#also on the weekend I read 3 novels. 3!
mement0--m0ri · 3 months
Sometimes, I look back and realise how far I've come with my disabilities and, in particular, my mental health.
Then I suddenly realise I've been awake for 2 days straight and am surviving purely out of spite, and the same song on repeat for the last 4 hours.
Hypermania is a wild ride, yo.
0 notes
writing annotations for sources is one of the most annoying things ever and i just spent the last hour writing 15 annotations and now my hands hurt like hell and i wanna end it all bc i literally turned the assignment in with 1 minute remaining (and several annotations had to be compromised to get it in so i'm also sad i turned in subpar work, even if it's better than no work at all) and i still had work to do for a few of them, and a few typos slipped past and i even got 2 citations wrong.
#james talks#literally there's so much fucking research i've done today my brain is officially fried#there's nothing going on in there rn#literally not only read 1.5 novels today but also found and annotated 15 sources on Mansfield Park and Maria or The Wrongs of Woman and--#the construction of the patriarchy and systems of power in england in the 18th century and how women were subjugated by them and--#how they were also complicit in their construction and perpetuated those systems and how the laws of england also oppressed the women#i literally had to skim through half the papers to get the annotations done so i'm sure some of them aren't even entirely accurate#but my professor is already weeks behind on grading so she's not gonna check and actually read all the sources#but it's just annoying and disappointing that i couldn't get it done to my usual standards.#some of my annotations were only like 3 sentences and some only got a little bit of research and others got a bunch--#and it's really noticeable but here's to hoping my professor doesn't give enough of a shit to dock points for it.#anyway i would be so happy if i never had to do another annotated bibliograpy or literature review in my life.#literally gonna go put on some music and lie in bed and try to relax and hopefully get some sleep#though i had to take 4 cups of coffee to power through today's mountain of work so sleep is not very likely atm#anyway i have a whole day's of youtube to catch up with as well#and i have to do more research and a powerpoint for a class presentation on monday that i can't actually do until late sunday bc--#i won't be at home this weekend since i have to go to my aunt's and my laptop is broken and it's annoying to do on my phone#and i obviously can't take my whole computer to her place#AND i have to prepare for finals in a week and turn in a bunch of creative writing to my writing groups and start 4 multi-page papers#literally i'm gonna kill myself at this rate#jesus christ i'm spiraling. let me go try to relax for a while.
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inklore · 2 years
laur <3 i just wanted to say i love your blog so much! i was wondering: do you have any eddie headcanons that you think about a lot or have wanted to share with us? i always love reading other people’s headcanons. i hope you have a great weekend :)
you’re too sweet, lovey!!! i have a dozen different thoughts and headcanons when it comes to this boy so these are literally all over the place lmao.
tw: eighteen+ content, references to sex, criminal activity, drugs, parental issues.
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he writes on the back of his hands when he needs to remember something: an idea for a campaign, a deal he needs to make later, anything but homework assignments
doesn’t carry a backpack, either finishes his work at school or doesn’t do it at all, never takes work home with him
is incredibly smart, can do math all in his head (he’s a drug dealer ok he’s hella good at it), just doesn’t have that academic incline to be smart in school/struggles in that aspect because he doesn’t care about what he’s being taught
has several fantasy novels scattered around his room, in drawers, in stacks on the floor, with writing in the margins: ‘campaign? henderson would love this!’
his dad is in jail for criminal activity (some of which he taught eddie), his mother left him when he was still little and he hasn’t heard from her since—but who doesn’t care, fuck it, having shitty parents builds character right???
his uncle is the only father figure he really counts in his life (but he still has a touch of the mommy and daddy issues, doesn’t want to turn out like either of them)
would definitely become a mechanic after graduating, or some easy job he’d excel in. but would still try to make it big with his band, would never give up that dream
joseph said that when eddie finds out someone loves him he doesn’t know how to take it/kind of thinks he doesn’t deserve it etc, which makes sense with his family issues, but also means (in my head) that when he finds someone who he shares those equally intense ‘love’ feelings for he’s literally the biggest simp
i’m talking constant mixtapes, letting you touch his guitar (no one touches her!!), play with his hair, lends you his favorite book only because he wants to see your face light up from enjoying it (but is hella nervous you might dislike it), lends you his band shirts because he loves watching you walk around in them (and only them), let’s you play your pop music in the van (will fake grumble about it but loves to watch you dance and sing along, and oh wow are his fingers drumming to the beat?? is he singing along?? no no of course not…)
he’d even let you design one of his tattoos. like he’s literally so smitten he never stops smiling or trying to please and make you happy, hes literally a ‘once i’ve fallen in love that it’s you’re the one forever’ type
i think it’s hard for him to express his feelings so he does it with humor/chaotic behavior/cynical outlooks, since he wasn’t raised by overly passionate and loving parents (literally hesitates a little during hugs because he’s not used to them but loves them, secretly of course)
he’s tried the hard stuff (drugs) once and that was enough for him, isn’t really into anything other than weed and cigarettes, still holds onto it though just in case he can make a sale from it
will put on eyeliner for gigs and gigs only!!
and as cute as he looks with his hair up he would never be caught dead with it up in a pony, unless you batted those cute eyes of course, then maybe, just maybe. only around the house! but he doesn’t like it!!
he’s not the best cook but he’s learned this trick to make microwaveable dinners taste better than they should; says he was high one night and the magic just happened, that it’s his secret recipe he uses (literally just seasoning, or a couple handfuls of shredded cheese)
doesn’t like hard liquor, strictly beer!
only goes to parties to sell to people, other than that he would rather take an arrow to the foot than go to them
when there’s a song he wants to learn he will hold himself up in his room for days, you or wayne literally have to drag him out or force feed him because he has a one track mind, neeeds to get it done, neeeds to learn it (our boy has intense hyper-fixations)
fiddles with his rings when he’s thinking or nervous + sticks his tongue when he’s in deep concentration + messes with strands of his hair when he’s trying to flirt
isn’t super clingy in the sense that he needs to be always touching you, but constantly catches your eye/is caught staring at you, or checking in with you, or playing with your fingers (loves when you play with his rings!!!), or tickling you, or tackling you down on his bed
can’t just give you one kiss, has to press a dozen to your cheek and neck always
isn’t a tit or ass man, loves it all, all of you, every part
loves to please, i’m talking will spend hours…doing things….in the name of pleasure for you
his fav position is any he can see your face, your expressions, can lock eyes with you, see that you’re enjoying it; missionary, or you on top
loves assurance, needs it, craves it in any and all aspects of the word, as much as he hates to admit it
has the biggest heart, hates to show it more often than not but once you’re his: friend, partner, what have you, he’s got you for life, cares about you immensely
doesn’t have a selfish bone in his body
but does have a jealous one and sometimes anger slips into there because he hates the things he gets jealous over
princess, beautiful, sweetheart, and babe (very rarely used), honey when he’s being a little shit, are the only pet names he uses or will ever use!!!
bi bi bi biiiiiiii
has big switch energy, but is the softest!dom you’ll ever meet, and i use the word dom very loosely here
never knows where to put his hands during any sexual act, always wants to touch everywhere and anywhere you’ll let him
talks a lot during, like he’s definitely a fan of lazy high sex that’s filled with a few giggles and weird things being spoken but it never takes the two of you out of it
loves kissing!!!!!
a few kinks i think he’d have: hair pulling, biting, dry humping, marking (with his mouth or a tattoo gun), light choking, voyeurism, a touch of corruption
would literally cream in his pants to see you wearing one of his rings as a necklace
if you bought him something he’d literally treasure it like it was an irreplaceable artifact
he’s literally so patient and encouraging when it comes to teaching anyone anything
loves cheesy ass jokes even if he’ll give you a deadpan look while you’re delivering it
is and will forever be a kid at heart
literally would be the adult playing hide n seek with the trailer park kids
loves proving people wrong (respectfully)
not a morning person, has been late to class so many times because of it. will wrap himself around you in the morning to stop you from getting up
smokes after sex, that good ol after sex cigarette
before he moved in with wayne, wayne was a truck driver which is why all the mugs and hats decorate the living room wall. and a way they bonded when eddie first came to live with him was: he would pick a new mug each day to ask wayne about and he would share his traveling adventures with him
like i said his dad taught him some criminal activity: hotwiring, picking locks, siphoning gas, how to pickpocket, insurance fraud
would tell the best scary stories on the camping trip
can barely grow chest hair
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06/21-22/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi; Samba Schutte; Bronson Pinchot; Jes Tom; Damien Gerard; Hugo Pierre Martin; Fiber Arts Brigade; Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week!; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; OFMPride Colouring Pages; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika
== Taika Waititi ==
You've probably heard, but it's been announced that Taika is in talks to direct Percival Everett's Novel film adaptation 'James'!
