#also he looked like he got cuteness aggression at the end when he just goes AUGH to iv
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shadowfear-art · 2 days ago
More (soulmate au) living shadow au thoughts
Thinking of other ship reactions or how their stories would go
For quick context, between the ages of 13-21 your shadow will become sentient and take the shape of your soulmate of the day you will meet them.
Dragon x Crocodile:
Honestly there's the whole shock bit of a pirate realizing he is destined to be with a marine and said marine with a pirate.
Then add the gag of Garp pissed that his son is going to end up with a pirate some day.
Buggy x Shanks:
This could be cute or tragic (both is likely) depending when and where the shadow mates appear.
If it's on Rogers ship then we have a small romcom with a break up included along with the hope of reunion again.
If it's after Rogers passing (and their separation) then we get some more angst of two stubborn, mostly the clown, pirates refusing to see each other (again this is mostly Buggy) and only having their shadows for comfort, or to yell at in Buggy's case.
Crocodile x Mihawk:
Definitely a softer tone
Tho young Croc has never felt so... Naked under the intense stare of his shadow, makes him want to prove himself a little more at times.
Mihawk finds his pleasant to be around, maybe a little distant, but the shadow has a look of soft yearning. The small boy is quick to figure out what's on his shadows mind.
Crocodile x Buggy
Dramatic as hell
Young Crocodile probably puts a good tantrum when his shadow forms into a clown, the two 'fight' a lot with Croc obviously throwing the most scathing insults and the clown sometimes folding. Goes through a phase of looking up legends of "cutting the bonds of your soulmate" in order to rid himself of the shadow. Doesn't work as it all boils down to killing the other or find a devil fruit user with mastery over shadows.(Slim chance of working)
Speaking of legends, there are tales of horror were one finds out their soulmate is a true metaphorical monster, leading to a dreaded doomed unhappy ending to such stories.
Which brings us to Buggy's memories of such tales and horror of how his shadow is so... Unwelcoming. Large, aggressive, definitely powerful, looks fancy and flashy but above all has a look of an animal that's going to "devour" him. Even if the shadow can't harm him the constant switch in moods keeps the boy on his toes as the huge thing goes from annoyed, disappointed to possessive.
Definitely not helping that Shanks is his shoulder to cry on, enraging the shadow even more.
Mihawk x Shanks
Not entirely surprised that his soulmate would also be a sword user like himself, what he didn't see coming was how seemingly both laid back but also excited Mihawk's shadow to be around him. His attitude was bright and happy, very different to Mihawk's demeanor, almost the opposite actually. Annoying but in the most endearing way, he's looking forward to meeting this man and his swords prowess.
Just for a bit of angst I put it that Shanks originally hoped Buggy was going to be his soulmate, spurred on that the clown got the "cruel looking" shadow. ( Tying back to the Crocbug)
Shanks really baffled his shadow when he's showing more affection (and protectiveness) towards a clown over him. Shadow Mihawk can only give pitying looks towards the clowns shadow. Shanks does like to speak to him and ramble on about his worries, tho currently they are about the clowns safety in the future, never the less the shadow is happy to lend an ear.
It's only after the passing of Roger and the tragic separation of the two is when Shanks begins to let go.
Mihawk x Buggy
A child finding a way to smack the clown with the use of words to make a shadow wish they'd rather be struck by a sword.
Getting crushed by the heavy but silent gaze of shadow Mihawk's judgment ... Other than that the man is pretty chill, Buggy is finding cool with increasing interest. (He does bicker with him a little.)
Nami x Vivi
Honestly shadow Vivi just brings so many surprises to Nami. Just being there when she needed her, then meeting, then having to find out her wife is a princess, saving her, THEN having to save said princess's kingdom, SAVING SOULMATE AGAIN. Only to part ways and maybe see each other again in the future.
"I miss my wife, Chopper, I miss her a lot"
Vivi likely says the same thing.
(or we get the alternate timeline where Vivi does join the strawhats at the end of Alabasta)
Franky x Robin
This. Having their shadows just makes parts of their backstories less miserable and so much more cuter.
Having to wait twenty years to meet must have given them some level of stress, I know shadow Franky would be apologizing (and crying) if he could for the long wait.
Their helix dance would have to wait till after the Enies lobby battle to do so.
((Tho I did crackle at the thought of the two Shadowmates conspiring in agreement that Franky has to get his balls crushed as a 'cannon event' situation.
Shadow Franky makes a gesture of "Do it honey, crunch my balls. It's the only way."))
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tedzyrotten · 7 months ago
vessel air guitar will never not be funny
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flippinpancakes64 · 7 months ago
the cullens with a reader who isn't the best at showing emotions so their way of showing love is by biting? Like not hard but gently.
BTW I love your writing, keep up the good work 💞
The Cullens with a reader who bites
Thank you for the kind words! And I definitely relate to this prompt. But with my cat. Like cuteness aggression is real and I’m a victim. Petting her isn’t enough I need to eat her yk
Anyways thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He understands a little bit
He can hear the thoughts in your head, he sees how much they overwhelm you
It happened the first time when he was over at your house for a movie date
He was wearing casual clothes, a hoodie and some sweatpants
He wanted to make sure you had something soft to lay your head on
But something happened when you saw him in the hoodie
Your mind lit up, fireworks going off, sprinkled with phrases of how “cute” he looked and how you wanted to crawl into his skin
He called you over to him and let you squeeze him as hard as you wanted, but it still wasn’t enough
He could hear the frustration in your mind about how you were still unsatisfied
He was about to suggest climbing into his hoodie with him when he felt you bite down on his bicep
He was shocked to say the least
But you know what, at least it helped
He tries to limit how much you can bite him in public, but when it’s just the two of you, he lets you do what you want
He’s an enabler, what can I say
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She didn’t even see it coming the first time
Which is rare for her
You were sitting on her bed with your eyes closed since Alice had a gift she wanted to give to you
You opened your eyes and saw a bracelet made of brown, gold and *insert your eye color here* beads
On her wrist was a matching one
You sprang up and tackled her in a hug immediately
You both would have fallen if she didn’t have inhuman strength
But hugging her wasn’t enough
So you bit her
She felt a pressure on her right shoulder, just above where her shirt ended, right on her skin
She didn’t know what it was until she felt the heat and faint wetness
She thought it was tears to be honest
So she was definitely shocked when she pulls you back and sees your mouth wide open and your eyes perfectly dry
“… did you just bite me?”
“You’re so silly”
She lets you bite her as much as you want
It’s not like it affects her
Just so long as you don’t get drool on her clothes
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He can also feel how strong your emotions are
He’s never felt someone who feels things so strongly
Honestly, he’s surprised you can even live a normal life
One day you’re just sitting on the couch, playing on your phone while a movie plays on the tv
Suddenly, your phone starts to jostle a little bit
You look and see Jasper putting a charging cable into your phone
“What’s that for?”
“Your battery was getting pretty low, figured you could use some charge”
And like nothing even happened, he goes back to playing mobile games on his phone
You become so overcome with emotion, so much love just fills your body
He can feel your emotions start to fry, threatening to overflow
He’s about to send some calmness your way when he feels you chomp down onto his forearm
He’s so shocked he doesn’t even move
You quickly unlatch, moving away and apologizing, but he just smiles
“It’s alright, darling. I’d rather have your teeth marks here than the ones I’ve got now”
So charming
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The day of Prom is here
You didn’t want to go, but you would never deny Rosalie a chance to dress up
So that’s how you found yourself here, fully dressed and waiting on Rosalie to finish getting her hair and makeup done
You hear her heels click towards the closed door and turn your eyes as it creaks open
There stands Rosalie, beautiful golden hair pulled into an intricate updo, her makeup perfectly accentuating her natural beauty, and a dark red dress that sweeps the floor
You just couldn’t contain yourself
You latch onto her, biting into her exposed shoulder
She yelps out of shock, definitely not expecting that
You try to walk away and pretend it didn’t happen, but she’s not one for that
She has similar rules to Alice, only no biting her in public
She loves that you love her so much that you can’t contain it
That’s what she’s always wanted after all
Overall, though, she doesn’t mind
Just seriously, don’t mess with the clothes
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He was literally just sitting there
Like not doing anything, sitting on the couch, watching a movie that you had put on
You had gotten up to get some more popcorn and had to just pause to take him in
He looked so cute bundled up in the couch, your favorite blanket thrown around him from earlier
You set the popcorn down on the table and leaped at him
He didn’t even get a chance to react
Suddenly you were on top of him, your arms wrapped in a vice grip around his throat, your legs fully koala-ed around his middle
You were kissing every single surface on his face, whispering how cute he looked and how much you love him in between
He was giggling like a little girl, his face would be beet red if he could still blush
When suddenly he feels your teeth on his shoulder
“Pump the brakes there, piranha, what’s that for?”
“Sorry Em, I just love you so much I can’t control myself”
“Damn, do I at least taste good?”
He thinks it’s hilarious
He calls you his little snapping turtle
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She’s confused
She just asked what you wanted for dinner and now your teeth are in her arm
She doesn’t even shake you off she just kind of stands there
Like uhm are you okay?
You’re gonna need to explain to her why you did that
And afterwards she just laughs
She doesn’t fully understand, but that’s okay cause she also just doesn’t care
If it makes you happy then it makes her happy
She’ll let you bite her but with limitations
No biting in public
No biting her hair (not that you would anyway)
No biting her so hard that you hurt yourself
And she’ll eventually tell you to ease up after a while
“Darling? You’ve been there for a couple minutes now, you want to stop for a second please?”
Overall she’s confused but tries not to intervene
If this is what you need to do to express your love then go for it
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He’s only ever been bitten once
And that wasn’t a very pleasant experience to say the least
So it’s the last thing he expects you to do
But let’s be honest, how could you resist?
He had rolled up the sleeves to his sleek button up, flipping through pages of his old medical books, looking for a specific article he wanted to show you
By now you’ve completely forgotten what you even asked him about
You just leaned in slowly and bit into his forearm, your teeth sinking in slightly to the strong muscles there
“… are you hungry?”
Genuinely confused
You can try to explain as much as you want, he’s still going to research it later
He doesn’t have very many rules as far as this goes
If you wanna bite him, then go for it
He thinks it’s a nice, fun thing
And it shows how much you love him
Everyone enjoys a nice ego stroke now and then
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Vampire! Bella:
She’s definitely felt cuteness aggression before
But never with another person
She was just sitting there helping you do your homework and you just.. bit her
“Did you just bite me?”
“…. No….”
“You’re a liar”
She doesn’t actually mind
She’s just so confused
She still envisions herself as that plain-looking clumsy girl
Like wdym SHES the one making you feral?
But she is flattered
Absolutely does NOT let you pull that shit in public tho
She’s still too shy for that
You’re gonna need to put a pin in it till you guys get home
But once you’re there… she still has limits
She’s not a big pda person
Or a big physical touch person
She’s like a cat
She’s okay with it for a little bit but too much and she needs you to stop
Think like one or two bites a day
Any more than that and she gets squirmy
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ohimsummer · 5 months ago
suguru and his puppyboy! satoru, who gets so, so lonely whenever suguru goes away. he waits faithfully by the door and, if too much time passes, eventually acts out in retaliation, whether it be by ransacking the pantry, chewing marks into the furniture, or ripping suguru’s clothes to shreds. anything that may deter suguru from leaving him for too long.
so, suguru decides to get satoru a gift: his own puppy! hybrid companion. he brings you home the very next day after satoru emptied out the pantry and got himself sick. no more of that (hopefully).
suguru pulls out the keys to the front door. he doesn't even need to give a call—satoru is pouncing on him as soon as the door opens, attracted by the jingle of his keys in the lock.
“suguuu!”, he yips, wrapping arms around suguru and nosing against his cheek. “i missed you so, so mu–“
he pauses. the new scent on his owner has satoru’s ears perked, tail stiff with apprehension, and head cocked to one side. and it’s then that he notices the pretty, new friend in front of him.
suguru leads you both to the living room, where he gestures towards the couch. satoru is quick to plop down on the cushions, dragging you with him, where he immediately puts his nose to work, holding you by the shoulders as he sniffs you from head to toe. he gives you a few licks seemingly at random, lingering in certain spots and his bushy, white tail gives a few tentative wags. you're similar, sniffing at any part of him your nose can reach, a curious tail also wagging behind you.
suguru keeps a watchful eye as his two puppies grow acquainted, ready to pull satoru away at the first sign of aggression, though thankfully there is none. he thinks it's safe enough to turn his back for a few minutes to go get a drink from the kitchen. when he leaves, you two are sniffing around each other's faces. he thinks satoru likes you. things are going well.
suguru realizes just how well things are going when he comes back to satoru mounting you already.
it takes a considerable amount of tugging at satoru's collar before suguru can separate you both. you have the nerve to look confused, sprawled out on the couch, wagging tail slowing to a stop, ears perked and head tilted. you look over through wide, puppy-dog eyes as you’re no longer caged between satoru’s arms. you're cute, suguru thinks. he's trying to get you acquainted with your new surroundings in a new home, and here you are ready to be acquainted with satoru's cock.
ever since the first incident, suguru can't leave the two of you alone for more than a minute. satoru takes every opportunity as a chance to breed you. most of the time, suguru can come back in time to catch him licking at you through your panties, or shoving your legs up to fold you in half. except that one time on your third day when satoru already had your panties ripped off and his tongue shoved between your folds. and suguru can tell from the way your tail wags, claws digging into the mattress, curious whines falling from your lips, that you don't have a single complaint.
suguru is pretty on top of things for the first few weeks. he didn’t want to heavily supervise the two of you like children, but he also knows that if he looks away for a second too long, he will end up with a pregnant hybrid and then an apartment full of puppies.
though, despite his precautions, suguru was not careful enough.
it was just a quick trip to the store, he wasn't even gone for more than fifteen minutes. you two are in a different position than when he left, but satoru is fidgety and cuddly anyway so that doesn't ring any alarm bells. everything looks as it should. surely his satoru—the messy one who can barely move an inch after cumming—couldn't have bred you and then cleaned up everything to look normal in less than fifteen minutes?
