#also i have mixed feelings abt the movies
tonytonwy · 2 years
the sour moments of love
Summary: a prequel of ‘people pleaser’, where fate can’t stop Futakuchi from thinking about you.
a futakuchi kenji x f!reader
warning: awkward boners (barely mentioned but hey)
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His hands are sweaty out of nowhere, his heart feels heavy, and he wants to go to the toilet. The despicable feelings of love are back as he reads the class list, and his eyes stay stuck on one name specifically.
l/n y/n
He had never really heard of you before, he just had seen you in the courtyard with Mai, he figured you were her friend and that was the end of it. He noted how quiet you were with a group of people but in clear comfort with Mai, snorting and talking loudly. He had never spoken to you, but he felt an itch every time he walked past and heard you laugh.
He slowly noticed you more every day, your hair, body figure and even voice became highlighted in his mind. Whenever class got boring and he stared outside, you would be there, either with a heavy stack of paper or in the field, with your sports uniform. Going to the library? You were there studying and helping Mai.
He was noticing you more every day, and it was starting to drive him crazy.
“You gotta like someone, y/n!” His ear magically grows as the conversation peaks his interest and distaste. He slowly turns and sees how Mai is in your red face as you nervously shake your head. There was a cheery blossom petal stuck on the ends of your hair and he almost gets his hand out like an idiot. He doesn't mind spring, it gives him horrible hay fever but he likes how the cherry blossoms cover you from the strong sun.
“We haven’t even been in school for a month, how do you expect me to like someone so fast?” She’s pulling silly faces, not believing you, and you’re laughing, in that way that makes Futakuchi’s stomach cramp. He secretly hopes that you stay like that; not liking anyone and single. He knows it’s borderline creepy, just staring at what you two do at times.
His eyes widen as he almost forgets how to breathe when you connect eyes with him. It was only a second but his heart twists and turns as you give a small smile before talking to Mai again, as if you didn’t just do that to him.
The fact that your attention is no longer on him leaves a bitter taste on his mouth. He hates bitter things, he clicks his tongue, annoyed, he felt like he was going into a losing battle.
He wasn’t sure how he felt about you, but you always left him irritated, slightly sweaty and nauseous. He didn’t dislike you, but he definitely hated the feelings that were in the bottom of his stomach whenever you were in his view.
If you walked past, his eyebrows naturally frowned more and he stopped breathing, as if intaking your smell was poisonous to his nose. All these feelings would arise in him and all he can do is glare.
"Futakuchi, you're scaring my friend," Mai folds her arms, her face clearly unhappy with him. He's putting nets away in the gym closet as Mai leans on the door.
"What?" Futakuchi turns and stares at Mai, bored and emotionless. They had gone to middle school together and she was no longer fazed by his natural 'resting-dick face'.
"Every time you walk past me and y/n, you look like you're gonna kill someone and y/n is too nice to say anything to me about it. Instead, she just has a scared face, like a baby deer." Mai sighs and Futakuchi's heart does a double beat as he realizes your name. He mentally hums, it suits you. He wonders how his name would sound like if you said it. Would it be soft like honey? O more of a teasing tone, he imagines that's how he would say your name.
"c'mon, y/n," his hands are tickling you while his mouth is right under your ear, fanning your neck. You're on his imaginary king bed -not his real lame single-, your school skirt hiking up as you squirm.
"Futakuchi," you say while laughing, "stop being mean!"
"Futakuchi!" His thoughts are interrupted by Mai's yelling, "that's exactly the face I'm talking about."
"That's not my problem," he walks to the changing rooms, neck starting to heat up. He lets the cold water run on his head, freezing every stupid thought he's had of you. He needed to never see you again, despite knowing that he would see you tomorrow and the day after that, until the end of the year.
How did he get a boner over such a small thing?
"I'm getting my snacks," he says, yawning and stretching his body. He wasn't sure why his mum liked going shopping so early, especially in summer, but if it got him free sour gummies so be it. He can already feel the sweat forming on his lower back, he instinctively frowns, he hates summer. He wonders if you dislike summer just as he does, he wonders if you go to the pool, do you usually need help with sunscreen.
His attempts to forget you go in vain, as he suspected.
"Get some for your sister!" His mum yells as she continues to look at the canned aisle. He scoffs, his sister slept in, she didn't deserve any sweets. He goes to aisle next to the cans and inspects the brands of sour gummies. What sweets you did you eat, what was your craving at a cinema. What movies did you like?
A smile forms in his face as he imagines you two watching a horror movie.
His mind liked to do that to him, three months into the year and he still couldn’t let you go of his mind. You had stopped wearing the tie, the sweater, the long silky black tights. Instead, you wore the loose summer shirt, your hairstyle changed and short socks. Futakuchi reassures himself that he's simply suffering from heatstroke, he was sure of it. At least now in the holidays, he wasn’t seeing you everyday.
He hears a few cans fall and a quiet 'shit' come from his mum's voice. He tries to not laugh as he walks towards the next aisle, thinking of a witty thing to say to his mum.
“Happens to everyone,” he stops in his tracks as he hears that voice, that voice he’s heard so many times. In the lazy afternoons as you pick up Mai from the gym, in the busy courtyard, in his dreams.
He looks like a madman, trying to look through a empty space in the aisle to confirm his suspicion. He finds a spot, big enough to show his face, and he has an angled spot, where he can perfectly see your back and his mother's face.
Your hair is loose and shiny under the cheap supermarket light. You're wearing a tight shirt with some denim shorts and slides. The first thing he notices are your bare legs and, those shorts did wonders to your ass but his eyes go slowly up and he sees his mother's eyes; a evil glint in them as she stares her son down. He got caught red-handed. He shakes his head as her lips thin out in utter disappointment, he was fucked.
“Oh yes, if you move one, they all fall." His mum's voice goes to a lighter pitch, and he scoffs, she was so different with strangers. His eyes trace your figure as you help put the cans back in place, a few still on the floor.
“It’s like the store wants the cans to drop and for us to be mortified,” his mum laughs and Futakuchi almost pukes, his mum never found anything he said funny.
“Well, thank you, young lady. Not even my horrible son has come and helped me." He glares as his mum squeezes your shoulder lovingly while you give a small laugh, "I'll treat you to something. It's the least I could."
Oh, she was evil. Despite her short stubby legs and the fact that she was a woman, all Futakuchi could see in himself was his mum. He inherited her teasing nature, big brown eyes and love for sour foods. The list goes on, however, the only thing his dad had given Futakuchi was long legs and great athleticism as his mum couldn't catch a ball to save her life.
“Oh, thank you, but my friends are waiting for me,” you look down and Futakuchi can only assume you're checking your phone. “The train should be arriving in 3 minutes.”
“Oh my, go on, I’ll do the rest!” Before you can open your mouth, Futakuchi’s mum pushes you, “you’ll be late!”
