#also it is cute how he starts to scream when he gets tangled in something like
sevadee · 6 months
Roombas are easily the cutest piece of technology humankind has ever came up with. You esentialy have a pet that looks cute, eats trash and bumps cutely into things like "Oh sorry my dear human, I have not seen you have leg there. Let me go this way instead".
My roomba (Dummy) has recently fell ill and wouldnt recharge properly... But he was such a good boy, that I have ionvested the time and energy to diagnose the problem (faulty battery) and when I fixed it and proceeded to let him roam my new flat, he was so grateful, he didnt want to let me leave for work and managed to close door on me while I was putting on shoes. He Is so cute and pure in his machiney innocence and stupidity.
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anonymouscheeses · 8 months
Obvious shit I noticed part 3 (spoilers for welcome to heaven)
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Look at her! "Teehee"
Also she's nervous! Foreshadowing omg 🤯
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STICKERS! Two pride stickers and a cute donut. Gives me an idea to draw Chaggie at a donut shop while everything is burning down <3 (I'll probably do it but if any artist wants to as well go ahead!)
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Vivzie give me more, moar now. MOAR
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DAMN. SHE CAN THROW- or maybe it just exaggerates the perspective in this frame but still- ZAMNNN
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Cherri x Sir Pentious fans RISE UP.
I wasn't ever really a fan of it myself but I always thought it was CUTE. Like 3 seconds before this part I was already begging for them to kiss 😭
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More foreshadowing!
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Oh wait- Sera's hot and Emily's already adorable
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If heaven don't look like what this is in the show, I DONT WANT IT! (THATS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T SMITE ME)
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JEALOUS GIRLFRIEND VAGGIE!! Can I just say how much I love Vaggie's face expressions? Not just here but like all the time. She's just made to be so exaggerated, out of all of them I thought it would be Charlie who would have the most dramatic faces but Vaggie wins it for me. I JUST GIGGLE SO HARD WHEN SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS BAHAHAH
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Okay yeah. It's very obvious now. Vaggie is definitely an ex-exterminator. They don't close in on Charlie here so it's made to subtly nudge the attention to Vaggie. HOW DID THEY IMMEDIATELY NOTICE IT WAS HER THO??
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That's it.
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But overall the design is pretty meh. I always loved the idea of short hair Vaggie and even have seen art of it but it's just yknow, alright. Reminds me of Cassandra from Tangled: the series. IM LISTENING TO ONE OF THE SONGS RIGHT NOW HELPPP
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THIS SCENE HERE! WOOOOO! SO GLAD WE KNOW WHEN AND WHERE THEY FIRST MET!! Wish we got it extended tho. And also probably push it to next episode so it would have a better impact(atleast I think thats when they'll have the duet). BUT WHATEVER SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! or uh whatever
Vaggie must've been a bit terrified at first. The only sinner she ever sent mercy to was a child. Then to see someone who to her is an adult sinner who just looks really human, that must be crazy. BUT THEN IF SHE WAS TOLD THAT CHARLIE WAS ACTUALLY THE PRINCESS OF HELL? HOOOO, LOCK IN AND STEAL HER. THAT'S SOME WATTPAD SHIT. Also, I wonder how long Charlie thought of redeeming sinners. It would make sense to be after meeting Vaggie, since it could have been a wake up call to the fact not all sinners are bad people. Even though Vaggie isn't a sinner technically, Charlie didn't know that at the time. But maybe Charlie was always like this but just needed to meet someone who could start her dream with her. Long rant uhhh
Haha penis 🫵
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Lute looks like a basic asf anime gorl. Adam doesn't ever take his helmet off, or maybe he just can't. OH HE'S DOING THE GAY SIGN 💅💅 Very appropriate for what he's saying
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Mentor, apprentice. I love that Husk is just trying to help Angel grow but isn't going to force him into it if he doesn't want to.
Im not a fan of huskerdust and think they'd be better friends as I can't imagine a relationship with them at all. But it's still nice and they are supportive of eachother so that's like- yknow. Basic rules. Or something like that. (HELP. I ruined it all at the last part)
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Ooo... I didnt like this part at all... Instead of making the choice she just runs off. Then because the plot demands it, Adam says nothing. Kinda whish she atleast avoided the question, maybe in some way that would require actual thinking? For a character like Vaggie, she could choose either way and it feel like it's still her. If she chose to protect Charlie's dream, she would still be perfectly loyal to her but in the act of so would reveal a secret that could harm their relationship(which does happen at the end but that's because the plot wanted it like that). If she chose to side with Adam, she'd be hurting Charlie emotionally, sure, but it would keep a secret that could make Charlie see Vaggie less than who she is to her already(atleast what Vaggie might think would happen). Imo it should've been her deciding to protect Charlie, since it would mean she's devoted to her at all times.
ANOTHER THING! IF SHE COULDN'T MAKE THE CHOICE, THAT IS SOMETHING INTERESTING TO GO INTO. Maybe it could go deeper into how Vaggie doesn't know who she is without Charlie. So when she has a choice to make, like here, she can't do it without feeling the need to ask Charlie. BUT NOOO, YA HAD TO GO WITH THIS!! Wow. That was a long ass rant. Wtf 😭
Maybe I'm a dumbass. Maybe they'll talk about that next episode, but still, atleast touch on it a bit to not seem rushed?
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Angel looking out for his kids like a mom. We always did need the motherly figure, the one closest to that being Charlie but girl needs a mother in her life too(damn, wait, I did her so dirty).
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Huh, so why does it work here then? 🤨🤨 if it was said in the contract that Valentino can do whatever he wants only in the studio, then why is this the exception? 🤨🤨
Yes I'm stupid. Why do you ask? (No genuinely what's happening here)
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OH ITS THE IMAGE! I really like Sera so far, hope we get more of her soon or in season 2.
Now that we know the context of this, yeah, that's fucking insane. And badass. WOMEN.
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HMM. THATS STRANGE. DID YOU NOT FOR ONCE THINK THERE COULD BE A POSSIBILITY SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN AN ANGEL? Okay I probably wouldn't either but I have an excuse, I'm an idiot. Some girl with a standing out outfit, with one eye, looks unusually human, right after/during the extermination... that's pretty solid ass proof. But I'm dumb so don't take anything i say seriously :D
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Imagine this. No- shit. Just-
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Vaggie is DESPERATE. PLEADING. That's obvious yeah, but don't mind me I had nothing to say for the last 3 images I just thought they were cool
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I mean. Slay I guess. 😍💅
Do all the exterminators look similar or is it just Lute and Vaggie? 🤨
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Even though Vaggie and Charlie may be going through this horrible thing with a hard punch in the gut, but Vaggie is always going to comfort her and I just think that's so adorable.
Also Adam looks like a chicken hah.
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Everyone fears to be like Lucifer. If they don't do bad things they believe are for the greater good and make sacrifices that put them higher than those in hell, they could themselves be fallen. It's really interesting but I don't know if it's going to be fleshed out enough with the amount of episodes left. Which also worries me about everything else that still hasn't be concluded. There's gonna be loose strings I just know it. Hopefully though they rather do that then rush everything out y'know?
I want the next episode to be mostly focused on Vaggie and Charlie's relationship and the healing of what happened. Not for the entire episode of course, it would feel drawn out if it did, but atleast address the problem for the first like I would say 10 minutes? Then the rest would focus on one or two loose threads while also having Vaggie and Charlie acting upon moving on. That's just my idea but yeah-
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eufezco · 2 years
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Oh, he feels the luckiest man on Earth.
He loves being the big spoon while sleeping, hiding his face in your hair, and hugging you from behind, with your hands tangled with his. I'm pretty sure that Tyler is really warm which is great for cold nights, and he'd always make sure that you were comfortable. Tyler also loves when in the middle of the night you turn around so he can hug you against his chest and pepper your face with kisses just to hear you hum in response and snuggle into his chest.
A lot of dates even when you were already dating. It wasn't always in a fancy restaurant (as fancy as his salary as a barista could afford). Most of the times it was him helping you to sneak out of Nevermore to take you to the movies, cooking you a nice dinner at his place (making sure his dad is working until late), to a spooky picnic at the Crackstone's Crypt, and to a drive-in cinema date that ended up in a lot of kisses and not watching the movie...
Always wakes up before you do and he makes the best breakfast. Your morning drink is always decorated with a heart. Sits with you at the table to watch you enjoy the food he made for you.
He always has a smile on his face when you are near, and his smile is the most beautiful in the world. His lips curve and his eyes shine, and even his cheeks hurts afterwards, but it's so cute because you literally don't have to do anything and he's smiling, giggling, smirking, grinning...
Tyler would open up about his mother to you. The topic came up during a fight with his father. You were waiting for him outside of his house and you didn't mean to listen to what they were saying, but they were basically screaming at each other. Then, Tyler said something about his mom and his dad said nothing else and left with a door slam. You couldn't help but ask Tyler if everything was okay and he just broke down in your arms.
Tyler asked to go with him to therapy, only if it was okay with you. Since he trusted you about his mother and felt heard and understood while doing it, he thought it'd be good to have you there so he could talk to Kinbott about it more openly.
Of course, you went with him and held his hand the whole time, squeezing it when his voice broke and he looked so close to tears. And after the session, Kinbott left you two alone until Tyler calmed down, and you knelt in front of him and told him how proud you were of him, how well he had done, and you hugged him, kissed his forehead and never let go of his hands.
Tyler loves it every time you visit him at work because he knows that the moment you step into the Weathervane, your hands are gonna be on his cheeks and you're gonna give him a lot of smooches. Before you arrive, he makes sure that your favorite drink is ready, with a nice temperature and of course with the drawing of a heart or with an 'ily' written. And it's so good to have you there because rude customers really get on his nerves, and just your presence really helps him.
Seeing him with his work uniform makes you feel some type of way. The brown shirt hugging his arms, the maroon apron, oh my god. And the way his hair is curlier than usual, and his arms flex when he carries the tray, and his smile when he talks to the customers, and how he bites his lips when he's focused on making the drawing on the coffee come out perfect... He has you on your knees.
