#all trials and errors
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unfit-and-drunk · 3 months ago
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Been playing VTMB repeatedly. What a cursed masterpiece of a game.
Great dialogue, surprisingly well done NPC facial expression and voice acting. Felt like playing something between fallout New Vegas (role-playing wise) and half life 2(mostly d/t source engine). 10/10 recommend. shame it was such a buggy mess when it came out.
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bloomeng · 8 months ago
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batman and his merry band of robins
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luminique · 4 months ago
how do u think lighter and the rest of SoC would act if his partner got their period? im talking like . really bad cramps that basically render them immobile and, of course, mood swings. i would love to see ur take on that…
i’m answering this now cuz i am literally going through period cramps like aughhhgdjsgskshajbs
i am so sure that lighter is PREPARED with these things. look no further than the Sons of Calydon, four girls. so when it comes to that time of the month, lighter is normally the one who’d have to go out to buy pads, tampons, painkillers, sweets and more.
the girls had all noticed that you weren’t outside, hanging out with them. they turned to lighter to ask him where you were and at first, he tried not to show that he was worried, brushing it off and saying that it’s probably nothing too bad. something in his head was telling him to go check up on you, maybe it was a gut feeling. either way, he slipped right past the girls (pretty obviously and they knew where he was going).
he knocked on your door, always waiting for a response. he could hear your shifting around in your bed and then your voice, weakly calling him in. you were all bundled up under the sheets but you clearly seemed uncomfortable. only with you, his body moves so naturally, taking a seat at the edge of the bed.
“hey, everything alright?” his voice filled with worry, trying to not let it show though. his hand tries to reach for your arm but he pulls back, keeping it close to him.
“cramps,” your frustrated voice comes through the blanket. as if on command, he immediately stood up and ran out of the room, but came back in no time with a box full of essentials. he placed it on the ground, digging out the painkillers and a bottle of water.
“come here,” he called out to you gently, tugging on the blanket just a little. you begrudgingly sit up after a little bit of time, clearly grumpy and in pain. you take the medication from him, swallowing it up with the water. you weren’t in the best of moods, cranky and not wanting to do too much in this state and he understood that without saying much.
he grabs something small wrapped in plastic, rips it open and heats it up in his hands. he’s trying to signal to you with his eyes if he has permission to get under the covers with you, lifting up the blanket just a little. how could you say no? so you scoot over just a little, giving him enough space. once he was close to you, he placed the small packet near your abdomen, over your shirt. it was a heating pad, not too hot but not too cold.
you were slowly leaning back into the bed, the warmth of the heating pad and the painkillers beginning to work its magic. you could hear the sounds of metal clinging as lighter began to remove his jacket and gloves.
“it’ll help you feel better,” he murmured quietly as he got closer to you. partly true as that gave you warmth but it was more because he wanted to be close to you. not before long, you were able to sleep comfortably in his arms as you both cuddled the period pains away.
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inafieldofdaisies · 17 days ago
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dangerousflair · 9 months ago
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The wall of text strikes again
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8um8le · 7 months ago
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Random bg pratice
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hurtmehurtmeluv · 10 months ago
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Frames and transparent gif of her dance
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flightyalrighty · 1 month ago
someday i'm gonna find the time and patience to make and pose a 3D model of blood-drenched Infested Sonic.
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mayziii · 2 years ago
Sonic…. But shadow
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humlase · 2 months ago
Reluctant secret snowflake post for @aliteralgarbageheap
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unsliced version and some rambling under cut
Firstly, hopefully I haven't taken too long on this. I was hoping to have it finished around dec 10 but then I had some hiccups and I had to temporarily abandon this due to christmas stress gift preparing. As for the hiccups, originally this would have a fic accompanying it. As you can tell by the lack of fic, that did not happen. The original prompt I had for it though was Neil having a very fun and not at all traumatic time at the nest and Jean being there to help him not fall apart after Riko is finished. Yada yada they bond over waterboarding sucking ass or something. Nosebleed because it's more visually interesting. Secondly, as for the cropping. Originally I was going to gift you the whole drawing (and a fic but we're ignoring that part) but I ended up not liking it! My favourite part of the drawing is Neil's face so I figured why not just zoom in on the good part and cut everything else? But then I thought about all the hours I spent on Jean and such so I decided I might as well still show it, just preface it's.. yeah. It is what it is. But oh well what can you do? Remake it? Probably. But I wanted to try to at the very least have it out for the 25th. Despite the hurdles I hope you still like it!! Happy holidays. Sincerely, your very tired secret snowflake.
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will80sbyers · 1 year ago
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basically they were on a date here
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hauntedradiotower · 2 months ago
I get a sad sort of relief every time Data Star Trek brings up his “childhood” (or someone else does).
“It was very difficult.”
“I also did not fit in with the other children.”
“I kept wanting to just erase my memories and start over.”
“You [Data] were a challenge to raise! At times, you were downright RUDE!”
like he never goes into much detail, but clearly bro was struggle-busing. I look back on my own dumpster fire of a childhood, and it’s nice to see such grand representation. the growing-up-undiagnosed-autistic experience innit
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lemongogo · 7 months ago
i need to cosplay elendira so bad rn rn idfc its happening .umms do any of u .. if you have experience making cosplay props HELPP how might one go ab making a gigantic fucking nail please and thank u 💕
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inafieldofdaisies · 4 months ago
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gavinosbornedrors · 1 year ago
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Monday Update!
My Monster Hunter Iron Hammer project is finally, finally done!
In all its low-poly, hand-painted drab-background glory! I am actually pretty happy with this. I would've liked this done a long time ago, and even this post to be out like a week ago, but the results are pretty solid.
I learned a lot about texturing details, the scale they should be that's readable from a far (I'm looking at you guild crest) and their distribution and density around the prop itself. Also had a moment where some other stuff regarding just illustration in general clicked that caused me to redo a bunch of detaling on this - but this came out better for it. This looked pretty solid near the end, but my decision to do a final, extra bit of metal shine, plus a bit of color overlay and shading really brought it home.
Against my better judgement I'm going to do another one - the Giant Jawblade - but the lesson this time will be speed.
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pluviopixels · 1 month ago
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Finally got my pin badge maker!
Mini jayvik badges!
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