#also on top of that i have the added stress of finding a full time before august so that i can make rent :(
hexgirlsgroupie · 5 months
feeling so stuck and lost rn :/
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moonferry · 2 months
OKAY here's part 2 of the "how the stardew marriageables would feel to hug" once again will be in alphabetical order !!
bachelorette version HERE
the bachelors (and krobus)
alex: alex loves working out and is obviously very strong. with this in mind, i think he'd be another person who accidentally hugged far tighter than he meant to. his hugs feel like sitting in a reclining chair - like one of the demo ones at a furniture shop. despite how tight he hugs you, you find yourself relaxing into him. plus, i just think it would be nice to bury your face in his chest, alex gently rubbing the back of your head and you telling him about your day. i think alex would smell like leather and maybe musky cologne. a bit more overpowering than the rest (his smell literally latches onto you, your clothing, or even the air around you.) it's not a bad scent tho, just very "masculine" in a way?
elliott: elliott's hugs are lovely! i imagine he has the softest hugs of all the marriageables (likely do to the copious amounts of skincare products/lotions he purchases, but that's just an added bonus.) hugging elliott would feel similar to hugging a silk pillowcase: nice, soft/gentle, and an overall enjoyable experience. elliott's hugs are the perfect "i just want a simple hug right now" kind. i imagine he'd enjoy wrapping his arms around your waist and complimenting you as the two of you hugged. elliott probably smells like an inkwell, with some pomegranate and maybe some ginger (and the ocean, of course!) very light and fruity (honestly you might steal his cologne a time or two.)
harvey: the man who brought this entire spiel to life.. harvey definitely gives the best hugs. his hugs feel like being wrapped in a comforting blanket or feeling the wind gently blow across your face as you sit outside and watch the sun set. i've mentioned this before, but i think harvey loves back hugs. something about having his arms wrapped around you, drawing small shapes on your stomach, and gently kissing your cheek just draws him in. i imagine harvey smells like coffee, a warm chocolate cake, some sandalwood and fresh pine. his hugs are perfect for when you both need to unwind after a stressful day. something about them (maybe it's his doctorly aura) makes your body feel calmed, like it's being healed in a way. legend says that harvey's hugs tend to have healing properties so 👀
krobus: he doesn't exactly have arms, so hugging you back isn't an option. at least not physically, that is. he somehow manages to transmit the feeling of hugging you into your mind and it causes your skin to tingle. however, if you were to actually hug krobus, i imagine it would feel similar to hugging a stuffed animal or a mystical cat. i imagine krobus would be very soft (possibly fluffy!) and his little wisp at the top of his head would rest against your shoulder. as for smells, krobus is a bit difficult. (obviously, coming from a life in the sewers, it's not going to be the greatest thing to smell) HOWEVER i imagine he would smell like black cherry or the "black ice" car air freshener.
sam: oh sam gives amazing hugs. unlike alex, sam crushes you on purpose. he's just very excited and full of love - he needs to share it by squeezing you until you pop! (not literally, of course). i think it's primarily a case of "cuteness aggression" where he just gets so overwhelmed with positive emotions from seeing you that he has to let them out by hugging you tight enough to crack a rib. you don't mind though, and even joke that he could take up practice as a chiropractor because, after hugging him, your spine always seems to become board straight. i imagine sam smells like strawberries, soda, and the beach, maybe a slight hint of desert mist. i like to imagine he also uses his height to an advantage and often picks you up when he hugs you, probably spinning you around as well.
sebastian: another one who i don't think is much of a hugger, especially if he doesn't know you that well. if he does warm up to you, though, he prefers side hugs or he prefers to be the one being hugged, not the other way around. full contact hugs always result in awkwardness and he'd rather avoid that. his hugs are a bit "colder" in a way and usually are finished within a few seconds. it's not that he doesn't like you, he just isn't a big fan of physical touch. however, if you decide to hug him, he will happily lean against you for as long as you want him to. if you drape your arm around his waist and let him lean into your side, his head on your shoulder, he may end up falling asleep. (yoba knows he needs it...) i think sebastian would smell like the outdoors: like a smokey campfire, like peaches, like the crisp, fall air, and faintly like motor oil.
shane: oh another amazing hugger. shane's hugs are very pillowy and sweet, also slightly addictive. it's very easy to sink into him and enjoy the moment. on the other hand, i feel like shane also enjoys being hugged. he loves having your arms around him, your head resting against his chest or shoulder (or in between his shoulder blades if you're back hugging him, this one's a real favorite). bonus points if you trace shapes onto his stomach or lower back, he goes crazy for that sort of thing. (but he'll never admit it, obviously). i like to imagine shane smells like cherry cola, maybe something outdoorsy or something light (ie body wash or soap). i don't think he would go out of his way to make himself a certain way. however, i do think it's hilarious that he has that line of dialogue where he's like ""Sniff*... *sniff*... mmm... what's that wonderful fragrance you're wearing? Eau de pepperoni?”" <- goober.
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harrywavycurly · 1 month
I would love to see our lonely couple moving in together in the house they picked out together 🥺
Hiiii lovey!! Thinking of them moving in together makes me all soft, as if they aren’t fully getting married 😂 but sure I’ll give you a little something that shows them on moving day!💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
A/N: You have a question for Harry while he is just wondering if you read anything other than romance novels, enjoy✨
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Harry has officially lost count of how many boxes have been brought into the house that have “books: romance” written on them in your pretty handwriting, he brings a hand up to rub at the back of his neck as he wonders if that’s the only type of book you own because at the moment he can’t recall if he’s ever seen you with any other type of book in your hand. He gives one of the movers a smile as they carry in a box that has your handwriting on it but before he can read what it says to help direct the man on where to place it he sees you standing at the top of the stairs, taking all his attention as you place a hand on the railing while your other one comes up to rest on your forehead as you look around at the piles of boxes scattered throughout the living room where Harry is currently standing. He knows moving isn’t an easy process under normal circumstances and the two of you are far from moving in together under normal circumstances seeing as the two of you were just friends not even three months ago, not to mention the added stress of your wedding that’s still in the planning stages, he knows it’s a lot to deal with.
“Sir? Where does this go?” Harry is forced to look away from you and towards the man holding the box with your writing on it. He takes a look at what you’ve written on it and he wants to laugh when he sees it’s yet another box full of books.
“That can join the others right over there in the corner.” He points to the stack of boxes tucked away in the farthest corner of the living room where you’d already decided your library was going to be since there was already built in bookshelves on that wall. “Thank you.” He adds as the man heads over to place the box with the others.
“Harry?” Your voice is soft but there’s also a small hint of worry laced within it as you lean over the railing, Harry just smiles as he looks up at you to see you motioning for him to come upstairs. “Can I steal you for a moment please?” Before you can even finish your sentence Harry is making his way to the stairs, you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief when you feel his arms wrap around your shoulders pulling you into his chest just a few moments later.
“What’s wrong my darling?” You feel his chin rest on the top of your head as your cheek rests against the soft fabric of his worn out Rolling Stones shirt. Harry runs his hands up and down your back as your arms snake their way around his middle. “And please don’t try and tell me nothing because I’ll have you know I’m a bit of an expert when it comes to you so I know something is bothering you.” You want to roll your eyes at him and call him ridiculous but you can’t, because he’s right there is something bothering you but you feel silly bringing it up to him.
“I just need to ask you something.” You mumble into his chest and you can tell by the way he gives you a little squeeze that he heard you.
“What is it love?” He asks as he pulls away from you just enough so he can look down at you, he feels the corners of his mouth drop to a slight frown when you refuse to look up at him opting to keep your cheek flush against his chest instead. “You can ask me anything you know that right? I’ve asked you to marry me twice now so there’s no need to feel silly or weird about whatever it is you want to ask.” You hate how well he knows you but at the same time you find comfort in his words because over the years the two of you have found yourselves in strange situations resulting in asking each other odd questions so the one you want to ask him now actually seems normal.
“Well there’s four bedrooms in this house-”
“Our house.” You lift your head off his chest so you can look up at him after he interrupts you. “You meant to say there’s four bedrooms in our house.” He has a soft smile on his face as he looks down at you and sees it click in your mind why he felt the need to correct you in as gentle of a way possible, with his hands still running soothingly up and down your back as your arms stay wrapped around his middle. You just give him a small nod because he’s right, it’s not just some random house anymore it’s the house you and Harry picked to move into together.
It took two weeks and looking at ten houses all in different parts of Malibu and the surrounding areas before Harry knew the two of you had found the perfect house. He knew it the moment he saw your eyes light up when you walked in the front door and saw the spacious living room, the way you practically dragged him up the stairs to look at the bedrooms and how you just laughed along with him when he teased you about how big they were compared to the ones in your old place but the moment that really made him realize this was the house for the two of you was when you were stood in the kitchen with a hand on your hip and a dreamy look in your eyes as you looked at him and listed off all the things you could cook and bake in it as well as mentioning hosting holiday parties. It didn’t take long after the first initial walk through for the two of you to decide to put an offer in and luckily it was accepted and a few weeks later here you are with all the papers signed and the keys to the front door hanging on your keychain that’s attached to your purse that’s currently sitting on the kitchen counter downstairs.
“Our house has four bedrooms.” You repeat with the correct word making Harry smile as you turn your head and look towards the end of the hall where a set of double doors lead to the master bedroom. “I was just wondering where you wanted me to put my stuff?” You can’t look at him as you ask the question because you know the look he’s going to give you but before you can even think of retreating back to hiding your face in his chest you feel his index finger and thumb under your chin gently turning your head so you’re looking at him.
“Your stuff? Do you mean things like your ridiculous amount of sweatshirts and that collection of t shirts that you swear you didn’t steal from me? Because if those are the types of things you’re wondering where to put I can happily help you pick a closet.” Harry knows that’s not what you meant by stuff, he knows exactly what you’re really asking him but he can’t pass up a moment to make you roll your eyes at him because he just loves the look you get when you’re slightly annoyed with him. “I do think there’s a few to pick from but I think the one in the master bedroom would probably be the best place to start wouldn’t you agree?” He adds as he looks down at you with a quirked brow as his hand moves from under your chin to gently cupping the side of your face.
“Are we sharing a bed?” You feel your cheeks get warm as you blurt the question out and Harry just smiles at you because this is what he knew you wanted to ask the moment he saw your eyes travel down the hall to the bedroom door.
“Do you want to share a bed? I don’t want to make you feel weird or uncomfortable.”
“I mean we’ve shared a bed before?”
“Yeah we’ve shared hotel beds and we’ve spent the night in your bed and there’s been a few times in my bed.”
“And it wasn’t weird right?”
“No!” Harry clears his throat when he realizes how quickly and loudly he answers your question making you laugh as you lean into his palm that’s still cupping the side of your face. “No it wasn’t weird love. I think this is just going to be different that’s all but a good different.” His voice is quieter and more soothing this time as he answers your question for the second time.
“A good different?” You raise an eyebrow at his answer and he just nods as he leans down and places a kiss to your forehead as he drops his hand from the side of your face.
“Yes because we will be sharing a bed as more than friends so it will be different but in the best way possible.” He begins to explain as his hand lands on your hip giving it a playful squeeze. “I’ll actually be looking forward to you touching me with your icicle feet because you hate the feeling of socks in bed and I won’t have to worry about keeping my hands to myself when I want to just reach for you in the middle of the night to pull you closer to me.” You smile at the thought of him wanting to reach for you in his sleep and you feel yourself relaxing as he places a kiss to the top of your head. “Most importantly the first person I’ll get to see when I wake up is the one person I just so happen to be madly in love with and also the person I somehow convinced to marry me so yes sweetheart I’d very much like to share a bed with you if you’re okay with it.” You just look up at him with a grin on your face and nod as you reach up on your tiptoes to place a quick kiss to his lips.
“You’re madly in love with me huh?” Harry just shrugs as you pull away from him making you laugh.
“Was it too much? Do you prefer hopelessly in love with? Or maybe over the moon in love-”
“Excuse me? Sorry but where do you want the boxes that say H S Clothes?” You quickly unwrap yourself from Harry at the sound of one of the mover’s voices coming from downstairs. Harry turns around and looks at the bottom of the stairs and sees a dolly stacked with boxes right next to the mover and Harry just smiles and points behind him.
“All clothing boxes can go in our bedroom.” You don’t miss the little glance Harry shoots your way when he says our bedroom, making you feel your face get warm as you look down at your feet. “Last door at the end of the hallway.” He adds making the nice man at the bottom of the stairs just nod as he walks away to let the other movers know all boxes marked clothes can be taken up stairs.
“I’m not sure all your clothes are going to fit in our closet.” You tease as Harry grabs your hand and heads towards the master bedroom. He just playfully rolls his eyes and ignores your comment as he opens the door and lets go of your hand so you can enter the bedroom first. Harry takes a moment and leans against the doorframe as he watches you stand in the middle of the empty room, he feels a grin spread across his face as he watches you place your hands on your hips as your eyes go a little wide while you slowly spin around allowing yourself to get a full 360 view of the room.
“I’m standing in our bedroom.” The tone of your voice is a mixture of shock but also excitement as you stare at Harry. “Like this is our bedroom that’s at the end of the hall on the second floor of our house.” You feel like you want to pinch yourself as Harry pushes himself off the doorframe so he can walk over to you and place his hands on your waist.
“I quite like the sound of that.” You smile as he rests his forehead against yours while your arms loosely wrap around his neck. “Our closet.” He mumbles as he places a kiss to your cheek. “Our bedroom.” You fight back a giggle as he kisses the tip of your nose. “Our house.” You feel his breath on your neck right before his lips place a kiss just below your ear before he pulls away just enough so he can look at you before he leans in for a sweet kiss that leaves you smiling when he pulls away.
“I love you.” Harry smiles as you play with the hair at the back of his neck before pulling him down for another quick kiss.
“I love you too sweetheart.” You giggle as his hands gently give your waist a little squeeze. You have to stop yourself from frowning when you feel him let go of your waist making you drop your arms from around his neck so he can open both doors allowing the movers more room to bring in boxes and furniture, a new bed included because both of you agreed this new chapter the two of you are beginning deserved a new bedroom set but you secretly just didn’t want to sleep on a mattress Harry had slept with other people on but he didn’t need to know that even though he probably already did. “Oh by the way have you always had a thing for romance novels love?” He asks as he turns to see you looking out the window that looks out towards the pool in the backyard.
“Yes because there’s just so many different types and I enjoy an easy read in between my more heavy stuff.” You answer as you watch some movers place your patio furniture outside near the pool making you smile as you see the orange and pink striped cushion, the same cushion you were sitting on when Harry told you he wanted to be your husband.
“Baby there’s like ten boxes down there with romance novels in them how have you accumulated so many?”
“Oh well most of them I haven’t read yet and then I always like to keep my favorites around for when I need a pick me up so it just adds up.”
“You only read one at a time though so why do you get so many to read when your shelf is already full?”
“Harry you have twenty pairs of sunglasses but only wear two of them but I don’t say anything when you buy more for your collection do I?”
“That’s fashion love you can’t compare fashion and books they aren’t the same thing.”
“They both take up a lot of our space.”
“That’s-well okay yes I guess that’s true they do both take up space.”
“Mhm they do therefore making me?”
“A smut slut? Or do you just like the general title of book nerd?” Harry has to bite back the laugh that wants to escape him as the words leave his mouth because he knows what you want him to admit but he’s never been one to give in so easily.
“Just say it Harry.” You turn around and cross your arms over your chest as you look at your fiancé who is also standing with his arms over his chest and a smirk on his face as he stares at you. “I promise you won’t die if you say the words.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m sure. Why would I tell you to do something that’ll kill you before we are officially married?”
“Oh so once we’re married and everything is signed then it’s fine if I die?”
“Harry just say the damn words.” Harry laughs as he takes a few steps towards you while you remain by the window with a playful glare in your eyes as you look at him.
“Okay here we go.” He takes a deep breath and dramatically lets it out through his nose as he reaches out for your hands. “You’re right.” You laugh as he looks around after the words leave his lips as if he is checking to make sure nothing is going to happen to him.
“Can you say that again but slower and maybe-”
“Not happening.”
“But you’re madly in love with me remember? Doesn’t that get me something?”
“It gets you a house with a bookshelf that will fit all your little romance novels.” You just smile as he leans down to give your lips a quick peck pulling away just in time as a mover walks into the bedroom with two boxes in his arms.
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sherwees · 7 months
pizza pizza
cw : very corny pizza boy porn scenario, deepthroating, dumbification, a tinsy tiny bit of fluff, you could tell I had fun with this, colors and links made the fic fun in the process, hendery employee of the month, hendery monster cock, does semen and pizza go together (no? okay then.)
apart of the nct corny porn plots series!
