#also i’m anxious for some reason. eh. well whatever
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geminison · 9 months ago
hiiiiii i’m alive! long time no see, i’ve been really quiet these past two months huh
been feeling unwell, quit the job and then wallowed in self pity (at least not for six months, ha). watched fallout (liked it), played fallout (didn’t like it), started playing felvidek (it’s a bit of “if harry du bois was an alcoholic knight in medieval slovakia”, liking it so far). been drawing but not a lot
still got some stuff i want to show, so i’m gonna post it now and go back to eating birthday cake, hehehe
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kneelingshadowsalome · 1 year ago
Hello! I’ve been back and forth on writing you this bc I’m nervous but eh fuck it, I have no shame. So first off, I just want to say that you, Salome, are an absolutely stunning and brilliant writer. As someone who majored in classical studies in college, I was completely blown away by Fatum Nos Iungebit. The world you built was so deeply immersive and characterization of König, in that story as well as your other headcanons, is perfect. For the past week or so, I’m going to be honest, I’ve been going through your blog because I’ve been so hungry for more and the only reason I haven’t interacted more is that 1. I don’t wanna feel like a creep and 2. I was so scared of you blocking me for ‘’spam-liking” or whatever. I can assure you that I am a real person and I’ve been enjoying everything I’ve seen. I came across one concept however, that definitely got my neurons firing and that’s the idea of belly dancer reader x könig and I have some thoughts I wanted to share with you if that’s okay. :)
So I’ve been a belly dancer for almost a decade (I actually celebrate my ten year anniversary next year!). I was part of a belly dance performance troupe at my old university and I currently dance with a studio in my new city. It’s genuinely one of the great passions of my life. I’ve performed at all kinds of venues and for all different occasions from festivals to galas to charity events to hookah bars, so I definitely have some performing experience under my belt, well as what audiences are like. So when I saw the idea of König being mesmerized by a dancer at a wedding, I went !!!
I want to add the caveat that this is based on my experience as a dancer living in the US, and while I’ve performed for SWANA audiences (which is always an amazing experience 🥰) and non-SWANA audiences, I can’t speak for what it’s like in other countries. So, in my ✨personal✨ experience as a belly dancer going on a decade, it’s pretty rare that men will approach dancers during or after a performance—especially to actively hit on her. And believe it or not, it’s because many of them are actually intimidated! I have seen the most seemingly cockiest, proudest men just stare blankly and stand back while we do our thing. If anything, it’s usually women who approach us, gushing about our performances or asking where they can take classes and stuff. Women tend to be the first ones to get up and dance with us, shower us with tips, etc. (again, very much my personal experience as someone living in the US). When it comes to more family-friendly events like weddings and stuff, we also get a lot of kids approaching and that’s always so adorable and sweet—especially when the little babies think we’re princesses. 😭
So back to König, especially Y!König. 😈 he’s at the wedding. He’s mopey. He’s picking at his plate of chicken and rice. He’s happy for his friend and his bride, but a little bitter and jealous that he’ll never get to be that happy. Then, a mejance (essentially an entrance/overture piece of music) swells over the speakers and out comes the dancer, adorned in an Irina Sheyner number (she’s an absolutely STUNNING costume designer, plsplsplsPLS look her up 😭), veil flying behind her. She does her mejance, a drum solo, and at some point…she does a sword number. The level of control she has to be able to balance the sword on her head in impressive, but König can’t help but imagine what it would be like for to dance wielding his knives in hand. Finally, dancer opens up the floor and in typical faction brings out the bride and groom to dance with her, and then most of the other guests follow. Not König though. He hangs back and watches as this beautiful dancer holds the guests in the palm of her hand. Gone is the cocky, brutal soldier, and only the shy, anxious boy remains, the one who would always be left out of games at recess and who wasn’t invited to birthday parties. König has never been the dancing type, but he can’t even bring himself to offer her a few of the banknotes or dollars or whatever currency he’s using. He just stares, and she’s completely oblivious.
A while later, he’s getting ready to leave, when he spots Dancer. Her makeup and hair still done up, but she’s now fully cloaked and awkwardly lugging her suitcase and bags full of props and other equipment across the poorly paved parking lot. König zeroes in on her and before he knows it, he’s approaching her, asking her if she needs help carrying her stuff. Dancer, surprised but this gigantic man suddenly appearing before her, flashes a winning smile at him and says he can. König easily lugs the stuff to Dancer’s car. She thanks him profusely and just like that, she drives away.
It’s only a few hours later that the obsession starts to creep in. König, who’s ordinarily not a big social media user, is now checking the feeds and stories of his friends who attended the wedding. Finally, he comes across one friend who posted a video of themself with the dancer and tagged her Instagram. König can’t click on it fast enough and suddenly, he’s greeted by dozens of images and photos of Dancer. Some are adorably mundane. He finds out that Dancer teaches classes at a studio nearby, and some of the videos consist of dancer teaching basic moves to the camera. There are other videos of her at the local hookah bar, where she performs on a regular basis. König sees one particularly video of Dancer doing a piece of floor work, that same sword balanced proudly on her head as she’s propped back on her arms, her gorgeous hips undulating toward the sky. König feels a dark wave of heat wash over him. He jokingly thinks to himself that maybe he should take up hookah. But one thing is for certain, she’s going to be his one day. He’ll just have to be sneaky about it, subtle.
He clicks the follow button on Dancer’s instagram. She has a few thousand followers. Surely she can’t notice one faceless profile, right? 😈😈😈😈😈😈
Anyway, that’s all I have for now. I know you’re taking a break from fics but if you see this I want you to know you’re an amazing writer. Lots of love! 💖💖💖💖
Ughhh and another lovely soul 😭💗 I don't know what's going on in here this week but both you and anon have really made my heart swell!
And please please please, spam liking is never frowned upon here (I don't know why anyone would block someone who's clearly not a bot for loving your stuff?!) It's such a delight if I see that someone has liked a ton of things instead of just one. It's the highest compliment and praise! ❤️🥺
And your bellydancer prompt/drabble is so mouthwatering, god. If I'm being honest, I'd read whatever you wrote for this thing in a hot minute because you have the skill and you've done the research (an actual bellydancer in my inbox?! Ok Salome try not to be a creep) and the premise is just. GAH. So good, especially with yandere König! ❤️❤️❤️
I have to reveal I wrote like 8 chapters of a story relatively close to this in the fall: Stalker!König obsessing about reader, invading her DMs on Instagram and literally stalking her. She's not a bellydancer, but damn if I didn't think about changing her into one... :) The story is on hold for now, but here is a little snippet as a thank you gift!
CW: Yandere/Stalker!König, harassing, obsessive behavior
I’m sorry, Liebling. You were too beautiful yesterday. I got carried away.
You wake up just to see that your phone is full of messages. From him, of course. He’s created another account on Instagram.
I’m just a man.
You ignore it altogether, even if there’s messages and emails from other people too. You simply go to brush your teeth, hearing how the phone buzzes on your desk.
I know it was disrespectful. I could never call my wife that. Will you forgive me?
You sigh and finish with your morning routine, but the phone buzzes again.
I sent you flowers. Did you get them?
It’s like he knows when you’re awake, because you can see the messages from your screen without having to unlock it. Even if he refreshed your conversation every minute, every second, he can’t possibly see that you’ve seen them yet.
It bugs you to no end, this feeling that he somehow knows that you’re awake. It’s like he knows your every move. It’s the most unnerving thing, and makes you think about horrible scenarios where he has broken into your house while you’re at work, to install cameras or microphones or something. You feel like you’re about to go mad if this nightmare goes on.
You go to the front door, but hesitate a while before you turn the knob.
What if it’s a trap?
What if he wants to kill you because you yelled at him last night at the pub...? What if there’s a bomb or something that goes off when you open the door, what if he aims at you with a gun from across the street and kills you on your doorstep this morning?
Just what the actual fuck does this guy even want with you...
You sigh with a broken heart and some broken nerves, deciding it’s as good a way to go as any. You turn the knob and open the door, only to find the usual porch, and a large bouquet of dark red roses planted there.
More ice sinks into your stomach as you witness the evidence of him knowing where you live. But the fact that he chose to send red roses… Ugh, this guy is so old-fashioned and so unimpressive that it’s somewhat a dull surprise to actually see flowers on that porch.
Who buys red roses these days?
Couldn’t he have picked peonies or something, something to go with your other decor… Red roses are so eighties, so funeral-like, so boring.
You sigh and go and take the flowers to the trash. Then you walk back to your house, make sure the door is locked tight, and go back to your phone to type a message.
Did you see that?
The answer arrives immediately.
What? ❤️
I threw your flowers in the trash.
There’s bit of a pause after that. Your wannabe boyfriend clearly hasn’t got his eye on you at every given moment. That’s a bit of a surprise, almost a disappointment, actually. But only if you were any more crazy.
The reply comes after about 30 seconds, after a series of Typing… bumping up and down on the screen.
I’m sad.
You get some satisfaction from that, but the first reaction is a tiny, tiny dagger to the heart. You sigh – you do nothing but sigh these days – not only because of his message, but also because you can’t seriously be having a moment of compassion for your stalker, for god's sake.
You make me sad, Liebling 💔 Are you still angry with me?
You throw the phone away and go to make yourself some breakfast, only to stop and turn when you hear the phone buzz again.
I’ll send you more flowers.
You unlock the screen in a frenzy and type a reply in mere seconds.
Don’t bother. I’ll throw them in the bin too.
You have to keep them at some point. Trash bins get full so soon.
You throw the phone away for good this time, and don’t come back to it for another hour. You eat your breakfast with squirming insides and a rattled heart, waiting for someone to come bring you flowers at any given moment.
But no one ever comes.
You check your phone before going to work, but there’s nothing from him there. You go and block his new profile, unsurprised to see that there are no pictures this time, not even a profile picture (well, there is one, but it’s only a black circle), just in case. You don’t know why you didn’t block him in the first place.
There’s a radio silence for a few days. You spend them at the edge of your seat, with lots of trouble sleeping, but soon start to ease into the fact that maybe he finally had enough. Maybe you were not as interesting or attractive as he thought when he met you in person…
Wait, what?
Gosh, you can’t be this desperate... You simply can’t. This has to end.
You don’t talk about him in therapy, mainly to convince yourself that you’re not thinking about him at all. You’re not missing him harassing and stalking you, and you’re not disappointed that he didn’t send you enough flowers to fill your entire bin.
You know you should address this: this crazy need to be something groundbreaking to someone. To want someone to be this obsessed with you, no matter how sick that someone was. You know you would have gone to the police if your stalker was the sleazy, weak-wristed man from the pub. You would’ve packed your bags and moved houses already, changed your name and closed your social media accounts, quit everything if your stalker was small and ugly and weak.
But now that you know he’s relatively good-looking, does something dangerous and has a lot of money, and looks like he could fuck and fight half the city by himself, you’re not in that much of a hurry to go to the authorities.
You’re even a bit sad that your stalker hasn’t given you any fevered attention these past few days... He hasn’t even asked you how you’ve been.
No one has asked you how you’ve been: no one ever does. You have to wade through this life all by yourself: depressed and anxious and crazy. Lonely… And horny.
Gods, you just want someone to hold you at night… Someone strong, and big, someone who would pay a few bills for you, take care of you and give you a round of good sex…
Your phone buzzes from time to time, but there’s no message from him. One night before going to sleep, relatively early, so early that it could be called the bedtime for old spinsters, you break down and cry a little. It’s not a wail: only a soft little sob, a few sniffles and a couple of tears until your nose gets clogged and the pillow is wet.
Your phone buzzes, and you reach for it, feeling so, so pathetic when you hope it would be him.
And the message is from him.
You’re the most beautiful woman on this earth. I know I fucked up. I’m just a horny dog and I don’t deserve you.
You sniffle and rise to sit, your whole system fully awake now. Oh god... You’re so fucked.
The message makes you feel incredibly good and sweet, almost giddy. It feels like he’s kneeled right there in front of you, like a knight who has misbehaved in the throes of his lust. You know it’s ridiculous, but you start to smile a little, and the tears dry on their own. The merry feeling is followed by righteous rage, a little fit, because he’s made you wait for days, he’s tortured you in every way possible, and he does absolutely nothing right.
You unlock the screen and start to type, not thinking it through at all before hitting send.
That’s right.
Fuck… Shit. That was a mistake. No, a huge error.
Why did you have to send that? Stooping to his level, sending stupid things like that…
You put the phone away quickly, then reach for it again to delete what you just send. But it’s too late.
I can be a good dog if you forgive me.
The message is waiting for you already, and when you don’t reply, the oppressive, ominous Typing… hits on the screen once more. God, how could you be so stupid…
I’ll kill anyone you need me to kill. I'll give you money, whatever you need. A new kitchen so you can cook me something nice? I’ll be a good dog, I promise.
What did you even expect?
Everything always blows up when you give him attention: any dumb person knows better than to give this hungry dog a bone. You’re just too fond of digging your own grave, it seems.
There’s no end to the messages: this guy starts typing a new one every time he has sent the last.
I’ll fuck you like a good dog too….
You lean your forehead to your palm, trying to figure out a way to stop this.
And then–
Fuck, now I’m hard
You take a quick breath of air and put the phone away.
Please don’t send a dick pic, please don’t send a dick pic…
The phone buzzes.
Look how hard you make me
There’s a picture attached, but you can’t see it when the screen is locked.
This is what I have to live with, day and night…
Message after message, your phone buzzes, and you check them quickly from your screen, swearing to yourself that you’re not going to give him the satisfaction of opening the conversation and checking the image he sent you. You know perfectly well what you will find if you do that.
But after only a minute or two, you unlock the phone, and open the conversation with your heart ramming in your chest.
Just one quick look...
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alangdorf · 1 year ago
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Welp, the ref lineup still isn’t done cause I haven’t drawn Shion yet, and the belated valentines I’ve been working on are gonna be like at least a month late cause I just planned three more, but what I did do these past couple weeks is start writing a fanfic and then immediately abandon it to go draw a bunch of only tangentially-related suzutsubas (except for that first pic; that’s a scene from it, albeit one I haven’t written yet), only half of which are fit for public posting (one of ‘em I could make a few edits and feel ok about posting sometime; it’s not that out there, it’s just, y’know. Hamal Cine Bad End Hyperbolic Torture Chamber. I’m usually very “whatever happens happens” about my art but if I don’t show some restraint I know I’ll end up stuck in there forever), but hey, since I’ve been teasing them for ages and finally have some finished stuff with them, take a couple Suzumii! Also gonna ramble abt headcanons under the cut (and it will be LONG)
To begin, a note abt my Len’en gender/pronoun headcanons: as a they/them preferrer myself, I’m thrilled that most people just stick with those for everyone, but I’ve developed some more detailed headcanons as I go through working on designs and I’ll generally be using those. Don’t worry though, most of them are still nonbinary and basically all of them are trans/gq. Relevant ones for this post are Tsubakura: they/them nonbinary (transmasc to some degree) and Suzumi: cis female, question mark?? (to be elaborated on); for clarity’s sake I usually use she/her for Arde and Hamal Cine individually and plural they for the system collectively (also I don’t usually use their nicknames, dunno why), but singular they for Benet (the wiki says Benny is probably short for Benetnasch so I’m assuming that’s their actual name) for reasons which will also be elaborated on (sort of).
Aaalso this clearly isn’t autobiographical or anything but I think I’m subconsciously putting a lot of myself into Suzumi because 1) we do look pretty similar (brown wavy bob + blue eyes) and 2) given their current status as both the main antagonist and the most well-known plural Len’en character (I get the impression that Hooaka also being plural isn’t super common knowledge; I mean it took me several read-throughs of their wiki page and their dialogue with BPoHC Secret Team to get what they were getting at lol) I am probably way too anxious about doing a bad stereotype. Just an observation and also probably partially why I’ve even ended up with so much headcanon for them in the first place
And before I get into the thick of it, notes on derivations from canon: I’m running with the assumption that Suzumi being a system is a relatively recent development tied to whatever incident it was that caused the falling-out, since Tsubakura is like the only person who seems at all familiar with Hamal (including Mitori/Chouki/Fumikado, but they’re more easily explained away as just having met with one of the other alters the few times they’ve interacted) even though she’s supposedly usually the one fronting. They don’t seem to know the mechanics of it though, judging by their confusion when Arde implied that she and Hamal are different people. So basically, I’ll be referring to pre-incident Suzumi as a different character from any of the other three. (Ngl I am very influenced by Dissociation Constant on that and just in general [when will my wife The One and Only Suzutsuba Fic return from the war…..]) I was also debating whether to have Suzumi have any history with the gang before starting to work at the lab/whether stuff would happen around high school or college age, cause they keep referring to everything happening “a long time ago” and I know I, a 24-year-old, feel like stuff that happened five years ago was like yesterday, but I do have the pandemic and not really doing much of anything for most of that time to reckon with so like, eh. College age makes more sense in my head and so does the dynamic of like, Suzumi was only introduced into the friend group (she was acquainted w Hoojiro and Yabu already though bc lab) because she was dating Tsubakura and since that ended, and badly (understatement of the century), they have extremely little reason to be civil with each other and also interacting at all is really awkward.
Ok now on with it! Either end of high school or beginning of college, Suzumi ends up interning at Tsubakura’s lab for college credit (Tsuba’s already practically a department head despite being like 17 or something because. Idk. Who even knows what’s up with them) and she’s like. Only wears t-shirts and jeans (bought a bunch of khakis for this job though), [reading] glasses from the men’s section, hates leaving her hair down (it’s lab safety anyways). Repressed queer in denial, you know the type. Starts interacting a lot with Mx. Tsubakura “wears short shorts that everybody thinks are actually a skirt and also uses ore and omae almost exclusively” Enraku who seems to have everything all figured out and is immediately starstruck (GIRL WHY?? they are such a mess). Lots of “do I want to date them or do I want to be them” confusion (this will be relevant later); eventually evolves into the “am I trans or just a lesbian” question (not that they would need to be attracted to women to be into Tsubakura but you get the picture), which never quite gets answered.
In any case, they do eventually start dating (Tsubakura thinks she’s cute and smart so they reciprocate), and they’re not like super great together cause Tsubakura is emotionally constipated at the best of times (Suzumi’s into that though) and neither of them are the most mentally/emotionally healthy people even back then and also Tsubakura is more or less Suzumi’s boss which is weird, but they’re kind of ok??? Tsubakura’s mom dies at some point, also they move in together (college housing is expensive), the rest of the crew at the very least tolerate Suzumi, etcetera.
And then…! [insert catastrophic event here]!! I don’t have a shot to call on this yet cause I have no idea what it could’ve been (and I’m sure it’ll get revealed at some point anyways); I’m just banking on it being something extremely not mundane and something where you could reasonably set the blame on either (or neither) party cause they sure both seem convinced the other is way worse, huh! In Tsubakura’s case at least, blaming Suzumi is partially a defense mechanism so their self-loathing doesn’t get the better of them over it (guess what the fic was supposed to be about, lol).
The worst part of all this business though is that they DON’T break up over it immediately and it just makes everything orders of magnitude worse for everyone involved. Tsubakura and Arde have hate sex MORE THAN ONCE………… they would both really rather forget about it. Hamal thinks it’s hilarious, ofc, but the less said about her, the better. And Benet… exists??? The only idea that I’m running off of for them atm is the observation that I think they’re the only character with flat black eyes other than Tsubakura/Tsurubami and the subsequent idle thought, “hey if someone malded so hard about a breakup that they ended up with an introject of their ex would that be messed up or what?” So make of that what you will. (Oh and it may have been obvious that this is what I was going for but Hamal is femme and Arde is butch and they’re constantly squabbling abt aesthetic presentation. Having Arde be straight-up male would’ve been too straightforward of an interpretation and I think it’s funnier this way)
The canonically mentioned murder attempts start taking place and I’m leaning towards Tsubakura eventually being convinced to move out even though it was originally their apartment, albeit mostly just because the wikipedia page for house sparrows mentions that they’re known to take over swallows’ nests, usually after they’ve been abandoned, but they will sometimes drive away or kill the current occupants, and that was a very fun fact to come across when specifically doing research for Len’en but idk how else to incorporate it lol. And so on and so forth up until the present time.
Uhhh is that all I have atm? I think so! Anyway, I think I finally shook out all my suzutsuba doodles (and rambling, though I do still have that fic to work on. idk whether I’ll be able to finish it though; I started strong with an extended metaphor in the middle but Iiiii’m not sure if I can successfully write my way up to it while making it make sense. Also I may draw pretty slow but I write even slower!! Eh I’m sure I’ll post some of it sometime) for the time being so I should theoretically be able to finish up my bigger projects now. Maybe I’ll have the valentines ready in time for white day? We’ll see!
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delu-jean · 4 years ago
𝐈𝐬 𝐇𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞? (𝐏𝐭 𝟐)
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(Akaashi x fem!/reader) -> Angst/Fluff? -> 3.2k 
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Synopsis: Akaashi is strolling through Tokyo, and on that day, meets a boy who looks all too familiar. One whose eyes remind him of you. 
Part One: Is He Mine? 
Part Three: Is Her Mine? (Part. 3) 
Notes: Part two as promised! Maybe I’ll make a part three (haha >:)). Be sure to comment if you would liked to be tagged for the next part, and reblogs are always appreciated. 
-> Also, for those tagged in this post, I’ll tag you in the next as well ^^ 
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“Y/n...please tell me.” 
“T-tell you what?” you asked nervously, as he felt just the same. Inhaling his breath, hoping he could keep calm. 
“Is...is he mine?” 
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“Is he who’s?” 
“Mine Y/n...is he mine?” 
You stared at the gentleman. Though his question was reasonable (?), that was the first thing he was going to ask you?...after all of those years?...years of torment, resentment, and whatever else. Maybe you were overreacting, but yet again, you were a woman who stood by her morals. And that being the case, your instincts had said your reaction was as reasonable as his question. 
Some part of you wanted to snap. To holler at Akaashi for asking such a ridiculous question, yet the other part...was scared. You felt anxious when thinking of a proper answer. Was Ryu his?.... If taken out of context, he could’ve been asking if Ryu belonged to him, and of course he didn’t. Ryu wasn’t an object that could be owned by merely anyone. He was his own person, and that being the case, wasn’t something that could’ve been held down. Yet even though you could’ve interpreted it that way, you knew what Akaashi really meant. Yet you didn’t exactly have an answer. 
Akaashi seemed suspicious. He could tell you were hiding something, and even though very obvious, he didn’t want to assume. Hoping that you would confirm things so that you both could talk it out. Yet here you were, not giving him a response. He was confused to say the least, shouldn’t the answer have been easy? Ryu looked exactly like him, and plus, him not having a father was another takeaway. Using those facts should’ve given him enough confirmation. 
But then again, maybe the answer wasn’t as easy as it should’ve been. What if Ryu wasn’t his?...what if Akaashi had made an assumption out of impulse, because of a lingering feeling he had. One of which you sparked for him to feel. 
Maybe he was being delusional, and instead, was trying to make an excuse. An excuse to spend another minute, even a second with you there. Ryu was important to him as well. His or not, he respected that you had started a family, and was glad Ryu was a part of it. He adored Ryu, but he also admired you. Speaking of Ryu, the boy then clung onto you. He seemed confused about the interaction, and tried asking for clarification. 
“His? *GASP* Am I Akaashi’s brother!? Momma, you never told me!” he smiled happily, ecstatic at the news. 
“Eh-no dear, he’s not your brother,” you chuckled, for him to ask: 
“Then what did he mean? What did you mean, Akaashi?” you then stared at Akaashi. You knew he was smart enough to play things through, and even so, you still panicked the slightest bit. 
