#also a big part of her story is her mother had to hide the magic she brought from Africa
pumpumdemsugah · 11 months
Whenever I do have a little nosey about something I'm watching I'm always reminded by why I find fandoms and people really into them deeply off-putting . When they do bother to give their two cents, it's always an issue with something that's so weird it's nit picking or very silly.
The criticism of why does Annette have west African magic Vs Haitian, she's one of the first gen to be born on what will become Haiti. Why would she ? Haiti as a nation had much longer to develop their culture and spirituality without having slave masters and the story starts before Haiti becomes Haiti . Even if this criticism were to have legs, it doesn't take away from the story and the first generations born into slavery are going to have a much stronger connection with west African culture and a different culture Vs some like me or anyone in my family. Their family was literally in Africa yesterday. Come on!!
Do some people understand that first seasons are meant to establish certain things to build on it later? The story doesn't need to happen all at once. ' this wasn't developed ' well duh! We're one season in. Relax! The story isn't over yet
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spacebarbarianweird · 3 months
Be Careful, She Bites!
Synopsis: What happens if you snatch a dhampir-baby without her consent
Based on @elora-the-slutty-songstress idea!
Tags: fluff, dadstarion, Alethaine bites, a snippet of the future
Alethaine's age: 4.5
Thanks @themadlufor beta-reading!
Read on AO3
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Daggerlake is a peaceful town far from the troubles of richer places. On most days.
But not today.
A gang of bandits attacked the town in the middle of the night burning the huts and taverns on its surface. 
Death, blood, and gore – that’s what entered through the gates.
“Kitten,” Alethaine hears her mother’s voice through the veil of sleep. “Kitten, wake up.”
Alethaine opens her pitch-black eyes. Tiriel sits on the bed, wearing her spider silk armor. 
“Hm?” Alethaine is still half asleep but can already hear the distant sounds of a fight.
And she also smells blood.
“The town is under attack, we are going up. Come on,” Tiriel takes her daughter in her arms and heads to the basement. 
Astarion is already there, donning a light armor as black as Alethaine’s night dress. 
“Princess, you sit there,” he says to her. “And don’t go unless we or someone you know comes to get you.” 
Alethaine nods.
“And if someone notices you, run to the ceiling.”
“And what if they can run to the ceiling too?” She yawns. Now she is afraid too. Both her parents are leaving and she is going to be in the house all alone. 
“Then run as fast as you can.” Tiriel places her on a bench and gives her a plushie dragon, also black, and a wooden doll. “We will be back soon.”
Alethaine nods watching her parents leave. Tiriel goes first, she is going to engage in the fight with her battle ax. Astarion will hide in the shadows ready to peel someone’s skin off. 
And the little dhampir is going to stay here. 
In the dark.
She almost doesn’t hear the sounds of the fight, but the basement is uncomfortable and cold. One blanket is absolutely not enough to warm her feet and Alethaine presses the dragon plushie to her chest.
What if her parents don’t come back?
What if they get killed?
Who is going to take care of her? Maybe she will have to live on her own? Alethaine remembers a story she once read – it was about a girl whose parents were enslaved by Drows and she had to survive all by herself till she met a kind wizard who took her into his tower to teach magic. Alethaine actually did like that story (especially when the girl learned how to cast fireballs), but the part of the main character being all alone in a big cold house made the dhampir so sad she came to her parent’s bed to sleep.
Alethaine places the plushie in front of her.
“...I am Aurix the wyvern! Who dares to challenge me?!” She tries to imitate the voice of a big scary dragon. “I am the princess of all elves, I am not afraid of you!” Alethaine places the doll in front of him. “My father taught me sword fighting and my mother taught me dark magic!”
The door slams above Alethaine and the girl gets silent.
Those aren’t her parents. 
“Check all the rooms for something valuable! This place looks well off!” She hears a hoarse female voice. “And go check the basement!”
Alethaine moves to the darkest corner of the basement. Oh no, are they going to kidnap her? They totally are. And they will eat her, that’s for sure, that’s what bad people do to little girls!
A half-orc comes down the stairs and immediately notices a chest with gold and silver in the opposite corner of the basement.
“I told you they keep valuable things here! These people are adventurers!”
The other bandit, a one-eyed human male, follows her, but something else catches his attention.
“Look at this!” He chuckles playing with a dagger. “It seems like the host is home! What is your name, fairy?”
Alethaine presses her back against the wall. These people are bad. They are going to do something bad to her, she knows it.
“Answer me, fairy, or I’ll get angry!”
“I am not allowed to speak with strangers.” she mutters. 
“Hey, don’t hurt her '' The half-orc says. “If her parents make it through the fight, we can ask for a ransom.”
“And if they don’t?”
“Then you can do whatever you want with her.”
The man grabs Alethaine’s long hair. “Come on, little fairy! We will not…” He laughs. “Hurt you.”
“LET ME GO!!!” She cries out as the man lifts her up. The bandit smells horrible – of sweat, dirt, and blood. “Let me go!”
“I saw rope in the kitchen. Make sure she doesn’t scream.”
Alethaine squirms trying to set herself free but the man grabbing her is too strong.
“Interesting teeth you have,” he suddenly notices. “Aren’t they too big?”
There are many things Alethaine isn’t allowed to do. Talk with strangers. Go into the woods alone. Be outside after sunset.
Bite people she doesn’t like. 
Alethaine makes a screeching sound and bites the man’s neck.
Fangs easily pierce the skin and rip the artery. Alethaine immediately pulls away clenching her teeth as the blood splashes her face and head, soaking her black dress and the toys that lie on the floor.
There is one more rule, the most serious of them all.
Don’t try to take someone’s blood. Something bad will happen if she tastes it. 
“What the…” The half-orc exclaims seeing her partner falling dead on the stone floor. “Fuck!”
The half-orc rushes upstairs dropping whatever she’s collected in the Ancunins’ basement.
Alethaine sits on the floor. Now she isn’t only cold, she also feels disgusting as the blood covers her body.
She wipes her mouth.
And how the fuck does dad even drink it, she thinks. 
The man takes his final breath and Alethaine hears its heart beating its last.
Alethaine looks at herself. She is soaked in blood. Her hair, her dress, her skin, even her toys. 
And no one is around.
She feels tears pricking her eyes and she starts crying. 
“Stupid bandit!” Alethaine kicks him with her leg. “Stupid!”
She tries to wipe herself with a blanket but it’s too thick. And now the blanket is dirty too and Alethaine starts bawling, rubbing her eyes.
“Fuck, my ax got stuck,” Tiriel mutters trying to set her weapon free. The half-ork’s armor is made of something weird and the blade won’t come out. 
Astarion presses his leg to the dead bandit’s chest and Tiriel finally releases the ax.
“Now I need to bathe and sleep,” She says. “Come on!” Tiriel takes her husband’s hand. Astarion looks the same as he did a couple of hours ago. If it wasn’t for his blood-stained clothes and hair, that’s for sure.
They walk back home in silence, though Astarion keeps making jokes about dumb people who chose the wrong town to attack.
“Stop,” Tiriel says. “Something is wrong.”
“The door is open,” Astarion notices it too. “But no one is inside.”
Tiriel feels a knot in her stomach – the worst thing that could have happened did happen.
Someone was in their house.
Someone could have hurt Alethaine.
“I am going to rip their spines out,” Astarion bares his fangs and rushes inside. Tiriel follows him.
At first, Tiriel doesn't exactly understand what she sees.
There is a dead man on the floor with his throat ripped out.
Alethaine sits beside the body all covered in dried blood, sniffing and hiccupping. 
“Mum, dad,” she hiccups again. She tries to say something else but bursts into tears once again.
Astarion lifts her up and Tiriel caresses her back.
“It’s all right, baby kitten, we are here.”
Alethaine wraps her arms around Astarion’s neck.
“I peed myself,” she says, much quieter. 
Astarion kisses her cheek. “Did he hurt you?”
Alethaine shakes her head but Tiriel senses her daughter’s fear. Poor girl! All alone with people who could do all possible horrible things to her!
“I will wash her,” Astarion says. “Get some rest.”
“Are you hungry, kitten?” Tiriel asks. Alethaine nods. “I will cook something.”
“Perks of being a vampire – I am never hungry after a fight” He grins.
Alethaine sniffs and Tiriel squeezes her little fingers, assuring her baby that she is safe now.
The tub with warm water feels much nicer than usual. Astarion splashes water over Aletaine's head and she rubs her hands and legs with a sponge.
“I wasn't scared!” She says. “I just bit him like a vampire!”
“He got what he deserved,” Astarion takes another sponge to rinse her back. “You are such a fierce little girl”
“I am!” Alethaine proudly says. “I was playing as a princess fighting the dragon!”
“And did she kill the dragon?”
“What? No! Who kills dragons?! Only bad people kill them, Dad, everyone knows it! She was going to challenge him and become a dragon rider! She is an elf like you and me but she has red hair like Mum. And she is also a princess, her father is the king of all elves.”
“Does he rule Moon or Sun elves?” Astarion asks. 
“All elves! Like, all the Tel’Quessira!”
“Princess, I hate to break it to you but elven nations never unite. Especially Sun elves. They hate everyone else.”
“That’s stupid. If elves unite under one king, we can have all these kingdoms and realms!”
“We, princess? Last time I checked I was a vampire and you were a dhampir.”
“We are still elves!” Alethaine insists. “And mum, too, no one thinks she is half human.”
“The form of her ears doesn’t agree. Now stand up.”
It takes almost an hour to wash all the blood away from her silver hair. By the time they finish, Alethaine catches the scent of food coming from the kitchen.
Astarion gives her a towel and once Alethaine is ready to leave the bathroom he picks her up again.
“Daddy,” she whispers, “I didn’t taste the blood, I promise.”
“I believe you.” He kisses the tip of her nose. 
“And can I sleep with you two?” Alethaine adds.
“Of course! Someone as scary and dangerous as you needs to sleep safely, right?”
Hours later, Alethaine nestles between her parents and falls asleep. In her dream, she sees herself going through a dark field toward a dark mountain. Alethaine knows she is an adult and she must do something important, something vital, something…
She looks around and sees ten thousand dead warriors marching behind her.
304 years later
“O’si! O’si!” The red-haired elven girl grabs her mother’s hand. “Come!”
“What is it, Little Fire?” Alethaine yawns. She’s just got back home after trying to put some rational thought into her subordinates, a small tribe of aqua elves who still believe they can survive on their own. This is the side of her adult life she loves the least. Apparently, just being scary and dangerous isn’t enough for the king’s wife. And those water-loving morons weren’t even on the battlefield when Alethaine had resurrected the army of the dead, so she has little to no authority in their ocean blue eyes.
“I told you! I told Dad and he thought I was making things up! And you told me it was dead and you are a necromancer, you need to be good at this!”
Tiri (named after her grandmother, Alethaine didn’t even have a second thought about it) opens the door to her bedroom where it’s almost impossible to breathe because of the blazing fireplace. 
“Tiri, I told you the egg was dead. It turned to stone when the Star Elves still lived in Sildëyuir. I brought it only because it looked nice. And because your grandpa stole it for you – ”
Alethaine stares at the egg.
It’s not an egg anymore.
A small red wyvern crawls out and immediately stares at Tiri. The elven princess makes a squealing sound and kneels in front of the newborn beast.
“Mum, look! It’s not just a wyvern, it’s a wyvern that can carry a dragonrider!” Tiri grabs it. “Dad told me to read stories to the egg, and I did! I read about Dragonriders and the war-dragons… And… Oh, he needs a name!”
Alethaine sits on her daughter’s bed looking at Tiri and her little dragon. Well, within her lifetime Alethaine Ancunin has seen all types of strange things. She has fought demons, resurrected an army of the dead, advised a human king on how to rule his kingdom, hunted an infinite amount of monsters and mortals. 
But this is something different. 
Besides, it really was just a beautiful dead stone egg. Astarion probably stole it just because it caught his eye and then decided to shove it into Aletaine’s hands as a gift for Tiri. 
He would love to hear what happened next.
“Aurix!” Tiri says. “I will call you Aurix, it means Fire in Draconic!”
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anki-of-beleriand · 9 months
Bad Liar ch. 12
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: Something magical happens, but not all fairytales have a smooth path to happiness.
This chapter is dedicate to the dear Anon that wrote to me recently, hope you and all you guys have amazing and safe Holidays!
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 12
The silver in the stars
Friday arrived with the winds of change.
The clouds had glided away from the time being, the lower temperatures continue and the school itself was a busy hive with everyone running left and right to finish the pending’s before the Winter break.
That very morning Wanda knew she wouldn’t be able to make it back to school. Billy’s health had not improved at all, if anything the boy was drossy with light fever accompanied by a sore throat, headache, chills and dry cough. In a word, he got the flu and Wanda could not leave him behind even though that night she was hopping to spend it with you.
“That’s okay, Wands.” You smiled to her that very morning, Tommy grabbing your hand while watching the interaction with curious eyes, “Billy’s health is our priority, I’ll take care of this big guy and the party, everything is going to be fine.”
Wanda could see the disappointment in your stare, but you hid it well behind the reassuring gestures and the warmth words. She had hoped for the date that day, to perhaps finally get into the conversation the both of you owed one another and finally left out in the open the half confession neither of you had been able to settle up.
“There will be more chances, Wands, you’re not getting out of that conversation.”
With those parting words, you left Wanda to take care of Billy while taking Tommy and America back to the school almost missing the black car that was driving around the corner of your street.
“There will be more chances,” America giggled when you rolled your eyes hiding way your smile, Tommy giggled too glancing at you lightly.
“Y/N why didn’t you kiss mommy good-bye?” Tommy asked innocently, America laughed when you just blushed profusely sputtering around an answer that made the other boy crunched up his nose.
“Well, Tommy, because Y/N is a dummy and needs a push…” America teased ignoring your mocking glare.
“Mommy likes kisses.” Tommy said shrugging. “And mommy likes Y/N, just like Kate and America.”
Now it was your turn to laugh, and for America to sputter the car drive to the school filled with conversations about the oncoming party and coming holidays. The topic about you and Wanda or Kate and America forgotten for the time being.
It had been a busy day.
You didn’t even have the time to look at your phone, the last arrangements were being done to the auditorium while you managed the rest of the events of the last day of the festival. As always, America and her friends were a great help for you, they were running around with any request you might have, while also getting their gowns and clothes ready for the evening.
Everything was running perfectly, America and Kate had spent most of the day together talking and laughing, for anyone it looked as just two best friends bantering the way they had done so all their lives, however you could see there was something different in the interaction. You could see your sister trying to get Kate’s attention while Kate’s protective nature came naturally when around America. You noticed the glances, the smiles, the casual brushes of skin. It was as if America had stopped running away from her emotions, and Kate had finally confronted hers.
And, everything would have been just fine if, by the end of the day Kaye announced she would drive with Riri to the Yule Ball, so she wouldn’t be joining the rest of the group in the limo they had rented. It was then America remembered the deal with Riri was still on, and that night she wouldn’t be Kate’s date and that night she would need to suffer while seeing Kate and Riri joining them in the Ball.
“You should stop making face, it looks as if you want to fart or something.” You chuckled when America punched you on the arm. You nodded towards Kate who was talking with Riri, the brunette laughed with her hand falling on Riri’s forearm.
“So, Kate and Riri Williams…”
“It’s nothing.” America grumbled busying herself with the tags with the names of the seniors and junior, and sophomore students that would attend the dance.
“You know? I always thought she was good for you.” You cocked your head gauging America’s reaction, the other woman tensed but said nothing. “You and she have always had this chemistry that’s so hard to come by with.”
“Like you and Wanda?” America asked shooting a daring glance your way.
