#also freaked at first because I thought it said oregon
beardedmrbean · 2 years
Police in Pakistan said Friday they busted an organ trafficking ring when a missing 14-year-old boy was found in an underground lab after having his kidney removed.
The ring was responsible for luring young, vulnerable victims with promises of lucrative jobs and large payouts before removing their organs — mainly kidneys — to sell for up to 900,000 rupees ($4,000).
"It was only after we followed the evidence and leads that we discovered that there was an organ trafficking operation behind the boy's disappearance," Rehan Anjum, a spokesman for Punjab police, told AFP on Friday.
Six people were arrested.
"The boy told us that when he woke up there was an Arab man on the stretcher next to him, so we think that most of the clients were foreigners," Anjum said.
The gang's victims were taken to a medical testing lab used for clandestine organ transplant surgeries in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, near the capital Islamabad.
Facilities for such clandestine surgeries in Pakistan often lack proper medical equipment and standards, and patients have been known to die from complications as a result.
"I'm just grateful that the police found him alive, otherwise they had left him for dead," the boy's father told AFP in Lahore, from where the boy went missing.
Police said the doctors and surgeons involved in the operation had not been tracked down.
Pakistan outlawed the commercial trade in human organs in 2010, imposing a jail term of up to 10 years and fines in the hope of curbing the sale of organs to rich overseas clients by middlemen through exploitative means.
According to a 2020 analysis published by the National Library of Medicine, roughly 10% of all organ transplants worldwide are believed to be illegal — about 12,000 organs per year. The analysis called organ trafficking a "global problem with health and human rights consequences for millions of people, especially for those in vulnerable situations, such as migrants."
The illegal trade of human organs generates about $1.5 billion each year from roughly 12,000 illegal transplants, according to a 2017 report by Global Financial Integrity.
More than 100,000 people in the United States are waiting for an organ transplant. But only slightly more than half of them are expected to receive an organ within five years.  
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folklorebau · 2 years
the one — eddie roundtree
pairing: eddie roundtree x fem!musician!reader
description: after breaking your heart and losing your trust, eddie tries to win your heart back. through all the hurt, comes a lot of light.
warnings: written in interview style like the book! reader is a musician but she isn’t in the band, use of Y/N (</3). REQ’s are open!
🍸 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 🎙️ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 🪩 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ 🎧
Eddie: I asked myself a lot of questions back then, but I could never actually answer any of them. It was like everything good had blown up in my face and it was all my fault. I didn’t really know what to do.
Karen: Chase two girls, lose the one. I always knew Eddie loved Y/N, but he also loved Camila. I told Eddie he had to go away and have a think about everything.
Warren: Whatever he felt for Camila, it was different with Y/N. Camila was his first love, sure, but Y/N is the love of his life.
Eddie took himself away from the band for a few days, he arranged it with the necessary people and put in place a ‘getaway plan’ as he recalls it. He stayed away for an extra week, hiding away in a small town in the Pacific Northwest. When he came back he had a new guitar, a green Fender Stratocaster, and a few unfinished love songs.
Warren: Why he took himself up to Oregon of all places I will never know. He would of been welcome to hand on my boat but the man had shit to sort through I suppose.
Karen: Whatever he did those few days he was gone worked wonders.
Eddie: The second I got back I picked Karen up and swung her around. I couldn’t thank her enough.
Y/N: I wouldn’t be a second choice, I left because that’s what it felt like with him, that I was always going to be second choice.
Eddie: I always thought I knew best but I really didn’t. I knew Billy wouldn’t like the songs I had written, because it was always what him and Daisy had written that mattered. I think Karen was nervous when I told her I’d been writing.
Karen: I thought he had gone mad. [Laughs]
Billy: I would have heard him out at least, but… no I probably would have hated whatever he had come up with. I was a control freak like that. We [Him and Daisy] both were.
Eddie: I didn’t care what Billy thought of them. I hadn’t written them for Billy, I wrote them for me, but also for Y/N.
Y/N: [Laughs] They were… well they were okay! He poured his whole heart into them, so they were special but Eddie Roundtree is not a songwriter!
Eddie: She said that? [Laughs] Well… she’s right! I suppose I just wanted to tell her how I really felt. Once I had shown her what I’d come up with she sat down next to me and just started scribbling all over it.
Y/N: I wanted to finish one of the songs.
Eddie: She had picked one out, ‘The 1’. It was about what you wish you had, what you could of had if you hadn’t messed everything up.
Y/N: I kind of wanted to make him sweat a bit.
Eddie: I was so nervous, I just kept thinking say something, say anything!!
Y/N: We stayed up late laughing, drinking, writing. We talked about Eddie’s time in Oregon. I told him what I had gotten up to.
Eddie: Then she told me she had missed me.
Y/N: I was so worried to let him back in.
Eddie: I was so glad she let me in. So glad.
Eddie Roundtree sold the song to an up and coming band. Y/N and Eddie were credited as the songwriters for the record. Upon release it climbed the charts to number 32. The pair celebrated with the band they had sold the record to by buying them lunch one afternoon in California.
Eddie: She made me work for it.
Y/N: Like I said, I wanted to see him sweat.
Eddie: I didn’t mind though. Life was very fast, very unpredictable back then. I got to slow down with her, just making sure she was okay, checking in, having meals together, falling asleep next to each other, it was all… it felt like a sure thing. I felt very lucky, and the most alive I think. Yeah.
Y/N: He had asked me a couple times, can we make this official? I told him to wait it out. I think I wanted to know that he would stick it out, that he would wait for me for once. A lot of our relationship at the start felt like me waiting around for him. It wasn’t a payback thing necessarily, more just, I don’t know. I was protecting my heart.
Eddie: I felt very… unsure. I didn’t know if I was worth it to her. I think she saw that in me, that I didn’t really value myself. She turned that around.
Y/N: One night before a show, I turned up and he was so shocked to see me. I remember his face just lighting up, I knew then. I knew with everything in me, I wanted him and he wanted me.
Eddie: I had pined and grovelled for months and right before I am about to step on stage to a sold out show, she kisses me. I couldn’t believe it. I actually couldn’t believe her! I swear she just liked to see me sweat.
Y/N: I didn’t mean to! At the time I had gone to just see the band. Well, I was going to see Eddie too but I didn’t intend on kissing him! I’m glad I did though.
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pfffsfic · 2 months
Post-Fall Falls False Starts- Chapter 3: The Survivalist
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The red van's engines died down somewhere in the woods, half a mile or so from the outskirts of a little town that had barely acknowledged it passing through. A trail of flattened greenery laid in its wake. Thankfully it had avoided felling any trees- oh, wait, scratch that, it had felled one or two trees, but they were hardly big enough to count towards any sort of property destruction charge, the driver told himself. The day was still new. It couldn't have been any later than 7 in the morning when the doors opened up and Rob took a deep, nervous breath and took a look at 'home' for the first time.
"Wow," he said with equal parts awe and apprehension. "It's, I mean, it's flat!"
Indeed, the world in front of him had its objects sharply delineated by outlines, and the colors and textures were somehow more solid. It was not a new sight for Rob- even back home, many of the objects and most of the people had similar features- but, looking down at his own rendered body, he found himself uncomfortably out of his element nonetheless. Would the beings of this world be able to even comprehend that he looked different? Did everyone in the multiverse have the medium awareness he had grown with in a mixed-media society like Elmore? Were there even other beings here? There had to be. This was parallel Oregon. It had also been named by people, surely. There were no stories to be told in a universe of only trees. The shopkeeper also wouldn't knowingly leave him to rot in a world of danger, would he?
"A few warnings," said the shopkeeper from behind him, and he gulped. "One- this is a world of danger."
"How did you do that?" Rob glared at him.
"Do what?"
"Forget it. Danger, you said? What kind of danger are we talking, here, exactly?"
"Monsters, mostly, around here. Good luck."
The van door started to close, but Rob stuck his hand in out of desperation, eliciting a loud sigh from the shopkeeper.
"Hey, man! You can't just leave after giving me a vague warning like that!"
"On the contrary, vague warnings are part of my job description."
It was difficult to argue with that, but Rob still didn't pull his hand out. He realized that the door could perhaps close on his wrist and amputate his hand, but thought about maybe getting a cool hook afterwards- no! There's no way the guy would just do something like that! Rob had never done anything to him. Except steal and destroy his merchandise. And kill him that one time... but he digressed.
"Just tell me what kind of hellscape you've dropped me into."
"Hellscape? Your idea of a hellscape must be very strange if this is worse than where the gas station was."
"At least that place was up-front with its scariness. You're telling me I have to rough it in the woods with monsters stalking me? I'm-I'm just a kid!"
Rob considered himself a kid when it gave him sympathy points and an adult when it gave him responsibility points. Since nobody aged back home, it was basically the same thing- at least, that's what he told himself. The shopkeeper rolled his eyes.
"Had you been a food person, maybe I would have left you in a world of food people. Had you been a human, maybe I would have left you in a more mundane world. But you- you are a cyclops. A monster."
"Hey! Who are you calling a monster?"
"Well, you-"
"I know it's me! I'm saying I'm no monster. A freak, maybe, but, but, the thing is! Freaks are pitied. Monsters are feared."
"Don't you want to be feared, young man?"
Rob was about to snap back with a retort, but realized to a growing sense of discomfort that he didn't know the answer. Feared by his nemeses, maybe, or by the populace of the town that had abandoned him. Feared, though, by everyone, not because of his villainous ambition but because of who he was? Did he want that? Of course he didn't... or did he? How could he know whether he wanted it or not if he had never experienced anything close? Maybe it would be nice to have people run screaming from him. Maybe this was another potential means to an end. Maybe his dreams of being a supervillain could be salvaged, brought back even stronger, with this sudden change to his role in the world. He realized after a few moments that he was grinning.
"Good point," he said, something stirring inside of him. As a new sense of confidence wormed its way into his soul, he placed his hands on his hips and chuckled sinisterly to himself.
"Alright, well, I oughta head out and fetch some food. This is farewell. Don't worry, us Elmore folk are hard to kill."
"Hard to kill? Hold on, does that mean there are things here that are gonna try to- wait!"
The van was making a speedy U-turn before he knew it, and as it vanished from view, Rob was reduced to what he felt like on the inside- a 13-year-old boy lost in an unfamiliar, dangerous forest in an unfamiliar, dangerous world.
"It's okay," thought Rob, "I've faced worse."
"No I haven't," thought Rob's subconscious.
If the boy had walked west he would have come across a building, and then another, and then another, and he would have felt a wave of relief wash over him as he realized he was close to civilization from the start. He didn't walk west. He walked east, and therefore he had no such realization and felt no such relief. The forest grew thicker and the sunlight that reached him grew thinner.
He decided his best option for a first step was to check his vitals, something he only vaguely knew how to do. He checked his pulse- absent, as usual. That was good. He did a few breathing exercises. He confirmed that he had not been even more disfigured when the van left Elmore (No More?) for wherever the gas station was. His backpack contained exactly what he had left in it: a crowbar, a bear trap, and fifteen Elmore dollars, which he doubted were legal tender in this world. Did monsters even use money, or did they just duke it out for what they wanted? No way could be take a monster in a fight.
"You are a cyclops. A monster," came the voice of the shopkeeper in his head. Maybe if he was a 15-foot cannibal with big 'ol fangs he'd have a shot at winning a few battles for food, but right now all being a cyclops gave him was awful depth perception. Besides, he was never really sure if cyclops was the name of his species or just a descriptor for anybody with one eye and no other real defining characteristics. If he really was the same sort as those in Greek mythology, he didn't look it before, and he certainly didn't look it now.
There was a pillow-shaped rock in this clearing. It didn't feel like an actual pillow, but hey, at least it looked the part. The birdsong and a faint, cool breeze made disregarding the warning about monsters easy. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, but after a few moments of promising himself just a few moments more of rest, he did it anyways and, rather unfortunately for anyone looking in, dreamt of nothing at all.
Was it the morning of the next day, or was it the night of the first day? Did it matter? The forest was dark and Rob could only see himself by the faint glow of the static on his arms and legs. Sleeping on a rock would have given him a headache had he not been used to sleeping on a concrete block in the junkyard. 'Another victory for me,' he thought, not dwelling too long on the nature of victory.
In Elmore, Rob had a network of people to steal money from and the familiarity he needed to avoid getting caught. Here he had none of that, and if there were stores here he had not yet seen any. It was so dark, he considered, that he could be walking through a food truck festival and he wouldn't even know it! He'd need to find a food source. Foraging sounded exciting. Getting food poisoning sounded not so exciting. Trapping prey sounded exciting. Setting up a trap also sounded exciting, except that he knew nothing about the sorts of animals that lived around here, their habits, or their weaknesses. And he had no supplies. And there was no guarantee that eating the animals here wouldn't also give him food poisoning! Darn it.
He set to work on a pit trap to give his hands something to do, using his crowbar as the world's least effective shovel. Pit traps were simple. Effective. Rather unoriginal. It wasn't as if a deer or whatever could really appreciate a creative capture method (or any subsequent quips), though, so it didn't matter. His heart yearned for more intelligent prey that he could monologue to. Not too intelligent, though. There was hardly anything to monologue about with a pit trap regardless.
He realized he needed to start thinking about his situation as a matter of survival rather than a simple pursuit.
He put his mind to it and forgot about having a nemesis, about making elaborate plans for the sake of elaborate plans, about the warning he had been given concerning monsters in the woods. That last one was unintentional. It wouldn't stay forgotten, though, as the ground shook with a tremor that made his bones buzz- and then another, even stronger, and then yet another! He dove behind a rock and clutched his head until the tremors trailed off and became tiny little vibrations in the dirt. When he squinted into the dust cloud that had formed in the wake of the quake, he saw a trail of giant footprints that he was perfectly happy not to follow.
The rest of his day was spent reconstituting the pit trap, which had been dwarfed by the giant footprint that now surrounded it.
Us Elmore folk are hard to kill. What had that meant? The close encounter of the previous day had made Rob feel very easy to kill, if he was being honest.
It could have been a meaningless platitude. Yes, that sounded plausible. He would choose to leave it at that and go back to worrying about more important things.
He made a point of going the opposite direction to the giant footprints and came across a small bush with what looked like blackberries after only a few minutes. It could have been a monster disguised as a blackberry bush, he thought, but decided that if so it was an ineffective method of evading the notice of predators. The blackberries were bitter and their thorns painful on the inside of his mouth, but life was pain, wasn't it? No pain, no gain. Rob just wished he could feel the 'gain' part of this and not just the 'pain' part. The human body could go without food for 2 weeks, according to a fact he had read on a gum wrapper long ago, so (assuming his body was close enough to human to count) he could just put off the issue of food until real hunger set in. That would leave him with nothing to do but explore, run around, accidentally provoke a monster and get his head munched off- no. No, he had to occupy himself some other way.
On the bright side, eating wild berries with his hands had made him feel intrepid- adventurous. Like a real survivalist. It gave him a tiny boost to the ol' self-esteem. When he returned to the pillow(-shaped rock) that night, that tiny boost let him ignore the distant roaring he heard and fall asleep in a matter of minutes. Oh, yes, and the exhaustion helped too.
He slung open his classroom door with so much force that the books in his other hand dropped to the floor, prompting him to reach down and scoop them up haphazardly. He couldn't seem to get them in order! The big test was today and he had five minutes to study! Moreover, Prom was tonight, and he was only going to be allowed to run for Prom Emperor if he passed this test. College- was this college?- whatever it was, it was hard.
The words seemed to lurch and tumble on the page. They evaded his gaze at every turn, no matter how many times he blinked and rubbed his eye. The clock's hands stopped ticking and started sliding smoothly forward, which meant time was moving faster because of his anxiety. He finally managed to get through the first paragraph, a vaguely-written blur about which part of your throat a proper evil laugh should come from. This was easy! Just as he was about to move on, the bell- a giant bell, mounted on the ceiling- rang, and there was a yellow glow from something behind him, something that he never got to turn around and look at because of the sudden loud whistling noise that stirred him from his slumber and forced his eye open.
There was a tiny, chihuahua-esque creature in front of him with a snout that resembled the spout of a teapot and a tail that curved into its body, resembling a handle.
"Oh," Rob said, reaching out with one hand, still half-asleep. "C'mere, little guy."
The thing shook violently and opened its mouth, letting out a sizzling hot jet of steam and the same shrill whistling noise that had woken him up previously. This time he was really awake, and it was a rude awakening, too!
"C'mere," he said forcefully, wondering whether the thing's resemblance to a kettle meant its meat had an aromatic taste. Before he could lunge forward and find out, it scuttled into the bushes, narrowly avoiding his leaf-covered pit trap, and the sound of intermittent whistling got further and further away. It was good to know this place's monsters came in sizes other than 'extra extra extra large'.
The rest of the day was spent building more traps. With the craft of crowbar digging down pat, he managed to set up two and a half before nightfall, and he put out the bear trap with some berries in it for good measure.
The way he saw it, wild mushrooms had three types: one would do nothing to you, one would kill you, and one would make you hallucinate. Maybe some of them would do both of those last two. Survival experts could probably identify which ones did which on sight. Rob was not a survival expert.
