#alr personal opinions on each:
minh-i · 2 months
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Yknow, Nagi left Reo in the 2nd phase cuz he found a person that could possibly further help him evolve, and while Reo was rlly bitter about it, it was him who said that if Nagi sucked Reo would abandon him.
So this relationship that they have was never solid to begin with. Nagi had left Reo to progress further with his skills in football, and if Nagi had continued to be like how he is at the very beginning Reo would, too, possibly lose interest in Nagi because he lacks the ego/passion needed to progress further as a good football player.
Overall, if Nagi hadn't left first and continued evolving, there's a possibility that Reo would leave him first because his skills are lacking. Or that, because Reo seems like the more attached one, he'd stay with Nagi urging and helping him to get better. Which would ultimately result in both of them falling behind.
So if we're speaking realistically (even though I was sad at the 'break up scene') if Nagi didn't leave Reo then they wouldn't be where they are right now.
I know Reo and Nagi got back together eventually but they got back together as better versions of themselves. Like, if Nagi didn't leave then they wouldn't have had their own time to really evolve and would've still be stuck behind a wall while everyone else is progressing forward.
Just like a few chaps before actually, I remember reading in a chapter about Reo and Nagi failing to do well on the field (Neo league) and as much as I like Reonagi together, they would be better off without each other. Because once they're together they get heavily reliant on the other, which stops them from being able to evolve even further (if you know what I mean?)
Being an 'egoist' is literally to prioritize your own needs above the rest and to be 'selfish and arrogant'. To not care about others, and to only care about yourself and your path forward. That's why most of the 'evolving' that was happening for Reonagi was when they were separated. And the moment they got back together was when their 'evolvement' rlly came to a pause.
To be fair, Nagi never really had an interest in soccer at the start, and Reo just wanted to win the world Cup one day. Also the fact that Reo saw that Nagi was rlly good at football despite not playing it leads him to believe that Nagi is a one of a kind genius (and that if Nagi practices enough, his genius will be able to crush everyone else). Which then led him to label Nagi as his 'treasure' the genius he found and will further cultivate until they both succeed.
Nagi, on the other hand, started football because Reo offered him money and an easy life. So I think that because of this, the moment they're together again, Nagi just doesn't really have the 'urge' to continue evolving. Because when he's with Reo his easy life is practically alr guaranteed as long as he continues to play football.
Reonagi is kinda like Kaiser and Ness, the striker in question is way too reliant on their middle fielder. It's like how Kaiser and Nagi will probably only pass to one person throughout the entire game. Unlike Isagi, who even though his first option will be to pass to either Hiori or Kurona, he will still pass to the others on the team if it can make for a positive outcome.
This is all my own opinion btw, I don't know how accurate this might be but this is what I think from what I've seen with these two. Also, I'm not an Isagi glazer if anyone is coming after me for that. This is just me and my very own biased opinion.
Ps: Kaiser telling Ness to leave him made me sad, yes, but I think it was the right choice?
Anyways, for anyone who's read to then end thanks for coming to my Yap talk, I have a lot to say and no one to say it to. So I just yap on Tumblr, also, it's like 11pm here so I'm excessively yapping. Shit might not make sense cuz I didn't proof read, and I might be saying shit everyone alr knows/repeating words, but like, hear me out guys.
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cheesus-doodles · 6 months
For Yandere BFF Rindo, it seems like he's just a baby in denial (totally in love with bestie but unwilling to admit it and covers by saying its a best friend thing (totally not a boyfriend thing)). Based off your "Opinions about Dating BFF Reader", a question has been sparked.
What would happen if BFF herself asked Rindo to date/why aren't they dating? BFF has heard from other people that when a boy and a girl like each other alot and never want to be apart that means they should date. It totally sounds like an upgrade from BFF (isn't dating just like being super BFF's with kissing?) Once bestie gets an idea in her head she doesn't seem to let up or let go of it, so how would Rindo handle bestie insisting that they should date/aren't they basically dating already? (Or alternatively, does Rindo succeed in convincing bestie that she is mistaken and then proceeds to beat up whoever put these ideas in her head)
I totally can imagine Ran catching wind of this bestie thinks she should be dating Rindo agenda and egging it on (either to annoy Rindo or because he can see how obsessed Rindo is with bestie and thinks it'll do him some good to be able to claim a more official possessive position in her life)
been working on A Friend in Me but also got caught up in the TR Puzz Reve game ;-; so sorry if things get a bit slow here
Recommended Reading: Opinions on dating BFF Bimbo Reader
Masterlist | Rindo Tags
I previously answered about Rindo being asked by an external party on dating you and how it would react, but I honestly think that the same question coming from you would get a totally different reaction.
Under every circumstance, Rindo will absolutely just freeze up and short circuit the first time you ask about dating. Not because its a strange question to ask, given its something he not only have been asked multiple times before, but also have considered before himself, but because ya know, it’s you of all people. The one person he never expects to know anything beyond what he teaches you.
Yes sure, he knows that you love to read those sappy romance books whenever you sleepover (cause you need him to explain the story to you, and god only knows why this baby boy continues to keep them in his room for you). But he has always made sure to always trick you with regards to what those stories were actually talking about, so where on earth did you hear about dating from?
Asks you to repeat your question as if he didn't hear it the first time, but ends up cutting you off halfway and demanding to know who you heard that from - Rindo's not going to let you leave until he finds out where you learnt that close friends should date, claiming that it's dangerous to listen to others beside him.
Did he actually have feelings for you beyond being a caring, overprotective bestfriend? Irrelevant, in this boy's opinion, especially so right now when there is clearly a more pressing issue to solve at hand.
But after this stage, Rindo's next actions depend on the current situation the two of you find yourself in.
If it's still just you and Rindo against the world, then this boy would immediately try to change your mind. If you are already insisting that the two of you are essentially dating (since the two of you were already super BFFs right?), Rindo would try his best to persuade you that you had the wrong idea, that dating and having being BFFs were completely different things and that you were completely mistaken in your understanding.
Would do his best to try and find out where you heard it from so that he can have a little talk to set things straight (hoping to anyone out there it isn't Ran because fuccckkkkk). And you'll get to hear straight from the horses mouth on how having a boyfriend was bad for you and you shouldn't aspire to have one. If you heard it from Ran then Rindo just has to convince you to stop talking to his stupid older brother because what else can he do?
However, if you do continue to insist that the two of you are already dating or that you two should start, then Rindo would very reluctantly go along with it with with several conditions, essentially that it would be no different from when the two of you were just BFFs, and that you weren't allowed to tell anyone else about this "dating" without his express permission, especially not Ran.
Anything more than calling himself your bestfriend would not be processable in Rindo's mind, and honestly the idea of kissing for this baby boy is so out there at this point in time that he can't even comprehend it without his brain melting down and him having to reset.
If this occurs after you have already met Kakucho and worse, Izana, then no doubt that Rindo would immediately agree to being your boyfriend the moment you bring it up. No questions asked. Sure the mere thought of being your boyfriend would bring a blush to his face and he can barely speak without stammering about how you were being so stupid right now, but he knows that allowing you to say that you had a boyfriend and that you were dating him would help to fend off unwanted attention.