“Like me and Wanda.” You admitted sitting down, your eyes dropped for a moment before returning your attention to America. “We almost kiss on Wednesday.”
“What? How? Why?” America sat on the other chair frowning deeply shaking her head. “Wait a moment, I thought you were helping her with Billy yesterday!”
“I was helping her, I just wanted her to relax…”
“And you thought, what the hell? Let’s kiss her?” America retorted in a high pitch tone, you rolled your eyes shaking your head.
“No, doofus! Let me finish!” America lifted her hands waiting for you to continue.
“We started watching Friends and then start discussing about the episode, and I just… I don’t know, we were so close we almost…” You sighed making a face while finishing the last group of tags. “I received a call from Hope, and then the moment was broken and today we were supposed to…talk.”
America shifted on her chair, she could see the almost kiss was affecting you and your mind must be on that particular moment since it happened. The young woman perked up hearing you about the conversation, she wondered if perhaps Wanda was ready to tell you everything and if you actually were ready to tell Wanda everything.
“Well, Billy really is not looking well, you know?” America offered a tentative smile. “Christine told us it would be better for him to stay at home, but perhaps I can help.”
You frowned tilting your head, “how can you help?”
America turned to the auditorium and then back at you, she knew that night you and Wanda were supposed to be chaperones, but she could also see you hadn’t been the same since you found out Wanda could not come. You could see her thinking really hard on a solution, you chuckled shrugging.
“Don’t worry, kiddo, I’m sure we can think of something but for now, today is your day, so I hope you at least grow some balls and kiss Kate Bishop or else…”
You laughed enjoying the blush growing in America’s face, you softened slightly watching just how much she had grown in the last year. America started babbling away about her friendship with Kate, and how Kate had every right to date whoever she wanted. She was in the middle of her rant when she trailed off opening her eyes really big, her lips curling into a huge grin.
“America?” You were not overly found of that expression on her, your sister stood up waving her hands before turning around running towards the main building.
“I have an idea! I’ll be right back!!”
You blinked couple of times, your nose crunched up at your sister’s sudden outburst. Yelena came closer to you, she was also confused by this sudden reaction shaking her head.
“What has gotten into her?”
“I’m not really sure, Yelena.” You turned to the younger woman smiling lightly. “What is it?”
“I finished the last envelops, and Loki and Peter are doing the same inside the auditorium.”
“Good then, let’s put this inside and then you guys can go.”
You turned to the place where your sister had run to, before grabbing the tags and making your way back to the auditorium. It didn’t take you too long to finish everything up, you sent America’s friends back to their homes while your eyes drifted to your watch. Before you could grab your phone to call America you saw her coming over, a huge smile on her face.
“Where were you?” You tuned suspicious glances at your sister, the young woman was still wearing a proud smile putting her phone out.
“I was speaking with Casie, you know? We were talking and well Scott and Hope have been dying to have a night out to dance and everything but it hasn’t been possible so… I got you your night out today!” America was really proud with herself with the plan she had come up with in a matter of seconds.
You frowned shaking your head lightly, “what do you mean?”
“Hope and Scott will cover for you and Wanda, and you can go to her.” America then wiggled her eyebrows. “What’s more, you will be able to attend the Yule ball with her.”
“Now you did lose me, what did you do?” By then, you were trying to hold back your smile but your heart fluttered happily while America merely smiled at you.
“I got you your dance.” America grinned walking backwards. “Come! We need to do this fast!”
“America, wait…” You grabbed her forearm, the frown still in place. “What did you do?”
The young woman sighed facing you, she dropped her smile her eyes gleaming with a spark of seriousness you were familiar with.
“I just think you deserve to be happy, and sometimes you are so deep into your work and being there for me that you forget about yourself.” America shrugged lifting her hand to scratch the back of her head. “This last year you have been running around trying to hold onto your life while managing the business and me. And then, this woman comes in and she gets what Carol fought hard to have.”
You winced, guiltiness showing up in your eyes.
“I know you like Wanda, Y/N.” America stepped closer giving you a long hug. “Let me help you out just this one time, Y/N, I promise you it will be good, and you better kiss the hell out of Professor Maximoff or I’m going to pinch you until your bruise.”
You snorted tightening your hold on America, “you’re crazy, kid. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, today the sisters Y/L/N will get the girl!”
You laughed pushing her playfully, America hooked her arm to yours and started explaining her plan to you, by the time you reached the car you knew it was a perfect, solid plan and you would certainly get the girl.
“You look beautiful.” You stated watching your sister wearing a white gown, made of waves and cuts that fit her body and skin. Her hair falling to the side in light brown waves, with a light make up and sandals that made her look mature, yet innocent and young.
Your parents would be so proud of her.
“You think so? I feel foolish.” America made a face, you snorted stepping forward.
“You look beautiful, and what you did for me, Kid, I won’t forget it.”
America grinned widely, she threw her arms around you softening her features while relaxing into your embrace.
“I love you.” You smiled hugging her tightly.
“I love you to, Kid. Now go and claim your girl.” You winked turning around to grab a squared box. “This was something your mother wore on her wedding with dad, I thought you should have it.”
America paled lightly, her hand trembled hovering above the box she glanced at you while you open the lid. Inside was a single collar, made of white gold and a single pendant in the form of a star. America felt her eyes filled with tears, it was the first thing she got directly from her mother, you put the collar out putting the box aside and moving to stand behind your sister.
“You are an amazing woman, America, in just over a year you will need to make serious decisions about your life but for now, enjoy.” You put the collar on circling your sister tilting your head to looked at her. “Now, the look is complete.”
“Thank you.” America put a hand on her collar smiling at you. “Now, you will have most of the night, if she is what you really want…”
“I’ll do it.” You cocked your head pointing to the door. “Now, go they are waiting for you.”
America gave you one last hug before leaving you alone. You stood there for a moment, your body tingling with anticipation, your own gown waiting for you to get change and go to Wanda’s place.
It was a cloudless night. 
The low temperature and the strong winds were a reminder of the winter season. The party back at school had started almost an hour ago, with Hope and Scott attending the event on your behalf. You smiled at the pictures Hope had taken, at the smile on your sister's face and the amazed glint in everyone's eyes when they realised the auditorium had been decorated as a winter palace with an ice-skating rink for everyone to enjoy. 
A pang of guiltiness settled in your heart, your sister was growing right in front of you becoming an amazing woman with a gentle heart and a great mind. You glanced at your reflection, the backyard had been decorated by America and Scott while Hope made sure you got the right clothing for an evening with the woman next door. 
You weren't even sure this should be happening, or that Wanda would want it to happen. Yet here you were, at home watching your sister's dance happening through videos and pictures Hope kept sending your way. 
Are you still at home? 
You could almost hear the reproach in that text, rolling your eyes as you answered, watching as Hope readied her own response to your text. 
Stop being an idiot and go over there, whatever happens tonight, Y/N, you both deserve to be happy. 
You smiled, shaking your head while putting the phone away. Everyone had been telling you the same, putting Hope into what you felt and what, apparently, Wanda had been experiencing with you. For you. 
On the coffee table you spotted the seven blue irises you had bought for that day. Your lower abdomen filled with tingles, as if butterflies were fluttering about while sending electric waves through your body. You lifted your face finding your eyes in the mirror, then wearing a half smile you grabbed the flowers and left your home. 
Wanda let herself fall on her bed, a tired sigh leaving her lips while her eyes fluttered close. She smiled at the soft sensation of her mattress under her back, the lack of sound around her was soothing for her mind. All thoughts and worries dissipated in that brief moment of peacefulness she enjoyed after putting the twins to bed. 
Her eyes fluttered open, observing the white ceiling above her head, she pursed her lips watching the shadows from the streetlamps dancing in her room. At that moment, you were probably overseeing the event with the rest of the school and enjoying the music, the food and the drinks that you two had prepared for the students.
Regret took the form of a shrinking heart, Wanda turned to her side looking for her phone wanting to know how you were doing and if, perhaps by any chance, you were missing her in the dance. The phone had been forgotten on the bedside table, she dropped her head on the mattress and was tempted to just forget about it until the screen turn on with the announcement of a new message.
I need you to do me a favour, I think something was dropped on your threshold and I just need to make sure is there, can you help me out?
Wanda made a face, with her heart dropping in disappointment. She wrote back to you, frowning at how foolish she had been into thinking perhaps you were missing her as much as apparently she was missing you. You were probably having a good time, and perhaps even Carol had decided to join you in this dance.
“I’m an idiot.” Wanda huffed grabbing her phone tightly and pressing her lips together with a single frown adorning her features.
She was just thinking about reading a book in bed or something when she came face to face with you standing on her threshold. Wanda couldn’t help the look of uttered surprise on her face, her hand almost let go of her phone but she tightened her hold on it shaking her head to try and stop her wandering eyes for looking further into your outfit.
It was nothing too fancy, but you had chosen a dress that was according to the theme you two had elected for the dance. You were wearing a navy blue gown, with a pleated v-neckline that led to a softly gathered faux-wrap skirt on a sleeveless satin gown. You didn’t know how to walk with high heels, so you had chosen a pair of strappy dress sandals that didn’t quite fit but were enough to allow you movement.
“I hope I’m not overly dress for our night out.” You cocked your head, showing off a dopey smile.
Wanda blushed deeply glancing at herself, she winced at her sweet pants, and the hoodie she had worn all day. She opened and closed her mouth, but you just chuckled shaking your head, the playful tone in which you spoke sent shivers down Wanda’s back.
“Don’t tell you forgot tonight was going to be our night, Wands.”
“I…No! No but Billy…” Wanda was trying to collect her thoughts, and she certainly was trying really hard to get words out of her mouth but she found it quite difficult to do so at the moment.
In all her wildest dreams she never imagined she would feel attracted to someone like you, not only because you were a woman which was a huge factor in her list of what the hell; but also because you were so different to Vision. You were kind, spontaneous, smart and so infuriating, Wanda found herself craving your company, craving your smile and as of late craving your touch.
Now you were standing right there, wearing a beautiful dress that complement your body and your skin and all that you were and Wanda found herself inadequate.
“Y/N you know Billy is not feeling well, and they are…” Wanda started but her words tangled in her lips when you put a hand from your back, in there she saw seven blue irises flowers neatly tight with a white bow.
“I know he is still sick, Wands.” You then put your other hand from behind and there was a small bag.
“Then, I mean you look and I just…” Wanda blushed again rolling her eyes at her inability to form proper thought and to actually voiced her worries.
You smirked to the woman, your eyes twinkling mischievously as you stepped closer to her.
“I won’t let you miss tonight, Wands. So the flowers are for you, they are blue irises and they…well, they made me think of you.” You shrugged lowering your gaze for a moment, then looking back at Wanda you presented her with the next gift. “And these are baby monitors that may tell us if the twins wake up.”
Wanda grabbed the flowers in her hand, she shivered when your fingers brushed lightly against hers and the sweet aroma of the flowers hit her nose. Then she scrunched up her nose, curiosity gleaming in her green eyes just as she opened the bag to see the baby monitor.
“But, why? I mean…” Wanda was left speechless once more, you lifted a hand to put a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t want to miss the chance to dance with you tonight.” You stated trying to hold Wanda’s stare in yours. “America helped me prepared something for you, for us, if you want to.”
Wanda stiffened when you mentioned your sister, but you were quite distracted with the woman in front of you to notice it completely. You waited patiently, Wanda chewed on her lower lip with her heart tugging painfully in her chest.
“I don’t know what to say.” She finally whispered, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. You leaned forward, two fingers under her chin lifting her face tenderly.
“Say yes and let me show you.” You whispered back, Wanda parted her lips, her eyes going from your eyes to your lips then back again.
Your ginned lit up your whole face, “good then let me put this on Billy and Tommy’s room and we will be out.”
“Out where?” Wanda finally asked following you to the second floor.
“To my backyard, of course.” You replied as if it was the most logical answer.
The moment Wanda stepped into your backyard she let out a shaky gasp.
The night was cold but cloudless, the wind messed around with her hair and the sky above your heads was ignited by a blue moon and a couple of silvery dots twinkling down to the earth. Wanda glanced around the place where a couple of lamps had been positioned in six different poles, a single yard table with chairs were positioned on the left side facing Wanda’s home. The young woman couldn’t believe the detail in the decorations, it was not overly fancy but enough for a simple dinner and some music while the warmers right behind the chairs made the little spot the perfect place to watch the sky and get warm.
You stepped forward, your strides firm and determined until you found the speaker resting on top of the BBQ, you turned it on and soon the music coming from your Spotify playlist filled the backyard with sweet melodies of jazz.
You turned around and Wanda was standing right behind you.
She was looking out of place, with her hands hidden inside the pockets of her hoodie, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears and her lips pressed together you could tell there was something bothering her. You stepped closer but soon stop when the woman took a step back.
“Wanda?” You asked tentatively, Wanda closed her eyes and the tears rolled down her cheeks slowly.
“Why?” She finally asked, her voice trembling and her breathing increasing.
When you two looked at one another, you could see the conflicted thoughts dancing inside her mind. Why were you doing all of this? Why go all the way with such things? Why bring a baby monitor so you could hear Billy and Tommy if they woke up? Why did you stay behind?
You hesitated for a moment, lowering your gaze thinking about the answer to such a simple question. Then, you just snorted, your lips curling into a happy smile.
“Because you are worthy, Wanda.” You let out a sigh lifting your face to the sky. “I’ve been so lost in the last couple of months, I have been feeling my emptiness with relationships and situations that had contributed to my confusion more than anything.”
Wanda knew the feeling, and she wondered briefly if perhaps the blond woman you had been dating had been part of the process and if perhaps what you were showing Wanda was still part of you getting out of your confusion. As if reading her thoughts, you pointed a finger at her.
“Carol didn’t deserve the way I treated her, that’s why I ended things up with her.” You took a step closer to Wanda, your shoulders dropping when the woman stood still. “And then I met you. I thought I was beyond any relationship, or actually beyond any emotions that weren’t focused on my sister, my friends, and the business. Meeting you, Wanda, has taught me that we are not the rulers of our own destiny.”
“I’m not sure…” Wanda grumbled shaking her head before letting go of her hands, she tried to put her hair behind her ears but soon was stopped by your hands holding hers. She lifted her face, finding herself unable to look away from you.
“I have never been in this position before, Y/N.” Wanda finally revealed, she swallowed down her doubts with her heart beating fast inside her chest. “I’m not sure what I am supposed to do or feel and…I’m scared.”
You smiled softly, squeezing her hands tenderly while leaning closer.
“Then, we will go step by step, if you want to.”
Wanda broke into a nervous smile; she knew her cheeks were burning and her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it would leave her chest at any moment. You waited, the music filling the air, and then Wanda leaned in brushing her lips against yours.
Her eyes fluttered close, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
It was a tentative brushing of skin, Wanda was trembling under your touch her hands positioning themselves on your arms and shoulders while yours wrapped around her waist. She exhaled melting into your touch, your lips moulding around hers not demanding but eager to learn from her, to follow her lead. Your lower abdomen exploded into a myriad of tingles that went around your body making your heart trembled in affection.
At some point, the both of you started swinging with the music.
With your eyes still closed, your forehead against hers your feet directed a simple dance that kept the both of you together. Your hand sneaked under the hoodie, letting out a breathy exhale when your hand touched the warmth skin of Wanda.
“You are freezing.” She mumbled against your lips, frowning with her eyes opening slowly to find herself looking into your eyes.
“It is okay, I like the cold.” You replied tilting your head to contemplate the woman in your arms. “You are trembling.”
Wanda nodded, she opened her mouth then close it again.
“I’m not sure…I have never kissed another woman before.” She revealed, you smiled at her nodding.
“I know.”
