#also pest is so fun to draw
freshworms · 1 month
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How did I get this effect you ask? Well i tell you(i use ibspaint btw). Make two layers, top one red, the bottom one yellow, make both and overlay layer and add a normal layer underneath both where you can start drawing. :D
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uncannygoat · 29 days
So, I decided to draw some NPCs from Regretevator, except with a little bit of stylization.
I made a Part 2, you can look at it by clicking here
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I wanted to take some different approaches to some of the characters, specifically by making Dr.RETRO look like a muppet, completely reinterpreting Pest by making him resemble more like a Japanese Oni than a simple beetle man, & making Unpleasant a socially awkward, refrigerator-shaped creature and having Poptart, the cat that Unpleasant canonically ate, live inside her as a sort of “secret radio guide” trope.
I had a lot of fun with this and I might consider drawing more of them in the future.
Also yes, I interpret Unpleasant as female because Regretevator doesn’t have enough girls. Fight me.
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afterglowkatie · 2 months
pair of pests: grow up ˏˋ°•*⁀ kyra x catley!reader, steph x catley!reader, short fic/blurb
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | steph catley x reader (sisters) | 1.6k | based off of this ask
‘God will you ever grow up? All you do is annoy and irritate everyone every single day,’ You didn’t think you’d pushed it too far, you were quite good with knowing where the limits were when you were having fun and messing around with your teammates. Maybe you had been pushing Steph a bit too much lately, but you really hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary. Nothing that would have your sister yelling at you like this in front of everyone, ‘I’ve honestly had enough of you,’ 
Your heart dropped and your cheeks heated up with embarrassment. Steph had never yelled at you like this, even when you were growing up, sure you’d have arguments and fights as kids but nothing was ever that serious. But right now you’d never seen her so serious and like she meant every single word that came out of her mouth. 
It probably wouldn’t have made you feel as bad if it hadn't been in front of your teammates and in the middle of training. You really didn’t mean to upset your sister as much as you apparently did. What you forgot to take into account was all the added stress your sister had leading up to the olympics post wsl season, being the captain for your country. 
Your demeanour instantly changed for the rest of the day. Keeping more to yourself and making sure to keep your distance from Steph as much as you could. As soon as training was over you grabbed your stuff as quick as you could and grabbed Kyra’s hand dragging her out of there before anyone else could say anything. 
‘Please just take me anywhere but Steph’s,’ You pleaded with Kyra, getting into her car. Kyra didn’t say anything during the trip back to hers, but neither did you. Without having to say anything Kyra always knew what you needed. Also she saw what happened between you and Steph, but you’re sisters so she knew that it would probably blow over before anyone even remembers that it happened. That’s how siblings are.
‘You know, I don’t think Steph really meant what she said,’ You were laying together in Kyra’s bed, you were absentmindedly drawing shapes on her exposed stomach getting lost in your thoughts. Kyra knew you were thinking about earlier, you had left before either you or Steph could talk to each other and make things right again.
Kyra’s voice and the hand running through your hair gently, brought you back to reality, ‘I don’t know Ky,’ You let out the breath you didn’t realise you were holding, ‘It was different, she really looked like she meant it. Maybe I should listen to her and grow up,’ Kyra hated the defeated look you had on your face.
‘Hey, no, don’t listen to Steph. You are perfect the way you are. She’s probably just having a bad day and if she takes it out on you then that’s on her and nothing to do with you,’ You smiled, laughing a little, no matter what Kyra always had your back. It was amusing at times though.
‘I love that you’ll always have my side no matter what,’ You were definitely feeling a bit better than you were before, though that didn’t mean you were heading home anytime soon.
On the other hand, Steph was pacing around her apartment feeling incredibly guilty for lashing out at you like she did. All she could see when she thought of you was the way your face dropped when she yelled at you. Steph knew that she shouldn’t have taken out her stress on you, she’d been holding it all in for a while now and you’d just managed to be the tipping point making her burst. Though it was never an excuse for yelling at you, in front of everyone as well.
‘You need to calm down. Tiny will be fine, she’s probably just with Kyra,’ Beth tried to reason with Steph, trying to get her to stop worrying over you. Having been close with Steph for a few years means having seen the two of you have disagreements and little fights here and there. So she knew the two of you would be fine.
‘I still shouldn’t have yelled at her, she didn’t deserve it,’ Some would playfully disagree and say it might be good for you and Kyra to get in trouble from time to time just to keep the two of you in line. 
‘Just talk to her tomorrow, it’ll be fine,’ 
Steph would’ve felt like it could be fine if you hadn’t spent that next day as well doing your best to avoid her. It was match day so there wasn’t really a whole lot of time before the match where she could talk to you. But even if there was, it didn’t help that you did your best to be busy or as far away from Steph as you possibly could be.
You figured it was for the best, if you really had annoyed Steph as much as it seemed like you did, then you figured you’d give her some space. Even with reassurance from Kyra, Viv, Beth and Caitlin and so many others, it really didn’t help you all that much. You were worrying over Steph and whether you really were too annoying and Steph was worrying about you even more that you were purposefully avoiding her.
It didn’t feel the same, Steph had grown used to you and Kyra’s pre match antics, it had grown part of Steph’s match day routine even if she hadn’t realised it til now. You were starting and grateful that Steph was being rested and only used if they really needed to sub towards the end of the match. That meant you didn’t have to face her in the tunnel while waiting to walk out. 
But your head really wasn’t in the game. It wasn’t your worst game since being at Arsenal but it definitely wasn’t your best, knowing you definitely wouldn’t be starting next time or any time soon. Wanting nothing more than to get out of there as soon as you could after the match. 
Just like the day before, as soon as you could leave you’d dragged Kyra along with you. Luckily it was a home match so you were able to do that, opting to have a shower once you got back to Kyra’s apartment. 
‘I really think you should go back to Steph’s tonight,’ Kyra’s arms wrapped around your waist while you leaned your head back against her shoulder. You were enjoying relaxing against your girlfriend underneath the warmth of the water running over the top of you both. 
‘You sick of me, huh?’ Smiling playfully you turned around in Kyra’s embrace so you could look at her.
‘I mean, I could never get sick of you baby, but I think you and Steph both need to talk this out,’ Kyra was right but you really didn’t want to admit that to her. Nodding your head you made the promise to go back to the apartment tonight, just wanting to drop the subject and enjoy Kyra’s company a little bit longer before facing Steph.
You’d played your cards right and managed to coerce Kyra into falling asleep with you while watching a movie. Which led to you now being dropped back at Steph’s apartment at almost midnight. Unlocking the door, you tried your best to be quiet, figuring that Steph would be asleep by now. 
Getting tackled by Calvin as soon as you walked in, you noticed all the lights were still on in the apartment. Normally if Steph went to bed before you’d gotten back home then she would leave just the hallway light on. So you knew Steph was still up. You tried to sneak in, down the hallway and into your room, but it was hard when you had a dog excited for your return.
‘Hey, can we talk?’ You tensed a little hearing Steph’s voice, it was quieter than usual most likely due to the fact it was the middle of the night. You were nervous until you actually looked at Steph, you were afraid of a lecture but with how she was looking at you, you knew that she wasn’t about to give you one.
Nodding your head you went to sit next to her on the couch, Calvin of course having to jump up and nuzzle in between the two of you, ‘I’m really sorry, I know I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’ve been a bit more stressed with the olympics almost here but I really shouldn’t have taken it out on you,’ Steph was genuine in her apology, it made you feel better but at the same time a little bad and you felt a little bit guilty. You were her sister and you lived with Steph but you didn’t notice she was having a harder time than usual lately.
‘I’m sorry too Stephy. I should’ve realised you would be dealing with things causing you more stress than you usually would. If it helps, you have a whole team of people you can lean on if you need to. We’ll all always help you and be there for you. And I’ll not annoy you until after the olympics,’ Gently nudging Calvin off the couch and out of your way, you moved closer to Steph, cuddling into her.
‘To be honest, I kind of missed your annoying self today before the match,’ Steph knew she was going to regret telling you that. 
You looked up at Steph, she rolled her eyes already seeing that cheeky grin and that twinkle in your eye that you get when you’re about to be a menace to her, ‘Aw I knew you secretly loved it Stephy,’ 
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 7 months
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I am doing things I AM DOING THINGS I AM!
