#also possibly the best Linda performance
thebombasticbooky · 1 year
I don’t know if I can even explain why but after thirteen seasons and over a decade of watching her nothing pulls at my heartstrings quite like Louise Belcher with a sensitive, vulnerable plot line. The movie and two episodes this season got waterworks going with it. I just love that character
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kikis-writing-world · 4 months
Or: She needed to come back down to earth
Chrissy Cunningham has tickets to see her favorite pop star perform. It's a concert she'll never, ever forget.
Past Eddie/Chrissy, current female Pop Star!Reader/Rockstar!Eddie
*In the 3rd person, can also be read as an OC
Word Count: 3k
Rating/Warnings: Reader is female presenting and performed Espresso originally by Sabrina Carpenter, and I describe her as moving and posing, but possibly with the aid of dansers? - blank slate otherwise. No Upside Down. Could be read either canon!AU (mid 90s or so as they're adults now) or modern!AU. If I missed anything AU wise or blankslate!reader wise, please let me know kindly <3 I'm only human.
This work is rated PG but this blog is always 18+
A/N: The song got me, what can I say? Somewhere in my head Espresso mixed with Sk8er Boy by Avril Lavigne and here's what you get. A little fic to whet your appetite. Not edited, not betaed, written in about 1.5 hours while also at work- but I hope you enjoy it anyway <3
divider by @saradika-graphics
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“Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso-
Chrissy giggled as she sang along to the track floating from the state of the art boombox on her dresser. Her best friends, Cindy and Linda, danced around the bedroom with her, feeling like teens again as they got ready for the concert that evening.
“I can’t get enough of this song,” Linda gushed as she leaned close to the mirror above Chrissy’s vanity. She stopped singing along with the other girls long enough to apply her shiny lip gloss to perfection.
“She’s the best.” Chrissy agreed, turning the volume up even farther, hitting the threshold as the boombox reached max volume.
“Can I borrow this?” Cindy asked, picking up one of Chrissy’s eyeshadow palettes.
“Of course,” Chrissy agreed without thought, only to pause. “Wait- as long as you use that pink,” Chrissy amended, pointing to the neon hue. “Because it’s perfect with your outfit.”
The girls all laughed as they agreed on it being the perfect shade.
“How did you even get these tickets, it’s been sold out for months?” Linda asked, turning away from the mirror, bopping in place to the music.
“Daddy has a client whose son’s fiance got mono on her bachelorette vacation, so they canceled the wedding. They sold her tickets to afford the cancellation fees.” Chrissy explained as she compared two necklaces against her outfit. The girls cringed in sympathy, but the mood was quickly uplifted as they all tuned back into the music, forgetting the unknown couple’s problems. The tornado of excitement and glitter moved through the room until suddenly the girls all stopped what they were doing to sing along in tandem.
“I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger
The three faced each other as they sang, sharing the moment as they each performed their hearts out as if they were the one performing on stage tonight. The three danced, twirling their hips and waving their arms the way they did as teens, trying to get all the boys’ attention. Not the three grown adults they were, with homes, partners and responsibilities. It was freeing to feel so young again.
“My twisted humor, make him laugh so often My honey bee, come and get this pollen-
The three all shrieked with laughter as they reached the end of the verse, laughing at each other’s lewd dance moves in camaraderie.
“Oh shit, is that the time?!” Cindy gasped, cutting off the raucous laughter. The other two girls turned to the clock Cindy was staring at, noticing time did indeed fly when you were having this much fun. If they didn’t finish getting ready soon, they would be late and then have a hard time finding a good spot to watch the show from.
“Shit!” Chrissy cursed, barely audible over the blasting music. She jogged over to the boombox, turning it down a few notches to a more reasonable volume.
All three women snapped back to task, perfecting their make-up and concert looks. It wasn’t long before they were running out the door and into Chrissy’s powder blue Beamer. Chrissy hadn’t even backed out of the driveway before Linda had the car stereo blasting the album, right where they had left off in the house. The three women sped down the highway, singing along to the tracks they would soon be hearing live.
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Chrissy was sure her perfectly coiffed hair was falling and frizzing up, her carefully applied make-up turned into colourful smudges across her cheeks, the boots styled to match her outfit splattered with dirt and mud - but she couldn’t care less. She was having the time of her life at the concert. The singing was amazing, even better than the album. The dancing, the choreography - the hunky dancers. She was having the best time, dancing and singing along with Cindy and Linda.
“This is AMAZING!” Linda shrieked as the song ended. Chrissy clapped and cheered while Cindy jumped up and down.
“Alright, alright,” the woman on stage spoke, waving off everyone still cheering after the last number she performed. Her chest heaved as she caught her breath from the singing and dancing, skin glistening with sweat under the stage lights. Her hair hadn’t fallen and her make-up hadn’t budged. Chrissy watched her in awe, quieting her own thrilled cheers to hear what her favorite artist had to say next.
“Oh my god, Indiana, you guys are crazy!” She laughed, waiting for the crowd to die down. Unfortunately, the comment made them cheer in agreement. Chrissy and her friends jumped up and down, cheering along.
The performer on stage dropped the microphone to her side as she laughed again at the crowd’s reaction. She looked off stage and made a little shrugging motion, a smile on her face all the while. Chrissy couldn’t see who she was looking at from her angle - someone on her team, her manager, someone running the equipment; she wasn’t sure. She kept looking between the crowd and the wing of the stage until they quieted enough for her to speak once more.
“See I have a friend,” the singer started, roaming the stage with ease. Her presence filled the large space as the crowd - Chrissy, Linda and Cindy included - took in each word with bated breath. A field full of fans waiting to see what she would say or do next. “A very good friend, you might say.” The singer admitted with a sly smirk.
The crowd exploded - some cheers, some boos of disappointed fans.
“Did you know she was seeing anybody?!” Linda gasped.
“I hadn’t seen anything in The Enquirer!” Cindy shook her head, flailing her hands as if trying to fan herself. “Oh my god, who do you think it is?”
“It could be anyone,” Linda started, only to be interrupted by Chrissy.
“Maybe Leo!” She laughed, joking while all the while loving the idea that her favorite pop star might be dating her favorite hunk of an actor. Linda and Cindy agreed by way of shrieking and jumping with excitement. Chrissy joined in immediately.
“See, my very special friend is from right here in Indiana!” the star continued over the mic, halting the girls’ theorizing. They quieted down, Linda blindly grabbing for Chrissy and Cindy’s hands as she never took her eyes off the stage. No one wanted to miss a hint on who the mystery “friend” was. “He told me that you guys… Well, he doesn’t seem to like his home state very much.” The star fake pouted as the rapt audience booed. She looked off stage, pointing her exaggerated pout that way. 
“Oh my god, is he here? Who is it?” Cindy nearly fell over, trying to lean over far enough to see backstage.
“I can’t see from here!” Chrissy huffed, craning her neck to get a better look. It was no use, they were too far to the same side to see into the wings.
“I know! What a meanie!” The singer laughed joyfully into the microphone. “I tell him he’s a big meanie all the time, but he doesn’t believe me.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
A dull laugh rolled through the crowd and the performer gave it a moment to breathe before continuing with her story. “I think you were all a bit mean to him too once, but maybe one day you’ll forgive each other.” She tutted. The crowd cheered their agreement - anything to make their idol happy. The reaction made the singer beam brightly, glancing over her shoulder yet again.
“This next song… I wrote it for him, and-”
The crowd cheered and awed, interrupting her briefly. She shot a wink offstage before rolling through the crowd’s roar.
“I wrote this for him, and right here in front of everyone he says he hates, I’m dedicating it to him! Let’s show him some love!” She yelled over the mic, the crowd growing louder as it fed off her excitement.
There was a short beat of silence before the opening notes to Espresso started, making the crowd go wild once more as the smash hit song started.
Chrissy, Cindy and Linda all screamed along with the crowd, jumping with excitement despite their sore, aching feet after dancing all night. Chrissy pulled her camera out of her fanny pack, snapping pics as the song started. The singer smiled and danced to the opening notes, waiting for her cue to start singing. The dancers around her grooved along with her, waiting for the choreography to start.
"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso-
The trio of women sang along at the top of their lungs, as loud as their already sore throats would allow. Chrissy couldn’t be bothered to care that she likely wouldn’t have a voice tomorrow, it was worth it to sing along.
"Too bad your ex don't do it for ya Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya I know I Mountain Dew it for ya That morning coffee, brewed it for ya One touch and I brand newed it for ya
The singer and her group of dancers made their way towards their side of the stage, the crowd around them cheering for her as she approached. The three girls got their cameras ready as they snapped pictures of their favorite singer performing their favorite song just a dozen feet away from them. The male dancers fawned over her as the female dancers backed her up, dancing with her.
"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso Move it up, down, left, right, oh Switch it up like Nintendo Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso
The singer moved back across the stage, doing her best to perform to all sides, giving each fan in the crowd a chance to see her and her dancers. She had been doing it the whole show, but the crowd predictably was even more lively for her big, hit single.
All too soon, the song ended with everyone on stage hitting a final pose. The singer was center stage, looking upwards towards the stage lights as the dancers posed around her. Cameras flashed through the people as everyone took their chance to get a decent shot as everyone stood still aside from their heaving chests as they caught their breath.
Chrissy, Linda and Cindy followed suit, cheering and taking pictures between their jumping and flailing. Chrissy was lifting her camera for her fourth or fifth photo of the pose - she lost count - when Linda grabbed her arm and her attention.
“Look!!!” Linda screamed as others in the crowd started reacting too. A tall, lanky figure had emerged from the wing, sauntering proudly towards the singer at center stage. He wore dark coloured jeans and a black t-shirt. His face wasn’t visible past the mop of inky curls when they first caught sight of him, but Chrissy felt a sinking feeling in her stomach at the silhouette. It was too familiar, a memory of her past, but surely it wasn’t-
More people from the crowd started screaming as the man crossed the stage. The singer finally dropped the pose, lowering her eyes to look at the crowd. She was smiling, face flushed from performing, but she soon noticed the crowd looking to the side.
Chrissy heard a man behind her, arguing with his girlfriend, the conversation fading in and out of the ruckus around her. “... -ed Coffin… telling you that’s him… think I know what “Shredder” Ed-…”
The pop star on stage looked surprised to see the man at first, but by the time he pushed through the cluster of back-up dancers around her, she was smiling up at him. The smile was brighter than any she’d given the audience on stage that night, a smile that shone in her eyes in a totally different way than performing on stage made them shine. The pop star started to speak, the microphone still held to her side not picking up any of the words. She didn’t say much before the man interrupted her, cupping the back of her head and dipping down to kiss her.
The crowd cheered through the passionate kiss. The back-up dancers around her reacted with joy and surprise at the public display of affection, some gasping while others applauded or laughed. 
The man pulled the woman to him, holding her like he might be able to absorb her into himself in front of everyone. The singer didn’t fight, but she was obviously caught off guard at first. It barely took a moment for her to drop the microphone, a loud thunking noise booming from the speakers as it clattered to the stage. Her arms wrapped around the man, returning his embrace as she kissed him back. The sound of camera shutters nearly drowned out the voices of the crowd as everyone rushed to take pictures of the pop star and her apparent boyfriend - some to brag to their friends, some to try to sell as the first appearance of the world’s newest celebrity couple.
Chrissy stayed frozen, camera to her side as she watched who she was sure was her high school ex-boyfriend, Eddie Munson, having a heavy makeout session on stage with her favorite pop star.
