#mistressstrange asks
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babywarg · 5 years ago
DrPepperony Prompt: Pepper's dress gets ripped and Stephen replaces the now indecent clothing with the Cloak turning itself into a beautiful gown. She and Tony are very grateful.
Hello! This one is short, but I hope you like it 💕
My imagination is limited, so I’m visualizing Stephen’s formal getup as being the same as the one he wore at the start of the Doctor Strange (2016) movie, plus a black cape with a colorful (red) trim in this cut.
For Pepper’s new dress, I’m imagining a cut similar to Miss Universe 2018’s evening gown. I know zip about fashion, so feel free to use your own clothing hc for this :D
[10/13/2019: NOT ACCEPTING NEW PROMPTS AT THE MOMENT. Thank you for understanding 💕]     
“I need your help.”
These were the first words she spoke to him all that night, after urgently calling him over. And they were spoken in a dim corner of the ballroom, away from prying eyes.
She was facing him, but her torso was twisted away from him at a defensive angle. Her arms were crossed over her chest, fingers gripping her lightly muscular upper arms.
She seemed cold. Was that why she had called him over?
“Is there a problem, Ms. Potts?” Stephen asked.
As soon as her name left his lips, the awkwardness of the whole situation hit him.
They were standing close together in a shadowed corner.
He was the man Tony happened to be seeing.
She was the woman Tony happened to be in a relationship with.
“The two of you should meet,” Tony once said out of his ass. “Get to know each other better. I promise you, she’s not as intimidating as I probably make her sound.”
Taking his impulsive boyfriend’s word for it, Stephen agreed to attend a ball to which he was invited - a ball that Pepper Potts had organized.
He had dressed his best: a black tuxedo and a bowtie, and a flashy black-and-red cape.
(- which was really the Cloak of Levitation insisting that it come with him to the party. And Stephen had to admit: the shape it chose made for a handsome accent.)
But Pepper Potts did not seem to notice the effort he put into his wardrobe. They met, she nodded to acknowledge his presence - then she turned to Tony to excuse herself, because she was very busy and had to attend to all the other guests, and left.
Stephen imagined this meant Ms. Potts was determined to ignore him all that evening.
At least, until now.
“Do you, uhm,” Ms. Potts sheepishly began, “think you could…maybe lend me your cape for a bit?”
“Of course!” Stephen was already removing the Cloak.
As she let go of herself to reach for the Cloak, Stephen saw what was wrong:
There was a huge tear in the front of her blue dress.
She was basically keeping the fabric together by keeping her arms around herself.
“This is embarrassing,” she said, as she held the Cloak up against the tear. “I bumped into one of the wait staff, and he was carrying this silly unicorn sculpture. The one Tony insisted we have at every formal event. The horn snagged on my dress.”
“Are you injured?” Stephen asked on impulse.
“No,” she answered. A quick look over the flawless skin on her chest and shoulders confirmed it.
She put the Cloak on, and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” she said to Stephen. “I brought a jacket, but I left it in the car. I guess I’m going to have to go all the way over there to get it now.”
“You don’t have to,” Stephen informed her. “We can fix this.”
She stared up at him, curious. “How?” she asked.
Stephen just now noticed how the blue of her dress set off the blue of her eyes.
He threw his glance over to the Cloak, which raised a corner of its cloth in what looked like a salute.
Then a touch of magic pulled Ms. Potts a few inches off the floor, spun her around.
“Oh!” she managed to exclaim.
She only had to be spun once.
When the glamour was in place, and she had regained her footing, the torn dress and the cape she had been wearing was gone.
Both had been replaced by a form-fitting red gown, shimmering in the low light.
And, because the spell he’d used was feeling extra dramatic, she also wore red dangling earrings and scarlet stiletto heels.
Ms. Potts gasped in surprise.
“Oh my God,” she breathed.
Oh my God, Stephen almost said aloud, himself.
She was stunning.
Few people had ever pulled that adjective out of his personal repertoire. Tonight, Pepper Potts became one of those precious few.
When Stephen remembered to breathe again, he said, “Will that do?”
He conjured a full-length mirror for her. She gasped again when she saw herself reflected on it. She turned this way and that, marveling at how well the new dress clung to her slight frame.
“It’s,” she ventured, “a little loud, isn’t it? People will say I’m trying to steal the show.”
Stephen chuckled. Sure, the blue dress she’d initially worn was more understated, but…was she seriously concerned about attracting too much attention?
“Ms. Potts,” he assured her, “you already stole the show the moment you walked in. Now, you’re just wearing something different.”
She looked at herself in the mirror again, thoughtfully. Then, before Stephen’s very eyes, she affected the air of someone who was born in that red dress. Someone utterly comfortable in her own skin, who could attract anyone she wanted.
She turned back to Stephen, reached for his hands.
“Thank you,” she said again.
And Stephen, desperately attracted, didn’t want her to let go, ever.
But she did. She had to. She still had an entire room to dazzle.
And so she stepped out into the light.
It seemed that all eyes turned to her as soon as she did, including Tony’s.
She glided across the ballroom, going about her duties, but with renewed calm and confidence.
Stephen thought he saw a flush across her cheeks, but couldn’t tell if it was natural, or part of the glamour. Either way, it only made her sexier.
“Glad to see you two have been getting along.”
This was from Tony. The man sidled up to Stephen, slipped a hand into his.
“You know, I bought the old blue dress for her birthday a few years ago,” he confided. “I think that one was better.”
“Red is her color,” Stephen matter-of-factly replied. “Your blue dress can suck it.”
A thoroughly amused smirk touched Tony’s lips. “Are we to have a lover’s quarrel about this, Doctor?” No mistaking the flirt in his voice. “A duel to the death?”
“Winner gets to ask her out,” Stephen coyly joked.
Tony chuckled, let go of Stephen’s hand so he could wrap an arm around the man’s slender waist and draw him closer.
“She already told me she thinks you’re ‘intriguing,’ ” he disclosed in a whisper. “That’s not something we have to fight each other over.”
