#also god i can't decide if i'm cringing or not from this ... but the idea is in my head so now it's your problem too
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lovsagains · 1 year ago
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it's  a  little  chilly  out,  but  that's  to  be  expected  for  this  time  of  year.  early  september  doesn't  broker  much  warmth,  but  it  isn't  as  cold  as  it  will  be  in  the  coming  months.  it's  nice  out.  or,  maybe,  the  warmth  has  less  to  do  with  the  weather  and  more  to  do  with  her  company. her  eyelids  sink  down  and  she  blinks  them  back  open. her  hands  still  sting  from  the  cuts  dotting  her  palm;  a  natural  consequence  of  trying  to  clean  glass  with  unprotected  hands.  it  doesn't  hurt,  though.  not  as  much  as  she  deserves,  probably.  she  lazily  runs  her  fingers  over  her  palm,  over  the  small  cuts  littering  her  skin.  the  panic  from  earlier  has  abated  to  something  manageable  now:  a  dull  roar  in  the  back  of  her  skull,  a  twist  in  the  depths  of  her  stomach.  she  blames  that,  too,  on  kaleo's  presence.  she  sits  at  (  @hiercphant's  )  side,  coming  down  from  the  atrocity  that  happened  earlier.  her  heart  pounds  a  slightly  elevated  rhythm,  but  it  doesn't  plan  to  run  away  from  him.  it  sits  between  the  two  of  them,  calm  and  lulled  into  a  sense  of  safety. (  like  she's  okay.  it's  almost  troubling,  the  way  he  so  easily  makes  her  feel  like  she's  okay.  ) on  the  rooftop,  they  can  still  hear  the  cacophony  of  sounds  drifting  up  from  the  banquet.  it's  all  white  noise  to  her.  with  the  panic  toned  down  and  her  body  reeling  in  the  aftermath,  everything  is  distant  ⎯⎯⎯⎯  hazy.  the  people  that  pass  through  her  life  are  clouds  drifting  by,  so  far  away  that  she  can't  do  anything  more  than  stretch  her  hands  towards  their  divinity.  they're  concepts  more  than  they  are  people.  she's  a  specter  rather  than  a  fuck  up,  and  the  rest  is  confetti. the  liminality  rests  a  hand  against  her  skin,  caressing  her  cheek,  and  guides  her  head  down.  her  eyes  flutter  shut  and  for just  a  moment,  she  fades  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯  then  there's  a  noise  from  behind  them,  a  loud  shriek  of  a  girl  at  the  bar  that  dissolves  into  raucous  laughter.  eunbi's  head  snaps  up  and  she  blinks  rapidly.  did  she  just  ⎯⎯⎯⎯  ?  "  i'm  so  sorry,  "  she  says  to  kaleo,  heat  spreading  red  hues  beneath  her  cheeks.  she  adds  that  to  her  rolodex  of  mistakes:  falling  asleep  on  someone  who  might  not  even  consider  her  a  friend.  "  i'm  sorry.  i  didn't  .  .  .  "  didn't  mean  to  let  her  guard  down;  didn't  mean  to  feel  so  safe  and  warm  that  she  fell  asleep.  "  i'm  sorry.  "
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♡      ’      ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯      closed starter. rooftop, after dinner.
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stardustradiofm · 1 month ago
Boyfriend Headcanons • Kn8 Boys
I WANT WHOLESOME FLUFFY STUFFS SO BAD BUT ALL I SEE IS SMUT so I've decided to write some more fluffy things so I can giggle at my writing later. And maybe cringe in a few days.
A/N: This is a bit of a long one
Characters: Kafka Hibino, Reno Ichikawa, Iharu Furuhashi, Aoi Kaguragi, Haruichi Izumo, Soshiro Hoshina, Gen Narumi
※ Kafka Hibino
On a scale of 1-10?
He gives 110% in any and all situations
Date nights? You bet
Kisses? Anywhere and everywhere
Gifts? Nothing expensive, but always ever so thoughtful
WET kisses (to the cheek) just to mess with you
He LOVES to make you laugh too
And he's full of dad jokes
KING of praise and compliments
Will not, cannot go a day without giving at least three compliments to you
Says "I love you" as many times as he possibly can, and even though he says it a lot, you can always tell he means it, even if it's just over text
He'd also pull out a chair for you at restaurants, even if it's McDonald's or something
He's not the jealous type, but he is a bit insecure about your relationship because he has no idea how someone like you could be into a geezer like him
He will absolutely hold your hand and be a clown about it
If you're walking around, he swings your hand and might even lift your arm up to let you hop off of a sidewalk curb if you're that type of person
Arguments and fights are not something he enjoys, so if a problem ever does arise, he'll never raise his voice, and he tries to calmly discuss the issue(s)
Freaking cuddle monster
Literally and figuratively
He would trust you to know about his Kaiju secret whether you're in or out of the defense force, but only once your relationship becomes serious
And that brings me back to my previous point; he'd absolutely love to cuddle in or out of his kaiju form
I like to think that since his kaiju skin is more like armor or scales, he finds the comfort of your soft skin against his full-bodied hardness
He's also willing to go full kaiju-mode to protect you if you're ever in danger
※ Reno Ichikawa
He's so sweet omg
He's not always shy in your relationship
Not too clingy either
When you start dating, he's more hesitant to do anything in public; holding your hand, any sort of kisses, even simple touches are nerve wracking for him, just because he's not too sure of himself, or if he'd be crossing any boundaries
Once your relationship becomes serious though, he's less reluctant to do things with you in public, but he'll always ask first
He definitely loves little date nights. Nothing too crazy
If you do go out to eat or something, he's the type to say something to the server staff if your order got messed up
A movie and some cuddling king of guy
He likes to bring you little things as gifts, saving the flowers for special occasions and random surprises
Things he likes to gift are things like trinkets, keychains, simple jewelry, even some small cute plushies he thinks you might like
Gods forbid if you're in danger, because he'd let the world freeze over before you ever got hurt and it's kinda hot
※ Iharu Furuhashi
Puppy love puppy love puppy love
Plus, he likes a little teasing
And he's loud. So loud... But it's endearing
He loves to shower you in compliments when you get a private moment, and he loves to make you blush and laugh, especially out in public
He's also the jealous type, but just a little
If someone is trying to hit you up or touch you, he just materializes by your side and puts his arms around your waist and yells something like, "They're taken!"
He dotes on you most of the time, doesn't matter if it's in public or in private, if you show any signs of discomfort or if you say anything as simple as "I'm thirsty," he'll go and immediately get you whatever it is you need
He's the kind of boyfriend to let you drink out of his bottle/cup just so he doesn't have to leave you by yourself
He would also definitely talk your ear off from time to time, mostly ramblings about nothing
You can't convince me he doesn't have at least a sprinkle of ADHD
He's a clingy one, but as soon as you say you want your space, he's two feet away already
Lowkey an unhinged gentleman and respectful
Definitely a cuddle monster
But he bites too
He's not huge on gifts, but only because he's worried you won't like what he brings you
If you so much as mention wanting or liking something, he'll go and get it for you the next chance he gets
He doesn't like arguments as much as Kafka doesn't
He'd try to rationalize and calm you down before he discusses the issue
I like to think that he's more than a little insecure about his combat power, especially since he has to watch his comrades around him grow stronger by the day
If you're ever in danger, he wouldn't hesitate to reach you and do his best to protect you
The issue is I feel like he'd also be the type to sacrifice himself for you, as much as he hates the thought of leaving you alone, he'd rather see you safe then wind up with both of you dead
Happy thoughts...
I have a headcanon for him that if he gets a special weapon or power, it'd be fire themed to further push the "rivals" thing with Ichikawa and he'd probably yap about to you, telling you and Ichikawa that this just heats up their rivalry (no pun intended)
He'd get you a ring too just because he thinks it'd look good on your finger
※ Aoi Kaguragi
Lowkey kinda soft
But also, scary dog privileges
He may be a big boy, but he likes his quiet moments with you
He likes to listen to you talk while he just holds you
He'll nod along and hum here and there, but he makes sure to actively listen, even if he's so comfortable that he could fall asleep
And he every so often might whisper a compliment into your ear
Instead of itemized gifts, he'd bring you coffee or tea, or whatever your favorite food/drink is
That and things that can be of use to you
Being ex-military, he likes to bring you things that you would find useful
He's not a big fan of bringing chocolates and flowers, but he will if it's a special occasion
He likes cuddles, but more than that he likes holding you in his lap with his arms around you
He likes to make you feel warm and protected
He really likes to put his face in your hair too
Not a big date night guy, but he does especially love quality time
This man will shake heaven and earth to protect you
I also have a headcanon that if he gets a special power/weapon that it'll be earth/rock/stone themed
He's the type to carry you if you get injured
He probably also knows at least the basics of first aid as he is ex-military
※ Haruichi Izumo
He is a romantic
He does like his dates, but he won't go anywhere too fancy or expensive, just because he wants you to love him and not his family name or money
The same thing applies to gifts, he won't go out of his way to get anything expensive, but he keeps it thoughtful and simplistic
If you happen to want something badly enough that is on the high-priced side, he'd get that for you just to see you happy
He loves it when you use his first name when you tell him you love him because of this too. It makes him feel special because he is
He loves to give compliments too. From things as simple as, "That looks good on you," to "You make the world better just by being in it."