“Wait, is that…” Cindy asked, starting to also recognize the man who had yet to turn his face their way. Cindy looked at Chrissy, her frozen reaction being all the answer she needed. Cindy prodded Linda, trying to get her to smarten up to what was happening to their friend.
The couple on stage finally parted, catching their breath as they only had eyes for each other. The pop star looked up at her man like he was the only person in the whole state, let alone in a crowd of hundreds. The man’s hand, covered with large silver rings, cupped her cheek gently. From where she stood, Chrissy could see his thumb caress her cheek. Despite the warm summer day, Chrissy shivered as she felt a ghost of a touch, a memory, across her own cheek.
The man leaned in, speaking directly into the singer’s ear for a few seconds. She let go a second later as he released her, bending down to pick up the microphone that was left abandoned on the stage. The man turned towards the crowd, finally showing his face to the entire audience. Some cheered as they recognized the lead singer and guitarist for the heavy metal band, while others who didn’t listen to heavy music waited for a clue to who the man was.
“Is that Eddie?!” Linda gaped, looking up at the man who was once the boy dating her friend.
He was older now than he was then, obviously. His mop of curls were still present, if possible better cared for. He had inky tattoos up and down his visible arms and some high on his neck, coming out of the collar of his Metallica shirt. He’d grown a short goatee, but the dimple in his cheek was still visible as he addressed the crowd. He looked… Great was probably not a strong enough word for how good Eddie Munson looked.
“Your Ex? Like, Eddie Mu-oof” Linda continued until Cindy elbowed her harshly in the side. Linda finally noticed the pale, frozen expression on Chrissy’s face. “Oh.” She mumbled lamely.
“Who's a freak now, Indiana?” Eddie growled into the microphone, his voice raspier than Chrissy remembered it- age, constant performing and steady smoking had settled into his vocal chords in an appealing way. It reminded Chrissy how he used to sound after a show at The Hideout, voice rough from a night of screaming into the mic. 
Eddie tossed the microphone to a nearby dancer, not bothering to check if the unsuspecting man caught it (he did, barely) as he stuck his tongue out, devil horns atop his head. Just like that, Chrissy could see the boy underneath the age, tattoos and facial hair. The 18 year old who couldn’t promise her the world, but promised everything in his world, only for her to break his heart a year and some months later. Out of everyone there, Chrissy looked up and saw no one but Hawkins’ freak with a heart of gold Eddie Munson, but she realized Shredder Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin didn’t even know she was there. She hadn’t even realized he’d gotten signed, or the band was famous- when had that happened?
Eddie turned, planting another passionate, borderline messy kiss on the pop star's laughing lips. The crowd erupted in another set of cheers, harshly pulling Chrissy back to real life.
Eddie ended the kiss, resting his forehead against the singer’s. The two’s lips were moving through their wide smiles. Chrissy could only imagine the sweet nothings being exchanged. Once upon a time, in a different life, in a quiet trailer park, those sweet nothings had been reserved just for her.
Eddie patted the star on the ass before releasing her from his arms. She laughed as he jogged back to his spot in the wings, hand over her mouth like she couldn’t believe the kiss they’d just shared. Eddie didn’t bother to acknowledge the crowd as he left, no wave goodbye or lude gestures. Before he disappeared from view, he turned to blow a kiss in her direction.
Red faced but smiling gleefully, the starlet pretended to catch it, placing it on her cheek. She stared after him even once he was out of view, only remembering herself when the dancer handed her the microphone.
“Oh, um…” She stumbled her words into the mic, giggling bashfully. She lowered the mic and took a deep breath, physically shaking her limbs. “I was expecting that even less than the rest of you.” She joked once she brought the mic back up to her smudged lips. “Let’s, uh… Let’s move on with the show?” She laughed, unsure how else to move forward with the setlist. The crowd cheered their agreement as she nodded to all her dancers and musicians to get ready to start back up.
“Should we leave?” Cindy asked quietly. Linda stared at Chrissy, waiting for her response.
It was definitely a concert she’d never, ever forget.
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universal-rebellion · 6 months
It's April in Jorvik - ( sabine x reader ) Chapter 1
hi! I plan to crosspost this fanfic to AO3 as soon as I get my invite :')
( cw: swearing. )
It’s April in Jorvik. 
The snow is off the ground, the grass is green, and the Equestrian Festival is finishing its preparations. 
And as for you, you were truly excited for it, but now you’re stuck running errands for your fellow Soul Riders… again.
You thought last year was ridiculous dealing with Alex and Linda’s last minute tasks, but this year was even worse. Both Anne and Lisa were tagging along this year which has added on to your own preparations for the festival. As much as you’re usually happy to help, you can’t help but curse to yourself this time for being so willingly. Stupid Soul Rider nonsense. All you wanted to do was practice and prepare your horses for the events you were set to participate in. But no, you’re were dealing with setting up another booth for the girls, helping Lisa gather her tack and outfits, and attempting to prevent Concorde from spooking at everything. Thankfully, everything other than Concorde has been dealt with, but now you’re losing light and you’re walking your horse next to Anne while she hand walks Concorde. 
This reincarnation of Concorde is, respectfully, a major pain in the ass. She still isn’t able to talk just yet, even after being aged by Vala, so it makes every situation worse because she can’t even tell you what her problem is. You were riding your starbreed, who is just about as fed up as you with everything. Unfortunately, for your horse, he was the best option for putting up with Concorde’s bullshit. The gelding pinned his ears at every out of line movement by Concorde. If she got too close he nipped at her, putting her back in line. By this point, you’ve figured out that she hates the balloons, so you were doing slow laps around the arena to get her accustomed to them. 
After your tenth lap Concorde finally calmed down enough to walk without trying to break free from Anne’s grasp. 
“ Anne, it's like 8pm. I think she’s about as desensitized to everything as she’s gonna get .” You give a gentle tug on your horse's reins and his ears pricked back up as he stopped. Anne looked at you and looked back to her horse, defeated. You hop off your gelding and give his neck a good pat. 
“ She’s as good as she’s going to get. ” Anne reiterates your sentiment with a sigh. 
“ Can we please get back to the stables? Between everything I’ve done today, I haven’t had time to see my other horses that I might be riding tomorrow. ” 
Anne nods. “ I have to deal with cleaning up Concorde anyways. She isn’t anywhere where she needs to be if she’s possibly going to be performing tomorrow. ” The grey mare pinned her ears back at her and snorted in annoyance at the notion she isn’t up to par. Does it make sense to clean a grey horse the night before a competition..? Who knows, but you aren’t gonna rain on her parade. However, Concorde’s a priss so maybe she’d stay clean. The two of you start your walk back over to the stables and trailers. You don’t bother to grab your starbreed’s reins, he follows you along like a dog. Besides, you’re too focused on making sure Concorde doesn’t try to pull a fast one on the two of you.
“ Where are you stalling her? Are you bringing her back to your home stable or are you staying here for the night? ” 
“ I could not imagine leaving her here. ” Anne practically scoffed at you. “ We are going back home. I won’t lie, I truly don’t know how I’d fit all of my outfits and whatnot into a suitcase. Also, where on earth would I get ready? ” 
“ I’m staying at the inn? A lot of the people who are competing are staying at the inn? ” You give her a look. Anne returned the look and rolled her eyes. 
“ Yeah, not happening. I’ll just deal with waking up earlier tomorrow. “ You shrug at her and the two of you finish your walk to the stable and part ways. Your horse audibly breathed a sigh of relief when Concorde was out of sight. You chuckled at him and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“ Yeah, I know. That was awful. But, hey, you were great, boy. ” You gave him a rub on the forehead. “ Let’s get that tack off of you, you deserve some rest. ” You led him to his stall and untacked him, leaving his tack on the stand next to his stall door. 
As you walked out the stall he tried to follow behind, but was stopped by you closing his door. He bobbed his head and snorted at you in protest. 
“ I didn’t forget bud, I promise. ” You rummage through the bag you brought and grab your bucket of Stud Muffins. The starbreed eagerly, but politely, snatched the treat from your hand, satisfied. 
You turn to the next couple of stalls and see the two other horses you brought with you. You were set to compete in a few categories in the following days and decided to use some of your other horses to give them some time away from the stables.
Your starbreed was going to be your horse for the cross country section. That honestly should be a given from the amount of nonsense the two of you have gotten yourself into throughout all of Jorvik.
 You brought an 11 year-old Belgian Warmblood gelding for show jumping. Thunder is black with a small snip on his nose and he towers over you at a good 16.9 hands. He’s been with you for a while now and has proved to be a fantastic performer.  
Finally, you brought your new 6 year-old Andalusian mare for dressage. Daybreak is a gorgeous dapple grey mare, you are still in awe that you managed to snag her. In all honesty, you aren’t too serious about the dressage portion, but you thought it’d be a good experience just to test out your new mare in the ring. However, you know that she’d be fantastic no matter the rider. 
You give the two of them their own Stud Muffins and give them both a scratch for good measure. 
You were in your own world when suddenly two tall shadows nearly made you jump out of your skin. At the entrance of the stable a tall woman walks in leading a large black Fresian through the door. It doesn’t take you long to realize who it was.
Of course. Why wouldn’t she be here? She was the last two years. You briefly recall the events that transpired between the two of you last April and the one before. 
You stay silent and try to finish up your chores for the night, grabbing a bucket for your horses’ grain. Khaan's steps thundering through the otherwise silent barn.
Annnnnnd of course she has Khaan stalled right next to your overly friendly gelding, Thunder. You mentally groan and try to not let your embarrassment show. The black gelding immediately tries to make friends with Khaan through the bars separating their stalls. The larger stallion pins his ears back at the attention, but doesn’t truly react until Sabine exits the stall. The moment she closes the stall door, the Fresian emits the lowest squeal you’ve ever heard from a horse and he kicks at the wall separating them. Thunder backs off and goes to seek attention from Sabine. She ignores his attempts and flings Khaan’s lead rope over her shoulder.
Sabine glares in your direction before turning to a bag sat next to Khaan’s stall door, pulling out a hoof pick and returning inside Khaan’s stall. Hm, bold after your horse just raised hell.
“ Wouldn’t have taken you as a person with more than one horse. ” She commented as she began to work on Khaan’s hooves, not bothering to make eye contact with you. “ Thought a Soul Rider would be too loyal to even think about it. ” 
You try and fail miserably to stop yourself from chuckling which earns you another glare and scowl in your direction when she puts Khaan’s hoof down. 
“ And I wouldn’t take the Dark Rider as one that would stall their horse in a public stable. ” You shoot back at her sarcastically, but lightheartedly. “ But I guess, no one else really knows that you’re a Dark Rider here. So, what difference does it make? ”  You say as you dump grain into Thunder’s feed bucket, which makes him entirely forget about Sabine and Khaan. 
“ You should see my home stable. It’d make your head spin if you think me having two other horses is more than you expected. ” You make your way back to your bag of grain, making Daybreak’s dinner. Sabine gave an audible huff as she finished up her work on her horse’s feet. She exited the stall again and threw the pick down in her bag. 
“ I don’t think it’s really any of your business why I have Khaan stalled here. Why don’t you just focus on your horses and I’ll deal with mine.” Ah there you go, that’s the Sabine you remember.
“Hey, you spoke first.” You dump the grain into your mare’s bucket. The two of you go to your work in awkward silence. You weren’t really sure why you were comfortable being alone with her, or moreso, why you didn't feel threatened by her presence. However, your starbreed wasn’t too happy about her being so close to you. You could feel him grow uneasy as you heard him pace and paw at the ground. Maybe you were too tired to really acknowledge the amount of danger you could be in? However, she didn’t seem too intimidating right now. If anything, she was a bit underwhelming for what you’d expect. 
