#also the animal thing was because i have a little shapeshifter au
winterjackal · 3 months
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wind to wind conversation
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mrabubu · 3 months
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/the ref is a bit old, but the info is mostly accurate/
So, I did kinda sketch ref for my Kraang character and make her more of a person, or something, with a name and all. I'm still going to use they/them pronounce and Y/N when people will be asking something about Krangified AU.
More information about her below.
So, her name is Ana now.
About her personality before she was turned into the Kraang zombie I still can't say much at the moment (because I'm mostly focused on their interactions in the present timeline), except for her being the person who was genuinely worried about Leo and what's been going on in his head. She saw his attitude and for her it was obvious it was mostly a facade to hide his real emotions and wanted to help him, being a shoulder to lean on. I see her being the weirdo to others that found his jokes actually funny.
After Kraangification, I can describe her with one word: DEPRESSION. I mean, you've been a mindless zombie for about 10 years that practically flashed before your eyes. You wake up facing the facts that the world has been at war with the Kraang for all this time, everyone you knew grew up, your family is long gone, your boyfriend been through hell and lost his arm, and, yeah, your still kinda a zombie also facing some self-control issues. Your Kraang half is taking control over you from time to time, attacking others and even friends if provoked. Not to mention that a lot of things that used to be casual to you are now something you need to learn to be used to again, like bed or actual food. Yeah and also that little inconvenience that she has to eat people now.
She's been dozing off a lot at first, after Leo got her to their base, just staring at one point, processing the whole situation and still feeling like it's just a very long nightmare. And only Leo could snap her out of this state at least for a short amount of time.
When I've been making first sketches with her I gave her this pointed ear and horn like Kraang appendage on her forehead, and thought this kinda reminded of oni's (demons) from Japanese folklore, which kinda resonated with this whole Kraang AU concept.
I also can't stop thinking about Beauty and the Beast (original Disney animated movie) concept, only with them swapping roles in contrast to the original story.
I really like the concept of the turtles being able to make this chirping and churring sounds, and thought, why can't she make something like this? So, yeah, she can churp and purr (I don't know if there's a difference between churring and purring, still didn't understand, and this churring sound is still mostly fictional, fanon thing..? but, anyway). I like this idea of Leo and Ana being able to communicate with the language only they (and other turtles) understand.
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A few more sketches with her and a couple of scenes.
Her claws on the Kraang arm can extend. I thought about her being able to shapeshift her arm further, but for now it's either extended claws, or something like a sword or some other sharp pointy thing...
I've been thinking about her fighting style, and for a reference I used the The Witcher 3 again (yeah) There's a vampire species, Bruxa and Alp, and I'm thinking her fighting style would be something like of an Alp. Fast and agile, also pretty strong (tho still not strong enough to take out big enemies like the Kraang in their suits).
I have this scene in my head that I actually been sketching already, where she's fighting the Kraang hounds, and pretty much able to lift one grabbing it by it's throat and throwing it into the tree like a rag doll.
Another thing is her screech she uses to intimidate/immobilize her enemies. It's also more of an alp than bruxa, especially in this video time code 00:36, this is pretty much how I imagine it.
I also know that I've messed up her eyes when she's in her Kraang mode, because they should be turning purple, like Raph's left eye that wasn't covered by Kraang flesh, but, uuuh, I don't want to change that at this point...
I think that's it for now...? If I'll have more ideas I'll either be making other posts, or updating this one.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 days
Weird Egg?
Okay so in theory, Obi-Wan was plausibly on Mandalore when Anakin was born, right?
(this is technically a variation on a few other fics and AUs I've seen, and I'll list the stuff that came to mind at the end.)
While on Mandalore, Obi-Wan finds An Egg while hiding in a cave with Satine. And he doesn't recognize it, and Satine doesn't recognize it, and even Qui-Gon doesn't recognize it.
Which makes it weird, at the very least, and probably rare. It's the size of his HEAD and even though there's no parent around, the egg is… warm, now? He didn't notice at first, but it's definitely producing at least some of its own heat.
So Obi-Wan brings the egg with him, which is a pain in the ass in terms of maneuvering, but they do seem to have better luck avoiding Death Watch than before, which uh. Given that the egg feels warmer when they're getting lucky, and seems to glow in the Force, they think might not be a coincidence. A lucky rock, except it's alive.
Mission ends. Obi-Wan plans to take the egg back to the temple for study in case they just discovered Something, and as he's saying goodbye to Satine… the egg Hatches.
It is a dragon.
The dragon can project words into Obi-Wan's mind. It's not quite capable of complex thoughts yet, but it's a he (probably), and has a name (Anakin!), and considers the person who's been carrying him and protecting him and keeping him warm for the past six months to be his mom!
Obi-Wan protests at this. Qui-Gon decides to make his life harder with the 'correction' that Obi-Wan would be a dad, not a mom.
So now Obi-Wan has a small dragon which will be growing to the size of a house, that imprinted on him and is following him home and calling him dad and insisting on sleeping in his bed
Idk if you've ever read Septimus Heap, but… the MC of that found a Fancy Rock, put it in his bag, carried it around for a YEAR because he kept forgetting to take it out of his bag, and then it hatched into a dragon. And I kept thinking about that the whole time I wrote this.
In Obi-Wan's defense, he does Have A Plan.
Until the dragon hatches, turns out to be a sapient as a toddler (with promise of growth), and calls him Dad.
And now the plan is gone.
He just wanted to bring a cool egg back to the Temple for study!
And now the Mandalorians are pulling out old books about whatever the fuck this is because these things APPARENTLY went extinct around the same time as the underwater dragon-adjacent thing that is the Mythosaur.
Obi-Wan learns that supposedly the eggs are inert until something with the Force interacts with it in a Purposeful Manner.
Which includes "probing it a little to see if whatever is inside is actually alive."
Anakin's a standard western dragon that can breathe fire because Flyte. Also this post.
Weeeee okay small text for the references I mentioned.
Obviously, first up is the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, specifically Magyk and Flyte.
The fic series I was thinking of initially that kind of jumpstarted the AU process was Boga Service Varactyl AU, but specifically Kenobi Kafé Service Animal Boga AU.
I've been seeing a couple of dragon shapeshifter AUs, including that post I linked earlier from @ahsoka-in-a-hood, @bubblew0lf1's dragon shapeshifter AU, and @squad-724's Dragon Jedi AU has been all over my dash for the past few days.
Stubborn to the Bones by @tideswept, which was part of what had me connecting the various dots of Obi-Wan Finding Animal Anakin on a mission, though our outcomes are admittedly very different lol. (Their fic is shippy, and mine is more decidedly gen/familial with a slight nod to Obitine.)
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fairsweetlonging · 26 days
Okay but Mocking bird demon SY (has shapeshifting powers) pretending to be SQQ to help LBH. No system, SJ lives, just SY will not let his protagonist be miserable. He optionally also wife beams LQG who is extremely confused and horny as to why SQQ is playing hot and cold with him
i LOVE that idea oh my goodneeees!!! all the shen yuan bird aus are a GIFT that keeps on GIVING!!
as a bird he can easily live on mount cang qiong and get around unnoticed, because what peak lord or disciple is going to look twice at a small, grey silver bird? it allows him to stay close to luo binghe and help him in every way he can, from giving him food he carries in his little talons or beak, singing to him when he's down, keeping him company in the forest, to making silly mimic sounds to make him laugh.
i looked up a little about mockingbirds and apparently they're extremely territorial when raising hatchlings and their nest (attacking even cats, hawks and humans), which is perfect because luo binghe is (definitely!) a helpless hatchling in need of protecting, i mean, technically his wings haven't even properly grown in yet, he can't fly! so cue ming fang and other bullies getting relentlessly attacked when they try to come near binghe.
and then the shapeshifting: from what i've gathered, mockingbirds sing regularely at night, so i can imagine shen yuan waiting until nightfall and shen jiu goes to bed when he makes his move. he dons the master's form, goes to the woodshed, and takes binghe out to train in the forest with a real manual. of course, binghe is immediately enamoured with the man shen qingqiu becomes when night falls, maybe he even starts to think it's a "werewolf" thing where he changes when the moon comes up, because there isn't really any explanation to why the soft words, gentle touches and kind eyes turn into sneers, violence and glares as soon as the sun is up!
bc he does have the protagonist halo, and even in canon binghe knew something was up, i think he figures it out eventually when he starts alluding to certain events that never happened but that his "shizun" plays along with. also the bird has the exact same way of petting his head/ruffling his hair as his night-shizun does. one and one equals two, after all.
and liu qingge yeeeessss!! if in this au shen yuan saved him in the caves as well, he's probably getting such a headache from the complete 180s shen qingqiu keeps making!! one moment everything is great, shen qingqiu is tending to his wounds with such gentleness and a kind smile, and when liu qingge runs into him at night (when shen qingqiu always looks kind of... hurried, for some reason, almost a little nervous), they share a smile and a laugh and one time shen qingqiu even hugged him; but then when liu qingge tries to sit next to him at the meetings suddenly he's getting snarled at, called a dumb dirty beast and to sit elsewhere?? hello??? never mind getting invited into the bamboo house, or shen qingqiu accepting his (dead animal) gifts.
i also think it'd be so really funny if shen yuan ended up not caring about continuation errors or consistent character behavior, and just goes all out on the OCC by being kind to everyone in shen qingqiu's form; flirting with liu qingge, cuddling with yue qingyuan, spoiling luo binghe rotten, gifting mu qingfang all kinds of rare herbs that he can find easily in his demon bird form, and generally being a moon-saint that everyone comes to realize isn't actually shen qingqiu, but since he's doing good for the community and not harming anyone, they kind of just..... leave it. the peak lords have a meeting about it (sans shen jiu of course), and they decide the night-qingqiu can stay.
tho i do think yue qingyuan would ask shen yuan to don a different form.
also also, shen yuan getting up to all kinds of mischief by mimicking other peak lords' voices: calling to disciples with their shizun's voice, watching them get all confused because no one's there?? or making shang qinghua go around in circles because he keeps saying "this way, shang qinghua, hurry up!" in an angry liu qingge voice. and also making shen jiu open the door to no one when he mimics yue qingyuan's voice. there's a LOT he can do with it🤭
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inklore · 1 year
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since the spooky season is fast approaching, and as a little kinktober appetizer, @psychedelic-ink and i have decided to do a little writing challenge to get us all excited and in the mood to be gripping the sheets from the spooky thrills of course.
and to keep this fun we have given you many many options! we have compiled a twelve day prompts list you can go by, or if that's not your thing we have listed twenty three different pick and choose options to create whatever kind of fic you want, even if you want to do half the days daily prompts but switch out this prompt dialogue for that au or trope or kink, you can literally do whatever your heart desires!
