#also the playlist slaps. i’m gonna listen to it
knifesxedge · 2 months
Sister Found Out About the RPF Playlist.
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verdantglow · 4 months
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I believe it’s true,
‘Cause nothing matters when I’m all wrapped up in you.
(Made a Boat Boys playlist the other day. It’s not quite done & ready to post yet, but I’ve decided I want to go through it & do paintings for a few lyrics from each song on it. Here’s the first one. ^^ )
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mattodore · 5 months
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new song for the mattodore playlist 😧‼️
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Thrills In The Night - Danny Wagner
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A/N: For plot purposes, the Halloween party takes place at Sam’s house in Nashville! I love you guysss SO much! Happy to finally get this out to you.
WARNINGS: 18+ minors DNI! Arguing, light fingering, borderline hate-fucking, hair pulling, choking, slapping, unprotected sex.
In your opinion, there was nothing worse than being stuck somewhere with the unbearable need to be fucked cursing through you and no way to rectify the problem.
Especially when your raging need was all at the hands of someone you absolutely could not stand.
When you had agreed to come to the Halloween party that Sam was throwing at his house, you had absolutely no idea you were going to come in to find Danny dressed as Peter Criss.
It was single handedly the hottest thing you’d ever seen, but also the worst… Considering you had settled on dressing as a 70’s groupie as a last minute costume.
It was far too coincidental for your liking.
Sitting at the island in the kitchen, Josh was sitting directly across from you. It was becoming increasingly more difficult not to turn in your stool and stare into the living room at Danny.
You just tried to stay occupied by sipping on your drink, somewhat listening to Josh talk as you fought with yourself mentally. You just couldn’t help it, though. Eventually, you had turned almost all the way around and couldn’t keep your eyes off of Danny for long.
“You’re staring awfully hard,” Josh giggled, stopping in the middle of his previous sentence to point out the obvious. He subtly motioned towards Danny, who was mingling with a few people you didn’t quite recognize.
A crimson blush tainted your cheeks, “Shut up, Josh.”
“I’m just saying!” Josh laughed, throwing his hands up in defense. “Those ‘fuck me’ eyes could be seen from the other end of Nashville.”
“I’m not making fuck me eyes, Joshua,” you mumbled under your breath, but Josh still heard it. “I’m just buzzed.”
But you were indeed making eyes, longing and craving to have him in a way that goes far deeper than just fucking. You’d loved Danny since you were in your senior year of school.
He just always seemed to have other plans, though.
Not taking you to prom seemed like one of those “other plans,” hence where your dislike started. After the two of you graduated, the gates of hell opened up between the two of you and it had been that way ever since. You wanted to fuck him. God, you really did. However, you refused to do anything until he apologized for all those years.
“Whatever. You’ve been sipping on that drink for an hour now,” Josh scoffed, seeing right through you. “You’re not good at lying, so don’t even try. You should really just-“
“Please,” you cut Josh off. “Don’t go into another ‘you two just need to talk it out’ speech.”
“BUT YOU DO!” Josh was clearly adamant… As he was with a lot of things. “You two need to talk it out, yell it out, fuck it out, something! Quit holding a damn grudge and just-“
“-What does who need to do?” Jake cut off his brother, joining in on the conversation and sliding onto the barstool next to you at the kitchen island.
“She’s been sitting here giving Danny the biggest fuck me eyes.” Josh said, not needing to elaborate much further to fill Jake in. Josh continued on, “I was trying to tell her they need to talk it out. The same thing we’ve all been saying…for what? I don’t even know? Countless years now!”
Jake looked over at you with a disappointed shake of his head, bringing his drink to his lips.
“Stop being stubborn and just do it. You can’t hate him forever. I mean, look at him-” he turned to peer over his shoulder briefly. “-he’s dressed up as the drummer from your favorite fucking band!”
“I’m well aware,” you snapped lightly at Jake, getting frustrated from the conversation and the incessant ache between your legs. “But I’m definitely not fucking him. That’s not gonna fix anything! Plus-“ you glared back in the direction of Danny. “-He’s even more cocky than normal tonight. Not cute.”
“What did I tell you about lying.” Josh squinted his eyes towards you, pointing an accusatory finger. “You think his cockiness is hot. Even if it’s just a little bit.”
“Fuck off,” your pleading groan only amused the twins even more.
“Just imagine it,” Jake started dramatically. “Danny fucking you, makeup smearing everywhere, those drummer arms manhandling you… You know you want iiiit.”
“Christ, Jake, you’re starting to make me wonder if she’s not the only one who’s got the fucking hots for Danny tonight,” Josh jested with a straight face.
You couldn’t help but to burst into laughter at Josh’s banter. Jake’s face contorting in distaste only making it even funnier.
“Josh?” Jake glared across the island at his twin.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jake motioned towards you and back to himself. “This is about bug, not me.”
Your hand smacked over your face, “No! No. This is not about me. We’re changing the subject.”
Some say the universe has a sense of humor… To you, a sick sense of humor.
“Well, what do you know!” Josh smirked, taking note of the Kiss song that started blaring through the giant speakers in the living room.
“You know what they say in this song, don’t you, bug?” Jake didn’t wait for your answer. “‘The first step of the cure is… A KISS!”
“You two are so insufferable.” You glanced around, noticing that Sam was nowhere to be seen. Sliding off the barstool, you grabbed your drink off the counter. “I’m going to find Sam.”
“I think he’s upstairs rolling a blunt.” Jake nodded in the general direction of the stairs. Josh gave him a questioning look, opening his mouth to correct Jake on Sam’s whereabouts. Jake stopped him with a pointed look, hoping you didn’t notice the interaction.
Too lost in your own head, you didn’t. Much to Jake’s relief.
You waved them off and went on your way to hunt down Sammy.
Carefully, you worked your way through the sea of people in the living room and slipped up the stairs, B-lining it down the hallway towards Sam’s room.
Little did you know, their grand scheme was falling flawlessly in line.
Jake was already well underway of taking care of Danny.
“Hey, Danny.” Jake’s hand landed on Danny’s shoulder with a light smack. “I think Sam is looking for you.”
“Sam is? Really?” Danny turned around to face the younger twin. “Where is he?”
“I believe upstairs is where he is now,” Jake told him simply. “Said something about rolling a blunt and then coming back down to look for you again. Since I saw you first, I figured i’d just send you his way.”
“Okay, I’ll go find him.” Danny nodded, immediately disappearing into the crowd of people.
Jake snickered turning to make his way back to Josh, “They are way too fuckin’ easy.”
Danny was only moments behind you, just barely missing you as you continued your search for Sammy.
“Sam?” You called out his name as you entered his bedroom. Nothing.
You walked through his room and double checked the bathroom, only to see he was nowhere to be found.
The guest room was the only other place you knew that he might be so, you slipped off to check there too, just in case.
No sooner than you made it into the guest room to look, Danny was making his way down the hallway to Sam’s room. Going through the same process of checking throughout his room, just as you had done moments prier.
The guest room turned up empty, and you let out a confused, annoyed huff.
And to add to your inconvenience, as you were making your way out, Danny came sauntering through the door with quick strides.
You jumped and flung a hand over your chest, admittedly startled by his unexpected presence, “Fuck! You scared me.”
“I would say the same, but you’re not nearly as intimidating,” Danny snickered, the roll of his eyes even more noticeable from the dark makeup surrounding them. He was quick to keep you from making a snarky comment, “Have you seen Sam?”
“If I had, why would I tell you?” It was childish, but you didn’t really care. “I’m looking for him too.”
“God, why are you such a fucking child?” Danny’s head tipped back with a groan. “You’re always fucking-“
Just as Danny was about to bite back at you, the bedroom door slammed shut and cut him off abruptly, filling the room with a deafening silence.
Faint laughter could be heard from the other side, both of which you recognized. A look consisting of pure horror, mixed with realization and anger washed over your face.
You rushed over to the door, frantically trying to pry it open.
The first name you could think of screeched out of you,
“Jake!” Venom dripped from the loud call of his name as you slammed your hand against the door. “Open the fucking door or so help me god!”
There he was, calling back to you from the other side. The smile was evident in his tone.
A second voice, belonging to Sam, added on, “See you two love birds in the morning!”
Danny came up behind you, just as angry as you were.
“Jacob! Sam! This isn’t funny at all!”
There wasn’t another sound to be heard from the other side of the door, besides the light thumping of music from downstairs.
“Fucking sneaky ass bastards,” Danny muttered, clearly fighting the urge to run his hands over his face. “This is just great.”
“How do you think I feel?” scoffing, you moved away from the door and over to the bed, plopping down on it with a heavy sigh. “You’re the last person I wanna be locked in a room with.”
“Likewise,” Danny shot back, sitting down on the floor in the corner of the room. Purposefully keeping distance between the two of you. “You’re insufferable.”
“What?” A noise of disbelief flew out of you. “I’m the insufferable one?”
“Yes, actually.” Danny’s arms crossed over his chest, mimicking that of a child being scolded. “Strutting around like you own everything.”
“Mmm, good one, Daniel,” you praised sarcastically. “What a lovely thing to say about a lady. Fitting, given your costume. You know, since Kiss was insanely disrespectful to women.”
The comment set something ablaze in Danny, causing him to suddenly scramble up from the floor.
A finger was pointed at you as he stepped closer, “Don’t ever compare me to them like that.”
“You are dressed like Peter Criss.” You gave him a once over, trying to contort your face into a look of disgust.
“They’re your favorite band!” he argued, crossing his arms across his chest. “Make that make sense.”
“I like their music, not them as people.” It was a true statement, to be fair. “There’s a big difference, Daniel.”
You mimicked his position; crossing your own arms over your own chest.
A smirk tugged at Danny’s painted black lips, “So you don’t think they were hot when they were younger?”
“Of course they were.” You tried to fight against the blush threatening to cover your cheeks. “That doesn’t make up for their lack of morals, though.”
Danny simply hummed, lingering for a moment like he was about to say something. You waited with bated breath, but got nothing. He turned back towards the corner and returned to his spot on the floor.
Almost two painfully quiet hours went by. Nothing but the soft vibration of music and the occasional buzz of one of your phones as you two scrolled mindlessly - actively avoiding each other.
Severe boredom was starting to set in, having switched back and forth between all of your social media, multiple times.
Chancing a glance at Danny, he was still sitting on the floor, phone in hand and scrolling through it lazily. Your eyes lingered on him for a moment, taking in the makeup covering his face. His hair, the white tank top that you had only kind of tried to ignore all night, the muscles in his arms, the two leather belts crossed over his chest.
“It’s rude to stare, ya know.” His eyes didn’t leave his phone screen.
You immediately tried to cover your ass, “I wasn’t-“
“Yeah, you were.” Danny finally looked up, eyes burning holes through your body. “Don’t even try that. You’re a horrible liar.”
“Not the first time i’ve heard that tonight,” you muttered, returning your eyes to your phone.
“Let me guess-“ Danny dropped his phone into his lap. “-Josh told you the same thing?”
You swore your eyes were going to pop out of your face. Embarrassment surging through your body.
“How the hell do you know that?”
“He told me.”
“But how? You’ve been locked in here with me.” Your face burned profusely.