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Source: Inforo_media Instagram
More interviews with Taika at the Peabody!
Source: PeabodyAward's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba's new movie, Advanced Chemistry will be airing for the first time in LA on June 26th! Tickets available Dances With Films Website.
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Bronson Pinchot ==
Did you know Bronson was going to be in the new Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F movie? I didn't!
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Source: Bronson Pinchot's Twitter
== Jes Tom ==
"Pride50 award ceremony held at the Edison Ballroom Monday evening in NYC" - Jes was a Queerty Honoree!
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Source: Queerty's Instagram
== Damien Gerard ==
Damien is such a kind dude, he keeps sharing kitten pictures <3
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Source: Damien Gerard's Instagram
== Hugo Pierre Martin ==
Our dear Hugo Pierre Martin has a new audio series on Spotify! He asked for some help from the pirate crew to checkout the new audio series and he'd share some anecdotes from the set of OFMD! There were lots -- so I tried to make a screenshot of all together-- (not sure where #3 is?- couldn't find it on the thread). Wanna give a listen? Check out The Diaries of Netovicius the Vampire - Podcast!
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Source: HugoPMartin Twitter
== Fiber Arts Brigade ==
Our lovely friends over at the Fiber Arts Brigade have another Cameo, this time from the sweet Dominic Burgess! Check out the video below!
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You can help support Sage USA on their direct donation link: https://give.sageusa.org/campaign/592202/donate
They'd like to remind you, you can also enter your @sageusa donation in @adoptourcrew's raffle! You can also support SAGE by checking out the Fiber Arts Auction: https://tinyurl.com/FABforSAGE
Source: Fiber Arts Brigade Twitter
== Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week Reminder ==
TealOranges & Garlic Soup Week Starts Tomorrow! Need a reminder of hashtags and more info? Visit their Tumblr post!
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Source: Teal Oranges & Garlic Soup Week
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from our dear friend @melvisik! The first cast card is William Meny, one of the writers aka executive story editor! The next is Edward Fletcher! "The cuckolded spouse of Eugenia. He was one of the officers in Titanic (I think the one who hears about the iceberg from the lookouts) so had to include that."
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
== OFMPride Colouring Pages ==
More colouring pages from the absolute legend @patchworkpiratebear!
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Source: Adopt Our Crews Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I realise this is really late.. I took last night off because I needed a break. I highly recommend it, it's amazing what a good nights reset can do for you. Tonight I wanted to just say a few little things... You all really are an inspiration. I keep reading more meta... more fics, and so many of you are putting up more art-- there's another prompt week starting tomorrow, I'm seeing multiple collaborations... I've been reading so many lovely letters, and seeing so many fun new gifs, and so many artists/writers being part of these wonderful donation drives. Some of you are making sweet comments, and encouraging others to create-- you are all just absolutely amazing.
You're just so damn creative and so kind, and so brilliant, and I'm really really humbled to be apart of this lovely community with you. Please know that you are so very wonderful and so very loved crew. Hope you get some rest this weekend <3
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Tonight's theme, well, I don't have one. Instead, just enjoy. Gifs courtesy of our good friends @meluli and @ofmd-ann!
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lionhanie · 9 days
han taesan ; back 2 u (part one)
you can’t help but find yourself coming back to taesan everytime
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this is part one of my series, back 2 u! read the previous part here!
fuckboy!taesan x fem!reader, college au
...featuring! BFFS jaehyun + woonhak, fuckboy leehan (AND he's taesan's roommate), and lovely roomies sungho + riwoo <3
word count: 1.7k
warnings: cursing, alcohol mention and usage, party mentions, TAESAN IS A BIG FLIRT, reader lowkey doesn't like him lol
a/n: fuckboy taesan i won;t U so bad .. . .. </3
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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You would’ve never expected yourself to be involved with Han Taesan, well-known on campus equally for his pretty face and his ability to have someone new under his arm every week. Your school wasn’t necessarily huge, but it was impressive to think that most students had some inkling about who Han Taesan was.
His existence frustrated you deeply, actually. There wasn't any actual reason to hate him per se, but it was aggravating to think that some people just have so much going for them. Not only was he undeniably attractive to anyone who had eyes, he was also known for his unmistakable musical talent and a captivating charm that drew people in immediately. It’s almost comical the way you could be minding your business in class only to overhear a group of girls a couple seats over talking about how handsome Taesan was at a party last weekend or who his most recent fling could be.
Despite everything you’ve heard people say concerning him, you found it hard to believe he was such a player. Sure, he may have some good looks, but he looks… Innocent, in a way. Harmless.
The first time you’d interacted was in the library. You’ve noticed him in there on various occasions while you were working, but never paid much mind to it, given that he’d only look around the bookshelves for a couple minutes before seeing himself out. Taesan was standing right in front of the library’s help desk, where you worked for a couple hours in between classes. “By any chance, would I be able to check out this book?” He’s holding it out to you, and you’re surprised to find that he’s renting out one of your favorite novels. 
“Yup, I’m just going to need your name and student ID. You can only get it for four days at a time, but you’re free to come back and renew the book if you need more time with it,” You type away at the keyboard in front of you, opening up the form you needed to fill out for book rentals. “That’s a good book, by the way.” Your small talk is unnecessary, but your job was too boring not to make conversation with the few people that actually used your services. 
“Yeah, I’ve been eyeing it for a while,” He’s smiling as he takes his card out from the back of his phone case, sliding it to you on the counter. “Ah, my name is Han Taesan. And here’s my ID.” Picking it up, you notice that the name he’d just given you didn’t match the one on his ID. Han Dongmin? You were almost sure this was Taesan, though. Sensing your confusion, he chuckles as he moves to explain the mismatching names. “Most people know me as Taesan, not Dongmin. It’s just a nickname, really. Does it matter what name I use to check out the book?” He tilts his head as he looks back up at you, waiting for your response. 
“No, not really. It’ll be linked to your ID anyways, so it should be fine.” You scan his ID on the card reader next to you, allowing you to finish up the form splayed out on the monitor. Taesan drums his fingers on the counter, glancing around the near-empty library; he’s humming the melody to a song you don’t know. “You’re all set, Dongmin.” You slide his receipt and a piece of paper telling him when he needs to return the book under the cover before giving it back to him. 
He’s caught off-guard at hearing his real name come from your mouth, but he flashes you a grin regardless. “Have we met somewhere before…” Taesan’s sentence trails off until he notices the name tag pinned to your shirt, “...Y/N?” 
This time, you’re the one caught off-guard. “Sorry, is it better for me to call you Taesan?” You question. He’s probably only striking up a conversation because he doesn’t like people calling him by his real name— that probably explains why people call him Taesan instead. “And no, I don’t think we have.”
“Nah, keep calling me Dongmin. It sounds nice coming from you.” He’s leaning on the counter now, close enough for you to notice the luxurious-smelling cologne coming off of him. “You’ll be one of the few people who call me that, you know.” His comment makes you roll your eyes playfully, scoffing at the way he’s making it sound like a special honor for you to be able to call him that. “Are you free this weekend?” 
The clicking of your keyboard stops as you finally look at him properly, feeling slightly bashful at the sudden question paired with his intense stare. “...Why do you ask?”  Your initial perceptions of Taesan quickly dissolve, as you now realize that this is the type of person he really is. Looks really can be deceiving. He smirks at the expression on your face, happy with himself knowing he has such an effect on someone he just met.
He slides his phone over to you, just like he had done with his student ID just moments ago. You take a peek at it, curious about its contents, only to see a blank “New Contact” screen waiting for you. “Number?” He asks for a girl’s number… Like this? It irritates you to think that he’s probably used this exact sequence numerous times without fail, and now he’s here using it on you while you’re at work.
Hesitating briefly, you pick up the phone and type in your info— You hate how easily you give in to him, almost wishing you played a bit harder to get, but it’s hard to say no to the handsome face of Han Taesan directly asking you for your number. “I’ll text you, yeah?” 
“Okay,” You reply, completely baffled at the interaction that just unfolded all in the span of less than ten minutes. Taesan slips his phone into his pocket and tucks the book he rented under his arm, giving you a small smile as he steps away from the desk. As you watch him walk out the sliding doors, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. Next to you, your phone screen lights up. 
4 new messages from “Unknown Number”! it’s dongmin [address] come saturday if ur free, starts at 10 i’d love to talk to u again, y/n :-) 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Just this once, you’re grateful that Han Taesan is so widely known, because it was surprisingly easy to find friends who were already planning on attending Saturday’s party. You were at ease knowing you’d at least have Riwoo and Sungho to fall back on if the nerves suddenly took over. 
You wish you could say that you debated on not coming, but that’d be a complete lie, because you’re currently standing in the middle of Riwoo and Sungho’s shared apartment throwing back shots to pregame. “It’s been a while since you came out with us Y/N! What’s the occasion?” Sungho randomly interrogates you while refilling the empty shot glasses on the counter. 
