#house of wax bo sinclair
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thewolffairytaler · 18 days ago
House Of Wax - Deleted alternative opening
Even though this scene is a deleted alternative opening, it's actually cannon in a way that it makes sense. If we exclude this scene, the only time Jennifer ever appeared in the film was when Vincent had already turned her into a wax statue. She is Miss Ambrose. So technically, Bo did make at least one kill in the film. We were just never shown it in the final product.
I also want to apologise for the quality, I tried my best to use the old technology I had to make it better, yet I could at most do so much.
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msookyspooky · 1 year ago
Bo Sinclair is a dom 80% (He'd love to think 100%) of the time till he gets with someone he actually loves and trust then every so often he's a big guy with a thing for GFD/GD, possible mommy kink and praise kink aka all the things he needed so bad in childhood but never had. It's the opposite of him re-living his trauma through bondage and sadism like he regulary does to finally feel in charge so no one can hurt him again while he gets out pent of sexual frustration by doing the only thing he was taught as far as affection goes. Sadism, control, domination.
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But if he had a S/O he had been with for years and truly loved and trusted like no one else but maybe his twin; he would be a totally different Bo then what we see in the movie, at least in private.
You tell me this man who never received love or acceptance while watching his twin get so much praise wouldn't fold if he was called a 'good boy' or told someone was 'proud of him' when he's most vulnerable by someone he loves. You look me in the EYES and tell me he wouldn't fold if he trusted an S/O enough and they whispered both dirty mockery and praise in his ear while giving him a 'challenge' to complete to please them. You think he won't be terrified of handing over control at first because he thinks he'll be treated like his parents did just to be an emotional internal mess when he sees he's safe to go there? You try to tell me that after decades of controlled emotions because his negative ones were met so harshly, control over others, control over himself to be strong he isn't gonna melt a bit when he finally has someone to trust to take care of him for once.
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You can't. End of.
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barenecessiteas · 4 months ago
Final Random Sinclair Headcanons Because I Can't Get Them Out Of My Head
Hello my darlings. We've reached the final part of my random headcanons. There's only one person left - you know him, you love him, it's adorable waxy boi Vincent! Again, these are all just random thoughts I had, I don't really write on here much, but these just kept coming to me so I figured I may as well share em. Hope you enjoy!
Vincent Sinclair
If you didn't happen to see this on my last post, I believe Vincent is the younger twin and Bo is the older one. Only apart by seconds for obvious reason, but Bo was technically born first
Even after the separation surgery, baby Vincent had a hard time sleeping unless Bo was with him. Having his literal other half suddenly not be attached anymore took a lot of adjustment for him
He also exclusively sleeps on his right side, or at least with the right side of his face against the pillow. Kinda like a subconscious need to feel something against the skin there since Bo wasn't attached to him anymore
Vincent is actually able to talk, he's just selectively mute. This comes from the abuse he witnessed on Bo by their parents
I kinda touched on this last time, but restraining Bo to the chair every time he "misbehaved" or threw a tantrum really just taught the kids that it wasn't acceptable to express their emotions. So even tho Vincent never actually experienced the same punishment, it scared him to watch that happen to his brother
That's why, in the introduction to the film, you see little Vincent seemingly just ignore Bo while he's strapped into the chair, just quietly eating his cereal and swinging his feet
This is NOT because he didn't care about his brother. He was just scared of getting the same treatment that Bo did. He had the idea that if he behaved in front of his parents, he'd be able to sneak off to comfort Bo later
We all see in the film how he's immediately concerned for Bo when he notices the arrow in his chest. He hates seeing either of his brothers hurt, and he just started feeling more comfortable openly expressing that after their parents were gone
So yes, he can talk, but usually it's not unless he absolutely has to. His voice is often harsh and raspy because of this, but it's still there
I don't see Vincent as the meek, timid, and abused twin like a lot of people do. Bo isn't just his brother, he's Vincent's TWIN brother. He's literally been dealing with Bo since they were in the womb
Vincent is just calmer by nature and it's much harder to actually get him angry. He's learned that Bo says a bunch of shit he doesn't mean when he's angry and it's usually best to just let him cool off on his own. Vincent doesn't take it personally
This doesn't mean they don't fight. It happened more when they were kids, but as fully grown adult men Vincent rarely ever gets so pissed off he actually fights with Bo
I think most people agree on this next part but I'm gonna say it anyway - Vincent started growing his hair out so that he'd have something to hide his face with if he ever needed to take off the mask
Even with that in mind, he's not afraid to throw hands if Bo really manages to piss him off 💀
Like they have gotten into legit brawls and fist fights as children if they got on each other's nerves
He does genuinely like the look of it long now, but it started mostly as a security blanket type thing
Speaking of his hair, his is naturally darker than Bo's, he doesn't dye it or anything. We see in pictures that they were blonde as young kids and their hair got darker as they grew older. Bo's hair just stopped darkening at the dark brown we see him with. Vincent's hair just kept on getting darker
He actually does take pretty good care of his hair. He's not super concerned about it, but he doesn't want it to be a rat's nest either. He makes sure to keep it brushed, washes it regularly, and he's generally good at keeping wax out of it
Vincent wasn't really bullied as much for his mask as most people think he was. The Sinclairs were basically local celebrities, so everyone in town knew who they were. Their birth and separation surgery were announced in the paper too, so everyone kinda knew it was from that
What really bothered him was the pity from other people. Kids could be assholes about it every now and then, sure, but hearing adults whisper about it was what he'd really hate
He got into wax kinda by accident. It was a day while Trudy was working on a new mask for him, he was sitting around watching her. She gave him some extra wax she had lying around to play with
Saying stuff like "poor boy" or "shame he didn't turn out as good looking as his brother" when they thought he wasn't listening. That's what really got to him
Vincent also isn't really shy, he's just introverted. He found that hearing people talk about him and feeling sorry for him behind his back exhausted him, so he really just prefers the company of his family
Trudy and Victor often told the boys old mythology stories at bedtime, so Vincent decided he wanted to make what he thought the monsters and creatures in the stories looked like
Since it was his first time using wax, it was far from perfect, but he'd spent so long watching his mom work on her art that he had an idea of some of the technique
He actually used a spoon to shape the wax for most of it lol
Even for such a young kid, he definitely showed promise. That's when Trudy really started to take him under her wing. She was delighted to be able to bond with one of her boys like that
Vincent always felt a little guilty for having a closer relationship with Trudy because of how she and Victor would treat Bo (and how they'd pay much less attention to Lester). He still loved his parents, but it definitely added a huge guilt complex