You finish up your tasks with your horses and hang your feed bucket up. Looking over to Sabine you see that she’s fiddling with something in her bag. 
“ If you get bored again, I’m always up for a chase around Jarlaheim between competitions. ” You said picking up your bag. “ I could always use the warmup for my horses. ” Sabine stops what she was doing and cocks an eyebrow at you.
“ And willingly give you what you'd consider an advantage? That’s the stupidest shit I think I ever heard you say Soul Rider. ” She practically chuckles at you, dumbfounded by your words. 
“ Thought you’d enjoy the chance to kick my ass and leave me in the dirt. You know, like the last two years. ” You shrugged. “ Whatever. If you change your mind I’ll be around. ” You walk off and make your way back to the inn to call it a night, not waiting for her response.
That was fucking stupid.
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Opinions on GOAL potentially seing alexia as top 14 in bdo?
I mean I've fought friends of mine to justify that her 2022 one was legal (some people don't know the period considered) but this year... I mean her g/a contribution is so good considering she's been injured for a while and also played in a position where she doesn't usually play but from that recognition to a bdo nomination I'm not sure, sorry
We all know the popularity contest big international tournament centered contest that is bdo so if usa and Spain perform we will see lots of spanish players (some not deserving like last year), hayes winning best coach, possibly Mayra Ramírez (deserved) and Linda Caicedo (no comments) for Colòmbia's performance...
And a huge chance of a Graham robbery performed by aitana (deserved)/salma (not as deserved)
yes, i agree with you. it's too early to include alexia in a top 15 ranking for the ballon d'or because she really didn't play much of the last season, but we'll see how the olympics run goes, and a top 30 ranking could be entirely possible. as for this goal list, the whole top 15 has a lot of eyebrow raising inclusions with some of these ballon d'or "power rankings" choices.
where's engen? where's the rest of our players? it's annoying but it is what it is.
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i've come to expect that there's no point arguing about these rankings because they are almost always garbage. but as long as a barça player wins the top prize and jona takes coach of the year, that's what matters in the end.
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goddamnwebcomics · 2 months
So what's your take on asshole characters? Between Daisy Falls Apart, Carry On, and some of the characters in Las Lindas and Peter & Company respectively, it just bugs me on how some people write them but forget the part where they're supposed to be funny instead of insufferable. The best reference I can think of for when it works is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and that's mainly because the characters in that practically always get their comeuppance in each episode.
Yeah, I say over and over again. A good asshole character is someone who always gets punished for their behavior in some form or fashion, or their assholiness is so over-the-top exaggerated, it stops existing in a plausible world entirely.
Your example of IASiP is pretty good. There's also Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm. Seinfeld is an example of the latter, although the cast also faces their comeuppance at the last episode of the series.
Another example I can think of of an entertaining asshole character is Archibald from an obscure adventure game Runaway 2: Dream of the Turtle. He is a gigantic asshole, but he is entertaining because he isn't the protagonist of the game but rather an NPC you meet in one section of the game, his insults are brutal and I like that we virtually know nothing about him. He's just this estranged guy in the middle of Alaska who hates everyone and everything.
Archibald is an example of an asshole character who never grows out of being an asshole or faces comeuppance for being an asshole, the reason he works is because he is a relatively minor character to the game's story, he is pretty much treated as an asshole in the game's narrative as well. And the whole point of adventure games is to talk with random characters and try to muster as much information out of them as possible. With Archibald it almost becomes a challenge because no matter what you say he's going to roast you. He's also surprisingly realistic for an asshole, like I've seen a lot of Archibald-types on Twitter.
If you want to make a sympathetic asshole protagonist, then look no further than Woody from the first Toy Story. Nowadays zoomers think Woody in that movie is TOO MEAN, when in the original draft he was Kathy-levels of unlikable. In the actual movie, he still isn't perfect, but he is shown to have a sympathetic side and he does have an understandable motivation of being afraid of being overshadowed by Buzz. But Woody does learn to be a better person at the end of the movie, but the few times he does act like a prick he is genuinely hilarious thanks to Tom Hanks's performance. And he doesn't throw Buzz out of the window on purpose like in the original draft, people just think he does, which could be considered a comeuppance moment for how he acted earlier in the film. I don't think Woody is TOO MEAN, he is not a bully, just someone who is insecure about the possibility of being overshadowed.
Webcomic protagonists never face comeuppance. And when they do, it's written in the most forced way possible to "appeal to haters", but is trivial in the grand scheme of things. I think a webcomic with a likable asshole protagonist is only possible if everyone else is far worse than they are.
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thealmightyemprex · 7 months
Sci Fi Month Dune 1984
So @minimumheadroom requested I review David Lynchs Dune,a film which is being talked about now due to a new Dune being in theaters
For the record havent read the whole book, but have seen Denis Villenuves Dune part 1 ,and the first episode of the Dune 2000 miniseries (Which I also intend tio review ).ALso am reviewing theatrical cut
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This 1984 film follows Paul Atredies(Kyle Maclachlan ) whose father Duke Leto Atredies (Jurgen Prochnow ) has been appointed as head of production of The Spice,the most valuble substance in the universe,on the Planet Arrakis ,as part of a ploy by the jealous Emperor Shaddam IV (Jose Ferrer) and the Baron Vladimir Harkonen (Kenneth Mcmillian ) to wipe out the threat of the popular Duke Leto ,but this attempt to erradicate House Atredies,pushes Paul to join forces with the Freman ,the people of Arrakis,and possibly fufil the prophecy of being a messiah figure.....I think I got that right
So this film was a notorious flop that its director,David Lynch has disowned and by some it is seen as a mess of a movie ......And yeah they arent wrong .Its a two hour adaptation of a very long book full of a lot of characters and in a world that is very unfamiliar to avagage joe audiences who thought this would be a typical space opera and directed by a rather oddball director in the form of David Lynch .The film scared off typical audiences due to how confusing it can be and die har fans were equally baffled by some changes.....However due to home video and TV airings it gained a cult following of Sci Fi loving wirdos that apprecitate the film....I am one of those weirdos .Yeah if you were expecting "Dune 1984 sucks" you are gonna be disappointed ,I ADORE this piece of insanity
Its not a perfect film at all ,but if you are in the right headspace it is entertaining .Visually the film is stunning from the costumes to the giant sand worm effects .Cast wise the film is stacked,I actually cant talk about most of the cast cause there are so many characters so here are the 10 that stood out to me
Kyle Machlachlan as Paul Atredies -I need to finish the miniseries and see Dune Part 2 butI actully think Machlachlan is my favorite Paul,for being his first movie he commands the camera
Patrick Stewart as Gurney Halleck -The scene stealer of the film,cast by mistake ,Stewarts performance showcases Gurneys loyalty and gruffness while still making him a likeable presence .Also he runs into battle with a PUG
Sian Phillips as the REverand Mother Mohahiam ,leader of the Benne Gessert,this actress is just a pro at playing creepy villainesses and the Bon Jabar scene where Paul sticks his hand in a box of pain and cant remove it or else she will kill him with a poison needle is so memorable
Dean Stockwell as Dr Yuewh ,the best Dr Yuewh nailing the conflicted man who feels he must betray the man he respects in order to kill the man who killed his wife
Kenneth Mcmilian as the Baron Vladimir Harkonen .Now the Baron isa bit of a basebreaker,cause well ....David Lynch is the one guy who is like"Hey that obese perverted manipulator who wants to bang his nephew and uses a gravity belt to walk....Not repulsive enough " and gives us a cackling boil covered loonatic who flys around like a Peter Pan from your nightmares .Now I understand the backlash.....But for me he is SO Vile ,so despecable,and so over the top ,I find him hilarious .Like I will admit ,I prefer the other versions of the Baron but what makes me enjoy this take ,is the balls to the wall over the top deranged glee Kenneth Mcmillian gives.He is not phoning it is,he is tasked with playing a deseased deranged despicable monster and he pulls it off .It is one of my favorite examples of scene chewing ever
Brad Douriff as Piter De Vries -A small role but a memorable one as the Barons right hand man,Douriff just knows how to play a creepy villain
Linda Hunt as Shaddout Mapes,not much to say she is just very wonderful as this mysterious housekeeper and it impressive for her third movie role
Jose Ferrer as the Emperor.....Is not a good performance,but I kind of love seeing Jose Ferre this award winnig talented actor look baffled by everything around him
Sting as Feyd is weird cause he is technically one of the main villains....But he doesnt do anything till his memorable final fight with Paul,but between Sting sneering in the corner and his memorable steam room scene,he leaves an impression
Jurgen Prochnow as Duke Leto brings a nice fatherly quality and nobility.I like all three actors who have played the Duke ,but Prochnow strikes me as the most noble
I dunno,I find the film very qoutable ('FATHER THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED " being a favorite as is "Moods a thing for cattle and love play,not fighting ") ,I think it looks good ,cast is mostly pretty good ,Totos soundtrack kicks ass and hey its Dune,even if not the best adaptation its still a great story.Also on an ironic note,I do enjoy titlting my head at some of the Lynchian changes like the cat milking
If I have a complaint ,its that I prefer the first half of the film to the second ,as it kind of devolves int a bucnh of fight montages and frankly I dont like that they paint Paul as a pure hero when that not what he is
Oh and to answer @minimumheadroom's questions:
I do think the film couldve benefited from being two films and hottest character is Gurney cause Patrick Stewart is DASHING
Overall,....If you hate the movie you hate it ,but I think it has both elements of genuine quality and ironic cheesyness that make it a good watch
@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @princesssarisa @minimumheadroom
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the-odd-ducks · 15 days
Unyielding Spirit: Why The Pursuit of Happyness is a Must-Watch Masterpiece
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The Pursuit of Happyness is a heartwarming and deeply inspiring film that resonates with audiences through its powerful portrayal of perseverance, determination, and the human spirit's unyielding resilience. Directed by Gabriele Muccino and released in 2006, the film is based on the true story of Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman who faces insurmountable challenges in his quest to provide a better life for himself and his young son.
Box Office Collection
The movie was a commercial success, grossing over $307 million worldwide against a modest budget of $55 million. The film's strong performance at the box office is a testament to its universal appeal, as it struck a chord with audiences across different cultures and backgrounds. Its success was also fueled by positive word-of-mouth and critical acclaim, making it one of the most memorable films of the year.
The Pursuit of Happyness gained widespread popularity for its moving story and the exceptional performances of its cast. The film's relatability and emotional depth helped it gain a lasting place in the hearts of viewers. Over the years, it has remained a favorite for many, often cited as a must-watch for those seeking motivation or a reminder of the power of perseverance. The film's popularity also extends to television broadcasts, streaming platforms, and home video sales, where it continues to find new audiences.
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Star Cast
Will Smith delivers a career-defining performance as Chris Gardner, capturing the character's struggle, determination, and love for his son. Smith's portrayal earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor and solidified his reputation as one of Hollywood's most versatile and talented actors.
Jaden Smith, making his acting debut, plays Christopher Gardner Jr., Chris's young son. Despite his age, Jaden delivers a mature and heartfelt performance, perfectly complementing his real-life father's role.
Thandie Newton plays Linda, Chris's wife, who eventually leaves him due to the pressures of their financial struggles. Newton’s portrayal adds complexity to the story, highlighting the strain that economic hardship can place on relationships.