Can be kind of cheesy with it too
I can also see him reciting poems to you every once in a while, while curled up with you and his face buried in your neck or shoulder
He's the type to bring you a single red rose, or a whole bouquet, and bring new ones whenever yours start to wilt
I also like to think that he would love to stargaze but maybe I'm just projecting
He's also a little bit of a tease
Nothing like Hoshina would be though
He'd tease if he sees a blush, or you get flustered
He also likes to tease with kisses
He likes to go on little coffee or cafe outings
He wouldn't call them dates himself, but they kind of are
Whenever you do go out to something like a restaurant, he'd pull out your chair for you
He, as the others, would absolutely HUNT DOWN any kaiju that dare threaten you
But he'd play it off like "of course I did," afterwards
He's not super cuddly outright, but he'll always be open to it after a rough day or just if you ask
Though he does particularly like to lay his head on your shoulder
He likes the little touches, and doing things like laying in your lap or playing with your hair
※ Soshiro Hoshina
In every sense of the word
Teases about everything
And he especially likes it if you can pick back at him
If you manage to fluster him, he's guaranteed to fall into the pit known as "Love" and he will NEVER be able to get out
Not that he wants to
He likes compliments, both giving and receiving, but especially receiving
Tell him that his muscles look good or that he's hot
Stroke his ego, I dare you
He's guaranteed to get you back
He probably wants to take you on dates, and by that, I mean hang around with you all day and maybe cuddle a little bit, but he's too swamped with work most of the time
He's also probably a little reluctant to make your relationship serious just because of the dangerous nature of his work, but he falls just a little bit harder if you still want to be together knowing the risks
Speaking of, he's a big risk taker
In the sense that he'll do things to test you. Everything from a kiss in front of his whole squad to jumping off of a twenty-story building with you in his arms to get away from a kaiju
Honestly, being with him is like being on the craziest roller coaster you've ever seen
He also can be soft
I like to think that he's a cuddler when he's sleepy
I wouldn't say he's necessarily touch-starved, but it's definitely comforting to be able to hold someone at night and have someone to come home to. Especially after particularly dangerous or long missions
He will literally never ever tell you, but you're his little slice of heaven. His sanctuary. His happiness
Danger be damned if you're in trouble. He'll take down a kaiju of any size if you couldn't defend yourself
Then this asshole would poke at you for it. "You really couldn't take that thing down?" While internally worrying about you
※ Gen Narumi
You may as well be dating a goblin
I mean, you signed up for it so you can't exactly complain
He's a gremlin, a creature, a thing, but he's a thing you love
Especially when he's gaming, and he turns to face you with his eyes wide and a handful of chips or junk food hanging from his lips
He reminds me of a lizard somehow
He'd be the type to offer you food only after he's put half of it in his mouth and give just the most shit-eating grin you've ever seen
And then he'd be kind of shocked and impressed if you actually take it out of his mouth
He might clean up his office a little bit for you too, a little bit
He doesn't exactly do dates, but he'd enjoy playing multiplayer games with you
He's also not super big on gifts, but I'd like to think that if you get into a serious relationship, he'd buy a second custom console controller and a second pair of switch controllers for you
I have literally no reason for this one, but he'd LOVE it if you told him his eyes were pretty
He'd fall head over heels with someone who either a) got flustered nearly every time he poked fun, or b) someone who could keep up with his rat antics
In battle, he has faith that you'll be able to help yourself, but he does keep an eye on you and doesn't stray too far if possible
If you end up biting off more than you can chew though, his gun-lance-sword thing will be the only warning you get before that kaiju is in a billion pieces before you
I feel like he'd also do a quick check up on you, like a chaste "You good?" and then bully you (affectionately) similarly to Hoshina
He's also not very cuddly, aside from holding you on his lap or letting you lay your head across his legs every now and then
He'd share a single person sleeping bag with you though
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certaindonutstudent · 10 months ago
I was reading this...so! What if Tighnari still wants to do this but since he is now an adult...maybe this idea is a little bit different?
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⚠️ (smut, use of vision, "vibrator", "public s3x", FEM!reader) ⚠️
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You wanted to try something new don't you? He told you that this was his idea since kid but of course he is not a kid anymore so new feelings were involved.
It won't hurt to try it, right? Oh god you were so wrong.
Tighnari lent his hands around your thighs and you can feel how something just grows around them. Those grass vines were thick enough to be the size of his fingers it was also the perfect size for you.
"done. Try not to make too much noise outside okay?"
You nodded in agreement
You didn't expect this would be such a hard time trying to not moan or to fall in your knees from the painfully pleasure his vines are making you feel.
They were drawing circles at first, you could pass that it's just tasting, later on they were trying to find an entrance in your underwear and then they found one.
This one was actually a bit harder to hide your reaction, you can feel how those vines are slowly scissoring your velvet walls.
You couldn't deal with the feeling and you cover your mouth but then Tighnari hears you and like if his grass vines were an electric toy he made them go a bit faster.
This pleasure was enough to make you fall in your knees, something you didn't want to happen and it's worse because you didn't expect people to see you fall and ask "what's wrong!?"
Tighnari runs fast towards you trying to help you and meanwhile more people run too just to see if you are alright, Tighnari sees this and decides to stop moving his vines which makes you rest and finally available to talk
"s-sorry I'm just a bit tired I couldn't sleep well I'm sorry for making everyone worried"
After hearing this everyone is now in relief knowing it's nothing bad, Tighnari now carries you in his arms since it seems like you can't walk properly.
"sorry for this incident I'm going to take her to a better place to rest"
He says to everyone else but he whispers in your ear "you did good as I said but sadly you make everyone look at you...I think we may discuss your methods later tonight"
You lower your voice "I'm sorry I promise it won't happen again"
"it's fine I'll make sure that you will learn how to be quiet in public"
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Anyway! As always a bad fanfic!!! And uhh idk at least is something different from all the "in heat" fanfics today plus this was in my head today and I write this fast but oh well! Byeeee
(oh I feel so cringe)
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wandanatsgf · 1 year ago
Right Where You Left Me
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Pairing: Maid!Wanda x Noble Woman!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Wanda is your maid who you fall head over heels for. But like all good things, you knew it wouldn't last. You knew your life was already decided for you, but that didn't mean you couldn't enjoy your time with her while it lasts.
Warnings: This ends sadly and contains smut. Read at your own risk. Also I wrote this in two hours so there's probably grammar mistakes so pls ignore those.
You had never understood this strange feeling inside of you, the way you would cringe when you danced with a man or when he kissed your knuckles. You didn't understand why the idea of marrying a man brought feelings of dread and despair. You didn't understand how such simple actions from a man could elicit such strong emotions in a woman. And then you met Wanda.
Wanda is your recently hired maid and god is she gorgeous. She has long brown hair and eyes as green as emeralds. You tend to get lost in them quite frequently, much to Wanda's chagrin. And every time her skin touches yours it sets you ablaze, which is what's happening right now.
"Does this corset really need to be so tight?" you complain to Wanda who is helping you get dressed. It's making it really hard to control your slightly labored breathing. Wanda's presence was really doing something to you today.
"I'm sorry my lady but I'm just following your mother's orders," she says apologetically. She continues to help you get dressed and then she gets to work on your hair.
"You know you don't have to call me my lady when we're alone, Wanda. Y/n is fine," you tell her as she fixes a curl that was out of place.
"Ok Y/n," she says, trying it out. Your name sounds so good coming out of her mouth, you could listen to her say it for forever. Unfortunately you have duties to attend to today.
"Thank you for helping me," you say once Wanda announced she was finished.
"It's really no problem, Y/n. It is my job after all."
"Yes I know but it's only right for me to thank you."
Wanda smiles at this and you swear you've never seen a prettier sight.
"Have a good day, Wanda," you say as you open your bedroom door and slip out of sight.
You spent the majority of your day entertaining your parent's guest, Steve, a lord from a neighboring country. You talked with him for hours, however your heart wasn't in it. You could've cared less about what he was saying. You would've much preferred to be reading a book or talking with Wanda. And by dinnertime you were ready to rip your ears off if you had to hear another story about a battle.
"Thank you so much for accepting our invitation," your father says as everyone takes their seat.
"It really mans a lot to us that you rode all the way out here to visit us and our daughter, Y/n," your mother adds.
"The pleasure is all mine," Steve says.
"This actually brings us to an important topic, Y/n," your father says. "We, your mother and I, are hoping you would be open to courting Steve." You knew he wasn't really asking, he was telling.
"I would love to father," you say, lying straight through your teeth.
"Well that settles that. I think this calls for a toast," your father says.
The rest of your night was spent drinking and pretending to be merry, but you couldn't get out of your own head. You knew your parents wanted you to marry soon, and you had put it off for as long as possible. Now you were being set up with Steve and you felt hopeless.
Around midnight you bid your parents and Steve goodnight and headed to your room. Maybe you could cry in peace there, but when you enter you see Wanda waiting for you.
"How was your day?" Wanda asks as she helps you out of your dress.
"Honestly it was horrible. I had to spend the whole day with Steve," you say, your face wrinkling up in disgust.
"He can't be that bad."
"He's not bad...he's just not interesting," you say carefully choosing your words.
"Well men never are," Wanda says. She pulls off one of your many petticoats, accidently grazing your thigh. You let out a low moan and you hope Wanda didn't notice. You don't think she did because she finishes taking it off and sets it off to the side.
"Oh?" you ask. You can't tell if Wanda is giving you a sign or not. Or maybe you're just reading into things.
"Well you know how men are. They just talk about hunting or battles or money. It's all very boring."
"Oh yes of course," you say agreeing with her. Wanda continues to undress you, but your thoughts are still plagued by the awful news you got at dinner today.
"You know my parents wish for me to court and probably marry him and I don't know if I can do it," you blurt out. You hadn't meant for that to come out, but you just feel so safe in Wanda's presence. Despite the short amount of time you've known her, you've grown close to her. At least as close as you've ever been to a person.
"Why not? It's not like there's someone else and Steve could give you a life of luxury." Wanda unties your tight corset and lets it drop off your body.
You think carefully before letting your greatest secret slip. "I don't think I could ever love him, Wanda. Not the way I love you." At this Wanda's hands still and drop to her side.
"Y/n are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I'm in love with you Wanda Maximoff. I know it's wrong and we barely know each other and my parent's would never approve but I can't help how my heart feels."
"Do you really mean that?"
"I mean every word Wanda."
"I'm in love with you too Y/n. I have been since I first started working for you," she admits.
You carefully turn around and plant a soft kiss on Wanda's lips. She tastes like strawberries and you can't get enough.
Wanda pushes her body as close to you as possible, slowly walking the two of you backwards until your body hits a wall. Your thighs open up to make more room for Wanda to position herself between them.
Wanda's lips move from your own to your neck, making you arch your back.
"Please Wanda."
"What do you want baby?"
"I want you to touch me please," you beg.
Wanda obliges and slowly moves her hand down your breasts, fondling them through your undergarments for a minute. You thrust your hips up against her, getting impatient.
"You're just so needy for me aren't you baby?"
"Mhm I just want you so bad Wanda please," you mewl.
Wanda's hand moves to cup your mound and one of her knuckles lightly grazes your clit.
"Is this what you wanted? You want me to touch you right here?"
"Yes Wanda," you breath out. Your loins were on fire and only she could extinguish it.
Wanda slowly rubs her fingers against you and it takes everything in you not to cum then and there. You never thought this would happen, and now that it is you didn't want it to end.
"Let go for me baby. I'll still be here," she says. Her fingers start to move faster against you and it breaks your resolve. You cum in your underwear, moaning like a mad woman.
As you come down, you see Wanda staring at you.
"What?" you ask.
"You just look so beautiful doing that I want to see it again."
