#also there's nothing else that can be seen and heard it's just a few seconds of this icon in the top corner to indicate a voice line
aklaustaleteller · 3 days
An Unofficial Date
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Klaus has had a certain starry-eyed girl on his mind, so when he walks into a museum, not at all with the hope of finding her inside, he can't help but strike up a conversation, which might've just led to Y/n agreeing to see him again.
Warnings - none that I can think of!
Word Count - 1.6k
Masterlist | Please reblog the work to share!
Been writing something that has had me researching left, right, and center! So I thought that while I worked on that one, I'd write a quick little something to freshen up a tad. Hope you enjoy a giddy Klaus hahah!
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On a random, foggy Tuesday morning, Klaus found himself taking a quick stroll to the new Art Museum that had appeared out of nowhere in Mystic Falls. Well, for him anyways, for he hadn't come across the building in the months that he had been existing in the small town.
But one couldn't fault him for that, seeing that he had been so busy messing with a group of teenagers, or rather – with a couple of centuries old vampires, a newborn werewolf, and even a newfound witch, should he say.
But what took up most of his time was this starry-eyed girl with whom his eyes always seemed to meet whenever they were in the same room. That was all he got, though. The chance to look into her eyes for a fleeting second before she was shifting her gaze onto something else, leaving him breathless and wanting for more.
He never caught her name, or even a smile. Each time he saw her, he had been in search for a muse. And each time, she succeeded in sending a surge of creativity flowing through his entire being that consumed him so fully that he would race home and embrace that rush of adrenaline until he needed more.
Then, he would go out to steal another glance at her. The problem was, he hadn't been seeing her around for a week now. And he was anxious that she might've left the town, for she was the type of person whose absence went unnoticed for all but those who'd even once shared her company.
So, he felt a bit hopeful since he hadn't heard of Damon or Bonnie complaining about their loss of time with her. But he was also dreadful, wanting nothing more than to meet with her again knowing that this time he wouldn’t miss the chance to speak to her.
If Klaus had to be honest, he'd confess that the sole reason he was even heading to the museum was because he had a feeling that this could be one of the places he'd find her.
On his walk, he came across wildflowers and rose bushes, a couple of pinecones and a odd looking lemon tree, that stood lonely in midst of all the fog that had settled around it. And Klaus wondered if she paid attention to such details, if he should pick out a rose in case he did come across her? But he settled on not doing that, since that would surely give him away instantly.
He strolled through the corridors, sparing each art piece a single glance because he couldn't feel the emotions of looking at them for the first time and the curiousity of trying to unwind the stories in them due to his ages old knowledge that proved the collection in this museum to be quite poor.
There were a few people inside, a few dreamers scattered throughout the place, either sitting on the floor, sketching out what they could see in the painting or standing as if trying to count the stars, their eyes set on complicated pieces that pretentiously twisted the wires of their brains.
His eyes were wandering, and he was people watching now, rather than looking at the art that hung in frames. Which is how, there was a stutter in the search of his eyes when he caught sight of someone sitting against a wall opposite a painting, dressed in something quite vintage with a bowl of blackberries in their lap. A smile threatened to slip on his mouth.
He suppressed it though, looking at the ground to wait-out the disappearance of his blush before he squared his shoulders.
"Hello there," Klaus smiled, looking down at her and nodding when he had her attention. "Think I've seen you around?"
She broke a smile then, a small frown settling between her brows. "Hi, and …think I’ve witnessed a couple instances myself!" She laughed, her palm twitching awkwardly as she battled whether she should continue to eat, offer him some or wipe her stained hands on her thrifted dress.
She offered him to sit beside her instead, and then offered him her snack.
"Why thank you," Klaus murmured, his heart racing inside his chest the moment he caught a whiff of her perfume.
"I'm Niklaus, by the way."
She looked at him intriguingly, swallowing as she nodded to herself. "That's a nice name," she admitted. "Any meaning behind it?"
Klaus looked away, pretending to look at the painting in front of them in order to hide the sudden blood-rush to his face.
"Yes, yes it does," he said. "It comes from a Greek word, um, Nikolaos, I think? Means victory of the people."
"Well, I'm Y/n," she extended her clean hand out and Klaus shook it, electricity coursing through his being.
He sighed and locked his arms around his knees.
"So, Y/n," he tasted her name on his tongue and right away, wanted more of it. "What are you doing here?"
"Nothing special, been writing a thesis lately. Came here for a break and some change of scenery," she shrugged.
"A thesis?" Klaus asked, feeling intrigued and when she nodded nonchalantly, he felt baffled. "On what, if you don't mind me asking?"
She was smiling bashfully now, looking down at the remaining blackberries. "You'll laugh," she said.
"And why would that be?"
She clenched her eyes shut. "Because it's on hotels," she raced to say, peeking at him with one eye to see his reaction. He wasn't laughing so she looked at him properly, dumbfounded, noting that his expression was the same as before, if not more interested.
"Tell me more about it," Klaus asked, leaning his head on his knee to look at her.
She was blushing, and Klaus made a mental note to try and get the shade right on his canvas when he went back home.
"Well, it's going to be a tangent, so don't complain, okay?" She looked at him warily. He blinked softly, urging her on and she felt something shift between them.
"You asked for this," she sighed, and he chuckled, picking up another berry as she turned so that she was facing him, sitting cross-legged with a straight back.
She went on then, and Klaus was absorbing every single word that she was saying along with her wild hand-gestures that he felt like were going to hit him at some point. He noticed the sparkle in her eyes doubling-up as she talked about something she clearly felt passionate about.
Her cheeks had grown slightly red, and her mouth was stained by the blackberries. She mentioned how she had an even softer spot for haunted houses and hotels, making him grin with her.
It felt vulnerable for some reason, and Klaus' heart felt like it was growing inside of his chest.
She was spilling for him all of the research she had done so far, and it was admirable how well she was doing at explaining to him all of it. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to look at the hotels the same way again, knowing now the way she looked at them.
And he knew that he was going to pester her again sometime and ask her about the gold chain that she wore, in the middle of which hung a glass globe that held something in the shape of a star preserved inside it. He had a feeling that everything that adorned her body held some meaning to it for her. 
"And I think that's all I've got on it, so far anyways," she finished with a deep breath, looking at him with a big grin on her face. She had lipstick on her bottom teeth, or maybe it was just the berrie’s stain; Klaus looked away.
"I think I have a newfound soft-spot for hotels now," Klaus sighed, straightening his back and leaning against the wall, craning his neck to look at her.
"I'm so very glad to hear that," she chuckled. "My apologies for talking your ear off, but hey, you asked for it!"
"I've got a feeling that I might ask for it again," he winked, and she looked away immediately, the corners of her mouth lifted up.
"Can't be now because I need to get going," she shrugged, checking her wristwatch whose leather band was beginning to wither off.
"Sure, think I wasted some of your time there," grinning sheepishly, Klaus rubbed the back of his neck.
But she laughed as she packed away her book and the empty container back into her bag. "No, Klaus, thank you for listening," she said, genuinely.
"Anytime," Klaus muttered shyly, watching as she got up and waved him goodbye.
Klaus waved back with a wistful smile, watching her walk away when he suddenly realised.
"When will I see you again?" He shouted, ignoring the incredulous looks he got from the strangers. He slipped his hands in his pockets and shrugged when she turned around to look at him with wide eyes.
"I love taking evening walks around the neighbourhood," she said at a normal volume, and Klaus heard her just right.
He was going to be delusional and tell him himself that today had been an unofficial date, maybe he'd ask her out for an official one when he saw her the next time.
He nodded at her, giving her a salute as he rolled on the toe and then the heels of his feet, grinning shamelessly as she laughed and walked away, sparing him one last glance before turning around the corner, out of his sight but not once out of his mind.
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thefirstknife · 4 months
Because Datto is very smart, his preview video of TFS shows something that confirms our greatest dreams, despite him saying there's no spoilers in the video (probably because he has no clue who the character is), but this is visible briefly in the corner:
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Obviously it was already almost 100% confirmed because of the card from the vidoc so this isn't a huge spoiler to those of us who paid attention, but man. There's something so incredibly reassuring and incredible about seeing this.
Micah-10 was such a small niche lore character, but one that everyone loved instantly. And then all the way back in BL they gave us some backstory about her which was interesting in so many ways; her connection to the Traveler, her life as a little kid on Europa, her gay dads and most importantly her identity as a trans woman which was shown in such an elegant and simple way without making it seem like they're doing this for good boy points, as so much of media does. It wasn't a big deal, it wasn't used to sell products, it's just there, as a part of the story and the world.
And now we'll actually see her and hear her. To know for a fact that she is becoming a voiced and living character in the, arguably, most important expansion is incredible beyond words. They did not have to do this or choose this character in particular, but they did. I can't wait to see her, which I believe we will soon because a "[redacted]" character was teased through the Cosplay Cosmodrome back in April. They should start showing us the cosplay today, though we're not sure when the cosplayer for Micah will be shown.
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nickeverdeen · 14 days
Hi could you do a five hargreeves x female!reader where reader is normal and doesn't have powers but she's a genius and basically has a photographic memory, and she meets five and he's a bit mean and snarky but eventually he starts to fall for her
I also think it would be funny if she was kinda best friends with Klaus and he kinda teases her about five, but you don't have to include that
Guns And Brains | Five Hargreeves x genius fem!reader
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Pairing: Five Hargreeves x fem!reader, Klaus Hargreeves x fem!reader (best friend)
Warning: None
PS: Sorry for the unoriginal title
You were used to being the smartest person in the room. It wasn’t arrogance; it was simply a fact. Your photographic memory allowed you to absorb and recall information with an almost eerie accuracy. In school, you never needed to study, and in life, you rarely encountered a problem you couldn’t solve. You had grown accustomed to the bemused looks and occasional irritation that came from people who found your talents either intimidating or annoying.
Yet here you are, standing in the middle of an ancient-looking mansion, face-to-face with a boy who exuded an air of superiority that rubbed you entirely the wrong way. Five Hargreeves—if you remembered correctly from the vague mentions in tabloids about the dysfunctional Umbrella Academy—was a strange, prodigious enigma. He looked like a teenager, but there was something in his eyes that suggested he was anything but.
From the moment Klaus had introduced you, you could sense the tension brewing. It wasn’t just the way Five had narrowed his eyes at you, or the clipped tone he used when addressing you. It was the challenge in his gaze, the unspoken assertion that he was smarter, quicker, better. The way he practically dared you to prove him wrong.
“Who’s this?” Five had asked, his tone flat and disinterested, as if your presence was more of an inconvenience than anything else.
“This is Y/N,” Klaus had said cheerfully, apparently oblivious to the storm clouds brewing between them. “She’s got a brain like a supercomputer—remember everything she’s ever read, seen, or heard. Thought she might be able to help us out.”
Five’s eyes had flickered with something—annoyance, skepticism, you couldn’t quite tell. “We don’t need help,” he’d said brusquely. “Especially not from someone who thinks they can waltz in and solve problems that are far beyond their understanding.”
And there it was—the gauntlet thrown down. You had felt your spine stiffen, your own competitive streak flaring up in response. You didn’t like the way he assumed you were just some book-smart outsider with no practical experience, especially when he hadn’t even given you a chance to prove otherwise.
“I’m not here to solve your problems,” you replied, your tone sharp. “But from what I’ve heard, you could use all the help you can get.”
Klaus had tried to mediate, sensing the tension. “Alright, kids, play nice. We’re all on the same team here.”
But you had seen the look in Five’s eyes—a mix of condescension and irritation. He clearly didn’t think much of you, and that was something you weren’t about to let slide. If there was one thing you despised, it was being underestimated.
The first few days in the mansion were… interesting, to say the least. Klaus had introduced you to the rest of the siblings, all of whom had their own unique quirks and issues. Luther was stoic and serious, Allison was kind but guarded, Diego was intense, and Viktor was quiet, almost withdrawn. They were an odd bunch, but in some ways, you felt more at ease with them than you did with Five.
Five, on the other hand, seemed determined to make you feel unwelcome. Whenever you offered a suggestion, he’d shoot it down without a second thought. When you tried to engage him in a discussion about the theories he was working on, he’d dismiss your opinions with a wave of his hand, as if your thoughts were nothing more than background noise.
It was infuriating.
At first, you tried to stay calm. Your reminded yourself that you were here to help, not to butt heads with a stubborn man who had likely seen more in his lifetime than you could ever imagine. But as the days passed, you found your patience wearing thin.
The breaking point came one evening when you were all gathered around the dining table, discussing the latest anomaly that Five was trying to unravel. He was pacing back and forth, spouting off calculations and theories at a rapid pace. The others were listening intently, but you could see the confusion in their eyes.
“Maybe if we adjusted the parameters slightly,” you suggested, your tone measured, “we could account for the temporal flux and—”
Five cut you off with a snort. “That’s a ridiculous idea. Adjusting the parameters would only destabilize the entire equation. You clearly don’t understand the complexities of time travel.”
Your jaw clenched. “And you clearly don’t understand the value of listening to other people’s input. Just because you’ve traveled through time doesn’t mean you know everything.”
Five stopped pacing and turned to face you, his expression cold. “I’ve spent decades—decades—working on these equations. You’ve been here for a week. Don’t presume to know more than I do.”
The room went silent. The others exchanged uneasy glances, but you didn’t back down. You were tired of Five’s arrogance, tired of him treating you like you were some naive child who had wandered into his domain.
“Maybe I don’t know more than you,” you said, your voice steady. “But I’m not an idiot, and I’m not going to stand here and let you treat me like one. If you’re so confident in your theories, then why not test them? Or are you afraid that someone else might actually have a better idea?”
Five’s eyes narrowed. “Fine,” he said, his tone icy. “Let’s test it. And when it fails, you can stop wasting our time with your half-baked theories.”
You didn’t respond. You simply nodded and turned your attention back to the problem at hand, determined to prove him wrong.
The next few days were tense, to say the least. You and Five worked together, but it was clear that neither of you were happy about it. Every interaction was laced with sarcasm and thinly veiled insults. Yet, beneath the hostility, there was a grudging respect forming, though neither of you would admit it.
Despite his arrogance, you couldn’t help but be impressed by Five’s intellect. He was brilliant, there was no denying that. His mind worked at a speed that rivaled your own, and his knowledge of temporal mechanics was unmatched. But he was also infuriatingly stubborn, refusing to consider any idea that wasn’t his own.
For his part, Five found himself both annoyed and intrigued by you. You were smart—smarter than he’d initially given you credit for. Your insights were often sharp and on point, even if he was loath to admit it. But what bothered him the most was how you challenged him, pushing back against his authority in a way no one else dared to. It was unsettling, and yet… he found himself drawn to it.
One afternoon, as you were pouring over another set of calculations, you suddenly spoke up.
“I’ve been thinking,” you said, not looking up from the paper in front of you.
“Dangerous,” Five muttered under his breath, but there was no real bite to his words.
You ignored him. “You’re right about the temporal flux destabilizing if we adjust the parameters too much. But what if we didn’t adjust them directly? What if we introduced a stabilizing agent that could counterbalance the fluctuations?”
Five paused, considering your words. It wasn’t a completely ridiculous idea. In fact, it was… interesting. But he wasn’t about to let you know that.
“It’s a long shot,” he said instead, his tone dismissive.
“Maybe,” you conceded. “But it’s worth a try. Unless you have a better idea?”
Five scowled, but there was no real heat behind it. “Fine. We’ll try it your way. But don’t get used to it.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, a small smirk playing on your lips.
As you worked together, there was a noticeable shift in the air between you two. The barbs were still there, but they were less sharp, the insults less cutting. It was as if you were beginning to acknowledge each other as equals—rivals, perhaps, but with a mutual respect that was slowly, begrudgingly, forming.
Weeks passed, and the initial tension between you and Five began to ease, replaced by a rhythm of sorts. You still bickered, still challenged each other at every turn, but there was a camaraderie in it now. A strange, twisted camaraderie, but camaraderie nonetheless.
The others noticed it too. Klaus, in particular, found endless amusement in your interactions, often teasing you about your “little crush” on Five.
“Admit it,” Klaus says with a grin. “You two are just one good argument away from kissing.”
You roll your eyes, brushing off his comments, but you couldn’t deny that there was a certain… tension between you and Five. Not that you would ever admit it out loud. The last thing you wanted was to give Five the satisfaction of knowing he got under your skin in more ways than one.
But the turning point came one evening, when you were working late in the mansion’s library. The room was dimly lit, the only sound the soft rustle of papers as you pored over your latest set of equations. You were focused, your mind fully absorbed in the problem at hand, when you felt a pair of eyes on you.
You looked up, only to find Five watching you, his expression unreadable. For a moment, neither of you spoke. There was something in his gaze, something that made your heart skip a beat.
“What?” You asked, your voice softer than you intended.
Five hesitated, as if weighing his words carefully. “You’re not as annoying as I thought you were.”
It wasn’t exactly a compliment, but coming from Five, it was close enough. You felt a small smile tug at your lips. “You’re not as unbearable as I thought you were either.”
Five’s lips quirked up in the faintest hint of a smile. “High praise.”
You fell into a comfortable silence after that, the tension between you two shifting into something else. Something neither of you were quite ready to name.
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firewasabeast · 2 months
okay so I wrote a fic based off this post that I made earlier today so... enjoy!
read here or on ao3
Thomas Kinard is eighteen years old and he just graduated basic training.
He's standing among nearly two hundred other graduates, all filled with some form of anxiety and excitement.
They're all standing at attention, although Tommy knows everyone's eyes are searching the audience.
They've all been given their orders.
They stand at attention until a family member or loved one comes and taps them out. Only then can they be at ease.
Tommy had called his dad a couple weeks ago. Left him a message on the landline about the date and time of his graduation. He hadn't expected a call back. The payphones at basic weren't great and you didn't have much spare time to be on them, but he knew his dad would get the message.
He wrote a letter to his grandparents, just in case. His aunt on his mom's side, and his older cousins too.
They'd been proud when he told them he was graduating early, joining the service, would be celebrating his eighteenth birthday in boot camp.
Even his dad has slapped him on the back and told him he was glad he was finally becoming a real man.
Tommy's eyes scanned the crowd, but it was hard to make anyone out.
He waited patiently through the ceremony. His heart skipped a beat or two when people began making their way toward the graduates.
He stood still, only his eyes darting around as the people beside him began to get tapped out. He listened to the cries of parents who had done nothing but miss their children for the past 10 weeks. Saw grown men cry at the site of their moms. Heard the laughter from boyfriends and girlfriends who surprised their partner by showing up. Watched little kids run to their sibling and wrap their arms around them in a hug.
He was certain that only a few minutes had passed, but it felt like hours.
As more and more seconds passed, his heart continued to pound, but for a different reason now.
Surely he wasn't the only one. As he glanced around, he didn't see anyone else waiting. No, he couldn't see everybody, but he was near the back in the center row so he could see most people, and they all had somebody with them.
A hand tapped his shoulder and his head jerked to the side, eyes wide. He felt a lump in the back of his throat when he saw his commanding officer standing beside him. He had the softest look on his face that Tommy had ever seen.
“At ease, soldier.”
Tommy takes a breath, relaxes his posture. His CO moves in front of him, shakes his hand. “You've done well, Kinard. You should be proud.”
Tommy nods. Can't find his voice to speak.
He feels tears in his eyes, but he blinks them away.
He shouldn't have expected anyone to show up anyway.
