#also might have a nice surprise for my sister for her wedding
Greetings my fellow AC mutual!!!
Lately I have been reading all your canon posts here and may I say that I love them all. You have created amazing canons here. I'm feeling extra romantic so here's an idea: how would the Assassins, including Templars, feel on their wedding day? The before, during and after the wedding. You can choose all of them or a few of them.
Please and thank you 😊🙏 and have a wonderful day today.
Sure thing! This is a cute one!!
A/N: I may not have put it in each one, but they will respect their wife's wishes to not be intimate on their wedding night (whether it be fear or being exhausted from the festivities). But...I mean come on. Who wouldn't want to have a wedding night with any of them?
ALSO, there may be multiple parts to this bc there's A LOT I got going on in this mind of mine when it comes to this lot getting married...
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Jacob Frye
You know this man will have his Rooks there lolll they'll be throwing the biggest loudest bash London has ever seen in honor of their Boss getting hitched. He just might make Greenie his best man (he teases the man to the ninth realm and back but they're good buddies for real).
Jacob takes this seriously. He's still his wonderfully goofy and chaotic self but he takes certain aspects of marriage more seriously. He wants her to know that he'll be good to her, he'll protect her with his life, and he'll love her even after he dies. He also takes setting up a home for her seriously. The man isn't for anything lavish and she isn't either (her cozy non-materialistic ways are something that majorly attracted Jacob to her - high key don't think he'd like somebody who was materialistic, as happiness is in life not things) but he wants to set up a nice little place for them to call 'home' together. A place where they can be together as husband and wife and hopefully have a handful of little rooks running around one day. A place that's theirs and theirs alone.
He thinks she looks beautiful in her wedding dress (he bet she looks even better out of it tho...PFFT). He'll never admit to it, but his eyes began to sting at the sight of her - and of course he wasn't rubbing the tears from his eyes throughout the ceremony! He just had something in his eyes...
He's very genuine and sweet when he recites his wedding vows 'In sickness and in health, etc.' to you, both of you having decided to save the personal vows for each other privately. (Heads up Jacob cried when he read her letter of vows and promises to him, he couldn't believe how sweet it was. Man was legit sitting there thinking 'How'd I get such a wonderful wife?'). He genuinely cannot believe that he found a wife who loves and accepts him for him. Rest assured that any insecurities Jacob has before they marry will soon be gone because his wife loves him the way he's always deserved.
Once the marital vows are said and done, they move on to the exchange of rings...and that's when the tears start.
Jacob knows that she isn't materialistic and that she doesn't need a fancy ring to know that he loves her, but he thinks she deserves it, and he has just thing in mind. Something that compliments her eyes because they're one of his top favorite (and he has a lot lol) things about her. Something that reflects the joy in her eyes when she laughs, the smile crinkles she's developed from years of managing to laugh through her struggles, and the swirls of color. Jacob would definitely enlist the help of his big sister in finding a ring for his soon to be wife and does.she.come.through. When it comes time for the ring exchange, he's pleasantly surprised to find that she put just as much thought into his ring as he did hers.
Both are engraved with confessions of their love for one another and intricately designed to match the spouse they were made for.
He would enjoy the celebration, and it would be planned and based off of how his wife feels about such celebrations. Jacob being a bit more extroverted is likely to enjoy socializing and having a big get together - and if his wife is the same way then great! But if she's more introverted and can only take so much he's whisking her away, so she doesn't get stressed out. I actually think that he would want to be alone with his new wife and not just for *wink wink* but he wants some alone time to just have a slow moment with her. He would enjoy the celebration his Rooks put together for them and she thinks it's so sweet that they went all out, but as we know Mr. Frye has a tendency to act rashly when he becomes impatient. Next thing you know, he's scooping his wife up without a care in the world and carrying her off with a grin five miles wide, her face the exact replica of a tomato as she clings to him, and the Rooks cheering them goodbye as Jacob carries her off.
If she's afraid of the wedding night activities this man is instantly comforting her assuring her that he doesn't expect anything, he would never hurt her, and he'll wait for her. If she's tired? He is too honestly (he does have a lot of energy, but I imagine when he's alone he just OOF crashes but doesn't want anyone to see it. I mean he does have a full-time job annoying Evie ofc lol what else are baby brothers for?) so cuddling and going to sleep together is just fine with him. But if she wants him - tired or not - he'll give her everything he's got and then some.
Do I need to go into Jacob's wedding night? I mean... it's Jacob. The man lives to serve and please. And please he does...
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Bayek of Siwa (I included him bc he legit started it all technically a Hidden One but potato pitatoh)
Before: This man is joyful on his wedding day. He's so excited to marry her and spend their days together. Whether this is after his divorce from Aya or we're not going with cannon and it's his first marriage - this man wants to be a husband, he is husband material. He can't wait to pledge himself to her before the gods and dedicate his life to loving her. He can't wait for her to be his wife HOWEVER - If we're going with cannon he was rejected when he proposed to Aya, so he has some understandable hesitancy when he proposes to his love. Can you blame him? He really loved the one he proposed to the first time and got shot down poor guy. It's the second time he's proposed in this life, and he does not make the mistake of thinking that just because they're in love that she'll say yes. He made that mistake before, and it felt like a knife to the gut.
BUT - If we're going with head cannon... this time he found himself a woman who was ecstatic to be proposed to by him (and I mean literally ecstatic like she tackled him in happiness making him laugh his ass off before she showered him in kisses and said yes).
If sticking to cannon he is worried and afraid deep down to remarry. He loves her very much so much in fact he believes that he very well loves her even more than he loved Aya (which like WOW ya know what I'm saying?). But when he's around her all fears and worries are eased and he comes to his senses knowing that he would forever regret not spending the rest of his life with her, now that he's met her and has her in his life.
Headcannon wise he's still a bit scared as being a Medjay is stressful and a known profession in which one is likely to gain enemies (insert middle finger to members of the order of ancients). He worries about her being targeted but he knows that she can take care of herself (she'll make one hell of a Medjay's wife that's for sure LOL). He also fears that it would be selfish to marry her and put her in danger - but upon sharing this fear with her she quickly dismantled his fear. Whether they marry or do not marry, either way - she could possibly be targeted by his enemies, to this he agreed. Then she asserted that it would be better that they face their adversaries together with their love motivating them to eliminate all threats, than to face those who oppose them separately. To this he simply smiled and hugged her tightly melting into her embrace.
During: They didn't really have weddings in Ancient Egypt more so the signing of a binding marriage document, the woman moving into the man's home to live with him as his wife, and then it could/would be followed by a celebration. However...that is Egypt as a whole...not Siwa. Those of us who have seen this beautiful spot in Egypt where beloved Bayek is from, know that it's beautiful and lively (quite frankly a great place to start a family) and you just know that Bayek is from a community that loves him. They're going to throw him and his intended a celebration to end all celebrations.
Hepzefa ISN'T dead I.DON'T.CARE - he's absolutely Bayek's best man.
Bayek in his armor and her in a linen dress covered by a layer of sheer fabric with a lily in her hair, as they get married in the evening when it cools off, the sand unable to burn their feet and the sun unable to glare in their eyes so they can actually look at each other lol. Any fear he had is gone when he sees her at the end of the aisle. They meet each other at the end of the aisle and join arms to walk together toward Hepzefa (who OFC is marrying them obvs). They make their vows before the gods to love, cherish, respect, support and be honest with each other for as long they both live.
Again, if we're sticking to cannon, I think that Bayek would move in with his new wife instead of her moving in with him. A new home and a fresh start with his new wife, is just what this man could use after his arduous journey.
Headcannon however they would move into their own place in Siwa together and work together to make their home everything they dreamed it could be. I HIGHLY believe that he would find a way to make a pond for her filled with water lilies (his nickname for her btw - she's his "beautiful lily").
After a night of dancing, laughter, feasting and sheer happiness they would go home together. They would end the night by sitting on the roof of their new home together watching the Oasis of Siwa from afar, bundled up tightly together in a blanket against the chill air of the Egyptian night. He would point out the different spots of Siwa from they sat, but mostly they would admire the beauty of the moon on the oasis not too far away. They might even go for a swim in the cool waters together, laughing and splashing each other. Tell.me.he doesn't sneak attack her from underwater lloollll. They'd spin around in the water easily with Bayek holding her against him and smiling as she gushes about how much she's enjoyed the day.
I don't think Bayek would make love to her on the banks of the oasis for their first time the man has romantic plans that he plans to woo her with lol. (Later on, in their marriage though...woo!) Rest assured that their first time will be sweet and romantic, he'll make her as comfortable as possible, with pillows everywhere and candlelight guiding their hands within the walls of their home.
Also like the idea of them traveling to Alexandria together and having their honeymoon there. Them exploring the Alexandrian Lighthouse together, the library (shortly before it BURNED DOWN DAMN YOU CAESER), horseback riding through the sand dunes and around the lush greenery near the Nile, going to the markets together and giggling about whatever it is that they find funny, sailing on the Nile together and fishing/gathering reeds for various projects, THEY WOULD CLIMB THE PYRAMIDS TOGETHER CHANGE.MY.MIND.
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Evie Frye
Before: Their wedding isn't one that can be celebrated openly but they still have a celebration that is the epitome of love. The two women had both agreed to write their vows for one another and exchange them after the wedding, wanting to keep their promises to each other and words of love just between them.
They couldn't decide on names lol. Evie wanted her last name, and she wanted Evie's last name. But they quickly came up with a solution as they both have brothers. They decided to hyphenate their last names for some extra cover. Evie becomes Mrs. Frye-(L/N) and she becomes Mrs. (L/N)-Frye. That way no one would suspect them being married and if anyone ever asks, Evie married one of her (wife's) brothers and is her "sister-in-law" the same way Jacob is a stand in husband for Evie's wife and she is Evie's "sister-in-law". History will say that they were sisters in law hahaha.
But for real though tell me why they end up calling each other "Mrs" SO MUCH in private (Evie almost forgets that she's a Dame bc she gets called Missus *insert her last name* so much by her wife haha).
Not able to shout their love from the rooftops unfortunately, the couple settles to have a very small and private ceremony. Jacob - who would NEVER breathe a word, Henry who's just happy to see them happy, Ned would probably be there and while Abberline would be SHOOK (I don't care if that word died out like 8 years ago lol it's funny) he would be pleased to know that they've found happiness together.
Tell me why I'm so damn sure that Jacob marries them (he would do that for his sister jokes, loving eye rolls from his big sister and all). They would either get married on the train not too far from the Red Lion where they would go afterward to celebrate, or in Henry's shop (his wedding gift would be lots of various flowers ranging from "everlasting love" to "trust and loyalty").
OR I do have a head cannon that they don't have any witnesses at all. They go up to rooftop facing the Thames and wait for sunrise together with their rings and a basket of goodies they both enjoy. When the sun begins to rise, they make their vows to each other tearfully and very sincerely, pledging the rest of their lives to each other and promising to always be together and love one another. They do this so that they can start the new day together as wives and say what they truly want to one another without an audience. It'll even become tradition years later that they both stay up until sunrise to celebrate their anniversary as the years go on, just the two of them
They do their own wedding presents, and the new Mrs. Frye can't help but giggle at Evie's reaction when she gives her the special edition of her favorite book. I think we can all imagine how ecstatic the loveable bookworm that is Dame Evie Frye would be.
When Evie reads the vows, her new wife has written for her she boo hoos too lol. She can't believe that she's lucky enough to have married such a sweet and wonderful woman. Especially when she thought she would never marry and dedicate her entire life to the Creed.