This time Wanda gets on her knees between your thighs and slowly pulls your underwear off. She can clearly see your arousal and it turns her on, making her let out a low moan. She lifts your left leg up over her shoulder and dives in.
The wet slurping sounds are unholy but they only turns you on more. Your hands grab onto Wanda's hair and you pull her closer to your heat. Her nose bumps against your clit and your hips thrust against her.
"Right there Wands," you moan out. The brunette woman continues to lick and suck your clit until you finish all over her face.
Wanda slowly works her way up your body, leaving kisses all over your stomach and chest. She makes her way up to your mouth and leaves a soft kiss there.
You gaze into her eyes and see nothing but love and admiration. It makes your heart melt.
"Let me return the favor," you tell her. You swap places with her and gently take off her clothes. Saying she's gorgeous is an understatement. She looks like an angel.
You kiss her as you start to fondle her pussy, messing around to see what she likes. You can feel her moan against your lips and it gives you a surge of pride knowing you're the one making her moan.
You dip one finger into her entrance and you feel her buck her hips against you. Clearly you had a much stronger affect on her than you thought. Her wetness coats your hand.
You thrust your finger inside of her, watching her writhe in ecstasy. It was a sight you knew you would never get sick of. You add another finger and watch as her head rolls back in pleasure. Soon she is cumming and you continue to fuck her through it.
Once she's calmed down you take your fingers out and lick her arousal off of them. She tastes so good, and you tell her as much.
The two of you spend the rest of the night in each other's embrace, enjoying your time together.
You wake up and you think it was all a dream before you look next to you and see a brown mop of hair sleeping next to you. She looks so pretty and peaceful when she sleeps, but you have to wake her up.
"Wanda. Baby. Wake up," you say as you gently shake her.
"Good morning honey," she says.
"Good morning," you say. You lean down and place a kiss on her lips.
'We have to get up y'know," you say as her lips move against yours.
"Just give me one more minute," she says. She continues to kiss you until you can't breathe anymore and you have to pull away.
"Now we really have to get up and get ready," you say.
"Fine," Wanda grumbles.
You each help the other dress and look presentable.
Today you were supposed to hang out with Steve again. The only thing that made that even bearable was the thought of going to bed with Wanda by your side.
"I'll see you tonight," you say as you cradle her face in your hands. You place a passionate kiss against her lips before walking out.
You spend the next couple of weeks like this. You spent your days with a man you hate and your nights with the woman you love, the woman who owns your heart.
"You know we could run away together. We could live in that abandoned cottage near the woods and have a garden and never have a worry again," Wanda says one night. The two of you are cuddling in your bed.
Deep down a part of you knew it was nothing but a dream, but the thought of living with Wanda made your heart soar.
"I want nothing more," you say, never truly thinking Wanda was serious. You lean in and capture her lips with yours.
That night you fall asleep with a pit in your stomach. You still needed to tell Wanda about the now official wedding plans (well your mother was planning a wedding but Steve hadn't proposed yet. You knew it would be soon though), but you would rather live in delusion than end this. And that is what you did, at least until Wanda comes storming into your room a few days later.
"What is this I hear about a wedding between you and Steve?" Wanda questions.
You were currently brushing your hair at your vanity, but you set the brush down when she stormed in.
"There's nothing official but word is he plans on proposing soon and my mother is planning a wedding even though there isn't one yet."
"And you weren't going to tell me?" Wanda asks. You can see the pain and anger on her face and it makes your heart break.
"I was going to eventually Wands. I just couldn't. I couldn't ruin what we have just yet."
"Are you going to deny him Y/n?"
"I-I don't know. I don't know if I can."
"Of course you can Y/n. You have a choice here."
"I don't think I do Wanda."
"Please Y/n," she begs. She begs you to choose her, but you can't let your delusion cloud your judgement anymore.
"I'm sorry Wanda, but we should've known this would never work," you say. You can feel your perfectly applied makeup start to run down your face, but you don't care. You look how you feel, a mess.
"Why wouldn't this work?" You can hear the pain and desperation in her voice.
"Because..." you trail off. You don't want to give her the real reason. You're afraid. Afraid of your family, the townspeople, and a life full of unknowns. You knew that going with her to the cottage the two of you had always talked about would mean giving up everything you have ever known and loved.
"I'm sorry Wanda but I can't leave them and I can't disappoint them." She knew you were talking about your parents.
"You always complain about them controlling you, y/n and you're letting them do it now. Is your happiness really worth their happiness?"
You nod and that is all the confirmation Wanda needs to realize her life was about to fall apart. She was about to lose the love of her life and there was nothing she could do about it.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Wanda," you say. You fall to the ground in a heap of petticoats and skirts. Wanda moves to comfort you, but she knew that would only make this harder.
"I'm sorry too Y/n," Wanda says. She leaves your chamber and you sob harder. You knew you brought this upon yourself, but that didn't make you feel any better.
The next morning a new maid walks in, telling you Wanda had quit last night. From that day on all of your days blurred together. Time was pointless without her. Living was pointless without her.
Exactly two weeks after you had ended things with Wanda, Steve proposed. You don't even remember saying yes, but you must have because you now have a huge, shiny ring on your finger.
You expected Wanda to come to you after the news of your engagement made it's way through the kingdom, but she never showed.
Maybe if she had came back for you things would be different. Or maybe if you had ran away with her you wouldn't be where you are now. But you had backed yourself into this corner and there was no getting out.
Your dress is beautiful. It's big and poufy and white. But the person at the end of the aisle isn't who you want to see. Instead of emerald eyes you see cerulean. Instead of a smooth face with delicate features you see a rough face with harsh lines. He's all wrong, he's not her. But you made your choice. Your parents and their wishes come first. Maybe in another life you could chase your happiness, but in this one you were chasing theirs.
After the wedding you resided yourself to a life you hated with a man you loathed, even though you knew it wasn't his fault. If only you could feel the same way about Steve that would make life so much easier. But no matter how much you tried to love him you were still repulsed when his lips touched yours or when you laid in bed side by side.
Sometimes you couldn't stop the sobs that would fall at night, knowing you had made a mistake with marrying him. You should've ran away with Wanda, but now it was too late. You had kids to take care of and an estate to run.
Despite that you let yourself dream about the woman you left all those years ago, the woman you still loved. You hoped Wanda had lived a life far more happier life than yours. You hoped Wanda had moved on and found someone else. You hoped Wanda and new her lover lived in the cottage that was meant to be yours's and had a plentiful garden and never wanted for a thing.
However Wanda's reality was much sadder than what you had wanted for her. Wanda spent her days at the cottage by herself, over come with grief. She never moved on. She spent her days gardening, reading, and crying. Everyday she hoped her lover would come back to her. She never did.
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tragedytells-tales · 1 year ago
Brooo I love your writing so much!! It’s literally so great😭 can you write the brothers (or just Lucifer and Satan if that’s too much) with a teen!mc (platonic obv) that is VERY gen z. Like if they’re able to have their phone while in Devildom then they would constantly be talking about stupid internet drama while using strange terms. They know the stuff they say is weird but that just encourages them to be even more unhinged and chaotic. I just thought it’d be funny :) thanks if you decide to do this!!
"I hear you loud and clear! My apologies for this taking so long, I was only able to come up with something for Lucifer and Satan."
Lessons in cringe culture
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Notes - Teen!MC, Headcanons, Shitpost, comedy just pure comedy
Characters - Feat. Lucifer and Satan
Summary - MC has a few ideas on how to make these ten million years old demons more modern. Are they good ideas? Who knows and who cares
Warnings - Not proof read
TW - None
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[ New word to vocabulary - Gyatt ]
- So MC teaches him gyatt. And not actually on purpose, but not on accident either. They had the thought of saying it out loud around him just to see if it would be a good enough substitute for "god" that they could say it without almost smiting the Avatar.
- They had the thought about a week ago and completely forgot about, but they couldn't just sit there silently when they got jumpscared by the newest update to celestialdrop Valley
"You can now drink mayonnaise."
- Either way he is scared of teenagers of MCs variety because he was sitting in pure silence, minding his whole business while MC did something on their phone, until suddenly they screamed from the top of their lungs
- Not only did they startle him out of his old ten million years aged bones, and dared to swear in his presence, but then before running to show Levi whatever it was that sparked this outburst MC turned to him and asked
"Are you all good?"
"...Yes? Why would I not be?"
- They give him the most evil of smiles before leaving. The smile was so evil that it sent shivers down his spine, for a human it was a devilish little smile that he knew meant nothing but trouble.
- The things he'd give for a single one of his technically adopted family to be normal ( <-- He literally handpicked everyone in the house, and he's no better but he's also the oldest so )
- He asks MC about it later and gets a proper explanation, only thing is that now he can't ground them for the improper use of language because the use of "gyatt" was surprisingly clever and smart
- Damnit MC, stop getting the braincell!
- He genuinely starts using it in secret whenever he wants to say "goddamn", he dare not utter it around his brothers lest they start bullying him
- Jokes on him, he gets drunk and slips up in the group chat!
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[ New phrase to vocabulary - It's my turn with the braincell! ]
- Speaking of. One would think that because he reads so many things and has so much knowledge and is technically the youngest of his brothers that he would know at least a bit of funky phrases
- He does. He knows Devildom phrases specifically. But he's also stupidly smart, smart stupid if you will, so he takes things MC sometimes says a tad to literal
- So imagine his surprise when they say "Hey, it's my turn with the braincell. I need it for algebra, hand it over!!!" While studying with their friends
- If you imagined very, very surprised then you are correct
- Aka: he's worried about the amount of concussions MC must've had for them to lost so many brain cells that they need to borrow and take turns with them from others
- He would've also questioned where and how they’re getting the brain cells they’re borrowing if he weren't so concerned in the first place
- He genuinely asks them what kind of brain cells are they missing to see how he can help
- They tell him "My brother in christ, I'm simply jesting about" and now he thinks MC is a sickly Victorian child with a lack of brain cells who got cursed
- Congratulations MC, you've tricked the smartest person in the house, but at what cost?
