#also heart shaped sunglasses fav always
lovecommajaime · 8 months
i’ve been too unormal lately
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ichigo-dream · 1 year
Leon - Squish - (SFW & NSFW)
Hi everyone!
We still can't get over the fact that this man is built like that and that he put on 40 lbs of pure muscle between RE 2 and RE 4. Honestly we've spent many hours discussing his squish so have some of our fav headcanons:
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Every part of this man is rideable - thighs, biceps, throat, ab, face, doesn’t matter, any port in a storm and what a pretty, squishy port he is. 
u love gently pinching and biting his cheeks bc he still has some of his lil baby face from his rookie days 
his lap is the comfiest place to sit 
your throne 
Leon will grab you by the hips and pull you onto his plush thighs at any point 
soft and pillowy but you can feel the muscle when he flexes 
You love his little freckles that come out in the sunshine and the summertime - there’s one on the inside of his beautiful thigh scarily close to his dick and it makes him feral when you kiss or bite at it. 
To Leon, the only benefit of working for the US Government is travel perks - when flying he always flies first class, and it's the only time he can be comfortable on public transport bc he’s a unit of a man 
Any other time, he has to curl in on himself and crush his legs together to not take up more than his designated space. 
can spread his thick delicious thighs as much as he wants 
in the summertime he likes to workout outside
will do push-ups whilst shirtless 
you try not to pass out at the sight of his muscles flexing + slick with sweat 
sometimes you’ll sit on his back as he does this when he wants some extra weight 
baby boy is so strong it makes u drool 
Loves wearing shorts but gets self-conscious if he wears them in public.
Absolutely will steal your sunglasses to wear whilst he’s outside - (we couldn’t get the image of Leon shirtless in little shorts wearing heart shaped sunglasses out of our heads)
one day he wants to surprise you by wearing his old rpd uniform (cute play on all the times you would playfully call him “officer Kennedy”) but you hear him grunting in frustration from the bedroom so u go to check it out 
shit does not fit this man
not even a little 
trousers caught around his legs bc the material won’t fit over his juicy thighs + ass. You’re trying not to drool at the sight. waistband is fr about to snap 
dick bulge bc the trousers don’t fit over that either 
shirt also  doesn’t fit  - buttons are straining within an inch of their life against his broad chest, waiting to pop  
only thing that does fit is the old bulletproof vest - barely. 
“Never got to wear my summer uniform, and I didn’t want to buy a new one so… I tried to make my own but…”
baby boy is blushing in embarrassment at his failed attempt to be sexy 
but oh he has no idea 
what he’s doing to you rn 
have to pick your jaw off the floor at the sight of him 
he’s sweating a little too from the effort 
you want him to choke you out with his thighs or biceps, you’re not picky 
You tell him to turn around and you’ll try to help him pull them up at the back but this is a ruse -  you just want to see his ass jiggle as he tries to force the trousers up. 
“I’m sorry, I can't get them on..” he whines, annoyed that he can’t surprise you anymore. 
“It’s okay, pretty boy, I need you to take them off anyway”  
devouring this man like he’s a piece of cake on god 
strawberry to be precise 
When you’re fucking him, if you grab at his ass it’ll drive him crazy
You have to resist the urge to motorboat him when his bare chest is freely offered to your greedy eyes.
the juiciest tits u ever seen 
Don’t be fooled tho - tho this man is a beast, he ‘s actually a puppy on the inside. 
He absolutely adores getting to cuddle with you and lie on your chest and snooze - because he’s bigger than you he tends to worry about crushing you but you reassure him that it's okay (glory glory what a hell of a way to die). 
We could go all day (much like Leon) but we’ll stop there for now!
Comment “Bingo!” if you made it to the end, and let us know if you’d like more!
Ichigo and Dream xoxo
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
Seems like u liked my last request, and I also liked how it came out! So it's time for more niigo being kind to Kanade!
This time, could you do Mizuki toning down their eccentric/playful nature for her lovely shut-in?? Pls and ty!! •^•
ONE OF MY FAV THINGS TO WRITE IS GROUP MEMBERS BEING SWEET TO EACH OTHER i will be intending for this to be platonic but u are free to interpret it either way <3 hope u enjoy this !!
◇ TONING IT DOWN - Kanade Yoisaki x Mizuki Akiyama
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In order to ensure that her loved ones were well taken care of, Kanade was always extra observant of the quirks and things that made them, well, them.
Constantly looking out for the people around her helped her pick up on a particularly interesting trend, including her group mates.
"Hey K! You doing okay? You look like you haven't slept in days!"
Her complete and utter silence to the comment caused Mizuki to sigh, shaking their head. "K, you do know that sleep is important, right? And your music will be waiting for you in the morning!"
