#finding characters or specific iterations of b.atman that you like and then seeking out That content is the way to start
strandedcrow · 2 years
hi hello batman noob here and you seem like a great person to ask for batman recommendations
hi hello anon :D
tbh i’m not rlly that far off from where you are, but personally i just started with the more recent movies (the dark knight trilogy and the new movie), found some characters i enjoyed in those, and started looking into comics and other media that featured those characters !
there’s really a huge variety of content you can check out so i’d just suggest finding what you enjoy the most and seeing what batman media exists in that format (for example if you like watching let’s plays or playing games i’d check out the arkham games, if you like animated shows i’d watch batman the animated series, if you like podcasts you should check out batman unburied, if you like anything ever you should watch lego batman bc it’s the greatest movie in existence)
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