#also I see her as a big more of a tomboy so she’s not a fan of skirts and dresses
teddybearty · 28 days
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Little Miss Hazel Wells!! 💙💚💛
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sanjisblackasswife · 11 months
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𝕋𝕪𝕡𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 ℍ𝕖 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖𝕤
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Ft. Zoro, Luffy, Sanji
Bad Summary: Just describing girls they’d be interested in the Modern AU.
CW: None reallyy.
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Says he doesn’t have a type but he always finds himself gravitating to a woman of a particular kind.
It’s true he doesn’t discriminate but if he HAD to build a woman she’d be a pervert like him.
He wants a woman that understands him, he’s attracted to woman that loves to sit down for hours and listen to his problems.
He loves a woman that expresses her true feminine side, he will spoil you until the ends of the earth. Don’t worry about paying bills, or anything like that he’s got it. He really wants a woman that is strong willed but is also willing to submit to him and let him be the breadwinner of the relationship.
He loves a woman that is caring and so sweet he gets a tooth ache just from being around her. Being so sweet and tender with him makes his heart melt.
He wants a woman that can be his safe space.
He wants a woman that isn’t afraid to eat.
He wants a woman that is able to see the good side of him, because he has struggles seeing it himself
He wants a woman that isn’t afraid of his touch.
He likes a girl that can be open with what she wants from him, willing to speak up and always tell him “ i love you” even at the most randomest times.
He wants a woman that doesn’t want to change him. Only to help him be a better person.
He is in love with big pretty smiles, it just makes him try harder to make you smile even more.
He wants a girl that babies him, he loves being spoiled too whether he admits it or not.
He wants a woman that can carry his children. He does want his own family one day and knowing she does too makes him the happiest man on earth.
He’s attracted to a strong woman, not in physique but emotionally and mentally strong. Not wanting to back down from any obstacle that approaches her life.
He wants a good headache. He is a Tsundere at heart and having a girl that can annoy him (In a healthy way) is something he doesn’t mind adding to his life.
He wants a woman that is patient. He isn’t the best verbally expressing his FEELINGS and if you’re willing to work with him on that he will absolutely make it worth your while.
He wants a funny woman. He loves to have a good time laughing and making memories with her, cracking jokes and just taking it easy
He wants a woman that’s cuddly. He wants his girl to like his personal stuffed animal when he is laying down or sleeping.
He wants a woman that can bring the best out of him.
He likes a micture of a girly girl and a tomboy. He loves his woman to be feisty, smart mouthed and little, but still knows her boundaries as his girlfriend.
He wants a girlfriend that isn’t easily jealous, he doesn’t care for women that expresses little to know trust in him. It’s a bother.
He wants a woman he CAN trust. Showing his feelings is hard. And he wants that reassurance he can work through it with you.
He wants a woman that gives constant hugs and kisses, whether he says it or not he loves the affection and attention of one woman. Everybody else can literally go away when he’s with her.
He wants a private woman. He isn’t a fan of putting his relationship all on social media nor for everybody to know about. Not saying he wants it hidden but not everything they do together needs to be displayed for the public
He wants a woman that knows her self worth. He will never allow her to sit and talk down about herself or think she doesn’t deserve him because in reality he KNOWS he doesn’t deserve her.
He wants a woman willing to listen to him.
He wants a woman he knows he can spend the rest of his life with and not just anything temporary.
He wants someone adventurous! He wants a girl that can wake him up from his nap to go hiking or to the park or even out to eat!
He wants a woman that is a tomboy at heart. He doesn’t mind really any kind of girl, but knowing he can be a little more rough with her is actually better for him
He wants a woman that doesn’t try to change his beliefs or his lifestyle. He’s a carefree man and if she is more “strict” living it may not work out
He wants a woman that laughs a lot. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing his girlfriend cackle at his jokes.
Speaking of jokes he also wants a funny woman. He likes girls that doesn’t care for people’s opinions, and willing to be herself regardless of who is around
He wants a woman that can teach him new things. He’s easily impressed so if she is the smarter one in the relationship it helps a lot.
He wants a woman that isn’t sensitive. Nothing wrong with feelings and expressing them but if he cracks a joke and she gets pouty and upset with him over and over and over again it gets tired. Real fast.
He wants a woman taller than him. Height usually isn’t a PREFERENCE for him, he isn’t out looking for a tall woman but he gravitates to them more…..He likes climbing her back.🧍🏾‍♀️
He wants a woman that loves PDA. Luffy likes to touch, touch, touch, he has no shame. Kissing, hugging, hand holding, all of it.
He wants a woman that stands up for herself. He also finds it attractive when she defends hum as well.
He wants a clingy woman. One that is stuck at the hip with him. He doesn’t like to be alone anyways so having his favorite person always around him soothes him.
He wants a goofball of a girlfriend.
He wants a foodie girlfriend
He wants a playful girlfriend
He wants a girlfriend that can be by his side.
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comradekatara · 3 months
I saw your toph+katara gender post and honestly... thank you for being one of few ppl i've seen who actually do a deeper analysis of toph? Most people tend to just go "i love toph she's cool <3" and while that's fine, its so nice to actually see someone Get Her. Esp wrt her gender expression and relationship to femininity. She's always been v imporant to me, like when i was like 12 i used to watch youtube clips of the toph+katara spa day scene on repeat and have Feelings abt it (still think its a super interesting scene??). Imo, while a lot of her expression is def rebelling (+overcompensating) and doing the oposite of her feminine upbringing, a lot of it is also a genuine JOY at being covered in dirt/burping/being loud and crass and tough? Idk i just feel like a lot of her contemporary "tomboy" characters were more defined as "ugh i hate Skirts and Dresses", but tophs brand of gnc joy and complex relationship w femininity always hit closer For Me? Like. She's loud and crass and rude and badass and cool, she does find it fun to dress girly but as like an Activity with a buddy, she's overjoyed at being portrayed as a big buff dude ("that's exactly how i would cast it!"), she's actually very spiritual and perceptive when not in Loud Mode, she keeps her fancy hairstyle but adds messy bangs, idk she's just. Character of all time. I'd love to hear if you have more thoughts on toph+gender (or just toph in general), and thank you for actually Understanding Her <33
YES!!!!! i have so many thoughts and feelings on toph. she is one of my absolute favorite characters i truly love her so much, and like you said, i hate when people dismiss her even as they claim to love her. "she's so badass" like okay, and?
toph is also just very important to me as her disability informs so much of her arc. and that disability is also inextricable from her gender and her family and all the factors that shape who she is, her strengths and her insecurities. you cannot separate her parents' abuse from her gender, class, or blindness. it's the combination of being an aristocratic blind girl that informs who she is and how she's perceived, especially by her family. she's an only child in a family that would clearly desire at least one son, and you cannot help but wonder whether they stopped at one for eugenicist purposes, whether they couldn't bear the "pain" of risking having another disabled child. and also because they clearly consider having a blind child such a handful that any other child would draw their attention away from her dire, pressing needs. so they completely smother her, but they also dismiss her, trivialize her desires and ignore her feelings and treat her more like a fragile porcelain doll than a person.
it's why, by the time of "the chase," she gets inordinately defensive over katara's suggestion that she pitch in when setting up camp. i see a lot of people claim that toph in this episode is acting like a spoiled brat who refuses to do manual labor because she's too wealthy to understand, but that's not actually the case. toph is fine with doing manual labor (she literally spent who knows how long working in an underground wrestling ring, she's not unaccustomed to work), but she's averse to helping others. as she says, "i carry my own weight." she's establishing, erroneously but understandably, that her idea of affording others respect is assuming that everyone behaves on an individual basis. she's never had friends before, by her own admission, and so in her mind, the only model she's ever seen for "helping others" is smothering them, denying their agency, and deciding everything for them.
toph thinks that katara is a bitch because katara is suggesting that toph meddle in other people's affairs, instead of respecting their own business. and katara thinks that toph is a bitch because she does just straight up assume that toph is a spoiled brat who doesn't understand the value of community. and while toph isn't a spoiled brat, learning the value of community is indeed integral to her arc. and more than simply communal values of helping and sharing with others, she also learns to rely on them in turn. she learns how to embrace her vulnerability, and let others carry her weight for her. her apotheosis in the finale is literally hanging onto sokka, who is holding her entire weight with one hand, for dear life. putting her complete faith in him to carry her and protect her as he always does.
that ability to embrace her vulnerability among the people she actually trusts to not only love and support her, but also to recognize her as a human being and care about her as a a peer, is so crucial to her identity as someone who has learned from years of ableist stigma to put walls up and present herself as someone uniquely powerful and invulnerable. and it's not that she isn't uniquely powerful, but her strength is also largely a projection. it's why she's so delighted to be portrayed by a big buff man, because that's the kind of person she wishes she could be, so that she wouldn't have to be underestimated and belittled and oppressed by people who dismiss her and coddle her and disrespect her and, quite literally, put her in a box.