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the challenge will go on from the 19th - 30th of this month. you can do as many or as little amount of days as you choose.
any fandoms are welcome, literally any characters, ships, but please no rpf.
no minors should be interacting with let alone posting for this challenge.
dark content, light content, dubcon/noncon, is all welcomed but please tag everything accordingly. grooming, underage, and incest however are not allowed.
there are no word limits but please use that readmore.
tag #hauntedhoedown so we can read and reblog your work!
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DAY ONE: taboo au + "i'll be your dirty little secret, if that's what you're into."
DAY TWO: murder plot au (lets kill this person together) + "crawl to me"
DAY THREE: inspired by your favorite lana del rey song (if not a lana fan then any fav song of yours) + stalker / yandere au or love triangle gone wrong
DAY FOUR: artificial intelligence au + "here, you are. you tiny thing."
DAY FIVE: gothic au + “worship me. until i tell you to stop.” + a masquerade au or a good ol' priest au
DAY SIX: animal shapeshifter au + "he's a monster" + "he's perfect"
DAY SEVEN: stranded au or slasher / summer camp au + sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
DAY EIGHT: cosmic horror au + "you're a fucking nightmare. kiss me."
DAY NINE: “do you like it when i bleed for you?” + the toxic exes trope or cult au
DAY TEN: zombie apocalypse au + "every moment might be our last, let's make the most of it."
DAY ELEVEN: black swan au or inspired by your fav psychological thriller + “they die for love, you kill for it.”
DAY TWELVE: vampire court au + "forever isn't long enough for me to forgive you."
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if following the above isn't your thing and you want to pick and choose yourself that's great! we also highly rec this random generator if you wanna live life by the edge, each category has 23 options to pick and choose from so customize the generator accordingly!
steampunk / cyber punk
fairytale retelling
mythology / monster
virtual reality
taboo (see great options here)
game gone wrong
addams family
bonnie and clyde
spy / secret agent
circus / carnival
hitch hiking
basement wife
time travel
urban legend(s)
american horror story inspired
vampire / supernatural
pirate / mermaid
"do you like when i touch you like this? i can keep going if you want me to."
"i can see how badly you want this, so i'm going to make sure you get it." 
“this fear you feel? it won't last.”
“you are mine, whether you agree or not.”
“why do you keep following me?”
"i can't stop thinking about how perfect we would be together."
"you're not actually scared are you? of me?"
"i'm so close, can you feel it?"
"tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it, no matter the cost."
"you're like a sickness, a disease, and the only way for me to be cured of you is to let you completely consume me until my body has no fight left."
"i want to see you bleed."
"they're dead...because of you."
“i will keep hurting. i will keep killing. anything to protect you.”
“everything i've done.. every horrible atrocity, it's been for you.”
"it's just a little blood."
“don't you know how sick with love i am for you?”
“i would burn the world for you.”
"this is so fucked up." "you like it."
"finders keepers."
"what's your favorite scary movie?"
"tell me you want me back. tell me i'm forgiven."
"you're a monster." "that's never stopped you before."
"i've killed for you, who else can say that?"
mob / mafia
dubcon / noncon
soulmate / fated mates
mind control / telepathy
final girl
once is not enough
haunted manor
dark academia
enemies to lovers
haunted object
vengeful ghost
ritual / sacrifice / blood magic
unrequited love
creation / creator vs monster
'i'll find you in every universe / century'
reverse harem
cursed / fuck or die
curiosity killed the cat
theatre phantom
fate worse than death
corruption / authoritarian
breath play
knife play / blood play
jealousy / sharing / possessive
hunter / prey
humiliation / degradation
mirror sex
deprivation / immobilized / bondage
orgasm denial / overstimulation / edging
body worship
shotgunning / swallowing / facial
torture / surrender
hate sex / make up sex / phone sex
magical healing [redacted]
soft!dom / pleasure!dom
a summer fling gone horrible wrong, or right
1970s porno filming (turned into a blood bath)
touch her and die except who the hell are you and why are you obsessed with me?
a trip to the circus (or carnival) ends with you stuck there...forever
you just inherited this creepy mansion where people where murdered what could go wrong?
a ritual gone wrong and now i'm bound to a demon
if 'this person' ever found out about this they would kill both of us (literally)
oh no i'm dating the town serial killer
passionate professor tells me to prove my devotion to the craft / class by doing something insane
we're the last people on the planet and you will be mine
daydreaming about being with you is better than actually being with you because i missed all the red flags and now it's too late
i got casted out of my world and ended up wounded and bloodied in your backyard, convince me why i shouldn't destroy your world out of anger
vampire has a taste for specific blood and looks like you have it
the creepy neighbor is too hot to be insane, right?
i keep seeing them in my dreams and i wake up with bruises and marks on my skin, it's definitely just wild dreams, right?
loving you is easier than hating you
got stranded in some little town that seems so cute, until night hits
'this person' ordered me to kill you but i actually think i'm in love with you
my lover is wearing the same costume as you and i can't tell the difference but i'm pretty sure it's them i'm fucking in this closet...pretty sure
confessing to a murder via a silly little ghost story around a campfire (but someone reads through the lies)
how far would you go for love? for the one you love?
in a past life you were the cause of my death so i'm here to exact revenge now that i've found you
we're at a fun little horror movie reenactment except people are really dying
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we tried to make this writing challenge as fun and very 'choose your own adventure-like' as much as possible because we know how hard it is to stay motivated when doing these things.
so please feel free to use any and all of the prompts, tropes, kinks, etc as you wish. we're just super excited to see what ya'll come up with!!
so good luck and stay slutty spooky <3
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fleet-off · 1 year
@aantinous’s marvelous tags on this post reminded me of the silly li’l shapeshifter snake!Vegas AU @theflowergirl Lily and I came up with over DMs a while back!
Snake!Vegas slips into the main family home pretty regularly pre-canon. Sometimes to spy. Sometimes to ruin Tankhun’s afternoon.
One day Pete catches the snake mid-troll! Tankhun is very upset. Pete obliviously sticks the snake in a Tupperware in his room to let it go once his boss’s ire dies down.
He drops a little food in the Tupperware. He doesn’t know what snakes eat, but what’s good for Petes is probably good for snakes?
He has a nice little workout after his shift. A nice little shower. A nice little dance around the room in the half-nude.
That evening he releases the snake in the yard and moves on.
Except now the snake? Keeps showing up at odd times?? Pete could swear it’s the same snake. It doesn’t look like a local species, maybe it’s an escaped pet.
“Maybe it’s just looking for a home,” he thinks, and doesn’t think about why that hits him so hard.
(Meanwhile. Vegas was in it for the spying, the trolling, and the mild voyeurism but now it’s—oh. Oh, he’s? Keeping me safe? This is…new.)
So there’s a snake in Pete’s life now.
Occasionally there’s also a snake in Pete’s bed, which is always a fun discovery in the morning. Still, Pete can’t blame a snake for being coldblooded, can he? And the snake has a cute little :) face. And it hasn’t tried to bite him yet. It may be bonded?
This is normal and fine.
(Getting into Pete’s room involves sneaking out of the minor family home, traversing the main family grounds in serpent form, and sneaking all the way up to the bodyguard quarters. Vegas has not slept with one of Kinn’s escorts in ages—he simply does not have the time.)
(Look, he’s getting under the skin of this main family dog who keeps getting tasked to follow him. It’s funny.)
(It’s turning into instinct. Like birds flying back to the same forest, like turtles returning to the same beach.)
(If he thinks too hard about it, he’s not going to be able to justify it anymore—he does not think about it.)
Vegas’s torture suitcase contains syringes and vials of hallucinatory drugs and neurotoxins in this AU. Just BTW. <3
The plot still plots for the most part, Pete still gets captured…the torment at the safehouse, though, is less Vegas taking his helplessness out on the guy who ruined his plans and more Vegas oscillating emotionally between “he was kind to me nobody’s kind to me what the fuck” and “he’s a representation of my weakness, he was kind to an innocent animal and I was stupid enough to play along.”
The later realization that Pete would choose to show empathy to human Vegas too? Ruinous.
So Vegas comes to torment or talk to or feed Pete during the day…and the snake comes to curl around Pete’s ankle at night. Pete does not know how the hell his snake got here, but he’s pretty delirious and appreciates the small comfort even if it’s a hallucination.