Kanade sighed, nodding her head and looking up at Mizuki, unable to hide the bags under her eyes. "...I know..."
Mizuki let out an exasperated sigh, and Kanade was internally preparing for one of their usual playful comments. Instead, they picked up one of her many track jackets, holding it out to her
"Well, if you're not gonna sleep, do you wanna go out? There's this really cool dessert place Ena brought me to the other day!" Kanade looked down at the track jacket, slipping it on before nodding.
Mizuki beamed, linking their hand with Kanade's as they walked with her outside, noting the way she seemed to tense.
They pulled out a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses, placing them over her eyes to help her out before leading her to the dessert place
As Kanade walked with Mizuki, she couldn't help but notice how...relaxed they looked. Yes, they were rambling about a show or fashion, but they seemed calmer than usual
Their expressions and touches were nothing but gentle as they sat her down at the table, quickly running to the counter to order the desserts before sitting down across from her
Kanade gave a shy smile, sitting back in her seat as she looked Mizuki over. They would usually be teasing anyone else by this point, but they seemed to not feel the need to with her.
"...Mizuki?" "Hm?" "Thank you." It was hard to miss the way Mizuki's eyes lit up, a warm smile blooming on their face. "Of course! I love hanging out with you, K!"
And if she was being honest, she preferred it this way. They always seemed to have a thousand things running around in their head, so if her presence could bring them a brief respite from their head, who was she to deny them such? <3
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year
babes ur 'halcyon days' fic is literally one of my fav joel fics ever like your writing is sosoososososoos cute and you captured his character so well!!! '! *? */*) *! there literally isn't enough fluff content for the man (criminal) so I applaud u ty for ur services reading that fic made me feel so warm and giddy xoxo (also if you write javier peña fluff I will simply die)
Baaaabe thank you so so much you're so sweet!!!! 🥰😭💖🥰
Gosh that is a huge fricking compliment because I always struggle with writing Joel (like I want to capture his soft side but also I don't want to erase this toughness of his??) so again big THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU !!! MUAH 😗
Don't you worry I'm ready to serve and provide fluff content for this man 🫡 happy to be of service
Also there is NO way I won't write Javier Peña fluff I love this man with all my heart (I'm probably watching narcos through my fluff-colored heart-shaped sunglasses but there's so much fluff potential in his character !!! I'm honestly surprised I didn't see more soft fics with him but maybe I just didn't look hard enough lol) but once I start writing for him please don't die someone will have to read it 😅
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come-along-pond · 1 year
Are you ready for 80 facts??? NDKDKEKEK. EIGHTY.
Under the cut because good lord. Thank you for indulging me❤️. I may actually have another OC I want to introduce 😭
Universe 1:
Grace Marsh:
The sorting hat nearly put her in Ravenclaw
Her marauder nickname is ‘Felis’
Her Animagi is a grey tabby cat
The first friend she makes at Hogwarts is James
Marlene is her best female friend
Became the girls dorms pet as a cat and The Marauders tease her endlessly for it
She got pregnant a few months after leaving hogwarts
The first person she told about her pregnancy was Remus
bought Sirius a promise ring in seventh year
born March 1960
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Amelie Black:
Is actually amazing at non verbal magic (it’s the Black family vibes djdkke)
She becomes a transfiguration teacher at hogwarts
Her middle name is Marlene
Urged Harry to complete his 7th year with Hermione, and then to become to DADA teacher
Fell in love with Fred in her 4th year when he comforted her through her father’s escape from azkaban
She was born in May 1979
Runs away from the malfoy’s in the summer before her fifth year
destroys the black family tapestry after the war
Never felt close to her mother until she realised she was also pregnant at 19
is the best auntie to the next gen weasleys
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Flynn Early:
Muggle baby
Fell in love with Amelie the moment he saw her
Legit spent 5 months trying to figure out if any of the random men picking up the twins from primary school were dating Amelie (later found out it was their long list of uncles)
Became a massive Quidditch fan, Amelie takes him to one of Ginny’s games after she reveals the magical world to him and he is HYPED
When he and Amelie get married, he takes her surname
He’s irish!
He’s a teacher! He’s a trainee when he meets Amelie
Asked for George, Ginny and Harry’s permission to propose to Amelie (and the twins but they were like 7)
Once saw a picture of Sirius and went ‘God your dad was hot’
Went to Harry ‘Jesus Christ man you need therapy’
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Grace Weasley-Black:
She’s a ravenclaw!
Cried when she saw Fred’s portrait at Hogwarts
Is very much a mummy’s girl, although her relationship with Amelie is rocky at times
actually loves Flynn, thinks he’s the best step dad ever
Loves uncle Harry
Middle name is Minerva
She’s a Ravenclaw!
