sleep when he heard a slight knock on his door, like the person behind it was doubting their decision to come here.
“I don’t know who you are but you better have a good fucking reason to be here this late.” He said to the door.
“Angel? Can I come in?” Someone spoke with a shaky voice.
He opened the door, only to be met with a devastated sight of his friend. He looked like someone stole something from him. Heck, he must’ve been seriously off, he wasn’t even hiding his third eye on his forehead.
“Woah, what happened big guy?”
I was wondering if I could stay here tonight.?”
“Sure, but why?” Angel said, letting him in.
“Lucifer can’t come here unless you allow him to right?” He leaned against a wall, taking his head in his hands.
“Yeah, I guess..” So he did something…
“Let’s get you a beanbag..” He muttered to himself, walked to his closet but stopped when he heard a sob coming behind him.
The sinner, curled up in a ball with his wings wrapped around him, was crying silently. He sat down beside him quickly and began rubbing circles to his back.
“Hey… It’s okay. You don’t have to hide yourself. Let it out.”
“I-I can’t cry..” He was shaking. Fucking shaking.
“What?! Of course you can, everyone can!”
“Not me! I’m the man, not the pussy!” His wings revealed him, he was trying desperately to end the tears with wiping them violently. “I can’t let feelings-“
“Hey.” He held his wrists and hugged him. “I told you to let it out.”
That did it. He didn’t care anymore. He cried loudly to his chest. His tears were colder than anyone could ever have.
They stayed in the same position for a while, Angel awkwardly patting his back as he thought of what to do. Sure, he could try to comfort him, but it’d probably make him feel worse. Maybe this’d be enough for the sinner?
Who the fuck was he kidding? He needed someone to do it properly. And he knew just who it was. He whistled quietly, and took his pet in his hands. Adam let go of the hug and looked at who came.
“As much as I’d like to make you feel better, I suck at it Ad. But, I have someone else. Would you like to hug Nuggets?” He held him to Adam, and the upset demon took him. He licked his face softly, getting a chuckle and a hiccup from him. He hugged him tightly. He seemed a bit calmer but there were still lots of tears coming out of his eyes. Angel put a hand on his shoulder.
“You don’t have to tell me what happened, but if you want to, I’m here.”
Lucifer walked down at the hallway, going to Angel Dust’s room. He was looking for a certain demon, and Charlie suggested he should go and check Angel Dust’s room. The spider and him had some sort of a friendship after all.
He needed to apologize. No, more than apologize, he probably needed to get him his favorite meal, take him to a rock concert and shit like that. He could do those later, but first he needed to see if he was okay and talk the things he said out.
There he was, standing at the doorstep. He knocked it softly, hoping he wasn’t waking the pornstar up.
A tired Angel opened the door, but his attitude completely changed when he saw the King of Hell. He was looking at him with ice-cold eyes, and they also held a little bit… Anger?
“What can I do for you Your Highness?” He said simply, wanting the King to go away. Adam didn’t need him at this moment.
“Uhh, Is Adam here?” He said, trying to look inside the room. But Angel just spawned two extra arms to block the view, standing infront of the short guy.
“Yes he is. But he is sleeping. I suggest you to come at the morning. It’s the middle of the night right now.”
“I see, but can I please at least see hi-“
“No. No you can’t.”
“But you just told me he was-?”
“Yes, he is. He fell asleep while crying because of you. And I doubt that he wants the person, who made him pour his fucking heart to me, near him even if he is sleeping. So why don't you just leave him alone, like everyone else did. After all,” He placed his finger on Lucifer’s chest, near his heart. That's what he deserves, right Your Highness?”
“Come on Angel, I didn’t mean it! I wasn’t thinking when I-”
“That’s always what they say.” He hmphed. “If you seriously want the better of him, then go the fuck away. And come back, when you see him more than a toy or a pet you can play around and threw away when you get bored. Good night, Lucifer.” He shut the door in his face.
Lucifer backed away, looking at the door shocked.
Adam, who hated crying and showing ‘girly’ emotions, poured his heart out to another demon, because of what he said?
This wasn’t right. Right, they were having an argument, and sure, maybe it got a little out of hand, but… But it couldn’t hurt Adam that much.
Angel leaned against the door. God, he wasn’t going to deny he was quite surprised how he could find the courage to do this, but he knew Lucifer wouldn’t dare hurt Charlie’s clients.
Well, he is the wrong one after all. He peeked at his bed, where the demon he wanted to see was. Fat Nuggets was lying and probably sleeping near him, like he wanted to be there just in case he’d wake up crying again. Sometimes Angel could swore he was a literal angel.
He groaned, he needed a few things or atleast a glass of water, but he also didn’t wanted to leave Adam alone.
It’ll be quick. Just five minutes. He got up and opened the door, checking for Lucifer. When he couldn’t see him, he rushed to the kitchen.
Lucifer waited for him to dissapear from the curtain he was hiding in, and sneaked to his room. He hoped the magic wouldn’t work since Angel wasn’t in his room.
