#all with the help of aunt Eda
stubz · 7 months
Among the Hidden/The Shadow Children was one of my favorite book series as a kid
The country experienced a mass famine and is still recovering from it years later. To reduce demand a law is made that forbids any family to have more than 2 children. Adults found to have broken this law will be severely punished as will the "shadow child(ren)" be via imprisonment or death
While remembering the plot of the book I thought of The Owl House and the Noceda family.
Camila and Manny had wanted a child yet it seemed like that wouldn't be case until one day they stumble upon a box by the side of a busy road. Inside was a baby boy with copper-like eyes. A third born child surely.
A horrible occurrence that was becoming more and more common ever since the Population Police formed. And yet it was a blessing to the Noceda family for that was how they got their son Hunter.
15 months later Camila is pregnant. She's going to have twins.
She gives birth in her friend Eda Clawthorne's home, a cabin in the woods. She has girls. Luz and Vee.
Now comes the dilemma. She could give up one twin and keep her adopted son or she could give up her adopted son to keep her two biological children. Those are the options the Population Police will give her. Well screw that. She's keeping her babies, all her babies.
On the other side of the country two teary eye-d blonde toddlers huddle together in the corner of the room. Though afraid they hold fast onto the 2 month baby held between them. Despite their young age they glare through tears at the source of their anger and tears. Their mother.
She moves closer to their sister and they scream. She raises her arms the boy roars. She touches the baby the girl bites her mother's hand.
Shuffling and mumbled apologies can be heard from behind the woman.
Odalia Blight looks at her baby daughter in her arms. 2 months old and she had costed her 2 million dollars. Forced to hang up with yet another client when Alador couldn't stop her crying.
Why hadn't she stopped her pregnancy when she could have? Or put her in an orphanage yet? Well first of all she did have love for the child. When she learned she was pregnant she felt excitement and eagerness. She was happy as was Alador.
Also the child proved to be an incredible motivator for the twins. Why Emira's first sentence was her wanting to play with her. And Edric was seen teaching the babe how to take of pants. Withholding Amity was also a great punishment for the twins. Biting Daddy? No bath time with Amity. Not staying by Mommy's side while at the store? You don't get to wake Amity from her nap.
They were also fiercely protective of her.
"Emira, Edric, do you remember what Mommy told you about if anyone finds out about Amity?" they nod their heads.
"Yes, very bad Edric. And why is that?"
"...Amity goes bye bye."
"Exactly Emira. If anyone finds out about Amity she will go away. Forever. That's why Mommy's upset because someone almost heard her crying."
"NO!" they get to their feet and hold onto their Mommy's legs as if to protect her and Amity from the bad people who would take away their Amity.
"Don't worry my darlings Amity is safe. But do you think you could help me and Daddy with something?" two pair of hazel eyes peer up at her. Tears gone eyes now curious.
"Can you try to keep your sister calm when someone is in the house? Or when Mommy is talking to the screen?"
"Yes yes yes!"
"Yes Mommy!"
Odalia Blight is a very pragmatic woman but the pros of keeping her forbidden child far outweigh the cons. Motivated children who will now do their part to help keep Amity a secret. A happy husband. Another heir to the Blight company. And another child she can love and cherish.
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gathoscorner · 2 years
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Luz’s quinceañera party🎉
You just know as soon as the photographer was done she spent the rest of the night in shorts
Another upload from my twitter. Drawn back in july 22
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jess-the-vampire · 6 months
What is Eda like as empress of the boiling isles? Does she run things ethically?
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so eda kinda hates the job tbh, with Lilith mysteriously gone she had no choice but to be the one in charge (Though everyone wanted her over lilith anyway beforehand, which is what fueled their fight)
she'd much rather go out, have fun, go on adventures
and she kinda does some of that even in charge, but it's still not the same, and now she has so many responsibilities
i don't think she'd know where'd she be without caleb assisting her (And raine of course, caleb just has centuries of experience)
things are run pretty ethically for the most part, you could argue because all magic is free, the laws are MUCH looser, and that comes with it's own set of problems
eda is VERY popular, she's so charismatic that people love her, while people hate philip. On the surface she's seen as the fun popular aunt of the entire isles, but behind doors she's tired and stressed, trying not to let anyone know her secrets, including what happened to Lilith and her curse.
she does have the best of intentions i'd say, even if they don't always come off that way.
even her dislike of philip isn't coming from nowhere, i mean, he stabbed her grandpa and that one event has made the entire clawthorne clan despise him for centuries, not to mention the trouble he causes and the unwillingness to help her.
eda runs things about as ethically as you assume eda would, but tbh it probably helps she has people like caleb to rule her back.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 6 months
random Dizznee family headcannons that are part of my personal cannon
that get progressively more detailed
Kesler has a Tattoo of the alchemy symbols for fire, water, earth, and air on his right arm.
Kesler has glasses and curly hair, Milo Thatch vibes.
Juline is the one with Dimples and is the reason all the kids are sound sleepers shes harder to wake up than Dex. the only person who can successfully wake her up is Kesler
Bex has periwinkle eyes while Rex and Lex have turquoise Bex's hair is curly while the boys hair is wavy.
Kesler and Juline wear elven wedding rings which are similar to Cognate rings except that theres only one and it goes on the weares dominant thumb glows when their spouse thinks about them.
Juline has to wear her wedding ring around her neck when shes in her disguise because Kesler thinks about her so much that it’s constantly glowing.
Juline has a lot of jewelry with periwinkles on them and Kesler has a lot of jewelry with Snowdrops on them, because they like to wear little thingd that remind them of each other
Juline brings home human snacks and Kesler's favorite human candy is nerds and constantly begs her to get some. when shes out getting snacks she also gets them stupid grapic tees to wear around the house
Kesler was way more upset about her lying to him for ten years when he actually properly processed what she did and he just held it together in front of the kids. but they have a deal to never fight in front of their kids and apologize to their kids if they do.
Kesler runs warm and Juline runs cold (because froster) and they can’t sleep without each other
Juline badly picks her lips when she’s upset, along with frosting over whatever is around her because of her strong emotional connection to her ability.
when Edaline was a young adult she rasied Juline through teens because her parents deemed her difficult for not being able to control her ability, it resulted in Juline becoming very angry at everyone around her, and while she realized it wasn’t Eda’s fault she ended up taking it out on her often.
after making friends at school that didn’t call her defective, Juline’s mental health got to be a lot better and she apologized to Edaline profusely, Edaline was just happy to see her sister smiling again
Bex inherited her mom’s temper and is the ring leader of the triplets, shes the most outgoing has no filter and says what she thinks at all times, she likes to hang out with Lovsie because she likes having another girl in the house and was taught some basic fighting skills by her, while shes so much like her mom shes a daddys girl through and through and is the most skilled in alchemy second to Dex.