He lowers his head as he walks off the field. A part of him wonders what it was all even for?
Thomas Kinard is forty-eight years old and he just got promoted to captain.
It's not something he ever thought about until the past couple of years. He wouldn't get to fly much as captain. There's more paperwork, more politics, more people to answer to.
But there's also more stability. Especially with being the captain at Harbor. A regular schedule, forty-eight on and ninety-six off.
It was safer. There had been a scare a couple years back. Engine failure on his bird. He went plummeting toward the ground and, if not for a dense area of trees slowing his descent, the chopper would have exploded the second it hit the ground.
He survived, obviously, but his injuries were severe. He had a broken pelvis, fractured leg, thirty stitches down his arm, cranial bleeding, and ended up in a coma for nearly two weeks.
The recovery was long and so, so painful but he had Buck by his side every step of the way. Even the times he'd push Buck away, tell him to please just leave him alone, Buck stayed. He stayed and he learned all the physical therapy techniques and he loved Tommy through all of it.
Flying hadn't felt the same since. He was relieved when he had fully recovered. When he took his recertification classes and passed with flying colors.
But the freedom he had always felt with being in the sky changed into something completely different. There was anxiety. Relief when he was back on solid ground.
He stared out into the crowd, at the little girl sitting on Buck's lap.
Juniper. Six years old and looking more grown up every day. She was glancing all around the room, her eyes never staying in one place for very long. She kept pointing at things, leaning back to whisper into Buck's ear. He'd nod, smile, then whisper back. Tommy was sure they were swapping facts.
So much like her father, he thought.
He'd never forget the day he got home from the hospital. Juniper, only four then, staring at him as he was wheeled into the house. She was clutching onto Eddie's hand, her knuckles snow white. She hadn't gotten to see him in nearly a month, besides an occasional Facetime call.
Once he had gotten settled into the hospital bed that had been delivered to the house the day before, he called her over to him. She slowly climbed up onto the bed, Buck helping her settle beside Tommy without really touching him.
“You scared me, Papa,” she spoke quietly, eyes wet with unshed tears. “Please don't do it again.”
No, flying was never the same after that.
His eyes wander over the rest of the crowd.
A small smile breaks out over his face when he realizes he knows everyone in the first two rows.
Besides his husband and daughter, Maddie, Chimney, and Jee were there. Hen- or, Captain Wilson, now- and Karen. Eddie, Ravi, and Athena. Behind his family were all the firefighters from Harbor. They had been thrilled when they heard Tommy would be the new captain. He'd been taking cues from Bobby recently, starting special dinners with the crew and getting to know them better before he even became captain. He wanted his team to know he'd be there for them, that they could count on him. From the excitement they showed when it was officially announced that he'd be the new captain, he was fairly certain he'd done a good job so far.
The only person not in the audience today was Bobby. But, that was simply because Chief Nash was the one leading the ceremony.
Tommy takes another look around at the family in front of him. He waves at Juniper. She grins wide, showing off her missing front teeth, waves enthusiastically.
His eyes meet Evan's. Tommy gives him a wink. Buck smiles, winks back.
He straightens his posture as the ceremony begins.
He thinks, this... this is what it's all for.
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
Types of obnoxious batfam stans
Written by an obnoxious batfam stan
Not really a rant but something I've noticed over the years interacting in different spaces and I've decided to make your problem now.
Please note that I'm not saying there's any "right" way to be a fan because we all suck by virtue of being comic nerds, but there are certain kinds of batfamily fans that stick out to be in particular.
Anywho, here are 12 kinds of annoying batfam stans that you've probably run into and you better get a laugh out of it *points gun to your head*.
1) The Newbies Who Never Heard of Google
There's no shame in being new to something. It's a phase that we're all guaranteed to go through, whether we're 11 or 101. However, in this day and age, so many things can be easily googled that you don't need to shout every question you have into the VVorld VVide VVoid. If you need comic recs or a reading list, google it. If you wanna know a character's origin story, google it. If you need to know the color of Batman's underpants in a particular issue in 1965... well that's probably too specific for Google but Reddit will definitely have an answer.
2) The Middle School Authors
Before the 13-year-olds get up in my notes, I'm not saying everyone that age writes like this. Middle school is a state of mind. These fanfic writers usually stand out in a few ways.
They're oftentimes first-person POV or reader-insert. Give Y/N a break, she's tired.
The grammar is stunningly atrocious. I get if you're inexperienced or if you're writing in a second language, but we are in the prime era of autocorrect. If you need help, it's right there. Also, fuck c*nsoring b*d w*rds and fuck "unalive."
The characters do things that are out-of-character because the author is projecting their own personality. Bruce Wayne is a lot of things but he does not listen to the fucking Mountain Goats.
There's a lack of experience or research when it comes to certain topics. That's not how physics works. He can't walk that injury off. And that's definitely NOT how you do the horizontal hokey pokey.
3) The Neckbeards
Unfortunately, these basement-dwelling mouth-breathers tainted the image of what a comic fan is, though that's been changing recently. Still, we've all seen them. They gatekeep via pop quizzes, 'cause obviously you're not a real fan unless you know what page 10 of Batman #138 smells like. They give unsolicited commentary on people's cosplays, nitpicking the guys and being gross toward women. And heaven forbid the comics add a little diversity.
4) The Moviegoers
Nothing inherently wrong with getting into the fandom via the movies, nor is there anything wrong with sticking to that. I just feel like we're two different species of Galapagos finches, you know?
5) The Christopher Nolans
Separate from casual fans of the Nolan movies. I'm calling them the Christopher Nolans because these people have a tendency to reach for the grimdarkest thing possible. It's like they cannot fathom Batman having any other emotions besides punching and gargoyle brooding.
6) The Canon Purists
Wanna share a fun headcanon? NO, because Stephanie Brown never used cherry lip balm in the comics so therefore that must be the absolute truth. These people are a stickler for comic accuracy to the point where it's like... why bother interacting with the fandom in the first place? The worst part is when they're adamant on following a single continuity and refuse to consider anything else. This is comics we're talking about. Everything either has been or will be canon at some point.
7) The Fanon Worshippers
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the people who base their entire perception of the characters on something either they pulled out of their ass or that their mutual with 16 followers came up with, despite evidence directly contradicting it. I love WFA, but I feel like that's partially responsible for further perpetuating certain popular myths. Also, these fans tend to focus solely on the batfam/their ships. It's one thing to have some people in the foreground vs. background, but put some respect to Bart Allen's name you goddamn cheesecakes.
8) The Golden Age Dads
These guys aren't really obnoxious. I actually find it kind of cute how they think Jason Todd is still dead.
9) The Chronically Online
I have a rule of thumb when it comes to discourse: if it's not something I'd hear about at a bar, it's not worth my mental energy. Some people haven't gotten the memo, though.
These are either the well-intentioned but misinformed teenagers or grown-ass adults beefing with children because they don't have a life. They have takes that are oversimplified, rage-inducing, TikTok algorithm attention-grabbers that no one cares about in real life.
Don't get me wrong, we've got a bunch of issues in comics and fandom that are worth discussing. However, there comes a point where you're splitting hairs and need to go the fuck outside. I'm not gonna link the post 'cause I don't wanna call them and their 7 notes out, but the other week I saw someone saying Stephcass was a racist ship because something something colonialism parallel. You gotta be Elastigirl to have that kind of reach.
10) The Corporate Simps
I love comics. I appreciate the writers and artists. However, you will find my carcass in a ditch before you catch me licking the boots of DC/Warner Bros. Basically, these fans, fewer as they are, can't seem to fathom that their favorite franchise can (and does) put out some steaming motherfucking garbage.
11) The Hot Cosplayers
Not actually annoyed, I'm just a little jealous. Stop being hotter than me, please and thank you.
12) The One With A Punchline For Everything
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deadhands69 · 15 days
Tomura Shigaraki helps after you get hit by a sex quirk.
This ended up about 4x longer than expected so it's broken into two parts. Here's the first part, more of a precursor to the actual smut. Here's the second part.
Warnings/content/etc: Shigaraki x reader, fem-bodied/no pronouns, minor violence (Shiggy dusts someone), unestablished relationship, discussions of sex and implied future sexual situations, swearing.
It’s too beautiful of an early summer evening to stay in so you, Shigaraki, Dabi, and Spinner decide to go for a walk. Even villains need to get out of the house for supplies every once in a while. Hoodies pulled over your heads, you can stay fairly incognito when you need to. Plus, when it’s busy enough out on a night like tonight, no one really pays attention to any one particular person. 
About 5 minutes into your walk, the sidewalk widens and a small crowd surrounds a cafe. The busy area. Head down, you walk ahead of the group and move to pass around everyone. Unnoticed. Happy to be in the world.
Then you hear it.
A woman screams from the window one story up and you hear glass shatter as a figure emanating black dust falls onto the sidewalk ahead of you. Looking up at you, he smiles, sending a cold chill down your spine. 
Glaring at him, you exclaim “hey-”
He burst into an inky cloud once more, leaving you and everyone else in darkness. 
Screaming. Running. Shoving.
Not a big deal. You’re used to being caught up in the chaos, it was part of your job. The thick air was difficult to breathe in though.
And just like that, the dust dissipated leaving nothing to show for the commotion. 
And you felt - weird? Is that the word for it?
You adjust your shorts and feel a deep ache. The rub of your underwear sends warmth radiating through your body, leaving you throbbing and empty. Fuck. 
Thinking back to the news running in the background at the LOV headquarters that morning, you remember what you heard about some sexist d-list villain’s quirk: overwhelming arousal to the point of insanity. Also something else about it only affecting adult female bodies - which unfortunately includes you and quite a few other people on the street. Maybe you should have paid more attention but it didn’t seem important at the time. Could you do anything about this? There’s no time to think about it right now, revenge first. 
You’d remember his perverted face but he was nowhere to be seen. Must have run. Looking around, you see Spinner talking to a girl - she looks nice. Dabi, always the opportunist, is already leaving with two girls on his arms. Tomura, standing by you looking just as confused as everyone else.
Accessing your surroundings further, you see where he went.
If you were trying to escape, you’d run down the alley behind the dumpsters. It was dimly lit. A much better hiding place than the busy sidewalk with all the streetlights. Heroes would show up any minute now.
Quickly, you sprint across the street, using one arm to launch yourself over the trash. A shadow of a human is visible ahead of you, you were correct. He begins to run when he sees you but you already have the momentum. Out of options, he disappears into a small stairwell.  
Cornered, you stand in front of him and - 
Wait. No. You try again. And again. Your quirk isn’t working. What the fuck.
His creepy face breaks into a laugh “Oh, that’s part of it. Before chasing someone down a dark alleyway, shouldn’t you at least know all of what their quirk does?” 
Everything goes black and you’re once again left coughing. He activated his quirk again??
You feel someone push you out of the way. As the black cloud disappears into grey dust, Tomura Shigaraki looks over his shoulder at you. You know exactly what happened.
A wave of dizziness hits you when you stand and you feel a rush of heat through your body once more.
You see him do this all the time. Is this somehow hotter than usual? Or is it just the effects of the quirk? Both? 
“You got hit twice?” he asks, slightly scolding. 
“My - my quirk won’t work.” 
A voice down the alleyway echoes between the buildings. Time’s up. The two of you leave quickly, opting to walk through the park to avoid streets that were certain to be full of heroes now.
“May cause dizziness, loss of mental clarity, and extreme arousal” Shigaraki read from his phone.
“Oh my god, you sound like a bad prescription commercial” you laugh, still unsure how to feel.
It felt better having him here though. You were used to walking home together. The league would usually split off in their own directions and more often than not, you’d somehow end up with Shigaraki. It feels nice. Familiar. He was usually much more quiet though.  
“It looks like his quirk is unregistered, so there’s not a lot here. Maybe some news articles will have more.” Shigaraki mumbles into his hair before continuing his research. “According to this, it gets neutralized by...” he trails off, his face reddening. 
“What fixes it?” you ask, already having an idea of what the answer is.
“Sex.” he says, wide eyes quickly glancing from under his hair at your reaction. “Can’t I just do it myself?”
“Doesn’t seem like it. This other article has more on that. Oh, definitely not. There’s a whole psych ward of people who tried. It’s pretty fucked up, want to see?” “No, I’ll see that soon enough.” you mumble to yourself.
You sigh and pick up the pace. Unsure why you’re walking so fast or where you’re going, it’s not like you’re about to spend your last sane moments begging some random to fuck you. You wouldn’t let yourself be that desperate. Even if you did, you’re a villain and you know your personality can come across cold to strangers - it probably wouldn’t work even if you did try. 
You continue what feels like a death march to nowhere.
Without warning, the world shifts and the dizziness worsens, forcing you to lean into a cherry blossom tree before sliding your weight to the ground. Staring up at the puffy pink branches above, it seems nice. If this is the end, so be it. You could do without the overwhelming horniness but it could be worse. You watch as each cluster of flowers splits in two and spins like a kaleidoscope.
Two fingers tapping your shoulder pull you back to reality. Bringing your eyes back down, you see a sky blue outline with vivid red eyes seated in front of you. Blinking, Shigaraki comes into focus.
“I could help you, you know, if you want it.” He looks mildly annoyed, focusing hard on the ground.
You couldn’t believe your ears. 
In a daze, you try to process what you’ve heard. “Like…sex?”
“Yeah.” he rolls his eyes, toying with a blade of grass.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive. Every once in a while, you’d be out doing league things when you caught him at the right angle and couldn’t help but stare. Or when he brushed past you in the hallway, moving close enough for your heart to feel like it would jump out of your throat. Sometimes, you even thought you saw him staring back but pushed those thoughts aside. He was always busy and seemed to care more about world destruction and video games than real human interaction. Maybe he was just being nice. He does a lot for the league, you’re sure he’d miss your help but is that enough to-
“Hey!” he waves you out of your thoughts. “It’s getting late, y/n. Do you want my help or not?” He sounds irritated but looks flustered. Eyes still to the ground, you watch the grass he’d been playing with decay between his fingers. Before you can answer, he added “I can try to make it fast for you but I also get if you don’t want me to touch you.”
“Oh.” He must have taken your slow reaction for rejection. “It’s not like that, I’m just - trying to figure this out. Yeah. I’d love your help.” you say before realizing how much you really mean it. 
“Okay, yeah. Well, you better get off the ground then and we can go home.” he says trying to hide nervousness under a gruff front. 
You press yourself slowly up the tree and make a single step before stumbling. “Dizzy. And like really out of it. Fuck.” you mumble to yourself. You want to curl up on the ground but his arm steadies you and you lean most of your weight into him. He starts walking again, basically carrying you. 
It had been a long time since anyone had actually touched you, plus getting hit by a sex quirk two times made you really notice his touch. His toned arms through his sweatshirt, holding you as you made your way back. You looked up into the corner of his neck. His jaw. His chapped but full lips. You fought the urge to kiss him.
Is this actually happening?
pt 2 here
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cozymoko · 1 year
So what I was thinking was that yuu has been in the manor for awhile, she always sees a locked door that she just can help but be curious about. Whenever she asks about it they tell her to bind her business, one the door was unlocked somehow (maybe someone forgot to lock it again after visiting idk) and she goes in to look and she finds us! The only sister of the Sakamaki family! (If it could be platonic Yandere that would be great) and you can go on from there bc idk what to add or the reactions of everyone would be 🥲 also sorry if this still isn’t any help I’m not sure if this is still confusing
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Note: I completely understand, no worries!
PART TWO: here!
Synopsis: Yui finally meets the only sister of the Sakamaki family who has been hidden away by her brothers.
Pairing: Yandere! Sakamaki brothers x platonic! sister reader
Format: Scenario
Word Count: 1.6k
WARNING(S): slight platonic yandere themes.
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Please proceed below the cut.
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Only a few weeks had passed since Yui Kamori’s arrival, and she truthfully wanted nothing more than to return home. Where she didn’t have to sleep with one eye open. Her skin ached, practically screaming for salvation after undergoing endless amounts of “punishments'' for even the smallest of actions.
But today, no one was here. At least not at the moment, leaving her to relax until her heart’s content. With that said, the young human teen decided to treat herself to a walk, around the manor of course. After all, she had yet to see even half of the wonders (horrors) that were the Sakamaki household and she was more than just curious. 
Door after door: open, close; open, close. It was a never-ending cycle of boredom and disappointment. She had almost given up, concluding that there was truly nothing extraordinary happening behind closed doors. But that was before she saw it. Yui stumbled upon an unfamiliar door with a unique gold plaque just inches above it, serving as its most noticeable dissimilarity from the others.
The door was nothing special. It was wooden with gleaming gold imprinting smoothed between every crevice. But it stood out nonetheless. Yui slowly dragged her eyes along its surface, taking in its somewhat feminine appearance. Above it rested a large golden panel, inhabited by intricate calligraphy neatly engraved into its exterior; reading “Our treasure: [Name]”
Yui reached out, allowing her fingertips to subtly graze the cool doorknob, mere moments away from twisting it open… 
“You know, it's really impolite to go snooping around someone else’s home, little bitch~!” The sound of Laito’s voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. His tone was light but lacked the playfulness it tried so desperately to convey. “Allow me to escort you back to your room, fufu~.” 
Reluctantly, she followed, allowing the vampire to steer her further and further from the mysterious door; then down the hall, and back to her room. Her newfound curiosity outweighed her feeling of fear, despite Laito’s troublesome grip on her arm.
And she couldn’t help but wonder…
Just what was behind that door? Who is [Name]?
So the next day she tried her luck once more. Swiftly abandoning the security of her room, Yui proceeded down the dimly lit hallway. With the door close in sight, she noticed hushed whispers growing more audible by the second. Lo and behold, it was Kanato. 
His pale cheek pressed flush against the door's wooden frame, sweet yet borderline obsessive affirmations spilling from his thin lips. Yui assumed he was talking to himself, as far-fetched as it seemed. Though she wouldn't put it past Kanato of all people.
That's when she heard it. The faintest voice reached her ears, it was feminine and loving; and very clearly a blessing to Kanato's ears. She was sure he was ready to squeal with joy if not for the very slim amount of dignity he retained. Never had she seen him happier. 
A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips and before she knew it she was staring fondly at the scene. It wasn't every day she saw those sadistic men act so sweet and vulnerable, even if it was a little odd. Her dazed state didn't go unnoticed, unfortunately, as lilac hues met her soft rosy ones. 
“You—?!” The vampire practically screeched, trudging down the hallway towards the human girl. “Just how much did you hear?”
Let's just say she was left with more than just a few bruises, poor girl. 
The next day Yui ventured down that same vacant hallway. The old floorboards threatened to groan under her weight as she approached that same door that haunted her dreams.
“Haah…You really are a troublesome woman,” Yui jumped, startled. At her side lies a familiar champagne-haired man, tired and less than amused by her appearance. “This room is off-limits for brides. Even so, I've never met one as nosey as you. Leave while you can.”
The girl was stunned, shaking like a leaf. When did Shu get here? Why was he here? Her suspicions were creeping up on her like an unruly wave threatening to sweep her under any moment. At that moment she had finally realized, It wasn't just a door. 
I think.
But of course, curiosity killed the cat. 
Having grown tired of being caught, tied up, and punished time and time again Yui tried a distant approach; she had no choice. Her fair skin had grown battered and bruised, adorned by more lacerations and pricks than she could count. So as one does, she took her chances and decided to confide in Reiji. 