He thought it reasonable that, by eating a tiny little piece of each mushroom variety he came across, he could determine which ones did what and also avoid death by poisoning. It was research, so it couldn't be crazy! Oh, who was he kidding? There was no guarantee he'd have a future in store for him here if he survived, so it didn't matter. Plus there was the warning about Elmore folk being hard to kill... he ripped off little chunks from some itty-bitty white ones, some yellowish frilly ones on a tree, some faintly-glowing pink ones on a log. He almost took a chunk off of a red and white one, but as soon as he reached for it, the red spots blinked and it burrowed into the ground like a drill to avoid his grasp. He wasn't sure going after it was worth the effort.
On what he thought was the way back to his camp, he stumbled across a small, rocky hill where a tiny cascading waterfall spilled over a little cave and flowed back into what looked like a tiny underground lake. The water tasted like stone and dirt, but it was drinkable. Then again, any liquid could be drinkable... once. He sat by the dinky waterfall and popped the white mushroom piece into his mouth. Bland and earthy. Now to wait and either puke or hallucinate- or both, or (Rob was crossing his fingers and hoping for this one) neither. Sure enough, hours passed with no incident, and so Rob, with crossed fingers once again, ate the yellowish piece.
Five minutes later, he shivered in the fetal position on the ground, head spinning, lost in a shifting world of amorphous colors, skin clammy, guts practically on fire. "Never again," he mumbled to himself, managing to toss the pink mushroom piece into the lake before collapsing on the ground and passing out.
He couldn't have been sure the yellowish mushroom caused that reaction. Maybe it was a delayed effect from the white one! There wasn't a single fungus in this forest that he knew to be safe, and, still seeing the vestiges of swirling nightmares at the edges of his vision, it was a miracle he made it back to camp the next day without falling into one of his own still-empty traps. Maybe he had made that mistake too many times in the past to ever make it again. That sort of cocky thinking would put egg on his face if he ended up falling into one in the coming days, though, so he didn't let it make him confident.
Sitting on his rock with his head in his hands, Rob found his gaze drifting and landing upon a rabbit that had wandered to the edge of his clearing. A rabbit with horns... wait, was that part of the hallucination? No! It did have horns! It was a rabbit, but easier to grab! He made eye contact with its left eye and it inched closer. Suddenly, a familiar red mushroom burst from the ground behind it and it spooked, darting forward and- to Rob's amazement- into one of his pit traps! Mushrooms could be helpful after all!
The red and white one made a hissing sound, darted to the edge of the pit on tiny legs- was this even a mushroom?- and then, not wanting to risk the fall, walked away. As he put together a fire pit, Rob wondered what jackalope would taste like. Rabbit? Venison? Both?
The coals were still warm, and Rob was feeling both fuller than he had in days and a little guiltier than he had in days.
He made his way to the waterfall to wash off a layer of dirt he noticed accumulating on him. On the bottom of the water, the chunk of pink mushroom had apparently regenerated and spawned about two dozen identical mushrooms. He drank from the waterfall instead of the pond this time.
Sometimes, cool guys on TV would sit under waterfalls and meditate. He wasn't sure what that did, but it was so common that it seemed to him it had to do something. He tried for about half an hour to get comfortable and found he was unable to, but maybe finding inner peace through the discomfort was the whole idea? Those waterfalls on TV, come to think of it, were always the super heavy rushing types, whereas this one was more like a trickle. Tomorrow he would return and sit by the waterfall and wait under it for something to fall into one of the traps. For now, he laid on the ground and let the sun dry him off.
"I'm at peace with the universe. I am at peace with the universe," he repeated to himself, starting to feel a bit silly. Was this even what he was supposed to do while meditating?
The cave behind the waterfall was tiny, and nothing was in there, as he had discovered earlier while looking around. Just a pile of muddy boulders dislodged from the cave wall in some tremor at a much earlier point in time.
"I am at p-p-p-"
A freezing cold, solid, purposeful hand clamped down on his shoulder from the darkness and a shadow fell in front of him. His eye shot open. He got up, wrenched himself free, let out a blood-curdling scream, and ran... east.
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nfumbewalk · 3 months
Well, I Never!
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My Sour Jars are back at my store for $5. Tell me what you need and I'll work my jar for you!
Well guess what...I lost a follower. I only notice because I don't have many yet. I know who it was & probably why. Lolz! The remark made by my muerto, Rodolfo, about his opinion on the term "Latinx." It's not my opinion! I don't give a fuck. Rodolfo just basically said it was "fuckin dope" as in stupid. He prefers Hispanic, Latino or even Mexican. His favorite freaking colors are of the Mexico flag! Haha. I said he is old school but forgot to mention he was also military - Army. That makes a man very different, in my experience.
My husband, Tom, was an Army paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne. Yeah - not a leg. Makes a man an entirely different breed. I'm not dismissing women, but I only speak of what I know. I've had close guy friends who went to the first Iraq war. It's something you just don't ask about. Anyway...why are "dark" dudes such pussies? Jesus, that's all I've encountered. Dated ONE & he was 12 years older than me. Such a whiny little bitch, and he was military too! Well, he was Navy - if that counts. Lol! Joking! Just funning. Guess he left his balls on a ship in Spain. Roflmao! 😂 Sorry, there's tons of joking between branches of the military. It's great.
Am I always this way? Yep, get used to it or move on. Not many people like me or accept me because I *upset* them. Waa! Lol. Actually, I'm very demure and polite in real time situations. I just let all my demons out online. I ended up like most women in my family - no lady friends but I sure love dudes! They love me too. I love cars, especially old ones & I can talk about them. I like guy stuff. I grew up around lots of men & cars. Heh. I'm just an Oregon bumpkin. Not! Unfortunately, my hometown is PDX. Ugh!! Portland is a shit hole & even though my dad died last year, I'm so glad he doesn't live in that horrible place anymore. His ashes are here in Eugene with me.
Anyway, so some dark vampire/werewolf stopped following me. I'm just posting this in case he (I can't remember his pronouns!) comes back. 😅 Am I evil? Yes I am...so the old Metallica song goes...\m/ If ppl don't like my writings here, lemme know and I'll cease & go back to WordPress. My ppl there really love me warts & all. And my audience is older, like me. I'm very middle aged. I do have lots of things to share if you can stand my vernacular, writing style and sarcasm laced words. And obscenities.
I am good at not swearing though - I never, ever said a curse word around either one of my parents. Not once. I respected them. My mom was very hard. My dad was my world. Oh goddamn it! I don't have my Jet bracelet - it broke and my new one is in the mail! I wear Jet for grieving. It helps me not cry about my dad. It works well. Wear Jet if someone close to you passes away. The Victorians were correct! Not French Jet though!! That's nothing but black glass. I'll show you all my 104 year old French Jet necklace. I use it for channeling. Works great for being glass. Don't be fooled on Etsy with high prices unless it's old like mine.
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Sorry, I'm all over the place, verbose and sped. Had a weird conversation with Yemanja earlier...don't know what to think. These changes swirling around are making me a little confused. I'm too old for this shit. Makes me just want to do nothing but my Muerteria. Use my cauldrons as vessels, perhaps. Not like Palo though, but kind of...I have been thinking, well, I need religion/spirituality, right? Now, I have no fuckin clue. Nada. Dunno. Roger that, Dahmer. 💀 I have always thought, need a god/ess, demon, etc. Maybe I don't. I really love my mother's though. 💖 They aren't a religion. Just stay away from the ATR folks. Lol. See, confused. We shall see & very soon. My dedication to Yemanja is five days away. A lot can change...I'll be doing divination, looking for signs & omens - anything. If anything breaks, burns, disappears, floats in mid-air - I'll be watching extra close! I'm freakin now!
Gotta run! 💖💀💖
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writingsofmax · 2 years
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
shout out to @finniestoncrane and @mietko for tagging me!
relationship status: in a relationship, honestly my claim to fame here is that I feel like I'm living the edward nashton dream bc my boo has messy wavy brown hair and the same glasses. They genuinely look like how people draw Eddie on here. They always have to stop and play those weird claw drop games you see in restaurants/malls/grocery stores and try to win it. They make me play the Wordle every day lmao. They're a huge fan of retro gaming and work as a computer IT specialist like..... anyway I'm so in love with them. OH ALSO when I first saw the Dano character Klitz, I thought it was a picture of my partner when they were younger, like they looked EXACTLY like that. They looked so identical to Klitz when they were younger that it freaks me out and I have not watched the movie bc of it lol
favourite colour: favorite color of all time is blue, favorite color scheme is blue, purple and pink, but I am also a big fan of blue and green. we love cool tones in this house. favourite food: icecream, candy, hot chocolate, regular chocolate, I'm like... Queen Sweet Tooth 😅 song stuck in your head: Decatur, or, Round Of Applause For Your Step-Mother! by Sufjan Stevens bc I am a sad sad girl that loves folk music. Runner up is Moon I Already Know by Mount Eerie Bc (see above) time: 8:23 pm! dream trip: Ireland or Scotland (specifically Edinburgh) or Oregon/Washington Pacific Northwest Rainforest area
last book you read: Goodnight Pun Pun by Inio Asano (manga) I've read the whole series before years ago but I'm slowly collecting the physical copies of it. last book you enjoyed reading: I love Goodnight Pun Pun but since that's technically a manga I’ll do a diff one, I really liked reading Lovely Dark and Deep by Amy Mcnamara. It's about a girl that's really depressed after a significant loss and goes to live with her artist dad in a remote area of Maine.
last book you hated reading: Little Weirds by Jenny Slate. There's some good moments in there that shine but I feel like the rest of the book is trying really hard to be quirky/weird and indie and it doesn't come off as genuine at all.
bonus! favourite thing to cook/bake: since I got sick I haven't been baking or cooking much but it used to be making pies. I loved making pies. favourite craft to do in your free time: painting and drawing/making comics, but also now: writing :) most niche dislike: I hate the saying "work smarter not harder" because 9 times out of 10 when someone has said that to me they proceed to do whatever they are talking about in the most half-assed way and then you have to do it over again anyway from scratch to do it the correct way and I just. I hate it. opinion on circus(es): I don't like how they treat their animals, l feel like I see so many horror stories about how monkeys, bears, elephants etc are treated in circuses. The aesthetic fucking slaps though. Also? I love clowns they are supposed to be fun and cute and I like them and they have cool makeup.
do you have a sense of direction: Yes, I'm pretty good with a compass and a map too! I used to love doing wilderness navigation and things like that.
I’m tagging @thelychee and @enigmacorps and @teenagezombiekryptonite ((but feel free to ignore if you don’t want to obviously!!!))
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loversdelusion · 3 years
Days Scattered
Deacon St. John x St. John!Reader
Part 1 of 3
part two-part three
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The St. John Siblings.
(Y/n) and Deacon Lee St. John.
(Y/n), Deacon's younger sister by 6 years.
They were both very close growing up, Deacon would do anything for his little sister, her all the same.
Their bond was no different in the Apocalyptic wasteland of Oregon. Boozer, (Y/n) and Deacon stuck by each other's side since they left Farewell, since they said goodbye to Sarah.
"Deacon, (Y/n), you there? Lost Lake to St. John siblings, come back" Boozer's voice sounded through the walkie talkie strapped to Deacon's chest "Yeah, Boozer?" Deacon acknowledged him, his eyes keeping a close eye on his sister, who was currently harvesting some plants they could use "What's up?" Deacon's voice lowered, barely noticeable.
"A group of Rippers were seen driving by the camp, looked like they were heading in your direction, keep a look out" Deacon's dark brows furrowed together "Dammit.." Deacon muttered under his breath "Okay, yeah, we'll make our way back" his put down the device and looked around for (Y/n), who was suddenly nowhere to be seen.
"(Y/n)..?" Deacon's eyes darted around the area "(Y/n), where are you?" He turned, his worry was gradually climbing "(Y/n)?" He called, he could hear the sound of roaring motors in the distance- probably the Rippers Boozer was talking about "(Y/n)! Dammit, you were just here!" He hastily searched around the small grove "(Y/n)!" He fumbled around with the walkie talkie strapped to his chest "(Y/n)! Where are you? We need to go!" He spoke into the device, crackling noises sounded back.
"Deek? What's wrong?" He sighed in relief when he heard her voice "Jesus, (Y/n)..we gotta go, there's Rippers coming and we aren't safe here, where did you go?" Static again before her voice replied "I found a stream, and there's fish in it" he nodded like she could see him "Okay, ju- just wait there, I'm coming to you" he strapped the small device back to his chest and immediately set into a light jog.
"(Y/n)?" He called out in a normal voice, scanning the bank of the stream "Over here" her voice came from behind a small bush, practically hiding her figure "I caught a few, we can turn them into the kitchen" Deacon eyed four fish beside her "Okay, but we have to go, here let me" he knelt down beside her, pulling a roll of string out of his bag and quickly stringing the fish together. "'Kay, c'mon" he tied the fish to his belt and grabbed her wrist, pulling her along with him "If we make it in time, we can leave before they get here" he said through panted breaths.
Yet, as always, the St. John's luck was never on their side, Deacon came to a halt, pulling them down into a crouch "Fuck..!" He said through gritted teeth, (Y/n) sighed "We can take them, there's only 3" (Y/n) said, a hopeful lilt in her tone, Deacon's gaze hardened as 5 more Rippers pulled up "Of fucking course.." (Y/n) muttered under her breath.
"The Lost are here!" The pair listened in as one of the Ripper's exclaimed "Find them" The group of Ripper's spread out, slowly stalking towards them "Go, go back to the stream, hurry!" Deacon said through hushed whispers "I'm right behind you" he nudged her back in the direction of the stream, the younger St. John did as she was told, scrambling up in a low crouch, Deacon following after her.
"How are we going to get back to the bikes?" (Y/n) asked after they made it an okay ways away to stop for a few minutes "You go around, I'll distract them" Deacon and (Y/n) shared a worried glance. "No, that's crazy even for you" she said, taking his larger hand in hers "We go together, Deek" her tone was firm "Together or I'm staying right here" Deacon sighed heavily "Don't do this now, just go, I'll be fine" her brows furrowed in frustration "Fine" she said, pulling away from him and walking away "Be careful".
Deacon turned away from her fleeting form, seeing 6 of the Ripper's coming into view, armed with Machine Guns and Rifles "Okay, time to get low, motherfuckers" Deacon never did notice the absence of the other 2 Ripper's.
(Y/n) carefully treaded along the grassy area, keeping a steady watch on her surroundings "(Y/n)?" The sound of her brothers came through the walkie talkie, startling her for a brief second "Yeah?" She replied "Make your way back to Lost Lake, I'll meet you there" she rolled her eyes, shaking her head "I'll wait for you" (Y/n) neared the road, glancing in both directions to make sure no one was on it.
Seeing that no one was near, she walked back in the direction of the bikes, walking in the tree line to stay hidden in case someone did drive by. Her eyes caught sight of numerous bikes parked on the road, her pave quickened as she could see her and brothers bikes still there, looking to be in the same condition they left them in.
She let out a breath of relief as she stood by her bike, she quickly checked it over, making sure nothing was missing "Deek?" She pulled the walkie talkie closer to her mouth "I'm here, you at the bikes?" He replied, she smiled "Yeah, are they all gone?" Deek took a second to reply "Yep, all dead and accounted for" (Y/n) could hear the exhaustion in his voice "Heading back now" She put the device back in its place, doing Deacon the favor of also checking over his bike.
She was crouched down, eyeing the engine and all that, the scuff of boots meeting gravel caught her attention, she didn't turn to look "That was fast" she jested, coming to a full stand once she deemed her brothers bike good. "Expecting your brother..Mongrel Princess?" She gasped, turning to meet 2 Ripper's, their bloodied and cut up bodies in full view, she quickly reached for her walkie talkie but the Ripper that didn't speak to her lunged for her, knocking the device out of her hand.
"No!" She yelled, thrashing against the Ripper's hold, their drug fueled strength proved to be 10x stronger than her, she grunted as she continued to fight against them "Carlos will be most pleased to see that we have caught the little Princess" the Ripper was in her face, she could smell his breath wafting into her nose, she cringed.
"Let go of me, you fucks!" She cried, kicking at the Ripper that wasn't holding her, trying to push him away, her boot-clad foot ended up connecting with the Ripper's groin, he doubled over in pain, she smirked at the satisfaction "Did that hurt, motherfucker? I hope it did!" She growled, the Ripper stood "Little bitch!" was the last thing she heard as the Ripper slapped her so hard, she blacked out.
Deacon finished looting all of the bodies, hoping to find some rags so he could fix up some bandages for a couple hits he took, he walked towards the direction of the bikes, wrapping the bandage around a bullet gash on his arm "-you fucks!" He halted in his tracks, picking up the sound of yelling "(Y/n)" he said, taking on a full sprint, the sight of 2 Ripper's lugging his unconscious sister onto the back of their bikes entered his vision.
"(Y/n)!" He shouted, adrenaline fueling him "No, (Y/n)!" The 2 Ripper's turned to him, having fully got his sister on one of their bikes "Let her go, you bastards!" The Ripper's started their bikes, the rev of the engines haunting Deacon "No, no!" He sprinted even faster if at all possible, they were pulling away from the grove, Deacon ran at the bike that had (Y/n), lunging with his full body at it but they were too fast, Deacon landed face first into the pavement, he scrambled to his feet despite the pain.