Lex is the prankster of the group and is the worst out of the entire family at alchemy, he goes out of his way to annoy people because he likes to get reactions out of people, his favorite uncle is the one who gave Juline and Kesler the Yeti as a wedding present and he looks up to him immensely. he also loves to create food abominations that he will eat as disgusting as they look.
Lex's full name is Alexander, he is the only triplet with a full name Kesler and Juline did this to confuse people and it works.
Rex is the mellowest and shyest triplet, he prefers to hide in his brother and sisters shadow, he is known as a troublemaker because people don’t care to tell the difference between him and Lex, he likes to spend time with Edaline at Havenfeild helping with the animals, after he doesn’t manifest he starts to isolate himself from his brother and sister and spend even more time with his aunt
Kesler and Grady where best friends before Jolie’s death and Kesler called him his brother, in reality he got along better with Grady than he did with his “real” brothers
Kesler and Juline where also broken up over Jolie’s death and constantly reached out to check on Grady and Eda, but when they seemed to want space they gave to them, Kesler and Juline still reached out every now and then to check up on them and let them know they loved them, but it wasn’t very often because they thought that was what Grady and Edaline wanted.
the triplets only met Edaline and Grady a handful of times in their memory because it was hard for their uncle and aunt to be around kids and the triplets high energy and overwhelming.
Juline and Jolie constantly exchanged letters, especially after she and brant where deemed a bad match Juline keeps all the letters in a box at the top of her closet and sometimes takes them out to read them when she misses Jolie.
Kesler and Juline where like the cool aunt and uncle to Jolie and they used to have family game nights once a week until she died, after her death the families drifted apart and didn’t get that closeness back until the kidnapping
Jolie was going to recruit Juline to the Black Swan and had written a note to her in her black cube that was kept until Livvy recruited her, she was given the box with Jolies note inside and keeps it in a locket
a lot of the black swan thinks Squall wants to be a homewrecker because of the way she talks about Kesler, not realizing he is in fact her husband and shes just so in love she can’t hide it even in a disguise.
part of Juline’s job is interrogating prisoners and shes lost coworkers she was close with whenever she has a hard day she comes home and cries into Kesler’s arms from anywhere from a ten minutes to a few hours.
Juline has a bunch of notebooks that she wrote to each kid, Kesler, and Edaline just in case she dies or has to wipe her own mind with the poison for her own peace of mind.
during the kidnapping instead of isolating themselves their families stuck together like glue over the two in a half weeks the kids where missing because they didn’t know what else to do 
they started their family games nights after they got the kids back, and started a new tradition of movie nights at Rimeshire, where Sophie would show the family her favorite movies and they would make pillow forts to sit in while they eat their movie snacks. 
Juline was pulling strings behind the scenes to keep Dex from going on missions and to just stay behind and work on gadgets, because she never wanted him to join in the first place, she didn’t want to lose him again
after revealing the fact that she was part of the black swan it took a long time for decks to trust his mom again because he was constantly asking questions she couldn’t answer, and he wanted to be let on more missions, but she wasn’t going to do either, so he was angry and upset (rightfully so) they had to work on their relationship for a long time afterwards
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mmikmmik2 · 1 year
More miscellaneous The Owl House headcanons:
The other magical schools did not have a Gus or a Hunter watching out for them and almost all of their students did get branded and/or proceed to the Day of Unity celebrations with their families. Ruh roh!
Bard magic becomes incredibly popular among witches who just got their coven sigils removed and are starting to experiment with other forms of magic. Rhythm and melody are as natural and fun and mnemonically useful for witches as they are for humans.
Kikimora eventually writes a gossipy memoir about life in the Emperor's Coven that, unfortunately, is just so deliciously juicy and scandalous that it overpowers many people's common sense "what the fuck is wrong with you that you knew all this and still were a hardcore Belos loyalist" reaction... and she's still holding back. Lilith hates her so much it gives her headaches. Hunter has exerted great willpower to stop giving a fuck about her.
Hooty permanently moves out of the Owl House a year or two after Belos is defeated, and everyone is actually weirdly glad about it! Not just because the residents have never appreciated him as much as Lilith does, but because they're safe. Eda isn't a fugitive anymore. There's no forces against Eda or Raine or King or Luz that some normal-strength security measures + their personal capacities for self-defense can't handle.
King eventually does start sometimes jumping on Lilith or riding on her shoulder like he does with Eda and Luz, and even though she's psyched at Getting A Good Grade In Aunt she successfully forces herself to be cool about it :) except for Lilith being "cool" is still pretty dorky.
Gus eventually figures out a way to transfer images between human devices and witch scrolls/crystal balls (possibly with the assistance of other people he's roped in; Perry could probably help here) largely so he and Vee can exchange memes between dimensions.
Hunter dramatically lowers the intensity of his exercise routine and does little or no combat training. See above re: there are way fewer threats, and those remaining are much lower caliber. And he's almost constantly accompanied by at least one other powerful witch that would protect him with their life. And being constantly ready to fight isn't part of the life he wanted for himself.
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I always thought it was strange that Philip donated his diary to the library. The book literally contains information on how to create a portal.Luz was only able to create a defective portal, but still a portal, imagine what would have happened if it had fallen into the hands of a very intelligent witch. That would have complicated his plans even more. I know that the book was stored in the Forbidden Stacks with other forgotten books and that the chances of someone getting the book were very low. But the risk was still very high, and we're talking about the super genius who discovered quantum mechanics in the 1700s.
Philip Fucking Wittebane: I'm going to donate my diary with important information on how to create a portal and I mentioned the existence of an unknown entity to a bookstore that is run by the vile creature that I hate so much for no apparent reason! It's not like there are intelligent witches who can steal your life's work to cause trouble!
I understand that Luz needs the diary to advance the plot, but a puritan witch hunter donating a book with important information to a library with beings he hates for unknown reasons is very difficult to digest.
The only theory I've heard that could explain this is the Stable Time Loop one: Philip needs Luz and Lilith to go back in time to look for him and help him get the Collector disc. This means that in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, he realizes that the Crab Maiden and Aunt Gertrude are actually time travelers who used his diary, they help him obtain the disc, so to ensure that the duo arrive in the first place, Philip has to leave his diary in a public yet secure setting, hence the library.
It is a risky move, especially since at any point in time it could've been lost, stolen, or as you said, used to build a different portal. And as we saw in the show, the echo mouse ate a good chunk of it. Fortunately, it was an echo mouse and not some other critter. But I guess that was a risk Philip knew he had to take.