The Message
The core message of The Pursuit of Happyness is one of hope, determination, and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams, no matter the obstacles. The film emphasizes that success is not defined by wealth or status but by the effort and persistence one puts into overcoming challenges. It also sheds light on the harsh realities of poverty and homelessness, particularly in the context of the American Dream, while also offering a powerful message about the importance of family and the sacrifices parents make for their children.
Chris Gardner's journey from being homeless to becoming a successful stockbroker is a testament to the idea that no matter how bleak the circumstances, with enough determination and hard work, anything is possible. The film also encourages viewers to cherish their loved ones and to remain hopeful, even in the darkest of times.
Why Everyone Should Watch It
The Pursuit of Happyness is more than just a movie; it's an emotional and motivational experience. It teaches valuable life lessons about resilience, the importance of never giving up, and the power of a positive attitude. Will Smith's performance, coupled with the real-life story of Chris Gardner, makes the film both inspiring and relatable.
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Whether you're facing personal challenges, seeking motivation, or simply looking for a movie that will move you emotionally, The Pursuit of Happyness is a must-watch. It serves as a reminder that success is not guaranteed, but the pursuit of happiness is a journey worth taking, no matter the odds. The film's emotional depth, powerful message, and stellar performances make it a timeless piece of cinema that resonates with viewers of all ages.
Read the original book from which the movie was inspired
The Pursuit of Happyness (US)
The Pursuit of Happyness (IN)
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princesspuresarahk · 4 months
 Bob’s Burger Fanfic Belcher's On The Run!
The Belcher siblings are on a really big adventure with new changes Tina gets a new look with a possible new love, Gene is rising with music entertainment and Louise is ready to make it big with finding big money, but this summer will more crazier that they realized cause this time they'er on their own when they believe they're on the run after Mr.Fischoeder's home was caught in unexpected fire at a event that nearly killed the landlord putting him the hospital for a while and the kids 'think' they were the cause of it and need to find proof they are innocent.
Chapter 1: Summer change is here! Part 1
It's been 2 years at the Belcher family home and things couldn't be any better and sweeter Bob and Linda still working together at the restaurant their relationship still full of strong love and support Gene and Louise we're now 13 and 11 Gene was his still carefree friendly self still writing and playing his musical unique (sometimes strange) songs that had really gotten good and improved, his family really enjoys with Gene even writing special songs for each of them that really touched the whole family's hearts. Louise is still mischievous as ever enjoying pranks and pulling a few skins that worked out pretty well with results of one of them being winning $150 at a new mechanical bull ride at Wonder Wharf owned by a woman named Billie Mae who moved into the neighborhood hood and have recently became a really good friend with the Belchers (even new best friends with Linda) she was tall proud woman with wild bodacious hair tough as nails and smart as a whip who grew to really like Bob's burgers while visiting for lunch after hearing about how good his food was in fact she loved it so much she gave them a surprise $100 tip and amazing 5 out of 5 star review that nearly made Bob cry in amazement how it was a sweet kind place with awesome customer service food was really good and it was big family friendly a great place to go eat when you want a nice big juicy burger. Not also that Billie talked to Bob (with the encouragement from Linda and the kids) to go into a side business with her whole made barbecue sauce shoppe and add her famous sauces to his burgers of the day price 50/50 Bob was reluctant but decided to give it a try and much to a surprise everyone seem to really like it when he first put on the new burger of the day "The dark midnight holy spice BBQ brisket burger " customers and tourist came all over when they started hearing about the new barbecue burger series at the restaurant with the Belcher family making more money than they ever realizing this was the most special day they ever had Bob still thought he was dreaming.
It was nearing now the last day of school for Summer Gene and Louis had just gotten back as they opened the door to the restaurant as Linda "there are my sweet babies are you guys excited for your last day of school!" She cheered giving her two youngest each a kiss on the cheek.
Always the mama’s boy, Gene was happy to hug Linda back, but Louise squirmed away from the kiss. “Yeah, I’m excited it’s the last day! It means I can have a summer of not going to school and getting sent to Mr. Frond all the time,” she responded. Noticing someone missing Linda look around "hey where's your sister where's my Tina beanie?" Tina haven't gone through the door yet well Gene and Louise looked at each other, then toward their mom "Tina wanted to walk by herself mom, she's still in that long summer slump ever since Pesto Jr. Moved to attend that performing arts school where his mom lives," Louis explained as she and Gene sat by the table Linda surprised went by the window to look at the distance seeing a loan figure hiding in a big gray hoodie "oh oh my poor Tina can't believe that big ugly funky cloud came back thought it went away after Christmas still can't believe she still sad about Jimmy Jr. leaving.?" Linda expressed worryingly did this was the biggest slump the now 16 Tina had been in as she watched her oldest child solely walk one step at a time hidden in her hoodie. Last Summer Tina was hoping her and Jimmy Jr would become summer sweethearts again and on the day that she was going to ask him he was thrilled to tell her the news of him given the opportunity to go to a performing arts school to which Tina was happy for but later on it turned out that Jimmy would have to move in with his mom in order to attend and would have to leave by the end of June which made Tina devastated but she knew she couldn't hold Jimmy Jr. back in this big opportunity. “Gene, Louise, you guys go on and catch up with Tina, make sure she’s okay,” Bob addressed his younger kids.
“Got it.” Louise nodded, and she and Gene left the restaurant so they could catch up with their sister. “Hey, T! Are you okay?”
For a few minutes there was nothing just silence the occasional sound of soft breathing until they heard their sister give a big soft sigh "sigh..yeah.. I'm..ok ..sigh" she spoke softly continuing to slowly walk to the restaurant "oh boy"Louise mumbled she wished Tina could just get out of the slump. Suddenly she got a little idea "hey Gene got any songs for Tina to get out of a slump we got to put a smile on this girl!" Giving her brother a wink “You know I do!” Gene nodded and excitedly began loudly singing a song he’d written. Gene set up a tune with his new harmonica as he came up with lyrics to a song that he knows his sister likes "🎶 oh Tina the coolest sister I know, she dances to a steady beat stand up to a girl who's ever mean she's a strong sensual woman relaxing write into her stories and zombies and if she anything in fantasy she will be the zombie Queen! Fighting and riding Jericho her mighty steed that's her imaginary horse! Oh Tina the coolest sister I know Tina please smile for us come on Tina just for us!" Gene ended with a high note as he tried to catch his breath after coming up with the quick song.
Tina finally smiled a little, but Louise could tell her sister wasn’t completely happy. "Hey Gene I think we need to pick it up a little." Understanding remaining Gene set the tune again as both he now Louise sang the song again to get Tina to smile in arms and swing side to side.
Singing it louder and louder until a small smile fully appeared on Tina's lips showing how much her siblings care "That's the Tina we know,” Louise smirked as they finally made their way to the restaurant heading inside with Linda happy to see a little cheer up smile on her daughter "hey there's my tina teeny beanie how's my sweet girl." Coming over to give Tina a hug and a kiss on the cheek like she did with Gene and Louise a while ago
"Hi, Mom," Tina said quietly all smile still on her face seeing her mom that she was happy to see her daughter cheered up a bit
“That’s my girl.” Linda hugged her. “Are you ready for school?”
Tina smiled more "yeah Mom we're going to have a little party for the last day tomorrow." She explained and silently it looks like it was going to be fun even without Jimmy Jr. Suddenly the door could be heard opening in a familiar voice with a deep southern accent appeared "Howdy doo shugs! How'll y'all doin today!" Came wild and bodacious Billie Mae wild big red all over the place with her honey caramel eyes wearing a suede summer jack with a deep blue top tight jeans and cowboy biker boots that stomped loud as she entered the restaurant loud with pride.
Linda brightly saw their new friend enter "Hhhhhheeeyyyy Biillllie! How you doing girl it's nice to see you today!"
“No fair! I wanna be a cowgirl!” Gene exclaimed.
Billie smiled "You can be any cow folk ya want little man!" She gave a wild grin to Gene before giving his hair a toss and placing her straw cowboy hat atop Gene's head making the teen smile.
She then greeted the rest "Hey Louise how's my favorite little punk still causing mischief?" Giving Louise a fist pound as the youngest Belcher gave a wild grin like her "It's nice seeing you Billie." Bob greeted from the kitchen "Thanks and I'll be having your burgers of the day the El cheddar jalapeno shudder with extra spice in it to go." She ordered Gene slightly winced at the mention of jalapenos remembering the time being Beefsquatch him and his in competition against one another and his dad tricked him into eating one of his burgers that had a bunch of spicy jalapenos on it!
Morning on the Last Day of School
“I guess we need to get to school so we’re not late,” Tina finally sighed.
She still wore her hoodie hiding herself in it as her siblings made their way downstairs
Linda noticed and it made her ever concerned as she watched her babies off to school she needed someone to talk to pick up her she looked at her contacts and pressed the first number she saw after a few rings there was a "Hello?" Taking a breath "Hey Billie it's Linda hey hon I need some help with Tina."
“Yeah? How can I help you?”
"she's been down in the dumps for a long time recently ever since her old summer sweetheart boyfriend moved away last summer it's been rough on her so I was wondering if you could help me come up with an idea to help her get this lump out of her once and for all I don't know maybe help me plan a girls day for her?" Remembering how she took Tina out on one when she learned Jimmy Jr was going out with a girl on Valentine's Day
"hmmm you know what shug I think I can come along to help and I think I have an idea that can help with Sweet-T!" she declared making Linda smile happy and excited " Oh thank you Billie that be wonderful so what's the plan?" She whispered the last part as Billie explained their plan when Linda went to pick up the kids “I’ll tell you what, I think we should take Tina for a good spa day. I know a great spa that owes me a favor  'cause I go there so much!” Billie replied.
That brought a smile to Linda's face "Oh Billie that sounds wonderful I'll get the kids ready once they get off from school just tell me the directions and we'll meet you there hon ok bye bye now!" Linda hung up the phone excited this was just what Tina needed!
Meanwhile, later on at school, it was nearing the half-day school Tina's class was having a small pizza party with a movie called The Lone Ranger it's a pretty good movie Tina as a forever deep horse lover thought it was pretty good, especially with the mystical white horse silver the Ranger rides. She smiled as the main fight/chase began as she munched on the last of her pepperoni pizza silently looking at the side as Tammy and Jocelyn quietly talked on their phones (their teacher saying it was ok since it was the last day of school as long as they are quiet during the movie) typing away at their screens. she then turned to her other side where Zeke was kicking back against his desk enjoying the movie as he made excited remarks from scenes in his deep southern accent.
Zeke had taken it a bit hard when Jimmy left but he seemed to doing well after a while he always helped support his best friend and from what she heard/said Jimmy was doing excellent in his new dance school and even got to do a few big auditions.
Soon the last day of class was over as Tina made her way out Louis and Gene showed up just in time "Hey Tina my teacher had a milk and donuts party and she let me have two extras for you and Louise," Gene declared happily handing Louise a chocolate glaze with sprinklers and giving Tina a strawberry pink one also with sprinkles as Gene chowed down on his maple bacon glazed.
“Thank you, Gene.” The last day of school hadn’t been too bad, so Tina was noticeably in a better mood as she accepted her donut.
“Thank you, Gene.” The last day of school hadn’t been too bad, so Tina was noticeably in a better mood as she accepted her donut.
Taking a small bite she enjoyed the sweet taste of strawberries and cream of the pastry as she and her siblings walked out of the school just in time to see their Mom with Billie in her big black 2004 pickup truck both smiling excitedly "Hey kids ya really to go for a day at the salon and shopping?" Linda cheered all pumped up for fun and to help her Teeny Tina!