Wanda turned her head to the side never once trying to get away from your embrace, you softened your hold on her before asking.
“Does it bother you?”
“No, not really, I’ve been…I’ve been thinking about this for so long.” Wanda finally confessed, the tension around the both of you only growing into the conversation you had been holding onto since the prior weekend. 
“Really? Have you thought about kissing many women before?” Your tone tried to be teasing, but Wanda could notice the hint of uncertainty in your voice.
She realized that you were just as nervous as she was, that perhaps you knowing full well about your sexuality didn’t mean you didn’t experiment the same doubts, or the same fear as the others. Much like Wanda, you were betting for your heart and hers to share the same emotion for one another.
“Only You.” Wanda whispered. “You have me confused ever since that first day we met, you know? And as time passes, as I get to know you and get closer to you I have found myself drawn to your smile, to your words, to your kindness, and I found myself feeling something I have never felt before and I just…”
“I’m afraid.” You finished when Wanda just trailed off, the young woman nodded leaning in to put her face on the crook of your neck. “I’m afraid this would end up in a heartbreak.”
“Yes.” Wanda took a deep breath, and with more courage that she actually felt she broke the dance and step back from you.
“I am afraid of not being what you want, of hurting you and hurting myself in the process.” Wanda tried to smile but it came out as a grimace and all the emotions inside her threatened to break like a dam and overwhelmed her to the point she would not be able to stop it.
“Hey, Wands, you are more than enough, you and Billy, and Tommy and…” You snorted scratching the back of your neck. “I know what you mean, and I’m afraid for the exact same things. I…I just don’t want to let this opportunity go…I don’t want to miss this chance. And, if you let me, we can try.”
It was more than what she expected from you.
Wanda nodded unable to talk, unable to say something else for fear of just messing it up. You stepped closer, your hand cupping her cheek.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked, Wanda let out a breathy laughter before nodding.
“Yes, you can.”
“Good.” And then, you leaned in and you were kissing her again.
This time around, though, when you two kissed you were sure to pour all of your emotions in that single kiss. Your hands bringing over safety, while you let your tongue to tentatively teased the other woman until her surprised moan reached your ears.
“So, was it better than the first one?” You wiggled your eyebrows only to get a playful slap on your arm.
Wanda was breathing hard, her cheeks completely red while she tried to recover from the passion-filled kiss you just gave her. You chuckled leading her to the closest chair, bowing to her you placed a single kiss on her forehead before stepping back.
“Now, my dear lady, let me bring you the food and the drinks and we can enjoy our evening.”
Wanda smiled, and you were pretty sure you had never seen something so beautiful as the woman standing right in front of you at the moment.
“Your sister really outdid herself with this.” Riri Williams stepped into the auditorium glancing around the place that had been changed completely into an ice palace.
The music was resounding through the room, the beat setting up the rhythm everyone was trying to follow on the dance floor. As soon as they set foot inside the place, they were given a tag with their names and directions for their table, America couldn’t help but glance at the icy statues around the place or the ice-skating rink to the far corner of the building.
America could see you and Wanda had really taken the time to fix everything, and America just hoped that you were also enjoying your time back home. The group was speaking animatedly amongst, them, America walking right behind them with her eyes never leaving the form of Kate who was walking side by side with Riri while wearing the most beautiful dress America had seen so far.
“America!” The young woman turned to see Hope strolling towards her with Scott following close behind.
“Hope!” The both of them hugged tightly, the older woman glancing around the room with a hint of pride in her eyes.
“Y/N really outdid herself with this celebration, didn’t she?”
“Well she and Professor Maximoff.” America stated, Hope clicked her tongue never losing her smile.
“Right, I forgot about that.” America narrowed her eyes at her sister’s oldest friend but decided to not say anything for the time being. “So, are you enjoying the party? Where is your date?”
America opened her mouth to speak when Loki walked past her, talking loud enough for them to hear.
“Dancing with somebody else!”
Scott frowned returning his attention to the dance floor, America winced rolling her eyes thought for Hope it was quite evident the comment made by Loki was not too far of the mark. The woman gave a sympathetic smile standing beside America so her line of vision was on the dancefloor.
“Bishop?” Hope whispered, America winced nodding. “She looks beautiful in that purple dress.”
“She does.” America grumbled glancing down at herself then setting her eyes on Riri. “And her date looks amazing as well.”
“They are dating because of the favour we asked Riri, Chavez, stop mopping around.” This time around it was Yelena the one to interrupt the private conversation.
Hope chuckled placing a hand on America’s forearm noticing the similarities between America and Y/N. Both of them were equally stubborn when their heart was involved.
“So, what is it going to be?” Hope finally asked nodding towards the dance floor, “are you going to do something, or are you going to mop?”
“If I may,” Scott offered a tentative smile pointing with his thumb to the pairing that was laughing and dancing, “I will try my luck on the ice-skating rink as soon as the dancing is over, you will find that place has a magic aura on its own that works wonders.”
Hope rolled her eyes, though her cheeks took upon an interesting pinkish colour. America giggled hooking her arm to Hope’s one.
“That’s were Scott propose, isn’t it? Gosh, I can’t hear enough of that story from Y/N, it was the same day all of you got wasted and ended up at the other part of the country.”
Hope and Scott laughed at the memory, Scott lifted his hands waving them away before trying to explain the situation.
“If I may, that was all because Sue and Reed decided to make an experiment by mixing up the alcohol, and…”
“And we didn’t have self-control.” Hope finished trying to salvage the conversation, she then poked America on her side pointing with her eyes to Kate and Riri that were about to make their way back to the table.
“Now, young lady, your sister asked me to make sure you did something foolish and have a good time.”
“Okay, lads, how about a picture and then some snow and skating?” Scott screamed out to the table, everyone cheered and soon America was pushed around until she ended up right beside Kate.
Kate offered a sweet smile that America returned passing her arms around her and posing for the pictures. Loki and Yelena smirked at one another, while Kamala was torn between being helpful and fearful for her friends. Hope took several pictures, before stepping back and pointing to the auditorium.
“Now, guys, go have fun if anything happens let us know.”
Hope and Scott started making the first rounds around the place, America was left alone for a moment before she tried to go back to the part. At first it wasn’t that difficult, there was good music, good drinks, food and nice conversations going on around the table and the dance floor. Merica had gotten the chance to dance with Loki and Peter, and then she gave it a chance to Casey and Kamala, but in all that time Kate was being escorted by Riri at all times, only stopping by to cheer before disappearing on the dance floor.
It had been bad enough with the heavy tones, and electronic mixes but then someone decided it was time for the romance to start. America couldn’t take it when Riri leaned in and Kate wrapped her arms around her, she stood up and walked away before anyone could stop her.
The music had not changed that much, America was glaring the at ice-rink with her chin resting on the palm of her hand. She was so seep into her own thoughts she missed the shadow approaching her spot.
“You look nice.” Kate came from behind holding a pair if ice skates, the young woman had worn her hair down, and the smile she offer America lit up her whole face. She was flustered, the traces of her recent dances with Riri and the effort of having a good conversation with the other woman.
“Thanks, you look beautiful.” America replied with a hint of a smile, she patted the spot beside her shrugging tentatively. “Wanna sit?” 
Kate took her offer with a half-smile, her brown eyes twinkling when they found those of America.
“I look beautiful?” She asked teasingly, though pleased with the use of words from America. “This is the first time I heard you say that.”
“Well, you really do look beautiful.” America sighed turning around to see the others still dancing and sharing drinks. 
“Why are you not with them? Your date must be waiting for you.” There was a trace of bitterness in her voice, and America hated the vulnerability she was showing at the moment. 
The most important thing right now was for Kate to enjoy herself. America could mop alone and no one had to find out. Kate rested her cheek on her hand, she observed the other students skating on the rink the laughter and the general enjoyment that her peers were experimenting. 
“You were looking alone, so I thought I spend some time with my best friend.” Kate grinned but as soon as she said this she could see the flash of hurt crossing America's face. 
“What is it?” She asked but America merely shrugged pointing to the skates Kate was holding. 
“Never mind, want to join me inside the rink?”
Kate was so tempted to press the matter, but something inside her head told her there were better ways to approach the subject. She stood up stretching her hand to America. 
“Well, of course! That's why I brought the skates for you and me, come I was dying to try this out ever since I saw it.”
America took Kate's hand in hers standing up and following the young girl to the rink.
America never thought that taking on that offer would be such a heavy challenge. Of course, the dress she was wearing didn’t make things easier, and skating around soon became a real trial for her while Kate did it almost as naturally as she did all the sports she love. Kate laughed always getting to America on time before she fell over her face or ass, and while America couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, she was also content to have Kate taking her hand and smiling at her while enjoying herself.
“Humph, oh sorry…” America crashed against Kate who was laughing really hard, America grumbled rolling her eyes while trying to stand up. 
“This is not funny!”
“Yes, it is!” Kate put a hand on America's forearm, her eyes were twinkling merrily and she too was wearing a pink colouring on her cheeks. 
“I almost killed myself and half the people I crashed a moment ago.” America hissed though she too was starting to smile. 
“But, you didn't! So kudos for you.” Kate gave America a quick check up before placing her hands on the girls hips. “You really are bad at this, aren't you?”
“It's the dress.” America grumbled suddenly feeling hot, her breathing increasing just as she realized how close the both of them were. At feeling Kate's hands on her
“America…” Kate started lifting her face so her eyes were on America's ones. “Are you going to do it?”
America blinked tilting her head with a frown, “do what?”
Kate snorted shaking her head while letting go of America, she huffed trying to get away from America but the other girl stopped her, the confusion still evident in her features. 
“Wait, Kate…”
“America, really… I can't keep waiting for you, you know? Next year we will be going to college and I just…”
“Oh.” America opened her eyes wide, her mouth forming a perfect O just as she realized what Kate was asking of her. 
Kate was still babbling about leaving for college, getting their lives together and growing up when America leaned in closing the distance between them and kissing her tentatively. 
Kate melted right away tilting her head to the side, her hands twitching at her side while America held her delicately her lips moulding themselves to the form of her mouth sending a tingling down Kate's back to her chest and lower abdomen. 
“I’ve been dying to do that since fifth grade.” America didn't break the distance the moment she stopped the kiss, she could see those brown eyes of Kate gleaming contentedly while her hand lifted up to brush her hair. 
“Fifth grade?” Kate asked teasingly, America snorted looking away with a grin. 
“Me too.” Kate revealed this time around she hugged the other woman. “I've been dying to do that since you gave me your lunch after I fell down with mine. I just never thought…”
“Yeah, me neither.” America lifted her eyes finding her friends standing outside the rink, thumbs up and grinning widely at her. 
Riri stood by their side chuckling while lifting her fist in the air as a sign of victory. America snorted rolling her eyes before stepping back and kissing Kate once more. 
“So, this means we can stop dancing around one another and start dating?”
“My, who said romance was dead?” America rolled her eyes, but couldn't quite wipe the smile on her face. “I think, that yeah… we can start there.”
“Good then, let's join the others and enjoy the dance.” 
Kate grabbed America's hand and dragged her down the rink to the closest exit. America squeezed her hand, her heart soaring with happiness at finally getting the girl in the end. 
You have come to love the sound of Wanda’s laughter. 
Wanda had been so serious when you met her, the few glimpses of a smile had become a treasure you kept in your memory. Then, as you and her started talking and sharing time together her laughter had come as a surprised. It came with a happy melody that was accompanied by her twinkling eyes. It was something you had tried to hear again and again, to see her happy and relaxed the way she was at the moment. 
“I can't believe you guys got lost.” Wanda put a hand on her mouth holding back her giggles. 
“Believe it, it was actually Shuri’s fault.” The memory of your past lover didn't hurt anymore, and her name rolled out of your lips as a memory of a happy past you spent with your friends.
Wanda leaned in, her elbow on the table fluttering her eyes shyly at you. 
“She was supposed to have the map, and we were supposed to follow her.” You snorted rolling your eyes at the memory. “After going back to the same spot for the third time we asked her where we were and her answer was in the middle of the ocean.”
You grinned at Wanda's laugh, the woman shook her head blinking a couple of times. 
“But she was the one guiding all of you.”
“Exactly!” You put a hand on top of Wanda's one, your thumb caressing her skin. “Hope and Sue went to help her but it was Reed, Wade and I the ones that ended up looking for a way out.”
“You guys had a good time, then.” Wanda let her eyes wandered to your joined hands, her heart shrank with emotion at the thought of you being happy at some point with a woman you were supposed to marry. 
Was Wanda really the person for you? She wasn't even sure if she liked women, she only knew she liked you. Only you. As if reading her thoughts, you grabbed your chair, putting it closer to her, without thinking too much, cupped her face and kissed her teasingly on her lips. 
Wanda gave in almost instantly, her body trembled under the tenderness of your lips. She had never been kissed in such a way, so tender and lovingly, as if she was the most precious being in the world. And soon, after enjoying this new emotion she was crying. Her tears rolling down her cheeks, her heart shivering with a deep emotion that almost made her lose her breath. 
“Hey, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
Wanda snorted shaking her head while leaning in to wrap your lips with hers kissing you needily whimpering as her hands grabbed your arms trying to move past the discomfort the position both of you were in. You were quite shocked, her kisses became sloppy and desperate, something didn't quite add to what was happening so you tried to stop her to guide her lips against yours until she let out a sob and was crying in your arms. 
“Hey, Wands, it’s okay.” You were confused by this reaction, Wanda held onto you and you put the chair back bringing her closer until she was sitting on your lap. Your arms wrapped protectively around her, and the young woman hid her face from you embarrassed and so weak for what just happened. She didn't dare to look back at you, but you made it impossible for her when you started placing sweet kisses on her face, forehead, seeking out to bring comfort to Wanda. 
It was obvious something had bothered her, but you didn't want to push her unless it was completely necessary. 
“I feel like a fool.” She finally said wiping her tears away, she straightened up gazing at the table while putting a distance with you. 
Wanda let out a humourless laugh leaning back on her chair, she kept looking everywhere but at you. She had the story of her life right at the tip of her tongue, she wanted to tell you how all her life she had been told she was not worthy of time or money, that her only worth was defined by the man that would want to take her as a wife. She had grown so much in the last year, that sometimes she thought it impossible how much she hag changed, how much she had gained. 
She became brave, and so independent and strong, but right now, seeing you there with that frown full of concern and tenderness directed at her, Wanda knew she could not break the moment with her ugly story. Someday, but not that day.
“I stopped believing in this.”
“Romance?” You offered a timid smile, Wanda shook her head placing her hands on the table. 
“Of being treated so kindly, so…lovingly.” Her lips trembled, but this time around she held your stare. “I never thought I deserve it or that I will experience it.”
“Your husband was not good at these gestures, eh?”
Wanda scowled shaking her head, her fist tightening on the table. 
“No, our marriage was… Everything was orchestrated by my dad and his and then it just sort of happen.”
You could see the pain of these thoughts crossing through her eyes, the tension around her lips. You reached out to her, tilting your head with a single smile. 
“Let me show you how a woman like you should be treated.”
You stood up holding her hand, pulling lightly until she was standing up and following you to the middle of the yard. Wanda was still weak, her face wet and her mind filled with thoughts of being inadequate invading her mind. 
You went to your mobile selecting a specific song that soon filled the backyard with the sweetest melodies. You wiggled your eyebrows bowing in front of Wanda while stretching out your hand. 
“May I have this dance?”
Wanda snorted taking your hand in hers, a shiver went down her back when you stepped closer pressing your body to hers. 
“Let's be a little cliché, if only to show you that you deserve all the cheesy and cliché romance someone can offer you.” you hesitated before continuing. “All the things I want to offer you, if you let me.”
