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phoenixyfriend · 6 months ago
Weird Egg?
Okay so in theory, Obi-Wan was plausibly on Mandalore when Anakin was born, right?
(this is technically a variation on a few other fics and AUs I've seen, and I'll list the stuff that came to mind at the end.)
While on Mandalore, Obi-Wan finds An Egg while hiding in a cave with Satine. And he doesn't recognize it, and Satine doesn't recognize it, and even Qui-Gon doesn't recognize it.
Which makes it weird, at the very least, and probably rare. It's the size of his HEAD and even though there's no parent around, the egg is… warm, now? He didn't notice at first, but it's definitely producing at least some of its own heat.
So Obi-Wan brings the egg with him, which is a pain in the ass in terms of maneuvering, but they do seem to have better luck avoiding Death Watch than before, which uh. Given that the egg feels warmer when they're getting lucky, and seems to glow in the Force, they think might not be a coincidence. A lucky rock, except it's alive.
Mission ends. Obi-Wan plans to take the egg back to the temple for study in case they just discovered Something, and as he's saying goodbye to Satine… the egg Hatches.
It is a dragon.
The dragon can project words into Obi-Wan's mind. It's not quite capable of complex thoughts yet, but it's a he (probably), and has a name (Anakin!), and considers the person who's been carrying him and protecting him and keeping him warm for the past six months to be his mom!
Obi-Wan protests at this. Qui-Gon decides to make his life harder with the 'correction' that Obi-Wan would be a dad, not a mom.
So now Obi-Wan has a small dragon which will be growing to the size of a house, that imprinted on him and is following him home and calling him dad and insisting on sleeping in his bed
Idk if you've ever read Septimus Heap, but… the MC of that found a Fancy Rock, put it in his bag, carried it around for a YEAR because he kept forgetting to take it out of his bag, and then it hatched into a dragon. And I kept thinking about that the whole time I wrote this.
In Obi-Wan's defense, he does Have A Plan.
Until the dragon hatches, turns out to be a sapient as a toddler (with promise of growth), and calls him Dad.
And now the plan is gone.
He just wanted to bring a cool egg back to the Temple for study!
And now the Mandalorians are pulling out old books about whatever the fuck this is because these things APPARENTLY went extinct around the same time as the underwater dragon-adjacent thing that is the Mythosaur.
Obi-Wan learns that supposedly the eggs are inert until something with the Force interacts with it in a Purposeful Manner.
Which includes "probing it a little to see if whatever is inside is actually alive."
Anakin's a standard western dragon that can breathe fire because Flyte. Also this post.
Weeeee okay small text for the references I mentioned.
Obviously, first up is the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage, specifically Magyk and Flyte.
The fic series I was thinking of initially that kind of jumpstarted the AU process was Boga Service Varactyl AU, but specifically Kenobi Kafé Service Animal Boga AU.
I've been seeing a couple of dragon shapeshifter AUs, including that post I linked earlier from @ahsoka-in-a-hood, @bubblew0lf1's dragon shapeshifter AU, and @squad-724's Dragon Jedi AU has been all over my dash for the past few days.
Stubborn to the Bones by @tideswept, which was part of what had me connecting the various dots of Obi-Wan Finding Animal Anakin on a mission, though our outcomes are admittedly very different lol. (Their fic is shippy, and mine is more decidedly gen/familial with a slight nod to Obitine.)
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estarion · 11 months ago
²⁾ there’s technically two beds available, but it’s freezing cold and everybody knows body heat works best
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He understands the limitations of human sight in darkness but she's so very far from where she belongs. “Your bed is in the opposite direction,�� he hisses, intent on breaking her from whatever spell she's succumbed to. Astarion once laid with a man who walked, talked, did the oddest little things in his sleep; he assumes that's what this is.
She does not budge at his voice. In fact, the edge of his bed only dips further. “Hello?” He tries again, and she surges towards him in sudden answer, arms flinging perilously around. He grunts. “For the love of—I'm not your body pillow.” She mutters some sleepy nonsense about the cold. Impatient hands take hold of her, one palm against her forearm, the other gently clasping to her warm neck. The chill of his skin seems to do the trick.
