#also I hate posting stuff at this time but I want to keep up the streak whoops
major-trouble · 19 hours
There's this book I want to talk about. About a Perfectly Normal Spaceship (lol) and the adventures of its crew.
So, I know I keep harping on about this, but I finished my reread this evening and I have to say - it's better the second time through.
There were a lot of things I missed on the first round, mainly because I was devouring it as fast as I could in a wide-eyed rampage of unbelievably hyper-focused attentiveness that nearly made me mess up the start of the academic year for a major post-secondary institution.
But anyway.
Taking a much calmer, more measured approach, I still found myself drawn deeply into the story and anticipating the next plot point with glee and amxiety. I could clearly see the foreshadowing now. And it made the experience richer.
For the record, I fucking hate reading first person narratives. They drive me up the wall for personal reasons. And first person present tense?? Fucking hell. This story blows my mind with how well the author takes these elements and makes them work. I want to hug Aspen and kick them in the ribs. I want to listen to Tal talk about shit forever. I want to understand Celti's motives and give Hive the opportunity to see butterflies.
The characters are real and grow in ways I was expecting.
Anyway, please go read this story. It's not going to change your life, but it will definitely cause a time dilation effect and make you late for something. Also go check out the rest of the @derinthescarletpescatarian stuff. You won't regret it.
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askchilchuck · 2 days
May it be alright to ask if we can learn a bit about you, our lovely admin 😊
Btw you're doing awesome! Keep up the great work ♡
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Huh? What do you mean admi- Chilchuck is yanked out of frame.
HI you’re incredibly sweet!
I’m not super good with this kind of stuff so I’ll go over the basics.
My name is Sophie. I’m 26. I live in the Pacific NW in the US (hence why my schedule sticks to PST usually). And I work an office job, which is why I get a lot of free time during work days lol.
HUGE Dunmeshi (and especially Chilchuck) fan, but I also really like MHA (Keigo/Hawks my beloved 💖) even if the ending made me really sad. (Hori should’ve taken a hiatus IMO. I fully believe he would’ve been up to following through with the plot lines he set up if he wasn’t pressured to keep his pace.)
I was also violently reminded of my massive Peter/Quicksilver (x-men movies) crush when he showed up for .2 seconds at the end of DP3, so I’ve been wanting to watch those again with my mom some time.
I’ve been on Tumblr since I was in high school. I came over from DA where I used to post my fics before my mom found out and got me into AO3 (fandom runs in the family lol. She’s also a professional author/editor and was like “no kid of MINE is gonna post to fucking da” lol.)
Not sure what else to say so I’ll give you a fun fact: I hate coffee AND tea! If I need caffein I’ll drink a Ghost energy drink (preferably the red Sour Patch Kids one) and if I want a hot drink I’ll go for hot cocoa. Also for soda I’m on team Dr. Pepper and will die on this hill lol.
That’s all I can think of, but if any of you have any questions I’m more than happy to answer! I’ll check up on the comments on this post throughout today if you’d like.
Thank you for being awesome, it makes doing this a lot of fun. 💖
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fancylala4 · 3 months
“Blah blah blah I want marvelous to change things up little! Blah blah I don’t want them to go back to what it used to be. Blah blah sdv was made by one person and I put in more hours into that game than I did with rune factory 4 and story of seasons ever did!”
Good, go play that game instead of whining about sos/rf games not being like it on the fucking sos/hm/rf forum for the 100th time. Not everyone likes that game (I hated every single thing about sdv) and wants sos/rf to be exactly like that game.
I know I say this many times before but I will say it again. Sos: poot did change everything up and guess what? Everyone in the community hated that game. So much that they are worried that the next game is just like it. The last thing this company needs is to further alienate their audience by taking out and changing things that made them love the franchise.
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nervocat · 3 months
#💭 — ⌗nervo rambles . ★#gonna say I'm venting a bit (kinda of a lot)#but I may seem selfish from this and let me say now ik everyone was putting themselves first (which is a very good thing)#but having three mutuals deactivate their accounts within I think two months or so??#I rlly don't like to be negative and I might also take a break from Tumblr (as much as I love posting here#so I'm still unsure if I'll even stick to that) bc of how negative I've been lately#I just don't want to keep venting and putting that on everyone so#but yeah I just. It makes me sad to see old/new mutuals go#I never thought I'd have to like#witness it#Idk#I've cried over losing them all and it feels rlly silly but I mean idk#I (try to — my feelings with crying are iffy and I hate admitting I do cry) not cry over everything but I just can't word stuff rn#might be posting less/not posting at all for the next few days or so#I'm gonna be busy in July anyways so it's probably better to just say that now#sorry guys I'm just dealing with some stuff mentally lately (an example being gender dysphoria but I can't even word the stuff going on#not to sound like I'm overexaggerating bc I rlly don't wanna seem like I am. It's nothing too serious so don't#be worried at all pls I'm ok enough I won't just disappear)#I just wish I could have alone time in my room with my cats without my family bugging me for a few days#It's tiring atp#I wanna lock myself up just to recooperate and figure out how to deal with certain things the best I can#anyways yap fest over I'm gonna go play wuwa and build Jinshi more#sorry for venting again 🫡🫡
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reborrowing · 1 year
siblings and secrets (Stranger Swap)
For GT July - Secret
I live on the west coast! I have 15 minutes left of day three!!