“Thank you! See ya!” You wave and Futakuchi ducks, just in case you saw him. You definitely weren’t going to make it, it was at least another 5 minute run to get to the nearest station. He feels his heart race at the chance of connecting eyes with you again, however when he turns back, all he sees are beige dress pants. He looks up to see her frown, prominent and god, he really is like her.
"You are absolutely embarrassing." She continues shopping and Futakuchi follows her behind, like a little kid. He pouts, looking to the candy aisle.
"Says the one who dropped the cans," she whips her head, giving a mean glare again.
"Says the one who didn't have the guts to talk to a pretty girl." His eyes widen and she scoffs, unimpressed with his reaction. "Kenji, you’re my son. I saw you ogle her."
She walks off, grumbling about how disrespectful he is and how 'Takanobu doesn't treat his mother like this'. Futakuchi slightly slouches his shoulders, she always did this; throw a small tantrum to make him feel bad.
And for once, it worked.
"Wait mum," he walks next to her and takes the bags full of vegetables and meat, facing away from her. He couldn't tell his mum, oh, sorry I was too embarrassed to help, that's the girl I fantasize about almost daily,. "I'm sorry, I know her."
"What, you like her?" His face reddens and he ignores how his mum's eyes soften. She gives a sigh before smiling, "well that was your chance to talk to her, dummy."
"I don't exactly want you as the audience." His mum laughs, sarcastically, like always, and links her arm with his. She pulls him back to the candy aisle, ignoring how her son's eyes light up.
"Well, if you two end up dating, she's going to meet me regardless." She looks at the snacks before picking up a bag of sour patch kids and bitecrawlers. He tries to ignore every single thought that involves you meeting his awful parents. She gives him little push and her smirk appears, "but she's way too kind for you, you'd poison her with your rotten attitude."
He gets home and lays in bed, recounting every single thing that happened that day. Your outfit, your specific words and the fact that you helped his mum out.
You had said friends, plural, did that mean Mai but you were embarrassed to just say 'friend'? Perhaps Mai and other girls? Other boys? Maybe not Mai at all, and just a group of boys. He throws a pillow on his face, letting the quick coolness refresh his face before it becomes too suffocating.
Fuck, it was definitely a date. You looked too cute for just a hang out with friends.
He suddenly sits up as he coughs, his saliva going the wrong way.
"Kenji, Takanobu's here!" His thoughts stop as he sighs, opening his door. Aone is there ready, in his tall quiet glory. They both nod and get their books out, the fan being the only noise. Kenji brought glasses of waters and sour patch kids, much to Aone's clear disgust. Their summer homework goes well and unbothered until Futakuchi starts looking around his room, his athletics trophies, a rubbish bin that needed to be emptied, and Aone’s phone. He couldn’t use his own phone to stalk you, he wanted zero evidence of his attraction for you.
At least if he did it through Aone’s phone, he wasn’t visibly guilty of anything.
"You have instagram right?" Aone slowly nods his head, wary of where this conversation was going. They both eye his phone, Futakuchi clenching his hands under the table, he felt like an idiot.
"Can I," Futakuchi gulped, "Can I use your phone for a bit?"
Aone passes Futakuchi his phone, slowly and slightly worried.
"Don't worry, I won't snoop."
Aone is behind Futakuchi, watching his every move as Futakuchi searches Mai_Nametsutsu and finds her easily. She was the type to post monthly and then delete after 6 months. However, her instagram story was another thing, she posted daily on that. Futakuchi’s breath stops as he realizes that Mai’s profile is you two posing like Charlie’s angels. He needed to check instagram more often.
He presses on her story, quickly. He sees years worth of stories and clicks until he’s on the last quarter, slowing down. He takes a deep breathe as the first photo of you appears, your tongue is out as you both had gone out and gotten bubble tea. It was a brown sugar, he mentally scoffs, basic but cute. He continues clicking until he hits the jackpot, He sees a cute sundae, drizzled in chocolate cookies, banana and strawberries. She's captioned it, summer ain’t so bad with friends:) y/nl/nnn and tagged a few other girls from school.
His eyes shine as you were just hanging out with your friends. He immediately presses the @ and frowns as your instagram is obviously private, Aone simply lifts an eyebrow at his friend. This was a first, Futakuchi having girl issues. Futakuchi smacks his face against Aone’s phone, groaning loudly. He had a small look into your life but he wanted more. He had been taking small sips of water but he felt the need to take a massive gulp.
"Shit, Aone," his eyes widen as he realizes that he's send a request to you. His heart feels like it's going to explode. He hears Aone make a deep voice in his throat and Futakuchi wants the ability to reverse time. He wants to have never seen you, he had never spoken to you, why was he so intrigued by a stranger who was scared of him. Aone shakes Futakuchi's shoulders, his eyes deeply worried and an equally embarrassed face. "I'm sorry!"
“Send her a message.” Aone stares him down, and Futakuchi’s brain shortcircuits at even the thought of messaging you.
“I can’t,” Futakuchi pleads with his eyes, “she’s terrified of me. She’ll think I’m a weirdo, using your account to stalk her.”
Aone lets go and Futakuchi feels the pressure release from his shoulders.
“I'll do anything, except talk to her.” He bows on his knees. “I’m sorry.”
Aone nods and sits back down in his spot. They’re in a quiet, awkward silence. It’s suffocating him more than a pillow to his face and the desire to simply go on a run and never come back is strong.
“You should tell her, or start talking to her,” Futakuchi whips his head as Aone talks, “you’re not a bad guy for liking someone. It’s natural, you just need to be honest with yourself and one day have the courage to say hi.”
Was Aone giving him advice? On love?
“That’s…” Futakuchi gives a small sigh, “that’s actually helpful, Aone.”
They both stare at Aone’s phone, as a notification appears.
y/nl/nnn accepted your friend request.
y/nl/nnn is following you! Say hi!
“Oh my god,” Futakuchi’s mouth is open in shock. You accepted Aone’s friend request? Why? Before any more questions can appear in his head, Aone slides his phone to his pocket, smirking slightly.
“You get to look at her photos when you make friends with her.”
“Huh?” Futakuchi is now the one shaking Aone’s shoulders, eyes pleading. “I will get you non-stop kuri kinton, for a month.”
Aone shakes his head, a smile threatening to come out.
“They lose the great taste if I eat them all the time.”
“You asshole!” Futakuchi pushes Aone and tries to go for his pocket. They’re both laughing as they wrestle for Aone’s phone before Futakuchi’s sister opens the door loudly. They both stare at her, surprised and confused over her angry face.
“Can you two be quiet? I have friends over too,” Futakuchi simply pulls his tongue at her and she slams the door shut. “You’re gross!”
Futakuchi puts on his jacket as the soft wind blows through the open doors, brown leaves threatening to come in. He likes autumn, it's relaxing and calming to see the trees get more brown and to wear fuzzy socks around his house.