Also, Tyler loves when it's closing time and you two are the only ones at the Weathervane. It always starts with some kisses in the middle of the cafe, with his hands on your hips and him sighing against your lips out of relief. A long day and your lips on his for more than a second was exactly what he needed. He always ends up closing the Weathervane later than he should
Then, the party moves behind the bar and turns into a truly make-out session with you sitting there, with your hands deep inside his hair, and Tyler in between your legs, with his roaming all over your body from your hips to your face. You were caught by his dad once who just hit the glass of the shop with his knuckles to get your attention and left shaking his head. You were caught by his dad once who just hit the glass of the shop with his knuckles to get your attention and left shaking his head.
You took care of his wounds when that monster scraped his chest. You almost fainted when you found him with his t-shirt ripped and grunting. You took off your scarf and applied pressure to his wounds while you asked him questions to check that he was okay.
Did you see his room in that scene in which Thing sneaks into it? It was a mess because my boy has no motivation to clean it up! But thankfully you are there to help him, so you'd play some music, bring some snacks to his place, and spend the afternoon sorting his clothes, throwing away Redbull cans and Hot Cheetos bags, etc.
Even though he was your boyfriend already, you could feel your cheeks burn when you saw him wearing that white suit for the Rave'N dance, and smiling at you as you went down the stairs.
Of course, you'd be his muse. He draws you all the time.
His lips are just so kissable. He just lost trying to get you a plushy at the Harvest Festival and he was disappointed because you told him how much you wanted that one, but you were so happy because Xavier tried for you, so you leaned towards him and planted a quick peck in the middle of his lips. His face lit up immediately.
He'd use his powers to give you flowers, to send you butterflies when you are out with your friends so you could know that he was thinking about you, and little birds that love to play with your hair.
Make-out sessions on his shack are pretty common. He loves having you around all the time but especially when he's painting. He just loves to hear you talking about anything while he does his thing, and when you say the slightest teasing thing to him, Xavier's hands are on you a second later.
Bringing you over the edge of the table you were sitting on and caressing your thighs before you could wrap your legs around him to pull him closer, and then his lips are on yours and your hands are deep inside his hair.
And when his hands cup your cheeks or wrap around your neck, you always end up dirty with the paint on them, but Xavier thinks it's really cute. He likes to paint your face with his watercolors: the sea, some clouds and the sun, birds, hearts. Literally, anything that allows him to do the things Xavier enjoys the most: drawing and and look at your face. He would finish his artwork on your skin by painting your lips with a bright shade of red and letting you kiss his face.
You sneaking into his shared dorm room to sleep with him, and Rowan panicking the next morning when he saw you in the same bed as his friend.
He prefers when you sleep on his chest, with his arms around you, your fingers drawing patterns there, and Xavier giving you a lot of forehead kisses. Listening to his heartbeat and his soft breathing as Xavier grabs your hand and rubs it until you both fall asleep.
Oh but fights with him are terrible because you can't stand anyone that disagrees with you and he needs to be right all the time, so there's no middle ground between you two.
Taking care of him at night when he started having those horrible nightmares and treating the scratches on his neck. You were by his side when he lost control of his powers and brought that monster he was painting to life. You had to jump from your seat and throw yourself on Xavier once you realized what was going on.
His hair is so messy all the time, he should be grateful that you're always there to fix it. You style it after he gets out of the shower but when he wakes up the next morning is all messy again. That's how he ends up most of the time with a bun which you love btw, but nothing compares to him with his long brown loose hair, or when he wears half of his hair in a bun and the other half loose under it.
Also, his hair is so sensitive. Every time your hands are in his hair doing literally anything, Xavier's eyes are rolling to the back of his head and he even has to bite his bottom lip to keep himself from moaning. And he would let you try different hairstyles on him. Braids are your favorite, but piggy tails and buns look as good on him.
He tried to teach you archery before you two were dating but you ended up being a flustered mess. He was so close to you, his chest against your back, his lips mumbling the instructions really close to your ear, and his hands on top of yours, fixing the way you were holding the bow and helping you to have a firm grip on it.
When you tried archery again after he asked you out, it ended up in an embarrassing mutual teasing of Xavier pushing your hair away from your neck and his words in your ear giving you goosebumps, and you making sure that there was no space left between your body and his behind you.
Fencing together is so fun because every duel you two have is filled with rivalry. When you're holding the foil everything is about winning him, and he couldn't enjoy it anymore because your rivalry is reciprocated by him. But your duels always end with the winner laughing at the loser and going to take off the other's mask to kiss their lips. All the people on the team enjoy your duels too until you two do that.
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease i want to braid kayn’a HAAAAIR!!!!!!! I WANT TO USE CUTE HAIR TIES AND SANRIO HAIR CLIPS TO MAKE HIM FEEL SO PRETTY 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍
✖ Braiding Kayn's Hair ✖
✖ Word Count: 715
✖ Tags: Established R/S, Reader is In the Shadow Order w/ Kayn
✖ A/N: YES I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND YOU. All I dream of is to play with his hair, is it soft? Tangled and coarse? Surprisingly smooth? WHO KNOWS I LOVE IT!
- The first time you braided his hair it was because it came horrendously undone mid mission and it was a mess. With frustrated grumbles and complaints coming from your partner as he quarrels with Rhaast you were at your limit. You sat him down, ripped some cloth from the corner of your outfit and delicately braided his hair for him. Almost intimate as your fingers run through his hair, bits of dried blood flaking off, the tangled mess somehow calmed in your hands. Working magic you turned his messy long hair into a neat and tight braid. Both him and Rhaast quiet. Kayn only giving you a soft " Thanks..." before continuing on his way. The cocky, prideful man didn't know how to respond to affections or soft moments like that.
- The second time was much different. Coming out of the bath, his hair was wet and tangled. Excitedly he turns to you sitting in your shared room, towel still wrapped around his waist. " Can you braid it again for me!" It seemed like he was thinking about it the whole time he was washing the blood off his skin. Maybe he just realized how nice your hands felt playing with his hair and fought against his pride. Who knows. You accept of course. It was nice. Being innocently close to him this way. The few soft moments in your life in the Order.
- Ever since then, you being the one in charge of braiding his hair was the norm. Every opportunity, every fight that left his hair free, he runs up to you, smiling excitedly, expectantly. A boyish laugh. " Y/N~" He coos, expecting you to come to his aid. To entertain yourself more, you soon started collecting bits and bops to tie into his dark locks. A red ribbon braided in for when you two were out in combat. Small flowers placed in when in the safety of the order. (Kayn was scary honestly so no other member ever dares says anything about it to his face.) Colorful clips and shiny bits in the privacy of your shared room. Braiding his hair became a special shared moment between the two of you. Something you only did for him, and something he only allowed you to do. His hair was also so delightfully thick it was fun to braid, there was so much you could stick in it without it falling out. It amused the both of you.
- Rhaast complains. A lot. Making fun of him. " The only thing in your hair should be blood of innocents Kayn." You shoot the Darkin a dirty look but all Kayn does is laugh taunting the weapon. " Rhaast is just jealous. Should we tie a ribbon around his handle?" The two of your laugh harder as Rhaast grumbles angrily. The two of you did do it by the way, wrapping the scythe in a ribbon as Rhaast screams threatening to take over Kayn right there and then
- Over time you've learn other ways to braid your partner's hair. The simple braid was his default, but in the privacy of your room, sometimes you let yourself get creative. A fishtail braid for when you two sleep together. A lace braid from his blue hair across the back of his head when you feel like seeing him a little pretty. He never protests, sometimes even humming happily as your fingers brush against his scalp. Letting you do what you want with his hair was special privilege reserved for his lover and you enjoyed that precious intimacy. Sometimes you'd even give his forehead a little kiss when you were done. He protests, but honestly, he secretly loves it. How soft you were with him in private like this.
- Zed commented on it once, when he popped by your room to give Kayn a briefing. Kayn's hair was done to the side, a delicate braid with flowers and ribbons. He didn't like being seen like this but it was Zed, hearing his mentor making a passing amused " Well that's different." remark made his face flush. Kayn was embarrassed but at the same time proud that his partner's abilities amused Zed. You had to stifle back your laughter at his reaction and what was effectively your boss giving you a shrug before leaving.
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twistedwonderworm · 1 year
this is my first time doing a request but can you do a Bottom Leona x Male reader with smut if you haven't already?
Here you go bro, hope it's satisfactory!!! I have never written a fic this fast in my life.
Also you better fucking come home after this, Leona. Happy birthday motherfucker XDD
Pillow Prince (TWST NSFW)
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x M!reader
Warnings: overstimulation, breeding kink, hair pulling, degradation, rough sex, dom reader, bratty, pillow prince Leona, multiple orgasms
Word count: 632
Appearances really were deceiving. Take Leona Kingscholar for example. Standing at least six feet tall with an intimidating glare, most people thought that the second prince of the Sunset Savanna could dominate just about anyone. Though, they don't know just how much of a brat he was and how much he loved it when Y/N put him in his place.
Leona's face was shoved into the pillow as Y/N pounded into him harshly. His hand was tangled in the beastman's hair, tugging on it occasionally to hear his partner's whines and pants.
"Look at you, begging for my cock to wreck you~" the human purred in Leona's ear, pulling his head out of the pillow again. Tears streamed down the housewarden's cheeks from the overstimulation he was enduring. The sheets were already filthy from him coming once, but with how much precum his twitching cock was drooling, Y/N knew he was going to be coming again soon.
Once he knew Leona was on the edge, he pulled out of him, ignoring Leona's irritated grumbles as he flipped the larger male onto his back. Leona's beautiful skin was glistening with sweat from the heat of the room and their… activities, and he was panting. His cock looked painfully hard, the sight making Y/N grin cruelly.
"How do you think the other Savanaclaw students would feel if they knew their housewarden was such a pillow princess~?" The human asked, his fingers teasing Leona's nipples, tugging and pinching them gently.
Leona mewled, but didn't answer his question, so Y/N decided to punish him by hiking his legs up onto his shoulders and plunging back into his tight heat. Leona threw his head back and nearly screamed in ecstasy at his boyfriend's rough, punishing pace. He had never known the human could move this fast, and his was loving it.
Y/N grinned as he fucked his boyfriend into the mattress. With a dorm full of beastmen with sensitive hearing, there was no doubt that they would be able to hear how much their housewarden liked a cock in his ass. Leona's body soon tensed up as he came with a scream, but of course the human didn't stop. If anything, he got faster, wanting to absolutely wreck him.