Hollow secretly checks in on his outcast younger sibling when he has the chance and finds out Val has been keeping a much more dangerous, exotic secret from the local borrower colony. Word Count: ~1800 content warning for fear and hand stabbing, I guess. Stranger Swap main post
Hollow snuck along the attic rafters to the far east end of the apartment complex. Whenever he was supposed to go out and meet with traders, he got up early to run this errand first. He didn’t think anyone had ever noticed. Val certainly hadn’t, even though it was Val that he was checking on.
He dropped down and followed a pipe to the cavity overhanging the kitchen. It was a comfortably cramped space, kept at a good temperature by an overhead duct and had easy access to both a water pipe and the most important space in the inner apartment. Some day he or Chai or someone was going to have to talk to Val about installing real security, but for today he just took advantage of how easy it was to get into the loft.
He slowed as his eyes adjusted to the dim light. Val had left an electric tea light flickering on the table. A cap full of crushed mint gave a pleasant smell to an otherwise musty space. The pantry shelves were satisfactory, though the contents were bland. No perishables, nothing too fresh, and not particularly balanced, but Hollow wasn’t concerned with any of that. He wasn’t trying to ensure his sibling was living in luxury, he just wanted to make sure the runt was keeping themself alive.
In the next room over, Hollow had expected to find his sibling curled up in the corner, given the early evening hour but the bed was empty. His hackles rose as he swept through the loft more carefully, checking every nook a nervous borrower might choose to curl up in. He found Val’s  bag slung over a cork stool and a knotted harness hanging on the wall, but no Val.
He tried to convince himself that it was nothing to worry about. Val didn’t need to be home, they were free to live life on their own weird, daytime schedule if they wanted. But Hollow had a gut feeling that he couldn’t ignore, that something was wrong. It had been just a few months since Val had said they’d been discovered, hadn’t it? Those tenants had left, but what if it had happened again? Or worse.
Hollow followed a stapled ladder down into the apartment and squeezed through a hole carved into the back of the cupboard. The sounds of the apartment grew less muffled and he paused. Someone was home, he could hear them chattering and moving around. They weren’t close, but they were here. It would be smart to simply come back later once the lights were off. But he was already here on the wrong side of the complex, and he had other plans for the night that he couldn’t put off without someone asking what he was up to. And he’d gone dumber places to do dumber things, really.
He picked a careful path through the cupboard. It was such a tightly-packed mess that it was difficult to maneuver through, even at Hollow’s size. He wove around haphazardly balanced packages towards the door panel and forcefully shoved his shoulder against it to get the latch to disengage.
He froze as the conversation in the apartment picked up again. The voices were still distorted, but they were much louder. A large shadow passed over the thin line of light where he’d cracked the cupboard open and Hollow drew back. How had he missed the footsteps drawing so close?
“Seriously, it’s not that hard, I promise. Kids do it, you’ll be fine” a woman said.
“You bought a fire extinguisher after last time.”
Hollow’s stomach sank. That was Val. He didn’t know what they were talking about, but that was Val’s voice. They didn’t sound afraid or hurt, at least, but that only mattered so much. Too much of anything was dangerous. And humans were too much of everything. Even their kindness could smother and crush.
Not to mention that the colony would probably kick them out of the complex if they found out Val was breaking the main rules again.
The woman with Val laughed.
“I should’ve had one before! But besides, this is basically just boiling water, you can’t mess it up. It’s barely even cooking,” the woman said.
“You said that about the eggs.”
“And now I’ve had second thoughts about how much you’ve never had to know, and came up with something easier.”
A set of fingers dug behind the door just below and Hollow staggered back into the mess of the cupboard. He dove into an empty space as light flooded into the compartment. In his rush, he tripped over a bag of chocolate chips, sending a box overhead teetering and crashing into the newly opened space where the human stood.
Val grunted and Hollow automatically leaned forward with concern. It wasn’t enough to get himself seen, but thought he could steal a look at the tenant and what the human might be doing with his sister. At first, all he saw was a downturned head of curls.
