#also the music taste is literally just early 2000s punk rock
angelpuns · 1 year
Me: if I wasn't such a shitty sibling I'd have a better relationship with my siblings :(
Me and my siblings: *all have the same music taste*
Me: oh :)
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
New WIP Tag Game! OC Fun Facts!
Hey! So I'm bored and want to do something fun, so here it goes a new OC tag game!
(I originally posted this in the wrong place lol, because I was hella tired yesterday, but here it goes - a repost on my actual blog lmao)
Also, pls reblog to get the game going! 💕
Rules: Make a list of fun facts about your OCs. Like a headcanon list, if you will! Except it's actually canon lol.
I'll go with some of the cast from Scrapyard Boys!
Valen Cassidy
... has never dated anyone before and despite his usual brash, occasionally hawkish, and extroverted personality, actually feels really awkward/too shy to ask anyone out
... likes pop rock, pop punk, and heavy metal. his music taste varies between happy-go-lucky, upbeat, feel-good songs and the most aggressive "I hate the world"-type heavy metal
... hyper fixates on arcade games and hates losing. like, he'll throw a full-on pity party or start an argument if he loses In front of other people
... can only sleep properly if he has his dinosaur plushie with him but will never let anyone find out
...can mess someone up in a fight, especially if he hates that person or if that person threatened his friends. like he is freakishly strong and has a very short temper - his punches are devastating and his superpower isn't even super-strength
... is a night owl and hates waking up too early. is the most grumpy, angry kid in the face of the earth up until 10AM even if he drinks a truckload of coffee
... has some anger issues and feels super bad when he accidentally snaps at/says something rude to someone without a reason - he doesn't mean to be rude, and if he happens to be stressed and loses his temper, he is very harsh on himself afterward
... can actually bake pretty well and loves making cupcakes
... hates horror movies with a burning passion but will watch them if dared just to uphold his "tough guy" reputation, and then promptly won't sleep for two nights straight afterwards
... since his power is Electrical Conduction, he can actually charge things, like cellphones and laptops, etc, if he does so very carefully
Quince Warren
... likes 80s pop music and early 2000s alternative rock songs, especially grunge
... prefers to solve things diplomatically or by talking it out, because his powers are usually lethal to others and he's scared of using his powers to this day
... likes waking up early, usually before anybody else, and sleeps so soundly he could literally sleep through the apocalypse if it happened
... could not dance properly if his life depended on it
... drinks more coffee than is probably healthy, but likely doesn't realize it isn't ideal
... cries while watching romantic comedies and gets way too invested when watching soap operas
... has unnatural pain tolerance - can probably break an arm and legit not realize anything is wrong until someone points it out
... will eat pizza for breakfast if unsupervised
... is unhingedly good at hide-and-seek to the point that his friends will give up looking for him and he'll simply emerge, seemingly from out of nowhere, and they'll have no idea where he came from
... is very respectful to others and despises people who don't respect other's boundaries
Jordan Raith
... suffers from chronic insomnia and gets pissed off when he can't sleep even though he knows to expect it, takes sleeping medicine but his superhuman metabolism refuses to let it work
... likes all things macabre, gothic, and dark, ranging from 1800s gothic romance novels to early 2000s teen horror movies, will 100% enjoy the heck out of a Halloween party
... occasionally sleepwalks and talks in his sleep almost every night
... adores fast food, especially from diners, and his favorite food to order is strawberry milkshakes with a plate of tuna sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies
... loves listening to music and is almost always wearing his headphones, has a playlist for every occasion, and his favorite music genres range from moody, dark aesthetic songs to cheesy pop songs
... has a 'bad boy style' and genuinely digs it, as he is a fan of a gothic aesthetic, and despite being a troublemaker is also a cinnamon roll
... is the most dangerous, murderous, and downright ruthless member of the main cast, even some villains are afraid of him
... has an old motorcycle
... confessed his feelings for the girl he likes (Maggie) a week after meeting her, and their first date was eating ice cream on a graveyard. they've been soulmates ever since
... hates loud noises and people who are obnoxiously loud in proximity to him
... is unpredictable and genuinely terrifying to his enemies
... is bad at handling tech and social media - gets confused easily and might post a bunch of nonsense on accident + has no patience to handle it
Emily Warren
... loves puppies and cats with her whole heart, and has a chonky cat named Sir Theodore Smothie The Third, who has the personality of a chaotic little bastard of a gremlin
... has a crush on Valen because she finds his personality endearing and he is generally a great friend but is waiting to figure out if he feels the same about her
... loves survival videogames and is very competitive when it comes to beating a high score
... despite singing rather well, likes to playfully sing as awfully as she can to annoy her brother (Quince)
... can play the guitar decently and likes learning new tunes
... rarely gets into fights but has a couple of brass knuckles and a switchblade in her pockets just in case
... dyes a single strand of her hair a different color each month, or every time she can remember to
... wears glasses and has very poor eyesight without them
... her power is Combustion and she has pretty bad control over it so she can either cause block-levelling explosions or less than nothing, and it's very much a problem
... loves musicals and boy bands - and has a poster of her favorite boy band in her room
... adds stickers to anything and everything, especially if they're glittery stickers
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@the-golden-comet, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams
@wyked-ao3 and OPEN TAG
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
How do you think the grunts feel about human music? We have so many genres and sub genres. I mean they have music too based off the literal first episode of Madcom, but they probably have a more limited amount because who has the time to make music in the wasteland that is Nevada? Maybe one day they hear music coming from the player (They’re listening to music while going about their business) and are immediately interested. Uhhhh idk maybe they’re listening to Wonderwall or something
Well, judging by the first episode and the last episodes where the club that Tricky was in used to be a thing, I have to think that the music-era that grunts are in is definitely something that is a relic of the early 2000's to mid-2000's. Especially since Tricky likes "The Hamster Dance" and when was the last time that song ever trended? Nevada is stuck in that era of music because the madness eventually took over and all the clubs that used to play music got shut down by the Auditor. So music is mostly a pass time and I think public radios are pretty much barely existing in Nevada. Judging by the first episode, I think Hank finds music as a source of annoyance. Which triggers him into killing all of those grunts in the first place. Maybe it was the genre or just the sheer arrogance from the boombox grunt not being considerate of others around them. Regardless of what caused it, I think Hank just finds music overall overstimulating or as a source of pointless noise. But if his Player is playing songs, I think he would be tolerant and curious. I think his favorite genre would be dark punk or rock. Sanford and Deimos come from an era that follows after Hank's hunt of the Sheriff. But they would also have older tastes in music in comparison to modern day humans. Other then techno and "The Hamster Dance", there's not much to the variety of Nevada's music industry. But once the Player begins to show them different songs and genres, they both begin to broaden their horizons with more music and modern day songs. Deimos listens to pop rock and trending songs while he works and Sanford would listen to workout mixes and original musicians while he works out or cooks dinner for the group. (Johnathan Young, Geoff Castellucci, Kamex, and Vetrom for example.) 2B is old enough to remember the sunlight, but still is partially younger than Hank. Still, he probably feels the same about music like Hank does. It's a constant noise maker and doesn't really do much for him in ways of inspiring him. But, he has to admit, working in dead silence while his group members are out would be nice to help him pass the time. So when the Player introduces him to much more mellow music, ones that he can work and be aware of his surroundings at the same time, he's pretty much playing them every time he feels his day just dragging along. He fancies wordless music and instrumentals. Maybe even classical music? Just something he can play in the background on a low volume so he feels less alone and much more occupied. As a whole, I think the world of Nevada really needs more music and fun. Those poor grunts are still listening to songs that were made in the early 2000's, they really need some new albums dropped.
