#also again if the jokes genuinely upset each other they wouldn't make them
irlwakko · 1 year
also alberto and giulia IMMEDIATELY start giving each other the full sibling treatment, much to only child luca’s horror
“knock knock ‘beto!” “who’s there giulie?” “not your dad” *uproarious laughter from the marcovaldo siblings and absolute shock from luca*
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Do you think diavolo's feelings are reciprocated from lucifer? (Him being in love with him?)
While Diavolo's feelings are very obvious, Lucifer's can be read either way. But there are things he only allows Diavolo and MC, or sometimes even just Diavolo to do.
• Diavolo's one of the only people he allows to see him shirtless. If you're not following Lucifer's "route" (aka if your MC is not actively sleeping with Lucifer) then Diavolo's truly the only person
• He's a sucker for Diavolo's puppy dog eyes and quickly gives in to what Diavolo wants. This parallels Mammon giving into MC (where it's obvious that Mammon's in love with MC) and Solomon giving into Asmo (where it's heavily implied they've slept together)
• Speaking of which, in S2 when Lucifer and Mammon are fighting Simeon uses MC against Mammon and Diavolo against Lucifer to get them to stop
• There's a part (in a devilgram?) where MC and Lucifer hear Mammon screaming. If MC says it sounds like Diavolo, Lucifer says that Diavolo's screams don't sound that bad.....which....SIR, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!!!?
• He blushes whenever Diavolo praises him and actually turns his head away and closes his eyes, and he once tells Diavolo he shouldn't speak about him like that in public - so....so it's fine privately???
• He lets Diavolo pull him into dumb, humiliating things that he wouldn't let anyone else make him do - letting Diavolo give him a piggyback ride around RAD
• He gets upset when Diavolo is sad and (taking MC's suggestion) blushes and meows to please him.... which again is an absolutely insane thing to do
• Just the whole of S2. Where he follows MC around like a sad puppy complaining about how Diavolo is keeping secrets from him and he's never kept secrets from him before and MC what should I do. He goes on a romantic ferriswheel ride with MC and all he can talk about is how much he cares about Diavolo, which amnesiac Lucifer later points out is a bit eyebrow raising. He finds out Diavolo left a party earlier without talking to him to go talk to Solomon and literally goes -> 😔
• The entirety of the "Lucifer's Melancholy" devilgram where Lucifer gets jealous that Diavolo praises Barbatos's cookies, so he tries to make cookies for Diavolo and just fails so badly? And then manages to convince himself that since Diavolo only praised Barbatos's cookies that means he likes everything else about Lucifer. There's also a more recent event where it's implied that Lucifer kept practicing making cookies
• That one Devilgram where Lucifer seems annoyed that Diavolo was meeting up with Mephisto for dinner
• He has regular dinner dates with Diavolo
• He's the only one who finds Diavolo's lame dad jokes hilarious
• The entire Devildom genuinely thinks Lucifer is in love with Diavolo????
• One day with Diavolo was enough for Lucifer to become reluctantly fond of him and start questioning his father and the Celestial Realm
• On the first day they met, Lucifer - in the most roundabout way - thought Diavolo was angelic
• His relationship with Diavolo actually has development throughout S1 and S2. Where it goes from Lucifer caring about Diavolo but being unable to truly be his friend due to Diavolo's position and Lucifer's previous trauma saying that they'll be kicked out the second they step out of line to Lucifer caring about Diavolo but feeling secure enough to yell at Diavolo, go against him, be snarky at him, actually punish him the way he does MC and his brothers and, most importantly, let his brothers become friends with and play around with Diavolo
However, whenever anyone (Simeon, MC, Barbatos, Asmo & Beel) refers to him and Diavolo being in love with each other, he denies it vehemently. But, it's obvious that Diavolo at least has some feelings, so it makes Lucifer's obliviousness seem deliberate? Which makes his denial seem too strong? And then it just gives a more composed version of Mammon denying liking MC vibes
Even with all of this I say Lucifer's feelings are up to interpretation because compared to everything Diavolo does there's barely any evidence
Also Lucifer's one of the "more obviously in love with MC" brothers - he and Mammon are the only ones who had MC as their greatest desire in Thirteen's cave. So however the players decide to interpret that relationship will also factor in.
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AITA for not wanting our office to smell bad?
For the record I don't think my office mate is an asshole and completely understand if I'm the asshole here, and am open to suggestions on how NOT to be an asshole about this. We (30s, f) have a small office that we share together. We are in a position where people throughout the facility need to poke their heads in and have small meetings, gather things, verify things, etc. We work nine hour shifts with a one hour lunch in the middle. Our office is beside a rec room, which can get noisy due to the frequent activity, and can be distracting so we sometimes have to shut the door to our office. Also our office does not have windows. We each work five days a week. I work Tuesday - Saturday, she works Monday - Friday. My office mate was very straight forward with me that she has a very sensitive nose. She is self diagnosed either autistic or ADHD or both, she isn't sure, but due to these factors she cannot handle perfumes, colognes, air fresheners, or deodorants. I'm sure you can see where this is heading.
I know that she bathes/showers regularly because she never smells at the beginning of our shift (we work 8 - 5) but by lunch, her BO is kicking in, and by early afternoon it is pungent. I know she is sensitive about it because she's told me several times that her family sweats a lot. I, too, sweat throughout the day, and I know I am not helping matters any. I've tried using all natural deodorants, but each time I have she's politely reminded me her nose cannot handle deodorants. I've even tried unscented anti perspiration sticks and she still reminds me that I can't be wearing it due to her sensitive nose. Same thing with this unscented malodor remover spray I bought that I used once on a Saturday, and on Tuesday she reminded me not to use any sprays on the weekend because it literally causes physical pain for her nose. She has even asked custodial services not to use their cleaning agents because the smells upset her. (I can verify she cleans the office herself, though.) We often have to close our door during crunch time otherwise we get distracted by the rec room by wanting to join or chitchat with people in there, but the BO is just as distracting. If we open the door sometimes other people will make gentle, but pointed, jokes about BO.
Several people have pulled me aside and asked if there is anything I can do. They all know the situation because she's let everyone in the building know that they cannot wear deoderants or perfumes/colognes, although because they don't share her office they continue to do so and HR has told her they can't really do anything about them wearing it since they don't work in her office. On Saturdays I admit I do wear perfume and deodorant and leave the door open to air it out, although I can't use anything on the room (sprays, cleaners) due to it hurting her nose.
Recently she called in on a Monday and I covered her shift, and even still, on Monday, first thing I walk in the door, I can smell the remnants of BO. During lunch I was in the rec room but left my office door open and someone asked if I was airing [Name's] BO out and I felt absolutely terrible but I said that I was. He suggested I talk to HR, then added that I wouldn't be the only person who has, but since I am her office mate, HR might listen to me. I honestly don't know if that's the right thing because I know she takes care of her personal hygiene otherwise, it genuinely is just her BO, but I also know her autism or ADHD or both causes scents to physically hurt her nose.
I sprayed that unscented spray again, but Tuesday she politely reminded me that it hurts her nose. I suggested flowers, since they're all natural, and she said it isn't chemicals, but scent in general, and that BO is a natural occurrence that companies invented an unneeded cure for. I did tell her that something needs to be done, though, and she just reminded me that it physically hurts her nose again. She hasn't spoken to me since. Please help.
What are these acronyms?
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avinwrites · 1 year
Ithaqua x Reader Headcanons!
This one isn't taken as seriously, as in it has more jokes and stuff, sometimes headcanons will be like this, sometimes, I'll be more serious :3
Alright, first things first we have to decide a personality for him
-I think he’s definitely quiet, more soft spoken, a little introverted, but still playful, but it takes time to get him to the smiling point
-in the first match, he’s taking it really seriously until the end, he’s a little afraid that he actually killed the survivors
-if You or anyone for that matter, comes up to him, he’ll be polite, but slightly unsociable
-in the future, interacting, more matches, maybe tea after a game, he’ll be nice, talk about his backstory, provided you tell him about yourself as well
-he might say you remind him of his mother, nice and caring, unfairly mistreated, and someone he…
-he’ll come back to that point
-sometimes he will play around in matches, if you're ever overheating, he will gladly blow a gust of cold wind towards you
-he can’t do much if you're cold but that’s where u come in
-if ur cold, they’re cold, let them in lmaoo
-but ultimately, he’s a fun person to be around, once you get to know him
-cue taking you on rides on the stilts, snowball fights in Leo’s Memory, always letting you get the dungeon if you want it
-the “games/matches” turn into actual games with him
-genuine smiles from both sides, and the childhood he never got to have 
-you both just want each other to be happy and you’re both very willing to be that person for one another
Extra additions!