Biting your lip, you contemplate your response: Should you lie and say you just felt like partying this weekend? You’re well aware of the fact that the pair of roommates in front of you are friends with Taesan… So it wouldn’t be weird to mention him now, right? But then again, his parties are huge. Chances are, he invites random strangers to them all the time, so there’s no need for you to act like your interaction at the library was anything special— You’re about to answer when your phone screen flashes on the kitchen island.
2 new messages from “Han Dongmin”! i’ll see u later ya? ik u won’t leave me hanging again y/n ;P 
The notification exhilarates you. Was he looking forward to seeing you tonight? It annoys you slightly to think that Taesan knew you’d show up, even if you’d never confirmed the matter. “Ah… I didn’t know you were friends with Taesan, Y/N!” Riwoo reads the text off your phone from over your shoulder as he moves to pick up one of the shots Sungho just poured. Guess he chose the answer to your internal turmoil for you. “Now that I think of it, how come we’ve never gone to any of his parties together before?” 
Mirroring his actions, you take a glass for yourself and finish it in one clean gulp, wincing at the burn it sends down your throat. “Hm, I don’t think I’d call us friends. He asked for my number at the library the other day.” You correct him, explaining the encounter you shared with Taesan two days prior. 
Being the last to take their shot, Sungho hums in understanding across from you. You can’t help but wonder what it’d be like to actually get to know the kind of person Han Taesan is; Would he maintain the tension with his flirty remarks? Or is he just a normal college student that doesn’t actually live up to the reputation he’s made for himself around campus? 
“So, Y/N, do you think he’s hot?” Sungho blurts out, making you choke on your spit. Riwoo giggles from beside you, patting your back as you finish your coughing fit. “I mean, we don’t care if you think he is. Taesan’s a handsome guy. Hell, half the student population probably thinks so too!” Sungho’s contagious laughter fills the kitchen, making you and Riwoo laugh along with him. 
“Well duh, why wouldn’t I think he’s hot?” There’s a smile on your face as you admit your attraction to the boy in question. Han Taesan is definitely intriguing. The alcohol feels like it’s finally made its way through your system, the room feeling a bit warmer than it was earlier. The three of you didn’t drink much; just enough to give you a little more courage to go to the party without feeling too nervous. You take a glance at the clock on their microwave: 10:43PM. “Shouldn’t we get going?”
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taglist: @minwrlds @luna2nite @taesancore @taesanmoon @helpsplease @taylorluvation (send an ask / comment if you want to be added hehe)
© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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cielooci · 1 month
Hey! If it’s okay, can I request George Karin dating headcanons? Reader also works for Lockwood and co
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what would it be like.. [hc]
to date george casper karim? (as his co-worker)
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PAIRING ⊱ g. karim × reader WARNINGS ⊱ written in second person's pov, l&co headcanons, just pure innocent fluff <3 proofread once NOTES ⊱ of course anon! hopefully i did your request some justice, althooooough i may have focused more on how he treats you as a partner in general. nevertheless, i did include some bits that feature you and him on cases, so i hope they make up for it!
© cielooci does not consent to their work being copied, translated, altered, or used by ai in any way possible
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for starters, george is the type of guy to express his affection quietly.
you wouldn't catch him saying "HEY BABE!" out loud and kissing you all over, nor suddenly showing up with the largest boquet of roses and dropping down one one knee.
instead, you'd catch him silently pass you little notes asking how you are, if you're doing okay, and all that fluffy stuff!
lets you relax against on his shoulder (or head, if you're taller) when you get too tired in the archives, smiling to himself as he tucks a strand behind your ear to admire you better.
he always glances back to make sure you're still following behind him: whether on a case or a simple stroll outside, he'd reach out his hand for yours and clutch it tight.
george thinks flowers are too cliché, so he brings you your favorite sweets, midnight snack, book, or a new disk for you to play on your record player.
if you picked the book, it's totally a poetry novel! he'd tell you to read a page every night, with a little handwritten note on the bottom in case you needed cheering up.
and if you're feeling particularly shaken about a case, he'd offer to let you sleep beside him or sit down beside you, words quieter than a whisper when he asks you if you're okay.
still feeling jumpy? no problem, you're ditching the case and instead spending the day at the archives with him researching or chatting over pizza and coffee.
or spend the day with him trying to teach you how to cook; at the end of the day the kichen is just one big mess of scattered ingredients (same thing if you know how to cook— the two of you probably got into a fun food fight).
oh, and his kisses would be soft, very gentle! cups your face and holds you as if you were the most delicate thing in the world.
george is also the type of guy to bring your knuckle to his face and press his lips on it, eyes filled with the purest adoration and love <3
even though he'd rather stay in the comforts of the sofa or his bedroom, he willingly goes with you for extra training with your rapier whenever you felt a little rusty.
during movie night on the weekend, the two of you would squabble for a good thirty minutes or so on who's picking the movie by who has better taste, though you just end up choosing the "pick for me" button or settling on an animated movie instead like caspee the friendly ghost.
WHICH BY THE WAY, you always love to tease him about, finding it funny that his parents named his middle name after it. he grumbles, throwing a pillow at you that escalates into a pillow fight.
the movie was forgotten.
lastly, he's still snarky and sarcastic even when you're around, although that earns him a smack on the head with a rolled up piece of paper or a push on the shoulder. oof.
it's just so plain in his eyes that he loves you, the look mirroring on yours. how could you not? especially with that small sweet smile that he reserves for when you enter the room, or the laughter that escapes him when you shoot a funny remark or do something incredibly stupid.
he was george. your george.
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POST NOTES ⊱ finally out of my writer's block! it's been a while, hello fellow writers <3 planning to cook up more fics soon, so please keep the requests going!
wanna be the first to know when a fic drops? go here!
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ the taglist: @eeechooo
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is it possible for a Wednesday x Reader where Reader is sick and met Wednesday one day in a hospital and before Wednesday is transferring to Nevermore, Reader has a surgery with little success and Reader promised to her she would try to survive for her so reader can witness publish her novel and fast forward to parent's weekend, besides the Addams family Reader also came with them her to show her the surgery is a success? (Reader is in a wheelchair when came to Nevermore)
One in a Million
Word count: 1.6K
Summary: request above
Warnings: heart attacks
Pairing: Wednesday X Fem!Reader
I loved this request so much! Very sad to write but also very good! I hope you find it as entertaining as I did!🖤✨
Your life has always been a rollercoaster between good and bad health. You were born with a heart condition that has always been dangerous for your body and you always had to go through thousand of surgeries, ever since you were born. Your parents gave you away because of that when you were first born and a couple od vampires adopted you. However, turning you into a vampire wouldn’t solve the problem so they decided not to turn you. Your parents were really good friends with Morticia and Gomez so ever since they took you in, whenever you were out of the hospitals you would always be playing with Wednesday.
However recently you had been very sick. You had 3 heart attacks in a row, and half of your heart had stopped working, meaning it wasn’t pumping blood the right way. They had given you a pacemaker but that also barely worked and with the 1000th surgery they moved all of your heart valves to the working half of it, but still it wasn’t enough. Your heart beat had been too slow, too little blood flowing in your veins which is why you were always pale and always had a bag of blood attached to you. You knew your end was close. You tried reassuring your parents that you would be okay, but they weren’t having it. You couldn’t die at age 16 when you had your whole life ahead of you.
Today would be visitors day, and like every week you hoped to see Wednesday. This will probably be your last time ever talking or seeing her so you wanted to make the best of it with her. As soon as she walked in, you smiled at her “Hi Nes!” You said, breathing through your masks as she didn’t sit down like her usual, which was weird. “(Y/N), we need to talk…” she said. The smile disappearing from your face as you gulped, knowing that it wasn’t good. “I’m moving away. I’m going to Nevermore and as you know it’s not really close… I’m sorry” she said and looked down. She knew your situation was bad and she knew that this would probably be the last time you saw each other. Instead of feeling sad about it, you smiled at her. “It’s okay Nes really. We have the whole afternoon ahead of us so let’s make the best of it” you coughed slightly because of how weak you were
“I’m leaving now…” she kept looking down, knowing how she disappointed you. “Oh…” you replied, realizing that you weren’t spending your last day with her as you wished. “When’s your surgery?” She asked quietly and sat down on your bed. “In a couple weeks. I don’t know if I can resist until then though” you joked on yourself, your situation was already very critic so all you had to do was accept it and laugh on it. “So even if you do resist the Surgery still has a low rate of success and you might…” she couldn’t say it. She loved the word and the concept, but she couldn’t associate it to you. “Die? Yes” you shrugged. “But it’s the only chance I have if I want to live” you said and looked at her.
