last jedi blu-ray
me right now: alright, roughing out some theories for episode ix, got some ideas
#the last jedi#last jedi#star wars#episode viii#episode 8#rian johnson#Rey#ben solo#kylo ren#reylo#episode ix#finn#poe dameron#resistance#first order#general hux#leia organa#general leia#luke skywalker
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trying to go into Solo as a blank slate; no trailers, no plot details, no news, no nothing.
#solo#han solo#solo a star wars story#star wars#a star wars story#chewbacca#lando calrissian#lando#q’ira#milleniumfalcon#millenium falcon
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Last Jedi positives and negatives, plus predictions for Episode IX!
Alright, enough time has passed and I think it’s okay for me to finally give my spoiler thoughts on The Last Jedi and predictions for the future (plus I haven’t had time to write something here specifically until now!)
Right out of the gate: I like The Last Jedi. I think I like it as much as The Force Awakens, but I like each film for very different reasons. TLJ took way more chances and was much more subversive than TFA, which I greatly appreciated. However, there are so many problems that I have with this movie. I know that sounds really negative, but here me out! I love Star Wars, but I also love movies. Upon first viewing I watched The Last Jedi as a Star Wars fan, and the second time I looked at it with a more critical eye.
Let’s get the problems I had with the movie out of the way first.
1) I hated everything that had to do with Canto Bight. Like, legitimately hated. It dragged upon the pacing and every time they cut back to it, I found myself checking my watch and hoping they’d go back to something more interesting. I thought its “message” was too on-the-nose and delivered poorly. It felt so prequelish and cartoony to me that I rolled my eyes more than once. I like Finn. I kinda like Rose. They were not serviced properly at all. Finn was one of my favorite characters and I felt like he was reduced to an ultimately meaningless side quest. Honestly, I look forward to fast forwarding through all the Canto Bight sequences once I get my hands on the Blu-Ray. And before you tell me the deeper meaning of the sequence, listen: I got it. I got everything that they were trying to say, but the execution didn’t work for me. It was too long, too. 45 minutes on that dumb planet felt like 90. Also, some of the effects look a little wonky, especially when Finn and Rose were riding those horse things through the city streets.
2) Leia’s Superman moment. It really pains me to say this because I miss Carrie Fisher with my whole heart and she gave a hell of a performance in this movie. But it was just to weird for me, seeing her fly through the stars like that using the Force. I’m glad that she used the Force but jeez, it was strange and took me out of the moment.
3) Snoke’s death. Alright, so this is a tough one. I love, love, love the manner in which Snoke died (more on that later), but I can’t help but worry about what this really means. The Force Awakens told the audience which questions to ask and what questions were important; one of those being “who is Snoke?” He was set up as this Big Bad™️ and was killed by almost nothing. Look, I know this whole movie’s deal was “subverting expectations” and being “unexpected”, but this is a mistake that the prequels had. Killing off your villains too early doesn’t give your main character a good motivation to keep fighting. Think about it: if Darth Maul hadn’t died and was the ancillary villain throughout the prequels, there would have been more emotional weight in Obi Wan’s journey (don’t @ me with that “but Maul was in the Clone Wars TV show!” Let’s keep the talk to movies, but I do love TCW a lot.) I think Snoke needed to be a driving force for Kylo Ren in his struggle with both the Dark and Light Sides. Clearly I don’t know what is going to happen in Episode IX, it could be the greatest story ever for all we know, but for now I thought the character of Snoke was, quite frankly, wasted. I felt no impact when he died, other than the impact that came with the rest of the scene. I wish we had known more about him, that’s all! One line of dialogue about who Snoke was or “he’s like, super crazy powerful with the Force because of X, Y, and Z.” I needed more from Snoke to feel any weight/impact when he was killed. What had already been presented to me about Snoke (which wasn’t a lot, I think we can all agree) was not enough for me. Maybe we’ll learn more about him in a book or a comic or in Episode IX.
