#also oliver being excited and continuously bringing up episode 5 and how it has big moments for buck like what’s going to happen
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mischiefbuckley · 5 months ago
I’m feeling very optimistic about a 911 Halloween episode I know I have seen others think it’s going to a be a skip week especially with ABC if they don’t want to air an episode on a holiday per say, but again with the way episodes 5 and 6 are being talked about in interviews recently and how each episode is important to Buck and Eddie’s character storylines I don’t think they would skip a week in between episode 5 to then wait a week and air episode 6 like yk what I mean if that makes sense like to me it makes sense to skip the following week after episode 6 if they are going to do a week break of airing the episodes if they leave episode 6 on a cliffhanger and ABC has aired episodes on Halloween before like with Grey’s Anatomy with prior seasons and yes rankings do go down on a holiday completely understand that, but 911 has been doing a lot better ranking wise since changing networks to ABC and even doing so well ranking wise compared to the shows that have been on the network for years so that’s just what I have been thinking. Again it would be very cool to get that Halloween episode on Halloween it would be very cool and the 911 holiday themed episodes always leave us with amaizng scenes that are very special so I’m excited
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msbeccieboo · 5 years ago
Arrow 8x09 Brain Dump
It was...not all bad. I really want to like this. I love Mia, William and FTA. I want to enjoy BS like I did in S7. I want to see Dinah written consistently with any kind of actual character. Well, at least my love for FTA is still intact 😂😂
Kat was brilliant in this episode. Her leading lady really jumped out 😂😂 Her emotional moments hit the mark, and I think she juggled her post-Crisis new life with her old memories brilliantly.
We opened on her waking up in the Queen mansion(!), with a very yummy Diggle Jr in her bed, only it’s JJ not Connor 😱😱 She’s also surrounded by adorable family photos, showing that Oliver got his wish of her and William growing up together (and confirmation that the Olicity Love Cabin still existed!) Basically, she’s living the best life that Oliver could have wished for her, without him in it, of course 😭
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Probably the most notable change in ‘new Mia’ (other than her being infinitely happier and living in a crime-free city) was her social poise. She’s been brought up in Oliver Queen’s old world, and is quite the socialite, only without any of the haughty frivolity that one might expect (I imagine we have Felicity for that 😍). She loves her life and her friends, and she defends them, especially in the face of Laurel, who seemingly does nothing but scoff at her lifestyle for the whole episode 😒 I loved her addressing the press!! That was pure Queen! Maybe the influence of a certain Aunt Thea?
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Source: feilcityqueen
More below the cut…
Basically this Mia is smart and loving and happy, and Oliver gave her a warm and otherwise full life, save for finding her true purpose (which is gonna be vigilanteing, of course). So of course BS and Dinah rock up and upend it all 😂 I really liked how they made the returning of Mia’s memories a source of conflict, as well they should. It was so brutal to just return them with no preamble, to destroy what happiness Oliver had given back to her, just because, what? BS couldn’t complete her own fucking mission? (More of that later lol) Then Mia standing up to BS when she went as far as to mock Mia’s new world, just gave me life!!!
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Anyway, with her memories restored, and bad guys to track down, of course Mia couldn’t resist her heroic calling and suited up, then proceeded to be the epic badass that we have grown to love.
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Source: kathmcnamara
I loved seeing her struggle with her memories returning, and the guilt that they brought with them of not living up to Oliver’s legacy. At the same time, she appreciates what Oliver did for her, that all he wanted for his family and the city was to be safe and happy. She ultimately decides to remain the Green Arrow, taking up the guard of her city in her father’s memory, to protect the new world that he sacrificed himself to create.
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Source: felicityqueen
We’d seen she’d developed her ‘street smarts’ in the flash-forwards, so I think she’ll end up bringing these together with her new social skills, and badass moves, and be an unstoppable force!! Hopefully that will include her old FTA team as well, and not just the two feathered ones 🙄
God this needed more FTA.
We got a small amount of William, more of JJ, what with him being Mia’s fiance (!!), and little more than fleeting glances of Zoe (!) and Connor. The disrespect!! 😂
William (who even knows his surname in this new life?) continues to hold my whole heart in his hands 😍😍
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Source: oliverxfelicity
LOOK AT HIM!!!!💗💗💗
He seems to have been least affected in terms of his character, post-crisis. It’s implied that he’s running Smoak Tech, and that he and Mia grew up together and are basically each others’ ride-or-dies 😭😍😭 
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I truly hope if the show is picked up, that they increase the William content by a solid 1000% 😂 He brings so much heart and a certain humour and lightness, just like Felicity brought to Arrow, and Ben is such an amazing actor. The new show will need a William. BADLY. He really seems to have his shit together (in the very limited time we have seen him of course 😒), but I’m hoping that that doesn’t lead to Mia keeping her memories from him for long (although remembering who their Dad is, I’m guessing she could take a while 😂😂).
So JJ proposes to Mia at the beginning of the episode!!!! Apparently they are the love of each others lives here. Dig clearly learned from what Connor told him, and steered JJ away from becoming a murdering gangster...YAY! Although it seems that in doing so, our darling boy Connor ran into a few issues of his own 😫😫 It looks like there is no love lost between him and Mia, that he has been in and out of rehab, and is now somewhat of a bad boy 😏😏 But when they first lock eyes there is still definite history and heat there and, just HJJHDFVGDFK 🔥 BACKSTORY IS NEEDED!! Then at the end, JJ has his memories restored by scary-dude-in-cloak (who I was totally hoping would be Dig or Oliver tbh 😂), so I’m super interested to see how he copes with his dual memories!! So now Mia loves JJ, but knows he was evil and killed Zoe, and she hated Connor, but now remembers they had feelings for each other and that he is a beautiful soul, and all the shit is gonna hit the fan!!! I usually hate love triangles, but this is so exciting, with the good boy/bad boy switch up, and then the opposite memories being returned...YAAAAASSSS!! Although I’d like to make it clear that, whilst I’m going to enjoy the drama getting there, I am firmly in the SmoaknHawke end game camp!! 
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And as excited as I just got, all of this took up just about 5 mins of screen time 😫😫 It reminds me of what Arrow was lacking in its early episodes...heart and hope. They lucked into it with Felicity/Emily, but they have it here, ready and waiting, and are so far not using it.
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Kat knows what’s what. This is the show we deserve. 
There was a lot of bird action. Apparently in shaping a perfect future, Oliver saw fit that Mia never met BS or Dinah...this is why we stan 😂😂 Dinah has also seemingly been erased from the history books 😬, waking up after Oliver’s funeral (😒😭) 20 years in the future, so naturally becomes a bohemian, opens a bar and sings a lot. Cool, I’d probably do the same 😂😂 Laurel, it seems, went off to spend time with Sara, and has apparently become a solo time-traveller, trying to stop 2041 from becoming a really bad year. Righto. 
Dinah was actually ok in this episode, if not hugely out of character, but that in itself has been inconsistent throughout the show, so here’s hoping that the zen-filled peacemaker that she was in this episode continues! Dinah’s new-found peace and bearability seemingly comes at the cost of Laurel being utterly awful. She rocked up in the future like Billy Big Bollocks with a huge chip on her shoulder, just sneering her way through the episode. She had such bitterness, disdain and anger directed towards Mia (and Dinah, at times) for no apparent reason, when they seemed to have somewhat bonded previously?! She spent the majority of the episode sauntering around looking down on everyone, portraying a bitchy-tomboy type, deeming anything vaguely typically feminine or not hard-moody-’badass’ as beneath her. This is not #girlpower. Fuck off.
Then we have that clusterfuck of a scene at the exhibition 🙈🙈 where BS tries to tell Mia that she used to date her Dad, before quickly correcting herself to “some version of him, anyway”, as if they were one and the same 🙄 Laurel’s continual need to imply that she knows, or has history with our Oliver is infuriating as hell. E2 Oliver died on the Gambit in his early 20s. Even if he was similar in character to E1 Oliver up until then, that person bears no likeness to the man he became. Her past with her ‘Ollie’ is entirely irrelevant to the man that was Mia’s father, who she barely even got to know at all save for a couple of episodes in S8. And not only the implication that she knew him, but then to actually try to trash him as well, to his kid?! All to push her idea that all versions of people are the same (which was refuted when JJ doesn’t even turn out to be behind the Deathstroke mask anyhow)? NO! At least Dinah and Mia were cringing along with us 😂
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It’s just astounding, the turnaround they’ve managed with Laurel/BS. They already did the unthinkable in S7 and got a lot of people from this side of the fandom to empathise and warm to her, without pissing off her existing fans. I really did grow to like her in S7 (check my reviews, I still can’t believe it 😂), she was snarky, but not bitchy, and showed some heart and vulnerability. So it’s mind-blowing how they took all that growth and just obliterated it this season, and then even more so in this episode where she is just plain nasty and unlikeable. 
I do think, however, that giving BS and Mia a tempestuous relationship from the off was a good idea, cos let’s face it, you can tell there is no love lost between them. But they could have made them clash in a better way than BS just being an arsehole to Mia for most of the episode. My best guess is her anger comes from Mia coming out of Crisis with a life untouched by violence, whilst her earth was still lost? (Was it? I can’t actually remember if E2 came back.) She can’t complete her self-appointed mission on her own and knows she needs Mia’s help to do it?? I don’t know. She had a lot to say about JJ supposedly being a ‘homicidal manic’...pot, kettle much?! She also seemed to find the notion of Mia initially wanting to just appreciate the peaceful life she had been given and not becoming a vigilante reprehensible, but why? BS is the one that needs to atone for past sins. Mia does not. 
Stray thoughts
That cliffhanger!!! WHO TOOK OUR WILLIAM?!?!?!
The music was...not good. Especially during the fight scenes. Arrow was always so on-point with its score. I don’t understand how this can be so bad?! I did like hearing Mia’s theme in there, though, that was a nice tie-in the old flash-forwards.
Who is this Kevin that cheated on William? He must be destroyed!😡
Some of that future make-up was really something 😬😬 2040 is all about the severe/dead and unblended looks, apparently. The fashion was fabulous though!
The dialogue in the action scenes was soooo hammy.
Who is the mysterious, villainous “she”???
“Frack you!” and “I’m not interested in joining your Canary club” YAASS MIA 😂
William and Mia’s “pet rock” talk was super cute 😍 
Oliver’s statue!! 😭😭😭
Hopes for the future, if series gets picked up:
Increased focus on Mia/FTA. We have such a fresh, interesting, diverse cast, with intertwined back stories ready to go for this show here already, waiting to be used. USE THEM.
A deadly outbreak of avian flu 😂🙊
Failing said outbreak...keep the birds in the background or MAKE THEM LIKEABLE. This is a chance for a clean slate!
I wanna see Papa Dig so bad. David had said we’d get to see 2040 Dig in Arrow, but looks like that isn’t going to happen now, and I’d just love to see how he is. I can also imagine David being entirely done, and not wanting to be a part of this, however, but a cheeky little cameo would be amazing 😂
SmoaknHawke to RISE 🔥🔥🔥
As it stands, I’ll watch if it goes to series, but for how long remains in question. I just know I cannot get on board with the faux feminist “heart/vulnerability/girly is ‘weak’! Let’s be hard/edgy/angry badasses and fight men and show the world we’re strong pow pow pow” narrative that BS in particular, but also the general tone of the show overall, is trying to portray. I really think that if the show is picked up that they should look to see what is working and what is falling flat on its arse. It’s in dire need of more heart and fewer birds imo, but we can have both, if they’d just write them as better people.
Thank you to the beautiful gif-makers 😘 Any uncredited gifs are mine.
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austencello · 5 years ago
Leap of Faith - Arrow Music Notes 8x03
This episode is about family as Oliver and Thea go on a quest to find more about the Monitor (amidst a scavenger hunt with Talia and the Thanatos Guild), Lyla and Diggle rescue their future adopted son, and Mia tries to protect William in her decision to attack the JJ and Deathstroke gang.    
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Oliver, Thea, and Nanda Parbat
Oliver arrives in Nanda Parbat to ask Nyssa what she knows in League legend about the Monitor and finds Thea alone.  Much of the music for Nanda Parbat, the League of Assassins, and Talia in this episode is represented by the duduk, an Armenian wind instrument first used with Nyssa in 2x13 “Heir to the Demon” and percussion, particularly wooden and drums. The duduk starts the episode as the audience is shown that Oliver is in Nanda Parbat and the percussion plays as he fights with someone who is revealed to be Thea.
Oliver and Thea catch up on what has happened over the past year or two as a guitar harmonics and harp version of “I forgot who I was” (1x05) plays in the background.  This is a quiet subtle version, using an instrumentation which is rare for this melody but been a part of Oliver’s instruments from the beginning.  It harkens to the deep bond they have as siblings with a melody that has been used for their family in both good and painful times.  They have had to overcome lies and change with this theme from 1x07 when Moira tells Thea that they have to accept Oliver as he is instead of who he used to be, to 3x03 “Lose you forever” when Oliver tells the truth about their Father killing himself and how much he needs her, to 6x16 when he says goodbye to Thea as she leaves on her quest “Take Good Care of Her.”  It is fitting that the same theme that was used for the last time they saw each other should be used as they reconnect.  It plays again in cellos with a harp accompaniment as he tells her about his upcoming death.  Thea is unfazed since he has cheated death several times but Oliver tries to convince her that this is different.  This theme has been used several times with goodbyes: to William, to Thea, to Moira (both in dream and real worlds).  Oliver is preparing to say goodbye again.