-he got claw claws, like sharp ass things
-he’s scared to touch you for the first time
-it’s all fun and games until feelings get involved
-y’all’re playing one of your games
-you trip and fall
-his first instinct is to help you up
-but his claw catches your finger and a relatively large cut begins to bleed
-oh shit.jpg
-he’s gets really really upset
-you'll have to be like “no no it’s really ok”
-take his claws in your hands
-run each finger over the smooth nail-like points and curves
-he’s smitten
-“comparing hand sizes”
-it’s cliche but true
-he has trouble holding your hand, but putting your palm up against his has him blushing behind that mask
-do it often
-Hates chairing you but also really likes to win the game
-will leave u alive until the end tho
-if he’s doing really good and gets all survivors out before all ciphers were completed, he’ll give you little challenges and continue playing even though you’ve already lost
-once again, will always give you the dungeon escape
-he’s just nice like that
-only you though, someone else tries to get him to let them escape, he's chairing them
-and with the tea parties/meals
-he's not big on cooking
-(but i am) but if you are, that/s great
-if not, it's no big deal, you're both happy with snacks
-he likes to chat over a nice hot cup of tea
-despite being mostly uneducated, he likes to talk about philosophy
-here's where we get into all guesses territory^
-he likes to think about the idea of nature versus nurture
-he's a good person, he loves his mother, and his mother raised him well
-he has the nurture belief, he thinks highly of his mother
-plus, if nature were true, wouldn't that make his twin a good person
-no, he doesn’t think so
Other things he likes includes:
-quips and banter whilst playing
-his fav thing to eat is prolly warm cookies or some kind of meat soup
-hates super spicy things, but likes things with a lot of flavor
-like cilantro
-i hate cilantro, i got the soap gene
-but I bet he loves it
-his favorite game mode to play is– idk I would say –blackjack because that's the most ‘game’ like and if he's teamed with u he doesn’t have to hurt u
(And then, right after I wrote this, I started writing a one-shot of playing blackjack with Ithaqua on your team :))
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not-5-rats · 4 months
What if Sugarboo also had divorced parents so when Seth came back the two of them joked about it all the time
Seth seems like he would joke more about his Dad and the issues there than he would his Mum. Because yeah both hurt him but he finds it easier to joke abt his Dad
SB probably made a joke about their first breakfast together being similair to the times their parents were forced to be around each other (for a birthday or handover), and how living with them, at first, was like mid-divorce tenseness (everyone knew what was happening but nobody would talk abt it)
Thing is Seth starts to feel pretty fucking guilty, he knows how difficult dealing with divorce can be and now he was making somebody else remember what that was like. And yeah SB is clearly joking (...most of the time) but Seth still feels like shit, I mean he already feels guilty for all the issues he's caused the two and now he feels like he's reminding them of something that can be super traumatic for anybody! Like rubbing salt in the wound
Then to add to all of this, SB does genuinely feel pretty down about the whole thing. Being around the two (like right after Seth came back, when everything was super awkward) reminded them of their childhood, more specifically it made them think of the way them and their siblings were torn apart by it. During divorce it's not unusual for one child to lean towards one parents and other to lean towards the other and SB knows what that feels like...it feels like this. Whenever they were all together it just felt so weird, they all still cared about each other deeply but the fact that they could spend months without seeing each other made then realise that they would all go through things without their siblings being there for them. They all started spending more time with their chosen parent and they started to drift apart. Every one of them would get their own interests that the others wouldn't know about because of their time apart and being in that environment again scared SB
They didn't really talk to some of their siblings anymore because of the differences that formed during their times separated so now that they were sensing that kind of tension between Al and Seth they were scared that they would lose them too.
They joke about it not just to try and convince Al and Seth that it doesn't actually bother them...but to try and convince themself that they're not upset by it.
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beepbananabus · 5 months
Alr you gotta say the first thoughts in your head about Vanoss and Delirious GO!
it drives me insane how they are each other's exceptions (or at least, jon is to evan)
for example, evan has built up this asshole repertoire where he bullies everyone ceaselessly EXCEPT for jon. he will apologize to him (GTA when he destroyed the bear memorial (and in that same video, he killed moo by accident but didn't apologize), small GMod mistakes like misplacing props, skits gone wrong, and several other instances). he will try and amend his mistakes with him. evan will straight up ditch a whole bit just so that he can let jon join in (minecraft; the nether star fiasco (even brian who started the bit was like WTF evan)), jon will run away from the others and let only evan tag along with him (also in minecraft. they even state outright how pissed the others will be LMAO.) and share items with him for no reason (minecraft. again. chick-fil-a scene (focus on evan's inventory)), and evan will just laugh the hardest and the softest (genuinely for no reason other than jon's laugh. the joke was already over by that point) around him?? and there IS a noticeable difference. btw. im not losing my mind over this.
evan's mood will do a complete fucking 180 when it comes to jon (a little bit of a longer clip because it needs to be established what their mood was PRIOR to this and how SHARPLY it changes once jon is in the picture), even for stuff that he should JUSTIFIABLY be upset about**
(i was also so tempted to also mention all of their friend's feelings ABOUT them but this is about THEM. however, i wouldn't mind spilling about that either)
** this is a way longer tangent so ill put it under a cut (SPOILERS FOR ONE OF EVAN'S AMONG US VIDEOS INCLUDED)
video here, (starts at the timestamp, also time stamping this one bc this segment is longer than what youtube clips allows for.)
for context, jon and evan are playing among us with other people. evan is an imposter and fools around with jon (this is not an exaggeration) before locking him into storage. his imposter crewmate sneaks in, kills jon and runs off, but in the meeting that follows afterwards, jon accidentally exposes evan by not muting his mic, getting evan killed.
INSTEAD of being angry at him (yes. this is a video game but they've been pissed over lesser things), or even a SMIDGE of being upset, evan instead goes over and COMFORTS him.
LIKE. i can VERIFY to you that that has accidentally happened before and all other times, people in this game have been LIVID. they've been PISSED. these are gamer bros that are easy to launch into a cursing fit. yet he doesnt.
(yes, evan does have a rep for not exploding into anger but he shows himself being upset in other ways. none of those are present in that video.)
6.06 - 8:40 is one of those scenes that makes me?? lose it?? /affectionately
because its a MIX of things.
evan is playing with jon here. and im not talking about like. playing as in playing the game. he's doing a bit with jon and jon only and it reminds me of like, stereotypical girls when they get a guy to chase them while giggling, like they're PLAYING TAG right now. just the two of them.
evan didnt even kill jon. evan probably WASNT PLANNING TO. he was just messing around with jon probably and was going to leave him alone after this, like i kinda wish jon didn't die to see what evan WOULD've done
just??? their fucking BANTER in general, then their soft comfort at the end?? like that is INCREDIBLY out of their gamer persona, like i cannot state this enough. they have their moments together and GODDDD YEAH.
when they're dead, prox chat is off. they didn't NEED to be that close to each other to talk and yet they are (also. grizzy is nowhere near them and yet hes engaging in the convo, meaning that presence is not mandatory)
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wardenmages · 1 year
I finished Baldurs Gate 3 and I need about 3-5 business days to recover before I hop back into Elissa's playthrough. oh my god. I cried so much. my mom is trying to talk to me about this documentary on tv and I'm like "yeah that's great" while actively weeping
SO under the cut to help people avoid spoilers. my playthrough took nearly 120 hours and I didn't even finish everything in every act. this has spoilers for like, the entire main quest line of act 3 since I did a lot of the main items today lol
HHHHHHHH it was very difficult to make the decision to make Orpheus a mind flayer. I was going to have Alet do it but backpedaled immediately because I just could not imagine them leaving Astarion alone like that. I had to pause and pace around for a long time. I knew I didn't want to side with the emperor but Man
I literally played through killing Orin and Gortash today, saving the guild, a bunch of other smaller quest items, and wrapping up the Orphic Hammer stuff once I had Lae'zel back. So like. It's been a lot all in one day.
I had Karlach with me while I killed Gortash and her breakdown afterwards was so painful, I was already so upset at that point. then afterwards I go talk to Astarion and
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Astarion and Karlach understand each other so well and love each other so much it makes me want to eat drywall. I just. think about after killing Cazador w/o doing the ritual, Karlach telling Astarion how fucking proud she is of him, how happy she is that he's free. and then this happens and he can't even return the sentiment, because there is no other way out for Karlach. there barely was for him - he's free, but he knows that freedom comes with a heavy price he hates that he has to pay. I just. want to squeeze them both so hard. lovingly.
At one point I looked up if you could become a mind flayer and then turn back into a humanoid and saw people saying that at the end Astarion could die from getting caught out in the sun and I literally spent the whole final quest panicking because he was literally in my party 100% of the game and I was scared he'd die because of it, but he was fine. I think the game was trying to half-joke about it but I was so emotionally raw at that point I literally minimized the game because I panicked so hard lol
I'm a little bummed there was no scene about where Shadowheart, Halsin, Minsc, and Jaheira were going after the dust settled. I also kind of wish there was something like the classic Dragon Age "put all the companions in a space so you can say goodbye to them individually" thing, I didn't realize once you find the boat to the brain you wouldn't be able to change your party or even talk to most of the companions again (besides Halsin and Jaheira, at least for me). I just expected there to be more between killing Gortash and setting off for the brain, I guess? or something at the end like the act 1 tiefling party where they wait until night so Astarion can join them and the player gets closure with everyone. I like the few bits of closure we get it would just be nice I guess?? idk
Alet and Astarion are off an another adventure though, going to try and find a way for him to walk in the sun again, because while Alet is more than happy in the dark with him the rest of their lives, they know he's not happy with it, and they will do Literally Anything to make him happy again, and that last conversation between them made me gay. also it was funny in that whole last section you can say "this might be the last time we ever kiss" and he says "well then let's make it a good one" and they have the quickest most chaste kiss I've ever seen, it was shorter than the one you can do at the camp, it was genuinely so funny like Neither of you have any clue what you're doing and I appreciate the effort
Karlach ended up going back to Avernus with Wyll. I'm sad the scene only has Karlach talking, but I get why it's like that, so not that disappointed. But. I'm so happy for them. They love each other so much and have such a deep connection, neither of them will ever be alone again. as soon as they figure out if it's even safe or not ("is the thing lighting up the hells actually the sun") Alet and Astarion are going to visit them and Hope
ANYWAY I need to take a break from the game so I don't explode, probably going to write some more fic about Alet and Astarion, and then I will attempt to jump into a second playthrough without romancing Astarion which feels Genuinely Wrong, why would I even play the game without my favorite weird little guy hanging out asking for hugs :(
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schizosupport · 1 year
Hi, it’s the paranoid anon who had a crush on their friend, again…
I’m here to ask advice, again, I hope it’s okay? My social circle is pretty small…
The situation with my friend, currently, is bad.