“I was wondering if you would be mine for the night, along with your mother. We could go grab dinner, or ice cream even,” you looked at him in shock as his eyes seemed determined. Needing an answer, and willing to get it in whatever scenario possible. 
“But what about Kuroo?” 
“Oh my, I forgot about that,” you then glanced at your watch. 
“Kuroo?...but how-oh….” Akaashi then thought about how you and Kuroo were very close friends. So close that sometimes, he would even find you hanging out with Kuroo, over himself. Though it wasn’t because you liked him (in that way), rather, you were both very good friends. Akaashi let it be since you both had mutual trust, and Kuroo was someone he was also friends with. Besides, Akaashi also respected your personal life with others, and so did you for him. 
They still talked till this day, and not once had Kuroo mentioned you having a child. But to be fair, Kuroo never mentioned you. That being because both you and Akaashi had broken up, and it would’ve been an uncomfortable topic. Still, Akaashi found it strange. If Kuroo knew, wouldn’t Bokuto have as well?...meaning that Akaashi would’ve known by now? His thoughts continued to trail as you looked at him in disbelief. 
You did have plans with Kuroo, but then, you also had a couple hours until he’d come around. Even so, you didn’t want to spend that time with Akaashi. He was one of the last people you needed to talk to. The grudge which still stood in your heart, clenched with each second he stood there. The anger which he had gifted you, was something that was eager to return. As you had thought this, you then stared at your son. He seemed thrilled to be with such a man, as he gripped onto Akaashi’s hand in excitement, saying: 
“Yay! We get to eat together!” 
“We’re going to have so much fun!” 
“Let’s try some bubble waffles!” 
You then remembered that even if you had felt that, your son instead felt joy being with Akaashi. And that being the case, you didn’t have the right to take that happiness away. After all, Ryu was not yours either. He wasn’t someone you could drag away from events, just because you had conflicts with a person. Though there were times where doing so was appropriate, was now really such an event?...not even you could answer that. But even though you couldn’t, his smile which brightened the mood, had answered for you. 
“Okay buddy, slow down. Fine, we can go with brother...Akaashi. We’ll meet Kuroo sometime later, just let me text him.” 
“Okay mom! Akaashi, Up!” you then eyed the boy, for him to insist regardless. 
“Please mom! He’s so tall, and I can see everything-” 
“Ryu no-”
“Sure, what not?” Akaashi then grabbed the boy, placed him on his shoulders, and secured his legs with his hands. You then sighed. If Akaashi had agreed, what could you do? You then texted Kuroo, grabbing your bag firmly as Akaashi spoke: 
“I know a place where we could grab ramen. If not, we could instead-”
“No, ramen is fine,” you said in a stoic tone. 
“Okay...then let’s get going.” 
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The walk to the outdoor stand was awkward. Well...for you and Akaashi at least. The last time you two spoke, was the day he broke things off. He never reached out to you during that time, and now...here you both were. Expected to have a lengthy conversation, and to enjoy yourselves. Key word, “expected.” Though it would’ve been nice if you both could have talked care free, it wasn’t going to happen. That event occurred when both parties have mutually moved on. From Akaashi’s perspective, he still had lingering thoughts, yet kept them to the side. Going on with his life as he expected you did yours. Though he thought you had moved on, you had thought differently for different reasons. 
Even though you both had your differences, Ryu was there. Entertaining the both of you separately. He complimented you one second, and played with Akaashi the next. You had never seen Akaashi so enthusiastic with a child before. Though he wasn’t going all crazy, and acting like a kid himself, he was being a lot more open. Talking back and forth with Ryu, giving nice remarks, and also rewarding him...with that beautiful smile he bestowed. 
Even so, you tried to ignore it. Remembering that this entire ordeal was for Ryu, and not for your observations. 
“We’re here. What do you want Ryu?” 
“Hm, could I get the one with Tonkatsu? I’ve been craving it all day!” 
“Haha, sure buddy. And...you, Y/n?” 
“I’m not hungry, you guys go ahead,” Akaashi then sighed, obviously not believing you. 
“We’ll get two Tonkatsu ramens, along with Fukuoka ramen.” 
“Sure, that’ll be $18.35 please.” 
“Um...I can pay for both Ryu and I,” you said, as you tried scrambling for your wallet. Akaashi then tapped the machine, placing his hand on your own (the hand in your purse). 
“It’s fine. Afterall, I already paid,” you shook your head, but let it go as Ryu pointed to a table. 
“Come on! Let’s sit!” 
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“What is Ryu?”
“How do you know mommy? Mommy would never talk to a stranger, so that means you both know each other.” 
“Oh...well, um,” Ryu was truly a bright child. One who caught on a little too quickly. He really did remind you of his father. Quick witted, yet wise with his tongue. Being certain to use specific words or sentences, to ensure/secure his curiosities. 
“Well...mommy and Akaashi were very good friends,” you replied. 
“Ahhh. So if that’s the case, why have I never met him before?” 
“Well you see-” 
“It’s because I live further away from you guys,” Akaashi answered. 
“But so does Kuroo,” Akaashi then pondered, and placed his hands together. 
“Hm, I guess you’re right. Well, maybe your mother has an answer,” the two black haired boys, then stared at you. Both were awaiting for an answer, and yet both had different intentions. One wondering out of pure curiosity, while the other...was waiting for an explanation. One which could clear up any, if not every misconception. 
“Well sweetie, sometimes good friends have to part ways. Everyone has their reasons, but most of the time…” you then looked at Akaashi. 
“It’s because it’s for the better,” his gaze was locked onto yours. The stare was unreadable. It didn’t feel tense, yet it was. Was it cold, hurtful?...you wouldn’t have known. But what you did know was that Akaashi was good, too good at hiding his thoughts. So good that when together, he would let things slip without reaction. Sometimes that was a great thing...and others...not so much. 
“Why would it be a good thing? You both were best friends!” you then placed a hand on his head, patting it gently. 
“Well...friends have to grow up. That doesn’t mean you can’t see them again, but, what it does mean is that you’ll have some time...alone. And that time...is used for you to grow.” 
“Ahh, I see mom! Is that why we don’t see Kuroo often?”
“Haha, no sweetie. That’s actually because we live further away. If Kuroo lived in our city-” 
“He would be living with us, right?” 
“Hm...I guess so,” Akaashi then looked in the other direction. There was no tint of emotion, just...silence. 
“Akaashiiii, the ramen is here!” 
“Oh, is it Ryu?” 
“Yeah, it is!” your bowls were then slid over. Ryu stared at Akaashi’s hands, and at first, Akaashi wasn’t sure as to why. Ryu didn’t touch his food, and at first, he was worried that the boy didn’t like it, but then noticed he was holding a pair of scissors. Pointing them towards the gentleman. Though confused, he then caught onto Ryu’s gesture. 
“Dear I can-�� before you could finish your sentence, Akaashi started to cut his noodles. Making them bit size for the boy. It seemed like second hand nature, yet something new to him. Though, you would’ve felt more comfortable doing it yourself, you weren’t complaining as the job was now done. 
“Thanks Akaashi!” 
“No problem Ryu. Now, let’s eat.” 
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You all then finished your ramen. Though you had said you weren’t hungry, you couldn’t help but eat it. After all of those years, Tonkatsu ramen was still your favourite, and Akaashi still knew. He was glad that he remembered the littlest of details. Ones which may have been overlooked. Ones he made sure to be attentive to. Not only that, but he was glad Ryu had enjoyed the meal as well. He truly was your son as he had the same tastes as you. Akaashi found it quite cute, and found it even more adorable as he ran out of the restaurant, shouting: 
“Mom, Akaashi! I want to play at the park!” 
“Hm...it’s a little late buddy,” Akaashi said, for you to respond: 
“It should be fine. We’ll be over here watching Ryu. No funny business young man!” 
“Okay mommy!” the young boy then climbed the slide, as Akaashi sat on the bench. Patting on it, indicating that you sat beside him. And so...you did. Your legs together, hands as well, as your head looked down. He then sighed, asking: 
“Do you feel uncomfortable? I can move if-” 
“No...it’s fine. We’ll be leaving soon, so no need to worry.” 
“Is Kuroo picking you up?” you then nod as he did the same. 
“I see...so...how have you been?” 
“Oh...um...I’ve been okay. I’ve done better, but...yeah.” 
“Hm, I see,” you really didn’t want to be in this situation. Maybe for him, it seemed civil, but to you...it was awkward. Neither of you knew what to say, and neither did you try to hide it (successfully at least). Akaashi then twitteled with his thumbs. A rare sight you would see every once in a while. Akaashi was a well spoken person, and usually had something to say in a well mannered way. But when he didn’t, or didn’t know what to say, he would play with his thumbs. Hoping that something would spring to mind. 
“You must be having fun.” 
“Fun doing what?” he looked at you. 
“Playing with your thumbs,” you smirked, for him to put his hands away. 
“Not really.” 
“Hm...so...what have you been up to?” you asked, curious and yet not wanting to know. 
“Nothing much...just work and well, Bokuto and I still hang out from time to time.” 
“Ahh, really? I’m glad. You both were the bestest of friends.” 
“And still are,” he smiled, while watching Ryu climb the monkey bars. 
“Hm, you have a girlfriend yet?” he then paused for a moment, for him to answer:
“No...not yet. I haven’t found anyone interesting.” 
“Ah, that’s unfortunate.” 
Was it really?...you wouldn’t know how to think after today. If you hadn’t met Akaashi here...you would’ve thought otherwise. Glad that he hadn't found someone else, for his actions sickened you. Such a gentleman, yet someone so cruel. You would feel awful if he had grasped someone, just as tightly as he did to you. Sprinkling you with such intoxicating, yet graceful pleas, and yet he left you there to rot in such doing. Such a passionate man, yet that same person could find passion in such coldness. 
For the past years, you had found him to be utterly despicable. After that one event...you couldn’t help but think that. But even so, after seeing him with Ryu today...you couldn’t help but melt. The two were so sweet together, and even though you hated to admit, had a spectacular relationship within just hours. They really acted as the best of friends, and Akaashi seemed to enjoy it. Not only that...but his smile...it was one which was truly admirable. 
You then stared at Akaashi, while he watched Ryu. He really hadn’t changed. He was calm, quiet, and reserved. His posture was on parr with the rest of his body. His hair was styled more neatly, and actually, it had grown a bit, along with his height. His figure, a lot larger than what it was in university, and his cologne smelled of lavender, along with a hint of pepper. It was a strange combination, but it worked. He really had grown up to be even more attractive. And that being the case, it surprised you that he didn’t have a partner. Said attractiveness, along with the kindness of his nature...had drawn you in, and yet dragged you out. Leaving you in a confused, and undecided state of mind. 
He then took note of your stare, and grinned. Secretly glad that your attention had averted towards him, yet, he was trying to be subtle. You truly looked astonishing tonight. Even after a couple of years, you still looked the same. That same highschooler who he had fallen in love with, the one who had constantly supported both him, and Fukurodani. The only person who truly understood such a stoic man. That same girl he would forever hold a place in his heart for. Although, now you weren’t just a sweet girl, but now, a beautiful lady instead. 
Deep down, he would’ve wished for a space to open. Allowing such a lady to make way into his heart. Hoping said lady, would do the same. And maybe, just maybe...a prince could join you both as well. Making his thoughts come true in the utmost blessed way. 
He made sure you didn’t catch onto his stare, the one which he had latched onto you. His attempts were taken very seriously, as he didn’t want to make things too obvious. Unfortunately, you did catch him in the act, and turned away, embarrassed. 
“Hm,” he smirked, as you fished for your phone. 
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Kuroo ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
-> ‘Are you still coming?’ 
-> ‘Of course. Sorry, traffic delays. I should be there in ten.’ 
-> ‘Okay...see you soon’ 
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You were about to turn of your phone, to then see Kuroo text:
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-> ‘Also...don’t worry too much. You can do this Y/n, good luck, and I’ll be there soon.’ 
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You then smiled, and Akaashi took note, thinking: 
‘She’s probably talking to her…ah...’ he sighed at the thought, to then ask: 
“Are you talking to your husband?...you seem happy,” he smiled. Even though smiling was a happy gesture, he couldn’t help but make it the opposite. Making his grin, feel ever so agonizing. 
“Ah...well...that was Kuroo,” Akaashi then batted a brow, surprised to say the least. He’d only seen that look on you when you were vulnerable. Whether you were scared, or secretly happy. Regardless, that was only around him...not even Kuroo had seen such a stare. But now that he saw you in such a state, it made him question if you, and Kuroo were in a relationship. That being the reason why he never brought it up, and vice versa. 
“Oh...I see. So that means,” Akaashi then started to think. Yes, the younger child looked like him, but then, there was also resemblance between both Ryu, and Kuroo. They both had black hair, Ryu had a peckish, yet sweet smile (like Kuroo...minus the sweet-), and the bits of information fit logically. If you and Kuroo had Ryu, it would’ve made sense. 
Both childhood friends who had grown together, to then realize what they wanted after he...had left you. Starting a family, and being with each other?.... Ryu looked like he could’ve been Kuroo's, or anyone for that matter. But even if Akaashi would have liked to think that way, the connection was too uncanny to deny.
Even so, Akaashi was still suspicious. Wondering as to why Ryu would be so reluctant towards his father. Why he would call “Kuroo,” well…”Kuroo,” and just as to why you both lived so far away. Maybe you both had a situation?...but then again, wasn’t Kuroo on his way to pick you up? Akaashi was confused, and felt like he was over-thinking things. Maybe Ryu wasn’t his...and Akaashi was instead looking for something...that wasn’t there...nor his to compensate. 
“That means what?...” he then locked his eyes, with yours. Though he was someone who was hard to read, you could tell how desperate he was. His stare, piercing right at you, hoping he could get an answer. 
“Y/n...could you please tell me...if he’s...mine?” you then saw the sorrowful expression, which struck him. The guilt which seeped in, had dug even further. Not sure how to tell him, nor how to phrase things. Your hands clenched, inhaling slowed, as your body trembled. He seemed just as scared for your response, to then hear: 
“He’s mine, Akaashi...Ryu is mine,” Kuroo said, for silence to then fill. 
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For Those Who Wanted To Be Tagged/Reblogged/Wanted A Part Two! ^^ :
@bokutojuicyass; @realbugmom; @exactlygreatlove; @instantdinosaurhottub; @suchagoodgirlxoxo; @nomadicadventures; @greenhoodie-mark; @n5koma; @animclarinerd; @personalficarchive; @sabrinakishi; @amecchii; @daffodilpetals; @lerougestvelvet; @notamazinglizzy; @akaashimarryme5; @m00ndust2​
->Sorry to those who tags aren’t working qwq 
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lavenderjacobs · 4 years ago
fluff alphabet - Sapnap
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➳ wc; 2,1K (she’s a long one lol)  ➳ pronouns; gender neutral<3 ➳ song reccomendation; heart eyes - coin
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A=Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a partner?)
nick’s an ass guy and you can’t convince me otherwise. he’s also just loves your thighs and your stomach. he loves how soft your skin is, and how good you smell. whenever he’s sad he just rests his head on your stomach while you tangle you fingers in his hair. 
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B=Best memory (Their favourite memory of you)
he cherishes your first kiss so much. he just has such a soft spot for that memory. the moment he finally found out you felt the same about him, the moment he finally found out what your lips against his felt like. it’s just something he had looked forward to for forever, and to him, it was perfect. 
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C=Cuddles  (What type of cuddles do they like?)
sapnap is a WHORE for cuddles. if it where up to him, you two would just lay in bed all day, tangled in each other’s arms. after a long day, he just wants to hold his favourite person and fall asleep with them, so he just wraps his arms around your waist while he uses your chest as a pillow. but if he’s in a chatty mood, he’ll just talk your ears off, ranting about something he finds interesting, while you’re all snuggled up in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
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D=Dirty mind (Do they have a dirty mind?)
I mean, come on. it’s sapnap. we all know he does. he gets *excited* very easily, which can sometimes get in the way when you two are just trying to cuddle. he just has such a soft spot for your body and has to have his way with you once certain ideas have entered his mind. 
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E=Effort (How much effort do they put in the relationship?)
nick would definitely try his best. honestly you don't care if his plans actually turn out the way he intented them to, it's the thought that counts. and nick knows that. but theres just something about you that makes him want to spoil you and treat you like a princess. so prepare yourself for fancy dates, him making you your favorite food, all that type of stuff.
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F=First date (What was your first date together)
arcade date arcade date arcade date. sap is super competitive and I feel like he would thrive in an arcade. he would play it off like he was just trying to proof how good he was at the arcade games. but he'd just love to see how hard you would be trying to beat him. obviously he'd let you win a lot, and when he collected enough tickets, he would get you the biggest prize he could find.
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G=Gentle (How gentle are they with you?)
it....depends???? lmao. nick CAN be super gentle with you, he’s pretty protective of you and would never want you to get hurt, so he’s definitely very careful not to do anything to hurt you. but sometimes his instinct just kinda takes over and well, he can get pretty rough. 
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H=Hands (Do they have nice hands?)
hmmm nick has like,,very manly hands,, if you know what i mean. i dont know, they're just so rough but yet so pretty??? and they're like really big compared to yours so when he holds ur hand, yours looks so tiny in his. and omg he won't shut up about it. "LOOK AT YOUR HANDS THEY'RE SO SMALL🥺"
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I=Impression (What was their first impression?)
he just thought you were so ~cool~. like he immediately knew he wanted to be your friend. he was just so in awe of how funny, chill and charismatic you were. and it literally took two days for him to develop a crush on you. his friends would notice this right away and tease him about it so much omg.
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J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous often? If so what do they do?)
YUP. nick gets jealous so easy yup yup yup. jealousy, protectiveness, possessiveness, you name it. you two would often get in fights about this, but most of the time you would just think it’s cute how riled up he gets. he doesn’t get mad at you (because you’re his precious little baby and can do no wrong in his eyes :D) but god help the souls of whoever tries to flirt with you, because they’ve got a hell of a storm coming.
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K=Kisses (What type of kisses do they like/give?)
god nick’s such a passionate kisser. or at least he can be lol. he loves the way your face fits into his hands, and how soft your lips are. so he definitely is a fan of just some wholesome passionate kisses. but damn this man gets sloppy when he wants to. his lips constantly trails off to your jaw, neck and collar bones.
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L=Love  (Do they show their love?)
i feel like his love language would be like a mix between words of affection and physical touch??? he’s definitely very verbal with his love for you. he doesn’t shy away from saying i love you or letting you know how much he appreciates you in any other way.
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M=Memory: (Their favourite memory in general?)
there are certain moments where nick just sits back, watches, and realizes how amazing his life is. and how grateful he is to have you. for example, you were playing minecraft on his pc, and your house kept getting blown up by creepers, he found it adorable how mad you got every time. he just watched you play, while sitting on his bed. after a while, you looked over at him, and caught him staring. “what?” you asked after letting out a soft chuckle. he felt like he was gonna explode from how much he loved you. 
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N=Nickname  (What nicknames do they call you?)  
i’m getting very strong “baby” and “doll” vibes from nick. he loves baby-ing you and smothering you with other loving nicknames. just any petnames that show how much he loves you he’s all for. he would also love calling you “pretty” or “beautiful” for obvious reasons. 
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O=Over  (What happened the one time you ‘broke up’?)
nick HATES fighting with you, but once you two get into an argument he can get pretty carried away. he’s definitely the type to let his emotions get the upper hand on him. raising his voice a lot, stuff like that. but the second you leave to get some space he just breaks down. sliding down the wall and resting his face in his hands, just letting all the emotions out. he never meant to hurt you. when you came back to him, ready to be enclosed in his arms again, he had a hard time letting you back in. he just felt like he didn’t deserve you after he treated you like this. it took some convincing, but once you broke down his walls again, it was like he gave you all the love in his body. just smothering you with “i’m sorry”s and kisses. 
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P=Parents (What would they be like as a parent?)
dilfnap dilfnap dilfnap  omg he’d be such a good dad. like just very caring and loving, but also strict and stern when he needs to be. he’d constantly be telling stories to the kids about the absurd adventures him and his friends would get into, and omg the dad jokes he’d make. idk maybe it’s my daddy issues but dad sapnap lives in my mind rent free. 
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Q=Quirk (Something special about them)
he loves holding your hand. especially in public. if you’re in a crowded space, he just holds onto you very tightly as not to lose you. or if you two are just going on a walk together, his hands would just feel so warm and soft around yours. and omg he loves it when his hands are in his pockets, and you put your hands in there with him, and intertwine your fingers with his. hmmm he gets so soft when you do that.
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R=Romantic (How romantic are they?)
i- uh- I MEAN HE WOULD TRY he really would, and again, that’s all that matters. I feel like he would be the type to try to prepare a whole surprise dinner, he would cook all the food himself, he would set the table all cute, with candles and shit, but just completely ruin the surprise by accidentally giving it all away by saying something or just behaving very obviously suspicious. 
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S=Sad (What are they like when they’re sad?)
he just gets really quiet. he would never want to bother you or be a pain in the ass by complaining to you. but obviously you notice when something is wrong with ur bby boy. a sentence like “are you okay?” or “what’s wrong?” would immediately send him over the edge, burying his face in your chest, trying his best to supress his sobs. but he eventually calms down, and once he does, he’s able to just rant to you about whatever is bothering him.
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T=Together (What are they like when you’re together?)
i feel like it would really depend on his mood, like he could be either SUPER chill, just wanting to savour the time you two had together. or he could be really hyper, constantly talking, wanting to do all kinds of activities with you. he’d be the literal definition of :D
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U=Understanding (How understanding and empathetic are they?)
very. i just get such empathetic vibes from him. he’s such a good listener and he’ll just listen to you talk whenever you have something to be upset about. he never invalidates your feelings and omg he’d give the best advice. 
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V=Value (What do they value most about the relationship?)
he loves that he can 100% be his self around you. there’s no part of his personality that he feels like he has to hide, or tone down, whenever he’s with you. you also aspire him to be his best self, he just wants to be the best boyfriend in the world. all his friends have noticed this too, you bring out the best in him.
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W=Wedding (Would they want marriage? If so what would they like?)
eh. if you’re a person who really values marriage, he’d 100% do it for you. but it’s not like he HAS to. he gets a bit scared by the idea of this whole big event, where everything is about you two, he would way rather celebrate the love you two have in the comfort of your own home, just the two of you. the one thing he would love about a wedding, would be seeing you all dolled up, walking down the aisle, omg he’d be the proudest man ever to be able to call you his.
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X=X-Ray (How well can they read you?)
the SECOND you start to feel sad or depressed in any way, nick notices immediately. he knows you better than anybody else, and he knows exactly what to do to cheer you up. it’s like his superpower. if you’re feeling anxious he’ll just wrap his arms around you really tightly, holding on to you until you calm down. and when you’re sad, and in need for something to cheer you up, he’ll take you outside for a walk in the park, or he’ll just sit in bed with you, watching your favourite show. 
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Y=Yuck (What they would never want in a partner)
he hates when you flirt with his friend, even when you’re very obviously joking. his jealous ass can’t deal with that lmao. he also gets super pissed when his friends make flirtatious jokes towards you, they know how much it gets on his nerves and that’s really the only reason they do it. but omg he gets so pissed when it happens. 
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Zzz (How do they sleep around you?)
nick would be the cutest sleeper ever omg. he doesn’t like to admit it, but he loves being little spoon. he loves resting his head on your chest, while you play with his hair, patiently waiting for him to fall asleep. 