He felt so hopeless as he watched them drive away, their figures getting further and further by the second, his knees crashed to the ground. Defeat, failure, hopelessness and fear clouded his mind and body, defeat because he couldn't stop them, failure because he couldn't protect (Y/n), hopelessness because he was so close to saving her, if he was any faster, she would be in his arms right now, and finally..fear, fear because of what they do to hostages.
He sat against his bike, back against the engine "St. John to Lost Lake, do you copy? Deacon St. John to Lost Lake, come back" static filled his ears as he waited for a reply "Deek?" The familiar voice of Rikki reached his ears "Is everything alright?" Deacon's head lulled back, hitting the tank of the bike "No, Rikki.." He muttered, gaze set on the direction of where the Ripper's went.
"What is it? Is (Y/n) okay?" A lump formed in his throat, scared his voice would crack and waver if he answered, he waited a few seconds, taking a deep breath before he spoke again "No, goddammit" his reply was quick "What happened? Is she hurt?" Rikki's voice was taking on a worried tone "She will be, we were attacked by Ripper's, I- I thought that I- I thought that I killed them all but I guess not.." Deacon held his head in the hand that wasn't holding the walkie talkie.
"They took her..the last 2 Ripper's that I didn't kill, they took her" it was quiet for what felt like forever until Rikki spoke again "Okay, come back to camp and we'll figure out what to do from there, plus Mike wants to see you, it's urgent" Deacon's hand slapped the ground "Dammit, Rikki! Iron Mike is the least of my problems right now!" His temper flared even higher.
"Skizzo sold you, Boozer and (Y/n) out to Carlos.." Her voice was quiet as she spoke the one sentence that Deacon needed to be pushed over the edge "That's why Carlos has been sending groups of Ripper's to harass the supply runs, it's also why Carlos sent a group of Ripper's to capture both of you, come back to camp, Deek".
Deacon stomped up the steps of the lodge, roughly pushing the door open "It was for the good of the camp!" Deacon's anger flared upon hearing Skizzo's voice "Christ, Skizzo! If we start turning on each other, then we're no better than the Freaks, Rippers or anyone for that matter!" Iron Mike gaze flitted to Deacon, who standing behind Skizzo "Your treaties not gonna hold with the way you're running things!" Skizzo still hadn't noticed the other presence that entered the room. "You're going to get our people killed, it's three bikers for a whole camp!" Skizzo argued, Mike shook his head "That is not how we do things and you of all people should know that!" He yelled, pointing a finger in Skizzo's face "It doesn't matter who you were or what you've done in the past, if we don't stick together, we'll be gone in a damn week!".
Skizzo rolled his eyes "Whatever, Mike, don't come groveling at my feet when Carlos attacks the camp to get them" he waved him off, turning around and immediately running into Deacon, Skizzo's eyes went wide as he took a step back, he didn't really get that far as Deacon threw a punch that knocked Skizzo on his ass, a cut marked his cheekbone "Deacon?!" Skizzo said, bewildered "Yeah, it's me, what, did you expect the Ripper's to have me?".
Deacon knelt to eye level with him, he shook his head "You know what they do have?" His voice had a dangerous edge to it "(Y/n)" Deacon pulled his boot knife out and stabbed the knife into the wooden floor right next to Skizzo's leg, Skizzo visibly jumped "You got my sister captured, because what? You trying to be a hero? Huh?" Deacon was basically growling at this point.
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valkyrieskwad · 4 years
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i put a spell on you (because you're mine)
hi all! here’s the contribution i made to @supercorpzine​ this year!! it was a blast getting to work with so many talented people. hope it brought a little light to everyone’s 2020, we can sure use it.
Kara Danvers has an awful habit of making Lena feel like she's falling apart.
It's a familiar sentiment in some ways—as a struggling nineteen-year-old witch, Lena's grown accustomed to falling apart over the simplest things about her magic, about learning spells and potions and figuring out her own identity enough to do incantations with any real meaning—but the way she falls apart about Kara feels different.
Maybe it's because they live in the same apartment, or because they finish each other's sentences and have the same taste in music and food and old English literature. Maybe it's because they spend their weekends getting lost in the aisles of antique bookstores, smiling too big as the dust collects in their hair, getting too excited about old newspaper clippings used as bookmarks stuffed between browning pages.
Maybe it's because Kara spends two hours every day meticulously looking after their house plants, chatting to them about her day with her golden-blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, and the sun bouncing off of her sharp blue eyes.
Maybe it's because Lena's in love with her, because she's absolutely hopeless for Kara, and she couldn't snap out of it even if she wanted to.
The two of them are like tree trunks planted right next to each other: separate roots and branches, but grafting together in the middle, growing taller and taller into something too intertwined to be anything other than inseparable.
"I was thinking of leaving," Kara whispers one night, completely out of the blue. It's late and they're on the couch, snuggled together underneath their quilted blanket—the first one they ever made together, decorated with different colored owls. Lena's eyes feel heavy, but she blinks them open as Kara shifts in closer and adds, "After I graduate, I mean. I feel like there's just so much of the world I still haven't seen yet, you know?"
"Mmm," Lena hums, but then it all catches up to her and she opens her mouth to say, "Oh," sucking in a deep breath and swallowing past the lump suddenly growing in her throat. "What do you feel like you haven't seen?"
"I haven't seen anything," Kara sighs, and it's like her words burn for some reason, etching hot across Lena's skin like a freshly inked tattoo. 
Lena feels like she's seen everything living here. She feels so in tune with the land around her, that she hasn't really thought of being anywhere else for a while now. Southern Oregon may not be the most interesting part of the country, but it's the only place that Lena's ever found a sense of community. It's the only place she's ever felt like she can be queer and a witch and magical and accepted. It's the only place she's ever felt a part of something larger than herself without feeling like she's being completely drowned out.
It's where she met Kara. It's where she fell in love. It's where she wants to stay.
"I didn't mean it that way," Kara says a few seconds later. "I just, I hear you and Andrea talking about all the things you've seen, and I feel like I want to see those things, too. I feel like I'm missing out on the world. Just being here."
There's a too-long pause that settles over them, but Lena eventually finds her voice to say, "If you want to see the world, I think you should," and then she tries not to think about what that means for them.
There are two things Lena remembers from her very first junior-witches potions class: 1) the first time she met Andrea and the way she smiled as she told Lena about solstice festivals and candle magic, about crystals and La Virgen and her immeasurable love for Santa Muerte, and 2) how serious the professor's face looked when she said, "Under no circumstances should you ever make a love potion."
They were nine years old, and the idea of a love potion made them both giggle and roll their eyes, adding more ingredients to their boiling pot as Andrea went back to talking about bonfires and spiced cider, evergreen and mistletoe and clove-spiked apples and oranges. 
If anyone had asked her back then, Lena would have said she'd never make a love potion.
"But Santa Muerte would accept you even if you did," Andrea had said.
Lena remembers that too.
She thinks about that when she does decide to make a love potion, when her head keeps spinning because Kara said she wants to leave, and Lena knows she wants to stay. She thinks about it as she adds each ingredient, whispering over and over that if she loses Kara, she'll lose herself too, like it's liturgical almost, an incantation, her way of broadcasting her strongest intention so the spell can get it right and Kara can love her, and they can stay here together, happily, forever.
She thinks about it when she decides the love potion is a bad idea, when she hides it in the back of the fridge because even if Santa Muerte will still accept her, she's not sure she'll be able to accept herself.
It's a tough decision, but it's the right one.
So, she pushes it to the back of her mind, tells herself it'll all be okay, and then she tries to sleep as best as she can.
She doesn't expect her world to end when she gets home the next day, when Kara meets her at the door and takes a deep breath, sighs, smiles, clears her throat, twiddling her fingers together as she says, "Sorry, but I might have eaten your stew in the fridge."
"Excuse me, what?" Lena asks, letting her backpack clunk to the floor, taking several deep, deep calming breaths before she asks, "My stew?"
"Yes," Kara says slowly, cheeks pinking up. "I'm sorry, I was just. Hungry. But it was delicious if that makes a difference."
Lena can't breathe. "The one in the back of the fridge?"
"Yes," Kara says again, blushing even harder, and heat floods through Lena so fast it suddenly feels like she's drowning. "The one in the glass Tupperware that was hidden behind the milk. The thing you always do with the food you don't want me to eat." 
"Why'd you eat it, then?" Lena whispers.
"I don't know," Kara admits. "But if you give me the recipe, I'm sure I could make it for you again. I'm really sorry."
"It's okay," Lena tells her, heart pounding, head swirling, because Kara looks hopeful and beautiful and Lena doesn't know how to tell her how much she royally messed up, how that stew shouldn't have been in the fridge in the first place, how it's written in the preface of 86% of spellbooks to never make a love potion, let alone leave one lying around. "I was just going to throw it out, anyway," she adds with a smile.
 She's pretty sure her life is over.
"I think I did something not good," Lena announces, and Andrea closes her book as she looks up at Lena, eyes glinting like she knows this is a big enough deal to warrant her undivided attention. This is, in fact, that serious. As a Scorpio sun Libra Venus, Lena absolutely hates complicated, messy situations, and this is as messy and complicated as it gets. "I need to talk to you about it."
"What kind of not good?" Andrea asks immediately.
"It’s not like, the end of the world, but it actually is the end of the world. I made a love potion that Kara ingested on accident, and I'm freaking out," Lena explains, shoulders inching their way to her ears as a blush inches its way across her cheeks. "I think I'm in trouble."
"Holy crap," Andrea mouths. "That's not good."
"Yeah, you're telling me," Lena groans, then she plops down on the couch next to Andrea and sighs, scuffing her shoe against the old wood of the apartment floor. "I don't think she even knows we're witches."
"What do you mean?" Andrea asks, leaning over so she's knocking shoulders with Lena. "I'm sure she's pieced it together by now."
"Yeah, maybe," Lena frowns. "But I'm pretty sure she thinks we're witches, but not witches. You know, the ones who make lavender salve and herbal tea and talk about tarot readings and natal charts. The ones who carry crystals around and garden and do candle magic without ever really knowing if it works."
"We are those kinds of witches," Andrea points out.
"Okay, yes, but we also do real magic, and we know it works. Crap," Lena groans, leaning forward and pressing her face into her palms. "How did this happen? I could get suspended from doing magic and lose Kara as a friend."
"Hey, it was an accident," Andrea reassures her, draping herself over Lena's back to hug around her. "I'm sure if you talk to her, you can fix this. It'll be okay, I promise. You'll be okay."
"I'll be okay," Lena repeats, and then she keeps saying it in her head until she feels like she believes it.
"A love potion?" Kara asks, and she's decidedly not upset. She's not even incredulous. Lena got so antsy she blurted everything out in the middle of making dinner, right after she dropped the colander three times and couldn't focus to save her life because she was so freaking flustered. So now Kara's standing next to a half-minced onion, slowly blinking her eyes with her arms folded across her chest, and she's... smiling. "You made a love potion?" she asks again, like this whole thing is funny and Lena's not falling apart. "Who'd you make it for?"
"I - well, I made it," Lena starts to say, then she takes a deep, sputtering breath, rolls her eyes, and huffs, "Who else would I have made it for?"
Lena sighs. "Yes, you. Because - well, because I want you to stay, but also because. I don't know," she finishes lamely. Then she takes in a long breath, presses her nails against her palm, and just says it, almost too quiet, but she's overwhelmed and feels dizzy. "Because I'm in love with you."
"I wasn't going to leave you behind," Kara says instantly, and Lena feels a bit relieved she just ignored the whole love thing. "I mean, I want to explore the world with you, it just - it came out wrong when I said it, and I got too nervous to fix it. But I always want to be with you. I want to go everywhere with you. You feel like home to me."
"Oh," Lena whispers. She was expecting a lot of things, but that wasn't one of them. Not those words, not phrased that way. She didn't expect Kara to just say that. "What are you saying?" she asks, just to clarify, looking down at her hands and trying her best to hide how flushed she feels.
Kara responds by taking a step forward, and then another, sucking in a nervous, shaky breath, and then she's leaning forward and kissing Lena—on the cheek at first, and then the corner of her mouth, and then she pulls away.
"I'm saying I already loved you," she says, stepping in even closer, filling Lena's space with so much comfort and love and warmth, that Lena feels a little like melting. "I'm also saying," Kara stretches out, and Lena can sense she's smiling before she looks up to see it, eyes latching on to Kara's too-pink lips, perfect and glistening even in the dim, 50-watt kitchen lighting. She's so pretty it's incomprehensible sometimes. "I didn't actually eat the stew. I sort of dropped it on the floor, but I thought it'd be better if I said—"
"Kara," Lena gushes out, like a reflex, like a breath of fresh air, like Kara's the most frustrating person she's ever met in her life. "You're kidding."
"I'm not," Kara says, smiling wider, then she fits her hands on Lena's waist, and Lena swallows, cheeks burning with both nerves and anticipation, and happiness.
Her brain is still stuck on the fact that she wasn't expecting this when Kara kisses her again, on the lips this time, but that doesn't stop her from closing her eyes, from pressing up and opening her mouth and kissing back until she's breathless.
"God, a love potion," Kara laughs, right against Lena's mouth, and then she goes back to kissing her again.
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dreadpoetssociety · 4 years
Reasons To Get A Puppy
Prompt: hi! could you write a spencer x sister and she just hangs out at the bau as much as possible and even when they’re on cases she just hangs out with garcia the whole time and also she could have animal pics on standby since they cheer garcia up after looking at details of cases
Note: I know this is incredibly short, but I actually really enjoyed writing this one up real quick. I LOVE Garcia and I can only imagine how she would get along with Spencer’s younger sister. Thank you so much for this prompt, I hope you enjoy!
Spencer Reid x Sister!Reader
Words: 939
You ran out of your seat as the last school bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Smoothly, but somewhat aggressively, you rushed towards the student lot to the car you’d bought yourself a few months ago with money you’d earned from working multiple jobs over the summer. It was used, a little beat up, but it stood out in a parking lot and it was yours. You loved it to death.
You hopped into the driver’s seat and scrambled for your keys. It wasn’t long after you turned on the car that you ended up at the building that housed the BAU. Technically, you needed a federal I.D to park in the garage, but the employees gave up on trying that with you, since they knew you would (and had) found another way in. 
Having used one of your brother’s old I.Ds to get through the first few sets of doors, you greeted everyone on your way upstairs to where he worked. He wasn’t there, though. Spencer was out on a case in the Middle Of Nowhere, Oregon, but that’s not who you were there to see, anyway. Sure, having him show you everything was cool, and you tried to absorb anything the team told you, but something you took particular interest in was Garcia’s computer skills. It actually freaked you out a bit, sometimes, knowing that everything you’ve ever done, deleted or not, everywhere you’ve ever been, could be traced within seconds on Garcia’s computer. You were just thankful that Reid had decided to leave you your online privacy, because you would be embarrassed if he ever found your blog on tumblr. Those were things he never needed to see. But, thankfully, Garcia was incredibly understanding, and once secretly helped you by creating a program that protected that stuff from techno-hating Spencer Reid. It was never anything bad or inappropriate, of course, just your guilty pleasures.
You walked right through the glass doors, and a couple eyes glance up at you for a second. The other agents always found it weird that you were here basically every day. Some would ask why you didn’t hang out with your friends like a normal teenager. You replied that the BAU were your friends.
You walked down a hallway and opened up a door to see Garcia typing away. Then, you caught a glimpse of one of the screens to see some pretty gruesome looking photos. Contrary to popular belief, you actually hated looking at those. You did find profiling and everything incredibly interesting, but you absolutely hated seeing the things that happened to these victims, and if not that it made you squeamish. You almost cried every time. 
“Hey, Little Reid.” Garcia greeted. 
“Oh, Garcia, is Girl Genius there?” you heard Morgan over a phone call. You found it funny that Morgan always seemed to call you “Girl Genius.” You were no where near the level of intelligence your brother was at your age. You didn’t skip any grades, your report cards were good, though. But you definitely wouldn’t be able to tell someone the population of some random city off the top of your head. Also, you were bad at math. Astronomically bad at math.
“Sure is, Sugar.” she replied to him.
“Hey, Y/N! I’d love to talk, but I’m on a bit of a time crunch. I’ll tell the kid you said hello.” 
“Thanks Morgan.” you laughed. You didn’t even have to ask him to say hi to Reid, he just knew. You heard the phone click, “So what’cha up to?” 
“Oh you know, just a bunch of people being violently killed who have no relations at all. Typical Tuesday.” Garcia sighed. You both turned to the pictures on the screen, “This is the worst part of this job.” 
“Yeah.” you replied. Garcia was like you when it came to seeing the victims. She took it personally, and you knew that it made her upset to see. So, you always had backup animal pictures saved to your phone, “Wanna see something?” 
“Sure.” she said sadly. You pulled out your phone.
“I’m trying to convince Spencer to let me get a puppy, but I can’t decide on which kind.” you showed the phone to her and she instantly smiled. She grabbed the phone and scrolled through the countless images of little puppies.