"I-it's too muchh…" the lion whimpered when Y/N reached between them and started jerking his cock again, "I-I cantt…"
Y/N grinned and cooed, "Of course you can, baby boy~ give me one more orgasm and then I'll fill your slutty little hole. I'll breed my little lion as long as he gives me one more orgasm~"
Leona panted and squirmed with the overstimulation, but he nodded. His moans were getting desperate now. Y/N was getting close now. Leona so good squeezing around him. He pushed the beastman's legs up against his chest, and started pounding into him harder.
Leona gasped and tried to grab something to hold onto, his hands fisting the sheets. They soon tore as a third, even more intense orgasm hit him, causing his vision to go out as he screamed out. His body clamped down around Y/N like a vice, and he pushed in deep as he burst inside, his seed painting Leona's insides white. Another whine from the overstimulated lion, but Y/N still ride out his orgasm before collapsing on top of him.
They lay together, sweaty and panting but satisfed. Leona nuzzled into Y/N's shoulder, and the other laughed at his cute behavior. He was always so snuggly after sex, especially after the more intense sessions.
"We should clean ourselves up, darling," Y/N said, but Leona answered with a snore. This just made the human laugh again, and he pulled him closer. A bath could wait then he supposed.
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aluveras · 1 year
The avengers quest
Peter Parker x Fem!reader
Also she is a Stark.
A/N: This took very long for no reason other then that i couldn't finish it for the life of me. I tried my best to write the characters as i think they'd be but i feel eeryone writes them diffrently so...
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, established relationship, Peter being an anxious cute guy, protective Tony (i am a sucker for fics with protective dad Tony), One daddy joke (once again a sucker for a daddy kink but it's only mentioned once) and i think that's about it
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You and Peter have always felt something for each other.                                                                                You first met when your dad said he wanted introduce to his teenage intern, which you were surprised by. He never interacted much with teenagers besides his daughter.
When you first saw each other you both felt something through your entire body. The feeling couldn’t exactly be described but it was sort of like a need to get closer to each other both physically and emotionally.
After you two met you would sometimes see him in the lab and after a while just started to hang out and watch movies or play videogames. Though you thought you both felt something Peter hadn’t made any move, so you decided that he probably didn’t like you.
That was until you told him you were going on a date with a guy and in a fit of jealousy he told you how he felt.
After that you two decided that you would try dating but keep it a secret for now so it doesn’t change anything at the compound.
For now things were going well. Your father hasn’t found out anything yet and  you hadn’t got the idea that any of the avengers knew (Natasha and Wanda excluded cause their THE besties).
You were watching a movie in the afternoon when you heard a knock at the door.                                        As you opened the door there stood Peter leaning on the side of the doors frame turning to you with a smirk.
‘’Hey baby, did you order a big pizza with some sexy spider toppings?’’
You broke out laughing/cringing while he was happy he made you laugh.
‘’No, I ordered a akward boy who can stop a bus with his bare hand, but can’t take my bra off without me having to turn around.’’
‘’That’s easy for u to say, you wear one every day I have no experience.’’
‘’No that was very clear.’’
As you both walked over to your bed you guys got into a cuddling position. Legs tangled, your head on his chest and his arms around you. It started it off with a kiss on your head which let to a kiss, which let to a make out session. As you straddled his lap he started to take off your bra.
‘’Hey! You did it!’’
‘’Thank you, thank you. I’d like to thank my aunt and Mister Stark and-‘’
‘’You’re really talking about my dad, while we’re doing this?’’
Peter smiled apologetically ‘’sorry..’’ he mumbled
‘’It’s okay, only because you’re so cute.’’
As you continued the door suddenly flew open.
Both you and Peter looked to the door in horror.
‘’Pocket sized stark and Spiderling?!’’
‘’Pointbreak?!’’ ‘’Thor?!’’ both you and peter were scream whispering.
It was silent for a few seconds.
‘’So, I’m just gonna go.’’
Thor turned around and just left without closing the door.
After a few seconds of you staring at the door Peter started kissing you neck again.
‘’Peter….’’ You whispered.
‘’Hm.’’ He hummd.
‘’Are you for real right now?’’
‘’What? I just wanna kiss you so bad.’’ He whined and putt your bra on right.
‘’Thor’s gonna tell everyone!’’ You said as you got off peters lap.
‘’There’s nothing you can do about it now. It’s a Friday so he’ll go to a bar and drink                            and fall asleep on his bed absolutely drunk and won’t tell anyone.’’’
‘’The best you can do now is kiss me because I’ll die if I don’t get to kiss you more.’’ Peter said with a bit of a desperate voice
‘’Fine, but if he tells someone drunk, he can also tell everyone we’ve broken up.’’
‘’Then he can also tell everyone I passed away because I can’t live without you.’’
You started to fight off the smile that just wouldn’t go away.
‘’You’re so cheesy.’’
You straddled his lap again and took off your top and bra.
‘’Hey, I was finally starting to get the hang of it.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah just take off your clothes and fuck me already.’’
‘’Yes ma’am.’’
As you went to get breakfast the next morning (Barely being able to walk).                                            You see Thor standing in the kitchen trying to figure out how the microwave works.
He saw you and his face looked like you’ve saved his life
‘’Hey pocket sized Stark, do you know how this weird thing works?’’ You had to hold in your laugh as you said.
‘’Hey pointbreak, yeah I’ll help you IF you do something for me in return.’’
‘’Of course milady, what is it?’’
‘’Well you remember when you walked in on me and Peter-‘’
‘’’Having sex? Yeah of course! But don’t worry its totally a normal thing and luckly I know Peter doesn’t have a small-‘’
‘’NO that’s not what I meant! I just need you to not tell anyone about us.’’
‘’Uhm.sure but you might wanna talk to Sam aswell about it.’’
‘’WHAT?!’’ You groaned. You knew you shouldn’t have listened to Peter and just immediately have followed Thor. You showed Thor how the microwave works and he thanked as you quickly started sprinting away to find Sam.
You spend some 5 minutes running around the compound to find him                                                 infront of the tv with bucky. Sam layed full wide across the couch with Bucky standing next to the couch with his hands in his pockets. As they saw you Sam started screaming ‘’Peter! Peter! Yes!’’
‘’Yes?’’ Peter asked as he walked in. Seeing you stand there he immediately knew why they said that and started blushing from embarrassment.
You rolled your eyes and said.
‘’Ha ha very funny. Now I need you guys to not tell anyone before my father finds out.’’
‘’You might wanna talk to Steve then…’’
You groaned annoyed and started to search for Steve with Peter running close behind you.
‘’Did you talk to thor?’’
‘’Yes and he told Sam, and Sam told Bucky and Steve. So now I have to talk to Steve’’
‘’We, I’ll go with you.’’
‘’Alright, just don’t slow me down.’’
‘’Yes ma’am.’’
After a while you found him in the gym working out. Probably breaking another gym equipmrnt.                                                  You stopped and stared for a bit at his muscles.
‘’Wow make it more obvious you want him more then me.’’
‘’Alright calm down, you are the reason I cant walk properly and also like you don’t stare at Natasha.’’
‘’THAT WAS ONE TIME! I stare at you constantly you can ask that to her!’’
‘’It’s fine, she would eat you anyway if you hurt me or try to flirt with her.’’
‘’Ha ha.’’
‘’I’m not joking.’’
‘’Don’t you have to talk to Steve?’’
‘’We right?’’ Peter rolled his eyes which you chose to ignore.
You walked in and Steve immediately said.
‘’I know you’re here to talk about me not telling anyone about you two.’’
‘’How?’’ both you and Peter said.
‘’Sam texted me and saying and I quote ‘The love-insects are on the move’.’’
‘’PLEASE tell me you didn’t tell anyone.’’
‘’Only Natasha’’
‘’Oh great, she already knew’’ you sighed in relief. Peter immediately whipped his head towards you
‘’Wait you told her?!’’ Peter asked.
‘’Yeah well she knows about everything, also Wanda knows by the way.’’
‘’Of course..’’
Suddenly Steve interrupted you two.
‘’Oh and I also told Bruce!’’
Just as he said that FRIDAY started speaking out of your phone.
‘’Mr. Stark requests you and Peter appearance in the lab.’’
‘’Why don’t I just go jump out of a window?’’ Peter asked
‘’No, I can handle my father’’ You said.
‘’I can’t.’’
You both walked into the lab. You walked in confidently you were ready to defend you and Peter’s relationship. Peter however was shaking. He held your hand in a death grip as you walked in.  Afraid it might the last time he gets to.
As you walked in your father was leaning on a desk with a disapproving look on his face.
You felt Peter get more anxious the closer you got.                                                                                           As reassurance you gently squeezed his hand and you felt him get just a little less tense.
Tony looked at your collided hands and start shaking his head.
‘’So, it’s true.’’
As Peter wished Nat would come in and eat him already, you knew that as cringy as it                    is, your father just wants what’s best for you. You let go of Peter’s hand                                            and he took that as a sign to step back a bit and  leave you two to talk.
‘’So, I putt a roof above your head and you decide to repay me back be lying to                                     me for about how long?’’
‘’I’m so sor-‘’ Your dad cut you off dramatically with a hand infront of your mouth.
‘’How. Long.’’
‘’6 months.’’ He once again dramatically sighed and called Peter forward.                                                Your boyfriend looked like he was about to shoot webs out of his butt as he slowly shuffled   forwards.
‘’So, I give you your superhero dream and YOU repay me by sleeping with my daughter.’’ 
‘’Excuse me Sir, but you know its not just about sex.’’
‘’Alright well, you didn’t have to confirm what we do.’’
Peter ignored what you said as he looked at you and smiled
‘’She’s my everything. Whether I’m angry, sad, happy or confused about what I’m feeling, when I look at her. I feel my chest glowing, like it’s going to explode. I can’t fight off the smile that grows on my lips when I see her laugh. And yes I do have a physical attraction but even then I’m trying to be focused on her needs the most. It feels like everything I do is for her and in return I get that glowing feeling and strong smile.’’’
‘’Can you get more cheesy?’’ Tony said with an eye roll.
