#also im so stupid for starting this a week before i go back to college lmao
ironmanstan · 2 years
yknow i think i am understand the like. autistic mf living according to lists and schedules thing. bc i realized i cannot like comprehend time or tasks at all until i break them down into an itemized list of sorts or something like that. which means now i end up being way more productive over stretches of time where i stack way too many things on top of each other bc i have to plan out my time and thus am actually aware of it and am more aware of the time in between tasks i have.
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urrockstar-xe · 5 months
sneaking out - t.c x fem!reader
posted jan 21st, 2024 10:50 am
@dingus85 asked : May I request a Tara Carpenter x fem!reader based on Cruel Summer- Taylor Swift where they have been sneaking out to the beach every night (scenario 5). This time they’re just being stupid, and reader accidentally confesses that she likes her. Somewhere in the fic Tara uses one liner 18.
im so sorry for the wait love, I hope u enjoy.
not proofread
wordcount: 0.9k
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It was Chad’s idea to have one big group vacation for the summer, a simple nearly 50-hour road trip from New York to California. A few weeks on the beach to help everyone recover from the first semester of college and some time for Sam and Tara to learn how to be away from each other again.
Every small-town kid needs a Beach Vacation, right? Well actually, your plans for the summer were to find a good job but just when you wanted to argue, Mindy pointed out that you could share a room with Tara, and Tara responded by clapping her hands together, smiling at you and
“We’ll have so much fun!” 
How could you say no to that?
Everyone had taken turns driving, except for Mindy, her job was to make sure everyone had enough snacks and to ensure you’d make it to the Airbnb in one piece.
You were lucky enough to find one on the beach, giving easy access to the water and the sand that Mindy soon found to be an incredible nuisance, Anika was enjoying the chance to dress up in different beach weather outfits and there was also the perfect spot to play volleyball which Chad forced everyone to do.
And then there were you and Tara, you had the same favorite part of this vacation and it was the late-night bonfires.
You had only one with all of you involved but the following night you both snuck out together to start up another one, and this quickly became routine for the both of you.
You couldn’t help but enjoy this silly game you were playing in your head even if Tara didn’t realize you were playing at all. Sharing a bed, waking up early enough to make breakfast, making the bed, and taking turns to shower after beach days just to sneak off and come back smelling like firewood. 
It was perfect for you, and maybe it was for Tara too, but obviously, you weren’t going to ask. 
Tonight was one of your last nights in California and none of you were ready to leave, except Mindy, who wanted to go home the first week. But of course, you were most worried about going home, everything would go back to normal and you could no longer live in your little bubble with Tara and her soft smiles and giggly laughs,
and your little sneak-out “dates” that were just for you and Tara.
But that just meant you had to make the most of it, which leads you outside sitting on an old beach towel next to the pretty girl, watching the pit of flames dance before your eyes. 
“I’m not ready to go home yet, I like sneakin’ out with you.” Tara’s voice caught your attention, turning to look at her as she spoke. She was thinking the same as you. “We could always sneak out together back in New York” You spoke in the same quiet tone, as if you weren’t allowed to speak louder than the sound of the sea.
Tara pouted, “It’s not the same, though.” Oh. You nodded in agreement looking back at the fire. 
“I wanna go swimming,” She said suddenly, standing up and taking off her sweater, well your sweater, you had let her wear. “Tara, you’ll freeze” You smiled, knowing she wouldn’t listen anyway as she was already walking towards the water, tossing her sweatpants to you as you laughed. 
You watched amused as she eventually made it to the water, she hesitated, “C’mon, my girl Tara Carpenter doesn’t back down from stupid stuff!” You called out in a teasing tone, hearing her laugh as she threw her head back before running straight into the water, “Holy shit!” she yelled, squealing as she resurfaced.
You laughed as Tara ran back up to you, soaking wet and gratefully thanking you as you put the towel around your shoulders. “That was so stupid” she laughed, shivering slightly as you rubbed her arms, laughing with her as you attempted to warm her up. 
“That is why I like you so much” You had barely noticed the words come out as Tara’s smile softened, staring at you with a tilted head and puppy dog eyes. “What?” Tara’s voice was quieter now, still having a slightly shaky tone as she was still freezing. 
“What?” you repeated the question, you could backtrack, sure but Tara wasn’t stupid, she wouldn’t believe that no matter how well you sold it she saw it in your eyes, 
you’re so screwed, you almost laughed.
“What did you say? You like me?” Tara’s grip on the towel tightened a little, that soft look on her face capturing you the way it always did. You opened your mouth to speak but closed it, not knowing how to explain yourself in a way that made sense but Tara spoke up instead.
“Come here and kiss me, dummy” She smiled, and you didn’t want to waste any time as your hands moved to her face and pulled her in, cold, soft lips hitting yours as if they were meant to be on yours. Tara abandoned the towel to hold your wrists. 
“You are so catching a cold,” You said through heavy breaths earning a sweet laugh in response.
“Yeah, but you’ll take care of me.” you smiled at that because obviously you would.
“Yeah, I will.” You said, Tara smiled back.
“I think I will sneak out with you back in New York.”
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unkat · 4 months
chilaios medical au idea i have been bouncing in my head (will not be written until after my current one is done)
i am thinking of a like firefighter/paramedic story for these guys. where laios is a new shift commander/chief at a small middle of nowhere station and chilchuck is a medic from a big city who keeps getting reassigned because he is trying to recruit for a union and the company is trying to make his job unworkable/find a reason to let him go.
laios was promoted because of his work ethic and ability to teach other people about the ins and outs of emergency medicine, not because he wanted to be in charge. he is too new and disinterested in the company politics to throw him under the bus for other people, and by the time someone explicitly says he needs to fire him, he has gotten attached.
"he's reliable, does good work, and catches things nobody else here would have. i know he cussed out the family trying to get into the rig, but he had already told them no and they should be grateful he saved their daughter instead of filing a complaint! even if i were to discipline, he deserves a verbal warning and not dismissal. You were not there, and i am his direct superior."
(wins the argument and walks away trying not to hyperventilate)
also falin is a surgeon and marcille is a research fellow who abandoned her big-city super-focused projects to come out into the country and work with subpar equipment and an incompetent assistant. im not thinking like full rural hospital here, but closeish to it. could be an academic satellite hospital and she switched from like gene therapy trials to studying exposures/population/histology stuff.
shifting the touden hyperfixation from monsters->medical fascination i think would still get across the same vibes. falin is very nice and pleasant but she treats everyone nicely and pleasantly without actually empathizing with them. shes one of those surgeons who went to shadow a heart transplant in college and cried because it was so beautiful and then got a bunch of scholarships plus student loans for med school.
laios hunts and has a big appreciation for the lives of things he kills and butchering/using everything he can. then it translates to him being fascinated by the human body as an object more than as a being that is different and special from other animals that he is a part of. he is a fantastic emergency responder because of this- people are a pile of flesh that is broken somewhere, and he wants to figure out why. (this is something that I'm like. not sure if it is okay for me to include because it can be squicky/triggering. but i feel like when I'm unsure if I'm going too far that is when i am reaching the line i want to?)
the touden siblings still go hiking and mudding and spend their time off in the woods (marcille wears white shorts and sandels on a hike leaving laios to be very explicit and offering clothes to chilchuck when he offers him to join. chilchuck borrows his shirt and it is way too big, but he keeps it for a while.)
chilchuck is extra divorced. he facetimes with the girls a couple of times a week and gets them on rotating holidays. sometimes ex-mrs. tims invites him over for dinner because she feels sorry for him and her new boyfriend is also there. it's awkward but they both know he's harmless, just annoying and closed off. he smokes but has tried to quit 7-8 times. started when he was an emt and couldn't shake it because it helped him destress. he only knows how to drive well enough to pass his vehicle license renewals and still doesn't know what the buttons in his car do. the ac has been "broken" for a week before a station mechanic pushes the button to turn it back on (they should put a subway around here, stupid cars).
laios respects his experience and history of being at a constantly busy station that saw a variety of crazy shit. chilchuck initially resents him for being so out of touch, but grows to respect his leadership abilities. laios also always follows up on cases at the hospital to figure out the outcome and reflect on best practices.
he is the first person to get chilchuck to actually debrief after a shitty call and chil cries and never wants to talk about it again. but its like a seal in a dam has been breached, and opens up when they are cuddling on the couch. they spend more time off shift with each other. chilchuck crashes on laios' couch and initially feels like he needs excuses to do it until laios says he really likes talking with him and having him there. he tells him about the company's EAP coverage and that he encourages everyone to take advantage of it.
in the end, they hit that threshold of basically living together, and one of them would need to change their station (superior/employee romance) after they go from making out off shift in secret to seriously considering having laios meet his daughters in person. (they already think they're married because laios is always there when they call now)
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AITA for leaving my friend groups Discord server?