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subbe93 · 3 years ago
The Roulette of Destiny part 14
A/N: Happy New Year, everyone! Finally, it's time for chapter 14! Oh, and warning of cuteness!!!! I barely ever got this kind of feeling from my writings, but I can admit, when I edited this chapter, I almost got a heart attack, because goodness, why did I make them so cute?! I mean ShinRan is a cute pairing, but still... TT_TT
Okay, enough of this, you have waited long enough! Enjoy :3
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9 ~ Chapter 10 ~ Chapter 11 ~ Chapter 12 ~ Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Tokyo. When they stepped out of the subway, Ran felt kind of happiness. It was always good to be back home after a long trip. And now more than probably before, since she was here to make difference. That promising phone call with her mother and Shinichi at her side, she felt like her distress was over. She would make her dreams come true, at least some of them! Well, it didn’t bother her if she didn’t get a perfect wedding or beautiful dress or whatever. As long as she could marry a man that she loved, she would be fine.
Yet, for some reason, she also felt a little uneasiness. A little anxious. Maybe it was a little stress about going back home, meeting her parents the first time after three weeks. In the end, she was the one who left on that trip without saying anything. It wasn’t like she couldn’t understand her parents' angry. If she had a child who would leave with a stranger without a word, she would be worried too. It would be only natural that her parents would scold her about it.
But Ran smiled and looked at the man whose hand she was holding tightly. He would be worth of every scold.
She hoped that her parents would take him well. Shinichi was a good speaker, so Ran wanted to believe that at least he could make her parents think about changing plans. And really, she wouldn’t mind if they would have a low-budget wedding. As long as he would be with her rest of their lives, that would be enough.
As soon as they get to the street of Tokyo, ready to find a taxi, Shinichi’s phone started to ring. Ran looked at him who didn’t seem to notice.
“Shinichi”, she said and get the man’s attention. “Your phone.”
“Really?” he asked and let go of their suitcase to take the phone from his pocket. Then he looked at it. “It’s inspector Megure”, he said. “Let’s go somewhere aside for a moment.” Ran nodded and took the suitcase in her left hand to drag it behind her while Shinichi answered the phone. “Good evening, inspector Megure.”
They stopped in front of the wall which had trains and metros' schedules. Ran just put their luggage beside her.
“What, now?”
Ran looked at Shinichi and frowned. What was going on? Did they have some case for Shinichi?
“Eh, I… Well, I had to admit that right now wouldn’t be a good time…”
Shinichi looked at her with a puzzled look.
“No, I have a kind of important meeting soon…”
So, they have some case for him.
“It’s okay”, Ran said quietly enough that Shinichi would hear it, but not that inspector. “It’s okay if you have to go.”
“But Ran, what…”
“It’s okay”, she assured him with a smile. “Go to help them. We can meet when you are ready.”
Shinichi shook his head. “But it can take time…”
“It’s okay”, she assured him again. “I can wait. We can meet tomorrow if it’s better.”
“At the first thing in the morning?” he asked.
“Yeah, at first thing in the morning”, she promised.
He turned back to his phone. “Okay, I’m coming as soon as I can. See you soon.” Then he looked at his phone and typed something. “Crime scene isn’t far from here”, he muttered and looked at her. “But before I do that, I call a taxi for you.”
Ran smiled. “I’m not helpless, you know”, she said gently. “I can take a taxi by myself.”
“And get lost while doing that?” Shinichi asked with an irritating smile.
Ran took a deep breath. “I’m trying to remember why I like you so much.”
He just laughed and led her closer to the road. It didn’t take long when the first taxi get closer. Shinichi raised his free hand and the car stopped in front of them. It took a little while before the driver got out. “Good evening! Need a ride?”
“She does”, Shinichi answered. Then he looked at the car’s trunk. “She had luggage with her.”
“I put it on the trunk”, the driver answered and went around the car to them. He smiled at Ran. “You can sit on the car, miss.”
“Thank you”, she thanked, and while the driver took their luggage to put it on the trunk, Shinichi opened the door for her. Yet Ran didn’t go inside. She didn’t know why, but somehow, she didn’t want to let him go. She couldn’t explain why, but she was scared that if she let go of his hand and sit in that car, they wouldn’t meet ever again. Like if she would let him go, she would find herself back in that distressing reality that she was ready to leave behind. He was her anchor which keep her in this another reality, her hope that she could marry the man she loved, and she was scared that as soon as she would lose him from her sight, everything around her would collapse. What if this was only some kind of dream which she had lived until now? What if nothing of this wasn't real?
Maybe she should just go with him, just stay by his side. But he promised…
She stepped closer to him and raised her gaze to look at him. She opened her mouth, then shut it. Then she let out an embarrassed laugh.
“You know, all this time we have been on the trip, I thought many times that I should go back home”, she said eventually. “And every time I thought about it, I realised that I’m just not ready to let you go.” She gripped his hand tightly. “And now I’m home with you, and I have a hope that maybe this all can turn around, that maybe we can still win this…”
He laughed. “You don’t believe that we can?”
She smiled. “I have seen you talking”, she answered. “I… I believe that you can change my parents' minds with this… But…”
“I…” She lowered her gaze. “I’m still afraid to let go of you.” Ran whispered. “I’m afraid that if I let go of you, I don’t see you ever again…”
She was being stupid again, right?
He let go of her hand and soon she felt hands on her jaws. He raised her head making her meet his blue eyes. He came closer and Ran closed her eyes, waiting to feel his lips on hers, but instead, she felt something tickling on her forehead before something pressed against it. She opened her eyes, looking at his.
“It’s okay, Ran”, he assured her gently. “I promise, I will do everything I can to make everyone see a reason.” Then she felt his thumbs gently rubbing her cheeks, making her only want to close her eyes and enjoy the touch, but she also wanted to memorise his determined and promising eyes. “I will even come and interrupt your wedding if nothing else works.”
Ran let out a weak laugh. “I thought we were only joking about destroying each other’s weddings”, she said remembering all their fun and crazy ideas to interrupt the ceremonies at the last minute, if their parents wouldn’t give up on their marriages.
“For you”, he said quietly, “I would do everything.”
She smiled and felt like crying for happiness. Why did he make her feel so strongly? And why did she still feel a little uneasy about this? About letting him go. Yet, he said that he was ready to do everything for her, and she believe that. He was ready to fight for her, ready to do everything for them. And he was sure that he can win. Ran wanted to believe in that too. They WOULD succeed! And for that, she also needed to do everything she could!
“I promise”, she said and pressed her forehead even closer to him even when they were pretty tightly against each other already, “I will also do everything I can to make us happen.”
He smiled and closed his eyes. “I know”, he answered before gently pressing his lips against hers. Ran gripped the back of his jacket. She was longing for him, on his kiss, even though she knew that this wasn’t a goodbye. She would meet him again, not later than tomorrow morning. And now she got his number. She could text him whenever she liked, she could call him when she wanted to hear his voice.
Everything will be okay.
Slowly and gently, he backed up from her lips. Slowly Ran opened her eyes and met those pure blues which looked at her softly, full of promises that everything would be alright, that there wouldn’t be anything she needed to be worried about. Ran smiled.
“Be careful, okay?” she said.
“I will”, he promised. Ran nodded before turning to sit in the car. Slowly she let his hand slide from hers and she looked at him, met his smile before he shut the door and moved away. Ran lowered her eyes, looking at her hands. She wanted to laugh at herself. God, he had just let go of her hand, and she already missed him. She already wanted to get herself out of the car and go back into his arms.
But he had work to do. She would only be in his way.
Eventually, the driver came to the car and shut the door. “Ready to go miss?” he asked cheerfully when putting his seatbelt on.
“Yeah”, Ran answered, and the car started to move. She looked out of her window and saw him standing there, looking after the car, leaving behind. It made her sad. If someone would have told her that three weeks with a stranger would affect her like this, she wouldn’t have believed.
“Where do I take you?”
Her keys still fitted on the lock. She turned it and opened the door.
Home, sweet home.
“I’m home!” she shouted and locked the door behind her. She heard some voices and it sounded like they came from the tv. But no one welcomed her back. Maybe they didn’t hear her? Or maybe this was their way to show that they were still angry at her.
Ran changed her shoes to flippers, put her jacket to the hanger, and with the luggage went inside. Her parent’s bedroom was empty, but from the kitchen came the light. Ran looked inside from the doorway.
“Oh, hey mom!”
Her mother turned around and looked at her. Even if it was late, she was still looking sharp: Light brown hair on a bun, light makeup, and pretty formal clothes on her.
“Welcome home, Ran”, she said and put on her glasses before observing her for a moment. “I thought that friend of yours would come too.”
Ran blushed. “Well, he got a call from work… At first, he was going to decline it, but I told him it’s okay to take it”, she explained. “We agreed that he would come as soon as he is done, or not later than tomorrow morning.”
Her mother raised her other eyebrow like asking, but she didn’t put it in words. Instead, she lowered her gaze. “What is that?” she asked.
Ran followed her mother’s gaze and looked at the luggage. “Well, there is the stuff we needed to buy on the trip”, she explained.
“Stuff like what?” her mother asked.
Ran frowned. “Clothes and some hygiene things”, she answered.
“Is that so?” her mother questioned. Ran didn’t know what her mother was thinking. Well, now that she thought of it, she probably was annoyed by the fact that Shinichi had bought her things. And she probably wanted to know how expensive things he had bought for her.
Whatever. There was one thing she wanted to do: Talk about Shinichi and her chance to get away from that marriage with the stranger. In the end, this was the reason why she wanted to come back home as soon as possible: She didn’t want her mother to “forget” about this or her promises.
“What if we would drink some tea”, Ran proposed and smiled. “I take this to my room and after that, I could tell you about the trip and show you some pictures.”
Her mother showed her a little smile. “Well, why not.”
Ran felt happy. While her mother turned to warm the water, she continued her way to her room. In the living room, her father watched the tv. As soon as Ran came to the room, he jumped up, take her to his arms, and worriedly started to investigate if she was okay and what that man did to her. Even if Ran wanted to be angry and told him not to call Shinichi like that, she was still kind of amused. Her father was always so worried and making everything more terrible than he should. Well, part of her couldn’t blame him, but she still had sent those messages saying that she was fine, so there shouldn’t have been anything to worry about.
After she had assured her father that she was fine and all, she went to her room and left the luggage there before taking her phone and going back to the kitchen. Her mother had put the mugs on the table and something to eat. Ran sat down and waited that her mother did the same.
“What happened to your phone?”
“What?” Ran asked surprisingly before she looked at her phone which she had laid on the table. “Oh”, she said eventually and blushed. Oh, she didn’t think about this. “Well, I… My old phone broke in Osaka, and… Well…”
“He bought you a nice smartphone?” her mother helped her.
“I refused of it”, Ran defended herself as well as him. “I told him that I can’t take it since he had done so much for me already, but he also said that without a phone I can’t contact you or dad, so… When he said it’s okay, I took it.”
She saw that her mother wasn’t pleased with it.
“Did he happen to buy you something else expensive?”
She sighed. “I just don’t like this, Ran.”
“He didn’t, okay”, Ran assured her. “Or… well, yeah, since he was the one who paid the trip, but… I pay it back to him as soon as I can, and…” She glanced at her mother carefully, “if I’m going to marry him, there shouldn't be a problem, right?”
Her mother didn’t look pleased, which made Ran more nervous.
“Don’t be like this, mom”, she said and smiled. “When you meet him, you’re going to like him. He is a decent guy, nice and thoughtful! Righteous. He is…”
Her mother stood up, making Ran shut up, and before she realised, her mother took her phone from the table. “I’m not going to like him, and we’re not going to meet him”, her mother said.
“What?” Ran asked. “But… but you promised…”
“I didn’t promise anything, Ran”, she said and put the phone in her pocket. “I only said that we will talk about this when you come back home. I didn’t promise to meet him or say that it would be okay to marry him.”
“But… mom!” Ran cried out and stood up. “But… I thought that… I…”
“What? After you run away like that, you thought that I would give up the whole thing?” she asked angrily. “You thought that I would change my mind after you decided to go travel around Japan just like that?”
“I wanted to get something else to think!” Ran shouted back tears in her eyes. “I wanted to think something else than just wait here and cry because I have to marry someone who I don’t even know! Because you didn’t ask my opinion or even gave me time to think about it!”
“Because you know that I and your father can’t afford your studies anymore”, her mother answered. “And when I happened to meet this old friend of mine, it was a perfect opportunity…”
“I didn’t want that opportunity!” Ran shouted angrily. “I… I….” She shook her head. This wouldn’t take her anywhere. She straightened her hand. “Give me my phone back.”
“You don’t need it.”
“Give. It. Back. To. Me”, Ran repeated.
“You can have it back when your wedding is over”, her mother answered. “The different story is if that man of yours is going to come to our door – and in that case, I return the phone to him and tell him that you don’t want to see him ever again.”
“WHAT? You… You don’t dare…”
“Yes, I dare”, her mother said coldly. “And I announce that from this day, you’re going to be on house arrest until your wedding. You stay only at home except for wedding preparations, but those you will do with me, and…”
“NO!” Ran shouted and turned to run to the front door, to get out and run away again, but it was only an attempt. She bumped into someone almost immediately, and the arms were around her before she had time to do anything else. Ran screamed and wiggled, trying to get away from her prison but it was pointless. Her father was stronger. He just raised Ran from the floor, carrying – or dragging – her to her room while she still tried to get herself free. As soon as she got to her room, she turned and ran to the door, but it was closed in front of her, making her bump against it. There was a click just before Ran tried to open it.
“You can’t do this to me!” she screamed through the door and punched it with her hand. “You can’t!! You… can’t…”
But as much as she tried to scream and cry, there was no answer. There was no one who would have empathized with her, no one who would have turned the door open and let her go. Eventually, she let herself fall to the floor.
She felt betrayed. Yeah, her mother hadn’t said that she would accept her plead, but still, she gave her hope to make a difference… She really thought…
Shinichi… If he would have come with her… If she would have said to him that don’t take that case… Or maybe… If she would have gone with him… Whatever way, they would have come together, and even if her mother wouldn’t have to let him inside, Ran could have hung on his arm, not letting go of him, making her parents realise that if they would drive him away, she would have left with him.
God, she shouldn’t have let go of his hand.
Chapter 15
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anonil88 · 4 years ago
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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theultimateultimateweapon · 4 years ago
Kirby: Meta Knight and the Knight of Hades (Chapter 5)
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“Meta Knight is on another rampage!”
“Another one!?”
“Popular restaurants are being destroyed, one after another!”
“Don’t forgive Meta Knight at all! We should be angry!”
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Such news ran through the galaxy in a blink of an eye. Captain Vul and the Meta Knights knew the confusion was inevitable. Of course, it was Beryl that was rampaging, but not everyone knew this.
After all, he was wielding the Galaxia pretending to be Meta Knight. He was even running around politely saying, “I’m Meta Knight! Remember it!”
“Damn…! Beryl!”
Captain Vul paced in the lobby and shook.
Javelin Knight said, “He’s going to ruin Meta Knight’s reputation and become the number one swordfighter in the galaxy. He’s doing a pretty good job at it too!”
“I won’t let him do that!” Captain Vul shouted.
“Well, the real Meta Knight will get better… I’m sure… I’m sure…” Captain Vul had a dark look.
Meta Knight was being treated with great care by well-known doctors. However, he still hadn’t regained consciousness. Thanks to the treatment he is stable, but if his condition continues for a long time it won’t matter.
“Yeah… let’s see what Kirby is doing!”
Captain Vul stomped and shouted. “Axe Knight! Contact Kirby!”
He ordered Axe Knight in the communications seat.
Axe Knight sighed. “Are you sure? We can’t do anything with Kirby and the others because we don’t know where the enemy will appear.”
“Yeah… I know! I know…!” He couldn’t help sitting by doing nothing.
Therefore, Captain Vul contacted Kirby and the others many times day and night to complain to them.
Axe Knight turned to the communication equipment.
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Meanwhile, Kirby’s team was doing their best.
No matter how desperately they chased Beryl, their opponent was quick to escape. Even if they rushed to the news of Meta Knight’s rampage, he had already escaped. They couldn’t stop it.
What’s more, Kirby and his friends would arrive at the scenes and see restaurants with broken windows and destroyed towns. All they could hear were furious grudges against Meta Knight.
Even if Kirby and his friends told them “It’s a fake that’s rampaging!” no one cared.
People would even shout at them “Aren’t you a member of the Meta Knight!?”
“Sigh… I’m sorry!” Blade Knight kicked the stones at his feet.
King Dedede said with a moody face. “Why do we have to do this, it’s all because of Meta Knight!”
“Hey, shut your mouth!” Sword Knight and Blade Knight roared at King Dedede in unison.
“It’s not Meta Knight’s fault!”
“Yeah, it’s the fake doing these bad things!”
“Tch… I know that…” King Dedede sounded defeated.
Sword Knight’s child-like communication device started ringing.
King Dedede said with a disgusted face, “Well, it’s Captain Vul! Calling to complain all day instead of listening to what we’re going through…!”
It’s as he says, the captain has made millions of small calls throughout the day. Kirby and the others were fed up with it.
Sword Knight had no choice but to respond to the call. “Yes… this is Sword Knight…”
“This is Captain Vul,” came an annoyed voice. “How is the situation? Did you get any clues about Beryl?”
“No, it’s not good. He moves too fast… is there any new information on your end?”
“Umm… no.”
“How is Meta Knight?”
Unfortunately, Captain Vul gave a heavy answer. “He hasn’t woken up yet.”
“...Is that so…”
“The doctors are doing their best. Chase Beryl with all your might! We might catch him soon!”
“Of course.”
Sword Knight cut off communication.
Someone approached Kirby.
It was a little boy. Looking around Kirby and his friends, he spoke in a frightened manner. “You guys are chasing Meta Knight, right?”
“Yeah? What of it?”
When Blade Knight asked, the boy weakly replied.
“My town was attacked by Meta Knight. The flowers I cherished were also trampled…”
Tears came to the boy’s eyes.
“Please don’t give up. Defeat Meta Knight.”
Blade Knight said sullenly, “That’s a misunderstanding. It’s not Meta Knight who is rampaging. It’s a fake disguised as Meta Knight!”
“...Eh? But he was calling himself Meta Knight…?”
“It’s a lie. It’s a bad guy who’s disguised as Meta Knight, his real name is Beryl.”
“Is that so? I’m not sure… this…” The boy presented a piece of paper. “The man who attacked our town, dropped this paper.”
“I thought it might be a clue…”
“Show me!”
Blade Knight tried to grab the paper, but King Dedede snatched it from the side.
Immediately, King Dedede’s complexion changed. “This is…!”
“What’s on there!?”
“It’s a list of towns.” King Dedede showed the paper to everyone.
On the paper, the names of the towns that Beryl had attacked so far were written in order.
Sword Knight said, “This is… no way, Beryl’s plan…!?”
“Uhuh!” King Dedede snorted and nodded.
Blade Knight shouted with excitement. “In other words, we know the next town that he will attack!”
“Yes. At the end of the memo is ‘Planet Charm - Ancient Temple’!”
“He’s gonna attack that next!” Kirby jumped and shouted. “Let’s go! Let’s defeat Beryl!”
The boy who brought the note was relieved. “Good! Now you can get rid of Meta Knight.”
Sword Knight and Blade Knight screamed in anger. “Not Meta Knight!” “It’s a fake!”
“I-i’m sorry! Anyways, please defeat the bad guy, please!” The boy bowed down.
Waddle Dee called to the boy but he started to run. “Oh, wait. That…” However, he ran off without turning around.
Waddle Dee tried to chase after him, but the boy disappeared in the blink of an eye.
“I know… that kid… somehow…” Waddle Dee thought.
Regardless of what Waddle Dee thought, Kirby and the others knew what they had to do next.
Sword Knight shouted in a brave voice, “We’ve done it! This time we can get him!”
King Dedede nodded. “Uh, hurry up! Planet Charm!”
“Oh yeah, I have to tell Captain Vul.”
While Sword Knight was speaking to the communication device, Waddle Dee spoke up to King Dedede.
“Great King, I’m worried about something.”
“Oh? What?”
“That memo… is it real?” Waddle Dee looked worried.
“What?” King Dedede was stubborn.
“I think it’s suspicious.” Waddle Dee opened his arms and shouted. “Beryl is a very cautious and evil guy. How could he accidentally drop a note?”
“Mmm…? What do you mean?”
“The boy may have been Beryl in disguise.”
“...What!?” King Dedede was stunned.
Kirby, who was listening on the side, was surprised and shouted. “No way! He was a kind boy. He was totally different from Beryl!”
“It sure seemed so!” King Dedede laughed away. “No way, Waddle Dee. No matter how much, Beryl can’t turn into such a weak child!”
“Beryl is a master of disguise.” Waddle Dee became more and more anxious. “He can change his appearance and voice as he likes. If he can disguise himself as Meta Knight or Captain Vul, it must be easy to masquerade as a young boy.”
“Um… um… if you ask me…”
King Dedede thought with his arms folded.
Waddle Dee continued.
“And it’s weird that the last place written is an ancient temple, even though Beryl has only hit populated towns so far.”
“Yes, that’s right. There’s no reason to attack an unpopulated place like an ancient temple…” King Dedede nodded loudly. “That’s a good point, Waddle Dee. Now that I think of it, the speed of that escape was similar to Beryl’s. He could have disguised himself as a boy and handed us this memo to lure us in. That creep!”
At that time, Sword Knight finished his call.
“I told Captain Vul what was happening. The battleship Halberd is urgently heading to planet Charm.”
“Don’t go to Charm.” King Dedede told him what Waddle Dee had noticed.
“I see… I see.” Sword Knight heard the whole story and nodded. “Beryl tried to lure us out with that memo.”
Blade Knight also spoke up. “In other words, the ancient temple must have a trap like that pit. In that case, we should avoid it!”
“I have to tell Captain Vul. The trip to Charm must be cancelled.” Sword Knight got out his communication device.
However, Kirby shouted. “Yeah! Let’s go to planet Charm!”
“Kirby?” Blade Knight said, amazed. “Did you not hear the story? This is a trap.”
“I know, but if Beryl will be there, then we have to go.” Kirby’s eyes gleamed with power. “We’re chasing after Beryl. We finally have a clue, but if we don’t go after him, then we’ll be back to square one!”
King Dedede looked at the others.
Sword Knight pondered, and Blade Knight roamed around.
Usually, they agree to go with Kirby without hesitation. However, they’ve seen the horrors of Beryl’s traps. The last trap left Meta Knight wandering between the border of life and death. It’s too dangerous to walk right into a place they knew would be trapped…
It was King Dedede who opened his mouth first. “...Hmm. I know the situation is rough, but it’s exactly as Kirby says.”
Sword Knight and Blade Knight raised their faces.
King Dedede laughed bluntly and raised his fist. “Whether it’s a trap or whatever, we can’t afford to miss the chance! Let’s go to the planet Charm!”
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Sword Knight and Blade Knight hesitated and nodded.
“...Oh, oh. Alright then.”
“We have to catch him as soon as possible.”
“Let’s go, and of course, be careful of his traps.”
Sword Knight and Blade Knight, as if they had decided together, put their hands on the handles of their swords and squeezed them tightly.
It was Kirby who blew away the heavy air. “Then, let’s go let’s go~! Before that, I want a snack!”
“A, a snack?”
Both knights looked at him as if he was crazy.
“Hey, Kirby!”
“Don’t play around!”
“Play? What are you talking about!” Kirby replied with a serious look. “We’re going to beat Beryl! We’ll be in trouble if we go on an empty stomach!”
“I’m telling you, you guys!”
“Be serious!”
“I am serious!” Kirby looked up at the sky and shouted. “Seriously, we’ll need some snacks! Cookies, chocolate, candy! If we only have sweets we’ll get bored, so rice crackers and popcorn too!”
“Not so fast, Kirby!” King Dedede slammed Kirby with a harsh voice. 