Is James Sirius’ bad influence
Older Twin
Is a tea person
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Ginevra Weasley-Black:
Her nickname is ‘Dora’ as her middle name is Nymphadora.
She’s a Gryffindor
Looks up to Ginny SO MUCH
Misses a father she never met because she KNOWS she would have been a daddy’s girl
Younger Twin
is a coffee person
Gets on with George SO well. This girl is a weasley through and through
teases Teddy about him being her god brother and god uncle dkdkkdkek
is the gryffindor team’s chaser
born on the 25th of Jan 1999
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Universe 2:
Freyja Trelawney:
Ravenclaw girlies unite ndjdjd
Her singular seer vision is of Harry dying in Deathly Hallows
In her 20s she starts doing tarot readings in the muggle world
She was always a little bit jealous of the golden trio, she wanted a friendship like that
Her and Luna are besties
Her aunt gives her pocket money in her hogwarts years
Her father took her mother’s name
Her fav season is Spring
She hates drawing, just can’t get the hang of it
Harry took her to a pottery class once and she adores it now
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Lucy Porter:
She was homeschooled
Her father’s a muggleborn
Her mother a pureblood
She comes from a family of hufflepuffs
her dad sent her to a primary school as a kid
She wanted to become a hairdresser when she was little
She identifies as queer
owns several pairs of heart shaped sunglasses
her fav colour is yellow
she hates hot chocolate
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Universe 3:
Violetta Black:
Cried when she heard the news that Sirius was a gryffindor, because she knew her family would never forgive him
used to sneak out of her room when she had nightmares and go to Sirius
This changes to Regulus in Hogwarts
James saw some Gryffindors giving her shit and absolutely demolished them. neither mentioned it ever again
Narcissa teaches her how to be a ‘lady’, how to lie and keep your personality in the face of powerful men
Sirius taught her how to do eyeliner
She cut her hair in fifth year after Regulus’s death, eventually letting it grow over the next 2 years.
Never believed Sirius betrayed The Potters
She was in her seventh year at Hogwarts when Sirius was arrested
Remus finds Sirius sobbing in Violetta’s room after her death, clinging on to a locket she wore, he never knew it held a portrait of him and Regulus as children until after she died.
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winterballads · 3 years
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I was tagged by @lanwangiji @bakertroy and @ya-doyoungie in a bunch of ask games, thanks so much lovelies! 💕💐💘
Already did 10 fandoms 10 characters 10 tags here 🦋
post your lock/home screen, one of your current fav songs, and your most recent food pic
I wasn’t able to upload the food pic I wanted bc of lack of storage on my phone rip, but it’s basically a bag of Mini Eggs and a chocolate bunny and cat I got for Easter ✨
My current fave songs are all from NCT and it’s so hard to pick one sdhfssd 😭 I’ll go with Ridin’  since I’ve been extremely obsessed with it (and the dance practise 🤯) in the past few days 💗
—seven of my comfort movies
Mmm I feel like I did this pretty recently but I can’t find it on my blog, so let’s do it again 😂 Gonna go with comfort movies and shows just bc I can 😌 
The LOTR trilogy, always 💜
Edward Scissorhands (also makes me bawl my eyes out, but oh well)
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Norwegian SKAM
Love Actually
A Goofy Movie
Due South 
—aesthetic tag
rules: bold and total your favorite choices
These results probs won’t surprise anyone and confirm my nerd babie energies fsdhs ✨
>> 𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 14/20
baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night
neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story
>> 𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐘 8/20
closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks
>> 𝟕𝟎’𝐒 8/20
colorful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding
collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colourful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairylights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
I’m tagging @amantisegreti @technicallysideacc @sunflowrhaz @stupendousbee @wuxien @ambivartence @going-there-and-back-again @zainmalik to do whatever part of this you want 🥰💛 
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thesecretattic · 2 years
Glorious Sunny Days of the 90s
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I should’ve been the first to embrace all the 90’s trends cuz I always loved Baguette purses, Chokers & everything which you would get in those days and although the early 2000s too, were not as glamorous as 2010s they were nonetheless very chic and trendy. After getting my second wardrobe (a smaller one which only fits my Nightwear, Casuals & Belts + miscellaneous stuff, all my Denims, heavy knits, Indian clothes, jackets, heavy jewellery and bags are in the other older wardrobe, I’ve had it since the past 10 years but the sliding doors were too heavy so I had to divide everything now, I also needed one with proper hanging rods so that I won’t have to stack up all my clothes - mainly slippery tops/cropped sweaters/sweatshirts because folding is too tedious and everything keeps falling) I finally invested in these small 90s sunglasses… First things first, I had taken the Bottega Veneta bumblebees when they were not that pricey, 10 years back when I was in my teens, so in 2010-2012 things were a bit different… we were into big bags and bigger shades, in the 90s however, we had “goggles” who even uses that word anymore haha I’ll be covering everything in an ascending order.