💐💐💐 So I can find this later. For context, I was in 2 servers that were friend groups, where my friends would all interact with each other, play & stream games, etc. However, recently we had a situation where someone, let's call her Sasha, would send many vent messages in the general channel, then delete said message before we could respond or even look at the messages, & get mad at us for not responding. She'd also complain about everything that happened in her life, school, in games, & she'd always repeat the same things, over & over again. In the end, we got tired of how she was forcing everyone to stop being as active in the server because of her behavior & actions, so we all made another server, without Sasha, so we could interact with peace without her interrupting conversations. This all happened 3-4 months ago. Then 3 of the people in our new server got a game on Roblox, Deepwoken. Another person, let's call him Kevin, already had the game for a while, so they all got the game & started playing all together. They were incredibly passionate about it, it would be the only thing talked about. One of them got me the currency to get Deepwoken, so I could play with them all. A while later, I got a hang of the game, then when I asked if any of them could play with me, one of them, let's call him Tim, would keep telling me that "Oh, you have to play the game alone to get the real experience, & to learn things better." every time I would ask. Sometimes, rarely, they'd answer some questions I had about the game that I didn't quite grasp yet, & a lot of the time i'd just, not receive any answer. After a while, I got tired of how they didn't respond to me at all, so I just stopped playing. Keep in mind, I don't have any other friends that have the game, so I didn't have anyone else to talk to about it. I love my friends but I felt ignored & was hurt, so I passed ownership to another friend of mine, & left. About a day after leaving, I ended up feeling extremely depressed & overwhelmed with schoolwork, eye appointments, a random limb & joint pain that I had no idea why I was having, & I accidentally unfriended Tim. With my being extremely overwhelmed, thinking it was a good idea at the time, I sent him a message saying "accidentally unfriended u mb. u could also not accep, that works too" Then another message after that one, "okay well um, im gonna assume that you arent going to accept it again so thank you for all youve done for me before you say that im making it sound like i gave up; i have given up i gave up a little while ago" After that, I got a message from him saying that I needed to calm down, that my friend request wasn't the most important thing in his mind right now, & that he's allowed to put it on hold for at least a day before I start telling him some "nvm shit". I sincerely apologized & told him that I needed to take a break, that I hope he's doing okay, & that I hope college goes well for him. I did indeed, take a break, for only 2 weeks because I felt extremely guilty, stupid & reckless. Those weeks felt like forever because that whole thing was on my mind 24/7. It was eating me alive. & No, I am not saying to gain pity. Just trying to explain what I felt. Tim answered, told me that I should grow & change as a person, & that he doesn't mean it in a condescending way, that the server was meant to be a safe space, that in order to make everyone comfortable, there's some things we need to just not say or some things we need to think about a lot before saying them. It's the reason Sasha got booted, & that we give as much as we get. I'm reading back on his messages, & I didn't say anything in the server to make everyone uncomfortable. Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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quinnkasih · 2 years
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Kitty Cat
chapter 3 - "the internet cafe's loyal customers"
cat!scara x collegestudent!fem!reader
You are just an ordinary college student, having friends, hard projects and surviving on a low budget. Every week, or saturday to be specific, you would come by your favorite cafe in town, Fatui Cat Cafe. It is such a calming and lively place for you after a busy week as a student. In the cafe, there's one cat that despises everyone, except you.
A/N :
i add a little change to the story. Before, it was Teyvat's Cat Cafe. But I changed it into Fatui's Cat Cafe, due to some stuff. Who knows? Maybe you'll know the story if you match it with the harbingers' actual lore..~
MASTERLIST - previous | next
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It was dark outside. All shops were closed, some of the are still open. But only a few. The scenery was lonely. Lonely streets were lighted by street lights that light up during the night time.
Next to Fatui Cat Cafe was a dark alleyway, they throw out their garbage and leftovers there.
It was quiet, too quiet. Until there was the sound of a door opening from the dark alleyway.
There was a male coming outside the door. He looked fishy, wearing a cap and is hooded with a black hoodie and is wearing jeans. He has indigo colored hair.
He was busy fixing his attire. When he was about to leave, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Hey comrade! What are you doing outside at such a late time?" Taunted a guy with ginger colored hair.
"Back off, dont call me that. And dont be so stupid, you know what im outside for" Said the hooded man coldly, not bother turning to look at him.
"Hmm? Let me guess..~"
"It's neither you going to the internet cafe you usually go to or the 24 hour convenient store" Guessed the guy.
"What? Who told you about this?" Asked the hooded man furiously, turning to look the other man.
"Ahaha! Dont act all surprised Scara, everyone literally knows you leave the cafe every night. Signora saw you walking out of the door" Explained the ginger man, giggling.
Scara just glared at Childe harshly, not answering.
"So? What brings you here then?" Asked Scara again, hands crossed against his chest.
"Hm? Whats wrong with me being outside? I mean, you are even outside yourself" Childe answered and scoffed.
Scara just answered with a "ok" and started to leave him.
"H-hey!! Wait for me!!" Childe shouted from afar as he ran towards Scara.
They stopped by an internet cafe, it was usually crowded. But since it was midnight, of course it isnt.
"Its up to you whether you want to rent or not. Also, Im not paying your bill." Scara exclaimed, opening the door.
"Huh??! What do you mean?? I thought you are paying me?? How do even have money??!" Childe asked, surprised.
"I stole it from the cashier" Scara confessed, not feeling any guilty of doing it.
"Hey! You stole it?! I'll report you to master Tsaritsa!!" Childe warned.
"Pfft why should I care? Go on and report it to her, I really dont care. And also, you sound stupid calling her master Tsaritsa." Scara mentioned as he payed for the billing, 1 hour.
As Scara was heading towards the computer he always used, Childe kept on complaining.
"Hufff, what do you even need to rent a computer anyways?" Childe sighed and stretched in his seat.
Scara did not answered anything. He countinued on to type on the keyboard for something. On his screen, showed a search bar. He was searching his own name, his intend was to know his reputation on the internet.
The loading took awhile, but it had finished anyways. He clicked his own hashtag, #scaracat.
The very first post on the top, which is the most popular and recently post, was a video. He hovered the cursor to the play button and clicked.
The video started, it was a video of a girl crouching to a black purple-ish cat, she is stroking the cat slowly. The place was familiar, it was the Fatui Cat Cafe.
After a moment of watching he finally realised its him, in his cat form.
He was surprised. Since when did he started to be gentle to someone? Why is he so calm and enjoying the girls touch in the video?
At the end of the video, he woke up suddenly and bit the girl's hand that was stroking him and the video was cutted off.
"Oohh, thats the video from yesterday's feeding with customers event" Childe commented as he saw the screen.
He remembered again the warmth and affection he received in his sleep yesterday afternoon. He thought it was just him feeling things. Well, it sure isnt him.
He scrolled down to the comments and checked, it was all positive comments.
The comments were just dry, like "aww cute!! 🥰🥰🥰😍" or "aww🥺🥺". He expected to meet a comment or two like, "man wish that was me" or "hey women move‼️‼️ my turn❗" or basically just simp comments. But who would simp for a cat??
He still expects like a comment like so, he countinued to scroll down the comments.
He the came across a comment, saying "the girl in the video is @/y/nn". He clicked the tagged user and the page loaded.
Childe on the other hand who was watching the same thing as Scara, is very interested in this girl.
@/y/nn is actually just a normal typical girl who does dance videos or vlogged her day with her friends, nothing special.
Her latest video has many views than her usually views on other videos, maybe because she recently got famous due to being one of the persons to calm him.
The video that got most views was a video of her dancing the newest trend, Casey dance. She isnt like most girls that really showed off their curves with the dance, she still kept her image well and kept her curves covered with baggy and oversized clothing despite the slight explicit dance.
(For those of you who dont know the dance, here's the video)
"Mannn, y/n is pretty~" Teased Childe beside Scara.
Scara only kept on looking on the screen with a slight blush on his cheeks. His cat ears which are hidden and blocked by his cap and hood were twitching to rise up, a sign of him being flustered. His tail was also itching to wag a little.
Childe only looked at him with a smug smile plastered on his face.
Eventually their rent time for the computer has ended so they left.