It didn’t.
Oh but how much Lucifer would want it to do.
Adam was there, in Angel’s bed, sleeping with the pig-pet near him. Looking horrible. His cheeks were puffy red, and still wet. His hair was messed up, his other eye wasn’t hidden like it mostly was, one of his horns looked like it had a missing piece, and so many few more details formed the broken man infront of him. But worst of all, even though he was sleeping, he looked more like he just passed out.
He was hurt.
He was hurt because of him.
He did this.
He absentmindedly tried to placed a hand on his, but his hand stopped when he heard someone behind.
“Ahem. I believe I told you to, GO. THE. FUCK. AWAY.” Angel Dust whisper-yelled, as Lucifer refused to let go of Adam’s side.
“I can’t leave him like thi-“
“Oh but you said you should, right? THEN DO IT! I am not allowing you here!”
The king felt the command grip his throat. He walked out of the room and stood at the entrance. The sinner was now straight up angry, and he didn’t seemed to care Lucifer was superior to him.
“Angel, I-” He faced a door again, the spider didn’t even had something to say to him.
He sat down at the entrance. If he had to wait for the morning then he’d do it.
He needed to clean up his own mess.
This was supposed to be a little one shot help-
Should I make a sequel?
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bibibbon · 2 months
The OFA vestiges are a wasted of space. Most of them don't even have a one-note personality, they're emotionless commentors. I can only remember Black Whip being a loud mouth because he was introduced first and separately from the others. Even the real Nana didn't get much characterized.
Seriously, is there anything memorable or interesting about any of them?
I simply think that there are too many OFA vestiges and just not enough screentime for them to be fleshed out or be important.
Horikoshi's biggest issue is that there's too many vestiges and too little time to develop them so even the important predecessors of OFA like nana, all might and yoichi end up being heavily underdeveloped and watered down to an extreme degree.
The OFA vestiges aren't well developed and basically don't even have that much of a connection to izuku (low-key kinda sad hori didn't give us a found family wacky vibe with them) they're also incredibly forgettable at times and those that do matter or are remembered are only remembered because they're important or connected to other major characters.
Now we could of gotten much more in depth with nana her goals, her connections her own relationship and life but we don't heck even her relationship with all might is pretty hollow and we barley have anything of her when it comes to gran Torino or her family. The only time she is given proper focus is in that little ending where she and izuku are the only ones left and witness what kotaro did to Tenko.
Banjo (the fifth user) is only memorable due to his personality and how useful his quirk proved to be other than that he doesn't do much.
The third user aka Bruce is incredibly forgettable in my opinion and the only reason that kudo the second user is shown to matter is how AFO is scared of him and how he is basically a copy of bakugo.
En (the sixth user) had an okay scene but he is also forgettable I think that it's two of his scenes that really stuck with me but that's it. The scenes are when he is dying and is shown to have his hand full of his own hair, people have theorised that he passed down OFA to nana via his hair and that's how the whole eat my hair thing tradition started and the second scene is when he complains or basically feels insecure about his quirk but is happy that izuku has put smokescreen to good use.
Realistically I feel like horikoshi took Izuku's INTROSPECTION and perspective and replaced it with the OFA vestiges. Also the vestiges barely offer anything and are there to simply let izuku have more quirks instead of them being well developed nuanced characters that have had to face tragedy over and over without even being able to rest in the afterlife.
They could of been more, personally I would reduce the number of users there are but yeah they had potential that's all I can really say
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10yrsyart · 1 year
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“Restitution: an act of restoring, or a condition of being restored”
None of us are perfect and so all of us have broken God’s Law. Good deeds can’t erase wrongs, just as you can’t recapture words that have left your mouth. But God loved us so much that He provided the payment for our sins instead. “He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:14)
Just as these people had a choice to accept the offer of legal freedom, we also have the choice to accept Jesus’ payment for us, and His freedom. “For God has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.” (Colossians 1:13-14)
Don’t rely on the good things you do as a ticket to Heaven. Only perfection is allowed into God’s home. Which is why Jesus, who lived a perfect life and died in our place, is the only way to be made perfect in God’s eyes. His righteousness covers us when we believe. A third option isn’t there; you either live with Him or live separated from Him forever. Believe in Jesus and accept His offer of payment and eternal life, for He loved you enough to pay it all so you can live. 💙
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
Judge: You three have been charged with embezzlement, grand theft, and resisted arrest. You have two options. The first: A prison sentence that will continue until you have payed the entire sum of money that was lost. The second is provided by this gentleman here. He has offered to pay your bail in full, which I will accept as restitution, and your record will be wiped. Make your decisions now please.
Red Man: Who the heck is this guy, talking like he owns the place? These charges are totally unfair.
Blue Woman: What were you expecting? We did break the law.
Red Man: So our choices are living it up in prison or being indebted to this rich goody goody? I'm not accepting that. I don't need him. Where's the third option?