“Sorry! I keep meaning to clean that out, especially since…well, you,” the woman said.
“It’s fine,” Val sighed.
The face tilted back up to scan the cupboard and Hollow jerked backwards in horror. It wasn’t just the idea of being discovered, he was still sure that he hadn’t been seen. It was…His thoughts kept shattering before they could finish the very impossible thought.
He knew that face. He recognized it. Or, flashes of it, because it refused to add it up to a whole. The dark curls, the angle of their jaw, the tawny skin, the unusual golden eyes. Their mothers’ nose, the same shape as Hollow’s own. 
As he edged further into the shadows, his elbow rubbed against the same bag he’d tripped over a few seconds ago. The rustling sound was soft, barely noticeable. Those golden eyes flicked right towards it. Right towards Hollow. His heart skipped a beat as they focused on him and flashed with recognition, then shock. The two stared at each other without moving for several long seconds.
“Hollow?” whispered the thing that looked like Val.
This wasn’t happening, this wasn’t possible.
This wasn’t worth getting caught over.
Whatever had actually happened to Val, whatever this thing was, Hollow would deal with it at another time. He bolted and if something wasn’t between him and his escape, he didn’t care to think about it. He went much quicker now that he didn’t care about knocking things over or making noise.
Humans’ speed was always surprising, given their size, and Hollow could swear that this thing was even faster. They hopped onto the counter for better reach. Massive shadows danced overhead as they tore apart the contents of the cupboard.
“Woah, hey! What’s hollow? What are you doing?” asked the woman he’d heard earlier.
“There’s someone in there,” they answered as they dragged away a plastic bin that had been just in front of Hollow.
Hollow stopped suddenly, his stomach twisting with dread. They weren’t ripping away pieces of cover at random. They knew where Hollow was going. They knew more about how to get back into the walls of this unit better than Hollow did and they had a good headstart getting to them.
“Hollow, I won’t hurt you. It’s just me,” Val said softly.
They could hardly be just anything if they had figured out how to turn themself into a human, let alone just Val. He didn’t want to know what someone would have to do to become such a monster.
“You know them?” the woman asked.
“We’re siblings,” Val said.
There was a pause.
“They live here too?” the woman asked, sounding guarded.
“Not here-here, no, but closeby. I don’t know what he’s doing here,” Val said. “Hollow, could you please at least answer me? Can we talk?”
Several seconds passed. Hollow felt his throat drying out and swelling shut, he couldn’t imagine what he was supposed to say. The two weren’t close anymore. He didn’t know how he was supposed to reconcile his memory and mental image of timid, fawning Val with the giant standing in the apartment. He grit his teeth and tensed to try and keep himself from trembling.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Val said.
Too late, Hollow realized that it was a warning.
His stomach lurched as Val’s fingers wrapped around the box behind him. He panicked at the idea of being exposed, at being grabbed again, and rammed the blade of his prosthetic into the nearest finger.
“Ow! I’m not grabbing you, shithead, just the—you don’t have to stab me!” they snapped.
They flinched backwards, yanking Hollow off the stable floor of the shelf before he could manage to free his blade. He smacked against the side of the box as Val knocked it over. He landed against a paper bag that showered him in a cloud of sugar for a few dazed seconds. Val—it wasn’t fair—runty Val had just flung them across a cupboard. Reflexively. His chest tightened as he pushed himself back up to run while they were dealing with their hand.
“He stabbed you? Are you okay? Is he okay? Oh my god, you’re bleeding!”
“No kidding!” they hissed.
Hollow risked a glance back. Val pressed on the wound with their other hand, graciously giving him the space he needed to make it to the hole in the wall and escape. Val took a breath and squeezed their eyes shut for a moment to keep their temper down.
“I’m fine,” they said. “And he’s…shit, stop! Hollow!”
There was a long, defenseless moment when Val could’ve easily grabbed him. That crack in the wall was narrow and it took time to squirm through. His heart hammered in anticipation as he fully expected to feel something clamp down around his legs and pull him back into the light. He flopped safely onto unfinished wood. His heart kept racing as half-expected those massive fingers to try to pry their way into the walls.
He didn’t sit around to wait for that to happen and got up to sprint for the ladder. He stopped to catch his breath once he reached the loft and ended up sinking to the floor in tears as he tried to make sense of what just happened. He had just wanted to make sure Val was safe. He wasn't sure how to answer that now.
The wall of the loft shuddered as something on the other side tapped against the drywall. Hollow slithered in the opposite direction.
Of course.
Of course Val knew where their own damn loft was.