“Oh my god, Y/N, you have to get this one. It’s so cute I could die.” she laughed, showing a picture of a little Pomeranian, “Good luck convincing him of anything, though.”
“I’m trying so hard to come up with any argument that he would have against me so I can be prepared, but I don’t know what I don’t know and he knows literally everything.” you said, “Oh no, Garcia, the little spotted one has my heart.”
“If you get one, you should name it Penelope. I’ve heard that’s a nice name.”
“What if it’s a boy?” you asked. 
“Then you should name it…” she thought for a second, “Penelope. I heard that’s a good name, too.”
You both laughed and looked at a few more puppies before she turned to you with a smile.
“Thanks, Y/N, I really needed that.”
“Any time, Garcia.” you answered back. You put your phone back in your pocket, and watched as your inspiration worked away, and within a few hours, the case was solved. By then, you knew Spence wouldn’t be back home until the next day, so Garcia offered to let you stay with her.
You spent the whole night looking at puppies, and coming up with a list of reasons as to why Spencer should let you adopt one.
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Gotham Falls Part 1
-Marinette was 6 years old when her parents sat her down and told her she's was going to he a sister
-Tom and Sabine had already explained to Marinette where baby came from thanks to Sabine's friend Nadia getting pregnant
-Marinette: So there's a baby growing in Maman's stomach?
-Tom: Well...no
-Marinette: Then how can I be a big sister?
-Sabine: Well you're not going to be a big sister, you're actually going to be a little sister
-Marinette gave her parents a confused look
-Tom: You see sweetie one of my best friends is no longer........able to take care of her son so we will be
-Marinette: What about his dad?
-Tom and Sabine looked at each other not knowing what to say
-Sabine: His dad was not a good man, and had to go to jail, because of what he did to his wife
-Marinette: What's his name?
-Tom: His name's Adrien Agreste, but starting next week he'll be Adrien Dupen-Cheng
-After a week if setting up Adrien's new room, going through interviews, and just generally getting ready for Adrien's arrival
-Marinette spent the week making Adrien a small stuffed black cat with the help of Sabine to match her own ladybug stuff animal, made by her mother that was named Tikki
-When Adrien and Marinette finally met they took to eachother like a duck to water
-Adrien absolutely loved his new stuff animal who he named Plagg
-The two seemed inseparably
-The Dupen-Chengs made sure to make Adrien feel right at home
-They included him in all family activities, and held him when he cried because of the lost of his original family
-As the years went by Marinette and Adrien grew closer and closer
-You could rarely find one without the other near by
-As Marinette got older her love of fashion and design grew she started to design and make her own clothes around the age of 12
-And Adrien developed a love of photography
-Together they run a instagram account full of Marinette's designs
-It was originally Adrien's idea and Marinette kinda just went with it
-When the two were 16 their parents announced they were moving
-Tom's father had passed away and they wanted to move into his old home to keep the family backery running
-So they backed up their things and moved to a town in Oregon called Gotham Falls
-Marinette: So why are we moving there again?
-Tom: Well since your grandfather passed somebody has to run his bakery. It's been in our family for almost a hundred years so we are going to have our current employees run this location and your mother and I are going to run the original one
-Adrien and Marinette still looked hesitant about this new change coming to their lives
-Sabine: Think of this like an adventure, there are plenty of kids your age and lots of places to explore
-Before they knew it Marinette and Adrien were packed up and heading to this new town and new life
-As the new family drove into town they got a lot of stares from the locals watching as the moving van drove down Main Street to the most popular Bakery in town
-Their first day in town was spent talking to curious locals and accepting welcome gifts
-As Marinette was moving of of her boxes inside she noticed two boys staring from across the street
-One boy had black messy hair and blue eyes
-He wore beat up blue jeans with a white t-shirt and a blue plaid shirt unbutton over it and a pair of beat up hiking boots
-The other also had black hair, but his was a lot neater. He had dark green eyes that seemed to bore into Marinette's soul
-He work dark wash jeans, a red t-shirt, a green and yellow jacket with a pair of black combat boots
-Marinette gave them an ackward smile and wave that the boys returned before leaving down the street
-Marinette shook off the strange encounter and continue to unpack
-The Dupen-Chengs stayed in their new home for a couple of days unpacking and setting up their new home
-After about a week the house was all unpacked and decorated and the bakery will open back up the next day, so Sabine had a chat with her hermit children who have yet to leave the house since arriving
-Sabine: Why don't you two go out to explore the town?
-Adrien messing with his camera: I don't know mom it looks like it's about to rain?
-Sabine looked at her two children, both dressed in clothes Marinette made
-Marinette was in dark blue jean shorts, white fitted t-shirt with a light pink vest with a pair of dark blue converse hightops with pink flowers embroidered on the side
-Adrien was wearing blue jeans with a black t-shirt that says You Got To Be Kitten Me Right Meow in green with paw prints dotting the i's.
-Adrien would right down puns for Marinette and she would put them on t-shirts for him, even if they made her groan.
-Sabine: It's Oregon it's always about to rain
-Sabine pushed her 2 children out the door, handed Marinette her small pink backpack, and locked the door behind them
-Sabine: Don't come back till sunset
-Adrien and Marinette looked at each other shocked
-Marinette: She really kicked us out
-Adrien: And told us not to come back till sunset
-Marinette looked around their was 2 directions they could go
-Down Main Street with all the shops and people or down a mist filled road with an old sign pointing to something called the Mystery Shack
-Marinette pointing to the mist filled road: Let's go that way
-Adrien gave Marinette a look: You want to go down the creepy road?
-Marinette: Yes
-Adrien *sighing*: Of course you do
-The two made their way down the misty road after about 15 minutes they come across a old cabin with the words Mystery Shack spelled out on the roof
-The two walked in to be greeted by a boy in his early 20s with a white streak in his hair sitting behind the counter
-Jason in a bored tone: Welcome to the Mystery Shack the most mysterious place on Earth
- The man looked up at the two teens who walked into the gift shop
-Jason in a livelier tone: Oh you guys are the kids who moved into the bakery right?
-Marinette: Yeah I'm Marinette Dupen-Cheng and this is my brother Adrien
-Adrien with a slightly dreamy voice: Hi
-Jason: Cool! My name's Jason Todd welcome to Gotham falls
-Marinette: Thanks
--A commotion could be heard from the back and older woman can bursting out of the back stacks of fliers in her hands
-Marianne: Jason where's that little brother of yours? I thought you said that he would come today to help hang fliers and where's Harley?
-Jason: He must have gotten side track you know how he and Jon can get and Harley had to go do something
-Marianne: ugh... Who are you two?
-Adrien: Oh I'm Adrien Dupen-Cheng and this-
-Marianne: Yeah don't care do you want to earn some money?
-Marinette: What
-Marianne: I'll give you two $20 each to hang these posters up around the road to town.
-Marinette and Adrien looked at eachother asking if the other were okay with it
-Marinette: Sure why not
-Marianne: Good here's the fliers and $10 each I'll give you half now half when you come back
-The two grabbed the fliers and said goodbye to Jason and made their way down the road into the woods hanging posters up every couple of feet
-It took about an hour but Marinette and Adrien finally got all the posters hung up
-Adrien: Come over here Marinette
-Marinette: What?
-Adrien: this is a perfect area for you outfit go stand in top of that stump
-Marinette did as her brother said doing different poses on top of the stump as Adrien snapped pictures of his camera
-At one point Marinette stepped too far back and stepped on a branch still attached to the stump and it went down like a lever and a shelves popped open
-Living inside was a green journal with a hold turtle shell of the front with the number 3 written on it
-Marinette: What?
-Marinette picked up the book and open the first page
-Written on it was the words trust no one in Gotham Falls
-Adrien reading over her shoulders: Ehat does that mean?
-Marinette flipping through the journal: I don't know. Look at this it's filled with sketches and info about different types of monsters. Who wrote this?
-Adrien: I don't know, but let's get out of here, this place is freaking me out=
-Marinette: I have to agree with you there Adrien. Let's head back to the Mystery Shack
-Marinette slipped the journal in her backpack, zipping it close
-As the two head back to the shack not noticing the small dark shadows hidden among the trees
-They went back to the shack and gathered the rest of their payments
-The 2 stayed there getting to know Jason and also meeting Harley who came back about an hour after they returned
-It was fun the two stayed at the Mystery Shack for hours laughing and joking around with the two 20 somethings, every once and a while helping Marianne with anything she might need done while they were there
-Jason’s mysterious brother and his friend never showed up
- As the sone started to dip behind the trees Marinette and Adrien head back to the bakery
-The rest of the week was spent by the 2 siblings spending every other day at the mystery shack 
-When not at the shack they would explore the town and do different photo shoots around the areas they would discover
-And when she wasn’t doing that Marinette was reading the journal
-It was written so well that Marinette almost believed it
-Adrien dismissed it though claiming it was probably some kids D&D journal
-As the two siblings explored the town Marinette noticed that a tall teenager in a black sweatshirt always seemed to follow her and Adrien around
-One day when Marinette was alone the teen finally came up to Marinette and started to try to flirt with her
-He said his name was Norman and with a broken speech Norman tried to ask Marinette out 
-Marinette watched in horror as she silently checked of a mental list that pointed to only one answer
-Norman was a zombie trying to lure Marinette away to eat her brain
-Marinette searched the street around her hoping to see Adrien or Jason or Harley or anyone who could get her out of this situation when her eyes landed on the two boys that she waved at the first day she arrived in Gotham Falls
-Marinette: I’m very flattered but I have plans with my friends over there, so maybe another time
-Marinette ran toward the two boys, moving between the two and hooking her arms through theirs
-Marinette loudly: There you guys are I’ve been looking for you guys.
-Marinette quietly: Sorry about this that guy over there is freaking me out
-The two boys nodded their heads and lead Marinette away from Norman pretending to have a conversation with the young half asian girl.
-They lead her back to the bakery not leaving her side until they were sure Norman was no where to be seen and Marinette was safe inside
-Marinette: Thank you so much I know that was probably super weird and ackward 
-Damian: It's no problem miss
-Jon: Happy to help
-Before Marinette could say anything else the boys disappeared down the road
-That night Marinette told Adrien her worries about Norman and her theory about him being a zombie
-Adrien: Come on Marinette that's silly. I think you need to stop reading that strange book so much
-Marinette: perhaps you're right
-On there way to the Mystery Shack the next day the two siblings were exploring the woods near the road where they were cornered by Norman who turned out to be a group of Gnomes who wanted Marinette to marry their leader
-Gnome Leader (a/n: I can't remember his name and refuse to look it up): Oh I'm sure that's just cold feet talking. You'll be my queen and ruling the gnomes. Guys get her!
-With his command gnomes charged the siblings
-Adrien: Run!
-The 2 ran towards the road but the gnomes cut them off
-Adrien picking up a tree branch: Looks like we're going to have to fight our way our of this
-Marinette taking out the journal: Let's do this
-The two started to whack the gnomes away from them
-They did their best to beat them back but there was too many of them
-They were almost completely overwhelmed when a golf came crashing through the crowd stopping in front of Marinette and Adrien
-Damian at the wheel: Get on!
-Adrien: You don't have to tell us twice
-Jon squeezed Marinette between him and Damian and Adrien hopped onto the back
-Marinette: Go go go
-Damian didn't have to he told twice he slammed on the gas
Marinette: How did you guys know we were in trouble
Damian: We noticed that something was not right with Norman so we've been keeping an eye on him
Jon: But we thought he was a vampire
Marinette: oh I thought zombie
Adrien: I just thought he was an awkward guy. I think we all can agree that nobody saw gnomes coming.... AHH GNOMES ARE COMING!!!!
The gnomes had joined together to form a giant gnome
Damian/Jon/Marinette looking back: OH MY GOSH!!!
Damian swerved into a tunnel hoping to lose the giant, but to no advail
Gnome Leader: Come back my queen!
Damian and Jon paused their screaming and looked at Marinette
Marinette: Yeah I have no idea
The giant gnome threw a tree in their path causing Damian to try and swerve out of the way
Damian turned too hard and the golf cart tipped to the side crashing in front of the Mystery Shack
The teens crawled out of the golf cart pressing their backs against the walls of the Mystery Shack
Marinette notice a leaf blower in the pile of leaves beside her
Marinette: I need you guys to trust me
Damian: What?
Marinette staring into Damian's eyes: Trust me.
Damian: Okay
Marinette stepping forward: Wait! You win I'll marry you
Gnome Leader: oh great
Marinette sat down on her knees as the gnome climbed down his fellow gnomes
Marinette waited as the gnome slid a ring on her finger
Marinette: You may now kiss the bride
Gnome Leader: Don't mind if I do
As he closed his eyes and puckered his lips Marinette grabbed the leaf blower and sucked the gnome up
Marinette: That that you little creep!
Marinette then shot the gnome out of the leaf blower causing him to shoot through the giant gnome
With their leader gone the other gnomes fled with the teens yelling victory
The 2 sets of teen finally introduce themselves and that battle was the start of a beautiful friendship
Together the teens started their investigations of the mysteries of Gotham Falls
Damian and Marinette seemed to be focus more on the mystery than Jon and Adrien though
Together they hunted mythical creatures and try to gain more information on them
Jon and Adrien was more focus on summer fun and romance
While Adrien seem to fall for almost every cute boy that passed through town
Jon was completely smitten with Adrien
He tried to do his best to hunt at it but Adrien was completely oblivious
As the summer went on Adrien forced Damian and Jon to do photoshoots with Marinette
All together they made a great team
They solved so many mysteries together
Adrien and Jon made sure Damian and Marinette didn't go too crazy trying to solve mysteries and Marinette and Damian made sure the other 2 didn't get too carry away with summer romance and fun
During Summerween Damian angered the Summerween Trickester sk the kids had to try and get 500 pieces of candy
Which was made worst because of their age
In the end they weren't able to get it all and had to fight him
They beat home by melting making him sink down the drain
Another time Adrien and Marinette was curious about the resident phyick that Marianne hated name Lila
Together with Jason they watch her show and even stayed behind to talk to her
Apparently Lila took a liking to Adrien and wanted him for herself
Adrien really wasn't comfortable with the attention Lila was giving him and tried to tell her, but every time he tried to tell her something came up that pressured him not too
Adrien begged Marinette to talk to her for him which she agreed to
It was a huge mistake
Not only was Lila a REAL phyick, but she was also a sociopath
She tried to kill Marinette thinking she was keeping them apart
The only thing that saved Marinette was Damian coming across them and Lila not wanting other people to see her like thay
After that Damian put his foot down
Damian: Marinette's not breaking up for you any more she could've been killed
Adrien: I agree with you 100%
Jon bringing his face closer to Adrien's: You know I could help you keep people like that away
Adrien blushing: Oh stop joking Jon
Another time Adrien and Jon were convice that Damian and Marinette binged together so they set up a romantic picnic for them
Damian: I can't believe your brother and Kent did this to us
Marinette blushing: Am I really that bad?
Damian blushing: No not at all Angel it just that I would have preferred if I asked you myself. I actually...well I really
Damian grabbed Marinette's hands and was leaning his face closer to hers
Marinette had every intention to let Damian continue, but she notice something big under the water of the lake
Marinette: What was that?
Adrien from the bushes: OH COME ON!!!!
That turned into a lake monster hunt
Which in the end they learned there was no lake monster but the town kook Mr. Pidgeon
Near the end if the summer Lila tried to get her revenge by taking over the Mystery Shack our gang's favourite hang out
She used a dream demon called the Joker to get into Marianne's head
They did their best to stop her, but Lila made it very clear that the only way she would give the Shack back to Miranne was if Adrien agreed to date her
And no way was Marinette going to allow that
It took a lot of courage for Adrien to accept who he is and Marinette was not going to let some bitch force him to subress that
They used a spell that was in the book to also enter Marianne's mind to stop the Joker
They succeeded in banishing the Joker from Miranne's head and stopping Lila
And even though the summer was over Marinette new that they were just beginning to unravel the mysteries of Gotham Falls
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So guys welcome to part 1 or 3 in my Gravity falls au. While yes this is a Daminette/Adrijon fic it will focus mainly on the sibling relationship between Adrien and Marinette
I hope you guys like it and I'll see you soon on the next part
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sirsamurai · 3 years
My Bad Day....
I am writing this so that years later, if I am still around and so inclined, I can look at it and remember the events of October 17, 2021 as they actually happened....
Today was the day of SPW’s annual Halloween show.  I was schedule to be in the costume battle royal and a street fight for the SPW Tag Titles.  I got up at nine to shower and load up my car.  My house was full of women.  I live with two.  Two others had driven in from Utah to watch the show and another from Arizona for the same reason.  Three more had planned on coming down from Oregon but they had to cancel.
I was leaving extra early because I had to stop at the store to buy something to wear under the white running tights I was wearing as a part of my costume because our shows are all ages and those tights were not.  I also had to look for a copy of the Elk Grove Citizen, the local paper that had an article on tonight’s show. 