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you were hungry as hell.
your stomach caved in with every growl, the intro to that one adult swim show with that one white guy and his friends and it's just beer beer and beer. is that seriously what men only drank? it made your stomach churn, great.. now you were nauseous and hungry.
rolling over sighing, you break your back into an uncanny angle to grab your phone from the floor. you sighed in relief when it came out unblemished, it probably fell when you were having a tantrum earlier about every restaurant being closed.
only little caesars was open.
and you cried.
who wants a greasy pie with cheese and whatever topping, possibly meat in the middle of the night. it'll probably just leave you uncomfortably full and queasy. even the thought at the grease caked up around your mouth was.. ew.. there was a lone chinese restaurant open too but.. just no.
ah yes, maybe you could try going to sleep.
never mind, another fuckass chipotle ad played.
your ears perked to the sizzling and contemporary deep male voice whilst scrolling past an arby's ad, your stomach growled.. to a fucking meat sandwich. oh you were near starvation.
you called up the nearest shop, the receiver sighed before he said, “welcome to.. little caesars.. uhm, how could I help you?” he sounded bummed out but his tone made you roll on your stomach and kick your legs.
“hmmm..– he huffed at your voice– excuse me?”
“why'd you do that?”
“do what?”
he sighs, giving a full visual of the overworked male slumping his shoulders. “do.. what?” the last syllable was dragged out with tiredness.
“you fucking–you let out a dramatic exasperated sigh, attempting to mock him–at me.”
“well maybe–” he paused his objection and realized his actions based off the sudden drop of his tone. “wait.. sorry. uh, I'm just stressed–” he possibly scratched his head based off the small pause. “what do you want..?”
“uhm,” you mumbled, “do you guys still have the pineapple pizza.. urm, special after midnight offer..” it was the cheapest thing on the menu.
“we surely do!” he said weirdly sultry but playfully at the same time. for some reason, an idea popped into your mind.
“um.. what's the total?” you audibly stifled a giggle.
“um.. 7.57.” he mocked you but you didn't process it until way after you got off the phone.
“also.. can you send your hotte–”
“it's only me.” he deadpanned. your smile and giggles dropped, well damn bitch.
“oh.” you hung up and threw your phone across the bed. that was.. uh. em.. urm.. embarrassing. but now you had to wait, confront, apologize to this poor man you managed to stress out within a sentence, go to bed, probably not even eat the pizza, poke the pineapples out and feel embarrassed for the rest of your life.
you spaced out, thinking about the scenarios and possible circumstances you'll take just for him to forgive you. maybe, the second you open the door, you throw yourself into his arms.. maybe, give him a 100 dollar tip.. kiss him.. kill him, hmmmm.. singing confessions II by usher?
the 100 dollar trick will definitely work, but let's double it down to a 20 or a 10.. but first, you gotta find your wallet.
you scrambled to your kitchen to find your purse, rummaging through your lotions, vaselines, lip glosses, car and house keys and finally.. your wallet. opening it, you're met with an array of mismatched cards; victoria secret, bath and body works, marianos..? uhm anyways, your drivers license and your card!
did they take card though?
who even carries bills anymore?
the doorbell rang.
“it's pouring out here! can you open up please, I have your pizza and I really don't wanna get it wet..” his baritone yet desperate voice called from outside the door. you panicked for a bit, hands frantically searching through your papers before you sighed, trudging towards the door.
opening the door, you nearly folded inward at the most delectable man you've ever seen right in front your very eyes. he was literally drenched, his orange shirt clung to his torso; his collar bones being his most prominent feature and the extrusive trail of his abs.
you finally met eyes with him, his brown hair was dewy and besides the vivid familiar smell of pizza, you picked up the scent of rain and nature from him.
why are his eyes so big too..
his nose was really cute and perky too,
ew.. are you checking out the delivery man?!
“pizza! pizza! your double delight.. uh.. hot and ready for a bite!” hendery (you now noticed his name tag) sing-songed, swaying his figure slightly to the imaginary beat.
“here's my card!” he tsked and sighed, gripping the pizza box which you now noticed was weirdly close to his crotch.
“now, why would I take your card..?” he tilted his head with an eyebrow raise, placing one of his hands on his hip.
“because it's the way I'm pay–” hendery rolled his eyes, quite dramatically at your rebuttal and actual stupidness. who the fuck thinks that delivery drivers– especially from a cheap restaurant like little caesars would be carrying a fuckass card reader, that's more for chick fil a.
“does it look like I have a card reader?!” he said monotonous, you noticed that he said it slowly as if you were stupid or something.
oh shit.
his eyes zoned in on your curves before they trailed up to your face, “how bout this, since you're so pretty..” he looked down at the box, sucking his bottom lip before looking back up at you.
“I'll give you it for free, it's on me sweetheart..” his pearly whites flashed for a second in a chaste smile.
“wait? really?!” your stomach dropped in excitement. he reveled in your happiness, he swore your smile was the prettiest.
“they call me the employee of the month for a reason..” hendery said, leaning on the door with the pizza box still tight to his crotch. “how about I come inside, it's pouring out here..” his eyes drifted to the rain jumping off the pavement then back to you with a slight smirk.
“a gift for a gift, yeah?” without waiting for your response, he stepped in with a mischievous grin.
“well, okay then..” you muttered, making sure to keep your eyes on the strange male whilst you shuffle behind him to shut the door.
there was something keeping the box ajar. through the slit, it looked like a tip of something, uhm.. that's not his dick right?
let's hope it's a container of garlic butter.
“uhm, what's that..” the tip of your finger nudged at the foreign object poking out, he hissed at the contact. genuinely, you cannot explain how you felt in that moment. shock, confusion, maybe a bit of terror ran through your body, you tried to pull away but his calloused hand gripped your wrist.
his other hand flicked open the pizza box, was that a pineapple ring around his dick?! your jaw fucking rolled to the ground, why was it so wide, so elongated and veiny and the worst part was.. THAT SHIT WAS LEAKING ALL OVER YOUR PIZZA.
“bro, you're leaking all over my pizza! I was fucking starving!” you whined, snatching the pizza box from his hands and throwing it on the ground.
“well, if you insist..” his hand went to your waist and squeezed before lowering you to your knees slowly. “have a taste..?” his other hand rubbed his massive member leisurely, positioning his cockhead at your pouty lips. “come on now..” he took the pineapple off and threw it on the ground.
you were hesitative, but you at least have to meet him in the middle. you obliged and opened your mouth, looking up at him; you noticed the sharpness of his jaw line. goddamn, he was hot. kitty licking his salty and sweet tip, a blob of precum landed on your top lip causing you to flinch.
he giggled at that. bitchass.
the hand at the back of your hand coerced your head forward, the tang of sweat ran through your taste buds. the taste of pineapple and salt became stronger as he pushed forward and stretched your mouth past your limits, you shivered and moaned. hendery's hand wrapped around your jaw before pressing on your neck, feeling around the bulge of his hefty cock through your skin.
“you're so hungry~ hm?” he ridiculed you before pulling back a bit and slamming himself back in. “don't worry, I'll make sure you're satisfied.” he gripped your locks before maneuvering your head harshly on his member, using your mouth like a cock sleeve.
you gagged, choked and flailed around but he didn't let up, his tip rubbed your tonsils sore. his abdomen was flush with your nose before he pulled out, a trail of spit, phlegm and precum followed.
your face was warm with tears and spit, you looked up at him; he was smirking. hendery suddenly yanked you up and pushed you against the wall, he played with the strings of your pyjama pants. “so fucking cute,” he murmured whilst squeezed your cheeks, his hand was as big as your fucking head.
“tell me what you want, honey..”
“I want my pizz–”
“damn, you'll get your pizza soon!” hendery yelled with wide eyes, shoving his thumb in your mouth. “shit, you're like a fuckin’ baby..” his salty digit rubbed a circle on your tongue, your teeth instinctively grazed the skin of the digit before biting down on it lightly. damn, you were hungry. his free hand shoved your fluffy pants to the floor with a small thud, you winced at the contact of his clammy hand fondling your ass.
it was his turn to fall to his knees, his hands fell to your thighs to squeeze and massage them before he shoved his face inbetween your legs. his tongue spread through your folds, sucking on your clit like a baby bottle.
you moaned and writhed but still had a sense of embarrassment of the sounds that resounded off the walls. he looked up at you with those fuckass doe eyes, you nearly fumbled into a ball of nothing right there. his left moved to your ass but his right stayed at your thighs, your head spun from his doings.
he then started to become reluctant, his eyes rolled back multiple times; immersing himself in the flavors of your savory juices. to be honest, the sounds of him slurping makes you want a baja blast from taco bell.
you just don't know why either.
“fuck do you think you could take me, princess?” hendery pulled away, his mouth messy with slick and a trail of drool dripping and clinging to his chin.
pulling you out of your baja blast daydream, hendery's eyes looked eager and bigg-ER like what the fuck? was he giving you puppy eyes?!
“uhm..” you looked down at his cock, it twitched like it was waving at you. “I'll see.” you shrugged and hendery fucking SMILED. again.
oh my gosh, he's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
hendery stood up, the height difference was now more intimidating now. you only had view of his neck once he came closer, you were kinda upset but lightened (and tightened) up once his bulbous tip rubbed against your damp hole. you could already tell that he was too big, his tip felt heavy..
“wait..!” you screamed before he pushed in, hendery sighed before looking down at you. his brown pupils bored into your uncertain ones, “what if you tear through my ass and create two holes like some king louis xiv shit..” he gave you another fuckass smile but this one was reassuring, you giggled unironically.
“you'll be fine!” he rolled his eyes but this time with a playful intention and kissed your forehead. after almost going into shock, he pushes himself in; you both grunt at the first contact. the smooth ridges of your pussy gripped him so well, practically milking him; hendery even looked at you to see if you noticed but your eyes were shut trying to accommodate to the monster's intrusion.
his shoulders slumped, guess he'll go easy on you. but you were so beautiful when you struggled.. hendery decided to test the waters once he sheathed at your cervix, he craned his neck to bite yours. you only whimpered and helped once he started to pick up a slow, steady pace just for you. the string in your stomach started to get tangled and soon break, you even started to tear up from the waves of ecstasy that launched throughout your body like mini sparklers.
sooner than later, he started pounding into you and everything around you felt humid.. your inner thighs were a sticky mess, it felt like your neck was being sucked by a vacuum and pricked by a toothpick and coated with hendery's slobber mixed with yours. you didn't even realize your mouth was agape, close it.
“sweetheart– holy shit!” you must've clenched around him or something, you didn't know what was what anymore. you might've even been deranged from the fucking monster cock that alternated your intestines functions and forms. “you're taking me so we-ll..” hendery's voice cracked a bit at the end. his jaw was unhinged, eyes shut until he looked down at the connection of your bodies.
hendery's cock swelled and twitched inside of you, emitting another moan from you and causing you to position your leg up higher. you literally wanted him embedded inside of you at this point.
“I think I'm gon–” you cut yourself off once that one particular thrust threw you off the edge. hendery's abdomen tensed when your walls pulsated around him in an erratic, yet unsteady rhythm. but the thing is, your high wasn't as long lived because once your post nut clarity hit you harder than that one ball during gym class in middle school.
you were fucking.. the pizza man.. in the middle of the night.
man oh man, you were in the fucking gutter, deep in it.. you felt like there was an audience of ghosts making fun of you, this was so fucking embarassing.
hendery pulled out of you with a pop, everything was black. did you go blind?! oh no, you just had your eyes shut. you opened them and gasped once you realized, the dick was so good, you thought you went blind. he started to gather himself but he snatched glances at you like he wanted to say something or do something. but you only stared at the stairs, what else did he expect?
he was only a delivery boy after all.
“deadass..” you croaked out of the blue, a lazy smile forming at the edge of your lips as you pondered on the unknown idea. hope resonated in his soul and visibly on his face when he turned around. “what if you tried the jizz pizza? the one you had your cock all over earlier..” you asked confidently and with a hint of curiosity, your foot nudged at his with a small snort.
hendery looked at the box, then looked at you with reassurance. it's not like you were daring him or holding him at gun point, it was just question. but something urged him in his heart that made him want to please you for some reason, like he needed to.
“are you serious?” he questioned, concern and something else you couldn't sense was etched in his features.
“yeah, try the jizz pizza!”
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taglist : @haechansbbg
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darlingdarkly · 8 months
New Year, New You Part 4
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x f!reader
Personal Trainer AU
4.9k words
CW: dubcon!, dark fic, dark content, obsessive behavior, dirty talk, explicit language, E rated, NSFW, smut, 18+, mature themes, Exhibitionism without any exhibition
Part: 1, 3, 5
It’s too late for things to change, you see that now. He’s taken it to the next level, one you couldn’t possibly have imagined. Time has passed and as it did the situation between you has progressed. You don’t make videos of your homework assignments anymore, Johnny oversees them. Your sessions, while they’re still structured and progressive towards your goals, the goals he’d set for you, they’re now spaced intermittently with chaste make out sessions.
You pushed your limits on your reps, doing fifteen of an exercise instead of ten? Make out session. You stretched just a bit further, legs nearly full split? His lips crash to yours in bruising haste. You ran a full twenty minutes with no rest? His tongue is in your mouth, exploring the depths of it, using the advantage of your jelly legs to push you how he wants you. You can see what he’s doing, you’re not blind.
He’s Pavlovian in his tactics, positive reinforcement, emphasis on the force, but it's working. You find yourself pushing your limits, just to feel the push of his lips. Driving yourself farther, faster, better so he’ll drive you up against the wall.
It’s debilitating, the intensity of his kisses. They have a certain dizzying quality that makes it hard to resist or think or even breathe really. What you haven’t done is fuck, and that’s not for a lack of trying. Johnny has, on multiple occasions, initiated but you kept finding ways out.
Several occasions he’s pushed a hand down your sweats, fingers rubbing against your clit in heated circles. Brazenly out in the middle of the gym he’ll pull you back against him, to the outward eye it appears he’s just correcting your form but in reality all he’s really doing is rubbing his hard cock against the back of your thighs, enticingly. It’s a promise, a tease to your ruination. He’s hungry, had one taste of seeing you fall apart and now he’s on a warpath to make it happen around his cock.
But you’re stalling, nothing, besides heated kisses and frenzied groping has happened since your FaceTime encounter and you can feel Johnny growing impatient. It’s been a week since you walked into Baliquinox for the first time and you think it’d be like any other session but when you come in Johnny has a small gift bag in his hand and waves you over excitedly.
You sit down at your usual table with him and he pushes the bag across the tabletop towards you, giddy with excitement like the gifts for him even though you’re the one opening it. You pull away the tissue paper to reveal a small box, you pull it out and immediately recognize it, ads have been popping up on your Spotify for months for the FitBit luxe. It’s gold and gorgeous but also pricey, you know because you looked at them before Christmas as a present for your mom.
The one he’d gifted you is literally the newest, most expensive model, with a regular pink wristband and interchangeable soft gold chain to dress it up. You stare at the watch as he begins to explain its features. He tells you it tracks your vitals, sleep patterns and exercises. It counts your steps, monitors your breathing and stress levels, it’s also waterproof and has a five day battery, on top of that you can get your call and text notifications through it, it’s GPS enabled to track your miles, pacing and the route you took on your walk or run, the damn thing can even track your menstrual cycles for you.
“Oh gosh, Johnny. I don’t know what to say.” He reaches across the small table and takes the box from your hands, opening it and pulling the watch out, the gold chain already attached. “Dinnae have tae, just put it on.” So you do, holding your wrist out while he attaches the high tech jewelry to your arm, You push the button on the side and the little screen lights up, your name flashes across the screen in a beautiful gold scroll before the sensors against your skin already begin picking up on your heartbeat and breathing rate.
Johnny must have programmed it before giving it to you. You thank him, a bit bashful at the expensive gift and let him kiss you when he comes around the table to grab the empty gift bag and box from you. It’s slow but passionate and he chuckles as he pulls away and your new watch beeps, indicating the upward tick in your bpm.
He ushers you away towards the women’s locker room to change and you can’t help but admire the new weight on your wrist, it’s certainly beautiful. You’re pretty sure you read that they are supposed to be paired with a phone, you’ll have to figure it out later. You quickly change and head into the gym, finding Johnny by the machines.
He pulls you over to the mats to start your warmups and stretches. You’ve made progress since you’ve started, your warmups you now have down to a tee and your stretches nearing a full split without whines or whimpers. When it’s time for your first exercise he guided you to the pull up bar, something you haven’t tried yet.
You stand to the side and watch as he demonstrates. Jumping up to catch the bar and pulling himself up until his chin is over the top of it. He drops and repeats, arms flexing as he effortlessly completes rep after rep. His shirt keeps riding up his body with each lift, exposing the flat, toned expanse of his stomach, there’s a dark trail of sparse hair leading down into his shorts, but you remember where it goes from there, growing thicker as it wraps around the base of his cock. You find yourself thinking about it, that night, you’ve been thinking about it a lot actually, every time you pull your vibrator out of the drawer you come to the thought of him watching you. Those baby blues roaming your body, hungry.
You’re pulled from your erotic daydreams by the beep of your watch and Johnny lets go of the bar, standing before you with a sly smirk. “See something ye like, bonnie?” Stupid watch. How were you ever going to get through today with it going off every five minutes and giving you away? He pulled you unnecessarily close to press a few buttons on the gadget and turned it on to activity mode so it’d stop doing that every time it spiked, but not before it sounded off once more with the effect he was having on your body at this proximity.
“Yer turn.” You walk in front of the pull up bar and spin around, facing him. His eyes hold yours as you jump and grab hold of the bar with both hands, dangling from it. He walks forward and his hands brush the exposed skin of your hips and it makes you shudder. “Good, now up.” You lift, the first half is easy but the last four or five inches to get your chin over the bar are the worst.