‘’Just because you can’t be romantic doesn’t mean its cringe.’’ You said
‘’Oh please, you believe that? I mean I love the kid but I saw in his google search ‘’Y/n Stark hot pictures’’ I will never get over that.’’ You giggled a little.
‘’What I said was true and Sir I would love your blessing to date your daughter.’’
‘’You don’t need his blessing to date me, I love him but it’s my love life.’’ You said reassuring him
‘’I know my love, but let me at least try to kiss your dad’s ass.’’
It wasn’t quiet for long with you trying to hold in your laugh, your father trying not to send Peter to an early grave and Peter saying as quickly as possible.
‘’Heard it as soon as I said it , just leave it alone.’’
‘’Let’s leave this all alone and have you two stop whatever you’re doing.’’
‘’Sir, you know there is no other guy that can treat and protect your daughter better then me.’’
‘’Alright, one dinner. Where in you will show me how you will treat my daughter perfectly AND if I then give you my blessing I will not HEAR or SEE any things past a little kiss.’’
‘’Sir yes sir!’’ Peter said very happily since he can now finally show off his girlfriend to the people that matter to him.
You yourself felt very happy. You and your father actually have a great relationship and because of that he’s very protective of you. You felt bad having to lie about something important in your life or more someone.
‘’Thank you so much daddy!’’ You said as you hugged
‘’What are you thanking me for?” Peter said
‘’Forget the dinner. I would rather say captain popsicle is a mediocre man then ever see you two again in the same room. Breathing the same air.’’
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zaacoy · 1 year
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Freeeeeeeeeenooodles where!!!
✦ They bundle up together while they watch movies, they often end up falling asleep leaning against each other like this.
✦ Tang is REALLY BAD at dealing with horror, Pigsy's just okay with it. Whenever they watch a horror movie Tang tends to clutch onto Pigsy for dear life and buries his face in Pigsy's shoulder or neck whenever a jumpscare comes up. Pigsy has been scared more times by Tang screaming directly in his ear than he has by any of the movies they've watched. Married/Established relationship freenoodles: Pigsy tends to move Tang from his side to his lap so as to make him feel safer. They end up hugging the entire time, Tang occasionally falls asleep there if he's comfortable enough.
✦ Tang gets REALLY excited about a story he's rereading again or something new he's found and he immediately bolts to pigsy to frantically tell him everything. He also rants to Pigsy whenever he's trying to investigate how certain contradicting legends and story points fit together in the hopes that saying it out loud helps him make sense of it. Even if he doesn't understand and remember everything Tang says, Pigsy tends to listen to these findings and tangents anyway just because he likes to hear Tang talk.
✦ Though he does earnestly love hearing Tang's voice, sometimes (due to sensory overload probably) Pigsy just needs quiet. Tang has an unfortunate habit of not really noticing his surroundings and failing to pick up social ques when he's really deep in a lecture he's passionate about. Whenever Pigsy needs some silence for a while and Tang doesn't notice Pigsy grabs his face, gives him a kiss, taps his lips twice with a finger as a silent "no more talking" gesture, and then slides him over a free bowl of noodles before going back to work. This never fails to fluster the crap out of Tang for a few moments, Pigsy finds his reaction cute. Pigsy takes note of whatever story Tang was talking about at the moment and asks him to continue it at a different time when he can handle more noise.
✦ They're both susceptible to flirting but in different ways. Tang is a fairly good smooth talker and tends to get a flustered reaction out of Pigsy via excessive attention and compliments. Pigsy on the other hand starts addressing Tang by various different pet names in a loving tone of voice and Tang melts.
✦ With the exception of when there's a situation where one of them needs extra comfort from the other, there really isn't any big or little spoon. They're always cuddled together but its more so like a tangled pressed together mess than anything else.
✦ Pigsy snores at a volume equivalent to a truck horn but Tang sleeps like a rock so it evens out. Tang drools a river in his sleep and Pigsy has just gradually gotten used to it over the years.
✦ In college they tended to crash at each others' dorms for study sessions. Whenever Pigsy was trying out a new recipe Tang was THE resident taste tester!! Unless he was busy and Sandy or a classmate could take his place Tang was always there and more than happy to try out Pigsy's food. Pigsy frequently had to drag Tang away from schoolwork to make him take needed breaks. Sandy and Pigsy were the ones who used to break stuff and get in trouble when they were young, Tang just enjoyed watching it all go down. Both of them were more than willing to throw hands to protect Tang if need be.
✦ Unmarried freenoodles: baby mk learned somehow through books or Mei that parents were usually married. He was devastated when he found out that his two dad's were, in fact, not married and tried several times to try and make a wedding for them to the best of his 5-8 year old abilities. Baby mk also made them hold hands because that's what parents do according to baby logic, it was a necessity really.
✦ Forehead kisses. LOTS of forehead kisses. As a hello, goodbye, subtle display of affection, etc. Many many forehead kisses.
✦ Tang's ankle injury is legitimate and Pigsy has had to carry Tang around on rare occasion because of it. Pigsy likes to do so by literally sweeping him off his feet and carrying him bridal style, resulting in a momentarily surprised and flustered Tang.
Freenoodles :3
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catslvrr · 11 months
heaven sent — 01. bucket list
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It was about six hours later when finally you stirred back to life, your pillow somehow on the floor and the sheets a tangled mess. You were about to roll over to drift back into dreamland, but a voice startled you awake.
“Oh! You finally woke up.”
You had never sat up so fast in your life. There was a girl sitting on your chair, staring at you while messing up your rubix cube. In fact, you were pretty sure that this was the same girl that you swore was a hallucination just hours ago.
“Who the fuck are you?” You snapped. “What the fuck are you doing in my room?”
“I’m Danielle,” she smiled, unbothered by your aggression. You tried to ignore the weird twist in your stomach, convincing yourself that it was because you were hungry. “Nice to meet you.”
“Okay, Danielle,” you narrowed your eyes. “How the fuck did you get in my room?”
“What do you mean?” She tilted her head. “You summoned me.”
I did what now?
“You know,” she gestured vaguely. “The 11:11 wish thing?”
It took you a few seconds to process what she said before you laughed in disbelief, looking around and expecting Minji to jump out and scream ‘You just got pranked!’
Your laughter quickly died down when you realized that Danielle was being dead serious.
“Oh,” you said. “You’re serious.”
“Of course I am,” she frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
You would’ve found her obliviousness cute if she wasn’t a random intruder who somehow magically appeared in your room.
“So what?” You blurted. “You’re a platonic cupid or something?”
“Cupid?” Danielle giggled. “That’s a new one.”
“I’ve heard that humans call us angels, or genies, but we’re just messengers of God,” she clarifed. “We don’t have wings or halos, and there’s no need to rub a lamp. Just here to fulfill wishes.”
“Wait,” you raised your hand. “Pause. Did you just say God? God exists?”
“Yes,” she nodded nonchalantly, seemingly unaware of the fact that she just casually dropped a massive bombshell and answered history’s biggest question. “He’s in charge of sorting through all 11:11 wishes.”
You could feel a headache start to form. “So you’re telling me that God is real. But not, like, a holy one. And so are angels. Or messengers. And that 11:11 wishes are also real.”
“And now you’re here to make me ‘happy’?”
“Ding ding ding! Three in a row!” Danielle grinned, nodding again. “Yes, I have been assigned two weeks to satisfy your wish.”
“Oh,” you slumped, tapping your fingers as your mind ran wild with all sorts of questions. “Can I ask you some questions first?”
“Isn’t that what you’ve already been doing?” She pointed out innocently.
“I’m sorry,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes. “You literally appeared out of nowhere. You can’t expect me to not have questions.”
She watched you get out of bed. “Where are you going?”
“I’m gonna brush my teeth and process what just happened. Be ready for an interrogation when I’m done.”
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“Okay,” you huffed, sitting across Danielle on your bed. More awake now, you took this time to study her, realizing how angel-like she truly was. Her posture was perfect, back straightened and hands always resting gently in her lap. She had this indescribable aura to her — her smile was warm and sincere, yet her eyes were clouded by this hint of intensity, as if she could see right through you.
“This is exciting,” she clasped her hands together. “I love interrogations!”
You cleared your throat.
“Do all 11:11 wishes come true?”
“No. God chooses which ones go through and which ones don’t.”
“Do you choose which human you take?”
“We have a system in place that automatically assigns us our human, based on compatibility and how likely we’re able to fulfill the wish.”
“Woah,” you gaped. “Is it calculated by a God computer or something?”
“Something like that, yes.”
“So, you know all about me, then?”
“Not really. We’re given a brief profile of our assigned human. It’s nothing detailed — just your name, age, where you’re from, all the likes.”
You hesitated before the next question.
“Does God birth you out?”
She stared at you with an amused smile. “Really?”
“What?” You said defensively. “It’s a valid question.”
“No. He just speaks us into existence.”
“How long have you existed for?”
“18 years. It’s my first year on the job. This is my first wish, actually.”
You raised your eyebrows. “So it’s kinda like the real world. Being considered independent at 18 and all that.”
“I suppose so,” she said with a shrug. “We get taught about the world and about the code of conduct for our whole childhood, until we stand before God himself. He judges if we’re ready or not, and then, boom, we’re out here making wishes come true.”
“Wow,” you exhaled sharply, letting all the new information sink in. “Okay. That’s all the questions I have. For now, at least.”
“Awesome!” Danielle clapped, and a pen suddenly materialized out of thin air.
“What the fuck?”
She winked at you, as if it was a sufficient answer to your question, and then pulled a notebook out of her pocket like a magician with a rabbit and a hat.
Well, at least I know she’s not lying about this whole ‘messenger of God’ schtick.
“To fulfill your wish, I have prepared a plan,” she explained. “You’re going to tell me all the things that make you happy, and we’ll create a bucket list of sorts. We only have two weeks, so we’ll have to make the most of every day.”
“Aren’t you meant to know what makes me happy?” You muttered, a touch of bitterness laced in your tone. “I don’t know what makes me happy — that’s the whole reason I made the wish.”
Danielle hummed, unfazed by your sudden change in mood. “Okay, I’ll just come up with the things to do. We’ll start tomorrow.”