Until a few days ago, I had the habit of commenting on her posts (ironic posts or even just straight sad posts) with what I thought to me was concerned half jokes.
I thought she didn’t like them, because one day she tagged everyone who’s a mutual friend and said that she’s just trying to make a joke, that she wanted to make us all laugh, and thanked for the efforts. (Plus a few sad and inverted face emojis)
So… I told her, that I thought I made her sad, and so unfollowed her to not hurt her and comment on her posts, to which she replied she wasn’t actually sad, and said it was all a meme (a joke).
And she also told me to keep commenting on her posts. In a very aggressive manner.
That made me feel hurt. Used, for a joke. I felt offended. I really dislike it when people boss me around. And would really not talk to her about it anymore. And also not follow her anymore.
She still interacts with me as before, but… I notice I’m trying to avoid her.
And I wanted to ask… is that an okay course of action? Am I being reasonable here?
I’m not sure because I’m pretty paranoid, and I know my paranoia can get the best of me at times. But I’m also unsure because I’ve been gaslight into doubt before, too.
Hi there anon! It's always ok to send an ask, don't worry about reaching out!
Ok so of course I can only speculate on some elements of this situation based on the information in your ask, so forgive me if I'm totally off.
So I'm going to be honest and say that based on what little information I have in this ask, your level of upset with her behaviour sounds like it might be a bit disproportionate. On the other hand, it also sounds like she's not been very sensitive to things that could upset you, and there can obviously be a number of elements in this situation that I don't know of, which is causing/influencing your reaction.
From your description this sounds like a series of misunderstandings and overreactions from each side. You'd been commenting on your friend's half-jokey sad posts with half-jokey concern. This is normal and okay behaviour. Then your friend makes a post to clarify that she may joke about being sad a lot, but she's ok don't worry, but thanks for the concern! I don't think anyone who is not the least bit sad makes sad humour posts, but she may have realized that some of it may be concerning to others. Alternatively, she may have felt self-conscious about being too open about her emotional life on social media. I have no idea how the sad and inverted emojis fit into this message, but also I'm old.
At this point you interpreted this post as if she's upset/saddened by your comments, you told her as much, unfollowed her and said you will stop commenting. Now again I haven't seen the post she wrote, but based on what you've told me, this isn't an obvious read of the post, and it wouldn't be an expected or desired reaction. She's clarifying that she's ok but 'thanks for the support anyways', and suddenly this is taken to mean that she was upset by the comments, and she is unfollowed by a close friend. You're doing this bc you feel that you've overstepped a boundary and you're trying to respect her, but from the other side this likely didn't make obvious sense. And in the most basic sense, I think she was hurt by it, and she replied aggressively and in generalizing terms.
Then this again is really uncomfortable on your end. You feel like you're being ordered to interact and like you've been made a fool of for showing genuine concern for your friend. Once again, perfectly valid to feel, but I think the reality of the situation is a bit more complicated.
I think she was upset bc you stopped following her (out of the blue from her perspective) and she genuinely appreciated your commentary. Likely for the joke, and likely for the kernel of truth underneath the joking. So I don't think she was telling you to 'keep generate content with me' as much as she was saying 'wtf pls don't cut my hand off all of a sudden'. And given that you reason for unfollowing was your concern that you make her sad, she would be expected to double down on the notion that it's all a joke.
Obviously this all comes down to dynamics and conversations that I'm not privy to, and as I said, there could be factors i don't know of. All I'm saying is that based on what little info you have given me, this isn't necessarily a sign that either of you have wronged the other.
With that being said, even if it's an unreasonable course of action to avoid her etc, I think that it can still be an okay course of action. You are your own person.
I do think that it's important not to dismiss your feelings and desired boundaries out of hand. I think it's worthwhile to examine the evidence behind it, but even if you found yourself completely unreasonably uncomfortable with someone's company, you still get to respect your boundaries and take a break from that person. Taking a step back from a relationship and examining it from above can be helpful in figuring out if that relationship is healthy to you or not.
You can be hurt or uncomfortable even if the other person has a good explanation for their behaviour, even if their behaviour was objectively ok. And you are in your right to take a break or pull away from a relationship if that's what feels best.
But if you are unsure, and if you hope to get back to what once were in a relationship, then trying to have a conversation about what is going on can be helpful. And if pulling away entirely, throwing a 'I'm sorry but I'm feeling triggered and uncomfortable in the relationship right now so I'm going to retreat for now' is a worthwhile effort in my opinion.
Because from the other end, it's very upsetting to be suddenly ghosted, unfollowed or even blocked by a friend for reasons they may not even begin to understand.
I don't know if this is helpful, but that's what I'm thinking off the top of my head. I hope everything goes well, whatever you choose to do!
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windupaidoneus · 20 days
tell me more abt the roleswap au i LOVE those sorts of things and want to know what you're cooking
Oh Lird.
so...... azem hades & emet-selch lachesis eh.... giggles a little. kicks a rock. falls to my knees. there's so much evil shit going on there. there's going to be post edw spoilers SORRY not my fault.
in that au hades is a lot more. well. azem-like. not quite like how venat or canon azem would be but he does go around helping people, though he reiterates he's "simply doing his job" everytime people thank him. lachesis on the other hand is uhhhh a lot more Visibly Stressed because of Bureaucracy (he was not meant for this desk job life someone save him). they still work pretty well off of each other due to balancing each other out in Different ways there, but lachesis frequently jokes about how they probably should swap jobs, though he's quick to add that it Is just jokes bc he feels hades would get far too invested as emet-selch to a possibly unhealthy degree. (staring directly into the camera as i say this)
they had a very similar start friendship wise, not much point in changing it, it's just that through a twist of fate (funny cuz lachesis. one of the fates. Anyway) they ended up swapping seats. & in fact hades got his first, & vouched for lachesis hard as fuck! lachesis does not have hades' soul sight but #hesanempath so its ok (im joking but also. idk it makes sense To Me)
in this au the plan to summon zodiark is still something lachesis disagrees with, however by that point he's too overwhelmed by what's happening to express his opinion & when hades opposes himself to it he's genuinely baffled (not in a bad way. in a gay way.). when he does try to speak his mind after zodiark's summoning (he waited a bit bc of. seeing the azem seat struck) it feels like something is actively preventing him (that would be zodiark's tempering), & losing the agency to express himself really got to him like. quick. rapidly felt like he was losing his mind, Which He Was LOL!, & try as he might to resist zodiark's influence i think he fell to it relatively quickly. especially after the sundering. his coworkers were, i reiterate, ELIDIBUS & LAHABREA. man i would let zodiark do whatever the fuck he wants too
more seriously though they do have some kind of divorce as well but uhhhh different... hades definitely expressed hurt at lachesis choosing THAT time to keep his mouth shut. disappointment that he'd be so unwilling to risk his seat. & lachesis tried to explain but the moment he got accused of essentially being a coward he lost all explanations he could muster up & kinda fell over himself emotionally. he'd wished to try & change the convocation's minds individually after the decision was made but. that was before they erased the azem seat. it happened relatively swiftly & by that point it felt like he was stuck there. he would've had more hope he could do something about it if elidibus hadn't been chosen to be the heart of zodiark probably... i don't think they're As close in this au as they are in the og timeline (in which lachesis absolutely tried dissuading him even after his seat was struck) so he wouldn't feel like he can try to argue with him specifically. he's familiar with lahabrea but the man is wayyy more duty-bound than himself. he might have a chance with loghrif but loghrif & he wouldn't sway the entire convocation. he felt incredibly powerless, & he hadn't even been able to defend hades. that & hythlodaeus being sacrificed to summon zodiark were two of his biggest regrets that zodiark's tempering would latch onto & worsen so so much over time, & his main motivation to bring about the rejoinings is to be able to see them again, & apologise to them. & probably die after ensuring they can live happy lives honestly
igeyorhm fucking over the thirteenth made lachesis MAD AS FUCK. also deeply upset & increasingly stressed. he is acutely aware the rest of the rejoinings wouldnt be enough to bring back the old world & having this one reflection become impossible to rejoin is going to torment him for a long long time. i think he'd spend a lot of his free time trying to work out how to reverse it, but elidibus would always be tasking him with some new shit, interrupting his work & whatnot. in fact, if it didnt fuck up the flow of the story, i'd even imagine he is more likely to align himself with the wol (in this case hades shard) in post edw than in shb since what post edw is about is like. finding ways to reverse the uh, voidening of the thirteenth. it would perfectly align with his goals is the problem. butttt that is not how the story goes. playing his part in shb is sort of elidibus' design but a lot of it is him still, he's not Happy about it bc he'd reallyratherbeworkingonthevoidoverthere but UGH the warrior of light is causing problems FIIINE he'll do it. & well. what surprise! here he is. hades' shard. wielding 'black magic' as he always would yet aided by the blessing of light. how ironic! he himself is far more proficient in wielding 'white magic' but now works alongside zodiark. (a reminder of how much he despises doing what he's doing. he'd forgotten. makes him feel even more powerless. whoa! so cool. he WILL die with a smile on his face)
i need to name the hades shard. i know i do. it will happen. once i've decided if i want him to be a viera or a miqo'te 😂!!!