"Hey Mai," Futakuchi's eyebrows frown more as Kamasaki's loud voice appears, "your friend is kinda cute!"
Futakuchi's eyebrows twitch, his day was bad from the moment he woke up, he left his bento at home, stepped on a deep puddle and cue to now; Kamasaki being himself. He hates how Kamasaki speaks of you so easily. His voice is heard through out the whole gym, almost as if Kamasaki wants you to know his interest in you. He hates Kamasaki's big arms, his horribly dyed blonde hair and above all else, his laugh. It's cackly, loud and ugly. Futakuchi can't help but wonder what you consider attractive in someone, because it can't be Kamasaki.
Mai gives a quick look to you as you stand outside, reading something on your phone. Futakuchi glances at you, you were back to your normal uniform; the beige sweater, black tights and now there was a cute red scarf wrapped around your neck, covering your mouth. “Well, she technically is, but she's a bit shy."
Kamasaki laughs and it makes Futakuchi want to punch him, he clenches his fists as he hold the metallic pole.
Would you even be with some like Kamasaki?
The image of you and Kamasaki walking together makes Futakuchi's blood boil and he feels like kicking something into space.
“As if she’d be interested in you,” Futakuchi says, walking by, “she probably doesn’t like gorillas.”
“Futakuchi!” Kamasaki essentially growls, his mood changing immediately, “does she like stuck-up, arrogant dickheads?”
“Tsk, I don’t know,” he turns, giving a glare, “but I know your mother does.”
Futakuchi shouldn't be surprised why he and Kamasaki were suspended from practice for that week.
It's the day before Valentine's day.
And he's managed to glare at you slightly less.
"Why do you like her?" Aone asks, as they walk together out of the gym. Futakuchi tilts his head, also confused. He wasn't sure when or how but he just did. He breathes into his scarf, trying to set his thoughts straight.
“I don't know.... She’s the type of help someone, even if it’s not beneficial for her. She’s got a weird laugh that makes me wish I could make her laugh like that and Kamasaki finds her cute." He sighs and stops as he realizes that he's spoken his thoughts out loud. He covers his mouth and looks around to see if anyone was close enough to hear.
"Hm," Aone says in response. They walk in comfortable silence and Futakuchi moves his shoulders, they feel lighter than usual.
"Have you told that cute girl that you like her yet?" he takes his shoes off before clicking his tongue quietly, today was the day to bother him about you.
"You'll be happy to know," he stands up, putting his slippers on, "it's none of your business!"
He hears his mum click her tongue in the kitchen. He really needed to stop being like his mum.
"Jeez, it's been almost a year Kenji," she yells, cooking something. Futakuchi's nose twitches as he smells something sweet, "just rip the band-aid off."
He stomps to the kitchen, and before he can say anything, a spoon drenched with thick chocolate is in front of his mouth.
"Let me teach you how to make chocolate!" His mum gives a big smile, she was in a good mood, Futakuchi thinks to himself. "And while we're making it, you can tell me about this girl."
"What makes you think I want to talk about her to you," he says cynically, leaning on the counter.
"Oh, stop being difficult," she hits him with a wooden spoon on his arms. "Girls don't like difficult boys."
"You're funny."
"I'm serious Kenji," she sighs before leaning on the counter next to him. In front of them is a board filled with photos. One stands out the most, in the middle is a Polaroid of Futakuchi as a baby trying to walk with his mum holding his chubby hands, giving a big toothy grin. "You're a wonderful boy when you want to be. You just need to believe it."
Before he can say anything, his mum continues.
"So let's make some cute chocolates for dad and this girl!" She slaps his shoulder before giving a squeeze. Futakuchi gives a small smile and nods, deciding to not be difficult for once.
"Isn't it the girl's job to give chocolates?"
"Who cares, if you like someone, you should just give them chocolates any day."
So, they talk. Futakuchi lets his feelings out, obviously not the wet dreams but he's pretty sure his mum is aware of that happening with how often Futakuchi washes his undies and bedcovers. He tells her about how it was essentially love at first sight and then you wouldn't leave his sight. He tells her about stalking you through Aone's phone and getting suspended for fighting Kamasaki over a stupid comment.
"Well, it sounds like she knows who you are but you haven't made it clear you're interested in her."
"No shit," he puts his head down in shame as his mum glares at him, "sorry, it's an automatic response."
"Well, I'm sure she'll realize you're interested once you give her these!" She passes Futakuchi the three cute chocolate bears, each one in a different position. He hesitantly grabs them, before putting them in the fridge.
"Or I could just eat them." His sister pops out, giving a grin.
"Shut up," he flick at her nose before going to his room. He had less than 24 hours to plan everything, he stares at his ceiling, pondering what to say or how to even confess.
It's Valentine's day. And he slept a total of 2 hours. He yawns while getting ready, the bags under his eyes more than obvious.
"You look handsome, sleeping beauty," his mum passes him his bento and he just groans, did he look that bad?
He doesn't walk as fast to school as he usually does. He's looking at the window more than usual in class, expecting to see you walking around in your sports uniform. Despite the fact that it's the end of winter, his body feels sweaty and almost humid.
He goes to the courtyard at lunch, expecting to see you in your usual y/n glory with Mai blabbering off.
Today is the one day he doesn't see you or Mai in the courtyard.
"Have you seen Mai today?" He asks Obara as they sit on a table, they both look at the table that is usually occupied by you two.
"Nope, apparently she's planning to confess."
"Who's confessing?" Futakuchi says fast before realizing who they're talking about.
"Mai...?" Obara gives a weird look but continues talking, mainly about the upcoming practice games and how he wishes he got some chocolates. Futakuchi nods and replies but his mind is stuck on you, where had you gone? The most logical answer was that you were with Mai, in the classroom or toilets, trying to hype her up.
Maybe you were planning to confess to someone today as well.
"Futakuchi!" He stares at Obara, who just laughs. "You looked like you were going to kill someone for a second there."
"Daydreaming much?" He feels a rough pat on his head and glares up at Kamasaki, who's giving a grin. "Guess who gave me chocolates?"
Futakuchi's mind and heart are thumping, there's no way. You were better than that. You helped his mum for god's sake, how could you like Kamasaki, of all people. Futakuchi takes a deep breathe, even if it's true, his annoying upperclassman can't know about his own feelings for you.
"Your mother gave me chocolates too, ya know?" Kamasaki bites his inner cheek, trying to not explode. They're both glaring at each other, both too mad to dwell on anything else.
"Futakuchi, you really have to stop saying that type of stuff," Moniwa sighs, pushing them apart before Aone does it more successfully.
"Anyways, a hot third year gave me chocolates," Kamasaki brags, flaunting the cheap chocolate around. Futakuchi's eyes slightly widen as he realizes you didn't confess to Kamasaki.
