#also i know the left arm looks wonky don’t say anything please
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faeriefaun · 1 year ago
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rosalina in my style! her original dress reminded me of regency era clothes a little bit so i played on that more… 💫
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courageous-she · 4 years ago
Needing You- Charlie Gillespie
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Charlie x female reader
Summary: You’re having a rough day and go to your best friend for some comfort
Word Count: 3037
Author’s Note: I haven’t really written in a while but became a SIMP for this boy after watching JATP. Here’s something I thought up while I should have been working at work. Also the formatting may have gotten a little wonky so sorry for that. Um anyway, hope you enjoy!
You: Hey, are you home? Charlie: Yeah, why, what’s up? You: Can we hang out? I don’t really want to be alone rn Charlie: Sure thing! I can come over? You: Actually, can I come over? I don’t feel like being in my apartment rn Charlie: Of course, doors unlocked <3
You locked your phone, resting it on your chest and letting out a long sigh. Life had just been hitting too hard lately, so you texted Charlie hoping he’d be able to distract you and take your mind off of things. You simply needed some quality time with your best friend and to not think about everything going on in your life right now. Luckily, Charlie was always down to hang out and was always flexible on what the two of you would do.
You lifted your head just enough from your starfish position on your bed to glance over your outfit. You’d changed into your comfy clothes when you got home a few hours ago. These would be fine, Charlie has seen you in worse clothes, and probably in an overall worse state than this. Shrugging, you stood from your bed and grabbed your keys, making your way over to the bus stop at the end of your street. 
Quietly opening the door to Charlie and Owen’s apartment, you carefully left your shoes at the door. You looked up and noticed Owen and Jeremy sitting on the couch in the small apartment living room. “Hey, Y/N” Owen and Jeremy said at the same time, both giving a quick nod of the head. You waved back, making your way down the hallway to Charlie’s room. It wasn’t odd for you to come over to the boy’s apartment, so Owen and Jeremy didn’t question it. Owen was more used to your frequent visits than Jeremy because Owen actually lived there, but both boys knew how close you and Charlie are so it would be odd if you didn’t show up at some point during the week.
Charlie’s door was open a crack, a low light creeping out into the hallway. You pushed the door open just enough to slide your body through, and closed it when you were all the way inside. 
“Hey” Charlie said softly, sitting up slightly in his bed and closing his laptop. Instead of responding, you pulled the covers back on his bed and slid under. Charlie watched you, slightly confused, but lifted his arm for you when you began to crawl under it resting your head on his chest. His arm around you hugged you closer, while his other hand came around to rest on top of yours that was resting on his stomach. 
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” he asked, voice soft. You shook your head ‘no’ on his chest. “Do you want to talk about it?” Again, you shook your head. Charlie’s chest rose up before he let out a long sigh. It wasn’t often you got like this, but when you did it always broke Charlie a little inside. “What can I do to help?” “Is it okay if we just lay here for a while?” you finally said.
“Yeah, ‘course it is. Want me to put on a movie for background noise or somethin’?” Charlie asked, leaning over slightly to grab his tv remote. You simply nodded a ‘yes’ against his chest, knowing he would just choose a movie for the two of you. 
Charlie ended up choosing “Onward”, a Disney movie was bound to put a smile on your face, he thought. The two of you silently watched the movie, staying in relatively the same position. As the movie was coming to a close, tears began to make their way down your face, landing on Charlie’s shirt. He looked down when he began to feel the wet spot on his chest. Moving so he could see your face better, Charlie smirked at your current state.
“Are you crying?” Charlie asked, the goofy smirk not leaving his face. You lifted your head from his chest, glancing between his smirking expression and the puddle on his chest. 
“What? He never got to meet his dad! After all that!!” you said, pouting out your bottom lip so you didn’t start sobbing. Charlie chuckled before sitting back and pulling you back into him.
“Haven’t you seen this before? You knew this was coming” he replied while turning his attention back to the screen.
“Just because I’ve seen it already doesn’t make it any less sad, Char.” But he could tell by the tone in your voice that you weren’t talking about the movie anymore. He grabbed the remote, stopping the end credits. You started to sit up, wiping the remnants of tears from your face.
“Are you ready to talk about it?” he asked, voice soft and understanding. You hugged your knees to your chest, resting your head on your knees facing your friend sitting next to you.
“Everything is just so overwhelming right now. It’s like nothing can go my way and just keeps piling on top of me. I feel like I’m drowning and I’m so over it.” There was a comfortable silence between the two of you for a moment “I hate feeling like this” you whispered. Charlie put his hand on your back, rubbing small circles.
“Hey, hey, look at me” he said. Your eyes remained fixed on a random spot of his bed. “Y/N, please” he whispered. You shifted your gaze so that your eyes met his. “I know that things might be really tough right now, but I know you, and I know how hard you work, and I know that you will get through this. You have the weekend to forget about things and relax for a bit too, I’m here to get your mind off of the stress.”
You smiled at his reassuring words; he always knew what to say. You moved so that you could rest your head on his shoulder. “Thanks, Char, don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I don’t know, probably die or something” he said casually. You punched his shoulder jokingly and laughing at the boy next to you. “You hungry? We can order some food” 
“I didn’t bring my wallet with me” you said, remembering that you’d only grabbed your keys on your way out. 
“Don’t worry about that, it was on me anyway.” Charlie said, scrolling through UberEats on his phone for something to order. “What are you feeling?”
“Char, I’m not letting you pay! At least let me Venmo you?” you asked, already beginning to feel guilty at the fact that he offered to pay.
“Y/N” he said, putting his phone down and turning to face you, “You’re not paying,” he placed both hands on your cheeks, squishing them slightly, “Do not. Worry. About it.”
“But Charlie,” you replied, turning your body to face him straight on, “I. Feel. Bad” you mimicked his position, placing both hands on his cheeks and squishing them. And there the two of you were, hands on each other’s cheeks, squishing them. That was until you heard Charlie’s bedroom door slowly creak open.
“Hey guys, Jer and I were just wondering if you wanted to order food?” Owen asked, walking in while looking down at his phone. When he looked up and noticed the way you two were positioned, he stopped dead in his tracks. “Uh, I’m sorry, did I walk in on something?” he asked concerned, but slightly amused. 
“Perfect timing Owen!” Charlie said, taking his hands off your cheeks and grabbing his phone again, “Y/N and I were just having the same conversation”
“I was thinking maybe Chinese?” Owen asked, resuming his scrolling on his phone. You and Charlie looked at each other, an unsure look on your face.
“Eh, not really feelin’ it” Charlie replied, going back to his phone for food inspiration.
“I was kind of craving pasta from that Italian place down the street” you said.
“Pomodoro?” Charlie asked, and immediately he looked at Owen and they gave each other the same look. “Yes!” They both said at the same time.
“I’ll go ask Jer what he wants, text me your orders.” Owen replied, leaving the room. But before Owen asked Jeremy what he wanted to eat, he explained in detail what he saw when he walked in on you and Charlie. The two boys grinned at each other, knowing how the two of you felt about the other, and knowing that neither of you would say anything to the other.
When the food arrived, the four of you sat in the small living room eating, joking, and watching a variety of YouTube videos. You loved hanging out with the guys, it was always entertaining and you definitely got a workout from how much you laughed. 
After everyone had finished eating, the four of you decided to put on a movie. You sat next to Charlie on the smaller couch, leaning into his side, while Owen laid out on the bigger couch and Jeremy had a spot on the floor with some pillows. 
You’re not sure how long into the movie you made it, but eventually you fell asleep on Charlie’s shoulder. He hadn’t noticed you fell asleep until Owen brought it up.
“Hey man, she out?” he asked, leaning up on the couch. Jeremy looked over too, noticing your sleeping figure resting against Charlie. Charlie glanced down at you, brushing your hair away from your face.
“Yeah, she must’a fell asleep” he said, eyes resting on you a little longer before turning to look at Owen. Owen smirked and looked at Jeremy, who matched his smirk before the two boys looked back at Charlie. “What’s the look for?” he asked confused.
“Oh, come on, Charlie!” Jeremy said, “You are head over heels for her!” he whisper shouted.
“And you have been since day one” Owen added. 
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Charlie whisper shouted back. The boys couldn’t see but underneath the blanket, Charlie was pulling you closer to him. He felt like he had to protect you despite there really being nothing to protect you from.
“Don’t avoid it Charlie, it’s so obvious” Owen retorted.
“The only question is, when are you finally going to tell her?” Jeremy asked.
As Charlie was forming his response, his felt you shift next to him. All three boys shifted their gaze to you, hoping you hadn’t heard what they were talking about. You shifted so that your face was resting in the crook of Charlie’s neck. He shivered at the feeling of your breath on his skin.
“Char?” you asked, too sleepy to open your eyes. Charlie squeezed your side to let you know he was there.
“What’s up? You alright?” he asked.
“ ‘m fine. What time is it?”
“Uh, it’s about 12:30” 
“Shit!” you said, quickly sitting up from your comfortable position and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, “The last bus leaves in 30 minutes, I gotta go!” You started to stand up from the couch, but Charlie grabbed your hips, sitting you back down on the couch.
“Chill, Y/N! I’m not letting you get on a bus in the middle of the night! You can sleep in my bed, I’ll take the couch tonight” Charlie said, trying to calm you down. Jeremy coughed from the other side of the room, giving Charlie a look. Jeremy was crashing on the couch considering that he didn’t actually live there and had planned to spend the night. Charlie shot back a ‘not now’ look, returning his focus on you.
“I can’t take your bed. I’ll take the couch” you said, not wanting to put your friend out any more than you had tonight.
“Well, actually, I-I’m supposed to be sleeping on the couch” Jeremy finally spoke up. Charlie shot him a look, causing Jeremy to shrug and shy back out of the conversation.
“Then I’ll take the floor, but I’m not taking your bed” You said, bundling the blanket that was piled next to you. 
“Y/N, you are not sleeping on the damn floor. Either you sleep in my bed or we’re both sleeping on the floor. End of story” Charlie said, a little more stern this time.
“Well with that logic, why don’t we both just sleep in the bed?” you asked, shrugging. Charlie’s eyes went wide. Owen and Jeremy’s heads quickly turned their attention to you, smirks threatening to appear on their faces. 
“I-I mean, if-if you’re cool with that, yeah we could do that” Charlie stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn’t expected you to offer to share a bed with him, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to pass this opportunity up.
“I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t cool with it, but now that we’ve settled that, I’m tired. Goodnight boys!” you said, standing up and waving.
“ ‘night!” Owen and Jeremy replied, waving as you made your way back to Charlie’s room. What you didn’t see was the two boys silently cheering Charlie on as he slowly stood and made his way to his room. 
You were already tucked away when he made it, closing the door softly behind him. He made his way through the dark and found his way to bed. He slipped in next to you, laying awkwardly on his back, not exactly knowing how to sleep next to you. He turned his head to look at you. Your back was facing him, breathing slow. He figured that you’d already fallen asleep given how tired you were, so he got comfortable and eventually fell asleep.
Charlie woke with a start when he heard you start to cry out in your sleep. He couldn’t make out what you were saying but he knew that you were having a nightmare. He immediately pulled your back close to his chest, arms wrapping around you. His cheek was pressed against yours as he whispered in your ear. “Hey, hey, you’re alright, I’m here, you’re okay” You woke up, heart racing, and hands grasping Charlie’s arms that wrapped around your middle. He loosened them enough for you to turn around and face him. 
“What would I do without you?” you asked, cuddling closer into his chest, eyes closing in comfort. Charlie took a deep breath, he felt like now was the time to tell you. Tell you how he really felt, how much he wanted to never be without you.
“Y/N?” he whispered?
“Yeah, Char?”
“Can I tell you something?” He was trying to keep his nerves down, knowing you’d be able to feel him shaking.
“Of course, you can tell me anything.” You replied, shifting to lean slightly over him. He mimicked your position, the two of you leaning to face the other. “I like you. Um, like more than a friend kind of like you. And I don’t want this to ruin what we have so if you don’t feel the same way that’s- that’s cool we can forget I said this.” Charlie rambled. You were taken aback by the sudden out poor of emotional truth. Charlie was beginning to accept that you didn’t feel the same way until you made a move. You leaned in and kissed Charlie, all of the bottled-up feelings coming to the surface. 
“I like you too, Char,” you whispered, hand cupping the side of his face, “God, I’ve liked you since the day we met” you laughed, remembering your first encounter on set with Charlie. Charlie sighed from relief from next to you.
“I was so scared you didn’t feel the same…”
“How could I not, Charlie? I literally couldn’t survive without you.” You spoke. A smile crept its way onto Charlie’s face before he leaned in for another kiss, deeper and more passionate than the first. The two of you spent much of the rest of the night like that, moving between sleep and giggly sleepy kisses. The next morning, the two of you slept in a little later than normal, and laid in bed cuddled up watching TikToks, sneaking kisses in between. It was a kind of bliss you didn’t think you’d ever experience. Both of your heads turned when a short knock was made against the door.
“Are you guys dead in there?” Owen asked through the door. The two of you chuckled from the bed.
“We’re fine Owen!” Charlie shouted.
“Are you sure? It’s like noon-thirty and I haven’t heard anything from either of you?” Owen shouted back. You laughed at the boys, moving to get out of the bed and answer the door. Charlie pouted at the lack of you next to him. You opened the door to see a concerned looking Owen. 
“Good morning, Owen” you smiled.
“Did I interrupt something?” he asked, noticing Charlie’s lack of shirt and a messy bed.
“No, you didn’t. We were just getting up to grab some breakfast” you replied.
“Oh, well I was going to ask if you guys wanted some waffles? Jeremy and I just made some” he said, still looking between you and Charlie, attempting to put the pieces together on what happened when the two of you went to bed last night.
“I’d love some waffles! Let me just grab my sweatshirt and I’ll be right there!” 
Owen nodded, leaving the room. You turned to look for your sweatshirt somewhere on the floor. Feeling two arms wrap around your waist, you giggled, placing your arms over Charlie’s.
“You know you don’t have to go out there.” He said, lips hovering just over your ear.
“No, I don’t have to.” You said, “But we need to eat.”
“There’s something right here I could eat.” Charlie replied. You spun around quickly in his arms, slapping him lightly on the upper arm.
“Charlie!” You couldn’t believe how quickly he responded with that!
“What!? It’s true!” he winked at you.
“Well too bad because that is currently not on the menu. I want waffles!” you said before breaking free of his grasp, grabbing your sweatshirt and skipping out of the room to the kitchen. Charlie was left standing in his room, mouth agape, but laughing at how you handled that. What would he do without you?
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lifenodaijobu · 4 years ago
Just a little list of my soft Draco obsession
For  @vemodalensx
Theres a few here but I’ve left some out since the list was getting a bit long. I might make another list with more.
The list separated between cute Draco and vulnerable Draco just so you can choose whether or not you want a bit of sadness with your softness ^3^
Oh and ofc it goes without saying that the whole list is Bottom Draco hehe
Cute Soft Draco
Flower Crowns (2.4k words)
It started with a single flower 🥀 Draco makes flower crowns for Harry and that is how the whole school finds out about them. A happy dose of Harry with flowers in his hair, and a smitten Draco.
Dreaming of you (21k words)
Harry has nightmares, he wishes for a night when he can sleep without nightmares. What happens when he starts dreaming of Draco Malfoy? Draco left the wizarding world after the war, he's a librarian and lives peacefully in muggle London, what happens when Harry fucking Potter shows up at his work place?
Honey (
Harry is sick of Draco's oh-so-adorable endearments.
The Care and Management of Volatile Veelas 
Harry adopts a Veela. He really didn’t mean to.
Quidditch Wife (Part 2)
Theres no real summary for this except for  It's got all my favourite guilty pleasures, like protective!Harry and vulnerable!Draco, with a side of jealous!Harry and SportyQuidditch!Harry (and I think the top!Harry rather goes without saying).
All our pieces....fall right into places series
The first story:  Draco had had a crush for a while and now that he had Harry in his bed...He was everything that Draco needed.
Trick or Treat
Harry had no idea that he was such a fetishist - a fact which he discovers on Halloween.
Harry finds a pair of stockings in the back of their dresser.
The Sweater
After being forced to room together in 8th year, Draco and Harry become friends and decide to continue their living arrangements post Hogwarts. The only problem is, Draco can't seem to stop stealing Harry's clothes.
1095 Roses for a life time
Being woken up by the lips of your boyfriend is always a nice surprise, especially on the morning of yours third anniversary of dating, which leads to hot and passionate morning activity. But all this is just to indulge in themselves, Harry's surprise includes roses and a promise for a lifetime. Will they be the right choice?
Get your kinks out
Harry plays seeker for the Magpies, and he discovers that one of his teammates secretly wears lace panties. What begins as a sexual relationship becomes increasingly complicated by Harry’s fame, Draco’s family, and Harry’s ambivalent feelings about dominating Draco.
Can’t say no
Draco really has the worst friends. When they put a spell on him that he has to say no to everything Harry says.....things don't turn out well.
That time when Harry proposes and gets turned down because of his horrible friends.
What Draco wants
Out of anything a petty fight with Harry Potter could have led to, Draco Malfoy least expected it to end with him bent over a table, questioning his relationship and feelings for Potter, and having the best sex of his life.
Things were going just fine for Draco Malfoy. He successfully conned and counted cards across Europe and America, amassing a small fortune, along with a lengthy rap sheet. That was until he made the grave mistake of returning to England for a high stakes card game and got himself caught – by Harry Potter no less. Now, Draco is stuck in England under Auror Potter’s guard with no friends, no distractions, and no escape. How the hell will he pass the time? And since when did Potter get so bloody fit? 
Things Change
Harry and Draco's friends notice something different about them when they fight. See what they find out when they walk down an empty hallway. 
Whats a little veritasium between two sworn enemies?
Draco Malfoy has a nasty habit of always coming across such bad luck no matter where circumstance presents itself and unfortunately that doesn't seem to change when his bloody nemesis Harry Potter over hears him talking about Veritaserum potions in the hallways past curfew. ( It was Pansy fault really)
Harry wants to know what the Slytherin boy is up to, especially with how nervous Malfoy is, but is that ALL Harry wants to know?
Mr Right Now - side note: Cedric/Draco
What do you do when you're feeling down about your ex? Make him jealous! Story features Cedric Diggory and Draco Malfoy trying to win back their loves, but somehow end up falling into each other's arms
For the love a kitten 
With Voldemort Dead, life is not easy for Harry as Old friends become enemies and old enemies become friend. With the return of three Slytherins, Harry life is turned upside down.
How to prepare for a wedding night
I have a neighbour. He is stuck in a loveless relationship and an arranged marriage. He has zero experience in bed. He needs my help so that his love life won't suck for the next few decades. He needs a sex teacher. Oh... and the neighbour happens to be Draco freaking Malfoy. And I might be a little tiny bit in love with the git...
Draco's Scent
In which Harry can't be around Draco for long without the boy's stupid smell messing with his mind, and he really, really hates that.
Turn The Heat Up
Wonky Cooling Charms result in interesting revelations
Draco and Hermione make a devastating duo at the Ministry as the respective Department Heads of Wizarding Culture Preservation and Muggle Relations. When Harry Potter gets involved in their latest joint project, Draco can’t seem to stop himself from constantly flirting with him even when it doesn’t seem to affect the golden boy at all. He’s wrong. Harry is most definitely affected. Includes Slytherin shenanigans, Draco sucking at quidditch, and Harry trying not to be charmed. Draco POV.
Angsty/Vulnerable Soft Draco
The Draco Malfoy incident - side note: I cried big time
Draco Malfoy is best friends with a Hufflepuff. A HUFFLEPUFF! He's also partnered with a redhead git, trying to hide from an obsessive green-eyed saviour and has become overly fond with sunrises. It's exhausting. Can't a man plan an assassination in peace around here?
I’m not in your dreams
Draco has dreamt with Harry's voice since he was fourteen, so there's no doubt for him about who his soulmate is. Now, in their Eighth Year, Harry has finally dreamt with his soulmate's voice too. The problem is that Draco was born mute.
Yours for the taking
Draco was raised to be the perfect Omega, but there are things even he cannot endure. When he discovers just what Tom Riddle's plans for him are once he's claimed him he is confronted with an impossible decision. Only one thing remains clear: he will never be able to go back home.
Luckily, Harry Potter is there to save the day
Rough on you - side note: Dark Harry. This is more vulnerable Draco than soft Draco so please read the tags before you start the story :) I was unsure whether I wanted to add this here but hey-ho
"I'm the only one that can give you want you really want." Harry spun Draco around and held his arms at his side and he pressed against his back, whispering against his throat. "That can force you, that can humiliate you… that can hurt you, and you want it. You want me."
