#allergies can be deadly
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candyheartedchy · 7 days ago
Making this post to remind myself to design my fankids for my ship with Reuben because I actually had this idea for a few years now of them being triplets and being named Peanut, Butter and Jelly 😭
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eightdoctor · 3 months ago
so basically i’ve applied on cerave lotion and vaseline and coconut oil and various other moisturizers multiple times a day AND i have a humidifier AND im not showering just washing my hair (in cold water! btw) AND ive taken benadryl and zyrtec and yet my skin is so fucking dry and itchy and has a rash because it’s so dry it’s making me flip my shitting lid
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typheus · 2 years ago
sister didnt send me any tiktoks for 2 days so i messaged her asking if she died.... she got out the hospital today cause she did in fact. almost die. 😐
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allsassnoclass · 1 year ago
Do you have "light" or "wing" in your wip(s)? -megs 💙
@igarbagecannoteven hi megs! let's see let's see what do we have going on here?
light from unmute chapter 3!
“You could see people?” Luke asks.  Calum frowns. “Yeah, once my eyes got used to the stage lights.  Couldn’t you?” Luke shrugs. “I don’t even know if I sang, honestly.  It’s all a blur.”
out of the 4 wips i'm leafing through for this exercise, wing(s) only appeared in the raven cycle au!
Ashton can see the thin wings fluttering against the yellow and black body, a sinister curve that makes the hair on his arm stand on end.  It moves suddenly, tiny body landing on the desk at most two feet from Ashton, and every muscle in his body seizes up. He can see the wings.  He can see hundreds of them, rising up around him, obscuring his vision of the blue sky above.  He can feel the legs on him, crawling over his arms and under his shirt and on his face, and the buzzing– He can hear the buzzing most of all.  It’s deafening, hundreds of hornets in his ears, almost enough to distract from the pain and his lack of breath and his heartbeat and–
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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tsukii0002 · 6 months ago
The brothers being very careful not to let any deadly ingredients sneak into Mc's food.
Mc: *takes a bite*This has dried fruits in it?
Levi: *proudly* It does.
Mc: I think I need a shot of epinephrine *clenches throat* I'm allergic to dried fruits.
Mammon: What are you saying!!!??? *panic* What is an allergy!!!???
Asmo: What is epinephrine !!!???
Satan: Are you telling me that in addition to Devildom foods we have to be careful with human foods as well ??!!!!!
Beel: Does that mean that Mc can't eat almost nothing? *really affected*
Mc: Guys I'm dying *can barely speak*
The brothers: ….
The brothers: AHHHHHHH!!!
Belphie: Call Lord Diavolo!!!!!!!!!
Lucifer: Call the FUCKING Solomon!!!!
Chaos is unleashed
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heedeungism · 28 days ago
valentines special !
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•°. *࿐ PAIRING ― riki nishimura x fem!reader •°. *࿐ SYNOPSIS ― in which riki is smitten. •°. *࿐ GENRE ― one-shot, established relationship, fluff, comfort •°. *࿐ WORD COUNT ― 2k •°. *࿐ CONTENT WARNING(S) ― mc has a flu-like sickness (so expect sick person stuff), my single ladies…you will feel more single during and after this •°. *࿐ EXTRA NOTES ― happy valentines day! mc and riki are here to make you feel single and lonely, featuring jake and shadow the hedgehog! •°. *࿐ SOUNDTRACK ― busy woman by sabrina carpenter
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Valentine’s Day—you’ve decided—is the worst holiday ever.
Not because you don’t love chocolate, attention, and pink, but because you’re sick.
Of all days to come down with what you assume is some kind of deadly plague, it had to be Valentine’s Day. Not only was this probably the worst thing to happen to you behind getting cheated on with your best friend, but this is your first Valentine’s with Riki.
He has been teasing a special date since the beginning of the month, acting clueless when you question him about it and hiding things in his closet. You even tried to ask his mom and sisters, but they all refused to peep.
The year you’ve spent with Riki has been a dream. A new bouquet of flowers every two weeks, sweet texts good morning, falling asleep on FaceTime together, date nights every week that he insists on paying for. 
His efforts only doubled after graduation, the hour drive to your college campus adding miles to his Jeep like no tomorrow yet he never complains. 
He’s so perfect it’s borderline infuriating.
So perfect, that when he noticed your cough two days before Valentine’s, he told you to go to the doctor. You—being you—dismissed it as allergies.
Riki knew better than to bring that up when he was rubbing your back comfortingly during a painful coughing fit at 2:00AM this morning, too busy fussing over the tears streaming down your face. A trip to the Urgent Care and CVS (where you suffered in his car alone for a whole five minutes while he got your prescription) later and you were ordered to rest inside until the medication takes effect.
Now, you’re stuck in bed with the plague on Valentine’s Day instead of on whatever surely-amazing date he had planned and you’re pissed.
You’re sitting with your back propped up against numerous pillows, covered by your boyfriend’s biggest sweatshirt and under his duvet sleeping with ‘Derry Girls’ on his laptop while he makes you soup in the other room. There’s a trashcan full of tissues beside the bed and his black Stanley filled with cold water on the nightstand. 
He’d been trying to persuade you to drink from it all morning, sighing that it’s ‘good for you’. Unfortunately, your obstinance is only exacerbated by your sickness, and you want nothing more than a chilled can of Dr Pepper in your hand. Riki, however, refused, saying the sugar would make you feel worse. 
“I’m breaking up with you.” You had hoarsely grumbled while turning away from the spoon of cough medicine he had been holding to your mouth when you asked for a Dr Pepper. 
The cough medicine put you straight to sleep, and late morning became early evening when you woke up to your lungs trying to claw their way up your throat again. 
You’re resting your eyes when his door creaks open, and when you see him enter with a bowl of soup and a chilled mini-can of Dr Pepper with a pink bendy straw in it you blink the sleep away and slowly push yourself to sit up.
“How’s it going, baby?” He asks, deep voice so soft and gentle that you want to cry. You might.
For now you just make a face as a response, and he huffs softly in amusement, setting the bowl down on a lapdesk he pulls from between his bed and nightstand. “Horrible.”
His eyes soften at the near inaudibility of your voice, “Yeah? I’m sorry.” Once he’s got his hands empty he leans down to kiss the side of your head gently. The back of his hand presses against your forehead and he hums thoughtfully, “You’re fever’s gone down.”
“You’re letting me drink Dr Pepper?” You ask weakly, already looking close to tears.
Riki smiles softly, nodding, “I went to the store while you were sleeping to get the stuff to make your soup, thought I’d bribe you to take the medicine again after you’re done eating.”
“Only this one time.” You state with heavy eyes and a sniffle punctuating your sentence.
“I facetimed my mom for the recipe while I made it, so it shouldn’t be bad.” He says, motioning to the soup, like it’s nothing. Meanwhile, your weak and delicate state has tears falling from your eyes so fast he gets whiplash.
“That’s—so sweet.” You weep pitifully, too busy not feeling well to care that you sound like a child. 
Riki’s holding back a smile full of pure adoration as he pets your messy hair fondly, “Stop crying, baby. It’s soup.”
“I know-“ You croak, hands clumsily wiping at your face, “-but I don’t feel good and you’re being so nice to me.”
“I’m always nice to you,” He jests softly, yet you can’t help but agree. With more tears, of course. 
The soup is amazing for your sore throat and clogged sinuses, a bit bland but still tasty(you assume he didn’t want to go in heavy handed with salt). It was much better than the wretched cough medicine he forced you to take afterward, but you were allowed to wash it down with the last of your Dr Pepper this time. When he leaves the room to put away the dishes with a gentle kiss on your warm temple and a promise to be right back, you debate grabbing his laptop or acting helpless and making him grab it from the end of his bed when he comes back.
You sigh, he would probably do it without any complaints. 
And he does. When he comes back, he grabs the laptop with one hand and pulls it over to your sniffling form without you even needing to ask, “What do you wanna watch, hmm?”
Shifting over in his bed, you silently pull the duvet up to let him slip underneath and lay with you. He doesn’t hesitate to do so, but the smile on his face makes your cheeks burn even now as you press it to his chest and heave a sigh of relief. “I don’t know.”
He hums, using one hand to scroll through the options on his laptop while the other rubs gentle shapes against your back, “How about…Sonic?”
You try to hum back but it doesn’t come out, “The third one?” Hearing the chuckle under your ear, you weakly pinch his side and add, “Don’t laugh.”
“Sorry, baby.” He apologizes sweetly, though you can hear the grin in his voice. “I’ll put on your other boyfriend.”
“You’re on thin ice.”
“I’m done, I swear.” He practically giggles, and you sigh. 
Ten minutes into Sonic 3 you mumble, “I’m sorry for ruining Valentine’s.”
You feel the low hum in his chest beneath your ear, “You didn’t ruin anything, pretty girl.”
“I know you had plans for us,” You mutter, “but now you're stuck taking care of me.”
“I don’t mind, you’re cute when you’re sick.”
You don’t have enough energy to respond how you always do, and when he doesn’t hear the ‘I’m always cute’ he expects, he exhales softly. One hand traces mindlessly over your side while the other delicately moves through your hair. “We can have a redo date when you feel better.”
The next two days are just as miserable as the first morning. When you find out that Riki has been skipping classes to take care of you, you try to lecture him on how important school is—but the effect is ruined by your barely-there voice. He ends up obliging you, though. The issue now has become his roommate. 
“Knock knock,” the Australian practically coos, clearly amused by your appearance all bundled up and miserable in Riki’s bed. He has a bag in his hand of what you assume is the ice cream you asked him to get, two spoons in the other that opens the door. “How’s patient zero?”
“You sound like a middle-aged white man.” Your voice is still hoarse, going in and out as you speak while the back of your throat grates painfully. “And saying knock knock is not the same as knocking.”
He has the same grin on his face as he glances towards the laptop, the Super Mario Bros Movie paused on the screen. “The Mario movie?”