until then though ☝️ relatively similar to, well, hades in personality, though a lot less reluctant to express affection or approval. kind of assumes he's having really fucking weird daydreams even when everyone's telling him hydaelyn is speaking to him & ooo it's the blessing of light, why are there two ladybugs in my room??, kinda washes over him really. he keeps reiterating he's doing what he's doing not because he's anybody's champion (regardless of whether he is or not) but because he wants to & people better not attribute his deeds to some otherworldly power who could not make him do ANYTHING he does not want to do. HE did it, of his own volition, & if he'd wanted to let the world burn he very well could've. he does have a burning desire to do the right thing & save the world no matter what happens to him though. sad! hydaelyn's perfect chosen whether he likes it or not :/ needless to say he fucking loathes zenos & does not ever come close to forgiving gaius for what he's done. gets along with alisaie horribly well. alphinaud too but he unconditionally enables alisaie (& krile too) when they torment him. It's Fun For Him. good friends with y'shtola as well, gets on pretty well with urianger but like... starting in post shb. before that he's like Really Fucking Sick of the secrecy shit & urianger never saying what he Means. beefs with thancred entirely too much. would've legitimately killed ser grinnaux over the tataru & alphinaud trial & is very very VERY happy he gets to actually do it later.
& his canon jobs are blm, smn/sch, whm & drk!!!!! whm because well. he does feel a strange pull toward white magic. surely this means nothing (his lover in a past life looming ominously over him)
the way these two work in shb is. ughhhh. buh. lachesis is far freakier than hades as emet but he also poses himself as a lot more likable. overall a deeply unsettling character, but he's so certain things can work out with the power of friendship!! 💖 yeah, fuck zodiark anyway! 🎉 (he is fully planning on backstabbing the scions with the sole purpose of getting himself killed)
hades shard does recognise lachesis' soul colour (he has that. yeah.) but can't place it. all he knows is that this isnt Right, this lachesis isnt Right & whatever he is now is hardly more than a shadow of who he once was, this he believes. this makes him relatively closed off from the get go while lachesis is a lot more inviting & friendly, but as time goes on lachesis withdraws more & more, prompting hades shard to fill in the space he left by reaching out himself. lachesis is sort of tricking him into it to make the betrayal sting more, & push him to pull no punches once the final confrontation arises. hades shard is determined to put an end to this not just because of all the suffering lachesis has caused others & himself but also for lachesis' sake. ending this madness. this eternity of misery he's clearly trapped himself into. lachesis is a lot... crabbier & gloomier during the final confrontation, but again he dies with a smile on his face, with thanks & an apology to hades shard. & of course post shb hits hades shard like a brick. & then edw hits him like another brick. because it's lachesis in elpis instead of hades. yep
wait i just realised i could name hades shard after the minion. aidoneus.!!? since it's also the name i have him publicly take after he comes back & changes his face & everything to avoid unwanted attention... omg... aidoneus roquefort real? & lachesis can take on the name hildegarde if he brings himself back? (which tbh hes more likely to do than hades was so. ? happy ending for all. idc)
elpis facking sucks for him obviously... to be seeing the man whose life he ended out of pity & compassion back when he was happier? when he was with who himself used to be, back when the world was Better for them? it sucks! it sucks. telling the story of his present is something he does very much reluctantly but he does not mince his words, & lachesis immediately like. accepts it as truth. he fully believes he would do all this & he's mortified. rather than pass judgement of any kind on it though he quickly excuses himself to "collect his thoughts". probably has a meltdown to hyth one on one about it & is like We Have To Tell Azem This Is Really Bad We Can't Let This Happen but they cant tell azem so they dont. & he's definitely not as relaxed as hades is when kairos erases their memories! more like. "(nervous chuckle) well shucks. sorry for everything in advance. go get 'em for us, yeah?" &. ouhhh. lies down face first. AIDONEUS IS UPSET!!! but also more determined than ever to set things Right & put a stop to the world ending shit. the weight of the world IS on his shoulders but he's been lifting since day one in preparation for this so he can do it.
idk. i'm not exactly running out of things to say but idk how much i shoudl say. yippee. have at thee
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oh my gosh, those mergwen headcanons are so freaking adorable!!!! i need, like, a hundred more, oh my gosh. fantastic!!! this pairing deserves so much love, it's so cute TT
(Referencing These Headcanons)
More you say?
I can manage a few more😁
First off, go HERE, to find a headcanon for how they act when Gwen goes into labour with their first kiddy. I fully intend to write this scenario into a full, fluffy fic one day. But yeah. They’re super excitable and everyone is super in awe of how chilled out they are considering Gwen is on her merry way to push a whole mini person out of her coochie (Gwaine was subsequently set on fire for wording it like that). They’re going to be SUCH good parents and everyone knows it.
Both of them, though Gwen starts first, when she’s pregnant, find themselves using their parent voice on their friends, but the thing is, it genuinely tends to work more often than not. The others find this very horrifying and also rather annoying (and hilarious when it’s someone else). When kiddy is older, and speaking and learning, Merlin, exhausted and in an odd headspace, has (on several occasions) said things like “Say hello to the duck, Elyan” (on a patrol) and “No touching, Leon, only looking” (when they went exploring the market together) and “Inside voices, Gwaine” (when he was laughing at a joke in a tavern). He will also, when he’s REALLY exhausted, try to get Arthur into bed at like... the medieval equivalent of 6pm. Because The King is a child, who can’t be up past his bedtime. He also took to cutting Arthur’s food up really small before he served it for a while, until Arthur pointed it out. It was genuinely just muscle memory, and Merlin was pretty embarrassed lol.
Elyan, obviously, gets used to the parent voice the quickest. Leon however... he never stops struggling. He blue-screens for a solid ten seconds every time it happens.
Jumping back again, once they get together, every gift they get someone else is exactly what the receiver needs in the moment, even if they hadn't previously realised it. No one will say it out loud it fear of hurting someone else's feelings, but everyone looks forward to whatever Mergwen gets them for Yule/Birthdays the most.
If they don't want to be found?? They won't be found. Of everyone in the castle, they're the ones that know the most about the secret tunnels and hidden rooms and gaps between walls. They can get anywhere unseen, and it also means they can just hangout uninterrupted any time they want.
They have pets after they move in together. Probably just half feral/outside cats at first, because they both work, but they get big ol' doggos later down the line.
On one memorable occasion, Gwen fully slaps Arthur in the face for making a slightly off colour joke about Merlin. Merlin was already tired and annoyed, so Gwen could see he was slightly more upset about it than normal, and Gwen was also tired and tetchy, due to having been up all night waiting for Merlin to come home from fighting the week's villain. She's utterly mortified after she finishes shouting at him for underappreciating Merlin, and just being plain cruel to him sometimes, but everyone else thinks it’s hilarious, and Arthur gives Merlin the meekest, but most sincere apology that has ever exited his mouth, before scurrying off, embarrassed.
On a similar line, Merlin has intimidated his fair share of arseholes in taverns and bars who wouldn't leave Gwen alone.
Gwen painstakingly and patiently teaches Merlin how to braid hair, and he becomes a master at it. They braid flowers into each others hair, and Merlin grows his out a little longer because of this.
On a slightly darker note, Merlin teaches Gwen how to properly clean and sew wounds, how to deal with blood loss, with concussion, with loss of consciousness. Once he becomes more comfortable with the idea of going to Gwen’s house, instead of Gaius (as a matter of practicality, OR avoiding a lecture), she utilises these skills regularly and impressively.
The Druids all call her My Lady and bow to her and give her flower crowns and cloaks and stuff upon first meeting her. She is baffled, and embarrassed, and hates it, but Merlin refuses to ask them to stop because she is a queen in his eyes. Merlin is, oddly enough, happy to take his place as King/Lord of the Druids, if it means Gwen also gets treated like royalty by the people he adores so much.
They don’t really do pet-names, probably just a casual “love” from Merlin, and “Merls” from Gwen. Maybe the odd “sweetheart” is thrown in the mix here and there.
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Let's talk about Asmo
Avatar of Lust, the cute, narcissistic party boy who's always ready to get ~sexy~. But contrary to popular belief, Asmodeus isn't just all smiles, beauty, partying, and sex. He does love these things, but there is something much more wicked underneath.
(This contains spoilers up to lesson 53)
He is, after all, a demon. In the beginning of the game, he doesn't care much for MC and treats them quite coldly, if he bothers to even pay them any attention at all. He finds it boring that Lucifer didn't end up torturing or killing MC after the incident with the grimoire - because to him, it's much more fun if someone is dying.