“I know.” Danny clicked his tongue. “It’s been miserable.” He picked his phone back up from his lap, “But he texted me.”
“Oh. Fucking fantastic,” you groaned, covering your face with your hands.
“Mhm. Said something about how you tried to say you weren’t giving me ‘fuck me’ eyes earlier.” Danny’s tone was laced with amusement, staring down at the text message from Josh with a huff of a laugh.
Your stomach twisted into suffocating knots. “I wasn’t making eyes at you! How many times do I need to say that?!”
“Cute that you’re trying to deny it so hard.” Danny locked his phone and laid it down on the floor next to him. “Josh also told me you’d probably do that.”
“Josh can fuck off,” you uttered, trying desperately to keep your eyes on your phone.
Danny didn’t bother with a reply. Rather taking advantage of your eyes being glued to your phone, just like you had done with him. He languidly scanned over your body; taking in the tiny shorts you were wearing. The skin tight top with a leather vest draping over it. How your legs were crossed and the slight shaking of your hands as you held up your phone.
You could feel his eyes lighting you on fire, only fueling the heat between your legs that you didn’t want to admit was even there.
“It’s rude to stare, ya know?” You tossed his own words back in his face, finally pulling your phone away and tossing it down beside you.
“Just admiring the little groupie,” Danny snickered, making your cheeks heat up. “How convenient that you picked that as a costume.”
“Yeah, well… I didn’t have time to come up with anything else,” you shrugged.
Agonizing silence fell over the two of you yet again.
You stared up at the ceiling, trying to force your body to stop the nearly constant pulsing between your legs. All while trying not to glance down at Danny too often.
“It’s painfully fucking obvious,” Danny spoke up suddenly. “I hope you know that.”
You glanced down at him in utter confusion, “What’s obvious?”
“How turned on you are.”
You swallowed the growing lump in your throat, listening to your heart rate pound in your ears as you fixed your eyes back on the ceiling above you.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Danny chuckled cockily, eyeing you. “Is it me?”
“Your cockiness is showing, Daniel.” The words left your lips far less harsh than you wanted them to.
“Your stubbornness is showing,” Danny chided lightly. You knew something was about to snap between the two of you.
“I mean, are you really that oblivious? Or are you choosing to ignore it?”
“Ignore what?!” Sitting up straight on the bed, you shouted the words at him. “And you’re really gonna speak on being oblivious?”
Danny got up from the floor, flailing his hands exasperatedly into the air around him. “The god forsaken, suffocating, intoxicating fucking tension in this god damn room!”
“Of course I feel it!” you yelled back. “I’ve been feeling it all fucking night thanks to that- that costume!” your hands gestured to his body.
“Let’s fucking do something about it then!” Danny was inching closer. Dangerously close. “Or are you still mad that I didn’t fucking take you to prom all those years ago?”
There it was. The moment neither of you had ever talked about, but that had haunted you since the day it happened. Danny was the only guy you had ever had feelings for. He was still the only one to the day.
It made you even more angry that he knew it upset you, but hadn’t tried to fix it all this time.
“Oh, fuck you! That was forever ago!” you seethed, getting up from the bed to stand in front of him. “I’m over that!”
“Oh, That’s hilarious, bug!” the humorless laugh that floated out of him - paired with the nickname that you only let the Kiszka’s use - only fueled your anger even more. “You’re not over shit, clearly! Since you’ve made hating me your only personality trait ever since! Doesn’t that get exhausting?”
“Surprised you even noticed my change of heart!” you scoffed. The two of you were so close, you could feel each other’s breath hitting the other as you yelled back and forth obnoxiously. “Especially since you couldn’t even bother to notice my feelings before! Or you did and just didn’t give a fuck?! I can’t really tell anymore!”
“For fucks sake! What do you want me to do?!” Danny practically screamed, volume getting slightly out of hand. Neither of you cared. “Do you want me to write my apology across the fucking sky with an airplane?! Use the paint off my face to write it across these white ass walls?! What. Do. You want?!”
The words were flying out of you before you could stop them…
“God damnit, Danny! Maybe I just want you to fuck me!”
Your chest heaved almost in perfect timing with his. Intense silence fell over the two of you as you both stood there drowning in the thick, lust and anger filled air in the room.
As his last bit of composure snapped inside him, he rushed through the last little bit of space remaining between the two of you and forcefully yanked your body into his.
Your lips crashed together in an hungry kiss - teeth clashing together, gasps and frustrated groans leaving both of you. It was suffocating both of you, but neither of you wanted to stop.
“That… can be arranged…” Danny rasped out through his labored breathing, only pulling away long enough to get the words out.
Your lips reconnected again. The paint on his face was surely smearing all over your lips and chin, but you couldn’t be bothered to even give it a moment of thought. His hands held onto either side of your neck, pulling you as close as he could get you.
Haphazardly, Danny backed you up towards the bed. His hands slid down from your neck to find the front of your vest, shoving it off of your shoulders without even breaking the kiss.
When he did finally brake away, he shoved you down onto the bed roughly.
“Since we hate each other so much-“ Danny crawled over top of you. “-I’m gonna fuck you like it. It’s only fair, don’t you think, princess?”
“Seems fitting,” you rushed out, trying to pull him back to you. “You have a lot of making up to do before anything other than hate-fucking is an option.”
“Please,” Danny’s hand wrapped itself around your throat. “After this, it’s all you’re gonna want anyway.”
His other hand slipped beneath your shirt, exploring around - the feeling of your lace bra making him shudder.
Both of his hands joined together at the hem of your shirt, eagerly tugging on it, “I want this off.”
You leaned up from the pillows, hands fumbling around with his in your clumsy attempt at getting your shirt off.
Annoyed and desperate, you shoved his hands away, “Just let me fucking do it.”
Your shirt was discarded somewhere on the floor, hitting the hardwood with a soft thump.
The black lace bra that was finally on full display had Danny’s eyes growing even darker. His hands ran across the cups, the dainty design softly scraping the skin of his calloused palms.
“Such a sexy little groupie,” he smirked, dipping down to attach his lips to your collarbone. Slowly, he worked his way down until he reached the edge of your bra - leaving a path of black kiss marks as he went.
“Don’t call me a groupie,” you huffed, arching your chest up into Danny’s mouth.
“She says as she’s dressed like one,” Danny snickered, tugging the cup of your bra down just enough to reveal your hardened nipple to him.
His mouth wrapped around it, tongue flicking over it teasingly.
With a whimper, you pushed yourself up and reached around for the clasp to undo it, “Need this shit off.”
“Are you gonna let me take anything off, or would you rather just get up and strip for me?” Danny rolled his eyes, taking the straps of your bra in his fingers and tugging it off himself.
Before you could even process that he’d pulled it off and tossed it to the floor, Danny was shoving you back down against the bed. His mouth wrapped around your left nipple, his fingers pinching and teasing the other.
“Fuck, Danny!” You sucked in a breath through clenched teeth, arching your body into Danny’s.
A low hum tumbled through his chest as his tongue flicked over your nipple. After another moment or two of paying it merciless attention, he switched to the other side and gave your other nipple the same attention.
Your hands, exploring around his toned arms and underneath his shirt, traveled down to his pants. You fumbled around with the button, all while he was pulling whimper after whimper out of you. Once you got it undone, you pushed at the material in attempts to start getting them off.
“Eager much?” Danny mumbled against your skin before fully breaking away to take his pants the rest of the way off.
“You take too long,” you said, working at the button of your shorts.
Danny snatched both of your wrists, all but crushing them in his hands. “Leave me something to take off, or so help me god. I’ll only slide these shorts down just barely enough to fuck you in them.”
With a frustrated exhale of a breath, you yanked your hands out of his grip and dropped them down to your sides.
“That’s much better,” Danny smirked and trailed his fingertips just above your shorts. “Now… You want these off?”
You looked at him with an incredulous expression, “What do you think?? Yes, I want them off you asshole.”
Danny laughed darkly, leaning down to kiss a line across where his fingers had just traced. “Say please.”
You let out a humorless laugh, “You’re joking.”
The glare Danny shot you was evil. His dark eyes burning into yours, silently threatening you.
“Please…” you forced out through gritted teeth.
Danny’s fingers slowly worked at the button and zipper as he continued to taunt you, “Say it like you mean it, baby girl.”
“Please, Danny,” you repeated, only a little sweeter. “Take them off.”
“Aww, so she can be sweet.” There he went again, talking as if you weren’t even there.
His hands hooked themselves into your shorts, pulling them and your panties down together in one strong tug.
They, too, were tossed away somewhere - his own eagerness and hunger completely taking over him as he caught the slightest glimmer of wetness between your folds.
“Fuck,” Danny sighed. He pushed your legs apart, hands running up and down your thighs while he drank you in. “What got you so wet, princess? Huh?”
“I’m not boosting your ego like that,” you scoffed. “Nice try, though.”
“You’re dripping onto these sheets right in front of me,” Danny cocked an eyebrow. “You think that’s not already an ego boost?”
“Danny, just shut the fuck up and do som-“
Danny’s hand came down hard against your center, the sound of the smack bouncing from wall to wall around the small room.
“You run your mouth way too much,” Danny said, watching your face twist up in a mix of pain and pleasure. His fingers found your clit and lightly circled over it, drawing a genuine moan from you.
“Awe, you like that, princess?” Danny asked lowly, tone lending a taunting edge.
“Oh, fuck, Danny.” Your hand shot down to grab onto his wrist, trying to add more pressure.
“I’ll have two apologies to give after I’m done with you…” Danny mused, fingers abandoning your clit and gently grazing through your folds. “One for her… and one for you.”
A loud moan was ripped out of you as Danny’s hand came down with another harsh smack over your pussy.
“Fuck! Danny, fuck-“ you cursed, your grip on his wrist doing absolutely nothing.
Danny leaned over you, lips brushing over your ear, causing your body to break out with goosebumps.
“That’s for talking to me like a little fucking brat,” Danny spat, delivering one last slap to your aching pussy.
“Fuck you!” you gasped, eyes briefly squeezing shut. Even though you loved it, you were gonna act like you didn’t. “What was that one for?!”
“Because your face looks pretty when I do it.” A fourth slap followed his answer. “You sound so pretty too. So pathetic.”
“I can’t stand you,” you grumbled halfheartedly. A statement that was becoming less and less true, but you were going to milk the situation for what it was worth.
“You don’t mean that,” Danny grinned, hooking his thumbs in his boxers, shoving them down and off his legs.
Avoiding having to respond to his comment, you wrapped your hands around the belts still crossed over his chest.
“You want them off?” Danny asked.
You tugged him to you, shaking your head no. Your lips met in another hungry and urgent kiss, little noises and gasps being released from one mouth and into the other.
Breaking away from the kiss for air, you gave the belts another tug, “No. I want them on…” you breathed. “Something to hold on to… if I need it.”
“What?” Danny eyed you with a smug expression. He pushed your legs farther apart, teasing himself through your folds. “Afraid you won’t be able handle it?”
The scoff that emitted from you sounded almost forced, like he had called you out and you were making a lousy attempt at covering your ass. Danny wasn’t buying it, even a little bit.