“Where’s my ice cream?” You ignore his teasing question, “And Riki said you’re not allowed to be annoying while I’m ill.”
“Right, my bad.” Jake holds up his hands in mock surrender, pulling out the pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Covered Strawberry ice cream and placing the spoon on top as he holds it out, “You’re ice cream, your grace.” 
You blame the fact that his exaggerated accent almost made you snort on your weakened state, and take the ice cream with a huffed ‘thank you’. Jake pulls over Riki’s gaming chair, and you decide against telling him to go away since he really didn’t have to get you ice cream, you were gonna ask Riki if he said no anyway. But, alas, you aren't heartless. Unfortunately.
You get two minutes into the movie before he’s asking if you like Mario or Luigi more, and a few minutes later you hear the sound of Riki arriving home. Relief is an understatement with how much you were dreading entertaining Jake for the next hour, and you feel the tension in you melt away the moment he appears in the open doorway.
He acknowledges Jake briefly before his gaze softens and a smile forms on his lips as he greets you gently, “Hi.”
Pausing the movie again, you move the laptop out of his way as he approaches the bedside. You tuck one of your legs in to give him room, and he sits on the edge of the bed by you with a soft kiss pressed to the side of your head, “Hi.” 
“Feeling any better?” Riki asks, and you shrug slightly with a ‘meh’ face before putting another bite of ice cream into your mouth. His gaze flicks to the pint and his brows quirk up.
You mimic him, taking some of the sweet treat onto the spoon and holding it up to his lips. He shakes his head, and when you blink at him and continue holding out the spoon, he rolls his eyes playfully, “I don’t want you sick cooties.”
“I stopped being contagious when I started antibiotics,” you swiftly defend yourself, but take the bite for yourself anyways, “But I don’t like your attitude, so none for you.”
“I’m sorry,” Riki apologizes swiftly, though that smirk is still on his face so you decide against forgiving him. He leans over your lap, resting his weight on his knuckles on the other side of your leg, his lips brush over your cheek gently in an expression of good faith you can’t help but accept.
You hear an exaggerated sigh before you can respond, and the both of you look toward a pouting Jake. “Why are you still here?” 
Your question has his pout morphing into a grin, “Entertainment.”
The look on your face must be withering enough for him to concede, standing with his unfinished pint and walking backwards towards the open door, “Okay, okay, I’ll leave….” The moment Riki’s door closes, his focus is back on you.
“Does the ice cream help?” He asks, and you nod.
“Kind of, not really.” You shrug slightly, “I just really wanted some.”
“So you convinced Jake to get you some?” He questions a bit teasingly, still comfortable leaning over your lap and in your space. You find yourself at ease. 
“I asked, he said sure.” You retort, “I was gonna ask you but I forgot what time your classes ended today.”
He hums, unable to stop himself from pressing another sweet kiss to your other cheek, then another on your jaw, “There’s another pint in the fridge. I stopped on the way home.”
Your eyes close with a sigh, leaning into his kisses and meaning it when you say, “I love you.”
You feel him smile against your skin, and hear his soft chuckle in your ear before he pulls away just enough to look at you again. Then, he leans in one more time to press a kiss to your chilled lips and says it back a breath away from them.
 “I love you, too.”
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©heedeungism : do not rewrite, copy, repost, or translate any of my works without my permission.
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hidtired · 10 months ago
Poison For Some
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
Description: Your deathly allergic to nuts and dinner in the prison leaves you running for medicine. Your abrupt departure confuses everyone, until your partner Daryl remembers of your allergies. Now it was 24 hours and you were no where to be found.
5.9k words
This runs personally in my life and will be based on my own allergies. It’s different for everyone but, this is mine. [Angst and Fluff]
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Carol had made dinner like she did most nights. Winter approached and Rick was trying to put off using the canned goods for as long as he could. So, Carol decided to try and fill in some protein with almonds. She put it in the rice mixing it to whatever meat scraps we last had. Daryl was off in the shower at your demand. He had been hunting a lot more often trying to gather as much meat before winter. Coming back to the prison somehow dirtier than the last, you wouldn’t be surprised if he had rolled around in dirt for how much it cover him.
You sat at the table as Carol handed out portions. Glenn and Maggie were talking about a run they should make for Judith. Little thing needed more appropriate winter clothing. You told them you would go with, so you were just listening to their planning. The steamy bowl placed in front of you sent you happily smiling and thanking Carol for the food. Carol jokingly jabbed at you, “Swear the only way I could ever get a smile like that from you is food.” You scoff digging your spoon into the bowl and shoving it into your mouth. You talk with a mouth full,
“It’s the best way to my heart!”
You chew feeling a unique piece in your mouth. Thinking maybe the rice clumped together. Carol brought you from your thoughts, “That’s why you got yourself a hunter I see.” You chuckle at that, eyes moving to your bowl. You pushed it around spotting what you felt in your mouth, it was something pale. You swallowed the growing saliva in your mouth. Realization hit you like a truck, you sprung up from your seat in a panic. Almond peal off, something in the past you had learned the hard way had nuts in it.
You had never had to use an epiPen before, Benadryl was always what you had to chug before a epiPen was ever thought of. A mental clock started ticking. You didn’t have much time before this nut you just ate starts killing you. You didn’t know you were moving before you were already out the door. Nabbing a set of keys before sprinting to the gate. Other were surprised at the clear shock and outburst you had. You had gone out the door before they even stood to follow. When they got out the door you left the gate to the courtyard open and they saw you sprinting to the exit gate. That brought them into gear yelling and chasing after you. You didn’t have much time. Pill or preferably liquid Benadryl would only work in the early stages of your reaction. You would guess 30 minutes before it was a lost cause.
Considerably to others with the allergy you were lucky. While it was deadly you had more time and didn’t have to pull out a shot of adrenaline every time to fix it. You pulled both gates open not even attempting to close them before getting into one of the run cars. You peeled off before anyone could question you. They all yelled and waved their arms. They couldn’t believe you. The sounds of the tires screeching was emphasis to your haste. They stood at the open gate seeing the car zoom down the road. A few walkers emerged from the woods causing them to try and close the gate as fast as they could.
You white knuckle the steering wheel attempting to take slow breaths. You resisted the urge to scratch at your skin knowing you must have hives by now. A ball seemed to form in your throat. You have been attempting to locate a EpiPen and Benadryl for a while now. You had some before the farm fell and lost it to the herd. You even asked Glenn to keep an eye out for Benadryl on runs. You felt tears prick at your eyes but forced it away knowing crying would only make it harder to breathe. You were scared but you had to think fast in a last ditch effort of survival. If any pharmacy or store you have checked didn’t have it maybe a household was your best bet. You knew you wouldn’t be able to look through many houses so it was a risky gamble. You know of a neighborhood your group has yet to explore. So with a race against time, that’s where you’re headed.
You had mentioned in passing at the beginning of the quarry of your allergy. Only ever talking about it again with Daryl. He hated peanut butter and you said while you’ve never had it because you’ll die, the smell was gross and over powering. Getting a grunt and “Ain’t missing much.” from him. He also may have teased you about how ‘something as simple as a nut could take you down.’ You were always good about your allergies, hence not ever needing an EpiPen. Something your mother was grateful for not wanting to stab you with a shot. It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time. While it could sneak up on you it was always solved somewhat quickly. Maybe you should have made a bigger deal about it.
Daryl POV
He had just gotten a shirt on when he heard rushing and calling for his name. He peaked down from his and your cell to see a worried Beth. As soon as she saw him she was nervous and stammered out, “Y/n! Something… we were just sitting then- she’s gone! She booked it out the prison randomly!” Daryl felt his heart drop and he quickly made his way downstairs to where everyone was now piling back in from outside. Rick ran a hand in his hair as Daryl slid into the room worriedly, “The hells happening?! Where is she?!” He watch as everyone turned to the other not knowing the answer. Hershel tried to calmly tell Daryl, “We’re not to sure but she seemed pretty spooked…”
Daryl looked around about to go into a panic. He spotted a bowl spilt across a table. Maggie followed his eyes and started to explain what happened, “She was sitting there. Joking with Carol and she was fine! Then all the sudden she sprung up and ran for it.” His mind raced, he had to go after you but he couldn’t if he didn’t know where or why you were going in the first place. He turned to Carol a strained expression on his face, “What were you talking about?” Carol just shook her head worriedly and shrugged, “Just food. She was giddy as ever to eat is all.” Daryl looked back to the food sprawled out on the table, “What did you make?” Carol put her hands on her hips, the chatter from the others in the room seemingly felt dense with worry and confusion.
“Just the little bits of squirrel we had left with some rice with almonds.”
He felt the nerves in him burn. His ears flood with blood causing the noisy room to muffle. Understanding why you ran made him light headed. Others around him noticed him pale, and the shocked and panicked look you had before washed over his. He felt frozen, you went off to try and save yourself. Not taking a moment before running off to find Benadryl. Something he knows you, Glenn, and himself struggled to find. He felt like he was going to crash to the floor. He had no clue where you could have gone, and if you would ever come back. The edge of his vision darkened but he felt someone behind him steady him. It was Carl, but his father was the one to drag Daryl’s attention, “What’s happening Daryl? You know why she ran, where is she going?” He turned to look toward Carol,
“She’s allergic to nuts.”
Some gasps rang through the room, some questions flying up in the air. Carol nervously shook, words shakingly coming out of her mouth, “Oh my god, I killed her.” She sunk down to a chair a wave of nausea painted on her face. Hand covering her face as tears broke out, “I didn’t know- I remember peanuts maybe. It’s all m-my fault-t.” Glenn leaned over the table as he looked down, “Is that what Benadryl is for?” He seemed almost sick with himself that he hadn’t tried harder to look for it. The room had slowly grown quiet. A pained expression filled their faces as the gravity of the situation weighed on them.