It doesn’t help he’s so close, never having backed up and you realize his mouth is level with your pussy at the moment. You come down from your first rep and are ready to let go but you know you can’t do just one. “Come on, lass. Again.” You do as he says, lifting your body weight with nothing more than the strength of your arms.
Those last few inches are a strain and you’re not sure you’ll make it, arms quivering as you pull your chin up over it again, your arms go numb and you bring yourself back down but you know you’ve got one more. He can see you’re struggling though and wraps his arms around the backs of your thighs.
“Last one hen.” You lift and you can feel his hands push up on the globes of your ass, gently assisting you. It helps but also doesn’t make it any easier as your whole body shakes with the effort of those last few inches. You’re stuck at mouth level, that last inch it takes to get your chin over the bar looks impossible but then you feel his mouth on the exposed skin of your stomach, kissing you right over your waistline, the soft curve of his lips caressing you ever so lightly and the jolt it gives you pushes you over the top and he allows you to drop, singing praises and pulling your limp body against his.
“So good fer me, bonnie. Ye did so good.” He lifts your chin from his chest and kisses you, his mouth swallowing yours and instead of just basking in it, letting him damn near consume you like usual you kiss back, matching his pace and pushing your tongue in his mouth for a change. He growls and it’s a rumble you can feel as well as hear, a rockslide in his chest. When you pull away his eyes are deadly serious and that little voice in the back of your head is screaming at you that it’s dangerous, like eyeing up a predator but something else in you is failing to care.
You’ve had about enough of this little game. The back and forth, the teasing touches, the soaked panties. You don’t avert your gaze and his head tilts just slightly, challenging. It’s visceral and exhilarating this line you can see drawn in the sand before you as you anticipate the crossing of it. You reach forward with bold, calmness and glide your hand along the imprint of his cock, teasingly fondling the length.
You had meant to just tease him back a little, give him a taste of his own medicine for once but the effects were more drastic than you’d anticipated and the reaction was immediate. It’s the first time you’ve ever shown him any kind of sexual initiative and it’s all it takes. Suddenly he’s dragging you through the gym with urgency. You think you know where he’s going until he makes a detour, hauling you down the hall and into one of the big glass rooms where classes took place that was currently empty.
You watched as he picked the tablet up from its place by the door. He made a few successive taps on the screen and you watched as the glass took on a dim sheer, graying over slightly. The expanse of the hallway was still visible to you but you knew, just as you had seen walking into the gym for the first time that if you were to walk outside you’d see nothing through the glass but opaque grayness.
You had just a moment to marvel at this before he was on you, your face pressed up against the cool surface, hands caught by his behind your back, ass pressed into the seat of his crotch, you could feel something hard there, poking you. He spoke just behind you, the heat of his breath puffing at the shell of your ear.
“Yer playing a dangerous game, hen.” It sends a shiver down your spine, the threat and its delivery, but it fails to unnerve you. You’ve made your bed and are more than ready to lie in it, there’s just one more thing holding you back.
“I want you to tell me something Johnny.” And you can tell he’s growing impatient by the intensity of his thrusts against your ass and thighs, rutting into you through your clothes.
“Ah’ll tell ye the last four of mah NINO if ye want. Anything, jus’ name it.” There’s a moment of anxious hesitation on your part, unsure of where things will go depending on his response, or even if you want to know what he’s going to say in the first place, but you didn’t come this far to chicken out now.
“Why did you pick me out? Why did you choose me?” And he must approve of the question because he chuckles darkly in your ear, moving your body back from the glass to begin stripping you as he answers.
“Ye wanna ken why I singled ye out, hmm? Why I chose ye?” He’s pulled your shirt off and he’s working at the hem of your sports bra, freeing your breasts to the cool air, your mind freezes, your first instinct is to cover yourself, there’s people walking up and down the hallway constantly. Strolling right by as you stand half naked with nothing but an inch of glass and a special electronic filter to shield you from sight.
It shouldn’t make you this wet, being stark naked in front of strangers, strangers who you know can’t see you but you can see them, commuting through the gym like normal while you’re bare and on sinful display behind the glass, but it does. He’s working at your sweats, pulling them down your legs, stooping down as he does to kiss your skin as it’s freshly exposed.
Between kisses he answers. “At first it was just attraction, when ye looked up into me eyes while ye were jogging. I felt something, this urge, I had to have ye. Then after yer exam ye dinnae run away or complain, jus’ did as I asked an’ took everything I gave ye like a good lass.”
He’s tugging at your panties now, stopping long enough to groan and bite into one of your ass cheeks, making you squeal and instinctively push forward into the glass. Your bare tits and thighs smush obscenely against the cool surface, nipples beginning to pebble from the cold as he moves forward to keep you pressed there. One hand coming around to secure itself around your throat like a collar, the other kneading at the flesh of your ass, pulling it apart and releasing it to enjoy the jiggle.
“I dinnae ken if ye’d even come in the next day, but there ye were, and I ken right then that ye were mine. Everything from there jus’ solidified it. The way ye answered all mah questions, even if ye tried to cover it up by complainin’ about bein’ spoke tae that way. When I broke into yer house and ye dinnae call the police, jus’ called me tae yell at me then came all nice and pretty for me while I watched.”
You were filled with mixed emotions. Shock, shame, growing horror, but most of all, overtaking the rest was arousal, pure lust. You sucked in a breath as his fingers dipped down, stark naked as you were, it’s all it took to feel the evidence of it as it coated your thighs. He pulls his fingers out, wet with your juices and licks them clean right behind your ear. “Even now I’ve got ye stripped naked and absolutely soaked, and ah’m still fully dressed.”
He’s right, there’s no way to hide or deny it. “Yer just as dirty an’ fucked up as I am, aren’t ye hen?” He slides a finger past your lips, breaching you and you can’t help the moan that spills out, eyes closing in self indulgence, the pleasure staining your self conscious inhibitions, muddling them. He gets closer, harsh and gruff in your ear, demanding an answer. “Aren’t ye?” You whine out a yes that sounds pathetic even to your own ears.
He pulls the digit out and the warmth of his chest disappears from your back, making your eyes blink open and needy whimpers escape your lips. “Dinnae whine, greedy thing.” He presses back up against you, the hard length of him slotted between your thighs, you feel him for just a moment, rubbing the tip up and down your soaked slit before he’s pushing in, full length buried deep in one brutish thrust.
It has your back arching, head falling back against his shoulder as your mouth drops open and a hearty low moan flies from your throat like an uncaged bird. He rubs soothing circles into your hips as he gives you time to adjust. When your head dips forward he begins, sawing in and out of you slowly at first, making you groan with each fully sheathed thrust.
“Johnny, please.” He leans forward and nips at the skin of your nape, assaulting your neck and ear with his lips and teeth as he picks up the pace, giving you what you asked for. It feels euphoric, the full stretch of his cock and it puts all the thoughts you’ve had of him, the erotic daydreams, the nights spent touching yourself to the thoughts of what it’d be like to shame.
He’s attentive and sensual, listening intently for which of his movements drive you wild. Your head dips forward and you close your eyes but he’s not having it, gripping you beneath the chin and forcing your head up, eyes opening as he growls in your ear from behind. “Look at them, hen. Can ye imagine what’d they think if they could see ye right now? See this body, beautiful and bare like I can.” His arm slips down and around the back of your thigh, grabbing purchase in the pit of your knee and lifting, your leg comes up, hiked up level to your hip and he holds it there while he fucks into you from behind. You’re pleasantly surprised at the ease in which you can maneuver this way, those stretches finally paying off, almost like it was planned from the start.
The new angle makes him able to slide devastatingly deep, your body jolting with each thrust, moans quickly filling the room, yours and his. You remember seeing the people dancing, their bodies in sync to the music you could feel in your feet but was inaudible to you from outside and was suddenly glad for it as he pulled all the way out before thrusting back in with the snap of his hips and you let out a startled and involuntary noise that was half moan, half scream.
“Sound so good like this, panting an’ moaning like a bitch in heat fer me. Squeezin’ me so tight, does it feel good lass? Better than yer fingers?” You’re beyond words at the moment so you just give him a frenzied nod, head leaning forward to rest on the glass as he lays waste to your cognitive ability. But then he stops moving and it all comes back, although the only thing you can articulate at the moment is whines of his name and pathetic pleas for him to keep going.
“Asked ye a question, lass.” Your mind reels and you start babbling, a series of yeses and broken sentences, anything to get him to start again. His hand snakes up and laces his fingers between yours, as the other keeps a firm grip on your knee, spreading you nice and wide for him.
He picks up a breakneck pace, hips stuttering into yours violently as you just try to hang in there, you can feel it, your orgasm building rapidly. He can feel it too, the way your pussy clenches down around him as you beg him not to stop. “Are ye close, bonnie? Gonna fall apart all over mah cock?” You don’t dare leave him waiting, chanting out affirmations like prayers falling from your lips, if he stopped now you may have a meltdown.
“Do it fer me, hen. Let me feel ye come fer me.” You’re thrown over the edge, whole body tense as he drives you through, quite possibly, the most violent orgasm of your life. Your legs shake in his hold, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back over his shoulder as you all but collapse against him. He holds you up and doesn’t stop, pushing you through it and out the other side into overstimulation.
Your constant moans just spur him on, he can feel his own release building slowly. “What’s my rule on sets, hen?” Your fuzzy brain is having trouble grasping his question, or even the relevancy of it, until it dawns on you and he must feel you stiffen as the implication of it sets in. “Aye that’s right. Tell me.”
You answer in a quiet whisper but he lets it slide. “Sets of three, always.” He drops your leg and the combination of the blood rushing back in, tingling like static and the continued drag of his cock is mind numbing. “Aye, good girl. Sets of three. One down, two tae go.”
His hands come down to grip your hips, pulling you back into each thrust with force. You brace yourself against the glass, the side of your face and both palms of your hands pushed up against it as he ruts into you without mercy or ceremony.
You watch as a set of women pass by the room, their eyes seem to pass right over you without seeing and they stop momentarily in front of the glass for one to share something on their phone with the group, their eyes all widen and they mime a fit of giggles and continue on, unaware of your ruination inches away.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and lightly tugs, pulling your face back from the glass, at this new angle your nipples make brief contact with the glass on every inward push and it drives you ever closer to careening off the edge for a second time. “Johnny! I’m- ah! I’m fucking close! Fuck!” He keeps thrusting into you until you squeeze him for dear life a second time, only then does he pick up the pace, relishing in the way he can alter the pitch of your moans by the little variations in his thrusts.
You’re fucked out, lost to bliss and delirium as you come down from your second orgasm. You can’t possibly see how he could pull another from you until he leans forward, hand sliding down your body until his fingers find your clit and your body involuntarily jerks from the touch, but he just reaches out again and finds it, muscling you into place so you can’t buck away.
“You know the rules lass, one more.” You shake your head and sob. “I can’t Johnny! S’too much!” He’s enjoying the slurred nature of your speech, the pleading tone of your protests, he’s going to come soon, he can feel it. “Ye can and ye will. I’ll make ye. Be a good lass and take it.”
He rubs your clit in frenzied circles and it’s almost painful the sensation, your sensitive nerves too overworked to handle it so your hands come down to grab at his wrist, anything to stop the motions, else you’re apt to lose your mind.
He’s ready for that though, pulling one hand away from the apex of your thighs and securing it behind your back in an iron grip, the other he traps beneath his hand, making you rub circles into your own clit as he guides you.
It threatens to make your knees buckle underneath you as he holds you up and stretches you open simultaneously. He whispers filth into your ear as your eyes roll back and you teeter on the edge of sexually induced lunacy. “Did ye get more than ye bargained fer, hen? Poor thing. All fucked out an’ creamin’ all over mah cock? Yer gonna do it again, lass. One more fer me and I’ll let ye rest, aye? Be a good lass an’ come again.”
He pushes you over the edge for the third time and your whole body shakes, convulsing around him as you lose the battle against your pleasure and ultimately succumb to it. He feels his own orgasm closing in and holds it off for just a bit longer while you recover, keeping even steady strokes while your pussy squeezes around him through your aftershocks. When your eyes reopen and your breathing levels in one fluid motion he pulls out of you, spins you around and forces you to the floor.
You open your mouth to speak but he’s stuffing his cock down your throat before you can utter even a word. Your head backs into the glass and he uses your mouth like a pocket pussy, hands bracing on your head as he thrusts into your open throat a few erratic times, his balls sticky from your cum tapping against your chin as he reaches his peak. Loud guttural roars echo off the walls and ring in your ears as he comes down the back of your throat hard and fast.
He pulls out and a string of your saliva connects your puffy bottom lip to his tip for the briefest of moments before snapping. He’s staring down at you, chest heaving from the exertion of his climax with the slyest smirk on his face and a twinkle of satisfaction in his bright blue eyes.
He stoops down to your level, face to face when he speaks next, slightly hoarse. “Did ye swallow?” He asks as if you had much of a choice coming down the back of your throat like he did but before you can even answer he’s pulling down on your bottom jaw with his thumb. Your mouth falls open, tongue lolling out as he tilts your head from side to side and groans. A wave of panic surges through you as he leans in and kisses you passionately, tongue invading the space of your mouth as he tastes his cum off your lips. His hands cup your face as you begin to worry he’s gearing up for a second round.
He must feel you tensing under his touch because he pulls away and smooths your hair as he calms you. “Dinnae worry hen, just three fer today. We’ll stretch yer limits another time.” The promise of more makes you shudder and he helps you up off the floor to clean you up and help you redress, it’s hard because your limbs seem to refuse to cooperate as your mind commands them to, too shaky and loose to comply.
When you’ve dressed and regain your ability to walk he ushers you down the short hallway and into a seat in the smoothie alcove where he walks up to the counter, once more skipping the long line and orders you a smoothie, but not without mentioning you’ve just been through a very intense session and need it immediately, to your embarrassed dismay.
He walks back over to the table, drink in hand and sits across from you, smug as can be as you take it from him and drink. Moaning quietly as the cool drink slides down your sore throat. “Good?” He asks. And you non verbally nod to signify your content, still untrusting of your ability to articulate as of yet. “Good.”
You’re not sure where things will go from here, a secret part of you that speaks from deep in the back of your mind, where your true subconscious desires reside is scared that now that he’s had you he will be done with you. You push that thought back down into the murk of your subconscious, it doesn’t help and all of the context clues suggest it’s not true but that doesn’t stop it from bubbling to the surface.
It also doesn’t help when he tells you not to worry about your homework tonight. You sit, a bit dejected in your seat and try not to let disappointment seep into your tone. “Oh, ok.” And failing. He seems to pick up on it and leans forward and settles a hand overtop yours from across the table. It’s warm, and the touch of his skin is something you won’t admit that you really needed at that moment.
“Jus’ dinnae want ye sore, bonnie. Ye can still call me tonight if ye’d like.” You nod in agreement and after you’d finished your drink, you got up, grabbed your things from the locker room and left.
Johnny watched from his phone as you made the trip home, watching the blip on the map making various stops and turns until it reached your address. He got home and monitored it all through the night as you cooked, took your shower, caved and made your call to him and then hung up to go to bed.
He watched as your bpms slowly rose and spiked as you climaxed for the fourth time that day, reliving the day's events in vivid memory and wished it was his hands rubbing circles against your clit and playing with hard nipples until you saw stars. He continued to watch as your respiration levels evened out and the app indicated you’d started your sleep cycle.
In the morning he read your sleep logistics, learning you reached rem sleep, dreamt and even woke up twice in the night to pee. He picked it up in between reps during his workout and watched your stress levels while you were at work, the early morning rush had you on edge, you chilled as lunch time came around and then spiked again right after until it came close to quitting time and you relaxed as soon as you’d clocked off.
He sat in the smoothie alcove and watched your little blip get closer and closer until you were right outside. You turned into the building and he looked up to see you crossing the lobby towards the check-in desk, returning your pleasant smile and wave as he locked his phone and put it away so you could begin your next session.
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kedreeva · 3 months
Hi! I have a small farm but your posts have made me consider adding some peafowl. I've had guineafowl and chickens but god would i love peafowl. I also saw your posts with your hand raised peahen in the house, and I was wondering if she's actually litter trained? I have some bottle babies but have transferred them all out to typical barn/pasture existence, but if I could litter train a peafowl for (partial) indoor existence that would be glorious
As I have said many many times before and will likely say many many times again, you do not want a permanent house peafowl, I promise you. Bug was indoors with me because a) I have over a decade of experience with these birds, b) I did a sex linked breeding so I KNEW that she was a girl from the second she hatched c) I didn't particularly want to hand raise her, but I also wanted sleep and the birds are brooded in the house and she would not stop screaming d) I knew I was going to be home full time basically 24/7 to raise her without having to leave her on her own for long stretches while I was at work and e) I raised her with the full intention of putting her out when she was old enough to hold her own with the big birds- and that's where she currently lives, outside where she belongs.
They cannot be house/litter trained, the most you can do is diaper them, and they're not big enough for that for a few months and wearing one is always a risk- if they catch a toe from a poorly-fitted or poorly-applied diaper, they are strong enough to break their own legs and/or break their necks/wings struggling to get out.