"your puppy is doing well so far.", the vet tells suguru during what was supposed to be a routine checkup. "they should be expecting in a couple months."
he's confused. "uhm...expecting what...?"
she looks up from her clipboard, a curious brow raised. "...a litter? sir, your hybrid is pregnant."
and that’s how satoru is introduced to a chastity cage.
suguru’s intention was never to end up taking care of so many hybrids—not so soon, anyway. just you and satoru were more than enough. but now, things have changed: you’re expecting two little babies soon and it’s all because satoru couldn’t keep his urges in check. so, a few weeks before you’re due, suguru pulls out the cage he ordered.
it’s a tough battle—of course satoru doesn’t want those privileges revoked, but in the end, suguru pins him down and locks him in. it’s a punishment satoru will have to endure.
to be fair, it’s not 24/7. only when suguru knows he’ll be away, even if it’s a mere twenty minutes because apparently that’s more than enough time for satoru to finish what he can start.
and satoru despises it. he whines, he begs, he cries to suguru to please take the cage off, that he can behave this time around, that he won’t get you pregnant again ‘i swear!’. when that doesn’t work, he resorts to the silent treatment, though with how clingy and attention-driven he is, that of course results in failure a few days in.
it takes a year before suguru considers removing the cage for good. satoru is adamant that he can control himself around you better, and has even been on his best behavior since suguru put him in the chastity cage (besides a few incidents when you were in heat, but those were understandable for suguru).
with the cage now off, suguru finds himself lingering around a little longer before ever leaving satoru alone with you. but his worries seem to be in vain. satoru is busy caring for you and his pups, and showing suguru he can be fully trusted once more.
during heats or ruts, suguru locks satoru away again because it would be stupid not to, but otherwise, satoru remains a newly freed hybrid. sure, he’s extra, extra cuddly and he eats you out like his life depends on it, but there hasn’t been another surprise pregnancy (suguru made sure to get you checked at the vet multiple times for the first six months).
time flies by, and satoru remains an obedient hybrid. there were maybe a handful of times suguru had to stop him from going too far, but it was never so bad that he thought about putting satoru back in the chastity cage. it seemed there wouldn’t be another 'accident', and suguru eventually decides, after a few more months, that he doesn't need to watch you two as closely, anymore.
it is maybe a week after this decision that he comes home to loud moans and the wet sounds of skin on skin.
he follows the noise to the bedroom and discovers satoru bending you over, shoving your face into the sheets as he lets out a loud groan—evidently having came in you again for the nth time.
satoru yelps as he's yanked away by the collar, but the damage has been done. you're gushing cum down your legs, body trembling with exhaustion as you collapse into a heap, stuttering out breaths with fingers clinging onto the comforter.
your black-haired owner looks you over to make sure you're alright, before casting a dirty glare at the perpetrator with ready excuses on his tongue.
"listen, listen, it's not my fault, okay!", satoru huffs, ears folded back as he avoids suguru's stare. "i couldn't help myself, they smelled so sweet and it's been so longgg!"
suguru doesn't even care to listen. "once i'm done bathing them, you're going back in the cage."
a fuzzy, white tail droops in defeat. he doesn't even argue, but in satoru's head he thinks those final creampies were worth it.
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🐶: @staryukis @teddybeartoji @lxnarphase @deepenthevoid @bubblez-blop @luvvmae @risuola @bunnymacaron @hellkaiserinphoenix @cinnamoneve @satoruxsc @starlightanyaaa @domainexpansionmypants @gigiiiiislife @sherb3t @jianyuu4mii @xinfvl @blindbabycadder @kisstoru @the-monster-under-the-bed @manyno @sugu-love @leilalilox @sataraxia @apatauaia @luvvforliaa @purplegemadventures @v0ctin @kissesfrombelle @babytoshiii @biscuitsngravie @panthrology @blkkizzat
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hxney-lemcn · 1 year ago
Looking Out For You — Giyū Tomioka x gn! hashira! reader
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summary: your decision to befriend the reclusive water hashira turns your life around for the better.
tw: anxious and insecure reader, awkward convos, non-descriptive injuries, mentions of getting stitches.
a/n: I finally wrote for Kimetsu no Yaiba, been a fan of this when there was only one season of the show (read the entire manga as it got updated).
wc: 6k
Master List
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It was no secret that the water hashira was a loner. He stuck to himself and blended into the background. At first you were neutral towards him, you were similar in a sense. Kept to yourself and tried to blend into the background. The big difference is that not only were you friends with the love hashira, but you had managed to endear yourself towards some of the others. You weren’t sure how you did it, but it was nice to know that they cared. For Giyū Tomioka, it was the complete opposite. 
You could only hear insults towards the man for so long. A part of you related to him, and hearing Kochō be so passive aggressive towards him made you feel unsettled. So you made up your mind, you were going to try and befriend Tomioka. You had been completely alone before, and you had wished for someone to befriend you, so you were sure he was longing for the same. 
You had told Mitsuri of your plan as you both walked towards the Ubuyashiki Estate. You all had been called for a brief. These were rare, but it was nice to see how your fellow hashira’s were, and also a perfect excuse to try and talk to the water hashira. Mitsuri was nearly jumping up and down at the information, an excited grin overtaking her features. 
“That’s so cute!” She squealed, clasping her hands together. “You have to tell me how it goes.”
“I already feel like I’m going to fail,” You said, slightly sweating at the thought. “Last time I tried to make a friend it ended up really awkward because I never know what to say.”
“Hm,” She hummed in thought. “Just try and find a connection.”
You purse your lips, “That’s easier said than done.”
It wasn’t much longer before you found yourself sitting next to the stoic man. Ubuyashiki was going over statistics, how we could improve and how well we’ve been doing. I felt myself getting more anxious by the second. After the meeting I would try and at least say hi, but I was wondering if that was a good idea. Seconds ticked by while you had basically toned out Ubuyashiki’s smooth voice, fingers fidgeting in your lap. Once you were all excused, you hyped yourself up, looking over to the black haired man.
 “Hello!” You said a little too loudly, a nervous smile adorned your lips as  you gained Tomioka’s attention. 
His blank stare watched you for a few seconds before replying, “Excuse me.”
Then he left. 
…just like that. You blinked, mouth dropping in slight awe at just how fast he managed to escape. You had spent so long going over situations and anxious thoughts…only for him to barely acknowledge you. 
You didn’t even realize Mitsuri joined you until she spoke up, “Maybe next time?”
You turned your attention to the green eyed beauty, a pout adorning your lips, “He didn’t even say hi back.”
“Ara ara~” Kochō joined us, an empty smile placed on her lips. “I’m afraid it’s a lost cause.”
Your playful pout had turned into a frown, your feelings towards the insect pillar were mixed. She was blunt, which would be nice at times, but others it could be harsh. “Oh well,” You shrugged. “At least I’ll be able to say I tried.”
You had accidently ran into Tomioka only a few days later. You were walking back to your estate, exhausted after a long mission. It was more tedious than difficult, as the walking had been longer than the fight by far. You couldn’t believe your eyes when they landed on the split patterned haori. Before your anxiety could get the best of you, you approached him.
“Hello!” You waved, this time not shouting. “How are you doing Tomioka-san?”
Once again his stoic features watched you briefly, like he was trying to gauge your intentions, “I’m doing fine.”
Yes! He couldn’t run away like last time, you’ll make sure of it.
“How old are you?” You asked, genuinely curious. He looked both young and old in a sense, and you were curious where you stood compared to your ages.
Another awkward pause as you both stood on the trail, Tomioka finally answered, “Ninteen.”
Your mouth dropped open, unable to hide your surprise, “Nineteen! I thought you were at least twenty-two!” Tamioka only glanced away awkwardly, and you waved your hands around. “Not that it's a bad thing, I’m only twenty! So we’re really close in age. Besides, Tokitō’s fourteen so nineteen isn’t that bad…sorry I’m rambling.”
Your anxiety started to run rampant, this is the most you had spoken to the water pillar and it was really awkward. You both seemed to be in the same boat as he awkwardly nodded, arms crossed as his eyes couldn’t meet yours. An awkward silence encompassed you both and you felt yourself losing your composure.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized again, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. “I want to befriend you but I’m very bad at talking to others. Mitsuri-chan recommended finding something we both relate to, but I am unsure how to do that.” You weren’t sure if your mind was playing tricks on you, but you swore Tomioka’s eyes widened slightly, head tilting ever so slightly. He almost reminded you of a puppy. 
“We shouldn’t be friends,” Tomioka’s tone spoke with finality. Your brows furrowed, you could understand him saying that, but the sting of rejection overpowered your thoughts. Normally you’d bow as an apology and scurry away to mull over all the points in which you made yourself look like a fool, but your wish to friend him overpowered that.
“Why not?” You asked, a slight frown pulling on your lips. 
Tomioka opened his mouth only to close it, eyebrows furrowing in thought. Finally, he replied, “I don’t want to be friends with you.”
You nodded, the sting of rejection spreading. You felt your face flush in embarrassment as you bowed, “I apologize, I wish you well Tomioka-san.”
You quickly turned around, rushing towards your estate, shame and embarrassment continuing to flood through you. You had quickly written a letter to Mitsuri, venting about how embarrassed you were. You had been sent on another mission shortly after, allowing you to forget about your embarrassing fiasco, at least for a brief moment. You were nearly back to normal, your restless nights finally ceasing as the memory started to fade to the back of your mind. Until it was violently forced back to the forefront.
You had found yourself resting in the same wisteria house as Giyū Tomioka. You both sat in silence, eating your food without acknowledging the other. It felt wrong, like you should say something, but those words he spoke rang in your head, holding you back, ‘I don’t want to be friends with you.’ 
You hate to admit it, but that simple sentence had brung back insecurities you thought you had overcome. You didn’t blame him, not at all. It wasn’t Tomioka’s fault that you had seemed to crumble due to one person's seemingly unapproval of you. You ate with your head bowed, hoping that you weren’t annoying him in any way. Was it the way you looked? The way you talked? Had you rambled too much in your nervousness? Did your mere aura annoy him? If so, you felt even more guilty for making him sit in your presence. 
Tomioka on the other hand hadn’t noticed your inner dilemma. Although he did find you seeming to shrink in on yourself further and further unusual, he wasn’t sure what your normal was. You hadn’t seemed to act like this around the other hashira’s, he only saw glimpses of you. If he were to be honest, he had seen the way you interacted with Mitsuri, so lively and happy. He wished he could experience that side of you, but he knew he had ruined any chance already. ‘I don’t want to be friends with you,’ those words haunted him. It was a lie, he did in fact want to be friends with you, but you were better off without him. He would only manage to drag you down.
“Are you finished?” Tomioka asked. You hadn’t even realized you had stopped eating. Looking up at him for the first time, you stared at him with wide eyes.
“Oh! Uh, yeah,” You stumbled. “Here, I can clean up.” Moving faster than he could protest, you had grabbed the empty bowls and started cleaning, not wanting to be a burden. The lady of the house was surprised when you approached her with the dirty dishes, asking where to set them. When she protested you helping her wash them, you begrudgingly made your way back to your shared room for the night. 
“Thank you,” Tomioka spoke up randomly, causing you to glance at him.
“It’s okay,” You shrugged, prepping your futon to your liking. “I like helping.”
It was harder for you to fall asleep than you’d like to admit. You had been running around for the past few days and it seemed that your mind couldn’t settle just yet. You kept your eyes closed, willing yourself to sleep as your body felt exhausted. 
It was even harder for you to fall asleep as Tomioka had murmured into the night, “I wish we could be friends, but this is for the best.”
Great, now you really weren’t going to fall asleep. 
The sun was just starting to shine through the windows, causing you to slowly wake up. You were surprised that you had awoken earlier than Tomioka. He looked so peaceful, the usual tension in his face had been relaxed. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you went to take care of yourself in the bathroom. Your foggy mind slowly remembered the restless night before, how Tomioka had confessed to wanting to be friends with you when he thought you were asleep. Now that you knew that you weren’t the problem/reason, you were going to try even harder to befriend him.
