#also I'm so proud of myself this bangs so hard
helioxed · 3 months
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He's like a kicked puppy to me
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ot3 · 25 days
There are a lot of pokemon out there. Some of them are good. Some of them are bad.
the world of pokemon is a beautiful one filled with many "types" of pokemon. some pokemon are steel. some pokemon are bugs. some of them are even normal. lately i have found myself thinking, which pokemon is the most steel? which pokemon is the most bugs? which pokemon is normal? and today i am proud to say i have answered these questions and more.
It can be hard to decide, since there are so many of them, but luckily I'm here to make that decision for you. i have definitively chosen the most representative (most) least representative (least) personal favorite (best) and least favorite (worst) design of every pokemon type. and i will now explain it to you in detail
now keep in mind we are ONLY talking about design here. lore is not coming into play whatsoever. if you want to explain to me why xyz pokemon is actually the most/least/best whatevertype pokemon because it's based on this or that: i don't care. that's not why we're here. we're judging books by their covers today
Normal Type
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Most - Herdier: This is just a regular ass dog, which may be considered one of the normalest things on the planet. It doesn't get much more normal than this, folks.
Least - Arceus: If i saw this thing it would be one of the least normal days of my life.
Best - Skitty: This is just a perfect design, there isn't anything bad you could possibly say about it and if you tried I'd hit you. Look at that face. ^_^
Worst - Castform (Normal): It looks like either a pair of balls or caspar with a fat rack and in either cae it's just kind of unappealing to look at.
Grass Type
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Most - Shaymin (Land Forme): Although 'grass' a type represents all plant life, I am choosing to interpret it literally here. Shaymin is the grassiest of all grass pokemon, and although this is not part of the criteria, it is also very cute so lets all take a moment to appreciate that
Least - Kartana: this is an origami swordsman bug thing which to me isn't really Grass at all. I do love the design but it's not very grassy. yeah paper comes from plants but gun to my head i would have not guessed grass type for this pokemon in top 3, maybe not even top 5.
Best - Wo-Chien: I just think this guy represents a ton of pokemon design philosophy at its best. It has a very strong sense of color, good use of shape, is just a tiny bit strange, and most importantly is a kind of Creature i would like to hang out with
Worst - Calyrex: The more realistically proportioned hare head with the strange body does NOT work for me. I'm not mad about the massive berry on top at all but why the perfectly round torso? Why the stubby little arms? Why the noodle legs with the thigh high boots? I think you could fix this one pretty easily ultimately but it really needs fixin
Water Type
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Most - Wailord: Although there is no actual water in wailord's design, the mere presence of a whale implies the necessity for an amount of water that is almost as catastrophically overwhelming in its absence as its presence.
Least - Palkia: Other than looking like an anthropomorphized speedboat palkia is not particularly aquatic in its nature
Best - Lapras: There's a lot of great water pokemon designs but i think lapras is firing on all cylinders. Really a classic pokemon design.
Worst - Quaquaval: There are a lot of pokemon that are uncomfortably anthropomorphic and there have been since gen 1. It's not something I'm against in concept at all and it's produced some of my favorite pokemon designs of all time. But unfortunately when it flops it flops hard. Seriously, what are these proportions? Perfectly fine idea for a pokemon just executed with shocking inelegance.
Fire Type
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Most - Gigantamax Cinderace: This is simply the most amount of fire you're getting in a fire pokemon. Biggest bang for your buck
Least - Blacephalon: Another ultra beast design that is, as a design, excellent, but i would not be able to guess the typing on the first try if you put a gun to my head
Best - Chandelure: What if a haunted chandelier was your friend. Enough said. This thing just rules
Worst - Cinderace: Everything I said about quaquaval is equally true here.
Fighting Type
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Most - Machamp: He's a wrestler with four arms this is as fighting as fighting gets
Least - Meditite: This is a small child in an open, peaceful stance. I sense no violence here. If he were to fight, he would have been provoked.
Best - Mienshao: effortlessly elegant design that conveys the aesthetics of martial arts with the simplified animal anatomy and strong shape language that represents pokemon at it's best
Worst - Gurdurr: This entire line is profoundly uncomfortable to me but the prominent near-bursting veins and inexplicable hourglass figure are at their worst here.
Flying Type
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Most - Altaria: This is a bird made out of clouds, which is the most flyingest a thing could be.
Least - Shaymin (Sky Forme): This dude doesnt look like its feet are getting off the ground anytime soon if i'm being quite honest
Best - Sigilyph: Great example of what flying type can look out when you branch away form birds. The stranger and less organic feeling pokemon are collectively some of my favorite and i think sigilyph is one of the more effective ones.
Worst - Enamorus: 😬
Electric Type
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Most - Xurkitree: The Exposed Copper Wiring Pokemon. Great stuff. Also a banger design on top of being the most.
Least - Alolan Geodude: I understand the eyebrows and hair are supposed to be gatherings of lead sand but its still not giving electrivity. it just looks like a rock, one of the least electric things on the planet
Best - Rotom (All Forms): I wanted to put every rotom here but there was no way to arrange that easily. Just picture all the other rotoms here too. Rotom is awesome it's normal design is just cute and fun and then all of the other appliances are just a great concept.
Worst - Elektrike: Not unforgivably bad or anything but just kind of a design that doesn't convey a lot of information or have any appeal to it. Completely forgettable.
Poison Type
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Most - Galarian Weezing: This guy is the most poisonous possible poison you could have. This guys hobby is global warming. This guy is dumping carcinogens into the river. And not just incidentally. He's ideologically motivated AND gets pleasure from it.
Least - Oddish: Not only do I not believe eating an oddish would poison me, i think oddish is healthy. I think it's good for you.
Best - Ivysaur: It's impossible to truly extract the nostalgia from my feelings towards the gen 1 pokemon designs but I think we can all agree. Ivysaur looks great
Worst - Eternatus: Does not even look like it belongs in the same franchise as anything else on this list so far. And on top of that, it looks stupid. 0/10. I do like the version of it that's an evil hand though.
Psychic Type
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Most - Mega Alakazam: This dude looks like he should be airbrushed on a black velvet tapestry. I can't imagine anything more psychic than that.
Least - Exeggcute: Picking a least psychic pokemon was a hard one, because although we have some specific idea of what a psychic is, it's hard to say what one isn't. Ultimately, I don't think a handful of cracked eggs feels very psychic to me. I'm not sure what they feel like to me to be honest.