Rick spoke trying to do what he did best, lead. He needed to control the situation and make a plan. He stood straight with arms crossed, “We need to figure out where she ran off. Then try and find some medicine to save her.” He turned to Hershel, “You have everything if it goes south?” Hershel was mid thought thinking maybe a endotracheal tube they had could keep you breathing long enough for medication. Daryl grunted and shook his head, frustrated but heartbroken, “It’s no use, we been looking for anything for her since the farm. She would have never had a chance if she didn’t ran off like she did.” He was angry at the thought, he could do nothing but hope wherever you go you find anything.
Rick spoke calmly trying not to set him off, “Her best bet is with us-“ much to his attempt Daryl roared in anger, “By the time we even made it anywhere let alone getting it back to her she would have been dead!” He clenched his teeth, “We haven’t even the slightest clue where anything for this is.” He now huffed getting emotional, “She did what she had to, she made the right call.” He looked back to a sobbing Carol, “We just hope she comes back now…” He spun around back to the cell he came. His back turned to everyone, the stone lodged in his heart finally crushed him. Swiping the curtain to the cell he looked through blurred eyes at the place you both shared.
He sank to the bed. The lasts words exchanged between you and him running in his mind. ‘Go shower so I can kiss you.’ You pushed him away into the hall. He smuggled remarked a ‘Always can kiss me in the shower.’ Watching you become coy with him at the implication. Always easy to get blood rushed to your face. You had surprised him growing ever more comfortable around him in there growing relationship. Grabbing his dirty tan shirt and pulling him into a kiss. A smile plastered on your face at his surprised one, you whispered, ‘More for when you’re clean.’ He isn’t sure when the relationship happened.
It was slow to happen but there had been to many times your eyes caught on each other. Then you slept closer to him when you had yet to find the prison. You had kissed him on the cheek before a hunt giving him it for luck. When he came back with a deer good luck kisses happened more. An arm throw around you there and then. You holding onto him while on his bike. Wasn’t til the prison when you nervously suggested sharing the same bed that he caved. That first night on a bed he kissed you. More so devoured you but he would deny that. You had never cuddled before that night either, waking up tangled into each other on the small bed.
The small bed he now cried in over the all to real possibility he had lost you. He was laid back arm across his face. His teeth clenched together to stop any pained noise to release from him. Emotion circling in him, regret, anger, heartbreak, he hadn’t even the chance to tell you how much he loved you. The fear always stopped the word from tumbling from him. He could only wait.
Your POV
It had taken you 10 minutes to reach the neighborhood you sought after. Given that you were driving faster than you normally were ok with. You quickly jump out the car running into one of the near houses. Your hands shook while fumbling with the door. Adrenaline pumping in you mostly likely helping your survival. You pushed through making quick work of any spots you could think of. Kitchen cabinets, bathroom drawers, purses. The fabric of your clothes rubbed your irritated skin any time you moved. You abandon the house and moved to the next. Your quick pace making it harder to breathe. You cough and swallow trying to relieve some of the pressure in your closing throat.
You upturned and ran sacked the next house just as you did with the other. Throwing bottles of random medication behind you as you increasingly became more desperate. You left that house looking through every room but one with a walker in it. Your eyes scanned the line of houses. Your heart ached with fear thinking you were about to asphyxiate to death. You had one more house left in you to search. You picked one that had a small bike in the overgrown grass. You moved as fast as you could while heaving. You couldn’t break down the door with the strength you had so you went through a window. You paused momentarily for any movement, hearing a lack of any you started.
Cabinet, drawers, bathrooms, now you stumbled up the stairs. Tears streaming down your face with a sense of defeat. You looked in the master bedroom knocking things over again finding nothing. You slowly moved down the hall to a kids bedroom. Glow in the dark stars on the roof. Tubs of toys filled the walls. Stuff animals filled the bed. You had removed your shirt due to its unwanted friction on your skin. Looking to the pink painted chipped walls, you shakingly come to terms with defeat. Sinking down to the floor resting against the bed frame. You look to walls covered in kids drawings. Gasping for whatever air you could bring in was the only sound in the still house.
You thought of Daryl, not having been together for long but you felt in your heart he was your everything. You didn’t have much in the world but then you had him. He didn’t have much either and you tried to not lessen that anymore with losing you. You failed but you hope he knew you tried. He was a big factor to why you were fighting this so hard. You looked to the end of the bed spotting a backpack. The little girls room you’ve been in must belong to a 1st grader. Maybe you could find a pencil and paper to right a proper goodbye. You gasped air while fiddling with the zipper. You looked for paper and a pen while you thought of what to say. You were at least glad you had kissed him the last you saw him.
Struggling to look in the back you poured the contents out on the floor in front of you. You couldn’t believe your eyes. A zip lock bag with a bottle of red liquid you were all to familiar with. You rip the back open spotting an old epinephrine pen with it. The bottle was small but was filled all the way. You managed to get the cap off despite struggling with the child lock. The disgusting bronze liquid flowed into your mouth. You resisted the urge to cough it up, it slowly trickled its way down your closing throat. You had downed a good bit of the bottle. It felt as if it numb the pain in your throat. A sense of relief flowed over you. You sat there still stunned as you slowly regained some breath. You lean your head back to rest on the bed behind you. You took it in, you felt shame at almost dying so easily but you were ok.
You looked back to the EpiPen you held not feeling the need to use it. It’s intended users name plastered on it, ‘Penelope Thompson, allergen Bees.’ Your skin still burned to the touch but you managed to flop back onto the small bed. Stuff animals falling to the floor. You held still trying to fully regain air in your lungs. Waiting to see if you had stopped the reaction. You laid sprawled out staring at the ceiling. Resisting the urge to scratch everywhere. The growing itch in your scalp caused you to squeeze your eyes shut.
You don’t know how long you laid there before feeling like you could breathe easily. No lump felt like it blocked your throat. You had decided to get up before it got dark, knowing everyone at the prison was worried sick. When you got up right exhaustion hit you. Benadryl main side effect being drowsiness. Considering you had just consumed a large amount of it, it weighed on you. It wouldn’t be safe to travel if you fell asleep at the wheel. You didn’t need just surviving a near death experience and then crashing the car into another one. You were met on your almost dying quota for one night you think. Moving the door closed and shoving a bookcase slightly to it was the best you’d get. As soon as you lay back down it crashed back into you. Struggling to even keep your eyes open you fell asleep despite the itch of your skin.
Your eyes slowly open. You didn’t move an inch or dream in your sleep. Felt like you blinked and it was pitch black outside. You bounced up to remember what had happened. Your hives seemed to be at a minimum and you felt back to normal. Expect the grogginess. You slept like a rock in your bones and muscles protest at your movement. Even though it was dark you decided to make your way back to the prison. A few walkers could be seen in the darkness but getting back to the car you’d be fine. After getting in the driver seat you rubbed at your eyes. You felt like you had way too long of a nap. You had no clock in the car and you sighed leaning back in the seat.
“I wonder how long I slept?”
Daryl POV
Hour after hour went by. Tension was high in the prison. Darkness started to fall over the prison. Daryl sat in a watch tower looking off to the empty road. He chewed his lips til a copper taste slipped into his mouth. A few hours after no return from you felt like the end of the world. You could very well be dead by now. Maybe you had even turned and started walking aimlessly. He wallow in his bed for those first few hours. Deciding recently just stand watch. Waiting and waiting maybe wasn’t the best thing to do. All the terrible things he could think the only thing keeping him company. A few people attempted throughout the night to talk him down tell him to get some rest. Coming up with any excuses why you were not back yet.
When dawn broke everyone except Herschel, Beth and Judith, were grouped in an attempt to locate you. Looking into possible supermarkets or pharmacies you might have tried finding medication. Every empty building with no sight of you felt like a lost hope. While even in the building, they looked for possible Benadryl or an EpiPen. With no luck to even finding the smallest bit of that. The consensus of you being gone was weighing heavier than that you were still around. Likelihood of you surviving seem to crash. They hope that maybe if they went back to the prison, you would’ve found your way back. That also didn’t happen.
Daryl was in a world of anger and pain. Rick didn’t know how much he cared for you, but he did now. It was becoming dusk again as everybody stood in the courtyard. Another search party would be happening in the morning. Many stopping Daryl from doing anything in the dark. Their main point being that maybe he wouldn’t find something if it wasn’t in the daylight. He sulked in his cell. That's how Carol found him. Deep in thought but she spoke to him either way, “Daryl?” He slowly turned his attention to her. She swallowed her nerves and began again, “I’m so sorry… Her death is on me.” He felt anger rising in him. He knew Carol was remorseful but suggesting that you were already dead? That made him grit his teeth, “Not yer fault, shit happens and you didn’t mean to.” She felt relief until his voice grumbled in displeasure, “An she ain’t dead yet so watch it.” His eyes stare daggers into her, causing her to leave in shame.
He rested his eyes knowing he would sleep a few hour and then go back to the watch tower. Leaning into the side you normally took, he relished in the slightest smell of you in the sheets. He had doubts about having a relationship. Due to past experience and a lack of trust he held with people. When he started to care for you he found he was scared to, not wanting to lose you one day. But he couldn’t deny you after a while. You were to tempting and god did you not give him everything he ever wanted in a partner. He tried to stop his racing thoughts due to not wanting to work himself up.
He tried sleeping, more like sat there with his eyes closed but he got a few minutes in between just laying there. Eventually becoming too restless and going to the watch tower. He knew he should try sleeping more. He would need the energy for the next search but, he couldn’t bring himself to rest with you not beside him.
Your POV
You were driving at a moderate pace, not wanting a walker to step in the road and crash into it. However halfway back you felt it staling. When you saw the gas tank was running on empty you knew you would have to walk eventually. But privy to the luck you had with the medication it soon ran out. You saw a bunch of silhouettes farther into the road. Coming straight at you probably due to your headlights. Then the speed you had been maintaining stopped. You pulled the car over to the side as it sputtered to a stop. Locking the doors and turning the car off. Hopefully the herd you saw wasn’t to big and you could wait for it to pass. You moved to try and crawl into the back crashing to the floor.
