#also i think some of these problems can be solved with a prologue
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anim-ttrpgs · 4 months ago
something I don’t get about the disability metaphor is that for eureka monsters obviously it harms another person to eat them. the help a disabled person needs doesn’t actively harm or kill another person. Maybe it’s a difference in perspectives that cannot be resolved
(What I’m about to write could potentially sound very fucked up at first so I’m going to need to trust everyone to read the whole thing before forming an opinion.)
Also this message and response references these two posts.
Eureka’s stance on disabled people is that they (including myself writing this) are, or at least can often be, burdens.
Disabled people often require more resources to live than they are able to “give back,” which, in our capitalist and artificial-scarcity-based economy, is just about the worst thing a person can do.
Anti-ableism sentiment often focuses on the idea that “disabled people aren’t burdens, that they’re just as good and capable as everyone else,” but if they were, they wouldn’t be “disabled” would they? When you say stuff like that, you’re conceding that a person’s worth is determined by how capable they are at doing work, and then having to bend over backwards to justify thinking that a person without arms is just as valuable as a person with arms. Eureka is asking you to decouple a person’s value from how much net resources they can produce.
Often times also, the resources that real disabled people consume are human resources, and those human resources are very much capable of suffering for it. Nurses are overworked, around-the-clock care is absolutely physically and mentally exhausting, people who have to care for their elderly or otherwise disabled relatives on top of their regular jobs don’t get to have social lives or hobbies, etc.
To this end, we wrote the monsters in Eureka to be unquestionably people who “cause damage” to society by literally eating up human resources, because they have to to live, they have no other choice unless they want to just die. Your friend is gone from your life because he has to spend all his free time caring for his comatose wife after a freak car accident. Your friend is gone from your life because a vampire randomly ate him. Providing a metaphor isn't all the monsters are doing, they just work well through that lens.
And then Eureka forces you to look at these people as people, and make up your mind as to whether they have value and a right to prologue their own existence. We can’t force you to agree that they do, but if you think they don’t, then you’ll have to make that argument looking at an intelligent person with a life rather than a pure hypothetical or statistics on a chart.
There are some monsters in Eureka where, if the economy or societal structures were changed, they would stop being such severe drains on resources and could exist harmlessly within society, and there are some monsters where no imaginable amount of societal change would solve the problems they cause. This is true of disabled people IRL as well. Some of them would require no further assistance with living if certain things about society changed, and others would still require a massive amount of human resources.
And even when it’s not necessarily human resources, the extra resources that disabled people need also cause huge energy expenditure and create huge amounts of plastic waste, which are things that contribute to global warming and pollution, which do have significant harmful effects on everyone’s lives. Despite this, they are still “worth it” to keep around.
As for actively causing harm, that happens too. I randomly scrolled past this post after we got this message and saved it so I could link it here.
This person and their family had to cause a big stink in a restaurant just to get an accommodation that they needed, and to us reading it from their perspective, we’re obviously on their side, but I can assure you that the overworked staff at that restaurant didn’t see it that way. They saw the disabled person as an aggressive Karen whom they would never in a million years want to have to provide customer service to. The disabled person & family had to get aggressive, and ruin the staff’s day, to get what they needed. That’s actively causing harm - harm we all agreed was justified to cause - but harm nonetheless.
Plastic straws aren’t that big of a deal for global pollution, but even if they were, the point is that this person still would have needed a straw. It doesn’t line up one-to-one, because metaphors rarely do, but a vampire asking if they can drink someone’s blood, and being told No, may find themselves in much the same position. (And if you bring up that some people find vampires really sexy, you’re missing the point. “I would give them a straw if they had sex with me.” is not actually a great thing to announce about yourself.)
I can also come up with an example from my own life. I personally am very sensitive to noise and noise pollution. If there’s music playing at a public space, I usually can’t handle it. (Earplugs don’t work for other reasons I won’t get into - plus, if I just deafen myself to all sound, how can I socialize with anyone in this public space?)
If I want to exist in this space, I will have to actively cause harm to everyone there, or else stop existing in that space. I will have to go up to whoever is responsible and ask them to turn off the music, actively taking it away from everyone else who was enjoying it. I have to take action to ruin their good time if I want to exist in that space at all, and they might, very understandably, be pissed off at me for doing that. Because, like I said in this other post, the people that monsters eat do have a right to prevent themselves from being eaten by monsters. We aren't proposing that the solution is everyone has to line up to be mauled to death by monsters or else they're a bad person.
Who has a greater right to enjoy themselves in that space? That’s the kind of question that Eureka poses, and makes you consider both sides as human being rather than denoting one as just an ontologically evil villain to be destroyed.
We actually don't know of perfect solutions to all the problems presented by the existance of monsters in Eureka, we just know that "exterminate all people who are parasites and burdens to society" ain't it.
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cokoladasljesnjakom · 7 days ago
tag you're it
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shes a ruthless killer. she does not care if someone dies on her watch. her moves are like shadow. she is a shadow. once you see her, its too late. its not her problem. she cant complain, but what she can do is to complie. thats what is she made for. thats what they made her do. but once she escapes from their grasp, she searches for him. for her brother. but of course what goes around, comes around. and thats is when she meets him. the winter solider. and oh yeah the rest of the avengers.
authors note: hello. this is my first time EVER writing something so yeah. i hope some of you guys will enjoy this story as much as i do because this has been on my mind for MONTHS. n e ways. this is just a begining and buckle up. also the updates will be here but because im bussy they will be slow.
bucky barnes x female! reader
word count : 1.9k or even more idk man just read
the translation is down there like down so yeah enjoy 🫶
masterlist prologue part i
"but honey you need to eat veggies. you too max. its good for your health and maybe who knows you can get a hot cocoa." the voice ringed out, but she couldnt remeber whos. she really did. she tried with her blood, sweat and tears to remeber anything from her previous life. but no use.
"тень?" the man asked. and then it happened. he slapped her. one. two. three. four? shit she forgot how to count. too many times, until she could feel the blood coming out from her nose and lip.
"25 декабря 1991? отчет о миссии прямо сейчас!" 25 december 1991? oh. that. god, she didnt even wanted to think about that.
"миссия выполнена." that was everything she could say. nothing more, nothing less. she says a word more? boom. theres a fist coming up in her face. she says a word less? same shit. but worse consequences.
and there is it. the smile on his face. she watches him moving his mouth, but her mind is elsewhere. trying to remeber the dream. its been haunting her, trying to get up to the surface and to see if she can solve it out. but everytime shes close to a clue ... she looses it.
"you did a good job. you can rest now." the russian accent was hard on his tongue. she hated how his smile didnt bring any comfort but only fear. "but next time i want you to be ready for this тень. that mission is going to be the mission of your life." he laughed? she didnt know, but all she felt was discust.
"вытри ее и уложи спать." he said with discust in his voice, then he added "и убедись, что она замерзнет в этой чертовой комнате." she hated that room. she hated this. she hated herself. she hated everything. and yet, she cant complain, but only complie only.
she felt their hands all over her. she wanted to tell them to stop. to scream and get out. but she cant. she couldnt.
so they wiped her and picked her up to put her in the cyro, strap her down so she could stay straight. she felt cold. and then she felt nothing.
тень - shadow
25 декабря 1991? отчет о миссии прямо сейчас! - 25th december 1991? mission report right now!
миссия выполнена - mission acomplishment
вытри ее и уложи спать - wipe her and put her to bed
и убедись, что она замерзнет в этой чертовой комнате - and make sure she freezes in that damn room
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i hope you enjoyed and if you didnt ... thats okay anyways BYE 😝
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humornaut · 8 months ago
An Analysis of Foreshadowing in Omori's Prologue
Hey everyone!
With the Omori manga's first chapter's release, one thing has been made clear: They are FLYING through the game. Unless they are doing something weird, the entire prologue segment has been moved to right after the Aubrey fight, a move I can only believe has been made so that the real world characters appear in the first chapter. I won't be making any judgements until I see how it all fits together (and maybe I won't make many judgments in general, I don't really consider myself a judgmental person for better or for worse), but it did get me thinking about how well Omori's prologue works in general! So today, I'd like to take some time to talk about that!
The Sidequests
The first things I want to mention are the side quests! I've mentioned it before (or maybe I haven't, I don't remember everything I've said), but nearly all the side quests in Headspace are symbolic on a meta level. A lot of people dismiss this as boring repetitiveness (perhaps true), but the vast majority of the side quests are about finding a lost item or individual. This is, of course, echoing the larger Headspace plot of Basil going missing. However, there is something about this concept that I'd like to point out using one of the sidequests!
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In the quest "Whereabouts of Duckie Jr.", you are tasked with determining the whereabouts of Duckie Jr! Crazy, I know. Remember how I said that most of the sidequests are reminiscent of the quest to find Basil? Like 2 seconds ago? Well, this one is good for actually illuminating what is going on with that questline overall! Duckie Jr. and his family are references to a famous optical illusion in which a person can see either a duck or a bunny. Take a look at the house that the family lives in:
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They live in a present! Now take a look at this!
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"SUNNY won't leave the box, so KEL put a food bowl inside. I guess this box will be SUNNY and MEWO's new home."
So that's interesting! Add in the distant demeanor of Duckie Jr's father, as well as Mari's statements about Duckie having his head in the clouds and comparing Duckie to Omori, it becomes clear that Duckie in this situation is a reference to Sunny, not Basil. What does this mean? Well, it means that we should rethink the Headspace quest all together! The quest to find Basil is much more a quest for Sunny to re-find himself.
Now this (as well as the quest for the character Daisy that I have mentioned previously) is interesting, but it isn't exactly foreshadowing. For that, I would like to draw your attention to the sidequest Stick in the Mud.
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In this quest, you must go around Cattail fields to find Mr. Scarecrows three crow friends, and have them return to him. In order to do this, you have to use Hero when interacting with the three crows.
I personally believe that this is a bit of foreshadowing to the Sunny route. Hero's maturity is necessary to bringing Sunny, Kel, and Aubrey back together and bringing them to Basil. I also choose to see Mr. Scarecrow as an analogue for Basil rather than Sunny due to the coloring of Mr. Scarecrow's sprite (Blond hair, blue eyes, green clothes), and Hero doesn't actually bring Basil specifically to anyone (heck, Hero doesn't actually ever talk to Basil in the real world segments of the game)
I also want to make clear: I'm not trying to imply that this is symbolism on the part of Sunny's mind, like a lot of the things that I talk about on this account, rather that this is a bit of meta storytelling foreshadowing how the real world plot will turn out. This will go for everything else that I talk about here as well.
Captain of the Space Pirates
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Now that we've talked about the sidequests, I'd like to draw your attention to the main questline of Otherworld. As a reminder, once the gang gets into Otherworld, we are introduced to Captain Spaceboy, who is bedridden and depressed following his break-up with Sweetheart. In order to solve this problem, we have to go through the junkyard to find his mixtape. We aren't the only ones looking for it, and while there, we meet Rosa, a Sweetheart super-fan.
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We get the mixtape back, bring it to Spaceboy, at which point Kel plays it, triggering Spaceboy to start his boss fight.
The argument for this all being one large bit of foreshadowing goes like this:
Spaceboy would be Basil (purely from a narrative perspective, not in any kind of character-sense). We go to the junkyard and dig through the trash to find the mixtape, just like we eventually get the photo album by digging through Aubrey's trash. Rosa in this case represents Aubrey, attempting to take care of the mixtape due to her personal connection to the item, revealing that Spaceboy is the one that threw it out in the first place, echoing how in the real world, Aubrey takes care of the photo album for four years due to what it means to her, despite how Basil (from her perspective) destroyed it originally.
