#also my friends took me to an abandoned mall the get these
obsessive-dumpling · 2 years
So, yesterday I was having a hard day and some friends wanted to cheer me up and it resulted in me getting to add to my bkdk collection.
I was taking some pics of my haul and realized, I've never shown you guys my collection! Let's change that immediately!
(Warning: it's not as extensive as some I've seen on here or as much as I would like it to be, but I still adore the pieces I have 💚🧡)
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The new additions were the Break Time Collection and the reversible pillows. Got my eyes on another plush set and another fig set but it's gonna have to wait a minute. Ah the struggles of being a responsible adult AND a nerd.
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btsarmymoonmoon · 26 days
Loved you from afar
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Yoongi fluff that was in my head for a good few weeks. Inspired by my friend Taeyi. Shy Yoongi, non idol style. 4k words. No warnings. I hope it will make you feel warm and fluffy and head over heels for this Yoon. (didn't read it or spell checked sowwi)
‘I’m here!’ – you waived at the man walking down the mall along the shops towards you. He was holding two cups of coffee to go and a small bag which looked like the kind you would get from a pastry shop. He walked past few other people on the way and made his way to you. He was wearing a pair of shorts and long dark oversized t-shirt, high top converse with white socks sticking out. He smiled widely when he saw you waive. ‘The queue was crazy, I’m really sorry it took so long’ he muttered and handed you the drink. ‘It’s okay Yoongi, I told you it’s mental around this time of the day’ you smiled grateful he went to get a lunch for the two of you. ‘Let me just let my boss I’m going on a break��� you pointed at the inside of the clothing shop you were both standing in front and you disappeared inside for few moments, still holding your coffee. Yoongi nervously looked around, trying to find something to look at whilst wating for you and he decided to just stare at his own shoes. You came back not long after, poked your head around the corner to see your friend just staring down. It wasn’t anything new to you, as he tend to be a little bit awkward in public. ‘All sorted, ready?’ you surprised him and he glanced at you, smiled and nodded.
Right outside of the mall on the left hand side was small park-ish area. Few swings for kids and benches for the parents. But it was all empty because it looked like everyone disappeared for lunch. The both of you moved towards the area, picked the cleanest bench and sat on it. It was getting colder as the autumn was approaching soon. The sun was still quite high, it just wasn’t giving the same warmth as two weeks ago. You have taken a sip of your drink and closed your eyes, listening to the silence surrounding the two of you.
‘Taehyung wanted to go to the movies later today’ Yoongi muttered kind of towards you but kind of just in to the universe.
‘Oh really? What are you going see?’ you got interested right away. You knew Yoongi for years now. It’s been at least 8, maybe coming to be 9 soon? You became friends at school, then you graduated and still were hanging out, both got few part time jobs across the time of few years. You also managed to hold an serious adult office job for about three months before you decided to get a degree part time, which you also decided to abandon few weeks in. It was too stressful and all you wanted to do is draw. You were really good at it, so you opened a small business on the side selling your digital prints and art you drew on your tablet. But it wasn’t enough to keep you going, hence the part time job at the mall.
Yoongi always wanted to make music and he was on the side. He was definitely making enough now to not work part time but for some reason when he found out you will be working in the same mall as him (before he decided to quit) he changed his mind and decided to stay. You never really questioned his decisions. During your summer breaks you spent hours together locked in one of your rooms, him making music at the desk and you drawing on your tablet. The perfect combination. Both the artsy types, both quite shy and timid. Not all the time tough, there were multiple crazy stories you could tell your friends. One of the more memorable one was when the two of you got really drunk after work and you sat in a shopping trolley which he was pushing, whilst on his skateboard. Both laughing like two crazy teenagers until the security got rid of you. Yoongi was shy. Very shy. But he was also so warm. He would always cover your with a blanket when you fell asleep and he continued working on his stuff. Would always bring you hot soup when you were ill. Lunch at work was always a must. He really cared. He was also the type to never admit if he ever had feelings for you. If he did, he treasured your friendship more. He could always be around you and catch you when you fall, without ever risking and jeopardising your current relationship. He could love you from afar. Of course he spent nights thinking if your lips would be soft on his, or what would it be like to hold your hand for real, not just for a second when you were wrestling on the bed. What would it be like for you to fall asleep on his shoulder, when you actually intended to put your head there, not just by accident when he was near by and you were to tired to sit straight. His stomach flipped every time you mentioned a date with someone. He was terrified of someone else having you, at the same time he would never stop you. And he was always there when you were broken up with by another guy who didn’t know what he could have. He watched all the silly films with you and devoured half of the tub of ice cream you always liked. He was always the one to peel a tangerine for you, or an orange when they were around. Without asking if you fancy one, he would just do it and hand it over to you.
‘I’m not sure but he wanted me to bring you with. He said he invited the new girl he was seeing and he wanted it to be little bit less official than a date’ Yoongi answered, slightly worried you might get the wrong idea about the entire thing. But it wasn’t the first time you would go to the movies as his +1. Anytime one of his friends needed a double date you two were the go to. Even though you obviously weren’t dating. Obviously to you, not so obviously to Yoongi. Well it was obvious enough but it started getting to him the more he thought on how long you two have been hanging out for. Nearly 9 years. He was a loyal friend, he was a loyal friend to his other friends too it was just the way he was. He brushed through his long dark hair, overgrown from the summer. He looked at you, nervous as always even though he asked you the same question multiple times before.
‘So WE are going? I didn’t really want to go out tonight but..’ you started, desperately trying to get your pastry out of the paper bag that was laying between you and him on the bench.
‘If you don’t want to I will tell him you had other plans’ he quickly jumped to conclusion. He would never want you to do anything that you weren’t comfortable doing.
‘No, no it’s fine. We can go’ you smiled seeing him getting flustered. He held the bag steady for you and you finally managed to get your piece out of the bag. You grabbed the pastry and bit into it right away. Sweet cream and jam inside filled your mouth and you felt better. Less dizzy and shaky. You didn’t have anything else this morning and Yoongi knew it. Because when you asked for lunch you asked for coffee only and he brought food. He knew you too well and he was sure you didn’t have anything else that day.
‘Are you sure? I can go on my own..’ he asked looking at your pretty face devouring the pastry he picked for you. He admired every second of every time spent with you. Your eyes wondering around the sky, which he dreamed of staring for hours at the time.
‘Yes it’s fine, let’s do it. What film?’ you looked at him again, in between bites.
‘I didn’t really ask, let me text him’ he got a little bit nervous, of course he forgot to ask Taehyung about the film, at the end of the day he didn’t really care. He knew he would have a good time because it was with you. ‘Anyway, I will pick you up at 7? I will take my mums car’.
‘Sounds good! And don’t worry we haven’t seen any of the new films anyway, so whatever Tae picked will be fine’. He loved how unproblematic you were. How easy it was for you to just go with the flow. It was easy for you because you knew that it was always a good time with Yoongi. You knew nothing bad will ever happen to you around him. He would always protect you and take care of you. And you loved it about him so much, but you could never admit it. How could you ruin a friendship like this? He was older so in your head he was always treating you like a younger sister. The age gap wasn’t that big, you met at school at the end of the day.
You picked a really flowy dress, the evenings weren’t super cold. Short green platted dress with a cream cardigan because it was an evening and the dress was on thin straps you were bound to get cold and you promised yourself you won’t get Yoongi to give up his hoodie yet another time for you. You put few bits in your bag, lip balm, pack of tissues, your wallet and your keys and you run out seeing Yoongi approaching in his mums car. You got in and he got immediately flashed with your scent. Sweet but light floral perfume that you have been using for as long as he remembers. Your hair half up, with the rest flowing down your shoulders. He got stunned. He couldn’t say anything, there was no thoughts in your brain apart from just how beautiful you looked that night.
‘Yoongi? Hello?’ you waved your hands in front of his eyes and he finally shook his head and came back to his senses.
‘Pull yourself together’ he whispered to himself and you heard him say something but you couldn’t make up any of the words.
‘What? Are you okay?’ you asked, but then he looked back at you, smiled and nodded.
‘Ready? You look great’ he complimented. He always said it. No matter what were you wearing and it was true. He loved you in every outfit. No. He was miserable about you in every outfit. Including his hoodie and joggers when you both got soaked that one night running home from the shop. You were perfect to him in everything you wore. Oh how miserable he was about you. And recently it has been becoming more and more impossible to hide it. He would stutter when you would approach him without a notice or he would get stunned just like just did in the car.
‘Let’s go!’ you said enthusiastically and put your hand into a fist and made a really awkward ‘lets’ gesture. He didn’t say a word the entire time to the cinema. Not a word. The music was playing in the background, nothing too crazy, nothing too loud. He was always quiet but he was acting really strange this time. Almost too strange. And when you started thinking about it, he did become different recently. He was more distant, quieter. He wouldn’t come around as much after work anymore. Is he dating someone? Was your first thought but then you declined that idea since he invited you to go and pretend to be double dating with Tae tonight. Surely he would of invited his real date if he had one.
Anyways you made it to the car park behind the cinema, walked inside and stood there for a while trying to localise Taehyung. But he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Not yet anyway.
‘Is he late? Are they late? I mean it’s nothing new for him, but isn’t the film about to start?’ you asked and looked at Yoongi as he was taking his phone out. You watched him text Tae for the 5th time in the span of 20 minutes as you were waiting for him. You turned around and looked at the popcorn machine and went towards it to get some for you and Yoongi. In that time Taehyung sent a message back to Yoongi ‘We are not coming. I will explain later’ is what the messaged said. You came back to him with a giant bucket of popcorn with a smile on your face excited to devour it during the film.
‘Well they are not coming apparently. Do you still want to go and see the film?’ Yoongi locked his phone and put it into his pocket. You looked at the popcorn in your hands and pouted at first because the idea to miss out on all of that crunchy deliciousness made you a little sad.
‘Do you?’ you asked quickly, still staring at the food.
‘Sure why not, we are already here and we got the tickets’ he nodded and took the bucket away from you. It was always like that with him around. You never had to carry anything, you never even have to ask. You never had to ask about the hoodie when you were shivering either. He just knew. He did a little bit excited for the idea of just the two of you in the cinema. All on your own. Last time you both went was few years ago and he was really nervous to just be alone in a dark room like that with you. Even though you spent hours overnight in each others houses. But the cinema was always a strange place that just gave him this one particular feeling. A feeling of a date.
You found the screening room and went inside. The ads have already started as you were waiting for Tae and his date for a while. Yoongi found your seats and lead you to it. There wasn’t a lot of people around anyway, not many people chose to come in on a weekday after all.
The film started uneventful, it was supposed to be a thriller but it doesn’t seem very thrilling at first anyway. You were slowly going through your bucket of popcorn when a huge jaw came out of you. You hid your face in your hands quickly with an apologetic look on your face, staring at Yoongi. He giggled as it made him laugh. The film wasn’t very good and he clearly could tell that you were getting bored too. But you both decided to give it another try and started paying attention again. The film did get better. The story moved at a more faster pace and when a random guy popped out of a rubbish bin with a knife you jumped on your seat and your handed intuitively landed on Yoongis. He looked at your hands and froze for a second. You were now holding his hand. Well he was holding your hand. You were holding hands. He gasped without you noticing but he didn’t pull away. He promised himself to distance from you. Give you space to breathe because even he could notice the way he was behaving around you recently. But today, the smell of you in his car, the green dress and the fact that Tae stood you two up made a potion of courage for him. He decided to just go with the flow. It wasn’t like him at all. But he kept wondering what would it be like to hold your hand, and how would you lips fit in his.