My problem is that the narrative ties in ALL of Luz's season 3 arc to this one episode and how she feels guilty about it when she really shouldn't. Within the episode itself, Lilith did most of the work by solving the puzzle, Luz was just bait. Philip had been working on getting the Collector disc for probably months and he even had a complex teleportation glyph to get to the Titan skull. This guy was prepared, he just needed people gullible yet smart enough to help him. If it weren't for Luz and Lilith, then someone else would've been the sacrifice. The Collector disc would still be found. He already found 3 of the 4 glyphs (which apparently, Titan magic is incredibly rare and difficult to see!), so Luz showing him the light glyph doesn't really have any long term effects.
The same is true for her "helping" find the Collector. It was bound to happen eventually because the narrative ties everything evil back to Belos while the other characters are mere victims of him. All she did was save him time and effort and frankly, that's not enough to justify 3 long episodes of wangsting. All it is is a convoluted way to make the hero "help" the villain while still making them the purest example of victimhood possible.
Lastly, the narrative NEVER brings up Lilith's involvement; there's never a moment that the two realize that they were played and how terrible they would feel that they played a part in the Collector's destruction (only for Eda to conk their heads together, tell them to stop moping, and take this Collector kid down).
It's all about how Luz feels and then is given 4 different conclusions that she apparently doesn't learn from: Hunter tells her it's not her fault because Belos always uses people (the fact that the boy who was just possessed and had his best friend killed has to emotionally support her is sickening to me), her mom tells her it's okay to make mistakes and that she made a mistake in not allowing Luz to be who she was, (to which she responds that all she wanted was to be understood. Not sure how that connects to her guilt but whatever), Luz thinks her friends secretly hate her for helping Belos so she might as well be him (but then she snaps out of this when Puppet Amity misquotes Azura.........ok then), and finally, Papa Titan validates her by calling her a Good Witch and that Belos is just a big ol' meanie.
This isn't an arc, this is a series of characters coddling her but she doesn't take any of their words to heart until God herself intervenes. There's this huge imbalance between what the character did and how they react to it and the narrative wastes so much time on an arc that just makes Luz feel selfish and just serves to demonstrate how little she's grown as a character.
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fandomgoesahhhhhhhhh · 2 months
For an angsty owl house request. Being Eda’s adopted kid and feeling like Luz (who R does get along with) is like replacing you so r goes on a quest to try to love themselves but Eda realises R’s feelings and assures them they're just as important to Eda as luz and king are? Maybe also like, if it's ok, maybe some scenes of Luz and R’s sibling dynamic?
Ah yes. Angst. My fav. Say no more, my dear anon.
Owl House x Reader Headcanon
🦉Mama Eda’s child🦉
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Your mom is no other than The Owl Lady aka Eda Clawthrone..well adopted mother, but my point still stands.
She adopted you when you were a little kid, when you had bad parents, before Eda took you in. Now you live with Hooty and King and soon Luz once she came to the Boiling Isles.
Despite being your adopted mom, she isn’t great of showing emotions and showing her softness to anyone, that includes you, but she still love you regardless, she just has a hard time expressing it.
When Luz came around, she seems to take a liking of her and basically treat her like one of her own kids. You didn’t mind this too much, cause you and Luz are like besties..sibling figures if you will.
Though overtime, you feel like your mom replacing you with Luz and overtime, you feel like you’re not enough or worth anything to her.
So when you overheard your mother and your aunt Lilith talk about something that could help with the curse, you immediately snuck out to help out by your own.
Course, this leads you into danger and tries to escape, but end up getting caught and almost killed, but then Mama Owl Lady comes and save you last minute(cough cough Hooty snitch). After she save you from death, she scold you for being reckless and ask what you were thinking..before you just..tear up and told her a little bit of how you feel.
Eda would immediately stop and knee to your height..realizing that your feelings are just as important as King and Luz’s feelings. She immediately comfort you and assure you that you’re important just like them. After a small talk and comfort, you two are amends, even though it’s not forget and forgive..it’s nice to start something a bit small and work it out.
NOW moving to Luz and Reader’s sibling dynamic. You two weren’t get too close at first, but sooner or later, you two warm up to each other.
She introduce you to The Good Witch Azura in which for you slowly interest into the book series. She would also be there for you the highs and the lows and visa verse.
Ofc, every sibling dynamic gonna need a tease every now and then. Though, you’re not too much on romance(maybe you are. Up to you), you would tease Luz about her relationship with Amity and she would playfully nudge you and all.
Overall, you’re all one happy family, even if it’s broken and unstable..love and support matters the most.
(Thank you for requesting this and I hope you enjoy this. I have a good time writing this and hope you’re satisfied with this angst/fluff piece)
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Various TOH characters x readers (General HC’s)
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Characters: Eda, Lilith (Platonic), Darius, Adrian, and Steve.
H-Hot...bird woman..
She is so amazing we love her
She will definitely get you anything at the drop of a hat
No, she doesn't pay for it.
Sometimes when she's bored she'll drag you around town to find some mischief to cause or something to do
If her and Lilith ever get into a fight, you are the barrier. Every. Single. Time.
"Y/N, can you tell my darling sister to stop leaving apple blood cartons everywhere?"
"Y/N, can you tell Lilith to mind her damn business?"
Y/N: *eye twitch*
If you know about the curse she'll appreciate any support you give, even if it doesn't look like it.
Will use Harpy form, especially if she knows it flusters you- poor owl beast is so done.
She is very protective of those she cares about, so she'll deffo bail you out if you happen to get in trouble. She'll feel so bad if it's because of her shenanigans 😭
She likes to drag you into her nest randomly. In her mind, pretty things in nest. Y/N = pretty thing, pretty thing = in nest. Don't say anything about it, though, she'll get so embarrassed-
Lilith (Platonic)
Cool history nerd aunt? Hell yeah!
Definitely overloads you with random info at any point of the day. She cant help it, especially if you get her started on a topic thats special to her.
She'll talk for hours then, not that you mind :)
She does really appreciate it if you listen though, and even more if you engage and back up points.
Is definitely the type to cringe you out, especially in front of your friends. She's cool like that, even though you hate it-
If anything happens to you or you get in trouble, she gets so worried about you!!
I feel like she's the type of person where panic makes her do smart stuff quickly, so she'll instantly patch you up with care if you do get hurt.
I feel like because of her, you'd have a love-hate relationship with Hooty?
Like, you would protect each other to the max if needed but they totally team up against you all the time and it's so not fair >:(
Ah yes, our favourite peacock.