I have attached a side note and the whole article below… Bought in the year 2012
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Next, here are my Ray Bans which were inspired by nonetheless Angelina Jolie (I’d taken them when I was between 17-21) I have a pair of all black aviators too set in a black metal frame and Limited Edition foldable Wayfarers, I had taken them before the price hike, back then I was 18 or so. Their case/pouch is the size of an AirPod case, a small flat cute box with a snap-push closure because they fold completely, they even break from the centre (that is from the middle of the brow bone) into a half to fit into that pocket sized case. I love the tinted brown aviators and the classic black polarised ones.
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But I think my most fav Rays Bans would be the Brown pair and these…
Inspired by the 80s clubbing style, these made a comeback in 2011-12 and they were mostly sported by Male Celebrities like Robbert Pattinson & Ryan Gosling, I fell in love with them (inspite of being a girl although some felt it didn’t suit our face type) because I just thought they were very unique, they are looking bigger than normal in my photo but they are quite small, they are known as The Clubmasters they have a jet black frame on top and a golden metal rim on the edges with a square-ish semi round shape. The black frame adds a good amount of contrast and they look like a smart pair of uber cool sunglasses which would go with every look and attire, especially street style or classic grunge + they also suit every face type be it Square, Oval, Round or Heart because they are neither too big nor too tiny, neither wide nor narrow, they are well balanced and they suit everyone, every look and every hairstyle.
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I had taken these Cat Eye sunglasses in the beginning of 2017 (I had ordered them online) They are looking massively big here lol but trust me they are again very small. I really love them, they look very sleek in real life, the jet black colour in high gloss finish makes them very stylish and beautiful without being too flashy.
They also remind me of Karen Mulder’s Cat Eye “goggles” on the right
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Now coming to our current times… the 90s
I have these 5 pairs of small, tiny shades in Beige, Pink, Brown & Toffee-Caramel, the beige one has butterfly motifs on each side (to replicate early the 2000s aesthetic trend) and most of them are rimless which again reminds of that phase and yes, they do provide 100% UV protection. I had a 25% discount code so I used it for the last pair because it was about to expire, although I should’ve used it to make a bigger purchase but like I said, it was already due so I got them for 599 and the other ones were between 700-800, the toffee coloured ones were for 1990 but I got them for 1490/- luckily I saw them during an offer, I was waiting for them and by the time I remembered they had gone on a limited period flash sale. The pink shades are slightly curved at the edges and the brown pair has a wider motorcyclist shape. I love the brown ones the most because of the beautiful shading/ombré which makes them more appealing & rich, the colour also looks great with the golden metal joint in the centre.
Click on the video to play it
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Zara Sauleh
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strapcats · 6 years
Get to know me!!
Tagged by
Answer 30 Q's and then tag 20 people to do the tag after you!
Sy, sly, slyass, little bean boy, spoon worm, evil man, gross little boy, goblin, goglin, goblin boy, little boy, little man, baby boy fox, salad boy, salad man, calcium boy, panini head. **I get called so many of these on a daily basis it's ridiculous**
If we wanna be scientific, then Masculine Androgynous! But normally, I just call myself a pretty boy ❤️
16, but 17 in august!
3:42 PM
Fav groups/artists
Stray Kids, BTS, Day6, The Rose, Twice, I'm trying to stan Monsta X!
Song stuck in my head
Playing With Fire by BlackPink
Last movie I saw
Avengers Age of Ultron!!
Last thing I googled
"Edna Mode Magazine" ??
Other blogs
My main is @horoprince
Do I get asks?
I never get asks on this account and it's so lonely! I also like never get asks on my main either... hmm...
Why I chose my username?
My normal url is StrapCats! And I picked that because it's a funny name I came up with for Stray Kids.
Amount of sleep
Too much or too little, averaging at about 11 hours.
Lucky number
What I'm wearing
A cute baseball tee and shorts
Dream job
Realistically: Interior Designer
In a dream world: A choreographer/dance instructor or a pop star tbh
Dream trip
Seoul! Or Tokyo! Or Greece! Or London! Or Toronto!
Favorite food
Dino chicken nuggets
Played instruments
Vocals, piano, guitar (badly)
Languages I can speak
English, and conversational German
Played sports
I dance, if that counts!
Hair and eyes color
My hair is naturally honey blonde but it's dyed black right now, and my eyes are grayish-blue
Most iconic song
Save Me by BTS, Blood, Sweat & Tears by BTS or Candy(So Good) by the Rose
Random fact
I'm a really big fan of Owl City and I have been for a long time!