You sat there trying to remain calm and quiet when the sound of hundreds of feet shuffled pass you. Some ran into the car making you jump. This horde was a big one but at least now it wasn’t on route to the prison. It felt like ages cramped down between the seats. Your stomach growling at you. What you would do to chug some water. You spaced out looking to the window seeing the occasional shadow pass by outside. Thoughts running through your mind. It suddenly felt like many you had slept a few more hours then you thought. You think it was maybe 3 but then you remembered Benadryl made you fall asleep for at least 12. So the question is, ‘Was I asleep a whole day?’
When the shuffling an smell of rotten meat had stopped. The silence is what brought you from thought. You would wait some more not wanting to run into strays or have the horde turn around because it heard you. You at least sat up in the back. Looking forward you could see a few slower walkers making their way with the crowd. Waiting and watching them until they were a fair distance you got out. Softly closing the door you walked the opposite to them back to the prison. You had wished the car had a working clock in it to tell you if it was close to dawn. But a hour into walking the sky changed the ever so slight difference of blue.
You were hungry and thirsty so the longer you walked the more exhausted you felt. You stepped into the trees close to the road. Electing to sit down and take a break. You watch the sunrise. The cold breeze seeming to warm a little. Maybe you should have found a coat before leaving that house. Granted you thought you’d be in the car. Staring out to the orange sky. Some emotions washed over you. Having a moment to stop and think finally put you back into having to think of what almost happened. This sunrise you sat watching you almost missed. Not only that but you thought about Daryl a little more. Your relationship was slow, almost like you both were afraid to miss step. You couldn’t care about any of that now. You sniffled standing back up. Deciding then and there.
You were going to just love him without restriction.
With such determination, you walked again. Only about 8 more miles left until you get there. The bottom of your feet hurt. You had a pinch in your side. It reminds you of all that ground you used to cover after the farm. Mostly it was driving but there were cases where it was back to walking. Like hunting with Daryl or finding gasoline. Stumbling along the sky was now just blue. Morning birds chirping in trees. You had only walked 3 out of the 8 miles so far. Taking notice that the herd must have cleared a good portion of the walkers because you had yet to see one. You sat down right on the road again. What you would do for some pasta right now. Thought of food making your stomach rumble. Sighing and getting back up again you walked a little slower than you first started. You had to keep going.
You look down to your feet as you walk. A hand pressing into the ache of your side. A distance rumble that wasn’t your stomach caught your ear. The closer it came you realize it was someone using the road! You spotted a car in the distance. The green jeep Glenn and Maggie often used. Sighing in relief, the thought of not having to walk another step was a blessing. You put your hands on your hips stopping in place waiting for them to get closer. But what caught your eye was Daryl’s bike behind them. A smile plastered on your face. You started laughing, it was a way to release some of the emotion bubbled into you. You give a small wave to the now closer jeep. You knew the moment they spotted you because the car seemed to jerk in surprise. The car rolled to a stop next to you. Daryl seemingly lost in thought only slowing seeing the jeep stopped.
By the time you saw him look up and lock eyes he didn’t even let his bike stop fully before jumping off and running to you. You were tired and disheveled looking but oddly so did Daryl. When he reached you he crashed into you lifting you off your feet into an embrace. The cold you had unknowingly gotten used to was replaced by Daryl’s warmth. He was breathing at a fast pace while you melted into him. Tears of relief were in your eyes about to fall when Daryl pulled back and kissed you with desperation. Never before have you been kissed in such a way. With so much… love. This was new to you both loving another like this. So you returned the kiss with just as much heart. Pulling back for air you both huffed staring at each other. The look in his eyes shock you. Never seeing him on the verge of tears made you actually break into your own. Sobbing and clinging to him in desperation with words flooded out of your mouth, “I love *hiccup* you- so much!” Your exhausted state delaying the flood of emotions. You were on survival mode and it wasn’t until feeling safe again that everything hit you.
You felt another hand on your back looking over Daryl’s shoulder to see Maggie with tears of her own with a smiling Glenn behind her. The shock and fear replaced by a laugh that unconditionally rolled out of you. Daryl had his head shoved into your neck, you could feel the dampness of his tears on your skin. You both still keeping a tight hold on the other. Glenn was the one to state in disbelief what mostly all of them had thought, “How the hell you manage to be alive right now is beyond me!” It is what made Daryl pull back to check you for injury’s. You watch as his face scans you. You pulled a hand away to grab the bottle and EpiPen you found with a smile. Looking down to the more then half gone bottle you gave a sheepish smile, “Luck or a refusal of death, I’m not to sure.”
A loud growl in your stomach pushed Daryl into gear, “We gotta get her back.” It’s the first words you’ve heard him say. He was obviously still in protector mode and will fall out of it when he knows you’re ok for real. But you couldn’t disagree with going back home, “How long have I been gone?” You were leaning into Daryl’s side, his arm around you while walking to his bike that had fallen over in his rush to see you. He looked down to you sadly moving away with a grunt to lift his bike up, “Almost two days…” He moved sitting on his bike and holding out his hand to help you on. Your eyes were wide with shock moving closer to him, “Well shit. So much for thinking it was about 12 hours.” You lifted yourself up behind him on the bike. You noticed he was confused at your words but that gave him even more reason to get you back and checked by Hershel.
You dozed off on the ride back. Clinging to Daryl you just couldn’t stop your eyes from wanting to close. You were unaware of how truly malnourished and dehydrated you were. Daryl’s hand would slide back and grab your thigh leading you to perk up from being slumped over him. When the prison came into view you sighed in relief leaning your head in between his shoulder blades. It was Carl who pulled open the gate. When Daryl pulled in you could hear Carl screaming your name as he rushed your way. Using Daryl’s shoulders to get off you waited for Carl to crash into you. He hadn’t show this much emotion since his mom died. You hugged him but eventually pulled back, knocking his hat back in place on his head.
A hand to your back was Daryl’s way of trying to pull you inside. Carl saying he needed to stay at the gate for the others. You didn’t realize everyone was out looking for you. Getting out of the bright light of outside made you realize just how bad of a headache you had, a sign of dehydration. First person you see is Herschel reading his Bible. His face immediately filling with a smile at the sight of you, you sheepishly returning it. His fusing over you getting the attention of Beth with Judith in arm to come rushing out of the cell block. More people fusing over you was becoming overwhelming. Your body seemingly running on whatever fumes it has left.
A bowl seemingly appearing in front of you snapping you back from space. You didn’t even realize you spaced out and you started catching up with Hershel speaking, “Yes, but after she eats she should sleep. She needs to eat again in 6 hours. With as many times we’ve struggled with food I’m worried for her internal organs.” You already started eating what was in front of you. It was filled with more meat than you’ve had since the farm! It was definitely hitting a spot but you struggled with eating it all. Apparently them looking for you always got them checking places that still hadn’t been picked through. You stood up and away from the bowl that was still half full. You grabbed the cup of water from the table and turning to Daryl who had a displeased face. You started walking to the cells,
“Come on grumpy I’m going to bed, if I eat anymore I’ll end up throwing it up.”
You could hear him quietly following you. It wasn’t until you rolled onto the bed with a sigh that you looked over at him. You were confused why you hadn’t felt the bed dip but his face had so much to say. The sheet that covered the door was pulled making the room a little darker. He just stood there seeming to not know what to do. “Daryl…” you were pressed up to the wall having your arms open trying to lure him to you. He lay on his side looking at you. He was tired you were sure. Sighing you scoot yourself closer to him. Running a hand up his arms got him to talk, “M’ sorry, just in my head.” He pulled an arm to wrap around your waist. He gulped looking at you with eyes that could stab a dagger through your heart.
His hand moving from your waist to your face and holding it there, “I didn’t know you were my everything.” You can only look at him with wide eyes and mouth slightly open in shock. Looking on to his glassy eyes while they roamed your being. Sleep was calling you yes… but he was basically screaming for you with his eyes. ‘Everything?’ You could only wonder how he felt thinking you were somewhere dead. His fingers move to bring the hair away from your face. Moving your hand to mirror his you looked him dead in the eyes, “I thought I was going to die, the only reason I didn’t was because of you.” His eyebrows furrowed so you continued,
“My last thoughts were of you. I was going to write you a letter and when I empty a school bag near me for something to write on the meds came falling out with it.”
You could feel him take in a big breath to try and steel himself but you inch closer with determination. ”The only reason I tried so hard was to come back to the one thing I had, you.” You give him a quick peck leaning back for him to come hold you closer to him in a tight grip. He mumbled out something while outstretched over you… “I love you so much it burns.” That's all it took to drift you into sleep with a smile.
When it comes to 'picking your poison.' Daryl will always go to choose you.
Feedback welcome and requests open! [Sorry for lack of posts schedule is back to every other day!]
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carionto · 1 year ago
Humans really like space wildlife
As Humanity integrates itself within the Galactic Coalition ever further, trade and travel between Sol and neighboring member systems is growing at exponential rates. In particular, their interest in the native wildlife of other planets is the most widely expanding sector for tourism and commerce.
Even though it is also the most heavily regulated and restricted one, Humans, who typically display a desire to subvert the normal procedures to expedite any process they can, for this they are surprisingly willing and eager to fill in all the necessary paperwork and spend hours upon days making sure they follow and adhere to all the requirements to import some of these creatures.
While such level of determination is not uncommon for new member species who discover a certain non-native creature or something that to the respective natives is commonplace but for them is the pinnacle of exotic, the variety of requests made by Humans is nearly as great as the entire list of known fauna species. And the reasons listed on the forms are even more diverse:
"That's a unicorn! I've always dreamed of having a unicorn and you're telling me there's a dozen subspecies?! Yes, please!!!"
"After reviewing their behavior, this bear-sized fluff-ball is the perfect cat I've always wanted, but couldn't because of allergies. I'll treat them with love and care, my life is incomplete without this fella."
"Tiny. Elephant-duck. Want."
"Our company was looking for a mascot, and these six-legged spindly beaver-crabs are perfect. Here's our mission statement and prepared accommodations for a flock."