My first stop was Target in Elk Grove, and as I got off the freeway my testicles really started to hurt, I started a cold sweat, and I felt nauseous.  The whole thing hit me out of nowhere.  As I got out of my car I got dizzy and felt like I was going to crap myself so I went to the toilet, but could not go.  By this point I was sweating so much my shirt was soaked.  I bought some white underwear and returned to my car, but kept dry heaving.  I started to panic.  I called Heather and told her what was going on.  She said that she would come take me to a medical center (I really dislike doctors as every time I see one they want to operate on me).  She stayed on the phone with me for awhile, no idea how long, and eventually I felt ok to drive the rest of the way to the venue. 
I parked and saw fellow Honor Society member Eliza Hammer and she immediately could tell something was wrong.  She is an ambulance driver and has EMT training.  I went inside to lay down but the pain was so great, I couldn’t stay still.  I went back outside and she checked my stats again.  She didn’t say much.  I went back inside to start working on show, but immediately came out again.  I was falling apart.
She told me that she had called her husband (he is the dispatcher at the ambulance company) and that he was sending an ambulance.  She explained that they were just going to check on me and where in the area, this was a lie I later found out.  My stats were so high that her, her husband, and the ambulance crew knew they were coming to take me to the hospital.  She also knew that I would not going willingly.... so the plan was for nobody to tell me what was going on. 
The ambulance soon arrived and they pulled the stretcher thingy out of it and made me lay down.  While they were talking to me they strapped me down, attached me to an ekg, hooked me up to an IV, took my vitals, and drugged me, though I was unaware of the drugging until later. 
The next thing I knew they were loading me in and closing the door.  For some reason I thought to take the keys out of my pocket and through them to Hammer.  As the doors finally closed I saw Hammer and Drake Frost, one of my other partners and Honor Society member, staring at the ambulance.
For the record, all three EMT’s were hot women.  That has nothing to do with this story but I thought it interesting. Send the hot chicks to capture the samurai.
The first that happened to me as we drove away from Soccer World and the first SPW show I will have missed in 19 freaking years) was I wondered why they were doing all this for a sore testicle.  The second thing was I begin to have a panic attack and wanted to rip everything out of my body and jump out the back.  Chances are that is why they strapped me in.
Once we arrived at the hospital I was stuck in a hallway for awhile, still strapped down.  The EMT’s kept checking on me but at this point I was on the verge of losing it.  Eventually I was wheeled to the emergency room and set free from the gurney thing. 
I could not stop shaking and I could not sit still.  I wanted the testicle cut out.... and I could not figure out why nobody was helping me.  Or talking to me.  Or at least giving me an ice pack. 
I arrived at the ER around 11:30 in the morning.  At some point a nurse gave me a cup and told me to pee in it.  I did not have to pee.  Around 1 oclock a woman took me to a room so she could scan my junk.  She had me hold a towel over my penis why she played with my balls for awhile  I didn’t need a towel, I am scotch/irish so a washcloth would have been more than enough.
When she was done playing with my balls she returned me to the seat in the hallway that was the ER.  Around 2  oclock I was brought a cup of water so that I might be able to finally pee.  Around 2:30 a security guard informed me that my sister was outside waiting for me. I checked my phone and had texts from Hammer (and Heather).  Hammer was there trying to get in to see me but they would not let her.  They told her I was about to be discharged. 
Around 3 oclock a lady came and asked how I was going to pay for my visit (so far all I had gotten was a weak ball job and a cup of water).  My bill was 1500 dollars.  I told her I had no insurance.  She gave me forms to read, which I could not due to the pain in my testicle.  I gave her my ATM and said take a 100 and bill me.  I guess this was an acceptable answer. 
Around 3 I peed in the cup.  
At 4:45 a doctor finally approached me and said that I had twisted my testicle (evidently it happens) which caused a build up of fluid, which caused the worst pain I had ever experienced.  They were prescribing me an anti inflammatory for that and he was guessing I had a UTI because there was blood in my urine.
He said I would be fine in five days. 
I was in such pain as I walked out that I didn’t notice the nurse trying to stop me.... I still had the IV in my arm.  Finally I was free.
Hammer drove me home, but we had to stop twice so I could get out of the car because I was wigging out. 
We left the hospital just after five... which is when SPW was starting.  All my friends were at SPW.  Heather was shooting SPW.  And I was headed home. 
Hammer made me homemade chicken soup.  So that is my story.... but here is what REALLY happened, I later found out...
When hammer took my pulse she saw it was sky high.  Like I was about to pop sky high. 
There is a thing called a hyper tension event, which is very scary.   I was way past that.  I was having a hyper tension emergency.  This is where heart attacks, strokes, and aneurysms  happened.  So the (hot) emt’s showed up and immediately drugged me to get my blood pressure down because thanks to Mr. Hammer they had already been clued in. They were not concern with my testicle at all.  Rightfully so,
Hammer most likely saved my life.  Or at least my quality of life.  My family has a history of high blood pressure.  My dad had an aneurysm when he was 37.  His father died of a stroke at 38. 
I am 48.
And now I know that SPW will be just fine without me. 
And I feel like I am living on borrowed time.  A bomb waiting to go off.  And that is really fucking with my head....
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Past Pleasures
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Request: Ohh I'm anxious for misunderstanding part 2! It's sooo good 💚 idk if you're taking requests (sorry if you're not) but i thought it'd be pretty cool if reader works at the bau and is someone from kai parker's past (a childhood friend/crush/whatever) and when the team's called for help in mystic falls, kai's the unsub.. thanks in advance and, again, sorry if you're not taking requests! Take care :)
(Summary: Never in a million years did you think your ex boyfriend would be on the BAU’s radar.)
(A/N: I'm altering the Prison World storyline from TVD for this imagine! Also I’m altering Kai’s storyline to fit this. Lastly some stuff in this story involving the hospital may be inaccurate. Also sorry this took so long to post. I hope you still enjoy it!)
REQUEST ARE OPEN (+ Harry Potter has been added to the list recently!)
“Hotch I’m going to be a bit late this traffic is a pain in the-” I start before I get cut off. “Y/L/N take all the time you need just make sure you get here in one piece.” Hotch’s stern voice says. “Yes sir I will be speeding there right now. Not literally Hotch.” I say before hanging up the phone. I steadily drive over to work and park my car. I enter the building and head up to the unit area. “Hey Y/N/N.” I hear Penelope’s happy voice greet me as I step out of the elevator. “Hey Pen.” I say smiling as I swing open the doors of the bullpen. I head over to my desk and sit down. “Ah don’t get too comfortable my BAU baby. We have a case.” Penelope says strolling past me and up the stairs.I haven’t had coffee yet.I follow her into the room. “Here I heard your commute was very long.” Emily says, handing me a cup of coffee. “Oh what did I do to be blessed with Emily freaking Prentiss.” I say smiling as I take a sip. “Here you go babes.” Penelope says handing us our files. “Okay Mystic Falls Virginia just outside our room. Multiple bodies were sent to the hospital all banged and bloody.” Penelope says shivering at her words.I look at the file pictures and these seem vaguely familiar.“So why are we being called in?” Derek asks. “Because they all identified that it was the same man.” Penelope says.Great it’s serial.“They all said it was a blue eyed, dark brown haired guy.” Penelope says. Oh shit Kai. “Do you have a name yet?” I ask Penelope. “No but, like major but a similar thing was done by a guy named Malachai Parker.” Penelope says shivering slightly. “So why haven’t they caught him yet?” JJ asks, confused. “No one has been able to find him.”  I look down to the floor remembering the prison world escape. 
“Kai you and I both know she won’t get us both out.” I say snuggling up to him. “Babe have a little faith.” He says kissing the top of my head. “Kai what if we don’t get out?” I ask sadly, remembering my life outside of this world. “We’ve dealt with each other for this long and plus we can kill our way to the top. I’ll consider sharing my coven with you.” He says smiling at me. I smile back at him. “As fun as the killing game sounds Kai I don’t want to hurt people. I want to do what I planned before I got in here.” I say fiddling with my fingers. “The FBI thing?” Kai asks quirking an eyebrow. “Yeah Kai I would’ve been perfect for that.” I sigh sadly. “If you became an agent would you put me away?” Kai asks, grabbing my hands. “I don’t think I can run a coven on my own.” I say smiling up at him. “Good now let’s find our ticket out.” He says clapping his hands together.
“Y/N?” I hear Spencer whisper beside me catching my attention. “Hmm?” I ask looking up at him. “We’re headed to the jet now.” He says shyly, handing me my go bag. “Thanks Spence.” I say smiling as I stand up. We head towards the elevator elaborating on ideas for the case and catching Kai. We step onto the jet and take our seats. “Okay so his M.O is very bloody.” Emily says twisting her pen between her fingers. “He could be sadistic.” JJ suggests turning a page to look at crime scene photos. “Or he can be a sociopath. Or at least showing the signs.” I say as I shrug leaning back. “Why do you think that?” Rossi asks. “It was just a suggestion Rossi I honestly have no clue on how to approach this case.” I say closing the file and stare out the window.
Kai and I enter the back seat of a taxi. “We‘re free baby.” I say laughing giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Where are you guys off to?” The driver asks. “Mystic Falls.” Kai says quickly. “Why are headed back to that trashy town Kai.” I say rolling my eyes. “Old friends.” He says grabbing my chin so I turn to face him. “What kind?” I say smiling at him. “Family kind.” He says placing his hands over my shoulder. “Why are we going to visit your family? They have caused you nothing but trouble. For fucks sake Kai they treated you like shit.” I say shifting to look at his face. “Relax it isn't going to be a fun reunion.” Kai says shrugging. I sigh lightly this most likely won’t end good.
“Tell us baby girl.” Derek says as he puts Penelope on speaker. “Okay so this Malachai guy has a rough history. He was born in 1972 in Portland Oregon. He has multiple siblings which he, oh my gosh, murdered. He has a twin sister named Josette Laughlin and two younger siblings Lucas and Olivia Parker who are still alive.” Penelope says. “Is that all Penelope?” Hotch asks walking over to the phone. “Actually no this is weird. Malachai went off the grid in 1994, like disappeared. Then he reappeared in 2012.” She says, sounding confused. “Isn’t your hometown Portland Oregon?” JJ whispers beside me. “Sadly.” I say. “There’s been a series of bodies that are injured in the local hospital. Malachai was also admitted there but he isn’t seen on the cameras. They suspect he’s still in the hospital. ” The sheriff says quickly entering and exiting the room. We all scramble and put on our vests. Half of us enter one van and the rest in another as we speed off into the hospital.
We enter the hospital with our guns drawn low. “Reid, Y/L/N, Prentiss take the upper area of the hospital. The rest follow me.” Hotch instructs. We all nod in unison and head up the stairs with our weapons still out. We make it to the floor with the victims and the lights go out. “What the hell.” I hear Emily say. “Welcome to Mystic Falls’ Hospital BAU agents. I am Kai Parker, nice to be acquainted with you guys seeing as my ex-girlfriend is on your team. Hello Y/N.” Kai’s voice booms through the hospital speakers. I groan internally at his words so much for being lowkey. I turn on the flashlight on my gun and look around. Great Emily and Spencer are nowhere to be seen. I surprisingly make my way down the steps and head towards the speaker room. No ones in here. “Of course you're the first to be here.” I hear Kai say from behind me. “Don’t make this difficult Kai.” I say turning to him. “Or what you’ll arrest me. Last time I checked you hurt people too. Before this whole FBI thing that is.” Kai says, stepping towards me. “Actually that’ll be kind of hot so I won’t oppose it happening.” He says, smirking at me. I lay my hand out to start inflicting pain on him. “Immobilis.” He says halting my movements. I freeze completely and stare at him as he walks around me.
“You still look the same. You even still have that scar from when we escaped the prison world.” Kai says as he drags a finger onto my cheek outlining the scar. “Does your team even know about me? Do they know you could’ve found me so easily with your magic?” He asks, gripping my arm. He siphons some magic from me causing pain but I can’t scream out. He lets go of me and drops the spell. “Motus.” I say immediately sending him flying out the room. He groans and gets up off the floor. He speeds over to me and grabs me by the neck pinning me to the wall. He grips my neck tightly as I gasp for air. “I won’t kill you because well we dated and you're hot.” He says dropping me. I fall to my knees holding my throat. “Malachai Parker. Put your hands in the air.” Emily says as she appears behind Kai. Kai smirks to me and puts his hands up. “Remember your house in the prison world. I hope you remember what I told you.” Kai says to me. “I love you and always win.” I say looking at him confused. “Ad somnum.” He says, turning to Emily making her drop to the floor. He turns back to me and grabs me by the chin. “I always win baby.” He says kissing me before speeding out of the room. The lights on the floor immediately go back on as he runs away and Emily stands up rubbing her head. “Where did he go?” Emily asked, looking around. “He’s gone.” I sigh sadly. “Guys!” We hear Spencer exclaim. Emily and I scramble out the room towards his voice with our guns drawn. “Oh my gosh.” Emily gasps as we see Kai holding Spencer up by the neck. I place my hand forwards and feel the gust of wind moving around me from the vents. I focus my energy on Kai and think of pain. Kai immediately drops to the floor, dropping Spencer in the process. I step closer to Kai as Emily grabs Spencer moving him to the side. I twist my fingers making the pain intensify as Kai screams out in agony. 
I drop my hand and Kai stands up glaring at me. “Mittite.” I say flinging him into the wall. He stays pinned tightly into the wall and I twist my hand snapping his neck. His body drops to the ground lifeless. “Cuff him and put him in the car before he wakes up.” I say to Spencer who nods back at me.
We head back to the station and Kai gets put into one of the cells. “Make sure you call Bonnie and Damon quickly. Kai is dangerous.” I say quietly to Sheriff Forbes who nods in understanding. I nod over to her and walk off to the room where we all set up. “Where is everyone?” I ask, noticing only Spencer in the room. “Back at the hotel.” He says holding his bag tightly. “Oh um well I’ll be right back.” I say opening the door. “Hey Y/N would you maybe want to go out sometime?” I hear Spencer says. I turn to him blushing profusely and nod not trusting my mouth to say actual words. He smiles widely as I exit the room. I walk over to Kai’s spelled  cell and look at him tilting my head to the side. “Goodbye Kai. I hope you enjoy the new and improved prison world you'll most likely be sent to.” I say waving him off. I head back to the set up room and grab my bag. I lace my hands with Spencer and we walk out of the station.
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
Top 20 BEST Animated Series of the 2010s-2nd Place
If you’ve been paying attention to Disney’s televised animation, you’d noticed that there’s been a weird trend going on with their shows. Recently, most of Disney’s shows begin as random comedies only to have a deep story to them in later seasons. Some shows soar as they do this right, and others tend to flail as they do it wrong. Personally, I would like to think it’s all because of one show that Disney has made. And since its series finale, the network tries their hardest to replicate it due to how well received it was. And despite the many attempts, no one can do better than--
#2-Gravity Falls (2012-2016)
The Plot: Twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines are forced by their parents to spend the summer in Gravity Falls, Oregon. But don’t worry, their parents are not entirely careless. They just sent their only children to spend the summer with their con artist of a great uncle with a deep, dark secret...okay, so they're a little careless. In fact, the parents might be more irresponsible than you think because Gravity Falls isn’t the small backwater town as it seems. Soon enough, Dipper and Mabel will learn that it’s a town with monsters, demons, and a mysterious author who recorded all of the town’s weirdness in his journals. Will the Pines twins solve the town's mysteries, or is their summer going to be over sooner than they thought?
By the way, I FREAKING love this premise! The idea of an entire town being filled with mysteries and monsters is so compelling to me because the possibilities are endless. One episode could be dealing with zombies, and another could be dealing with an entire society dedicated to keeping the town’s weirdness a secret. On top of that, every monster/weird oddity that Dipper and Mable face is just so creative, from a multi-headed bear to even the main antagonist being (and I kid you not) the Illuminati symbol wearing a top hat. And even when the show does use monsters you’ve seen before, they utilize them in a way you wouldn’t have expected. For example, there are two episodes where the characters deal with ghosts. In both scenarios, the methods these ghosts use to haunt the living are not just creative and scary, but in some instances, they can also be kinda funny. There’s just no telling what this show is going to pull off. Or at least, not entirely.
Because another great thing this show has is its mystery element. And I don’t mean just how well it handles mystery within a single episode (although it does that phenomenally too). What I mean is that Gravity Falls has a great overarching mystery that you, the audience, can solve for yourself. With that comes the show’s impressive attention to detail. From the secret codes to solve, to the lines/scenes you wouldn’t have thought twice about, to even a single license plate. That’s right. A single license plate is an essential clue to the show's most significant twist ever. In fact, it’s a twist that fans have solved years in advance due to all the hints that were left within previous episodes. And most of the credit goes to Alex Hirsh and his team. They really put a lot of effort into what many would describe, a kids cartoon. Even though this might just be the most adult kid's cartoon that I have ever seen.
You know how Pixar movies try their darndest to make films suitable for both children and their parents? That’s basically what Gravity Falls does. Whether you’re an adult or child, odds are you will be entertained in nearly every episode because rarely does it feel like an episode leans too far in either direction. If there’s an episode with a serious story, there’s always a silly/lighthearted subplot to keep the kids entertained. And if there’s an episode that is just silly all the way through, there are adult jokes that make you ask, “How the hell did a Disney cartoon get away with that?” Even when the show gets genuinely creepy, it works just perfectly above the line of going too far for kids (except in “Northwest Mansion Mystery." S**t gets real in that episode). Many kid's shows in the 2010s struggled to find this balance, and Gravity Falls is another one of those rare exceptions that somehow feels like it does it without even trying.