Something fun the two women embark on together is setting up their home together. Not having been able to have had an open wedding they didn't have wedding showers or receive the traditional wedding gifts; they pick out each piece of their new home together! With how in sync, they are together there is hardly anything they disagree on (unless its Evie's wife trying to get her to stop working herself almost to death...by smooching her to the point where Evie looks like a laughing tomato haha) and their home comes together wonderfully. Everything in their home cozy and a reminder of their love.
It takes Evie a little bit before she finally lets go of the fear that getting married to her love, was nothing more than a wonderful dream. But each morning when she wakes up and either sees her wife next to her sleeping safe and sound, or she wakes to beautiful flowers followed by Mrs. Frye trailing in quietly with a cup of morning tea for her still sleepy wife. Her wife can rest assured that Dame Evie Frye will love her for the rest of their lives.
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Altair Ibn La' Ahad
Before: He never thought he would marry or fall in love the way he's fallen in love with her. He's a naturally a confident man, so there's no doubt in his mind that he wants to be her husband and spend the rest of his life with her. There's no doubt...but there is worry. He worries about being a good husband to her in terms of giving her a safe stable home due to being an assassin and he knows that he can be...emotionally stunted, but he plans to correct that and never leave her wondering if he loves her. Because he does with his whole being. After all, if she can help pull him out of his younger arrogant ways, by gently and patiently telling him why he's wrong without criticizing him, then she can do anything.
During: His worries are vanquished when he sees her. He immediately knows that come what may, they'll be alright so long as they're together. He can't stop looking at her during the wedding, making her blush as he smiles at her (surprising the hell out of Malik lol bc the 'tHe nOvICe cAn SmILe?') As they take their vows a few cheeky looks are given here and there the pair obviously checking each other out, (insert Malik gagging like a goof). Altair can't get over how she looks like an otherworldly being with her beauty unmatched by anyone or anything. She can't get over how handsome and gallant he looks in his robes, with his hood down (GASP), his sword at his side as his thumbs rub the backs of her hands. (But with the hood thing he's never had anything to hide, he just wants to show his face and let everyone know that he's marrying her and that he's proud to be her husband. He's a very proud husband haha). When they seal their new union with a kiss, he bends down to pick her up and hold her tightly making her laugh. They both can't stop smiling, completely and utterly happy and excited to start the rest of their life together.
After: He would bring her jasmine and a few Damasks roses - they're nowhere near as beautiful as he thinks she is but the sweetness of each flower reminds him of her - in a neatly gathered bushel and loves the smile it brings to her face. He doesn't care about having a wedding night, he just wants to be with his wife and love on her in whatever manner she wishes. Sitting there and watching the stars over Masyaf or Jerusalem (depending on when/where they get married) If she wants to lay there with him and relax, he's happy to hold her and do just that. But if she wants him to take her...her mind will be blown at just how loving her new husband can be...
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Ratonhnhake:ton/Connor Kenway
Before: He's worried about being a good husband. Very worried. He wants to be a wonderful husband to her, as wonderful as she is to him. He loves her with everything he has of course and would defend her with his life. But he was so focused on his mission to take the Templar order down, to get justice for his mother, so focused on his rage...that despite how much he loves her, he wonders if he can pull himself out of the dark mindset that he was in for so long to treat her the way she deserves. He will try but he still worries. He doesn't want to be angry (never at her keep in mind - about life in general) his entire life. Her kisses and presence helps though, more than she'll ever understand. He wants to be there for her as much as she's been there for him, through thick and thin, no matter what.
During: Feel like there would be two weddings for the couple. A colonial one (planned by the Homestead for the happy couple) and a traditional Mohawk wedding (planned by the Clan mother who is so excited to see him getting married), a wedding to honor both his and her culture. He stands like a statue clasping his hands in front of him patiently, eager, and nervously until he sees her. Cheesy as it is... the sight of her brings him peace. He can't even wait for her to make it to the altar, making his way to her down the aisle in a few long strides to meet her with a smile. They walk down the aisle together arm in arm and hands intertwined, unable to contain their excitement.
After: He can't stop staring at his wedding ring and smiling at it. Typically, the Mohawk people did not exchange wedding rings until modern times, but he loves his and what it represents. The eternal love and union he and his wife will share. His face hurts from smiling so much, but he doesn't mind it a bit. Now as for the wedding night... I think he would be very shy at first. Terrified of hurting her because he's very aware of the fact that he's massive and intimidates a lot of people. He would never do that to her. Being with her is honestly really enough for him, the emotional intimacy the two share is what made him so sure about making her his wife. The newlyweds would work their way up into sex slowly, getting a little closer each time and accompanied by lots of reassurance and soft laughter. And when they finally got it, the assassin and his wife had never felt more complete in their lives. He makes love in plenty of other ways though - mostly through his thoughtfulness and observation which leads to anticipation. He always knows what she needs before she even asks and he's always happy to help.
Their mornings start off with him usually waking first and realizing that marrying her wasn't a dream. He'll watch her sleeping peacefully in his arms, and then inspect their fingers where their wedding bands lie and realize that it's real. They got married. He's married to this wonderful woman. She's, his wife. Before he can begin to spiral in excitement he leans down and scoops her closer to him, burying his face in her neck which makes her laugh softly.
Venturing outside together to enjoy nature and do various outdoor activities, playful banter and pairing up to hunt together and scavenge. He'll look over and see her helping him with a fresh kill or scavenging other items and become overwhelmed with the desire to kiss her out of nowhere. Needless to say, lots of love and laughter fills the lives of Ratonhnhake:ton and his wife.
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Henry Green/Jayadeep Mir
Before: He's happy and so ready to be her husband. He's admitted to himself that he's liked her from their first meeting, but he's loved her almost as long (which is not long at all because he fell for her quick). I don't know why but I can imagine that Jacob might try to do the whole "you know how the wedding night works right?" talk with him much to Henry's horror haha. He gently assures the younger Frye that he does in fact know what to do on his wedding night with his wife, if she'll have him. Don't worry though! The man is from India the birthplace of Kama Sutra...he knows what to do. Trust him.
During: Whether she wears the usual white dress or chooses to honor his culture by wearing traditional Indian bridal clothes, this man will be emotional. Guaranteed his eyes will begin to water when he sees how beautiful the woman he loves is, walking down the aisle to him. When they take each other's hands, he can't help the goosebumps of excitement he gets thinking about how lucky he feels to be marrying such a woman. He'll never understand how he got her to agree to marry him (despite being charming have a head cannon that his charm goes out the window when it comes to proposing to her lol he was so nervous that she would say no!) but he'll never forsake her or take her for granted. Perish the thought!
After: Get ready for a very fun honeymoon! Traveling together and studying each place you go, learning fun facts and the history behind the cultures. I think he would be so excited to show her around where he grew up and tell her stories (the happier ones) from his childhood. I also think that Mr. Green would be eager to prove that his intelligence is more than just the book variety...
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Shay Patrick Cormac
Before: He's excited. But also, nervous. So nervous. He's aware that the type of life he leads isn't the safest or the most routine/regular thing a man can do. But you can bet that he'll be damned if he doesn't give his all to be a good husband to her. A worry that runs through his mind is dying at sea on the Morrigan and leaving her widowed and alone. He noticeably goes on less voyages after they marry only going when it's necessary. Depending on when they get married, he may still be traveling around on Templar/Shay way business - but either way whether he's close to retirement or still working, he wants to settle down with her. He plans to create a nice home for her, take care of her, love her, and have a handful of beautiful babies that he'll love almost as much as he loves her.
During: The moment he lifts her veil from her face he can't take his eyes off of her. Literally. The only time he does is to briefly and gently slide the ring onto her finger, otherwise he's smiling and staring at her like a lovesick puppy lol. He's so busy admiring his bride that Haytham with a smirk on his face gently clears his throat reminding Shay that the time to seal his new union has come. When the Irish captain realizes what the Grandmaster is saying the man blushes in slight embarrassment, and you bet he turns right around and kisses his new wife. The pair laughs as those invited applaud in celebration, but they're in their own world together.
After: After the wedding he'll take her to his home (read: their home that he hopes she loves) in New York so they can be alone together, in more ways than one. Their home will definitely know what love is when they're there together. He's a go go go kind of man as we've all seen but he's slow and gentle with her and if she finds herself too tired to celebrate in a more intimate way, she better get ready for the best cuddle session of her life. However, if she does find herself in need of her husband...let's just say that he's Captain of more than the Morrigan... Tell me why the idea of him untying his wife's corset is very erotic... Once they start married life together this man is taking her on the Morrigan (if she wants to go that is if not, he has plenty of other fun things in mind...) and sailing her to wherever she wants to go. I imagine she would choose Ireland to learn about where her husband's family came from, and Shay would love showing her around his place of origin.
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Haytham Kenway
Before: He's composed in public ever the austere Grandmaster.... but a mess in private. He can't stop fidgeting with his cravat, pulling at his sleeves, straightening his coat. He looks absolutely handsome, but he knows that he won't hold a candle to his angel of a wife - who he DEFINITELY peeked at lol. You telling me this man didn't try to go to talk to her before the wedding because he missed her, and he doesn't stop short by the crack in the door, dumbfounded by how beautiful she looks? His face will be redder than his vest. With how in love with her he is, he feels less the confident Templar, and more so a little boy in very deep love. He's so happy that he gets to marry his love and spend his life with her, just the sight of her alone helps him to calm down and realize: he's marrying the love of his life.
When he sees her coming down the aisle to him, he forgets how to breathe for a moment. The majority of the ceremony is spent exchanging loving gazes, gentle hand squeezes and him trying not to pass out. She notices how flustered he seems and reaches up to gently cup his face for no one's benefit but his. Needless to say, it helps to calm him significantly.
He can't believe how beautiful she is and how he got her to agree to marry him. Haytham doesn't say it in his vows, but he'll give her the world and more and always take care of her. With this man I have a feeling that actions speak louder than words (I mean did you see how he got rizzed by Ziio LOL everyone thought HE would woo HER, but she BAMBOOZLED him). He may not speak what he's feeling, and she may have to play fill in the blanks sometimes when he becomes overwhelmed by his emotions (cue him being very grateful for her patience), but with her complete agreement he's more than happy to show her in a deep kiss or something a bit more husbandly...
When they're pronounced husband and wife he steps forward while the officiant is still speaking and kisses her with abandon. The Grandmaster is thrown out the window for the moment and the lovestruck man comes out much to his new wife's delight. He embraces her tightly never wanting to let her go and his arms sweep her up in quick spin that makes her squeak in laughter as his own grin spreads across his face.
He would spoil.her.rotten come the wedding and wedding presents.
The celebration would be a grand one and last long into the night. Shay swears upon the Morrigan that he'll knock Hickey's lights out if he gets pissed and starts to cause a ruckus LOOOLL. Haytham is a good dancer, but he doesn't like to make a spectacle of himself, for his new bride however he'll get out there and dance with her feeling absolute contentment in knowing that of all the men in the room that could have her in their arms he has her instead. He enjoys watching her have fun, and every time she finds him in the room and smiles at him while she's dancing, the man swears to the gods that his heart starts to race. You can definitely bet that his face stays a decent shade of red for the majority of the ceremony and party.
