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45 posts
thank you for visiting this blog, I hope that everyone enjoys their time here! before requesting, please make sure to: ✧ read the rules. ✧ check whether a similiar request has been answered before by looking at the masterlist.
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myimaginesacademia · 7 years ago
If your still creating gif reactions how about Dabi, Toga, and Shigaraki realizing they love an s/o ( who doesn't know they're villains and goes to U.A? )
I am! & thank you for requesting
Please send me more GIF HC requests, they’re rlly fun to make
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Himiko Toga
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Shigaraki Tomura
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myimaginesacademia · 7 years ago
May I please request gifs/hcs for Bakugo, Izuku, and Todoroki? Possibly if someone flirted with their s/o or crush? Please and thank you!
for this I decided that instead of their s/o, someone was flirting with their crush, so I hope you don’t mind.
And you’re welcome anon, thank you for sending in the request!
Bakugou Katsuki
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Midoriya Izuku
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Todoroki Shouto
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myimaginesacademia · 7 years ago
Hello everyone! I just wanted to announce that I am now accepting requests for GIF headcanons, because it's something that I've been wanting to try recently. Please send some in if you guys want to. That is all, thank you very much and I hope you all have a very nice day!^^
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Krishima, denki, & todoroki with an s/o that literally laughs for 15+ minutes @ their jokes / something they find funny? Bonus if their laugh sounds like a hamster squeaking
Kirishima Eijirou
Will actually be amused.
If it’s because of his jokes or something he did that you thought was hilarious, then he’d be proud of himself for being able to make you laugh.
However, he would get a little concerned if you just keep on laughing like that for fifteen minutes. Just a little. 
Okay, maybe not a little.
He would either awkwardly stand there with a nervous smile, or try to ask if you’re okay.
Todoroki Shouto
He would be confused at first. Like he’ll just stare at you for the longest time trying to process what had amused you so much.
When he finally catches on, he’ll let out a soft smile, because he likes seeing how delighted you are.
Probably wouldn’t judge your laughing voice, no matter how strange it sounds. You seem happy, and that’s the only thing on his mind.
However, he’ll get confused again when you just don’t seem like stopping.
Is it normal to laugh that long? Aren’t they running out of breath? Should I do anything?
He would politely ask you one or two of those questions at some point of your laughing session.
Kaminari Denki
Not gonna lie, but I think he’ll actually start laughing with you because of the sound of your laugh. (Don’t worry though, he doesn’t think it’s weird. He’s just profoundly amused.)
So now the both of you are in an endless-like loop of laughter. 
The moment Denki even gets the slightest grip on himself, he’ll just start laughing again when he looks at you.
And this will only end when someone comes over and interrupts the both of you. That’s the only way out.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
do you take requests that involve transgender stuff? wanted to ask before sending smth in since not everyones comfortable/familiar with it. mine was gonna be about coming out rather than dysphoria or anything, if that helps!
This blog supports the LGBT community all the way, so of course, I wouldn’t mind at all!
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Ok,so this came to my mind and honestly it's a "what if" type of headcannon but you don't feel like doing so or find this to hard,just delete my ask!!^^ But what if Midoriya had a tall,chubby shy and self conscious s/o who's scared that she'll hurt him with her weight but is shocked when he picks her up and smiled at her. (Because let's be honest,we all know Midoriya is a sexy cinnamon roll!!) Thank you if you do this and please keep up this amazing blog! (You're one of my favorites!!)
What are you talking about? this request was way too lovely for me to just ignore, of course I’d write it. Everyone should spread this kind of body positivity tbh.
Midoriya Izuku
He was quick enough to notice it. The way you were leaning in for a hug, and how he felt the tingling sensation that came whilst he anticipated the sweet gesture. However, it just never came. You quickly stopped yourself and looked away as if nothing happened, which had slightly hurt him, because he assumed that he did something wrong.
Izuku was a generally shy person around most people, and you were no exception when it came to all of the romantic stuff, but he could clearly notice that something was bothering you, and Izuku wasn’t going to let it slip by.
He fiddled with his thumbs slightly, but persisted with his inquiry, “(y/n), I’m sorry to ask about this, but. . . W-why did you change your mind just now?”
Your boyfriend also noticed the way you eyes widened, and how you seemed a little anxious to reply. “What do you mean?”
He looked at you hesitantly, and your gaze seemed to match his own. Something was definetely bothering you.