Purple Woman: I don't need a bail out either, I've done a lot of charity work. I'm sure there's a balance there somewhere.. You just have to wheedle the judge a little.
Blue Woman: Are you listening to yourself?-
Judge: Have you made your decisions?
Red Man: Yeah, I refuse! Who made it a crime to borrow a lil' money here and there? It's a free country, ain't it? Actually, it's a crime to discriminate against me like this!
Judge: So you have chosen the first option. I am truly sorry to hear this, Sir. Very well, officers, if you would-
Red Man: Hey, get your hands off me!
Judge: And you, ma'am?
Purple Woman: You see, Judge, I've worked with many nonprofits and charities over the years. They can vouch for me! I'm not really a bad person, this was just a little lapse in judgment, that's all.
Judge: I'm afraid it doesn't matter how many good works you've done, ma'am. The law is still the law, and you've broken it. If you do not accept the pardon you've been offered, you must accept the consequences of your actions.
Purple Woman: Let go of me! I don't deserve this-
Judge: What about you, ma'am?
Blue Woman: ..I'd like to accept this man's generous offer. But, if I may.. Why do you trust him to follow through? It's a rather large price...
Judge: Wonderful, a good question! I have seen his work and I trust his integrity explicitly. For you see- He is my Son.
Yeshua: Congratulations!
Blue Woman: Thankyou.. Thankyou so much! How can I ever repay you?!
Yeshua: I don't want your payment, I'm satisfied that you're free.
Blue Woman: But why?
Yeshua: Let's take a walk together for a bit and get to know each other. I'm doing something quite exciting, and I want you to be a part of it.
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katyspersonal · 9 months
Idk if I've asked you this before
but what are your thoughts on Millicent's sisters in Elden Ring?
Hey Bim! No, you haven't asked this before, and sorry for the delay :pensive:
I've been thinking about the sisters for some time, but moreso conceptually than developing the characters on their own (this one is for later I guess)! But, I agree with the interpretation that Malenia's spawn are fractions of her self. Millicent is the one we can judge by, she is the dignity and pride Malenia had forgotten when she gave into Scarlet Rot, the courage to live and perish as herself rather than persist to see herself become something else.. The side of her that would rather amputate her own limbs that are afflicted by the Rot the most, after all. I personally ended up focusing on this "loss" aspect in my interpretation of the girls, and with them I've found their weapons of choice can tell us something?
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(Images by Zlofsky ( x ), careful though, this is a large compilation of references)
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So, Malenia's spawn having two "types": one are the stronger kind, which is also the one capable of blooming (Millicent and the sixth sister but about her later), and another are more "underwhelming" in comparison (Mary, Maureen, Amy and Polyanna themselves). And whereas the former result from cracks in Malenia's strongest, most fundamental qualities, the latter are loss of memories and influence from the important people for her! Scarlet Rot eats away memories; Malenia has to repeat to herself that she fights for Miquella like a mantra to not forget, and he is the most important person for her, so it would only be expected she barely can hold others in mind, if at all..
Amy was the one who made me think this way, since she is using Flowing Curved Swords! They were once wielded by the blind swordsman that taught Malenia to battle the way she does, and I thought Amy reflects Malenia forgetting her mentor, or having the impact he had on her as a person slowly vanish. Following this idea, Mary reflects Malenia's memories about her connection with Finlay fading. She is using Halo Scythe, a weapon wielded by commanders of Malenia's army of Cleanrot Knights.
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Heck, now that I think of it, maybe Malenia didn't recognize Finlay upon waking up at all.. At the very least, I think Scarlet Rot definitely attacked their connection.
The Treespear Maureen uses is even less personalized and belongs to the guardians of Leyendell, but I think if we are to choose a Golden Order person that influenced Malenia the most, that'd be her losing memories of Godwyn. The statue depicts both Miquella and Malenia being hugged by him, and Golden Order was still a large part of her life apparently, even if Miquella (and herself) had to abandon it as it'd avail them no help with her condition..
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Polyanna actually had me puzzled for a bit, because the Blade of Calling she uses is very much associated with Melina within the story.. but in fact, this is a very possible answer too - Malenia should have known Melina, if Melina knew the "previous owner of Torrent" who so far seems to have been Miquella! And they could have been close too, like if she was a third sibling standing in the shadows. (All three are also associated with types of a butterfly <:3) It could even be a reason why the sisters instinctively gravitate towards dressing up this way x)
Melina cherishes life in all its forms, no matter how broken or struggling. I'd imagine she would be another person to help Malenia to love herself. Sure, these people all loved Malenia, but Melina could offer a sort of unique support, de-focused on Malenia's recovery, and it would be so helpful should Malenia doubt her life could ever get better... Who else would reassure Malenia (or anyone) that life was worth living, even if so painful and dangerous, even if it was to be shortened and full of wrestling with inner horrors for every next day of it?