When you returned to the room, you had half expected the room to be empty, but to your delight, Tomioka was still there, having just woken up.
“Good morning,” You smiled sleepily, still feeling sluggish. You tried to ignore how cute he looked as he rubbed his eyes.
“Good morning,” Tomioka replied back softly. 
“Did you sleep well?” You asked, hoping to keep the conversation going. While talking, you made your way to your satchel, making sure everything was in order.
“Yes,” He replied, the sounds of shuffling cloth coming from behind you. Glancing back, you watched as he was about to leave. “Excuse me,” He alerted, sliding the door open and leaving. At first you thought he was leaving completely like the last time, except you noticed his sword was still in the room. 
‘Good,’ You thought. ‘He should at least eat something before leaving.’
The lady of the house knocked on the door before entering, a bright smile on her face. You both chatted briefly as she set up a zataku table, loading some food on top. Tomioka entered the room not long after, glancing at the food but ignoring it. Swallowing the bite of taiyaki, I spoke up, “You should join me! The food’s really good.”
“I’m not hungry,” Tomioka muttered.
You bit your lip, trying to think of how you could get to know him better, “Not even for just a bite of rice?” His deep blue eyes glanced at me, pausing before he grabbed his sword, then his eyes drifted to the food. “I really can’t eat this all by myself,” You said, hoping that would finally entice him. It seemed your persuasive skills were better than you thought (or his loneliness was finally getting the best of him). 
As you both sat at the table, you found yourself rambling about your mission. The awkwardness between the both of you from before had seemed to vanish (on your end at least) as you talked to fill the silence. How the demon’s you were sent to kill had become more challenging, how the treck left you exhausted, how awkward you were around to kakushi. It got to the point of you rambling about this cute Ezo red fox you saw.
Tomioka may be a bit oblivious at times, but he had noticed this drastic change. Just last night you barely let out a peep, and now you were talking about anything and everything. He didn’t mind, no one has talked with him in such a way since…Sabito. It felt very bittersweet for him. He could only ponder on what caused your change, and he hoped that you hadn’t heard his confession last night. Especially since he found his will to be weaker than he’d like to admit. 
Misturi was a very good listener. The way she’d dramatically gasp or watch with bated breath. You knew she was hanging on to every word you spoke. When you had finished filling her in on everything that had happened between both you and Tomioka she squealed. 
“You two are so cute!” She smiled brightly, finishing another bowl of pork cutlet.
“More like we’re both awkward,” You mumbled. Picking at your food (still only on your first portion).
“He said he wanted to be your friend!” She pointed at you with her chopsticks. 
“But I’m not sure how to proceed,” You complained. “Do I just keep talking his ear off about random stuff? I feel like that’ll get annoying quickly.”
“Why don’t you get him something?” She asked, sipping some tea. “Maybe that’ll open him a little.”
“Hmm,” You pondered. What would you even get him? “Maybe.”
So you had continued to think about what a reclusive water hashira may like. It didn’t help that you were in the midst of a market. Vendors resided on either side, showing off their wares to entice customers to view their stalls. You took in the sites, yet nothing really caught your eyes. That was until a vendor who was selling omamori. You were surprised to find someone selling these charms outside of a shrine, so you were a bit weary of the product, but they seemed to be made from genuinely good materials.
You perused the items, there were many different colors and intentions. Finally, you picked out a blue omamori that wishes for happiness. You didn’t really think much of it. You did, in fact, wish Tomioka happiness. The rest of your mission went smoothly, and you sent Tomioka a letter upon your arrival. In the time it took for your crow to come back, you had almost forgotten of the invite. You felt yourself waiting anxiously for the time to come, tidying up your estate even more (much to the kakushi’s dismay), making sure you had enough tea and snacks. 
By the time Tomioka had arrived, you already had two cups of tea and a snack platter set out on your engawa. It was a nice warm and bright sunny day, and you might as well enjoy the scenery of the forest that surrounded your estate. You greeted him with a bright smile, coaxing him to sit down. The both of you savored the tea, sipping in silence. It was nice. Normally you’d feel pressured to say something, like you were failing at keeping the other person entertained, but at the moment you felt peaceful. Sharing a warm cup of tea on a nice day with someone you cared about. 
You watched as the sun rays fell down, barely hitting the forest floor. Rabbits hopping about as insects buzzed around. You quite liked your estate, you were grateful for all that Ubuyashiki has given you. It was in a secluded area not too far from a small village. It gave you a space for yourself, but you were still close enough to society that you weren’t a hermit. You enjoyed nature as well, watching animals was one of your favorite hobbies as you discovered silly little behaviors that they would do. Though as a hashira you found yourself having less and less time to yourself. 
“I have something for you,” You finally spoke up. You both had finished a cup of tea and some of the snacks were gone. You turned your gaze to Tomioka, only to meet his ocean blue eyes. You took the omamori out of your pocket and handed it to the water hashira. He hesitated before finally accepting the gift. You bit your lips, trying to suppress the giant grin that threatened to spread across your lips. A light pink dusted across his cheeks as he stared at it. 
“You didn’t have to,” He replied, eyes still on the gift. “...thank you.”
“No biggie,” You waved it off. “I saw it and thought of you.” You didn’t realize what you said until you had said it. Your eyes widened, and Tomioka’s blush seemed to only intensify. Deciding that ignoring the remark was the best option, you started talking about your last mission and the market you had found that charm in. A giddy feeling overwhelmed you as you watched Tomioka pocket the charm, his gaze looking warmer than usual. 
It was safe to say both you and Tomioka were quite close to each other now. You were someone he enjoyed spending time with and you loved being in his presence. The awkwardness that had initially been a part of your relationship fizzled, a warm atmosphere left in its wake. The two of you would spend time over tea, mostly at your estate, but you were proud to say you’ve spent time at his as well. Sometimes you found yourself going on walks on the trails that littered across your property, and you would point out animals you’d observed and little facts you found out about them over the years. Tomioka thought that if demons hadn’t screwed over the world, you’d have made a wonderful researcher.  
The feeling of something slipping into your pocket had put you on edge. Turning your head swiftly to the side, you stared at Tomioka with wide eyes. He stared at you back, eyes wide and cheeks a light pink. He had been caught. He didn’t know what he was expecting, you were a highly skilled hashira, trained to detect the slightest thing off. Slipping your hand into your pocket, you pulled out an omamori. You felt your face flush as it was not only your favorite color, but it was an anti-evil omamori. 
“Thank you, Tomioka-san,” You thanked with a bright smile. You were so busy trying to figure out how to attach the charm to the hilt of your sword, you almost missed Tomioka’s next words.
“Giyū,” He muttered, head turned away from you. You stared at him slightly in confusion until he clarified, “You can call me Giyū.”
“Thank you, Giyū-san,” You clarified, smiling so wide it felt like your cheeks hurt. “You can call me by my first name as well.” He nodded, still not facing your direction. Tugging gently at his haori, you led him to continue your walk along the trail, the day seeming a lot brighter than before. 
“Please Giyū-san,” You pleaded, putting on your best puppy dog eyes.
He tried his hardest to not meet your gaze, feeling his resolve slowly crumbling, “I…am busy that day.”
“Pleeeeease,” You drawled out, hands clasped as you jutted out your bottom lip. “I don’t want to be stuck as a third wheel.” He had accidently met your gaze, and he felt himself fold, how could you look so cute? 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You exclaimed, pulling him into a hug without a second thought, squeezing him tightly to try and express your gratitude. “I love Mitsuri-chan but Iguro-san scares me.” Giyū stood stiff, arms fell limply at his sides. Unsure what to do, he awkwardly patted your back before you pulled away. Your warmth that had seeped into him seemed to vanish and he immediately wished you held him for just a moment longer. 
The dinner had arrived too quickly for his liking. Although he found himself wanting to spend more time with you, and he didn’t mind Kanroji, Iguro had made his distaste of the water hashira clear multiple times. He hasn’t spent time with you in the presence of others, and he was scared that you’d finally come to your senses and sever your ties with him. 
He had arrived at least fifteen minutes early, which was exactly when you arrived as well. Giyū couldn’t help but stare at you in awe as he approached. You stood to the side of the restaurant that you were all to dine in. You wore a simple kimono, but he couldn’t help but find himself astounded. He thought you were ethereal in your uniform and haori, but seeing you in such casual wear had seemed to revise your beauty in another light. 
You, on the other hand, felt blood drain from your face. Giyū had been the next to arrive after you, and he was wearing his uniform. Your brain had become frenzied as you wondered if you had enough time to make it back to your estate and change your clothes. You didn’t want to stand out amongst your friends. 
“Wait, is everyone going to be in their uniform?” You blurted, feeling slightly dizzy at the thought. Giyū, still being stunlocked, seemed oblivious to your turmoil, shrugged. Your shoulders raised as Giyū stood next to you, waiting for the other two to join. Your brain continued to bug you for ten minutes, and only got worse upon notice of their outfits. Both in their uniforms. You felt your face flush in embarrassment, wanting to hide behind the water hashira as Mitsuri and Iguro spotted you both. 
“Hi!” Misturi waved enthusiastically before gasping your name. “Your kimono is so cute!” Unconsciously, you slightly hide yourself behind Giyū, not enjoying all the eyes on you. This is exactly why you didn’t like standing out in a crowd. 
“Thank you,” You muttered, hand grasping gently at Giyū’s haori. Normally, you wouldn’t have such a harsh reaction to being in such a position, but you could feel Iguro’s eyes watching your every move, judging your every decision. But you’d have to endure it, for Mitsuri’s sake. 
Giyū wasn’t faring much better. He hadn’t expected you to become so shy, using him as a shield. It made him feel a bit prideful and protective, you had chosen him even though you had been friends with Kanroji for longer. Though he also felt a bit embarrassed, unsure how to react to such a situation. He had never thought someone he found attractive would look at him, let alone find comfort in him in such a way. 
You all had entered the restaurant, Mitsuri trying not to squeal at the site before her. She had been trying to refrain from mentioning how your relationship with Giyū seemed to be some romantic plot from a novel she’s read. Every detail you shared with her had her blushing in excitement. She had recalled when you told her you didn’t expect to find love in this lifetime. As a demon slayer, you had little freetime, and the fact that you never knew if the day was going to be your last would loom over you until demons were eradicated. So having friends was tough, and a lover even tougher. She couldn’t be more overjoyed by the fact that you had managed to find someone even with the complications. Which led her to this master plan with Obanai, a secret double date (it would be a double date in her heart). A double date where only one person knew of it as such. 
Once you all got in, you found yourself feeling more comfortable. You found yourself in a comfortable conversation with Mitsuri, both your companions silent as they eyed the other up. It was a comical site for anyone who witnessed it. Mitsuri had beat us all in the amount she consumed, a bright smile as she asked for another. The atmosphere was warm in the small restaurant, the night sky shining through the windows. You slightly felt bad for Iguro and Giyū, as they both seemed out of their element, but overall it was a fun night. It almost felt like a date due to the fact Giyū insisted on walking you home. 
It didn’t take long after that night for you to realize your feelings. You were helping two lower ranked demon slayers defeat a demon. At the end of the battle they had checked in on the other, making sure they were both relatively okay before embracing. It had reminded you of how you treated Giyū, and suddenly it all came crashing down on you. You were in love with Giyū Tomioka. The two demon slayers had thanked you, as you weren’t there to help them initially. They were surprised at how kind you were towards them, remarking how they heard all the hashira’s were cold. You quickly waved them off with a slight laugh, explaining how most of you were just trying to get by like the rest of them. 
You had continued to stew on your feelings, unable to think of anything else. Your mind had been so dangerously drifting off, you found yourself injured. Not gravely, thankfully, but enough for you to end up in butterfly manor. 
“It’s rare to find you here,” Kochō commented as she cleaned your wound, causing you to wince. “Is something the matter? Have you finally realized the lack of heart Tomioka has?”
You frowned, unsure if unpacking your feelings to Kochō was the right play. It wasn’t due to Tomioka’s lack of heart, rather how much heart he has. Your eyes drifted to the sword leaned against the wall next to your current bed, the omamori charm dangling tauntingly. 
“No,” You confessed, hands clenching as she cleaned a particularly deep wound. “It’s actually quite the opposite.”
You took slight satisfaction in the surprise Kochō’s eyes held, but her empty smile didn’t waver, “Don’t tell me he’s managed to trick you somehow.”
“No,” You once again simply answered. “It’s all my own doing.” That was true, in a sense. Of course you couldn’t control your own feelings, but it was you who pushed past Giyū’s barriers and managed to sneak your way into his heart, just as he had snuck his way into yours. Though you weren’t sure if he viewed you in such a way, and you didn’t want to push him farther than he could handle. 
Without pause, Kochō took out a suture kit, threading the needle. Your eyes widened in horror. You’ve only needed stitches very few times, and the nausea you felt when a needle was presented never left. Mercifully, Kochō took out a balm and applied it to the skin around your wound. 