“Poor girl,” he smirked, eyes fixed on where your bodies were seconds away from being joined. “If you don’t wanna get fucked like a brat-“ he pushed into you with one smooth and deep thrust. “-don’t be one.”
Your jaw fell slack at the feeling of Danny filling you up. Though it wasn’t exactly the circumstances you had hoped for, you didn’t really care anymore. You had always imagined your first time with Danny to be sweet and soft. Lots of sweet foreplay and giving each other everything. But, being that you were seconds away from being fucked senseless, covered in black and white face paint and hickeys, you were happy it wasn’t happening that way.
You needed him and you couldn’t wait a minute longer.
“God damn it,” Danny muttered, sucking in a hiss of a breath through his teeth as he started to move. “You feel so fucking good.”
“Harder, Danny, please,” you begged, feeling his cock brush against places inside you that were previously untouched.
Danny placed his forearm down beside your head, supporting his weight. His other hand found yours and laced his fingers with it, pushing it up above your head to add to his leverage over you.
He shoved himself even deeper into you with a sharp and precisely angled thrust of his hips.
The noises that erupted from you was so unexpectedly loud and high pitched. Embarrassment might have made an appearance, had you been thinking of anything other than Danny’s cock filling you up.
“I think I prefer you moaning over talking.” Danny teased, finally picking up a much quicker and deliberate pace.
Your hand squeezed around his tightly as you moaned loudly again, each thrust of his hips knocking the air from your lungs.
“Yeah, you like that?” Danny bit at the skin of your jaw and neck. “You like when I talk to you like that?”
Whines and moans continued to flow from your payed lips. The places Danny was managing to hit inside you were more than enough to make your brain temporarily short circuit.
“Fuck, Danny, i-“ you sputtered.
“Not so feisty now, are you, princess?” Danny taunted, readjusting his position above you.
He hooked both your legs in his arms, pushing them back until his hands met with the mattress on either side of you.
The new position provided him a whole new angle, his cock reaching even deeper inside you as his thrust grew more relentless and rough.
You looked up at him with lust-drunk eyes, barely forcing them to stay open. Your mouth hung open, airy whines and loud moans tear their way out from deep within you.
“Oh my fucking god, Danny,” you whined, slipping your hands beneath his white tank top to claw at the backs of his shoulders. “It’s- you’re so-“
“Come on,” Danny encouraged teasingly. “Spit it out, baby girl. Use all those words I know you have.”
You clenched around him, head pushing back into the pillows as your arched your body into him. All you could offer him were more moans of intense pleasure.
“Look at you,” Danny cooed, still holding onto that taunting tone. He kissed along your collarbones before adding on, “Sweet little thing is speechless.”
Letting go of your legs, he pulled out of you, laughing lowly at the cry that left you from the sudden empty feeling.
Danny grabbed onto you, flipping you over like you weighed absolutely nothing. He pulled you up onto your knees, the rest of your weight falling to your forearms. As soon as he pushed himself back in, your whole body falter and shook.
“Have a fucked you out already?” Danny’s hands gripped at your hips, keeping you up. “I was- fuck- I was right,” he rasped out. “You can’t take it.”
“I can, I can,” you insisted through your moans. “Fuck, you just- it feels so good, Danny!”
A smile tugged at his lips that he was glad you couldn’t see. He could do this forever and it was finally setting in that, that’s exactly what he was planning to do. So long as you decided to forgive him after it was all said and done…
That tightening in the pit of your stomach started to become more prominent, rapidly growing tighter and tighter as Danny’s hips snapped loudly into yours.
A guttural noise sounded from him as you squeezed around him, alerting him that you were getting closer.
“You’re getting close, aren’t you?” Danny asked, cursing to himself as he worked to put just a little more power behind each of his thrusts.
“Yes,” you croaked out, barely audible with your face buried into the pillows to help hide your louder moans.
“Stop,” Danny’s voice rang out, firm and demanding. He reached forward, tangling his fingers into your hair, pulling you up from the mattress and against the front of his body.
“Don’t hide. Let everyone downstairs hear how good I’m fucking you,” Danny said lowly right into your ear.
His other arm wrapped around the front of your body, hand traveling down to your core to rub two of his fingers over your clit in rapid circles.
The pleasure surging through you was debilitating; the only thing keeping you upright anymore being Danny’s strong grip.
“Danny, I- It’s so much, I can’t-“ You choked out, both of your hands clinging to his forearm just like before, in attempts to somehow slow him down.
“Shut up and take it. I got you,” Danny used his grip still in your hair to tug your head back, giving his lips access to the side of your neck.
“I can do this all night,” Danny mumbled against your skin. “I’m not gonna cum without you.”
With a harsh bite into the conjunction of your neck and shoulder, paired with a little more pressure from his fingers, a pornographic sound exploded out of you. It almost didn’t sound like you. There was no doubt that everyone still partying away downstairs heard it.
“Fuck, there you go,” Danny continued his assault on your neck, working you through your orgasm. “Cum for me, baby. Let me have it all.”
His own high followed just moments after yours. The most beautiful sounds you had ever heard from him, being sent almost directly into your ear.
“Fuck… fuck,” Danny cursed, his thrust growing sloppier and grip loosening around you. “God damn…”
Carefully, Danny let you both fall forward onto the bed. You both fought to catch your breath, still clinging to each other like you wouldn’t be able to stay tethered to earth without the touches of one another.
The two of you just laid in comfortable silence for a few minutes, until your heart rates and breathing slowed enough to get words out.
Danny was the first to fill the silence.
“I’m sorry, bug.”
Your heart suddenly started to pound again out of giddiness.
You turned over in his arms to face him, “For what?”
“For pushing you to the side all this time...” Danny’s eyes were much softer. “For being too afraid of my own feelings for you to do anything about it.”
“I suppose I can forgive you,” you smiled. “But… could you apologize again when your face isn’t covered in makeup, Peter Criss?”
“Oh, shut up!” Danny playfully shoved you off, rolling his eyes at you halfheartedly. “You’re right, though…” Danny sat up, eyes scanning over your body and the smudges of makeup covering nearly every inch. “We’ve-“ his voice broke with a laugh. “We’ve definitely made a little mess.”
“You made the mess,” you smirked at him, shakily trying to pull yourself up from the bed.
“Yeah, okay. Whatever,” Danny chuckled.
After watching you struggle to stand up, he came around to your side of the bed and picked you up in his arms bridal style.
“Sure looks like you can handle it, alright.” Danny shook his head as he carried you to the bathroom.
Your hand smacked at his chest, cheeks burning as a crimson blush adorned them. “Oh, fuck off…”
Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, you started to shift around - the strong arms around you, preventing you from doing so.
You glanced around the room, noticing the door was slightly cracked open now.
Those fuckers. You thought to yourself.
They must have come to unlock or unblock the door at some point after you and Danny had fallen asleep. You were very thankful for the blankets covering both of your naked bodies; neither of you having wanted to put your costumes back on after showering.
Your eyes flicked over to look at Danny. He was beautiful when he slept. The peacefulness of his breathing and the way his defined and sharp features suddenly looked so soft.
Suddenly, one of his eyes popped open and a wide, lazy grin stretched out his perfect lips.
“Staring again, huh?” he mumbled sleepily.
“Admiring,” you corrected, smiling back at him.
“‘Admiring’,” he parroted, pulling you closer to his body.
“Danny, shouldn’t we get up soon?” You questioned, despite not wanting to move in the slightest.
“Absolutely not.” Danny had shut his eyes again.
Faint chatter coming from downstairs, of what you could only assume to be at least two Kiszka’s already awake, floated through your ears.
Danny hummed in acknowledgment to their loud voices. He mocked in a higher voice, sounding much like Sam, “Not ready to hear ‘I told you so’.”
“They were right, though,” you sighed, snuggling your face into his chest. “For once, I’m glad they were.”
“At least they wouldn’t have had to lock us in here if you weren’t so stubborn,” Danny giggled, full on laughing when you pulled back to look at his face.
“I will get up and leave you here.” It was a fully empty threat.
Danny cocked an eyebrow at you, challenging you, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nodded once.
“Go ahead, get up then.” Danny let go of you, clearly scheming by the playful sparkle in his eye.
Your eyes narrowed at him, but you moved to get up anyway, just to see how far he would let you get.
And it certainly wasn’t far.
You barely had the blankets thrown off and one leg dangling off the edge of the bed, before Danny was snatching you by the waist and yanking you back into his body.
“Danny!” you squealed, positively letting the whole house know that you two were awake.
“I’m not letting you go that easily, silly girl,” Danny said lowly into your ear, playfully biting at your earlobe. “You’re mine now.”
“Do you think we could convince them to lock the door back?” You asked softly, brushing your lips against his.
No sooner than the question was emitted into the space between you and Danny was opening his mouth to answer, Sam’s voice boomed from the hallway.
“Absolutely not, you fuckin’ love birds!”
@shutupdevvie @spark-my-nature @belovedsamuel @gardensgatedaisy @ageofbarbarians @theweightofjake @jake-kiszkas-smirk @positivegvfthings @gretasmokerising @jordierama @doodle417 @asparrowofthedawn @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @greta-van-chaos @skankforjakekiszka @sarakay-gvf @teddiie @colorstreammind @ofburningskies @of-infinite-wonders @groovyvanfleet @samkooszka @lunaindigoraven @gvfpal @ascendingtostardust @streamsofstardust @cal-a-bungaa @juliensbakery @gretavanbitches
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70spunkstars · 8 months
I’m Baby.
The person who came up with this idea first will be tagged at the end <33
Summary; after a long day, you and hobie just love on each other.
Tags; Fluff, suggestive (?), Fem! Reader, Spiritual! Reader, established relationship, reader and hobie live in the houseboat together, not a lot of dialogue, kinda short, hardly proofread
AN; I probably missed something and it’s late I’m sleepy but I was too obsessed with this concept to not write it so I’m sorry if it didn’t turn out how y’all imagined (I’m probably gonna rewrite this later) SEND ASKS OR DM WITH CONSTRUCTIVE WRITING CRIT 🙏🏽🙏🏽 okay thanks luv you goodnight 🤭🤭
It’d gotten kind of late and Hobie still wasn’t home. You figured he was still out patrolling. Ignoring the annoying ass voice in the back of your head telling you something was wrong, you decided to clean and cleanse your home instead.
Excitedly, you dance to the large speaker Hobie bought you for Christmas a few weeks ago. Connecting your phone to the large machinery and playing your favorite Neo-Soul/R&B playlist, you start cleaning the kitchen.
You’d gone through the whole house and cleaned it from top to mf bottom. Doing breathing exercises to ease your mind before smoke cleansing the house with rosemary and garden sage. The moment you put out your bundles and light an incense stick you hear the front door of the houseboat creak open.
Cheesing so hard your cheeks started to hurt. Then you heard the familiar sound of heavy boots and clinking metal belts make their way into the back of the house towards you. “There you are” Hobie says lowly with a smile on their face, leaning against the well loved and worn paint of ya’ll bedroom doorframe.
setting down the incense holder on your shared dresser you run to the tall lanky boy, who waits for you with open arms, squeezing him and taking a deep breath enjoying the smell of his cologne mixed with the cold night air. Letting out a relieved sigh you pull back and look him in the eyes. “Thought I’d die before yo ass got home.” Playfully slapping their chest and turning around with their hand in yours, sitting him down on your bed and gracing a soft kiss onto their forehead.