"They all said I hallucinated the lizard sasquatch when I was on that acid trip, but now I'll show 'em. It's real. I knew it all along!"
"Aww, these baby puppies are so adorable (referring to the four meter, 800kg Fanged Widowmaker of Abyss Valley predator). My kids were looking through your alien picture books and instantly fell in love with these ones."
And so on. At first we had to reject quite a few, mainly because half of them were deadly beasts from Deathworlds that are almost impossible to capture in the first place. Then the Human officials informed us that, while they will try to stop it from happening, if we don't make importing and adopting even the most dangerous animals in the known Galaxy reasonably possible for them with Human help and expertise in the field, some Humans will set up illegal smuggling rings to "fill the market gap" as they said. Historically, they explained, that causes more problems and expenses than just handling it through official channels.
Reluctantly we were persuaded and have set up a new organization to quell this, apparently, unquenchable Human pack bonding condition. Even if said pet can kill them. We think, as horrible as it may be, that for some that is part of the appeal. Even the ones that breathe out literal poison.
"We'll wear a mask around them. This wendigo-like one is too cute to not get belly rubs."
Said the OFFICIAL Human Representative of a monstrosity that can only be described as the living incarnation of countless teeth, fangs, claws, vivid seizure inducing iridescent feathers, and a body that extends from a inconspicuous ambush pose to a fully 8 meter tall six limbed nightmare machine of Death!
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pleasespellchimerical · 11 months ago
So I knew that one of the rules of Wild Mushroom Safety is to cook all wild mushrooms before consumption, but I didn't know quite how vital this was:
And it turns out, scientific literature doesn't know much either. Apparently uncooked morels can be /super/ toxic, and there's not a ton of awareness.
Anyway the Rules of Wild Mushroom Safety as I was taught them:
ID every specimen you plan to consume.
Try a little and wait a bit, because people can have allergies to random mushrooms.
Do not mix with alcohol, adverse reactions can occur.
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thatnonameuser · 4 months ago
Do you think it's possible for the MC or some darlings to be allergic to love potions?. I imagine that it's not impossible for someone to be allergic to an ingredient or two for different potion types. And the MC 's immune system due to coming from earth may react violently to ingesting weird magic stuff that the body never had to breakdown before.
The darling-therapist recommended potion that will make your wayward darling fall for you and put you on cloud 9. 
Warning! Potion will wear off in one week. 
Do not consume if your darling is:
Allergic or sensitive to feathers, pollen, pomegranate, or the fur/ blood of a Soulbind Hare (Eternalyx lupus)
Sensitive to magic
A carrier of  Amarexium Syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes darlings to reject artificial affection.
Side-effects of darling poisoning
Mild - Reversal of potion effects, nausea and feelings of depression or disgust in response to words or acts of affection.
Mid - Previous symptoms, Hives and rashes, Tongue swelling. 
Severe - Previous Symptoms, Heart palpitations, difficult breathing, 
Extremely severe - Previous symptoms, Anaphylactic Shock. Heart Attacks.
Call your doctor if your darling claims to be allergic to it. They’ll find out for sure and give you a month’s worth of potion. 
                 *                       *                   *                         *              
Some darlings are born with allergies to the ingredients found in love potions, which can be sent into varying states of sickness or illness if they consume it.  But more concerningly, while they are rare; darlings born with the aforementioned disorder cannot be affected by the artificial affection bottled up and consumed by countless other darlings. And instead the artificial love acts like a poison to the darling's body. 
Back in the day, a good few darlings got killed before regulations went into place to appropriately warn yanderes who intended to use it and prevent darling death. 
For the MC, since she isn’t from TWST she would have the ‘genetic disorder’ that causes love potions to become deadly poisons. Because of that, her tolerance the MC’s allergy is in the severe-extremely severe territory. 
So the yanderes better have the antidote at the ready to save her life, because she is gonna be battling death alongside her yanderes’ love.
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heechwe · 6 months ago
high & dry | 𝖍𝖛𝖈
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➸ First story in the @hogwartsaltior universe! ୨୧ pairing: chwe (vernon) hansol x fem!reader ୨୧ word count: 4.5k ୨୧ genre: fluff ୨୧ tags: hogwartsaltior!au, dj!vernon, gardener!reader ୨୧ synopsis: Vernon is good with his words behind a microphone and with hundreds of students listening to him. Why is it so hard to talk to one girl in the gardening club?
“Thank you for listening to Chwe’s Power Hour sponsored by Hogwarts Altior. Have a good day and night folks.” Vernon puts the headphones down on his makeshift desk, surrounded by studio equipment and paperwork that he always neglects to turn in on time. His homework also sits unfinished in his backpack, but he’ll worry about that later. His focus is on looking over the stats for his latest stream.
Dokyeom, Vernon’s roommate and fellow Gryffindor, gives him a thumbs up as he scours the laptop screen in front of him for the numbers Vernon’s after. “Best show so far man.”
“But do the views say that?” Vernon looks over Dokyeom’s shoulder, anxiety bubbling in his stomach.
“Read it and weep, kid.” To his surprise, his best friend is actually right for once. Almost two hundred students listening in, both on and off campus. The outreach Vernon’s radio show has gotten so far is something to be incredibly proud of, but he wants more. Maybe if he can prove music is not a waste of time, his parents may take him more seriously when he talks about switching majors.
“Holy shit,” Vernon says out loud, smiling at the evidence.
“I know.” Dokyeom closes his laptop and begins getting his stuff together. “Listen, I gotta head to Combat Training, but we’ll go over the next show tonight.”
They exchange handshakes as Dokyeom exits the tiny office space the university gave them as a studio, leaving Vernon alone with his thoughts to ponder during what remains of his lunchtime.
Astrology isn’t the worst degree in the world, not by a long shot. He likes to learn about the constellations, the stars, how the planets moved in tandem with one another in a symbiotic pattern. And sure, being in one of the longest educational tracks seemed daunting, according to his friends, but it’s interesting to look up at the sky and know there’s a system up there that needs to be understood and appreciated like everything else.
But does he love it? After a year of studying, that remains to be seen.
What he does love, though, is his Power Hour.
It gives him a zest to his daily routine that didn’t exist before. His schedule had just been friends, Quidditch, and studying. It was fine at first, but being without something that truly drove him to do more, be more, had become taxing after a while.
Walking out of the building, he decides to go home and eat lunch in the comfort of his bed before his next class, Star Charts.
Vernon loves to take note of the greenery as he passes the gardens towards the student quarters. But he knows it’s deadly to step foot near the many plants and flowers, not just because of his allergies. He doesn’t want to smell like a joint if he steps in the wrong spot thanks to Josh and Jeonghan’s extracurricular activities in the horticulture club.
What does make him stop today, however, isn’t just the plants. It’s mostly the girl plucking weeds from the ground at the entrance of the courtyard, stealing his breath in a way pollen never could.
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Face caked in soot and a messy bun at the top of your head, you know a steamy shower is in your plans as soon as classes are over. You loosened the yellow tie around your neck hours ago to focus on the gardening work in front of you, but it turns out to be a bad decision due to it flopping around in the wind. If only the last root could give…
You look up to see a guy facing your direction, mouth lightly agape and seemingly looking directly at your spot on the ground. Was something or someone behind you that you failed to notice? You turn your head to look over your shoulder, finding nobody down the path or coming out of the greenhouse you were in prior to your work outside.
You look back in the guy’s direction, but he’s gone. He’s speed-walking up the path to the student quarters when you do catch the image of him, his back quickly going out of sight.
Shrugging, you go back to the stubborn weed that has taken up too much of your time. Maybe you’ll cut it at the base and call it a day.
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Vernon scribbles the score of the student’s assignment on the front of the paper, relieved it’s the last in the stack. TA duties have been completed to fruition, possibly for the first time in weeks. He wishes him and Wonwoo got to switch TA positions, but Vernon’s aware that it breaks all kinds of moral codes for a TA to also be a student of the very professor they’re assisting.
At least Vernon gets to see the architecture of the Law building for reference in his drawings. He didn’t have any painting classes yet, but the more he could practice now, the better. If he was to ever become as good as his mother, anyway.
The tall doors of Professor Sung’s class open, and Vernon almost can’t believe his eyes.
It’s you. You’re not covered in dirt but still entirely breathtaking, holding a large potted plant in your hands. As you walk closer, careful not to bump into the desks on your way towards him, he is unsure what to say for the first time to capture your interest.
You smile and set the pot down on Professor Sung’s desk. Both of you speak at the same time, words blended on top of each other’s.
“Sorry to bother-“
“I’m allergic to pollen.”
Your face morphs into confusion, but you laugh all the same. Vernon wants to immediately crawl into a hole. Why in all things magical did he just let those words come out of his mouth? 
“Okay, noted.” You point to the plant. “This is for Professor Sung. It’s asphodel. No pollen, I promise.” You look over the graded papers on the desk. “You must be his TA.”
Vernon nods immediately and stops, feeling ridiculous again for being so eager and forthcoming with information. What was wrong with him? You were just a girl. A beautiful, cute, hardworking, breathtaking girl, but still a girl!
Your mouth goes slack in recognition, eyes suddenly widening. “I remember you now! You were outside of the student grounds the other day.”
Vernon laughs nervously. He puts the papers in front of him into a neat pile, trying to stifle his panic. All he remembers from that day is you and trying to run from the fact you caught him staring. The cringe he feels is excruciating. “Yeah. I like to look at the plants on my way to my room. You guys have done a great job with the…selection.”
You laugh again and bite your lip. “Yeah, it’s mostly me and Jeonghan. You probably know him.”
He nods again. “We practice together on the Quidditch field. Well, us and my roommate Seokmin.”
“I know Seokmin! And forgive me, I forgot to ask your name.” You hold your hand out politely and give him your name in turn.
How can a person be so gorgeous and nice? Vernon thinks maybe it has to do with your Hufflepuff placement, but he has a feeling the evidence lies in your personality. One he wants to get to know now as soon as possible.