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It's safe to assume that this is actually who Asmodeus is when he's interacting with people other than his brothers. After all, the sides we see of all the brothers are only facets of them, and specifically the sides of them that they normally only show to those closest to them--their family. Their behaviors and attitudes towards MC become an exception to how they would otherwise act.
It isn't until he realizes the power MC has that he becomes interested. Realizing that they have incredible power, Asmodeus becomes interested in them, but in a way that suggests he thinks of them as a plaything. He's curious to find out where this will go, more than being interested in MC as a person. He pokes and prods at MC's body like a doll, commenting on their finger lengths and even examining their teeth. It's very much "Where is that magic hiding? Where is it? Where are you keeping it?", not a "I'm sexually interested in you" kind of action. He even says so outright.
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Over the course of the first arc, Asmodeus does grow closer with MC (as do all the brothers), but again -- that's a side that most people do not have a privilege of seeing, because unlike MC, others are not living with them in their home, seeing them interact with each other. They can fuck around and mess with each other because all of them are siblings, and all of them are the most powerful in the Devildom. Others wouldn't dare act that way towards them. Even Diavolo and Barbatos, who are both extremely powerful in their own right, don't act as familiar with the brothers because they're not part of that family dynamic.
We do get a flash again of Asmodeus' anger and colder side when MC and Beelzebub return to the House of Lamentation after Belphegor gets taken by Barbatos and Diavolo. He's hurt by what he sees as MC's deception--having an ulterior motive for making pacts with all of them--and he doesn't just threaten MC for it, but is downright cruel in the gory, dispassionate details as he reminds them just what he could do to them. This isn't the kind of cute annoyed anger that he shows to his brothers, but the real sadism that he would show to anyone else, to an outsider.
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For all the jokes and portrayal of Asmo not wanting to get his hands dirty, the reality is he will get his hands dirty when it suits him. He'll get his hands dirty if it's something that he thinks is fun or if he's truly angry. And he'll laugh as he does it.
The outside world knows him as a powerful demon who is incredibly dangerous. His charming ability is referenced as being more powerful than any other demon. In other words, he can hypnotize and control (almost) anyone he wants, including his Very Powerful brothers (and he does, for fun).
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Asmodeus acts upset at being called "wicked" and "evil", but it's clear that is how others see him as he is a demon. (This is really just him being dramatic as he recounts his first meeting with Solomon, because when Barbatos mentions "Well, you are a demon", he goes "Well, yeah .... anyway").
So, okay then, Asmodeus isn't all smiles and partying. But what about his narcissism? What about the flirting? That's just him being fun and silly, right?
NOPE. The narcissism isn't just a fun silly personality trait he's always had, it's a direct inversion of his defining trait as an angel, which was loving everyone.
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By contrast, demon Asmodeus loves himself, and only himself. He's no longer focused on the good he sees in everyone else, and it has instead been turned inwards to self-adoration.
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Where he once flirted with people out of genuine affection and admiration, his flirting as a demon is a twisted version of that where it's not about the other person at all. He might flirt because he wants the other person, or because it makes him more popular, but it's all about himself now. He's obsessed with himself, with having everyone's attention on him and what makes himself happy, regardless of the cost to others. This narcissism is directly tied to him being a demon.
On that note, Asmodeus is the Avatar of Lust, one of the seven deadly sins. However, what lust actually means in that context is not sex, but desire, whether that's satisfying his own desires or creating desire in others. Asmodeus is always wanting the new hot thing, both just because he wants it but also wants to make others want and desire it. Unlike Beel who wants to eat the hot new food item, Asmodeus wants it to take a photo and attract others to it. He always wants that great shot for Devilgram, to pull his fans in and implant desire in them. He doesn't actually care that much once he has whatever coveted item (or person). The joy is in trying to get what he wants.
So yes, Asmodeus does partake in partying and beauty and sex and fun ... but he is also a powerful and dangerous demon.
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greaseonmymouth · 2 years
I am late to the party but I have finally watched top gun: maverick (I also rewatched top gun before I did) and I have thoughts
I really liked that Iceman and Maverick became livelong close friends - it would've been so easy to force a continued rivalry and turn this movie into a bad rehash of that, but it isn't! they're friends!
related, I liked that this didn't in any way diminish Maverick's friendship with Goose and that he still thinks of him and that Goose is still his anchor
ALSO that bit towards the end where Rooster says 'talk to me dad' ? very strongly implies that Maverick has at some point in the past told him about his own 'talk to me Goose' thing. It's obvious that they were close, that they knew each other as he grew up, and I figure, maybe at some point little Bradley was missing his dad and Maverick told him about how he still talks to him and that he can do the same? my heart
follow-up point: the fact Maverick and Rooster are close! It would've been so easy to make their animosity about Goose's death, but it seems like that was never an issue? They only fell out because Maverick pulled his application, and when Bagman Hangman was riling Rooster up about Goose, it seemed clear to me Rooster wasn't upset about it because of Maverick (I mean, Hangman probably thought he was revealing some earth shattering secret which just shows he's an arrogant asshole who knows nothing) but because Rooster didn't want his dad talked about in that way and especially not be the guy who'd been a dick to him
I'm gonna have to say it but: I was a lot apprehensive about Miles Teller in this film because everything else I've seen him in he's been an absolute dickhead to the point that when I see a pic of him I just want to punch him in the face. and I didn't want Goose's kid to be another Miles Teller dickhead, for starters, but also I was worried that even if he wasn't a dickhead character, I wouldn't be able to see past it. HOWEVER, Miles Teller was amazing, can we stop typecasting him now please
watching top gun and top gun: maverick back to back was. an experience. yes tom cruise no longer has plump early 20yo baby cheeks. why does he look like a man in his forties when he must be pushing 60 at this point. did he drink some of that Ralph Macchio cool-aid (I'm joking, I know it's hair dye and Sc13nt0l0gy sauce.)
I'm sorry to make this about Karate Kid/Cobra Kai but look, part of my motivation for watching these was Cobra Kai. can we all take a moment to consider the parallels here. Johnny has cast himself as Iceman which makes Daniel Maverick by default. What does it say about them that Iceman and Maverick got over themselves and became friends right out of high school top gun but Johnny and Daniel, uhm, did not. And the homoerotic tension between them? Johnny, Johnny Johnny.
listen I know Hangman was designed to be an unlikeable dickhead and I think the casting worked extremely well because (I'm sorry bro) the guy has one of those punchable faces. I'm sure he has a normal face when he's not smirking like that, but the cubic shape of his head paired with that tiny mouth and then that smirk, he just. god. he's like a caricature of an asshole, he's that big an asshole. AND YET I SOMEHOW LIKE HIM? the moment he did not get selected to go on the mission he had a genuine Emotion and I was like, oh.
that bit at the end, though, I wanted to punch him again. and then buy him a drink (from a distance)
I just want to say again that I loved basically everything to do with Rooster and Maverick, it was great
I'm sure other people have gone into the parallels between top gun and top gun: maverick so I won't rehash them but suffice to say I noticed them
overall verdict: top gun: maverick is the perfect sequel and I will hear no slander
MOST IMPORTANTLY THOUGH: has anybody drawn fanart of Maverick with his students as if he's mama duck and they are his ducklings? please, I need it
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420pogpills · 4 years
I woke up and saw sapnap's alt twitch as well, but decided not to watch. and now that I hear that they just dogged on george for no reason, I'm especially glad I didn't
like making fun of him while he's there is fine since they're at least doing it to his face, but even that is getting old
sometimes when they make fun of him too hard, even if he's fine with it, it makes me so uncomfortable. I don't think I'm babying him tbh, I think it's just a natural reaction to seeing someone attacked like that
idk maybe I'm just looking into it too much, but it's a tad annoying how they think its soooo funny just to make fun of george all the time
especially like when sapnap kept playing copywrited music and wouldn't stop on george's stream and everyone was egging him on and the second george does the same to karl, karl flips tf out
i’m guessing this one is also you?: hi I'm so sorry I sent an ask and after realized you said you didn't want to talk about how they treat george so feel free to ignore it
don’t worry you don’t have to apologise at all, and i like the points you’re making! i guess i’ll talk about it a little bit, because i wanna get it off my chest but i don’t want to overanalyse haha, and i will make my opinion hidden under here so no one has to read if you don’t want to see anything regarding this :)
before i say anything i do want to kind of put a disclaimer that this is purely my own opinion, this is not me trying to speak for them, this is not me trying to speak for george, this is not me saying that this is how george or anyone else feels - this is purely just my opinion based on what i see and what i would feel if i was in that situation. so it’s all pointless rambling and is in no way to slander anyone or baby anyone! i know they love each other and i know they are best friends and i know they are grown men who can talk to each other. again this is just all my opinion that has absolutely no factual evidence behind it, just based on how my sensitive brain works.
the guys making fun of george is getting oLD. to me, it’s gotten beyond old. it’s not that it’s hurtful because you know they don’t hold any actual hostility in their words, and they make fun of each other all the time but george definitely gets it the most, and the most often too. it used to be funny, but i no longer find it to be so if i’m honest :’) 
because george has a rep for being so unbothered, i think the guys kind of drive into that a bit too hard sometimes. it’s like the more unbothered he is, the more they try to get a reaction out of him. 