There's recognition in her gaze, widened now. Maybe a touch of fear too. Astarion snorts, staring up into eyes that likely cannot even detect his. “What did you think would happen? Sneaking into bed with a corpse! Go back to your own. It's not that bloody cold…” No colder than it can possibly be with him (the heatless corpse) still holding onto her. He nudges her carefully off, letting go. “There’s a warm, cuddly pooch around here somewhere. Why not go look for him?”
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teddy06writes · 1 year ago
Reaching In The Dark
Have you ever been going up the stairs in the dark, -maybe to bed, maybe to supper, maybe to something else all together- and gone to take a step that’s not there, because you haven’t realized you're at the top? And you fall forward just a little, stumbling like your whole world is out of balance? So that you’re sort of just left, reaching in the dark. Reaching for something that’s not there. 
I’ve been thinking alot lately, about how heartbreaking it can be to have to carry on, to continue to be, when something so groundshaking, so world changing has happened. I’ve been thinking alot lately, about how it seems so impossible for the rest of the world to carry on as if nothing has happened, when nothing will ever be the same. Yet it still does.
Sometimes, I sometimes think that maybe Wes Anderson said it best, when he had an actor playing an actor breaking character to ask a question like his life depended on it. When it felt like his heart, his own personal heart was breaking every night. I still don’t understand the play. 
Have you ever been driving, and seen someone doing something terribly reckless while driving in the opposite direction? So you brace yourself for the worst, -to slam on your brakes, to swerve out of the way- but instead they simply pass, and go on being reckless? And you watch as they turn into nothing but a blur in the rearview mirror. A spot of almost nothing, that could have been something. 
It’s a strange thing; grief. It turns your instincts into liars. Like when you reach for your water bottle, even though it is empty, because the instinct of thirst is too ingrained in you to disappear in a matter of minutes. Like when you grab for the handrail taken down a week ago, because before that it had been there all your life. It makes you start to call out to someone, before you remember that they have already left. 
It makes you search for something, while knowing that it’s not anywhere to be found. Sometimes, I sometimes think that David Conner showed it best, when he made his narrator go looking for the very thing that he had lost -the missing sun that had thrown his universe out of balance- only to remember it wasn’t coming back. 
Have you ever had a dream where you took a wrong step, and suddenly were falling? Falling impossible distances, at incredible speeds, until suddenly you’ve fallen so far that you wake up, back in your bed? And saw that the world was still dark, and that the world was still asleep? And realized that you were never really falling at all? 
I guess, what I mean, that is, what all this goes to say, is that at some point, the world will end. But it will also continue.
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tenderwatches · 2 months ago
sometimes you need dialogue tags and don't want to use the same four
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two-bees-poetry · 4 months ago
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so soft it hurts
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fl3a-bag · 3 months ago
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It’s their greatest invention as of yet
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amartworks · 5 months ago
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had a fun experience on the subway the other day
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astronnova · 5 months ago
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pppuri · 6 months ago
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say his name three times!
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necronatural · 7 months ago
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Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)
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I was inspired
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blueboxbeagle · 11 months ago
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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alexxuun · 1 month ago
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Kissing your augmented boyfriend.
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rivriderart · 2 months ago
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I was asked by a friend yesterday if I could offer basic tips about comic paneling. As it turns out, I have a lot to say on the matter! I tried breaking down the art of paneling using the principles of art and design, and I hope it helps you out!
EDIT: uh uh there are a lot of people reblogging this, so i figure i may as well append this now while i can lol
This whole thing was very much cranked out in a few hours so I had a visual to talk about with a friend! If this gives you a base understanding of paneling, that's awesome! Continue to pull in studies from the comics you see and what other artists do well and don't do well! You can tell paneling is doing well when the action is flowing around in its intended reading format.
Here's the link to the globalcomix article from which I pulled the images about panel staggering! Someone sent in a reblog that it wasn't totally clear that the 7th slide mostly covers what NOT to do in regards to staggering, and that is my mistake!
I saw in a tag that someone was surprised I used MamaYuyu too, and I don't blame them lol. If I had given myself more than a couple hours maybe I would have added something else on, I just really admire MamaYuyu's paneling personally.
uh uh, final append: I am by no means a renowned master of paneling, so if you find anything off base here, by all means, counter it with your own knowledge and ways you can build upon from here! Art is always a sum knowledge of everything we find. 💪
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drawingden · 3 months ago
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How to Paint Light by jonhuangart
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