#also i really like mapiccs and spokes team up
mellohiizz · 1 month
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finally got around to sit down and watch unstable universe, so here's some sketches i did during it :3 wemmbu's design is inspired by a few others i saw on here, i love spider wemmbu...
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arceoptryx · 2 months
arceoptryx_2: what about being the guy who betrayed everyone
hmm I should write out my mental list of everyone Zam betrayed in season 4:
Pangi (flying to Amsterdam to steal his hearts irl)
?poafa re: medusa? not sure what Zam was doing wrt that
the APO (Leowook, Pangi2, Woogie, Subz, but I'm not counting Parrot bc unclear if he was really on the APO side, nor Planet & Bacon because, like, they ended up siding with Team Awesome?)
Spoke (unstreamed during the dupe war)
Team Awesome (Mapicc, Roshambo; not, Terrain who'd already left, nor Spoke, bc, um, vibes. like spoke didn't even notice.)
The Shades/Pangi's kingship attempt (Pangi3, Redoons, Woogie2, ?Midmisticx,. Also Clownpierce apparently considered himself betrayed by Zam?that seems dubious? eh, i'll count it)
the lifsteal wiki list Vortex as one of the Shades; at one point [in O
Eclipse Federation (Subz2, Vitalasy)
I wanna say - not Solar Union, which i think dissolved ~with mutual consent, but like, the general cause of anti-exploiting? (Bacon, Planet, Jaron—Pangi escapes a Pangi4 by betraying Zam first, in my view where 'giving up' did not count)
[the context feels very synthetic but in his wormhole vid he certainly portrays himself as betraying] Spoke2, at the end, jumping through both portals
[countscountscounts] sixteenish? ...that is over half the server. i thought i was exaggerating. :V
now list of People Zam Teamed In Season 4 With Who I'm Pretty Sure Zam Did Not Betray:
Terrain. (shortly after Wallibear's day he does try to find and kill him during an outwardly amicable call, but he didn't manage it)
okay when you lay it out like this. thats absoultely brutal. one thing on the solar union is that planet definitely considered it a betrayal while bacon always considered it a temporary alliance. deffo a betrayal to the cause though
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irrealisms · 7 months
and by way of honoring the things we once both held dear liner notes
fic here if you haven't read it!
the Pants Party was one of the first ideas kelardry and i had for pmmm au--back in, like, last october or so--of… in minecraft, not wearing full armor is a major combat disadvantage. in pmmm, not transforming is a major combat disadvantage. magical girl outfits are all skirts and dresses. therefore: pants party. or the PP, for short. they would think this was funny.
one of the main Points of this fic is something i've been turning over in my head for a while, and that's NPPP + 3ht parallels. they're both teams based around intentionally disadvantaging yourself. bacon saying "if they kill me then everyone's gonna call them broke. because when you're at four hearts it's definitely a disadvantage in some ways, but it's nice because-- who's gonna kill you? like, if they kill you they're just a bad person, you know?" & parrot saying "you can kill us however many times you want, but killing someone with no pants on is embarrassing. it shows nothing but your desire to only fight the weak."
and specifically ... parrot says that there were two options, on the NPPP. either you put on pants or you start exploiting. and either way you're not weak anymore. and he's sort of right but he's also sort of wrong. 3ht shows that that's wrong, in the wormhole, with planet on three hearts, bacon unstacking his totems. there is a third option: you can stick with your team until it kills you. you can stay weak and die for it. i did check pmmm to make sure this was canon-accurate but also: planet's dead body is wearing pants because, ultimately, she's more of a symbol of the Pants Party/NPPP spirit than either parrot or spoke at this point. she stayed weak. and, also, the NPPP spirit is dead, both because they all gave up on it & bc if you stay weak you die. spoke and parrot end the fic transformed. planetlord doesn't.
some canon stuff i wanted to include in the fic but didn't quite work in: the fact that spoke shows the control room to everyone because he respects that planet stayed on 3 hearts (that planet stuck by the disadvantage in his team name!). the fact that spoke fed parrot totems and gear throughout the wormhole. the fact that parrot helped spoke stage the dupe war.