4) Right, so where the hell were the Knights of Ren? Again, something that was presented as important to the audience in The Force Awakens and was not elaborated on. I think this- coupled with my previous ramblings on Snoke, the revelations about Rey’s parents, and some other story beats- show that there is a lack of a complete vision with this story. I appreciate the fact that Lucasfilm is letting storytellers tell their stories, and have creative freedom over projects (for the saga films, not the stand alones apparently). That being said, it didn’t feel like JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson collaborated and compromised as much as they should have. Look at Marvel; each story can stand alone but there is clearly an overarching story. I understand that this is “Rey’s journey”, but it would be nice if there was a supervisor (à la Kevin Feige) overseeing this saga. Yes, I understand that many feel as if the Marvel films are formulaic, but one must see that they’re still letting filmmakers tell their stories (see Thor: Ragnarok. That was 100% a Taika Watiti film.) It felt like there was a large disconnect between The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. If the Marvel analogy didn’t satisfy you, let’s look at the original Star Wars trilogy. George Lucas did not direct all of those movies. He did not write all of them. But he was the head of story development, and they all felt connected and like there was one overarching narrative. These are just my opinions, mind you! For me, I wish that there was more connective tissue between 7 and 8 and that certain story threads weren’t dropped/disregarded.
5) This is a slippery slope, and not completely a negative, but sometimes...sometimes Rose didn’t work for me. Overall, I thought she was a good addition to the saga and Kelly Marie Tran is a DELIGHT, but her line delivery was a little rough and her one-sided affection for Finn fell completely flat. This was a super minor issue! Don’t hate me, please. If you loved everything about Rose, awesome! This movie is yours to enjoy and pick apart, and you should never change your opinions based on those of others. Live your life.
6) Ah, Luke Skywalker. One thing: I don’t believe for a second, based solely off of what we know about Luke’s character, that he’d ever consider killing his nephew. Just hear me out, please, I know this is a iffy subject for most fans. Specifically, I don’t think Luke would have ever turned on that damn lightsaber, even for a moment. I know we’ve seen Luke straight up MURDER fools (see Jabba’s sail barge) and we’ve seen him tempted by the Dark Side (see when he was tempted to kill the Emperor or when he was tempted to kill Darth Vader.) Almost killing Vader and thinking about murdering Ben Solo are completely different. Vader had actually done all those horrible things; Luke only saw a glimpse into the future of Ben Solo. One of Yoda’s chief lessons to Luke was that the future is always in motion. Luke would have had hope, he wouldn’t have thought (even for a second!) that killing the son of his sister and best friend would be a good idea. Luke would have spoken to him, Luke would have tried to make amends. Vader, Ben Solo, the Emperor, those drunk idiots on Jabba’s barge; all different scenarios. All in all, I didn’t agree with this decision with Luke’s character. Oh well, it’s not my choice, it’s not my story, as much as I would like it to be. I’m a Star Wars fan, and I love these characters so so much. Still, it’s okay to formulate opinions about things you care about.
7) I could live without DJ. Honestly I thought they wasted Benicio Del Toro’s talents. I think he was much more suited for either a Resistance official or Knight of Ren, not some stuttering Lando Calrissian antithesis. I get the lesson he taught to Finn about arms dealing, but his character got on my nerves. Maybe it was just intensified by my dislike for Canto Bight.
8) The plot device of “the characters didn’t communicate” is cheap. I am, of course, referring to Holdo not informing Poe about what she was up to. Was Poe a lower ranking official? Yes. Still, Holdo must’ve known that he was still one of Leia’s most valuable soldiers. She could have told him something! This could have avoided Canto Bight and cut down on the film’s long run time. This would have given a stronger relationship between Holdo and Poe, further showing how he will be trusted with the future of the Resistance.