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Prompt: Stephen and Tony wearing flower crowns.
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I feel like Peter would take Tony’s phone and use it to take pics of him and Stephen. Tony pretends to hate those photos, but somehow, they always end up on his social networks profiles. 
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Stephen being totally okay with the giant ant and making a magic saddle for Cassie. Spelled with protections and to prevent falls.
stephen strange has seen things a hell of a lot weirder than a giant ant but it would probably be something he does when babysitting cause of course cassie wants to ride an ant like her dad (he’s her hero and she’s his biggest fan)
stephen magics up a helmet and an outfit and goes around calling her ant-girl and that’s what scott comes home to; these two in the backyard with stephen playing a villian getting defeated by the great ant-girl
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mandysimo13 · 7 years ago
Prompt: Stephen likes gardening and discovers that Mother Earth likes him.
This one has been sitting a few days but I hope it was worth the wait @mistressstrange! 
Stephen had heard about how having plants in one’s home would improve the air quality, boost endorphins, add some ambiance, lighten up an otherwise dull space. Aside from the bit about improving air quality, he didn’t quite believe it. But Steve, Sam, and Tony had started a gardening club (or as they called it “Beers and Bonsai”) and had finally outgrown their own capacities. First Tony gave him a little purple and green succulent whose nickname he was told was arctic ice. “Doesn’t need a whole lot of care. It’ll do fine in a window as long as it doesn’t get too cold, water once a week. Enjoy!”  
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Before Stephen could even protest, Tony was out the door and on his way. 
Steve was the next to arrive with a set of small pots with little herbs thriving and ready for use. Steve pointed to each one, giving off their care instructions. “Dill and chives, water a couple times a week, they literally grow like weeds. Cut down when they start to get out of hand and you can put them in a lot of things or dry them if you have too much going on. Basil likes to be really warm so put it right in the window. It’s gonna get tough but if you like it, I’ve included some new seeds you can start on your own later. Rosemary is really tricky but I think you can handle it. Just water it, try to cut the brown bits off, put it in the sun, should be fine. Mint is a monster and should be kept in its own pot at all times! but it’s also really handy to have around for desserts or smoothies in the morning.” He smiled shyly and added, “Buck and I have been doing this new thing where we do smoothies every morning with our coffee.” 
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 “Yes, yes, alright, fine,” Stephen says, accepting the little plants, a little dubious as to whether or not they’d survive him. He set the Basil up next to his succulent on it’s south-facing windowsill and the rest of the herbs along his kitchen counter where they’d get shined on from a very convenient skylight.
It became a routine to check in on his plants in the morning while his coffee brewed, watering and clipping as needed. He’d made pesto and caprese salad from the basil, put the chives and dill into eggs and mashed potatoes, and the mint in a fresh fruit salad and flavored his water with it. 
When his basil plant had run its course Wong asked, “are you going to get another one?”
Stephen replied, “of course not. Why?”
Wong looked disappointed. Or, at least, Stephen thought Wong looked disappointed. He just shrugged and went about his business. Stephen rolled his eyes and set about planting the starter seeds for a new basil plant. 
A couple weeks later Peter arrived with a new plant for him. He rang the bell and when Stephen answered he stood there a little shy, hands hidden behind his back. “Hello Mister- I mean Doctor Strange!”
“No need for formalities, Peter. You can just call me Steven.”
“R-right! Uhm, so here’s the thing. I kind of joined Beer and Bonsai, told Aunt May it was an after school program but really I just want to hang out with the guys and I don’t know how but I managed to grow a crazy amount of mimosa plants and I just,” he looked up at him a little nervous. “I just wanted to know if you’d like a pot of these? They’re real pretty and they move if you blow on them!”
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His arms moved from behind his back to present Stephen with a pot containing eight purple pom-pom-like flowers. Peter added in a soft voice, “they’re nicknamed ‘sensitive plants’ because of how they move if they’re touched.”
He looked so earnest that Stephen absolutely could not say no. 
After that, Stephen just began collecting plants and stashing them all over the place. There were hanging vines and pots of aloe and lilies and orchids and fly traps and they all grew and thrived under his care. His morning routine quickly became a daily checklist of which plant needed tending to and he found himself looking forward to it almost as much as his first cup of coffee in the morning. When his herbs were ready, he clipped them and dried them and put them in his food every day. When his aloe grew to be a little out of hand he took a clipping and gave it to Natasha, telling her it was for her delicate, pale skin. He started a compost bucket on his patio where he would put his clippings to make a more nutrient rich soil for his plants. He even thought about finding a way to do water plants inside without having a full aquarium. 
It was in the middle of trying to nurse a sick orchid back to life that he suddenly wondered when the hell did I become a plant person??? 
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albaaca · 6 years ago
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.
OOOOH thank you i’m so flattered ;u; 
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amethyst-noir · 4 years ago
His friendship with Tony came as a surprise. It grew out of mutual fear and terror, generously seasoned with snark and inappropriate comments. It was fun and, apart from his interactions with Wong, he hadn't had much of that for ages.
Their friendship was treasured and so much more than he'd ever expected, especially considering its rocky start. Meetings with Tony became less business and more coffee-with-a-friend the more time passed.
It was... nice. Easy and uncomplicated. Until...
@ironstrangebingo​ prompt: The Eye
Based on this lovely prompt by @mistressstrange​:
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Yes, the date of that ask is correct. *winces and hides* I’m truly sorry but I also refuse to hide. Yes, it took me a long time but I loved this prompt so much that I really wanted to do it justice and the time for it wasn’t right until recently.
Total fluff ahead, just so you know.
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aegir-emblem · 4 years ago
Chapter Eight is Up!!!
Chapter Eight (official chapter 7) of the road to StrangeFrost 100k is up!!! “Across All Realities (That is Our Constant)” has a new chapter!
Stephen ponders coffee, Loki gets annoyed, and those two meet in a park! They sure do ask a lot of questions of each other, don’t they? Golly!
In this chapter: Stephen stayed up all night reading about Loki; his families, his past, all that had been scribed to this point. Then, he finds Loki on a morning stroll.