Explanations for designs and some head canons below here :3
Infected - Asian-American Autistic ADHD aroace (😈) trans. Yknow Wybie from Coraline? Yea like that but like incredibly annoying. His voice sounds like it’s coming from a shitty mic all the time
Lampert (design by @lucid-daydreaming-art )- Autistic 🇸🇪 ja aroace (😈) funny lamp guy Robots-esque probably kinda talks like baymax honestly, I mean a bit different but yknow, the general idea
(I talk about these 2 enough it’s the others turns)
Poob - I think they are a dumb little critter. They run around and their arms flail in the wind like paper. When they try to clap is makes dog toy squeaking sounds. I don’t think they abide by the rules of physics which is why they are stupid looking ❤️ they have hammer space but it is only for weed related items. The curator of the forever weed brownie, if you will. I think they sound like X from bfb. Aroace (😈)
Pest - literally hates poob because they are small and annoying. Uhhh funky legs because I think he would have funky legs. I stole his eyes because well no real reason, but I think if he was like extra pissed you would see his eyes. Since he is like thief maxxing I do not think he would be wearing anything beyond a hoodie and sweatpants, something trying to be non-assuming I guess. He has hair I think but it is very short no way would he want to deal with that. I don’t have a voice hc for him yet. Aroace (😈)
Bive - she a freakkkkk ehhh. I think she is like freakishly tall, has funny bird legs, raggedy ass scrawny tail, and is constantly covered in hair. Her teeth are kinda just floating on her hair head, so if you punched her hard enough they would just go flying out and she would have to put them back into her head silly girl. I think she is also trans hahaahhahahahaha!!! I think she kinda sounds like ENA from dream bbq, the uhh angry side I believe. Ace (😈)
Split - I gave her dog ears because I think they are cute :) she’s probably like normal ish height Bive is just weirdly tall. She looks very nice and friendly but could probably throw a boulder at you and you will die sowyyyy. Gods most chillaxxed soldier. She gives me kind older lady feelings, even if she weren’t older. I dunno she would be like one of those people who have a comically large purse full of hard candy except it would all be banana flavored. I think she has a slower voice, HAVENT gotten an exact idea for her voice yet but she seems very calm. Ace (😈)
Pilby - I didn’t really add or change their design because I already liked it a lot. I think they are very sweet and kind looking, would make a great plush too but I guess we are not ready to talk about that (YES I am still bitter about it) I think being around them is akin to looking outside a window at an apple orchard while it’s raining a bit. I think they sound a bit like raggedy Anne, based on the creators response too. Aroace (😈)
Spud! - I honestly did not have much come to me for his design, they are just a bit of a funky feller and im not sure how I would add to it honestly. Oh but I do think that they run like an ostrich and it is very scary. Also while drawing I was debating why he had a bow and decided that Gnarpy was like CONGRATZ IN ZURVIVING THE TEZTZ and now Spud! Just has a stupid little yuor did it ribbon. Honestly no clue for voice hc… aroace (😈)
Gnarpy - had a lot of fun with xis design honestly. The redesign reminded me a lot of Stitch so I kinda just shoved that into xim. I think they act a lot like Zim. Like a lot. Probably equally as stupid. I think xis second arms are retractable, like stitch, and xe uses that as a very very shitty disguise that everyone can see right through but just don’t mention because xe seems to be having a good time. I think xe sounds like Four from BFB (the earlier episodes mostly) aroace (😈)
DRRETRO - I think that her head that we see in the game is like a projection of herself, Wagstaff Don’t Starve style. Her body would be like excruciatingly normal besides her head, too. Like go to the hospital and see a nurse, that’s just what she looks like. Very normal, it’s a bit unnerving since her head is that. She’s like those overly friendly posters in a very uncomfortable place type of feeling. She doesn’t have fur either, she’s just a weird cat doctor thing. She acts exactly like Doctor Barber from Flapjack. No voice hc, but she speaks in meows so probably just meowing. Aroace (😈)
Mark - I started thinking about tf2 and Anton blast. Anyway, he is completely made from wood other than the clothes. Beard is carved in, not sure if I got that across in the drawing though. Uh yea I don’t have much I just really like engineer. He wears flannel and a construction vest just like any good law avoiding construction worker. Definitely does not so legal things on his construction sites but does not give two shits about that and also probably would try to employ Lampert when he was younger for free workers (no im not projecting what are you talking about). How on the nose would it be to say he sounds like engineer because I just drew wooden engineer with a beard. Ace (😈)
Wallter - sorry wallter fans I had no ideas while drawing him. I dunno he’s big and he’s cement, so I kept him blocky. Urrrrr he has a can of grey stuff jingle jingle. He is the cement embodiment of that one tweet that’s like “nothing better than a glass of wine, except for maybe #men. #yep #imgay! He kinda seems like one of those lowkey scary bald gay guys who are nice but are also scary and still bald. He’s bald. No idea on voice maybe concrete sliding on asphalt for 10 hours. Ace (😈)
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milolunde · 6 months
So, Sonic Forces! … again. Posts like this will be put under Forces!RW from now on, just so I can keep things together.
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Following this post, I’ve been thinking about my reimagined Sonic Forces a lot. It’s high up on my list of things to rewrite, but… that list is quite long and is made up of stories that, for the most part, will live exclusively in my head. However, I had so much fun making my last post that I wanted to make another.
I wanted to touch on an aspect of the Phantom Ruby: how it’s able to make hordes of copies at Infinite’s will.
In my mind, the Phantom Ruby makes clones with the same attributes as any other illusion. Those made to witness the illusion will be unable to control feeling, despite reason, what they are witnessing is real. This enhances the Phantom Ruby’s powers, making its illusions able to affect the world as if they were real.
However, copies are different as they can perform most of the abilities their source can, but only if Infinite has a solid grasp on what those abilities are. For example, Chaos remains in his base state because Infinite does not understand his evolution, but he does understand chaos energy and chaos manifestation, so Shadow’s copies is able to harness Chaos Spear (though its nowhere on the scale of a true Chaos Spear. It gathers available chaos energy and turns it into a weapon, but without an emerald the copy has to draw upon the natural chaos energy around it). This is also one of the reasons Zavok is so… lame, for lack of a better word, and why Infinite resigns his copy to being Sonic’s jail keeper.
Why, then, would Eggman have Infinite stop at making copies of Zavok, Chaos, and Shadow? Of course, it’s because he finds them worthy allies as they have all put Sonic in close life or death situations and all have beaten Eggman himself at least once. If they worked together, they would undoubtedly be able to take Sonic out without the need for more manpower.
But… why not copy Sonic himself after his capture? Eggman chooses to copy Metal Sonic so, with Sonic himself imprisoned, having Sonic’s speed and agility on Eggman’s side would be a valuable resource.
vvv Continuation + Close Ups/Textless Art vvv
Eggman told Infinite they should make copies of Sonic to torment the world they were conquering. Having their precious hero, or at least his likeness, working with Eggman would destroy their moral… Infinite proposed, instead, not only was it too soon to show their cards in Infinite’s full abilities, but that tormenting the world with their hero acting against them would be nothing compared to the psychological play of allowing the world to believe Infinite, a hand in the Eggman Empire, had taken him out for good. Letting a likeness of their hero wander around could work against them, influencing people to gain a “hope against all odds” approach.
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While Eggman agreed, it wasn’t until after he had Infinite show him the Ruby could, in fact, make a copy of Sonic. Despite not wanting to, having the copy ended up working in Infinite’s favor. After commenting on the pest Sonic was, the Doctor agreed that, yes, looking at that hedgehog for too long was giving him a migraine; he didn’t want to imagine what having hundreds of him would do… Good. Because Infinite thought Sonic was too annoying to waste his power forging copies of him, anyway.
Infinite looked at the copy. He could appreciate the hedgehog’s indomitable spirit and his ability to ruin things. He could even acknowledge that, yes, he was enough to be the world’s hero.
Until now.
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Five, closing in on six months after Sonic’s defeat, Tails found himself miles from his live-in workshop, the last one left after Eggman’s takeover. He managed to gather supplies before his home was invaded and made it out by his scruff on the Tornado, but she hadn’t gotten them out without taking severe damage. Still, she flew, and she landed, and Tails could start repairing her to the best of his ability. He didn’t need a plane since the sky had been put under lockdown, but the Tornado was Sonic’s. He’d hate for Sonic to find out he had wrecked the Tornado and done nothing to fix it.
While sorting out the damaged parts, Tails heard something scuff behind him… He tensed before he moved, much too caught up with the Tornado to remember he should defend himself first, worry later, when his eyes caught the source of the sound.
Tails didn’t think it was possible, but he tensed more at the sight of his brother, his big brother, the sight of Sonic walking idly past him. Something slipped past Tails’ lips, maybe it was supposed to be words, but he didn’t know which ones. His big brother stopped. And turned towards him…
Gotta cut myself off from my more story-writer way of telling this before I get carried away. Apologies! But, if I’m able to work on this more, maybe there will be a full scene in a full chapter in a full story for this? Perchance…
Shadow would appear and, before Tails could process it, would be fighting the copy down the street. Shadow’s been dealing with Phantom copies since day one of Eggman’s invasion, and he knows Sonic well enough to be able to spot a fake from anywhere.
Tails would, of course, chase after them, leaving behind the Tornado and all of his supplies. As far as he knows, it was Shadow who helped take Sonic down in the first place and he’s ready for answers as to why, and answers on how Sonic got back, and why they’re fighting again, and…! Well, a lot of answers!
By the time Tails gets there, Shadow would have already taken the copy down; it’s on the floor, lifeless, and starting to disappear. Tails would launch himself at Shadow, claws and teeth bared, kicking and scratching out of everything he’s thought and felt about Shadow for the last five months, but Shadow would easily subdue him. Tails is tired, and hungry, and most of all he’s devastated.
Once Tails is able to hear anything Shadow tries to tell him, he would tell Tails about the fact Eggman is generating copies. Shadow has a certain soft spot for Tails, especially in his current situation, so while the scene would be to get information about the Phantom Ruby to Tails, it would also serve to give him the comfort he needs, and closure that no, Shadow didn’t hurt Sonic and, no he’s also not looking for him but, if he hears anything, he’ll let the kid know.
I don’t know if I’ve said it, but I’ve got a biiiiig list of media I’ve rewritten entirely in my head for fun and that usually means I have the most barebones chapter layout for them and even some ‘first drafts’ for certain chapters; like this hypothetical chapter!
That’s it, really. I had fun talking about Forces and showing how I would do things! I tend to get carried away a lot when I’m writing about the things I like. I really didn’t plan to write this post out the way I did. Hopefully the difference between my presenting the concepts and writing them out for a more entertaining read of what I would do wasn’t too confusing.
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thecampjuicebox · 9 months
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Glorious Suffering
Pairing: Abdirak x Tav(f) x Astarion
Rating: 18+ NSFW, Minors DNI
POV: 2nd person
Warnings: SMUT, sadomasochism, use of objects for hitting, blood, bruising, biting, voyeurism/exhibitionism, orgasm denial, oral, fingering, p in v penetration, minor game spoilers
Trying out a new writing format to put better emphasis on dialogue. Let me know what you guys think!
The stench of blood and unwashed bodies lingers in the air like a thick blanket. It stings in your nostrils - singes the hairs with gut churning ferocity. Putrid. It makes your eyes water. Your stomach turns and bubbles as your breakfast threatens to make a second appearance. The once grand Selunite Outpost has since crumbled to near ruins, the occupation of goblins tainting its beauty and grace in a matter of days. Filthy pests, they are. You turn your head up, eyes watering from the scent as you climb the stone stairs toward a hallway of small rooms. Your group follows close behind reluctantly.
"This place is disgusting." Astarion whines, tip-toeing around small piles of bones and viscera.
Cautious eyes peek around corners. The first room is brightly lit with candles and lanterns, a young man strapped by the wrists and ankles to some sort of torture device. Two goblins swing maces and whips in his direction, shouting obscenities and asking for information. Information the man clearly doesn't seem to have.