"I don’t remember asking,” Futakuchi says quietly and before Kamasaki can yell at him, Aone acts as a wall between the two. Futakuchi lets a small smile appear, he still had a chance.
Lunch finishes soon and Futakuchi clicks his tongue as he can't find you anywhere. Maybe you didn't even come to school. He tells Aone if the teacher asks, I'm in the nurse's office.
He’s basically walked the whole building and he turns a corner, giving up before fully crashing into someone. His chest slightly aches as rubs on the painful area.
"Ow," his eyes widen as he sees you on the ground. His chocolates on the floor next to you. He puts his hand out, ignoring how they’re borderline shaking.
“Fuck, sorry,” his throat is undeniably dry and his hands are unbelievably sweaty. He sees how you're holding a box of chocolates, they're obviously homemade and flower-shaped. He ignores how his hands go slightly limp, he ignores the weird sensation in his heart and he definitely ignores how adorable your chocolates look.
“It’s okay, I should be sorry,” You say, his eyes finally meet yours and he’s never wanted a hole to swallow him more. Your eyes are staring into him and he can’t hear anything else besides his heartbeat thumping louder than the school volleyball chants. You avoid his eyes as you take his hand, Futakuchi feels his breathe hitch as he notices your reddening cheeks. He lifts you easily, his eyebrows slightly frown, you look like you're in a rush. "Thank you."
You jog past him. Not even looking back.
Ah. That's how it is.
He picks up the chocolates and notices the small tear drops on the ground. His hands clench on the chocolate, how stupid, what was even the point?
He throws the chocolates in a bin and decides to look outside the window for the rest of the class.
He takes the long route to his house.
“How was your day?” His mum asks while eating chocolates in the living room.
“Shit, going to bed.” He goes up the stairs and falls on his bed, feeling his pillows get slowly wet with his tears. He felt empty, hollow with a rejection that didn't even happen.
“Hey, did she like the chocolates?” She seats on his bed, and rub his head. He hated when she did that, it just made him feel more things in his body.
"What a bitch," he snorts.
"I didn't have the courage to give them to her."
"Ah, that's okay," before she can say it’s not the destination, it's the journey type bullshit, Futakuchi groans into his pillow.
“Why does Valentine’s Day exist?” He goes through the events that happened and somehow cringes more. He could've just left the chocolates in your locker, fuck, he wanted to smash his head against the wall.
“Every teenager asks themselves that question. I wouldn’t stress about it Kenji, one day you’ll be able to give it to her.”
"Will I?" He stares at his mum, who just gives a small smile before pinching his cheeks. At least he didn't inherit that annoying habit of hers.
“Maybe write her a letter, since talking to her is so difficult.” She gives him a small kiss before standing, "I’m gonna make dinner."
He lays on his bed, wondering what to do with his life. He's hoping you get rejected if you did confess to some idiot. Before his thoughts can get any worse, he hears a notification on his phone.
Aone: just in case it got to your head
Aone: [image]
He swipes up and sees a screenshot from Mai story, her eyes slightly puffy and hands holding the same chocolates you had. not y/n getting me homemade chocolates, hope everyone is jealous!
He almost laughs at the timing of everything.
Futakuchi: fuck you I was fine
Aone: sure sure :)
He sits on his desk, looking at the piece of paper. He gives a big sigh, guess it was now or never, and picks up a pen.
I guess we should start from the beginning.
He writes about his desire and fantasies, how you've managed to plague his every thought in a distorted way. He almost forgets it's a letter and not a diary.
I love sour things but being near you is worse than eating toxic waste (the candies, not actual hazardous material).
He sighs as he looks at the two pages, filled with words and nonsense. Futakuchi doesn't dare to read it because he might die of embarrassment and burn these secret words. He lays his head on his desk, fiddling with his pen. He folds the papers and tucks them in an car-themed envelope from his 10th birthday party.
“One day I’ll have the courage,” he sighs before putting the card in his desk drawer, hidden from his eyes and everyone else’s.
to y/n, who, one day, I will talk to.
note: this is significantly longer and very inspired by the spotify playlist 'futakuchi kenji hours' by 'franwyy' ;))
also damn they better show date tech timeskip in the 2 movies we're getting,,,,
ALSOO if u have any suggestions, i'm always a message away, i love hearing other people's ideas!! I might do a cheeky little aone fic that i've been writing for a bit but it'll take a while since uni and work have been taking all my time apologiessss<3
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puppyeared · 7 months
save me old flipnote studio MVs.......
#im going thru old flipnotes i used to watch years ago and ouggghhg so many good ones#is twenty one pilots still popular.... do people still remember the TRNDSTTER and marble soda meme.........#its like im unlocking some sort of primal part of my brain and everything is coming back to me. one of my biggest inspirations as a kid#i still remember thinking the final transmission lyrics were the coolest thing and watching =TopHat= Bee and Melissa over and over#theres a very specific feeling of longing and nostalgia looking back and watching these again years later#especially when there isnt anything genshin or mcyt and instead its either fnaf undertale eddsworld or another obscure#interest... and not even fnaf sister location its like fnaf 3 and 2. its THAT old. and a lot of oc MVs especially pokemon ocs and furries..#god but they were so creative u know. i still find it amazing ppl took this little lightbox animation on the fucking NINTENDO DS and#cranked it all the way to 11.. like if u look at the transitions and movement its so fucking fluid its insane..!! HOW DO YOU MAKE THE#CHARACTERS SPIN??? AND CHANGING CAMERA ANGLES??? and keep in mind youre doing this all with a shitty stylus#on a THREE BY TWO INCH SCREEN. you only get two layers you can go up to 29FPS and you only have 999 slides to work with#and 24FPS eats up a lot of that. absolutely insane it literally boggles my mind every time i think about it. AND SOME ARE EVEN FULL COLOR#i forgot how popular EDM was back then too...they were really good for timing beats though so you get a lot of MVs with#strobe last and marble soda. porter robinsons goodbye to a world was also popular with undertale and oc MVs. also a lot of vocaloid#someone made a flipnote abt the warner bros fnaf movie being announced EIGHT FUCKING YEARS AGO. it even used the stay calm audio from#the office.... i wonder how theyre doing now... i love you shitty grainy MV audio.. but i have mixed feelings abt the flashing colors#ppl LOVED animating the sans vs frisk fight. aishite and primadonna were also big ones they were SICK AS FUCK#lots of these inspired my old oc designs.. a lot of my characters had side bangs with one eye covered. animal ears and simple eyes too#now i kinda wanna try my hand at the marble soda meme cause i loved it as a kid lol.. i wonder if i should compare my old and new art here#UGHHHH IM SO NORMAL ABOUT NOSTALGIA. IM SO NORMAL ABT MY SCHOOL BOOK DRAWINGS WITH SHIBA BROWS#yapping#nostalgia
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berrymeter · 1 year
i'll be honest i didn't even process the homophobia in paprika as such bc all of it was expressed by a character who turned out to be the villain's henchman, & maybe that's on me but like, it really did not hit me like that at all.