Entering his room, Yui politely took a seat across from the man at a polished deep oak wood table. Accompanied by freshly brewed tea set evenly between the two. “Reiji,” Yui commenced, though her words came as an airy puff as her nerves threatened to tear through her light bravery. “I…I've been curious about something as of lately. A door in particular,”
His red eyes narrowed significantly, “Go on.”
“All the guys have been acting kind of strange lately every time I get close to it and—”
A firm hand made contact with her chest, successfully knocking the wind right out of her, slamming her into the harsh cushioning that lined the leather sofa. “Enough; That is none of your concern, you are merely a living blood bag,” He sighed, sending her a menacing glare. “Don't allow your curiosity to push you to do unnecessary things. If you disrupt the peace of those I hold dear to me I shall punish you personally, do you understand?”
The mortal nodded and swallowed sharply, briskly maneuvering from the vampires prying gaze. And much to her surprise, he allowed it. Yui rushed to the door before slipping through its slight opening, down the hall, and then back to her room once more.
Someone Reiji cared for was behind that door, and from the looks of it, there was no way it was one of his brothers. So who? 
No matter, at that point, Yui had given up. She was scared shitless, not wanting to undergo any more torture than she already was. She had a sneaking suspicion that the brothers were slowly losing their patience with her and she didn't want to be there to experience the consequences. 
So the next few days were carried out like any other. Today she was spending her time with a certain redhead, mindlessly listening to his narcissistic rambles.  As they turned down a familiar hallway, she glanced to the man at her side. Ayato walked past the door without a care in the world and made her start to second guess herself.
Perhaps her gaze lingered on the door for a second too long, for a certain redhead had noticed her delayed footsteps. “Oi, pancake what the hell are yo-?” He paused, his face growing visibly sour as he followed her eyes. “...Looking at.”
He scoffed, gripping tightly onto her frail wrist. From the looks of it, he was not pleased. 
“The last thing I need is for more competition, those five assholes are more than enough.” 
His hushed grumbles were like sirens to Yui's ears, igniting the dying flame of determination in her chest. That was all she needed to hear as nothing from that point on could prove her suspicions false. There was definitely someone behind that door. 
However, it seemed her luck had already run out. 
Until one fateful day at least. 
A sliver in the door, so small it was almost unnoticeable. Feeling some sense of urgency the girl jumped to her feet, making a straight beeline to the wooden door before slamming it behind her. The subtle sound of someone clearing their throat dragged her from her internal celebration. 
The woman looked to be no older than sixteen, but she knew better than to believe she was any younger. Her silky hair was tied neatly out of her face, with very little makeup brushing her features. An extravagant rococo-styled dress fell to her ankles as she busied herself with a thick novel. Only when she met her eyes did Yui notice the resemblance the woman shared with the brothers. 
“A mortal girl,” The woman said, almost matter-of-factly. “You must be the sacrificial bride, correct? Yui Kamori, I presume.”
She nodded, so slowly that she seemed unsure, causing a jovial laugh to slip through the beautiful woman's painted lips. 
“I see…you’re not much of a talker, are you?” The woman smiled politely before closing the book that rested in her hands, lazily tracing small circles into its cover. “No matter. Answer me this, how did you get in here? Subaru must've forgotten to close it, he's in here quite often, after all, he's such a big baby.”
“That door is never open so I think you know what I’m hinting at.” The physically younger woman leaned toward the mortal girl, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “As for Subaru, I'm a little bit older than him so he tends to cling to me like his life depends on it!”
Yui gave her a look of blatant confusion, hardly catching onto whatever the young vampire was spewing out. “Hm, you look a bit confused and clueless, let me help you.” The woman smiled, whispering her rude comment dismissively “Do you even know why I’m in here?”
Yui shook her head, ignoring the anxiety gnawing away at her composure. Gradually shying away from the woman's attention as she hugged her sides. 
“Oh my, then this should be a real treat.” She giggled, gazing fondly at the frightened girl. “Now, Yui Kamori, allow me, [Name] Sakamaki to tell you a tale of endless obsession!”
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hellfirenacht · 5 months
C'mon, It's Just One Night (Part 1)
Summary: After getting a fake love note in your locker, you ask Eddie to help you mess up some bullies plans. 
Tags: Eddie Munson x Reader, smut later, fem reader, reader wears a dress at one point, mentions of bullying, actual bullying, three-shot
Master List
Work Count: 3.7k Words
You ain't seen nothing yet....
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The thing that always confused you about jocks and popular kids was that they always assumed that everyone else was dumber than them. Girls would come up to you and give you a compliment that was clearly not sincere and when you thanked them just to get them to leave you alone they would giggle and think that you believed them. Guys would ask you on dates as a joke and you’d roll your eyes and try to ignore them, even as they tried desperately for your attention for their own amusement. 
Thankfully, there were certain perks that came with being in the Hellfire Club. Being associated with Eddie “the Freak” Munson meant that as long as you were standing near your friend, you’d mostly be left alone. You’d sit with him at lunch, try and walk with him to class in the hallways, and in general just tried to avoid any jock that looked particularly bored. 
However it had been quiet over the past few weeks, too quiet for your liking. Honestly, you were almost missing some of the backhanded compliments because it at least gave you a chance to blow off some steam outside of Hellfire. Well, something out there heard your wish and that’s how you found yourself watching from the other end of the hallway as two boys shoved a note in your locker, snickering to themselves. 
Well, this should be entertaining at least. 
They didn’t even try and look around to see if anyone was watching them, too caught up in their own scheme to realize the person who’s locker they were messing with was watching them from just a few yards away. 
“-’s gonna be so funny.” laughed one. You didn’t even know their names. There were so many people at this school that how were you expected to keep up with everyone when you didn’t even speak to them?
“Yeah, she’s gonna be embarrassed and we’ll get a free show out of it.” laughed the other one. 
You were right there. How was it that you could be on their radar for this shit and yet still remain completely invisible? 
The two turned around and you pretended to be throwing something away in a nearby trash can quickly, so that they wouldn’t realize that you had been staring at them. 
“There she is, we gotta go!” you heard one say in a voice that you assumed was his idea of whispering as the two scampered off while trying to hold off their laughter. 
You gave them a generous thirty seconds to get away before making your way to your locker and opening it up, grabbing the note and reading it over. It took everything you had not to burst out laughing right there, and you were just going to throw it away when you had an idea. 
Tucking it into your pocket, you smiled and made your way to the drama room for Hellfire as you started making your own plans for what you’d just read. 
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“And with the Dwarf’s golden pick rightfully returned to him, I think this is a good stopping point.” Eddie said, finally sitting back in his chair. He’d been really revved up today, jumping around the table and getting in everyone’s faces as he described what was happening. He’d nearly rammed his head into yours at one point and you had barely managed to lean back enough so he didn’t. 
Eddie was always revved up, always ready to put on a show. He wasn’t afraid to be loud or call out the bullshit of what was expected. Eddie would jump on tables, get in people's faces, declare himself King Freak. 
He was perfect. 
...For your plan. Nothing more. You knew he’d be on board when you explained what you wanted to do. He was perfect for... that. 
As the rest of the club filed out, you stayed behind to help clean up the leftover soda cans and break down the board. You were also stalling because you didn’t want any of the other members to witness what you were about to ask of Eddie. 
“Your Scottish accent is getting better and worse at the same time.” you said, handing him one of the minis. “Sometimes you nail it, and sometimes I don’t think you’re even trying to say anything legible.” 
“It’s better than your character's accent! Is your tiefling from New Jersey or trans-atlantic?” Eddie laughed, shoving his notes unceremoniously in a folder. 
“Why do Dwarves need to be Scottish anyway?” you ignored his question, fully aware that your accents were no better. “I think you should mix it up. Make Canadian dwarves or something.”
This is how Hellfire usually ended, with the two of you joking around and talking about the session and making fun of each other while you tried to get hints about what was to come. He never gave anything away. 
You blew out a few candles and Eddie went to readjust the lights. You reached into your pocket and pulled out the note. 
“So, Eddie.” you started, turning to him. “Remember how last month I helped you study for Mrs. O’Donnel’s midterm and you got a solid B?”
Eddie’s brow furrowed and he stopped what he was doing to look at you. Under the multicolored spotlights he looked... you never had the words to describe it. He just looked like Eddie. The Eddie that should be playing guitar on stage or the Eddie that kept your attention so easily and rapturously when he was running his games. You weren’t ready to say that to his face yet, despite the contradiction of what you were about to do. 
“I remember.” he said, walking over to you and crossing his arms. “I take it you aren’t just bringing up a fond memory of us to reminisce about?”
“Not a chance.” you looked into his brown doe eyes. “It’s time for you to pay up.” And with that you handed over the note. 
Eddie took it with a slight tilt of his head and unfolded it, scanning the contents. 
My Dearest, 
I’ve been watching you for weeks now, enraptored by your beauty. I’ve been too shy to talk to you, but now I want the chance to confess to you. I’m in love with you, and have been all year. I don’t care if everyone thinks you’re some weird Satanist freak because I’m into that. Please be my date for homecoming and meet me at the school at 7:30 pm.
-Your secret admirer  
“It’s not really a secret if you’re handing this directly to my face.” Eddie said, looking up from the note. “And you spelled ‘enraptured’ wrong.” 
“I found this in my locker.” you said, ignoring his comments. “Some jocks think they’re being funny and are clearly trying to pull some sort of prank to humiliate me.” 
“Think it’s a Carrie situation?” Eddie asked, looking over the note again before handing it back to you. 
“They don’t have the guts to get any pig's blood.” you shook your head. 
“So what does this have to do with me? You know that Hellfire doesn’t do school dances.” He said. “I thought we were just gonna blow it off, and Corroded Coffin is gonna do a secret show at the Quarry.”
“Eddie, all your shows are secret.”
“Not true, we have recently gained another groupie. There are now a grand total of six drunks that regularly listen to us play.” Eddie pouted. “Six and a half if you count the cat that’s been hanging around the Hideout.” 
“Yeah, okay, remember me when you’re famous.” You said. “Listen, I need your help. I’m coming to you wanting to cash in my favor. I need the Freak to help me out here, Eddie.”
“For what, exactly?” His eyes narrowed, but you stood your ground. 
“If I show up to homecoming, something's gonna happen. The best case scenario is that I show up and they ignore me and laugh while I wait for this fake person to show up. The worst case scenario ends with pigs blood and me learning I have telekinetic powers.” You explained. 
“So why even bother going? I thought we all agreed that Hellfire doesn’t do school events.” 
That was a good point, and you were making a gamble on this. Eddie didn’t do school events, and tried to make it a rule for his club as well. That didn’t go over well when Mike insisted that he was going to take his girlfriend Jane to homecoming, and everyone finally came clean that Lucas was playing both sides of the field and playing basketball AND doing Hellfire. 
You had to admit, Eddie’s face of disappointment and disapproval was pretty funny. You felt bad for the guy though, he avoided anything school related like the plague outside of this club. Eddie had boasted that he’d never gone to prom or homecoming, and had been skipping any pep rally since his second senior year. 
“You agreed that you didn’t go to events. I never agreed to anything.” you said firmly. “I only agreed to show up every Friday and wear the Hellfire shirt.”
“And again I ask, what does this have to do with me?” Eddie pushed. 
“Be my date for homecoming.” you said. “My fake date. I want you to get to me before they have the chance to.”
Eddie froze for a second, a thousand emotions flashing through his eyes at once. You’d seen this look countless times when one of his players had thrown him a curve-ball and he had to scramble to figure out how to make it work for the game. 
“Your fake date.” he said slowly. “So you want me to- what exactly?” 
“I want you to show up and pretend to be the person who wrote this note.” you explained. “I’ll pretend to be thrilled, you get to be seen with a cute girl at a dance, the gossip train gets something to talk about, and the jocks get their plans foiled. Everybody wins.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes at your plan. “Or you could just not show up at all and just come help us set up for the show.” He said. 
“But that’s not fun.” You pointed out. “Besides, if they think we’re together even just for the night then they’ll leave me alone. Probably”
Eddie looked skeptical. 
“Please?” you leaned closer, making your eyes wide as possible. “Eddie, these dicks have been on my ass all semester. I can’t go two weeks without getting asked out as a joke or having some meat head yell about how his “friend thinks I’m cute”. It’s fucking annoying, and ignoring them has done jack and shit.” 
You saw the stone look in his eyes falter and his shoulders ease up. “You’re really serious about this?” he asked. 
“I am.” you confirmed. “You do this for me, and you can have full creative control. Show up in your Hellfire shirt, hell you could show up in your pjs and I’ll pretend to be thrilled that you’re my secret admirer. We’ll make sure that we’re seen, then we can go to the quarry. We don’t even have to stay for fifteen minutes. Just show up for me, Eddie. Please.” 
Eddie took a deep breath and rubbed his face with his hands. “Fifteen minutes. All I have to do is show up and pretend that I’m your secret admirer and then we leave. Right?”
“Right.” You promised. “That’s all I need.”
Eddie sighed deeply and grabbed his jacket and threw it on. “I am never asking for your help studying again. You drive a hard bargain.” Despite his words he had a grin on his face. 
“I’m going easy on you, if you had gotten an A I’d be demanding that you show up in a full tux with roses.” you teased. “I’m talking about the full cheesy school dance treatment. Corsage, first dance, all of it.”
“Don’t even start, you’d have to get me to completely ace her whole class to get that kind of treatment.” Eddie grabbed your shoulder and started pushing you up the stairs. “I wouldn’t even know where to get a tux.” 
“I think you’re supposed to rent one.” you laughed as the two of you made your way out of the drama room and closed the door. “I, however, will need to actually buy my dress.”
“You’re really gonna get a dress for this? We’re only going for fifteen minutes.” Eddie pointed out. 
“Oh, would you rather me show up looking terrible?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “You really wanna show up and fake-confess to me looking plain and like I don’t care?”
“You really want to sell this, huh?” Eddie laughed. 
“It’s the only way I can think of for them to stop.” You said. 
The two of you made your way to the parking lot. Eddie walking you to your car. 
“Remember Eddie, you have full creative control over how you want to do this.” you said, getting in the driver's seat. “I don’t care how you show up, just go loud.”
“Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson would never disappoint.” he said, closing the door for you with a flourish.
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You were going to get a dress for this. 
No, you weren’t, you were only going to be there for fifteen minutes at most. 
But your mom would want to take pictures and be thrilled you were even going. After all, you’d avoided it during your first four years of high school. 
And you wanted to. 
That was the real kick in the pants for all this. You wanted to go to homecoming. You wanted to have a night to dress up and look nice and have fun with your friends. Unfortunately, only the freshmen were going to the dance, and as much as you loved Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, you didn’t really think you’d have a lot of fun with some kids a good five years younger than you. Hell, Mike and Lucas had actual dates and Dustin had a long distance girlfriend! 
You’d be the single person in the group and that didn’t exactly put points in your favor for sticking around for the dance. The rest of Hellfire didn’t bother going to these kinds of things, as this town made it clear that school events were for normal people who enjoyed normal things, whatever the fuck that meant. 
As much as you denied ever wanting to go to homecoming or prom, you knew that you wanted to, and you knew who you wanted to go with. 
On the bright side, at least you’d get your secret wish now, even if it was for fifteen minutes. 
Eddie had made it clear since the first time the words “school dance” were uttered in his presence a few years ago that he wasn’t going to even entertain the idea of showing up. Those nights were dedicated to one shots or longer sessions for Hellfire. So for the past few years you had skipped out on any dances in favor of at least telling your beat up journal that you had technically spent prom or homecoming with Eddie Munson. 
You walked into the department store that you knew had a sizable selection of dresses, took one look at the price tags, and walked right back out. It was insane to spend that money on one night of dancing, let alone fifteen minutes. 
Besides, where else would you even wear a dress like that? You laughed at the idea of showing up to Hellfire, with your shirt on over whatever you would have picked. That’d be stupid. 
But it’d also be funny. 
You walked back into the department store and ignored the front and center mannequins to hit up the clearance rack instead. Even as you browsed, you were still trying to convince yourself that you didn’t need to buy something for this. Eddie was probably just going to show up in his old faded DIO shirt and some old jeans (maybe the ones that had that hole in the butt that showed his boxers when you stood behind him, if you were lucky). He probably wouldn’t even brush his hair. 
You had a choice to make. How much of an effort did you want to put into your appearance for this? Should you follow Eddie’s approach and just show up as normal, or should you allow yourself an indulgence in the Cinderella fantasy? What did you want, and what did this revenge situation call for?
You wanted to look nice. You wanted to tell your journal that you had a date with Eddie and that you looked good and that those asshole jocks didn’t even recognize you. Wouldn’t it be better that way anyway? No matter what Eddie looked like when he showed up, the point would be made clear; you were off the market (as far as anyone would be able to tell) and Eddie Munson had gotten the girl. No, not the girl; a girl. Being the girl implied that you were someone that Eddie had an interest in. 
Dresses of different lengths and cuts and colors started to blend together as you indulged in the fantasy of matching your dress to whatever Eddie was going to wear. You flipped through the dress rack while you mentally flipped through all the shirts you had seen Eddie wear in the last few weeks. He favored darker colors most times, the main exception being the white Hellfire Club shirt. 
“Dark clothes don’t stain as easily.” he’d explained before. 
You kept flipping through the racks of last seasons’ fashion, trying to find something that you could wear. Halfway through you considered giving up and just showing up in what you would have worn to the quarry if you hadn’t planned this whole thing. 
You need to commit to the bit. You reminded yourself. These jocks are expecting you to look pretty and then try to embarrass you. Don’t half ass it.
Sucking it up, you made your way over to the normal racks. Your mom had given you some cash to buy yourself a nice dress, but you had been hoping to just buy something cheaper and save the rest to buy off of Eddie later. 
You walked out of the store, bag in hand, with a receipt showing a number that made you feel sick. You reminded yourself over and over it was for you, Eddie, and your mom. 
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“Are you sure you have the charisma for this?” Gareth asked. “You always roll shit with any charisma roll.”
“Gareth, I don’t know if you know this, but rolling a die and saying that I’m trying to do something is different than actually doing it outside of the game.” you said as the two of you made your way into the Library. You had it on good authority that this was the jocks study hall period, and you wanted to really sell your plan. 
“I still don’t get why I have to be part of this. I’m not even going to homecoming either.” He grumbled. “This whole thing is stupid. You should just come to the show instead.” 
“I can do both.” you waved him off. “All I need you to do is let me talk at you-”
“You do that anyway.”
“Yes, but this time I need you to pretend to be invested.” You explained. “You let me talk about how excited I am for homecoming and to meet my secret admirer and I use my powers of being able to leave school during lunch to bring you McDonald’s tomorrow.” 
Gareth couldn’t argue with that, no teenage boy could resist the sweet temptation of greasy fast food in the middle of the school day. It was more than a fair trade, even if Gareth didn’t see the point in this. You just really wanted to sell your plan. 
“Remember, all you need to do is ask me who I’m going to Homecoming with.” you reminded him. 
The two of you walked over to where the group of basketball players were goofing off and not really studying, and the two who had slid the note into your locker started nudging each other and snickering to themselves. 
“So who are you going to homecoming with?” Gareth asked, his line delivery stiff and unnatural and disinterested. You had to fight with yourself to not roll your eyes at the lackluster performance. 
“I don’t know!” your voice was a little higher pitched at the response, trying to emulate the cheerleaders you’d seen giggling in their groups as they gossiped. You pulled the note that you had been keeping in your pocket. “I got this note asking me to meet them at the dance, so I have no idea!”