so if toph's experience with disability is informed by her class and her upbringing, then let's now turn to her experience with gender, which is equally informed by her background. katara often balks at toph's less feminine presentation, because despite her incredibly righteous crusade against limiting patriarchal standards, she nonetheless has her own hangups when it comes to gender. but then again, so does toph. just as katara disdains toph's masculinity, toph finds katara's femininity offensive because her only real model for femininity in her experience is that of aristocratic wifehood. poppy beifong, to be exact, who is not exactly a girlboss (let alone a revolutionary, like katara is). and when katara tries to shove toph back into a box, toph resists because of course she does, that's who she is. she's not going take what she experiences as violent repression lying down.
toph is wrong in "the runaway" to exclude katara from their fun, and she is wrong to call compare her to a mother, but it's not out of nowhere. there is an obvious precedent to these actions. katara is a genuinely feminine girl who loves to boss people around and dictate how they should live their lives. to toph, this is the most egregious sin imaginable. katara, through her femininity and authoritative attitude, is positioning herself, in toph's eyes, as her mother. and toph calls her out for being overbearing and claims that katara hates fun and wants to boss everyone around for this reason, even though sokka is obviously the primary fun-hating, overbearing member of the group.
however, sokka never dictates how toph should act or dress, sokka never made fun of toph for being blind (which is a thing that really deserves its own post, if we're being honest). sokka makes them spend their vacation time at the library and enforces his color-coded schedules on them and generally brings down the vibe what with his neuroticism and severity, but he also laughs at toph's jokes and banters with her in a way that treats her as a friend and not as a rival. and unlike katara, whose desires and commands seem completely arbitrary to toph, sokka's commands are grounded in a logic that toph can understand. so even if from an outside perspective, toph's claim that a revolutionary teenage girl who loves to cause trouble and seeks adventure and joy around every corner is trying to be the overbearing mom of the group makes no sense, it makes perfect sense to toph, based on her history with femininity, overbearing mothers, and feminine overbearing mothers.
toph presents masculinely as compensation, as a way to make herself seem strong and tough instead of dainty and submissive as she was always made out to be. she associates masculinity with strength and femininity with weakness because that's the paradigm she grew up in. it's why she's always teasing aang about his supposed femininity and calling him "twinkle toes" (which, as sokka points out, isn't manly). in their first interaction, aang beat her in a fight and humiliated her in front of all her adoring fans, and avatar or not, toph's gonna make him pay for that by undermining him in turn, by using his presentation as a monk to mock him. even if aang isn't gay or even gender non-conforming (within the assumptions of his own culture), toph is still employing the logic of sexism/homophobia to undermine aang when she makes jokes about him being "more in touch with [his] feminine side than most guys." and of course, the nickname "twinkle toes" is also deeply affectionate, and aang (bless his heart) never actually takes offense to it. but toph is trying to establish herself as more powerful than him due to the humiliating knowledge that he could beat her in a fight, easily.
toph's masculinity is inextricably tied to her invulnerability. she wants to be taken seriously and treated as a human being, which is respect that has been denied to her due to her status as a blind girl, save for her blind bandit persona, which superficially empowered her and made her feel strong. it's not coincidence that her rival earthbender is a guy who is essentially a parody of masculinity. toph wants to position herself as equivalent, if not directly superior, to the Most Masculine Man, because that's how she'll be afforded respect, in her mind. but she is a girl. and there's a part of her that likes being a girl, and wishes she could explore her femininity more than she's allowed herself to, beyond the confines of the beifong mansion. she keeps her hair long because she still loves her family and holds out hope that maybe one day they can accept her (she comes from a culture modeled off of tang dynasty china, so her long hair is likely a product of her adherence to confucian values). and once she embraces it, she genuinely does get into being made over at the fancy lady day spa.
femininity has been a genuinely harmful and repressive agent in toph's life, and it's understandable that she would internalize some misogynistic notions surrounding girl/womanhood as they were foisted onto her her entire childhood. but femininity isn't ontologically harmful. femininity isn't ontological, period. i think as toph gets older, and her friendship with katara grows deeper as they both come to be more honest with each other, she would grow to embrace her masculinity in a more organic and less compensatory way. less of a "i'm not like other girls" complex (which itself is not something that girls should be mocked and punished for, but rather a product of a patriarchal system that oppresses and alienates women, thus leading many less gender-conforming girls to attempt to assert their agency and individuality in any way they can, even if it means putting down others in the process), and more so genuinely coming to embrace her butchness. (you don't necessarily have to read her as a baby butch, of course, but considering that being a masculine girl is important to her, i think that's a really lovely and beautiful synthesis of her relationship to gender as a character.)
i think toph would learn stop pitting masculinity and femininity against each other, and instead embrace whatever aspects of either (or neither) she desires, while nonetheless respecting everyone else's deal in turn. i think she would also, in a key turning point, realize that even if she loves her parents, she doesn't have any obligation to be the daughter they expect her to be, and cuts her hair. and as she grows more secure in herself (which comes with age, no twelve year old is truly confident in their own skin), she would stop feeling the need to put other people down to feel big, and be comfortable embracing her desires. and, credit to her, she's clearly already on her way. the progress she makes being vulnerable, especially around sokka, even in what is chronologically a matter of months, is huge.
toph isn't just "badass" because she's strong and powerful. but rather, what makes her so powerful, at least to disabled viewers who see their struggles reflected in hers, is her ability to grow with her environment, allowing herself to admit help, and letting herself be loved. if you couldn't already tell, toph is incredibly important to me.
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I know I’ve spoken about my issues with ‘Peter Pan and Wendy’ (2023) before, both in my initial thoughts post about the film after it released and a couple of smaller comments since, but I’ve realised something this past week after rewatching the original Disney cartoon and the 2003 non-Disney live-action while sick, and I feel I need to talk about it.
It’s about Wendy Moira Angela Darling.
While I stand by that Ever Anderson was one of the highlights of the film and that she did a great job as Wendy, the Wendy in the film is not really the Wendy seen in Barrie’s book, nor the one in the play and other films adaptations. It’s a very different character in a lot of ways, and while it’s normal for characters to differ from adaption to adaptation - especially over the course of 70+ years - I feel like the Wendy seen in the 2023 is more like Jane, Wendy’s daughter, from Disney’s Return to Neverland sequel in 2002.
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Let me preface by saying that I actually love Jane in the sequel as a character - I see a lot of myself in her, and while the sequel in itself is not really my favourite, I do have some nostalgia for it because I grew up with it and it’s a cute little story. I like that Jane is actually different from Wendy in a lot of ways; she’s a lot more headstrong and more of a tomboy, and while she’s also a storyteller at times like her mother (mostly to her brother Danny), she is a lot more practical I think and seems to be opposite to Wendy in that she’s trying to grow up too fast. Wendy believes in Peter Pan and doesn’t want to grow up, meanwhile Jane believes Peter Pan to be silly childish nonsense, that she has to grow up quickly and be more adult due to the war/her father being away - Wendy says to her, “you think you’re very grown up - but you have a great deal to learn”.
Obviously the 2023 Wendy doesn’t want to grow up, that’s still the same, but in terms of personality, temperament and the way she treats her brothers after the broken mirror incident (blaming John for it), she reminds me more of Jane than Wendy. Like Jane, she also doesn’t seem to have a good time going to Neverland (at least not at first?) and she seems to take on a lot more action than Wendy did in the animated film.
Of course, it’s not the first time that we’ve seen Wendy wielding a sword and fighting pirates - the 2003 Wendy was shown to play with wooden swords and use real ones, even remarking, “who are you to call me ‘girlie’?!”. I’m not saying that Wendy can’t be a sword wielding girl and fight because she can, it’s one of the additions I love the most about the 2003 film.
The problem with the 2023 version of Wendy is not her being a main character (she has always been a main character), nor her sword fighting and being generally bad-ass - it’s the erasure of the other qualities that make her Wendy Darling.
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One of Wendy’s primary character traits is her mothering nature - she is very motherly to her brothers, and when she hears that the Lost Boys don’t have a mother, she’s aghast and agrees to be their mother. The whole “Peter is father, Wendy is mother” idea is clearly a reference to how kids in the playground will play games like “mummies and daddies” - kids imitating what they see around them. It’s all a big pretend game in Neverland for fun. It’s also undeniable that Wendy pretending to be the Lost Boys’ mother is clearly reflective of her own mother, who she adores and is portrayed as the loveliest lady ever, and how she’s imitating Mrs Darling in a lot of ways during this “game” - singing to them, telling them stories, medicine etc.
Some would argue that Wendy is “forced” into being the “mother” and that while all the boys are off having fun, she’s left playing house, which I understand. But what a lot of modern audiences and filmmakers don’t understand these days is that motherhood is NOT an anti-feminist idea - there seems to be this view that portraying a girl wanting to be a mother or expressing the wish to be married/have children is some old-fashioned misogynistic notion, which is absolutely bizarre to me.