Best - Deoxys: Take a note, people, this is how you design a pokemon that's 'cool'
Worst - Necrozma: Take a note, people, this is not how you design a pokemon that's 'cool'
Ground Type
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Most - Dugtrio: Dugtrios presence in the area is synonymous with the ground. It is not the ground itself but it is of the ground. It will never leave the ground. We will never know dugtrio in its entirety, we will only see as much of it as the ground lets us.
Least - Whiscash: That's a fish, it shouldn't be on the ground.
Best - Trapinch and Claydol: I really really wanted to avoid ties here but please indulge me just this one. These are two creatures that are perfectly made but each in its own distinct way.
Worst - Zygarde (Complete Forme): Overdesigned as fuckkkkkk
Ice Type
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Most - Avalugg: This guy's ice.
Least AND Worst - Jynx: Not only is Jynx not particularly icy, changing the skintone was really not enough to redeem this design.
Best - Glaceon: There aren't any bad eveelutions. That said, glaceon isn't my favorite. However in the contect of ice pokemon I think it does a great job of using shape language and colors that feel icy without needing to actually resort to just chucking ice onto it. A lot of ice pokemon are either a little bit too on the nose or just outside of my taste bracket
Bug Type
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Most - Caterpie: Very bug.
Least - Pineco: this is a pinecone with eyes, which is different from a bug.
Best - Leavanny: Look at that winning smile :)
Worst - Buzzwole: TOO SWOLE!!!!
Rock Type
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Most - Onix: You may think it would have been geodude, who is just a rock with arms, but onix is actually just a rock with a face which is then attached to SEVERAL MORE ROCKS. That's as rock as it gets.
Least - Sudowoodo: You can't pull the wool over my eyes. That's a tree.
Best - Lunatone: What if the moon was kind of creepy and also your pet.
Worst - Terrakion: Think this motherfcukers just ugly
Dragon Type
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Most - Mega Charizard X: We all know Charizard is a dragon but that's only sometimes true. When it's true, it's very true.
Least - Tatsugiri (All Forms): Why is a piece of sushi a dragon. I do support it don't get me wrong. But I'm not exactly following the throughline
Best - Rayquaza: I think sometimes the legendary pokemon end up in the Too Much category but I think rayquaza pushes riiight up against that edge without going over it.
Worst - Dracovish: Shitting on the mix and match fossilized pokemon feels kind of like low hanging fruit. I honestly think they're kind of fun in concept. But this just looks stupid
Ghost Type
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Most - Haunter: Self explanatory
Least - Decidueye: A very fun design but it feels like its got much too life in it to be ghostly.
Best - Polteageist: I'm insanely biased because I love ghosts and have a teapot collection so when i saw they put a ghost in a teapot i was overjoyed and it became my favorite pokemon as a whole instantly.
Worst - Gholdengo: Looks like the mascot for a string cheese brand
Dark Type
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Most - Guzzlord: Dark type in japanese is Evil type which certainly has different connotations. In either case, I think whatever it means for a pokemon to be dark or evil is embodied here.
Least - Scraggy: I don't think this guy is dark or sinister at all.
Best - Mega Absol: I'm just so charmed by mega absol because it is indistinguishable from the kind of thing a teen with a deviantart would have drawn. It's like an edgy emo fairy white haired anime boy angel sparkledog. But despite that it still has a lot of aesthetic integrity and manages to only be a bit over the top in a way i think it's suited for.
Worst - Mega Sharpedo: This cluttered design pretty much undoes anything that's successful about sharpedo's standard form
Steel Type
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Most - Melmetal: the unrelenting metalness of this guy is not even tanted by any even vaguelt biological components
Least - Wormadam (Trash Cloak): Not a single visibly metallic part on this pokemon
Best - Magearna: A clockwork magical girl... what a great design.
Worst - Varoom: Something about this guy looks agonized to be alive. And I feel that agony too. It looks like a motorcycle that was in the process of being transmogrified into a creature but the process was incorrectly terminated halfway through and now it lives a cursed and painful existence.
Fairy Type
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Most - Mega Diancie: this thing could give me a quest to save the world and i would listen to it
Least - Galarian Weezing: I also wanted to do no duplicates but once again I will ask you for my forgiveness. Clearly this thing is the least fairy fairy. Not only is it unfairy, I think it tortures fairies. I think it's the villain in a movie where a bunch of children have to rescue a gang of captured fairies who are being used to power a Pollution Factory. I think this things grinds fairies up into dust and uses them to line the rim of its cocktail glass.
Best - Klefki: Klefki is soooo fun. I feel like if klefki was a ghost pokemon it wouldn't hit the same way because the idea of a haunted keyring is fun, sure, but it's notwhere near as good as a Whimsical Enchanted Keyring.
Worst - Zacian: this thing could give me a quest to save the world and im not sure i would listen to it. man the legendary dogs are just kind of a mess aesthetically
Okay that's all of the types. I don't really have a way to end this post. Of course there are a bunch of really good designs and really weird and cluttered ones that I didn't get a chance to talk about but. Idk man I can't rate every pokemon design there's just too many of them. there you have it.
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soobnny · 1 year
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ten things bang chan says when he thinks you’re asleep — fluff, established relationship, a tinge of angst
CHAN | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
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one. you know what i realized lately? i've been sleeping better. i think it started on the first night you moved in with me. i didn't know sleep could come so easy until i had you next to me. it's really nice to wake up and find you in my arms, too. and i think—i think i wouldn't mind doing this for the rest of my life.
two. your hair is longer these days. i think it suits you a lot, but i think i love it more because it's easier to run my fingers through your hair when you fall asleep on my lap this way, easier to play with them.
three. you used my shampoo today. i don't know why, but that made me love you even more than i did yesterday. maybe it's because my life feels so intertwined with yours this way. you feel closer to me like this. yeah, that must be why.
four. you've worked really really hard to get this far, and it shows. i'm so proud of you, angel. you're doing a great job.
five. i'm learning to love myself more because of you. thank you for loving me as i am. thank you for loving me when i thought i wasn't lovable. i promise i will love myself the way that you love me. promise you'll do the same for me?
six. i'm sorry if i get too in my head sometimes. i'm sorry if i don't listen when you tell me to take breaks. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. please stay with me. i promise i'm trying. i really am trying.
seven. a song called 'grows old' played on the radio today. it made me think of you. please also hold my heart until it grows old.
eight. you deserve a place in this world. i'm sorry it made you think for a moment that you didn't, but you deserve to take up your spot. someone's life is better because of you, my life is better because you're in it. i've been learning to appreciate small joys because of you. i love you.
nine. if there's no one to lean on, i'm always here.
ten. one day, i'll marry you.