joking about his age and his sleeping habits is fine it’s whatever, but it was really irritating to watch him trying to stream and them constantly talking over him, trying to start offline hype trains in their own streams WHEN GEORGE WAS STREAMING, and trying to play music that would get george into trouble?? 
sometimes i genuinely struggle to pin point if george is truly bothered by things because of how often they disregard him no matter what tone of voice he uses or what he says? to me it kind of seemed like he was actually getting upset at them playing the music, but they still kept on with it for a while. sapnap literally only stopped when karl said to stop. it’s almost like sapnap is so used to ignoring what george is asking of him that it took another person to snap him out of it??
idk it just bothers me!! it started with karl, quackity and george, they kind of formed their own trio, and then sapnap joined them, and now dream joined them, and now it feels like they’re pushing george out (which i know is not the case at all) but that’s the vibe i get when i watch these streams now :’) like why did everyone try to start offline hype trains in their own chats during george’s stream, but started hyping up the chat and got 5k subs for karl’s stream??
i know they love george, but there’s something so immature about these interactions that just makes me cringe a bit :’) 
anyway yeah sorry for the negativity, i’m just such a george simp, and i always can’t help but be protective over the people i support lmaoooo
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not-reagan · 3 years
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milf: man i love forests
pairing: deforester boo seungkwan x frat boy mirror demon han jisung (side pairing reagan x rainbow)
genre: crack, strangers to friends to lovers, non-idol au
warnings: cursing, brief supernatural elements, i don’t know if this applies but all lcase, and i listened to christmas music and abba while writing this
word count: 2.7k
authors note: happy birthday @miyuuraiura !! i am so sorry about this monstrosity being your birthday gift but you asked for it so it's your fault entirely. i was gonna include some context on this story for those who are not rainbow and i but actually i don't think i will.
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seungkwan did what he could to get by. he loved nature, he really did, but sometimes you have to make moral sacrifices to survive. he was a college kid strapped for cash, and when he saw a sign reading “GET RICH QUICK, INVEST IN DEFORESTATION” in the summer going into his freshmen year, he jumped at the opportunity. sure, he would have rather been a freelance singer, hired for bar-mitzvahs and children's parties, but that job market was flooded at the moment.
jisung, on the other hand, had no care for nature. actually, he didn't care for any human things, apart from “banging parties, booze, the boys™, and bitches”. he hated quite a bit about earth, the worst of all to him being college. as a demon, he had no reason to attend university, but after he was summoned in the bathroom of a frat house by the school’s power couple; rainbow and reagan, he felt obliged to follow the two around and keep them company.
for seungkwan, his main job rarely required in person work. he usually just chose plots of land to demolish, and sent plans to local managers. the only time he actually had to knock down any trees himself was during his summer break. he has a part time job of course, but it didn't provide him enough cash to survive. for someone with a job as a deforester, he truly did do what he could to save the environment. he joined his schools environmental club, becoming vice president his sophomore year because of his work with them. he kept his job a secret, not even telling his parents where the influx of cash was coming from. he kept a low profile and went through the motions of life. he didn't have much of a social life, with his small amount of friends being from the environmental club.
han jisung found joy in witnessing his professors and fellow students lose their minds over his lack of effort in class. he did the bare minimum and still passed with flying colors. most of all, it angered his seatmate in earth science, who happened to be none other than boo seungkwan. seungkwan was a hard worker in everything he did, particularly in school. he didn't get the best grades, but by no means was he the worst. averaging a steady B+, seungkwan spent most of his nights studying or working, rarely going to parties and enjoying himself only through one person karaoke rooms.
this fact upset jisung. he didn't know why, but seeing seungkwan so tired every day made him feel sad(? jisung wasn't sure what it made him feel. it was an emotion he had never experienced before. rainbow told him it meant he had a crush. to this he threw an empty soda can at them). not to mention seungkwan’s upsetting karaoke addiction, which he knew all about the danger of because of reagan, who spent most of her weekends drunk and singing. jisung didn’t know why he took such a liking to seungkwan. what he did know was that he was ecstatic to find that they would be paired together for a project. a project that required quite a bit of teamwork, and a lot of after school work sessions.
seungkwan liked to think that he didn’t hate anyone. he hated evil people, like hitler and stalin and jyp, but he didn’t really hate anyone besides the worst of the worst. that was until he experienced jisung. he wasn’t sure why jisung always talked to him when he was trying to take notes in class. he especially wasn’t sure why he was so excited to be partnered up together for the project that was worth 25% of their grade. seungkwan was less than happy to have to cooperate with jisung for an extended period of time, and he was not looking forward to letting him into his dorm room, or going anywhere near jisung’s frat house. seungkwan had no idea what he was pushed into.
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they planned to meet at the cafe on campus at 5:00 pm after class. seungkwan was less than happy. jisung was thrilled. when jisung arrived seungkwan was sitting at a table drinking an americano and working on an english essay. he wasn't sure how to approach him, slowly walked closer before tapping on his shoulder. seungkwan jolted in his seat.
“jesus fuck jisung. you scared the crap out of me,” seungkwan gasped. jisung’s ears flushed as he brought his hand to the back if his neck.
“sorry,” he started, pausing for a second before starting again, “why don't we get started?”. he swung his bag down to the ground as he took a seat. seungkwan offered a small, non genuine smile before pulling out the project’s guidelines.
“let's try to finish this as quickly as possible. im pretty busy and don't have much time to fool around.” seungkwan said. jisung felt his heart drop. did seungkwan really think that little of him? granted, he always dozed off in class but he got his work done on time and in an orderly fashion. he felt his mind begin to wander. if seungkwan felt this way about him now, how would he feel when he found out that jisung was a demon. would seungkwan start to like him if he knew him better? jisung couldn't figure out why he cared so much about how seungkwan perceived him. he had never had an issue with others opinions of him before, so what made seungkwan so different? for some reason, jisung felt the need to connect with seungkwan. if not for himself, then at least to help him let loose.
after working silently on each of their portions of the projects for 3 hours, jisung finally spoke up. “do you want to maybe come to my party next month? well, it's not my party, it's for rainbow’s birthday. i know you're not one for social interaction but it would be cool to see you there. i’ll give you the details if-”
“i’d love to go,” seungkwan cut off jisung’s rambling. to be honest, he wasn't exactly sure what he was agreeing to, but he knew it would shut jisung up, and seungkwan valued his peace and quiet. part of him also just felt downright bad for the other. he seemed to be trying awfully hard to become friends with seungkwan, and he wouldn’t admit it, seungkwan had started to warm up to the boy. he really wasn’t as much of an issue as he had thought before, and was actually really respectful of seungkwan’s wishes. maybe i’ll give him a chance, seungkwan thought before going back to his work.
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over the next month, jisung and seungkwan continued meeting to work on their project. seungkwan was less short with the other, and jisung was still red faced every time seungkwan decided to talk to him, which became quite frequently over the next few weeks. jisung was starting to realize that the feelings he had for seungkwan were not simply platonic, and that he didn’t just want to be friends with him. with the help of rainbow and reagan, he had come to the conclusion that he really, really liked seungkwan, and that he was going to do something about it. remembering that he had invited seungkwan to the party, he devised a plan to not only tell seungkwan about his whole “i’m actually a demon” thing, but also about his true feelings. it wouldn't be easy, but it was what he had to do.
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a month later, seungkwan still wasn’t exactly sure why he had agreed to go to jisungs frat house at 9:00 pm on a saturday night. yet there he was, standing on the front porch of a large house, wondering if he should bite the bullet and walk in, or spare himself and leave right then. he didn't get a choice, however, as rainbow and reagan stepped out of the house giggling while clutching onto each other. both stopped in their tracks when they saw seungkwan. the couple and seungkwan stared at each other for a good minute before seungkwan shook himself from his trance.
“hey rainbow!” seungkwan started, “and reagan too. i know we aren’t super close, but jisung invited me and i thought i’d just drop by and wish you a happy birthday.” he passed her a birthday card filled with $50 bucks and then turned to leave. “i’ll leave you guys now. have a great birthday!” before seungkwan could get very far, however, rainbow grabbed him by the arm.
“hey, i’d love if you’d stay! at least go say hi to jisung. i’m sure he’d like to see you,” she said, silently making note to have jisung pay her back for being a great wingwoman.
“he’s probably hiding in the second floor bathroom. if you don't see him in there, just say his name three times in front of the mirror. he’ll appear.” reagan explained. seungkwan thought she was joking. how wrong he was.
following his entrance to the house, he had to refuse not one, not two, but three different people who were looking to give him bottles or cups of something which seungkwan presumed to be various types of alcohol. navigating through the house was difficult, reaching the stairs to the second floor only after running into numerous people borderline fucking on two large couches in the living room, a smoke circle taking place in what seungkwan assumed to be a dining room, and a very aggressive makeout session against a wall. once he finally reached the second floor, he had some difficulty finding the bathroom, accidentally walking in on reagan and rainbow, who had miraculously made it upstairs faster than he had.
“if you don’t stop shitting constantly i am going to break up with you! also, stop taking feet pics! it’s weird!” he heard rainbow shout.
