#omori otherworld
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humornaut · 8 months ago
An Analysis of Foreshadowing in Omori's Prologue
Hey everyone!
With the Omori manga's first chapter's release, one thing has been made clear: They are FLYING through the game. Unless they are doing something weird, the entire prologue segment has been moved to right after the Aubrey fight, a move I can only believe has been made so that the real world characters appear in the first chapter. I won't be making any judgements until I see how it all fits together (and maybe I won't make many judgments in general, I don't really consider myself a judgmental person for better or for worse), but it did get me thinking about how well Omori's prologue works in general! So today, I'd like to take some time to talk about that!
The Sidequests
The first things I want to mention are the side quests! I've mentioned it before (or maybe I haven't, I don't remember everything I've said), but nearly all the side quests in Headspace are symbolic on a meta level. A lot of people dismiss this as boring repetitiveness (perhaps true), but the vast majority of the side quests are about finding a lost item or individual. This is, of course, echoing the larger Headspace plot of Basil going missing. However, there is something about this concept that I'd like to point out using one of the sidequests!
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In the quest "Whereabouts of Duckie Jr.", you are tasked with determining the whereabouts of Duckie Jr! Crazy, I know. Remember how I said that most of the sidequests are reminiscent of the quest to find Basil? Like 2 seconds ago? Well, this one is good for actually illuminating what is going on with that questline overall! Duckie Jr. and his family are references to a famous optical illusion in which a person can see either a duck or a bunny. Take a look at the house that the family lives in:
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They live in a present! Now take a look at this!
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"SUNNY won't leave the box, so KEL put a food bowl inside. I guess this box will be SUNNY and MEWO's new home."
So that's interesting! Add in the distant demeanor of Duckie Jr's father, as well as Mari's statements about Duckie having his head in the clouds and comparing Duckie to Omori, it becomes clear that Duckie in this situation is a reference to Sunny, not Basil. What does this mean? Well, it means that we should rethink the Headspace quest all together! The quest to find Basil is much more a quest for Sunny to re-find himself.
Now this (as well as the quest for the character Daisy that I have mentioned previously) is interesting, but it isn't exactly foreshadowing. For that, I would like to draw your attention to the sidequest Stick in the Mud.
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In this quest, you must go around Cattail fields to find Mr. Scarecrows three crow friends, and have them return to him. In order to do this, you have to use Hero when interacting with the three crows.
I personally believe that this is a bit of foreshadowing to the Sunny route. Hero's maturity is necessary to bringing Sunny, Kel, and Aubrey back together and bringing them to Basil. I also choose to see Mr. Scarecrow as an analogue for Basil rather than Sunny due to the coloring of Mr. Scarecrow's sprite (Blond hair, blue eyes, green clothes), and Hero doesn't actually bring Basil specifically to anyone (heck, Hero doesn't actually ever talk to Basil in the real world segments of the game)
I also want to make clear: I'm not trying to imply that this is symbolism on the part of Sunny's mind, like a lot of the things that I talk about on this account, rather that this is a bit of meta storytelling foreshadowing how the real world plot will turn out. This will go for everything else that I talk about here as well.
Captain of the Space Pirates
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Now that we've talked about the sidequests, I'd like to draw your attention to the main questline of Otherworld. As a reminder, once the gang gets into Otherworld, we are introduced to Captain Spaceboy, who is bedridden and depressed following his break-up with Sweetheart. In order to solve this problem, we have to go through the junkyard to find his mixtape. We aren't the only ones looking for it, and while there, we meet Rosa, a Sweetheart super-fan.
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We get the mixtape back, bring it to Spaceboy, at which point Kel plays it, triggering Spaceboy to start his boss fight.
The argument for this all being one large bit of foreshadowing goes like this:
Spaceboy would be Basil (purely from a narrative perspective, not in any kind of character-sense). We go to the junkyard and dig through the trash to find the mixtape, just like we eventually get the photo album by digging through Aubrey's trash. Rosa in this case represents Aubrey, attempting to take care of the mixtape due to her personal connection to the item, revealing that Spaceboy is the one that threw it out in the first place, echoing how in the real world, Aubrey takes care of the photo album for four years due to what it means to her, despite how Basil (from her perspective) destroyed it originally.
We bring the mixtape back to Spaceboy, and just as Kel is the one that kicks off going through the photo album with Basil, he is the one that rushes to put the mixtape into the boombox, triggering the memories that set off Spaceboy, causing the fight.