The party doesn't end when she comes to him and asks if he's ready to retire for the night, taking his hand when he agrees and pulling him toward the stairs. This man's face is ON FIRE as they go up the stairs together because everyone knows what they're going up there to do and that damn Irish Captain won't stop smirking at him -
He'll help her undress not solely for the purpose of making love to her, but because he wants to help her get comfortable (her beautiful form in front of him in nothing but a chemise is definitely motivation too...). Making her comfortable is his number one priority whether they make love that night or not. Making sure the curtains are drawn so the sunlight won't bother her in the morning, the fire is lit to keep her warm (I head cannon them getting married in winter for some reason... I mean they can keep each other warm during the colder months), making sure she has water on her bedside chamber.
They lay together after the long night holding each other comfortably softly speaking about how wonderful everything was. They may discuss the Order if she's curious about it and she'll make goo goo eyes at him as he speaks so passionately about it, with him blushing as she looks at him so lovingly. They may discuss books they've been reading together (tell me Haytham wouldn't have a private little book club for just him and his wife I DARE YOU). Things between them may become charged when they hold each other's gaze for too long... and then he'll really make her Mrs. Kenway...
NOTE: I KNOW I DIDN'T DO SEVERAL CHARACTERS IN THIS POST I'M SORRY OKAY. Seriously though some characters came easier than others - but there will in fact be a part 2.
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stockholmgf · 3 months
this too shall pass 😄
but this too shall pass 😢
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thelastairsimblr · 1 year
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Family Pack #3
I’m happy to share some sims with you all today! In this post, you’ll find 10 households (40 sims total), each with their own stories and biographies. All of these sims have additional Everyday outfits, skills, bonus traits, Likes and Dislikes, sexual orientations, pronouns, family dynamics, and Lifestyles. You can find them all on the gallery under my Origin ID: TheLastAirSimmer or in the tray files linked under the cut! As always, feel free to tag me if you end up using them.
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Some families don’t survive a divorce. That wasn’t the case for the Guillory’s; in fact, it only brought Aston and Déon closer. Déon had never considered that the fisherman was experiencing a midlife crisis until he married Willow, a joyful artist half his age. Things were tense initially, but seeing how happy she made Aston was enough to diffuse the tension until Uriel arrived. Déon wants to support this new dynamic, but a needy toddler in the mix might force them to branch out of their bubble.
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For better or worse, Greta has always been one to stand by her choices. She’s had a song in her heart from a young age, but put her dreams of being a pianist to the side once Albie was born. She works as a teacher to support her family, but hopes one day to play again. However, it would be good enough to see Albie fulfill his own dreams of becoming a professional dancer, temperamental though he may be. Like her mother and brother, Beatrice too is unapologetically developing musical aspirations.
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When Bikram and Mia wed, they agreed their careers would come first before starting a family. Their first pregnancy surprised them, but Bikram pivoted to adjust to the new circumstances. Mia, however, was eager to get back to work after the birth. As a doctor, she provided enough for Bikram to cut back at the restaurant and care for Parker. There was a cost, though; today, Parker resents Mia. Wanting to avoid repeating that mistake, Mia is keen on loving her boys, the nerdy Antwan and wary Levi.
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Being raised by Adeline had a profoundly different effect on her kids. Dasia, the eldest, often butted heads with the stubborn matriarch and found comfort in her high school sweetheart Imman. Baqil, the obvious favorite, stayed on the set path and wants to make her proud (coffee is his best friend when it comes to staying on top of his classes). Having married and had kids too young, Dasia and Imman reluctantly moved in and Adeline has since been keen on taking control of the girls’ rearing.
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Falling for an artist was not at all what Rahim had planned. As an engineer, he values structure and practicality, but Gabrielle offers him a new lens to see the world through. This interior designer also takes note from her husband and has adopted his attention to detail in her own work. Their daughter Francesca has her moms’ creative spirit and shows promise (even if she focuses more on boys in her class than her painting skills) and Xavier is more interested in gaming than being book smart.
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Landon had made many futile attempts to woo his high school crush Johanna, but it wasn’t until he sang a song for her on his guitar that she noticed him. They remain together today, accepting of the others’ quirks. Johanna can often fly off the handle, but Landon is always there to ease her mind. They try to do their part to save the world and instill ecofriendly values in their kids; lessons that young Averie has taken in good spirits. The unpredictable Reagan, however, is a different story.
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Not long ago, Siobhan was living her dream; traveling and performing music with her friends. But creative differences led to a massive falling out and the band split up. Now directionless, she moved in with her older sister Bianca, who was happy to reconnect after years apart (and maybe get some help with her two boys) but Siobhan may as well be a third child. Desmond and Cale love having their aunt around though, and it’s nice at times to get a reprieve so Bianca can focus on her meditation.
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A woman of science with a lot of love to give, Sandra knew early on that she wanted to have a child and give them the warm upbringing that she never had. Despite not having a partner, she decided to undergo in-vitro fertilization. She certainly did a good job of instilling Jonas with a high level of confidence (almost to a point of arrogance) and even as a grown man, he has Sandra wrapped around his finger. He doesn’t take his studies seriously, but has a passion for all things outdoors.
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Lily and Daphanie were ready to take on San Myshuno and on their way to becoming a power couple. Or so Lily thought, until Daphanie changed course. After adopting the girls, Daphanie drove a hard bargain on moving to a quieter part of town. She was able to adjust as a fashion designer, sending off submissions from the comfort of her home. Lily however finds herself commuting to the city, unwilling to forfeit her spot as an up-and-coming food critic, despite missing quality time with her family.
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Gustavo takes his values seriously and expects others to do the same. Quite a negotiator, his wife Flavia is able to use her husbands’ political network to pass her green initiatives around town. Though cohesive as a pair, they differed in their parenting styles; Flavia always trusted her sons’ judgement while Gustavo often quarreled with their eldest Robbie, who only wants to party. Averse to conflict, Paolo does as he’s told, even forgoing his own wants to throw himself fully into his studies.
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storiesbyjes2g · 7 months
3.87 Toasts
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Mama ushered everyone to the patio bar for proper drinks and toasting. As I looked around and observed everyone meeting each other and enjoying themselves, it occurred to me I had not seen my sister yet, and this dinner was almost over. Why wouldn't she come? I knew she got weird about being in crowds sometimes, and I would have understood if she would have said something. But to skip it and not call? That was offensive to me.
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I spotted Sophia at the end of the bar. Her body language told me everything I needed to know, especially since Mama spotted her too and sat next to her. I inserted myself literally in the middle of their conversation to prevent further exasperation.
"Is this gonna wrap up soon?" I asked.
She stared up at me, looking as offended as I felt about Less.
"Are you not having a good time?"
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"We're having the best time. But this is a lot for Sophia, and she hasn't even walked down the aisle yet."
"That's how these things are, buddy. You have to talk to everyone and thank them for coming."
"Mama, I know, but... Look, she's had enough socializing for one night, and we've talked to everyone. Can we end this?"
She shrugged.
"It's your party. Do what you want."
I got up and grabbed a drink from the bar.
"Attention, everyone..."
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"Thanks again for coming. It means a lot to Sophia and I that you'd come and celebrate with us. We're gonna get out of here, but before we do, I just want to give a special shout out to my parents. To my mom, thanks for always taking care of everything. And to my dad, thanks for helping me on my journey to becoming a man."
Dad raised his glass.
"To love and support!"
Everyone joined him and drank to love and support.
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"Thank you baby, that was beautiful," Mama said.
Rashidah grabbed a drink next and stood before us.
"I guess since our guests of honor are trying to escape, I should do my toast now. Sophia and I have been friends since we were young. We used to plan our weddings and talk about how our children would also be best friends. I'm so delighted to know that you're finally getting everything you wanted. You had some bumps a long the way, but you're here, girl! And Luca seems like the total package. And cute too!"
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"I'm so happy for you, babe. Congratulations! To Luca and Sophia!"
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"To Luca and Sophia," everyone chanted.
Dub got up next, and I was pleasantly surprised.
"Hi, my name is Wade Banks. I haven't known Luca as long as many of you, but we've become really good friends in a short amount of time. I might even call him my best friend...maybe. I'll have to see what kind of moves he has tomorrow night at the party."
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Everyone laughed, and I did too.
"I used to think I had a lot of friends, but I really didn't. A lot of people hung around me because they thought I was popular and cool. But Luca didn't know me from Bob Newbie and was so nice to me. He went out of his way to make sure I had a good time when I interrupted his plans. He's a real friend, and that's rare. So let's drink to friendship."
"To friendship!"
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fbfh · 5 days
Tristin Dugray lore hcs
wc: 1k
warnings: mentions of broken/dysfunctional families, tristin's siblings both have drug problems, mentions of sexism and abortion (v briefly), mentions of cheating (also v briefly), tristin is not super close with his siblings, brief mention of DUIs (not tristin), I think that's it??
summary: lore on Tristin's family whipped up in my little plastic play kitchen by yours truly lol
a/n: I MISS HIM!!!! I SAW SOME GIFS THAT MADE ME SALIVATE!!!!! also!! in case it wasn't obvious the Dugray family is based on the real life Dupont family, just like how the Huntzbergers are based on the Sulzbergers
song recs: family jewels - Marina (ouch!), be here - palaye royale, everything is romantic - charli xcx
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The Dugray family have made their fortune as far back as the American revolution, starting with immigrating to America and manufacturing gunpowder for the American soldiers
This eventually led to the Dugray family owning one of the largest and most established chemical manufacturing corporations in America, DuGray
They invented a number of household names like pyrex, teflon, styrofoam, and even superglue, and also make ppe for people who work with or around chemicals
A while back, they also acquired two bank chains on the east coast, one of which is for east coast businesses, and the other is expanding slowly across america. 
The Dugray family’s net worth is roughly 18.6 billion. I know. 
Also, the Huntzberger family’s net worth is roughly 21.7 billion. I know.
Tristin mentions at one point that he has a “matching set” of baggage with Paris, and we know Paris’s parents are not at all close to her, or each other
We also know that her father is the head of a pharmaceutical company, and when her parents divorced it was in the newspaper
So yikes!