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However, they have a quest to complete first as they find Talia (with ney flute and the duduk) and then they look for the tomb of the first Ra’s.  Interesting enough, Talia’s theme was not used in this episode at all.  However, one theme that did return was the Ra’s al Ghul theme in the crutales (tuned cymbals) just as it was in Season 3 “Ra’s al Ghul.”  This appeared as they found, read, and burned his scroll revealing the ball with the map on it.
After a run-in with the Thanatos Guild, Oliver asks Thea to stay behind which she doesn’t understand.  A version of the Arrow theme plays in the piano (Oliver’s instrument) as he tells he that he cares and he is trying to protect her.  Piano is used for key emotional moments and reflects both his heroic and depth of concern for anything to happen to Thea.  The Arrow theme is heard again, this time in the female voice reflecting back to “The Climb” 3x09 and “Merlyn Brings News” (3x10) as he approaches the mountain where he had been stabbed by Ra’s.  The piano Arrow variation plays again as Thea finds Oliver after being knocked out and betrayed by Talia.
Oliver and Thea have another heart-to-heart while climbing up the mountain. This time, “Not Black and White” (4x23) accompanies them as Oliver admits that he questions his decision about leaving his family and that his over-protectiveness was activated by seeing a world destroyed where Thea died because Oliver wasn’t there to help her.  His current driving force is to have all the members of his family safe. Thea responds that she had been thinking a lot about their parents and how their decisions in trying to protect their children for the most part failed but yet turned them into the heroes that they are today.  Love and family is complicated, accentuated by “Not Black and White” which often plays as Oliver recognizes the schism between darkness and light most frequently in himself, trying to be a hero for others both when he was a mayor and the Green Arrow. It played when he gave a press conference in 5x21 where he shared the truth about his father “Truth about my father” and in Felicity’s speech to William about what it means to watch Oliver being a hero “What your Dad is.” (6x11). Even though their parents were trying to act out of love to protect them, they were also acting out of fear and let darkness take over.  However, Oliver and Thea have turned those struggles through darkness into light to protect others throughout the world. 
Ra’s theme returns in the crutales as they enter the tomb, low choir sings (also used for the League in more mystical elements) as they open the coffin/crypt and the duduk theme for “The Black Wedding” (3x22) plays as they head toward the Phoenix trying to avoid being burnt up.  The duduk (Talia) and harp (Thea) play as Thea challenges Talia to a duel as the Heir of the Demon for the original sword of Ra’s. The duduk plays one last time in the end after Thea defeats Talia as Talia tells her that the sword and what it means is Thea’s destiny.  Thea rejects that however to create a League of Heroes as brass and string patterns play, inviting Talia to help her.
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Oliver and Thea say goodbye again as Oliver plans to stop the Monitor and Thea goes to create the League of Heroes. As they hug, “Purest Heart” (2x21) plays in the piano and violin. This theme is primarily how Oliver views and loves his sister since Walter told Thea “your brother loves you more than life itself” in 2x21.  This is a love reinforced from Oliver himself and reciprocated by Thea: “There has not been a day that I did not cherish you as a sister” (2x21), “I will always see you as my big brother” (Thea to Oliver, 3x03), “I love you.  Don’t ever forget that, ok?” (Oliver saying goodbye to Thea in 3x20), and as Oliver visits Thea in the hospital both in 4x12 and 6x01. In this scene, neither one wants to let go from their hug as Oliver believes this is the last time he will see her and while Thea doesn’t want to believe it, she does miss her brother every day. The slow version of the Arrow theme plays in the violins as Oliver and Thea say goodbye possibly for the last time.
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Diggle and Lyla
Diggle and Lyla end up on a mission to rescue Connor Turner and his mom.  They have a few moments to reflect both on the past and the present. Part-way through the episode, Diggle doesn’t want Lyla to put herself in harm’s way which confuses her since he isn’t usually this cautious. He admits that seeing a universe disappear changed him and that he couldn’t risk losing her.  This moment is accompanied by their main love theme in the piano and hammered dulcimer since 3x01 when Sara was born.  It played during their proposal in 3x08, Oliver telling them to go on their honeymoon in 3x17, and talking about going on a mission as a second honeymoon in 7x03.  This couple has been through many high risk moments from the army to ARGUS but their love still shines through.  This theme then returns at the end after they rescued Connor as Lyla asks John to always hold onto the good memories and John responds that he won’t have to because he’s not going anywhere and neither is she. 
Future Team Arrow
Meanwhile, Mia decided that the best way to stop JJ and his Deathstroke gang is to attack their lair and go on the offensive.  The rest of the team think this is a reckless move but follow her lead.  The harp/guitar harmonic combination returns for Mia and William which is a lovely move to use for both generations of Queen siblings.  Harp for William and guitar harmonics for Mia. William echoes what Zoe had mentioned earlier in the episode: Mia shouldn’t make her strategy based on the fear of losing her brother.  The instrumentation may be familiar but the theme is new as Mia tells him that she can’t lose the only family she has left. 
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Unfortunately, things end up poorly as Mia gets cut in the neck by JJ and Zoe pushes him out of the way only to be stabbed herself. As she dies in Mia’s arms, she tells Mia to tell her Dad that she loves him.  The theme in the piano is “Rene’s Loss” from 5x13, first heard in the flashbacks when Rene discovered his wife was using drugs which led to Rene losing his wife and Zoe put into foster care.  It played a few times in Rene and Zoe scenes especially when he was struggling with trying to bring her home in Season 5.  The use of the music of what tragically changed their life when the audience first sees Zoe to be used in her death scene is heartbreaking.  She went through some bumpy patches with Rene but she always loved her Dad.  Not only is it Rene’s loss but a loss to the whole team as they grieve her death.
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Harp and future-like high electronics (glissandos up and down) play as Oliver and the Future Team gets beamed into the bunker in 2019, giving it an other world or time sound.  The music continues with a version of the Arrow hero theme but mostly filled with string patterns and atmospheric fluid sounds as it leads to a climatic moment as William, Mia and Oliver look at each other in shock.
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Extra Notes:
I am so excited for the reunion in the next episode between Mia, William and Oliver!  
You can tell this is the end of the series because the lack of accessible gifs is staggering.
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@dust2dust34 @dmichellewrites @academyofshipping @herskirtsarentthatshort @smoakmonster @withgraceandlight99 @almondblossomme @jorahandal @green-arrows-of-karamel @ah-maa-zing
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jbuffyangel · 6 years ago
A Better Future: Arrow 7x15 Review (Training Day)
Look out for Episode 7x15!!! She came out dancing like, “Nobody puts Baby in a corner!” 
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There are so many goodies I don’t know where to start. Well, obviously I know where to start. We’re going to obsess over every detail.  But first, I must ask if anyone survived the 7x16 promo? Cause I didn’t. This is Ghost Jen.
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Let’s dig in….
This pregnancy is waaaaaaay more fun now that Oliver knows. Seriously this episode is straight out of fanfiction.
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Oliver mostly just wants to feed Felicity things I can’t even pronounce. 
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What the heck is a tartine and who sautés broccolini? You know what? I don’t even care. Oliver can cook whatever he wants as long as he’s naked. Yes, those are the marital provisions. You may turn to page 21 in the marriage contract if you need proof. It’s in bold.
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Source:   olicitygifs
See guys? We’re not the only ones quietly unnerved by fully-realized-Jesus-like-superhero Oliver. He’s giving Felicity the wiggins too. 
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When was the last time Oliver took orders from anyone? Nope. You can’t say Felicity. She’s the wifey and pregnant. I feel extremely confident if she asked Oliver to nuke a country he’d do it and then roast her a turkey over the fires of destruction.
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Oliver is going the extra mile with the SCPD because he wants the partnership to be legitimate for “our baby.”  
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Is there anything sexier than Oliver talking about the incubating human he put in his wife? NOPE THERE IS NOT. 
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First time I died. Yes, we’re numbering it.
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Immediately, Oliver mentions William and his reasoning for listening to the SCPD’s buffoon orders is understandable. 
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Oliver missed out on ten years of William’s life and being a vigilante hasn’t made their present day relationship any easier. Re: William got the hell out of dodge and is living with the most evil grandparents in the world. Come on. We know they are kinda evil. WHO ERASES A FATHER’S PHONE MESSAGE? At the very least they are hyper helicopter grandparents, which is a hop, skip and a jump away from Evil Town.
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Oliver is extremely glass half full right now. 
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I guess this is what happens when THE PRINCESS THAT WAS PROMISED is about to arrive. I love Felicity’s mildly exasperated expression as Oliver’s waxes poetically about this partnership. Listen girl, you turned him into this big pile of mushy rainbows. Not us.
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Source: olicitygifs
Does anyone else scream, “SPOILER ALERT: EVERYTHING IS AWFUL IN THE FUTURE!!!” every time Oliver talks about making the city safe for their children, so they can live in Star City and be happy? No? Just me? The dude deserves a heads up. The writers sure aren’t giving him one. It’s like salt in an open wound whenever Oliver dreams of Star City becoming Disney World 2.0. WRONG SHOW OLIVER. 
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This is the show where the writers bludgeon us with misery and only give us joyful moments as a brief respite from our pain and sorrow.  
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Too bitter?
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Felicity gets on board with the glass half full approach because ain’t nothing cuter than her man being all sunshine and rainbows.
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  Source: olicitygifs 
After all, they are a team within and team. Then comes all the smooching and we’re only in the first 5 minutes. Second time I died.
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Oliver totally looked at Felicity’s stomach when she said she didn’t want anyone knowing about what’s happening “in here” and his little amused smile was so much I cannot.
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Felicity’s right about mum’s the word and not because they are vigilantes, although that is a thing. It’s best to wait until the first trimester is over before making any big announcements.  
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
Oliver agrees, Felicity actually says, “Yay,” and then asks him to make her a tartine.
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Source: smoakmonster
Starving and nausea sum up my first trimester too, girl. Third time I died.
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Felicity pregnant ratchets up her adorable factor by at least 80%. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
This woman breathes and I’m like
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I also love how Oliver is the only person who knows why her rambling is so extra and reels her in. Team within a team is damn right.  
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The SCPD pours out Oliver’s half full glass because they are annoying and stupid. The team needs to adhere to protocol or else. Ugh why do we have to listen to the cops? They don’t have cool toys.
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Felicity convinces Oliver they simply need to show the SCPD the Team Arrow way and they’ll stop with all the red-tape-need-actual-evidence-court-of-law nonsense.
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It sounds good, particularly coming from Felicity. I’m at the same point as Oliver. I think this woman could tell me the sky is purple and I’d rock some “Purple Rain.”
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If Arrow wants do a show where Oliver cooks for Felicity while she shares all her pregnancy symptoms as they smooch and be adorable in their little incubating love nest I would be completely fine with that because it's Emmy award winning television.
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Why does the show have to be over? It’s perfect. Fourth time I died.
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Olicity continues with their team within a team approach and decide to bring James Midas in on their own. They do it the old fashioned way. (HAHAHA that sounds dirty. Sorry. I’m a 10 year old trapped in a 37 year old body.) Oliver goes full on growly, burly man in leather and threatens to melt Midas’ face off in a tub of hydrofluoric acid. Stephen Amell’s facial reactions are hysterical. Oliver is almost bored like, “Come on, come on, I have tartines to make and a baby to name.” 
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Source: @smoacs
Felicity records the confession while complaining about people like me who don’t click update. I’m perfectly fine with bae owning my ass. Fifth time I died.
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But the mayor cuts Midas loose because his confession was coerced. Is that a thing we care about on Arrow now? I guess we’re doing the whole Miranda rights, due process, warrants, evidence, chain of custody thing. Huh. So… how’d they prosecute all the other criminals for the last seven years? 
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I’m also willing to venture the mayor is slightly evil if she’s big buddies with a guy like Midas. WHO FUNDED HER CAMPAIGN?
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Uncle Diggle is wondering why his OTP is going rogue, so he swings by for a little chat. His Yoda senses are on high alert. 
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This is why they had to make Diggle normal again. Pod Diggle would never suss out an Olicity pregnancy. I love how Oliver and Felicity are all, “WE AREN’T TELLING ANYONE,” and then Diggle shows up, asks one question, and they fold. 
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You can’t lie to Yoda. Thems the rules.
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Diggle ships this ship harder than anybody else. He practically willed this child into existence. 
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Source: oliverxfelicity
It’s possible he’s more excited than Oliver when Felicity tells him the news. The “we’re having a baby” absolutely includes John Thomas Diggle too.  Sixth time I died.
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We have to go over this moment in particular because @lyricalarrow​ mentioned it in a tweet and I cracked up because it is so true.
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Where is the lie? Oliver looks at the ground, crosses his arms, and shuffles his feet whenever he feels shy or bashful.  It’s like he’s a little embarrassed Diggle knows they have sex.
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Meanwhile, the hot little mama over there with her hip wiggle is more than comfortable letting Diggle know his boy knocked her up. Hilarious perfection.
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Honestly, I understand Oliver’s reaction here because I felt the same telling my parents I was pregnant. They high fived, but I was a little embarrassed there was physical evidence of my sexual activity with my husband. It’s cool. I feel confident they decided my daughter was the Immaculate Conception. Everyone is very comfortable with that story.