You continued to gush to the disinterested Gareth how excited you were to be asked to go, and speculating on who it could be. The entire time, your friend looked like he’d rather be smashing his head against the table than listen to you talk about this, which was honestly more fun for you than the jocks reactions. 
From the table behind you, the normally loud group of boys were attempting to be quiet as they snickered and nudged each other. You wished that Gareth would try and talk a little more so that you could stop talking to eavesdrop on them. 
When the jocks started getting louder again, that’s when you dropped the conversation. They weren’t interested in hearing anymore and so you weren’t either. 
“So what was the point of that?” Gareth muttered, making his way to the exit of the library. 
“I don’t want them to forget about me. If I’m gonna be completely honest, I really just expected them to totally forget they left something in my locker about this.” you adjusted your backpack, following him out. “I’m committed to the bit.”
“Sounds like you’re just asking for trouble.” He shook his head. 
“Maybe a little.” you sighed. “Eddie and I are graduating this year and I don’t want to look back at my time here and think that I just took the bullshit that was given to me. I just want them to get off my ass for the rest of the year.” 
“Do you really think it’ll work?” 
“Only one way to find out.” 
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Part 2 It's Gonna Be A Night We'll Never Forget (Coming Soon)
Dividers By: @strangergraphics
Tag List: @somethingvicked @ladysilence @leelei1980 @seexyyprincess @rosebudsgarden @ghcstpyre @crocwork-clockodile
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maplesturniolo · 4 months
Warning- SMUTT, “just friends”, shower sex, nicknames (ma), nothing else really (my first story, also not proofread)
Summary- your sleepover gets a little spicy when Chris finds out your secret. (Sorry this is so short)
Almost every weekend me and the triplets find time to have a sleepover, but this week only Chris and nick could make it. That’s because Matt was really sick and didn’t want to get anyone else sick as well. Particularly because Matt is sick we are sleeping over at my house. And don’t get me wrong I love these boys so much, but I kind of have a small crush on Chris. I hope he doesn’t know and now I’m worried because I only have one small ish bed in my room and one spear room that Nick usually likes to sleep in, so that means Chris would have to be with me…
“Hey we should watch a movie, I seen an ad on TikTok for it” nick said looking up from his phone a split second before reaching for the remote. We were all sitting on the large couch I had in my house. Nick and I sat beside each other and Chris was looking in the fridge for food. Once nick got the movie ready to play I readjusted my self to be laying my head on his thigh and had my legs spread to the other side of the couch. “Chris you coming” nick shouted at Chris who was still looking through my kitchen. I looked over at him, leaned against the side of the fridge his veiny hands grasping a can of Pepsi.
I wonder what those long slender fingers would feel like inside me?
“Hey you good?” I snapped out of my thoughts when Nick asked “yea no I’m fine” I say shaking my head and giving him a slight smile in reply. “Cmon guys let’s just start the movie already” I say trying ti keep my mind off of how hot Chris looked right now.
Half way through the movie, I sat in between Chris and nick still laying my head on nick except now it’s on his shoulder. Nick had picked a horror movie, I was completely fine with it but Chris on the other hand, not so much. At every single jumps scare he flinched, and sometimes screamed.
Man I wonder if he would make those noises if I jerked him off?
More of the movie has passed and I got tired, “hey guys you can keep watching I’m just a bit tired I’m going to go lay down” they nodded their heads and I walked up the stairs to my room and closed the door behind me. I got undressed and put on a pair of tight shorts over my black lace underwear. I removed my bra and put on one of nicks shirts that he lets me borrow. Just then I hear a knock on my door.
“Hey sweetie make sure you guys don’t stay up too late tonight okay” my mom said coming in to give me a hug goodnight. “Yup, love you!” I say in response walking over to my bed.
As I was scrolling on my phone Chris barged in “I spilled my Pepsi all over me now I’m all sticky” you giggled in response seeing the huge puddle of Pepsi on his shirt. “You could just take a shower if you want” you said looking over to the bathroom door. “Thank you” Chris sarcastically put his hands together and looked at you before grabbing his change of clothes and walking into your bathroom.
Chris was already in the shower and you realized that you needed to brush your teeth. “Hey Chris! Can I come in for a sec?” You said knocking on the door a few times, “yup” he yelled back in response. You grabbed your toothbrush and started to apply the toothpaste when you heard a knock on the door of your bathroom “hey the boys are in the spare room right?” “Uhh, yes ya they are!” You say in response knowing Chris was naked behind you. “Okay! I’m coming in to grab something real quick!” You didn’t know what to do do you quickly got undressed and jumped in the shower with Chris.
“Hey! What th-“ you put your hand over Chris’s mouth. “Okay thanks sweetie! Goodnight!” Your mom closed the door and left, leaving you completely exposed Infront of Chris, and him exposed infront of you. “Holy fuck” Chris says staring you up and down. “Chris!” You shout at him and turn around. “Whattt? You are the one who jumped in here”
I mean he isn’t wrong, “shut it Christopher” you snapped back at him. As you were lifting your feet up to get out Chris’s hands attached to your waist.
“Where do you think you’re going” you could feel his rock hard dick on your back “anywhere but here” you say turning around to face him.
Just then Chris pulls you in for a passionate hungry kiss, his tongue immediately exploring your mouth. You start grinding forwards into his dick, getting groans from Chris.
“Now if we’re are going to do this you better be fucking quiet” Chris said grabbing your jaw, you let out a moan “I need words ma” “yes oh my god just fuck me already” you moaned out.
Quickly Chris turns you around and pushed your back down to create an arch, you could feel the arousal dripping from your pussy.
“You’re so wet for me” Chris said as he swiped his eager tip through your folds. You moaned at the feeling, “I told you to be fucking quiet” he pounded into giving you no time to adjust to his 8 inch dick.
He waisted no time, fucking into you harder and harder, very few moans escaped your mouth. “I’m gonna-“ you say trying not to scream at the pleasure. “Not yet ma, cum with me” he said slightly adjusting his position, now repetativly hitting your g-spot.
“Oh fuck Chris” you moaned, releasing all over his cock. “Oh shitt” he says right after you, releasing his own cum deep into your pussy. “What the fuck just happened” he said as he pulled out of you slowly, “I don’t fucking know”
You and Chris were laying in your bed, your head in his chest talking when you got a text, it was from Nick.
“Did yall just fuck”
You and Chris look at eachother and giggle. What’s gonna happen now?
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
I've been doing some thinking about a couple of things.
This blog has grown considerably, even from its start and I appreciate each and every one of you so much. Your support never ceases to amaze me and I owe all of you a lot for giving me something to focus on this year instead of spiraling into insanity.
Things have gotten a tad bit overwhelming recently between trying to run the blog and trying to write. I find myself either having to ignore the blog to get writing done, or sacrifice writing time and energy to spend time on the blog and keep up with all the replies/reblogs/asks etc. Definitely not complaining, you all never cease to amaze me.
But, I am just one person and my brain only has so much power right now. So, I'm planning to take some (more) time off each week right now while I focus on writing and planning since we're getting into some serious plot stuff soon. So I'm planning to be on the blog three days a week for a while: Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday. That gives me some time to get some writing done as well as some time to rest my brain.
Saturday and Sunday of course to post the chapter and respond to replies and reblogs so I don't get super behind. Monday I'll have some asks queued up as well as maybe a few reblogs. I'll still use the queue Tuesday and Wednesday for reblogs/asks with spoilers as usual. Thursday I'll be on the blog answering asks from Monday - Wednesday as well as things I get that day. I'll queue up a few things for Friday since that day gives me a little break between to prepare for the weekend and posting the chapter.
I'll probably add more days as time goes on. You can still send in asks on the days I'm gone, but just know I won't see them or respond to them until later in the week. I already get behind by a couple days on asks anyway so that's not much of a change.
Don't feel bad for sending them either, I love getting all these asks, I just tend to get behind on days I spend more time writing.
The second order of business
has to do with my taglist. Most of you probably haven't noticed (which I don't blame you lol) but my taglist has gotten very big. Very, very big. It's just over 230 people right now, and I'm sure there will be others asking to join. It's quite time consuming to do all of these tags for every chapter (especially since we can't tag in blocks anymore) so I've been doing some thinking into how I can make it easier for me, and for you.
I know there's at least one blog I've heard of, though I'm sure there's more, that have made side blogs that they have people follow and turn on notifications for and just make a post on that blog when they post a chapter or fic, etc. I've been considering doing that since the taglist is a lot of work and time.
I've also seen blogs that have side blogs that just post chapters/fics and nothing else. I know quite a few of you only follow for the fic, so if anyone is interested, I could put together a side blog like that as well that you can follow and get notifications from instead of having to follow this blog and having to go through the probably 100 posts that I make a day 😂 (at least it feels that way for me)
Having a separate blog for the taglist too would allow me to schedule posts so I can have them come out a bit earlier than I get up for those of you across the world who stay up to read and have to wait for me to post in the morning when I get up (or later like today because I slept in). Of course Ao3 will get posted later because I can't schedule posts there, but at least for Tumblr I can have things post earlier.
So let me know what you think about the taglist side blog and the possible just chapters/fics side blog. Feel free to send in asks (anonymously or not) with your opinion. I might not answer them all (not tonight because my brain is fried and honestly i'm not sure if this is even comprehensible English) but I will at least use them to make the decision (or make a post with all of them and answer it as just one).
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morganwrites12672 · 17 days
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: After the worst fight he's ever had with his father, Sam goes to the only person he can for comfort.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: ANGST. John is a piece of shit. Arguing. Crying. Daddy issues.
A/N: Have fun crying!
Whenever Sam had finally gotten back from visiting her, he hadn't expected Dean and John to be waiting up for him in the small living room of the motel. He awkwardly shrugged off his jacket before tossing it over the back of the couch.
He could feel his father's eyes burning into his skin. John must be pissed off about something. It seemed like Sam couldn't do anything without upsetting the older man. His good mood vanished.
"You have something you want to tell me?" John asked, and Sam just knew. He knew exactly what John meant. There was nothing else that would have his father looking this pissed.
Sam swallowed thickly, he shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. He looked between Dean and John. John looked pissed, his fists clenched, his jaw tight. Dean looked different. He looked almost happy, he looked satisfied. A smug smirk tugged at Dean's lips.
Dean was convinced that John was going to fix everything. He thought that his father would be able to fix this. Once all of this was over, Sam would stay. Everything would work out. If only Dean didn't put so much blind trust into his father. Maybe then he would have realized what would actually happen.
"No sir."
Sam knew that his father wouldn't be satisfied with this response. No, the older man would be pissed off. Nothing Sam said would make it right. No matter what he did his father would still probably lose his shit. This was going to be an argument from Hell.
"Don't you fucking lie to me!" John growled. He pulled something out of his pocket, a letter. Not just any letter though. The letter. Sam's acceptance letter for Stanford.
"How-" Sam didn't get to finish his sentence.
"You applied for Stanford," John said. It was a statement, not a question. The evidence was quite literally being gripped in John's hand.
Sam's nerves coiled in his gut, ready to explode. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest. This argument was the very thing that Sam had wanted to avoid at all costs. He wasn't quite sure how he had planned to avoid it though. Telling John might have made it better rather than the older man figuring it out, or being told by someone else.
"I'm going," Sam blurted, standing up a little straighter. He wouldn't keep letting his father walk all over him. He would go to Stanford. After everything he had sacrificed for other people, he would do this for himself. Hunting could wait a few years.
"I just want to-" For the second time that night, John cut Sam off.
"Like hell you are! I won't let you abandon this family," John snapped as he stood. He slammed the letter down onto the table. He couldn't believe the way Sam was speaking. "Would you really do that? Would you really abandon your brother and I?"
"No. Dad listen, I am going to Stanford!" Sam shouted back at John. He wasn't abandoning Dean or his father. No, he was just trying to go to college.
"It's that damn whore," John sneered. It didn't matter that he was talking about his friends daughter, he was also talking about the girl who he thought had been a bad influence on Sam. "She's been putting all of these ideas into your head. She-"
It was Sam's turn to cut John off. Hearing his father talk about her that way made Sam's blood boil. He took a steadying breath. Just yelling at his father wouldn't do any good. He needed to be somewhat logical. Though, he struggled to think of anything decent to say after what he had heard his father call her.
Dean was watching everything go down. Now that he'd seen how this argument was going he might have a few regrets. He'd seen Sam and his father argue, a lot. It had never been this bad though. Hearing what his father had to say about her though, that made Dean regret everything. Being around her was the happiest Dean had ever seen his brother. He couldn't believe that his father would insult her like that. She wasn't a bad influence on Sam, not in the slightest.
"Don't call her that," Sam said through a clenched jaw. "She has done nothing wrong! It was my idea to apply for Stanford. I am not abandoning this family! I'm going to college!"
"Don't you fucking come back! If you aren't going to do the job, and be apart of this family, don't you ever come back," John snarled.
Sam's expression changed in an instant. He felt his chest tighten, panic spreading throughout his body. He knew by looking at johns face that his father wasn't kidding.
Sam grabbed his jacket, the letter from Stanford, and his laptop case before walking out the door. He had a lump in his throat as he walked down the row of motel room doors. Looking around the parking lot, he was thankful that it was empty.
"Sammy! Wait!" Dean yelled, running out of the motel room door after his younger brother. He was panicking at this point. Things weren't supposed to end like this. He couldn't believe that Sam would leave like this.
"Don't call me that," Sam snapped at his brother, not bothering to turn around. "Leave me the hell alone Dean."
The older Winchester brother stopped in his tracks. He had fucked up, everything had went wrong. It was too late now. Sam had clearly made up his mind. There was nothing Dean would be able to do to stop his brother.
Sam walked. And he just kept walking. His jacket protected him from the ice cold gushes of wind blowing. He walked towards the only place he had left to go; her house. She was his escape. He needed her, right now especially.
The disgusting words that John had spoke of her made Sam's blood boil. He walked faster. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket, hiding them away from the brisk cold.
She was the best part of his day. Hearing his father call her that, and the way the older man talked about her made him sick. She deserved so much better. She didn't do anything wrong. No, the opposite. She made everything better.
The thought of her smile was only able to hinder the tears building up for so long. Sam only walked faster. His long, gangly legs could only carry him so fast though.
The walk to her house didn't take long. Sam practically ran. His eyes had long ago welled up with tears, he sniffled as he finally spotted her house. He walked up to the front porch and hesitated. It was late. What if her parents answered instead of her?
He didn't knock on the door. Instead, he sent her a quick text asking if she could open the front door for him. He prayed to anything out there that might listen to him that she was still awake. He wouldn't risk her parents coming to the door, even if he knew that they wouldn't be upset.
His tear stained cheeks glimmered in the moonlight. He wiped at his cheeks with the sleeve of his jacket, trying to hide some of the tears from view. However, he knew that the second she opened the door that she would know. It would be impossible for her not too.
She could take one look at Sam and read him like a god-damn book. It was nice to be understood like that. Dean and his father had never actually listened to him about anything. He felt like an outsider. He don't feel anywhere near like that around her.
His train of thought was interrupted as he heard the click of a deadbolt sliding open. The front door creaked open. Standing in the doorway, there she was. Her pajama pants hung low on her hips, exposing a small section of her waist before her tank top covered the rest of her skin up. She looked tired as hell, yet she still gave Sam a gentle smile.
She stepped aside wordlessly, letting Sam into the house. Her eye brows drew together in concern as she noticed his tear stained cheeks. As Sam stepped inside, she quickly (and quietly) shut the door. The dead bolt snapped into place.
As she turned around she noticed that Sam had already began walking to her bedroom. Her house was more like a home to Sam than any other place. He did spend a lot of time here. Not that her parents minded.
Her parents loved Sam. They had always welcomed him in with open arms. And, they ignored all of the times they caught Sam sleeping over. They just appreciated that their daughter was spending time with someone her age. Having such a an odd lifestyle made it difficult to maintain friendships.
Whenever she walked into her bedroom, Sam was already sitting on her bed. His head was titled downwards, his eyes seemed to be locked on her rug. She noticed that he had discarded his shoes and jacket already. His jacket hung on the back of her desk chair, and his shoes sat in the corner of her room.
She sat next to Sam and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He shuddered beneath her touch. More tears burned at his eyes and he fought to keep the emotion out of his voice as he spoke
"H-he found out," Sam whispered in a fragile voice. With anyone else he would have cringed at how vulnerable he sounded. He sniffled again, trying to prevent the tears from pouring down his cheeks again.
Her heart dropped. She was suddenly wide awake. That was the worst possible thing that could happen. She still remembered how excited Sam had been to show her his acceptance letter. All of that excitement had been ruined by John.
"Oh my God. . . Sam-"
"I'm still going to S-Stanford," He looked up at her as a few tears finally escaped down his cheeks. "My dad. . . my dad told me not to come back."
She didn't hesitate before pulling him into a tight hug. It was awkward since they were both sitting down but she didn't care in the slightest. Sam broke down in her arms. Hot tears poured down his cheeks.
"It's going to be okay, you're going to be okay." Her voice was gentle, the polar opposite to how his father had spoken to him earlier.
It was moments like this that made Sam realize how lucky he was to have her. He wouldn't know what to do without her. Especially tonight. His heart has been brutally ripped apart by his father, now she would work on helping him pick up the pieces.
They were always there for each other. It was something that could be so very simple that most people didn't notice it. The way that Sam would subconsciously reach for her anytime things went South, the way she always seemed to find her way into Sam's arm after a case or fight with her parents, the way she always made sure Sam had somewhere to go.
And yet, the two had stuck with the title of best friends. Neither one of them wanted to change it much, not yet anyway. There might have been occasional thoughts that definitely weren't the kind you thought about friends though.
Her warm touch brought Sam back to the present moment. It reminded him that things didn't have to be so bad. He might have lost his father, and maybe even Dean too, but he still had her.
"You can stay here until you leave for Stanford."
Sam' head jerked up. That was months away. He had planned to- he actually didn't know what he had planned to do. He would have figured something out though. No matter how hard it was.
Sam cleared his throat, "No, I can't ask your parents to do that."
"Too bad," She retorted. "You live with us until you leave for Stanford." Her voice was firm and left no room for argument.
Her parents would understand. They always did. Even if her father and John were friends, she knew that her mother would be able to persuade her father into letting Sam stay with them. Her mother was good at doing that. Nobody could say no to that woman.
"Thank you," Sam whispered. He then rubbed his eyes, wiping away the tear streaks. It would never make sense to Sam. He couldn't believe that she cared about him this much. He was a black sheep with his family. He was the one who caused problems and didn't belong. He didn't feel that way here. He felt just as much apart of the family as she actually was.
The two fell into a comfortable silence. She kept her arms wrapped around Sam. He felt like her arms were the only thing holding him together. His own father had just kicked him out! Sam couldn't believe that Dean had shown the letter. It hurt.
None of that mattered right now. He couldn't go back in time to fix things. He had to live with everything that had just happened. He had to figure it out.
Maybe things wouldn't be so bad. He could get through anything with her by his side.
A/N: The biggest thanks to @tranquilitybasegrunge and @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles for beta reading parts of this for me!
Tag List: @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @aidansloth @jaredpadonlyyyy @zeppette @moonl1ghtsworld @tranquilitybasegrunge
Join My Tag List Here: Tag List 
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blessedbygookim · 4 months
Fuck it.