“Just now, you were going to, erm, hug me, and-- Well, you changed your mind. Is something wrong?”
You looked away shyly and nearly refused to meet his eyes again. This caused your boyfriend to feel partially at fault. He reached out and gently placed his hand against your arm as a form of comfort.
“You can tell me (y/n), it’s alright. I did something wrong, didn’t I?”
“No, it’s not you!” Your sudden reply had slightly startled him, but he kept listening. “It’s just that. . . I’m a little conscious about my weight, and I was afraid I’d hurt you. . .”
His eyes widened out of surprise, and he immideately grabbed your hand in his. “You really think that?”
The way you nodded sheepishly only fueled his determination. Without any warning, he snaked his arms around you and lifted you up without any struggle. He smiled up at you more confidentally than he ever has.
“See, you can’t hurt me.” He pointed out to make you feel better, his smile quickly turning into a goofy grin as you let out a laugh. After a while, he placed you back down and held your hand tightly as he began to speak, this time more seriously. “(y/n), please understand that I think you look beautiful. You shouldn’t feel conscious about your weight, or even about hurting me. I. . . I love you, okay?”
He blushed at the last part, but didn’t look away. You gave him a big smile and pulled him in for the long anticipated hug, realizing that if Izuku thinks you look beautiful, then you should too.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Hi ! I just made my headcanon and scenario blog today and I was wondering if I could maybe get a shoutout, I've read over your stuff and it's really good! Everything is so organized and easy to find. You are truly an inspiration ♥ Sorry if this seems annoying ; v ;
aaa I’m so glad you think so, because being organized was what I was aiming for :’0
and this isn’t annoying at all! I like giving shoutouts to help new blogs get more discovered // that’s also how people found my blog btw:’)
Please go follow & send @bokunoheroesimagines some love!!
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
I love your angst and your blog both are so amazing!♡ can i request the Brake-Up Prank For Tsuyu and Aizawa? I'd really appreciate it!!! Have a wonderful day! ~AngstyRibbitAnon
Hi anon, thank you so much, you’re amazing as well!
I’m very sorry, but as I’ve stated in the rules, I’m not ready to write for the teachers yet, therefore, I only wrote your request for Tsuyu. I hope that you don’t mind.
Still, thank you for sending this in, and I hope you like what I came up with. Have a nice day as well!^^
For anyone who is unfamiliar with my prank break-up headcanons, here are some I wrote previously. It’s not neccesary, but reading them first could give you a clearer view of the whole prank break-up concept.
- Todoroki / Katsuki / Izuku 
- Tamaki / Dabi
- Eijirou
(Please note that they were all written back when I couldn’t differentiate headcanons from scenarios, hence why they’re rlly long and resemble scenarios more)
Asui Tsuyu
Looking at your text message, Tsuyu wouldn’t be able to deny how upset and confused she feels, but she doesn’t get excessively emotional. Tsuyu is good at observing, so she will note how the way the sentence was worded sounds a little off, almost as if you weren’t feeling like yourself, or as if the sender wasn’t you at all.
Not wanting to jump to conclusions, Tsuyu decides that the best option would be to approach you and ask for answers.
Which sounds easy enough, until she starts letting it sink in. If you were really breaking up with her, she wanted to know why. But trying to imagine an answer made her feel self-conscious.
What was it? Her straight-forward attitude, or possibly the lack of attention she gave you? She thought about it so much to the point she even felt like it was because of her froggy appearance, which was odd, because she never really felt so conscious about how she looked.
When she finds you, the way you light up and smile at her obliviously would only make her feel even more confused. 
Tsuyu would go over to you and get straight to her intentions, she’ll ask you about the text message, looking only slightly upset, despite being gravely worried on the inside. Which, was one of Tsuyu’s aspects. She was good at looking calm during stressful situations.
But when you act even more confused than she is, the entire situation will only get even more increasingly strange. So she’ll pull out her phone and point out the said text.
Then you realize where the text came from. It was one of your friends who you were hanging out with just a while ago.
Tsuyu will actually feel bad when you start apologizing, because she knows it’s not your fault, but she will also feel a little guilty for actually thinking that you wanted to break-up with her.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Todoroki, deku and tamaki with an fem s/o that has a habit of holding/ cuddling their faces into her chest headcanons ? I don't know if that makes sense but I do that a lot with my pillows a lot 😂
Don’t worry, I got you anon^^
Todoroki Shouto
Will be profoundly confused at first, but also equally embarassed. 