"Pathetic. All of them." Shadowheart huffs, turning her nose up at the display with obvious disdain for what she's seen.
"They can't even properly swing a mace to cause actual damage. Lady Shar would be displeased."
Astarion grins at the sight. Excited fingers crawl against the stone brick wall to take hold of it as he leans into the doorway, his tongue flicking out to wet his bottom lip and trace the sharp points of his fangs.
"Let's stay and watch." The spawn's flirtatious nature can be so insufferable sometimes.
"Astarion, come. We have other business to attend to." Your voice is sharp and stern, seemingly the only way the elf will listen to you.
"You're such a bore." He groans, pulling away from the wall and hooking his index finger into the back of your leathers, giving them a playful tug toward him as he presses close to your behind and mumbles into your pointed ear.
"Doesn't that device look like such fun? We should give it a try once the little green ones have no more use for it."
Your cheeks burn crimson and a disengaging elbow flies out from behind you, connecting with Astarion's abdomen hard enough to force him to let go of your leathers.
"Not now, you tease." With a cough, he puts some distance between the two of you - an insidious grin lingers on his lips.
The second room draws closer and the quiet mumble of a man inside makes your ears perk up. His voice is strained, the occasional sounds of mace to skin ringing through the hall. He cries out, and every hair on your body stands on end. Astarion rounds the corner first, stumbling upon a man with medium build, knelt down in front of one of the rear walls of the room. He stands and turns to your group slowly, eyes falling on you first. His gaze is almost.. Comforting. Silver eyes pierce through you like the sharpest dagger. It nearly knocks the breath straight from your lungs. His chest and abdomen are alarmingly bloodied and bruised, little cuts and scratch marks speckling his skin. Astarion clears his throat once he notices your eyes locked on one another and the human offers a kind smile.
"Greetings, child. I've met few aside from Goblins here. Are you also here to assist with the prisoner?" He questions, motioning toward the room just next door.
You shake your head slowly, averting your gaze to the floor for a moment. Warmth swirls in your belly. He's incredibly handsome, the salt tones in his blonde hair showing his age. His voice is low and raspy and it sends shivers up and down your spine when he speaks - like sweet red wine to your ears. Delicious and intoxicating. His face contorts into a grimace as he crosses his arms over his chest and rests his weight on one foot.
"Hm. While I was thrilled to be invited here, I must confess I find the goblins and their methods.. Crude and primitive." He leans forward at his last word, eyes narrowing toward you. "Pain without purpose is a terrible thing. Wouldn't you agree?"
Your cheeks involuntarily flush that deep shade of crimson that clearly gives you away. He awakens something within you. You'd recognize his garb from miles away. A follower of Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain. The things this man has probably seen. The things he's done. It excites you in a way that's almost embarrassing. A familiar ache pings in your core and you can't help but cross your legs, squeezing your thighs together tightly to dull the desperation. The inherent need. The human before you certainly notices and takes a step closer, inhaling slowly before he speaks. He's toying with you now. He must be. Astarion can smell the growing eagerness in your blood, hear the way your pulse quickens, life force pumping into different parts of you now. He smirks and keeps quiet, but gods, is he painfully aware.
"Forgive me -" The man interjects, pointing directly at you now. You gulp. "but that look in your eyes. Something terrible has happened to you."
You cross your arms over your breasts, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. "Clever man. How did you know?"
"Because I see those same eyes when I look in the mirror.. Dear one." His hand reaches out to caress your soft cheek and goosebumps raise by the millions on your skin. "We've all suffered in these.. Dark times. It is little wonder you bear scars of pain and anguish. Please. Let me.. Alleviate this pain."
"What exactly would this entail?" Astarion's voice cuts through your thoughts and your eyes shift to him in disbelief.
"Well, the Maiden of Pain, Loviatar, teaches us that pain is a most powerful and sacred sensation. And, should our pain delight her, she will grant her most sacred of blessings." His hands clench into excited fists in front of him. "If you would permit it, I could show you first hand."
A knot forms in your stomach, twisting and tangling, his words sending jolts of arousal and excitement throughout your entire body like bolts of lightning. This experience would be new, however. The idea of such an act being performed in front of your newly acquired companions, and the man you'd started to have feelings for, makes your brain fuzzy. Gods, they'd for sure say no. Maybe even leave you to find a cure for the wriggling parasite behind your eyes by yourself.
"Sounds like a wonderful show. She accepts." Astarion beams, his eyes fixed on you, scanning up and down as your heartbeat quickens further. "As long as we can stay and watch."
"Surely Shadowheart has some reservations about watching, right?" You ask with an air of desperation that's almost laughable.
She grins and places her hands on her hips, quirking an eyebrow at you. "Lady Shar would frown upon me if I were to miss something as deliciously torturous as this. Go on."
"Oh, I have something exquisite in mind." He rubs his hands together, a devilish grin smeared across his lips. It makes your core ache even more. "Disrobe, face the wall, and we can begin. And by the way.. You may call me Abdirak."
Disrobe? Gods, this was not on your list of things to do today. Kill some goblins? Sure. Save a wildshaped druid from death? Easy. This? This may be the most difficult thing you've ever done. Astarion waves a hand toward you, motioning for you to obey the Servant of Loviatar. Your confidence wavers for a moment. Not only are you about to willingly endure what is essentially torture, now you must do it.. Naked. You gulp and set your backpack down at your feet. First goes your boots, next your leather harness, your head turning to look at Astarion who is enamored by the sight of you slowly undressing, his back pressed against the cold stone wall. Another gulp. How embarrassing.. Shadowheart snickers quietly at your obvious discomfort. Trembling fingers struggle with the laces of your tunic and in a bout of frustration, you quickly tug it over your head. The white linen falls to the floor at your feet, your perky breasts bouncing ever so slightly from the rushed movements. A quiet sigh emits from Abdirak and he quickly looks to his table of various weapons, hand hovering over the selection.
You finally tug your leathers down past your knees, kicking them to the side with reckless abandon just to get it over with. Your lack of underwear earns a barely audible groan from both Astarion and Abdirak alike. Naked and exposed, you shiver, hands resting at your sides.
"Well, go on, darling. Don't be shy."
Astarion's words give you the final push to step forward. You face the wall as instructed and chew at your bottom lip as the human lifts a mace into his hands, turning it over to inspect its condition. A quiet "Yes.. This will do nicely." stoking your fire as you wait. Abdirak approaches you from behind, reaching down to guide your hands toward the wall, foot kicking between your ankles to spread your legs apart. The cold metal of his mace traces along your spine and you shudder, teeth chattering at its frosty bite. You wait with baited breath. Brace for the imminent kiss of pain. Abdirak rears back and lands a blow to your back hard enough to knock an involuntary yelp from your throat. Astarion chews the tip of his thumb, his right hand lowering to the front of his leathers to palm at his growing erection. The half elf stood close beside him eyes him carefully, and then you, arms crossing over her chest now, completely unamused.
"The pain you suffer will cleanse you. Do not fight it."
A loud sob follows Abdirak's words as you process the pain, blood trickling from a new gash on your skin. You beg for mercy, plead for the pain to stop, your knees nearly buckling beneath you. But this is only the first blow, there is so much more to come. Somewhere deep down inside, you're enjoying this. Your companions watching as you stand there, completely vulnerable, bloodied and bruised. Open to the elements and whomever wanted a taste. The human licks his lips.
"Your voice sounds so sweet, dear one. Keep going."
"Don't wear her out entirely, priest. We may have use for her yet." Shadowheart grins, eyes narrowing on your trembling frame.
Her mocking tone and underlying breathiness strikes an interesting chord with you. Exciting. Stimulating. Blood pumps in your ears - a deafening drum beat that only you can hear. You sway your hips to the rhythm and Astarion chews at his bottom lip, ready to pounce. Hunger burns in his stomach. Emptiness. Even though he'd fed on you just hours before, his mouth salivates like he's positively starved. He intends to devour you in one way or another.
Your tormentor rears back to land another blow, this time to your ass, and it nearly knocks you forward into the wall. You grit your teeth and stifle a scream and Astarion groans at your strained noises. He's enjoying this almost as much as you are, you're just much better at hiding it. Arousal soaks your folds. Your walls flutter around nothing and you chew your bottom lip to stifle a moan as Abdirak lands a third blow against your thigh. Nails dig into the stone bricks, almost bloodying your fingers. Gods, you want more. Need more. Abdirak takes a step back to admire his work, rubbing the tip of the mace up your inner thigh, dangerously close to your cunt. You whimper and he quirks an eyebrow. In a sudden change of mind, he swaps the mace for a paddle, little circles cut from the wood to increase the sensations. A quick smack earns a loud cry from your lips.
"That's it, dear one! Let Loviatar hear you!"
"Not the worst technique, priest. Good wrist movement. Lots of.. Enthusiasm." Shadowheart interjects again plainly.
Astarion continues to palm at his cock as he watches, eyes fixed solely on you. The way your blood bubbles up and trickles over your flesh. The scent of your arousal. It's the sweetest perfume and he can hardly control himself.
"You're being so good for him, darling. Keep going."
The vampire spawn's voice is breathy and low. You moan just from his words and Abdirak lands another smack to your opposite ass cheek, a large red print immediately surfacing and swelling on your skin. "Fuck!" You cry loudly. Tears sting in the corners of your eyes. The human grins and sets the paddle down, moving behind you to trace his fingers over each bruise, cut, and mark he'd left. Little trophies of devotion. His goddess will be pleased. You shiver at the contact of his fingers.
"Sweet child.. You bore the pain like a true believer. I am proud to have served you this penance."
"Th-Thank you.." You muster quietly, bottom lip still trembling at the threat of tears. "I enjoyed myself."
Abdirak tilts his head back and sighs heavily, one hand reaching down to trace over your bruises once more. His cock throbs beneath his garb and he presses a free hand into it, groaning at the friction.
"As did I, dear one. Loviatar herself found your performance.. inspiring."
He grins and steps to your side, leaning close to your ear. His breath is warm and smells of a metal. More goosebumps speckle your skin as he presses his lips to your pointed ear and whispers quietly.