“Look, I don’t know what you're doing here, if you're spying on me or... I get it if you don't want to talk with me like this. Just, don’t tell anyone about this. Please,” Val said.
As if anyone would believe me.
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triglycercule · 3 days
thinking about mtt literally physically dragging eachother down and being restrained to eachother because theyre genuinely that fucking ass for eachother but then it means i'd have to decide which of them to humiliate by putting a collar on them. and i can't choose. if they dont all equally suffer than whats the point man 🙁🙁🙁
#i think they'd all have interesting reactions to it 2#like a permanent collar that cant be taken off. to make even more gruesome what if it were like built into the BONE????#or it could just be something less extreme like bone carvings. killer would absolutely do that shit#anyways i think horror would be the most reactive to it. anger is the most intriguing emotion#and also dog horror real. anyways he'd hate to be demeaned and disrespected like that. he has an ego and honor man and this is cutting it#dust drags him around constantly. killer pets him and disregards his boundaries. like a fucking DOG#because horror hates kist enough that he'd never let them get vulnerable enough. not that it stops killer LMAO#dust thinks some of horrors hatred towards them is a projection of his own self hatred (and hed lowkey be right)#loser. dust i think would be unique because to me he'd be a bit fine with it#i mean i think itd be hidden under paps scarf so it wouldn't be a constant reminder of horror n killer#but he lets the two hold the leash at least a bit. give him an eensy bit of touch and let a few insults slide#but the second he decides that even the smallest thing is enough he gets ticked off and then yk. someone has to put bunny back in his place#because dust is chill enough to let normal things in his eyes pass. he's not very reactionary or the type to immediately bite back#(since dust would just avoid horror and killer if he did meet them. means he has some sort of tolerance for them. keeping his peace fr)#but the moment hes reminded that god these two do suck and i shouldn't be letting this happen all of the held back anger comes out#killer would seek out the force and stuff. horror would treat him like shit because it makes himself feel good and killer look like an idio#dust doesn't even glance at him though and it pisses killer off. both of their actions do actually#like WTF DUST you guys literally put this on me. treat me like the piece of shit i know you think i am#but also STOP HORROR!!!! dont pull me around and demean me im not a pet i dont want to be treated that way even tho i say it do#yeah hes caught in a standstill. AND SO AM I do you see my issue. cannot pick one specific#all the trio would have such interesting reactions i cant just choose one to solely suffer......... anyways mttpoly am i right#should i tag this. like majority of the interesting stuff is in tags. but also i didnt post today i have a duty#dust sans#killer sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#tricule rant#this just ended up being me thinking about mtt with collars. maaan what about handcuffs and chains and other restrictive things#having them have restraining relationship isnt enough i need them to PHYSICALLY RESTRAIN EACHOTHER
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pl4n · 4 months
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from a while back
#my art#rare colored drawings#even if its just flats#i feel like ill only ever post art if i want to rant in the tags LOL its awesome#sometimes theres just those kinda vague thoughts and feelings that feel a little pointless to actually talk to people about yk#its nice having a lil blog to throw stuff into :) journaling i guess#i dunno i feel stressed thinking abt juggling all the different life things. its smth i see expressed a lot and yeah. literally how#i kinda think hmm i should slowly incorporate things one by one. but then its like damn life just flies tf by and youve done jack shit#but then when im actually doing things i feel like things just keep piling up and idk how long i can sustain it until it all falls down#i guess this anxiety kinda comes from having had really poor mental health during my school yrs... maybe i still do but ahh#i just wonder when the next time that everything comes crashing is gonna be yk. it feels so inevitable but the stakes only get higher#so i dunno. ive been having a hard time sleeping from anxiety.. which gives me more anxiety... which gives me even more anxiety#im supposed to be cramming these tasks into these little pockets of time but i blink and a day is gone and then a week and a month.. a year#i want to do the things i have to do but also the things i want to do. but also REST#and ik that the balance between those things is extremely necessary.. bc losing that balance is exactly how shit hits the fan#hows anyone gonna manage that?#but i guess learning to do that is what life is all about.... lmfaooooooooooooooo#time keeps slipping man i hate it#ill keep trying tho ✌️ all i can do
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twilightarcade · 3 months