Your words sent a shiver down Wanda's back, her heart leaped with anticipation while her lower abdomen filled with tingles that made her leaned into your embrace. The guitars and the piano of the song waved around you soothingly, the voice of the singer leading you through the story of long trip and a found love. Wanda broke into an easy smile, her cheeks tinged red and while she tried to roll her eyes at you at the cheesy moment you could see the glint of hope in her eyes. 
The moon was high above the sky, the wind became colder and soon the twinkling stars were being covered by heavy clouds threatening with snow. Wanda lifted her face to the sky, she closed her eyes for a moment before resting her forehead against yours. 
“Do you think we can do this forever?” She whispered, her warm breath caressing your skin. 
“I think sooner or later Billy, Tommy and America will end up joining us.”
Your replied surprised Wanda who leaned back narrowing her eyes at you. Your face didn't change, your smile never lost its softness when Wanda realized you were really talking seriously. 
“What if I can only dance? What if I can't…” Wanda didn't finish the sentence but the meaning behind her question was not hard to miss. 
“Then, we dance.” 
Wanda snorted leaning in to brush her lips against yours, you stood still letting her lead this time. She was brushing her lips against yours tentatively, almost shyly while her hands explore your arms and your neck. Your heart was almost exploding inside your chest, you swallowed down while holding still wanting nothing more than to close the distance between the both of you. Wanda explored your lips and face, her fingertips tickling your skin while your breath caught on your throat just as she tried to use the tip of her tongue to taste more of you. 
You almost whimpered at the lost, when your eyes open Wanda was shocked to see your reaction and her daring nature. She was about to step back but this time around it was your turned to tease. 
“What if we end up being what we need?” You asked sneaking your arm around her waist, your hand finding its way under the hem of her hoodie directly on the warmth skin of her back. 
Wanda gasped almost buckling her knees with her eyes clenching closed at the feeling of your lips nibbling on her earlobe and the skin on her jaw. 
“What if we can be happy together? A family?” 
You smiled into her skin, her hands gripping you tightly feeling the sweet caress of your lips on the outline of her jaw seeking to make her melt in your arms. Your hand tracing circles on her back, and just when Wanda was about to say something your lips found their destination and you kissed her as if she was the most precious creature in the world. 
She was tender to your touch, sweet and almost innocent under your guidance, Wanda kissed you back tentatively exploring with curiosity and ready to learn what you were teaching her. The music had stopped at some point, your hands were caressing the skin on her back and on her sides just as your lips continued a dance that followed the thumping of your hearts. 
You don't know how long it past, was in an hour? Was it two? A minute? A second? It didn't matter, the only thing that matter to you was the huge grin adorning those tender features of Wanda as you finished the kiss and leaned back to breath. 
“So, I take It I'm a good kisser?” You finally broke the silence, Wanda opened her eyes laughing while letting go of you stepping back to put a decent distance from you. 
“I'm not sure…” She started laughing some more at the indignant huff leaving your lips. 
“You were ready to moan right there and then!”
“You whimper.” Wanda retorted trying to hide her blush, you opened your mouth and then closed it again. 
Did you? 
“Well, I am a good kisser so…” your answer only made Wanda shook her head tilting her head coyly, biting on her lower lip tentatively. 
“You are.” Wanda finally admitted, you winked at her offering your hand to hers. 
“Wanda.” Her name left your lips with a serious tone, Wanda furrowed her brows noticing the seriousness of the conversation. “I know you have never been with a woman, and that whatever happened before was not easy. I'm not pretending to be what you want or need but I don't want to wake up next year wondering what would have happen if I have taken my chances with you.”
Wanda knew what you were trying to say, she couldn't hold your stare glancing around before settling her eyes on you. 
“I don't want to wonder the same, either.” Wanda mumbles shrugging. “I don't know how to be a partner or a girlfriend or whatever I just…I'm just finding myself and I don't want to drag anyone into something that may not be what I want.”
Your face fell with your heart breaking painfully in your chest, Wanda was not even looking at your reaction she was still babbling away and her initial words were dancing inside your head. So, she didn't want to? You felt a tug on your hand, you shook away those thoughts only to see Wanda stepping closer putting her other hand on your cheek. 
“Then I meet you and I… I have never felt something like this, and it scares me so much but I just don't seem to want to let go.” Wanda pursed her lips lowering her gaze. “I just don't know if you can be patient enough until I'm ready to give you everything.”
Her confession was followed by a deep silence, you two were looking everywhere but at each other. Her words finally sink in making you dizzy with anticipation and happiness, this was what you wanted and you could be patient. It wasn't as if you were completely ready to jump in a serious relationship but, as you said to her, you didn't want to let go of the chance you might have with Wanda. 
“I understand if you don't… I mean waiting for someone…” Wanda started feeling awkward and rejected until you laughed, a hurt glint passed her face and you were promptly on her leaving a peck on her lips. 
“I'll wait for you, Wanda. We can wait together, Wands, whatever happens, whatever we need, as long as I don't lose you.” You replied honestly, Wanda nodded wrapping her arms around you. 
The hug was like a promise, and you took it with a willing heart and a smile that you wouldn't be able to wipe off of your face for a couple of days. 
It was almost 11 o’clock.
The music was still playing in the background, but the both of you found comfort in soft dances and easy conversation that was soon dying off as Wanda’s eyes threatened to close up. You chuckled picking everything up to take into your kitchen, the night was turning out to be more chilling, and soon dark clouds were approaching announcing an oncoming storm.
Wanda was following you, her arms wrapped around her with a creased on her forehead. You pecked her nose, Wanda wrapped her arms around you letting out a content sigh when you returned the embrace.
“It’s late.” She mumbled, you nodded putting your phone away.
“It seems they are really having fun, and the dance won’t be over for another two hours or so.” You looked down on her, grabbing her hand while leading her to the backyard and then down the road to the garage and the main entrance.
Your hands intertwined, lazy steps leading you down the road with happiness showing on your features. Wanda squeezed your hand tenderly, walking closer to you until the both of you reached her porch. Wanda’s porch light was the only one on in the whole street, and there was only one black car parked at the other end of the street.
You and her were alone.
You leaned in kissing Wanda slowly, a silent promise of what you had offered that day. Wanda relaxed into the kiss, seeking out with her hands to keep the contact with you.
“Tonight was amazing, Y/N.” She whispered with her lips brushing against yours.
“It was.”
She didn’t let go of you, instead of that she grabbed her hand in yours with her eyes fluttering opened and a request shining in her green eyes.
“I don’t want this night to end.” She confessed.
You nodded, swallowing down while letting out a chuckle.
“I don’t want it to end, either,” you caressed her cheek, your fingertips mapping the outline of her jaw, “today was amazing, Wands, and I can stop thinking of how happy you make me, how happy I want to make you.”
“You already do,” Wanda’s replied came as a surprised, the young woman sighed straightened up and taking a deep breath. “Would you…stay?”
“No, I mean…” Wanda trailed off and this time around you did look confused. “Can you stay tonight? With me? I mean…to sleep with me.”
You opened your eyes, your hands tightening around Wanda who soon was blushing and stuttering while organizing her thoughts. Then, as if she just realized what he said, Wanda waved her hands resting them on your shoulders then taking them off and almost falling on her ass. You grabbed her before this happened, smiling tentatively at her while the other woman calmed herself before speaking again.
“I really don’t want this night to end, I understand if you don’t want to but I…I want to sleep with you. Only sleep, just…” Wanda huffed lifting her arms and stepping back in frustration.
“You want to cuddle?” You chuckled when Wanda just lifted her left shoulder nodding.
“I don’t think I’m ready for…” She trailed off again hoping she hadn’t messed up big time with her words and uncertainty.
“I know, Wands, frankly I don’t think you and I are ready for that just yet but…cuddles? I can do cuddles.” You looked down at you then back to your house. “I could go for my PJs or…”
“I can lend you some pants and a t-shirt I just…”
Wanda didn’t know why it was so difficult to express what she needed to say. The night had been so magical, it had filled her with hope and happiness, and with love. And while this scared the shit out of her, she didn’t want to let go of the emotion, she was not ready for sex but she didn’t want to stop feeling you beside her. Reassuring her that you and your words for tonight were real.
“Then, lead the way, Wands,” You took the woman in your arms kissing her tentatively, “we will take it at your own pace, okay, so don’t be afraid to tell me these kinds of things.”
“God, you are…” Wand shook her head grabbing you tightly and kissing you again. When the both of you broke the kiss, Wanda was completely flustered resting her forehead against yours. “You are amazing, you know that, right?”
“Of course I do!”
Wanda snorted grabbing your hand in hers and leading you inside her home.
You looked at your reflection, seeing the changes in you had been easier day by day. No longer you looked tired but so ready to live and to hope and to enjoy what the world brought over to your doorstep. Wanda had been one of those people you never expected to find much less to fall in love with, and yet here you were wearing her clothes, in her bathroom ready to share a bed with her.
“You can do this.” You talked to yourself before leaving the bathroom, Wanda had fixed the bed and she was already on her side of the bed chewing nervously on her lower lip.
“God your bed is amazing.” You stretched out turning on your side, Wanda offered a strained smile nodding.
“It is.”
Tension was quite evident, Wanda thought for a moment perhaps she had made a stupid decision when a hand placed itself on hers. She almost jumped out of the bed, wincing when she realized you retreated your hand almost immediately.
“Wanda, if you want I can go and…”
“No! No, please.” Wanda turned to her side so now she was facing you, you furrowed your brows waiting for her to speak.
“I just don’t want to disappoint you, and me not wanting sex but this…” Wanda stopped you before you could answer. “I know that you’re not asking and that you wait I just—I never expect you to be this amazing.”
You were confused by this, but Wanda soon snuggled closer she hesitated before turning around until you were spooning her. She grabbed your arm placing it around her abdomen intertwining her hand with yours.
“Thank you.” She finally relaxed into your arms.
“Anything for you, Wands.” You retorted kissing her head before fluttering your eyes close easing out your breathing until you feel asleep.
The night was dark, and after midnight snow had started falling.
The man inside the car was trying pretty hard to control his emotions, his eyes falling constantly to the gun he had resting on the floor of the car.
“I told you, Vision dear, she was a whore.”
Vision clenched his jaw closed, his eyes glaring at the house where his wife had gone in with another woman after kissing like harlots in front of anyone to see. He had spent the last couple of months looking for his wife and kids, and she found her spreading her legs to another woman? She left him for another woman?
“I’m going to kill her.” Vision muttered grabbing the wheel tightly, the woman talking to him laughed.
“My dear Vision, I know you have to, but please be careful and smart. You worked in the same place as that woman, don’t you?”
Vision gritted his teeth remembering the other woman, he glanced at his phone seeing the picture of Agatha Harkness in there. The only woman he could confided in.
“Yes, I work with her.” Vision hesitated before turning on his car and leaving.
When Agatha had told him she found his boys and wife, he almost didn’t believe her. But when she offered proof not only of them but also of Wanda’s infidelity, Vision had made it his task to watch over them to ensure he would recover what was his. “I will get my boys back, destroy that fucking whore of Y/N and then…”
“Then my love, I will help you with Wanda…”
“Good, wait for me, I need to vent up my anger.” Vision spoke into the car speeding up down the streets.
A plan to destroy Wanda and get his kids back already taking form in his mind.
Next Chapter: Vision has a plan, America and Reader are living the best moment in their lives. Wanda is getting ready for Christmas and give Reader a nice gift, and the twins are enjoying the new family they have.
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mezzy303 · 10 months
So I've been rereading skip beat from the beginning for the first time in uhhhhh almost 10 years and I'm going inSaNE over characterizations and development that I have to write it down
At this point I'm only at the Heel siblings arc so I haven't gotten to the Guam or Saena arcs which are very big for Kyoko and Ren's character development and healing which I haven't reread since those chapters came out
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Nakamura for basing Kyoko and Ren's childhood struggles and trauma on very real things that aren't often, if at all, dealt with in anime/manga and also writing them with utmost care (Not only do the traumas inform their personalities, but their healing arcs aren't just a one and done thing!! It's a very slow process) Like starting with Kyoko, her single mother neglected her so much that she was raised by a family friend. On top of that, nothing Kyoko did was ever good enough for her mother, and both of these things are so apparent in Kyoko's character. She attaches herself to fairytales and magic as an escapism and because she relates to stories like Cinderella. She literally cannot function if she messes up and no one criticizes her. She can't properly acknowledge her own talents and beauty without it being attached somehow to fairytales; she never quite believes shes good enough. Similarly, she didn't want to bother anyone with her troubles, so she always dealt with them alone/in private spaces. Pretty sure she also has lowkey abandonment issues. And this is all parental trauma!! Things she already has before the series starts and she gets so utterly heartbroken she swears off romantic love entirely so she can never get hurt the same way again.
(I don't think I'll ever get over how Kyoko told all this to Kuu and he was literally like I'm adopting you. Your mine now. Sorry I don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And Kuu going home to his wife like hey we got a new kid 😂 Like Kyoko freezing up when she made mistakes and then Kuu showing her love instead of reprimanding her makes me go 🥹😩💖✨😭💝 Kyoko getting all fluffy from head pats🥹🥹 But on the downside she literally can't bring herself to call him dad unless she's in acting mode sjdfhsf)
When I really consider it, I wonder if Kyoko really loved Sho as a person or like.... the idea of him. Like he was just a convenient guy via proximity bc Kyoko needed someone to be her "prince". We haven't been shown exactly why she fell in love, but it would explain why she stuck with dedicating herself to him despite his terrible personality and knowing he never saw her the same way. It's portrayed like the concept of hatsukoi in anime where its ✨pure✨and innocent✨It seems very idealistic. Whereas Kyoko's love for Ren is more mature. She sees every aspect of Ren and doesn't sugarcoat it, she sees him as he is (she does him up on a pedestal but partially bc she admires him but also as an extreme measure to protect her heart and hide her feelings imo)
And REN. trauma to the max. He had to deal with the hardships of making a name for himself when his parents are already famous, extreme racism from being biracial, his friend/mentor dying from an accident he unintentionally caused???? Like boy hates himself so much he's literally disassociating 24/7 he needs a fucking therapist. I get how being Ren has helped him in some capacity but he needs a professional asap. Though deep diving into this is so interesting because Ren/Kuon compartmentalized his issues and the parts that he hates about himself so much he created its own persona ("Dark Kuon"), to the point he's rarely ever just himself. And he buried it so deep that as soon as he cracked the lid open, those emotions just spilled out. He can't even allow himself to be happy, and when he does feel truly happy, his automatic response is acting nonchalant,,,,,,,,,,,, he didn't even realize he was doing it at first 😢
Also the symbolism with Ren's watch makes me go a little feral. I don't remember if it's originally his or Rick's but it obviously stopped when the latter died and Ren keeps it as a reminder of what happened and why he went to Japan. It's a weird item since it grounds him but also represents his heavy trauma, and I think having those two things in one kinda showcases Ren's unhealthy coping mechanisms (like grounding himself to something traumatic isn't... great...). But that scene where he realizes he took it off and he has a moment of whether it to keep it on as Cain Heel or not??? *clenches fist* it was so good. (To recap it, he had his watch so he wouldn't lose himself in the role of BJ and then forgot it in the bathroom after an unexpected trauma response) Ren narrates his thoughts as choosing between Rick or Kyoko but interpreting this, he's choosing whether to keep himself stuck in his past trauma or move forward and let himself be happy AKA stick with unhealthy coping mechanisms vs try something healthy and rely on people he trusts. Kyoko essentially becomes someone Ren grounds himself to 🥺 He still needs therapy though lmao. He's so mentally unstable in this arc,,,
As I'm writing this I'm seeing a parallel between Kyoko and Ren and how they both had an experience that completely and utterly broke them, and it was this that pushed them onto their current paths in showbiz. And they likely would never have met each other again if those things never happened (they had to lose themselves to find each other?? 😭). It's so funny to me that Ren is all like ThEiR fAtEs ArE iNtErTwInEd with Kyoko and Sho when you have to consider the fact that him and Kyoko meeting again was like. a chance in a billion. It was fate 😂
KyoRen is such a poetic ship to me. The fact that they're different people when they meet and don't recognize the other. How Ren starts falling in love AS SOON AS HE REALIZES KYOKO IS THE SAME GIRL HE MET (Ren being gray/demiromantic.... more at 5). Kyoko lowkey starting to crush on Ren when she witnesses a bit of his real personality. These two things happening around the same time??????? And Ren being SO afraid of being Kuon, his true self, because of his bad qualities, but Kyoko pulling out the good qualities without him fully realizing it?? (I'm 100% referring to Kuon being a mischievous little shit and I live for how he teases Kyoko) tbh they treat each other differently from other people without even realizing it lol. And Kyoko being surrounded by toxic and possessive men pursuing her, and Ren being anything BUT. Like my man is a gigantic green flag. He recognizes that he can't seriously pursue Kyoko bc she's a minor and he really tries his best to only be a friend and mentor in her life and keeping her trust and never crossing her boundaries despite the stereotypes of men being "unable to control themselves." Y'all take point this should be the standard at minimum☝️
I have to talk about Sho bc this boy is so fucking toxic but he makes such a fascinating character. As much as I hate how Kyoko got heartbroken in the way she did, I think it was necessary so that she could leave Sho's sorry ass and cut him out of her life. Seriously,,,, he took advantage of her and used her as a servant. she literally dropped out of school, moved to a different city, and took on two jobs for the sole purpose of helping his career and then he threw her away like a used rag (JUST THROW THE WHOLE MAN AWAY). And then he has the audacity to fall in love with her smh. Anyway the fascinating part about him to analyze is how he's so possessive of Kyoko. Like she was a mere fly in his life, but she was always his. Until she wasn't. And I think those twisted thoughts kinda morphed into feelings for Kyoko. Ig in a way he still cares about her, but it could never hide how toxic he is. Anyone who's like I don't care how this person thinks of me as long as I take up the biggest space in their heart is egotistical and narcissistic. BUT he and Kyoko bickering like siblings will always be funny. Like epitome of two people who've lived with each other for way too long so they know how the other ticks and also get on each other's nerves 😂😂Sho does makes a good foil for Ren though. Like he's basically everything Ren is not: immature, temperamental, possessive, vain, the list goes on. His only redeeming qualities as a character is providing good drama and humor and being an example of what Ren isn't.