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vauxxy · 1 year
songs i think the marauders era characters would EAT THE FUCK UP!!
james potter
‘say yes’ by elliott smith
i feel like james doesn’t really listen to music that much, more so just pick out a few songs that sirius and remus like and just go with it. remus loves elliott smith (despite his more ‘grunge’ music taste) so he would play a lot of his songs when he’s alone or just chilling out.
james would hear this song and be like “UMMM THIS IS SO ME CORE” and he’d listen to it on repeat for WEEKS.
remus lupin
‘my iron lung’ by radiohead
this mother fucker is a radiohead stan. remus is the radiohead bf sirius is his blur gf.
he loves a little guitar riff and then absolutely nonsensical breakdowns in the middle of the chorus 👍
also i feel like he just relates to the teen angst vibe of it. he listens to it when he’s upset that he’s a queer werewolf from care home. so HIS ‘iron lung’ in that sense would be he queerness and his upbringing, or maybe even sirius at some points.
sirius black
‘beetlebum’ by blur
one thing abt sirius is that he only listens to brit-rock or 2000’s pop punk bangers with explicit sexual innuendos. they just hit!
he’s an early p!atd stan btw. soz.
and a deftones boy. cringe!
but he really likes blur!! he listens to it for hours at a time. he just LOVES the chorus soooo much. it’s a bit basic but he likes it.
lily evans
‘velvet ring’ by big thief
i feel like lily is a folk fan above all other genres of music. obviously she loves fleetwood mac, taylor swift, etc… but her loyalties lie with the cluttered, wordy and intimate lyricism of artists like big thief, clario and sidney gish.
lily listens to this specific song whenever she feel nostalgic or when she’s got growing pains. it kinda grounds her. she’s the type of person who gets so fixated on the past or what her futures gonna look like, so she channels those feelings into reflection instead. she finds a lot big thief’s songs do just that :)
marlene mckinnon
‘debris’ by lowertown
marlene loves indie girl music!! she loves messy vocals and melancholic chord progressions, so she lovesss lowertown.
this song is basically the verbalisation of how she feels other people would treat her if she finally opened up. she feels deeply attacked by the lyrics lol xx
mary mcdonald
‘this is what makes us girls’ by lana del rey
this mf loves lana del rey more than anything. she is a dark feminine born to die giant falsies dark pink french tips and ices mocha latte typa girlie.
this song just makes her feel so powerful and so connected to her friends!! she thinks it’s just so her. she also feels like her attractiveness is one of her best qualities (which isn’t true she’s literally the funniest and kindest girl at hogwarts) and one of her only strengths and she HATES FEELING THAT WAY… so when she listens to lana she’s like ‘mmm she’s so mother! she gets me!!!’
she knows she’s a pretty girl with a group of pretty girl friends and she loves it!!!!
regulus black
‘you’re on your own kid’ by taylor swift
ok regulus is not a tswizzle fan by any means.
but pandora likes her and forced him to listen to a few of her favourite songs. when this song came on he was like “… ok wtf 😧 she’s so me”
all of the lyrics just ATE in his mind. he relates to every lyric PAINFULLY SO.
‘whatever’ by elliott smith
pandora listens to literally every type of music ever.
she likes phoebe bridgers and found out about elliott smith though her, and heard this song and was like “elliott smith wrote this song about reggie and i xx”
they’re best friends! they are literally the bestest of friends. such a pure friendship.
all of them :)
‘spring’ by angel olsen
bro you’ve gotta listen to this song. it’s like evil crack.
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undeadvinyls · 2 years
hiii 👀 can you a give a brief bio for each of your teenage pvz OCS? i don't know much Abt them 💥
OH YEAH!!!! let me just say it's NOT going to make sense, any of it, it's kinda like tf2 (As in, you can add as much bullshit as you want and it will still make sense lmfao)
betty - or by her full name, beatrice, is the child of electric boogaloo and my oc dazzling starr. with a talent for playing the drums and fashion. a total grunge/riot grrrl. bisexual disaster. dating jules. she gets her father's electricity powers and a bit of her mom's music powers. daddy's girl. rlly likes to sew as well!! most of her clothes are DIY she made out of junk or upgraded
paul - betty's twin brother, full name, paul lee. hes very talented in chemistry and biology. he also likes to play acoustic guitar and sometimes even banjo. just like his sister, he rlly likes fashion too and is NOT going to walk in some trash, even if he's a zombie. he's a mama's boy on the other hand and he gets more of dazz' powers.
jules - by her full name, julianne, science girl from the neighborhood with the highest GPA/best grades in the whole school/z academy. a snarky filipino with love for alternative rock. she's the vocalist in betty's band, hex graves. also loves skateboarding a lot, and watching old anime (her fav is sailor moon and revolutionary girl utena) she's also M.D. Livings' niece and he loves her dearly even if he's mf medic tf2 zombified. huge lesbian.
cass - full name, cassandra, chilean jock who loves a good game of sports, but loves filmography way more. she likes to make experimental films by herself with the help of her besties. she also has 2 moms she got adopted by :] she plays the guitar in the band. her music taste is like early 2000s punk rock/pop punk. pansexual and dating graham.
harper - actually named hajnal, as she's part hungarian, but prefers her nickname. the zompire coming from a family of aristocracy but hates it. doesn't like to be put in 16th century dresses and prefers to dress like an emo kid straight from the 2000s; the same for her music taste. my chemical romance is her unlife. she can and WILL fashion police everyone. also a huge fan of sculpting and art (she has mary sue ocs). aroace :] shes also the bassist of the band
graham - a total punkass, but his scary appearance is just a facade; he's a big sweetheart deep down and he has a big love for literature (but he writes self insert fanfics abt historical periods like his most popular 10,000 word trojan war fic). he LOVES punk rock and especially the stuff that goes extremely hard. oh, and daddy and mommy issues. A LOT. anyways he's pan + ace and dating cass.
zach - full name, zacharias, he comes from a big family of pirates. he rlly likes chemistry too but for different reasons; he simply wants to know what to put in bombs. the reason he has 4 arms and glowy eyes is cuz his mom got "cursed" that her next child would look like that, but now he's living his best unlife not caring a bit. he also rlly likes board games and literally you cant beat him in them. he has 5 siblings, roger, nick, taylor and hazel who are older and a younger brother. hes gay and dating paul :]
thats all!! tysm for asking i know some stuff might not make sense but trust me you can put as much bullshit as you want into pvz and it'll STILL make sense lmfao.
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rakunoko · 3 months
you should tell us what kind of songs you like so we can hear them and think of you!
Oh man, that is a rather tricky thing to do, hahaha. My comfort artists are Imagine Dragons (I've been listening to them since they started all that time ago—not one song they don't have, I don't know about. My favorite albums are Night Visions and Smoke and Mirrors. Both bring me comfort and yet make me sad with nostalgia) and David Bowie. Recently, Wallows has become an artist I have come to love because the feeling their music gives me is a sort of melancholic coziness/nostalgia. I literally cannot get enough of their stuff. You also cannot go wrong with Depeche Mode, but it's hard to choose a fav of theirs. As for Queen, tho, my favorite song of theirs is 'Killer Queen' and 'Good Ol' Fashion Lover Boy.' Hell, even Nickleback is a good choice (Yes, I listen to them and have since I was young. I love them and wish to see them live, but all their shows are in Canada at the moment) As for actual songs, some of my favs (since there are too many and I am on the spot, so aaa) are: -As the World Falls Down -David Bowie (I am weak for this song. You have NO idea how bad it is. If you need a song to associate with me, it is this one) -Leon's Theme -from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (Literally ANY Castlevania tune will be repeated, especially if it's from SOTN. Castlevania is my LIFE fr)-Merry Go Round of Life -Joe Hisaishi -These Days -Wallows -Sidelines -Wallows -Witch Image -Ghost -Rats -Ghost -Dense Macabre -Ghost -Round and Round -Imagine Dragons (Or really any song off the Delux Edition of Night Visions) -Good Grief -Bastille -Surfin' USA -Beach Boys -California Dreamin' -The Mamas and the Papas -Tough to be a God -El Dorado and the cover by Johnathan Young I also have a playlist of songs that make me cry from love because they make me think of my dad/found fam, which includes: -I'm Happy -Imagine Dragons -Deus in Absentia -Ghost -Instant Sunshine -Luke Million and LAU -Family -Mother Mother -You're My best friend -Queen -Friends -Band of Skulls Lately, my earworm has been Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go and Bad Medicine cuz UGHA so fucking good. Though TBF, my music taste is ALL over the place. I love listening to music from the 50s to the early/mid-2000s and sometimes video game music/scores, though I mainly enjoy 80s music. I love the rock there and all the yummy synth sounds they have, which is no surprise if you have seen my blog aesthetic or even my art over at @wonderlandjester (Sounds such as the sounds in We Built This City by Starships). But you can't ever go wrong with someone like Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash, Beach Boys, or even Dean Martin. (Which fun fact: the only thing to get me to stop fussing as a baby was Dean Martin's 'That's Amore' hehe) So yes, if you care, dearest anon, if you want to know my genre(s), mainly rock and all its subcategories: classic, Indie, Pop, and Punk. Because let's face it, punk rock is everything, hahaha. And Synth/Electronic. I eat that shit UPPP and keep a synth playlist saved on Spotify for a reason yahahaha. Sorry if I rambled, but I just enjoy music so much, and it's nice to share words about the kinds I like, even if I am a bit anxious to share them irl with people. DMS are open if you ever want me to share some songs, too!