He treats you like royalty, so be aware of that.
Spa days? Spa days. You keep laughing whenever he puts on a face mask and he gets grumpy about it-
He acts like he's above it but let's be honest, he would totally love to gossip with you.
He somehow knows about everyone and everything in the castle so watch your back if your trying to hide anything from him (he tries not to peep if it's like, a surprise for him but he probably already knows)
You two shovel talk Adrian, it drives him mad 😭
You know if you get into an argument and your parents leave a bowl of fruit or something as an apology?
He definitely brings a mini abomination to bring you something.
He will eventually apologize face to face, but who likes confrontation? Not him.
Co parenting Hunter co parenting Hunter CO PARENTING HUNTE-
Is super worried abt you after the day of unity, and immediately seeks you out (and vice versa).
I'm just gonna be upfront. He's draining, but that's the fun of it! (Or not.)
He is 100% catboy confirmed.
He doesn't even bother with the whole "I act like I don't care but actually do" thing he's just super clingy and has no shame <3
He's also super p(r)etty, and can get jealous quite easily. Make sure to give him lots of attention!
Surprisingly doesn't shovel talk Darius, he has some semblance of respect for him, but he just hates everyone equally. Apart from you! (And Terra. She absolutely terrifies him, don't leave them in a room together)
Take everything he says with a grain of salt though, he twists his stories a lot.
E.g: Someone accident tripped him up? It was attempted murder. They tried to break his neck and-
He is a dramatic person, but what do you expect?
The type to just flop onto you and go boneless after a long day, no matter what your doing.
Also treats you like royalty! Just... In his own way.
Steve! Everyone's favourite demon/ex-scout boy!
He is so affectionate, but in an awkward kinda teenage way.
He buys you flowers.
Gives the best advice? Y'know how you can no what something tastes like just by smell and sight even if you've never had it? Like that but with advice.
He talks about you all the time to Mat!! He's super happy if you two get along, since you are the most important people in his life.
(if you don't though, immediate deal breaker. His little brother is so important to him, so sorry..)
This is random, but he has an obsession with candles.
One time you told him all that smoke wasn't good for the environment, so he bought "bio-degradable" ones from a certain pig at the night market..... He's trying I promise 😭
Motorcycle rides? Hell yeah! He won't ever say it (unless it comes up ofc) but his favourite rides are where there's not really any destination in mind, and your just driving around because.
He somehow is friends with everyone on the boiling isles? Don't be surprised if you see someone who you'd never expect to see talking to him.
The goodest boy ever. Treat him right!
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averysherwood · 11 months
One of TOH's big problems is that the characters are very clearly divided into black and white, which just leads to other problems.
In season 1, they tried to make characters more complicated. There were also characters like Willow and Gus, but the rest still had more elaborated and realistic characters. Amity wasn't a thoroughly bad person, she had some positive moments, but she bullied Willow. Twins were shitty siblings with violent jokes, but they were still not antagonists, they could apologize to Amity and even tried to help her, not forgetting to play a joke with her. Eda was a good person from the very beginning, but at the same time she was a fraud and a shitty teacher. Lilith was a villain with a more or less human motivation. Camila loved Luz and wanted the best for her, even in ways that were unpleasant for her. Yes, even for the first time Hunter, even though he was an antagonist, was also not a black and white villain who is evil because he is evil.
And then everything sank into oblivion. The actions of twins haven't been mentioned, now they never prank anyone and behave like caring, stupid siblings, especially Emira. Camila says that she was wrong about everything, Luz was just expressing herself when she brought dangerous snakes and fireworks to school, and Camila is actually a nerd like her daughter (although I'm sure now she will indulge Luz in any of her whims, otherwise Luz will run away again). Lilith is now a cool insecure nerdy aunt. Amity and Hunter... Enough has already been said about them. Eda doesn't mention crimes anymore, she's just a caring mom in love with her ex. And the fucking Alador lost all his sins and it turns out he was just standing on the sidelines while his wife abused the children and himself, yes, truly believable.
And in the meantime, the antagonists who didn't have time to be redeemed, even those who had the motivation, became evil for evil's sake. The whole past of Belos? Oh, guys, I'm sorry, he's just born evil, the local god himself told us. Can Odalia really love children and wish them the best? No, she hates them, she needs money, money, money, she's stupid and supports genocide for money, yeah! Kikimora has family problems (like Lilith)? Fuck it, she's just dumb and mean. Only Boscha partially avoided this, but it's true that what was done to her was also badly prescribed (they scored on her for a season, then abruptly pulled out when no one needed her anymore). At least they didn't make her Miss Cherry Ice Cream Sweet Girlfriend for Willow, and thanks for that.
I hate that the characters who initially didn’t let me quit the show on the second episode turned into a pathetic semblance of themselves. My God, if I turn on the channel for kids now, the characters from these cartoons will have more character than Amity and Hunter in season 3. TOH wants to seem like an adult cartoon raising adult problems, but his characters are on the level of first Disney movies about princesses. Here you have evil villains who deserve only death and good characterless cardboards, you should feel sorry for them. In 2021-2023, it's completely irrelevant.
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oryoucouldhavemine · 1 year
TOH Headcanon Dump Post
(Mostly the De-lights because i write them the most lmao)
surprisingly tall but like in a lanky "towers over everyone" way except he has terrible posture
gets overwhelmed with sound, light, people, basically everything if it was unexpected he's probably overwhelmed
Darius is his dad but Raine and Eberwolf are like, honorary parents at this time. Eda and Camila are more like the really close aunts he always visits to me, idk i dont see Eda being a parental figure that works for him (Luz however that is her daughter fr fr)
has lots of scars from Belos trying to "teach him a lesson" about bravery and such and Hunter doesnt think anything about it until hes like changing and Darius does a drama queen dramamgic gasp, hand over chest while leaning against a wall for support
HATES tight clothing, its too restricting he enjoys oversized and loose clothes. in the human world, luz introduces him to skirts and hunter is like "WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT WEAR A SKIRT THEYRE AMAZING"
he also likes purses he thinks theyve gotta be magical or something
touch-starved but has loving friends and family who are here to help him through it
discovers fire trucks and engines in the human world and despises the boiling isles for NOT HAVING THEN WHY DONT THEY HAVE THEM THEYRE SO COOL????