We bring the mixtape back to Spaceboy, and just as Kel is the one that kicks off going through the photo album with Basil, he is the one that rushes to put the mixtape into the boombox, triggering the memories that set off Spaceboy, causing the fight.
Admittedly, things get a little cloudy here, as the fight between Sunny and Basil isn't directly caused by the photo album. You could even say that the Spaceboy fight represents the fight with Omori (or even both the Basil fight AND the Omori fight) due to Omori's fight being due to Sunny's mind reacting to memories of the past, better mirroring the Spaceboy fight. But hey! Spaceboy's hair turns green and his eyes turn red so who can say. :P
Then, after the fight, we get a few things! We get an eyepatch (goes without saying), a train pass (representing how Sunny will be moving after the conclusion of the game), and a sno-cone ticket (yeah I don't think this one represents anything).
And, just like the Sunny route, the prologue ends with an early look at Memory Lane, and the dream ends, with Sunny waking up.
There's probably a lot more I could talk about regarding Omori's prologue, so I might update this later! I hope you enjoyed reading this! Within the game, I feel like the prologue is one of the strongest bits of Headspace, and I've always wanted to talk about how I believe it foreshadows the rest of the game! This is a topic that I'd love to hear more people's opinion on!
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hispg · 1 year ago
Between royalty and vows
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Pairings: Prince! Leon x Fem! Reader
Summary: A forced marriage, a fate set in stone, nothing could change that.
In the world of royalty, there were no choices, only obligations to fulfill. What you didn't expect was to become engaged to a renowned prince, ready to succeed the lineage.
Until that moment, you still had some hope that everything would work out, maybe it wasn't so bad. But it would be a shame if your future husband had a mistress.
Wouldn't it?
Warnings: slow burn, angst, hurt/ comfort, cheating, arranged marriage, eventual smut, one-sided love, affairs, manipulative behavior from Leon, (I'll put more once things start to progress).
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
An: Sooo there is the new chapter! I was so anxious to write it and post it! In all honesty, this is the chapter that I most liked to write(so far).
I've been receiving some dms about creating a taglist, so I'll do it from the next chapter and on. If you're interested in entering the tag list, you can dm me or comment on any chapters of this fic, and I'll add you. For the ones who already talked to me, I'll put you on the list already, so you don't need to message me again!<3
Also, I'll start to crosspost this fic here and on Ao3, for the ones who prefer to read in there. Here's the link Ao3. Eventually, I'll post all chapters!
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Chapter 5: Pretty lies
The heavy rain outside was no bother to the couple in bed, just as the cold was no problem that couldn't be solved with the intimacy that had just been shared under the covers.
There he was, lying with his lover, Ashley. Warming another woman's bed, offering her the warmth that his body emanated, the love that made her heart beat faster every time.
Both were nude, without the slightest concern for anything, all that mattered was what had just happened in that room. The closeness they shared, the oaths of love spoken between each kiss, between each embrace.
They had just made love, done something that was yet another symbol of the compromising union they contained.
Leon hadn't gone back to the castle as soon as he arrived back from his trip, he had gone to his beloved's house, a hidden place that only they knew where it was, only the lovebirds met there.
It was their love nest.
The same place where Ashley gave herself to him for the first time, the same sacred place where they made love whenever they could. The place where they loved each other deeply, where they didn't have to hide anything.
Ashley lay with her head on Leon's bare chest, while he had one arm wrapped around her and the other stroking her blonde hair.
The only sound in the room was the wood cracking in the fireplace and the soft breathing of both of them in that bed.
The clothes were thrown about, the silk covers hiding their shame, but if Leon was being honest, he couldn't think of a better place to be.
Because he felt at home every time he was with Ashley, even if he knew it was wrong.
And he was screwed if anyone found out.
"Are you staying?" Ashley asks in a whisper, taking the opportunity to place a soft kiss on his chest.
Leon gives her a blown smile, looking at her tenderly, "I'd love to. But you know I can't."
It was already too bold of him to come to this place to spend time with her, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't go along with her every whim.
Especially as the wedding was approaching, and he was dead if he didn't show up.
She sighed helplessly, knowing full well that this would be the answer from the start. But in all honesty, what did she expect? Despite her misfortunes, she was the mistress.
"I promise I'll try to see you more, mh? My wife won't be the problem, don't worry." Leon reassured her, kissed her on the forehead and got up, soon he would be getting ready to leave.
Although he wanted to be with her for even five more minutes, he would give all the money in the world to make it happen.
"Does she know about us?" Ashley asked, picking up the blanket and covering her bare midriff.
That was enough for Leon to clench his eyes shut, buttoning his pants as he stared at her.
"She can't even conceive of it. You know our deal." It was a good deal for both sides, not least because Leon didn't even want to imagine what Ashley's father would do to him once he found out what he and his daughter were doing behind closed doors.
Ashley then sighed, the blonde strands falling across her forehead as she thought for a moment.
"Do you think you can still see me after you're married?" She asks softly, almost embarrassed by her own question.
"I'll always find a way, don't worry." He says, the sincere smile that became the perfect proof that he was saying this from the bottom of his soul.
It was always a painful farewell, but Leon knew it was necessary for him to do it. Once he'd put all his clothes back on, he turned to Ashley, taking her in his arms and planting a gentle, passionate kiss on her lips. He also made a point of pressing his body against hers to leave his cologne on her.
It wasn't enough to have his smell on the silk sheets, he needed to leave his mark on her too.
Goodbyes aside, he knew he had to leave, the sun was rising, and if he wanted to get back to the castle before it was too late, he had to leave now.
As he took the steps to leave the small chalet in the Italian countryside, where no one suspected them, he took one last look at his beloved, giving her a broad smile as he said goodbye.
Watching Ashley go all wobbly as he walked out the front door. She sighed as her lover left, waving to him and looking dreamily out of the window.
Leon walked up to the discreet carriage that was waiting for him in front of the cottage, besides the coachman, there was Leon's faithful butler, Ausdret.
And also his worst accomplice, the butler who always covered up everything Leon did, no matter how stupid it might seem or be.
"Your Highness." Ausdret greeted, leading Leon to the carriage.
"It's good that you're here." Leon replies back, tucking himself into the small carriage.
His butler nods and sits down on the opposite seat, facing Leon. Even though Ausdret knew that no one could put a halter on Leon, he was still trying to talk some sense into his young, dim-witted head.
"Your Highness do you not think it is inappropriate to maintain this relationship?" Ausdret asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
Leon scoffed, narrowing his gaze at the poor butler, acting as if he had said the worst blasphemy that could be heard.
"Come on, you're a braggart too. Don't act like you're a kind gentleman with exemplary decorum." Leon retorts, crossing his legs as he fixes the buttons on his shirt once more.
Ausdret couldn't help but sigh, trying his best to make Leon understand how problematic it would be to keep all this up.
"Prince, you have a fiancée now. This relationship is no longer suitable." The butler said once again, pausing and emphasizing his lines, it wasn't possible that this was so difficult to understand.
"Well, it'll last as long as I want it to. You know better than that." Leon says, an unparalleled coldness in his voice, it was obvious, this subject was not up for discussion for him.
Ausdret always thought that this was just a youthful romance of Leon's, in fact he never thought that it would thrive for so long, for years. Leon was a man who could have any woman he wanted, not only because of the power he possessed, but also because of his beauty.
However, what the butler couldn't have guessed was that Leon would fall in love with Lady Ashley, a princess from another place. A likely romance, but love doesn't work properly in royalty.
"But Your Highness-" Leon interrupts Ausdret before he can continue.
"I am the prince, and you collaborate with me." Leon begins, his voice becoming an authoritative, voracious whisper.
"As I'm your highness, you must agree that you didn't see anything unusual. That I was on a business trip these last few days." Leon says, his gaze narrowing once more on the servant.
What could Ausdret say? He had always supported this boy, and even with a lump forming in his throat, he wasn't going to do any different again.
The butler knew that this situation wasn't fair to you, nor to Ashley, it would only end up with broken hearts and a quarrel that couldn't be undone.
Perhaps Leon was too young to understand this, but at some point fate would catch up with him.
"So? Did you see anything?" Leon asked, almost daring him to give an answer that was the opposite of what he wanted to hear.
"No, Your Highness. I didn't see anything suspicious." Ausdret replied under his breath, closing his eyes and shaking his head in denial.
"Good." Leon grumbles back.
The journey wouldn't take long, but Ausdret already knew that the rest of the way would be filled with the ache of an inconvenient silence.
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You knew you'd end up getting into trouble with your recent actions, but that still didn't stop you from going ahead with them. At that moment you were in the grassy fields on the outskirts of the castle.
It was easy to get here, you just needed the help of Chris and your maid, Evelyn. Nothing more than a silly little lie to disguise your departure.
The view was beautiful, you felt almost at home in a place like this. You were sitting on the horse while Chris guided the animal, walking through the grass carefully while also keeping an eye on you.
You couldn't tell if you were approaching Chris out of hurt ego, or because he was someone incredibly interesting and good to have around.
Perhaps you had combined the useful with the pleasant, because in all honesty, you couldn't deny that you were enjoying all this time with Chris, even feeling more at peace with yourself.
"Well, at least you escaped the tea party." Chris jokes, looking at you with a smile.
You nod, smiling back at him.
"God, I can't imagine what it would be like to spend another afternoon with Mrs. Hisltons!" You grumble, frowning as you remember all the tedious conversations the lady has put you through.
Chris couldn't help himself and laughed out loud, looking at you with those beautiful brown eyes.
"Oh, tell me about it. As soon as I got here, she gave me a good lecture on why I should get married." Chris says with a playful tone, walking slowly with you through the pastures.
You smiled a little, petting the horse as a question popped into your mind.
"But, forgive me for being impolite, but why haven't you gotten married yet?" You asked calmly, giving him the opportunity not to answer if he didn't want to.
"Nothing in particular, I just haven't found any suitors that catch my eye." He says, without much ado, getting straight to the point.
You'd think someone as cultured as him would want a woman who knew a bit more than just dresses and jewelry. Completely fair and understandable.
But you still can't help thinking that Chris was alone by choice, it wouldn't be the first time a man had preferred being alone to being married.
"I understand, but is it something you're thinking of doing? I'm sorry if I'm being intrusive." You say with a peaceful smile, trying to get to know the man you've grown so close to over the last few days.
Chris then paused and pondered, thinking of an answer that would measure up. But he couldn't think of anything more sincere than:
"Yes, I intend to." Just like that, or any other explanation.
But you saw his eyes light up a little when he looked at you for a brief moment, making you quietly gasp.
You then returned your gaze to your surroundings, the countryside that was such a contrast to the life you had. Which was far from peaceful.
Although you knew it shouldn't take you so long to get back to the castle, as they would probably notice you were gone, you could stubbornly stay here with him.
With Chris, the man who had been giving you so much comfort recently.
Chris then looked at you with a charming gaze, helping you off the horse. His hands found your waist, steadying you as you got off the animal.
Feeling his heavy, manly hands on your body made you feel something different, but you preferred not to mention it. Not least because you were being completely inappropriate for a dame.
You allowed yourself to feel the ground beneath your heels, removing the footwear from your body, feeling the grass between your toes.
The thought of returning to your new home was already distant, you could even swear that you forgot about Leon for just a moment. You forgot about the fact that he was coming back today.