Childe insisted on buying some snack or stuff at the 24 hour convenient store with some money he found on the computer desk he was sitting on, Scara agreed.
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@dee-zbignuts @cr4ftingtable @lxry-chxn @cherricoladrink @scrmgf @ember-is-clueless @butterandbeans @lilias-spouse @wisteriaflowersss @sukunasin @nemesis1ofdark @crinklypink @louise-rosita-leroux @thetwinkims @koi-chairowo @grimreapersscythe @eimuros @kaoyamamegami @meowlumi @crazypriestess @g0re-h0und @ssilentblackyt @blurr3db3rry @blvdmrcnry @toriiee @lycheemouse @valiryyz @nejibot @pheebbbs @lovely-scaramouchie
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
we've had young hob and we've had young dream but we haven't had both of them young at the same time!!!!! theyre just starting college and maybe they still live at home (hob is trying to save money and dream.....definitely Wants to leave), so whenever hob comes over dream has to do his best to be quiet and fails miserably. good news, his parents' room is on the other side of the house so he's fine. bad news, the kids' rooms are right next to each other and desire is FED UP hearing their older brother get dicked down every friday night. they tell dream as much and he just chalks it up to "oh well theyre my sibling of course theyre mad at me. makes sense" but desire mentions it over breakfast when they tell dream he moans like a cheap whore and destructions shoulders visibly sag like "oh thank god we can finally talk about it. dream you have a problem" and hes just like ????!???!?? leave me alone??!????
im definitely really into the two of them being very young and dumb and fooling around behind their parents back and the actual sexual side of it all too, but the comedy side is good also. especially if after dream gets all riled up that morning mother night comes in and is like "yes your father and i saw a young man climbing out of your bedroom window onto the roof last week. the one that fell. is it him youve been fucking?" and dream boils over bc...his secret mystery boyrfirned.....is not so secret (his personality had done a complete 180º in the past 4 months and youd have to be stupid to not see it)
Oh I love this. They're so stupid <33
I LOVE the idea of Hob falling out of the window. Iconic. He lies in the shrubbery for like 10 minutes because it hurts, ok, until Death and Destruction come and rescue him (Dream doesn't want to reveal his "secret" ok). Death is like "We absolutely know that you're fucking Dream. Everyone knows." And Destruction puts his MASSIVE hand on Hob’s shoulder. Hob is convinced he's about to be murdered. But Destruction just looks him in the eye and he's like "Thank you. Oh my god thank you for fucking my weirdo brother. He was unbearable before you came along. Obviously I will kill you if you hurt him but God, please keep doing whatever you're doing to make him nice."
And Dream is listening from the open window two floors up like >:((((
And then Mother Night puts her head around the door and asks if his boyfriend is staying or going. She doesn't care either way she'd just rather he didn't fall on her dahlias in future, please.
(Desire yells from the next room that THEY care, thank you very much, and if Dream doesn't buy himself a gag THEY ARE MOVING OUT TO LIVE WITH UNITY INSTEAD).
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Obsession Rejected Part 1
Hi, I wrote again. this is about the rejected soulmate Au that I saw on @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
Warnings: Unhealthy behaviors, Yandere Danny, off screen character death, obsessive and possessive behavior. Let me know if I need to add more and I will be adding more as the series goes on.
Please read carefully and safely.
Word Count: 1000
Ao3: here
Tim Drake was only 10 years old when he made what was probably the worst mistake of his life. Who knew just one word could change everything.
He never would have written it if he had any idea of what would come of it. But he wrote it, and to be fair to Tim, he was under a lot of pressure. Between school never challenging him, his lack of friends his age, and most recently his promotion to Robin. 
Being a vigilante was dangerous work. Hell the main reason he was one was because another had died. Of course he didn’t want to hurt a potential partner by being forcefully ripped away from them by the cold hands of death, rather deciding to reject his soulmate. 10 year old Tim Drake thought it would be so much less painful. He knew cutting off a soulmate could be painful on both sides, but every account he found also said that rejection was better than the death of a soulmate
It was one account by an unhappy couple. They weren’t even really soulmates. They weren’t exposed until a week after the deed was done.
At 10 years old Danny Fenton decided that the universe must hate him. How else could he explain the pain? The pain stemmed from one little word between the constellations carefully and painstakingly drawn on his arm. It was the worst thing he had ever experienced, only rivaled by his own death; but even then the hole he felt when he woke up that night trumped his death.
It was so sudden too. Danny was asleep when it had happened and the only person who would have comforted him was away! Jazz was sleeping over at a friend's house that night! He went to his parents that night but they didn’t do anything. Just hugged him, and told him to go back to bed and that they would talk in the morning. They forgot. Brushed him off and went down to the lab to tinker with that stupid portal!
Jazz came home that afternoon to a sobbing little brother and held him. She tried to argue with their parents that this was a massive deal, but they brushed her off too. Said that Maddie was fine when she broke her bond with their uncle Vlad in college. 
She was fine. Vlad wasn’t. There's a reason he's like that.
Later when Danny was 14 the portal that sucked away his parents attention was completed and it didn’t even work. I practically ruined his and his sister’s childhoods and it had the audacity to not even work!
It did work. He made it work. He turned it on.
Danny had spent a lot of time down in the lab before the accident, back when he still wanted his parents approval their love. He listened to their ramblings, about how ghosts are not sentient, about how they are pure evil, about how they are only driven by instinct and impulse. They were so wrong about most things, but they did nail a few. 
Like how ghosts are prone to impulsive, and sometimes even intrusive thoughts. But it's not because they are so unintelligent that they don't have any higher understanding other than base needs, it's because they are beings of emotion. The same goes for Halfas like Vlad and Danny. 
Leaving his original haunt was not a part of Danny’s plan. He never thought it would happen. After all it’s his haunt. But when everything came crashing down he knew it was time. 
Jazz had died. She was caught in the crossfire of a fight between some ghost and the GIW. he didn’t remember, he was too lost in his grief to fully recall what happened but all he remembered was screaming. And that the other ghost didn’t make it out. He made sure of it.
Tucker and Sam had moved on. Both to larger cities than Amity Park. Tucker even found his soulmate there, some fancy IT guy. But eventually they lost contact with him.
He was starting to get unstable. They could see it but they had no idea how to help. He was starting to act like Vlad. To Amity Parkers they could see that Phantom was getting more and more irritated, that he wasn’t as kind as he used to be. The press always loved to rag on him and tell the public how dangerous he is.
So he left. He didn’t take anything, just turned off the portal and created his own and flew. He was unwanted.
But he knew he couldn’t fly forever, he needed a haunt. He had his lair in the Zone, but he needed a living world counterpart. Then he found it. The ideal universe for him. The world he found was situated relatively close to his keep so he had easy access to it and it felt right. Like Clockwork dragged it over there himself.
But in his special little universe he decides to make his Haunt. Nothing fancy, just his little space, in what has to be his favorite city he’s found. Gotham. The dark city was full of ambient ectoplasm, the gothic look reminded him of Sam, and Wayne Industries reminded him of Tucker. And it was full of empty buildings no one would think twice about. So he created his own little nest. But something was wrong. He was missing something. 
His obsession. He was missing his obsession. Jazz was the only thing he could reliably feed his obsession with, and with her gone it was only a matter of time before he started to fade. His gaze drifted to his arm, ‘Stop’ still engraved in black pen. His soulmate.
Danny rises from his curled form and fades out of visibility, core quietly humming as it searches for the ghostly claim of his soulmate. Danny refused to be alone again.
And nothing short of shattering his core would stop him from having his soulmate, rejection or not.
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writingzen · 2 years
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✧ Summary: you absolutely hated Choi Yeonjun. Which of course doesn’t bother him cause he hates you just as much, but recently things have started to change. You were starting to like the feeling of yeonjun being by your side and even started taking up on his going out to eat together offers. Literally yesterday you both were arguing with each other about who’s smarter but now here you guys are arguing alongside eachother and he doesn’t even know why.
✧ Info: academic college rivals with yeonjun. (Rivals to lowkey friends stage, might be crushing) The reader wears glasses.
✧ Warning: mentions of drinking, a four eyes joke (I also wear glasses 🙃) cursing, and the reader is pretty stubborn. If you find more please let me know.
