yumedoki · 22 days
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09/01 ⭐️
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unwelcome-ozian · 2 years
Skunkworks anon - I'm interested in any current information you have regarding Skunkworks' current operations as well as any resources/information available about Lockheed's involvement with programming. I don't know how far back it goes, or the most 'prominent' examples, so ANY information you can offer to point me in my own research direction is extremely appreciated!
Here are few from Lockheed. They often contract through universities and other institutions for their work. For example: Lockheed Martin-Loma Linda University is conducting the first large-scale tests of a toxic drinking water contaminant on human subjects -- a precedent medical researchers and Environmental Working Group condemned as morally unethical and scientifically invalid.
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories (ATL) I suggest starting your search there.
Customers include U.S. government service laboratories and the U.S. armed forces, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) to maintain technology dominance.
Evaluating Training with Cognitive State Sensing Technology
Five different training techniques (classroom, video, game-based, computer-based, and simulator) were compared using neurophysiological measurements. The best performance was displayed by individuals in the classroom and video conditions. These participants also displayed the lowest levels of cognitive workload and the highest levels of engagement. The poorest performance on the training was exhibited by individuals in the computer-based and game conditions. These participants also displayed the highest levels of cognitive workload, the lowest levels of engagement, and computer-based had the highest levels of drowsiness. As expected, the testing phases of the training had the highest levels of workload. In general, engagement dropped and distraction increased during the training phase when the material was first presented to participants. However, participants who could keep engagement high during this period performed better. This suggests that mental state monitoring during training could help provide a mechanism for alleviating distraction and inattention and boost training efficacy.
Experimentation: Creating an Active, Collaborating Community of Practice (COP) Background: Workshop Purpose and Goal. * Workshop Purpose: Provide a forum for discussing approaches to warfighting experimentation; Provide an opportunity for military and civilian operations research analysts to examine topics, methodologies, analyses, and innovations pertinent to all aspects of designing, executing, analyzing, and reporting joint warfighting experiments. * Workshop Goal: The goal of the 1999 Joint Experimentation Workshop was to develop an experimentation process; Using the results of the 1999 Workshop and the two published Codes of Best Practice for Experimentation, the goal of this workshop is to determine how to apply analytical rigor across the process
The Advanced Embedded Training System (AETS): An Intelligent Embedded Tutoring System for Tactical Team Training
The Advanced Embedded Training System (AETS) applies intelligent tutoring systems technology to improving tactical training quality and reducing manpower needs in simulation-based shipboard team training. AETS provides layers of performance assessment, cognitive diagnosis, and team-training support on top of the existing embedded mission simulation capability in the Navy's Aegis-class ships. Detailed cognitive models of trainee task performance are used to drive the assessment, diagnosis and instructional functions of the system. AETS' goal is not to replace human instructors, but to allow one instructor to perform the work of several, and in a more consistent and efficient manner than possible today.
Interactive learning using manifold geometry
 We present an interactive learning method that enables a user to iteratively refine a regression model. The user examines the output of the model, visualized as the vertical axis of a 2D scatterplot, and provides corrections by repositioning individual data instances to the correct output level. Each repositioned data instance acts as a control point for altering the learned model, using the geometry underlying the data. We capture the underlying structure of the data as a manifold, on which we compute a set of basis functions as the foundation for learning. Our results show that manifold-based interactive learning improves performance monotonically with each correction, outperforming alternative approaches.
Skunk Works does the building of the technology and it is tested elsewhere. For a majority of classified testing is thought to be conducted at the Nevada Test Site.
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ask-a-bot · 2 months
*slides starscream a 20 dollar bill*
Will you take me flying now?
Maybe... where are you, roughly? I'm on holiday, right now. In Scotland. Because Megatron thinks it's like Tarn.
Personally, I don't think he's right in the head.
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psystirene · 1 year
had a BANGER idea for an OC. Meet the very creatively named Lockhead.
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I know next to nothing about blender so having to make a lock shape was interesting... I actually did learn a lot. Both easier than I expected and more difficult lol
He paints his head and wears a variety of outfits, so this is only one of his many looks :)
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hommedessept · 2 years
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Reed Krakoff’s Home
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w4ddle · 2 months
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Return of my OC, Lockhead Martin!
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terorismus · 1 year
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F-35 T-Shirt by Lockhead Martin (2023)
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lobosfoodbowl · 29 days
i think a lot about who otacon was prior to the shadow moses incident.