As a feminist myself, I believe that there is no clear cut definition of “womanhood” or what it means to be a strong woman with autonomy. Some women want to have careers and not have children, and that’s fine; some women want to have children, that’s fine; some women want both, and that’s fine. What matters is that it’s the woman who is deciding what she wants.
For me, Wendy has always been this remarkable and extraordinary character to look up to because she chooses to grow up - and for her, that means having her own children to tell her stories to. That’s what she wanted, that’s why she went back to England, and that’s part of her character arc, realising that by growing up she has things to look forward to.
For some reason, when 2023!Wendy thinks “happy thoughts” to make herself fly when being walked off the plank, her vision for the future that she looks forward to involves piloting automobiles that haven’t even been invented yet and then dying alone? Which… I mean, if that’s how someone wants to live then fair enough but that’s not Wendy. That’s not the Wendy Darling I grew up loving.
A lot of my issues with the 2023 version of Wendy do in fact link with other issues of the film in general: the Lost Boys including girls, for example. Like I get wanting to be inclusive, and I 100% wanted to be a Lost Girl growing up, but the Lost Boys are boys for a reason (“girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams”), and when Wendy arrives it’s a huge deal because they’ve never actually lived with girls before, and the only concept of girls they have is their memories of “mother”, which is why Wendy becomes their mother figure - because they literally don’t have any other female figures in their lives to compare her to other than the tiny scraps they remember of their mothers.
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There’s also the issue of the thing prompting Wendy not wanting to grow up being changed; in the original, it’s because it’s her last night in the nursery and moving from the nursery - aka the room she has spent her entire life thus far in - to her own room is a HUGE transitional worry that a lot of kids probably go through (usually it’s in the form of moving from toddler beds to big kid beds but still). In the 2023 version, she’s being sent off to boarding school for some reason which doesn’t really make sense to me because the Darling parents a) are so poor they have to have a dog as a nursemaid and b) love their children so much that they would never do that to them. I’m not saying that being shipped off to boarding school ISN’T a worry for a young girl or a huge deal, but it isn’t one that I think necessarily fits with the story.
There’s the fact that Wendy is no longer the storyteller; in most versions, the reason Peter visits the nursery is because he likes her stories. Instead, the reason he comes to the nursery is not because he likes her stories but because he used to live in the house? And instead of bringing her to Neverland to tell stories, he comes to take Wendy away as he apparently heard her saying she didn’t want to grow up? It just doesn’t sit right with me, but maybe that’s just my opinion.
Also, for some reason, Wendy and Peter don’t actually seem to like each other at all in the 2023 version - I’m not saying there should have been romantic hints or whatever, but even just in a friendship way they really don’t seem to care in any way about each other. They just seemed rather indifferent towards each other, and it’s kind of jarring to see.
In some ways, I feel like 2023 Wendy was made a little too bad ass and on the nose super feminist: “this magic belongs to no boy!”, slapping Peter across the face (which was just…??? Why?!?!), constantly criticising Peter/Neverland, having WAY more action and heroic moments than Peter Pan himself… maybe in a different story it could have worked but for this one, it came across forced at times, like they were intentionally trying to show “look! Look how badass she is! She can fight off grown men all by herself! She doesn’t need a boy to help her! She can do everything by herself!”
This is why I feel like the 2003 version of Wendy is the best one (so far): while they modernised her slightly by making her sword fight and express an ambition to write novels about her adventures, she was still a storyteller and motherly figure to the Lost Boys/her brothers. For me as a child, seeing Wendy be the storyteller and her journey of acceptance about having the grow up was really important to me because I could completely relate to it.
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Of course, I recognize I’m very biased because this is the one I grew up with (along with the animated Wendy of course) so I’d be interested to hear other people’s thoughts!
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bloodsuckerproxy · 2 months
Introducing...The Jacksons!
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The family for my STNAF OC Lenny (find more about him here)
I knew when I made Lenny I wanted him to have a very different upbringing to Friend. I knew he was going to come from low-income and he's personally based off the type of people I grew up around and as. We also don't see this family type often enough and I wanted to show that :3
As always, STNAF belongs to @stnaf-vn and please check the game out!!!!
About the Family
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Lil Frankie
Protective, Cold, Selfless, Tomboy
Frankie was thought to be a boy during Ruby's pregnancy and so they were going to name her after Frank. Turns out she was a girl and they stuck with the name, opting for Frankie instead
She comes off as rude and cold, but she actually is just no nonsense and wants to keep her family/friends safe
Currently a bodyguard and does boxing on the side
Very salty she is shorter than Lenny
Daddy's girl
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Caring, Clumsy, Artistic, Sweet
Frank is like literally the embodiment of Goofy. He does his best but always seems to get hurt or break something. He means well though!!
Was a young dad (17) but did his best for his kids, including going back to school so he could get a better job once Lil Frankie was a couple years old
Currently a mechanic. Likes to make trash sculptures on the side
Very DIY. Taught Lenny everything about fixing things and making something out of nothing
Loves Ruby dearly. Will always find a way to gift her something. Knows her fave lipstick shades
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Rebecca "Ruby"
Assertive, Chatty, Caring, Motherly
Ruby was also 17 when her and Frank had Lil Frankie. She finished high school and worked through cosmotology school after the pregnancy
Currently a hair stylist and nail tech
Practiced doing hair and nails on Lenny since he liked spending time with her
She adores how sweet (and slightly stupid) Frank is and that's why they ended up falling in love. They are high school sweethearts fr <3
Will always welcome people into her home even if she can't offer anything more than a roof over their head or an ear to listen. Very selfless
Comes off as very gossipy but she will die with your secrets if you ask her to
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Carefree, Open Minded, Optimistic, Punk
Takes after his dad in personality but is a total momma's boy
Ruby: Ruby taught him about fashion, makeup, nails, etc. and often practiced on him since he liked being pampered. He loves his mom a lot and her open minded nature made him the man he is today
Frank: Frank and Lenny don't need to say much to be together. They are very similar people and even though Frank's silly stories never seem to make sense, Lenny always listens. They love to make trash sculptures together or go dumpster diving
Lil Frankie: Frankie always had to look out for Lenny since he was a bit of a naive kid, but also when he got more into fashion. She would protect him despite the fact he could defend himself from bullies. He loves his big sister and he loves to annoy her (she pretends to hate it but she loves him back lol)
Anyways I wanna draw more STNAF once I have time fr fr :3
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slashv1xen · 3 months
*kicks open door** GROSS CREEPY REDNECK MAN!?
No but seriously Otis is my guilty pleasure character and I need him with a 'tomboy' reader (aka a basic rural southern woman (It'd be nice if you could include her being oddly feminine despite all the hunting and the cursing and the fighting: Like she calls him a cunt then goes and bakes a bunch of sweets or goes off to work on a dress tailoring project XD))
i like the way u think ;) also otis does NOT have enough fanfics/headcannons written about him and it’s actually a crime
i feel like otis has two types of girls: the same (tomboy like u mentioned) or the opposite (hyper feminine girl from the city).
i also think that when he stumbled upon u he had the only intention to kill u like other victims, but something keeps him from doing so (that’s up to u anonie). and i think it sealed the deal after u got along with his family (helping mama clean up around the house + doing baby’s hair for ex.) after keeping u locked up in his house for months. he’s also definitely a family man, so he appreciates it.
like otis, u have a smart mouth on u (which otis thinks is cute only to a certain degree, going further than that and u wish u hadn’t opened ur mouth in the first place). nonetheless, otis still loves u, and thinks ur cussing and smart mouth makes u all the more loveable.
because u happen to be a tomboy, when u do traditionally more girly things/have girly hobbies it surprises him, but he doesn’t hate it (in fact he thinks it’s cute but he would never say that out loud), which makes u a combo of both fem and masc (best of both worlds - his words not mine).
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one shot 💗
“yes!” you shouted as the bullet that shot from the rifle hit the deer in the head, otis grumbling (but you knew he was proud of you). the two of you had a bet on who could shoot prey first, and you won. “pay up baby!”
otis rolled his eyes with a cocky grin on his face as a slapped a scrunched up $10 bill in your hand. “i was just going easy on you, i could easily beat you next time.” he yelled as you walked away giggling with the money, waving him off. “yeah, yeah!”
as the both of you made it into the house you noticed that otis’s air around him was tense. you frowned slightly but didn’t say anything, after all he hated speaking about his emotions, or just hated talking about emotions in general (it didn’t help he was practically a pro at hiding his emotions). then it clicked in your head as he roughly put his rifle down. ‘is he annoyed he lost the bet? i wouldn’t have picked him as the sore loser, petty type.’ you chuckled, finding it a little cute, but you still didn’t want him sulking around.
suddenly an idea came into your head, and immediately you began working, knowing that this would surely cheer him up.
after around 2 hours you knocked on his door, and he muttered that you could enter. you did, and set a warm tray on his bed. he was sitting at his desk, working on some art project (he’s always got some art project to do). he smelled the air and turned to the bed, and his eyes lightened up for a second before a confused expression emerged onto his face.