Harry is having a bad day. Draco just cannot learn to keep his mouth shut. Neither of them would have predicted it would lead to this.
But who guards the dragon?
This is an expansion of my one-shot, It'll be Okay. You don't have to read it first, it will be in the story. Requested. DMHP Sub/Dom relationship. Slash. Don't like, don't read. Harry thinks a few thinks through, then comes into his creature inheritance. He finds out that he is the dominant mate to one Draco Malfoy. But things are never easy for the boy who lived
Taken For Granted
Having pined for Harry for long enough, Draco decided that it was time to give up and move on. What happens when Harry realizes too late what he's lost?
Harry returns to school to complete his NEWTs. There he finds a much changed Draco Malfoy and surprisingly subdued Professor Snape.
In your arms, rests my world
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it.
“You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”
Inside your mind
Goyle's taken it upon himself to act as Malfoy's personal, one-man guard and Harry can't help but feel like it's only making the bullying worse.
"I'll Protect You," and you can seal that with an Unbreakable Vow
His friends may tease but Harry doesn't feel bad for keeping a close eye on the Slytherin boy of one Draco Malfoy, after all someone has to do it. So when Harry secretly follows the pure-blood boy out past the courtyard, there's nothing strange or unusual about it; nor is it wrong.
Unfortunately the same can not be said for the scenario Harry accidentally stumbles upon as he can't help but stare in horror. It's not just wrong. It's absolutely despicable and Harry, well, Harry just has to do something about it.
A Big Black Sky
Draco shifts his head as he turns to look at Scorpius, his cheek touching the pillow. "Did you know that…" He pauses, his throat convulsing, and it sounds audible in the silence, besides Michael's steady, even breathing from the other bedroom.
Scorpius is staring back at him, in wait of something new to learn, a beautiful and intelligent child. He has Draco's mind. He has Draco's eyes and nose and mouth and hair. He is his. All his. All he has of Michael are his wild curls and the green of his eyes, and sometimes he looks into them and imagines that they aren't Michael's, but someone else's.
Draco leans his head closer, biting the quiver out of his lips before he breathes a laden and shuddering exhale, and he whispers, "You are my star in a big black sky."
Song To Say Goodbye
Draco should have remembered that life doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to. Somewhere along the way he forgot to always be careful and was left with nothing. It was hard enough getting himself together the first time, can he do it again?
Small spoiler for Song to Say Goodbye below
Its not Drarry Endgame: he ends up with a OMC cuz Harrys a big dickhead
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theweasleysredhair · 5 years ago
When Sparks Fly [F.W.]
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 1891
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: “You’re scared of fireworks?” “Scared is an understatement.” In which Fred plans a birthday surprise for his girlfriend without the crucial knowledge that she is terrified of fireworks.
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: I bloody loved this request
also to the requester: I hope I got this right bc I actually adore fireworks so I had to get myself into the mind-frame of being scared of them to write this so fingers crossed I did an okay job. enjoy my love!
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“What are you talking about now?” Ron asked the twins as they were chatting about something loudly.
“It’s my Y/n‘s birthday next week,” Fred announced. “And we’ve got something spectacular planned,” George grinned, folding his arms over his chest.
You smiled at them and shook your head with a laugh, “I’m kinda worried what the two of you are working on to be honest. You’ve both been awfully mysterious about it all.”
“Oh don’t you worry about a thing, love! Things are gonna take off,” Fred replied with a smirk, “Gonna have a cracking-”
“-Absolutely sparkling-“ George added.
“Time,” they finished the sentence simultaneously.
You smiled at them, hearing a few chuckles from the others as they wandered away, heads bowed together as they conspired about something or other.
“Shit,” you said as soon as they were out of ear shot.
“What’s wrong?” Ron asked as he grabbed a bar of Honeydukes chocolate he’d left on a nearby table.
You sighed, “Their plan involves fireworks.” “Don’t all their plans involve fireworks?” Hermione asked with a small smile.
“Well yes but... this plan is for me. And from the hints they’ve been dropping, fireworks are a big part of the plan,” you chewed on your lip in thought and nervously clasped and unclasped your hands together.
Harry cleaned his glasses with the bottom of his jumper before returning them to his face, “Is that such a bad thing?”
“Well... usually no. But in this case... I thought I’d be able to go a bit longer without saying anything but... I don’t like fireworks. And by ‘don’t like’ I mean I am curling-into-a-ball-and-freaking-out petrified of them,” you admitted, looking down at your hands and sighing again.
“You’re scared of fireworks?”
“Scared is an understatement. Some people are scared of spiders - Ron - some of snakes, of clowns, of werewolves. My thing is fireworks.”
“But your boyfriend is Fred Weasley,” Ron said incredulously through a mouthful of chocolate.
“Oh yeah, cheers for that, Ron, I had almost forgotten,” you replied sarcastically.
Ron smiled before shaking his head, “No, I know, I just mean... well, how have you gone this long without telling him?”
You shifted in your seat, and avoided looking at any of them, “I just... haven’t. He loves them, doesn’t he? I can’t just tell him to stop using them just for my benefit.”
And that was the truth, really. You would never ask him to stop something he loved, and him and George used fireworks a lot in their pranks and such. It wouldn’t be fair to turn around and ask him to stop.
“Well... how badly are you afraid of them?” Hermione asked, tapping her chin in thought.
“I am more afraid of fireworks than Snape is of shampoo,” you joked, “No but seriously, I’ve had quite a few panic attacks over them - bad ones. I just... I can’t help it. I wish I liked them but I’m just terrified. And now Fred is planning something for my birthday and it’s very obvious that it involves fireworks. I don’t have the heart to tell him but... my heart’s thumping just from thinking about them.”
Hermione reached over to squeeze your hand reassuringly, “I’d speak to him beforehand, I’m sure he’d hate it more to do something that scares you.”
You smiled thankfully at her, “Yeah I’ll um... I’ll try and speak to him.”
Your birthday arrived much quicker than you’d hoped, and you’d woken up with an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach. You hadn’t gotten the heart or courage to confront Fred about his plans for your birthday - he seemed much too excited any time you saw him - and by any means you didn’t want him to feel as though he had to change everything he’d been working on. You appreciated the effort and adored the lengths he went to to show you how much he cared and didn’t ever want him to know you weren’t as excited as him for what was to happen.
Your day went by quite normally, your friends and other students passing by to wish you a happy birthday. The only oddity was you hadn’t seen the twins all day, and it was nearing evening. The thought put you on edge, as you assumed they were working on whatever it was they’d been planning. Despite this, you couldn’t help but miss them - particularly your boyfriend - and hoped they’d make an appearance soon.
You’d just finished your evening meal when your eyes flickered to the ginger boy entering the Great Hall, a carbon copy of your doting boyfriend however completely different in your eyes.
“Happy Birthday, Y/n!” George grinned as he sat beside you on the bench and gave you a side hug, “Sorry we haven’t seen you all day, must’ve been rubbish without us, eh?” You smiled back, “Thank you Georgie! Yes I suppose it has - potions was definitely more boring than usual. You um... haven’t seen your dear twin at all, have you?”
“Ah, you wouldn’t happen to be referring to Freddie boy there, would you? I have indeed seen him and the main reason I am here is to escort you to him,” George stood you and held his hand out. You shook your head fondly and took it, allowing him to pull you up and out of the hall.
He led you down the main hallway and towards the doors of the castle, then out onto the Hogwarts grounds.
“Where are we going?” You asked as you followed the younger twin across the grass.
“You’ll see! You’re gonna love this, Y/n! Fred has been planning this for ages - with my help, of course,” George boasted as he shot a grin over his shoulder at you.
You faked a smile, hoping it was believable enough to look like excitement as you tried to hide that your heart was trying to escape your chest and you could hear blood rushing in your ears.
“George..?” You began.
Taking a deep breath, you continued on as you glanced down at your feet, “It’s probably much too late to say anything now but I really don’t like-“
“Happy birthday, darlin’!” A familiar voice interrupted you, halting your sentence in the middle. Your eyes flickered up to rest on the welcome sight of your boyfriend and you couldn’t help but smile when you saw his messy ginger hair and cheeky grin.
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a warm hug, one you accepted instantly and happily as you hadn’t seen him all day.
George made himself sparse, leaving you alone with your boyfriend who pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, making up for the fact he’d been gone all day.
As you pulled away, he immediately moved back in to kiss you again, mumbling how much he’d missed you (even though it had only been a day), before finally placing a last chaste kiss to your swollen lips. He then grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the Forbidden Forest, where you noticed lights twinkling in a nearby clearing.
He led you over, his fingers locked around yours as he bit his lip and looked at you, “Surprise, love!”
Your eyes locked on the scene, a blanket laid out with your favourite foods on top, bags of Honeydukes items sitting beside it and a pile of presents - wrapped messily in brown paper and tied with wonky bows - scattered across the grass next to the blanket. Small, glittering lights hung from the tree branches around the clearing, casting a light glow and illuminating both the food and the dozens of pillows that you noticed were also piled around.
“Thought we could spend some time together without anyone interrupting us or anything. Also got some new things we’ve been working on that I want to show you before we show anyone else,” Fred explained, nodding over to a stack of what you assumed were Wizard Wheezes products.
“Oh Merlin... this is beautiful... it’s amazing,” you murmured.
And it was. It was so lovely and thoughtful. You adored it.
Yet, as you were staring at the scene, in awe at how beautiful the fairy lights were, you couldn’t help the voice in the back of your mind reminding you about the fireworks, not knowing when they were going to go off but sure it would be soon.
Suddenly, you heard Fred chuckling beside you and you frowned as you looked over at him. “What’s so funny?” You asked nervously.
“There are no fireworks, love,” he said simply, shoving his hands into his pockets, the hint of a smile resting on his lips.
Your jaw dropped almost comically, “What? What do you- How did you- How could you possibly know I was thinking about them?”
“You keep looking around as if you’re waiting for something. Just letting you know there are no fireworks so you can relax, babe. I know you’re terrified of them so they were never part of the plan. You really think I don’t know you well enough to know that?” He mocked with a playful grin.
Your mouth opened and closed as you stuttered out, “I-I never told you-“
“Didn’t have to, I saw your reaction to the small sparklers me and Georgie made to throw around and realised then. I notice everything about you, love,” he said sincerely.
You turned to him with shock on your features, jabbing him lightly in the chest as you scolded him, “Then why in the name of Merlin’s saggy left ballsack would you make me believe your plan relied on fireworks?!”
“Just like to mess with you, love,” he gave you a cheeky grin, and you wanted to be mad but looking at him, you couldn’t bring yourself to be. Still, you tried to be as you gave him a fake glare, “Fred! I’ve been working myself up over this for days! You’re a right prat!”
However, you couldn’t help the relieved giggle that left your lips as you rested your forehead against his chest and sighed contently now you were back at ease.
“I’m your prat though.”
“Hmm, I suppose so,” you mumbled into his jumper as his hands rested on your waist, him leaning his chin on the top of your head. You stayed stood up, in his arms, for a while before you decided to speak again, “Doesn’t it bother you that you’ll probably never be able to use fireworks in my vicinity?”
Fred pulled away for a moment to look down at you, his features softening as he took in the sight of your nervous demeanour, “Honestly? I’d give up fireworks forever if it meant you’d stick around.”
You smiled wide, blushing as you hid your face again in his chest, “Don’t get too sappy on me, Weasley.”
“Me? Sappy? Never.”
“Hmm..” You hummed, unconvinced. “Just want you to know I love you more than anything, and that includes fireworks,” he said earnestly, the corner of his mouth flicking up into a small smile.
“Stop being so cute,” you grumbled.
“No can do, love, I’m the cutest!” He announced, laughing as you pulled him down by his collar. You smiled and shook your head just as your lips grazed his,
“Well I guess I can’t argue with that.”
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woah-were-halfway-there · 5 years ago
Are you able to write a little something about dad Auston again?? It can be short. A day with him and just baby Mia and she’s like 3 weeks old, I know a throwback! He’s just all by himself at home with her cause y/n has so many errands Auston is off that day. He’s just their at home with her and it’s like fluff🥺 maybe he’s a bit nervous at first. When she sleeps that day she always on his chest. Their evening walk she’s strap on him. He really hiding his and Mia disguise well. Please if u can❤️
A/N: wow I really am incapable of writing something small, huh? Anyways, here you are my dear!
Word Count: 4.3k
"Ok, um, there's bottles ready in the fridge for when she gets hungry, you just have to warm them up. Oh, and her blanket is over on the couch, I think. Or is it in the nursery?"
Auston stood leaning against the doorway between the kitchen and living room, holding Mia as she slept, with an amused smirk on his lips as he watched you anxiously pace around the condo. It was your first time leaving Mia since she had been born. She was a little over three weeks old, and there was still a lot of adjusting that you and Auston were getting used to as new parents. 
With Auston's career, he was required to not be at home quite often because of away games. There were a few consecutive days that the two of you were able to stay at home together, just after Mia was born, but soon enough, he did have to leave. It wasn't easy, but it was something you both had to accept. 
You were nervous about your first time home alone with Mia, but with the help of Auston's family and Steph, you quickly adapted to it. But now it was Auston's turn, and it was all his fault too. 
He insisted that you needed a day to yourself. Although he knew you had no issue being with Mia as much as you were, he wanted you to have some time to just do whatever and not have to worry about anything else. So, as a giveback for all that you've done when it came to your daughter when he couldn't be there, he decided to book you a nail appointment that was entirely on him. It was something so simple yet meaningful because he knew how much you loved getting your nails done, but you just hadn't had the time to since Mia was born. It worked too because he made the appointment for a day that he would be in Toronto on a home game stretch, so there was no reason for you to oppose the idea. 
But then it turned into so much more.
Steph heard about Auston's plan for your day out and wanted in on it. So, she made plans for the two of you to go shopping and made reservations for a late lunch together. Again, you weren't opposed to a day out with one of your best friends either, immediately thinking of how much Steph seemingly loved spending time with you and your daughter over the past few weeks, but then you remembered one thing; Mia wouldn't be there. And that made you a little uneasy. 
Although you knew your fiancé was fully capable of taking care of your daughter, he had yet to do it on his own. He was looking forward to seeing what it'd be like. You, however, were an anxious mess. 
You did really well in hiding how stressed the whole ordeal was making you, but Auston knew. He was going to mention it, but he figured you knew that leaving Mia at home with him was bound to happen at some point, and yet, you still worried. 
"Am I forgetting something? Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" You asked as you came to a sudden halt and ran a hand through your hair. 
"Babe," Auston spoke up, hoping to get your attention and tell you there's no reason to stress, but should've known better. 
"I don't think I am," you continued and moved to walk through the condo once again. 
"You know, I could just cancel the appointment and go out with Steph another day, yeah that's fine."
"Y/N!" He finally said, loud enough to make you jump at his sudden outburst and look to him with wide eyes. Mia shifted in his arms, letting out a small noise as she briefly opened her eyes before closing them again and falling back asleep. The two of you watched her like hawks, hoping she wouldn't start fussing, and once you both realized she wasn't going to, you looked at each other again. "You need to stop stressing yourself out. You're only going out for a few hours. I can handle this."
"But Auston," you sighed. "What if she needs me, or something happens or-."
"Do you not trust me with our daughter?" He challenged, not seriously, but knowing that'd bring you back to your senses a little bit.
"Of course I do, you know that. I'm just… worried. Extremely worried."
"You have no reason to be," he replied softly and glanced down at Mia as she snuggled closer to him, a small smile dancing on his lips as she did so. "I must say, we have a pretty chill kid, you know? Doesn't stress much, just likes to eat and sleep."
"Clearly, she gets that from you."
You then sent him a knowing look and chuckling, before looking towards Mia and taking in how content she seemed in her dad's arms. "Do you promise to call me if anything happens?"
"Yes, you know I will," he reasoned with you. "Can even send you the updates if you really want."
"Please! Or else I may lose my mind," you told him as he stepped closer and wrapped an arm around your waist. 
"You got it," he said before leaning down to peck your lips while being mindful of the sleeping infant in his other arm. "Now, you need to go. Your appointment is in 20 minutes."
"Ok, fine," you huffed and moved from his hold to go put on your coat and boots. Once you were done, you looked back to your fiancé and daughter and couldn't help but pout a little bit, but then Auston raised his eyebrows at you as if to ask what you were still doing there. "Don't look at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like I'm overreacting."
"You? Overreact? Never," he teased, while you rolled your eyes.
"Whatever, ok, I'm going," you responded and walked to the door. "I don't think I missed anything. Say bye to Frank for me. I also can't remember where I put Mia's blanket for the life of me."
"It's in our room," Auston told you with a laugh. "I washed it last night, now stop worrying and go have fun."
"Ok, I love you."
"Love you too."
 "Would you stop looking at your phone," Steph tsked and glared at you. She was sitting across from you as you both waited for your food to arrive after a long day of shopping and some much-needed girl time. It was because of her you hadn't called Auston every half an hour to check-in, even though you felt very inclined to do so. "I'm sure Mia is fine, Y/N."
"Oh, I'm sure she is too, but it's her father that is stressing me out," you replied and turned your phone around and started tapping so that she could see what was on the screen as well. Wondering what could possibly be going on, Steph gave you a look before glancing at the device and watching, soon having to stifle her laughter before it got too loud.
You had Instagram open, and one of the first things you noticed was that Auston posted on his story. Naturally, you were curious and wasted no time tapping on his little profile picture to see what it was. 
The first picture was of Mia asleep on your fiancè's chest as he very clearly was lying on the couch. Frank was in it too, curled up by Auston's feet and the words' dad duty' were typed out in small blue font near the top left corner, making you melt a little bit at just how sweet it was. With the way Mia's face couldn't really be seen, you could tell she was snuggling up against her dad like she always did, and Auston being, well, Auston, had gone out of his way to not show her too much either. He was very private and protective in general, but once your daughter was born, it got escalated. He was even more careful about the things he posted, especially when they came to her. 
In fact, it wasn't until the next parts of his story that you realized this was the first Mia related thing he's shared on social media other than a picture he posted of him holding her in the hospital just hours after she was born. 
The next slide was a video of Mia stirring awake and stretching all while Auston's left hand was placed on her back protectively before cutting just as she was about to look towards the camera. It was ridiculously cute, but then you noticed how the following video had the green bar at the top of the screen, indicating it was shared for his 'close friends.' It was not as wholesome as what was posted before.     
Instead of another cute snap of Auston and Mia having some sweet dad and daughter time, the video was of Auston standing in front of the full-length mirror that was hung on the wall near the condo's front door while holding your daughter. Mia was still leaning against his chest, but this time wide awake with her mouth open, curious about what was going on as she looked up at her dad while he chuckled and zoomed in on the reflection until a filter made both of their faces look all wonky. 
That went on for three more slides, and you couldn't help but feel bad for Mia as she had to put up with Auston's antics. 
"Please, at least he looks like he's having fun," Steph insisted as the story disappeared, and you brought your phone close again. "Mia seems pretty content too."
"He's turning my daughter into a meme, Steph."
"Like you're any better! Weren't you the one that was curious about how well trying to get Mia to ride on Frank's back when she's older would go over?"
"It was a joke!" You exclaimed and looked at her with wide eyes. "Now, please don't repeat that. Auston doesn't need any more ideas."
Steph just laughed again.
"You can't tell me you haven't thought about putting a Snapchat or Instagram filter on her."
"Whatever," you grumbled before looking away and smiling at the waitress as she set your food down. "Leave it to you to call me out on stuff like that even when I'm not the one doing it."
"Oh, you know I'm teasing," she replied with a smile and shook her head. 
"I know, I'm just giving you a hard time."
"Yeah, yeah, that, and you just really miss them, don't you?" Steph asked, watching as you nodded.
"I do," you told her honestly. "I haven't been away from Mia at all since she was born, right, and I don't know. I feel like I've become as reliant on her as she has on me and it's not that I'm worried something bad is going to happen when she's with Auston, he is so, so great with her, I'm just worried she's going to need me and I won't be there. I'd feel like a terrible mother. But I guess me leaving her alone with her dad was bound to happen at some point, right?"
"Yes, it was, but Y/N quit being so hard on yourself," your best friend said firmly. "You are an amazing mother, and no one thinks otherwise. You're also still very new to this whole parenting thing, so is Auston, but even with how hard I can imagine it must be with him not being there all the time, I still think the two of you are doing a damn good job. Mia is lucky to have such great parents, oh, and Frank too. Can't forget about your firstborn."