He will no doubt start to work on fear-mongering you into thinking that he was doing you an absolute favor because did you know how bad it is to have a boyfriend?? And whoever told you otherwise is lying, especially Izana, though he only says this out of earshot. And hopefully you don't repeat this to the Tenjiku gang leader because god only knows how many beatings he would get in retaliation.
Absolutely worth it though, if you reject any and all other advances, because you can't keep yourself safe even if life on earth depends on it, and Rindo can't trust you with drinking from a straw if he isn't watching.
But at the same time, this baby boy becomes just so shy about doing anything with you and even more self-conscious. What if other people get the wrong idea about what you mean to him? What if people stop seeing him as a delinquent but see him as some mush? So he switches to holding your hand in private, or where people can't watch because of the implications, but Rindo quickly caves when you start pouting.
Ran no doubt would absolutely encourage your behavior the moment he finds out, and he will because you simply can't keep your mouth shut. This poor older brother not only will enjoy the free real estate of laughs and wiggling eyebrows at his younger brother, but also the peace and quiet of Rindo having some sort of security over you. No more late nights of being awaken by Rindo storming over to your place early in the morning, or being dragged out of bed by another suspicious post on social media.
Rindo's obsession with you has been so obvious from the start that Ran doesn't know why he hasn't just upgraded himself from the start, but honestly he'll be rich before he can mind-read what goes through Rindo's head. Ran would definitely be the sort to take the opportunity not only to pester and annoy Rindo with innuendos and seemingly harmless questions about marriage, but also go behind the poor boy's back to plant the same questions on you to ask your bestfriend.
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
Daily Hobie HC! I feel amazing I just speedran all of my assignments (the ones due soon anyways)
Hobie laid against his stormcutter's body, tapping the end of his pencil against his chin, humming in appreciation as one of his dragon's wings stretched out to block out the sun, providing a relaxing shade.
He turned around, crossing his legs as he ran his fingers along the stormcutter's scales, petting the large dragon with a small smile gracing his lips.
The stormcutter was an odd dragon, in Hobie's opinion anyways. Almost like if someone mixed a few creatures together and out popped this weird thing.
However, the peaceful scene was disrupted by a loud crack somewhere nearby, almost like a stick being stepped on by accident.
Hobie's skeptical expression quickly faded into an amused smirk, looking towards a particular spot nearby as he chuckled at the disapproved grumble of his stormcutter.
Suddenly, you were there, riding the light fury to managed to befriend. Hobie quickly packed up his notebook, so you didn't see what type of lyrics he was writing for you as you hopped off the grey dragon and walked towards him.
Your light fury followed suit, its finned tail swishing from side to side, approaching Hobie's stormcutter with a series of low growls and rumbles, its body language seeming more cheeky as the two dragons conversed.
You pull Hobie into your arms, hugging him tightly. Hobie gladly returns the hug, even going so far as to lift your feet off the ground and twirl you around, basking in the sound of your sweet laughter as he does so.
Hearing the excited rumbles of your light fury obnoxiously not believe in personal space, Hobie offers to have a fly around with you. No competition, no pranks, just a relaxed fly to spend time with each other.
Obviously accepting the offer, you distract your light fury from humorously annoying Hobie's stormcutter, hoping onto the saddle on the back of it, before looking towards Hobie.
Hobie nodded towards you, gesturing that you take off first before he follows. Soon, you both are soaring through the air, perfectly on level with each other while the distant waves crashed below.
By the way you two always looked at each other, there was no way that everyone didn't know already what you two were absolutely whipped for each other. The amount of times Gwen or Miles had found the two of you cuddling in bed, yet say 'just friends' as a coverup was far too many.
You fly slightly higher than him, before leaning to the side and going upside down above Hobie's stormcutter. Hobie chuckles at your action, raising a hand up to touch yours.
You lower your hand as well, fingers grazing against one another's for seconds that felt like minutes, before you leaned away, your light fury spinning to be the right-side up.
After a while, Hobie yelled out for you to follow him, before quickly diving down towards the ocean. You ride your light fury after him, diving down after his stormcutter.
Before the two of you could plunge into the sea, his stormcutter caught itself quickly, with your light fury not too far behind, sea spraying up from the speed of the dragons' wingtips dipping into the water.
Hobie lead the two of you up high again, chuckling at the way your light fury huffed and licked away the salty water that flicked onto its face.
As the two of you soared peacefully, your light fury began to talk to his stormcutter in a series of rumbles and chirps, the two dragons slowly flying closer and closer until wingtips were touching.
Hobie slowly got up from the saddle, keeping his footsteps light as he walked along the wing of his stormcutter, encouraging you to step up to meet him as well.
After a reassuring glance from your grey dragon, Hobie held his hand out for you as you stood up, making your way over towards him.
Hobie wrapped his arm around your middle securely, the two of you surprisingly stable standing on both of your dragons wingtips.
Unable to hold in your urges, you cup Hobie's face and press your lips softly to his, to which he immediately reciprocates.
After a few moments, with both of the dragons huffing to get you both to separate, you and Hobie hurriedly return to the saddles, unable to stop laughing about how ethereal that felt, and the fact that both dragons seemed to sound disapproving when trying to separate the two of you. -🐦‍⬛
So cool! Roze and amzy will love this!!
Daily Hobie HC ❤️❤️❤️
I love it when that happens! Good job, angel!!!
Dragon rider Hobie and R my beloveds 😍
You've heard of an upside down kiss now it's time for an upside down holding hands
I love their romantic kiss 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 it's so creative!! I can imagine Hobie holding onto u tightly just in case you lose your balance while u do the same for him 🥰
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moldingtundra · 6 months
why sk8rclown (pilby x infected) is OTP 💥💥
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Sooo you read the title, so you know what this post is gonna be about!
P.S this is MY personal opinion and if you ship anything else that’s fine! But for the 0.5 percent of ppl who are here for the rare pair I present to you the ultimate explanation on why this ship works so so well
without further ado let’s discuss why the non-bi pan cattipillar and the emo chic dude form the 2010’s would totally kiss!
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Ok first of all; what is their dynamic and why does it work so well?
well that actually depends on how you see them, but in general, I think their base dynamic is the scared and soft introvert x outgoing extrovert, as clearly seen by their dialogue and personality documented in the wiki, it’s clear that this dynamic seems to fit best.
It even shows in their limited interactions with one another, yes, I know there’s only technically 3 interactions so far (subject to change in the future) BUT even then you can clearly see the chemistry that bounces off.
This and the other dynamic being old fashioned x high tech of some sorts, example:
Infected: "I c4nT wA1t tO r41Se My Fi5HinG Stat5!! B)"
"Golly.. fishing.. stat?
"That sounds confusing.."
Infected: "Th4t5 My aw3sOM3 Vid30 g4mE!!"
Infected: "I'm TrY1nG to G3t a G0lD3n TenCH!!"
"All those video games and whatnot has got me so confused.."