“cookies? what’d ya do this for?” he rose an eyebrow, wondering if this was a ruse or something. you tsked, annoyed he didn’t understand the gesture, but you explained it to him either way. “well i noticed you seemed a bit annoyed for losing the bet, and i thought this would make you feel better.” you smiled, feeling proud of yourself.
“hm, didn’t pick you for a baker type’a girl.” he mumbled, inspecting the cookies. you scoffed before his eyes met with yours. “y’know, this is unnecessary. i’m not even mad, you’re seeing into things that aren’t there.” he said, speaking up louder. you were annoyed at this reaction. you spent 2 hours baking him cookies (he has a big sweet tooth) to cheer him up and this is the thanks you get.
“fine, i’ll just take these back and give them to someone who’ll actually appreciate them and won’t be a dick about it. maybe baby, or tiny.” you grabbed the tray before you felt otis’s calloused hands grip your wrists, forcing you to set the tray down.
“hey baby, don’t be like that. y’know i didn’t mean it like that, i appreciate the effort, i do. i’m just surprised, okay?” he looked genuine and his eyes met yours. you were waiting for him to say sorry, but the way he his, he probably wouldn’t. you sighed, not saying anything. he sighed as well, and with all his strength, he mumbled something. “…sorry.”
you’re eyes lit up when he said this. otis driftwood, saying sorry? that was a first. suddenly a grin flew onto your face as you hugged him and laughed.
“now, stop that bad mood of yours and let’s eat these cookies before they get cold.”
tysm for this request, i had so much fun writing it! i’m sorry if this wasn’t up to ur standards it was a challenge to write and i wanted it to get out asap. if u have any more please send them in, i would love to hear them x
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tinyidle · 1 year
Alr I've thought about this a lot: Dom Yuqi x Fem reader smut fic (Yuqi is g!p only if your comfortable with it) where R is a former stylist and is now manager for G-idle and during a concert, (can't decide between Nxde era or Tomboy era so your pick) there's a wardrobe malfunction with Yuqi's outfit and all stylists already left so R has to help her and Yuqi seduces her and it ends with the members going where tf are they and they see both of them and realize what actually went down cus it sure as hell wasn't R helping Yuqi (not in that way at least ;) )
(Also R calling Yuqi mommy bcs she is and no one can tell me otherwise)
degradation kink if possible
word goal: 1000
goal accomplished?: yupp; 1.3 k
I Just Know You Did This On Purpose - SYQ
WARNING: smut ofc, public-ish sex (they sort of get caught), begging, inappropriate horniness, mommy kink, praising degradation bratty!yuqi, switchdom!yuqi, g!p yuqi, b!g d¡ck gigi all my 'characters' with d*cks will never have small ones, bratty-yet-compliant reader, switchsub!reader, fem reader, fiction
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it was the 'tomboy' promotions, the first comeback they had in over a year, yet (g)i-dle were being warmly welcomed by all the loving support from fans and idol counterparts alike. you especially liked it since you get to see your girlfriend in action while in korea, not just china.
they had tons of gigs and shows to do, and were to have a world tour soon. what you loved about all this was that you were managing the entirety of their schedules, making sure they got adequate rest and had tons of fun while practicing and performing.
in one college concert, the staff were running back and forth for yuqi-- specifically the stylists. one by one each one was leaving for their lunch break, while one was particularly struggling with the costume piece.
"ugh! i cant find shorts that'll fix this problem," you heard one of the stylists exclaim. you were about to walk over to ask what the problem was until you saw the stylists towards you. "can you please help us with this problem, sunbaenim?" you nodded and headed towards yuqi.
checking to see what the problem was, you asked the rest of the members and staff to clear the room. "i can handle this, but i need everyone to leave and go to the practice stage and monitor the girls as they dance to make sure their clothes don't malfunction. got it?"
idle and the staff politely agreed, bowed, and left to do practice. when the room was silent with only the two of you, you kneeled down. "okay, let's see what's the pro-
-blem," you rolled your eyes.
what made you and the stylists concerned was literally nothing more than a yuqi-problem than an actual wardrobe malfunction.
your girlfriend was horny.
unfortunately, when the brightly-colored haired girl got hard, her bulge would be all but unnoticeable. and no other place would be appropriate for her to be having thoughts to encourage her current wood than here, but alas, here it was, straining against her jeans.
you frowned and began to scold the taller woman. "how the fuck am i supposed to get this fixed before your stage?" as you felt a hand come and caress your face, you quickly swatted it away. "not now gigi," you warned.
yuqi pouted as you snorted at your cockblocking your girlfriend. "pleaseee," she tried pleading with you. "i need my baby in order for this to go away."
you weren't having it. "go rub one off and then ill see you later." you got up and attempted to head out the door. until you found out it was locked. you turned around and saw yuqi's pants to her knees, panties also down; her thick, long shaft slightly swinging back and forth like a pendulum. "did you-"
"i told shuhua to lock the door on the way out," yuqi explained. with a stretch of her hand and a curl of her finger, she motioned you to 'come hither', or, in layman's terms, come towards her. there was no way you could get out of this now, so you decide to heed to the action and, well, hither.
"you know that my cock's too big to 'rub one off,'" yuqi quoted you mockingly with air quotes as you scoffed. "besides, the only thing that get me off is your, tight, warm pussy."
you, getting instantly turned on by yuqi's expletive seduction, tried hard to not show it. but it failed because you found yourself kneeling down, pumping yuqi's aching cock.
"mmh, just like that, sweetie," she praised you. "stroke it just like that. my perfect whore." you were swift yet precise: not a crevice of skin was left untouched, the base was given as much care as the meaty tip, and your hands felt like baby's skin to yuqi.
she was soon to bust on your face if you didn't put it in your mouth. "put my dick in your mouth, sweetie," yuqi instructed you. and so you did. at first you struggled to get her girth in, but with tons of practice (which is what the chinese woman should have been doing with her members at the moment), you were deepthroating her within the one minute it took for yuqi to lose it and nut in your tight mouth.
as you pumped yuqi back to full hardness, yuqi whined. "let me taste you," yuqi begged, her hands going up and down your smooth legs through your tight-fitted jeans..
"oh no, yuqi. i gave you a blowjob; that's all you're getting from me." and yet, here you are now, bent over while yuqi was equally bent over your backside. she held each side of your ass cheeks, spreading them open to plunge her tongue deeper into your fluttering hole. you found yourself whimpering when you felt a manicured finger glide unto your clit and started rubbing small circles.
"s-ss-shit," you gasped, your essence pouring out of you as yuqi started kissing around your cunt and under-part of your thighs. after gaining your breath back, you turned your head around to look at your girlfriend who was still kissing you all over your bottom. "im done, gigi. now let's get you ready to practice. you only have about ten more minutes before- HEY!"
the woman wasn't having any of it, pushing you back down and putting your hands behind your back, securing it with her own two hands. "no way, sweetie," she said smugly, letting one hand go to hold her still-hard cock, rubbing it along your slit. "i need you. all of you."
you felt the surge of her dick into your hole, making you moan louder than you wanted. you did your best to whisper, "you planned this all along, did you?" instead of getting an immediate answer, you got to hear the frantic and pacing thrusts of yuqi into you, which made your eyes roll into the back of your head.
your girlfriend chuckled as she was hearing you fall apart for her. "maybe it was, maybe it wasn't," she finally answered, right when your mouth started quivering at your impending orgasm. "but it's worth it if i get to stuff you full, isn't it?"
using one of her hands again, she went to rub your clit, lowering her mouth down to suck marks into your skin. you started panting heavily. yuqi started to breathe heavily too, nearing her release, but she needed you to break first. "look at my perfect whore, all worked up because of my cock," she degraded towards you. you started whining. "aw, is she getting impatient? maybe you should beg for what you want."
as much as you wanted to scoff and tell the woman to 'fuck off', you couldn't take how your bud was being abused by her skillful slim fingers. not to mention her huge cock practically pounding in your hole. you decided to put your pride to the side and break. "please, mommy. please let me cum! i need it," you cried.
with a smile and a couple of angled thrusts, yuqi was satisfied. "good job, baby. now cum for mommy like the perfect whore you are."
by the time it was time to get ready for the show, the girls didn't see yuqi and was worried.