Anyway the only family mentioned by name is Janlon Dugrey, his paternal grandfather (I’m assuming if Janlon was his mom’s dad he would have a different last name yk)
So OBVIOUSLY I had to flesh things out a little 
Looking at this family tree I made a while ago, Tristin has two older siblings: his oldest brother Royce, and his older sister and middle sibling Sutton
They’re both a bit older than Tristin, since his mom is their dad’s second wife
Truett DuGrey married Helena Holshire and had Royce, then Sutton
They divorced when Royce was around 7 and Sutton was almost 5 because Helena suspected Truett of cheating, and Truett suspected Helena of being a gold digger
Both were true
A couple years later, Truett is introduced to Blythe Ross while working on publicity for the banks his family as acquired 
Blythe and Truett didn’t necessarily get along, but she could handle him better than most other women he’s met 
They were actually introduced through Mitchum Huntzberger and his wife Shira, because Shira and Blythe are sisters
So Blythe gets pregnant and Truett can feel another Helena gold digger situation coming
That’s when Blythe tells him she can’t go to his work event because she has to go to a clinic
Truett stops in his tracks and realizes three things at the same time
Blythe is not in fact using a pregnancy to try and get access to his money
He loves his son Royce as much as he’s able to, but he’s already becoming apathetic and Truett can’t pass over the family business to someone with no drive or ambition
Royce is 10 by the way
Lastly, he realizes that this might actually be beneficial to him
So he convinces Blythe not to get an abortion and to elope instead
Once she gets her body back after the baby they’ll stage some wedding photos and claim it was from a little over a year ago so no one knows he had the baby out of wedlock
When she’s 18 weeks along, he schedules a private ultrasound to find out the baby’s gender
He tells her that if it’s a boy, everything will be fine
If it’s a girl, he’ll serve her annulment papers and nice fat alimony and child support checks to keep both of them out of his life
Blythe isn’t sure if she’s relieved or not when the doctors announce they’re going to be having a healthy baby boy, but Truett sure is
So he grows up watching his burnt out older brother and back bone of the family older sister navigate middle school and high school when he’s barely starting kindergarten
They don’t have any harsh feelings toward Tristin
Not really
They were just never that close yk
It’s like the pilot of umbrella academy, “we only see each other at weddings and funerals”
Except really, they only see each other when Truett forces them into whatever is going on with the family business, or to bail each other out of trouble
Royce is just waiting for his trust fund to kick in so he can fuck off and smoke weed in peace
Sutton is desperately trying to keep her image and life together while hiding her nicotine dependency and steadily growing pill problem from the public eye
And Tristin just wants to fucking feel something
His mom has been in and out of “med spas” and “wellness retreats” for so long he wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t recognize him, and the only time he and his dad talk is when he’s making charges go away
Sutton is engaged to this guy Clint
And he’s fine or whatever, Tristin hasn’t really talked to him much before
But he’s keeping his ear to the ground to make sure he treats his sister right
Sure Sutton can be condescending and a total control freak and act more like a mom than his actual mom
But she’s still his sister
So Sutton’s been off planning this huge wedding and trying to start some lifestyle brand for luxury dog beds and organic phone cases or something
Royce barely managed to keep his latest DUI for driving stoned under wraps but Truett still found out and sent him off to rehab
So Tristin starts high school at Chilton feeling almost lonelier than ever
Tristin aches for consistency, for stability
Thanks to Duncan and Bowman he sort of has that
And people like Paris that he’s literally been in school with since he can remember
It’s not that they’re particularly close, but he just likes that she’s always around when he’s going to and from class
There’s a few other people like that too, loose acquaintances that haven’t dropped out or transferred
They make him feel like even if everything else has gone to shit, he still has his winning personality
And he still has Chilton
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sansacherie · 9 months
A Good and Obedient Daughter
Alicent’s babe first quickens one night, and the king dies the next.
Candlelight bathes the men summoned to the small council chambers. Princess Rhaenyra would often serve these men as her father’s cupbearer. Not far from here, the girl lies asleep, unaware that the generous father who has doted on her will never wake again.
Unaware she might yet be a queen.
Viserys named Rhaenyra Princess of Dragonstone only because his first wife had borne no sons.  There was the possibility of his younger brother, but Alicent shared the same mind as her father concerning that notion.
Alicent sits in the chair that was once Viserys’, and her father, Ser Otto Hightower stands beside her.  She is grateful to have him in Kingslanding, for she is a good and obedient daughter, and such daughters are rightfully glad to have the counsel and support of a father who loves them well.
But she needs more than just her father to stand beside her, not when she faces a red dragon.  Alicent’s hand brushes against her stomach.   She needs these other men as well.  She needs the realm.
“The gods were cruel to take His Grace while he was so young,” Father says.   Young, Alicent thinks.  Not the young she was when she wed him before the sights of gods and men.
“But he has left us a gift.”  Father continues, in the silence.
Lyonel Strong and Tyland Lannister exchange looks, but it is Lyman Beesbury who voices the question.  “And what gift is that my lord?”
Alicent answers for her father.   She raises her chin.  “The gift of his son in my womb.”
Of those in the room, only Grand Maester Runciter and Father already know of her pregnancy.  
“You delight us with such tidings, Your Grace.”  For a large man, Lyonel’s voice is soft.   His face cannot hide his surprise at her announcement, although there really should be nothing surprising about it.  Viserys and Alicent had made Alyssa on their wedding night, and if a woman is healthy like she is, another child will quickly follow.   Two years is a good gap between children, she thinks. 
Tyland Lannister smiles in agreement.  He has a nice smile, Alicent finds, even at this time.   Her husband’s body is barely cold, and she is already noticing the smiles of other men as she is a giggling maiden newly brought to court.  It is unseemly.
While Tyland Lannister smiles, the Master of Coin does not.
“You may have another daughter, my queen.”  That is true enough, Alicent cannot deny it.  Of course, she had prayed for a son as she had grown great with child, but she would not trade Alyssa for said boy.    Alyssa who declares war on her porridge and exhausts her wetnurse and once pulled her older half-sister’s hair so hard that Rhaenyra forgot Alyssa was not yet two and hit her.
“I may.”  She inclines her head.  “But I could just as easily have a son.”  She smiles.  “I knew Alyssa was going to be a girl.”   That is a lie.   “A woman knows these things.”
“Indeed.  My dear lady mother knew she was going to have twins before the maester himself!”  Tyland beams.
Grand Maester Runciter nods.  “If Her Grace is correct about carrying a son, we must do everything to ensure a successful pregnancy and birth.”  The old man’s words irk Alicent as the image of curly-haired Alyssa flashes in her mind, but she pushes it aside. 
“What… you mean to make a king of this boy?”  Lyman splutters.   He finally caught on.  “To crown him?”
“Perhaps not the actual act itself.”  Tyland smirks.  “It’s not recommended for babes to go near sharp things, I would think.  They’re quite fragile.”
“Indeed they are!” Lyman counters.  “We would also be entering a 16-year regency, lest we forget my lords.”    There is a pause, as he allows them to digest his words.  “On the other hand, Princess Rhaenyra is only four years from her majority. At sixteen, she can rule in her name.”
“She will have to wait until she is eight and ten, Lord Beesbury,” Father tells him.   Or reminds him.  Alicent has Father to thank for that condition.    He managed to convince Viserys that Rhaenyra would be better off waiting until she was past sixteen to rule, should he die while she was still a child.   The realm will already have a hard time accepting her, for her sex.  They might rest easier if she is allowed more time to grow, to mature.
“Yes, it was my lord husband’s wish.”  In the end, Viserys acted like it had been his notion all along.  Rhaenyra had not been happy when she heard, but despite her pleadings, the king would not change his mind.  Alicent dried the girl’s tears and told her not to fret, for her father would most likely live a long time anyway to make no matter.
For the first time since she had met the little girl, Rhaenyra looked at her with eyes full of hate.
“It was also the King’s wish that his eldest inherit,” Lyman insists.
“His eldest, or only child?”  Lord Strong asks.
“Indeed.  When His Grace suffered the sudden loss of Queen Aemma, in his wisdom he saw the need to name an heir should another tragedy soon arrive at the Red Keep.”    Father cleared his throat.  “The Princess Rhaenyra was trueborn, and then the only surviving child of King Viserys.   But if his queen begets a son,  there is no question about the succession.”
“But His Grace…..”  Lyman will not let it go.
“What do you think the purpose of our marriage was, my good lord?” Alicent asks sharply.  “Why did he remarry so quickly, if he was content to leave Princess Rhaenyra as his sole heir?”
Lyman Beesbury looks hard at her.  “Perhaps His Grace was thinking of other things.”  Runciter gasps, and disgust shadows both Tyland and Lyonel’s faces at such insolence.  
"How dare you insult my husband with such vile insinuations?"  Alicent hisses.  "How dare you insult me? "
"I would gladly cut out his tongue for that, my sweet queen."  Tyland's fingers lovingly brush the dagger at his belt.  
"Yes.  You forget yourself, Beesbury."  Lyonel admonishes him. 
"And you forget that we all swore oaths to Rhaenyra Targaryen!"  Lyman shouts.  "She is the true heir to the Iron Throne."   He points a finger at Alicent.  "She-"
"She is carrying the true heir to the throne, if the gods favor such an outcome," the Lord of Harrenhall sharply interrupts.  
Alicent nods.  "You have made your feelings quite clear, Lord Beesebury."   She waves a hand, and Ser Harrold Westerling steps forward.  "I will not abide such traitors in our presence.  Escort the master of coin to the black cells."   Beesbury pales, and Alicent's stomach churns.   She does not relish this, but it is a necessity. 
When they are gone, Alicent turns to the remaining men.  "Now.  Until- if- His Grace's son is born, Princess Rhaenyra must be kept safe."  Of course, Alicent will continue to ensure her protection afterward.   Not for Viserys' sake.   But for Rhaenyra's.  She is only a little girl, and now she is an orphan.   The crown is a cruel burden,  Viserys had told Alicent once.  
Yes, it is a burden.  Rhaenyra Targaryen has only been Princess of Dragonstone for four years.   She was not born expecting to rule the seven kingdoms.   She might understand death, but does she understand duty?  That is not enough time. But her brother, Alicent's son... There are drawbacks to such a long regency, of course.   There always are.  But they can use that time to their advantage.  To shape, to guide, to prepare. 
"Yes. The girl is queen for the meantime."   Runciter rubs his chin.  "Do we crown Princess Rhaenyra, or...."  He trails off.
"Such a thing would be unwise," Father replies.  "It would only legitimize her in the eyes of those fool enough to push for her claim, like our dear Beesbury."
"In any case, King Viserys did not celebrate his coronation for at least six months after he was crowned.   These things take time, money."
 Alicent smiles.  "If I am blessed with another sweet girl, then we shall have a splendid event to look forward to."    She sniffs.  "However, my biggest concern is not the cost of a coronation.  It is the cost of what Prince Daemon might do this realm, should he try to steal what does not belong to him."
"The Velayron's are another danger,"   Lyonel states.
"A dangerous enemy, or a powerful friend. " Alicent tilts her head.  "How old is Princess Rhaenys's twins, again?"
"Lianna and Lucerys are two."   
Alicent frowns, as though she needs time to think.  "A betrothal, if it comes to it."  A princess for a good-daughter or a queen for a daughter.   She will not let them have both.   A part of her hopes it will not fall on Alyssa.  
They continue to plan into the night, while Alicent receives updates on the princess, who continues to sleep peacefully.
Alicent thinks of the girl's father, her dead husband.  
Perhaps Beesbury was right. 
Good and obedient daughters don't always make such wives.
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Chapter 15
October/November 1987
"Oh Milla, that's marvellous, absolutely wonderful!", Rosalind cheered excitedly and even had to wipe a few tears away. "What an honour!", she added, looking at her husband. "Isn't it, Bruce?" "Yes, darling, of course.", Camilla's father replied and cleared his throat. He'd never been as much of a passionate monarchist as his wife was but he couldn't deny that it was, indeed, an incredibly kind offer from the Queen Mother to hold Theodora's baptism at the Royal Chapel. Of course, he had always been aware of both his son-in-law and his daughter's close connection to the Royal Family, he himself had been knowing the Queen Mother for ages - the old lady was a good one without a doubt! - and, yes, it was particularly nice of the Princess Royal to become little Thea's godmother - but he couldn't help it: something about the whole thing felt kind of… suspicious. Yes, both Queen Mother and Princess Anne had been present at Andrew and Milla's wedding back in the day, and yes, the Prince of Wales had agreed to become the godfather of their first child which was definitely a great honour and proof of their close friendship - but nobody had really cared about Laura at her time a few years ago so it happened rather unexpected that all of a sudden they were all making such a fuss about the little one. Of course, Thea was their little angel, their pride and joy and the sweetest baby he'd ever seen - along with all of his other wonderful grandchildren - but he stuck with it: something about it was strange.