And of course the truth has to come out at the safehouse, because all truths come out at the safehouse.
So it’s invasive, and weird as shit, and a bit of a goddamn mess...but, like. Vegas was already invasive, weird as shit, and a bit of a goddamn mess.
The home thing is starting to make more sense, for Pete. A lot of things are.
(Do some snake-y features show up during the sex, too? Little bit of fang action? Maybe!!)
So the collapse. The escape. The return to a normal no longer satisfied by its stasis.
The second night after Pete’s return, he finds a snake curled around the leg of his bed.
He knows. He knows, he knows, he knows.
Miserably, he lifts the snake up onto the mattress beside him anyway.
Halfway through the night, he feels warm and solid and human curled up behind him. He doesn’t move.
In the morning, the snake is gone.
(How does this play out in the finale? Who knows. ^^)
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sapphicseasapphire · 9 months
Cryptid AU: Heart Potion Effectiveness
I’ve decided to start making little informational posts about some aspects of my au! Some general thoughts I’ve had or answering questions! For this one, I was thinking about biology and physiology and how potions would affect each Link given their differing levels of Hylian-ness. And so! In no particular order:
Twilight (shapeshifter) : Heart potions heal him very well, similarly to how it works in canon. Depending on the injury, he’ll need multiple doses, which must not be taken immediately after each other or else they could cause poisoning. It is recommended that he take one every half hour and rest in between. Note that the dosage he is able to consume will change depending on the shape he takes: a small animal like a bird or squirrel would be able to handle far less while a larger animal such as Wolfie would be able to handle more at a time. Wounds that he receives while in a different shape will always transfer over to the next one when he shifts.
Four (I honestly have know idea what to call them yet) : Heart potions also work very well for them! Not much to say here, it’s mostly the same as Twilight. Although I’ll point out that if an individual color gets injured while they’re split, the injury will remain on the body when they reform. Communication between colors is vital. (Good thing they’re good at that. Haha)
Legend (Mer) : Heart potions have a muted effect on Legend unless he’s actively in his Mer form and soaking in salt water. While he’s in his ‘Hylian’ form, he’s not using his true body, so it doesn’t heal in the same way his Mer body would. Being an entirely aquatic species, he functions better in sea water in every circumstance, and that includes healing. Since he’s not always in a position where he can soak, he relies on Hyrule’s magic for the most part. Or deals with sub par healing.
Wind (Aquili) : Wind, being another sea creature, reacts to heart potions very similarly to Legend. Although because Aquili are amphibious rather than fully aquatic, he’s a lot less dependent on water as part of the healing process. If he sustains a particularly bad wound, soaking him before giving him a potion would be beneficial. But in most cases, he responds well to heart potions. And while it’s true that he heals better while in his Aquili form, changing between Aquili and ‘Hylian’ is no issue for him.
Hyrule (Fairy) : THIS KID IS DRINKING HEART POTIONS LIKE HIS LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Because, in a way, it does. Hyrule, while he’s a very powerful fairy and has a lot of magic at his disposal, cannot use that magic on himself. He can heal everyone else all he wants, but can’t heal himself. And so, he relies solely on heart potions to get through particularly dangerous battles or accidents. I will note that it is rare for him to get hurt badly enough to necessitate this kind of intervention. He has excellent control of his spells and his glamour. Unless he’s magically exhausted (which he never is, right? Right?), he can defend himself better than anyone. Part of his is because of his extreme caution to never EVER bleed, and partly because of his ability to turn two inches tall and be fully capable of using powerful spells.
Wild (Forest Spirit) : Heart potions are entirely ineffective for Wild, as they are made with parts of monsters. Monsters are made of evil and darkness and Wild is made of Light, so they’re treated like poison to his body. Wild is kind of sort of immortal in that he does not age, but he can definitely be killed. (I treat him kind of like a Skykid for anyone who knows Sky: Children of the Light. When he looses all of his Light, he dies. And he looses this Light to things like Malice and Gloom and attacks from monsters, since they are entities of evil and hatred). In order for Wild to heal, he needs to be strengthened by things that come from the earth. This why he cooks often and eats often.
Warriors (Sword Spirit) : Heart potions do absolutely nothing for him. He cannot drink them. He’s a sword. If he runs out of energy, he can retreat into his sword until he’s back to normal: that’s generally how injuries with him are going to look. His spirit form can only take so many hits before he has to rest. Unless his physical sword got damaged, which would be NOT GOOD. However, they do have a very capable smith in their ranks so I’m sure Wars will be fine. Haha.
Sky (Avian) : Heart potions only heal Sky half way, and in many cases, can be detrimental to his mental health. Since his is the combination between Link and Aepon, heart potions alone heal him unevenly and force a separation between his two parts. As Link is more healed than Aepon, the others might notice a change in his behavior. And due to the general inefficiency in healing physical wounds, the others will opt for different healing methods for Sky; sub par healing is not worth the turmoil that it puts him through. For best healing results, mushroom spores from Skyloft (Loftwing medicine) will be mixed into heart potions and given to Sky. But since those mushroom spores can only be found in the sky and are rarely available, Sky relies on Hyrule for the major wounds and tends to himself for the smaller ones.
Time (God) : Heart potions for Time are a MASSIVE energy boost. This can be very, very dangerous as it can cause him to loose himself, and he won’t come down from it for a long while. No one likes a rampaging God. That being said, he is a God, if Time needs a potion, they have bigger issues.
Also Time is actually legitimately immortal. With no danger of death, there’s no need for potions. I will explain the logistics of his immortality in another post I promise haha!
Original Character Sheets!
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rascalentertainments · 5 months
Wish Granted AU: Star: 🌟
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Yeah, I finally got to the boy! Took long enough, huh? 😂 So I dud make a short character inspiration from a reblog chain a few weeks ago, so I'll go more into Star's character here:
So, much like the film itself, Star comes to Earth because of Asha's wish was so powerful, and aids her save Rosas. However, for "Wish Granted", he has no idea how to actually grant her wish. She basically fills him in on what's going on, and agrees to help. But he doesn't really understand why they need help. From his point of view, most of the humans on this part of Earth, and especially in Rosas look happy enough. He's just utterly fascinated with the animals, the trees, Asha, and just experiencing what humans see everyday.
But then he visits the Hamlet (in an animal disguise) when Asha wants to say goodbye to her Saba and mother. Star sees how sick Sabino has gotten, and the fear Sakina has for her daughter going back into danger. The Starboy sees that Asha's wish is entirely to help her family and community. (Its greatly emphasized once he gets to Rosas itself too) He partially understands and gladly accepts the task to help her. Asha can't believe this magical boy is a Star, it should be impossible. But just as her father said, the stars are there to believe in possibility. Star here is the impossible, made possible! Its no wonder his loveable and joyous personality leads her to falling for him! 😆
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I took inspiration from this segment of the concept art book where they attempted to give plushie Star some kind of depth and character arc leftover from Starboy. They really tried to give Star something more than just being a toy, and Disney said "nah, a toy is good enough. Kids will love it." So Star's arc will be he starts off naive about the world and thinks everything is perfect. But once he starts seeing more of the people having other emotions other than happiness, he's processing how a human feels this. It hits harder when he actually feels a wish get destroyed, he feels their pain for a while after he connects with them. This is all going to connect to "At All Costs" when finally get that love confession scene! 😉
Now, my favorite part: POWERS!!! Star can shapeshift into different animals he sees, with his telltale sign of him being gold with white fur/hair. (Example image below) He's got a white six pointed star on his parts of his body that glow slightly, even in a human form, its just covered up by his black caped outfit.
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I still kind of hate that Disney actually thought Star was too similar Genie just because he changes into animals. Like, what are you talking about? (I actually thought of MK or Beast Boy more than Genie.) Yeah, Genie could do that too, but he also changed costumes, size, shape, face, broke the 4th wall and did impersonations of movie actors of the time. Star didn't do all that. Besides, YOU MADE MAUI CHANGE INTO ANIMALS AND APPROVED OF IT!
Rant aside, He can change into any animal, but only has one human form. That's not only because there's way too many variations of people for him to adapt and he's not at that level of power yet. He mainly choose this particular human form because.... he thought Asha would like it. (He even gets the cape idea after he sees a picture of Magnifico. He just LOVED how that looked) Think of it as a boy trying make himself look better for the girl he has a crush on. 😂 His design is inspired by these three pieces of concept art combined with a dash of a superhero vibe. (Superheroes are hardwired into my brain, I tried my best NOT to do that! 😂)
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Star can make animals talk, at least for a limited time, like when be has his big introduction song and the forest animals are his band. Animals are naturally attracted to Star, because he literally radiates pure joy and love. Those little critters just adore him! Think of this scene here:
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One last thing to add is that once he's on Earth, and gets into Rosas, thus is when he gets the most attached to the planet. He has a big family with the stars, but he really wanted to be where the people are. He wants to see them dancing, ect...Meeting great people didn't just end with Asha, but also meeting the 7 Teens. He learns about their wishes as one desires, while confused on Simon's sleepiness/sadness. He actually attempts to heal Simon and can gain a new power. Star is not sure on how to react to Dahlia, who doesn't seem to have a wish. She seems happy cooking for the king (whom she has a crush on) and queen, no questions asked. Although, Dahlia does seem particularly curious about Star, even before finding out his magical side. She even tries to tell him to give up on granting Asha's wish, but he's definitely not doing that. 😂
When he meets the King and Queen, let's just say there's going to be a lot of angst/comedy with that. But when he has the mini stand off with Amaya. OH BOY, he's going to understand way more heavy emotions after meeting her...