....soo, yeah, I think this is a working interpretation for now! Malenia's rune offers recovering if attacking right after taking damage and it is explained by her spirit of resistance, so sides of self that she'd lose persisting for some longer even if in other form feels appropriate for me! (I also have this theory that when something bad effects the body of an Empyrean they will spawn an "alter ego" to defend their integrity as one, so Radagon was a defense against a curse from Giants and Trina was a defense against FF, so being permanently afflicted would mean frequient alters lol) Personalities of the four sisters would be taking the effects associated people had on Malenia and how she remembered them. Polyanna is the only one helping us to fight that guy for the golden needle, determined and autonomous like Melina, Mary the only one who survives the battle with Millicent, being the last one standing like Finlay tended to be. Always restless Amy and diplomatic Maureen (source: dude trust me xd). I will get back to this properly but this is roughly the direction I want to work in!
And I am not sure whether this one is going to count in this context, but...
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This is a big flower not far before Malenia's arena, and next to it you pick the same traveller set the sisters are wearing! I think this could be a sixth (known) sister, but of a similar kind as Millicent; coming from Malenia's core traits rather than memories and connections. But if Millicent is her pride and dignity willing to return to her after giving a crack during battle with Radahn, which one would this sister be?
I am thinking, maybe her faith in Miquella being able to find the solution wavered some time? It would be a crack in her hope and faith. And this sixth girl had a similar pursuit to return Malenia what she had lost, only, she succeeded. We get Miquella's Needle from Malenia after defeating her, and I don't think this is what Unalloyed Gold Needle "turns" into; the designs are too different for that implication IMO:
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So maybe Malenia had HUMANITY RESTORED when this sister brought Miquella's Needle to her? I concluded this needle is "useless" for her condition, but simply holding one of the tokens of Miquella's talent and effort helped to recollect that sense of knowing he will always figure something out?
I might find a different interpretation later, for the last one especially, you just never know for sure with Soulsborne games! But these are my thoughts at the moment! This post.. turned out unexpectedly sad for me, not gonna lie hhhytfhggfg It still was helpful to actually organize my thoughts on the topic, thank you for the ask!
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walrus150915 · 1 year
The most random out-of-order Nimona headcanons I've scrambled out of my mind and put in my notes as coherent as I could bc there's a LOTTTT
• I don't think Nimona uses specific names to label her sexuality/gender. Was she in love with Gloreth? Maybe she was. Maybe she was not. Does she like boys? Who knows, she sure doesn't. What's her gender? Nimona. That's it
• I think Ballister did try to be the cis ally™ and figure out the label Nimona would use but she'd just shrug her shoulders and say "I don't know, boss, it seems like you care about it more than I do"
• And even though she's NOT a girl, she uses she/her pronouns because 💥YOUR PRONOUNS DON'T DEFINE YOUR GENDER💥 you may use she/her and not be a girl, he/him and not be a boy, I even saw cis people use they/them simply bc they're comfortable. And that's okay!
• Although she's comfortable with people calling her he/they/neopronouns you name it. Just. Not it/its. You know the reasons😬
• Nimona is left-handed and it's CANON actually I am SO HAPPY as a left-handed person she's just like me fr💥💥
• Nimona isn't a big fan of domestic bliss Ambrosius and Ballister spend most of their time in (plus they're very sappy and very much disgustingly in love, Nimona's stoic organism can't handle their mushiness for the dear life), she's like an independent cat I think: comes to hang out, eats, spends time with her father-not-really figures and goes away for weeks only to come back again. She travels the world my dudes✨
• I think she has a bunch of photos from the places she'd been to and talks about her adventures a lot!
• Nimona also is the best cook of the fam I'm afraid. Ballister cooks, like, the bare minimum to serve himself as a functioning adult (rice, salad, pasta, some meat like you know the deal) but nothing too complicated. Ambrosius is a nepo baby who's probably lived in palaces and mansions with dozens of servants do you really think he's good at cooking😭 as he distanced himself from the Institute and moved in with Bal I think he learnt to cook, still not great at it.
• Nimona though? SHE CAN DO *ANYTHING* like she's madly good at cooking. It might look like she's burning the kitchen down only to reveal that she was putting Gordon Ramsay to shame!
Speaking of BallBros
• Ballister's experience is close to a second gen immigrant. Ambrosius's experience is close to a third gen immigrant. They can't be immigrants bc of the context of the story?? I DON'T CARE☺
• Ambrosius doesn't speak his mother tongue except for like a few words or phrases he's heard at home. His older relatives probably make fun of him for it on family gatherings. His parents didn't teach him because they didn't want him to stick out (totally not self projecting here - yeah I'm a third gen immigrant hiii)
• Ballister tho? I think Urdu was his first language but he learned English along the way
• And it kinda mixes in his head so he forgets the words from both languages sometimes and replaces them with the word from the other one (HA my experience again)
• When he's experiencing hard emotions, be it anger, happiness, sadness, or is overwhelmed, he drops English entirely and just starts bantering in Urdu
• Ambrosius didn't know Ballister was bilingual but when he learnt it? He was amazed and I think... Kinda jealous because he didn't get to learn Korean himself (self projection yeahhhhhh)
• "You know your mother tongue? Damn! I wish I did too!"