✧ A/N: Hey guys!!! I know, it’s been a long minute, but I honestly didn’t really have the energy to write. I have been going through a lot recently, but things are started to be okay. So, I decided to write this. Sorry if there are any errors in it. I truly hope you enjoy it and if you have any requests or want a part two. Please tell me! Thank you and have a great day my loves!! 🥰
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You don’t know what to even think of him at this point. Just yesterday you both were getting at eachothers necks, answering every question you could before him, but now here you are, arguing with the manager of the restaurant with yeonjun right by your side. He didn’t even question you much before he started yelling, again, only knowing very little about the situation. I mean he did just come out the restroom to hear your voice loudly yelling at some man.
“Why is it so expensive?! It’s just tteokbeoki” you yelled back at the manager of the restaurant.
Though you were yelling with every nerve in your body, you do have to admit. It was stupid. You truly have no clue why you were arguing about something so small in the first place. It’s just everything has truly been upsetting you lately and you’ve even started having these weird feelings in your stomach. You don’t know if it’s the low grade you got on the test last week or if it’s the fact that you were started to feel okay with yeonjun being with you 24/7 or maybe, it’s both. Either way, it’s frustrating, but not that’s that any excuse. You were finally going to calm yourself down with some tteokbeoki that yeonjun offered to buy you, just to find out the price was raised way too high. It’s was honestly absurd, why so high for something that would normally be so cheap?
“We already stated why on the windows! We are raising money to donate to charity!” He shouted back, his finger pointing at the poster that clearly stated what he just said.
You both stop in your tracks, taking a second to just stare at the poster plastered on the outside window. Your gaze fixed on the poster and nothing else, not knowing what to do or say next as embarrassment rushed through your body, your cheeks tinting a bright shade of red.
Yeonjun turned to you before whisper-yelling, feeling just as embarrassed as you.
“Why didn’t you tell me!”
You opened your mouth to respond, but no words escaped, you couldn’t even build up a simple “Im sorry”, feeling way too pathetic to even be alive right now.
His body turned to face the manager, taking his attention with him, not even waiting a second longer for your response before bowing in a 90 degree angle.
“I’m really sor-“
You interrupted, voice louder then when you were originally yelling, you were already too into the argument, you knew it was wrong but there’s no going back.
“Stop!” Yeonjun whisper-shouting at you before taking a hold of your wrist, pulling you away. “I am so so-stop-sorry” you continue yelling, losing any self of dignity left in you as he drags your away, arms now wrapped around your waist. “Again, I am-y/n-sorry. This will never-y/n stop-happen aga-ow-again. Thank you”
After what seemed like would be forever to just pull you out of the stupid restaurant and the embarrassing situation you both put yourselves into, you were both successfully out with many eyes still fixed on you, judgement written all over there faces and they had every reason to.
“Why the fuck did you argue about that?! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
You sighed, voice coming in a mumble “He should have made it notic-“
“You think I would have argued with him in the first place if I have seen the posters! I was just mad and I-I didn’t think it through” You admitted, arguing back, not even able to look him in the eyes, resulting to you turning to the side, gaze stick to the road.
Now it’s his turn to sigh, he didn’t want to be mad at you and if we’re really being honest he knew he could never be mad at you in the first place. Even after everything, you could honestly put him through worse and he still wouldn’t be able to be mad at you.
“Jesus. Use your four eyes for once and actually look and think before speaking” he scolded you before you feel the weight of his arm around your shoulder.
Confused at the sudden contact, you question “What are you doi-“ before you could finished your sentence, his arm then wrapped around your neck, pulling you close enough to be eye level with his stomach. A classical headlock, a move you both tended to do on eachother whenever you could, it was just who could get to who first.
He rubbed your head with his knuckles causing a slight pain, but not enough to cause serious hurt as he started walking.
“Ow! yeonjun I swear to god!” You hit at him trying to get yourself free from his torture.
“Okay okay, it’s getting late. So let’s get drinks quickly and head back. I’ll walk you to your dorm” he said finally freeing your from his grasp, but not before rubbing your head lightly as his apology.
You pushed his hand away before fixing your now messy hair. Glaring at him before speaking again “you’re paying”
“I never said I wasn’t, four eyes.” He spoke before pushing up your glasses, a grin plastered on his face as a slight chuckle escaped his lips.
You hate to admit it, but
He kind of cute
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The Price You Pay - Part 1
Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
[TPYP Masterlist]
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Life as a college student isn't always easy, so when the opportunity to make some money by pretending to date your best friend's sister arise, you decide to take it.
Tags: fake dating, paid dating, jealousy, possessiveness, Pietro's bestie, darkish!wanda, no Avengers, bad life decisions, college!au, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, divorced!parents, Vision is kind of a dick, other mcu characters apparition, no proofreading (lemme know if im missing something)
Warnings: Bad language, alcohol consumption, some violence, smuttyfruity (so, 18+, minors dni, dom!Wanda, bratty!reader, will add warnings when we get to it)
A/n: im very tired, but it was fun to write this, and it will certainly go in interesting places. Also, lemme know if we want powers wanda or no powers wanda
Tag List: @red1culous (sorry red, you'll have to worry a bit longer about Wanda being safe in Paperthin xD)
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The sky above your head was grey from clouds heavy with rain, the water falling over you in a pattering pattern that left you relaxed in the pool. You liked doing that during hot summer days, just lie in the water when more was coming down on you. Your family certainly found that weird, but they were away for at least two more weeks, gone to see family somewhere on the other side of the world. You were content to stay home since you didn't get along with this side of the 'family' - or the asshole side, as you liked to call them.
"Y/n?" You heard a voice call behind you, and you immediately recognized it was coming from your best friend, Pietro Maximoff. You'd known him since he arrived in the country with his family, and the second you met each other spark started flying. Literally. It was during a workshop class, and since then you'd been inseparable. You even went to college together.
So, you looked up and here he was, his head popping above the wooden fence between your gardens, his stupid silver mop top barely visible against the grey sky.
"What is it, Piet?" You called, and he climbed the fence to jump on your side.
"I just wanted to see if you'd like to come spend some time at home, Wands and I are gonna get some pizzas and watch some tv or something."
"As long as you pay for the pizza," you said, finally rolling from your back to swim to the edge of the pool. You jumped it to sit on the side before extending your arm, grabbing your towel.
"Free food really is the best way to get to you, huh?"
You laughed as you stood up, towel in your hair as you went back inside your house, Pietro on your toes. "I've gotten used to the student life, free food is best food."
He rolled his eyes at that. You could have lived comfortably as a student, but you refused to accept the money your step-father offered you every time. Something in you made it really hard to accept it, you just never could pinpoint what it was. The man was a good guy, but you just couldn't get past it no matter how hard you tried. So in the end, you were happy to just side-step yourself from your family as you went on with your life, coming back only when your mother asked you to, so she could show to him that she had been a good mother to you - and you believed she tried, but never quite succeeded.
"So prideful," Pietro teased lightly and you threw your towel at him. With his reflexes he grabbed it before it could hit him in the head, so you simply gave him the finger before disappearing for your room.
"Gotta put some clothes on," you said.
You went for something comfortable since you knew no one important would be there, only you and the twins. You briefly thought of Wanda there and then, and thought that maybe you should make an effort before you thought better of it. You used to have a crush on her when you were in high-school, right before you realized she would never see you that way. To her, you would always be Pietro's best friend and nothing else, and maybe it was better that way.
In the end, when you came back downstairs, you were wearing sweatpants with a band shirt and a hoodie. That would have to do.
"Okay, let's go get pizzas!" You exclaimed and jumped on Pietro's back in a surprise attack. He almost fell forward but managed to keep you on his back until you were at his door. He judged that it was enough of a ride, and dropped you without any warning. Luckily, you had great balance and simply fell on your feet like nothing happened.
Once inside, you saw that the place was already darkened not only by the weather but also by the blinds that had been dropped to create a bit of a theatre experience.
"Okay, remind me why we don't watch it in the theatre room?" You asked Pietro who shrugged.
"It distands the image too much according to Wanda."
"But the seats are so much more comfortable!" You complained dramatically.
"We literally have two giant couches, just take one for yourself." That was a good rebuttal, so you didn't insist, simply dropping yourself on the couch perpendicular to the tv. "Hey Wanda," you said to the– "you dyed your hair," you pointed out. Instead of her usual brown chestnut hair, she now had ginger strands falling over her shoulders. Damn, she looked good, and you had to fight not to stare like a creep at her.
"Yeah. I thought it would be a nice change." She shrugged and you nodded with a small smile.
"Well, it looks good on you," you complimented before reaching for the popcorn on the table, missing the small blush on her cheeks.