The Queen Of Busan.
16 year old Goo and Gun, on their way to see this through.
Part one: the meeting.
Part two: defeated.
Part three: UNDER EDITING.
(This is my first story in a while, be nice. 🥲)
also huge thanks and hugs and kisses to @sscarletvenus for encouraging me and giving advice when procrastinating writing 🫶🏻
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"Are you sure we're at the right place?"
Comes the question from the raven haired man.
"Yupp, I’m sure."
The response comes from the faux blonde after a second of silence, followed by a pop of his lips.
Goo and Gun both observe the bustling city, as the blonde looks a little impatient with his hands in his pockets. Gun lets out a soft sigh as he glances out onto the streets from under his sunglasses. His cold black scleras give away only the most minute detail about his thoughts, though as he remains completely expressionless, giving away no more than he wants to.
Both of them stood in Busan, in front of a pretty lavish looking restaurant. Word has spread, that apparently, an unknown person came in like a thunderstorm. A whirlwind of power that swept through the streets of the whole city, in the matter of months establishing themselves as the new head of Busan.
Gun keeps his eyes on the scene before them, observing the busy streets with their many patrons who possibly frequent the area. A faint smirk can be seen curling the corners of his lips as his hand moves into his pockets, leaning back against the brick wall he's standing at the moment.
Goo on the other hand can be seen casually leaning against the wall next to Gun, a faint smirk gracing his face as he casually watches the city in front of him. There is a casualness in their stances that seems unnatural, almost as if they are already in charge; in a stance best suited for villainesses, or in their cases, cocky and delusional teenagers.
For a minute or so they just stand outside looking around, Gun's expression turns as stone cold as his black irises, before he finally walks over to the door and opens it, stepping inside, with Goo following closely behind.
Finally turning to face the blonde haired man beside him, Gun speaks. Keeping his tone low and calm.
"So you're telling me that this new mysterious person is in this restaurant, right now?"
The blonde man nods his head at the calm and quiet tone of voice he has to speak.
"He has to be, I traced the source back to here and there's no where else to look for now."
He gestures more into the restaurant as he speaks, sounding almost nervous and excited at the same time.
"Are you ready to go in and try to talk to him already so we can get this over with?"
"Yes, now would you please try and keep a low profile this time? I'd rather not to have another incident like last time."
Gun says as he pulls the other man gently by the shoulder, stepping into the crowded restaurant with a slight huff from the both of them.
The blonde man nods his head at Gun's requests, following right behind Gun with a soft smirk still gracing his face. The man was the complete opposite of Gun most of the time, being very charismatic and talkative.
"You know how difficult that is for me, right?"
He says, taking a few steps right with Gun to keep up with him.
“Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.”
Gun's cold eyes scans the crowd slowly, his hands moving out from his pockets now. It's a pretty fancy establishment, with quite a lot of people inside. They know nothing about how this person looks like, so they have no idea who to look for, and unfortunately, none of them stood out to Gun.
"This'll be harder than I expected." Gun says, speaking more to himself than anyone else. He lets out a slight sigh as he pushes his way through the crowd. “Perhaps we should ask one of the waiters.. I heard this establishment is under the head’s surveillance anyway.”
The playful smile curls further up on the blonde man's face, but purses his lips with a slight shrug.
"That's not a bad idea to do. Who should be the one to seek out a waiter?"
He says, looking at him with a playful smirk reaching the edge of his eyes. What's with this place employing good looking people? Goo can't help but notice this fact. Both waiters and waitresses are stunning, which made him think it must be a requirement to be good looking to work at this restaurant.
Gun lets out a small exhale, knowing it will be him stepping up and flag down a waiter, since he was the more mature one after all- or so he liked to think.
"Yes, how may I help you?"
Spoke the waiter, his tone of voice is polite and soft, professional.
"We were wondering if the person in charge of this establishment is around right now, we've heard about a lot of people speaking highly of him lately."
Gun says calmly, speaking in a very neutral tone as he doesn't show any hints of emotion at the moment. The waiter listens carefully to their request for a few seconds before speaking up again, his tone staying polite and soft, but now it also contains a subtle hint of suspicion as he raises his eyebrows at them a little.
"I apologise, but may I ask who you're looking for specifically?"
The waiter is extremely courteous and professional, though it's clear from the subtle hints in his questions that the man probably has some suspicion that they aren't as innocent as they claim to be.
"Well... the head... of the city in a way..."
Goo shrugs, unsure of what to say and how to get his words across. Because how would you ask of someone feared through the city, especially civilians?
“We've heard of this new mysterious figure who has recently claimed power here in Busan, the city seems to be a lot safer than it was before he rose to power.” Gun continues calmly, he feels the waiter's skepticism at the two boys, as he feels that he won't believe that they are simply 'curious'. "We'd like to meet him."
Letting out a soft hum of realization, seeming to be understanding now of what they meant as his brow lowered and his expression turned into a more curious demeanor, as a faint smile appeared on his lips as be speaks again.
"Are you referring to the Queen of Busan?"
Both Gun and Goo glance at each other as those words leave the man’s lips with eyebrows raised.
A female..?
Was this a joke?
The waiter did not seem afraid of the question at all, nor introducing this new head of their scene but seemed more... excited? Exhilarated? Prideful? Almost boastful?
Goo responds, more of a question itself rather than a clear answer, even more confused and unsure than before.
The waiter's expression quickly turns from one of curiosity to excitement, as the waiter's tone brightened up and even his stance loosened.
"Right this way." The waiter says as he quickly motions towards the back of the restaurant. After a few seconds of walking and following the waiter into a corner part of the restaurant, they spot a woman sitting, all alone.
"Good afternoon, Miss Nova. I apologize for disturbing your lunch time, but these two gentlemen are looking for you, the Queen Of Busan."
The waiter speaks to the woman, and if their mouths weren't already in the midst of falling open, the moment the woman peaks out from beside the waiter, is the same moment both their jaws land on the floor from the beauty that she is.
The new boss of Busan, the strongest person in the city is indeed, a woman.
It’s safe to say they were both caught by surprise. They were of course expecting the 'queen' of this city to be a force to reckon with, but they were absolutely caught off guard by the beauty of this woman. Goo's eyes scanned the woman from top to bottom as Gun's expression remained as cold and stoic as ever.
No body guards, no crew members surrounding her. She was eating all alone, with no supervision, but they immediately take it as a sign that she is the right person to talk to, as someone who can run a city like this with no bodyguards is more than likely an incredibly strong individual.
“Thank you Dohkwa, you may leave.”
The woman, by name, Nova says, bowing softly as she thanks the waiter, who bows deeply, and walks off.
“Take a seat, gentlemen.”
She finally sets her attention on them, gesturing to the two empty seats in front of her, on the other side of the table. The duo both walk towards the seats she indicated them to sit on, their eyes still locked onto her the whole time. Gun is the first one to speak.
“So.. you’re the new head of Busan..?”
She nods softly.
“I am.”
Her tone was incredibly soft, tantalizing despite his condescending tone when addressing her. Eyes kind and gentle, a set of light grey orbs that had a certain glint of ferocity in them. Long, icy blonde locks, slightly tan skin, body carved by the gods, for sure had taken their time on her. There was a strong allure to her that almost seemed inhuman. She was like an enchantress, casting a spell on the both of them with her presence alone, as if they were being lulled into something.
It was hard to believe that such a delicate looking woman could be the new head of the city, however that was just the result of their bias that the leader had to be a man.
“What can I do for you?”
Shaking his slight daze away, with a clear of his throat, Gun is the first to speak up. Keeping it as polite as she is being right now, tone monotonous.
“We were sent here by our employer to see you.”
A small hum is heard from her.
“Have you now? Interesting...”
She mutters out, arms crossing in front of her chest as she places them on the table by her elbows, her eyes shifting to Gun who simply nods at her question.
“Do tell me why so.~”
The both of them listen intently to her question, still trying to focus on their mission and not get completely charmed by her.
For a few months, both of them had been going around and scouting out crews to join The Four Major Crews and extort money from them, one hundred million won every month exactly. They already have two crews ready, and they need two more. Sinu is in charge of Big Deal, and Eugene is in the works of getting The Workers up and running. Even though their plan was to only get crews running around Seoul, in close proximities.. perhaps having one in Busan which is a little further away, wasn’t such a bad thing.
"We've heard that the city life here is a lot safer lately. We're curious what you did to achieve that, in such a short amount of time."
“Well… I assume you’re very aware that sometimes violence can only be solved with–well, more violence.”
The woman starts with a gentle manner after a moment of pondering, even though the topic is the furthest thing away from gentle. A plate of red velvet cakes sliced up, and with two chocolate muffins companied by small dessert forks being placed in front of all three of them by a waiter as she continues.
“I got rid of the morally corrupt individuals and their gang related activities, dissected harmful crews through Busan, took on their business, and rolled all their money right back with better results. Lowering the rent, polishing their business aspirations, better accounting, and being kind to them. Helping out struggling businesses and establishments by lending them money without any plus fees, nor did I expect them to pay me back... but since they're so kind, they still did. Which I greatly appreciate.”
Goo is still completely entranced by her beautiful appearance and her voice alone. Not only is she attractive but her mannerisms and demeanor only amplify the charm that she exudes by several hundred times. His mind seemed completely blank. The entire time he listened, he didn't even realize his mouth had slowly opened as he continued to stare at her. He quickly snapped himself back into reality as he heard Gun speak.
“What you did was certainly genius…”
Gun, on the other hand, appears to be more composed as he still needs to keep his cool for their meeting with her. The food being placed in front of them was a welcome addition to the meeting.
“I like to say it’s just kindness. It doesn’t cost me anything, and even though many people fail to realize it, sometimes it gets you further than just being violent, and extort these people after working them like dogs.”
Gun's expression remained unchanged even as she spoke, but he did acknowledge her way of handling the city. Despite not showing it, he felt quite impressed about her methods, but he still had one specific thing to ask her. Despite them being hardened bodyguards and exceptional fighters filled with experience and countless skills under their belts, they were intrigued by this woman's methods and actions as the boss of Busan.
So then why? Why be so kind? No catches either?
Gun, with his unwavering composure, was the first one to speak up. Like always, he kept his cool and still looked at her with a neutral expression.
"Why did you choose to be kind? There are so many other options. Usually leaders of gangs aren't the best people you can meet, nor they are very kind. So I can't help but ask myself why you aren't as heartless as everyone else."
There was no way she was just being nice for the fun of it. He refused to believe that in such world, one that he was also apart of and knew very well- people like her existed and not yet trampled flat by people like his own caliber.
“Wouldn’t you think it’s a nice change of scenery?”
She asks with a faint smile, a knowing, proud look in her eyes as she gestures around the establishment with the small fork in her hand.
“Does anyone look like they're in fear of me being here? Or does anyone look overworked? I think people are absolutely flourishing.~”
Both men look around the restaurant as they listen to her, and they realize that the staff and civilians are indeed behaving exactly as she says. They seem to be happy under her rule, and no one is in fear of her presence, even going as far as to say they’re even more radiant with her presence also in the building. Lively, filled with chatter and beaming faces. There was a certain joy and happiness in their expressions that hadn't been witnessed before under others’ leadership.
Maybe an exception was Big Deal. She really is turning out to be very similar to them. Passion and romance for sure were part of her ideologies.
Gun turns back in his seat, his eyes staying locked onto her figure. He could see the kind and gentle eyes that she held as she looked at the two of them after speaking her words, even though it probably wasn’t aimed at them.
A smirk slowly crosses Gun's face as a thought pops into his mind, the wheels of his brain turning.
No extortion of money? Really?
"If you don't do extortion or run any illegal businesses, how do you have so much money? Your way of handling the city is admirable, but you still must have a source of income right?"
“Skincare businesses, tobacco and cigarette companies, hotels, restaurants, hair salons, beauty shops all around the city- make a generous amount ever since I took over.”
She responds before taking a long overdue bite of her dessert.
Both Gun and Goo were slightly dumbfounded as to how many of the business are actually under her surveillance.
And that they were completely legal.
While swallowing, a curious glint appears in her eyes as she narrows them gently.
“Tell me, why so interested about my businesses or my position?”
Gun took some time to collect his thoughts before finally responding. However before he could even get halfway through forming the first syllable, Goo suddenly blurts out a question of his own out of genuine curiosity.
"Are you single?"
The question made Gun whip his head over to Goo, giving him a death stare out of irritation.
Is he fucking serious right now..?
As deep of a holes Gun was blasting right through his sunglasses, right into Joongoo’s skull went completely ignored by the blonde, who was nothing but a young man filled with curiosity and admiration… and hormones of course. A vein throbs across Gun's forehead as a look of pure annoyance forms on his face at his question. It's clear that he was very close to beating the life out of him on the spot as he takes a deep breath before speaking up in a stern voice.
“Are you kidding me? We're not here to make the most out of your libido. We're here on a job. So stop acting like a degenerate for 1 second and get focused.”
Even though this was something more than unprofessional, especially in such moment, the woman couldn’t help but scoff out a small laugh through her nose, a small smirk pulling on the corners of her lips.
“I am, and I will continue to remain so.”
At that, Goo purses his lips into a small pout, body hunching over. Bummer.
Well, at least he still has his first love; money. At least that will never reject him.
Either way, Gun lets out another sigh, focusing his attention back on the woman.
“I apologize about him and for his existence. To answer your question- and I will keep this as transparent and as honest as possible- we've been looking for another faction to extort money from. More faction to complete Charles's plan of kickstarting his new business.. and you and your businesses would be a great fit.”
At that, she lets out an amused hum.
“I refuse.”
As expected.
After all, it was a ridiculous request to begin with. The both of them were expecting it, not at all surprised, but still slightly disappointed.
“I will not help someone unknown to me climb the stairs of success. I wouldn't want my hard work be flipped upside down, make my people work their fingers to the bone and take their money, only to flip it into your boss's pockets.”
Nova concluded, and both are silent for a few seconds.
Gun nods at her in acknowledgment while Goo pouts once more, seeming quite pissed that the woman who he was so attracted to didn't immediately say something along the lines of ‘anything for you, honey’. Again, the duo sit in silence for a moment until Goo speaks up, finally having formed a coherent thought.
"You don't care about making money, huh?"
“Correct. Especially not for your boss.”
She shrugs, expressions conveying she doesn't even want to have this argument by this point. Her decision is set in stone.
“Not everything is about profit to some.”
Her words failed to resonate with them. To them, it was. To be bigger and more powerful, and of course make as much money as they want, even if crossing boundaries. Money was an important necessity to both of them, and they couldn't understand the way she was able to refuse something that could easily help her.
Gun leans back into his seat slightly as a look of slight skepticism fills his eyes
"Aside from your kindness, I can't understand one thing. You're the boss of a city, yet you don't care about money... what about power? Status? Why don't you ever use violence or illegal activities to run the city like every other boss?"
“Because I am not like any other boss. I don’t lead gangs. Power means nothing, especially when in return I gain enemies and be despised. Why be cruel when,- as you can clearly see,- being kind took me far enough, if not further than any other.”
Her answers hit Goo like a truck, he couldn't help but be in disbelief of how much he respected her now. Her morals and logic are all so different and he can't help but admire her for it in a way. He stares at her and he has a genuine shock and surprise on his face, he was actually finding himself to be in disbelief at how amazing this woman is. Meanwhile Gun is now starting to get irritated as he realizes she has no intention to be under the hierarchy of someone else.
“I sure do hope so that just because I said no, neither of you are planning to cause a ruckus in any of my businesses or establishments in the city.”
She says bluntly, face unnervingly blank this time as she speaks. This was the first warning of someone's seemingly bright and generous exterior showing some peeks of her actual feelings.
Both men sit calmly in their chairs as she speaks, their calm yet menacing and intimidating auras filling the air as they listen to her words. As she speaks, Gun's eyes narrow slightly. The only hint she gets of him having any negative feelings is the vein slightly throbbing on his temple as he listens to her speak.
Gun's jaw tightens in slight anger as his fingers dig slightly into the table while Goo lets out a sigh, his expression becoming slightly agitated as a sly grin creeps across his face.
"I can't speak for this idiot," Gun says while gesturing towards Goo "but me on the other hand..."
Well, was just the same.
At first he thought lulling her into a false sense of security could work.
She wasn’t stupid of course.
She seemed harmless enough, and both of them were deprived of any empathy anyway. This was only business.
Before Gun could even think about springing to his feet and lunge over the table, just the slight twitch of his body, the minor shift in the air was enough to trigger what happened next.
Perhaps it was less than a fraction of a millisecond, like a blink of an eye as Gun opens them to spot her fork piercing into his sunglasses. Just enough to not stab him right in his eyes, but just enough that the teeth of the fork didn't reach his irises as she threw it.
“Don't even think about causing a scene. There are children beside parents in this establishment, and employees whose families are waiting for them to get home at the end of the day.”
Hand still in the position of the previous flick of her wrist, she utters out. Low, deep, not wanting to attract any attention, eyes flashing with a slight glow before disappearing.
To say that he was not expecting that reaction from her was a drastic understatement.
Goo, on the other hands, was more than surprised by her sudden action, but couldn't help his mouth from drooling slightly, looking at her with amazement at how fast she whipped her fork out to fling it into his sunglasses.
Neither of them would've expected her to react so fast, making both of them freeze in shock like a deer in headlights.
Gun could feel that he's completely and utterly defeated with no possibility of standing a chance against her, which was a thought just as rare as Kyawthuite crystals. And for the first time, he felt like the situation he's in is far more serious than he initially thought.
How did she throw it so fast? Without neither of them even noticing, neither of them feeling her even make a movement. Especially with such agility and she done it so that it didn't pierce his eyes, but was scary enough to get her point across. The second warning, and they couldn't help but want it to be the last.
...why did they obey so fast? Was it her tone? So blunt and commanding, laced with violence? Or her eyes that bore holes through their head such way it almost gave them the feeling of lasers sizzling their way through their skins? The way she was emitting such blood lust in that moment it sent a ripple or fear and excitement down both their spine?.. or her agility?..yes, it was all of the above.
After a few moments of shock, Gun can't help but let out a small laugh, his tense body calming slightly as his eyes lock onto the woman in front of him after he takes his glasses off. Goo, on the the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off of Nova, his eyes filled with genuine admiration, admiration to the point where he was just slightly shivering from how overwhelming it was.
Gun is the first one to finally speak after her warning and his laugh, his tone still filled with slight irritation mixed with amusement as he holds his, now destroyed accessory.
"Well... point taken. We will now both take our leave and let you enjoy the rest of your afternoon."
"While you can." He thinks to himself.
So this is the Queen Of Busan.
Perhaps their defeat happened before an actual fight could have taken place, and who's to say she wouldn't have won, even one against two? It was a terrifying thought to have.
“Good. Because I don't feel the need to continue communicating my feelings on the ridiculous of the endeavor I'm currently engaged in any further.”
Goo can't help himself but speak up, a grin on his face as he gazes at Nova in bewilderment while they stand up.
"Damn, you're so badass! I knew you were a 10/10 from the moment I laid eyes on you but I did not expect you to be so incredibly cool. Can you throw another fork at my glasses too?"
Gun doesn't even feel the need to make a comment about his idiocy, just taking a firm grasp of his hood and starts dragging him out of the place while Goo can't help but let out choking noises, but lets himself get ultimately dragged away from the woman he can't help but stare at longingly.