Describe yourself as aesthetic things
I'm really bad at these but uhm...
the tall friend, the one boy in the friend group, always busy, boy/girl crazy, bottles up their feelings, huge smile, big dreams, constantly broke, dramatic makeup, fleece blankets, offering jackets in a non-romantic way, the light of a laptop in a dark room, nostalgic pop punk music, ripped/acid washed denim
5 things you associate with yourself
Bubblegum, those weird fuzzy dice people hang in their cars, Heart-shaped sunglasses, really windy summer days, and the itchy feeling you get when you lay in the grass too long
I tag:
@jeonginsaussieaccent @leefelixsfreckles @jisquish @sunandmoontaeil @strayboys @mydays @jikseu-felix @ttherose
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my-drowning-in-time · 7 years
5 Things Tag
tagged by the always wonderful @stardustheartbeats! Thank you, sweets!! xx
5 things you’ll find in my bag (besides essentials-wallet/keys/id):
burt’s bees lip balm (coconut & pear is my fav)
sketchbook(s) (varying in size from literal textbook to small paperback) (also depends on if I’m wearing my backpack, hermione granger purse, or normal cross body)
a bazillion black pens & one yellow highlighter
my nazar amulet
swiss army knife (bc that shit is handy when you’re in a jam)
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom:
bed-obvi (the mattress and box spring are j-chillin’ on the floor, no frame bc I’m not a real adult BUT there is a dust ruffle so at least I sorta have things together, right?)
hanging flags from every country I’ve visited (so far I’m at 9)
Lola, my dashboard hula dancer (she travels with me when I go on adventures & trips)
my Richeson easel-my pride and joy (orig. hang tag was $375 and I got mine barely used at an estate sale for $40 #BLESSED)
the bookshelf that I always stub my toes on (but it holds my growing collection of art textbooks and old pottery projects so I’m not too mad at it)
5 of my favourite things:
the perfect cup of tea
when I’m having a bad day and my friends send me links to meme compilations & pics of doggos
the clusterfuck that is Marvel/MCU
unironically wearing hawaiian shirts
lavender oil
5 things I’m currently into:
hardcore stressing over Infinity War
the colour marigold
sending my friends postcards just because
yoga before bed
being more in-tune/observant to how I’m feeling
5 things on my to-do list:
work on my new writing projects
buy plane tickets for Vegas and NH
schedule an doctor’s appt. for a physical
buy purple heart shaped sunglasses
5 people (or more) you want to see do this (if ya want?)
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hanorganaas · 7 years
💖 - I've started training at my new, better paying job. It's been hard but its gonna be worth it when I can quit my other job
Listen if you are going to a place that makes you happy it is definitely worth it!
blog compliment: It has a beautiful variety of ships and fandoms and its always fun to follow
blogger compliment: You are always so sweet and kind! I also like how you send me random things when you know Ill like it! You are one of my favs
following; no but you rock / welcome to the losers club +f / that is a yes  / i’m with you till the end of the line
aesthetic: heart shaped sunglasses, flowered dresses, Ray Palmer’s smile, pastels, mack’s shotgun axe
Having a Bad Day? Let Me Give You Some Sunshine
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manetsgarden · 7 years
Happy Pride month my little rays of sunshine(that’s u!)!!!!! Yesterday was Thunder Bay Pride Parade and even though it was a wee bit rainy to kick off, the sun was shining by the end of the day and I had a GREAT time! Today I’m here to offer a little inspiration if you’re not 100% sure what to wear to Pride, or you’re just curious as to what I wore, or you don’t know why you’re here and reading this but you are so… (thank you!!!)
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Heart shaped sunglasses? A must. I had my Pride outfit planned (judge me if you must) for WEEKS and then my flight attendant of a sister took the shirt I was going to wear with her to California this weekend soooooo…. I was scrambing last minute. NICE. Sisters, what can ya do? I went to Ardene’s to see if they would have anything for a decent price and I was not disappointed.
Sunnies: Ardenes!!!! Blessed for finding HEART SHAPED SUNNIES with RAINBOW LENSES. YES!
Top: You guessed it, Ardenes! This was around $10CAD and it says love in pastel rainbow colours???? Perfection.
Jeans: Pull&Bear – I wanted to wear a pair of crochet shorts, but alas the rain made it chilly so I went with mom jeans. The brightside: They’re still cute and I was warm. The downside: 0. Give. So. Tight.
Socks: Topshop!!!! Topshop have the BEST socks. I love to have ‘fun’ socks because it’s like wearing around a little secret joke and people will always compliment you when they spot them. These ones are a lavender colour and have pug faces all over them. TIP: when you have to have socks sticking out, make sure they’re socks with pugs on them.