This announcement also leads to Diggle’s rapid understanding of why Oliver and Felicity are acting like they are on a clock, because THEY ARE ON A CLOCK. Their child will be born into Disney World come hell or high water. THY NAME IS OLICITY AND THY WILL BE DONE!
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Like I said, it sounds good on paper, but Diggle comes prepared with logic. Oliver and Felicity understandably have baby on the brain, but they aren’t thinking their rogue plan through. It’ll work for a little while, but then Oliver will land in Slabside again. Yeah, I don’t want to go back to Slabside. I want to keep doing all the baby stuff. Whatever keeps us doing the baby stuff is the plan I favor.
The truth is if the Team Arrow way worked 100% then Star City would be saved. Same goes for the SCPD. Yes, let us casually ignore the writers will not allow the city to be saved until the final episode because that’s just details. What needs to happen is a combo approach. Ya know like an actual partnership.
Diggle: You have to find a way to make it work. Comprise. Do whatever you have to do because if you want a new future for this baby of yours it won’t come by doing the same thing we used to do. We have to be something else. Something better.
Is this the first time Diggle has said the, “Be something else” line?” I feel like it is. If so, it’s a momentous occasion. Every part of the OTA trio has officially given a “Be Something Else” speech. Jeez, this show really is ending isn’t it?
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After saving the day while working in partnership with the SCPD, Team Arrow reconvenes in their home away from home. BUNKER IS BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness. I am so sick of the police department. It lacks flair. 
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The team wants to grab a beer to celebrate, which feels like the first time this suggestion has ever happened other than Diggle and Oliver tossing back some vodka or scotch. What’s with all the alcohol? Cause Felicity is pregnant, and these writers want to create as many situations as possible where it can be referenced. 
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I honestly think Oliver just went to the bar to keep the cover. Cue super sweet winking. 
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Source: lucyyh
Seventh time I died.
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Diggle isn’t done being amazing. I MISSED HIM SO MUCH Y’ALL.  He brings Felicity ginger candies to help with the morning sickness. In my fic “Broken Pieces” it was saltine crackers. Seriously, how many of us have written fics where A) Diggle figures out Felicity is pregnant and B) he helps her with the morning sickness because he learned a few things while Lyla was pregnant?
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Yeah that’s what I thought. Nobody gets to tell me this episode isn’t straight out Olicity Ficville. I. LOVE. IT. Eighth time I died.
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He also stokes the Smoak Tech fires by complimenting Felicity on her technology and generally being a total bad ass while pregnant. 
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Hold up. Rewind. Is that my girl shading Curtis Holt?
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We know this DNA security program she’s developed is what eventually becomes the Archer program, so I am very curious to see how it gets up and running. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
I think one word from Diggle is all it’s going to take.
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Source: olicitygifs
Honestly, they’ve nailed the first trimester: nausea, starvation, exhaustion, and wondering if you’re showing when you are absolutely nowhere near showing. Ninth time I died.
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And then… Felicity wants to talk baby names. Cue hyperventilation. 
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Yeah yeah yeah I know we know the baby’s name BUT THEY ARE GONNA TALK ABOUT IT GUYS. That’s a whole other thing. 
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Oliver had names picked out pretty much since this moment. 
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This is the face of man naming his babies while staring at his future baby mama.
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So, I’m really excited Felicity broached the subject first. She’s been dreaming about little Olivers and Felicities too. She’s just been a little calmer about it instead of My Face Is My Feelings over here. 
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I am still a firm believer in triplets because it gives us more name permutations, but whatever the writers didn’t listen to me and I won’t get greedy. So here we go. It isn’t going to be a boy so Felicity can name the boy whatever she wants.
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Why not Tommy or Robert or the plethora of other dead male characters on this show? Lucas is a fine name I guess. Makes me think of Lucas from One Tree Hill, which is equally awful and wonderful. (His character was a mess. Don’t blame me for Lucas Scott being a mess.) Or Luke Skywalker who is also equally a mess. My husband’s cousin is named Luke. He’s an awesome guy. Lucas works. Okay. Lucas. Do we call him Luke? I like Luke.
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What say you Twitter?
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OH MY GOSH I LOVE LUCAS SO MUCH.  Tenth time I died.
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P.S.: This is why you don’t tell people your names until after the kid is born and you slapped it on the birth certificate.
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Source: olicitygifs
Oliver immediately signs off on Lucas (re: see nuclear bomb analogy). Hell, if Felicity wanted to name the kid Malcolm, Slade, The Demon’s Head, Damien, Adrian or Ricardo I think he’d still sign off.  He might even go for Al Sah-him Jr. The boy is gone okay? Oliver made a baby with his woman and life is amazing. Eleventh time I died.
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I love how Oliver tries to pretend like he just thought of a name for a baby girl.
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Boy, you’ve been spinning out names in that brain of yours every night while you sharpen your arrows. You fool no one sir.
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There’s a significant pause before Oliver says the name. He has given this a lot of thought. When he speaks again it’s in the same sweet, gentle and quiet tone he uses for Felicity. Since the beginning, Oliver has instinctively softened his voice around Felicity. It was a way to reassure her; to show she is always safe with him. 
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But his rage and pain are tempered now. The edges have been softened after seven years of loving this one woman.  
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Yet, this voice remains almost like a whisper because of how much Oliver feels and the depth he loves. It’s almost overwhelming. 
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This voice is Oliver at his most earnest and vulnerable. 
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This is the Oliver only Felicity gets to see. 
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He’s better at talking about his emotions now. It’s taking a lot of practice and learning, but the voice remains the same. This is how Oliver Queen speaks when the words matter the most.  
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His special Felicity’s voice is also his special Mia voice.  Twelfth time I died.
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YES I DID. Thirteenth time I died.
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Felicity’s reaction is perfection because Moira is a slightly controversial choice given her relationship with Oliver’s mother and he knows that.  
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Sweet and fiery describes all the important women in Oliver’s life- the ones he’s loved the most. These women love deeply and fight fiercely. 
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It describes Oliver as well. There is a gentle bear 
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underneath the raging bull. 
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This girl is Smoak, Kuttler, Dearden and Queen. And she’s amazing. 
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Oliver and Felicity’s baby girl seems destined to become a hero in her own right. Someday Oliver and Felicity will make a better and safer Star City for their children. Maybe they’ll save the city with their children.
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Source: olicitygifs
Fifteenth time I died. We haven’t even gotten to the promo yet. Probably not a cat, so I’m totally screwed.
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Flash Forward
QUEEN SIBLING TEAM UP!!! Did anyone get major Bratva vibes during these scenes? I sure did. It’s in the blood kids! 
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Mia and William make the perfect team because they are (seemingly) opposites, but underneath the surface have a lot in common. RING ANY BELLS?
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It doesn’t hurt they are basically the familial and platonic reverse of Oliver (Mia) and Felicity (William). Mia is the bad ass from the streets and William is the computer wizard with a whole lotta money. But William is a fighter as well and Mia is extremely smart. Time for some sibling bonding.
They are in search of the mini cassette player, so they can listen to Felicity’s messages. Mia tells William to stay put, but of course he doesn’t listen. Pro tip Mia: The elder sibling will never listen to you even when they should listen to you. Curse of being the youngest. Get used to it.
William procures a mini cassette player after haggling over price. Five hundred dollars??? I’m seriously going to look in the garage for one of those things. In twenty years it might make some bank. Unfortunately, William is scammed like Mia warned and he loses the tape. His plan for getting the tape back, however, works and Mia knocks the lights out of the guy who scammed her brother. I love these two so much. They are sibling perfection.
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There’s a lot of mutual appreciation. Mia realizes her brother is a genius aka Mini Felicity and William realizes his sister is Mini Oliver. 
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It’s a really beautiful moment as William stares at her because it’s been about twenty years since he’s seen his father. She is the closest William has been to Oliver and vice versus.  
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But Mia thinking “You have failed this city” is a dumb will never not be funny.
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
It’s difficult for William to hit play on the cassette because it’s been 20 years since he’s heard Felicity’s voice and there’s a fair amount of apprehension about what she’s going to say. 
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Source:  feilcityqueen
Mia gives William the strength to hit play.  It reminded so much of all the times Oliver and Felicity gently and lovingly supported each other simply by touching hands, particularly in the beginning of the burgeoning partnership and friendship.
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Oliver refused to show any feeling while Felicity wore her heart on her sleeve. They took all the best parts of this beloved couple and put them in their children.
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Hearing Felicity’s voice in the flash forwards made me cry and I just need her in this timeline already. She spent twenty years avoiding ever saying William and Mia’s names in the same sentence. 
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You don’t keep your two precious jewels in the same location. I think it’s safe to say this is the strategy Oliver and Felicity were using.
Are there plot holes with the whole William side of things? Sure. It wasn’t a secret he was Oliver’s son. The kid was photographed. You can easily find out his last name is Clayton and his grandparents aren’t exactly living off the radar. Arrow is either going to have an answer for all these little factoids or they’re gonna blow right past them and leave them in Plot Hole Land.  
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
But the bigger picture is Oliver and Felicity kept their children apart for a reason. I found it very interesting Felicity said this was a decision they made together. So whatever separation is coming, it was as much Oliver’s choice as it was Felicity’s.
She reads off some coordinates and orders the children not to look for her, which they promptly ignore. I loved Oliver and Thea’s relationship, but I am enjoying Mia and William’s even more. There’s a humor and banter that was missing between Oliver and Thea. Sure, there was the occasional teasing, but it was mostly fighting or crying with the original Queen siblings. It’s fine. It’s what the situations called for and Stephen and Willa acted the hell out of those scenes. It feels like the writers are trying to have more fun with William and Thea. They banter really showcases each actors’ comedic talent too, particularly Ben Lewis.  
Mia recognizes the coordinates because it’s inside The Glades. Katherine McNamara tweeted out the perfect reaction because Mia’s tone is very “The North Remembers.”  So winter is here friends and we’re going over the wall!
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The mere existence of these children is a promise for a better future.  I am choosing to remain optimistic about what Oliver and Felicity said. A hero’s journey has to start somewhere. William and Mia’s first act of heroism may very well be saving their parents.
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Source: olicitygifs
Team Arrow
Team Arrow being bored to tears and wiping the floor with the SCPD is the realest this show has ever been. 
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Oliver body slams a fellow officer as a way of “defusing the situation.” Rene puts a gun together at lightning speed and Felicity looks so bored with the tech she’s about to smash her head into a computer.
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A significant reason Star City is a crappy place to live is because the police aren’t putting up a strong line of defense. The SCPD’s antiquated procedures hindering the capturing of criminals shocks no one. If things worked at the police department the city wouldn’t need Oliver Queen, his team of bandits, and all their amazing toys. I’ve put up with this Oliver as a police officer for several episodes now, but I draw the line at no suit and no arrows. Screw that. 
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Dinah is full speed ahead on being captain and draws a hard line in the sand with the team, which of course proves to be disastrous. The reason she is all in on Captain Drake is because she lost her cry and doesn’t feel she can be Bl*ck C*nary anymore. When did the C*nary Cry become a prerequisite? 
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Sara never had one and we were well into Season 3 before Cisco put that choker around L*urel’s neck. Relax Dinah.
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Rene gets in Dinah’s face and defends Oliver because she’s being a b-i-t-c-h. 
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DID Y’ALL HEAR THAT? RENE DEFENDED OLIVER!!!!! Rene being tolerable, logical and borderline likable is almost as shocking as Zen Oliver.
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Oliver apologizes for going rogue. He always apologizes first. We’re taking baby steps with the Newbies. Not everything can get better all at once. Patience. But then DINAH ALSO APOLOGIZES and she acknowledges she was way too hard on Oliver. Umm… hooray! But for real what is happening to this show right now? Everything is amazing.
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Oliver FINALLY tells the team to “suit up” and I realized how long it’s been since he’s been the one to say it. The joy of Curtis Holt being gone will never abate. Speaking of Curtis, it feels like a massive difference now that the team is back to four in the field and Felicity in the bunker as Overwatch. God, I missed Overwatch. The trimming of Team Arrow was a smart move for many reasons and I think a five member team is the max capacity this show can handle. Dropping Curtis like the dead weight he is was a fantastic move.
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Since Team Arrow is all about the legal now, Felicity hacks whatever SCPD has access to (they aren’t completely in the Stone Age) and it’s all admissible in court. The rest of the team secures evidence and arrests in partnership with the police, which mostly looks like the SCPD rolling in after Team Arrow has done all the work. I don’t really understand how the criminals Team Arrow captured were prosecuted before all this, but whatever. 
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I’m just happy the team is back in the bunker with their suits, they are the official black ops of the police department, and the mayor is repealing that stupid anti vigilante law. HELLO MY SHOW I HAVE MISSED YOU.
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Bl*ck S*ren and Emiko
The “Training Day” writers didn’t check off everything on my wish list. They were close, but unfortunately BS did not kill Diaz. I still think it would’ve been awesome, but it’s okay. You win some and you lose some. I think it’s safe to say our fandom is winning just plenty.
Ben Turner aka Bronze Tiger witnessed Diaz’s murder while he was in solitary and it was someone wearing the Green Arrow suit, which means Emiko. In exchange for this information BS allows Turner to see his son – Connor, his “little hawk.” 
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I already love this backstory so much more than the one Connor had on the Legends of Tomorrow episode. Connor being Lyla and Diggle’s adopted son makes more sense to me than JJ taking on the random name of Connor Hawke. 
BS confronts Emiko and the whole conversation is hysterical hypocrisy.