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hoshinasblade · 3 months
i woke up sad today and im also super stressed at work so im taking it upon myself to make other people miserable too, hence this drabble -
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"it has to be me", hoshina declared, in a tone that reflected his strong will. "if number 10 wanted me to use it as a weapon, i'll do it." regardless of the consequences, he intentionally omitted. he didn't need everyone in the room to hear what is already a known fact.
the emergency meeting lasted 10 minutes, and as soon as it concluded, the oak doors opened with a loud bang, the high-ranking officers of the anti-kaiju defence of japan pouring out. hoshina soshiro, the vice-captain of the third division remained on his spot, unmoving. "hoshina -" captain ashiro approached him with a concerned look.
"commander, don't look at me like that", hoshina responded, a smirk on his face. captain ashiro would have complied, but she's known her vice-captain for year to see when he's faking confidence. "i'm tough to kill", hoshina said, dismissing himself.
retiring to his quarters, hoshina relished the small privilege he was given - it would be embarrassing to break down in front of other people if he was sharing a dorm room with his teammates. he laid down the mattress, the soft surface giving in to his weight. he did not bother to take his uniform off.
it was an hour or four before he decided to do something. the clock read past 10 pm. you're probably taking a shower. he took his chances.
you always pick up. and tonight was no different. even the mere sound of your breathing was sufficient to set his insides afire. "i miss you."
it's ridiculous even for him to realize that his feelings could be summarized in three one-syllable words. he closed his eyes, imagining that he was not holding his phone in his ear, that you were with him instead. your presence would effectively solve the majority of his problems.
"how was your day?" you whispered softly. if hoshina concentrates hard enough, he could see your lips part while you're talking. the hole in his chest grew more and more by the second.
"they're converting number 10 as a weaponized suit. they're making me wear it." hoshina wished he was not speaking to you about this.
"isn't that dangerous?" your reply was quick and straightforward. you were familiar with the protocol and you weren't even an officer.
"i could die." once the truth was out of his mouth, there was no stopping it. "it could significantly shorten my lifespan if i use the suit too much."
hoshina had always been proud of his skills as a competent swordsman - he's survived and made it this far with his blades despite most people advising him to give up. he's never cursed his own lack of power until now. if only he was strong enough, maybe he wouldn't need a suit to be able to fight better.
"then -" you started but paused and hoshina could tell you were steadying yourself. . "then don't use it too much", you suggested. in normal circumstances he would smile at you - flattered that you are worried about him, pleased that you care. but now everything from you simply feels like tiny crumbs of affection, and hoshina settled on being a beggar.
"would you cry for me when i die?" hoshina heard you gasp on the other line.
"i'm hanging up now", you exclaimed without saying goodbye. the silence after that was deafening, but even then hoshina kept his phone on the side of his face, listening. "i wanna see you tonight", you spoke at last.
"would it make a difference?" his voice cracked but he didn't care. he was exhausted of pretending he was doing alright without you, in making himself believe that his love reaches you where his hands couldn't.
he said your name once more and it felt like a knife was being twisted within him.
"don't you dare do this to me," you threatened. "wait for me there, okay?" you added this time, pleading.
hope is a greedy, grasping thing and hoshina soshiro let it take hold of him fully.
"i will."
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etunpeudevitriol · 4 months
A collection of things from various Tally Hall concert video recordings that give me that little kick of dopamine:
The way Zubin trills through the word heterophonic in some live recordings of Welcome to Tally Hall
Rob beating the shit out of the tambourine during Praise You
Praise You tambourine toss
When Andrew plays a particularly complicated piano part and his head gets stuck in tilted position as he focuses
That time period when Zubin's bangs were so long you couldn't see half his face
Joe's double jointed eyebrows (like that megamind "no bitches?" meme) during emotional/intense songs
How Zubin's always grooving and bopping to the song they're playing
Occasionally Rob also bops with the songs, and sometimes when he does his upper body rocks back and forth like a metronome
Andrew using his sound effects keyboard for evil
When Zubin flexes his vocal capabilities during covers. During any song really, but he always turns it up to 11 (out of a possible 5) for covers
Ross going *bongobongobongo clap bongobongobongo clap clap* toward the end of acoustic versions of Spring and a Storm
"Mr. Moon?" "Yeah?" "Tell us about the sky!" "Okay" <-during the Wall Party concert. I now add in the "okay" myself every time I sing along to Spring and a Storm (like the "Où! Ça!" in the Notre Place if you know you know)
Every single shenanigan that occurs when they start playing Just A Friend
When Andrew plays with his face half an inch away from being fully faceplanted into the keyboard
Bora being a jack-of-all-trades. Whistling, accordion playing, bass playing, American Sign Language, saying "Sold!", he does it all
Andrew headbanging so hard that his glasses yeet themselves off
When Zubin turns away from the crowd and plays to Ross
When the other ties hype the shit out of Ross and he gets the wildest applause. And he'll either be doing a crazy drum solo or sitting all proud like :]
Joe's 4-syllable insert during Just a Friend (if only he'd also done one for the studio recording 😔)
Maple Leaf Rag intro with all the instruments joining in
I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of
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zepskies · 1 month
Can I just say how in awe I am of you as a writer? You clearly take your writing seriously. You clearly /care/ so. hard. I can't imagine the planning and time and effort you put into your fics, but I want you to know that it shows. You are one of the very best. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
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Wow, that's an amazing compliment. Thank you so much!! 🥹😭
I know we're just writing fanfic out here, but I do genuinely try my best and put my all into my stories. Of course I'm not perfect. Definitely not. But I don't have it in me to put out something I'm not proud of either. So I try not to be lazy about it, even if it means a little more work, a little more research, a little more scratching my head and resisting the urge to bang on the keyboard in frustration. 😂
I do a lot of planning and outlining for my longer stories, and even for one-shots if they're complex enough. It's just how my brain works, and I've talked a lot about my actual process here, here, and here.
