#the idea is that Vee and Luz take turns being each other at school
stubz · 7 months
Among the Hidden/The Shadow Children was one of my favorite book series as a kid
The country experienced a mass famine and is still recovering from it years later. To reduce demand a law is made that forbids any family to have more than 2 children. Adults found to have broken this law will be severely punished as will the "shadow child(ren)" be via imprisonment or death
While remembering the plot of the book I thought of The Owl House and the Noceda family.
Camila and Manny had wanted a child yet it seemed like that wouldn't be case until one day they stumble upon a box by the side of a busy road. Inside was a baby boy with copper-like eyes. A third born child surely.
A horrible occurrence that was becoming more and more common ever since the Population Police formed. And yet it was a blessing to the Noceda family for that was how they got their son Hunter.
15 months later Camila is pregnant. She's going to have twins.
She gives birth in her friend Eda Clawthorne's home, a cabin in the woods. She has girls. Luz and Vee.
Now comes the dilemma. She could give up one twin and keep her adopted son or she could give up her adopted son to keep her two biological children. Those are the options the Population Police will give her. Well screw that. She's keeping her babies, all her babies.
On the other side of the country two teary eye-d blonde toddlers huddle together in the corner of the room. Though afraid they hold fast onto the 2 month baby held between them. Despite their young age they glare through tears at the source of their anger and tears. Their mother.
She moves closer to their sister and they scream. She raises her arms the boy roars. She touches the baby the girl bites her mother's hand.
Shuffling and mumbled apologies can be heard from behind the woman.
Odalia Blight looks at her baby daughter in her arms. 2 months old and she had costed her 2 million dollars. Forced to hang up with yet another client when Alador couldn't stop her crying.
Why hadn't she stopped her pregnancy when she could have? Or put her in an orphanage yet? Well first of all she did have love for the child. When she learned she was pregnant she felt excitement and eagerness. She was happy as was Alador.
Also the child proved to be an incredible motivator for the twins. Why Emira's first sentence was her wanting to play with her. And Edric was seen teaching the babe how to take of pants. Withholding Amity was also a great punishment for the twins. Biting Daddy? No bath time with Amity. Not staying by Mommy's side while at the store? You don't get to wake Amity from her nap.
They were also fiercely protective of her.
"Emira, Edric, do you remember what Mommy told you about if anyone finds out about Amity?" they nod their heads.
"Yes, very bad Edric. And why is that?"
"...Amity goes bye bye."
"Exactly Emira. If anyone finds out about Amity she will go away. Forever. That's why Mommy's upset because someone almost heard her crying."
"NO!" they get to their feet and hold onto their Mommy's legs as if to protect her and Amity from the bad people who would take away their Amity.
"Don't worry my darlings Amity is safe. But do you think you could help me and Daddy with something?" two pair of hazel eyes peer up at her. Tears gone eyes now curious.
"Can you try to keep your sister calm when someone is in the house? Or when Mommy is talking to the screen?"
"Yes yes yes!"
"Yes Mommy!"
Odalia Blight is a very pragmatic woman but the pros of keeping her forbidden child far outweigh the cons. Motivated children who will now do their part to help keep Amity a secret. A happy husband. Another heir to the Blight company. And another child she can love and cherish.
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A comic I might draw later
HEAVILY inspired by MorningMark and that one scene from Casper meets Wendy (1998).
TLDR: Luz friends love her and will defend her from any threat, even petty human teenagers. Playing real fast and loose with magic and Gravesfield okay, I don't know how magic transfer over now that The Titan is gone and King is still too young but we don't have to get in to all that okay. Also this isn't proofread, this is just a silly little idea I had.
So Luz is back in human realm to finish school along with Vee. Going about her daily goings about. On days like these she likes to walk around and just think/talk with String Bean. They can’t be in the Boiling Iles every weekend so taking a walk around Earth’s nature will have to do. She is human after all. Well no one said Luz’s return was a welcomed one (and after her whole speech about Phillip in class I doubt high schoolers spared her), but who is she care about their opinions? She’s the daughter of the greatest witch who ever lived, sister to a literal god and is friends with the most powerful witches the Demon Realm has ever known! Of course no one on Earth knows or would believe her (spare Jacob), but it’s the thought that counts!
All in all her days passed by fine, save for a few particular classmates. Classmates that had known Luz since she moved to Gravesfield and seen her jump from wierdo, to normie, to reserved and now somehow even weirder? The teasing never stopped or at least you get used to it, is what she told herself. More accurately what she told to String Bean on this particular walk.