Will probably ask you what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it. 
He’s kind of dense, I’m sorry.
Shouto is definetely the kind of person who respects his partner’s space and is aware of certain boundaries that must be kept, so he’s naturally startled when you just pull him in like that.
He’ll actually wonder if you’re comfortable with the position, and might even ask you about it. Especially if you haven’t been dating for too long.
Shouto may act like it’s not such a big deal, but he’s actually a blushing mess and he’s not saying anything just because you look content and that’s all that matters.
Midoriya Izuku
The moment you try to pull that kind of move on your boyfriend, he’ll just get startled and would abruptly step back, desperately covering his face with his hands to hide the blush on his cheeks.
He’s just so shy and uncertain about a lot of forms of physical contact, so it’s something he’ll definetely need to get used to while being with you.
Even so, he does appreciate your efforts. He thinks it’s sweet of you, but he’s just too shy to actually let you do it.
However, you’ll get the chance sooner or later, and even when that happens, it would take a while for Izuku to relax under your hold, because for the first half of it, he’ll just be a tense and awkward mess in your arms.
But once he notices that it’s something that you genuinely enjoy doing, he’ll definetely try his best for you from then on.
Amajiki Tamaki
Where Izuku is an awkward mess, Tamaki is a completely different story.
Like don’t even think about trying to do something like that to him, because he’ll just get so anxious that he’ll refuse to look at you with his head planted against the wall for the next forty minutes.
You’d definetely have to wait for your relationship to progress further, up to a point where you’re sure enough that Tamaki is more comfortable with you. And by then, the only possible strategy to make him agree on letting you do it would be to inform him first and seek for his approval.
Then, very slowly, but also very sheepishly, he’ll let you guide his head to lay against your chest.
You would have to cherish this moment as much as you can when it happens, because it’ll only last for twenty seconds at most, and then he’ll move away to create a comfortable amount of distance and would hide his face with his hands out of embarassment.
Hearing your encouragement for his new achievement will actually motivate him to try again sometime soon. But keep in mind that he will never initiate it, so you’ll have to be the one to ask when you feel like he’s comfortable enough.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Bakugou with a childhood best friend that used to be ugly then she moves to somewhere else, coming back when they're in high school and she really hot like 100/10 hot and headcanons for bakugou's reaction?
I was honestly a little confused when I was answering this request, but I hope it’s good enough :’)
Bakugou Katsuki
First of all, he’ll barely even realize that the super attractive person standing at the other side of the room is his childhood best friend. But it’s not like he pays that much attention to the people around him, anyway.
So when you come over to him and tell him who you are, this boy will flip out, and will actually ask you to prove it.
Not gonna lie he’ll probably also ask whether you got a plastic surgery, because you look so different. 
Not attractive, just different. That’s the word he uses. 
This is because Katsuki doesn’t immideately acknowledge your good looks. But it’s not like he ever labeled you as being ugly either.
Really, this is a personal headcanon, but I think that Katsuki doesn’t really care about looks.
He realizes that his classmates all think you’re gorgeous, but trust me, he’ll never admit this fact, especially if you’re there to hear him say it.
he a stubborn boi
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Can I have hcs for how bakugo, denki and kirishima would react to coming home finding their s/o sobbing, like full blown heartbreaking sobbing, but then find out it's because she's pmsing? (I get like that so bad the week before, and it sucks)
I’ve been there too oh gosh;^;
Bakugou Katsuki
Let’s be honest here. Bakugou isn’t really that good at showing concern or being affectionate. Especially after he’s had a tiring day, even more so if anyone had made him pissed off during said day. But really, he gets pissed at everything I’m not even sure what counts anymore lol
So don’t expect him to rush to your side or act all worried or anything cheesy like that. I mean, yeah, he is concerned, he really is I swear. But he’s just not sure what to do, so he doesn’t really do anything.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Seems close enough to what he would say. 
If you don’t reply, he’ll start assuming things. He’ll just sit beside you casually and give you a look that could kill, and then say, “Alright, which fucker did this to you?”
But when he finds out it’s because you’re PMS-ing, he’ll just get a little frustrated and even more confused on how to help.
Now he actually wishes that it was because of some kind of jerk, because now he’s not sure what or who he’s supposed to blow up to make you feel better.