Gun can be seen taking a better look at his sunglasses once they're both out of the premises, after Goo had shaken his grasp off with a whine.
"Man what the fuck! I was about to shoot my shot!!"
Comes the annoyed exclamation from the faux blonde.
As per usual, Gun just rolls his eyes at his comment, as well as the tantrum he was having, his expression being a mix of slight irritation and annoyance.
"First of all: you wouldn't have gotten anywhere near winning her over. Second of all: quit acting like a degenerate. You're acting like a child."
Goo doesn't even respond to what Gun said, a palm flat against the window while pouting and staring at Nova through the window outside of the restaurant.
Not looking like a weirdo at all with those puppy dog eyes and jutted out bottom lip as he mumbles to himself.
"I'll miss you..."
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x-reader-theater · 1 year
Breaking and Entering {1}
summary: Someone breaks into your flat through the window, and you don't have enough energy left to care.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Gender Neutral!Reader
word count: 1801
warnings: The Reader is described as having depression and suicidal ideations. Nothing is done about it, but it's very obvious so if you don't think you can handle that please do not read.
a/n: this is also going to be a series, but i have no idea how long it's going to take to finish it or how long it's gonna be. also if you haven't seen, my requests are open and you can find my request rules here.
Breaking and Entering Series: {Chapter 1}, {Chapter 2}, (You can also use the tag #breaking and entering series as well if you don't want to use links)
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It was supposed to be a normal night. Lonely. Depressed. It was going to be the perfect terrible night.
So of course someone had to ruin it.
You’re sitting at the kitchen table, about to disassociate and share at the wall across from you for eight hours, when you have to go back to work, when you hear a loud crash coming from beside you.
“Shit!” you exclaim, jumping back and over the back of your chair, stumbling over it and smacking the back of your head on your old wooden floors.
“Shit,” you hear a low, gravely voice say from where the smashing sound came from.
Your vision is blurry for a moment, but it clears as you see a skull leaning over you. The skull talks, but your ears have started ringing, subsiding right as he finishes talking.
“What?” you ask, dazed and probably a lot more calm for someone who just had a floating skull smash through what was probably their window, but you’re too dazed right now to really care.
“I said,” the heavily accented skull says and as your vision clears, you see the skull isn't actually floating, but is attached to a body covered in what looks to be some sort of tactical gear. “Sit up. I want to have a look at your head.”
“Oh, uh, yeah,” you say, before slowly sitting up. The man holds out his arm, and you feel his hand on your back push you up as well. He shifts, so he’s looking at the back of you, and you stare forward at the wall, trying to get your senses back.
“I don't see a wound,” the man mumbles, probably just intended for himself, but you definitely heard. You’re just too shocked to say anything. The man sits in front of you again, his hand still on your back as he pulls out what looks to be a pen light. He holds it up in front of your eyes, and you move away from it, but he reaches out with the hand holding the light and places it gently on your cheek, pushing your head, so it’s facing you again. “Stay still.” Gus gruff voice is contradictory to how gentle he's handling you right now. “I need to look at your pupillary response.”
You try to sit still, though you still jump at the bright light. He flashes the light in your eye and away and back again a couple of times, moving onto the second one and doing the same, before finally clicking it off again. You sigh in relief.
“Response looks good, but you should probably have someone monitor you in case something happens,” the man says. “Does anyone else live here?”
“No,” you say, probably unwisely but, again, you’re exactly sound of mind right now.
“Do you have anyone you can call? A friend or a neighbour? Someone who might stay with you and take care of you?”
You shake your head, but instantly regret it as it causes a lance of pain to shoot through your skull. You hiss and clutch at your temple.
“Careful,” the man admonishes, his voice gentler than it has been. “You don't have anyone?”
“No,” you say, watery and thick with building mucus. You blink a few times to drive the tears back as you are suddenly faced with how lonely you really are.
The man hums, but doesn’t say anything more, instead opting to ask, “What’s your name?”
You wipe at your eyes to get any stray tears and say with a tight throat, “[Y/N]. What about you?”
“You can call me Ghost,” is all he says.
You chuckle. “Terrifying,” you mock. You think you hear a laugh coming from the man, but underneath that skull mask you can’t tell. You get up and walk over to the freezer, grabbing a Ziplock bag you left on the counter a little while ago. You fill the baggie with ice before walking back over to the table and flipping the chair back onto its feet before sitting down again. Pressing the ice to the back of your head, you wince as you ask, “What are you anyways? What are you doing in my flat?”
“It's classified,” Ghost says.
“Ooooooooooooh,” you draw out, nodding. “You're military, aren't ya?” When the man doesn’t answer, you make a clicking sound with your teeth. “Right. Classified.”
“I could be a murderer,” the man says suddenly.
“I mean, so could I,” you say, just as cryptically as he did. “Besides. If you really are in the military like I totally think you are, you probably have killed people so, you’re probably right that you’re a murderer. But I’m also not a soldier so if you did kill me that would be like, some sort of violation of something, right? If not totally illegal,” you ramble, using your one free arm to gesture wildly as you talk.
“Do you have no sense of self-preservation?” Ghost asks finally after you take a pause.
You stare at him, taken aback by the question before saying, “Uh, aha… you could say that my will to live is currently… wilted, at the moment.”
Ghost stares at you for a long moment, for several moments even, and you fidget underneath his gaze. When you glance at his eyes, you see they’re a deep brown, almost black, ringed with black eye makeup to conceal anything that could give away his identity, you guess.
When he finally speaks again, he says, “Maybe you could use a friend right now.”
You stare at him blankly, and say, “Yes, I want the masked soldier man who broke through my window to be my friend…”
“Do you have much of a choice otherwise?” Ghost asks and your mouth clicks shut with a clack of your teeth. You look away, dropping the hand with the ice and wrapping your arms around your body.
“Why are you doing this to me?” you ask, finally raising your eyes and catching Ghost’s stare.
“Because I’ve been you,” he states plainly. “You’re better off alive than dead.”
The way he says it so plainly, in a way you’ve never heard before, it makes your heart thud in your chest, like it hasn't beat for so long that no it finally is, it has to work in overdrive to pump blood through your veins. You've gotten the pitying glances, you’ve felt the patronising slaps on the shoulder, and you’ve heard the infuriating “It will get better soon” speeches.
But this six foot, masked, most likely military, stranger, telling you he was just like you? Somehow, that's what makes you have a little hope. Because he’s still here.
“There must be something wrong with you to want to be friends with someone whose window you just crashed through,” you judge, putting the ice back against your head.
Ghost sighs but gets up, going to your oven and grabbing the tea towel. He walks back over to you and gently pries the baggie of ice from your hand, wrapping it up in the towel and placing it back on the back of your head, moving your hand, so it’s placed on top of his before he slips his hand out from under yours. “I think there’s always been something a little wrong with me,” he says, and you look up at him standing over you, that white skull with brown eyes looking down and through you. You expect him to say something serious, but instead he says, “I’m wearing a fuckin’ mask, there’s obviously something wrong with me.”
You stare at him for a moment before bursting out laughing, wrapping your free arm around your stomach as you howl out laughter, probably more laughter than the situation required, but you just can’t stop. Eventually you suck in large lungfuls of air, hiccuping as you try and catch your breath, wiping your eyes for the second time today, but this time for a different reason.
When you catch your breath, you look over at Ghost who has sat down again, and you see his eyes are crinkled and his shoulders and bouncing up and down, and you realise he’s laughing as well.
You watch as he laughs, realising he’s been tense since the moment he got here. Now, he seems relaxed and open. You can see the laughter in his eyes before he closes them and throws his head back in bliss. This, human connection, laughing with someone else, just being near someone who doesn’t hate you, you think it could help fix you. Maybe not entirely, you’ll need more help for that, therapy and maybe some drugs, but having someone else, it could really help you.
And you don’t want to lose that.
“Will you come back?” you ask while Ghost is still laughing. He takes a moment to catch his breath, steadying himself again.
“When I’m in town, I’ll stop by,” he says, his voice sounding inhumanly steady after laughing so hard for so long. The control he has over himself makes him even more alluring.
You smile and nod. “Yeah. I’d like that.” You feel your eyes begin to get heavy, and you ask, “Is it okay for me to sleep?”
Ghost nods. “You don’t have a concussion. But I’ll stay until I have to go.”
“No one’s going to follow you here, right?” you ask, laying your head down on the table and placing the towel-wrapped bag of ice on the table next to your face.
Ghost chuckles guiltily. “No, I think before I smashed through your window, I lost them.”
“Why did you crash through my window?” you ask, fading off to sleep.
“I slipped,” you hear Ghost’s low voice mumble as it lulls you to sleep.
When you wake up the next morning, Ghost is gone. In his place there’s a small sticky note like the ones in a drawer in your kitchen, a pen that looks like it’s from that drawer as well. Probably because it is from that drawer, you realise as you rub your eyes to try and get them to work again. When they finally clear a little more, you see that the sticky note is a lot bigger than it should be. Grabbing it and pulling it towards you, you see there’s money folded neatly underneath it. Unfolding it, you see a couple hundred dollars, and on the note it says, “Sorry for your window.”
Looking over at the window, you see Ghost has patched up the window temporarily with a rubbish bag and some tape. You have no idea how he could have slipped and fallen into your seventh story flat, but you also don’t really care. You clutch the note to your chest with a smile, the first real smile you’ve felt in years.
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Coconut (Obey Me!)
━━━━━━━━━━ ✦ ━━━━━━━━━━
You got a coconut and need help opening it. You decide to ask your favorite guy. Does he fail or succeed?
»Characters: Demon Bros + Dateables
»Tags: Shitpost, Humor, Mammon's At It Again, Levi Is My Fave
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"Hand it over."
He's heard of coconuts but never seen one up close
Gently tosses it in his hand for a feel
Hmph this will be easy
Had to pull out the old worst cursed magic he could think of
It didn't work
The many cursed tools in the dungeons also didn't work
Sweating angry mess...how's it not open!?
Angrily chucks it through the wall
It knocked out a poor unsuspecting Levi
"I will get you literally anything else you desire that's not that."
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"Why's it furry?"
"What do ya mean you're s'pose to eat it?"
He didn't understand why you wanted this thing but he wasn't going to let his human down
Got upset that his attempts did nothing, however he hatched an idea
Got a booth at the carnival
"Pay up and test ya strength! How tough are ya!? HEY YOU! YOU'RE NOT A WIMP ARE YA?"
After hundreds of tries from monsters and demons, the coconut finally split open
He brought it back to you (wearing new bling and all)
"The Great Mammon never disappoints! Also...can ya get me more of 'em?"
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"Wooaahh a coconut!? I've seen these in so many anime beach episodes!"
The otaku was excited you came to him for help!
He was going to get it open one way or another!
He tried for an hour before sending you off
"I'll come find you when I open it!"
It would be years before he returns
(You lived in the Devildom after the program)
He journeyed through the Devildom in search of knowledge for his quest
He developed surprising friendships, suffered painful losses, but also discovered a new meaning to life
He did eventually find a way to open the coconut
He came back home wizard style
"I bring you that of which you requested"
"Levi no one knew where you went, you were just gone! We were worried!"
"I got your coconut open though! Quest complete!"
He thought the hugs and kisses from you were worth it, the coconut must've meant a lot to you!
I love him so much yall
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"A coconut? I've only ever read about them. Bring it here."
Gave it a few curious knocks
This will be easy 2.0
Tried to peel it and saw it did nothing
Tried to karate chop it, still nothing
He chuckled and a black aura surrounded him
I see.
He tried punching it and then clawing at it for a while
There is no god, just nothingness
He lost his shit in demon form
His rampage destroyed a chunk of the house
Coconuts are no longer allowed at the House of Lamentation
Like you can't even say the word coconut
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"What is that?"
He did not want to touch whatever that thing was
He saw the disappointed look in your face and changed his mind
He tried to break it open in half with his bare hands but it was futile
Why is this thing so tough?
He was not having it, he was going to open your precious coconut!
He could only think of one other way
A grumbling Mammon appeared
"Just stand there a second will you?"
He knocked the coconut against his head (HEY!) and the coconut split open!
It did break one of his manicured nails though but he thought the happiness on your face was worth it
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"Did you bring more?" (You did)
Was excited to try a human world fruit
Tried to break it in half with his hands
Was surprised when it didn't...but no worries!
He briefly bared his fangs and gave a sharp bite
It made a little opening and he was then able to split it with his hands
He was happy trying something new with you and was excited for future recipes
Yeah...no struggles here ajsjdlgkskdldk
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"Huh? You want me to open that?"
He was surprised but flattered you'd go to him
He wasn't even sure what that thing was
He tried to strangle it but just couldn't get it to open
Then he tried to threaten it
Still didn't work
Was exhausted at this point and thought a well deserved nap was needed
You found him clinging to the coconut like a plushie
You never got it back
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"Oh what a cute little silly fruit!"
He thought it looked precious!
Of course he would open it for you!
After a few minutes of trying to get the thing open, he was getting flustered
This can't be from the human realm? It's...it's diabolical!
He gave a sad pout and tried a *different* approach
"Please little one, open up will you?" He politely begged the unforgiving fruit
It magically split open and he triumphantly gave you your coconut back!
...Still not sure how that works but it's probably just... a Dia thing LMAO
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"I would be happy to. Although can you pick it up in say 30 min? I have another task to attend to."
He traveled to the human realm and picked up some chopped coconut and fresh coconut juice for you
He's a demon of many talents
He's also a demon of many secrets
He's never mastered the art of opening human world coconuts but he wasn't going to let you or anyone else know that!
He gave you a beautifully arranged plate and fancy jar
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"I can try."
He knew of coconuts but never touched one
He tried knocking it a few times but it didn't work
He tried to remain calm as he tried a few other methods
Burn it. Burn it Simeon.
No just ignore the voice
After one more attempt he lost his cool
He had quite a colorful vocabulary
Threw dangerous celestial magic spears at the indestructible fruit
Luke freaked out and knocked him out in panic
Luke was quite frightened and didn't trust coconuts after Simeons rage
Simeon hates when they refer to it as The Incident™️
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"Sure! I will handle it."
He's opened a few in his lifetime
He found a way to get it open every time!
He gingerly touched the coconut
So we meet again
He took the coconut and chucked it fiercely against the wall
He smirked at the small shattered pieces
He thought back on the first coconut he ever had the displeasure of meeting...he will never be made a fool again
You decided to buy coconut juice instead
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»Note: Imagine you ask Belphie to open a banana and he just immediately strangles the thing, like is that just how he opens things?? Yep, a new headcanon acquired!
⬦You might also like: Mexican Restaurant︱Waffle House︱Devil-Mart⭐
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mountttmase · 1 year
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Brave - Part One
Note - bit nervous uploading this one and it’s pretty long so let me know what you think 💙 part two can be found here 😌
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 9.6k
Warnings - mention of controlling relationship, angst, lots and lots of fluff
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You were sat in your dining room, dressed up to the nines, waiting for your husband to get home from work. If you were doing this then you were doing it properly, wanting this version of yourself to be his last memory of you.
You slightly adjusted the neck on your tight black midi dress that you’d paired with the highest heels you could find in the back of your wardrobe. You could feel a chill on your left leg as the high slit up the side left you exposed but you ignored it as you loved the way it looked. Both things he didn’t know you owned as he would never approve of.
You looked fit for a funeral but it gave you the confidence boost you needed to get the job done.
He should be home any minute and you were so incredibly nervous about what you were about to do. You’d rehearsed what you wanted to say in your head a million times for months and you don’t know what it was about the last few days that was the final straw.
Your engagement and wedding ring sat together on the table in front of you, feeling free of the weight of them not just physically but also mentally. You chanced a look down at them, gazing at them for one last time before snapping your eyes up and getting back into the right head space. You didn’t need any distractions, wanting nothing to throw you so you could get out what you needed to say without an issue.
Before you could think of anything else, you heard his key in the lock and the door slamming shut moments later. You watched as he entered the room, swinging his bag onto the sofa haphazardly before his eyes locked onto yours.
‘What’s all this?’ He questioned with his brows furrowed. He hasn’t seen you looking like this for a long time and the sight no doubt confused him. Most of your days spent bare faced and only in clothes he approved of bar the rare occasions you had to be seen with him for a business dinner or an event where only perfection would do. ‘Are we supposed to be going somewhere I forgot about? You know I don’t like it when you wear all that guff on your face without a reason’ he scoffed, taking up the seat opposite from you.
‘I’m leaving you’
You spoke quietly but you sounded confident, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time. He let out a loud laugh but when he caught sight of your rings on the table he stopped and looked back up.
‘Oh, you’re serious’ he said, the smile on his face returning and it made your skin crawl. ‘Sure thing, babe’ he laughed again before going to stand, but the sound of you standing up from your chair kept him in is seat.
‘I’m serious. Don’t worry, in terms of the divorce I don’t want anything from you and I’ve only taken the things I bought with me.’
‘This is stupid’ he said with a shake of his head, his tone more serious now. ‘I’ll give it a week before you’re crawling back here begging for me back’ he snarled, an angry look on his face but you no longer felt afraid of him. ‘And it’s gonna take a lot more than an I’m sorry to win me back. You forget y/n, I’m all you have. You won’t last out there on your own.’
‘I’d rather have nothing than stay another second here’ you told him calmly, before stepping away from the table, picking up your coat and making your way you the door.
You didn’t turn back for one last look, you didn’t wait for him to convince you stay, you kept your head high, your shoulders back and your hand around the car key in your pocket before stepping out the front door and closing it softly behind you.
Wanting to get out of there as quickly as you could, you ran to the car you borrowed from your best friend that was parked enough spaces down that he didn’t notice, got in and drove away as quickly as you could. You felt the familiar burn of tears behind your eyes but you didn’t allow them to fall. Not just yet you told yourself and you made the 45 minute journey to your best friends house. They had no idea you were coming and you were praying they would accept you with open arms. As much as you hated to admit it, your now ex-husband was right, you really didn’t have many people in your life and he was the one that made sure of that. Isolating you from everyone so you became reliant on him. He knew you’d of left a lot quicker if you were surrounded by people that love you.
You knew your best friend would be in, having made sure to ask them a few days ago what their week looked like. Your ex had no idea the two of you still spoke and you had to save their name in your phone as a cleaning company as to not arouse any suspicion.
Before you knew it you were there, pulling up outside and punching in the code you had memorised. As soon as you were parked, you ran to the front door and pounded on it until it opened and you were met with the big brown eyes of Mason.
‘I did it’ you sobbed, his shocked face now looking confused. ‘I’ve left him’ you managed to choke out before you felt your legs start to buckle under you. Mason was quick to grab you and pull you into him before you fell. In the comfort of his arms is when you allowed yourself to break down. He gently rocked you back and forth as he shushed you and raked his fingers over your scalp.
‘Come on love, let’s get out inside and out the cold, yeah?’ He whispered and you nodded weakly, allowing him to pull you inside. After shutting the door with his hip, he slowly walked you over to his sofa where he sat beside you and pulled you back into him. You sobbed your little heart out whilst he held you as tightly as he could to his body. The only sounds coming from him were his little comments of encouragement, telling you that everything was okay and you were safe now.
And that was the main reason for your tears, more relief than sadness. Yes you were sad your relationship of five years and marriage of three was finally over, yet that was outweighed by the lightness you felt in your chest of never having to see him again and the feel of the strong and safe arms around you now.
You thought you were almost done crying but when Mason told you he was proud of you, you only sobbed harder.