"shuhua, go get yuqi, please," soyeon instructed the maknae. bowing slightly, she practically ran to the dressing room, stunned to see both you and yuqi looking as if you were getting dressed.
when yuqi was about to explain herself, shuhua just put her hand up while closing her eyes. "it doesn't matter," she said, her eyes squeezing tight. "just get ready. we're all waiting for you."
both of you laughing, yuqi nodded and went outside. you, on the other hand, had to head to the bathroom as you felt your girlfriend's cum soaking through your panties.
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might as well have titled it "perfect whore" or simply "no" lol. hopefully this gives anon what they wanted
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TD OCs Redesigns part 2! At long last!
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This Clown didn't change much in concept but she definitely changed in design.
Previously I already made a more casual look for her when she's not performing, and that became the basis for her redesign. Her old outfit will be repurposed for her performance outfit. Still need to draw that.
Besides that she got a new hairstyle! And a hint of that Pinkie Pie inspired front swirl.
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The Influencer had a massive overhaul from her 1st look to her 2nd. The first look I've actually recycled for her mom's design. Who I'll post here eventually.
Anyway Madi got a warmer yellow tone, some bangs and a shorter coat. She's still looking fabulous!
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The Prankster kept a lot of his original elements. Purple + green colors, curly black hair and a bomb on his clothes.
The hoodie became a jacket. The hair got more sharper in the back and the bomb was moved to his shirt. His shorts and nose kept changing but I finally settled on something I like.
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The Shy Doormat stayed very consistent in design. The clothes just became baggier, the nose changed shape and her colors more muted.
But she still hates the spotlight and is still a lesbian disaster.
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Immediately, the Mythology Buff became more tomboy-ish. Her features became a lot more sharper and a bit more androgynous.
Her outfit stayed the mostly it just evolved. Less cluttered details. A more eye pleasing color pallette. All changes for the better.
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He's a menace this one. Definitely the one that gave me the most trouble redesigning.
Like Parvati I removed a lot of unnecessary details and gave him a more eye pleasing pallette. His skintone got a cooler undertone to better see the line work.
And the big change. His hair. Less knock-off Hobie Brown and more his own person. I'm very thankful for my friend Howai for giving me the idea for locs.
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Ah Rachel. The Rodeo Star. Who actually started out as a pathetic Heather Wannabe. She became something way different. Now an antagonist more in line with Bowie.
Her design barely changed from V2 to V3. Just changed her bangs direction and gave her abs. Why mess with perfection?
I just realized Rachel gained boots and lost her sandals, while Madileighn lost her boots and gained sandals. Huh. Fun trade-off.
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The Oblivious Hearth Throb is still as good looking as ever.
Now he gets to take his hair down and really make people swoon. Not that he realizes.
I basically made his outfit more warm weather oriented then cold. Also, he went from green to gray. A more neutral color helps him stand out from the cast.
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Now if Rachel isn't the one with the least changes. Then it's Sasha. I struck gold with the first design. And she barely changed after that.
The 2 big differences are her hair, from flowing waves to bantu knots. And her concept.
Originally she was a singer going on TD to promote herself. Now she's a nepo-baby who's uncle got her onto the show. She doesn't realize her well connected, rich girl experiences aren't universal.
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Last and certainly never least. The Short-Tempered Greaser.
Tony's outfit barely changed. Just some color adjustments. But his body definitely changed. The 2nd time I designed as someone short and not just shrunk someone down.
The big difference this time is his hair. I love the pompadour+swirl but I wanted something different to differentiate him from how i draw Johnny Spirit. So he got a quaff. I think that's the right word.
Anyway lastly his pose makes his personality more clear. He's cranky and impatient.
Thank you for joining me and listen to me ramble about these guys.
I'm hoping to get the first chapter of my OC season out sometime this year. So stay tuned.
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oneshotnewbie · 10 months
if u r still takin requests can I request a jj from cm daughter reader 1 shot? we don't get to many of those on here
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Authors note: I didn't know if you wanted the reader to portray a teenage daughter or a young daughter, so I just went with the younger daughter idea
“Mommy,” you called in a loud voice across the entire playground as you sat on the slide, your two pigtails shaking with every movement of your head. The blonde quickly got up from the bench in the shadows and headed for the play structure you had chosen to play with.
She stood in front of the end of the slide, leaned forward with a smile and clapped her hands several times in amusement. "Come on then, Love Bug!" you slowly slid to the stainless steel edge of the sloping level, pushed yourself forward and then raised your little arms. Laughing, you squealed with every bump you slid over before falling into her arms. "Hey, I got you."
JJ spun you around twice, tickling you in the process and making you laughter spread in her ears. A moment later she dropped you back onto the grassy ground and you hugged one of her thighs satisfying before running away. "Again! Mommy, come with me?" you asked your mother and came back to her. Your small hand wrapped around two of her fingers and pulled her with you with all your strength to get to the ladder of the play tower.
"Baby, I think I am too big for the slide," the blonde communications coordinator laughed as she started to climb the small steps higher, almost hitting her head on the wooden plank. With great difficulty she crawled after you through the parkour and as she watched you nimbly climb through and overcome all the hurdles, she thought about the past five years and the time when she had held you in her arms for the very first time.
You were born with only 2800kg and a height of 52cm and had enriched her life with so much happiness. And now you had actually almost completed your fifth year and were a real tomboy. No wall was too high to climb or jump down and as your girth increased, it became increasingly difficult for her to keep up with the lively girl and romp around.
"Mommy, let's go!" A small, cute voice called upon her thoughts and she looked up from the wooden floor. You had now reached the slide and waved her over. She tried to get to you as quickly as you could, looking at her watch. It was time to go back to the office, her lunch break was over.
"Slide with me one more time and then we will go," she called to you and you began to stomp your feet and fold your arms under your chest in frustration. "No mom!" you explained forcefully, a pout spreading across your face. You had your own mind, she could give you that. Stubborn like herself in her younger years, JJ recognized herself in you.
"Yes, sweetie. We have to go back to Uncle Reid, Aunt Emily and all the others." she tried to lure you and this announcement pulled. Your short legs were quickly back on the metal, your bum firmly anchored in its seat as you waited for the blonde. Meanwhile she had also arrived and sat down next to you on the wave slide. Your fingers intertwined with hers and together you counted down before sliding together.
After a long, one hour game session, you walked through the entrance to the office with JJ holding your hand, tiredly nibbling on a chocolate ice cream, your face full of the brown milk ice cream. "Well, who do I see there?" a dark voice asked, pulling your attention from your dessert. Looking up, you saw the grinning face of Derek, who got up from his desk and walked towards you with slow steps. In no time at all you broke away from your mother and ran towards him.
He quickly knelt down and opened his muscular arms wide open before you threw yourself into his arms. “Hey, my big one,” the special agent caught you and unceremoniously sent you flying through the air with the waffle. “Make a flyer." he demanded and you cried out with joy while you stretched your arms like wings.
Playing airplanes was a recurring ritual that you both needed whenever you were allowed to come to the office with your mother. While the blonde got herself a coffee, she listened to the loud cheers from you, mixed with other voices from her team, and smiled. You were happy.
A few minutes later she came back into the bullpen, you sitting on Emily's lap and drawing on a paper with her pens, your head bright red from playing with Derek. Your head nestled against the chest of the black-haired as you let her clean your face with a wet wipe.
"Is there any news regarding the case?" JJ asked as she finally sat back in her seat and booted up her computer. She watched your little eyes light up at your family and enjoyed the sight of seeing you happy. "Yes, there are a few. The victim succumbed to his injuries but managed to say the name of his-" Reid tried to finish his sentence and sound child-friendly, but he could not manage it. However, JJ nodded understandingly, knowing what he wanted to say.
The blonde turned to you, having almost fallen asleep on Emily's lap as she rocked you back and forth in her swivel desk chair. "Love Bug, come to me. I will take you to Hotch's office where you can sleep. Say goodnight to the others," you climbed down from the black-haired girl's lap and stumbled towards your mother, who soon picked you up in her arms.
You turned around, received a kiss on the forehead from each of your colleagues and then laid your tired head on your mother's shoulder. “Good night, we will see you later” spoke everyone in unison and waved at you. You waved back before your arms wrapped around the blonde’s neck and your eyes closed.