Waddle Dee looked up at him with respect.
The great king turned around and said, “You really think that’ll feed you? If you’re like me you’ll need a huge shortcake and 100 large rice cakes!”
“...Your majesty…” Waddle Dee gave us his respect and dropped his face.
Kirby’s eyes shined. “Yes! Then, 100 meat buns and 100 steamed buns!”
“We’ll also need a drink. Maybe strawberry juice, cream soda…”
“And apple juice and orange juice! And coffee, milk, cocoa, and…!”
If they kept going, it seemed like they would go on forever.
“Okay, okay. You can buy as many snacks as you want. We need to go!”
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(Chapter 4 - Table of Contents - Chapter 6)
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charlies-gillespie · 4 years ago
it’s okay not to be okay | charlie gillespie
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paring: fem!reader x charlie gillespie
summary: reader is having a bad mental health day so Charlie tries to do what he can to help her
length: short to medium
rating: PG
warnings: mentions of anxiety, an anxiety attack, some angsty content (but also some fluffy content)
!! NOT MY GIF !!
authors note: may is mental health month. i wanted to write a little something to maybe help someone understand what they can do if someone they know is having a bad day or struggling with their mental health. and if you’re struggling, please know that it’s okay not to be okay and to please ask for help if you need it
Your alarm screams at you to wake up. You sigh, rolling over and turning it over. Once it’s off, you roll onto your back and stare up at the ceiling. You think about the day ahead and lose motivation the more you lay and think about your day.
You have virtual interviews with all day with your boyfriend and Julie and the Phantoms co-star, Charlie Gillespie. He’s supposed to be here any minute. The thought of him knocking on the door sends your anxiety skyrocketing. Interviews are not your strong suit. You try to avoid them as often as you can, or you get someone you’re comfortable with to do them with you. Today, even the thought of doing an interview makes your hands shake.
It’s about eight in the morning and you can already tell that it’s going to be a rough day. You can’t even get out of bed this morning and you’re already feeling unmotivated. All you’ve done is turn off your alarm and your hands are sweaty.
There’s a buzz that comes from the table that makes you jump. You see Charlie’s contact pop up on your phone and you grab the device. You answer it, putting the phone on speaker and resting it on your chest. “Hey,” you sigh.
“Hi,” Charlie says. “I just pulled up to your house. Is everything ready to go for interviews today?”
With a nod, you say, “Yeah. I turned my stream room into a little studio. My streaming gear has turned into interview gear.”
Charlie says, “I’m on my way in. Can you come open the door? I have breakfast for us before our first interview in a little bit.”
You swallow and say, “Yeah. I’m on my way down now.”
The line goes dead. You push yourself to get up out of bed. You rub your face and walk down the stairs. Your first interview is in about 30 minutes and you’re nowhere near ready.
When you open the door, you see Charlie standing at your door with his laptop in one hand and a bag full of iHop food for breakfast. He looks you up and down in your pajamas and says, “We have a Pop Buzz interview in less than 30 minutes and you’re not ready?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, not being able to make eye contact with Charlie. “Sorry.”
Your boyfriend walks inside and he says, “Let’s go get you dressed, eh?”
You close the door and say, “But you brought over breakfast to eat before the first interview.”
Charlie puts the iHop bag down on the coffee table in the living room, as well as his laptop, before he says, “We can heat it up after the first interview is done. One thing at a time, Y/N.”
He laces his fingers with yours and walks you upstairs. You blink as you walk with him, slightly confused. You walk into your bedroom and walk to your closet. Charlie sits on your bed, looking at you as you raid your closet for something you can wear.
In the end, you find a Sunset Curve t-shirt and sweatpants because you don’t feel like getting dressed up. The t-shirt is white with black writing and it cut to look like a crop top. The sweats are black and loose on your body. You’re pretty sure you stole these from Charlie because they’re huge on you. You tie your hair up into a messy bun and turn toward Charlie.
“Look at you,” your boyfriend says. “You look very comfortable and very cute in my sweatpants.”
You say, “So these are your sweatpants.”
Charlie laughs and kisses the side of your head before saying, “I was looking for those all over my apartment. You can keep them though. You look cute in them.”
The two of you head downstairs. You walk into your streaming room. Charlie follows you inside. He’s been in here before but he’s never learned how to use any of this stuff.
You sit in your gaming chair and Charlie pulls up another chair to sit beside you.
“Zoom?” you ask, turning on your PC.
He nods and pulls out his phone. “The code was sent to our emails,” Charlie says. You log into your work email and find the code. The interview starts in five minutes. Your heart races and your hands shake as you type on your computer.
After getting Zoom up on your PC, you stare at the mouse hovering above the “join with video” button. Quickly, you turn to Charlie and say, “I can’t.”
Charlie looks at you and asks, “You can’t what?”
You can feel your breathing speed up as you say, “The interview. Charlie, I can’t.”
He realizes what’s going on and he takes your hands in his. “Y/N,” he says softly. “You can do it. It’s just having a conversation, okay? You can have conversations. Don’t think of it like an interview and think of it as a conversation. I’ll be right here and you can hold my hand during the whole thing. You know Owen, Jer, Madi, Sav, and Sacha will all be on the screen in front of you. You’ll do amazing.”
With some reassurance from Charlie, you nod but stay quiet. He gives you a reassuring smile before he takes over, clicking the button to join the call. You scoot your chair closer to Charlie. “Where am I looking, by the way,” he asks.
You point at the little camera in front of the ring light that you have on. You and Charlie join the Zoom. Owen says, “Look who showed up thirty seconds before the interview starts.”
Charlie quickly hushes his best friend and the interview starts. Throughout the whole thing, you’re rubbing your hands on your sweats and constantly looking over at Charlie. The interviewer thinks it’s cute that you keep looking at Charlie, but the interviewer doesn’t know it’s because you’re right on the verge of another anxiety attack. The smile on your face is very obviously fake but no one questions it. Charlie does most of the talking.
As soon as everyone says their goodbyes after the interview, Charlie quickly presses the “leave meeting” button. As soon as you’ve both left the meeting, you exhale the breath you’ve been holding in for most of the interview.
Concerned, your boyfriend asks, “How are you doing?”
“I hate it,” you admit. “But it’s part of my job.”
He stands up and says, “You did really good. I know how anxious these interviews are for you but you did it, Y/N. I’m so proud.”
A little smile forms on your face and you ask, “Can we heat up the iHop now?”
Charlie laughs and nods. You stand up and take his hand.
After several more anxiety inducing interviews later, you finally get about two hours off. You find yourself curled up on the couch with your chin on your knees. You have no idea why these interviews are so anxiety inducing today. You love acting, you usually love talking to people about acting and singing. You have to push yourself through every interview, you don’t look as good as you probably should for these interviews.
Your boyfriend finds you on the couch but your mind is so busy, you don’t notice him as he sits beside you. “Baby,” Charlie says, trying to get your attention. “Hey, Y/N.” You look over at him and he brushes something away from your cheek. “Baby, why are you crying?”
Confused, you say, “I’m not crying.”
Charlie blinks at you and says, “Your cheeks are wet. Talk to me.” He rests a hand on your knee and looks at you.
With a sigh, you say, “I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated that I have days where I have to push myself to do things. I’m frustrated that doing my job gives me anxiety. When I have these days, I contemplate why I’m an actress when talking about my job, while part of my job, gives me anxiety.”
He listens to every word that you say before he begins to talk.
“Y/N, baby, you’re an actress because it’s what you love to do,” Charlie tells you. “It’s the same reason you’re a singer. You love to do it. You’ll have these days sometimes, and that’s okay, but Y/N, I know you. You are the strongest person I know. Whatever’s going today, you’ll get through it. I’ll be right here if you need me.”
This is the man that you fell in love with. This is the man that you hope to marry one day. He doesn’t run when you’re having a bad day. Charlie is the person you go to when you’re having one of these days and he’ll come over to help you through it.
You scoot closer to Charlie and rest your head on his shoulder. You close your eyes and you say, “I don’t deserve you, Charlie.”
Charlie kisses the side of your head and says, “You deserve the world. After these last two interviews today, you and I are having a movie night in bed with lots of cuddles and kisses.”
“Cuddles and kisses?” you repeat, looking up at Charlie.
He presses a soft kiss to your lips before he says, “Lots and lots of cuddles and kisses.”
You press your forehead to Charlie’s cheek, closing your eyes. Charlie wraps his arms around your curled up body.
The day gets just a little bit easier after Charlie promises kisses and cuddles after the interviews are over. You love and appreciate that Charlie doesn’t run from the relationship when you’re sad or anxious. He embraces it and helps you through the rough days.
That night, after all the interviews are over for the day, you do lay in bed and you watch The Space Between Us on Netflix while cuddled up with Charlie. You’ve been like this for a few hours now and a thought has been on your mind.
“Charlie,” you say, looking up at your boyfriend.
He looks down at you and asks, “What’s up? Need something?”
You move until you’re on your stomach against Charlie’s side. You say, “I don’t want you to go.”
Your boyfriend says, “If you want me to stay the night then I will. I don’t have any plans tonight.”
“No, I mean I don’t want to have to say goodbye to you in the morning,” you say. “I want to fall asleep beside you every night and wake up beside you every morning.”
Charlie pushes a piece of hair out of your face and he asks, “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
You say, “I don’t want to call you to come over when I’m having a bad day when you could already be here. I have half a closet and half a bed that aren’t being used, plus lots of room on my bathroom counter.”
He laughs and says, “Yes, baby. I’ll move in with you. I wouldn’t mind falling asleep with you in my arms or waking up to your cute face every morning.”
A soft laugh escapes your lips and you say, “Good, because I would love it if I could fall asleep in your arms every night. Starting tonight.”
“Starting tonight,” Charlie assures you. You smile and snuggle up to your boyfriend. He securely wraps his arms around your shoulders and you close your eyes, feeling at home and safe in Charlie’s arms.
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biqherosix · 4 years ago
hiiiiiiiiii do u write for the drgaon prince ??????????????????????? it’s totally not el spamming you again bc you deserve your ezran/callum x sister reader even if i’ll give it to you too
the secret life of katolis royalty - headcanons
prompt(s): the royal family uphold a proper, good reputation. but with you and your siblings, there are always bound to be a few secrets whether they're silly or not
pairing(s): familial! callum x fem! reader x ezran
fandom(s): the dragon prince
genre(s): fluff
warning(s): none (if there are, please feel free to point them out!)
other notes: hi el 🙄 anyway yes i write for dragon prince now because there is a lack of content in this fandom, especially for the royal siblings ! i want platonic goodness, and i'm getting it even if i have to make it myself. enjoy :) also reader may possibly be bi?? can be interpreted as whatever you'd like though !
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- so you're three years older than callum, making you at least seven when ezran is born
- you're so protective, no doubt about it
- and callum doesn't mind because you're not overbearing (if anything callum is more protective of you and ezran than you are of your brothers)
- which is why callum never finds out about your little things with both soren and claudia (more like a kiss with claudia, dating soren, and then breaking up with soren to try shit out with claudia; spoiler alert you kinda miss soren as much as you love your magical perky girl)
- another reason is that cal has such a major crush on claudia before meeting rayla and you don't want him to feel bad upon finding out
- but let's be honest ezran finds out because he walked in on you making out with soren after exiting a secret tunnel
- ezran gossips with you more than you both like to admit because of this huge secret only the two of you now know
- but it brought you two closer and he's really happy about that because now he gets to cuddle into your side while he asks questions and spills the beans while you play with his hair lmao
- yk sometimes you even shit talk callum and his sword fighting and that definitely stays between the two of you (he always wonders why you two are giggling under the tree whenever he plays around with soren)
- but you love your brothers and they love you so !! freaking !! much !!
- y'all are attached to the hip, you can't be seen without one or the other
- most of the time it's your brothers doing your thing and brushing up your knowledge on royal etiquette because a part of you is anxious whenever your father talks about his royal wrongdoings
- he doesn't mean to worry you, he just wants you to be prepared (you were in fact, worried and unprepared when he died and you now had three mf children and a dragon egg to take care of)
- don't worry though because callum and ezran are here to save the day and will tell you how amazing you are for hours, it honestly passes the time very well
- okay but i gotta get this outta the way before i forget but callum is the epitome of the "you're doing amazing sweetie!" meme okay?? he is
- where he succeeds (magic, art, being awkward) you on the other hand lack and vice versa (you are badass okay? you can fight and spar properly thanks to your mother's extensive knowledge and even without a weapon you can pack a punch)
- rayla doesn't really understand how callum can be so happy and perky even when you suck at what you're doing
- but he's your baby brother and he loves hyping you up
- callum is your biggest hypeman and always has been it's a second nature to him, trust me if someone were to mention your name he'd never shut up !!
- like this one time you drew rayla and callum on a spare piece of paper callum gave you and it didn't really turn out the best but he still fake cried and attacked you in a hug
- he keeps it in his sketchbook and he's never letting that go, so rayla jokingly judges him for it and your boy ezran backs you up with callum
- "i don't see why you keep it, i mean it doesn't even look like us! we're like lil' stick figures" "art is contemporary, rayla. it can be anything you want it to be! isn't that right zym?" "ez is right, plus it doesn't look that bad! it's cute. look, she even drew me doing magic! her markings are so accurate" "callum, i don't even know what spell you're doing" "it's clearly aspiro! look at the wind" "they're lines!" "that's what art is all about!"
- baby gets so nervous when he and rayla kiss bc he obviously has to tell you and your opinion matters most to him; he's just scared bc rayla always teases you and you may not approve
- so he kept it a secret for a fat minute after telling ezran, ez is so annoyed bc he has to keep your soren secret and callum's??? at least bait and zym are there to listen (man relationships are hard)
- you just laugh because you saw it coming and the moment is just so wholesome !! you tackle rayla into a hug, welcoming her into the family with "bad drawings and all" bc she never lets you live it down fr fr
- but later that night callum can't sleep and he lets out everything because he never really told you about his crush in the first place like he feels really guilty because you're always so open with him and sometimes he has some walls up, like how he was with king harrow even if you're his biological sibling
- also you bet on your life that you would do anything to make sure callum was content with his life and so after his lil rant and your assurance he asks if you've ever felt that way before
- and you had to do it to em, so you tell him about soren and claudia
- "why didn't you tell me anything before?" "you liked claudia! i didn't want to be the reason for your heartache" "but you're my sister, you deserve to be happy. maybe you and soren can work out" "eh, we'll see. not gonna lie i was ready to go back for him after he almost killed that dragon. he looked pretty hurt but you looked way worse honestly" "hey! you're making my heart hurt here y/n." "that doesn't count because it was playful!"
- you end up going to sleep that night leaning on each other because that's what you've been doing all your life — leaning on each other and you don't want him to forget that !!!
- you also wake up the next morning with ezran in between you sleeping soundly, and rayla comes back to the three of you making funny faces and laughing like there was no tomorrow
- she didn't get it but the three of you did, it was a simple moment that you would all cherish even after ezran becomes king — perhaps it even makes you better as royals
- and from then on, there were no secrets, just a family trying to piece themselves together again after so much tragedy
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inkandpen22 · 4 years ago
Permanent Chaos (1/?)
Pairing: MGK x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing 
Word Count: 2.8k
Part Summary: Y/N is a newly famous actress from a popular TV show and she’s willing to do everything in her power to maintain her perfect image as “America’s Sweetheart.” 
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The limelight is a hard place to be under. It’s draining to constantly be on display. Day in and day out I feel as though I’m always looking into a mirror. However, a mirror is replaced by people’s eyes. I see myself through other’s eyes. Being sat on a slippery plastic stool while being watched by millions of Americans before they head off to work is an excellent way to start my day. Perhaps if I keep telling myself that I’ll eventually believe it. Savannah glances down at her cards then continues with the interview.
“Let’s go back to a year ago, if someone approached you and said “you’ll be the most sought after girl in America,” would you had believed them?”
I shake my head “not all.”
If only she knew how absent I am in the current moment. I’ve answered similar questions a million times these past few months. All the exact same questions within the same routine.
“Now, being as famous as you are, how do you cope with your newfound fame?”
There it is, famous. A better-sounding word than popular. After all, adult life is nothing like high school… right?
“I don’t particularly like the word “famous.” When people say “you’re famous!” What they really mean is “a lot of people know you!” At least people think they do.”
She studies me, intrigued by my honest answer, perhaps too honest. “You’re saying America doesn’t know the “real” you? Including your fans?”
I shrug, I can only imagine Nicole’s face right now. My usual bubbly and charmingly excited personality didn’t wake up with me at three this morning.
“I believe they know whatever version of me they’ve created. For some, I’m that girl from the cover of that one magazine they saw in line at the grocery store. For others, I may just a name without a face. That’s the thing about being so-called “famous.” I’ll never have the chance to meet every single person who has ever read an article about me or has seen paparazzi videos. They’ll only see those tainted versions of me. They’ll never have the opportunity to know me personally and make a valid judgment for themselves.”
Savannah hums, her eyebrows scrunched up. “How do you feel about that?”
I sigh, the words settling within me. “It’s disappointing.”
If only they all knew the truth, the reality of it all.
After the interview for the show, I fly straight back to Los Angeles from New York. My schedule has been worse, but I never miss the chance to complain to my manager. Thankfully, Nicole is a mother of tween girls and a ten-year-old boy so she knows how to take my childish whining. Once we’re landed in LAX I countdown the minutes until I can return to my bed.
“I don’t understand why you insist on wearing heels on the plane,” Nicole nags me.
“Because you never know who you’re gonna meet! Best to dress nicely just in case!”
It’s been a rule of mine since I first discovered my style and began to wear makeup, never go out in public without looking and feeling confident. I’ve learned that people can sense when others don’t feel confident and take advantage of that.
“I doubt your Mom would like it,” she nags.
“Well she’s not in California is she?” I fire back but snicker slightly.
My momma’s absence was bitter-sweet, in the beginning, now it’s all sweet. When we have our luggage, Nicole leads me through the airport to where the car is picking us up.
“You may want to put on your sunglasses now. We’re about to cross the line,” she warns.
I grab my glasses out of my purse like she instructed and slide them on. She was right, as soon as we cross over that taped line it’s a free-for-all for the paparazzi.
“Y/N!” “Y/N!”
The yelling doesn’t bother me as it used to in the past. Now, it’s the clicking. The clicking from their cameras. A constant *click* *click* *click*, from each of the thirty cameras. Nicole attempts to create a path for me by walking ahead.
“Good, thank you” I reply politely with a smile toward the tile floor.
I try to manage a balance when it comes to paparazzi. They have their job and so do I. Following me, taking pictures or videotaping me is their job. As long as they respect me, I will respect them. Nicole says it’s good for my image. My image wasn’t the first reason I was nice toward them, I was being myself. Nowadays, I’m hardly myself. I have my name, Y/N Voss, but it no longer feels like my name. The paparazzi are not used to getting easy responses out of people because there’s a long pause before the next question.
The question comes from a different voice but that doesn’t keep me from answering.
“In two days!” I gleam, looking forward to returning to set.
I chuckle a little but think it over. I agreed in my contract not to give out spoilers but there is a little info I was told I can let out. Plus, I’ve only seen the script for the first episode so I don’t know too much.
“I can say that Hollyn will have a bump start this season but no worries,” I answer vaguely but with interest.
Nicole and I manage to reach outside and she guides me down the sidewalk to where the car is supposed to pick us up.
“I’m very much single,” I laugh, finding the topic humorous. “Not enough hours in the day to share them!”
There are always rumors that I’m dating someone though none of it’s true.
“Thanks, boys!” I give my appreciation. 
The driver gets out of the front and pops the trunk. Nicole informs me to get in the car and let her worry about our things along with the driver.
I open my door but pause to answer the last question. “Work, of course, but I also want to have some fun.”
They all hurry to get some last shots and I grant them a couple of seconds.
“You too! See you guys later!” I wave goodbye then climb into the car.
Nicole gets in a minute later and gives the driver the address. “You did great back there,” she compliments.
“Eh, it was nothing. I was only answering their questions.” I remove my glasses and get settled in as best as I can for the hour drive home.
She pulls out her binder full of scheduling material for me.
“Yes, but you were willing and kind. The public and media appreciate that! You’re becoming America’s Sweetheart!”
I would never admit it to Nicole but that title she keeps pushing makes me anxious every time I hear it. None of this was planned, it was thrown at me. Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m grateful for what I have but geez! When everyone is telling you a whole country adores you, how are you supposed to handle that? Especially at eighteen. It was no more than a year ago I was back in South Carolina and just another girl in high school. Now, I’m supposed to be “America’s Sweetheart.” I’ll play the part but it doesn’t make the job any less intimidating.
My best friends/co-stars, Sam and Penelope, meet up with me for dinner to celebrate my first night back in town after the press tour. The three of us have been dividing our time around the country working on various projects between filming the show. Any time we can all get together is a gift.
Ever since I’ve known Sam Merka, girls flung themselves at him. Even I’ll say it, he’s a good-looking guy. If Grant Gustin had a younger brother, it would be Sam. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, we’re just friends. A sibling sort of bond. Since he’s eight years older than me, he likes a big brother.
Though Penelope is older too, one can’t tell since I tend to act more mature. I’m jealous of her sun-kissed long blonde hair and dark brown eyebrows. We all kinda got thrown into our friendship. Having to play life-long friends an hour after meeting for the first time was, to say the least interesting. Five years later, and we are like three peas in a pond. A mini family to have each other’s back in the big city.
For dinner, we agreed on The Nice Guy, an Italian place in West Hollywood. The most important aspect of the place is the amount of privacy it grants. The interior is a lounge, super lowkey, with booths, couches, and coffee tables but there are no photos allowed. Since no photos can be taken that means the three of us and others can enjoy ourselves in peace. Sam called dibs on being designated driver as per usual as the “bodyguard” for us girls. The paparazzi tend to hang out around the restaurant because it’s a well-known spot for celebrities.
“Maybe we can slip past them,” Sam says optimistically as we exit the car.
He meets me around the front and Penelope joins us after getting out of the backseat.
From in front of the restaurant, a ripple of cameras begin to take notice of us.
“Yep, we really snuck past them!” I tease Sam playfully.
He huffs, annoyed with the situation. Sam loves his job but hates the lack of privacy aspect. He isn’t a fan of crowds either which I can understand. However, he’s great at masking it behind his charming smile. It’s what we were trained to do. Yet, Sam is better at managing a crowd mentally overall than I am. He understands how they affect me sometimes. The swarm of photographers rushes up to us. Sam leads the way toward the restaurant door. Penelope remains close, keeping a hand on my forearm to stay together. The cluster follows us down the sidewalk to the building.
Sam chuckles next to me, “thanks, dude!”
“Exactly, it’s a rumor!” She replies a matter-of-factly.
The *click* *click* *click* and the flashing lights in the dead of night never fail to overwhelm me. Though, Nicole has told me I never appear overwhelmed when I interact with them. I force on the brave and confident face. I’m not me when I’m in front of cameras or important people, I’m Y/N Voss. I’m two very different people.
While I’m lost in thought, I get stuck when one photographer gets too close to my face with his camera and blinds me for a second. Sam and Penelope don’t notice my absence amongst the chaos until another photographer barks at the other to back off. Then, I feel Sam’s hand slip into mine and he protectively escorts me toward the door with determination.
Hollyn and Elliot are Sam and my’s characters from The Seasons of Life, the show we star in together. Our characters have been on again off again for the past two seasons. According to the last season’s finale, the two are currently together, but of course, the season ended on a cliffhanger so their relationship isn’t very stable.
“Sorry guys, can’t share anything!” Sam answers, sounding a tad irritable.
“That’s true, but we never have the chance to meet up!” I reply nicely.