“Yeah, Mom, that sounds fun.” Tina nodded and opened the door and got into the backseat.
"Yahoo a day at the salon I can get a pedicure my aching musical feet need it!" Gene commented following Tina in while Louise thought it was nice cuz Billie would be paying for it all as her treat which meant free stuff!
Yeah, it’ll be fun. Thank you, Billie.”
It wasn't they arrived at the salon across from them was one of the new arcades so if Louise and Gene got bored they could go over there to play Billie even gave them $100 bucks each (yup she's that loaded y'all) while Tina is getting her makeover "all right Tina baby cakes you're ready for a life-changing new you?" Billie asked giving a wild grin making their way inside wear a hair stylist was there just in time waiting for them "Hello you must be Tina the name's Diane and I'll be giving you the most relaxing day of your life honey," she explained as Tina slowly got on the chair "all right sweetie first let's remove this hoodie and see what we got here," shyly Tina removed the hood and well caused everyone to gasps "holy moly!" Gasped Diana "Honey what got you into this jungle?"
credit to the amazing https://burgerspeople.tumblr.com/ for being part of this Fic! : )
Stay tuned for Part 2 as Tina reacts to her Cinderella transformation that slowly brings her out of her slump.
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The Love Story of Jim and Yam
Part 2: Mutual pining, comphet regression
This is a three part analysis about Jam, every part covering one season. So, read part 1 here if you haven't. Friendly reminder that this analysis is built on non-canon views and headcanons, and thus will not always be what happened in "canon".
Season 2 starts with them as close as they always are. Sometimes I personally always have noticed is the LESBIAN FASHION they have early in this season.
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One example out of 100. But seriously, they wear every single possible lesbian look ever in the span of like 6 episodes I swear.
In the start of this season, Jim is still dating Nico. But we slowly see how she feels like something is off.
This starts when he sings Linda to her. She looks rather uneasy as he sings it. Of course - in the context of the scene, a reason Jim is nervous because she just left him a terrible voice message and now he comes and sings a song to her? A love song, dedicated to her no less? Of course she's now very embarrassed - to the point where she can't even seem to focus on the song at all. It's even that she forgot about the song...
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And in all honesty, even if she was focused on other things like deleting a message on his phone, she did not seem that impressed with the song - and I think she also feels guilty about not feeling as touched by it as she should be. Sure, it could just be due to the voice mail thing making her nervous and distracted, but I also think there's other things involved. "Oh no, he is my boyfriend and he did a really adorable thing, come on Jim where is the butterflies? He is your boyfriend and he loves you, why aren't you into it more?"
Jim absolutely does not want Nico to think bad of her. To the point that she can't admit her mistake to him, in case he would think bad of her. It's both that she as a person just does not like conflicts, but I think comphet also plays in here. She loves the idea how having a boyfriend sometimes more than... having one. Which eventually makes her realize that... she really only likes Nico as a friend. It's actually funny how quickly her love for Nico died down. Like it just happened all of a sudden. Maybe Jim realized something about herself...?
I recall they also said something about how, on the phone, when they aren't seeing each other, they feel like they want to be together, but meeting up in real life they feel more like friends. Which I feel is, that apart they romanticize the situation, but then it's not as romantic as they thought they felt. So they mutually decide to break up. After this breakup, Jim more and more starts to get out of the comphet field. And the further the season goes, the further she's into the "I don't need any man" thoughts - she's glad she has her gal pals over a boyfriend.
Yam on the other hand? She regresses back in comphet for a while, although not until the last chunk of the season. In the beginning, she still helps Jim with all of her weird boyfriend shenanigans and supports her through it all - she is there to give some moral advice to Jim when needed, too. But at the same time, she is actively supportive of Jim and Nico breaking up, even if she does not say it out loud. Example: This is Yam when Jim flirts with Nico...
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Or even... when she stands next to him...
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She was aware she had feelings for Jim in the first season, but I think it has hit her more this season. However, admitting you're in love with your best friend is not really an easy thing, and she is not even sure if Jim feels the same. So she has to put those feelings down in favor of keeping her friendship with her - a friendship she cherishes more than anything in the world. So, with her pushed down feelings, she decides to go all in into her singing. And while Yam blossomed with her singing last season, this season is really when she goes off with it.
One thing I remember distinctly from her performance in the singing competition is that she said "this is a love song and I don't feel in love". I do think this is a half-lie. She's saying this to Jim, who if she said she was in love, Jim would ask who, when, what, etc. But I also think there is a truth in it - Yam does not want to admit she's currently in love, both because the one she's in love with is right in front her, but also because she has convinced herself she is not. "You can't be in love with her, so just don't be". But Jim tells her to think of a time when she was in love and Yam says she only can come up with "one example".
Yam does not sing Yes, I do to Ramiro. No matter how much the show wants to frame it as that. She sang it to "no one". Yet people are convinced she must've sung it to someone, that she must've sung it to a boy. Even when Yam says "I wasn't inspired by anyone" or "I sang the song to no one" she gets to hear that she's lying, and Jazmin even says that she'll find out and tell everyone eventually. Now, I do believe that her initial choice of song wasn't due to any special reason. I fully believe she chose it because she simply liked the song and did not sing to anyone in particular. But I do think that, when she performed, she acted as if she was in love to get into the love song, and thus thought of the time she felt in love. And, was that with Ramiro? Ramiro, who she argued with so much? Even when they dated, in fact then she argued even more with him? The dude she was ready to break up with at any moment? Was there not any other person she felt more love with? Also with this, I think Yam is growing more and more tired over people always thinking she has a crush on a boy, that she's thinking of a boy, that she should find a boyfriend... and eventually this takes a toll on her and makes her fall back into a comphet phase - thus, back to dating Ramiro.
In season 2B, Ramiro has started to become less self-absorbed and is on better terms with Jim and Yam. They become such good friends and, in the middle of denying her feelings for Jim and everyone expecting her to like and have crushes on boys, she decided "okay... why not give Ramiro another chance?". However, just like in season 1, they bicker a lot and I recall Yam even threatening to break up with him over some tiny thing at one point. However, it's a bit more stable this time. Maybe because they perhaps tried more than last time... but, it's clear to me that it's more that they like the idea of dating more than actually dating. I, side note, often switch between bi!Ramiro and gay!Ramiro, and so occasionally I wonder if he's even into it either or just pretends because he "wants" to, or it's some sort of beards they have with each other. I will discuss them more in S3.
I've discussed Jim and Yam alone, and with their boyfriends this season. But how are Jim and Yam with each other, then? The answer: They have a huge mutual pining.
I will never get over the couple's costume of the century that is the jin/yang outfits.
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During a lot of this season, they are often off screen and the others wonder where they are. Several times they enter a scene like "here we are, we forgot the time" and the others slightly raising their eyebrows but shrugging it off. I've been thinking of how, for example, Luna and Nina know everything going on in each other's lives, but Jim and Yam does not really know what's going on with them (do they even know of Luna's necklace mystery or that they dressed up at a retirement home to find information on a dead man?) - at the same time, Luna and Nina does not really know what's up in Jim and Yam's lives either. And it's likely that there's some unknown things Jim and Yam talk about or do off screen, stuff we'll never know of, and we only know they were late or had to go due to some reason. What did they do on the way to "get some supplies" during the episodes of everyone cleaning up Roller, for example?
It's possible a lot of the time they sneak away together as an excuse to spend more time together. They can't get enough of each other. At this point, both of them have realized they feel something deeper for each other than just friendship. However, they start thinking opposite ways. Jim realized more and more that she's not interested in men, while Yam is starting to consider "okay, maybe I should give men another chance... I have no luck in women anyway..." This will all fix itself in season 3. Right now, they have a mutual pining that they don't realize the other one has too. And when we end the season, they're as close as ever, sharing a hotel room... with Delfi and Jazmin too, but due to it seemingly only being two beds, I guess Jim and Yam had to share one.
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Also! I could not fit this anywhere else on the analysis, but: Yam's suit! For a while, she had been talking to Jim about how she did not really want to wear a dress. It was actually a whole thing that also was sort of in the background in favor of other things. But Yam had expressed how she'd rather have a suit than a dress. And then!!
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Her wanting to wear a suit instead of a traditional "girly" dress, makes the impression she wants to explore herself and experiment what she likes and don't. I mean, I gotta say, both her and Jim have a range of different outfits - one day they look like retro punks, the next they wear brightly colored overalls. It's clear they like gray, white and black, but then they like red and blue in both light and dark shade. The next day they're in flannel, the next day in striped buttoned shirts... they're experimenting with their style and expression and it's very nice to see how you can determine the kind of style they have, even if they wear such different outfits every day.
And I think, with that, they also explore their identity. What they like, how they wanna express it... and who they like.
Get ready for season 3, where I personally think is when the girls actually started dating.
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Skunkworks anon - I'm interested in any current information you have regarding Skunkworks' current operations as well as any resources/information available about Lockheed's involvement with programming. I don't know how far back it goes, or the most 'prominent' examples, so ANY information you can offer to point me in my own research direction is extremely appreciated!
Here are few from Lockheed. They often contract through universities and other institutions for their work. For example: Lockheed Martin-Loma Linda University is conducting the first large-scale tests of a toxic drinking water contaminant on human subjects -- a precedent medical researchers and Environmental Working Group condemned as morally unethical and scientifically invalid.
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL) I suggest starting your search there.
Customers include U.S. government service laboratories and the U.S. armed forces, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) to maintain technology dominance.
Evaluating Training with Cognitive State Sensing Technology
Five different training techniques (classroom, video, game-based, computer-based, and simulator) were compared using neurophysiological measurements. The best performance was displayed by individuals in the classroom and video conditions. These participants also displayed the lowest levels of cognitive workload and the highest levels of engagement. The poorest performance on the training was exhibited by individuals in the computer-based and game conditions. These participants also displayed the highest levels of cognitive workload, the lowest levels of engagement, and computer-based had the highest levels of drowsiness. As expected, the testing phases of the training had the highest levels of workload. In general, engagement dropped and distraction increased during the training phase when the material was first presented to participants. However, participants who could keep engagement high during this period performed better. This suggests that mental state monitoring during training could help provide a mechanism for alleviating distraction and inattention and boost training efficacy.
Experimentation: Creating an Active, Collaborating Community of Practice (COP) Background: Workshop Purpose and Goal. * Workshop Purpose: Provide a forum for discussing approaches to warfighting experimentation; Provide an opportunity for military and civilian operations research analysts to examine topics, methodologies, analyses, and innovations pertinent to all aspects of designing, executing, analyzing, and reporting joint warfighting experiments. * Workshop Goal: The goal of the 1999 Joint Experimentation Workshop was to develop an experimentation process; Using the results of the 1999 Workshop and the two published Codes of Best Practice for Experimentation, the goal of this workshop is to determine how to apply analytical rigor across the process
The Advanced Embedded Training System (AETS): An Intelligent Embedded Tutoring System for Tactical Team Training
The Advanced Embedded Training System (AETS) applies intelligent tutoring systems technology to improving tactical training quality and reducing manpower needs in simulation-based shipboard team training. AETS provides layers of performance assessment, cognitive diagnosis, and team-training support on top of the existing embedded mission simulation capability in the Navy's Aegis-class ships. Detailed cognitive models of trainee task performance are used to drive the assessment, diagnosis and instructional functions of the system. AETS' goal is not to replace human instructors, but to allow one instructor to perform the work of several, and in a more consistent and efficient manner than possible today.