Pietro arrived with the pizza menu and his phone against his ear, asking silently what pizza you wanted. You mouthed "the usual" and he nodded before looping back to the kitchen to put the menu back down. He was fast to come back and he fell on Wanda's couch like a lump of wood.
"Always so graceful, Maximoff," you teased when he barely managed to avoid the coffee table with his feet.
"Shut up, Y/ln."
You chuckled at his comeback, and once everyone was settled, Wanda took command of the tv and pressed play on the sitcom she was currently binging - turns out it was Friends. After the pizza arrived, and once they were almost finished, you got rid of your hoodie and threw it on the armrest where your head was resting, feeling too hot with the whole digestion process going on. You also decided to take a bathroom break pretty much right after, and it had nothing to do with the soda you drank helplessly.
Then, when you came back, you didn't notice anything was amiss and kept watching the show. Actually, you noticed only after Wanda went to bed, after you stayed downstairs with Pietro to play a bit on his PS5, and after you decided it was time for you to go home.
"What the hell are you doing?" Pietro asked you as he saw you look everywhere around the couch you decided to declare yours, throwing pillows around.
"I'm looking for my hoodie, I can't find it anywhere," you muttered.
Your best friend looked at you for a second, trying to think about it before it finally hit him. "Oh yeah, Wanda borrowed it when you went to the bathroom. She must have taken it upstairs."
That caused a frown to crease your brows. Why would she do that? Pietro had a knowing smirk on his lips, but you missed it, too busy looking around yourself in confusion.
"Huh. I mean. Guess it's not lost at least. Just… hope she can bring it back tomorrow, it's kind of my favorite," you mumbled, unsure of how you should react at this point.
"I'll tell her that for sure."
You walked to the hallway, and put back your shoes. "Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah, I'll come by," he nodded and you left the Maximoff household, feeling the cold seep into you as you walked home without your hoodie, missing the pair of green eyes looking at you through one of the bedroom windows.
The next morning, the doorbell woke you up and you frowned. You were fairly certain that you weren't expecting anything today except for Pietro, but it was way too early for him to already be awake - it was only ten. Which meant that it was also too early for you to be awake. You covered your face with your pillow, which quickly proved to be a very inefficient tactic when the doorbell echoed in the house once again, pushing you out of your bed. With your bedsheet around you, you walked downstairs like a ghost and opened the door only to blink a few times when you saw Wanda right in front of you.
"Wanda…?" You asked, perplexed, and missed the look she gave you when she noticed you were wearing your sheet around your shoulders. "What are you doing here so early?"
Trying to get rid of the morning blur, you rubbed your eyes with your hands as you awaited for an answer.
"I came to bring your hoodie back." But as you looked at her, you could see that she was actually wearing it. What the hell?
"Okay, yeah, I can see my hoodie is with you. Now, do I also put you in my dresser? 'Cause I'm not sure you'll fit." She rolled her eyes but still smiled, and it made your heart jump.
No. Bad heart. Bad, bad.
"Actually…" she pushed inside when you took a step to let her come in, since she seemed to want to talk. "I need you to do me a favor."
"Are you… is my hoodie your hostage?"
"It is your favorite, right?" She cocked her head, and you had to admit it was pretty intimidating, even if she was threatening a piece of clothing.
You sighed. You'd hear her out, then see what you wanted to do.
"What do you want?"
"I need you to go to a party with me." Yeah, okay, so far so good, but clearly there was something else going on. "And pretend you are dating me."
What the what? You blinked at her before laughing. But when she just tilted her head - almost threatening - you stopped laughing. "Oh, you're serious." You hummed, your brain trying to catch up on what the hell was happening. "Why?"
"Because I want to stick it to Vision." Ah, of course. You heard of the guy. Vision Stark. Rich people and their weird names. Whatever he did, he clearly managed to piss off Wanda. "He cheated on me right before finals, I almost failed because of him. No one messes with my studies."
Huh. That made sense. Mostly. The thing that made you incredibly perplexed was why she came to you for that. "So, I go to that party with you, we pretend to be dating, and then what?"
"And then you get your hoodie back."
"How… how is that working as revenge?" You adjusted your bedsheet to pinch your nose.
"Because this way he gets to see I don't care."
Ah yes, asking someone to pretend dating with you was clearly the right way to show that you didn't care. At this point you almost felt like a headache was coming your way, when an idea came to you.
"Okay, I'll agree. For a price." Because if you were to agree to a crazy scheme, you might as well get something out of it. And not just your clothes back.
Wanda narrowed her eyes. "Your price is your hoodie."
"Oh, come on Wanda, I know you can do better than that."
She bit her lip, knowing full well where this was going. But at this point, she might as well get there. "What do you want?"
"200 bucks an hour, and I'm yours for the night," you said like it was nothing.
She scoffed at that and crossed her arms, straightening her back. "100," she tried to negotiate, and you cocked an eyebrow with a smirk. So she was ready to pay.
"180," you went and she rolled her eyes.
"That's barely negotiating, Y/ln."
"Hey, what can I say, I like to drive a hard bargain. Come on, you know I'm a good liar. I'll make everything look like we're the real deal." You still sported your smirk as she looked you up and down. "175."
She looked like she was doing some math in her head. "150." She offered, her head tilting to the side. She was close to telling you off, you could see it in the way her eyes were glowering at you.
"165," you still dangled in front of her with bravado. Now she was chewing her lips, and all you could do was watch as she finally, finally, extended her hand.
"Deal," she said, and you took it firmly in yours.
A small jolt of electricity ran up your spine at the contact and almost took your breath away. "Perfect. When is the party?"
"Tomorrow night." She pulled on your hand so you would fall forward closer to her, her hand finding your chin to look in your eyes. "You better be ready."
You maintained eye contact despite the strength she put in holding you in place, refusing to back off. "Oh, I will be, trust me." She pushed you back after a moment when her gaze dropped on your lips, and despite the distance you could see her eyes had darkened. It elicited something in you that you preferred to ignore - no old crush would come in between you and your money.
"Good girl."
She released you, but you could still feel her grip on your jaw. This was a whole new side of her you had no idea existed until now, and it certainly made you feel things. You followed each and every of her steps when she left your house.
Then it hit you all at once. In what kind of bullshit did you walk in?
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dumb-doll-lips · 11 months
More period talk bc it’s been stressing me out and need to get the thoughts out of just being in me head.
So like blogged before about how I canceled plans bc of what I thought was some spotting on Thursday. Def isn’t being like spotting. It’s been like a whole period and I’m bleeding some still. Which is really weird for me bc this started two weeks after my last period started (which was like 3 or 4 days late). I like had just over a week free.
If I had a doctor I liked more I’d prolly be reaching out but I’m just pretty convinced that for now it’d just like be a vague blame to hormones, stress, and how I took a plan b one time when I was paranoid bc I was late on taking birth control. Did just like take a pregnancy test too, which was negative. I’ve also just been like feeling like my period wants to be more in time w a full moon or new moon, could totally be making up patterns but I feel like my period was always more predictable when that lined up.
I think after finishing this pack, I might wait until after my next period to start a new one. Been wanting to change when I start a pack to be more like moon cycle aligned for a while mostly bc I just think it seems cooler. But if it’s gonna be all stupid might as well go for it now.
If things don’t go back to normal by then like yeah will talk to a doctor. I just like know I have a tendency to stress myself out of period before and that plan b can mess stuff up, and like now w a negative pregnancy test, I’m more annoyed than worried (tho like prolly will take another test later to worry even less lol).
But this is going to make getting fucked sooo much more annoying. I really like being creampied. And condoms kinda suck. I wonder if anyone Im seeing has had a vasectomy? Or there’s like what college me did when I was horrible at staying in birth control and just went w anal like all the time lol.
Still undecided for sure on all of this tho so who knows. But like did know if I didn’t say this into the void it just be all my thoughts for a while.
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yanderenoami · 1 year
The Watchers / under work
This is my first Yandere fic i hope its good.
In this fic reader looks aren’t describe
Reader sexuality isn't said but they have an interest in men and women
the watchers are a man and woman
ps: i made the college up and reader is in college and there may be misspelled words please let me know also im gonna edit this tommorow
Credits to @personalsafetavern for the idea
Summary: You're just so perfect they couldn't stop watching
word count: 937
rating: sfw
keys: purple = female yandere, green = male yandere, Orange = reader “ = talking out loud, and ‘ = Thought
They watched as Y/N stared at their computer for the past couple of hours playing their stupid game.
The male let out a sharp sigh of disappointment then opened his mouth to speak "They're going to mess up their eyes staring at their screen, wasting their time on that stupid game of theirs."