(t/w: brief child sexual assault mention, abbreviated as csa)
one of the big things that bothers me is that in a LOT of iterations of otacon in fandom is that he’s helpless and feeble and that honestly makes no sense to me. okay, sure, he’s extremely clumsy and he’s a coward, otacon is a poor example of An Adult - but he’s also 25 with a doctorate and multiple bachelors, was part of the FBI (and was subsequently kicked out), he’s the head of a major project for what is essentially the mgs version of lockhead martin.
like he probably pays his taxes early. he’s had a full life before SM and he had to have survived somehow.
i see this a lot in tandem with his assault and that irks me too - csa victims aren’t feeble, they’re just people and i really don’t like infantilizing. the thing is, learning to live with it is a fascinating journey that i don’t think is explored enough - how does otacon live like an adult when he’s always got this weird notch carved into his soul. a pebble he can never shake from his shoe, you know?
personally, he seems like someone who would pour himself into his work but can never keep the fridge clean. he’ll climb up on whatever thing he’s working on and weld the iron slabs down without fear but he cries when the popcorn he’d been craving all day long is slightly burnt. he pays his taxes on time but he’s always late with his bills because he’s so busy at work he forgets. and he’s terrible about eating but has a high alcohol tolerance and can down a fireball in one gulp easily. idk. i just want MORE out the fandom’s vision of my little scrawny boy.
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howi99 · 6 months
Ruby: The Lockhead SR71 blackbird, an advanced long range reconnaissance aircraft, capable of mach 3 and an altitude of 85000 feet.
Yang: You sure do seem to know a lot about it.
Ruby: Do you even read my Christmas list!?
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loreartisan · 7 hours
anyone else felt like they were lowkey being gaslit that Bertrand/Adam Lockhead looked like River until they showed a closeup on his picture?
Like I was seeing Bertrand in passing and thinking 'lol no way he looks like river' then diana shows his passport and im like 'oh wait that's him whaaaaaaaat'
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yumedoki · 1 year
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weatherman667 · 16 days
IT'S OVER - This Just Completely FLIPPED The Ukraine War Narrative
The reason there isn’t a peace deal in Ukraine is that Putin’s peace deal prohibited Ukraine from buying weapons from Ratheon and Lockhead-Martin.
Oh, the woman is Victoria Nuland, Zelensky’s handler at the US State Department.
Runtime:  11:48
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qzse-rtv · 3 months
To celebrate pride month i will give 150 bucks to lockhead martin and 300 to Dassault
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pixeldemonia · 1 year
-lockheads her lovingly-
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I want that dynamight shirt
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
"The SDPC [Social Democractic Party of Canada] at the Lakehead appears not to have been content merely to contest elections. In 1912, having recently formed a union, the mostly immigrant workers of the Canadian Northern Coal and Ore Dock Company went on strike for better wages, hours, and working conditions. Bloodshed resulted when company officials, using local police and the militia, tried to suppress the striking coal handlers. The chief of police, two constables, and two Italian strikers were wounded. Fearing a general strike, the CNR quickly acquiesced to the demands of the coal handlers.
There was much in this incident that recalled earlier labour strife at the Lakehead. A new element, however, was the growing influence of radical socialists, who were thought to have sway over the coal handlers and to have been instrumental in their inclusion in the trade union movement. Prominent among the activists were “members of the Social Democratic Party of Canada,” including the party’s organizers for Port Arthur and Fort William, the Cobalt miners’ union leader James P. McGuire and the Reverend William Madison Hicks, as well as Herbert Barker, a volunteer organizer for the AFL. In April 1912, the three men led a number of English-speaking socialists in Fort William in establishing Ontario Local 51 of the SDPC. Initial members also included W.J. Carter; an architect named Richard Lockhead; Sid Wilson, a member of the British-based Amalgamated Carpenters; and Fred Moore, owner of the printing press that printed Urry’s The Wage Earner. Significantly, most of the members appear to have been Finnish or Ukrainian. Before the strike, members of the Fort William SDPC had spoken at meetings of the coal handlers and, in the case of Hicks, played an active role by leading a parade of workers in confronting Port Arthur mayor S.W. Ray on his way to read the Riot Act to the strikers. The meeting between the two men and the violence that ensued were coincidental, according to Morrison, as
the Social Democratic party posed no real or imagined menace to the citizens of Port Arthur … what alarmed the English-speaking community was the newly won influence of the socialists with the immigrant workers.
Supporters of the ILP [Independent Labour Party] of New Ontario such as Urry found themselves “at odds with radical socialism” as
not only had the socialists played a prominent part in the strike, though not the riot, but they were also attempting to organize Thunder Bay’s entire waterfront.