I like learning new things to apply to my writing. I like exploring things I haven't written before. I try to be as realistic as I can, even when the world itself is crazy, like Supernatural or The Boys or Dark Angel, just to name a few.
And I try to write the canon characters authentically, even in AU situations. Fanfic and fandom is my playground, but writing is also just how I best express myself.
That's why I'm always immensely grateful when someone enjoys my work, and takes the time to let me know how they felt about it. Just like you did today, it puts a smile on my face and makes my day that much brighter. 😘💗💗
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hawkland · 6 months
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Art masterpost: Sunflowers & Pussy Willows Story by: MBQ (@mbqnoyolo) Art by: sidewinder (@hawkland) I'm so happy to get to share the first of my five (yes, five) collaborations for my very own event, the SPN Angels & Demons Reverse Bang (@spnangelsanddemons-rb)! I admit to my own selfish reasons for organizing the event — I wanted the excuse to draw & paint more of my favorite angelic characters and relationships than I usually get the chance to. And I'm so proud of all of the work that's come out so far and is yet to come! Be sure to visit the blog to see the other masterposts so far!
Anyway, I've been on quite the pre-Raphaelite kick for a while and doing a number of SPN pieces inspired by classic paintings. And when I saw Anna Lee Merritt's "The Watchers of the Straight Gate," it immediately screamed out Cas & Jack to me. So with that in mind (and spending a fair amount of time posing myself in my trenchcoat and white jacket to get the right references for the clothing), I ended up submitting this work for claims:
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I had a lot of fun doing the wings on this one, as well as playing with different little things to keep the original inspiration while also making it more these two.
It was lovely getting to work with MBQ again who was the perfect author to write something lyrical and magical, drawing on elements of nature and floral symbolism as hinted in the artwork. Once I saw the draft I was inspired to do this piece of Jack as I felt captured him in the story:
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Both of these pieces were done on Arches hot press paper which allowed me to do a lot of detail (necessary for the main piece, as it was a lot to fit on a 14"x20" paper block and keep some of the distinct brushwork) and kept the colors light as I wanted. With the Jack piece, I was experimenting with some new honey-based paints Mr. Hawkland gifted me from a. gallo watercolors. Their greens and blues in particular are amazing, and it's so hard to find good greens for doing botanical work! I was fortunate enough to get to visit their main shop in Assisi while in Italy last month too and stocked up on all the colors I didn't have.
Now, please go read the story - and I'll be back in about two weeks with my second collaboration for this bang!
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Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics 💞
Aww, thank you so much! 💜💜💜 I will toot my own horn as instructed!
First up, from TCW, is Built on Bones and Middens, the noir-esque longfic mystery I wrote for Clone Bang last year. Fox and Quinlan investigate a case that leads them deep into the Coruscant underworld and reveals some dark and surprising secrets. I remain very proud out of it, not least because writing mysteries is hard, y'all!
Next, also from TCW, is From Over the Sea, a canon-compliant Waxer/Boil story that weaves Boil's post-Order-66 present with bittersweet flashbacks to the war. I wrote this for @waxerboilmonth 2024 and I love how it turned out! I know a lot of my stuff leans fluffy so it was fun to write something really angsty. And I made myself cry while I was finishing it, so that's gotta count for something!
Finally, from Stranger Things, I'll suggest Less Talk More Rokk, a one-shot no-Upside-Down AU where Eddie unexpectedly runs into Steve (and Robin) at a house party in late 1986. It was the first time I wrote something from Eddie's POV and I had an absolute ball with it. Also I played the song it was inspired by on repeat while I wrote it, which is absolutely not normal for my writing process, so that was fun.
(Man, the more I write the harder it gets to narrow down lists like this. I'm so proud of all my babiiieeesss)
((That's not true, some of them are a bit of a mess 🤣))
Happy reading, y'all! 💜
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starz222 · 1 year
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synopsis: planning nilou's birthday, your assigned baking partner, alhaitham, blurts out something unexpected
contains: gender neutral reader, not proofread w/c: 1443 (not on purpose i swear)
a/n: characters may be ooc, prompt shown at the end! part 2 here !
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Zubayr theater is planning a surprise party for Nilou. She’s been working extremely hard for the theater and has made tons of contributions aswell. Ever since the festival, the group stayed in contact.
The people of Zubayr theater thought it would be great to ask help from the group, though busy, they would make time for a friend. They had asked the traveller to contact everyone in order to get the arrangements done. They called you, Alhaitham, Dehya, Tighnari, Cyno, and Dunyarzad. Of course, they did think that these were super important people, and extremely busy at that, but they’ve saved Teyvat together. Surely, they would be able to make time and help out. (Traveler also invited Nahida but they were gonna keep that a surprise.)
Without Nilou incharge of the arrangements, the situation was utterly messy. 
“Okay, soo.. Dunyarzad is in charge of keeping Nilou distracted, Alhaitham and [Name] are in charge of baking,  Cyno and Tighnari help out with the decorations, and Dehya in charge of the gifts and supervising with us!” Paimon announced.
“One question.” Cyno crossed his arms. “You sure that the mighty scribe knows how to bake?” 
“I know how to. And, why don’t you go and focus on the pretty little decorations? Isn’t that your job?” Alhaitham bites back.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough. We should all get to work soon if we want this to be done quickly.” Tighnari stopped the two from arguing. 
You and Dehya share a look, even without words, you both know what you’re thinking. They’re fighting like kids.
“Ahem… Okay! Let’s get to work!” Paimon clapped. Everyone went to their designated stations, and you head to the little station set up for baking. 
You see Alhaitham carrying a box of baking supplies, along with the Traveler. Sure, he had muscles for days. But god, you never really paid attention. He sets the box on the table and helps get out the tools. You get the necessary ingredients and you begin to whip up the batter. Cracking a few eggs, pouring in the flour and the milk. 
“Give it to me, I’ll put it in the mixer.” Alhaitham offers. He knows that he doesn’t know how, but the mixer came with a manual. He thought it would be easy to use the mixer. You watch him as he carefully reads the instructions. “It’s pretty simple.” He concludes, putting the manual down. “Haitham, are you sure you’ve got this?” you tease. “As always.” He grabs the bowl of batter and places it onto the mixer then presses the button. It begins to spin, “I told you.” he says with a proud grin. Suddenly, it accelerates. It becomes so fast, the batter starts to fly out of the bowl.