another main Point of the fic is just ... looking at planet's death ban at the end of s4, in a setting where the server doesn't immediately end and restart. in a setting where planet is just ... dead, and everyone has to grieve that. the vision of this 13-year-old girl, dead on the pavement, because of what spoke did, and parrot can't bring herself to kill spoke but-- something is irrevocably broken, with that. there's no going back. planetlord is dead, in a world where that can't get reversed, in a world where that means something.
relatedly: the fact that in PMMM au they're all 13-15. this is so important to me and also i think it captures something important about lifesteal to me which is that they're all...very young? obviously PMMM au is younger than canon but it's also higher-stakes than canon in some ways. the dissonance between "these are people who are destroying worlds" and "this is a teenager who thinks naming something 'poopies' is the height of humor" was something i really wanted to draw out, esp in this setting where death is real and widespread destruction kills people. in PMMM au they are doing horrible things and also they are all so fucking tiny. planet and spoke are both 13/seventh graders; parrot is 14/an eighth grader. they're middle schoolers! they're middle schoolers. i sprinkle this in throughout bc it's so crushing to me to imagine.
bonus fact: i have ages, wishes, outfits, and general storyline mapped out for, like......12 different characters. i have a vision for basically all of s4 in this au. almost everything that happened in s4 has a pmmm au equivalent. it's fun. if i were to write anything else in this au it'd proooobably be mapicc & zam--i have a lot of specific mental images there. check out this pmmm zam i commissioned i love her so dearly
i did fudge spoke's wish for this fic though. in the broader au it's actually vitalasy that can grant second wishes/contract girls without involving kyubey, and spoke and ash did Some Bullshit with that. but vitalasy is so very a witch by this point in the timeline & i thought it'd be fun if parrot had the same "i could cheat and kill spoke here with her own exploits" dilemma that canon parrot had.
you dupe witches by taking a familiar out of the witch you're killing, keeping it alive, and then feeding it humans until it becomes juuuust large enough that it's a witch of its own and will drop its own grief seed. rinse and repeat. this is horrendously unethical but it CAN get you a ridiculous number of grief seeds quicker and more easily than fighting witches normally! i love lifestealers.
i'm proud of the line "She can’t walk forward without stepping over Planetlord’s corpse." . it is up there with planetlord wearing pants in terms of Blatantly Symbolic Imagery.
the title comes from Unmasked! by the Mountain Goats. in general i really like Beat the Champ + Lifesteal. something about the showmanship of it all. as far as Unmasked! specifically ... there's something about finales and losing your secrets and, worse, losing your gimmick. about parrot's triple agenting and spoke's social engineering. about knowing each other and fighting each other and saying goodbye.
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aroaceacacia · 2 years
wolfeei posted hypothetical exclusively hermitcraft + lifesteal block wars teams and i thought "wow that's a great idea I should do that ive been invested in both of those servers".
note: the combined rosters of HC and LS are over 40, which is the block wars player limit, so a bunch of people ended up excluded. this is also not an entirely realistic list and mostly just I'd like to see. anyway
SCARLET: falsesymmetry, goodtimeswithscar, pangi, reddoons, rendog
return of renfalse in events! im remembering something red said the other day about his morale/confidence in events being very influenced by his teammates' attitudes & i think ren's inspirational speeches and scar's nonchalant attitude would be a big help with that.