You noticed he was looking at your hands but you didn’t pull away either. You didn’t let him see that you saw him looking. What a huge game is being played here. Pretending to not see each other movements or delicate stares. You smirked to yourself and decided to pretend this is not a big deal. It’s just a hand right? And then another strange thing happened and the film and you squeezed his hand. And all of a sudden he just let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around you. You froze. Yoongi? What the hell is this? He wasn’t looking at you, he just did this and went back to watching the film. But you couldn’t focus anymore, his fresh scent surrounded you. Just like every time you worse his hoodie. It felt so homey and fresh. His warm arm around you. You not moving an inch. You gulped. What is going on? You thought to yourself. He was never like this. He was never this brave nor forward. But it felt so nice. You didn’t know what to do next. You were so conflicted already overthinking scenarios in your head. What if we won’t like each other like that for very long? What if he will get bored of me? What if…
He saw you having an internal conversation with yourself. He knew you too well and seen it too many times. He wasn’t sure what it was about but he  could tell you stopped focusing on the film. Did I fuck up? He thought to himself but he didn’t move an inch. He looked at you again and he saw two round eyes staring right at you. There was nothing else around for him just the pair of your eyes looking at him. He exhaled loudly and looked a way for a second. Brushed his hand through his overgrown long dark hair and looked back at you.
And there you were, still staring at him trying to read what was going on in his head. Trying to understand what was going on between the two of you just then and there.
‘Fuck it’ he said very loudly and leaned forward. Where did Yoongi found all of his courage to do all of this neither of you will ever know nor question. Because his nose was touching yours now, his eyes closed and his lips touching yours. And the both of you froze for a second. You didn’t back out but you didn’t kiss him back right away. You were trying to understand the motive behind his arm wrapped around you not beg for a kiss but he clearly read you wrong. Well wrong wasn’t the correct word. He understood you differently. And now his lips were at yours. Your stomach flipped and it felt like 10 thousand butterflies just hatched inside you and try to escape. You could tell he was nervous because his arm that was still wrapped around you was getting a little shaky and heavy. Without thinking too much anymore you started kissing him back and a slow and soft kiss turned into a slightly deeper one and he started grabbing you closer with the wrapped around you arm. You cupped his face with your hand and reciprocated every inch of his kiss. It felt like the both of you were floating above the seats now and nothing else really mattered anymore. The semi good film, the popcorn you had your eyes on for most of the duration of the film.
He finally had the guts to go for it. He didn’t know when was the next time be, that it will be just the two of you in the cinema which for some reason he had really strong feelings about. It couldn’t be in the car. It also couldn’t be anywhere else. You kept making out until the film finished, without noticing and the lights turned on. Only then Yoongi realised that the film has finished and he let go of you and sat back in his seat. He didn’t say anything, he just smirked and then smiled with one of his gummy smiles to himself.
You got off your chair and looked at him for a second, really shy and flushed face. You were blushing, now that it wasn’t dark around the two of you. He followed, grabbed the rest of the popcorn bucket and took it with him to leave at the bin downstairs. Both of you silent just moved towards the exist and then towards the exist of the building and straight to Yoongi mums car. No word, not a look not a sight was heard. The silence was deafening and it almost felt like either of you regretted what just happened. Yoongi couldn’t stop overthinking it. He was sure he fucked up. For once he had the guts to act the way he really felt and it all ruined your really long friendship. He just wanted to get you safe home and disappear for few days, give you time to breathe.
‘So…’ you finally opened your mouth as the both of you were standing in front of the car.
‘So..’ he answered looking away from you. Both of his hands in his pockets, playing with his shoe shyly. ‘Listen I know this wasn’t planned..’ he started again. He didn’t have a plan. Again. He didn’t know what he wanted to say. All he wanted to do is to lean you over the car and kiss you again and again. But you were still blushing and looking away from him just now.
‘It’s okay if you regret it’ you interrupted him right away. If? That sounded like you weren’t regretting it. He looked at you for the first time since you left the cinema. You were standing in front of him, pink nose from the wind outside, red cheeks and glary round eyes drilling into him.
‘I don’t..’ he braved it out of himself. He took a step towards you and you froze again. You turned your head to the side almost like asking a question and he took one of his hands out of the pockets of his hoodie and leaned forward towards you. ‘Come here’ he whispered and you took his hand. He pulled you closer and leaned you on the car door. Took few steps towards you, the tip of his nose touching yours. He bit his lip and then looked into your eyes. You gulped so loudly he could hear. You closed your eyes before he closed his and he smirked and shook his head. Your insides flipped, the butterflies hatched in the second wave and started flustering inside you. You bit the inside of your mouth and patiently waited. But nothing happened. He was just there looking at you with your eyes closed. So you opened one of it and you saw him smiling. Gummy wide smile, eyes in half moons. Pure happiness and you have never seen him like this. ‘If I kiss you again, that will be it you know it?’ he finally managed to get few words out. ‘You will be mine and I won’t let you go’ he added before you had a chance to respond. And you nodded. That’s all you could do. Just nod. So he came closer and this time the both of you closed your eyes at the same time and his lips met yours again. It felt so right, it felt like this is what you have been waiting for, for years. Tears started rolling down your face as he kept kissing you more and more. And then he felt the tears and stopped.
‘Why.. why are you crying? Do you not want to?’ he got instantly worried and regretted being so confident in himself but you shook your head.
‘I didn’t know this was what I was waiting for, for all these years’ you answered and pulled him back to you. His head was spinning. You were his. He was holding you in his arms. He was kissing your lips. Finally. All the worries he always had stopped him from doing this went away. Maybe tomorrow he will think about it and worry about the future but for now. Now he had you and you were his.
‘I loved you from afar for years’ he didn’t think through what he was about to say. Today was the day he was just saying and doing everything he felt like was right. But you didn’t answer, just pulled him closer to you and hid your face in his arms. He hugged you so tight and wrapped his arms around you. And you felt safe. Like there was nothing else in the world that could hurt you. His pocket buzzed and he pulled out his phone to see a message from Taehyung.
'I hope you enjoyed ;)' . The both of you looked at the message and then saw Taehyung in a car parked opposite of you waving and showing his thumbs up.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Craving You
Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff (amab)
WandaNat x F!R
Picture Steve x Nat in CA:TWS, but astronomically better because it’s You, the reader. Also, Wanda and Nat have already met/were established. 😏 | 5,646 Words
Warnings: Violence/Injury | Emotionally Stunted R -> Sad Natasha -> Mean-ish Wanda
Smut: Mommy (W), Subby Nat | Nat has a penis |Handjob (W->N), Magic Restraints / Spreader Bar | Oral (All) | Unprotected Sex (R) | Degradation/Praising | Choking | Breeding.
18+ | Minors DNI | Labeled / Please Don’t Report
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"Kiss me," Natasha commanded, yours eyes widened, but soon they fluttered shut as she yanked you in with her hands on your face.
Natasha groaned as you parted your lips, tongue sliding over her shivering bottom one. She prays that you don't feel her desperation to let you in so you could devour her whole. Fuck, she wanted nothing more than to indulge you, but this was only a failsafe on a mission.
It wasn't real. At least not yet, she hoped.
There was no time to become distracted, two Avengers on the unexpected run from Hydra tripping over each other in a mall is the opposite of the objective. Once she knows Rumlow is gone she's reluctantly, but swiftly removing her lips from yours. It's almost mechanical in nature; self preservation is what it invokes within you, it also feels regretful.
You're just unsure if it's because she detested your touch, or for having to pull away already.
"Keep focused Agent Y/L/N," she suddenly rasps, then clears her throat of her arousal. But she only makes yours worse as her hot breath fans across your face. Then the smell of vanilla hits you, and you quietly gasp, keeping in stride with her, "My coffee didn't spill, you finished it while I was getting my croissant!"
Natasha bites back her chuckle. You were such an idiot, which is why she glares back at you. "I said keep focused you wannabe mall cop."
You giggled, "Pipe down Romanoff." Natasha desperately wanted to—to do that to you.
She shook her head, refocusing on the task at hand so that she and Wanda can make their move on you tonight. With a soft smile hidden by the hoodie over her face Natasha allowed herself to wonder if you'd finally break and ask instead. At this point it came down to if you or Wanda said something, she was too nervous.
Once the two of you made it to the location you knew something wasn't right. There was an uneasy haze around the abandoned army barracks. It took a moment, but between the both of you you found a building that looked new, appearing to be a recent development.
Then just as your gut had tried to warn you, there was a whooshing noise that gave you mere seconds to tackle the redhead and shield her from the incoming explosion. Natasha hit her head, knocking her loopy, and leaving you to safely evacuate both of you from the rubble.
Every muscle in your body ached as you made it back to New York, and into your apartment. Steve was waiting there, with his kind looking friend you learned was named Sam. You flashed the new guy a smile, then took Nat to your bedroom so she could decompress.
"Here." You passed the dirtied woman a towel, and a pair of your shorts and a loose tank top. Natasha beamed internally, the woman more than excited to wear your clothing. Then you kissed her cheek. Nat's stony resolve that she couldn't let crumble just yet nearly shattered.
"Th-thank you." Shit. She couldn't even keep it together. The sight of your smirk had Natasha moving the clothes in her hand over her crotch. There's nothing seamless about it, it was an obvious boner block. Your feathery soft affection drove her wild enough to get hard.
You bit your lower lip, and whispered: "You're most certainly welcome my dear." It was hot, and incredibly unfair, but fuck, Natasha so badly wanted to kiss your smugness away.
Natasha brushed passed you, catching a whiff of you that only made her throb harder.
Whenever you got too close, she could feel an overwhelming need. She'd smell Wanda's Chanel *5 that you stole last Summer, and it works. It blends in so harmoniously with your natural scent. It's romantic to her, in the way that yours and Wanda's differ so much, but both entice her immensely. Your scent leaned more towards the floral, hints of Rose and Jasmine prominent. Whereas Wanda's scent was more woodsy, a mix of amber and vanilla.
Natasha got off to the thought of you three times in the one day you were involved on this hopeless mission together. The first being right after she made it to the bathroom. She'd taken a strikingly cold shower and worked to release all the built up tension the kiss had caused.
The next time came when you called her name in your sleep that same night, an incoherent little please falling from your lips before you had also whimpered her lovers name. Natasha came without even so much as a few thrusts.
Her boxers were ruined, but they were her only pair. And all you had clean were thongs. She had to hand wash them in your sink, slip into your shorts commando, and wake up by 6 so she could beat you to the morning routine.
Then the last time was when you were kneeling down on the ground a few hours ago on a nature walk meant to inspire solutions to the mission. For some reason you stopped, then the next thing the redhead knows is your face is eye level with the soft bulge in her pants.
You picked up a penny, "Heads up Natty. Make a wish." Natasha rolled her eyes at your antics, then she had to stop from rolling them all the way to the back of her head when you tripped and palmed her dick through her shorts.
Natasha waved away your apologies. Tears welling up in her embarrassed eyes. You tried to follow her on instinct and she became more frantic. Then you realized she needed privacy; a silent understanding, so you let her venture off into the shadows of the nature paths where nefarious things like this happened every day.
You shared a reassuring smile when she came back, she returned it easily, then in a blink you were in a battle, peace far from obtainable now.
Then the next thing she knows is she's trying to find you while the Winter Soldier hunts you all down. Already successful in dividing, so now she prays, hoping that he fails his conquest.
Fortunately he failed, but not without taking the both of you out, totaling Sam's car, and bringing up a conglomerate of issues for Steve.
She was just trying to go back, maybe if she made the wish in lieu of skepticism then you'd still be fighting the good fight. Instead of for your life. She wants to go back to her reddened cheeks that indicated something naughty, not the ones she wears now with tear tracks.
To before you got stabbed, she got shot, and Wanda came in hot on your tails as you were wheeled into the medbay in shit condition.