- The cost of him texting the group chat that MC has lost brain cells and needs to borrow some, that's what. All because they're too busy laughing to properly explain, and now Levi and Belphi are clowning on everyone else because they ALL fell for it too
- The price of living with beings who are over ten million years old is a steep one
- He steals the phrase and instantly starts telling his brothers to borrow brain cells btw, he's adapting
- He's been stealing phrases from MC for a while now, but this one is his favorite
- ( They taught him "fuck this thing, fuck that thing, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool-" last week, they’re not allowed to be friends anymore )
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AN - The idea of teaching Lucifer "gyatt" made my lungs hurt, but then the thought of Asmo learning "down bad", Beel learning "bussin", and Mammon learning "L + Ratio + you fell off + fatherless" also made me lose it. I just wasn't sure how to go about that. ( Also thanks for the compliment!!! I hold it ever so gently,,, )
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sabh0 · 10 months ago
What's your opinion on the anime? I find it pretty funny, but I can't say that I am not disappointed to see so many scenes missing.
For exemple, I wanted to see Dazai cry laugh at Chuuya's young mistress act, show that it was a joke shared by both of them, rather than one made to us at the expense of Chuuya. They took a genuinely funny moment and made me cringe SO hard for no reason T^T
God i could go on for hours about how Bones ruined this series. I'm obviously thankful we have an anime adaptation but. Well just compare bsd anime to jjk one or smth and yeah.
I will be complaining more under the cut,,
First the overall writing choices:
-Deleting or changing skk scenes to the point im not even shocked when ppl think these two actually somehow hate each other.
-The way they portrayed Sigma. They deleted half of his personality and backstory. And just speedrunned the Sky Casino arc like if seeing that place was giving them nightmares. No wonder he gets mischaracterized now.
-Tachihara's internal conflict about belonging to either Port Mafia or The Hunting Dogs? Bones never heard about it. It's not like IT'S A VERY IMPORTANT PLOT POINT.
-Akutagawa's whole character in the anime is just 'edgy and angry and bad grr'. In the manga he had some 'kind' or even seelf-reflection moments that were ommited in the anime. Like where he realizes defeating Atsushi didn't satisfy him (ship fight, season 1). Or when he gives files about the orphanage Director to Atsushi and says he won't fight him today because he lost someone impirtant to him. Sskk vs Fukuchi fight?? No scene where Sskk r helping each other walk. Instead we get Akutagwa just pushing Atsushi away. Won't even start on that last smile that looked more like another angry expression.
-THE WAY THEY CHANGED "DAZAI'S ENTRANCE EXAM" INTO SOME CURRENT TIMELINE EPISODES. IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY LIKE. THIS NOVEL WAS SO GOOD. Showing both Dazai and Kunikida's characters and partnership so well. But no. Let's just??? Put Atsushi there. Let's delete the fact this thing happened 2 years ago. And let's delete everything that was actually important about it, too.
-also some changes in the Dark Era arc. Like. Lord. Dazai is so much more emotional in the novel. His expressions r described so well. But the anime either shows him from the back at those moments (him finding out Oda was almost killed by a sniper in Ango's room) or just deletes/changes the thing (Oda dying. This scene is so emotional in the novel. From the description u can tell Dazai was crying/on the verge of it as Odasaku died. But in the anime he looks calm and then we get a far aeay frame and he just. Gets up and that's it yeah.) They also deleted the scene of him visiting Oda's grave.
-The way they rushed seasons 4 and 5. Just to give us an episode that goes further than the manga and has the shittiest writing ever when it comes to skk's plan revelation (im so angry about this u guys have no idea. I sincerely believe that if this episode never came out, the manga would go differently bc there's no way that Asagiri who wrote things like Stormbringer suddenly thought that some dollar store vampire make up will fool a guy who's centuries old and literally lived next to vampires. But well!! Seems like these two speeches Dazai gave weren't important at all and now we can just forget about them yippiee)
I could definitely mention WAYY more examples of that but this is already long af. Like guys. I know u cant fit everything in an animated show. It takes time to make it and all but. Bro. The character's in the anime r so shallow compared to their original versions.
Now onto the artstyle of the anime.
Lord. U know? It was actually pretty in the first 2 seasons. The official arts at the time were also really nice to look at.
No idea what happened later. Why did Bones suddenly decide that those ugly turtle smiles r gonna become the main thing in the character design. Why so many fisheyes. Atp sometimes i look at the official art and i go oh lord even i could fix it. It really feels like they draw some characters ugly on purpose now (Chuuya being the main victim for unknown reasons).
Tho i must say they have their moments even now. Some last episodes of season 5 weren't really bad, especially the Meursault part (love them for animating Dazai and Sigma dancing so well. And for that 101 animation. And maybe for the heartattack they gave me with 109 and Chuuya shooting Dazai so many times.)
On some other things, i really like the music! Bsd openings and endings never miss,,,
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em-harlsnow · 6 months ago
hey u asked for a tiktok trend prank so i thought this would be funny https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYwLdnsW/
but tbh any prank from their account could work cuz the guy is extremely mickey coded lol
I had never seen these two before but oh my god I love all their videos! He really is extremely Mickey lol.
Most of Ian's for you page on TikTok has been absorbed by gay couples, gardening content, cute animals and funny videos. But there's one straight couple that Ian finds hilarious. The guy kind of reminds him of Mickey, and they both have the same Southside vibe that Ian and his family have.
The best thing about it though is the amount of fresh pranks they're giving Ian.
There's a few he keeps in mind to try with Mickey.
The next time he and Mickey decide to go out for an actual date, Ian decides to try one. The whole date was Ian's idea, since when Mickey takes him out it's usually somewhere lowkey. Which Ian loves, but Ian also loves fancier places every now and again. So, they're going to a fancy restaurant tonight.
While Mickey does his hair, which takes much longer than Ian has the time for, he waits in the van. They haven't gotten around to buying a car yet.
Ian scrolls on TikTok while he waits, and it reminds him of his plan.
Finally, Mickey slips into the car, checking his hair in the wing mirror. It looks the same as it did the last time Ian saw him, but whatever makes him happy.
"Hey." Mickey says, pecking his cheek. Little acts like that still make Ian weirdly ecstatic.
"Hey." He replies. "Oh, before I forget. I can't pay for dinner today." Ian tells him, which is exactly what the girl says in the video.
Mickey scowls, eyebrows skyrocketing to his hairline. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"I can't pay for dinner." Ian repeats.
Ian can see Mickey visibly recoil in a cross between confusion and annoyance. "We share a bank account!" He says incredulously. "Which you made."
"I left my card upstairs and I'm not going all the way back up to get it." Ian says, cringing at the bad excuse.
Mickey just scoffs. "I don't even know why this is a fucking problem. I always pay for our dinners."
Ian rolls his eyes. Ian usually pays for groceries, and Mickey pays for dinner dates. Even if it all comes from the same place.
"Well, I'm saying I can't pay."
Mickey's eye brows seem to move off their own accord. "You never pay!"
"And I can't pay!"
"What the fuck is your problem? I fucking pay." Mickey argues.
"But I can't take you out, because I can't pay." Ian tries.
"Then I'll take you out!" Mickey looks confused, as if it's the simplest thing.
"But I wanted to take you out!" Ian tells him, giving Mickey that look that always makes him do what Ian wants.
"Jesus Christ! You're such an idiot. Here." Mickey pulls out a small wad of cash - it's not like they're rich, but somehow Mickey always has cash on him. Ian thinks it's because he doesn't trust banks. He hands the cash to Ian. "There, now you can pay and fucking take me out!"
"That doesn't count!" Ian adds.
Mickey gives him a flat stare. "Drive the fucking car. Nobody's taking anyone anywhere if you don't drive to the place!"
Finally, Ian breaks, laughing. "Fine, fine." He concedes, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
"Fuck me, you're dramatic." Mickey sighs, tossing his head back against the seat in a manner that Ian thinks is much more dramatic.
Ian just grins, though and backs the van out of their apartment's parking lot.
-> send me TikTok things and I'll write a gallavich mini fic about it even if it takes me months
-> I might do more from these two because they're really funny and fit their vibe really well
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katbam · 5 months ago
Robot AU yapping edition
this is Based on USUM events because i haven't read the manga and at this point i am afraid to start 🥴
So this can be a bit ooc.I am cringe and I'm not even free 
anyway just some thoughts about them they keep me sane
🟢 Gets demoted back to being an intern and despite his attempts to hide it,  has a massive crisis about it that really doesn't get better with time. Man's ego is way too big to learn something from all of this and instead he's just walking around feeling bitter and betrayed and like he deserves better. 
🟢 And because he "deserves better!!11" he convinces himself that while he's doing all the humiliating intern jobs he could "borrow" aether resources for his own very important side projects 
🟢 Wicke helps him with access to places, letting him borrow her card sometimes. Partly because she's convinced he'd learned his lesson and partly because she's very concerned. Being the closest thing to a friend faba has she knows how much the feeling of control matters to him, so if the man needs some time in his old office or lab to feel sane and adjust to his new position.. 
🟢 Faba decides his first project is going to be an assistant for efficiency reasons and not at all because he craves someone to follow his orders and give him attention. 
🟢  Also thinks he's being very subtle making said assitant cater to his taste in men 100%. I'm not even sure he meant it, but somehow while working on Colress's appreance it suddenly hits him. 
🔵 The transparent parts of his body are because convincing synthetic skin costs Faba a fortune so he reluctantly had to settle for only using it on important areas.
🔵 Both the material his body's made from (something like ballistics gel) and his coat are designed to prevent overheating and it works a little too well. So he's usually very cold to the touch most of the time. Refrigerator man 
🔵 Is actually the perfect assistant at first. Proving himself very useful in following Faba's lead but it doesn't take long for him to suddenly develop independent ideas and plans for their work much to Faba's disdain. 
🔵 And being a machine that doesn't need sleep or to go to work, Faba simply can't catch up with him. So one day it's waking up to Colress doing stuff in HIS lab unauthorized. The next day his phone and laptop are acting all wierd. Then the next day the damned robot has modified himself with god knows what. The control is slipping away you know??
🔵  He's absolutely Fascinated by humans and by what they can achieve despite being such flawed and fragile beings. Studies Faba constantly since he's the only human interacting with him and also the perfect example of this. Faba has no idea 
🔵 Has inserted himself into every single one of faba's devices. Faba has no idea 2
🔵 Has only one expression and it's :) 
This is what i have so far haven't though much of the actual relationship between them which i can't wait to do!!!! If i have more thoughts i think I'll just draw them . Or try at least mdgkrk 
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biginkyboyo13 · 5 months ago
Hello I am here to Wreck it Ralph au brainrot again, teehee
Zamn, I'm back here again.
I really love seeing people's interpretations of a redemption arc for Turbo, those are always fun, he is a silly guy (who committed countless ethical crimes). I have not read every single fanfic (and I do not plan to, oh god there would be too many), but I've read a few and boy do I love seeing creative people do their thing, hell yeah!