"Never," you laughed, before smiling at her thankfully. "Man, you really know how to not let me get stuck in my thoughts and sass me when I need it."
"You do the same for me, hun," Steph smiled back. "It's what friends are for."
"Very true, but do know that I appreciate it. Auston and I wouldn't be able to do as well as we are if we didn't have our friends like you and Mitch, or our families keeping us sane. So, thank you." 
"Stop, I haven't been on the brink of tears like this since I first met Mia," she whined, but you knew she meant it lovingly. "Now I'm feeling all mushy."
"You and me both," you told her then glanced down at your food. "Steph, would you be mad if I headed home after this? I really do miss my family, and I know it hasn't been that long but-."
"You don't need to justify yourself, babe, of course, I'm not going to be mad."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," she stated. "Mitch is going to bring Zeus down here when he comes to pick me up, and we're going to take him for a walk, it's been a while since he's roamed downtown streets. Would you mind if we stopped by to visit Mia for a little bit before going home too?"
"I wouldn't mind at all."
Back at the condo, Auston was having an interesting time. 
He would've been lying if he said he wasn't a little bit nervous about being left alone with his daughter for the first time, and the moment you walked out the door, that feeling escalated. But, he refused to let you know that he was stressed because he didn't want to ruin your day. So, he sucked it up and mentally prepared himself for what was to come. 
The first hour or so was easy enough. Mia was fast asleep lying on Auston's chest as he was stretched across the couch, thinking of how he had everything under control and nothing to worry about. He even, after a lot of consideration, decided to post a picture of his sleeping baby on Instagram, followed by another video just as she was waking up. 
But what wasn't shown in that video, was the panic he felt. 
It wasn't the first time he had dealt with a fussy Mia just after she woke up, and surely wouldn't be the last, but he couldn't keep himself from thinking of how sometimes she would simply just want her mom. 
At just a month old, you were convinced Mia was a true daddy's girl with how cuddly and content she became whenever Auston held her, but there were still times that even he wasn't enough for her to relax after getting worked up. It was clear that Mia found comfort in both of her parents, but there was the odd time she would need you to cuddle or hum her back to sleep regardless of how hard Auston tried. He was afraid then was going to be one of those times. 
Although Mia loved being around Auston, which he knew, he couldn't get over how easily you were able to soothe her. It was like you had a magic touch or something, and he didn't know how well Mia would take to you not being there once she woke up. 
However, it ended up not being as bad as he was expecting.  
Once Mia woke up, she was rather fussy, and Auston could feel himself gradually getting more anxious because of it. She didn't want her bottle, didn't need a diaper change; nothing seemed to be going right. In a spur of the moment, with not being sure what else to do, he lifted her up from where she was laying and held her close. He supported her head as she leaned against his shoulder and started swaying them back and forth, whispering soothing words of how much he loved her and how everything was going to be ok. 
She eventually stopped wailing but was still crying, and Auston felt terrible. Even Frank stayed nearby, keeping close tabs on what was going on, but still, nothing worked. Auston was on the verge of calling you, or even his mother, by that point, even though he didn't want to, but then he remembered something. Music. 
He remembered you telling him on multiple Facetime calls while he was away playing hockey how if Mia woke up unhappy and just wouldn't stop crying, you would sing to her or just put on music, and she would eventually calm down. Auston had seen it for himself a few times, too and cursed himself for not thinking of it earlier. 
Without a second thought, he grabbed a remote off the coffee table and turned on the stereo. Edwin McCain's I'll Be started softly playing from the speakers, and Mia almost instantly reacted. Her cries turned into sniffles and eventually faded into complete silence as Auston rubbed soft circles on her back and hummed along to the tune. She became so quiet that by the end of the song, Auston was positive she had fallen back asleep, but when he looked down at her, she looked up to him with wide eyes and let out a happy squeal. 
It took a lot in Auston to not melt right then and there over how much he loved his daughter. He was so glad she was content with him and decided to keep the music on as he continued swaying and singing while Champagne Supernova by Oasis began playing next. It was a dramatic performance, that's for sure, but Mia seemingly loved it for she didn't get upset again and just stared up at her dad in awe for the entire seven and a half minutes of the song. 
After that, Auston kept the stereo on as he continued holding Mia and moved into the kitchen so he could grab something to eat. Once he was done, he went back to the living room and set Mia on her blanket next to Frank while trying to figure out what to do next. He was about to put on Netflix when his phone sounded with a new notification from Snapchat. It ended up being a video from his sister Breyana zooming in on his older sister Alex as she sat across the room. Once Alex looked directly at the camera, a filter that made her eyes and mouth become huge became visible, and then the video ended with a high pitched version of Bre's laugh sounding from behind the phone. 
Shaking his head and chuckling at the two, Auston then opened the camera part of his Snapchat to send back a video of himself with the same filter. Once he started recording, he was about to say something but then decided against it as he swapped the camera to show Mia laying on her blanket, but now with the filter on her face as Auston continued zooming in. Without even watching the video, he saved it and sent it back to Bre before sitting on the floor next to Mia and showing her one of her stuffed animals. 
A few minutes later, he got a text.
Please tell me you kept that video, I can't stop laughing.
Surely it wasn't that funny, Auston thought, but when he unlocked his phone again and actually watched the video, he too couldn't stop laughing and decided to take more videos and pictures just like it. He was quick to discover which filters he liked best and some of the clips were just too good that he couldn't not share it with anyone else, so he posted them to his close friends Instagram story for others to enjoy as well. 
Auston was well aware that you would see the things he posted too, and couldn't help but laugh as he imagined what you'd say about them once you were home.
Mia eventually grew hungry, so Auston gave her some of her bottle before they mindlessly wandered back to the living room and attempted to kill time.
After another hour of him just laying on the ground next to his daughter, making random noises and expressions went by, Auston eventually grew bored and decided that he, Mia and Frank deserved some fresh air and wanted to go for a walk. He still hadn't heard from you, so he assumed that Steph somehow managed to get you to keep your cool while you were out and figured you'd still be gone for a little while longer. He didn't bother texting you to let you know they were going out, just got himself and Mia all bundled up to face Toronto's cold, February air and went on his way. 
The nice thing about winter in Toronto was that a lot of clothing was needed. If you weren't bundled up, you'd feel like you were freezing, and it always gave Auston an excuse to look unrecognizable as he roamed the streets. It was great.
This time was no exception, either. Auston put on his winter coat, boots, hat, and a scarf covering most of his face before looking down at Mia, who was almost unrecognizable. She was snuggled in her stroller, wearing a very warm and fuzzy onesie, and covered with multiple blankets because Auston would never forgive himself if she got cold. 
It was obvious she was content, though, because, after only about five minutes of being outside, she was starting to fall asleep again. 
The sun was beginning to set as a soft coat of snow fell from the sky. Although it was cold, it was nice, and Auston was glad he decided to leave the condo rather than staying cooped up in it for the entire day. Frank seemed thankful too as he tried to bite at the falling snowflakes as the three of them walked down the street. 
They soon came to one of the nearby off-leash dog parks, and Auston decided to let Frank roam around in the fenced area for a little bit. Once he let the Goldendoodle off his leash, Auston looked down to see Mia wide awake again and looking up at him. She wasn't fussing again, which Auston was thankful for, but she was moving lots and making noises, so he took that as her wanting to be held.
By the way, she cuddled up against him, it was apparent that's exactly what she wanted, and he couldn't help but smile because of it. He held her close as he glanced around to locate Frank, who was on the other side of the park playing with a chocolate lab, before reaching down to grab Mia's blanket so that he could bundle her up again. 
The next time Auston looked for Frank, he noticed a woman crouched down petting the pup. Her back was to him as she rubbed the back of Frank's ears and the chocolate lab from moments prior, walked around nearby; making sure to rub against the woman for some attention as well. He stepped closer to them, ready to call Frank back over so he wouldn't be a nuisance, but then the lab bolted towards him excitedly. 
"Woah, hey buddy," Auston said as he leaned down to pet the dog, being mindful of Mia in the process and then noticing the dog's name tag. "Zeus?"
By the way, the dog responded to his name, Auston immediately assumed this was the Zeus he thought it was and started looking around from Mitch. But then, someone spoke up from behind him.
"You know, if it wasn't for Mia's blanket, I don't think I would have recognized you," the voice said, making Auston turn around only to become face to face with you. "Well, Frank was a dead giveaway too, but you're really feeling the whole incognito thing today, huh?"
"Hey," was all he said as a smile grew across his lips. "What are you doing here? How was your day?"
"It was good," you told him. "Mitch picked Steph and me up with Zeus and were all going to come back to the condo, but decided to stop here first to let Zeusy run around a bit. I can honestly say I wasn't expecting Frank to run up to me out of nowhere."
"I'm not even surprised that he did to be honest.."
At that, you smiled.
"Me neither," you chuckled, as Auston wrapped his free arm around your waist and pulled you into his embrace. You accepted the gesture and melted into his touch a little bit before looking down at Mia. "How was today?"
"A lot smoother than I was expecting," he replied honestly. "Got a little worried at one point, but we managed."
"Good. I'm sad I wasn't needed, but I am also really glad things were ok."
"You're always needed and wanted, babe, you have no reason to think otherwise."
"I know," you responded and leaned against his shoulder as you looked down at your daughter asleep in her father's arms. "We're doing alright at this whole parenting thing, aren't we?"
"I'd say so," he said before pecking the top of your head. "It's a challenge, that's for sure, but I'm glad to be experiencing it with you."
If you weren't already feeling mushy from your talk with Steph earlier, you definitely were then. You really did love doing life with Auston and were about to remind him of that, but then a voice spoke up from nearby. 
"Is that my favourite Matthews?" Mitch asked as he and Step approached, Steph rolling her eyes at the comment. "Lemme see her."
"She's sleeping right now, but once we get back at the condo, she's all yours," you told him, knowing how much both he and Steph adored your daughter. 
"If you're careful," Steph stressed. "We don't need you almost dropping her again."
"That was one time!" Mitch argued, making you all laugh. 
"You're lucky you redeemed yourself," Auston teased before looking back at you. "What do you say we get Frank and Zeus and head back?"
"Sounds good to me," you replied, feeling all warm on the inside as you went on to spend the rest of the night with your little family and best friends.
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vanne-whump · 3 years ago
whumptober day three
no. 3 - sticks and stones may break my bones but…
taunting | insults | “who did this to you?”
OCs: Kay Edwards, London Friar
Content: Injury Description, Past Trauma, Police Mention, Death Mention
He dried himself roughly, the towel rubbing his skin red. He dressed quickly in clothes borrowed from London, simply glad to be out of his blood-soaked garments.
Soaked with his blood. It had to be. At least it didn’t seem to be recent. Kay’s skin was void of open wounds, for what seemed like the first time in months.
Bruises, though — they dotted his skin like spilled watercolours. Over his side. Splotched under his right eye. Deeply-coloured — unforgiving.
Even after a shower, he looked a state. The short sleeves of the t-shirt bringing the uneven lettering on his arm into full view. The writing, with all of its uneven edges and wonky letters.
Even with the harsh visibility, nothing would convince Kay to change back into his own clothes.
Kay was silent, heading down the stairs and sitting on London’s couch. Finally showered, hair dripping cold water onto the borrowed shirt.
He could hear London in the kitchen. Doing — something. Kay wasn’t sure what. And he daren’t be ungrateful and ask.
Minutes later, London reappeared in the doorway. After Kay had spent almost an hour in the shower, he hadn’t expected for London to do this for him.
Even if it was just grilled cheese.
“Thank you — I needed that,” Kay smiled faintly, “A lot. I — uh — wasn’t sure where to put these,” he held up the dirty clothes, wrapped in the bath towel.
“The clothes? I don’t think you can salvage them.”
“Probably not…”
“You can put those in the trash, and the towel can go into the washer under the stairs.”
Kay nodded quickly, getting to his feet and slipping past London into the kitchen. He returned, moments later, empty handed and with his arms crossed loosely over his stomach
“You probably need something to eat — and to talk. Otherwise I’m not going to be able to be much help,” London said, with a soft bluntness, as he handed Kay the plate of grilled cheese.
“Talk? I — I’ve told you everything I know,” Kay evaded the question tactlessly.
“You said you were engaged — had a fiancée. What was her name?” London started, clinging to the one thing he already knew about Kay. It was a start.
“He — uh — he was called Halden.” Kay responded with his mouth full. “… Sorry.”
“So, Halden? Tell me about him?”
“I mean, he was great. We’d been dating a while and things were going well — last time I saw him was... uh... right before...” Kay trailed off vaguely.
“Where were you?”
“We were at a concert — Anarbor I think?”
“Yeah, I’ve heard of them,” London nodded. Common ground. This is what they needed.
“We had plans to go away together. We had a deposit on a place in Salem,” Kay offered London a faint smile. “It would’ve been nice.”
“You were running away with him?” London’s brow furrowed. “Was that a good idea?”
“Obviously not!” Kay snapped. “Because something went wrong,” he smiled bitterly and shook his head. “Because I’m here, not —.”
He dragged his left hand through still-wet, still-tangled hair and let it fall limply at his side.
“Are we done? I — I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. Sore topic, I get it,” London smiled faintly. And then he spotted the burns pressed unevenly into Kay’s arm. His understanding was stopped in its tracks.
And he wanted to continue the conversation — pretend he hadn’t seen the block letters. Pretend he wasn’t concerned. Pretending wasn’t something London did well.
“Kay? What the hell aren’t you telling me?” He snapped out his words before he had even a chance of restraint. “Who did that to you?”
“What? I — oh...” Kay trailed off once more. “It doesn’t matter. I — I’m not hiding anything. He — he let me go.”
“He? Who?”
“It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. I — I’m not dragging you into this too! It’s over. I’m sure it’s over.”
“Irrelevant,” London responded, reaching forward and picking up his cell from the table. “You need to start talking. Right now.”
“Halden — he got involved in some sketchy deals. But that’s it. I swear, I never did anything.”
“The guy that did this, who is he?”
“I don’t know! He — he only ever gave his first name!”
“What is it?”
“You have to promise that you’re not going to do anything.”
“What am I going to do with a first name?”
“Then why do you want it?”
London hissed out a sharp breath. “Just give me a name, Kay,” he sighed, “What’s his name?”
“Thank you. He did that?”
Kay nodded.
“He was just... like that,” Kay responded. “I don’t know why. He just — had something to prove, I guess.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kay nodded at the apology, though struggled to work out why. What was London apologising for?
“It wasn’t your fault,” Kay fumbled. “I think... I just — He wanted to get at Halden and I was an easy target. But he never made sense.”
“How do you mean?”
“Sometimes he wanted me to tell him where Halden was, and sometimes he wanted money. Sometimes he said that it was nothing to do with Halden. That it was my fault, or to do with my family. Or — I don’t know. It was different every time we talked.”
“Do you know anything else about him? Anything at all?”
Kay shook his head.
“Kay, please don’t lie to me.”
“He was a cop — but that’s it! That’s all I know.”
“You’re sure?”
Kay gritted his teeth and nodded. No more questions, please. He dared to hope that London was done asking. Done prying and pulling apart all of Kay’s secrets.
His hands shook as he put the empty plate down on the coffee table. Tears bit at his eyes as he waited for London’s next barrage of questions. They didn’t come. Just one singular question Kay didn’t have a coherent answer for.
“Why didn’t you go to the poli—”
London cut himself off as he answered his own question. Of course Kay didn’t want that.
“You still deserve justice.”
“I don’t want it. I just — maybe a couple of weeks to track down Halden, you know? Get on with my life. I don’t want to let Isaac win.”
“If — if I don’t — I — If he knows, he wins.”
“I don’t know what you’re saying.”
Kay just shook his head.
“No, Kay, I want to understand. What do you mean? Sit down and explain what you’re thinking.”
Kay slowly sat down on the couch, silent as London sat beside him. Silent until London prompted him again.
“So? Tell me, why will he win?”
“He’ll know he got to me. He — he’ll know he hurt me and — and that means — it — it means he got what he wanted,” Kay’s voice caught in his throat. “I — he can’t win like that. I — He took months from me and — and I can’t let him win too.”
“Okay, thank you for telling me. I mean that, thank you. Do you want to stay here tonight? I only have the couch but —”
“You’re sure?” Kay fumbled, interrupting London. “If you’re sure — I — I’d be really grateful,” he wiped tears from his cheeks. “If you’re absolutely sure.”
“I am. I’m completely sure. It’s the least I can do.”
“Thank you — for this, and the shower, and food — I don’t know what I would have done if — if you hadn’t...”
“Don’t worry about it — really. I’ve got the house to myself for a while. Vilde is away at the convention, and Ferris is tied up with classes for several weeks.”
“Vilde? Your girlfriend, I met her at the airport,” Kay nodded. “And Ferris? He’s your roommate?”
“Boyfriend. But he’s studying in North Carolina at the moment so we don’t see each other all that often.”
“You’re... with both of them?”
“Yeah, they know about each other. Vilde has a fiancé in Norway and he knows about me. It’s — It’s not underhanded.”
“No — I didn’t mean that, I just — didn’t know,” Kay shook his head. “That sounds kind of nice...”
“It is. You know, no pressure for them to fill each other’s every need. It’s unrealistic most of the time.”
“Most of the time,” Kay agreed softly.
London could tell their conversation had hit a dead end — Kay was beginning to look like he was struggling to stay awake. Eyelids flickering closed, suppressing yawns and he just — just looked exhausted.
“Do you want to get some sleep? It might make you feel a bit better,” London offered. “You look exhausted.”
“Yeah, sleeping sounds... Nice.”
London gathered up their plates, slipping through into the kitchen. Leaving Kay alone. He took his time washing up, doing his best to process the information thrown at him. It felt impossible to make sense of all this. A lot of what Kay said made very little sense — all of his inconsistencies were difficult to ignore.
When London returned to the living room, Kay was already asleep. It was unsurprising. London grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and laid it over Kay. His attention was caught by track marks scattered up the kid’s arms.
It wasn’t something that would warrant waking Kay. Instead of making a big deal out of it, he just gave him the blanket and headed upstairs with his laptop. He left a very brief note on the coffee table, reading: 'Didn't want to wake you, I’m just upstairs. Let me know if you need anything.’
Once upstairs, London pushed aside a pile of textbooks and loose papers, before slumping down in the chair. He woke his computer, pulling up a blank internet browser. His fingers hovered over the keyboard until he typed in his first search term: ‘Kay Missing Persons’. It brought up pages and pages of information — information London didn’t have the patience to sift through.
London tried various combinations of words, an article finally came up in his search results. One that looked relevant, at least. It fit the timing, at least. The attached image sealed the deal. London stared at it, just to be sure. But it was Kay.
He looked younger — brighter — in the photo, but it was him. He was with someone else, too. The image was captioned with Halden’s name also.
London skimmed through the article, throat tightening as he read more — more about where Kay disappeared from, what people had seen, how he’d left with someone. A public video — as close to a hostage tape as you could get.
Morbid curiosity — London pressed play. It was only a clip, not even a minute long. But he couldn’t make it to the end. He closed the video and scrolled past, unnerved by the proof of Kay’s story.
When — before, there was doubt. Doubt that anything had happened. That Kay was telling the entire truth — or even that Kay remembered it correctly. But the video proved everything. The beginning of the next paragraph only worsened the deal.
“The body found was identified via dental records and DNA. The funeral will be a private event for close family only. The details have remained private.”
London read the last paragraph over and over. It didn't make sense. Whoever Kay had gotten tangled up with, they had pull. They were more dangerous than Kay had made them out to be. Or more dangerous than Kay realised.
Did Kay know about this? That, legally, he had died months prior? London wasn't about to be the one to break the news to him.
With Kay’s full name — Aeon Kaine Edwards — London pulled up a new search window. It took only moments to find a private Instagram account and public — very public — Facebook account. Seemingly endless photos of Kay and his fiancé. At events; promotions for a pharmaceutical company. And he looked happy.
Anything recent were posts from friends and family. Wishing him well. Rest in peace. Condolences to his family. The posts made for a chilling read.
He’d gotten sucked up into this. Too sucked up. All he’d wanted to do was verify that Kay was who he said he was. That seemed fair, right? That in itself hadn't been a problem, but one glance at the time told London that he was bordering on obsessive territory. He’d been trawling through articles and social media for hours.
He hadn't heard anything from Kay, so he guessed that he was still asleep. It wasn't like he didn't need it. London decided that he better get some sleep too. Tomorrow would be… difficult. How was he supposed to tell Kay any of this?
Anyone who had been in his life before would have moved on.