And that he would be back around noon. And it was almost two in the afternoon, he was probably already at the castle by then.
But well, what would be the point of sneaking out of the castle with the Duke if not for a bit of confusion.
"You know, this is turning out to be one of the nicest afternoons I've had." Chris says, smiling and following you as you walk across the lawn.
"Oh, yes. It's nice to get out of that place for a bit." You say, looking at the sun, which is already descending.
Chris followed you, keeping an eye on every step. And you even saw out of the corner of your eye that he tried to take your hand, but hesitated to make such an intimate gesture.
You even heard the trumpets sounding in the distance, announcing the prince's arrival, but nothing that made you move from where you were.
And well, from the way Chris stood next to you as you watched the landscape of the field, he wouldn't leave until you asked him to.
At one point, you thought it would be better to leave, perhaps so as not to cause Chris any trouble. But the moment Chris's fingers touched your cheek, and he tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear, something in you sparked.
It was impossible to hide the red tinge that appeared on your cheeks, as well as the way you just ignored everything else. Everything seemed right.
You were surrendered, and you didn't want to leave this man's side. What on earth were you doing?
Why did you feel so torn? It couldn't end well.
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"Where is she?" It was the first question Leon asked as soon as he set foot in the castle, finding it strange that his fiancée wasn't here to greet him.
"The princess isn't feeling well, Your Highness." Evelyn, the maid who helped you escape, answered.
Leon wrinkled his eyebrows, glancing at the door of your chambers, he hadn't quite believed that excuse.
"Tell her I'll come and see her. She doesn't have to leave her room." Leon says, looking at the way the maid was beginning to shudder.
"She's really not well, Your Highness-" Leon didn't care how much the maid protested, he went ahead and went to your bedroom.
He opened the door without any manners, looking around as he searched for any sign of you. But he was disappointed when he found your bed empty, the room perfectly tidy and untouched. You hadn't been in that room for a while.
Your lie was already falling apart, as they say lies don't go far.
"Where is she?" Leon asked once again, this time more coldly and authoritatively, demanding an answer.
"I don't know! She was here this morning." The maid manages to stutter, unable to face Leon.
Leon clenched his fists, frustration and irritation taking over his feelings. You were getting out of hand, it wasn't enough that you'd been so bold with Chris, now this?
Even though he was away, he knew everything that was going on in that castle, and he couldn't let it continue the way it was.
Who did you think you were?
"Have her searched all over the castle." Leon demanded, leaving your room to look for you.
As soon as Leon saw that the maid hadn't moved a muscle, he added:
"Immediately." His voice was a low grunt, capable of sending a chill down anyone's spine.
The maid moved quickly, warning the other servants about the princess's 'disappearance', and they all stood by to look for you.
Nothing. They looked for you in every corner of that castle, every room, every space you could be in. And they found nothing, not a single sign of you.
Leon was fulminating, realizing that you and the Duke weren't in that castle. And you probably weren't close.
"We haven't found her, Your Highness. The princess isn't in the castle." One of the servants dares to speak, trembling at having to address the prince.
"What do you mean she's not in the castle?" Leon muttered, looking out the windows while trying to find you somehow.
And Leon had to stop himself from gritting his teeth as he watched the scene with his own eyes. You came in through the back door, a delicate hood over your head to disguise your identity.
You were sitting on Chris's horse, smiling happily as the man led the horse inside. You seemed so close, so intimate.
Something about it made Leon go crazy, he can't say, but some strange feeling rose in his chest and made a knot form in the pit of his stomach.
What were you thinking? You were a lady, Jesus! You should behave like one.
"You are dismissed, return to your duties." Leon says to the other servants, leaving no room for questions.
Drastic situations call for drastic measures, only then will you be able to understand your place. And how you should act as a future queen.
Leon waited, right in the center of the main hall, he decided he would act as if he hadn't seen anything. He felt his breathing quicken, heard the sound of his heartbeat in his ears.
He didn't know if it was anger, disappointment or something else.
You didn't realize he was there until you saw the pair of blue eyes looking you up and down, for some reason sending a shiver up your spine.
"I was worried about you." He was the first to speak, approaching you without a second thought.
"Excuse me, Your Highness. I needed some fresh air." You say, your voice smooth as silk, sweet as honey.
You needed to act as if nothing much had really happened, as if you hadn't gone off with the Duke alone, without letting anyone know.
Even more so, going out alone with a man.
Leon narrows his eyes, placing a hand on your waist, pulling you close. His touch made you gasp, your eyes widen and your breathing hitch, at the same moment you felt your breath mingle with his.
For a moment, you looked at each other, his penetrating gaze causing an incomparable flush to rise to your cheeks. His hands on your body, one holding your cheek, steadying you to do what he wanted to do.
What was he going to do? Oh, you realized it in the next second, when you saw his face coming closer to yours. His nose touching yours, and then, that's when…
He kissed you.
His lips against yours, his hand holding you firmly and preventing you from moving. It was unconscious, instinctive, you moved your lips in sync with his. Your arms wrapped around his neck, and you sealed this moment with the warm intimacy of a kiss.
It wasn't sincere, it was carnal.
The world around you seemed to stop, you were focused on the warm feeling that took over your body, the way the heat of the moment enveloped you. Your body molded itself to his so well, it was so perfect.
As if it was meant to be.
It was painful to separate your lips from his, your mind in a whirlwind of emotions. Was it real? Had he reconsidered? Maybe he was going to give you both a chance?
You were a very dreamy girl perhaps, those endless dreams that you wished from the bottom of your soul were real, that you clamored for to come true at some point.
But oh, that little act, it was far from a dream.
When you regained your senses, you looked around and saw a group of high-class ladies staring at the two of you. The dreamy looks and sighs they gave when they saw the couple, the passionate couple.
In the corner, you saw the king and queen, smiling approvingly at the two of you. They were proud.
A show off.
Reality weighed heavily on your mind when you understood. It was nothing, it was a show off, an exhibition. The momentary magic wore off and gave way to the bitterness that once again fell upon you.
Whose fault was it? Yours, for having once again believed in the foolishness that was Leon's chance of seeing you beyond being a prize. Or Leon, for toying with you in such a way?
In any case, what a shame. The taste of his lips was imprinted on yours, the sensation of his lips against yours was still so vivid. So real. You felt loved in a few seconds, putting yourself in your place soon after.
With one simple action, Leon reminded you of who you belong to, legally, and also reminded you of your place. Of your obligations to him, he came out the winner once again.
Damned bastard.
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laxmiree · 4 months ago
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien - Strategy Game Date - English Translation (1/2)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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"Wow, if you remember someone, they must be really impressive!"
"Not at all. In fact, on most of the days we've played, he couldn't even win a pack of biscuits."
"So, about the same level as me then~"
"But MC is special to me. Whether it's ‘biscuits', 'candy', or even 'unreasonable requests', you always manage to win them over in another way."
Translation under the cut!
[T/N: Before reading the date, I highly recommend you all to read this R&S: Regarding What Book Doesn't Say (and while at it read The Victim Who Disappeared too~). This date contains important references to that R&S, and I would like to analyze this date later in comparison with it at the end of this date🥺 There's also some reference to S1 chapter 23 but I'm gonna assume that y'all already read it u.u.]
If you want to follow along with the voice, you can follow it here.
[Call- On The Way Home from Work]
Lucien: I just saw your missed call, what's wrong?
MC: [worriedly] I was just wondering why Professor Lucien, who clearly got off work an hour ago, still hasn't come home yet.
Lucien: [chuckles softly]  Sorry, I was held up a bit by something.
Lucien: If you're not too busy, could you bring a trolley and come pick me up at the small park outside the complex?
MC: I certainly can, but what happened?
Lucien: I was stopped by that old gentleman who often plays chess in the park, and he invited me to play a game with him.
MC:  Hmm? Why did that grandpa suddenly "abandon" his friends and come to you?
Lucien: Today, his chess friend stood him up, so he was searching the whole park for a "destined" person who could play chess.
Lucien: And on my backpack, I happened to have a chess pendant that you gave me.
MC: Oh~ But the Xianqi (Chinese chess) Grandpa plays and international chess aren't the same type, right?
Lucien: There are indeed quite big differences between the two, but luckily, I'm not too unfamiliar with the rules of Xiangqi.
MC: Judging by Professor Lucien’s tone, it seems like he has won~
Lucien: It was a narrow victory.
Lucien: However... I'm having some regrets now.
MC: Why?
Lucien: Things seem to have gotten a little out of hand after I won the game. He enthusiastically invited me to solve an endgame puzzle—
[Trivia: In chess, endgame refers to a chess problem where only a few pieces remain on the board, and the challenge is to find the best moves to win or achieve a draw.]
Lucien: And after I solved it, I found out that this puzzle has apparently been around for a few years.
MC: Wow! That's amazing...! So, doesn't that mean the brilliant Professor Lucien is going to become a big celebrity in the park?
Lucien: [sighs] ...But they're a bit too enthusiastic.
Lucien: [he sounds so helpless and dumbfounded it's cute LOL] To celebrate, that grandpa and the elderly watching the game gave me all the eggs, rice, and cooking oil they got from the supermarket.
Lucien: I couldn't refuse at the moment, so now I'm stuck here, overwhelmed by this weighty goodwill.
MC:  Pfft, hahaha~ So that's why you asked me to bring a trolley and rescue you!
MC: I think I see you! Hmm? Are you buying something?
Lucien: [chuckles] Mm, I just found a flower vending machine here.
Lucien: After all, I did ask my girlfriend to come rescue me, so I figured I should at least buy a bouquet of flowers as a thank you.
[Prologue-Surprise Journey]
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MC: You're going to compete against the world champion of 3D chess next week?!
When I arrive home from work and step into the entryway, the news hits me like a brick, leaving me frozen in place.
[Trivia: 3D Chess is a variant of traditional chess that adds a third dimension with multiple horizontal layers. It's different and more complex compared with classic 2D chess because besides being able to move horizontally, it can also move vertically between layers, and naturally, it has different rules compared to the classic (I tried to search the rules of one type of 3D chess and ended up being confused at it HAHA). Most ppl def can't easily learn it in one try unless you're Xu Mo]
Lucien calmly takes my bag and nods slightly.
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Lucien: Mm, the tournament organizers invited Carl to play a simultaneous exhibition.
[Trivia: In chess simultaneous exhibition means one player plays against multiple opponents at the same time]
Lucien: Besides me, there will also be many 3D chess players and enthusiasts participating.
MC: ...Wait a minute, Lucien, you haven't been scammed, have you?
MC: There are a lot of scams going around these days that seem to trick people with things like registration fees.
[gurl why would you think that the great and mighty™️ Professor Lucien would get scammed🤣]
Lucien: That possibility certainly can't be ruled out, but I've already confirmed it.
Lucien can't help but chuckle a bit and opens the official website of the International Chess Federation.
Following the movement of his fingertips, I quickly found Lucien's name on the shortlist.
MC: So awesome…
MC: You've obviously only been playing 3D chess for a month, yet you're already able to participate in such a competition.
Lucien: This type of game is actually not that difficult once you grasp the rules.
MC: ...That's precisely something a genius would say.
He winks a little smugly, smiles, and pulls me into his arms.
Lucien: So, would MC like to go together?
Lucien: I recall you don't seem to be very busy next week.
MC: Of course, I would like to!
MC: This is your first time participating in a chess tournament, so I wouldn't want to miss it.
Lucien: That's good to hear. Otherwise, I might have to repack my suitcase.
Following his gaze, I notice he's already packed some of my clothes in the suitcase and I can't help but laugh.