Shoes: Adidas Superstars in all black! My favs! I didn’t wear these for SO! LONG! after I bought them because I wasn’t 100% sold but I’ve been wearing them 24/7 for the past week now. Consider me officially sold.
(lol what are my feet doing here!!! WHAT!!!)
Extras!!!!: I bought a 2 pack of velvet scrunchies from Ardene’s and did a half up space bun hair dealio so that my hair wouldn’t be everywhere when it rained or when I (inevitably) danced.
I also brought along a little black backpack bag to keep my camera and phone and wallet and whatnot –  TIP: backpack bag is an excellent idea when you’re constantly moving around.
AND I got stickers, and pins, and a flag as people were handing them out and selling stuff around the venue. I don’t know if you can spy it, but there’s a bit of tinsy red hair spray on one of my space buns too! Too cute. Colour doesn’t show up great in brown hair but the red showed up a little!! Especially all over my hand!!!
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The most important accessory of all!!! Makeup!!! Bring!on! the! SPARKLE! Believe it or not I didn’t get a picture of my face without my sunnies on (I seriously had them on the WHOLE day, even in the rain, what was I THINKING. sadness.) BUT you can spy a bit of it in this picture! The general gist was a super pigmented bright pink eyeshadow allllll over my eyelids, a bright pink lippy (Okurrr – Koko Kollection) and TONS of sparkles on my face! I used one of Sephora’s Colourful Shimmery Eyeshadow pots. The shade is called “Ballet Shoes” in their glitter finish and it’s on sale right now!!! I hadn’t used it before but I was super pleasantly surprised at how long it lasted – through the rain, with no setting spray.
BASICALLY – Anything sunshine, sparkles, rainbows, love, happiness, and general positivity is a GO at Pride! My BEST advice would be to wear things that you loooove and feel comfortable in, Pride is no judgement, no one cares if you match or if you don’t. It’s just the more colours and positivity the better, but you’re more than welcome to wear your positivity in your attitude if you’re more of an all-black-everything type!
And that’s that! If you have any questions or thoughts or positivity to share, hit me up in the comment section!
(Shoutout to CB who is my new photographer and I owe everything to her)
For More Fashion Stuffs | What’s In My Wardrobe?
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Sparkles and Sunshine and PRIDE Happy Pride month my little rays of sunshine(that's u!)!!!!! Yesterday was Thunder Bay Pride Parade and even though it was a wee bit rainy to kick off, the sun was shining by the end of the day and I had a GREAT time!
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twruniversity-blog · 8 years
Accepted Iceland!
Hello and welcome!
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Please, have all your belongings in your room within the next three days.
OOC; Name: Sin
Age: 19
Pronouns: She/Her
Activity: Usually around 5-8, depending on how school is.
Contact: Yo this (aphhk) is my main tumblr
Ships for Muse: Chemistry?? I don’t have favs.
Timezone: PST
Triggers/Sensitive Subjects: Incest/Self Harm are my main ones.
Any Concerns?: im sorry,,,,
IC; Character: Iceland
Full Name / Preferred Name: Íseldur Snævarsson
Age: 20
Birthday: June 17th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Housing: Toutouwai Village; Shared room
Pets: Mr.Puffin, a ‘lovely’ puffin that absolutely no one knows how he has it.
IC - In Depth; Magical Branches: Air and Ice
Ahurei (Unique Ability): (Cold) Temperature Manipulation: tdlr; his two magic branches can be used to control the temperature (via cooling, wind, etc) but he can only influence in the sense of cold (ie, he can’t warm things).
Major/s: Marine Biology and Conservation
Minor/s: Frost/Ice
Type of Degree: Bachelors
Clubs: None (at the moment, this will probably change when he warms up to the idea of socialization).
Appearance: Íseldur’s appearance may be one of the most unusual (or unique) things about him— having albinism, his fair skin, light hair, and pale eyes make him rather eye-catching.
His eyes are a very light shade of lilac, though can appear more red or blue depending on the lighting. His eyes have a more narrow shape, with long lashes that match his hair. His hair is a very light platinum blond that appears to be silvery white; messy and not very well kept, it often falls into his face. He tries to keep it average length, and is a bit wavy— a ruffled, feathery like appearance that is just as soft as it looks.
His face is more of a square shape, though with some softer, fuller baby faced features— he is often mistaken for being younger than he is. His nose is quite small, turned up, and just slightly bony. His complexion is quite pale, being an albino, and has a scattering of freckles. His skin is extremely sensitive, meaning he often has to cover up his skin (or wear sunscreen). He has a birthmark on his shoulder, shaped vaguely reminiscent of a snowflake. Besides that, he has very few blemishes— just a few tattoos (he considers it a blessing he’s kept them secret from his brother).