@whumptober2021 @whumptober-archive
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cinebration · 5 years ago
Choose Where (Victor Zsasz x Reader) [Part 9]
Almost to the finish line!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Tagged: @im-just-one-of-the-avengers​, @strangeaddiction1306​, @vaaalexandra​, @marvelenthusiast10​, @obiorbenkenobi​
Warnings: Violence, blood, language
Tumblr media
Gif Source: rafikecoyote
Zsasz swept into the office, full of determined and relieved energy you felt palpably. “I’m getting the diamond.”
You were less pleased with the statement than you expected, though you were grateful Zsasz was more at ease.
“Harley Quinn called,” he added. “She’s got it.”
“I thought she had it in the first place?”
“She’s giving it up now.”
Unease slithered down your spine, sudden and cold. Swallowing thickly, you frowned.
To your surprise, Zsasz read the expression. His excitement waned. “What?”
You shook your head. “It’s nothing.”
He placed his hand on your shoulder, ducking his head to make eye contact with you. “Tell me.”
Sighing, you said, “I just have a bad feeling about this.”
He smiled. “It’ll be fine. Harley will hand it over, if she knows what’s good for her.”
You nodded, though you weren’t convinced. Zsasz squeezed your shoulder reassuringly and brushed a finger beneath your chin, forcing you to look at him again.
“I’ve gotta go,” he said. Sadistic glee gleamed in his dark eyes in anticipation of confronting Harley.
“Eyes on the back of your head,” you told him as he left.
He grinned.
Your guts twisted as the door shut behind him. Crawling in your own skin, you left the office and headed for the ladies’ room downstairs, hoping a quick splash of water would dispel the anxiety.
The bathroom door flung open, nearly smacking you in the face. Your hands slapped against the wood.
Dinah jumped, peered around the corner. “Shit. Sorry.”
She fidgeted as you told her not to worry. She nodded absentmindedly, glancing over her shoulder to look down the hall, one hand jammed deep in her jacket pocket.
You had only met Dinah a few times, mostly in the restroom. You both shared a hatred for Roman but suffered the unavoidable task of relying on his whims to survive. You had spoken with her enough to know something was wrong.
“Everything okay?” you asked.
She nodded curtly. “Have you seen Zsasz? We’re supposed to get something for Roman.”
“I’m guessing he went to get the car.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
You watched her hurry away. Foreboding pressed down on you, bowing your shoulders.
You made a decision.
Roman kept the cars out back. As Dinah climbed into the front seat of one, Zsasz in the passenger, you snuck behind one of the others and pulled the door open. Though Roman kept the cars unlocked, he kept the keys elsewhere.
Not a problem. Yanking out the wires beneath the steering wheel, you managed to get the engine started after a few tries. You were out of practice.
You nosed the car out and trailed after Zsasz and Dinah.
You should have known the swap would be at Amusement Mile. The only other place would’ve been ACE Chemicals, but given how she’d blown that up…
Clicking off the headlights, you ghosted to a stop a few car-lengths behind Zsasz and Dinah’s car and killed the engine.
The gaping maw of the Booby Trap’s facade made your stomach churn, the sightless eyes of the screaming woman staring into it.
Zsasz and Dinah disappeared through the mouth of the building.
Someone flew out the window.
You straightened, jolted by the sight. The body landed somewhere among the attraction’s thick hair.
The minutes ticked by as your heart thundered in your chest. You shifted in your seat, struggling to see through the thickening fog rolling in.
You’re just being paranoid, you told yourself. It wasn’t Zsasz. If anything, it was Harley.
A low rumble crept up behind you. Ducking in your seat, you watched as a helmeted person eased past on a black motorcycle. They dismounted and disappeared into the attraction.
Panic snaked beneath your skin. Struggling to keep it at bay, you fought the urge to leap out of the car and charge into the place. Or stand outside and scream a warning. You forced yourself to remain in your seat.
Ice shot down your spine, breath hitching in your chest.
You glanced up at the window of the attraction in time to see the body from earlier crawl back through it.
“Shit,” you hissed.
What to do? What to do?
You searched the glove compartment for anything you could use.
A deep roar built behind you. Ducking down again, you cursed as a cavalcade of vehicles drove past, lining up before the Booby Trap. Men in masks piled out in droves, surrounding a sleek vehicle ahead of them.
Roman stepped out of the car, his black mask in place.
Your heart fell into the pit of your stomach.
Everything happened fast. The men streamed in; a handful of women came out. Harley appeared distinctly, powder white in the darkness.
Roman and his men dragged a girl into his car, sped off.
Dinah screamed.
The windows shattered, raining gummy glass onto you. Your hands clapped over your ears as Dinah’s screech continued.
Harley zoomed past.
Dinah collapsed.
One of the other women jumped onto the motorcycle.
You found yourself standing outside the car, your ears ringing. There was a woman leaning over Dinah. She didn’t notice you slink around the back of the attraction.
The funhouse design of the place grew more and more disturbing as you stepped over body after body. You ascended the wonky stairs to the room upstairs, your throat tightening. You opened the door.
A body lay facedown against an overturned sofa.
Dread drenched you in cold sweat. You slowly approached the body.
Bleached-blonde hair peeked out from underneath the body’s jacket. Just above the collar, a crossbow bolt stuck out of the body’s neck.
Undefinable emotions crashed over you. You found yourself on your knees beside Zsasz, staring down into his scarred face. His eyes were closed. You reached out, brushed the scars on his forehead.
Zsasz jolted, eyes flying open. You jumped, smothering a shriek.
Zsasz flailed, panicking as he felt for the bolt.
“It’s me,” you said, trying to keep him from pulling on the bolt.
His eyes rolled up. The moment he met your gaze, he stopped flailing. Panic in his eyes, he gripped your hand in a bruising grip.
“We’re gonna get you help,” you said, trying to keep the anxiety out of your voice. “Can you stand?”
Placing one hand flat on the floor, he pushed himself to his knees. You breathed a sigh of relief: no paralysis. Draping his arm over your shoulders, you maneuvered him to the door and down the stairs.
The woman and Dinah were gone.
You drove recklessly down the empty streets. Zsasz gripped your hand for dear life, his gaze on your face as he wheezed. Tremors wracked your body as the panic wreaked havoc on your nerves.
“Hold on,” you kept saying. “Don’t you fucking die.”
Screeching to a stop in front of Gotham General Hospital, you leapt out of the car, screaming bloody murder as you dragged Zsasz out of the passenger seat. Nurses took him out of your hands, wheeling him out of sight.
A third stopped you from following after them, paused as she looked at your face. “What happened to your ears?”
“What?” Touching your right ear, you discovered blood on your fingertips.
“Let’s get you fixed up.”
As the adrenaline subsided and the urge to scream out your agitation diminished, you felt yourself going numb.
The hours slogged by.
A nurse approached you two hours after sunrise. “Ma’am?”
You looked up, eyes grainy, a headache pounding at your temples from trying not to cry.
“He’s been out of surgery for a while. He should be waking up soon.”
Leaping to your feet, you raced to his room.
He looked helpless lying on the hospital bed. Thick gauze held packing in place on his neck. Your throat seized up.
Standing beside him, you laced your fingers through his.
He stirred, eyes fluttering open. They settled on you, hazy from the meds. He squeezed your hand.
Tears welled up in your eyes. Surprised, you wiped them away, wondering when you had cared enough about Zsasz to feel such overwhelming relief that he was alive.
He opened his mouth to speak.
“Conserve your strength,” you choked out. You knew he would be asking after Roman, about whom you had no news.
Instead, he reached up and placed his hand flat on your collarbone scar.
You stayed like that, holding up his arm when he couldn’t do it himself anymore.
Author’s Note: After some research, I discovered that crossbow bolts for the kind of pistol crossbow Huntress uses are roughly 6.5 inches (16.51 cm) in length. In the gif, it looks like 4–5 inches (10.16–12.7 cm) are sticking out of his neck, meaning only 2.5 inches max (6.35 cm) penetrated. The bolt also hit low in his neck, closer to his trap muscle. So, for the purpose of his fic, he had a good chance of survival.
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catquarry · 5 years ago
Wavedwhelk’s FMA Fic Masterlist
This is what I’ve compiled in the last 9 years. A few of the fics are deleted but reuploaded by me (or others) so the reading format might be a little wonky
Also none of these feature ships (if they do it’s really mild edwin or royai)
PDF version of this list can be found here
Fic Status Key
Active - Updates reliably (Once every 1-3 months or more)
Dormant - Fic updates, but sporadically (Once every 4-12 months) with occasional updates from the author on other websites
MIA - Fic hasn’t been updated in more than 12 months and there’s no updates from the author
Dead - The fic hasn’t been updated in 2 or more years and the author seems to have moved on
Complete - The fic is complete
Harry Potter/Fullmetal Alchemist Crossovers
Circulus by Phenobarbital
Official Summary: 
They're still not sure exactly how they ended up on the magic side of a place called London, but Edward and Roy are not new to dealing with the unexpected.
Needing to find a way back to Amestris, back to their own time, together they figure out how magic energy works, and how it can work for them specifically and in the end, the decision to go to Hogwarts is a mutual one. Edward will have to go to high school and Roy will have to get used to using a wand.
Neither of them are prepared for what they find at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.
There are secrets, liars, murderers and too many people with very dangerous agendas, no one seems trustworthy, so naturally they should stick together...
...but then Ed starts lying to Roy.
My Thoughts:
THIS IS HONESTLY MY FAVORITE FIC. I don’t want to spoil anything but everyone is written SO well and the plot goes far beyond the standard “FMA characters stuck in the HP world”. Ed’s also kind of evil (partly an act and partly for real in his own Ed way) and that ups the suspense significantly. Basically if you’re not going to read anything else on this list PLEASE read this one
Fic Status: Dormant
Warnings: Tags mention pairings that will be revealed in the future, but for now nothing’s definitive 
The Colours of the World by MiaKusakabe
Official Summary: 
When Roy Mustang went to retrieve his eyesight from Truth, he wasn’t expecting to end up doing a job in exchange. It couldn’t even be an easy job, of course, because Edward’s assessment of Truth was a pretty accurate one.
My Thoughts: 
THIS IS MY FAVORITE ROY OUT OF ANY FMA FIC. GOD he is written so well here. Unlike most of the other fics here, Roy willingly chooses to go into the HP world, and because of that there’s less stress on Roy trying to get home and more on him living in the world and working around it. Overall a really incredible fic and I highly highly suggest reading it
Fic Status: Dormant - Occasional updates on the authors patreon
Harry Potter and the Eastern Sage by LiteratureWork
Official Summary: 
Nicholas Flamel was famous for creating the philosopher's stone, but like Lockhart's smile it was all a lie. Flamel stole a part of the stone and it took Edward 642 years to get it back along with the souls inside of it, one which was his brother. But after traveling to Hogwarts to retrieve it, Dumbledore has other plans for the ancient hero.
My Thoughts: 
A REALLY interesting take on a HP/FMA crossover. It’s a half-AU where Ed turns into a Philosopher’s Stone at the end of FMA:B (with everyone from Amestris in the stone) and him being flung into the Harry Potter world. The author put a lot of time into worldbuilding and carefully weaving Ed into the HP universe so it seems completely normal that he’s lived in that world for 1,000 years
Fic Status: Dormant
Cerulean Silver vs Amber Gold by hikaranko
Official Summary: 
Edward Elric has been put on his stupidest assignment yet: babysitting. Everyone else calls it undercover work. To Ed, it's babysitting. But there's more to this assignment than what's on file…
My Thoughts: 
A lighter and more fun HP/FMA crossover that centers around Ed and Draco’s interactions. Draco hates Ed and Ed hates his job basically. Not super plot heavy, but the character interactions makes up for it
Fic status: Dormant - Being rewritten on AO3
About a Boy by EstaJay
Official Summary: 
Portkeyed away on the night of his parents' murder, Harry Potter grows up as Roy Mustang. Magic is nothing more than another one of his aunt's stories but after the Promised Day, his past catches up to him. With the Elrics suddenly in London and his dormant magic finally and violently revealing itself, it's a cross continent journey to get the brothers back. If only wizard transportation didn't involve so many explosions…
My Thoughts: 
Was really unsure about this fic initially - the premise just seems too farfetched to enjoy, but after the first chapter you realize the author put in a lot of time to make sure Roy/Harry and the rest of the cast stayed in character. I think it’s a really cool twist on the standard HP/FMA crossover formula and definitely worth a read
Fic Status: Dormant
Penance by Laora
Official Summary: 
The Gate was opening; the black arms stretched toward him and Pride. Ed knew he had no say in the matter. He would be pulled to this parallel dimension, alternate universe—whatever it was—and Amestris would be left to die. Truth merely grinned.
My Thoughts: 
It’s been a couple years since I read this, but I remember I really liked the twist that Pride was stuck in the HP universe along with Ed and Al
Fic Status: Complete
Playing God by The Flamel Cult
Official Summary:
 I thought the dull aching was something other than my demise. As it turned out, I was sorely mistaken. Perhaps I should listen to Alphonse more; maybe then there wouldn't be another bloody tragedy that would, inevitably, end it all. For good.
My Thoughts: 
There’s a twist in this fic that I LOVE, and while I refuse to spoil it I suggest reading just to find out what it is. It rocked my world the first time I read and I’m pretty sure I cried for like 3 days
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: I haven’t read this since 2013/2014, so just be warned if you decide to check it out
Other Crossovers
More Than Just a Murder by AkitaFallow
CSI/Fullmetal Alchemist Crossover
Official Summary: 
As bodies pile up and evidence remains scarce, the CSI team has to fight against increasingly strange circumstances and an even stranger suspect in order to solve what is likely the most complicated case they have ever encountered.
My Thoughts:
 I know this seems like a weird premise but hear me out: this fic will Change Your Life. It’s so incredibly well written and the character development is phenomenal. If you don’t like CSI (I personally didn’t when I started reading) you can easily substitute random forensic scientists in and it works just as well. The real sell to this fic is watching Ed stumble through 2009 Las Vegas lmao
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: This fic follows FMA 2003 ONLY, so if you haven’t seen that yet I highly suggest waiting to read.
AU’s (Alternate Universes)
Disorient by Esama
Official Summary:
 Who was he, what had happened to him, why did he have automail - and how was he there, in the past? 
My Thoughts: 
One of the best time travel fics I’ve ever read from any fandom. There’s so much time put in to fleshing out Ed’s new character (Nicholas) as well as his relationship with the younger version of Al and himself. Less plot heavy and focuses more on the day to day life of Resembool with Nicholas there
Type of AU: Time Travel + Amnesia
Fic Status: Dead
Warnings: This was a fic that got deleted in 2012 that I managed to grab before it was gone. If this list goes outside of my own circle and the original author wants me to remove this I will gladly do so (just message me @wavedwhelk on twitter or tumblr). 
A Boy Named Ed by BelloftheSea
Official Summary: 
Ed knew he was different. It wasn't just that he was smarter than the other kids or even that he had automail. No, it had more to do with the way people would occasionally look at him, like they were expecting somebody else. It was the way his mechanic cried the day she met him. It was the way his dad would sometimes slip – and call him Fullmetal.
My Thoughts: 
What I really love about this fic is that it’s a reincarnation AU that makes SENSE in the FMA universe - it doesn’t give a half-assed reason for why it happened, but rather works within the confines of the universe. Also I really love watching Ed go to school and pretend to try and be a normal kid while hiding the fact that he’s the Fullmetal Alchemist
Type of AU: Reincarnation (kind of)
Fic Status: Dead
My Master Ed by Blue Teller
Official Summary: 
Slave number Twenty Three didn't know what to make of his new Master. The strange boy was nothing like other slave owners. Short on both height and temper, yet strangely kind to him, Master Ed seemed to know something about him that he didn't himself. Just what was it?
My Thoughts: 
One of the best fics that takes place in the Xerxes time period IMO. I don’t want to spoil too much but you see a lot of the consequences for Ed’s actions and it can get really really intense (but in the best way)
Fic Status: Dormant
Type of AU: Time Travel
Warnings: This gets surprisingly deep. Prepare Yourself
Men and Angels by Laora
Official Summary: 
Trisha can't understand; she's terrified, but she has to stay calm. Her boys are gone, replaced by her sons from the future...and something, she knows, is terribly wrong.
My Thoughts: 
A time travel fic that changes time for both current Ed/Al AND past Ed/Al (when they were 6). I think my favorite part from this fic has got to be how Mustang’s team reacts to (and tries to take care of) the frightened baby Elric’s. There isn’t a ton of plot but the character interactions drive this fic - if you care deeply about these characters you’ll really enjoy this
Type of AU: Time Travel
Fic Status: Complete
we haunt ourselves by sekalaista
Official Summary: 
"There's something funny about that kid," Maes says. "I just can't put my finger on it."
My Thoughts: 
Literal perfection jam packed into 1000 words
Type of AU: Canon divergence
Fic Status: Complete
and then it wasn't by GentleTouchGinger
Official Summary: 
When Roy notices his smartest student is struggling, he does some snooping and discovers some startling truths about his home life.
My Thoughts: 
Probably one of the best modern AU’s that I’ve found so far for FMA. It follows a pretty normal structure (Ed and Al are in foster homes, Roy notices something’s wrong, etc etc), but the character’s are kept true to their in-canon personalities and the plot is interesting enough to keep you on your toes. Also I cried once I finished reading it so there’s that
Type of AU: Modern/School AU
Fic Status: Complete
Truth Revealed by Fallen Crest
Official Summary: 
A lesson without pain is meaningless...to save their future, they will suffer through the truth. Brought to a room to view FMA:Brotherhood, the FMAB characters learn the dark secrets that surround Amestris. Follow the drama, the suspense, the laughs, the friendships that grow, and the pain they suffer in exchange as their future is laid out before their eyes.
My Thoughts:
 I’m actually right in the middle of reading this right now (it’s 2,500+ pages…...be ready) and it’s SO fun. Not really the kind of fic I ever expected myself to like, but everyone’s in character enough to enjoy their reactions and the interactions in between watching. The pain factor also makes things more interesting. Overall I really suggest checking this out even if it seems like something you wouldn’t enjoy
Type of AU: Characters reacting to the show
Fic Status: Dead (Destroyed by copyright)
Warnings: This fic was taken down due to copyright, but luckily some people managed to save it and upload a download link
Project Rainbow by Missy Skywalker
Official Summary:
 It took him coughing up blood on five different occasions for Edward Elric to finally give in and see a doctor.
My Thoughts: 
I cried for 2 hours after I read this and that’s all I’m saying
Type of AU: Ishvalan!Ed and Al
Fic Status: Complete
Number Twenty Eight by Sevlow
Official Summary: 
As of today, Edward Elric had been missing for four months, two weeks, and five days.
My Thoughts: 
I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW DARK THIS FIC GETS. It’s probably the darkest FMA fic I’ve been able to sit through in its entirety. WITH THAT BEING SAID...if you can manage to read it all it ends on a happy note. I don’t want to spoil too much but basically: Ed gets kidnapped, experimented on, and turned into a dog chimera
Type of AU: Chimera!Ed
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: REALLY DARK, mentions of rape (not explicit or shown), animal death
Misanthropical by nebluus
Official Summary: 
Alfonse and Eduard are best friends living in Germany. When an experiment gone wrong brings in a new yet familiar face, it will be up to them to get their friend home...and not get killed in the process. 
My Thoughts:
 I ended up finding this fic back in 2012 but it’s surprisingly held up pretty well. It was unfortunately abandoned pretty quickly into its plot, but the worldbuilding that’s there is really interesting and makes it worth it to read
Type of AU: Dimension Travel
Fic Status: Dead
Warnings: This fic takes place in the FMA 2003 universe ONLY, so if you haven’t watched that I highly suggest you don’t read yet!
General Fics/Non-AU’s
Firstfruits by toosolidcuuj
Official Summary:
 For the past eleven years, Edward Elric has been raising his family and recovering from the Promised Day. Some memories are easier to talk about than others, but he's made his peace with them. Of course the one that comes back to haunt him is the one he tried to forget about completely.
My Thoughts: 
This fic treats the topic of rape with nuance; the author admits that they don’t struggle with PTSD, but have reached out and done as much research as they can on the subject. I ended up really liking this fic for what it was setting out to do and what it accomplished, and while I did find it difficult to read at times due to the subject matter I still found myself appreciating it 
Fic Status: MIA
Warnings: This fic deals with the trauma that comes along with rape, however it’s never described in detail and the focus is solely on how the character copes with it. Please mind the tags and rating (mature)
Skin Deep by Batsitousai
Official Summary: 
Trisha and Van's first child, Edith, was born a beautiful, healthy girl. The only problem? Ed knew he was a boy.