MC: You already knew I'd say yes.
Lucien: Mm, after all, it seems like MC can never bring herself to turn down my requests.
=[Part 1]=
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MC: The guesthouse you chose is so beautiful!
I lean out from the villa window and look outside; the warm breeze passes through the tropical orange trees, stirring sweet orange-scented ripples on the clear pool water.
MC: This garden is exactly like a scene from an American movie, I feel like a pool party is about to start any second now.
Lucien: [chuckles] After I finish my competition, we might as well have a pool party here too.
MC: Sounds good! Then I…
I spin around excitedly, but then my gaze is suddenly caught by a vibrant blaze of crimson, making me fall silent.
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Lucien is dressed in a cherry-red suit paired with an olive-green tie, giving off a bold retro vibe.
Complementing this look, a sleek leather belt with a ring buckle and a tilted round hat adds a touch of simplicity and style.
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Lucien: [teasingly] If you keep looking at me like that, I might actually get a little shy.
Despite saying so, he doesn't shy away and instead approaches me with a smile.
MC: It's just so stunning... Did this Great Chess Player pick this outfit specifically for the competition?
Lucien: There will be a lot of people at the competition, so maybe this will help me better attract the attention of a certain little lady.
[T/N: Great Chess Player (大棋手 - dà qíshǒu) is how MC teasingly and admiringly refers to him while little lady (小姑娘 - xiǎo gūniang) is Lucien's special term of endearment to MC. So yes, he's the one picking the outfit to attract her attention, just like male peacocks displaying their feather🤣 Please don't be harsh on his color choice because he literally can't see them🥲]
MC: [pouts] Humph, I want to protest~
MC: Even without any help, I can still instantly spot you in a crowd!
Lucien: [chuckles] Of course, I believe that. But I also have a selfish motive.
He gently pinches my puffed-out cheeks and meets my gaze with a smile.
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Lucien: [gently and sincerely] Just thinking about you watching me throughout the competition... it'll likely fill me with strength.
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In the vast venue, a hundred chess players are seated at their tables, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Carl, the world champion.
The audience seats are already packed with hundreds of spectators, and the broadcasting equipment, along with the commentators, is set up and ready to go.
Feeling the solemn atmosphere, I shrink back a little and quickly walk over to the family seating area within the venue to sit down.
Host: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the International 3D Chess Championship!
Host: Here today, we have chess elites gathered from all around the globe.
Host: They have emerged from fierce preliminary rounds and will face Carl, the champion of the International 3D Chess Championship, in a head-to-head battle.
Just then, on the large screen suspended above the venue, a refined-looking man is waving and greeting the crowd below.
Host: Following the classic tournament rules, each player will have 120 minutes to make their first 40 moves, after which they will have another 60 minutes to complete the rest of the game.
Host: To ensure fairness and smooth progression, a team of referees will supervise the entire match.
Host: Please remain quiet during the match so that the players can concentrate.
Host: We hope you all enjoy this feast of intellect and strategy!
As the match bell rings, the first game appears on the big screen.
Carl opens with a knight's jump, using the black pieces. Time flows in silence for a long while before his opponent finally makes their move.
Just as the unfamiliar and complex cross-layer moves are starting to make my head spin, the game reaches Lucien's table.
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Facing Carl's aggressive opening, Lucien doesn't panic. Calm and collected, he establishes his defensive formation.
I quietly note the position of his piece, trying to summon the knowledge I learned from playing classic chess with him in an effort to keep up with the game.
However, as the game progresses, I quickly become lost amidst the complexity of the situation.
Thankfully, that splash of cherry-red color always manages to blur out the world, allowing me to clearly see him every time I look up.
While waiting for his turn, Lucien leans back and intently watches the live screen, unlike the others who are engrossed in studying their own games.
[This passage implies that, unlike other players who are focused solely on their own games, Lucien is observing the matches on the live screen to study the world champion's strategies and gameplay. Also, this passage is an interesting parallel with how Lucien sees the world - to him, her color blurred the world around her, allowing him to see her clearly🥺]
Yet whenever it's his turn to make a move, he does it extremely quickly.
After a few rounds, players on the field are gradually eliminated and leave, but Lucien remains seated, his remaining time nearly equal to Carl's.
Most of the time, his expression remains calm, only occasionally does his brow and eyes curve slightly as if he's noticed some clever moves.
Even though he's far away, I feel like I can see that fascinating and captivating world through his eyes.
I gaze for a long time, so long that I only snap back to reality when Carl sits down opposite Lucien.
The stage is empty, and before I realize it, only that red figure remains.
The black and white sides are locked in a tense struggle, like a small battlefield. Pieces fell constantly, yet new attacks were relentlessly launched.
A hushed silence gradually spreads over the audience. Finally, the timer goes off, and the referee, who has been observing from the sidelines, rises to his feet.
He takes a step forward, waiting for Lucien to put down the piece in his hand, pick up a pen and write something, then seal the paper in an envelope.
As if on cue, the people around me rustle and leave. I instinctively get up as well, feeling puzzled, and head towards Lucien, who is also departing.
MC: Is the match over?
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Lucien: Not yet, it's just that the official match time is up. Now the moves are sealed, and the match will resume in an hour.
MC: I see. So, what do you think?
Lucien: Although the situation is a bit tense right now, I've more or less deduced the strategy he'll likely use.
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He narrows his eyes, looking like a smug little fox.
MC: Wow, I knew you were good, but I'm blown away that you've been able to hold your own against the world champion for so long…
Lucien: Would you mind holding onto that compliment until the 26th move and telling me again later, MC?
MC: Um?
I suddenly figured something out, and in that instant, I found the answer in those confident eyes.
Lucien: By then, I'll have won.
=[Part 2]=
Lucien wins.
At the 21st move in overtime, Carl topples his cornered king piece and concedes defeat.
It's not that I never thought he would win, but seeing Lucien standing on the podium, the clear reality of his victory washes over me along with the tide of applause.
I clap with extra force, wanting to convey all my heartfelt congratulations to him.
MC: Congratulations, grand champion!
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As the award ceremony ends, after waiting by the side of the stage, I step forward and greet the person before me with a big hug.
An icy chill clings to him, yet the voice that falls upon my ear is incredibly gentle.
Lucien: [chuckles] I received all of MC's congratulations.
Lucien: Even though you were a bit far away, the way you clapped so enthusiastically was especially adorable, just like a little seal.
MC: Of course! As your girlfriend, I can't let myself be outdone by anyone else…
??: Mr. Lucien, congratulations.
A stranger's voice suddenly interrupts the conversation as Carl, dressed in a suit, walks over in surprise.
Carl: I'll always remember this match, I hope to see you again on the competition stage someday.
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Lucien: Thank you, there will be a chance.
Lucien nods politely, and only after watching the other person disappear into the crowd does he speak, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
Lucien: Was that Carl?
MC: Hmm? Even a superbrain like you can have face blindness?
Lucien: Perhaps I was too focused on the chessboard, so I didn't pay attention to his appearance.
Lucien: Besides, his clothes seem completely different from what he wore this afternoon.
Seeing him explain earnestly, I can't help but laugh.
MC: [laughs] If I were Carl, I think I would be more hurt that my opponent, whom I faced for half a day, doesn’t remember me than about losing the match.
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MC: Speaking of which, you don't forget everyone you've played chess with, do you?
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Lucien: [stunned as if hit by a memory of someone from his distant past] …
It’s as if something leaps into the depths of those dark eyes along with my words, and they suddenly blink quickly.
Lucien: Not quite everyone.
MC: Wow, if you remember someone, they must be really impressive!
Lucien: Not at all.
Lucien: In fact, on most of the days we've played, he couldn't even win a pack of biscuits.*
MC: So, about the same level as me then~
I can't help but curve my lips into a smile, and it seems as though my rising smile also slowly melts that touch of indifference.
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Lucien: [chuckles] You're right, it's about the same level. But MC is special to me.
Lucien: Whether it's ‘biscuits', 'candy', or even 'unreasonable requests', you always manage to win them over in another way.
MC: [laughs happily] Hahaha, that friend of yours would probably think you're way too biased if he heard you say that!
Lucien smiles faintly as if my words allow him to vaguely picture that person before his eyes—
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Fuzzy... distant... yet somehow a little vivid.
Lucien: Perhaps, but all of those are just assumptions.
MC: Even if they are assumptions, aren't they still based on deductions from the past?
I hook my finger around his, gently swaying our hands together.
MC: Even if the past may be gone, isn't there still “something” from it that continues to run through your life in different forms;
MC: Accompanying you as you pass by and meet many amazing, yet lovely and warm people?~
Lucien: Of course, I have never denied that.
It was as though an imperceptible wound within those profound eyes had been quietly mended, allowing a trace of a smile to escape.**
Wanting to keep that smile lingering for a while longer, I wrinkle my nose.
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MC: But... I've clearly played chess with you too, and several different kinds! Yet the first person Professor Lucien thought of wasn't me!
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Lucien: …
Seeing his eyes widen slightly, I smile with satisfaction.
MC: Hmph, looks like I need to work harder! In that case, I'll start by learning 3D chess!
I take the prize chessboard from Lucien's hands, giving it a gentle shake.
MC: Please teach me, Teacher Lucien.
*: the biscuits!!! I'm sobbing ;-;, turns out Lucien still remembers Fan Zihang/Zack so clearly... I hope we'll get another mention of Fan Zihang/Zack on his birthday too huhu.
**: I'm taking liberties in translating this one 😂. The original line is “那双幽深的眼瞳里似有道小小裂隙被悄悄填上,终于泄 出一点笑意。” which if literally translated it will be “In that pair of deep and dark eyes, it was as if a small crack had been quietly filled up, finally revealing a hint of a smile.”. The 'crack' can symbolize an unhealed wound from the past. As it gradually fills, this wound is slowly mending, allowing him to release some of his past burdens and letting a hint of joy show through his eyes. Or, you can also think of it as a frozen lake that slowly melts and reveals a small crack, allowing the sunlight to fill in and showing what's in the water all this time (there's happiness from those past memories too).
Next: Part 3 & 4-> [Here]
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chocolatepot · 16 days ago
OFMD fandom, consider TGCF
Tian Guan Ci Fu is a Chinese light novel with an English translation published by Seven Seas Entertainment as Heaven Official's Blessing. You might not have heard of it, but chances are pretty good that you've heard of Mo Dao Zu Shi, adapted by Tencent into a tv series that aired on Netflix as The Untamed. ("Sexy Times with Wangxian", yes.) That's by the same author, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu!
For roughly the year before OFMD first aired, I was in MXTX fandom, more focused on MDZS than TGCF, although I'd read and liked both. Recently, though, I've come back to TGCF in a big way - doing a full reread - and a number of parallels to OFMD have been jumping out at me, making me think, hey, maybe my friends would like this?
Canon m/m romance that is the emotional backbone for the story
Lots of humor!
Main character from a high status background ...
... who is derided as a laughingstock by his high-falutin' peers and by people on the ground
Love interest who is widely believed to be the most powerful evil being in existence
Despite the obvious aesthetic differences, the MC and LI get each other on a level nobody else does
Also despite appearances, both MC and LI are very much not young and spend a long time alone before they meet
You could even say there's a "slyly complicated butch/femme dynamic" (a phrase from an old article about OFMD that always sticks in my head)
MC's kindness and attention to people considered "worthless" often help solve the problem
Okay, curious? I'll tell you about TGCF in more detail behind the cut.