That's why he's so concerned about always being there for Bo and Lester to help take care of them. He just tends to let Bo take the initiative in taking care of him and Lester because he knows it makes Bo feel better
Just like Bo, he was taught to play the piano growing up. He's pretty good at it, but he never had the same interest in it that Bo did. He enjoyed listening to music more than playing it
Vincent has a very broad taste in music, he listens to a lot of different genres. Classical music is pretty much exclusively for when he's sculpting or making any form of art in general
It's a habit he picked up from his mother. He finds it less distracting so it helps him concentrate more
Like Bo, he was also very good at sports growing up. Really all of the boys were (Bo was just the most involved in it so he got better than his brothers eventually). He's actually surprisingly active
He tries to take frequent breaks when working with wax, even if it's just for a tiny bit. If he doesn't, his muscles get very sore, making it hard for him to work later on
However, when I say he tries I really mean that he only remembers to take breaks with smaller projects. Bo and Lester (or even Jonesy) usually have to remind him to step away for a bit
Speaking of Jonesy, she is in fact Vincent's dog. Yeah, she's the family dog too, but Vincent is the one who found her and raised her
He was going for a walk in the woods and found Jonesy abandoned as a puppy. Even though she was young she was still much smaller than she should have been. Her mother and litter mates were nowhere to be found
So Vincent gently picks her up and carries her home in the pocket of his hoodie. He stays up all night feeding her and watching over her to make sure she recovers physically
Bo was surprisingly chill with Vincent keeping the puppy. As long as Vincent was responsible for taking care of her, he didn't mind having a dog around
Lester lost his shit when he found out Vincent took in a puppy (in a good way, of course)
Vincent basically treats her like his baby (we stan a girl dad) and takes VERY good care of her. She has a great diet, has constant play sessions, and is overall very well cared for
It bothers him when Lester sneaks her some roadkill meat because he's always scared about Jonesy potentially getting sick
Jonesy also sleeps in Vincent's bed with him and has seen his face more than his actual brothers have. She loves to give him kisses on the scarred side of his face and it makes him melt
When Bo first came up with the idea of killing people to use as a base for Vincent's wax sculptures, he was hesitant. Sure, he knew killing people was wrong, but he was more worried about the danger it could place his brothers in
But once he actually used the first victim as a live "model" of sorts, he was convinced that this was the perfect way to finish his mother's dream. It didn't take him a lot of convincing
His collection of knives are all gifts from Bo and Lester. They'd often either buy them or find them on victims before cleaning them up to give them to vincent
The dual dragon blades are his favorites because it was a combined present from Bo and Lester for Christmas
He has much more morbid curiosity in killing because of his father's work. He found anatomy very interesting (and not to mention useful when it came to sculpting people), so he often takes pictures or videos to use as references when painting or sketching
Alright, we've now reached the end of my insanity. I hope you all enjoyed my silly little writing spree. I may or may not write more Headcanons in the future, idk. We'll see if inspiration ends up striking me lol. But for now, we've finished the Sinclairs. Thanks for reading, my lovelies, and I hope you all have a wonderful day 😘💕
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fandom-imagines · 1 year ago
Bad idea, right?
Fandom: House of Wax
Pairing: Ex!Bo Sinclair x Reader
Warnings: Exes-to-Lovers, implied nsfw, mainly dialogue, reader doesn't know about Ambrose, not proofread.
Inspired by bad idea right by Olivia Rodrigo!
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Seeing the name ‘Bo Sinclair’ pop up in her phone a couple of months after they had officially ended things was not something that Y/N expected during her night-in with her friends.
As the four of them were seated around her best friend’s coffee table, the loud text-tone of Y/N’s phone broke the conversation that they were having and at first, she seriously debated ignoring it.
“It can’t be anybody important,” she said to the group. “It’s probably just my boss asking me to work a shift tomorrow!”
The three girlfriends giggled, each raising their eyebrow in a questioning manner.
“Just answer it!” One said, tossing the woman’s phone to her, one which she caught with expert accuracy.
“Fine.” She huffed, a sound which was cut short when she read the texters name.
Thankfully, nobody noticed the way her eyes widened in both shock and confusion, the emotions intensifying the moment her phone began ringing.
Bo Sinclair is calling.
Answer.        Decline.
It was at that moment Y/N realised that she had never changed his contact image. It was still a photo she took of him whilst they were drunk in Ambrose.
“Sorry,” she muttered to the group, leaving the room to answer the call.
It was as though her body was on autopilot as she answered the phone, his name falling from her lips just as easily as it had when they were a couple.
“Bo? I haven’t heard from you in a couple of months, is everything okay?” Y/N asked, assuming it must be bad for him to call her. After all, he was the one who broke up with her after they had an argument about him keeping secrets from her.
The line was silent for a moment, and she wondered if he had changed his mind, realised his mistake, and hung up. That was, until he spoke.
It wasn’t anything huge, just her name, but it was enough to have her heart racing, past feelings resurfacing at the sound.
“That’s me,” came her response, a forced chuckle shortly following.
“You should come over.” He said.
“You heard me.”
The door to the room she was previously in opened, startling Y/N. She knew then that she had been caught, cheeks flushed and hands shaking; she simply prayed they wouldn’t judge her too much.
“Y/N?” Her best friend asked, smirking as she took in the appearance of the woman on the phone.
“Think about it, Darling. I’ve texted you my new address.” Were Bo’s final words as he hung up the phone, the device suddenly feeling one-hundred times heavier than before.
“Is everything okay?” Rachel, her best and closest friend, asked with concern. “Who was that?”
With a harsh swallow, Y/N spoke. “That was Bo.”
“Bo? As in your ex? What did he want?”
“He wants me to go over, just moved or something.”
“At this time? You can’t seriously be considering it, Y/N! He’s your ex-boyfriend, for crying out loud!” Rachel exclaimed in shock, remembering how heartbroken her friend was when Bo broke up with her.
“Yes, I know that he’s my ex, but can’t two people reconnect?” Y/N asked. “I only see him as a friend!” The biggest lie I ever said, being her immediate thought after she finished speaking.
“You can’t be serious?” Rachel was clearly unimpressed with Y/N’s choices but knew she was in no spot to say anything; everyone makes bad choices. “It’s a bad idea, right, but I can’t stop you.”
With a smile, Y/N spoke. “Fuck it, it’s fine.”
With a smile on her own face, Rachel repeated her words. “Fuck it, it’s fine.”
As she reached Bo’s new house in Ambrose, she hadn’t expected him to be stood at the door with a small smirk, giving her reason to believe to he had been waiting for her to pull up.
“What did you tell your friends?” He asked, widening the door for her to enter the house.
“That I was going home to sleep,”
“Well, you never said where or that you were in my sheets. I guess you could say you just tripped and fell into it.” He joked, still smirking.
“Seeing you tonight, it’s a bad idea, right?” Y/N spoke aloud, watching the way Bo’s smirk widened at her internal debate. “I should probably not.”
“Fuck it, it’s fine.” He said, as though he had heard the previous conversation with Rachel.