• That said, Ballister has no idea how to shorten Ambrosius's name (WHAT THE HECK IS THIS NAME BRO WHAT ARE YOU, GOD'S FOOD???), so he sticks to Urdu endearments, "luv" (in the most British accent possible) and "darling"
People who say French/Spanish are the romantic languages are wrong LISTEN TO URDU OR INDIAN LANGUAGES OR ARABIC. THAT'S WHERE LOVE IS DUDE
• Ambrosius has learnt like a few words in Urdu and tries to rizz up Ballister by saying some basic words like "jaan", "mohabbat" and just😭😭😭 fails😭😭😭 because he's a cringefail man😭😭😭
I remember trying to ask out my (NOW EX😔) gf who's Italian by writing "will you be my girlfriend?" in Italian and I used GOOGLE TRANSLATION🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ SHE UNDERSTOOD THAT I USED GOOGLE AND POINTED IT OUT AS A JOKE BUT I CRINGED AT MYSELF SO HARD..... Ambrosius would totally do that too and Ballister would chuckle and pull him in a kiss bc he loves this cringefail man so much
• Ambrosius also serenades like I KNOW DAMN WELL HE DOES. He goes "this one's for you, Bal" with a wink and sings like the sappiest most disgusting love ballad ever and Ballister tries his best not to laugh because that's his beloved boyfriend but also like.... So cringe. So embarrassing😭😭 Nimona has more balls than her boss so she would outright say that it's cringe
• Also. I don't agree with people saying Ambrosius's a jock because have you seen this man?? He's a theatre kid. The worst kind of theatre kid. Even after not being a kid anymore he's still a theatre kid. BRO IS A HAMILTON FAN UNIRONICALLY, OF COURSE HE IS. He makes weirdass references to musicals and giggles like an idiot
• Can we agree that Ambrosius was an awakening for many teenagers because OOOOH BOY he sure would be mine. Some pop news youtube channel probably has a video of him reading the kingdom's equivalent of "thirst tweets", like yknow this type of vids😭😭
While we're on the topic of thirst tweets
• Diego the squire runs a fan page account with edits of Ballister like he's some pop celebrity
• He also may or may not write self-indulgent "Ballister x reader" fanfiction in his off duty time
• Also hc that when Ballister was on the run he saw some "WANTED" poster of him and hang up on the wall like yeah boy's crush is EMBARRASSING (can we blame him? I'm the same with Riz Ahmed)
• Todd would be on the "straight" side of their equivalent to TikTok. You know the ones with shirtless men with the same haircuts who think they're hot when in reality they're not?? That's what Todd and his friends are up to in their free time *throws up*
To wrap it all up NOT with Todd, some super random ones:
• Ballister and Ambrosius force Nimona to take her shoes off ("DO NOT bring your European nonsense in this ethnic household") in their house even though she doesn't even have boots on😭😭 it's just her skin😭😭😭 so she morphs her form to simply be shoeless😭😭😭😭
• Ambrosius knows how to tap dance. Idk don't question it I just think he does
• Nimona plays piano YEAH SHE DOES she's lived for 1000+ years man she can do anything
• Ballister's hair routine is "genetics, coconut oil n some prayers"
Yeah that's it I'll probably make a part 2 because it's not all... These characters have occupied my mind and won't let it go🧍‍♂️
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minty-playhouse · 4 months
( This is @livingunderaclassicrock, but tumblr won’t let me message you with that blog for some reason :( )
*knock knock*
Special Delivery!!
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Hello, so first of all, super weird that rumblr won't let you message me through that blog? I even checked to see if it wasn't blocked by accident or something but no so just tumblr having a normal one!
Second, no way you are the same person?? I didn't even realize it XD
Third, HECK YEAH, Keith with little to no clothing, my favorite genre of photos! He really never missed a chance to show his naked body and honestly I respect him for that we need to be more unapologetic about nudity! He got the right idea!
Also yo @lil-melody-moon come grab your food!
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sarnai4 · 6 months
Friend For All
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This is something I've been thinking about for a while now. In my opinion, Dagur is the only character who could actually have an amazing time hanging out with every member of the Dragon Riders. I don't even think the Riders themselves can say that. Please, hear me out. I know they're friends, but they're a friend group. This is an important distinction because how often do you really see Fishlegs and the twins just having a ball together? (That "wedding" doesn't count because the poor Ingerman was not enjoying himself.) What about Snotlout and Astrid just genuinely having fun without anyone else there? You really don't get that. So, I'll try to explain why I think Dagur could do this. (Spoilers probably. I'll just use the warning to be safe.)