"And on a personal note.. Thank you. That was positively divine. This doesn't have to be the end, however. You've proven yourself perfectly capable of accepting such exquisite pleasure. I'd love to show you so much more."
"She'd love that. May I assist?" Astarion murmurs, approaching the two of you with confidence.
Normally you'd be incredibly irritated by the vampire spawn speaking for you, but now, Gods you couldn't be more grateful. A cold hand cups your cunt suddenly and you jolt at the sensation, back arching forward as Astarion's middle finger presses just barely into your folds and against your clit.
"Mm. She's so wet for us."
Sharp teeth just barely pierce your shoulder, a sensation you've become all too used to ever since you discovered the pale elf's affliction. You'd let him feed on you when it was needed, and sometimes purely because you enjoyed how he'd hold you close to him. How he'd savor your taste and lick your skin clean. His sweet words of encouragement as he'd bite into another place. And the way he'd talk you through the dizziness once he was finished. Your brain whirs with arousal as Astarion coos quietly against your skin and presses little kisses to the now bleeding spot. He drags his fangs over your flesh with torturous slowness, exhaling heavily at the salty taste of your sweat and blood combined. The finger pressed to your clit begins moving in circles and you nearly fall apart right there. Your legs tremble. Toes curl against the stone beneath your feet. Abdirak picks up the paddle once more and eyes Astarion. They exchange a glance of approval and the paddle makes fiery contact with your skin once more, over the same swollen spot it had assaulted before.
A mix of pain and pleasure courses through every vein in your body and your vision goes white. You could cum at any moment. Another smack. And another. And another. Astarion lowers his hand from your cunt, landing a smack of his own against your folds and your knees nearly give out at the force.
"Gods, please.." you whimper loudly, head falling between your shoulders.
"Yes, beg for it, dear one. You're doing so well for us."
"What a good girl you are, darling."
Their combined praises is enough to push you over the edge, but you hold on tightly. You can't cum. Not yet. Astarion's fingers circle around your slick soaked slit, playing with the clear sticky fluid for a moment. One digit slides inside first and you whine loudly, hips pushing back against him.
"M-more.." you beg.
A second finger slides inside and stretches your entrance ever so slightly, the cold digits pressing firmly into that spongey spot that could stop your heart.
"More!" You cry, and both men behind you grin at your desperation.
Abdirak slides his index finger into his mouth to soak it with his spit before lowering it between your thighs, forcing it inside of you atop Astarion's hooked fingers. The stretch burns in the most delicious of ways.
"Please.. Please more.."
A second finger of Abdirak's slides inside and finally you're sated, hips bucking back against their hands rhythmically. Astarion kneels down and sinks his teeth into your left ass cheek, blood trickling from the flesh and down his chin as he sups of your nectar, his eyes rolling back in his skull. He can taste your orgasm building. Your arousal and desperation. Your every need and want. His fingers pump in and out of you with bruising speed and Abdirak follows suit, his free hand reaching around the front of your waist to pinch your clit between his thumb and index. He rolls the sensitive, swollen bud between his fingers and presses sloppy, open mouthed kisses down your bloodied ass and thigh, savoring the metallic tang of your blood and the sweetness of your sweat. A delectable treat for all of his senses. Your moans grow louder and louder, jaw hung open and drool falling from your mouth in a steady stream. An eager hand reaches up to shove itself into your mouth and cover itself in your spit before moving back to your clit, spreading the wetness around.
The knot in your belly grows tighter and tighter, wound like a bow string, and you squeeze your eyes shut at the near painful overstimulation of your slit. Still the fingers work furiously against your walls.
"I'm gonna - I need to - Gods please!"
"Ah ah ah, use your words, darling. What do you need?"
The spawn drags his tongue over the globe of your ass to clean the remainder of blood from your skin. A quiet groan escapes his lips and he stands again, free hand taking hold of your hair to stand you fully upright.
"I need to cum.. I'm gonna -"
Just as you're about to topple over the edge, both sets of fingers are pulled from your cunt, a thick rope of slick still connecting you with the two men standing behind you. You keen at the emptiness. Your walls squeeze and contract around nothing. Abdirak lands a hot smack against your clit, and then another, and another, grinning as you sob loudly at the strikes. His pulls his hand away reluctantly, slipping his slick covered digits into his mouth to suck them clean. Astarion flashes him a toothy grin.
"N-no please.. Please!"
All you can muster are pathetic pleas and raspy whines, your feet stomping in frustration against the dirty stone beneath you. Astarion's fingers wrap themselves around your throat from behind and yank your back against his front, the threat of his angry erection rubbing back and forth against your bruised ass. You're fully exposed. Vulnerable. Writhing and crying for release. Such a beautiful sight to the vampire spawn and the servant of Loviatar. This is torture.
"Shadowheart, my dear. Are you sure you're not interested in some fun?"
"I'd much prefer to watch, thank you."
The half elf smirks and leans against the wall, eyes scanning over the scene just a few feet away. Her eyes narrow on you and you can feel her gaze burning holes into the back of your head. Does she approve? Do you even care? Skilled fingers work the front of Astarion's leathers open and his cock springs up and out, a soft slap against your ass startling you from the heavy daze filling your head. Your brain feels like cold snow slush. Your legs are weak, growing weaker by the second as Astarion rubs the tip of his weeping cock against your hungry slit. You nearly pull him right in and he hisses at the tightness. The invitation. Abdirak lowers himself to his knees in front of you, both hands finding purchase on your hips to keep himself steady. Gentle kisses pepper your abdomen, hip bones, and your stubbly mound, a shiver running up your your spine at the warmth of his breath against your sex. You wiggle your hips, both to tease the vampire spawn behind you, and to beckon the human's lips toward the spot you need him most.
Without warning, Astarion slips inside. His size surprises you. The delicious burn of the stretch, how he's nearly in your guts before bottoming out. Gods, he's huge. A careful push of the hips nestles him fully inside and he waits there for a moment.
"By the nine hells, you're tight.." He murmurs, lips pressed tightly to your ear now.
Abdirak's tongue flattens against your clit and he lifts his head to slide it up and over your mound, repeating this same movement to go back down. His strokes are slow and calculated. The combination of sensations makes your legs tremble like leaves in the winter air, and your hands fly down to tangle in the human's hair and guide his head. With a tut, Astarion reaches around to quickly grasp your wrists and yank them behind your back - you're pinned in place, forced to submit to his quickening thrusts and the skilled swirling of Abdirak's tongue. Your frame bends forward just slightly at the force of the spawn's thrusts, your legs spreading further apart instinctively. Again, that familiar knot twists and tightens in your belly and surely you'll cum at any moment. Astarion's free hand moves your hair away from the side of your neck to expose the still-healing bite marks from just the night before. He lines his fangs up perfectly re-open the wounds and you hiss at the sting. Like shards of ice in your veins. Overcome by pleasure and blood loss, your vision goes fuzzy. Drool drips from your lips and down your chin. Positively cock drunk.
Not even a soft moan is able to escape now. Only heavy exhales and gasps making your lungs burn and your throat raw. Abdirak's tongue works with surprising artistry against your clit still, lips sucking and tugging at the bundle of nerves to earn any sounds he possibly can from you. The loud slap of skin against skin rings throughout the stone room. Surely the rest of the outpost could hear you. You're surprised you don't have an audience gathered in the door way, watching the way you're being devoured and fucked into oblivion. The vampire spawns teeth leave your neck with a soft slurp sucking the last little drops of your blood through the puncture wounds, his tongue swirling around his lips and teeth to collect the remnants. Astarion's thrusts begin to lose their rhythm and you can't help but grin as his cock twitches erratically inside of you. Abdirak quickly releases your clit from his swollen lips, ducking his head further to use his tongue on Astarion now. The tip of the human's tongue traces the furry outline of the vampire spawns sack before sucking one ball into his warm mouth, massaging it in his jaw. The he switches, and the primal growl that escapes Astarion makes your heart flutter.
"Fuck, I'm cumming! Oh gods, I'm cumming!" He groans loudly, nails digging harshly into the plush meat of your hips as he quickly pulls himself from your constricting walls and spills his seed onto the small of your back.
Your end draws near, Abdirak's fingers finding their way into your cunt with impressive speed. They hook forward into that perfect spot and you cry out loud, finally able to make some sort of noise. The spawn behind you rubs his softening cock against your ass, keeping a tight grip on your arms behind your back still. Quiet squelches and slurps from the human between your thighs make you grin. Disgusting. Cold hands keep a careful grip on your trembling body. One restraining your hands, the other wrapped tightly around your throat now, playing with the pressure against your arteries. First a soft squeeze. Then it builds, and your hearing muffles. Black spots invade your vision. The spawn releases, and all of it comes rushing back. You gasp loudly for air, lungs on fire. Playfully, he repeats this again and again - bringing you to the brink of unconsciousness then quickly yanking you back. Soft coos and words of praise work you up to your climax.
"Such a good girl. So obedient. You like that, don't you? You like when I tell you how good you are?"
You nod in agreeance, unable to speak. Words feel foreign on your tongue. Your mouth is dry now, like you've filled it with linen. Still your end builds. Loud cries, sobs, and screams alert all of Faerun of your pleasure. You should be embarrassed. Ashamed, even. But you couldn't care less. Not now. You nearly topple over the precipice of pure ecstasy when suddenly.. The feeling disappears. Abdirak moves back from his original spot. Your cunt aches. Empty. A soft whimper escapes you and your head falls back against Astarion's broad shoulder.
"You thought we were going to let you cum? Little love.. How naïve."
His words sting like bees. Little Love. The degradation should upset you. Should ruin whatever arousal you have left. But it doesn't. If anything, it adds oil to the fire. You're more wet than ever. Heat rises in your ears and the tips turn a bright red, your fists balling up behind you in frustration as you try and wiggle out of his grasp. Through gritted teeth, you growl. A pathetic performance, on your part. Abdirak stands before you and circles his index finger over both of your nipples, smirking at you with half lidded eyes as each one perks up.
The half elf across the room giggles in amusement.
"Positively cruel."
"Patience, dear one.. You'll meet your end soon enough."