ORANGE: docm77, ijevin, mapicc, poafa, roshambogames
i just think jevin would match the mapicc and roshamenergy. poafa is here bc i think poafa and mapicc in an event together would be fun. doc on thsi team because i was running out of options he wouldnt get scared off if mapicc was mean
GOLDEN: baconnwaffles0, bdoubleo100, geminitay, planetlord, princezam
i really want bdubs + zam (bc of like. twitter), and then i realized planet and bacon would be really fun here, and i think gem would ALSO have fun. so
LIME: cubfan135, ethoslab, mrcube6, rekrap2, vintagebeef
i once watched a minecraft among us stream that fundy showed up to ENTIRELY because etho would be there and he wanted to meet etho. so I propose mrcube, lifesteal's redstoner, with etho, the father of MCYT redstone. cubfan was teamed with cube during the ESPN x games event and they worked well together, so I included him as well. rek was on that team also & is friends w cube so he makes sense. beef is here to have fun and hang out w etho
TEAL: ashswag, joe hills, xisuma, yeahjaron, zombiecleo
the 3 hermits were a little HHH trio for a long time and they were a lot of fun; I think jaron would match their energy well. ash is here because i think hes interested in politics to some level and might be able to match some of that energy. they would NOT win but they would be a lto of fun
BLUE: impulsesv, mumbo jumbo, parrot, pearlescentmoon, spokeishere
spoke being 1 million and mumbo jumbo in the same call would be really funny to me idk what to tell you. 3/5 hc8 boatem + parrot and spoke is an entertaining concept
PURPLE: hypnotizd, itzsubz, vitalasy, woogiex, xbcrafted
vitalasy and subz together bc there would be no way subz would ever participate in block wars otherwise. i think these guys could gel in a call together
FUCHSIA: iskall85, leow0ok, midmysticx, spepticle, stressmonster101
i miss iskall and stress ok! i think mid and stress would get along, and spepticle would be silly and add a bit of extra fun (or confusion). i think iskall and leo would do a lot of the heavy lifting on this team but itd be enjoyable to watch
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getwoold · 2 years
ok wait here's the transcription of the purple duo + mapicc convo from yesterday cuz i know some ppl missed the stream, it's not like professional or whatever but its here :P under the cut!
mapicc: i believe we have... i wouldn't say we have mutual interests, more of a "we're both fucked" kind of thing.
vitalasy: why?
mapicc: essentially, we both have incredibly dangerous criminals on both of our teams.
vitalasy: who's a criminal on our team?
subz: yeah, who's our criminal, what are you talking about?
mapicc: princezam. so i gotta start from the beginning. we never trust spoke because he has these weird like, stories and interactions with people. i'm sure you know why ro and i don't talk to zam anymore.
subz: he betrayed you guys, right, left your team?
mapicc: no, so essentially, you're aware that me and ro have done some duping on the server in the past, and we had a bunch of god apples and stuff. the war ended with spoke getting banned, and zam thinking that it wasn't right. that's why zam took all of the dupe stashes we had hid across the server, and "burned them." that's why we don't like zam.
subz: mhm
mapicc: here's the issue, i have reason to believe that zam's on your team to infiltrate, and spoke is on our team to infiltrate, and they have combined together, they both have duped items, they're studying the server and they're gonna take it over.
vitalasy: zam and spoke?
mapicc: zam and spoke, correct. i have SO much evidence, bro.
vitalasy: they have the duped– i didn't even know you guys still had duped stuff.
subz: no, it's been gone for a little while, supposedly.
mapicc: it's out there. so here's the issue, i'm gonna talk to you about what happened today. i don't know if you guys have been in contact with zam much, have you?
subz: uh, a little
mapicc: so i know exactly why. today, walli was getting camped and spoke said "hold on, my associate's arriving." and somebody invis, we can see on tab, we're fighting you guys, you're fighting us, and then there's zam in the middle. and i know for a fact that it was zam because i saw zam log off, and i saw exactly at the time he logged off the invis disappeared. zam gave wallibear a bunch of stuff today to help him and me and spoke. and then the other day, parrot was banned, you guys are aware that parrot was banned?
subz: yeah, yeah he was banned.
mapicc: right. so he was revived by somebody. this is what doesn't make sense to me. basically–
vitalasy: i thought spoke revived him?
mapicc: that's what we thought! cuz parrot thought that too! parrot went "oh, okay, here's 5 hearts" cuz parrot had 5 hearts in his echest, he wanted to get banned for his video, right? he was like "here's 5 hearts to pay you back." spoke then called me later, he was like "yeah i had an associate revive parrot for me and he didn't know that so he gave me 5 hearts and now i'm up 5 hearts. and what i heard, the next day he was like "he also saved me from the void which was really nice."
mapicc: i was like oh that's cool your associate sounds nice, i don't ask spoke about his private things cuz he's like evil and secretive all the time, but i assume he has nothing against me. and the next day i'm in vc with zam and he says "yeah spoke did a silly when leo crystaled him, he was in the void and i had to save him." so i know for a fact zam is the person that revived parrot, but zam has not dropped in heart count for weeks now. and why would zam be willing to revive parrot for spoke? because he has duped items that literally mean nothing to him, they're like nothing they're just there, he has infinite stuff, he just doesn't use it.