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charmustdie · 3 years
haikyuu boys’ music tastes bc i got very bored
hinata - definitely a rex orange county stan, like mellow indie songs and a bit of pop as well 
favourite song: sunflower - rex orange county
kageyama - INDIE ROCK, he comes across as a bit of a music snob bc he doesnt like pop but he secretly vibes to the black eyed peas when he’s home alone
favourite song: i bet that you look good on the dancefloor - arctic monkeys
tsukishima - a lot of pop punk and generic rock, he never rlly had an emo phase but appreciates the genius of patrick stump and matt bellamy with the enthusiasm of a former emo
favourite song: saturday - fall out boy
yamaguchi - THE EMO PHASE IS STRONG WITH THIS ONE, he was definitely a my chem stan in middle school, but now he also listens to the same kind of music as hinata, so his taste is broad
favourite song: early sunsets over monroeville - my chemical romance
tanaka - he has the most obnoxious music taste ever but it all lowkey slaps, like u could trust him with the aux as long as u dont mind pitbull and hollywood undead at full volume
favourite song: DONTTRUSTME - 3OH!3
nishinoya - pretty much the same taste as tanaka, they share playlists all the time
favourite song: international love - pitbull (THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE)
asahi - hear me out, he LOVES old music, like 70s disco and dad rock. if you play abba he WILL sing along badly
favourite song: how deep is your love - bee gees
sugawara - definitely has very generic music taste, like just regular 2000s pop (despite having an emo phase in the past) but he definitely stans beyonce and lady gaga a little too much
favourite song: boom boom pow - black eyed peas
daichi - also v generic music taste but i KNOW this man listens to country music when he goes on long drives
favourite song: classic - mkto
oikawa - he’ll listen to anything but britney spears is his queen n i love that for him
favourite song: if u seek amy - britney spears
iwaizumi - very much just generic workout music, like it’s very predictable but all goes so hard for no reason
favourite song: come with me now - kongos
kyoutani - he’s still in his emo phase n its BAD, like hes at THAT point in his emo phase (u know the one)
favourite song: you only live once - suicide silence
kindaichi - im sorry but his music taste is probably SO BLAND
favourite song: thinking out loud - ed sheeran (HAHAJIJFJDKGHRIF IM SORRY KINDAICHI)
kunimi - either like hyperpop/nightcore or like,,, HEAVY rock. no inbetween
favourite song: ghost rule - DECO*27
kuroo - a healthy mix between fuckboy music and alt rock
favourite song: everywhere i go - hollywood undead
kenma - honestly he probably listens to video game soundtracks, like when he goes jogging with the team he’s playing rooftop run act 1 through his skullcandy earbuds
favourite song: my ordinary life - the living tombstone
lev - literally everything, like he has zero preference at all, it’s anarchy in that man’s spotify
favourite song: september - earth, wind and fire
yaku - a bit of everything but he has an inexplicable fondness for midwest emo despite never having had an emo phase
favourite song: blue eyes like the devil’s water - mccafferty
inuoka - probably pretty similar to tanaka and noya but more wholesome if that makes sense??
favourite song: growl - exo
bokuto - either genuinely amazing songs or the stupidest stuff he could find in the depths of the internet (once akaashi caught him unironically listening to the “cat, im a kitty cat” song from like 2008)
favourite song: juice - lizzo
akaashi - very mellow, almost bittersweet songs. like konoha has looked through his spotify and was quite concerned
favourite song: talking to the moon - bruno mars
konoha - probably pretty similar to kuroo’s music taste tbh
favourite song: gives you hell - all-american rejects
ushijima - honestly he probably doesnt listen to much music unless tendou makes him but he has a couple of rlly old songs that he likes
favourite song: what a wonderful world - louis armstrong
tendou - one look at this man’s spotify n you KNOW he’s unhinged, like his playlists are the embodiment of mental illness
favourite song: lights out - mindless self indulgence
goshiki - aw he thinks he’s so cool, he has the playlists of a 13 yr old who just developed an individuality complex and honestly i love that for him
favourite song: bang bang - green day
shirabu - this mf listens to nothing but rage music and honestly i don’t blame him
favourite song: true friends - bring me the horizon
semi - god his spotify is BUSSIN, like his playlists are always IMMACULATE with the perfect mix of everything
favourite song: be nice to me - the front bottoms
atsumu - fuckboy music. that’s it. like he’s so annoying when he has the aux but he has a couple of bangers that are absolutely worth it
favourite song: 24K magic - bruno mars
osamu - very similar to kags tbh, a lot of indie rock and he resents atsumu’s music taste lmao
favourite song: iris - goo goo dolls
suna - a good middleground between tendou and osamu’s tastes, like he’s unhinged but make it lowkey
favourite song: bloody mary - lady gaga
aran - i just know this man has some fantastic playlists, like he definitely has the best music taste of everyone on the team
favourite song: supermassive black hole - muse
kita - mellow asf but like it almost makes u worry, like how is he so calm, surely he’s gotta snap at some point
favourite song: corduroy dreams - rex orange county
terushima - all types of rock but he listens to classic punk n its just PURRRRRR
favourite song: too drunk to fuck - dead kennedys
koganegawa - i have no idea what’s going on in his spotify but whatever it is, it’s a vibe
favourite song: discord - the living tombstone
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afrival · 4 years
Hetalia Characters and Their Music Tastes
I’ve been in the hetalia fandom for like a year now and I stg thinking abt what these bitches listen to NEVER gets old
no warnings
will feature mostly modern day music, like 1950s-2010s
I don’t know a lot of artists that don’t sing in English so there’s probably A LOT that I’m missing on here, not even including shit from like the 1800s
The Allies
Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood, The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, Crazy In Love by Beyoncé
- Listens to basically everything, but particular fond of like 80s rock and early 2000s shit
- Likes country music bc ofc he does, a huge fan of Carrie Underwood, Sam Hunt, and The Band Perry
- Got his love of rock from England 💀 Especially during the like the 60s-80s when Queen, The Beatles, and Elton John really popular
- They really only bond over their love for this period of music lmao like they would absolutely go ape during karaoke
- He loves more mainstream artists like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, all those iconic mfs
- Probably enjoys old wartime music just for nostalgias sake. Shit from the 40s and he listens to Civil War tunes (Union Dixie lmao)
- Definitely listens to musicals and forces Ivan to as well. His favorites are Hamilton, Hairspray, and Chess
- LOVES LOVES LOVES The Backstreet Bogs holy shit. This man had a whole phase where he dressed like they did. Don’t even dare play I Want It That Way because he WILL sing along
- Speaking of which he’s actually a really good singer, like he probably used to sing at clubs and shit back in the day
- It’s very specific but I imagine his voice to sound like Taron Egerton’s cover of “Crocodile Rock” by Elton John
Killer Queen by Queen, Set Fire to the Rain by Adele, Tiny Dancer by Elton John
- Old man who had a weird punk phase in the 90s. Definitely listens to The Beatles and Gorillaz
- Like I said, he and Alfred bond over Queen and Elton and Bon Jovi and FUCKING Michael Jackson
- Refuses to admit he really likes Elvis
- Oh boy. He had so much fun in like late 2000s and early 2010s— Panic at the Disco, MCR, Green Day, he absolutely got his ears pierced during this time
- Doesn’t listen to like current mainstream music that much he will sob to Adele and probably really likes the Cry Baby album by Melanie Martinez.