She clapped again, and the notebook and pen disappeared. “Just do me a favor,” she smiled. “Make my job easier and wake up at seven everyday. In the morning, of course.”
“Seven am?” You blanched, your whole body having a visceral reaction. “Are you sure you weren’t sent here to make my life worse? I woke up at seven today and I literally felt like I just crawled back from hell.”
The corner of her mouth tugged upwards. “Just trust me, it’ll be worth it. Do you want your wish fulfilled or not?”
You sighed defeatedly. “You got it.”
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alienoresimagines · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
Oh, thank you 🥹❤️ and thank you to @c-goldthorn too ❤️
Drag Me Under (also on AO3)
Gale fell asleep on the couch, leaving it up to Bucky to get him to bed without waking him. He has feelings about it all. Mostly, he's in love.
My first MOTA fic and my first fic after 2-3 years of not writing anything 🥹 It's the fic that reminded me how fun it was to write and how much I used to love it. It's the fic that screamed "hey! you still love writing!" at me, and I could never be more grateful 🥹❤️
Also who doesn't love a soft Bucky carrying a sleeping Buck to bed?
Gale And His feelings for Bucky, in four Acts (only on AO3)
Gale's journey from realizing his feelings for Bucky to realizing Bucky feels the same towards him.
I had such a blast writing this!! It was so much fun to explore Buck's pining and his obliviousness at Bucky's pining, I think it's the fic I've always wanted to write when I watched MOTA lmao, I wish I'd written some more scenes for it, developed it a bit more, but that will go in another fic 🥰
And so the weed of sorrow springs at the four cross ways (only on AO3)
Neil and his wife never had children, and yet, he realizes as he watches Bucky’s bottom lip tremble and feels the lump in his throat growing in answer, he’s already familiar with the grief of a father.
Still reeling from losing Buck on the Bremen mission, Chick tries his hardest to keep his boys together, especially Bucky. But an overheard confession that could get the other man sent home with a blue ticket forces him to make a decision that could change the outcome of the Münster mission and drastically change Buck and Bucky's fate.
This one is my baby 🥹 I spent so long trying to find Chick's voice and I like how it came out. It was a bit of a struggle to reconcile Man Raised in the 1910s with what I wanted from him but I think I managed. Also, I have such a soft spot for Chick and his relationships with the Buckies and the boys under his command that this fic is really special to me. Write what you want to read and this is the fic I've been wanting to read for weeks before writing it so 🥰🥰
Every inch of your skin is a Holy Grail I've got to find (only on AO3)
Kissing John might be one of Gale's favorite things in the world, but right now, there's nothing he desires more than to watch the other come undone beneath him. His left hand leaves dark curls to brace on one broad shoulder, giving him leverage to sit back up, even though he can't help but crane his neck to steal quick kisses. John starts leaning up on his elbows to chase him, and even if it makes something swell in his chest, Gale stops him with a hand on the valley of his chest, fingers tangling lightly on the dust of hair there to push him back down gently but firmly.
"Don't," the word comes out as a rasp, arousal making his head swim as he straightens up. Beneath him, John whines pitifully, the sound high in his throat but he flops back down obediently, looking up at Gale with half-lidded eyes, chest heaving.
This one is very special to me because it is my first smut fic ever! I don't know if I've done it well lmao but it definitely was a relief to get past the mental block and try my hand at it. Also, it's the first fic set in my Vampire AU, which is very special to me, and I like how I sprinkled it all with a bit of lore and stuff that callbacks to it without it overpowering the smut. Also I live for Gale calling John a good boy and the power balance of John being the vampire but surrendering fully to Gale 🥹
S'Cute (also on AO3)
Gale is already looking at him, eyes bright and fond and loving, the golden light of the pub shining in his hair and creating perfect shadows on an already perfect face.
He's cute.
Gale's eyes widen a bit, a blush immediately finding its way onto his cheeks, and it's only then John realizes he’d spoken out loud. Alcohol made the words slur a bit in his mouth, coming out more as "S'cute" than an appropriate sentence but still Gale heard him. Now ducking his head shyly, a small pleased smile on his face, golden hair perfectly styled making him glow among the rest of them, he looks so sweet and handsome, and he's all Bucky's to love.
So very special to me that Callum actually chose to say "s'cute" before grabbing Gale's chin in part2 and they decided to keep this take, I had to write something and I'm still overwhelmed by emotions whenever I think about this moment. The implications of it, Gale's flustered face, John's love shining so bright on his face... I fear I will never recover, and it makes the entire "I will be your best man" so so much more painful
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Todojima HCs
Pairing: Todoroki x Yuken (High&low: the Worst X)
A/N: Holy fucknuts, I had no idea these would end up being so long. My Todojima brain rot is really starting to show 💀 Also, I know I switch between past and present tense in this, don’t @ me
Thank you times a thousand to @livelaughlovehyunjin​ for beta-ing this! 💕
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They never agreed to meet, but Todoroki and Yuken crossed paths on the dock at least once a week
Yuken always thought Todoroki was indifferent to his presence, but there was one week in April when Yuken stayed home sick
And Todoroki noticed
He found that, while still relaxing, fishing just wasn’t as nice without Yuken around
Because when Yuken wasn’t there, Todoroki couldn’t glance at him every few minutes to take in his pretty profile
And Yuken couldn’t pretend not to notice
And yet—
Each man had convinced himself that there was no way the other one could ever want to be with him, albeit for very different reasons
Todoroki was certain that Yuken was far out of his league, and Yuken believed that Todoroki wasn’t a romantic person, period
They were both wrong
But what to do? After all, Yuken knew that Todoroki often stared at him and ask him where he was when he was away
But that didn’t mean he had a crush…right?
But Yuken is too curious to ignore it
So he starts pushing boundaries
Each day at the dock, he inches closer to the stoic, black-haired person next to him
Todoroki should warn him to keep his distance, lest their fishing lines get tangled up
But he doesn’t
Instead, Doroki asks Yuken one day if he’s hungry, suggesting they pause fishing to go to a street food vendor
Yuken knows better than to miss an opportunity, so he nods nonchalantly
But his heart is pounding
They eat for about half an hour, then walk along the riverfront until well after dark
It’s the first time Yuken sees Todoroki smile, and he thinks there’s no way this is actually happening he is so cute but then—
Todoroki laughs
Yuken says something offhand, and Doroki actually laughs
At the same time that Yuken is thinking he needs more of a smiling Todoroki in his weekly routine, Doroki is thinking to himself that this is the first time in a long time he’s actually had fun
Their conversations run for hours and it becomes increasingly evident that they’re on the same wavelength about a lot in life 
Including not talking about their feelings
Todoroki doesn’t want to, and Yuken doesn’t need to
They communicate by acts of service and physical touch
Todoroki starts bringing Yuken coffee at Housen so he can recharge between practice fights
And Yuken learns how to properly bandage knuckles so that he can help Todoroki patch up after brawls
Thinking, Maybe if I hold eye contact while I do this, he’ll get the hint??
Doroki’s breath hitches in his throat the first time Yuken does this
Not only because he’s not used to someone doing that for him, but because it’s Yuken and he’s so close and is he holding eye contact on purpose??
One thing that the two have in common is that no one expects passion from them
Todoroki is unwavering, relentlessly coolheaded, and Yuken is an easygoing jokester
But they love the same way that they fight— focused and ferocious
Even then, Yuken was taken aback at Todoroki’s eagerness the first time they kissed
Because Yuken may be an expert flirt, but Todoroki is full of pent-up Gay frustration
Yuken was watching Todoroki practice kicks on the punching bag in his homeroom at Oya, and the little voice in his head had started to become an impatient scream
He moved away from the wall and stilled the punching bag as Doroki watched, also moving closer without realizing it
But Yuken doesn’t stop at that, stepping closer and closer until the only thing keeping them from each other is the bag itself
And neither of them is certain what’s happening, but they know they don’t want it to stop
Yuken moves around the bag until he can feel Todoroki’s breath across his lips, and he’s sure that Todoroki can hear his heart pounding
Their lips meet and it’s strange at first; unfamiliar
Yuken pulls away first, but only barely, to look at Doroki and make sure that this is real
And then it clicks into place
And Doroki is pulling Yuken back to him by the back of his neck, kissing him with such urgency that Yuken has to wonder if he thought about doing this
They both did, many times, and by the time it happens, it’s long overdue
And fishing is never quite the same
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eveistdiepommes · 4 months
sufin headcanons next?🫣
OF COURSE OF COURSE!!!!!! OMG OMG heh…. I’m so excited…. 😼
SuFin is my most beloved ship… I have so many thoughts about them!! BUCKLE UP!!! THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG ONE!! 🫶🥰
Sweden and Finland often attend metal/alternative music concerts together. Finland absolutely loves alternative music, obviously liking metal the most! He gets so into it!! He wears band t shirts and does his makeup on occasion! All in all it’s a lot of fun! I think for Finland it’s very therapeutic, getting to rock out and scream lyrics, but he’s not the only one who finds it fun! Sweden is also very much into metal and alternative music! He wasn’t as into it as Finland was until they learned they both loved it, and Sweden started accompanying Finland to the concerts. Their first concert together Finland was a bit worried it would be too loud for Sweden, but Sweden came prepared and brought ear plugs to dull the noise into being more tolerable and more enjoyable for him! (It’s different, listening to music through headphones versus listening to it live! From personal experience, live music can be too overstimulating! So ear plugs help make it more manageable!!) Sweden never gets over how cool and, honestly, hot Finland looks with his makeup on. Plus, Sweden’s height and intimidating face makes him a perfect bodyguard if anything were to happen! And Finland can’t help but melt seeing his stoic partner with him in the lights of a concert!
Sweden and Finland are the masters of lazy days! When they have time off, time to themselves, Sweden and Finland love to laze all over each other and stay in bed as long as possible (usually until one of them gets hungry)! On a typical lazy day, the two stay tangled up in each other’s limbs, listening to each other breathing and heartbeats, grazing their lips against each other’s, giggling and laughing here and there despite having done this for centuries! Once one of their stomach rumbles, Sweden is usually the one to get them up, and he carries his definitely-not-a-morning-person husband down the stairs of their little home. Sweden will set his partner on the counter as he (very quickly) makes him coffee and once Finland perks up, the two make a simple breakfast together! Once again, they tangle up in each other, Sweden sneaking up behind Finland and hugging him at the waist as he cooks, Finland doing the same thing as Sweden puts things on plates. After they eat, lazy days usually take place in pajamas, cuddled on the couch, watching tv or reading!