Press events for last season have come to an end and work officially begins in no time! Downtime for me is filming and it couldn’t come at a better time. I’ve missed being home in Los Angeles. Living out of a suitcase and sleeping each night on a plane isn’t the best way to live, at least for me. We finally reach the doors and I thank the heavens.
“Oh my gosh! There’s no way!” I hear what sounds like girls squealing and I slow down to see where it’s coming from. My hand slips from Sam’s as he goes on. When he’s determined to get away from the paparazzi, he can ignore the voices. Yet, when he notices that I do not follow he finally stops.
“Excuse me!” A girl calls amongst the clicking and shouting.
The paparazzi move aside a tad and create a path for me to see two young teens jumping up and down. They must be around fourteen I’m guessing, younger than me at least. I approach them to see what’s the matter. I can hardly see anything with all the bright lights.
“Hi! How are you?” I greet but once I get closer and cover my eyes with the flashing lights, I recognize them. “Sarah! Emma! How are you two?”
These two have been some of my biggest supports. They run a Youtube channel and create content about their reactions to episodes of the series. Somehow they manage to make appearances at any events relating to the show. I’ve met them numerous times at events, so have other members of the cast. Besides being two of the sweets girls in the world, they’ve created a fan page for me on Instagram and Twitter.
“Good, good!” Emma replies eagerly.
“It’s been so long since we last saw you!” Sarah adds.
“It really has! When was the last time we saw each other? During the press tour?”
They nod in unison as though they’ve rehearsed it.
“Well, group hug!” I hold out my arms and they gladly accept.
“Can we get a picture?” Emma practically begs, bouncing on her heels.
“Of course!” I take Emma’s phone and hold it out to the crowd of paparazzi. “Could one of you take our picture by chance?”
Many of the guys offer and I select a random one in front of me.
“Squeeze in tight!” I tell the girls as I stand between them and we wrap our arms around each other.
“One, two, three!” The man takes a couple of shots and hands, Emma, back her phone.
“Thank you!” The three of us say together.
We all hover over her phone to check out the pictures.
“So cute!” I awe at the photos.
“Y/N...” Sam places his hand on my back to usher me along.
“Oh, my-” Emma covers her mouth.
“Sam!” Sarah’s jaw is to the sidewalk.
“Hey girls!” he charmingly smiles.
He’s had the chance to meet them a few times while on the press tour and at other various events. I was there to introduce them which was one of the most entertaining moments of my life. I thought the girls were going to faint!
“Can we ask a quick question? It’s for our channel!” Sarah nervously bites her lower lip.
“Yeah, yeah, anything for you guys!” I answer without hesitation.
Sam wraps his arm around my waist while we’re talking to the girls and I don’t think much of it but the cameras begin to go nuts. The men behind them don’t say a word since we’re occupied but there they go *click* *click* click*.
“Is there any hope of you two getting together IRL?” Emma questions intently without hesitation.
I press my lips together with amusement and turn my head to Sam. He has the same look of pondering the question. He squints his eyes at me and then the two of us turn to the girls.
“Just friends,” we answer in unison.
“Best friends!” Sam adds playfully.
“Best friends forever ever!” I one-up him.
The two girls laugh with us, but it’s clear they’re a little disappointed.
“Well, I still bet on you two,” Sarah confidently points out.
Sam and I get a kick out of it. Our viewers want us together too.
“We better get going, our moms are waiting,” Emma informs us.
“Okay, quick hug!” I order and the four of us group hug.
We say our goodbyes and when the girls disappear the men behind the cameras start yelling.
“Their names are Emma and Sarah. They run a popular Youtube channel, Twitter, and Instagram accounts for the show. Super sweet girls those two!”
“I try to! I know a good amount!” I grin proudly.
Sam guides me into the restaurant and his hand never leaves my back. All of it is platonic of course, nothing more. As I told the paparazzi before, there isn’t enough time in my life for me to share any with someone.
Tags:  @canyoubuymetoast
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andyet-here-we-are · 4 years ago
I Would Get Into Millions of Accidents Just to See You, Chapter 4 (aka Nurse Geralt AU)
(Check the pinned post for the first three chapters please~)
"Wow. Either we're going to host a pasta eating contest this evening, or they have spread some news about an incoming pasta shortage in the country," Ciri teases as she looks at the mass of pasta boxes on the counter. "Or in the world," she corrects when she realizes he is still not done taking the pasta boxes out of the grocery bags. "Which one is it?"
"Then why?"
"Can't a guy buy pasta as much as he wants simply because he wanted to? Does there need to be a reason for that?"
"So, you're telling me that I cannot buy as much as candy I want, but you can buy a ridiculous amount of pasta. And you can do that because?"
"Because I'm an adult, and you're not. End of the discussion."
"But that's not fair!" Ciri huffs, folding her arms over her chest. "I can't wait to be an adult so I can get whatever I want and be unstoppable."
Geralt reaches over and ruffles her hair before he asks: "What kind of pasta do you think we should make?"
"Can I ask something, too, before I answer to that?" When Geralt nods, she continues, "You've said that you met someone special, but you didn't let me know anything more than that. Is... Is this special person going to join us for dinner today?"
"Yeah, someone's going to join us for dinner, but it's not someone you don't know. Just Mrs. April."
"Oh. Okay. Nothing came out of it, I guess."
Ciri looks so disappointed that Geralt feels like telling her the truth. But no, he won't ruin the surprise and let it go to waste after keeping his mouth shut this whole time.
She picks up the penne one and shakes the box to make her point.
"With chicken, heavy cream, and—"
"And sundried tomatoes."
Geralt doesn't know why he couldn't think of that. It's both his and Ciri's favorite pasta recipe after all. For a second, he feels extremely stupid for buying every kind of pasta he could find. But then he thinks: "This won't be the last time Jaskier comes here," and finds himself imagining them trying to choose what kind of pasta to make together, and shakes his head a little. No need to feel stupid, he will have to deal with not only one, but two pasta monsters soon if he is lucky.
He smiles at the thought.
After setting up the table, Geralt takes a shower and starts to get ready. He nearly asks Ciri which button-up shirt he should wear, but then decides against it since he knows that she would put two and two together and ask something like:
"Since when you use your most expensive perfume at home just because our old, lovely neighbour will come over for dinner?"
Nope, he'll pass, thank you very much. He takes a look at his gray and white windowpane shirt, then at the other shirt he is holding in his hands as if making the hardest decision in his whole life. He doesn't want to look like he is trying too hard, but doesn't want to look like he's not trying at all either. It has been so long since the last time he was on a date that he—
"That's a... date," he whispers to himself because it only occurs to him now.
And suddenly he can understand why Jaskier sounded anxious about meeting Ciri.
This is technically their first date, and Geralt simply invited him over like that's something they have been doing for years. Most people don't even mention their kids on the first date— let alone introducing them.
But it's not the same thing, right? Jaskier already knows about Ciri, and the musician loves kids.
Jaskier didn't back away when Geralt talked to him about his daughter for the first time.
No, he didn't back away and didn't give him this "Oh no, he has a kid, that's such a deal-breaker”  look like most people do. What he did was listening to him with interest instead, a warm smile on his face.
Maybe that's why it felt only natural to invite him over for their first date.
Still, even though he knows that everything will go perfectly fine, maybe it wasn't fair to put such pressure on him just yet.
Well, too late for thinking stuff like that now. Geralt doesn't think he will regret this though. He is somehow sure that he won't.
Smiling, he decides that the basic black button-up shirt and beige trousers will do just fine.
A few minutes later he gets a text from Jaskier:
[I'll be there in a few. Don't forget to leave the door open~]
Ciri is busy lying on the couch and watching Jaskier's cover again when he finally arrives.
He closes the door behind himself, being careful so as not to make any sound even though he doesn't have to do that since Ciri's watching the video at full volume and wouldn't hear even if he just hit the door shut anyway.
When he sees that Geralt is standing only a few feet away from him in the hallway, his whole face lights up like he has just seen a million fireflies hovering above them.
For a while, they don't even move.
They don't blink or utter anything.
They just simply stare at each other like they cannot believe this is really happening.
Jaskier looks so perfect with his dark jeans and a white button-up shirt with blue small anchors pattern that Geralt swallows—as always, he seems like he doesn't even accept the existence of the first four buttons.
One second later Jaskier mirrors him and swallows, then takes small, silent steps towards him until they're barely one step away from each other.
"It's good to finally see you, Mr. Handsome Nurse," whispers the musician, never taking his eyes off Geralt even for a millisecond.
"You call me 'Mr. Handsome Nurse' so much that I'm this close to thinking that you only talk to me because you have a nurse kink or something," Geralt whispers back, and Jaskier's lips slowly curve into a lopsided, mischievous grin as he slowly tilts his head to the side—the space between them closing.
He isn't sure which one of them is responsible for that, but he nearly feels the man's warm breath against his skin—they are so close that he can see his pupils react, and his heart skips a beat.  
"I mean, I don't not have it," Jaskier lifts one shoulder in a half shrug "You're the one to blame. Oh wait, do I hear my own cover?"
Just like that, they are not standing too close to each other anymore, and it's probably for the best, considering they aren't alone and he doesn't want to give his daughter a heart attack.
"The very same. She watches your video again and again. I stopped counting after the fifth time."
"And yet she doesn't even know that she lives with the 'jabroni' she is mad at. Poor thing." The musician clicks his tongue before he grins again. "Or poor you. We shall see. Anyway, my time has come."
After hanging his paper bag on the hall stand, Jaskier silently steps into the living room and makes a beeline for the back of the couch Ciri is lying on.
"Gosh, what a handsome man," he comments as he leans over the back of the couch. "Eh," he says, scrunching his nose, "his nose doesn't look that great in the left bottom box from this angle, but well, what done is done."
Ciri practically jumps out of her skin when she turns her head to the source of the familiar voice. She screams, yeah, actually screams, and falls from the couch to the floor with a loud thump.
"Well, my fans usually prefer to hug me instead, but that's an option as well."
Ciri doesn't look like she is going to say something anytime soon. She just stares at Jaskier with owl-like wide eyes, and Geralt tries his best not to laugh as he leans against the door frame and watches them. The keyword is "tries" though because he is clearly failing.
"...why Jaskier is standing in our living room?" his daughter asks, eyes still on the musician.
"You can thank my hacker friend for that," looking pretty amused, Jaskier answers before he could and holds out a hand to help her to her feet, "he gave me access to all of my fans' addresses so I could surprise them one by one."
"Did I fall asleep? I'm quite sure that I'm dreaming." Ciri blinks twice like trying to come out of a dream, then frowns as she gets up, "Also, that's the worst idea I've ever heard, what if one of your fans turns out to be a psycho and traps you in their house for the rest of your life? Never lets you leave?"
"Well, I wouldn't have any objection to being trapped in here. Feel free to try. Let me know though if you guys are planning to keep me here forever, so I can grab a few essentials from my home."
"You mean your lute?"
Jaskier turns his head to Geralt before sitting on the couch and saying: "She is really a smart one, Geralt. Just like her dad."
"Even smarter than me, believe me."
If someone would tell Geralt that he would have to say "Ciri, please stop poking our guest,"  to his daughter ever, he wouldn't believe them, but he finds himself warning Ciri with the exact words since she sits next to Jaskier and disbelievingly pokes the man's cheek with her index finger with a determined and curious expression as if she is examining E.T. The musician doesn't seem like he minds it, though.
"You're real. And you're really here," she eventually decides.
"Yeah, as real as that delicious smell coming from the kitchen."
"This doesn't make any sense. I just can't understand why— I mean how is that even— Can someone please explain to me what's really happening here?"
"Why don't we do that while having dinner before it gets cold?" Geralt offers, and Jaskier must be really hungry because he immediately stands up from the couch and pulls Ciri with him before she can resist.
"So, basically, my dad was your nurse for nearly a month and I learn about this just now?" Ciri has this 'How could you do this to me?' expression on her face, so Geralt turns to link eyes with Jaskier and mouths the word, 'help' in his direction. Yes, he can deal with even villain-looking, probably dangerous criminal patients without any hesitation, but he can't deal with the way his daughter stares at him right now.
"It's not your dad's fault, Ciri. I told him not to tell you anything about it so we could surprise you."
Geralt loves how he says "we could" like they are a team, to be honest.
Jaskier keeps talking about how Geralt would let her know if it wasn't for him, and Ciri doesn't look that mad anymore until Jaskier adds: "It's not my fault that he is a handsome jabroni who didn't even send me a text and kept me waiting for too long though," while casually stabbing his salad with his fork a few times. "If he didn't call me today, my next cover was going to be 'Call Me Maybe' probably."
Geralt almost chokes on his water. He was so wrong about this whole "team" thing apparently. He knows that some people say "A first date is chaotic by nature", but he wouldn't think it would be this chaotic.
"This salad is pretty good, Geralt." Jaskier completely ignores his reaction, "And the pasta makes me feel like there's a festival in my mouth. It's fantastic. You weren't kidding when you said you could show me how a proper dinner looked like, I see. Kudos to you, gorgeous."
Geralt feels the heat rushing to his whole face, wishing the ground would swallow him up right now and here.
Seriously, someone please bury him.
If someone was told to look mad, surprised, and happy at the same time at an audition they would exactly look like Ciri—or Harrison Ford since he's excellent at that as well—because that's exactly how she looks right now.
"...this song was for my dad? He's the one who kept you waiting? He's the him in 'It Must be Him' ?"
"Uh-huh. That's correct, dear," Jaskier confirms before shoving some pasta into his mouth. "I think he's worth waiting for, though. Still, it was a bit mean of him to do so, don't you think so?"
"Any sane person would agree with you, Jask. Of course, it's mean and inconsiderate."
Jask? Did Ciri just call him Jask?
They are already teaming up against him, oh God.
"Right?! Thank you!" The musician exclaims, flinging his hands in a wild gesture. "I mean, he could just send me a simple text at least, it would take him only a few seconds."
"Don't even mention it. So... Since he finally called you and you're here now, does this mean that you're this special person he—"
"Do you want some more pasta, Jaskier?" Hoping to change the subject, Geralt cuts in, but it's in vain since Jaskier just replies with a quick "Sure, please," and apologizes on behalf of Geralt because he interrupted her, signaling her to continue. The nurse can't help but think that he looks like a fox digging beneath the snow for voles with these curious, hopeful, and focused blue eyes.
"It's okay," thank God his daughter doesn't continue with her question because Geralt really doesn't need to feel more ashamed, "I forgot what I was going to ask anyway."
Ciri gives Geralt her "This isn't over yet," look and asks the man something about one of his original songs instead.
Jaskier looks a bit disappointed at not being able to hear the rest of the question at first, but he answers Ciri's question wholeheartedly all the same.
They take their time eating as they have no reason to hurry, talking about whatever Ciri and Jaskier bring up. Geralt is proud of himself that he didn't actually choke in dinner, because with the amount of flirting Jaskier is doing in front of Ciri, he wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Ciri's eyes sparkle whenever Jaskier says something flattering about Geralt and flirts with him, and she looks extremely happy—like she is living in a dream.
As much as Geralt says: "Sit down, you're our guest," Jaskier doesn't listen to him and insists that he helps clear the table after they are done with dinner, because: "We can be done with it faster if I help, I'm a guest with working hands, aren't I?"
So he helps with clearing the table, and also with drying the dishes Geralt washes by hand because they aren't supposed to be washed in the dishwasher. He answers Ciri's questions meanwhile and asks her some questions about her as well— her favorite color, her favorite animals, favorite subject in school. Geralt can feel that he is not asking just for the sake of asking, he asks because he wants to know. Because he actually wonders.
Even though Jaskier is here for the first time, it feels domestic in a way that isn't unwelcome.
When they go back to the living room, Jaskier disappears for a while and returns with that paper bag he had hung on the hall stand.
"Thought I'd surprised my biggest fan not only with my presence but also with a little gift," he explains, handing the big bag to Ciri with a smile. "I hope you like it."
"You shouldn't have," Ciri returns the smile, astonished.
"I wanted to," Jaskier says as he sits on the armrest of the couch, watching her carefully opening the gift. "I think you should just tear off the wrap, dear," he suggests after a while, clearly excited to see her reaction.
"Not gonna lie, I also thought about getting flowers for your dad, but then I thought: 'Nah! Why would I do that after I suffered because of him for fifteen days?' You know?"
Geralt lets out a long sigh, running a hand over his face. Jaskier will never let him live this down, will he? Geralt can picture him going "Remember that time you didn't call me for fifteen days five years ago? When you kept me waiting after I left the hospital? I still think of that time sometimes and it makes my heart bleed," five years later, simply because he refused something Jaskier wanted him to do.
"You did the right thing. He should be grateful that you're even here right now," Ciri agrees. Well, fuck Geralt I guess. It's not like he is Ciri's father who loves her more than anything and who needs her to defend him currently or anything after all.
She immediately goes for a hug as soon as she finally opens the gift, cheerfully declaring how much she likes it and thanking the musician.
"Geralt has mentioned that you love drawing," Jaskier hugs her back gently, happy with her reaction. He had bought her a huge, professional art set. It looks so beautiful that even the nurse feels like taking a shot at drawing again despite knowing too well that he sucks at it.
"I don't get gifts or flowers, okay, no problem, but can't I get a damn hug, too, at least?" Geralt feels like asking, because they look adorable and he wants in, dammit.
As if he is reading his mind, Jaskier motions for him to join them and says: "C'mere you emotional cactus—don't stand up over there like a sad spare tyre."
"I'm not a sad spare tyre," he grumbles a little but joins them in seconds, one arm hugging his daughter, the other hugging the musician.
"Yeah, now you're not," is what Jaskier says as he hugs them tighter.
About two hours later Geralt offers to watch a movie together and Ciri is busy setting up a movie—ninety percent "I, Robot" because she is crazy about that movie—before Jaskier can refuse.
Ciri talks about how mad she was when she first watched the movie with Geralt because she thought the movie would be about the short stories in the book, but in reality, the movie had very little to do with the book.
"It's okay though," she adds, "because this movie rocks anyway."
That's how they find themselves watching "I, Robot" with Ciri sitting between them with a big bowl of popcorn in her lap.
"Geralt, can I ask you something?" Jaskier asks before he shoves a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
"You look like a squirrel stuffing his little cheeks with walnuts," Geralt can't help but tease, "sure, ask if you don't get choked before you can."
"That's how you enjoy popcorn, you peasant."
"I don't know much about that since I don't like popcorn."
Jaskier gasps at that as if he said: "I bathe in the blood of the innocent every single day to maintain my health."
"How come someone doesn't like popcorn is behind my comprehension," he huffs like he is personally offended by that. Ciri warns them to keep it quiet with a loud "shhh," since she is fully focused on the movie.
"God, it's the same reaction every time I tell someone this," Geralt complains, "it doesn't even taste good, what there's to like?"
"You can always add some salt so it tastes good."
"It makes me feel thirsty then."
"Everyone loves popcorn! Everyone!"
"Well, not my dad," Ciri rolls her eyes as she pauses the movie. "If you weren't here he wouldn't even let me have popcorn even if I begged. 'It's not healthy, Ciri. And it doesn't even taste good. Let me peel some apples for you, instead.' " she imitates him, causing Jaskier to look at him in horror.
"Can you please stop looking at me like I'm a circle freak? I just don't like popcorn. Even that one pizza with peanut butter and gumball Crazy Eyes orders in 'Mr. Deeds' sounds more delicious than popcorn."
"...ew, just ew. I'm concerned for you if you actually think that. How about caramel popcorn?"
"I feel the same about caramel popcorn."
"You're impossible, Geralt. Totally impossible. Well, what can I say? Your loss, our gain. Right, dear?"
"Give me a high-five then!" The musician says with a grin, raising his hand. They share a high-five proudly as if they have just saved the world together from earth-threatening asteroids.
"What were you going to ask?" Geralt asks curiously, but Jaskier just blankly looks at him instead of answering.
"Let me guess. You forgot? See, you wouldn't forget it if it wasn't for all that popcorn questions of yours."
"Don't talk like that in front of our popcorn, Geralt. Ciri, can you please keep playing the movie?"
"I think she fell asleep," Jaskier informs him with a whisper when there are about twenty minutes left of the movie.
Geralt pauses the movie and smiles when he sees that Ciri had fallen asleep on the musician's shoulder—the sight warming up his heart especially when Jaskier looks at her fondly.
"Figured out so. Usually, this is where she announces her dislike for V.I.K.I and rants about Sonny's wink."
"Can't blame her, V.I.K.I is so diabolic."
"We're all on the same page about that," he agrees. "Hey, it doesn't seem like you made her go 'meh' like you were afraid that you would, huh? I told you that she already adores you. I think she likes you even more now."
"Well, I was afraid that I couldn't prove that I was worthy of her gorgeous dad. And I hope her dad shares his daughter's feelings," Jaskier pokes Geralt's arm with his elbow teasingly.
"Oh, please. If anything, it was me who should have been afraid. You two teamed up against me, 'Jask'."
"It's because she's a defender of truth, not because she was playing favorites or anything."
"I better tuck in this defender of truth," Geralt says as he stands up, and if his eyes aren't fooling him, Jaskier watches him affectionately when he picks up Ciri so he can carry her to her room.
He gently carries her to her room and tucks her in. "Sweet dreams, pumpkin," the nurse plants a soft, small kiss on his daughter's head before heading back to the living room, feeling happy that he has seen her smile and laugh a lot today. And truth be told, he feels a bit excited that he can be alone with Jaskier for a while.
"Wanna finish the movie?" he asks after settling on the couch and plays the movie again when Jaskier nods.
"I've forgotten how cool this scene was." Jaskier says when Spooner screams "Save her! Save the girl!" and Sonny listens to him, trusts Spooner to apply the nanites. "Gosh, I've got goosebumps. Seriously. It's not even just a figure of speech."
When Jaskier holds his arm up to show it, Geralt gently strokes the other man's arm by instinct, feeling goosebumps along his skin. As soon as he does that, he feels that he gets goosebumps himself, but it has nothing to do with the movie, and everything to do with the beautiful man sitting next to him right now—even though, yeah, Jaskier is right, this scene is so cool that no one can claim otherwise.
Without Ciri between them, they sit close to each other now, their thighs touching.
Geralt looks at Jaskier's surprised face; his incredibly blue eyes look so luminous in the reflected light from the TV. So luminous, and intriguing.
A moment later, Jaskier makes himself more comfortable on the couch. He then points at Geralt's right arm: "Is it okay if I— you know."
It amazes Geralt how he shamelessly flirts with him in front of his daughter but gets shy over this. He holds back a chuckle, gladly wrapping his arm around Jaskier.
He wonders if Jaskier can hear his heartbeats quickening when the musician leans his head on his chest.
"You make a comfy pillow."
"Thank you, I guess?"
"No, Geralt. Thank you."
And with that, they focus on what's left of the movie. Or more like Jaskier focuses on it while Geralt is busy focusing on him.
He knows that Jaskier is really focused on the movie because he hears him sniffing lightly when Sonny asks "Does this make us friends?" to Spooner five minutes later.
"Are you seriously crying over a robot right now?" he chuckles.
"He has a name, you heartless man," Jaskier argues, getting rid of Geralt's arm and wiping his tears away. "You don't understand," he holds a hand up in defense, "he made a friend. Sonny made a friend, Geralt. For the first time in his life."
"So? What do you mean 'so'? It's an emotional scene." The musician lets out a frustrated sigh, "You're unbelievable."
"I'll let you know that even Ciri doesn't cry at this part."
Instead of making a comment, Jaskier turns to look at the TV again, so Geralt does the same, but he soon finds himself looking at him again because of his lack of comment when the movie is about to end. And that's how he realizes that the other man is busy trying to blink away the tears that have started to well up in his eyes once more.