On top of that, their mindset is actually quite parallel with each other; infected is stuck in the 2010’s, while Pilby is stuck in their old fashioned ways (idk what time era though help)
plus, infected seems like the type of guy to really have a deep care for the ones he loves, with words of affirmation and physical presents and whatnot, and pilby, being a guy with little self esteem and belittles themselves, while also showing comfort in reassuring words, would definitely either get flustered at infecteds compliments or crash like a windows explorers page and go💥💥💥 /hj plus, I’d like to think that he’d get pilby flowers (despite his allergy) just to please them and see them smile super brightly (although pilby would immediately stare in horror at infecteds puffed up face (allergies ammiright)/jjjj
And then there’s my interpretations, obviously this ain’t gonna apply for everyone but I personally believe that infected is the type to show the most affection and also be the caring type while pilby is the two stud tall guy who is a nervous wreck and shrivels at the mention of going out to a party, LOL, ok but no seriously soft caring extrovert and scared little rat dynamic save me save me dynamic.
alright lh, that’s all I have for this section, onto the next!
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I think the reason why pilby x infected always stuck out to me is just the thought of it, like wow! A 2010s emo chick and a clown! Sounds like something random but trust me, it works, think of it like the emo and bright pink chic dynamic, just with a few tweaks.
this and also my interpretations of the characters (Alr explained in the previous section) it’s just such a unique take, and I’m a fucking sucker for unique ship types.
heck even their designs actually compliment each other, pilby is soft and round, and infected is bright and bold.
Anyways, more ramblings uhm, I feel like infected, despite being the caring one, would also be reckless, often time getting into scuffs, which worries pilby and brings out his more firm and true side, like a wife having to deal with their husbands shenanigans. I feel like because of that pilby can take the opportunity to show their more truer side, the side that’s not always sad and sighing about their mama, the side that is happy for the little things in life and always takes the time to admire the surroundings, something that infected takes for granted sometimes due to their hyperactive and fast nature, and that alone, would teach infected to slow down as well, to take in the scenery around him sometimes, the warm sun, the falling leaves, the chirps of the birds, flying high into the clouds, setting off on an adventure, it’s the little things that count the most.
and in return, pilby would learn that not everything is all rainy clouds, that they sometimes does need a few push’s outside of their comfort zone to enjoy a few things. Maybe a little skating wouldn’t hurt (or will, depends if pilby falls when infected let’s them go) or saying hi to split every once in a while can actually lead to some funny conversations and thereafter, thoughtful moments to cherish for years to come possibly.
it’s an effect, they rub off each other, they stuck together and learned new things about and for their life, even if it’s little or silly, it’s worth everything to them, and it’s worth it because they have each other. When pilby is with infected, there’s nothing to worry, and when infected is with pilby, he can relax for once and actually chill, seeing the comfort of being simplistic.
And I think that’s fucking beautiful, I think that’s what struck me hard for this ship, it’s so loving and touching ai feel like I could cry just writing this. It’s truly the deep realizations that make these types of silly posts worth writing.
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uglylittlebug · 3 months
Tell me everything! Or wait no, let's start slow.
1) how'd u come up with ur au and 2) how is everyones dynamic with each other and splinter!!
U said splints was an asshole so tell me about :))-🫘
RAAAGGHHH!! Alr, shit under the cut
1) I knew I wanted to make my own tmnt iteration, didn't rlly have any huge thots behind my ambition tho lol. I started designing the turtles and then I kept redesigning until I found something I liked (tbh I might change a few things as I go) then came other characters so that was fun. And then I just wrote a shit ton of notes in a shit ton of Google docs, note pads, and sketchbooks. I don't rlly know man, I'm just coming up with stuff as I go along
2) super excited u asked this bc I actually have stuff written down about it lmao
Bro dynamics:
Raph and leo
-they fight a lot, there is a certain misunderstanding between them. They don't seem to see how similar they really are
-eventually they will see it and their bond will grow
-leo doesn't understand why Raph is the leader yet he is the favorite
-raph gets frustrated with Leo but it's out of care for him and his loved ones
Raph and donnie
-they just get each other idk
-raph sometimes hangs out in dons lab and draws
-they both have issues with anger and lashing out but Raph is better at hiding it
-they constantly tell each other to fuck off, shut up, etc but it's always playful
Raph and mikey
-pretty much just rise raph and Mikey, just make Raph more like idk chill
-they like to cook/bake together
-mikey honestly helped Raph with a lot of things he was dealing with mentally
Leo and Donnie
-its a love hate relationship tbh
-obvi they care about each other but they just have a hard time expressing it
-leo doesn't rlly understand Donnie and why he is the way he is. He feels like he's just putting on a show and being way too sensitive about stuff
-eventually he will understand him more
-they dont always agree with each other
-donnie hates how devoted Leo is to splinter
-im not going to go into detail on this rn but there was a situation during training and it did not go well
Leo and mikey
-they fight the least but when they do its something, two dudes who dont have a hard time expressing their opinion but do have a hard time expressing themselves
-they always apologize after (usually) and will watch tv together or something
-will definitely get into some shit if left unattended
Donnie and mikey
-donnie likes his personal space and Mikey likes donnie's personal space
-donnie often lashes out on Mikey, similar to 2012 Donnie. But he apologizes and explains himself after
-mikey always seems fine but he is sort of scared of Donnie when he does lash out. He's seen what he does to himself (Donnie will bang on tables, stomp on his feet, hit himself, scratch or bite himself etc) and he feels dumb for fearing this but he is worried Donnie might hurt him
-donnie likes to ask Mikey a lot of questions for his inventions and stuff, Mikey likes to offer his input so it's like a fun little thing for them
Bros and splinter:
-2nd fav child
-splinter made him leader since he is the oldest
-splinter puts a lot of pressure on raph since she's the leader and the oldest
-when the turtles were younger Raph was the one taking care of the others. He hates splinter bc of that
-splinter always told Raph that he must protect the others (referring to Donnie and Mikey) because they are "weak" and "unfocused"
-raph knows that it's fucked up but is obviously still going to protect all of her siblings bc he cares about them
-fav child
-splinter sees the most potential in him bc he is the most focused, skilled, and obedient
-doesnt understand why splinter didn't make him the leader if it is clear that he is the favorite child
-even though he is the fav, he doesn't like splinter anymore than the others
-he knows splinter hurts them (emotionally and physically) but is too scared to lose his position as the favorite if he speaks up
-he feels that if it weren't for him being the favorite the others would be hurt more
-is prob the least fav but it is unclear who is between him and mikey
-is ignored for the good things but if he screws up splinter makes sure he feels like a screw up
-things about Donnie that piss splinter off:
.focuses on tech rather than training
."talks back"
.stims, physically and sometimes verbally
.sensitive to sound, texture, etc
.is clumsy and "constantly" getting hurt or sick
-usually goes under the radar with splinter
-mikey is easily distracted while training so that upsets splinter
-mikey tends to cry when he's angry so splinter never takes him seriously bc he is "showing weakness"
I think that's all I have for now, ty so much for the ask tho!! I had a lot of fun answering it
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3scapethevoid · 6 months
Alr I'm someone whose personality can't be described by one MTBI and I seem to find a lot of people with this problem.