She nodded and you both were quiet for a couple seconds until she stood up. “I should probably go no. My parents are waiting for me outside of the hospital” you nodded and watched as she headed for the door. “Wednesday wait!” You called before she could leave. “I promise you I’ll survive. I’ll survive because I want to spend time with you and because I want to read that novel when you publish it.” You said smiling as even more tears formed in your eyes. “You better” she said. This time Wednesday was looking at you straight in your eyes “and just in case,” you take off your favorite necklace and gave it to her. “You’ll probably never wear it but at least you’ll have something to remember me from” you said and tried not to let your tears our as she took it from you, looking at it.
“Thank you” she said with her unusual soft tone “I’ll surely always keep it with me, even if I don’t wear it it’ll always be with me” you nodded and looked down “goodbye Nes” you told her and turned around, you didn’t want her to see you cry. “Goodbye..” she said almost whispering and then she left. As soon as she did you burst out crying. You didn’t think that your last day with your best friend would be so short and sad. Even Wednesday when she left, a single tear rolled down her cheek. She looked up to make them go away and wiped that one before leaving.
The day of the surgery arrived, and you were in really bad shape, even worse than the day Wednesday left. The reason why that surgery would be dangerous for you was because you had so little blood in your body and it was a heart transplant, so you needed lots of blood. The rate of success in your case was one in a million, but thanks to your parents who drank human blood, you had basically unlimited resources of blood and always brought you fresh one. At some point of the surgery they almost lost you. Your BP dropped and you had turned very pale. You saw yourself from above, this blinding white light was so warm and inviting you to get to her, but then you remembered the promise you made Wednesday. You had to keep it.
When you woke up in your bed the first thing you noticed was the heart monitor beating to a normal, steady rythm. You smiled slightly hearing it and then you saw your parents and a doctor. “I-I’m alive?” You asked, still feeling dizzy and confused. You weren’t pale anymore as blood was now flowing perfectly. “Yes you’re luckily very much alive. You gave us a big scare but you’re fine. No signs of rejection so far. If you improve, we can make you go home” the doctor said, which made you smile and finally relax.
In the mean time at school Wednesday was having a wonderful time if you could say so, the only thing was that she didn’t hear anything from you or how the surgery went. She always had your necklace and eventually ended up wearing it because she didn’t want to lose it. Her new friends had asked her about it and she only told them half of the truth, she told them a friend gifted it to her.
After having recovered and being sent home, you contacted Wednesday’s parents to know about her. They told you that parents weekend would be soon and that you could go with them to surprise Wednesday. That you did. When it was time for parents weekend you had organized with Morticia on how you’d go with them. You were currently in a wheelchair to avoid physical stress but luckily they had space in their car so they could bring you and the wheelchair.
When you arrived, Morticia pushed you on the wheelchair throughout the school and to the quad. You told her she didn’t have to as you could push yourself, but she insisted and you let her do. “Wednesday, who’s that with your parents?” Enid asked, and the braided girl was quick to turn around and recognize you. “(Y/N)…” she first whispered to herself then she started walking pretty fast towards you “(Y/N)!” She raised her tone so that you could hear her. You turned around to where that voice you loved so much came from and eventually saw your best friend running towards you. “Hi Nes” you said and waited for her to get in front of you. You didn’t expect her to, but she hugged you.
“Hey careful, the scar” you pointed out. You had a huge bandaid over the scar on your chest as it was still healing. “Sorry” she said and moved so she didn’t hurt you, but continuer hugging you tightly, you did the same. Each of her classmates looked astonished to seeing Wednesday hugging someone, they all wondered how important you were to her. When she pulled back you could see her smile slightly “you survived..” she said almost not believing. You smiled at her as she moved a strand of hair behind your ear “and look at you, you’re not even pale anymore!” She said all while you kept staring at her with a huge smile on your face “I always keep my promises Addams. Now you have to make me read your novel though. We have time, I’m not leaving” you said, hinting to something.
“What do you mean? You’re a normal girl- you can’t stay here” she said confused “that’s where you’re half wrong. I am normal now, but me and my parents agreed that when I heal completely they’ll turn me into a vampire, so that way I won’t have anymore heart problems. When I was a little kid they couldn’t do but now they can” you said and smiled at her, noticing how she was still wearing your necklace. “We talked to Weems and she agreed to let me stay here even before I’m turned, so that the other vampires here can give me tips” she smiled and hugged you again.
You two would be spending a lot of time together from now on.
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How to Build Resilience in Long Fanfic Writing
Sometimes, when a fanfic goes past 20 chapters, people who had been commenting, began to lose interest. Maybe you'll start doubting your skill or whether you "have what it takes" to be a writer, even if you're doing it for fun.
But maybe you see all those beautifully written but unfinished long fics and mourn that they'll never be finished (for the writer's valid reason or another). And you don't want that to happen to yours.
There is also an advantage to completing long fics: you develop the discipline to write original novels which can take far longer.
So if you're in for the long haul and you want to stay steady and true despite whatever popularity your fic may have, here's how to have the resilience to finish it to the end.
(Disclaimer: this is not a reason to stop commenting on fics)
#1 Whatever You Think You're Owed, Let It Go.
Accidentally quoting Elsa aside, I'm talking about comments. Comments validate and can make you learn new things about your fics through other people's eyes.
But when you see a high-to-low ratio between kudos and comments, you may feel like you are owed.
When you push yourself to complete three long chapters and publish them all in the same day and only get one response, it can feel like people are being mean.
The truth is, we'll never know why the people who loved our fics will not talk to you about them.
Maybe they forget there's a person behind the fic.
Maybe they're having a bad day and just want to shut down after reading something enjoyable.
But whatever the case is, it's beyond your control.
This post said it best (shoutout to @radioactive-earthshine) :
"Remember - hits/likes/kudos/comments are not reflective of the quality of your fic or your ability to write. Most people just don’t comment - even if they say they do, they don’t... Even if your fic brought tears to their eyes and it haunted them for weeks and they printed it out and sent it to their friends they just don’t comment. You just have to accept it.
I'm not saying you force yourself to let it go now. But someday, you will need to let it go, and control what you can which is you.
#2 Put Your Life First Before Your Readers
I have to say this because sometimes writers would have thoughts like "I haven't written for a long time; people must be wondering about it." Nope. Stop. Not worth it.
Creating is fun, but it is also exhausting. Add into the fact that most of us have 8-hour jobs or classes.
The reason you haven't written for a long time is that other aspects of your life deserve your time and energy, too. And after all that, you would be understandably tired.
So put your life first before your readers.
#3 Make Preparations to Replenish Your Soul
Long fanfic writing is energy and time-consuming. But you cannot depend on external validation to make up for it.
External validation in the form of comments can be good because we don't want to imagine it's all in our heads. But seeking it too much leads to what I've read in the book, "Ego is the Enemy":
"If outside validation is your only source of nourishment, you will hunger for the rest of your life."
So before posting a chapter, list down what you can do to replenish your soul after. Treating myself to a cafe one time helped. So is taking walks when the air is cool.
To stop anticipating responses too much, what works for me is to post on Wednesday. Wednesday is when people are less busy. At the same time, when the weekend comes, I don't obsess over it so much and can focus on other aspects of my life or replenish my energy for the next week.
In the commitment to complete a long fic, it's important to be honest with yourself. This is to be transparent with your needs and watch out for any signs of burnout, like feeling sad and tired. If you need to walk away from your fic for a while, then do it.
#3 This is Between You and Your Creation
Yes, fandom should be two-way street. Yes, fandom shouldn't treat fanfics and fan arts like commodity. And yes, there should be interaction and engagement. But before all that, there is this thing between you and your creation first and foremost.
Just as a story has to have a "why", remember why you thought you should write your long fic. Your reason may change over time, but when you remember your "why", you remember your true goal to keep going.
#4 Write like No One is Reading
This is a perk I adapted when I only get two responses if I'm lucky after updating a fic that has more than a hundred subscribers. If people barely react, then you're free to write whatever you please in your story as if you're dancing like no one is watching. Just have fun improving your skills.
This is similar to an inspiring section of the same post that I've found:
"10.) Write for yourself, not for others. Write the fic you know no one is going to read. Write the fic that sounds ridiculous. You will be so happy you put it out in the world and there will be people who will be glad it exists."
#5 Cherish the Rare Friends You Find Along the Way
Sometimes, we get lucky and get something better than a hundred people interacting with our fic -we find a friend we would make in the way of writing the long fic that we dared to write. And they're the ones who would cheer you on and cry and laugh with you about the shared stories. Cherish them.
(dedicated to @lightreader1)
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1. Andrés is this close to telling Marta about Begoña. I wonder if she then in turn will tell him about Fina or if she’ll still be too scared. But, yeah, they’re setting this up for the two of them to take the helm of the company in the future. Andrés is useless, though, he’s just there for moral support pretty much.