it was a lot of background details, but it did hit me on the second rewatch that osanai doesn't yell at paprika for bringing up himuro bc he feels guilty about himuro's comatose-dead state but bc he's disgusted himuro liked him. osanai is not shown as a sympathetic character again from the moment you learn he's working against the protagonists, and frankly he's not too sympathetic either before then - at least if you don't trust him, everything he does & says comes across as him potentially becoming a problem later. again, on the second rewatch, i was able to retroactively notice another part that showcased that 'homophobia' mentioned by that person ; when they visit himuro's place & there are men's magazines all around his house, to which osanai makes a grossed out face (on first watch i thought it was more exasperation due to the previous fatphobia & general infantilisation of the fat characters).
the thing though, is that the messiness of the room, the 'gross' aspect, it doesn't hinge on the fact himuro is gay as much as it does on the fact he's fat. and it's weird to pinpoint homophobia without mentioning the glaring elephant in the room. they do the same shit to tokita! it's the exact same shit and tokita is straight as far as anyone's concerned! idk, tokita & himuro fit into a certain view of the 'nerd' that a lot of people hold, & the magazines are frankly the least of our problems with that view! if you want my opinion, the only reason tokita escaped the magazines treatment was that he was infantilised enough to not even be allowed the ability to be sexual. everyone constantly insists on how he's "a genius with the mind of a child". the fatphobia is absolutely paprika's biggest problem & it pisses me off someone would say the HOMOPHOBIA puts them off. like?! did we watch the same movie??
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gibbearish · 11 months
saw the barbie movie
#it was pretty good i will say though i think people being like 'i have no idea why the right is mad abt this#movie theres absolutely nothing upsetting in it' are being disingenuous#the veil of satire is exactly a centimeter thick on this one like this movie directly mocks conservatives to their faces#in entirely deserved and accurate ways which is exactly why theyre mad#and honestly it did feel heavy handed at times to the point of immersion breaking for me#like when the mom is helping deprogram the barbies that whole monologue and the snippits after very much feel like#a video essay rather than part of a movie about barbie#and im torn between 'this doesnt fit in the movie super well' and 'holy shit they actually let yall say this in a major movie#this is Excellent Progress goddamn'#idk tldr i have mixed feelings#but i mean overall it was fun and campy i did enjoy it#also side note ive seen several ppl be like ''it sucks that the movie ends on 'she got a vagina as her signifier of Being A#Real Woman‚' this is transphobic'' and like i can see where that sentiment comes from but also. no#the film very blatently establishes that the thing making her a real woman is just her Realizing She Is One#whereas the gynocologist thing is just a joke to end the movie on?#with the setup being that with the family all there to support her and wishing her good luck and everything#it feels like its building up to like a job interview or something like that and then it subverts your expectations#like idk to me 'doll that constantly gets jokes made about them not having genitals becomes real and gets genitals' doesnt read as a#trans joke‚ it reads as. a barbie joke. about barbie dolls#anyways done with that rant where do i find the allan fanclub#also the weird barbie fanclub
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todaviia · 2 years
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strandedcrow · 2 years
hi hello batman noob here and you seem like a great person to ask for batman recommendations
hi hello anon :D
tbh i’m not rlly that far off from where you are, but personally i just started with the more recent movies (the dark knight trilogy and the new movie), found some characters i enjoyed in those, and started looking into comics and other media that featured those characters !
there’s really a huge variety of content you can check out so i’d just suggest finding what you enjoy the most and seeing what batman media exists in that format (for example if you like watching let’s plays or playing games i’d check out the arkham games, if you like animated shows i’d watch batman the animated series, if you like podcasts you should check out batman unburied, if you like anything ever you should watch lego batman bc it’s the greatest movie in existence)
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trollbreak · 7 months
Anyways um. On abt Pyrric again. And sweets somehow. Those two like never end up feeling remotely adjacent
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neonsbian · 1 year
i watched a movie for the first time in forever
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thelegendofmrrager · 1 year
Finished tpb and. Hm. Mixed feelings
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 3 months
Svt as specific tropes cuz I am in a writer's block
a/n: these are purely personal opinions/ imagines. not proofread!
Scoups: enemies to lovers (I'm talking dagger to the throat enemies to "who hurt you" pipeline. scoups and his competitive petty ass would be perfect with an equally competitive and hot-headed oc. I'm talking sizzling chemistry, extreme frustration to tooth-rotting fluff)
Jeonghan: Frenemies to angst to friends to lovers (light-hearted frenemies until one day Jeonghan takes the joke a little too far which leads to angst and years of no-contact. A chance encounter during lowest times leading to a soft adult friendship evolving to a soft and chaotic lovers pipeline)
Joshua: strangers to comfort person to lover (he gives me a feel-good coming of age feels so I'll take a storyline with the heartbroken or worn down oc finding comfort in Shua who could be a stranger or a kind colleague. a full "we helped heal each other" and then moving away due to circumstances only to realise that you need your comfort person)
Jun: holiday romance (nana tour Jun vibes. two strangers in a random city who decide to spend a week having the utmost fun and never meet again... but of course fate brings them together and the angst of reality to eventually finding a balance in the paradise of their holiday whirlwind and reality... it's giving romcom)
Woozi: Best Friends pining for decades (A very soulmate-ish friendship. Woozi and oc are so extremely obvious about their feelings but are oblivious to the reciprocation- it's also obvious to everyone around them. The angst of "what-ifs", and ofcourse songs written abt the feelings, to angry confessions and happy endings. this one includes a lotttt of angst and dozens of bangers mixed with peak domestic behaviour and two ppl so attuned to each other like old married couples)
Hoshi: Accidental dance partners Hoshi and oc (might sound basic but I'm a dancer and it's a very indulgent trope... so yeah! I'm thinking college team dancers in competing teams are forced to pair up for a competition. Out-of-the-world chemistry- can't keep eyes and hands off each other, late night talks, "non-date" date nights and ofc anger issues(performers, duh!). Lots of parties, angst and eventually confessing. She falls first but he falls harder)
Wonwoo: second-chance romance (I think Wonwoo, I think angst(sorry wonu) and second chance. oc and wonu having whirlwind honeymoon phase until oc pushes him away. lots and lots of angst- confused wonu not knowing how to help oc. both of them miserable without the other... until Wonwoo can't take it anymore and makes oc lean on him for support. very gray and grounded in reality romance)
Dokyeom: Small-town romance (sunshine Lee Seokmin as a charming small-town business owner helping big-city-return troubled oc deal with life and falling in love? sign me up for the hallmark movie! Seokmin and his golden best boy smile healing hearts as always)