Both myself and my friends have come down to trying to decide whether I am INFJ, INTJ, or ENTP.. they all describe me, really, but they describe different parts of my personality. So! I'm coining these terms for people like myself whose personalities are more like a puzzle made out of many MTBI types.
No hate or bringing your personal opinion about MTBI into this, MTBI is not a science, it is a categorization of people, and not everyone is the same.
[plain text: Multimtbid]
Definition: A term in which one's MTBI type is an amalgamation of several personality types.
[plain text: fluimtbid]
Definition: A term in which one's MTBI personality type is fluid between several personality types.
[plain text: Microterms]
[Plain text: Emotumtbid]
Definition: A term in which one's MTBI personality type is fluid, with one's mood and/or mental state, through several personality types.
[Plain text: Duomtbid]
Definition: A term in which one has two distinct MTBI personality types.
[Plain text: Trimtbid]
Definition: A term in which one has three distinct MTBI personality types.
[Plain text: Ranmtbid]
Definition: A term in which one is, somehow, all MTBI personality types in one.
[Plain text: Crossmtbid]
Definition: A term in which one has two MTBI personality types which 'oppose' each other. (Ex: INFP and INTP)
These do not have flags but if people would like to make flags for them, that's swag. These are not my usual terms, so not lgbtq or MAD pride, but they're relevant to me.
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k0k1ch1111 · 7 months
Plsss tell us about ur oc Hoshiko!
Alr alr lemme copy the info I just edited into the previous post and then I can add extra !!!
This is a dice insert oc so main part IA about her and ouma ♡♡
Tgey met when they were both 8, hoshiko was making a mad dash away from her old orphanage and she jumped a wall and her dress got caught on a point part of the fence and when she ran she fell face first into his back and knocked him over onto the floor and almost got trampled by the other dice members She literally looks up from the ground and sees herself surrounded by a bunch of 7-12 year Olds in creepy clown masks and basically clutches her purse thinking she's gonna be robbed amd starts freaking the fuck out like "DONT TELL THEM I RAN AWAY PLEAXE DONT TAKE ME BACK I DONT WANNA GO!" ans starts spiraling into oblivion while ouma (8) is like stomping his feet throwing a hissy fit over her knocking her over and knocking his mask offMeanwhile some of the older (12 yr old) members are helping separate them hoshiko looks at him and is like oh my GOD he's so cool!?!??! (He isnt) she makes an attempt to ask who they are and gets a response of like "were a SECRET EVIL CRIME GROUP and were SUUUPER BAD so you CANT JOIN US 😡😡" and he makes them all run away, but forgets his silly little mask. Which she grabs and stashes in her bag, then runs after them Once she catches up she basically has been yelling after them for like 10 minutes so her voice is honestly kinda shot and she like whisper screams "you forgot ur scary mask thing!!!!" To which she gets a like begrudging "ugh... thanks :///" because In my opinion ouma is very picky when it comes to friends, it's either love or hate and she hasn't made it on the good list yet so all she was is a stranger who PUSHED HIM!! (Faceplanted)She she looks around at this group of people and suddenly tye urge to join them.hits her like a brick and she immediately asks if she can be their friend (which earns her a few smiles) and ouma kinda just... glares at her like :/// what do you add to the group ://///Little does anyone rlly know she's a very talented little pickpocket and she does a little rudimentary trick and steals something outta his pocket and that's her ticket in :>
Ok now onto more
Her first true friends in dice were 2 of the girls from the dice portrait in v3 (brown hair girl and blonde twintail girl. I named them Mika and Yui.)
She rlly wanted to get along with ouma but he made an effort t9 avoid her for a few days after she joined bc he was still annoyed that she made him trip and look stupid
He kinda started seeing her as a talented liar and a good person to be around when she started showing admiration for him
Like when she was designing her little uniform she decided to wear her scarf like he does because "it's suuuuper cool :]"
she proved herself to be a good thief and a pretty good liar so she ended up being the go to for schemes when her and ouma became friends
She has a very codependent personality so she puts like all her trust in him (mistake)
Other members warn her about it but she's already too deep in and starts mirroring his personality until it sets in and they're super similar to each other
Some silly little details I think about with her and ouma specifically
After they get close and hoshi becomes more of his like. Right hand man / second in command they end up talking a lot
Ik it's cliche as hell but they don't rlly lie that much to each other bc they can see through eachothwts bullshiy there's no point
As more group members join they try and split responsibility over like. Group chores.
They both have a commanding presence so whenever they like. Sneak into an abandoned apartment complex for shelter they kinda split responsibility with how to organize it
Theyre kinda sibling like but they aren't rlly related they just look similar
She has an insane amount of shit on him it's not even funny
Id love to write more silly hcs or stuff about her in her respective KG at a later point ♡♡
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heyyyyyya I honestly can’t remember if I alr did one but could you pretty please ship me with a character <333
starting with appearances, im female, about average height, very straight light brown hair with some natural blonde/ish streaks, pale skin, green-grey-blue eyes, large-ish nose (not massive), slight acne. my clothing style is very much basic.
my personality is hard to describe, im a yapper if i feel comfortable around you, silent if i dont, probably think about other people’s opinions on me too much, people pleaser, loud, excitable, hyper but also tired 24/7, social battery runs out faster/slower depending on the day, i try to be funny, more/less nervous meeting new people based off of their personality, i obsess over things rlly easily and a lot, love physical touch but im scared to initiate it with most people, i hate school but get good grades, nervous to say things +unintentionally clingy in friendships cus i think yall will hate me :)
also I think a lot of that stuff is just internal so it’s not really noticeable in my personality..
my interests include singing, acting, songwriting, writing, screenwriting, cute clothes and stuff like that, and things I love doing are hanging with friends, shopping, being on my phone, having personal space, staying up late & sleeping in.
that was a lot mb, thanks for reading and if you give me a ship <333
Your Outsiders Ship: Sodapop Curtis
(This man is ur husband)
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Explanation: I think that soda pop would be really fond of you. Just from the looks of you you don’t stand out that much but what really made him click with you was whenever he actually started talking to you and you would go by the gas station to get snacks and you guys would just have a little chats and it could get really deep very quickly and I think that’s one of the things he loves about you, he feels like he can open up too faster than almost anyone else because you guys share so many similar problems and tendencies. Honestly, honestly, I can see you guys just like even after the store closes just freaking chatting away and not stopping talking because I think you guys would really excite each other in a new way and I think you would have endless topics to talk about and with your guises kind of hyper personalities, I bet that you would never ever be bored with each other and I feel like he’s the type of guy to find new and exciting fun things to do on each date anyway. You guys are both people pleasers so you would have a really hard time sometimes with opinions on things because you both just want the other one to like each each other but once you sort of more comfortable with each other, I feel like you guys could get into the zone like teasing each other about disagreements and things like that. You would also have a pretty easy time, expressing your feelings to each other. I feel like soda pop would be and feel safe to tell you if he didn’t like something you said and obviously I think you would feel vice versa. You guys kind of both get teased for being basic but you know what you don’t really care what any other people think about that because they don’t understand that you both enjoy the simpler and finer things in life.