(Star in this version is voiced by Jeremy Jordan, because he's a musical and VA legend! Plus he sounds so fun in every role he's in!)
Aaaand, that does it for Star! I mentioned in another post how when you look into his eyes, you can see microscopic galaxies or mini stars in eyes, like you can see the universe in his eyes! (When it gets to the At All Costs song, Asha can be seen in his eyes like she becomes part his universe) Any other bits will be revealed later, but I wanted to flesh the guy out here! He's a lot of fun to write and draw!
Now next up are the King, Queen and their ferocious yet spoiled pet Lynx! 😉
@signed-sapphire @oh-shtars @chillwildwave @lazytitans-world @emillyverse @annymation @kstarsarts @uva124
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kiwibirb1 · 5 months
Crashing into You AU
Now that the mystery anon chaos has calmed down we have new AU! And I actually have. A lot of content for this one already kinda. Turns out I get incredibly productive after exams with nothing to do. So! Lets get into SPACE PIRATES AU WOOOO!
Disclaimer: This got really long so uh beware that read more. Might be scrolling for a bit.
Okay so just gonna post this the way I took notes on it so its not very organized lol. The first section it seems I entitled Marcy (+Anne) so take that as you will lol
OH WAIT I SHOULD DO LIKE. AN OVERVIEW FIRST. LOL. OKAY HERES THAT. its very skimpy but its really all you need to know immdeitily
Marcy and Sasha are space pirates together! As such, they are aliens. Anne is not an alien, she is but a simple human. Sasharcy is doing a thing that neither will acknowledge so they're doing absolutely great :). Marcanne is well... you'll see. Sashannarcy endgame ofc
Marcy (+Anne)
Marcy crashed into Earth, destroying her ship and getting pretty injured in the process. Of course, she is very smart, and leaves the ship in cloaking mode (invis) and hobbles her way out into the surrounding woodland to figure out where tf she crashed. Anne heard a loud noise in the woods next to her house, accompanied by a flash of light that looks suspiciously like fire. She of course goes out into the woods at night because no matter what she does these teenagers just will not learn proper fire safety. Anne finds no teenagers, but she does find an injured [insert animal. i haven't decided yet please give suggestions TwT]! Of course, since she is a good person and also educated, she takes this injured animal home and cares for it. Marcy hears footsteps approaching, so, of course, she does the only appropriate thing. Shapeshift into the first native creature she sees. Oh yeah btw Marcy's a shapeshifter. It seems she is now being cared for by a native species of this planet who goes by the name of "Anne". She supposes there are worse names than "Marshmallow" to be called.
Side note: Marcy does not know English and vice versa, there was a week of confusion on Marcy's side until she picked it up because she's just that smart. They normally have translators but y'know crash.
next section woo!
She is extremely worried because her not-my-girlfriend-what-are-you-talking-about-grime went missing after her most recent solo mission! But look at this, they've managed to find where her ship crashed! Of course, Sasha goes down alone, because who knows what sort of dangers await them and she will not endanger anyone else. She quickly picks up Marcy's trail and soon finds Anne's house, where she sees Marcy chilling in a window living her best life. But Sasha does not know this and of course assumes Marcy has been kidnapped and is being held against her will by Anne. So Sasha stakes out the house for a week or so, waiting for her time to strike. This time comes in ✨The Confrontation✨.
✨The Confrontation✨
Marshmallow (Marcy but she doesnt know that) has finally healed! Anne has been caring for this strange little creature for roughly a month now, and it's time for the release process! Yadada conservation stuff about injured animals and non-releasable but Anne is hopeful that this little animal she's maybeee gotten attached too will be able to survive! So, test run time! She goes outside with Marshmallow, sets her on the grass, sits down, urges her forward. She notices that Marshmallow's attention seems to be stuck on something on the tree line. She looks up and OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT AHH ITS COMING RIGHT FOR ME. (Its an angry sasha lol) She gets tackled to the ground by this thing, and is fighting for her life when Marshmallow starts chittering loudly. The thing stops, looking right at the little animal. It vocalizes back, and eventually gets off Anne, who is scrambling backwards frantically when she really takes in what attacked her. A giant, horned, seemingly humanoid alien, arguing with her [insert animal]. ALIEN! She screams again, and both creatures turn toward her. The bigger one steps forward menacingly, but it is stopped by Marshmallow, who suddenly has wings and ITS ANOTHER ALIEN OH DEAR LORD WHY IS HER [animal] AN ALIEN and Anne promptly faints.
(aka real meeting)
Anne wakes up in her own bed with a splitting headache. She gets up, drearily noticing that Marshmallow isn't in her normal spot on the bed. She faintly remembers some dream where Marshmallow grew wings. Ha, wouldn't that be funny? She makes her way to the kitchen, ignoring the two aliens on her couch while she grabs an ibuprofen and downs it. Wait- she whirls around to face the two aliens on her couch, one smiling warmly and the other glaring at her. The angry one starts to talk, but she doesn't understand it, and is also in the middle of panicking so says the only thing she cant think of: "So that wasn't a dream." The angry one seems shocked, but the nicer one (the one that used to be Marshmallow, she realizes.) laughs. "Nope. Pleased to make your proper acquaintance, Anne. I'm Marcy, and this is Sasha." Sasha grunts and starts talking again but Marcy elbows her in the side. "Sasha! Be nice! And also she can't understand you, she doesn't have a translator. Here Anne, take this." Anne, who has now moved on to the stage of pure and utter shock and is currently processing that aliens are real takes the device, and follows Marsh- Marcy's instructions to put it on. The second she does, Sasha starts her spiel for the third time. "I'm going to kill you creature you kidnapped my Marcy and-" She doesn't get far before she is silenced by Marcy again. "Nope you are not doing this. Anne, lets get the basics down. Yes, we are not of your planet, I believe your language uses the term "alien." Yes, I am the same animal you have been caring for the past month, thank you for that by the way. Apoligies for not revealing my true nature, but it never seemed quite the right time." Anne nods, going along, waiting to wake up from this second dream.
OKAY WAIT THIS JUST TURNED INTO FANFIC AGAIN DANGIT okay but yeah thats the basics of this au! Anne eventaully joins Marcy and Sasha its a whole thing but this is what I have for now so yeah.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 5 months
Who they need (It's not me) -Deceiver Au; Chapter 2
TW: People getting hurt at the hands of an unstable teenager and swearing
Chapter 1
Camilo was deeply seething in his room as he paced back and forth on stage. People were still expecting him to babysit their kids like there isn't any other person eligible for the job in the entire Encanto.
You should've seen the hoard of parents in his face with their children in tow. They all looked stressed, irritated, and/or desperate. Camilo felt bad, truly he did, but that sympathy was quickly replaced by anger and utter disgust.
They were all asking him to watch their kids for a few hours when he just wanted peace to hang out with his friends. Some of the kids to ask the same thing, unknowingly trying to guilt trip him as their parents were.
Others somehow figured it was the best time to ask him if he could shift into Luisa or some other figure to help them with something.
Without thinking he just pushed pass the crowd of people and ran back to Casita. This was supposed to be a happy day for him for f*ck sake!
He got the makeover that he wanted, and he really wanted to show it off to his friends. But some people couldn't understand the word NO!
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And this has been happening for over two and a half weeks now. Some parents won't even say anything, they just drop the kid(s) off wherever he's standing. The parents disappear so quickly he just has to put up with it until they come back for their child(ren).
On other occasions some adults would just order him to do something.
"Camilo, I need Luisa to help me with donkeys but she won't help. Maybe you-"
"Camilo, I need you to help me lift these bricks-"
"You can turn into animals now, right? can you help with-"
"Please, I just need a few hours alone. You want to help me, don't you?"
And the kids (either with their parents or just out and about) didn't help. Not that he would put anything against them, they are just kids.
"Camilo, I want to play a game with you! You always have fun games to play"
"Tell us a story por favor, I want a story!"
"Can we play hide & seek in the corn fields"
"Camilo, I need help with this, Camilo I need help with that! I just want a break, why can't I catch a fucking break?! It's like my old life all over again. Thanks Mirabel, for being such a HELPFUL PAIN IN MY ASS!" He thought to himself. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have gotten his gift back no one would be bothering him.
"I'm starting to hate my own fucking name because of these people..."
And what makes matters worse is that is that people are starting to blame him for shit that he didn't do again. Little pranks here and there that do seem like something he would do. They are coming less believable to his family of course but that doesn't mean he's any less tired of it.
Did I mention that Camilo's shapeshifting mishap has become a joke around Encanto?
Whenever he walks around, he can see people looking at him and snickering, giggling, and just don't right laughing. Some even verbally reminding him of it while laughing IN FRONT OF HIM!
"Oh boy Milo, you are some jokester aren't you? Do you think you can do that again?"
"Hey niño animal, you gonna shift and cry again?"
For this past month, it's been taking EVERYTHING in Camilo to not act on petty urges. The urges to burn, break, and just cause chaos to everything and everyone in Encanto.
Why was he holding back? Because he wanted to give the villagers a chance. Some had seemed so nice and respectful he thought they might have changed their ways. He also wanted to spend more time with HIS side of the family.
Consequently, causing his pure rage from when he was five years old to now to bubble over.
The miracle came back November 30th, it was now December 20th, just a few more days until Christmas, and then his birthday.
A thought came to mind, there was so much he could do in that time. A little gift to himself for all the shit he's put up with. Camilo smile lit up and so did his eyes, a powerful green and purple glow to them.