Mingyu: Arranged Marriage Trope (once again, a very self-indulgent imagination...Oc who doesn't believe in love after a heartbreak, Mingyu who accepted his destiny and never loved anyone. A very practical arranged marriage with both consenting parties. An agreement to stay "partners" and "friends" because they "Can't force feelings". Domestic life leads them to break every rule- written and unwritten... angst rising due to pasts and insecurity... oc's fear of abandonment, Mingyu's fear of attachment... a minor separation and major realisation... their very own happy ending at last! Mingyu Best Husband Agenda forever)
Minghao: Rival Artists with secret identities dating each other (Minghao dates the pretty stranger on a dating app, agree to keep things casual but lo behold they are falling fast and hard... all is well except both have secret identities as artists who are rivals. they love each other but hate the other's alter-ego... ofc this leads to miscommunication and angst, lost ways and breakups. but this is my imagination so they end up together after everything and conquer the art world)
Seungkwan: Celebrity Fake dating trope (Seungkwan would eat that shit up! Two A-list celebs: Seungkwan and oc, who appear together in a show and fans go crazy for their chemistry but they don't pay head. oc gets caught in a false accusation, needs a distraction- agencies make oc and Seungkwan fake date... on-camera they r perfect but off-cam it's all awkward... planned appearances to becoming friends, trauma bonding... sexual tension rises, life gets complicated, lots of angst later they end up dating happily)
Vernon: Falling without meeting each other (two online friends, fake names but authentic friendship across continents fall for each other without ever meeting other. against all odds they end up seeing each other eventually and staying together... this gives me old cinema vibes but in modern times, Vernon is so Vernon that only he'd be fitting)
Dino: High school fake dating (imagine Dino as Peter Kavinsky from To All The Boys I've Loved Before... a popular softie boy agreeing to fake date the silent girl, the only twist is Dino has been in love with her since middle school, he fell first and harder- a full simp! Very romcom coded angst and happy endings ofc- i just know Dino will make a perfect romcom male lead)
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poisonousquinzel · 3 months
honestly I feel bad for the folks who really love the How To Train Your Dragon movies but haven't checked out the shows cause they're amazing
like, I love the movies, well, at least mostly lol but the shows???? next level. And it gives so much weight to scenes in the 2nd & 3rd movies. A lot that's stated in the movies gets fleshed out beforehand in the shows. All of them take place between the first and the second movie.
cause like,, absolutely we know Hiccup is like The dragon trainer and it's stated in the movies, but an added like 9 entire seasons of episodes that build that up and Show it directly makes it really hit harder in the second movie when he's adamant about being able to change Drago's mind. He's not confident abt it because he's naive and stubborn, but because he's done it before.
Similarly with the side characters, they're So developed, from their relationships with their dragons to the group friendships, to the actual romance between Hiccup and Astrid being developed throughout wonderfully.
And it genuinely makes me laugh a lot, while also having a balance of battles and serious moments mixed in.
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rubra-wav · 3 months
Various Adam headcanons
A/N I'm not an Adam simp, I just have been thinking abt him since the last post I did.
A lot of these are just things I feel in vibes and are completely baseless haha.
Cw: SFW, angsty in parts, misogyny, slight reference to disordered eating, uhhh idk man it's mixed
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He's very messy and his house is like a bombsite of unwashed dishes and laundry.
Think messy roommate horror stories: that's him, and he doesn't give a single damn about it. Thinks he shouldn't have to clean up his house because that's a 'chick thing'
He's naturally really warm and overheats a lot because of it. Due to this, he has his house cold so he isn't sweating his ass off at all times.
He's really good to sleep next to during cold weather, but is God awful during hot weather.
Will not stop bitching about it being too hot when he's slightly uncomfortable and laughs at people who are easily cold, calling them weak.
His favourite things to watch are shitty b grade movies - especially comedy ones.
Prides himself on knowing current lingo, memes, and jokes (and actually pulls off not sounding like an old person trying to be 'hip with the kids' and cringey)
Follow up: makes deez nuts and ligma jokes out of everything and finds it hilarious. Sera sent him out of a meeting for doing this to Emily one time.
He's the type of mf who is pretentious asf about beer being superior and believes any guy who likes sweeter drinks / doesn't like beer are pussies.
He secretly doesn't believe this in the slightest and actually hates beer, he'd never admit it though. He has a sweet tooth and actually really likes drinks like Baileys.
Constantly talking, even if it's just to himself.
He likes AC/DC a lot. Ironically, 'highway to hell' is one of his favourite songs of all time.
He always wears his mask because he feels more vulnerable without it.
If you're close with him, he'd likely feel more comfortable to take it off around you - would fight to keep it on at all times if he doesn't trust you or feel safe with you.
I headcanon he put on weight after getting to heaven because after he was kicked out of Eden he didn't have nearly as much food, so he began binging when he finally had it again. It kind of just stayed a comfort for him.
He's really insecure about his weight gain too. If you point it out he's gonna get really upset. (Like how Lucifer does in ep 8)
Follow up: he literally always has snacks and is an absolute bitch about sharing them. If he does share them with you, he expects you to be really grateful.
His masculinity is fragile as it gets.
Would physically wilt if you even slightly imply he's not masculine and then become extremely angry and try to prove he actually is.
The main reason he is misogynistic is due to his experience with Lilith.
Before Lilith ran away from him, I think that Adam actually had extremely high respect for women.
His whole purpose was to reproduce. Women do a hell of a lot more then men during the whole process of reproduction and dude worships pussy even now (he named his best soldier after it. Not after dick, vag)
I imagine that it was a much larger appreciation for women in general before Lilith screwed him over.
This soured into misogyny, though, after she ran away and likely grew much, much worse with Eve due to her actually being made from him.
Eve then proceeded to eat the apple given to her and resulted in them being kicked out of Eden, which made it even worse.
He's the definition of that one reddit incel who had bad experiences with a handful of women and now is an absolute misogynistic cunt lmao
Hella abandonment issues.
Also hella jealousy issues.
Doesn't matter if you're a friend or a partner, he's going to be grappling to be number one and the only one in your life.
He's not manipulative or slick about it even a little though, it's obvious as it gets. Will vy for your attention by being literally as obnoxious as possible constantly.
Literally so clingy.
If you ever point it out, he'll deny it though and get very flustered.
Bro needs reassurance so bad you aren't gonna leave him if you're his partner.
Will sometimes just get really quiet and ask if he did something if he even slightly senses a tone shift to negativity.
Pretends it never happened afterwards and will downplay his fears massively if you call him out on it.
He's the type of sleeper who moves around a lot and ends up upside down somehow. Also a sleep talker.
Is the type of mf who has the skill to transcribe songs into guitar simply by ear.
He never shuts up about it, so although it is actually a really incredible skill, you want to not praise it because of how annoying he is over it.