My Thoughts: 
IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR TRANS ED I don’t want to say too much but I found it really heartwarming (especially the conversations between Mustang/Hawkeye and Ed) and just overall a really strong fic
Fic Status: Complete
Anything but Normal  by DAsObiQuiet
Official Summary: 
Fifteen years after the Promised Day, Selim Baker leads a life like any normal human. Then an attempt on his life throws his world into chaos and begins to show him just how much of a monster he really is.
My Thoughts: 
I’m not usually one to read fic’s that don’t revolve around the protagonists, but this peaked my interest enough to check it out. The author does an amazing job in fleshing out Selim (both his human side and Homunculus side) and it’s interesting to see how Selim reacts to things post-canon
Fic Status: Complete
An Overbearing Legacy by Missy Skywalker
Official Summary: 
Elicia Hughes was tired of trying to live up to her father's reputation, so on the night of her thirteenth birthday, she decided to run away. Luckily, she gets interrupted by someone who knows what losing a parent is like.
My Thoughts: 
I don’t have a ton to say but I found this fic really sweet and I enjoyed getting to see some character development in an older version of Elysia
Fic Status: Complete
At the Very Ports We Blow by baka deshi
Official Summary: 
Edward Elric has made his way to the University of Munich, where he faces a new challenge in the eerily familiar face of his peer and colleague, Alfons Heiderich. There's just one problem: the two of them have to get along.
My Thoughts: 
This has gotta be one of my favorite CoS compliant fics. I really love the idea that Alfons and Ed actually hate each other leading up to the events of CoS and have to actively work on themselves and their friendship before they can work on the rockets
Fic Status: Complete
Warnings: This fic follows FMA 2003 ONLY. If you have not seen it, I highly suggest waiting to read. 
Where The Corners Meet by sahrmael
Official Summary: 
The year is 1934. The change in the Amestrian government has finally brought great peace and prosperity to the nation. But one eager boy, the son of former State Alchemist Edward Elric, has made it his duty to uncover the tragedies of his father's past, and to correct the mistakes of his own.
My Thoughts: 
Like the warning says, I remember really liking this fic, but since I haven’t read it since 2012 I can’t remember if there’s anything weird in it or not. I’ll reread it soon to make sure
Fic Status: Dead
Warnings: I haven’t read this fic since 2012 and debated whether or not I should even add it on here, however I remember REALLY liking it back then so I ultimately decided to. Basically proceed with caution because I can’t remember all of what happens in this fic
34 notes · View notes
dirt-cup-draco · 5 years ago
18, 3, 8 with preserum steve please!
HE MY BABY. I love this. I’m gonna assume you mean the holiday prompts?
You glanced down at the present you had under one arm as you held some soup in the other. You hoped Steve would like it. He’d been a stubborn goat all month long. You’d simply asked “What would you like for Christmas?” He could’ve said anything. You would’ve tried your best to get it for him. You’d desperately wanted to get something for your dear friend. Bucky had no problem saying he wanted a new tie. Steve kept insisting he didn’t need anything. That you should save what you could. But you would be damned if you didn’t get him anything for Christmas. What kind of friend would you be? 
Especially since he’d gotten sick. He hadn’t been out of his gloomy apartment in weeks. So you decided that you would walk there with some warm soup and his present and you would make this Christmas a good one for him. You wouldn’t let him be miserable. 
You burrowed further into your threadbare coat as you climbed the stairs to Steve’s apartment. The rusting stairs were wet with snow and you had to hold tight to the freezing rail to ensure you didn’t slip. Steve would break every bone in his body if he went down those. You thought but immediately guilt filled you. You didn’t think he was fragile, he was stubborn and hardheaded but you weren’t naive. He just wasn’t as sturdy as others. 
You sighed and knocked on his door. “Stevie! I brought soup!” You said, juggling the pot and his Christmas gift under one arm as you wiggled the door knob until wonky handle listened and you were being let into his drafty apartment. The walls were thin so you knew he had heard you. You also knew he’d been under the weather for the better part of the month and he was probably buried on every blanket he owned in his bed. Your poor friend had been feverish and his body wracked with horrible coughs. Even as you rounded the corner you could hear them tearing up his throat.
“Y/N, I told you to just leave it at the door... I don’t want to get you sick.” He protested, lifting his head from his tower of thin blankets. You went to his side after setting the gift and his soup on the table. 
“None of that Rogers,” You scolded, hands going to his shoulders as you tucked the blankets back up around his neck. 
“How do you expect me to eat if I can’t even sit up sweetness?” He shot back and you glared at the fact that he was right. The nickname turned your insides to mush.
So you pouted. “I’m just tryna make sure you stay warm...” You whined, batting your eyelashes. 
“That’s not fair play!” He exclaimed, before another gruesome cough shook his entire body, his cheeks going red from the exertion. You were standing immediately, going to his tiny kitchen to fill up the glass of water he must have emptied hours ago. 
When you came back to his bedside he was sitting up, having taken the blanket off the top of his stack, wrapping it around his shoulders. He had a couple shirts on and you were positive every pair of socks and pants he owned was covering his frame as well. It was freezing and the heating in his building was nonexistent. You wanted to complain but he always said it didn’t matter, he got what he paid for. Why couldn’t he fight for himself when he’d go to the ends of the earth for anyone else? 
“Sorry,” He muttered as he sipped at the water. You frowned and swept his hair out of his eyes, hand coming to rest against his cheek. 
“No need to apologize, it’s alright, I just hate seein’ you this way,” 
He leaned into your palm and let his eyes close for a moment. His skin was hot despite the chill in the building yet you knew it had nothing to do with the temperature. Poor Steve was burning up. His eyes wandered and they found what you’d set on the table. You immediately leaned in front of him. 
“I didn’t wrap it! You have to close your eyes!” You squealed. 
“Y/n...” Steve groaned, disapproval in his eyes. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“But I wanted to... I brought soup too! Can you please just close your eyes for a minute? I’ll get you a bowl of soup and then you can receive your present, please?” You pulled out the pout and he rolled his eyes but complied. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” You grinned. 
“Oh but what a way to go,” You teased. He chuckled softly and you winced when it was interrupted with a wheeze. He rubbed at his chest and you worked a little quicker to get some dinner in him. It would help, hopefully. 
A minute later you were seated on his bed with him, gift hidden behind your back as you put the warm bowl into his hand. “Can I open my eyes yet?” You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see. 
“Yeah go ahead, I hid it,” 
He opened his gorgeous eyes and your heart flipped happily. He’d always been your handsome man. Well, at least in your mind he was yours. You had always been protective, probably a little possessive too. Bucky had introduced you two when you were just little kids running around the schoolyard and since then you’d been stuck to Steven Grant Roger’s side like glue, whether he wanted you to or not. You had decided that since he’d never said anything he didn’t mind. 
He took a hesitant sip, worried he’d burn his tongue but you’d made sure it was the perfect temperature. Steve took a spoonful this time and he let out a low, appreciative groan. “I swear Y/N, you make it just as good as my mama did,” You beamed with pride. 
“S-stop teasing Rogers,” You said bashfully. The man loved his family and you knew he missed them more every day. Him comparing your cooking to his mother’s left your heart a mess. 
“You know I’m not,” He said, leaning forward to press a kiss to your temple. You caught him looking over your shoulder though and you smacked his arm. 
“You little devil! Close your eyes again, I’ll give you your present but you have to be patient,” He laughed and your cheeks burned hot. He thought he could pull one over on you with just a kiss. Well, he almost had but you still wouldn’t fall for it. 
Steve’s eyes fluttered closed and you set the leather sketchbook down in his lap, a pack of colored pencils tied on top with a piece of twine. Oh dear lord you hope he liked it. 
“Okay Stevie,” You said. “You can open ‘em now,” 
He smiled and looked to you first, a gorgeous glint in his eye that always appeared when he was in the company of friends. Bucky said he only looked at you that way but you’d never let yourself hope that much. 
Next his gaze dropped to his lap and then so did his jaw. “Y/N! I-I can’t accept these, this must’ve cost... It’s too much,” He argued. 
“Please Steve, I wanted to do this for you. I saw you lookin’ in that window shop... Please accept them,” You nearly begged. 
He took your hands in his and sighed, his thumb rubbing gently over your knuckles. “You’ve always been too good to me sweetness,” 
“I’ve only ever been as good as you deserve Steve, don’t sell yourself short.” He blushed and ducked his head, his hands going to tentatively touch the cover of the sketchbook. His eyes roamed over the twenty six wonderful shades of pencils you’d gotten him. He usually could only get cheap charcoal. No matter what you said, he knew you were too good for him. You were his angel and he loved you more than he could ever say. Words could never do his feelings justice. 
So he had to settle on a pathetic, “Thank you,” You’d give him a big head with your talk but for now he would just soak it up. Some day he’d make his girl. But he also knew that you deserved more. A stronger man, one who could take care of you and not the other way around. He knew you could take care of yourself, but you deserved to be pampered. He was scrawny and poor, he could never dream of getting you something so nice for Christmas. And if he was brutally honest, every time he got sick he was never sure how much time he would have left no matter how stubborn he might be. Yeah, you deserved better. 
Steve had gotten lost in thought. You could see the storm clouds covering his eyes and you frowned. What had him so gloomy? Didn’t he like his gift?
“It’s no problem Steve really, and you don’t have to worry ‘bout getting me anything, I’m happy just spending time with you. O-or do you not like it? I’m sorry... Bucky said you would I thought-” You started to ramble, apologizing for anything just to get him to smile. 
“Sweetness, don’t worry, I love the gift. It’s more than I could have ever asked for, I love it,” I love you. He cut in, hands coming to cup your cheeks. You sighed and nodded. 
“Okay. Merry Christmas Stevie,” I love you. He grinned and gave you a hug. You held on tighter when he started coughing again. Your hand rubbed at his back, your heart aching. You’d always be there to take care of him though. 
“Merry Christmas Y/N.”
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babywarg · 6 years ago
Drpepperony Prompt: In her search for a way to help Tony, Pepper finds a very unique group of people in Nepal.
Hi @mistressstrange! Thanks again for another lovely prompt. This one went on a bit long, but I hope you like it 😘
Er, it pretends Iron Man 3 and the Doctor Strange movie happened at around the same time frame 😺
[8/22/2019: Have to put up this obnoxious note again: NOT ACCEPTING NEW PROMPTS AT THE MOMENT. Thank you for understanding 💕]
Anxiety, said the therapist she’d had to consult in secret, because Tony reacted badly when she suggested he see a specialist himself. Panic attacks. Possible PTSD.
She immediately recalled the time Rhodey told her about the “freakout” Tony had at the restaurant (“Please don’t tell him I told you - knowing him, it’ll freak him out more.”) That time she tried to wake Tony from a nightmare, and the Iron Man armor pinned her to the bed, sensing her as a threat.
The time when Tony’s Malibu house was blown up. The final confrontation with Killian, and Extremis.
All those times when Tony couldn’t sleep, and when he slept he had nightmares, even after Extremis had been eliminated.
Rest, the therapist said, when Pepper asked what he needed. Lots of it. And an arsenal of relaxation methods. He should learn how to recognize the signs of anxiety so he can better manage it.
She tried to get him into yoga, visit support groups, meditate…but all of it bored him. Pills were ineffective and made him feel “wonky” besides. He cut his caffeine and alcohol consumption, which helped some, but he also became irritable and depressive.
In short, despite her best efforts, he showed no promising signs of recovering.
She had said they needed a break…she had been hoping she and Tony could take that break together. But he refused, claiming he couldn’t imagine he’d be able to rest if he were taken away from his work.
So she took a week’s leave from work, to try and seek a cure by herself.
Pepper didn’t know exactly what was plaguing the man she loved.
But she was damned if she was going to lose him to it.
She heard there was a guru in Kathmandu, a “miracle worker,” who could get even the most tensed-up person in the world relaxed.
She flew into Nepal to meet him herself, and found him a complete and total quack.
So, no guru to bring back to see Tony. With days to spare, she decided to take some time for herself, and see the city.
It was what she did when she was younger, before her busy years in Stark Industries: she would travel, then break off from her tour group and wander alone, taking in the sights and sounds and enjoy just being somewhere different.
It was refreshing. No one knew her there, and no one expected anything of her.
Until she found herself herded by two shady men into a dark alleyway.
She could hold her own, that was true. But the two she thought she had whupped had come back with support, and six against one was simply more than she had trained for.
She was starting to get overwhelmed, when he heard a deep male voice yell for her assailants to stop.
At first it was just one person - a white guy around her age, with a scraggly beard, wearing very plain brown robes and a monk’s hood.
The other was a man in blue robes, but who wore a hood as well. He hung back until the first man cried out:
“Mordo! A little help?”
Then the other man smirked. “Looks like the two of you don’t need any,” he remarked, before unhurriedly jumping into the fray.
Unfortunately, though they were fated to win, given that her two new companions appeared to have above-average martial arts skills, Pepper was already winded by the time they arrived, and could not defend herself well.
One of the assailants had a knife. It tore a mean gash on the inside of Pepper’s forearm.
Unnamed guy noticed it only after all the attackers had been soundly knocked unconscious.
“Mordo,” he breathed, as he inspected the gash, “she’s wounded. She has to come back with us.”
“No,” the man exclaimed, seeming to know exactly what he meant. “Strange!”
Before Pepper’s eyes, a glowing portal appeared out of nowhere.
And the man leapt into it, with his arms around her.
Pepper shut her eyes as they entered the portal, and found herself in a sort of monastery.
She would have had more time to observe her surroundings, but she was already being half-dragged down a corridor by the man, who had not released her.
“We have to move quickly. You’re losing a lot of blood.”
She wasn’t sure what the man meant. She wasn’t feeling any pain…
But that was when she realized the man also had his hand on her arm…and that hand was glowing.
And shaking at the same time, though that was perhaps to be expected, given how bad those old scars on it looked…
Was the glowing what was stopping the pain?
Mordo, who had followed through the portal, was striding behind them. He seemed upset.
“We don’t just let outsiders in the way you did,” he was telling the first guy. “The Ancient One won’t approve of this.”
“I’ll deal with the Ancient One later,” was the level-headed response. “In the meantime, please get the medical supplies from Wong.”
With a final glare, Mordo left to do as he was bid.
Pepper took a bit of time to realize she was being herded by unfamiliar men a lot in this city - was she just taken to a secondary location? Was she unsafe?
But all thoughts of being unsafe fled her mind when the man sat her down on a large, ridiculously comfortable pillow, and raised her entire arm, applying firm pressure both on the wound and on a vein in her upper arm.
This guy knew what he was doing.
“Relax,” he said to her, “I’m a doctor.”
A doctor whose hands could glow and who could defeat armed opponents while completely unarmed himself, and open sparkly portals that could take him from one place to another in a heartbeat?
“You saved me,” she remembered to say through the confusion. “Thank you.”
He looked up into her eyes briefly, and she was stunned.
What a strange, captivating color…
“No need for that,” he replied, almost smiling. “But you’re welcome.”
As it turned out, she needed the next few days to recover.
Doctor’s orders.
She was in some sort of monastery…forbidden to go to certain areas, which she really wasn’t driven to explore anyway.
She really had lost a lot of blood. The day after the attack, she just wanted to stay in bed, eating the sparse but healthy fare she was given, and enjoying the view.
Her room had a brilliant view.
She had booked a decent suite for her journey, which promised a good vista of the city…but what she was given there was nowhere near as majestic as the one she got in that monastery.
“Lovely. Isn’t it?”
She turned and saw the unnamed man from last night, standing at the doorway with his hands behind his back.
But the man was looking at her. Not the view.
She wasn’t creeped out, however. It didn’t feel as if he was checking her out, or radiating any sort of ill intent.
She felt safe and relaxed in this place, in his company.
“I know people who’d pay a pretty penny for a view like this,” she confessed.
“Well, donations are always appreciated,” he disclosed. “But not compulsory in the least.”
“Not even after you saved my life?”
The man snorted. “Please, you could’ve taken them all by yourself.”
It was a joke, she was aware, but a well-meaning one. Which made her smile.
“I honor my debts,” she said, offering her hand for him to shake. “And I’m in your debt, Doctor…”
“Strange.” He took her hand. “But you can call me Stephen.”
As Pepper regained her strength, Stephen showed her around the unrestricted parts of the large monastery - which she learned was called Kamar-Taj.
Strangers who didn’t come for religious purposes were uncommon there, but not unwelcome. And she learned she was allowed to stay by their leader, the mysterious and reclusive Ancient One, who was out of grounds at the time and was not available for her to thank personally.
The monks lent her a cell phone for making international calls, and Stephen lent her his laptop so she could tell people about her whereabouts. She sent out a mass email saying she had an “incident” and would be staying a bit longer. She was canceling her flight home, but rebooking.
When?? was everyone’s frantic question.
When? was Tony’s weary, sleepless, desolate inquiry. I miss you, Ms. Potts. A hell of a lot.
“As soon as I can, Mr. Stark,” was her immediate reply. “I miss you a hell of a lot, too.”
All through everything, Tony remained foremost on her mind.
As they spent more time together, Stephen came to vaguely explain the magic that they learned in Kamar-Taj - about how they weren’t exactly secret, but weren’t exactly public knowledge, either.
Pepper got his meaning off the bat. She had been around people with superpowers, and understood the need for a measure of secrecy.
He also told her a little about himself. His life in the States. His old practice. His accident. How it might have been the best thing that happened to him, though it still gave him pain, in more ways than one.
(That last part reminded her of Tony as well. The ordeal in the desert, from which he emerged a changed man. The pain from the scarring that he would not - could not - let go of.)
In return, Pepper told Stephen about her boyfriend. The one she’d come to Kathmandu for. The most important person in her life.
And Stephen listened. Patiently. Until she found herself apologizing for talking his ear off.
“Please don’t be sorry,” Stephen said calmly. “Before, I never really appreciated the privilege of hearing someone talk about the things that matter the world to them. Now I do. I can tell you’ve kept all this in for a long time, and I’m honored by your trust.”
She liked him. A lot.
She wished she could take him back with her.
“I think you could do him a world of good, actually,” she thought aloud.
Stephen frowned. “You mean, because he needs a doctor?” It sounded like he was preparing for an argument.
Pepper smiled.
“No,” she assured him. “Because he needs a friend. Someone who may understand what he’s been through. Someone he’ll listen to.”
“You seriously think that’ll get me interested?”
“All right, then, enough about being friends. Now I’m asking you to see him as a medical expert.”
“Not that kind of doctor.”
“Just once! What’s the harm?”
She had to use her powers of persuasion to get him to agree to her request to join her on her trip home. It took a few days, too. He was stubborn, almost as stubborn as Tony…
But as with Tony, she could tell he liked her, too. In a way that meant there was a limit to how long he could say “no” to her.
“Fine,” he groaned eventually. “I’ll meet him. Just once. For a medical examination. Then I’m coming back.”
It wasn’t what she wanted, but she was going to take it. She’d convinced him there wasn’t a doctor in the world she trusted as fully as she did him.
Which was, in a way, true.
She’d talked to Tony about him, as well. From their phone conversations, he seemed genuinely interested in Stephen. But of course, that might just have been because he saw Stephen initially as someone who saved Pepper’s life…
But he didn’t take kindly to the notion that he was going to be given a medical examination. He’d avoided seeing specialists all that time - he was doubtful that a “doctor” of vague expertise, who could do magic, could be what he needed.
Pepper sighed. Their first meeting was probably going to be strained. But it was still worth a shot.
On the day they were due to leave, Pepper waited for Stephen at the monastery’s gate. She was surprised to see him for the first time in Western clothing - slacks, a jacket, black shoes, a round-neck shirt.
And with his beard neatly trimmed, into a shape that suited his face well.
Pepper admitted to herself that she possibly, just possibly, had a thing for vain men with meticulously trimmed facial hair.
“Ready to go?” he asked her.
“All set,” she answered. “Got your ticket?” He’d better. It was a pricey ticket. Business class.
He smiled wryly. “Miss Potts…you should get your money back from the airline, before it’s too late for a refund.”
He made a familiar gesture with one hand, and a portal opened in front of them.
On the other side of the portal was Tony’s workshop in upstate New York.
Tony was hopped up on caffeine and jumpy when they arrived.
In fairness, a shimmering portal opening out of nowhere was going to make anyone jumpy.
But seeing Pepper cooled his blood instantly. He trapped her in a tight embrace.
“I was so worried,” were his first words to her.
When they broke apart, he cradled her bandaged forearm delicately in his hands, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the bandaging was expertly done.
That was only when he paid attention to the other person in the room.
“Dr. Strange, I presume?” Tony looked him up and down.