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Listen up, y’all. Since the start of this story, I've had the worst writer's block a person can imagine, school has absolutely sucked the soul out of me... I’ve been a dry raisin, sweet and yearning to expand, but shriveled and compressed to the bottom of a paper can. And I'm so sorry for the slow chapter and the quality of the previous ones. I hope this one betrays that I've regained a scrap of inspiration, and thank you to those who waited!
Anyways though, CHECK IT OUT HERE ON AO3!!!
But for now, here’s a little excerpt! (Click for better quality!)
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Let me know if you want to be added to the Tag List!!
@arabesqueangel @novaofavalonia @nonexistenz @megloveslokitoomuch @calling-the-angels @importanttrashdreamland @aurorawest @l0ki95 @mistressstrange @solabull @ikeneasul11 @fartbeanfart @lokiisyes1054 @imnotrevealingmyname @chocopiggy @fromtheriverseine @amagicdoctor @kozkaboi @wastelands-394 @bruciecaboosie @everyday-alittledeath @futuristicmagnificenthologram @chorrianderr @dragonsfire24 @ripscottstacos @goats-n-knives @proffyaffle @trex-1001 @toshafromthevalley @lunariasolaris
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ohgodanothersideblog · 6 years ago
Tony Stark Still Hates Magic
A lovely prompt from @mistressstrange: Prompt: Peter, after spending five years in the Soul Stone with him, finds himself going to Stephen when he needs help. tony is not sure how to feel about this development.
It hurt. It really hurt when the blip happened. It hurt turning to dust. It made every bone and muscle ache. He really hadn’t felt well at all when it happened. It didn’t help that he never saw Tony in the soul stone. He felt alone. Then he got close with Doctor Stephen Strange. Their time on Titan was brief and in that time frame, Peter had listened to his mentor and lab dad gush over how attractive the man was. So it wasn’t a shock to the Doctor to find said kid at the doorstep of the sanctum one particular Tuesday afternoon. 
“Do you remember?” Peter asked, looking up from his physics homework. The sorcerer was quietly reading one of the many books and sipping on tea. 
“Yeah, I do. We’re the unfortunate ones that do.” Stephen answered after a few moments of silence. How could he forget? He was powerless in the soul stone. He remembered the screams, the cries, the panic. He remembered it all. Sometimes he hated his photographic memory. 
That’s how things had been lately. Sometimes it was after school, Peter would just show up. Other times, it’d be after a rough night of patrolling. The Doctor would help heal the teen. Then he’d let Peter look around. If Stephen wasn’t with the teen, the cloak was hovering. Wong got used to the kid hanging around the Sanctum. He got annoyed when the teen started throwing things at him from the ceiling.
“Bruce...I think Peter is abandoning me.” Tony whined, spinning around and looking at the green guy. He will never get used to this Professor Hulk thing. 
“Have you tried contacting him?” The chemist asked, not bothering to look up from what he was working on. He was tired of the whining from the smaller man. He wanted to work in peace.
“Yes! He tells me he’ll be by, then he doesn’t show! I think I’m being ghosted!” Tony threw his hands up, emphasising the importance of this. The teen had bailed four times now. Each time saying he got caught up with Dr. Strange, ending it with how cool the Sorcerer was. “He’s with Strange. Every time.” 
“So you’re jealous.” Bruce concludes with a smirk. Tony was NOT jealous. He was annoyed that a teen was ghosting him. With a dramatic sigh, he turned back to his work. He wasn’t comfortable with Peter being around magic. It may have something to do with how Tony personally felt. Either way, he wasn’t too fond of it. 
“I think it’s because of the magic thing. Also he was kind of a dick to me.” Tony said after a few minutes of quiet, causing Bruce to drop what he was working on. But magic terrified Tony. There was no science to it. It was just...there. It also tried to kill Tony back in 2012. But he didn’t want to talk about that right now.
It was a Wednesday this time when Peter found himself in the Sanctums library. Flash had been a dick to him again, tripped him and knocked his food out of his hands. He also just felt off. Then it happened. Some kids were discussing the blip. 
“They kept talking about it! I couldn’t handle it. They got to take a nap. I got to be painfully aware of it!” Peter was pacing. His brain was going a million miles a minute. “I know they don’t remember mindlessly wandering around in there, but some people do. I do.” He felt his voice crack at the last part. 
“It’s not fair. But we made it back. We are safe.” Stephen tried being reassuring. Being stuck in The Soul Stone was painful for himself. He couldn’t use his magic, and the pain in his hands had intensified with that. Peter just sighed and sat down on the floor. He had finished his homework for the night, and he hadn’t planned on patrolling tonight. He was too exhausted. 
“Mr. Sta- Tony…” The teen corrected himself quickly before continuing “said it was weird here. He and Pepper broke things off after the space donut thing, and he moved off to a lake house. It wasn’t until Scott threw the picture of him and I at him that he wanted to do something.” He was rambling. He wasn’t used to calling Mr. Stark Tony, but after Captain Marvel snapped and everyone was okay, he insisted Peter start calling him Tony. In fact he would stop responding to the kid unless he was called Tony. Stephen didn’t mind the teen rambling. In fact it was soothing almost. Normally the sorcerer loved the quiet, but after being in The Soul Stone, he couldn’t do prolonged quiet time.
“Speak of the devil.” Stephen sat up quickly, Peter looked at the sorcerer, confusion spread over his face. In the blink of an eye the engineer was in the same room as them, looking like a deer in headlights. 
“Merlin, I HATE magic. Can’t you answer a door normally?” Tony shook his head, pointing a finger at the doctor. “Underoos, what are you doing here? I thought you had updates you wanted to test today.” He was avoiding looking at Stephen, who was dressed in street clothes for once. 
“Oh! Sorry Tony! I was going to head over once I was done my homework, I just had some questions for Doctor Strange.” Peter looked down sheepishly. He had asked to test some new web fluid with the man. 
“Wait, let's backtrack; when did you and Merlin get close?” Tony asked, pointing between the two of them. Was he jealous that his pseudo son had another paternal model? Nope not at all. Tony Stark does NOT get jealous. 