"My goodness, what am I going to wear?", Rosalind asked almost in panic and Camilla was more than grateful when Annabel, who thank goodness had been able to attend her little Afternoon Tea as well, assured her: "You'll definitely find something, Mama!" Camilla herself still hadn't come to terms with the prospect of having her baby christened in the Royal Chapel with all three of them present, the Queen Mother, the Princess Royal, and the Prince of Wales, who also happened to be her secret lover and the secret father of her baby. What a ridiculous soap opera! But the Queen Mother hadn't accepted any kind of protest and, of course, Andrew had been delighted, and when eventually Anne had offered to become a godmother, there really had been no escape anymore. Not that she minded that Thea was going to be Anglican - she herself was and, frankly, she'd never been too keen on some of the Catholic elements of Christianity but then again she'd never been so much into religion that she'd have bothered. What she did worry about, though, was her daughter's safety and the attention they were all giving her at the moment, and especially the public attention they would eventually attract with that big fat royal christening wasn't quite what she had planned or hoped for. All eyes would be on them, they'd appear in the newspapers even - they had with Tom back in the day but that had been different; their names would be in everybody's mouths and even if nobody was going to be suspicious, it felt wrong and too risky and just made her feel very uncomfortable. All that she wanted was for her baby to be safe and grow up as normal as possible and as far away from the limelight as possible!
At least Annabel had agreed to become a godmother as well, and Camilla was more than grateful for her sister's constant, loyal support. Apart from her two men, she was the only one who knew the truth, the only person she could talk to and who understood her concerns. "It's not surprising that Andrew's enjoying the attention.", she had casually said when Camilla had first told her about the christening. "He loves to be the star, the hero, and he's super proud of his royal connections, no matter how they might come about." She couldn't deny that her sister had a point here. God, how on earth was she supposed to get through that awful ordeal without letting anything show? She'd just have to in the end…Theodora Elizabeth Anne was christened at the Chapel Royal, St James Palace, London, two weeks later in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen Mother as well as Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, who even became little Thea's godmother. Andrew almost burst with pride and gave a picture perfect, pride and loving daddy (much too Charles' displeasure but, thank goodness, and thanks to a few warning glances Camilla decently gave him, he managed not to let anything show). Camilla herself felt absolutely miserable all day long and could hardly eat anything, especially when Andrew handed Thea to her godmother, saying: "Go and meet Auntie Anne, darling.", which caused her hissing: "She's not 'Auntie Anne'! Don't give her ideas, Andrew! She'll be 'Ma'am' to the children, just as Charles is 'Sir' and nothing else!" Andrew had just rolled his eyes at her, as if she was the boring spoiler of the party but this really wasn't funny and she was more than happy and relieved once the professional photographs had been taken and the whole charade was finally over without any further incidents. "It was a wonderful day.", Charles gushed when they talked on the phone the next day. "I'm so glad we could do it that way." Of course he was happy that he'd been blessed to participate and in some way, Camilla was, too; she loved him and he was Thea's father after all. But it had also been incredibly risky and she had felt miserable all day long. They couldn't go on like that. What would he do next, invite them all for Christmas at Sandringham, Easter at Windsor Castle or maybe Buckingham Palace for the next Trooping the Colour? No, that wasn't possible. They had to keep some distance and he had to understand that. It was for their daughter's safety… "When am I going to see you both again?", he asked with a longing voice, which gave her goosebumps. "I miss you… I want to hold you in my arms and kiss you, darling." He sounded so sad and desperate that it almost brought tears to her eyes and, though she tried to fight it, she couldn't deny that she felt just the same. They hadn't had a proper weekend together since Thea's birth and after three months she started to feel needs other than sleeping and feeding her baby again… In fact, she was just as desperate to see him as he was to see her. "I miss you, too, darling.", she sighed, trying hard not to sound too obviously desperate. "Let me check with some friends and see if I can arrange something, somewhere..." "Please, darling. And let me know where and when. I can make it anytime.", he promised and she laughed. "Of course, because the Prince of Wales's diary is one of the emptiest in the United Kingdom.", she chuckled, rolling her eyes, knowing exactly just how busy he always was and what a drama it had always been to find an appointment. "Well, darling, as you said: I'm the Prince of Wales and if I want to meet with the mother of my child, my wish shall be everybody's command…" "You might be the Prince of Wales but you also are an idiot.", she giggled, before adding: "The most adorable idiot I've ever met. I love you, darling." "Love you, too."
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iceywolf24 · 7 months
I can't be sure but I think it is kind of being set up that Bran will be involved with the battle in the ice.
First his presence is felt in the chapter even outside of the ravens
She has to understand. She is my sister. He never wanted to do any harm to Bran or Rickon. Reek made him kill those boys, not him Reek but the other one. "I am no kinslayer," he insisted. He told her how he bedded down with Ramsay’s bitches, warned her that Winterfell was full of ghosts. "The swords were gone. Four, I think, or five. I don’t recall. The stone kings are angry." He was shaking by then, trembling like an autumn leaf. "The heart tree knew my name. The old gods. Theon, I heard them whisper. There was no wind but the leaves were moving. Theon, they said. My name is Theon." It was good to say the name. The more he said it, the less like he was to forget.
How Theon didn't kill Bran and Rickon, how Bran communicated with Theon using the heart tree.
While the talk about the Stone Kings being angry comes from Theon not knowing that Bran and the others took the swords, it might be teasing Bran's anger at what's been done to Winterfell, it's people especially Theon and Jeyne.
The maester mopped sweat from his brow with his sleeve. "N-not entirely, Your Grace. Most, yes. Some few can be taught to fly between two castles. Such birds are greatly prized. And once in a very great while, we find a raven who can learn the names of three or four or five castles, and fly to each upon command. Birds as clever as that come along only once in a hundred years.
Stannis gestured at the black birds in the cages. "These two are not so clever, I presume."
Wouldn't be so sure of that Stannis, also nice comparison with how there are rare special ravens and how special greenseers are.
King Stannis ignored the jibe. "Boys" was all he said, disgusted. "Boys will not hold Lord Bolton long." "Not long," Theon agreed. "Not long at all." "Not long," cried the raven from its cage.
"The ground?" said Theon. "What ground? Here? This misbegotten tower? This wretched little village? You have no high ground here, no walls to hide beyond, no natural defenses." “Yet.” "Yet," both ravens screamed in unison. Then one quorked, and the other muttered, "Tree, tree, tree."
Interesting how the ravens interrupt when Stannis say boys can't do much and how they have no natural defenses yet. I wonder who's been described as a green boy and has power over nature
"Answer me. If we were to loose these birds, would they return to the Dreadfort?" The king leaned forward. "Or might they fly for Winterfell instead?"
And suddenly there came a wild thumping, as the maester’s ravens hopped and flapped inside their cages, their black feathers flying as they beat against the bars with loud and raucous caws. "The tree," one squawked, "the tree, the tree," whilst the second screamed only, "Theon, Theon, Theon."
Bran is likely trying to communicate with the weirwood. It isn't easy to speak through weirwoods, but Bran can actually say his own words even if it's slow and limited and not just repeat like he has to do with ravens.
He might communicate to Stannis that he wants to use ravens to show paths to catch the Boltons by surprise. Stannis bringing up the ravens knowing the way to castles might be hinting at this.
"Men like to know their god is with them when they go to battle." "Not all your men worship the same god."
"You northmen brought these snows upon us," insisted Corliss Penny. "You and your demon trees."
Plus it's been set up that the old gods belief is strong with the mountain clansmen, if they see Bran helping them with the power of the old gods, it will surely boost their morale while discouraging the Bolton army seeing the old gods working against them.
They might get paranoid that they're being punished by the gods for breaking guest right at the red wedding.
Plus the r'hllor followers seeing the old gods help might shake up their beliefs as well.
Battles had been fought at Winterfell before, but never one without a Stark on one side or the other - Jon VII ADWD
Also this.
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
What are your honest unpopular opinions on Descendants?
I honestly don't know if any of these are unpopular, but here goes.
I wasn't bugged by the royal wedding or the engagement in the third film. The whole heir and spare thing is a legitimate practice and since Ben has no siblings and it seems to be unknown who's next in line (Chad mentions not knowing in the second film, and as the son of Cinderella he really should know the succession line), he pretty much needed to get married as soon as possible, especially with the villains taken into consideration (he has already been kidnapped). Their adults, financially stable, and true loves, so in the Disney realm it really does make sense for them to marry.
I don't really like Doug. I mean, he's okay... but something about him just rubs me wrong and I really wish Evie didn't end up with him in the end. I think it would have been nice for Evie to become confident in herself and find her place in Auradon before "finding a prince." Maybe Doug would have been an okay thing, if the relationship had began as a friendship in the first two films and only started a romance in the third movie vrs. the whole "I love you" thing and them apparently being true love? I don't know, I'm lowkey convinced that he was faking being asleep. (Also, if Evie was to fall in love with someone it would have been nice for it to be a person who had no ties to her mother's story. I guess I kinda understand, it could be sweet, maybe a little Romeo and Juliet without the tragic ending, or with it if the relationship didn't work out. But yeah...)
I like Mal. I don't like everything about how she was written, as some of it feels inconsistent, but I like her. I'm also not angry about the love potion in the first film. The VK's were raised by villains. What Mal did wasn't good, but its something she can learn from. It would have been nice to see Ben and Mal's relationship grow differently, not as quick and a bit more tentative because of it, but its a DCOM what do you expect?
While I'm on the fence about watching the new Descendants film, Chad having a sister isn't something I found shocking. As stated above, heir and spares are real. It makes a lot more sense for all of the royals to have multiple children vs. one for each couple.
I like the third film. (Though I very well might be biased as I love the Hades storyline XD)
I was not surprised or upset by Hades being Mal's father. I actually like it. Yeah, Mal is probably overpowered, but I'm here for it. Now if only we got to see powers she would have inherited from her dad...
I was not a fan of D2 Mal's hair, and while the dark root of the wigs in the third movie bug me SO MUCH that even though I like how Mal's hair gained blue I would have preferred the wigs and styles from the first movie being brought back.
Descendants would have been better as a teen/young adult tv series, either live action with a large budget, or an animated series. Some music could still be in it, but not excessively either.
I probably have more, but this is what I got off the top of my head and I'm still not even sure if they are unpopular.
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theretirementstory · 1 month
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25/08/2024. Bonjour à tous, I can’t believe that we are hurtling towards the end of August! Where has that month gone? My son had booked his flights out to me towards the end of July and it seemed ages until he was arriving and now it’s just over a week😱. I am so excited, I am like that dog chasing it’s tail 😂.
This week saw 43 years since I passed my driving test 🙈 and I still drive as if I am on the test!
Oyez, oyez, oyez, announcement of the week! “The Trainee Solicitor” is due a name change as with effect from 23 August he has been admitted as a Solicitor. That’s one of your dreams realised now “Mr Solicitor”, it’s great news, 🥳 from a proud mum.
My grandchildren are with “The Photographer” this weekend, being a bank holiday on Monday they will be spending an extra day with him but then he goes back to work on Tuesday and Grandad will be on childminding duties. It’s been a busy week for “The Photographer” as he had a midweek journey to photograph the Scarborough AFC match at Chorley. Last weekend one of his photos was used by BBC Sport so the photos are “getting out there”. As he was leaving work on Friday evening, he was told by a police motorcyclist to wait at the junction and to his surprise heading along the road, flanked by more police motorcyclists was a Mercedes car which he was sure contained “The Queen”. Apparently she made a surprise visit to the Ebor Festival at York Racecourse on the third day (Friday). What a lovely surprise for him to tell his children.