ADHD + genderqueer (p sure both are canon)
SHE WOULD LOVE NEO/XENO PRONOUNS theyd have sm fun with chosing ones
Loves to dress masc and fem and soemtimes combine them in asburd ways but she always surprisingly makes the outfit work
wants a guinea pig farm. no, NEEDS a guinea pig farm. She wants to name them all after her favourite book characters and sew them tiny outfits to match she would KILL a man for a guinea pig farm
considera hunter her older brother and looks up to him a lot
LOVES her gf would also kill a man for her she is the light of her life. luz tries to do grand romantic cheesy gestures like writing amity poems or getting her a massive bouquet of flowers but something ALWAYS goes wrong (amity loves all the gestures regardless)
luz's favourite colour is purple (because of amity ofc)
she HAS to sleep either sprawled out taking up every inch of the bed possible or curled up and swadled like a little baby there is no inbetween
very tactile if luz isnt hugging someone there might me something wrong
im cutting this short i could make fifty posts about luz hcs alone
autistic + sapphic
npw that shes free from her mom, she LOVES to be imperfect, she gets happy whenever she fails a test or a spell because shes ALOWED to be imperfect now
she and hunter did NOT get along at first like even post-s3 they didnt mesh well but they both care for Luz they had to get over it (and now theyre practically ever apart)
admired lillith even more now, she thinks lillith is like, THE COOLEST person in the world but feels akward telling her
has poor circulation so she gets cold really easily
whenever shes stressed or worried, shell pull at two strands of her hair next to her face and like twirl or pull on them to ground herself
unlabelled he/they
brags about having gone to the human realm to anyone who will listen
considers himself an expert on human things despite barely actually knowing anything human
loves playing pranks but is literally terrible at them but everyone humors him and acts surprised (he knows theyre acting)
once took a human SAT just to see if he could and got a higher score than Camila got on hers and she calls him Boy Genius for it
like in Flyer Derby, hes really good at a lot of sports but he plays untraditionally. hes always underestimated by the other team but then ends up scoring all the winning points
hes a silly little guy love him
her comfort person is hunter, she feels strong all the time but it weighs on her and hunter makes her feel strong even at her weakest moments
she likes to knot and crochet! she picked it up in the human world and she finds it so calming and fun except it took her a bit before she actually got the hang of it (she made like five sweaters that had three arms but in her defense!!! she knows a lot of creatures and beings with three arms!!!)
works out! not necessarily to get strong but because working out makes her feel accomplished
amity has been trying out new hairstyles and Willow loves being Amity's pracitce head. You can barely ever find willow without some sort of fancy braid or bun hairstyle nowadays
she wants a horse. shes not actually sure what a horse IS but she wants one
super sweet to every new person she meets until they mess with her friends then she is the scariest person alive
OCD + gay
he discovers what drag queens are and becomes obsessed
"a place for everything and everything in its place" hehas harsh rules about what does where and gets easily upset if his system is ruined
he DESPISES "if you hate messes so much whyd you pick the messiest magic to learn" comments because how DARE you insinuate that abomination matter (PART OF WHAT HE IS!) is ANYTHING like mud its actually very disrespectful of you to think so he says
he and alador had a falling out in their later years of school and to cover up the hurt, darius will argue and tease him but deep down he really just misses him
at the start of him trying to care for hunter, he refuses to admit that he is like a father to him. anytime eda or raine call him a dad, he'll go out of his way to try and prove hes NOT (cut to five months layer when hes legally adopted hunter and they meecilessly tesse him)
acts like eberwolf is the biggest inconvience hes ever met but would kill anyone who tries to harm them (and hed rather die than tell them that)
does things in threes, he doesnt even notice he does it at this point but he'll like rub his hands together three times, tie his hair up with three twists, eat three waffles for breakfast, and when smth isnt in threes it feels verry OFF to him
queer + autistic
very fixated on his work, he needs to be constantly creating and if he isnt creating then hes falling behind and if hes falling behind its the end of the world
doesnt know how to properly show affection, his parents had been pretty strict and neglectful so he doesnt know how to properly show his kids that he loves and cares for them
NOT a tactile person at all. don't touch him and DEFINTELY dont touch him without permission. he has very few people who are exceptions (his kids and Darius) and even then there are limits
hates the feeling of showering so hes a bigger bath person despite darius telling him thats not an effective way to get clean
he has like eighty pairs of the exact same outfit because its the only texture he can stand
darius and his falling out was due to his parents telling him darius was dragging him down and he itched him in an attempt to make his parents proud. he deeply regrets his choice everyday (they fix their shit eventually)
he DOES have a favourite kid but he refuses to tell them such
bisexual + autistic + transmasc
this man gets NO BITCHES none zero trying to find a partner is borderline IMPOSSIBLE for some unknown reason
he runs on a schedule and if something breaks the schedule no matter how small it can ruin his whole day
vrry open with his emotions. he will tell you right away if youre bothering him or did something to upset him
WHY THE HELL IS SCHOOL SO HARD he despises english because why are all answers right and wrong he loves math because there is only one right answer but its still a tricky subject for him
his biggest fear is dying alone he hates being alone its the worst thing ever
WHY IS MAGIC TRICKY AS WELL WHY IS EVERYTHING SO HARD? hes getting better though and hes really good at beastkeeping
clingy emotionally and physically he needs the constant reassurance that people are there and care for him and hes close to his sister and tends to stick to her like glue
bisexual + AuDHD + transfem
when she and edric were younger and realised they were both trans they just switched names and clothes and it took ten years for their parents to notice the switch
RSD [Rejection Senstive Dysphoria] she hates that she has it because someone can say smth as simple as "sorry i cant make it my grandma died" and she'll start thinking of a million different reasons why that person actually just hates her (shes communicated this with her siblings though and they do their best to commincate clearly back with her that no they dont hate her at all)
SO MANY BITCHES people fall at her feet they swoon when she walks by but NONE of them are her type its terrible!!!!
loves her little sister but doesnt know how to show her love through any other way outside merciless teasing
she loves her brother, she does, she just wants to be her own person outside him, to be able to turn around and not see him two feet behind her
loves english and the fact you can make any wrong answer right with enough arguing and debate. math is her least favourite subject WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HARD
has years of detention stacked up but has not attended a single day (she got suspended for a week because of it and was just like YAYYY FREE VACATION!)
will sometimes just sit in her dads workshop while he works and watch in silence because she likes hanging out with people but knows alador cant focus with sound. its both of their favourite times
lesbian + nonbinary
post-s3 runs a music therapy group where they teach people how to play instruments or how listening to music can greatly help their mental health
has been in love with eda since their breakup, they never stopped loving her and would watch from the sidelines with terror as wanted signs got hung up around the BI for years
doesnt mind dressing fem or masc but prefers the more androgynous outfits
has watched hunter from the sidelines and tried to protect them from a distance but could only do so much. post-HM raine goes out of their way to make sure hunter is safe
sees luz as a sort of step daughter and then promptly panics over that realisation for a whole day
gets flustered really easily like why is everything so embarrassing what the hell
very agile, can do backflips and stuff
Unlabelled + he/they
COULD JOT STAND DARIUS AT FIRST darius and eber did NOT get along in their early years of being covenheads but then eventually learned they were both rebels and got closer now theyre kind of like begruding brothers
could kill a man in their sleep and has
loves being dirty, mud is so much fun why doesnt everyone roll around in the mud more?