Dagur and the twins could have chaotic fun. It's probably unsafe for anyone around them, but no one else is matching their pure insanity. All three of them have this combination of sometimes just doing things to mess with people or just doing something that then causes problems by accident. Still, I think they'd have fun. They can try to out prank each other (think Loki Day). They also still know how to be serious when the time absolutely calls for it, so they could have less silly times too. Ultimately, I think their best times together would be when they're just causing heck for the world and laughing together about what they've done.
Dagur and Astrid could enjoy the more warrior/protector side of life. I think there would be a healthy competition. Astrid was in charge of keeping the Edge secure with defenses and Dagur snuck on several times. He might even end up being the tester for her new security systems. I could see her trying to make things to keep him out and him being fine seeing how close to death he comes while still trying to break in. Also, since Astrid's got that drill sergeant thing going on that we saw in "Team Astrid," I could see her being curious what types of training he has his soldiers do. They might even trade ideas back and forth to have the strongest fighters.
Dagur and Fishlegs is a friendship I have wanted to see more of ever since "Family on the Edge." They were so adorable geeking out together about Gronckles. They're such an odd buddy duo because they seem like complete opposites, but I think it could work. Fishlegs wanted a spa area and are we really going to say Dagur wouldn't love that? Mr. Meditation and Fruit Baths? Yeah, he'd happily tag along for a spa day. Then, they can geek out more about Gronckles or other things like this. A personal headcanon I have which adds to this is I believe Dagur is pretty well-read. There are little things like him knowing about the third eye, French, how to make the antidote for Nadder venom when he got shot (since they didn't have dragons on Berserker Island), etc. So, I feel like he and Fishlegs might have more things to nerd over than most assume. Dagur even was impressed by Fishlegs's thirst for knowledge. Maybe they could discuss the different topics they've read and studied. Study buddies! (Sorta)
Dagur and Snotlout are a duo I think would be amazing. Like with Fishlegs, there were episodes where I just knew I wanted more of them together. Seeing them fight off traitorous Berserkers, then start providing commentary to Hicctrid in "Mi Amore Armorwing" were some great moments to me. The reason I think they could work is that I feel like they'd be good influences on each other. (Actually, I already have a story out on AO3 that dives into this called "Means We're Friends.") Dagur is himself and always will be. Even in RTTE, there's a part of Snotlout who still wants to be who others...namely Spitelout...think he should be. Dagur could help him learn to just be whoever he really is and not care what anyone else says. Also, Snotlout is more sensitive than he'd ever admit, so I think he'd be able to help Dagur in those moments when the Berserker is just clearly not picking up on how to respond properly in situations to avoid weirding everyone out. They could also do a bunch of sparring together too and get into random things for fun like how Snotlout started narrating Tuffnut's search for Chicken. I definitely think Dagur would've joined in on that.
Dagur and Hiccup...well, of course. They're brothers and friends, so that's a given. These two are going on the wildest adventures because Hiccup will never really stay put and Dagur would get bored if he did. There's that fun protective side too. Anyone around them knows that if they mess with Hiccup, they're dying in the most horrific ways possible. Plus, we'd have to throw in some big brother advice moments from Dagur to help Hiccup out with becoming a chief in the future. We've seen the redhead offer advice to Hiccup before with not letting revenge consume him. We've also seen Hiccup offer some comfort with things like their search for Oswald. So, you'd get the more adventurous/fun side of the friendship along with the more serious moments.
On Monday, I'm going to publish a series of oneshots set both in and out of their universe to show how these relationships could work. Considering Monday is April Fool's, I just knew which group I had to start with...(It's out now and called "Just One of the Riders.")
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lestappenforever · 1 year
I love Lestappen dynamic. I love how similar and different these two are at the same time. they literally complement each other perfectly.
I kinda see Max as a person who has found one thing for himself and is only moving in that direction. yes, he has other interests, but they are not that much.... pronounced? his love of racing and cars is just overwhelming (take one look at his garage or how he spent his summer break or how much time he spends in sim). it's like he doesn't know there's something else exists but in fact he doesn't really need it. moving in one direction is satisfactory for him.
when otherwise Charles is very open to new experiences. his experimentation with music, golf, football, other sports and even fashion (heck I'm not even mentioning the fact that he can draw with a pencil and has taken plane flying lessons) make him very versatile. i believe that this is a man who had a huge amount of opportunities in front of him and just chose what he was interested in. he has huge potential and from personal experience i know that people like this need to do different things to keep from trivialising burnout.
these two are so different off the track but when they get on the race – wow. their driving style is very similar, they take every chance, they are both number one. (by the way, that's why I think it would be VERY interesting to see them both on a red bull car. the car is built for the preferences and style of the pilot and on this basis it can be said that Charles would feel pretty comfortable in red bull. but two numbers one and in a team with Max – it's just scary. they can take each other out and can not coincide with their own ambitions. the number one driver plays for himself, number two – for the team. but for both of them the second option is alien.)