Interactive learning using manifold geometry
 We present an interactive learning method that enables a user to iteratively refine a regression model. The user examines the output of the model, visualized as the vertical axis of a 2D scatterplot, and provides corrections by repositioning individual data instances to the correct output level. Each repositioned data instance acts as a control point for altering the learned model, using the geometry underlying the data. We capture the underlying structure of the data as a manifold, on which we compute a set of basis functions as the foundation for learning. Our results show that manifold-based interactive learning improves performance monotonically with each correction, outperforming alternative approaches.
Skunk Works does the building of the technology and it is tested elsewhere. For a majority of classified testing is thought to be conducted at the Nevada Test Site.
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castielmacleod · 2 years
I was wondering, how do you explain that you love Amara (I think I saw you say that in a post)? She hurt Castiel and Crowley horribly in Season 11. Like, physically and gruesomely hurt Castiel, and pschologically hurt both Castiel and Crowley.
It is not an accusation, because I also love Amara at the end (especially due to the injustice of her being betrayed by Dean and absorbed by Chuck). But I got so mad when I watch Season 11 and I can't reconcile it myself. So I want to see how you do it.
Applies to Rowena too btw (even more so), but I'm afraid to ask you that one knowing how passionate you are about her.
Hi! Thank you so much for the question. I totally understand where you’re coming from. I have two main reasons: first of all I can sympathise with all of these characters individually on some level, and second of all—most importantly—all of these characters demonstrated positive growth and the capacity to change to a significant degree.
Expanded answer under the cut because I wanted to be detailed with this one, for both Amara and Rowena.
So I think, first of all, it’s pretty critical to point out that it’s the same deal for Rowena and Amara as I have with Crowley. Because I also love Kevin and his family with my whole heart, furiously so, but in season 8 Crowley kidnapped and literally tortured Kevin, who at that point was only a 17 year old kid. Crowley also murdered Channing, also a young teen, right in front of Kevin who was close with her, and he kept Linda imprisoned in a storage unit at the complete mercy of his henchmen starting from mid-season 8 all the way until late season 9. These are all things that honestly turn my stomach to the point where I can hardly stand to think about them. Yet, I unabashedly want only good things for Crowley. In the same season Crowley shot Cas and tore into his gut with his bare hands to get to the angel tablet, also quite horrifying, yet I still like the idea of Crowley and Cas eventually being in a very loving romantic relationship together. It all sounds sick when I put it like this but there are the two things I mentioned: I can understand that Crowley is a twisted soulless demon that left him with few moral inhibitions when it comes to such behaviour, and after season Crowley changes as a person significantly. He becomes far less violent, far less heartless, and far less murder-happy, and most most importantly he expresses an honest desire TO change and be better to those around him, which he then does his best to follow through on. That means everything to me, especially on a show like this one. And so with Rowena and Amara it isn’t very different, at least for me.
Amara was sealed away in solitary confinement outside the realm of existence for millions of years, with nothing to do but smoulder in betrayal. Once she was sprung from her cage, it left her to act out a millennia of built up rage and grief that she had no other outlet for. She was willing to defile her brother’s creations in any possible way if she could *just* get his attention again, because she was desperate for it. Desperate to understand why he betrayed her, and furious enough to want to violently confront him about it. But then the longer she spent on earth, she came to realise that the world does have value, and she lost the will to destroy it, standing down peacefully in the end. By the time we see her in season 15, she is a changed person who just wants to protect the world she’s fallen in love with from those who would do it harm—not on Dean’s side and not on Chuck’s, but seeking to do the objective right thing herself. I just really appreciate that journey and growth for her.
With Amara in particular I feel it’s also fair to account for the fact that the writing for her is honestly just atrocious (imo the character is very much carried by Ms Emily Swallow, who brings forward so much life and charm through her performance that I can’t help but find endearing) and not only that, but the writers were continuing as usual to demonstrate their bias against Cas and Crowley and bias toward Dean in season 11. So to me it makes sense that Amara would betray Crowley and never resolve their relationship and be used to exacerbate Cas’ feelings of worthlessness, because of course she would. I’m not excusing the fact that she did those things, she still very much did them and it was horrible, but I feel there is some particularly strong out-of-universe reasoning going on there to acknowledge. And of course, like I mentioned, she very much changed for the better in any case.
As for Rowena, the situation is more complicated but I think the best I’ve been able to put it are in these tags of mine:
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Rowena intentionally and knowingly made the choice to hate Crowley to protect herself from the consequences of letting herself love him. The irony is that, after Crowley died, those same walls that she had put up to keep him out and at an arm’s reach just crumbled anyway. She was (rightfully) wracked with guilt over how she treated Crowley, as well as with the grief she never allowed herself to feel for their lost relationship. She recognised that because of her, Crowley never even had a chance to live a good, content, normal life. She went to incredible lengths to summon Death just to beg them to bring Crowley back, expressly so that Crowley could HAVE that chance that she’d stolen from him. She was unsuccessful in that attempt, but she learned that she must figure out how to live with the mistakes she made, that the most she could do was to just.. try and do better going forward. And I think she thought that by latching onto salmondean and helping them and protecting them, she was doing for them what she never did for Crowley.
But even then, we learn in season 15 that Rowena had in fact been working on developing a resurrection spell in the background the entire time since then, which to me says she actually STILL hadn’t given up on Crowley, and still had some degree of hope that she might be able to save him and repay her mistakes with him in the ultimate way, by giving him his life back.
To me all of this with Rowena is just incredible, incredible growth, and that’s exactly why I’m so passionate about her. She made terrible mistakes, ruined lives, closed herself off to love in all its forms, and set herself to embody this “evil skank” persona/mask of hers that helped her to not feel vulnerable. But not only did she recognise her wrongdoing, she literally owned up to it and did everything in her power to set it right, both for Crowley directly (attempted) or by proxy by helping others (successful). And like her son before her, she took the risk of opening herself up again to the possibility of love and vulnerability and put visible effort into becoming a kinder, stronger, more compassionate person. In her case, she was lucky enough to actually be accepted by the main characters where Crowley never was, but that’s hardly her fault.
Nothing can absolve Rowena of her past wrongs—nothing can absolve ANYBODY of their past wrongs imo, but at the risk of sounding too philosophical and deep I just really believe that what matters is that she acknowledged the harm she did and actively decided to be a better person going forward, and then actually changed her behaviour. That just means everything to me.
I think the key difference between a character like Rowena (and Crowley, and Amara) and a character like Dean, for instance, is that Dean never changes. The way Dean was raised was messed up and I can sympathise with that much, but he NEVER owns up to his behaviour in a meaningful way or commits to being a better friend, brother, and person. He actually arguably gets WORSE as the show progresses, more belligerent and angry and hypocritical than he already was. He may apologise once in a blue moon, but he never follows it through with action, and that is what I find so damning. As such I don’t care to forgive him for anything. That goes for other overpopular “sad boi” characters who are excessively sad about how horrible they are but never actually try to improve. It doesn’t matter how sad you are if you never demonstrate any desire or effort to change, at least to me.
With Rowena in particular, by the way, I think it’s also really critical to note that Crowley was also a terrible parent. Rowena neglected, verbally abused, and abandoned her son. Crowley went on to neglect, verbally abuse, and physically abuse his. Both of them made efforts to make up for that in different ways. So to me when someone holds being a terrible parent against Rowena and not against Crowley, I think in most cases that’s probably worth closer examination.
Anyway, in conclusion, I think I would still love Crowley, Rowena, and Amara as completely villainous characters if they hadn’t changed the way they did, just due to the fact that I find them fun, charming, and cool characters overall. But I would talk about them VERY differently, and be nowhere near as sad for, sympathetic to, or protective of them as I am. I certainly wouldn’t actually want good things for them to the extent that I do, if at all lol.
Ultimately this is all way more subjective than objective, so I’m not expecting everyone to agree with me—especially those with different lived experiences from me, whatever that might entail. Regardless, I hope all that at least answers your question <3
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dankusner · 1 month
The Forest Theater Is No Longer Trapped in Limbo
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The South Dallas institution is on track to a rebirth, this time through the anchors of arts, housing, education, and economic development.
Five thousand people attended its opening in 1949.
Then a highway was rammed through South Dallas, and everything began to change.
“Will this time be different for South Dallas and the Forest Theater?”
Those words, printed in large type above the fold of the Dallas Morning News on November 10, 2021, “haunted” Elizabeth Wattley for “a long time.”
Wattley is the president of Forest Forward, the nonprofit tasked with bringing the historic Forest Theater back to life.
Which, in a way, means it is also tasked with the future of South Dallas.
Considering the scope and ambition of that statement, you can understand why that headline hounded Wattley.
The 75-year-old theater, adorned with a green tower that once glowed like a beacon on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., has for the last 15 years sat empty among a derelict block of liquor stores and shuttered shops.
Wattley recently discovered that its last certificate of occupancy was issued in 1982, which would’ve included the span of time when Erykah Badu rented the theater to book acts like The Roots and Dave Chappelle.
There remains a lot of work to do before the tower glows again.
But on a Thursday afternoon in April, Forest Forward took a moment to celebrate what it has accomplished.
Hundreds of people sat in a parking lot behind the building under a clear sky, the nickname Sunny South Dallas becoming too literal.
Southern Dallas’ elected leadership celebrated Forest Forward’s milestone of fundraising, generating $75.215 million in public and private dollars—branded for the ZIP code in which it sits—and marked the beginning of renovations here.
“Along this stretch of MLK, it used to be dormant,” said state Sen. Royce West. “Everything was closed.”
What’s different this time around is Wattley’s strategy.
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A couple from North Dallas named Linda and Jon Halbert paired with the nonprofit CitySquare in 2017 and bought the theater.
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Wattley, who was working at CitySquare at the time, was appointed to lead the project.
She has grown the operation into an independent nonprofit.
She’d taken on big projects before, like helping turn Paul Quinn College’s football field into an urban farm.
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She spent months gathering community input that informed the new plans for the theater.
She kept hearing about the need for housing and education programming, particularly with a focus in the arts.
“The best part of buying a building first and not having a 100 percent plan set together is we kind of get to start from scratch,” Wattley told our Peter Simek in 2017.
“I think what was exciting was the possibility of having a facility that could answer a lot of needs at one time for the community.”
In the time since, Forest Forward has acquired about 20 lots and properties around the venue, vacant land and liquor stores and long-empty retail spaces.
It has plans to turn some of these contiguous properties into mixed-income housing; Wattley estimates it could bring at least 150 units, which could be even more if the organization chooses to pursue multifamily.
It has partnered with Dallas ISD to transform the Martin Luther King Jr. Learning Center into the MLK Arts Academy, which graduated its first 8th grade class in May.
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Four students from that class were accepted into Booker T. High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, and another was on the waitlist.
That’s a big deal.
Booker T. last year counted about 1,100 students across its four grades, and only 10 lived in 75215.
Local heavyweight architecture firm HKS is designing the overhaul, which will include a 1,000-seat concert hall in the old building and a 200-seat theater, dance studio, and broadcast and audio recording facilities in a new structure.
The Forest will also add a rooftop patio, a café, and a coffee shop that won’t be a certain national chain.
In April, it received a zoning change from the City Council to make its plans legal.
It is on track to receive the construction permits it needs.
All of this is happening in tandem with the removal of U.S. 175, the highway that, like so many other urban freeways, created a gash through South Dallas that has taken decades to overcome.
The land where that road was will soon be a boulevard, connecting the theater with the rest of the community.
Kids will be able to walk free of traffic between the Forest and the school.