to do list for my eyes Only
#wordstag#getting ready 4 bed... made wraps for tomorrow!#I have 2 text girl who im friends with about pizza rolls tomorrow.. think she'd find it silly#ummm! Need to figure out what I'm making for July 4th? Going to the store tomorrow or so. Maybe hold a poll haha#pssssshhhhhhh... have collected a few cloud photos and I wanna try my had at drawing them. Likely not to post as I took them nearby...#probably going to take a shower in the morning. Need to do that#I Will say we washed our sheets recently. Big stuff. Need to put laundry away tho.#hmm............ working on pixel art as of late. God am I bad at pixel art. Its ok tho.#I neeed to have like. A conversation with someone. Haven't had the energy as of lat1e though. Or as of ever. Horrid.#need to go back to the library soon as well.... return my books#I may invest in keeping a time slotted schedule. I think it would be beyond good for me but also that means doing initial setup#like planners is like ok do this... eventually! Lol! But if it was loosely time slotted?#I'd hate to have to digitally because that puts on a lot of pressure. Counting down the minutes and such#maybe I can repurpose a planner...? Lots of questions to be asked. No answer today tho#also may invest in another goofy craft.. have a few Amazon gift cards collecting dust (Do Those Expire ?)#I donnou what do people buy off of Amazon anyhow? Questions for someone who is wiser than me.#I really want to invest in a nice desk though. Would kill for a nice desk n chair combo up in here#to be honest I still haven't quite gotten over lounge beds or whatever they're called. The bunks with desks under then?#that's the shit right there. Would be an absolute pain though.#but anyhow to do list... look into making an actual to do list.#we've used like. Notion n such on and off.#I quite like notion but never checked it enough for it to actually do anything for me... kind of the same problem as the Planner Problem#bullet journaling was Better till it got to the question of WHEN we were going to do all that stuff. Trick question we weren't.#I may try time blocking for like a week. See how it goes. Got a lot of time on our hands and haven't done much with it#spreading ourselves too thin etcetc. Gotta focus our efforts...#Ok that's enough from me; goodnight folks. Have a. A good one. Again. Sweet dreams and such.
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thecherrygod · 4 months
#my posts#...........................................................................................................................................#............................................................................................................................................#is that enough i think that's enough#yeah that's how its going#everything's been getting worse and I've been feeling very bad but also very pathetic and like complaining almost makes me feel worse but#i can't do anything else about this so like. vent post lmao bc I'm a dumbass#i truly just want to(redacted)but one of those isn't an option and the other i have a drs appointment soon and i don't want to explain that#everything is just. bad. and what isn't i feel like it's getting bad and it's my fault. and I'm probably right.#just. i hate it here#the deserving mentality is truly getting to me and i fucking hate it. it's not logical. I'll still agree with it.#i truly don't deserve the food stuff i can't keep in my life and i deserve the shit that in getting and i can't stop agreeing with that#'oh this classmate wants to have lunch with me on Saturday after working on something! i should cancel before it's too late-#-so i can continue feeling bad for being an apple bc people should hate me bc I'm horrible and don't deserve kindness' like#it's. it's false. it's not logical. and yet#everyone else there's the fucking plexiglass wall and where it wasn't i think it's getting formed and it is my fault probably#i am annoying that one is true#.... I've been making posts like this all day and deleting them bc I'm pathetic also. it's.#... there's a little too much going on lmao#nothing's worth it and i feel like shit and anything i could try to do about it doesn't work and I'm just tired#... in case someone does read this i know it sounds worrying but nothing will happen tbh I'm just a pathetic coward who's sad and tired#and tired of being sad in a way that feels like it's getting worse#I'm not very sure when was the last time i felt. this bad in just. i don't know how to make it stop lmao#also in already annoying so this is all i can do i think lmao#i think I'm seeing now I'm just. being redundant and if i keep this up too much i will delete this. and i should but. i don't think i will#also without saying much this year the one thing™ has been worse than usual and that's not helping either so it truly is just.#that everything is kinda very bad#.... yeah. whatever. it's just.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯#... i truly wish killing myself was still an option like when i was a teen bit it's not so i just have to deal with whatever this is#... i hate being aware this is all super illogical bc the logical post of my brain teams up making me feel worse somehow.