Healthy couple 10/10 ship
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daydadahlias · 2 months
popping round for a discussion abt consent ! whats ur thoughts on dubcon ? (idk if you’ve alr gotten this question before of if ur opinion changed since then)
hi pookie!! thank u for popping around <3 people hardly ever take me up on my invitation so i appreciate it <3
ok jessay time
per dub con, I honestly don't know if I've already gotten an ask about this before? I know I got one asking me what the definition of it was foreverrrr ago but I don't know if anyone's ever asked for my personal opinion on it. And!! I don't think my opinion has wavered much on it as a topic in my ~many years of being a porn writer~
Personally, for me, dub con is really triggering so I'm pretty strongly opposed to it. I would honestly rather read/write a CNC fic before engaging with dub con. Like, at least with CNC, you know it's roleplay and that the characters are both actively enjoying the non-consensual aspect of it and have consented to this beforehand. With dub con, though, people just... aren't enjoying themselves. and that's pretty sad :(
My issue, primarily, with dub con too is that people very rarely recognize it and do not tag for it which can then result in a very triggering/emotionally distressing scene for a reader. Anything that is not enthusiastic, engaged consent before + during + after the act of sex is dub con. Even if a character "gets into it later," that's still dub con!! And should be tagged as dub con!! And I've gotten into a few fights w/ fanfic authors in my day lol because they've written a very triggering fic and when I asked them to tag for dub con, they said no <3 and that's a whole other separate vent about how, as an author, you need to tag when people request you to but... i wont get into it for the sake of rant length lol.
When it comes to dub con, it makes me really uncomfortable bc, usually, one partner is either a) completely unaware their partner isn't fully into it or b) completely uncaring their partner isn't fully into it and the other partner is just expected to get into it later. that's kind of majorly yucky imo :( both partners should be engaged and having a good time !! or, if they're not, they should be actively working on having one. like, if Character A notices Character B is uncomfortable, they should say "hey what's up :(" they should NOT say "it'll get better soon, just deal with this" like that's !! not cool !! that's not consent !! and, a lot of the time, people tag dub con when it's just blatantly rape !!! if a character doesn't consent but comes, that's RAPE. that's not dub con!! people really don't know their definition of things :(
and, on the whole, i just personally - as a smut writer - struggle to fully understand the benefit that dub con even has in a scene. LIKE, okay, let's say a character is struggling to get into something sexual due to X trauma or X insecurity: that can be a really interesting and engaging plot point if the characters discuss it in detail and how to move through it together to make each other feel safer/happier ! That can be really tender and sweet :) but, when people write dub con that's just for the sake of what they think is sexy (esp when they don't recognize it as being dub con), it blatantly unnerves me. like, i genuinely don't understand why sex that isn't fully enthusiastic and happy would be more fun to read than sex that is. like, if I'm writing abt two characters going at it, i want them to have lots of fun <3 (or, if they don't, I want that to be addressed with some importance as a plot device and a moment for the characters to get to know each other better and how to make each other happy).
I don't want to read a story where a character has to be coerced or pressured or guilted into sex with someone who is supposed to love them :(
and, yknow, i do acknowledge that there's probably more nuance to this specific topic than I personally allow bc of my own comfort levels, but <3 that's my viewpoint on it !
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The Carver Lore Post
(^This isn’t part of it but I do think his favorite color is purple)
Also this is all my opinion (mixed with a little projection) and obviously not canon
ANYWAYS, I will be separating everything into different categories‼️‼️‼️
Home life
I can see Carver growing up in a middle class, small town kinda situation. HUGE mama’s boy, meh with his dad. I think his mom coddled him a lot growing up and he wasn’t entirely able to take care of himself.
I think people have mentioned this before, but I do see Carver as the youngest child. He has an older sister, maybe about 4 or 5 years older. They don’t fight all that much, if anything they’re frenemies. She cares a lot about him and it was really hard to move when she got into a college.
His family is very tight knit but aren’t super into family gatherings so when Carvers invited to other people’s family gatherings he gets excited.
School life
He wasn’t the best at school but certainly wasn’t the worst. He did pretty well but wasn’t exactly sure what to do after high school.
Not incredibly popular but still pretty well known, mostly because he was on the swimming and basketball team (though he quit basketball in sophomore year because he got bored) Generally liked, had enough charisma to not seem like a complete asshole.
Social life
He never had a lot of people he considered friends despite being a bit of an extrovert. Carver never really felt like he knew how to actually talk to someone. He could do small talk and act like he understood what to do but at the end of the day it was exhausting for him.
Maria & Ladybug
I am a strong believer in Maria, Ladybug, and Carver all living in the same town growing up. I think Maria was a mutual friend of Carver and Ladybug but slowly they all just became one friend group.
His friendship with Maria has always been pretty strong. They started off as just lunch buddies but quickly started warming up to each other. They have gotten into a few fights but most of them were resolved quickly.
Carvers friendship with Ladybug was rocky to begin with. Every few months they had a new big argument and it all ended in a sort of rivalry. They still talk, but both have a “I’m not apologizing until he apologizes!” mentality when they’re both in the wrong.
First kill
I think he was the last one to actually kill someone. Carver was friends with someone in the business who happened to have someone wanting to take them out. He happened to be there while the two were fighting and managed to kill the assassin relatively quickly. He felt surprisingly calm about it and the agency Carvers friend worked with started keeping tabs on him.
The trauma and mental health stuff
I’m not gonna get into the specifics bc I’ve talked about it before on my Medusa tattoo post and elsewhere but even outside of that I think Carver went through some sort of major traumatic event. He didn’t tell anyone for a long while, and when he did it was only his close family and friends.
He doesn’t view it as big or important really, Carver doesn’t even see it as trauma. It takes him a while to really understand the impact it had on him.
Trauma aside, he’s always been a very anxious person. Panic attacks are rather physical for him and he’s almost always on high alert. He isn’t very good at regulating anger and it got him into a lot of trouble growing up, but he’s always managed to narrowly escape punishment.
I think his family would be pretty unsure about therapy or mental health in general. They aren’t super traditional but they still hold up some of those values. It would take a while for them to agree to let him go (mostly bc his doctor recommended it)
Speaking of his family, Carver did grow up in a Catholic home but he’s not very religious himself. He doesn’t have a really negative experience with the religion outside of a lot of Catholic guilt he needs to work through.
Regarding mental health, I’m of the belief that Carver’s autistic and has PTSD. I think his parents were recommended an autism diagnosis but decided against it and never told him. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly ig) Ladybug pointing out his symptoms was what got Carver to realize he’s autistic and has PTSD.
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aannonn · 1 year
[jshk] Chapter 107 thoughts!