You had known Mason most of your life, growing up together as your houses were opposite and there wasn’t anything you didn’t know about each other.
That was until you started dating Eric and you grew apart. He was a few years older than you and told you it was only natural but as the months went by and more and more people seemed to disappear from your life, until he was all that was left, you wondered if he was right. He convinced you though and told you he was all you needed. He even told you Mason was no good for you, that being around someone with his job could only end in disaster as he’d never have time for you. This was the one thing you never believed so kept your friendship with Mason away from Eric.
He was the perfect gentleman at first, buying you gifts and taking you on trips. You loved being around him as he made you feel like a princess. He told you it was you and him against the world and he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
When he proposed you said yes straight away and had a small wedding, just the two of you and some whitenesses. You knew you had hurt Mason by not inviting him as you’d always promised to be there for each other in the big moments. He had called you the day after and the sound of his broken voice made you feel more guilty than you ever had before, but you knew he couldn’t be there. Eric still thought the two of you were no longer in contact.
You hated having to hide Mason from your life, only seeing each other when Eric was at work or on a business trip but Eric really did make you happy.
Well at first he did anyway.
That was until he began telling you how you should wear your hair, how you should dress, where you could and couldn’t go, what you should eat, how you should think. You should have known when he told you to quit your job as he made enough money for the both of you but you did it anyway, not wanting to hurt him. Then three months ago you found out about the multiple other woman he’d been sleeping with since you’d been married. You’d been planning since then to escape, telling Mason you needed to borrow his car for an appointment as Eric would be taking his car to work and since Mason had a few, he was happy to oblige.
That one small kind gesture now meant you were free. Free from a life of being controlled and suppressed by a man who thought he knew what was best for you.
You finally looked up at Mason, furiously blinking your eyes in order to clear the tears from them, and Mason gently wiped under them with his thumbs, smiling at you so widely you though his face might break in half.
‘I mean it y/n I’m so fucking proud of you’ he told you again with a light kiss to your forehead. ‘I’m not gonna pretend like I knew exactly what was happening between the two of you but I never liked him and I think you know that.’ You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at this, nodding your head. ‘He made you not you, and I want you back’ he said with a sad smile.
‘I’m back’ you croaked and kissed your forehead again.
‘I need to ask you something’ he said with a more serious tone and you gulped before he continued. ‘You don’t have to tell me what happed, not if you don’t want to or if you do we can wait until you’re ready to talk but I need to know one thing and I need to you be honest with me okay?’ You just nodded and he took a breath before speaking. ‘Did he ever hurt you? You know like… physically?’
You understood why he asked the question, and it pained you to see the look on his face as he did, but you shook your head quickly to settle his mind. Eric was a lot of things but he’d never laid a hand on you. Mason let out a massive breath and just nodded, feeling better now he knew. You looked down to his top, noticing to two black marks from your mascara staining it and it stupidly tried to wipe it off. ‘Sorry Mase’
‘Don’t be silly, I know how to the use the washing machine now’ he proudly boasted and you shook your head at his silliness.
‘So I kind of need to ask another favour’ you gulped. You knew it would probably be fine with what you were about to ask but you wanted to make sure anyway. He just nodded a waited for you to carry on. ‘I don’t really have anywhere else to go, and it won’t be for long I’ll sort myself out but can I stay with you for a bit?’ He looked back at you like you were asking the most obvious thing in the world before taking your hands in his.
‘Do you even need to ask that?’ He chucked you you tried to hide you face in his sofa cushion. ‘Of course you can stay here, I’ve always told you that.’ And it was true, mason always reassured you that his home was yours if you ever needed it and now you felt stupid for asking. ‘And none of this it won’t be for long crap, you stay here as long as you like. You know I love having you around. In fact I don’t want you out of my sight for the foreseeable.’
‘Thank you’ you whispered and he just squeezed your hands in response.
‘Now what do you say, you grab a quick shower and I’ll order us some dinner and then we have a movie night like we used to when we’re we’re kids?’ He suggested
‘That sounds great, I’ll just go grab my stuff from the car’ you told him whilst standing, but he followed you up and grabbed your arm.
‘Don’t be silly, I can get that’ he told you, helping you out of your coat. You couldn’t help but blush as you noticed his eyes linger over you in your tight dress, forgetting you were dressed up for a night out rather then a comfy evening in, and it took you looking directly at him for him to avert his gaze. ‘Y-you remember where the bathroom is right?’ He stuttered and you smiled at his now awkward demeanour.
‘I remember, Mason’ you said with a slight smile
‘I’ll leave your stuff in the guest room yeah? Take your time there’s towels and everything you need in there’
‘Thank you, Mase’ you whispered. Stepping towards him and kissing his cheek before turning on your heel to walk up his stairs. You knew he hadn’t moved yet, clearly watching you walk up and you were wondering what had come over him all of a sudden but the thought of being under the warm water kept your legs moving.
After a quick shower, making sure to wash off your ruined makeup, you wrapped yourself in one of masons big fluffy towels before making your way to his guest room. You were just about to open the door when it swung open to reveal mason who was obviously just leaving.
‘Shit, sorry’ he laughed, a blush covering his cheeks as he looked at you in your towel. ‘I uh, I just put all your stuff in there. Was that everything?’ He asked pointing back to your one suitcase and lone duffel bag.
‘Yeah that’s it’ you confirmed, and he scrunched his face up up for a second before nodding.
‘Well the food will be here soon, so get ready and I’ll come get you’ he said, moving out the room and plodding back downstairs. You unpacked some pyjamas, a silky shirt and shorts combo that you hadn’t been able to wear yet, but given your new found freedom you thought it was appropriate. You carried on unpacking your things, not that it was much. A few pairs of jeans and leggings plus some tops and a few pairs of shoes. All things you’d bought yourself, leaving anything that was bought with Eric’s money back in his house. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door and Mason popped his head through after you told him to come in.
‘Foods here’ he said quietly. ‘I thought maybe we could eat in my room? Like old times’ he asked you and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he might be nervous.
‘Sounds good, I’ll be in in a sec’ you told him with a smile and he gave you one nod before leaving again.
After popping your underwear in a drawer you made your way over to his room. The lights had been dimmed and you could see he’d lit a candle on the far side of the room. He was sat on his bed, back resting against the headboard and next to him lay two massive pizzas.
‘I’m not sure that’s part of your diet plan Mount’ you told him as you took a seat next to him. He laughed at you and shrugged whilst picking up a slice.
‘I figured it was a special occasion’ he winked and you couldn’t ignore the little flip in your tummy at his gesture. ‘I ordered your favourite’
You looked down to see your favourite pizza and you couldn’t help but smile that he remembered. You hadn’t had it in the longest time and you groaned in satisfaction when you took your first bite, closing your eyes to savour the moment.
Your eyes snapped over to Mason as you hadn’t heard him move and you caught him staring at you with wide eyes and slightly parted lips, but he looked away just as quickly, his eyes focusing on the movie. You were unsure of what to make of all the strange looks he was giving you, figuring he felt a bit sorry for you and was just checking to make sure you were okay, but you both carried on eating in silence. When you’d had enough Mason quickly ran downstairs to put the pizza in the fridge before joining you back in his bed.
It felt weird for you to be sat so far away from him, movie nights used to consist of him laying with his head in your lap or at least your arms being linked however mason sat away from you, no doubt wanting to give you space after a stressful day however that was the last thing you wanted.
‘Masey?’ You asked and he smiled at the use of his nickname you only bought out when you wanted something. ‘Do you maybe think I could have a cuddle?’ You questioned, and his face softened immediately, scooting down the bed and opening up his arms for you to fall in to.
‘You don’t need to ask love’ he whispered into you temple before leaving a light kiss there that warmed your insides. ‘And if you wanna talk about anything then im all ears. And if you don’t then I’m pretty good at talking shit and distracting you’ he joked but you really appreciated it. ‘Whatever you wanna do we can do’
There was lots you wanted to tell him, but unsure of if you were ready for all that just yet you told him something that had been playing on your mind for the last half an hour or so.
‘What if I’m not strong enough?’ You whispered but you knew he’d heard you, tightening his grip ever so slightly.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Well I’m fine right now, I think I’m still on a bit of a high, but what about in a few days time when I crash back down to earth? What if I end up running back to him? what if he calls and I’m not strong enough to ignore it?’
‘That could never happen’ he reassured you, stroking up and down your back gently. ‘You’ve got me now, I mean you always have had, but I’m gonna be here for you all the time and we can do this together I promise. You’re not on your own anymore’. You knew he wasn’t done talking, the words on the tip of his tongue so you waited until he was ready. ‘You don’t have to answer if you’re not ready, but why did you stay with him so long if you were so unhappy?’
You gave it a second to think of an answer, but you didn’t exactly have one. It was a whole multitude of things. ‘I guess I just wanted to believe he was still a good person? Like even after everything he’s done I still hoped things would change’
You went on to tell him where it all went wrong, the lying, his controlling nature, the cheating you uncovered towards the end. Mason was silent throughout, letting you talk and unload everything you needed to, but you could tell by the look on his face he was beyond angry.
‘Why didn’t you tell me how bad it was?’ He questioned.
‘I don’t know Mase, I wish I had I’m so sorry’
‘Hey hey, none of this is your fault’ he comforted you, rubbing his hands over you gently. ‘I’m so fucking proud of you, and I’m so glad you came to me. I promise you I won’t let anything bad happen anymore okay you’re safe with me’
‘You promise’ you asked with a smile, holding up your pinkie finger to which he wrapped his own around.
‘I promise. No one goes near my girl without my say so’
‘Your girl?’
‘My girl’ he reiterated, holding you tightly against him.
You closed your eyes at his words, too overcome with emotion to say anything so you just nestled further into his neck and after 15 minutes or so, you could feel yourself getting sleepy. Mason must of felt it too, leaning back slightly to look at you.
‘You want me to take you to your room?’ He whispered but you just shook your head, the need to be with him and feel safe taking over the sensible part of your brain.
‘No, can I stay here with you tonight?’ You asked quietly, and he nodded, settling down more as he held you. ‘Promise you’ll still be here when I wake up?’ You murmured and you felt his body shake and he let out a small laugh.
‘I promise’ he replied before kissing your cheek. ‘Goodnight y/n’
You kissed his collarbone, the only bit of skin of his you could reach with your lips before settling back down again.
‘Night Mase, and thank you’
True to his word Mason was still there when you woke up the next morning, and the one after that, and the one after that also. In fact you hadn’t spent one night in his guest room, opting to be with him in his bed, reminiscing about the old days until you fell asleep in each others arms.
You were right about one thing though, and as the days went on things got harder and harder and you could feel yourself becoming more broken. But Mason was always there to pick you up and fix you back together, never making you feel like a burden and very slowly you could feel yourself coming back out of your shell. So much so in fact that after three weeks, you were ready to take the next step to being you again.
When Mason came home from training, he found you in the kitchen. He found you in here most days, usually making him dinner but today you were sat at the island, head burrowed into his laptop he said you could borrow. He came over to drop a kiss on your head, just like always, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders to have a nose at what you were doing.
‘Hey love, what’s all this?’
‘I’m looking for a job’ you told him with a smile, looking up into his big brown eyes as he smiled back down at you. You felt him squeeze your shoulders that tiny bit tighter before taking up the stool next to you.
‘You found anything yet?’
‘I’m not sure, I kinda wanna ease myself back in slowly but I’m not sure how to explain why I was out for the last year year and a half’. You mused whilst biting your lip in concentration. The next thing you felt was Masons thumb pulling on your lip, freeing it from in between your teeth, and you both looked at each other with wide eyes and your heart began to race.
This seemed to be happening a lot lately. Maybe it was the fact everything seemed so domestic between you both, sleeping in the same bed, waking up in his arms every morning, making him dinner for when he got home and spending nights cuddling on his sofa as you talked through all your problems, but your feelings for Mason seemed to be shifting.
You knew the ladies loved him, and you’d always thought he was handsome but he was your best friend so feeling about him in any other way wasn’t allowed, but he was making that task increasingly difficult. You caught yourself looking at his lips and wondering what they would feel like on yours or what his hands felt like on other parts of you. It had been so long since someone had touched you in that way and your head was swimming with thoughts of him.
‘Why don’t you say you worked for me?’ He shrugged, defusing the tension a bit.
‘Doing what?’
‘I dunno, whatever fits the job you’re applying for I guess. I promise I’ll give you a glowing reference’ he winked and you smiled at him shyly. ‘Just don’t go rushing into anything, you’ve got time to think about it’
‘I know, but I need to start being a bit more independent Mase, I can’t stay here forever’
‘Why not’ he pouted, your heart racing at the thought of him wanting you around.
‘You don’t want me here all the time, living rent free and cramping your style. What if you wanna bring a date back or something? I don’t wanna be in the way’
‘You could never be in the way’ he assured you with a hand on your shoulder before he walked over to the fridge to get a drink. Not that you had seen Mason with another girl since you moved in, in fact he hadn’t even mentioned one but the thought of seeing him with someone else was enough to make your blood boil so you changed the subject to what was for dinner and you both fell back into your comfortable routine.
That was until later on that evening. You noticed he was on his phone a lot, texting someone with a permanent grin on his face every time your back was turned. You were curious as to who it was and your mind went straight to the worst case scenario and figured it must be girl, only confirmed when you joined him on the sofa after your shower and he quickly hid his phone as soon as you walked in.
You tried to will the sinking feeling away, wondering to yourself why you even felt like this in the first place. Mason wasn’t yours to be jealous over, but he must of sensed something was up as he gave you a funny look when you sat down next to him but left a gap between you. He didn’t say anything, just laid down and put his head in your lap, waiting for you to play with his hair. When you didn’t move he looked up at you with sad eyes. You melted a bit inside and moved your hand to run your fingers through his hair. The content hum that came from him only spurring you on even more, cursing yourself that you were wrapped around his finger.
When you felt yourself getting tired, you told Mason you were going to head upstairs and he rubbed his eyes before sitting up and stretching.
‘Okay, I’ll meet you up there in a sec’ he told you, but your own insecurities were getting the better of you it seemed, words spilling from your mouth before you had time to think about them.
‘Oh um, actually I think maybe it’s best if I sleep in the guest room tonight’ you told him whilst sitting up, he turned to look at you with a hurt and confused expression.
‘What? Why?’
‘No reason I just um…’ your mind was racing for an excuse but you couldn’t come up with one and there was no way you were telling him the truth.
‘Have I done something wrong?’ He questioned and you started to feel like the worst person in the world. ‘I feel like you’ve been off with me tonight. If I’m being too much and you want some space you can tell me’ he said, standing up and stopping right in front of you. Your eyes filled with tears at this, he was always putting you first and you were in a mood with him over nothing but your own confused feelings.
‘No Mase it’s not that’ you gulped out, and he took your face in his hands, brushing away the few stray tears as he looked at you concerned. ‘I’m just having one of those days’ you breathed and he nodded at you sympathetically.
‘Well, if you change your mind you know where I’ll be’ he said quietly, and with a kiss to your forehead he was walking passed you and up his stairs.
You followed him up a few minutes after, walking into his guest room to change, but you no longer wanted to be in there on your own so you put on your brave face and went over to Masons room.
It was dark inside and Mason was already under the covers, his back facing away from you. You slipped into bed quietly, pressing yourself up against his back and wrapping your arm around his waist. You felt his whole body relax into you as he threaded his fingers through yours and hugged them to his chest. Hoping he couldn’t feel your racing heart against his back but if he could he didn’t say anything.
‘Night baby’ he whispered and you heart hammered even harder at the pet name, one he’d never called you before. Too overwhelmed to think of what to say back, you kissed him on the shoulder in response before you both drifted off to sleep.
Three days later and Mason was grinning like an idiot when he got home, and you were immediately suspicious about his mood. You were stood stirring a pot on the stove as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
‘How do you fancy a night off from cooking at the weekend?’ He asked you with a smile and he must of picked up on the confused expression on your face as you turned to him. ‘I was thinking a night out might do you good? I’ve kind of been planning dinner with Dec and Lauren to ease you into it. What do you think?’
‘Oh… um’
‘Pleaseeeeee’ he moaned, swaying you from side, pleased with himself when he heard you laughing.
‘I haven’t got anything to wear’ you told him with a pout as he let you go to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
‘Well, why don’t we have a look after dinner? We can order you something?’
‘No Mase-‘ you tried to protest but he already had his phone out googling suggestions for you.
‘Or I could ask Carlotta to bring something round?’ He told you with his eyebrow raised, knowing you would never go for it and therefore make you pick something he could buy you. You just huffed and rolled your eyes at him, knowing you were never going to win this argument.
After dinner, he showed you all the things he thought ‘would look great on you’ and you finally decided on a short black velvet dress with sheer sleeves. The sleeves were long but it was tight and short enough to show your legs off which mason seemed excited by. You told him you already had shoes and other bits but he shushed you away, fiddling about on his phone for another 20 minutes or so and claiming he was looking for himself, before he ordered it.
When the night of the dinner came you were nervous, having not seen Dec or Lauren in years but Mason claimed they were excited to see you.
The dress had arrived the day before and you were happy with the fit of it and as you stood looking in the mirror at your reflection, you were happy with how you looked. You were digging through your small jewellery bag, looking for a specific necklace when you heard a knock on the door just as you picked it up. You told mason to come in.
He stepped around the door, he eyes wide as he took you in and yours were the same as you caught sight of him through the mirror, dressed in smart black trousers, a white t shirt and a black checkered over shirt. He looked really good and you had to look down before you started blushing too hard. You were so caught up in how good he looked you didn’t notice him place something down onto the guest bed.
‘I know it doesn’t match, but do you think you could put this on for me?’ You asked him quietly, handing over the necklace that he recognised instantly.
‘You still have this?’ He asked as you turned to face away from him. It was a small blue sapphire teardrop necklace he’d bought you for your 18th birthday. He got it for you as it was Chelsea blue but you hadnt worn it in years as Eric didn’t like it.
‘Of course, it’s my favourite one I own’ you smiled at him through the mirror as he focused on doing the clasp up, his breath tickling down your neck making you shudder. Once he was done he pressed a light kiss over the chain before turning you to face him.
‘I know you’re gonna tell me off for this but I wasn’t sure if you needed one’ he started and your eyes followed to wear he was reaching, catching sight of the bag that matched your dress. ‘Please don’t be upset with me’ he laughed and you couldn’t help but laugh back, placing a kiss on his cheek as you thanked him. Truth be told you did need a bag so you werent gonna be too hard on him. Once you’d transferred everything you needed into your new bag, you followed Mason into the waiting taxi downstairs, him keeping hold of your hand the whole way as you sat next to him in the middle seat.
‘You look beautiful, by the way’ he whispered in your ear as the car was pulling up to the pavement. You dropped your head in embarrassment, it having been a while since you’d heard those words and coming from Mason they meant even more. You didn’t have time to think or say anything back as he was tugging you from the car immediately after.
You were being led over to your table when he threaded his fingers through yours and kept you close to him as he knew you were nervous, but the big smile on Lauren’s face settled you instantly. She pulled you into a hug and you willed the tears to stay in your eyes, feeling better than you had all day now the hard part was out the way. After another big hug with Dec, you took your seat next to Mason, his hand finding home on your thigh and you smiled at him briefly, letting him know it was okay, before joining in the conversation.