Unlike standard breed chickens and farm waterfowl, peafowl can fly, like Actually Fly, and they can do so from about day 3 of life. You don't want a 10lb bird throwing itself around your house, because they're not passerines, they can't grasp things with their feet so they will just knock everything you love over in an attempt to find flat ground to stand on wherever they want to be. And they WILL throw temper tantrums when they're not getting their way- when you aren't sharing food, when you aren't going to bed at 6pm in the winter, when you aren't performing their daily schedule right, etc. They're just smart enough to be assholes, and big enough that that's a problem.
On top of that, males that are hand raised become exceedingly aggressive at maturity, to the point where many have been put down because they will relentless hunt and attack humans in their territory, and they have nasty spurs on their legs, and the ability to fly and to jump at least 6 feet up and hardly use their wings, which means they CAN jump and spur you in the face- and unlike chickens, they know where your face is, and will go for it. I've seen several folks with injuries from aggressive boys where the person narrowly escaped losing an eye. I, myself, was clawed over one eye once just from a bird that was eluding capture, and I'm well aware how much more badly that could have gone if she'd meant it rather than just trying to get away from being caught. The hens are (usually, although I've seen an exception) not aggressive, but unless you have the ability to socialize a hand raised hen with other birds, they have a hugely difficult time adapting to living in a flock, and I've heard many others refuse to breed with the males of their own kind. If they can't adapt to socializing with other birds, they can stress hugely when left alone or with other birds, and this can make them prone to illness.
The photos are cute, but this is a 110% "please do not attempt this at home" kind of deal. I've been caring for/learning about peafowl and their care in some way for 20 years and breeding them for the last 15 or so and I can say with my whole chest that you don't need any complications when getting into peafowl. There are already a million things that can go wrong just trying to raise a peafowl in a normal way, people kill the babies so often that a) reputable breeders often refuse to sell before 3 months old so they are well started and hardy and b) at least one Large Scale breeder I know of sells multi-pack day old chicks (the "discards" from his experimental pens) for super cheap because he fully expects them to die so he doesn't have to worry about competition on rare color breeding and can still make a buck.
If you want peafowl, and you have the space and the ability to pen one properly, and access to proper food and vet care, and you've done research on care and behavior, then absolutely go for it, they make great farm animals and they're really easy to befriend as subadults and even as adults and some birds are even super chill and will come right up and say hi (like Eris, whom I took home from another breeder because I visited and she just walked up and started inspecting me for treats like a chicken). But they do not make great indoor pets, even partially as adults.
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shujohajohaminnie · 11 months
Office hours
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Pairing: Kim Seungmin x fem!reader
Genre: Smut, Fluffy 
Word count: 3304 
Summary: The top student is having issues with a class she thought she would ace, only to find out there's a reason for her failing grade. 
A fab!reader, profanity, Pet names, Kinda Public sex, Raw sex, Breeding kink, Possessiveness. I think that's it let me know if I missed anything. 
The end of the semester was around the corner and you couldn’t lie, you were stressed out. You were top of most of your classes making sure to turn in the work either on time or early. So passing all your classes was going to be a breeze right? WRONG! You were passing all your classes except one. English lit. It wasn’t a hard subject, in fact, it was your favorite subject since you were a kid, the problem here was your professor. Kim Seungmin. He was known for being incredibly strict, but you were late to register leaving you with no option but to take his class. What you couldn’t understand was why the hell were you not passing his class, you were turning in his work, and you were sure everything was right. Was he failing you? No, he couldn't be. 
Adding to your stress was your shitty job as a coffee shop barista. The pay was shit, the hours were worse and the people were just unbearable. But you had a deal with your parents, as long as you were working and going to school, they’d pay for your college. It was the times you’d get home from work at two a.m incredibly tired, feet aching, in full body pain, and still have to complete your homework that you really wanted to just quit going to school in general. But you had dreams you knew you could only pursue through continuing your education. It would all be worth it, you had to remind yourself. 
You weren’t entirely shocked when Professor Kim asked you to stay after class to talk, but you were nervous. “Miss y/l/n” “Yes?” “I wanted to talk to you about your grade in my class” “Yes, Professor, I also wanted to talk to you about that as well” “Good, so you know that you are at risk of failing my class” “Yes professor, and I wanted to ask you why that was” “I have the exact same question for you y/n” Hearing him say your name sent chills down your spine. You weren’t blind, you noticed how hot Professor Kim was, but you hated him, no not hate, detest, you detested your Professor, Kim Seungmin.  “My class is starting… come to my office after and we can further discuss your grade” You nodded walking out of the class with your head low, why was he such an asshole. Such a condescending prick, and only to you, yes he was strict but he wasn’t rude to the other students. So what the hell did you do to piss him off, and why the hell did you feel so turned on when you were around him. 
“Hey” Hyunjin smiled, handing you a cup of coffee. You sighed, taking a seat in between him and a sleeping Minho. The perfect combo to cheer you up, your two best friends, and your favorite spot on campus. “What's wrong” Minho whipped his head up after hearing those words leave Hyunjin's mouth. Taking the role of the protector of the group even when he was tired. “What happened, who did it, what happened” “Minho Minho… I’m okay it’s just Professor Kim again” “Oh” he sighed, taking a sip of your coffee and resting his head in the palm of his hand to fight off his desire to sleep. “What did he do this time? '' Hyunjin rolled his eyes, putting down his pencil to give you his full attention. “He told me to go to his office after his class to discuss my grade” “You’re still failing?” “Yeah… but I don’t know why, I know the work that I’m turning in is correct… and I always turn it in early.”  “I seriously doubt that it has to do with your work…” “You think he’s failing me, Lee?” “I know he’s failing you” “Maybe we shouldn’t assume that yet” “Well do you have a better reason Jin?” “Well no-” “Then y/n I say you march into his office and demand to know why exactly your failing, and don’t be nice about it, stand your ground” “Okay” “What are you going to say” “Excuse me sir-” “ No fuck that… go in there and say hey asshole why the fuck are you failing me” “Please don’t say that y/n” “Then what do I say?” “Just go in there and say you know what I don’t understand how I could be failing when I understand all the material being taught to me, and ask if there’s any extra credit work that you could do” “You could do that orrrrrr you could do what I said” “Minho he already hates me, why give him even more reason to hate me more” “Okay but if you're going to do what Hyunjin said, at least don’t be completely nice about it” “Do whatever feels right to you” Hyunjin smiled patting your shoulder as you rested your head on the table. You were extremely tired, going to sleep at five in the morning just to wake up at seven in the morning to get ready for your nine a.m class. You sighed feeling overwhelmed by the situation trying to figure out what you were going to tell Proffesor Kim. In the midst of your thoughts you couldn’t fight your tiredness, taking Minho’s offer to cuddle and go to sleep on the beanbags the library stored. 
“Y/n… Y/n wake up” “Huh” You groaned sitting up. “What time did you have to meet Mr. Kim” “at 1:30 why” “It’s already 1:45” “FUCK” You yelled quickly gathering your stuff and making your way to his office. 
“Professor” You huffed walking through his open door. He was typing away on his computer not bothering to look up. “You’re late” “Yeah I’m sorry there was traffic” “You want to try that again?” “My cat died?” “Is my class a joke to you y/n'' he sighed, finally looking up at you.“What no no no absolutely not” “Because you seem to treat it as such” He stood up smoothing out his shirt.” you don’t come to class half of the time” He spoke lowly walking around his desk to you. “You’re an amazing student y/n, you’re incredibly smart, but attendance counts as a grade too” he closed the door locking it. You looked up at him noticing the close proximity. “I work sir and my manager sometimes schedules me during school hours” “And you could’ve told me so, I would’ve understood and tried to help you out” “I’m sorry, but sir… why am I really failing your class, I know my attendance grade wouldn’t impact my actual work grade enough to bring me down to an F” “What are you suggesting… that I’m failing you” “No no of course not” he scoffed, backing away from you walking towards his desk again. He sat down in his chair interlocking his fingers as he looked you up and down. 
“I have been failing you y/n” he smirked his eyes growing darker as they looked at you. “Y-You have?” “Mhmm” “Why” “Because I wanted to get you here” “Here?” “Here… in my office… I knew I wasn’t going to be able to get you here if you were passing my class” “S-Sir… why did you want me here” “Please Y/n call me Seungmin, you didn’t have any problem calling me that in you essay you turned in” “I’m sorry?” “You know… you’re a fantastic writer… but this erotica you turned in, well… it wouldn’t slide with any other teacher.” “Professor I’m lost” “Have a look” he signaled to his computer. You quickly made your way behind his desk, your heart beating out of your chest. What was he- Oh my God your eyes went wide as you read the first lines of what you thought was your Hamlet essay. 
I touch myself at the thought of you. As my fingers trail down my naked skin I imagine it’s your hands. I know it’s wrong to think of you this way, you’re my teacher, I’m your student. But I can’t help it. I want to feel you, I need to feel you. I want to be wrapped around your hands forever, but how can I? How can I possibly grasp your attention? Did you notice my skirts get shorter? The buttons on my top were undone. I just want you to lay me down on your desk while you make love to me. Looking me right in the eyes so I know that it’s real and not just a dream. Seungmin what do I need to do to be yours? 
You felt your body tremble as your eyes scanned the short work of pure filth you had written about you and your professor, it was the outcome of a night filled with too much drinks. You must have titled it wrongly and turned it in. “Professor… I am so sor-” “You know when I first saw you walk into my class I was stunned by how gorgeous you were, then I got to grade your work and see inside your head. So smart, and so beautiful you are, you drove me insane. After the first week, I knew I needed to have you, then you submitted this and confirmed that you felt the same way too” “Seungmin” “Yes honey” “Fuck me… please” 
He quickly grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him, kissing you like his life depended on it. His free hand clearing the top of his desk, disregarding everything onto the floor with a loud crash. “Seungmin… they’ll hear” “We’re the only ones here y/n… we could be as loud as we want” he whispered against your lips. Just hearing him say that made your eyes roll back as a moan slipped out of your parted lips. “You like that honey… you like being able to scream out my name”. He laughed picking you up onto his desk, Sitting back in his chair, he examined you closely. He noticed the way your thighs clenched together. “Show me baby… show me how wet I make you” You bit your lip as you spread your legs wide for him. Much like the other days, you wore yet again another short skirt.  “You wore these for me?” He asked his finger trailing up the fabric of your black lacey underwear. You picked out your outfits especially for him, from the underwear to even the socks with the ruffles, prepared to look amazing for him in any circumstance. 
Yes, you detested him, but you didn’t hate the idea of him fucking you like you two didn’t have class tomorrow. “Who makes you this wet?” He smirked his fingers looping into your underwear band peeling them off your sopping cunt achingly slow. “Hmm?” “You” You whispered, your hand grazing his. You didn’t feel like waiting you wanted him now. He finally managed to get your underwear off, slipping them into one of his drawers before he turned to look up at your face. The look in his eyes was different than when he would usually look at you. He wanted you just as bad, all he wanted to do was flip you over and fuck you. He had pictured this for so long and was happy that it was finally happening, But he also wanted to tease you. His fingers trailed up your thighs pushing them apart wider. You pulled up your skirt higher for him to see you, all of you. “Fuck” he groaned seeing your pussy glisten with arousal, you were thinking of him, he got you like that. “Who’s pretty girl are you?” “Your’s” You gasped feeling his fingers slip into your tight hole without warning. He got closer, pressing his lips to your inner thigh. Your breath hitched at the feeling of his lips so close to where you desperately wanted him. He gave you one more kiss before he began to lick at your clit while he pumped his fingers in and out of you. You grabbed his shoulders for stability as you threw your head back a quiet moan slipping out your lips. “Louder… I want to hear what I do to you” “FUCK” You cried out as he moaned into you, sending vibrations through you, helping you closer and closer to your peak. “Can I see those pretty tits honey… show me your pretty tits” He smiled curling his fingers up and hitting your favorite spot perfectly. You arched your back wanting more of the feeling, more of the attention, more of his love. Your fingers plaid with the hem of your shirt slowly inching more and more up. You made the best choice of wearing a matching black lace bra. Could you even call it a bra, it wasn’t covering hardly anything. He groaned at the sight his free hand going straight for the clasp in the back, undoing it in one swift movement. “Take it off” “Yes sir” You giggled following his orders and placing it in the same drawer where he was holding your panties. “Seungmin I’m gonna cum” “Cum baby… cum for me”. He played with your clit again pulling your closer and closer till you were releasing on his tongue, not stopping his movement, wanting to get you through your orgasm. 
“You taste so good” He smiled grabbing the back of your head and pulling you into a hungry kiss, much like before. You could taste yourself on his tongue, it was better than you ever imagined. Your fingers would never be able to do you justice, they weren’t his fingers. No other person's mouth would feel as good on you like his did. It’s like you two were made specifically for each other. You know he’d know it as soon as he’d feel you wrapped around him. Fit perfectly just like a puzzle. “Seungmin… I need you” “You have me honey” he knew what you meant, but he wanted to hear you say it. He wanted to hear the words from your mouth, he needed to know he wasn’t dreaming.“I need you to fuck me” You whispered against his lips, trailing down his jaw and neck. You wanted to leave a mark. If you could leave behind your initials you would, but this would have to do. You needed the girls that were constantly around him, whether they were his students or other teachers, they needed to know he was taken. He was your man, and they better not fucking touch him. 
“Yeah that’s what you want” “Mhmm” You hummed continuing your art on the soft skin of his neck and collarbone. He pulled you off the desk turning you around so that you were resting on your stomach bent over the desk. Just like you imagined it time and time again. You heard the sound of his belt unbuckling, and his pants coming undone and falling to the ground. As much as you wanted to be the one to do the honors, and give him the best head of his life it’ll just have to wait until next time. “You’re my pretty girl” “All your’s” You moaned feeling him trail his already leaking tip through your wet folds. “Forever yours” You reached for his free hand interlocking your fingers. You kissed the top of his hand as you felt him slowly press into you. You bit your lip as you felt that delicious stretch you so badly craved. Much like him, his cock was long, and him not wearing a condom allowed you to feel every vein, every beautiful detail. Surprisingly he was thick, which you didn’t expect. He wasn’t thick to the point that it was painful but thick in the way that he filled you perfectly, and he thought so too. This definitely wasn’t a dream, no. It was heaven. 
“Tell me when” He spoke through gritted teeth, it was taking everything in his not to just thrust into you like crazy, like he would his hand almost every night at the thought of you. No, you were real, and he could really hurt you, so he had to be careful. “G-Go” you nodded gripping his hand tighter. He pulled back and slowly sank right back into you. He gasped at the feeling, this was truly better than he could've ever expected. “You… you feel so good” he groaned digging his fingers into your hip as he continued to thrust in and out of you at a steady pace. For sure to leave a bruise. A mark with a lustful memory. “Seungmin” you breathed out your nails scratching the wood of his desk. Leaving behind lines in the glossy finish. You were leaving behind a memory yourself. For every time he came to his office to work he’d see that and remember this exact moment. 
“We can be as loud as we want” his words echoed in your mind. As the pleasure began to sink in moans started to slip out of your lips. Pure pornographic sounds, he didn’t hold back either. Speaking profanities and praises. If someone were to pass by it wouldn’t be a secret what was happening behind the locked door. With the way that both of your moans bounced off the walls and combined together into a beautiful song. The way that the sound of skin slapping filled the room. It was obvious. But you didn’t care, neither did he. He quicked his pace feeling the way you tightened around him giving him a sign that you were close, he wasn’t that far off either. He moved his hand from your hip going straight to your clit. You threw your head back onto his shoulder gasping at the intense pleasure you were feeling. “You gonna cum pretty… you gonna fucking cum” He spoke through gritted teeth, fucking you harder. You nodded not being able to form words. Tears began to fall down your face. No doubtly ruining your makeup. “Seungmin… I- Uh… I” “I know baby I know…. Cum for me… can you cum for your professor, can you be a good student and come for me”. You did shutting your eyes as you felt yourself release on his cock. “Where do you want me to cum y/n… you want me to cum on the pretty face” “In me” you whispered holding his arm that wrapped around your chest. “Oh pretty girl you want me to cum in you… You wanna have my babies” You moaned at his dirty words, nodding your head yet again. He grunted painting your walls white with your cum, continuing to thrust into you through his orgasm. 
He sighed sitting in his chair pulling you into his lap, still inside you. He opened his laptop and went into his grade book adding a zero behind all of the ten’s he had previously graded your assignments as. “They were 100’s all along” “So you just wanted to stress me out” You laughed rolling your eyes as you pulled down your shirt catching your breath. “It got me you… didn’t it” “You always had me Seungmin… you would have had me sooner if you were nicer to me”  “Don’t sit here and lie to me that it didn’t turn you on even a little bit” “Maybe it did, but I really thought you hated me” “I could never hate you Y/n”
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2hoothoots · 5 months
So I was going through your blog (again) and found some of your stuff mentions fsau Raz having ADHD, as somebody with adhd I’m intrigued, may I have some of those headcanons (canons??) related to that? Also, I would give “a penny for your thoughts” but I’m out of pennies, so here’s various images of a drawing of ur blorbo I put next to my animals, note that a rock had to be added in one picture to keep him from flying away (BONUS: his now permanent place with the wifi guardian frog)
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NOTHING brings me more joy than seeing physical drawings of these guys, like, out and about. in situations. thank you for this gift, and ALSO for the great ask because it's a perfect chance to ramble
so first of all, canon Raz having ADHD is very real to me. he's constantly fidgeting and moving around, getting distracted by sidequests and scavenger hunt objectives, always talking to himself out loud, gotta write everything down so he remembers it because there's so much to DO!, running away from home because his dad yelled at him one time and now Raz assumes he must hate him forever... i could go on, but i think there's a lot of room for interpretation there!
in my headcanon, he never got diagnosed as a kid. maybe there were some notes about it in his reports each year, sure - but a little hyperactivity and distractability never seemed to slow him down. he excelled in lessons and on missions, and when he was with his family their performances gave him something to focus that energy into. it was only really when he turned 18 and graduated to a full agent that the cracks started to show.