“Hansol,” he replies after placing his palm in yours, your soft skin making him weak in the knees. “Most people know me as Vernon or DJ Chwe or Chwe but y’know—what I’m saying is, my name is Hansol.”
You smirk. “Nice to meet you, Hansol.”
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You play on Vernon’s mind in a loop. The feeling mimics the visual graphic Dino made for Vernon’s radio station icon, the turning CD adorned with the words “CPH.”
“Alright, listeners, I hope that music mix brightened your day and leaves you in anticipation for the next one. My name is Hansol Vernon Chwe. Thank you for another installment of Chwe’s Power Hour, once again sponsored as always by Hogwarts Altior. And you have a good day and night. Peace!”
Dokyeom and Vernon take their. headphones off at the same time, Vernon’s best friend blowing out a breath. “At this rate, man, you’re going to be turning discs all over the world.”
Vernon chuckles. “I don’t know if I’d go that far, bro.”
“C’mon! You talk about it all the time. Pull the plug. Chase your dreams.” Dokyeom knocks Vernon in the shoulder with his fists multiple times, turning the younger boy into a heap of laughter. “And, maybe before that, let in the girl you’ve been talking about?”
Dokyeom motions for Vernon to look towards the clear windows of the station. When he does, he finds you there with a smile on your face, an entirely new plant in your hands. It’s smaller than the asphodel you harvested for Professor Sung. The plant, like its pot, is in an assortment of bright colors, mostly teals and greens.
Vernon motions for you to come inside, so you do. You greet Dokyeom before Vernon. “Seokmin and I share a free period, and he told me he helps you with your station stuff.” You smile and put the plant on Vernon’s desk near his headphones. “Don’t worry. No pollen.”
Vernon inspects it with his eyes, unfamiliar with the plant in front of him. His brows narrow in pure curiosity, and you answer the question that sits on the tip of his tongue.
“Muggles call them succulents. They’re really easy to take care of. Just a little sunlight and watering once a week should be enough.” You laugh to yourself and glance around the office space. “Thought the place could use some color.”
“Thank you,” Vernon says. His heart can’t help but be shaken up even more by your presence in his sacred space. He barely knows you, yet he’s so enraptured at your mere existence.
He used to make jokes about his friends when they were down bad for girls, ones that they knew were out of their leagues. Now, he feels like an asshole for doing so. Clearly the workings of the heart are something out of a person’s control.
Vernon isn’t idiotic enough to call it love, but it’s as intense as infatuation can be.
“I’m gonna go, but I’ll see you guys later.” As Dokyeom’s leaving, he raises his arms in the air in a silent chant for Vernon. Thankfully, you don’t notice Vernon’s idiotic best friend and roommate, entirely focused on him.
You stand there, unsure what to do now, but Vernon fills the space with the dumb courage he musters. “I was just on my way to grab a bite to eat. Do you want to join me?” 
He stutters, suddenly trying to play it cool. “I mean, unless you have a meeting or something with the gardeners. In which case, I don’t want to intrude—“
You raise your hand to shut him up, giggling. “I would love to, Han.”
The nickname on your lips makes his heart stop and start again in a millisecond. He could get used to that. Definitely.
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On the brink of midnight, Vernon gets a text from Jeonghan.
[YJH]: Got party favors in the greenhouse. U in?
Vernon groans, stuffing his head in the pillow. Should he smoke when he has an early class tomorrow and another Power Hour special? Probably not.
But the second text that pops up makes Vernon sit up straight in his bed.
[YJH]: Your missus is our DD, if that changes your mind ;)
Lunch a few days ago had been a success. You laughed at all of his jokes and even took his hand when he offered to help you up from the picnic table. Although you exchanged numbers at the end of the “date,” he hadn’t found the nerve to text you.
But now, he won’t waste the opportunity to see you.
Vernon puts on his old Quidditch hoodie and a bit of cologne to mask the odor. The next step after he sees you is to do his laundry to avoid smelling as much as possible. Homework sits somewhere in the middle of that plan.
He closes the door to the greenhouse behind him, the smell of the herbs hitting his face immediately. It wasn’t a mystery how Josh continued to supply himself and his friends with…supplements. As the president of the Horticulture club, he can access any specimens at any time. Surely it should been you, your care for plants and flowers not going unnoticed by him and probably your other classmates. Pretty privilege has to apply, for sure. But you’re much prettier than Josh, too, so what the fuck’s up with that?
You smile when you see Vernon enter the greenhouse. Your new friend skates by the stoned, giggly man-children sitting in the lawn chairs and passing their joint around. Hoshi is practically asleep, eyes almost closed and chuckles leaving his lips at the speed of a young schoolgirl. Vernon has the passing thought about how ironic it is all the Slytherins he knows take up their efforts with “gardening” yet probably know only a handful of plants.
“Hey, flower child,” Vernon says, sitting next to you on the workbench.
“Oh, spare me. Is that my nickname now?” You jut out your bottom lip, pouting.
“I think it’s nice. It fits!” Vernon motions with his hands to the surrounding vines and other foliage within the greenhouse. 
You nod in agreement. “Okay, point taken.”
He looks over at the assignment you’re doing, some form of chemistry if he had to guess. “What’re you working on?”
“Lab stuff. If I want to be a herbologist, I have to pass this class,” you say with a groan.
“Wait, you’re telling me there’s actually something you’re not good at?”
You stick your tongue out at him, threatening to poke him with your pencil. “Just wait, you’ll see I have many flaws.”
He knows that can’t be true. To him, even the most minute flaw of yours is impeccable.
“But yeah, just balancing equations and the like. I know astrology is more metaphysical stuff, but—“
“I love chemistry,” Vernon says, standing up and grabbing leaves from random plants between his fingers. Strangely, the more he walks around and steps into your world, the more confident he feels. “Speaking of that, I wanted to ask—“
“Hansol, watch out!”
Little does Vernon realize his back is perfectly positioned in front of an adult sprig of venomous tantacula, the plant ready to spring for the sight of prey. In an instant, Vernon sees your wand appear from your side and ducks out of the way to avoid the impending spell.
“Diffindo!” The venomous tantacula shrivels as soon as its body is separated from the base of the plant. You breathe in a sigh of relief at the fact your friend has not met his demise at the hands of the creature. However, Vernon’s quick dive turned out to be a bad choice. He managed to drop into a large pile of terracota plant pots. Some of them cut up his arms and a small part of his face in the process of his crash landing.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” you ask, bending down to inspect his face. You touch a hand to his cheek, moving his face in your direction. Vernon responds with a gummy smile.
“Nothing a bandaid can’t fix.” Vernon releases a breathless laugh.
“I have a medical kit somewhere around here.”
You run to find it. Vernon’s just dumbfounded and pleased he got so close to you on a technicality. Yes, his face is probably bleeding a good amount, but he knows it’s worth it to see your pillowy lips and doe eyes up close and personal.
When Joshua stumbles up to Vernon on the brick floor of the greenhouse, stoned out of his mind, he laughs like a madman. “Did you fall or something?”
Vernon smirks, resting his head happily on the ground. “You could say that.”
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The collection of vinyls, CDs, and musical content in Vernon’s room is a marvel. The piles are mixed in with the typical items in a guy’s room, socks strewn about the floor and star charts leaning against the wall. When you call Vernon a slob in a playful tone, he can’t deny it.
“I have to be in the mood to clean,” Vernon says in his defense. 
You roll your eyes. You’ve met messier guys, but Vernon’s definitely making his way to the top of the list. “If I had to be in the mood to garden, half of the greenhouse would be withering away as we speak.”
“Is that how Josh keeps his presidential position, by only doing half of the work?” Vernon smirks, running his hands over the map in front of him. The homework needed to be done yesterday. Calling you as a reinforcement to make him focus is his best chance at getting it done.
Then again, seeing you now, he thinks that was a mistake. How can he focus when you’re in his room, chastising him to work and clean his room in such a cute way?
You may just be the end of his academic career as he knows it.
“No. Josh is a good president, and he really stands up for us with the student government. If he hadn’t advocated for muggle flora imports when they wanted to put more money in the Quidditch reserves, the greenhouse wouldn’t look half as good as it does right now.” You snap your fingers together. “Like the succulent in your radio station! Josh is technically to thank for that.”
“Don’t let him take the credit. I bet you put in a lot of effort growing that thing.”
You scoff and go back to inspecting his music collection. “Have you listened to every album you own?”
Vernon nods, smiling. “Some more than once. But that’s because some of those are my folks’ copies.” He gets up from his bed to stand next to you, tracing the outlines of the vinyl jackets with his fingers. “Like this one? Stevie Wonder’s In Square Circle? One of my favorites.”
The corners of your mouth turn up. “Surprises me you’re not a music undergrad. You already know so much.”
He chuckles sadly. “My parents thought it would be best to find something more practical to study.”
“Astronomy is practical?”
A smirk appears on his lips. “Point taken.”
You huff. “Anyway, it’s your life. It should be about what you love to dot. My parents wanted me to be a lawyer, but herbology’s my calling.”
“No kidding, flower child.”
“You know that nickname is cringe!”
In the midst of your banter, Vernon was unaware how much the distance between you closed. He can smell the perfume lingering on your neck, the scent of moondew driving him insane. His better impulses tell him not to stand so close. He should avoid inching further towards you. It’s wrong to focus on the look in your eyes that tells him not to stop.
Your breath hitches just a touch, and that’s his signal to throw all of his reservations out of the window. He presses your back to the vinyl player, caring little for the scratch of the record at the sudden movement. He can buy another one later.
He captures your lips with his and instantly feels every worry sap out of his being. You wrap your arms around him, hands firm against the back of his neck and fingertips grazing the ends of his hair. Magic in his world is not just exclusive to charms, potions, and cauldrons anymore.
He has you to thank for the definition expanding.
When a moan slips out of his mouth, you pull away breathless.
“Sorry if I was too forward. I—“ Vernon blurts out.
“No, no, don’t apologize.” You smile shyly. “I wanted you to.” You press your hands to his chest, feeling the beat of his heart under your palms. “Just don’t want to rush into anything.”