Skip Beat is really a story about healing and learning to love yourself and letting others love you and Nakamura is such a good story teller 🥺
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theheraldsrest · 4 months
Would you mind writing about what the DA:I companions were like as children? I’m specifically interested in Solas and Bull.
“Companions when they were little”
Ahhh that’s adorable! I’m so excited for this! Thank you, Anon!
-Lord Lex
*TW: Talk of child abuse*
-Being the 2nd oldest of four, definitely had responsibilities but also did what he wanted. Like becoming a templar. Constantly teased by his siblings but never waivered him. (Their siblings, what do you expect?)
-Big fascination with knights, Templars, and Grey Wardens. Constantly playing make believe and pretending to be a hero with a stick for a sword
-Helpful little thing, running around asking if there was anything he could do while also being very polite. Though he did get into a few fights with his younger siblings, they supported him in his dreams
-Oldest of four, all eyes were on her. Expected to be perfect and well-mannered even from a young age, yet she never faltered
-She knew she was cute and could get away with a lot of things. Being an avid reader made it easy for her to understand the world around her
-Looked after her siblings while also keeping up appearances. Didn’t stop her from sneaking sweet buns from the kitchen and seeing how fast she could lose the staff
-Very happy and go-lucky, followed her mother around while she did chores, either talking with the servants or to Lady Cecilie. Very endearing and a welcome appearance.
-After her mother’s death, she would’ve sunk back a little and lost a little bit of that happy child that she was. Would hide where she could so she wouldn't make others upset, thinking her sadness was contagious
-Though never adopted, Leliana possibly saw Lady Cecilie as a sort of aunt and eventually started following her around as well. Fascinated by all the stories and tales that Cecilie would tell her, she’d act them out just for fun.
-Strangely serious and a bit shy. Would go along with her parents just to watch quietly as they would trade, learning anything she could from the start.
-After being taken to the Ostwick Circle, she began to open up more but only slightly. Told people off if they were acting stupid and was one of the children to tell people to hush in the library
-Surpassed most expectations in magical and educational fields, proving herself to be the best. Though she still made it hard for others to approach, her friendship was rare but also lasting. Would look out for some of the younger children but not make it obvious
-Hectic little bastard. Parents could not control this little guy (for multiple reasons). Often snuck out just to look around Kirkwall or to stir up some fun, eventually being found by his father and carried home
-Learned very early on that life wasn’t easy. With being nagged by his brother and his mother’s drinking and illness, he quickly picked up on caring for his family and hiding any bad parts that might start rumors.
-Became more clever while also playing himself off as being lazy, he was quite observant as well as a smooth talker. Didn’t stop him from sticking his tongue out at people.
Cole (Human)
-A silent child, unable to speak with his father around. Constantly terrified of his father’s treatment to him and his sister and mother. He’d try to put himself in the way of most of his father’s beatings
-Learned to speak quietly like his mother, who’d reassure her children that all was fine. Cole held onto that hope and trusted his mother while also finding solace in learning magic from her. He found the lights from spells to be comforting as well as using them to help his sister relax
-Held a fascination with flowers and kept a small bunch growing behind the barn. Would go to them, pretending to do chores only to sit amongst them and care for them.
-Full of curiosity and wonder, he wanted to know everything and anything. Would listen to his elders while also listening to spirits and memories of the Fade. Considered both his people and the Fade to be his home
-Nothing truly scared him, even when other children tried to spook him. He would laugh it off, only to pay them back later with an even more elaborate prank
-Could not sit still, had to move and had to be doing something. Could always find him running around his elder’s legs or hanging onto their hands, giggling while also asking so many questions.
-Spent most of her time by her mother’s side, treated like a little lady. Hated it and made sure people knew she did. Tried to sneak away from parties many times but was always caught.
-Loved following Anthony around, having sword fights with him wherever they were and being reprimanded for ruining her dress
-Treatment didn’t change when their uncle, Vestalus, took them in. Cass was constantly treated to simply be an ornament and hated it. Grew closer to her brother and became thrilled with his stories of his hunts and showed her how to properly wield a sword
The Iron Bull
-Clever and always thinking, he’d follow orders but in his own way while barely toeing the line. Why else would they name a child “one who thinks” and “one who creates illusion”?
-Caring towards the other children while also showing what he could do, he made himself the responsible one of his group and made sure they were treated with fairness and well as cared for.
-But man, did my boy love sassing people. He would find a way to make his opinion known but also make it so that he couldn’t get in trouble for it. And being bigger than most, he knew how to throw his weight as well as his words to get others to back down.
-(spoiled little rich boy hates his life- IM KIDDING) Was a sucker for approval, whether it be from his parents or other higher up nobles. Liked to be the center of attention but knew not to be if it was something bad he did.
-Though his father and mother weren’t exactly caring to him (made sure he was living at least), he found comfort in conversing with the servants and listening to drama from his home to whatever noble was having fancies for a barmaid.
-Knew he was hot shit when his magical abilities were shown and especially at such skill for a young child. His mother grew his interest in beautiful things while his father gave him books and tomes, anything he wanted as long as he listened.
-Angsty teen. No, but seriously. Life didn’t treat her so well, with Sera believing herself neither elf nor human and constantly being chased for stealing things. Pulled pranks on others to make them angry, knowing it as the only way to find entertainment
-After being adopted by Lady Emmald, Sera would act suspicious of her and unsure if she could trust her. Took ages but eventually opened up and acted more goofy and told jokes to Lady Emmald who’d teach her some jokes as well.
-Trusted Lady Emmald so much that when she grew sick and passed away, Sera thought of it as betrayal and that she left her behind. Tried for ages to make cookies just like hers but it only made her frustrated.
-Grew up on a farm with only him and his mother to look after. Was also considered a rowdy child and always running this way and that looking for fun.
-Somewhat understood responsibility but also found it boring. Rushed to finish his chores so that he could play with other children, usually having fake sword fights or wrestling. Loved acting as the toughest and bravest of the bunch while also acting kind to any girls
-Mama’s boy. His mother doted on him but would also make sure when he knew he was in the wrong or in trouble. Would have him apologize if he broke someone’s fence or give him extra chores as punishment. Though he’d grumble, he would still learn and try to do better for her
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dead-set-goat · 28 days
Character Introduction time!!
Still have not decided on a final design, but I’ve been putting off showing her for way too long! So here she is:
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The main character of a story I’m trying to build, Tanya (as she’s also know) is a young woman trying to find hope for the future in her anxiety-riddled, yet bluntly mundane life. Living with her mother and younger sister who she feels do not quite get her, Tatiana tries to get a little something out of her free time before she finally swallows her demons and enrolls to an University.
From programming her way up to making her own videogame to toying with the family’s car and whatever other appliances don’t get much use, you couldn’t deny that she’s quite capable when it comes to the tech-side of things. Not that she thinks it’s anything worth noting as her mother insists that to be worth something you’d have to join some, at least respectable, University ASAP.
But besides the cold she feels at home, outside’s maybe even worse. She doesn’t have almost any real friends. Secondary school was rough, as it is for most, but paired with troubles at home and general sensitivity on her part, she’s still having a hard time recovering. A great reason for which she feel she isn’t ready for such a big change in her life, even if it may be for the better.
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But anyway, she likes it or not, she’ll have to throw herself out there because by some ridiculous bullshit sci-fi magic that none shall explain, she ends up, while on a walk to do the shopping, in this ridiculous fantasy world in which she’ll finally feel like her skills might amount to something after all!
In short, in this parallel world she finds herself in, while technological advancements had taken place at some point, by events long gone, the society was massively set back and the knowledge that remains is guarded tightly and spread between few disciples across the world. In short, the people must stay blind and faithful… Yet here she comes, from lands unknown, with quite some knowledge on the mystical devices given by the gods, she must be some sort of messiah! Kinda’ puts some pressure on…
Here’s some themes I came up with:
^This is supposed to be her theme condensed along with the intro of the story
^the original theme I came up with at random that basically inspired this whole world. Should reflect the major religion governing this world as well as the looming threat of a great empire assimilating the surrounding “backwards” kingdoms (Will rework this)
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Concept art for the world elements
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And her. Seen in the second image, she is hiding from cult members who probably don’t mean well.
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3 other variants. Would appreciate if you would let me know which of the 5 designs you like most for her (Personally I am fond of the two i posted first but still hard to decide…)
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Aaaand the og worldbuilding concepts!
This world will be saved under the #CKnight tag!
AND ALSO if you have random question about/for her, my asks are open and they’d help me develop her!
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dufferpuffer · 19 days
what types of books do you think remus would be into, if any? i see a lot of people tend to view him as a big fan of ancient greek/roman literature or just classics in general and while i do like the idea I'm very curious on what your thoughts would be about it.
Remus book taste HC:
Mysteries, Murders, Detectives - the occasional Spy or Sci-fi... the occasional sweet romance, and the occasional cheap smut. He likes stories of regular, unassuming people being clever and righteous, going on adventures - and getting to know others on a deep, personal level, even if it is just to 'read' them for a case. Non-Fiction - especially when he was a kid - especially magical.
For comics he likes comedy and children's adventures (not heroes)
More below:
I do think he is a bit of a bookworm. It's something quiet to do between jobs, while traveling, while resting (when it isn't too exhausting to read) that takes his mind off of reality for awhile. Being unable to make friends as a kid he probably read a lot then, too.
His father working - his Muggle mother was likely home taking care of him and homeschooling him, so he would be very familiar with Muggle authors, though his dad would have passed down Wizarding stories too. I like to think his mother, an imaginative woman, enjoyed them just as much. They left out any story with a Big Bad Wolf.
I think he would have always struggled a little with stories about friends going on adventures (The Famous Five/The Secret Seven, that sort of thing) - but have loved them the most. The idea of a group of friends going on adventures, solving mysteries was just... an impossible dream. Reading them was bittersweet.
For similar reasons - superhero stories didn't fully appeal. Someone having secret powers, or transforming, wearing a costume so nobody could recognize them... it just didn't hit for him. It felt a little sad that they had to hide themselves, too... that they had to work so hard just because they had a 'responsibility' to keep others safe.
With a dad whose job was studying non-beings, and probably took him out on adventures to find little Dark Creatures and such - He would have devoured non-fiction. Especially magical non-fiction. Seeing the world made him feel more connected with it - and he could talk to his dad about stuff when he was home.
He has a slight taste for the morbid, the dark, the spooky - it's what his life is after all. There's catharsis in engaging with terror when you're in control of it for once, when it is just a story. Spooky stories - as he got older, proper mysteries became his favourite. Agatha Christie is a beloved Muggle author and his mother jumped on the chance to introduce him, as cliche as that is. (It was something Albus picked up on - and shared with him. Agatha was just a little younger than him, and he was rather enamored with her publishing's as they were coming out - he has a personal collection of first editions.)
He stuck with mystery's as he got older, too - the best part about them was they were often about an unassuming hero, a simple detective or a lovely old lady, working largely on their own to do the right thing. Using their minds and never quite trusting anyone. THAT speaks to him far more than any superhero.
Muggle sci-fi could be fun, as could Spy novels... ...But his guilty pleasure, one that physically hurts him to read in the MOST bittersweet way, is romance. Romance and Porn. He rarely does it - it's embarrassing, for one thing - but he longs for connection... and the constant "Wife strangled her husband to death" of murder stories can get depressing.
Sometimes he wants to read about an awkward, stern but thoughtful guy falling for a simple, bubbly dame... he can experience a little bit of love and romance in his life, though he knows its impossible. Sometimes he also wants to read about a flock of Veela fucking the absolute brains out of an unsuspecting captured researcher, too.
With all the stereotypes of "Werewolf libido" (which are not true) he feels guilty engaging with his sexuality at all... stories about men being able to safely let go, lose control and be looked after are a weakness.
He was caught once reading a romance novel at school - and was teased for it by his friends. They'd all look at raunchy magazines together, they were teens. He pretended to be less interested. "Come on Moony - isn't it close to Full Moon? Where's your fire?!" Just another jeer he shook his head at... and worried whether or not the stereotypes were true. He should push it all down, just in case...
... I don't really see the 'classic literature' or 'Roman/Greek' angle. Why? To make him seem smart? He reads old plays from an ancient Muggle period - and 'the classics'...? What enjoyment does he get from that? Like where does that specifically piece into his character? I can see him enjoying some classics, and enjoying some Roman stuff, sure - but he never comes across as a history buff. He comes across as a lonely nerd.
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melanielocke · 2 years
Book recommendations - Queer POC books
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Some more book recommendations, this time I'm focusing on Queer PoC books, all by authors of color. All the books shown in the picture are UK editions. I generally like it when books have a UK paperback edition because they're a lot cheaper than US hardcovers, usually also cheaper than US paperbacks, and release the same week as the US hardcover. I don't think these editions are always available if you live in North America, but to those living in Europe, buying UK editions can save you a lot of money. Other parts of the world I honestly don't know which editions are easiest to come by. Only downside for UK editions is that sometimes there are some with a redesigned cover that is very ugly. Of the books shown here, only the Witchery has a different cover than the US edition but in this case I like both.