Max is driven by rationality, he's a very down-to-earth person, while Charles is all about heart and dreams. he values tradition, he really is a people pleaser when Max doesn't give a fuck. and that's how they will always complement and help each other. Charles would open Max up to new experiences and show him that you can enjoy yourself even if you are bad at something. while Max could help Charles realise that chasing some dreams at the moment is not wise (yes, I mean winning the championship with Ferrari. no hope for coming years).
despite all this, they have the same goal - to win. And to beat each other. in a proper battle (like Bahrain 2022, still one of the most beautiful races when the cars were actually dancing around each other (like these idiots for years ffs)). and their love of racing is what will really keep them together for the next how long..... 15, 20 years like Max said? The fact that he doesn't even see it as a possibility, he's sure of it... well help, I'm drowning in Lestappen.
maybe it all sounds stupid I don't know I just wanted to share its 6 in the morning I didn't sleep I was reading demons roll the dice for a third time so yeah just thoughts about dynamics cause I can talk about it for hours but kinda tired of typing so
love ya cheers
Babe. Honey. Darling.
Just, this. Everything you said, a million times over. You've truly hit the nail right on the head.
Also, I love you and thank you so much for reading my work. ❤️
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httyddragonfox · 2 months
The Bad writing of Miraculous Season 4 & 5
Is it just me, or did the writing of Miraculous go down after season three? Chat blanc did so well that they tried to make every episode similar to it, but in doing so they completely changed the format of their writing.
For starters, Adrein is a sentimonster. That's alright, but their little to no hint before hand. Gabriel didn't even use the amok to keep Adrien in line, just scolded him. If he was so against it he could've done that, or if he had his suspicions he could've demanded Adrien tell him the truth with the amok.
Second, Gabriel is suddenly much worse of a parent. At least he had his morals in the first three seasons, and could be slightly reasonable, but now he's completely overriding Adrien's life. It's also inconsistent, sometimes he's completely aghast at the idea of Adrien being Cat noir, sometimes he's like "Yes, evil plan!" Sometimes he's against akumatizing Adrien, others he's "Yes, let's akumatize my son!"
Third, Suddenly 'Kagami is a sentimonster?' This isn't confirmed, but it's heavily implied. Gabriel suddenly has an arrangement with Tomoe. Almost as if she was aware of this the whole time. There was no hint before hand. When the ring is akumatized and broken, Kagami is fine, just like she was before when it was akumatized, Yet suddenly it's a big deal if it is.
Forth, what are they doing with Felix? In the third season, he was introduced as a horrible person who could pretend to be nice. Yet in the fourth and fifth season, it's a bit confusing what they are doing with him. He seems to be obsessed with going against Gabriel, that's consistent. Yet they have him appear in season 4, and "have him controlled by the ring?" In season 5, they have him be horrible in making everyone disappear, Kagami calls him a monster, and he sympathizes with the sentimonsters. Next time, he kidnaps Kagami and she loves in love with him, which is problematic. Then showing the truth to Marinette, he gets rid of the sentimonster even though he cared before. They made him horrible and then they redeemed him, but I'm not sure if he should have been redeemed, especially after the big win he gave Gabriel.
Fifth, the turned Chole into an irredeemable person. Yeah, she was bad before but at least she had her morals. She was somewhat kind to Sabrina, and she had insecurity issues. I don't disagree with the fact that she was selfish in her heroics and that made her a bad person, but I would've liked her continue to have a bond with Sabrina even as she was tormenting Marinette.
Sixth, Lila just seems a little ridiculous in how much she gets away with everything. They were trying to set her up as the next big bad, but in doing so she doesn't even have a set character. It turns out even the character of Lila is a lie and she has three moms, who just believe her lies whole-heartedly. Marinette told Alya that she was Ladybug so Alya should know that she is not Ladybug's best friend or maybe trust her friend a little more, but even she believes Lila!
Seventh, why is Natalie still working for Gabriel when she told him he didn't deserve her help?
Eighth, Kagami and Adrien are supposed to be together according to Gabriel and Tomoe. They never mentioned this before, heck, they weren't even paying attention when they were dating. Suddenly in season 5 it's super important that they end up together.
Ninth, They keep playing around with cataclysm. Cat noir was hit with a Cataclysm before and shattered his ribs but that was it. I thought his suit protected him, they're supposed to be near indestructible. Suddenly they act like if Cat Noir is hit with it he dies, if Monarch is hit with it he'll die.
Tenth, Gabriel destroyed the miraculous like it was nothing. They're supposed to be indestructible to the point that only cataclysm can destroy it.
Eleventh, the alliance rings are supposed to be made of metal, but they're also made of plastic and they're easily broken, yet they turn the alliance rings into a statue.
Twelfth, Tomoe easily gives up on the goal as soon as Gabriel is gone. Yet they wrote her as helping him to achieve her goal.
Thirteenth, Suddenly they're living in a utopia at the end of season 5, even though realistically it's not that easy to turn the world around. What about that school that's not really a high school? It didn't really sound to have that much structure to it. It sounds more like an activities center. Everything just sounds a little too good to be true.