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msookyspooky · 8 months
♡ Obsessed Delusional Reader x Sinclair Brother's ♡
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Bo Sinclair:
- "Wow, so you want me that bad, huh? 🤭😏 You tied me up because you want to keep me here? That's so romantic! 😍 And out of everyone in my group it was me?"
- Bo is staring at you, trying to scare you and even hurt you but...The drive isn't there with you being so...Willing? Like, there's no fun in this you lil nutjob!
- Match made in hell
- "Are you there? Is your head just decoration or somethin'? What the fuck is your problem?? I am CRAZY and EVIL and will FUCK YOU UP." You: "Okay bby, if you say so. 🥰" All while Bo is short circuiting.
- Alright, that's it. You're getting the glue on your mouth.
- Honestly about to cut something off to make you afraid or hurt...He might but also might not because you fascinate him so are you a person that fascinates him or a toy he needs to break?
- The bondage sex is probably banging though ngl he's even a bit enthralled by how eager you are compared to most victims
- When you are still not afraid and looking at him in a way that melts most hearts even his icy one he can't even truly torture you properly. Most victims he can shut that off because they trigger his sadism by screaming and fighting or cussing him out or begging him but all these years he's never had a victim act so lovey dovey even after finding out his darkest secrets
- At first this has him so frustrated he has to leave the gas station room; having a crisis cause this has never happened before!
- Doesn't trust you but decided to undo the mouth glue or tape and untie you after all the fun to see what you would do...When you follow him around like a love sick puppy he's both annoyed yet enjoys it
- Mad lil unloved boy in a man's body that is both flustered and irritated at his captive being so fucking smitten for him without manipulation on his part. He has to be in control and your feelings for him is out of his control and he hates it.
- "...What the fuck" -Bo after finding you drawing his name with hearts in a notebook and planning your wedding and future with your captor while your chained up in his bedroom instead of the gas station room bc he obviously is in love with you to move you to someplace more comfy; how sweet of him ♡
- You are dead ass scarying him.
- He should kill you but he thinks you're so crazy he's kinda nervous if he misses with his shotgun and what you'll do if he does because you so obsessed with him is a level of coocoo he ain't never had before
- Once you start to show dimension other than flirting with him (Bonus points if you have trauma like he does and it's why you're lovebombing him and so attached) he starts to look at you as less a pest and more a clingy pet.
- Like...You really just have that much of a crush on him after everything he's done? You both can trauma bond and lovebomb each other? (And manipulate even if he's too dumb to realize you're manipulating him too to love you)
- Is actually willing to be crazy with you after awhile and have you obsessed with him because why not? It gets lonely in Ambrose and he likes you as a pet at times. He'd put a ring on your finger as his spouse just to shut you up, claim you like someone claims their chair, and as an act to lure victims
- If you get extremely possesive and jealous and refuse him having anyone strapped in that chair in that room but you; he actually is so flattered you're that possesive of him. Like he secretly always craved a person making him theirs like this PLUS you know his dark side and still want him.
- He'd probably ease up on being so mean and try acting like a crazy possesive delusional married couple together after that even if he still treats you as a thing to easily manipulate and control and he's CLEARLY not being manipulated either (Poor dumb bastard.)
- Vincent is internally screaming and questioning why this person is in their house and has a wedding band from a victim on their finger and his brother is...Being sweet on them??? Lester is happy for you though.
Vincent Sinclair:
- "Wow...I'm your muse? 🥺💘 That's so swee-" *Paralyzing agent kicks in but you have heart eyes still*
- He literally cannot work with you looking at him like that. Stop. He can't even wax your brows off because you're looking at him in a way no one has before
- You weren't even afraid and it makes him hesitate because...He forgot his tools upstairs! Obviously...He'll try again later.
- Once the agent wears off and your spared for now it's ten times worse
- He is blushing so bad under his mask at all your praise and admiring his work and admiring him you're gonna melt his damn mask!
- He is harder to get through to than his twin (HC Bo is more desperate for affection as the least favorite bad seed unloved child than he let's on he just acts cold but they both crave acceptance)
- Vincent pats your head like Jonesy the dog when you smile at him while he works...You're not so bad. As long as you stay outta the way.
- May have to pick you up and move you where he wants like furniture sorry his people skills kinda suck being sheltered for his face then stuck in abandoned Ambrose half his life
- Bo acts annoyed with your obsessed ways but secretly enjoys the neediness for him. Vince is actually annoyed being much more reclusive than Bo and now you're staring at him while he works.
- Dead stares at you when you sculpt tiny little figures of you both holding hands with wax he let you have...He loves it or else he'd destroy it obviously ♡♡♡
- When he lost his mask and you fawned over him (He acted like Erik in Phantom of the Opera the DRAMATICS) he's absolutely panicking and startled
- Once you kiss that side of his face and praise him maskless how on Earth could he not fall for you too despite your odd ways??
- Becomes just as obsessed with you only in a more lowkey way than you. Making sculptures and drawing you all the time. Enjoys you talking, keeping him company etc.
- Bo is bewildered when you verbal rip his ass so viciously when he made a nasty remark to your angel bby his twin brother that this big guy was reeling back thinking you were gonna jump him. Probably said shit that he'll be secretly thinking about tonight with a heavy heart too. Vincent snickers and pulls his guard dog away as you glare at Bo the entire way back downstairs.
- You and Bo do not get along because of how protective you are of Vince and how mean Bo can be
Lester Sinclair:
- "Oooo, you got such a big hunting knife! Is it in reference to...Other big things?🤭😘"
- HUH!?
- His brain shut off because he had never had a victim he took to his brothers flirt with him like this. And while he's covered in grime and roadkill?!
- It's okay it just adds to his manliness. We love a man with hobbies! ♡
- Like...Are you being mean and joking? Are you...Alright up there in your noggin? He would take the long way and other roads to Ambrose just to talk to you more and figure you out (Even when Bo is in a hot ass suit in a Church with no air waiting and is ringing Lester's cell off the hook)
- When you are fascinated by what he does, praising his job, asking about him; he is a blushing mess driving. Then he tries flirting back and cracks his cheesy jokes. And when you laugh??? Ooooh it's over. He's crushing severely.
- Easiest brother to woe. He's keeping you. Gonna show up to the house like Spencer in that one episode of ICarly.
Bo: "...What is that?"
Lester drinking a smoothie while you cheerfully wave love struck on his arm: "A smoothie??"
- He did question your mental state at first but hell he grew up with Bo and Vince so what the hell? He's a lil crazy too! Just part of your charm is all.
- When you are talking about the future he gets a little nervous but not out right opposing it just give him some time, babe! He could give you a ring made of deer antler or bone wittled down and you'd cry and say yes.
- He acts cute with you. You both are so disgustingly sweet on each other it makes Bo gag and Vincent roll his eye whenever you both come to town.
- Both twins are so jealous their goofy dirty lil brother found love before them and they can't stand it
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kaylatoonz · 5 months
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Evil grows in the dark and heroes bloom in the light
This idea feels more of an AU than a possibility of this happening in the SCU but it is fun to write/draw nonetheless.
This idea is inspired by the Sonic Fleetway comics, tangled, and Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride.
(I made this before I knew if Jim Carry was returning as Eggman in any future installment, just to let you know)
After the events of the third movie, Eggman is defeated once again this time at the cost of his life. Agent Stone is devastated at the loss of HIS doctor and wants vengeance against Sonic and his friends. Unfortunately, he would have to bide his time and lay low until the heat died down. With the ultimate weapon loss, he scavenges G.U.N base one last time in search of anything from Eggman or the government to use against Sonic in the future.
During the search, Stone discovers a brown hedgehog in a cryo-chamber similar to the one Shadow was found in. After looking into some files, he learns the subject, Project Rose seems to be a failed attempt at re-creating a more docile version of Project Shadow (to control better) years after Shadow was deemed too dangerous. At first, Stone was appalled by the idea of using another alien mutant to progress his plans for revenge, it hadn’t worked out the last two times! Not having a lot of options he took his chance with this creature, deciding that he would play his cards carefully this time and dispose of the beast as soon as possible if necessary.
Months later, Agent Stone, discovered like Shadow she has a connection to chaos energy, though a lot weaker and more unstable. Similar to when his doctor wielded the master emerald power, she can create anything from the material she’s offered. She also has supernatural strength, enhanced athletic/acrobatic, an unexplainable sixth sense, and cloaking abilities.
The only downside is that her powers are more limited compared to Shadow or Sonic and even seem to put a lot of strain on her body. He predicts that her body will expire in a matter of months or a year at best. Not that he cared as long as he got his revenge on Sonic, she would be one less problem to deal with once he was done, anyway.
Since Agent Stone doesn’t have the vast intelligence of his beloved doctor he settles with using Amy to create complex machinery. By night he causes trouble for Sonic heroes making sure they never forget the doctor (the team doesn’t know Agent Stone is the one causing trouble). By day he brings back material and blueprints he managed to scavenge during his nightly ventures.
Each day, Rose would create machinery, and weapons, unbeknownst to her that aided him in his conquest to destroy the blue pest and his friends. Unfortunately, for him, despite having many of the doctor's glorious blueprints and plans at hand, none have come close to destroying his foes.
Rose could easily see Mr. Stone’s frustration whenever he returned from his “night job”. Wanting to cheer her guardian up, she decided to sneak out and gather some material to make Mr. Stone happy. Rose, never having been outside, is quickly enamored by the luscious forest and flowers. So much so that she didn’t notice a blue blue until he was right on top of her.
Stone had relocated his base Of operation from the coffee shop to the depth of the forest of Greenhills. so it was a matter of time before Rose was at the “wrong” place at the “wrong” time resulting in her encountering the blue blur.
After untangling themselves they get a good look at each other and both are shocked. Sonic was in shock due to meeting another hedgehog who had hauntingly familiar eyes, leaving him gawking at the girl like an idiot. While Rose is shocked to meet another creature like herself but with such beautiful quills. Rose is quick to excitedly shoot questions out to the shell-shocked hedgehog. Before Rose could get a response from the blue hedgehog she sensed Agent Stone returning to the base so cut the meeting short. She quickly grabbed one of the daisies she dropped early and suggested they meet here again sometime to get to know each other better. Again before Sonic can respond the hedgehog girl disappears before his eyes (literally).