“Is someone jealous?” Stephen smirked. He was aware of how close the two were, and he had no intentions of ruining that. But watching Tony squirm was pretty comical.
“The Soul Stone...you weren’t there.” Peter’s voice is barely above a whisper but both men hear him. Tony immediately stiffins. He never wanted to hear that phrase out of Peter’s mouth again. Especially after the beach incident. Tony remembered losing both of them on Titan. He also remembered Stephen’s words before turning to dust:
“There was no other way.” 
“I would have been there...Peter...I’m sorry.” Tony had wished he could have stopped it. 
“I remember. He remembers...it makes it easier to cope.” The teen looked at the engineer. Everyone kept talking about how it felt like a long nap. Sleeping would have been a walk in the park. It was like a constant ache for Peter. He was aware the whole time. It didn’t help that the blip was painful. Being in The Soul Stone was overall painful. 
“I get it...shit I’m glad you have an outlet kid.” Tony ran his hand down his face, feeling both embarrassment, and guilt. He hadn’t thought of how the blip affected Peter. He didn’t think the teen felt it. Most of those that blipped said it was like a long nap. Peter was aware the whole time. “I’m so sorry.” 
“I’ll make sure he spends more time with you.” Strange’s baritone voice filled the silence. He had a small smile on his face. Yeah, Tony had a crush on this stupid asshole.
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11e pls!!
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Since you both(@mistressstrange @spencerreidandderekmorgan) same Pairing, I combined the 2 prompts. I hope you both like it!
"You know what is missing here" Peter spoke up during breakfast.
"What underoos?" Tony asked as he got another cup of coffee.
"Pictures. More specific family pictures."
"What this about pictures?" Stephen just walked in, placed a kiss on Tony's cheek before sitting down.
"Underoos said we didn't have enough family pictures. And I kind of have to agree with him."
Stephen nodded thoughtfully.
"Why don't we just make some?"
At this Tony stood up, "I know just the guy" and he was walking out the room, phone at his ear.
"Mom, I don't think dad realized you meant we could take pictures ourself with a camera." Peter looked over at Stephen.
Stephen just shook his head, sighing.
The two finished their breakfast and waited till Tony would return. He did when they finished cleaning the table.
"Great news!" Tony exclaimed, making the other two look up.
"Stan has a place this afternoon for a photoshoot for three persons. So we're going to get some pictures."
"Really dad?" Peter beamed at him and was of to his room, probably to get dressed.
"Tony truly we could have made the pictures by ourself" Stephen gave his husband a look.
"Yes we could have," Tony hugged him from behind "But see this as a family trip. And our cub surely loves the idea."
"Alright, but no poster-format pictures Tony." and with these words Stephen got up and went to their bedroom, Tony following after him. Both getting ready for the photoshoot.
So that afternoon the three of them stumble inside a big room, an old ballroom Stephen tells them, pointing out the clues as to why.
They sit down on the couch in one of the corners of the room and wait till the photographer appears. Until then they chat about small things.
A flash make them look up, startled.
An old man slowly lowers the camera he just startled them with, before making way over to them.
"Hello I'm Stan. I will take the pictures", during his introduction he shakes them all the hand.
In return they all tell the man their names, even though it's probably not necessary.
Before they know it they're ushered to stand before a big green screen and are put in position.
One where Peter stands between his parents, squeezed between them as a sandwich.
On a different one Tony is on Peter's back, getting a piggyback ride, while Stephen balances them.
And so the photos keep going, the next position stranger than the one before. But they're laughing and having fun.
"For the last photo you all get to dress the other up. Clothes are in the box over there" Stan points, looking through the pictures he made so far.
The other three walk over to the box and Peter starts to dig through the clothes straight away.
Eventually Stephen is dressed like a bear, Peter as a lion cub and Tony as a zookeeper.
They all return to stand in front of the green screen. Stan smiles at them, before taking the final picture and telling them to change in normal clothes again.
They look through all the pictures made and eventually decide to just take all of them. All were just funny and would decorate their home nicely.
With a handshake they leave from the room and return home to have dinner all together.
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hollandroos · 6 years ago
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Writers... assemble! It’s time to create a piece of writing for your favourite Marvel Characters/Cast.
The start date is as soon as this is posted. The close date is the 22nd of June but extensions are 100% okay!
Send either me or @neptuneparker an ask with the number of the wrong and what list it’s from. 
2 people per prompt!
You must use a read more if the piece is over 500 words. However, there is no word limit! write 200 or 15k, we don’t mind, just enjoy yourself :)
Smut, fluff and angst is allowed but please use the correct warnings!
No pedophilia, noncon, incest, etc. 
No smut for characters under 18
The fics don’t have to be endgame based at all – this is just a chance to write about your favourite mcu characters and cast members.
BUT please tag ANY endgame spoilers appropriately if you decide to centre your fic around that.
Tag your pieces with #sophsandcoraswc
Prompt list:
Angst ★
“I loved you.” - 1/2 @suncitydanvers
“I want you to be the last thing I see because it’s you – it's always you.” -  @dej-okay @tominhoodies
“You’re really going to throw it all away?” - @tomhollandandmarvelsworld @starksparker  
“I trusted you, but look where that got me.”
“You’re not real, you’re dead, this is just one of those sleep-deprived hallucinations.” - @girlreaderr @enchantingkittengladiator 
“I tried so hard to make you happy but obviously it wasn’t enough!”
“You’re just like your mother.” - 1/2 @spiiderman 
“It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.” - 1/2 @saintlavrents
“I tried to be better, can’t you see that?”
“We all lost, not just you. Sometimes I feel like you forget that.” - 1/2 @infinitefandomimagines
“What if I did the same thing? How would you react?”
“I tried to forgive and I want to– I really want too, but I can’t.”
“He/She would never do what you did.”
“Have you ever stopped and realised that you’re not as great as what you think you are?” - 1/2 @technolilly 
“Everything I’ve ever done has led me to you. I couldn’t be more disappointed.”