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thethingything · 6 months
had to lay down. woke up at nearly 7am. got overwhelmed by our sleep schedule once again being fucked because yesterday we actually went to bed at roughly the right time and thought "oh this is great we've fixed it". decided that we're just gonna deal with it and it'll be fine. and then our brain decided that no actually we're gonna have a combination of emotions that's maybe gonna give me another breakdown if I can't figure out how to deal with them but I have no fucking clue what to do with them
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#I fucking hate this. we barely did anything yesterday because we were too fatigued and then slept at a weird time#and we're still too fatigued to do much and we need to do the stuff we'd normally do before bed#and by the time we've done that we'll probably need to nap because we will feel so much worse if we don't#and I don't want to have to try and fit my whole day around trying to fix my sleep schedule but once again what else do I fucking do#and the whole last month has been like this over and over and it's because we got covid in February and have been way more fatigued#so we have to keep laying down and when we do that we just pass the fuck out#also waking up at like 7am (shortly before what should be our bedtime) leads to us feeling really sick#the way we used to feel when we had to get up early for college. like our body can't handle it and makes us feel like shit#and to top it all off the emotional shit I'm dealing with has nothing to do with this and it just another overwhelming thing on top of it#dysphoria and homesickness my fucking beloathed#I just want to be awake at the right time and have a nice stress free day and feel relaxed for once#like we keep trying to take time to relax and set aside time to do something fun and relieve some stress#and we still end up just as stressed and when we decided to spend a whole day just trying to relax we just ended up even more anxious#I'm so fucking tired. just let me sleep at the right time. just let me fucking relax for once in my life
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woolydemon · 2 years
I am cursed with the burden of liking so many things but not having energy to make art for all the things I like 😭
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btw. i dont think i'll forget, but Just In Case, i DO have art (nothing crazy) i wanna post for the 16th. but i also have a lot to take care of right before then. so if you dont see it by like 6pm EST please yell at me bc i probably got busy and forgot
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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"Wow, you've been venting a lot about D02 Fan base Issues lately, I wonder what happened???"
"Well you see ever since post-Kizuna dropped, which is extremely suspicious TIMING in itself..." (While DigiAdv 2020 was also airing BUT.....)
In the last section of caps, when I proceeded to politely (hyper-formally) request this person stop harassing me by spamming me with multiple rude comments early in the morning when I wasn't even AWAKE to answer, and mentioned I was away because I was observing Shabbat (noting to them politely what it was), they proceeded to flip out, "turn" on me and start accusing me of "betraying" the pair. "Okay I beyond messed up" was their failed ""attempt"" at an blatantly insincere apology (they since continued to spam/harass a handful more times) and acknowledging they WERE HARASSING ME.
Except here's the thing. a. The Taishiro tag, by all means, is still for a rare pair ship. b. I am very aware of which fans follow me for my O.T.P. and actively post about it and who doesn't (including people who have lurked before). c. When the harassment started up I reached out to multiple other Taishiro fans (and people aware of the ship fan base being active) actively posting at the time and we were keeping aware of the situation in case they went about to target others. d. THIS PERSON WAS NOT AND NEVER A "FAMILIAR FACE" HERE / IN KOUTAI OR ADV+02 TAGS and posted fully and competely mainly on Anon (before "de-anon"ng using multiple account names; this was just before A.O.3 introduced comment blocking as a feature almost immediately after I began contacting them about it.) e. The timing of this is STILL highly suspicious to me considering the harassment mainly began in 2k20:
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What was happening in Oct. 2k20 (aside from it also being my bday month, which was fantastic timing to harass someone??)
It was around the ending of DigiAdv 2020 Ep 18, when a lot of long-time fans would have returned to (if briefly) see the end of the Devimon arc involved, including past long-time Stans who dropped off partly keeping up with "canon" post-Tri (also especially if they hated ALL said new canon since...)
Kizuna was already out, but hadn't debuted in some countries (however, long-term Adv-02 fans were pretty aware of Kizuna developments due to notable leaks) and a lot of Stans also came back to actively "talk" / rant about Kizuna and the ""timeline"" since.
The person started out using a handle referring to a well-known N.S.F.W trope that I have absolutely 0 interest ever engaging with, and they likely knew that I might be semi-aware of it if just due to its sheer popularity. This was the first clear "hint" something was immediately wrong with the persons' commenting style, but I humored them at first by responding seriously and politely, giving a simple answer to the question ("plrease read all author's notes and tags clearly before reading".)
They since moved on to create multiple accounts and handles to spam / harass me ("Tales" might have been a reference to "Tales of" fan base, which I'm not involved in but was also suspicious in itself), pretending to be ""different"" people each time but using the exact same speech patterns / ~~accusations~~ and basically failing massively at "obscuring" / hiding themselves, almost to the point all of this was INTENTIONAL. (Also failed at making me take them seriously once I realized their intent to spam.)
The second (literally right the nights when I posted it, showing they actively WATCHED ADV-02 SECTIONS) I introduced more Daisuke into the storyline, (I had already finished the thing a bit earlier on, it just wasn't on A.O.3 yet...) they "turned" and "flipped" on me, "pretending" like they actively hated him and disregarded him, but my suspicions are really high that this was all an ACT. Because THE HARASSMENT DID NOT RAMP UP AS MUCH UNTIL I BEGAN "TOUCHING" DAISUKE / USING HIM IN MY THINGS AT ALL. (Very Suspicious)
I have seen similar long-term behavior from certain 02 Stans in this fan base who act like they have ownership over Daisuke head-canons and interpretations or something... including from a former person-I-briefly-interacted-with who used to (and STILL, as recently as the last weeks, though I won't name names but...) often acts really possessive over him and their interpretations. (You know, there's no rhyme or reason for why these kinds of things happen, right???) I long since hard-blocked the person on all DigiAdvs related accounts over it.