Be cringe, be free. Make those aus, create those ocs, make silly fanfics and amazing fanart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, here's my ramblings on a stupid au
What if they both existed?
What if you could have Turbo and King Candy and they both had their own redemption of sorts? That would be kinda neat I think....anyways, I thought too hard about this, so here we go, epic transition-
A virus has settled itself in the depths of Sugar Rush's code room. It should be completely obvious where it came from, who caused it.
Somehow, this virus escapes the code room, hellbent on learning all it can before assimilation. Just because it's a virus, doesn't mean it's mindless after all.
Maybe it already knew about Turbo, seeing as it was probably formed because of him. Did he intend that? Probably not, but you can't expect Turbo to think about the consequences of his actions, that is literally the only thing he's incapable of doing.
People who die outside of their game are never gone. Not fully. Have they been destroyed and reduced to 1s and 0s? Yeah. But they aren't gone. They've become part of the fabric of the game, a whisper, barely a memory. But, they could be plucked out of that ocean of data.
A virus is dangerous on its own. A virus who knows how death works (or doesn't work) is even more dangerous. Point being, the virus decides it wants to have a little fun and bring back Cybug King Candy. Not to let him live, not at all. Instead, the virus is doing what it does best, and infects the host, ripping the original out and taking its place. Where does King Candy go? Between this monster's claws, where it tries to tear him apart. All it does, though, is literally tear him apart. There's two of them now, oh god.
Now you have Turbo and King Candy, and they are probably not too happy about being brought back, extracted, split in half, and probably almost assimilated into the virus.
Maybe Vanellope and Ralph were feeling especially nice that day, or maybe they were acting on instinct because there's now a much, much bigger threat, but perhaps they save these two numbskulls.
And now, they have two very, very, very big problems on their hands. There is a rogue virus in the arcade, and Turbo/King Candy are alive.
Here's some extra small ideas I had
- I think this would take place a couple years in the future. Assuming this is a universe where arcades didn't go out of business, everyone is still doing just fine.
- Debatable if Fix it Felix Jr. is still plugged in. Old game, all that. I wouldn't just immediately say it's been unplugged, but that's on my mind a little bit (they all live in Vanellope's castle, someone's got to)
- Turbo and King Candy are still total dickwads. Turbo is a brat, King Candy is also a brat. I think when separated they would clash immensely. Turbo took all the whiny, childish parts with him, as those were likely his to begin with. King Candy kept the happy, cheery, mass manipulator side.
- I will never acknowledge the sequel, Ralph is still the fun uncle/father figure for Vanellope, and Vanellope doesn't want to leave Sugar Rush. Also, Felix and Calhoun ftw
That's literally all I have rn, I haven't thought super hard about this yet, it's not great I know
That's my edgy, angsty au beginning. Will I ever do something with it? I have no clue! Perhaps it will be written on Ao3. That, or it's just gonna exist here and that's cool I think.
Anyways byyyyyye
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cupofelliot3some · 17 days ago
idk what I made but I made it for my fav writer who matched my freaky zone
@pearlescentparade/pp x Reader
warning: cringe like VERY CRINGE and also bad English and spelling
it's February 13...a day before Valentine day!
it was middle of the night and you decided to make sweets to give it to your crush! pp! (aka pearlescentparade!)
you grabbed the ingredients and decided to make cookie!
everything was going smoothly until you were going to taste test it and immediately spill it out and you realize you putted salt and WAY too much at the not to be noticed
you decide to make chocolate cupcakes...why not cookies anymore ? well you might accidentally ate it all the chocolate chips aha...
anyways when you were making the cupcakes you made sure to check everything before you put it into the bowl when you were mixing you got tired and decided to mix it with the electric one .... it would have been good idea if you only would have held the bowl before the bowl before the ingredients went to all wast... you couldn't even save it you were too stunned to do anything 
you stopped a bit to mourn and clean the kitchen because of your cupcakes...
you look at one of the mix boxes and you found a chocolate cake mix!!
you mentally got revived and decided to re-do it!
check the ingredients before putting it in bowl, and using actual mixer by hand, when you were putting it in the bowl you realize there wasn't butter smeared in it.
you quickly grabbed a small bowl and putted butter and into the microwave!....you started to hear some electrical sound coming from microwave.. you realize you put a glass bowl.
you heard a explode and you immediately went and closed the charger holder.
you were close to crying when you got a face time to one of your closet friend which you answer
"hey bitch it's yo girlfriend three- oh my god you look like someone made fun of your stuff..." 
" mewh everyone has a stupide moment in there life my darling tell you lil girler hare what happened "
*one year later after telling her your life mission*
"...no worriesss it's just your rush it girl so it's not you fault" 
"...it's not my the first time it happ-"
she suddenly cut you off
" how about I make it for you sweetie."
you shoved your face into the camera looking into it
she micmiced you and shoved her face into her camera and now your seeing her face up close
" fr."
you spent all night in a face call with your friend while making the cookies for your Valentine and doing a Beyonce concert for you
"can't wait to back it UPPPP" 
"...omg girl you beautiful voice my eras are bleeding oh my go-"
after finishing baking it she showed it to you before wrapping it up in very cute box
"girl get some sleep you look like the one hear me out cake monster blob before seeing your man" 
last words spoken by her friends before she went missing..../j
before going to sleep you decide write him a love note you spent almost a whole hour on it before your happy with your work
my dear pp
the moment I saw you not breaking your mewing streak I just knowed you were an alpha..
I'm so in skibidi you I think your very sigma and I want you to be in your alpha pack
would be my very skibidi Valentine?
- y/n
after you were satisfied with it you got your beauty sleep (aka power nap)
before you drop kicked into your friends house and got your bakings you decided to doll up a bit
you texted him to meet you in hatred Realm under one of the tress I'm block tales
you were nervous as hell
after seeing a pretty Brown hair boy from the distance you knowed its him and when git closer you stared to blush slightly at him
when he wanted to greet you, you just shoved the letter and gift
you let out a small "baka" at him and looked away from him
after two moments two you looked back but... he was keeping how mewing streak and he didn't even moved
you though for moment that you were stupide for trying to get with a alpha like him
before he pinned you into the tree and pulling out a chocolate gift giving it to you
y/n didn't know how to react before they pulled him into a hug.
"t-t-that doesn't mean I like you or anything... baka"
pp was just mewing but he didn't mog his omega
happy end~
lol not really date ideas purrrr
after wtv tf happened you two went out to a shopping date going to a store to another and a another
trying new looks new fit together even buying a matching ones
then going to small coffee shop ordering drinks and eating the other chocolate
hm the cookie are really good wonder were your friend went off to ...
in a very distant was the bodiment of hatred looking at them "hmm these bitchs-"
before he got punch in the head by elio3somewu
you shiver slightly ... huh must have been the wind then
after you two end up being together and being the cutest and happy couple the could be, you felt like your past pain was worthy to be with the guy you fall in loved with
lol idk what I did but I did sm that is for sure.
also the whole Baking thing happened irl to my friend and decided to add it because that is the only thing that came my mind srry it's bad
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jaded-jezz · 2 years ago
Shutter Speed (Part 2)
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Jack Champion x Photographer!Reader
Part 2/3
☁︎ Fluff
Summary: y/n is a photographer for the new scream promo and Jack thinks she belongs in front of the camera rather than behind.
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"Look who decided to show up!" I hear Jenna say but I am too occupied in taping marks on the floor to turn around. Leah goes over to introduce herself, welcome the late cast to the shoot and explain the plan and rules.
"You must be Y/N?" I hear my name and stand up to correct the voice. "I'm Leah, she's Y/N." Leah turns to me as I appear next to them.
“Woah…I mean Jack, I’m hi.” The boy in front of me stutters. “No! I mean Hi, I am Jack. Sorry for being late.” I hold back a small laugh and smile. “Are you sure you’re Jack? I mean the name ‘hi’ might suit you more.” I jest. “I’m Y/N, did Leah go over all the rules? Are there any questions?” My voice moves back into professional mode as we have a lot of work to do today.
"You totally played that off man" Mason chuckles behind me, pulling me out of the trance that this Y/N has put me in. I feel my face heating up and I can't tell if its the multitude of lights in here or her stare that burned through my heart. God snap out of it, Jack, you have to do your job today.
I watch Y/N fall into her element and do what, I can tell that, she loves. She is mesmerizing.
"Stop drooling, she may run away" I hear Jenna whisper to me and before I can defend myself, "Umm... next I need Jack Champion over here on the blue mark please" You need me? Ok say less, I joke to myself to calm my nerves. I keep my eyes on the floor to ensure I don't trip but also so that I won't turn into a blushing mess if she looks at me. God, this is the first time I've been glad these lights are this bright.
I follow her instructions, her voice is music to my ears. It's like I am under a spell. A love spell? No lets not get ahead of ourselves. Wait, she's staring at me.
"Jack? Do you wanna see one of the photos?" Leah suggests from the side of the room, trying to break the awkward silence between the two of us. "Oh sure!" I stumble over wires to stand next to her. "No, go over to Y/N, she'll show you how everything works and how the images will be edited after the shoot."
I give Leah a panicked look before Jack turns to walk over. His curls bounce as he hops over the leg of the tripod. "Oh you are tall." I say without thinking. "Oh yeah, but so are you." He answers looking down at me. "It's probably my shoes." I laugh, "Did you wanna see the photos?" I bring up the subject to make sure I don't say anything I may regret.
"Do you enjoy being a photographer?" Jack inquires. That sets me off. I could talk for hours about photography.
"I have loved it since I was 10 and I could not imagine persuading any other career. I am constantly thinking of photo shoots whenever I leave my house. Wall of graffiti? Photo shoot idea. Aesthetic shampoo bottle? Photo shoot idea. I am constantly inspired by everything around me which means my job can be difficult when I am given a strict brief but luckily, whoever hired us, gave us full creative freedom." I wave my arms around for emphasis. But too much emphasism as I almost hit Jack. He swerves and giggles, luckily.
"Oh shit, I am so sorry." I cringe and look back to the camera screen. "It's ok, Y/N" The way he says my name makes a swarm of butterflies flutter in me. I look up into his eyes. Brown eyes used to freak me out because it is more difficult to see the pupil, but maybe I like them a bit more now. Maybe he can help me like other things too. Ew, don't get carried away or you will scare him off.
After our stares last a beat too long, Leah clears her throat and alerts the group that we will now be moving to an outside shoot. She tells them to go back to the changing rooms to get out of their costumes and into the brand we are shooting with for the second part of the day. While they leave, Leah and I start to collect the equipment we are bringing. I grab my notebook for the checklist.