subz: true
mapicc: which is why zam is SO damn willing to always push at me and lose a million hearts, have you noticed that?
subz: yeah yeah yeah you're right
vitalasy: wait, zam wanted to team up with us and get walli out.
mapicc: exactly, and i'm terrified because he gave walli stuff.
vitalasy: (overlapping) no but he wouldn't need the hearts if he had duped hearts, he wouldn't need the hearts.
subz: true, he wouldn't need any hearts out of this.
mapicc: well he doesn't have– he's not gonna use them, it's like money laundering. he can't use a heart unless he's gained the heart somehow. it's not gonna make sense if he screenshares every time and he's always at 20 hearts and you never know why.
vitalasy: hm
subz: true
mapicc: i'm POSITIVE zam is not on your side, and i'm positive spoke is not on our side.
subz: okay so what are you wanting us to do exactly?
mapicc: that being said, i think we're still at combat but i think you guys should be really really wary about zam from now on.
vitalasy: if they ARE a team, which we don't know they are, do you wanna have like, a baby alliance? like we can still keep fighting but like–
mapicc: yeah cuz we still disagree on things but let's make a verbal agreement. if spoke and zam ever end up teaming up or looking like they're gonna team up, immediately on sight we are allied. and we just go for them immediately.
vitalasy: okay.
mapicc: that seems fair to me.
vitalasy: so we set differences aside, just go for it?
mapicc: just go for it, go for spoke and zam. cuz they're worse than any of us, they don't even wanna protect spawn.
vitalasy: so i shouldn't ask zam about any of the like, dupes or anything?
mapicc: he's in your team, whatever you wanna do you can do. if you wanna confront him, confront him. but i mean... i don't know.
vitalasy: no no, i think we should keep it a secret.
mapicc: and here's the thing, another reason i have to believe– you guys are aware of the 2 billion heart glitch, vitalasy probably more than most people.
subz: yeah LOL
vitalasy: by accident!!
mapicc: the night they found it, it was terrain, spoke, and zam, okay? those three reported it to parrot. what i heard the other day is– i accidentally burned a heart, we were trying to look for ways to revive parrot by spending less. we were missing a heart for some reason, and we needed to revive somebody. basically, spoke messages me, he goes "okay, if everything goes to shit, i have coordinates from somebody to a double chest of hearts from the 2 billion heart glitch."
subz & vitalasy: what???
mapicc: he says he has a double chest of hearts somewhere on the server.
subz: you're positive? he's not even bluffing or saying bullshit?
mapicc: no, he has a double chest of hearts somewhere from the glitch. and we know terry and zam are the only two who knew about that. and terry never really gives a shit about lifesteal lore. i'm like 100% sure zam is–
vitalasy: doesn't that mean he trusts you then? doesn't that mean you can get it somehow?
mapicc: spoke trusts me like crazy, but if he's evil he's not gonna trust me enough to go get a double chest of hearts for him.
vitalasy: no no, like if you can get close enough to him to get to the hearts and then what, do you wanna burn them?
mapicc: how would i do that though?
vitalasy: you need to do some social engineering you know?
mapicc: cuz realistically, the only ways to bring that up, he's not just gonna fill me in on his evil plans one day randomly.
vitalasy: i don't know... spoke is weird.
mapicc: spoke is SO weird. and i know that spoke is doing a whole thing where at the end of lifesteal he's gonna do like a 15 part series and he told me the "big reveal" is that he was evil the whole time.
vitalasy: well that's every single time!
subz: yeah, he's always evil, he's always been evil.
mapicc: that's why i think he was safe to tell me. i don't know, the whole point is look out for princezam. and we have a mutual agreement that if they ever do end up being evil, you know.
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zylian · 1 year
I like to think Zam always cared for Mapicc even when he hated him the most. —> Devotion duo rant :P
It’s why he said his revenge was done when he saw Mapicc completely alone. Mapicc always has someone, the second he didn’t Zam said it was too cruel.
Zam knows that if Mapicc knew Spoke was working with eclipse, Mapicc would totally have done something rash and make himself everyone’s target.