Wanda was shaking, forcing the sobs back. She couldn't afford to lose it. You both needed her.
Nat ensured you, the unconscious one, with the three gushing stab wounds, got assisted first over her, with the one bullet wound that was imbedded and staunching the blood flow.
They'd insisted you go next, she grunted and sent murderous glares to anyone trying to get her into Cho's cradle. Noting that she was of a higher rank, making her scoff, "If she dies I'll use that rank to make sure you all disappear."
It was sickening, you were no less valuable for having less secrets. For being less corrupted.
She vowed to Wanda she'd get them all fired. She was fierce in her expectations, so you went in without any further fight. You were safe, for now that is. While Natasha stood guard, the witch went straight to Hill to ensure there was a safe house set up. She got the key, and returned to see you had woken up. Your groggy voice made her smile fondly. She imagined wanting to hear that sleepy voice every day.
In the heat of the moment Natasha tried to kiss you but you evaded it with fear in your eyes. It landed on your cheek and you scurried across the room. Unaware of how much that hurt the both of them. You were afraid to be loved, it was obvious how deeply your ex affected you.
It didn't excuse your reactions though...
Wanda glared at you from across the room. She held Natasha's defeated face against the soft cotton over her abdomen. It's virtually heatless, but it's scary enough to leave you wondering what she's mad about anyways.
The kiss? It was a mission, you might've savored the moment, but you knew it wasn't anything serious. Nat would never cheat on her girlfriend. Surely Wanda understood that...
The bombing? You didn't know until you did. Then you did all you could to protect Natasha.
The evasion? You weren't clueless, you knew they wanted you on some level, but based on how often Nat relieved herself you were sure it was only carnal. All your returned flirting and teasing aside, you just couldn't do it, even if your body craved them just the same, your heart would positively shatter if it was just sex.
You just weren't sure, Wanda's eyes were void of answers, and you didn't stick around long enough to find out. Her icy stare hurt. You softly called out a goodbye to them once you knew Nat was going to be okay. Then you just left, missing the look of longing both women were throwing at you. Wanda was only furious she didn't get to kiss you first. Your lips looked delectable, plump and hydrated. It was sinister how she wanted to tear your perfect smile into one indicating a rough night. It made her wet.
Natasha whimpered, looking up to the witch with tears in her eyes. The redhead was in love with you, Wanda knows that kiss hurt her more than it pleased her. Outwardly Wanda seemed like the soft one, she had such a friendly smile and Natasha mostly offered grimaces. Except for when she looked at you or Wanda. Her face always lit up at the sight of either of you two. She'd always been the romantic one, she loved, love—she wanted to kiss you under the stars.
Not on an escalator in perceived falsehoods.
"Get some rest detka," she whispered against her lips as she pecked them. "We'll make her understand when we get to the safe house."
When you made it to your spare room at the compound you found Hill there with a smirk.
"What are you doing here?" You groaned, and she feigned offense. "Is that anyway to speak to your commander?" You rolled your eyes. "Last time I checked Shield has fallen, as have you. I'm not sure what you want, but I have to change and get back out there to help Rogers."
"Nuh-uh, the witch and widow benched you," she teased. "You'll be staying with them in a safe house until Rogers and his friend fix this."
"No." You shook your head, eyes widening at the idea of being locked up with them.
"Which is why I have a bag of your things, I went and collected it all by myself. Made sure to even throw in a new set of lingerie of yours."
"Isn't Fury dying?" You exasperated and she snorted, "Not as fast as your sex life has."
"Knock it off," you whined, and the woman merely chuckled, "You first." You glared at her and she sighed, "Stop running. They want you."
"Maybe I don't want to be wanted like that."
Maria's features softened. "Y/N, they want you far more than like that. Wanda nearly killed me with a glare after you were rolled by on a gurney, and Natasha wouldn't let anyone near you while you were healing. Stop letting your past relationship dictate your happiness now."
"I'm trying," you sniffled, Maria moved to wrap her arm around your waist, you leaned against her shoulder. "I love them so much, of course I want them 'Ria, but I don't want to burden them with these feelings if they're unwanted."
"No," you cut her off. "Darcy only agreed to go out with me because she felt bad for me. Then she let me believe it was love for six months."
Maria squeezed your hip, you put a hand over hers, and felt the numbness fade at the touch.
"I loved her Maria, but to her I was a chore."
"Darcy's a bitch," Maria matter of factly stated. "Wanda and Natasha have their moments, but in the end they're total teddy bears. I'm telling you that you have nothing to worry about, they want you, but if on the 1% chance I'm wrong, they wouldn't hold your feelings against you."
"It would still be embarrassing," you whined, and she pinched your hip to draw out your babyish response. "Take a chance on yourself, I guarantee you won't strike out my dearest."
Maria stood up as soon as you'd sat back up. "Don't be a hopeless fool Y/N, return happy." You rolled your eyes. "That's an order Y/L/N."
"Wha-." The door slammed in your face, you were stunned. Maria is a walking HR Case.
Fortunately for her Shield was crumbling.
You began to sort through the duffle bag, you were planning on showering, because Cho's machine doesn't remove blood or grime. You looked for an outfit to change into, your hand suddenly stopped, and your fingers traced curiously over the lace of your lingerie set.
You lifted the set from the bag to see it was your newest. It was a lush swirl of pinks and reds on the bra and panties, each with a pretty pattern in white lace to enhance the pieces.
You'd thought of the couple when you bought this set. The deep colors and delicate lace just made you think of the women. Both were publicly headstrong, but behind only your closed door they were lovable goofballs.
For a moment you gave into the temptations Maria left at your door, and took a shower. You'd pulled a pair of cotton grey shorts over your butt, then pulled a V-neck shirt over your head. Offering a glimpse of white lace.
You took a few deep breaths as you packed your bag and as you made it down the stairs.
When you reached the bottom you found the couple waiting for you. Both with steeled features, picture perfect stoicism on display.
Soon you found yourself entering a cottage, judging by how long the flight was you're assuming it's Norway. The gorgeous green mountainsides and surrounding pools of a beautiful deep blue water also an indicator.
It had been a quiet evening, the couple spent most of their time avoiding you. Wanda was holding up better at the game, Natasha didn't want to be far from you, even if she was supposed to be mad at you. You were the most beautiful person around, with a heart of gold.
Who finds that and doesn't go absolutely nuts?
As soon as you left the kitchen with a sad smile Natasha whined. Wanda was right behind her a second later, her hand wrapped around her throat from behind. "I said let me handle it."
"But mommy, I need her." Wanda sighed, "I know detka, believe me, I do. Be patient."
Wanda had a plan, but it was only going to work if she got Natasha out of the way, so with a gentle push she guided her lover to the room.
"Take it all off detka, and wait on the bed for mommy," Wanda instructed, and Natasha moved with obedience while the witch went to the dresser drawer they'd just filled with toys.
Natasha sat pretty on her knees, with her hands clasped behind her back and her cock laying against her thigh. Wanda returned pleased with her, so she softened for a brief moment as she connected their lips for a kiss.
"Lay down detka," Wanda purred, hands gentle as they eased her into the mattress. "Mommy hates to have to do this." Wanda feigned remorse, but truthfully she loved doing this. "But since you won't let me handle Y/N alone, I have to restrain, and gag you." Wanda sent wisps of red across her lovers body that latched onto the headboard and encased her wrists.
Then she placed her legs into a spreader, her limbs instantly ached as she was forced apart. Her butt barely touched the bed, so her arms and legs were strained with her body weight.
"Mommy please," Natasha begged, but it was of no use, her words now muffled as she placed a ball gag into her mouth. "Shh, it's okay..."
Wanda lazily jerked Natasha off, getting her cock to stand upright, her tip slowly coating with pre cum. The witch ran her thumb over the slit and felt the warmth spewing out. She removed her hand then, just as Natasha was about to blow. The redhead had tears running down her cheeks now, and Wanda had never seen anything more beautiful. "I'll be back."
It didn't take long for the witch to find you, she knew that you'd be in the living room once they went to bed. She caught you off guard, you tried to get up to leave, not wanting to make her anymore upset, but she didn't let you.
Wanda flicked the TV off, and held you to the couch with her powers until she straddled you. She smirked as you groaned, feeling her wetness through your thin sleep shirt. Wanda was in a faded guns n roses tee, with nothing on beneath so you felt her wholly. "Wanda..."
"Shut up, Y/N." Wanda ignored your weak warning as she slammed her lips into yours, and immediately the room was spinning. You closed your eyes tight to try and calm down your system, but no matter what you couldn't get your heart rate back with Wanda on you.
Her velvety tongue slid over yours after she broke her way in with a harsh bite to your lower lip. You moaned unabashedly, there was no fighting how good she felt against you.
"Fuck, I've wanted to do that for so long," she groaned against your lips. "I was so mad that Nat got to you first, I wanted that honor."
"I can fuck you first," you blurted, it was a shock to the both of you. The willingness and subsequent confidence materialized out of thin air, and it had the desired effect, because Wanda was drenching you through your shirt.
"Or you can let me fuck you first," Wanda countered, her eyes dark with sinful desire. "Nat will be jealous, please let me taste you."
Your answer was a pitiful whimper, then you lifted the both of you from the couch and ran to the bedroom where you found a glorious sight.
Natasha was tied up and desperate, her eyes wet from a never ending stream of tears. You tossed Wanda onto the bed, then moved to kiss Natasha's cheek with a blink of tenderness.
Wanda internally aw'd, but in the moment she snatched you, and laid you down beneath her.
"Can I touch you sweet girl?" You nodded, then whispered a pleading yes. Wanda kissed you softly then her hands turned devilish as they roughly tore your clothes from your body. The witch hummed lowly at the sight of your lingerie, it was beautiful, you looked delicious.
Her fingers traced over the lace, feeling the intricate design as she held eye contact with you the whole time. Her hand eventually wiggled beneath you so that she could unclasp the bra, and blindly toss it across the room.
"That's new," you whined, and the woman chuckled around your nipple, sending a sharp shiver down your spine. "I'm sure it's alright."
The witch continued lavishing your breasts with attention, helping you to forget your concerns. Slow, and methodical as she sought to tease the woman to her right. "You smell so good detka, bet you taste even better." Natasha cried out, disappointment running its course through her as she watched Wanda eat you out.
*Keep your eyes on mommy detka,* Wanda called out to her telepathically, *Don't look away and I promise you'll get fucked by her.*
Natasha forced her eyes back open, watching as Wanda's tongue drove into you repeatedly, she wished to taste you from the source herself. To have her tongue be the reason you were whimpering and writhing on the bed so hotly.
Natasha came with a hump to the air as you did the same on her lovers tongue. Wanda cleaned you up with slow, precise strokes of her tongue, teasing you in the direction of another orgasm, but after a minute she pulled away with a grin.
She kissed up your body slowly, her breaths labored as they brushed across your skin.
Wanda whispered in your ear, "Go on detka, tease her while mommy catches her breath."
You hovered over her face, your body to her side as you removed her ball gag. A line of spit connected her to the plastic until she began to cough after taking in a breath too eagerly.
You waited for her to calm down before your hand slowly trailed down her body. Natasha watched you warily, her lower lip trembled as you fisted her bulge while gazing into her eyes expectantly. "Tell me what you want baby."
Wanda chuckled airily, "Good luck with that, she is a brainless whore when stimulated."
"Is that right Natty?" She nodded timidly, you smirked. "Good, I prefer my whores dumb."
Natasha's eyes crossed when you straddled her spread thighs, your slick warmth blanketed her erect cock. You giggled at the feel of her throb. "Fuck Nat, you're so desperate." Her hips bucked in acknowledgment, fighting against the restraints to hopefully slip inside you.