“The Recovery Coordinator” has had “the week from hell!” Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and as her employment is running short-staffed anyway it has been a nightmare. Fortunately she only has one and a half days at work this coming week then she breaks up for her holidays. I am hoping against hope that this lovely weather we are having continues into the first week of September and that she can enjoy some relaxation in the sun.
“The Jetsetter” has been to Maidenhead, for a friends wedding. I do hope it was a fantastic day and that it was a nice break.
Now it’s back to “The Solicitor” who yesterday lunchtime went out to celebrate his fantastic news with his partner, father, brother, niece and nephew. What a celebration. I do hope there are no “thick heads” this morning.
My “Personal Shopper” has returned from holiday, he has been put to good use since he got back, not only did he do my shopping yesterday, but on Thursday he also pressure washed my patio, gates and the top of the letterbox. He then went to order my prescription from the pharmacy.
Monique celebrates her birthday today and I cannot believe that it is two years since I was sitting in her garden playing with her twin grandchildren who were only 7 months old at the time.
Anie has been down to see me, she brought figs, vine peaches and an apple. I thought she might have to do my shopping for me yesterday, however the Personal Shopper agreed to do it. I was pleased she could have a normal Saturday, visit the market and then on a balmy afternoon she was going to visit her garden.
I was up with the larks yesterday as I wanted to walk to the sunflower field down the road to take some photos for the children. We had a video call and my grandson wanted to see my house so I wandered round showing him around, his sister kept saying, I was in there, and sure enough she had been when Daddy brought her over last year. I think my grandson liked my garden if only because it had an airer like Mummy’s. He liked upstairs best, maybe because downstairs is a “work in orogress”, while I am preparing for the visitors.
I was in Paris on Monday, blimey could that driver make the car move! We were doing 160k/hr on a 130 road 🙈. We got there in good time and would have been home quicker if someone at the hospital had phoned and given the taxi office a departure time. I only needed a platelet transfusion my haemoglobin had increased a bit from the previous Friday.
I was then at Troyes on Friday where the platelets had dropped again but not as low as they had been. The haemoglobin had increased yet again but the doctor said it was probably due to one of the injections I have once a week. He said that is better than requiring a transfusion though. To try and sort out my low blood pressure, dosage of my blood pressure tablet has been reduced by half. I now feel like a new woman!
The cleaner has been again and I am going to type a list of jobs to be done weekly/monthly.
I baked a cake yesterday afternoon I don’t know why but I don’t seem to be enjoying some of these foods at the moment.
When my visitors have gone back home, I am going to sort out lots of stuff for the charity shop, decheterie (tip) and anything which could be useful to some of the refugee places.
I had a package arrive from Worcester which included a tea towel, a penguin pin for a coat or jacket and a small penguin “pebble” to keep in my pocket. The penguins have been around the city, lots of them, large and small, doing “The Waddle”.
Then I received a gift from the Îles d’Oleron which was a bag containing some salt, caramel chip biscuits, puffed rice coated in chocolate and caramel plus a lavender bag which smells divine. I have lots of these in wardrobes, drawers etc.
I read in the local newspaper that the fountain which was due to be installed in front of the Town Hall and up and running by July, had been slowed down due to the discovery of an air raid shelter! This work will now be completed during September. I guess that is when everyone is back from holidays.
I had messaged Nicolas (the gardener) to come and cut the lawn and hedges. He said he would try to come and mow on Friday but I guess he must be a busy man as he never came. As he passes my house on his way home he tends to do my jobs if he has finished jobs early and would otherwise go straight home.
I also messaged the roofer, I had phoned and left a message, sent a text message and then sent an email. With the lack of response I can only assume 🙄 that he is on holiday.
I also messaged the plumber who never responded. I don’t think he is on holiday as I have seen his van in the area. Will ring and speak to him I think next week.
Then, I had put off contacting the man to clean the outside walls of the house as I hate speaking on the phone. Anyway I sent a text, he replied saying he is on holiday but will contact me on Sunday. I guess 50% success rate isn’t too bad.
Although my life is still dictated by the hospital visits, I am happy to be dealing with other things I wanted to do. Having a walk is making me feel much better and not being out of breath or as wary, which I have to be but not to the extent that I am wrapped in cotton wool.
It’s difficult to think up songs that have meant something to me over the years. However, I just remembered this one, it’s Lady Love Me (One More Time) by George Benson which was released in 1983.
I can’t believe I haven’t had a song by this next singer, there are a few which I absolutely love but I have chosen this particular song as it reminds me of holidays, being on the night train from York to Bristol (Temple Meads) then a change onto the train to Penzance in Cornwall. It was in the days when trains had compartments (I loved those trains). It was the first time I had been to Cornwall but it was not to be the last time. My sister was coming up three years old and the only bit of the song she could (nearly) sing was “working all day, all day, all day”. The song is Matthew & Son by (as he was then) Cat Stevens and the year was 1967.
Have a good week until next week.
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 5 months
My Thoughts on X-Men 97 Episode 7 Bright Eyes
Another awesome episode, it was very heavy too. Again it has brilliant dialogue and animation. love the affects of wet hair in the rain.
Spoilers, also thought be best to put a trigger warning for grief, attempted suicide ect.
Damn! I didn't expect the episode to start with Gambit's funeral, I was not prepared for that.
I see Gambit's ex wife and his brother are there. Who's the black and white haired lady.
Nightcrawler is doing the funeral, the eulogy was beautiful.
Rogue is not at the funeral, she's gone Rogue
Oh damn! Rogue certainly trashes that secret base.
Oh cool it's Ross but not totally surprised as another Marvel character appears later.
President Kelly makes an appearance and he's being voiced by Morph's old voice actor from the original series.
I love how Cyclops has his visor round the back of his neck like headphones.
Hmm interesting, Jean has her hair down.
Nice to Amelia again.
I already knew that Captain America appears, I hope other Marvel characters appear.
Rogue confronts him, who is also looking for Gyrich. I just love that he's letting Rogue hold his shield.
OZT - Operation Zero Tolerance, I know that story.
Rogue throwing his shield was hilarious.
Hmm, are we getting a bit of Dark Beast.
Rogue found Gyrich in Mexico, she tries to absorb his memories but we only see a glimpse of Nimrod.
Cyclops and Jean find Emma Frost alive, she survived when her secondary mutation activated her diamond form.
Scott thought Madelyn might have survived but he teared up, pretty sweet of Jean consoling him then.
Roberto tells his Mum that he's a mutant but she already knew and is fine about it but wants to keep it private because money is more important.
Nightcrawler consoling Rogue was so sweet, I love that he called her his sister. Rogue wailing was so heart-breaking and I ended up in tears too.
Yikes!!!! there is actually an on screen murder happening. Bastion kills Gyrich by suffocating him.
Lol at everyone crammed in that elevator and Morph drinking that diet drink.
Oh damn!! Trask wants to end his own life.
Rogue 'killing' him was shocking, she didn't want him to end his own life because she wanted to kill him herself.
Love this shot
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I know 3 of them could have saved him but they were probably in shock too.
Turns out Trask isn't dead, he turned into a prime Sentinel and took out Rogue. Hope she's ok, Nightcrawler saves her and we don't see them again
Love the team up moment between Jean and Cyclops. Jean throwing that building into the sea was awesome.
Love the Quicksilver cameo there by Morph.
Yikes!!! Prime Sentinel Trask takes out them out.
Wooo Cable!!!
Scott finds out Cable is Nathan, love the tension there.
So Sinister is working for Bastion. Does that happen in the comics I can't remember.
They find out Xavier is alive. due to getting hold of some Shi'ar technology and Lilandra is announcing her wedding engagement to Charles. So it does look like episode 6 and 7 are happening at the same time, that's probably why Storm wasn't at the funeral.
What is this song The Purple People Eater, I've never even heard it before.
Magneto is alive!!!!!! I did have a feeling he was but he is now captured by Bastion but how did he survive.
Bastion is very creepy, scary villain. That shaving scene was weird. What's he planning to do with Magneto? brainwash him, use him as a scapegoat, what? I'm so confused.
Again great episode can't wait for next weeks episode but i'm very nervous especially its the start of the 3 part final.
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lia-land · 6 months
Empire of Storms
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4/5 stars
*Spoilers for Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas.
Aelin’s secret plans are getting tedious and repetitive, to the point where I don’t actually care about her character as much anymore because I know she’ll just pull out some secret plan like always. It was fun at first, but 6 books in, I would enjoy seeing her through the process for these plans instead of just being told about them when needed. All of this made me sort of relieved about how this book ended because for once, she wasn’t saves by some convenient secret plan and now I’m actually excited to read Kingdom of Ash.
The whole reveal to Rolfe that Aelin was Celaena gave me secondhand embarrassment. How Rowan did not get the ick is beyond me. I’m far more invested in Manon and Dorian than anyone else. That was an odd pairing at first but I’m so excited to see where their relationship goes. I felt sad for Manon for a lot of this book, especially her finding out that she killed her half sister. I’m obsessed with Abraxos!!! I’ll be so sad if he dies, but knowing SJM’s style, I don’t think that will happen.
I partially discussed this next point in my review of The Assasin’s Blade, which is that SJM could have made its position in the series so much clearer if she wanted to. Illias and the Silent Assassins appearance was barely explained. It’s not important to the story that Illias and Celaena had a ‘fling,’ but it would have been nice to have more context on the Silent Assassin’s for those who didn’t read AB since it’s not officially been listed as an essential book in the series. This is especially important regarding Ansel of Briarcliff, too. There is so much history there with her and Aelin and the extent of it wasn’t mentioned. I don’t fully understand why they’re back on such friendly terms after the last interaction between her and Aelin. Obviously Aelin needed Ansel’s help and I understand her putting the greater good above her own grudge, but they’e talking like good friends in EoS and I don’t recall reading about why Aelin essentially forgives her and is so trusting all of a sudden. I’d actually love to read about how Ansel became Queen of the Wastes.
As usual, there were a lot of interesting reveals towards the end. The chapter with Nehemia going through the marshes for weeks on her own and wanting to sacrifice herself was beautifully written. I would absolutely read a whole book about her life before coming to Rifthold.
I had a feeling Rowan and Aelin were mates, but I did not see the marriage coming. This is the second secret wedding scene I’d like to demand from SJM as a bonus chapter (iykyk). Lysandra now acting as Aelin is also so twisted and interesting. It’s one of my favorite plot points so far and I can’t wait to see what comes of it in KoA.
I liked Elide in the last book, but didn’t particularly enjoy reading about her in this one. She had Aelin, Manon, and Lorcan fighting over their ‘claim’ to her and I kept waiting for her to stand up for herself and tell them that she will choose. Like, girl, you’ve been ‘owned’ for most of your life… I’ll be very surprised if she doesn’t say something along those lines in KoA. 
I didn’t know how I felt about Aedion until this book. I’ve decided I don’t like him and he’s just very… clingy? I would not be mad if he was killed off at some point soon. I might even dislike him more than Chaol. 
I would appreciate a family tree at the start of these books alongside/instead of a map because it easily gets confusing. When Elena revealed her mother was Mala, I didn’t know that was supposed to be a big reveal because I still have very little idea about what the relationship between her and Aelin and Maeve is. I also didn’t pick up on how Aelin and Dorian and loosely related and I still have no clue about how all that connects. I’m still trying to figure out how Roland fit into things. I’d appreciate a diagram of sorts, but I don’t want to Google a family tree until after the series in case there are spoilers.
I also didn’t do the tandem read so I’ll have to read through about 700 pages of Tower of Dawn before finding out what happens to Aelin which I’m not particularly looking forward to because I truly do not care for Chaol or Nesryn.