Bl*ck S*ren:  You’re lying about who you really are. You’re not a hero.  
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STEAL ANYONE’S IDENTITY LATELY L*UREL? I can never decide if the writers are blatantly obtuse in regards to L*urel’s character (any version) or if this is somehow a tongue and cheek/wink wink kind of thing. 
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It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is I’m fairly certain BS just got Ben Turner killed. 
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It’s not going to take Emiko and Dante very long to figure out how L*urel came upon this information. 
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Holy hell lady. Keep your trap shut while you investigate someone. Didn’t you learn anything in law school? OH WAIT THAT’S RIGHT YOU DIDN’T GO!
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Since Turner saved Lyla’s life once I believe they’ll adopt Connor as a way of paying it forward. They also can’t let a kid that adorable go. I just want to smush his face.
This also makes Felicity pickle in the middle. Oliver will of course believe Emiko over Bl*ck S*ren and Felicity will have to choose between the two. I’m actually way more interested in seeing how Felicity reacts than I am anything else, so once again BS services her storyline. Suits me just fine.
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I was sick on Monday (hence the delayed review), so my husband didn’t wake me up for Arrow. The nerve of him, I know. So, when I started watching I was about 40 minutes behind and @callistawolf​ told me to call her after because she was hyperventilating. I was very careful while tweeting not to read any other  tweets. So, when Mia said they were going over the wall I thought, “Calm down Cal. It’s not that big of a deal – HOLY SHIT IS THAT A LOVE CABIN?”
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THE. PROMO. KILLED. ME. The other fifteen times brought me to the edge and the promo shoved me off the cliff.  Don’t mourn for me my friends. I had a good life and it was a good death.
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This promo is proof the CW can actually put together great marketing for this show. They just choose not to 99.99% of the time, but at least 7x16 can join the truly great promos of 3x01, 3x20, 4x01 and 5x20.
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We hear Felicity screaming as the camera pushes in on the cabin and down the hallway into the bedroom where she is delivering their child. The first image we see of Oliver and Felicity is their hands. Oliver is holding on tight as his wife struggles through labor.
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Source: olicitygifs
I remember when I used to hyperventilate over a mere shoulder or hand touch.
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Oliver and Felicity’s romance started in the quiet moments. 
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Their love was in the details. 
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This image of them holding hands, Felicity’s wedding ring brightly shining in the sun, as she brings Mia into this world is a powerful symbol of where their story began and what their love created.
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The reason we wear wedding rings is because they are an endless circles. The commitment we are making with our spouse is forever.  We wear our ring on our fourth finger of our left hand because the Romans believed the vein in this finger lead directly to a person’s heart. Love is eternal. The focus on Felicity’s ring, her hand gripping tightly in Oliver’s, symbolizes Mia entering this endless loop of love where she will always be wanted, adored and safe.
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Source: sansasnw 
Of course, Oliver and Felicity’s child is born in the bright sunshine of morning. We would expect nothing less. It’s always the light. This child is a new beginning for Oliver and Felicity.  A new life who can harness her parent’s light and shine her own upon all she loves.  I get emotional when I think about where Oliver’s story began. He was a lost soul who believed life was merely about survival and he didn't deserve one worth living for. And now…
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Source:  olicitygifs
I’m sobbing at the promo y’all. I won’t make it through the episode. 
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As for this moment...
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This is my head canon until the show tells me different.
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Source: olicitygifs
Stray Thoughts
Why does Bl*ck S*ren think Oliver and Felicity will be mad Emiko killed Diaz? Nobody is crying over that guy cutie. Oliver and Felicity came to my smore party. They brought the chocolate.
Mia couldn’t put the tape in. I’m still laughing. Katherine McNamara’s comedic timing is gold.
“This is private. Loophole.” Felicity being the most irritated she can’t do things illegally is so on brand.
Mini cassettes were around in the nineties too. Can we stop with the super aging of things, show?
I love Face/Off. Classic Travolta vs. Cage.
We haven't done a good old fashion gang war. After 7 years in a crime fighting show that feels a little odd.
Oliver and Felicity have their baby in a love cabin and many believe it is Ravenspure, which is the cabin Felicity was conceived in. I truly do not remember this detail from Season 4, but I know better than to question my peeps.
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 7x15 gifs credited.
If you’d like to support the blog, please buy me a cup of tea!
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arrowdaily · 6 years ago
On October 14, The CW hosted an event for the launch of its new fall season, which also showcased Shethority, an online collective that provides a positive space for all women to discuss the unique challenges of the female experience in today’s world, and debuted the #CWOpenToAll initiative that reinforces the network’s commitment to inclusion and representation.
Collider was invited to hang out on the red carpet to chat with the arriving talent, where we got a few minutes to get some scoop from Arrow co-stars Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez. During the interview, they talked about Dinah’s journey this season, Rene having to find his place now, what’s been going on in the five months since we last saw these characters, the tension among Team Arrow, and what it’s been like to have executive producer/writer Beth Schwartz step up as showrunner for season 7.
Collider: What can you say about where Dinah is at, this season, and how did you feel when you found out what her journey would be? Juliana Harkavy: I was excited because I think it’s so important to build on these characters, to give them layers, and to give their stories a lot of movement. There are so many episodes and there is so much story to tell, so it’s a great step for her. It’s not necessarily where she wanted to be, but I like that she’s in that place because now she has to think and be resourceful.
How will Rene be dealing with figuring out what his place is now, with Oliver in prison and a new Green Arrow vigilante in town? Rick Gonzalez: It makes him feel like, maybe I should be pushing the envelope and continuing to be in a place of vigilantism. I think the stance is, if I do that, then I go to jail and I jeopardize being a dad for my daughter. But what makes Rene, Rene is being someone who says, “I can go around the rules, as long as I’m doing what I feel in my heart.” Those are the normal dilemmas for Rene. He’s like, do I do the right thing, or do I just say F it and do what I feel in my heart? Those are the questions we’ll probably see Rene ask this year.
Because five months have passed since we last saw these characters, what has Rene been up to, in that time? RG: He’s been a dad. He’s been saving the day, every day, with every lunch that he makes. It’s also very interesting having Rene domesticating himself and having his life slow down. They couldn’t get Diaz. Diaz went into hiding and Oliver is in prison. They’re biding time and waiting to see what the next move is. They’ve just gotta wait and figure things out. I think it would be cool to see Rene just being a dad and hanging out with Zoe, taking her to school and making lunches, and being a part of the neighborhood he grew up in and seeing how he can help there. Figuring out how they can help is what makes these characters tick.
Do you think Rene ever considered going to work at Argus with Diggle and Curtis? RG: Oh, no. He [punched the clock] for awhile at City Hall. Working with Lance was his way of giving that a shot. I do think Rene is either a person who has big ideas and wants to control the narrative, or is somebody who just does it on his own. Although he’ll force himself to be administrative when he needs to be, I think he sees himself in the pilot seat.
At least right now, Dinah seems confident in the choice that she’s made. Is that something that she’ll start to regret or question? JH: Dinah has this urge to provide justice and to be a hero, but I don’t know if the SCPD on its own is gonna cut it. I think she’s gonna miss being in that suit.
Her decision to enforce the law is putting her at odds with Rene. Will there continue to be tension between them? JH: Because the hierarchy has changed and Oliver is not there anymore, all of their relationships are shifting, and there’s extra stress and tension on the whole team. That’s probably going to ebb and flow everybody’s relationships. They’re gonna have to work through some conflict because they don’t really have a solid team anymore, and their leader is not there.
How will that dynamic continue to play out? RG: They both have opposing ideas on how to help the city. Dinah’s takes a really important role that she decides is gonna be the best way for her to help the city, and she wants Rene to also follow in those footsteps. They want to help in different ways, and those ways clash. I think they love each other, and they’re like brother and sister, but they’re very passionate. The fireworks are gonna fly.
Juliana, as a female in a still predominantly male industry, when did you start to feel like you had a voice and that your voice was being heard? JH: I’ve never felt more supported, as a woman in this industry, than I have on this job. I’ve been very blessed to have an incredible experience with all of these women, playing heroes together. I feel like we’ve really created this chain of strength and power, and we’re using our voices. On this show, Dinah, or Black Canary, has this incredibly powerful sonic cry, and even the ability to do that is so liberating. All of those years of just being quiet and pent up, it all goes on this show. You’re just free. It’s been really incredible.
It’s one thing to find your voice, but it’s another thing to actually be confident in that voice. JH: I hate to sound like, in order to be strong or powerful, you have to speak up. I think you can be strong and powerful by just sticking true to what you believe, being true to yourself, and being unafraid. There are so many ways to be a powerful woman, to have your voice heard, and to make an impact.
What’s it been like to have Beth Schwartz step up as showrunner, for season 7? JH: It’s been lovely. It’s always been very nice experience, but there’s definitely been this shift with Beth. As a woman, I feel very connected to her, so it provides this safe space that’s just a blessing to have at work. RG: It’s amazing! Season 7 is a transitional year for us, and having her as a part of our show, coming in as showrunner, she brings this energy that I think are powerful for the show. Her ideas are also powerful for the show. She embodies a spirit that welcomes everyone and that empowers women. That energy is awesome to be around. I think she’s such a talented writer that her work screams off the pages for us. I’m biased to season 5 ‘cause that’s when I first came in, but after reading the first 10 episodes of this season, I’m like, “Okay, this might give season 5 a run for its money.” I just think the energy that Beth is bringing to the show is pushing the envelope. It’s something that the show probably always needed. When you get to season 7, you need to go outside the box, and not too far, but you need to find a way to keep the audience engaged, and she does that effortlessly. We’re very blessed and lucky to have her come on board and inject the energy that we needed, story wise.
This season feels very visceral. RG: Yes, exactly! Even Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle will tell you that there’s an energy that Beth brings that’s like, “Wow!” Passing the baton made a whole lot of sense because the show needs that. Time reveals what you need, and we welcomed it. All of the actors are like, “Wow, okay, this is where we’re headed, and I like it.” It’s interesting to be in that position, and I’m excited.
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lydia-yougowith-stiles · 7 years ago
My Top Ships of 2017
We all do it. You watch a show and automatically root for two people to be together whether it’s a “slow burn,” the introduction of a new character this season or between two people that barely share a plot line. It makes you continue to tune in episode after episode. Here is a list of my personal favorite ships for this year, 2017, from some of my favorite TV shows/series.
12. New Girl--Nick and Jess 
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Just about that time when your DVR recording was about to cut off (because you know mine did right before they kissed) Nick and Jess finally met each other in the elevator of their apartment building. I’ve always really loved the two of them together and as the show’s fate hung in the balance I was ECSTATIC that they readdressed their feelings in the finale. I’m super excited it was picked up for another season (the last one), but I would have been perfectly happy with this ending for the couple. 
11. Bates Motel--Dylan and Emma
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This couple is still one of my favorite reasons to watch Bates Motel. Yes, the show was a great re-imagining of a young Norman Bates and I loved the new take on familiar characters, but I also loved the new characters including Dylan and Emma. After season 2 I thought the two would be cute together. They had only a few story lines or rather scenes together, but my shipping brain was at it again. And then something magical happened! It’s like the writers could hear my thoughts and THEY GOT TOGETHER! And you know what? They were SUPER, BEYOND ADORABLE TOGETHER. In its final season there was a time jump and this happened:
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Needless to say I was over the moon. I’m still shocked they actually became a couple because I thought it would only be in my head. Love their ending and the family unit they created with their baby girl. 
10. Anne with an E--Anne and Gilbert
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The Netflix original series brought a bit of a darker spin on the lovable tale by L.M. Montgomery, but just like all of the previous adaptations of Anne of Green Gables this version did a fantastic job showing Anne and Gilbert’s relationship. While Gilbert isn’t introduced in the first episode of this series, I eagerly awaited seeing him on the screen and I was not disappointed in his interactions with Anne; from the spelling bee to the classic Anne breaking the slate over his head. Several characters could tell the chemistry between these two (including one of my favorite characters Jerry). Thank goodness they’ll be a 2nd season so we can see this relationship progress.
9. Chicago Med--Rhodes and Reese  
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Okay, so they might not ACTUALLY be together...yet (get on that writers!), but this year I discovered the ship between Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Reese from NBC’s Chicago Med. And I didn’t realize how BIG the fandom is! It was all thanks to season 2′s episode: Monday Mourning:
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There’s just something about these 2 that is just so great! Their chemistry--wow! They just don’t get enough scenes together. In the current 3rd season (that’s unfortunately only been 4 episodes before the hiatus) they’ve had a few moments together (aka conversations), but it’s not enough. They keep getting set up with different potential love interests, when the writers should notice they have a good thing going already! Okay, rant over. 
8. Victoria--Victoria and Albert
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After I finished binge-watching the first season of Masterpiece’s Victoria a few weeks ago, I was so sad there wasn’t more to watch. I needed more Victoria and Albert in my life. (Good thing the next season airs here in the US in a few weeks!) Going in, I didn’t know much about Queen Victoria’s reign, but was interested to learn more. I was pleasantly surprised with how addicted I got to the show, especially once Albert was introduced. I love how much they love and care for each other and know that rocky roads could be ahead, but am excited to watch the journey unfold. 