After the party in the parking lot, Wattley took a short vacation.
“It did nothing,” she says. “I thought it was gonna be like, ‘oh, we’re done, let me go and relax.’ That did not happen. We came back and got at it.”
In late June, Wattley and two Forest coworkers sat in the second floor of a coworking space not far from the theater.
The groundbreaking marked the beginning of construction.
The team had just finished the asbestos abatement, a key progress marker in renovations for old buildings.
They’re improving the foundation so it can eventually hold the coveted rooftop patio, providing clear views to downtown.
September will mark when construction on the new building begins and the completion of the structural and foundational improvements in the old theater.
It turned 75 years old with a gutted interior, a missing roof, and a hole in the wall created by the foundation work.
“I absolutely acknowledge how far we’ve come because we can’t turn back now,” she says.
“We have the opportunity to really keep pushing, a rhythm. Can you believe we’re on schedule? We can actually do this, but funding is critical.”
On schedule means a soft opening in late 2025 with its full completion by the summer of 2026.
And about that $75.215 million—that’s a combination of public and private funding, the amount needed for the renovation of the theater, land acquisition, and supporting educational programming.
It also included money allotted for infrastructure from the Texas Department of Transportation and the North Central Texas Council of Governments.
The latter of which will pay to create about 300 parking spaces for the theater under nearby Interstate 45, allowing Forest Forward to not have to waste any of its space housing cars.
The project was always going to need more than $75.215 million. Wattley says the cost of the theater and the new building is up to $80 million.
They’ve raised nearly $60 million so far.
Construction is ongoing.
“It’s no longer about capability. It’s no longer, are we smart enough to do this? Is this going to work? This is now down to money. And in the city of Dallas, we shouldn’t be here,” Wattley says.
“As complex as this project is, the things that I’ve learned, the boxes that we’ve been able to check—the fact that it comes down to dollars? Not in the city of Dallas.”
The story of South Dallas extends along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, from the Forest north to Fair Park.
The theater is trying to meet the needs of all the people who live in the blocks between them, focusing on access to education, arts, economic development, and housing.
At the northern end of the street, there’s Fair Park and the push to tear down its fences and transform parking lots into a community park.
And at the other end, there’s the Forest and its ambitions.
Wattley and her team believe they know the ending.
She has a story about why she thinks this.
In the days after the groundbreaking, some legacy residents had logged into Facebook and found something to critique.
During the groundbreaking, Wattley hadn’t mentioned the old black-and-white checkered floors in the theater’s lobby.
“That’s people’s snapshot memory, their core memories of the theater,” she says.
The floors are still there, but she didn’t include that detail in her presentation.
It bugged her.
But she realized something important: “If we’re down to debating black and white floors, we’re doing okay.”
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ledenews · 5 months
Six Bordas & Bordas Attorneys Named 2024 W.Va. Super Lawyers
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Bordas & Bordas is proud to announce that six attorneys have been selected to the 2024 West Virginia Super Lawyers list.  Bordas & Bordas attorneys Jamie Bordas, Linda Bordas, Geoffrey Brown, Scott Blass, Jason Causey and Richard Monahan were selected as 2024 West Virginia Super Lawyers.   Jamie Bordas, managing partner of Bordas & Bordas since 2005, has been a West Virginia Super Lawyer for over a decade. Bordas spearheads Bordas & Bordas’ operations across multiple states and jurisdictions. An extremely accomplished litigator, Bordas has concentrated on the negotiation and resolution of the firm’s most complex and significant cases, including mass tort settlements of $36,500,000 and $18,500,000 and a single plaintiff settlement of over $18,000,000. In 2019, he served as lead counsel for a plaintiff at trial and presented the Oral Argument before the West Virginia Supreme Court in a case that resulted in a $16,922,000 verdict against Walmart. The verdict is believed to be one of the largest, if not the largest, verdicts in the history of Wood County, West Virginia, on behalf of a single plaintiff. He has also obtained a $10 million verdict in an insurance bad faith case in Belmont County, Ohio. In 2023, Bordas argued a case, Harris v. Hilderbrand, Slip Opinion No. 2023-Ohio-3005, before the Ohio Supreme Court where the Court unanimously ruled that police officers do not have immunity from negligent acts with K9 officers outside of duty. He also served as appellate counsel in Brown v. City of Oil City in which the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania decided in May 2023 that a contractor who has created a dangerous condition through work performed for a possessor of land may be liable to all persons suffering injuries caused by the dangerous condition.   Bordas works on cases involving diverse areas of law, including insurance bad faith, toxic torts, personal injury, medical malpractice, oil and gas cases, business litigation and more. He has frequently been  invited to speak to groups of attorneys on techniques applicable to trial skills, negotiation, mediation  and resolution of cases as a result of his reputation for getting the best possible results for his clients. He has led the firm’s expansion into Pittsburgh and the rest of Western Pennsylvania and the opening of  the firm’s Gateway Center offices in Pittsburgh.    Linda Bordas, also a partner, founded Bordas & Bordas with her husband Jim Bordas when she joined his practice upon graduating from law school in 1985. She had previously worked as a hospital pharmacist and immediately applied her background to become one of West Virginia’s most successful medical malpractice attorneys. Linda has obtained numerous major verdicts and settlements in almost every area of medicine and handled appeals that have expanded the rights of patients and especially the families of children who were injured or killed as a result of negligence.   She obtained a verdict of $2 Million in Davis vs. Wang, which involved the death of an infant due to medical negligence. That case also significantly affected the law in West Virginia for jury selection and juror bias in medical negligence cases and cases in general. She also obtained a $2,500,000 verdict in Klamut vs. Youssef in a case involving the death of woman as a result of medical negligence involving radiation oncology. In Andrews vs. Reynolds, she obtained a $2,760,000 verdict following the death of an infant, and helped establish law regarding loss of future wages for the survivors in a wrongful death action. In Mackey vs. Irisari, Linda obtained a $1.8 Million verdict following the failure of physicians to recognize signs of septic shock following a surgery. In Nickerson vs. Andreini, she obtained a $1 Million verdict on behalf of a young boy who required a hip replacement as a result of negligence by an orthopedic surgeon. She has also obtained multiple multi-million dollar settlements on behalf of other clients in medical malpractice cases involving various areas of medicine.    Geoffrey Brown, a partner at Bordas & Bordas, has been a West Virginia Super Lawyer for 12 years. He concentrates his work on the firm’s complex litigation and medical malpractice cases. He has obtained major jury verdicts not only in medical malpractice, but also in cases of stockbroker negligence, workplace injury, and wrongful death. Brown has earned a reputation for comprehensive preparation and attention to detail in theses demanding areas of law. He has obtained multi-million-dollar verdicts in West Virginia and Ohio. Brown has also been involved in Bordas & Bordas’ business litigation department and has handled multi-jurisdictional contract disputes involving Fortune 500 companies and representation of individuals before the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration panel.   Scott Blass has been a West Virginia Super Lawyer for 14 years. Blass has been litigating complex civil cases for over 30 years. He has obtained seven-figure verdicts on behalf of his clients in diverse areas of the law, including verdicts of over $4 million in a product liability case, $8 million in an auto accident  case, $1.4 million in an insurance bad faith case, and $5.7 million in a medical malpractice case.  Blass has also represented the families of oil and gas workers killed in fires/explosions and obtained settlements of $19 million and $19.5 million. He has been recognized as one of the foremost insurance bad faith and insurance coverage lawyers in West Virginia.    Jason Causey has been a West Virginia Super Lawyer for the past seven years. Causey is a leader in consumer law in the State of West Virginia. Through aggressive litigation, he has saved dozens of homes from foreclosure. In 2011, Causey and one of the firm’s founding partners, Jim Bordas, were forced to trial against Quicken Loans in an effort to save the home of two Wheeling, West Virginia, women from foreclosure. In addition to saving the home, they obtained a verdict of nearly $3,000,000 in this predatory lending action. In 2016, Jim Bordas and Causey teamed up again for a $1,700,000 result against a municipality after a broke water-main flooded a local business. In 2017, Causey along with his co-counsel, obtained an $11,000,000 judgment in a consumer class action against Quicken Loans.    Richard Monahan has been a West Virginia Super Lawyer since 2020. Monahan has been representing West Virginia citizens and consumers for more than 29 years. Among his successful trials, he has obtained verdicts and judgments of $3.9 million in a wrongful death action arising from a motor vehicle collision and $2.5 million in a retaliatory discharge case.  He has also worked in complex litigation, including substantially contributing to class actions involving natural gas rights, product liability claims involving defective drugs, and other consumer claims resulting in verdicts or settlements in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Monahan is also known for his extensive appellate work.  In addition to his involvement in numerous appeals before the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, he also fully briefed and argued a case before the United States Supreme Court, resulting in a unanimous decision in favor of West Virginia class action plaintiffs in Smith v. Bayer Corp., 564 U.S.299 (2011). He was selected as Appellate Lawyer of the Week for his argument in that case by The National Law Journal.    Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The  annual selections are made using a patented multiphase process that includes a statewide survey of lawyers, an independent research evaluation of candidates and peer reviews by practice area. The result is a credible, comprehensive and diverse listing of exceptional attorneys.   Bordas & Bordas is a plaintiff’s litigation law firm with offices in Pittsburgh, Wheeling, W.Va., St. Clairsville, Ohio, and Moundsville, W.Va. The firm’s attorneys practice throughout the region in diverse areas of law and are licensed in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Texas.   Read the full article
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diveintothedance · 10 months
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Linda Bufali
Conocí EL C.I. en 1998 durante un curso de Teatro Físico. Me fascinó y comencé un largo proceso de aprendizaje que continúa hasta el día de hoy.
Desde 2008 he estado enseñando en muchas comunidades italianas (Italy Contact Festival) y en el extranjero (Madrid, Lleida, Alcoi, País Vasco, Colonia, Israeli Contact Festival, Ukraina Contact Festival, Barcelona Contact Festival, Asturias Contact Festival, In Touch Barcelona).
Enseñar significa para mí alimentar mi propia investigación y satisfacer la necesidad de contribuir y apoyar la de los demás.
Concebí y organicé eventos con el deseo de difundir al máximo CI (Italia Contact Camp y CicloNomade) porque creo que es una Revolución extraordinaria, poderosa y saludable que parte de nosotros, de nuestros cuerpos.
Personalmente, experimento C.I. como la mejor forma que tengo en esta vida de encontrarme con alguien fuera de los compromisos sociales, de meditar y mantener vivas las ganas de moverme.
La vida es movimiento, moverse en dos acelera la conciencia.
Hoy tengo 45 años, soy madre de dos hijos de 25 y 3 años. También soy abuela de un niño de un año.
Marta Wrzesinska
Bailarina y profesora de contact improvisation, apasionada por danza contemporánea e improvisación, método Feldenkrais y movimiento como un medio de crecimiento personal y una forma de expresarse. Se ha formado en danza contemporánea, en contact improvisación y en Proceso Corporal Integrativo (PCI) . Con diferentes compañías sigue investigando la técnica de CI, improvisación multidisciplinar, video danza y performance. Actualmente bailarina en compañía Perros de otra vida y leOma. A diario vive en Madrid y compagina su inquietud artística con el labor como docente e organizadora de los eventos relacionados con el CI.
Jesús Alonso
Investigador del movimiento y bailarín de CI. Mi trabajo se centra en la danza entendida como una exploración desde las sensaciones corporales y la poética del movimiento.
He participado como docente en Flow Festival de Varsovia y Mediterranea Contact Festival, e imparte clases regulares de CI en Madrid.