"I can become small just like I can turn tall I can become the person you think you'll need-"
Camilo shifted into a mouse and then a jaguar. Then a capybara, slowly shifting into any and every animal he thought of just for quick practice. Mirrors sat in the audience as showed every animal and person he shifted into.
From Alma, to Pepa, to Dolores, to Luisa, and to Isabela. He pretended to be them with their own mannerisms as he sang and twirled around.
"I can become you; no one knows It's not true. So, you really think I'll be the person you need?"
Now that Camilo was finally coming to terms with his urges. He'll do what everyone wants him to do. But it'll come with a consequence.
"I need your face to help me do what I need, so tell me who you need from me, and I get you dealt with. The person you need me to be that person will never be me...will it?"
Camilo shifted into Antonio and looked at one of the mirrors sitting on an audience seat. He touched the mirror and smiled mischievously.
"I can become cute-," He then shifted into Mariano, "Just like I can turn brute I can become the person you think you'll need"
Milo then shifted into Mirabel, the girl he very much despised at the moment. "I can become you; No one knows it's not true so you're who they need?"
Camilo thought about it "I would love nothing more than to ruin her reputation. She's the on who put me in this mess after all"...but doing something in Mirabel's form wouldn't go well in his favor. Everyone will know it's him causing the trouble so what's the point?
He rolled his eyes and thought about someone else, Oh...Milan Gonzalo. The man who liked to drop off his bratty entitled children for hours at a time until dinner came around. Milo shifted into him in an instant-
"I need your face to help me do what I need, so tell me who you need from me, and I get you dealt with. The person you need me to be that person will never be me...will it?"
He thought of ways to ruin his life and remembered he has a big shoe store.
A perfect place to destroy.
"Me, myself, and I oh now I know them. I'll just become another lie the real me will destroy them."
("Me, myself, and I we all will try to be that lie we will be that phony lie")
Camilo climbed on top of his stage and ran over to his dresser. He pulled the upper drawer open and rummaged through the scissors, paper, and pens until he found what he was looking for.
A pack of matches.
Once he had them in his right hand he smiled sinisterly as he clutched them and put them in his right pocket. With a quick pace Camilo left his room.
On the way to the village, he shifted into a hummingbird and flew over the villagers. He loved the feeling of the air in his wings and the feeling of superiority he had over the people below him.
After turning a few corners and down a few alley ways, he made it to Milan's shoe store. Oh, how well kept and pristine it was. Too bad it wasn't going to stay that way.
He perched himself on a bench next to the shop in a butterfly form and waited for someone to go in. Luckily, the main man himself, Milan, walked out of his store.
Camilo noticed he had keys in his hands, so it was obvious he was about to lock up.
"Why couldn't he be inside while I burn this place down? just a little burn wouldn't do much."
Quickly, Milo turned into a mosquito and flew as fast as he could into the store. He landed on the hard wooden floor of the establishment. The warmth shining through the glass made the floor warm to the touch.
Milo shifted back into himself but remained crouched because there were glass windows in front of the shop, and he didn't want to risk being seen.
Some shoes were put on display behind the glass and by how high up they were, which was four feet, he could hide a little bit.
He took the match pack out of his pocket, pressed the match head into the striker, and dragged the head along the striker. Resulting in a small little flame.
It flickered and shined brightly in Camilo's eyes. Those held hateful and petty intent mixed with mischievous joy. Camilo carefully placed a match into a shoe and lit another match, doing the same thing over and over again.
He was happily torching every shoe in sight until he landed on some orange and yellow espadrilles (shoes similar to Dolores'/Pepa's).
"Hm, I need some new shoes" Like he didn't have ten new pairs at home.
Camilo grabbed the shoes, took off his old ones, and put on the new ones. Perfect fit!
This was so thrilling for him. Burning down the store of one of the people who used him while they did only God knows what. The feeling was incredible.
As of right now, the entire place was smelling like smoke and the matches were starting to do their job. But he lit a couple more matches and just threw them about. He needed this process to be a lot quicker.
Before the smell of fire fully got onto him, Camilo shifted into a mosquito again and flapped his tiny wings through the keyhole. When he saw no one was watching he shifted into a hummingbird again and sat on top of the shoe store.
He sat there for five minutes until he got bored and flew away to cause havoc to someone else. No one noticed the store was burning yet. Milo thought of who to f*ck with next. So many candidates!
Camilo looked down at the villagers and noticed a certain person scurrying around. The well-known bully, Esteban Curillo. The entire Encanto despised him and his puta chismosa of a mother.
Esteban could literally murder someone and Dulce, his mother, would deny it. "He would never do such a thing" kind of mama. Milo thought about how Esteban and Dulce sort of mirrored him and Pepa, but he quickly denied those thoughts.
There's no way in hell we're the same...well, maybe a little. But I'm not an asshole like he is.
He remembers how Estaban constantly used to annoy and verbally bully him in school. He still attempts to, and it's been getting on Milo's absolute nerve.
Then he remembered some gossip between students where Esteban got into a fight with his aunt a few weeks ago, one of the many bakers in Encanto. Something about how she banned him from her bakery because he actively destroys and steal stuff from it.
And when the blame couldn't be placed on Esteban, surely the next best person to blame was Camilo. He hated that. Esteban also didn't know the meaning of the word "NO" and girls utterly despised him for it.
Perfect target number two
And Camilo just so happened to be a frequent person in that bakery of hers. This was going to be fun. Sure, he was going to feel bad for what he was about to do because Esmerelda is a nice woman but...he needed to blow off steam.
He flew over to her bakery and unfortunately...it was crowded. There wasn't much he could do right now. He'll come to do what he needed to do tonight tho.
"Dammit!...wait, this doesn't mean I can do other things." Camilo thought about what he could do. Then he got it...he was about to an absolute menace...in Esteban's form.
So, that's what he did. Camilo hid behind a house and shifted into the slightly older male. Short brown hair, skin like Tio Agustin's, brown eyes, and a plain dusty blue ruana and grey pants.
The first thing he did was steal some firecrackers, fireworks, and picked up some rocks he found around. He set some firecrackers off in Acacia Herrera's hair, the town *cough* tissue wipe *cough* and home Recker. A woman who also left all of her four kids with Camilo when she didn't feel like watching them. Which would also be for hours at a time.
He smashed windows of shops, threw rocks into windows, destroyed any sort of property of he could. All of which belonged to people who used or made fun of him in some sort of way. And maybe some other random places just for some self-indulgence. (And to keep his tracks unnoticeable)
Milo's heart was beating so freaking fast. There were times where he had to stop and take a break to calm himself down. He knew Dolores was probably listening to what was going on and the last thing he needed was her to be suspicious of him.
His last evil deed was done with fireworks. He walked past a bar and decided to snoop just in case there was anyone in there he recognized. He shifted into a ladybug and flew in
Turns out, 40% parents who forced him to babysit for long hours or just folks who forced him to do tiring ass labor for dumb reasons were in that bar. It wasn't much but still enough to cause him to shift back into Esteban, light up a bunch of fireworks and toss them in.
How could he recognize them? Camilo shapeshifts for a reason; it's built into him to remembering everything about faces at this point. Even when he doesn't mean to.
Sure, there were innocents in there, but Cami really didn't think about that. revenge and pettiness was the only thing on his mind at the moment.
Oh, how colorful all that was. Seeing the fireworks shoot out of the bar so magically and beautifully.
His face:
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People were running off shrieking or attempting to dodge the sparks coming at them. Camilo was just amazed. However, he quickly had to get his ass up out of there because the sparks were flying everywhere...and he didn't want to risk getting caught.
All of this was so exciting for him. One of the reasons he was so happy without a care is because that the smart portion of the village, and his family, knows HE would never do any of this.
The Camilo they knew would leave ink on your toothbrush at best, not vandalize, steal, or just cause terror amongst people like ESTEBAN does.
That boy has been known to do these kinds of things before but only at a small scale. But still, multiple people have seen him do all those things.
There's no way people could pin the blame on Camilo this time. And even if they do, they are more than likely going to get a lightning strike and a slap to the face.
He was causing havoc for at least three more hours until it was time for dinner. By then he was really tired, and all of that steam dissipated into pure exhaustion.
He was panting as he still tried to calm himself down. After his heart was steady, he shifted back into himself and slowly walked down they alleyway and turned a corner to get to Casita.
Milo's reign of terror started at 3:30 and ended at 6:45. He didn't exactly know the time, but he knew the sun was setting and that meant it was almost time to go home.
In the meantime, he stopped everything and decided to hang out with his friends. The ones he could find that is. His energy was mostly drained, but he was still able to talk and joke around with them.
By 7:39 it was full time to go home so he bid his friends goodbye and slowly walked home.
He could see his parents walking up ahead of him. Milo saw them hanging on each other, Pepa's arm around Felix's shoulder and Felix's arm around Pepa's waist.
Pepa kisses his cheek and leaned on him, so sweet...of course Camilo didn't think so. Gross, adult love.
The teen boy rolled his eyes at the sight but kept his pace slow. He was in no mood to speed up. Camilo looked behind him and there was Antonio on Luisa's shoulders.
On her left was Isabela and Mirabel, with Dolores on Luisa's right. They were talking about something. Something Camilo cared less to listen to.
Milo turned around and thought back to the events of today, the very start of all the more chaos he'll cause. He smiled warmly at the thought, so much chaos before his birthday. How nice.
Soon enough, he made it into Casita with the others.
"Alright Milo, you know someone is going to say something so just act dumb"
After everyone greeted each other with small talk, they got ready for dinner. Camilo quickly went up to his room and changed, he didn't need anyone smelling any trace of smoke on him.