Waiting for a few moments to let the balm numb your skin, she spoke up, “Don’t get your hopes too high with him.” It was at that moment that you realized that Kochō was looking out for you…in a passive aggressive way. Although you didn’t exactly like the way she showed this care (by insulting Giyū), you still felt touched that she even cared in the first place. 
“Don’t worry,” You shrugged. “They’re never really high in the first place.” It was that moment she deemed worthy to pierce your skin. 
You didn’t need too many stitches thankfully, but even with the numbing the process was excruciating. You were relieved when the bandages were finally applied and Kochō bid you farewell. You were sore all over, waiting for the medicine Kochō made you take to finally kick in. Not only were you sore and tired, but you felt slightly ashamed. You allowed your emotions to overtake you and get injured in battle. You were a hashira, these simple things weren’t meant to let your guard down. 
You had been so absorbed in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed said water hashira entering your room. Kochō hadn’t been too surprised when she saw him stalking down the hall as she exited your room. With your previous conversation, and the bits Kanroji accidentally let slip, she had pieced together that Tomioka wasn’t all she thought he was. It was hard for her to believe that he would care about someone, but now that she witnessed the terror that shone in his blue eyes, he had even managed to surprise her. 
“They’re resting,” Kochō said, a fake smile lifting the corners of her lips. “Visiting hours aren’t open for them yet.”
Giyū didn’t even pause, continuing his trek to your room. It didn’t matter that his crow had told him you were only mildly injured, or the fact that Kochō left your room (a clear indicator that you were fine), he needed to see that you were okay with his own eyes. He had lost so much already, and he surrendered himself of such attachments, not only because he didn’t deserve it, but because he didn’t want to go through that again. You had managed to brighten his days again, he looked forward to waking up, wondering if he’d get to hear you laugh that day. All the good came crashing down the second he heard of your injured state.
You were both demon slayers, hashira at that, so you were bound to face injury. Yet he couldn’t help but blame himself. For what? Even he wasn’t sure, but he felt like it was due to the fact you were close to him. Karma for being the one to always survive. So when he quietly opened the sliding door, a breath of relief passed his lips as he saw you stare out the window. The sun hit your figure, causing a warm glow to light up your features. The usual smile that was on your face had turned into a frown, eyes distant. He wasn’t sure what to do. He had accomplished his mission, he’s seen you with his own eyes and you’re breathing perfectly fine, although the bandages that littered your face tugged at his heartstrings. 
“Oh, hello,” You spoke softly, snapping Giyū out of his thoughts. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, internally berating himself for asking such a stupid question. Of course you aren’t okay, you're sitting in a hospital bed at butterfly manor.
“I’m fine,” You smiled slightly. “Just some small injuries. Honestly all this pampering is a little too much if you ask me.” That was a slight lie on your part. It was clearly not just small injuries, or you wouldn’t have been taken to butterfly manor. You felt bad for the poor kakushi that had to tend to your injuries enough so you wouldn’t bleed out as they carried you all the way here. 
Giyū also seemed to sense your lie, his blue eyes unwavering from their intense stare. His eyes raked your body, trying to pinpoint all the injuries that littered your body. Fortunately for you, most of the injuries were hidden by your clothes and blanket. With a sigh, you patted the bed, gesturing for him to sit and join you. He did so hesitantly, ending up sitting as close to the edge as he could. You felt your mood lighten at the sight, the seriousness from before slowly dissipating. 
“You can sit closer silly,” You chuckled lightly. He scooted just slightly, and you smiled at him. “Okay so maybe I needed some stitches, but that was the worst of it. Really, I’m fine.”
Giyū’s shoulders slumped, finally he seemed to be able to calm down. You were fine, truly. You were still there, still sitting by him, still smiling at him, still laughing. Your breath hitched at how intense his gaze was. You felt your face flush as he stared at you with utter adoration. You felt your own gaze soften, probably matching his own. 
“It was my own fault,” You muttered, hoping to quell his worries further. “I was distracted, but that won’t happen again.” His eyebrows furrowed, the silent question in his eyes being loud enough for you to understand. Scratching your cheek, you looked away to try and hide your embarrassment. Should you just say it? Get it off your chest? Would he be weirded out? 
“I was thinking about you.”
Now you both were avoiding eye contact, flustered more than you’d like to admit. He hadn’t expected that. What exactly were you thinking? Have you been thinking about him often? It left him feeling warm at the thought. For some odd reason, it made him happy. 
The silence between you both grew, and you felt more anxious the longer it lasted. “Not…not  in a weird way,” You defended weakly, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. Glancing up at him your eyes widened in wonder as a tiny smile pulled on the edges of his lips, red dusting his cheeks and the tips of his ears. If you could capture this moment, you would in a heartbeat. Deciding that now was your chance, you ripped the bandaid off.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
This time Giyū stared at you in disbelief, and you wondered if you did the wrong thing. But he had smiled earlier! The first smile you had ever seen grace his beautiful features. Perhaps you came to the wrong conclusion. Both of you stared at the other, waiting for the other to make a move. Your heart beat faster and faster the longer he stayed frozen. His entire face and neck was engulfed in a violent shade of red, and you were scared you might’ve broken him. 
“You don’t have to love me back or anything,” The words quickly tumbled passed your lips. “And I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore. That’s a weird thing to confess to your friend.”
That seemed to snap him back, he looked down at his lap, trying to regain composure. He found it harder and harder to remain stoic in your presence. The emotions he repressed would always flow to the forefront when you were around, and although it could be overwhelming at times, he still welcomed the feelings. Not sure how to convey his feelings properly (he surely didn’t trust his mouth to say the right thing), he scooted a little closer to you. You watched with bated breath, unsure where he stood on your feelings (he really didn’t make it easy to read him either).
“I reciprocate your feelings,” He replied, voice wavering just slightly. You blinked, unsure if you heard him correctly. You weren’t sure what you expected, but such a formal response actually made you feel a bit better. Clearly this was new to both of you and you both weren’t sure how to go about this new territory. But that was fine, because you both could traverse it together.
Only a few days later, Mitsuri had managed to visit you. Giyū had refused to leave your side, assisting you with the simplest tasks. You felt bad for the girls who brought you your necessities as Giyū would watch their every move, ensuring you got all that you needed. When Mitsuri entered your room, she hadn’t expected to see the water hashira sitting next to you, let alone so close! Her green eyes took in the scenario, Giyū not meeting her gaze as he felt flustered that he was caught. You smiled brightly at the love hashira, welcoming her into the room.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner,” She apologized. 
“It’s okay,” You waved off her concern. “Giyū-kun has been keeping me company.”
Mitsuri couldn’t hold back her squeal, the two of you clearly have grown closer, dare she say you two have a more intimate relationship. Giyū looked even more flustered, head turned away from the both of you. 
“You have to tell me everything!”
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justasecretflower · 6 months ago
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~🪻 sdv men as boyfriends headcanons ~
Incl- Alex, Elliot, Shane, Sam, Sebastian, Harvey, Willy, Gunther, M. Rasmodius (Wizard.)
You look lost, visit my garden?
- He’s the type that’ll make you become apart of his workout. Lemme explain..
- he kisses you in between every push-up and crunch.
- you sit on his back during pushups
- he sees how many times he can deadlift you. (It doesn’t matter what size you are, yes, he can deadlift you.)
- “babe” “baby” “sugar”
- he’ll talk your ear off about his childhood, gridball, his feelings when he first met you.
- he’s GREAT to have conversations with because they keep going on for hours.
- when he cuddles you he like..crushes you. He always ends up snoring loudly, drooling on you, and his whole muscular body right on top of you.
- touchy touchy TOUCHYYY.
- he’s the type to run up to you and spin you around then hug you saying how much he missed you. Even if you’ve only been gone for like 5 minutes
- he doesn’t cry often, thinks it makes him weak, but the one day that you got him crying in your arms, your fingers in his hair and quietly whispering that it was okay, he literally fell in love again x2 harder.
- you alr saw that coming though.
- writes you poems and puts them under your pillow like a tooth fairy..
- he likes holding you. Makes him feel like he’s a protector.
- romantic home dinner dates with balloons, rose petals galore, candles, fancy table cloth, ect.
- love language is words of affirmation muahaha..
- “my love” “my dearest” “my darling”
- tells you everyday how much he loves you in old Shakespearen English
- slow dances in the living room with you.
- he’s really insecure and gets jealous easily.
- it’s like. You’re talented, hard working, beautiful, how could you ever like him?
- in his eyes, he was old, washed up, no longer a fit gridball player, alcoholic, suicidal.
- he distances himself from you whenever he has these episodes.
- it’s really bad, he knows, but he doesn’t want you to know how insecure and helpless he is.
- you do find out, and you hold him.
- his safe space, his savior, is you.
- he gets better for you, for himself, and for everyone around him and he constantly tells you how much you’ve saved him.
- “doll”
- he gets a new coat and has your initial on it with a heart (Marnie sewed it)
- movie nights. Not those aesthetic ones. The messy ones.
- the ones where you have dirty plates on the floor, pizza rolls, a bag of candies in between you and popcorn on the couch.
- it’s comfy, and it’s fun either way.
- he’s so cute.
- “babe” “baby”
- DEFINITION of golden retriever bf
- skateboards over to your house.
- he gets cuteness agression😭.
- he just randomly, aggressively, nuzzles your shoulder, or pecks a thousand kisses all over your face.
- makes songs for you and sings them to you.
- his favorite place to kiss you is your shoulder. Not even sexually he just loves kissing your shoulder.
- teaches you how to skate so that you can skate with him.
- he’d def be that cliche that’s like. Tried to flirt with you by leaning on the doorway but missed the doorway💀 (SAME WITH ALEX)
- He likes skating dates, MESSY cooking dates, and playing just dance with you.
- owns an “I love my girlfriend” t-shirt and wears it all the time. No shame
- kisses the tips of your ears and nose.
- very soft and gentle kisses.
- black cat …muahahhaaha
- he likes to make bracelets with you!
- matching bracelets
- also, matching pjs
- movie nights are the best with him. Matching pjs, snacks, cuddles, the rain pattering in the background.
- he’s a listener, not a talker.
- he said he can listen to you talk for days.
- of course, he mumbled that while flushed but he still said it.
- you’re his comfort person.
- he gets insecure but he doesn’t project it on you, just gets extra clingy.
- he gets flushed easily if you flirt with him.
- he goes on rambles about medical stuff and it just 😩
- takes care of you while you’re sick. Carries you to a bath with salts and bubbles in it, cuts up fruits, feeds you, helps you drink water, dab a cold rag on your forehead.
- he’s super romantic, makes you dinner sometimes and makes it healthy / canon
- kisses your forehead to get you to wake up in the morning.
- breakfast in bed on your anniversary.
- he’s a family man / canon
- give him a picket fence life /srs
- he likes kissing you deeply. Just pouring his whole heart into it.
- he likes fishing with you, if you don’t know how, he’ll stand behind you and guide you.
- “darlin” “hon” “pretty thing”
- puts your initial on his favorite fishing pool.
- he likes you sitting on his lap, just because he likes to be close to you.
- date nights on the beach, or on his fishing boat watching the stars together.
- he gets up “bright and early” so he just holds you, whispers in your ear with a raspy morning voice, gently kissing your shoulder “g’mornin pretty thing”
- really values quality time, even if you’re not talking just sitting near him while he’s fishing.
- definitely thought he was gonna stay single until he died before he met you, like he wasn’t even being pessimistic, just thought that he wouldn’t find anyone in that small town.
- I feel like he would’ve messed around when he was younger but never settled down.
- so when he moved to pelican town, he never expected to meet someone that would make him wanna be all lovey dovey and stuff.
- teaches you about history. His head in your lap, hand up to your cheek gently stroking it with the pad of his thumb as he yaps on, with a deep, smooth voice.
- remembers everything about you. Every detail even if you were just mentioning it in passing.
- “hon” “my darling” “love”
- date nights are those little missing persons cases (the fake ones), discussing history under a willow tree, taking small naps intertwined I
- prolly has a kid from a hookup…sorry?!
- not much for physical affection, but he’ll indulge a little, hand holds, cheek kisses, kisses.
- his love language is acts of service 100%.
M. Rasmodius Wizard
- he kinda watches you with his magic..not creepily !!
- stops you from falling all the time.
- “my love” “dearest”
- not touchy, but shows his love for you with actions.
- gifts you flowers, makes you food, cleans your room for you.
- fine..he’ll go to the flower dance for you.
- he’ll just end up dragging you to a secluded area to do the dance tho.
- it’s kinda cute ngl.
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caladriusposts · 2 months ago
people in my dr ! Pt.1
⋆。°Ochako Uraraka (from someone who’s both her best friend and affiliated with her romantically)
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⭑.ᐟ her cheeks and knuckles are naturally blushed giving her such a soft look especially with her brown eyes (they’re hazelnut brown with hazel highlights btw). you can she's blushing when her nose,ears and neck flush too and something I noticed that under her eyes also gets red and it makes it look like she's crying got so worried the first time that happened especially when she started floating away THE WINDOW WAS OPEN AND SHE ALMOST FLOATED OUT OF IT.