Here’s a quick run-down of other things I had a problem with:
Hux was even more of a cartoon character, and it was annoying
The fact that Rose stopped Finn from sacrificing himself! It could've been a really powerful moment but she came in with an out-of-left-field message that doesn't mean anything because they had no chemistry! (And I'm not referring to the purposeful awkwardness; this is just them together in general.)
The fact that Poe said “big ass door”
Final Finn/Phasma confrontation, mostly because Phasma was still grossly underdeveloped and showing part of her face did very little to humanize her.
Luke throwing the lightsaber over his shoulder like the legacy of his father and his past meant nothing! I understand that Luke wanted to be left alone, but even he still had a heart. He should've taken it and grumpily walked away instead of throwing the damn thing so nonchalantly.
GEEZ, DID YOU ACTUALLY LIKE ANYTHING FROM THIS FILM?! Yes, yes, I like so much about this film! Let me explain all my positives!
1) That Luke and Yoda scene put the biggest smile on my face. That was bonafide Empire Strikes Back puppet Yoda! I love the message Yoda gave to Luke, I love how he bopped his former trainee on the head with his walking stick, and I loved how they burned the Force tree. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite Star Wars scenes of all time, I think. It felt so organic and genuine, and I loved every minute of it. That was the kind of moment and dialogue that makes me love Star Wars!
2) I loved that Rian Johnson TOOK CHANCES. He managed to keep my guessing through the movie and presented us with situations that expanded the Star Wars story. One of my biggest complaints with The Force Awakens (which is shared with many) was that it felt so familiar. I appreciate the Rian Johnson made this film his own. And yes, I liked the Force-projection that Luke did at the end (aka Force doppelgänger or whatever.) I lost it when Luke brushed his shoulder in his confrontation with Ben Solo. Gold. Pure gold.
3) The Rey/Kylo Ren team up fight is a top-five Star Wars moment for me. What a battle. Especially in a filmmaking perspective; the fight choreography was exquisite and the wide shots of them back-to-back taking on the Praetorian guards looked SO GOOD. Also, I was tricked into think that this was Ben’s turn to the light side, and was promptly misdirected. Nice job, Rian; you got me. What an emotional, rage-fueled battle. It shows us the obvious compatibility of the two, their interconnectedness, and the sad truth of their separation. You cannot have light without darkness. Somehow, in some way, those two- they complete each other.
4) Porgs. I am pro-porg. Porgs are friends, not food. Thank god they did not go the way of the Gungan.
5) We got a force-bond, people. Not gonna lie, this might be one of my largest positives with the film because it was one of my predictions that came true... Anyways, I loved every interaction of Rey and Kylo Ren. Even the shirtless scene, which was obviously just to show the audience that Rey could see him- it was only for this, nothing more, clearly. Still, these two are the heart of our story; our Skywalker and our Scavenger. The light and the dark. Yin and yang. Peanut butter and jelly. The dynamic duo, if you will.
6) There were some damn good space battles. This includes: the opening bombing run, Kylo Ren almost blowing up the Resistance bridge, the outmatched Resistance fleet trying to flee to Crait, Holdo sacrificing herself for the Resistance. I like my space battles. (Although, to be fair, the bombs “dropping” in space bothered me a bit. Oh well, screw physics.)
7) Amilyn Holdo is a good character. This is because I am bringing outside knowledge about her with me when I view this film, which makes her death more impactful. I do think it’s unfair to the audience at large when people say “if you only read the book this moment in the movie would be better.” I think that’s a little annoying; you shouldn’t have to read a book/comic to understand a character. The film should give them their due. Was Holdo, in terms of the film, a little underdeveloped? Yes. That doesn’t take away from the impact of her sacrifice and devotion to the cause.
8) There were a lot of good lessons in this film, including, but not limited to:
Failure is the greatest teacher
You can come from nothing and still be something
Your worth does not lie in your past
Forge your own destiny
Don’t drink green milk from strange aliens
9) This movie made me excited for Rian Johnson’s trilogy and Episode IX. It was, like I said, effective in expanding lore and making the universe feel bigger! I mean, it’s also not like Lucasfilm doesn’t already own my soul. I will see everything they put out.