Íseldur’s fairly average as far as height goes, standing around 5’8’’. In contrast, he’s rather underweight (despite the fact he eats rather well), most likely due to his health; weighing roughly around 120lbs. He has a rather androgynous appearance, he’s rather slender— with little muscle and his slim, lanky figure; he comes off as being rather delicate, in a word. The fact that his bones tend to protrude doesn’t help with that, and his lack of muscles helps to his weak appearance. That being said, while he might be fragile, in a sense, he certainly has a fighting spirit and hates being treated like he is weak.
His attire can vary— on a normal day, he generally wears casual-formal sort of clothing; layers and layers of clothing to protect his skin. At home (or more casual situations), Íseldur’s wardrobe is….sweaters. And more lopapeysa. Did I mention all his sweaters? It’s all about warm comfort when he’s alone. Besides that, he has a several pairs of white boots that he wears regardless of occasion, and always has a pair of gloves on. Days where he’s unable to wear contacts means he has to wear extremely strong glasses, and most of the time will have sunglasses on hand in case the lights start to bother his eyes.
Íseldur had very few friends growing up, mostly due to the fact that his elder brother could be rather intimidating when he wanted to be. For the same reason, he was hardly bullied either, but…it’s really lonely when the majority of your ‘friends’ are your brother’s acquaintances.
Íseldur’s brother is actually his half sibling, from his father’s first marriage. He’s a bit jealous of him, though does care for him quite dearly despite that. He just would like it if his brother was less protective of him.
Likes nature and walking, due to the quiet, and sometimes because of the pixies and other mythical beings he’ll see. That being said, he’s usually kept from going out in nature too often because its seen as a problem with his asthma/allergies.
Despite his magical background, he has a slight fear of ghosts. Death is scary, man.
He loves all animals, which is partially related to his choice of Marine Biology. Íseldur spent a lot of time reading about the animals he was always kept away from, and at least he doesn’t have to worry about allergies around marine mammals. (He’d still probably die to have a dog though).
Íseldur rather enjoys music, and has some (very limited) musical talents that he picked up from his elder brother. His other hobbies include knitting, and photography (scrapbooking).
Íseldur has a few medical conditions, but tries to keep them secret since he doesn’t like people knowing about it, because he doesn’t want to be treated specially because of it (he knows it only contributes to his brother’s long list of reasons to treat him the way he does). That being said, one can’t really hide having albinism.
Íseldur has oculocutaneous albinism (aka he’s an Albino); meaning he has rather poor vision (uses contacts to help make up for this), and uses sunscreen and sunglasses a lot, as well as layered clothing since his skin can be pretty sensitive.
His immune system isn’t the strongest, and has quite a few allergies, but doesn’t let that stop him. That being said, it doesn’t help that he has asthma, and keeps his inhaler on him just in case he needs it.
He also has Haemeophilia, and whilst he can mostly ignore this, it definitely makes him feel a lot more fragile than he’d like to.
Due to his health, he knows he can’t probably actively pursue his career choice (in the sense of doing something that requires him to be out and about). That being said, he doesn’t let that keep him down and wishes to at least try— at the end of the day, he’s fine with the idea of sitting around in a lab somewhere and doing research.
Íseldur is often cold, which is likely a result of his Ahurei.
Also. Don’t make jokes about him being an Ice Prince. He does not appreciate. Frozen jokes? You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Though first impressions might make one think otherwise, Íseldur is a rather complex person. At first one might think that he is as cold as his ice powers— which, would not be too far from the truth, as that is the façade he prefers to show. He is a bit of an introvert, very shy around people at first. He is bit reserved as he gets used to one’s presence— and hesitantly so, having a hard time opening up around people, always just a bit skeptical of people. Only then do his true colors will start to show a bit; a bit of snark and sarcasm blending in with normal habits.
A very insecure person, Íseldur is often nervous, and even a bit awkward when it comes to dealing with people (in fact, he quite honestly would much rather put up with animals than people, should he have the opportunity). He’s quite self conscious about himself, not only in the sense of his appearance, but his mannerisms and personality as well. He’s quite modest, and easily embarrassed/easy to fluster, though he won’t acknowledge it— though when he’s flustered, his blush shows quite easily and is hard to get rid of. Additionally, when it comes to showing emotions, he might not show them as easily as most, as he feels like it’s kind of embarrassing, but it’s a rather clear indicator of trust if he feels at ease enough to show them without hesitation.