⭑.ᐟher hair floats and it looks like she has horns when she’s bashful it’s SO SO ADORABLE she always tries to tame it but ends up ruffling it and its even a bigger mess.when her hair got longer her ends started to curl up and some even started making heart shapes i was WEAK seeing that (and figured i had to stop her from floating out another window)
It mostly happens when she’s confessing something or says something without thinking and she realizes what she said it’s fun to wait until she covers her mouth and hides her face in her hands its soo ♡ she looks like a chipmunk
⭑.ᐟ Has a closed eyed smile and jumps a little when she gets what she wants/wins the argument AND DONT GET ME STARTED AT HOW SWEET SHE IS WHEN SHE GETS HER FAVORITE FOOD literally perks up and her eyes visibly shine .
Sometimes when she gets too happy she grips my shoulders and shakes me and starts jumping. learned the only was to stop is by jumping with her in circles but she has a tendency to step on people's feet HELP
⭑.ᐟ when she drops stuff when her quirk she puffs her cheeks or purses her lips making a fish like sound, or more like a bubble?? i cant explain it well but its so cute and sometimes she goes "bonk" but it sounds more of a "bawn" cause its in one go / a mutter her breath
She also separates her hands slowly when saying it i really hope you guys are getting the vision cause it's such a quirk of hers,she says "boom" if she's teamed up with Kats cause they have this move where she floats stuff,drops them and before they hit the ground he uses his quirk
⭑.ᐟ Her favorite hobby is jumping on me whenever i am doing something and calling me a wuss if i drop us,so far i slammed into a table,my desk,the fridge and broke houndog's mug.all this trouble cause she likes how my wings wrap themselves around her in panic (besides her loving to keep me on my toes) SHE COULD JUST ASK BUT NOOO
She gotta accept that I am old and can't keep up with that my shoulder is screaming from how heavy her boots are (whatever my girl wants she gets)
⭑.ᐟ one time she was staring and playing around with my fangs and poked herself when she pressed her thumb against them then blamed me for it,i tried to bite her finger forreal after that but i got launched off the couch.SHE'S SO MEAN.
she also pushes my cheeks together when i say something dumb or lightly taps my face twice then squeezes while looking so disappointed,I tried to flip her when she did that once but l ended up pinned down again WHEN WILL I GET MY JUSTICE MY FACE ALWAYS HURTS AFTER HER PINCHES
⭑.ᐟ she has naturally dark eyelashes looks like she has mascara on besides her lower lashes have a brownish tint ITS SO CUTE AND HER BEOWN EYELINER FOR WORK MAKES HER LOOK SO AUGHHH IT FITS HER SM
⭑.ᐟ Her chubby cheeks give her such a baby face. her and izuku have such squeezable faces i genuinely get cuteness aggression if i stared at them too long i bit their cheeks far too many times.
As doe faced as both of them are it goes out of the window when they're on the field i swear they age she has such a different vibe when we're on missions and she's so smart and such a quirk thinker we worked together on rescue missions for years i am sad I wont have any with her anymore since I stopped on field work but at least we have shared classes together that's smth fixed.
⭑.ᐟ one time she ran up to me after a mission for a hug and we fell off the stairs from the impact of her jump but she used her quirk last minute and it made me feel funny it felt like i was on a trampoline I was giggling that's one of my favorite stunts of hers
She's not always a hugger but when she is good luck getting out of her grip i feel like my ribs get squeezed .
- Post graduation crumbs
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can pick both me and izuku which kinda freaks me out cause IZUKU IS SO FUCKING HEAVY AND SHE CAN PICK HIM UP ON HER SHOULDER?? WHILE HAVING ME IN HER ARMS SO CASUALLY.its so attractive but oh myy.
one time I saw her dragging katsuki by the collar with his gear and grenades on (while holding her bag in the other arm btw) when i was walking out of my office, weirdly enough that became normal occurrence really quickly and he gave up resisting LMAO
Randomly seen carrying around stuff esp if one of her/our shared classes have rescue training,one time she had a brick??i didnt even wanna ask.
another it was the comically large fish net momo made to catch me back in first year training with shoto AND SHE ACTUALLY RAN AFTER ME WITH IT CAUSE APPARENTLY THE STUDENTS SHOULD EXPECT ANYTHING AND THAT COUNTS THEIR TEACHER GETTING CHASED WITH A FISH NET.the whole thing was me and the poor poor kids trying not to get caught in the net and FLOATED AWAY INTO A BOX with another class trying to save us (she caught all 40 students and me (T ^ T).
talking about how she just walks around with stuff and people one time we saw her carrying a student WITH THEIR DESK to nezu’s office since they didn’t wanna get up thinking she’ll let whatever they did slide😭they looked so dumbfounded and mouthed a help me but not my student not my business,I am sorry I wouldn’t even try to reason with her in this situation.
Used to make flower crows as a kid and she taught me how cause i forgot and grew up with a certain someone eating flowers (katsuki),whenever i fell asleep in the park i woke up to flowers in my hair and a shit ton of pictures our friends took but one time i woke up to denki helping her and putting one in my mouth I WAS SO MAD CAUSE WHAT IF I SWALLOWED THAT.
fast forward a few years and whenever i fell asleep on my desk at work i wake up with a flower in my hair,a daisy most of times :) and a semi scolding note saying imma look like a shrimp at the end of the year if I don't stop sitting like one shrimp at the end of the year if I don't stop sitting like one.(・・?)
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Style and preferences !
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_This is so random but she's really into freckles and beauty marks,she pokes and counts mine regularly (my three beauty marks that look like a triangle and the one on my knuckle specifically) and found it amusing how izuku's ears were also freckled it's one of her favorite features on us,heh
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⭑.ᐟ fruit scents over floral although she has more floral perfumes and body splashes saying it’s more mature/formal for work and events,her favorite scents are mango,strawberry and peach though.
then it turned to her separating the stuff she likes from work and getting fruity perfumes as a way to unwind and use at home (i suggested that after finding 20 plus bottles of stuff she doesn't even like )
⭑.ᐟ takes picking the ones she gets for work so seriously and love narrowing down options but one time she sprayed the tested in my eye.after the third "MY EYE" she told me to hurry up and asked if it smells good or not before it goes out of stock,isn't she just dreamy <3
⭑.ᐟ A turtle neck HATES to see her and the todoroki's coming,ocha and todo have accidentally matched a few times and she looks so good every time.i was happy seeing her wear that in the epilogue.
she also likes wearing boots i thought it was her being used to her hero costume but its more of a fashion statement,she said that her kicks hurt harder with them and that was..! yeah i didn't walk infront of her for a while.she likes gloves and arm/leg warmers too she has a pair of leg warmers that have her agency logo dangling from them (≧∀≦)
⭑.ᐟ loves sweetheart dresses and wearing bows and hair bands to match,especially flower based ones i was reeling when i found out she likes flowers cause i am a floral nerd and kept matching the flower based stuff i got her based on the occasion.we matched in graduation with rea, maru lilly and akemi <3 (two cr scripted friends if you guys are reading this hello i love you and one is an oc but its weird calling her that now)
⭑.ᐟ has a phone bracelet (i forgot its name) that me and katsuki made her cause when she smiles while texting ans taps the phone with her fingers unconsciously with her pinky.it has strawberry and a vanilla ice cream with sprinkles charm
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Bonus ᝰ.ᐟ
I LOVE how her mind works she's my inspo for the world building in my fantasy dr when it comes to some stuff, and scenarios l want to happen.
I remember how she had a whole plot of how everyone would end up getting to know to eachother and we had a path together its super duper cute and i cant wait to go on the silly adventures with her in my fantasy dr that she told me about that one time i couldn't sleep cause my wound hurt, think about that memory a lot it was nice and got my mind off what happened (T ^ T)
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In the vigilante are her speech was a little different from canon cause of conductive events and she was looking straight at me at some part i felt like my heart was gonna burst,she was always nervous about public speaking i was (still am) so proud of her back then i sent seelie to nuzzle her cheek slightly when-she was still holding the microphone and she just smiled at me and I smiled back slightly. It was one on those moments where I got the saving people with a smile thing that I never took the class seriously when it came to, watching her grow and have her own identity of heroism was such a surreal experience and i am so grateful to be close to someone as genuine as ochako be being there when she recognized that she genuinely wants to save people would forever be on my mind cause i didn't really have a deep rooted reason for my heroism and i thought it would stay that way but she made me realize that i just needed time to figure it out,she just cares so much and that day made another part of her journey click to me l don't know she has a way of saying and doing things it's so her and she's so incredible
────୨ৎ──── ⊹₊⟡⋆ thank you so much for reading if you read all of this <3
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berryyuni · 9 months ago
jungwon as your boyfriend headcanons
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pairing - bf!jungwon x gn!reader genre - est. relationship, fluff wc - 590 warnings - skinship, crying
౨ৎ reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated !! <3 ✧˖° ... (library)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ jungwon | heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | sunoo | ni-ki
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jungwon would be the softest boyfriend to ever exist.
he loves loves loves being affectionate with you. if anything, it's one of the things he looks forward to the most during the day.
he's an absolute sucker for head pats/rubs, giving and receiving. as subtle as he tries to be about it, his reactions give it away.
as much as he loves your affection, he'll always get flustered and can't control the blush that forms on his cheeks especially if you're with the boys.
cuteness aggression. you and him get it all the time. you're just whipped for each other.
jungwon is attached at your hip. where you go, he goes. you disappear for a moment? he's already on his feet searching for you.
jungwon needs to hear your voice every night before he goes to bed. if he's away, expect a facetime call to which you end up falling asleep together.
jungwon will take a few seconds out of his life to text you anything that happens to him throughout the day whether it's something silly or serious. he'd also pop in and tell you every time he sees something that reminds him of you - he'd even sometimes buy you something just because it made him think of you.
jungwon has a time specifically for you and him to talk about your day and catch up on anything you missed. he takes this very very seriously.
jungwon is a very good and attentive listener. his focus is all on you, taking in everything you're saying and observing your expressions. with him being so observant, he knows all about your interests, mannerisms, all the little things.
he always lends you a shoulder to cry on. he's your rock. he keeps you grounded. he wants to be the one you go to when you're going through a hard time.
when you cry he kisses your tears away and stays quiet until you're ready to talk.
jungwon never lets a conflict go unresolved - whether it'd be something between you or something happening to the individual. it pains him knowing that you're upset so he does everything in his power to fix everything.
jungwon thinks everything about you is perfect.
he loves your smile and laughter. after a long stressful day your smile and/or laughter never fails to bring a smile to his face. you're his sun.
he is always messing with you somehow. he'd poke at you, tease you, and play pranks on you. there's never a day where you can live in peace but you don't complain.
jungwon always always always looks at you with a fond expression. you're the only one that can bring out this expression from him. it's very evident to others how in love he is with you.
he's not always the best with words so he makes sure to show you how much he loves you by taking care of you along with other actions.
jungwon slowly lets down his walls the longer you're together. in the beginning of the relationship, he was more reserved because he got too used to having to hold in his hardships and handling everything on his own. but as you got closer he realized that he can trust you and that you'll always be there for him. now you're one of the only people he lets his guard down with.
jungwon enjoys the quiet but not secret dating life. he likes having the privacy of your relationship but will make it obvious that he's all in for you.
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©berryyuni 2024. all work is written by me. do not copy, translate or repost
taglist (open): @j4keluver @j-jinxee @suneng @ikeuzsn @miniature-tragedy
269 notes · View notes
day-azevir · 1 month ago
My friends, I present to you the ENTIRE Slabtek Hockey au outline; Frostwalker
> Etho moves down south and far away from his hometown. The combination of the D-1 admission and the severity of his injury made him very recognizable and highly pitied among the people he interacted with. And after about a year, he just got sick of it
> While working at his new job (local arboretum), Etho overhears his coworkers, Bdubs and Gem, talking about hockey practice later that evening. Part of him wants to check it out - he still loves the sport - but the fear of injury that comes with being back on the ice changes his mind
> After doing some digging out of curiosity, Etho finds out that the hockey that's played in town is somewhere between C and D league beer hockey. Even if he doesn't play, it can't hurt to watch, right? Especially since Etho doesn't feel like paying for sports streaming to watch from the safety of his apartment
> Xisuma notices but doesnt recognize Etho from around town, so they tell him when the team does practice in case he wants to show up. Etho says he's been thinking about playing but is worried about potential injuries (avoids talking about his, kinda beating around the bush of hockey horror stories as an excuse. Luckily for him, Xisuma is a bit oblivious). X offers to let him watch the practices so Etho can gauge whether or not he wants join later, to which Etho accepts
> Tango takes notice of Etho now coming into their practices. He saw him once or twice on competition days, but never paid him much mind until now. After chatting a bit with his team, Tango decides to try and talk to him and figure out what Ethos deal is. Upon getting a closer look, OhHesKindaCute.jpeg and invites Etho to join them next practice. Etho gives the same excuse he gave X and Tango lightly flirts before realizing and flees with extra flee in hopes Etho won’t realize
> This goes on for a while, with Etho just watching and Tango trying on and off to get him on the ice. He's persistent, but not aggressive about it - offers to buy Etho starting equipment, telling him about classes to learn how to skate, emphasizing that their team is low contact so there's less chance of injury, etc. Also around this point, at work Gem and Bdubs notice Etho always bringing in the same sandwich for lunch (this will be important for later)
> Etho is not fond of the attention, but Tango's insistence does end up working. Etho ends up telling X what happened and how he wants back on the ice but is scared of other players. The two end up making a deal that allows Etho to come in during the mornings on his days off and work on empty ice before anyone else arrives
> One evening, while walking to the rink (Etho doesn’t have an american license), Tango spots him while riding on his motorcycle and drives him the rest of the way there. Skizz calls while they are talking and Tango says he and Etho just arrived at the rink. When Skizz asks who, Tango says ‘the cute one that watches us practice’. Etho notices, Tango doesn’t. When Tango says he has to go get Skizz, Etho says ‘you think i'm cute?’ causing Tango to once again flee with extra flee
> Tango ends up with a few days off work after a water pipe busted at Papa K’s and takes up the opportunity to teach the kids class while Joe’s out sick so he’s not out of a paycheck. (Keralis does give him and the others pto for this, that's just what he tells Xisuma to let him agree to it). When he gets there a bit early to prepare, Tango sees Etho practicing on the ice and realizes that he is, in fact, actually very good on the ice and has a lot more experience than he was letting on. 