Stephen stepped forward and offered a trembling hand for Tony to shake.
“Stephen, please,” he said pleasantly.
Tony ignored him and addressed Pepper again.
“So…what, is he staying? Should I fix up one of the spare rooms?”
“No need to bother,” Stephen interrupted, withdrawing his hand. “I won’t be here for long. I’m just here to do what’s necessary, then go back to my training.”
“Oh yeah?” Tony faced him squarely this time. “And what are you training to be, a model for some off-the-rack fashion line for high school librarians?”
Instead of getting puffed up, as Pepper feared, Stephen raised an eyebrow.
“Clearly I’m in the presence of an expert in dressing himself. What’s that, two, three sizes too small?”
They stared each other down. Pepper’s impulse was to intervene, but she was stopped by the fact that she felt no hostility at all between the two men.
Not even a tiny bit.
Presently, Tony started walking past her.
“I like this one,” he said casually, with a casual pat on her shoulder. “Well done, Ms. Potts. I’ll go get his room ready.”
She caught his hand before it slid off his shoulder and he walked past her, out of the workshop.
Stephen watched him go, then sighed. “I gather a medical examination isn’t forthcoming,” he ventured.
“Probably not today,” she answered, smiling. “You could stay the night if you want, or travel back to Kamar-Taj.”
Stephen looked back at the door where Tony had exited.
“I think I’ll stay,” he said pensively.
Something clicked just then. It was going to work out, having Stephen here to check on Tony. Pepper just knew.
She’d gone a great distance to find a way to help Tony.
It seemed she’d found exactly what she was looking for.
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snorlaxlovesme · 6 years ago
SoMa Week 2019
Day 6: Hands
You know that hectic panic you get in when your mom is gonna be home in 20 minutes and you just remembered she had left a list of chores for you to do before she got back? This fic is like that. Except it's Soul with his arm stuck in the dishwasher.
This is a very serious SoMa Week fic.
“Alexa, record my last will and testament.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t know that one.”
Soul looks at the clock. Maka should be home any minute now, he thinks hopelessly, mostly because he had that exact thought 3 hours ago and he was wrong then, so who really knows when she’s going to be back? His neck is absolutely burning from being in this position, and his left arm has taken on a new feeling that’s hovering somewhere between the realm of “stabbing pain” and “complete paralysis.” He’s been sitting on the floor of their kitchen for so long that he’s starting to find shapes in the weird stains on their tile like some kind of fucked up Rorschach test. The one shaped like his mother’s disappointment in him might be blood from Maka’s cut from their last mission. He’s also discovered they have ants.
This all started out with good intentions. Kind of. Okay, no, it started off with Maka leaving him 300 passive aggressive sticky notes (she was the fucking queen of those) saying that if he didn’t start cleaning up their apartment she was going to dump him in the street like the lazy weapon he was and someone else could cook and clean after him. Which is not the Top Ten Most Romantic Ways for the love of your life to tell you to do chores, if you ask Soul. So yeah, maybe he waited until the day before Maka came back from her trip to see her mom to finally start cleaning. And yeah, sure, maybe he was getting kind of aggressive about how he was putting the dishes in the dishwasher. So what?
He’d never admit to Maka that he doesn’t know anything about their new dishwasher, but now he really doesn’t have a choice. When he was maniacally stacking dirty dishes before Maka’s plane landed, he managed to drop one of Maka’s metal chopsticks in between the racks and into the bottom of the dishwasher. He had considered just leaving it down there and hoping for the best, but with the literal signs all over his kitchen calling him LAZY WEAPON, he decided to do the right thing and retrieve it instead of leaving it down there to potentially destroy their new appliance.
Big mistake.
His arm is stuck and it fucking hurts.
He didn’t know the space in between the bottom rack and the water-propeller-thingy was so small, okay? His hand went in just fine! But once he got in up to his shoulder he knew he was fucked. He had the chopstick in hand, but his arm was bent in a position that left no room for wiggling out. And force did not seem like the best option when they just sunk $600 into this stupid fucking appliance. If Soul broke it, he’d never hear the end of it, for sure.
So Soul’s only option? Waiting for Maka to come save him. Pathetic.
He didn’t even have his phone on him when he trapped himself, so he’s been sitting on the kitchen floor for the past three hours (has it been hours? Days? Time has no meaning anymore) wondering if this is how he’s going to die. It’s hard to think of a more undignified way to go at the moment, but he’s sure it could be worse, right? At least his hand isn’t in the toilet.
A tickling on his ankle has him flinching aggressively. An ant has attempted to crawl up his pantleg. Soul pinches it between his fingers on his right hand and flicks it across the kitchen, only to belatedly realize it would have been better to just kill it. Now it has time to come back and tell all its ant friends that the kitchen is open for business and essentially unguarded. What can one boy do when 20% of his body is wedged inside of an over-priced dishwasher?
He tries again to morph his arm into a weapon, like maybe trying it now might be more successful than the 8 other times he’s attempted this solution. But Soul’s arm is bent at an angle that would absolutely destroy the dishwasher if he morphed it into a blade. Maka’s favorite “I closed my book to be here” mug is directly above his hand on the top rack and would for sure be shattered if he transformed. That would even worse than destroying the dishwasher, probably. His arm returns to miserable skin and bone.
“Alexa, play ‘The Funeral’ by Band of Horses’.”
“Here’s a sample of ‘The Funeral’ by Band of Horses. To play the full version, please purchase Amazon Unlimited Music by—”
“Alexa, stop.”
Soul’s pretty sure he’s dying.
The floor-stain shaped like the pain in his left arm has a gathering of ants around it. Maybe it’s spilled soda? Or maybe they’re all congregating to discuss how they plan on eating Soul’s body after he inevitably perishes? He tries to save himself and tamp on them with his foot, but shifting his body just sends shooting pain up his arm. He stills and grits his teeth. He’ll just have to wait for Death to take him.
Minutes later, hours later, years later, he hears the clicking of the lock to their front door, and Maka walks in with two large duffel bags in hand and her cell phone wedged between her shoulder and ear.
“Yeah, Mama, I made it home safely, I’m just gonna—Soul?”
He looks up at her with sad, sad eyes.
Maka gingerly sets down her bags. “Mama, I’m gonna have to call you back. Okay. Yeah. Bye.”
“Help,” he whines pathetically. No traces of coolness to be found in a situation like this.
She kneels next to where he lays, slouched on the tile. “What happened here?”
“I found out why I never do chores.”
She makes a face at him. “If you did chores more often, maybe you’d hurt yourself less. Practice makes perfect, you know.” She looks at his stuck arm with a morbid kind of wonder. “Wow, you’re really stuck in there. How long have you been sitting like this?”
“You were supposed to be here hours ago” is Soul’s only response, because fuck if he knows how long it’s been.
She runs her fingers through his messy hair. “Sorry, sorry, my layover got delayed and things got all hectic. I guess this explains why you weren’t answering your phone, too. Does it hurt?”
“Fuck yes. Can you get me out? Please?”
She gives him a little kiss on the cheek. “Yeah, let’s see here.” She moves him over a tad so she can see better (“sorry, sorry!” she shrieks as he groans) and discovers that not only is he mega-stuck, but there doesn’t seem to be a sensible way to bend his arm to free him.
“Okay then, we’ll just do this,” she says, and in one Superman-like motion she’s grabbing the bottom rack of dishes and straight-up ripping it off the track so Soul can pull his arm free. He about cries in relief, then from pain when finally puts his arm into a position that lets the blood flow back into it. His shoulder is so fucking stiff.
Maka sets the mangled rack onto their kitchen floor, apparently not giving a damn when the dishes still inside it clank together in a dangerously-close-to-shattering cacophony. She sits down beside him, digs her fingers into the crook of his neck, and starts massaging.
“I can’t believe you broke the dishwasher to get me out,” Soul says, rolling his eyes back a little because her hands feel so fucking good on his sore neck and shoulder.
“Well, I wasn’t just going to leave you stuck in there,” Maka says. “Plus, it’s under warrantee, so we can just get the people from the department store to come back and fix it in a few days.”
“WHAT?” Soul roars so loud that Maka jumps a little bit. “Are you saying that I just 127 Hours-ed myself for NOTHING because I could have just BROKEN IT TO BEGIN WITH??”
“Hey, don’t yell at me, Soul, just because you don’t listen when the people who install our appliances tell us about what we’re paying for!”
“I was stuck there for hours because I thought you’d be mad if I broke it!”
“When on earth did I imply during our five-year partnership that I liked a dishwasher more than I liked you in one piece?”
When she puts it like that, he does sound a little stupid. Or maybe she sounds a little sweet. Or maybe being trapped inside a dishwasher for half a day is just distorting his view of reality. He needs to get up off the floor, like now.
He stands up, popping his spine in like nine different places and offers her his hand to help her up too. When he reaches down, the metal chopstick that has been trapped in his raccoon-like grip finally slips between his fingers.
It falls on the floor and bounces before rolling away, and Maka scoots to go retrieve it.
“Is this what you were trying to grab when you got stuck?” she asks. “These don’t even go in the dishwasher, Soul. You handwash them.”
Soul swears his vision whites out for a moment. He can’t even dignify that statement with a response because he’ll probably live to regret whatever comes out of his mouth next. Besides, all’s well that ends well, right? He got the chopstick, he didn’t technically break the dishwasher, and his meister is home and happy. So it was all worth it in the end, right?
Maka finally slaps her hand on the runaway chopstick, shouting a dorky little “a-ha!” Her hand lands near a floor-spot that looks like a wonky heart.
Soul sighs. He’d probably do it again, for her, if it came down to it.  He squats down beside her and plants a kiss on her unsuspecting cheek.
“Missed you while you were gone,” he tells her, because it’s worth saying.
She smiles warmly at him and leans in to give him a proper kiss. She doesn’t make it all the way there, because suddenly she’s jumping a foot in the air with a yelp, coming close to headbutting him in the nose. Maka looks down at where her hand rests on the floor, where a small black insect is skittering across her knuckle. Soul watches in horror as her eyes zero in on 10 of its closest friends a few feet away on the floor.
There’s the briefest moment of silence as she ponders what she’s looking at. The calm before the storm. Then:
“Are those ANTS?”
She whips around to face him, but Soul’s already gone. He can still hear her shouting from down the hall. “Soul, I told you to MOP while I was gone!!”
His shoulder twinges painfully as he slams the door shut to his room. He thinks he’ll just live with the sticky notes for this one.
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cryoculus · 6 years ago
Any scenario with iwaizumi and tsukishima with their s/o please?
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So I consulted an RP Generator for this one and here’s what the RNG gods told me to write ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ side note: they dont necessarily “love” the reader character tho. they kinda just feel strongly about em.
He had to reread the encrypted text message a few more times before the gravity of the situation finally settled in his chest. 
Iwaizumi Hajime was known to be a surefire assassin that spared no one on the hit lists given to him. Not only did he get the job done, but he was also meticulous with his work. He made sure that the kills he’d secured would never be traced back to him or his clientele and that’s why he’s so popular in the market.
But this job in particular has him reeling into the depths of his conscience. It had been sent to him in the middle of the night as he was polishing his company-issued sniper rifle. The familiar chime of a notification from the almost jurassic cellphone given to him solely for the purpose of business transactions didn’t come to him as a surprise anymore. 
Usually, the jobs piled up right after he’s completed one for the night. He’s given the choice to refuse any job he didn’t see fit to execute, but this particular client was someone his boss specifically told him never to say no to.
[01:58 AM]
(Surname) (Name). Today. 3 AM.
These particular text messages were straight to the point. All his clients had to tell him were the name of the person he needed to dispose of and the date they wanted the job to be done. Iwaizumi had standard prices for his work and he expected the client to load the money into his bank account right after he confirmed the transaction, which he was having trouble deciding on right now.
He fidgeted with his thumbs as he attempted to compose a reply. But the longer he hesitated, the more his emotions began to betray his reason.
(Surname) (Name). Iwaizumi never thought he’d be seeing that name in particular written in the pixelated font of an encryption message. It wasn’t the first time he was tasked to take down someone he’s familiar with; not at all. But he never felt such a strong desire to turn a job down before. 
The career of a hitman wasn’t a pleasant one and Iwaizumi knew better than anyone that he had enemies everywhere. There had even been a time when he was left staggering in an alley, clutching a bleeding gash in his stomach where one of those yakuza folk slashed him with a sword. A damn sword. 
But just before he could succumb to the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole in a dingy crevice where no one would mourn him, you descended from the heavens and became his saving grace.
His memories of you were brief but clear. Soft hands tending to the worst of his injuries, the sharp incense in the room, the tender words that were nearly enough to nurse him back to health – how could he kill the woman that once saved him from death’s awaiting arms, knowing that he was your enemy.
[02:07 AM]
That’s the prodigious doctor under the wing of the yakuza. If that person is gone, they won’t have any means of getting back on their feet to bare their fangs at us any longer.
Iwaizumi usually replied to job requests within a minute. If it took longer, that only meant he was either hesitating or uninterested. Given that this was a client he absolutely cannot refuse, he’s sure the person who sent the message knew that he needed a little push to agree to take it.
He didn’t want to. He already knew who you were and what you did, but he still didn’t want his hands to be sullied with your blood.
“I think killing off the capo was necessary,” you sighed as you replaced the bandages around his stomach. “He was making wonky decisions all over and he just expects me to do damage control when he sends our men into those turf wars. I’d thank you, but that would be mean.”
“Mean?” Iwaizumi chuckled. You, a doctor of the yakuza, would describe thanking him for killing your leader ‘mean’? He expected you to just pummel a rusty knife into his stomach instead of actually healing him. Yet, to his surprise, you did the latter. 
Your touch was as light as a feather while you patched him up. The feeling of your fingers grazing the bare skin of his torso was stirring something inexplicable in his chest, but before he could dwell on it, you broke the silence.
“You must be wondering why I’m helping the man who assassinated the capo, aren’t you?” Your lips stretched into a smile, patting down the bandages evenly. 
“I am,” Iwaizumi agreed.
You sighed as you stared out of the window of your apartment. “Doctors are supposed to tend to anyone that needs medical attention, regardless of their affiliations. The capo has been giving me shit for that principle for a long time, saying that my talents were the yakuza’s property.” You gritted your teeth. “I didn’t like that.”
Iwaizumi sat in saturated silence, olive eyes observing you as you sat down on your bed with him. You shook your head. 
“Sorry. I was just rambling,” you apologized. “I’ll be heading out in a while. Lock up when you leave, will you, assassin-san?”
Your whimsical behavior knew no bounds, did they? Iwaizumi nodded. “Can I at least get the name of my savior?”
“(Surname) (Name). You better remember it.”
With a bated breath, Iwaizumi made up his mind, typing in a hasty reply to confirm the job. You were nothing but a stepping stone to him; an unfortunate soul that showed kindness to the wrong man. You should have killed him before he could kill you.
But even with his convictions aligned, Iwaizumi’s fingers still trembled when he pulled the trigger to put a bullet through your skull as you soundly slept in the same apartment where you plucked him from death. 
When he swooped into your apartment, something died in his chest along with your passing as he checked your pulse. Your blood coated the crisp white sheets and he swears that he can still see the sight of your peaceful corpse when he closed his eyes. 
This was the fate of an assassin with the blood of dozens in his hands and, frankly, he was used to it.
The sound of you calling his name startled Tsukishima from his bubble of thought. What had you been telling his ear off about before he spaced out again? 
You huffed, puffing your cheeks. “Kei, I am going to tell on you! You’ve been really out of it lately.”
He mumbled a half-hearted apology before letting you prattle on about the latest fashion trends that caught your interest. Tsukishima didn’t care, but he had to seem interested since he was your bodyguard. 
The only child of the Yamato family that owned an entire chain of weaponry businesses across Japan was, for lack of a better word, spoiled. Not only did your parents grant all of your wishes to compensate for their constant absence, but they had to hire someone like him to keep your safety secured. The most pressing detail was that, you were about his age already, yet you still had the mentality of a thirteen year-old. 
You were annoying, it was an inexcusable fact. Tsukishima had a low tolerance for people he deemed vexing, but the pact between his family and yours was set in stone before either of you were even born. The Tsukishimas were in debt to the Yamatos and his service was payment for the favor they made ages ago. So even if you grated at his nerves every five minutes, he’s learned to cultivate a lengthy patience for your childlike behavior. He had to.
But childish you may be, he took his job seriously. Your safety was the highest priority for him, even if it led to the demise of other people. That’s exactly what happened when one of the Yamato family’s rivals in the industry thought it would be amusing to blackmail him.
“Listen, punk,” the burly man that infiltrated the Yamato manor rasped, holding a gun against his temple, “we’ve got your pretty little family under hostage back in Miyagi. If you don’t do as we say, they’re at the end of the line.”
Tsukishima narrowed his eyes at him. “Why am I supposed to believe you?”
He chuckled before gesturing at one of his comrades, who produced a cellphone from his pocket. When he unlocked it, displayed on the screen was a live feed from a camera in a place he wasn’t familiar with. In the room, he could clearly see the blindfolded and restrained figures of his mother and older brother. 
“What do you want?” he conceded, but remained calm. All he needed to do was minimize the casualties. His eyes flicker over to you, who’s also being held at gun-point. But unlike him, you were red-eyed and sniffling, fearing for your life as if Tsukishima couldn’t do anything to save you. 
The man taking him hostage put the gun in his hands. Tsukishima frowned. What did he want him to—
“Shoot the girl.”
His blood froze in his veins. Your shriek was deafening when the man’s intentions was put on the table, thrashing about in the arms of the other criminal holding you in place. He growled a threat in your ear, which effectively shuts you up. But even in your silence, Tsukishima could see the desperation in your glistening eyes.
Please don’t kill me.
A dry chuckle resonated in his chest and the man by his side cast him a bizarre look. But before he could dish out any more threats in Tsukishima’s ear, the blond immediately aimed the gun’s muzzle against the man’s chest and pulled the trigger without another thought. 
He let out a choked up gasp, blood spurting from his mouth, before crumpling to the ground. The other two men yell in surprise and before the man hostaging you could put an end to your life, Tsukishima fired another bullet straight into his skull. You yelped but before you could fall under the weight of the man he just killed, Tsukishima ran to you to support your weight on his back.
“K-Kei,” you whimpered. “They’re going to hurt them. They’re going to hurt them because of me.”
His family. This was the first time you showed any concern about anyone else besides yourself and this bothered him more than it should. 
“Boss! Kill ‘em! Kill ���em dead!” The man holding the cellphone that showed him what situation Akiteru and his mother were in barked into a walkie talkie. “The young Tsukishima brat is a—”  
You screamed at the sound of another gunshot being fired. The last of the culprits slumps onto the floor in a bloody puddle. You were trembling on his back now and with a sigh, he tossed the gun aside to bring you to safety.
As he brought you to your room, he laid you down on your duvet so he could make some calls about what happened in the manor. But just before he could leave, you clutched the sleeves of his suit. 
“Don’t leave me,” you sobbed. “I-I promise I’ll make mom and dad get those guys for doing this to you, but please…”
The sight of you crying was routine for him. You cried at least once a day because of menial things and Tsukishima has since developed immunity to your emotions. But the sincerity in your voice to assure retribution for the men who threatened his family surprised him. 
With a shaky breath, he nodded and lied with you on your bed. For once, you weren’t chattering about the trivial matters that you involved yourself with. You soaked up in the deafening silence with him, not daring to shatter the temporary peace.
Deep in his thoughts, Tsukishima could only think about the last time he spoke with his brother.
“When you get back, we’re going to play lots of volleyball again, okay?” He grinned like an idiot back then and Tsukishima called him as such. Akiteru called him mean and said when he came home in six months’ time, he was going to get a beating.
Did he…have anything to come back to now?
He turned his amber-eyed gaze to you, still sniffling but less puffy-eyed. 
“Thank you.” You managed a pursed smile.
You didn’t need to thank him. You never thanked him. But admittedly, the gratitude was nice to hear.
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mellowgirl01 · 6 years ago
Sweet Wine
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Wordcount: 2290
Characters 11463
people:Eve x Y/N x Adam
Made for: @ladyfluff
Tags: @ladyfluff, @may-bereblog
song:Bahamas is Afie; All i’ve ever known & Cigarettes After Sex; Crush
Summary:The first moves have been made, The fresh skin had been touched, a romantic dance
and all. What happens now when the music stops and there’s only three?…or is there?
Warning:Things get a little sexual but nothing heavy…yet ;)
A/N: This is part 2 everyone Hope you like it. Couldn’t get much sleep last night so if it’s a little wonky and or bad let me know. Thanks and enjoy.