“HAITHAM-” you cover your face with your arm. “TURN IT OFF!” you scream.
“I’m working on it, genius.” The batter flies to his face, causing him to miss the button of the mixer. He reaches out and finally turns it off. You hand him a towel (well, you throw it to his face). He pauses before he grabs it from his face. “I was the one that turned it off, you know.” He wipes the batter off of his neck and clothes. “You were also the one that started it.” You retort, “So many ingredients wasted, we’ll have to start from scratch again.” You sigh and wipe your forehead.
He looks at you and laughs, “I’ve never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time”. 
“You.. think I'm cute?”
“....Forget I said anything.” He turns away and his bangs fall, covering his face. You wish you could see his face right now. 
Fuck, why’d I say that? How did I even mess up with the mixer? I’m embarrassing myself. I can’t even focus. Why do I keep on messing up now that they’re around? 
earlier that day ... alhaitham's pov
“Alhaitham! We’re planning a surprise party for Nilou and we were wondering if you wanted to come and help out!” Paimon looks at Alhaitham. “It’s okay if you can’t though. But, we did call the rest of the group! Wellll, so far, only [name], but they said they’re going-” 
“It’s going to be held at the Zubayr Theater, right?” Paimon nods, “Let’s not keep them waiting if we want to celebrate now.” 
assigning the jobs ... al haitham's pov
Alhaitham is more than unaware of his feelings for you, rather, in denial.. All he knows is that when you’re around, his heart paces. When you’re around, he’s more conscious. When you’re around, he doesn’t know what to do. 
“Okay, soo.. Dunyarzad is in charge of keeping Nilou distracted, Alhaitham and [Name] are in charge of baking,  Cyno and Tighnari help out with the decorations, and Dehya in charge of the gifts and supervising with us!” Paimon announced.
Of all people, it just had to be you. Why you? Well, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, he thinks. But he knows that he won’t be able to react so rationally towards you. You're always on his mind, and he doesn’t know what he would do without you.
back 2 the present ...
“Hey! How is it over-” Paimon sees the mess.“..here.” She shares a concerning look with Traveler and Dehya, they see Alhaitham cleaning up the mixer and batter, and you mixing up a new batch.. “What happened?” Dehya turns to you. “A little mishap, I accidentally changed the setting to the highest”. You force a laugh. “Umm, good luck with the rest!” They begin to walk away and check up on the others.
You hear Tighnari in the distance, “Cyno, PLEASE. For the love of god, stop it with your jokes!”. He begs as he stands on a ladder that’s being held stable by Cyno. “What? I’m thinking of more as my gift to Nilou.”
“Don’t even–” Tighnari sighs, “Dehya’s taking care of the gifts already.”
Poor Nilou, you think. (IM KIDDING CYNO I LOVE YOU)
You’re lost in your thoughts, meanwhile Alhaitham is confused, why did you cover for him? You had no reason to. The faucet is still running, and the cold water continues to hit his skin. What do I do next? He thinks.  He always knew what to do next, it wasn’t that much of a problem for him. He always knew the answer, or found another way. Now, he doesn’t know what to do. He’s.. stuck.
... “I’ve never seen someone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time.”
“You think I’m cute?”  .....
You replay the conversation in your head, little did you know, he was doing the same. 
What should I say? It’s so… awkward now.
You dealt with the silence while baking and helping each other, you notice your hands lingering on his longer than it should have. You stare at him, lost in your thoughts, thinking: "When did he become so damn pretty?” Meanwhile, Alhaitham feels your stare. His grip on the piping bag changes, and he fixes his posture. He clears his throat, “Are you gonna help or what?” You snap back to reality and help him with the cake.
You both manage to bake a cake together in these conditions. It was too awkward for the both of you, at this point you were begging to the archons that someone else would come and break the ice. And the archons answered your prayers. 
“I smell something yummy!” Paimon exclaims as she floats towards you and Alhaitham’s station. “Oooh. I can’t wait to dig in!” She kicks her feet in the air. “Hands off, Paimon. You’ll get to eat lots later.” Traveler stops her, and of course, she begins to sulk.
“It looks great, you two. I’m surprised you even managed to bake a cake successfully.” Dehya praises, of course, managing to say some passive-aggressive shit to Alhaitham. Weirdly, Alhaitham stays silent instead of coming up with a witty retort. “That’s weird.” They nod in unison. “Did something happen between you two?” Dehya asks.
“It’s nothing.” You gulp, “Anywho, is everyone else done? I haven’t gotten the chance to look around, but it looks gorgeous! Nilou’s going to love this.” you state. “Speaking of which, where’s the birthday girl?” Paimon asks, you all turn towards Dehya. “Dunyarzad said that she’s having trouble keeping her away from the theatre, y’know, it being a home to her and all that. But now that we’re done with the preparations, we can give Dunyarzad the clear and let her come now.” 
“Okay! Sounds great!” Paimon says.
You look at Alhaitham, but he was already looking at you. Your cheeks feel hot again, but he was quick to turn away.
How are you going to go through the party feeling this tension?
a/n: might make a part 2 about how the party went!! (if this gets a few likes)
prompt: "I've never seen someone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time"
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musette22 · 8 months
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MINNIEEE LOOK AT THIS CUTIE???? Have you ever seen anyone cuter????? He’s just so BABY idk what to DO with myself 😩
I’ve been reading some of the reviews and it’s all “Sebastian Stan is exceptional”, “Sebastian Stan’s best work to date” and that combined with just the content overload has me overwhelmed but also so fucking proud of him and so fucking ecstatic for him because he deserves ALL the praise (and we know how he loves that praise 😏)
It just makes me so happy to see him again, and even more so to see him be recognized for how brilliant he is 🥹 it’s all so lovely and I kinda wanna scream but I also wanna spend like the next 10 hours just looking at photos of him so. It’s very unfair I have to work now 😭 we should all get a day off to just squeal over him and how pretty and perfect and incredible he is.
Anyway. Takes breath. Gets distracted by more Seb photos.
I hope you have the best Monday a Monday can be, love you the mostest 💗💗
Maya honey!!!!!!! HE IS THE CUTEST 🥹💗 That little smiley scrunchie face he does sometimes, aaaaaahhh 😭
Oh my god, I'm SO happy to hear the reviews of Seb's performance are so managing, that just fills me with so much pride I might explode 😩 He DOES deserve (and love 😏) all the praise ever, he truly is the most talented and hard-working and I love him!!!