“I thought you said you quit.”
“The bottle was here for me when you weren’t.” - 1/2 @naturallytom
“You know what they say, part of the journey is the end.” 1/2 - @stuckonspidey
“You told me you’d be here right until the end, but where were you when I needed you?” 1/2 - @afterglowparker 
“Because half of the universe died and I survived, but for what?” - @fairydustparker @enterprisecat 
Fluff ★
“Wow I can’t wait to marry you.”
“What’s it like being the most perfect person on this entire planet?” - 1/2 @hollophobia
“God, you’re cute.” - 1/2 @death-over-coffee
“You’re so lucky I love you.”
“Have I ever told you that you’re my soulmate? Why are you laughing, it’s true!”
“I was made to love you.” - @spideypeach @infinitelymarvel723 
“You look like you could use a hug, c’mere baby.”
“You always know how to make me smile.” - @screamholland @abbiefangirls247
“I’m so in love with you, whenever I see you it’s like nothing else in the world matters.” - 1/2 @spiderboytotherescue
“It’s you, it’s always been you, it’ll only ever be you.” - @sunshinehollandd @mistressstrange 
“Keep laughing, please, you’re cute when you laugh.” - 1/2 @gavemylifetotomholland 
“Wait – you love me too?”  “Of course I do, you goofball.” - 1/2 @tomhollandswhoremain
“I love you – I will continue to love you, whatever it takes.” - 1/2 @peter-man-parker
“You came back to Earth just to tell me that? God, I love you.”
“I can’t believe my soulmate’s a–”
“Has anyone ever told you that you give really good hugs?” -@hollophobia @kaitlynpcallmebeepme
“You almost died like five times today but I still love you.” 1/2 @peterporkerpete
“Just relax, take a breath, close your eyes, and before you know it I’ll be right there laying next to you again.”
“Our future kids are going to get a kick out of this story.” 1/2 @awkwardfangirl2014
“Sorry, it’s just every time I look into your eyes I get a little lost.” - 1/2 @lavenderholland 
Smut ★
“Make me.”
“You’re really going to tease me like that in public? You’re in for it tonight.” - 1/2 @hollandsosterfield 
“Say my name. Say it.” - 1/2 @summernykole 
“Let’s make a baby.” - 1/2 @kaitlynpcallmebeepme
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“Someone’s happy to see me.”
“Get on you fucking knees.”
“No panties? All for me?”
“I need you, I don’t care how or where, I just fucking need you right now.” - @spiderboysparker @hollandsosterfield 
“It’s your birthday, let me take care of you, baby.”
Songs ★
This is home - Cavetown
Don’t give up on me - Andy Grammer - 1/2 @spidespool 
Tell me that you love me - James Smith
7 - Catfish and the bottlemen
Long Way Down - One Direction
Happier - Ed Sheeran 1/2 @thequeensardine 
Little Things - One Direction
It’s not living (if it’s not with you) - the 1975 - 1/2 @spideyflicker 
Too much to ask - Niall Horan
400 Luxe - Lorde - 1/2 @akaspiderman 
Tagging: @flicker-parker @lovelyspidey @spiderboytotherescue @spiderrrling @stuckonspidey @suncitydanvers @neptuneparker @tominhoodies @naturallytom @dej-okay @wayfaring----stranger @wayfaring----stranger
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babywarg · 5 years ago
Drpepperony Prompt: Stephen rescues Pepper, who had been kidnapped by a cult, it’s just too bad his outfit matched his surroundings so well when Tony showed up.
Thanks for another absolutely fun prompt! 💕
This one sort of operates in a similar setup to a previous DrPepperony fic also written for @mistressstrange, where Pepper goes to Nepal looking for a way to help Tony, and finds Stephen. Also a pre-relationship fic. The circumstances are just a bit different here.
[9/16/2019: Have to put up this obnoxious note again: NOT ACCEPTING NEW PROMPTS AT THE MOMENT. Thank you for understanding 💕]
It was a mystery to Stephen how so many people left Kamar-Taj disillusioned, then formed their own religious groups.
As Master of the Mystic Arts, he found himself having to bust one too many former Masters who built up honest-to-goodness cults that used magic indiscriminately.
Many of them used black magic, too. But then, he supposed the temptation not to do so was simply too great, once one had broken free of Kamar-Taj’s tacit restraints…
To be fair, most cults were relatively harmless - dealing less in magic, and more in self-actualization and healing. Those did not need busting, only close surveillance from the Masters based in the Sanctums nearest to them.
And then, there were some downright dangerous cults that had to be busted multiple times.
“Rupert,” Stephen greeted, the business end of a magical sword pressed against his much larger, burlier captive’s left carotid artery. “This makes what - the third time?”
“Fourth,” the man in his grip growled through gritted teeth. “And this won’t be the last time either, Strange. You really should put stronger locks on those things you Kamar-Taj jokers call jails…”
“You know as well as I do,” Stephen admonished, “it’s more of a reform school than a prison. We never punish, Rupert - we teach.”
“You teach,” Rupert-the-cult-leader spat. “The world is cruel, Strange. It needs more warriors, fewer teachers.”
“Yeah, well, the world needs fewer cruel people, too. Like kidnappers.” Stephen glanced around at the room. “Where are you keeping them?”
Rupert sneered. “You seem to know everything - you tell me.”
Stephen sighed. Knocked out his captive with a fast sleep spell. Diffused his weapon, and set about finding the tourists that the cultists had kidnapped.
He smiled a little to himself as he remembered Wong warning him not to go alone, because Rupert’s cult was larger than it had ever been, and Stephen surely couldn’t take on all of them by himself.
Sure, Wong, Stephen silently chuckled as he stepped over knocked-out cult members who were dressed in Kamar-Taj novice robes.
He used a spell to ferret out a corner of the makeshift temple that was hidden away by magic. One quick incantation, and the deflective barrier was broken.
The handful of kidnapped tourists fled toward the exit he pointed to.
Except for one.
“There were more of us,” she said to him. “They must be held elsewhere in the building. We have to find them.”