The female let out a sigh also and wrapped her arms around the man she started to speak " I know but it's what makes them happy my love, And I find it quite adorable compared to what they were hyper-fixated on last week" she placed a soft kiss on his template.
He placed a kiss on her hand and smiled And thought for a second before he spoke again "well I loved last week's main topic at least then they were more active"
she let go of him and let out a stifled laugh while sitting up straight "Of course you would we can talk more about it later. Im gonna start dinner it's my night anyway." she said as she walked away.
As she walked away Y/N finished for today and went to the bathroom to do their nightly routine.
The Male watching took this as a time to get up and stretch and started to head to the kitchen while setting a 45-minute timer he thought back to when they had first met it was a pure chance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y/N worked at a cafe it was a fast day given it was Saturday but they didn't mind they loved their job.
They loved the food, The drinks, and The work uniform surprisingly they could go on but there were too many things to list.
They were getting the pastries out of the oven when their coworker decided to quit they were the only 2 on the shift that day.
Y/N watch them take off their stuff, clock out, and leave. They looked at the line and counted at least 15 inside and 12 in the drive-through.
Y/N took a deep breath and put on their headset while bagging someone's food. "Hi I would like to warn you I'm the only one here today what can a get you." the customer finished their order "Alright that would be $9.37 please pull to the next window." they sigh and thought 'this is gonna be hard.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The male looked at the woman dumbfounded and said " This is the wrong way let me drive."
The woman rolled her eyes and put her attention on the road again " No, and it's not I know what I'm doing" she let out with an annoyed huff something caught her eye "'we're going to that cafe." she said and pulled over
The man let out a groan and said " No we're already late we don't need to waste any-." he was interrupted by the car door slamming shut he noticed the car keys were gone and he watched the female walk around the car into the store. He inhaled a sharp breath and got out of the car locking it on the way.
He found his wife and went up to her the line wasn't long thankfully 6 people excluding them. He looked at his wife's face and saw she was starstruck "what" he said already annoyed they were late
She hit his arm and pointed he looked and he then knew why she looked that way.
They were gorgeous their skin, their body type, and their hair was captivating
He looked at his wife and she looked at him. They both shared a knowing look. They both knew they had to have them. No not have NEEDED them. They were last and quietly hatched a plan together. Finally, they were up and the last people in there.
“Hi what can I get you both"  the beauty said
The male ordered "Hi can I get 2 cake pops one coffee and the other vanilla one Carmel farp large one and one large mocha tea with sugar cookie and one churro cheesecake median"
The barista smiled and finished their order "All good choices and I just put the pastries in the oven so that should take no more than 3 minutes, the drinks should take 7 minutes and your total is $16.45 are you paying with cash, card, with your phone"
The woman spoke up " we'll pay with cash hey I noticed your uni pin what college do you go to" she passed them the money
They smiled " Oh I go to Semi university," they said while making their drinks
She smiled " Oh that's great I heard that's a really good college in this area" she remembered the name pin you wore " So your name is Y/N I read your badged it's a beautiful name"
She couldn't see them but heard the smile in their voice " Thank you"
The two continued to talk and the couple left after their order was finished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He smiled at the memory who knew that so little information could had help his wife with everything about you? He had finally sat down at the dinner table after setting it His timer went off at he turned the dining room tv on to only be met with you fully dressed after getting out of the shower and doing your skincare his wife sat down shortly after you finished, You had just started to warm up your leftovers. Once it was done and you sat down to eat they started to eat soon they started talking about you. They both thought the same thing.
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fullsunstrawberry · 1 year
hey love!! i have a LOT to say... so buckle in
one- new layout!
two- boyfriend is back from japan i missed him way too much 😅
my oldest brother has always been an asshole, ive also never been that close to him anyway, but he's still an asshole
and my middle brother is like literally my best friend and loves my boyfriend as well so yk we super close and shit
SO MY OLDEST BROTHER was talking shit about my relationship around my middle brother and my brother slapped him in the face (or maybe punched idek the whole story) so now everyone is like so confused and stuff (including me) and kao feels so bad bc he feels like he started it even tho its not his fault 😭 and my middle brother is stressing out bc he just "ruined his whole relationship with his brother" and my older brother... well idrk about him bc we talk only when we need to
anyway so today like at 12 the fam scheduled a zoom meeting so i can talk to everyone to try and see whats going on yk and there was this big argument between my mom and my oldest bro and now everything is so tense and stuff... BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE my exams are done and now i can focus on more things other than math and econ (regretting my major choices HARD rn)
hows your school and stuff? pls stay safe and drink lots of water <33
(omg whenever i ask someone about school i feel old)
i have so many stories i need to tell you but im going to hold it in so i dont write a whole novel
(sorry for my grammar and stuff i do math for a reason man)
i’m buckled in 🫡
firstly: you’re new layout is so cute <3
secondly: ahhh i’m picturing the romantic airport reunion! like running to each other at the airport 😍
NOW HERES THE TEA 🍵 🫖 !! I STAN YOUR MIDDLE BROTHER!! hopefully your oldest brother can see how much of a shit he was being and apologize. Also idk which brother’s wedding your planning but he should either be thankful because a. you’re putting so much effort to help one of your brothers and shut his mouth or b. your planning his wedding so he should shut his mouth…either way he should be quiet 🤐
^^this gets me heated cause i have a good relationship with my only sibling and i would never talk shit about his girlfriend :( !!
eyyy i forgot it’s exam season and i’m regretting not studying because my exams are next week 😢 YOURE MAJORING IN MATH AND ECON??? you’re stronger than me 😰 i’m basically failing calculus rn…i’m a business major basically meaning i don’t know what do do with my life yet hahaha
school right now is basically the calm before the storm, all the teachers are rushing to get everything done before all the exams go down and finalizing all my college stuff…i’m planning on going on hiatus for a week or two during all my final exams but hopefully my haechan smau will be done by then 🤞🤞🤞 and I'll still be online and stuff just won’t be posting and texts/reactions gotta keep my sanity somehow
also it was bring your child to work day today and i never felt so old…
i’m a grammar.ly person so if my grammar is wrong i’ll blame it on the app being stupid,, the amount of times i re-read all my work to make sure everything is okay is honestly insane (if i say i haven’t read over what i’ve written it was because i was sleep deprived)
can’t wait to here all your stories <3 my life is kinda boring rn sooo i’m all ears 😍😍❤️
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
started drafting this last week but now im gonna talk about everyone's preferred manner of transportation in GX College AU. because i can.
Ive brought it up before but Syrus drives his brother's hand-me-down silver Prius, lovingly called the Cyber Dragon or just The Cydra. Sy put an Autobots sticker on it. He takes meticulous care of it half because He Wants To and half because "oh god if i fuck up zane's old car hes going to want to eject me into the sun" <- *anxiety spiralling*
Jaden bikes everywhere. Or walks everywhere because his bike got stolen. Or syrus drives him around ("i'll pay ya back soon I prommy!!")
Jesse drives a beat up truck older than he is and it only has a cassette player and he is driving around town getting so lost and just blasting old country tapes and you KNOW Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger is chilling out in the truck bed.
Do yall have those rentable Bird scooters??? These things?
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I decided Alexis has a jailbroken one that shes uses to get to work. Zane hacked it himself for her for her birthday :^)
As mentioned above Zane used to have the silver Prius, but post-graduation drives a used hulking mass of a black 2017 Hummer because C’mon, Hell Kaiser Car Ever. He Looks Like One. mostly he just avoids social obligations by sitting in it for extended stretches of time eating grocery store baguettes.
Atticus has a red PT Cruiser with the stupid wood stripe. It's absolutely covered in bumper stickers, shit like Jimmy Buffett's head and a rainbow pot leaf and a pan flag "surf's up!" and "why not hugs AND drugs" and "i brake for all that is beautiful in this world." he has a custom license plate that says LUVMSTR, also.
He also longboards this is important. Has longboarded into traffic more than once.
I think I assigned Bastion as public transit coded. Dude loves taking the bus.