“at least i can eat seafood! how does it make your head hurt? you’re the weakest link! that fucking seafood platter was delicious. and you know what, i’m glad i didn’t have to share it with you!” reagan responded. seungkwan quickly shut the door, not wanting to get involved in whatever drunken argument was going on there. after a bit more searching, he finally stumbled across the right room. knocking first to see if anyone was in there, he entered, and to his surprise, nobody was there. jisung was nowhere to be seen. seungkwan reviewed his options. he could a) leave the party, or b) continue to look around the packed house. but there was another option. he thought about it for a second.
“what's the harm in trying,” seungkwan thought out loud, before staring directly into the mirror.
“han jisung, han jisung, han jisung.”
nothing happened. that's what seungkwan thought, until a minute later the lights in the bathroom flickered off and the mirror began to glow. “what. the. fuck,” seungkwan managed to squeak out before falling backwards into the tub. first a leg emerged, then two arms, and finally the rest of jisung’s body.
“i feel like the genie in aladin every time i have to get into a fucking mirror,” jisung complained before seeing seungkwan toppled over. to that view, he jumped down off the counter and moved to help him up. seungkwan, aside from falling, seemed to be reacting well to the whole situation, at least in the sense that instead of freaking out he seemed to be in a state of shock. jisung took this as a good sign, and lifted the motionless body up onto the toilet seat.
“hey seungkwan, you there?” jisung waved his hand in front of seungkwan's face as he slowly came to his senses.
“what kind of twisted party trick was that?” seungkwan asked, pretty seriously. jisung just laughed.
“you summoned me from the mirror. i’m like a funny version of michael jackson except i'm a demon and not a man in the mirror.” jisung explained. seungkwan just stared. “are you ok kwan? do you want me to get you some water?”
“it was… kind of sick.” seungkwan stated. he didn't know why he wasn't scared. under any other circumstance like this one, he probably would have shit his pants. for some reason he felt comfortable around jisung. he felt warm. he felt seen. it was something he hadn't felt before. that's when he realized. he wondered why it took himself to long to figure it out. he never hated jisung. he just didn't know what to do with the fact that he made him feel special, and that he felt as though he belonged when they were together. it had hit him why he was so nervous the whole night, why he had wanted to make such a good impression, and why he was willing to embarrass himself by calling out jisungs name as opposed to just choosing to go home. it was because he loved him.
“can i tell you something?” both of the boys said at the same time. jisung giggled and seungkwan flushed red. **authors note! bonus starts here**
“you first,” seungkwan offered. he wasn't exactly sure he would be able to make it through a sentence without getting any redder than he already was.
jisung took this opportunity to finally get his true feelings out into the air, “i like you… uhh like, i like like you. i have since we first became seatmates. well, i think that's when i've liked you since. i knew whe-”
“you're rambling again,” seungkwan told him. jisung flushed a dark shade of pink. “it's a habit of yours. i think it's cute actually.” seungkwan wasn't sure where his sudden surge of confidence came from, but he was glad it came. he was standing up now, holding jisungs hands in his. jisungs heart was racing a mile a minute as he looked down at their intertwined hands and them back up, catching seungkwan looking directly at his lips. “can… can i kiss you?” seungkwan stuttered out. jisung couldn't find his words, so he opted to just nod.
when their lips connected, seungkwan could have sworn he heard fireworks. he did later find out that someone was setting off a firework in the back yard, but it was the thought that counted. their lips melted together perfectly, and seungkwan wondered why it took him so long to admit his feelings to himself. he could have been kissing jisung for a month before this.
once they finally parted, seungkwan spoke softly, “i like you too. i think that's pretty obvious now but just in case you didn't know.” jisung had the dumbest, most confused face on, and seungkwan had the brightest smile he'd ever had. seungkwan had rendered jisung speechless, for once in his life. not long after, they started kissing again, content with their emotions and their new relationship.
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seungkwan was never one to believe that good things were permanent. he was overdramatic, stubborn, and hated interacting with people outside his small social circle. that was until han jisung came along. he was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, he could let someone else into his life.
jisung was a simple man. well, not a man, but he was simple nonetheless. he liked banging parties, booze, the boys™, and bitches. well maybe there was one more thing he liked. he knew for sure he liked boo seungkwan. maybe he loved him. maybe seungkwan even felt the same way.
reagan and rainbow leaned up against the door to eavesdrop on their matchmaking work.
“holy shit!” reagan gasped.
“what is it?? tell me what happened. you're hogging up the door!” rainbow hissed.
“our boy is so grown up,” reagan pretended to cry. “put your goddamn ear up here.” rainbow felt her ear connect with the cold door just as jisung confessed his feelings.
“i like you… uhh like, i like like you. i have since we first became seatmates. well, i think that's when i've liked you since. i knew whe-” his next words were cut off on the girls side of the door as reagan squealed.
“shut your mouth! seungkwans saying something!!” rainbow said, obviously annoyed that reagan was obstructing her ability to hear the exchange.
“can… can i kiss you?” they heard seungkwan say. both looked at each other in shock.
“oh. my. god.” was all rainbow could say.
“i think we should give them some alone time,” reagan suggested as she tugged rainbow down the hall.
“i think we need some alone time for ourselves,” rainbow said as reagan pushed her into a random room and locked the door behind them.
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Anon asked: i saw the hc of jade+Floyd with s/o scared of them getting tired of them, and I was wondering if you do something similar to that but instead could i have Jade+Floyd joking about leaving s/o, but s/o is kinda numb when hearing it? Like..S/o had people leaving her often and they aren't surprise when they hear the tweels say that. How would their reaction be??
[ "It's nothing new to me" ]
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Jade Leech
- Jade was taken aback by your suddenly bland reaction
- He'd felt in the mood of teasing you after a long day at Mostro Lounge, subtlety going about how clingy you've been and how if your roles were put into the natural scheme of aquatic creatures, you'd never last long with an eel
- "You're like a little scallop, clinging so desperately onto something you'd eventually slip off from,what am I to do with you?"
- "Oh,well, you can leave whenever. It won't be my first time anyways"
- He meant it as a friendly jest, something to make you flustered and puffed out your cheeks in an attempt to get back at him
- Jade would have never done it in the first place if he knew where you were coming from. He always knew you had a tendency to yearn for his attention and praises, always pushing your limits just to please him, and despite the emotional care he had to attend to with you, He was also very grateful that someone would put into so much effort for his sake.
- He'll mentally scold himself for being too comfortable with you, assuming you wouldn't have gotten hurt from his words even if they weren't true
- "You know I didn't mean that,___." Is the first thing he'd say, coming over to your side to lean down and smile at you. It might be a little intruding given your already upset state but if you paid attention, you'd see how genuinely guilty his eyes were
- You can pull away or even lash out at him verbally, and Jade wouldn't blame you,in fact, he'd take anything you threw at him.
- He's not the most comforting partner to have, but he has his way of making you feel better, and that includes using him as a punching bag if you'd like
- Jade would never give this leniency to just anyone, but you were his precious sea turtle, and he'd never forgive himself if he made you think his feelings for you weren't true
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Floyd Leech
- He must've been in a bad mood, you knew he had a habit of lashing out on you whenever he was in that mental state
- But the sadistic grin and the words that fell from his mouth then felt too real,too close to home, you couldn't help but lower your head and try your best to not cry
- "Lil shrimpy is like the mold that grows on corals, you just don't know when to stop do you?"
- Don't let it get to you. That was the mantra you kept playing in your head, because if you cried it'll make things worst.
- "If I'm that much of a bother then I can just leave. You're not the first person to tell me I'm annoying."
- You didn't mean to sound so flawed and vulnerable, but your chest felt like it was being coiled by hot steel and your fingers felt like breaking from how hard you clenched them on your lap.
- If the words weren't rushed, then it was just the adrenaline pumping in your veins that made the scene seem too fast to comprehend
- Floyd doesn't get it at first, watching how your body is shaking and how your voice sounded all muffled. He thinks you're being small and vulnerable like you always are, so he brushes off your reaction to his callous words pretty quickly
- It's only after a few days that he'll notice how distant you were from him and how you rarely came to hang out at Mostro Lounge
- Still, it's Jade who points this out and it's only after Floyd repeats what he said to you that his twin tells him why you were avoiding him
- He doesn't take it that well, wondering why you didn't just tell him rather than being all troublesome
- Again,Jade has to tell him that as a boyfriend he shouldn't go around throwing his words at someone without knowing if it'll hurt them or not and Floyd would revert to his bitter moodswings before abandoning his shift to look for you
- He isn't the best at apologizing, nor will he actually say the words "Sorry" but Floyd doesn't like it that you're not spending time with him given how you know how much he likes you in the first place. It just doesn't make sense for him, if two people liked being around each other,then shouldn't that be something they did often?
- Floyd would probably call you a bit dumb for not just telling him you were upset, but then when you frown at him or even lash out, he'd just stare at you and say he likes you better when you're smiling
- And if that doesn't make you flustered, then maybe the thought of him chasing you around just to get your attention again will.
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myimaginesacademia · 7 years
Okayy, how about headcanons for Shouto, Kacchan, and Izuku, where their s/o's friend was messing with her phone and decided it would be funny to prank them by faking a break up (pretending to be their s/o btw), and their reactions, also if you wouldn't mind, adding how they would confront their s/o about this and how things get resolved. thank you so much!!
okie-dokie, I hope I got this right!
and I’m assuming that you wanted a female s/o with this, since you said “her”? I’m sorry if I’m wrong, please correct me if that’s the case.