“No, I have to find them,” Stephen corrected. “You have to get to safety.”
“You saved me,” the red-haired, blue-eyed captive answered. “Where you are is safety.”
…Okay. Inaccurate, but a surprisingly nice thing to hear.
He decided it wouldn’t hurt to have her along. She carried herself with the confidence of someone who knew self-defense, at least…and if his earlier brush with Rupert and his feeble followers was any indication, he could defend the both of them well enough.
He soon learned that her name was Potts. Pepper Potts. Like all the other kidnap victims, she had come to Nepal as a tourist. And, like all the others in her group, she fell into Rupert’s cult’s clutches because she was promised an audience with a reclusive but powerful guru.
She had no idea that said guru (was named Rupert and) had plans to use her and her companions as pawns to spark some sort of conflict. What kind of conflict, she wasn’t quite sure - but in the end, it didn’t matter.
“I heard there were teachers here who could do…amazing things,” Potts told Stephen as they walked down long corridors, careful not to trigger magical traps. “Healing things.”
“Was that what you were looking for, Ms. Potts?” Stephen asked. “Healing? For yourself?”
“Help,” was the quick reply. “For someone I love.”
…Oh. So she already had someone.
Of course she did.
“Tell me what’s wrong?” Stephen offered. “Maybe I can be of service.”
Potts eyed him sidelong. “Are you going to tell me you’re some sort of guru, too?”
“A doctor. Actually.” Stephen smirked. “Not to brag, but before I came here, I was – “
He didn’t finish that sentence.
A wall exploded just beside them. And before Stephen knew it, a literal iron fist was around his neck.
When he was able to focus his eyes, through the haze, he found himself face to face with a shell of pure, cold metal.
The Iron Man.
“Tony, no!” Stephen heard Potts yell. “He’s all right! Let him go!”
Thankfully, the Iron Man obeyed Potts at the drop of a hat. Stephen fell to the floor once released.
A quick check told him his throat wasn’t dangerously constricted, but he could already feel the start of bruising.
“You take a leave for ‘reasons’,” the Iron Man said to Potts in a clearly worried, slightly miffed tone, “and I track you and find you in the company of a bunch of wackos and one weirdly good-looking cultist - ”
“Cult?” Stephen scoffed from the rubble he was lying on. “I’m from a completely different organization than these bozos. One that harnesses true power.”
Both the Iron Man and Potts stared down at him.
”…Yeah, that sounds like a cult,“ the Iron Man pointed out.
“It’s not a –” Stephen started to argue. But Potts didn’t let him finish.
“You were spying on me??” Potts exclaimed.
The Iron Man retracted his helmet with a frustrated sigh…
Bringing to light one of the most ruggedly handsome faces Stephen had ever laid eyes on.
Might have been the dust and sunlight pouring in through the hole in the wall messing with his vision. But goddamn, he was in the presence of so much pretty…
…both of whom seemed to forget that he was even there.
“Pep, the Mandarin fiasco just wrapped up,” the Iron Man - Tony - pleaded passionately. Without the mask’s mechanical amplifier, his voice sounded small, human, helpless. “You’re still recovering from that. Even if you said you needed time alone, did you really think I wouldn’t make sure you were safe? Really??”
“That’s not the point, Tony, you promised you were going to take things easy.” Her stressed-out sigh echoed Tony’s from just a moment ago.
“I know, honey, I know I promised, but it’s hard for me.”
“I know that, too, Tony. Why did you think I was here in the first place? I was trying to get some help for you. Something that may help you calm down.”
“You know what would help me calm down? You not getting into trouble!”
“Trouble isn’t something either of us can control, Tony. And I suppose getting rid of all your suits was just an act?”
“Of course it was! I had to keep just one suit, to protect you!”
They were going to bicker all day if Stephen didn’t do anything, so he got to his feet and cleared his throat.
“Hate to break up this…touching reunion,” he interrupted, “but Ms. Potts said there were more people in need of rescuing. So if you’ll excuse me…”
“Hold it, gorgeous,” Tony snapped at him. “I’m coming to help.” He faced Potts again. “You are not. You’re going somewhere safe if I have to carry you there.”
Potts looked like she was preparing for another shouting match. But somehow she managed to calm down and loudly sigh “Fine.”
She stepped up to Tony and planted a quick kiss on his lips.
“Take care of him,” she instructed. “If he wasn’t around, I would’ve wrung your neck.”
“ ‘Thanks for coming to save me, Tony,’ ” Tony said softly. “Sure might have been nice to hear…”
“Except it wouldn’t have been true.” Potts was smiling now. “He saved me, not you.”
With that, she turned and made her way to the exit.
And Tony had no one else left to talk to but Stephen.
“Well,” he tentatively began, “suppose some thanks are in order, Mr…”
Tony had a myriad of reactions at his disposal. But he chose to laugh as he said “What?”
Stephen inwardly shrugged. “It’s…Strange.”
“You're telling me.” He decided he’d talked enough. “C'mon, sexy. Let’s go find more folks to rescue.” He patted Stephen’s shoulder as he walked past him.
Stephen wasn’t altogether happy with being so easily dismissed. But there was an urgent task at hand, so any discomfort would have to be addressed later, if it was even still necessary.
Besides, saving people in the company of this impulsive, filter-less guy might not be all bad.
He wouldn’t mind being called “sexy” for a little while longer.
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AU where Stephen does have a secret identity (one of the other characters BC has played/Smaug or Khan or Patrick, etc) and how Tony finds out.
I choose Smaug because I’m not into Star Trek, I still have to watch Patrick Melrose and, while it’d been great to make Sherlock, I want to write a Sherlock Inception thing (at first I wanted to do the Grinch, but then I decided Smaug is better), so yeah, Stephen is Smaug!