"Want you so bad Y/N/N," she whined, "I want you to fuck me, milk my cock, please detka."
You looked to Wanda who gave you a nod of approval, she watched you both intently. Nat however gulped as she watched you as you lowered yourself onto her. The both of you sighed when your hips finally met, and she moaned when you began to slowly rock yours. 
"Look at that detka," Wanda whispered, her nose nuzzled into the redheads. "Y/N's finally riding you, how does it feel?" Natasha smiled with pleasurable tears in her eyes. "So good."
The way she said finally had you rocking even faster, knowing this was a fantasy of theirs had you ready to fulfill it in the blur of a moment.
"You're so big Natty," you praised, voice sultry as you felt the building pleasure from riding her. "Can't wait to feel you let go inside of me."
Natasha's cheeks flushed a bright red, and Wanda looked at you with wide eyes, her shock lasted a few seconds before she was smirking. "You hear that? She's gonna let you breed her, but only if you make mommy cum first."
Natasha grinned cheekily, she pushed out her tongue, and Wanda chuckled heartily at her enthusiasm. The witch then waved her hands, relieving the persistent ache in Nat's shoulders as her upper body was released from the magical bonds. She swiftly slung her leg over her face and lowered her dripping cunt down.
Wanda had made sure to ride her face with her back to the headboard so she could watch you. Her hips harshly ground into Nat's obedient tongue as she watched you slowly falling apart.
A burning sensation on your clit had you opening your eyes, you met Wanda's crimson set and knew what was happening, the pit in your lower belly tightened impossibly, and you bit your lip hard as you tried to ride the wave.
"You gonna cum for us pretty girl?" Wanda asked, her voice dripping with desire as she watched you struggling to hold on. "Let Natty know how good she feels, I wanna see you come undone for us, help mommy out, yeah?"
Wanda crooked her finger, and you eagerly leaned in to kiss her like you both desired. It was sloppy as you couldn't stop moaning with the new angle. Natasha was incredibly strong, so the spreaders didn't keep her from thrusting up into you, her bulbous tip hit your g-spot with each thrust of yours she managed to meet.
The brunette bit your lower lip suddenly, the heat from her powers intensified, and her hand wrapped around your throat. "Let go detka."
"Fuck," you clenched, trapping Nat's cock between your pulsing walls as you saw stars. Wanda watched in awe as your slick gushed and painted the reddened thighs of her lover. Her own hips stuttered, and she came hard on her tongue as she screamed both your names.
Wanda fell onto the bed, causing it to shake as Nat was still being fucked by you, tears fell from her eyes as the jolt pleasured her deeply. She was already desperate to release, but the promise of letting go in your womb made it much harder to hold back. "Mommy please."
Wanda looked at you, you nodded once again, and she felt her heart flutter at the thought. Of you finally letting these walls drop, and letting them love you the way they've always wanted.
"Let go," she purred, "Fill Y/N to the brim."
A scream was ripped from your throat as you felt fresh hot, spurts of cum painting your walls. Natasha's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she came even more as Wanda squeezed her balls and tweaked her nipples.
Your body collapsed onto hers, lips crashing into hers as you sought the grounding touch. Natasha smiled into the affection, her heart was beating wildly with love as you made out. Moans never stopped leaving you, the feel of her throbbing inside of you kept you aroused, and it only got better as you got to taste Wanda's tangy essence on her plump lips.
"Holy fucking shit," Natasha gasped, you had gently removed yourself from her body, and the sound of your combined cum sloshing against her thighs made all of you go still.
"Fuck," Wanda breathed as she scooped some of your combined essence up, and brought it to your lips expectantly. Natasha leaned up on her elbows to watch, your lips parted, and you instantly gagged as Wanda fucked her fingers into your mouth, paying no mind to your throats existence, that was her goal after all.
“Isn’t she pretty Natty?” Natasha nodded, smiling softly as her hand reached out to wipe away the tears Wanda was causing to fall. Her lips then pecked your cheek. “The prettiest.”
Wanda slid her fingers from your mouth, a soft pop rang out in the room. The tension was palpable as she kept her eyes on yours as she seamlessly moved them over into Natasha’s. The redhead hummed around the intrusion, happily engaging in the swapping of spit.
“Mommy loves a set of good girls, ” Wanda beamed, then she leaned in to kiss you slowly as Natasha suckled and gagged on her fingers. Then she tapped the redheads face with the wet digits, and whispered, “Let’s get cleaned up.”
The rest was a blur, Wanda was nothing but gentle as she removed the toys, and moved to clean you up, all the while you cleaned Natasha up by way of a sloppy blowjob. The redhead stood no chance against your lips, so after she came down your throat it was lights out for her.
Wanda scooted Natasha to the center of the bed, and then clambered in behind her, she placed a kiss to your temple, then another to Nat's before she settled into the mattress for some much needed sleep after the long day.
The night was perfect, but the longer you laid there the more you felt an urge to run. It felt great in the moment, but now you felt used. As if bedding you was the goal here, you ignored the obvious loving touches, and the buff arm that was wrapped around you protectively.
Your mind was like a cataclysmic battlefield.
Wanda groaned softly into her pillow as the sound of scuffling roused her from sleep, she gently removed her arm from over her lovers waist, then she walked over to your rapidly dressing form. You rushed out the door, but you didn't get far as she wrapped you in her powers, and softly shut the door for Nat's sake.
"Why don't you get it Y/N?" Wanda's tone was tired, you shrunk as guilt washed over you, "This wasn't just some quickie, and it's hurtful that you'd think that." She shook her head in emphasis of her negation. "We love you Y/N, Nat fell asleep with thoughts of taking you on a date. She loves you beyond words, as do I, so why can't you let us, hm? Stop running."
"I-I," your voice was unbearably hoarse, thick with emotion, "It's all I know how to do..."
Wanda's defensive resolve fell, you sounded so dejected, your pain obvious, so she lowered you to the ground while briskly approaching you.
"You're not on the run anymore malysh," she whispered the words against your temple as she kissed your skin tenderly. "You're safe here with me and Nat. It's okay to trust, I promise we won't break it. Please, just let us love you."
"I want to," you admitted quietly, "I just don't know how." Wanda nodded, she understood wholeheartedly how life after Hydra can be.
She also remembers your ex, the wench that took your love, and squandered it. Who took your hardly given trust and broke it for all.
"We'll take it slow," she soothed her hand down your back before returning it to cup the back of your head, guiding your face to her chest while her other arm wrapped around your waist
"Whatever you need," she reaffirmed, Wanda wanted nothing more than to make you happy.
You hummed thoughtfully, "Fresh air sounds nice." Wanda grinned. "I'll make us some tea."
"Moya lyubov's?" Natasha called out, her raspy voice now deepened from sleep cracking as she broke out into a yawn. You and Wanda shifted so you could look at her. It melted your heart to see her pouting, eyes glimmering with unshed tears brought on by the both of your absence.
It wasn't hard, nor suffocating, to feel the love.
"Shh dorogoy," Wanda coo'd as she beckoned her over. Natasha waddled, navy green blanket wrapped so tight around her body that all you could see was her face when light cast through the shadows of the hallway and onto her.
Natasha sniffled pitifully, "I was all alone."
"We're sorry," Wanda relayed genuinely as she leaned in to kiss the redheads wetted cheeks. "Our love here needed some fresh air, so I was just about to make us some tea. Wanna come?"
Natasha beamed, head nodding quickly. "We can share my blanket!" You snorted, this was such a beautiful, new side to the redhead for you to see. She'd always been softer with you, but she was also evasively abrasive when she felt as if she needed to keep her guard up.
But now, under the glow of the moon you saw her in totality. Natasha was a sweetheart. Dangerous to nearly all of mankind, but she's cracked open and vulnerable for the two of you.
"That sounds perfect Nat," you replied nasally, Natasha swiftly dropped her blanket and looked between you and Wanda with concern. She pulled your face away from Wanda, and settled it right before hers. "What's wrong?"
Natasha might very well be feeling softened and subby, but she wasn't clueless. She was a spy for goodness sake. You shook your head, lips brief as they kissed her palms, one after the other. "Nothing sweetheart, let's go cuddle."
The redhead squealed as you scooped her up, giggling soon following as you kissed all over her face, the feather light touch tickling her pink. She hummed as your lips firmly pressed into hers, her tip throbbed but her cock stayed motionless. Her body was far too spent.
"Where's my kisses?" Wanda asked in offense. "I'm not making the tea until compensated."
Natasha twisted in your hold until she was on her tummy and able to crane her neck, offering Wanda her pursed lips. The witch breathed a laugh through her nose. Then she leaned into the contortionist with a passionate lip lock.
When she pulled away Natasha rolled back over with her eyes closed and lips raised. You leaned down to kiss her forehead and she purred while shifting closer to you. Wanda soon gripped your face, she waited for a go ahead, and once you nodded she kissed you.
There was a hunger to the way her tongue slid in your mouth, but it was heatless. She sought a moment of deep intimacy as she caressed the back of your teeth with the tip of her tongue. It was surprisingly sweet. Your heart beating out of rhythm when the tip of her tongue pushed down your throat. As you gagged she pulled away with a glistening smile. A tethered string of spit that connected you snapped as her lips had curled up. You mirrored the action.
"Go get comfy on the patio now loves," she commanded tenderly, "I'll be right there."
When Wanda followed ten minutes later with a tray full of everyone's favorite snacks, and warm mugs of tea you felt this foreign feeling of comfort roll over you. Their bright smiles, and warm caresses insinuations of love, and for the first time in a long time you willingly felt it.
But more importantly, you began to embrace it.
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skzdust · 3 months
Room 514
Part 5
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Despite hating parties, I love writing party scenes, so here we go! Debating continuing the party in part 6, but I also might skip ahead to another scene... let me know what you all think!
Summary: You’re moving into a new suite halfway through your sophomore year at Stay University, populated by three guys: Jisung, Changbin, and Bang Chan. You meet their friends and quickly become a part of their group, but you find yourself wanting more with Jisung…
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Includes: parties, alcohol, drunk kissing, kissing to make someone jealous, 3racha being icons, jisung being adorable and also hot
Word count: 1.6k
Taglist (Comment on a post/send an ask if you'd like to be added): @weirdowithaphone, @caught-in-the-afterglow, @palindrome969, @skzstan12345, @katsukis1wife, @tsunderelino
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
You’d been hanging out with Jisung a lot, but you were getting closer with your other roommates as well, and it was Changbin who was now peer pressuring you to go to a party.
“It’s just at Jeongin’s place! Which is also Minho’s place. And Hyunjin’s, and Seungmin’s, and Felix’s. It’s Jeongin’s birthday party.” He spread his arms. “So all our friends will be there! There’s no reason not to go!”
“Parties are boring, I don’t like dancing, and my old friends were a little…” You shook off the memories of the parties they used to throw. “Not a fan.”
“All due respect, fuck your old friends.” Chan walked out of the bathroom, pushing back his hair. “They sound awful.”
You forced a laugh. “Yeah, they… they were something.” You look down. “Kinda makes me feel bad to just shit talk them, though.”
“They deserve it.” Changbin nodded decisively, as if he’d declared a universal truth.
“Yeah.” Chan agreed. “Come with us, though. It’ll be fun.” He smiled reassuringly. “I promise.”
If I wasn’t so into Jisung, Chan would be pretty attractive. You thought. He had the hair, the kind smile, the eyes anyone would fall for.
Not quite your type, though. Your type was closing his room door behind himself, and it took all your willpower not to drop your jaw as you took in his appearance.
He was wearing a high-necked, quarter-zip black top with white stripes down the short sleeves. His jeans were ripped, his hair was fluffy, and he was wearing eyeliner.
He ran his fingers through said fluffy hair, ruffling it a bit. “Y/n, you coming?”