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because there's a big difference between the responsibilities you have as a minor, and the responsibilities you have as an 18-year-old living away from home! one who's expected to cook and clean for themselves, and take care of adult life stuff, and also work the 9-to-5 office job he's just graduated into that involves sitting in front of a computer and write reports all day.
short-term, he found he could get himself to power through a deadline with energy drinks and psi-pops (a lot of psi-pops...)
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long-term, something had to give. he was working himself to exhaustion, constantly stressed, swinging between days spent staring at his computer screen doing nothing and all-nighters desperately trying to finish his paperwork before the deadline. it just didn't make any sense to him. he'd finally started his job as a Psychonaut, he was living independently like he'd always dreamed, he'd gotten top surgery after planning it for so long. he should have everything he ever wanted. why wasn't he happy?
following a deep post-surgical depression, about a month before his 19th birthday Raz was living out of his car, couch-surfing or sleeping in his office. he got kicked out of his apartment after falling behind on bills and rent. it wasn't that he didn't have the money, it was all just too much for him to stay on top of.
he'd probably have stayed in that misery hole for a lot longer if Frazie hadn't marched into his life and demanded he let her help him move into a new place, or she was telling mom that he was homeless. together, they sorted through all of his possessions from the last place - everything that had been hastily shoved in his car, or tossed in a box in his office, piled in a heap that was giving him anxiety even looking at it.
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things do get better for him from there.
when he eventually explains things to Hollis, she gently suggests that he should get a roommate. he ends up moving in with Phoebe, and they become pretty good friends after a couple months! something about having another person around to help do the chores and wash the dishes and share the space helps, even if it takes him a while to admit it.
he gets his ADHD diagnosis, and finding the exact right medication and dose is a journey he's still on years later - but they're a huge help in getting him to actually knuckle down and finish his work on time. and the whole thing ends up being a chance for him to take a step back and really think about what he wants to do with his life. he'd always assumed that being a Psychonaut was his dream, but he'd never really reckoned with what that dream would look like before.
in the end, he sticks with it, but also decides to follow Lili's example in branching out. he applies to study a part-time Bachelor's in Psychology on a remote course, and gets accepted. juggling missions and paperwork and study and relationships (because the whole thing made him realise he also wasn't setting aside any time for himself, and wow, dating is a thing) is a lot - but he manages to figure it out, day by day.
(Lili comes back to the Psychonauts after graduating. she and Raz have both changed a lot over those four years, but on their first mission together they hit it off like a house on fire - and the rest is history!)
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sonicblueartist · 11 months
Rayman x Reader
A/N: He is the Rayman from the games, there is no other choice for this story, sorry~ But you can think either romantic or platonic for this :)
I'll try to make this as fluffy as I can. My angst loving soul don't know how to write fluff lmao
Writing Rayman from the games is something else for me. In really good ways
Nothing written in this story has anything to do with games plot. I wrote it all myself ;)
Summery: We both try to escape from some weird creatures
Warnings: Intense cursing
Words: 2.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
Btw does anyone want to be in the tag list?
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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Couldn't choose between all these moments for the gif so I added every one of them (probably gonna regret that later lol Because I no longer have any good gifs for him any more but whatever.)
Seeing Rayman angry is just a cherry on top.
I am going to post this but I feel bad for not writing fluff/comfort/pure lovely moments like I planned to, so I might write down something cute for him soon~
I really wanted to write something cartoon-ish too because, you know, Rayman is very much 'cartoon-ish', he is made for that. I guess at least I made that come true instead of a full fluff.
Also, I may have relieved my exam stress on him 👀💦
On The Run
What's happening? You don't have a clue. You only knew that Rayman ran past you in the forest ten minutes ago without even stopping to say hi, he looked really panicked too you have to say. And quickly after Rayman's hand came back, finding your own and quickly sweep away your taken aback body before the spears met with you. And, well, you were suddenly included in a chase you don't have a clue about.
You two run for your dear little lives, in the meantime dodging a few spears thrown to pierce through your guts and quickly jump behind a few bushes out of breath. Hearing angry yells and screams increasing you both held your breath in. A few seconds later all of them ran past you. You heaved a relieved sigh.
What with this all about? Well, obviously you don't have all the details but you knew someone who did. You can finally question him about all this. With a scowl you turn to face him, finding him invading your personal space, not that you minded (it was funny, really), sticking to your side desperately, maybe that's not the right word to use but he was definitely, on purpose or not, sticking to you like a little kid would do to their mother, still eyeing for any intruders. If you weren’t so angry you would find that cute. Honestly at that moment, you didn't give a fuckthought. Your blood boils in anger. You weren't mad at him. You were tired and worried. Okay, maybe your tired body turning your worry into anger a bit. But you are angry at his reckless side. How wouldn't you be? You know he did something again that bothered these people. (It could also be the fact that because all people on this planet are either crazy or whatever) But it's not like he is doing that on purpose. But he still needs to be more mindful of his surroundings.
You whisper shouted, nudging his chest with your finger, causing him to look at you, "What the fuck did you do this time Rayman?!" You panthed out with a glare. Asking nicely? What is that?
He stared at you surprised (maybe a bit hurt) and huffed out, "What do you mean this time? I didn't do anything!" He scoffed, a hand over his heart with an offended tone.
You rolled your eyes at that and glanced outside, you quickly duck seeing more of them walking past the bush. You cursed under your breath. Thankfully they were dumber than they look.
You glanced at him, "Why do they want you?" You whispered with a hiss.
He smirked, "Who knows! I mean I can't blame them. Everyone wants me!" Here he goes again, you were being dead serious and he starts joking.
You stared at him with the most dumbfounded and sour expression you ever weared, "They fucking want your guts out, you idiot! Don't start with me with those cheesy lines!”
He mushed his lips and stared at you. You stared back with a raised brow. He couldn't hold his stare much longer with how you're glaring at him and finally grumbled out defeated, hiding away from your intense stare, "Okay, okay fine! It might be... a little bit my fault."
You scoffed, "A little bit?”
"I admitted didn't I?”
"What did you do?"
He avoided you with a comedic sweat, "Ahhh…”
"Rayman. What Did You Do?”
"You're going to be so mad." He chuckled nervously.
You can't be more mad then you already are. But again, your expression softened with how actually nervous he looked about all this. You knew he felt guilty. You know him after all. You let out a long silent sigh and reached out to hold his hands, pressing your thumbs over the back of them, kind of stroking to ease him up, "Rayman, I promise I will not yell at you anymore then I already did. Just tell me. I need to know." You sounded more like reassuring yourself then him. Did you forgive him? No? You don't know what you are even forgiving him about! But you did actually soften up on him.
He didn't believe that but confessed anyway, "I uh... might... accidentally woke up a whole civilization??" He sounded unsure of himself.
You stared at him, and he stared back.
"What... the fuck?" What does that suppose to mean?
He laughed, "I said the same thing until you find me and drag me away, my divine savior~" Wasn't that the opposite?
You sighed and grabbed the bridge of your nose, "I feel like I am gonna regret asking this but... how?"
He tapped his chin, "Well, I also have no idea! I was walking around the forest a few hours ago then I found myself in the underground. I guess the ground may have shifted or the place I was standing in collapsed. Either way I find myself exploring the cave to find a way out and, well, that's how I find the burrow. And here we are!" He continued despite seeing your progressive disturbed expression, "They were really aggressive and grumpy, I think they want some kind of revenge for disturbing their sleeping ritual or something—”
You reach your hand and shut him up with a tired face, "Okay, I think that's enough information. We are gonna think of something now. We need to avoid them and find a way back to send them whatever place they come crawling from. Okay..." You muttered to yourself.
Rayman grabbed your hand off of his mouth and muttered your name.
"Not now, I am thinking.”
You sushed him, "No, nope, sush, no talking! I don't wanna listen! Just lemme think!”
He stared at you unamused but his expression quickly changed to something nervous. He called out your name again this time a bit louder.
You groaned, rubbing your face, "Ray, What part of "be quiet" don't you understand? What do you want?! You want them to find us?!”
He choked out, "Ahh, about that…”
"Look I only wanted a peaceful day today, getting chased by a crazy herd, not what I had in mind- annnd.... They find us, didn't they?" You sighed.
He nodded, "Pretty much." Soon enough all kinds of sharp-tipped spares were extended towards from all sides. You both quickly raised your hands in the air, surrounded by them. You cursed under your breath not amused at all.
"Well, this could have gone much worse.”
You soon find yourselves in a cell, soon to be turned into a chewing toy. Surrounded by many of them readying the meal you will be in today.
"You have to jinx it, didn't you?" Before he can open his mouth again you threatened showing a rock, "If you open your mouth one more time I swear I’ll force this inside your mouth—”
He raised his hand, "Jeez, alright, alright. I am sorry! What got into you today?” He knew you wouldn't actually do that. You love him too much for that. (But, did you have it in you? Yes. Would you actually do that if he was someone else? Most definitely. Is he afraid of this fact? Absolutely. He definitely know to not underestimate you.) He couldn't help but admit that it sounded so absurd coming from you in that moment though. It also shouldn't amused him but it did.
You forced a short laugh, "What got into me? Oh, lemme think." You sarcastically mumbled, mocking him and tapped your chin as if you were thinking.
He frowned, not letting you start sorting it all out, "Okay, okay. I get it. I said sorry, didn't I? It was lame of me to even ask that. Sorry for trying to be nice.” He stuck his tongue out playfully.
"A sorry not gonna save us from becoming a MEAL OF THE DAY!!" You groaned.
He hummed and shrugged, "I wouldn't worry much. After all this isn't the first time I was imprisoned.”
You stared at him, "We saved your ass when you were imprisoned."
"Saved me?" He smirked, "If I remember correctly, which I know I am, you and Globox were also imprisoned for the sake of saving me, I am touched really. Though it was a weak plan, assuming being held captive was part of your idea~"
You grumbled grimacing, "It was Globox's idea. I didn't have anything better to do so I just followed along. BUT we did save your ass didn't we? That's what counts! Besides, I'm not seeing you having any bright ideas!!”
"Who said I didn't have any?" He grinned, noticing your pause.
You give him a face, "If you had a plan this whole time... WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?!" God, so that’s why he has been acting so relaxed! He has always been some kind of a laid back person, but this would be too much (Not counting the fact that he knows when to strike). In fact, he should have been happy that he had a reasonable explanation for this situation because you were about to slap him hard for how careless he had been so far and how careless he had been all day.
"Calm down! It was a work in progress and now I am not gonna jinx it again. So, are you in or not?”
You give him a side glare at him and turn away.
He sighed, "Look, I am sorry. Sincerely, coming from the deepest of my heart. I really didn't mean to cause all this. It's also my fault that you are involved in my mess too. So, at least let me help to fix it, okay? You can kick my ass after this." He kind of dragged you away, yes, but it was to save you and you were thankful that he did (how wouldn't you?) but that doesn't mean he is also the one to start all these.
You heaved a sigh, and shook your head with a soft smile, "Lead the way, eggplant." You grinned seeing his little eye roll. You definitely gonna remember the last thing he said.
“I will save us. That’s a promise.” He sounded even more genuine.
“Yeah, yeah. You better be. I don’t wanna end up as a snack before bedtime. So, care to tell me the plan?”
He grinned mischievously, a determined glint in his eyes, "You will find out soon enough. You know me. It's not that complicated to figure out. Even better when you know they are not too smart to figure out."
You raised a brow not fond of him still depriving you of an explanation. But you guessed it was better to leave like that seeing those creatures still roaming all around.
Soon after your 'nice' conversations you both find yourselves tied up together in a cauldron full of water with a fire burning underneath. The creatures throwing chopped vegetables on you.
Your unamused expression hardened, "How much longer are we going to wait?" You grumbled. "They are slowly cooking us alive!"
"Yeah, I won't be a good dinner for them. You have more areas where they can chew off." You swear he was laughing behind you. You growled and hit him in the head with your own, you had no other option. Your arms were tied. "Don't start again! I'm serious! I'm starting to get worried. My feet are burning!”
He hissed in pain, "Sorry, force of habit... or maybe coping... either way..." he took a sharp breath, "My plan gonna work."
"You are not even doing anything! What kind of plan is that? Just admit already that you have no idea how we can get out of this station!”
"No, because I do. I'm just waiting for the right moment.”
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. And I believe that. I am sure you do-- Wait a fucking moment." You hissed. You can't belive you forget about his ability, "You fucking have control all over your body! Whatever the floaty, gravity bending thing you do! You can easily get out of this rope!! They only tied our bodies, not hands or feet! Fuck! Why didn't you do something about this earlier Rayman?! Are you trying to piss me off on purpose! I swear---" Your words are stuffed inside your mouth, literally. One of the creatures got annoyed (or tired) of your talking and harshly pushed an apple in your mouth. Your eye twitched in annoyance. Rayman glanced back with a stuffed laugh. Okay, maybe you did deserve this but you are not gonna admit that. You gave him a death glare and he quickly looked away. But you still heard his stuffed snickers and feel his shaking body.
He nudges your side with his hand and your eyes quickly widen, "For your concern, ya think I would forget about something my own body capable of since forever? I already handled that. And for your nice question, like I said, I am one step ahead of you, darling~" he quickly hid the key before one of the creatures could see and cautiously examined the surroundings carefully.
He whispered, "When I came back here there was no way out of this place but the hole I fell down from. Thankfully, I was able to crawl back out but there is no sight of that hole anymore so I am gonna assume they blocked it. So there is only one option left for us to choose. What we're gonna do is, use the real door. The one I couldn't pass before. And for that we needed the key. Though one of us is gonna need to distract them while the other opens the door. Then we both escape and lock them in here, like it should have been." You're gonna kick his ass for not telling you about this sooner and made you believe that he actually didn't have any clue. Though you didn't know which one is good, his acting for the sake of the creatures (you have no idea what they are) not notice? Or him playing with you just for fun. Actually... you were happy that he did have a plan. Because it would be the worst tragicomic death in the hero's history.
His eyes widened when he felt your weight on his back... more than normally. You two were back to back forcefully pressed together yeah but... you were leaning on him? In relief? Comfort? He didn't know. But he couldn't help his lips turn into a soft smile.
"Well, I might ruin our moment here..." he trailed off. "I love hot baths as much as the next person but we should get moving. I don't think I like vegetable soup especially if we are in it.”
He felt the vibration of your laugh on his back causing his smile to widen. He glanced back at you with a smirk, his hand helping you to remove the red apple as he whinked.
"You ready to kick some little ass?" Those green creatures were nearly half of your height. You still can't believe how you two get caught that easily. You two were unprepared. But this time will be different.
You smirked, "It's always so nice to fight alongside you.”
"That's good to hear because I really needed that." He hummed as he slowly unwrapped the tight rope from around both of you, "You know, thinking our situation it's both humiliating and funny as hell. It could be our little secret. How's that sound?”
"Like heaven, and also the thought of what I can do after I get back home. Sleep all day long. Sounds good, huh?" You snickered knowing that's exactly what he will do too.
"After kicking my ass?”
You held back a laugh, "You want to be beaten up that much?” You pressed your back on his on purpose this time with a smirk.
He glanced back at you, "I think all the fighting we are gonna do here will be enough.”
"Agreed." You both jumped out of the cauldron within a fighting stance, raising up your fists.
You bawled, "Who wanna have some of these?" You showed your fists.
The creatures stood staring. Soon all screamed a war cry running towards you. You two smirked and launched.
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shinestarhwaa · 7 months
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Minnie x Female reader
Word Count: 2K
Tags/warnings: sexworker!Minnie, sexting, phonesex, masturbation, cunnilingus, squirting
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @wh0re4yunsangho
This was not your proudest moment.
It's also isn't a very expected moment. At least, not to you. You had never imagined yourself dialing the number of a phonesex company for women. You just couldn't get yourself to press the call button yet. You felt your hands getting sweaty with anxiety and you looked around nervously as if anyone was gonna catch you in your own apartment.
You had stumbled upon an Feline Fantasies ad while trying to find a good porn video to get off to - spoiler alert: you couldn't. But on the bottom right side of the page a certain ad had caught your attention instead and the impulsive person in you immediately dialed the number. ''No,'' you spoke to yourself, deciding you should check if there's a website first. You typed in Feline Fantasies in the searchbar and quickly spotted the pink logo you saw earlier in the ad. You clicked the link and you were directed to the website.