Once that was done, he came down and sat next to Dolores and his mother.
Sudado de pollo was served for dinner and as always, it's good food. Luisa's favorite actually! Julieta came up with a plan to start cooking meals that are favorites of certain family members. She does it in a pattern according to age.
It'll soon be Camilo's turn seeing as he's the middle child like Luisa.
Everyone talked about their days and Camilo listened, or at least tried to. His mind kept drifting to all the other things he may do before Christmas and his birthday.
Should I become a murderous villain?...hmmm. Eh, seems fun but also WAY too much work. I'm already going to do enough work, but if the situation calls for it, I might-
The boy snapped out of his thoughts and looked to where the voice came from, Isabela.
"Wha?" Camilo asked in confusion. His chameleon earrings dangling with the movement of his head.
"Esteban, he's been the embodiment of chaos all day, didn't you hear?" Isabela asked in an annoyed tone. She wasn't upset at Camilo, just the situation.
"Uh yeah, I did. He's been crazy all day...I wonder why" Camilo tried to sound a little bit concerned but not too over the top.
"He hurt a lot of people," Mirabel added worriedly.
"Are they okay?" Camilo asked
"Si, I healed them" Julieta admitted to him. "I don't what got into that boy but good god he needs to be locked up!" she added with a soft but stern tone.
"You just HAD to heal them Tia...just great" Camilo bitterly thought to himself.
"What would drive him to do all that? and act like he didn't do it?!" Luisa asked with a confused expression.
"What would drive his mother to say it's all lies or that Camilo did it." Dolores muttered quietly but it was loud enough for Camilo and Pepa to hear. Seeing as they were right next to her on both sides.
"And that poor man Milan, his injuries weren't bad but he still had them..." Julieta felt sad at the memory. Unbeknownst to Camilo, Milan went back to his store and saw that everything was on fire.
In an act of stupidity, he ran inside attempting to get a family heirloom from the back part of the small building. Somethings started collapsing/caving in but he made it out with some small burns.
"What...what happened to him?" Camilo asked quietly as he tried not to seem suspicious.
"He got hurt in a fire; it was his shoe shop. Esteban's doing no doubt!" Julie answered with a little bit a fury in her eyes. She was SURE it was his doing.
This almost made Camilo smile. That miserable energy sucking asshole got hurt? Oh goodie! but he had to remind himself that he's around people that don't think like him.
"No laughing or smiling until I get in my room, don't you laugh you idiot!"
"Well, at least he's okay..." Camilo smiled gratefully and slowly turned it into a frown. He was really trying his best to seem worried.
"It would've been better if he actually died, those kids would be better off without him. They have a mom and an uncle from what they've told me so they at least wouldn't be alone. hmm, maybe I should lock him in next time...did I just seriously think that?...."
"His mother had the audacity to blame Camilo." Dolores said with a bitter tone. A dark cloud appeared over Pepa's head, and it thundered.
Pepa snapped her head over to her eldest and only daughter, "SHE WHAT?!"
"Are you serious?" Felix asked with an offended expression.
"Si papa, mami" Dolores' expression still remained stern with a hard gaze at her food.
"Oh, I can't stand that woman! Always blaming Camilo when in fact it was always that diablo of a son!" Alma fumed alongside her middle daughter and her husband, slamming her hand on the table.
"This is so fucking hilarious!" Camilo thought to himself. They didn't believe Esteban or his mother. None of them did. Or at least the right amount of them.
Isabela and Mirabel were a little suspicious but didn't want to say anything. Dolores did think that it could have been Camilo, but he would never do ANYTHING like what Esteban has done today.
"He would be much too afraid to do that. Not to mention way too respectful and just too nice" Dolores thought to herself. Instantly pushing away any assumptions she had.
Dinner carried on as usual with everybody talking about different topics. Soon it came time for everyone to head off to bed for some shuteye or at least a break.
He went up to his room door and touched the doorknob. A happy smile on his face as he thought about tomorrow-
"Camilo! Me and the girls are having a sleepover, want to come?" A bubbly and chipper voice said. He recognized that voice. Mirabel.
He looked to the right of him and saw all four girls staring at him in child-like glee. Camilo wanted to but A; Mirabel, the main person who put him back in the situation he was in seven months ago, was going to be there. And B: He was tired.
"We're gonna tell stories" Dolores said, knowing full well Camilo loved storytelling. And she hoped this could get his mind off of today because she knows that being blamed for everything can't be good on his mental, no matter how much he smiles. 
"Do makeovers" Isabela added with a nod
"And gossip, we know you love gossip!" Luisa admitted with a smile.
"We can play games too!"
Camilo smiled as politely as he could to not seem irritated or annoyed. "Uh...No, I'm a little tired, you girls have fun though"
In less than a second, he was in his room and locked the door. A deep sigh escaped him as he leaned up against the door. He needed a long bath, and time to himself to truly process what the hell happened today.
"He's hiding something" Isa pointed out with narrowed eyes as she looked at his glowing door.
"How can you tell?" Mirabel asked, Dolores was equally questioning how she stumbled upon that assumption.
"When has he, for the past seven months, denied a sleepover with us?"
"Can't he just be tired? he did look tired" Luisa said with a shrug and raised brow.
"He once sat up with us until 3 AM and still lasted ten minutes...besides. Did he really say what he was doing all day?"
Dolores didn't like where this was going, and she knew where Isa was going with this. "Isabela Valentina Rojas Madrigal, if you somehow even ATTEMPT to bring that Esteban up and dare even HINT at something, so help me..."
Isabela put her hands up and backed away "I- I wasn't going to!"
"Then what were you going to say?" Dolores eyed her primana, silently daring her to admit what she was thinking.
"I was only saying that....never mind..." Isabela scratched the back of her neck and looked away. It was in her best interest to keep whatever thought she had to herself.
"Mhm, that's what I thought. Now let's have our sleepover but I lose patients"
Now, Dolores isn't stupid. Quite the opposite really, over the years she's learned to spot when people were lying or telling the truth. Especially when it came to her younger primas and siblings.
Something in her urged to look into her suspicions of Camilo but she also wanted to cut him some slack. He's been through a lot AND she knows her brother. He would never set fire to a store or...burn people with fireworks...would he?
UGH!! FINISHED! This took way longer than I thought it would
I feel like this chapter is lacking a bit so if you have any ideas, let me know.
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honeybeebytheseaa · 5 months
I wanna write a fic maybe expanding over ten chapters (to those waiting for the next gen AU fic I swear it’s coming isjdjdn) with a gift swap scenario but the switch leaves everyone with a power that’s very unconventional to their lives.
Because in the movie the reason many of the family members had quarrels with their gifts was due to the fact that Alma got to dictate how they’d be used. The gifts are meant to be extensions of the family, but I want to see a situation where the magic goes “you guys are straining again ✨family bonding time✨” and swaps their gifts.
My current idea is:
Julieta - Shapeshifting - I want to see an introvert like her get a gift that forces her to be in the spotlight. By getting Camilo’s gift she’s encouraged to be more risky and makes mistakes.
Pepa - Future sight - A little on the nose with this one but I think because of her anxiety, her main takeaway would be she can’t control the future and whatever happens happens.
Bruno - Enhanced Super Hearing - Somewhat same vain as Pepa where he learns he can’t control what people think and feel about him, as the enchanted hearing allows him to hear all the negative things people say about him.
Isabela - Animal Communication - had a debate with myself between giving Isa super strength or animal communication but I decided the ladder because she might have too much fun with super strength and I can’t have that. Working with animals might make her a little more emphatic and give her a better understanding towards nature.
Dolores - Super-Strength - Still a little in the edge with this one but perhaps time management? Dolores often uses her gift by just milling around where with Lusia’s gift she’d have to constantly be running and running.
Luisa - Healing with food - PATIENCE. Cooking is an extremely difficult and tedious process. And though Luisa is a hard worker, she only really knows how to run not walk. At first I’d feel she’d be very frustrated, moving too fast and trying to get a recipe done so she can move on, but eventually she learns to slow down and take it one step at a time.
Camilo -Weather Manipulation - He has to learn to be vulnerable with people. Camilo is absolutely that kind of person to bottle shit up but with a cloud over his head 24/7 that’s not an option anymore.
Antonio - Plant Manipulation - ehhh I’ll be honest I’m still figuring out what his lesson would be. Antonio is pretty baby so unlike the rest of his family the magic might not give him a super hard time with this one. Perhaps it’d be a case of learning control and also a chance for him to communicate with other walks of nature outside animals. Also it’d be hella funny if he’s making flower crowns and behind him Camilo is quite literally laying in a puddle of his own sorrow, Dolores broke down the guest room door, Luisa is covered in flour, Isabela is trying to get a cat off her head and Mirabel is screaming at the sky because now she has to babysit the other idiot grandkids that have dangerous gifts.
Mirabel — No gift — yeah she’s not getting dragged into this— or not getting dragged into this with a gift at least. She still has to help figure out how to switch things back and also acts as a second hand when the swappies begin floundering too much. So in short: she is still the therapist.
If anyone has ideas on how they could be swapped let me know. Again the swap is meant to really challenge the person by giving them a gift they wouldn’t do well with so it forces them to adapt.