But he’ll offer to make you your favorite food or give you a massage, or really, anything that you would ask for that he is capable of doing.
You might also notice how he’ll put extra effort into restraining his temper. He definetely doesn’t want to upset you even more.
Kaminari Denki
Denki, on the other hand, won’t hesitate ito show his concern. He’ll pull you into his arms and ask what’s bothering you. He’ll cautiously slip in some jokes that might cheer you up in between, too.
Denki doesn’t really know what to do when you tell him why you’re so upset, so he’ll just be blunt about it.
“U-uh, what should I do, then? I’m sorry, I’m just not sure what can make you feel better.”
This actually earns him bonus points because wow, are you an idiot, or do you know you’re cute?
No matter what you ask him to do, he will do it.
What’s that? You want a certain brand of ice cream that can only be found in a store that’s located like five miles away? Sure thing babe, wait here while I get you ten.
Basically anything that can cheer you up. 
He’ll also ask you if you’re feeling good multiple times and suggest doing some of your favorite things, like watching your favorite tv show together while cuddling on the couch.
Kirishima Eijirou
Oh boy, where do I begin.
Eijirou probably gets the most emotional and panicked compared to the others whenever he sees you being upset. So when he walks in and sees you crying, he will rush over to you and flood you with multiple questions.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong? Was someone bothering you? Why are you crying?” And if you just shake your head, he’ll gulp and say, “I-is it me? Did I do something wrong?”
But when you tell him the actual reason to your current state, his reaction will be a mixture of relief and worry. He’s glad that it’s not because of something someone else did to bother you, or even worse, because of his own actions. But he’s also concerned because he tries to get a somewhat good idea of how painful it must be for you.
So what does he do? He cups your face gently and plants quick kisses all over your face. If you ask him what he’s doing, he’ll say, “I’m kissing the pain away.”
Which is enough to make you laugh and convince him that what he’s doing is working.
He will also do multiple things for you without you even asking.
He’ll stay as close as he can and make sure to get you anything you need, and he’ll constantly be comfortingly holding you somehow. Like he’ll be stroking your hair or gently caressing your cheek, or anything else of that nature.
He’ll even offer to skip any of his activities for the next day just so that he can stay by your side and aid any of your needs.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Got any NSFW headcanons for Bakugo? :)
yepp, I tried
Bakugou Katsuki
Katsuki, undoubtedly, prefers to be dominant in the bedroom. There’s just no way he’ll be submissive, believe me. Even if in a turn of events he’ll let you top, then he’ll be a power bottom. 
He likes having rough sex, but if he hurts you too much,then he’ll tone it down. If you tease him for it, then it’s the end for you, it was nice knowing ya.
Even so, he can be gentle, but only rarely on certain occassions.
He’s probably the type of person that doesn’t like using sex toys, simply because he thinks it’s cheating, and he’s set on showing off to you how good he is at giving pleasure without any kind of extra help ;)
He loves hearing his partner moan. He also has a thing for seeing them beg.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Is it okay if I send in an ask that is split into parts? I had an idea for a scenario, and since I read that it's best to be as specific as possible, I tried to put in as much detail as I could. But it ended up being really long! (유∀유|||) So I haven't sent it because I was worried it would come across as too much? I'm not sure, I'm not very confident in my ability to phrase things, so I put so much effort into trying to convey my idea that I'm afraid it might be bothersome to you somehow. (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
No, not at all! I am more than welcome to any kinds of requests, no matter how long or short, as long as they stick to the rules!:)
Please don’t worry about it, just send it the request and I’ll see what I can do^^
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
hi, I hope this isn't too specific, can I please ask for a scenario where Shouto is in an argument with his s/o, and he hits her (accidentally) because he got really pissed, but he immideately regrets it. except some time after when the both of them get over the incident, while they're talking, Shouto does something like reach his hand up to scratch his head or tuck a strand of hair from his s/o's face, she just flinches out of instinct. thank you, and I'm sorry for the angst c:
Please keep in mind that nobody has the right to resort to violence in an argument, no matter how right or wrong you are.
I won’t lie, trying to imagine Shouto hitting his s/o was very difficult for me, and I’m still not sure if what I came up with is a good enough of a reason to upset him enough to do so, but I hope that you all can enjoy how I ended up writing this.
Under the cut for triggering material.