“I, er… I probably shouldn’t.” You did your best to recover.
“You should!” He leaned against the back of one of the armchairs. “It’s gonna be fun, we’ll all be there with you.”
The idea was becoming more and more appealing the more the boys talked it up—especially the idea of being there with Jisung.
You bit the inside of your lip. “If I go, will someone stick with me? I don’t want to be abandoned the second we step into the house.”
“Wow, how bad were your old friends?” Changbin raised his eyebrows. “We’re not going to just leave you.”
“Pretty bad.” You mumbled.
“‘Course we won’t leave you.” Jisung smiled reassuringly. “I’ll stick by your side the whole night.”
You pointed to him. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”
“So you’re coming?” Changbin looked excited.
You sighed. “I suppose.”
“Yay!” He clapped. “Go get changed!”
“What’s wrong with this?” You looked down at your t shirt and jeans. “I feel like it’s fine.”
“You should wear that top we got at the mall.” Jisung grinned.
Your face burned. “Let me go get it on.”
You got the top and a sweater on as quickly as you could and walked back out, doing a twirl for the boys.
Changbin clapped again. “You look great!”
“Yeah, you look really good.” Jisung’s eyes raked over you, and it might’ve been your imagination, but it sounded like his voice dropped just a bit.
“Yes, it’s a great top.” Chan smiled. “Lets’ get going, though. A little late is fine, good, even, but we don’t want to be too late to the party.”
The four of you walked off campus and to your friends’ house. It wasn’t snowing, but it was cold enough that you were glad you’d grabbed a sweater.
You rubbed your hands together, trying to be discreet as you mentally yelled at yourself for not wearing a single article of clothing with pockets.
Jisung reached out to take your hands, holding both of them in his. “Aw, you cold?”
“No.” Your body betrayed you, a violent shiver shaking through your limbs.
“Shut up.” You bumped his shoulder.
“You shut up.” He bumped back.
“Just make out already!” Changbin said over his shoulder.
“Changbin!” Jisung let go of your hands to run up by Changbin, and you swallowed, looking down at the sidewalk.
You didn’t have to worry about being cold much longer, when you got to the house it was bustling with people and energy. Jisung waited back for you as Changbin and Chan went in, leaning into your ear. “You drink?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “If I’m going to survive the night I will need some alcohol.”
“We can do them together!” Jisung grabbed your hand, leading you inside. “I know where Minho hides the stuff he doesn’t want to share.”
“Won’t he be mad?” You laughed, letting him drag you into the throng.
“He’ll be fine.”
“Jisung!” An unfamiliar voice boomed, and both of you whirled around.
“Hey!” Jisung’s face split into a giant grin.
You loosened your grip, ready to walk away so Jisung could say hi to his friend, but his fingers tightened around yours, and he pulled you in with a move that gave you butterflies.
To your surprise, he introduced you to his friend, whose name you immediately forgot, and the three of you chatted for a moment before Jisung excused the two of you so you could go find drinks.
“What do you want?”
“Looks pretty picked over already.” You raised your eyebrows at the sad selection of cans.
Jisung shrugged, grabbing a beer and popping the tab open. “Eh, I’m not picky.”
“Mm.” You hummed, taking a hard seltzer.
“Wanna find Jeongin and wish him a happy birthday?”
“Yeah, any idea where he might be?”
Jisung took a long sip from his can. “No clue.”
“Helpful.” You grinned.
He winked. “I live to serve.”
You and Jisung walked out of the kitchen, and Jisung took your hand so you didn’t get separated as you wove through people. The feeling of his fingers around yours was sweet, welcome. He was so touchy, it was endearing.
You found yourselves back in the kitchen a few times, getting new drinks. You were a lightweight, and evidently so was Jisung, because it only took a few drinks for both of you to be giggly and even touchier than usual. And it was the kitchen, as you were doubled over and holding onto Jisung’s arm at something he’d said, when you saw her.
You felt cold, the smile slipping off your face. There was no way it’s actually her, right? You’d managed to avoid her around campus for the past few weeks, but as she threw her head back to laugh at something the guy she was talking to said, you couldn’t deny it. It was definitely Catherine.
“What’s wrong?” Jisung looked concerned.
“Old roommate’s here.”
He followed your gaze. “Her? Wait… Catherine?”
You looked at him in surprise. “You know her?”
Jisung sighed, looking annoyed. “Unfortunately. She dated Changbin for, like, two seconds, and she was… unpleasant.”
“To say the least.” You mumbled. “So, she’s Changbin’s ex? Why is she here?”
“I’m not sure.” Jisung squinted. “I dunno who she’s talking to.”
“Me neither…” You squinted, too, trying to make out anything about him, but he was facing away from you.
Catherine suddenly looked up, over the guy’s shoulder, to make direct eye contact with you.
“Oh, god.” You mumbled, looking away.
“Oh… and now they’re kissing.” Jisung sighed. You glanced up, and they were practically making out. Catherine kept her eyes on you.
I know what this is. I know her game. She’d made fun of you for being single half the time you’d lived together. This was a cruel extension of that, it was her rubbing in your face that she had a new guy who was neither her old boyfriend nor the guy she’d cheated on him with, and you still had no one.
Two can play that game.
You set your drink down on the counter. A part of you knew this was a bad idea, but the alcohol clouded your better judgement, and you looked at Jisung. “Can you help me with something?”
He blinked. “Huh?”
“She’s trying to make me feel single, and I’m not gonna let her… I need you to kiss me.” You looked at him with as much intensity as you could muster, your stomach dropping out like you were on a roller coaster as you said the words.
Jisung ran a hand through your hair, gently pulling you closer to his face by the back of your head. “And how do you want me to kiss you?”
You were sober enough to know you’d remember this in the morning, but drunk enough to say, “Like you’re in love with me.”
His gaze flickered down to your lips. “I live to serve.”
He slowly leaned towards you, and you had a brief moment of, oh my God, this is actually about to happen, I’m gonna kiss Han Jisung, before his lips met yours.
The kiss started gentle, tentative. Jisung’s hand carefully wove through your hair, combing through it, playing with it, and you let out a soft moan at how nice it felt. You melted into his lips, which pushed against yours in careful, practiced motions. Life can’t get any more perfect than this.
And then it did. Jisung deepened the kiss, his lips demanding more from you as he tangled his fingers in your hair. His other hand found yours, pulling it to his hip and holding it there. You tried to fight the urge to grab onto his shirt and pull him even closer, but the alcohol won, and you grabbed his neckline. He groaned, and sparks flew through you. It was low, and sexy, and you wanted to hear more of it.
You wondered how this would change things between you, but the thoughts felt far away, pushed deep into the recesses of your brain by his lips. Everything felt far away, the alcohol and the sensations Jisung was giving you mixing together to make this moment all that mattered.
Too soon, Jisung pulled back, panting, and rested his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes, trying to bring your own breathing back to normal.
“You did it.” You whispered.
You looked up, met his eyes. “Kissed me like you’re in love with me.”
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
For a couple years, I worked in a video store in a small town. In many ways, this was the culmination of a childhood dream: routine, unchallenging labour. If you were a particularly annoying labour analyst, all I actually ever “did” was ring up rentals, restock returns in the morning, and clean the windows. Customer service has its own way of filling the space left by the actual work, though.
People who have worked retail are a sort of elite corps. For one thing, you’re never rude to another retail employee for the entire rest of your life. You’ve been in the trenches, too, and even if you somehow managed to escape, you’d still have had that shared trauma to know how bad that shift could get for that shelf-stocker at Maybe’s Drugs off I-40.
I have all the usual complaints, but there’s something else, too. My unique problem is this: I had this one customer who came in every Monday morning, asking for the same movie. We never had that movie, which is the crux of our conflict. He – and I can’t remember his name anymore, even if the electroshock therapy had been effective – never took “no” for an answer, and would come back the next week. He’d ask for the same thing, by title. No other details: no barcode, no publisher, no actors. Not even a description of the plot (he hadn’t seen it yet, obviously.) Now, this was before broadband internet was widely available, so I’d have to dial up after hours to America Online, and see if the movie had been added to their database. It never did, except one night I saw some folks talking about it in a video store chat room.
Their customers, too, were asking for this film. Insistently. After talking about it that night, we decided that we would form a bit of a trade union group. If any of us heard anything on this mysterious VHS, we would share the knowledge with the rest of the group. That retail-worker camaraderie at work again, you see. Nothing ever came of it, but I did end up becoming good friends with a manager at a Hobart’s Movies in Ames, Iowa, and we were even roommates for awhile before he got a new job at Seaworld. I moved on, too, making my slow, but inevitably in retrospect, drift towards the coast. Still, the whole thing bothered me. For years afterward, I would turn on my computer every Monday night, long after I had left the job, and search for any clue as to the existence of this film.
Once, on a day off, I called a librarian, who got pissy at me for even asking about it, and demanded to know who had put me up to calling her as a prank. I hung up in a panic, but she called back for hours. Obviously, she was also undergoing the same situation, and I felt shame at having brought a momentary pain to another proud Retail-American.
Now, video rental stores are a thing of the past. Even in small towns, they have been reduced to just a fond memory and an abandoned corner of a strip mall. Maybe my customer’s quest doesn’t matter anymore. The aggregation of the world’s knowledge into one hissing, unseen beast at the centre of our collective technological hallucination is complete. If they don’t have it, pick a different one. All I know is that, one day, someone will find a copy of this movie, and I’ll be able to go back to that town and shove it in the ground where the video store once stood. On that day, I can finally rest, freed from the slavedriver that is Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol.
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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STRANGERS TO LOVERS FIC REC, Part II: Below you will find more fics that have Harry and Louis barely knowing one another before intimacy. (Part I)
📖 Let Your Heart Be Light by @cyantific (77k)
Louis Tomlinson, a self-proclaimed holiday-hater, loses his job two weeks before Christmas. Broke and desperate to see his family back home in England, he takes the only job left at the mall as one of Santa’s helpers. Harry is an unconventional mall Santa, the youngest one they’ve had in years, but with as much holiday spirit as any other seasoned Saint Nick. He’s determined to un-Grinch the new guy in Santa’s Village if it takes until Christmas, then he finds out the devastating reason Louis has lost his Christmas cheer. Will Harry be just the thing Louis needs to help him get his sparkle back?
Featuring Liam as the manager at Santa's Village, Niall as an easy-going Irish elf and Harry's best friend, grumpy Grinch Louis and his best friend Zayn and one matchmaking Mrs. Claus.
📖 where the tide takes you, i will follow by @pinkcords (53k)
There’s no way around his departure, their inevitable fate. Harry will leave and he will return to London and when he sits in his new flat, wherever it might be, he will think of this summer and the warmth the sun brought him and the way it felt to be loved. He will compare all his future relationships to Louis and when they fall short, he will be disappointed. Harry knows this.
Or, Louis lives in Gloucester and Harry tries to find a way to stay.
📖 You're The Christmas Wonder, That Makes Me A Believer by @lousluv91 (44k)
There were two things that every person in Louis Tomlinson's life knew for sure.
First, he was a perfectionist. A hard-working person, a caretaker who took his responsibilities seriously and often appeared to be kind of intimidating. Though those he trusted also knew his very soft and loving side.
The other thing they all knew was that Louis hated Christmas.
or the one where Louis is a grinch and Harry teaches him to love Christmas. Maybe Louis falls in love with more than just the holidays.
📖 Purring In My Lap (The Kitty Fic) by @yoursolosong (40k)
Louis and Harry are two strangers who find an abandoned kitten at the same time and argue over who's going to keep it. Begrudgingly, they decide to co- parent because they're both stubborn and don't trust the other to take proper care of the kitty.