I totally know what you mean about it being good to see him again, lovely 🥰 It's been a WHILE. And of course Seb would come back with a bang, looking spectacular and getting all the rave reviews! 🙌🏻 So excited for him and for us!!
I hope you've managed to get some work done so far today, and that you can continue gazing at and sighing over how perfect and incredible he is when you're done tonight <33 Have a brilliant rest of your Monday, Maya!! I know it's a Monday, but at least it got off to a good start 😘😘 Lots of love! xxxx
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
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Hey look ma I made a thing for a thing!
I see your WIP Wednesday and Seven Sentence Sunday and all that... and I give you
Self Promo Saturday!
Because you're your own biggest fan, right?
The rules are simple: List 5 of your works that you're proud of.
Any medium (fic/art), any fandom, old or recent - anything goes.
For my five I'm going to limit myself to Tarlos fics (because if I had to include robron too it would be too hard to pick just five)
Love and Lou Vet!Carlos AU. Carlos helping with the bull stuck in the car call, coming to the rescue for Buttercup,and Lou I and II make an appearance. I had a lot of fun with this, it's slightly unhinged, but I'm happy with the way it turned out.
The perfect costume Nancy is throwing a Halloween party, TK wants the perfect costumes for him and Carlos. Again, slightly unhinged but the amount of research i put into Carlos' costume will make your head spin so it goes on the list. Also if the LS wardrobe department could make this happen on screen, I would be very happy.
PS I love you TK gets a letter from Gwyn on his wedding day. It's a little sad, a little bittersweet, and I think I wrote it in an hour but I'm really happy with it. The prompt I wrote it for was "Letter" and PS I love you is one of my favourite books, so I couldn't NOT write it.
California My reverse bang fic. An AU where TK checks himself into rehab in California after his OD instead of going to Austin with Owen. I really struggled with it even though I LOVE the art it's based on and I got the idea the first time I saw it. But my mental health was kind of *fart noise* while writing it. Though in the end it's almost twice as long as it was supposed to be and I'm happy with the result and proud of myself for finishing it and not giving up.
Under arrest 5 times Carlos had to arrest a member of the 126 +1 time he got arrested himself. My first 5+1! After many, many, MANY rewrites this is the result and the +1 got a little out of hand and *again* - unhinged. I basically wrote the entire fic around the last few lines.
I'm tagging @noxsoulmate @lightningboltreader @carlos-in-glasses @tailoredshirt @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @detective-giggles @bonheur-cafe @chaotictarlos @sanjuwrites @welcometololaland @largepeachicedtea @a-kinkajoukink
and an open tag for anyone who wants to play
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Mirror – Bang Chan
Chris x best friend Bora, circa April 2018
Of the very first time they let each other know about their feelings, for Bora was Chris' mirror and he was hers.
In this universe, Chris was the youngest child and he lost his parents and brother a year before his debut.
Bora was one of the few people who were the happiest when Chris finally debuted, having witnessed his hard work and dedication since high school, but she only got to meet him after the entire promotion of his debut ended, which was nearing a month later. When they finally got the chance to meet, she insisted on going to Chris' favorite place for a celebratory dinner. 
"So how was it?" was the very first question Bora asked. "Debuting? Does it live up to your hopes and expectations?" 
"And then some," Chris beamed. "It feels absolutely incredible to share the songs we've made with the rest of the world. And I get to do it with those kids, too." 
"Who all you handpicked yourself," Bora added, a fond smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "You really did great, Chris. I'm so proud of you. And I know your parents and brother are, too." 
It was a thought Chris managed to store away for the most of the past month, blissfully being too busy with the various promotion activities. But right now, being alone with Bora, he let himself dwell on the thought just for a short while. "I really wish they were here, you know? So that I can show them that I've made it this far, that their support did not go in vain." 
Bora reached across the table for his hand, slipped her fingers between his. "They already know." 
With his free hand, Chris lifted his glass of soda towards Bora's direction in a silent toast. She mimicked him, took a long sip of her tea. 
"So," Chris said after they both put down their beverages. "Did you listen to the album?" 
"Do you really think that little of me? Of course I did." Bora hesitated for a second, seemingly weighing her next words carefully. Expecting a not so pleasant feedback, Chris was about to tell her to just get on with it when she finally made up her mind and continued. "My favorite is Mirror." 
Chris was taken aback. He did not see that coming. "Mirror? Why?" 
"For once I wish I could see myself," she hummed to the song. "That feeling of frantically trying to find yourself, chasing the mirrors surrounding you without ever really finding the answers you're looking for – I feel seen, Chris. Teared up on the very first listen." 
Chris thought he could tear up, too. The feeling of knowing the songs he made – their songs, Stray Kids' songs – made such an impact for other people – let alone Kim Bora, one among his top list of favorite people – was unbelievable, he thought he might become addicted to it. "And you're really not just saying this to make me happy?" 
Bora rolled her eyes at him. "I'm not gonna answer that. That question isn't worth dignifying with an answer." 
He chuckled. It was such a Bora-coded answer. 
"Do you know where I find my own mirror?" 
"Where?" Chris asked, intrigued. 
Bora took a moment to look up to him and smile. "You." 
It was the last thing in the world Chris had expected as her answer. "Come again?" 
His bewilderment must be obvious all over him, because Bora laughed for a good minute before answering. "I feel like I find a huge part of myself in you. All these years you've been helping me understand myself better, and for most part It's because we're so similar – so it really feels like I am looking at a mirror when I look at you." She let out another laugh, though this time quieter, and shook her head. "I feel so seen it's almost as if you made that song specifically for me." 
"Which I did," Chris said quickly, before he could lose his nerve. "Well, not for you exactly, but I wrote that thinking about you because I also feel like looking at my mirror whenever I look at you. It's exactly as you said; because we're so alike in how we think and see the world and react to things, I learn a lot about how to think and see the world and react to things from watching you, from being with you. I had no idea you feel like that too, I thought I was the only one." 