Now in the bath Y/N got done washing with the help of Eve. Well, some parts she did herself in fear of getting the room a little to hot. Eve understood. Once done Eve helped her rinse off. JUst another silly excuse for touching her all over. How the water slid down her body was better art than anything. Y/N sat back down in and wrapped her arms around Eve’s waist laying her head on the crook of her neck as Eve ran a hand down Y/N’s head and hair. Racking her slim fingers in her hair. Kissing the top of her head ever so often as well. The bathtub was huge! Big enough for 4 people probably to be in. So the two girls had more than enough leg room.
“Eve..What about Adam? What happens when he finds out that were like this?”
Eve chuckled laying her head on top of Y/N’s
“Why do you ask such a question? Are you afraid that he will hate you?”
“Well, you are his wife. I’m but a stranger who seducid  you.”
Eve laughed this time
“Seducing is one thing. And you did nothing of the sort because you aren't a stranger. If you were a stranger then we would also be strangers to you.”
“Well your not. But you and Adam have history. You both have been together for way more then I have.”
“Yes, while that is ture you need to know that with that history..I know my husband. So trust me Y/N if I love you, So does he. That’s not just because he wants me to be happy now that I have found such a beautiful woman. But because he loves you too. Adam sees what I can’t see sometimes. What he sees in you is something soo so special that it completely wrens the word special.”
“Here's A better question..Y/N, do you feel love equally with me and Adam?”
Y/N took time to think about the answer that she was about to say. As she did she sat up from Eve’s embrace and looked at her once more in the eyes.
“..Yes..I don’t know how or when I did but I think it was when I first noticed that you guys kept coming back after the first month. It really warmed my heart that you only wanted me..Slowly I started to fantasies things. Then, I wondered what it would be like to be with you, both of you that is. I called myself selfish and stupid.”
“Do you feel that way now? Do you really think that after all this time and now, that adam could shove you away so easily?”
“..My heart says no, so does my soul. My brain is screaming for them both to be right. I never wanna hurt him.”
“Neither would he.”
Y/N knew what she meant by her statement. When the water got cold they got out and dried off. Stepping into the bedroom the saw some clothes Adam Laid out. Meaning he heard the conversation that Eve and Y/N had. Eve smilled at her and sat down on the bed getting dressed. Down stair she led Y/N to Adam’s recording studio so that she could listen to his music or at least a snippet. Y/N’s eye widened as the words to a cover song rang softly though the entire room. There was padding all over the walls making it sound proof. Adam made it so that Eve would be able to read and he could be as loud as he wanted to be.
“I know your not a ghost just down the street. I am a spinning man, A living ceiling fan. If two could only hang. The same once again. Now my memories seem to be failing me, What once was fantasy; was all i’ve ever know ~”
So sad was the song. What was even more pitiful was how Adam sang the song. It sound personal to him. As if he could relate to it in every single way.
‘Just what is on in that beautiful head of yours my Adam?’
Y/N decided to sit behind him and just listen. Eve never thought of the idea seeing as how he might have wanted his space when it came to his music and what not. On he continued with the song until he strummed the last cord. He pressed stop on the computer in front of him and was about to press play to see how it sound with everything until Y/N and Eve started clapping.
“Adam that was beautiful!! You said you had albums right?! Can you let me borrow one if it’s not too much? I can give it back!”
Adam was stunned at her excitement. He didn’t think he was bad just not as great as she hyped him up to be. He felt a zillion butterflies going up and down in his stomach nonetheless. Her sweet bright eyes laid upon him with such wonder and hope. LIfe and love.
“I’ll do you a better one. I’ll let you have them all if you want. I only really have 3.”
He had 12 full ones
Y/N leaped up and hugged him tight.
‘Why must she make me putty in her hands. With anyone else I wouldn’t be such a sucker for. But she? She’s and Eve could turn me into a weakling. And I wouldn't change it for shit.’
“Why don’t you play a song for our lovely guest star man?”
“What would you like to hear?”
“Oh no no, that’s quite alright-”
“What would you like? Little one i don’t take no for an answer.” Adam held Y/N by the waist closing there space apart from each other tremendously.
“Well..can you play crush, by cigarettes after sex?”
“As long as you dance for me and I get something after as well. Then no problem little dove.”
As he strummed the strings of the guitar Eve went upstairs to get the camera. Adam tried to prolong the song just to see his little zombie dance a bit more. Her baggy short poofed up looking like a weird shaped dress. She was smiling with her eyes closed and her hands raised to the sky reaching higher and higher. She was like a supernova moving to every single strum of his guitar. Even when he stopped playing she was still dancing. Her hair flowed along with the movements making her angelic in every way. All the mushy things adam forgot to tell her about herself everyday. Maybe this time around he couldn’t hold back? Didn’t really see any reason to..He took her hand in his and swayed with her to nothing. As minutes passed by the room started to disappear. No longer were the walls that was covered with padding and what not. Leaning in Adam was inches from her lips. Y/N was waiting for him but noticed something in his eyes. Was he? Asking for permission? He just had this face that spelled out touch starved and in need of love. Of something to excite him and make him feel alive. Y/N laughed at the action since every man that she knew would have just taken the moment for granted. This confused and worried Adam. Did he mess up, smell bad, Look stupid? What was it?
“You are one of a kind Adam..And do i love you for that one reason every day. Now please, kiss me.”
Adam got down on one knee still holding her hands. He wrapped your arms around his neck as he did with his right arm around her waist and the left tentangeling his fingers into her sweet hair. To plant a kiss that he waited patiently for. If anyone told him that he would one day be able to once more taste the most juiciest blueberries and richest wine he wouldn't have believed them. If any one told Y/N that she would be tasting some sort of butter sweet and copper mixed with a hint of cotch then she would have called them insane. Yet here they were. Letting their tongues dance along each others just as they were a few minutes ago. Standing up Adam never loses his grip as her legs started to dangle from below the soft carpet. She had no clue of this being so into the kiss nore did she care. Adam got a bit egger and backed into the computer desk sitting down on the edge. Y/N entangled her fingers in Adam’s thick locks this time. Pulling him closer making the kiss a bit rough. Letting out a moan Adam slid his cold hands under her shirt. He soon found out that she didn’t have on a bra. He moaned again from this relaxation as he slowly reached forward and started to knead her breasts. Y/N moaned out in so much pleasure. His hands were hot and cold at the same time. Something strange was happening. Her skin was heating up and cooling down as pure passion flower between the two. Adam saw no need for stopping, that was until Y/N pulled away.
“I kissed Eve too..”
“...Okay..Now you’ve also kissed me too. What’s your point dove?”
Their breaths were heavy form not taking even an ounce of air while the kiss was still going.
“Your not upset?”
“Don’t you love Eve too?”
“Yes but I didn’t want you to-”
“Eve is my wife. I will always love her no matter what may come our way. You said it yourself, me and my baby have history. But Y/N when I saw you I knew that love is truly never a one way street. Complicated to understand manier times but, never vanilla. Like you, your more than just plain milk and ice with flavor. Your magnificent and unique and so much more than that. These eyes have seen many things Y/N bad and good. But Eve and you are the very best things that these old eyes have ever laid upon. I love you so much my little one. Please..won’t you say what’s on your heart too?”
Y/N was saw the tears starting to form in her eyes and she slammed her lips against Adam’s. He let out a small yelp but chuckled in the kiss melting anyways. Pulling away from him she rested her head onto of his chest wrapping her legs around his torso.
“I would scream from the fucking mountain tops how much I loved you and Eve Adam..You're the best things to happen to me too.”
“We know.”
Eve stood against the doorway with a black camera in her hands. Laughing she cocked her head to one of the windows. Blue light was slowly coming through the room. Morning would be soon.
“TIme for bed.”
“You can say that again sleepy head. Now come.”
She whispered walking up to the bedroom. Adam laughed. Not letting Y/N’s feet unhook from behind his back as he walked up the stairs with her clinging to him like a little koala. Eve snatched her from his grip spinning her around until the back of her legs hit the bed. She yelled at Eve through her laughter sitting up on top of Eve she turned to stare at her. Eve’s hair sprawled all out on the black silt under her. Unable to help but bend down and kiss her. Looking up though she sees Adam start to undress and she’s hooked to the scene. Eve looked up and giggled covering her mouth from how cute her lovers were to each other. Y/N got off of Eve to lay down next to her. Her back was up against Eve’s chest feeling her fingers softly rub her back. Humming in relaxation Y/N opened her eyes to see Adam without any clothes on but only his boxers. Stretching her hand out to him and scrunching her fingers every now and then to signar her need for him
“Adam~, come on.”
“You don’t mind?”
“I never did silly. Now come, it’s cold here without you.”
Adam couldn’t say no and let his bones relax as he scooted closer and closer to her girls. Y/N was always in the middle. So if anything happened while asleep they would be ready. Adam took the door side while Eve was by the windows.
Speaking of Eve it seems she was the last one to fall asleep before closing a little tiny peak of light that was coming in through the curtains. Not on her watch was her little family gonna get destered or harmed while in such a peaceful state. Climbing back into bed she felt Y/N’s back snuggle back into her chest. One of her legs wrapped around Eve’s while the others was with Adam.
Everything was peaceful and quiet until a crash could be heard downstairs. Y/N jumped up and saw that Eve and Adam were no longer in bed. Almost ready to jump out of bed and go confront whatever was happening. To be stopped by a yell and stomping foot steps up the stairs.
The door swung open as Y/N hid under the covers.
“Hello there little snack~..I’m Ava..Your name is?”
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curestardust · 6 years ago
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if you want: (copy-pasting from my previous review cause it didn’t change) well, it’s BNHA lmao / amazing animation / amazing music / shounen / superpowers and heroes / to have a good fucking time
BNHA S01 review: (x)
For the techinical aspects, feel free to read my previous review. The music, the voice-acting. everything brings the same quality as S01, most notable of which is the animation. I was sorta worried that the longer run time will lead to more sloppy shots and such but I really shouldn’t have, it’s just as amazing as it was in the beginning.
Season 2 has 3 arcs. The sports festival, the internships and the final exam. As someone who grew up on Yuu Yuu Hakusho, I was obviously excited for the sports festival arc as it brought us something that every good shounen has: a tournament. The internships bring our attention back to Midoriya while the final exam serves as a nice wrap-up to the season. 
Being such a franchise, as interesting Midoriya’s journey is, it needs some great side-characters which we get plenty of. The characters set-up as more important in season 1 get some really great character building moments, solidifying their personalities and goals. We also have a few more who get thrust into the highlight, namely Todoroki, who serves as a great middle-ground between Midoriya’s sweet and Bakugo’s intense personality.
The rest of the class also get some time to shine, bringing us closer to them and making it feel like we’re truly watching a whole class’s journey instead of just a select few. Alas, they didn’t have as much relevance as in the USJ attack in S01 but still were enjoyable to watch.
All in all, I’m truly amazed. There was some filler and some slower points in the anime where my attention wavered for a second but BNHA always managed to bring me back, making me exhilarated throughout the whole thing.
I can’t wait to dive into S03 and see where these characters’ roads lead to and how the story progresses. (9/10) (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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if you want: tragic gays / gritty, dark and depressing story / 80′s USA with a focus on the mafia and a bit on gangs
WARNING: Banana Fish contains a lot of possibly triggering content. Please be careful if you’re sensitive to: Pedophilia, Rape (the act is never shown just the aftermath) (both are brought up, talked about and happen multiple times)
Banana Fish, or as it’s affectionately called, “Banana Gay”, was my last anime left over from the Summer season.
BF is...horrible. But in a good way. But also in a bad way...what I’m trying to say is that if you become attached to the characters’ in the beginning, you won’t be able to take a single breath throughout the whole runtime of this anime. Literally every episode has some sort of twist or event that made me wanna scream “NOOOO” and it just doesn’t let up! There are very, very few slower parts where you can finally relax for a second but then you blink and the craziness starts all over again. It’s like a really exhausting roller coaster ride.
So what is it about anyway? BF is based on a manga by the same name that was written in the 80′s. It takes place in the USA and we follow a boy named Ash. He is basically the powerful pet of the mafia boss and the leader of the gangs in the downtown area. We start out with Ash rebelling against the mafia. The rest of the anime is just a combination of gang wars, manipulation, shootings, murder and all kinds of disgusting shit that’s typical for most fictional stories taking place in the USA in this time period.
And while the premise and the execution is alright, it’s not interesting enough to draw such a fanbase as it did. And this is where the “Gay” part comes in, as Banana Fish is basically just a tragic love story. And yes, love story, without quotation marks cause if any of these 2 were a woman, people would 100% call it that so no one can say anything, period. Anyway, in the beginning we are also introduced to a young Japanese guy called Eiji, who comes with his friend, a photographer, as his assistant. Ash and Eiji’s very first meeting sets them up as a peculiar pair. Eiji comes off as very naive, sweet and innocent and yet he isn’t scared of Ash despite knowing that he is a gang leader. This fascinates Ash and we go from there, basically. Their personalities are like ice and fire. Ash becomes incredibly attached to Eiji and wants to protect him at all cost (even with his life if necessary). Eiji returns the sentiment, although in a much more subtle matter. Their relationship is what kept me personally completely invested but it was fucking painful cause nothing seems to go right for these two, sigh.
From a technical standpoint, Banana Fish has as many flaws as positives. As I said, if you get attached to the characters, these flaws will be easier to ignore but they are still there and due to this being a 2-cour series, some of the annoying stuff is there long enough to actually become annoying. 
The story itself is going in a 100 different directions with many players on opposing sides. There was a huge problem which only became prevalent near the last third of the anime. That is, there was seemingly a limit as to how high the stakes could be. We start from more minor stuff but with time the threats become bigger and the stumbles become deadlier and deadlier. However, at one point it starts to seem like we’re going in circles. The situation literally can NOT become any more deadlier and thus sometimes it feels like we’re reliving the same plot points over and over again, just in different settings. This isn’t helped by the fact that some characters are hellbent on their decisions and no matter what happens they will not consider anything else.
The animation and the music are both really good but some cracks show through. With the music, it uses multiple genres: melancholic classical instruments and pulsing synth heavy electronic tracks for example. All of the tracks are really pleasant to listen to however they were not used in the best way. Some scenes were missing some background music to elevate our emotions. The art style and animation are a bit unique but you can get used to it in a few minutes. Choppy linework and muted colours create a nice aesthetic with fluid animation especially during combat. Unfortunately, it does have some wonky shots but that wasn’t what annoyed me most but the inconsistent shots. From one angle a character is looking at the wall then when the camera switches to another angle they’re looking at the speaker. From one angle they have their arms crossed, from the next their arms are at their sides. It’s kind of minor but I still couldn’t help but notice and get taken out of the story for a few seconds.
To wrap up...I don’t like the ending. Don’t worry, I won’t be spoiling anything however I got accidentally spoiled on it and I’m honestly glad cause I’m pretty sure I would’ve started screaming like a lunatic if I didn’t. The ending feels a bit rushed. Banana Fish tries to quickly wrap up most plot points but we don’t particularly see their outcome. It was...uhm. Well, let me just say, I wasn’t satisfied and will now on just ignore the canon. mkay. 
I really wanted to downgrade this to a 7 because of the ending but it was a pretty wild and entertaining ride so I don’t think that’d be deserved. Banana Fish is definitely not for everyone but if you are interested in stories set in these settings you might give this a go (and now goodbye, time to read the manga) (8/10) (x)
Recommend: HELL Yeah! | Yes | Eh??? | Nope | This anime killed my parents
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hey-hey-chan · 7 years ago
A cocky shapeshifter with a temper, that’s all I knew about Han Jisung. I had no classes with him until this year, unfortunately, luck was never on my side. 
He was a pretty nice guy, don’t get me wrong. But he was arrogant, always thinking he was better than everyone else, even his friends. From the way he walks to the way he acts, everyone can tell he’s got major skills. He’s one of the strongest shapeshifters, and one of the most powerful people on campus. No one likes to mess with shapeshifters because their anger is uncontrollable, and they’re unpredictable. 
Luckily, I was just a witch. 
Honestly, I was a bit scared of the boy. I never talked to him before and I only heard stories of how he lashed out at one boy for stealing his girlfriend and almost tore his friend apart for just playfully teasing him. 
I did not want to get on his bad side. 
But the boy was just so annoying, it was hard to take anything he did seriously! 
“Today class, I’ll be assigning a group project due next Friday.” The class groaned. Everyone knew everyone hated school projects, it was a mutual hate in high school. “Deal with it kids.” Silence. 
“Ok, so I assigned your partners already, you’ll be meeting up outside of school so please be certain to exchange numbers.” I groaned. I hated talking to everyone at this school, they were all weird. Either super cocky or super abnormal or super strong and scary. I was average I would say. 
“Jeno, Hyemi. Woojin, Chan.” The two smiled at each other, ugh lucky. 
“y/n, Jisung.” My heart stopped. JISUNG? I looked over at him, but he already was, smirking. I internally groaned. 
And at that moment, I knew this wasn’t going to turn out well.
After class, Jisung ran out of the room once it was the end of class. I groaned, I wanted to start working as soon as possible since I had plans next week
I ran after him. “Jisung!” I called out. “Wait!” When he didn’t slow, I grew upset. His friends looked back and pointed at me, but Jisung ignored me either way. Letting my temper get the best of me, I whispered a spell under my breath. It was a special spell only those of royal descent could use. 
Suddenly, the bodies around me stopped, freezing in their place. I heard a gasp. 
“What the hell?” I smirked as Jisung looked around, and then his eyes landed on me. “Hey witch change it back, you need to chill out.” I felt his power start to erupt, which made my heart jump. But my spell made it clear so no one could use magic in this realm. 
“Funny, magic and powers don’t work here, sorry bud.” He glared at me. I held out my hand. 
“Now, phone number.” At those words, he smirked. 
“Aw baby, if you wanted to get my number, all you had to do was just ask.” I glared at him. I kept my anger under control, as I was from the royal line of witches and warlocks. 
“For the project, Jisung. I just want to get this over with as soon as possible.” I extended my hand. “Number please.” I used the spell of compulsion, also a royal spell when not used by fae, to make him act. I smiled once I had it.
“And while you’re here, be at the hidden library, 3pm tomorrow. See you there.” 
Quickly, the world spun to life and continued on, feeling like nothing was wrong. Jisung turned around and glared at me, but he knew better to attack. He let it go while his friends were confused at his actions. 
And I realized, I had made enemies with one of the most powerful shapeshifters who I happened to be working on a project with.
The next day, I was sitting in the library, waiting for the arrival of Han Jisung. I checked my phone, it was 3:01. I grew uneasy; I hate when people are late. I huffed and waited 10 more minutes.
Another 10. Still nothing. I sighed. I decided to just do my homework from other classes in the library, wishfully thinking that Jisung would show later. 
As I was about to leave at 6pm, I heard a voice call my name. I looked up and didn’t find myself staring at the right person.
“Jeongin” I asked. I felt the pit in my stomach gurgle. I felt a bit nervous around this boy. First because he’s so beautiful. And second, since he is also of royal descent, we are bound to wed when we get older to model a perfect couple for the younger generations. I mean, he’s cute and all, but I barely know the guy besides him being a warlock and potentially powerful one.
“Hey y/n, you look pretty sad here by yourself.” I scoffed, leaning back in my chair. 
“Yup, I was supposed to meet someone, but I think they sorta stood me up?” He started to look uneasy. 
“Wait, you’re going on a date..? I thought we were supposed to wed when we grew up.” Wow, there was really no secrets with this guy. I was a year older than him and even though that’s not a lot, in high school, that feels like a whole generation gap. I coughed to cover my laugh.
“Um, not a date, just for a school project.” I decided to ignore the wed part. Honestly, I wasn’t too against it. I never thought I was going to fall in love with someone on my own, so an arranged marriage wouldn’t hurt me. Plus, I’m aware of the strengths it would bring to the royal powers. 
“Oh cool. That sucks, who was it?” I sighed.
“Two words: Han Jisung.” Jeongin burst out laughing.
“Oh Jisung hyung? He’s not that bad noona, it’ll be ok.” The boy glanced down at his watch and frowned. “Oops, I was supposed to help out my roommate with making dinner. I’ll see you around?” I nodded. 
I sat back in my chair and sighed. It was 6pm and Jisung was a no show. I felt tears well up in my eyes, even though this wasn’t a big deal. I felt embarrassed that my future husband knew I was getting stood up by Han Jisung and that he probably thinks everyone can walk over me. And ah! I just hate Jisung so much! 