📖 now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed (32k)
In reality, it’s a little different. Because as much as Harry loves the concept of dating, the reality sucks.
📖 Ding-Dong! Daybreak by @thinlinez (28k)
All it took was a flat bike tire, confusing usernames, pumpkin flavored biscuits, a chaotically supportive dog and food deliveries at daybreak for Omega Louis to fall hard.
📖 Sweet as Honey by @teamlouis2023 (21k)
Louis has always been shit at cooking. When he discovers Sweet as Honey on Instagram, owned by chef Harry Styles, he intends to mock him by recreating his recipes with his awful skills, posting photos on his own Instagram account, Nailed It. It's all fun until Harry asks to meet him.
📖 I Just Want To Start a Flame in your Heart by @peachbootylouis (21k)
Harry’s impending album release meant promo season was in full swing. While at an industry party with his manager, a harp player catches his eye and Harry is instantly bewitched.
📖 Checking Them Out?: How To Use Your Library Science Degree To Get an Alpha by @insightfulinsomniac (20k)
When a flirty, attractive alpha patron checks out an entire shelf of literature on omega behavior and omega rights, Harry can’t help but wonder why the man is so interested — is he a really attentive partner, or is he just a creep?
It doesn’t help that this alpha visits weekly to exchange his books… and that he smells absolutely divine.
Whether he likes it or not, Harry has a crush.
📖 lucky me, lucky you by @sun-lt (17k)
He wants to let Louis have that—have him, on his knees, easy and good and willing—badly.
📖 Be Mine? by @softfonds (11k)
Getting dumped the week before Valentine's Day wasn't in Harry's plans, and neither was being dragged to a concert to forget about it. But a sign Zayn brings manages to turn his night around in more ways than he hoped for.
📖 i need something, so tell me something new by @alwaysxlarrie (10k)
Louis goes on vacation to New York City to enjoy the good weather and good food - he even has a list of restaurants he wants to eat at. Much to his delight, his first restaurant stop includes a gorgeous curly boy and his nosy but supportive best friend. Maybe he'll get more than what he came here for.
📖 Wait by the Light of the Moon by @jaerie (5k)
Being a single parent of a newborn was not in Harry's plan. He can barely keep himself together doing everything on his own. He can't explain why he finds comfort in his neighbour next door, but apparently it's mutual.
📖 Get Nesting & Soft Knots by @pocketsunshineharry (5k)
AU where Omega Louis who runs a nesting materials Youtube channel meets Alpha Harry who knits his own blankets
📖 Perfect, For Now by @parmahamlarrie (4k)
Moving to a new city is always hard, being away from home, finding your new community - none of it is easy. Dealing with all of this while being touch deprived is even more difficult.
That is where omega Harry Styles finds himself a few months into his move to Brighton.
Then a mysterious alpha's scent enters his life, and he finds that he can't stay away.
📖 Unplant by @hellolovers13 (4k)
Louis should've looked where he was going, then he wouldn't have to desperately try to save a little flower now.
📖 She is Beauty, We are World Class by @exquisitelycloseted (3k)
A 70's London AU where Louis loses himself, and Harry finds him before he gets lost.
📖 Netflix Original by @allwaswell16 (1k)
Harry's hot neighbor overhears that he doesn't have Netflix.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
AITA for wanting retaliation on a "friend" who tried to kill me?
My (kid, F) friend G (kid, M) who's been gone for a while messaged me asking my help, as he was trapped in a now abandoned mall we used to visit when it was open. Being my best friend, I went to rescue him! We managed to keep in contact through walky-talkies when I got there and he instructed me on what I needed to do to get to him.
G told me to deactivate an old security system so that I could progress, and I also had to be careful of the remaining automated mall attractions that still roamed; they saw me as an intruder, I guess. I also got an electronic mask that helped me hack the system. I was putting my own life on the line there for my friend.
This rescue mission took me to depths I never imagined the mall to have (I'm talking underground caverns and glowing mushrooms type of deep.) Why would G be so far below?
Down there I finally fully shut down the security and got to my friend G! Or so I thought.
Instead I found a weird robot that sounded just like G, using a walky-talky to talk to me as G this whole time.
It would've killed me there, but one of the automated mall attractions R (robot, F) intervened to save me, as she still remembered me from when the mall was open! She fought the robot to allow me to run, when the real G managed to contact me to help me get to the exit. He led me through the right path while the weird mimicking robot chased me, but I managed to get into the elevator to get me up.
G could talk to me through the speakers. He explained me that the weird robot had been down here for a really long time. The security system I worked through was to keep it hidden but since I shut it off, the robot was now free. G then said that he couldn't risk being followed... so he wouldn't let me escape, despite everything I've done for him.
He cut the elevator and sent it crashing back down with me inside, and the only way I can interpret it is that he tried to kill me.
But I didn't die.
I should have, all things considered. But I didn't by what I assume was luck. But I'm hurt, in more ways than one.
I want to claw my way out and get back at G for betraying me like this, after everything I went through to save him because I thought he was in danger! That's what friends are for!
But friends also do NOT try to kill each other.
And G was the one who chose to burn that bridge first- and burn me along while I was in it. However, I managed to get up off the bridge's ashes.
So yeah, I'm very mad and hurt, and I feel like I'm justified in being upset at someone for trying to murder me.
So, once I escape, WIBTA if I seek out G and get back at him for being such a traitor?
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lordsireno · 8 months
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Urban explorer Goal has her next target in sight: The mall that was abandoned after a fatal fire. And this time she's got friends.
Rufus came on the promise of spending the night with a beautiful girl in an all you can smash and steal event. Cletus came along on the promise of spending the night with a beautiful girl, but did it really have to be somewhere so filthy? Toni was here as the usual company Goal had on her trips, and Argus had been instructed to bring Goal home the moment something went wrong.
But there may be more secrets to uncover than just the back rooms and service tunnels...
(intro snippet under the cut!)
“I can’t believe I let myself be dragged along on this stupid excursion.”
No one spared Cletus a glance as the five emerged from the overgrowth, out onto the cracked pavement of the parking lot. Before them loomed the massive structure of the abandoned shopping mall, stretching off into the distance.It was a mild evening, warmth slowly fading now the sun was on the other side of the building, with a breeze that gave way to quiet squeaking of broken lights and rustling of dried out bushes.
“Alright, according to the map-” Goal took the folded paper from her pocket, something she’d copied from the library archives, “There’s a fire escape that leads into the cinema. Hopefully since this end is so far from the entrance and damaged areas, it should have the least amount of security.”
Toni gave a small laugh as she dropped her cigarette and snuffed it out with her toe, “Don’t you find it ironic we’re sneaking in through a fire escape, when this place was shut down because people couldn’t escape the fire?”
“Let’s try to respect those who gave us the urban explorers dream location.” Goal pouted.
Rufus scoffed, “My dream location would be one of those spooky mental hospitals in the woods, that was also used to perform unethical experiments in an attempt to make some type of super soldier, that ultimately they lost control of and were destroyed by. But I guess potentially haunted by holiday shoppers' works too.”
The scavenger rifled through his pockets, producing a hand-held camcorder which he shoved into Argus’ hands.
“Okay, start filming.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re in charge of recording our adventure!”
Argus scowled, “No, I’m in charge of dragging Goal’s body back to her Father when this all goes wrong. That’s all.”
“It’s gonna be ages before we get to anything exciting, so just make yourself useful in the meantime, arsehole.”
“Oh I could end this whole excursion right here junk rat.”
Goal stepped between the two, pushing them apart by their shoulders.
“We agreed- no fighting, they’ll be enough of that if the guards find us. Please play nice.” She pulled her sadded eyes, “For my sake?”
Rufus stuck out his tongue in victory, while Argus muttered something under his breath and shoved the camera into Cletus’ hands, ignoring his confused protests. Pleased at the resolution, Goal turned and led the group across the cracked ground to a rusted stairwell that still clung to the outer wall. Red flecks flitted through the air as each scaled the steps, Rufus causing a mighty groan in the structure when he pushed forward to reach the door first. While chained, the crowbar he pulled from his coat made short work of the forgotten door, opening a dark hole into the depths.
At the back of the group, Cletus spared one last glance at the outside, flicking on the camera with a forlorn sigh.
“If this recording is the only thing they find of us, let it be known I was totally against it all.”
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eyesofshinigami · 3 months
WIP Weekend!
I was tagged by the always wonderful @shares-a-vest, so here we go!
The Rules:
In a reblog (or a new post w/ rules attached) post up to five (5) file names of your wips. Not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can’t share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
The WIPs:
Teenage Dirtbag: where Eddie is a lot a bit of a creep when it comes to Stevie Harrington, but wouldn't you know it, but she's kind of into it too?
A/B/O Rarity: Where the Alpha and Omega genes are incredibly rare, but with Steve's luck, he's one of the few people who's got it. He hides it for years, until he can't/doesn't want to anymore, especially after he meets Eddie, who is the only other person he's ever met who also has the gene.
Adventures in Babysitting: another A/B/O idea where Eddie is an older Alpha and needs a babysitter/nanny for his young son, and cue them meeting Steve, the incredibly hot, young Omega babysitter who immediately pings every box he's ever had.
As for a snippet, here's one from Teenage Dirtbag that's a wee little spicy.
Things changed again, after that. Stevie abandoned all her old friends, stuck by Nancy and Jonathon Byers of all people, the three of them looking haunted and weary in a way that stuck in Eddie’s mind like a splinter in his finger. Gone was the ice princess who roamed the halls of Hawkins High like royalty, and instead was a girl who looked like she had Seen Some Shit. Eddie knew that look. He saw it enough in the mirror when it was a bad night. 
And still, it didn’t wane. It got worse again, where Eddie pictured himself as some kind of black knight that would ride in and make everything better. He thought about getting her flowers. Or asking her if she wanted to go to one of his concerts and watch him play. Wondered if she would like having a picnic by the quarry, where he could get his hand up her skirt and kiss her and tell her that she was a supernova that had completely consumed him. 
But he didn’t. Maybe there was too much Munson in him, too much of a coward to try and reach out and touch the untouchable. Stevie Harrington was always going to be the pipe dream, even more than Corroded Coffin getting discovered and him hitting the big time. Especially because she was graduating, and Eddie was still stuck spinning his wheels in this lame-ass school because he couldn’t figure out how to get his head out of all of his imaginary fantasies.
She was probably going off to some rich-kid school on a coast somewhere. She’d probably find some blonde-haired blue-eyed guy named Chad or Kevin or something and get married, pop out kids and live in the suburbs. 
Until she didn’t leave. Until Eddie was fucking assaulted with the sight of Stevie Harrington in a tiny sailor’s uniform, slinging ice cream at the mall. That skirt was criminal, even more than the stupid tennis skirts she wore to school all the time. 
His thoughts took a turn for the worst, sitting outside Scoops Ahoy like an absolute asshole and just drooling over the thought of bending her over the counter. Thinking about pulling her into the freezer and fucking her until neither of them could move, her clawing at his back and pulling at his hair and telling him what a fucking freak he was. 
No pressure tags: @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @just-my-latest-hyperfixation, @marvel-ous-m, @devondespresso
I'm sure people have already been tagged, if you have, please poke me and I'll go take a look!