Despite his ‘icy’ (hahaha) persona, deep down he’s quite passionate— like a volcano, hot tempered when riled up. He can be a bit temperamental at times, though he is usually not the confrontational type, he is more likely to be passive aggressive. Íseldur often tries to act mature to be taken seriously…though, he’s a bit immature and still a bit of a child at heart. He’s stubborn and prideful; always one to (try) be independent. Though, he finds himself to feel a bit lonely, and seeks out company among those he trusts.
Hardworking/Diligent: Granted, he’s as likely to procrastinate as any other teen, when it comes down to it, Íseldur knows to prioritize what’s important.
Patient: If there’s one thing he’s learned from having what might be the world’s most invasive older sibling, it’s how to have patience with someone. Like anyone, his temperament will eventually run out, but he certainly tries his best to keep it.
Snarky: Okay, maybe there’s more than one thing he’s picked up on from his elder brother. But a bit of quick wit never hurt anyone.
(Self-)Doubting: One of his worse personality traits, from appearance to what his grades might be, and even what his choice of dinner might be; he’s often second guessing himself.
Stubborn: He’s not one to give in easily, even if the odds are against him. That being said, he will give in if he realizes he’s in the wrong, or if he has some other motive to give in.
Introverted: Naturally on the shyer side, Íseldur naturally gravitates towards keeping to himself. Which is an issue, when it social situations (at least he acknowledges it, though).
…Also his health probably counts.
[This might? probably be tweaked later on] [cw for bullying mentions but nothing detailed]
Born and raised in the small town of Hólmavík, Iceland; Íseldur is the younger of two children, and has lived there as long as he can remember. Though, for a briefly of his childhood, his world mostly consisted of his room; deemed far too sickly to be allowed out farther than the front porch. He had to be kept in check at all times, to make sure that he wasn’t catching ill for one thing or another, or so he couldn’t somehow hurt himself.  
As a result of his health, he had a bit of a delayed start to his schooling, which would be the cause for some teasing and bullying— nothing ever serious, because there was the threat of his older sibling always around. For the poor boy, that also meant that friends were few and hard to come by; his brother often intervening in friendships that did not meet his approval and hobbies that were unsafe for him. He took solace in books— at first, fairy tales and myths of things that seemed better than life, eventually moving on to books of things about the world that he doubted he could ever experience. If anything, it was the first stepping stones for his interest in the ocean, and the life that thrived in it.
Íseldur was always a curious child, always aware of the magic in his blood (he was fairly certain it was a family thing), though did not often play with such things— not when anyone was looking, anyways. It was one of the few things he wanted to keep to himself, worried if he’d use it freely, it’d become forbidden like so many of the other things in his life. (That didn’t stop him from using it to play pranks on his brother once or twice…or like, a lot more than he cared to count)
He made it through his years of school with a fair amount of ease (save for one or two minor bullying incidents), heading onto upper secondary education following the completion of his required schooling. It was a good distraction, a bit lost with what he wanted to do, and at least he could try and pursue something….well, in theory. He spend most of the next four years feeling like he was lost, at a stand still; unable to really pursue his dreams due to feeling like he was being held back. His mother, always looking out for his best interests— and knowing that he oh so needed a break from well, everything— suggested that he look into attending Te Wānanga Ruānuku, try getting in better touch with his more magical side. And well, he figured why not; it wasn’t like he was doing much else anyways: a change in pace might help him somehow. As soon as he got accepted, he packed his things, and headed out to New Zealand; more than ready to start living life a bit more the way he wanted to.
(He hoped that in moving far enough away, his brother would finally leave him alone. Alas, things are not so simple for him)
Sample RP: It’s late, Íseldur’s certain of at least that much. He stifles a yawn as he blinks sleep from his eyes; the soft shuffling of his feet as he gets up from the chair he’d fallen asleep in after class. It’s probably considerably late to be out of his room, but this doesn’t really deter him as he quietly pads down the hallway. He has the feeling that he isn’t the only one awake at this time at night anyways.
In hindsight, the Icelander probably should have at least had some sort of destination in mind before heading out of his room instead of mindlessly wandering, but it’s faaar too late for that now and so he decides to just walk, see where he ends up. It’s kind of nice, it’s much quieter than normal and fitting for the nighttime. Not too dark either, altogether a comfortable atmosphere. He decides that this should become a far more often occurance, as long as he can remain undisturbed like this. As long as he made sure he got the proper amount of sleep, anyways.
Íseldur fiddles with his inhaler absentmindedly, tucked away in his pocket. He doesn’t think a small walk like this would really trigger anything, but it was better to be safe than sorry. There was a first time for everything, after all. He continues to walk for a while, stopping when he finds himself at one of the kitchenettes— contemplating his options.
Well…a little snack never hurt anyone, right?
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