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astaraels · 5 months
You don’t get how bad I need your fem!gallavich headcanons 😭😭 (that being said pls - with no pressure - share some 🙏🙏🙏)
OKAY DON'T WORRY I'VE GOT A LOT OF THEM TO SHARE WITH YOU I HOPE YOU'RE READY FOR SOME GOOD WLW FEM!GALLAVICH FEELS (these may be a little all over the place but just roll with me here okay? okay here we go)
to start with, Ian is a nickname for Lillian, Mickey is a nickname for Mykhaila (Ukrainian feminine form of Mikhailo)—they'd still go by Ian and Mickey, because if Lip can be a nickname for Phillip then all bets are fucking off :p
technically all of this started with my brain going "lesbian gallavich with hella self image issues" because they don't feel like they can measure up to their "prettier" sister (Mandy and Fiona) but both of them thinking the other is gorgeous as hell. Mickey being kind of a femme/butch (which is why she's the one who calls the shots with her brothers, she's the tomboy compared to Mandy), and Ian wanting to be all pretty and femme but doesn't think there's a point to it because money and also she doesn't think highly of herself
things would be way different for them both as lesbians—Ian would definitely still be the forgotten middle child, although she and Lip would still be Fiona's backup ("you two are my rocks") because I refuse to believe that girl Ian wouldn't be just as committed to ROTC and fitness as canon Ian. She'd be able to kick anyone's ass any day of the week. I think she'd really look up to Lip and ofc he'd love Ian as his little sister but like, with the same kind of condescending vibe he gives Fiona and Debbie? Although maybe since they're practically twins his misogyny toward Ian wouldn't be as blatant.
she'd still be taller than him (tallest Gallagher no matter what!) and have long red hair that she just throws back in a bun or ponytail all military style. I can't see her having short hair just because short cuts can be a lot to maintain, better just to let it grow and keep it pulled back. (I know, I've thought way too much about the little stuff lol)
Mickey would be very punk. With an undercut and all kinds of piercings. Mandy gets more attention from boys but Mickey does get her share, although of course she's like blegh. She'd rather be kicking ass and taking names and proving to her dad that she's just as good at being a fuckin Milkovich as Iggy and Colin—she's got more brains than both of them combined and she's smart as a whip when it comes to doing math, as well as where scamming people is concerned. Terry would begrudgingly acknowledge this but never misses a chance to put her down because she's just another dumb bitch. Only serves to make Mickey more determined to show what she can do, though, and her brothers and cousins are no match for her when it comes to scrappy back alley fighting. She climbed to the top of the heap early on and punches out anyone who tries to take her on.
Ian absolutely falls in the lesbian stereotype of wearing flannel constantly. I feel like she would want to do girly sorts of things but like, doesn't feel she'd measure up to Fiona or other girls so she just sticks with "comfortable" as her main fashion staple. Her and Debbie probably share a room too, although as I said above, she's still super close with Lip. Debbie would ADORE her big sister, would look up to and admire Ian because they've got so much in common—it might even be that she finds Ian's lesbian porn and that's how she knows about it ("penetration isn't required for sex to occur").
I'm not sure how they'd meet in this au but it would still probably involve Mickey chasing Ian around trying to beat her up lmao. my original thought was maybe like, either Mickey chased after Ian because of something Lip did in a reverse of canon, or Mandy thought Ian was talking shit about her. Regardless, the idea of 5'1" Mickey chasing after 5'9" Ian is hilarious especially because I feel like Ian would end up being almost six foot tall by the time she's done with puberty.
even once Ian and Mandy end up being bffs (there'd definitely be some miscommunication, but Ian doesn't wanna get murdered by the Milkovich siblings, so she manages to clear the air with Mandy when she can get away from Mickey and their brothers), Ian probably wouldn't tell Mandy she's gay, gotta keep that shit on lock. So once they're besties she's gotta endure all the boy talk and be like oh haha yeah totally…but at some point Mandy would figure it out, probably because she's not dumb and also Ian "play what cool" Gallagher is not as subtle as she thinks she is. But Mandy, other than asking if Ian has the hots for her ("you're beautiful, but I like you better as my friend"), is actually pretty chill and realizes she doesn't actually mind hanging out with a lesbo. Yes, Ian and Mandy and Mickey would use all the derogatory slurs that get used towards lesbians, although Ian is used to the casual homophobia and Mickey is the most homophobic gay ever (I feel like she'd definitely call herself a fag and a dyke once she gets more comfortable in her identity).
idk how the whole grooming thing with Kash and Ned would transfer over—maybe Ned would be some rich lesbian cougar who wants a kept girl or something. But that's unfortunately a big part of Ian's character, the middle kid who's the only one to be physically abused (and yeah, Frank would still hit Ian, boy or girl), and is desperate for any kind of affection so attaches to anyone who gives it. Kash might be a (seemingly) meek wife to some bruiser of a husband who's short and has small dog syndrome, and that makes her sympathetic in Ian's eyes, thus making it easier for her to take advantage of Ian. I try not to think about Kash too much but it is an important part of Ian's self-image
I'm gonna talk about s3 in its own post because I have some Thoughts and Ideas for some changes to make things interesting :p
season 4 would be really even more depressing because I think that when Ian is manic (there'd be no running away to the army because she couldn't use Lip's identity; instead she'd go straight her sugar mama and from there calls Monica when things get too wild) she'd end up getting pimped out by Monica to really gross straight dudes—not that there aren't creeper lesbians who like younger women, but in general it'd be easier for her to find a job stripping at a regular club (lesbian bars don't seem to have the same opportunities as a straight bar or a men's gay bar do wrt making money). Poor Lip and Debbie finding her in the skimpiest outfit, worse than anything Fiona ever had to wear for a job, with way too much makeup on and dollar bills tucked in her underwear, coked out as hell, skinny enough you can see her hipbones, brain and mouth going about 300 miles a minute...ugh.
But Mickey coming and bringing her home safe and sound <3 beating up the skeevy guys trying to roofie her <33 watching over Ian while she sleeps <333
In a happier train of thought, I love the idea that Mickey really likes Ian's long hair and plays with it when she's not really thinking and Ian gets all 😍😍😍 because it means Mickey might like her omg. Mickey has a partial undercut and Ian loves the texture of the shaved part of her hair. Tells her not to let it grow back out and everything.
Mickey having to stand on her tiptoes to kiss her stupidly tall gf ("You're too tall, Red" "Complain all you want, Mick, you know you like it”). Mickey likes getting manhandled but only by Ian—anyone else tries it and they're losing a hand. But Ian shoves her against a wall and does her whole cocky, smug, looming thing and Mickey can't help but melt in her arms (not that she'd let Ian know about it, not at first; gotta make Gallagher work for that shit. Just cause she's a fag doesn't mean that she's anyone's bitch!).
I also like to think that Ian would try the super femme thing in s4 era and Mickey, once out, would be a little more comfortable being more butch, but they both come off as a mix? I just love the idea of fem!gallavich playing with gender stuff in that very specific lesbian relationship with gender—on one of Mickey's more butch days Ian jokes and calling Mickey her boyfriend and Mickey being like oh
personally I feel like Mickey in her dyke era (s5) is an absolute pint-sized powerhouse, and still an absolute fashion icon because those cut-off vests? the tank tops? perfection🤌🏻
most of my thoughts are of early gallavich because I think things would go much differently since Sammi can't call the MPs on Ian in this au, but lemme just say that there's some fun stuff I'll be adding in another ask to add to the DRAMA
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joesalw · 7 months
This conversation about Taylor's downfall in 2016 and what led up to it, plus this lie that most criticism of female celebrities is just misogyny is really interesting to me because it's something I talk to people about in real life. There's this idea that in mainstream media people love to build female celebrities up and then rip them apart when they get successful, which don't get me wrong is absolutely true, but in some cases it's a little more complicated than that. There are times when certain celebrities brand and present themselves as "the ideal dream woman" of whatever period they're in, and then when the societal image of what "the ideal dream woman" shifts but the celebrity's image doesn't, the facade cracks.
I think a good example of this is Jennifer Lawrence. I was a teenager when the hunger games movies were coming out and was obsessed so I used to watch a lot of the interviews with the cast. Jlaw presentes herself very much as a "cool girl", she was the youngest of 2 older brothers so she was a "tomboy" that loves sports and drinking beers and shots. She also made it a big deal about how she doesn't diet and is constantly eating yet still has a slim body and doesn't know about designer clothes and is so above all this fame thing. Whilst all this was happening the Gone Girl monologue was gaining traction particularly the part about cool girls and how women alter their personality for men's consumption. Eventually people caught on about all the fictional women and celebrities that fall into the trope and were over it, yet jlaw kept up with the persona. Couple that with her continually working with David o Russell, the insensitivity to other cultures, the overexposure and people realising her acting ain't really all that, you have the general public getting sick of her and her having to take a break. She's sort of made a comeback now and people are just chalking her downfall to "misogyny".
I wasn't really following what Taylor was up to in the lead up to her crash because I'd gotten sick of her long before that and avoided her stuff like the plague, but I did see someone on Reddit talk about how her winning album of the year over Kendrick Lemar and then using her speech to shit on another prominent black hip hop artist over something that was a lie wasn't a good luck for her. Add in the racist undertones in shake it off and wildest dreams videos for good measure.