Dinner was great, it felt so good to be around other people and be normal, but you felt even better knowing Mason was next to you. You felt so good in fact that when Dec mentioned a few of the London based England lads were in a bar that wasn’t too far away, you didn’t hesitate to say yes to joining them.
‘You sure?’ Mason questioned with a curious look on his face. ‘We don’t have too’
‘No Mase, I want to’ you nodded at him with a smile and he smiled back just as brightly before pressing a kiss you your cheek. Mason missed the look Dec gave him but you certainly didn’t and you made sure to remember to ask him about it later on.
You were led to a private part of the bar and after meeting a few new people and being glued to Masons side for an hour, Lauren convinced you to go with her and hang out with just the girls. Mason gave you a look to silently ask if you were sure but you gave his hand a squeeze to reassure him before joining the girls table.
You drunk until you thought it was a good idea to dance, feeling more carefree than you could remember and even without Mason by your side you still felt safe, a feeling you knew you would have to get used to. Once you and Lauren felt tired, you went in search of the boys, finding Mason perched on the arm of one of the sofas. His face lit up immediately at the sight of you and you could tell he was drunk from the way he swayed when he held his arms out for you to step into, turning away from everyone else so you could have a private moment.
‘Hey pretty girl’ he murmured into your neck, kissing it softly and you could of sworn you felt him chuckle at the way your body shivered when he touched you. ‘I’ve missed you’
‘I missed you too, Mase’ you replied and you pulled back to look into his bleary eyes. Even drunk he was still perfect to you, his cheeks and the bridge of his nose flushed and his lips looked even more pouty and kissable than usual. The smile he was giving you at your words was making your knees weak so you grabbed his shoulders to steady yourself whilst he held you at your waist.
‘We’ll go in a sec yeah?’ He winked, ‘I think it’s way past our bedtime’ and you nodded in response. Although you had enjoyed tonight, you were ready to be back in your pyjamas and in Masons arms.
He excused himself to sort an Uber for the two of you, and in his absence you managed to catch Dec alone. He smiled, putting his arm around you and went to speak, but you managed to get in there first.
‘Dec? I saw the way you were looking at me and Mase at dinner’ you told him and it only made his smile grow bigger. ‘What was that all about?’
‘Look y/n I’m not gonna pretend that I know what’s gone on the past few years, but I know it’s not been good’ he started, giving you a sympathetic look, but he moved the conversation on quickly. ‘But I also know my best mate, and I know when he likes someone’ he paused to see if you’d caught on it he wasn’t entirely sure. ‘I’ve seen the way he looks at you, the way you are with each other and I’ve never seen anything like it. You can’t tell me you’ve never thought about him as more than a friend?’
You knew you were blushing, of course you’d thought about him like that. Who hadn’t? It was the thought of him looking at you in that way that was confusing. Your confidence had been on the floor for the longest time, and whilst you were working on it, you found it hard to imagine Mason liking you in that way.
‘Look, you didn’t hear it from me’ he chuckled, quietly grabbing your attention back from your thoughts ‘but he worships the ground you walk on. That night you first showed up at his house? He called me and was ready to commit murder for you. I know it may seem a bit scary, but life’s about taking risks yeah? You wouldn’t be here out with us tonight if you hadn’t been brave’
You agreed with him, giving him a hug just as Mason appeared. You said your goodbyes and made it outside just in time to get in the car. Once back at his, you both helped each other stumble inside and up to his room. You’d taken your makeup off in the bathroom and returned to find him starfished on his bed, clad only in his boxers. You took a few minutes to take him in, thinking you’d never seen anyone more beautiful than him.
As if he could sense you, he sat up and beckoned you over, sitting you on his lap before unclasping your necklace and popping it on the table by your side. You could feel him start to press feather light kisses on your neck, the alcohol clearly giving him courage as he gripped your waist tightly. You figured it was time to be brave just like Declan told you to be.
‘Mase?’ You questioned, almost breathlessly. He hummed to let you know he was listening but he didn’t take his focus off the back of your neck. ‘Do you think you could unzip me?’
You felt him let out a breath before his hands moved to gently unzip your dress, you could tell how careful he was being with you and your heart gave a squeeze. You shivered as he ran his fingertips up your back and dipped them under the shoulders of you dress, pushing it off you so it fell forward leaving you sat with just your bra on top. Mason was too busy leaving open mouthed kisses on your shoulders to notice you quickly unhook it, but once he had, he moved his lips all over your back, pulling a quiet moan from you which made him grin into your skin.
‘Mason’ you scolded him gently and attempted to move off of him, but he firmly held you in place.
‘Shhhhh, just let me love on you a bit’ he murmured, still pressing kisses onto you, setting your skin on fire. You let him carry on, enjoying the way his lips felt against your hot skin. You thought you’d be more self conscious, sat with your naked back to him, your chest uncovered out of his sight but he never made a move to touch you there or make you uncomfortable.
It had been so long since you’d been intimate like this with someone. Sex with Eric had dried up months before you’d left, and even before that you’d never really enjoyed it so to be in the palm of masons hand like this felt a bit foreign, but you were also enjoying every second of it. Before you could get too caught up in the moment, you jumped up from his lap. Not wanting to push things too far.
You let your dress and bra fall to the floor once you had untangled your arms from the sleeves, leaving you in just your lacy black underwear, giving Mason a cheeky view of you bum as you made your way over to where he had slung the T-shirt he wore that night. You picked it up and put it on, your back still turned to him and only when you were covered did you face him. It was the first time you’d worn anything of his and you felt your tummy flip as his smell overtook you.
His eyes were dark and there was an obvious tent in his boxers but you suddenly started to feel like a deer in headlights. His gaze made you freeze and he must of sensed something was wrong because his face softened and he slowly walked towards you to grab your hand before tucking you into bed. He got in besides you and you both turned to face each other, his eyes looking at you full of love.
‘As gorgeous as you looked tonight, I love seeing you like this’ he told you quietly, moving closer to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. His fingers dipping just below his shirt so he could feel the skin on your back. You could smell the alcohol on him and he was clearly still quite drunk but you were enjoying his compliments. ‘I wanna kiss you so bad’ he suddenly admitted, speaking quietly into you temple. You felt yourself freeze again and when you didn’t say anything he shuffled down to look into your eyes.
‘It’s probably just the alcohol talking Mase’ you joked but he was looking at you seriously.
‘No it’s not. I’ve wanted to kiss you since I was 17, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t been drunk since then’ he argued you couldn’t help but let out a giggle before he buried his head in your neck. ‘Don’t laugh, it’s true’ he teased ‘do you know how hard it’s been for me? To see you with that prick for years when I know you should have been mine? But you’re my best friend and I was trying to be supportive. And then you turn up here looking hot as hell and you’re sleeping next to me every night in those fucking silky pyjamas that drive me insane. like do you know how difficult it’s been?’ He whined but you could tell there was a layer of humour underneath. ‘I don’t want to overstep the mark cause I know you’re not ready for any of that but fuck, you’re on my mind 24/7’ You grabbed of hold of his face and forced him to look at you.
‘It’s been difficult for me too’ you whispered ‘it may of took me a littler longer to realise it, but I really wanna kiss you too’ you admitted and you felt him lean in almost straight away. You quickly placed a finger to his lips and he groaned audibly to which you laughed. ‘We’re still both really drunk Mase. If you still feel like kissing me tomorrow when we’re both sober, I think that might be okay’
‘Yeah’ you nodded, and he was quick to settle back onto the pillow.
‘Let’s get some sleep then, so the morning comes quicker’ he told you, like a kid on Christmas, and you couldn’t help but place a kiss on his forehead.
‘I’m not great at saying it, but you know I love you, don’t you Mase?’ And he held you that little bit tighter, nodding into your neck.
‘I love you too’ he murmured
The next morning you woke up to Mason spooning you, his soft snores right by your ear and whilst you would have found it annoying if it were anyone else, you couldn’t get over how cute he was. You stayed there, revelling in his warmth for another half an hour or so until you felt him start to shift, pulling you impossibly closer. He groaned as if he was in pain, but you could help but laugh as you knew it was just because he was hungover. He groaned even louder at this and nestled into your neck.
‘Morning, baby’ he murmured, your heart thumping at the use of that name again. You turned in his arms to find him still with his eyes shut, but his brows pinched together in discomfort.
‘Morning, Mase. You feeling alright?’
‘I think my brain melted out of my head in the night’ he told you quietly, opening one eye to look at you and his face softened immediately. ‘You okay?’
‘My heads a bit fuzzy, but I’m fine. How about I make you some breakfast? You’ll feel loads better after you’ve eaten’ You told him before detaching yourself from his grip. He was in too much of a state to keep you there, so he let you go.
You were almost done cooking when you saw Mason enter the kitchen, now dressed in a pair of grey shorts but his bare torso was still on show. You had to tell yourself to look away and concentrate. He flopped himself down on the kitchen island, and you placed some painkillers in front him with a glass of orange juice. You left him to take them whilst you dished up his breakfast, but he grabbed your wrist before you could walk off when you set his plate down.
‘Where’s yours?’ He pouted and you rolled your eyes at his neediness.
‘I’m just getting it you big baby’ you told him, and he nodded at you with a shy look on his face. You ate mostly in silence, his eyes glazing at you every so often but you were enjoying the peace, slowly starting to feel more alive with each passing second.
Snapping you out of your thoughts, he placed a kiss to your forehead as he stood, grabbing his and your empty plates to take them over to the sink.
‘You go sit and find us something to watch, I’ll clean up’ he told you, and you quickly nipped upstairs to pop on a pair of leggings, feeling a bit exposed parading around in just his shirt, before finding a film for the two of you to watch. He was soon to join you, now with a hoodie on, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest. ‘Thank you for looking after me, sorry I’m such a wimp’ he murmured but you looked up at him with a reassuring smile.
‘Don’t be silly, you’re not a wimp. Are you feeling any better?’
‘Lots’ he smiled and gave you a light kiss on the forehead before you both settled down to watch tv. You were fine for the first five minutes but thoughts started niggling away at you soon after, thinking back to last nights conversation. Clearly it really was the alcohol talking as he’d made no mention of the kiss and you felt disheartened, only thankful for the fact he’d clearly forgotten so you didn’t make too much of a fool out of yourself. Unless he did remember but he wasn’t saying anything out of pure embarrassment. But you were a bit upset to say the least, his words last night had filled you with hope and now your confidence was back on the floor. You contemplated asking him if he remembered anything from the night before but you held your tongue.
Mason fidgeted the whole way through the movie which you put down to his hangover. It was starting to annoy you though so you shuffled away from him a little bit so you you lie down with your head facing away from him. He seemed to take offence to this though, muttering a soft hey, and huffing like a child.
‘What you doing over there?’ He pouted but you Just shrugged, not wanting him to know the reason you were upset. He looked at you with a scowl before moving to lay down in front of you, his head on the pillow blocking your view of the tv, his eyes searching yours as he gently brushed the hair off your face. Your faces were close, his nose almost brushing yours and you had to swallow a nervous lump. ‘Y/n?’ He questioned and you met his soft eyes, a barely their smile on his lips as he prepared himself to speak again. ‘Do you think I could have that kiss now?’ He asked quietly and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from smiling too wide.
‘You remembered?’ You whispered and he nodded his head gently, a blush taking over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose in the way you adored.
‘Of course’ he breathed his eyes dancing over your face as if to make sure you you were still on board. ‘Was just a bit too nervous to ask that’s all’ he admitted and you could feel your heart beating wildly out of your chest. ‘Sit up for me yeah?’ He asked and you returned to your previous position, sat next to him but your legs now draped over his thigh. He cupped your jaw gently and unsure with what to do with your hands, you rested then on his chest as you both tried to relax a bit.
He started off by pressing a few kisses on your cheek, checking with you that you were okay before moving closer to your mouth. With one last look into your eyes, he closed the space between you and planted his lips on yours.
You were quite certain you’d never felt like this whilst being kissed before, your breath knocked out of you almost instantly as he claimed you as his own. He was so gentle with you yet harsh at the same time, your lips moving in sync as your hands moved to around his neck to make sure he didn’t part from you. You could hear your heart beating in your ears as the kiss got heavier and when he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, you let out an audible moan which made him smile against your lips. You both pulled back to catch your breath, Mason cursing under his breath before you both let out a little laugh.
‘Why the fuck have we not done that sooner’ he laughed before pressing another quick kiss to your lips. ‘God, I can’t stop’ he joked, pressing more kisses all over your face until he made it back to your lips, pulling you in closer and tilting your face so he could get a better angle and kiss you even deeper.
You could have stayed there for hours kissing Mason, his lips felt amazing against yours and your whole body felt as light as air. He let go of one side of your face, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you closer against him. You didn’t mind, wanting to be as close to him a possible right now. He pulled away again and you pouted at the loss of contact, but the serious look on his face made your heart race.
He lent forward, resting his forehead on yours and closed his eyes, a tiny smirk on his lips.
‘I’m so in love with you’ he admitted with a quiet voice and you felt your soul almost leap from your body at his confession. Sure you told each other ‘I love you’ all the time, that’s what best friends do. But in love? That was new.
‘Mase, I-‘
He cut you off with a finger to your lips, stopping whatever you were about to say. You both pulled back so he could look you in your eyes properly.
‘Just let me finish yeah? I need to get this out before I get too nervous again’ he told you with a small laugh so you let him carry on, curious to what else he had to say. ‘I’m not expecting you to feel the same, not yet anyway. I know you’ve gone through some really hard years and it’s gonna take a lot to trust someone again, but I really wanna be that guy’ he told you sincerely, cupping your face again and you leant your face further into his hand. ‘I’m not perfect, and things between us can’t always be but you’re all I’ve ever wanted, y/n. I’d do absolutely anything for you and I think I’ve proved I’m capable of looking after you and being what you need. I just don’t want this to ever stop’ he admitted and you felt the tears spill from your eyes. He was quick to wipe them away and place a gentle kiss on the end oh your nose. ‘I’m not saying we need to dive right into anything straight away, but when you’re ready to let someone back in, I’ll be waiting for you yeah? We can go at your own pace but you know me. You can trust me, I’ll prove it’
‘You don’t have to prove anything to me, Mase’ you told him with a smile and he let out a tiny laugh.
‘Well I’ll do whatever makes you comfortable’ he murmured but you were lost for words. No one had even spoken to you in this way before and you almost didn’t feel worthy of his affections. ‘Or if you don’t feel the same way, we can just forget I said anything and carry on like normal’
‘Mase’ you groaned with a laugh, burring your head into his chest, and he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
‘I know it’s scary, but please tell me how you’re feeling’ he whispered. He sounded so vulnerable in that moment, and you took Decs advice again, wanting to be brave and make sure the man you loved knew how you felt.
‘You’re really bloody oblivious sometimes Mase, it’s always been you’ you told him, coming to terms with that yourself but it was true. ‘I’m in love with you too’ you whispered, and you felt his whole body relax, moving back so you could look into his glazed over eyes. ‘Have been for a long time, just didn’t know how to tell you’ you let out a sob at the end, Mason holding you tighter, shushing you and kissing your cheek.
‘It’s okay, the scary parts out the way now’ he chuckled and you couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
‘I could never repay you for everything you’ve done for me. You picked me up when I was at my lowest and helped put me back together again. I know I’m not all the way there, but I really want to try and be what you need too Mason’
He shook his head at your words, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. ‘You’re already what I need, baby. And we’ve got the rest of our lives to work all out the other stuff’ you could only nod at him, too overcome with emotion to form a sentence. ‘Love you’ he whispered, bumping his nose against yours before kissing you again.
‘Love you too’
Thank you so much for reading 😌 I'd really like some feedback so please feel free to drop me an ask or whatever you feel comfortable doing, I'd really love to hear from you 🩷
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pumpkinhimiko · 8 months
"Mistranslations" that are not mistranslations
Now with an additional part 2.
NISA has made plenty of mistakes while translating the Danganronpa series (and I've complained about them before), and so they have a reputation of being untrustworthy. But because of this reputation, I feel like fans are too quick to trust whatever anyone that isn't NISA states as absolute fact. So, I want to examine some instances of fan translators claiming NISA has mistranslated something, when, no, actually, they didn't.
Kokichi's last words
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人にやらされるゲームなんて…楽しい訳あるかよ… A game you're forced to play... how could that be fun...
This is probably the most widespread myth in terms of "mistranslations that aren't", with the original post that makes this claim having over 2k notes: that Kokichi in the original Japanese actually says, "How could a game where you're forced to kill people be fun...?" Unfortunately, it's just not true. Fortunately for me, there's a reddit post here that breaks the line down in detail, so I don't have to do any work.
Anyway, I really wanted to make this post because of this thread, which makes several false claims.
 Kokichi says he's afraid of friends in general
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オレは、そういう『仲間』が他人よりも怖いけどねー。I'm more afraid of those kinds of [friends] than strangers.
So... souiu, meaning that type of/that kind of is right there, directly before nakama (which can mean friend, especially if it's in a shounen anime, but can also just mean companion/member of a group). I don't understand how you can miss this. Not only is it right there, this claim on its face doesn't make sense. Why, in this context, would Kokichi suddenly blurt out that he's afraid of having friends? It has nothing to do with the conversation they're having.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial
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王馬くん、もういいだろ ? Ouma-kun, isn't this enough? その話を聞かせてくれよ。Tell us about that.
Okay, you've probably heard the phrase mou ii a lot if you watch anime, and it's almost always accompanied by a frustrated huff. Because it is, in fact, something you say when impatient, fed up, what have you. It literally means "good already", carrying pretty much the identical meaning of the English phrase, "that's enough" or "I've had enough". Shuichi does not say it's okay as in it's daijoubu, which is the word you use when trying to comfort someone. He is very much frustrated here and telling Kokichi to fess up.
Citation needed
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I couldn't find a line like this in Kokichi's FTEs, but maaaaaaaybe I missed it? Shuichi's narration comments quite a few times on Kokichi acting childishly throughout the game, but I couldn't find anything like this in specific.
EDIT: Correction, I did find it, and it's covered in part two. Suffice to say, the OP got this line completely wrong.
That Kaito thing
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Yeah this is patently false. It's also already been touched on in this thread with comments backing it up, so there’s another thing I don't have to get into. I'll put the text here though.
オレはテメーみて一に胸クソ悪い真似までして、If I have to mimic your sickening behavior, 生き残りて一とは思わねーんだよ。I don't think I want to survive.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial part deaux
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I've seen varying claims on how these lines were translated, from them being slightly tweaked, to the claim they were completely butchered to make Saihara too aggressive. I'm just going to leave it here and let you come to your own conclusions.
ダサいのはキミの方だよ…王馬くん。The lame one is you... Ouma-kun.
百田くんの周りにはいつも人が集まってくる… Momota-kun always has people around him... でも、キミの周りには誰もいないじゃないか。But, there's no one around you.
キミは…その程度のヤツって事だよ。That's... what kind of person you are.
This is snappy in its own way, though, if you consider that 程度 is closer to meaning grade/level/degree rather than simply "type of". "That's the level of person you are," basically.
And if you doubt me on any of this, I encourage you to do your own research, get second opinions if you can. I know not everyone knows Japanese, in which case you can't really help but rely on someone else and hope their translation is accurate. That said, at the bare minimum, I think people should provide screenshots and the original Japanese text if they're going to claim something is a mistranslation. Like, I don't think you should be able to say "actually in Japanese Kokichi says he volunteers at animal shelters in his free time but NISA cut it!" and have half the fandom believe you with no proof.
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