Starting with this Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron
This is a duology, the second and last book was released last June and so this is a complete series. It is inspired by Greek mythology, and specifically, the myth of Medea, and follows Briseis, who was adopted and inherits an estate from her aunt whom she never met. Briseis has always been able to make plants grow, and is immune to poisonous plants, and at the estate she discovers her birth family had these same gifts, and they keep a garden with some of the most poisonous plants in the world. This book has some great characters, and Briseis was adopted and raised by two sapphic Black mothers, who also play a big role in this series. This series has also served as inspiration for the Lightwood's magic garden in Flowers Bloom
Also by this author: Cinderella is Dead, which I'd also recommend, the Vanquishers, a MG which I did not read
Upcoming books: My Dear Henry, a Jekyll & Hide retelling (3-2023); You're not Supposed to Die Tonight, a slasher horror (6-2023)
Next up is Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
This is a sapphic love story with a MC of Indian decent. At New Years's Eve, just before midnight, Ash is hit by a car and dies instantly. She gets the offer to become a reaper, who guide the city's dead to their afterlife. But Ash can't forget Poppy, her girlfriend, and will do anything to get to see her again.
I haven't seen a lot of people talk about this book, but I really enjoyed it. The main focus is the romance here, and it's more romance with a fantasy aspect to it than fantasy.
Other books by this author: there are several other older books, none of which I've read
Upcoming books: The Mermaid of Black Rock (9-2023), a sapphic book about a girl with no memory found in the sea and a girl who falls in love with her
The Jasmine Throne is the only adult series I put in this list (the rest is YA), and is a fantasy trilogy set in an India inspired world. Book 1 and 2 are out now.
Malini is a princess who is imprisoned in an old temple by her dictator brother, an emperor obsessed with religious ideas revolving women gaining purity and immortality by being burnt alive. Malini refused to burn for his sake.
Priya is a maidservant who travels to the temple every night to clean Malini's chambers. Before her land was conquered by Malini's family, Priya was a temple child, and she had passed through the magical deathless waters once, but all the temple children were murdered except a few who survived and she has to hide her past.
Malini and Priya eventually start working together, with the goal of restoring the throne to Malini's other, oldest brother who'd abandoned the throne to become a priest.
Other books by this author: The Books of Ambha duology, adult fantasy, and What Souls are Made of, a YA Wuthering Heights retelling
Upcoming books: Book 3 of the series, scheduled for 2023, currently no release date known
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas is one of my personal favorites of this year. It's the first book in a YA fantasy duology set in a world inspired by Mexican culture. In this world, the sunbearer trials are held every ten years to replenish the energy of the sol stones and keep the sun alive and evil gods at bay. Ten demigods (called semidioses) are chosen by Sol to compete in a set of trials. The winner becomes the Sunbearer and gets to replenish the sol stones. The loser becomes a human sacrifice that is necessary to replenish said stones.
Semidioses are divided in gold and jade categories, depending on if their parent is a gold or jade god. Gold gods are the most powerful gods, ruling over things like the earth, the seas, fire etc, while jade gods are considered less powerful and their children too. There haven't been any jade competitors in the Sunbearer trials in over a century, but that year, two are chosen.
Teo is the transgender son of Quetzal, the goddess of birds, and he never expected to be chosen for the trials. The other jade is Xio, the son of Mala Suerte, god of bad luck. The other 8 competitors are all gold semidioses, including Teo's best friend Niya, daughter of Tierra, god of the Earth and the twin children of the fire goddess, Aurelio and Auristela. Compared to many of the others, Teo does not have a lot of powers and will have to fight with everything he has to survive.
The fantasy world in this book is modern second world, so while everything is different from this world, there are equivalents of instagram and tiktok for example, and they have trading cards featuring different semidiose heroes.
Other books by the author: Cemetery Boys, Lost in the Never Woods, I've read both and they're very good
Upcoming books: book 2 of the sunbearer trials (expected in 2023), companion/sequel to Cemetery Boys (fall 2024), untitled book pitched as gay titanic in space (2024), Just Max (a contemporary set in college, 2024).
I don't think it's likely there'll be 3 books coming out in 2024 but that's the information I currently have
The last book in the picture is the Witchery by S. Isabelle
This book features four witches and two human boys. Logan only recently found out she's a witch and transferred to a school for witches, and so far she's no good at it. But she's taken under the wing by the Red Three, three Black witches and the most powerful witches at the school. Thalia, a greenwitch, Iris, a deathwitch and Jailah, the most powerful witch at school, want to end the curse that's plaguing their town, and want Logan's help to do it.
Every year, there's a Haunting Season during which wolves come out of the swamp and kill people. The witches can protect people, to some extent, but the Red Three want to end the Haunting Season once and for all.
This book has a total of 6 POV's, which can make it confusing but I think it worked well. All the characters were interesting, but there wasn't enough space to flesh them all out as much as I would have liked. Still, I think the story was great, and would recommend it. There's not much focus on romance, but Jailah is a lesbian which is why I included it on this list.
Other books by this author: The Witchery is her first book
Upcoming books: another book is expected to be released in 2023. I have no idea what this book is about
Let me know if there are specific recommendations you'd like me to cover next time, I think I'll make more posts like these because it's lots of fun. Also, if you've read any of the books I recommend and want to talk about it, let me know, because I don't have a lot of people to talk about my favorite books with
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @bottomdelioncourt @ikissedsmithparker
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icey--stars · 1 year
Born For Tragedy: Part 9
Series Index
She was tragedy. Nothing except death, fear and pain followed in her wake. When she was young, she was beaten. Now she’s the one doing the beating as an assassin. A mysterious stranger comes to her, paying an absurd amount of money for her to kill Beron Vanserra, and protect the eldest son until the job is done. She stumbles across a story much similar to her own, and knows what must be done.
a/n: alright, lets review cus its been a bit rq: eris and val have decided they will attempt to kill beron at the calanmai ball- three days after calanmai. valda plans to pose as a nobility for the ball. (and lady merle, eris's mother, will be making the dress :D) also val is eris's "personal servant" now lmao
WARNING: some light mentions of sexual preferences. also, eris is a bit affected by calanmai, and his advances are unwelcome. he snaps out of it quickly though :)
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Luckily, the servants in the Forest House do get Calanmai as a holiday, so Valda was free to wander the cleared out areas for the bonfires and celebration. The celebration in the Spring Court had been massive, and everybody everywhere went to celebrate. Around the manor, it was the biggest, as the Great Rite occurred there. She wondered how Beron does the Great Rite. Gods, it seemed wrong to think about that.
In the morning of Fire Night, Valda made sure she was strapped with daggers galore. Her identity would be hidden well amongst the crowd, so she could slip more weapons in. Especially since she didn’t plan on participating in the more sexual parts of Calanmai. She’d participated once, with some black haired male that’d been visiting from the Winter Court. It wasn’t a bad experience, per se, but it wasn’t that good either. She preferred choosing her partners, and taking the lead with them, both of which she couldn’t do on Fire Night.
“You don’t seem too ecstatic about this holiday,” Eris noted, walking up behind her. Valda turned mildly to see Eris dressed nicer than usual. A white dress shirt paired with a deep, blood red vest and black slacks. She had to admit he did look quite good. She was just dressed in a black turtleneck, black leathers and a knee-length skirt to hide her weapons.
“I spent forty-nine years in the place where this holiday was at its height,” Valda answered. “The Spring Court makes this much too big a deal.”
“Not traveling anywhere interesting?”
“No reason,” she responded. “Where would I go?”
“Fair,” Eris hummed.
“Where is the Great Rite held here?” She asked curiously. “I have yet to see a big cave.”
“Ah,” Eris said. “Seeing as the Maiden has been chosen the same for quite a long time, they do a chase instead of choosing at a cave’s entrance.”
That did make sense, but Valda felt a bit bad for Lady Merle. She was truly at the whims of her husband.
“I suppose you’ll have to complete the Great Rite the old fashioned way when you’re High Lord,” Valda chuckled. “Oh what fun. Perhaps I’ll visit to see the chaos. And you unhinged.”
“I will not be unh-”
“Tell that to the magic the High Lord faces. It’s nothing compared to the magic in the air normally,” Valda snickered.
Eris sighed in defeat. “Are you participating?” He finally asked, changing the topic after a moment of silence.
“No,” Valda stated. “I’ll watch.”
“Oh really? To think I would’ve guessed Prythian’s best assassin would’ve loved these types of parties,” Eris teased.
“Shut your trap,” she scolded lightly at his careless mention of her title. “I used to like them, now they just give me off feelings,” she admitted. 
Eris rolled his eyes. “My mother agreed to find a dress,” he admitted. “She’s very interested in who I’ve deigned to invite personally.”
Valda scoffed. “I’ll just morph my features a bit with some makeup and it’ll be a flawless show.”
A little flare of fire went up in the air, cutting Eris off. He grumbled. “That’s Hue telling me it's time to light the fires.”
Valda rolled her eyes. “Do enjoy your night, general.”
“You too assassin,” Eris winnowed away and Valda elected to slump against an oak tree to watch the bonfires be lit.
The sky began to darken and almost too soon, it was time for the Great Rite to begin. Valda watched the intermingling of fae from atop her little hill. She was able to easily catch sight of Beron and Lady Merle. The latter was dressed in almost nothing amongst the fire light. The “hunt” or “chase” as Eris called it, began. Beron was freed from whatever daze he’d been in when Merle began to sprint away.
That’s when the true celebration began as music lifted higher and higher than before, and fae began dancing, or some ran off into the woods for a bit of fun. One couple came a bit too close to Valda, so she wrapped her darkness around herself and winnowed a little ways down the hill. The wind shifted and she huffed as she lost the scents of the celebration and instead gained the oak, dogwood smells that she normally smelled out here.
There was a shift in the magic filling the air and everyone paused for a moment and accepted what that meant. The Maiden had been caught and spring had arrived. Valda snickered as she saw Jax struggling to manage three females vying for his attention. Ah, but Eris was probably worse, she guessed. She stood up a bit taller to try and spot the Autumn Heir.
“There you are,” a voice said from behind her. "I've been looking for you."
She tensed and whirled around, dagger already drawn from her thigh as she faced whoever had snuck up on her.
She did not expect a particular red-haired fae to be standing there, looking a bit more unkempt than usual.
Eris stalked forward, pupils blown wider than usual. Valda tsked and narrowed her eyes.
“Eris, I do believe you should be down there with the other celebrators.”
“I should be here with you,” he hissed. Valda knew that males, especially powerful ones, could be affected by the magic that filled the air on Fire Night, but she never imagined Eris Vanserra to be here, stalking towards her.
Valda took a step back when he got too close and he didn’t hesitate to take another two towards her. His eyes were fixed lower than her face and she knew exactly what the male was staring at on her chest.
“Get your head out of your ass,” she snapped, still holding her dagger in one hand.
“Oh but darling, I could make you feel so good-”
Valda’s breath hitched as Eris finally stepped into her space and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Eris, take a step back,” she ordered clearly. “Or I’ll take off your hand.”
“What could a precious little fox like you do to me? I’ll take good care of you sweetheart.” Eris’s hand tightened on her shoulder and she wrenched it away from him.
Precious little fox?! She thought, appalled. Did Eris have alcohol? This could not just be the magic speaking. He didn’t say things like this.
“I’ll coax you into it…” Eris purred. “I’ll protect you sweet thing.”
Valda slapped his hand away with her free hand and bared her teeth. “Back off,” she commanded.
Eris took another step and Valda promptly held up her dagger at his throat. “I said no,” she growled. “Back off.”
Eris’s blown pupils stared at hers for a few moments before she pressed the blade a bit closer, taking a step to the side. “Snap out of it,” she snapped. “You are Eris Vanserra, the general and heir of the Autumn Court and you’re acting like a fool!” He reached his head forward as if he was going to kiss her.
She raised her other hand again and slapped him across his face hard. His head snapped to the side and Valda pushed forward again, forcing him back towards a tree trunk. How was she going to get this idiot out of this state or at least away from her?
Eris’s breathing was ragged and then a hand pushed the blade away from his throat and he looked at her. His pupils looked to be a normal size now, but he still looked incredibly, incredibly dazed. His knees were weak when Valda took a hesitant step back and he only just barely managed to catch himself.
“Have you snapped out of it, asshole?” Valda asked, threatening raising her palm again, prepared to slap him.
Eris raised a palm as a shield and curled his other hand over his mouth and chin. “Fuck,” he muttered.
Valda relaxed at that. It looked as if he’d come back to himself. “How much have you had to drink?” She asked. “That was incredibly odd.”
“It was,” he agreed raggedly, and stood up straight, not leaning against the tree trunk. “I apologize for that. That was… horrible of me.”
Well, at least he was sensible now. She sighed, and slid her dagger back into her sheath. “Does the magic normally affect you like that?”
“No,” he replied. “Not normally. I only had a bit of alcohol. Almost nothing.”
Valda nodded and hummed. “Perhaps you need to head back to the house to rest, Eris.”
His breathing hitched when she uttered his name and she narrowed her eyes. What an odd reaction. He finally looked up to meet her eyes properly. He looked, honest to the Cauldron—awful. The hand he’d raised as a shield went to rake through his auburn locks and the other unbuttoned the first button of his vest and shirt.
She heard the crunching of leaves behind her. Valda’s nostrils flared as she sent her darkness up as a shield.
It smelled intensely of arousal, so she assumed it was just a couple passing through. Eris, however, still refused to breathe properly, even as she softened the darkness around them. It floated slower and more… pillowy than before.
Eris wiped his eyes with his forefinger and thumb and then seemed to make some type of final decision as he leaned against the trunk again, but with more ease in his stature.
“Your darkness is different,” he said aloud, probably trying to shift the conversation away from him toward something else.
She sighed through her nose. “There are different types of darkness, Eris.”
“Tell me about it,” he urged.
She searched his amber eyes for a moment before finally deciding to just let the event in passing go. “It’s hard to describe,” she began. “There is darkness like the type I tend to use, the more rageful and terrifying darkness I can wield with an iron fist, and then there are the types that are softer and calmer. This is one of those types.”
He nodded briefly as acknowledgement. “I should go,” he coughed out.
She hummed. “Don’t make me put a knife to your neck again,” she stated. A warning, a threat, that should he decide to try and push his luck again, she wouldn’t be so merciful.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he purred and winnowed out. She huffed and pulled her darkness inside again, and shook the electrical tingle she felt going through her. It was odd to feel such a thing. That tingle centered around the points that Eris had touched her, most notably her shoulder. That tickling in her chest made a reappearance. She knew that magic didn’t fully create feelings of wanting, it only heightened them exponentially.
Which meant some very serious things. First, Eris clearly had something for her, which she wasn’t completely unaware of. She was well aware that she had some features that were desirable. He had many as well, and she knew it.
Second, it meant that Eris cared about her. “I’ll protect you sweet thing.” She didn’t know how to feel about that. She might’ve given Eris the clear indication that those sorts of things were prohibited, but in all honesty, she’d never had someone offer to protect her. The tingling on her shoulder increased tenfold when she considered the implications of that. He’d tried to kiss her; what the hell did that mean?
She shook her head and swore loudly. No, she needed these thoughts out of her headspace. She had someone very important to kill soon, and she needed her head about her for it. She did not need to get distracted by all the clear evidence that said that Eris cared for her. She needed it out.
Valda huffed as she entered the Forest House again, sitting on that bed and swiftly putting her daggers in their designated places.
One thought kept her awake for the entire night though.
Eris cared for, and she couldn’t help but care for him in the same way.
Whether that be just caring to kill off his demons and take the heat for it, or much, much more. Eris was a desirable male.