(I do want to be clear here, I'm stressing these points of similarity but these two canons are not The Same - I'm just saying, if these are aspects of OFMD that really resonated with you, you should think about giving TGCF a try!)
Okay, if you haven't really heard of MXTX novels before, I assume you might not be familiar with a lot of the genre conventions, so I'll step way back. TGCF is xianxia, which is a type of fantasy where people can gain powers and eventually ascend to immortality/godhood; in some xianxia books, the process of gaining or using those powers is the point, but here it's really just background for the story. These powers are gained through "cultivation", which can be a combo of meditation and martial arts practice. People who die are either reincarnated or turn into ghosts, depending on how much resentment they have going on.
The first volume opens with a prologue explaining that Xie Lian was a handsome and popular prince who ascended at seventeen; when his kingdom was beset with war and famine, he came back to help the populace but was unsuccessful. As a result, they burned his temples and stopped worshipping him, and he was also banished from the heavens with his powers cut off. Having to live as a penniless normal person (but still immortal) was some Real Bad Times, and when he ascended again, angrily, he was banished again. This time, he went back down and lived peacefully but in destitution as a wandering busker and scrap collector for several centuries. And then he ascended a third time.
That's where the story picks up! Xie Lian is now a god again and everyone appears to either hate him or think he's incredibly pathetic. He starts off in trouble by accidentally causing a lot of property damage, and to repay it he's sent to solve a mystery: brides in wedding processions that go by a particular mountain are being kidnapped. Part of his investigation involves dressing up as a bride as bait for the "ghost groom", and this is where the reader gets their first sight of Hua Cheng, taking bride!Xie Lian's hand and briefly guiding and protecting him. After the mystery is solved, Xie Lian finds out that the man who seemed very kind and attractive to him is actually a ghost who defeated and destroyed thirty-three gods - he's the ruler of Ghost City, someone everyone is terrified of.
I'm not going to go further into the plot because there are some big central mysteries that are so fun to uncover as you go, and I don't want to deprive you of that! But as the story goes on, Hua Cheng is involved more and more, and the adorable thing that I think will appeal to OFMD fans is the way everyone else is really concerned by AHH OH NO HUA CHENG while Xie Lian always feels safe with him. (And by the same token, Hua Cheng is always impressed with Xie Lian despite the way everyone else thinks he's obviously the crummiest god that could possibly exist.) There's also a lot of resonance with s1 of OFMD in the way that Hua Cheng, let's just say, has been following Xie Lian's ship before arranging a meeting, and also is well aware of his feelings for Xie Lian while the latter is considerably more confused.
The full translation has been pulled from the web as its translator collab'd with Seven Seas, but you can find some other people's translations of the earlier chapters still online via NovelUpdates. If this all sounds interesting to you but you're not sure about buying or can't find it through your library system, I'd recommend checking that out (although be aware that free translations are sometimes ... real bad, just run through Google Translate).
My last point, not really aimed at OFMD fans: I feel like a lot of people who say that canon queer romance can never match up to the fanon surrounding queerbait need to get into BL! It has a very fanfiction sensibility, all the drama and yearning and sex you could want. (Well, this one doesn't actually have sex in it. But in the MDZS extras Wei Wuxian has a canonical non-con kink, so.)
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specters0rd · 1 year ago
Operation: Cure MC's Sadness.
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Genre: Hurt Comfort
Words: 1,503
Chapter: Prologue
A/N: I greatly apologize for possibly making the guys OOC, it’s a been a while since I wrote a fanfic (let alone a series) and not to mention my first ever fic for Ikevamp. Sooo… Scheduling for the other fics? I’m still figuring it out given that it took me a while to even finish this up, but I’ll make sure to post teasers here and there. I’m also still figuring out how to bring in Vlad and his minions in as well as connect Sebby & Will into this. If you got any suggestions for any the guys (except for Vincent and Theo, they’re the ones that made me want to do this and first one I came up with) don’t be afraid to suggest them in my ask box, reblog, and comments!
taglist: @natimiles @bicayaya @koco-coko
The poking from the beams had sobered up MC who wasn't sure if they actually slept or not, the eyes cloudy and slightly dry as they could barely make out the ceiling and orange sunlight stabbing them in one side. While a grunt escaped from their lips as their hands rubbed off the blurry dryness while they tried to recall last night, their body slumped over as they took a moment to admire the decor of the bedroom, especially with the painting they had the privilege to choose all thanks to a certain devil art-dealer. MC’s mouth couldn't stop themselves from curling up with fondness before falling as last night came rushing back to them. While they threw their blankets and legs over the side to get up, the urge to zone out and actually process everything finally took over, not surprising since a situation like this is quite... The story one can say. Once upon a month, MC was enjoying her time at the Louvre before being thrown into some kind of Alice in Wonderland plot with time, historical  figures and vampires. What a YA fantasy-historical novel! Now this main character is… Stuck with no way back.
"Righttt... Homesickness. It's only been like... Two weeks since the damn door broke?" They whispered to themselves as they tried their best to read the clock; a skill that they still haven't mastered even a month in this mansion, tragic honestly. A hushed curse escaped from their mouth as they could guess roughly that they had 15 minutes or less to hop in and help Sebstain with breakfast. This only leads to more… Cursing from the struggling dork who’s playing detective right now over socks. Yes, over socks.
“You still haven’t broken that habit of yours, have you?” A chuckle from the butler as he broke the bloke’s case with a swift point of his finger to the clue; socks had been under the bed the whole time. This left the victim of messiness and forgetfulness to facepalm in shame once again.
“Oh god damn it. Thanks, Sebastian.” MC shook their head as they quickly snatched the socks and threw them on along with their high-quality shoes whilst Sebastian stood still at the door. A quick glance could tell the man before them was more concerned than the usual exasperation; they could feel the guilt sink in as the butler sighed.
“As much as I wanna don’t wanna push you to talk, MC, I think now is the time you open up. Especially because it’s clearly affecting your sleep and work.” The man spoke with seriousness and softness as he signaled to follow him towards the inevitable; a mansion meeting.  
“Never thought I’d have an intervention…” MC joked as they followed aside the butler shaking his head at them, the fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose.
“You wouldn't have one if you didn't try to pull the workaholic route for solving your problems...” 
“Ah, Fair point.”
“And here I thought Theo was bad…”
“Oh shut it, Arthur. You're one to talk here.” 
Theo shot a glare at his typical flippant frenemy as Arthur's attempt to soft the atmosphere slightly failed. MC's mind was fried at this point so even bickering didn't help nor rubbing their temples and guilt away.
“Was that really bad? God…” MC knew it was a rhetorical question especially with the sympathetic and annoyed looks at the table.
“I don't know what your definition of “bad” is, but typically, bumping into paintings, eye-bags, and breaking plates more than you usually do is quite bad, Hondje " Theodorus leaned back in his chair as his blues scolded the “family dog”.
“Not to mention forgetting food and leaving cups of coffee behind,” Mozart added as he took a bite of his breakfast, paying no mind to the soft glares from Napoleon, Issac, and Vincent.
Arthur shifted closer in his chair as his hands intertwined on the table; a sigh escaped from his lips.
“They are starting to get the point, lads. It's about time to start getting to the heart of the matter now.” Arthur gave a soft chuckle, the seriousness never leaving his eyes as he continued.  “So, do you think you can explain why exactly that's causing this? Or is this workaholic habit the whole reason you haven't talked about it at all?” He arched his brow at them as he noticed MC immediately trying to puzzle it.
“I think the answer is quite obvious, but hey…” A voice hunches over Arthur, making the man jump and almost flings his coffee across the room.
“OH JESUS,MARY, AND JOSEPH. USE THE BLOODY DAMN DOOR DAZAI.” Arthur cursed at the tardy man before him who just closed the window behind the mystery writer, his glare never leaving him as Leonardo with the help of Jean drags Dazai and throws him into a chair. 
A smile never leaves the eccentric, in fact, it only widens when looked at MC’s reaction. Not even the patriarch's glare seems to wipe it off him.
MC was trying to hold back their laughter at the scene before immediately stopping when eyes were all on them, a sense of anxiety in the pit of their stomach as they spoke.
“Well, yeah…  It's pretty obvious for the perceptive folks here. I'm just gonna assume you want more details from me, right Arthur?” They looked at Arthur for confirmation, which earned a quick nod from him as he checked if his good old suit survived.
“Well…” They paused for a moment to gather their thoughts and ease the tightness of their throat. “I'm starting to think it finally dawned on me that I can’t go home yet… And the fact I never really fully processed everything. I kinda just threw myself into the chores. I mean it helps! Only to the point though… I think? Ugh…”
A comforting hand from Vincent laid on MC’s shoulder, noticing they were shaking at little.  While MC smiled at him, they looked back to see everyone contemplating how to solve the issue now they got the reason for. 
Comte took a moment to look at the clock before letting out a sigh.
“Well, one thing is certain, you need to take a break.” Comte paused for a moment before smiling. “Make that a week-long break.”
MC arched a brow at him before she felt a poke on the head by Napoleon, they looked up to see his smirk.
“Yes, MC, it's fine! You really need to work on that workaholic habit, I swear.”
A small croak, or well more like a tiny squeak, interrupted the moment. Issac was trying to say something and it ended up… An awkward way to make himself known.
“Ahem…” The physicist paused for a moment while trying to fight off his embarrassment. If MC wasn't giving Dazai and Arthur death glares, Issac would’ve been eaten alive… Well, for now.
“I was wondering what MC wants to do on their break… I mean, not sure if I can do much, but I'm free if you need someone to hangout with or… Vent too.” Issac lightly scratches the curve of his cheek with a sheepish smile.
“Not really sure either… But I'm all ears if you want to do something…” Jean chimed in with an earnest look in his eye despite how deadpanned his voice sounded.
Leo clicked his tongue as he thought of what he could do. “I mean, I’m sure if I have the time right now. Given Comte and I had an appointment with-”
“I mean, MC can accompany us with that invitation we got from my good old friend I haven’t seen in a while-.”
“Hold it guys. You're all getting ahead of yourselves there.” MC chuckles as they pop the last croissant in their mouth. 
“I’m assuming that at least most of you are gonna… I don't know. Try and ease me by making me chill and hangout with you all?” 
“Call this operation: Cure MC’s sadness” Dazai wiggled his eyebrows as his grin widened at the eye rolls he got from some of the folks at the table.
“Well, first of all it's not most of us…” Mozart huffed a little. “And second of all, it's nothing grand to try to help someone.” He side-eyed a pouty Dazai.
“Hmm… How about this? We all have a set week to make time for MC during their break.” Sebastian proposed to everyone as he picked up dishes to clean.
MC put a hand to their chin as they thought about it.
“I don't mind the idea, but how about each of you are duos!”
“What do you mean?” Vincent asked as he tilted his head to the side a little whilst everyone was either just as curious or slightly skeptical.
“Well, two of you each hangout with me on different days”. MC looked around to see everyone’s reactions before landing on Sebastian.
“Of course, I wish we could hangout too, but-”
“We’ll figure it out, don't you worry, MC.” Sebastian said before leaving towards the kitchen.
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tinyinvadr · 10 months ago
Psychonauts brainrot is in full force! I finished the first game recently and I’m probably gonna start the second one tonight! So, here’s a new fic, (with an OC this time, ooh) let’s see if I finish it lol
Psychics. Seemingly ordinary people with extraordinary powers, hidden in plain sight. Masters of the mind. You’d think they’d be regarded with only the highest of respect.