Watching Y/N stood in front of him once again had Bo’s chest feeling a way that he wasn’t used to feeling. He didn’t miss her, no, no way! He only saw her as a friend, somebody to hook up with! The biggest lie he ever said.
Y/N watched as he stared at her, seemingly too deep in thought to even notice her moving towards him. Judging by the way he flinched as her hands landed on his shoulders, she knew he hadn’t been paying attention at all.
Bo, who was now well-aware of her touch, leant in to connect their lips, his arm wrapping around her waist in an instant. The feeling of her lips against his after months apart had both parties reacting in ways that they didn’t know were humanly possible.
One of Y/N’s hands moved from his shoulder to the nape of his neck, fingers interlocking with his hair, tugging sharply as Bo bit on her lower, drawing a moan from her. Bo’s free hand reached to toy with the fabric of her shirt, tugging it over her head.
“Should we go upstairs?”
Neither of them knew how to react.
Bo, who wasn’t exactly the best at expressing his emotions, watched as the woman he still loved prepared to leave. He didn’t want her to but didn’t know how to express that without seeming ‘weak’.
“You don’t need to go,” Bo muttered, almost too quiet for Y/N to hear.
“What do you mean?”
With a sigh, Bo knew he had to tell her the truth, no matter how much he didn’t want to. “I don’t want you to leave. Not again.” He admitted, cheeks warming at the confession.
“You… don’t?” She asked him, genuine curiosity and confusion in her orbs. “Why?”
“Because… Fuck are you really going to make me say it?”
“Say what, Bo?”
“Because I still love you, okay!?” He yelled, and he was grateful that Vincent was visiting Lester that night. “I mean, fuck, I’m- I’m sorry, all right? I shouldn’t have lied to you, but I was scared what you would say if you knew the truth.”
“The truth about what?”
“Everything! The town, Vincent, Lester, me…. If you knew the truth, you’d never look at me the same.”
As Y/N stared at him, concern evident, Bo winced slightly. He wasn’t exactly used to expressing his emotions, especially not these types of emotions, but as she moved to sit beside him, he couldn’t stop the words leaving his lips.
“Please don’t leave again, Y/N…”
“I won’t, Bo, but only if you tell me the truth.”
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redamancy-writes · 2 years ago
Promise - House of Wax: Bo Sinclair x Reader
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Word Count - 578 Fandom - House of Wax Pairing - Bo Sinclair x Reader Title - Promise
“You’re hurt,” Your words were soft in Bo’s ears as you stood in the doorway to his bedroom. His shirt and your underwear being the only thing you wore that day, as you had spent the day lounging in your room reading while he dealt with the tourists for the day. 
Bo shook his head, hiding his wince when you approached, carefully taking his face in your hands. You couldn’t fight the smile as he leaned into your gentle grip, his shaky hands reaching up to grip your wrists. Not in an attempt to push you away or to harm you, but to ground himself. You were here. You were safe. 
“I’m not hurt,” His promise was a bitter lie, hidden with the sweetness of his kisses he turned to place against your palm- he missed you today. He missed your skin, your smell, your voice- your laugh. 
“Your wounds, Bo, you got them all over you,” You tried to argue, tears welling in your eyes as you took in his state. Never once did you shed a tear for the tourists, but here you were almost crying over him. A pang settled into his heart as he realized this, but he simply kept pressing kisses. 
Sure his head throbbed and maybe he did have a few cuts he needed to clean up and put bandages on. Sure he was in pain, and angry- upset that one of the tourists was able to get him down on the ground, even more upset that they got closer to the house than he wanted.
 But for now, having you run to his aid and cradle him in your gentle grip - all of his anger and irritation dissipated. The only thing that bothered him now was your glassy eyes staring down at him rather than them brightened with your happiness. 
“I’m okay, I promise,” He reiterated his earlier statement, removing his grip from your wrists to pull you closer by your hips- hands sliding under his shirt. “Don’t cry for me now, darlin’,” Bo murmured, southern drawl coming out strong as he rubbed comforting circles against your flesh. 
Your face remained scrunched in worry as your eyes analyzed each part of his face, noting each new bump and blemish and bruise that graced his skin. 
“Promise?” You said after a gap of silence, forcing yourself to look away from his split lip to look into his eyes. 
“I promise,” His eyes were soft, filled with love as you leaned down to press a kiss against his forehead, feeling his body finally relax as you pressed your lips to his skin, a shaky breath leaving him. 
“But…” Bo’s voice teetered on teasing as his lips stretched into what you could only describe as the grin of the Cheshire Cat. “You could always kiss me, y’know, to take care of any pain you think I’m in.” 
Your laugh rang out into the nearly silent bedroom, making his heart finally go at ease as your tears blinked back and your eyes were no longer filled with worry. 
“Pain I think you’re in,” You echoed his words with a roll of your eyes, an undeniable smile stretching your lips as you pulled him into a kiss. Bo could be a pain in the ass, stubborn to a fault, but he was yours. Your pain in the ass, your stubborn man. And if he wants a kiss to distract him from the dull pain echoing through his veins- then so be it. 
Tags- @icefrozendeadlyqueen​
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psychotic-star-girl · 7 months ago
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the-thot-clown · 5 months ago
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Some of the last Patre0n requests (there's more to come!) If you want to see them or request your own the link is in my pinned!
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black-brained · 8 months ago
Me: I watch house of wax for the plot!
The plot:
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slasher-fxcker · 6 months ago
Slashers S/O falling asleep on them
A/N: Just a quick little drabble of me fantasizing about our favourite slashers. I am still working through requests so please don't think I am ignoring you guys! They are coming :)
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Billy Loomis
· Billy isn’t sure how to react at first, if you are around people sorry but he’s not going to tarnish his reputation with these soft moments. But if you're alone he will be conflicted.
· He’s not used to soft moments and he likes to be in control of any affection. He tries to keep it light like hand holding or sexual to try and keep you at a distance. So, this makes him sort of short circuit.
· Once he decides to allow it, it takes him a while but he does eventually relax into the embrace. He hates to admit that it is comforting, you make him feel secure and that worries him.
· He probably won’t sit for too long and may move eventually, he won’t disturb you but will leave you on the couch to rest.
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Bo Sinclair
· Bo will never ever admit to this but he loves your soft affection, even if it’s only when you're asleep that he embraces it. He will pull you closer to him and wrap his arm around you. It’s the time he will let his guard down and let himself truly feel.
· If his brothers walk in he’s going to act like it’s a hassle, but even they know he doesn’t really mean it. Will also probably whine at you about it later.
· Bo loves you but he won’t admit that yet, even if you question it sometimes just know that you don’t get to see the way he looks at you like you're his world, or how your cute sleepy expression grips his heart. It’s these times where he thinks maybe he should be nicer to you, it’s now when he realises that he needs you even if he’s not ready to admit that.