And what keeps that balance? The show’s sense of humor, that’s what. Even in the darkest episodes of the series, there is almost a well-placed joke to lighten the mood. And with Gravity Falls, the show relies on four types of humor. Being random, being surreal, being smart, and being dark. And not just dark for a Disney cartoon. I mean that Gravity Falls has a dark sense of humor that I would have expected in something like Rick and Morty (which is fitting because the creators of both shows are actually close friends in real life). As for how funny the jokes are in this series, they. Are. SO. Funny. I’m not kidding when I say that every single episode--and I do mean, every. Single. Episode--has made me laugh at least once. Not even the best comedy shows that I’ve seen have been capable of doing something so spectacular.
But do you want to know why the comedy is so hilarious? And do you want to know what really kept me invested in all 40 episodes? The answer is simple: It’s all because of the characters. Most jokes are funny because the right person said them. I care about the show’s mysteries because the characters make me care about those mysteries. And when the stakes get high, I’m invested because I care about the characters so much that I fear they’ll get hurt. In fact, I was so invested in all of these characters that the series finale made me cry FOUR TIMES due to how heart-wrenching it was. And I don’t weep that often when it comes to specific media. Most of the time, I get a little misty-eyed, and even when it feels like a scene has yanked at my heartstrings, I usually get myself under control before any real tears show up. But with the series finale of Gravity Falls, I was so emotionally invested with this cast that I was tearing up with them as tearful goodbyes were said. This is because Gravity Falls’ writers know that the key to making any story work is to have a great cast of characters. Because it doesn’t matter how epic your plot is. If I’m not invested in the characters winning the day, then I won’t be invested in the story.
Now at this point, you’re probably wondering what is wrong with this show. To that, I say virtually nothing...Okay, that’s not true. There are some problems the show has, but trust me when I say that the good heavily outweighs the bad. Are there occasional continuity errors? Yes. But they’re usually intentional for misdirection or made up with really great attention to detail in other scenes. Are there occasionally bad jokes? Of course. But like I said: EVERY. EPISODE. IS. FUNNY. So who cares if not every joke lands? Are there also a couple bland characters? Obviously. However, they’re either made better in later episodes or forgotten quickly due to even more memorable characters. And now the big one: Are there bad episodes? And there are...in comparison to the show’s usual quality. Even when Gravity Falls is at its “worst,” the writing is still somehow entertaining in its own right. Hell, the real complaint I have involving the series isn’t even about the show itself. It’s about other shows on the network.
Like I’ve said in the beginning, as of late, there has been a lot of modern Disney cartoons trying too hard to be the new Gravity Falls. And they’re all best intentions met with poor execution. The best (or should I say worst) example I can think of is Tangled: The Series, a television series based on Disney’s Tangled. The first batch of episodes was cute, harmless, and downright charming. Then halfway through the first season, it becomes dark, dark, and even darker. And unfortunately, the show’s quality feels like it took a dip with its direction. As for other Disney cartoons, they follow a similar pattern, with the thought that Gravity Falls did the same thing. The problem is that it didn’t. From the very first episode, the show started off by hinting that it isn’t as cute and innocent as it seems. Sure the stories got significantly darker in season two, but they slowly worked their way towards earning that by slowly becoming more dramatic with each episode. And like I said, even at its darkest, the writers still knew when to keep the tone light. So that’s really the only logical problem I have with Gravity Falls: It made people think they need to be more like Gravity Falls.
When I hear that people wish the show was brought back, I honestly don’t get it. The series ended on a perfect note, with very few questions left unanswered. And the unanswered questions were actually answered through other media such as books or comics. And if you ask me, I’d rather have the series come to an end in the way that it did. It had a perfect premise told with fascinating mysteries, funny comedy, infesting characters, and even a kickass theme song (I know that I didn’t mention that last bit, but trust me when I say that it’s so GOOD). Why ruin that by turning it into something like The Simpsons, where a show would just get stale after too many seasons? In the end, while I was sad to see it go, I’m still happy to say that this is always going to be a show that will make you Fall in love with it.
(But the real mystery is: What series is going to top a cartoon that was practically perfect?)
(Who am I kidding. You’ve probably already figured it out by now.)
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Yes, I think there was an error in the article about Sam on the Edinburgh Steiner School website; even if there wasn’t an error, Sam’s 3-month symptoms PREDATE when the first cases of the virus appeared in the U.K., the U.S., and Mexico
Some fans are freaking out because of what I believe was an error about Sam on the Edinburgh Steiner School website. 
“Speaking over Zoom from Hawaii, as he self-isolated following a suspected 3-month covid-related illness, Heughan told Chair of College, Nick Brett.” [emphasis added]
Now this is what appeared in The Times:
“In a Zoom conversation with Nick Brett, chairman of management at the Edinburgh Steiner School, which Heughan attended from 1992, he spoke of his desire to ‘hide behind characters’ in the parts he played.”
There is no mention of Hawaii or a “covid-related illness” in The Times article. Furthermore, that article has not been updated; therefore, it never appeared in an earlier version of that article. 
Given that, it seems that someone from the School (possibly even a student) put together the article on the Edinburgh Steiner School website from bits and pieces of The Times article and other sources. 
It is possible that Sam told Nick Brett the information about the “covid-related illness” or it is possible that whoever wrote the School article, jumped to the conclusion that when Sam mentioned that he had been “ill for three months” in his mid-April rant that the illness had been “covid-related.”
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Given the above, let’s look at the worst case scenario, that Sam told someone from the School that he had “a suspected 3-month covid-related illness.”
A key word there is “suspected.” That means it was never diagnosed. 
He also said the illness had lasted for “three months.” If it had ended around the time he mentioned it in his rant in mid-April, that would have meant it started at the latest in mid-January. 
Below is a timeline of when Covid-19 first appeared in the U.S., the U.K. and Mexico. I’m showing this to help fans realize there was no way that Sam thought he had Covid-19 in January or February, or early March 2020. Most likely, he just thought he had some bug that wasn’t going away.
FIRST CASE IN THE UNITED STATES: WASHINGTON STATE: JAN. 20, 2020. Sam had been nowhere near Washington State when the virus was first reported there. He had been in California, which is a very long way away. There would have been NO reason for Sam to think he had Covid-19 if his symptoms had started in early to mid-January. He would have assumed he had some weird bug that wasn’t leaving him. That’s all.
FIRST CASES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM: YORK: JANUARY 31st.  Sam had been in California in January, so he certainly wouldn’t have thought he had contracted the virus in the U.K.
FIRST CASE IN OREGON: FEB. 28th. Sam posted a photo in Oregon on Feb. 27th, shortly before the first case was reported. He would have already have been sick for nearly two months. 
FIRST CASES IN MEXICO: FEB. 29th. Sam was in Mexico around Feb. 28th and 29. But again, he would have been sick for nearly two months by then.
FIRST CASE IN NEW YORK: MARCH 1st. Sam was in New York for the first couple of weeks of February--before the first case was reported there.
FIRST CASE IN LOS ANGELES: MARCH 4th. Sam was in LA in January before the first case was reported in LA. So if he started to feel ill in January, he wouldn’t have thought it was Covid-19. He returned to LA in early March, but by that time he had been sick for nearly two months. Again, he wouldn’t have thought he contracted Covid-19 in LA. 
FIRST CASE IN NEVADA: MARCH 5th. Sam had been in Las Vegas around February 23rd and 24th before the first case was reported there; he would have also been sick for nearly two months.  
FIRST CASE IN HAWAII: MARCH 6th. Sam arrived in Hawaii after that first case. But he had been sick at that point for nearly two months.
Therefore, contrary to what some of the haters are saying, Sam was not traveling all over the place thinking he had Covid-19. Back then he probably thought he just had some bug he couldn’t shake.
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Finally, according to Harvard Health Publishing:
“We know that a person with COVID-19 may be contagious 48 to 72 hours before starting to experience symptoms. Emerging research suggests that people may actually be most likely to spread the virus to others during the 48 hours before they start to experience symptoms....
“Most people with coronavirus who have symptoms will no longer be contagious by 10 days after symptoms resolve....
“Those with mild cases appear to recover within one to two weeks. With severe cases, recovery can take six weeks or more.”
Given all of the above, someone with Covid-19 symptoms could be contagious for anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks.
Covid-19 also only lasts about 6 weeks in SEVERE cases. So whatever Sam had for three months, was probably NOT Covid-19. However, if he had a series of short-term viruses, it is possible that one of the ones he experienced in March or early April was Covid-19. But by that time he was sheltering in Hawaii. Given that, it would have been wrong for him to fly out of Hawaii and possibly infect people somewhere else.
IF Sam actually said to someone that he had “a suspected 3-month covid-related illness,” this would have most likely have been something he self-diagnosed in late March or in April (after he was in Hawaii) . He would not have thought that any of the symptoms he had in January, February, or early March were Covid-19. It would have been in retrospect, after more active cases started to be reported in the U.S. and we also learned more about the symptoms of mild cases, that Sam would have suspected that at some point he might have contracted Covid-19. 
Sam is NOT an evil human being. He was NOT carelessly spreading Covid-19 in his travels. 
Some fans are making awful assumptions about him. 
You don’t have to like Sam, but please don’t spread unfair rumors about him. That’s not cool. 
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thattimdrakeguy · 5 years
YOUNG JUSTICE #11 - Review!
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(That awkward placement of Naomi’s name bugs me. It’s so uncomfortable to look at cuz it’s so weirdly placed)
I actually really like this issue. It fixed almost every problem the last arc had besides “Drake”, but I’m getting the idea that editorial might’ve forced Bendis to change his identity, given that Tim’s now being said to have been (now previously) Red Robin, instead of how he was obviously marketed as just ROBIN on all the ads and even the covers.
Not that it excuses the bizarre name, or the costume that took away all the character of the Gleason.
HOWEVER, this issue was really good. I actually really really liked it. Still not perfect, Keli says barely anything to the point of her inclusion on the team feeling rather useless, but it’s a big team, and I like the really low-key homey vibe. It’s lovely, I love it.
Like they start off with continuing a previous plot thread (FINALLY, YES):
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Remember that nasty lady from #3? Well, she’s baaaa-ack, and she’s still nasty, but I really love it, because i been so curious where this freaking story was gonna go, and it’s like the main focus on this issue.
Took them freaking forever though.
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The best part of this issue though is the atmosphere, because they stay at Naomi’s house, and I genuinely really love the art and colors. It’s the best this new art team’s shined since they joined.
The atmosphere of this little Oregon home is incredible.
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That shot of her back reminds me of a homey movie. You can really feel the homey-ness of it all. It’s lovely
HOWEVER, the part that makes me really happy.
Is that these kids are having a sleepover at her house.
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They actually feel like kids I adore it. Timmy has a Batman sticker on his freaking laptop the geek, and he’s finally charging his phone.
I also noticed Tim kept his pants on this time. Wouldn’t wanna have to go through what happened last time he stayed at a vigilantes house in front of his new friends.
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Really nice character interactions between Jinny and Naomi. I enjoy Jinny just enjoying a slice of normal.
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There’s also a really nice Timmy page too.
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I like Timmy saying “AN AMAZING BATCAVE” like he’s still a fanboy deep down. The text parts are really nice storytelling without interrupting the main story, I think that’s really cool. Tim’s even drawn a little better! Still way too tall, considering he’s supposed to be cub-scout height though.
John Timms has definitely improved massively over his first few issues though. Certainly with Tim even if he keeps making him too tall.
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Conner’s plot getting furthered finally is awesome.
But, it shouldn’t have taken us a useless arc to get here.
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Seeing some of Conner’s rage come out is super nice too.
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Also may I add that John Timm’s Conner also looks better as well? Like he actually looks teenaged. I’m stoked at John Timms improvement with these characters.
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Cool segues into the next issues too.
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Part of me really likes that Jinny’s truck seems to be the official Young Justice vehicle too.
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Also, Timmy just keeps his phone in his belt. Which is probably obvious thinking about it, but it’s cute.
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Even if it’s low-key I think this was a really good issue from all parts of the creative team, and I’m actually pretty excited to see the next issue.
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It’s a slow issue, and not much happens, but it’s done in a way where it feels like it’s done for mood and atmosphere. Which adds to the experience rather than takes it away.
Timmy’s new costume is still lacking what made the Gleason costume work.
And it makes me question why bother with Amy and Keli if they don’t add anything to the team
But compared to the last arc I thought it was lovely. It’s finally continuing what it needs, and the sleepover stuff was super soft. John Timms even improving a little bit was also super nice.
It’s tons better than what i thought. I’m hoping for good things to come.
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emmettspeakz · 4 years
Best Starkid Character in every musical (these cannot be argued, they’re my favs)
AVPM: Voldemort 
Even before my obsession with the amazing actor boy that is Joe Walker, watching the Quirrelmort scenes, especially Voldemort’s lines, would make me laugh non-stop to the point where I would have to pause the video to laugh for a good thirty seconds before continuing to watch. 
Me and My Dick: Joey Richter
This was a bit more difficult, as none of the characters really stood out to me. But I think just freaking Joey’s whole scene in the choir room got me good.  Dick and Sally are close seconds. 
AVPS: Lupin 
I freaking LOVED Brian Holden’s portrayal of Lupin in this one. I thought it was super creative and fun and also his dynamic with Snape had me cackling. I loved the emotional depth of Sirius too, so it was hard to pick between Lupin and Sirius, but Lupin’s constant thing about how he was actually best friends with James Potter and his insecurity when the students said he can’t sing was too funny not to love. 
AVPSY: Tom Riddle
Yeah, yeah another Joe Walker one, but I seriously loved Joe Walker playing a young Voldemort in this one more than him playing actual Voldemort because he just completely embodies the role and is legit the embodiment of sunshine as this character and dances so adorably and I think playing Tom Riddle brought out his inner cuteness. 
Trail to Oregon: Craphole
Probably in the minority here, but I CAN’T STAND this musical. I loved wagon on fire, I loved the acting but I just couldn’t get with the plot at all, it just wasn’t that interesting to me. That being said, I LOVED every single line that Craphole had and Mouthface was a pretty good contender as well for my favorite character, but just everything Craphole did was so chaotic and it killed me every single time. 
Ani: Obi Wan Kenobi by the wonderful NICK FUCKING LANG
The idea of Obi Wan as a drunk making fun of the prequels? CLASSIC. ICONIC, SHOWSTOPPING, WONDERFUL, AMAZING. Nick Lang, you need to act again buddy, I loved you so much in this role, even more than Mama Umbridge or Robin from Holy Musical B@man. He’s just always drunk and dealing with so much drama he doesn’t want to have to deal with and he’s just so fucking funny man oh my god.
Holy Musical B@man: Batman
Yeah, yeah obvious answer, but c’mon, at least for this one, this was really fucking hard. I LOVED Nick Lang as Robin and Brian Holden as Superman, but the iconic scream Joe does as Batman and also just the great lines he gets like “Batman loves the circus” and “you took my hopes and dreams and mugged and shot them in an alleyway” as well as the way Joe says “mama and papa” and the live version of the lyric “bruised and black” where his voice cracks never ceases to make me laugh when I listen to it. This is currently my favorite character that Joe Walker plays, so it had to also be my favorite character from Batman, I mean seriously there’s no contest.
Starship: TAZ 100%
Lauren Lopez is a fucking gem in this one, what else do I have to say? She never breaks character or her accent (as far as I can tell) and she plays such a badass character so fucking well oh my god. I wonder how long it took her to get in and out of character ‘cause it was just SO GOOD.
Twisted: Achmed
Achmed is a tiger fucker, need I say more? Okay yeah more Joe Walker but I can’t help that he plays fucking iconic roles okay? Just absolutely amazing. His line about bathing him with your tongue was hilarious. I’m still not over it. 
Firebringer: Ducker
Yes, another Joe Walker character. But hear me out: just him harassing Jemilla got me so much. The line “Jemilla...YOU DON’T HAVE THE GUTS” c’mon, tell me that wasn’t perfectly executed! And his reactions to the duck leaving him and losing his privilege and his “duck is lord” song was iconic, okay? Enough said. 
Kind of a generic answer, but this was the first Starkid musical I saw, and I’ve always been a person to love the main-main character, especially one who was so sassy with his co-workers and so brutally honest with them, even though it was clear that they were almost used to the banter and didn’t unfriend him for it. I freaking loved the little scene Jon did here with Paul and Emma about to kiss and then he got blood on his face and ran away going “BYEEEEE”. The total awkwardness is GOLD. 
Black Friday: Ethan Greene
WE WERE ROBBED. I LOVED ETHAN GREENE AND HE DESERVED TO MAKE IT TO CALIFORNIA I’M FUCKING PISSED Y’ALL. Also the bad Ethan Greene scene was fucking scary AF but I loved seeing another side of Ethan in it. Plus Robert Manion is a god damn treasure, that’s all I have to say about that. 