He nods without a second thought, hanging onto your words with glee. You’re into him. Enough to want him to kiss you, at least.
“Does this mean I can ask you on a proper date? Not just lunch after CPH?”
You giggle into his neck. “Yes, I would love that.”
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After a month of secret kissing behind corridors, study dates in the library, and even Vernon helping tend to pollen-free plants in the garden with you, he may have to admit he’s fallen into the deep end.
But how does one say that, especially someone as terrible with non-lyrical words as him?
So, he decides the perfect way to tell you isn’t in the standard sense.
He writes.
He writes down his thoughts and feelings to a random beat that popped into his head, the rhymes that show up on the notepad in front of him exactly what’s inside of his heart. He makes final touches, moving a word around and then repeating some others. It’s not a full song, just the idea of one at this point, but it says what it needs to, and that’s more than enough.
Vernon texts his parents about his next special, and this time, they promise to listen. Maybe now he can prove to them it isn’t a fruitless endeavor not worth pursuing.
He puts the headphones over his head, one half of his mind occupied with a million thoughts and the other half excited to see what will come after the special. Dokyeom counts him in, mouth in a thin line from focus.
“Welcome to Chwe’s Power Hour, everyone. I’m Chwe Hansol, the man himself behind this lovely hour of music, and I thank you all for tuning into this special episode of the show.”
They go on as usual, answering user-created questions from the last stream and also playing a couple of requested songs. When they make it to the ten-minute mark, Vernon sees Dokyeom’s cue.
“So, recently, I met someone who has quickly become a very important part of my life. So, today, I want to share something that was on my mind with all of you.”
Vernon nods his head to Dokyeom who begins playing the backing track for Vernon’s song. Some guitar strings and a welcoming beat begin to play. The confidence suddenly rises out of Vernon, taking on its own life as he begins the song. The words come out of him effortlessly, the poetry he wrote for you synchronized with the music in a way that has even Dokyeom swaying in his seat cheerfully.
Flower child,
Why can’t I keep my thoughts off of ya?
You grow in my chest without my consent.
Please help when my heart’s under arrest.
Flower child,
I always recognize your steps
When you walk around my head.
The path you have to be familiar with.
Don’t tell me your interest’s a myth.
Flower child,
Is this garden ready to bloom?
You drive me wild.
Can I grow with you?
Flower child,
Can I show you?
You’ve left me beguiled,
Flower child.
The guitar and beat of the song fade out gradually. Dokyeom can’t help himself when he claps his hands together and cheers for his best friend, the sounds coming through in the stream. Vernon laughs and clears his throat.
“As you can hear, my co-host DK seems to have enjoyed my song.”
“Are you kidding?” Dokyeom says, mouth agape. “Best thing we’ve played on this show, no doubt.”
Vernon chuckles heartily, his chest filled with pride. Not just for himself, but for this creation he’s found enough conviction to share with the world. 
“Thank you again for all tuning into this episode of Chwe’s Power Hour, sponsored by Hogwarts Altior. I cannot wait for the next episode and your thoughts on this one. It was without a doubt my favorite special so far. To all of you listening, have a good day and night.”
When the stream comes to a close, Dokyeom grabs Vernon in a tight bear hug, screeching in glee for the younger one’s success. “That was fucking incredible!”
Before Vernon can reply, he feels the buzz of his phone in his back pocket, your name lighting up his screen.
Meet me in the greenhouse? x
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Vernon walks through the greenhouse. The foliage and flora he’s encountered many times in the past since meeting you and beginning your love affair greet him. He hopes the flowers he picked up on the quick run from the radio office to the courtyard capture your heart in the same way the plants in the greenhouse do.
Even if they make his eyes itchy around the eyelashes, he will deal with it. No amount of pollen could ruin this day.
You’re working on some homework at the gardening bench when he comes in. You drop your pencil immediately when you spot him out of the corner of your eye. You smile at the bouquet in his hands. “Usually I’m the one bringing you plants.”
Vernon grins as well. “Thought I’d return the favor this time.”
You leave your stool and walk towards him. Pecking his lips, you grab the flowers from him. “You know zinnias have pollen in them.”
He shrugs, taking no stock in the stuffy feeling in his nose. “You’re worth all the allergies in the world.”
Your cheeks turn a deep shade of red. Pressing your nose into the flowers, you take in the smell with a satisfied hum. “They’re beautiful.”
“They represent long-lasting affection, according to Joshua. But he might’ve been stoned when he said that.” Vernon smirks, grabbing onto your free hand.
You giggle. Staring deep into his eyes, your expression suddenly becoming serious. “Speaking of that, I listened to your show.”
Taking a deep breath, Vernon hopes he can find the same courage he had in the studio then now to use exclusively for you. “Since the second I saw you, I was drawn to you. And all the feelings I’ve had since then I put into that song to express just a fraction of how amazing you are. And I know it’s cheesy, but I meant every word, and I hope you feel the same.”
You step away from him, letting go of his hand and walking back to the gardening workbench. Vernon’s anxiety spikes, unsure what your next step will be. Would you say what he wanted to hear, or would you tell him something that would break his heart altogether?
You drop the bouquet on the table and run back to him, knocking all the air out of Vernon’s lungs with a sudden, soul-encapsulating kiss.
In the pressure, movement, and heartfelt nature of your lips against his, he feels idiotic second-guessing you for even a minute. 
You both separate, lips still inches away and smiles abound. Despite your actions saying everything he needed to hear, the words leaving your mouth just confirms every emotion in his heart. “I love you, too.”
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readsaboutreid · 8 months ago
Aaaa!!! Lavender roses is so fucking sweet!!!
Absolutely adorable!
If I could request something where the reader works at the BAU, but in like the last week the reader has cone in with allergy symptoms, red itchy eyes and nose. And she's just feeling terrible, eventually Gideon or Hotch dismisses her fot a couple days, and Spencer's been worried as hell and goes to check up on her but it turns out she was given a cat by her friend, (the cat got dumped and the friend caught take care of it) but the reader is allergic but doesn't wanna give up the cat, sorta "I'll get used to it, it sucks nie but he's just a baby!!!" Vibes?
tysm! and Absolutely! I've lived this scenario out myself in slightly different settings so I can easily put myself into the situation lol I think one may be a bit shorter though if that's oki?
contains: fluff, concerned Spencer, kitties!, bau!reader
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"Achoo!" Spencer heard the sneeze from the desk adjacent to his, the sixth sneeze he's heard in the past half hour. He looked over to (Y/N), who was sitting at her desk with a box of tissues she had opened just that morning, already now half empty.
"You, uh, you feeling okay, (Y/N)?" He tentatively asked her, his inner germaphobe screaming at the proximity he shared with her. Sure, she was very good about covering her nose and mouth each time she sneezed but the anxiety still raced through his veins, exacerbated by his concern for his friend's wellbeing.
"I'm fine, Spencer, nothing to worry about!" She attempted to sound chipper, but instead just sounded congested.
"You've sneezed 6 times in 28 minutes, 36 seconds! I'd say that's a little less than 'fine', if you ask me," he retorted, raising his eyebrows as he spoke.
"Well, it's a good thing you asked me, then, and not the other way around, isn't it?" She shot back with a light (but still congested) tone.
"Well if you ask me," interrupted the voice of Derek Morgan, loudly, "you're sick and you need to go home before we all end up sick."
"I'm not sick, it's just allergies, I swear—,"
"That's what people say in movies before big deadly disease outbreaks occur!" Penelope Garcia piped in from her spot leaning up against Morgan's desk.
"Well it's a good thing this is real life and not a movie, isn't it?" (Y/N) quipped before quickly reaching for a tissue before her next sneeze.
"Go home, (Y/L/N)," everyone's head turned as Hotch walked out of his office and called down to them. "You're sick and I don't need the entire team coming down with it. That's an order."
Defeated, (Y/N) sighed and gathered her things and left the bullpen.
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Spencer walked out of the pharmacy with bags full of cold medicine, water bottles, Gatorade and Powerade (just in case she preferred one to the other), and underneath it all a container of warm chicken soup that he had made (he wasn't sure if it was any good, but he followed the recipe exactly as it was written so he hoped it was okay, at the very least). He knocked on (Y/N)'s door and nervously waited. He hoped he wasn't overstepping, it wasn't like they were dating or anything (although the two had been on one date about a month ago, the job getting in the way every time they'd try to arrange a second date, much to his chagrin).
The sound of the door unlocking pulled him out of his head and the door opened enough for (Y/N) to poke her head out, as if trying to keep him from seeing inside. "Oh, hey, Spencer! No, you little demon, shoo!"
"O-oh! Sorry," he began, "I was just gonna bring you some medicine and food but I can go if you're not feeling up to having anyone—"
"Oh god, no! I wasn't talking about you! I'm so sorry!" Her eyes widened in panic before she said, "here, why don't you come in and you'll see."
She opened the door a little wider and stepped back as he slid inside. And was immediately greeted with two small pairs of yellow eyes. "I, uh, I had a friend who found two kittens but couldn't afford to take them in." Her eyes were red and watery and she sniffled slightly. "Turns out I'm allergic to cats!"
"Oh! Do you need help finding someone to take them?" Spencer asked, recalling something Emily had said about maybe getting a cat. "Because Emily recently—"
"What?" She asked quickly. "Never! Why would I give them up?"
"Because you're clearly suffering?" He reasoned, a smile tugging at his lips at her (admittedly adorable) pout.
"I have an appointment with a doctor about allergy shots," she argued, "come on, you can't say you don't already love them!" She whined.
As they both began rubbing up against his legs he couldn't deny that maybe she had a point.
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windybluebelles · 3 months ago
Does Captain Marvel have any actually weaknesses? Like, deadly ones?