To his surprise, Bora's smile slowly faded as he went on with his answer, and was now gone entirely. He felt his blood run cold; was it too much? Was he being too obvious? He hadn't planned on confessing his love for her – not now, maybe not ever – but somehow it sounded a little like he did just that. Had he screwed this up? Was she – 
"Do you want to know how else I feel about you?" Bora's voice snapped Chris out of his dangerous train of thoughts. 
Chris felt like he couldn't breathe properly. "How?" 
She kept her eyes on him, looking eerily resolved for reasons unknown to Chris. "I'm pretty sure that I love you by now. Not in a best-friends-since-high-school kind of way, but more like you-are-my-other-half kind of way." 
If he felt like he couldn't breathe before, now he was sure all the air in his lungs had left him. 
"I know it's not the best time, with you just debuting and all," she continued, as if knowing he was incapable of conjuring a response – which, if she really knew, wouldn't surprise him a bit. "You don't have to say anything to that, too. I just thought you deserve to know." 
So many thoughts and feelings bubbling up inside Chris, he felt he might explode anytime soon. If it were up to him, he would just go across the table and kiss her to oblivion right then and there, leaving absolutely no room for doubt that he loved her too. But as she said, it's not exactly the best time. So for now he settled for taking one of her hands and held it with both of his, tightly as if his life depended on it. "Could you wait for me?" he asked slowly. "I feel the same way too, there's no doubt on that, but – I'm still not sure what to do about it, and I especially don't know yet how to navigate it around this whole situation – being an idol and all, I mean. So I'm asking you to wait for me to figure out these things first. Just – stick with me until I know where to go from here?" 
For what felt like an eternity Bora just stared at him in silence, but then she broke into a slow, bright, sweet smile. One so infectious Chris couldn't help but smile too. "Of course. I'm not going anywhere. Won't ever leave my own mirror, you know." 
Chris felt his insides twist and melt at her words. Felt his heart nearly burst, overwhelmed by so much joy he thought he didn't deserve it. "Great, 'cause you're my own mirror too, love." 
It was the very first time he used the term of endearment, but it rolled off his tongue with such ease and familiarity – as if he'd been calling her that forever. Maybe because there really was never any doubt that he loved her. 
coming up next
Find more tales of Chris & Bora and the rest of Stray Kids here!
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forgeofthenine · 5 months
🪷 - (NSFT) alright! recently i had the apartment to myself for 24+ hrs so i thought i might as well try to bang out as many orgasms as i could. througout the whole venture i was having a great time reading the rolan portion of your fics… too wonderful of a time. on orgasm #4 i got clunsy and snapped a dildo from riding too vigorously. poor tiefling, i was imagining it was him, but good for him it wasn’t : ( rip in peace rolan’s schlong. he shall never recover 💔
I'm so sorry for letting this rot in my inbox for so long lotus anon!
Honestly, I can imagine Rolans horrified face if he ever heard this, the poor thing! I can't imagine how hard it must be to snap a dildo but I hope it was an enjoyable time nonetheless lmao
Also, is it weird to feel oddly complimented that people enjoy my writing enough to get off to it? As an avid smut enjoyer, I'm a little proud tbh
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redrocketpanda · 7 months
If you don't mind me asking, can I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them? Thanks....
Ooooo this is such a fun ask, thanks so much for sending it!!
It's kind of hard to answer bc I love all my children and I had a tonne of fun writing all of them but I think if I had to choose a tops list (in no particular order) it would be:
Strategies for Play - HQ (Bokuto/Akaashi/Kurooi/Iwaizumi) I think Strategies for Play is actually my favourite fic that I've written so far. It was inspired by a fic I had read called "break the cycle" by galaxy_witch which used the same ship + premise and completely rotted by brain, and I really wanted to write my own take on it. It completely consumed me for 3 nights and I managed to write almost 12k in that time bc I was having such an amazing time writing it. It's super silly and smutty but with a lot of heart. Plus I adore all 4 characters - as individuals as well as in various pairings - so this was a chefs kiss experience for me
The Miya Atsumu Humiliation Show - HQ (Terushima/Atsumu) This one was inspired by a silly conversation I had with my (now ex) partner after she encountered Terushima for the first time in the anime, and we started spit balling horrid Terushima/Atsumu encounters. I built the entire thing around the smut at the end and, again, it was silly and fun to write. I also challenged myself to write from a much closer narrative perspective, so I feel like I learned a lot writing it as well
Just Watch Me (Bakugou/Kirishima) Just Watch Me will always be one of my faves bc it's really special to me. It's the first proper fic I wrote in over a decade and one of my favourite ships (+ characters) of all time. One of my besties encouraged me to write it as a way to deal with all of the Feelings I was having during S6 of MHA, and I also commissioned some beautiful art for it by one of my favourite artists
The Smuggler's Guide to the Stars, the Sheets, and Everything Inbetween - HQ (Oikawa/Iwaizumi) This one is a fave for many reasons: it was my first time writing IwaOi as the main ship, it combines 2 of my fave medias (HQ and Star Wars), and it was written for the They Were Roommates mini bang. I had such a wonderful team who made the entire experience such a joy and my artist (Ivy) made some incredible Oikawa art to accompany it! It's an ongoing series so I'm looking forward to writing more for it, hopefully very soon, and have had some lovely comments from readers for it <3
Interlude: The Senses of You - Buddy Daddies (Kazuki/Rei) I added to this to the list bc I remember feeling very inspired and at peace writing this. It was written after I finished watching Buddy Daddies and I really wanted to explore what happens off screen at the beginning of E11 when Kazuki + Rei are trying to come to terms with the loss of Miri in their own ways. I felt like this one shot marked a turning point in my writing, and I'm really proud of what I managed to produce
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iraprince · 2 years
hello!! your art tips were amazing and really helped me a lot, thank you for those <3 i just wanted to ask: do you have any advice for staying in the zone of suckiness… like when i draw something it’s never really what i wanted to come out but i know i gotta just keep going but i hate when it looks bad and it makes me not want to draw anymore 😭 just wondering if you’ve got any tips for how to power through that stuff 🙏
so, this one is really hard and i think it's an issue that u just have to kind of grapple with every time case-by-case (or at least it is for me...) bc on one hand, u will have more fun and progress more if u learn to push through/care less about those feelings, but also sometimes if u really are banging your head against a wall and it is straight up Not Fun the best thing u can do is let yourself fuck off and do something else for a while. my challenge is always finding the balance between those two options, or just learning to tell the difference, bc u don't want to be giving up every time u hit resistance and calling it "self care" but also beating urself up and dragging urself thru the gauntlet on principle isn't good either lol.
i think the thing that has helped me the most consistently is just trying to mentally lower the stakes. if you try to soften the emotional aspect of it, and put less weight on everything, it gets a lot easier to be chill about it. this involves a lot of asking myself "so what?", lmao.