- Francis plays so much Lady Gaga in the car that at this point he really likes her music
- He likes Ed Sheeran I am so sorry </3 and he absolutely gets bullied for it
- He can sing too honestly? I know I just said he listens to Ed Sheeran but I honestly think he kinda sounds like him too just maybe a little deeper
- Listen to Galway Girl and you’ll get a basic idea of what I imagine he sounds like
Dance and Cry by Mother Mother, Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, смерти Больше нет by IC3PEAK
- THIS MANS MUSIC TASTE MAKES NO SENSE. It ranges from fucking Aerosmith to Ic3peak to Lady Gaga
- Literally has every Mother Mother album downloaded and probably on Vinyl bc he’s a fucking dweeb
- Also a huge musical stannie, loves Wicked and Hairspray
- He and Al will split the parts to sing along to in the car
- Alfred made him listen to Britney Spears ONCE in like the 90s and now he’s obsessed
- Speaking of the 90s he went absolutely fucking ape during this time. The USSR wasn’t very big on western music but when it fell there was a HUGE influx of it and suddenly like it was just his favorite thing ever
- Alfred also got him into Carrie Underwood, literally lost of his music taste comes from Alfred forcing him to listen to shit
- During the 70s/80s he got really into Fleetwood Mac and Aerosmith, maybe even a little bit of disco but not a lot
- Went to a club with Al a few times and he won’t ever forget dancing to Footloose by Kenny Loggins at like one in the morning and having the absolute time of his life, easily one of his favorite memories
- Like I get so soft thinking about him just letting loose and actually having fun, even though he was very stiff and shit during the 1900s
- He can’t sing LMAO but my friend and I said once that he could lowkey rap really well and now it’s all I think about
From Eden by Hozier, La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf, Primadona by Marina
- If you look up the gay agenda his playlist would just show up
- I mean seriously he has it all: Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Lorde
- HOWEVER she does really enjoy softer sounding music. Edith Piaf, Louis Armstrong, and Vera Lynn are favorites of his
- Listens to the Les Mis soundtrack like once a month
- REALLY REALLY loves Hozier, like a whole lot. He’s probably one of his favorite artists along with Sufjan Stevens
- Even more of his homo playlist includes Marina, Madonna and Troye Sivan
- Bullies Arthur for liking Ed Sheeran but he also really likes Ed Sheeran, just refuses to admit it
- Stromae ofc 🙄🤚 can’t just not include like the most popular French musician or whatever
- He can also sing but he sounds kinda raspy, it’s nice tho
- I don’t think he listens to music LMAO, if he does it’s probably instrumental
The Axis
Elastic Heart by Sia, From Now On from The Greatest Showman, Natural by Imagine Dragons
- Also doesn’t really listen to music but my friend said that when he does it ranges from classical to heavy metal
- For some reason I think he really likes Sia, he seems like a Sia kind of guy
- Doesn’t listen to Hozier but really loves Take Me to Church
- Most of his music listening comes from giving Feli the aux in the car
- The whore listens to Imagine Dragons like he fucking loves them
- When The Greatest Showman came out he had the soundtrack on repeat for a solid month, From Now Onis one of his favorite songs ever
- Cannot sing Jesus Christ do not let him near a mic
Thank u, next by Ariana Grande, Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder, Bella Ciao by Manu Pillas
- Pop music! So much pop!
- Loves Ariana Grande and Conan Gray
- Probably listens to A LOT of classical because of his time with Austria
- His music taste is kinda all over the fucking place and it’s mostly happy and peppy shit
- Weirdly tho he listens to GRLwood? Like it’ll just shhow up on shuffle and suddenly he’s an entire different person
- Will listen to absolutely everything just to find something that Ludwig likes, was so proud of himself when Ludwig really ended up loving The Greatest Showman
- Doesn’t sing but plays like 5 instruments. Violin and piano are his faves
It’s Been So Long by The Living Tombstone, Faded by Alan Walker, Ophelia by The Lumineers
- The fnaf songs are his guilty fucking pleasures, he fucking loves them
- Loves loves loves the Undertake Soundtrack
- Listens to a lot of anime openings 💀 Me too tbh they’re so good at for what
- Big fan of TheFatRat
- In general he enjoys techno shit? Idk what the word is but it’s a lot of instrumental
- Listens to regular music as well (The Lumineers especially)
- Likes listening to Elvis because it makes him happy to see Alfred having fun
- Feli also introduces him to a lot of music but he can never fucking remember the names of the songs or artists
- He hums a lot rather than sings, and it’s really soft and gentle
If anybody wants any more characters lmk bc I love coming up with these, also I do have playlists for these bitches 😎✌️ Spotify is in my linktree (bio)
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jaeger-soul · 3 years
Hiii! It’s music anon lol If you created playlists for me, I’d faint LOL Porcelain tat sounds so cool ✨ ! A oneshot based on “Don’t Miss Me” omg I’d read it asap, I’ve read all your fanfic stuff 😊✨ Totally ready for the punk suggestions and can’t believe I have never heard ANY of these songs before! Honestly I’ve been under a rock all this time! I’m not used to anyone suggesting music I like, but every song you pick literally rocks. Even today, I woke up with “All To Myself” stuck my head 😂
sorry it took me a hot sec to reply to this message - it's been a crazy few days
i'll definitely create you some playlists. i need to find my login information for spotify cause fuck if i remember it but when i do, i'll make you something
i need to think some more about Don't Miss Me before I write anything based on it - it'll probably be danny phantom and let's face, you know it'll be dash and danny lmao
yeah i mean i don't think you've necessarily been under a rock, it's just that my taste is immaculate and unmatched lmao
i listen to both punk and pop punk and honestly, i forget which is technically classified as which these days so... here are some general punk/pop-punk recs:
i miss you by blink-182 (arguably one of the greatest songs of the early 2000s)
little things - good charlotte (this is just straight up classic GC music and it holds up today)
high school never ends - bowling for soup (again, just an amazing pop punk anthem. i listen to this one a lot when writing high school scenes lmao)
predictable - good charlotte (it's hard not to just recommend their entire discography cause i grew up on their shit my man. i listened to this a lot during the early days of writing stay - and it still holds up eighteen years later)
therapy - all time low (listen, my friend. this is the shit. you think you've heard good music? it doesn't hold a candle to this shit right here. i've lost count of the amount of times i've like cry-screamed to this one. it's so fucking good. not everyone vibes with it so i won't be offended if you don't but holy shit it's so good)
weightless - all time low (this one's great, too. definitely one of those ones to scream in your car)
dear maria, count me in - all time low (i can't rec all time low and not rec this one - it's their crowning jewel)
late nights in my car - real friends (bruuuhhh, no words. so good)
me first - real friends (the pure angst in this one is immaculate)
from the outside - real friends (peak of their career tbh)
passing through a screen door - the wonder years (this one gets into the angry side of punk music so i completely get it if this isn't for you. it's a fine line to walk for sure but man is this my theme song. i've also used it as a title for a chapter of stay)
came out swinging - the wonder years (this one. screaming in your car. trying to figure out your life in a single night - holy god, it's perfect)
my last semester - the wonder years (you want to talk angst? this is great angst. i feel this shit in my soul)
there's a lot more punk music i listen to but that's what i can remember off the top of my head. and it's a good start to the world of punk and pop-punk music
honestly i'd recommend anything by the wonder years or good charlotte. i'm a little more choosy with the other bands i've linked above but they've all got good stuff
quick note about real friends - from 2011 to 2018, they released a handful of EP's and full albums with the lead singer Dan Lambton - all of which were amazing and angsty and generally a fun ride. in early 2020, Real Friends announced that Dan was exiting the band, no animosity between any of the band mates, it was just time for Dan to go in a different direction (i have thoughts about this lmao)
in 2021, Real Friends began releasing music with a new lead singer, Cody Muraro. Cody is a great vocalist and their songs are still incredible lyrically. But it's a different sound.
Not just because Dan's no longer the lead vocalist but their sound has shifted. They're less punk, a little more pop - i feel like they're trying to stay punk, it's just not as strong as when Dan was with them.
I don't hate their new music but it doesn't give me that same gut punch that their old stuff does. so i recommend anything by real friends from 2018 and before - and after 2018, i'm a lot more choosy about which songs i like
anyway. now that the essay about real friends is over with lmao, i'll leave you to enjoy these punk/pop-punk gems that i listen to on the regular
i'll make you a playlist sometime soon so definitely keep me updated on what you like so i can make you the ultimate jaeger playlist
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letteredlettered · 4 years
Loved your most recent chapter! And loved the idea that Harry literally had no clue about any even slightly less than mainstream musical artists in the magical world because he was BUSY! What do you think Harry’s music taste is like?