(ps. sorry if these are like rly long? I’m more used to writing scenarios than headcanons, so I hope that makes sense)
Todoroki Shouto
The moment his eyes scanned over your text message, he could barely register what was happening. He had to re-read the single sentence over and over again, until he was convinced that he wasn’t just having a terrible dream– that it was entirely real, that you were breaking up with him. 
At first, he tries to comprehend why. The word tugs at his heartstrings mercilessly, again and again and again, up to a point where it hinges away from all meaning. He just doesn’t understand, everything was going very nicely between the both of you, and as far as he knew, you were just as happy with him as he was with you. So just where was this all coming from? Was he really that blind, or were you just lying whenever you told him that you loved him or when you expressed how much he meant to you like there was no tomorrow?
Once he’s fed up with killing himself with all of these questions, he’ll finally decide to call you, to sort things through and ask for a proper explanation, if you were up for one. When you don’t answer, he’ll try texting you instead. But after an hour with no reply still, it starts gnawing at him, giving him some more time to think.
It comes to a point where there’s no denying that he’s scared. For a while, his life had meaning. He was no longer just an aftermath of a quirk marriage, and his purpose was no longer just to surpass All Might. For a moment, you made his world so much better. He was scared of loosing you. And you promised you’d never hurt him. So why? Was everything you said just a bunch of lies?
He can’t even think straight anymore, and getting some decent sleep that night was hardly a choice. He tries calling you again. Still, no reply. He’s wondering if he should just give up.
The next morning, he’s awoken by the sound of his phone buzzing. Groggily he reaches for it, and the ache in his chest comes pounding back to him when he sees your name on the screen.
“Shouto? Oh God, I’m so sorry, I’m– that wasn’t me! I swear, I was just with my friend, and then she… She just thought it would be funny to mess around with my phone and… I never thought she’d do that, and just, Shouto, I’m so sorry…”
Throughout your rambling, he can clearly pinpoint the worry and sadness of your tone. He patiently waits for you to finish, and he has never been more relieved in his life. He’s not even mad or anything. What matters is that you’re still here, and that you’re not leaving him. 
He’s so relieved, he can’t even muster a proper sentence at first, he’s trying to steady his breathing and just can’t help but smile.
He assures you that it’s okay and tells you how worried he was.
You two meet up after that, and he gives you the tightest hug he can, the whole time he whispers how relieved he is and how much he loves you, earning pretty much the same response from you.
Bakugou Katsuki
“Is this a fucking joke?” 
He is just stuck in denial and has his mind set on calling you and demanding you to tell him what the fuck was your problem. 
You don’t reply, and he only gets even more pissed. He reads the text again, making sure he got the message right, even though there couldn’t possibly be any alternate meaning to “Katsuki, I think we should break up.” 
You still don’t answer after his third attempt to call you, so now he decided to head over to your place. Even though he’s still trying to fool himself into thinking you’re only messing around with him, he can’t help but admit he was partially expecting something like this to happen sooner or later. He knows how stubborn and impatient he can be, and the fact that you’ve ever even taken a liking to him in the first place was a complete mystery to him.
When he gets to your house, the first person he meets is your mom, who upon seeing the boy tells him that you’re out with a friend. 
“Didn’t (y/n) tell you?”
Now he’s actually getting worried, and he’s wondering who exactly this friend is. Despite how hard he tries to shrug off the negative thoughts forming in the back of his head, he can’t help but wonder if there was a chance that you’ve been seeing someone else the whole time.
For a moment, he starts doubting your relationship with him. He starts blaming himself, considering the fact that he wasn’t that affectionate around you, and he never really expressed his feelings openly. Maybe you got the wrong idea, or you just got tired of putting up with him. Either way, he felt like he was the one at fault.
He’s not even sure if he’s mad at you or at himself as he keeps on reading the text message countless times. He grits his teeth and wishes he could do something to fix things, but he just knows he can’t.
At some point, he feels his phone buzzing in the pocket of his pants. He quickly takes it out and his eyes scan over the screen, feeling his blood boil when he sees your name. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that you were breaking up with him, he needed some more time before he would have to face you. He’s just worried he’ll say something he’s not supposed to, since he was aware about just how frustrated he was feeling at the moment. His chest began to ache.
Regardless, Katsuki has no choice but to answer.
“The fuck do you want?” Is his first sentence. 
He doesn’t want you to see how distraught he feels, so he covers it up with his arrogance. On the other end of the line, it goes silent for a while, so he naturally starts to think he wasn’t supposed to say that. 
“Shit, I’m sorry.”
You’re not even sure how to explain the text message to him, because knowing Katsuki, he’ll probably demolish your friend for what they had done. So you go for the most gentle approach you can pull off.
“Hey, Kacchan?” 
Your voice is so gentle and now he feels more upset with himself.
You start explaining everything to him, and Katsuki isn’t even sure himself whether it made him relax or just made him even more pissed. It was probably a mixture of the two.
Before anything, he tries to regain his composure. He’s beyond relieved to know it was just some kind of witty prank, but he’s also struggling to get rid of the ache in his chest.
“Alright, where the fuck are you?”
He goes over to pick you up, and luckily enough, you weren’t with your friend. 
The moment this boy sees your face in the crowd, he pulls you into his chest and starts grumbling about how frustrated he was all day. You apologize over and over again, and he has to ask you to stop, because ultimately, it wasn’t your fault to begin with.
Because of this, Katsuki learns to appreciate his s/o more. He tries to control his anger around them, and does his best to be more affectionate. Even though most of the time it’s pretty awkward, and it leads to you pointing out how adorable he is, earning a distressed “You wanna die?” from him.
He doesn’t really mean it though. He’s all good as long as you’re happy.
“So who the fuck was that shit of a friend that fucked around with your phone?”
Midoriya Izuku
His eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when he receives your text message. He’s not sure what to do, or if doing anything at all could change your mind or fix whatever was broken.
Izuku doesn’t respond immideately, as he takes the time to analyze any signs leading to this event that he’s missed before. Strangely, he can’t find any. Or maybe he was just that terrible at relationships and couldn’t realize sooner that you weren’t genuinely happy with him.
What was he doing wrong? Did he upset you? Why couldn’t you just talk about it?
He’s so upset and confused he doesn’t know what to do anymore.
His only option is to ask you for answers, so he does. It starts out as a single text message to ask if he can meet up with you and talk about it (he tries his best not to let his depression show though his words).
But soon, Izuku ends up sending around five more. In each one, he’s apologizing to you, saying he’s sorry if he did something wrong to the point you’d want to leave him. He feels very genuinely upset, thinking that it’s his fault. But even if he can’t avoid loosing you, he still needs you to know he regrets anything he’s ever done that could have upset you.
An hour or two passes, and his sadness only multiplies.
His last resort was to ask for advice. So naturally, the first person he’s comfortable enough to talk about such a personal issue with is All Might, who upon hearing how troubled this boy is suddenly feels such a huge pang of remorse slam hard against his chest. All Might tries his best to offer help, although there’s not much he can do.
All Might ends up suggesting that the boy should do something bold enough to prove how much he loves you and genuinely doesn’t want to loose you. Nothing better comes to mind, and frankly, if it means it’ll make you stay, he doesn’t even have to think twice to do it.
You call him a while later, and beyond anything, Izuku is taken aback. Since you’ve been ignoring him for half of the day, it was a little surprising to suddenly see your name written on the screen of his phone. Not that he’s complaining, of course. He was desperate to hear your voice all day, and this might have been his chance to sort things through.
However, just as he was about to let out all of his pent up feelings, you cut him short and say, “I’m sorry, Izuku. Can you please meet me at the park? There’s something I have to tell you.”
The reason you said this was because it felt unjust to explain everything to him through the phone. You knew Izuku, and you knew how much pain your careless friend must have caused him. So if you were going to make things right, you had to directly apologize to him.
The said boy practically starts running towards the park, a bouquet of flowers in hand. It was the only gesture he could think of in the span of five minutes.
Once the both of you finally spot eachother, neither of you can even tell who looks more surprised.
The moment Izuku approaches you, the first thing he does is hand you the bouquet of flowers with the best smile he can try to muster. Then his hands go to clutch the hem of his shirt, and he starts apologizing over and over again while trying his best not to break down in front of you. You’re so taken aback that it’s hard to say anything for the first few seconds.
Eventually, you catch your breath again, and you reach out to hug him. Izuku is so confused and he wonders if he did the right thing or whether you just pitied his attempts.
Now you’re apologizing and he doesn’t even understand why.
This leads you to finally explain why you wanted him to meet you here. You explain the text message– that it wasn’t you, but a stupid friend you weren’t going to ever talk to again. That you endlessly regretted the pain that was inflicted onto him because of it, too. 
Izuku was so happy, he could practically leap into the sky. He shyly reaches to kiss your cheek, and you’re honestly just as happy as he is.
Once everything got settled, the both of you went to get some ice cream, hands linked and matching smiles plastered onto your faces.
Izuku was sure that it was the right time to say it. He looked at you seriously, and told you how much you meant to him and how he loved you.
He didn’t finish though, you jumped onto him as tears formed at the corner of your eyes. You kissed every inch of his face, telling him how much you loved him as well while doing so. He began blushing so hard and giggling uncontrollably because of how much it tickled.
Neither of you had ever felt this happy to be together before.
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