has also watched hunter from afar for years, hunter used to be sent out on overnight missions into the woods and stuff and eber would follow along and protect hunter so he could focus on his mission and not random forest creatures trying to kill him
Most of these are based on my dadrius series and stuff so if you enjoyed these hcs uou should go read my fics (KaztielCS118 on ao3!!! used to be Im_Basically_Shakespeare but i changed it recently)
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polyhexian · 4 months
I'm gonna leave a long comment on Tell-No-Lies Ch 3 cuz I have a lot of thoughts, but these thoughts aren't for the fic itself so I'm dropping them here:
Low-key really obsessed with what Caitlyn's existence and death does for Eda's character.
From an extremely basic archetypal storytelling POV, Eda's character isn't what you'd expect. She's the most powerful witch in the BI, she hates the Emperor, she's a rebel, she's the mom figure in the ragtag team of misfits--in the elevator pitch of this story, you'd expect her to be leading the rebellion.
But she's not. TOH isn't a story about a concentrated rebellion against Belos; the rebellion barely exists. Season 1 never even mentions anyone actively fighting against the empire, the BATTs consist of 4 people, the CATTs don't have many more. The fact that resistence efforts were so small kinda annoyed me, but I can believe that any rebellion really is just that disconnected, disorganized, and ineffective. It's not the typical Rebels vs Empire narrative, but it DOES make sense. (And the story does itself the favor of not insisting that there's TOTALLY a massive rebel effort we've never heard about.)
And Eda's not a selfless rebel leader fighting for the greater good. She's fighting for herself. She hates the Emperor, but she hates all authority. She won't lead a fight against Belos, because she doesn't want to be a leader. She isn't going to perform some huge rebellious act against him; just existing the way she wants is an act of rebellion. She helps the BATTs, but she doesn't carry on the fight once they're captured except for trying to get through to Raine. She and Luz barely fight against the empire at all until a week before the Day of Unity.
Eda isn't a selfless rebel leader fighting for the greater good, she just wants to live wild and free, and it really does make sense.
But wow, Caitlyn's story really does enhance Eda's characterization. Idk how much the Clawthornes know about Caitlyn's fate, but I'd assume they know at least a bit. Eda and Caitlyn never met, but family history leaves an impact.
You had an aunt. She was a proud wild witch. She ran away to Latissa to help the rebellion there, and your family has no idea what happened to her.
You had an aunt. She was captured in Latissa. Escaped rebels told your family they saw the Golden Guard himself take her down.
You had an aunt. She was imprisoned in the castle. Her surviving friends who chose sigils over death said the Emperor himself took an interest in her, and they never saw her again.
You had an aunt. She was publically executed, made an example of after seriously injuring a coven official in an escape attempt.
You had an aunt. Your family received a form letter from the Emperor's Coven informing you of her death while in their custody. They never sent her body.
You had an aunt. Her body was returned to your family, but the Emperor's Coven didn't bother to explain her missing arm or anything else aside from saying that wild witches deserve what they get.
You had an aunt. Your family received a crate of pulverized stone.
You had an aunt. She valued her freedom, and she fought for it for herself and others. She ran off to join a rebellion to try and make a difference. She paid a steep price for it, and your family paid the interest.
You're wild and free, and you refuse to take a sigil or bow to the Emperor. You refuse to conform, to fit in a box, to make yourself less.
But you also had an aunt, and you refuse to end up like her.
YES that is VERY MUCH the vibe!!!! and dont worry you will find out what happens to caitlyn in a different GG story i have
this is like a big rebellion push still early in the emperor's reign and its absolutely demolished with a massive show of brutal force. it strongly hampers future attempts at organized rebellion. belos operates on fear. he makes sure people are afraid to rebel. caitlyn was in latissa, but dell wasnt, gwen wasnt. she wanted to fight and it cost her dearly.
eda and lilith both wanted to join the emperor's coven growing up. i imagine very much that dell and gwen downplayed a lot of their own feelings about the coven system because they didnt want their young children to say the wrong thing and get killed for it. lilith knows she has an aunt who didnt follow the rules, and she paid for it. eda knows she had an aunt who died wild and free and strong and shes remembered with pride. they both take away what they take away. and eda very much takes away that organized rebellion is pointless, that it can't work, theres no point. you have to protect yourself. and also, that they WILL kill you if you give them the chance. so don't ever give them the chance. never ever ever submit. fight every single time.
all of my fun little prequels seek to add context that enhances canon lol, all of them are trying to flesh out an already rich world with just a little bit more juice. how the boiling isles history and peoples family lines affect who they become when we get to meet them... thats the good shit. chefs kiss.
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tornrose24 · 2 months
You mentioned that the “daughters” serve as representatives and do other tasks in the re x Disney crossover.
What kinds of responsibilities do they do? Do they wear fancy dresses or outfits for special occasions?
The responsibilities vary, depending on what their houses specialize in (I haven’t finalized this yet).
Vanessa–since her dad is in charge of the technical stuff in the village (when he’s not building his ‘inators’) she’s in charge of observing and reporting stuff back to him, and–since I caught that she apparently has some technical knowledge–she can do some jobs if it’s within her ability. Since she lives with her mom in the village half the time, it’s a pretty easy gig. As stated before, nearly everyone likes her more than her dad and will listen to her word. She’s as well respected as her ‘Aunt’ Eclipsa–the most favored of the lords.
Luz–Is tasked with delivering tonics that Eda made (Eda’s actual role in the village is kept top secret) or just telling Eda what she observed for the day. Unbeknownst to most villagers, Eda will gleefully scam anyone who is deemed a jerk (or too subservient to Belos) and have Luz give out fake tonics instead. Otherwise, she will have Luz appear in her place in a lot of public appearances partly because she can’t at the time due to her mutation going out of control, and other times due to sheer laziness.
Molly–Scratch just lets her leave and do her own thing, which is help the community out however she can, as long as it doesn’t do anything that could get her in serious danger. Plus it’s one of the few ways he can ensure that she can see her true family more often. (Scratch’s actual role in the village is also kept a top secret, but I haven’t figured out what his ‘day job’ is yet). Speaking of which, much like Eda, Scratch will get lazy and just have Molly appear in his place for public events if it’s for something he doesn’t care for. Which is a lot.