7. Grimm--Nick and Adalind  
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Another surprise pairing that I grew to LOVE! In Grimm’s second to last season, Adalind (ex-hexenbeast, turned human, then back--I think I got that right) was pregnant with Nick’s child. This “romantic” pairing could have been weird, but writers made it work and personally I fell in love with it. [It probably helped that Juliet was turning evil and then became Eve. Man if you listened to this and had no idea of the show it would all sound crazy.] The two made a great little family with son Kelly and I was shocked when Adalind’s daughter was fine with Nick. I really enjoyed these two together as the show came to a close earlier this year. Another piece of proof that sometimes two characters can be placed together after so many seasons and really work. But how could you not root for them with this adorable baby? 
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6. Reign--Bash and Mary
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Reign was one of my first binge-watches of the year. So, I know this couple might not [SPOILERS] end up together, but for me they were one of my TOP ships. Mary and Bash have a big relationship during the first half of season one and as much as I knew she’d wind up with Francis (the unfortunate ‘perks’ of watching an old show) I could only hope for all the Mash moments I could get. Mary was a hot commodity on the show and I think her and Bash were one of the best pairings. I’m happy with the way their story-line ended and liked Bash’s alluded help in season 4. Even though I would have loved to see him back on screen. This will forever be one of my favorite moments:
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5. Arrow---Oliver and Felicity
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After a roller coaster ride of a relationship, Oliver and Felicity are OFFICIALLY MARRIED!!! (I guess you can say twice?) It’s been a long time coming and I know not everyone is a fan of the IT girl and the emerald archer together, but I have liked the two of them since day 1. It was one of my shipping moments of ‘this probably will never happen, but a girl can dream.’ I watched that season 2 finale when Oliver tells Felicity Slade thinks he has the woman that I love, a DOZEN times! I took any moment I could get. While there’s moments I didn’t love on this long journey, I am happy to see the two of them together and I love Felicity and William’s relationship. I’m happy that this year’s crossover finally made it official. We deserve it!
4. The Vampire Diaries---Caroline and Klaus
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KLAROLINE!!! I have been a fan of this ship for SOOO LONG! And just like any good ship you take anything you can get. This letter to Caroline at the end of the series finale of the Vampire Diaries is JUST what fans wanted. (Plus, we had a few great moments in the season too; from Caroline bringing her girls down to see Klaus, and I still think about their phone call, which might be from the previous season.) My fingers are crossed and double crossed for the final season of the Originals that we might see Caroline (maybe more than once?? Is that asking too much?) I mean Hope is at the school and even though Klaus can’t see her we must find some sort of loop hole. We’ll just have to tune in and watch!
3. Supergirl--Kara and Mon-El
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Before the heartbreaking season 2 finale and Mon-El’s return this season (MARRIED!), we saw the growth of an extremely cute couple filled with bickering, banter, and plenty of couch sessions. I loved seeing Mon-El adapt to Earth customs and for Kara step up as a mentor. Early on I felt the pull between these two because their chemistry was fantastic (as shown by their real life off screen relationship). I am so happy I got the 2nd season on DVD for Christmas to relive all these great moments:
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2. The 100--Bellamy and Clarke
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Another ship I have shipped since episode 1. I’ve taken every little glance, conversation, touch. Being a Bellarke fan has taught you to not take anything for granted. (Especially when you have heard from the creator that they don’t intend for these two to end up together. Come on!) But season 4 gave us fans hope. They had several playback worthy moments and that finale! WOW! It’s the end of the world and he’s making jokes with her. They are both touching each other! (I still have chills just thinking about it!!) I can’t wait for this new season even though I know Bellamy is going to be with someone because they HATE us. In the meantime here are some big moments from last season!
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I wouldn’t be living up to this page if I didn’t make them my number 1 because they and we deserve it!
1. Teen Wolf--Stiles and Lydia
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It was a LONG time coming, but our pick was endgame, just like we predicted all along! Because the seasons were broken up I’m going to refer to season 6 as a whole (we deserved a lot more Stydia in the series finale, but that’s a rant for another day....) Despite, Dylan O’Brien not being around for more episodes due to his filming schedule, I think they did a nice job including him in the part A season. Sure, when I was watching it live I was pissed, but watching the episodes back I appreciate the moments we did get Stiles and how they included him in the season. Lydia and Stiles are one of my favorite couples of all times. I love their development, the chemistry between the two actors and strive to create characters who have such a powerful friendship and relationship. Here are some of the best moments from this year.
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So, that’s my top 12 ships of 2017! A lot of my top couples were from shows that ended in 2017, so I can’t wait to see what new ones I discover in 2018. Let me know if you have suggestions!
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cloudydamage3 · 6 years ago
Arrow Season 7 Episode 10 Review: My Name is Emiko Queen
The Queen siblings may not look or sound the same, but one thing is sure -- they all have some serious daddy issues. 
Thea probably thinks (and still believes) that she should get a trophy for the award of Queen child with the most complex parental issues, but her long-lost step-sister may have snatched the prize from her. 
Seems only fitting since she snatched the green hood from her half-brother. 
The New Green Arrow was a small plotline in the first half of Arrow Season 7, but on Arrow Season 7 Episode 10, it became a primary focus as we not only confirmed the identity behind the mask, but we got a full-blown introduction into her motives.
The way the New Green Arrow story was told previously suggested that the introduction of Emiko Queen would be done slowly, with new information getting dropped every couple of episodes. 
Related: Arrow Season 7 Episode 8 Review: Unmasked 
That is no longer the case. The New Green Arrow went from unknown mystery figure to Emiko Queen, someone we now know very well. 
Still, it might have been too soon for Arrow to dedicate a lot of time to a character we barely know.
Is her story intriguing, and do I want to know more? Absolutely, there's no denying that. But if it weren't for Rene's help guiding her, she would've been too overbearing. 
Well, shame on us for being so sexist. Our mystery man is actually a woman.
It has been an issue on Arrow before. Introducing new characters has never been their strong suit. The show relies too heavily on them before Arrow Fanatics get the chance to form a connection. 
Dinah's introduction on Arrow Season 5 is a standout example.
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The show threw her into the limelight very quickly, taking away the spotlight from other characters we'd grown to love and to this day Arrow Fanatics still haven't managed connect with her. 
There's still hope for Emiko and a good chance that won't happen to her. Unlike Dinah, she has a backstory and an obvious connection to the Queen family that'll give Arrow much more to work with moving forward. 
Emiko's introduction may not have been perfect, but she has already formed relationships that can take her story in many different directions. 
Her partnership with Rene gives Arrow the vigilante angle it's missing now that Oliver's working with the police. And let's face it, their chemistry is undeniable. 
The show may not decide to go that route and keep their relationship strictly platonic, which is fine, but come on, Rene deserves some love. The dude's been riding solo for a long time. #GiveReneAChance. 
People say that revenge corrupts the soul; that if you go down that path you'll never come back. But sometimes embracing the darkness is the only way to get justice. My name is Emiko Queen. I will get justice for my mother and no one will stand in my way.
Their mission to avenge Emiko's mother and get justice brings back memories of old Arrow when Oliver's mission was practically the same. The only issue is that it seems as though everyone she was hunting until now was a waste of time. 
Each person Oliver went after had a purpose, a connection to his father. The fact that Emiko "failed" her mission just as we met doesn't make her look too heroic.
Related: Arrow Season 7 Episode 7 Review: The Slabside Redemption 
It felt like she was making strides as a badass female Green Arrow, but then that badassery crumbled down when it got she was wrong about who killed her mother. 
It's essential for the show not to make her look like she's in over her head, and she was in over her head/ She should be at the same level, or at least close to the level was during Arrow Season 1. 
Speaking of Oliver, can we discuss the day he had? The man seriously can't get one day of peace. He's was released from Slabside, reunited with his wife and friends and then boom, found out his father and mother were lying to him for most of his life. 
In a way, I was heartbroken for Oliver because he already had to deal with learning so much information about his parents in in the past that didn't exactly make them come off as the quality people he thought they were. 
Hey, you okay? You know, this has to be a shock. Maybe not as big of a shock as becoming The Flash and then fighting alongside Batwoman, but still a shock.
This news seemed like the straw that broke the camel's back. Any positive image of his parents he had remaining in his memory was completely wiped away. 
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I have a feeling Robert may not have been as big of a monster as he looked like, though. Maybe he had a valid reason when it came to abandoning Emiko. Was he trying to protect her and her mother? The person who killed Emiko's mom is probably connected to Robert in some way. 
Oliver's reaction to the sudden news also showed how much he has grown. The old Oliver would've lashed out and done something pretty violent, but this Oliver expressed his sadness to his wife and talked about his feelings. 
Some heroes don't have to be brooding all the time; an emotional conversation is just as heroic as punching bad guys in the face. 
It was also a pivotal moment for Oliver and Felicity's relationship. It seemed as though that premature (and quickly brushed aside) break up on Arrow Season 7 Episode 8 was foreshadowing a rough road ahead for the couple, but it turns out the two are in a very good place right now. 
They managed to work together without bickering, and during a tough time Felicity comforted Oliver and encouraged him to be the man she knew he was. 
Is it possible that Olicity can stay in this state forever? No probably not, but it's during the simple, pure moments between the two when they talk that exemplify how much they truly do love each other. 
Oliver: I need you to analyze this DNA, it belongs to the New Green Arrow. Felicity: Some husbands bring their wives home flowers, and mine brings me home blood from a crime scene. And they say romance is dead.
The Queens may have been the main focus of "My Name is Emiko Queen," but Rene also played a vital role both as Emiko's new partner in the present and as mayor of the Glades in the future. 
It took me a second to adjust to this new Rene. And while he may not be the type of hero Zoe wants him to be, he may be the person who ends up saving Star City in the future. 
Also were any other Arrow Fanatics curious about the identity of the man working alongside Rene? He admitted to being involved in the death of Felicity, but I wonder if he's someone that has played, or will eventually play a role in the present timeline as well. 
Another tidbit that was slyly dropped by Dinah in the future was that Curtis may not be alive, or at least on Team Arrow's side. When trying to remind Rene that a group of them took a code to fight no matter what, she name-dropped Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and Roy but not Curtis. 
It was such a small tease that many might not have clued into and it might not even end up being an issue, but it may also be a huge clue moving forward. 
While the flashforwards have been a fun puzzle that  Arrow Fanatics are desperately trying to solve, Diggle, Lyla and A.R.G.U.S. continue to be a boring puzzle that you can't help but nod off while doing it. 
Bringing Diaz into the fold didn't add intrigue or excitement to the story they've been telling with Diggle and Lyla. The fact that they are going to copy the plot of "Suicide Squad" also doesn't make it any more interesting. 
Diaz should've been put to rest for an extended period, so that when he did return it would've been a much more welcome surprise. Instead, his presence is dragging down Arrow, and his involvement with Diggle and Lyla hasn't been promising. 
Just like Oliver after Arrow Season 6, Diggle's in desperate need of a reboot for Diggle because everything he's currently involved in is undeniably stale. 
What did you think of "My Name is Emiko Queen"? 
How did you feel about the introduction of Emiko Queen?
Did you see a romantic spark between Rene and Emiko?
What kind of relationship would you like to see Oliver and Emiko have? 
What do you think happened to Curtis in the future? 
Does Diggle need to be rebooted or retooled? 
Let us know in the comments below and if you need to catch up, make sure to watch Arrow online right here on TV Fanatic! 
Brandon Viera is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.
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Source: https://www.tvfanatic.com/2019/01/arrow-season-7-episode-10-review-my-name-is-emiko-queen/
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briangroth27 · 8 years ago
Power Rangers 2 Wish List
I loved the new Power Rangers and even though it didn’t do great at the box office, I’m hopeful for a sequel! I think the proposed 5 sequels/prequels plan will be pared down a bit in light of the box office take, but that’s just an opportunity for Saban and Lionsgate to focus on delivering a tight, fun, and entertaining follow-up built on the excellent foundation of the first movie. I was impressed that, even with modern teen struggles and a more grounded take, the movie never felt ashamed to be Power Rangers, and that should definitely continue. Here are a few things I’d love to see in the sequel!
More Trini and Zack! I liked what we got from the team in the first movie, but Zack and especially Trini felt underutilized and underdeveloped. Hopefully that’s remedied in the sequel. Billy trying to increase/stay in his morphed state permanently to protect himself was an idea I had a while back (which also briefly appeared in the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers comic), but maybe it could apply to Trini or Zack instead. Trini had big walls set up because of her parents and Zack’s fun persona is a shield against the impending death of his mother, so either one of them could feel like they need a little extra power to get through their lives for a bit. It’d be interesting to discover how much of Zack’s bravado is real and how much is a mask. How will the inevitable loss of his mother affect him, and how will that affect his performance as a Ranger? Billy lost a parent too, but it seems like Zack is primed to delve into the “I have all these amazing abilities but still couldn’t save this important person” trope, and investigating the Rangers’ inability to save everyone (especially after reviving Billy in the first movie) through the eyes of their most jovial member would be a new angle. They could also explore what his potential could be if he weren’t spending all his time ditching school. 
Like I suggested in my review, Trini’s helicopter parents provide the perfect setup to play with her trying to sneak out of the house using her superpowers or to subvert the “keep your identity secret” superhero trope with her sarcasm. Another way to go is to establish she’s got an aptitude for science, so she and Billy can team up on that like on the show. Since Trini is the first LGBTQ superhero in a movie, exploring those romantic relationships in detail would be groundbreaking. Whatever they do with them, Trini and Zack definitely need equal focus in the next movie.