“Fuck off” laughing he pulls you towards him by the hips. God, that smile made you lose your mind. he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his cheek against your stomach. You could tell they was trying hard to stay awake. You knew he missed you and it was showing with how tightly he was holding you.
“Hey.” You murmur to them. Cradling his face in your hands gently. He hums in response with closed eyes that drag open to look at you. “I missed you baby” his tired smile fills your stomach with butterflies. How could you have gotten so lucky as to be able to go to sleep and wake up with such a beautiful person every night?
“You sleepy?” Of course he denied, which also made you laugh. “My eyes’r jus’ sore.”
“Boy jus’ say you sleepy and get inna bed” he groans in response making you cackle. Turning off the light you climb into the bed and get cozy under the covers, tying your dreads back and slipping on your bonnet. Watching him shed his many layers and slip off his boots you felt heat start to build in your chest. Like you was falling in love with him all over again.
He slipped on a pair of grey sweats then wrapped his hair and jumped into the bed, settling comfortably between your legs. The two of you laid there for several moments just listening to each other breathe. Dragging your acrylics across his back (that he definitely picked the design for) and soaking in their presence.
“Missed you.” He mumbled lifting his head off of your stomach, which was his favorite place to rest his head if you couldn’t tell by now. The cold metal of his lip piercing against your lip soothed the warmth that was quickly spreading throughout your body.
The contact melted you almost immediately. What was supposed to be just one kiss turned into 3 then 3 turned into 9 and then you started making out. It was comforting really. Having him in your arms like this after him being gone for over 12 hours.
It’d been a long minute. You two had switched positions and you were in his lap now. Your knees pressed into the softness of the mattress, one of his hands gripping your hip and the other on the back of your neck. He was pulling you into him as if you’d slip through his fingers at any moment.
Soft suppressed whimpers leave the back of your throat. Hobie never failed to make you feel loved wanted and needed, ever. They groan in response, sitting up off the headboard to wrap their arms around you, kisses trailing off of your lips and down to your neck.
The warm smell of nag champa and the comforting sound of R&B playing just made the moment all the more magical. “I love you, baby.” Your words send a shiver throughout his body and you can feel him relax under you.
He pulls back. Hands sliding to your hips and kneading the fat there. With the most loving look and content smile on his face, he tells you.
“love it when y’call me baby.”
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
This One Is Mine Pt. 1 (N.R)
Billionaire Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
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Summary: As a billionaire and a successful business woman, Natasha has everything and lives her lavish life with her best friends. What will happen if Natasha wants you but Wanda gets in between?
Warning: Dark fic, 18+, bunch of sexual tensions, swearing words, drug use and alcohol consumptions. (Let me know if I miss anything)
A/N: Hello! I was gonna post this tomorrow as in the schedule but I'll be kinda busy tomorrow. So, why not post it a day early, right? Natasha and her friends wears the clothes that was shown in the cover except Wanda, she wears a dress with the same color. You don't have to listen to the songs in the fic while reading it but if you do, I hope it will make your reading experience more enjoyable. Happy reading! Here is the playlist for this series:
Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
The moon shines up high, a cold breeze passes your legs that are fully exposed. The warmth of your short skirt only covers down to a little above your knee. If it’s not because your best friends Kate and MJ insist for you to come, you are probably home by now but you are in line with them to get into this one famous fancy night club called “Black Widow'' instead. You are not gonna lie, it is one of your favorite clubs to go to. You love the drinks, great dj not to mention the people who come here always look good. It’s not a secret that there are a lot of upper class people who love to party here. The club is always packed every time you come.
“I can’t believe that you didn’t even change your clothes before you came here. You looked like someone just came here straight from work.” Kate lets out her comment.
“Uh maybe because I came STRAIGHT from work, Kate. I could’ve gone home first to change my clothes if you didn’t text me every five minutes to hurry up.” You defend yourself with your reason. “Also, what’s wrong with the button up blouse and my mini skirt? I think it’s not that bad.” You added.
“I know. I know. I’m just excited. We are here to celebrate you. It’s your night. It would be more fun and more friends would come if you didn’t ask to keep it low-key.” Kate rolls her eyes playfully yet letting out her disappointment.
“Well, it’s okay. I don’t want it to make a big deal about it. I just want to celebrate it with you two. You two are my best friends and that’s enough for me.” You explain with a fake pout but genuinely meant every word.
“Awww, y/n, that’s really sweet. Don’t worry about what Kate just said. You look pretty and we understand. Thank you for doing this with us.” M.J responds in awe as she gives you a little hug and smiles at you and Kate.
“Yes, I’m glad I’m part of tonight’s fun. We love you. You know that?” The brown haired woman smiles and squeezes in another hug.
“Of course.” You answer as you check the time on your watch.
The night gets colder and the line is getting longer. The three of you have a great laugh and talk while waiting in line. The security lets some people in every time there are some people leaving the club.
The three of you are getting closer to your turn to get in and you get excited, especially Kate. She loves the place more than you do, hence the destination choice she made for the girls night out with you and M.J.
As soon as the security almost opens the way to let somes group of people ahead of you, someone talks to him through the COMM in his ears, and everything changes. He stops himself from letting people in.
“Sorry folks. VIP first.” He explains as he turns his back and focuses on who is coming. You hear overlapped voices of disappointment from the others in line including Kate’s and MJ’s.
“This is so unfair. How much longer we gotta wait. I wonder who’s coming. Oh maybe a celebrity? Look at those paparazzi.” MJ lets out her impatience followed by her wandering thoughts. “Or probably just another rich person, MJ. You know this place, always full of them..” You calmly respond as you playfully slap her arm with the back of your hand and patch a smirk at her.
Not too long after that, a shiny black limousine pulled up and parked in front of the club. The street light shines and reflects on some parts of the car. The windows are all dark as if it meant to avoid any attention to whoever is inside while on the road.
People start talking and wondering who it is gonna be. All eyes are on the limo as if it doesn’t matter for them anymore if they get into the club or not.
The paparazzi are all ready to snap pictures just like an army who are ready for what’s coming  in front of them. They all know who’s in the luxury moving box of steel.
All the commotions really drag your attention and your gaze to the center of it. You hear people asking each other “Oh my God, who is it?” or “I heard that she’s coming tonight. It’s her birthday today.” and “Do you think she’s coming with the others? I really want to see all of them.”
With all those overlapping comments, your mind gets so curious. You look at the limo without even blinking. Who is she? Who is this woman they were talking about?
The door finally opens, you see a woman coming out of the limo. A super attractive red-haired woman wears bright red suits and pants with a black lapel that blends in perfectly with her loose satin shirt under it. All of those paired beautifully with her black clutch. Her black and silver necklace cooperates with her same color high heels to highlight her black and red vibes.
You are so intrigued by her. You don't know why your mind imagines your fingers raking through her short red hair, caressing it. You are stunned by her look until you hear Kate’s voice.
“OMG! That’s Natasha Romanoff! Damn, she looks so good! I hope her sister Yelena will be here too. I have a huge crush on her.” Kate comments in amazement.
“Natasha who? Her sister?” You look at Kate with furrowed eyebrows as you ask confusedly. “Seriously? You don’t know who Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova are? Okay, I’ll tell you more after this.” Kate’s hand squeezes your hand excitedly as she looks surprised but she gets distracted with more people who get out of the limo. You look at Vision offering his hand to help his wife, Wanda, to come out. Her twin brother, Pietro comes out next followed by Tony Stark.
“Oh wow, The Maximoff twins are here too with Vision and Tony stark. So the whole gang's here.” MJ’s comment leads your gaze to bounce between the rest of them.
You know The Maximoff twins. Who doesn’t? They are the Sokovian siblings who inherit their parents’ fortune of Maximoff Co. but their business skill multiplies it. Not just that, people know them from their lavish lifestyle.
Vision, who used to be the British Royal family doctor and now the owner of many big hospitals in big states. He holds Wanda's hand as they slowly walk behind Natasha. You always adore them. To you, they are that power couple. It’s no secret that they have an open marriage and paparazzi often snap pictures of them with who they call “partner in fun”. In every snap, they are with a different person. Wanda and Vision always wear matching clothes, similar themes or at least whatever colors that compliments each other.
Of course, the brunette Wanda looks so alluring yet sophisticated. Her long sleeve burgundy red somewhat short dress with a slit exposing her thigh with a very low cut perfectly highlighted her cleavage. The dress wrapped her heavenly body perfectly. Wanda’s burgundy dress matches ideally with Vision’s shades of brown jacket and pants over his cream turtleneck.
Her brother Pietro, the ladies man,wears his black suit, spreading his charm. Clearly busy giving teaseful wink or smirks. Some girls are even lucky enough to get their hand kissed by him. From their excited reaction, you guess that they probably won’t wash their hands for a few days.
Then there is Tony Stark, the only heirs of Stark’s family wealth and company. It’s not a surprise to you that Tony’s fashion is a little more different than the others. This time he wore blue suits with black tie and pants. His gray shirts peeping out from under his jacket suit. Being eccentric he is, of course he wears different style athletic blue and black shoes and never forgets his glasses. In his defense, he once said in an interview that always wears sunglasses because of the camera flashes. But seeing he’s wearing the light blue shades right now that probably can’t really block the brightness of the flashes, it’s obviously only for fashion purposes instead. He gives a kiss on the cheek of one of the ladies who asks for a selfie with him shortly before he follows his friends into the club.
To your surprise, you caught Natasha and Wanda glance at you as they walked past in front of the line. Natasha’s glance makes your stomach somersault, instantly making your heart beat faster. Meanwhile, Wanda’s glance at you from head to toe and smirks make you feel like you are a prey, voluntarily.
“Wow, they all look so cool.” MJ doesn’t take her eyes off them until Nat and the rest get into the club. “Yeah but too bad, Yelena is not here.” Kate sighs in disappointment.
“Okay, I know the rest of them but who are Natasha and Yelena?” You ask curiously.
“She is a famous business woman. She is super rich, the CEO of Romanoff Inc. Her company is really big and goes international. She runs it with her sister Yelena. You know the twins and Tony Stark but you don’t know her? They are all best friends and hang out together. Their lifestyle is everybody’s dream.” Kate answers you in rambling.
“Well, Kate, you know me. I don’t really keep up with this whole famous people thing in social media. Work gets me really busy.” You respond to her rambling.
“That’s why you need this night! To have fun. Okay?” MJ tries to cheer you up. “Yeah, we will, After we finally get in.” You let out a sarcastic joke and made your best friends giggle.
As soon as Natasha takes a seat on her VIP couch, she takes a sip of her favorite cocktails.Tell Me When To Go by E-40 plays loud in the club. Her eyes are analyzing her club tonight. She is happy with the new manager’s work. She loves how packed the club is, her eyes subconsciously look for you and her mind wonders if you are already inside or not.