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^ The conclusion made by A.O.3. was that it WAS harassment.
So, I'm just saying.
When I very formally informed this person (during the time they attempted fake-"politeness"/creepy fake "praise") I was (mentally) away noting Shabbat during the time they sent like 6 harassing comments in a morning, they proceeded to make the "turn", accusing me of multiple times (since) of being a "traitor" and INSULTING SHABBAT TO MY FACE AND ACTING LIKE THEY DIDN'T KNOW / ""GET"" WHO JEWS ARE, EVEN WHEN I SPECIFIED IT WAS A HOLIDAY.
Which IS ANTISEMITISM. Regardless of any fan base involved things it's to the point of antisemitic hate speech and religious harassment. I'm not even sorry to point it out but it IS.
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{I finally let them know I was aware of the kind of spam tactics they were using against me. They proceeded to say this and continue acting "clueless" about what they were doing, while also half acknowledging it all the same} (Like seriously????) Anyway, if you (anyone posting in Adv or 02 sections, especially Koushiro or Daisuke involved fic!) ever get harassing spam comments from any of these user-names, REPORT THEM TO A.O.3.
I also don't mean to ~~call out~~ another "response", but...
When I brought these concerns up with people who I suspected may be involved in the (or possibly aware of similar) active harassment but was INITIALLY genuinely giving the benefit of the doubt, I intentionally left out about half of the comments since A.O.3 was still handling the case. One of the people I asked about if they were aware of such things actively going on in 02 sections commented very oddly and almost vaguely to me
"Maybe they're using an A.I. generator? They're getting more advanced {with text} (!!!!!) these days." (Summarized response)
A response I still find highly suspicious to this day.
Because this was blatantly NOT the work of an A.I. This person KNEW which characters they were talking about (despite trying to make it seem like they were "clueless" or "~~couldn't read~~" the MASSIVE amount of author's notes and summary and tags I left all over the fics and making a blatant show of "not actually reading" / absorbing it).
Also, in between, they NOTICED(!!!) immediately when I began up-loading my old A.M.V.s to other non-DigiAdvs sections(!!!) and began spamming those comment sections TOO (all with the same type of comments). (I did NOT give these any attention or response at the time)
So I'm Just Saying. Yeah?
This is unacceptable.
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{Mocking Shabbat after I got after them for spamming me.}
So yeah, to anyone who MAY have been involved in this?:
(Kizuna spoilers!Koushiro moment Commence):
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I'm still NOT amused.
(DO NOT copy or re-post my gif.)
It's been just about a year since the harassment-spam began last year (to eventually be squashed by A.O.3). All I'm saying is, yeah I'm still ticked and there were reasons why I wasn't actively posting other works, including for other not-O.T.P things...
(While it may change {with my postings} with the coming year I'm not going to deny that I'm not still majorly pissed off at the sequence of events at all.)
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xcziel · 2 years
@tumblr ... @wip ? @support ? i guess? idk if you guys have one particular person or team looking at just the mobile platform but
i am asking you to please reconsider the placement of a follow button on. Every. Single. Comment. in a reblog chain.
i mean this shit
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(i realize it is not a button but idk what else to call it - clicky text? taptext? idc! i just don't want to accidently follow people and then end up going ":O wat is this random post doing on my dash?" you know?)
i am an app user, i'm on my phone. i use my thumb to scroll. the chances of randomly hitting a follow button i DID NOT mean to hit have now sky-rocketed
please consider that while the option may work great on desktop, the app does not have enough screen real estate to support this conveniently
ESPECIALLY since you have the button on the right side of the screen where it is usually safe to rest your scrolling digit - if you insist on keeping the follow text there could you at least please move it next to the username like in the reblog line?