The pink and white logo was centered at the top of the page and you scanned the text below it. You scrolled further down and saw they provided phonesex and sexting services. You bit your lip and decided to click on the button reading 'Sext with one of our girls now!' Your heart was pounding in your chest as you waited.
The site first told you to create an account and you did it mindlessly, answering several questions for confirmation. Then a new page opened, showing girls in various skincolours and sizes to suit anyone's taste. Every girl on the top row seemed to be available and you looked at their profiles for a bit, but your eyes quickly landed on 'Minnie' and you nearly dropped your phone. Fuck, she is hot. You clicked on her profile and read her intro text. ''Minnie is often called the Thai princess in our company but don't let her beauty fool you. With her quick wit and seductive tone she is a dreamlady for anyone. Do you wanna sext with Minnie? Click here.''
You scrolled through her pictures. She wore a revealing black dress and her black bangs fell a little over her seductive cat-like eyes. Her full lips were parted slightly and she bit her pointer finger seductively. When you scrolled a little further you were met by pictures from a nude photoshoot of Minnie. Your breath hitched in your throat when you saw the girl laying naked on a purple velvet sofa. Her hand was cupping one of her breasts and she winked seductively at the camera. If you weren't already wet you definitely would have been now.
The horniness takes over your brain and you click on the button, being redirected to a messaging page. A few dots started moving immediately, raising your anxiety. ''Oh God what am I even doing,'' you cursed at yourself.
Minnie: Hey there darling. Welcome to Feline Fantasies
Minnie: Is this your first time using our services?
You: Hi Minnie! Yes this is my first time
Minnie: Thank you for choosing me for your first experience! What can I do for you sweetie? ;)
You: I was trying to watch porn to help me get off and relieve some stress but I haven't been able to do so unfortunately... Then I saw the FF ad and I hoped you could help me..
Minnie: Oh I surely can help you cum sweetheart, are you alone? What are you wearing?
You: Yes I'm alone in my apartment, I'm laying in bed in a top and panties
Minnie: Touch your breast darling, fondle yourself gently to ease yourself in.
You sighed and brought your free hand up to your covered breast, your hard nipple poking through the material. You gently fondled your breast and took a deep relaxing breath.
Minnie: Take your top off baby and touch your nipples for me
Minnie: S that feeling good baby?
You: Very good, Minnie, I wish it was you, you'd look so hot touching me and talking to me You: Please continue
You took off your top and licked the tips of your thumb and pointer finger, wetting them before you circled your nipple and rubbed them between your fingers. You pushed your thighs together as you feel yourself throbbing at the thought of what's coming - you.
Minnie: Put your hand in your panties now baby, how wet is my princess for me?
You: Oh Minnie I'm so wet for you, I'm soaking my panties, I wish I could hear your voice
Minnie: That's possible if you switch from messaging to a phonecall, it will just cost a little extra babe x
You: That'll be worth it
You switched to phonecall and quickly completed the payment. Soon enough you heard Minnie's voice through your phone. ''Hey darling, here I am again, did you miss me?'' she giggled. You smiled and put your phone on speaker. ''For those 2 minutes? Yeah, very much so,'' you grinned. ''Are you ready to continue?'' Yes, ready.''
''Take your panties off baby, spread your legs for me.'' You obeyed her orders and slid two of your fingers through your folds. ''God, Minnie I'm so wet, I wanna cum so badly,'' you whined. ''Don't worry baby, I'm gonna make you cum, touch your clit... Circle it lightly...'' she spoke seductively into the speaker. You moaned when your fingers touched your clit. You circled it slowly, slowly pressing down on it. ''Hm, you sound so pretty baby, like an angel... Rub it quicker for me, go faster.''
You picked up the pace and started to rub your clit uncontrollably. ''Please keep talking Minnie, talk dirty to me, fuck, talk to me, I wanna hear your voice too, wanna hear you moan too,'' you panted. ''Whatever my babygirl wants,'' she said with an audible smirk plastered on her face. ''I'll tell you just what I'm doing. I'm sitting here and I'm rubbing my pussy through my pretty... lacy black lingerie... and you've gotten me so wet babygirl... My pussy got so excited for you,'' she moaned. You had no idea if she actually spoke the truth or if she was just playing an act like many callgirls did, but it didn't matter for you in the moment. Wetness was flooding from between your legs as you kept rubbing your clit as you listened to Minnie gush about how wet you got her.
''Hm, putting two fingers inside my wet pussy now baby, oh~ Oh God Y/N,'' she cried. Her moans sounded so pornographic and it raised every hair on your body and made you tingle. ''M-Minnie, fuck, I can already feel it!'' you whined out. ''Yeah baby? Does that make you cum? Then cum for me baby, oh yes, fuck!'' she moaned. She kept encouraging you while she moaned and panted into the speaker, sending you over the edge. You spasmed uncontrollably and rode out your orgasm.
''That's a good girl,'' she praised you in a soft voice, ''cumming so beautifully for me.'' You sighed contently, tired after the long process of trying to cum, but you didn't want it to be over just yet. ''What's wrong princess?'' ''I'm tired but I don't want it to stop...'' ''Well this doesn't have to be the last time we're in contact right baby? Plenty more opportunities for us to call and maybe next time we'll cum together,'' she giggled.
In the weeks after that it became a regular thing for you to call Minnie. It embarrassed you how many money you spent on her but it was worth it for you, it was your own dirty little secret.
On a regular Friday afternoon you were walking out of your work office and stopped at the nearby coffeeshop to pick up an iced americano and a cupcake but you nearly choked on your own saliva when you saw a certain someone sitting in the café. Your body trembled but it led you to stand in front of her. She looked up and smiled softly, ''Hi... Can I... help you with anything?''
She looked ten times more beautiful in real life and she looked so cute in her denim dress. ''You... You are Minnie, right?'' you asked hesitatingly. ''Um, yes,'' she said, ''Do we know each other?'' ''I'm Y/N, we... we spoke on the phone a few times,'' you said, cheeks burning up. Her expression changed, showing her beautiful smile and her eyes sparkled. ''So you're Y/N? Wow, you're even more beautiful than I had imagined,'' she grinned, ''Do you wanna sit down?''
You nodded and took place next to her. ''So, what are you doing here...? I've never seen you here before,'' you said, fidgeting with your jewelry. ''I had lunch with a friend and ran some errands here in the neighbourhood. Is this where you live?'' ''Yeah I live a few streets away from here, I just got off work,'' you explained. She smiled and nodded, taking a sip of her green tea.
''Minnie... I was wondering... This might be a really weird request and I don't think you even do this but... Instead of a phonecall, do you think you could come over to my house instead...? Ofcourse I'll pay you,'' you whispered. Minnie was taken aback but smiled. ''I've never done a professional home...session before. So I shouldn't let you pay for it... Maybe I can give it to you for free? As a thank you for the contributions you've made,'' she grinned, ''I have time right now, actually.''
Your cheeks got even redder and you stammered before nodding and agreeing to take her to your apartment. Half an hour later you were sat next to her on your freshly made bed. ''So this is where the magic happened for you,'' she grinned. You smiled and nodded, ''pretty much, yeah.''
Minnie didn't waste any more time, pressing her plush pink lips on yours and pulling you close. Your lips moved together and your hand dove into her lucious black hair, pulling it slightly when she bit your lip. Minnie moaned into the kiss and started unbuttoning your blouse, grazing her fingers over the sheer material of your bra. She rubbed your nipples through the fabric, making you moan into the kiss and squirm in her arms.
She pulled away and took off your skirt and panties, revealing your wet, glistening cunt. The woman nearly moaned at the sight, getting on her knees in front of you and parting your legs. You leaned back on your elbows and threw your head back when you felt her tongue flick on your clit. You cursed underneath your breath when her tongue dipped into your core. You rolled your hips slowly, riding her tongue as you ran your hands through her hair again, pushing her head deeper between your legs and locking her there with your legs.
The pleasure Minnie gave you was nearly unbearable and made you see stars. No one had ever been able to pleasure you like this, not this easy. You felt like you were on cloud 9 when Minnie's tongue rubbed against your inner walls, her nose brushing on your clit. You'd seriously pay insane amounts of money to get her to do this daily, but you immediately told yourself not to be impulsive and go too overboard with the entire situation. She quickly pulled you out of your thoughts as she seemed to be touching some kind of sensitive spot inside you, pleasuring you just right.
''T-That's it! F-fuck my pussy with that tongue! Fuck!''
Minnie moaned against your pussy and ate you out like there was no tomorrow and soon enough you started to feel your abdomen tighten and your body was trembling. Your orgasm washed over you and you let go of yourself, cumming hard and squirting on her tongue. She lapped up your juices hungrily and rode out your orgasm, letting you catch your breath again. ''Fuck, that was incredible, do that again.''
And by the judgement of Minnie's feline eyes, she didn't mind at all to fulfill your fantasies.
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kaylaz-world-00 · 10 months
Rayman x Reader
A/N: He is the Rayman from the games, there is no other choice for this story, sorry~ But you can think either romantic or platonic for this :)
I'll try to make this as fluffy as I can. My angst loving soul don't know how to write fluff lmao
Writing Rayman from the games is something else for me. In really good ways
Nothing written in this story has anything to do with games plot. I wrote it all myself ;)
Summery: We both try to escape from some weird creatures
Warnings: Intense cursing
Words: 2.6k
Taglist: @blorbostation @eateableworm @livelaughluvvfaithyy @darkchanx @astoraa @shiroisotto64
Dear anons; I would really appreciate it if you could choose an emoji while sending your asks and requests (and stick with it) so I can tell you apart. Thank you~
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Couldn't choose between all these moments for the gif so I added every one of them (probably gonna regret that later lol Because I no longer have any good gifs for him any more but whatever.)
Seeing Rayman angry is just a cherry on top.
I am going to post this but I feel bad for not writing fluff/comfort/pure lovely moments like I planned to, so I might write down something cute for him soon~
I really wanted to write something cartoon-ish too because, you know, Rayman is very much 'cartoon-ish', he is made for that. I guess at least I made that come true instead of a full fluff.
Also, I may have relieved my exam stress on him 👀💦
You two run for your dear little lives, in the meantime dodging a few spears thrown to pierce through your guts and quickly jump behind a few bushes out of breath. Hearing angry yells and screams increasing you both held your breath in. A few seconds later all of them ran past you. You heaved a relieved sigh.
What's happening? You don't have a clue. You only knew that Rayman ran past you in the forest ten minutes ago without even stopping to say hi, he looked really panicked too you have to say. And quickly after Rayman's hand came back, finding your own and quickly sweep away your taken aback body before the spears met with you. And, well, you were suddenly included in a chase you don't have a clue about.
What with this all about? Well, obviously you don't have all the details but you knew someone who did. You can finally question him about all this. With a scowl you turn to face him, finding him invading your personal space, not that you minded (it was funny, really), sticking to your side desperately, maybe that's not the right word to use but he was definitely, on purpose or not, sticking to you like a little kid would do to their mother, still eyeing for any intruders. If you weren’t so angry you would find that cute. Honestly at that moment, you didn't give a fuckthought. Your blood boils in anger. You weren't mad at him. You were tired and worried. Okay, maybe your tired body turning your worry into anger a bit. But you are angry at his reckless side. How wouldn't you be? You know he did something again that bothered these people. (It could also be the fact that because all people on this planet are either crazy or whatever) But it's not like he is doing that on purpose. But he still needs to be more mindful of his surroundings.
You whisper shouted, nudging his chest with your finger, causing him to look at you, "What the fuck did you do this time Rayman?!" You panthed out with a glare. Asking nicely? What is that?
He stared at you surprised (maybe a bit hurt) and huffed out, "What do you mean this time? I didn't do anything!" He scoffed, a hand over his heart with an offended tone.
You rolled your eyes at that and glanced outside, you quickly duck seeing more of them walking past the bush. You cursed under your breath. Thankfully they were dumber than they look.
You glanced at him, "Why do they want you?" You whispered with a hiss.
He smirked, "Who knows! I mean I can't blame them. Everyone wants me!" Here he goes again, you were being dead serious and he starts joking.
You stared at him with the most dumbfounded and sour expression you ever weared, "They fucking want your guts out, you idiot! Don't start with me with those cheesy lines!”
He mushed his lips and stared at you. You stared back with a raised brow. He couldn't hold his stare much longer with how you're glaring at him and finally grumbled out defeated, hiding away from your intense stare, "Okay, okay fine! It might be... a little bit my fault."
You scoffed, "A little bit?”
"I admitted didn't I?”
"What did you do?"
He avoided you with a comedic sweat, "Ahhh…”
"Rayman. What Did You Do?”
"You're going to be so mad." He chuckled nervously.
You can't be more mad then you already are. But again, your expression softened with how actually nervous he looked about all this. You knew he felt guilty. You know him after all. You let out a long silent sigh and reached out to hold his hands, pressing your thumbs over the back of them, kind of stroking to ease him up, "Rayman, I promise I will not yell at you anymore then I already did. Just tell me. I need to know." You sounded more like reassuring yourself then him. Did you forgive him? No? You don't know what you are even forgiving him about! But you did actually soften up on him.
He didn't believe that but confessed anyway, "I uh... might... accidentally woke up a whole civilization??" He sounded unsure of himself.
You stared at him, and he stared back.
"What... the fuck?" What does that suppose to mean?
He laughed, "I said the same thing until you find me and drag me away, my divine savior~" Wasn't that the opposite?
You sighed and grabbed the bridge of your nose, "I feel like I am gonna regret asking this but... how?"
He tapped his chin, "Well, I also have no idea! I was walking around the forest a few hours ago then I found myself in the underground. I guess the ground may have shifted or the place I was standing in collapsed. Either way I find myself exploring the cave to find a way out and, well, that's how I find the burrow. And here we are!" He continued despite seeing your progressive disturbed expression, "They were really aggressive and grumpy, I think they want some kind of revenge for disturbing their sleeping ritual or something—”
You reach your hand and shut him up with a tired face, "Okay, I think that's enough information. We are gonna think of something now. We need to avoid them and find a way back to send them whatever place they come crawling from. Okay..." You muttered to yourself.
Rayman grabbed your hand off of his mouth and muttered your name.
"Not now, I am thinking.”
You sushed him, "No, nope, sush, no talking! I don't wanna listen! Just lemme think!”
He stared at you unamused but his expression quickly changed to something nervous. He called out your name again this time a bit louder.
You groaned, rubbing your face, "Ray, What part of "be quiet" don't you understand? What do you want?! You want them to find us?!”
He choked out, "Ahh, about that…”
"Look I only wanted a peaceful day today, getting chased by a crazy herd, not what I had in mind- annnd.... They find us, didn't they?" You sighed.
He nodded, "Pretty much." Soon enough all kinds of sharp-tipped spares were extended towards from all sides. You both quickly raised your hands in the air, surrounded by them. You cursed under your breath not amused at all.
"Well, this could have gone much worse.”
You soon find yourselves in a cell, soon to be turned into a chewing toy. Surrounded by many of them readying the meal you will be in today.
"You have to jinx it, didn't you?" Before he can open his mouth again you threatened showing a rock, "If you open your mouth one more time I swear I’ll force this inside your mouth—”
He raised his hand, "Jeez, alright, alright. I am sorry! What got into you today?” He knew you wouldn't actually do that. You love him too much for that. (But, did you have it in you? Yes. Would you actually do that if he was someone else? Most definitely. Is he afraid of this fact? Absolutely. He definitely know to not underestimate you.) He couldn't help but admit that it sounded so absurd coming from you in that moment though. It also shouldn't amused him but it did.
You forced a short laugh, "What got into me? Oh, lemme think." You sarcastically mumbled, mocking him and tapped your chin as if you were thinking.
He frowned, not letting you start sorting it all out, "Okay, okay. I get it. I said sorry, didn't I? It was lame of me to even ask that. Sorry for trying to be nice.” He stuck his tongue out playfully.
"A sorry not gonna save us from becoming a MEAL OF THE DAY!!" You groaned.
He hummed and shrugged, "I wouldn't worry much. After all this isn't the first time I was imprisoned.”
You stared at him, "We saved your ass when you were imprisoned."
"Saved me?" He smirked, "If I remember correctly, which I know I am, you and Globox were also imprisoned for the sake of saving me, I am touched really. Though it was a weak plan, assuming being held captive was part of your idea~"
You grumbled grimacing, "It was Globox's idea. I didn't have anything better to do so I just followed along. BUT we did save your ass didn't we? That's what counts! Besides, I'm not seeing you having any bright ideas!!”
"Who said I didn't have any?" He grinned, noticing your pause.
You give him a face, "If you had a plan this whole time... WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO?!" God, so that’s why he has been acting so relaxed! He has always been some kind of a laid back person, but this would be too much (Not counting the fact that he knows when to strike). In fact, he should have been happy that he had a reasonable explanation for this situation because you were about to slap him hard for how careless he had been so far and how careless he had been all day.
"Calm down! It was a work in progress and now I am not gonna jinx it again. So, are you in or not?”
You give him a side glare at him and turn away.
He sighed, "Look, I am sorry. Sincerely, coming from the deepest of my heart. I really didn't mean to cause all this. It's also my fault that you are involved in my mess too. So, at least let me help to fix it, okay? You can kick my ass after this." He kind of dragged you away, yes, but it was to save you and you were thankful that he did (how wouldn't you?) but that doesn't mean he is also the one to start all these.