But instead, they’re shunned. Cast away. Treated like freaks and monsters for their gifts. It’s the kind of treatment that fosters resentment. Rage. Hatred.
The only way to truly make it is to earn a place in the ranks among the Psychonauts. But even then, only a select few can achieve that. Those who fail are forced back into their everyday lives, where they will have to hide who they truly are, or risk facing an even worse fate.
Though, they’re still better off than me.
At least they have a world to go back to, even if it’s cold and unwelcoming. They still have options open to them, they can still attempt to find happiness in a mundane, ordinary life. Because at the end of the day, psychics are human.
Except for me.
My name is Flint, and as far as I know, I’m the only borrower with psychic powers. To be honest, I have no idea how rare that actually is, since borrowers typically don’t see each other on a regular basis. I can only assume it’s not common, considering how my parents reacted when they found out.
I was only five years old, and they were… horrified.
I had no idea I was different. I just assumed everyone could levitate. But when they walked in on me floating in my room… I’ll never forget the look in their eyes.
The fear and shame directed towards me by my own parents was enough to break my concentration, and I fell flat on my face.
For some time, I stopped using my powers. After all, it was a “bad, dangerous thing”, as Dad described it. But there were some things I just couldn’t help.
I could read minds. And not just my parents, our human hosts too. They had a kid around my age who was also psychic, although they were a lot more supportive of her. They actively helped her learn to control her powers, and didn’t even get mad when she accidentally broke stuff.
Every day, I would watch and listen as she progressed, wishing it was me. But as time went on, I became a rebellious little nine year-old. I started copying her from my place within the walls, always making sure to stay hidden. And I’ve gotta say, I got pretty good all things considered.
Then, one day, the time came for my training to pay off.
Mom and I were out in the garden, collecting fresh vegetables. She had her back turned, but I saw the rabbit just in time.
The beady-eyed demon charged at us. We were in its territory, and it did not intend to share. Thinking fast, I knocked it back with a psychic blast. Stunned and startled, the beast ran away.
In those few short seconds, I felt like a hero. But then, I turned to Mom, and saw that same look in her eyes that almost turned me off from my powers for good.
“Flint… what have you done?”
I got grounded that night, and I was enraged. I saved her, why was she mad at me?
It wasn’t until the next morning that I learned the reason.
Apparently, I hit the rabbit harder than I thought, and it took severe psychic damage. Not enough to kill it, but enough to leave it in an unconscious state. So when the humans went into the garden and found the rabbit, they immediately knew it was knocked out by a psychic blast. And since their daughter was at school the day before, they knew that there had to be another psychic in the area.
I alerted them of my existence. Of our existence. If they found us, it would’ve been my fault.
Mom and Dad started packing up to move right away. We couldn’t stick around long after that incident. But the entire time, I couldn’t help but think that this wouldn’t solve the problem. Even if we moved to a new house, that wouldn’t stop me from being psychic. My only options were to suppress my true nature, or to continue to put my family at risk.
As the last of our belongings were packed, and the school year came to an end, I overheard more from the humans. They were sending their daughter to a psychic summer camp. It was a place for kids to train, to connect with others, and eventually, have the potential to become Psychonauts.
So much of what I’d heard from their thoughts about the Psychonauts intrigued me. They were psychics who went on daring and dangerous missions to save the world from all sorts of threats. They could astral project themselves into the psyches of anyone, and fight their inner demons head-on. And in the mental world, the possibilities are endless. If I could just access it, I wouldn’t have to be a weak, scared little borrower kid anymore. I could be whoever I wanted to be.
And that… was my only chance at redemption.
I felt bad leaving my parents so abruptly, but I knew they would try to stop me if I told them where I was going. It would hurt, but I’d come back as a Psychonaut, proving that my powers truly are good for something, and that borrowers have a place in this world.
With that goal in mind, I stowed away in the girl’s luggage, and I was off to Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp.
It took a few tries to get my astral projection right, but soon enough, I was able to present myself in the mental world at human size. The counselors and the other campers had no clue I was any different.
Of course, the staff did question me. I appeared out of nowhere, seemed to have no family they could get in contact with, and refused to show myself in the physical world.
I told them I’m a master of invisibility, and I take that title very seriously. Coach Oleander and Agent Nein just shrugged it off as me being a weird kid, though Agent Vodello was still very concerned about my lack of parents.
By the end of the first summer, they all gave up on trying to figure me out and just accepted that I was living at the camp with the intention of training there full-time.
Despite all the risks and doubts that I had, going to camp really was my best possible option. I was no longer a danger to my family, and I was on my way to becoming a Psychonaut. It was sure to be a long road ahead. I was so young, and still had a lot to learn.
After a few years, it really felt like I was getting close. I had a reputation around camp as the top student. Serious. Driven. Someone you should aspire to be. I could sense that my chance was right within my reach. I was almost 13, surely they’d have to let me join the Psychonauts soon.
But that summer had other plans. I found myself involved with an insane scheme, and as much as I hate to admit it, I probably wouldn’t have gotten out of it without help from a human kid with goggles.
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onceuponalegendbg-rwby · 6 months ago
RWBY Retrospective - Volume 2
With Volume 1's success, the team now had proof that there was an audience for this show. They just had to see if they could keep the momentum going.
Volume 2 is in an interesting position because it basically works as a middle chapter of a prologue, meaning it's meant as a connection point for V1 and 3. Not to say nothing happens, quite the contrary, but that it feels even more open ended than V1's finale. Our team even mentions that there's still so many questions and things to solve. However, V2 is a step forward for the series regardless.
From the first shot the show is letting us know that things have improved. The textures for the buildings look better, no longer just flat images. The first real shot we see of Beacon is grand and a far cry from episode 2 of V1's. Same can be said for the NPCs. Gone are the Shadow People and their comedic potential, now we have actual models. The coloring is also so much better, saturation levels seeming to have evened out enough to where characters like Weiss with her mostly white color scheme no longer hurt your eyes to look at.
This volume also does a better job at expanding on characters that didn't get much focus previously - characters like Yang and Pyrrha. It's not flawless in this department but there's an attempt made to give these characters depth past their initial impressions and I'd say that they succeed.
The show still carries over some of it's pacing issues from before, but they don't feel nearly as distracting as V1, most likely due to the episodes all being a more consistent and longer length than V1's four-six minute two parters. There's also just the lingering problem of not having the time to properly explain some mechanics of the world, which is no doubt why the World of Remnant videos that started up in this volume felt necessary to the crew.
Some General and Unfiltered Thoughts
While I know people have some issue with the whole Neptune - Weiss - Jaune part of the season, it doesn't really bother me, personally. It's just kind of there. I mostly just end up feeling bad for Pyrrha the whole time until Jaune gets his head on straight.
I find that the season's humor has improved. There's a few jokes that don't work for me, but over all I found myself laughing more. It feels like they're finding their footing a little better in that department here.
The foreshadowing is through the roof this volume, and given what happens in V3... Well. Let's just say it was warranted. Our trio of baddies take the stage and set us up for the inevitable fall.
While I love the Food Fight and the RWBY vs Roman fight I think the fights during the Mountain Glen arc (before and after the train) are kind of meh? A lot of it is split screen shots, and while CFVY's entrance is cool the rest feels... anticlimatic. Which I understand is a little bit of the point in regards to episode 12 but when viewed in a vacuum it's... not my favorite.
Genuinely the Burning the Candle Bee scene still remains one of my favorite scenes in the entire show. The lighting is gorgeous for early RWBY, Barb and Arryn do a great job, and the music is on point. There's just something so warm (heh) about that entire interaction and I will fight anyone who says this wasn't some of the best stuff in the first three volumes.
Music, as always, fantastic. Though I still cannot stand the rap in Caffeine.
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klysanderelias · 2 months ago
so paranormasight spoilers
I'm not sure exactly where I'm at in the story but it's the 9am investigation with tsutsumi and mio - and I'm pretty sure I've got a few elements nailed down. 1 - the player character (me) is a ghost possessing the POV characters (like yakko, tsutsumi, shogo, etc). 2 - as a ghost (or maybe spirit, unsure of the difference) possessing those characters, I can influence them but not control them. This leads into 3 - I'm not sure if the 'use curse' button works. Which is to say, that I might be able to influence characters to use it, but not if they really don't want to (I only tried once with tsutsumi trying to solve a puzzle, and even clicking it I couldn't fire it, which might mean that actually the guy was telling the truth, or that despite me influencing tsutsumi to pull the trigger he as a character wouldn't). Shogo was the opposite case - I could fire the curse as much as I liked, but when I chose not to use the curse it still went off. I'm still unsure as to whether that was shogo's doing.
I'm also not convinced of what happened with shogo - at first I thought that he unknowingly killed yoko because she went to run away, and then I thought at the end of the prologue he was killed by the spirit of the whispering canal, and THEN i thought that he ended up being killed by Yoko inheriting the curse stone instead, and now I'm just not sure. It's clear from the narrator's comments that something else is going on - when he asked how many people I think shogo killed apparently the correct answer was zero - which could be semantics (technically it's the curse killing everyone) or it could be a sign of something else - obviously there's whoever started the feast of shadows but also when mio and yakko were in the school after hours a ghostly face appeared behind them (which I feel like was the face I associate with the whispering canal?)
But also that's kind of a weird situation because knowing what I know now, i'm pretty certain that the janitor is nejima (which is how mio gets killed with the one-sided reed curse) but also jonouchi gets killed with the fool's procession, which can't be something triggered by yakko (even if you try, it gets cut off by mio [AND she's seen by jonouchi, which clears the curse condition]). Which makes me think that actually the curse stones don't work the way the story initially presents.
And of course there's things like, I just learned about mayu chozawa and she's on the cover art, so there's obviously stuff going on with her, plus I know that there's two more curses out there past the seven mysteries, so it'll be interesting to continue to unpack that.
Overall I'm having a good time, I think some of the puzzles are a little obtuse (having to manipulate the different routes to coincide is a nice idea but a couple times it's felt a little confusing to try and remember where I left a route and whether I need to go back and replay it). It's a fun mystery, I'm liking that it doesn't feel like they're hiding things in order to make reveals work, one of the big sins of mystery stories in my eyes is when they try to keep you from figuring it out before the characters in the story, I don't see a problem if I guess the reveal halfway through as long as it's a good reveal. Shoutout to bbc sherlock here, fuck that show.
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rolloollor · 1 year ago
Hey, I was wondering what made you like Mallerollo?
Sure thing, I can explain! There'll be spoilers if you haven't read the event in full, but I can't really get into the nitty gritty without spoilers, so… get ready for rambling.
I was hooked from the first time Rollo screamed "Malleus Draconiaaaa!" in the prologue to the event.
Malleus is isolated as a character aside from people in Diasomnia, but their relationships with Malleus have always felt very familial to me and I can't ship any of them with him. I can't really picture him in a relationship with anyone in NRC, either. He just floats about, helping people sometimes, bullying people other times, but he's not super close to them. I have no interest in Yuu, shipping canon characters with OCs, or self-inserting, so that's also out for me. Leona and Malleus are probably the closest in terms of relationship dynamics that I like, but any 'feelings' (mainly negative) seem strong on Leona's side, but not on Malleus' side. It's too unbalanced for me.
So, when Rollo was announced, I thought that he would be a great opportunity for not only a Malleus ship, but to also present Malleus with someone who would antagonize him. And that's exactly what he did.