Admittedly, things get a little cloudy here, as the fight between Sunny and Basil isn't directly caused by the photo album. You could even say that the Spaceboy fight represents the fight with Omori (or even both the Basil fight AND the Omori fight) due to Omori's fight being due to Sunny's mind reacting to memories of the past, better mirroring the Spaceboy fight. But hey! Spaceboy's hair turns green and his eyes turn red so who can say. :P
Then, after the fight, we get a few things! We get an eyepatch (goes without saying), a train pass (representing how Sunny will be moving after the conclusion of the game), and a sno-cone ticket (yeah I don't think this one represents anything).
And, just like the Sunny route, the prologue ends with an early look at Memory Lane, and the dream ends, with Sunny waking up.
There's probably a lot more I could talk about regarding Omori's prologue, so I might update this later! I hope you enjoyed reading this! Within the game, I feel like the prologue is one of the strongest bits of Headspace, and I've always wanted to talk about how I believe it foreshadows the rest of the game! This is a topic that I'd love to hear more people's opinion on!
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starfilled-stimboards · 1 year ago
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Otherworld - OMORI stimboard
x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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capt-spaceboyy · 3 months ago
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"Hey, Captain! We made a snowman of you!"
"Ah... Thank you! It's lovely!..."
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itszygoart · 2 years ago
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today marks the start of my journey to draw (almost) all the Omori bosses :D
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sleep-nurse · 10 months ago
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i accidentally kissed stranger
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centipeedles · 9 months ago
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finished! i love otherworld for the colors, it’s such a pretty place
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peachiakeen · 8 months ago
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Another collection of OMORI enemies! :)
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sharky-the-idiot · 1 year ago
the only official piece of spaceboy merch save me
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dubioushonour · 1 year ago
This might be kinda random but what's your favorite omori ost?
Not at all!
That's a pretty hard choice, though. I would say I think it's a tossup between Stardust Dusting, Pyrefly Forest and World Ends Valentine.
Though very special shout-out to Playing Forever and Just Leave Me Alone. Both also very good.
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captainspaceplush · 2 years ago
I don't always feel good about staying in bed all day, but sometimes its nice to listen to the rain
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mmliveblog · 7 months ago
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Beating the crap out of the fears was something I've always wanted to do but never thought I'd get the chance to do. Until today.
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zincbot · 1 year ago
CHRIST the enemies in dino dig hit hard
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vi-enti · 2 years ago
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convention loot!!! (bank account is weeping)
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cwbuggo · 1 year ago
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CAPTAIN SPACEBRO — The younger brother of DR. BOSSMAN and energetic captain of the SPACE PIRATES on OTHERWORLD. Commands the planets of the solar system, but the heart of no one…
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21sigil · 4 months ago
a couple of days ago i had a dream that at first started like an omori speedrun, with an alternate way of finding basil without exploring the whole dreamworld. everything was okay, only locations looked a bit different. then in the otherworld omori and his friends encounter a black and white girl (like omori himself or ghost mari), and after that the game restarts, as if a new game mode was unlocked. then omori's sclera became red with a bit of yellow (reminded me of tiktok's bromine brush trend) and the white space became dark red with a black tree with no leaves standing next to the door.
i tried to recreate omori and the red space from my dream.