Upon returning to the base Rose decides to keep her meeting with the mysterious blue hedgehog secret for now, not wanting to get in trouble for sneaking out. She didn’t think a two-petal daisy would cheer up Mr. Stone or make up for running off. Things progress like usual with Mr. Stone, bringing in material and blueprints of bots to practice her creation ability. The session goes on like any other until Rose’s mind can’t help but wander back to the blue hedgehog. And unbeknownst to her it influences her powers to create the head of a metallic blue hedgehog instead of a plain android like the blueprint. Noticing her mistake, Rose quickly tries to apologize and explain herself though Stone calmly brushes it off. Stone smiles at Rose for the first time in a while (if ever) and tells her that she is on to something and this may be her best work yet. So before Rose could exhaust herself for today, he excused her from their session for today and sent Rose to her room.
Behind closed doors, Agent Stone was a bit furious that the insolent creature had shown its first sign of disobedience and interacted with the blue menace nonetheless! But that didn’t matter for now her day would be numbered soon enough. Now he had the perfect plan to destroy that hedgehog in the best way possible thanks to his little rose. He would build that robot in that blue rat likeness, using any information gathered from Rose and Sonic’s meetings ( assuming the ungrateful girl will sneak off to see the blue rat again). Then when the sonic bond with the rose reaches its highest, Stone would tear it away from him(just as Sonic did to him) using Sonic's image. Then his friends and family before lastly the blue hedgehog who would most likely be more than broken when Stone strikes the final blow.
Unfortunately for Stone, his plans don’t go exactly as planned. With each meeting, Sonic and Rose's bond grows stronger, and Rose learns and grows. Through Sonic she learns what real healthy love (familial, platonic, and romantic) looks like which eventually helps her realize something up with Mr. Stone. Sadly by the time she comes to this conclusion, Stone has initiated his plans leaving Sonic to believe that she betrayed him. Wanting to right this wrong Rose lends her aid to team Sonic to defeat the metal monster of her creation. With the chaos emeralds and Rose's help, they were able to defeat Metal Sonic and Agent Stone, but at the cost of Rose's life. The battle she had put herself through, pushed her body to the limit, exhausting all the chaos energy that was meant to keep her alive and stable. Devastated sonic kneels down to his rose, holding her close begging, her to wake up. Stone takes satisfaction in the fact that despite his failure he had given Sonic a taste of how he felt when he took his doctor away.
As Agent Stone is taken in by the G.U.N agents Sonic pays them no mind as he desperately tries to offer up as much chaos energy to Rose’s body in hopes of reviving her. It seemingly has some effect on the hedgehog girl as her quills go from brown to pink and when her eyes eventually open they are a bolder green compared to his own.
Bonus context:
Agent Stone is the type of man who would take satisfaction in a loss if it means, he leaves his enemy physically or mentally scarred. (in the IDW pre-quill comic. He was pretty intimidating so I wanted to go the extra step). he doesn’t care about ruling the world like Eggman (nothing matters if Eggman can’t be the one on top in the end). He just wants to hurt Sonic and his friends/family as much as he can.
In the beginning, Sonic keeps his meeting between him and Rose secret for selfish reasons. Sonic loved his brothers but sometimes he wanted some things or someone to himself (sonic still adjusting to sharing with his brothers). After the ordeal with Shadow, sonic also wanted some semblance of peace or escapism from the trauma. It isn’t until Sonic starts to notice that Rose’s home life might not be so great that Sonic starts to get his brothers and parents involved. Because of this sonic still feels guilty that he could’ve done something sooner.
After watching Disney’s Tangled with the Wachowskis, Amy teasingly calls Sonic her Rapunzel while Sonic insists that it’s the other way around.
Agent Stone is basically mother Gothel to Rose, so she has experienced a lot of gaslighting and guilt-tripping from Stone.
Rose takes up the name Amy as her first name a few months after she leaves Stone's custody. Despite her name coming from a dark place (Project Rose) she wants to keep it while adding something new to it representing the start of her new life as Amy Rose.
Sonic thinks Amy looks beautiful before and after her transformation.
After spending some time at the Wackowski‘s recovering, Amy takes off on her own leaving a note to Sonic explaining how she is going to explore the world for herself and promising that they’ll meet again. Sonic is a bit sad at first but lightens up in the hopes of meeting her again.
If Shadow is still alive and crosses paths with Amy, he would consider her his little sister and do anything to protect her after learning about her connection to him.
Agent Stone would be on Shadow’s kill list after finding out what that man put his sister through.
Shadow would probably gatekeep Amy from Sonic.
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silverorchideon · 6 months
"Hello! Supervisor Grian here to remind you, Scar and Skizz, that the information given to you two is strictly confidential. I, along with the other higher-ups, are happy with the accuracy of your responses nonetheless, and we wish to see you continue this behaviour. We are always watching and listening, have a good day."
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Creating AU's at a record pace currently-
Anyways, I saw the permit office and watched a playthrough of Home Safety Hotline and decided to draw this little thing.
Basically, Grian replaces Supervisor Carol and Scar and Skizz replaces the main character. Pearl, Jimmy, and Martyn work as "higher-ups" in this company and deal with the pests and hazards when reported. They themselves are very subliminal when they appear, though otherwise, remain in their typical human appearance to protect their identities.
They can turn people into Endermites, instead of mice!
Also, the hotline is available on many a server, though most of the callers are from HC/EMP because most came to HC for a reason, and it spilled over in Season 9. Some life series members not in either server may also be affected.
Surprisingly not a permadeath au, and the more deadly creatures (false artifact, sprig trees, etc) either cause the affected to be in a death loop, only broken by a Watcher/Listener (oh hey, guess who does that), affects the next respawn permanently (false beet, fae flu, etc.), or, when broken out and saved, causes either amnesia or high confusion, possibly permanently (neighbour's doorways, portals, etc.)
Also, if you guys want to create some calls for any MCYTer (preferably from Hermitcraft and Empires), do respond with them please!!! The link to all of the entries are here, but please be cautious if you are sensitive to insects, spiders, eyes/being watched, tight spaces, dogs, or general scary imagery.
I only have a Dream Weaver for BDubs, Wood Secretions for Doc, and possibly either Tea Sprites/Fae Flu for X and maybe unicorn fungi for Ren, so be free and have fun with this, if you'd like.
Oh, yeah! And the logo for it!
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verdemoun · 2 months
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if you're going to kill me would you hurry it up? i'd much rather miss this meeting
fun fact i also draw sometimes. cringe is dead, here's my rdr2 oc - dr morde groves. groves is a banker, accountant and money lender located in valentine. in typical valentine's fashion, he is the bookkeeper for the o'driscolls and wears green so the gang (which he views as a pest species) don't bother him out riding. his horse is a 12 year old greyed out steel grey brenton named eucalypt.
starting chapter 4, there would be a random encounter mission where arthur finds black belle (assuming her photograph has been taken) walking along the roadside after her horse has been killed escaping bounty hunters. she asks to be taken to valentine and introduces dr groves as maude, who corrects it is morde* nowdays, as one of her former fellow gang members who got scared and abandoned outlawing after the shootout that took out the rest of the Colter Tobin gang. after some back and forth bickering, morde agrees to help black belle financially if arthur is able to assist him with his business. he is a money lender, after all, and his clients can be difficult to reach. arthur writes a very bitter journal entry about being in the whim of another usurer.
except the missions are actually... giving people money. a young pregnant girl on her own trying to get out of town before her parents can send her to an unwed woman's home, an elderly woman struggling to live alone after the death of her husband, and finally culminates in a young woman (definitely not eliza's model) trying to escape her abusive husband with her five year old son. arthur gets the option to murder the husband. in the final mission, black belle is off on a new horse to resume her outlawing ways, and morde offers arthur ongoing, legal work if he ever wanted an out of the gang, which of course arthur refuses. morde looks slightly disheartened but wishes him luck
if at any point between the missions morde is looted, similar to how you can still rob or shoot any of the storeowners and they just respawn with head injuries, you can get a collectable 'letter to irish', which is a cryptid letter trying to warn kieran that the o'driscolls were very aware and very angry that he was riding with the VDLs and would 'seek to have their debt repaid', both encouraging and offering to help him escape to california. it ends with a line hoping the daughter of llyr is doing well with his new companions, to make it clear the letter was definitely meant for kieran. unfortunately, it was never sent, and kieran couldn't read anyway.
in chapter 6 and onwards, a horse identical to branwen can be found tied beside eucalypt on the street
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thatgothsamurai · 1 year
I love your mermaid au! Could you draw Vegas or Kim in the AU? Or could you draw a Chay & Vegas interaction? I would love to see that in your style but you don't have to I don't want to be a pest.
Also, is it okay if I put you in my college studies? I really love your art so I would really appreciate it.
aaaa thank u!!! glad you asked about that au too, i kinda miss it and of course i wanted to draw it too!!! sorry for the wait, here u go!!❤️❤️
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vegas: born as the next king of the south, but wanna be a pirate instead👍
kim: a solo explorer, hate to stay at the palace, his life probably is a compilation of music videos☝️
also i didn't quite get it why you wanted a chay-vegas interaction of all, but i really like it!!
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vegas was pretty casual around other creatures he met including mer people. here he saw chay (who's a friendly mer and like to swim around near the surface and land) and he ask for direction to get the black pearl. chay was willing to help but in return vegas had to help chay find his stupid brother who became human and at that time got lost in the land 😂
i had fun with this thanks for asking!!!
also for your next question, it's super fine!! actually i feel honored🥹❤️🥺
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art-parasi-te · 5 months
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This is not a combination of pest and partynoob
Or they child
It's party noob if they swap with pest
I could also make different versions of other characters if it’s interesting, but I did this drawing in Paint for fun
So if this is the post that people like the most
(for no reason that is clear to me)
then I might try with all the other characters.