2. Now, the diary. I haven’t been this excited about their story in weeks. Things are happening. Finally! Marta had been avoiding writing Fina’s name so far and the wait was worth every second. But what made her do it now? Their talk yesterday, the sexual tension and the makeup scene we didn’t get to see? My girl Marta spent the whole night thinking about what could have been for sure.
Also, Marta, the drama queen that she is deep down, looking out the window thinking about her love like a character straight out of a romance novel is giving me life.
Anyway, when do you think Jaime will read the diary? Monday, so that we have the whole weekend to lose our shit over the preview? 🤔
3. I know I’ve been going back and forth on the pregnancy thing. I still think there won’t be a baby mainly because of Claudia and also because I really don’t want it to happen. But why do I feel they’re dropping clues about it now that Fina’s saying she would have liked to become a mother in the future if things were different? It could be a solution for them, sure, but we’ve seen this a million times already. I guess I wouldn’t hate but why would they do this so early in their story and this way?
4. Is Fina in the house in the sneak peek for tomorrow or is it the hospital? I cannot tell. The important thing is that Marta cancelled her dinner with Jaime to be there for Fina. Well done.
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Weekend Update 02/25/2024
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Nerdie! You saw it right! He won! *hugs tightly*
Yes he did! 🥰 We're all so happy for him! Finally!
We're also buzzing about how he looks like he's on the cover of a romance novel. Maybe on a ranch, maybe in the 1800's. It's a pretty versatile look. He likes his deep V's....
As we all should. Also, I'm taking notes on that. *scribbles*
Anything new besides, well clearly pirate adventures?
Pirates have scurvy and Pedro is well nourished so none of that. Other ideas for his characters. Ezra and Pero might have scurvy though. I did manage to write some this week. It's been busy. 👀 Ugh...real life stuff. Nothing major. Just needs to be done.
Nerdie's fics:
Guiding Light (Ezra one shot - I was chatting with @lady-bess and had the idea for this. I always have Ezra in some crime. 😎)
Lunch is happening right? (Part two of my summer romance Javi G fic. Not sure how many parts.)
He told me his name (Din Djarin x plus size female reader) I wrote it after reading a new Din fic by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (will be listed below. I'd still call it moody because despite writing, I still have trouble with my vocabulary. 🤣 It is pretty though. I'm working on a follow-up since people asked 👀)
Can't win carino (Javi G one shot - for @i-own-loki because she gave me the idea and the moodboard so I ran with it.)
The Man Next Door (Jake Lockley one shot for @megamindsecretlair because she kinda asked, more like I asked her what she wanted in it. She asked for action and smut. I might try more action in fics later.)
Get a room you two and BONE (Part two of my Tim Rockford comedy series which now has romance? I binged too much B99, watched a bit of Castle and a few episodes of Kojak with my mom. The insanity will only increase with part three but maybe there might be some growth between Tim and Doc? Or a hippo.)
Nerdie I thought you said you were busy....that's six fics...
I was and some of them I had been working on for a while. I also had some insomnia (that lead to parts two and three of the Tim Rockford fic). Anyway, on to the main event! 😘
Nerdie's fic recommendations! or things I read this week. 😄
14 x kisses by @trulybetty (Jack Daniels x reader) Part of her 29 days of valentines for February.
Sorgan Girls Are Easy - Solo Din Djarin by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (the fic that inspired my Din - her Din has 100% more smut)
Half of you - chapter 3 by @foxilayde (Santiago Garcia x fem. reader) Slow burn series - love it and trying to read it slowly to savor it.
Falling for you by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Javi Pena x fem reader) A bittersweet read that had me wonder what was next but I was hopeful.
Sunday Naps by @javierpena-inatacvest (Frankie Morales x fem reader) More proof that cuddling with Frankie leads to wonderful things.
Poe Dameron falling in love with his shy best friend (GN reader) by @i-belong-to-the-stars What one hopes for if you're shy and you're in love with those curls...er Poe. 🫣
Mystery Strain by @rebel-held (Dieter Bravo x GN reader) All kinks are valid and who doesn't love Dieter with a belly? 😘
Bulletproof by @laurfilijames (Jax Teller x fem reader) She wrote poetic porn with feelings. I was overcome, titllated and confused.
A girl walks into a bookshop by @oonajaeadira (Ezra x fem reader) Soft Ezra with a bookshop, yes please! 😄
Beneath the mask by @saradika (Din Djarin x fem reader) A medieval knight Din...so where does one pick up the velvet dress?
Loneliness by @sirowsky (Pero Tovar x GN reader) Pondering Pero in your local Park? Highly recommended for Valentine's Day.
15 x cashmere by @trulybetty (Joel Miller x GN reader) What thread count was it that encouraged Joel to hop in bed in such a state? For my personal file. 👀
He sees you by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x reader) This writer will tell you she just loves words. I would argue that the words love her in a unique way that makes you see the things. 💜
16 x dance by @trulybetty (Tim Rockford x reader) I pictured him dancing with the reader in his trench coat. @secretelephanttattoo (El) is to the holsters as I am to the trench coat. 🤣 In my mind.
Quiet Moments Collection by @secretelephanttattoo (various Pedro characters x reader) It’s the small instances that you think don’t matter, that are the most meaningful.
Plus One by @always-andromeda (Frankie Morales x fem reader) Always a fan of two idiots in love, even with their spat.
A Strange Fate by @youandmeand5bucks (Silva x fem reader) Two people who came together because of life circumtances. Are they really satisfied?
A Beskar Valentine by @firstofficerwiggles (Din Djarin x female reader) Awesome username, it makes me giggle. Din will be ten steps ahead and still fifteen behind when it comes to matters of the heart. My guy is an overthinking champion.
Seven by @lokischocolatefountain (Javier Pena x reader) A simple discussion about children leads Javier to a drastic solution.
To be Explored Later by @legendary-pink-dot (Frankie Morales x fem reader x Santiago Garcia) aka Ms. Curls if ya nasty! 😘 Somehow I missed the gem of a sandwich. How the reader was able to think about anything is beyond me.
Red Light Glow by @missredherring (Lucian Flores x fem reader) This man has me and @rhoorl keeping track of his silk shirt and gold chain. We would accept his call. The guilt would go away too quickly if we felt it at all. 😌
Incarnadine by @iamskyereads (Pero Tovar x fem reader) This Pero has me swoon with his care toward the reader, his love of baths (I just want him to soak and relax - he's been earning coin!), and his word choice. This is another person that words appear to favor. 💜
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Not like I fangirled over these writers this week or anything 👀
What on the docket for this week Nerdie?
Part three of the Javi G summer romance
Maybe...Roc & Doc part three I don't like sitting on finished parts but then I whine about having no motivation for the next part. 👀 I make no sense.
March is toward the end of the week so my March Spring Prompts will start! I scheduled the first six days I think. I got anxious about getting behind (which isn't the point of doing them but anxiety doesn't care) and did some in advance. I like how they're coming along and that they're short. Unlike this update. 🤣 They won't have summaries, but will have warnings, tags and notes.
And because I hear series and I think "I should start another one!" I decided to write an Ezra series. How did I happen upon our favorites prospector/scoundrel/reluctant father figure? I've been reading works by @morallyinept @maggiemayhemnj and @magpiepills
Ezra intimidated me because of his language, but actually, I think I'd get along with him because he puts on a persona with a great deal of performance. It's the audience's job to figure out if you're serious or not. Or at least that's how I approached him. 🤨 This could go badly. I stuck him on the bayou with an air boat and I want him to cook gumbo. *full delusional achievement unlocked*
Special shout-outs to @connectioneverywhere and @soft-girl-musings for sending me lovely asks this week.
Also to @inept-the-magnificent who called Tim Rockford her sidepiece and I am still very tickled. 🤣
This update was long 🤗 Hehe
Love Nerdie ❤️
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veikkoalen · 5 months
thank you @theskoomacat <3 <3
nine things
Last Song: aurora - your blood (my favorite line is "when all inside you burns like a star / 'cause after all that's all what you are". my brain made up the second part)
Favorite Color: idk but everything non-monochrome i buy is blue
Last Movie/TV Show: i'm trying to watch von trier's riget but i can't sit still. i think i rewatched nightcrawler to the end but it was back in october
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: if i don't eat a teaspoon of sugar a day i die
Last Thing I Googled: wake photograph control
Current Obsession: alan wake the man
Last Book: death stranding novelization. it was in september
Last Fic: i actually wrote a fic today, but it's kinda a welcome entry to the bleach oc ask so idk how interesting is that. the last thing i read was deprivation by chaosdunk.
Looking Forward To: the weekend and the paycheck and also death too
@koriandrrr @collawashbear @kiyrian @tom-zane @pitchforkhead @entropicquilibriumofchaos hii
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pendwelling · 3 days
Helloo,sorry for the trouble but could you tell me a bit about the ending of twsb? Is it a happy ending? Do all the main 3 get to live together? I am still in 170s as there is no other eng translation out there to read ahead... 🥺. I would really appreciate your help as the curiosity is killing me.