10) I liked the circumstances surrounding the reveal of Rey’s true lineage. Would I have liked her to be a descendant of Obi Wan Kenobi? Of course. Would the story be elevated by the parallel of a Skywalker training a Kenobi vs a Kenobi training a Skywalker? Possibly. Was I a tad bit disappointed when Rey actually turned out to be a nobody. Yes, and I won’t deny that, but the more I dwell on it the more I like the decision. I read some article that summed it all up perfectly: not only was that the hardest thing for Rey to hear at the moment, it was the hardest thing for the audience to hear as well. Considering the circumstances, this was a critical point in the bonding of Rey and Ben. It also further develops the theme that you can come from anywhere and still be a hero (just look at Broom Kid at the end.) I also think this moment revealed the dangers of speculation; we, as dedicated Star Wars fans, sometimes need to take a step back and realize that this story is not in our hands. I know a lot of the disappointment that stemmed from this movie came from the fact that people’s theories were not made a reality. This is not healthy film going! I am a victim to it. Still, all that being said, The Force Awakens and JJ Abrams pretty much told us to speculate about where Rey came from; she was important, her lineage was important. How could her strength with the Force be explained otherwise? Well, Rian Johnson took over and he gave us the answer; just not the one we were expecting.
11) Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill were so good in this movie. I miss Carrie so so much, and Mark brought such a good energy to the film as a beaten down, tired Luke Skywalker. Their “reunion” made me smile so much. Love you, Carrie.
12) Kylo Ren is a complex, compelling, and damaged character portrayed impeccably by Adam Driver. Every time Kylo Ren came on screen we pulled back a layer of his psyche and got to understand why he is the way that he is. I soaked up every minute of his screen time. If you still think he’s a whiny kid not worthy to be amongst the likes of Vader, the Emperor, and Maul as a great Star Wars villain, I respect your opinion but I'd have to politely disagree. Driver, once again, gives a great performance.
Alright, so I'm just going to spare you from reading anymore and do a quick list of the rest of the things I liked:
battle of Crait
Resistance ship going through Snoke’s ship at lightspeed
Chewie cooking a porg
Luke and R2 in the Falcon
Kylo Ren force-slamming Hux against a wall
Hux getting force-choked by Snoke
Hux getting taunted by Poe
Poe Dameron, in general
Billie Lourd as Connix
References to other movies (palapatine reference specifically)!
Everything about the Luke/Kylo fight: the brushing of the shoulder, the fake-out, the dialogue, everything
Luke ended where he began: with twin suns. Beautiful imagery.
And much more!
So, thanks TLJ for making the last month or so of my life consumed by Star Wars debate (which, if I'm being honest, isn't new.) I had a ton of fun at the movies, and now we throw ourselves right back into speculation time! So, here are my predictions for Star Wars Episode IX: Legacy of the Force (lol just a filler title don't have a hot scoop here):
Ghost Luke will guide Rey. Other ghost appearances to be aware of are: Yoda, Obi Wan, and Anakin Skywalker (who will appear as a man/machine hybrid and talk to Kylo Ren, not Rey.)
Kylo Ren will be redeemed.
Rey will start a new order of Jedi
Poe will take over the Resistance
Rose will become a pilot
The Knights of Ren will come out to play, one might be planning to betray Kylo, which might help him be pushed towards the Light Side
Ben Solo will die, but die a redeemed man, probably whilst trying to protect Rey
Chewie will die.
Leia’s funeral will be at the start of the movie, I will be crying my eyes out.
The Resistance will emerge victorious, but it won't be a...happy victory, per se.