Todoroki Shouto
The painfully bitter feeling in your chest increased with every single word that you forced yourself to spit out. You didn’t like this at all, and you knew very well that Shouto didn’t either. But after keeping all of your burdens to yourself for so long, it was difficult to just stop.
The words poured out continously, and for the first half of your silly argument, your boyfriend was capable of remaining calm and composed. You knew that he was trying for your sake. You also knew that he hated having to argue with you. But you selfishly kept on going, up to the point where you noticed Shouto beginning to lose his own temper, due to some of the things that you’ve said.
“Just say it already! You don’t care for me anymore, do you?” You cried out desperately, despite knowing how equally hurtful it was for Shouto to hear. “You’re always busy now. Don’t you love me anymore?”
“(y/n), it’s not like that, please just hear me out…” Shouto inhaled as the strange aching feeling spread across his chest with every passing second. Yes, he knew that he had been busier lately and that he just didn’t have as much time for you as before. But he assumed that you already understood from the beginning how draining and time consuming all of his hero training is. Never did he expect to hear these kinds of words from you, to suddenly hear you tell him that you’re doubting his love for you.
“… Am I just not good enough for you? That’s it, isn’t it?”
He snapped out of his trance and stared at you in disbelief. “(y/n), please, I already told you. I love you. I really do!” But his words didn’t seem to get to you, so he tried again, “Why didn’t you just tell me that you wanted more attention? I could’ve figured something out to spare some more time for you. You know that right?”
His words barely had the chance to sink in seeing as you were too upset to listen. The truth was that you’ve been feeling terribly anxious for a while now, feeling like you didn’t deserve to have Shouto. Like you just weren’t good enough.
“I’m sorry, I–” You looked away, too ashamed to meet his gaze. “I really just don’t understand why you’re still willing to be with me. I complain a lot and all I’m good at is holding you down.”
There was a big difference between expressing your dissapointment towards your boyfriend, and when it was directed towards yourself, and this was where Shouto drew the line. His hand gently reached for your wrist, but the way his grasp tightened as he spoke could only prove that he was losing his control on himself.
“Don’t think of youself so lowly, (y/n). You’re very important to me, and I don’t want you to feel upset.” His voice was both stern and at the point of cracking from the amount of emotion he tried to surpress. “If I can do anything to make you feel better, just tell me. I’ll do it.”
However, this only added to your doubt. You couldn’t shake of the anxiety building up inside of you. No matter how hard you tried to think positively, there was only fear building up in the bottom of your heart. You finally let the tears fall shamelessly.
“Shouto, just say it. Tell me I’ll never be enough. You know it’s the truth!”  Your voice came out raspy and louder than you had intended, and somehow, that was all it took.
Neither of you could comprehend what happened next, while your hand instinctively reached for the reddening patch on your cheek. You could only stare at your lover in disbelief as the mark began to sting and your vision turned so blurry that you couldn’t see his face. He let out a shaky gasp, and couldn’t believe what he just made himself do. It was the last thing that he ever wanted to do, to hurt you.
Shouto wanted to pull you into his arms and apologize, but he didn’t even have the chance. The moment he stepped closer, you bolted out of the room. You weren’t even sure whether it was because of your disbelief, or rather, out of fear.
He wanted to go after you and make things right, but he knew that it was getting too late, and he just ultimately couldn’t. Memories of his childhood flashed before his eyes, and suddenly he found himself thinking of his father.
| | |
Shouto held your hand in his tightly, simply out of the childish fear that he might lose you the second he’d let go. Even though he knew that it has already been somewat around a month after the heated argument you two had, but something made him constantly reminded of it. Sometimes he wondered if you still felt the same way as you did at that time.
His gaze instantly met yours as his thoughts were focused on you alone. A strand of hair fell loosely out of place, and Shouto harmlessly reached his hand up to push it back in its place.
But the moment you saw his hand reaching up, you immideately winced and put your arms over your face. Shouto was surprised, and beyond anything hurt.
There was a strange moment of silence, and Shouto could only stare at you in horror. He couldn’t believe that you actually thought that he was going to hit you again. It made him feel like garbage, reminding him how he was beginning to resemble his dad.