1. Stephen isn’t Smaug in our reality: he is the dragon in another dimension from which Tolkien took inspiration creating his world. In this dimension, differently from the one in the books and in the movies, though, people are naturally bad which is why Smaug/Stephen doesn’t want to leave the treasure to Thorin. He knows that he’ll use it to hurt the others. Anyway, Tony starts to notice that there’s something off in Stephen when he starts to come back hurt over and over again;
2. Whenever he asks, Tony doesn’t receive an answer, but he notices that some days when Stephen looks more tired and hurt, he looks for Tony’s body, and cuddles him even if it’s clear that he’s thinking about something else (it happens more frequently when Bilbo reaches the cave). Tony loves to cuddle with his boyfriend, but hates seeing Stephen like this;
3. And that’s the reason why he asks Wong what’s going on with Stephen. The other sorcerer doesn’t spill the bean until Tony says to him that he saw Stephen badly injured in a specific point on the left side of his chest. Wong understands what happened;
4. The next time Stephen leaves this dimension for the other one, Tony and Wong follow him and Tony witness his dragon boyfriend roasting a random guy who looks like the shorter version of Agent Everett Ross. Tony and Wong stay in the shadows, waiting to intervene if things go south with their Sorcerer;
5. When he comes back, Wong scolds him about going on a mission like that alone (Wong knew where he was but had no idea of what Stephen was doing). Anyway, is Tony’s opinion the one that Stephen fears the most. He sort of lied to him and stole money from Tony (like he can afford whatever he wants with Smaug’s treasure) so he would understand if his boyfriend wants to break up with him;
6. Tony, instead, is just worried as fuck that he could get hurt while playing to be a dragon, and when Stephen assures him that it’s not the case, Tony laughs asking him if he can turn into a dragon even in their dimension. 
send me an AU and i’ll write 5+ headcanons
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“Say ‘ahh’,” Tony said, half a strawberry held between a pair of chopsticks.
Stephen, halfway leaning into Steve, looked at the fruit, followed the arm that held it, and met warm, brown eyes. “Must I?”
A warm chuckle rose through Steve and he leaned over, pressing a kiss to the silver and grey temple. “Look,” he said, eyes shining, “he’s pouting.”
Tony was looking up, his brown irises glimmering with false tears, bottom lip sticking out.
Rolling his eyes, Stephen opened his mouth and let out the dutiful ‘ahhh’. The strawberry was placed on his tongue and he closed his mouth around the chopsticks with a playful wink.
“That’s not fair!” Tony bemoaned, pink spreading across his cheeks.
Stephen moaned, pulling away from Tony’s hand, leaving the wood behind but capturing the strawberry. “It’s good,” he told Steve and lit up as the broader man lifted a bit of mango.
“Stop it!” Tony put the chopsticks down with a huff. “This was a horrible decision.”
Steve took a pale chin gently between his thumb and forefinger. He tilted Stephen’s head up to lay the fruit delicately over the waiting tongue. “Was it?” Amusement coated his words like sugar.
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years ago
Happy Birthday, mistressstrange
September 16-Stephen Strange/Wong, something fluffy or smutty maybe with "Will you marry me?", for @mistressstrange​
Written by @lj-todd
Wong had done his best, in those five long years, to hold the remaining sorcerers together. He had done all he could to ensure the protection of the Sanctuaries and the innocent people left behind in the wake of Thanos’ reckoning. 
He was no Sorcerer Supreme, he had never been destined for such responsibility, but until another one rose or until a way was found to undo what Thanos had done he would stand in the position. He would honor the Ancient One and Stephen by fighting on. He was in the library, tending to the collection, ensuring the protective spells around the more dangerous books were still in effect, when a portal suddenly opened. Wong reacted instinctively, his sling ring a familiar weight against his knuckles and the magic, the energy, flared bright as he readied for a fight only to have the world once more yanked out from under his feet. Stephen gave him a rather unimpressed look before, in true Stephen fashion, barking out orders he immediately expected followed, turning to disappear through his portal but paused when Wong called out to him. Wong would forever remember the look of surprise on the great Stephen Strange’s face when he reached out, cupping that handsome, if arrogant, face and pressed a kiss, chaste yet promising, to lips that smiled in friendship just as easily as they sneered in disdain. He would forever remember the look on Stephen’s face when he drew back and whispered to him that if he got himself killed again than Wong would use every dark spell imaginable to resurrect him just so he could kill Stephen himself. Stephen had smirked at him. That cocky quirk of his lips that, once, had driven Wong crazy with the desire to strangle the man. Now it just served as a reminder that Stephen was there. Was back. Alive and whole. When the battle was done, dozens of sorcerers lost, Tony Stark sacrificing himself for the good of the entire universe, Wong’s only true concern was Stephen. The man was quiet, in a way he rarely was, and, back in the warm familiarity of the New York Sanctum, Wong watched as Stephen guided the Cloak of Levitation from his shoulders, the fabric drifting away to rest in the cabinet Wong had kept clean for five years now. He watched as Stephen, tired and drained, from the battle, from the losses and the realization that the world had in deed continued on, finally slumped in a chair. Wong drew a deep breath, moving to fix Stephen a cup of tea, only to still when the man called his name. “Sir,” he asked, frowning, turning back to Stephen, who had not moved but was watching him. When Stephen slowly extended a hand, fine tremors dancing along his fingers, Wong moved without thought. Without question. The moment he was close enough, Stephen reached out, taking his hand, lacing their fingers together and, even then, Wong could feel the tiny tremors. He wanted to grasp Stephen’s hand tighter, to assure him that he was not alone, but he worried about the pain it might cause the other man. He would never do anything that would harm Stephen. “I wish I could say I missed you,” Stephen said softly, thumb, shaking slightly, brushing over Wong’s knuckle. “But for me…I blinked and five years has gone by. Everything is different. Everything moved on.” He smiled slightly, just the barest upturning at one corner of his mouth. “But here you are. Still guarding the Sanctum. Still defending our world.” “As you would have done in my place,” Wong