We’ll learn more about Snoke
Rey will eventually build her own saberstaff using the crystal of Anakin’s saber
Resolution on Rey’s force vision from TFA
Rey will use the Dark Side but not give in to full temptation
The minds of Rey and Ben will be linked once more. Probably if Rey ha to track Ben down, she’ll open her mind to him or something like that
Lando Calrissian will come back
We will visit at least one planet from the Original Trilogy, because this is JJ Abrams were talking about and he doesn't want a lot of change. I think it’ll probably be Endor because that's where Luke cremated Vader, and I’d imagine that's a very important place for Kylo Ren
Is that too much to pack into one film? Absolutely! Did I already warn about the dangers of over speculation? Hell yeah, but like I do all the time I'm going to ignore my own advice! Speculation is all a part of the fun.
So, I hope you enjoyed The Last Jedi. And if you didn't like it, cool. I hope we can all just get along. Still, I’d be happy to duke it out. Meet me on Crait, where salt is more plentiful than it is in the voices of legions of angry fans.
#star wars the last jedi#the last jedi#last jedi#star wars#rey#luke skywalker#kylo ren#ben solo#leia organa#general leia#general hux#resistance#episode ix#episode viii#episode 8#rian johnson#poe dameron#rose tico#star wars speculations#star wars theories#chewbacca#lando calrissian#captain phasma#original trilogy#empire strikes back#snoke#first order#a new hope#jedi#sith
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Like if you think Kylo Ren is NOT redeemable, reblog if you think he is
gauging the star wars community’s opinions for a little something I'm writing
#Ben solo#kylo ren#the last jedi#star wars#episode viii#rey#han solo#leia organa#general leia#the first order#first order#snoke#star wars theory#theory#episode ix#episode 8#star wars the last jedi#last Jedi#luke skywalker#skywalker#darth vader#vader#anakin skywalker#sequel trilogy#original
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If Padme Fucking Amidala’s last words were telling Obi Wan that there is still good left in Anakin after he tried to kill her nine months pregnant while he just finished slaughtering a castle full of children, you can bet your sorry ass Kylo’s redemption is the hill I will die on.
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when ur shoes get more backstory than u do
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fly casual
#han solo#star wars#solo a star wars story#solo#a star wars story#lando calrissian#lando#Chewbacca#kira#millennium falcon#the falcon#may the force be with you#i have a bad feeling about this#space#the Force#light side#dark side
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my dash before TLJ: Reylo, here and there, mostly other ships
#the last jedi#rey#reylo#star wars#star wars episode 8#episode 8#kylo ren#ben solo#luke skywalker#porgs#swtlj#spoilers#tlj#last jedi#rey x kylo ren#sorry not sorry
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Kylo Ren: I will finish what you started
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Last Jedi Thoughts (NO SPOILERS!)
Alright, I’ve seen it twice now. I really wanted to make sure that this film sunk in. Fans are really split on this one, as they should be. Here are some of my thoughts, without spoilers (still, though, try and go into this movie knowing as little as possible!!):
1) This is a RIAN JOHNSON film. As in, it almost didn’t feel like Star Wars at times. Sometimes it worked extremely well, other times it was slightly lacking. The movie had his signature flare, his sense of humor, and for the most part I’m glad Lucasfilm gave him free reign over everything.
2) The Finn and Rose storyline was definitely the weakest part. Without spoilers, I’ll just say this: I like Rose. I like Finn. I like their chemistry, but Johnson had so many characters to service and it felt like he didn’t really care about them compared to people like Rey and Kylo, to some extent? I don’t want to say anymore.
3) When this film is great, we get some of the best Star Wars moments I’ve ever seen. Just watch the movie. Rian does some amazing things with characters, both old and new. He elaborates on the Force.
4) I liked it more that The Force Awakens. This movie felt more original to me, and I got a lot more out of it. Rey, Kylo, Poe, Holdo, Luke, and Leia are all fantastic, and characters that were in previous films/newbies are good across the board. Except for Hux, at some points. Man, he went HEADFIRST into cartoon villain persona at times.