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Jason Voorhees
· Jason will not move a muscle if you fall asleep on him, you may as well be leaning on a comfier version of a statue. He wouldn’t do anything to wake you up.
· Barely breathes in fear or disturbing you. This man adores you and if you need sleep you're going to get it.
· If there are any trespassers he is going to be even more brutal than usual, how dare they disturb this intimate moment with his loved one. He lays you down as gently as he can, lucky you're a heavy sleeper.
· Jason will make quick work of the trespassers so he can get back to you, sure you may wake up with some leftover blood on you but it’s all worth it in the end to be in Jason’s arms.
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Jesse Cromeans
· Jesse gets a small smirk on his face when he realises you’ve fallen asleep in his lap while he’s completing some paperwork. He will hold you while he works, occasionally stroking your hair and placing his chin on your head.
· You seem so small buried into his chest, it reminds Jesse how delicate you are and how protective he is of you to keep you here with him.
· Jesse is a busy man so its highly likely that he will end up having some sort of work that pulls him away from this intimate moment. He will carry you with ease to your bed and cover you in blankets to keep you warm until he can return.
· Won’t leave without placing the gentlest of kisses to your forehead and watching you snuggle in.
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Lester Sinclair
· Lester is a busy man, he loves your affections but try to catch him when it won’t interfere with his day or piss Bo off. He will put your affections first and that can often get him in trouble with his brother.
· This man is the cutest cuddle bug, he will hold you for as long as you want. Will wrap you up in his arms and put a movie on, he is definitely the most chill out of the slashers when it comes to this kind of affection.
· Expect him to occasionally cover your face in soft kisses, the small smile it puts on your face gives him the cheesiest grin. Part of him wants you to hurry up and wake up so he can give you more affection, but don’t worry he wouldn’t dream of waking you.
· Lester cherishes you and when you wake up still in his arms expect to give him all of your attention for a while.
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Michael Myers
· Do you like sleeping on the floor? Because that’s where you will end up if you fall asleep on Michael when he’s not in a very good mood. He’s an asshole. He does love you, but you don’t get to be affectionate without his approval when he’s in this kind of mood.
· If you catch him on a good day he will simply let you rest against him, most likely sitting still and watching you sleep.
· He thinks you're naïve to trust him when you're in such a vulnerable state, how he could hurt you at any moment. He likes to pretend that he could but you both know he would never do anything to hurt you. Not now that he had let you in.
· If you wake up to his head resting against yours as you both find comfort in the slight affection he will jump up and storm off as soon as he notices you're awake. Don’t bring it up unless you want him to pout for a while or threateningly glare at you from across the room. He will pretend it never happened.
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Stu Macher
· Stu had always been a night owl, and it didn’t help he spent a lot of his nights out with Billy.
· You would wait up for him a lot at his place, flicking through the channels of the tv and waiting for that familiar click of the front door. He would instantly come and join you, arms open and waiting. He always missed touching and holding you.
· Would probably ramble on and not realise you were sleeping until he notices you aren’t answering him anymore. The cheesy smile this boy gets when he realises you're asleep.
· He will probably just watch you for a while, moving the hair out of your face.
· Stu is the type of guy to draw on people’s faces while they sleep, but with you he will just gently trace your features or draw small love hearts with his finger, laughing quietly to himself as your nose crinkles at the feeling.
· He wouldn’t move you, he loves holding you in his arms, keeping you close to him. Will for sure tease you about it later though.
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Thomas Hewitt
· Thomas just melts when he feels your head rest against him. He knows how tiring it can be working in the heat, so he will let you rest for as long as you need to.
· He will blush if anyone else sees the two of you, but he’s still not moving.
· Thomas could hold you like this forever, but he worries that the couch isn’t the comfiest place to spend the night so he will carry you upstairs to your room, this man just wants what is best for you. He tries his best to be as gentle as possible when he lays you down, not wanting to wake you.
· He stands up to leave but notices you clinging to his shirt, the crinkle in your brow showing you're clearly not happy with the loss of contact. He lets out a husky huff before climbing into bed next to you, he melts under your touch and the thought that even in your sleep you need his touch.
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Vincent Sinclair
· He stills immediately when he feels the contact. Vincent loves you so much but he’s not sure he will ever get used to the physical affections.
· When he realises you’ve fallen asleep on him his heart swells. You better believe this boy will not move an inch, your comfort is his entire priority. He will be dead still until you wake up, would not dream of disturbing you.
· Will definitely watch you sleep, he feels like he needs to commit every single line of your face to memory. Not only will he want to sketch you later on but the fear of you leaving still weighs heavily on him and he needs to make sure he would remember every detail of you.
· It’s like you can feel him staring when you shuffle closer to him and mumble his name, he instantly melts. He pulls you closer, reassuring you that he’s still there. He’s not going anywhere, he will always be there.
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frozrowan · 7 months ago
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thewolffairytaler · 2 months ago
Why Beaugard "Bo" Sinclair in the 2005's House Of Wax works
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I had a discussion once with a friend of mine about House Of Wax, and it was all about if we had to choose or were forced to pick one of the Sinclair brothers as partners. I would have picked Lester, whilst my friend decided to pick Vincent. They were surprised at that, because my friend knew how much I like Bo as a character. So when they questioned me about it, I basically answered it in the most hilarious way possible without meaning to.
"Well, yeah. I like how he's written and all that, but I don’t want a thirty year old matress to be my significant other. He's open to everyone, day and night."
And while that might sound too judging or harsh, it means that the writers did him right. They made a villain that dosen’t stick to the old formula of "oh, I'm terrible, because I hate people." Bo might seem like the typical American villain to some, but he's actually deeper than that, not to mention that his backstory has some more originality to it than the most media we have today. I like characters having deepth. He's so depressingly real and daunting that it puts more impact to me than what Vincent does. Some characters in media have these motivations that feel so insubstantial, or not enough that it might just be an anathor bad rip-off slasher film with no real purpose of existing besides bringing in money to the box office. So when I see a character like Bo, I can't help but to like him, I absolutely despise him as a person. But that's because he might as well exist in the real world.
He isn't unique in the way he does things. We see plenty of men in different positions of beauty and power get away with doing terrible things, and the film gives us enough context in comprehending how he does this, without fully knowing at certain times if he actually means it or not. But there's one thing for certain, he's objectively a monster.
However, that dosen’t stop the viewers from liking him, feeling empathy for him, wanting to save him, thinking about being his significant other, wanting to have intimacy with him, and wanting to date him. How come? Why do people want him, want to help him, and why does Vincent of all people help him? Well, like anything in this beautiful, yet unfair and cruel of a world. It's complicated. There are multiple answers to it, but when you think about it, there aren't any clear direct responses.