“Happy birthday, darling.” Wanda gives a small kiss to both of Nat’s cheeks as she hands the redhead an envelope before she sits on Nat’s left side. Vision takes his spot next to his wife while Tony slouches next to Nat and Pietro sits side by side with his brother in law on the comfy large black and red U shaped couch. They always sit in the VIP spot that’s always reserved only for them. It has the best view of the club. They love it because practically they can see almost every spot in the club but still a little further from public and have some more privacy. Two dancing poles in front of each end of the couch.
The black table is perfectly set up like usual with bottles of expensive alcohol, ice buckets, snacks or everything they need and even their high end custom made bongs complete with their weed stash. Their favorite drinks and cocktails have been made prior to their arrival. Some bodyguards take a stand not too far from them. Pietro lit up his cigar right away. His eyes observe the surroundings. Excited with the crowd, especially the ladies. He blows out some smoke then takes a sip of his drinks.
“What’s this?” Nat takes the black envelopes as she asks and her green eyes meet with Wanda’s. “It’s your birthday gift from me, Vision and Pietro. Open it.” The brunette answers.
Nat quickly opens it and pulls a photo out of it. “A picture of a yacht?” She tilts her head in confusion.
“YOUR yacht. You sold yours a while ago and you have been too busy to get a new yacht. So we got you one.” Wanda answered excitedly. “Oh wow, thanks Wanda. Thank you boys.” Nat’s gaze flicks from Wanda, Vision then to Pietro as she shows them her gratitude.
“You are very welcomed, Nat. They berthed it next to ours right now. We didn't want to ruin the surprise for you if they brought it to your spot.” Vision explains then proceeds to light up the weed on the bong and inhale the smoke of it.
“You are welcomed, sestra! I picked the bigger size, so you can have a bigger party. Just don’t forget to invite us when you have a party.” Pietro answered jokingly. Wanda and Vision laugh at his jokes.
“Don’t worry, I won’t forget, Piet.” Nat smiles and shakes her head to his antics. “And now, it’s my turn. Happy birthday, Romanoff.” Tony hands her a small red box then smokes a weed joint on his other hand.
Nat opens it and finds a key in it. “This is the key to..?” She asks in a playful way. “Well, it’s just a small gift. Do you remember the winery you like in Sonoma? Not too far from it, I saw this nice property with a nice Spanish style house. It would be a nice getaway for you. I added a little touch. You know, a shooting range, and a spacious gym since you and your family love shooting guns and martial arts. Plus extra space for some of your precious car collections.” Tony casually describes his so-called small birthday gift.
“Oh wow, thank you Tony. All of you gave me these huge gifts. Now, I’m gonna have to give you better gifts on your birthdays.” Nat lets out her joke. The bass from the speakers starts to pound the air as the DJ plays Flip The Switch by Valentino Khan, Chris Lorenzo in line.
“Oh, you know what I like, Nat. If you find any interesting women, share them with me. Or let us have them after you, right, Vis?” Wanda answers her best friend in a teasing way and Vision agrees with an excited “Uh-huh.” in his nods then kisses Wanda’s cheeks.
“Well, just like Pietro said, just don’t forget to invite us if you are having a party.” Tony adds.
“Speaking of parties, I have another gift for our party tonight.” Pietro announced enthusiastically. “What’s that?” Nat turns her focus from the dance floor back to Pietro. “Well, I bought a bottle of old original Absinthe liquor. It’s so strong and it even can make you hallucinate a bit.” The Sokovian billionaire describes as he takes the bong from his brother in law to take his turn to smoke.
“Oh really? I have heard about it. Where is it now?” Nat pitches her question a little louder against the loudness of the music and people partying. “I told my assistant to send it here. Your bartender should be making some drinks for us with it by now.” Pietro smiles proudly about his surprise followed by some coughs out of him.
“Oh, which assistant? The one that Wanda fucked yesterday before the big important meeting with me and the board?” Nat smirks casually joking about what Wanda did. The brunette is really open with her best friends and brother including Vision about how high her sex drive is and how much she loves women. She knows her friends are okay with it, the downfall is they sometimes poke fun out of it just like Nat did. “Yeah, that one.” Pietro laughs.
“Oh, her? Yes, I did and she is really good. A really obedient assistant. She was so…let’s say, tight.” Wanda shares her short trip to yesterday’s memory of hers as she gently bites her lower lips then gives Nat a naughty smile.
Both Natasha’s index finger and thumb softly pinch Wanda’s chin so she can look at her forest green eyes that spark from the aggressive blinking spotlights following the beats for the music. “Oh, I know that, sweetheart. I know how she is.” Nat gives her response to the brunette next to her then wink at her.
The waitress brings a tray of cocktails that has the Absinthe that Pietro got for tonight. All of them cheer and take a big gulp of the green liquor.
Just like Pietro said about the Absinthe, they all start to get tipsy in a different way not to mention the effect from smoking the weed starts to kick in. Their body starts to relax more, but their throat still feels the warmth from what they drank and their heart starts to pump a little faster.
“Look what I’ve got! Look at these white beauties. Maximoffs, yours was really good last time but trust me, this one is even better.” Tony casually tosses a medium size bag of cocaine on the table. It’s more than enough for five of them to share all night long.
Wanda slowly blows the smoke from the burning weed that she inhaled. She hands the bong to Natasha for her turn shortly before she grabs the bag to check the white substance in it. “This looks good and if it hits good, give me the seller number, Stark.” Wanda's broad accent always shows up bolder whenever she gets drunk or high.
As Natasha is taking a hit, her eyes finally lock with the person she has been waiting for, you. She casually blows the smoke out, coughing a little as she watches you and your friends get to the bar.
"Oh my god! Finally!" Kate tries her best holding herself not to jump in excitement as soon as the three of you get into the club.
You can feel the bass as if it punches your heart following the song beat. Some people bump into you when you are walking. The smells of alcohol, cigarette smokes and light marijuana fill the club. Your eyes keep trying to adjust with the light that keeps blinking in a random rhythm. The air feels sticky and warm from how many people are in there yet you also feel the cold breeze from the air conditioner that works really well.
You see two large screens on the high walls shining bright plays optical illusion video that match with the rhythm of the music. Few sexy female dancers dance on the dance pole and some of them dance inside giant bird cages. Some of them swing on the swing inside the cages like canary bird. People are dancing, jumping like crazy that you thought it was the effect of whatever they consume. You see some couples or maybe they just met there kissing in the darker part of the club like there is no tomorrow.
You and the girls walk to the bar right away. The bartender was about to greet you but he got a call. “Hey, Dimitri. Make them the same drinks you made us. Then give those three girls whatever they want, it’s on the house. Keep the drink flowing for them. Also tell Boris to tell the securities to let them do whatever they want as long as it's not dangerous.” Nat ordered from the other end of the line. “Yes, boss.” The blonde Russian bartender takes Nat’s order without any question.
Lose Control by Missy Elliot Ft, Ciara starts to play. You enjoy the vibe around you, the music makes you move your body a little unlike Kate, she literally starts dancing as she starts to sing the lyric
“Wow, this place is always a hit. Look at those beautiful people. I always love the DJ here. Look at Kate, she is not even drunk yet but already dancing like one of those dancers.” MJ looks around and comments on everything she sees including joking about Kate. “Well, you know how she is, MJ.” You laugh. Then you feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around so do MJ and Kate as soon as they notice.
“Hi ladies. Ms. Romanoff ordered this for three of you. Don’t worry about what you order tonight. She will take care of your tab.” Dimitri informs the three of you with a smile and slides three green cocktails in front of you girls.
Kate and MJ gasp. “No, fucking way!! Ms. Romanoff, THE Ms. Romanoff?” MJ asks in such disbelief and you are more concerned about what’s in the drink.
“What’s this?” You asked. “It’s house special drink. Trust me, this is really good with a very expensive strong liquor called absinthe. You are lucky to be able to try this.” The blonde answers in a friendly manner.
“Oh, we are definitely drinking this. I've heard about that liquor. Thank  you!” Kate quickly grabs her drink. You sweetly thank him and grab yours, so does MJ. “Well normally, I wouldn’t drink anything from—” You try to express your thoughts but Kate doesn’t even let you finish your words. “Girl! Are you crazy? It’s from Natasha Romanoff, you better drink that! Wow, this is awesome. I wonder where she is watching us from.” Kate looks around the club to find Nat but the crowd is blocking the view.
“This means she is interested in you because I saw how she glanced at you. Wanda was looking at you too.” MJ tells you and Kate as she drinks her drink.
“You did too? I thought I was hallucinating when I noticed that earlier.” You finally tell them what was on your mind as you drink the strong cocktail. “How awesome would it be if she is really interested in you??” The excitement from Kate’s tone was easily heard despite how loud the club was.
“There's no way she is interested in me.” You roll your eyes playfully. “That’s a bummer.” MJ plays along with the joke. “Why not? There's a chance that she does." Kate winks at you. “You are crazy.” You shake your head at Kate’s comment and giggle but it gets into your head a little bit. Who would say no to the charming Natasha Romanoff. The first time you saw her, your mind was already all over the place. You imagine you caress her hair in a certain position, so close to you, for crying out loud.
You and the girls hang out near the bar a little longer and drink three more of the same drink. The three of you underestimated the strength of the alcohol in it from how smooth it is. You thought that the bartender was right, the drink is strong. It hits you harder than you thought it would be.
You can feel yourself start to get drunk., not tipsy but drunk. You can see that Kate and MJ are in the same state as you. You hear the DJ starting to play Heads Will Roll - A-Trak Remix by Yeah Yeah Yeah now. People start to cheer from knowing what’s gonna play soon from the intro, including Kate and MJ.
“Y/n! I love this song!! Let’s go to the dance floor now!” Kate and MJ drunkenly pull you to get to the dance floor. The more the alcohol gets in your blood, the faster your heart beats. The louder people cheer and the song gets the more you want to move and you start to dance under the alcohol influence with your friends. The three of you laugh and dance. Your eyes start to search for Nat albeit how drunk you are now. Little do you know that she has been watching you this whole time.
She watches and analyzes you. She notices that every time a man tries to dance with you, you will quickly refuse or drag yourself away but you are comfortable dancing with any girls who approach you. The more she watches the way you dance and your smile, the more she is drawn to you. She wants you. For some reason, she sees that you are different from other girls she met.
While Pietro and Tony are busy enjoying a line or two of the expensive white powder, what a coincidence that Wanda is also eye-ing you. She recognizes that you are the cute one she saw in the line when she walked by. She is watching you sharply like a hawk. Just like Nat, the brunette wants you too. Her desire skyrockets just by watching how your body moves. Both Nat and Wanda are looking at you like you are their prey yet both of them don’t notice that they are looking at you at the same time.
Wanda lets out a little growl as she feels every inch of her crave you, and being high and drunk only makes her want you even more. “Vision, dear. I want her tonight.” Wanda demands without even letting her gaze off you as she points at you.
Before Vision gets the chance to respond to his wife's words, Nat interrupts. Stern was her tone when she said “No. This one is mine.” as she keeps looking at you. Pietro and Tony laugh a little at the unexpected small competition between the Russian and the Sokovian women.