Formado con maestras como Cristiane Bullousa, Diana Bonilla, Linda Bufali, Charlie Morissey, Katja Mustonen, Mirva Mäkinen, Ray Chung y en danza contemporánea e investigación de movimiento con Poliana Lima, Mónica Valenciano y Lucas Condró. Método Feldenkrais con Simonetta Alessandri y Julen Arévalo.
Linda Bufali
I met THE C.I. in 1998 during a Physical Theater course. I was fascinated and began a long learning process that continues to this day.
Since 2008 he has been teaching in many Italian communities (Italy Contact Festival) and abroad (Madrid, Lleida, Alcoi, Basque Country, Cologne, Israel Contact Festival, Ukraina Contact Festival, Barcelona Contact Festival, Asturias Contact Festival, In Touch Barcelona) .
Teaching for me means nurturing my own research and satisfying the need to contribute and support that of others.
I conceived and organized events with the desire to spread CI (Italia Contact Camp and CicloNomade) as much as possible because I believe it is an extraordinary, powerful and healthy Revolution that starts from us, from our bodies.
Personally, I experience C.I. as the best way I have in this life to meet someone outside of social commitments, to meditate and keep the desire to move alive.
Life is movement, move in two accelerates consciousness.
Today I am 45 years old, I am a mother of two children, ages 25 and 3. I am also the grandmother of an almost one year old child.
Marta Wrzesinska
Marta Wrzesinska Dancer and contact improvisation teacher, passionate about contemporary dance and improvisation, Feldenkrais method and movement as a means of personal growth and a way to express oneself. She has trained in contemporary dance, contact improvisation and Integrative Body Process (PCI). With different companies he continues to investigate CI technique, multidisciplinary improvisation, video dance and performance. Currently a dancer in the company Perros de otro vida and leOma. She lives in Madrid every day and combines her artistic interest with work as a teacher and organizer of events related to the IC.
Jesús Alonso
CI Movement researcher and dancer. My work focuses on dance understood as an exploration of bodily sensations and the poetics of movement. I have participated as a teacher in Flow Festival in Warsaw and Mediterranea Contact Festival, and teaches regular CI classes in Madrid.
Trained with teachers such as Cristiane Bullousa, Diana Bonilla, Linda Bufali, Charlie Morissey, Katja Mustonen, Mirva Mäkinen , Ray Chung and in contemporary dance and movement research with Poliana Lima, Mónica Valenciano and Lucas Condró. Feldenkrais Method with Simonetta Alessandri and Julen Arévalo.
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thebandcampdiaries · 2 years
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Linda Debella presents: Bend to the Light
November 2022 - Linda Debella is a driven, direct and forward-thinking artist with a truly one-of-a-kind vision. The project’s most recent studio effort is a stunning new album titled "Bend to the Light". This release is very balanced and extremely diverse, making for a very special combination of different genres and influences.
The gritty edge of dance-pop blends in together seamlessly with the ultimate melodic sensibilities of groove-driven music and even the energy of rock, echoing the work of influential artists such as Fleetwood Mac, Kate Bush and Celine Dion, only to name a few. In addition to the broad musical and creative coordinates of this project, Linda also complemented the music with some outstanding lyrics. The wordplay is witty and direct, combining great vocal melodies and powerful dynamics, with heartfelt songwriting. This is the kind of release that feels very deep and personal, yet it has a very relatable feel that makes it very easy to relate to. The album features 12 original songs and each track has something special to offer. The first song on the album, “Love Is on the Way” has a unique twist, which combines a very funky instrumental with a lush pop melody on the vocals. The lyrics are positive, warm and easy to relate to, making for a really amazing introduction to the mood of the album. The following song, “Come Clean” happens to be another highlight on this release as well. The track stands out because of the unique balance of memorable melodies and romantic lyrics. The instrumental backdrop has a soothing sound, and it is almost tinged with jazz and fusion influences while still retaining a pop-inspired sound. There are so many tracks making this release special, but “Soldiers” is perhaps one of the most touching and relatable songs on the album. At times, we might all feel alone and hopeless in this life, but this song serves as a stark reminder that we are not alone, and that we’re all in the same boat, soldiers fighting a fight and simply trying to find our place in the world.
“Slow Seduction” happens to be another amazing moment on the album. The song’s hypnotic piano patterns meld in perfectly with the drum groove, going for a very mellow vibe that allows the lyrics enough room to stand out. The song that follows right after is titled “Got It Bad,” and it features a different vibe, focusing on creating dreamy sound landscapes as well as hopeful and cinematic melodies.
Last, but definitely not least, the album comes to a close with the exceptional final song, “Skywriting.” This is one of the most beautiful ballads on the album, as it offers a rich, emotional tone to the mix. The guitar leads are incredible as well, with an amazing solo in the bridge to spice things up!
One of the most interesting and striking features of this release is definitely its remarkable consistency. Not many artists can easily pul off a project that features such a wide variety of elements and influences. The most obvious risk is that the material can end up sounding quite disconnected and loose - but this is definitely not the case. Linda is a master at creating organic, cohesive and consistent vibes, which really flow well throughout the span of this release. The performances are loaded with passion and integrity, while the production aesthetics are also excellent. The mixing quality is indeed absolutely world-class, with some amazing definition in the top end and lots of punch in the low-end and midrange. The results sound warm and present, yet never harsh or fatiguing, which is quite an amazing achievement, particularly in this genre!
On "Bend to the Light", Linda really made a point to set the bar higher, not only for herself, but also for his listeners, genuinely delivering something that’s catchy and direct, yet forward-thinking and challenging in the best possible way.
Find out more about Linda and do not miss out on "Bend to the Light" and other exciting releases from this artist:
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Disney VHS Request REview Aladdin
So I have a fondness for old home media formats and have a bunch of Disney movies on VHS ,thought it would be fun to let my mutuals pick which ones I watch .And to answer your question ,I am watching these specific films on VHS ,cause it legit adds to the nostalgic feel
Requested by @goodanswerfoxmonster ,we shall look at Aladdin
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The plot of this 1992 film is street urchin Aladdin (Scott Weinger ) gains posession of a magic lamp holding an all powerful Genie (Robin Williams ) who will grant Aladdin three wishes which Aladdin uses tomake himself a prince and woo PRinxess Jasmine (Linda Larkin ).Can Aladdin not only stand against the machinations of the royal vizier Jafar (Johnathan Freeman ) but also his fears of being himself ?
So do I have nostalgia for this film:Yes I do! Saw it many times as a kid ,as well as its sequels and TV series (I mightve saw Return of Jafar first ,I'm not sure ) .As a kidI thought it was a very good movie but as an adult......I have the same exact opinion
Yeah sorry folks I dont have anything groundbreaking to say about this film,most people agree it is pretty darn good,and I think it is pretty darn good.Its not among my favorites but everything is pretty solid in terms of entertainment I feel ....I am actually at a loss at what to talk about on this
I think Aladdin is a pretty solid protagonist with a solid character journey with his own insecurities while also being a very clever and resourceful hero .JAsmine is I think my third favorite Disney Princess (Behind Repunzel and Belle ) and I like the chemistry between the two protags .Side characters are good,love Abu the kleptomaniac monky and the Magic Carpet who is a character in its own right .The film,even seen on VHS and 30 years later ,I maintain is one of Disneys best looking films ,the animation is spetacular
The villain is great ,Jafar is a good mix of classic villainy while being a good foil to our hero,our hero is a poor kid ,our villain is this elegant guy in high power ,and that is his defining thing ,he DESIRES power.He might be one of the best power hungry villains I have seen ,because no matter however powerful he is.....Its never enough for him,and this comes to bit him in the butt ,which tends to happen with villains. HE is also just a good classic style villain,very elegant,cackling ,cracking puns and just enjoying his own evil .He is wonderfully designed and animated by Andreas Deja and I must give credit toJohnathan Freeman ,Jafars voice actor ,who is so comitted to the character he has played him various animated projects ,video games and even on STAGE over the past 30 years .I also must mention he has one of the best minions ,Iago ,his parrot voiced Gilbert Gottfried who is really funny .I dunno I love that there are moments where they are friends (Till the end at least ) and the contrast of this loud mouthed crass bird with this refined villain ,they are a good duo
I also think the film has some great action scenes ,including possibly the best climax to any Disney film next to Sleeping Beauty . The final fight between Aladdin and Jafar is legit exciting starting as a struggle,then becoming Jafar throwing spells at Aladdin and then escalating to Jafar becoming a GIANT COBRA while Aladdin battle him with a sword.Its cool I like ir
Of course ya cant talk about this movie.....Without talking about one character/performance. The Genie is just such a perfect melding of character animation and actor .Much has been said of Robin Williams performance with is various adlibs and impressions giving the character a zany feel ,but one must give credit to ERic Goldberg ,the animator who makes the character a litteral shape shifter and is somehow able to match Williams chaotic energy .Comedically just cause of how random some of the refrences are not all the jokes work......But he is really funny most of the time .Most of all his friendship with Aladdin and desire for freedom.Also "Youll always be a prince to me".....Always makes me misty eyed
Now lets talk about the songs cause this soundtrack is great....And it is kind of a miracle they are .See originally the songs were done by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman ....But then Ashman died and they tried to keep as many songs as they could but there were story changes so they got Tim Rice to work with Alan Menken ....So we went from Little Shop of Horrors guy to the Jesus Christ Superstar Guy ,kind of a weird mix .I am impressed by the work of all three and how it all fits together .Not gonna rank the songs,they are all great but I am gonna talk about them .Also will JUST talk about the songs in the film, as much as I love Ashmans deleted songs like the heartfelt PRoud of Your Boy and the villain song Humiliate the Boy (And its kind of tragic subtext )
Arabian Nights while I like Bruce Adlers singing and the actual instrumentals(And it became kind of Aladdins theme song ) is for me the weakest song.It sets a mysterious mood which is hilariously subverted by Robin Williams adlibbing a bunch of stuff as a merchant ,but its just not a favorite
One Jump Ahead is great ,I thought it was an Ashman song but its actually a Rice one,its a great comical intro to Aladdin as a character and I like short softer reprise
Friend Like Me ...Is the best.It is the best song .Contender for best scene.Robin Williams justs add so much energy ,the animation is so wild ,and Its just such a fun show stopper
Prince Ali is another great showcase for Williams this one is just such a fun hype song for Aladdin when disgusised as a prince
PArt of your World is one of the most romantic scenes in Disney ,Aladdin and Jasmine seeing the world on a magic carpet is just so damn lovely and the song is just so sweet
Prince Ali Reprise......Is one hell of an underrated villain song . They actually went through several possible villain songs for Jafar , till they decided to have him sing a reprise of Prince Ali .Its pretty short and I can see someone being disappointed they didnt use say Why Me (A villain song which gives us more about his character ).....I think this was the right choice cause it his BEST moment in the film ,he is GLEEFULLLY taking down Aladdin by VENEMOUSLY spitting back his own theme song,now thats a villain !!! .Also it is punctuated by a TERRIFYING evil laugh
Now Question time
1.Is Iago Furry Bait
Oh most certainly not
2.Is Jafar like KINDA hot
Honestly he kind of is . Johnathan Freemans voice is alluring and I love his elegance
3.do you enjoy this movie more or The Thief of Baghdad?
I like this film.....But The Thief of Baghdad is just better ,it appeals more to the side of me that loves fantasy and the performances are just so good
OVerall good movie
@ariel-seagull-wings @goodanswerfoxmonster @princesssarisa @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @filmcityworld1
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