"You are doing great Y/N, especially with a certain someone." Leah raises her eyebrows and winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to turn off some of the bigger lights.
As the group walks to change, I see Jenna and Mason standing by the doors. They are sharing a similar look towards me, it's kinda freaking me out. "He totally does!" "Yep, I can see it in his eyes." I roll my eyes at their odd behavior and attempt to walk past them. "Oh no Mister."
They drag me out of the studio and into the hallway. "Man, when I said charm them with your good looks, I sorta hoped you would also charm her with the rest of you." Mason starts. "Yeah, we knew you were awkward, but not this bad. I wanted to claw my eyes out!" Jenna exclaims rather loudly.
"Could you be any louder? And it wasn't that bad, and I am not flirting!" I shout in a whisper. "No one said you were flirting, except you." Jenna retorts. "We've exposed you without even trying" Mason shouts to annoy me again. "Fine, she's really beautiful and she is really passionate about her job which is kinda cute and-"
"Ok lover boy relax, you don't need to go into detail." Jenna cuts me off with a look of both disgust and happiness, so I know she is just being sarcastic. "We will help you get this girl of your dreams" Mason adds. I can't tell if this is a bad idea but I nod and walk to the changing rooms to make sure I am not late again.
When we are all re-dressed, the cast starts to follow Leah out but I look for Y/N. I see her pacing back and forth, looking rather stressed. I don't know if me going over will make it worse. But I don't have time to decide as two pairs of hands push me towards her.
"Y/N, are you ok? Have you lost something?" "Yes! My notebok. It has all my plans and lists inside. I really need it. Like right now. Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?" She panics. "Ok, you need to sit down before you faint or something goes wrong."
I reach for her hand and gently guide her to sit next to me. I scan the room for a notebook before asking her any questions. She keeps a hold of my hand and I have to pretend not to notice or I might be the one to faint. "Is it that green thing over there?"
"Oh my god! Yes it is!" I jump up and grab it. When I turn around, I am again faced with Jack's chest. I look up at him and smile. I feel weirdly calm after that whole anxiety filled fiasco, maybe it's because of Jack?
"Thank you Jack, I think I would've died without this." I try to laugh. "That's ok, I think we need to go now though, I know you have quite a strict schedule for today." He responds.
Jack offers to hold some equipment to make sure I can see where I am going over the pile of objects. When we leave the building I see the other cast members grabbing or putting away stuff in their cars so I take my kit back from Jack to allow him to do the same. I walk over to Leah to let her know I found the notebook.
"I was going to come back to help you but I heard a certain someone calming you down." She says as I stand next to her. "He is definitely your type, isn't he? Tall, lanky-" I cut her off "Yes Leah you don't need to continue. I can't let a silly crush get in the way of today though. It's not even a crush! I've not even known him for five minuets! All I know is his name." I say so fast I almost run out of breath.
"Let's get going while the sun is still out." I shout to the group.
(This is the photoshoot that inspired this series so you can vision this location and photoshoot style)
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We have been talking photos outside in both groups and alone. It's so sunny outside that no lights are needed, just portable reflectors. Which are big circles of materials that bounce the sun in a chosen direction. Leah and I split up for the last half an hour as we have different ideas due to the location and lighting right now. Some of the cast have moved away to film TikToks and to stand in the shade but some are continuing to model for us if they have less photos than others.
I noticed Jack had finished talking to Mason and Jenna before he started walking over to me.
"Hey Y/N! Is there any last ideas in your notebook?" He asks.
"Oh just this one." I start. "Because of the harsh sun I am are able to play around with different filters on my camera. One of my favorite makes stars in light reflections, would you try out over here?" My hands are shaking as I hand him a small square of mirrored glass.
We mess around for a while, me running back and forth to show him how to pose, how to angle the mirror to reflect light and to show him the results. After a while I am so out of breath that Jack finds it funny.
As the sun starts to go down, the cast all joins up for the last photo including Leah and I for our Instagram. We all start walking back slightly delirious due to the amount of running around some of us had been doing. Jack is walking next to me, at the back of the group, continuing one of our random conversations from earlier.
"You are really talented Y/N, I know you have probably been told that a lot today, but you really are." Jack says in a slight hushed tone. I can't control the big smile on my face. He is such a genuine human being. "Thank you for being a wonderful model." I laugh.
I notice him glance ahead at the group before slowing down and truing to me. "I don't know if i have read this situation wrong but I think you are beautiful and I get feel like we get along so well even though we haven't known each other that long and I am rambling aren't I?" He looks down at his feet and rakes a deep breath.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?" He finally looks me in the eye as he says this. "Wow Jack, of course I will. I don't think someone has made me laugh this much, apart from myself obviously" I jest. We trade numbers as we catch up with the group.
After the cast all go their separate ways, Leah and I burst out into screams of happiness. "MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING ON A DATE WITH A HOT, FAMOUS PERSON WHOOOOOP" Leah shouts as we skip around the car park, arms linked.
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Who wants a Part Three? It will be about pre-date, during and maybe even their reactions with friends after too?
As always, requests are currently open!
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
Also some people asked me to Tag them so here you go:
@gwenlore @multi-simp-page @daffodil-darlings @mummatiri
I’m quite new to tagging people so lemme know if you want to be tagged for all my Jack Champion Posts or just this series?
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lightofraye · 7 months ago
I decided to torture myself.
I don't know why.
Her voice is just awful. Dear Danneel, please get vocal lessons. Bring it down an octave or something because fucking yikes.
A follower sent me this and asked if I had seen it. I had not. It was, after all, a fan compilation of various interviews of Danneel, videos, whatever. And...
How the hell do people stan her?
She's vapid, uneducated. Ugh.
Anyway... points of interest.
Throughout the whole video: WHO CARES ABOUT THE DAMNED HAIR TWIRLING?!
0:54: During a photo shoot I guess at a premier. ZERO chemistry between Danneel and Jensen. Jensen is smiling politely and wanting to get away as fast as possible.
1:00: Yes Danneel. We can see that it's a hallway. GOD. How insipid. Even Jensen was like "OMG, what?"
1:54: Uh. Danneel, honey, why would anyone else play Dean Winchester besides Jensen Ackles? He did not like that one bit.
4:14: Uh huh. If Jensen had witnessed some of it, why was nothing done then? I'm super-dubious about this claim. I really am. And how could he have witnessed it when he was likely filming Supernatural during that? Hmm.
5:55: Yeahhh.... had the family, but the steady career? Hahaha. Nope.
6:35: Danneel, honey, neither do you. If you expect me to believe you do any of the cleaning, I'm gonna call you a liar. You do nothing. Also, Jensen looked annoyed at the idea of so many bathrooms.
6:43: You are also not nice. I came across some old rumors about you, honey. You were awful, vicious, and the reason you got fired from One Tree Hill was because of your *whispers* drug habits.
7:35: The ever-changing face, proving that she lies about her plastic surgery. (Supposedly she claims she doesn't that many and I died laughing.) Also: "beautiful men with big egos"--bullshit, honey. You're the one who has the massive ego with zero to back it up. Plus she sounds as insincere as fuck.
8:22: "It's good. I love him. He's great." Insincere.
8:33: I'm cringing on Jensen's behalf. "Where the magic happens". And bypassed Jensen's wishes and insisted it not be cut--and guess what? It wasn't cut. As if they've shared a bed in years.
8:44: Ohhhh my gods. The brewery interview. Pay attention to Jensen's face as the interviewer talks about working together, living together--Jensen's done. And actually says "yes" to being tired of being with her. Danneel looked pissed. Ah honey...
11:43: Uh huh. The ring, huh? Gold digger.
12:04: The so-called flight anxiety. Whatever, Danneel. If you're able to fly without supposed help or therapy...? (No, getting drunk is not legitimate help.) You fly a lot, more than most "average" people. You take your kids. You go to conventions. You supposedly saw your husband a lot when he was filming Supernatural. You flew for your tidbits of roles. Then you're fine.
14:34: "Jensen's first time being in here." For the kitchen? Oh please! As if he never went in for a snack, beer, or anything. SHUT UP, DANNEEL.
14:38: "Nothing can happen to me, not for me, but for my kids." Excuse me, I need to shake some sense into her. Babe, honey, you do jackshit for your kids. They'll be fine.
Also that's not how panic attacks work. You literally aren't able to talk yourself out of it. Please stop.
15:36: "We're having another baby." That look your husband gave you? A deserved death glare because you knew he wouldn't like it. Stop emotionally torturing him, god!
16:41: I love that Jensen called her out on her lie about her name. I don't think she liked that either.
17:24: Ah. The insult about him smelling bad. God, can't she ever say anything nice about him? See the way he took a deep breath, braced himself? That's not a normal reaction to a "joke".
17:43: How can he not know women put perfume on their wrists and elsewhere? Translation: he never sees Danneel do it. Because they don't share a bedroom after all.
18:11: HOW CAN HE NOT KNOW THAT CHAIR MOVES?! Did the man not live there at all?!
19:34: Oh god. The doll. Honestly, Jensen should dump it. Stop torturing him with it! It's not funny!
19:53: Couldn't let him have the closet joy, huh? Bitch.
20:18: No. You're not nice. Nope. Not at all.
God. My eardrums. I'm crying now.
Danneel, babe, vocal coach. Please!
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ash5monster01 · 2 years ago
Perfect To Love Part 7
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
a/n: this chapter is short & sweet, I know, but I wrote it to give more of the dynamic between Robin and Beth, and more of an idea of what’s going on in Beth’s head. she just doesn’t want to be hurt <3
word count: 2,296
Part 6 ←→ Part 8
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Beth had expected to feel a lot of things after their date. Considering it was her first date ever. She thought it would go like it did in the movies, be everything she ever dreamed of. She thought she’d feel butterflies for the next couple of days. Dream of stolen glances and soft touches. Instead every time she thought back she cringed. Actually recoiled into herself from embarrassment. She’d replay the date in her head, try to remove that feeling, yet every time she reached the end she’d wince, and have to start all over again. It was a torturous cycle and she was unsure how to break it. Unsure how to separate the good moments from where they had turned bad.
She also wasn't sure how to explain it, which was why she had been screening Robin's calls since. When Beth had returned home that night Robin had been long gone needing to be home in time for dinner with her parents. Instead of following through on the promise to call her with all of the details she had been avoiding her, because how do you explain to your best friend how badly you messed up when you weren't even sure yourself how it happened. It wasn't something you could just easily explain. It also wasn't something Robin could easily understand. After all Beth was embarrassed and here she was cringing again as she thought of it.