CHAPTER 107 FINALLY RELEASED!! I haven't thought of making an post about my thoughts to it but eh- here we are xD
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sharing this moment because tsukasa getting punched in the face is something we never saw before and i love it
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I love how patient and welcoming Tsukasa is with Baby Nene…
And, dang- It even feels like Tsukasa and Nene's personalities have been switched- Baby Tsukasa was so patient and kind and calm, while Baby Nene is being so impatient and irritating and energetic xD
Meanwhile; Older Nene is calmer, more mature (and immature at times…) and patient, while older Tsukasa is more chaotic, manic and impatient lol
I really love this stark contrast between their personalities and it just forces the idea of ​​how similar they both are. They are both chaotic in their own way and I love them❤
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It seems to me that he made the situation worse by entertaining her.. Don't worry Tsukasa, u got this!
I usually dislike kids for various reasons, but I can't help the fact that seeing kids being as excited and energetic as Nene is right now it's adorable and so comforting- lol
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Done. Just like that. I know I'm like- way super mega extra more powerful than her but like- No. I'm done. I hate kids. - This panel Tsukasa in a nutshell.
Alr but Nene playing around with the Koku-Joudais is so cute-- Poor Koku-Joudai though lol
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This. This right here. Is what made me incredibly happy. I love this panel. My favorite panel of this chapter now.
They both love singing. They both know how to sing. their VA's know how to sing. And they are both singing together.
Genuinely can't wait for the anime to finally have its reboot some day.. And see those panels getting animated! AAAA
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Nene looks like she's softening towards Tsukasa.. That's good. Does this mean they will have a good relationship in the future? (That is, if Nene remembers what happened when she turned into a child)…
Maybe. All that’s left is to wait and dream.
My second favorite panel for sure. Tsukasa just looks so calm and at peace, while Nene looks like she's fascinated to finally get to know this side of Tsukasa that she's never even heard of.
They're both just enjoying each other's company and, of course, loving singing Over The Rainbow together...
Those are the little things that makes this whole panel be my second favorite.
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thats not how you should hold kids-
uhm okay
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She's here, she's there, she's everywhere! (who understood the reference? lol)
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Nothing much. I just love this side eye that Tsukasa is throwing at Mirai.
Idkk its just- He looks so cool lol
Poor Nene tho- Seems like Kou influenced Tsukasa to hold kids like that xD (Tsukasa is a lil' bit more brutal about it though...)
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Once again; Nothing much. Mirai just looks really cool.
On a damn cliffhanger.... Dangit >;(
Oh well... Can't wait to wait a whole month just for the next chapter... Yippie....
Welp! Atleast my school ends in november, so that's a win! >;)
My final opinion about this chapter; Easily one of my favorites. I love them both and they seems to genuinely enjoy each other's company (atleast at near the end lol).
Platonic TsuNene is one of my favorites dynamics, and I love the big-brother-little-sister vibes this whole chapter gives us lol
Once again, as always, excited for the next chapter! >w&lt;
Though, I hope u enjoyed reading it just as much as I did!
Cya ~ !
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Lil' reminder; Feel free to correct me or add your own thoughts into it! Just be nice and respectful about it, please.
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CBS Ghost’s: Why do they all have to be paired into couples now.
Hello Again. So on whole I really like cbs ghosts, but I have noticed with a lot of the episodes in season 2 my opinion of most epsidoes has been that they are a mixed bag. If the A plot is good the B blot won’t be, if the B plot is good then the A plot will just be awful. C plots are never more than maybe’s. I have been going over what parts of episodes I like and what parts  dislike and one of the parts I have decided I really don’t like is the sudden push to pair all of the ghosts up into couples.
The house residents are all a found family, that been true since the beginning. But in season one their kinship is kinda “island of misfits”. When you look into the ghost’s pasts you see that none of them really had that great of family’s to began with. Hetty, Pete, and Alberta all had unhappy relationships where their significant others cheated, and in Hetty and Alberta’s cases were also total crooks. Trevor and Thor were abandoned by their closest friends. Issac, in addition to being in a marriage he could never fully be happy in, he’s also implied to have been the butt-monkey of his social group so to speak. Flower was stuck in multiple cults/communes that drugged her and wouldn’t let her speak to outsiders. But now in death they all have each other, and even if they are often arguing, even if the property border forces them all to stay together,  even though they were all trapped in a pergatiory they all wished to someday leave.. at least they all had each other for comrades/shipmates/bro’s. And maybe when you think about it that was more than they had when they were alive....
All that was fine and well. But why in season 2 do they keep trying to pair and push everybody into couples? Why is that suddenly so needed, and such a big focus? What makes this worse is that while the rivalries (which no longer getting the attention they deserve) were funny, and the friendships (also not getting enough spotlight anymore) where cute/sweet, A lot of these romances are really bland, boring, and seem slapped to together just because these two weren’t in a couple already.
I mean let’s go over the couples
Sam&Jay: Our resident livings. Honestly these two are adorable together, and might eventually join my top 5 favorite sit-come couples list (The list is currently Moritcia&Gomez, Chandler&Monica, Red&Kitty, Hall&Lois...). What I love most abut these two is that they are both such quarkie individuals but because of their different quarks they are able to take turns being the sane one and, not necissarly grounding each other, but giving advice to the other on how to navigate what weird things happen. In just writing this I realize they are kinda like a sit-come, modern day, version of Fry&Leela who are in my opinion one of the best cartoon couples. But this is supposed to be about Sam&Jay. I like Sam&Jay. They’re crazy but they work
Pete&Alberta: This is the other couple I really like, and I am sad that their development was largely pushed to the side/just plane stopped in season 2. The show writers said they wanted them to be a slow burn, because they were not sure if Pete was really Alberta’s type. But then looking at Pete and Alberta’s past (Pete’s cheating wife, Alberta’s two-timing bootleg boyfriend, and the mob guy she also dated) the pair both had picked the wrong type of people when alive. Pete see’s Alberta for the amazing and deserving person she is. Alberta encourages Pete to take some risks and act with some gumption, while also being one of the only ghosts to respect Pete for being such a nice guy. Can the show back off or take a break with some of the lamer couples below to focus on these two.
Issac&Nigel: The Gay couple. I already know I am going to get crap for saying I am not crazy about them this season. Please hear me out before you flame. I liked them in season 1. Their awkwardness together was cute. I liked that Nigel never tried to push Issac, and I was really happy When Issac admitted to both Nigel and the other ghost (who already knew of course) that he liked Nigel. If you find my ranking list I put Nigel kinda low, but that was because we didn’t see him enough to really get to know him. That was one of the things I was excited for in season 2. Halfway through the season its been a disappointment. Nigel seems to have no personality. Because of this he and Issac cannot develop any fun banter or an interesting raptor;personality wise they are just to unbalanced. In addition there is no real build to their relationship. Like according to the Christmas episode it took 10 episodes for Issac to be comfortable kissing Nigel, but before that their was not mention of Issac having any hesitation in that part. In episode 2x01we learn Nigel like watching ants (do nothing). Okay so is Nigel into Anthropology? Cool that’s something to his character. Can I see more of him getting excited to show Issac different bugs? Issac likes musical theater right? So  have him pester Sam to put on a video of a play (something that’s not Hamilton) for him to show Nigel on a date. How are things between the pair and Jenkins? I do not want them to break up, but please show do better by them.