Chazz drives a Lexus (lmao) that he had Before he got cut off but now that hes cut off from his wealthy brothers hes like. Clinging to this car with all his being. The inside is the most trash filled interior of a car youce ever seen. chazz you cant fucking LIVE like this.
ive never seen anyone give aster a motorcycle before but i think he should have one. Little white yamaha-type bike, zips around and goes to biker meetups with sartorius (they really straight up gave him a motorcycle in s4 and honestly?? it fucking rules.) Aster i think also has some ludicrously expensive sports car gathering dust in his apartment complex parking garage. Little rich boy BASTARD.
i know i mentioned this before but hassleberry has a jeep. he just has to have one. he's saving up to get it painted like a Jurassic Park jeep <3
blair is a little moped coded i think
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
Hey, so can I ask about the thought process (idk words but anyway) behind why you headcanoned Hua Cheng as having OCD cuz I'm very interested? :0
KSJDNKSJDFN sorry it took so long to reply to this I promise I wasn’t ignoring you I was just overwhelmed this week and then after I actually sat down to write out my very long answer I accidentally unplugged my computer and I LOST IT ALL so sorry but this version Is going to be rather incoherent and missing stuff probably bc its pretty much just copied and pasted from one of my discord rambles/previous posts bc I don’t have the energy or memory to rewrite everything how I had it before.. but ive kept u waiting long enough so. Yeah. Sorry.
Also if I sound salty at all its not anything directed at you im just pissed at myself for writing like >3k words all in tumblr like a fool and not backing it up then accidentally yanking on my computer cord like RIGHT as I was going to post it. But I promise im actually very happy getting asks like these even if it takes me a long time to respond ;_;
So anyway basically the tldr version is that I have ocd and I love rubbing my terrible little projection paws all over my favorite characters, but also I do genuinely think that what we are shown of hua chengs personality and actions does naturally lead to the headcanon that he has ocd (and ocpd), kind of like how it seems very clear to me that wwx has adhd and lwj is autistic.
Longer version under cut bc. Well. Sorry in advance lol
So. To start off. my ocd got suuuuuper bad in my second year of college, like to the point where my parents and psychologist was considering putting me in a hospital, so i know how awful ocd can get. and because of that ive always been kinda annoyed that all the ocd """""rep""""" in media is just comedic relief kinda stereotypical clean-freak perfectionist haha look at this weirdo sort of thing. like I was barely functional I couldn’t do basic tasks the majority of the time. ironically, my room was extremely dirty and messy despite my main obsession being about contamination. so yeah not all ocd manifests as the spotless perfect room perfect closet perfect desk or whatever the fuck. sometimes its the opposite. I also got put on academic probation bc I failed all but one of my classes (the one I passed was an art class. Lowkey think that class was the only thing keeping me out of a psych ward that quarter. lol. But anyway. That’s a different conversation) BUT ANYWAY it was all around Awful. Like idk it makes me feel kind of stupid for being such a mess before my medications when everyone just sees ocd as a joke or something. like for example, i loove death the kid soul eater, and hes a good character to make fun of urself after you’ve been medicated for ocd, but i wouldnt exactly call him good rep lmao. But after that relapse episode, I kind of really really really desperately needed a character/story to relate to about it but yippee! there are approximately zero (0) canon ocd characters that aren’t comedic relief! but anyway, i know hua cheng isnt canonically ocd but i was actually able to project on him alot from what we got of his personality (and i do gotta say, sorry but despite my attachment to him i dont actually think hes written all that well, but thats another rant), and its part of the reason why i love him so much bc hes like, definitely my biggest projecttion in this regard. so anyway
i mean theres no argument that his personality and actions are very. obsessive, and rather unhealthy to a degree, especially when he was younger, not so much as he matured over literally 800 years lol but he still has some hella issues. so like, [gestures to all of him] with how he chose xie lian as. HIS PERSON, and proceeded to revolve his entire personality and life around him is obvi v obsessive, i think its very obsessive compulsive personality disorder, which is slightly different than just ocd, one difference being (besides ocd being an anxiety disorder and ocpd being a personality disorder.) in that with ocpd, you dont really think theres anything wrong with how obsessive or compulsive you are, while with ocd it causes a lot of distress. (i havent been formally diagnosed with ocpd, but i do think i definitely at the very least have tendencies in that direction too. Like with certain things i know what im doing/thinking is irrational and it upsets me, but with others im just like. why cant other people see this the way i do? why cant they just understand why this is important? like I just get so! Angry! all the time! with people or in general when things aren’t how I want them to be. I get so judgemental even when other people cant possibly know how specific my standards are like I know its bad and I know it makes me act like a bitch and im sorry) anyway……….. sorry about the tangent but back to hua cheng. he is never distressed by how much he fixates on xie lian, the only thing that distresses him is his own percieved shortcomings with how he cannot serve xie lian the way he wants to. im not sure im explaining this well but i do definitely think hua cheng has ocpd as well. his fixation on xie lian actively prevents him forming meaningful relationships with other people, and even causes a lot of antagonism between him and others (especially fxmq). he just doesnt think anyone else is worthy of his attention. which is obviously, very unhealthy and kind of sad. (i do like to think he grows out of this a bit like with yin yu and he xuan, even if he doesnt want to admit it. AND YUSHI HUANG, bc i am also a ysh/hc brotp propaganda machine as well, and well because she was the only one that was willing to help xie lian during the war too. gay lesbian solidarity mwah <3)
so this ocpd thing.. i believe it extends to things like how the temple in ghost city, or paradise manor, is set up, he'd be classic perfectionist for the layout of it all, probably gave yin yu a lot of grief over it every single time he changed his mind and decided to burn it to the ground or redecorate it because it didnt seem good enough anymore for the hypothetical day when he can bring xie lian there. i dont like to think hua cheng treated yin yu badly on purpose, i dont like thinking hes cruel to him for the sake of being cruel like ive seen some people imply or outright suggest, i mean yin yu is obviously overworked but i think part of that is just hua cheng is so perfectionist about certain things (how the temples and manors look, how theyre run, anything that can be used for or by xie lian in the future) and he just doesnt see that its become a large burden on yin yu because he thinks this kind of stuff is just the rational thing to do, and that everyone should put as much thought into these things as he does. and if he doesnt feel like he can get things to be set up the way he wants it to be it becomes. catastrophic lol
so thats more of the pure ocpd side, though there is a lot of overlap between ocpd and ocd obvi
one thing about ocd is like. its all about wanting to be in control of every tiny part of your life. like for me when certain things are out of my control it freaks me out so much that it basically disables me. Its why I hate planes so much despite cars being statistically much more dangerous. Because if something happens in a car I at least have some semblance of control over how I can escape the situation. In a plane youre just. Fucked. (sorry to all pilots its nothing personal I think youre braver than I will ever be but its basically impossible for me to trust you (and the engineers and inspectors) with my life like that) anyway, i despise ambiguity of any kind and i hate not knowing things or having concrete answers to any questions or worries i have. like. i couldnt decide on a hypothetical grad school because i was weighing the possibilities down to like, ridiculous perceived probability percentages of how likely a natural disaster were to occur in the area, and how dangerous said natural disasters could be, etc. (well. i didnt have to worry about any of that in the end bc i got rejected from literally every school i applied to LMAO RIP but anyway.) so you get the gist. its all just very irrational, and time consuming, and ridiculous to try to gain control of every single possible path your life can take. AND I HATE IT. that was kinda yet another tangent but, to apply this concept to hua cheng. one thing that i find super funny about him is how he always has his nose in everyones personal business like hes such a fucking gossip girl its hilarious. like jokes aside its obvi helpful as a ghost king to know whats going on in the 3 realms, but i think he takes his info gathering up to 11 like he definitely has these control issues about having to know about everything thats going on at all times, having to be on top of everyones business so he cant be caught off guard by anything. over those 800 years of sending his butterflies out recording things he was primarily looking for xie lian, but hes also just kind of. snooping. lmfao. Because If He Doesnt Know Whats Going On Everywhere He Will Die. (again)
and well. with his butterflies to help him, it does work, i mean. hes always on top of things hes always got a plan, hes always the one that people are going to in the book if theyre in trouble. He seems so put together but the things he cant get information on completely eat him alive sometimes. cant let others know that tho, bc hes Cool(TM), hes Chill(TM). cant let anyone know there are things that, god forbid, hes IGNORANT of. embarrassing. tch.
his hoarding im a little ? about because i dont exactly remember the details of it but i do know he has a ridiculous amount of like trinkets and weapons and magical items and stuff in paradise manor, but i also know he doesnt really care if they get destroyed or not, which is kind of strange but i do what i want and im making him a hoarder bc im somewhat of a hoarder and i love projecting. though now that i think about it. like if i have a big pile of something that i dont want to get rid of, but someone else does it for me without asking or something happens to it like yeah i get angry but sometimes i also just get kind of relieved……….. idk.