#it is not *bad* it is just inconvenient#bc i hate seeing a post and going wtf is THIS?#and then looking at who posted it and going all gandalf i have no recollection of this url#when did i follow this person? did tumblr just follow them for me - as has happened before?#or did i click something accidently while shuffling my phone around with tumblr open which happens WAY TOO OFTEN#it's a phone dudes - a lot of times i'm carrying it and some other stuff and only using one hand#and the screen is on and i have to grip or stack the phone to keep from dropping stuff or it sliding off#and then when i pick it up again there's a damn pop-up message that says 'thanks we'll take a look at it!'#and i'm like why is there no back button i have no idea what you think i did i literally knocked the phone off the counter#and grabbed it what do you think i was doing tumblr?#... anyway i foresee a lot of that kind of thing happening with this update option#it's just too easy to unintentionally hit that text - and like it's one extra click to follow someone i don't think it's too hard#you want to follow them bc they said something cool you click the url go to their ... i guess it's a landing page now huh?#since it doesn't take you to a real actual blog? but the follow option is right there at the top of the screen#also you can see if they are a real person or like have a big dni list or something so it's MORE useful that way#idk about most users but i like to look at a few posts scroll their blog a little before i follow somebody ok?
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Thinking abt my dupe ocs again, and I'm returning to my cringe fail silly ones who exist solely for me to have fun. Basically one of the colonies is sort of a lil experimental ground dupe wise where most of the dupes get to have some fun critter biology meshed in there, with most of them being fairly stable, but a few of them having a bit of a harder time for some reason or another. Such as having no bones and the most fragile skin known to dupe kind.
#rat rambles#oni posting#this colonies ada is the no bones guy shes mixed with a void bug#she actually is able to function mostly just fine its just that she has to be like super careful all the time#it doesn't help that her insides are mostly just foamy goo so the colony doctor doesn't rly know how to treat her wounds#on the bright side shes extremely light and can jump onto other dupes shoulders for fun#she cant fly tho very sad#even if she was the lightest thing in the world her wings are on the back of her head and arent as flexible as an actual shine bugs wings#she mostly uses them to gesture with like an extra pair of arms#and to paint with since shes also an artist#she's passionate abt her art but shes also super passionate abt being an engineer and a lot of her art ties back to that#mostly because she was printed only abt a month before the pod went offline so after that her fellow dupes became a lot more protective of#her since they felt that if smth went wrong now they wouldnt know how to help her#this frustrates her a Lot especially since prior to this she was mostly left to figure out how to manage this stuff by herself#she ends up tinkering in private when no one is around since she has a lot of ideas and wants to try making them#one of her biggest goals is to find a way to fly or glide without jetpacks since she's convinced she could find a way to#if she can be knocked off her feet by a light breeze then she can totally find a way to stay in the air longer shes sure of it#in the meantime the rest of the critter squad are trying to convince liam to not eat sand because itll just make his sensitive tummy worse#he knows this conceptually but his heart tells him that he ate a meal and started to feel sick so its clearly poisoned and the cook is#sick or trying to poison him and hes going to die if he keeps eating food from the fridge and so he must eat sand#unfortunately this is a fairly common anxiety of his since his stomach rly can only half handle anything ever#I imagine he and ada have a complicated relationship as while they do get along one of them has violent anxiety and the other is fragile as#hell but hates being babied so ada often avoids liam to his dismay
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gorillaxyz · 4 months
i dont like rbing murdoc fan art here bc i dont want anyone else to see him... well not really but its sometjing like that
#txt#I MISS HIM. HIS BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW. AND ALL I HAVE IS A HYPERFIXATION ON RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON#its not like i havent been thinking abt him though#i think abt how annoyed at me hed be for this. EVEN THOUGH HE HAS A FUCKING AMERICAN FLAG IN HIS WINNEBAGO#'oh its as a joke i fucking hate americans. so did you. youre no fun anymore'SHUT UP😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i love thinking abt how annoying hed be to me#PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LISTEN TO THE NIXON TAPES WITH ME.#i think hed be into nixons presidency but like not completely. only as an extension of his interest in the vietnam war#and hed love talking to me abt the cold war and stuff i think...#and id be like :( jfk... he wa sjust a good catholic boy... fuck#and hed laugh at me so much and make fun of me all the time#he loves the fact he was assassinated#murdoc#also i would post so much more abt murdoc but im fucking shy okay... i havent hsd this many followers on a blog in years#naybe i want to keep this to myself. because its cringe. and stupid...#even though it is my True Self#us presidents#i think hed find lbj really fucking funny#hed like ike though i think... mmm#maybe#just bc of his serving in ww2. and how significant he was#i think hed like talking aby the bay of pigs incident with me. and hed say stuff abt how he wishes ww3 started on my birthday 1962. because#hes horrible like that#he would hate the kennedys#hate is a strong word. hed 'hate' them. but only bc its funny#he doesnt like their (mostly jfks) chokehold on pop culture and stuff. and the amnt of people who love him#hes only loved so much bc he was assassinated... everyone loves a martyr#and hed be critical of the new frontier and stuff. i think hed actually be kind of interested in usamerican politics... but not the 'boring'#stuff#pipdoc
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