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dynamicduoau · 5 years
Episode 1: The Piolet
Summary: After being sent to the middle of nowhere for their winter break, Virgil Sanders finds a mysterious journal in the woods.  This isn't the only problem as his brother, Patton, might be going a little boy crazy.
Words: 6955
Relationships: Platonic Moxiety, one-sided Logicality
Notes: Find original story here https://archiveofourown.org/works/20170951/chapters/47790076.  
Snow covered the ground as Virgil Sanders looked out the window.  Snowflakes fell from the sky and landed onto the ground in a thick sheet of snow.  It was cold in the old bus.
Honestly, the things should have been scrapped years ago.  His was doing nothing for his anxiety.  The roads were frozen here in Oregon, the bus could slip at any moment and kill them all.  Though he preferred this to flying.  They had been in the air just a couple of hours ago and Virgil had been freaking out.
A bubbly boy that look nearly identical to him kicked his legs back and forth in his seat.  Patton Sanders was Virgil's identical twin brother.  The boy pushed back a brown curl from his forehead as he turned to Virgil.
“What do you think Uncle Emile is like?” Patton asked.
“A serial killer,” Virgil stated, dead serious.
Patton frowned at him and gave him a stern look, “Virgil.”
“We could only be so lucky,” Virgil sighed.  “We met him when we were two, Pop Star.  From what I can remember, which isn’t much, he spent most of his time watching SpongeBob with us.”
The twins might be identical, but you could tell them apart quiet easily.
Virgil had straight hair that covered one eye.  The color was a mix of both brown and purple.  He was paler and looked even more pale with the black eyeshadow that was applied under his eyes.  Virgil tended to wear the same thing every day: a pair of ripped black jeans with dark purple tights underneath, a black T-shirt, his large purple and black flannel patched work jacket, and black and purple combat boots with purple socks peeking out.
Patton had curly brown hair with a single ringlet hanging perfectly on his forehead.  He had light peach colored skin.  A pair of black glasses were perched on his nose.  He wore a light blue shirt with a large white heart in the center.  Long white sleeves went down his arms, but he tended to change the color each day.  His cat hoodie was tied around his shoulders instead of on him.  He wore a pair of light beige skinny jeans with converse that were the same color as his shirt.  His white socks pecked out the tops of his shoes.
They both shared many similarities, though.  They had the same brown eyes.  Both had a splash of freckles covering their cheeks and nose.  Both had the same face shape.  Their hair was the same shade of brown.  They even had the same mole on their left cheek.
“This is our very first trip away from mom and dad,” Patton slapped his hands on both of his cheeks.  “They’re on the other side of the country.  All the way in Florida!”
“And only one call away.  We should just call them now and go home,” Virgil grabbed the phone from his jacket pocket.
It was snagged from his hand and held away from him, “Bro, this is the purrfect opportunity to show them we are cat-able of taking care of ourselves.  Besides, do you really want to get on a plane again?”
Virgil sighed, and placed his hands on his lap.  He did have a point though.  Planes were the worst.
They passed a sign that said now entering Gravity Falls.
“I’m so excited!” the older twin squealed.
Virgil just zipped up his hoodie and grabbed his backpack.  He only had that and a suitcase.  Patton was the one who was carrying about ten different things with him.
The bus soon stopped, and the driver screeched at them, “Gravity Falls!”
The emo twin ran off, he hated that driver.  Patton on the other hand smiled and told the driver goodbye before stepping of the bus.  It did a U-turn and left the twins in the cold snow.
The town had a strange feeling here.  Something that was foreign but comforting.  Virgil shivered in his spot from the cold weather.  He was spending his winter break in the middle of nowhere.
“Where is he?” Virgil looked around for their uncle.
Emile Sanders ran a museum in the middle of the forest that surrounded Gravity Falls.
“Maybe he got held up in traffic,” Patton suggested.
That was unlikely.  There were no cars in sight, and the heavy snow falling down made sure that no one would be driving today.
A car pulled up to them.  He could hardly see the red paint with all the stickers that covered it.
The window was pulled slightly while someone began to sing Da Dadadada Dum song from SpongeBob.  Once they finished they were out of breath, but they could finally see the person.
He had blond curly hair.  His hazel eyes were framed with a pair of brown glasses.  He was wearing a white dress shirt with a pink tie.  On top of that was a brown cardigan, and on top of that was a white coat.
"You're Patton and Virgil, right?” he asked.
Virgil had moved behind his brother, peeking from behind the luggage.  Virgil wasn’t a people person.  It was Patton’s job to do the socializing.
“That’s us!  I love your car!” Patton smiled as he looked at the colorful stickers.
“Thank you,” Emile said as he got out of the car to help the twins place their things in the back.
Now that he was out Virgil could see him better.  He was about 5'10''.  The man wore a pair of regular jeans and brown loafers.
"Hi, well I'm you're Uncle Emile, but you can just call me Emile," he said.
Virgil waved, but kept himself behind his brother.
“My Dark Strange Son is shy,” Patton stated.  “But it’s okay, because I talk enough for the both of us.”
Their uncle smiled at him, “Are you two a pair?  Aren’t you cold?”
“Nope,” Patton replied.  “It’s nice here.  There’s not a snowball chance of it snowing in Florida.”
Emile got into his seat and turned the key.
“I work at the Mystery Museum which is also my home," Emile told them.  "You two will be living there too while you're in Gravity Falls."
“Mystery?” Virgil asked, perking up.
The man nodded, “It belonged to friend of mine.  I’m just running it until they come back.”
Virgil always loved mysteries.  He’d stays up all night to watch conspiracies online.  He' loved it.
Soon they were at large building.  The front read Mystery Museum, though the second M looked like it was about to fall off.  Virgil was quick to grab his stuff from the trunk and make his way inside the museum.  Patton was a few feet behind him.
“Thomas!” Emile called out through the building.  “My nephews are here!”
Soon enough, a teen appeared from the back room.  He had a slightly lighter shade of hair then theirs but had the same brown eyes.  He wore a shirt that looked a lot like Steven Universe’s shirt along with a black and white jacket.  He wore a pair of black skinny jeans with a pair of fuzzy looking snow boots.
“Thomas is my cousin,” Emile replied.
“Hi,” Thomas waved.  “Patton and Virgil?”
Virgil was back to being behind his brother.  He didn’t like the multiple eyes on him.  He really just wanted to get to his room.
“I’m Patton,” Patton stated.  “And he’s Virgil.”
Virgil’s eyes scanned the room around him.  There were statues of creatures like werewolves, vampires, zombies, etc.  He wondered if any of them were real or not.  He wanted to ask questions, to see what his uncle knew, but that feeling inside of him wouldn’t let him talk.
Luckily, his brother asked the question that Virgil really wanted to ask.
“So, is this all real?” Patton asked as he looked at the statues.
Emile shook his head, “No.”
Virgil deflated a bit.  It would be awesome if at least one thing was real.
Thomas must have noticed because he was quick to say, “There are a lot of strange rumors around here that seem pretty paranormal to me.”
“Those are just rumors,” Emile sighed.  “As fake as Robo-Krabs.”
Virgil looked back down at his feet.
Patton gave his hand a small squeeze before turning back to the older two.
“Hey,” Patton started.  “Why did the old man fall in the well?”
Thomas shrugged.
“He couldn’t see that well,” Patton finished, grinning like a maniac.
He laughed at that, and so did Emile.  Virgil even gave an awkward chuckle.  He knew just how to cheer him up.
Patton started up a conversation with Thomas.  Talking was always easy for Patton.  All the friends that Virgil had back home were friends with Patton.  
“So if your Emile’s cousin,” Patton placed a hand on his chin.  “And we're Emile’s nephews.  What does that make us?”
Thomas thought for a second, “I think you’re my first cousin once removed.”
Patton grabbed the hood of his hoodie placed it over his head, “PAWsome!”
Thomas looked at him grinning, “Cat believe you just said that!”
It was then that the great cat pun epidemic of 2019 began.
Virgil started to feel a little bit more uncomfortable.  While his brother continued to make puns, he felt himself being excluded from the conversation.  Virgil wished that he could talk, but something with in him stopped him from saying anything.  What if he said the wrong thing?
After ten minutes of cat puns being thrown around, Emile took them up to their knew room.  The only one that was free was the attic, so they were both sharing a room.  It didn't really mattered since they've always shared a room.
There were two beds already up here and a table in between them.  Behind the table was a bay window with a triangle pattern.  A closet was on one side, and a dresser was on the other.
Virgil took the left and Patton took the right of the attic.  He got the dresser and Patton got the closet.
The emo began place large band shirts, purple tights, purple socks, and ripped jeans in the dresser.  He set a stack of books in one corner and his artist set in the other.  Then he began to place band posters up on the wall.
“I forgot my tape at home,” Patton said.  “Can I borrow yours when you finish?  I won’t tell anyone, my lips are sealed.”
“Yeah,” Virgil snorted as he put up another Evanesce poster.
There was the sound of slipping, but a crash never came.  Virgil had turned, hands coming out, stopping his brother from falling even though they were five feet apart.  Hair had moved away from his covered eye revealing a purple glowing eye.  His brother was about three inches from falling face first onto the floor.
“Thanks Virgil,” Patton said sheepishly.  “I- “
His face connected with the floor before he could do anything.
“Sorry,” Virgil got off his new bed and went to his brother.  “I thought I could hold it for longer.”
Patton got on his elbows and blinked a few times, “It’s fine.  Would have hurt a lot more if you didn't stop me.”
Virgil didn’t know how he got them.  They’ve always been there.  He’s always possessed these powers.  Telepathy, telekinesis, and time stopping.  Though he barely used them because he didn’t know how to use them.  Every time he used them it was a spur of the moment.  They sort of just happened.
Telepathy was the only power he could use constantly.  That was the problem though, because he couldn’t stop using it.  That’s why he used his bangs to cover his eye.
His purple eye possessed the powers.  His brown eye was normal.
Virgil slipped his hands under his brother pulling him up from the ground.
“I need to try and keep that on the down low,” Virgil mumbled.  “They’ll just tell mom and dad, and that will just make everything worse.”
“Or they will help you.  The museum is filled with supernatural things,” Patton countered.
“It’s all fake,” Virgil replied.
He wasn’t going to risk it.  He was never going to risk it.  The only one that knew about his powers was Patton.
They never really were able to hide anything from each other.
It was the next day.  Virgil was sitting on a counter at the gift shop, reading a hard-cover book.  Patton was staring from behind the counter at a boy that was in there with them.
He looked to be about the twin's age, maybe a little older.  He seemed to be prepared for the winter weather outside with his brown trench coat.  It was opened revealing a blue sweater vest and black polo.  He wore jeans that were pretty faded and a pair of snow boots.  His black hair was slicked back with hair gel.  The boy's blue eyes were framed in a pair of black glasses.
“Thomas,” Patton whispered.  “Who is that?”
The teen looked up from the register, “Oh, that's Logan Crofters.  He lives in the woods with his parents.  He comes in every day for his daily human interaction.”
Virgil didn’t even look up from his book, “Pop Star, you’re in boarder-line stalker mode.”
The boy walked up to them, “Salutations, Thomas,” his head cocked to the side at Virgil.  “I have not seen you before.  I am Logan Crofters.”
When Patton didn’t make a response, Virgil mumbled out, “Virgil.  My brother and me are new here.”
The boy squinted his eyes like that would help him hear Virgil better.
Thomas saved him, “They’re Emile’s nephews.  And technically, mine too, I research it last night.  They're spending their winter break here.”
Logan nodded, “Where is the other one?”
“Being gay behind the counter,” Virgil whispered, so that only Patton could heat him.
There was a gasp and Patton shot up hitting his brother in the back of the head.  He was quick to turn around to the boy.
“Hi, I’m Patton,” the bubbly twin smiled as the emo one rubbed the back of his head.
He looked at Patton with a cocked head.  He then looked away immediately when he saw the book in Virgil’s hands.  Interest shown in Logan's eyes.  In the corner of his eye, Virgil saw his brother deflate.
“What novel are you reading?” he asked.
“A Tale of Two Cities,” he mumbled, hoping to someone that the boy will focus on anything else other than him.
Logan nodded, “A great read.  I read it last summer.”
Patton seemed to like Logan.  Probably, forming a small crush on the boy.  Virgil tried to find a way out of the conversation.
His prayers were answered when Emile walked through the gift shop door, “I need someone to hang up these signs in the forest.”
“I’ll do it!” Virgil replied, jumping up and grabbing the stuff from his uncle.  His book, now forgotten, sat on the counter.
He pulled his gloves out of his pocket pulling them on.  He zipped his jacket up, tightening it around him and pulled his hood up.  After that, he went out into the cold.
It was no longer snowing outside, but there was a pretty deep layer of snow on the ground.  It didn’t go above his boots.  This is why he wore tights and socks.  Though back in Florida he was sweat all day long for his fashion choices.  He trudged through and made it to the first tree, nailing the sign to it.  Each footstep crunched into the snow.  When he had gotten to the next tree, he nailed in another sign.
He had gotten about halfway down with the signs, when he muttered, “Why is it so cold?”
It was never this cold in Florida.
He sighed as he began to tap in another nail, but a hollow metal noise echoed through the woods.  Virgil looked at the tree and tapped it again with the hammer.  It gave another hollow echo.  Virgil dropped the signs and tighten his grip on the hammer in his hands.  If something popped out, he’d just throw it whatever was attacking him.  The fake tree was cold as he dragged a gloved hand along the surface.  Dust rubbed onto his glove.  He found an unnatural line and pulled at it.
It squeaked as it fought to stay closed, but Virgil managed to open the door.  Cobwebs stretched and spiders crawled out.  A good thing Patton wasn’t here right now.  Inside was some sort of machine.  He tightened his grip on the hammer as he flipped the two little switches.  The first on did nothing, but when he hit the second on, he heard another noise from behind him.  He tightened his grip on the hammer and turned.
There was a hole.
He walked over; it was now filled with snow.  He pushed his hand into the snow, searching and hoping there wasn’t a murder ready to pull him in.  His hand brushed against something and it moved.  Virgil was quick to dig it out.
A book was in his hand.  Virgil brushed away the snow revealing to reveal the cover.  It was a maroon color with a golden figure on the front.  If he had to guess, Virgil would say that it was a coffee mug.  In the center that was a 3.  He opened it up to the first page.  It had a note stuck to it and it read Property of, but the name had been ripped off.  Virgil felt a little frustrated at that.  Who would try to hide their book?  Could it hold secret that were too great to know?  Was it written by an alien?  Could it be a bomb?
He moved an eyeglass before reading, “It’s hard to believe it’s been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls.”
Virgil smiled at this.  As he flipped through the pages, he felt his heartbeat pick up.  Pictures of gnomes, gargoyles, creatures of the night, sightings, and evidence was drawn and written into the pages.  Each was excellently recorded.  Beautiful drawings were on each page.  All of them done in ink.
He flipped to another page before being to read again, “Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed.  I’m being watched!”
Virgil found himself looking around the forest.  His anxiety might be getting the best of him right now.
“I must hide this book before he finds it,” Virgil felt himself begin to sweat even though it was extremely cold.  “Remember: In Gravity Falls, there is no one you can trust.”
To his right a twig snapped.  He shut the book and held it to his chest, beginning to back up.  A small growl came from within the woods and he took off back to the museum.
The book was pulled to his chest.  He tightened his grip on it as he ran through the woods.  Once he was in the yard he stopped and began to puff.  White breath filled the air.  He turned around, looking at the woods.  It looked like whatever it was didn’t follow him.
“Hello!” a voice yelled behind him.
Virgil jumped turning, just seeing Patton.
“Oh hi,” he breathed out.
Patton squinted his eyes, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he replied.
Suddenly his twin’s eyes were on the book, “What’s that?”
“Um…” Virgil looked around.  “Let’s take this inside.”
Virgil made sure that no one was in the living room except Patton and him.  He sat down on the coffee table skimming through the book.
“It says that all of these creatures live here in Gravity Falls,” Virgil said, excitement filled his voice as he showed Patton the journal’s pages.  “Whatever Emile said about the rumors being fake, he was wrong.”
Virgil has always loved the unknown since a young age.  He found that he could relate to it.  Having these unnatural abilities that he’s had to keep hidden for his whole life.  Virgil felt that he wasn’t that weird.
“It looks like whoever it was just stopped,” Virgil looked through.  “Like something happened to him.”
Patton grinned, “That’s awesome!  I mean the supernatural thing, not the author going missing.”
He heard the doorbell ring and he tilted his head to the side, “Who’s that?”
Patton smiled, “That’s my date.”
Virgil blinked, “You asked out that Logan dude.”
“No,” Patton frowned for a second, before smiling again, “This other guy came in later after Logan left.  We talked and he asked me out.”
With that Patton left to get the door, leaving Virgil to read the book.
“What’s that?” Emile appeared in the door, drinking a soda.
He didn’t want to show him yet.  What if he took it?
Quickly, he placed the book behind a pillow and grabbed a stack of papers that were stapled together.
“Um…the entire script to Steven Universe,” Virgil mumbled, trying to keep his face from flushing too much.
“Oh, that’s where I put it,” his uncle smiled to himself as he took a sip of his soda.