Fourteenth, Gabriel got what he wanted, even if the world being destroyed and being remade is portrayed as a bad thing. Also, he's portrayed as a hero to the public even though he was horrible. Adrien even sees him as a hero, despite being the frontal victim of his abuse. That's problematic writing.
Overall, they tried to create a more serialized writing for seasons 4 and 5 whilst forgetting their writing for the first 3 seasons that were more episodic. It's a complete 180, shocks the audience, and feels sloppy.
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moonshine-nightlight · 5 months
Hi, hi! I've been reading some of your work and when I saw you had a tumblr I just had to come pay your inbox a visit.
I just wanna say, I really love how you write! It's so, so easy to get immersed in your stories, to the point where something kind of funny happened in my case actually XD
So there I was at midnight, browsing the monster romance side of AO3 when I came across Finally Woken. I was looking something on the shorter word count side, but the summary had me very interested. So I go, hmmm I think I'll just read the first chapter to see how it is and if I like it I'll come back to it tomorrow. I definitely liked it, but wanted just a bit more, so I clicked on the second chapter. Then the third. And fourth. And so on until oops, I binged it and it was 4 am hdjsgaca
And then the next day, I was once again browsing. And came across Don't shoot the messenger. And I go, well last night was a success but tonight I definitely only read the first chapter and then if I like it finish tomorrow. Aaaah the lies we tell ourselves. Did not even notice it was the same author until I was halfway through it. This one I managed to finish before 4 am at least XD
And then! The next day! Once again browsing in bed! I come across Sacrifice! Once again didn't look at the author until later! Take a guess at what happened next, surely you will never expect the outcome! (The outcome was exactly the same. I could not stop reading. My self restraint is in shambles.)
So yeah! I just wanted to one, come and thank you for such wonderful stories, and two, compliment the heck out of your writing skills because your pacing, and atmosphere and descriptions are top notch. Like the sense of anticipation before Satrasi knew what that captain had done was chef kiss, or the sense of dread building up to the ritual and then calm once Tai finds the reader. Or the sense of domesticity as time passes with Heshi.
All reader characters and monsters feel unique as well! My personal favorite story so far is Don't shoot the messenger, Satrasi has me swooning fdhdgzh But honestly I loved all of them so much and they're going to my favorite monster romances stash. Oh also, I'm 100% going to go back and reread, kudos and comment more thoroughly on each story, but I was on another account like a fool the first time I read them all gahdgdh So hopefully you'll see me in AO3 soon as well!
Alright I've been rambling enough already haha, so yeah! Tldr, You're a great author, I am weak and procrastinated going to bed because I wanted to read your stuff, love what you do, take care! :D
thank you so much! this was such a good message to get and i've been hoarding it for lik 2 months lol because work has been so busy which is why it was even better to get such a nice ask - it really cheered me up!
i'd say i;m sorry for the accidental repeated trapping and keeping you up until 4 am but its kinda the greatest compliment ever lol so i guess i'm not sorry
i'm so happy you enjoyed the stories and the characters and the atmosphere of the stories! my writing means so much to me and i'm always worried that i'm not getting whats in my head down onto paper right so comments/asks like these are so so heartwarming because it makes me feel lik i am in fact getting it right :D
thanks again!!!!
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misterceeh · 8 days
I think the case with jimin and jungkook is that if you as the only other person with them don’t make an active effort into inserting yourself into the conversation, they’re the kind to get really absorbed into each other and unintentionally form their own bubble leaving the third person out. Jimin talking about how him and jk unintentionally left yoongi behind while drinking together because they were too absorbed in their own conversation is what leads me to believe this.
This is what I saw in the bbq scene with taehyung and i could tell that he had no interest in really inserting himself into the conversation hence him being on his phone the whole time, but when the same thing happened when they were on the boat and playing around with sunscreen jikook were starting to lowkey get into their own bubble again but taehyung had an interest this time and made himself an active participant by teasing jimin for cowering from jk.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Also, when I said in my earlier post about TH looked out of place, in my mind I had thought of it in a general sense and also as a means of supporting the idea that there was never any intention to invite guests for AYS from the beginning. JM and JK tend to naturally form their own bubble like you said and the travel show was one of the ways for them to enjoy their time together, just the two of them in their own bubble, and be safe while doing it in different places (since they have the production team with them).
There had been so many examples of these times when they'd do something together in the presence of other members and leave the others wondering what the heck they're doing. Just to point out a few:
- that time with NJ during their photoshoot, when KM were pinching each other
- the Haikyuu reference when HS was next to them during the table tennis Run BTS episode
- the YG reference you just mentioned
- the antics they do together in the background in some of the behind-the-scenes videos we see from time to time (including that time JM jumped on JK's arms in front of Lee Hyun hahahaha)
These two are so naturally attuned to each other and that you'll need to make an effort to break in. Hahahaha
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