I answered a similar question on twt/x so I'll just elaborate on my answer from there haha:
It's a very VERY happy ending!!!!! Think of all the struggles and desires of the main characters and imagine them finally getting peace, solace, and happiness. TWSB at its core had always been a very character-driven story where the goals and desires of the characters were what largely push the plot forward, and after all their struggles, you can tell the ending was lovingly crafted over a careful build-up of 920 chapters. They all get their resolution, and character who have went through tragedies get their second chances at living a kinder life, and the villains get their comeuppance in the fair way that TWSB tends to treat its antagonists (there's also proper trial investigations being done and etc etc, politics and court affairs in this novel is actually so interesting.)
All the characters have obtained their perfect endings in their fitting respective ways! It's a super gratifying conclusion for readers, and the thing about Sookym is that they also do a great job in making us care (or feel strong emotions towards) their large cast of characters.
In a more meta sense (since TWSB, for its genre, is surprisingly very meta)(and this is also a spoiler in regards to the universe's God), the "God" wishes for the main characters to be happy, and so the story has shifted itself so that a happy ending is something that our beloved characters are finally able to achieve for themselves without outside interference of original narrative structure forces (think of it a bit like ORV's Probability, TWSB has something similar to that). And in fact, for both the TWSB universe, AND the original QPB universe, as well. I can also confirm that the original Jesse Venetiaan gets his well-deserved happy ending, too! 🥹
Yeseo does indeed get to reunite with his siblings, too, and he ALSO gets to live with Cédric and Ham Ga-in Christelle on the weekends! (Despite pretty much being "married" into the Imperial Family and becoming Pope, this guy still chooses to work his usual 9-to-5 in the modern world LMAO.....)
There is an inter-world arrangement going on that is a bit hard to explain because there's a lot of context behind how it came to be haha, but basically Yeseo is essentially a bride that moves between households after getting married (LMAO). Everyone is very happy! Cédric especially, is very very smug that he gets to keep his beloved partner close by—he even safely escorts Yeseo back home like a dutiful partner whenever he needs to go back to his family home HAHAHA. Jung Hyunseo and him kinda have some beef over it, actually (Hyunseo: "this is his home?? why does he need an escort...." *insert smug Cédric face*). Hyunseo is really the older brother who has to deal with the antics of eccentric otherworldly in-laws and a model-student younger brother who has now grown up to be a bit of a troublemaker..... (There's a scene where Yeseo shows up and goes "Here's our baby!" while holding pretty-much-their-baby(DONT ASK WKDJKD)(AND NO THERES NO MPREG) and gives Hyunseo a near heart attack while Cédric looks so so so smug and self-fulfilled, he's such a brat..... (affectionate)).
All in all, after the war between the Riester Empire (with the allied forces of other countries + Crown Princess Elise) and the Sneijders of Venetiaan, there are award ceremonies (several characters get promoted or given new titled ranks), memorials and eulogies for those fallen in the war, and a very well wrapped-up conclusion to this huge conflict (again politics in TWSB are actually very interesting and really well done imo). It largely has to do with the Almighty God, as well, but I won't say much about that because 1.) It's a revelation that is best made while reading yourself, and 2.) It's a bit complicated to understand without the proper context anyway hahajah....
(I can also confirm that future emperor Cédric probably won't have to worry about siring an heir. Congratulations to Yeseo for essentially being the queerplatonic mother to his two partners' "children".....)(this sounds absolutely crazy but it makes sense OK trust me, but anyway, CYC are partners and I trust that they will continue to support each other for a long, long time hehe)
It's super, super satisfying, and a very happy ending for Yeseo and friends! :')
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iamnotthere-idonotdie · 5 months
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synopsis: reader works a menial job where they meet bruce wayne. the two meet up later at a bar and spend the night together.
warnings: bruce wayne (battinson) x reader, one use of “fuck”, mention of sex, cheating, drinking
a/n: no use of y/n, physical attributes of protagonist is up to reader’s interpretation, some moments are probably ooc for pattinson’s bruce wayne but i had a visison, probably some typos, also sorry i have my auto-capitalization off, this is my first ever fanfic btw so be nice pls but also very much would love feedback, i got inspired by the song adored by sea girls so listen to that too if you want an idea of the vibe here, edit: here’s the whole playlist if you want
part 1 of 3
“jumping jack enterprises, how may i help you?”
you’re customer-service voice wasn’t in full-swing today. it was a long night with your boyfriend, john, and you just wanted friday to end. it was another night of screaming and fighting and you didn’t know how you’d make it through this. you loved him, but you’re starting to wonder if that’s enough. you’ve been trying to convince yourself that it’s only recently starting being rocky between the two of you, but the truth is you’re not sure anymore why you’re even still together.
you’ve been together 4 years now, it’s become your new normal to come home to john. to see him at his armchair by the fireplace, drinking a cocktail and reading one of his pretentious novels. but you’re only realizing now that what you thought was affection is just infatuation. the spark is gone. the honeymoon phase is over, if it ever was there to begin with.
“let me direct you to our marketing department and they’ll get you the help you’re looking for.”
you hang up the phone and glance again at the clock. 4:51. nine minutes to go until you’re able to go back home to what will probably be another night of senseless arguing.
you start to pack up your things and then the door swings open. you sigh, annoyed that someone’s come in this late to closing. but you look up to see bruce wayne. bruce wayne? what is he doing here?
“can you show me to jack bill’s office please?” he asks in a low voice.
“mr. bill is out today, actually. he’ll be back monday afternoon.”
“can you leave this for him then?” he hands you a yellow envelope, with nothing but mr. bill’s name on it.
“um sure thing, mr. wayne. is there anything else i can help you with?” you ask, hoping you’re voice doesn’t sound as shaky as you think it does.
“no, thank you.” he turns and leaves the way he came.
“have a nice day…” and the door shuts.
that was strange. what did bruce wayne need to see mr. bill for? and why leave such a mysterious envelope like that? you try not to think too deeply into it as you finish gathering your things and shutting down the computers to leave.
your phone buzzes. it’s john. he’s leaving for the weekend, to see his brother. to clear his head. to think things through. even though you should feel upset, you can’t help but feel a sense of relief at not having to fight again, at least for a few days.
you decide instead of going home to mope, you head to a local bar. you can’t remember the last time you went drinking alone. in fact, you can’t remember the last time you went drinking at all. maybe it’ll be good, a change of scenery.
you hail a taxi and ask to be taken to the jade jewel. the car zips through traffic and fights off the rain as you make your way to the bar.
you’re there, and you feel a sudden wave of anxiety. maybe this isn’t a good idea. alcohol is probably not what you need right now. but the taxi’s already left to find another fare, and now you’re stuck, in your work clothes, at the only bar in town your mind could conjure up. you reluctantly walk in and get a table.
the bar is not how you remember it. it’s now more of a chill jazz club. okay, maybe this will actually be good.
you order an old fashioned and listen to the live music, the piano and the bass intertwining to make beautiful melodies. time seems to stand still as you’re lightly swaying along in your seat to the music. turns out, this is exactly what you needed.
you don’t pay attention to how long you’ve been sitting there, but it seems to be a while as people are starting to leave. the door opens and closes as couples file out to go home, but then you see out of the corner of your eye a familiar face. before you can fully register who it is, he’s waking over to your table.
“you work at jumping jack right? i saw you there today, gave you that message for mr. bill.”
“yeah, that was me. i didn’t know you came around here.”
“it’s one of the few places i can go without worrying about the press. if no one expects you to be here, then they won’t look for you here.”
“that makes sense i suppose.”
“i apologize for leaving in that way. i didn’t want to keep you there too late.”
“it’s okay, i was just confused about the envelope.”
“it’s just a letter letting him know about a potential merger. he’s done some great research that i think we could both benefit from if we work together.”
“yeah that sounds like a great opportunity for him.”
he just nods slightly as he sits there, and the two of you turn to watch the band play.
the now mostly empty bar becomes quiet for a moment as the band switches songs. you and bruce lock eyes, and for a brief second, you get butterflies in your stomach. he lightly smiles at you and you smile back. then the music picks up again, a slow tempo, romantic song. bruce holds his hand out across the table.
“would you like to dance?”
you pause for a moment, confused by his question. bruce wayne does not seem like the dancing type. but you have one and a half drinks in you and without thinking anymore, you smile softly and nod. he takes your hand and you both get up from the table, moving over closer to the stage. he has one hand around you, pressing against your back and the other hand is holding yours. you sway slowly together, to the beat of the jazz band’s tune. after a minute of this, he slowly guides his hand lower down the small of your back and brings you in closer. you’re pressed against each other, tightly, as you two dance in the lowlight of the bar. you haven’t felt like this in a long time. john never danced with you, even when the relationship was at its best. after what seems like forever, the song ends. but you stay holding onto each other. you turn to look up at him and he’s looking at you too.