This time around I do think her not adapting to the political and societal change is going to be a major factor if (I hope) she has another downfall. Before I get to the next part I do have to say I'm from England (you may have heard of it but it is a very foreign country/s) so if I'm wrong about the American political atmosphere someone feel free to correct me. After the election of trump there was a whole knew political awakening and conversations happening, one of them being about how Hillary lost due to misogyny (not completely true) so there were conversations about patriarchy, sexism, double standards and all that. This was the perfect climate for Taylor to be able to swoop in and use all these buzzwords she's learnt and blame anything bad that happened to her on misogyny and made all of her problems into "women problems". You had her giving quotes like how women are only allowed to react or some shit and released "the man" (side note but does anyone else find the bridge to the song kind of racist? Especially the way she's constantly compared to black artists?). She was of course celebrated for all this and had successfully rebranded to politically conscious Taylor Swift.
I don't think she expected the political climate to shift so quickly once again. In 2020 we had those viral videos of white women calling the cops on black people and the conversations about how white women use their privilege and tears to harm others and get away with it. During BLM there were talks about how certain white women will present themselves as allies and progressive but still have friends and date people who are bigots showing their politics is skin deep *cough cough*. COVID had us talking about the disconnect from celebrities about the real world and how capitalism is just another plague that is killing us normal people. You had certain companies and people becoming billionaires during this time and this truly began the crumbling of the pedestal the rich and famous were on.
Flashforward to now, where there are multiple genocides happening in front of our eyes. A time where you can't open any social media site without seeing innocents being slaughtered in ways that fills you with a rage and sorrow I can't even put into words. A time where our world leaders are doing Jake shit like some Arab leaders or actively funding it like the UK and US. A large number of Americans are saying they won't vote for Biden next year, others are screaming if you do that we'll get a repeat of 2016. But people are rightfully pointing out that Hilary is also a war criminal and the DNC were told people are not going to vote for her so pick a different candidate, they didn't and lo and behold those people stuck to their word. Women being in power does nothing if they uphold the same system which is exactly what women like Taylor do.
So the women Taylor rebranded herself to is the exact kind of woman whos shit people are sick of. Her face literally being used as the face of the western media ignoring the atrocities happening to brown and black people and upholding the status quo is just poetic justice. Add in the absolute shallowness of that interview and the whole capitalism is okay when you're girl bossing and you've got people wondering who the fuck does she thinks she is.
There's obviously a lot more to any potential crash Taylor may have and this is all my observations that may be wrong, but I do find all this shit fascinating and I wish people smarter than me would look into it to see if I've got a point.
You’ve got a great point
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uunromanticized · 7 months
Hi! Could I request a Luka x female tomboy, introverted reader. Like she's quiet most of the time and does great in school, but everyone knows better than to mess with her! Even chole. But with shitty mental health and general trauma. But always acts ok and is really funny? Thx!
home | luka couffaine
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𝒅𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆?
cw: angst, mentions of panic attacks, apologetic reader, mentions of forced positivity, hurt with comfort, luka couffaine is observant
word count: 683
author’s notes: i played a bit into the shitty mental health aspect bcs i wanted to write angst with comfort at the end erm. i hope you enjoy 😭
it’s easy to live life with your head down. a neutral face while your inner self feels waves of hurt inside of a sea of emptiness. sometimes, though, it gets overwhelming. the sea crashes down with an intent to drown.
tears already dried on soft skin, leaving only the feeling of emptiness. staring off, the feeling in your chest worsened when you realized just what time it was and that you almost had to meet up with your boyfriend. you loved him to death, but currently you were also thinking of death.
begrudgingly, you rolled out of bed to get changed. you didn’t have the energy to do much, but you tried for your boyfriend. you kept it simple and to a more laidback style; jeans with a simple top with a cropped jacket. not the most high effort, but not obviously low effort, either.
you weren’t an obviously cheery person, it didn’t show on your face much; at least not in public. so maybe that’s why you could see the furrow in your boyfriends brow when you gave a big smile while walking up to him. mentally slapping yourself to being so obvious, you quickly lowered your smile a bit.
“hey, luka!”
did you sound a bit too.. off? probably, maybe he wouldn’t notice. but luka noticed everything. he takes a mental note before smiling softly at you; a serene smile, the one that usually makes you feel so fuzzy inside.
“hey, (y/n).”
he reached his hand out towards you, and there was a slight hesitation in your movement before putting your own in his. electricity courses through your veins when you touch him.
the sounds at the restaurant were so overbearing. it was too loud, and you could hear the lights buzzing. you could barely hear your own boyfriend talking to you, coming up with half-hearted answers to what you could comprehend him saying.
“hold on- i’ll be.. right back, babe-“ you quickly stumbled through your words before rushing outside for air, needing to get out of there if only for five minutes.
ducking behind an alley, legs giving in and sinking to the dirty ground, you can’t choke back the sob that came out of your lips. the waves are finally at their worst, enough to knock even the sturdiest person down and down again.
“love?” luka’s voice came shortly after, full of never ending concern. you’re barely able to muffle another sob before looking over in his direction and putting on another smile “i’m over here.”
“is everything okay?” he’s looking you up and down for any sign of something, while you nod your head softly. “yeah- i’m okay, i just needed to step out for a second-“ the second that sentence ends, your brain short circuits as you realize that he’s here, which means nobody’s inside, which means you effectively ruined your date.
“shit- sorry, oh, i’m so sorry luka- i’m so sorry i ruined our date.” a spill of apologies leave your lips as you hear him walking closer before he puts a finger to your lips. “shh, it’s okay, i wanted to come out.”
luka never failed to tell you the words that you needed to hear whenever you’re like this. the affirmation that you need, even if he didn’t know it. luka couffaine was so good at saying things at the right time. those loving words just made everything spill over, with you bursting into tears.
quickly holding you to his chest, he hushed you gently. he hushed you kindly. he hushed you lovingly. he felt like the warm sun, while you felt like the cold moon. but maybe it was okay to revel in that warmth.
“can we go home?” you whispered. you didn’t live together. “yours or mine?” he spoke, gently as though you were a deer caught in headlights. when he lifted you into his arms bridal style, you fell in love again. “ours.” you spoke, you didn’t know what that meant. you just knew that you were at home around him. luka couffaine was your home.
“okay, let’s go home.”
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
I blame you for the amount of König brainrot I have and I've been rereading the König's perverse fantasies post and I have some offerings to give if I may (TW: daddy kink, somnophilia, feminization, dubcon, blasphemy (maybe? idk)):
-really wants to be called daddy but would never voice it out loud, goes hand in hand with his breeding kink, any variation of it works tbh, big papa and papa bear also make him go feral.
-reverse somnophilia, would die to wake up one day with his lover on top of him or sucking him off, especially if she smiles at him and gives him a sweet "morning handsome~"
-has a thing for dancers, doesn't matter what genre. he loves seeing his Engel move gracefully, whether its ballet,ballroom, belly dancing (good god pray for her if she's a belly dancer, the clothes and moves are too sensual and flirty she would never finish a routine around him)
-feminization, I HC König as a bisexual who doesn't understand he's bi until he finds himself in a male readers room while he sleeps and then has a lightbulb moment of "oh fuck oh shit", so he would try to offset this by wanting to make him more girl like, asking him to grow out his hair, wear skirts and make up, calling him feminine petnames, the worst is when he talks about impregnating him in the middle of a heated session. this also works with a Tomboy reader imo.
(Hear me out on this one okay)
-Nun clothes, I feel like his biggest fantasy is being wanted in the same way he wants someone, so having someone who is "pure" struggle to maintain their "piety" because of him really get him going, he likes to imagine corrupting a sweet lil devot girl and having her wear lace and silk lingerie under the nun get up or making her do confessions of how much she loves being touched by him as he eats her out. he would SO say grace before eating her out too, the perv (BRB I need to search far and wide to see if anyone wrote a Werewolf!König X Nun!reader fic)
-James bond fantasy, his most self indulgent fantasy is him getting captured by enemies and being interrogated by a femme fatale who tries to seduce him, smirking while sitting on his lap and grinding against him as he bounces her on his knee while never breaking eye contact, "sexy" banter is a must ("I've broken many of your teammates spines on this knee you know" "are you trying to make me jealous, Colonel? because it's working") . he would wait until she's undressed both herself and him before he easily breaks free from his bonds and bends her into a mating press and fucks her until she's a babbling mess, her seductive siren like eyes are a wet, smudged mess from the tears and the smug look on her face is replaced by a fucked out expression as he makes her cum on his cock. In his truly lonely moments he imagines her betraying her team to stay close to him.
OMG I... these are PERFECT
I just wanted to say something about the daddy kink (yes let's all have a moment of silence for König's combined mommy & daddy issues):
Not voicing the daddy kink out loud, like never, and if you ever call him daddy he will get so, so embarrassed, confused, hot and bothered and awkward that he doesn’t know what to do with himself! If you say it in bed after asking him if you’re his good girl 🥺 and he falls into the trap and tells you that Of course you’re his good girl, his silly, sweet girl, and you call him Daddy just before he cums, the orgasm is 10 x more feral, like you’re handling explosives here.