As he watches Jaskier wrapping his arms around himself as if he's trying to hold himself together, he feels like this isn't really about Sonny anymore—maybe it never was.
"Jaskier..?" he calls his name, but the musician doesn't reply, looking lost in his thoughts. So Geralt puts his hand on Jaskier's shoulder and calls his name again, concerned.
"Are you okay?" he asks when Jaskier finally snaps out of his own head and confusedly looks at him.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm just— I don't know what came over me."
Not buying Jaskier's answer, Geralt presses his lips together and just stares at him in a way that screams: "We both know that this is not true and I'm gonna keep staring at you until you tell me what's the matter."
"Seriously, it's nothing important," Jaskier gives a dismissive wave of his hand and tries to smile.
It isn't his usual, warmer than the sun on a summer day type of smile. It isn't his spectacular smile that makes Geralt think of everything beautiful in the world; makes him think of the most beautiful, colorful flowers, makes him think of a sweet wind that gently caresses your face just when you need it, making you feel at peace.
No, it isn't Jaskier's kind of smile that makes Geralt feel like watching the waves while listening to calming melodies, and he hates this heartbreakingly apologetic and tight smile the other man gives him.
"Doesn't seem like it," Geralt says softly as he squeezes his shoulder in what he hopes is a reassuring manner, "Why don't you tell me what it is? I've been told I'm a good listener."
"It just—" Jaskier takes a deep breath and keeps his head low as he avoids looking at Geralt, his shoulders slumping as if in defeat. Geralt's mind is already racing with possible things that the musician could say.
"It reminded me of someone I used to know. Of my first real friend," he explains. "She had asked me the exact same question when I saved her ass from his so-called foster parents. 'Does this makes us friends?' I can still remember the look in her eyes when she asked that. I was the first friend she ever had, as well. We didn't get along when we first met, truth be told. But after that, we were simply inseparable.  
"We weren't liked by most adults—and also by the other kids actually, because well," Jaskier chuckles dryly, "we were both pretty handful kids. It didn't really matter though, we could handle everything together. At least we felt like we could, and did so for nearly fourteen years, and then turned out we—"
Jaskier swallows the tight lump that has formed in his throat. He can hardly utter the next words, and when he does, his voice is thick with emotion.
"Turned out we can't handle too well with muggers with knives."
Feeling his own eyes brimming with tears, Geralt can't even react at first as he watches Jaskier crying openly.
After a while, "I'm so sorry," is all he can say before he wraps his arms around Jaskier's slightly shaking frame and pulls him into a hug. The other man welcomes the hug and snuggles up to him as Geralt repeats the same words again: "I'm so sorry, Jaskier."
"She was my best friend, Geralt," he whispers brokenly, burying his face in the nurse's chest. "She was like the sister I never had."
Geralt doesn't know how long they stay like this; with Jaskier quietly crying and holds on to him like he is his lifeline and Geralt resting his chin on top of the musician's head, caressing his soft hair with his left hand, and rubbing small, soothing circles on wherever his right hand can reach—on his arm, his back. It can be half an hour, it can be only fifteen minutes. He doesn't really care.
He just wants him to give Geralt his usual, heart-warming Jaskier Smile; wants Jaskier to feel better. Better and not lonely anymore.
He highly doubts that Jaskier has let anyone in after he lost his friend—let them really know him and get close to him. Anyone besides Geralt. And he can't help but wonder if that was why no one visited Jaskier at the hospital; if that was why he most likely didn't even let anyone know about the accident.
" 'm sorry for ruining our first date," Jaskier eventually mumbles. "I shouldn't have brought this up."
Geralt gently grabs Jaskier's chin and lifts it up a little so their eyes meet. Jaskier has a guilty, ashamed expression on his face, his eyes are red from crying.
"You're not ruining anything, you don't need to apologize," Geralt looks into his eyes and assures him, wiping the tears away from the musician's face.
Frowning, the other man mirrors his action and reaches for Geralt's face to wipe the tears away with his thump. "Making you cry is pretty much considered as ruining our date in my book. And to think that I just broke down because of something a bloody robot said—"
" 'A bloody robot'? He has a name, you know. It's Sonny. You heartless, beautiful musician. Shame on you."
Surprised by Geralt's comeback, Jaskier laughs and hides his face in the nurse's chest once again—but in embarrassment this time— as he complains: "Oh lord. You're the worst."
"Well, you probably shouldn't have dedicated that impressive, amazing video to me if I'm that bad. Seemed like you really spent so much time on it."
That makes him look at Geralt and give him a smile. And Geralt finds himself smiling back, too, thinking: "Here it is. His Jaskier Smile."
"I think you meant to say 'bearable musician', before" Jaskier teases. "That's the second time you've mentioned it, you really like it then I guess."
"That was one of the nicest things someone ever has done for me. And the same thing goes for your drawing, speaking of which," Geralt admits as Jaskier pulls himself away from him a bit. He finds himself missing his warmth already. "I didn't think you would do something like singing a song for me though, so imagine my surprise when I got home and saw that video."
"Wait, for real? Don't tell me that I'm the first patient who tried to serenade you. I mean— you're just so..." he vaguely gestures to him, "So you."
"You're not the first patient who tried to flirt with me, but you're the first one who took it that far. And the first one who went full 'here's my number, so call me, definitely,' on me."
"No regrets. Well, actually, I take that back. One regret. I regret that I didn't ask for your number that day. Uh, Geralt?"
"I feel terrible about before. I mean it, I shouldn't have brought it up and I'm really—
"If you say 'sorry' again I'll lock you in a room filled with popcorn without any salt and let you rot there."
"That's your idea of torture?"
"That's my idea of hell."
"I must say that your idea of hell is pretty sweet then, if only it—" Jaskier's eyes suddenly widen when Geralt lets out a tired yawn, "Oh shit, what time is it?" he asks, frantically searching for his phone on the couch, then looking at the coffee table to see if it's on there.
"I think you left your phone in the kitchen," the nurse replies, not understanding why he is panicking. “Maybe he was supposed to call someone, but he forgot about it,” his mind suggests, but then Jaskier asks the same question again with a bonus, "When are you gonna go to work tomorrow?" question.
"You're gonna wake up early tomorrow, right? I'm sorry that I kept you this— I mean, please accept my apologies that I kept you up this late. And please don't let me rot in the Popcorn Room just because I said 'sorry'. It's late, isn't it? It's probably already past 1 a.m, and yet here I am. Good God," the musician shakes his head and stands up, clearly frustrated with himself, "how inconsiderate of me."
Finding his reaction to the situation adorable, Geralt chuckles and reaches out to the other man to pull him back on the couch, but Jaskier resists.
"It's okay, calm down. I'm on the night shift tomorrow," Geralt lets him know. "Also, I thought you had no problem with the Popcorn Room since you love popcorn."
"Oh. Glad to hear that you don't need to wake up that early tomorrow then," Jaskier says, looking like he feels suddenly stupid. "Still though, I'm sure you had a tiring day at work today, so I better get going already. And for the record; I don't have any problem with being locked in a room filled with popcorn, I have a problem with not having you there with me. Anyway, thank you for having me today, Geralt. I'm so happy that I could finally see you again and finally met Ciri. She is such a sweetheart."
Geralt pats the empty space next to him, but Jaskier taps his wrist twice like he's wearing a watch, trying to emphasize the time.
"Wow, you're trying to get rid of me already, I see," the nurse jokes, hoping it would make Jaskier convince to sit down again. "I thought it would take three days at least. Is it because I'm not wearing my work clothes? Am I not attractive enough without them?"
Jaskier rolls his eyes at that before saying: "You could wear a rubbish bag and still look attractive, Geralt."
"Then can you please sit down?" Geralt insists, "For a minute at least?"
The other man finally gives in and sits down next to him with a sigh.
"You're aware of the fact that Ciri will tear me to pieces tomorrow because I didn't wake her up when she fell asleep, right?" Geralt wonders, facing Jaskier and propping his elbow on the back of the couch so he can prop his hand against his cheek as he talks. "Besides, yeah, it's late. Why don't you just stay here tonight?"
Jaskier opens his mouth—probably to kindly refuse, but Geralt doesn't let him speak and continues: "If you're thinking about replying with 'I don't want to bother you,' or something like that, you better get ready to say hi to the hell because it's nonsense."
"Hmm." The other man copies his sitting position on the couch, "By 'hell' you mean the Popcorn Room again, of course."
"Damn right."
"Well, I think I'd like to stay away from hell tonight," Jaskier shrugs one shoulder lazily. "Only if you promise to go to sleep soon, though. Otherwise, lead the way to the hell, Mr. Handsome Nurse."
"I think you missed the part where I said I don't have to wake up that early tomorrow," Geralt snorts. "How about we go to the kitchen now so I can make us hot chocolate?"
"No, I heard it loud and clear," Jaskier stares at him with a neutral expression, "but you still need to rest, love."
Geralt hopes Jaskier cannot see he is blushing because of the way the musician chose to finish his sentence.
He is about the resist when Jaskier holds up a finger in warning, "I mean it. I'm outta here if you decide to argue with me on that."
The nurse can't help but sigh in disbelief and disappointment. It makes his heart flutter in his chest though, because he is sure that Jaskier would love to stay up for another hour at least and just keep talking, too, and yet, he puts Geralt first.
As much as he wants to argue, he knows Jaskier is right—he needs to rest, and if he stays up for another hour he won't feel well-rested tomorrow.
"No wonder why Ciri gets annoyed whenever I tell her to go to sleep," he thinks aloud, causing the other man to grin at him.
"So, what do you say? Have you carefully listened and agreed to the terms and conditions? Shake my hand to check the box," Jaskier holds out his hand.
Geralt picks up Jaskier's hand with grace and lightly kisses the back of it without any hesitation. Not expecting this, the musician gapes at him—looking adorable as ever.
"Yes, Jaskier," the nurse smiles, "I have carefully listened and agreed to the terms and conditions."
They finally met! Yasss! A coin for your thoughts? I seriously wonder what you think about this chapter, dear Witchlings.💛 What part did you like the most? Did any part make you laugh or smile? I'd be SO grateful if you let me know 😅
I had so much fun while writing this chapter, by the way—well except for that one particular part. And the thing is even I had no idea. Jaskier just got emotional suddenly and here I was, wondering what the hell was happening. And it didn't feel natural to cut that part out, because it just happened.
And another thing is, I didn't think this chapter would be this long. I was just thinking "They will meet and have dinner together, then Jaskier will leave. That's it."
And I'm not gonna lie, I kinda wrote most of these two chapters in the same week instead of humaning and at one point I seriously started to wonder if Jaskier was planning to leave Geralt's home at all. I was planning to end the chapter when he leaves, so it was like:
-Okay, you met them, you had dinner, time to leave. Ciri, out of nowhere: Time to watch "I, Robot!" Me: No no no, that wasn't my plan, Jaskier is supposed to le— Jaskier, already eating popcorn and watching the movie: I'm going nowhere yet. *** Jaskier: *finally says he better get going* Geralt: Hell no! Me: 
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 Joking aside, it's not up to me what he does and I love my precious, silly Dandelion. He can live there forever for all I care, I'm done with trying 😂
(Oh, if any of you have any ideas, feel free to let me know because I'm not sure what's gonna happen in the next chapter for now ><)
Thank you so much for reading 💛  
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maboroshi-no · 3 years ago
Hamefura LN11 Moments: AlanxKatarina
While reading Hamefura Light Novel Volume 11, I wrote some summary / quick translations of some moments.
Here is the AlanxKatarina moment in the book.
Katarina had met the King the day before. She told Geordo and Alan she doesn’t think of them differently even after hearing what their relatives did
Katarina has decided to study love so that she can face her feelings, Geordo’s and Keith’s
Katarina is now more proactive regarding the measures against her doom
Katarina has decided to go to the castle’s library during her day off, hoping she will find another memo containing hints regarding FL2 in a book
Katarina’s POV
Katarina meets Alan at the library. 
Katarina: "Ah, Prince Alan!"
Alan: "Oh, it's you, Katarina. So you came to the castle today, huh. What did you come for?"
Katarina: "I am off from work today, so I have come to the library to do some research."
Alan: "You've come to the library during your day off to do some research? You?!"
Alan is making a mocking face.
Katarina: "How rude, Prince Alan! Even I can come during a day off to do some research (starting today)!
Katarina pouts, inflating her cheeks. Alan is not making a mocking face anymore.
Alan: "Oh well, do your best and try not to fall asleep, okay?"
Katarina is thinking to herself that Alan may look like a grown adult, but inside he's still the same as when they were kids. 
Katarina: "Mean Bossy Brat."
Katarina mutters to herself. Alan heard her.
Alan: "What did you say?"
Katarina: "It's not like it was hard to understand."
Alan: "You were insulting me, weren't you?"
Katarina: "If you know, then don't ask!"
Alan: "What's with you, stupid duke's daughter?"
Katarina: "And now you're insulting me?"
Alan: "Weren't you the one who started it?"
Katarina: "YOU started it by making fun of me!"
Alan: "I was just telling the truth!"
Katarina: "What did you say?"
They argue back and forth for a while and then Alan bursts out laughing.
Katarina : "?"
Katarina is blank.
Alan: "No, it's just that it has been a while since we had that kind of exchange, so I thought it was funny."
Hearing Alan say this with an innocent smile, Katarina was taken aback and thought it was indeed funny, and then laughed with Alan.
Katarina: "That's right. When we were little, we would often butt heads like this."
Alan: "Ah~ Yeah, kinda. For all kinds of things."
//TN: starting here, I switched the narration to Katarina’s POV
Alan looked embarrassed saying this. At first, when I met him, Alan had a strong inferiority complex towards Geordo, and was stormy. He has completely calmed now. This fight just now feels so nostalgic. As I was remembering the past,
Alan: "I am sorry for all I did in the past. Butting heads with you for whatever.". 
He said.
Katarina: "Eh?! After all this time?!"
I opened my eyes wide from getting apologies more than 10 years later. 
Alan: "Yeah, it is late but it's just that I remembered I never apologized, that's all."
He said this, looking embarrassed, and continued with
Alan: "I am sorry, and thank you."
As I got confused again from being thanked this time, he laughed at me again and I couldn't ask him why. Alan is laughing a lot today. Ah, that's right. I guess I'll ask Alan. 
Katarina: "Prince Alan, do you know about love?"
Sora told me that even if I asked people about love, I won't fall in love myself, but... If I ask various kinds of things, maybe when I have this kind of feeling I'll be able to realize it more quickly. So there isn't anything to lose. However, Alan and Mary are only engaged for political reasons and they don't give off a lovey-dovey air. Besides, Alan is especially childish so even if I ask, I don't think he would know. He is probably like me, a fellow member of the "I don't know what love is" club, but
Alan: "Wh- What are you saying suddenly?"
Alan was bright red and shaking.
Katarina: "Eh?! No way! You know?!" 
I raised my voice in surprise as I thought he would say "I don't really know". While I saw them as a boss and her underling, there was love developing between the two of them.
Alan: "What do you mean 'No way?!'? I have been an adult for several years already... So of course I would know that much..."
Alan said with a red face.
Alan: "What about you? Do you?"
He asked me in return. 
Katarina: "Eh, Me?! Well.. I..."
If I told him I didn't, he would probably make fun of me, and since I couldn't reply right away...
Alan: "I bet a kid like you wouldn't, right?"
I knew he would make fun of me. I got so upset I felt like matching his words.
Katarina: "Of course I know that much."
I replied in a somewhat pretentious way. As I did, Alan's eyes grew wide, and
Alan: "...So you do, huh? And who is the one you love?"
Alan had an unusually serious face.
Katarina: "Eh?! Well, he is..."
I didn't think that far, and since I couldn't answer...
Alan: "Could it be Geordo? So in the end, you..."
Because Alan continued the conversation with a serious tone, I couldn't keep up with it, so I immediately threw away my pretense. 
Katarina: "I'm sorry. I lied when I said I knew. I was just putting on airs. Actually, I don't know anything about it."
As I replied honestly, Alan felt somewhat relieved. Eh? Could it be that Alan was also putting on airs when he said he knew? As I thought, could he be a fellow member of the "I don't know what love is" club? 
Alan: "Oh, I see! So you still don't know!"
As he said this, Alan vigorously ruffled my hair. It feels like I am being treated like a kid.
Alan: "Oh well, I guess you wouldn't. Makes sense."
Alan is nodding to himself. It feels like he is making fun of me again. And he also looks extremely happy for some reason. I thought I would ask him if he really is a fellow member of the "I don't know what love is" club, but Alan who was now in high spirits said
Alan: "Well then, I have some official business to attend, so I'll see you later. Good luck with your studies at the library!"
As he said, he stroked my head again before going off happily. Jeez, it's not studying, it's research. In the end, I couldn't hear from Alan anything useful about love. 
Alan's POV:
I, Alan Stuart, am on my way to attend an official business, in a very good mood. Earlier, my mood sank to the very depth for a moment, but after I realized it was a misunderstanding, my mood then reached new heights. Just thinking I could see her 2 days in a row makes me happy. Yesterday, when I heard from Father that he would talk to Katarina and Maria about the unsightly past of the royal family, I felt dizzy. It's because I felt anxious thinking that after hearing the story, Katarina might look at us with eyes full of contempt. The time during which Father was talking to them felt incredibly long and just imagining Katarina telling us "I don't want to see you ever again" was the worst feeling ever. But when we asked her directly she told us while staring right into our eyes "The royals who took part in this struggle are different people to begin with. My opinion of the two of you cannot possibly change after hearing this story. Besides I know very well each of your personalities.". Looking at her dignified appearance, I fell for her all over again. However, when I looked at my side, Geordo was looking at her so lovingly. I averted my eyes right away. That's right. Katarina is Geordo's fiancée. And afterwards, when I saw her being escorted by Geordo, I suppressed my feelings somehow. Why did I have to fall for my older brother's fiancée, a woman I absolutely must never fall for? And when I think of looking elsewhere, there is no other woman like Katarina, and as a result I can't stop my feelings for her. Mary, my fiancée who, like me, has fallen for someone who won't return her feelings told me "Even so, I can't simply give up". But I can't do the same. Geordo and Katarina will get married eventually. I know I have to give up. But it's just that, while it is a well-known fact that Geordo loves Katarina, I know that Katarina herself does not have such feelings for him. No matter how much time passes, childish Katarina won't have such feelings. So just like that, I have been feeling at ease. So when Katarina asked me "Do you have someone you love?", I ended up shaking fiercely. But then, when I realized my misunderstanding, learning that Katarina was actually still not in love, I felt incredibly happy. I know someday I will have no choice but to give up. But I can't help wishing I could stay like this just a little longer. I kissed the hand where the sensation of her soft hair remained, and continued on my way with light steps. 
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phlox238 · 4 years ago
i wrote a pretty long rymin fic and half of it is min being anxious and getting advice from a lesbian at a gay bar,,, it sucks but here it is anyway
2.5k words this is the most ive ever written
"So," The girl began, gesturing wildly with her hands. "You think you're in love with your best friend, who you've known since you were born, and you're in a band and traveling across Canada and the USA with. What did you say your name is?" 
"Oh, fuck." Min-gi sighed, letting his head rest in his hands. "This is weird, isn't it? I barely know you."
"Nah, I just thought that, if we're going to have a slightly drunk chat in the back of a gay bar, then we should know each other's names. I'm Eryn, and you?" Eryn stuck out her hand, the many bracelets she wore on her wrist clanking together. 
Min chuckled a little, then took her hand and shook it. Her dark skin was warm, which was surprising, since this part of the bar was near freezing. "Min-gi. But you can call me Min." 
"Awesome. So, tell me about it, Min." Eryn tightened her ponytail, leaning forward on her arms. 
"Tell you what about it? There's so many things that I could say." He was so caught up in this gay crisis stuff that he hadn't even considered stopping for a moment to really think about it.
Eryn shrugged. "Whatever you want to say. Get stuff off your chest, just let it out, if you want to. There's like, nobody else back here. Doesn't really matter, right? I'm not judgy." 
"Okay...well, he has a girlfriend, first of all; has had many of them. So he's not into dudes." Min crossed his arms. 
"Hey, he could still be. Just because he dates women doesn't mean he's straight. Could still be into guys. Don't give up hope just yet, okay?" Eryn laced her fingers together, as if she was planning something. The dark lighting of the bar didn't help anything.
“Damn,” Min rubbed his eyes. “I didn’t know you could like both.”
Not without laughing at him first, Eryn started to explain. "Oh, wow, you really are new to this, huh?" She chuckled a little more, shaking her head. “That’s okay. There’s a lot of different ways to love people, you just gotta figure out what works for you. Oh, also; it isn’t just both. There’s the genderqueer people, too, don’t forget about them!” She smiled. 
Min didn’t quite know what genderqueer meant, but he figured he could find out later. He was asking too many questions already. "Damn...how do you know all of this? I only realized I was, er, gay, like six months ago."  Min marveled at her, the same way a nerd at school would marvel at the 'cool kids.' And honestly, she really looked like one, with her ponytail and undercut, her yellow, patched leather jacket, even the flashy jewelry she wore.
It made Min want to start dressing differently. Dressing cooler, like Ryan, like Eryn. Maybe he could.
Eryn grinned wider. "Oh, you know. It's just things you pick up along the way. I've known that I'm lesbian for a long time, since I was like 11. And I'm 21 now, so that's a long time. Lots of experience." She shuffled a little in her seat, taking another drink of beer. "Anyway. We're getting off track, aren't we? Keep talking, man." 
Min laughed, a real laugh. "Okay, okay. A year ago, we, er…" He reached desperately for an explanation for the train, but decided that, just maybe, he could tell her. Really, the worst that she could think of him is that he's a drug user. "Can I tell you something? It's going to sound absolutely insane, probably, but I just. Need to tell someone." 
She looked concerned, her dark brown eyes wide, but nodded anyway. "That's real ominous. But sure, go for it."
"Okay. So. Stick with me, here. A year ago, him and I got on a train, right? But then, there was another train door within the train. We just...went into the door. Well, the bastard threw my keys into it and then ran in, so how could I not follow?" Eryn was looking at him intently like she understood. Min could tell he was pretty drunk by now; he'd never be able to open up to someone this much sober. But that's okay. More than okay, really. 
"It gets even weirder from then on. Ryan- that's his name, by the way- and I woke up on a giant, infinie train in the middle of nowhere. Gotta be pretty unbelievable, though. You probably think I'm on drugs." Min sighed.
Eryn was silent for a moment, but it was obvious she was getting ready to explode. "Dude, no fucking way!" Yep, there it was. "I got on that train! When I was eleven. I was super conflicted on my sexuality, had a shit ton of internalized homophobia as a result of having homophobic family. I felt like a disgusting person. So I got on the train, and it actually helped me through it." She'd completely lit up when Min mentioned the train. Looked like she was going to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. 
For a moment, Min was speechless. Soon, though, he regained his voice. "You're kidding," was all he could muster.
"Nope." Eryn's grin nearly reached her ears. "Did you have someone to help you along, too? There was a white cat named Samantha for me. She was French, for some reason. But I miss her." 
"Oh! Yeah, Ryan and I had a floating, talking bell named Kez. Weird, right?. I miss her, too. Wonder how she's doing." Min thought for a second, completely and utterly relieved to have met someone else to share an experience with. Then something clicked. "Hold on...I might have met this cat you speak of. Yellow eyes? Uh, blonde...hair?" 
"Blonde hair? Well, she didn't have that. But yeah, yellow eyes, French accent." Eryn nodded. They were silent for a moment. 