Mapicc who thought Zam was a blind fool never realizes Zam was burning himself trying to keep Mapiccs focus on him.
Zam made sure Mapicc would rarely notice who’s working with who until Mapicc no longer would be a threat and put himself in danger. Until things were so far along Spoke, Ash or Vitalasy wouldn’t subject Mapicc as the main target.
Mapicc always needs someone by him and Zam in his own way kept his teams focus away by getting as close as he could to Mapicc
It’s like that one time after a duel got ruined by the Warden Spoke spawned. Mapicc thought Zam didn’t know anything behind the scenes after putting the pieces together while Zam was actively acting and lying about how much he knew to make sure Mapicc didn’t get dragged into it.
Even Planet told Zam to watch what he says since Mapicc didn’t know Spokes god at that time. Out of everyone, Zam knows how easily Spoke can throw people away so he vouched for Spokes ban first so Spokes anger spread instead of full focusing on Mapicc.
No matter how much Zam blames Mapicc he is so quick to not allow someone else to put full blame on Mapicc.
In turn when Mapicc thought Vitalasy was going to book ban Zam, he got scared. Despite it having nothing to do with him, despite having no reason to be nice to Zam since they barely just got back on neutral terms he slowly twisted it. Giving him a reason to fight back.
With the original prison plan being used on leviathan, that didn’t give Mapicc motivation to actually fully go after Vitalasy but the second he heard Zam was almost the subject to Vi’s potential bookban, he himself told Spoke about his plan to try and ban Vitalasy first.
It’s crazy, Mapicc should know first hand how awful Zams betrayals feel and in fact it would have made sense if he let Vitalasy ban Zam and than deal with Vi later but he didn’t.
Mapicc still cares and it’s also the reason he believes Zam has no thoughts and acts on impulse. He believes he knows Zam and can’t tolerate seeing Zam bleed when he has no involvement in it.
Mapicc was so ready to jump in to Zams last talk with Subz. Despite days later commanding Spoke to kill Zam for killing Vortex.
It’s so strange.
There’s also the time Subz wanted to murder Mapicc so many times, even telling Vitalasy how quick he would go after him but at that time Mapicc was Zams target and Zams target alone.
Zam made sure he had back up sets just to return to battle to fight Mapicc, especially with hearing how Subz talks about him. Subz dismissing Spoke, calling Ro washed and saying he could handle Mapicc even with a totem rather than a shield.
Zam never really let Subz 1v1 Mapicc. Zam cares too much & so does Mapicc. Clown’s fight had nothing to do with Mapicc but it gets twisted to give reason for Mapicc to show up.
They will only let the other bleed if it’s from those they allow it from, whether that’s their own teammates jumping in to help or someone they asked. It’s never by a third party that’s not involved.
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eviiiiiiii · 2 months
Sorry for this anon, but I was on twt (my first mistake) and I saw your madoka magica LSSMP so I have words for you cuz that anime has been a fixation of mine for around 9 years (doing my yearly rewatch next month 🔥🔥🔥)
SO I think your choice of making Ash the role of Homura is incredibly interesting, taking into account the fact that the whole Madokami thing is her fault due to resetting timelines so much that Madoka became the center of the universe (since whenever she died, Homura reset everything) kinda interesting choice because Madoka in the first few loops took a stance to protect Homura but after the first i think 5(?) Homura started to treat her as if made of glass and did her best to keep her out of danger (becoming a magical girl) no matter the cost, even if Madoka ended up hating her...
I haven't watched enough Reddoon's stuff to have a strong opinion on him, but ik Swagdoons is a popular ship? Interesting due to the fact that cuz of the first few loops we can tell Madoka is incredibly capable of handling herself, but most of her deaths seem to be due to sacrificing herself to keep a teammate safe...