“(y/n)… I don’t want to hurt you anymore…” His voice was shaky, as if he was on the verge of breaking down. Even the way you hesitantly slided your arms down was an unbearable sight to him. The aching feeling that never left his chest was somewhat beginning to turn into his companion by now.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
hi, i was scrolling through the masterlist and i didn't find anything written for my boy kaminari, so could you please do pda headcanons for him? thank youu and keep up the good work:)))
aaa thank you, & yes I’d be glad to!
Kaminari Denki
Let’s be honest here, Denki is a huge fan of PDA. He’s not even ashamed for being so open about the fact either.
As long as you’re comfortable with it, he’ll practically do anything even remotely affectionate whenever you’re around. Like he’ll swing his arm around your shoulders or reach to hold your hand, or really just do anything else that he feels like doing.
It’s either because he really adores the contact or just enjoys showing off. Sometimes it’s both, but when his friends are around it tends to be the latter.
You don’t even have to be present, he’s already bragging and telling evryone just how nice and sweet and amazing you are. The second he gets the chance, there’s no stopping this guy.
But in the end, it’s also because he really loves you and feels super proud to be your boyfriend. It’s like a huge achievement to him.
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Is the ask box open? ://0c
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myimaginesacademia · 8 years ago
Tsuyu, Ochako and Mina finding out that their s/o has a history of child abuse after seeing their bare skin littered with all sorts of past injuries, something their s/o is very self-conscious and nervous about getting out
Under the cut for triggering material.
Asui Tsuyu
Even though Tsuyu knows that it’s not right to pry, she can’t just pretend that she never saw the various injuries on your body. So she tries to find the right moment to ask you about it, when the two of you are in private and away from any unwanted ears.
When she gets the chance to do so, she’ll first apologize for asking such a personal question, and would then get straight to the point with her inquiry.
If you refuse to tell her, then Tsuyu will apologize again, but she will also tell you that she’s always ready to listen whenever you’re ready to talk about it. Afterwards, Tsuyu will try to respect you by not bringing up the subject again, but after some time, she might ask you if you’re ready to talk about it.
If you do tell her, she will try her best to not show how taken aback she is. Tsuyu will do anything she can to comfort you and make sure that her question doesn’t bring up any unwanted memories. Though she will tell you that she’s glad you decided to be open about it with her, that it shows how much you trust her.
Uraraka Ochako
Ochako would have a very hard time trying to decide whether she should ask you about your injuries or not. It would definetely be better for you to tell her yourself when you’re ready, but to Ochako, it’s practically a challenge. She gets more and more worried everytime she notices your injuries, and the fact that she can’t do anything to make you feel better about them makes her feel like a terrible girlfriend.
Sooner or later, she has no choice but to ask you, and even though she finally gains the courage to do so, she’s still at a conflict with herself. She doesn’t want to pry into any of your personal issues too much, but she doesn’t want to come off as uncaring either.
The time finally comes, and she makes sure to sound as nice as possible with her question. She also tells you that it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, and probably ends up saying it twice just to assure you that it’s really okay.
If you refuse to tell her, she’ll apologize and explain that she doesn’t mind, and that she was just worried for you. Afterwards, Ochako wouldn’t bring up the subject again, but she will give you a few concerned looks every now and then whenever your injuries are visible.
If you do tell her, she’ll be completely heartbroken. She never imagined that something that terrible could have ever happened to you, so the first thing she does is pull you into a tight hug and repeatedly assure you with comforting words. Ochako would admit that she feels guilty for asking about your injuries, because it caused you to recall those bad memories. But she would also insist that she won’t hesitate to do anything that could help you feel better about your injuries.
Ashido Mina
Mina wouldn’t hesitate to ask you immideately after she notices your injuries and realizes that they definetely weren’t the result of any of your hero training. Even if she comes off as too nosy, her intentions are completely out of genuine concern. But she doesn’t want to make you feel pressured into telling her either, so she’ll ask in a way that feels natural, so she’ll just insert it into one of your casul conversations.
If you refuse to tell her, she will say that it’s alright, but would remind you that she’s always there to look out for you and that you’re always free to talk about it with her. Afterwards, Mina will just drop the subject as if it never happened, unless you decide to talk about it, of course.
If you do tell her, Mina will nearly be in tears out of shock. She would tell you that she thinks you’re very strong to have surpassed something like that, and that your injuries are proof of how incredible you are. She will also have to confirm multiple times whether you were really okay and will likely cling onto you for the rest of the day, just so she can remind you how great she thinks you are for undergoing your past experiences.
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