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saucebou · 4 months ago
Idk why but i've been thinking of Omori cast/other Omori things as Pokemon TCG cards
Here's what I have Pokemon (Like full art cards that feature another character on them): Mari and Sunny's Espurr (Mari petting Espurr while young Sunny watches) Sunny's Mewostic ♀ (Meowstic nudging Sunny who lies in bed) Young Kel's Yamper (Young Kel playing with Yamper in his front yard) Kel's Bolthound (Kel running with with Bolthound on the basketball court) Young Hero's Happiy (Hero taking care of a scratch Happiny has) Hero's Chansey (Hero cooking one of Chansey's eggs, with Chansey handing another to him) Basil's Sunkern (Basil watering Sunkern next to his other flowers) Basil and Polly's Sunflora (Still basil's but they're both waiting for Basil to come out of his room) Young Aubrey's Bunnery (Young Aubrey hugging Bunnery (also Bunnery would be shiny cuz pink)) Aubrey's Lopunny (Aubrey standing back to back with Lopunny, who would also wear a bomber jacket with the Hooligan logo on it)
Kim and Vance's Swirlix (Kim, Vance and Swirlix all running out of the candy shop while being chased, all 3 of them holding bags of candy) Maverick's Meowth (Meowth climbing on Maverick's head and messing with his wig, at the fountain) Angel's Maschiff (Angel wrestling with Maschiff in his home) Charline's Golurk (Both Charline and Golurk standing next to eachother in the middle of the playground) Trainers:
Sunny: Heal all damage from your active Pokémon, Your active Pokémon is now asleep. Mari: Heal 20 damage from all of your benched Pokémon. Kel: Draw 3 cards. Hero: Search your deck for 2 item cards, then shuffle your deck. Aubrey: Shuffle your deck into your hand. Then draw 5 cards. Basil: Search your deck for 2 🍃 (Grass) Pokémon. Then shuffle your deck. Kim and Vance: Move an energy card from one of your opponent's Pokémon to the top of their deck. Maverick: Flip a coin, if heads your opponent active Pokémon is now paralyzed, if tails your active Pokémon is now confused. Angel: Swap your active Pokémon with one of your benched Pokémon. Charline: During your opponent's next turn, their Pokémon attack deals 30 less damage. Polly: You may heal 20 from your active pokemon for each🍃 (Grass) energy they hace. Omori: Search your deck for 2 of any energy, then put them on any of your 🌟(Colorless) Pokémon. (You cannot play this card if there are no active or benched 🌟(Colorless) Pokémon.) Space Boy: Search your deck for 2 👁️ (Psychic) Pokémon and add them to your hand. then shuffle your hand.
Sweetheart: Draw 5 cards, if at least one card is a 💗 (Fairy) Pokémon or 💗 (Fairy) energy card add them to your hand. If not discard all of them.
(hey remember fairy cards?) Jawsome: Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon, then place it it in your hand. Slime Girls: Put of 4 energies from your discard pile into your hand. Humphrey: Remove all energies from you and your opponent's active Pokémon.
Unbread Twins: Move 3 Pokémon from your discard pile onto the top of your deck Stranger: Search your deck for 2 ⚫ (Dark) Pokémon and add them to your hand, then shuffle your hand. Keeper of the Castle: Search your deck for a stadium card, then instantly play it.
Something: Your active Pokémon is now paralyzed.
Stadiums: Whitespace: All types of attacks are now 🌟(Colorless). Vast forest: All 🍃 (grass) Pokémon take 30 less damage. Otherworld: All 👁️ (Psychic) take 30 less damage. Junkyard: At the start of your turn before drawing a card, You may choose to either draw from the top of your deck or draw one card from the bottom of your discard pile. Pyerfly Forrest: Before attacking you may flip a coin, if heads then the opponent is now paralyzed, if tails then reduce your next attack by 10 damage. Sweetheart's Castle: All 💗 (Fairy) Pokémon take 30 less damage. Lost Library: If your Pokémon is an Evolution then you may choose to use any attacks from any past evolutions Orange Oasis: At the start of your turn before drawing a card, you may choose to search your deck for a basic Energy, Then shuffle your deck. Last Resort: At the start of your turn before drawing a card, You may choose to flip a coin, if heads draw 2 cards, if tails do not draw any cards. Deep well: All 💧 (Water) Pokémon take 30 less damage. Deeper well: If your opponent take a prize card then you may look at one of yours. Abyss: Once per turn you may choose to move the card at the top of your deck to the discard pile Inside Humphrey. At the end of your turn, you must choose to discard 1 of any energy from either your active or benched Pokémon. Blackspace: All types of attacks are now ⚫ (Dark). Playground: You may play 2 supporter cards on your turn. Hideout spot: At the start of your turn before drawing a card, you may choose to search your deck for a basic Pokémon. Then shuffle your deck. Piano Room: Heal 10 damage from all Active and Benched Pokémon. Basil's Garden: Heal 20 from all Active and Benched 🍃 (grass) Pokémon. Tree house: You may freely move 1 energy between both your active and benched Pokémon once every turn.
Been a hot minute since I played the tcg so idk how balanced these are. And some of these effects are borrowed from other cards. If I where good at art i'd try and make a few of these, but i cant : ( feel free to use these ideas if you want for any AU's or for fun.
Edit: Added more Pokémon cards and better descriptions for them. + some more stadium cards
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