“You’re in an arranged marriage?” I jolted out of my chair and let out a scream, resulting in everybody shushing me. I blushed but grew angry at the boy in front of me.
“Don’t scare me like that!” I exclaimed I said, slapping his arm. He look surprised at the attack but laughed. 
“I didn’t scare you, I just asked you a question.” I crossed my arms. 
“Actually, you did scare me. And another fact, you’re 3 hours late! How could you?
“I sat here for 3 hours and now you show?? I had to tell my freaking future husband that I was just stood up by you and I’m so embarrassed and upset and now I’ll still have to do the project which I will be doing BY MYSELF.” 
But Han Jisung had the AUDACITY to smirk at me which made my blood boil.
“Actually sweetheart, I was here. I was just in a different form, a fly. That’s how I knew you were in an arranged marriage. I just wanted to see you struggle and it was hilarious. I guess little Miss Royalty isn’t so good at witchcraft as everyone thought she was.” I growled at his words.
“Why the hell would you try to test me? If you thought I was so smart, wouldn’t you be happy that you got me as a partner?! And you did this because what, you wanted to prove to me how bad I am or that shapeshifters are better or something? What reason do you have besides that you’re a huge jerk, Han Jisung! You are the meanest person I ever met!” 
I felt myself getting emotional, something I often did when I was angry. Most people here lash out with anger, but I just start to cry, bad habit.
Jisung had the decency to at least look puzzled at my emotional state.
I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door, holding in my tears. 
I hate being an angry crier, it’s like the worst crier you could be. You just look like a child and no one takes you seriously. 
And even worse, I was more upset that a guy like Han Jisung could make me feel so many sad emotions.
The next morning, I woke up feeling like trash. My eyes were swollen and my hair was a mess since I didn’t wash the hairspray out of it. And on top of that, my nose was stuffed and I had a massive headache. Great, now I’m sick. 
“y/n, are you not going to school?” My roommates, Ahyoung asked. I looked up at her and she recoiled, which made me sad that a werewolf would be frightened of me.
“I’m sick.” I mumbled. She smiled fakely.
“Oh ok, well, I’ll go now. Hope you feel better.” She left me alone to wallow in my sadness. 
I thought of the anger I felt yesterday and felt it make my blood boil. 
“That stupid guy thinks he can just walk all over me and then push my buttons just because I’m of royal descent. UGH!” I buried my head under my pillow. 
Soon enough, the clock ticked by and struck 11 am, and I still hadn’t eaten anything yet. Right as I was about to get up, I heard a knock on the door. Weird, Ahyoung doesn’t get out til 2:30. 
I stood up, wrapping my blanket around me, and opened the door. And then slammed it shut. I heard the pounding.
“Y/N! Please let me in!” I raised a brow. I stayed silent. “C’mon baby, I know you’re in there.” My cheeks turned red at his insult. Baby? Because I cried?? 
I got angry, meaning, I cried again. I quietly sobbed into my arm, and a stuffy nose and crying isn’t the best. I heard him sigh.
“Ok that wasn’t the nicest thing to say. I know you’re listening, so I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I can’t control my temper sometimes and also I’m a big jerk like you said. Forgive me?” I crossed my arms at the half-assed apology. I wiped my nose and blew into it, a mistake.
“Shit, are you crying again? Seriously, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” I hate when people say that, it makes me cry harder. 
“Just go away Jisung!” I yelled. Usually, I would do a spell, but spells go wonky when you’re sick. And crying. 
“Are you naked?” I gasped at the question. 
“You jerk! You try apologizing to me and really you just want to be a perv! Ok, ok, you freak!” As I was rambling, I saw a fly land on the ground and then Jisung appear. “AH!” I screamed, smacking him. 
“Ouch! Ah lady, chill out! I asked if you were nude first, chivalry.” I glared at him, but then looked to what he had in his hands and I softened like the baby I was. I crossed my arms. 
“That doesn’t matter. You should’ve let me grant my permission.” He sighed. 
“Please y/n, I feel really bad for making you upset. I never had a girl gt so upset at what my teasing before and I just wanna make it up to you.” I look to the chocolates and roses he had in his hand. He jutted them out. “For you.” I felt my heart jump a bit, and I was upset by that reaction. I sighed. 
“I’ll keep the gifts.” I said snottily. I wiped my nose on my sleeve and he chuckled. I glared. “What?” I snapped. He backed up.
“I was just gonna say you’re kinda cute when you’re not trying to strangle me.” At first, I wanted to punch him, then I realized what he said. 
“You think I’m cute?” I blushed. He smiled, now he was blushing. 
“I said kinda, don’t flatter yourself.” My heart dropped. He noticed my reaction. “And also you have a husband, sorta.” I rolled my eyes.
“True, I mean, I’m only ok with it ‘cause there’s probably no guy who’s going to fight for me.” Suddenly, Jisung’s eyes brightened. I took a step back. “What?” I asked. He smiled widely, like he had a plan.
“Was that a challenge?” I raised a brow. 
“A what now?” He grabbed my hands, making my blanket fall and I happened to be only wearing a pink tank top, and was braless with shorts. I screamed and shoved him. 
“Shit sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!” I picked up the blanket again. “But first, I just wanted to say that challenge accepted.” I scoffed.
“What challenge?” He smiled.
“You said there’s no guy going to fight for you.” I don’t like where this is going.
“So I’ll be the first.”
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talkingstarwars · 7 years ago
Last Jedi positives and negatives, plus predictions for Episode IX!
Alright, enough time has passed and I think it’s okay for me to finally give my spoiler thoughts on The Last Jedi and predictions for the future (plus I haven’t had time to write something here specifically until now!)
Right out of the gate: I like The Last Jedi. I think I like it as much as The Force Awakens, but I like each film for very different reasons. TLJ took way more chances and was much more subversive than TFA, which I greatly appreciated. However, there are so many problems that I have with this movie. I know that sounds really negative, but here me out! I love Star Wars, but I also love movies. Upon first viewing I watched The Last Jedi as a Star Wars fan, and the second time I looked at it with a more critical eye.
Let’s get the problems I had with the movie out of the way first.
1) I hated everything that had to do with Canto Bight. Like, legitimately hated. It dragged upon the pacing and every time they cut back to it, I found myself checking my watch and hoping they’d go back to something more interesting. I thought its “message” was too on-the-nose and delivered poorly. It felt so prequelish and cartoony to me that I rolled my eyes more than once. I like Finn. I kinda like Rose. They were not serviced properly at all. Finn was one of my favorite characters and I felt like he was reduced to an ultimately meaningless side quest. Honestly, I look forward to fast forwarding through all the Canto Bight sequences once I get my hands on the Blu-Ray. And before you tell me the deeper meaning of the sequence, listen: I got it. I got everything that they were trying to say, but the execution didn’t work for me. It was too long, too. 45 minutes on that dumb planet felt like 90. Also, some of the effects look a little wonky, especially when Finn and Rose were riding those horse things through the city streets.
2) Leia’s Superman moment. It really pains me to say this because I miss Carrie Fisher with my whole heart and she gave a hell of a performance in this movie. But it was just to weird for me, seeing her fly through the stars like that using the Force. I’m glad that she used the Force but jeez, it was strange and took me out of the moment.
3) Snoke’s death. Alright, so this is a tough one. I love, love, love the manner in which Snoke died (more on that later), but I can’t help but worry about what this really means. The Force Awakens told the audience which questions to ask and what questions were important; one of those being “who is Snoke?” He was set up as this Big Bad™️ and was killed by almost nothing. Look, I know this whole movie’s deal was “subverting expectations” and being “unexpected”, but this is a mistake that the prequels had. Killing off your villains too early doesn’t give your main character a good motivation to keep fighting. Think about it: if Darth Maul hadn’t died and was the ancillary villain throughout the prequels, there would have been more emotional weight in Obi Wan’s journey (don’t @ me with that “but Maul was in the Clone Wars TV show!” Let’s keep the talk to movies, but I do love TCW a lot.) I think Snoke needed to be a driving force for Kylo Ren in his struggle with both the Dark and Light Sides. Clearly I don’t know what is going to happen in Episode IX, it could be the greatest story ever for all we know, but for now I thought the character of Snoke was, quite frankly, wasted. I felt no impact when he died, other than the impact that came with the rest of the scene. I wish we had known more about him, that’s all! One line of dialogue about who Snoke was or “he’s like, super crazy powerful with the Force because of X, Y, and Z.” I needed more from Snoke to feel any weight/impact when he was killed. What had already been presented to me about Snoke (which wasn’t a lot, I think we can all agree) was not enough for me. Maybe we’ll learn more about him in a book or a comic or in Episode IX.
4) Right, so where the hell were the Knights of Ren? Again, something that was presented as important to the audience in The Force Awakens and was not elaborated on. I think this- coupled with my previous ramblings on Snoke, the revelations about Rey’s parents, and some other story beats- show that there is a lack of a complete vision with this story. I appreciate the fact that Lucasfilm is letting storytellers tell their stories, and have creative freedom over projects (for the saga films, not the stand alones apparently). That being said, it didn’t feel like JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson collaborated and compromised as much as they should have. Look at Marvel; each story can stand alone but there is clearly an overarching story. I understand that this is “Rey’s journey”, but it would be nice if there was a supervisor (à la Kevin Feige) overseeing this saga. Yes, I understand that many feel as if the Marvel films are formulaic, but one must see that they’re still letting filmmakers tell their stories (see Thor: Ragnarok. That was 100% a Taika Watiti film.) It felt like there was a large disconnect between The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. If the Marvel analogy didn’t satisfy you, let’s look at the original Star Wars trilogy. George Lucas did not direct all of those movies. He did not write all of them. But he was the head of story development, and they all felt connected and like there was one overarching narrative. These are just my opinions, mind you! For me, I wish that there was more connective tissue between 7 and 8 and that certain story threads weren’t dropped/disregarded.
5) This is a slippery slope, and not completely a negative, but sometimes...sometimes Rose didn’t work for me. Overall, I thought she was a good addition to the saga and Kelly Marie Tran is a DELIGHT, but her line delivery was a little rough and her one-sided affection for Finn fell completely flat. This was a super minor issue! Don’t hate me, please. If you loved everything about Rose, awesome! This movie is yours to enjoy and pick apart, and you should never change your opinions based on those of others. Live your life.
6) Ah, Luke Skywalker. One thing: I don’t believe for a second, based solely off of what we know about Luke’s character, that he’d ever consider killing his nephew. Just hear me out, please, I know this is a iffy subject for most fans. Specifically, I don’t think Luke would have ever turned on that damn lightsaber, even for a moment. I know we’ve seen Luke straight up MURDER fools (see Jabba’s sail barge) and we’ve seen him tempted by the Dark Side (see when he was tempted to kill the Emperor or when he was tempted to kill Darth Vader.) Almost killing Vader and thinking about murdering Ben Solo are completely different. Vader had actually done all those horrible things; Luke only saw a glimpse into the future of Ben Solo. One of Yoda’s chief lessons to Luke was that the future is always in motion. Luke would have had hope, he wouldn’t have thought (even for a second!) that killing the son of his sister and best friend would be a good idea. Luke would have spoken to him, Luke would have tried to make amends. Vader, Ben Solo, the Emperor, those drunk idiots on Jabba’s barge; all different scenarios. All in all, I didn’t agree with this decision with Luke’s character. Oh well, it’s not my choice, it’s not my story, as much as I would like it to be. I’m a Star Wars fan, and I love these characters so so much. Still, it’s okay to formulate opinions about things you care about.
7) I could live without DJ. Honestly I thought they wasted Benicio Del Toro’s talents. I think he was much more suited for either a Resistance official or Knight of Ren, not some stuttering Lando Calrissian antithesis. I get the lesson he taught to Finn about arms dealing, but his character got on my nerves. Maybe it was just intensified by my dislike for Canto Bight.
8) The plot device of “the characters didn’t communicate” is cheap. I am, of course, referring to Holdo not informing Poe about what she was up to. Was Poe a lower ranking official? Yes. Still, Holdo must’ve known that he was still one of Leia’s most valuable soldiers. She could have told him something! This could have avoided Canto Bight and cut down on the film’s long run time. This would have given a stronger relationship between Holdo and Poe, further showing how he will be trusted with the future of the Resistance.
Here’s a quick run-down of other things I had a problem with:
Hux was even more of a cartoon character, and it was annoying
The fact that Rose stopped Finn from sacrificing himself! It could've been a really powerful moment but she came in with an out-of-left-field message that doesn't mean anything because they had no chemistry! (And I'm not referring to the purposeful awkwardness; this is just them together in general.)
The fact that Poe said “big ass door”
Final Finn/Phasma confrontation, mostly because Phasma was still grossly underdeveloped and showing part of her face did very little to humanize her.
Luke throwing the lightsaber over his shoulder like the legacy of his father and his past meant nothing! I understand that Luke wanted to be left alone, but even he still had a heart. He should've taken it and grumpily walked away instead of throwing the damn thing so nonchalantly.
GEEZ, DID YOU ACTUALLY LIKE ANYTHING FROM THIS FILM?! Yes, yes, I like so much about this film! Let me explain all my positives!
1) That Luke and Yoda scene put the biggest smile on my face. That was bonafide Empire Strikes Back puppet Yoda! I love the message Yoda gave to Luke, I love how he bopped his former trainee on the head with his walking stick, and I loved how they burned the Force tree. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite Star Wars scenes of all time, I think. It felt so organic and genuine, and I loved every minute of it. That was the kind of moment and dialogue that makes me love Star Wars!
2) I loved that Rian Johnson TOOK CHANCES. He managed to keep my guessing through the movie and presented us with situations that expanded the Star Wars story. One of my biggest complaints with The Force Awakens (which is shared with many) was that it felt so familiar. I appreciate the Rian Johnson made this film his own. And yes, I liked the Force-projection that Luke did at the end (aka Force doppelgänger or whatever.) I lost it when Luke brushed his shoulder in his confrontation with Ben Solo. Gold. Pure gold.
3) The Rey/Kylo Ren team up fight is a top-five Star Wars moment for me. What a battle. Especially in a filmmaking perspective; the fight choreography was exquisite and the wide shots of them back-to-back taking on the Praetorian guards looked SO GOOD. Also, I was tricked into think that this was Ben’s turn to the light side, and was promptly misdirected. Nice job, Rian; you got me. What an emotional, rage-fueled battle. It shows us the obvious compatibility of the two, their interconnectedness, and the sad truth of their separation. You cannot have light without darkness. Somehow, in some way, those two- they complete each other.
4) Porgs. I am pro-porg. Porgs are friends, not food. Thank god they did not go the way of the Gungan.
5) We got a force-bond, people. Not gonna lie, this might be one of my largest positives with the film because it was one of my predictions that came true... Anyways, I loved every interaction of Rey and Kylo Ren. Even the shirtless scene, which was obviously just to show the audience that Rey could see him- it was only for this, nothing more, clearly. Still, these two are the heart of our story; our Skywalker and our Scavenger. The light and the dark. Yin and yang. Peanut butter and jelly. The dynamic duo, if you will.
6) There were some damn good space battles. This includes: the opening bombing run, Kylo Ren almost blowing up the Resistance bridge, the outmatched Resistance fleet trying to flee to Crait, Holdo sacrificing herself for the Resistance. I like my space battles. (Although, to be fair, the bombs “dropping” in space bothered me a bit. Oh well, screw physics.)
7) Amilyn Holdo is a good character. This is because I am bringing outside knowledge about her with me when I view this film, which makes her death more impactful. I do think it’s unfair to the audience at large when people say “if you only read the book this moment in the movie would be better.” I think that’s a little annoying; you shouldn’t have to read a book/comic to understand a character. The film should give them their due. Was Holdo, in terms of the film, a little underdeveloped? Yes. That doesn’t take away from the impact of her sacrifice and devotion to the cause.
8) There were a lot of good lessons in this film, including, but not limited to:
Failure is the greatest teacher
You can come from nothing and still be something
Your worth does not lie in your past
Forge your own destiny
Don’t drink green milk from strange aliens
9) This movie made me excited for Rian Johnson’s trilogy and Episode IX. It was, like I said, effective in expanding lore and making the universe feel bigger! I mean, it’s also not like Lucasfilm doesn’t already own my soul. I will see everything they put out.
10) I liked the circumstances surrounding the reveal of Rey’s true lineage. Would I have liked her to be a descendant of Obi Wan Kenobi? Of course. Would the story be elevated by the parallel of a Skywalker training a Kenobi vs a Kenobi training a Skywalker? Possibly. Was I a tad bit disappointed when Rey actually turned out to be a nobody. Yes, and I won’t deny that, but the more I dwell on it the more I like the decision. I read some article that summed it all up perfectly: not only was that the hardest thing for Rey to hear at the moment, it was the hardest thing for the audience to hear as well. Considering the circumstances, this was a critical point in the bonding of Rey and Ben. It also further develops the theme that you can come from anywhere and still be a hero (just look at Broom Kid at the end.) I also think this moment revealed the dangers of speculation; we, as dedicated Star Wars fans, sometimes need to take a step back and realize that this story is not in our hands. I know a lot of the disappointment that stemmed from this movie came from the fact that people’s theories were not made a reality. This is not healthy film going! I am a victim to it. Still, all that being said, The Force Awakens and JJ Abrams pretty much told us to speculate about where Rey came from; she was important, her lineage was important. How could her strength with the Force be explained otherwise? Well, Rian Johnson took over and he gave us the answer; just not the one we were expecting.
11) Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill were so good in this movie. I miss Carrie so so much, and Mark brought such a good energy to the film as a beaten down, tired Luke Skywalker. Their “reunion” made me smile so much. Love you, Carrie.
12) Kylo Ren is a complex, compelling, and damaged character portrayed impeccably by Adam Driver. Every time Kylo Ren came on screen we pulled back a layer of his psyche and got to understand why he is the way that he is. I soaked up every minute of his screen time. If you still think he’s a whiny kid not worthy to be amongst the likes of Vader, the Emperor, and Maul as a great Star Wars villain, I respect your opinion but I'd have to politely disagree. Driver, once again, gives a great performance.
Alright, so I'm just going to spare you from reading anymore and do a quick list of the rest of the things I liked:
battle of Crait
Resistance ship going through Snoke’s ship at lightspeed
Chewie cooking a porg
Luke and R2 in the Falcon
Kylo Ren force-slamming Hux against a wall
Hux getting force-choked by Snoke
Hux getting taunted by Poe
Poe Dameron, in general
Billie Lourd as Connix
References to other movies (palapatine reference specifically)!
Everything about the Luke/Kylo fight: the brushing of the shoulder, the fake-out, the dialogue, everything
Luke ended where he began: with twin suns. Beautiful imagery.
And much more!
So, thanks TLJ for making the last month or so of my life consumed by Star Wars debate (which, if I'm being honest, isn't new.) I had a ton of fun at the movies, and now we throw ourselves right back into speculation time! So, here are my predictions for Star Wars Episode IX: Legacy of the Force (lol just a filler title don't have a hot scoop here):
Ghost Luke will guide Rey. Other ghost appearances to be aware of are: Yoda, Obi Wan, and Anakin Skywalker (who will appear as a man/machine hybrid and talk to Kylo Ren, not Rey.)
Kylo Ren will be redeemed.
Rey will start a new order of Jedi
Poe will take over the Resistance
Rose will become a pilot
The Knights of Ren will come out to play, one might be planning to betray Kylo, which might help him be pushed towards the Light Side
Ben Solo will die, but die a redeemed man, probably whilst trying to protect Rey
Chewie will die.
Leia’s funeral will be at the start of the movie, I will be crying my eyes out.
The Resistance will emerge victorious, but it won't be a...happy victory, per se.
We’ll learn more about Snoke
Rey will eventually build her own saberstaff using the crystal of Anakin’s saber
Resolution on Rey’s force vision from TFA
Rey will use the Dark Side but not give in to full temptation
The minds of Rey and Ben will be linked once more. Probably if Rey ha to track Ben down, she’ll open her mind to him or something like that
Lando Calrissian will come back
We will visit at least one planet from the Original Trilogy, because this is JJ Abrams were talking about and he doesn't want a lot of change. I think it’ll probably be Endor because that's where Luke cremated Vader, and I’d imagine that's a very important place for Kylo Ren
Is that too much to pack into one film? Absolutely! Did I already warn about the dangers of over speculation? Hell yeah, but like I do all the time I'm going to ignore my own advice! Speculation is all a part of the fun.
So, I hope you enjoyed The Last Jedi. And if you didn't like it, cool. I hope we can all just get along. Still, I’d be happy to duke it out. Meet me on Crait, where salt is more plentiful than it is in the voices of legions of angry fans.
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