"ugh this looks like SHIT, if i post this everyone is gonna think i'm some idiot who can't actually draw-" okay, so what.
"i've tried to draw this panel four times and i'm still not happy with it. i have to move on or i won't finish, but i know this panel is going to bother me every time i look at it!" yeah. so what.
"i thought i was doing well but then i zoomed out and the whole thing looks really weird and off-balance--" so what!!!! so what!!!! is someone going to die. am i killing someone. is my weird-looking art going to ruin someone's day. do i have some kind of sacred duty to sit here and hate it and redraw it over and over until i looks better. or is it, like, literally just not that serious.
and the thing is it IS serious in a lot of ways -- i've said this before, but the reason art (or any creative endeavor) gets so emotionally heightened is bc like, you give a shit about what you do!!! you care!!! you want it to look good, you want to be proud of what u put time and effort into, and you want people to like it and connect with it! that's the most normal thing in the world and we can't get rid of those feelings. but it's also not helping anyone, least of all yourself, to be so heavily impacted by those feelings that falling short of your own expectations is like, actually distressing. so for me soothing myself in the face of self-criticism by going "yeah, sure, you're right, this doesn't look the way i want it to -- but that's Okay. it's Fine for it to look kind of shitty. nothing bad is going to happen." has been pretty effective. i hope it can help you too!
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stars-tonight · 3 months
hi gorgeous! your matchups are absolutely adorable and i thought of sending in one for myself because, hey, you're pretty cool and i just wanna see who i'm more compatible w shshsh. i would adore a long, romantic matchup!!! i'm a straight woman (she/her) and i'd love to be matched w a male character!! my ideal type in a guy would be someone who's attentive, and a perfectionist. i always work super hard to look good/stay good and i'd appreciate a person who does the same. i also want someone who stands up for what he thinks and isn't easily influenced yk? i like someone who keeps me on my toes and challenges me and motivates me to work harder. i love love love boys who take an effort on dates. i want a guy who listens to the similar music i do and makes playlists for me (id do the same duh) and writes long ass love letters, just because. i want someone who matches outfits with me and holds my hand in public. someone i can trust with anything and we can just yap at 2 a.m. about the most senseless thing there is on planet earth. bonus points if he looks tall and scary because like...yes.
i'm so sorry i ramble a lot but it's just like...unstoppable, anyways a tiny description of me!! i'm an introvert, even if i do not look the part. it's not like i'm shy, i just don't like keeping up w fake people if you know what i mean. i'm confident about myself and know what i want in life. i'm also pretty sarcastic usually and use humor as a coping mechanism. i usually tend to overwork myself because i want to be the best at everything i do. i also ALWAYS stick up for my friends and don't let anyone walk over me or those who matter to me. i love love love listening to people and offering them advice, it fills me with so much glee that they trust me with things like, i'm always here for u!!! also, i'm not exactly a sunshine nor am i grumpy? it really just depends on whom i'm around. i'm 5'0 feet tall, with brown layered waves and curtain bangs, and almond shaped eyes. i'm pretty fair ngl but super tanned around the arms (i forget sunscreen) and i have an hourglass figure. my hobbies are playing the guitar, doing ballet, watching sappy girly romcoms, doing my makeup, listening to songs, studying (sorry im a nerd), shopping and swimming. i do adore a good thriller novel too. ok, ranking the love languages wld be- 1) quality time (giving n receiving) 2) acts of service (receiving n giving ) 3) words of affirmation (giving n receiving) 4) physical touch (receiving) 5) gifts!! (receiving) sorry chat im too broke n uncreative to give any IM SORRY ILL SMOTHER U W LOVE extra info i saw the previous people give, i'm an intp virgo YAY i love taylor swift and the color pink (im the textbook definition of a girly girl) i adore english literature and have won plenty of international writing awards im so proud of it AND AND AND i think youre very cool and awesome and yeah. inserts bow emoji cause i cant find it. LOVE YOU TAKE CARE STAY HYDRAETD!!!! take ur time bb.
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🥛 atsumu is definitely a perfectionist
🥛 always speaks his mind
🥛 also definitely on the fun and outgoing side as a partner
🥛 can do unexpected things at times (showing up at your house for an impromptu date with a suit / tie and a bouquet of roses in hand, for example)
🥛 is used to motivation and motivating (read "motivating" as "challenging osamu, sometimes unintentionally")
🥛 he knows what he wants in life and he isn't afraid to go for it
🥛 admires you for being the same
🥛 also tends to overwork himself so you'd both have to remind each other to take it easy
🥛 if he had time for dating, atsumu strikes me as kind of a player
🥛 not many people can keep up with his nature or have the patience to deal with his volleyball obsession
🥛 so he'd be used to people coming and going
🥛 but once he falls, he falls HARD
🥛 love letters kinda guy
🥛 would be either one of the following two:
🥛 shamelessly serenades you with them and reads them in front of everyone while under your house either trying to get you to go out with him (before the relationship) or lowkey just making you embarrassed (during the relationship)
🥛 too embarrassed to share his deepest feelings with you until osamu completely outs him by secretly mailing you the letters (think "all the boys")
🥛 you can definitely talk to him even at 2 a.m.
🥛 will probably be asleep then (he's gotta get good sleep to be in peak athletic condition) but will be up and bouncing within seconds if you need him
🥛 i believe atsumu will be big on giving words of affirmation and physical touch
🥛 strikes me as a pda guy
🥛 almost solely because it annoys osamu
🥛 loves going on dates with you, both chill and fancy
🥛 WILL put effort into fancy dates
🥛 honestly just wants to spend a lot of time with you because he's usually very busy with volleyball
🥛 if you're okay with it, he's running to you before and after a game and giving you a big kiss
🥛 calls you his good luck charm affectionately
runner up for you was oikawa tōru!
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A/N: i hope you liked it 🎀anon! i hope this met your expectations :)
(i also really really hope i got the emoji right ik you sent me another message but i'm just a mess so there's a chance i messed it up)
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