Calls for Hicks’s arrest began to appear in newspapers in both cities and the surrounding countryside. On 1 August 1912, officials arrested him for his role in a “tumultuous assembly … likely to promote a breach of the public peace.” Shortly after Hicks’s arrest and conviction (although he received a suspended sentence), SDPC organizers began an active campaign to take control, or at the very least undermine, the ILP-led Trades and Labour Councils. Following the strike, they sought to stage a general strike on the waterfront and, ideally, spread it throughout both Port Arthur and Fort William. As Jean Morrison writes, however, this was “a move disparaged by the British labour men for its disregard of the law which required negotiations and conciliation preceding strikes by transportation workers.” The attempt failed and widened the rift formed during the municipal, provincial, and federal elections of 1908 and 1911 and the labour unrest earlier in 1912.
The SDPC was also not left untouched. In preparation for the 1913 Fort William civic election, Urry and Hicks jointly developed in opposition to the SDPC a manifesto describing the class struggle in general and the issues facing the region’s workers in particular .... On the recommendation of the Elk Lake, Porcupine, and Cobalt locals that Hicks be expelled, the matter was referred to the Fort William membership. Despite facing the possibility that its charter would be revoked, Local 51 refused to expel Hicks and launched a vigorous defence on his behalf. The convincing agitator had a coterie of true believers, who “defended him to the last ditch refusing to believe that Hicks would do anything wrong.” He also had his critics, evidently including the 400-strong Fort William branch, which, it appears, sided with the Dominion Executive and expelled Hicks.
With Hicks departed one highly personalized version of a response to the ambiguous legacy of Lakehead socialism. Both the ILP and the SDPC grew rapidly during 1913. The labour councils in the twin cities began to discuss unity, in the form of construction of a joint Central Labour Temple. The Finnish branch of the SDPC in Port Arthur also called out for working-class and socialist unity. Moreover, as a more tangible indication of potential unification of the socialist and labour movements, SDPC organizer Herbert Barker was elected president of the Port Arthur Trades and Labour Council in April 1913. As so often proved to be the case, however, such incipient unity was challenged by the region’s sheer class volatility. The strike by street railway workers in May 1913 was a volcanic moment. As David Bercuson writes:
The walk-out provided a focal point for much of the hatred and bitterness that had developed between labour and its enemies in the twin cities for several years.
Rioting and violence were sparked by the CPR’s attempts to use strikebreakers. When strikers overturned a streetcar operated by strikebreakers, police arrested one of the participants and, when a crowd tried to get him out of jail, fired into the crowd, killing a bystander. Local newspapers tried to pin the violence on the socialists, who were allegedly responsible for agitating the crowd. The railway workers belonged to the Trades and Labour Councils in both cities and, in a show of solidarity, both councils called for a general sympathy strike. These calls went unheeded and most workers returned to work after four days of protest. In response, Urry, James Booker, McGuire, Bryan, and many members of the SDPC met at the Finnish Labour Temple. They criticized the local trades and labour councils “for not being radical enough to resist the ruling of an unscrupulous upper class.” They hoped the councils would become “more radical.” Not surprisingly, the obviously inflamed right-wing media in the twin cities characterized the meeting as one of “sedition, anarchy, socialism, violence and most everything else calculated to worry orderly society and responsible government.” It was not a critique of the Lakehead workers reserved for the mainstream press. Mayor John Oliver of Port Arthur summed up the situation well when he argued that the continued unrest in Port Arthur and Fort William was not wholly due to working conditions. Making specific mention of the strikes of 1909, 1912, and 1913, he suggested that the unrest had been the result of socialist agitators. Oliver wrote:
There is hardly a night in the week that inflammatory speeches have not been made by several agitators … something will have to be done to either remove them or check their actions.
Interestingly, Frederick Urry and J.P. McGuire were specifically named for their alleged advocacy of a general strike. McGuire was further singled out for his reputed suggestion that it would be an easy thing to cut telephone, telegraph, and electric lines."
- Michel S. Beaulieu, Labour at the Lakehead: Ethnicity, Socialism, and Politics, 1900-35. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2011. p. 37-38, 40-42
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readtilyoudie · 8 months
Okay, Lilly knows.
All right, maybe she doesn’t KNOW, but she knows something is wrong. I mean, come on: she’s been my best friend since like kindergarten. She can totally tell when something is bothering me. We totally bonded in first grade, the day Orville Lockhead dropped trou in front of us in the line to the music room. I was appalled, having never seen male genitalia before. Lilly, however, was unimpressed. She has a brother, you see, so it was no big surprise to her. She just looked Orville straight in the eye and said, “I’ve seen bigger.”
And you know what? Orville never did it again.
So you can see that Lilly and I share a bond that is stronger than mere friendship. 
Princess in the Spotlight (The Princess Diaries #2) by Meg Cabot
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