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moondal514 · 9 months
Just Leave a Comment Fest 2023 Holiday Edition
Final overall comment total for @justleaveacommentfest: 76
Here’s a very multi-fandom fic rec list of a few of the fics I read (reread in some cases), loved, and commented on that were on theme for each day of the fest:
Day 1: first fandom
(BBC Merlin is not technically the 1st fandom I was ever a part of, or even the 1st fandom I ever read fic for, but I do consider it my 1st real fandom because it’s the 1st fandom I interacted with as intensely as I interact with my fandoms now and it’s also the 1st fandom I ever wrote and posted fic for)
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prick Love for Pricking by horsecrazy/ @cbk1000
In which Arthur and Merlin hook up at a sex party.
I haven’t felt the urge to read Merlin fic in years, but then I stumbled across this fic, which is honestly one of the funniest things I’ve read in a hot minute, and now my love for Merthur has reawakened within me with vengeance
And Down the River's Dim Expanse by horsecrazy
In which Arthur is a water spirit who tries to drown Merlin. Merlin is not impressed.
Literally obsessed with this fic from the second I read the 1st paragraph
Day 2: bookmark day
Fandom: All For the Game
never said that i didn't need you by incogneat_oh/ @incogneat-oh
"Aaron, are you ready to go? The emergency room queue isn’t getting any shorter.”
Aaron feels a thrill of nervousness pull unpleasantly in his belly. He doesn’t want to spend the night in a brightly-lit, overcrowded emergency room and have strangers prodding at him. He glances back at Andrew, who looks as disinterested as ever. He’s slouched over, hands in his lap and unmoving, face expressionless. He’s facing forward, but his eyes are on Aaron.
And Aaron’s halfway out the door when he swivels. Blurts, “You’ll come with me?"
Aaron and Andrew spend an evening hanging out in the emergency department.
One of my personal fave twinyard-centric fics
Fandom: The Historian
among some talk of you and me by Hokuto
Reader, I pray that you will have the strength to walk with me a little longer.
I remember when I 1st found this fic I was so shocked cuz I had no idea anyone had even written fic for this book, but this is literally a perfect little epilogue because it has everything I loved from the book (scholarly nerdiness, libraries, and Dracula)
Day 3: old favorites
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
The World on His Wrist by bendingsignpost/ @bendingsignpost
First, he is shot in Afghanistan. Second, he wakes to a phone call in Chelmsford, Essex. Third is pain, fourth is normalcy, fifth is agony and sixth is confusion. By the eighth, he's lost track. (John-centric AU)
An exceedingly old favorite of mine, like literally one of the 1st fics I ever read on ao3, but I just learned today that I had apparently never commented on it previously, which made it perfectly on theme for this day of the fest
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears by umisabaku/ @umisabaku
"It’s hard to understand the hierarchy when a school like Nekoma exists, putting them all together like they belong, but by the time Kenma enters high school he understands the difference. Kuroo is a black panther, rare and precious; a large predator stronger than most any other foe.
Kenma is a calico housecat. His coloring is uncommon, but he is not special."
Shapeshifter!AU. Kenma struggles with a culture and the rules of courtship.
When I was in high school and at the peak of my sports anime phase, this was one of my fave fics, and so I loved revisiting it all these years later
Day 4: fandom curiosities
Fandom: Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Three Autumns by rageprufrock/ @rageprufrock
If Li Lianhua had known this mess would be waiting for him, he wouldn't have bothered to crawl out of his own grave.
The most I know of this show is what I’ve seen through a few gifs on my tumblr dashboard, but this fic made me fall so hard for the characters it’s not even funny
Fandom: Interview With the Vampire
hell and you by quensty/ @keithal
With respect to Daniel’s life, pain in the ass is spelled A-R-M-A-N-D.
I have read one (1) book and watched one (1) episode of the show, so I barely have any idea who these characters are, but holy shit this dynamic compels me
Day 5: rec a fic
Fandom: Mo Dao Zu Shi
a made thing by animediac/ @jaywalkers
Because at the end of it all, Wei Wuxian walks away with his happy ending and the rest of them are left with nothing.
(or, what comes after everything has gone)
Fantastic post-canon fic by one of the few writers that can make Chengsang convincing to me
Fandom: Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Life is (not) a Hallmark Movie by mellicindi/ @mellicindi
Shen Yuan isn't lonely. He's just overseas in a new city, trying to muddle his way through a business degree, and dealing with the side effects of his stupid intestines trying to kill him. So, maybe he sometimes watches ASMR to cope with his too-quiet apartment. Maybe he has a little bit of a parasocial-relationship-thing going on with one particular cooking ASMR channel. It's 2016, who doesn't? The point is, he's content with his quiet life.
And then Shang Qinghua strong-arms him into watching one Hallmark Christmas movie, and it all goes to hell.
Or: Shen Yuan is a Hallmark movie protagonist, Luo Binghe is a Lifetime movie protagonist, and somehow they make it work.
I sadly missed the read-along this year, but this fic has been on my tbr since pretty much as soon as I started reading fic for this fandom, so I got to finally read it and it’s really fantastic
As always, I’ll continue to comment on fics and show all you writers appreciation for your craft <3
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lesbianneopolitan · 1 year
Before I go to bed, I'm gonna ramble down and note some ideas of a lil of world building I've been doing with some friends for the vampire AU with Neo-
First things first, this one in particular is settled in the Victorian era, or something inspired by it, anyway. Neo meets vampire hunter Ruby.
Silver-eyed warriors are specially gifted to fight vampires, due to silver being very effective against them to kill them for good. One of the perks is that it's impossible for vampires to use their charm/hypnotism against them, because it's a magic mainly applied with sight, silver eyes repel them.
The blood of a silver-eyed warrior calms the bloodthirst for way longer than the one of a regular human, what means vampires would be able to go longer without having to drink blood. It's like premium blood, while the one from a regular human needs to be consumed more per day, and the blood of animals literally do nothing to calm down the thirst in this world.
Unfortunately, silver-eyed warriors have started to be rare because Salem wants to hunt them down, primarily. Because vampires manipulate human society from the shadows since time immemorial, Salem finds them to be more of a pain in the ass than anything. She wants no solution to the bloodthirst- it would destroy their market a little.
However, Neo is both, lonely, and deep inside, exhausted of letting bloodthirst control her despite her sadism (no control vs having control and fun), so she really sees a chance to take a breath by making a deal with Ruby. If the silver-eyed warrior lets her drink her blood daily, she will stop killing people.
The bad side of it is that it's all a lie. Neo will continue killing people for fun at her back anyway-
Silver-eyed warriors are also very desperate with training anyone they can find with their condition to turn them into vampire hunters quickly, because their numbers keep going down due to being targeted despite being great weapons against them. So Ruby is pretty inexperienced when she meets Neo- she has no chance of killing her, so to preserve her life she has no other option but to make the deal.
The different bloodlines of vampires come with different perks. For example, Neo comes from a bloodline in which the origin of their vampire line were the fae, so she's more of a trickster than other vampires. She may not exceed in brute force like those who come from a demonic line, but she's very good with illusion magic and shapeshifting, what makes them pretty dangerous due to being harder to find sometimes.
Neo was adopted into the family of the Vanille. Like I've mentioned before, vampires can't reproduce like we humans do in this world because of their undead condition keeping them from creating life in that way, so they kidnap babies from other parents and make them theirs. Either way, she was raised as a vampire despite living as a human for a few years until getting to her 20s and turned.
Before she grew powerful enough to kill her parents and be free, she was very much forced to interact with another family of vampires from the fae bloodline. Afterans. Neo's parents wanted to marry her off to the 'Curious Cat' to make ties with a bigger family, ignoring the fact Neo knew by then that she was a lesbian, and ignored the abuse that he actually put her through for a few years. Neo then grew strong enough and killed him by herself.
While it was a revolt between the Vanille and the Afterans, it wasn't long after doing so, that she also killed her parents.
And now I go to sleep after all of that.
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camels-pen · 10 months
Okay but consider tough… Vampire au Sanuso where Sanji mistakes a bat for Usopp until Usopp comes into the door and Sanji feels extremly stupid. But he keeps the bat around as a little pet anyways and it seems to absolutely HATE Usopp. Like, full on trying to attack him all the time. Sanji promises a pouting Usopp that it’s just overprotective, it’s Apperantly wounded and he was the first one to find it. Usopp just glares at the thing and says something along the lines of „We should throw that disgusting vermin off the ship right now.“
Sanjis expression must have been one of pure terror, because as soon as Usopp sees it he backpedals, says he had a long day and he’s tired and hungry, of course Sanji can keep it if he wants to, he should probably head to sleep anyways. See you tomorrow. And Sanji guesses he really must have been tired, that cold and cruel expression on his face was very unlike the crewmate he has grown so fond of…
In hindsight he supposes this should have been his first clue that something was terribly wrong.
In the Next two weeks the crew starts feeling fainter and fainter and more sickly. Chopper expects it to be some sort of Virus going around but he can’t find any diseases that match the symptoms. Everyone is on edge but Sanji keeps noticing that Usopp… doesn’t act like himself anymore. He rarely joins them at the dinner table and he seems to even forget to take his usual blood dose from Choppers stack unless their doctor explicitly reminds him to. He seems colder to everyone as well. Unhelpful. Meanspirited. Nami worries about Zoro being sick and he basically tells her to stop worrying so much because it’s annoying. Robin mentions reading something in a book about other mythical creatures in the area and he disregards her completly. Her book mysteriously vanishes the next day. Luffy gets so sick he’s out of comissiob for a few days and his reaction is basically non existent. Franky pulls Sanji aside nervously to confess he saw something strange at night and went to tell Usopp, since it hung around his workshop and Usopp didn’t really react at all „Don’t worry about it.“ he said, not even looking up. „Your mind is probably playing tricks on you.“ and Sanji slowly begins to realize that his new pet seems to only hate Usopp this much. That it seems downright protective of all the other strawhats. That it’s a very smart animal, but even smart animals usually don’t look at you like this and you feel like they understand every single word you say. And Sanji realizes that something , SOMETHING is terribly wrong with what he thought of as Usopps until a few days ago.