Maybe Vincent feels guilty over what Bo went through and wanted to help his twin by finishing their mother's dream in a more easier approach. Perhaps Vincent has some hidden animosity, and that’s why he agreed to do it. Or maybe it was both of their ideas. We don't know. Yet we do know that Bo tries to cope with his trauma in an unhealthy manner, hence why he kept the high chair, enjoying being the dominant one overall (having all control over the situations), unleashing his anger in a destructive behaviour, and stealing affection from those who don't want to give it to him.
Bo has clearly been suffering in his upbringing, and since he dosen’t know how to cope, he has this mentality of "if I don't make myself get the things that I want. I will never receive them." Because clearly, his parents taught him that trying to earn it isn’t enough. Behaving good for once isn’t enough to earn their love and attention. It doesn't help that he's naturally attractive and manipulative as well.
I believe that a part of Bo is afraid of opening up, afraid of being vulnerable because that's what got him hurt. So instead of seeking a potential someone who could make him feel everything that he wanted as a child. He takes everything from a person before dumping them or makes them a part of the wax collection. As if some part of him wanted to honour those he decided to "let in." And those women he decided to give his kisses to are his way of either saying sorry or that he likes them. It's really difficult to tell, because at the end of the day, I think it’s all about the context leading up to that. But I think we can all agree that Bo doesn't do this to everyone, he has his preferences. Whether that be beautiful women or how he wants to kill people.
If we take the alternate delted opening as an example, we can tell that Bo definitely dosen’t give everybody the privilege he deems them to get. I mean, he literally grabbed that woman and swung her to the car shield. He didn't even want to play hunt with her. He just wanted to get it over with. As if he saw her as an anathor part of the collection, not worth his attention or his sweetness. But then again, he doesn't mind doing it to people who are rude or do questionable things (I'm looking at you, Carly). So he definitely has expectations, but they have to be good enough for him to want to have you.
So what we can learn from this is that to make a good villain, is that you don't have to make them different, be so evil, complex, or have a big motivation unless it makes sense. Just making them realistic or have a villain that you can understand is enough. The other way works too, you can have a villain where you don't understand their character, however, that kind of villain is much harder to execute if you can't deliver it perfectly. One villain that did manage to do this is the Joker from The Dark Knight film.
But back to what I mentioned about the key to having a good villain, you need to convince yourself that they are "the good guy." And also write them in a way where they aren't immediately seen as such, even though that's what they are. Now I ain't saying that Vincent is a terribly written villain, he isn't, he's just a slasher that we have seen before. Except this time, the survivors try to sympasise with him directly, trying to convince him that he's more than what he is. Not to mention that he has his own problems that make him special. And although there's nothing inherently wrong with that, I am getting tired of it. I still love Vincent, though, don't worry.
What do you think? Do you think I brought up some good arguments or not? Did I forget to bring something up? Leave some comments over your thoughts, I'd love to read them and see your perspectives when it comes to opinions.
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msookyspooky · 1 year ago
Getting to Know the Ropes
Sub-ish!Bo x GN!Reader • Soft Bondage • Male Shibari • Relationship Established with Reader • BDSM Dynamics • Bo is a Giant Brat • Reader is a 'Gentle' Dom in this and Experienced in Bondage/Rigging
No Word Count / Not Proof Read
TW: Past Abuse Mentioned
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"This is fuckin' stupid." He grumbled with a raised brow. Still fully clothed in his coveralls.
"It's to test the waters to see if you like it." You mumbled while gathering the 6mm Bright Red Hemp Rope.
He huffed, "Of what? I'm clothed and it's rope. How exciting can it be? You act like I'm tying you up naked or something...Honestly, that sounds like a much better idea to this."
You sighed and gently rolled your eyes, "Then it's entertainment and practice, okay? Hold still."
He raised his dark brows but sighed. "...I still don't get why you would use dumbass rope instead of straps or tape."
You smirked up at him as you gathered your rope and walked behind him to find the middle of your rope and secure the bite at his shoulder blades. "OR...You can't tie a rope and rely on duct tape and buckles."
"And it works!" He defended. "It works on any plaything I've had including you!...In fact, I don't like your tone. Maybe I should jus' haul your ass down to the room and-"
You jerked the rope lightly to get his attention. "Bo...You promised. Please? Just this one time to see."
He groaned in annoyance. "Fine, whatever ya want I guess... I'll let ya have yer lil rope fun for a short while suga but after that? You're mine. Or if this gets too boring? You're mine...Don't tie up my damn hands either."
You could tell he was a bit antsy even if he hid it well. It's like he was using excuses to not do this and yet he refused to back out. Especially when you told him he was going to be fully clothed and standing and he promised to trust you enough to give it a try...But it was the tiny things. How stiff his shoulders were. How his jaw ticked a bit. How he shifted his weight too often.
You had the rope looped around his neck loosely, bite at his shoulder blades and brought the rope back around front to create a knot at his upper chest.
"Fair enough." You commented, zoned in on where to secure your knots as you strung the rope through the first loop to secure it.
Bo looked down curiously. "...Yer starting there?"
"Uh huh." You mumbled while your hands worked and you controlled your dominant hand over the knot you were tying to make sure it didn't accidentally fling up into his eyes or face. You pulled it and it was fairly loose.
Bo huffed with a smirk. "That's it? That's all the tighter yer gonna make it? You ain't too good at this, sweet stuff."
You just smirked wryly to yourself. "Patience...It'll tighten as we go." Even if you were tempted to tell him he was being a cocky brat you knew he was just trying to act tough when really he was nervous...He didn't have a good relationship with being tied. Not at all. Even with you and you were trying to show him it wasn't all bad.
Hell, you were lucky he even agreed to this in the first place. He trusted you enough or was that desperate to make you happy. He'd never admit it but you knew and it mattered to you.
You made two more knots over his waistline through his clothes. He watched your hands move so fast and effortlessly...He was jealous of your rigging skills he didn't have; relying on sex swings and handcuffs and straps and duct tape all these years but he wasn't telling you that.
"Oh, getting to the main attraction huh?" He muttered with a lopsided grin. You got to the groin through his pants and he gave a nervous chuckle he covered up. He was usually cocky and eager to see you on your knees hands on his bulge but right now with rope and his nerves already run tight he was a bit nervous on the whole...Family Jewel issue.
You chuckled, "Sure am." You created a knot at his pelvis over his coveralls and had two ends of rope. You split the rope and measures it with your hands.
He just stared and watched. "How bout we uh jus' say screw this rope bullshit and go have fun? You're gettin' awful handsy down there, darlin'." You ignored him as you tied a knot about 6 to 8 inches down creating a separation in the rope. "Hey, what are ya doin'?"
"Just making sure it won't hurt you, dear." You commented as you carefully seperated the rope with your hand over his groin so both pieces perfectly cradled around his bulge.
You stood up and brought the rope through his thighs and went behind him.