After that he's very miffed and fussy and embarrassed and takes it out on you ofc, saying "Don't call me that!" and "What has gotten into you? >:("
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Human gyutaro x tomboy/wild girl reader, both are homeless poor etc. She's wild and rebellious, she'll runaway while getting scolded midway. She has the biggest crush on gyutaro and thinks he's cool, she nearly fainted of joy overload while seeing gyutaro gyutaro fight someone with his kama. And gyutaro is just looking at her one day really closely and goes "shes cute I guess". Basically headcannons of gyutaro with someone that's head over heels for him but he'd doesn't know it.
Human Gyutaro? Damn, that’s very interesting! Okay, I’ll try it! I assume this is like set before the Shabana Siblings end up being converted!
Shabana Gyutaro
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Gyutaro isn’t familiar to somebody else being kind to him, he is a ugly abomination and all he truly has is his beloved sister, Ume. When you came along all so suddenly, he and Ume grew attached to you, somebody like them and somebody that gave them kindness, despite having nothing to their name
Gyutaro may not be able to help you, out of your nor his nasty situation, but he has protection and skills so he encourages you to stick with him and Ume. You don’t have to run away when the adults try to attack or scold you, you don’t have to behave so much like a wild animal
Gyutaro is very oblivious to your big crush on him, the way you nearly fainted with joy at him attacking your pursuer with his sickles. You feel so special as you internally admire and idolise him but to him, he didn’t know the way you gazed at him lovestruck
Gyutaro does find you ‘cute’ but he never thinks much on it. More like a compliment and a truth to him, he would never actually say it to you but he expresses his care in other ways. He picks up your hand and bring you and Ume to a safer location. You and Ume are important to him, he must protect his girls
Gyutaro is too protective to let you go out on your own. Sure, you’re not the traditional girly girl and you can defend yourself but he doesn’t want to lose a dear friend to him. When he does go out with you, he ends up taking a gift for you, something tomboyish but cute and he feels pride as you wear it
Gyutaro values and encourages your rebellious nature. He loves it that you don’t mind breaking the rules or even the laws to survive, he can rely on you and trust you further! It didn’t take long for him to trust you with caring for Ume as he goes out to finish his duties
Gyutaro isn’t aware of how giving you hugs makes you explode in blush and stutter wildly. He always assumes you’re feeling too cold or too hot and he grows concerned for your health, his obliviousness is beyond painful as it’s very strong for somebody like him
Gyutaro is very common with sharing what he had to turn into food with Ume so he also gives you the same treatment. If you didn’t find anything yourself, he will try to feed you what he has so he will never lose you. He will always pull you into the straw bundle he made to keep all three of you warm in the winter seasons
Gyutaro is not that affectionate but when it comes to the two girls he does love, he is willing to give you lots of hugs to calm you down and comfort you to the best of his ability, thankfully, he has a ton of experience with care, due to Ume
Ume knows you have the biggest crush on her brother but since she adores you as much as Gyutaro does, however, she keeps it from him
“Dokusha. Be careful, that cut is deep. Let me care for you, come here! We will always be together, okay? You, me and Ume. Through hunger and the cold, we will all be together through it all”
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Random Facts About Marie
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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All Children Galileo Dorothy
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A/N: It’s finally Marie’s time in the spotlight! She has been waiting patiently, ngl. Also, I know I’ve mentioned the most basic K-dramas. I’m still learning😭😂 Also, I’m planning on writing something for Marie in the future. So for that I have to ask; who do you think Marie’s celebrity crush is?🤔 I will honestly be surprised if anybody guess it
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Warnings: None💜
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The youngest of you and Donnie’s children, and the younger half of your twin girls, your daughter of course had to follow your theme of being named after a well known scientist. You and Donnie decided on the name Marie, after Marie Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, also known as simply Marie Curie.
While Dorothy was the stereotypical girly girl, Marie was the biggest tomboy, both in clothing and in interests. Is her brother or one of her male cousins cleaning out their closets, Marie is the first to look through their old stuff. They have a skateboard they didn’t want anymore? It’s Marie’s now. Console and games they got tired of? Marie already had a spot for it in her room. And somehow, she always manages to make better use of it then they ever would. It is almost impressive.
Just like her father and siblings, Marie would show great intellect from a young age. Though she showed a great interest in Donnie’s lab work, to the point where she would fight her siblings to be the one that would help him the most, her true passion was in music. With a knowledge and understanding of music theory, as if it was just a different way of writing English, Marie could best be described as a musical genius. Plus she could play several instruments, always picking up a knew one to challenge herself with.
When Marie and her twin sister turned 15, she was more than ecstatic to see what weapon her grandfather had picked for her. And when she was given a pair of kama, she was more than happy, not touching her instruments for a whole month, so that she could practice with her new weapons. Both you and Donnie knew that was a big deal, and was surprised that such a thing could even happen.
Just like some of her cousins, Marie was a prankster. But while Luis and Gerardo would stick to minor pranks that only would cause mild annoyance or maybe even joy to their targets, Marie took it a step further. Her pranks didn’t occur as often, but when they did, you knew it was her’s. Often involving water or something that would have to be cleaned up afterwards, Marie had a tendency to target her siblings. And yes, her pranks have ruined and broken quite a few things.
While Dorothy could get a new celebrity crush every other day, Marie is stuck on the same celebrity, and has been so ever since she first discovered him. Other than the time back when she was 4 years old, where she had a small crush on Casey and April’s kid, this is the only time she has had a crush. But there ain’t no way she will ever tell who it is. Not even Dorothy knew.
Marie likes to watch K-dramas. Or, some K-dramas. She’s not very much into the romantic comedies or all that cute stuff, but the action and horror ones? She’s sold. Squid Game is an obvious one, Kingdom and now The Silent Sea. Her favorite movies are Parasite, Midnight and Train To Busan. However, there was the time Dorothy caught Marie watching Goblin, seeming fully invested into the plot. However Marie would deny it.
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applebyss-snakybite · 1 month
Here's more of that Sonic fate swap AU of mine. Is swaped Fate au a good abreviation for this? (I really need to come up with a title for this au, yikes)
Nevertheless, since I started things wrong with the villains as an introduction, I'm going to present the main hero: Amy Rose. Amy Rose swapped with Sonic. Now, I know there's a lot of concepts like that with her, but here's my take on it. I've decided to do the character explanation in a way more similar to a fanfiction, I think it makes it more fun to read than just me rambling. And, I think I'm going to write it a little bit as if it was a comic series... you'll see. I hope you'll enjoy this format (if you're even interested) because I think I want to stick with it :
PART 1: Amy Rose
When Amy was a young hedgehog, she was so energetic that her parents bought her a big squeaky hammer so she could have something to spend her energy on, while also allowing them to have a moment of peace from her. Amy really wanted her parents to buy her that hammer, and she ended up loving that hammer to an almost obsessive amount. She practiced several fighting techniques with it to the point that squeaky hammer became more than just a toy. Despite becoming so skilled with the squeaky hammer, she had yet to practice fighting with a real hammer. Nonetheless, fighting and sports became her passion. Once she reached the age of twelve, she became more independent and would explore the hills around her small village by herself.
That was when she encountered her first big conflict she ever needed to face by herself. She found two meanies who were bullying a six years old rabbit girl: Cream. Amy didn't know why they were bullying her, but she fought off the bullies, and Cream is forever thankful for her help. Cream has a creative mind, and she likes to tinker. She has a strong relationship with Chao that help her gather the resources for her art project and also help with the tinkering itself. When she saw Amy fight off the bullies with her toy hammer, she was inspired to build her a better, no, a real one with the help of the Chao. Amy's new hammer was made of wood, painted a pink and yellow, and was far more solid, thus dangerous. Amy and Cream became best friends after this event.
Amy was certain she was going to live the rest of her life in the village she was born in. It wouldn't have minded her if only there were any interesting boys around. It wasn't because she was tomboy-ish that it meant she wasn't interested in finding a lover. She would share her dreams about building a family to Cream, and the two would play house together with the Chao on a daily basis in Cream's secret Chao Garden. Taking care of Cream and the Chao quickly became Amy's favourite thing to do, and the two of them promised to always be there for each other. Cream said she was going to follow Amy wherever she would go. Cream became Amy's little sister at that point, and no one could separate them.
However, one day, the whole world turned around and completely changed the course of Amy's life. On another normal visit to Cream's secret Chao Garden. She noticed Cream at the entrance of it, panicking. The Chao had disappeared, and before she could say more, someone suddenly appeared from seemingly nowhere and kidnapped her. They were swift and fast. But, despite how agile they were, Amy wouldn't back down: her first adventure began here.
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But, what or who could be that dark blur that caught Cream?
More will be told in the next part. :>
(Oh gosh, I told myself I wasn't going to do fanfictions on there.... well, each part is planned to be a rather short story without much dialogues, so that's fine.)
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