Tldr: Shapeshifting and probably soulsucking creature wounds Usopp so much he has to stay in bat form (or maybe he gets cursed?) and Batsopp has been desperately trying to warn his crew that someone has taken his place and is planning to drain their life’s out one by one… and also is now realizing that „HOLY COW SANJI LIKES ME TOO? WISH I FOUND THAT OUT UNDER DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES BUT WOW?!!“
The fact that he hears Sanji confess his feelings while he's just hanging out in the galley, probably trying to think up a plan to get Sanji to understand him, is so fucking funny.
Usopp, thinking: Okay, maybe I can grab some paper and write out a message-
Sanji, cooking behind him: You know it's a shame you don't like Usopp; he's a wonderful guy.
Usopp, squeaking to himself: Yeah, I am, but that thing's not me!
Sanji, laughing: Oh don't be like that, he really is great. There's a reason I fell in love with him after all.
Usopp, in much higher pitched squeaking: you fell in WHAT
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legolasghosty · 5 months
Okay but consider: Cat Café AU
Anddd you never said no magic involved and I'm frigging sick and tired of the real world right now, so...
Julie is the proud owner of a small cat cafe in Los Feliz. Lots of great drinks, super sweet cats, plenty of comfy places to sit. To the outside viewer, it seems like a pretty standard setup, if surprisingly well funded. What is less common knowledge is that shapeshifters are also a thing and Dahlia's Sip and Purr also acts as a sort of safe house for many.
Reggie and Alex are the main two other front employees, with Flynn working there too on the business side of things. They take turns working the front counter and taking care of the cats, Julie hopping in with either job when she can. Everything on the menu has silly cat pun names, most of them courtesy of either Reggie or Carlos, Julie's little brother. (She regularly gets texts from him with no context, just a cat pun drink name. They've gotten more frequent since he moved out for college.)
About half the cats that come through the cafe are shelter cats, who are healthy and mostly adoptable but don't have proper homes. They have a board on the wall of which cats people can adopt. Julie has a great relationship with the folks at the nearby animal shelters, cause she takes great care of the kitties and often finds them good homes after a bit!
A couple of the cats are a bit older and have just been with the gang for long enough that they've gotten attached and Julie or Reggie and Alex (they live together) have officially adopted them. Julie lives in a studio over the shop, so she just kinda takes her babies up with her at the end of the day.
And then the last handful of cats... aren't full-time cats. Shapeshifters aren't super common, but they tend to find each other. Most of them have 3-5 forms, depending roughly on age. The first two forms (human and some animal) usually are based on genetics or whatever, and the shifter has no control over what the animal form is. But when they get a grip on their first nonhuman form and start learning a second one, a lot of folks will go for some kind of domestic animal. Both because they're generally small and easy to get away from bad people, but also cause no one is gonna ask weird questions about seeing a housecat in their backyard. At least not like they would if it was like a wolf or something. So most shifters have some kind of house pet form by the time they're teens/young adults.
Given both the high percentage of shifters who have a small cat form, plus the high population density of LA, plus the fact that being a shifter isn't always genetic and often comes out of nowhere... there's a fair amount of unhoused/exhausted cat shifters around Dahlia's. So when Julie and Flynn were daydreaming about running their own cafe in high school, Julie was like, "Okay but if we do the cat thing, we gotta have a way we can help out shifters somehow."
Julie learned about all this as a kid, cause her dad is a shifter (first form was a black bear, which caused some chaos... now his most commonly used ones are a big grey cat and a raven), and Carlos inherited those genes as well (first form was a badger, these days he spends his animal time mostly as an orange and white tomcat). So while Julie and her mom didn't actually change shape themselves, it's just kinda a part of life.
Alex and Reggie are both shifters and met Julie and Flynn in college. Julie sorta found out by accident when she came into their dorm room and saw zero human boys and two cats curled up together in a sunbeam. But now they're her employees/coworkers, having a good time working and also having a safe space to cat in. (Alex's first form was actually a cat, a jet black shorthair. Reggie's first was a hampster, but he much prefers being a dapper tux tomcat). They also know all the signals and stuff to let other shifters know that it's a safe space, which Julie really appreciates.
So yeah, some of the cats in the cafe are humans some of the time. These include :
Luke, who is also best friends with the main gang but absolutely hates customer service so he splits time between the cafe and writing music for a couple of indie bands in the area. Or sometimes both at the same time.
Willie, Alex's boyfriend (yes his first form was a raccoon) and another bestie of the gang. He teaches art classes for adults, but those are mostly in the evenings when people are off work, so he'll hang out as a cat and play with silly humans in the daytime (also skate around getting into trouble but that's fineee).
Bobby, who happened in one day in their first couple weeks of business and lowkey never left. He's a security guard officially for a museum or something nearby, but he mostly works the night shift, and well... the sunbeams are nicer at Julie's cafe than his tiny apartment. So he hangs out a lot and has gotten adopted into the gang. He and Alex are great nap buddies and customers like cooing over their lil yin and yang cuddle pile.
Coming along with Bobby, we have his twin sister Carrie, who is not a shifter but was kind of freaking out about her brother disappearing so much (she knew about the shifter thing) and ended up following him to the cafe about six months after he started going. Cue drama and chaos, but eventually things settled and it all got straightened out. Flynn and Carrie are dating now, so she's around a decent bit.
She also introduced Kayla, one of her dancers who was also a shifter, to the cafe. Kayla had gone for a dog form when she was younger, but started working on a cat after hanging at the cafe a bit cause it's just so cozy.
And well... the shifter community may be quiet, but it's got its rich people too. After finding out about the whole thing, Willie's adopted dad started subtly pushing business Julie's way, along with sponsorship deals and stuff. And well, when Caleb absolutely cannot get ahold of his kid, he usually knows where to go. Even if he's not actually there, Julie or Alex have usually seen him recently and can pass along a message. (Caleb is absolutely a shifter btw.)
And well frick this got WAY too long, I'm sorry!!! I shall shush now and leave you in peace!
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anindecisivespirit · 10 months
Baby Bat AU
Okay so like, I heard about the comic One Operation Joker, in which Batman is turned into a baby and Joker decides to raise him, and I just. My brain exploded with ideas. I haven’t read it and I’ve barely heard anything about it, but if I was writing a story with that premise it would probably go something like this (originally a thread of messages over discord):
Joker brings this newly turned baby batman to a meeting with all the other rogues And they’re like… why do you have a baby?? I don’t like the implications? And he explains that it’s batman, and some of them want to just kill him right now while he’s a baby, but he’s like “no no no, because then we’d have no proof that we killed Batman and you know it’s gotta be a spectacle. Mr Freeze, you try to find a cure, and the rest of you will help me take care of this baby.” And Riddler is trying so hard but babies are just so dumb. He’s trying to teach Bruce to solve puzzles and answer riddles. Ivy is telling him bedtime stories about how important the environment is and that the people who hurt it should die. Joker is the most irresponsible parent ever and Bruce almost dies three times a week. They were a little hesitant to let Zsasz near him but now Bruce is crawling all over him and hanging off his arms as Zsasz tells him about each and every one of his tally marks.
(Btw Zsasz can’t kill Bruce even if he wanted to, because he wants to kill Batman. He has a special place saved for Batman’s tally mark, but if he killed this baby… he wouldn’t be able to use it. He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to. This is not Batman.)
Clayface is shapeshifting into various animals to keep him entertained.
Bruce understands exactly 0-3% of what’s going on. They don’t know who he is so they all just keep calling him Batman/Bats/Batsy.
Bruce Wayne has gone missing.
Baby Bruce is terrified of Joker’s face for a good while, and keeps crying when he sees him. The first time he looks at him without getting upset Joker almost starts crying
Alfred is searching desperately for Bruce. Penguin is having mob meetings with a baby vest, and he’s put Bruce in a tiny suit Harley is trying to rollerblade around with him
None of them care that Bruce can’t understand anything that they’re talking about, they’re all trying to teach him to be Batman but also to be a tiny criminal at the same time
Joker gives him batarangs, which the others have to quickly take back before he hurts himself. They get him little foam batarangs instead
Riddler gets a little box that opens when you press a button, and he puts Bruce’s favorite treats in it to encourage him to figure out how to open it This results in the others giving Riddler one of those little puzzle boxes you give to cats and stuff as a joke, but Bruce seems to unironically love it
He plays with Catwoman’s whip and all of her cats love him. They curl up with him all the time.
Maybe Bruce is old enough to be saying words. He’s got mom and dad down, along with hungry and no and yes. So, all the rogues start trying to make absolutely sure that he says their name first. It’s a thing, now. They have to be first, they need to be the favorite. He gets ‘riddle’ if only because Riddler says it so often. He takes to saying ‘Za’ when he wants Zsasz. You can catch Joker crying in the shower because Bruce hasn’t said his name yet and he’s gotten most of the others down
None of them really pay any mind to the fact that Bruce Wayne has gone missing because they have more important things to do All except for the Riddler, who has known Batman’s identity for months and just never said anything. He debates whether or not he should tell anyone…
They knit him a little hat with bat ears on it, and it’s adorable
(Feel free to talk to me about this in tags and replies and asks!!!)
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