Follow up: can play most types of guitar.
One of those extremely annoying rock fans who scoff when you put on anything but rock.
Also acts like he knows more about rock than anybody.
If you put on country music around him, he will forcefully grab the aux from you to turn it off.
He knows he actually isn't very smart at all and is super insecure about it.
He's had it used against him time and time again by people like Lilith and overcompensates to deter this by acting like he is actually the smartest person at all times.
When someone treats him like he's stupid, especially about something he actually knows/is knowledgeable about, he's extremely defensive about it (like when Lute points out the shield to him in ep 8)
Would be the type to go "Mansplaining means 'man explaining things'" to you with complete lack of self-awareness.
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I need to draw Sera looking absolutely horrified as he screams the lyrics to highway to hell so bad.
Got possessed with the energy I had to suddenly write this omg.
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s1x-foot-deep · 7 months
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FINALLY i have ALL these drawn up.... umm anyways heres designs for a prohibitedwish-centric au where prismo(& "friends") work at/run a roller rink, aka the Time Room, & scarab is an auditor suspicious of how the place even stays open and is obsessed with shutting it down<3 more rambling abt it under the readmore
ok. so basically:
starts in the 70s when the Time Room is doing alright, popularity-wise and financially. it contains an arcade room with a prize counter, a snack bar, a back office, restrooms Obviously and of course, the rink, for skatin'. here there are many events to be seen: parties for holidays, rollerblading contests, birthdays, etc etc...
in this time, pretty early on in the 70s actually, prismo meets Jake(not yet designed 4 the au but i'll get 2 him), who ends up being pretty much his best friend, and stirring up feelings prismo doesnt quite understand himself.... scarab, is assigned to do an audit on the Time Room and notices a name he recognizes, unfortunately. of course, it's prismo, there HAS to be something fishy going on here. so instead of doing his job like normal, how he should, scarab disguises himself and snoops around the rink himself for evidence of anything suspicious.... and of course, skate. can't go to a rink without skating right? it'd look suspicious. its definitely not because he's taking the opportunity to have fun & hang out in the crowd that'd usually shun him. he's not HERE for fun, you know.
in the background all the while, life & death have a budding romance, a beautiful lil opposites attract story... and lich is. well. lich is there and intimidating, and... friends with life? kind of? he doesnt think theyre friends, just that he doesnt hate Life, and they share music and horror movie recommendations. otherwise he loathes to be perceived
timeskip to the 90s, the Time Room is in a decline. less people show up, it looks run down, and prismo is.... not doing his job. he's busy mourning his best friend, who he only now realizes he loved, and he is NOT coping well. hes more apathetic than he was before, nihilistic one could even say, and even his pal Cosmic Owl doesn't know how to help.
during this time, scarab's also dealing with the consequences of someone passing. namely, his Unnamed, Unseen Sibling, who left behind a girl scarab now has to care for. he has mixed feelings-- he was never close with his family, nor does he like kids, but now he has to figure out how best to care for this child he barely knows, but thinks the world of him, for whatever reason. when scarab goes to the time room to keep investigating, like he's been doing for around 20 YEARS now, he's taking Chrysina with him as he can;t really get a babysitter or anything, nor would he trust one. and well, once he sees the sorry state prismo's in, it doesn't feel as great trying to ruin his life. sure, scarab feels a little vindicated to see the time room so dilapidated and empty, but now this mission just feels like kicking an old dog.
prismo, wallowing in his grief and poor coping skills, takes some sort of interest learning how much scarab despises him. people tend to like prismo, why doesn't this guy? he honestly doesnt even care if the guy finds something to shut the place down at this point, so long as he comes back.
ok i typed way more than i meant to here ok thats all for now bye
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horrorcore2002 · 1 year
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_*_ DISCLAIMER! The following content mentions: Fem reader, black/brown reader, chubby reader, cussing, and this shit is everywhere, mostly abt food and his taste for it Bakugou headcanons
★ First things first right off the bat I think Bakugou likes women of color
★ Like, black and brown women? that's all you needed to say
★ Especially thick or chubby girls (what can I say, he's got good taste)
★ Thinks stretchmarks are the cutest thing a woman could have
★ We all know he's a chef, but I think he sucks at baking 100%
★ Would do some fucked up shit like using olive oil in cake batter or burning betty crocker cake mix (if you can bake, he'll only eat your baking and that's it.)
★ Hates overly sweet frosting, like REFUSES to eat it will scrape off the chunk of cake that touched it and be done with it.
★ Hates cake even more if it's dry as shit, cause then he's to drink water or milk, and water with cake is disgusting, and milk just grosses him out.
★ Does like Red velvet cake with whipped cream instead of frosting
★ Listens to R&B when he's sad as shit. Like, I'm talking 3am, I don't wanna sleep cause I'll have to wake up for tomorrow, so instead I'll read a romance novel sad.
★ I also feel like he likes fried sushi or California roll sushi because they don't traditionally have that in Japan and he thinks the American twist to it is cool
★ Or he'd think it atrocious and not want it ever again. There is no in-between
★ When it comes to dating, he doesn't pay attention much, like if it's meant to really happen for him, it'll happen, but if not, then oh well.
★ However, don't expect him to make the first move. If he has to, he's gonna have to be drunk off his ass.
★ I feel like he really likes his mom, even if he yells at her (and she yells right back) because she actually gives him good advice and he respects the hell out of her and would do little things as a kid
★ like draw sumn making fun of her, or pick flowers and dandelions, or get her water when he knows she hasn't been drinking it, with a snippy insult on the side
★ He's a mama's boy, but will never ever admit it. Like ever. You mention it, and he'll gaslight you.
★ I personally think his favorite superhero movie (besides anything All-Might) is Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers
★ Likes Rocket the best, and then second is Gamora
★ Has a complex relationship with the Hulk movie, cause the movie plot was pretty good, but he fuckin hates the graphics (if u know u know)
★ Really likes The Hulk tho, cause he looks cool
★ But likes Red Hulk more, cause he looks cooler, and because he hates Bruce Banner cause he reminds him of Deku
★ I feel like he'd be a huge fan of other foods from different cultures, cause he likes trying new shit, because the same damn thing over and over pisses him off
★ It's one of his pet peeves
★ He also likes black Air Forces, because their black, and he just likes them better cause he's secretly still in his emo phase (and cause he's kinda crazy)
★ Back to food again (sry this entire thing is everywhere) but I think he would love chili fries, or animal style fries, with like, a shit ton of hot sauce
★ wants to travel the world with you (will never admit it though)
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desire-mona · 2 months
forgive me for leftist-posting abt the gay movie, but the dead poets society is soooo leftist-adjacent in my mind. "mona wtf does that mean" im not entirely sure! something about rebelling against a school with such strict rules and reliance on tradition just to read poetry in the woods seems very.. path to leftism to me. i feel like i can explain better with the original dead poets so ill do that.