Explore How Being Rangers Affects Their Lives Will the team being forced to open up to each other for their powers to work create awkward situations where they have to talk to continue being an effective team? Will they have any privacy or secrets from each other from here on out? Since they’re teenagers, exploring that aspect of their bond is a great way to inject some comedy and drama to the Rangers as a unit.
How were the kid’s pre-Rangers dreams changed by becoming superheroes? What did they want to be? Do they even have those kinds of options now that they’re heroes? Can they hold down an afterschool job if the city is overrun with monsters? Kimberly’s aspirations were dealt with in her exit from the series, but not all the Rangers got that chance and looking at that kind of thing would be great character development here too.
Billy Adds to the Ranger Arsenal In the original show, Billy invented the team’s wristwatch communicators and tied them into the Morphing Grid, allowing for teleportation to and from the Command Center at will. Something similar would be cool here, especially if the writers don’t want to spend time sending the kids through that complicated cave/underwater sequence every time they need to speak to Zordon. I’d also love to see the other Ranger-specific weapons make an appearance (Zack’s ax, Billy’s lance, Trini’s daggers, and Kimberly’s bow) since Jason got to use his Power Sword in the first movie. Maybe Billy could figure out how to manifest those other weapons for each of the Rangers. I wouldn’t mind his tinkering smoothing out the Ranger uniforms either: I prefer the more simplistic designs from 1995’s MMPR movie (I don’t hate the new ones, I just found them over-designed and too busy).
One aspect of the Rangers mythos that was missing from the movie was a true “It’s Morphin Time!” moment, since the kids’ bond opened the Morphing Grid to do it for them. While the kids are already superpowered out of costume and don’t have morphers, perhaps Billy could build mobile devices that connect directly to the Grid in the event of an emergency without needing to depend on the unity of the team. This could create drama by accidentally disrupting their connection, since they’ll no longer always have to be fully connected, which could then turn around and save them if Tommy Oliver betrays them, totally shattering their bond for a time.
The Teens Do Martial Arts I didn’t mind the Power Coins granting the kids superpowers when not fully morphed (the villains were scaled up enough to necessitate this), but I’d like the team to learn some finesse to go along with their brute force. Each of them could develop their own style of fighting like on the show, which would add variety to fight scenes. Kimberly’s past as a cheerleader, for instance, could include a heavy emphasis on gymnastics. Zack could develop his capoeira-like hip hop kido, or something similar. The first time Zack sees Trini, it looks like she’s practicing Kung Fu or Tai Chi, so perhaps she could teach the team members who don’t know martial arts already. While Jason was a former football star, it’d be a fun switch to make the girls the most athletically proficient. 
The Teens Become Socially Conscious Pitching in on the Angel Grove rebuilding efforts would be a good start, but I’d love to see the kids arcing back toward their community-minded do-gooder selves from the show. They don’t have to be perfect boy and girl scouts, but it wouldn’t hurt to show them teaching kids sports or science—and not because of court mandated community service. Outside of Green Arrow and the X-men, the Power Rangers are among the most social justice-minded of all superheroes, and it’d be good to get to that aspect.
Tommy (or Tommi) Oliver The first movie’s post-credit scene lays out the arrival of Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger, though I wouldn’t have minded one more film with just the original five Rangers to explore their dynamic before it’s changed completely. Still, I’m definitely excited for the prospect of a traitor Ranger, especially with the emphasis on the team’s need for unity and trust to morph. Someone who can get past their defenses and the stab them in the back would be a perfect adversary! Plus, it’d be a case of history repeating itself after Rita went bad, which works well thematically: maybe Zordon argues not to trust Oliver but the Rangers don’t listen and fight to save Tommy’s soul instead of outright killing him. If Tommy and Kimberly have a romantic relationship, his betrayer status and her scandalous selfie-sharing would give them fairly complimentary redemption arcs.
The cast wants a female Tommy (Tommi?) to change things up and give the team an even boy/girl ratio for once. I wouldn’t mind that; making Tommi a girl would subvert expectations that whatever guy stepping into Jason David Frank’s green and white boots would have to bear. Since Tommy’s arguably the most popular and iconic Ranger, that’s a huge bar to clear that could be sidestepped by going in an entirely different direction (JDF doesn’t seem opposed to it either). That’s not to say, of course, that Tommi Oliver couldn’t be every bit as badass, evil, and compelling in her redemption arc as JDF was; just that the monumental expectations might be done away with. Plus, it would be good to have gender balance. Maybe Tommi dates Trini and they play out the Tommy/Kimberly romance with her instead. Tommi and Jason dating would add an entirely different layer to their rivalry from the original show, while Tommi/Billy would probably be heartbreaking. Tommi could also be twisted literally in Rita’s image, though that may be a strike against this idea since we’ve just had an evil female Green Ranger in the first movie. Whatever they do with Tommy/Tommi, I hope they keep the character’s Native American roots; the diversity in the first film was fantastic and that should continue as the series progresses (everyone deserves to see themselves as heroes!).
If Tommy/Tommi does become the eventual leader, that’d provoke a great change in the dynamic of the team. Where does Jason fit if he’s not the leader, especially as rising to that challenge was so key to his arc in the first movie? The show couldn’t answer that question due to contract disputes leading Austin St. John to stop filming for Jason’s final episodes, so I’d like the movies to go there. How do the other Rangers feel about being led by a total newcomer when they’ve all put in the time and were never evil?
More Monsters! We got the Putty Patrol and Goldar in the first movie, but I hope the sequel goes all-out with a horde of monsters unleashed on Angel Grove all at once. It doesn’t look like we’ll get Finster and his Monster-Matic here, but the way Rita’s powers manifested monsters felt similar to Lord Zedd’s penchant for turning everyday objects into beasts. I think Zedd—definitely the show’s coolest enemy—feels more like an endgame villain than appearing in the first sequel (he probably corrupted Rita in the first place), but nothing says he can’t give Rita a new source of magic (and the show has plenty of them) to create monsters and retake the Zeo Crystal (Zedd’s goal in the original series). Elizabeth Banks was a blast in this film, and I wouldn’t mind bringing her back for revenge.
Was the very conspicuous scorpion on the boulder in the Pit a nod to Scorpina (one of Rita’s best flunkies!)? Could it be mutated into Scorpina by some damage to the ship/Morphing Grid over the course of the battle? Could she be Zedd’s new champion in addition to Tommy? Or maybe she mutates by accident and has her own agenda entirely.
Amy Jo Johnson said she’d like to come back as a villain; she was great fun as one in Power Rangers Turbo, so I say bring it on!
A Vast Universe Perhaps this is why there were four sequels and a prequel planned; the Power Rangers universe is huge, even just contained to the MMPR-In Space Zordon era. Space, other dimensions, magic, science fiction, horror elements, and different time periods are all on the table in the Power Rangers world. I’d love for these movies to go big and not feel constrained by the bounds of Earth. I don’t think this needs to happen in the next movie, but it’s something I hope they keep in mind if there are more (though things like the Dark Dimension could be fun, weird challenges to throw at the team next time).
Bulk and Skull Jason’s prank buddy Damo, possibly feeling rejected after Jason found new friends, and the “Bully of Detention” could’ve easily been these Power Rangers mainstays in their nascent stages. Maybe Damo’s full name is Eugene Damo Skullovitch and the Bully of Detention is named Farkas Bulkmeier (he seems more Bulk than Skull). Mirroring the Rangers’ superhero battles with everyday bullying would draw another smart line from their superhero lives to more relatable ones (just as understanding each other and working together grants them the power to be heroes and protects them with literal armor). Contrasting with the epic nature of the Ranger adventures, Bulk and Skull provide comic relief and represent grounded problems they can’t just morph and fight against (even though Jason did slap a bully).
Series Stars in Cameos/Supporting Roles Amy Jo Johnson and Jason David Frank are always welcome back, and it’d be great to have Austin St. John, David Yost, and Walter Jones back onscreen to complete the original (living) Ranger team. Jason Narvy and Paul Schrier absolutely deserve to be included too, since they’re the series’ longest-running characters. Something similar to the Harold Ramis bust in 2016’s Ghostbusters would be a great way to include and honor Thuy Trang as well. Later Rangers like Johnny Yong Bosch, Nakia Burrise, Karan Ashley, Catherine Sutherland, and Steve Cardenas would also be welcome. Rose McIver is very talented and was once a Ranger; having her do something in these films would be fantastic!
Two Things I Don’t Want As a kid, I thought the team getting new zords each season was cool, but as an adult I realize later seasons’ vehicles never lived up to the original Dinozords. They’re the coolest to this day and I hope the movies don’t ditch them anytime soon (if at all). Some refining of their appearance would be fine, but the films would be hard-pressed to outdo the Dinozords.
Along those same lines, I hope we don’t see the rapid cast changeover of later Rangers seasons. I’d be fine never getting a second generation of Power Rangers in the movies, but I wouldn’t want to explore more than one additional set of replacements. I believe the original Rangers are rich enough to spend several movies on without worrying about them feeling overdone.
Whatever they do, I can’t wait to see what they’ve got in store for us and the first movie has bought a lot of good will with me for this franchise. After a long hiatus from the fandom for me, “It’s Morphin’ Time!” all over again!
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a-nerds-ponderings-blog · 8 years ago
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January 22 - 28
Season 2: Episode 9 - Supergirl Lives
When Kara investigates the story of a missing woman, she and Mon-El end up being thrust through a portal to another planet where the downtrodden are sold as slaves. The title of the episode is a nod to the script Smith wrote for the unproduced film Superman Lives.
Welcome back Supergirl. Kevin Smith’s episode was perfectly well-done for the beginning to the second half of the season. I particularly enjoyed the Stargate and the “I am not a red shirt” references from Winn, giving a nod to the rest of us nerds out there. The story itself was more about Mon-El discovering the kind of man he wants to be, but we had some great story development from everyone, including Alex’s sub-plot with her girlfriend. It seemed that everyone had a part to play in this episode, with some really thought provoking questions, great action, and just that right amount of comedy to keep Supergirl light. It really is good to have the Girl of Steel back.
Season 2: Episode 10 - We Can Be Heroes
After Livewire seemingly breaks out of prison, Supergirl is intent on recapturing her. After training Mon-El, Supergirl takes him with her when she sees Livewire attack the NCPD but things go awry when Mon-El puts Supergirl before the citizens of National City. Meanwhile, James decides to come clean with Kara and M’Gann, has a psychic attack, and collapses into a coma.
Season 3: Episode 10 - Borrowing Problems from the Future
Barry is tormented by his vision of the future where Iris is murdered by Savitar. When a criminal named Plunder shows up in Central City, Barry recalls the villain’s presence in his vision of the future and fears that if he catches Plunder, it will cement Iris’ fate. Confused about Barry’s hesitation to stop Plunder, Wally decides to step in as Kid Flash. Caitlin offers Julian a job
This mid-season starter really begged the question about knowing the future. If we know an event is going to happen, is there any point in changing events that led up to it? Or if we change those events, is that what lead to the inevitable future anyways? All of these things come up in this episode as Barry struggles with what he saw happening to Iris. We also see Wally showing his true colors as Kid Flash in this episode, as he proves himself fully to Barry, and becomes a member of the team. We also get an unexpected new member of the team which adds to some entertaining dialogue. And who felt bad for H.R. in this episode. Yes we have to focus on saving people and all that, but he is really trying to help keep Star Labs open. Poor guy
Season 3: Episode 11 - Dead or Alive
H.R.’s past catches up with him when a bounty hunter with vibe powers named Gypsy arrives in Central City to bring him back to Earth-19 to stand trial for his crime. It turns out inter-dimensional travel is illegal on their Earth. H.R. surrenders but when Barry and Cisco find out that H.R.’s only hope would be to challenge Gypsy to a fight to the death, they intercede and Cisco offers to fight Gypsy instead.
Season 2: Episode 9 - Raiders of the Lost Art
When Damien Darhk and Malcolm Merlyn try to capture Rip Hunter in 1967, they create an Aberration big enough to draw the attention of the Legends. However, when the team arrives they discover that Rip has no memories of his past due to “time drift” and is just a graduate film student. After trying to convince Rip of who he was, they discover that he possesses an incredibly powerful artifact known as the Spear of Destiny, which the Legion of Doom is after. Ray and Nate realize that the Aberration has also affected them personally making it difficult to help the team. Meanwhile, Rory asks Stein for help and makes him promise to keep it a secret from the team.
First off the bit between Rory and Stein was priceless. An almost unlikely pair of this group to speak to one another, and when they did, it made things very interesting. The Abbaration they speak of… as George Lucas not creating films. So because he never made Star Wars, Ray never gets interested in science, and Nate never gets interested in history because Lucas does not create Indiana Jones. Not only was this a lot of fun to watch them interact with Lucas as a film student, but the nods to Star Wars and to Indiana Jones, were expected, but amazingly integrated into the show. The issue of Rip Hunter’s memory not being what it should, will hopefully be resolved in the next couple episodes. It is such a change to see him not only American, but he lacks the confidence that Rip once had, and therefore is a completely different character. This was a great start to the second half of this season.
Season 2: Episode 10 - The Legion of Doom
The Legends are determined to find and rescue Rip, but first must focus on locating the Spear of Destiny. Stein thinks he has the perfect person to help but knows involving her will be risky. Meanwhile, Malcom Merlyn and Damien Darhk realize that Thawne is pitting them against each other.
Season 5: Episode 10 - Who are You?
Worried that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, Oliver looks for any ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance. However, Felicity, still reeling from Detective Malone’s murder, is bent on revenge – she wants to stop Prometheus at any cost. While in prison, Diggle fights for his life.