so now about intrusive thoughts, i bet he has suuper disturbing ones. Like we  know how he was debating slaughtering those humans on mt tonglu but ended up not because xie lian would have saved them. obviously that was already a stressful unusual situation but like i dont think that kind of thing gets any better even when hes just like. chilling. he gets visions of himself burning ghost city to the ground or attacking humans or destroying his own ashes or otherwise causing harm to others, like yin yu. like he pretends he doesnt care about yin yu and he xuan and stuff but i do think hes fond of them, but he tries to keep his distance because 1) hes dumb and 2) he gets really freaked out by these violent thoughts he has about them. the worst is, when he finally meets xie lian again he gets these thoughts about him too and it takes literally everything he has not to like. throw himself into a volcano, or something.
and its already been established his self image isnt. great. which is a kind way of saying it. he thinks hes worthless and ugly, esp if he does even the slightest thing wrong. I mean I definitely think hes better by the current timeline of the book, but it still reads as a kind of precarious thing to me? Like he wants to be a companion to xie lian instead of just a servant like wu ming, but even after 800 years he still feels this inferiority and disregard for himself u know? If im explaining in an okay way? and body dysmorphia is also something that can be ocd related. OH and i forgot to say this before but ocd/ocpd can also sometimes be a way that ptsd can manifest and id definitely say with all that he was said to have gone through as a child he has ptsd, leading to, well, exacerbated ocd symptoms, among other things. his body dysmorphia is obviously something he internalized (for 800 years!!!) from when he was a child, and i can imagine him absolutely agonizing for centuries over his san lang form, because it was supposed to be his most perfect form, he needed to make it perfect, and he never felt like he could
similarly, for the cleanliness side of ocd that i feel is kind of stereotypical? at least how its portrayed in most media, hua cheng has been show a couple times not wanting to get things (or xie lian) dirty. he was very poor and dirty as a child so now he has the connection of being dirty = being miserable, and this is taken to the extreme when he becomes a supreme bc now hes rich and able to be clean and any dirt or blood on him or something/someone he cares about (’cant let you down the ground is dirty’; shielding the flower, etc) is like. an attack on this power he has now ? iykwim
anyway sorry this is long and rambly. if you actually read it all… respect……. Also ignore those parts where I might get a little too personal :^) like idk if it is but I feel like I might regret some of this in the morning. honks. Anywayyyy as you can see im completely normal about hua cheng im saaaaaauuuuur normal and well adjusted and I just think hes neat oky byeee jumps out my window
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calorieshater · 2 months
Guys im back!!
I have a lot to talk about and im sure probably no one is gonna read all this stuff but i like to write it here so i can come back and read it for myself
A year ago i started college and i met some great friends that really made me forget about my weight and about my problems and i also dropped out of my sport for the semester to try to focus on school, so obviously i gained a lot of weight, i didnt notice it until the end of the semester when we made a christmas party and they took some photos of me and i couldnt believe it, so then holiday break started and i weighted myself, 89kg. The last time before that that i weighted myself i was 74, so you can imagine how horribly stupid, ugly and obese i felt, i have an anxiety disorder and struggle a lot with it, my medications help but not a lot and i tend to binge a lot due to the anxiety so as you can imagine i couldnt lose nothing over holidays but when this semester started i got into my sport again and i had to weight myself for it, 88kg. I almost lost it there. Then i started to go to the practices but still couldnt help but binge everytime so i dont really think I lost more than 2kg (im not sure i was so scared to weight myself so i didnt) anyways!! 3 weeks ago i went yo a new psychiatrist and he gave me some new medicine for my anxiety and guys, that medicine makes me forget about food almost always + the fact that im at school almost from 8am to 8pm and that makes it easier to not eat because i cant binge, in this 3 weeks i weighted myself and now im 79kg again, and im sure i could have lost more but this week was exam week and my anxiety levels were too high and i was at home most of the week so i binged a few times, but imagine how much im gonna loose now that I get back to being 8am to 8pm at school + practices, i think this medicine has helped me a lot to relapse i really feel like in my honeymoon fase again and im so happy
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strwbrryeyes · 5 months
𖦹°。⋆ broken mugs and new beginnings
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⟡ featuring: osamu
⟡ cw: reader is stressed, dramatic, like really dramatic, idk man i just miss my mug
⟡ a/n: the smallest of drabbles because i broke my mug today and it was my breaking point </3 so yes this is self indulging leave me alone. i also just felt like posting today even if it isn't either of the series im supposed to be working on (i swear im working on them)
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"babe, can you please go wash your mug?" your boyfriend, osamu asks you referring to the pink mug that was sitting on the counter next to your sink. it had been there for a few days after you drank hot chocolate. the reason you hadn't washed it properly yet was because you let it sit overnight after you finished drinking it and the leftover residue had harden leaving you to let soapy water soak in it. the problem was...it's now been 'soaking' for three days. it's not like you've been lazy, you've just been busy and had a stressful week so lately you've just been moping around. osamu knew this but he thought that you getting up and doing something somewhat productive may pull you out of this funk. he would soo find out that he was so wrong.
"ahhh...fine..." you groan as you get up from the couch. it was only one mug and you knew osamu was only trying to help you, you knew he was worried about you so you just agreed and walked over to the sink where he was standing holding the mug filled with water. you take the mug from him and he gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"thank you, my love" he then gives you a small peck "you got this, i believe in you!" osamu exclaims giving you a pat on the shoulder before walking back to the living room.
after a few seconds of standing doing nothing, you sigh and finally pour out the three day old soaking water and beginning to properly wash it.
'this is actually easy' you think to yourself slightly smiling as you admire the now clean cup. it's a small achievement but after the week you've just had, you felt like things were finally starting to pick up!
being proud of this little feat, you set it down quickly before you rush over to osamu to come drag him back into the kitchen.
"baby! come look! it's all clean!" you excitedly say as you pull him by the sleeve of his hoodie.
"really? that's so good! i'm so proud of you." osamu praises you as he looks at the freshly clean pink mug that you had picked up to show him in a fancy manner.
"thank you! you know," you start out as you turn around to open the cabinet where you would put the mug "this is what i needed. me cleaning this cup is just the start of thing starting to lo-" you're cut off by a cracking and crashing noise.
you slowly turn around to face osamu, whose face is in shock, eyes wide opened and everything, then look back to your hand- your now, empty, hand, and finally your eyes land on the ground only to see the pink fragments of ceramic shattered all over the ground. the mug had slipped out of your hand.
"baby-" osamu walks closer to you to try and calm you down but before he could reach you, you fell to your knees and buried your face in your hands.
"my whole day is ruined, samu." you sob out, all the stress form the past week finally floods out of your system, the breaking of your favorite mug being the thing to finally break you.
"no no no," osamu squats down in front of you, using his finger to lift your chin up "your day is not going to be ruined because of some stupid mug." he tries his best to reassure you but the words 'stupid mug' only trigger more sobs from you.
"i've had that mug since freshman year of college though!" you cry out clinging onto his chest.
osamu lets out a sigh. he knows how much you loved this mug and how long you've had it but he was still determined to make you feel better somehow. "okay, look, listen to me, yn" he says and a soft but stern tone causing you to whip your head up at him again. "i know you loved that mug, but look at it this way." he stands up and goes to get a broom from across the kitchen.
"not everything was meant to last forever, right?" he asks when he comes back to where you were sitting, next to the broken mug. you nod in response as you scooch over to give him room to sweep.
"exactly. so that means, this mug, was not meant to last forever. just like this awful week is not going to last forever." osamu says as he goes over to the trash bin. "so what we're going to do here is throw away the broken pieces of this mug, and buy you a new one." he dumps out the broken pieces.
he walks back over to you and your tear stained face and sits next to you "and then, we're going to take the rest of today, and forget about this last week, and look forward to the new week ahead of us." osamu says as he turns your face to look at him so he can brush your hair away from your face "sound like a plan?" he asks looking at you with love and care.
"sounds like a plan..." you respond quietly, crawling into his lap. you didn't care that you were on the kitchen floor. it didn't matter that it was cold or dirty from the cooking osamu had just done moments prior to the mug incident. all that mattered was that you had a loving boyfriend who could talk you down in any situation, who is always patient with you, and always looks for the good in every bad situation and you wouldn't have it any other way.
so instead of dwelling on the loss of your mug and all the hardships you've been through this week, you follow through with the plan of getting a new mug, and go into the next week optimistic and excited because you knew that this week was going to be so much better than the last and that osamu will do anything to make sure that happens.
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