Min chuckled, suddenly getting the urge to continue on with their story. Telling someone about the train would feel wonderful. "We had a lot of...issues...regarding our friendship, at the time. That's why the train picked us up in the first place." He fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "The train did help us. But we had a lot of weirdly intimate moments on it, and that's where my sexuality crisis started. Like, there was a car where we had to perform a song with each other to get out of it, and of course I got stage fright right before it. I left him alone on stage. Again." Min paused, the guilt almost making him feel like he was living through that moment again. 
Eryn nudged him. "And? That doesn't sound intimate. What happened next?" 
"I hid in the bathroom. So he came in, and at first he was angry, but I was having a full on anxiety attack. We sat in the bathtub, hip to hip, knee to knee. It was weird, but nice. He helped me calm down. And like...in our last year of Highschool, I gave him a shirt with our band name on it. In that bath tub, he had it with him. He kept it. Said he'd never done a show without it." Min laughed, but there wasn't much humor about it. "Man, I wanted to kiss him so bad right then and there. But I didn't." 
Eryn had a soft look in her eyes. "I dunno about you, but that sounds pretty damn gay to me. Maybe he's just dating other people to distract himself from his crush on you, who knows! All I'm trying to say is, don't give up on this, Min. You two have something going on, I don't know what, but it could blossom into a relationship." She patted him on the shoulder, then took another drink of her beer. 
Min did the same. "What if he's not gay?" His voice was small. "Worse, what if he's homophobic? I don't know...fuck, it's terrifying. I could lose him because I'm gay." 
"Well," Eryn paused for a moment, "you could try and subtly bring it into conversation. Maybe, like, bring up a celebrity who's gay. See his reaction." She gestured with her hands a lot, Min noticed. 
Min nodded. It seemed simple in theory, but he knew he'd manage to fuck it up somehow. The logical part of his brain knew Ryan wouldn't leave him for being gay, but at the same time, there was this voice in the back of his head. Irrational thoughts, irrational fears; that's all it spoke of. 
"Thank you. Really. It's been nice to talk about this, especially with someone who's been on the train. That thing is...a freak of nature. Maybe not even nature, I don't know. I'll try that with him, too." Min said finally, after some silence. Eryn laughed. 
"Yeah, it absolutely is." She smiled widely. Eryn glanced around, her eyes finally landing on the only visible clock in this part of the bar. Her eyes widened. "Shit, I should really get going! Sorry. I told my girlfriend I'd be back around now." She, out of nowhere, gave Min a hug. It'd been a while since he'd hugged anyone, he realized, and it felt nice. Although, very unexpected. 
Min hugged her back, sort of awkwardly. They separated soon after.
"That's okay. Again...thank you, so much. I should get young too." By now, it was almost 11 pm, and he figured he should leave as well. Ryan should be back at their apartment soon enough. 
Min was about to turn and leave, but Eryn stopped him.
"Hey! How about we exchange phone numbers? This was a good chat, eh? I'd like to stay in contact." Eryn searched her pockets for a pen and some paper, but only found a marker. "Can I, like, write it on your arm and you can do the same?"
Min knew Ryan would tease him over it, but oh, well, he made a new friend. "Yeah, that's fine." He laughed, offering her his arm. She quickly scribbled her number on it, and honestly, it was barely legible. But he could read it, somewhat. 
He then wrote his number on her arm, they exchanged goodbyes, and were on their way. Min dreaded returning to Ryan, who would definitely start to go on and on about his girlfriend, and just prove to make Min feel worse about his stupid crush.
But maybe, just maybe, Eryn was right. Maybe things would finally go his way for once. 
Min's walk home was quiet (as quiet as New York can be at night) and cold, it being the middle of November. Snow was just beginning to fall. Being outside Eryn's words stuck in his head like glue. Talk to him. As if he could do that. The idea of even just mentioning anything close to being gay made anxiety rise in his throat like bile. 
He couldn't. Probably.
Before he could think much more on it, he was home. Home. Back to the decent one bedroom apartment they'd scraped up all of the money in their pockets to buy. Back to the scent of cigarette smoke in the air, back to the strange stains on the carpet in the hallway. Most importantly, back to Ryan. No matter how much resentment Min-gi might hold to him for having a girlfriend, Ryan usually made things better. 
He walked up the stairs and down the hall to apartment number 202, ironically. Unlocked and opened the door to find it dark inside save for a single lamp. Min walked in, curious, just to find Ryan curled up in the fetal position on the sofa. That really made him anxious.
"Hey...Ryan? You good, man?" Min sat on the empty portion of the sofa, near his head. 
Ryan stirred, rolling over onto his back. His head was resting a bit on Min's thigh, and it felt kind of nice. 
"I dunno…" He mumbled. "She broke up with me." 
"What?" Min looked down at Ryan, surprised. "Lisa? You're kidding." 
"Nope, not kidding." Ryan laced his fingers together over his stomach. "The thing is...I'm like, kind of relieved that she did it? How fucked up is that?"  
Min tilted his head in confusion. He really wanted to run his hand through Ryan's hair, but that was a really inappropriate thought for the moment. 
"She, uh...said some things. When she broke up with me." He sighed. "Called me a fag." Ryan laughed, like he found it funny. Min didn't. 
"Dude, what? Why?" Min's voice was a little shaky, for no other reason than that they were talking about gay people. 
Ryan sighed. "Take a good look at us, Min." He brought his forearm up to cover his eyes. "We're two dudes, living in a one bedroom apartment together. We do everything together. Of course she's gonna think there's something going on." 
Min felt like he was going to fucking disintegrate. "U-Uh...and that's a bad thing?"
"I mean...no. It just kind of clicked that...maybe she's right. Maybe I am gay." Ryan sat up, his back facing towards Min. He didn't look back. " I always assumed that I'd be straight, but this...it makes sense. None of my relationships have ever worked out. With women." 
Min reached out and gently touched his shoulder. "Ryan...it's okay." 
Ryan looked back, now, and his eyes were watery. Min frowned.
“How could it be okay?” His voice cracked as he spoke. “It’s just another reason for people to hate me. For my parents to hate me. Hell, maybe even you.” By the time that he finished talking, his voice was almost inaudible. 
"No!" Min almost shouted, jolting forward. "No. Ryan, I could never hate you." Fuck, how was he supposed to tell Ryan he's gay now? Part of him wanted to shout it out impulsively, but the other part, it just wanted to keep hiding. Because what if something goes wrong? What if Ryan's in love with someone else? All what ifs. He really needed to stop. 
Min inhaled deeply. Here goes. "This is gonna sound really coincidental, but...I'm gay too." 
Quickly, Ryan turned around to face Min. His eyes were wide behind his glasses. 
"What? No fucking way. You're kidding." Ryan was leaning forward, using his fists to prop him up. 
Min shook his head. "No...I'm not. I was gonna tell you soon anyway, but now seemed like a good time." He scratched his head awkwardly.
Then, Ryan launched at him, hugging him. Arms wrapped around his neck, knees touching Min's thighs, the whole package. Min was sure he'd die with how flushed his face was; but thankfully, he didn't. 
After what felt like a while, Ryan finally spoke. 
"I love you." He mumbled into Min's shoulder. 
Min paused. "In a gay way, or…?" 
Ryan laughed. "Yeah, you idiot." He shook his head in amusement. 
"Good. That's...great." He hugged Ryan tighter, finally letting himself run his fingers through his hair. It was soft, just like he expected. "I love you too." 
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nightshade-minho · 4 years ago
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-Embers- (1)
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warnings: suggestive, future smut, themes of death
wc: 5.3k
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White specks of paint, scattered across an inky sky - they truly were beautiful. You adjusted yourself on the grassy hill, eyes closing as you tried to calm your nerves. Sighing, you ran your hand over crimson scales, trying to ignore the blinding lights of your village in the distance.
“The stars are beautiful tonight.”
You wished you could stay here forever. Where the only sounds that grace your ears are the deep rumbling snores of the enormous draconian creature you're curled up against. It's a comforting sound, and yet you knew you were going to have to leave soon. Your father would be absolutely enraged if you were late to such an important event- in fact, you were sure he’d have absolutely no qualms killing you in front of the entire village and crowning a broomstick as his heir instead.
Perhaps that's why you delayed the inevitable for a little longer, nuzzling your head against the dragon's hide. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you observed your bustling village from above, frantically getting ready for the festival and the welcoming. People were decorating their houses, painting murals onto their walls and making sure everything was perfect for the guests that would arrive tonight.
The streets were lit up with lanterns, and the people milling about outside their houses were dressed up in their best. The excitement in the atmosphere was palpable, and you could almost feel it from atop the hill.
Sighing, you looked to the side, your eyes meeting enormous yellow ones.
“Aeracus...I know what you’re thinking.” You sighed and curled up your knees to your chest. “And you’re right. I’m nervous, but also excited. I can’t believe we’re going to be seeing him again after all these years. Can you?”
The dragon slowly shook his head from side to side, and you chuckled. “Do you think he’s changed? Or do you think he’s still a feline-obsessed asshole?” You smiled, his laughter ringing in your ears as you reminisced.
Slowly though, the good memories bled into terrible ones. Loss and pain, mingling in your heart and taking over your emotions. The smile disappeared from your face as you remembered what had happened. The reason he left. The reason you weren’t allowed to participate in the championships that were to be a part of the festival’s celebrations...the reason the whole village considered you an outcast, despite being the chief’s daughter.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, pushing your hair back as you slowly stood up, dusting off your tunic. You pressed a kiss to the dragon’s neck, sighing.
“I’m going to go, Aeracus. Honestly, you should be grateful you don’t have to partake in these events.”
The dragon let out a disapproving rumble at that, and your face softened. That was a low blow. After all, it wasn’t his fault that he was forced to to refrain from joining his fellow dragons in the games. No, the blame was to be shared between you and Minho.
The felicity in your heart was intertwined with a faint sense of lingering sorrow. It happened so many years ago, and yet the echoes were still fresh in your mind...
You couldn’t deny that you were desperate to see him again. In fact, saying you were desperate would probably be an understatement. You were thrilled, electrified- and yet, oh so anxious.
You clenched your fists, taking in a deep breath and starting to descend the hill. You’d put it off for long enough.
“Children, listen carefully, now.”
The boy next to you didn’t heed the elder’s warning, continuing to draw on the back of his hand.
“Minho! Pay attention, or I will have to call your father.”
Minho looked up, scowling. He placed the chalk down and pursed his lips, directing his attention towards the clay figurines that were laid out in front of the elderly woman. You, as well as the 10 other kids in the cottage, were fascinated by the story being told. The woman was teaching you about your culture, the information you needed to know regarding the upcoming ceremony. It was important, and yet Minho couldn’t bring himself to care. He liked cats more than dragons anyway.
“As I was saying.” She cleared her throat, resuming her lesson.
“Now that you children are 13, you are no longer babies. Certain things are expected of you. You have embarked on your journey to adulthood...and thus, there are certain things you must know. The elements of our village, for one.”
She gestured to the figurines on the dirt floor in front of her. “As you all already know, there are four elements.” She pointed to a spiky pyramid, and then to a smooth sphere. “Ember, Aqua...” Her fingers moved to the next pair- a rough cube and a glassy cone. “...Terra and Aer. These are the symbols of the elements. Of course, you all have already seen the life-sized versions of these in our square.”
Eager nods, making her continue with a pleased smile.
“Every dragon on this planet has a corresponding element that they have control over. They possess immense power, and the ability to command these elements.”
Minho raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Hm, maybe this wasn’t as lame as he’d thought it would be..
“I’m sure you children have seen your parents, older friends and relatives with their dragons.” There was a chorus of agreement, and the woman nodded.
“Well, from next week onwards, you will each have your own dragons. Through the ceremony, you will all be assigned a hatchling, with which you will spend the rest of your life.”
Minho hummed in curiosity as the woman dismissed the class. “Good luck, loves. Remember, there will be a few more classes to brief you further.”
The others started filing out slowly as you turned to Minho. “Isn’t this exciting?” You tilted your head, running your eyes over the figurines. “Since my family are all fire elementals, do you think I’ll get an ember dragon?”
“I don’t think it works that way. My father said it doesn’t matter what family you come from, the dragon you get matched with can be of any element, apparently. Though it hasn’t ever happened yet.” He shrugged.
“Yeah.” He yawned. “I already knew everything she said. I could have used this valuable time for something else.” He was lying, to be honest. The only thing he knew about dragons was what he’d just told you.  
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Do you wanna go to the lake?”
You grinned. “Sure, let’s!” You nodded in agreement as Minho stood up eagerly, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the cottage. You giggled as he dragged you. “Hey, slow down! Also, we can’t be there for long. We’ve got to be home for that joint dinner, or our fathers will be very mad.”
“Eh, they’d barely notice if we’re gone. When discussing village matters, they don’t give a fuck about their own children, even.” He muttered bitterly.
“Well...that is true.” You sighed as Minho pulled you all the way to the lake, weaving past the villagers, even bumping into some of them. A few of them frowned and made shouts of displeasure, while others didn’t seem to mind. Or maybe they did, and was just too afraid to voice their anger towards the chiefs’ children.
The cottages start becoming more sparse, the trees more tightly clustered. Minho held your hand tightly as you made your way through the woods. Finally, the two of you reached the clearing.
Letting go of your hand gently, Minho sat at the edge of the lake, beckoning you over to sit next to him.
“I wish this place wasn’t so far away from the village.” You sighed, legs aching as you flopped down onto the grass.
Minho shook his head slowly, his fingers fiddling with a tiny dandelion he’d pulled out. “The further away, the better.” He grumbled, blowing on it and watching as the seeds floated in the breeze.
You sighed. There it was, again. You knew better than to oppose him, so you hummed, scooting a little closer and placing your hand on top of his. “I know you want to leave this place. I know you want to...to explore the world. I just want you to know that whatever you decide to do, I’ll be by your side.” You said honestly.
Minho looked up at you. “Really?”
He felt like there was a lump in his throat. Minho knew how much this village and its culture meant to you. You were really willing to do that for him? Leave, and never come back?
“Listen here, Miss L/n.” He turned to you, inhaling as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, his lips soft as they brushed against your skin. You blushed, staring at him with wide eyes as he spoke.
“I’m the one who’s going to be making the sacrifices here, alright? I’m older than you, remember? I call the shots.” He chuckled, booping your nose. 
“I love you so much, star.”
You cringed at the nickname, shoving him away. “Stop calling me that, you sound like a character in one of Mr Yang’s cheesy novels.”
He smirked at that. “I’ll never stop calling you that. You’re my star, cause you light up my world and guide me when everything’s dark.” He reasoned, laughing and throwing his head back as he watched you wrinkle your nose in disgust, looking a little like a bunny.
Humming, Minho lay back on the grass, and you followed suit after a minute of hesitation.
“I don’t mind you calling me that. Just don’t do it in front of people.”
“Okay, I won’t. It’s just us all the time, anyway...”
The two of you stared up at the sky, listening to the calm sounds of frogs ribbiting, birds chirping, and the splashing sounds of the fish in the lake. Above it all though, was the sound of your heart, beating persistently as Minho’s fingers creeped closer to yours, intertwining your hands.
“It’s always us...”
Your father had explained to you that since your family consisted entirely of ember elementals, your dragon would be of the same kind as well. This went against what Minho had told you before, and your mind was swimming with all the different information you were receiving.
“But...Minho said it doesn’t work that way.”
He sat on his armchair, chewing on  a chicken leg as he raised an eyebrow. “Really? Well, he’s wrong.” He sighed, shaking his head. “It’s never happened in centuries, and it’s not gonna happen now. You’re an Ember, through and through.”
You purse your lips. “Well, you’re always right, Father.”
He nodded, not picking up on the snark your sentence was dripping with. "The bond you share with your dragon is one that can never be replicated. You choose it, and it chooses you. It is truly a beautiful process, a spectacle to behold. Every single villager will be watching, so you better hold your head high. Make me proud."
You were about to reply when you heard a knock on your door. Glancing at your father for permission, you stood up. heading through the long hallway to open the front door.
You looked at him, tilting your head at his troubled expression. “What’s up?
“I came to give you these.” He said softly, looking around before showing you the fiery petals in his palms. “I borrowed a herbology book from the library a few months ago, and learnt how to grow these. Ignis flowers. They’re symbols of good luck, apparently.”
He took your hand, placing the petals on your palm. “They reminded me of you.”
Your eyes widened slowly. “Wow...Minho, I didn’t get you anything...” You said guiltily, humming when Minho gently pulled you into a hug.
“You don’t have to. I’ve got to go home, now. See you tomorrow!”
You nodded, the petals safe in your hands as he left hurriedly. You watched him head to his house, opposite to yours.
After he left, you were about to head to bed when your father asked you to stay back. Confused, you went over to sit in front of him, tilting your head in confusion.
“Who was at the door?”
“It was just Minho.” You shrugged, eyeing your father as he groaned, massaging his forehead. He looked like he was contemplating something, his wrinkles seeming especially prominent.
"Child, be wary of your...friend."
"Friend...?" You knew he meant Minho. You'd never heard him address him in that manner though - void of affection.
Minho's father and yours were co-chiefs of the village, best friends since birth. He’d always treated Minho like his own son. What had brought on this sudden hostility?
He noticed the expression on your face, sighing and patting your shoulder. "I'm just asking you to be careful, dear. There is talk of the Aer elementals gaining power at an accelerated rate these days. Aer dragons are growing up to be stronger, even more so than our Ember ones. It's truly a strange phenomenon. I do not want to be one of these people who is suspicious of everything and everyone...but both the kid and his father have changed. Even I can't deny that."
You swallowed at his words, watching as his face drifted off, deep in thought. You'd heard of it too- hushed whispers claiming that a single chief would be preferable for the village. And if your father's hunch was right...no, you didn't want to think about it.
Minho wouldn't ever betray you. You'd known him since before you could talk. you’d build up a lot of trust in each other over the years. There was no one else you knew as well. If you couldn’t trust him, who could?
No. He would never hurt you. You were sure of it.
The whole village was buzzing for weeks after the ceremony took place. They simply couldn't understand what had happened. It was unprecedented- and the news spread like wildfire.
You were matched with a majestic Aer creature, and Minho a beautiful crimson beast of Ember. Mistakes weren't possible- the process was never questioned- but that didn't mean people weren't bewildered.
For centuries, no one had managed to match with a dragon that controlled an element that differed from theirs.
Neither of you could understand why your fathers and the villagers were so perplexed, though. Was it really as big of a deal as they made it seem?
"I don't get it. Why is it such a humongous problem? They’re just dragons. What’s the need for all this drama?" Minho rolled his eyes as he spoke.
You stroked your dragon's neck slowly as you watched him, huffing and ranting away. ‘Just dragons.’ There was a part of you that understood all the hubbub. The people loved gossip- especially if it involved the chiefs.
"It really isn't. They're both so beautiful, I don't really care what element they control."
You looked at your dragon, curled next to you. You wouldn't admit it, but she looked a little too beautiful- almost to the point where it intimidated you.
Translucent, white scales that reflected rainbows of light...long, beautiful almond shaped eyes that were the color of the ocean. She was larger and brighter than Minho's dragon as well. Your father had been right...the Aer dragons were evolving quicker, somehow.
She was quiet and regal, her sleek body elegant and her demeanor refined. You didn’t really have much in common, to be honest. You’d named her Caeli- a name that wasn’t really all that creative, but it would do. Besides, it seemed to fit.
Minho looked at you, sighing slowly. "Aeracus seems hungry. Father will be expecting me soon anyway, I think I'll go home now, Y/n."
"Bye, Min."
He shot you a dashing grin before standing up, climbing his dragon.
As they left, a great whoosh of wind rustling your hair, you looked up at your dragon. She was staring at the water, her eyes narrowed.
You were starting to feel a little worried. You couldn’t exactly...hear her thoughts. She seemed too closed off, barely even looking at you as she blankly watched the frogs jump from one lilypad to the other. You didn’t feel that special bond everyone had been talking about for years, insisting to you that it would be a connection so profound you wouldn’t be able to live without it.
Did she not like you? You looked so average next to her ethereality, drab and plain as opposed to her stunning beauty.
You couldn’t blame her, really.
When Minho stood next to your dragon, the sight somehow made more sense. He was  beautiful, and so was the creature next to him. They fit together perfectly.
Aeracus on the other hand, was slightly more average. He was majestic as well, but not on the same level as Caeli. You felt more at home riding him, somehow. Like...he was the one that was meant to be yours.
Of course, you wouldn’t ever tell anyone about this. It could be considered infidelity, even. Your father was disappointed enough in you as it was. Four years of training with Caeli, and you still weren’t able to channel her power into...anything. She just wouldn’t co-operate.
"There you go..." He finished slipping the harness onto Caeli, dusting off his hands as he came back over to you, giggling as Aeracus rubbed his big head against your side.
Minho raised his eyebrows at the display of affection. Aeracus was never that amicable to him. Yes, he listened to him...but that was about it. And yet, to you...he always noticed how the two of you seemed to have some sort of connection. He’d mentioned this to his father once, only to be called ridiculous.
Then again, he couldn’t blame the dragon for having a soft spot for you. Who wouldn’t?
“Hey...” He looked down at you as the dragon pulled away, ambling off to Caeli’s side. You glanced up slowly when Minho cleared his throat, leaning in a little as his fingers ran through your tresses. Your cheeks flushed, eyes widening slightly at his touch.
"A leaf. In your hair." He mumbled, throwing said leaf onto the ground as he stared into your eyes.
Your heart was thudding loudly in your chest as your gaze ran over his features, so close to your face. Fuck, he was so deathly handsome, even more so now that you were both almost adults. Puberty had treated him well.
A little too well.
The girls in the square swooning over Minho became a regular occurrence now. You couldn't even seem to go anywhere with your best friend, without having a mob of fangirls following closely.
When he was this close to you, it became overwhelmingly evident why his fans were so enamored by him. Lee Minho really was beautiful.
"Careful, a fly might make its nest in your mouth." He chuckled. "What's up, kitten? You look on edge."
That was the other thing. His latest habit of calling you pet names- the likes of which included princess and kitten- had come out of nowhere. He really seemed to enjoy making you blush. At times like this, you wished he would have just stuck with ‘star’.
“Nothing.” You stuttered, avoiding his eyes and choosing to focus your stare on the ground. Minho wasn’t in the mood for your shyness, though. He placed his finger under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him.
“You sure about that? Is there a reason you look so flustered right now?” He breathed, leaning in closer until your noses were brushing.
Oh, fuck you, Lee.
You'd always thought Minho was attractive. Of course. You'd be blind not to notice. And yet, at this proximity, you felt like you haven’t ever truly appreciated just how fucking hot the man in front of you was.
And so you did something you never thought you’d have the courage to do.
Leaning in, you closed the distance between the two of you, lips crashing against his. To Minho’s credit, he wasn’t all that shocked. Smirking against you, his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer, gluing your body to his.
Backing you up against a tree, Minho was quick to lift your thigh, slotting your hips together as he ran his tongue over your bottom lip.
A groan left you as he slid his hand under your shirt, pulling away to stare at you, the sight of your swollen lips affecting him in ways he couldn’t quite describe.
“What...what did we just-”
He shut you up with another kiss, rougher than the last one. Breathless pecks, desperately claiming you with his lips as he pressed himself against you.
“Just go with the flow, baby.”
And so you did.
As you carefully made your way down, your mind was racing with a million thoughts. The thought of seeing your boyfriend again after so many years scared you as much as it excited you. After all...it wasn’t like you parted on good terms.
You still remembered the heartbroken look on his face, the last time you saw him. You couldn’t tell him that you’d tried everything, tried your best to reason with your father who simply refused to budge. He’d expected you to do something more...but what?
It wasn’t his fault. It was a fucking accident, and yet he’d had to take the blame.