When Rollo finally deploys his plan, Malleus gets super pissed and yells, "I'll never forgive you, Rollo Flamme!!!" and that got me doubly on board. Rollo had tricked/outsmarted him. He didn't win in the end, but he had triumphed over Malleus more than any other human. That's pretty big considering I don't remember Leona's plan impacting Malleus at all. The event really improved Malleus' character in my mind since we got to see him struggle a little. He couldn't solve the problem with another show of overwhelming strength.
With Rollo, it seems like he was created with Malleus in mind. He hates magic, thereby making him conflict with Malleus. He invited Malleus to the event, he's old-timey, he has a connection to gargoyles (something Malleus has to be wildly jealous about), and he's a genuine threat. He made Malleus feel fear! With all this, of course Malleus is going to be curious about him. So, Malleus has strong feelings about Rollo and obviously Rollo fucking hates him at minimum, so there's intensity on both sides.
At the same time, Rollo's kinda more isolated than Malleus is, but by choice. People gravitate to Rollo and he spurns them. People avoid Malleus even though he would like to make a friend or two. Just an interesting contrast between them.
Another thing, Toboso knows what she's doing. She didn't have them dance together and promise to rendezvous beneath the bell just because. Obviously nothing will ever be canon, but come on. I legit could not believe they actually danced and talked for so long tbh, that is some crazy ship bait.
Malleus is an insanely powerful fae. Rollo is a cunning human with immense willpower. I think they bounce off each other really well and could make each other better, if given the chance. Malleus almost is magic in a sense--if the relationship developed to a certain point, I think he could ease Rollo's guilt regarding his brother and help him get over his hang-ups about magic. Rollo would act as someone who challenges Malleus (which he sorely needs, he is way too coddled) and maybe he could help him develop some empathy.
But them being toxic with each other is fun, too… Malleus is really fucking good at being toxic and I like exploring that side of things.
There are a lot possibilities for pining, for jealousy, for angst, for development, and just... all sorts of things.
Basically, I think both characters bring out what's interesting in the other and, as a pairing, have a fantastic potential for either growth or festering in toxicity. They also fit into tropes I like (lifespan differences, royal problems, lots of magic, enemies to lovers, etc...)
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yesterdaysallknowing · 11 months ago
Hello, My Hero Academia fandom.
I think BNHA/MHA/whatever acronym, as a story, is pretty... well, to put it politely, SHIT.
(I'm currently studying writing at uni, I am Qualified™ to say this.)
I am writing a fic about it. Read it here:
Ultra Academy: Extra Credit (660 words) by yesterdaysAllknowing Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
(More details UTC)
In its myriad issues, from abuse apologism (Endeavour, the UA staff and Bakugou), to grooming child soldiers, to questionable treatment of its fem-presenting cast, and very, VERY pertinent ableism that I never really see discussed (Quirklessness is a pretty blatant metaphor for disability, if not actually a disability in universe, and the way the narrative just dismisses it is. Hm), I feel a lot of these could be solved by the presence of 1 (ONE) singular adult with a braincell and Working with Children Check (or equivalent, I'm Aussie), which CLEARLY no one in this story has or they wouldn't be neglecting or outright abusing these kids.
So I have written a fic where I drop in a character with exactly those qualifications. Yippee.
Tumblr media
Only the prologue exists (for now), but the fic overall will get deeper into my many, MANY thoughts on the issues in the series, and I actually wrote a lot of the initial bones of the story a couple of years ago, and decided to rewrite/reboot it recently due to uh,,, peer pressure, so expect some more chapters soon over an inconsistent schedule.
While a LOT of the initial chapters will be mostly canon-compliant (and also pretty salty/leaning into bashing of the original material, because, I cannot emphasise this enough, it is GARBAGE), I have a lot of worldbuilding and development planned, including characters improving or being placed onto paths I think make more sense given their characterisation and backstory, which I am looking forward to actually sharing with the world.
And fair warning: If you're a die-hard stan of ANY characters in the original story, maybe don't read this. No one is getting away unscathed here. Not even the OCs, they're getting hit with the development in the name of plot more than ANYONE honestly. Things will be worse before they get better, here. It's the only way I can see to fix the problems in the story without completely changing it and being disengenous to the source material.
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dogwaterdish · 2 months ago
for the fic writer ask thing- 3, 4, 17, 18, 20, 21, 28, 32, 34, 40, and 74 :D SORRY THAT'S SO MANY i'm just really curious jshdjsf
3 - First, I usually spend a lot of time thinking about my writing. whether or not I've started it or not, I think over the overall plot, along with the part I'm writing at the moment. This isn't something I consciously do most of the time, my mind just wanders and I think about my WIPs.
When it comes to actual writing though, I'll typically write down my ideas in a notebook or in my writing organizer google doc. Sometimes I'll get really specific and other times it'll just be an overview of the whole idea, maybe with a song or two written down if I've thought of something that fits with a scene.
I try to sit at my desk when I write, so that it's the same area and I can get into a writing mood, and I've started using that sprint bot in some discord servers to have writing 'cycles', and it's been really helpful.
I dont always write in a linear way, and in early drafts it's common for me to add a line and start an entirely new scene of the fic below it - I mostly write when I get inspo, and sometimes the inspo isn't about the scene I'm writing currently. Sometimes I'll listen to something while I write, but recently I've been writing more at night / when it's quiet, so I've just been listening to the clacking of my keyboard.
For chapter fics, I don't start a chapter until I'm finished with the one before, unless: it's like TCoE where it shifts between two storylines (midoriya // all might & the class), or I'm writing a prologue or smthn. my chapter fics will usually have some sort of foreshadowing or little details someone could catch, and if I wrote them out of order that would be executed a lot more poorly. Along with that, I want the progression of my writing skills to be linear in the fic, so I write the chapters in order for that reason as well.
I like to make my ao3 draft almost immediately after I lock in an idea to write, but sometimes I'll try not to if I think it'll take longer to write!
I'll usually try not to take breaks when I get into the writing groove, which usually means I'm very focused and am writing a lot. I already said this but it usually happens when its night out, not sure why though!!
I dont know if all that is covered by writing process, but have that!
4 - Lots of it is music, other writing, or random thoughts (like visions) I have. music will typically give me an idea of a specific scene or sequence, then I build a fic around that; others writing (whether it's fanfics or other books) will give me more specific ideas or just general inspo, and I'll rework the idea I got from that so it'll be a separate piece; and random ideas can range from REALLY specific to REALLY general, and they just spawn from me thinking about mha, watching mha, or literally just existing.
17 - I usually watch or read something (a lot of the time it's mha), go outside, or sleep. For me, those are usually "resets" that can help me get back to a normal vibe about writing, but when its long term things get more difficult. I'll try to tackle any mental blocks I might have, like if I'm feeling insecure about my writing, or I'm holding myself to a too high standard. If I can find the root of the issue, my problem is basically solved, since I've gotten some good strats to deal with writers block. If I'm at too high of a standard, I'll either read other fanfics to compare my writing to and remind myself that this is just for fun, and/or I'll turn the doc into comic sans font and just write dumb shit that I can go back and edit into smart shit. If none of that works and I just dont want to write, I'll usually just take a break and die
18 - I title my fics whenever I get the divine gift of a good title. for the rest of the time, I'll have the title be something dumb, a synopsis of the plot, or just a keyboard smash. Sometimes I'll go the synopsis route for a real title, I also like to pull out a funny one sometimes (like math always leads to tears, or free tour of all mights agency 101), sometimes it's like a dialogue thing, and finally I'll also just pull out a couple words that relate to the fic (like untethered and chilled breeze).
TL;DR: My titling is all over the place, and I have no specific way I do things
20 - Yes I have!! sometimes it'll fuck me up, because I'll be writing multiple wips at once, and I'll think I've used a phrase or word sooo many times, but I've only used it like twice per doc. I like to use sparkly or fun action verbs, and tend to go into lots of description at times. my biggest repeating trope thing is hurt/comfort and found family (hi dadmight!!), and I personally feel like I put a LOT of cliffhangers into my writing... along with that, I often use the weather or sky to show some feeling, and I rely on it Heavily for mood in some fics!!
21 - YES !!! I would love to do a collab! I'm not super sure how it'd work, but I would love to find out :D
28 - man I'd have to say like ... 500ish words a day?? roughly? when I write?? I try to write every day, but I don't always do that, and a lot of stuff happens in bigger bursts, like how I wrote a 3.2k word fic in 14 hours yesterday. it really changes but if I had to guess I'd say around 500 words a day...?
32 - I really like @savetheirhearts-midoriya (aka: danideservedbetter on ao3), @createandconstruct , and for third I'm tied between @way2gowillow and @princelyre :]
34 - I'm hoping that I'll have started writing an actual story I want to publish, and I'm also hoping to have completed a few other mha series fics as well ;) ... giving y'all a bit of an idea of things I have planned after TCoE
40 - honestly I would probably cry if someone made art for ANY of my fics, but for specific ones, I'd really appreciate anything from TCoE , and either of my cozytober fics (please dont let go & amidst the rains) !!! but seriously though any of my fics getting art would make me scream and cry and throw up in a good way
74 - I have actually orphaned a fanfic SO DONT USE THIS TO FIND IT (jokinggg) but:
74a. description of the scene, usually pertaining to natural elements. I tend to tie the weather, natural lighting, or other natural things into my writing a lot, and I can go on paragraphs of description about them with very pleasant action verbs. however just any paragraph of description that ties stuff together is probably one indicator -- describing is one of my favorite things
74b. If midoriya uses one for all, I describe it in similar ways throughout my fics. usually sparking, firing up, burning, or rushing for verbs of it activating, and I describe the light as well and sparking or flashing!
74c. so many commas, dashes, and semicolons. I dont like to end sentences, but this is common with a lot of writers I think
Thanks for all the numbers!!! this was really fun to write out :D
original ask post here!
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nozomijoestar · 1 year ago
I've had Asulili feels so much over the past week and your insight has helped with that. It's such a shame its not a very popular ship or otherwise is outright hated on, I really hope T9 makes there relationship so much softer. I don't know how likely this is but I'd love to see Asuka become the MC finally and Reina become her arch rival, while Lili actually becomes her girlfriend, maybe after Asuka defeats Reina Lili runs up to her and gives her a hug. I wish. :(
Asuka's main motivation has always been wanting to be left to what's "normal" for her. She had a life she was fine with until Feng started a chain reaction leading to events that directly or indirectly pull her into problems far beyond the scope of anything she's used to or can control.
The only solution she knows best is fighting everyone and everything that wants to take away her sense of "right" and "normal" if not to topple the thing then to numb herself from stressful emotions as a result of being out of control. Every Tekken game has had Asuka start from a place of trying to fit into her normal routine again, then something disturbs that in a way she can't ignore so it angers her and she fights to release that anger, then by the end of the game she's back to her "normal". (EDIT: 2/13/2024 - 8 is the FIRST time we ever meet Asuka already in motion to be involved with what's happening, not starting from stasis at home, which I choose to believe is part of the game's tagline to accept and face one's fate, where we started with her this time showed a change in her behavior toward accepting parts of her circumstances; an attitude further found in her character ending)
She can't just be left alone because her bloodline catches up with her, or because her love of violence means she's always going to take the route that lets her indulge. Even the one person who's interested in her is the same way and herself tied to the Mishima chain of tragedy as Asuka is, but with an awareness of it Asuka doesn't care for because she wants to be left in her own world.