"Alright Walker, open the door before I break it. I won't hesitate. Alan already told me I was allowed" Robin banged at the girls door and she flinched, rolling over to look at it. Knowing confrontation was standing right there behind the white paint on the door.
"Robin please let me sulk a little longer" Beth groaned out, flopping a pillow onto her face.
"Not happening, open up" Beth groaned louder, this time so Robin could hear, before tossing the pillow away, and standing to open the door. Swinging it open just to spot the blonde girl holding up a tub of ice cream and two spoons with her permanent awkward smile on her face.
"You're really gonna make me do this?" Beth asked and Robin nodded which caused Beth to sigh as she returned to her bed, Robin now following behind. Once they were both settled in, side by side, and spoons in each of their hands, Robin turned to her.
"Alright, tell me what's up. Steve said you've been avoiding him too" Beths head fell back against the head board as Robin mentioned his name. She needed at least another half and hour before this type of torture.
"Robin I'm such an idiot. I told you I was too awkward to do this" Beth told her, eyes shut so she didn't have to face her bestfriend and show her humiliation.
"I think you're over thinking it. Steve said it was a great date. Just the end was a bit weird" Beth cringed, tucking herself into the sheets as Robin said this.
"Oh God, he's never gonna ask me out again" at this Beth stuck the spoon into the tub of ice cream and shoved a glob in her mouth. She hated turning to food for comfort considering her size, but embarassment this harsh needed all the ice cream in the world.
"That's not true, tell me what happened and I'll tell you that you're overreacting"
"I can't believe you don't remember me from high school" Beth shook her head as Steve opened the car door for her, Steve outwardly groaning as he heard this.
"I was an asshole in high school Beth, if it helps I didn't remember Robin either" he explained, shutting her into the car before she could respond, and jogging to the other side.
"You definitely were an asshole, I can agree with that" she told him once he was inside. Beth didn't want to tell him what happened, didn't want to ruin this night, because the night had been so good. So perfect. Everything she ever wanted.
"Hey, that's mean" he gasped, but he was pretending. He blocked out a lot of things from highschool because when he thought of who he used to be, the things he used to do, they were things he didn't want to remember. Things he didn't want to represent him. Yet he wouldn't doubt at some point their paths had crossed and it was more than likely not the type of meeting they were doing now.
“Hey I said were. If you asked me a month ago I would’ve said you were still an asshole but after you punched Colin and tonight, I can officially say Steve Harrington has changed for the better” Beth said grabbing his hand this time. She had gotten more comfortable, more confident in his feelings towards her. She could grab his hand and not feel awkward now.
“Thank you Beth, it means a lot” Steve had his own set of problems Beth realized. Sometimes she was so focused on her own she missed others. Steve was a different guy and she could recognize that was not easy to come to. Beth waited a moment before acknowledging his sentence.
“Anytime Steve” the air in the car was heavy. A repercussion of a good first date and an understanding conversation. Both parties could feel it, feel the weight of what could come next. It was the moment Steve had been waiting for since the beginning of the date.
“Bethany?” Steve cooed, eyes flicking down to her cherry red lips. Beth’s heart doubled over in speed, hammering against her rib cage because he looked so pretty and he was looking at her like that. Flushed cheeks, fallen strands of hair, hazel eyes shining into her own.
“How’d you know my name was Bethany?” she whispered, pretending he wasn’t leaning closer because despite the fact of how badly she wanted to kiss him she was tainted by a cruel world. Was she even deserving of a kiss from a boy like him?
“Your Mom happened to let it slip” he was too close now, so close his hand was no longer locked into her own but using the back of her seat for support. Beth felt the panic begin to creep up her chest. She wanted to taste him, to be apart of the club of girls that knew what it was like to be kissed silly by him.
Then his hand landed on her thigh, her skirt had risen from sitting in the seat, and Beth became very aware very fast that he could feel her. Feel her size, the weight, the plush of her skin because she was fat. She knew it, she didn’t need him to know it too. So instead of focusing on the fact that he was now so close she could smell the honey scent of his hair, she panicked because he was close enough now that he could feel her and it was going to gross him out.
“You ready to go?” she blurted without much thought, head turning away from him, his lips just barely grazing her cheek. Steve felt the disappointment like a gut punch and she pulled her leg from his grasp. Confusion flooded his features and she kept her sight straight out the window, too scared to even look at him.
“Um yeah, it’s almost 10 anyway” Steve said after clearing his throat. He recovered quickly but he was finding it hard to hide how much it bothered him that she couldn’t kiss him.
With the air now heavy with denial a word wasn’t shared between the two as he drove her home and the electric buzz had been eliminated. Steve wondering the whole drive why she didn’t want to kiss him and Beth fighting the panic that had burrowed it’s way into her chest over the fact that she was about to have her first kiss and if he didn’t like it she was sure she would never recover.
“You denied him?” Robin questioned, the ice cream on her spoon dripping back into the container.
“I panicked Rob. At first I was so excited, I wanted to kiss him so bad, and then I realized he was touching me. He could feel the difference between me and all those skinny girls. I didn’t want to see his disappointment when he noticed” Beth covered her face with her hands and Robin sighed as she plucked the spoon from her grasp and set it in the container.
“Beth it’s okay to be scared about your first kiss. You’re scared for the wrong reasons though. Steve made a pass at you because he wanted to kiss you. If anything was to disappoint him he wouldn’t have gone on the date” Robin told her as she pulled her hands away from her eyes. She had already listened to Steve all morning asking where he went wrong. He wanted to kiss her and he wanted to know why he couldn’t. Hearing it was about Beth’s size broke her heart.
“It’s too late now, he isn’t going to ask me out again” Beth told her, eyes glimmering with tears. She was embarrassed by how she reacted, cringing at the memory of denying him.
“That is so not true. I had to fight him from trying to come with me” Robin told her, recalling Steve begging to let him tag along to her house.
“I’m so embarrassed, and I don’t want to tell him why” Beth whimpered and Robin sighed as she wrapped an arm around her friends shoulder. She leaned her head against her own and gave a small hum of thought.
“He deserves an explanation Beth and it’s not my place to tell him. He thinks he upset you and he won’t forgive himself until he knows why” Robin told her and Beth groaned.
“I was so much better off without all this drama” Beth chuckled and Robin joined her, giving her a squeeze.
“Well it’s a little late for that now. You’ve entered the dating world and it’s full of drama, confusion, and heartbreak. You’re gonna love it” Robin told her and Beth laughed before sitting up to look at her friend.
“You can’t say things like that to me if you still won’t ask Vickie out on a date” Beth said and Robins jaw went slack with shock.
“How’d you know?” she asked and Beth just shrugged before picking up her spoon again.
“I spend every day with you two, you look at her the way I look at Micheal J. Fox” Beth told her and Robin shoved her teasingly.
“You’re lucky I love you” Robin pointed and Beth just giggled, eating another spoonful of her ice cream.
“I guess we both got to figure this whole dating thing out” Beth told her and Robin nodded, scooping a bite of ice cream for herself.
“Could I ask you something?” Robin asked after a beat and Beth nodded.
“Anything” she told her and Robin sighed as she thought of how to say it.
“How come you don’t trust Steve like you do me and Nancy?” she finally asked after a beat and Beth sighed, ready to fib but Robin cut her off. “I know it’s not cause he’s a guy either. He’s proven he’s not like Colin”
“But he used to be” Beth whispered and Robin furrowed her eyebrows.
“What do you mean?” she asked and Beth let out a breath, fingers fiddling with the spoon in her hand.
“When I was a freshman him and his friends did something to me that I could never forget. It jump started harassment towards me for years. I don’t think he even remembers but how do you trust someone who has already hurt you once before” Robins eyes widened, not really knowing this would be the reason. She remembered what Steve, Tommy, and Carol were like though. She watched them harass kids to tears before. She was lucky enough to not be one of them but apparently Beth wasn’t.
“I’m sure he’s sorry for it” Robin began to defend her friend but Beth shook her head.
“I don’t doubt it, he’s a good guy now. It’s the fact he doesn’t remember is what concerns me. If he remembered at least I’d know he cared. That he regretted every moment he was a jerk” Beth told her and Robin took this information in, accepting the fact that Beth more than likely didn't want to share details just yet.
"Maybe tell him that, explain you couldn't kiss him because of what he did. That you can start to trust him once you move past that" Robin told her, hoping she could tell Steve the truth about what she was feeling. Beth had been the happiest Robin had ever seen her the past month and she wanted it to stay that way.
"Maybe, but right now I need to hate myself just a little bit longer" Beth told her and Robin lightly snorted.
"You know I think you should come to terms with Steve on your own but he's the best. Don't ever tell him I said that, but other than you he's my bestfriend and I trust him with my life. There isn't many people out there I would say that about" Robin told her and Beth nodded as she listened to her friend talk so highly of the boy. Beth had seen he was all those amazing things, she didn't need Robin to convince her of it. But in the balance of all things was Steve's past heavier then his future? And if it was Beth wasn't sure she'd want to be apart of it.
The world had already crushed her, she didn't need Steve Harrington to finish her off.
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog @mochminnie @legendaryhumandiplomatgoop @a-lil-bit-nuts @i-came-as-bostonian
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist :))
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pianostarinwonderland · 1 year ago
Hi there! I really liked your post on Chapter 7 and Malleus's actions!
Gotta admit I was one of those people whose initial reaction to Chapter 7 part 2 & 3 was "Malleus divorce era", mostly because of the copious amounts of "Malleus is the physical manifestation of every abusive and obsessive boyfriend they talk about in trauma group therapy" takes I've seen over the past 3 years in the tags messing with my perception of how bad the canon situation actually is but I came around eventually.
One thing that really stands out to me is how, in the first part of Chapter 7, Malleus made the active choice to be a good person and do the right thing. He shut down Silver and Sebek and said "If that's what Lilia decided, then we have no right to stop him" and when he reflects on that time he froze the castle over it's clearly visible he, at that point, has no intention to do something like this again. He has learnt 0 coping strategies for these kinds of situations and he has a week (which is like, a blink of an eye for fae especially) to adjust to the loss of one of his closest loved ones. Most of us find a way to deal with grief in some way because we're powerless in the face of it and the only way is through it but I've seen my fair share of very mentally ill people and grieving loved ones and I can name a handful of people I could see pull this off if they had god-like magical powers. Right now, Malleus's idea of what the immediate future was going to be like is radically clashing with a (to him) infinitely worse outcome that his brain has a week to adjust to, so he snaps.