Pt. 2
A/n: Welp, that's all for today. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think. Reblog, comment and input are always appreciated. Follow me for more! See you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @silver-lotus @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
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mausuwinasa · 3 months
Things I like abt every Side Order level track bc this is one of my fav OSTs of all time!!!
I have lots of thoughts abt the music in this game so I’m gonna just spit all of them out in this one giant post :3 90% of this will make sense only to me, also keep in mind I have synesthesia so I mention colors a lot when I talk abt music. I’m sorting these based on level type and talking abt each track individually.
1. Simple and empty, much like the early levels! It creates a nice base to transition into the other tracks from. The detuning on the synths and ticking percussion remind me of a certain Purple Kiss song.
2. This track is genuinely beautiful. The organs (??) in the background give it an oddly emotional feel for such an intense song. The pinks and purples of the synths stand out well against the neutral colors of the in-game stages and enemies. It’s like the musical embodiment of a noble sacrifice! I’d put it on my nuzi playlist if it were on Spotify, smh…
3. Now it really feels like the difficulty has ramped up! The drums here are really interesting, I love the syncopation on some parts. They were also present in the second version, but I didn’t want to drag out the notes for that one any longer. The less intense parts are awesome, and I love how they get aggressively interrupted by the synths! It matches the gameplay very well.
1. Probably my least favorite track, but still pretty neat. I like how the same sample gets “recontextualized” into different chords, if that makes any sense. It has a bright and sunny feeling to it!
2. Metal pipe falling sound… basically just a more intense version of the first track. I like those weird ascending sound effects, they remind me of bubbles. They’re also kinda weird rhythmically, making them a ton of fun to listen to! There’s a tiny little piano sample in a certain part of it that I just noticed, and I really like for some reason.
3. GOOD LORD this song sounds like pure fear and absolutely slaps. The metal pipe has been multiplied thousands of times. Definitely a good encapsulation of the emotions most players feel upon entering Cruel_Sisyphean_Eight-Shaped.Floor.
1. Great use of emptiness. The vocal samples sound almost corporate, a great representation of the conformist world Order is trying to create. Almost puts you to sleep, much like the early ♾️-ball levels do! Hardy har har.
2. The weird, distorted sounds, contrasted with the more relaxing parts with the lovely “wah-wah” synths make this a natural transition between the first and third tracks. I love how the repeated violin and flute sounds make a return here, but with slightly more complicated parts!
3. This song is fascinating AND very stress-inducing! It’s like the song itself is warning you about the 15 or so battering lentos currently trying to charge you. Watch out! Oh, and the less intense parts are GORGEOUS!!! The transition from a yellow to pink key reminds me of a beautiful tropical sunset. The subtle guitar part really adds to the vibe, and the descending chords are the perfect cherry on top for a lovely listening experience. They also contrast the rising synths of the chaotic parts well! It’s like a wink to the camera, a sly reminder that these tougher ♾️-ball levels are way easier than they look. Good lord I wrote for a long while on this…
1. Hmm, I don’t have much to say about this one, but I definitely like it a lot. The repeated piano samples feel almost awkward, like when you’re trying to explain your thought process to someone. Some parts of this song almost seem like miniature versions of the more ambient segments of the third track. Pretty neat!
2. I love just how weird the percussion on this is, it’s like it’s bouncing back and forth. The piano sample becomes more chopped up, and some of the beeping sounds that are more prominent in the third track start coming in, like the seeds are being planted for them.
3. Lovely intro! The abrasive synths quickly lead into another odd piano sample, like you’re swaying back and forth in a precarious spot. Almost like a more relaxed version of the vibe created by the percussion! I love the echoey ambient part in this too! There’s a certain element that sounds like someone coughing, which may sound very weird but I mean that as a compliment. The bleeps and bloops make me think of an old Game & Watch game.
1. Some of the effects sound like dogs and cats to me. It makes the panicking alla mambos feel like skittish little animals, which they sort of are. The ascending beeping sounds are reminiscent of the player chasing them down. I really like the typewriter (??) sounds too! What is it with this game and abnormal percussion? I’ve gotten so much inspiration!
2. The animal-like sounds are still present. Some of the bitcrushed sounds remind me of the noises the enemies make. The meandering but relaxed melody in the beginning always feels fitting when I’m surveying the stage and planning out how I’ll achieve the objective.
3. I love this song! It just feels so cute and silly! The orchestra hit sounds are really neat. I like how the melodies often sound like circus music. I sure feel like a clown chasing down these stupid fish… the cute vibes of this song definitely make its levels feel like just a fun little game, which they certainly are! This has got to be one of my favorite tracks.
Alright that’s the end of my absurdly long post, if anyone wants to hear me rant abt the boss music just let me know because I’ve got plenty of thoughts on that too.
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astronomodome · 1 year
Alright I was asked to make a list of all the The Garages songs I associate with life series things so I have done that
A few notes:
Songs are in no particular order (mostly just sorted by album as I was going through listening to them all)
All song titles (in color) are links to the respective songs, so you can listen to them :3
These songs are all worth listening to but my absolute favorites are marked in orange
Let me know what you think! I’ve been waiting so long to talk extensively about this :)))))) <- going to explode
list is below the cut because this got loooong
Astro Astronomodome’s Garages Life Series Playlist:
Eyes in the Dark- *gestures vaguely* how am I gonna live with these eyes in the dark when they’re following me around and they’re following you around 👍 and there’s nowhere you can go that they’re not there 👍
Jaylen Hotdogfingers Settles The Score- limited life winner martyn in thy little wood I am so normal about you <- lie
Godspeed- TIES sending off Skizz… see you space cowboy
Curse of Crows- third life grian-core, you know, when he was green and couldn’t actually kill but he and scar were going around being vaguely threatening. You could maybe use the crows in this as a metaphor for red life scar. Also birds
Relief Pitcher (Leave It On The Field)- Extremely strong vibes but I’m not sure of what. Maybe last life martyn? In the final battle? Idk. Maybe every martyn. I ljke him. (anyway this song changed my brain chemistry permanently so it deserves a place in the list regardless)
rooting for you- I’m delusional, bdubs is a species of plant, and ethubs is wlw. what is a nature wives
we had a season- ok this is THE desert duo song. No song will ever end of double life we’ve-spent-so-much-time-dancing-around-each-other-and-now-we-have-nothing-left-but-each-other desert duo as hard as this song. I have a very detailed AMV in my head of this so you know I’m right. It’s even a duet… ‘we had a season, we had a year/between when I died and when I reappeared’ (there’s almost exactly a year between grian’s last third life episode and scar’s first double life episode. I checked for this reason specifically and it killed me instantly) PLEASE just listen to this one ‘I had my reasons, I had my fears/I had my pride (I still had tears in my eyes as I died)’
dead ringer- just as the previous song is The desert duo song, this is The red king ren song. It slaps and the vibes are perfect. ‘my skin is made of energy, my blood is made of fire/I am what will happen when your best-made plans backfire’
hexed- very much post-3rd life watcher grian. pretty self-explanatory
The Alternate- ‘I’m new but I’ve seen so much/I’m old but I was not there’ do I even need to say it. Gem-as-Cleo and Lizzie-as-Pearl (‘I’ve done this once before’)
gamer grindset- yeah this is The Life Series Joel Song. you can fight me on this but you don’t have to because I know I’m right
a leap of faith- reminds me of scar. nothing in particular it just has similar vibes
haunted- ok now this is a Real watcher grian kind of song. ‘my body is a temple/for the gods of other men/wielded as a weapon by foes I swore I’d never be again’ ok. edgy bird moment
she’s dead and i’m someone else- this one requires some interpretation but I’ve always seen it was team BEST mourning the loss of bdubs. However it could also be applied to almost every ten in the life series that lost a member early lol
Mike Townsend (feels the shadows call)- specifically last life shadow alliance martyn but any martyn in general fits. he’s having a bad time
INCINERATE- just like. Being on your red life in general and the bloodlust and manic energy that brings. 😛 (edit after the finale: OKAY I KNOW THERES SO MANY LIMITED LIFE MARTYN SONGS BUT THIS IS ALSO ONE OF THEM ‘I know how to win this/I don’t need to play your games/I’m just gonna dance now/I’ll show you how to deal with pain’ ‘every day’s getting worse and we’re starting to choke/‘cause the water in the air is getting stuck in our throats’ LIKE COME ON MAN)
Sidelined- limited life skizz you will always be famous ‘am I just another wash-out/am I damned to go out swinging/I can’t hear you from the dugout/is there anyone else singing for me’ I am singing! I am singing for you skizzleman!!!!!!!!!
Firewalker With Me- the song. The myth. The legend. It’s just such a great song and it’s about life series grian’s curse of killing the people he cares most about. Grian is a parker if you think about it <- mentally ill (special note- ‘nobody deserves to be called a curse/but if you’re gonna resist I’m happy to make things worse’ is grian accidentally getting jimmy final-killed first in limited life btw)
We’ve Got History- not to be that guy but desert duo. Ok
New Year, Same Me- martyn.
The Return- the start of a new life series! Seeing old friends again! Missing friends who couldn’t make it (cough cough martyn missing ren in limited life cough cough)! Playing the game! Living and loving despite the horrors!
A Horrible Mistake We Will Make Again And Again- grian grian grian. Grain. The bird boy. Also easily one of my favorite Garages song titles. ‘If I don’t know the limits, how am I gonna break them?/If you think that we’re kidding well then you’re sorely mistaken’
The First Ain’t The Last- canary curse activated! Honestly the entirety of this album is just the average life series lmao ‘and one day you’ll wake up/and from the ashes a phoenix will rise/and she’ll hit like a champ/and burn out bright before your eyes’
The Ballad of Unremarkable Derrick Krueger- another one that definitely has life series vibes (and is just a really good song) but that I just can’t place. I want to say Tango honestly because he always has been somewhat painfully mediocre and has famously always final-deathed in underwhelming and meaningless ways
Rise- this is the Cleo song. Epic. Thank you Cleo :) Joe can be the monitor in this scenario I think he’d be good at it
RIV- does anyone still remember that part of martyn’s last life lore where the mysterious voice was promising that he would get to see jimmy mumbo and impulse again if he followed its instructions? Well……
Hell’s Game- Blaseball is a death game and this song leans into that so naturally it fits pretty well with the life series as a whole. Would make a great AMV
5am Shift- Ok bear with me here. This doesn’t really fit Pearl other than the song title (lol) and maybe you can make some parallels to cleaning lady Pearl but it gives me her vibes. Plus it’s just a whole jazzy banger and one of my favorite songs so it’s going here anyway :)
Nullified- for the end of limited life. pretty self-explanatory ‘wasted all my minutes/trying to stay alive/and look where it got me/I’m just the last one nullified’ honestly worked better before the actual finale because martyn was more manic about it than this song would imply
STRIKEOUT!- life series mumbo my horrible wet cat. this song is a little weird but it suits him I think
The Tug- they never left the desert.