Welcome back Arrow and … Laurel? This episode almost had fans excited about Laurel’s return, and had they kept it up a little longer, it would have ben believable. The tie-in to The Flash, and to Legends of Tomorrow, was really well-done here. It really showed to unify the shows in the same universe. Felicity and Oliver show their struggle as they try to define what their relationship means now. Many people forget that they were once a couple and are now trying to re-define what they mean to one another. This was a very emotion-heavy episode, including the situation with Mr. Terrific and how he is dealing with the separation from his husband. Diggle’s situation brings the world of the DC universe into the real world. We see DA’s working with legal matters to save a military prisoner from almost certain death. And oh how he did it well. But perhaps there is more to this DA than meets the eyes. It should be interesting to see how next week’s episode continues the story, and the hunt for the new Black Canary begins.
Season 5: Episode 11 - Second Chances
In his quest to take down Kovar, Oliver gets help from a surprising source – Talia al Ghul. However, when she reveals what she wants from him in exchange, Oliver isn’t sure he can accept her help. Felicity attempts to hack the NSA to help free Diggle but when her online efforts are flagged, she faces off against an unknown adversary. Meanwhile, Curtis tells the team about a female vigilante, Tina Boland, he uncovered online who has been wreaking havoc all over the country.
If there are any shows that you think we should check out or that we have missed, please send us a private message or leave a comment below.
Please also keep an eye out for the weekly review: This Week in Review., for any non-superhero shows.
Until Next Time...
2 notes · View notes
jbuffyangel · 6 years ago
Transparency: Arrow 7x11 Review (Past Sins)
Dear Arrow writers,
Please write better episodes for David Ramsey to direct.
I didn’t love “Past Sins” but that’s not a reflection on David Ramsey’s directing. I’m always happy when Arrow dives back into Robert Queen, but yeesh there was a lot of hokey.  
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 I’d give it a C+ for writing, but a solid A for David’s first time directing.
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Warning: my interpretation of Bl*ck S*ren’s arc is either right on the money or wildly and grossly wrong. No middle ground. It’s one or the other. 
Let’s dig in…
I love my steady ship. They are dealing with separate issues this week. Oliver is facing more Robert Queen fall out and Felicity is busy being Bl&ck S*ren’s Say No to Murder sponsor. And here we thought L*urel & booze was a problem. Oy. 
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But there are plenty of Olicity goodies as they check in with another. I truly don’t need 100% focus on Olicity every week. I mean, I’ll take it if Arrow is handing it out, but I’ve been watching this show for too long to believe in that pipe dream anymore.  As long as they hit me with a few Olicity focused episodes I’ll be good.
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Source: olicitygifs 
The smaller moments are important to me too. In the immortal word of Joey Potter, “It’s gonna be the details that define us. The moments.” 
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The details and moments, big and small, define Olicity’s love. I am really enjoying watching our ship happily married. We’ve earned this friends.
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Felicity continues to be Oliver’s rock solid support system. She gives him great advice about Emiko, he follows it and TA DA! A bridge to a relationship with his sister is created when before there was none. 
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Source: olicitygifs
The moral of the story is Felicity is always right and Oliver would avoid 99.999% of his problems if he just ran decisions through the home office first.
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Felicity is pushing for transparency from Oliver because she knows the truth we all know. Oliver is an amazing human being, but he has to strip away all the things that prevent people from seeing that - such as masks and lies. The more Oliver shows his true self to Star City the more they will fall in love with him. 
Why this city is more ticked off about Oliver hiding his identity rather than being grateful for the three times he’s saved them from total destruction is beyond me. Star City you continue to be an ungrateful twat of the highest order.
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It’s really frustrating watching the police, Star City citizens and even Oliver’s own sister fundamentally mischaracterize who he is, but this is why Felicity continues to be so important. She’s our voice. 
Felicity is saying all the things we would say to Oliver. Her belief is unwavering, so it’s clear the point of this storyline is to show that the police, Star City and Emiko are in the wrong. They’ve misjudged Oliver and as we continue to push him toward this almost Messiah like evolution it’s really important for hindsight. Everyone has look back and realize Oliver’s goodness was staring them in the face the whole time. This way when he raises from the dead everyone will appreciate him.
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
Is it weird I still get excited when they hold hands and kiss? Well, I still get excited when they hold hands and kiss. 
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Source:  olicitygifs
We have had a solid kissing run too. I think they’ve smooched at least once for the last five episodes. We are well fed fandom.
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I love Oliver’s little head shake whenever bae is being adorable. 
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
He smiles and shakes his head like, “How in the world did a grump like me end up with this adorable rainbow of a human being?” I don’t know Oliver, but you are one lucky bastard.
Oliver Emiko and Robert Queen
Oliver offers his apology to Emiko for all the wrongs their father has done her. It’s juxtaposed against Oliver’s reformed vigilante interview with Bl*ck S*ren. Oliver may be sorry for what his father has done in the past, but in public he is still covering for him.
Oliver: I can prove to you I am nothing like him.
Emiko: You’re a Queen. All you know how to do is leverage your own privilege to help yourself.
I’m having some issues with Emiko’s perspective on Oliver.  
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She’s lived in Star City her whole life.  She’s dressed up like the Green Arrow for the last seven months. If she can grasp the Green Arrow is a mechanism for justice then how can she say Oliver has simply been helping himself the last seven years? Those two don’t equate.
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I understand Oliver singing his father’s heroic praises on television has to grate on Emiko because Robert was anything but a hero to her.  It’s natural for Emiko to believe Oliver was a total asshole before the Queen’s Gambit, because he was one. 
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However, it’s difficult to view the Green Arrow as leveraging privilege. The guy saved the city from destruction three times. Oliver admitting he is a vigilante fighting for the citizens of Star City should have cleared up some of Emiko’s issues, but I guess not. I think the writers could have eased up on the anger a little bit.
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Obviously, a lot of Emiko’s anger with Robert is being targeted at Oliver. He’s the last man holding the bag. Oliver has the Queen name so he has to answer for all their sins. Thanks a lot parents. 
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However, Emiko knows Oliver is more than Robert Queen’s son. He was mayor and saved the city multiple times. The only way I can rationalize Emiko discarding this information is she believes all the good she’s witnessed from Oliver was merely for show. No different than how Robert Queen paraded around town as a “good guy.”
Emiko is right about something – Oliver is still not telling the full story. We know he’s not as we listen to the interview. Oliver is obviously struggling with calling his father a hero now that he knows about Emiko. The truth is, abandoning his daughter is not the end of Robert Queen’s list of sins. Not by a long shot.
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It’s always difficult to hear anyone bring up Robert’s suicide to Oliver because it is one of the most painful moments of his life. It is probably the most painful. There is a purpose to revisiting this topic, other than the reporter being a nosey, but it still makes me uncomfortable when anyone outside the inner circle (Felicity and Diggle) brings Robert up.
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Hackett was Robert Queen’s bodyguard and he made it to the raft too. Robert shot him just before he turned the gun on himself. 
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In all of Oliver’s retelling of how his father heroically saved him he’s always omitted this detail. Quite frankly, I breezed past it over the last seven years too. 
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Hackett was expendable to Robert. A necessary cost to saving Oliver’s life. The choice Robert made in that moment was one most parents’ can understand, but that doesn’t change how Hackett died. 
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One of the reasons Oliver has not dealt with Hackett’s death, and the manner in which he died, is because he cannot reconcile the two events in his mind. Oliver cannot see his father as a murderer in one moment and a selfless hero in the next. The contrasting images are too stark. It was too much for a traumatized Oliver to sort through.
However, Oliver has learned life is not black and white. And neither are people. He’s come to terms with a lot of the trauma in his past. 
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Oliver is also in a stable, loving and supportive relationship, so he’s able to sort through the grey areas of Robert Queen. 
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Source:  oliverxfelicity
His experience in Slabside showed Oliver criminals aren’t always entirely bad. So, now it is easier for Oliver to accept heroes aren’t always entirely good either.
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Oliver’s ambivalence about Robert isn’t new territory. He told Tommy in Season 1 he had a lot of anger towards his father. There are a lot of decisions Robert made that hurt Oliver and he didn’t understand. He was grappling with the Undertaking at the time and Robert’s cowardly inability to put a stop to it. So, it’s not like Oliver has spent the last decade thinking his father is a swell guy.
The one thing Oliver always holds onto with both Robert and Mora is they did whatever was necessary to protect their children. It’s how Oliver rationalizes their more questionable behavior. However, Emiko is Robert’s child and he abandoned her. Moira turned her back on Emiko. Oliver cannot rationalize this behavior and it casts a much darker light on some of their previous actions. He’s also simply reeling from the shock of discovering he has a sister.
Oliver is on a transparency kick, which is why he’s doing this interview. He’s coming out of the shadows and allowing the people of Star City to see who he truly is. This isn’t new territory for Oliver either. He’s been showing Star City his true self bit by bit.
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It started in Season 4 when he became mayor and rehabbed his bad boy lout image. Then, Oliver told the truth about how his father died in a press conference in Season 5. 
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Keep in mind the story the public knew was Robert drowned when the Gambit sank. Hell, Thea thought that until Season 3.  However, Oliver left out a crucial detail in his heroic retelling of Robert’s sacrifice and now he needs to tell the whole truth if he’s really invested in full transparency.
Arrow grapples constantly with responsibility versus legacy in terms of Oliver’s heroic evolution. Oliver is not responsible for Robert Queen’s actions, but he’s trying to be a better man so the sins of the father do not become the sins of the son. He hasn’t always been successful at it, but overall Oliver is a better man than Robert. He’s the man his father asked him to be.
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The legacy Oliver inherited from both his parents wasn’t great. He’s been focusing on creating a legacy of his own, one for William, which breaks the cycle of violence that began with Henry Goodwin’s death. However, there are still skeletons in Oliver’s closest. He wants Emiko to give him a chance to prove he’s different than their father. 
Oliver: I think I’ve been so obsessed with proving to people I am not like my father that I didn’t stop and look at all the ways that I am exactly like him. I should have come clean with Sam years ago.
Oliver has been drowning in Robert Queen’s ocean of lies for over a decade. The only way to the surface is the truth.
It starts with Hackett’s son Sam who has been terrorizing the SCPD for hiring Oliver.  He built some kind of vest that electrocutes police officers. This is the point of the episode where my electrical engineer husband got up and left. The vest pushed him over the edge. The level of ridiculousness on Arrow now matches The Vampire Diaries and he had to peace out.
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Oliver admits he’s a liar to Sam because… he is. Oliver has told many lies over the years and simply because his intentions were good doesn’t automatically make the lying okay. If Oliver is really living a transparent life then he has to tell the whole true. Starting with how Sam’s father died. It’s a hell of an apology, but unfortunately too little too late for Sam. He’s gone round the bend.
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Arrow takes a hard left directly into a wall when it decides rather than Sam simply electrocuting everyone with his science-that-doesn’t-exist vest, he’s going to make one of the police officers shoot Oliver. The other cops get to live if one of them kills Oliver. I think? I guess the police have to prove they aren’t working with a known criminal. Except Oliver is a criminal and he’s working for the SCPD, so…???!!!
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Don’t make me explain this plot guys. It’s just as stupid on paper as it is watching from my living room. I like the Hackett son storyline. I’m always down for some son versus son melodrama, but I can’t with the hokey tech.
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The cop can’t shoot Oliver because “he’s one of them.”
*Cue emotional music, preferably a string quartet, to signal the cops’ acceptance of Oliver to the audience.*
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Dinah shoots an electrical box, the vest doesn’t work and nobody dies, which is exactly what every viewer across the globe expected to happen. The writers know they built zero suspense in this episode right?
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Oliver decides to sit down for another interview, but this time he tells the whole truth when asked about his father’s heroic sacrifice. Yes, Robert Queen was a hero. He was also a murderer. Failing to acknowledge both truths does a disservice to Robert’s memory, his legacy and the people left behind.
Oliver: Transparency is about more than just not wearing a mask
A duality exists in us all. None of us are entirely good or bad. A good man can commit horrible sins.  A horrible sinner can accomplish much good. They are often one in the same. The truth is the only proper judge of a person’s soul.
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Source:  smoakmonster
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Generally, I would be extremely excited about this kind of a speech from Oliver Queen. I’d be trumpeting THY NAME IS CHARACTER GROWTH and hire a band to go marching down Main Street, but nope. Not this time. I am no longer the sweet summer child of my youth. This isn’t 2012. It’s fucking 2019 and I’ve been dancing this dance with Oliver Queen for a very long time.
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Here is what I know: Oliver Jonas Queen is a liar liar pants on fire whenever he deems necessary. It’s the nature of the biz. He’s gonna hero the way he needs to hero and sometimes it requires selective truth telling behavior. Some would call this lying. I prefer to look at it as a necessary evil in the service of goodly, and Godly, pursuits. I’ve made my peace with it and I think Felicity has too.
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He even prefaced this pledge by saying he’s made a lot of mistakes and will continue to make more. That’s literally a get out of jail free card to use whenever necessary!
Me: You said you weren’t going to lie Oliver!
Oliver: I also said I would make mistakes. The lie was a mistake. TA DA!
Me: *seethes*
I think it is wonderful Oliver is trying to live a more transparent life and I give him a lot of credit for airing his father’s dirtiest laundry ON LIVE TELEVISION. Most of us just get really drunk and drop a truth bomb at the wake. Different strokes for different folks.