reminded. “As you did when you gave up the Time Stone.” Stephen gave the faintest of nods, the weight of the Eye of Agamotto a familiar weight around his neck, his thumb still rubbing against Wong’s knuckle. “When I opened that portal and saw you…” Stephen blinked and a vulnerable light passed through his eyes. “God, I was so relieved. So…So happy. You were different but still…you. Still Wong. Still…” “Beyonce?” Wong lifted an eyebrow, grinning, and Stephen chuckled at what had become their shared joke. “Yes.” Stephen nodded. “Still Beyonce.” Wong’s smile became a grin as he lifted Stephen’s hand, pressing a soft kiss over the scars, faint little lightning bolt lines, that graced the man’s knuckles, the back of his hand, turning it over to press another kiss to Stephen’s palm. “I have never been so relieved, so grateful, to see someone as I was when I realized it was you stepping through that portal,” he confessed. “All I wanted was to take you into my arms and never let you go. To make sure that I…that I never lost you again.” “Wong…” Wong silenced Stephen before he could speak, pressing a kiss to the other man’s lips, and he felt Stephen smile against his lips as the other man returned the kiss. Without breaking the kiss, Wong drew his slip ring from his pocket and, though it was too big for Stephen’s lean fingers, slid it over them, causing Stephen to draw back slightly, looking down in surprise. “Wong?” Stephen blinked at him, though Wong knew the man was not as dense as he was trying to let on, and a tiny smile graced his face. “What’s this?” “What does it look like?” Stephen’s smile was slowly growing as he looked from Wong to the ring and back again. “Like you’re trying to use your sling ring as an engagement ring.” “And if I am?” Stephen chuckled. “Most proposals are prefaced with a question. I believe there are four very simple, very easy, words that…” Wong kissed Stephen again, which earned him a muffled laugh and the man’s free hand gripping at his shirt, drawing him close. When he drew back, just enough to speak, his lips brushed against Stephen’s. “Will you marry me,” he whispered and Stephen’s smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger. The warmth and light and love in his eyes bright as the sun itself. “In an infinite number of worlds and futures,” Stephen replied softly. “The answer will always be yes.” It was Wong’s turned to smile as they kissed again, his hands tangling in Stephen’s hair even as the other man drew him closer, leaning up into him with a quiet murmur of joy and approval.
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mandysimo13 · 6 years ago
21 Questions
rules: 21 questions & tag 21 mutuals you wanna get to know better! I was tagged by the fantastic @littlethingwithfeathers 
nicknames: Mandy 
zodiac sign: taurus 
height: 5′0
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
the last thing i googled: companies to apply to, new round of applications have begun! 
favorite musicians: Freddie Mercury, Ed Sheeran, Hozier, The Struts - all of them, Lindsay Sterling 
song stuck in your head: “Your Song” - Elton John
followers: 845
do you get asks: Sometimes, but I’m always down for more interaction so don’t be afraid to hit that ask or message button! 
amount of sleep: Depends on the day. I try to get a solid 6-7, better if i get at least 8 tho
lucky number: 13
what you’re wearing: Black jeans, blue/green tshirt, and a hoodie that has the Loch Ness monster in the Jurassic Park logo
dream job: Does “Anthony Bourdain minus the crippling depression and past drug use” count?
dream trip: At the moment, the dream trip would be hopping around the mediterranean visiting all the markets and eating all the food and just enjoying a warm ocean breeze while drinking wine. 
instrument: I learned a little clarinet but I spent most of my time in choir
languages: English natively, I’ve taken French, Spanish, and German classes and can kinda understand a little in all of them but am by no means conversational. I lack conversation partners in order to get better. 
favorite songs: "Good Riddance” - Green Day
random fact: I once googled how long it could conceivably take for a person to completely empty their bladder because it was very crucial for writing a scene in fic (not golden showers or piss kink or anything like that)
aesthetic:  goth mom - dark jewel tones, black jeans, boots, hoodies and leather jackets, and dark eye liner
And now the tagging!: @novemberhush @morgendaemmerung89 @victorian-sexstache @samioli @amordantia @johnlockedatbakerst @axmxz @plotwitch @ellonwye11 @jobooksncoffee @will-mchope @thetimelinegodabandoned @ohmysaintedpyjamas @mistressstrange @yorkiepug @vitruvianwatson @elldotsee @ellipsical-elle @froggiej @froofie @thelostsmiles and anyone else who feels like playing! Tag me so’s I can see! 
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doobler · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @cyborgpunkmonk 
For some reason.... V and K are missing......
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs!
A - age: 22
B - birthplace: Richmond, VA
C - current time: 
D - drink you last had: 3 shots of peach vodka + sweet iced tea
E - easiest person to talk to: my lovely wonderful boyfriend @therealvagabird
F - favourite song: thats not a thing, no one has one single favorite song, BUT the song im currently obsessed with is Separate Ways by Journey
G - grossest memory: Probably.... When I had to get an earring surgically removed after an infection grafted the entire stud into my ear
H - horror yes or horror no: Yeah! Hell yeah!
I - in love: Yaaas with my aforementioned boyfriend
J - jealous of people: I mean yeah im human
L - love at first sight or should i walk by again: infatuation at first sight exists yeah but love takes work and time and dedication, love at first sight seems impossible to me
M - middle name: Scot!
N - number of siblings: Three! im the oldest and theyre all half-siblings
O - one wish: WORLD PEACE
P - person you last called: Im so gay, it was my BOYFRIEND 
Q - question you’re always asked: Right now its usually an implied question when people say “I love your hair!” cuz its two tone so there’s usually an underlying and unsaid “how did you get it like that?”
R - reading anything right now?: I havent read..... In so long,.....
S - song you last sang: Hurt by Johnny Cash
T - time you woke up: Fucking 7.45am
U - underwear color: ITS GOT PAC-MAN ON IT
W - when was the last time you really laughed: Earlier today watching RT cut short omfg
X - x-rays: Ive had them? what a weird question
Y - your favorite food: Dumplings!
Z - zodiac sign: ~~~Aquarius~~~
I tag @nine-hundred-and-nine and @allyholmes and @ssironstrange and @eternalknoxy and @millacm and @letsgetthisblog and @mistressstrange and @mjrtaurus and @loki-god-of-soap and anyone who wants to i guess
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