Thank you! I wanted to put something about bands in there because the fic is for @buildyourwalls, who once told me she wished there was more rock music in HP fic! As someone who is extremely unhip and doesn’t know most popular musicians, this isn’t something I would otherwise think about. As a result, I was going to say I don’t really know Harry’s musical taste, but when I thought about it more I had opinions. They ended up long so here’s a cut:
One thing that I sometimes feel the world doesn’t recognize is that different people have different affinity for music. For many people, music is a deeply important part of their lives. For me, it’s just not. There is some music that I love is an incredibly profound way, but I would give up music before I would give up many other parts of my life, and I don’t spend a lot of time listening to it. Even if someone does care deeply about music, some people have a harder time loving it and listening to it. I’ve rarely instantly fallen in love with a song. Some pieces or albums I had to hear over and over again before I even decided I liked it. Most music I love, I taught myself to love.
I say all this not because I necessarily think that Harry is like me, but because I sometimes feel like music is so intrinsically a part of some people’s lives that they can’t imagine someone who doesn’t think of it as essential. Because of this, they might not recognize the time music takes--the time to hear it, to listen to it, but also the time it takes to understand what is popular, what is available, what the history is, what the genres are. Many people just absorb these things, either because music is important to them or because it’s so much a part of the culture that they can’t help but absorb it. I want to point out, though, that some people have trouble absorbing culture as well. As someone who fundamentally fails to notice what is popular--not out of disdain (on the contrary, popularity fascinates me) but out of sheer oblivion--I suppose I want to make room for the other people who had never heard a Taylor Swift song until someone who had starred in a single episode of Supernatural decided to make a music video as Dean Winchester, and furthermore didn’t know it was a Taylor Swift song and wondered how come everyone knew about the Dean Winchester ripoff semi-fan Supernatural music video.
Okay, all of this to say: I feel like Harry didn’t have the time or resources early in life to get obsessed with certain types of music. When you’re a kid you hear a lot of what your guardians listen to. You might hear some things at school, but if you don’t have access to the equipment necessary or the albums you like, that might prove difficult. We may imagine pre-Hogwarts Harry having cool friends who shared their headphones, but we know Harry was bullied a lot at school by Dudley and his friends, so it was possible Harry didn’t get to have this experience. We may also imagine that perhaps Harry could go to the library during lunch and perhaps ask to borrow listening materials, but many primary school libraries might not have popular music selections, and this seems a bit swottish for Harry. This is why in The Pure and Simple Truth, Harry is a fan of rather old fashioned music--it’s stuff Petunia might have listened to, and I imagined Petunia as listening to stuff that is old-fashioned even for her, because I can hardly imagine her going punk, and she seems quite conservative.
But you could also suppose that once Harry gets to Hogwarts, he now has friends who would share music with him. I certainly think Ron seems interested in rock; I believe he’s into the Weird Sisters canonically. While I’m not sure the musical genre of the Weird Sisters is really ever described, given what we do have I’d feel pretty comfortable with the idea that Weird Sisters are alternative rock. As such, I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry really imprints on alternative rock and/or Britpop. Perhaps as a Muggle, he’d be a fan of Oasis.
All of this said, Harry spends the majority of his school time solving mysteries, battling bad guys, and then fighting a war. While he wants to be a normal kid and tries to make time for activities such as Quidditch, I think it entirely possible that he just didn’t see a lot of time for listening to music. We see a lot of Harry thinking about Quidditch and wanting to play Quidditch; we do not see a lot of Harry really just wanting to spend time with his headphones.
Okay! So, I’ve covered three possibilities: he likes 1950s music; he likes 1990s alt rock; or he just doesn’t have strong musical preferences. If the latter, one could guess that he could develop preferences later in life. While it’s true that many develop their musical tastes when younger and kind of stick to it, I’d say that phase is between 8 and 28 or so, and of course, many people continue to develop and grow their musical taste for their whole lives. Does Harry discover 70s punk? Does Harry grow to love the music of the early 2000s, when he finally has time to really absorb it? Does somehow get turned on to psychedelic folk? I don’t really have strong opinions on this; I’m not sure people’s personalities are really evidence of what music they like.
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which song went to number 1 on your birthday? (find out here)  “against all odds by mariah in the uk, come on over baby by christina in the usa. i was born in the season of taste, apparently.” 
if you could turn any scent into a candle, what would it be? “birthday cake.” 
which element best suits you: fire, earth, water or air? “fire.” 
what’s the worst grade you’ve ever got on a test? “a C, in religious studies. who cares?” 
what’s the best grade you’ve ever got on a test? “an A in english and art.” 
how many countries have you travelled to? “quite a few...”
who is your favourite disney character? “i like tinkerbell.” 
what is one thing people believe that you don’t? “money can’t buy you happiness. there’s a reason people try to desperately avoid living in poverty.” 
do you usually drink enough water in a day? “most days.” 
what’s your middle name? “gisele.” 
do you know both of your parents? “yes.” 
are they together? “just about.” 
are you adopted? “no.”
what’s your favourite memory with your parent(s)? “christmas, like, all of them. they go all out and we always go somewhere cool like finland. they went out of their way to make it super magical for me and my sister’s and it’s definitely stuck with me.” 
what did your parent(s) study when they were at the academy? “they were both actors.” 
which project of your parent(s) is your favourite? “high school musical is too cute, but also the greatest showman.” 
which parent is the strictest? “mum, all day.” 
which parent do you look most like physically? “mum. i think we all do, to be honest? she has the dominant genes, so it makes sense.” 
which parent do you behave the most like? “mum.”
are you close? “most of the time.” 
the titanic or the notebook? “the notebook, are you kidding?” 
dc or marvel? “i don’t really like either, shoot me.” 
disney or pixar? “disney!” 
pink or green? “pink.”
summer or winter? “winter, definitely.”
spring or autumn? “autumn. the second half of the year is so much better than the first.” 
dogs or cats? “cats.” 
rom-coms or horrors/thrillers? “i wouldn’t go for either of these, honestly. they both try a little too hard.” 
nights in or nights out? “nights out..” 
early riser or night owl? “early riser.” 
what age did you have your first kiss? "i was fourteen.” 
have you lost your virginity? how old were you? “i haven’t. stop the press.” 
what’s your biggest regret? “maybe not applying for liberty like my parents told me to? we’ll see..” 
which song most reflects your life so far? “that’s a bit deep. the only one i can think of right now is just like magic.”
what’s your biggest fear in life? “getting eaten by a shark and everybody on the beach watching. not because it’s painful, but that’s so embarrassing? they’re just watching you get destroyed and doing more or less nothing.” 
do you want to get married? “eh.” 
do you want children? “yeah, why not?” 
what is a cause you feel strongly about? “sustainable fashion, but also making sure it isn’t classist.” 
what’s your sexuality? “heterosexual.” 
when in life did you feel the loneliest? “probably when fleur first started modelling! i was going to school in new york still and she was starting this new life in paris with new friends and stuff. we’re twins so it was literally our first time apart since being born.”
have you ever skinny-dipped? “in the bath, does that count?” 
ever had inappropriate thoughts about somebody you shouldn’t? “i’m not going to tell you that.” 
what’s the worst thing you’ve said behind somebody’s back? “i don’t talk behind people’s backs. or, i don’t say anything i wouldn’t say to them directly.” 
have you ever sent a sexual text? “i’m not going to tell you that either.” 
is there anything you dislike for no apparent reason? “that early 2000s scene, emo, punk-rock aesthetic. no. the pictures of people with whole fringes over their faces and highlighter coloured skinny jeans...yikes.” 
what’s the most recent lie you’ve ever told? “question one, i skinny dipped at the lake by my parent’s house once.” 
can you put your hand on your heart and say you’ve never complimented a project you didn’t really like? “yes.” 
the best advice you’ve ever been given? “my mum always, always says if they want to, they will; meaning, don’t wait around for people to do something they might never. get on with your own life.” 
a quote you try to live by? “onions have layers - shrek. even if someone stinks and looks kind of gross, there’s probably more to them...i don’t know, i just made that up but it was more interesting than just saying i don’t know.” 
where do you want to be in ten years? “ew, i’ll be like 30. let’s think about something else”
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pancakesr4theweak · 4 years
⚠R E A D⚠
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                                      💚A little about me💚
💚I am Lily, or Fumi..Or Woof..Or Pancakes..Honestly whatever you’d feel comfortable calling me! 