warning: this isnt even speculation at this point, its me making shit up about the og poets for the sake of projection + i think it would be interesting + og poets being taught ww2 propaganda is smthn im always thinking abt. if u dont agree, thats more than fine, u have literally no obligation to esp considering this barely makes sense. also this isnt meant to be informative at all so if i get shit wrong then lmk, im neither a historian nor an expert in leftism.
to specify off the bat, ive always hced keating as an avid and involved leftist, although probably not publicly. is there any merit to this? absolutely not, it's entirely just me projecting, so take this with a heaping spoonful of salt.
so, around the time the original dead poets society was formed, we were in the sorta beginning of WW2 (if we assume the dps was founded in 1941, definitely couldve been later. u should read @pencileraser1's post about keating.), and if ur familiar with US history, propaganda surrounding the war was RAMPANT, most commonly in the form of "we want u to join the military!!!!1!!!!" ive mentioned this in a previous post from however long ago that pro-military propaganda was so rampant that they often taught it in schools, no doubt especially so in private schools. now this could ultimately mean nothing in relation to the og poets, they so easily could have eaten it up and thought nothing of it, they did essentially just do homework in the woods. but in my joe biden's america ass brain thats not how it goes, just cuz. to me its sort of a pipeline of start to rebel by forming the dps > slowly realise after talking that the things theyre teaching u in terms of "rahhhh military!!!" is kinda fucked up > growing distrust of us military in general > something something US wasting money on weapons and war and shit > something something anti capitalism.
is this a stretch? absolutely, but it makes sense to me so thats what matters. also the leftist-ness?? exists on different spectrums in my mind, ranging from being against US military propaganda being taught in class to straight-up socialism (keating socialist...) so definitely dont take this as the dps being some sort of mini socialist party, in my mind its just a group of boys who happen to agree abt some aspects of society (hah). i also dont think this translated to any permanent ideals for a majority of the og boys, especially since anti-capitalism didn't exactly mix well with the cold war, the red scare, and all variants of etc after WW2 ended. except for keating, keating stays a socialist, CPUSA and eventual SDS keating (if he chose to stay in the US) are real to me.
now, would this translate to the reprisal of the dead poets (the movie ones)? i doooont think so? originally i was gonna say this only applies in my mind when the US is at war, but the US is kinda always at war, sooooooo. lets just say it applies when the US being at war is sort of a main concern to the general population (ex both world wars, vietnam, war on terror if welton was still around, etc). as to why this sorta hc only applies concerning militarism? i have absolutely no idea, probably something to do with my views on the military sorta long term leading me to my political opinions. but also! the effects that the red scare and mccarthyism definitely were still prevalent in 1959 despite soooooorta dying down around 1957. no doubt the US population's fear of anti-capitalism = ur a russian spy was still there. was that sorta thing taught in schools at that point? not sure, this is also a fictional school so it doesn't really matter and im going on a tangent. i suppose if the dps reprise continued for more than ~3 months then they could've gone down a similar path under the right circumstances? but i doubt it. although leftist neil is quite special to me. neil for SAG! neil for unionisation!
i like applying this logic to other periods, like the 60s for example (i knowwww keating was gone by then, lets just pretend, make it an au i guess) i can definitely see the poets (or some at least) delving into the hippie movement on the down-low, although its easy to call into question whether hippies were an actual group of activists or just a sort of cultural movement. again - i dont know much about the history of hippies so i dont have much to add, lets go with a general "anti vietnam war" ideology to keep things simple. sorta similar to the og poets in terms of war bad > socialism pipelines, and the SDS was formed roughly around this time? peak was in 1968-69, but thats kinda all i got. if anyone enjoys this idea and knows a lot abt that point in leftist history then definitely feel free to add anything on if u want.
in conclusion: mona hates war and the military and projects it onto the poets because they wanted to and also they had a conversation with tristan about propaganda in relation to dps. this is a bunch of random sorta points just strewn together so my apologies for how messy this is.
bonus: FANTASTIC point by @lookingglasswolf
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
Top 5 technologies that, unfortunately, have fallen out of use
okay this was interesting, had to rly think. Also idk if my definition of "technology" is right, but anything resembling will go. ALSO damn I rambled a lot, sorry abt that, apparently I like thinking about old tech
CDs. I miss owning albums, it was so nice to like actually have the physical copy of something u love. I think that's what missing now and is why I sometimes get actually annoyed abt loving a band/song (rn it's The Vantages (a band) & I'm actually mad about it) bc the "listening to it is not enough, I need to inject it to my bloodstream"-mood, which in actuality is that I'd love a physical copy to make it feel like a concrete thing. It's like the next best thing to going to a concert, and I can't keep buying merch I'll never wear outside my house to compensate. Also made u like decide on what album u want to listen to & the songs are always gonna be in the same order the artist decided them to be in, no mixing songs from the same or diff artists, you had to make A Choice. (actually my dad has my fave bands CDs (old-ish band & he an og fan) and it's kinda comforting to me that if (/when?) some Spotify apocalypse eventually happens, I'll have a way to listen to them anyways). Also been thinking for years about buying either a CD- or a vinyl player, or something like that bc I want to have physical copies of my faves (but haven't decided on what yet (probs vinyl tho. for the vibes.) and also the money aspect of it is not great)
Nokias. I just talked with my sister how we've both been thinking abt just buying an old Nokia keypad non-smart phone and just using that instead of like the current phones (but alas, not rly possible, like I can't get into my gym without a smart phone and that's just one thing, u kinda need a smartphone or life becomes unnecessarily complicated). But the durability, the worm game, the ''oh no in a hurry and need the letter s, oh shit I went overboard and went right back to p''). Also Finland represent lol
tamagotchi type things. like a "gaming console" (it's not but idk what those are called) that has the one game with abt 3 pixels and no color. Also I had one like that had a monkey that collected dropping bananas and that was the whole game, the only function that thing had (I have a suspicion I got it from McDonalds??? idk why I keep thinking that) (Googled and yes it was from McDonalds, called Aiai banana catch)
those big computers that were for the whole household. We didn't have one growing up (bc my parents had computers at their work and so we didn't need one) but the thrill of going to like a friend who lived near and they used their 1h of computer time to like play some horse game; unparalleled. Or like the games at Miniclip ?? or later on CLUB PENGUIN !!!!! (still to this day the best game that has or ever will exist) (tho I think at around club penguin-era my sister got a laptop so I used that until I got my own)
Those calculators that prints on paper what u've calculated right after, idk what they're called. Never used one & obv never had one bc was a kid, and actually not fully sure if ppl still do use them (but guessing at least that they're not as popular anymore) but damn. The pure aesthetics and vibes. Like the movie scenes of a character calculating using that while looking at bills to indicate that the said character has some finance problems? phenomenal, cinematography etc.
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