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I do believe Oliver means it. It’s very good for his hero development. He’s learning to merge both personas into one. The hood is down. He’s embracing his humanity and holding on tightly to the people he loves. Everyone knows he’s the Green Arrow. The truth is no longer the price for protecting his family’s name.
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Oliver was so afraid everyone would blame him for Robert’s sins that he ended up committing some of those very same sins in an effort to avoid it. Oliver acknowledges he was wrong and shakes some of the last remaining skeletons in his closet free as a result.
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The only person holding Oliver accountable for Robert Queen’s actions is Oliver (and Emiko). It’s because of what he witnessed and the trauma that resulted. His father’s last words were, “Right my wrongs,” and then he blew his brains out. It saddled Oliver with an enormous burden and guilt. His mission was born from that burden and guilt.
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But there’s been a seismic shift inside Oliver.  He’s stopped blaming himself for Robert’s death. He’s trying to shift away from violence and has stopped killing. He’s telling the truth about who his father really was and those admissions bring freedom.
Oliver is more concerned with his legacy than he is about Robert’s now. He is more concerned about being a good father than he is about being a good son. Bit by bit Oliver is lifting the weights that have burdened his shoulders for over a decade. Oliver is becoming a man who is nothing like Robert Queen, and by doing so, becomes exactly who his father asked him to be.  
Oliver Queen is Robert Queen’s legacy. He was all the good Robert had left to give the world, which is why he sacrificed his life and killed Hackett. The only way Oliver completes Robert’s legacy is if he builds one of his own. 
It means no more mask, hood, killing or lies. These are the layers which must be stripped away so Star City can see the man Oliver truly is. It’s like he’s yanking out all the worn out carpet and the beautiful hardwood floor waiting underneath is revealed. If we are preparing Oliver for a Messiah like resurrection then this is another very big step to a sin free hero.
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It’s enough for Emiko to see Oliver’s light and goodness too. It’s not enough for her to forgive Robert for what he did, but she realizes Oliver is very different from their father. His transparency makes Emiko think a relationship with her brother may be worth having after all.  And that’s a start.
Bl*ck S*ren and Felicity
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Source: andremichaux 
Felicity and L*urel are wine drinking buddies. 
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How long have we waited for Felicity to have a female friend to drink wine with? SEVEN YEARS. And the female friend is… S*ren.  
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Here’s what’s even weirder – I buy Bl*ck Siren and Felicity as drinking buddies more than I buy L*urel and Felicity. That’s how bad it was with her character.
We finally get Bl*ck S*ren’s back story. I was slightly curious about how S*ren ended up as a fishnet wearing, screaming psychopath. The answer is cake. 
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S*ren’s father forgot her cake for her 13th birthday party. So, L*urel threw a fit and Quentin got back in the car to get it - only to be driven off the road by a drunk driver. 
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S*ren becoming a super villain because of cake is the most L*urel thing this show has ever done. I cracked up.
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The drunk driver, Collins, is supposedly Siren’s first kill so she can’t understand why she sees him alive in an alley. Umm… because he’s the E1 version and not the E2 version. How is S*ren confused by that? You. Are. A. Doppelganger. She’s not exactly the brightest bulb in the box.
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S*ren believes Collins is stalking her (re: threatening notes), but he’s not. He’s just a drunk Dinah locks up for disorderly conduct. S*ren didn’t really kill E2 Collins either. She didn’t have a handle on her powers back then. E2 Collins died on his porch of old age, I’m assuming. 
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs 
So, the catalyst murder S*ren used to justify her murder-y rampage wasn’t murder after all.  The first person S*ren ever killed was someone who didn’t have anything to do with her father’s death. This essentially eliminates any moral justification for Siren’s killing going forward.
Bl*ck S*ren's father's death is not her fault. The many people she killed, however, are her fault. It’s good S*ren didn’t kill Collins, but it also removes any justification she might have thought she had. S*ren’s whole world is a house of cards.
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Source: katie-mcgraths 
This storyline is really a bonding opportunity for L*urel and Felicity. S*ren blames herself for her father’s death and Felicity is there to tell her it’s not her fault. This is an important step in a redemptive process. We have to get to the root of what caused the bad decisions, so the character can avoid the behavior in the future. 
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Sort of like how Oliver confessed he enjoyed killing to Felicity in a sewer. She told him that was crazy talk and she does the same thing for L*urel here.
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Source: katie-mcgraths
One of the reasons I like this version of LL is because she’s a more interesting character. S*ren is a killer and a villain, so it does give her scenes with Felicity and the other characters a different slant. I know it frustrates people when she shares scenes with Felicity, but I enjoy them. They make a good straight woman/funny woman. Felicity doesn’t ignore S*ren is a murderer and the occasional snarky comment from one of them gives their scenes some honesty, which was sorely lacking with LL.
Felicity: You haven’t had a problem talking about the dozens of other people you’ve killed so why keep this one secret?
Is it ridiculous Felicity is drinking Malbec with a serial killer? Yeah. I’m not sure what else to say about it. It seems everyone has decided since Bl*ck S*ren is living life as straight laced L*urel L*nce, and doing good, they are going to look the other way regarding her multiple homicides. 
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The fact Felicity believes she can reform a killer isn’t exactly out of character. She’s done it before and look how good he turned out! This guy used to drop bodies on the regular and now he’s a puppy dog.
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Of course, I am not equating Bl*ck S*ren’s murders and Oliver’s murders. They are very different things. S*ren killed good people for a bad reason. Oliver killed bad people for a good reason. But it’s still murder. So, yes I am leaving room for Bl*ck Siren’s redemption if she actually does what I think her redemption arc requires. And that’s a big if.
One reason I’m not particularly bothered by this sudden besties arc with Felicity is because something feels off. Really off. Does this feel a little fast to anyone else? 
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Arrow made a really big show of S*ren living L*urel’s life better than L*urel did in “Past Sins.” She’s the most popular DA in the last ten years, which really says something about our L*urel’s ability to lawyer. Someone who studied for three months, never went to law school or took the bar is navigating the Star City penal system better than L*urel ever did. I gotta say this show never misses an opportunity to shade whatever version of L*urel L*nce they can.
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My point is Bl*ck S*ren, by Arrow’s standard of measurement, is redeemed. Felicity is singing her praises about how proud Quentin would be. 
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Even Oliver coughed up a 60% compliment in the interview, which I think is a personal best when it comes to those two. 
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Source: smoakmonster 
Oliver, Felicity and Dinah have all signed off on Siren’s redemption. And we’re on episode 11.
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If S*ren is ending this season as redeemed than she’s already there. Beth talked about how some characters will find redemption while others will not. If they are focused on S*ren achieving redemption then they shouldn’t have her land there in 7x11. She has nowhere to go other than maintain the status quo, which puts us back to the original problem the writers had with L*urel. It’s also kind of a dull storyline and we have a lot of season left.
I think everyone was “Ra Ra Ra Siren! Go Team!” because they aren’t done exploring her darker side. S*ren was uncomfortable about Felicity wanting to have drinks like friends. She also had difficulty accepting Felicity’s compliment regarding honoring Quentin. Eventually, she allowed the sentiment to sink in and could appreciate the acceptance and forgiveness being shown her. But something lingered in her eyes a little.
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Source:  nyssaalghl
But what does she do next? When S*ren is threatened she chooses to kill Collins, whatever version of him. There’s no reason S*ren couldn’t have reached out to Dinah or asked Felicity to help her resolve the problem legally. SHE IS THE FREAKING DA. But no – S*ren opts for murder.  
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
The only reason she didn’t do it is because Felicity interrupted and yanked her off the playground like a three year old. That doesn’t signal a redeemed person at all.
One of the problems with S*ren’s character is she had no connection to Oliver or Felicity, which automatically separates a character into a different show. They had the same problem with our L*urel. They had to give Quentin some ridiculous arc about S*ren being his daughter to justify her staying put in Season 6. 
But now, she’s Felicity’s drinking buddy! S*ren helped save Oliver and Felicity held Siren’s hand through her emotional cake confession. FRIENDS. Hell, even Oliver is starting to like her.
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I know this makes everyone bang their heads against the wall. Seriously, that’s all it took for Oliver and Felicity to get on S*ren’s bandwagon? 
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We have to remember this is Arrow and their history with LL and KC is… complicated. They aren’t going to devote a ton of time developing a relationship with Felicity. I think they’ve done a pretty good job selling it, but sure episode 11 feels a little too soon for Felicity to be completely invested in S*ren’s redemption.
I think they are moving quickly because they aren’t fully invested in S*ren’s redemption. If everyone is redeemed at the end of the season then it automatically lessens the impact. You get redemption and you get redemption!
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Redemption should be difficult to earn. It certainly has been for Oliver. Someone has to fail at achieving it to show it’s difficult to earn. Someone has to reject it to show the value of those who desire it.
They’ve been comparing and contrasting Oliver and Bl*ck S*ren all season. “Past Sins” is the most obvious thus far. Both Oliver and L*urel are dealing with  father issues. Both characters had guilt to contend with and each landed in a fairly peaceful place about it by the end of the episode.
S*ren is getting all the same support from Felicity that Oliver found. At at the end of the day, having good people around us isn’t enough. We have to choose to be a good person. Redemption can only occur when a person wants to be redeemed. The fact S*ren slips so easily back into murder makes me question if she really does. Perhaps, the shoe won’t fit in the end.
It would be an amazing contrast to Oliver’s arc. We know he’ll end the season redeemed. If Felicity shows S*ren the same love and support, but she chooses to remain evil then it casts a very bright light on Oliver.  
Free will must be introduced. The writers have to level the playing field. S*ren has to be given all the same opportunities and support Oliver was given. Then, if she rejects redemption it’s truly on her. She has no one to blame than herself. Oliver’s redemption and goodness is not just a result of Felicity’s belief and influence. It’s also who Oliver chooses to be.
BS and Felicity have developed a friendship, so if she goes back to her villain ways then there are stakes now. Felicity is invested whereas a year ago she wouldn’t give BS a second thought. It gives the two characters drama to play with in the fallout.
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Of course, I could be completely wrong. It’s entirely possible the writers will keep BS at the status quo. If that’s what happens then character’s snide snark still makes her a more interesting character to watch than milk toast LL. Or perhaps the writers are pursuing a more in depth redemptive arc. S*ren will own up to her crimes and do a stint in the pokey. That would be a great contrast to Oliver as well. No matter which way they go I am curious to find out, which is a heck of a lot more than I can say for my apathetic state regarding LL years ago.
Curtis and Diggle
My live tweets track my emotional Curtis Holt roller coaster.  
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Look, I am a nice person and I deserve nice things. The writers teasing Curtis’ death like this proves to me they know he’s the absolute worst and we want him gone. They’re just being obstinate about it. 
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I still think Curtis is going to die. 
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They’re just going to mess with us before they off him for real. All the evidence is still there. There’s no mention of him in the future, there’s no Holt in Smoak Tech, Felicity is developing the tech for the Archer program without him (AS SHE SHOULD), and he’s not part of the Mark of Four.
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Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
Curtis has been almost nonexistent for the last four or five episodes. It’s clear the writers aren’t using him as much and that’s typically a sign of their lack of investment in the character. Tell me what was going on with L*urel before she bit the dust. Nothing, that’s what.
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My cratering disappointment aside, Curtis did get one over on Diaz. It’s a bad ass moment for the character, which probably means we have another coming with his alter ego Mr. Terrific and then he’ll be toast.
He’s also the voice of morality the entire episode. Curtis Holt is acting more Yoda than John Diggle. Just when I think we can’t go any lower the writers reset the whole scale. 
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He takes a big stand with John and decides he’ll be making his own calls. Let’s just ignore that’s not how a military operation works, Diggle outranks him and Lyla can just fire his ass. 
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When characters suddenly become angels with wings it means Arrow is getting ready to ship them off to the great, big superhero haven in the sky.
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I don’t really care about Ghost Protocol. Sure, it’s inhumane putting bombs in people’s heads. Curtis is right. Diggle is wrong, but whatever. Put a bomb in Diaz’s head, John. Have at it.
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Stray Thoughts
Felicity looked adorable in her white and red polka dot shirt. It’s affordably priced, but it’s one of those shirts I know looks amazing on Emily and horrible on me. We have very different bodies.
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This bottle remark is a big mood. I’m gonna abuse this gif. Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
No meeting between Felicity and Emiko. I think the writers will focus on Oliver’s relationship with Emiko and once that is solid we’ll get Felicity and William interactions with her. They can’t do two things at once friends. Don’t make it too hard on them.
They can’t say Suicide Squad. Hahaha
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Why is Bl*ck S*ren dressed like a Girl Scout on E2? Source:  nyssaalghl
“You should be behind bars.” I like this guy. Collins can stay. Next round is on me buddy.
"I almost do." Bl*ck S*ren kind of grows on you, Oliver. Like a chia pet.
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Reason 34,097 why Felicity Smoak is our spirit animal: never leave the wine.  Source:  felicitysmoakgifs
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We need to ease off the shoulder pads with KC, wardrobe department. I'm having eighties flashbacks. Reel it back in.
My understanding of Oliver working with the SCPD is he does all the work while Dinah & co follow him around in single file.  How is this any different than what he did before? Oh it's legal. This is dumb. I’m over it. Time for Team Arrow to get back together.
Great nod to Felicity not taking Oliver's last name.     
David loves the slow close up. A signature is born.               
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