"I'm tellin' ya. This is dumb as hell. I mean, all it's doing is taking time away from me getting these clothes off and- Ugh!" He grunted as you pulled that rope a bit harshly with a cheeky grin to shut him up.
He stiffened, a bit flushed in the face as that balled up little knot you made nestled perfectly on his taint through his clothes. Wedging up and apply a lot of pressure as it made his coveralls tighten around his growing bulge, cradling his hardening cock and under his balls through his clothes. That knot hitting in a way that stimulated his prostate externally. All while wedging between his cheeks through his pants.
"Jesus, YN!" He nervously chuckled a bit with a breath of air past his lips.
"Oh? Did it finally 'do something'?"
"S-Shut up." He grumbled. "I didn't know it would go between my ass cheeks like that, that's all..."
You giggled to yourself, "Sorry, forgot to mention that."
You connected the two ends of rope to the loop resting on his shoulder blades. However, you didn't create a knot. Instead, you interlaced the two pieces through each side of the loop and pulled gently as it created a triangle in the middle then reached around his barrel chest to bring the rope around front. It was awkward with how big of guy he was but you just turned him and steadied him a bit with your hand on his back other holding the two ends of rope.
He looked down with an uncharacteristically open expression as he felt you guiding him and securing that rope around his body. It wasn't something he experienced often. A gentle hand guiding him.
You got around front and asked him. "You doing okay?" After he was a bit too quiet.
"Huh?...Oh yeah. Yeah, 'm fine." He mumbled under his breath. Watching you intently.
"Good. Good just let me know. Lift your arms for me, okay?"
He did so as you brought each side of rope under his arms...You could see the scars on his wrist as his arms moved out of his sleeve more. He noticed it too and you could tell his mind and fears from his past were working against him.
He cleared his throat a bit. "S-So...Do I gotta keep em up permanently? Or..." He trailed off. Swallowing and flushing. His eyes kept darting to his wrist even when he tried not to.
You gave him a reassuring smile. "Oh no, not at all. Just to secure this rope and anchor it above this other rope here to get tension at the chest...It might tickle." You warned with a smile.
"S' alright. Not ticklish." He gave but lacked his usual cocky grin. Watching your hands as his wheels in his mind were turning.
You brought both pieces under the already formed looping triangle you started with at the front then brought it over and under itself. It vibrated the entire rope and every knot you created over his body. He grunted as it vibrated in a drumming sensation when you pulled the rope through and that knot at his taint and the cradling of his bulge got tighter. Tightening his clothes over it as he lightly sucked air through his teeth.
He nodded but his mouth slacked a bit and a tint displayed itself on his cheeks and ears. "...'M good." He admitted lightly as you looped it again to let it nestle comfortably at the base of his ribs careful to not let it sit too low and ride up into him. It made his already ample pecks look bigger through his coveralls and created that drumming vibration along his entire body as he grunted.
You smiled. "You can lower your arms now, Bo."
He complied but you noticed he kept them distanced from your hands and his body at an uncomfortable angle as you were looping the remaining rope strands through the pieces in-between each knot at how front creating little diamond shapes. Each time tightening the rope with each pull as he hissed through his teeth at the sensation.
He seemed to not mind the comfortable tighteness, the knot placements pressure at sensitive spots, the light vibration on his body...Yet...He seemed just as tense too.
You stopped and gave him a concerned look. "You ok-"
"I don't want my hands tied, alright?" He blurted out. "I-In fact, get this off. I'm fuckin' serious! Cut the goodamn thing and-"
You let go of the rope and cupped his face. "Hey, hey, hey...It's okay!" You saw the panic in his eyes as the tightening sensation and fear of being completely bound brought him back to a very uncomfortable place. For once, he looked frightened in his blue eyes but hid it with aggression.
"YN! I can't, f-fuck, jus' get it off!" He demanded. His voice raising.
You nodded, going to undo the knots. Having sharp utility scissors on hand in case. "I'm sorry. Thanks for trying this...I was gonna loop it one last time at the groin but it's alright."
He seemed to lesson his breathing as he stopped your hands. "Wait...Ya mean, you ain't gonna tie me up? Ya ain't gonna tie my wrists?"
He gave you a bewildered look. "So...I can take it off myself if I wanted?"
You shook your head. "No. No, this is just a body harness. It doesn't require you being tied up at all."
He just...Stared. Calming down as he looked at you. You were so tempted to hold his wrists out of comfort but too scared to do so.
You nodded, "Yes technically but it's okay-" You went to cut it.
He stopped you, grabbing your hands. Half laughing in relief, "God damn, the fuck didn't ya say so in the first place?!"
You smirked a bit, "So...You want to keep trying it?"
He sighed a bit before getting out a cigarette and nodding, "Still think it's stupid but...Yeah. Yeah, sure."
You gave a knowing smile and adjusted the ropes, tying them off where they were supposed to be. You saw him give tiny glances here and there while taking drags off his cigarette but he remained silent. You wondered if he was embarrassed for freaking out or confused. You knew better than to bring it up. He'd just shut it down. Maybe even get angry at you.
He gazed at himself in the nearest reflective surface and whistled low. "Not bad...Certainly is interesting ain't it?" He smirked, flicking his cigarette.
It was more than interesting. He looked damn hot is what he looked with the ropes tightened over his pecks and ass and bulge. He went to walk and you saw his brow twitch and his breath hitch at how those ropes moved against his nether region.
"...Well?" You smiled nervously.
He smirked and put his cigarette out. "It's...Not s' bad. Different." He mumbled trying to remain in control.
But you? You beamed especially seeing the way he was looking at his reflection. Seeing how his body looked. The subtle ways he shifted his weight.
You smiled and got close to him to take it off and in a rare moment so rare it made you do a double take; he leaned forward with his arm around you and kissed your forehead. "...Yer a good darlin'...You really are..." It was the closest thank you he could give without admitting his weakness. Without admiting he was nervous prior, without getting to soft.
It was all you needed as you hugged him gently. A small smile on his face before he grabbed your ass and nipped your neck. "Now get these damn ropes off me. You had yer fun, now I want mine."
You giggled with a grin. "That's the best part."
"Best part-" His question died in his throat as you undid a knot and he felt that rope drum and vibrate his frame. He tensed, his breath hitched as you smirked at how...Tight that rope was getting near his bulge.
"One knot down..." You used your hand over his chest so when you slid that rope over his chest slowly he felt every silky touch of rope gliding over his chest through his shirt. You pulled it slowly, the vibration strong as you held him close and he shivered at the feeling. "Lots more to go."