Can I just say how HARD it is to avoid spoilers for KoA… My algorithm on insta and TikTok is fully ACOTAR right now so I see the occasional Throne of Glass videos and I’m still so impressed that I’ve been able to avoid things, but we’ll see if I fully get through the next two books without spoilers. My theory as of now is that there will be a time skip at some point in KoA, maybe a few centuries even? I also think Dorian is going to end up evil. I'm excited for the political drama that will come from Dorian and Manon’s relationship.
The last 50 pages or so of this book are 5 stars. Overall, 4.
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ocalaghan · 9 months
i finished watching the golden girls tonight and let me tell you... that is not a show to finish watching when you're in the heartache of a friend break-up lmao.
it was good though. i started it in january 2022 because it had been on my radar for a while and in the wake of betty white's passing, it felt like a fitting time to finally start it. i watched the first 5 seasons quite quickly but slowed waaaaaay down with the last two. i can see why it was so loved. i almost wish i'd kept note of the plot-holes to make a post about them though because i noticed soooooo many.
i think rose and dorothy were my favourites. rose was so sweet. i'm clearly too fucking soft to be alive because sometimes when the other girls made jokes at rose's expense, it made me feel like crying lmao.
i was surprised the series ended without saying anything about she and miles' wedding because they were engaged just a few episodes before the finale? i guess that might be because of the sequel show but i was shocked it ended with a wedding that wasn't rose's. i'm glad she was choosing to stay living with blanche and sophia instead of moving in with her daughter though, but it did sort of make me wonder because if she's getting married won't she be perhaps moving in with miles sometime in the near future???
i was happy for dorothy though. the whole series she had such back-and-forth with stan and the other girls joking about her single life so i think she deserved a nice husband!!! the fact it was someone related to one of her best friends was a nice twist (although it did make me wonder how old he is if he's blanche's uncle).
blanche's story concluded the way she'd always been and she's fairly happy with her life so... no complaints there??? i think it would've been fun if sophia had a lil boyfriend though. but i still have to watch the golden palace so i guess we'll see. i'm just glad none of them will be lonely/without each other. the scene of them all crying and hugging goodbye had me so sad though. like pls! you can all visit each other! </3
throughout the series though i had a crazy hard time keeping up with their families. it seemed like they all had absolutely hundreds of siblings and children. rose had like... nine (???) adoptive siblings. and she mentions five children but we only ever meet two of her daughters, kiersten and bridget, and we know of two granddaughters, both kiersten's.
and then blanche is one of five children and i think we meet all of her siblings bar her brother tad in this series. and i was constantly confused by her kids, every time she mentioned one of them it seemed like there was a new drama!!! probably because she was a distant mother who relied on nannies because she had five kids she seemingly wasn't super interested in mothering, but anyway. i know we meet janet and rebecca whom she repairs her relationships with, and then we don't meet matthew "skippy", or doug, or biff. and we know her late husband had a son borne of an affair, david. i like to think blanche keeps in touch with david and maybe introduces him to his half-siblings so they can all have a relationship. it bugged me that he was called david though because, common as the name may be, they could've just made it something different since one of janet's three children is called david and we meet him during the series too.
dorothy was less confusing because she only had one sister and one brother (i was so sad for her and sophia when he died??!) and only had two kids, michael and kate. so as a result, sophia, also less confusing, because she's got three kids with one of them obviously being a main character.
anyway. i find it deeply interesting how the perception of middle-aged women has changed in the decades since this show aired. i always thought these women were meant to be much older than they were (with the exception of sophia, since she's aged 80 in the pilot). like definitely late 60s at the very least (which still isn't really that old now). but they're all early to mid 50s when the show begins. they are by no means 'old' ladies in my eyes. whereas you look at shows nowadays that portray women in their 50s, you generally wouldn't assume they're 50. it's just interesting how the style has changed but also the lens through which we view aging women.
anyway, it was a great show. i'd like to watch the sequel. i feel like it tied up the main plots nicely enough and it made me laugh out loud genuinely several times. it was far more progressive than i expected it to be considering the era and seeing these beautiful women being trailblazers for 'older' women, and for these minority groups and prevalent issues they discussed on the show was a joy.
it feels strange to think they are all now passed, but they've given people such comfort even long after their deaths. <3
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Transcript Under the Cut
Royal Hotel, Windenburg (2:30pm)
Abhiti: Albert? What are you doing here?
Albert: I know you just landed but I wanted to see you, I was going to call but I wanted to surprise you.
Abhiti: This is a good surprise, come in.
Albert: Actually, if you’re up for it, I wanted to take you somewhere. I mean, we could leave it for later because you’re probably tired from your flight or we don’t have to do this.
Abhiti: You’re rambling Albert [laughs] I’m always up for an adventure so let’s go. Should I change?
Albert: No, no, what you’re wearing is good.
Abhiti: Well then, lead the way kind sir.
[change of location]
Abhiti: Where are we?
Albert: One of the local markets open for the spring. Today is actually the last day anyone can visit them so I wanted you to experience them. They have live music today!
Abhiti: [laughs] Then we better hurry so we don’t miss it.
[change of location]
Albert: I swear this is every other royal in Windenburg
Abhiti: Don’t say that Albert! But I think you’re right [laughs]
???: Albert?
Albert: Adrien? I haven’t seen you in so long, how are you?
Adrien: I'm good. Just enjoying my break from the military for the wedding. I see that you are also taking advantage of the festivities.
Albert: Yes, I am. Let me introduce you Abhiti, this si Lord Adrien Haven. He’s the son of Lord Robert, the Baron of Oak.
Abhiti: It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard a lot of you from your sister.
Adrien: You know my sister?
Abhiti: Yes, we became acquainted when she attended the gala in Shaadval.
Adrien: Oh I see. I-It’s nice to make you acquainted as well then. I’m actually meeting her here so you might bump into her.
Albert: W-what?
Abhiti: Well, she’s already here.
Adrien: Annie!
Abhiti: It;s nice to see you again lady Anne.
Anne: Likewise ma’am, is also nice to see you Albert.
Adrien: I didn’t know you were so famous with the foreign royals sis.
Anne: I told you, I’m a big deal [laughs]
Albert: …If you guys excuse us then, I want to show the rest of the market to Abhiti.
Anne: Wait! Could I talk to you Albert?
Albert: …
Anne: I promise I’ll be fast.
Albert: I-
Abhiti: I actually need to leave. I flew in today so I’m feeling a little lethargic. Hope you don’t mind Anne.
Anne: Ah- no, of course not.
Albert: Could you guys excuse me for a moment, I’ll walk Abhiti back.
Abhiti: Take care you two.
Both: Ma’am.
[walking away]
Abhiti: You know you don’t have to stay right.
Albert: I know, but- I think it’s time for me to talk with her. For the sake of peace.
Abhiti: I’ll stay with you then.
Albert: I think it's better for you to rest Ab. I’ll talk to you later okay.
Abhiti: Ok, take your time. Good luck with your talk.
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itspdameronthings · 2 years
Never Letting You Go Ch 7
Summary: Here is a very long fic for @writer-wednesday. This one took a mind of its own. This chapter in my never letting you go is a special one. A wedding. in other words. yall might need a tissue. 
Warning: mentions a trouble past. Benny And Santi being their normal selves
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Fall has arrived. Meant pumpkins on all of the porches inside,and outside of town. Fall also means festivals to honor the season before Halloween. The season is a good time to get a nice run before starting the day. Will,  Frankie, Benny, and Santi went off on their three mile run. Good reason to chit chat about stuff. The subject of the day was the wedding date for the trio. Has been a few months since the proposal.  Way they asked you was so unconventional, but a beautiful way to ease your mind. 
Sitting on Garcia/Miller's porch. Santi sits down," I'm telling all of you. We can't narrow down the date. Sunshine has her exams coming up. The fight clinics . Not to mention the holidays. We will tell the rest of the families. Promise. " 
Taking a big gulp of water from his bottle, " Y'all are stallin. Sam and I already set ours. If you want? Maybe I can help.." Benny rolls his eyes to that remark, " Ain't stallin. Like Pope said. Can't pinpoint the right time. If it were me? Would marry her during the upcoming festival. " Others look at him with a big smile, " that's not a bad idea! Little One's last final is in a few days.  What a beautiful way to celebrate. Think we could get things done in time?" 
After finishing up another final. One more to go before you can say you are a professional masseuse. Then you can focus on another thing.  The wedding.  Wish will finally come true. Marrying the loves of your life. Issue on the date was hard to narrow down.  Want that important time to be a memorable one. Everyone that knows you well enough knows what you want.  Simple with close family and friends.  Sitting at a coffee shop that Santi told you about.  Sipping a pumpkin spice latte.  Looking at your phone for some ideas. Suddenly a familiar voice filled the air.  Santi's sister Andie. The baby of the family.  Whom she met a week after moving into town. Sitting in front of her," one more final girlfriend! Then your new adventure begins! So spill . What's going on in that head of yours. Maybe I can help. Know i can . " Taking a breath, " wedding. I know we haven't officially set a date. Feel like the boys are.. you know anxiously awaiting. Hell! Could have one on Halloween.  Fat chance! Want a time that's not too hot or cold. " Taking your hand. Andie looks into your eyes, " I know sis. If I know the lug head of a brother.  He wouldn't pressure you. How about doing what my mom and dad did? Put a date on a piece of paper. Put it in a hat. Date three of you pull out is the date." Trying not to laugh, but that might not be a bad idea. 
After Andie left the shop. She received a text from Santi: 
Pope : hey short stuff. Come over to the house.  We have something planned for Sunshine.  If you can? Pass the info to mama. 
Andie: I will. Bout to head over to her house. Can you just give me a hint? 
Pope: just get to the house. All will be explained.  
Meanwhile,  back at the house. Will didn't have to text Sam. She was at home when he told her to come over. Sitting down on the couch, " care to share what is so important? I have things to do before work. If it's about yall going on those deadly missions? I'm gonna kill you!" Will tried to calm her down, " Look at me Sweetpea,it's not that. Just have to wait till Andie ,and mama G comes. So chill!" 
Andie and mama arrived. Santi kissed them both. Till she pinched her son's ear," why am I the last one to know about the engagement to Sunshine? Bad boy! Now we are here. What's going on?" 
Both men took a deep breath. Santi was the first one to speak, " the reason why we asked you all here is that. We are Planning a surprise wedding for Sunshine.  She has been through so much in her life. Thought  we do something special.  Since it's now Fall. Her favorite season. Thought we had a country theme.  That's where you ladies come in. Decorations,  flowers,  dresses. While us men figure out the venue." Benny's eyes lit up," I know just the place. The very spot. Here! In our backyard.  Nothin fancy. Perfect way to start over.  Yes, we have done this already.  " clearing his throat.  Frankie speaks up," not a bad idea young Miller.  We all have fall-like themes at our homes. Now.. we have an elephant in the room.  Someone spilled the beans. Benny?" 