Kyoko for Bacon is very... surprising honestly, I would have honestly expected Mappic because a central thing during (what I remember) her arc is her impulsiveness, trying to work solo because of her wish ending badly and just generally acting both rude and stubborn to hide a softer interior... that plus while Kyoko is pretty smart, she does punch before asking questions so I think Bacon, who imo feels more like he'd think before punching, is certainly a choice
Sayaka being Planet is something I can't really say much about (don't really watch planet my b) but I do think she'd maybe fit someone else more? Mostly because the whole central part of the arc (once again from memory) is Sayaka having a thing with playing the hero, to the point her wish was made in order to save Kyosuke (random white boy she had a crush on) and it was done in a moment to save Madoka.... that and the whole being so quick to act that she can come off as a ignorant of the situation?
Then there is Zam as Mami, this is legit the whole reason I looked for your tumblr. I have very mixed feelings on this once since I very much hate Mami's character (undercooked imo) but Zam is my favorite little guy and him in Mami's fit would slap. This whole thing is very season dependent because Mami is a bit of a messy character, since on the surface she comes off as a caring older figure but she's under the pressure of being the only magical girl in this city for who knows for how long, which does kinda feed into her accidentally(?) manipulating others into joining in order to lessen her own responsibilities. She's a bit selfish (fair cuz she's like what? 15? 16?) and puts herself before others... which is kind of oposite to Zam, basically I don't think Mami could have grinded 200 armor sets but I do think Zam would have gotten decapitated by being too cocky
Spoke as Bebe is gold tho, he does look like someone that would waste his wish on cheese. 👍
yjes i agrre with everytihhing stated... prtenf thered like a more formal reply but Yea. i ddidnt think ab like how the actual characters and dynamics would fit in a lot but ab like princezam being mami i think i chose that cuz both of them hqve like?? not being able to properly sustain a team ibthink.. idk but Yea. btw anon u seem smart and shit wjo do youthink would be kyubey cause u seem Smart. Ithink mapicc Would fit kyoko well but also I'll be completely honest i js thought bacon would look cool as kyoko😭😭plj3ase yap about This more and who you wlould think fit the characters and stuff . this is Very interesting im jsut Bad at expressijg thwt
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zylian · 1 year
Moments in the Branzy 4 stream that make me kinda insane
Bacon: Did u tell Branzy about ur problem
Zam: No, not yet
Mapicc: What’s ur problem
Zam: I don’t think I will
*Bacon asks again*
Mapicc: Are u struggling with ur identity again PrinceZam?
Zam: Why would u think that-
Mapicc: Because u always are, and than u make a bunch of signs and than u complain for four days and u end up either not doing something or doing something way too drastic for no reason.
Spoke: Tru- Yeah
Bacon: Yeah, kind of fair… his name is Princezam
Zam: Yeah
*Mapicc laughs*
Spoke: wait can we do some lore now, like I’m tired of being funny, can we do some lore now
Zam: *muted* Why does he know me so well, why does he know me SO damn well, that’s so weird
Zam changes skin: It’s me Pussn’boots
*Mapicc turns towards Zam*
*another conversation happening in the background*
Mapicc in a Angry birds skin: And I am Death
*Zam in the Rek centre as Mapicc walks in*
Zam: Hey dude
Mapicc: you know, ah Rekraps obsidian thing still exists
Zam: Really!?
Mapicc: Yah look follow me
Zam: is it buried?! Yah sure
*Clownpierce riding the horse with golden armour*
Bacon: who’s horse is that?
Mapicc: Hors! It’s mine
Zam: Ok
Mapicc: No he’s mine!
*Zam & Clown verbally fighting while with hors*
Mapicc: Hey, pls don’t hurt my horse
Zam: why are the dogs racist
Mapicc: well because they called me a bad word that I can’t repeat on stream
Zam: oh ok
Mapicc: or off stream
Bacon: there’s like a group of players; Spoke, Ash, Vitalasy, his whole team all have access to these weird abilities, to make creative mode and bedrock and barriers and whatever they want, alright. They’re doing stuff with it, there all doing different things and they’re on different sides. Like Mapicc is against Vitalasy and his team, which is eclipse but he’s also teamed with Spoke and they’re team is called Leviathan, So Leviathan and Eclipse hate each other but both have exploiters on each of they’re sides. So it’s a little bit interesting.
Spoke: And yeah jaron
Bacon: what wdym
Spoke: …yknow ur probably part of it!!