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barenecessiteas · 4 months ago
Random Sinclair Headcanons Because I Can't Get Them Out Of My Head
Oh snap I'm back again. I'm feeling relatively inspired so I figured I may as well give some more silly little headcanons. Today we'll be talking about everyone's favorite hardass - Bo Sinclair! Hope you guys like my dumb headcanons
Bo Sinclair
Bo is the older twin. Granted it's only by literal seconds because of how he and Vincent were conjoined, but if you wanna get technical he was first
Since his full name is Beauregard, his nickname should really be spelled "Beau". When he was a toddler and his parents were teaching the boys how to spell their own names, Bo adamantly refused to spell it as Beau and instead picked Bo. Baby Bo said it was because it made an O sound, so it should just be O. Trudy and Victor didn't really argue with that, figuring a two letter name was easier for a kid to remember anyway
The first time he was restrained in the high chair happened when the twins were about 2. Trudy and Victor had previously tried to handle his tantrums with time-outs, sending him to his room, but he kicked and punched and screamed back too much
That's when they got the "genius" idea of restraining him to his highchair. It started with just the straps, but he actually managed to start tearing them apart with how hard he pulled at them. That's when the duct tape came in
As we all know, children are VERY sensitive in this stage of their development when it comes to discipline. It can really set the tone for how they perceive their parents. Once his parents would start strapping him in, whatever he was upset or angry about completely went out the window - it was just straight up fear at that point
The amount of time he'd be left in the chair varied, but usually it could be anyways from 15 minutes to over an hour. The longest times were in the beginning when they first started doing this to him
When he finally "calmed down" enough that his parents deemed it okay to let him out of the chair, Trudy would tend to the wounds on his wrists. It may have been her twisted form of an apology, but what does that matter if they just kept doing it?
Once he was away from his parents, that's when he would break down and cry. Not normal crying you'd expect from a young child, though. He'd cry so hard he was almost completely silent since he couldn't really breathe in steadily, his mouth would be open almost like he was trying to scream but couldn't
Vincent always looked for him after every time he was restrained to the high chair. Being so young, he didn't really know what to say to comfort Bo, so he just sat there with him and hugged him tight for as long as he needed
These were the only times Bo gave in and let his emotions out in front of another person. He'd just feel so scared and defeated after being restrained that he didn't have the energy to fight back at that point
These were also the rare times he'd actually accept hugs from Vincent
I don't really have an idea on whether his outbursts were from brain damage from the surgery, something he was naturally neurodivergent with, or if he just kinda threw really harsh tantrums
BUT regardless of what caused it, his outbursts and chair "sessions" did become less and less frequent as he got older. Mostly it's because the only thing these moments taught him was that he couldn't trust his parents
To a child, it just seems like you get in trouble any time you express negative emotion. That's why he got so good at bottling everything up and not telling anyone what he really felt
He also did genuinely mellow out more as the years went on. He was a kid, of course he was still gonna have tantrums and outbursts, but the worst of those happened when he was really young
Trudy and Victor finally stopped restraining him down when Bo was about 10. This is the age he got REALLY good at just keeping everything inside and only letting it out if he absolutely knew he was alone
Since he did get better at regulating his emotions before they kinda exploded as he got older, his relationship with his parents got better as he got older. Still, it was damaged in ways that could never be repaired. He genuinely loves his parents, and they loved him (despite being so shitty), but he never trusted them
Bo had a habit throughout the years of picking and scratching at the wounds on his wrist, especially when he'd hide away crying afterwards. This just made the scarring more prominent
He does have pretty extensive scarring on the back of his head from the separation surgery, but it's all completely covered by his hair. It would really only be visible if he shaved his hair off
Okay now with all the horrifying stuff out of the way, we can move on to more light-hearted headcanons
Bo is genuinely charming by nature, and he can actually sincerely be very sweet. This was more so when he was a little kid, but it's still there. The sweetness just got buried under all the trauma, so it rarely comes out much ;-;
The charm however is almost always at 100. He learned fast as a kid that being charming or cute was really endearing to everyone else around him
Tons of women around Ambrose would tell Trudy that he was gonna be a heartbreaker once he was grown up. That's what started boosting his ego
Genuinely he's never been insecure about his appearance aside from the scars. He knows he's hot shit, he feels no reason to be insecure about it
Bo would actually always be perfectly still and cooperative whenever Trudy made a cast of his face to make masks for Vincent. When his mother told him they were doing something to make his brother feel better about himself, he immediately agreed to be on his best behavior
To this day he hasn't complained once when the casting is being done. Before and after it are fair game, though, and really it's just affectionate teasing at that point
Bo was one of those kids that was naturally good at sports. On the occasions his father would play baseball or basketball with the kids, he picked up on it fast and loved just being able to run around
Baseball was always his favorite. It was also the one he seemed to be best at
We can see in the movie that he has a scar along his jaw (I know this is just because Brian Van Holt has a scar there but still). He got it when he was around 12 and attempted to climb a tree
In all fairness the process of climbing up the tree was successful, it was just trying to climb down that didn't go so well lol. He lost his footing and got scraped pretty deep by a branch as he fell
It was just serious enough to need stitches, but he never really cared about it being there
He genuinely loves music. He knows how to play piano because both the twins learned as kids, and he picked up guitar as a teenager. Naturally he was just more musically inclined than Vincent
The piano in the House of Wax was specifically added for Bo. Trudy would take the boys with her when she'd add some new additions, so she got the idea to add the piano so he would have something to do while she worked. She actually really loved hearing him play, he was very good at it, and it helped her concentrate
Trudy loved music too, so that's kinda where he gets it from. He also feels that it helps him vent his frustrations when he listens to hard rock and metal
Trudy actually encouraged his talent, just not to the point she did with Vincent and his art
Bo also has genuine talent as a mechanic. He was one of those kids that loved taking things apart and putting them back together again. When he was able to start taking auto shop in school, he was thrilled
I'm sure many of us noticed, but Bo's ring originally belonged to Victor. On the rare occasions he would sit in his dad's lap as a kid, he would always play with the ring on his hand and told his dad he wanted one just like it when he was grown up
Victor gave it to him on his 18th birthday. It's one of his favorite memories he has regarding his father because he didn't think his dad actually remembered the stuff he said about the ring as a kid
He has a habit of playing with it and twisting it. Most of the time it's just from fidgeting and he doesn't realize he does it, but it's also a coping mechanism for him
As I said before, even though his relationship with his parents was complicated to say the least, he did love them. The ring reminds him of the happier moments he had with his dad growing up
I mentioned in Lester's post that Victor would take him and Lester hunting on occasion, and he would always get so excited for those weekends! He got real enjoyment out of it, and seeing his father be proud of his marksmanship was an added bonus
I don't know why but I think he's a violent sleeper. As in he moves around a lot throughout the night. He'll often wake up to find he's completely kicked the blanket and sheets off his bed
It doesn't happen every single night, but it's definitely rare that he sleeps relatively peacefully