Speaking of their home, I like to think Sweden and Finland live in a very modest, cute little townhouse! It’s the epitome of cozy! Most of their furniture was made by Sweden, some stuff was of course bought though! Finland takes pride in making their environment cute and stylish and it seriously looks like something out of a magazine! Finland is a sucker for things that are efficient but also cute. When shopping for decor, Finland gets very excited and is usually like “Ah! Look at this alarm clock! Isn’t it sweet? And it can be programmed with a simple button! How cool!!” And Sweden can’t deny, it is cute, it is efficient, and look at Finland’s smile when he saw it! How could they not get it?
Finland is a big rambler! Finland talks a lot, mostly due to anxiety. Once he starts talking, he just can’t stop, especially if he’s nervous. Sweden is in love with Finland’s voice, how he speaks, how he describes things, so he doesn’t mind at all listening to Finland when he rambles, but he does notice when it takes an anxious shift. Usually it’s during world meetings, where he gets too in his head and just starts saying words, sometimes barely related to the topic, and Sweden has gotten good at recognizing this and calming Finland down, while also death glaring anyone who gives him weird looks. Sweden will usually distract Finland when his mind starts spiraling, taking a physical approach. He’ll grab his hand and give it a comforting squeeze, just to show he’s not alone. And when they get to their hotel room, Sweden makes sure Finland knows he’s proud of him for hanging in there.
Sweden has a hard time with loud noises, but I believe so does Finland, just for different reasons, and this is why they get along! Sweden gets overstimulated by loud noises, but Finland gets scared by them. Finland often gets anxious with thunder, shouting, and sudden loud noises. Sweden gets overstimulated with constant noises, like people talking, consistent beeping, etc! Together, they keep each other grounded. During storms, Sweden lends his husband his noise canceling headphones. He keeps him feeling safe and secure. When out and about, Finland always has ear plugs on him just in case Sweden gets overstimulated! They very much take care of each other no matter what!
Finland and Sweden’s wedding rings are very simple, but durable! They are practical, and engraved with cute sayings! Finland’s says “To Have” and Sweden’s says “To Hold” and each of them have their wedding date on them! (Obviously these sayings are in their languages, but like swapped! Sweden’s ring is in Finnish and Finland’s ring is in Swedish! Does that make sense?)
OKAY ONE MORE!!! Finland and Sweden often take mini vacations in the woods! They stay in a cute little cabin and basically camp out!! They do all sorts of activities like hiking and swimming in lakes and stuff! If they don’t need a moment to themselves, they’ll bring their kids camping!! But sometimes they need these get always for alone time!! OKAY IM DONE FOR NOW I PROMISE!!
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sunshine-hufflepuff31 · 5 months
Hello i need some fluff right now. (Of this Topic is not triggering.). My crested gecko lizard past away from sudden drop of tempeture in the room. He was the nicest but most brainless lizard. He tried to jump from my hands onto my face or close to it to get to my hair which he thought was a tree branch or a hanging plant to hide in( they are tres dweelers) and sometimes tangle itself in my hair( sorry for the rant about him. He was the greatest of good boys).
Now onto the request can I either request a fluff with dad!caius x daughter reader in a similar scenario and him comforting her or instead of father daughter. Caius comforts his s/o in this situation. I understand if this is a too sensitive topic to write about.
Kind regards from anonymous
A/N: I’m so sorry for your loss anon, lots of love to you 💕 I won’t lie I had to google what a crested gecko was but they’re so cute 😭 also I hope you like how this is written, I wanted to try something new I guess 😅 sorry for the long wait!
Dear diary, today was the worst. It didn’t start too bad just little annoying things like waking up late and getting scolded by my mother, or when I got stung by a bee in the gardens. Then a prisoner had gotten loose, cornered me and almost killed me if it wasn’t for Jane using her gift. So I went back to my room to snuggle with my beloved bearded dragon named Fred. I go in and find him hiding under his Little Rock cave but when I go to pick him up I realized that he was cold and wasn’t moving, I couldn’t help but cry and scream when I realized he was dead. Demetri came when he heard me but left as soon as I screamed at him to leave me alone. I’ve had Fred since I was 8, I always knew I’d outlive him considering humans live longer and I’m to be a vampire eventually but knowing that doesn’t stop the pain. Apparently Demetri went to get my father Caius because he found me laying on the floor with Fred in my arms still crying, he held me and reminded me it’s all a part of life and said we could bury him in the gardens. Fred loved going for little walks in the garden. Father even said we could have a small grave stone for him so I remember where he is and I can visit him. we had a little funeral for him, he was well loved not just by me but by my Volturi family as well. Father never left my side, he may be a little cold towards people but he’s an amazing dad and I couldn’t ask for a better one.
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whatthefishh · 1 year
Hi Mona <33
You're so cooool (and im proud of you in case you havent heard yet!!!)
Okay so exams are killing me even though they actually haven't STARTED yet its just the prep and the stress yknow!!! Anyway you also know I'm very much a slut for Rydal and the way you write him bc uhh he's just so fcuking fine and I love your writing!!
I know you aren't doing drabbles right now but would you spare this desperate and tired soul a few cutie pie Ryda hcs. Just a few smol cute ones abt his soft caring and hnghgnghgng during the high stress school seasons (yeah im projecting whatever.)
-Clem <333
Hi cutie
Thank you 🥺 and WDYM COOL LMAOO
Exams and exam prep can be super stressful, hope you’re taking care of yourself sweetie. I can definitely spare some Rydal HCs, and I know @campingwiththecharmings @xbellaxcarolinax and @melodygatesauthor have been asking me to drop stuff for our fave nepo baby hehehe
Random Rydal HCs:
Going out for something as simple as a drive isn’t just going for a drive with Rydal. The man puts on cologne and special sunglasses that he says work better for driving but you know it’s bullshit, he just thinks he looks cooler with them on in his vintage and unnecessarily expensive car.
Is the boyfriend that puts his hand on your thigh while driving. Buys you a drinkie drink and critiques your DJ skills loudly and rudely.
A trip to the mall usually means you have to block off a whole afternoon for it. Rydal tries on more clothes than you thought was possible, requesting certain cuts from the retail workers that you don’t even recognize. He definitely tries to fuck you in the changing rooms when the staff leaves you alone, claiming he could make it worth it for you to sit through his little fashion show.
You let him.
The first time you take Rydal thrift shopping he refuses to touch anything in the store. You think he’s mad at you for how little he speaks and how he glared at you when you ask him if the top you’re holding up would look good on you.
To make up for it, he forces you to get a pedicure with him. You thought he was joking but he’s dead serious, his face growing more irritated when you tell him you’ve never had one, opting to save your money and take care of them yourself. He scoffs and essentially drags you by the wrist (why does that action alone have your knees knocking together—) to the salon and picking out your colour for you. You feel quite pretty after you can’t deny but the memory of his face dropping never fails to make you laugh.
Playing board games with Rydal meant screaming matches that ended with the board game toppled over and his lips pressed against yours angrily
Movie nights found you both ripping on the movie choice of the night, commenting almost through the whole thing and making claims of what you’d change, what he thinks would’ve been a smarter decision of the main characters, taking sides and arguing them whole heartedly as if the people in the films and their actions had a direct connection to your lives
Sometimes Rydal would come over while you were in the shower. Sometimes he’d join you, finding it hilarious that you thought he was a serial killer but soon distracting you by dropping to his knees for you.
Sleepovers found you either on opposite sides of the bed or breathing in each other’s skin, arms holding the other close, legs tangled. The nights you spent laying with him were usually the sweetest mornings. Sometimes he’d wake you up with kisses, borderline ticklish movements, not letting up even while you squealed for him to stop. He didn’t let up until he pulled peals and peals of laughter from you, sharing syrupy kisses after and causing early morning butterflies to stir as your heart swelled with affection.
These were extremely random and scatter brained and I’m sorry because I really should be sleeping but I love him so much and I miss him and I promise I’ll work on my WIP soon ❤️ love ya
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One of The Girls
(Suguru Geto x Female Reader | NSFW)
A/N: I got a little crush oh geto...
Warnings: Smut: Oral (Female Receiving), Fingering
Summary: you cure Geto's depression
Word Count: 1,217
Songs I listened to while writing:
One of The Girls by The Weeknd, JENNIE, and Lily Rose Depp
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"Lock me up and throw away the key..."
The song echoed around you as you wrapped your arms around the man you met 10 minutes ago. His name was Geto. He had long black hair that stopped at the middle of his back and half of it was put up in a bun. He was conversing with a man that had silver hair and was wearing glasses. You immediately pointed out the two fine men to your best friend and the plan was to be bold and talk to them first. However, the man with the white hair hit his friend's shoulder and nodded toward the two of you. They both checked out you and your friend and began walking towards your direction.
You caught Geto's attention the moment he laid his eyes on you. Your friend was cute too, but you were something else. You were ethereal he thought, he had to have you. He came up to you, chatted you up, and bought you a couple drinks. He didn't know where his friend Gojo went, and he also noticed your friend was gone. They were probably hooking up somewhere. That didn't matter though because you had all of his attention. When you two felt more relaxed, he asked you to dance, and you instantly agreed.
You two weren't even dancing anymore just sinfully feeling each other up and down. His face was in the crook of your neck and your hands were tangled in his long hair that you were slightly jealous of. He then pulled his head back and kissed you.
His lips were soft, and you could taste the alcohol on them. It was intoxicating. You pulled him closer to you and you heard him groan. Sober you wouldn't have done this. You didn't just kiss random strangers. However, the mix of alcohol and this man was doing things to you that sober you would most likely not regret.
"We don't gotta be in love no..."
You two were now in the bathroom and you were propped up on the sink with your head tilted slightly back as Geto ate you out. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you felt his tongue lick your clit fast then slow. The music was further away but you could still hear it, which added more to the experience.
"I love when you're submissive
love it when I break skin..."
He fucked you with his ring and middle finger while rotating his tongue in a circular motion around your clit, which you had you arching your back and whispery screaming his name repeatedly.