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misfits1a · 1 month
ACCORDING TO YOU. reki kyan x reader
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angst; fluff
posted. 8 aug 2024 (originally posted 24 may 2023)
notes. AHHH my first fic for my beloved, reki kyan!! the mall they’re at is the aeon mall okinawa rycom. if my research is correct, ramune is a carbonated soft drink, chūka is japanese chinese cuisine, and itameshi is italian-japanese food
also, i was really fighting with myself for a while about if i wanted to have a side blog specifically for my writing (and i originally posted this fic on that account), but i decided i'd keep all my stuff on one blog so alas, i must repost
cw. a JERKWAD of an ex! language. unedited
wc. 1.5k
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you’re not exactly sure how you ended up here.
one moment, you and reki are walking around murasaki sports and the next, the two of you are sitting across from your ex and his new girlfriend— hidaka rina, if you remember correctly— at kamakura, waiting for your order.
it’s awkward.
daichi uses his pinky nail to pick at something in his mouth. hidaka scratches absentmindedly at her napkin, her dark waves covering half of her face. she’s pretty, you have to admit– pale skin, cocoa eyes, long lashes, perfect height and thin.
reki yawns— obnoxiously, in daichi’s opinion; adorably, in yours. reki throws an arm over your shoulder and pulls you in close to his side. the bubbly skater leans in, his lips practically grazing your ear to whisper something.
you laugh at the joke.
neither of you see it, but daichi scowls. hidaka, however, does catch it and rolls her eyes. daichi could be so disgusting sometimes and for no reason other than he felt like it.
“so, reki,” daichi starts.
reki hums, just barely loud enough for you to hear, as he pulls away from you, smiling his trademark sunny smile at your ex in acknowledgment.
“how did you meet y/n?”
“oh, she works with a friend of mine!” reki says.
he loves this story— it was love at first sight for him, he believes. he and his best friend langa, along with another friend of theirs, miya, had arrived at the flower shop to ask hiromi for a ride to s later. when they’d walked in, your workmate had groaned, obviously knowing what was coming (and you’d just been confused), but as reki opened his mouth to ask the question, his eyes had drifted behind shadow and there you were, arranging some flowers. 
miya would say he had hearts in his eyes, it was so obvious. immediately, he’d abandoned his question and went over to where you were working, struggling to start up a conversation. you’d laughed at his flusteredness, much to his chagrin, but then asked his name. at hearing your voice for the first time, he’d thought, “marry me”, but when you and langa and miya and hiromi busted out laughing, he’d realized he’d said it aloud.
thankfully you took pity on him, and offered a date first. the rest is history.
daichi quirks a brow, grabbing his bottle of ramune and taking a sip. “a friend of yours works at a lingerie store?”
for just a moment, reki’s confused. but then he remembers you telling him you worked at a lingerie store before you worked at tulip.
you sigh. “i work at tulip now. the flower store.”
“oh, i’ve been there a few times!” hidaka says. “i always get my mom flowers from there. the manager lady is really nice.” she turns to reki as she continues, “i’m assuming your friend is the big orange haired guy?”
“yeah, shad—” he coughs, catching himself. “hiromi.”
“he’s nice,” hidaka hums.
daichi scoffs low in his throat, taking another sip of ramune. he sets the bottle down. he sucks his teeth. “can i ask you another question, reki?”
your boyfriend’s eyebrows shoot up in questioning. he doesn’t like the tone of daichi’s voice, but says “sure” anyway.
“what do you like about y/n?”
the sound of your given name coming from his mouth after the shit he put you through the two years you were together sends a wave of disgust through your veins. under the table, you clench a hand.
reki is so taken aback by the question, all he can say is, “huh?”
“well, when i was with y/n . . .” daichi starts, leaning back against the booth. daichi has always had a craving for causing trouble, and you can tell he wants to start some by the glint in his eyes. he inhales a deep breath, then blows it out. “well, she’s boring, is she not? quite moody? plus, when we were together, it never seemed like she could do a damn thing for herself.”
you sit in silent fury. reki’s speechless. even hidaka’s mouth is dropped open in shock.
daichi straightens his shoulders, scrunches up nose, and continues in a higher pitched voice, in an attempt to copy you, you assume: “‘daichi, take out the trash.’ ‘daichi, can you do the dishes?’ ‘can you help me bring the laundry out?’” he drops his shoulders and his voice returns to his own. “and nothing ever pleased her, either, you know? i’d do the dishes, and she was upset i didn’t do the pots and pans. i’d take out the laundry, but i didn’t ready the detergent for her.
“can’t make up her mind for anything. i’d come over and we’d decide to watch a movie, she always grabbed like five movies to make me choose from. when we’d order takeout, it was always ‘tacos! ooh, chūka! wait no, itameshi!’”
reki finally regains his composure and opens his mouth to speak, but daichi, ever the pot stirrer, continues on.
“plus, she always chose her friends and family over me. on my seventeenth birthday, her friend airi injured her ankle in a gymnastics accident and she took her to the emergency clinic. and when her brother was graduating kindergarten, after i broke my ankle, she went to his graduation instead of coming to visit me at home after she said she would.”
you’re absolutely bewildered, and you feel like crying. which would only attest to his “moody” claim, huh?
“what the fuck?” hidaka mutters. not because you chose taking care of your friend over going to daichi’s seventeenth birthday celebration, and not because you chose your brother’s kindergarten graduation over visiting him after he injured his ankle. but over the actual audacity that he had the nerve to hold a grudge over that.
reki slams his hands down on the table, pulling himself up. you’ve only ever seen the look on his face a couple of times— hell, not even. upset was not an expression your boyfriend made often, usually the cheery one.
“why don’t you shut up?” he snarls.
“what?” daichi chuckles coldly.
“you’re a fricking dick; no wonder y/n dumped your ass.” reki continues. “you’re the stupid one. how could you say that shit about someone you once claimed to love? you never loved her— you loved having control over her.”
daichi rolls his eyes, unaffected.
“what kind of jackass would get mad at someone for choosing their family over them? are you telling me you wouldn’t?”
“no, i would,” daichi says.
reki balks for a minute at the blatant hypocrisy. he shakes his head before continuing, “and you’re wrong! y/n is incredible! she’s one of the funniest people i know– maybe not in telling jokes, but in her own way, she’s funny. and she’s beautiful, inside and out! i love that she cares so much about her friends and family. it’s amazing! she’s smart, and kind, and independent, and no wonder she hates asking for help even when i want to give it to her! i’m glad she dumped your ass, because if i don’t deserve her, you sure as hell didn’t.”
reki grabs your hand and pulls you out of the booth.
“come on, babe, we’re leaving.”
“without paying?”
reki doesn’t say anything, just looks at hidaka and says, “you should too,” before taking you out of the restaurant.
it’s only when you two are in kahiko, looking at all the shirts that remind you of kojiro, that you speak up: “thank you, reki. for standing up for me. i clearly couldn’t do it myself.”
his arm wraps around your waist, pulling you to him. he presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
“i knew you could,” reki starts. “but it was my chance to show you how much better i am than that jerk. he’s the stupid and useless one. not you. never you.”
“agreed,” comes a panting voice from behind the two of you. you turn to see hidako, cheeks flushed and a shy smile on her face. she looks at reki, “i took your advice. i don’t think he’s too happy we left him with the check but after everything he said, it’s the least we could do, right?”
reki chuckles.
“well,” hikada huffs. “i’ll see you two around. i know you didn’t mean to, but it probably would have been much longer until i saw daichi’s true colors if we hadn’t run in to you today, so thanks.”
then she turns and walks away.
you wrap your arms around reki, snuggling your face into his sweatshirt. he laughs, patting the small of your back.
“i love you, reki. so much. you know that right?”
you feel him nod. “you’re everything i’ve ever wanted, y/n. i hope you know that.”
you hum, looking up at him, a content smile gracing your features. “tell me again?”
he laughs again and pulls back, gently shoving you away. “i love you more than anything, y/n,” he pats your head. “hey so, will you come to s with me tonight?”
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© 2023 misfits1a. all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim my work as yours; please credit if you want to repost my work in a fic rec
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littlenighttales · 1 year
Spoilers for The Sounds of Nightmares (E3).
Spoiler warning over
The Theater of the Mind
(Live typing as I listen here, will keep later edits in parenthesis)
The nightmares are a reality.
Guys. Fellas. Friends. Amigos.
The very first few seconds basically says we are all right. The nightmares are both real and nightmares. Noone just straight up gets vanquished into the shadow realm as she sleeps.
Seems that the Signal Tower’s corruption has tunneled across time and space into the real world, growing strong enough to teleport kids into it. Maybe adults are doomed to become residents?
This means Six, Mono, everyone else probably had a happy life, and that unholy abomination took it from them. But then, what are the odds that this would happen to siblings? We see siblings in the LN comics.
Also Noone thinks Otto is her friend ;w;
Oh. The innocence….
It’s going to be really bad if (when) Otto turns out to be a baddie.
Noone’s dreams are… kind of depressing. Imagine that. Nightmares. Depressing.
The idea of growing up makes her sad (this comes up more than once) after she plays with one of those potty training dolls. She got bored fast. Fear of growing up is a bit common in kids that are traumatized. Noone is under 10, I figured most likely around 6-8.
Speaking of dolls, I’m pretty sure that doll is a demon.
Noone’s seemingly interested in jewelry. She kind of abandoned the doll in favor of jewelry and it up and dipped while she was gone.
Sounding like the dolls are kids, kind of like the Nest. (This part was wrong, which is good considering the one Noone played with started leaking what sounded like blood from the audio.)
She goes to see a movie in her dream. One with unicorns. She seems to like those, meaning Noone would get along with my Frisk for sure!
The audience in this theater, she realizes, aren’t people, but mannequins. (Might be worth mentioning the hospital mannequins and the old LN2 cut concept art of Mono and Six sneaking by an army of distracted ones?)
Then the Ferryman appears with the scent of the sea.
Noone doesn’t really remember much more about the Ferryman, so Otto just flips the heck out- definitely a bad therapist at a minimum. They’ve got to pause for a second, I think a break happens here. After that break, Otto apologizes and Noone continues.
Also demonic PA and an Eye. So a theater/mall version of the Eye Tower, sounding like?
Noone- which is pronounced Noon- is nicknamed “No One” which is how I first pronounced it when I first saw it written.
The Theater seems lonely? That’s kind of sad. But it seems a bit concerned for Noone? Forgot to mention, the theater is in a mall. So it’s really an Eye Mall. It’s lonely. Kind of reminds me of Mono… maybe the Signal Tower is lonely, too? (Oh… oh no. Guys, what if this WAS Mono talking? Somehow controlling the eyes in the Mall as an extension of himself? Could explain the arguing that it did with itself. Excuse me while I go cry all of the tears at this idea regardless.)
The Mall seems to want to protect Noone from the Ferryman.
Noone’s not a fan of the fame from being cured, which I mentioned before (I think in my E2 review.)
At the end, Noone asks “do I have to go back to my room?”
So, she’s still in a hospital maybe? Mental institute? If this is the case, could all the kids in LN have some mental health/nightmare issues?
(Otto does seem to have some personal motives. Like… he wants to protect Noone (“This time I will protect you”), maybe he sees her as a daughter figure? Projecting CiCi onto her? But it also feels like he’s using her to find his own daughter- which is entirely understandable! Knowing your child was kidnapped by a lovecraftian horror would be devastating emotionally and mentally.)
(I’ve also begun to wonder, could Six be CiCi? Could Six be sharing these “nightmares” with other kids? Maybe the Maw, the Nest, and the City, etc aren’t her dreams, but Mono’s, RK’s, and Rain’s? If Six is CiCi, then perhaps six was just her patient number? All she remembered being called? Mono could be a similar case. That is, assuming they were all put into a similar ward.)
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tundralwhisper · 2 months
Literally took a walk into the forest at 2:30am, despite my knee pain that gets worse after walking like 10 meters.
So, before I rant, ramble, and vent, the Context:
I DM a D&D game for friends, on the server where I met most of them. It's a server of about 400 people, though *maybe* 30 are actually active.