5) Does Lucasfilm really have a plan for the rest of this trilogy? JJ Abrams set up things in TFA that Johnson...disregarded, to say the least. No spoilers. Go watch this movie. I’m curious to see where this all goes in episode ix.
6) Luke and Leia are FANTASTIC. Carrie Fisher was absolutely marvelous in this movie, and I miss her a lot. Mark Hamill. Geez, he is so good in this movie. He plays a very different Luke Skywalker. This will work for some people, and it might not for others, but there’s no denying his performance is great.
7) Fan theories. I don’t want to say anything, but a lot of people will be happy with what happens, and a lot of people will be furious. We’re already seeing this online.
8) New creatures! Porgs are not annoying! THANK GOD! You don’t have to worry. Those crystal foxes from the trailer are adorable, and there’s another creature that’s super cute.
9) This movie really expanded the Star Wars mythology, in my opinion. I don’t know if it’s because I like to read between the lines, but there were a lot of moments and spoken dialogue about what the Force is, and what it means to weild it, amongst other things.
10) A specific new character did not work in my opinion. I won’t say who it is. You might be able to guess it? This character’s name and purpose was only revealed recently and when this character was on screen it was kind of annoying. Oh well. I still think the good in this movie really outweighed the bad.
Overall, I really liked this movie!! I think Rian Johnson was successful in making his mark on this franchise. This is a polarizing film. Hell, I didn’t even love all of it. But where the film was strong, it was extremely impactful and gave us some of the most ripe Star Wars material I’ve seen. It was more original that The Force Awakens. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are stand outs, once again, and the best characters in the film (besides Luke and Leia.) Still, go watch it! Make up your own opinion about it!
#star wars#no spoilers#review#the last jedi#episode 8#episode viii#luke skywalker#general leia#rey#kylo ren#ben solo#han solo#leia organa#finn#captain phasma#star wars the last jedi#tlj#sw tlj#poe dameron#rose tico#resistance#rebellion#darth vader#supreme leader snoke#snoke#star wars theories#general hux#armitage hux#movies#rian johnson
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Individuals who have canonically bested Maul in combat
The Last Padawan

Lady Tano

The Negotiator

The True Lord of the Sith

This guy

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I think that shot of Kylo Ren offering his hand to Rey is in another Force vision, which builds upon the other one we saw in The Force Awakens
#star wars episode viii#Star Wars#rey#Reylo#kylo ren#knights of ren#luke skywalker#force vision#may the force be with you#episode 8#the last jedi#the force awakens
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*resist the urge to do a trailer breakdown, resist the urge to do a trailer breakdown, resist the-* GODDAMN IT (something hopefully coming later!)
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KYLO 👏🏽 REN 👏🏽 IS 👏🏽 NOT 👏🏽 A 👏🏽 SITH
thank you, continue your day
#the last jedi#Star Wars#episode viii#episode 8#kylo ren#ben solo#Rey#Finn#poe dameron#tlj#swtlj#leia organa#general leia#snoke#the first order#first order#sith#jedi#luke skywalker#han solo
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now that Colin trevorrow is officially not directing episode ix (we kinda figured this out after Book of Henry crashed and burned), do you think either JJ Abrams or Rian Johnson might come back to direct?
I think Rian is the most likely choice. By what we've heard, there have been no troubles during the production of TLJ. If Rian can/will play ball with Kathleen Kennedy, I think he'll probably want to finish the series out. Lucasfilm has been going with "safe" choices when it comes to directors (i.e. kicking out Lord and Miller to be replaced with Ron Howard and practically pushing Gareth Edwards to the side during Rogue One reshoots) so it makes sense that they'd want to work with Rian again. Honestly, I think JJ was a little burned out after TFA.
#the last jedi#Star Wars#rogue one#the force awakens#rian johnson#JJ Abrams#gareth edwards#lucasfilm#porgs#han solo#leia organa#Colin trevarrow#episode 9#star wars episode 8#star wars episode viii#Star Wars episode ix
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