Thor&Flower: I have seen a lot of posts by people saying that they aren’t crazy about this pair. I agree, I don’t ship them. I didn’t like Flower much in season 1, she seemed like she was just a generic Hippy. Her and Thor possibly becoming a couple once she got comfortable with monogamy (weird didn’t Thor also talk a bunch about viking origi’s in season1 ) seemed like grasping at straws for something to do with both characters in season 2. I did not think Thor needed a love interest then: He had great friendships with Sam, Sass, Hetty, and now in season 2 we are getting more of his friendship with Issac and him trying to be a father to Bjorn. Flower’‘s development in season 2 has been awesome as well. We have seen more of Protester Flower, learned more about what the cult’s cost her, her relationships with her brothers (writers have apparently already been looking into older actors to play one of Flowers brothers should he decide to visit the B&B). We have gotten more on her friendship with Alberta, and her helping Hetty learn to embrace feelings of pleasure (best story arch of the season)... Thor and Flower is a forced ship that neither character needs to be interesting. Just drop it.
Hetty&Trevor: I did not see that coming. I really didn’t. I saw a post that tweeted Hetty maybe having a romance  this season. I figured maybe it would be with one of Nigel’s two friends (We don’t know Baxter’s sexuality and Jenkins could be bi). I was literally like Pete likes Alberta, Issac is gay, Thor would be to weird since he was basically her nanny as a child, I cannot imagine her or Sass being the slightest bit interested in each other, and of course she cannot stand Trevor... Yet here we are. I am just fine with these two hooking up, but that is it. If they became a couple, then knowing this show, they would start getting along. I like them being frenemies, They are funny frenemies.
Sass&car-ghost girl: Sass was the last one left. His one sided crush on Chiki went no where and could never be, and now they have brought This new car-ghost girl in and made it jump-out-and-hit-you-in-the-face clear that Sass is smitten with her at first sight... Sass is my second favorite ghost (Alberta is my favorite) and I think he is the funniest one. But the way the actor play’s Sass: mostly apathetic, with a dry wit humor.. yeah that doesn’t translate well when he tries to be caring or romantic. Sass is a good story teller, and a fun Bro, but he is not really a romantic guy, and I am honestly wishing the writers had gone the fan theory route of making him Ace.
Judy Farnsby & Bjorn: I actually really like the idea of these two being together. Give me more of Judy showing up behind her son and his wife and calling them both terrible disappointment’s, only now have Bjorn show up with her and talking as if he is Farnsby’s stepfather.
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likesaly · 1 year
!!The hackers(minus Tobari since you already did her) for the ask game
My favorite thing is definitely the design. I know I've been saying that alot w other characters but like can you blame me?? My least favorite thing (I dont't rlly have anything but if I had to say) but his personality kinda just being generally loud it kinda scares me /lh Favorite Line: "Giga-dull, man." brOTP - Hiyu; I think they get along pretty well they just put up w alot of banter kinda bashing each other affectionetly OTP - N/A nOTP - N/A I don't rlly ship Nomiya w anyone nor see anything but I don't have issues w anything as long as its healthy and legal. A random HC is Jin, Hiyu, Nomiya and Azusa hang out w/ each other. An unpopular opinion; I think he could use a little more fleshing out but its forgivable. A song I associate w him is We appreciate Power by Grimes (I just think of all of the hackers w this song so expect this to be copied and pasted!)
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My favorite thing is the fact he's a little shit. I love him for that; Hes my favorite 1bh kid (I cannot deal w the others /source /lh) My least favorite thing probably how he treats Kotora but it's comical but like poor Kotora /lh Favorite Line: "I'm the amaaazing Kirai Nasuga." brOTP - Sagara bc I feel like Sagara would take a liking to Kirai and get info abt Izuchi bc she thinks Kirai's willing to betray the organization /LH OTP - N/A nOTP - N/A A random HC I have is that Kirai has a habit of subconsiously mimicking his brother and everyone finds it endearing but him Unpopular Opinion: I think he's a sweet kid just too much influence from Izuchi And for song? We appreciate power by Grimes! (my hc theme for hackers fr)
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My favorite thing about him is his personality; Same reason for Toukai; Just a tired guy trying to get by. I don't really have a least favorite thing about him tbh Favorite Line(s): "Umm… She's a little scary, perhaps." "Wha?! She's with the police?" "T-That's still plenty qualified…" (IM SORRY I FIND IT FUNNY THAT KOTORA IS LIKE INTIMDATED BY LIKE BASICALLY MIKADO'S KID / SIBLING (Dude its okay I like you dw) ) brOTP - Chino and Haruya + The Nasuga brothers - I feel like he's a family friend of them and thats why they go to him to basically babysit since he's known the families for a good while and helped them out in the past. OTP - Kotora x Mikado I think they are a silly couple /source /pos nOTP - N/A (Dont rlly have a strong opinion on this considering he doesnt rlly have any to be against) My unpopular opinion; Why the fuck is Kotora so underrated like dude hes the fucking realest in the game?? He needs justice bro </3 And the song? We appreciate power by Grimes! (we all that coming at this point) Favorite Image:
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My favorite thing about him is he committed foreshadowing crimes throughout the whole game its so funny to replay bc of it /lh My least favorite thing (this is /lh and /t) The fact he fucking put a fucking temp tattoo on his pants; I am not letting him live that down Favorite Line: "Hm. We may not be direct siblings, but maybe we do have a connection." brOTP - Nanashi and Misane Aira + the Potetes; He pretty much willingly let them stay in the apartment so they are the roomates ever (I have a hc that aira and the potetes stay in bc mikado let them in due to being homeless and get along well w Misane and Nanashi) OTP - Mikado x Kotora (alr explained previously!) nOTP - ...Whatever the fuck was going on on ao3 (vaguing the same person from the last post). Iykyk and its just what the fuck. My unpopular opinion is why did the fandom pick him to be like the one everyone's down bad for bc like imo the girls r prettier (The fandom is fucking sleeping on Kirara, Tobari and Future Izuchi etc) - Sincerely a raging bisexual For song choice We appreciate power by Grimes and Kingslayer by Bring me The Horizion ft Babymetal (this mainly for Babymetal's part when translated which is why I linked the lyric video there)
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qualityrain · 2 years
I don't know jack about Honkai Impact but I wanna see you talk about Tianwu
How I feel about this character:
he’s simultaneously cardboard and has depth(with so much projection) and i need him out of my head its been two years theres no content and i want him gONE
All the people I ship romantically with this character
there’s literally only one character its ana 😔 and i think its a qpr
My non-romantic OTP for this character
RAVEN MY BELOVED. raven and owl. natasha and tianwu. name a sibling dynamic more annoying to each other than them. they are the fighting at the wafflehouse vine change my mind.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
ngl i think he has a lot of repressed trauma that mhy never talks about and this leads to ppl saying that oh other characters suffered more than him so why is he acting this way his circumstance isnt that bad why is he like this and its so $,!/!;!:!::!!:!: to me because there’s clearly so much trauma that nobody wants to elaborate on. there is no reaction to almost fucking dying. when he loses everything all the emotions he shows is just a “…” and THATS IT AND IM SO);?:$:!:!:!/? and this also leads to ppl not understanding him and his actions and the whole arc just falls apart and theres also the bad writing and ppl just boil him down to being down bad and like yeah he is very down bad but like,,,,,,,theres a reason why yknow,,,,,,theres alr smth going on with his parents(not mentioned at all 🤨🤨) then the entire city he lives in and his sister who’s like his EVERYTHING is dead there’s literally nobody else alive and he has at most 2 years left to live hes just 17 like girlie,,,,no wonder he gets attached to the only person he knows left alive because everybody else is dead????