Geto lost self-control the moment his tongue licked your sex. You tasted so good, and he didn't want to remove himself from in between your legs ever. He made sure to keep one hand firmly on your thigh to keep you in place. Even when your thighs would occasionally squeeze his head too tightly, he wouldn't let up. Even when he felt himself losing oxygen, he still was determined to have you release on his tongue. And don't even get him started on your moans and the way his name rolled off your tongue. He was painfully hard right now and couldn't wait to be inside of you.
You felt a warm feeling spread from your lower region to your legs and you knew you were about to come. You began grinding your pussy on Geto's face and he moaned at the loss of your control. You were so sexy. Both of his hands were now gripping your thighs to keep you closer to his face. His dark eyes were staring deep into yours and just the sight the site of him in such a lewd position had you coming on his face.
It was like everything wasn't important, only you and Geto existed. You didn't hear anything else, but just his breathing and him telling you how you were perfect. When you came back to reality you were able to catch your breath and noticed Geto unzipping his pants. You could see his dick straining against his jeans. Just by his print you knew he was big, and your heart raced in anticipation. "He's gonna be the death of me." You thought to yourself.
"You good?" He asked while hovering over you. His hands were on your hips, and he was placing small pecks on your neck.
"Yeah." You breathed out feeling yourself getting turned on again.
Geto continued caressing your body and placing chaste kisses on the side of your neck, then nibbling at your ear. He slid his hands to your breast and massaged your nipples through your revealing top.
Geto wasn't the type to hook up with random girls, but something about you had him aching to have a taste. The man then grabbed you by your jaw and pulled you into another kiss. You two made out for a few minutes before you started grinding against him, trying to relieve that growing ache between your legs.
"Force me and choke me till I pass out..."
While still kissing you he pulled his dick out and rubbed your slit up and down using the mixture of your cum to lube him. You moaned in his mouth and arched your back, begging him to fill you.
Geto took his strokes slow at first giving you time to adjust to his size. Your clit was still sensitive so every time he brushed up against it, your legs tensed. He pulled you more towards the edge of the counter for a more accurate angle.
"This a secret that I keep
Until it's gone, I can never find peace..."
His strokes were slow at first, but he picked up the pace after a minute. Geto fucked you as if he wanted you to remember and that was his intention. When you're alone in your room, he hopes you remember this night and get off to it. Hell, he was going to remember it. Especially the way you were clenching around him, he had to find the will to not come right away. He was trying to enjoy the entire experience, but you were making it hard for him.
"Waste my whole life just to be.."
Your hands were under his shirt and you scratched at his back. It stung a bit, but Geto didn't mind if it meant that you were enjoying yourself. He already knew tomorrow he would see the scars. You felt that familiar warm feeling spread throughout your lower area, and you felt your body tense up then released. The feeling of your walls clenching around the man, had him finishing immediately after your orgasm.
Geto still continued to fuck you, but a little slower, wanting to stay inside your warmth. When he came to stop, the two of you were breathing hard and you chuckled a bit thinking bout the wild shit you just did, already thinking about telling your friend who was also probably getting fucked also.
You could hear the song slightly coming to an end in the background.
"We don't gotta be in love, no
I don't gotta be the one, no
I just wanna be one your girls tonight..."
Geto also chuckled with you. "Remind me to take you out after this."
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sr-sam-bodypillow · 3 months
hoogh im thinking about stancat123. he’s so cute frrrrr… so behold! nsfw stan x reader headcanons since I’m simping on main. no gendered pronouns but reader is afab
[full disclosure this was first put into my drafts in fucking January. time is a myth i have adhd]
stan is overall kind of a disaster of a guy (affectionate). you would absolutely have to make the first move and flirt with him
he’s so warm…. like human hot water bottle. good for hugging.
he would absolutely ramble about topics that he likes for hours on end and it’s adorable
i don’t think he’s a good cook. like, at all. im pretty sure he managed to give himself food poisoning within a few weeks of living by himself. he goes into the kitchen and creates biohazards modern horror writers only wish they could create. but he makes up for it with enthusiasm and puppy-dog eyes, so you two spend a lot of time cooking together (he improves. eventually)
when you snuggle in bed he starts out as the little spoon but you end up waking up to his limbs tangled around you as he clings onto you like a weird lanky koala
he’s also NOT a morning person at all. he’s like a siren but instead of leading your ship into the rocks with his singing he leads you back into the warm and comfy bed in the morning when you have things to do with his cute snoring and 🥺 face. when he does get up it’s always after 10am (unless he has something to do) and he shuffles around awkwardly like a zombie for an hour until his brain properly wakes up. he has fallen asleep in his breakfast and on your shoulder whilst standing several times and you’ve got a lot of photos
it’s so easy to make him flustered, you hold his hand in public in the beginning of your relationship and he can’t make eye contact with anyone for the next two hours
you accidentally give him a hickey once and he walks into the office, screams at a such a high pitch that has some people think that a bird has gotten stuck in the room, turns around runs out and promptly falls down the stairs.
the only thing he bruises is his ego. you were the one bruising his neck ;)
he’s very submissive in bed. he likes the feeling of someone else taking control of him, telling him exactly what to do and how to do it. he doesn’t have to think for a while, and for a few hours all he will ever be is a pretty little pet, a living dildo for you to use and pleasure yourself with as you see fit, exisiting solely to make you feel good and he fucking loves it.
he’s definitely got a big dick, and his dick’s pretty thick too. this does not change how much of a bottom he is and if anything it makes it more adorable
pet play. god, he’d be so big on pet play. again, he loves being ordered around, so he happily puts on a collar and lets you put a leash on him, tongue lolling out of his mouth as he pants slightly. his mind goes fuzzy and he finds it hard to think, but he doesn’t mind since you’re doing all the thinking for him. he finds it a bit harder to control himself, so sometimes he ends up humping your thighs sloppily to get off and even though both of you know that you’re going to need to punish him later for being a bad boy and touching himself when he wasn’t allowed to, you don’t stop him because the little moans and whimpers he makes as he tries to fuck your thighs, spreading his pre everywhere as he bucks his hips against you shakily sound so damn good
he’s really fucking kinky even though it embarrasses him a bit. like you name it he’s either willing to try it or he’s already jerked off to it. hands? check. choking? absolutely! face sitting? god yes, he wants you to smother him so badly. pegging? spanking? wax play? he’s already been trying to figure out how to ask you about that. knife play? he wasn’t too sure about this but he had a dream recently where you held him at knifepoint and he woke up to realise that he’d come in his pants, so yes.
also PEGGING. holy shit he’d probably love to be pegged, love the feeling of your skin pressing up against him as you slam into him over and over again ruthlessly until he cums all over himself. spanking, too. he wants you to slap his ass till it bruises, and there’s a chance you could probably get him to finish just by slapping his ass
yknow how i mentioned that he loves to ramble about topics he likes? imagine starting to grind up against him as he talks, slipping your hands underneath his shirt and seeing just how long he can keep his composure, words starting to slur together as he gasps and groans, desperately trying to stop himself from moaning like the needy little whore you both know he is. he doesn’t last long, and soon he’s on his knees with his head in between your thighs, using his mouth for something that’s equally as productive and enjoyable for the both of you.
he probably sends you a lot of nudes. like every single image/video he sends you during the day is a Risky Click because it’s either something absolutely adorable and goofy like him showing you how many books he can stack on his head or it’s his fully erect, thick throbbing cock with precum leaking from the tip as he softly moans your name like it’s the only thing in life that matters, tears of overstimulation rolling down his cheeks, pretty brown eyes clouded with lust, one hand groping his chest and playing with his cute pink nipples, the other slowly pumping two of his fingers in and out of his perfect ass whilst he’s rambling about how he wishes you were home with him because he wants you to fuck him so badly and he just can’t wait any longer and he’s so sorry but surely you can understand that he’s too horny to not fuck himself like this
Voyeurism kink…. it’d absolutely embarrass him to admit it but he definitely gets off to the thought of people watching him, you included. he’s put on a show for you quite a few times, taking off all his clothes and slowly edging himself with a dildo or vibrator until he can’t take it anymore, the overstimulation breaking him. he just wants you to watch him be your perfect little slut <3
once you get past the initial hurdle of literally everything embarrassing him and you realise just how much of a needy pervert he actually is you both start to do a lot more somewhat public stuff. he starts wearing a collar around everywhere, hiding it beneath his clothes, starts asking you to give him more hickeys in visible spots because he loves it when people can see just who he belongs to
if he ever tops you it’s more of a service top thing with a lot of body worship. he may be on top but he’s still submissive, doing exactly what you ask of him and doing all he can to make sure that you feel good
all in all, adorable subby pervert. thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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tklyhcs · 10 months
alright uhhh i saw some people requesting this on other blogs so i'm stealing those actually, taking those thanks (using this an excuse)!! this isn't the fandom i necessarily wanted to start with but the other ones i wanna write have insane amounts of characters so boy band men first i guess
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heartsteel hcs here we gooo
kayn ���
ok fr he's so fun to write for, didn't expect this one to be so cute. easy ler and lee! he likes to be a little bully and use his dirty little grabbers, mostly at ez let's be real. he isn't confident he's gonna win any other matchup so ez is easy picking. and thanks to the blooper reel k'sante is another target because kayn is a scrapper and crawls all over him like a monkey. mostly spiders his fingers all over and laughs evilly like he's won a hard fought battle. he's slinky and quick so he mostly has his target begging for someone else's help, and when they do get said assistance he cries and whines that it's not fair. don't be fooled he enjoys the extra attention!
he just plays to win all the time so when someone else tags in he's sure make everyone know that HE WOULD HAVE WON!!!! HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR EVERYONE ELSE CHEATING!!!! and man that stupid leash why does he even wear it if someones gonna tie his wrists in a knot. and like a true lee he wears that crop top so when he's all tangled go for the abs! he laughs so much it becomes obvious how he got so cut, by laughing his lungs out apparently. when he laughs his fangs show too it's cute.
he's also painfully obvious about not minding since he neeeever calls mercy, never surrenders. he just deals with it! not something someone who DOESN'T enjoy it would do. he could easily call mercy and call it quits but hmmmm he doesn't seem to want to, odd.