(I’m talking about when he’s written properly btw, this guy should not be weaker than superman)
Like, I know he can be affected by other magic and there’s that weird magical rock thing that can kill Gods. But both of those are kinda hard to come by, God killing rocks aren’t really gonna be left lying about and he’s almost definitely stronger than the average magic user. He can also obviously just say Shazam and get depowered but it’s kinda hard to force someone to speak when you can’t physically hurt them, also no one really knows about that soooo…
The only people I can imagine being able to beat him would be either Gods, or people who have the same powers as him. And most of them people should already be on his side, and in any case, they’re definitely not of yours.
Yeah, Black Adam hates him, but he’s not gonna help someone else take him down for their stupid biased reasons. His own Gods (and the Wizard) are able to take away his powers but they’re not gonna do it on request, like, no.
In Injustice, Billy dies from Superman holding up Captain Marvel, freezing his mouth shut, and lazer beaming him through the face. And like, sure? I guess that makes sense, since they are equal power levels, and it adds plot to the game so I’m not completely. But since when could Captain Marvel get burned? How is his divinely blessed skin able to get melted through? He’s blessed by gods guys, he has magic literally in his fingertips. Maybe he just didn’t want to hurt his friend? Idk, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me.
Dc and their allergy to making characters stronger than superman
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ma1dita · 11 months ago
do we have any sick!trouble and luke taking care of everything for her??(including her hehe🤭) if not then i’d like to think she would probably try to push herself through the day making sure camp doesn’t get set on fire bc older sister core! + dionysus probably dgaf 🤷🏻‍♀️ and maybe only luke noticing that she’s breaking out in a cold sweat and her movements a little more sluggish than usual but shes stubborn af so she refuses to rest
also ur works are crushing me jo they’re soo good😭💗
luke castellan x dionysus!reader
a/n: no trouble tags fuck it we ball! no edits either lmfao fluff :) can be a standalone just know reader is camp mom and Luke calls her trouble/slight cabin 12 mentions but not important (partners in crime series if you wanna check it out)
wc: 860
Luke doesn’t think he’s ever seen you be quiet.
Your voice is synonymous with the harmony of Camp Half-Blood in all of its forms: early morning announcements over the loudspeaker that serve as a wake-up call for campers to be ready for cabin inspections, hollow outcries to keep certain deviants in line (the Stolls and your brothers are a deadly force to be reckoned with), comforting words like kisses for scraped knees for the little ones, down to the gentle blanket of your singing at lights out. Luke also just knows by now that you love to have the last word—gods forbid someone else beat you at something you’re good at. Words always come easy when it comes to you (abilities of sons of Hermes aside) he finds out—but he can’t think of what can convince you to go back to bed today, especially with a temperature of 100.7 F.
He’s been circling you like a hawk this whole morning, not chastising (because clogged sinuses and all you’d probably fight him to your last breath), but rather helping out where he can. He swiftly double-checks counselor assignments once your puffy eyes leave the page, steers you away from walking straight into the fires of the forge instead of the exit at the armory, and waves off any bystanders who dare to get caught in the crosshairs of your bullheadedness.
In times like these, Luke’s almost grateful to be his father’s son (still a hard no, but you get the point). Doing these tasks undetected and mostly through a sleight of hand is better than worrying you even if he’s already at his wit's end; you’re quick in your own right too, body and brain separated today yet working on autopilot through a foggy sick-riddled mind. He hates leaving you like this even for a moment despite your protests of being able to handle yourself, but the two of you are spread thin today with all the work to do.
Luke finds you later after his workshop with your head against the cool stone of the climbing wall. You sniff into your sleeve, a wet sound stifled by the worn-down orange uniform you all wear, though yours looks as exhausted as you are, eyes closed and motionless even with lava slowly trickling from the top.
“Trouble? Are you okay babe? Grover fell off the wall already, you should… restart the mechanism,” he mutters, a big hand clasping at the nape of your neck like someone grabbing a kitten by its scruff.
“He’ll be fine, he’s a big boy,” you mumble with your face still attached to the rocks. “I’ve seen him climb over the Ares table for the last donut at lunchtime, molten lava and boulders should be a piece of cake.”
“At least cake is less painful and more delicious,” the satyr groans, hairs singed down to his hooves. Luke sighs, helping Grover back onto his feet for a well-deserved break.
“Babe…If you don’t move, sooner or later the lava’s gonna smother you.”
He shakes your arm since the controls are wedged between your body and the wall but it’s as if your body is bolted to the floor. A dissonant noise crawls out of your throat, “Dunno, kinda sounds nice. Maybe it’ll clear my sinuses.”
“Maybe it’s time to admit you’re sick.”
Even if he can’t see your face he knows there’s a scowl carved across it, “M’not sick. Just some allergies. I don’t get sick, Lu. Being sick is for the weak!” Lava continues to slide down the wall like molasses, inching you closer to a fate of fire— and your boyfriend watches you try to welcome it with weary arms.
“If you’re not sick, then I’m the best singer at Camp Half-Blood,” Luke drones as he crosses his arms. He can hear Percy laugh from the sidelines at that, silenced quickly by a glare.
“Now that would really clear her sinuses—even better if he dresses up for Theatrics again,” the son of Poseidon sniggers until a stray boulder comes barrelling towards where he and Grover are sitting. Everything’s suddenly less funny.
“It was one time, Jackson, and I wasn’t…” Luke sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Trouble was just mending a costume.”
“It’s okay Luke, not everyone can pull off a corset.”
“Grover, another word out of you man and I’ll make sure your legs are permanently hairless,” Luke grits, finally tired of the chit-chat and more focused on getting you to rest. In one quick movement, he sweeps you off your feet and over his shoulder while his other hand slams on the button to reset the gears of the climbing wall. A delayed reaction falters from your throat, something of a yelp and an exhale.
“Luke! Put me down!”
But he’s already off in the direction of Cabin 12 to get you settled under the covers for at least the rest of the day until you’re up and kicking again. Your protests are scratchy but loud as he takes you away from the two kids and it's as if everything is right in the world again.
“Remind me not to get a girlfriend that stubborn one day,” Percy mumbles, bumping shoulders with his best friend.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 1 year ago
Headcanons of the boys that I think are 100% valid and no one can tell me otherwise:
• just dance legend
• is not allowed anywhere near the stove
• has the best sense of humor, only because he isn't trying to be funny, he's just very dry
• takes extremely good care of his teeth
• can nap literally anywhere
• king of gentleman. pulls out chairs, holds open doors, and will gladly give you his seat when you walk in the room, even if there's other places to sit
• will allow you to vent but doesn't hesitate to tell you when he thinks you were in the wrong
• big fan of greys anatomy
• weeb.
• he 100% is a wine guy.
• horrible at math
• not a physically affectionate guy but let him do things for you.
• head patter
• health nut but has a huge sweet tooth
• he may seem high strung, but the guy knows how to have a good time
• best hugger ever
• will ruffle your hair all the time
• he can and will pick you up just to move you out of the way
• emotionally in tune enough to be dangerous
• can sing very well
• 2nd best cook in the house
• loves cop shows
• showers twice a day just cause he can
• definitely an acts of service guy over physical affection. he can and will google how to fix your sink instead of calling donnie (who ends up there anyway). makes you gifts all the time
• loves puns
• big animal lover, cats specifically
• the loudest sneezer there ever was
• he has allergies and makes it everyone's problem
• very patient
• closeted swiftie and that speaks for itself.
• black coffee drinker
• has the worst hygiene due to his work schedule
• loves real housewives
• can and will eat his weight in pasta
• physical affection is nice but he's more of a words of affirmation guy. he'll happily hug you but will never hesitate to tell you how he feels about you (after you get through the awkward stage)
• worst dancer
• very heavy sleeper when he does fall asleep
• king of sarcasm
• can speak multiple languages
• has the best laugh
• will stare at you until you pay attention to him
• heavy metal music is his favorite
• loves dirty jokes
• the biggest baby in the world when he's sick
• silent but deadly temper
• king of nicknames
• most empathetic and emotionally aware person you'll ever meet
• type to pick you up to hug you
• cooking is his specialty
• physical affection, quality time, you name it, he loves it. he craves attention and connection. please show him your favorite things because he loves trying new stuff
• loves to gossip (definitely a girl's girl)
• lightweight
• extremely good at drawing
• very observant
• best dancer and can tango like it's no one's business
• really good at impressions (especially trump)
• very abstract thinker and good strategist
• very ticklish
• allergic to cats but loves them a lot
• not easily provoked but puts raph to shame when full blown angry
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tomatoluvr69 · 1 year ago
Pinterest will make you feel bad about your lifestyle. It’s subconscious and insidious. You will never live up. Your life will never be a carefully curated photograph and thus you will be dissatisfied. Death to aesthetic boards. Death to fashion inspo. Death to cute bridal shower ideas. Pinterest spurs the endless churn of the consumerism and waste part and parcel to the capitalism you seem to otherwise decry. Furthermore 1/5th to 1/6th of the posts on your Pinterest feed are paid promotions, which proves it’s one of those dead rotting carcasses of which you speak. No hate to you. God bless. We’re all on this website decompressing…however it’s not my fault you’re blind to Pinterest’s malevolent nature. And furthermore the air at high altitudes causes hypoxia
YouTube. Malevolent. Tiktok. Malevolent. Unfortunate that it is where young people currently congregate. Instagram. Malevolent. Pinterest. Malevolent. Facebook. Malevolent but good for finding out people who should not get married or pregnant are getting married or pregnant. LinkedIn. Malevolent. Reddit. Malevolent when used as social media but neutral when used as forums for specific activities such as fermenting things in raw honey or raising silkmoths or forming your own bonsai. None of that doggo mademesmile video game shit. It’s malevolent! News website. Malevolent. Gmail. Malevolent. Outlook. Malevolent. Netflix. Malevolent. Twitter. Malevolent. 4chan. Obviously malevolent. Omegle. Defunct but malevolent. Wikipedia. Benevolent. Tumblr. Honestly jury’s still out but if <80% of your mutuals are adults then neutral. Serious Eats. Benevolent. Criterion Channel. Benevolent. Google docs. Now that one is malevolent neutral and benevolent all in one.
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