You heaved a sigh, and shook your head with a soft smile, "Lead the way, eggplant." You grinned seeing his little eye roll. You definitely gonna remember the last thing he said.
“I will save us. That’s a promise.” He sounded even more genuine.
“Yeah, yeah. You better be. I don’t wanna end up as a snack before bedtime. So, care to tell me the plan?”
He grinned mischievously, a determined glint in his eyes, "You will find out soon enough. You know me. It's not that complicated to figure out. Even better when you know they are not too smart to figure out."
You raised a brow not fond of him still depriving you of an explanation. But you guessed it was better to leave like that seeing those creatures still roaming all around.
Soon after your 'nice' conversations you both find yourselves tied up together in a cauldron full of water with a fire burning underneath. The creatures throwing chopped vegetables on you.
Your unamused expression hardened, "How much longer are we going to wait?" You grumbled. "They are slowly cooking us alive!"
"Yeah, I won't be a good dinner for them. You have more areas where they can chew off." You swear he was laughing behind you. You growled and hit him in the head with your own, you had no other option. Your arms were tied. "Don't start again! I'm serious! I'm starting to get worried. My feet are burning!”
He hissed in pain, "Sorry, force of habit... or maybe coping... either way..." he took a sharp breath, "My plan gonna work."
"You are not even doing anything! What kind of plan is that? Just admit already that you have no idea how we can get out of this station!”
"No, because I do. I'm just waiting for the right moment.”
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. And I believe that. I am sure you do-- Wait a fucking moment." You hissed. You can't belive you forget about his ability, "You fucking have control all over your body! Whatever the floaty, gravity bending thing you do! You can easily get out of this rope!! They only tied our bodies, not hands or feet! Fuck! Why didn't you do something about this earlier Rayman?! Are you trying to piss me off on purpose! I swear---" Your words are stuffed inside your mouth, literally. One of the creatures got annoyed (or tired) of your talking and harshly pushed an apple in your mouth. Your eye twitched in annoyance. Rayman glanced back with a stuffed laugh. Okay, maybe you did deserve this but you are not gonna admit that. You gave him a death glare and he quickly looked away. But you still heard his stuffed snickers and feel his shaking body.
He nudges your side with his hand and your eyes quickly widen, "For your concern, ya think I would forget about something my own body capable of since forever? I already handled that. And for your nice question, like I said, I am one step ahead of you, darling~" he quickly hid the key before one of the creatures could see and cautiously examined the surroundings carefully.
He whispered, "When I came back here there was no way out of this place but the hole I fell down from. Thankfully, I was able to crawl back out but there is no sight of that hole anymore so I am gonna assume they blocked it. So there is only one option left for us to choose. What we're gonna do is, use the real door. The one I couldn't pass before. And for that we needed the key. Though one of us is gonna need to distract them while the other opens the door. Then we both escape and lock them in here, like it should have been." You're gonna kick his ass for not telling you about this sooner and made you believe that he actually didn't have any clue. Though you didn't know which one is good, his acting for the sake of the creatures (you have no idea what they are) not notice? Or him playing with you just for fun. Actually... you were happy that he did have a plan. Because it would be the worst tragicomic death in the hero's history.
His eyes widened when he felt your weight on his back... more than normally. You two were back to back forcefully pressed together yeah but... you were leaning on him? In relief? Comfort? He didn't know. But he couldn't help his lips turn into a soft smile.
"Well, I might ruin our moment here..." he trailed off. "I love hot baths as much as the next person but we should get moving. I don't think I like vegetable soup especially if we are in it.”
He felt the vibration of your laugh on his back causing his smile to widen. He glanced back at you with a smirk, his hand helping you to remove the red apple as he whinked.
"You ready to kick some little ass?" Those green creatures were nearly half of your height. You still can't believe how you two get caught that easily. You two were unprepared. But this time will be different.
You smirked, "It's always so nice to fight alongside you.”
"That's good to hear because I really needed that." He hummed as he slowly unwrapped the tight rope from around both of you, "You know, thinking our situation it's both humiliating and funny as hell. It could be our little secret. How's that sound?”
"Like heaven, and also the thought of what I can do after I get back home. Sleep all day long. Sounds good, huh?" You snickered knowing that's exactly what he will do too.
"After kicking my ass?”
You held back a laugh, "You want to be beaten up that much?” You pressed your back on his on purpose this time with a smirk.
He glanced back at you, "I think all the fighting we are gonna do here will be enough.”
"Agreed." You both jumped out of the cauldron within a fighting stance, raising up your fists.
You bawled, "Who wanna have some of these?" You showed your fists.
The creatures stood staring. Soon all screamed a war cry running towards you. You two smirked and launched.
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Hey, I've tried searching your blog for this but I could only bring up posts advocating against rack systems (rightly so obviously)
I recently got an adult ex breeder BP, she's massive (5'7") and was kept in a 12 gallon bare bones rack tub for her whole life. I got her because a pet shop near me that bred snakes is shutting down, I did pay for her which I feel bad about but they aren't breeding anymore so I guess I'm not funding unethical breeding? Anyway that isn't really relevant I just am rambling
I've heard that taking a BP from a rack system and putting them in their forever enclosure can be really really stressful for them so right now she's still in her tub on my desk but I feel really bad keeping her there.
I have a 6x2x2 set up, I wanted to get a 6x2x3 or 6x3x3 even but couldn't afford it so I'm hoping that's good enough for her.
But how would you transition her to that enclosure? I recently gave my house snake a bioactive enclosure and I love it so the 6x2x2 for the BP has been cycling as bioactive for about 3 weeks (Ive had her 5 days) and seems stable but I'm worried that it's too much and she'll hate it and go off food and stuff (she's quite skinny too:()
But yeah I would really appreciate, if you have the time, any advice on this front. Thank you very much and keep up the good work 👍💟
I just went through this with my new Borneo python, Hobie. Just like your girl, he's spent his entire life in little tubs in racks.
You're right that transitioning a snake like them into their full enclosures is something that should be done delicately! I'll tell you my process and what I do to make it easier for them.
One challenge that you might have is with your enclosure already being set up as bioactive. That's probably going to be quite a bit more overwhelming, and my main concern there is with the lighting. If she doesn't respond well, it's going to be hard to tell if that's because she's just adjusting or because she just doesn't like the lighting (some ball pythons just don't, but unless she's albino or another melanin-reducing morph it's not a bad idea to give it a try).
If it's possible, my idea for you would be try to try transitioning her to a less overwhelming enclosure first. I set my Hobie up in a 40 gallon for now, even though he's going to be moving to a 6x2 later down the line. If you do that, you'd be able to slowly get her used to the lighting once she's adjusted to a larger enclosure itself. If you can't do that, consider adding as much shade as possible for her and even keep the lights off for as much as you can.
Alright, so my process for transitioning former breeder snakes to more appropriate enclosures prioritizes going at the snake's pace and ensuring their comfort.
The first thing I do is put their tub directly into their new enclosure. Just right on top of everything, don't even worry about it. Your goal is keep your snake in a familiar environment while also exposing them to new stuff. Check out Hobie's setup - literally just the tub, substrate, and a water bowl plopped inside the bigger enclosure. You're going to feel tempted to give them lots of new clutter and enrichment - don't. Keep it simple and easy for them, you don't want to overwhelm them!
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Then, be patient and let them explore at their own pace. Some snakes will leave their take-home tub almost right away, some will take weeks. Hobie took three weeks before he started feeling comfortable and confident enough to explore outside of it. During this time, offer food and feel free to handle a bit, but keep it short and sweet.
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Your snake will likely retreat back to the tub a couple times, but eventually they'll find their new hides and check them out! Wait until they're comfortable - calm, resting, and relaxed inside their new hiding places - and then you can take the tub out.
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Once they're comfortable in their full enclosure, it's time to introduce them to enrichment! They'll probably need you to show them their climbing branches and other enrichment items - snakes like them just aren't used to being able to do natural behaviors. Hobie had a great time when he learned he had a swimming pool all to himself!
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Take it very slow when you add new things, and don't be afraid to backtrack if your snake gets spooked. Hobie got a little stressed when we tried adding more tunnels for him to check out, but it's fine to take things out and re-add them if your snake isn't ready just yet.
Your snake probably won't know quite how to interact with their environment at first, so just be patient with them! Right now, Hobie's going through a phase where he just hasn't realized he needs to avoid burrowing in substrate that is wet, but short-tails love to soak anyway so it's not a big deal. There will be so many opportunities to find joy in watching them learn and explore!
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All the best to you and your girl! It can be a little heartbreaking to get snakes like her adjusted to their new setups, but with time and lots of patience, it doesn't need to be stressful for either of you! Remember to go at her pace and lean into what makes her feel most comfortable.
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((Hi, darling mischief makers, I have just had a dental bill hit me while im in the middle of finding part time work (and struggling), and on top of my rent increasing, I'm kind of trying to lessen the stress over handling it, so I'm going to advertise my commissions again))
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B&W color sketch: $40 + $15 per added characters, +$5 for color block bg
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Monochrome sketch: $50 + $15 per added characters
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Color sketch: $60 + $15 per added character
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Doesnt have to be TNBC related, can draw OCs or other fandoms, but please no requests involving NSFW, overly detailed mechas, or violence towards animals and children.
Full Color Piece: Price Varies based on detail, but price can be as low as $80 or as high as $150+ $15 per added character
I accept paypal and venmo, please DM me if interested.
I also sell stuff on my redbubble and teepublic!
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kentoberry · 2 years
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⭒— SUMMARY · your new landlord changed the date that your rent was due, and you can't pay ! it's time to consider other methods of payment. . . [ full tags utc. ]
⭒— CONTENT · landlord ayato / modern au, slight subspace, degradation, begging, bondage, toy use, teasing, fingering, clit slapping, cream pie.
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three sophisticated raps on your door told you exactly who was on the other side: it was the conceited landlord that had recently bought your building, undoubtedly a rich asshole who’d spent his life having everything handed to him by mommy and daddy.
instead of waiting for your answer, he invited himself in, simply pushing past you to enter your quaint studio apartment. you couldn’t help but notice just how out of place he looked, bespoke designer clothing giving him a rather elevated and sleek look, whereas your apartment was a little bit more untidy and cluttered with an ever-growing collection of your belongings.
“i like what you’ve done with the place,” sarcasm dripped from his elegant voice, making you roll your eyes at his condescending tone - something gave you the idea that he’d never be satisfied with your own interior design choices. you pictured what you thought his apartment looked like, the penthouse nearest the top of the building. a white, sleek interior, as clean as a staged home and with zero evidence of his own personality, but rather shelves filled with sophisticated world literature that he had no plans to ever read himself and some bespoke, untouched, and what would likely be forever unused marble countertops in the kitchen.
“to what do i owe this honor, mister kamisato?” you asked, sarcasm lacing your voice as you couldn’t help but be already irked by his sheer presence.
“no warm welcome? tsk, you could at least offer me a drink, sweetheart.” he sighed at your subsequent silence, not bothering to continue his antics if you were not going to jab back at him. you’d asked him a question and wanted as little interaction with the man as possible, thus you remain stoic and awaiting his response.
“your rent is late.”
eyes grew wide, as though he’d made the most incredulous of claims. “it’s not due until next week. i don’t have the time for you to mess with me,”
“playing so hard to get,” he looked you up and down, piercing gaze feeling invasive as he clicked his tongue. “you should lighten up a little. check your mail next time, you were notified that the date would be changing whilst under the new and, dare i say, impeccable management of yours truly.”
you scoffed, heading over to the pile of unopened letters littering the counter. upon sifting through the envelopes, you found not one, not two, but three letters from the yashiro corporation, i.e. the people who owned the building. . . aka the blue-haired, slender figure stood before you.
with an exasperated huff, you collapsed back onto the couch. opening one of the letters, you found out that the date you should have paid was indeed last week, but also that your rent had increased a little. combined with prior stresses and your unexpected visitor, this was enough to tip you over the edge.
“why the fuck are you charging me almost double what this place is worth? i’m not paying this, ayato, fuck off. you can’t just expect me to pull dollar bills out of my ass!”
it was true, you were working yourself to the bone to make a living. you had taken on two jobs since moving to the city, accepted overtime wherever possible, as well as doing the odd things here and there just to make an extra dime. and at this rate, you’d be adding finding a new place to live to your already overfilled plate.
ayato was simply admiring the trinkets you had displayed on your shelves, his back to you whilst you raged at him. he let you finish your outburst, seemingly amused by your spunk.
“this area’s developing - new developments, new jobs, a new demand for the place. it’s just how the world works, sweetheart. if you don’t like it, i’m sure your lease is up soon enough. unless you’d like to pay the early termination fees, that is.”
his suave facade got under your skin. you wanted to call him a good for nothing leech who only thrived because of blood money, sucking dry the pockets of everyone who had actually worked for their living. tell him everything that he got was handed to him on a silver platter, whereas you had to try for what you wanted and that you earnt what you got. to demolish his ivory tower and enlighten him that no, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows down here.
although, would arguing with your landlord really help you out here? you wanted to use him as a punching bag, to spit out your anger on this prick who milked your bank account dry once a month. realistically, it would be impossible to find an apartment close to your workplaces, especially at the rates nowadays. in all honesty, the previous landlord had given you a pretty sweet deal with the place when you first moved in, so the current price gauges were roughly on par with the other apartments in the surrounding neighborhood.
“look,” you sighed, running a hand through your hair. ayato turned to face you, his in depth inspections of your displays seemingly halted. “could you give me a week? i can ask my boss for my paycheck a week early, that should be enough to cover half at least. i’m sure someone will be willing to lend me the rest, just to tie me over this once-”
“or,” ayato cut you off, staring you down as though evaluating his food. “we can come up with another arrangement.”
curiosity got the better of you, listening intently to each word that passed the man’s lips. he was the one that had provided the initial amendments to your arrangement, and the fact that he was so willing to compromise rendered you dumbfounded, especially when he could kick you out oh so easily and find a better tenant who would willingly fall victim to his extortionate prices.
“i’ve seen how you look at me, sweetheart. all that anger is simply a ruse to hide your true feelings, hmm? there’s something about you that i can’t quite put my finger on. . .” ayato paused, taking few paces until he was standing in front of you. his index finger lifting your chin to force your gaze to meet his sharper one sent a chill down your spine.
“. . . you’re rather alluring, aren’t you? surely if you’re okay with it, i’m sure we can come up with another method of payment, princess.”
surely he wasn’t implying what you thought he was. . . no way would you sleep with your landlord just to waive rent for the month! it was utterly demeaning to whore yourself out in such way.
ayato’s eyes remained trained on you, indigo irises boring into you with such an intent focus that you worried that he was tuned in to hear your every thought. he leaned a little closer to you, enough that you could feel his faint breath ghost over the shell of your ear.
“you’re considering it, aren’t you, darling? why don’t we take this to your room, hmm?”
the man was attractive, that much was undeniable. you debated if you’d accept his proposition without the promise of free rent, to which you settled on a yes. hell, he was offering a quick fuck and you wouldn’t have to pay one bill this month? you’d be an idiot to deny it.
“down the hall, second door-” you began.
“to the left. you forget, i own this building, sweetheart.” he smirked, before adding under his breath, barely audible: “and everything in it, so it seems.”
tongues and teeth clashed against one another; you could feel his smug expression, mocking you for your neediness. ayato’s large hands reached around to fondle the fat of your ass, pressing you closer to him.
the move to your room was filled with a volatile concoction of haste and lust, as though a switch had been flipped and the only thing that each of you could think of was devouring the other.
ayato guided you to your mattress, barely giving you room to breathe. you began to fiddle with the buttons of his dress shirt, impetuously working to remove the unnecessary clothing. that shit-eating grin remained ghosting his defined features, amused by how desperate he’d made you.
“no need to hurry, princess.” he started.
“‘s just get it over with,” you slurred slightly, only for ayato to take a step back. you propped yourself up on your elbows, lips already a little bit swollen and an incredulous look on your face.
“stop it with all that.” his tone grew more commanding, expecting you to listen to his orders without questioning them. “i’m the one doing you a favor. perhaps you need reminding of that, hmm?”
he moved closer towards you, anticipating you to pull him back in, though impressed when you remained still. a cool, nimble finger traced down the side of your face, as though inspecting your beauty. “what a pretty thing you are. . . i can’t help but think about how much sweeter you’ll look begging for my cock.”
your mouth fell agape, surprised at such lewd words rendering you speechless - something that, compared to your prior, tough-talking demeanor, shocked ayato. he took the opportunity to unbuckle his belt before collecting your wrists and positioning you to lie against your pillows.
“i’ll be nice, unless you give me a reason not to be. do you plan on being a good girl for me, darling? after all, i’m not sure if i can clear the debts of a nasty brat.”
you mumbled in agreement, squeaky promises that you wouldn’t be bad. something about having your landlord towering above you cast a spell over you, his soft blue locks framing his face and fabricating the image of a perverse angel. you let him take control, fully submitting yourself to the man as he carefully slipped your shirt over your head. ayato proceeded to utilize his belt to craft makeshift restraints, fastening your hands to the headboard.