                    💚 🎂✨2/11/02✨🎂💚She/her💚Bisexual💚
             💚Here is some useless facts about my lame wormbaby ass💚 
💚 I am an artist, I like to draw animals, furries, creepy things and so on. A lot of my artwork is creepy/gorey/brightly colored so please be careful when viewing my work!
💚 I have a huge passion for Godzilla and Japanese giant monsters in general.
💚 I am also big into Invader Zim, Transformers, My Little Pony, and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. The list goes on..I am into wayyyy to many fandoms as you can see but that’s okay.
💚 I have waayyy too many ocs and fursonas. My mains so far being Fumi, K9, Woof, Zima. 
💚 I’m like..Super obsessed with a giant space chicken, Gigan is literally the best doofus kaiju? I also kin and simp for a stinky rat man, forgive me but Rohan is literally the best mk. Also Knockout is best boy.
💚The Nightmare Before Christmas, Aliens, and Watership Down are literally my favorite movies of all time! 
💚I have a blue tongue skink named Kaiju, and a smooth collie named Zero.
💚I like anime, cartoons, old horror movies??
💚The 80s-90s-early2000s is literally my everything.
💚My music taste is pretty much all over. 80s-90s, early 2000s, punk of all sorts, metal of all kinds, rock of almost every genre, synth, indie..Basically anything edgy..
💚I like to collect dead things.
💚I have a huge Godzilla collection woops-
💚The color green is my absolute favorite color! 
💚🖤💜<----My favorite colors together
                          💚Thank you for reading all that mumbo jumbo, lmao 
💚I love meeting people, making new friends, and just vibing.
⚠Please read below, there is important information regarding this account’s activeness.
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💚⚠This is an old tumblr account that is unactive. This account has old, bad and cringey memories. Along with my other ask account. I will not be posting on here no longer. I may respond to messages, that is if I ever come on here though. If you’d like to keep up with me, and my artwork. Follow me on instagram, and twitter. My instagram is where I actively post my artwork.
💚My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pancakesr4theweak/
💚My twitter: https://twitter.com/WafflesR4TheGr8
💚If you are interested in commissioning me for artwork please contact me on my instagram or my twitter.
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💚I hope everyone is doing well and is alright. I apologize for being so unactive here! Remember to find me on twitter and instagram. It’s where I am most active.
💚I do have discord. If you are interested in adding me, contact me through twitter or insta. Though if I don’t know you very well I may not accept.
 💚💜🖤 Thank you to all of those on here for supporting me nonstop!🖤💜💚
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                              🖤💜💚Remember to stay rad!💚💜🖤
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albyfm · 4 years
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˙✫*゚ YUNGBLUD  ,  DEMIBOY  ,  HE/THEY  :・ did  you  hear  alby miller  is  joining  the  cast  of  exposed  after  their habit of facilitating drugs at events, festivals & awards shows  was  revealed  ?  the  twenty-three  year  old  bass guitarist  with 500k followers is  trying  to  clear  their  name  .  they've  become  known  as  the  resident  juvenile  in  the  mansion  ,  and  it's  clear  that's  spot  on  because  they're  quite -  recalcitrant & -  stuck in their ways ,  but  also +  charismatic &  +  outspoken .  you  know  they're  heading  to  the  confession  booth  if  you  hear  lonely boy  by  the black keys  blasting  ,  most  likely  talking  about  how  they're  more  than disheveled outfits of black leather & denim, talking way too candidly to the press, smashed lenses of paparazzi cameras that got too close, an unmistakable mischievous grin & an inability to express real feelings.
hey !! finally getting around to posting this. you can call me aries, i’m 23 and in the bst ( uk ) timezone. my pronouns are she / her. i’m a little lost art school grad with a lot of student debt, a taste for red wine and an unhealthy obsession with arctic monkeys. not gonna lie, i whipped this kiddo up specifically for this rp so i’m still getting used to them, but hopefully with this intro you’ll get a feel for what they’re about. without further ado, here’s alby—
trigger warnings & disclaimer: mentions of hard drugs, alcohol, anger issues, destructive tendencies. my intention writing this intro was not to glamorize or romanticize these things in any way but if anything i have written comes across that way, please lmk!
smash that ♡ to plot or hit me up on discord @ chaotic aries#5793 !!
‘and this is how it starts...’ ( the basics )
name: alby fox miller age: twenty-three gender: non-binary ( demi-boy ) pronouns: he / him & they / them date of birth: may 24th 1997 zodiac: gemini sun, pisces moon, aries rising orientation: pansexual occupation: bassist for drive like i do career claim: ross macdonald ( the 1975 ) genre: alt-pop, pop-rock
‘it’s the way we are, we were smoking by eleven & knocking ‘round town...’ ( background )
you’re born in 1997, in the north west of england. wilmslow, to be exact. a quaint and affluent town, just south of manchester. the family you’re born into is a comfortable one. not quite living lavishly, but not at all struggling, either. your parents both work in business out in the city. you go to a good school. but... all is not how you exactly want it to be.
see, your parents are quite pushy. they expect you to live how they want, rather than how you do. at the all boy’s academy they enroll you in as a teenager, they expect you to pick what they deem as intellectual subjects, such as foreign languages, further mathematics and computer science. there’s a focus on you becoming someone that makes a lot of money, rather than someone who is happy.
but you’re... not the kind of person that can be molded so easily. you’re a fairly happy-go-lucky kid, but also a rebellious one. your parents’ strict ways of trying to force you down their chosen path, only encourages you more heavily to choose your own. 
at fourteen, you meet the guys. lennox, jovi & jasper. they’re some of the only kids at school who can be bothered to be around you, with your high energy and bolshy attitude. really, they’re the only people who embrace you for who you are. they encourage your weirdness and outspokenness. it’s not long before you find yourself wanting to do everything together. it’s not long before the four of you are inseparable.
from there, you fully detach from everything your parents want you to be. you embrace your individuality. you also find the courage and bravery to come out to your parents as non-binary at the age of sixteen. there’s not a single person’s opinion that you’re afraid of, or even care about. 
it’s not all rainbows & sunshine, though. you struggle somewhat with anger issues, and a bit of depression. you’re also practically addicted to getting into trouble: picking fights with bullies at school, selling weed & pills to your friends around town, underaged drinking... you get the gist. though you keep your fears internal, you sometimes worry you’ll get nowhere in life.
so of course, the second the boys are talking about starting a band, you’re all in. imagine if you made it big someday? wouldn’t that be sick? you’re immediately drawn to bass guitar, and use a month’s worth of saved up pocket money to pick one up from the big music store in the city. thankfully, you pick it up quite quickly, because before you can even realize it, things are getting so... real. by sixteen, you don’t feel you have the option to stick around at school for sixth form, because drive like i do is already playing local venues and working on its first album.
you’re just seventeen when the album is released. somehow, the climb to fame is faster than you could have ever imagined. it seems like yesterday you were still watching bass tutorials on youtube in your bedroom and practicing in your friend’s garage after school. first is some notoriety across the uk, but before you know it — boom! global stardom. the fame is a heavy weight for someone so young to carry... but fuck it, it’s gonna be fun, and you know it.
you’re twenty-three now, and days are gone of pipedreams formed in your parent’s shoebox room. you split your time between manchester, london, and LA — and that’s just during rare moments of downtime from your world tours. your band is 4 albums in, and whoever hasn’t heard of you might as well have been living under a rock. is it narcissistic to think like that? maybe, but you don’t care. this is rock n’ roll, baby. this is the life.
naturally, all eyes are mostly on your very outspoken frontman. he’s controversial, but the media can’t get enough of him. as for you? to them, you’re... the band’s problem child. while you argue that your behavior is no different than that of your friend, he’s got the lead singer charm. they don’t seem to like you as much. why? well...
‘drink, fall, spew...’ ( troublesome tendencies & exposed secret )
you never really coped as well as you acted like you did, did you? while you were grateful for the fame, everything was... a lot, and it was all at once. you didn’t even get the chance to process it. 
take four twenty-somethings and add constant prying journalists, paparazzi, and constantly full schedules into the mix. and why not pepper in some typical rockstar vices, too? alcohol, drugs, parties, throwaway sex. things are destined to get a little rocky. though you tried at first not to show it to your fans, your destructive behavior soon got the better of you, and you became known to drunkenly lash out at paps, smash cameras and storm out of interviews when the questions got too personal. 
this all came to a head when you were caught on camera several times distributing acid tabs, cocaine and mdma at events, music festivals & awards shows. the press gave the band a pretty bad time over this, and given the other members’ controversies and lennon’s similar link to drugs, it wasn’t a good look for any of you. 
it didn’t matter that you had a side to you that was good, pure. that you were always kind and loving and down-to-earth towards your fans and friends. you were a bad seed, and you wound up on exposed with the rest of your bandmates. hopefully you can prove there’s more to you than what the media shows...