> Tango thinks ‘well, team warmup is as good as any :D’ and joins Etho on the ice for drills. This catches Etho off guard (half because he didn’t see Tango come in), but he reluctantly agrees to share the ice. For interrupting his solo practice session, Tango offers to buy Etho lunch. They chat in the process, dancing around the subject of Ethos hockey skills and instead talk about their plans for the day, catching up on the week, and what drills they want to practice. This goes on until a bit before class starts
> Joe told Tango that the kids were working on moving away from the wall and trying to glide. Because of that, Tango gives a small speech about falling, getting up, and trying again, about how the kids shouldn’t be scared to ask for help, and how everyone on the ice is a team that supports each other. Meanwhile Etho, who’s in the bowl waiting for the class to be done so they can get lunch, OhMoment.jpeg. 
> During class, a kid falls and scrapes their hands. Etho, who's done bandages for that before, decides to help patch the kid up so Tango can keep an eye on the others in case someone else gets hurt. When he gets done, the kid hesitates to get back on the ice because they’re scared of falling again. Etho reminds them of what Tango said and tells the kid if they really like skating, they shouldn't let one fall determine their future (hypocrite Etho moment). The kid agrees, but asks Etho for help getting back on the ice and getting their footing again. Etho obliges, and upon passing the kid off to Tango has a second, more intense, OhMoment.jpeg about the person in front of him
> During lunch, Tango tries to bring up Ethos skills and learn his history with hockey, to which Etho masterfully deflects by ‘not paying attention’ and bringing up his fuck-ass sandwich that he eats everyday. This actually works because Tango is so flabbergasted about the sandwich that he completely forgets to ask again, and instead they talk about foods they like and how Tango is actually a cook during his day job (and how Etho should totally come to Papa K’s at some point not for any reason in particular and definitely not because Tango wants to see him more often, that would be absurd)
> Etho continues his solo hockey practice, but realizes that he actually had a lot of fun when he and Tango were drilling together. He had been enjoying the empty ice but now it feels kind of lonely with just him. Etho tries to not think about it
> A few times at work, Bdubs and Gem invited Etho to join them for lunch, but he had always declined because he would bring his own. However this time, he accidentally slept through his alarm and was almost late to work, so he didn't have time to pack it. When he tells them that, the two happily bring him along to their favorite lunch spot, Papa K’s
> When the order gets to the back, Tango recognizes Gem and Bdubs usual orders, but gets curious when there's a third order that isn't usually there and finds out its Etho. Remembering the conversation they had about Etho missing his daily sandwich, Tango makes that for him instead (behind Skizz and Keralis’ back because he is absolutely not supposed to do special orders). It’s a different meat, and a little too much pepper, but Etho does nearly cry happy tears at the prospect of it
> Tango, now seeing that Etho is starting to get comfortable back on the ice again, devises a plan to try and get him comfortable around the others on the team. He knows that Etho is good with Gem and Bdubs, so Tango invites him to join Impulse, Skizz, and himself for board game night over at their place. Etho accepts, then quietly ponders as to why - does he really want to spend hours with two strangers? He guesses so long as Tango is there it should be fine. He then ponders as to why Tango's presence makes any difference at all. Etho tries to not think about it
>TIES game night is going pretty well. Etho finds out that Imp and Skizz are married, which does bring up the subject of relationships. Tango complains about how hard it is to find a partner in town, considering its size and especially his type (men). When they ask Etho about his relationships, he reveals he’d never actually been in one before, and so he hadn’t really thought about it. Etho says he guesses gender doesn't matter so long as they’re a good partner. (Demiromantic Etho real and true). Tango gets his hopes up, but tries not to. Impulse and Skizz notice and share a knowing glance. Etho is too lost in his own epiphany to realize any of this
> At some point during game night, Tango’s prosthetic starts to bother him as he’d worn it all day and worked in it as well. Tango opts to just take it off for the time being, and Impulse berates him for not taking care of his residual limb (there is some obvious chafing. Tango blames it on the constant washing from the kitchen and the cold of the ice). This is the first time Etho is made aware of Tango’s hand (or lack thereof) as he always wore gloves and used his left hand for most motions. In retrospect, it made sense, like how sparingly Tango used his right hand when the two got lunch together, but it just didn’t occur to Etho that there was an actual reason as to why
> Etho asks Tango about how he lost his hand, and Tango explains how he had gotten into a motorcycle accident on the highway. The driver slammed into the back of the bike and sent both it and Tango across the pavement, where the bike practically landed on him. As the motor was still running, his hand got caught in some of the moving parts and was mangled. Impulse ends up finishing the story, as Tango couldn’t remember some of the final details and Impulse was his emergency contact. When Etho asks why Tango still drives a motorcycle after the accident, Tango laughs. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Well, I mean, you lost your hand. Aren’t you worried it might happen again? Or something worse?” 
“If I worried about everything that hurt me, I’d never get anything done! Besides, I like riding motorcycles; the feeling of the wind, the hum of the motor, all of it. It makes me feel free. I’m not gonna let one little accident keep me from that.”
> Tango tells Gem and Bdubs of his master plan, and so they also start working on Etho to the other players (and even some of the skaters). He notably talks to Joel, False, Cleo, Beef, Doc, and Scar. Xisuma also enlists Ethos help in seeing what the players need to work on as they can only focus on so many people at a time, and two sets of eyes can catch more than one. This leads to Etho chatting with some of the other players when giving tips (after being approved by X first, of course)
> More and more of the players greet Etho whenever they see him around the ice, and Etho does start to feel more welcomed in the rink (not that he wasn’t previously, but it helps when people get to know you a bit). However, this does allow more people to see how he and Tango act around each other, which leads to Gem, Impulse, Skizz, and Joel to pressure Tango into asking Etho out. Of course, Tango can’t just ask him out, that's absurd! No, no. Tango instead asks Etho if he would like to join him for dinner at a restaurant they've never eaten at before. It’s just weird eating by oneself in public, and Tango would pay for the meal and everything, and it’s totally fine if not but he just thought he’d offer just and case :] . Etho very casually accepts and they two arrange a time to meet. Once they get to their respective homes, both end up like this for the next half hour -> o///////o
> The night of the totally-definitely-not-a-date comes around. Tango shows up to Etho’s apartment dressed slightly nicer than usual, but hidden beneath his jacket (biker safety first). Etho is also lightly dressed up and, while not visible, did put on an eye patch and worked to hide his scar (more so than usual). Both have a minor ‘oh wow’ moment before complimenting each other and heading out
> The two start chatting and Etho makes a joke about how oblivious he can be at times (ex. Tango's hand), so Tango suggests they play 20 questions to get to know each other, Etho going first. They talk about their families, where they're from, pets they've had, etc. Eventually, Etho asks if Tango had broken any bones before (yes), which led to him asking Etho what his worst injury was. Etho asks if skipping is an option, but does end up saying that whatever it was is the reason he keeps himself covered up, even in the heat (referencing when Tango saw him walking down the road in full coat and mask). Aside from that, Etho choses to not go into more detail and Tango decides to let it be. They decide to venture back into more lighthearted questions - funniest story, weirdest talent, etc - to help bring the mood back up before finishing dinner. Upon seeing the bill, Tango makes a joke about taking Etho to a Wendy’s next time instead. Despite knowing it's just a joke, Etho finds himself excited at the idea of spending time with just Tango. He then tries really hard to not think about it
> Unfortunately for Etho, he just can not stop thinking about it. When Etho first moved down here, he really hadn’t known anybody outside of work. And while Gem and Bdubs were great - they really were! Friendly and kind and all around good people - there was just something different about Tango. He was smart and fearless and funny and so passionate about everything. Etho had learned quite a bit about him over lunch and dinner, as well as the times they’d talked at the rink, but he still wanted more. He wanted to learn what Tango thought about life, how he navigates the days and years, what he loves, and what he hates. But what Etho really wanted to learn was what Tango thought about him. Did Tango like him? Love him? Was he just being nice or was there something there? Does he enjoy their time together? What are they? Are they even anything or is Etho just extrapolating something that isn't there? He didn’t dare admit to losing sleep over it
> Things continue as they were for a bit; Etho basically being Xisuams assistant and helping the players on the ice, as well as finally meeting the rest of the hermit ensemble
> During one practice match, Tango trips and False isn’t able to slow down in time, causing her to run over his prosthetic fingers. This doesn't cause any damage except for a scratch across the top, but the situation does leave Tango a bit shaken up. Etho immediately rushes over to the box to check on him, and while Tango insists he’s fine, Etho can tell he’s not by how Tango stutters and curls in on himself. Etho assures Tango it’s okay to be frazzled by it because what just happened was scary, and he understands that. Tango mutters something about limb loss and phantom pains, to which Etho says he knows. He knows better than most. Tango takes a quick glance over Etho before landing on the bit of scar sticking out from under his hair - something he hadn’t seen before because they’d never been this close. He chooses not to say anything, but does take note. After calming down for a while, Tango gets back on the ice to finish practice
> On the next competition day, Hypno and Keralis place a bet on which half of the team will win the match; If Keralis wins, Hypno has to buy the whole team rounds based on how many goals they scored, and vice versa if Hypno wins. Keralis ends up losing as Hypnos team ends up with four goals total - he’s bothered more by his team losing than the amount of money he's about to spend and makes sure they know it (/lh). Xisuma, without their knowledge, is chosen to be one of the designated drivers
> Two things are noticed once the gang reaches the bar: 1) Tango is a lightweight, and 2) Etho is a giggly drunk. Everyones having a good time, with Etho and Tango sitting next to each other up at the bar. They drink and chat and are maybe a bit oblivious to the hermits' comments about two lovebirds (surely they're talking about Imp and Skizz? Or maybe even xB and Hypno? It doesn't really matter).