He's basically the "insanely op magic" equivalent of someone with a loved one suddenly ending up on their death bed and they're told "you have about 5 days to say goodbye to them" so they start suggesting all kinds of insane surgeries and hire a mystic healer who advertises they can cure cancer with crystals and call all kinds of specialized hospitals around the world because they can't process the fact that that person is gonna go no matter what. That's the mental state Malleus is in right now even if Lilia probably isn't gonna immediately die in a couple weeks, but there's still a very real possibility Malleus is never going to see him again.
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[Reply to this post!]
i am so sorry that i'm only getting to this now :,3 woohoo end of year spring cleaning
also when i finally found the post that was being responded to, i was reading it and i wanted to cringe so bad. it could have been written better :,3 i'm glad you guys liked it though!
on the first long ask, honestly anon, you nailed it really well. i don't really have much to say because yeah... yeah malleus has never learned to properly cope with grief and loneliness. much of it is due to the way he was raised and the lack of social interaction especially prevents him from getting to experience enough and thus hindering his learnings. and you're right. a week is too much to really process for someone like him. it's hard.
and i'm pretty sure lilia is very well aware of this, so it brings to question why he's in a hurry to leave. which in itself supports the current theory going around that he's not actually leaving for retirement, he's leaving because the senate demanded him to.
for the second ask, weelllll not everyone got to understand malleus' extremities, either due to not reading properly or not getting to read his stories at all. and that's how things went bam during the second part of book 7.
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goodluckclove · 6 months ago
I have spent some time now trying to formulate a question but every time i arrive back at there's probably no answer. OH. So. (Please ignore if you do not want to answer or can't or whatever. I'm thinking instead of sleeping and that tends to lead to strange thoughts.)
Where does creativity come from? Like, how do people get that spark that turns into an idea an universe. How do they step outside what they have experienced (tropes, stories), and... create something of their own.
I don't know. The answer is probably somewhere between "it just comes" and "they listen and notice it" (as in they are not in something resembling chronic creative burnout).
Writing looks fun. Creating stories. Having a world take shape in your imagination. I enjoy getting glimpses into that process and seeing the end products. (I would love to try it myself but it's one of those "so far away i have zero idea where to start" things. Where on the other hand rants, thoughts, concepts *prompted* by anything and routed in something already existing seem to come freely and turn into whole essays (sometimes at least). Oh well.)
I really don't know. Please ignore if this is weird. I should maybe have some water.
Take care if where you are it's also way too hot. Have water or rest or whatever might be good in that moment, if you want. I hope your day goes as well as can be, with nice moments and strength for the hard ones. (How do people end asks i am not good at people today.)
Hi! You sent this to me a while ago and I hadn't answered it, but I've been thinking about it a lot. I think I'm finally settled enough to answer it.
I think every human being - at least every that I've come across - possesses innate creativity and the ability to make art. I never believed in the concept of god-given "talent" and actually find the concept deeply patronizing as, in my mind, it implies no real effort. Which is bullshit. I will call an artist capable, honest, skilled, passionate - I will never call them talented.
Children are creative in their natural state and in their own way. What happens is an exposure to poison over the years. Your favorite books and movies aren't good for the reasons you like them, or if they are it doesn't matter because they're not real art. People project what they think art is onto you and negate any opportunity for you to grow and form your own sense of intuition.
Or you're never given a chance to really explore art at all. No one makes an effort to show you books you can relate to, so you decide you don't like reading. You think the stuff at art museums is just stuffy Old Dead Guy paintings, and since no one suggests you explore otherwise you never explore painting or sculpting as something accessible to you. It's an unbelievable tragedy to me and I cringe inwardly every time someone tells me they just aren't creative.
There are no uncreative people. There are no boring people. There are only people who were lied to and demeaned until they felt the only real option was to deny themselves the language of communicating through art and storytelling. And that's fucking horrible.
So how can you move past that? I talk to a lot of "aspiring writers" (another term I despise), who tell me blocks in their creative process that keep them from doing the work they want to do. Oftentimes I just respond by asking who told you that? Was it a teacher who was unable to finish their novel because of some poison they consumed? A parent who only sees you through the lens of a career they've decided you're meant to pursue to have value in the world? Perhaps a stranger on the Internet who realized that you can gain a facade of illusory "respect" by making individual taste and limited artistic scope as an overall rule of thumb everyone else has to follow?
Once you find the root of what makes you feel fundamentally severed from creativity, you can start to undo the hold it has over you. You might have to start further back than what feels good for the ego. If you struggle to write a long-term project, maybe you just need to write something. Anything. Just play with fragments and develop a foundation of actually confirming you're able to take up space. Because you are and you absolutely should.
Big ramble but this is a really important topic to me. Don't know where to start? There are really no wrong movies! People watch and wonder what their lives are like! Explore a single plot point of character without worrying about an overarching narrative! As discouraging as it can feel to struggle in a way so many other people seem perfectly well-versed in, it is never too late to develop creativity in your life!
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retrobr · 10 months ago
Lazytown Shenanigans Pt. 5
.... What in the world was that....
Today I decided to finally watch some episodes from season four, expecting that I'd experience the whole spectrum of cringe, but I was a little bit wrong. I experienced something indeed, and it was not cringe but a total shock (a positive shock, I should say) because of some things that happened there 💀
I've watched two episodes in a row today: "The Fortune Teller" and "The Wizard of LazyTown,"  and both of these episodes left a pretty good impact on me
A small note: I want to warn in advance that this post will mostly contain Sportarobbie stuff and my uncontrollable wheezing and screaming, so if you don't like one of these things or both, just scroll this post and have a good day :3
Well, let's start... 😭
"The Fortune Teller."
I... don't know where to start, to be completely honest 😭. I could've just screamed here and that's it, but that's not how I like to express my thoughts, so I need to keep my rambling constructive at least a little. 
I guess I'll start with the fact that I was pretty surprised that the very first thing that Sportacus did when he woke up was play. Bro I mean... go brush your teeth first? Have a breakfast, I don't know?? This guy is obsessed with sports and activities so much that he even forgets to complete everyday things oh my god 🙄 I mean I shouldn't be surprised because of this, I guess, but WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK. DUDE. MY DEAR. 😭
Also it seemed very cute to me that Ziggy was playing Sportacus in the puppet show. He was also kinda silly, like boy, just wait until the part when you can finally join.. But I just can't blame him, he was so excited to take part in this show as his favorite hero 🥹
And it melted my heart a little that Robbie was also interested in seeing this silly little puppet show, plus he was pretty caught up with the idea of predicting the future and such things
And this is about where the not-quite-adequate part of my post begins... be prepared folks.
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Stop I need to clam down for a second, good lord... One of the details in that scene that genuinely shocked me was the fact that Robbie suggested a cake. A cake. Robbie, who desperately loves cakes and doesn't want to share them with anyone, to Sportacus, who is his rival. I- what?? 😭 Bro was so speechless that he even forgot that he wanted to eat a cake. Holy shit what are they doing to me and my poor heart...
And since we're talking about their interactions, HOLY FUCKING SHIT БЛЯТЬ (sorry I'm too emotional at the moment) ROBBIE WAS CARRYING SPORT OVER HIS SHOULDER HJAKAN HELLO?? I- *inner screaming* What should I say about it?? I'm genuinely speechless, like, I have a pretty good vocabulary, but I don't know what to say about it right now, oh my goodness 😭
Or, wait, I think I know what I can say about it. So it turns out that Robbie isn't that weak and can actually carry pretty heavy things? Does he just pretend to be weak? Damn I should make a separate post about it because this topic seems interesting to me...
Ok let's put aside the topic of those idiots for a moment and talk about other things, I guess... I won't say anything about Robbie's disguise this time because, well, I'm not really fond of all this crossdressing stuff (I think that's what it's called?) So I hope you, buddies, understand me
But what I should point out is that he predicted a good future for the kids. As I said in my previous "Lazytown Shenanigans" posts, I know that he finds them annoying, but he still doesn't wish them any bad, and it genuinely warms my stupid sentimental heart 🥺💜
And the song was pretty catchy in my opinion :]
These are already fulfilling the role of tradition in this series of posts, but a few words about my hatred towards Stingy. His usual greed made me amazed, in a bad way, again; he is ready to expose his friend to danger for the sake of riches and the ringing of gold coins in the piggy bank. Yes, he realized his mistake in the end, but I was pretty outraged because of his behavior. Bro, that person saves the lives of your friends and yours in particular, BE AT LEAST GRATEFUL FOR THAT.
Phew. Now let's talk about the other episode,
"The Wizard of LazyTown."
There's nothing much I can tell because that episode was pretty ordinary, except some things, of course.
The scene in which Robbie talked to Stephanie and Milford brought a warm smile to my face, genuinely. He tried to behave nice again, even despite the fact that he had some evil-ish intentions behind that. I mean, he was interested to hear about Stephanie's ongoings and why she wasn't playing with other kids 🥹
And now we're returning to the dorks once again. Bear with me, my dear people, I am very passionate about it.
OK WELL. It made my chest go fuzzy, and I'm not really sure why, but that scene in which Robbie gathered the apples from the tree seemed to me so fucking cute. Robbie killed his time picking up those apples just to give them all to Sportacus in the end. I know he kinda didn't want to do that, but oh my goodness. Robbie said that he gathered them for him ("it's all for you." it's all for you." 😭) or something like that (my heart just made a flip and I'm not joking) and just gave them all to Sport 🥺 
I attach too much importance to this just because Robbie could've lied to him the other way and said that he gathered those apples for kids, and then he could've just gotten rid of them, and that's all. But instead he became very nervous again and gave them to Sportacus on impulse. I think I need to scream into the window-
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And the fact that he accidentally made a... potion (I think??) that made him act like Sportacus was just amusing to me. WHO COULD'VE KNOWN THAT HE CAN MAKE SPLITS AND FLIPS?? OMG-
The last thing that I'll say about Robbie is that I'm actually impressed by his ability to change his voice that significantly. I mean, the man can even sing with those voices, and I can't help but be amazed by that
And finally, I'm ending this very long and very emotional rambling with the scene with those magical sprinkles. Idk they seemed very pretty to me, I was like a little kid who saw a magical trick for the first time in their life. That was simply beautiful 🥺
Ok so... This turned out to be a very long post, apparently 😭 I'm not sure if someone will read it till the end, but if someone actually did, THANK YOU!!! You have no idea how much it means to me, your attention is very appreciated :3
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