for spots i wanna say the waist is really really bad. top of the ribs under the armpits, his abs, his sides, all have him kicking his legs with a shout. he also scream laughs, explodes into laughter at first touch. but his voice also cracks at the first yelp, sounds like a cute lil boy shriek. partial to being "attacked", as he calls it, on the couch. he likes getting to be able to flop down and pass out after, sorta like a little kid it's so fucking cute bro he tuckers himself out laughing and wriggling on his back. dude is exhausted n happy (he swears he is NOT happy abt this) he's just tired for no reason okay. now it's his post giggle episode nap!
k'sante 💛
hear me out ok when i saw his shirt being a turtleneck i was IMMEDIATELY LIKE 🫵 his spot is the neck. it's so the neck. suddenly for him there's more than a few perks of being like.. 6'7" and it's not just being able to get things from high shelves. kayn and ez are menaces to this man it's gotta be 2 on 1. and in the official art pieces, ez getting carried on his back? oof k'sante y'all shouldn't have done that. cause now there's legs locked around his chest and ez is like SURRENDER OR DIEEE and getting all up into that shirt collar. he SCREECHES and spins around trying to shake him off he's stuck on him now. hopping around doing a lil giggly dance with ez on his back. kayn jokes and teases about how instead of focusing on singing, he should work on his dancing instead!
thanks to the blooper reel i can die on the hill that k'sante is a whiny boy and calls yone for help all the time. yoneee helpppp they're bullying me m gonna tell yoneee aaaa. kayn saying OH YOU BIG BABY stop complaining!! no one to help you now! ez is this guy's worst nightmare his cold little fingers are like knives on his neck. k'sante tends to run hot so they're just so nicely sticking a cold can of soda to his nape to help obviously. yone will help sometimes but mainly just because he's trying to keep the team on track (he will also torture k'sante with cold soda cans).
necks are a good tickle bite's worst enemy. chomp. and when someone is up in there biting, he just has to laugh and wait til it's over ☺ and with both of his elbows bent up so he can use his hands to cover his neck. gasp.. who's to protect his armpits! 🤭 noooo one! his neck is his worst spot so he'll make sure to keep it covered! but that does mean he'll get some armpit tickles instead! pick your poison k'sante. they team up on him like this often and ngl he likes it when they're close on em! sweethearts. but he doesn't wanna LOSE so he brings his puppy eyes to yone he's like 👉👈 yone.. help.. what a cop out! but it's not that great of a cute beg it's more like k'sante scream laughing and attempting puppy eyes but yelling HELP AAAA YONE HELP awkwardly waggling his arms. i love making big men be tickly and look foolish. sorry i love embarrassing them uwu
ezreal 💚
wow what a lee he's textbook lee i bet he has a secret tumblr account for all his private tk blogging activities. there's a lot to say about him: MOST IMPORTANTLY though his cute smile alright look at his teeth they're so fucking cute i'm obsessed. probably his only weapon as a ler are his sharp teeth. pointed and dull at the very bottom makes for very ticklish bites, so beware if you're too confident in winning! he will wiggle his head between your head and shoulder and bite! exaggerated fake growls and all. he'll be a little too proud of winning, so don't let him.
he has a reaaaally cute snort laugh too. i think his fans would document it thoroughly and embarrass him by posting clips of it nonstop. he has a more controlled laugh for outings because he's serious about his fandom image, but sometimes he laughs at something and chokes on his breath a bit there. i think it would be a shame of someone (kayn) decided to squeeze his side and make him giggle and snort while he's doing some filmed social media trend. that would soooo bad amiright 🫶 lol he would scream, cover his mouth, and tell his followers that he's BUSY and MUST LEAVE immediately. he basically RUNS to his room to scream into his pillow. like how dare u embarrass him in front of his online friends.
the clip hits all platforms in record time and he maaaay read a few comments because it's people saying it's cute of him and he secretly fawns over those. like "omg you think i'm cute heehee" he's ridiculous. but phel and kain playfully tease him sending pig emojis 🐖🐖🐖 ez is like "DON'T SEND THOSE TO ME DON'T- HEY DON'T POST THAT ON SOCIAL NOOO DON'T COMMENT MY FANS WILL SEE" and they all affectionately change his name in their phones to 🐖 just to tease him.
for spots, he'd be ticklish up sides to his ribs, spidering fingers have him slumped into the couch, laughing hard and snorting, of course. his feet and knees are quite ticklish! only known because he tends to put his feet up and yone continuously tells him to knock it off. but he found that suddenly tickling his socked foot does the trick.
aphelios 💙
he's a difficult one, since he's not much of a talker! but not like he's spared from anyone's wrath. his laugh is what you'd expect and it's fantastic; breathy, wheezy, and full of obvious mirth.
he's prone to pranking the others and while he can be nonchalant and aloof, sometimes the sight of one of the others falling or making utter fools of themselves has him in stitches (and being forced to laugh via tickling is no different). and when he wears his mask it's especially endearing to see his eyes screwed shut as well as him holding his stomach and hunching over, shoulders shaking.
he can't help acting like a little troublemaker and they always pounce on him after he gets someone good with those pranks he pulls. seems like he's more playful than he looks. if anyone stretches, he's the first to poke. if someone gets stuck doing something, phel is there making sure he doesn't waste the opportunity, what a jerk! so do everyone a favor and give him a taste of his own medicine. he's his own worst enemy though, because once he starts wheezing in laughter you pounce on him with tickles and it's downhill from there. he's already laughing so he has no chance of fending off an attack.
and a secret: he's very weak to teasing too! he doesn't talk back he just hides his face in shyness. they fall for a trap he's so deviously placed and now he's under them, mumbling out giggles when they poke him all over saying "what's so funny huh??" he waves his hands at them and pushes em by the shoulders trying to curl up the best he can. pokes drive him nuts and then when you speed up it's even worse, him trying to catch the offending hands. "no timeouts allowed because you started it!"
but it seems like he just doesn't stop pranking the others, so he must like it more than he lets on. he's surprisingly a goofy lil boy. he laughs himself silly, voice hitching and gasping all the way. he laughs himself DIZZY it's cute. he's like kayn he needs a break after. and usually even after whoever is done bullying him, he spends his time giggling quietly his skin still feels electric. he sure is brave for someone who takes so much time to recover.
yone ❤
he's a fun one, the stoic characters always are. most likely to screw his mouth shut and try to deal with pesky fingers at his ribs until he can't any longer. prone to overworking so breaking his concentration is absolutely a necessary activity. and also breaking his concentration playing video games is also crucial, because according to sett he plays too well so he must suffer and be prodded at during playtime too. -i mean what sett would never stoop so low he says.
anyways- yone's usually the mediator but he can get caught up in the mess when someone points out that he's been getting off the hook when it comes to roughhousing. he typically prefers 1 on 1, so he won't lose kayn says. and maybe that's true no one knows. he's really REALLY good at pretending he isn't at all sensitive and keeps it together for, i dunno, 5 seconds. it doesn't seem like a lot BUT it deters most. not these motherfuckers they're in it to win it.
yone will hold back then the giggles bubble up in his throat and you can hear him hum a moment, then they spill out from his lips. he mumbles and whispers out giggles for a moment then it becomes very apparent he won't win this fight and he covers his mouth. that's when it's over. he really starts to laugh and realizes the sensations just won't stop and he's lost. he's most likely to swear actually lol he's like i can handle this. i can handle this..... Fuck.
once he's attempted to cover his mouth he has already lost. he has a very nice, boisterous laugh and his smile is also a 10/10. it's nice to not see his eyebrows furrowed so much. he's lucky he's good at catching people's offending wiggly fingers or else he'd fall apart way more often. so when they trail fingers up his back where he can't reach them or fend them off? it drives him nuts. index finger from the nape and down the spine has him arching and twisting away with a loud yelp.
and that leaves the stomach vulnerable and that's next. tickling at his stomach and he jumps back and grabs whoever's wrist and says to CUT THAT OUT. okay mr. grumpy, jeez. it works as a good attitude adjustment because if he's mad at one of em for fooling around, this can easily divert his attention. k'sante usually has the job of doing so but when he does, he doesn't get yone's support the next time he's on defense. in fact, yone might lead the charge.
sett 🧡
hahaaaa oh man last but not least. most ticklish easily what a mess. being 6 foot 10 is not gonna help him here. sure he can rough somebody up but this is way more difficult for him. the one to be on the floor first begging "pleeheheaasee-" and kicking his leg like a puppy.
he's OBVIOUSLY most sensitive in the midsection he's a tummy boy okay just trust me. and this man may lift, box, it doesn't matter because if you knead his midsection his strength goes right out the window. you can feel him paw at your prodding hands with the weakest grip you've ever seen. his worst enemy is when you do the claw hand on his belly he's in hysterics i'm telling you. wiggling on his back saying "i give! i give!" and flopping onto his side when he's released from their tickly clutches. now, make that two pairs of hands, or ten, he doesn't have a chaaaaance.
he's definitely a good tickle monster to the others but once they elect k'sante to hold him down (he can bench sett apparently so he's gotta be the bad guy on this one) he's like "NOO DON'T DO IT GUYS I'M SORRYEHHEEHE" he preemptivey starts laughing when he sees wiggling fingers creeping closer and closer to him, begging wildly for mercy before anything happens. he calls out to each one of them, praying that they'll help! he's not the one to take what he dishes out.
and also the ears! don't forget about those! they are oh so ticklish and they twitch when you touch them. roll the delicate ear between two of your fingers and it has him in a fit of giggles. any fighting techniques he might know mean nothing in the face of a laughing fit.
first to help someone relieve stress via giving attention and being a stress toy himself. though, he's prone to going after someone first even if he always loses. we appreciate his effort. he'll probably have someone fighting on his side simply because he's a lost cause. has a good relationship with physical affection! his favorite to give: ticklish kisses n raspberries, in combo with a hug of course. try not to get caught in his clutches. if those are his tactics.. maybe he does deserve to get got. he's not as embarrassed as his track record would suggest! takes his inevitable loss in stride.
haaa this long as fuck 👍 i don't think i've written anything at all since 2018 or smth really i tried to keep these diverse so lmk how i did! also like always i do not reread and check anything so. this is it
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