*Zam deafens*
Zam: After learning that Spokes on my side, everything he says is like… starting to make sense yknow. It’s like everything he says is to like cover for Vitalasy, yknow. Every joke he makes is like a deflection kind of- like I’ve seen a lot, it’s crazy, he’s like so good at just getting ppl to stop being suspicious of him. Everyone knows it’s him still but he puts suspicion away immediately, it seems like Spoke is like super loyal to Vitalasy.
*Zam undeafens*
Bacon: oh thankgod, we were all sitting in silence until you-
Zam: Oh
Mapicc: Look there’s Spoke
Zam: Oh good job Spoke
Mapicc No, look there Spoke flowers
Zam: Oh I get it, yah
Bacon: Are they gay?
Zam: No
Mapicc: what?!
Bacon: I wasn’t sure what u meant by Spoke flowers
Mapicc: That’s cause there withers, and there’s like an analogy
Branzy: My advice is anytime that you can betray Vitalasy, you just do it
Zam: *chokes into laughter*
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zylian · 1 year
I can’t wrap my head around Vitalasys reasonings
At the end he wanted op right? Like that’s why he let Spoke do what he did?
Than why is he SO upset at Zam? I feel like Zams actions did utterly nothing to Vitalasys plans, it was only talk that could of been easily forgotten.
Why did he throw his entire reasoning onto Zam and than when Zam said “I don’t want to be your rock” Vitalasy proceeded to keep caring about every little thing Zam was doing
Even after all that he says how much he wants to repeatedly kill Zam over and over which just shows his ignorance to not remembering? Not knowing? That Zam was hunted by Mapicc, an old teammate, because he betrayed. Just why would Vitalasy claim to care so much about Zam yet say such things.
I just don’t understand it, cause it makes it look like Zam was being strung along the second he first meets Vitalasy but why would Vitalasy put himself through all that if his main goal was getting op
Why care so much when he knew the damage was done. Also the revenge plans?? He had way too much going on and he did not handle it well at all. How the hell did his fall out with Spoke even happen?? Since they apparently weren’t faking it
I just don’t get why he cared so much that Zam was working with Spoke when Spokes been the very thing he’s been half protecting and telling Zam is under his control. How was anyone supposed to know why he hated Spoke so much when he kept pulling 180s
I feel like him bringing up the “reporting to save all servers” should of never been brought up because it only added to suspicion and didn’t help convince anyone
Like I understand Zams perspective and Subz’s perspective of things and why they think like they did by the end of the season but why did Vitalasy contradict himself so often??
I just don’t get it, it’s like he had this huge thingy he was dealing with so he preplanned lore but didn’t like it when it didn’t go his way and chose to not adapt to the teammate/ppl he made it revolve around.
I can see him adapt in some places, sure, but his ignorance was crazy, he expected Zam to drop his character lore entirely until the next season???
Why doesn’t Vitalasys reasoning exist outside of Zam? That would be Spoke. But no one knows wtf is with them cause it’s behind the scenes! So because he couldn’t really bring it up he pushed his lore more towards Zam??? WHY?!?
Also him banning himself after knowing Zam almost banned himself twice “for his sake” just showed how he didn’t care about anyone. Only banning himself under that false pretence to shift their attention back on the server.
His character makes me so incredibly upset, felt so weird with how important his character was supposed to be yet he wants to stay in the sidelines
I feel like Zam and Subz both have their flaws yet they still tried to adapt in some way that fits themselves. Like knowing the other person well enough to do certain actions that work with it.
Vitalasy was shocked Zam knew that Subz would have died in the end and it felt like Vitalasy truly never saw his team as a whole.
Subz saw it, he saw Vitalasy and Zam struggling to interact and knew things would need to be dealt with but Vitalasy couldn’t see how well Subz and Zam worked together. He didn’t assume, he didn’t even notice how much those two cared for each other. Which also puts the question of his focus on “revenge” while his teammates were still getting hunted. Why did he have a moral crisis too??
Man this gives me a headache trying to think about, even if the videos come out with explanations, his character could of handled everything so much better without leaking ANYTHING than wtf actually happened
Vitalasys story is actually focused on Spoke and I really want to know wtf happened
((Sorry I just need to flesh out Vitalasys character so au’s I think of work better cause right now he’s giving wet cat energy))
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