You pulled up to the driveway to see a familiar car.  Thinking nothing about it. Opening the door to hear familiar voices coming from the far end of the living room.  Sounds of Benny's deep voice," I'm not gonna do such a thing. The wedding will be something Sunshine needs.. oh hi little one how long have you been standin there," putting down your bag and keys on the couch.  Tapping her foot, " wedding? What? Without consulting me?! " Santi comes close to you. Rubbing your shoulders," We want to do this for you.  As a reward for all of the hard work you have put on your education.  Now.. you know about it.  Let's hear what you have in mind." Hugging Santi close crying," love both of you so much for doing this.  First thing first.  Want something simple. No frilly wedding dress. Just want a simple dress. Based on an important point in our relationship. Love the fall-like country theme. No vail.`` 
After a few more issues were put to rest. Others left three of you alone to have a moment to cuddle together.  While Santi goes into the kitchen to start cooking for lunch.  You and Benny have a moment alone to chat. Laying on his lap. Calming down, " Sorry darlin for ruining your beautiful surprise . So sweet Benny bear. Funny,  I was thinking about the wedding. Sorry for not helping with the wedding date. '' Benny rubs your back in small circles, " Not your fault okay? Life put a kink in our plans. Can thank Will for the idea to pick this weekend. So excited to finally make it official. Pope is too.Ya need something special to always remember. Out number the shitty things that happened in your life. You deserve all the happiness.  God as my witness we will deliver." Didn't take long for you to straddle your Benny. Kiss him deeply. Breaking the kiss long enough to speak, " Tryin to tell me that ya need some lovin. Can you wait till we eat?" Nibbles on his neck. Laughing," Guess not.`` 
After a nice lunch. Three of you went upstairs to take a nap before going back to the gym.  While Benny is turned on his side. Fast asleep. You and Santi have a sweet moment.  Cuddling together.  Tracing patterns on his bare chest, " Wanna say that I love you so much.  We all have been through so much together. Sorry for acting weird before. You know how I get. Guess you are used to it by now." Santi sighs while rubbing your shoulder," you were acting like I would if I were walking in on you while planning my birthday.  As for what to wear? We want to be comfortable.  I know you want that too." Kissing his chest before closing your eyes, " love that. Jeans ,and a nice shirt. Me in a dress both of you love so much " 
Next morning you left before Benny and Santi due to an early morning final. Benny is in the closet looking for that dress you mentioned.  After looking high and low for it. Finally found it. Along with the sneakers. Santi laughs," really man? Sneakers? That is so elegant. " going past Santi as he placed the dress on the bed, " Sunshine never liked wearing heels. Ya see. When you were away. Took her out on a nice outing. She wore the wrong shoes . Heels and the boardwalk didn't mix. So I went to the nearest store. Purchased these sneakers. As ya can see these are worn. Luckily I managed to find a new pair. " Santi pat his shoulder, " That is sweet. Have something for her. Remember the necklace I wear round my neck all of the time? The ring belonged to mama. Told me to give it to the one. Think it's time to do that. " Looks like everything is coming together.  
Wedding day is here. The house is buzzing with activity. Sam and the other ladies took you out for a morning of pampering and to calm your nerves.  The men were finishing up the arbor in the backyard to look just right. Even the old truck of Santi's dad was made into the decor. Only fitting to make it a part of the wedding. Benny was upstairs going over the vows. Keep changing it. Knocking  on the door caused Benny's heart to jump into his throat," Glad to see ya pa. I'm in need of some advice.  Don't know what to say to her without soundin like an ass!" Jack Miller looks his youngest son in the eye," say what's in your heart. Remember she is nervous as well.  Job is to transfer strength to her. Like she will do to you and Santiago. Now get ready. People are arrivin." 
Sam arrived from your home to get your dress and other stuff. Pulling the dress out to see it made you cry. You knew it was Your Benny who picked it out. Even the necklace with new pendants. Three birthstones. Looking in the mirror to see how beautiful you look with your hair up in tendrils of curls. Yellow and orange flowers decorated your head. Taking a deep look at Will ," ready for me to take you to your husbands? Glad you asked me for this honor. " taking his hand not before kissing his cheek, " yes iam." Not before Diane Miller comes up to you. Giving you a tight hug," so happy you will officially be my daughter. Remember I told you that you and Benny were meant to be? A mother knows " gave her hand a squeeze, " so glad to call you mama for real." 
Moment has arrived for you to go down the aisle. Backyard so beautifully decorated that it made you tear up.  Looking ahead to see your boys . Looking so handsome. Tried not to cry when Santi said his vows," I fell in love with you from the first time I laid my eyes on you all those years ago. Here I am. Older than you. Some thought i was stupid for lusting over you.  Never listened to those naysayers. You brought me strength that I needed when I needed it. As I give you my mama's ring to you is the symbol of the love I have for you. " 
Benny takes your hand breathing deeply, " Oh my Sunshine.  We have been together since we were kids. Grew up together.  Helped each other, and even gettin into trouble. Never thought I would fall in love with my best friend.  Took a major breakup to realize that you were the one for me. Everyone we know knew that.  Make sure you are well protected and loved. You deserve all of the happiness in the world." Place the ring that belonged to his grandmother on your finger. Then kiss your palm. 
Taking both of their hands. Trying not to fall apart," both of you brought me out of the darkness I have been under for so long.  Benny,  you were there from the first time we met. Protected me from others that would tease me about being a county girl. Santi, you helped me see that I'm not an ordinary person.  Saw the beauty that was hidden.  Love you for bringing that out. Love both of you so much!" 
There wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. Soon the preacher says they are officially married.  Didn't take them long to kiss you.  Future is now looking bright. 
Party lasted through  the night till the guests left the three of you alone on the porch. Sitting on the swing. Looking at the beautiful moonlight shining on the lake water. Then looking at your sleeping form. Yes, this is your wedding night.  The event of the day wore you out. Benny carried you inside.  Santi locks up the door. Seeing that your phone had an unread message.  Clicked on the message saying, " you pass all of your final congratulations" santi smiles, " I'll tell her tomorrow.  Now it's time to be with my beautiful wife. Love that word." 
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sulky-valkyrie · 2 years
hi auntie val! i give you a prompt you can make angsty or sweet
“did i do good?” for tabris and timur!
Hullooo favorite fishie!
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The last hurlock fell beneath Timur's mace with a disgusting squelchy crunch. He grimaced and wished for the thousandth time he had a proper sword, but pauper Grey Warden recruits had to make do with whatever they could get their hands on. Maybe one if these creatures might have something more serviceable? Or at least less messy. Kallian had somehow procurred blades of her own back at camp, but, being the bitch of a sister she always was, refused to tell him where.
Timur started nudging the corpses with a boot, hoping a better weapon would turn up. Kallian hissed somewhere behind him, and he spun around, ready for another fight, but it was only Alistair, bandaging a shallow cut on her arm.
"Stop wiggling and this would be tied already," he muttered, blushing furiously.
"Fuck you, I'd be done already if you weren't helping," she spat.
Making friends as always. Timur wasn't sure how to deal with the way Alistair looked at her, or if Kallian had even noticed. It wasn't at all like how Vaughan or his cronies had, but it reminded him of it all the same. To be a noticed elf in Denerim was never good, and Alistair couldn’t seem to stop noticing her. All of her, not just her backside either. In fact, he stared at her hands most often, presumably because looking at her face would be too obvious. He was practically mesmerized, and more than once, Timur had seen him reach to touch her arm, almost wonderingly, then stop himself. A good thing too, because killing him would cause far more problems than it might solve. He hoped with the Wardens it would be different, but it worried him all the same. Especially with an entire army of shem surrounding them. Helping hide bodies for his sister had not been a favored pastime and he preferred not to repeat it.
"You plannin' on using that, mate?"
Timur blinked in surprise. Daveth was crouched in front of him, pulling a rusty sword out of the dead hurlock's hand. "I - maybe?" He wiggled his mace in exasperation. "Anything is probably better than this."
"Right, right." Daveth bobbed his head in agreement. "Your sister - she's your sister, right? - she found some nice weapons, you ask her? Also, she seeing anyone? I'd ask myself but I like my balls still attached."
He snorted. "Yes, yes, and no." He took the offered sword and swung it a few times. The balance wasn’t bad, and even though it looked like garbage, it wasn't pitted or chipped. "But I don't recommend, uh, pursuing that. You're from Denerim, right?"
"I'm from everywhere," Daveth snickered.
Timur cocked his head toward Kallian. "She's why they tell humans not to go to the alienage at night." He paused. "Well, the men."
"Seems to like that one okay." Daveth said as he pointed. Sure enough, Kallian was actually laughing, a sound Timur hadn't heard since the morning of the wedding, and punching Alistair in the arm. Before Timur could figure out what to do about that, the only actual Grey Warden among them tilted his head like a dog scenting the air.
"More coming," he said brusquely. Once darkspawn were involved, it was the only time Alistair actually seemed serious or capable. He slung his shield off his back and motioned them to follow.
Timur fell in next to Kallian behind Alistair as Jory moved up beside him. Daveth pulled out a bow and brought up the rear, muttering what sounded like part of Chant of Light.
When they crested the hill, Alistair and Jory charged forward. Alistiar's shield smashed into genlock's face as Jory took another one's head clean off. Timur hesitated, telling himself that he was just surveying the battlefield, but when Kallian surged past him, he was dragged along on her wake.
They'd always fought together well, no doubt due to learning from their mother together, and while fighting darkspawn was more difficult than fighting humans, their teamwork was just as effective. If she feinted left, he followed through in the same direction, and if he went high, she went low. They never needed to talk about it either. They were a single force, a single mind, and it had given them the upper hand in most all of their scraps in the alienage.
Most of the time, he amended to himself. A snarl of pain and anger disrupted his thoughts. An arrow was in Kallian's arm, and she was pissed.
Oh, shit. Timur lunged forward, pushing the hurlock in front of him out of the way and taking a glancing blow on the shoulder, then grabbed her injured elbow with a muttered, "Sorry." She almost bit him as he dragged her backwards, so he pinched her ear like their mother used to. That did it, and the momentary distraction was enough to stave off one of her . . . well, their mother called them fits. She'd been getting better at controlling them, hadn't had one in months, maybe years, but Timur had seen the inside of the arl's estate. That dam had broken, and things were happening faster than she could rebuild it.
She nodded her gratitude as the rage faded from her face, then took up a position behind the other warriors instead of running headlong into the darkspawn like she'd been intending. Daveth took down the hurlock who shot her with an arrow of his own, and Alistair did something that made the genlock with a staff fall to its knees.
They rushed forward as a group and overwhelmed the rest of them in short order. Timur focused on keeping Kallian's injured side covered, hacking at anything that came close, until suddenly, he swung at thin air. He looked around, worried that the fight had moved on without him, but no: there simply weren't any left.
Kallian broke the arrow off with a hiss and threw it at the darkspawn corpse at her feet, and was about to force the head through herself before Daveth offered to help. She looked like she was about to spit at him, but practicality won out over pride, so she grimaced and offered her arm to him. Timur watched him work it out carefully, listening to the sounds of Jory and Alistair searching the corpses for anything useful. He should be helping, but he needed to be sure Kallian was okay first.
"That was well done," Alistair said quietly behind him.
He spun around. "I did good?"
Alistair nodded toward Kallian. "Stopping her. That mage would've - anyway, well done. The treaties should be just ahead." He pointed at a chest nestled by a vine-covered broken down wall. "In fact, that should be them. Could you check? I'll keep an eye on your sister."
Timur frowned, but didn't argue. If nothing else, Alistair would keep Daveth from doing something that might get someone gutted. He picked his way across the ruins, but as he neared it, it was obvious the chest was as damaged as the fortress surrounding it. Maybe it was buried underneath?
Twenty minutes of investigation later, he gave up, hauled himself back to his feet, and stretched his back with a sigh. Alistair and Kallian were sitting together as he bandaged her again, and Daveth was still breathing, so there really wasn't a rush to report back that his search had been fruitless. It's almost peaceful out here if you ignore all the darkspawn.
"Well, well, well, what have we here?"
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