“I can’t wait for break to come! Bump finally said yes to opening a Flyer Derby Track!” She cheered. String Bean hissed happily. She turned her head towards the tree line in confusion, like a puppy. Hearing something, she quickly turned into a staff. Luz was quick to grab her worried something might of spooked her.
“This is hilarious, I know you don’t have any friends but talking to a stick is a new low.” A familiar snide voice called from the tree line coming from the bushes and onto the path.
“Ugh Anna.” Luz rolled her eyes as the three stepped out, Anna and the other two girls Luz never really caught the name of.
“If I annoyed so bad why are you always following me? And I do have friends FYI!”
“Yeah, yeah I know. Your ‘super cool and awesome friends from out of town’!” She mocked “Weird that no one’s ever seen them before-“
“People have seen them, they were here for Halloween! They were in my Summer Break Presentation!”
“Oh yeah they were,” one of the follower girls said. Anna sent a stern eye her way before striding over to Luz.
“Whatever. Doesn’t change that you don’t have any friends at school and it makes sense! All you do is creep people out.”
“You think I want to friends like you?” Luz scoffed
“Excuse me-“
“You’re so rude to everyone around you, I doubt even those two like you.”
“What do you know?! Everyone thinks you’re weird!”
“Well if being ‘normal’, whatever that means, makes me like you? I’ll pass.“
Anna huffed in anger lunging towards Luz and grabbing onto the staff. They struggled, pulling towards each other. “Stop it! You’ll hurt her!”
“Her?!” Anna pushed off her back foot taking Luz down and grabbing hold of String Bean. She raised it above her head. “It’s just a stupid stick-“
Before she could slam String Bean down, a sheet of ice covered the path took Anna and her two followers down. String Bean was tossed in the air and caught by a figure riding a long vine.
“Luz!” Willow called out, the vine spiraling down to meet her on the path. Hunter and Gus were close behind. String Bean transformed back in Willow’s hand and floated towards Luz, nuzzling into her cheek.
“Oh girl, I thought I lost you.” She cradled String Bean close.
“Is she okay?” Hunter called out finally catching up with Willow, Gus behind him.
“Yeah, just a little shaken up.” Luz replied.
“What about you Luz?” Gus asked
“I’m fine,” she smiled “What are you guys doing here?”
“Well we came to see if you wanted to hang out but it seems we caught you at a bad time.” Willow glared at the girls. They all scrambled to their feet, ready to run but were blocked by a wall suddenly appearing behind them.
“That’s bold, picking a fight and then running away?” Hunter stated
“Three on one? Talk about unfair.” Gus sneered
“I think three on three is fair enough.” Willow said, magic circles already formed.
“Guys!” Luz called. Luz looked at Anna, full of fear and for a moment saw something familiar. Even if it was fair, she sighed, “It’s not worth it, some people just never change.”
All three complied, sending their own threatening look towards the girls.
“What if they say anything?” Gus asked
“I doubt it, they would look like weirdos.” Luz smiled smugly. String Bean hissed as if to accent the point.
“See you guys on Monday.” Luz said waved off taking to the sky with her friends. Anna and her friends were awestruck at the sight but more so that no one would ever believe them.
“Well I don’t want to go near her- her creepy friends could come attack us again!” One of the girls yelled over the video call.
“We were not attacked, okay. Just Luz and her weirdo friends.” Anna huffed
“Get over it Anna, just let her be.” The other called
“When did this become my fault?!”
“When you almost got us killed today!
“For the last time, we were not attacked-“
A soft tapping at the window.
“Hold on,” she said moving towards the window. She leaned it, examining it closely. Splattered her window suddenly was a mess of purple goo. It pulled itself off the glass and formed into a body, a face started to form from the goo. A girl with purple hair and bright yellow eyes, like a cat. She tapped on the window with a smile leaving a purple smear. Anna hesitated before the girl opened the window herself.
“Hi.” She smiled
“H-Hi.” Anna stammered
“I’m gonna keep this short cause it’s late. I’m not as nice as Luz or our friends so take this as your only warning. Never hurt my girlfriend. Got it?”
“Good.” She smiled. Her form distorted as her skin turned back into a dark purple. The slime slide off the windowsill and down the side of house all the way to the forest behind.
Anna was stunned staring out the window, her friends calling her name in the background.
Meanwhile at Luz’s house, the Hexside Crew set up for a movie night. “Amity! The popcorn’s ready.” Luz called
“Coming! Ghost thought she heard something.” Amity called back. She knelt down to let the incoming abomination slip back into her vase. Amity smiled to herself as she came into the kitchen. She grabbed a bowl and kissed Luz on the cheek.
“You’re smiley, did Ghost catch something?”
“No, just thinking about this spell Em taught me. I can show it to you later.”
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