“perfect,” he muttered, eyes focused on your chest. he placed an uncharacteristically sloppy kiss to your sweet lips before heading south, groping your tits over the lace of your bra as he sucked a pretty mark onto the juncture between your neck and shoulder; subtle enough that you could hide it, though satisfactory enough to brand your body as another property that he owned.
though you tried to reach out, wishing to bury your hands in those untidy blue locks, yet were halted by your binds. the only noises leaving your mouth were tiny pleas for more, combined with frequent whines as you pulled your wrists forwards. ayato could only tut, leaning in to your ear to whisper that “only good girls get to cum.”
you failed to hold back whimpers as ayato removed your bra, taking one nipple into his mouth as slender fingers glided over the other. embarrassment crept over you, both from feeling so very exposed and helpless, and from feeling like a common slut whose sleeping with somebody for her own benefit.
ayato’s tongue swirled over the hardening bud, nibbling at the sensitive skin every now and again just to admire the way that your back arched ever so slightly in response. his cock stiffened with each sweet sound that slipped past your lips, suddenly becoming aware that he would struggle to do anything but bury himself inside your wet cunt soon enough.
all you managed were strangled, wanton moans as ayato pulled away from your chest, once again tugging at your restraints subconsciously.
“patience, princess,” he muttered, which was fairly hypocritical given his intentions. he peeled himself off of your helpless form, leaning over to your bedside drawer. you could hear him mumble something about condoms, using the last part of your sanity to yelp a “stop!” as he opened the drawer.
your face flushed deep red with embarrassment, praying to any gods above that your landlord, your fucking landlord, had missed the hot pink vibrator that your kept stored in that drawer. you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for the worst, however the snicker that your heard told you that he’d located the object. the faint buzzing only confirmed your fears.
“well, well, well. it seems that my princess is nothing more than a dirty whore, hmm?”
ayato situated himself between your legs, peeling away any remaining clothing until you were in nothing but your panties. “open your eyes,” he commanded. one little kiss to your inner thigh was all it took to coax you out of the sheepish state that had overcome you.
he fired up your toy once again, the head of the silicone ghosting over your slit. ayato used it as an experiment, teasing and toying to best discover how to elicit the most salacious noises from you. he wanted you to beg for him, to beg for his cock, to reach such a point of neediness that you relinquished every last shred of control to him.
“please,” you begged between pants, trying your absolute best to keep your head above water. “more, need more,”
trademark smugness painted his cheeks, egos continuing to grow at the sight of you in such a vulnerable position. ayato would have been more than happy to spend the remainder of the afternoon teasing you, watching that already-visible wet patch on your panties grow even larger, but the bulge constricted in his pants was becoming impossible to ignore.
“what do you need? use your words, princess,”
you didn’t want to give in, you really didn’t. internally you were degrading yourself for being such a cheap slut, for letting yourself be used in exchange for a bill to be waived. yet ayato had a grip over you, turning you into putty in his hands.
“cock. . .” you began, mind already hazy, “need you to fuck me, please, please, please,” you even made your best puppy dog eyes to the man, batting doe-like eyelashes to better plead your case.
you whined as ayato turned off the vibrator, pulling away to remove his own clothes. you knew the man was attractive, but without clothes, you saw a grecian muse, unable to resist your jaw slackening ever so slightly. the bed shifted as you tugged on your restraints once again, desperate for some sort of friction.
“so needy, aren’t you? what a sweet thing. . .”
ayato crept forward, dipping the mattress. he placed a kiss to your lower stomach, gaze hungry as he looked up to you, so vulnerable, so very delectable. at a painfully slow pace, he peeled away your panties, watching your reactions to the cool air hitting your exposed cunt.
the man pushed your thighs further apart, ego inflating as you squirmed weakly for him. he dragged two fingers through your folds, smirking at the string of slick connecting his digits to you. “all of this just for me, hmm?”
you’d given up on articulating any adequate verbal responses, simply reduced to moans as ayato’s thumb caught your puffy clit. he had you exactly where he wanted you: desperate, needy, begging for his touch. he wanted to further the teasing, though something in him told him that in the future there would be apt opportunity to turn you into his pliant little whore.
instead, ayato settled for positioning you in just the way he desired, lining his cock up with your weeping hole. he was long, prompting babbles from you that expressed concerns that it wouldn’t fit.
“shh, princess,” ayato cooed, reaching out to cup your cheek. the gesture was tender, as though he’d dropped this hardass facade that he typically displayed, only for it to reappear a moment later in the form of a harsh “i’ll make it fit.”
whilst you were left to internally debate whether or not that was a promise or a threat, ayato plunged two fingers inside of you, digits gliding with ease and filling the room with lewd wet noises. he had to hold back his own groans, mind wandering to how fucking sweet your walls were going to feel gripping his cock if they already felt so damn divine clamping down on his fingers. after a few additional flicks of his wrist, ayato once again left you to whine over being denied release.
however, you couldn’t exactly complain. the speed at which ayato’s fingers were replaced with his cock was surprising. he eased his already leaking tip into you, hand resting on your stomach for leverage as the other held your thigh, keeping you spread out for him.
your slippery cunt sucked him in, hips bucking ever so slightly to meet ayato’s own as he pushed deeper inside of you. you could feel the knot in your stomach already forming and growing painfully tight after such a short period, mentally preparing yourself for ayato to leave you on the edge once again.
the room became flooded with a melody of whines and pants, an orchestra of skin slapping against each other. ayato’s cock filled you up and stretched you out, his thrusts precise and possessing what appeared to your borderline delirious state as an inhumane speed.
if his belt wrapping your wrists was any looser, you were convinced that the binds would have been broken. you wanted to pull yourself closer to ayato, to chase your own high rather than be subjected to whatever he chose to lay upon you. to think that the blue-haired man didn’t notice this wouldn’t be short of idiocy, for you could hear the clicks of his tongue as his movements slowed.
“princess,” his tone threatening, “i thought that you promised to be good, hmm? does someone need to be taught a lesson?”
you whined, words feeling foreign yet the way your cunt clamped down on him at such a lewd threat (or rather, promise) seemed to provide the answer that he wanted.
ayato drew his hand back to land a harsh slap to your clit, chuckling to himself as you clenched your eyes tight shut at the stinging sensation. amused enough to repeat the action, he smacked your sloppy pussy a few times before your pretty little lips began spilling apologies for him.
“good fucking girl,” he spat, chest further swelling with pride as it appeared that he was worn you down enough for now.
ayato pushed your knees up to your chest before thrusting back into you, drooling pussy even more exposed for him and ready to be filled. you could feel the head of his cock kiss your cervix periodically, your back arching at the sensation.
“‘m g’na cum,” you slurred, “‘lease, can i, please, ‘ll be so good,”
he could tell how far gone you were, fucked dumb on his cock for his eyes only. you looked absolutely angelic to him, such a pretty thing all messy underneath him. his mind ticked over. . . surely you deserved a reward, right?
ayato reached for your vibrator once again, flicking the toy on and pressing it against your pulsing clit. screams of euphoria fell upon his ears, your velvety walls gripping ayato’s cock as you came undone with a cry of his name. he praised you as you came down from your high, triggering his own orgasm as he twitched inside of you.
sticky ropes of ayato’s cum spilled from your cunt, a sickeningly sweet concoction of your releases dirtying your bodies and the sheets below you. he made quick work of freeing your wrists, gently caressing the red marks on your skin with an uncharacteristic amount of care before slumping down next to you, bubblegum locks splaying all over your pillows.
“next month,” his voice remained ragged and raspy as he regained his breath, “my place. i have some of my own toys that i’d like to introduce to you.”
well, at least you wouldn’t have to worry about paying your rent anymore.
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peachymilkandcream · 4 months
Fraud | Part 18 | Yandere All Might x Hero!Reader
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(A/N: Hope you enjoy and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, cheating, forced orgasm, suicide, etc.
Hawks stared completely frozen looking at the woman in front of him for a long moment. It was as if he was trying to decide if she was even real. This kind of utter brutality something he could hardly even fathom in all his years of hero work. He had trained for situations similar to this, but he never dreamed of finding something quite this gruesome, and by the Number One Hero on top of that.
He knew All Might wasn't a good person deep down. Probably bribing the authorities, some tax fraud, and things of the like. Run of the mill crimes for most in positions of power. But to think that the man who saved thousands was keeping a woman held and in this condition was unthinkable.
The windows were locked shut, but with a bit of picking with his tiny feathers made for such an occasion, he was able to get in without much of an issue.
Quietly he snuck in and over to the girl, trying his best not to startle her while also being aware of any traps. This could all be some kind of set up, framing him for breaking and entering, and even though Hawks was shady at best, he still had a duty as a hero to help those in need.
"Hey, are you alright?" He whispered softly.
She jumped, startled, but didn't answer, she seemed to be sizing him up. No doubt her faith in pros had been shaken after all this, she probably thought he was working for the big guy himself. Poor kid. She'd clearly been through a lot, but for how long was the question.
"I know you're scared, and you probably don't trust me at all, but I'm here to help you. I'm gonna get you out of this."
Then he paused, seeing her face entirely when she turned to him. This was the woman who went missing, that small time pro who had been working closely with All Might. Had the bastard really let her come to trust him and then kidnap her like that? He was depraved! Now more than ever he had to get her out of here.
"Alright, I'll carry you out the window, it'll be scary but don't worry, I won't let you go."
To his surprise she shakes her head. "I can't leave, he'll find me- He'll-"
"I won't let him get to you, I promise. You'll be okay."
"I can't do it-"
Then he hears it, an elevator ding. Someone was coming, whether it was All Might himself or his sidekick Nighteye, who very well might be in on the whole thing as well.
She heard it too, opting to push him towards the window. "You have to go, he'll see you, you have to get out of here before he comes in!"
"I'm not going to leave you here with that madman, I'm a hero, I can't just let you go like that- I have to save you-"
"You can't save me! No one can! I'm doomed to rot and die in here when he's through with me, just like all the others!"
"You have to go! Now! Please just leave!"
"Listen to me! You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. The Hero Commission, they've launched a full scale investigation on him. With your testimony he can be put away, for good. You can go back to your old life, and be free of him! You don't have to live in his shadows, but you have to trust me. Right now. I can go and leave you here to clean up his messes and eventually die. Or you can come with me right now and I can save you. It's your choice."
She hesitates, looking from the hero back to the door and the ever closing in footsteps, knowing she had no choice.
All Might bursts through the door, the police had been asking him questions once again and his patience was wearing brutally thin. He needed some serious stress relief and he needed it now.
Poor Shade, she'd have to nurse her wounds for a week when he was done with her.
The first thing he was hit with when he opened the door was the draft.
And the second was the open window.
Shade clung onto Hawks as he flew through the air. What made her do something so crazy as to go with him she didn't know. But she had to take a chance, just one more at being free. If she truly resigned herself to forever being All Might's lapdog she'd never forgive herself. Now she had a chance at making him face justice, now she had a chance to make sure he paid for what he had done to so many and be locked up to never harm another soul again.
She had to take it. She had to be free.
The safe house Hawks had taken her to was a small warehouse long since abandoned. It was dingy and dark, but it was better than the luxurious hell that was All Might's penthouse. To Shade, anything would be better than that, she could grow accustomed to it.
The entire of their time together was spent with Hawks taking all her statements and pictures of her various injuries. For someone who appeared so arrogant, he never pried into her deepest hurts, only taking down what she willingly shared.
Maybe the world of heroes underestimated him.
He was more than just a pretty face with a bad attitude, he was kind, and sweet. And perhaps he had something to gain out of all this, but the way he was going about it made her inclined to share more and more to make his job easier. After all, he had risked everything to help her.
Days passed, it turns out compiling all that information takes a long time. But Hawks was patient, never asking her to hurry up or getting frustrated when she took a moment to collect her thoughts.
"It's better to take the time to make sure everything's in order so we know a conviction will stick, instead of rushing it and he goes free."
The unease was slowly fading, his calming presence allowing her to forget sometimes momentarily of the abuse she had just escaped. He was coming for her, she knew, All Might would never let someone who knew that much to escape forever. But she could forget about that for just a little while. Feeling the smallest amount of safety.
Until the roof caved in.
He came like a bolt of lightning, one second all was well and the next the structural integrity was compromised.
As he stood up, taking in Shade's terror and Hawk's defensive stance All Might smiled. "You'll regret double crossing me young lady."
"Because I am here."
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finelinevogue · 2 years
the morning after
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Gwen and Aria's POV:
"Babe are you ready? It's about to start!" Gwen shouted to Aria from the sofa.
Aria was busy making them both hot chocolates in the kitchen, so they could enjoy a drink whilst watching the newest episode of Love Island together.
Gwen's face lit up when she saw her girlfriend walk in the room, Aria's tongue slightly sticking out from concentrating on not dropping the drinks. She graciously took her hot drink and made room for Aria to sit down next to her, cuddling close.
"Thank you." Gwen kissed Aria's cheek and Aria kissed her cheek back in response, before both of them quietened down as the Love Island recap appeared on the screen.
"Last time..." Ian's voice sounded over last nights episode montage, "The heart rate challenge got everyone feeling flustered and even took two people to the hideaway."
"Oh my god! I forgot about that!" Aria gasped, watching Y/N and Harry in the hideaway together. "I've missed them so much."
"Babe, they were literally on our screen last night." Gwen laughed, thinking about how Aria had only become hers last night too.
"Feels like a lifetime ago..."
The screen then cut to the present and the episode began.
The lights turned on in the bedrooms and everyone started greeting each other with a good morning. Y/N and Harry's light turned on soon after, but you couldn't see them because they were buried underneath the covers.
"Morning everyone!" Antigoni shone bright as usual. A chorus of mornings replied.
"Do we think anything happened in the hideaway last night?" Ekin-Su asked, sitting up in bed.
"I think so, yes." Antigoni nodded.
"Yeah I think so too." Gemma added, smirking.
"I think Harry would want to take it slow though, y'know?" Luca added, spooning close to Gemma.
"Yeah maybe they didn't do everything." Dami chimed in.
Gwen and Aria sipped their hot chocolates, knowing full well that something happened last night because the cameras were cut off all too soon and they'd spent a lot of time deep under the duvets.
The screen then cut to the couple everyone adored.
Y/N's head was barely poking out the top of the duvet, whilst Harry had the duvet pushed down to his chest. He was smiling down at Y/N, who could be seen smiling up at him.
"What?" Y/N giggled, pulling the duvet more over their head to hide their morning after shyness.
"Hey, don't hide from me. Want to see you." Harry whined, pulling the duvet back down so more of Y/N could be seen. Y/N looked well rested, especially after how stressful the last few days had been. They both looked at peace, a soft morning glow about them both.
"Better?" Y/N's face now clearly seen by Harry.
"Would be better if y'gave me a morning kiss." Harry negotiated.
"Hey, sounds like you." Aria laughed, nudging Gwen's side. Gwen responded by flicking Aria's ear with her finger.
"I have morning bre–" Y/N couldn't find her sentence before Harry's lips were on hers. Y/N moaned in delight as Harry's lips softly brushed over theirs, feeling those emotions from last night all over again. They were both still sore and spent in places that hadn't been active in a while, but they would never get tired of kissing one another.
Harry made sure Y/N knew he loved kissing them with morning breathe and all, pushing her down into the bed more as he grew hungry for more of them.
"Wait.. Wait." Y/N spoke, pushing Harry away only slightly.
"What? Y'okay? Y'hurting anywhere? Is it your head?" Harry asked with concern, moving his hand to touch the back of Y/Ns head where they had fainted the other day.
"No, no. I'm fine. Just I won't want to stop if we keep going." Y/N explained.
"Also sounds like you." Aria added.
"Will you stop comparing me to Y/N and Harry for five minutes..." Gwen laughed. "We've been together for less than a day."
"And yet you've kissed me more times than a married couple of 50 years have ever kissed."
"You say that like it's a bad thing." Gwen rolled her eyes, but not before kissing Aria.
Harry leant down to kiss Y/N once more, kissing their nose too just because he could, before flopping back down on his back. His arm wrapped around Y/N's body and pulled them close, wanting to feel her body on his for just a little bit longer.
He kissed the top of Y/N's head and Y/N kissed over Harry's chest, resting a hand over his heart and tracing over the tattoo's nearby.
"Would you ever get a tattoo for me?" Y/N asked.
"Obviously. In fact i've already planned it." Harry explained.
"I can't with him. He's too much." Aria squealed and Gwen pouted in agreement.
"Oh yeah? And what are you getting?"
"Your name across my forehead, but backwards so every time I look in the mirror I am reminded of you." Harry said so seriously that you would think he was being serious, but Y/N could tell by the affliction in his voice that he was joking.
"I would break up with you if you ever did that, just so you know."
"Wha... Why?" Harry gasped in fake hurt.
"Actually," Y/N sat up to look over his face, pushing back his hair to study his head. "Yeah, to be honest, your forehead is quite big. Could do with filling it out a little."
"Right, you. You just lost cuddle time with Beetroot tonight." Harry tried to be stern, unfolding his arm from around Y/N and turning his back to them, but he couldn't stay mad for long. Not even when he was pretending to be mad.
"No!" Y/N launched themselves over Harry's body, trying to defend themselves and Beetroot.
"I fucking love them so much." Gwen said perfectly.
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