SUN 2- obligatory flower husbands song for all the flower husbands enjoyers out there. Time to go cry I guess
flooding/drowning- big impdubs moment. Or honestly just any of bdubs’s life series exes reminiscing… ‘and you’re angry when the energy rises to meet you/like the life rafts are disrespectful to the sea’ is the most life series bdubs thing I’ve ever heard
REMEMBERTHEM- very good and classic anti-watcher song. If c!martyn was just a little more aware of his situation I think this would fit better (honestly a lot of good garages songs just don’t fit very well because we haven’t quite reached the ‘let’s kill the watchers’ stage of the lore yet lmaooo)
Nothing Happens Every Day- tfw when no life series 🥺 could also be martyn because he loves to kill <3
historic season nine party time speedrun and associated records- mean gills vibes. a nice quiet evening in the coral isles, reminiscing
Mike Townsend Is A Disappointment- I’m so sorry Jimmy but it fits too well
Bonus! Hermitcraft-adjacent songs:
Storm’s Raging- moon big. the long, slow, inevitable end of the world. Bdubs looking up at the sky as it falls on him. the lyrics kick ass as well: ‘there were days when it all seemed never ending/when all you could hear was the forecasts, the fear/and the sound of the cloudline bending’ (and the way it speeds up at the end……. omg)
howling at twin moons- s8 scar. I will not elaborate
alaynabella hollywood- ariana griande <- wait who said that
golden- rentheking arc I love you :3 viva la revolution
Sincerely, The Collateral- hermitcitizen song tbh
Beep or Bleat- despite the EXTREMELY zedaph-coded song title this is actually end-of-season 8 tango moon landing-core. ‘do we possess a soul/does it exceed the speed of light/can it escape black holes/do we still have a chance to fight’
Nut Economy- another rentheking arc song. You can tell when I started watching HC from this can’t you. Well. Royal emeralds I miss you :(
Morning is Coming- HONESTLY if I had the ability to make AMVs this would be top of my list. It’s just so… so much. Escaping moon big at the end of season 8… I know it’s overdone at this point but it’s rotating around in my head all the time. What does it say about me that there are two moon big songs here and they’re both my favorites…
fourteen days is not enough for my screams to reach your ears- another tango lost in space at the end of season 8 song. it messed me up ok
psychoacoustics- I love convex* *DISCLAIMER: 99% of the convex knowledge I have comes from fan interpretation alone. Alternatively I could just be really trying to manifest a zedaph villain arc
oliver mueller (is a hero)- docm77 for several reasons which will become apparent almost immediately
hello world- grumbot I love you :] (putting in a different version so you can tell what the lyrics are without subtitles and I’m sorry because this version of the song is somewhat worse. they just start singing godspeed in the middle of it for some reason and like I’m not complaining I love that song but also why) (here’s the original version)
the entire kansas city breath mints team failed the bar exam- hermitcraft. no elaboration is necessary
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burntblueberrywaffles · 5 months
when you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of your fav songs and then send this ask to 10 or your favourite followers !!
Ohhhhhh I actually recently made a playlist with my all time faves but I’m gonna try to just list 5 with a diff artist for each so here we goooo
1-Some of my friends and mutuals are already aware because I am BIG TIME insane about it but LA LUMIÈRE BY POMME. It is truly one of the most beautiful songs I’ve heard and I think everyone should go listen to it right now.
"But Blue I don’t speak French why would I listen to that French song" NOT TO FRET;;;;;; for I have made an English lyrics video. I am holding you all at gunpoint. Go listen to La lumière I’m so serious.
2-ANOTHER SONG THAT DRIVES ME INSANE IS!!!! Drinking song for the socially anxious by the amazing devil! Everyone should go listen to it rn also. THE FUCKING LYRICS????? I can’t properly express how much I love this song, that one line (iykyk) literally drives me insane I even made a meme about it lol
if anyone decide to lsiten to it (you should) the actual song start at 0:59 lol
3-y’all know I am in fact a Swiftie, so of course I was going to include a TS song - it’s was nearly a tie with Wonderland, but for the purpose of this list, I’m going with You’re on you own, kid 🫶 I just love it so much
4-next up, I'm gonna go with Genesis by Grimes!! This was once again pretty much a tie, as Realiti as been one of my long time favourite of hers, but I must say, although it wasn’t initially in my top 5, genesis just really grew on me recently- it has that otherworldly quality that never fails to transport me, it makes me feel emotions I can’t quite put into words 🥺🥺
linking the MV because it slaps but also the actual song starts at 1:10
5-Finally for the fifth spot I'm putting Difficult by Gracie Abrams!! I simply adore this song (and relate to it a bit too hard lol - especially considering the time in my life when it came out, it felt like Gracie wrote out my exact feelings). This remains my favourite of hers 🥺
Thank you for this ask I love having an excuse to impose my music taste upon everyone 🫶
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Also a quick note: the game is to send this to 10 of your fav followers which means I won’t send it to all of my mutuals but if I don’t send it to you I STILL LOVE YOU pls don’t panic rsd girlies I just have many lovely mutuals and followers lol
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vanessaaftonsgirl · 3 months
6 albums I’ve been listening to a lot lately! Plus one track from each that I’m especially fond of.
tagged by @byronicbi 🥰
i’m more of a playlist listener than an album listener so some of these may be ones i haven’t actually heard in a bit 😂
unheard by hozier -this one’s obvious, i’m a hozier girlie. too sweet is prob my favorite on there, but empire now is a close second
appaloosa bones by gregory alan isakov- i listened this one on repeat when i took the train to chicago in september to see hozier. the title track, appaloosa bones is my favorite and what i loved first
we made a mess in middle america by the way down wanderers- i’ve been following this band since 2017 i think? i’ve lost track of how many shows i’ve gone to and i’ve become friends with the drummer lmao. i had hey honey on repeat when it dropped
i’m cheating and saying all of the crane wives cuz i never pick an album i just listen to the playlist that has all of their music in it- i spent 3 months of 2022 listening to literally nothing but the crane wives i was possessed. curses started it but please listen to their new song, the well, too
guts (spilled) by olivia rodrigo- red introduced lacy to me as a willry song and he was So Right. and there’s a few song on here that slap so it technically makes the list lol
hadestown (original broadway cast)- this is on my recent album history, although it’s been a bit lol. if you haven’t heard hadestown, you need to. wait for me will change you
i’m also gonna do honorable mentions so you get a fuller picture 😂
hoziers entire discography
lord huron’s entire discography
a lot of upsahl
noah kahan
tagging @demon4dilfs @crealkller @deardekarios @pinkopalina @aturnoftheearth and anyone else who wants to do this!! i’m not sure who all likes doing these
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iguessitsjustme · 6 months
Songs from QL Dramas
I was tagged by @littleragondin and you know I love talking about music so of course I’ll be doing this. I don’t know how many songs I’ll have from this year buuuuut we’ll see.
I need to start with the two currently airing shows that have soundtracks just absolutely blowing it out of the water. I miiiiiight just have to do an analysis of the music in at least one of these shows because I cannot stress how phenomenal they are.
Last Twilight quite possibly has the best soundtrack of the year. I’ll have to go back and re-listen to some things but I think this one will take the cake.
The Sign also has a killer soundtrack. But it’s really the theme song that slaps me in the face each week and I mean that in the best possible way.
Not currently airing but the entire OST for Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is also fantastic.
Now I think I’m just going to need to list individual songs:
My Fault - Sing My Crush
Second Wind - Sing My Crush. This show came out of nowhere, hit me with two of my favorite songs of 2023 and gave me possibly the most darling couple.
Falling Down - All the Liquors. I’m not gonna lie, I did not finish this show and I doubt I will, but this opening song was immediately put into my playlist I love it so much.
The Story - The Eighth Sense. There is something about walking by the lake early in the morning while listening to this song that brings me inner peace unlike anything else. Also if you haven’t seen this show, please go watch it and then come scream at me about it. Also if you've seen the show, go look up more of Conan Gray's music. He's great.
Redo - Be My Favorite. This is just quintessential Thai BL and I love it. I also think Krist has a nice voice and I don’t hate him singing (as long as that singing is not happening in the show).
I also want to just mention the ISBANKY Part of Your World music video. Truly just a pleasure to watch. And I don’t watch a lot of music videos.
I’m sure there are more that I missed but this is all I can think of off the top of my head. I am tagging anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet but wants to do this. Please tag me though so I can listen to more music and also talk to people about music.
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agentmmayy · 1 year
march + april rotation
it’s gonna be...... may finally posting the march + april rotation playlist. combining these two months since most of the music i listened to in march was off the previous rotation list!
flowers in my hair - calista garcia: sweet, slow, and syrupy. i love this song and how it feels like a breath of fresh air. it’s achingly romantic and has got me singing along and twirling my hair and kicking my feet. though, at the same time it’s so intimate i feel like i’m intruding 
back for more - nia hendricks: the usual type of slow groove beat i adore that makes me want to dance around with the love of my life. it’s just as sweet as the previous one but it feels... lonely. mournful. i’d be dancing but with a ghost
bodybag - charlotte lawrence: this song is so *clenches fist* i am obsessed with how the body bag fills in for the other person in the relationship and holds her when they can’t or refuse to! the relationship is already dead! she’s holding on! in that liminal space between resurrection and burial! also the vocals in this are insane. my favorite part is ‘she’s at the bowery bar, showed you her paper heart’ and then ‘help me hurt and then i’ll come back’ YEOW
gasp of air - lisa curtis: THIS SONG MAKES ME WANT TO SING AND SCREAM ALONG AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS!!!!!!!!! and then the lyrics slapped me across the face. ‘but i’ll stay and such ‘cause i think it’s love enough’ ‘i’m yours enough that i come back’ ‘some water if i’m lucky but i would never ask that much’ ‘what kind of person needs to breathe A HEALTHY ONE I’M SURE BUT THAT’S NOT ME’?????????? 
nothing left to give - BAILEN: ‘i wanna live i’m sick of just trying to survive’ *looks into the camera* anyway. obsessed with this band and how weird this song sounds 
kilimanjaro - dolores forever: this song and the next have me asking how songs can be this good. like. is it crack? is that what they put in these?? the music and the vocals are EVERYTHING it’s unlike anything i’ve heard recently and i’m digging it. then the harmonies?? and the lyrics???? ‘a thousand shards of glass from your silver tongue got me like a shot gun’ the way ‘i was young. you were pure ice and snow’ IS SUNG?????? WTF
labour - paris paloma: this has been my hype song for the past few weeks. the intensity of it still continues to blow my mind. it’s unapologetic and awful. it’s incredible. i felt every lyric in my gut. i don’t want to over explain it since i can’t do the song justice but it’s so brutally honest in describing and dismantling traditional roles placed upon women and girls. the entirety of it is like poking at a wound that never closes, a wound that’s been gaping and bleeding for centuries and it makes me so angry. the visceral reaction i had to the lyric ‘if we had a daughter’ girl i- ouuuuugh. i got sick to my stomach. i was screaming crying throwing up etc etc. anyway this song is a masterpiece. still haven’t recovered from it. also it’s a fucking bop. 