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eye-saw-that · 5 months
Thinking so hard abt a Magpod (more TMA but TMagP DEFINITELY fits) x Home Safety Hotline cross,,,
Jon 2 days into his job going head-in-hands once he gains access to the ‘confidential pests’ ((he’d STILL keep up his skeptic act too))
Honestly wonder what Jane prentiss would be,,, i feel like Reanimated’s description matches her to a T “may carry parasites, violent to homeowners, incredibly adept at /hiding and waiting for vulnerable moments/“
His Season 2 paranoia does NOT trust Martin’s tea to not attract tea sprites, he’d throw a FIT
Jon would see the catalogue as a reverse hitlist of all the mfs after him
Oh god,,, mirror nymph’d Sasha?
Season 3 The Admiral gets unicorn fungus and Jon is awkwardly trying to ignore it,, also Jon regularly checking if Admiral gets pooka’d :(
Oooo Jon encountering a dream weaver instead of Mr. Spider?
Not sure if i’d prefer a (probably expanded) HSH-only catalogue, a Smirke-only catalogue (of avatars ig? And/or the non-human phenomena?), or maybe a mix of both?
But also,,,, while i mainly first thought abt this with archives, protocol is kinda just BUILT for HSH aint it? Got the whole set-up already: get unsettling recount of experience (from old ass PC, would be fun with a Freddie’s haunted ass giving Sam early-access to info he wasnt meant to have,,), categorize incident report into your spooky filing system. Would just change it to a hotline and actually HELP them bitches. (The helping advice is “consider therapy”)
If i had any free time (or yknow, done any of my own writing past 1 middle school assignment,,, guess i could draw but thinking of drawing a comic makes me wanna invert) to actually develop this i’d be so powerful, id be so fucking annoying about it
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hyu7eii · 2 years
under the moon's gaze — l.dh
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SYNOPSIS — it was one of those summer nights. The nightly breeze cools what was left of the heat from the summer sun and all that's left to watch the vibrant verdure was the moon and the stars. But despite that, with dew-like shine, they blossom under the moonlight as if the golden pour of their beloved sun had never left. The night stayed full of life; even without the sun, in some ways, warmth seeped through under the moon's gaze.
PAIRING — lee donghyuck & reader
GENRE — countryside!au, childhoodfriends2l, fluff
WARNINGS — trespassing, making out
WORD COUNT — 3.0k words
NOTES FROM AUTHOR — so this was also from my old blog :') hope you enjoy it!!
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You watch as the speckled night moves the moon to the highest peak of the sky. The coolness of the air felt great on your skin, you almost think you could fall asleep like this, but alas, a certain face couldn't help but ruin those plans of a well rested slumber.
Funny how even in imagination, he still seemed to be causing trouble.
After tossing and turning for the umpteenth time this evening, you find yourself seated by your house's front porch watching this big rock in the sky with little to no fascination. You were bored.
The afterglow of the summer day made the night life seem much brighter—unwilted and evergreen. It painted a scenic picture, the moon was at the perfect place, the stars shone brighter than ever, and the trees swayed along to the lullaby of the creatures home to the grass. But no matter how beautiful these things are, they still could not take your mind off of the person you find much prettier in your eyes.
You sigh. How merciless love could be that even picturesque sights like this didn't amaze you anymore.
Perhaps you were being dramatic, simply caught up in the fact that no matter what you did, he stayed like a pest in your mind. Maybe if you tried even harder, you would successfully distract yourself from him. Yeah, you thought to yourself, just stop thinking for a second and just bask in the night sky.
The stars twinkled at you and you smiled back. At first the sky looked like a canvas filled with strewn dots—scattered and unrelated, but then you found yourself gazing at something that looked like a triangle? But it wasn't quite a triangle because it was rounded and much longer. It almost looked like a... fish's flipper?
You weren't an expert in constellations by any means, but you started making them nonetheless. Perhaps you should give them new names and meaning.
You continue to flesh out the unfinished fish flipper shape, conjuring up an image of a whale jumping over heavy ocean waves, flashing you an almost cartoonish grin. This was quite fun. You looked below it to see a small creature running while holding a triangle of sorts. The stars inside the triangle helped make an illusion that it had holes, therefore concluding to yourself that it was a mouse holding a block of cheese. But what was it running from? You see a tail and claws reaching out to the mouse. You look at it for a bit and realize it was a cat; now the scene made sense. You name that one constellation "tom and jerry".
You let your fingers trace patterns lazily on the sky, connecting the dots just like those activity books you used to practice on when you were younger. One line goes to the left, then down, then you trail it to the right, and you continue on mindlessly.
After you are done, you pause. What did you just draw? You didn't have any image in mind as you were mapping out the shape, so you left it up to your imagination to make up for the lack of sense.
You follow back to the lines, letting your fingers walk the familiar stars to make out the shape. It didn't remind you of an animal nor an object. Perhaps a person?
Star one, star two, star three, sta—
Wait a minute. You feel your cheeks burn.
Did you just trace Donghyuck's moles?
It wasn't like you memorized each of their locations on his face (that was a lie), but you completely failed the point of why you started playing astronomer. Now you're back to square one, wondering how, even in the stars, you see him.
And it was just like the wind carried your thoughts to him because, as soon as you thought of him, your phone rang with his name blaring on the screen.
You picked up the call, giving up on distracting yourself from him. "Hello?"
"I see you over there." You look over to his window just beside your house and you see him clad in pajamas, hair sticking out in different directions, and a boyish grin on his face as he waves at you. You guess that he just woke up.
Before you could give a response, his voice sounds through the phone. "I'm coming over there, wait." Then he hangs up the phone, again, giving you no room to give a proper reply. But that didn't matter as you felt yourself smile. As long as you got to see him you were happy, even if he had rudely hung up on you. The weariness from your lack of sleep was now replaced by this giddiness that has you up and ready to run across the fields. You sigh albeit blissfully; you were definitely in love weren't you?
"Why are you smiling to yourself like a creep?"
You could only glare at him as the smile slipped away from your face.
"I wasn't smiling like a creep," you say defensively, "I was just… "
You stare at him and you feel your chest squeeze just a tiny bit (it wasn't just a tiny bit). You thought butterflies and sparks were just cheesy cliches, and honestly speaking, you never felt them around him. But when you look at him, you are reminded. This was the boy that pulled at your hair in kindergarten, the boy who you got in trouble with for playing out too much, the boy who you always went to when you were feeling down, the boy who, in his own way, shows you how much he cares, and the boy that still shined so brightly in the night.
You didn't see him in the stars; he was the brightest star, and though the moon may be beautiful, you would rather spend the evening basking in his glow.
"You were just?" You hear the questioning lilt in his voice and you snap back to reality.
Coughing into your fist, "I was just… thinking," you (try to) nonchalantly look at anything but him.
"Alright… " You ignore his skeptical gaze.
He suddenly comes closer, settling down on the space beside you, knee slightly grazing yours. He had his arm leaning on his knee as he rested his face on his palm. "What were you thinking?"
Did he have to be so nosy? You were starting to think he already knew what you were thinking, he was a smart boy after all. "Nothing really, and isn't it past your bedtime? Why are you even here?" you tease abruptly, trying to change his focus.
He gasps like the drama queen that he is, "Now you're treating me like a kid! Are you trying to act like my mom or something?" There is a slight pout on his lips when he says that. Not that you were looking at his lips (another lie), but it reminded you of the times he would get sulky at you when you were children.
"No, you just keep acting like a kid." You say almost fondly; your comment didn't hold any meaning and was just said to further tease him. He scoffs at you, rolling his eyes, "Says you."
You gulp a little. Since when did he become hot?
Of course you were lying, the boy in front of you now wasn't the same one you knew all those years ago. You don't know what kind of shattering force that played with you right now, but they make you hyper aware that this boy grew out of his chubby cheeks, his former languid body growing a stronger build, and the top of his head now surpasses yours. Though the younger him was incredibly adorable, you couldn't help but like this a little more. He certainly grew up well, didn't he?
It was silent for a moment, both of you just appreciating the fine evening. With Donghyuck, there was no such thing as awkward stillness. Though there are times he didn't know how to shut up, he surprisingly knew when to let the quiet do the talking. He was more mindful than he let on and you sometimes wonder what exactly is he thinking about.
"Follow me, I'll take you somewhere," he juts out of the blue, standing up and looking at you expectantly.
You raise a brow. It wasn't like you didn't trust him—if anything he was more reliable than he seemed, but you wouldn't put it past him to put on mischievous acts at any time.
"And where would you take me?"
"Uhm, to…?" He thinks as well. You were starting to think this was one of his pranks.
"A walk! Let's go for a walk." He grabs you by the arm, hoisting you up to stand. You guess that he sees the skepticism on your face because suddenly he hooks his arm around yours as if to handcuff you to him. "Come on, trust me a little. It's not like I'm gonna throw you off a cliff or something."
"Now that you say that I'm even more suspicious." You laugh when he sarcastically rolls his eyes at you.
Both of you walked in silence, side by side with his arm around yours. It felt nice just being like this. Being with him felt nice. You felt a high around him you couldn't quite explain; it was almost like a trance. You were bound to his painting, now linked to him in a way where he became ubiquitous. Your eyes will remind you of him, your mouth will speak of things that remind you of him, and your feet will remember wherever his own falls. And just like now, you follow his footsteps as he leads you into a dream.
He was beautiful, wasn't he? The sight around you may be riveting, others around you may find people much more attractive, but all of that didn’t matter because they weren’t Donghyuck. No matter how many times you repeat that, it would never dull how captivated you were by his light.
Before you know it, he stops. He turns to you as he removes your linked arms to cover your eyes with his hands. You let him do what he wants, not putting up a fight even when your sight becomes dark. "We're close, don't peek!" You hum fondly, wondering where he is taking you.
You feel grass tickle the skin of your leg, the land beneath you now softer as you hear a fence being opened. He still covers your eyes as he guides you inside to wherever he was leading you to.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Shh, we’re almost there.”
He suddenly brings you to a slight uphill, gently and carefully guiding you as he brings one hand to the small of your back while the other still covers both of your eyes. You were used to his touchiness, but for some reason, this particular one made you feel flustered.
With a few steps further, the both of you stop. His hands leave your eyes and your sight is greeted by a familiar field. Memories of both of you being chased by Mrs. Park crosses your mind and you shiver. You should have never trusted Donghyuck.
"Hyuck, we're not allowed here!"