But she was an assassin. A killer for hire. She did not deserve to even consider the implications of liking Eris, or even the aspect of considering him a potential lover. She’d failed to protect her previous lover, and she did not deserve a second chance from anyone. Her failure rested squarely on her shoulders, and she knew that. She had to pay for it everyday. She deserved to love nobody.
Not even that somebody was an attractive heir of the Autumn Court and soon-to-be High Lord.
She grit her teeth at that thought. He was going to be a High Lord. He might pretend to want her around, but he could not be interacting with assassin rubbish like her for long. He’d get his wits about him soon enough. She just had to make sure that during the Calanmai ball, she had her head screwed on tightly, and was able to bolt and never give him the chance to try and keep her around.Yes, that would work, she decided in the early light of morning.
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TAGLIST (see post for getting added)
@bunnymallowo, @officiallyunofficialperson, @margssstuff, @rebloggiest-reblogger, @inpraizeof, @graciereads, @eos-princess, @imma-too-many-fandoms, @mali22, @sassybluebird, @bubybubsters,
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 year
ouattober2023 Day 11: Girl Power
This is the OUaT prompt, so many moments, scenes, relationships, full episodes come to mind. So let me present what I like to call the Belle's Angels moments.
Belle alone is a great character for girl power moments. But look at what happens when she gets teamed up. :3
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2x11 The Outsider One of the flashback episodes for Belle. She's having an adventure! And she's pissing big dudes off by being a smartypants (I love her). Luckily Mulan is there. Who appreciates Belle being a know-it-all, after being very irritated at first. Books can be useful and sometimes monster are people, too. An important lesson. They even trade their signature weapons for a moment.
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3x07 Dark Hollow First off all, such a good beginning for Belle and talking about why she was left behind when the others sailed off (also that cloaking spell would have fit with the S2 storyline of hiding from the real world and not make it about Pan). She is so down on herself and Ariel is a hilarious partner to bounce off of. Optimistic, curious, but ultimately a bit clueless. Hilarious team-up. Yet, of course the word "love" comes up and Belle is invested in that right away. (Honestly, tell this woman your quest is either about love or has to do with beasts and she's in, it's scary.)
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4x06 Family Business Somehow teaming up Belle and Anna seems so logical. They both dream about adventures and then get into situations. Wildly different ways of solving problems though, but together there is one functioning braincell and the biggest ever heart. Love that for them. (They should have started their trip by using the sauna though. Also a trip to the gym would help.) I do like that the topic of Belle not seeing herself as a hero comes up again, now paired with a different lady. It's also hilarious knowing how Anna just met Rumple (and successfully stole from him) and warns Belle about him. Well... Bonding over dead mothers (parents) is very Disney of them.
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5x06 The Bear and the Bow Getting kidnapped/chained-up is a thing for Belle (ask around, so many instances), why not add one more as a first meeting? I hope Merida and Mulan can talk about their vastly different experiences they've had with "meeting Belle on the wrong foot first". It's kinda funny. Except Belle probably won't laugh. If there ever was a character desperately in need of having someone with a brain beside her, it's definitely Merida and it's hilarious how Belle is willing to help. We can also talk about the timeline and wonder once more, because when Belle and Merida are in the witch's hut, where is the wolf??
Okay, you may have noticed I kinda skipped something, because in a way it's a two-part punch. The other eps has Belle meet the girls for a brief moment mostly or just this one story beat. But then there are also:
2x04 The Crocodile and 2x07 Child of the Moon Because with Ruby it hits different. First Ruby helps Belle a bit (finding a purpose, but also a bed for the night; ending with driving the getaway car from the mines) and then in reverse Belle tries to help Ruby during an uncertain wolfstime (oh look, she gets chained up as a thanks).
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This is what was missing from Belle's life - a steady friend(ship). Is there anything as heartbreaking as Ruby visiting Belle in the hospital in 2x13 Tiny? Meaningful friend moments over three different episodes. And oh, the things they could have solved together! True Girl Power Couple!! (Belle is the most proficient magic-user without being a witch and she can use a strong bodyguard.)
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desthebolt · 1 year
HIIIII! Hope you are doing well! I saw art of your characters, and I want to hear about them! I am specifically talking about the autistic vampire, because I saw that in the reference art and got so excited!!! You don’t have to reply, but as an autistic vampire enthusiast and lover of monsters in general, I would LOVE to hear more!
Sincerely, your local lurker
I AM SO SORRY im answering this like, um (checks calendar)… almost 7 months later… but hey!!! I am SO TOUCHED you wanna hear about my ocs :,) i will proceed to info dump and not shut up about them! I actually have multiple autistic vampire ocs, but im gonna assume you’re talking about Bhala! (Her ref is the only one i think that actually says she’s autistic) Anyway, ramble under read more :3c
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I have a graphic novel im working on behind the scenes, and Bhala is one of the two main protagonists. She’s a cosmic witch that was freshly turned into a vetaala vampire. (Vetaal/Vetaala are a possessive ghost in indian folklore, they are restless spirits that can manifest as blood sucking ghosts or possess dead bodies). For the story, i made a pseudo hybrid between vetaal and regular flavor vampire. Bhala’s body is actually a shell/physical ghost form of what her body looked like (only now with fangs). Her real physical body is dead and buried. In folklore, the only way to banish/kill a vetaala creature is by taking the original body and performing a ritual to put the restless soul/spirit at ease. This is the same for my story, so vetaala vampires are almost completely un-killable. Most in the story hide their bodies in different countries to almost guarantee eternal life. They still need to feed off blood and souls to keep up their vitality, otherwise they become ravenous and beastly.
Bhala literally doesn’t care about any of that, she didn’t want to be this way. She tries her best to not feed off people, but she has to. She gets used to it further and further into the story, and a lot of that is thanks to her gf that she meets in the beginning of the story; Fiona (thats another ramble if anyone cares /j)
Anyway a lil more about Bhala- She’s a ray of sunshine and very sweet and compassionate, with a lil layer of sass and cleverness. She loves to tease Fiona (affectionately) and isn’t afraid to speak her mind (and throw hands if necessary). Her hyper fixation is woodland animals, specifically skunks. She owns a skunk plush that her mother made for her when she was a toddler. It is her snuggle buddy when she’s not snuggling Fiona. She even learned how to sew specifically to keep her plush, named Flower, together. If you ask her what her favorite animal is, she will talk about skunks for hours (Fiona will do this sometimes just to hear her talk)
Bhala loves jewelry and always has it on (she doesn’t really feel pain, so why not?). She also grew up playing the cello and acoustic bass. Normally, she resents most activities she had to take a part of growing up with her father, but she genuinely loves music. It helps her calm down and focus.
She fidgets A LOT, mostly with her claws, but sometimes with her jewelry and even her magical cosmic hair (which leads into a baby astral plane… which she uses as storage instead of a backpack). She does have real hair, it’s just hidden underneath the cosmic magic (she has long thick black box-braids :3)
Her powers at the start of the story aren’t that great, her father was keeping her from learning real cosmic magic. After leaving and moving in with Fiona, they find Bhala’s mother, who properly trains her in magic. By the end of the story, she’s not a master, but she’s still extremely powerful (cosmic magic is some powerful shit in this story)
She is unapologetically black/punjabi/kashmiri and a powerful trans woman, and oh boy she is a BIG lesbian. she likes them short
I think thats it for the ramble, feel free to ask me anything else! I am more than happy to info dump about my ocs :3 !!!!
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tinycoded360 · 4 months
Cursed to a Foreign Land
Author Note: So, while I work on finishing my other WIP/working on the next chapters to stuff, I decided to pull out a rough draft I had sitting in my draft folder. I wrote this when the game House of Ash came out. I just never got around to fixing it up and posting it. So this is a work of fanfiction about a borrower child that gets magically transported to Iraq. He is found by my favorite character, Salim. I broke up into smaller parts. You should be fine with reading this without any knowledge of the game. If there is mention of vampires, Zeddle will also be confused too. (He doesn't even know what a vampire is) I hope you enjoy it!
"Zeddle, don't wander too far!" his mother's voice echoed from their hidden home. "I won't, mom!" he called back. He was a responsible ten-year-old borrower boy, and today, like every day, he was helping his family gather supplies and caring for his two younger sisters, Flare and Varsha. His family lived in a big borrower colony deep in a lush forest. Zeddle had only heard stories of humans; he’d never seen the bigger counterpart. His home was hidden away from human civilization. Humans never ventured that deep into the wilderness. The only danger they had besides wild animals was the threat of a giant witch of woods. It was said the witch looked like a human and was probably the reason, that kept humans out. Unfortunately, the Witch of the Woods had little love for the tiny people and would often curse them, or borrowers would go missing to never be seen again. Zeddle was always told to run and hide if he encountered this danger.
While foraging for food and materials for his parents and keeping an eye on his younger siblings, Zeddle felt the air around him go cold.
Suddenly, a twisted figure emerged from the shadows – the giant witch of the woods. "Well, well, what have we here?" she crooned, her voice dripping with malice. "Ah, what a delicious morsel you are," she cackled, her voice like nails on a chalkboard. She towered over Zeddle. Zeddle turns to his sisters. “Run!” Zeddle shouted to his little sisters. The twins turned and booked it back home. Zeddle turned to distract the Witch from his sisters. “Hey, down here, you ugly hag!” The Witch sneered at him, waved a gnarled hand over him, and, with an evil grin, whispered, "Begone!" Suddenly, everything went dark, and Zeddle felt his body being tossed through space. When he landed, he found himself dangling from strings tied to his limbs. Zeddle's heart hammered in his tiny chest as the strings cut into his wrists and ankles. The hot desert sun beat down on him, leaving him sunburnt and parched. His mouse-skin shirt and pants felt way too warm for this weather. He had no idea where the witch had sent him. Around him towered massive humans, their thunderous voices booming in a language he could not comprehend. Zeddle craned his neck, peering around the stall that held him captive. Rows of lifeless puppets surrounded him, their dead eyes and frozen smiles taunting him. He had to get free before one of the giants noticed he was alive. Zeddle twisted his wrists, wincing as the strings dug deeper. It was no use. He was bound too tightly. A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead as he watched the giants meander past. Zeddle's mind raced. How would he get back home? Did his family even know he was missing? He thought of his little sisters Flare and Varsha, how frightened they must be. A lump formed in his throat.
Chapter 2
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isleofdarkness · 1 year
This is all assumptions but...
Rose Red is Red Riding Hood, isn't she? That's why Snow, of all people, adopted the Big Bad Wolf's children, right?
But who is their biological mother? Is it- is it Rose Rose...? I wouldn't be too surprised considering what the Big Bad Wolf represents in the fairy tales he's in and the obvious predatory metaphor in Little Red Riding Hood. How old is everyone, again?
Or are they from "The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats"? They are seven children after all and apparently, there's a version where they're kids instead of goats.
I honestly just want to know everything about the Nolan family, lol.
Rose Red is Red Riding Hood, yes. And this is gonna get kind of messy.
To start, Rose Red and Snow White are both 43. As the Nolan... seven-tuplets are seventeen, that would put Snow and Rose at 26 when they were born.
Snow White is the mother. Now, let me explain.
Under the wicked stepmother (Grimhilde,) the kingdom was a very unsafe place for magical creatures such as Bigby (the Big Bad Wolf.) He was starving. That doesn't excuse his actions, just explains them. We all know how the story of Red Riding Hood goes. He survived that and the grandmother (Rose and Snow's maternal grandmother,) took pity on him, recognizing his actions as those of a desperate boy, and took him in. Bigby was thirteen at the time, only a year older than Snow and Rose, and he quickly became part of the family despite the earlier issue.
Two years later, the whole Snow White thing happens. For the record, Florian is also fourteen at this point. He is not twenty, he is fourteen just like Snow White. Because this was "old" times, where people got married young, the two did get married at sixteen and joined their kingdoms. But they couldn't have heirs. Why?
Florian is a trans man.
This didn't bother either of them. They figured that, when the time came, they would just adopt an heir. But then, when they were twenty-three, Beast tried to take over their kingdom. They managed to keep him from annexing them but, unless they had a biological heir, they knew it wouldn't stick. Beast wouldn't recognize an adopted heir as having a claim to the crown. So, to keep their people safe and their way of life alive, they needed a biological heir. An heir Beast would need to believe was the biological child of Snow White and Florian.
Bigby looked a lot like Florian, and he was really the only person Snow could trust with this. No strings attached, they'd just go right back to being friends. Which they did. Of course, Snow managing to have six babies from one pregnancy kind of raised some eyebrows, but she insisted that multiple pregnancies ran in her family, which they did, and kept insisting that was why until people left her alone. Now, instead of one heir, she has six- Winter, Blossom, Ambrose, Therese, Darien, and Conner.
(Of course, unbeknownst to her, there was a seventh who would come to name himself Ghost, but Snow didn't know about him for a while. He died during delivery and the midwife chose to hide this from Snow. But that's a story for another time.)
So, to recap
Red was twelve in Red Riding Hood and is forty-three now
Snow was fourteen in her story, sixteen when she got married, twenty-five when she got pregnant, twenty-six when she gave birth, and is forty-three now
Florian was fourteen in Snow White, sixteen when he got married, twenty-five when Snow got pregnant, twenty-six when he became a father, and is forty-three now
Bigby was thirteen in Red Riding Hood, fifteen when Snow became queen, seventeen when Snow got married, twenty-six when Snow asked him for that huge favour, twenty-seven when he also became a father, thirty when he got sent to the Isle, and forty-four now
The six are seventeen now and yes, they know who their biological father is because they also know that Florian is trans. Florian and Bigby are both their "real" fathers. They get two dads and a mom.
Ghost is ageless because he is a ghost, but he identifies as the same age his siblings are.
I am really sorry if this makes zero sense.
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This part of the story is not very heavy in the revenge in itself. When I read reading through some of my old sections, I realized I hadn't actually fleshed out the characters except for a few key points. Oh, I also finally named the city they are in and have an extremely rough draft of the map. Anyway, enough of my ramblings. Please feel free to let me know what you think, points that be made clearer, or anything like that. As always, thank you for reading :)
Ps. The next section will show some of the breakdowns for this world's magic system
Damien and Wryn stood on the wall overlooking a wide grassy plain. The rain had stopped by the time they had arrived at the stairs leading up to the wall and the sunlight made it through the clouds. This caused there to be small patches of the grass to be illuminated, while most were covered in darkness. A strong breeze blew, creating waves in the emerald sea. The pair sat in silence for a while. Wryn's hood was getting caught in the breeze and for a second Damien thought it was going to blow off, finally revealing the stranger's face. It always threatened to, but it never did fall off. 
“Why do you hide your face so much?” Damien asked as he watched the emerald waves crash into part of the wall.
“Why do you choose to live here? There is a vast world out there. Countless sights waiting to be seen, bars to drink at, and pretty women for you to try and swoon. Yet, you've chosen this place. Why?” Wryn asked. 
Neither of them broke their gaze, watching the grass sway in the breeze. The wind was shifting the clouds, giving bright radiant light in some areas only to be snuffed out a second later. Both of them refused to look to their right. That's where the gallows sat. Where they had watched the lives of an innocent, a scoundrel, and a rebel die. Damien let out a long sigh. He turned around looking back to the town inside the walls. The town that was built halfway into and around the base of a sheer rock wall. The similarities between out there and in here were both almost non-existent and completely similar at the same time. 
“I hav- had a wife, once. Rhea,” Damien turned around and found the treeline far off into the distance to the east. “There's a little village, if you can even call it that, way past that treeline. I grew up past it. On a farm. Just me, my father, and mother. I'd play in the forest over there. That's where we met. Just two dumb kids, playing in the forest.”