Deep down, though, you knew what your father’s real intentions had been when he banished Minho and his father from the village. Of course, Caeli’s death had shaken him- the entire village had been in a state of shock. The death of a dragon was the most tragic event that could possibly befall a village. And when said dragon happened to belong to the chief’s daughter? Shattering.
At the end of the day though, it was a convenient incident...one that happened to take place just as your father’s status was being questioned. A blessing in disguise, for him.
“It’s okay, my child. Yes, you suffered a great loss, but I know you weren’t that close to it. We must move on. On the bright side, you can focus on your studies now! Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted to do?”
You scoffed, his words repeating themselves in your brain. Bullshit. There was no bright side, nor would there ever be one without Minho in your life.
“There you are. Where were you?"
"I...was with Aeracus." You didn't see the point in lying. Your brain was too tired to come up with a believable fabrication anyway.
As expected, his face screwed up in anger as he glared, standing up.
"Why?" He hissed. "Let me remind you he is not your dragon. How many times have I told you not to get too close to it?"
"Aeracus and I have a bond." You mumbled.
"No. You don't. A bond is forged between a dragon and its owner by forces beyond our control. This measly 'friendship', if you can even call it that, is trivial. At the end of the day, it doesn't really belong to you. It belongs to the boy who betrayed you."
You couldn't bring yourself to react any more. Your father was old-fashioned, his opinions set in stone. ‘Betrayed’. You wanted to scoff.
You turned around without a word, heading for your room. There was no energy left in your body, yet the exhaustion was overpowered by your emotions.
"Y/n, wait."
You stopped, turning and looking at him. "What?"
"Your maids are waiting to dress you. Don't argue with them. You are to wear the outfit I picked out for you. Today's dinner is extremely important." He paused. "And...what I said before still stands. The dragon won't hesitate to betray you, especially now that his true owner is coming back. Be...be careful." Your father said quietly, his face softening.
You sighed. "I will be."
He dismissed you. You heaved a sigh of relief under your breath and headed out, opening the door to your own room.
You would never admit this to your father, but as nervous as you were, you were secretly looking forward to the dinner. To see him again.
If you closed your eyes and immersed yourself deep enough into your imagination, you could still feel his touch ghosting along your thighs. His soft lips, pressing against yours.
You missed his voice, his tight hugs...you missed everything about him. You'd only ever felt safe in his arms.
The loneliness and pain had consumed you when he left. Maybe that's why you latched on to Aeracus, the last remnant of Minho in this village that seemed so much more dreary without his presence.
"Miss Y/n! We have no time to lose." Your head maid scurried about your room with two others, spreading out your dress on your bed. One of the maids- Sylvia, you think her name was- snuck up behind you and began undressing you. Yes, you were used to this, but the layer of urgency in the atmosphere was a lot more profound tonight.
The entire village was on edge, and you couldn’t really blame them. The first Elemental Championships, and they were being hosted at your village. The exhilaration was understandable...you couldn't bring yourself to feel the same way, though. Maybe if you were actually participating, you’d feel different.
You looked at the dress the maid was holding onto, initially without much interest...but your eyes widened when it came into view.
It was beautiful, yet simple...the color of spun gold, with tiny rubies clustered at the bodice. The sleeves fell of the shoulders delicately, and the material was diaphanous, the texture rich.
“Wow....Sylvia, you made this?”
“I did. It took me a year.” She smiled widely, your grin satisfying her. “Do you really like it, Miss Y/n?” There was a hopeful lilt to her voice, and your grin grew wider as they started helping you into it.
“Like it? I love it! You’ve really outdone yourself this time.”
She nodded in content, lacing up the back as the other maids began on your makeup. Usually, you didn’t like being treated as a doll, your servants fussing over you and your appearance. Today, though...
You could barely believe the reflection you were seeing in the mirror belonged to you. You'd never felt so glamorous before. 
“You look beautiful, Miss.” Sylvia said softly, adjusting your sleeves.
You couldn’t wait for Minho to see you in this dress.
“Ann?” Another servant’s head appeared around the corner. “It’s time. They will arrive any moment now.”
A flurry of anxious noises and exclamations filled the room as they worked on you faster. You took a deep breath in, your mind blank and full of thoughts at the same time.
You stood next to your father, hands clasped in front of you. Surreptitiously, you raised your hand to your forehead, wiping away a few drops of perspiration. It was happening, you were finally going to see Minho again. And if your father successfully manages to make amends with his- fuck, you were grinning just thinking about it. 
The villagers standing behind you were all dressed in their best as well, and the lanterns shone brightly, washing over everything. The air was sparkling, the atmosphere charged with electricity. Everyone had their eyes trained on the sky, waiting for Minho’s people. The two other villages were to come tomorrow, according to the letters.
Four villages. All competing in the championship yours was hosting. It was nerve-wracking, the amount of people who would be crammed into your village, which was big enough, really- possibly the largest in the country- it still stressed you out, though. Since there weren’t enough guest houses to fit everyone, a lot of the visitors would be staying with your villagers, the chiefs and their families staying at your house. You were keenly aware of the fact that this meant Minho would be in the same living quarters as you. Your heart pounded at the prospect.
Later in the night, you were planning to sneak into his room, since you obviously wouldn’t be allowed to talk to him during the dinner. At least, you wouldn’t be able to communicate the things you so desperately wanted to say to him. Every part of you tingled as you thought about what you’d say to him. 
You felt light as a feather as you stared at the starry sky, eyes widening slightly as you spotted the thousands of dots in the distance, flying closer. Anticipation and exhilaration mingled in you as you waited for them to arrive. Just the thought of feeling Minho pressed up against you again, whispering in your ear how much he loved you...it made you want to cry, almost. You’d waited for this moment for too long.
The conch shell was blown as they reached the edge of the forest. More than a thousand dragons, covered in finery, just like their riders.
Hmm. There were a lot more than you expected. You’d only been anticipating about a hundred, since it was only Minho’s village that was coming tonight. Or so you’d thought...
You turned your head to look at your father, letting the confusion show on your face. Noticing your expression, he shrugged. “It looks like all three decided to come tonight.”
You frowned, looking back at the dragons that were at the border now, preparing for landing. That was weird.
You observed the dragons that had landed, your eyebrows furrowing. Huh.
The three dragons at the front were a lot bulkier than the ones in the back. Darker colors, almost hulking muscles and narrow eyes. They looked like no dragon you’d ever seen before. The sight was almost unsettling. You felt a faint sense of dread spreading over you, a feeling you tried to push away as your eyes searched each dragon’s back for Minho.
You recognized Minho’s father right away. He was at the very front, along with two other old men on a green and blue dragon respectively, that you realized were the chiefs of the other two villages. Surprisingly though, Minho wasn’t sat behind him. You’d assumed it to be that way...after all, Minho’s dragon was still here. So where was he? Your eyebrows furrowed, not wanting to assume the worst right away. You wildly looked over them all, craning your neck slightly. You didn’t want to seem too eager, but it’s not like you could help yourself. Could anyone blame you? Here you were, about to meet the first and only person you’d ever fallen in love with, after years of yearning and loneliness.
As your father stepped forward, a smile on his face to greet the chiefs, you finally saw him.
For a minute, it was like you couldn’t breathe. He looked as beautiful as ever, his feline eyes twinkling, his dark hair exposing part of his smooth forehead. His hands gripped the reins so tightly his knuckles were white, and the way he sat on his dragon was regal, his expression confident and filled with determination. He was older, and somehow even more handsome than the last time you saw him. You didn’t even think that was possible.
You swallowed, your breath catching in your throat as his eyes finally met yours.
It was like time had ceased for a minute. You smiled slowly, happy tears pricking at your eyes as you took in his face.
He didn’t smile back.
And that’s when you noticed the pale arms wrapped around his waist. Confused, you watched as the chiefs dismounted the dragons, along with their heirs. Minho alighted from the dragon, helping down the woman who had been holding onto him. He held her hands gently, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead.
You felt like your whole world had collapsed, bile rising in your throat as you watched her giggle. You noticed she was dressed in blue, her clothing that of a heiress. As they approached, your eyes fell on the sparkling ring on her finger...one that matched Minho’s.
When his eyes looked into yours again, they were cold, just like your heart.
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dialovers-translations · 4 years ago
Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Kou Route ー Chapter 4
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 ー The scene starts on the plaza
Kou: ...
...What is going on?
So she’s keeping secrets from me after all.
On top of that, she had those fresh bite marks on her skin...This sucks.
Even though I believed...She was different from the people I knew. 
...I trusted her...
Kou: Ahー! Geez!
I’m not stupid either! ...I know that Yui isn’t that sorta girl.
I actually knew when I sucked her blood earlier.
That she would never hide anything from me.
Hence, I believe there must be some sort of explanation behind those marks on her arm I saw earlier as well.
...But it just won’t work. I can’t bring myself to put faith in her...
Even though I want to trust her so badly...I just can’t figure out what I should do.
Yui...I’m sorry.
ー Yui arrives on the plaza
Yui: ...Haah...haah...
( Kou-kun...He’s not here either. )
( I wonder where he ran off to? I’ve been looking all over this whole time, but he’s nowhere to be found... )
( If I had known things would turn out like this...I should have lifted the misunderstanding sooner and explained everything to him right away. )
( But...I’m to blame because I didn’t wait for Kou-kun in the first place, right? )
( Still...I couldn’t turn a blind eye to that young Kou-kun either. )
( After all, to me, both are just different versions of the same person I treasure. )
Male Vampire D: ーー Oi, she’s the one, right?
Male Vampire E: ...Yeah, without a doubt. ...Hehe...
Yui: ...?
( Those Vampires...They’re looking my way...? )
( Right. I’m a delicious snack over here...Kou-kun told me... )
( I wasn’t too bothered by it up till now because I had him by my side, but right now... )
( ...Either way, I’ll look for Kou-kun first. )
( I need to have a proper face-to-face with him and solve this misunderstanding...! )
ー She runs off again as the scene shifts to a back-alley
Yui: ( ...It’s no use. I can’t find him at all. )
( ...Kou-kun, where are you? )
( Even if I’m at a fun festival, or if they tell me I’ve been chosen as the ‘Queen’, when you’re not with me... )
ー The two Vampires from earlier approach her
Male Vampire D: Excuse me, young lady!
Yui: Eh...?
Male Vampire E: Hehe...Is that a feast on legs I see~?
Yui: ( ...Those Vampires who were looking at me earlier...!? )
Male Vampire D: Oh, hell yeah! She’s got quite the cute face too!
Male Vampire E: You’re a human, aren’t you? ...On top of that, you smell different from just any regular old one. ...It’s the scent of delicious blood.
Yui: P-Please move aside. I’m looking for someonーー
Male Vampire D: Woah, hold it!
ー The Vampire grabs hold of her arm
Yui: ...!?
( He grabbed my arm...! It hurts...! )
Male Vampire D: We won’t let you get away. ...You’ve been spreading your nice scent all over the place this whole time, you know?
Male Vampire E: It’s the kind of smell which drives us mad...You’ll be coming with us.
ー The scene shifts to one of the side streets
Yui: ...Let me go! Please!
Male Vampire D: Ahー Yeah, whatever. Pipe down.
Yui: ( What should I do...? I can’t shake him off, no matter how hard I try...! )
Male Vampire D: Haahー You smell so nice...Humans really are a blessing.
Yui: No...!
( Oh no, at this rate...!! )
...Ugh...! ...Kou-kun...!!
Male Vampire E: Oi, you better keep a tight grip on her! Well, I’m pretty sure a human female stands no chance, no matter how much she struggーー
Kou: Yui!!
Yui: ( ...Eh...? )
ー Kou runs up to them
Kou: What are you scumbags doing!?
ー He punches them
Male Vampire E: Guah...!?
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: Yui, this way!
Kou: Hide behind me. ...Everything will be fine, okay?
...Oi, you jerks. You better don’t believe you’ll get away with hurting her.
If you don’t want me to ensure you will never enjoy the carnival again, then get out of my sight at once!
...Before I lose it.
Male Vampire D: Eek...!?
Male Vampire E: Ugh...Fuck! Oi, let’s go!!
ー The two Vampires run off
Kou: ...Hmph! Those horny bastards. (1)
Yui...Are you okay? I’m sorry, I really cut it close.
Yui: No...Ah...
I’m sorry, Kou-kun...My legs seem to have given in...
Kou: It’s okay. You can keep leaning against me, okay?
...You’re trembling. You must have been terrified, huh?
All because I left you behind...I’m sorry I made you go through such a scary experience. Earlier as well...
Yui: ...Kou-kun...
Kou: ...Even though I knew this would happen...
I’m the one who said you’re a delicious feast to the people here after all. 
Whether you want it or not, there will be Vampires like those guys from before who will come seek out your blood.
Yet I blamed it all on you...I’m ashamed of myself.
I’m sorry for hurting you...because of my stupid jealousy.
...I truly regret it.
Yui: No. Thank you...for coming to my rescue.
Kou: Of course I would! I mean...You’re precious to me after all.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: ...The skin on your wrist has turned red. Where they grabbed you earlier...
Yui: Ah...Yeah. Seems like it.
Kou: Can you give me a quick look?
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: Does it hurt?
Yui: Yeah, a little...His grip was really strong after all.
Kou: I see...
...Say. I’ll treat your wounds. Okay?
Yui: Treat...?
Kou: ...Nn...
Yui: K-Kou-kun!? It tickles...
Kou: Keep still. It hurts, doesn’t it? ...Nn...
Besides...I have to disinfect the area they touched.
Yui: They didn’t bite me, you know...?
Kou: It doesn’t matter whether they sucked your blood or not. I don’t like he thought of their hands being on you...
*Rustle rustle*
Kou: ...Nn...
Kou: Say, Yui...Right here, look at me.
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: ...
Yui: ( Kou-kun... He’s staring right into my eyes. )
Kou: ...Just as I thought, I can’t see anything yet.
Yui: You’re talking about your right eye...?
Kou: Yeah.
But I guess I can live without it. There’s other ways as well, after all. For example, like thisーー Nn...
Yui: ...
Kou: ...When I kiss you like this, it becomes obvious as well. That you feel strongly about me, that is.
It’s such a simple thing, so why do I always find myself growing unsure so quickly...?
I wonder if I should kiss you more and more so I don’t become uncertain? Or maybe...There’s another way?
→ How about putting it into words? (☾)
Yui: Then...How about trying to put it into words more?
Kou: Words? 
Yui: Yeah! I’ll often tell you just how much I like you with words as well! So you don’t grow anxious.
Kou: You do have a point, I’d love to hear that from you more often as well. I feel as if that makes me happier...Than simply witnessing it with my eyes.
Say, why don’t we do a little trial run?
Yui: I...like you, Kou-kun?
So very much...
→ I don’t know
Yui: I’m not quite sure, but...
Kou: But?
Yui: ...If you do it one more time, you might understand...?
Kou: ...Fufu. You really are adorable.
You see, I’ve told myself to stop racking my brains over complicated things. It’s pointless when I just can’t figure it out anyway.
I love you. As long as I know that, I’ll be fine...Nn...
Yui: ( ...Kou-kun... )
Kou: ...I’m sorry, Yui. I’m kind of struggling to hold myself back.
Yui: Eh?
ー Kou bites her
Kou: Hah...Nn...
Yui: Nn...!
Kou: I’m so sorry...For some reason, you suddenly seemed irresistible to me. Nn...Phew...
Yui: ( It caught me a little off guard but...He’s being so gentle right now, it doesn’t hurt. )
( Thank god. We managed to properly talk things out...right? The misunderstanding got solved as weーー )
( ...Ah! )
K-Kou-kun! Wait...!
Kou: Nn...What...?
Yui: You see...There’s something I have to tell you.
Kou: Something you have to tell me...?
Yui: Yeah...You remember the marks on my arm from earlier, right?
Kou: Yeah...I do. So, what’s up with those?
Yui: Well...I don’t know whether you’ll believe me or not but...
To tell the truth...I was bitten by a child version of you.
Kou: ...Hah?
Uhm...I’m sorry, M-neko-chan. I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say? What do you mean with ‘a child version of me’? 
Yui: ( I-I guess he really doesn’t believe me. But I should at least try and properly explain... )
You went to chase after those kids who knocked over our juice at the cafe, right?
Back thenーー
Yui: ーー And that’s what happened.
Kou: And that was me?
Yui: I only have the name and the appearance to base myself on but...I don’t think I’ve got it wrong.
Although that obviously doesn’t make for conclusive proof...
Kou: Well, this is the Demon World still, so strange phenomena can definitely occur.
...My child self, huh...?
ー The younger Kou walks up to them
Yui: Ah...! Kou-kun!
Kou: Eh?
Child Kou (2): ...
Yui: It was this child, Kou-kun!
Kou: ...No way.
Child Kou: ...
Yui: ( Seeing them side by side...They really do look alike. )
( Is this child really Kou-kun’s young self? )
Kou: W-What is going on...!?
Why is this...? Also, those clothes...
Child Kou: ...This way.
Kou: Eh?
Yui: ( The little Kou is...Gesturing to follow him...? )
Child Kou: ...Come here, Yui. That Kou as well.
ー The child runs off
Kou: Ah...Wait!
Yui: He left...L-Let’s try going after him for now?
Kou: Y-Yeah...
This doesn’t make any sense. What is going on!?
ー The scene shifts to the inside of an abandoned building
Yui: ( Following after the small Kou-kun brought us over here, but... )
Kou: ...
Child Kou: ...
Yui: ( Kou-kun and a little Kou-kun... )
( I honestly can barely believe my eyes, seeing them standing next to each other like that... )
Kou: ...So?
I don’t know who or what you are, but what do you want from us? Bringing us here.
Child Kou: ...No fair.
Kou: Eh?
Child Kou: It’s no fair you get to have everything, Kou.
Yui: ( Kou-kun is...advantaged? )
Kou: What? ...What do you mean?
Child Kou: ...
...It’s no fair that Kou gets to have it all. He has everything I don’t.
Meanwhile I have nothing at all.
Yui: ( Since he calls it unfair...I guess that means this child is envious of Kou-kun...? )
Kou: ...So what?
You don’t have what I do. And?
Do you want me to share with you or something? Because we’re both the same person?
...Don’t joke around with me. That sorta stuff really pisses me off.
Yui: W-Wait, Kou-kun...!
Child Kou: ...
Kou: ...That look in your eyes. It brings me back, I feel disgusted.
It feels a little uncomfortable saying this to myself but could you please just get out of my sight? Just watching you makes me feel even more irritated.
Child Kou: ...!
Yui: Eh...!?
Child Kou: ...Then suffer!
Kou: ...He vanished...?
...Anyway, that noise from earlier.
*Clatter clatter*
Kou: ...I knew it. He locked us up in here.
Yui: Eh!?
Kou: Ah~ ...He got us...
Yui: W-What should we do, Kou-kun...?
Kou: Haah...There’s nothing we can do. No point in wasting energy when the door won’t open anyway.
Geez...He really got us good...Well, I played myself, I should say.
Yui: Fufu, right.
Kou: You should take a seat too. The door won’t open anyway. Here, sit next to me.
Yui: Ah, yeah.
Kou: Haah...We got to come to this festival but today has been one disaster after the other.
I’m sorry, Yui.
Yui: Eh? ...Why do you apologize?
Kou: I mean, we got locked up in here because I upset him.
That’s not all. It was my fault...That you were attacked by other Vampires as well.
...I’m sorry.
Yui: ( Kou-kun... )
I won’t deny that a lot happened but...I had a blast, you know?
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Yui: I mean...Just by being together and talking like this...I have fun.
So don’t worry?
Kou: ...Yui...
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Kou: ...Fufu. Say, are you trying to entice me?
Yui: Eeh!? N-No! I didn’t mean to...!
Kou: Even if that wasn’t your intention, that’s what it sounded like to me, you know?
Ahーah...I want to turn you into a mess, right here, right now.
Yui: ( K-Kou-kun... )
Kou: I won’t, though! I’m currently reflecting upon myself after all!
...I realized my mistakes and regretted them but after hearing your words, I somehow don’t feel like this is such a bad thing.
We can just take it nice and easy here together.
Although I do feel a little bad for hogging the Queen of the Carnival all to myself.
Yui: Ah...Speaking of which, I was assigned said role, huh...?
Kou: Haha, you forgot?
But...Yeah. You can forget about it. It’s not like you can fulfill your duty while we’re locked up in here.
And I want to keep you all to myself as well.
Yui: ( Kou-kun... )
Kou: I’m sure someone will find us eventually if we wait.
So...Let’s stay like this until that happens? Together.
Yui: ...Yeah.
( I can hear people enjoying the Carnival outside but... )
( Spending this kind of alone time isn’t bad either. )
( As long as Kou-kun’s with me... )
ー They doze off together as the scene shifts to the ballroom
Yui: ...Nn...?
( Huh...? Where are we...? )
( I’m pretty sure we were inside an abandoned building just now...? )
Kou: Nn...Yui...?
Yui: Ah, Kou-kun. Good morning.
Kou: Nn...Did we fall asleep...?
...Heeh!? Wait, where are we!?
ー The crowd starts cheering
Male Vampire A: Ooh! The King and Queen of the Carnival have awakened!
*Clap clap clap*
Kou: Eeh!? What is this!? What’s going on!?
Yui: Kou-kun, this place...! It looks like the Carnival’s venue!?
Kou: W-What do you mean...?
Male Vampire A: King and Queen, this way please.
Yui: Uhm...Kou-kun, what is going on...?
Kou: I have no clue either...
Male Vampire B: This Carnival is a banquet to celebrate the birth of a new Adam and Eve.
Yui: The new Adam and Eve?
Kou: Ah, wait wait!
Let’s just say she is the Queen of the Carnival.
But me as the King...There’s just no way, right?
Male Vampire A: But the one chosen by Eve becomes Adam, right?
Male Vampire B: Then nobody else can fulfill said role. You are without a doubt the King of this Carnival!
*Clap clap clap*
Yui: ...In short...
Kou: This party is being held...for us?
???: ーー Exactly.
Kou: ...Karlheinz-sama!?
Why are you here...!?
Karlheinz: Kou...No, that would be wrong right now. Newborn Adam, andーー
Yui: ( He’s looking my way...? )
Karlheinz: ーー Eve.
Yui: ...
Karlheinz: Did you both enjoy the celebration?
Kou: ...No. I doubt she was able to have fun because of me.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Karlheinz: Why do you feel that way?
Kou: Because I’m...selfish. So I failed to take her into consideration.
But, she told me she had fun regardless. That she only needs me by her side.
That’s why...I had tons of fun as well. Since we got to spend the Carnival together.
Karlheinz: ...I see. I am glad. 
I set this up to celebrate you both.
Yui: ( For us...? )
Karlheinz: However, a simple celebration would be too dull. Therefore, I added some staging of my own.
Yui: ...Staging?
Karlheinz: Yes, in various ways.
Kou: Don’t tell me, are you the one behind the small one...?
Karlheinz: Small one? What could you be referring to? Kou, I am talking about your right eye.
Kou: Eh? ...Ah.
Karlheinz: I shall return your eye to normal. Close them.
Kou: ...Yes.
Karlheinz: ...This should do the trick.
Kou: Thank you very much. I feel as if I was able to remember something very important...because of you.
Karlheinz: Very well. ...I suppose this eye might be something you no longer need.
Adam and Eve. May the two of you...find happiness.
Translation notes
(1) Kou calls them ‘ero-vampires’, which even though it obviously comes from the English ‘erotic’, when you use it to describe a person, it’s closer to ‘perverted’ or ‘dirty’ than ‘erotic’. 
(2) In the actual game, both are named ‘Kou’, but I figured it would be too confusing for those playing without an actual console/game, so I adjusted it a little.
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