These also happen because of his night terrors from PTSD, though he'd rather set himself on fire than admit that
Also he snores pretty loud, he definitely does. Sorry I don't make the rules I'm just delivering the message
As I'm sure we all know, he loves his brothers to death. They're the only two people in the world he trusts completely
Of course he still has trouble expressing that, and his love language is kinda being an asshole and teasing them both
I don't see Bo as abusive, personally. The only time we really see him lash out at Vincent is in the kitchen after he'd been shot twice with a crossbow. I think most of us would be in a bad mood if we had a piece of an arrow sticking out of our chest and our brother kept trying to yank it out
But even with all the teasing, he always follows up with some sort of apology when it goes too far or he ends up taking his frustrations out on them. Granted, it's rarely ever an actual "I'm sorry" but more of compliments and comfort like he did with Vincent after snapping at him
His brothers are just his soft spot, man 🥹
He doesn't kill every single person that comes into strolling by. He has a soft spot for kids so none of the boys ever hurt families, pregnant women, children, stuff like that. Once you're out of your teens it's fair game
Bo and Vincent also tried their best to keep the killings a secret from Lester, they didn't want to drag their baby brother into their mess
Needless to say they did not hide it well
After his parents passed and the town went dead from the mill shutting down, Bo legitimately saw his idea of killing people to use for wax statues as a way of honoring his mother's work
He knew he didn't have the same artistic inclination as Vincent did, so he saw providing real models to work on as helping Vincent with his art, and therefore helping fulfill his mother's dream of making a wax town
Bo wasn't using Vincent or lying to him as Carly thought. Or at the very least he wasn't doing it on purpose, because he just genuinely saw the things he did as a way of helping
His thought process is basically "Even if I help just a little bit, it still counts, and maybe if I do this I can finally make my mother proud of me"
Alright I think that's enough for today. A few of the more general headcanons are definitely ones I've seen floating around, but I wanted to elaborate on them a little more in how I imagined them. Hopefully I'll get to Vincent's headcanons soon. See you soon my lovelies 😘💕
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minilev · 8 months ago
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The hunters are being hunted
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mauswyx · 8 months ago
soft-spoken s/o
TLDR: Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, Jennifer Check, and Bo Sinclair's reactions to having a fairly quiet s/o WORD COUNT: 1k CW: none, fluff AO3
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
Thomas Hewitt
ironically would not be used to the silence at first; he’s used to chatters and screaming! He’s never met someone who speaks so quietly 
will lean towards you when you speak, listening intensely 
finds your silence comforting after the initial shock and enjoys your quiet presence as he goes about his business
quickly adapts to communicating with you via body language and facial expressions, etc; it is a method he’s familiar with after all
takes great pride that he’s the only one that can read your mind or decipher your mumbling
He couldn’t help but spare you a glance every so often as you sat at the opposite end of the barn as he worked. You were mending a shirt Luda Mae scavenged from some luggage…or at least trying to. Your bottom lip was swollen from being gnawed on and your brow was furrowed–the needlework must be tedious, he concluded. He turned his attention back to his work, a few minutes passed before he decided to glance up again only to find that you were muttering to yourself, trying to rethread the string through the eye.
Despite finding your frustration amusing, he couldn’t take your suffering anymore. He strode over to you, gently enveloping your hand in his before plucking the needle away. He made quick work of the thread, giving you a knowing look as he set back to work, but not before hearing a quiet “Thank you Tommy.” 
Brahms Heelshire
does not enjoy that he can’t coax loud reactions from you; he works so hard to mess with you and you don’t say anything?! How rude!
will switch gears and will purposefully pretend not to know what you’re gesturing to or that he can’t hear you to annoy you; he can play by your game but he won’t play fair
he’s been (watching) studying you through the walls so it’s quite easy for him to pick up on your body language to know what you’re feeling or wanting of him 
actually likes your voice and will do everything in his power to get you to use it; even if it means getting a scolding 
bedtime is his favorite part of the day because he gets to listen to you read; will pick out exceptionally long books to listen to you just a while longer 
Echoes etched the room as you tapped your foot against the dusty rug. He had been in a mood all afternoon: being especially disobedient and ignoring your calls from within the walls. He was being so difficult that you had no choice but to search for him, though it proved to be in vain as you couldn’t find him anywhere. A worried knot began to form in your stomach. There was only one thing you could do. With a deep inhale you rolled your head on your shoulders before letting out a shout.
“Brahms!” Your voice was hoarse–not used to being at such a volume, rolling your eyes in frustration “Please come out!” The scraping of wood met your ears shortly before his long arms wrapped around your waist from behind. You bit the interior of your cheek as you could hear the smugness in his voice, having won his game.
“There’s no need to shout.”
Jennifer Check
“they said no pickles.” embodiment 
at first, mistakes your quietness for being flustered by her and she amps up her prowess only to realize you’re like this…all the time…with everyone 
will speak for you whether it’s ordering your food or answering a question on your behalf; is actually exceptionally good at knowing what you want without much effort 
actually doesn’t mind the silence when you don’t feel like talking—grateful that you two can just share a moment together or that she can have someone to rant to
will not make a big deal if you feel talkative, she’ll casually continue the conversation in hopes it’ll make you feel more comfortable
“-and who does that? It’s bullshit!” she scoffed, gently scraping the tips of her long nails on the back of your hand as she laid next to you. You silently nodded in agreement, staring up at her face: her nose was scrunched and her eyes were glazed over, lost in thought–before suddenly snapping down to stare into your own. “I mean, you don’t think I’m in the wrong do you?” 
You couldn’t help letting your lip curl up at her pout, she had definitely been the cause of the altercation but you’d never tell her that; instead, you opted to halfheartedly shake your head. As expected, your poor acting didn’t go unnoticed and her eyes widened before playfully swatting her hand at your stomach.
“No way! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
Bo Sinclair
“huh” x5
cannot understand what you’re saying for the life of him and gets annoyed very easily; more so at his own inability to comprehend you when everyone else seems to understand you just fine
interrupts you when you’re speaking, trying to guess what you’re saying instead of just listening 
puts on a big show to do as you asked when he does finally pick up on what you’re saying 
often wrongly infers what you’re saying but at least he’s trying
“Darlin’…'' he groaned, running a hand down his face “-you’re gunna needa work with me…” You huffed out a breath of air, already annoyed at having had to already repeat yourself twice and repeating yourself a third time honestly wasn’t even worth it; you just wanted the step-ladder to reach something in top-stock, but at this point you’d rather just climb the shelves themselves than have to be stuck in this never ending game of charades. You were half-tempted to do just that, but the look on Bo’s face made you relent; he had been so patient the least you could do was not give up on him.
“I need the ladder…” you said again, this time trying to enunciate your words as best as possible and to your surprise his face lit up. Not a great sign. 
“Bladder?” he repeated, not waiting for a response as he sped towards the shop counter, “Don’t worry baby! I’ll get the restroom key!”
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eerie-candid · 8 months ago
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They both fear what the answer is
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