“Says who?” You almost had to will yourself not to immediately start running back home like a coward, but you also think it was best to simply just leave your pride and stay away from trouble.
Mrs. Park was a scary woman, most doing their best to never anger her. But the problem was she was always angry no matter if it was her birthday or the happiest day of her life. Even in your almost adult self, you still felt as terrified as you were when you were a kid.
You deadpan at him. “Remember when we last came here?" You could almost hear her shrill screams out in the distance.
“Your point is?” You facepalm, sometimes it was a curse when you couldn’t put up a fight with him.
Despite your senses telling you to turn back, you stay knowing that you would much rather spend time with Donghyuck than spend your time staring up at your bedroom's ceiling with only thoughts of him.
“Hey look, it's still here,” he goes to a tree, looking at it with almost glazed over eyes. When you looked over the tree he was staring at, you immediately knew what he was talking about. You went beside him, also looking at the carvings on the tree, chuckling when you see both of your old handwriting.
"May this tree serve to protect us from the evil that lurks within this field" and a stickman depiction of Mrs. Park with devil horns beside it was carved messily on the bark of the tree. You reminisce the moment you both wrote it.
Both of you were six then, playing around like you usually do when you hear an almost glass-shattering cry. Mrs. Park was livid, screeching around almost like a ghost from those horror games Donghyuck used to play. "We should make a protection barrier!" he said, and that's how both of you ended up hiding behind the tree, hoping that it would protect you from the monster that was Mrs. Park.
“I can’t believe she hasn't found it yet.”
He laughs, “If she saw this she would probably scream so loud that her big shiny earrings would crack.”
He suddenly lowers to the ground, lazily leaning against the tree. “We haven’t been here in a while, a certain wuss was too scared of big bad Mrs. Park to come back,” he gives you a look.
"Yeah, and a certain person cried to his mommy when Mrs. Park caught him."
He scoffs, "I wonder who that is," knowing full well that it was him you were talking about.
He gazes up to the moon. You didn't know if he knew you were staring so intently at him. If only he could see himself the way you did, he would know how you feel. You wouldn't want to look at anything other than him.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"You look good."
"I always look good."
At that, you wholly agree, shamelessly. Even when you are caught, you don't let up.
He looks at you with an almost smug face. “I knew it.”
“You were bound to fall in love with me someday,” he says, probably teasingly, but you weren’t in the proper mind to figure that out.
"Yeah… "
"I guess I am in love with you."
Now, he wasn't expecting that. He gawks at your seriousness, placing both of his hands on your shoulders. “Are you okay, don’t tell me you're starting to lose yourself there?” he shakes you profusely.
You stop the shaking hands that were starting to make you feel dizzy. “No, I am perfectly fine," you say, a little annoyed that he ruined your moment.
You see Donghyuck staring at nothing, but he had a big smile on his face and his cheeks were a little red. And at that, maybe you felt a little bit of hope.
It was silent for a bit, both of you trying to avoid each other's gazes. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe you shouldn't have said anything. But this was Donghyuck, after all your years together, he wouldn't let just these feelings break that friendship and everything you built together.
“I like you too, I guess.”
You laugh.
He covers his face with his hands. “Why are you laughing!”
And you continue to laugh, not at him, but more so because you were happy.
He hid his face on your shoulder and you felt his shoulders shaking as he joined your laugh. Both of you were idiots.
“Can we kiss?” He looks up at you from your shoulder, starry eyed.
Now you were starting to feel the flush grow hotter, but you still nodded nonetheless. He made you feel so heady, both of you slipping away to a special place only both of you know.
You feel goosebumps on your skin as you feel his hand graze yours, also feeling how he slightly trembles when you both lean into each other. It was dizzying, almost drunk. You just wanted to feel him close, never wanting to stray far away from his light.
It was taking too long, both of you were taking too long. You press into him, surging your lips forward and all seemed to be right.
It was soft; the grass below your hand, his cheek that you were cradling with your other, and his lips that fit perfectly with yours. At first, it was just a fleeting kiss, lovingly giving him a peck. But when you see the fond look in his eyes, you couldn't stop from giving him more.
He was sweet, you feel his hand land on your waist as he rubbed small circles with his thumb. Again there were no sparks, but with Donghyuck you didn’t have to act unfamiliar. Both of you moved in rhythm, simply just being in the moment as both of you enjoyed the sweet caresses of each other’s lips.
Time didn’t exist and both of you continued for as long as you liked. You don't know how, but you ended up on his lap, still kissing as if both of you couldn’t get enough.
You smiled when the kiss broke. His eyes were closed, leaning his forehead on yours, also bearing a smile on his face. "We should've done this sooner."
"Let's make up for lost time then," you say as he sighs into another kiss.
When you parted, he looked marvelous. His hair was messed up, clothes wrinkled, and his lips swollen as he looked up at you with soft eyes. You cursed in your mind, he was so pretty.
He leans his head into your chest as he hugs you. “We should get you home, you know,” he says, but he doesn’t let you go.
“Okay, let’s go then,” you say, knowing that he didn't mean it.
“One last.” And both of you stayed in each other's arms for the rest of the evening.
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© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. hyu7eii. 2022. written content should not be reposted and/or translated in other platforms.
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doodle-do-wop · 2 months
Lowkey you aren’t a good person
I was gonna ignore this because I highkey don't give a fuck babes✌️🤪😂😂😂😂 Do you see any flying monkeys carrying my fucks to give because I sure don't. Elphaba do you see the monkeys?!🙊
like Okay???? whatever??? say this off of anon so I can ignore you better
I'm not for everyone babes and I don't promote myself to be but also like you're just some sleemo wearing sunglasses with zero guts to say it to my face like a real person. If you're gonna make a statement, stand on business don't crawl to my ask box you roach
I don't have to 'prove' that I'm a good person to pests. Cause unlike you who spends time on anon saying nonsense I've got friends I adore and can brainrot with while showing them this lame anon ask and laughing. I'm living my best life, you're gathering dust in an inbox, we are not the same
lmao like what were you even expecting? Omggggg!!! 🤩🤩🤩✨thx for noticing XD, 💖i like, would've never guessed ✌️🤪😘
get outta here dog
what gave it away?:
liking keeper of the lost cities (full of red flags right there, total bad person behavior🚩)
reading (ugh how scandalous, we should go back to illiteracy)
drawing (HARD PASS! who even needs art am i right guys?)
drawing hot guys to feed the fandoms im in (how dare I, one with a knack for creating scrumptious looking guys feed a fandom art!!! the audacity!!! (dont worry yall I swear I'm working on gethen))
being funny (comedy isnt even real)
supporting my friends (come on heather chandler get it together)
listening to music (RED FLAG!!)
liking Percy Jackson and the Olympians (ugh a MALE protagonist?!)
liking Gallagher Girls (ugh a FEMALE protagonist?!)
supporting Alina Lavanza (women aren't allowed hobbies such as being hot, sexy, power hungry, or singing)
dancing (tsk tsk tsk)
saying Sophie's birthday is August 16 (she's clearly a resses pieces rising moon star!)
wearing shoes (HARLOT!!)
not wearing shoes (WENCH)
burping (THE HORRORS!!!!)
I had my fun but for realsies now: LMAOOOO GIRL BE FFR WHO DO YOU EVEN THINK YOU ARE 🤣🤣😚 stay mad girly poo
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gothamsaved · 6 months
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To keep this as short as I can — as someone with bad anxiety but a stronger want to start poking Mutuals more, I figured putting something like this out there helps a ton to know who is alright with me being a friendly pest. It’s meant to reassure me people are alright with me kicking their doors in with my muses.
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↳ You’re alright with me sending you *Askmemes as soon as I see they’ve been reblogged along with sending the occasional *Unprompted Ask or *Surprise Short Starter. Sometimes they’ll just be Bruce commenting on ongoing threads — think dash-commentary style. Others are just *IC / OOC Questions. Basically this just gives me permission to be a menace to your inbox without feeling guilty.
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↳ You’re alright with me replying to any *Open Starters I spot, even if we already have one or more threads ongoing. Just a heads up I will aim to keep these short since they’re usually spontaneous threads done for fun. If they happen to get longer? I’m here for it!
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↳ You’re alright with me tagging you in *Dashgames when I do come across them. Along with tag you in *Musings, Aesthetics &&. *Muse Song Posts if they remind me of your muse &&. our interactions.
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↳ Piggy backing off the last point, there are no promises made, but if it’s alright that I make the occasional *Edit through *Gifsets of your muse or our muses dynamic, *Aesthetic Edit Posts or *Web Weavings. Even the occasional *Drawing / Doodle. Chances are, if I’m inspired or invested enough &&. have the time to spare, I do enjoy doing these for close Mutuals!
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↳ You’re alright with me making *Headcanon Posts as our muses dynamics develop through ongoing interactions. This is a recent thing I’m trying to start doing more of, where I make headcanon *Directories for muses on my end to better keep track &&. document HC’s. I heavily value developing bonds between me &&. my writing partners muses so if it is alright with Mutuals that their muse is *mentioned in posts like this?
Please let me know in a comment or DMs! Usually I will ask permission to write these out beforehand.
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↳ You’re alright with me giving you my *Discord so we can talk more OOC to chat or to discuss ideas &&. our current threads / plot possible future ones. I struggle with this, but I would really love to discuss headcanons more when they crop up, along with just getting more used to screeching to partners about how much I loved recent replies. Just a warning is I am a little shy &&. my social battery can vary between extra outgoing to having no energy to respond back, so as long as that’s alright! I am making grabby hands!
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* Please note that interacting with this post also gives you permission to do any of these things right back. If you want me to do only some of these things but not others, please, feel free to comment in the notes or let me know in private.
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↳ Lastly, if you have yet to fill out my *Interest Tracker — I highly urge you to so I know how best to approach you in the future along with what dynamics you’re interested in pursuing! It’s not mandatory but it helps so so much.
The purpose of this post is simply meant to reassure that there is a shared interest in interacting more in the future, mainly for my own anxiety since I do struggle a lot with pushing myself to poke new folks without feeling like I’m being a bit of a bother. It’s usually why I rely heavily on starter calls &&. inbox calls so I have that known permission to toss my muses people’s way.
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