bad blood - trousdale: another banger for the books!! trousdale always delivers these perfect harmonies and this time it’s a fantastic, bitter song but that’s not the only element! there’s indifference and confusion and acceptance! there’s healing! and the repetition of anyway *patcha holding earbuds meme* perfection
all the love - katie gregson-macleod: katie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how am i supposed to live laugh love in these conditions!!!!!!!! this one is SO SAD. i ache each time i listen to it. it doesn’t apply to romantic love but all other types of love and what happens when you lose it and how you deal with that loss. the grief is so thick it’s almost suffocating but as always the way she sings is enough for it to not be overwhelming. every lyric hits but the combination of her voice with ‘but i’d rather do that in bed alone’ is my favorite  
BONUS: here are a few stray songs that didn’t quite fit in the narrative but i wanted to share them anyway :)
far and wide - WILDES: doesn’t quite fit the narrative, but it’s a good follow up to all the love. it’s toned down more and easier to get lost in, but still woven with the running strand of grief that makes it sorrowful. once again, back at it with the yearning 
ava - famy: this song had me by the throat the first time i heard it in teen wolf and it still does. chewing glass over the switch between ‘this world is primal’ + ‘this world is rabid’ to ‘this world is pure’ + ‘this world is learning’  and ‘my conscious burning, my beastly flaw’ 
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bigshotspambot · 6 months
I’ve been listening to your Spamton Neo playlist while making a mini Sneo keygenchain for my school lanyard, and I just wanna say I’m so happy you up in turn the lights off, because I keep wanting to either host a MAP or just make it myself of a bunch of Spams to that song but my anxiety slaps me and says no-
OH MY GODDD ??? AAUGHH 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜 IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE ITTT... Idk what it is with Vimeo but the views only for count singed in accounts?? (and who tf has a Vimeo account) so I can’t tell how many people actually watch it which leads me to think that it doesn’t get any views grgahagaha
AND I KNOW THAT SONG IS ON LIKE EVERY CHARACTER PLAYLIST EVER but I think the chaotic energy fits him ok. (Which is Also a very generic reason i don’t care
ALSO that keygen chain is gonna turn out so awesome :] and oh my god a SNEO MAP to that song would be so cool ..
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
‘You’re Gonna Go Far’ by Noah Kahan, I know these songs are kinda trending rn or at least they are on my fyp lmao. But I absolutely am obsessed with this song. So many of the lyrics are superrr relatable to me but I really love the lyric, “You’re the greatest thing we’ve lost” isbwieneo it’s so personal to me fr fr.
What is your Enneagram type?
9w1 :)
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
ok, ok, so. my imaginary friend was a girl with red hair. She was a little shorter than I was and I can’t remember if I had a name for her or not. She’d always match what I was wearing and we would play with my Polly Pockets all the timeee. Since I have a sibling I would more so play with them but my imaginary friend came to visit sometimes. She was really sweet. More outspoken than I was…if an imaginary friend can be outspoken.. She definitely had more confidence than I did.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I’d change my name to Drew, I just feel like my name is so basic. My dad always said if my parents had a boy they would’ve named him Andrew. And while i’m comfy with my gender I’d still love to change my name. It seems easier to change it to something that my parents already kinda considered.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
While I love all of them. I think my favorite is ‘Comforted by an Arrogant Incubus’ it was the first audio of Erik’s that made me feel safe. I think it was the first audio I cried too tbh. I just love it so much. I also feel like my mutuals will be shocked that I didn’t pick a different audio.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
…I love him so much, and i’m saying this because i’m like him. And it scares me how alike we are sometimes. But Guy… I LOVE GUY!! Please don’t get me wrong. I just don’t understand the hype. I’m also a lot like him so that might be the reason…I don’t think i’m all that so maybe my feelings towards myself translate to him. But do I listen to everyone of his audios? Yes. Do I enjoy them? Also yes.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ I KNOW EVERY WORD!!! Every single one. I had a marvel obsession and let me tell ya. You turn on that movie and no one will see me blink for the full duration of the movie. I won’t move from my seat. This movie has a chokehold on me fr fr
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
I really had to think about this one. Would I date this person? Yes. Do I think it would go well…Maybe, but i’d rather be friends. But Im picking Sam!!!! I feel like he’s the dad friend and I need that in my life. He’s the guy that i’m calling if my car breaks down or if I do. He’d let me come bother him at all hours of the day while also forcing me to take care of myself when I busy with college. I love him so so so much and want to be his bestie so badly.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
I start to ramble about how not tired I am. Like i’ll be actively falling asleep and will be telling the person i’m having a convo with that i’m not tired and i’m not going to bed. Only to be asleep thirty (30) seconds later. I also get really cuddly when i’m drifting off and normally Im not that cuddly cause of how warm I am.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
White cheddar popcorn, those chewy smarties ropes, and a coca-cola icee. it slaps fr
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
It’s a playlist that my best friend made when we took a twenty (20) hour round trip, road trip. It’s twelve (12) hours long and i’m obsessed with it. We had so many great unhinged moments during that drive. We still text about them to this day and the road-trip was last year lmao. We were slightly crazy to drive that much in a 36 hour span but it was worth it. We’ve got memories that we will talk about for the rest of our lives.
Extra info:
I’m the baby of my family, I’m going into healthcare, I love turtles (like kind of an obsession), i’m touch starved to the max but won’t do anything to fix it, I have a weighted dino and a weighted blanket that I sleep with. If I don’t have those I will explode. Oh, and I have a fear of sleepovers. So…yeah… :).
Thank you so much for doing this!!! It really made me think about myself which was fun! I hope you are having an awesome day!!
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Hmmm, this one really had me percolating over the Redactedness brackets. In the end, it’s something about your Enneagram type that really settles me with Milo as your match.
9w1s are known as the Dreamers, characterized by this optimistic and unshakable sense of justice and a sense of responsibility to uphold it, to do what’s right. This seems supported by your goals of working in medicine/healthcare. That’s hella Sweetheart-coded which makes you a perfect fit for Milo. (Also, Milo is totally a momma’s boy, and I think he’d be so delighted to be with someone who works in health/healing like Marie. Like, not in a weird way, but it’d probably feel very familiar and loving to him.)
Also, Milo, like most shifters, is the perfect boyfriend for touchstarved babes who needed weighted things to sleep. We’ve all heard his “Comforted by-” audio; we all know he would give the best head scratches, and that’s not even mentioning what a fantastic weighted blanket/animal he would make in his wolf form. You’d be so sweet together: him with his cat, you with your turtle(s), those cats and turtles and their playfully antagonistic relationship. I can very much imagine Aggro being a dick to some turtles in a fun, cartoon, Tom & Jerry way.
You know I'll treat you right/ We'll dance through the morning while everyone's sleeping/ And if you get too tired/ Just rest your lips on mine/ Lovers don't have to just kiss in the evening/ I think we danced last night till three in the morning
One of my favorite fandom headcanons is that Milo loves old-school, classic love songs of the crooning, swing dancing variety; I think it’s some combination of his accent, rakish charm, and confidence. I could easily imagine this playing through your house in the evenings, those twilight hours between night and day, between asleep and awake, when you are sleepy enough to let him lead you through a dance.
Geordi, I love for you because I think he’s an unashamed Marvel fanboy, and I love pairing nerds together; y’all deserve it. Personally, I think he’s a Spiderman fan, and y’all could have some very fun debates about Team Captain America versus Team Iron Man. Elliott would be a cute runner-up because I think it’d be sweet to put two babies of the family together- like, your energies would match- and you two could have a fun college meet-cute; that setting would really suit him.
note: thank you for waiting so patiently~
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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saisons-en-enfer · 2 months
Glad to see you're doing better king
Thank you I appreciate that 🖤🌹I wouldn’t say I’m better but I’m more functional since the psych ward because of new meds
Plus two days ago I listened to a new song by empire of the sun and that really hooked me back into music I really haven’t been listening to much music at all the last two months and I was in such a foul mood because of it
Also my friend came to see me on the weekend and she slapped me so hard for not doing a birthday party for myself so I guess that has to happen and now I’m planning it finally
Gonna do a playlist (I never do playlist) and ask people to submit one song they love dancing to and I’ll dance with them to that song :)
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cuddly-asexual · 1 year
Shadowpeach Mood Playlist
I love music and listen to a lot of it. I also love Lego Monkie Kid and have too many thoughts about it which led me to making some character mood playlists. I felt pretty good about them and thought it would be fun to share them with y’all :)
This is my “Shadowpeach” Playlist, but it’s really a mixture of Wukong songs, Macaque songs and shadowpeach songs. Thoughts below the cut. My method of choosing songs for mood playlists is kinda eclectic, but I hope you enjoy it! I’ll keep this updated too when I add new stuff.
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King Bitch - Well, Wukong is a king and I think he can also be kind of a bitch especially when he’s at peak hubris.
ごめんね… - Just the vibes on this one tbh. The track is titled “I’m sorry…” and I vividly picture the immediate aftermath of when Wukong took Macaque’s eye (and/or killed him depending on how y’all read that scene). Also the Kamen Rider Blade soundtrack goes so unbelievably hard I had to share it.
Lost in the Clouds - The Monkey King with his head lost in the clouds…
Close to the Heavens - …And his shadow watches from below.
Gonna preface these next few with how funny I think it is that most of my emo nu metal/alt rock shit fits Macaque really well.
A Place for My Head - Literally THIS:
“I watch how the moon sits in the sky in the dark night
Shining with the light from the sun
And sun doesn't give light to the moon assuming
The moon's gonna owe it one”
But for real this is just macaque after they have their last (?) big fight while Wukong is trapped under the mountain, he’s done.
Get Out Alive - Coward Macaque anthem babey. This feels very s3 Macaque to me, but I can see Brotherhood Macaque fitting as well. (“He” as the teasing Peng and “She” as the teasing LBD, despite him not being able to run away in either of those situations)
Gave It All Away - Some of Macaque’s general feelings while Wukong is out there trying to become the strongest. I also think it fits the situation of the Brotherhood going to fight the jade emperor when Macaque just wanted things to return back to what they were (him and Wukong on Flower Fruit Mountain, just the two of them, forever).
Enemy - Macaque to Wukong when he returns from the dead. Bonus: mentions the shadows babey.
Cast No Shadow - Shadow boy Macaque time babey. Bonus moon mention.
uoY mA I - They are alike in almost every way so…
Don’t Forget - A more hopeful Macaque trying to cheer up a trapped Wukong.
黒点 - Hard to pin down my thoughts on this one, but I think the visuals from Houseki no Kuni when the luanrians start to appear from the black spots reminds me of Macaque and his shadows. He is looming.
シンシャ - Macaque reminds me of Cinnabar from Houseki no Kuni with all the moon imagery and the fact that both of them are loners, but have a deep connection to a very “bright” personality. It’s a beautiful track and I thought it fit him as well.
光よ - Real “Macaque swimming in the cold, cold afterlife” vibes.
Tek It -More Macaque being fucking done with Wukong’s shit. Bonus moon mention.
Man on the Moon - Sappy shadowpeach time babey
Chasing the Torrents - Song slaps and they need an epic battle theme so here it is.
Lonesome Mood - Wukong left this monkey in a Lonesome Mood™
The Day Before - We love a post break-up cry song.
Icarus - Kinda superficial but the line where Macaque says he got too close to the sun replays in my mind and I love this song so here it is
Last Regrets - I think we all know these two have many regrets, especially regarding each other.
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? - This feels more Wukong to me, feeling apologetic, but I can see Macaque having these thoughts too.
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