> At one point, Tango gets up to go to the bathroom, and some rando comes up and takes his seat. Of course, this makes Etho uncomfortable because he does not know this guy and quiets down - rando reads this as a girl playing hard-to-get and starts flirting, which does not help the situation at all. When Tango gets back and sees what's happening, he immediately puts himself between Etho and the guy and ignores the guy's protests. Etho responds to Tango and the guy, realising Etho is not in fact a woman and just an effeminate guy, gets pissed off and starts trying to get in his face. Tango immediately whips around and retorts, getting the other hermits' attention. Now surrounded by three people who can clearly beat him in a fight (Doc, Cleo, and Beef), the guy backs off and Tango takes his seat back. Tango and Etho cling to each other for the rest of their time there
> When the designated drivers start rounding everyone up for the night, Xisuma realises that only two people know where Etho lives; Etho himself and Tango. Unfortunately for them, Etho was too drunk to remember his address and Tango was too drunk to give any coherent directions (“take a left after the skadoodle then keep goin till the blurg then a right at the skittle-bop” “...Tango what the fuck are you even saying to me?”). After double and triple checking with Etho, they decide to leave him with Tango at his house as the two are latched on to each other like sloths and Tango could bring Etho back to his apartment in the morning
> Upon entering the house, the two are immediately bombarded with affection from Tango's dog, Torchy, which Tango melts into and Etho has a heart attack over. After taking some time to assure Etho that his dog is not dangerous, and is just excited to see people, the two sit down and start eating (Xisuma bought them food on their way home). Of course a copious amount of alcohol + sudden adrenaline spike + greasy food = Etho hunched over the toilet spitting his guts out while Tango holds his hair out of the way. Once his stomach settles, the two migrate to the couch and place a trash can nearby. While Tango works Ethos braids into a bun (in case he gets sick again while Tango’s asleep), the following conversations occurs:
“I’m sorry”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I think I'm in love with you”
“That's okay… I think I'm in love with you, too”
> In the morning, Etho wakes up to a pounding headache, a sore eye, a dog pinning his legs, and Tango still passed out on his shoulder. Considering how much everything hurts, he opts to just lay there until Tango eventually wakes up and starts moving. After getting up and letting Torchy out, Tango notices Etho is a bit strained and offers him some pain killers, to which Etho gladly accepts. As the two start to eat brunch, Tango realizes that it seems to be Etho’s eye that’s bothering him more than the hangover. The secrets out, the scar is visible, and Tango decides it might as well happen now - he asks Etho what happened to his eye
> Etho explains how about a year before he moved into this town, he had actually been chosen for Division 1 in the NCAA. He and his team had been working through the championship, and even made it to the Regional finals before everything happened. Etho goes on to say that when it comes to those games, it's not a question of if, but when a fight breaks out on the ice. During the final, one of his teammates got cross-checked, and so Etho tore the guy off and ended up in a fight. In the end, his helmet got knocked off and the guy took the opportunity to strike Etho in the face. With his skate. His skate that had been recently sharpened. It didn't get any easier after, either. On top of not being able to see and being suddenly so far removed from everything he had known, everyone started treating him so differently. It’s hard to return to normal and act like everythings fine when people treat you like a wounded animal. So he moved away. Where nobody knew him and maybe people would finally start to look at him like a person again
> The two sit in silence for a bit; Tango processing what Etho said and Etho desperately trying to gauge his reaction. Tango apologizes for taking so long to answer before agreeing; noting how for a while after his hand was amputated it felt like there was some invisible wall between himself and the world, how no matter what he tried nothing felt the same, and how, even now, it still feels like the wall comes and goes at random. But it does go away, for some time at least. And the longer that it's been, the less and less it feels like there's a disconnect between himself and others. It gets easier - not in the sense that it goes back to what it was, but in the sense that you grow around it. Then one day you notice that it doesn't really bother you anymore. Everyone has their moments - sometimes Tango wakes up grieving something he hasn't had in years - but it does get easier
> Etho admits that he wants to play hockey again, he really does, but he's just so scared of what could happen. He wishes he could be brave like Tango; to grow and change and do what he loves despite everything, but he feels stuck. Like maybe the invisible wall Tango was talking about is just a little too thick for him to get through. Tango reaches over and takes his hand, “Then let me help you.”
> At the next practice, Xisuma digs around for an extra jersey while Hypno places an order for a new one with the number 16. Ethos hands shake a bit as he straps on his elbow pads, but it's a mix between nerves and excitement, and Tango is quick to reassure him with a small kiss and words of encouragement. The others are already on the rink waiting for them, and when X blows the whistle to announce the start of practice, Etho gets on the ice with his team
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tired-biscuit · 8 months ago
have we considered...werewolf farmhand kiba...he likes being out in the wilderness with space to roam...he's big and strong and can do all the heavy lifting...he and akamaru would be perfect guard dogs for livestock.............he could breed the farmers daughter under the full moon................
cw: monsterfucking, breeding, pregnancy
oh god wait, now i’m thinking that since he’s part wild beast, he has a bit of trouble with understanding certain social cues from time to time, which leads him to stare at you like you’re something to eat while he works.
just this unmoving and completely unashamed leering that almost feels like borderline eye-fucking at certain points; especially during the summer, when your clothes are shorter and you start showing more skin.
you catch him doing it often, and while most people would simply look away after being caught, he’s not technically people, now is he? so he just keeps looking, and looking, and looking — dragging his dark brown eyes with their unnaturally thin slits for pupils up and down your legs, arms, the thin sliver of exposed skin on your stomach… all until you visibly start to squirm a little bit in response to all the attention you’re getting and he feels this strong sense of satisfaction rushing through his chest because of it.
but overall, he’s pretty sweet! while he may come across as intense and broody with his overly-rugged appearance and sharp teeth, he’s actually cute and perhaps even blushy whenever you praise him for a job well done and step onto the tips of your toes to ruffle his hair. he tries to pretend like it’s nothing, grunting something about how you’re distracting him from his work and that your dad is going to make him pay for it, even though he’s leaning further into your touch, silently begging for more.
sooner than later, curiosity gets the best of you and you start fooling around with him. however, he doesn’t dare step foot inside the house where his boss sleeps, so you have to keep sneaking out into the woods with him at night just so that you can explore each other’s bodies a little.
the forest can be scary when night falls, but you feel safe with him. he’s big and strong and extremely affectionate now that he’s bonded with you. besides that, he’s familiar with the trees and the soft grass that sways in the breeze, as well as all the creatures that lurk in the dark. you can trust him to get you back home safely, even if he has to watch you slip past your front door from a distance.
everything goes well for the first couple of months, but then you decide that you want him when he’s very close to his transformation, and all of a sudden your pussy ends up stretched and stuffed full with his knot; potent and hot werewolf cum steadily filling your womb. he’s lost control of himself and now he’s snarling and growling into your ear, breeding you like an animal. poor, poor you.
the cravings you begin to experience after that are not normal. you want your meat served practically raw and seem to remain completely insatiable no matter how many times he lets you sit on his cock. and god, your patience… there isn’t any of it left. you’re pure rage, feeling this endless urge to just sink your teeth into something and tear it right apart.
and what you also are, is pregnant with his pup. it shows in your scent, which consequently makes him incapable to work on the farm since he becomes aggressively protective whenever he’s near you and fails to listen to any sort of reason whatsoever.
you’ve got quite a problem on your hands. he could kill someone if they got too close.
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spiceywawa · 6 months ago
Kitty Fic
HybridAU~ Prev <- Current -> Next
Idk how to format my shite don't look too hard at it. Trigger warning mentions of unwanted "mounting" Nothing detailed.
If there was one thing you have learned so far about your new mismatch family was that they were quite a group.
John was good, but a little too excited sometimes when you decided to participate in anything they did. You find it almost cute, except when he throws you into social interaction when you were more keen on being an observer. But the man was used to his canine companions and their go of things, so you'd let it go eventually. Maybe...
Simons behavior with you was not a normal occurrence. This you learned quickly, seeing Simon was a reluctant and barely tolerant being when with the other two hybrids. There was definitely fondness you could see. There was no mistaking that, and it was reciprocated, but it was often met with a snippy and short reaction more often than not. He was the oldest of the two, and you chalked it up to older age? You didn't know, but he was quite hands on with you.
He would often pick you up from wherever you happen to be resting and simply carry you around. You were snuggled in a blanket one moment napping the next you're tucked into simons sweater purring up a storm. He'll often take you wherever he goes. He calls you his little birdie
You would also be grouchy like Simon if you were stuck with sweet boy johnny 24/7 for the past several years. He's a bit of a nuisance but has caught on quickly that you aren't to be messed with, not roughly anyway. There are times he can be quite cuddly, and you'll allow it for a bit before he starts being a turd. You bet theres an ulterior motive, considering his attempts to mount you within the first few weeks of them being there. Johnny now has the scars to show that Kitty doesn't mess around and does indeed bite. John didn't scold you when you bit and scratched johnny after he did it. You sat behind john as he scolded him. It was justice, really.
But alas justice was rarely served these days when gaz started his antics. Just when you thought things would calm down when johnny wasn't on you as aggressively as before. But Gaz beat johnny at being an absolute knob-head as simon put it. He was very smart you had to give him that. A little evil if you were asked. Gaz loved to annoy you AND get you into trouble if he felt like it. You have a bit of a kink in your tail after gaz did his little tricks the first time.
You didn't wanna rough house with the beast, so he decided to knock over a vase and blamed it on you. "Kitty is the only one of us who likes to knock things off the counter." Gaz said to john with his ears down and tail tucked between his legs, good actor and a liar. John didn't miss a beat. That was a whole scene. Instead of just the lone vase, the entire counters were cleared when john went to grab you. Turns out barn cats are very good at evading people.
To be fair sitting on the counter, watching a spoon clatter and bounce on the tile floor was fun you didnt deny that and you would often watch john as you did it to watch his eye twitch in irritation. Getting his attention that way was fun because as soon as he got up, you were already way out of reach.
You still care about them to a degree. One might call it fondness. Johnny says, "You love us too bonnie just admit it." Maybe he's right. You won't be admitting it yet, you'll never hear the end of it from johnny and kyle.
(His name is Kyle, but they call him gaz? Kitty cannot comprehend this nickname. Simons nickname ghost makes sense. But don't get kitty started on Johnny's nickname, what kinda name is soap?!)
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randomkduck · 7 months ago
what if there was an au where Shadow is revived as a cat, but he has no idea by who or why he’s a cat all of a sudden. While trying to figure it out he ends up getting found by Red who’s like “aw cute homeless babyyyyy… mine now!” And adopts him, which is of course like “no, wait. fuck. nO. WHY” and he keeps trying to get away from them cause they’re gonna be furious when they figure out there cat is their old enemy and knowing his luck it’s only a matter of time. but Red’s very purrsistent and finally manages to drag him home and is like “HEY GUYS I GOT US A CAT!!” and the only one okay with this immediately is Vio, and Blue takes one look at him and is like “Shadow.” And of course Shadow panics a little because “Fuck I’ve been found out already!” But Red’s like “huh?” And Blue says “a black cat with red eyes and the look of a war criminal? Yeah, I’m naming him Shadow there is no other possible name for him.” And shadows like “rude” but then Vio chimes in with “yeah we can name him Shadow Meowthazar the floof wizard or something” and Red is like “YES” and Shadow already hates his new life.
and you know for a fact that people tell there cats shit they wouldn’t tell anyone else because why go to therapy when you have a cat right there. And Shadow’s mission goes quickly from “find out who brought me back” to “give these people as much aggressive cat therapy as possible ma gawd.”
Green teaches him tricks and stuff to prank the others and Shadow is 1000% down for this because now he has an excuse for knowing how to open doors and read and also gets the added bonus of fucking with everyone, his favourite person to fuck with is surprisingly Vio which is only partially Green’s fault with his subliminal messaging because Vio has all the best responses whereas Red chalks it up to magic floof wizard powers and Blue just gets really excited like “finally someone to do my paperwork” or “oh you helping out Vio” nod “okay good help him get his ass out of his room to participate in society next” salute “thanks bud *gives him a treat and a pat*”
What if someone breaks in one night while everyone’s sleeping (like a monster or something) and they wake up to the sounds of a their cat possibly dying and the intruder in pain and they rush downstairs to save their cat but he’s just sitting on top of his felled opponent seemingly unscathed (because shadow powers and quicker healing) and they’re like “shit I am so glad this cat like us” and Red is like “I hereby knight thee Shadow Meowthazar floof wizard the slayer of intruders lord of Vio’s dark armies” and everyone is like “yes” and except Vio who is like “lord of my what?” Shadow regrets everything in life.
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ifearzombies · 2 years ago
Things The Brothers Do That Make You Fall For Them All Over Again
- When he shows his brothers how much he loves them. Paying a bill for Mammon, buying a game for Levi, a book for Satan, makeup for Asmo, burgers for Beel, or a new pillow for Belphie. Just little things that shows how much they mean to him. - Whenever he lets out a genuine laugh. It’s rare and magical to hear. - When he lets himself be vulnerable to you. Be it sleeping with you nearby or him showing you his emotions that he normally hides from everyone.
- Whenever after he tries to pretend he doesn’t care and his facade cracks more easily than an egg and he admits he needs you. - When you see how good he is with children. He’d deny it to the ends of the Earth, but whenever Satan curses himself to be a child (again), or he interacts with children in the human world, he’s always kind and playful and brings them joy. - Whenever he does that growl. You think he’s caught on that you like it because he’ll growl when he can around you.
- When he’s curled up in his bathtub sleeping. Even better if he’s in demon form and you can see him cutely hugging his tail. - When his face lights up in utter joy at whatever new collectable he got. - When he talks to Henry 2.0. You can hear it sometimes from the hall or Mammon’s room and several times it’s about how happy he is to have you has a friend and lover.
- When he’s playing with the most recent cat he’s added to his growing collection that he keeps hidden from Lucifer. His eyes are so peaceful and calm and just beautiful. - When he shows Lucifer that he actually does care. It’s few and far between, but the way he sheepishly tells Lucifer anything kind fills your heart with warmth. - When you’re going into his room and he instantly tries to make a path to the bed and space on the bed. He loves those books and he moves them because he loves you more and you can’t help but feel special and love him more.
- When he tells someone else they’re beautiful and makes their day. He does this a lot, truthfully. But you know that people have so many insecurities and he removes a little bit of that pain. It makes him more beautiful. - When he’s painting everyone’s nails. It’s a small thing that shows he wants to spend time and show his brothers how much they mean to him. - When he gets protective. Asmo doesn’t get aggressive often, but seeing the strong side of him being used to keep you safe makes you feel like royalty.