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i want the only arc where he appears in GONE. its sO BAD. it adds absolutely NOTHING in the story of the game the entire reason the arc happened is MEANINGLESS. removing it would change like nothing istg.
also i think he shoukd be allowed to just kill somebody on screen like. hes like the only one in the Big Evil Organisation TM that doesnt get to murder on screen i think he should be allowed too.
also i think he and ana should be able to talk to each other more i think its a crime we never got anas thoughts abt being left alive to destroy more shit like can they fix their communication issue b4 they die pls mhy
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thekaijudude · 10 months
Team MLV vs the Ultra Brothers: Who will win?
Either way, let’s also set up 3 basic rules. The first concerns both sides, the second concerns only the Ultra Brothers, and the last only concerns only Team MLV, because if they have this, they WILL win.
—1: No enhanced forms or fusions.
—2: No reality manipulation or dimensional manipulation or whatever you were talking about in my last qn. I don’t know where Taro and Ace showcased this, but even if it was in their shows, it’s clearly considered non-canon now. I mean, why wouldn’t they have just used that to find the Kingdom in UGF3 if it was canon? 
—3: No elemental abilities, ‘cause if Team MLV has this, even if Vylcan’s the only one using them, the Ultra Brothers have no shot, especially given the other rules. I mean it, if their elemental abilities were allowed, Vylcan could probably just amplify himself enough to destroy any one of the Ultra Brothers with only a few punches.
Anyway, I’ve sent you a doc with all of the abilities of each member of Team MLV. (Btw, recall that Ultraman Adam is my name for the OG Ultraman).
Point 2 is gonna rub some feathers tbh cause the reason why they dont use those abilities anymore is the same reason why main series ultras dont just show up and instantly annihilate Tier 2 kaiju even tho theyve shown very clearly that they could, same reason why Tartarus dosent also instantly destroy US Zero since it was clearly shown in UGF3 ep 10 that even the upgraded US Zero barely makes him flinch (recall that Seven was also involved in that fight thus I can say that AT's damage was due to Seven rather than him, consistent with the fact that he took a hit from Shining Ultimate Zero and was still standing AFTER getting a beatdown from the Leo brothers), same reason why PI Belial didnt also instantly dissipate Geed and Z as well despite the vast difference in power and why can Deathcium Ray Burst knock down PI Belial as well
Its all to make a good show, otherwise fights would end in under a few seconds, and the entire displayed conflict between the Ultras and the Absolutians would also end in a single ep since I pointed out that there simply isnt enough Elite Absolutians to handle even the entire cast of UB-level Ultras
Otherwise by your rationale, the infamous Ginga S episode 12 meme where the Zoa Muruchi that solo'ed both Ginga and Victory would be universal level
There are fans that are for and against those feats still being considered canon or nah. Personally, considering the other ridiculous feats of power we've seen beings other than Ultras have protrayed, as well as how powerful Ultras get as they grow older, Im of the opinion that those hax are canon, and they only reason why they dont showcase those abilities anymore is as said, to have a more interesting fight sequence
(Additionally as I also answered before, TsuPro wouldnt want to have to address a situation of "Hax vs Hax" regularly cause it inevitably introduces an extremely convoluted system, iirc i talked in depth about this in the Chaos Darkness vs Sphere ask)
And with good reason too, as the franchise has tried its best to shift away from delving into higher and higher powerscales beyond New Gen Ultras (Movie form++ like US Zero is the current cap) or else theyll eventually encounter the same problem like Dragonball by writing themselves into a hole whereby the in-universe/multiverse/omniverse scaling cannot keep up with its inhabitants (unless they would have a do a metaversal level of retconning every few years just to avoid this issue, which is an absolute pain in the ass to do due to its implications like what Marvel and DC comics do from what I can understand), which was something they alr did up till Taro which was why u saw that they toned it down so much up till now, with the exception of rare occurences of Legendary Ultras and High Tier fusions obviously
(Note that we're currently not even vibing at Multiversal scales mind you, low multi-universal at best with the current UGF plot, expect things to stay this way for the foreseeable future until TsuPro decides to shift their target audiences to young adults)
Thus Im vibin with this canon, and by removing those abilities, youre bascially nerfing them as far as Im concerned
But again, this has too many characters in a single ask, recall I told u max 2v2 yo, unless u can generalize 2 groups in a short summary via numbers or sth within the ask itself (or summarize and highlight the main attributes like base power, multipliers or sth, not just a reference scale to yet another OC which we dk the scaling for) cause I sure as hell aint gonna read all that in the link u sent just for an AU ask
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hershelwidget · 2 years
Something something here’s the gang but even funkier than before
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cannot stop giggling at how much Undertow does n o t look like a professional doctor and how TINY Apollo is and how much Marigold’s outfit resembles Nastasia from SPM
please don’t consider these official designs until I draw them in my notebook, these are just kinda bases or big ideas as to what they’d look like
#oh boy my favourite AND least favourite part of any post I make#wubbox#rare wubbox#they sure don't look like members of the wubbox family rn. lmao#humanization#alr personal opinions on each:#Undertow's obviously getting at least two distinct outfits because he's a doctor so.#I think I know exactly what I want when it comes to his 'human' design#with Ripple the only thing I really have figured out is hairstyle and that's it#for Athena want her to follow her wubbox design while also branching into the +#+ boundaries of human characterization#like for example things like facepaint and lower body#dangerously close to giving her geiru's outfit. I might do that once but it won't be#won't be official#Apollo's short because he's like. 9 to 11 years old depending on how far into this#i often draw him with a band-aid on his knee cause that's a kid trope and i like it#so i might change up his design a bit to match his. climbing/hiding habits#Stew. Stew's design I have played around with quite a bit#I wanna make it kinda like. half gender neutral half feminine or something#so obviously the one shown here won't stay long#Perry I just know xe needs a cloak or hoodie or something with a hood#maybe long-ish whispy hair#my plan is just for Perry to be at least halfway ominous villain vibes#meanwhile yeah I did kinda sorta give Marigold parts of Nastasia's outfit#i've decided that both Marigold and Nevada have fancy-ish clothes because they#were 'raised' in a very nice neighborhood and are just used to nice outfits#Nevada is phasing it out much better tho. hence the look of it#the ballad of cold island
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