‘oh & you say, i’m such a cliche...’ ( personality )
immm gonna rush thru this section & write less formally bc those other parts too me WAY too long
basically a literal toddler. loves a laugh, loves a good time, but get on his bad side and he WILL throw a tantrum
it’s mainly people like press & paps he lets his anger out on. the band’s fans and people he’s close with on a personal level know he’s a good person underneath it all
loves a bit of mischief / rebellion / drama
king of hiding insecurities....
literal softie.... like... who allowed this binch to be so soft. he’s so open about how much he loves his friends (particularly his bandmates) and will platonically kiss and hug and love people all the time, particularly on the show bc he’s trying to show the cameras his softer side dfjghdfdfg
so excitable like WHERE does this kid get all his energy...
( tw drugs ) will probably struggle a bit on the show without access to drugs, but ( tw addiction mention ) he has never really been addicted or dependent on them, just a frequent user.
outspoken as fuck, has no filter sometimes oops
very flamboyant, in line with the general aesthetic of his band but also on a personal level. sports a kind of soft gothic/punk/early 2000s emo look. always paints his nails and wears makeup etc
sleeps around a lot but has never really been able to find a lasting relationship, has just had a bunch of short-lived flings???? but lowkey develops crushes at the drop of a hat and would love to properly fall in love with someone who could be with him forever & accept him for all his flaws, but he highly doubts that will ever happen fgjdhsfg
‘why don’t you figure my heart out?...’ ( wanted connections )
exes on good terms
exes on bad terms ( maybe someone who actually really wanted to stay with him but couldnt deal with his bullshit and now resents him? )
 someone who loves the band’s music & inflates his ego ab it
 someone he hasn’t seen for years that he’s reunited on the show & maybe they’re revisiting old feelings for each other??? and he wants it to be DIFFERENT this time but also theres shit tons of fucking cameras and shit which... makes things difficult...
first friend he made in LA or in the states in general, someone who showed him the ropes
someone who hates him / hates the band like PLEASE
and also just a straight up enemy maybe?? someone who finds him annoying as fuck??
literally anything just hmu and lay an idea on me and theres 90% chance ill be down
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almondious · 6 years
tag thing
I was tagged by @queenofbohemia
rules: answer the questions and tag 5 of your most recent followers and 3 of your biggest fans, favorite blogs or users
1. What’s the smell of your shampoo?
idk some kind of flowers
2. What’s your aesthetic?
Punk, b l a c k  e y e l i n e r, basically Danger Days and 60s/70s/80s rock music + early 2000s emo/punk music playing on a vinyl.
3. What is your favorite time of the day?
4. What do you like most bout the beach?
nothing, i hate the beach because it’s either sand and it gets everywhere, rocks so i can’t walk barefoot or s u n (yes i am a vampire)
5. What do you worry about constantly?
that all my friends secretly hate me and that i’ll never find love or that i’m not good enough for people to like me
6. What is a song you’ve cried to before?
No One But You by Queen. No matter the occasion, if you play that song on my fucking wedding day I will cry.
7. What are some relaxing tips for your followers?
listen to ‘39 and Sail Away Sweet Sister by Queen, Early Sunsets Over Moonville by My Chemical Romance and literally anything by The Beatles and just sit back and try not to cry and BAM relaxation.
8. What are some things that make you tear up?
Beautiful relationships between two people who definitely deserve it and the fact that all dogs die one day
9. What is your favorite from each of the five senses?
Sight: people
Smell: chocolate
Touch: my dog’s fur
Taste: pizza, chocolate, bacon
Hearing: FREDDIE MERCURY’S VOICE DUH, also the beautiful voices of Brendon Urie, Gerard Way, Patrick Stump and let’s not forget Roger Taylor and Brian May
10. What’s one alternative reality you’d want to be in?
Definitely one where I’m either a 70s/80s rockstar (in my band) or where I’m in an emo band in the 2000s
11. What are some troubles you face on a daily basis?
12. What is one scene of a book that’s made you really sad?
Fred Weasley fucking dying like who the fuck let that be written
13. Say something to your followers
I love you all go listen to Danger Days
tagging: @my-effed-up-thoughts, @mycaristheloveofmylife, @thisaintaparty, @rogers-flowered-blazer, @okeery, @shuri-owns-my-heart, @angryscreaming, @queenie-mercury
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steverubenfaer · 3 years
The Story Steve’s Music
The Story of My Music
When I was little, I listened to music with my parents. I remember loving the Beach Boys, I even went to see them in 1972. Sometimes we would listen to music on reel to reel. I also had a little record player, and the first song I loved was American Pie; thank god my taste has evolved. That was probably the same time as the Beach Boys, when I was 3 or 4.
We listened to the top 40 countdown with Casey every Sunday, I knew the songs well. We loved disco, especially Saturday Night Fever when that came out. I eventually started listening to old school rock (which wasn’t so old then), and I new classic rock pretty well by the age of 10. Around 1980 when I was 12, my music tastes started to change, and I developed my own style. New music was coming out, I knew it as ‘new wave’, although now it would be mostly ‘post punk.’ Bow Wow Wow was my favorite, I also loved Adam & the Ants, Cure, Depeche Mode, Joy Division/New Order, Gang of 4, etc. I remember once in 1981 my dad coming up to me, ‘I like most of your music, but not this.’ I was listening to the Sex Pistols.
I saw a lot of great shows, Cure, New Order, INXS before anyone knew them opening for Adam Ant. I saw U2 in a small theatre. During ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’ a fight broke out in the audience, and Bono stopped the show, saying legibly ‘you’re not listening to the words….. (in my best Bono imitation).’
I went to many concerts, we had a connection through a high school friend of my Dad’s. I remember in 1980 sitting front row for Aerosmith with my friend Josh. Man if we knew then…..
It was hard to find out about new music then. You were basically limited to commercial radio, and the odd random magazine you had somehow. There was no internet, no good way to find music. It was hard. When you heard something you liked, there was no Shazam, you had to track it down. It was a lot of work to find music you liked.
Every time one of us went to NY or LA, we would literally tape the radio on the cassette for hours, and then go back & hear songs, and buy them if we liked them. There was no other way to be introduced to new music.
I went to UCLA in 1985, and was exposed to more music. But music sucked by then, there wasn’t much music that I liked after 1983. The next 10–15 years were dark times for music & me. I still was very into the small genre that I had liked, 80’s music, but that music had become ‘alternative’ music, and was now commercial & horrible. But I listened to the radio for many years. Dark times.
Finally a breakthrough, the internet. By 2000 or so, I could listen to college radio, online. I wish I had known about college radio earlier, I probably could have picked up some in LA. But when I found out about it, it changed everything.
I loved all the music I heard on college radio. So much, that for the first time in my life, I didn’t have to pay attention to who the artist playing was. I could just listen to the radio, at least until 6pm, and hear awesome music constantly. So I didn’t learn anything new about music or bands I liked, I just could listen and like what I heard. Not only did I discover I could listen to college radio on the Internet, luckily I could also listen to college radio @ 90.7 in the car, KALX Berkeley.
After 6pm was a different story, and I stumbled on Pandora to fill the gap. Pandora is cruel and heartless, it learns preferences that you give it, and it plays songs based on your likes. But inevitably it is not a human DJ sharing music they love, it uses collaborative filtering (and probably other incentives) to throw at you what it wants to throw at you, and inevitably you hear the same songs over, and over, and over. But why? If you select a ‘Cure’ channel, the Cure has many albums and great songs, spanning 30 years (OK maybe their good stuff only spans 6 years) but instead of playing a diverse range of Cure songs, Pandora plays the same songs, over & over & over. It is soul crushingly cruel.
This was a time in my life if anyone asked me who I was listening to, I really couldn’t tell you, I would just say ‘the same old shit,’ meaning Cure-Joy Division-Smiths etc. But finally I got fed up with Pandora, and made the switch to Spotify, and again, it changed everything for me.