A tear ran down his cheek, as he continued. 
“Rhea had always talked about Evansguard as this big city. She’d always ask ‘Who wouldn't want to live in a city built into a mountain?’ and I'd always just shake my head. After my mom was killed by those fucks, I ran through the forest and found her in the same place as me. Those assholes took her family and did the same thing to them. We were just teenagers and now we were on our own. We loved each other, but it isn't the same as what we lost,” Damien said, silent tears fell. 
Clouds swirled in the sky as the sunlight patches began being blocked out, one by one. 
“Thankfully there was an inn in that tiny village. The village is called Wandering. We stayed there and thankfully the owner let us work instead of paying for us to stay. The Wandering Inn was our first home. We stayed there for a while, but eventually we had earned enough. She had never once forgotten her dream to live here. I think this place became a haven for her, or her idea of it did anyway. We bought that land the house is on, you know. It was supposed to be our first real home.” The tears had stopped and was slowly replaced with rage. Out in the distance, only a few sunspots remained, leaving inky darkness covering the ground. 
Through all of this, Wryn never took her eyes off the horizon. She took in each word, each syllable, each meaning in complete silence. 
“They give out rewards. If you're willing to be a backstabbing prick to everyone you know, it's apparently a very lucrative business…” Damien's voice trailed off. 
“None of that answers why you've stayed here. Why are any of you staying here? It's a vipers den, each snake willing to eat its own young, its own tail to satiate its hunger. Burn out this viper den. Between the loss of her or part of your sight, you know the venom their fangs bare,” Wryn asked. She had no inflection in her words. They were stiff and mechanical.
Damien just ignored her question, continuing to stare out into the dark sea of grass. A single drop of sunlight was all that poked through the heavens. Clouds swirled and moved but that stream of light refused to be swallowed up. 
“She ran a little seamstress shop in town. She was good. Really good, actually. She had been right. This was a place that we could make a home. A place for us to thrive, despite everything that we had endured. In my lowest points she was my harbor in the storm. I tried to be her lighthouse, to guide her safely home. Do you know what lights can also do? They can bring in the vermin who deserve nothing but pain,” he spat the last words out. 
All that remained in that emerald sea in front of them was a tiny pinprick of light. 
“I did something I regret every day. I had gotten drunk and I let something stupid slip out. It was one fucking sentence. ONE. SENTENCE. WRYN. ‘I've got my eye on all that gold that they're collecting’. It was a drunken boast and it ruined everything.” Damien's words echoed as he screamed it into the plain in front of them as the last little bit of light was snuffed out. The clouds darkened, the breeze changed directions swirling and whipping violently around them. 
Wryn stared out towards the horizon, her cloak and hood billowed in the gusts of wind and her long white hair flew in all directions. Quietly, in a voice void of any emotion she simply said, “Finish it, Damien.”
After a long moment, he took a deep, shuddering breath. “It was one of the guys at the bar. Thorn. Regs Thorn. He was the one feeding drink after drink until I was drunk enough to forget myself. Forgot where I was, and that little rat-faced prick heard that magical sentence. He walked me home and said he didn't want me drowning in a gutter. After he dropped me off, the fuck walked to a guard outpost and told them exactly what I'd said. That's why they cut my eye out. Their captain just laughed, thinking he was the funniest fucking man in existence. They took her Wryn. She swung from the same gallows. But they left me here, alone. A punishment I wouldn't wish on anyone.”
You won't leave her, will you?” Wryn asked. 
“No Wryn. I won't leave her dream.”
In the distance, lightning danced from cloud to cloud, and thunder boomed, as if in agreement from the heavens itself. 
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childotkw · 1 year
i'd also like a top ten list but of your own characters :D I am still intrigued about your original stories and I'd like to know how you rank them and why
Oh god I don’t know if I can contain this to just ten, I’ve had a lot more OG stories crop up over the years that I haven’t spoken about on here 😂 why don’t I do top 3-5 for each?
Aasdfsdgfsdfklgjsd this is so long I'm so sorry 😂😂😂😂
Storm Son Series
Tristan - he is my boy! My son! So earnest, and he wants to be a good ruler to make his mother proud while protecting his friends. He can be reckless and headstrong, but is a natural leader and charismatic. Still young enough to believe in the good of others, a bit naïve and idealistic, but it's endearing. Comes up with crazy plans on the fly, and loves Alden and Sena so much he's ridiculous.
Alden - he’s just…so cool to me. Perpetually responsible, to the point of being obsessive when carrying out his duties. He seems reckless, but he knows his own capabilities so well that any risks he takes are actually calculated down to the finest detail. He is the one that enables Tristan’s crazy plans. He’s got ~hidden trauma~, but loves Tristan and Sena enough to let them in.
Sena - she's very Angry but she’s got Reasons for it. An outcast, she just wants to find her place in the world, and have a family with someone that genuinely loves and respects her. She’s not human, and is insanely strong, to the point where yeeting Alden at an enemy is a move they hone and use regularly. She loves Alden and Tristan and would die to protect them.
Lucas - the cool suave mentor figure. Massive DILF energy. Alden is his protege and thinks he is “all the best parts” of Lucas. Pseudo-father-son relationship on full blast. Lucas has done some bad shit in his past though, and it makes other, older characters very wary and distrusting of him.
Rosen - main villain. He’s clever and dangerous, and can come across as a madman but he’s actually fully in control at all times and that makes it way worse. Calculative and manipulative, he’s all-in in his plots and confident that he can win. Mildly obsessed with Alden because of his undisclosed past with Lucas.
Cassius - if trauma had an associated image it would be his face. This man desperately needs a break. A child soldier, he struggles emotionally to connect with others whenever he tries, and has a lot of identity issues. He loves his twin brother, and though he does a lot of horrible stuff, he's equally messed up by it. He's my punching bag and is a water mage.
Darian - Cassius' twin and number one protector. Can, has and will throw hands to keep his brother safe. Darian is a lot more carefree and emotionally stable, but he also hides a very dark streak. He enjoys fighting, revels in violence and is borderline psychotic with only Cassius existing in his sphere of loved ones. He's a fire mage, and terrifyingly suited to his element.
Cenli - the head of the institute that trains the mages. She's cold and political, using others for her own gain without hesitation. She only wants to protect the institute. Does play a somewhat maternal role for Cassius and Darian but it's a very complex relationship.
Kalim (might be renamed) - high ranking bad dude that's obsessed with Cassius because he saw him do A Grisly Murder once and it tickled his fancy. He's playing 4D chess against everyone and is very hard to predict. Pretty much everyone hates when he's around because they all know he's up to something but they can never prove it.
Trials of Edos
Eli - probably the sweetest all-around character I’d ever write. He’s young, like fourteen, and very much a Classic Hero that wants to save everyone even at cost to himself. Selfless and kind to balance out the absolute magical power he’s packing. Kid could destroy the sun but he won’t because he’s a Good Boy. Needs supervision though because he attracts trouble.
Ariella - a thief with an honour code that means she can’t let Eli throw himself at the Big Bad alone. She gets caught up in the plot and just never leaves. Very confident, very switched-on, very competent. She finds Cayden adorable because he’s trying to be chivalrous and respectful. She enjoys pushing his buttons.
Cayden - a knight from an extinct order that swears loyalty to Eli after he saves him. He’s just a good guy, bit out of touch but genuine. Ariella both terrifies and fascinates him, and they work well together. He’s got a lot of guilt and trauma though, which springs up at the oddest times and makes his friends very protective of him.
Gods and monsters (not officially named)
Ira - disgruntled immortal wizard (think 5000+ years) that is forever in service of the royal family. He’s got Tired Dad energy when interacting with Elana but everyone else just gets a glare. He’s insanely powerful, has a long, long history and Knows A Lot Of Shit because he’s been around for it all. Very Angry at the Gods for Very Valid Reasons.
Elana - Princess-turned-Queen after her father’s death. She’s twelve/thirteen, very inexperienced and has been ‘given’ Ira as her key advisor, but she has no idea who or what he is. Very quickly bonds with him as a father-figure, and wants to uncover all of his secrets. She’s inquisitive and clever but painfully young, and still believes in goodness and fairness and daydreams.
Constance - Elana’s grandmother, former Queen. She’s old and not always aware of what’s happening around her, but she and Ira have a past because he was her key advisor when she was Queen. She’s very respected by her people, but had a vicious streak not many know about.
Ziris - the god of fortune / misfortune. Very young, only about 800 years old. He’s a troublemaker and fickle but if you catch his interest he’ll be ride-or-die for you. Very loyal to his goddess-mother, and is heavily involved in the politics of the Gods. He has a fondness for irritating Ira, and likes Elana.
Dystopian (not officially named)
Piers Erinson - my sad, wet, pathetic son. Someone needs to get this boy some therapy. Very self-destructive, way kinder than you would expect. A member of the DOVEs, which are the elite troops / spies of the Council. He was strong armed into service after a mishap with his old squad, and is the nephew of a hated former DOVE, and traitor. He’s forever trying to escape that shadow, and carries a lot of guilt over what happened to his squad. He would die for Etta, his DOVE partner - and tries to multiply times but she just won’t let him.
Etta Litman - my daughter! Badass lady, 10/10 want to be her friend. Etta was part of Piers’ squad when The Thing happened. She saw him spiralling and joined up with DOVE to keep an eye on him, essentially threw herself to the wolves to protect him from the system and all the corrupt people. She’s very patient, supportive and empathetic to Piers, seeing him as a surrogate younger brother. Anyone else can get fucked in her eyes. She’s super protective of him and will punch anyone who insults him at the drop of a hat.
Dacre Cygnet - rebel, wants to fight the Council and the system and probably God too. Very manipulative, often lies to even his friends if it’ll get him what he wants (and he might even feel bad about it). Blinded by his mission and fully willing to go through people if they stand in his way. Feels many things all at once towards Piers that he cannot compute because he’s a bit of an asshole, very much a “you are the only person I’d hesitate to shoot, please don’t use that against me” kinda deal. They’re on opposite sides technically but he pines.
Marie Fowlep - Piers and Etta’s mentor in DOVE. She had a history with Piers’ uncle, and you can’t tell if she wants to keep Piers safe or wants to use him until he breaks. Doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body but would go to bat for her kids operatives. She’s a “the ends justify the means” kind of lady. Can be very mean.
Rust and Ruin
Mikol - youngest child of Emperor Bendek and Royal Consort Anilise. He’s aware from a young age of the shitty position his mother (and he) have in Otrar’s court and feels a deeper connection to her as both of them were considered ‘outsiders’ due to their features. After his mother died, Mikol spent the next nine years in his mother’s country as a ward, and grew to be a cunning, quick-witted and strong leader. He travelled all over, joined the army, learning as much as he could about how badly his family ruled, and eventually returned to Otrar. He’s an ambitious little fucker and doesn’t get along with his older siblings, especially his oldest half-brother Leonil.
Orryn - born in Troam Siana, the isle of the Ashri (those capable of different types of magic), he was quickly singled out as a new type of Ashri (called Okaeti - capable of energy manipulation). He grew lonely though as the only Okaeti, and made his way to Otrar. Decades later he’s still there, acting as an advisor to the royal family but growing increasingly frustrated with how they govern. He was close friends with Anilise and grows to care for Mikol.
Anilise - the daughter of the King of Evaria, she was forced to marry Emperor Bendek after their country was conquered. Anilise was fifteen, completely isolated in a foreign, hostile court, and essentially forced to breed over and over because the Empress could not carry more children herself. She’s quiet and subdued, treated more as an ornament than a person. Anilise birthed four children, all made to look like the Emperor and Empress in utero by an Ashri magic. Anilise had little to no contact with her children, who grew up thinking the Empress was their mother. Mikol is her only child that looks like her, so she was allowed to raise him. Unfortunately, her constant pregnancies deteriorated her health to the point where she was bedridden, and she died when Mikol was six.
Leonil - the oldest of Bendek’s children, he’s a cruel and cunning young man that wants the throne. He has a particular dislike for Mikol, who he acknowledges is the most dangerous of his half-siblings, and the two of them are each other’s main rival / enemy. Leonil is married with his own young son, and loves his wife and child fiercely. He is ruthless when it comes to defending his claim to the throne, and wants Mikol out of the way.
Delia - Leonil’s wife and a very charming, conniving woman. She’s a softer touch when it comes to manipulating others, and shares what information she gleans with her husband. She also thinks Mikol is dangerous but thinks he'd be more beneficial on their side than against them. She is an excellent politician, and people often underestimate her.
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torkhin · 1 year
PROPAGANDawn Time! (@original-character-championship thank you so much for hosting this!!)
Hi! It’s time for our little mountain cloud to take center stage! (Oh she’s So nervous, but hey, she came looking for a good time, and a good time is what she’s gonna have!)
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SO! Dawn Hughes!
- She is a catalyst. She is the lynchpin in the operation of saving the world from the BBEG which she affectionately (/s) dubbed “Shadowfuck” at age 15. She is the composer of Fate’s Design at age 50 when the world is again threatened by Shadowfuck’s possessive home turf. She is responsible for the redemption of villains, the resurrection of an entire society, the banishment of assholes. She is a connector of the mundane and magical. But she refuses to let her accomplishments precede her. All she wants is to be remembered by and for the people she loves.
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(^Dawn HTTYD AU. Notes: in canon, Dawn has a little magic lizard friend she named Wizard who likes to eat dreams and give licks. Wizard is about the size of a gecko. He likes to hide out in Dawn’s hair and sometimes his claws tickle her head when he wiggles around in there.)
- This poor girl’s got Trauma, folks, from both the elements in her backstory and Also events that played out in the story she was a part of. She’s got a Heaping dose of trauma-induced acrophobia, as well as chronic pain from an old injury she sustained from the traumatic incident in question. Her journey is focused around coming to terms with her anxiety and finding ways to cope with what she fears most. (Looking through some of the propaganda for other contenders, this seems to be a fairly common arc… Adult Dawn is a therapist and could help you introspect about that)
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(mmm eepy)
The following are some quotes:
- “Oh, yeah, like murder is polite.” /s
- “Spirit ass is real ass.” /g
- “You shouldn’t force yourself to live like your existence isn’t important… because, dammit, you Are important.”
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Peer reviews:
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Some more emotes/art/picrews I’ve done with her (I’ll try to reblog this with the original links to the picrews once I find them)
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Some more fun facts!:
- Dawn being proficient with sleep and dream magic also gives her a talent for creating illusions. She primarily uses these illusions to create Little Guys, like a strange skunk creature named Sniffle and small bunnies. She has also used her illusions to cover up Crimes that her friends commit. She also tends to create illusions of horns and a tail for herself to somewhat match the appearance of her brother and help him feel less ostracized for his inhuman traits
- She can create “dream rifts” inside people’s brains that essentially banish souls/malevolent entities to a little hell prison within the mind
- Therapist of your Dreams (literally)
- Her brother is a Goat Man. Her other brother Sees Your Ass. Her father is a Mountain Dilf. Her mother is the Queen of Nightmares /pos. Her birth mother is under house arrest for magic crimes against humanity /neg
- A lover of animals big and small. She obtains Several pets through the course of the story she’s featured in, including: a wolpertinger named Bun, the companion she’s had the longest; a tortoiseshell kitten reincarnation of an ancient guardian spirit, Coco, a fierce warlord in her own right; Wizard the Lizard (mentioned above); and, eventually, the quadruplet offspring of Coco named Mocha, Latte, Chino, and Coco Jr.
- The god of time and fate within the story’s universe is somewhat scared of her
- Accidentally possessed herself twice
- She go “eeeheeheee” when she excited
Aaand that’s about it! This is the First PropaganDawn post, but it certainly won’t be the last. Have fun~!
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