“Family, this is Norman!” Patton appeared with a teenager.
Virgil didn’t like him one bit from the sight of him.  First, he looked like a plainer version of Virgil, with the brown hair over eye, pale skin, and black hoodie.  He had a twig stuck in his hood and there were many dirty stains covering him.  Though what really set Virgil off was the mysterious red stain on his cheek.
"Sup," the teen waved at them.
Virgil squinted, his anxiety melted into suspicion, “Hi.”
Emile gave a smile, “Hey.”
“Is that blood, Norman?” Virgil pointed to his cheek.
“It’s…JAM!” his voice was gravelly and forced.
Virgil didn’t trust this guy for a second.  Patton could be too trusting sometimes.  It was Virgil’s job to make sure that he didn’t end up with someone that could hurt him.  He wanted to get a reading on the guy, but he’d have to uncover his hair for that.  Patton would tell and get upset.  He’d have to wait.
“I love jam!” he grabbed the man’s arm, squeezing it.  “Got some muscle there…that’s nice.”
Emile smiled at them, “They’re such a cute fusion.”
Virgil glared at the teen as he left.  There was something off about him, something that Virgil didn’t like at all.  He needed to find out.
So, he went to the attic and read through the pages.
He stared at one page.
“None for their pale skin and bad attitude, these creatures are often mistaken for teenager!” his eyes widened.  “Beware Gravity Falls' nefarious…zombie!”
He turned to see his brother and Norman.  He grabbed one of the headbands on the table and pushed back his bangs.  He opened the window to get a clearer reading.
He focused on the man.
Mine all mine.
Pretty.  Pretty.
Want to hold.
Never let go.
He fell to the ground with a large thump.
That voice in your head is always at the same volume.  It was that all those voices were going off at once that scarred him.  Why were there so many?  Did zombie’s have multiple voices in their head?
He ripped the band off his hair and got back up.
“What happened?” Thomas asked as he ran in.  “I heard something fall.”
“It was my shirt,” Virgil replied in a whisper, he doubted he even knew what he was talking about
Thomas only smiled at that, “Sound heavier than a shirt.”
“I was in it,” he replied, a slight grin formed on his face.
Should he ask Thomas for help?  He seemed like a cool guy and he seemed to believe in the paranormal.  It probably wouldn’t hurt to ask.
“Can I get your opinion on something?” he mumbled.
Thomas nodded, moving to the bay window and sat next to him.
“Would it be crazy if I thought Patton's new boyfriend was a zombie?” he mumbled.
Now it was out in the open.  Thomas probably thought he was crazy now.
Thomas shook his head, “Honestly, that would not be the craziest thing I’ve seen in this town.  Like I’m pretty sure that the mailman is a werewolf.  But you need evidence, or else everyone will just think you’re crazy.  And if you really think that guy your brother is dating is a zombie, do what you can to protect him.”
“Thanks Thomas,” Virgil nodded.
The older boy ruffed his hair before leaving the attic.
Virgil looked around before grabbing his phone and the journal.  He placed the book in an inner pocket of his hoodie and his phone in his front pocket.  He looked around for anything that he could use as a weapon, only to come out short-handed.  In the end, Virgil hoped that he could use his powers if needed.
He spent the day following his brother and his new boyfriend.  The man showed many signs of being the undead.  For example, instead of using a doorknob he punched the window out and opened the door from the other side.  He also, got hit by a swing showing no sign of physical pain and had a very late delayed response to the pain.  And he fell into a grave and crawled out of the dirty.
That was all it took to set Virgil over the edge.
So, Virgil sat waiting for Patton in their room.
When the boy finally returned Virgil was hugging the journal to his chest, “Patton."
His brother removed his heart shirt and white undershirt grabbing a dark blue undershirt and putting the heart shirt back on.  He turned towards Virgil and the younger twin screamed when he saw the giant red welt on his cheek.
“Did you see the smooch mark Norman gave me?” he grabbed his cat hoodie and tied it around his shoulders.  “Nay, it was just an accident with the leaf blower.”
“I need to talk about Norman,” Virgil looked up.
“Isn’t he the best?” Patton began brushing his hair.
“I don’t think he’s what he thinks he is,” Virgil replied.  “I saw that he was acting weird and videoed him doing some creepy stuff.”
Patton turned, “You were stalking him?”
“No, I think he’s a zombie," Virgil showed his brother the page.  “The groaning, the pale skin, he never blinks!”
“Son, you match all of those things too, and maybe he's blinking when you're blinking,” Patton replied.  “Now I have a date.”
Virgil shook his head, “Patton, I read his thoughts.  They’re all jumbled and multiple thoughts that no human can have.  I don’t trust him.”
Patton frowned, “I thought you were keeping you’re powers on the down low.  Can you trust me at least?”
“You know I trust you,” Virgil replied.  “I’m trying to protect you.  Norman is bad news.”
“I don’t need your protection, Virgil!  Stop getting in the middle of everything!  Now I’m going on my date with Norman and that the end of the story!” with that Patton left.
Patton never yelled at him.  What did Virgil do wrong?  He must have done something to make his only brother yell at him.  Tears formed in his eyes.
Virgil placed a hand on his face and felt tears pouring down his face, ruining the eyeshadow he was wearing.  With that he walked over to the bed and curled up.  The journal was pushed into his chest.
He curled up in on himself when he felt a breeze fill the room.
“I’m just being stupid,” he mumbled.
He looked as his phone at the videos.
“I have no real proof.”
Suddenly, he blinked rewinding the video.  It was Norman and Patton looking off at a pretty view. His hand was wrapped around Patton’s shoulders.  Suddenly, Norman’s hand fell off and he tried to cover it up.  He looked around before placing his hand back where it belonged.
“Patton!” Virgil screamed, throwing his phone onto the bed and running.
His brother was already gone.  He went running outside.  He didn’t know where Emile was.  More tears fell down his face.  He placed the journal in his jacket pocket.
He used the sleeves to wipe away his tears, though that probably made his eye shadow worse.
Find Patton.
His brother was in danger and he couldn’t just stand he and cry.
He found Thomas at the golf cart.  The teen was stepping out, holding the keys in his hand.
“Thomas, I need the golf cart keys to save my brother from a zombie,” Virgil stated.
The man smiled before throwing him the keys, “Don’t hit any pedestrians.  Wait!”
Before he could leave the man grabbed a shovel and gave it to him, “This is for the zombie.”
“Thanks,” Virgil reverse and went into the woods in search of his brother.
Patton smiled as he and Norman walked through the woods.  He was his first boyfriend.  Norman was kind and sweet.  He didn’t even care that Patton was only twelve years old.
“Patton,” the man sighed.  “I need to tell you something.”
Patton placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, “You can tell me anything.”
He tried to forget about earlier.  His little twin was trying to protect him.  He didn’t need protecting though.  But Virgil’s always been there for him.  Virgil was scared of people, but if he saw his brother getting hurt, he’d get up and stand up for him.
His mind went to earlier, though. The fact that Logan didn’t show any interest in him and rather talked to his brother.  It was stupid because he didn’t even know the guy.  He got a date with another cute guy that walked into the museum.  Then when Virgil had mentioned his suspicions, Patton lost it.  In his mind, he saw his brother keeping him away from two guys that he liked.  Then he went and took his anger out on his little brother.  He needed to apologies.  Patton made a vow to himself that he would next time he saw Virgil he's apologize.
“Just don’t freak out,” slowly Norman unzipped his jacket.
There were five tiny men.  The one on top looked to be the youngest as he pushed his hair back behind him.  Patton stared at the little men.
“Is this weird?” the top one asked.  “Okay, I’m Jeff, this is Carson, Steve, Jason, and … sorry I forgot your name.”
“Shebulock!” the last one yelled.
“Shebulock,” he smiled.  “Anyway, we’ve been looking for a queen for a while…most of the girls here are…well, self-absorbed.  Then you come in, you’re sweet, kind, and big enough to scare off predators.  So?”
The gnomes knelt down on one knee and pulled out a ring, “Patton, will you join us in holy matrignomey…matrimony…can’t talk today.”
Patton shook his head, “I’m sorry, Jeff, but I can’t.  I’m a human and you are gnomes and it’ll be like what.”
Jeff nodded, “We understand.  We’ll never going to forget you.  Because we’re going to kidnap you.”
“What!” suddenly Jeff launched himself at Patton’s face.
They surrounded him trying to get their hands on the boy.  Patton continued to fight them off.  Kicking at the swarm.
He screamed.
Why didn’t he listen to Virgil?
Virgil…his little brother was probably crying in his room.  He needed to get to him.  Find him and make sure he was okay.  Virgil would take something think that to heart.
He was so lost in his thoughts, that he needed notice what the gnomes were planning.
Suddenly, the gnomes managed to knock him down and they began to tie him to the ground.
“What the fuck is going on here?!”
A shovel was pointed at Jeff as a very pissed off Virgil appeared behind him.  His one visible eye glared at them.
“Hey, your brother isn’t in any danger,” Jeff smiled.  “He’s just going to marry all 1000 of us and live with us for all eternity.”
“Nope, not going to happen,” Virgil glared.
Patton knew that look.  It was look that Virgil got whenever kids bullied Patton for not being smart.  It never ended well for the receiving end.
“You think you can stop us boy,” Jeff glared.  “The gnomes are a powerful- “
Virgil wacked the gnome away before cutting his brother free with the shovel.
Patton pushed his way away from them and ran to his brother.  He grabbed his extended hand and went to the golf cart.  After the two were strapped in Virgil booked it.
“Are they following us?” Virgil asked.
“With their little legs?” Patton raised an eyebrow.
Suddenly, stomping was heard so Patton turned to see them all joined together into what looked like a giant gnome.  Jeff was at the top of it, controlling the whole creature.
“Um…what do we do if they become Voltron?” Patton asked.
“What?” Virgil turned behind him.  “FUCK!  Patton grab the Journal and see if there is any way to stop them!”
He grabbed the journal from his brothers jacket and flipped through it until he got to the page, “Weakness: Unknown.  Come on!”
Knowing the book wouldn't be any help he put it back in his brother's pocket.
“Come back with our Queen!” Jeff yelled.
Suddenly, he launched a group of gnomes at them.  They grabbed at the golf cart, not letting go.
Patton elbowed one off the cart while Virgil grabbed another and slammed them against the stirring wheel.
Another one grabbed onto Virgil’s hair ripping at it to get him to stop.
“OW!” his purple eye was revealed as he tried to shake it off.
“I got it!” Patton grabbed the gnome and started ripping him off Virgil, though it was putting up a fight.
“OWWW!” he screamed.
The little thing wasn’t letting go.
Virgil’s eye glowed and the gnomes froze in place
Patton was quick to rip off the frozen gnome of off Virgil’s hair and throwing it off the golf cart.
“You froze it,” Patton said.
“Shit,” Virgil mumbled.
“How long do we have?” Patton asked.
A roar was heard behind them.
Patton turned in his seat eyes widened as he saw the gnomes behind him threw a tree at them.  Luckily, it went over them.  Unluckily, it landed in the middle of the road.
The twins screamed.  Virgil slammed on the breaks, but Patton knew that they weren’t going to stop in time.  By some chance, they manage to go under the tree instead of crashing into it.
They spun out of control and the cart landed on it's side.  The two pulled themselves from the ground.  The snow seeped into their clothing.  That was going to leave a bruise or two.  They had landed back at the Mystery Museum.  Neither could feel relieved as the monster walked up to them.
As the two back up, Virgil grabbed the shovel.  Soon they were pressed up against the side of the building.
“Just stay away from us!” Virgil yelled, throwing the shovel at them.  They only punched it into the ground.
Patton looked around.  There had to be something he could do.
His eyes landed on Virgil.
Virgil was too pale.  His hair had been forced away from his face, revealing his purple eye.  His eyes were right on the monster in front of them.  It took Patton a second to realize why.  All of the gnomes’ thoughts were going through his head right now.  Too many thoughts to comprehend.  His forehead was covered in little scratches, some had blood while others were just little red marks.
But what really got Patton, was his eyeshadow.  It streaked his face like he had been crying.  He had been crying.  Most definitely at the argument they had earlier.
How could he do that to his brother over a couple of guys?
Patton forced himself in front of his brother.  Pushing them both into the wall.  Virgil’s arms had circled around his arm.
He needed to act.
“I’ll marry you, Jeff,” Patton stated.  “Just leave my brother alone.”
“Patton, no,” Virgil was hugging his arm tighter.  “Please don’t.”
The older twin faced him, “Please, just trust me, Virgil.”
I know what I’m doing.
Virgil nodded slowly and let go of his brother’s arm.  Patton was quick to place his hair back over the purple eye.
Patton walked up to the monster as Jeff made his way down.  Once he had gotten there, Patton knelt down so that he was closer to the gnome’s height, but he still towered over the little man.  He held out a ring before slipping the ring onto Patton’s presented finger.  While Patton was looking at the ring, Jeff turned around.
“Let’s get you back to the woods, honey,” he said.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Patton stated, as his hand gripped onto the leaf blower behind him.  “You get to kiss me now.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” the gnome said.
As Patton leaned down, he pulled the tool closer to him.
Once Jeff was close enough, Patton pulled the leaf blower in front of him.
“This is for lying to me,” he yelled as he sucked the tiny man up. “This is for breaking my heart,” he tightened the nob as hard as he could.  “And this is for hurting my brother.”
He aimed the leaf blower at the monster.  It gasped and began to back up a bit, but without a person controlling it, it couldn’t do anything.
“What to do the honors?” Patton asked turning to his brother.
“On three,” Virgil smiled.
"One, two, three!”
Virgil hit the release and the gnome went flying into the monster.  Just like that all the gnomes began to fall to the ground like it was raining gnomes.
“I’ll get you for this!” Jeff yelled as he was launched into the woods.
“Orders I need orders.”
“My arms hurt.”
Patton began using the leaf blower to scare them away.
“Does anyone else want some of this?” the two yelled out at the now retreating army.
Once they all disappeared, Patton turned towards his brother.  Before either could say anything, Patton pulled Virgil into a tight hug.  Slowly, Virgil awkwardly placed his arms around him too.
“I’m sorry!” Patton cried into his shoulder.  “I should have believed you.  I can’t believe Norman turned into a bunch of gnomes.”
“Wait that was Norman?” Virgil asked.  “I guess I was wrong about the zombie thing.”
Patton nodded, “I didn’t mean what I said.  You were just trying to look out for me.  And I got anger over the fact that Logan showed more interest in you, then when you started the whole zombie thing, I lost it.”
Virgil tightened his hold, “Hey, you saved us back there.  And I’m sorry too.  I was just being stupid and should have talked to you instead.  And if Logan can’t see the…pawsome person that you are he’s not worth it.”
“YOU MADE A CAT PUN!” his brother squealed.
They pulled away smiling at each other.  Patton knew they both looked like a mess.  He could feel the dampness in his clothing and there were probably twigs stuck in his hair.  He saw them in Virgil’s hair anyway.
They walked inside, seeing Emile counting today’s earnings.  He looked at them as Virgil used his foot to close the door behind them.  Patton felt Virgil’s hand tighten on his arm.
“Did you two get hit by a bus?” he asked as he put the money in the register.
Patton began leading Virgil back to there room where they could change out of their wet clothing.  Virgil brought a sleeve to his face and began to wipe at his messed-up eyeshadow.
“Wait!” Emile looked at his register for a second before looking back at the two.  “I um…overstocked.  Each of you take something on the house.”
“Really?” Virgil asked.
The man nodded, so the kids looked around.
Virgil looked at a purple shirt with a storm cloud in the middle.  He took a large since he liked his clothing being on the big size.
Patton continued to rummage through boxes until he found the greatest thing ever.
“And I will have,” Patton twirled around smiling.  “A grappling hook!”
“Wouldn’t you rather have a toy or something?” Emile tilted his head.
“GRAPPLING HOOK!” he used it raising himself off the ground on one of the ceiling beams.
In their room, Virgil and Patton had gotten ready for bed.  Virgil had pulled on a large black Evanesces shirt and a pair of purple boxers for his pajamas.  He was currently curled up in his blankets writing in the journal.
Patton was next to him jumping in his bed, wearing a cat onesie.  In his hand was his new grappling hook.
“This journal told me there was no one in Gravity Falls that you could trust.  But when you battle a hundred gnomes side-by-side with someone, you realize that they probably always have you’re back.”
Next to him Patton used his hook to grab a stuffed lion.  The boy grinned to at his brother when he succeeds.
“Hey, Pop Star,” Virgil placed the book under his pillow.  “Can you get the light?”
Patton took aim with his grappling hook, grinning, “I’m on it.”
He released the hook and it hit the lamp, breaking it along with the window behind them.
The two of them began laughing at it.
“Our uncle told us there was nothing strange about this town.  But look at me, and what I can do?  Who knows what other secrets are waiting to be unlocked?” 
Emile looked around him.  Thomas had left hours ago, and the kids were asleep.  They were all the way upstairs too, so they wouldn’t be able to hear him.  He walked over to the vending machine and typed in the code to get in.
Before he closed it, he made sure that no one was watching.
He then closed the machine’s door.
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