“the music’s stopped” you say quietly.
“i know.” he says even softer.
the sunlight pries your eyelids open as you blink to wake up. morning. saturday. you breathe in deep and let out a sigh.
bruce lays beside you, still snoring softly. you want to feel guilty. for fucks sake you’re waking up with bruce wayne next to you, in the bed you share with your boyfriend of 4 years.
but you don’t. because you just had the best night in a long time. you slowly get up out of bed and throw bruce’s shirt on. as you make your way to the kitchen, you can’t help but smile a bit.
you scoop the coffee grounds into the filter and pour some water in the machine, letting the bubbling of the coffee maker lull you into a daze. you just keep replaying the night you just had over and over. the music, the dancing, the sex. you can’t even remember the last time you and john had sex. you think of john, at his brother’s house, looking out the window at the same morning sky you’re seeing now. you start to feel a bit of guilt creep in when the coffee finishes brewing, and you pour a cup. you sit in the armchair, the same one john sits in, and sip. you force yourself to not think of john, to think of anything, just enjoy the coffee as it warms you up.
your daze is suddenly broken when you hear the sound of liquid pouring. you turn and bruce is making himself a cup. he’s wearing nothing but his underwear as he makes his way toward you. he leans down and you kiss him.
this is what you want to feel, right? an aching, longing feeling, like you miss him even though he’s right beside you. bruce sits in the chair next to you, and the two of you just drink the coffee, no words exchanged.
this is how you want your mornings to be. this is how you want to be.
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06/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Taika Waititi; Linds Cantrell; Dominic Burgess; Vico Ortiz; Tell Tale TV Reminder; Emmy Ballot Nominations; Adopt Our Crew: Our Flag Means Pride Raffle; FibreArtsBrigade; GLAAD Article; Articles; Schadenfreude; Fan Spotlight; Because The Night Zine; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika;
== Taika Waititi ==
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Source: Taika Waititi's Instagram Stories
More pictures from the peabody awards!
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Source: birdrunningh2o's Instagram
And a fun and chaotic interview with Taika and Sterlin Harjo!
Source: GoldDerby's Instagram
== Linds Cantrell ==
Lindsey Cantrell making us all cry using this template on instagram.
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Source: Linds Cantrell's Instagram w/ Special thanks to chaoticmulaney on Twitter (cause I saw this but forgot to save it! and you posted it-- so thank you!)
== Dominic Burgess ==
Dominic's been busy on twitter the last couple days! There' a new article by Deadline Hollywood!
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Dominic was also kind enough to share some lovely colorful photos he took while out in Oregon!
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Source: Dominic Burgess' Twitter
== Vico Ortiz ==
New episode of Date My Abuelita, First! Listen in here!
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Stories
In addition-- if you're on Vico's Patreon, they've uploaded several more BTS Videos. If you're interested in joining to get access, here's the link!
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== Tell Tale TV Reminder ==
Final round is still going on! Remember to please vote for Rhys, Ruibo, and Our Flag Means Death (as well as any other shows you'd like)! Tell Tale TV Awards
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Source: TellTale TV's Instagram
== Emmy Nomination Submission ==
Great news crew! OFMD was submitted for Emmy Nominations in several categories! Wanna see all the submissions? You can visit the Emmy Nominating Ballots. For a summary, please check out @adoptourcrew's graphic / post below!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew's Tumblr Wanna learn what's next with how the Emmy's work? Our friends over at @adoptourcrew have put together this awesome post about the entire EMMY process. Please visit them here. Below are some basics, but please visit the full post!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
== AOC: Charity Raffle Reminder ==
Our @adoptourcrew crewmates will be running the OFMPride Charity Raffle through June 28th! Reminder: Donate to an LGBTQ+ charity of your choosing and you'll enter to win a prize my one of the many donating artists, writers, crewmates!
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
== Fibre Arts Brigade ==
Some news from the Fibre Arts Brigade and their craft auction for Pride Month benefiting SAGEUSA! They have some important updates for us! Please give them a read below! Fibre Arts Brigade FAQ Sage Donation Page Fibre Arts Brigade Twitter
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And great news! They've already raised almost $1000 for our LGBTQ+ Elders <3
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Source: FibreArtsBrigade Twitter
== GLAAD ==
Another article from GLAAD on Where We Are On TV 2023-2024 - Cancelled Series Article by GLAAD
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Source: Glaad's Instagram
== Articles ==
== SchadenFreude ==
Heh heh, down 6.66% today <3
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Source: Nasdaq: WBD
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Because The Night Zine =
Last couple nights to preorder the "Because The Night" NSFW Gentlebeard Zine!
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. It's almost Friday! (and is already Friday for some of you!) I know this weekend is particularly hard for some of you because of Sunday, so please remember to be kind to yourself if you can.
I also just want to say, that I know change is hard. I know life is hard. So much of life is just weathering storms as they roll in, and sometimes it's just too much. When things are looking down, remember to look back at where you've been. I know it's difficult, especially if you've been through so much, but sometimes you have to look back to see how far you've come. You've made it so far. You've done so many things and made such an impact on the people in your life. Don't give up being the kind, wonderful, brilliantly beautiful person you are because of tough days. One day soon things will look up. Sending hugs your way lovelies. Take care <3.
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's theme: These two are chatting, thats all, side profiles and nods. Gifs courtesy of the fantastic @5bi5 and lovely @celluloidbroomcloset!
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Big Fan (part3)
chapter 3: where you go on a date....?
don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
Enjoy, Cloudy
not beta read, english is not my first language. all mistakes are my own
tw: none,bad timing, petnames, bucky is a warning
serie masterlist
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3
If you don't want to miss any udpate, go follow my sideblog: @cloudysideblog
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This time, no business dinner, no café closing, Bucky decided he was going to invite you for a real date. He was done waiting for his turn.
Since your last encounter, you both texted each other almost all day, sometimes during the night. You even called him, saying it will be easier than typing.
Everything was going smoothly, too smoothly to Bucky liking, but he tried to let his pessimist voice in the closet.
From Y/N
So … I looked over my agenda, im free all weekend, so whenever you can, I’m down for the restaurant.
Did you realise it was a date? Bucky started to overthink and imagine you were just being friendly, not flirting with him, maybe he was to blind…maybe you were not interest.
From Y/N
I was even thinking…what about doing brunch on Saturday then go on a little walk and maybe…well we can see where that lead us? If you’re free of course… 😉
He smiled, the entire day together? Gosh, did he deserve to be this lucky.
From Bucky
This sounds amazing, I’m free all Saturday, going overboard on Sunday. JBB
You giggled; it was cute that he always ended his texts with JBB.
From Bucky
May I come and get you? If you’re not afraid of motorbikes.
“You have to say yes, that’s like super-hot”, interfered your best friend.
“Can you not read my texts?” You said in a fake annoyed ton.
From Y/N
Sounds even better! Let me text you my address… say around 10am?
“Well, finally you’re getting somewhere?” chimed Sam.
“Can you not read my texts?”
Bucky glared at Sam who was just smiling at him, innocently.
You were up since 6am, absolutely panicking. You were going to spend most of your day with Bucky, if last night you were impatient, right now, you wonder if it will not be easier to call him to say you were sick. Like if your best friend was in your head, she sent you a text:
“No, you’re not sick, it’s gonna be a good day. It’s your turn, love. Your time to live what you write about for all these years. Go leave your romantic novel. You got this!”
You smiled, grateful for her words.
An incoming call, Bucky, you anserwed:
“Hi, it’s me, I mean bucky…I’m a bit early, but the weather is so nice I thought… we could take the longer way to enjoy the ride? Is…is that okay?”
“More than okay, let me just put my shoes on and I’ll be right here.”
“Okay, doll, see ya!”
Did he just call me doll?
You shook your head and put your shoes and jacket on. Running down the stairs, you were meet with a nice view. Bucky was leaning on his bike, arms crossed, biceps bulging, and he looked…ravishing.
“Hey cowboy!” you cheered.
He chuckled and walked to you. “Hey there, doll…is that okay if I call you that? I just realise after the phone that…”
You shut him off with your hand on his left arm. “It’s totally okay, I’m just not use to have a nickname, old fashion one, use for me from a guy.”
“Cowboy is also new to me”, he smiled sheepishly, taking your hand carefully from his left arm, that’s when you realise.
“Oh sorry! I didn’t…I mean, tell me if your left arm is a no touch zone…okay?”
He kissed your hand. “For now, I prefer not. “
He led you to the bike and handed you a helmet. But before you could put it on, he’s phone ranged and he looked at it, cursing.