Meteora–I think if Eclipsa is seen by some as the true ruler of the village, she’d be in charge of tax collecting and hearing people out, as well as throwing parties. If Meteora was of age, she would be helping out, but now she’s just a baby.
In general– The girls are expected to show up for festivities and any holiday events or parties thrown at Eclipsa’s castle. If there’s an incident that requires all four lords, they can stand in for their family and report back to them. 
-The only exceptions is if Belos needs to directly speak to all four lords, or if there’s a trial involving a serious crime in the village. They also are not allowed to carry out sentences–that’s up to the lords themselves.
-You have a chance of earning a boon or favor with a lord if any of the daughters take a liking to you. The likelihood varies depending on which daughter.
-If the daughters are by themselves, no harm is allowed to come to them. Otherwise the lords will gladly retaliate with their own favored brands of punishment, regardless of which domain the crime is committed. (If you commit a crime in a specific territory that belongs to a lord, they have the right to punish you however they deem fit. Hurt their children ANYWHERE in the village and they get automatic dibs. Pray for mercy that you are only humiliated at best.)
-Unfortunately, Belos had that above rule set in place because he only sees the girls as valueable test subjects who can birth more children and less as actual individuals.
-As for special outfits, they are just expected to dress nicely for a lot of events. If it’s for one of Eclipa’s parties, then formal wear is required.
- However, Vanessa and Meteora wore special outfits when they were ‘baptized’ in Belos’ church for their baptism ceremonies when they were born. Same with Molly and Luz when their ‘adoptions’ were turn into ceremonies at the church. In all four cases, the outfits were white– White baptism gowns, and white adoption robes. (Considering Belos’ backstory in TOH, I could see him obsessed with using white as ‘proof of purity.’ It’s something that might seem innocent on a surface level, but is kind of messed up if you think about it.)
-And yes, those ceremonies are a HUGE deal in the village, given how important the four houses are–it’s probably not as grandiose as a royal family’s, but it’s pretty damn close.
-Side note about those ‘adoption ceremonies:’ Most of the villagers assumed the girls were getting a high honor in being adopted into families that would give them wealth and prestige as well as titles. Their actual families were–understandably–pissed about the whole thing because they knew that there was a reason they were having to basically give up their daughters and they couldn’t even be told why.
-All four ceremonies were mandatory–you couldn’t make it a private affair. Belos made sure of it. (And the only lord who was entirely happy about his daughter's ceremony was Doof.)
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enigmajaython · 2 years
You know what I'm thinking about Hunter and Lilith again, so here's some thoughts about about Hunter Staying at the Owl House After Hollow Mind (I don't know what we're calling that AU collectively)
Eda noticing Hunters entire body tense and his shoulders straighten when Lilith enters the room and not really knowing how to approach him about it, but she's damn well going to try (after reading a few more 'How to Talk To Teenagers' books)
Luz actually notices him using a more subdued version of The Voice (you know the one) when speaking to Lilith and she immediately tries to have a discussion about it but he has no idea what she means, because that's just how he talks (to scary authority figures)
King isn't sure why Hunter acts so weird around Lilith, he doesn't talk to Hunter about it but when Aunt Lilith visits and he's done receiving his awkwardly loving Cool Aunt Lilith Hugs, he makes sure to sit as close to Hunter as possible and give him one of his underlings to hold, just in case
Hunter watching his sister and brother call Lilith "Aunty" and wishing he knew how to earn that privilege
Hunter not being sure what to do to earn Lilith's favour so he actually starts offering to go on "Missions" for her, like going to the market for groceries and/or elixir, fetching her books from the library from the restricted section, etc. Lilith Does Not take this very well
Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I want more people to explore hunters reaction to other people with curses, I eat those fics up like good spaghetti
Tw panic attacks and light ref to abuse under the cut
Lilith and Hunter are left alone in the Owl House (somehow) and Lilith starts to Bird Out and Hunter brings the elixir straight to her, no matter how hard his hands shake and his vision starts to blur, because this is the one thing he knows how to do Correctly
Of course Lilith stops Changing but that dosnt mean she isn't mad that he helped her out of Pity and she gives the former Golden Guard a piece of her mind about it but when she actually notices that he's not biting back, not even reflexively like he's started to do against her needling, he's not even looking at her. His eyes never leave the floor and his pale face is unreadable as he begins to sweat, trembling hands becoming clenched fists, chest hitching with growing hyperventilation, but he doesn't make a sound, not even a wheeze, but it's all so telegraphed perfectly that even Lilith can tell something is so very, very wrong.
He doesn't flinch when she goes to put her hand on his shoulder but she knows he wants to, but then he sinks to one knee and starts to mumble half coherent apologies through short, withering gasps of air and that's when she truly realizes she's Fucked Up.
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jennaray143 · 2 years
Golden Days story Premise
Golden Days is the story about Hunter growing up within emperor’s castle and all the adventures he had.
The story begins when Hunter is a small infant and continues into his late teen years after he leaves the coven.
While Belos intended to raise Hunter from infancy, because in his research he found that raising them from a younger age lead them to be more trusting and impressionable than older Grimwalkers (and because he needed a trustworthy guard considering the strenuous betrayal from the previous one), it had been a long time since Belos had created a grimwalker from this young of an age and he simply didn’t have time with the day of unity coming closer, so he was in need of a caretake.
Darius who had just been newly appointed the headwitch of the abomination coven is on his way to receive his first assignment from Belos (it’s a tradition that Belos is to give every headwitch their first assignment as coven leaders)
Belos exhausted from Hunter’s crying and willing to do anything to get this baby away from him assigns Darius as the caretaker.
Darius obviously has no idea what he’s doing but luckily someone else in the coven does and to everyone’s surprise it’s Adrian Graye
Adrian who is raised by his aunt (Who was a labor and delivery nurse/pediatrician)(and was also Hettie Cutburn, head of the healing coven) has a surprising soft spot for young children despite his dislike of teenagers.
Adrian eventually joins Darius in helping to take care and raise Hunter he teaches them everything he needs to know and will occasionally watch after Hunter.
But of course it takes more than just two to raise a child and that’s where Raine comes in.
One day while Adrian is supposed to be watching Hunter, Hunter wanders (crawls) off to explore the castle where he eventually runs into Raine Whispers who at the time was not headwitch but was teaching bard magic within the emperors coven. 
Raine eventually joins Darius and Adrian in helping them take care of Hunter.
Eberwolf isn’t a major part of the story during the beginning due to them having a Beast Keeping coven head related mission on the knee at that time, but when they return they are sure to give Darius hell and help at raising a child.