- When his eyes light up when he’s eating. They’re a sparkling violet and are captivating. - When he carries you. It reminds you that even with his strength, you are so precious to him that he carries you like you’re made of glass. - When he offers to share his food. With how much he eats, parting with any food is a sign of love from him and he always offers to share.
- When he goes into your dreams to chase away nightmares. Life is hard and besides anything that happened in the Devildom, you still have bad dreams. And Belphie chasing them away fills your heart with joy the next morning - Whenever he sings to you. His voice is so light and pretty and while it does put you to sleep, you also feel how much he loves you when he does it. - When he is looking at the stars. It’s one of the few times he smiles and you feel blessed to bear witness to those moments.
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lynn-tged-posting · 1 month ago
tged webtoon ep 180 spoilers and thoughts of me being lowkey scared but also having a great fucking time bc of lloyd's expressions but still being worried and more below the cut
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THANKFULLY we got one last ep of sillies to wrap up the mini arc,,, and i really like how it ended actually,,,
y'know i probably should've expected them to do a redemption for the venetos, but i'm still happy it happened,,, it doesn't take back all the shit the chief has said to his wife and kid but it's a start! absolutely a start, and i like that that's how it ended i think
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HE'S SO DAMN ROUND,,, plus the cuts between where he's being ominous and describing the ABSURD interest rates HELP???
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it is very nice that the chief (I FORGOT HIS NAME ALREADY) is determined to provide for his family in this new way,,, i'm glad about that. i think that's a big part of why i liked the end of this arc,,, again, still wish the intro was a little different but seeing this growth was really nice,,,
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ALSO. "javier has already crossed a river too wide" HELPPP JAVIER LAKDFJSHDF not even doubting him for more than two panels anymore,,, he's too far gone,,, saluting u javier,,,,, still the funniest mf in the room i love his deadpan moments like this. stupid silly,,,
this whole bit was so damn good,,, i didnt even realize how this is very much a Bad Thing lloyd was doing technically until the system pointed out that he's doing what loan sharks do laksdjflkasdf the reader herself was also swindled,,,
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honestly i was like a lil worried when i got to this point of the ep esp since many of my mutuals have said that the manhwa characterization is a bit. off the rails,,, so at this point i started getting worried abt how they would proceed,,, system is completely right in that loan sharks n financial scam things are things that he's had to deal with his whole life and he hates it, so to see him do this,,, feels odd,,, it's later explained in the ep tho hehe
THEN THEY SHOWED THE GOOD KARMA/BAD KARMA THING W HELKAROS AND OOH,,, MY GOD,,, OH SUHO YOU'VE BEEN SO DAMN GOOD,,, ALL YOUR LIFE,,, the bad karma not even reaching 200 and yet his good karma is OVER 80 MIL,,, you've been so good suho,,, u deserve good too,,,
seeing helkaros again made me worried more but also seeing his good karma made me so damn happy. if suho ever wanted a quantifiable way to prove that he's lived right, to prove that his parents raised him right,,, there's ur answer,,, tears sobbing sniffling
then we cut to lloyd coming back to collect the payments AND,,, AND,,, ALKDFJLSKJDFHSDFHGG
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another fav bit was the fucking. cute then immediate "TCH." IM. HAHAHFLKDSJFHAHAHA I LOVE BITS LIKE THAT
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like god he goes from looking like the most puntable squishy creature on earth to a fucking mob boss im CRYINGGG
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at this point tho when the demons rushed in i was like. actually scared that they'd do some really bad fucking shit ,,, as aware as i am about suho's empathy/overall good behavior, it's still. CONVINCING that he's doing something Awful y'know especially when it's lloyds face looking like a thug. doesn't help that he didn't explain himself to the system either,,, which makes me wonder if the system is connected at all to the karma values that we saw? since the bad karma went up once the system heard what lloyd had to say, but also didn't remove it? ehh not sure, don't think it's terribly important but just a passing thought
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like i know lloyd is like "u see how fast we fix? think abt how fast we could tear it all down,,, >:3" but after seeing this, i mean this when i say that i do not believe he'd tear anything down at all alksdjflkasdf ohhh suho,,, literally taking the most roundabout way for this,,, ily bud never stop doing good
that makes me wonder then how exactly helkaros is gonna drag lloyd down,,, is he gonna inflict despair, is he gonna make lloyd give up somehow? i'm curious,,, esp after seeing worthroad again (YEESH the time has not been kind to you buddy)
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he has two of those dark magic blades now,,,,, i remember his plan was to bring war by bringing alicia to madness like fate had originally planned,,, and with fate still chugging along it's possible that this is gonna be like. TEN BILLION times worse than what fate had originally set on,,, which is scary. i think we're entering the storm,,, i'm SCARED
very glad this arc got the chance to have a nice conclusion,,, i keep saying this lol but rough start, nice ending,,, now we're back in the wringer. i'm NERVOUS AND I HOPE LLOYD PULLS THRU,,, im wondering too if lloyd is gonna use his blessing thing on javier at some point during this next arc,,, would that be enough to defeat helkaros? idk,,,
IM EXCITED!!,,, ill see yall soon prolly after my midterm lol
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decentishoutsidersthoughts · 3 months ago
This got long cause this part is very much all stuff I added to the story specifically for them 😭😭😭
So Steve is Paul’s cousin and part of one of the richy rich families. Rn he’s probably Eddie’s (or whoever is Eddie’s) little brother but that may change when I read the books. Steve is very much considered a stain on the family because he’s the product of an affair between the mom and some random poor guy which for that family is a very big deal-. But because they want to keep to appearances there’s no divorce and Steve stays with the family and never actually meets his dad (despite the fact that his bio dad absolutely adores him and fought tooth and nail to be able to at least see his son. Steve doesn’t know that tho). Steve insists he doesn’t care that his whole family hates him but he cares like…a lot.
So Steve, Paul, and whoever ends up being Astrid are all SUPER close. They basically treated Steve like their little brother. Paul always stood up for Steve and got away with it because he was the favorite. Steve won’t admit it but he was hit HARD when Paul left home. Like he cried at the airport and it was easily the first time Paul had seen him cry in years. Paul still tries to talk to him at least once a week and Steve finds out about Darry long before the rest of the family does.
So Steve is pretty much dreading the wedding other than the fact that he gets to see Paul for the first time in years. Steve finds out that Paul’s bringing Darry and think it’s an awful idea because Darry doesn’t even know Paul’s lore and also the family just found out about Darry and are like losing their shit-. And THEN Steve finds out Paul is also bringing Darry’s brothers and thinks that’s a worse idea but what does he know he’s just the kid 😔😔😔.
Steve goes with Paul’s best friend to pick them up from the airport and they’re all excited to see eachother and it’s cute. When they’re hanging out and exploring and eating dinner and stuff he starts talking to Soda (Ponyboy freaks him out). And they hit it off like IMMEDIATELY. Instant besties right here. Darry and Ponyboy are a bit weary but Paul swears up and down that Steve is a good kid. And then Steve goes home that night and the whole family is still like going insane that Paul is dating some random roofer guy.
And Steve hears how upset they are, and he’s been being told his whole life that the only good thing he could do for this family is marry well and then they can get back on track and write off the whole affair thing as a one time blip in the family tree. And so Steve knows this, and he sees how mad they are that Paul is with Darry, and he hears all the shit being talked about Darry’s brothers. And he REALLY feels the need to prove to us family that he doesn’t care about them. And Soda’s nice, and fun to talk to, and Steve laughed more in that one night than he had in weeks. Not to mention Soda is really good looking. And an idea forms in his head, a little two week fling sort of, they flirt with eachother and show up everywhere together, his family would get pissed and other than that no harm done.
They show up together the next day at the party, he’s there to help Paul introduce Darry and his brothers to Paul’s mom. It all goes really well, Soda’s a charmer by nature and he already is starting to feel an attraction to Steve, and Steve is having a genuinely amazing time when he thought this whole thing would suck. Eventually Steve gets sick of hearing the same passive aggressive comments and he can tell the looks the family gives Soda are starting to bother him, so they sneak off to Steve’s room. Soda winds up telling Steve about his parents and Johnny and Dally, and Steve tells Soda about his bio dad which he’s never told anyone outside the family. They end up falling asleep together and Paul definetly takes pictures.
Now, the first problem comes due to the fact that Soda falls in love really fucking easily. Like. He’s head over heels by the next morning. Steve is also kinda in love too ngl but like- he doesn’t realize that. So for the next little while it’s that, Soda keeps falling more in love and Steve is trying to convince himself it’s just a means to an end. But his heart jumps whenever he sees Soda, and he’s trying way too hard to make him smile. And then at some point Steve and Soda sneak off to go exploring and they end up having a kiss. And Steve freaks out and runs away and oopsie it’s time for the bachelor party.He also finds out about Astrids husband cheating at this point too which makes stuff worse.
The Curtis brothers don’t go to the party obviously (the fish thing still happens but I haven’t figured that out yet). And Steve and Paul are sticking together and Steve is seeing how people talk about Darry to Paul’s face. And now he’s starting to think that if he really loves Soda he shouldn’t put him in this situation where he’ll spend his whole life never being good enough and always being ‘lesser than’. Because he knows how that feels and it’s AWFUL. When they finally escape the party, Steve tells Paul about it. Paul tells Steve he knows it’s selfish to put someone like Darry or Soda into the family. That’s why Paul is walking out as soon as he marries Darry, which is gonna be soon cause he plans to propose.
Paul basically tells Steve that both of them are more than deserving of everything good about eachother, and whatever Steve does he’ll back him up. But he also says that Steve needs to think about if he’s really serious about this, and if Soda would be worth losing everything. And if Steve decides that he isn’t, then Steve needs to stop leading Soda on and cut things off before he fucks everything up worse.
So Steve thinks on it and basically goes ‘no fuck it I deserve to be happy and I hate this family anyway’. But he can’t like go all in yet cause he’s 17- but he talks feelings with Soda and they start doing this ‘kind of couple kind of not’ thing. And things are going amazing up until the wedding, where they find out that Darry was also the product of an affair and that Darry’s dad is very much alive. The grandmother and Paul’s mom corner him about it while Steve and Soda are odd dancing somewhere else, but Soda sees Darry run away from the party. He runs after Darry and Steve follows him without hesitation, but then he’s blocked by Paul’s mom. And she tells him that Soda isn’t something anybody in this family should associate with, especially not him. And the entire family is suddenly staring at Steve, and they look disappointed and disgusted, but also like they’ve never expected any better from him. And Steve suddenly feels a lot of pressure he was not remotely prepared for. And he folds and lets Soda run away on his own.
He immediately regrets it, and tries to find him again but by now it’s too late. Soda ignores all his texts but doesn’t block his number and Steve only finds out from Paul about them all going back home and Darry turning down the proposal. Steve straight up feels like the stupidest person in the world. And then Paul’s mother in character development gives Paul her engagement ring, and she probably has a long talk with Steve about the way she’s treated him and allowed the family to treat him. Steve doesn’t really forgive her or even let it help that much, but she does tell him to go after Soda. So Steve follows Paul to the airport, and waits at the gate while Paul goes to propose on the plane. When Soda gets off, Steve is there and the first words out of his mouth are all about how sorry he is. Soda kisses him and they hug and it’s all a very unrealistically happily ever after because this is still a rom com 😭😭😭
I think at some point Steve also meets his bio dad and his half siblings and downright ditches the family to stay with them because they like- actually love him and think he’s worth something- that’s a whole other story tho
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c-t-r-l14 · 1 year ago
Xanthus and Dontis in Part 9 Had me dead asf
Ya’ll remember back in Part nine where Dontis and Xanthus were captured in that enclosure? And Xanthus was tweakin tf out while Dontis was trying his best to get him to calm down?
YA’LL. The way I couldn’t BREATHE????
‘Cause ya’ll know what that reminds me of?? The dynamic between big and small dogs.
Ya’ll know what I’m talking about! Them big ass, scary looking dogs with them deep ass, loud ass, rumbling barks—those ones with sharp teeth and an intimidating but mesmerizing stare? Like YEAH, they LOOK scary, but in reality they’re the CHILLEST dogs out there!
Then you got them cute lil’ small dogs, with short legs—those ones that prance rather than walk—and will have you baby talking them and petting them??? AND THEN THEY END UP BEING THE AGGRESSIVE ONES?
I can’t help but think about Xanthus and Dontis when I think about big and small dogs, bro. Xanthus would most definitely be one of them smaller dogs who’d bark at anything at moves. And Dontis would definitely be one of them big ass, scary lookin dogs that’d probably just stare at the little dog barking its head off before he just yawns and goes back to sleep.
It doesn’t help that Dontis is literally like 6’2-6’3, while Xanthus is like—5’8. Lmao, I know they’re both in a life or death situation, and Xanthus had every right to freak out, but the way it was delivered absolutely sent tf outta me😭
And thinking about how their dynamic at that point is kinda similar to the dynamics big dogs and small dogs share only makes me laugh harder!
(Also, I’m not saying that all small dogs are aggressive and all big dogs are calm—like, that’s not like how it is all the time—but I do see it a lot)
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