I highly doubt Asuka would be the protagonist of 9; though I am open to it as a possibility. If it were done though then you have to first see this pattern in Asuka's behavior to start theorizing on the execution and intentions of "hero" Asuka. Asuka isn't a hero to me (like Jin she's an antihero), she's a hero to herself, but that's because she thinks beating up anyone who angers her and who's also perceived as a menace at the same time is just. That because someone is bad in some way or doing a bad or inconveniencing thing means that's enough to assault them on your own judgement even if it'll cause further collateral.
Even people around her don't believe this hero narrative since in her 5 prologue she's described as "a nosy kid solving other people's problems by knockout" from the general public's perspective. If there weren't any clear "targets" or rather people society would allow to be hurt because it doesn't extend the same kindness and humanity towards them, then Asuka's violent nature would make her just as much a thug as the ones she beats. I have argued before that in a sense, she already is.
8 circumvented this principle but only because it directed this mindset Asuka has toward a legitimate ultimatum: kill and fight whatever gets in your side's way or everyone dies.
Reina wouldn't bother with Asuka as a rival in my opinion. Rival implies there's a mutual, comparable baseline in skill and recognition of each other. It means a level of seeing someone as capable of being close to you and you to them were it not for a gap, considerations you wouldn't give to an 'enemy', and Reina has zero interest in that. Everyone is beneath her and is only mildly acceptable if they have something she can use for herself, much like Heihachi. Then they're discarded. If Reina were to acknowledge her in any way it's purely as an obstacle or nuisance to overcome and eliminate. They can absolutely clash, but from Reina's side I see nothing personal about it at all beyond "Don't get in my way, thing."
Basically, if we get 9 protagonist Asuka it (if it was well written) would come with several caveats and deviations from what "good" looks like. Like Jin, Asuka would have to accept the full spectrum of herself including the bad, and want to use her family history and powers if not for the world then for those she cares about, and for the thrill of fully realizing her violent potential. But instead of going wild with that violent side she learns how to leash it how to redirect it to genuinely protect and as a second resort rather than a first. She would loosely embrace what Jun is but with a twist in that Asuka is more self serving despite still being a decent person. She'll still help people just because they're hurt (see her 5 ending) but that alone doesn't make a good person or goody two shoes.
Asuka v Reina would be on the surface a clash of ideas and a clash of good against evil, but the reality of it is the hero just wants people to stop fucking dragging her into their bullshit so she can go home and stay home. Yet at the same time, this is one of the best fights she's ever had and it's the time of her life to enjoy it. The world is only worth anything if it gives her spaces she understands and people she can understand. That's why her 8 ending was so surprisingly wonderful to me. She got both, she got some kind of peace (including Lili being accepted in her worldview) but without giving up her drive to fight. She's safe and hopeful without sacrificing who she is.
This is also why AsuLili is compelling. They are narrative foils. Lili is Asuka's dark mirror. Every negative trait and urge Asuka acts oblivious to using her heroic naivety is instead something Lili openly displays about herself. Part of what separates them is Lili's desperate desire for connection, to be important and useful to someone. While instead Asuka is ok with being isolated to who and what she knows. You have to force her out her comfort zone, where Lili chases what would comfort Lili instead.
Vulnerability between them is definitely hard won because they refuse to give it freely to anyone. The Asuka 8 ending or Sebastian's TT2 ending, Lili chastising Sebastian for the silliness of what she's doing in her TT2 ending, or even parts of Feng's TT2 ending are the closest glimpses you get to seeing that guard down. I'd count what Lili said to Lars in 6 too, she complains very loudly about not being able to see Asuka then tries playing it off with "Well such is life." before literally showing up to see Asuka in Osaka in their endings. It's in a lot of the unspoken, in a lot of expressions and in the eyes as much as the actions.
All this to say Reina vs Asuka would be a jumping because Lili would make herself involved, probably get hurt either physically or mentally or with some transformation (DEVIL LILI CAN STILL WIN TO BE CLEANSED BY ASUKA AS A METAPHOR FOR ACCEPTING LOVE CAMPAIGN + KAZJUN PARALLELS) etc. which is a turning point for Asuka to save her in some way which includes beating Reina. And if they hugged by the end that's because they broke the eight million silent emotional walls between them.
And to promote the intellectual agenda here's first novella I wrote about AsuLili I'm working on the second it's halfway finished
As a side AsuLili being hated (and mind you they don't have to be liked lmao absolutely not, though I will tend to look at someone a way if they don't because usually they tend to also hate kids in general for being kids) 9/10 times is genuinely from homophobia, misogyny, lack of media literacy, and pedophiles who will scream and shit at the thought that they come as a duo therefore must be incapable of anything else, while then jacking off to them separately (and I know Asuka is 18 now in 8 but that's barely legal and these are grown ass adults way outta that ballpark to be playing with themselves over it). I'm sorry to say.
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yuurei20 · 2 years ago
Deuce Info Compilation Part 3: Book Smarts
While Deuce used to skip school out of frustration with his own inability to keep up, Deuce says that now “going to class is a fun new experience. In middle school, I was, um…absent a lot. For various reasons.”
In reference to his school uniform he says that “dressing up nice feels so weird”, as he “used to be kind of a slob”.
Deuce is well aware that he is not very good at studying, saying that he just has to “work harder to make up for it” but "when people try to throw a lot of information at me all at once, I can’t handle it”, and that he would prefer not to study at all but he knows he cannot run away from it.
In a voice line Trey says, “Deuce was begging me to help him study. I’m glad he’s committed, at least.”
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In a vignette we see him attempting to resurrect beansprouts by speaking to them, only to be thoroughly teased by Ruggie and Vil both.
Deuce wonders aloud, “Am I really as dense as all that, though…? Ace gets on my case like that a lot, too…”
In his birthday vignette Deuce explains he knows that he tends to take action before thinking and that it is an area in which he needs to improve.
He shares a story about a time when he volunteered to go to the school store on Trey’s behalf for cheese. Deuce had heard Trey talking about making cheese tarts but rather than confirm what kind of cheese was needed in advance or even calling him once he arrived at the store, he returned to the dorm with a useless snack cheese and had to go back again for proper cream cheese.
This was also an issue in the prologue when Deuce threw Ace at the chandelier, getting them all expelled.
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Deuce admits that his “written exam grades aren’t that great”, and in Book 1 he infamously reveals that he thought that chickens could hatch from store-bought eggs.
We see Deuce struggle with basic math, taking two hours to solve two problems. When Cater asks if he learned the formulas in middle school, Deuce responds with “I…guess I learned it…at some point”, leading to Ace teasing him for not even knowing what it was that he learned.
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Deuce is often teased by the other students for being less academically inclined, such as during Phantom Bride when Ace says that he wants to “buckle down and take my studies seriously. I can’t let romance distract me.”
Deuce agrees, and Jack follows up with “When even a student as bad as Deuce is saying it, you know we’re on to something.”
It seems these comments bother Deuce, however, as we learn in Book 5 when takes Epel to scream at the ocean and exclaims, “I’m not a smart guy and I constantly miss basic cues! All my old delinquent habits are still there! I’ve got a hair-trigger temper! But I’m trying my best, okay?! You all think you can make fun of me, Ace?! Well, think again! I’m gonna change! You can count on that!”
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laxmiree · 1 year ago
[CN] MLQC Lucien's Lyric Poetry Event Translation (Day 7-9)
This post contains a HEAVY SPOILER for the event that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lyric Poetry Free SSR Event | Prologue+Day 1-3 | Day 4-6 | Day 7-9 | Day 10-12 | Day 13 (Ice Flowers Date)
Translation under the cut!
✧ [Day 7] ✧
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When Lucien arrives home, the moonlight is already spilling onto the windowsill, forming something akin to white clear pond.
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MC: You've been working hard overtime. Have you encountered any difficult research problems?
Lucien: While there is indeed a difficult problem, it's not directly related to the project.
Lucien: It just took some extra time to solve.
As he speaks, Lucien takes out a small, delicate gift box from his arms.
Curiously, I unwrap the packaging, and a handful of cotton clouds dyed in shades of crimson and orange greets my eyes.
Lucien: When I left the Bioultima Research Institute today, I could already see stratocumulus clouds forming on the distant horizon.
Lucien: I want to share it with you, but unfortunately, I can't make it into a specimen.
Lucien: However, on the way home, I remembered seeing various glass artworks that mimic clouds.
Lucien: Although it doesn't quite fit the definition of 'specimen,' I still hope you can loosen the standards a bit and include this 'treasure' in our scope of collection.
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Lucien’s note: Besides through photographs, sunset can be shared in many other ways.
✧ [Day 8] ✧
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I can't help but smile as I look at Lucien's Moments on the screen.
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Lucien's post: Making preserved fruit specimens turned out to be a tad trickier than expected, but the results are also slightly better than imagined.
MC: Now I kinda regret picking the biggest and prettiest loquat... Every time I look at them, I just can't help but crave them.
Lucien replied to MC: How about this, besides bringing back the specimens, I'll grab an extra bag of loquats on my way back too.
Lately, whenever we’re fruit shopping, those loquats at the stalls keep stealing my attention. Figured since it's spring and all, it's the perfect time for munching on loquats. So, we grabbed a bag to take them home.
The unanimously delicious and sweet fruit earned our seal of approval, and it got me thinking about turning them into specimens.
I heard the sound of keys being inserted into the lock at the door, and I smiled as I went to greet him.
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Lucien carefully carries a glass jar in one hand and true to his word, he holds a bag of juicy loquats in the other.
MC: Thanks for helping out with making the specimens and bringing the fruit home, Professor Lucien~
I take the bag from him and don't forget to tiptoe and gently plant a kiss on his cheek as a "reward."
Lucien: Making preserved specimens in the lab is safer as many reagents aren't suitable for home storage.
MC: Hmm? Come to think of it, do you have any reagents secretly stashed away at home?
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MC: Just like in movies or TV shows, the mysterious scientist’s home has its own hidden secrets~
Lucien: Well, shouldn't this classmate who helped me clean up the house last week know the answer to that question the best?
(there's none, because, besides he doesn't hide any secret from her, as he said, they're too dangerous to be put at home)
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Lucien’s note: I heard that you can also add loquats to pear soup and stew them together. Maybe we could make this the topic of our next kitchen experiment?
✧ [Day 9] ✧
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When I went out this morning, Lucien told me he'd be back later than usual, so I didn't have to wait for him.
The twilight sets in, and just as I'm about to send a message reminding him not to forget to eat, an email pops up.
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[Desire to Share]
From: Lucien To: MC Date: March 6, 2024 (Wednesday) 22:58
Although I can’t come back on time today, I've asked someone to bring you the bits of my life that I want to preserve today.
Remember to sign for it.
[T/N: you can write a reply to his email!]
After waiting for a little, I received a document envelope.
The unfamiliar chart was carefully laminated and stored in a bag, with a note attached by Lucien.
"Today, there are several particularly beautiful flow cytometry results. Let's commemorate some of them as today's memory."
MC: This person is really...
I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked at the chart in my hand, my mind filled with images of Lucien, slightly worn out from intense work but with eyes shining brightly.
I open my phone and send him a reply. "Don't forget to rest in between creating those charts! And make sure to eat on time!"
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Lucien’s note: Although there are still certain issues with the experiment itself and many parameters that need adjustment, this chart is indeed very good.
[Trivia: Annexin V-FITC is a flow cytometry reagent used for detecting apoptotic cells programmed cell death. Annexin V-FITC is utilized in flow cytometry in clinical settings for detecting apoptosis in various cells, including lymphocytes, for radiation toxicity assessment. It is utilized in cancer research and treatment for various purposes, which kinda makes me wonder if it has something to do with his cancer in the main story :"D]
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