With Spotify, you select songs that you like, which implies that you are aware of them already. So at first to me this was a chance to reconnect with my library, and not really worry about new music. So I went through all my old bands, old songs, and started adding. But what ended up happening, is that I would focus on a band that I liked but maybe didn’t know their complete disography, and listen to them all day. So bands like The Dammed, The Jam, Buzzcocks etc that I never really knew that well except for an album or two, I became very acquainted with. So I was learning new music, just from old bands! It was rounding out my weak spots for sure.
So there was a mad dash to learn new music from old groups, and I was back in touch with my early 80’s theme, but this time filling in the gaps. I realized that most of the 80’s music I liked was actually from 77–79. But the education didn’t stop there! I discovered a new way to increase my music. Instead of listening to college radio & not really paying attention, I started noticing songs I liked. And I would Shazam them, and find out who they were by. Then I could look them up in Spotify, and listen to their entire album, and get to know them. In this way I added a substantial amount of new music from all genres and all time periods, from 80’s bands I never knew, to modern music that I thought I would never be into. For the first time in many years, I am aware & like new music that has just been released.
So now I have amassed a collection of 2700 songs that I really like, I have stopped adding new music for a while, and my Spotify songs on random shuffle is the best radio station in the world. And when its time to add, I have infinite more to look up.
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thokage-archive · 7 years
:0 klance for the ship ask thing?
please send me a ship and I will tell you
who’s the cuddler:  Keith, but in a very lowkey way. He doesn’t make his desire to be constantly cuddling with Lance obvious, he kind of just slowly inches himself closer to lance on whatever bed or couch they’re on till their legs are intertwined or till he’s lowkey the little spoon. Lance doesn’t mention it, he’s kind of used to all his little siblings curling up to him whenever they were tired & their parents were at work. If anything he just finds it endearing & sort of slowly strokes Keith’s hair as he relaxes more because he knows his younger siblings always found it comforting. 
Keith’s love for cuddling doesn’t end with Lance though. Shiro was the first person he ever felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable around. But slowly over time Keith has grown close enough with each of the paladins that they are all well aware of his habit to just curl up like a cat next to the nearest one of them & k.o. after a particularly long or stressful mission. Hunk & Shiro are probably the only two he cuddles with anywhere close to as much as he cuddles with Lance.
who makes the bed: Neither, they’re both lazy as fuck teenage boys & could care less. Plus they’re always getting called out of bed at crazy fucking hours by Allura or Shiro to fight some gross galra bitches or something so yeah, neither. At the garrison, it was another story but only because they were forced to keep their rooms clean for daily inspections like at boot camp.  
who wakes up first: Keith, but more so out of habit from the garrison, it’s not something he really ever stopped doing once he got kicked out. He’s okay with it though because he doesn’t sleep a lot as it is and he likes watching the sunrise. He used to like taking his hoverbike out on mornings he woke up particularly early and watch the sun set fire to the desert landscape as it creeped up over the mountains. He would think about Shiro, his Dad, and where his mom might be or if she was even alive, and just kind of quietly mull things over & wonder how his life got to where it was.
who has the weird taste in music: Hmmmmm….. depends on what we’re defining as weird, but personally, I’m gonna say neither. Lance listens to a lot of reggaeton, early 2000s r&b and of course the bops & bangers of today (you bet your ass he’s gonna be happy as fuck when he gets to earth and sees how popular despacito and mi gente got because he was always made fun of by white demons at school for listening to Spanish music). 
Keith, however, is more of a 90s/early 2000s alt-rock/“emo”/indie music sorta guy, but like before emo was a thing. He listens to Radiohead, the killers, cage the elephant, green day, Tegan and Sara, smashing pumpkins (some 80s music like the Smiths, a-ha, the cure, talking heads, pixies, etc). While some of his fave more modern bands are the neighborhood, sir sly, bad suns, foster the people, and a little bit of pop-punk like the front bottoms, modern baseball, moose blood, FIDLAR, and tigers jaw. His playlist is like a moody aesthetic grunge playlist.
who is more protective: Lance, he can’t help it. It just comes naturally to him since he’s so fiercely protective over his siblings as it is. He always has Keith’s back in a battle (& vice versa of course) but he really goes that extra fucking mile. They are genuinely an unstoppable duo when they battle together, it impresses even Allura how well adapted they are to one another’s fighting style. They’re a lethal team. And you can also bet your ass that they are constantly sparing with one another (& with Shiro or Hunk for the extra challenge). 
who sings in the shower: Lance! He’s not a morning person but once he’s up he’s up, and he enjoys doing his morning routine. It keeps him grounded & is a calming methodical way for him to start his day. When he sleeps over in Keith’s room (or Keith in his) Keith always hears him singing something in the shower. He normally sings in Spanish & it really got Keith feeling some typa way because it’s just so so soooooo pretty. Lance singing in his first language just feels…. right, natural. He sounds so comfortable and at ease with himself by the way the words just seem to roll off his tongue & it’s easily the most confident he’s ever heard Lance, he probably thinks Keith can’t even hear him. But honestly, he could sing Keith to sleep every night & you would hear no complaints from Keith.
who cries during movies: Both! But they are far too proud to admit it. Pidge will see a tear rolling down either of their faces & make the biggest deal out of it in the world, announcing it to all the other paladins by shouting “OH MY GOD LANCE ARE YOU SERIOUSLY CRYING RIGHT NOW?! AHAHAA”
At which point Shiro will chime in with something along the lines of…
“Now Pidge it’s perfectly reasonable to cry in this situation, in fact, it’s healthy for him to be expressing his emotions with us so openly-” 
*cue lance screaming* “SHUT UP PIDGE, I am most definitely NOT crying” (he says as he rubs his eyes furiously) 
*now cue shiro looking into the camera like he’s on the office completely abandoning whatever speech he was about to give while pidge & lance scream at each other in the background*
who spends the most while out shopping: Lance, but only because skin care products are so goddamn expensive. Even in space, it seems he can’t get a decent moisturizer for less than 1,000 gac.
who kisses more roughly: Keith, that boy loves him a good ass Lancey Lance make out session & you legit cannot convince me otherwise. While Lance most certainly surprises Keith with little pecks on the lips or cheek, Keith is always the one initiating their makeout sessions & holy smokes talk about intense. Keith can’t help it, he holds on to Lance like he’s afraid he’s gonna slip away if he doesn’t. He’s not used to having nice things and he doesn’t exactly know whatever this thing is between him and Lance but he does know he’s not willing to let it slip away like everything else seems to in his life. He kisses Lance like he’s the only breathe of air he’ll get all day. Smashing his lips against Lance’s, desperately gripping at his waist, pressing their bodies together like the fate of the universe is at stake and the only thing that’ll save it is them holding onto each other. He leaves Lance gasping for air, but for Keith, every moment he spends away from Lance is when he feels like he’s suffocating. Kissing Lance is what he imagines a clear head feels like, kissing Lance is what it feels like to be on solid ground after floating around aimlessly in the clouds your whole life. Kissing Lance is like coming home after a long vacation and feeling the peace you had forgotten being at home brings. For Keith, its the only home he’s ever known. 
who is more dominate: Keith, he is a hot head at his very core & the idea of not being in control annoys him. But everything is a compromise in their relationship. They know when to pick their battles with each other & when it comes to piloting the lions, Lance is Keith’s right hand as always. He trusts Keith’s battle instincts & trusts him to lead Voltron. Now, however, that Keith is on mission with the blade, Lance finds himself questioning Shiro more and more. He finds himself thinking of ways out of their situation but unsure of himself and unable to voice his opinions. He wishes Keith were around… wishes for his unending encouragement of Lance. He knows what Keith would say if he was there… “don’t get so in your own head Lance, speak up. Say what you need to say. No one here is going to judge you, we trust you, we need you” he’d say that like it were the most obvious and truthful thing on earth or any other planet… and Lance would believe him. 
my rating of the ship from 1-10: (first can I apologize that the last two lowkey turned into Keith & Lance like one-shot stories lmao, peep that black paladin Lance content I’m fucking dying for) UM 12/10 A QUALITY FUCKING SHIP WOW. Pretty much the only ship I’m literally dying to see become canon. I think they have a very interesting dynamic & are a very plausible ship. I don’t really even ship anyone else in Voltron that much (aside from Hunay but even then Hunk & Shay lack content so RIP ME). 
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