“What now ?...really…fuck now is not the time and you know it. Can…of course…but fuck Sam…yeah, you’ll make it up to her.”
He hung up and looked at you with the most puppy eyes you’ve ever seen.
“I’m so sorry doll…, but…duty is calling, I have to go early, the target has moved faster and…”
“I get it, go save the world and yes, Sam must make it to me” you smiled, a bit disappointed. “I really was looking for our day.”
“So do I…gosh, Y/N, I wish I could stay here right now.”
He held your hands and you came closer to him.
“Come back fast, okay? We can have maybe… brunch at my place, I make the most perfect banana pancakes.”
He cupped your cheek with his right hand, stroking your cheekbone. “I’ll do my best; I’ll text you when I’m on my way back.”
You nodded, putting your hand on his chest. “Be safe, cowboy.”
“I will, I have a reason to come back now.” With that he kissed your forehead and left without looking back.
When he was out of sight, you called your best friend.
“My life is a fucking joke…”
If you don't want to miss any udpate go follow my sidebloge: @cloudysideblog
update of this fic, every monday (at least i will try)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Will we never see the day the Harkles get what they deserve rumour tracking anon? I'm losing faith and I'm really tired. They are saved from all those scandals that demand their answer just with this one incident. I cannot anymore
I know, anon. It's really frustrating to see them keep getting away with it, almost as if they're constantly rewarded for bad behavior.
Some things that have helped me (bolding for emphasis to break up the giant chunks of text):
Taking breaks. Just walk away from it. A day, a weekend, a week. There isn't a whole lot happening in the BRF to counteract the Sussex shenanigans so Harry and Meghan are dominating the news There are no tiara or glam events. No tours/foreign visits. No projects being announced. 3 out of 7 senior royals are on medical leave and the ones who are working don't generate the same kind of headlines, attention, or coverage. Take a break from all this - maybe do a deep dive into another royal family or read historical books about the BRF (especially ones that pre-date the modern House of Windsor) or non-text books (like Angela Kelly's books or Chris Jackson's photobooks).
Spend time pursuing a creative hobby. I find that doing something creative helps keep my mind from wandering to the Sussexes and the nothingness coming from the BRF too often. Some of my creative pursuits: baking and cooking new recipes, DIY and craft projects (I love going to Goodwill, thrift stores, and architectural salvage places for home decor and furniture. Also, I'm not saying you need to pledge allegiance to Catherine, The Princess of Wales in every aspect of your life, but I'm also not not saying that Kate's Ring is an excellent accent color for an end table), learning how to make craft cocktails (it was a pandemic thing), and organizing decades and decades of family photos.
What I also find a cathartic is fanfiction writing. I've had dreams of being a writer since I was Princess Charlotte's age but listen. I cannot stick to a plot for the life of me, because I always want to know "what happens next." But let me tell you. It is hugely cathartic to write a fanfiction novel where a Meghan-like evil witch gets everything she deserves and a Harry-like tortured prince is redeemed by the pure love of an ordinary American girl (okay, that one was pre-Oprah before we all learned how truly messed up Harry is) or where a revenge fantasy where a Harry-like spoiled brat loses everything when he treats his saintly Kate-like girlfriend abominably and when he tries to win her back, she's fallen in love with a Henry Cavill-like swashbuckling Real Man or where the Harry-and-Meghan-like entitled spoilt prince and his wife try to overthrow the saintly and universally loved heir but the Queen swiftly, immediately, justly, and properly handles them with eviction, termination, and worldwide embarrassment. You can do everything to your characters and you can make them suffer in a way the real Harry and Meghan may never.
Find trashier, more trainwreckier drama to get stuck in. Bravo, anyone? A new season of Vanderpump Rules has just started, Summer House is about to start, and two of the villains from OG Vanderpump Rules (Jax and Kristen) have a spinoff series that's about to launch.
Changing your perspective. There's a famous leadership quote about problem-solving: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. In other words, you have to take big things (big problems) one at a time, piece by tiny piece. So yes, the big "elephant" is that the Sussexes look like they have everything - they still have titles, they still have massive million-dollar deals, they've got the Olive Garden, the BRF isn't stopping their PR. But also look at everything they don't have anymore:
They can't use their HRHs.
Their RPOs were taken away.
Their royal charities and patronages were taken away.
Charles isn't paying them as much money, if he's even paying for them.
Everyone is blaming them for hastening Philip's and The Queen's deaths.
They were evicted from Frogmore Cottage.
It took six months for the palace website to add Prince/Princess titles to Archie and Lili but it was instanteous to change George, Charlotte, and Louis to "of Wales."
Charles calls them "Harry and Meghan" or "my other son and his wife."
The family doesn't want to be seen with or around them. Even Eugenie seems to have abandoned ship these days.
William isn't taking Harry's calls.
Lili doesn't have a webpage on the royal website.
Harry's military titles and honors have been revoked. All he has left is the merit-based rank he "earned" as an enlisted soldier. (Which is being generous.)
Their Spotify deal was cancelled early. (Scobie admits this in Endgame.)
No more social media birthday greetings/shout-outs from official royal accounts.
Nothing has come out of Netflix except a whinefest docuseries that no one has taken seriously. Everything they've pitched gets shot down and Meghan isn't getting the talent she wants for her movie.
The only awards they're getting are the ones that they pay for - no Grammys for Spare's audiobook, no Emmys or Golden Globes for their documentaries or the Oprah interview, no Pulitzers or Literary Awards for their books. No Nobel Peace Prize for their recordbreaking humanitarian aid work.
They got the knockoff Kennedys (William got the real ones).
Meghan isn't "in" with A-List Hollywood. The celebrities she's been namedropping haven't had commercial box office hits in at least a decade. She isn't hosting or presenting at award shows.
Meghan isn't getting the lucrative influencer sponsorships and merching she wants, which is why she papwalks in parking lots.
Their foundation is a joke and their philanthropy/giving is increasingly under scrutiny for things that don't make sense.
Their "good deeds" are actually ulterior motives designed for maximum PR and celebrity bandwagons, rather than actually helping underserved communities.
There is actual, open, frequent speculation that their children aren't even real and that has to hurt as a parent.
The British press doesn't take them seriously.
They're a comedy punchline, and not just for satire. The Golden Globes made fun of them. The whole world laughed at them after the "car chase."
Harry's lawsuits aren't going well. He's now trying to relitigate a court finding so he doesn't have to pay his fines.
Elton John isn't flying them anywhere anymore. Oprah and Gayle have cut ties. Ellen DeGeneres seems disinterested. Tyler Perry noped out.
Harry's balding is atrocious. (I mean, really. In the overhead camera angles of The Queen's funeral, his bald spot jumps out at you from a mile away. Not even William's bald head stands out that much.)
They/Archewell bleed staff faster than a flesh wound.
Andrew -- ANDREW! -- still has a royal residence, still has RPOs, still gets papped with members of the royal family, still gets friendly press coverage (on occasion), still gets to wear/use some of his honors (like the RVO at coronation).
Eugenie got to have her own personal social media while Harry and Meghan got a "business" account.
The Sussex wedding was overshadowed by so much drama that still persists to this day (thanks for the Markle v Markle lawsuit, Sam!).
Spare made everyone realize Harry is as bad as Meghan and it's not all on her.
Harry's "Hero Harry"/Queen's Soldier PR persona has been completely and thoroughly shattered. Everyone knows it was just a publicity facade now.
Harry isn't even getting the "William's brother" edit anymore - that's now Mike Tindall.
They were erased from most of the Platinum Jubilee - their only official event was the service of thanksgiving. They didn't even get Trooping - Meghan had to arrange for a pap to take her picture to show us they were at Trooping.
They were erased from the Coronation - Harry got lumped in with the extended family (vs the line of succession, order of precedence, or working royals) and didn't get into any of the official programs, memorabilia, or portraits.
They've been shunned by most of British aristocracy - no invite to the Grosvenor wedding later this year.
No royal christening for Lili, and it's exceedingly more and more likely that the BRF hasn't met her yet.
The British media/press actually shows up and will be the first to defend the BRF against Sussex allegations when it really matters.
There are accusations of stolen valor against Harry because he seems to be supporting American military more than British military.
Harry's African charities, of which he is the figurehead, are in crisis with the discovery of SA and other allegations.
Supposedly Harry's role with BetterUp has been downgraded/demoted.
Invictus Games is going through some serious money issues. There's talk of cutting Harry and Meghan loose because they aren't/can't fundraise, and you know they won't go down swinging.
I'm sure there are more, but my point is that even though it looks like the Sussexes are getting away with things, they really haven't. after all, it's death by a thousand cuts...or eating an elephant piece by tiny piece -- it builds up over time.
Also I just realized that the Kate's Ring paint chip linked up earlier shows it being more of a teal or an inkier blue. It isn't - it's more of a cobalt blue or a royal blue.
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