Throughout the rest of the story we will see different character cameos like Eda, Lilith, Steve, Etc.
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sepublic · 2 years
Tumblr media
            Can we again appreciate, also, the horror and pressure that comes from Luz’s ‘realization’? The fact that she blames herself for helping Philip find the Collector; And because the Collector taught Philip the draining spell, she sees herself as responsible for both antagonists. She gave Belos access to someone who let him become an immortal emperor with “magic stronger than anybody’s”, and King access to the Collector that is now terrorizing the isles. Belos had an actual game plan thanks to Luz, beyond just killing random witches; And let’s not forget that the draining spell led to Eda losing her arm, which she doesn’t know about yet!
         Obviously, Luz can’t be blamed. The entire isles was manipulated, what makes her think she could’ve done any better, should’ve done any better, when she wouldn’t hold it against anyone else? Dare I say it’s almost arrogant in a roundabout way even, for Luz to hold herself to that extreme, godlike standard, and herself alone; Out of a sense of self-loathing.
         But it kinda wraps around to Luz feeling the need to fix things and be responsible for them, and I can see the connection between that and her once wanting to be a chosen one, which was in itself a rationalization and attempt to make up for, justify, and explain her inadequacies in life. If Luz is a Chosen One, then her being different and rejected by the others makes sense, if Luz is a Chosen One, then it’s okay for her to assume all responsibility for everyone else, and thus blame herself over others!
         Which… Yeah, in a way she DID get to have that ‘magical destiny’ she talked about in Witches before Wizards; But in the worst way possible, WELL after she’d gotten over that. Just like her brother King getting over wanting to be a tyrant with powerful lore, only to be burdened with the curse of being a Titan after all. It’s so cruel that when Luz’s wish IS fulfilled, it’s in the most Monkey’s Paw way, technically a straight play on the idea, but also a deconstruction too. Like she and King are being ironically punished for their wish, well after they’d made up for something you couldn’t blame a child for having.
         I wonder if Lilith has made this connection, too? Does she blame herself, and as much? She DID at least catch onto Philip’s evil… Plus, she’s likely already used to blaming herself for stuff; Eda’s curse, which was only intended for a single day for her (even if her plans still meant taking Eda’s future for herself), as well as being manipulated by Belos in general. At this point, I think Lilith is just used to it, and focused on just making things right, like when she offered to take Eda’s place in the ritual sabotage; She’s self-pitied enough as is. Plus, who knows how therapeutic her time with Gwen could’ve been; And Luz is now with HER mom too!
         Anyhow I guess I want to see Cool Aunt Lilith provide support for Luz over this, and reassure her that it isn’t her fault, at least no more than anyone else’s. This does remind me of a fic I made back when Season 1 ended, of Lilith thanking Luz for helping open her eyes… Maybe when Season 3 is over and I get a sense for how circumstances turn out, I could write a counterpart sequel in which Lilith returns the favor with her advice, even as Luz thanks her as well.
         But yeah; Philip already had most of it figured out, how to get the Collector, and he just needed anyone to be a sacrificial distraction for the Stonesleeper. Lilith even points out that he did most of the puzzle to the lair; Luz might blame herself for being the reason Philip became any more than the incredibly cruel yet seemingly ineffectual human he was, instead of the worldwide threat thanks to the Collector’s knowledge.
         But Philip was ALWAYS like that he and he’d always find a way, and didn’t need the Collector to form a cult of personality, just capitalize on it with the coup de grace. And yet, I can just totally understand the wracking damage and pain, because Luz didn’t just help Belos with any menial task, but perhaps the most fateful one of all, sans killing Caleb… Philip meeting Luz and her Cool Aunt really is a turning point for the entire lore of the show. But Luz’s destiny that changes the world is no longer a blessing, but a curse.
         We’ve discussed how Luz has done SO much, has had an incomprehensible impact and legacy via her arrival; The way she’s changed everyone and then the people around them. But she really did take it a step further in a cruel way, a way she must still forgive and not blame herself for regardless, and it pairs very well with Philip being the same, in a negative way. And how BOTH affected fate together with finding the Collector, in their own mixed way. 
        Thanks to Them is a title that could have multiple meanings; Perhaps about Luz and Philip’s (and Caleb’s) juxtaposed legacies, and more! It feels like a double-edged title…  And double-edged is how one could describe Luz’s feelings towards being a Chosen One with a Destiny, her ability to do good, and conversely the risk of doing bad, and the exhausting expectation to keep up the good. My girl is like a Gifted Child but instead of excelling at grades it’s excelling at improving the world and helping people! Even if Luz focuses on not self-pitying but making up for it... How can one make up for so damage??? You can’t, but that’s not an issue because it was never her fault.
         TL;DR It is very much not Luz’s fault but I just want to remind everyone why this in particular would cause Luz so much anxiety, and in understanding the gravity appreciate more her angst. It’s not just that she helped Philip but the NATURE of that ‘help’, and seeing the Collector last episode has just intensified her understanding of the consequences. It’s a lotta baggage and Luz likely heard the Collector mention to Belos that he taught him all that magic.
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darkmatter-nebula · 4 months
Colli gets a cough
Hi! Thank you for the request!
This takes place shortly after Separate Tides. Colli gets sick and his family takes care of him.
Drabble: Colli's Fever
"Alarm! It's an emergency! Colli got sick! I repeat, Colli got sick!" Hooty said as he found the small starboy with otherwordly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold unconcious in the kitchen. Colli had a very high fever.
"Little Star, please wake up-" Eda couldn't end her sentence as she noticed something. Upon touching him, the Owl Lady almost burned her hand. Her son's feverish body was burning as hot as a sun! To everyones surprise, King could touch his little brother without any problem.
Due to the fact that the kindhearted eternal little boy was as light as a feather, King was able to carry him to bed. Colli stirred awake and immediately had to cough. His throat felt incredible sore. Luz gave him some water.
"Thank you." Colli had a grateful expression on his adorable multi-colored face. Lilith knew what she could do to help her nephew. She made warm milk with honey for him. "Thanks to you too, Aunt Lily." Colli spoke tiredly.
Eda, Luz, Lilith and Hooty had the strong urge to hug Colli. Unfortunately, neither of them could touch him right now. King, on the other hand, crawled next to Colli and cuddled close to the immortal celestial boy.
Colli felt warm and cozy and he drifted off to sleep. Every once in a while, the cosmic little boy was coughing in his sleep. King nuzzled softly Colli's freckled cheek. "Get well soon, Colli. We all love you so incredible much!" The fuzzy little guy whispered.
The End
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