Donald J Trump got shot (unsurprising), and a friend (who is in the game) went into the server's "controversy" channel (a bad idea to even have that channel, ngl) and mentioned that this is gonna be a big danger for trans people, because the nutjobs supporting trump have just gotten the most intense incitement to violence imaginable. He may have made a little bit of an inflammatory remark on the matter
Another friend (who is also in the game) did NOT like that. And the conversation got *heated*. I joined, 2 other players joined (that's 4 out of 5, plus me). Over the course of the discussion, they dropped several instances of hate speech. Transphobic rhetoric, xenophobia, it was *BAD*. Mind you, one of the people in the game is literally an immigrant, and him and I are both not very cis.
Meanwhile, I was in a movie watchalong (American Werewolf in London, very funny movie tbh, kept me sane during this) while participating in the discussion.
I postponed D&D, trying to figure out how best to kick the nutjob. Then passed out for 12 hours.
Shit. Went. Down. Other mods got involved, jumped the gun on an announcement without reading the hate speech context, things got convoluted, two people left the server: The nutjob, and the immigrant friend.
I solved things in the end, by making a seperate server for the D&D game and inviting everyone over (except the nutjob, he specifically said he left the campaign, too).
So, bad situation. Not happy.
Now, the VENT PART!
OKAY. Okay. Phew. I don't usually post anything, anywhere, without double and triple checking grammar and spelling. Not this time. FUCKING HELL.
Between postponing the D&D game I was making PLANS. I was THINKING, PLOTTING even. I was gonna get the other players' views on the nutjob, I was gonna write up a civil and calm message to send to the nutjob to kick him and be done with it, 'cause I didn't wanna cause drama across the active parts of the server.
And then, I just had to fucking pass out and assume things wouldn't implode for a couple hours at least. I passed out for 12 hours, and everything was fucked when I woke up. The drama had already extended beyond the group into server-wide drama, I had to abandon all my plans and improvise (I suck at that), and just. ARGH. I'm mad.
I'm mad. Actually, genuinely mad. Not even at the nutjob, he's a victim of propaganda. I'm mad at the "mod" (doesn't even have actual mod powers, barely qualifies as a mall cop for the server) that made a statement to spread the trouble so much further than it needed to be. Like, do you not *READ* something before you type a response? Are you out of your FUCKING mind?!
Like, people were mad not over the economics talk it fizzled out to, but over the ACTUAL FUCKING HATE SPEECH you absolute childish IMBECILE. "Be respectful, agree to disagree" IT WAS ABOUT HUMAN RIGHTS, THERE IS NO "DISAGREE" ON THAT YOU DUMB CENTRIST FUCKWIT.
At least he realized when he went back to read it - WHICH I HAD TO TELL HIM TO DO. Do you need a parent to carry your brain after you everwhere so you don't forget to fucking THINK, too?!
But also... it's sad to see that someone I thought a friend had fallen so deep into the propaganda, and someone else I considered a reasonable person turned out to be so fucking stupid as to not consider that context matters a lot.
I hate insulting people like this. Fuck, man. I'm gonna go sink into endless amounts of angsty music now, if anyone needs me try to search the woods near my house.
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jewvian · 2 years
Wait. Hold on. So when Ellie said she had killed before, was she.... was she referring to Riley? Like fuck, she had that look on her face when Joel tried asking more about it, like she gave him the look/attitude he usually gives her whenever Tess is brought up, yknow?
Also we never really saw what went down at the mall after both Ellie and Riley decided to "lose their minds together", like we obviously know the outcome: Ellie survived because she's somehow immune and Riley... Riley most likely turned. But now, like after Ellie said the random dude wasn't her first kill, my mind goes straight to the mall and the aftermath of that one fateful night.
We know we're gonna get that flashback, it was briefly shown in the trailers. Maybe it'll even weave itself with the narrative of the game (Ellie taking care of injured Joel at the abandoned, snowy mall), but fuck me the fuck up, if we get the missing scene between what happened to Riley and how Ellie ended up being tied to a pipe at the fireflies place..... I'll lose my shit.
Because that was the catalyst for Ellie, like it's her own Tess moment. Joel went on that journey for Tess because she believed Ellie is the answer to how to stop the fungus, she's the cure they've been dreaming of in secret for 20 years. That's what Tess died for and she made sure Joel will take that responsibility for her sake.
And that's exactly what Riley is for Ellie, her death had a bigger meaning, a revelation of sorts. Every person that died around her became a part of that surviour's guilt, a reason why she needs to get to the fireflies' hospital and sacrifice herself for a cure. Riley was the first name on that list, arguably the most important name there, because it was her that made it possible. She took Ellie to the mall, she got the power on, she played around with her, put on the loud music that attracted the infected and... it was her that suggested they'll be poetic and wait it out. Her presence made it all possible! Like I'm not blaming Riley for what happened at the mall, but she was the one who initiated the plot in the game. But again, it's bigger than that. She could have killed Ellie, they both could have ended their lives right there and then. Maybe Riley dragged Ellie's ass to the mall and it's her fault they both got bitten, but y'all she also saved Ellie's life! She's the reason Ellie got to live and realize she's different, that she's immune.
Now imagine all of that guilt that was already presented to us in the game and add the possibility Ellie had to grab Riley's gun and shoot her herself after she turned.
"Back in Boston, back when I was bitten, I wasn't alone. My best friend was there and she got bit too. We didn't know what to do, so she says, 'let's just wait it out. Y'know, we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together.' I'm still waiting for my turn."
That is the catalyst that started the journey way before Joel even knew what was heading in his way, and if that's the direction the show is going, like letting us actually see Ellie's guilt is as big as Joel's... I'm already strapped in and waiting to launch myself to the sun.
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hagfishviperfish · 9 months
i had a dream about
two different obsessions with junji ito personified, one a creepy man who owned a local store, impressed his impressions of the characters in his own fanmade comics, so much you thought they were official. beef jerky in his store, all these souvenirs, things he made out of love for the characters. the other an official artist of the comics on instagram. she was more legit than him, the store owner, who was also said to be my father
sparse restaurants owned in a mall by people i know. these two startup an italian place. a gay boy i know and the girl from hunger games ballad of snakes and songbirds
getting into the roof section of the apartments through dragging yourself up a pole, wheelchair friendly ones were longer and touched the ground. rainforest restaurant and a buffet that was lesser quality, cheaper
going around college looking into the personal suite houses with my childhood best friend. we were recorded and supposedly went viral. lonely touching a boy's arm. bible study with people you don't relate to. iphone charger blocks stacked on the campus quad. drama about my friend's ex boyfriend. he liked a minor but it turned out he was a minor at the same time. seeing the type of people my roommate would be friends with around
using the bathroom in my elementary school gym bathroom
uh, a lake riddle (junji ito man's storeside attraction) where you found and collected all the different types of fish in the river...for an achievement. there were swimming monkeys that gave you riddles. it was this neighborhood or town i went to a lot with my cousins, or high school friends, or fair ground i got lost from my mother on, a mcdonalds on the other side that was changed too much
was it the boy i've been seeing who took me out in a school bus, through the woods, to a pink lake, sick frothing, abandoned playground, here's this convoluted thing you'd make up about what would happen if you didn't go in the water when i told you to. and then i push you in anyway. and the pink water changes you and makes you fucked up. it was an amusement park here. a dam
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flieslikeamoron · 1 year
@lemonistas tagged me -> post the first lines of your last ten stories. If you want to play, consider yourself tagged.
Most of my actual last ten stories aren't on AO3, so I just took an assortment.
1. When Joe and Nick left to carry the Ring to Mount Doom, Kevin was not invited. // The Littlest Orc
2. The funeral is on a Tuesday. // Friends Don't Let Friends Eulogize Drunk
3. Patrick Kane doesn't understand why it's so fucking impossible for him to get laid. // Julia Roberts Sits on a Throne of Lies (abandoned WIP)
4. The facts were these: At 11:58pm, precisely two minutes before Saturday night became Sunday morning, Lonely Tourist Charlotte Charles knocked on the door to Olive Snook's apartment.  // Happy Endings Are Hard to Come By
5. Nicholas Jonas, the Earl of Greystoke, stood on the deck and held a scented handkerchief to his nose to mask the salt water stench of the harbor as the ship docked. // To Taste Your Beating Heart
6. It's 12:15am and Daisy is yelling at the dartboard. // It's Midnight and Daisy Steiner's Ex-Boyfriend is a Massive Wanker
7. Ed likes tar stains on the insides of fingers and slightly crooked teeth. // Ed Westwick is Not a Repairman
8. Apolo pushed open the door to his room cautiously, poking his head in first like he was afraid- He didn't know what he was afraid of exactly. // In Which Apolo Ohno Doesn't Win Gold Medal
9. The mall was not a place for deep spiritual revelations. Traditionally. // Lies of Omission
10. It's a little after 5am, and Alaric's expecting the soft creak of the door opening. His hand still goes to the gun he has tucked under his pillow. // I'm Crawling on Your Shore
When the story title is longer than the first line, that's very me. (Also just now realizing I've chosen a disproportionate amount of lines with time stamping. I don't actually do that every time.)
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nostalgic-muffins · 2 months
Hi hiiii
I wanna hear ‘bout your ocs :3
UHM OMG HI i already answered bookies ask here but i can get more specific !! ill js talk about house
house is basically the first gen and by that i mean theyre my first set of ocs . that i made in my gacha phase in 2020 . you can kill me now.
anyway i ended up redesigning and changing them to my liking and i changed a lot like a lot a lot (oliver used to be named otis, tommy used to be named tuffy etc etc)
star is half bear, half human (she js has bear ears and a bear tail) (i made her a bear in 2020 bc i thought there werent enough bear gacha ocs 💀) shes super friendly, owns a telescope, and ends up taking light to the local planetarium likr once a week also shes 15. even more also her parents are dead
oliver is a wolf boy who likes annoying his twin sister, noa. noas also a wolf and they both have heterochromia! he likes hot sauce and hes likr. an older brother figure to max i spose
noa is stars best friend !! shes smart and always on top of her classes (she ends up having to tutor her brother). she always does her best to keep max on his toes and she likes inviting nina over to their house often. her and max are both 15 and guess what!!!! their parents are dead!!!!
max is the resident twelve year old and hes the only full on human in the house for some reason . on his 12th birthday, he had a huge argument with his mother, which is when she disowned him. max ended up wandering town for like a day until stars awkwardly social ass became his friend in like 20 minutes and then she took him home so he basically got adopted by a random girl he met on the street. hes also really loud and he likes ramen noodles
cassidys a half cat girl! she loves collecting lipstick and she also likes kissing girls. noas the person you go to for help but cassidys the person you go to for. not help. shes absolute bestest friends with tommy and max. shes 16 and guess what her parents also disowned her i think im noticing a pattern guys
tommy is a half dog, half human guy ^^ he works at a mechanic shop after school and on weekends. hes like the opposite of cassidy in which shes super intense and hes super chill. shes an agent of chaos and hes an agent of "okay maybe we should take a deep breath". hes the ying to her yang you cant have one without the other yk. hes 17 and his parents are also DEAD!!!!
light is a half wolf boy . he gets bullied a lot and stars like his bestest friend. he likes dark stuff, window shopping at the mall, and buying vinyls for the record player in the living room. he works at the mall food court too! hes 15 and also his mother abandoned him as a baby wow guys i think these kids have family problems
nina is human/bunny/alien. literally no one knows where she came from like she js showed up one day when she was six. she has three sisters (triplets but four idk what theyre called. quintuple ??? idk) who are actually humans idk star doesnt wanna offend her and ask why . shes noas other best friend, likes ballet, and her skin changes with her emotions! she is bodily 16
so essentially they all live together (minus nina she just hangs out at their house a lot) in an abandoned house in the forest they renovated . theyre like if the hype house werent tiktokers and were like a found family idrk
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